#that's too much for johnson
medicinemane · 6 months
Try to avoid talking politics cause it's a fucking cesspool, but god I fucking hate mike johnson, he's such a lying piece of shit
"Oh I've always supported Ukraine", bitch, you refuse to ever bring an up or down vote for aid to Ukraine to the floor, you refuse to even do the basics of your job and see if the house is willing to vote yes for aid to Ukraine. Quick being the biggest fucking liar around, at least fucking be honest
Wouldn't like you, but as it stands it would be hard fro my respect to get any lower when you straight up have been blocking aid to Ukraine since you got this position by simply refusing to even bring a vote to the floor
I'd be annoyed if it got voted down, but the fact he won't even just bring a simple yes no vote to the floor, that's why out of all the scum in American politics, right now I probably like him about the least
#I mean I've lost any respect for any of them that used to crow about supporting Ukraine that turned in the drop of a hat#I will never ever respect or trust them again#but the aid could have been voted on literal months ago cause it used to have bipartisan support before people decided to take it hostage#I'm sorry; I just can't fucking stand johnson and I needed to bitch today#I don't know how anyone can possible vote for that trash#do your fucking job and just bring things to the floor to be voted on#but don't say you're an ally to Ukraine while refusing to do your job#like people want to vote no; well they suck; but at least we'd have had a vote#but you refuse to do that#and I'm sorry; I forget if any of the DOA version were ever voted on#but any of them with a bunch of amendments to do other shit do no count; cause... well cause they're dead on arrival like I said#just a clean up or down vote; that's all I ask and what he refuses to deliver cause he's trash#name a dollar amount for aid to Ukraine; house votes if they like it#I'm not asking for anything fancy; literally just that it be put to a vote#that's too much for johnson#cause you see why I can't stand him?#sorry; I can't trust politicians who don't support Ukraine#just so happens I think most of the ones who don't are dumb fucks regardless#but like I would straight up vote against anyone who can't support a major fucking ally that's being invaded and bombed#Ukraine has been such a good investment; purely talking numbers and strategic goals being achieved for the US#like tossing my humanity out supporting Ukraine is a good fucking deal that just puts money back in our wallet#cause all that aid money? most of it's just getting spent here in the US#but aside from the practical I just am fucking sick of seeing people dying every day cause of russia launching attacks on civilians#I don't know; fuck mike johnson in particular#he seems like a piece of shit just in general; but this is what just makes me loath his stupid ass#and then he goes on tv and straight up lies to everyone's face#fuck that dumb shit bag
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night-eyes1 · 1 year
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beehunterkisser · 2 months
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wanted to do my own take on these guys...
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edgeasaurus-art · 27 days
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What several levels of exhaustion does to a mother fucker.
I was listening to the album grow again by Moe Reen while making this. specifically Why Deny (The Climate of Our Love).
You could admit it's all on fire And confess to loving me This world is surely ending soon, Our love is certainly something true So why deny the climate of our love?
Theres so much to say about them. The world is on the precipice of disaster and yet they found each other, the successors to the emperor and empress titans. Did the emperor and empress wonder what their successors would become? did they wonder about who their successors would be? did they hope that they would find the love they had? or did they think the story of the titans ended then?
When Fearne was alone with Nana Morri did she ever dream about the people she has around her now? about sharing a bed, with no other expectations other than waking up together?
When Ashton found themselves left behind after the nobodies left him, did he dream about a group of people who listened to what they said and respected their words? did they ever dream of someone wanting to be with them just because they liked being around him?
when they were at their loneliest, was the thought of each other a fever dream?
I still stand as a firm believer that both Ashton and Fearne have two hands, but watching them grow closer together has been amazing. And I hope their relationship continues to flourish, platonically or romantically.
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panthermouthh · 9 months
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And I said, “Hello, Satan
I believe it’s time to go.”
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darkblueboxs · 1 year
Glass Onion Spoilers - Foreshadowing and Among Us
I’ve seen a few posts dunking on glass onion for being “cringe” because of the Among Us scene and a few praising it for accurately reflecting the fact that this is all everyone was playing in 2020, but I haven’t seen anyone really talk about how brilliantly Among Us works as a foreshadowing/storytelling device.
On the surface - as the film itself points out! - the game is a neat little parallel of the island: one murderer hidden among us, with the objective being to find them out. But this comparison goes far deeper than the basic premise of the film.
Firstly, Benoit appears as the game’s imposter, and then, it is later revealed, is literally an imposter, arriving on the island uninvited under false pretences - one of the first major twists of the film spelled out to the audience in the opening act. And he isn’t alone - just as two imposters generally work together to deceive the other players, so Benoit and Helen work together to infiltrate the group. BUT, and this is the bit that really drives me wild, the endgame format of Among Us perfectly reflects the endgame of the film. The way to win Among Us isn’t necessarily a case of killing everyone or surviving every round - the way to win is by convincing your fellow players to believe you, and to vote accordingly.
