#that's never happened to me before! i'm 5'5"!!
bonyfish · 10 months
The strangest thing for me so far about being read as a man in public is that people assume I'm athletic, or at least have a base level of physical competence. Presumably some of this is because of my build. I'm slim and fairly compact, which when I was being read as female was interpreted entirely differently and led to things like older men refusing to let me hold doors for them.
When Nik and I were on our way back from vacation, the nice lady checking us in at the airport noticed we had a very tight connection between our flights due to some weather delays, and she looked at me and asked, "can you run pretty fast?" I was momentarily stunned, but quickly recovered enough to laugh and point out that Nik is half a foot taller than me and in fact all of that is leg. (Other reasons Nik is faster than me include my asthma, my being a lifelong indoor kid with weak ankles, and the fact that at the time I was barely 6 weeks recovered from top surgery.) The check-in attendant pivoted, saying to Nik, "Okay then, give him your bag and run for it."
Afterward, waiting in line for security, I marveled to Nik that this person had assumed I was the athletic one, and Nik said, "It's your male privilege." And they were being a bit facetious but I think they still got to the heart of the matter; the check-in attendant looked at the two of us, decided I was the man in the situation, and extrapolated from that that I was the most likely to sprint for the gate.
Meanwhile every time we go hiking, Nik hands me whatever they're carrying, says "Take this, it's holding me back," and goes crashing off into the underbrush and/or nearest body of water.
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ninjahiccups · 1 year
Hi there! I saw in one of Songbird of Asgard's chapters that you headcanon Heimdall as demi - do you have any other Heimdall headcanons you would like to share with us? Sincerely, a definitely-not-Heimdall-content-starved anon.
I have a few, though I don't want to share some of them just yet since they would give away things that happen in SoA later on.
-Like I said, I hc Heimdall as demi. Gender identity really doesn't matter to him so long as he can tolerate someone and trust them enough to accept them (which is the real hard part lol)
-Heimdall is a little shit, that much we know. I like to think that applies to people he's close to as well, but in a different way. He'll give them sass and do annoying things to them just for the fun of it. Short? He puts things on the top shelf just to watch them go crazy looking for it, then casually reveal that he moved it after they've lost their mind just to watch them blow up. Have a pet peeve? You better believe he's doing the exact thing that pisses them off every chance he gets. Neat freak? He will 100% walk into their space and fuck it up. If they're someone who will push his buttons right back at him for revenge it turns into a never-ending war of pranks and sass and just messing with each other, and he's too prideful not to have the last laugh.
-Speaking of caring, Heimdall is an all or nothing kinda person, so if he cares, he goes all out. He'll be a selfish, snobby prick to everyone else, expecting them to meet his needs and expectations because they aren't worthy of his time and effort. But if someone's earns his trust and becomes important to him, he will do anything for them. There are limits to how far he'll go depending on the circumstances, but he is devoted to the people he values.
-The same can't really be said for animals, unfortunately. Yes, he respects them, but in the end he sees them as tools that can outlive their usefulness, hence his reaction when Gulltoppr dies. T_T Though he could grow to care for an animal as well, but it would take a lot. It boils down to how he perceives external bonds, seeing them as valuable only if they benefit him (we can thank ol' Odin for that) and he has to get very, VERY close to people to let go of that idea be as devoted as I described above.
-I see him as being 6'0, 6'2ish max. I know Kratos is 6'4, and it looks like Heimdall isn't *too* much shorter than him? (This would make Eivor about 5'5 in SoA)
-Based on the God of War: Lore and Legends book, I'm guessing Heimdall is not too much older than Baldur? The book states Odin and Freya were married about 125 years before GoW 2018 and Baldur came along 5 years later. Freya clearly knows Heimdall, and considering she doesn't care for him at all makes me think she never saw him grow up (if she did I honestly think she would cut him some slack since she has a soft spot for children). That would mean Heimdall would have to be an adult by the time Freya came around, making him at least 135ish? BUT he still seems a lot younger than the other gods like Tyr and Thor based on appearance alone, so he can't be too much older. I hc he's 150ish, which is still very young compared to most other gods.
-My mans is touch-starved and you can't convince me otherwise. So force this man into a hug for god's sake, he just can't admit he needs it so someone has to take it into their own hands.
