#thats how balthazar happened
A conversation that happened between Nare' and Astarion before the party had to go and fight him
Afte Nare' finally getting Astarion to sit still and stop fidgetting from worry and panic over not being able to face Cazador
Nare': listen Astarion i want you to think and i want you to think very hard about every word i am about say,
after everything we went through to get to this Point after all of the Monsters we've slayed together, do you truly think Cazador is stronger than any of them? Remeber kethric?? Balthazar?? The entirety of the gauntlet of shar? Hell just two days ago we took down SAREVOK! remeber how your precise slashing and Stabing was what took him out?
and Our plans for the -truth be told- terrifying Orin? How fundamentally important you are to its success?
Astarion: *thinking deeply* well.... I dont...I
Nare': thats fine its okay how about this then? Look at how far you have come ? How powerful you are right now, all the spells you learned, how strong you are! How masterfully you use your weapons to precisely slice our enimies in the most efficient way ??
Do you truly think this Cazador is stronger than you in this regard?
He is crule yes abusive and disgusting, but he will never be stronger than you
its why he needs you he needs your immense power to become stronger
without you he is nothing but sad ild vampire thats hiding in his mansion taking it out on you and your siblings, tell me im not making sense Right now?
Astarion: *with tears in his eyes* i .. want to believe you...i think .. i.. DO belive you but .. i dont know what to say..
Nare' : you dont have to say anything Astarion just keep my words close to you and get some rest for tomorrow *whispered near his ear* its when you get to rip his throat out with your own fangs i can see it happening as clear as day you will take him down.
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creativebrainrot · 1 year
help i cant sort the formatting in this ask JDSGHJ the numbers are messed up
What was their first impression of each other?
Who said “I love you” first?
Who’s the better cook? gwyn and trahearne
If they get married, who proposes?
What are their favorite things to do together? rhosyn and faeryl
sjdfghfdghg i hate using that font format on mobile it SUCKS im so sorry
Maelgwyn & Trahearne
2. What was their first impression of each other?
I like to think that Trahearne, despite being an adult with soulcrushing responsibilities, currently leading an attack on the human god of war with an elder dragon on the pact's heels, still kind of had that young love crush. Faintly in the back of his mind, since Maelgwyn was only his second fully committed relationship. For the most part, he was skeptical about The Beast's reputation. Found him to be an intimidating presence at first. And of course he was curious about Gwyn because he looked so much like the nightmare court in his colors, so much like the mordrem in his stature and yet, he's just a sylvari. Exactly like the pale tree's children.
Maelgwyn had several immediate thoughts. He'd never seen another Sylvari before so hope blazed bright in his heart that maybe, just maybe, he's not the only one. He was so afraid of being hurt again that he muted that hope very quickly. Gwyn personally thought that Trahearne seemed a little unfit for leading The Pact (because of the slight nervousness that only cropped up around Gwyn.) Overall he seemed capable. Maelgwyn thought he was cute, and genuinely wanted to get to know him. before realizing thats what TheFeelings are, proceeding to attempt to mute them, but happening to be around where He might be is totally normal n regular, this is not me wanting to talk to him prommy.
both found the other attractive and neither knew how to, or even wanted to deal with that for awhile.
Who said “I love you” first?
Trahearne was the first to say verbatim the words "I love you." On one of the few quiet, peaceful early mornings they were able to share during The Pact's campaign against Balthazar. He still cherishes that memory.
If you count more physical gestures as a way to say "I love you," then Gwyn said it first. He took Trahearne out one night to his favorite secret oasis, a place he often snuck out to for peace of mind. He never showed anyone else that place, except for Jasmeen. That was the first time after Jasmeen left that he'd been vulnerable with someone, bared his heart to someone.
10. Who’s the better cook?
Maelgwyn! He genuinely enjoys cooking quite a lot. He tends to be the one that makes meals for the both of them. He's made a habit of bringing Trahearne packaged lunches ever since he first used it as a way to sincerely apologize after a "fight" they had. (It was more of a miscommunication fuckup on gwyn's part than a genuine fight between them. Regardless, it hurt Trahearne and Gwyn still regrets it.)
Rhosyn & Faeryl
If they get married, who proposes?
Rhosyn most likely. She'd probably make a big deal out of it too, planning the entire night and date that leads up to it out. Even down to the smallest details. Faeryl would think her nervousness along with all the care that went into it was so so sweet & SO cute of her.
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
Rhosyn likes to help Faeryl with her magic practice. Letting her practice her illusions on them. Sometimes helping with enchantments via bringing a bunch of clothing & jewelry back from their adventures for her.
Faeryl likes to watch Rhosyn's sparring matches. (hehehhe) She spars with them sometimes, it helps both of them to learn how to fight better.
Something they both enjoy is relaxing walks, soaking in the nearby oasis together. Generally just Being Together.
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
I feel like talking about the ending to IBS so here we go (spoilers below obviously)
So I think we can all agree that the IBS ending was... pretty lackluster all things considered. It felt like they just went "our research has now suddenly shown we can now solve this problem" and then we solved it. Now the proposed solution makes sense in principal, being that dragons are creatures driven by their hunger for magic, and if cut off from all other possible sources they'll be forced to feed on each other.
However, they didn't really do enough to set this up. They didn't show that Jormag, despite their protestations, hungers for magic just as much as their brother (and one angry rant does not a magic hungry creature make). Nor did they adequately explain how the dragons were going to be cut off from magic beyond Aurene vaguely waving her claws and going "PRISMS BABY!" I need more than that arenanet!
And that not even going into the final fight being mostly the dragons staring at each other and firing off the occasional blast. I get that they don't want to fight but could nothing else have been done?
Won't talk much about after the fight because that was pretty good, no comments there.
So with all that said, how would I change it? Going to try and keep changes in the same scope because I otherwise I could just say 'restore the original scope of the story lel'.
So the main thing to ask is 'how do we get the dragons, who don't want to fight, to kill each other?' The way I'd explain it would be by exploiting their connections to their champions. They could have Aurene go
"you know being disconnected from your champion is a pretty brutal thing, the sudden absence of a connection kind of sends you into a berzerk state. I know it did when Balthazar killed you! We could use that to put the dragons in the right mindset to kill each other."
and then any prisms bs is for disconnecting the champions non-lethally since we like Braham and, i dunno, want Ryland to suffer more?
And the good thing about this alternate solution is dragonstorm can pretty much remain intact. The dragons are sitting there watching because they still don't want to fight and we're mostly fighting champions because that's our goal.
However this solution doesn't account for bringing the dragons together in the first place, which was solved in the original story by Aurene 'tugging on the ley-lines'. My solution would be to have Aurene get one up on Jormag, deceive the deceiver by pretending to submit to Jormag by offering to kill Primordus but only if they meet face to face first. At which point Aurene sucker punches Jormag through a mists portal straight onto wherever Primordus is hanging out (because, you know, she is an elder dragon and should be able to fight on equal footing with Jormag). At which point Dragonstorm things happen.
I honestly think this is better because it plays off of Jormag's sense of superiority in thinking that they always had control of the situation. I think they underestimated Aurene through the entire story. Like in dragonstorm Ryland says
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and considering at the start of IBS Ryland was aboard Bangars 'Aurene is a terrible threat and needs to be opposed' train so thats gotta be something Jormag put in Rylands head.
Hell if the didn't want to make an extra story step they could have Aurene and Jormags meeting be off-screen and we only hear dialog through our champion connection while we wait for Jormag to come falling out of a mists portal. Though that would be a big shame.
TL:DR champions is bad and kinda makes no sense, how do we make it make a bit more sense?
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cheesecake-beech · 2 years
Question: it seems the alot of the Despicable Me villains were influenced to become villains due to a negative childhood/past. Gru was basically neglected by him mom, Balthazars show was canceled, Scarlet was possibly living in poverty and had a neglectful family (atleast from her point of view), and let's face it, Vector possibly became a villain mainly cause it was the family buissness and he wanted to live up to his dad's expectations. Granted, there are probably many who became villains cause 'why the fuck not?', like El Macho, (Honestly, if being a villain was a straight up career path, I would TOTALLY be taking that opportunity), but still. Do you think atleast some of the Vicious 6 had traumatic or negative pasts that pushed them to want to become villains? And while we're on the topic, what was your ocs influences to become villains?