During the trial Andi loses because the imposter - the billionaire impersonating a genius - convinces the other players that she should be voted out; she is as effectively thrown out of the airlock as she is the business, and then literally killed to protect the [fortune of] the “crew.”
But, Andi was not the imposter, and so the game continues.
The imposter kills again, and when Miles confesses to causing the lights to go out, this is another excellent hint - only the imposter can sabotage the lights!
Then, with all the characters assembled much like an “Emergency Meeting,” we reach the climax of the film: Miles burns the napkin evidence, and immediately the ensemble is back to the voting booth as Helen, like her sister, fights for the players’ support in voting out the imposter. Any Among Us player will recognise the infuriating feeling when you literally just saw them vent for the love of god you were all there vote them OFF- and that frustration - of speaking the truth and not being believed - is evident in this scene.
But these players don’t care about the truth; they care about surviving (ie staying rich), and so they will vote off an innocent person to placate the shark. Which is absolutely not how you win the game.
Then, then, the game’s final round: the imposter has lost his tools, is revealed for the useless fraud he is, and it’s when he has nothing left to offer the other players that one more vote is held - the characters literally raise their hands as they pledge their support to Helen, in part to give the appearance of swearing in upon the witness stand, but also in part to give the visual of a literal vote... such as that of an Among Us emergency meeting vote.
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And it’s when Miles is finally, rightfully ejected that at last, the game is won.
Among Us is a game of social engineering, of lying and convincing others of your lies to prolong your survival, deception, and the malleability of truth. Presenting this game in the opening of the film is more than a gimmick or scene-setter: it illustrates the social structures at the heart of the story.
TLDR: Among Us foreshadows the film’s premise, but also plot twists, character choices, and significantly the film’s resolution by way of group vote.
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cupcakeshakesnake · 1 year
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Portal 2 AU - miscellaneous.
AU tag
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argyle-menace · 16 days
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And then they became best friends
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duusheen · 16 days
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A few weeks after Pandora's birth, Hope was ready for some fun that didn't involve diapers. So she called up her cousins and went out dancing for the night, but the fun stretched into the early hours of the morning and when she got home (perhaps a little too drunk), Danny wasn't very happy with her. There was no fight, however; Hope fixed things before that happened 🙃
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kevinsdsy · 11 days
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and right now i was just scrolling through twitter minding my business and guess what showed up on my tl 😭
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they’re twinsies your honour 😭
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echomimus · 2 years
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art vs artist but it’s only ghostface
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iwantahockeyhimbo · 7 months
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girlies, i’m losing it.
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sciencewife · 7 months
Oh have you ever drawn Caroline saying her incoming “goodbye Caroline” line?
How do you see her when she said it?! I’m curious!
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I had to draw her today so I could say “yes I have”
The following is, of course, my opinion.
To me, Caroline is a very intelligent, clever woman. There’s a misconception that Caroline was being your average ditzy secretary when she says this line, but to me, she was making a clever joke. She probably said it with a smile and a wink at Cave when the recording you hear in old Aperture was originally made. She and Cave worked well with each other and understood one another on a certain level, to where they just knew exactly what the other was talking about. Not sure if telepathic is the right word. But they understood each other more than any other two people in Aperture did.
But there’s a melancholy angle too, I think. Goodbye, Caroline. The meaning changes as the years went by. It starts off as a joke, but I think Caroline gives more and more to Aperture as time passes, and she devotes her life to it (Cave doesn’t call her the backbone of the facility for nothing). She gives even more once Cave falls sick and eventually dies, and she takes over.
Eventually, she’s given so much of herself to Aperture and to science—once she’s given all a human being can possibly give—that, in the end, she becomes Aperture.
Goodbye, Caroline.
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“Your ship is so weird”
Most of mine are but can you be specific on which one, please? So I can see if I can have this debate with you or not 🙂
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kiwi-peep · 1 year
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Ghostface’s face
stinky man who smells like cheap cologne and sweat who sleeps maybe once a week
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plushiesssforcrying · 1 month
rewind / playlist / next
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track 01 ;; winners.
he's absolutely not fine. not as he stared at his phone, silently rereading the notification he got while he texted larry.
sal laid on his bed, his prosthetic resting on his bedside table. he didn't take his eyes off the notification page, lightly biting his bottom lip before pressing accept.
to say he was surprised was an understatement. his hand fell beside his head, along with his phone. ignoring the few other notifications that made his phone buzz, he wasn't quite sure how he should react to this new revelation.
you've accepted @violent_tendenc's follow request!
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tried to write a bit for more finer details on what happens, also so you lots have more than just pictures to read LMAO
also i kept the formatting so you don't have to click the pictures to see the whole convo but i don't know if it's really pretty or a hassle to read? let me know your thoughts
taglist ; send an ask to be added !
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