-He appreciates the arts. Literature, architecture, visual art, music, anything like that. He's just very picky about what he likes.
-I subscribe to the idea that his fate would have been different if just one person cared about him. He would have had one reason to trust someone other than Odin, and that could have changed his perspective completely. Odin likely never allowed that to happen specifically to keep Heimdall under his thumb.
-He does drink, but it's more of an Asgardian culture thing than a letting loose thing. He never gets drunk and has no desire to be.
-His favorite color is gold (shocking, I know).
-He had to learn how to control his foresight in his youngest years. It's always warned him about anything that's coming at him, but actually *reacting* to it in an efficient way was something he had to work on. He wouldn't have been able to catch arrows when he was a teenager, just duck out of the way of them. Of course, his mastery over this skill is part of what makes his ego so enormous.
-My dude is an indoors enjoyer. He very much likes neat environments, clean floors, organization. Outdoors is only nice in the short term, but ask this man to go camping? No way, bruh. You'd have to work to get him to sit on the ground, let alone SLEEP on it.
-Between Heimdall's snarkiness and Atreus's smart mouth, I see so much annoying sibling energy between them. If things had been different, Heimdall would have definitely been like a smartass, I'm-better-than-you older brother, and Atrues would have been the flat-out irritating, Nuh-uh-your-face-is-stupid younger brother. I will ride or die with the idea that the god of order and the god of mischief would piss each other off like brothers who beat each other up for fun. I may or may not plan to hint at this is SoA at some point ;)
(Side note, this blog DOES ***NOT*** support Heimtreus shipping. That last headcannon is strictly in a platonic and familial kind of way)
That's all I can think of right now, other than the ones that would give some things away is SoA. I hope you enjoyed that anon!!!
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
15 questions 15 mutuals
*loud gasp* Thank your for including me, @frogsmulder)!!! :DDDD
I am not responsible for any grammar/spelling mistakes because I'm shooting from the hip and leaving the body wherever it drops.
15 questions 15 mutuals
1. Are you named after anyone?
My first name is a feminine version of my dad's name (and one my paternal grandmother wanted to use for a girl), and my middle name Susanne is a derivative of my maternal grandmother's name (I misspelt it as Suzanne for a year? in middle school because... I forgot how it was spelt, I suppose.)
2. When was the last time you cried?
Almost teared up at Craig Ferguson's eulogy for his dad tonight (catching up on his content on YouTube.) But I did tear up at his eulogy for his mom this morning (also on Youtube.)
3. Do you have kids?
No... but one day I will.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, surprisingly-- mine is more bemused mockery (very like Mr. Bennett in Pride and Prejudice... but not the 2005 one. Not that Mr. Bennett. Never that Mr. Bennett.)
5. What sports do you play/have played?
...None. I felt that Olympic champion part of my soul wither and die away; so thanks for providing me that experience. (That was mild and playful sarcasm-- guess I do use it sometimes~.)
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
Probably how much space they take up-- not in a bad way, just in a way to gauge them as a possible threat? (I dunno-- don't think that 5 foot nothing woman who could have been blown away with an east wind was much of a threat; but maybe my brain thinks so.)
7. What's your eye color?
Brown. Reddish brown. (Bond accent included.)
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
..................HAPPY ENDINGS. But not cheesy ones-- give me Pride and Prejudice over Hallmark any day.
9. Any special talents?
I have an awe-inspiring ability to effortlessly make delicious food; BUT the magic happens when I make desserts that taste pretty good without wheat (even without flour in a pinch), without any granulated sugar (even without ANY sugar but fruit), AND without eggs (use 2-4 Tbsp seltzer water.) ...It was a dark, but necessary time in my life (someone else's health was affected, etc.) Can't make soup, though.
10. Where were you born?
California, US. I was there for... two months? before my fam hit the road. Two years later we left the mainland.
11. What are your hobbies?
Making amazing X-Files fic compilations, meta analyses, and my newest passion: absolutely spectacular AMVs (that I call Musicals.)
12. Do you have any pets?
Not currently-- I had a fish in second grade; then two outdoor rabbits through late elementary to early high school.
13. How tall are you?
5'5" (I'm your height, @frogsmulder! ;)))))
14. Favorite subject in school?
Literature-- loved learning about the technicalities behind writing and composing poetry; and I loved reading most of the required material. Math was great, but I missed a lot of errors. My interests failed once we left algebra and approached geometry/calculus.