I Think w some of the vicious 6 it could be both, something might've happened and it could also be a "lol fuck you" to society and to get what they want. To show that they're powerful, Like with Jean I noticed he's obviously somewhat anxious at times, when not out of the field, fidgeting and nail biting which are signs of anxiety, his voice cracks. It could just be he's scared of Belle. Maybe he had developed anxiety after smthing or someone then he developed tech to destroy it and now he's just spooked of Belle lmfao idk 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
Wild Knuckles has probably been thru shit cuz, he old. And god damn how is he not dead this dude immortal like tf. And thats why he brought these dudes together to show that they're BETTER AND MORE SLAY 💅🏽✨✨✨ I'd say these guys probably shared a few things and thats why he was so 🥺 when they just kicked him to the curb
Nunchuck...idefk🧍🏽almost sent to hell then was like "I lived bitch" then became stronger than god :^)
Anyways my ocs? 😩😩😩
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Alan Became a villain to make a face for himself, To feel some sense of worth for himself. (before also using his power to shut down brand competitors, did THAT out of petty honestly 🤪) Elliot Became a villain out of rage
and Valerie became a villain because of hatred, she so said fuck it and went with her homies to cause CHAOS.
Alan I'm thinking probably came from a family, of average wealth, his father was probably the money maker and a douche, pretty snarky about it. And I imagine Alan had a difficult time actually getting a job and because of that was probably kicked to the curb all because his dad wanted someone who could make them look good 🧍🏽So they kicked him out. Burned all his stuff. Told him he had no son, unless he made himself a bigger person, a face in this world, then MAYBE he'd let him back into their life. He's very lonely and was probably lost for some while until he found Elliot, which eventually lead them to Valerie. He holds a lot of self loathing, a lot of misery, he just wants to feel something other than hatred and loneliness so he bathes in money.
Valerie was expected to be her mommies and aunts perfect image, to be exactly like them, like some braindead zombie djhfkjdsfhd and she was for years, but every time she stepped out of line she got SOME kind of punishment, and would have to redeem herself in someway, but after just being done with that bullshit she tried to just, y'know walk out. But instead she just got the fking yells n hands pulled out on her. She really tried to save her image she had on them 🤷🏽‍♀️ BUT THEN THAT BITCH RAN. She knows how to run in heels because she slays 💅🏽✨
She holds a lot of resentment, but blowing shit up makes her feel better 🤪🤪🤪
And Elliot, became a villain out of hatred towards literally everyone ✨🕺🏽✨ except his family, this lil dude loved his family with all his big heart 🥺 Wasn't really always a villain, more like an anti-hero? At first? He would fight other crime and even random people for a bounty to bring home to his family, but ig he killed someone he shouldn't have bc one night when he came home and he found his family had been offed. he was just absolutely terrified. Then he was absolutely furious. THATS when he became a full on villain, to take his rage out on absolutely everything. He even built robot droids he calls his babies lol
But one day he stopped after he realizes, maybe this isn't a good way to let out his frustration 🧍🏽(there's more than that tho)
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liopleurodean · 1 year
Season 6, Episode 11: Appointment In Samarra
Interesting choice
Well, lots of death there
I love this entire conversation
Aren't you?
What is he doing?
That money is so obviously fake
Not anymore
For what?
I see
That's weird
Well, it worked
He needs to be fast as well
A good gamble
Adam! You remembered!
I mean, I expected that
Didn't even hesitate
Not how it works
Hurry it up, Dean
But it'll help
What wager?
Oh no
Oh, this'll be interesting
No. They could not
Not exactly
Not for good, but well enough
Not a hunter's lifetime
Good question
He's scheming
You liar
Do you?
Good enough
Your 24 hours starts... now!
That's weird
Thanks, Tessa
That works
Dang it, Sam
Cas is Dean's boyfriend, actually
Dang it Sam
I think you know
I hope not
Like what?
Bobby. Don't you dare
Sam don't you freaking dare-
Uh oh
Come on, Dean
That's weird
Sorry, dude
Yeah, okay
Kansas. Dean why-
Aw... This one's gonna be hard
I'm sorry, Dean
You have to, Dean
Team Free Will
And there is no Queen of England
Cards with two people is kind of sad
Aw, Dean
Of course
Dang it Sam!
I want to slap him
Here's Johnny!
Too late
What did you expect, Sam?
No, you don't!
Angels, actually
No! No, thats- AAGH!
Uh oh
If he has to
Don't fall for it
Uh oh
That's not good
Oh, that's really not good
No, but she could guess
Take her, Dean
I'm sorry, Dean
I mean, yeah, but not on purpose
Oh, boy
That guy's gonna do something stupid
Sam, you're being sloppy
Dean, no
Oh, Dean...
That poor dude
I can't believe that worked
Poor girl
No, he won't
Dang it, Sam
Hi, Death
That's kind of you
It tastes good
Eh, maybe
I'm not
So bringing Sam back. That's what this is about
Good to know
Oh, sure
A man has dignity
Yeah, well
Has it?
It's not for you
Pfft, yeah
It's not entirely their fault
For a little while
It's happening
Hi, Sam, it's nice to see you again!
Also interesting
0 notes
okay but like
how does the commander actually like. come back after the whole [gestures] Balthazar thing
did their body somehow survive getting absolutely destroyed?? which seems bizarre considering Balthazar’s sword is like. Bigger than the commander’s entire body basically
plus during the collection to make the banner of the dauntless commander in LW4, you have to get an urn of “heroic” ashes thats… definitely implied to be the commander’s
so like. what the hell happened to their body. where did those ashes come from. how the absolute hell did the commander come back to life after being shish-kabobbed by an entire god.
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bdb-fandom · 4 years
* Autumn - doesn’t like to text; prefers to talk face to face; until one night Xhex sent heart emoji with best wishes for mother’s day. She asked Tohr to help her print it, always has it with her, wherever she is.
* Balthazar - doesn’t use emojis but generally likes to text; its much quieter - better for his thefts.
* Bella - always adds black heart to every ily to Z; uses emojis pretty often, especially when texting ladies of the bdb (they have separate group chats for females/ males and all of them).
* Beth - uses a bunch of emojis, mostly a red heart, a vampire, a crown and of course a doggo; likes to send song recommendations on female group chat.
* Bitty - doesn’t really need to text but she does use them from time to time, mostly when texting her parents. Likes to add emojis to contact names (also uses aliases like calling Zephyr Captain America etc.).
* Blay - hard core sexter; happens rarely tho, because he’s almost all the time w/ his hellren; him, Q. and J.M. have a separate group chat that dates their pre- trans times; send mostly memes, movies/series/song recommendations; they will text for hours about series predictions and conspiracy theories (adding emojis to almost all the messeges).
* Butch - blue heart next to Marissa’s name in his contacts; after getting a text that she’s safe in work, sends her a couple of blue hearts. After ending the call with her always sends her a bunch of kissing emojis. If V’s away, he will text him to check up on his „hellren” - mostly they talk baseball.
* Cormia - loves emojis; uses them often, loves to send „little baby” animals to Phury cause „they are just too cute not to use them”; likes to replace some words with emojis while texting her sisters.
* Ehlena - likes to text Rehv; uses just basic emojis while chatting w/ the girls; from time to time sends her hellren a pic of her which always ends in one way iykwim ;).
* Jane - doesn’t use it; likes to text V to let him know she’s has to stay late etc. (adds black heart to those types of messeges); will text mostly with Manny or Sarah regarding some medical issues and possible treatments.
* John Matthew - the quickest texter. Because he knows that Xhex hates emojis he will not send any of them to her, but Blay and Q. are totally different story. Those boys love to add them to every message.
* Lassiter- fully replaced words with emojis, no-one can understand him. Also no one answers his texts. (he’s like Boyle from B99).
* Layla - most definitely a texter; Q. taught her well. Likes to send emojis and pics (of her and babies) and sometimes memes (if they’re hilarious) or pics of cute animals; loves female group chat;
* Maichen - likes to text girl chat while being cuddled up to iAm; doesn’t use emojis.
* Manny - texts with Payne all the time; likes to sext her; uses pretty much all of the emojis; will send her nudes if she asks for them;).
* Marissa - because of Butch only uses blue heart; otherwise doesn’t use emojis often. Overall prefers to call B, instead of sending him texts. The only exception is, after arriving to Safe Place always sends him a quick message to let him know she got there safe.
* Mary - uses emojis rarely - only to Bitty and Rhage; likes to use yellow hearts instead of red ones; with Rhage has a secret emoji they use as a „coast is clear” (so they can go down and dirty).
* Murhder - not a fan of phones all in all; prefers to call you if he has to; his lack of knowledge of modern inventions is showing, he’s slowly learning how to use camera etc. tho (yet he doesn’t feel the need to do so).
* Payne - she loves texting (especially dirty); uses less emojis than Manny but still doesn’t avoid them; likes to send pics of hot males to female group chat and make polls; uses violet heart.
* Phury - texts Cormia all the time, while he’s in mansion and she staying w/ her sisters. Some nights after the AA meetings he likes to stay alone for some time. Then, he prefers not to talk with his shellan (needs some alone time) but will send her a text that he’s all right with a pink heart and probably a bunch of animals to make her smile.
* Qhiunn - for sure drops a couple of kissy faces and eggplants to Blay; hearts to Layla (prolly adding a bunch of pics of Lyric and Rhamp). To Xcor and brothers (in group chat) - guns, daggers, muscle emojis. He is the only exception - his use of emojis doesn’t make V want to kill somebody (well except Lassiter, but thats like all the time).
* Rehvenge - as we all know; he prefers to call Ehlena; he’s ok with texting but takes him a lot of time (damn those meds!); will for sure send a hearts and kiss emoji to his shellan after calling her to tell her he’s gonna be late.
* Rhage - to Bitty - uses hella lot emojis and well, texts overall; loves to send her titles of movies they’re gong to watch in emojis so she can decipher them. To Mary - purple hearts („just like my ride, babe!”), kisses and food! That boy will send her a looong message with only food emojis just to emphasize how hungry he is. Isn’t allowed to send any emojis to his brothers after one incident that involved quickly sent message to V (that was supposed to be Mary’s). After all he ended w/ black eye and since then he always double checks all his texts.
* Rhun - great texter after learning how to read; loves to text Bitty, sending her pictures of him and Saxton or house repairs he did; uses emojis very often because „they were invented for something, nallum”. If his going out somewhere he will send a text to Sax to make sure he knows where he is (ptsd from being jumped by those humans). To those texts he always adds hearts and ily to calm down his hellren. If he wakes up earlier than Sax and has to go out, will always send a text like: „your breakfast is in the fridge” or „ive made you a coffee” because he knows Saxton double checks his phone before he leaves to go to work.
* Sarah - doesn’t use emojis; she’s more of a text only when it’s necessary kind of gal; she only sends messeges when she cannot call you.
* Saxton - likes to text Rhun while he’s working with King; uses less emojis then Rhun but still loves them: will send his hellren as well as his niece a bunch of colorful hearts and other emojis; likes to text Rhun ”good morning” texts when he leaves before his hellren wakes up.
* Syn - does not texts, but will ask Jo to text back band of bastards chat group (from his phone). Barely uses phone. If he has something to tell you he will come and find you.
* Syphon - honestly idk. Anyone?
* Therese - likes to text Trez but their almost always are together. She’s an old school texter, likes to use basic emojis. Will add red hearts while texting Trez.
* Tohr - to old school for texts; if something is important he will call you; if it can wait he will send you an email.
* Trez - loves to text but doesn’t use emojis; has separate work group chat; sometimes is quicker for him to text u instead of calling; checks on his brother almost every night.
* Vishous - no. (to emojis); if he’s not next to Butch will text him all the time (i swear they are mated); is ok at texting but unless in Jane or Butch he would rather call you or talk to you face in face.
* Wrath - hell no; he refuses to use emojis, although if he were able to see he would reconsider sending a heart and a golden retriever! (and maybe kissy face) to Beth and only to her.
* Xcor - prefers to talk, because reading is still hard for him; will text Layla only when he knows he has the time to do so. Likes to receive pics of babies and his shellan; then he most definitely sends a red heart back (red because is „classic like his love to Layla”).
* Xhex - no, just no. refuses to use emojis (only exception is that one time to her mahmen).
* Zephyr - yes, to band of bastards group chat. Every Monday night sends them his „emoji of the week”, and proceeds to use it every single time. Worst time when he actually used eggplant. Q. had to have a serious talk with him. Likes to send memes and movies recommendations to male group chat.
* Zsadist - doesn’t like to text but small smile appears every time he sees a black heart and ily from Bella. Will use black heart only to Bella; likes to get pics of Nalla and Bella. Otherwise will just call u.
* iAm - has a bunch of different chats and apps w/ his brother (all have different topics); mainly calls but when he has time to spear will text you.
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destielfanfic · 4 years
Group Ask #180
Relevant links to find lost fic
previous group asks - feel free to browse them!
Guide to Finding Fic
Guide to Finding Lost Fic
PSA - Save Your Faves! 
Also, please check out our Tags Page and see if the fic in question could be found under some plot/ trope/ pairing related tags! And big thanks to all followers who do check out tags before sending in the ask!!! <333
Ask # ( @sarahrosestinkytoes): there’s this fic…#1
Hi! I was wondering if you could help me find a fic? Dean is hunting solo and is partnered up with Hunter!cas by Ellen to do a hunt together. All I can really remember is that Sam is at college and John is upset with Dean about something so that's why they aren't together, but they do eventually all meet up together and John doesn't trust cas at all. Ive searched through a few tags like Hunter!cas and tried googling, but I can't seem to turn anything up. Thanks in advance if you can help!
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - #solo hunter!dean and #hunter!cas
suggested by @charie-caphine​:  We Built Our Own World by melonbutterfly. although it is Mary not John who survived. 
Ask # ( @wondermatjk ): there’s this fic…#2
hi i was wondering if anyone would know a fic where castiel moves into a new house and has a dog anna who is a shifter and she gets together with dean who's also a shifter before dying and then dean starts living with cas till they eventually fall in love i also remember a scene where gabriel arrives for thanksgiving and cas runs into the woods to find dean after a disagreement i've been searching for this fic forever and can't find it :/
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - #creature!dean (for shifter Dean fics)
Found by anon: Dire by LeoArcana (first fic in Dire verse) [NC-17, 166,800 word count, 189,300 word count for all verse] Castiel moved out to the wide open and sparsely populated plains of Montana for a more private life. He's not much of a people person, his only company has been his brother, Gabriel and his dog, Anna. But no one ever told him wolves inhabited this part of Montana. Well, that's because they don't. And as he finds out later, they aren't wolves either.
Ask # ( @writerrsj ): there’s this fic…#3
I've been binge reading Destiel fanfic on AO3 and neglected to save one I enjoyed. It was one where Cas had to use Dean as a vessel in order to live (I believe they left his body behind - Mary and Sam were there. Mary was against Cas.). Now, I can't find it again despite repeated searches. Any advice (please)? 🙏🙏
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - #vessels
Ask # ( @reagansawake-blog ): there’s this fic…#4
I'm looking for a destiel fic that contains a moment involving Sam, who has a developing attraction to a female character, but is holding back because of all the tragedy of Sam's past doomed relationships. Sam lists all the people he's been involved with who are now dead, and includes Gabriel on that list. When the person he's talking to is surprised, Sam says something like "what, dean's the only who gets to like dick?" They had talked, but Gabriel died before they could act on it. Thanks! :D
Ask # ( @queen-of-hell-666) there’s this fic…#5
Hi, I'm looking for a fic where Cas and Dean meet in a bar and are in a sort of relationship que then Dean forgets his jacket in Cas' place and finds Cas cheating on him with Meg. After that he starts a relationship with a guy and he happens to bring Dean to the bar where Meg and Cas work and Cas gets jealous. That's all I remember. Please help me find it 🙏
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - #megstiel
Ask # ( @painnnn-thats-it ): there’s this fic…#6
Hi there! I was wondering if you knew of this one fic. It's been a while since I read it and I've been looking everywhere. I think it was a fake relationship but the only thing I really remember is this one scene where they visit Cas or Dean's house, I think it was Cas's, and his family is really uptight and mean and one of the family members is really mean to them and Dean gives Cas a blow job in the closet as a thank you for standing up for him. Thanks!!
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - #pretend boyfriends
Found by @starlightthroughbrokenglass​:  (Dis) Affection by justkeeponwriting
Ask # ( @blazeeblake ): there��s this fic…#7
(1/2) I'm sorry if I'm not doing this right, or didn't look hard enough, but I've had zero luck finding this one. From what I remember, Dean is a camboy who started cam-ing to take back his power after an exploitive realtionship with Alastair; he also works at a strip club. Castiel is an uptight business man who meets Dean at the strip club during a bachelor (?) party. At first they hate each other but after Dean ['s cat] sends Cas an accidental friend request they start to bond... 2/2 Other things I think I remember: Sam is paired with Jess; Anna is Cas's assistant; Dean gets hit by a car at one point (he survives and doesn't get any life changing injuries but it further bonds him and Cas); Balthazar and Gabriel are in the story. I also remember it was not completed and I'm worried this has been deleted and is gone forever, but i figured if it could be found at all, here was the place for a hail Mary. Thanks in advance & again sorry if I did this wrong.
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - #pornstar!dean, #stripper!dean, #!deanalastair
Ask # ( @hardlywaiting ): there’s this fic…#8
I’ve been desperately looking for an ABO fic with young omega cas and alpha dean. Sam and Jess bought Cas to help Dean through a funk and he spends a lot of time cleaning the house. Dean doesn’t treat Castiel the way he’s supposed to and at one point Castiel ends up running away and finds a beta meg. By the end of the fic dean’s house has become a sort of safe house for omegas.
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - alpha/beta/omega dynamics /knotting
Ask # ( @deanismypatronass ): there’s this fic…#9
I'm trying to remember a fic I read years ago, based on the viral video where someone is playing the piano at a train station and a stranger starts playing with him. Cas is a famous pianist and after they go viral they end up keeping in touch long distance, eventually Cas sends dean tickets to come see his concerto. I searched all of your music tags but it wasn't there, maybe one of your followers will remember it? Thanks!