15. Dream job?
Writer. I know deep down that I don't have that ...artistry? to create fiction-- which is fine (I do better with poetry-- though it's very untrained and pretty rough around the edges-- and, I think, critical writing.) I did write a "legal" document to my landlord when I was in middle school asking him to buy me a shih tzu puppy and he was impressed that I, a small child, wrote it as professionally as I did (I can't remember a word it said. XDDDD)
Time to tag everyone-- I'm going to tag everyone who's active on Tumblr right now, so this'll be cool to look back at years later as an piece of archived history: @baronessblixen, @suitablyaggrieved, @dd-is-my-guiltypleasure, @demon-fetal-harvest, @mondfuchs, @thebeautifulfantastic, @the-spooky-alien, @dreamingofscully, @annablume, @scullyeffect, @medicaldoctordana, @thatfragilecapricorn30, @starwalker42, @90stvqueen, @mulderscully, @onlyonechoice77, @ghostbustermelanieking, @pianogirlxf, @gabby-msr, @sonictacocat, @kiivitaja, @msmissymd, @tossingmyglossymane, @borogirl, @perpetually-weirdening, @unremarkable-house, @thescullyphile, @hamster-on-fire, @two-microscopes, @agentbluefox, @herdingcats12, @leonardbetts, @mulderwearingglasses, @catsandcoffeeandchemistry, @tiredpeterparker, @mollybecameanengineer, @adrianne68, @enigmaticdrblockhead, @albanyparkavenue, @thetigerisout, @samucabd, @invidiosa, @enigmaticxbee
(I added a few more than necessary; but I want to know people's answers.)
Respond only if you want~
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stuffforthestash · 1 month
15 Questions for 15 Friends
15 questions for 15 friends
Tagged by @pikapeppa <3
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Two people, actually! My middle name is my maternal grandmother's, and I got my first name from my childhood best friend. She was born a few months before me, and my mom loved her name so much she gave it to me too. We were inseparable, but sadly she died in an accident when we were 8, so now I carry the name for both of us.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Last week when I was having a bad fibromyalgia flare and hit critical mass for being able to cope. Chronic pain is a bitch, yo. 0/10, do not recommend.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Very happily childless. I have a TON of niblings though and love being an auntie.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED? I was hardcore into softball as a kid, spent 8 years playing. Not that wimpy slow pitch stuff either, which is why I've never been able to get back into it since casual adult leagues are just... different. I was a pitcher and 1st base, and even now I can catch pretty much anything thrown in my general direction purely by instinct 😂
DO YOU USE SARCASM? Nooooooo, I would never!
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Oooh this is a hard one to explain. I studied costume design in college, and one of the things they trained us on is how to look at a person's whole appearance in order to "read" them as a character. It's a habit I never really got over, so I'm always looking for people's "character cues" and they're always going to be different from one person to another.
WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR? Mostly brown, but other colors come out depending on the light
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? HAPPY ENDINGS HAPPY ENDINGS I refuse to engage with depressing or genuinely unsettling media. My life is already full of too much bullshit, I'm full up.
ANY TALENTS? I can catch very nearly anything thrown in my general direction 😜 I'm also kinda... idiot-savant-ish when it comes to learning new artistic and craft mediums? I pick up the basic concepts really quickly, and I've yet to encounter something I genuinely suck at or can't figure out. Oh yeah and I can sing!
WHERE WERE YOU BORN? In a hospital in California, which is where I grew up.
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Crafts! Painting, wire wrapping, drawing, a bit of leather working, and anything else that strikes my fancy. I also love jigsaw puzzles, smutty romance novels, very specific RPG videogames, and taking care of my plants
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? No 😭The husbear and I are both allergic to anything we'd actually want to have around.
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? High school: choir and theater. College: studio drawing classes, especially the one in my final year that was taught by a guy in my D&D group, who also happened to be a professional illustrator for MtG!
DREAM JOB? I used to dream about designing the costumes for Cirque du Soliel. That was THE dream, until I gave up theater and switched to illustration. Nowadays I just want to make a success of my little craft business, and be able to earn enough to actually need to file taxes for it 🫠 Okay, now to figure out who to tag.... @ariseis @mumms-the-word @charmedcleric @drizztdohurtin @halsins-herbal-underpants @carmsgarms @galebrainrot2024 @alexxxaloy @lemonsrosesandlavender @luinen-bluewater @autistichalsin @nerd-artist ... it's not 15, but eh. Close enough!