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - #music
Found by @mittensmorgul : A Song For Four Hands by Winglesss [T, 3,200 word count] While waiting for his flight, Dean sits down at one of the public pianos. A stranger joins him and they play a beautiful duet. Later, Dean finds out that Castiel Novak is a professional musician and decides to contact him.
Just a reminder - we still accept lost fic ask, and when we know the fic we answer fast and privately. When mods don’t know the fic, we collect them in Group Asks and post when there’s enough or when mods have time to deal with them. Sorry about the long wait, but that’s how it is, 
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ventrue-rosary · 5 years
“You’ve been out for days.” For Amaranthe and Balthazar?
God this has been sitting in my inbox for months but I had a little idea for a fic which fit this perfectly, so enjoy!
Amaranthe sighs as she flops down in her chairs, accepting the proffered bottle of water from one of the interns. 
She thought modelling exhausting work, but acting is on whole new level, even just for commercials.
‘Alrights that's a wrap people,’ the director calls.
‘Thank the gods,’ she murmurs, mincing to the dressing room. It isn't often she is so eager to take off her face but the artists had been overzealous with the foundation. Like anyone needs that amount of makeup.
By the time she reaches the dressing room she feels...off. A very tender stomach. She did think the salad looked rather sad and wilted when presented to her it. It must have been out of date.
She makes it to her vanity, despite the overwhelming fatigue. She really is unwell. She reaches for her bag to call for Balthazar to pick her up. It's just out of reach. She leans far out of her chair and falls to the ground.
‘Shit!’ Amaranthe hisses. Her ears ring. The room spins. She wants to puke.
‘Let me help you.’ A voice pierces through the ringing. 
She allows them to pull her up.
‘I don't feel well. I need to get home…’ Her eyes flutter as exhaustion surges behind them.
‘I’ll take you home. Don't worry.’ He hoists her over his shoulder as her consciousness slips away.
Amaranthe emerges slowly from a dreamless sleep. Her head thumps rhythmically as she slowly opens her eyes. A bright light causes it to spike. She throws her head to the other side with a moan. Only then does she notice the manacles binding her wrists and ankles to a chair. She tries to struggle free, shaking and then straining against her restraints.
‘Hello? HELLO!’ Her hoarse voice breaks. Her eyes close from the pain. So thirsty…
‘Please don't yell. I’m right here.’
Her eyes open. A pair of male hands hold a plastic cup of water. They press it to get lips and she drinks greedily, slaking the burning thirst. 
Amaranthe peers up at her benefactor and blinks in confusion and shock, seeing cloudy grey eyes and tousled sandy hair.
‘You...from the studio? You have to let me out, please!’
He reaches over and cups her face. His touch makes her skin crawl.
‘Why would I do that after all the trouble I went through to get you here?’
Amaranthe trembles and shivers but not from his words. She nearly blacks out, her surroundings fading to a dim blur.
‘HEY!’ A sharp slap brings her back to the present.
Amaranthe gasps as she opens and closes her jaw to check the damage. The strike certainly stings.
‘Seems the drug is still in your system.’ He sighs as he stands back, pondering her. ‘But can I really afford to wait? A high profile woman goes missing, people notice.’
Amaranthe ignores him for now to take stock of her surroundings. For any clue to her location or any tool to help her escape. 
The room is large and mostly empty, just one door on the far wakk. The part of the room she is in is mocked-up to look like a studio for a photo-shoot, a plain back-drop behind her, studio lights and a tripod aiming a camera at her.
No way for her to escape on her own. 
‘Why did you bring me here?’
He chuckles as he kneels down in front of her. ‘Is it not obvious? We are meant to be together.’
Great. He’s not just sadistic, he's a nut job, she thinks to herself, cursing silently.
How long has he shadowed her steps, waiting, watching, wanting? How long had she been ignorant to his presence?
‘So you love me?’ 
‘Of course!’
‘You’d do anything I asked?’ 
‘I would burn the world and everyone in it, if you asked.’
‘Then can you undo these restraints? How am I supposed to return your love when I’m chained down?’
He smiles. Amaranthe supposes it must be kind, but it's like like a wolf baring its fangs.
Her vision blurs again. She’s losing lucidity 
‘Darling, you don't need to do anything to prove your love, other than sit there and be perfect.’
Her head lulls. She clings to whatever consciousness remains, but it escapes her.
‘See?’ A camera shutter snaps. ‘You're perfect just the way you are…’
Amaranthe awakens again. She has no idea how much time has passed, but she feels more alert and awake, like a fog has lifted from her mind.
She's alone the time, no sign of her captor. She tries her manacles again, and gasps from the pain of the cold metal against her broken skin.
Amaranthe's mind wanders out of her prison to the outside world. Vander and Balthazar...surely they both noticed she is missing. Balthazar at the very least expected her home after the filming. How long exactly had passed since then? 
She wishes he was here to take her away from this awful place.
She whispers her name in the dark, a private wish she speaks into existence. 
Footsteps echo down from across the room. A door opens and the lights flicker on. She squints as the harsh fluorescents assault her eyes.
‘Good morning, my love,’ he greets her exuberantly, holding a tray with a plate of scrambled eggs, sausages and hash browns and a cup of water. Her eyes notice the knife on the plate. ‘Hungry?’
‘How long have I been here?’ She asks. Her throat itches once more.
‘Almost twelve hours. It’s 7am--breakfast time.’ He pulls up a chair in front of her, and holds out a forkful of eggs. ‘Eat.’
Amaranthe turns her head away. She couldn't possibly stomach any food now.
‘Don't be stubborn now, love, you need to eat.’
‘I don't want any food,’ she mumbles.
‘It’ll help you feel better. Now open wide--’
The manacles offer her a few inches of movement--just enough. She kicks the leg of his chair. He falls back, the tray flying from his grasp. She manages to use her foot to pull the knife towards her as he recovers.
‘LOOK WHAT YOU DID!’ He roars, spittle flying. He takes a few deep breaths, fists clenching and unclenching. ‘I didn't mean to yell. But you ruined breakfast. Now I need to...I need to clean this up. And arrange a suitable punishment for you.’ 
He casts her a dark look before he leaves the room, the door slamming in his wake.
Amaranthe wastes now time. She swings her chair from side to side until she falls on the ground to the right. Her fingers blindly grope until they clasp the hilt of the knife. She twists it in her grip until the blade rests against her bindings, and begins working. But the chains are metal. It would take hours to saw through them.
‘Fuck! Please…’ she begs as she continues, as though prayers alone would free her.
A yell and a series of dull thuds sound from upstairs. The knife clangs against the tiled floor. Silence falls, but not for long.
Two sets of feet descend down towards her. Neither are her captors.
The door swings open. Balthazar and Vander step through, appearing frantic. They take one look across the room before they spot her.
‘Amara! Oh, god...what did he do to you?’ Balthazar gently caresses her face. She breaks into sobs.
‘You came...you both came.’
‘Of course we did.’ Vander pulls out some lock picks and gets to work freeing her from her manacles.
When they finally fall from her limbs, it is a feeling of utmost freedom and relief. She throws herself into Balthazar's arms, relishing in the warmth and protection.
‘Come on, sweetie. Let's get you home.’ He throws his jacket over her shoulders before taking her up in his arms, carrying her away.
The limo is waiting outside. Vander sits close in back with her, chatting idly mostly to make sure she remains conscious.
Amaranthe makes it for the whole journey to the hospital before she falls back into unconsciousness once more. Vander's gentle voice lulls into a muffled whisper, then silence.
Amaranthe’s rest is interrupted by the steady beep of a heart monitor. Her eyes meet the fluorescent lights above, fending off the impending dim of dusk. She winces as her wakefulness draws awareness to her aching body, and the nausea swirling in her stomach. 
Her stirring rouses Balthazar dozing in the chair at her bedside.
‘Finally awake, sleeping beauty?’ he smiles at her sleepily. ‘You’ve been out for days. I’ll get the nurse.’
‘No!’ She seizes hold of his forearm. ‘Please, stay.’
‘Of course.’ He settles back into his chair, holding her hand between his. ‘How do you feel?’
‘Exactly as expected after sleeping through for days.’
Balthazar laughs softly, but the levity is short-lived. ‘Amara, do you remember what happened?’
Her eyes drop to the blanket covering her lower half. She idly picks at a loose thread. ‘Of course I do.’
‘Can you tell me?’
‘I was done shooting for the day. I drank water from one of the interns...then I woke up there in that...place. He took a photo.’
‘He took several. We found them,’ he corrects her gently.’
Amaranthe only feels sicker, her hands instinctively curling into fists. She had only been conscious for one. ‘May I see them?’
‘Sorry ...we turned them into the police. For evidence.’
‘Of course.’
‘Did anything else happen while you were there?’
‘He didn’t rape me, if thats what you’re asking.’
‘It wasn’t but....that’s a relief.’
‘What did you do to him?’ Amaranthe raises her gaze to his. Tears spill from her eyes as an uncustomary anger consumes him. ‘What did you do?’
‘He won’t hurt you, again. Or anyone. We made sure of that.’
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michaelreaderreblog · 5 years
Then there was me pt4 (final)
To catch up just click these links ONE , TWO , THREE
Word Count: 2,127
You couldnt take it anymore but you needed a few more days because you still couldnt find the spell that you needed.
All through the times you have spent time in the vault, sorting and placing everything back. You couldnt find what you are looking but knew it had to be there, you werent giving up and you were going to keep searching until you have that spell in your hands.
You searched for days and days. Never giving up until you found what you are looking for. The other angels basically minded their own business as they came by for old testaments. Scriptures and spells.
They never questioned anything when they returned everything.
Until you finally found what you are looking.
You jumped for joy while everyone else gives you an odd expression which didnt phase you out what so ever.
You looked for the spell within the book and finally you see the ingredients you needed.
“Oh this is easy, I can find all these things here” you say to yourself
“Whats so easy to get here?” Gabriel asks as he looks to you.
“How long have you been standing there?” you ask as you flinched
“For as long as you jumped for joy” he says without you realizing he has been standing the whole entire time
“What can I help you with Gabriel?” you ask while walking towards him
“Michael asked me to check on you and how you are doing?” he says while smiling to you.
“Why? I am fine here” you lie to him and you knew he can see right threw you.
“Because its his job to check on everyone and making sure they are busy with their duties. You know how he is” he replies
“Well I am fine” is all you say while waiting for him to say something or just leave you be.
“Ok, well I am off to check on Michael’s favourite person in the world” he says as he rolls his eyes
You knew who he was talking about and chuckled a bit. His next task is to check on Ambriel.
She makes sure that every soul goes right into their own heaven and make sure no one enters.
Finally when he is out of sight is when you started to roam the rest of heaven to get the things you needed for the spell. Thankfully it is easy to access them all, no one questioned anything and that was a good thing.
You just wish they cared a little bit to know what you are up to or even ask how you are doing. Or just notice you all together.
After Gabriel was done checking on everyone to make sure they were fulfilling their duties. He went back to Michael’s side.
“Gabriel, how is everything?” Michael asks while taking his eyes away from a book he is reading
“Everything is running the way it should” he replies while smiling to his brother.
“How is y/n doing?” Michael asks while a smile forms
“Well she is doing fine and seems off” he replies while looking away from him
“Off? As in?” Michael asks with worry in his voice
“She seems to be up to something but wont say or anything. Its as though she is keeping something from me” Gabriel says while trying to read the some what grace you had but he couldnt.
“What was she doing when you went to check on her?” he asks giving his brother all of his attention
“Well when I got there, she was jumping for joy. Like she was happy about her findings or something” he replies while trying to figure out what you had in your hands
“Did you see what she was happy about?” Michael asks while being curious about your sudden happiness
“No I didnt and figured she would tell me. She didnt and continued to fulfill her duties” Gabriel replies looking to Michael
While Michael and Gabriel begin to winder what has you in a good mood. You have everything that you need and begin planning an escape from Heaven.
“Soon, very soon” you whisper to yourself as other angels go about their duties
You wish they would care just a little bit and tell you not to do anything and just stay in Heaven where you belong. But nothing. As always nothing.
Finally the time has come and you begin going about unnoticed. You dodge Michael and Gabriel.
You teleport yourself to earth, some where you havent been in a very long time. As you roam around the town, it didnt seem fit to rip your grace from you. For all you knew it would cause such chaos, a bright light and knew the people would be frightened. It would also alarm other angels as well.
You wandered outside of town and saw an abandoned barn. You knew it would be the perfect place, since there are no other people living around the area and wouldnt tip off anyone. Not even the angels.
In Heaven Michael roamed around looking for you and asked the other angels if they saw you. Which of course none of them ever noticed you or even knew you existed.
“Where can she be?” Michael asks himself while looking to the spell vault
He waited and waited until you returned. But you were no where in sight. No where
Michael begin to worry.
“Gabriel have you seen y/n?” Michael asks as he sees Gabriel
“No I have not seen her at all” he replies while standing next to his brother.
Once you got yourself settled into the barn is when you begin to mix your ingredients to rip your grace from yourself.
Finally you recite the spell and you begin to feel agony.
From Heaven there seems to be a little disturbance.
Michael and Gabriel look to each other wondering what that might be. They rush over to the gates to make sure its not being breached.
“No one is breaching the gates” Michael says while looking over the perimeter of the gates
“Since no one is breaching the gates then what was that?” Gabriel asks looking to Michael.
Suddenly Raphael makes his way to the gates where Michael and Gabriel are. He knew what was going on and needed to tell Michael right away.
“Michael, something has happened with y/n” Raphael says while he reaches his brothers
“Where is she? Is she hurt?” Michael asks rapidly
“Y/n has ripped her grace from within herself. Why Heaven quaked like that, there is no breach” he replies while looking wide eyed to Michael
Once you finally ripped your grace is when you destroyed it, once and for all.
After you destroyed your grace is when Michael began to feel pain, loneliness and its something that he didnt want to feel.
Raphael and Gabriel see what the quake has done to their brother. Gabriel began to go frantic while Raphael remains calm.
He needed to tell Michael now before his grace deteriorates.
“Raphael we better tell him now” Gabriel says while helping his brother.
“Tell me what?” Michael asks looking between Gabriel and Raphael
“When Father created y/n, he mixed in a little bit of your grace with hers. Later he told me when the time was right, the both of you know and finally be bonded to each other” Raphael says while looking to Michael.
“You mean to tell me that y/n is my true mate?” he asks in disbelief
“Yes, he made her specifically for you. Why she is special” Raphael replies while looking to Michael.
“Must look for y/n and bring her home” Michael gives the orders
Gabriel begins to tell all of Heaven of the news thats been told and to search for you and bring you home immediately.
Ambriel is heart broken that she isnt Michael’s true mate
Once your grace is completely gone, you begin to feel more lonelier than ever. The pain from the loneliness begins to set in and you didnt like the feeling.
To end it all, you see a sharp object from the corner of your eye and grab it. You slit your wrists, blood begin to seep out and flowing fast. You begin to feel weak from it all and finally with one last breathe. You were gone. A lifeless form lays on the ground, surrounded by nothing but nature.
Gabriel and Balthazar track your last known grace where abouts to a small town and lead them to the barn.
“Do you think she is here?” Balthazar asks looking to Gabriel
Gabriel takes a step forward and begins walking into the barn
Balthazar isnt far behind.
As they both enter is when they begin searching for you.
Its when Balthazar sees your lifeless form on the ground
“Gabriel” is all he says
He lowers himself to the ground and places his hand on your body. He feels nothing.
No grace
No soul
He begins to weep
Gabriel sees Balthazar on the ground and sees him weeping. He finally takes a closer look and he sees what he is weeping about.
Gabriel feels heart broken, he feels he should have sensed it from the beginning and it finally hit him, Why you were jumping for joy, you found the spell that ripped your grace from within yourself.
“Balthazar we need to bring her home and collect as much ash as you can” Gabriel says while looking around more and realizing what you have done
“How are we going to bring her back?” Balthazar asks wiping away his tears
“We arent but Michael can” is all Gabriel says
Gabriel lifts your lifeless form bridal style while Balthazar has the ashes from your grace
He sees your wings are withered but has a large form and how beautiful they are. Withered or not they were still beautiful to him.
Gabriel enters Heaven first, you in arms while Balthazar isnt far behind.
All the angels are lined, silence lingers as Gabriel carries your form.
Balthazar carries your ashes
Michael sees his brothers carrying the remains of his beloved mate. He weeps as well.
“No, no, no” he weeps and finally he wails
He feels every pain you have suffered over eons
He feels everything
He sees everything
Gabriel places you on the table while Balthazar places your ashes beside you.
“Now what do I do?” Michael asks as he looks onto your lifeless form and ash
“Combine your grace with hers, open the jar and place your grace in” Raphael replies while holding the jar in his hands and giving it to Michael.
Michael does as he is told, he opens his mouth while his grace enters the jar and is astonished to see the combination.
His grace and yours mixed together becomes brighter while everyone else covers their eyes and are amazed to the combinations.
Finally when the grace is bonded together, it unifies in various colours. Michael has a smile on his face and is extremely happy.
He places the bonded grace into your lifeless form, once its unified with you is when everyone else waits for you to wake.
A few moments pass and you are back to life.
“No, no, no, NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” you rise quickly while looking around.