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Claire towers over them, that’s why I never understand why anyone makes a big deal about the two inch difference between them. If you wanna talk about short and tall, when he stands next to Claire that’s the big difference. Not him and Z. Also, people really need to stop acting like 5’8 is short.
LOL well, Claire is just super TALL for a woman, and even for a MAN!😅 At 6'4, that's super tall even for a man imo. To me, any man 5'11 or taller is considered pretty "tall" to me. 5'11 is tall for a woman to me in fact. I'm only 5'5 though, so it's not hard to "tower" over me hahaha. 😅🤣
Btw, I believe Tom is 5'7?🤔 I believe he's mentioned this several times before in interviews himself. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I've also seen him in person, so what he says seems legit.
Either way, TZ's height difference isn't that big to me when they're both in flats. It is only very noticeable when Z is in heels. 🤷🏾‍♀️
But there are PLENTY of men who date TALL models all the time and are actually SHORT men themselves. I don't have to pull out picture receipts...I'm sure you all have seen this many times before. I've even done a collage on my blog before of tall women dating short men.
Overall... It's not a big deal to me? My older sister is about an inch or so taller than her hubby.
Sometimes that happens??
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Bottom Line: You fall in love with an individual..... whether they are 6'5 or 5'2 LOL. 😅
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vino---delectable · 4 months
Get to Know Me!
This is just a fun little thing I’ve been wanting to do since the dawn of time but could never find a post to reblog that satisfied what I wanted. So I made this, feel free to reblog and use it yourself!
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❤️ how tall are you? 5'5?
🧡 what is your sexuality? ------- there's your answer
💛 what is your favorite feature on yourself? Eyes?
💚 where are you from? Earth. Of that I'm certain
🩵 do you have any pets? A dog, and chickens
💙 do you have any siblings? 3 sissies
💜 describe yourself in five words or less! Quiet, loving, energetic, fantasizer, peaceful
🩷 dream job? Writer
🖤 favorite hobbies outside of your blog? Writing, reading, drawing, watching tv, walking
🎂 when is your birthday? Do you want the black market to find me?
🌙 your zodiac (Sun, Moon, Rising) I know it, I just don't want to share (kidnapper thing)
💉do you have tattoos and/or piercings? Ear piercing
🚗 can you drive? A bicycle
✈️ favorite place you’ve traveled. Its a place in Michigan called zender's I think
🎤 have you been to a concert? I want to... But no
🎵 favorite artists. The Beatles, one direction, Queen, Taylor Swift, the killers, bob Dylan, the Monkees, green day, Fleetwood Mac, led zeppelin. Niall horan.
🎧 last song you listened too... In my head by Jason Derulo.
📺 last show you watched.. One called northern exposure
📝 last thing you wrote. A song I started to write
🔐 something no one would guess about you. I secretly have a dirty mind
🧟‍♀️ scariest thing that’s happened to you. I went to get my dog out of a truck in the dark and I seen all these eyes staring at me.
🔥 craziest thing that’s ever happened to you. I've never actually told anyone about this, except my sister... But when the Crosby part of Crosby still and nash, (can't think of his name right now, lol) died, before I found out about his death I had A dream where me and my mom were cruising down the road , across A beautiful field of sunflowers, and the song playing on the radio was Southern cross... And I tell you what, when his death was announced I was like: "hang on a sec"!! biggest coincidence ever..