You get up and begin attacking Michael for bringing you back but something feels different.
Gabriel tells everyone else to stay back while Michael calms you.
“Y/n I had to bring you back because we are now bonded” he says while looking to you.
“What?” you ask while refrain from punching him
“Father was right about you being special. He created you for me, he made you perfect for me and I finally understand why he kept you here for a millenia” he continues while you look deeply into his grace
You begin to understand the different feeling and understand all together
“You mean?” you ask while Michael begins to wrap his wings around the both of you.
“Yes, you have always been betrothed to me and finally I have completed it” he replies while giving you a kiss
You melt right into his kiss and finally the bond is complete right before everyone.
“You're a garden bloom in a thousand hues. All I wanna be is with you” Michael says as he slowly pulls away from you.
Heaven has gained another ruler to Heaven. That ruler is you, the one task that has been written to happen and finally its done.
Father was right after all, you were special in every way and special to Michael. Thankfully he never casted you out nor Michael.
Now you can forever be happy in your and Michael’s kingdom. Ruling by his side and he by yours. The happily ever after you truly deserve.
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doodle-rat · 5 years
How Anura ended up working for Joko is a mystery to some. But here is a snippet into what happened plus her journal entries when he was in the Domain of the Lost.
“Pierce you!” The shout of an awakened archer filled the air. A young woman aged only around twenty two cocked her rifle and took aim. Bang. One clean shot to the head left the undead falling to the ground. She was approaching the Bone Palace at the heart of Joko’s Domain in the Desolation, this was part of her quest to study the difference between the Awakened and the Elder Dragon Zhaitan’s minions the Risen.
Her hazel eyes squinted as she ducked for cover behind a bone structure, partially to avoid detection. She was close now,only a little while longer till she reached the inner sanctum. The howl of the canids rung through the air. They could smell her coming, yet she needed to rest. She had been running for a good portion of the day trying to avoid patrols or she was fighting said Awakened patrols. The girl simply weaved her way into the throne room that was unguarded since they were all looking for her and fell asleep hidden in one of the structures.
Hours passed and the King himself Palawa Joko had returned from his trip to Vabbi. He stormed into the throne room in frustration of the idiot nobles who thought they could question him, he was the God King of Elona not some fool who could be played.
“My King.” A soldier called to him. “We had an intruder earlier, we have been unable to locate her but she was last seen running in here.”
Joko sighed, another problem. Why couldn’t things be easy? “Find he--” His command trailed off as he heard a soft noise it sounded like snoring. Quietly the lich wandered over to where the engineer was hiding and noticed her form sleeping. Dried blood was caked on her cheek, blue hair tied back, her clothes somewhat ragged, a rifle on her back and a satchel tucked beneath her arms as a makeshift pillow. He had seen a painting of her before, many Elonians in Vabbi had read a paper of hers and acquired a portrait, this was the head in research on the Elder Dragons’ minions, Anura Hathorn. He scooped her up into his arms to take her to a cell, she will have questions to answer.
When the girl finally woke she was in chains, a lich standing at the door of her cell. “Hello, little one.” it chuckled. Anura tested the chains, pulling until her wrists hurt. “What brings you so far into my domain, Miss Hathorn? Have you come to pledge allegiance to me?”
She shouted a furious “No”,and it responded in kind with a small spell, draining her energy to fight. She felt weak.
Weeks went by, torture, healing, more torture. She had lost her voice from how much she screamed. Anura finally broke, telling the king why she was there. Satisfied with her answer he removed her chains and lead her to a room where she could wash up. “You serve me now.” Joko sneered.
“If that is the case I must be allowed free passage throughout Elona, food, a proper study, a comfortable place to sleep, new clothes and whatever else I require. My work is risky and almost always done in the field. “ She countered in a defiant tone. “Think you can afford me?”
The God-King laughed, he loved her fire. “We have a deal, Anura. Now in order to access the deeper parts of this palace you will need this.” He handed her a ring, a jeweled scarab on a gold band. She immediately put it on the ring finger of her right hand, knowing that if was the left she would doom herself to be one of his betrothed.
This was the start of a  good partnership.
Weeks, turned to months, turned to years. Anura blossomed under his rule. She was given a photon projector for her 23rd birthday, a staple of Elonian engineering. She cherished it. It was a fine weapon, Joko had taught her much about the culture and even some basic spells after he learned she was capable of necromancy. They spent long nights talking about how magical anomalies were both incredibly fun to observe and joke about. It was fair to say she grew fond of his company and would even consider this man a friend if that were possible.
The scars left behind by his magicks  she wore with pride. Joko took her around Elona, and even allowed her to command a small sect of his forces while she was away studying the branded. Eventually all good things had to come to an end.
From the Journal of Anura Hathorn
349th  day 1331 AE
Palawa Joko left with Balthazar days ago after the alliance, he hasn’t returned. I fear the Rogue God has finally ended him, I rather enjoyed his company but don’t tell him that. His ego is already the size of Tyria and so easy to bruise. No need for it to get bigger.
I am taking a squad out tomorrow to search the Desolation, Vizier Utimishi has been left in charge of the Palace and the Marshals are awaiting command. Even Archon Iberu is helping with the search.
Needless to say we need to press on, I will continue my research in his absence, stay loyal. After all I owe him, recently we were in Vabbi and I was nearly killed by a branded hydra. He saved my life. Perhaps that dead heart is capable of showing even platonic forms of love. I will have to monitor his behavior should he ever return.
351th day 1331 AE
No sign of Joko.
The Awakened are growing restless and Archon Iberu has been acting weirdly.  Probably just stress.
Good news though I was able to go to Amnoon to gather some information about the Forged. Thats all for today.
378th day 1331 AE
I have only one thing to say, he has returned. And boy is he pissed.
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guild-guardian · 5 years
Spoiler Free review of “All or Nothing”
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After a cut because long post, many words, skritt math. 
The Story (No details)
Overall it's probably one of the best executed episodes worth of story that they’ve released in the last couple of Seasons. 
The Final Battle is more akin to the kind of scale you see in the Zorah Magdaros battle in Monster Hunter World than you’d expect to find in GW2, and that was a huge improvement compared to previous Elder Dragon battles. Having an active role in the battle, along with the NPCs not just “swinging their sword Oh look they swung it again” at trash mobs, and actually being useful- firing siege weapons, fighting mobs, picking you up if you get downed
So many call backs to minor named NPCs- some personal early personal story, and others from pact/priory/vigil etc It lead to a feeling of being surrounded by familiar faces as you lead the charge.  The short piece after the battle was also a well designed experience- the lack of UI and the “damage” lines that you felt when Balthazar killed you in PoF, further push the “oh fuck we’re pretty badly wounded”, along with the forced walk/limp and fall to our knees when we try to hop down along the uneven floor. The main character’s animation here was excellent and slow pace allowed Anet to sculpt a tightly designed experience that is as shocking as it is memorable. I won’t forget that last visual.
Brandon Bales and Debi Derryberry probably did the best voice work in this episode (imo- I haven't played it through on a non-sylvari male). It was extremely immersive and I totally bought what was happening as they expressed it.  I appreciated that the Zephyrites’ song/choir got further development, and how its relevant to the story just made it a really nice touch overall. 
I did think it felt very short- only 3 instances. It may be that they pushed the pacing to emphasise the commander rushing headlong and gambling dangerously on the first ideas that come to them, and they do love a cliffhanger at the end.  It ends on a flat note though, you can’t even interact with story NPCs after you finish it- nothing in the shiverpeaks map changes, no dialogue no “I’m just checking in” updates, nothing.  Final Note: WHERE ARE KASMEER AND MARJORY 
The Map
Huge! Ruins! Subterranean structures! Exploring! Absolutely nailed the Guild Wars 1 Shiverpeak atmosphere.but uh...not much to do past that. 
The Thunderhead Keep meta is fun- I love defense events that allow us to set traps, build barricades and ballistae. The Boss is TOO BRIGHT. It is impossible to see even with effects turned down and post processing off. Anet needs to reassess their priorities with visual telegraphing because right now you can’t see a thing, never mind reacting to the thing. 
Minor Quibble. UH WHERE DID THAT CLIFF AND PIT COME FROM? I’m pretty sure that the mountains just...continued north of the keep in GW1, and a little further north you’d come to the Mursaat teleporter to Hell’s Precipice. 
The dredge meta is...hard to get people to defend the 2nd and 3rd drills- I’ve yet to be successful on this one. 
The delay between meta active times feels a bit long, and perhaps its just the layout of this one, but there isn’t much notification if North or south meta is happening/how long until X etc. 
I don’t like that Map Completion can’t be soloed- Both metas are required. Unless you find a friendly mesmer or buy the Light of Deldrimor from the TP. 
Past the Metas, I’ve seen maybe 5 or 6 events tops on this huge environment. That is pretty woeful. I get that this was probably a high budget episode with two cutscenes, unique character animations and PvE environments built to scale with the GW1 counterparts (why did dwarves build so big anyway?), but the overall quiet map is a bit of a let down- considering the variety of content available in Jahai.
I adore the skritt/priory interactions, and an above ground village of Dredge being shown in in a positive light. Even if literally every member of the survivors has had to kill their friends and family with their own hands. 
The Mastery 
Heavily Situational and will take some getting used to. It doesn’t have that immediate “Good Feel” as mounting your griffon midair or while gliding. Being “animation locked” for most of the launch prevents you from gliding or re-mounting, so you just plummet for the most part and lose out on any air you might have hoped to gain from using it. 
At least we can be thankful it wasn’t required to complete the story or meta.
The Fractal
Dreams: Crushed Hopes: Sundered Orr: Ignored.  Instead of picking an interesting pirate/corsair character that could use a bit of story development, they go with the boisterous ghost from the Lion’s Arch Jumping Puzzle. 
This fractal is short (at T1- it’ll likely have more complexity as you go up) and very sparse on story. The music is good, and the environment is good. Dessa continues to be the shining star of most fractals with her responses to the situations she gets to observe.  Probably won't be the new Challenge mode fractal that people were hoping for, but the fight mechanics are fun and different. 
I’d appreciate it if Anet could relinquish their choke grip they’ve had on talk like a pirate day 2012 that seems to permeate all of their pirate related content- it always feels kind of like even the characters themselves don’t take themselves seriously. There's just something pretty wack with them.  (and I’m not talking about all the landlocked core game pirates just living in lakes barely big enough for their bases) That’s Enough. 
The Legendary
Probably one of the nicest they’ve done in a while. Initially I was put off by it- the official preview of it in the reveal trailer didn’t really show it off very well- not the steps, aura or on-draw effect. However on this video from someone who got it before release, they point out a few things about it that really sell it for me.
I love the scorch mark on draw, with the dubstep twangs the most. A little disappointed that Range LB 5 is unaffected- it could have been very pretty (ie spirit bow active visuals).   It's a very refined weapon that will certainly suit a lot more characters than Kudzu, and I’ll probably make it after I finish Ipos. In like a year.
The Music
Knocks itself out of the park in a home run touchdown or however sports works. The choral piece for Aurene is very beautiful, and I especially appreciate the tarir motif used towards to the end of the track.  Re-used GW1 themes in the map give a very nostalgic feel, and the fractal has a unique Shanty theme, along with what was used for this year’s Festival of the Four winds. 
The story is moving and immersive, the encounters well designed and well executed, however sparse event placement on the map kinda gets :/ from me. 
Fractals continuing a trend of “we can do anything in the history of tyria- but lets focus on the boring parts” is also disappointing. 
PS. The .5 comes from the Skritt writing and voice acting.  So pure and wholesome. 
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27, 28, 29 from the hc ask game ✨
im sorry for the late response mental health is being a Thing again
27. Just about everyone is accusing someone else of being related to Grawl. Who is? And what are other fun evolutionary tidbits?
SO I HAD AN ANSWER but it pissed me off so i went and tried to draw an evolutionary tree w the humanoid species (including trolls and ettins who are the only ones without speech i think? they ended up pretty far apart, i have no idea how "intelligence" (i hate it as a species trait but yall se my point i hope) fits in there). obv very basic and lots of splits are very vibes based bUT overall i kind of like it??? if ppl wanna see what shit i made up feel free to ask me to post it, its too late to take pics and it's not that interesting but welp i did make it so
so huh i had no idea where to fit the grawl in there so they ended up w the trolls & the centaurs in the "they have incompatible vibes w all the other species im sorry" category so i guess thats my grawl hot take
better hot take (so hot i made it up half an hour ago): asura and dredge look pretty similar actually so. cousins. evolved from dwarves or proto-dwarves or whatever happens when you do evolution i havent stepped in a biology class in two years. so asura is what you get when free, dredge when enslaved under inhumane conditions for millions of years.
28. Norn Transformations. Can they choose which animal they transform into? How long does it stay. Does it change their behaviour and perception? Is it only the four great spirits or could we get bunny Norn?
i guess it's mostly a faith-based thing? so whatever spirit you're most devoted to, which is a choice (maybe w some complications because sociology and religion r like that but it's really not the place to discuss that). How long idk exactly, rather short amounts of time for sure, maybe up to an hour w a lot of strain? i picture that kind of range anyway. I think there would definitely be changes in behaviours w the sayings of the spirit and the actual transformation, and i also just like the aesthetic of small physical changes carrying over after transformations so that would also allow some other changes that depend on actual biology. And uh actually bunny Norn slaps thats canon now, come fight me anet
29. How common are people who follow another race’s religion, for example a human or a charr revering the spirits of the wild? And are they granted the same blessings? Could a Charr summon the Hounds of Balthasar if they truly believed in it?
I guess it's not super common because religions are v cultural things, but considering the gods r real in tyria n shit it makes it more likely to happen? Like they wouldnt have a lot of them but nobody would bat an eye when they see a norn praying in the shitloads of shrines in divinitys reach. Balthazar idk because he's a fucking piece of shit BUT he's the only exception, gods and other religious-adjacent powers support everyone and i'll fight if you disagree
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I will write One Shots, Drabbles, preferences/reactions, fake texts conversations/video, ships and series for following Fandoms/Characters/Stars. 
BTS: Kim Namjoon/ Min Yoongi/ Kim Seokjin/ Jung Hoseok/ Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung/ Park Jimin
EXO: Kim Min Seok/ Kim Jun Myun/ Zhang Yixing/ Byun Baek Hyun/ Kim Jong Dae/ Park Chan Yeol/ Do Kyung Soo/ Kim Jong In/ Oh Se Hun,
BIGBANG: Kwon Ji Yong/ Dong Yong Bae/ Choi Seung-hyun/ Kang Daesung/ Lee Seung Hyun
BLACKPINK: Jennie Kim/ Lalisa Manoban/ Kim Ji Soo/ Park Chae Young
KARD: Matthew Kim/ Kim TaeHyung/ Jeon SoMin/ Jeon JiWoo
GOT7: Im Jae Bum/ Mark Yi En Tuan/ Jackson Wang/ Park Jin Young/ Choi Young Jae/  BamBam/ Kim Yu Gyeom/
STRAY KIDS: Bang Chan/ Jang Jeongin/ Hwang Hyunjin/ Kim Seungmin/ Han Jisung/ Seo Changbin/ Lee Felix/ Kim Woojin/ Lee Minho/
OTHERS: Jay Park/ Wu Yifan/ Lu Han/ Huang Zitao/ Song Min-ho
Supernatural: Dean Winchester/ Sam Winchester/ Castiel/ Lucifer/ Gabriel/ Balthazar/ Meg/ Charlie/ Kevin/ Michael(Johns vessel)/ John Winchester/ Crowley/ Henry Winchester
Doctor Who: 10th/ 11th/ Clara/ Master/ Captain Jack/
Sherlock BBC: Sherlock/ Moriarty/ John
Star Trek (2009): Kirk/ Bones/ Spock/ Scotty/ Zulu/ Chekov/ Jayla/ Khan
The Originals: Klaus/ Elijah/ Kol/ Rebecca/ Davina/ Macel/ Freya
The Vampire Diaries: Damon/ Stefan/ Enzo/ Bonnie/ Elena/ Alaric/ Kai
Marvel: Captain America/ Tony Stark/ Hawkeye/ Black Widow/ Scarlett Witch/ Peter/Pietro Maximoff/ Magneto(jung)/ Charles Xavier(jung)/ Loki/ Thor/Spiderman/ Harry Osborn/Sam Wilson/ Ant-man/
Riverdale: Archie/ Jughead/ Betty/ Cheryl/ Veronica/ Kevin/ Toni
Gotham: Bruce/ Selina/ Jerome
Arrow: Oliver Queen/ Thea/ Roy Harper/ Felicity Smoak
Star Wars: Han Solo/ Leia/ Jyn/ Cassian
Game of Thrones: Danerys/ Jon/ Rob
KDRAMA (actors): Lee Jong suk/ Ji Soo/ Seo In-guk
(I won't write for the ones that are crossed out, mainly because I am not up to date with the show/movie/fandom or because I feel like I don’t know enough about it right now. If u still want to request, I can try my best but not promise anything.)
I write about the actors and actresses as well. 
I write:
>(male/female) character/star x (female/male/gender neutral) reader (If u don’t tell me specifically which gender I will probably write female.)
>any ships (as long it isn’t incest and no crossover ships)
>smut (ähm…I will try my best, mostly gay smut...)
>angst (maybe not to extreme angst and I don’t like character death.)
>AU/Alternativ Universes (Anything you can think of)
>Crossovers (but no crossover ships)
How to request:
One Shot: Just tell me which character/star x which gender or ship and what should happen.
Drabble: Character/Star/Ship + Number (Drabble list)
Preferences/Reactions: Groupe/Show/Movie + what should happen (example: Exo reacting to their crush confessing their love for them…)
Fake Text Conversation: In form of a video or image. Character/Star/Ship and what it should be about.
Ships: How to request here!
Korean Famous Request Thingy: Read more here
Thats it I guess if you have more questions feel free to aks me. :)
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crispy rice and egg bowl with ginger-scallion vinaigrette
It’s really unfortunate timing, because we’ve got a long year to go and I at one point had many great and luminous cooking plans for it, but they’re all cancelled now because on the afternoon of January 4th, before 2019 had really even kicked in, I ate the best thing I had or will all year or maybe ever — because what would the internet be without some unnecessary melodrama — and I threw it together from a mess of leftovers in my fridge.
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Don’t you hate it when those lifestyle guru-types tell you about the meals they threw together from their leftovers, which just happen to be in tip-top shape, chromatically balanced, and Instagram-perfect. In real life, or at least mine, leftovers are a lot of Let’s Never Speak About That Again, the best of intentions cut short by poor planning, the now shamed and guilt-ridden humans responsible for the disgrace vowing to do better by that murky bag of herbs and liquefied cucumber next time.
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But not last week. Last week, on January 1st, I made David Chang’s Bo Ssam, something I do once a year or so when I want to make a jaw-dropping feast for a crowd with exactly three ingredients (pork shoulder, salt, sugar) even a person living through the aftereffects of an evening of daquiris can handle. Of course, because most three-ingredient recipes are a lie, there are a few other things you make to serve with it: a Ssam sauce (it’s like a vinaigrette), a ginger-scallion sauce (a riff on the classic Cantonese sauce), rice, and I always like to serve it with marinated julienned carrots and thinly sliced cucumbers so needless to say, these leftovers were well above-average. Bo Ssam makes a lot; we ate it on the 1st, the 2nd, and the 3rd before we were finally out of pork, but I still had a smidge left of everything else so for lunch on that 4th day of the year, I put it all in a bowl and topped it with a crispy fried egg.
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But first, I crisped the rice. The world of crisped, stuck-pot, scorched, fried, and tahdig-ed rice is vast and nuanced and fascinating and I’m not going to even try to do it justice here, but what they all have in common, what they all know, is that cooked rice that’s been allowed to crisp is a glorious thing. My favorite — short-grain brown or white rice — is particularly good at this, starchy and thick enough to be both crackly edged and tender-centered in a single grain. (What a showoff.) It, apparently, smells like popcorn when you cook it.
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I have told every single person I’ve seen or spoken to since about how amazing this lunch was (their eyes mostly glazed over, it’s fine, I understand) and now it’s your turn. I’ve tried to pare it down to just the most essential parts — crispy rice, a crispy egg, and a ginger-scallion-sauce-meets-vinaigrette — plus whatever crunchy or leftover vegetables you have around. I hope it becomes your new favorite 2019 meal, too.
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One year ago: Boulevardier Two years ago: Crusty Baked Cauliflower and Farro Three years ago: Ugly-But-Good Cookies and Swiss Chard Pancakes Four years ago: Mushroom Marsala Pasta Bake Five years ago: Coconut Tapioca Pudding and Chicken Pho Six years ago: Ethereally Smooth Hummus and Gnocchi in Tomato Broth Seven years ago: Apple Sharlotka Eight years ago: Vanilla Bean Pudding and Pizza with Bacon, Onions, and Cream Nine years ago: Barley Risotto with Beans and Greens and Poppy Seed Lemon Cake Ten years ago: Almond-Vanilla Rice Pudding and Light Wheat Bread Eleven years ago: Lemon Bars and Crunchy Baked Pork Chops Twelve years ago: Balthazar’s Cream of Mushroom Soup and World Peace Cookies
And for the other side of the world: Six Months Ago: Bourbon Peach Smash 1.5 Years Ago: Confetti Party Cake 2.5 Years Ago: Peaches and Cream Bunny Cake 3.5 Years Ago: Green Beans with Almond Pesto 4.5 Years Ago: Sticky Sesame Chicken Wings
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Supernatural Survey
Tagged by the delightful @srj1990 ❤️
1. What season did you start watching Supernatural? I started watching 8 episodes into s1, my dad got me into it, he told me the pretty boy out of Smallville and Dark Angel was in it and that I’d like the car…
2. Who was the first character you fell in love with? Dean… *sigh*
3. Who was a character that you hated at first but grew to love? I really didn’t like Mick at first… poncy git chatting up our Cassie! But after a while I realised he was actually really nice guy with a damaged bg… I cried when Arthur killed him… he didn’t deserve that…
4. Which character would you most want to be in a long-term relationship with? Castiel, Gabriel or Benny
5. If you could go on just one date with one character, which one would you choose? Gabriel, but I’d ask that he didn’t use his angelic powers, he doesn’t need to show off.
6. What would you do on the date? Tbh it’s been AGES since I went on a date I’d like to keep it simple and have a nice quiet picnic somewhere nice.
7. Which character would you most want to be like? Jodi, she’s awesome and a Badass
8. Which character would you most like to see brought back from the dead? CROWLEY or BOBBY
9. Which character would you most like to punch? Ooooh…. erm it’s a toughie between Metadouch, Ketch OR Lucifer… Lucifer up with Enochian brass knuckles
10. Who is your absolute favorite character? Theirs too many… erm… argh that’s like asking to pick between my kids (yes I know I only have one kid!) argh! Castiel
11. Which “Big Bad” do you think was the worst? Dick Roman urgh he killed Bobby!
12. Which character are you most like? Charlie cuz I’m a Nerd
13. What death hit you the hardest? Gavin MacLeods s12, tbh that death didn’t need to happen, they could have brought Fiona back from the past for chucks sake and still prevented everything that happened, also he was such a pure soul… oh and Crowley’s cuz well…
14. What season finale hit you the hardest? This one, s12… too many good people died and they didn’t have to!
15. What are your ten all-time favorite episodes? 1- Bugs (it was the first one I ever watched!) 2- Hammer of the Gods 3- Tall Tails 4- Mystery Spot 5- Changing Channels 6- French Mistake 7- The Raid 8- Baby 9- Fan Fiction 10- Just My Imagination
16. What’s been your favorite season? Season 5, 8 & 9
17. Who is your favorite angel? Again don’t make me choose, I love Cas, Gabe and Gad all equally!
18. Who’s your favorite demon? Duh! Crowley, obviously. 😏
19. Who’s your favorite evil character? Arthur Ketch. As much as I do hate him, I love him so much too. (Yes I know thats Steph’s answer but I 100% agree, doesn’t help I’m in LTT with DHJ)
20. Do you have any Supernatural ships? Sabriel, Destiel, Denny, Mitch… yea those two 😜
21. Who’s your favorite supporting actor? From this season alone it has to be Adam Fergus & David Haydn-Jones but everyone has been awesome!
22. What’s your favorite quote from the show? “Lucifer, you’re my brother and I love you but you’re a great big bag of dicks” – Gabriel - “Family don’t end in blood boy” – Bobby - “I deserve to be loved! I just want to be loved” – Crowley “You betrayed me? No one in the history of torture’s been tortured with torture like the torture you’ll be tortured with.” – Crowley
23. If you could cast one famous actor in an episode of SPN, who would you chose? The cast of Once Upon a Time. I want a Cross over episode. No deaths and definitely include Jefferson!
24. If you could write your own episode, what kind of creature would you like to see included? Ooooh I’m gonna get sued but anything from Harry Potter!
25. Who’s your favorite girl that Dean’s hooked up with? Lisa
26. Who’s your favorite girl that Sam’s hooked up with? Jess
27. What are some of your favorite convention moments? Personally, David and Adams response to my Fan-Fiction Question I asked at A18 Panel… Adams face was priceless 😂😂 AND Mark S interaction with the little girl who asked about what Fergus sold his soul for 😂😂 – Heck anything Mark S related 😂😂😂
28. If you were going to guest star (or be a recurring guest star) on SPN, how would you want your character described? A shy yet loyal white witch who would go full Carrie if someone hurt the ones she loves, (specifically Team Free Will)
29. What do you hope to see in the next season? I’d just like it to be a little more fluid rather than feeling super messy.
30.-40. If you had to choose…
Bobby or John? Bobby, obviously 🙄… idjits
Bela or Ruby? Ruby
Jess or Madison? Jess! (Hate Madison so yea not gonna pick her!)
Jo or Lisa? Lisa!
Charlie or Kevin? Both!
Balthazar or Ash? Balthazar
Cas or Crowley? DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE!
Ben or Claire? Claire!
Jody or Donna? BOTH
Sam or Dean? BOTH!
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