🍓 favorite food? Chocolate
🍅 least favorite food. Lima beans
🍊 favorite season? Hard to say, but I guess autumn
🍋 favorite genre to read / watch / write. Its a toss between comedy drama, period drama or dystopian
🍐 if you could make one character real, who would it be. Hard question, but probably Vincent Nigel Murray
🫐 some place you’d love to visit? London baby
🍇 a word your friends would use to describe you. Goofy
🍒 what is your earliest memory. Eating my first bologna sandwich
🍌 what is one talent you wish you had. Writing, lol
💌 why did you start this blog? There was great Beatles content
✏️ when did you start writing fanfic. I barely do, but when I was 14
🖇️ what are your favorite asks to answer.. I've never had any of these, not popular enough, lol
📚 how do you come up with the fics you write. Music, darling, music
📌 what is the fic you’re know for... None
🔍 what character do you enjoy writing for the most... Sherlock holmes Vincent Nigel-Murray
🖊️ what character do you not enjoy writing for. Idk
💔 is there a fic you wish you didn’t write.. Yes
❤️‍🔥 what character do you simp for most often.. Again, Vincent Nigel Murray
🧚‍♀️ favorite characters of all time. This will take a minute... Vincent Nigel Murray, Zack Addy, Phantom of the opera, finnick odair, Peeta mellark, temperance Brennan, katniss everdeen, haymitch Abernathy, Johanna mason, lance sweets, Sherlock Holmes, john watson, Louisa Clark, will trainor, Peter Parker, doctor strange, ant man, Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth Bennett, Henry Tilney, Emma Woodhouse, Mr. Knightley, joey tribbiani, Chandler bing, Phoebe buffay.
🪐 favorite shows / series of all time. Bones, monk, psych, Downton Abbey, the mentalist, Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes 1984, f.r.i.e.n.d.s, Golden girls, Emma 2009, north & south, the x files, twin peaks.. Book/movie series: hunger games!
🌝 a show you would recommend to anyone. all of the ones mentioned above
🌚 a show you’d tell people to stay away from. Idk yet
🌹 favorite kinks to write for. Idk
🥀 kinks you would never write for. Idk
🌊 a kink you would like to write but you think you’d be judged. Again, idk
❄️ full fics, imagines or head canons, can't tell you
☂️ your favorite fanfic from another writer, I have one but it's on another website
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A couple of in depth questions!
🍄 what is something that’s happened in your life that you wish you could go back and change? My mean grandfather living with me
⭐️ what is one of your biggest accomplishments? Why is it so important to you? Being a nice person, speaks for itself.
🪻what is the toughest thing you had to go through, but can say you’ve successfully overcome? Death of my step grandfather
🌺 what is the best gift someone has ever given you and why is it so important. My mom gave me life?
🍀 what is your comfort show/series and why is it your comfort show? How has it helped you? The Monkees helped when my one grandfather died.
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ithinkabouttzu · 5 months
Hi friend!! I was wondering if I could get a BoB ship please? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Looks - I'm about 5'5" with dyed hair (currently it's a faded purple but I'm gonna do teal/blue next!) and polka dot glasses! I'm on the curvier side and trying to be confident in that (it's a struggle tho lol 🫠)
Personality - my Myers Briggs is ENFP and I've been told I'm a ray of sunshine and a human golden retriever! I love being the mom friend and taking care of all my people 🥰 I'm also quite chaotic at times, and a little bit clumsy 😂 on a deeper level I have an anxiety disorder, ADHD, and a trauma disorder from previous relationships, so while i can appear loud and happy and confident I'm often worried I'm being too much and that I'm a burden to my loved ones
Job/interests - I'm currently working part time at my local psychiatric hospital as a clinician! My goal is to get licensed and work full time with children struggling with mental health and behaviors, my favorite color is yellow, my favorite animal is sharks, and I'm addicted to iced coffee 🤣
Thank you for taking the time to read all this! Hope you have a great day 🥰✨
Thank you for your request Lovely! I’m so happy to open ships back up! 💗💗💗 (also sorry for any mistakes, I haven’t done ships in a WHILE 😅)
I ship you with…
Dick Winters!
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Song Recommendation:
- Literally a sunshine couple omg
- He first met you when you joined easy and he immediately thought you were so cute. Like his heart was completely melted at how sweet you were to him
- He honestly gets really shy at first but he also feels super comfortable around you? It sounds kinda weird but he immediately finds comfort in you. He can definitely say it was love at first sight. He’ll stick around closely with you for the rest of the time , making sure no one is bothering you but also because he’s like in love w you???
- Makes SURE to keep his feelings to himself for the longest time. He would hate to make you feel uncomfortable or sound unprofessional so he’d rather just keep his emotions to himself.
- UNTILLL, something happened and you got really hurt. He wasn’t sure what happened to you but when he heard that you had been in danger he got so scared, he really thought he lost you. He makes sure to confess to you afterwards.
- You two are definitely the parents of the friend group. Always taking care of everyone else and making sure everybody is under control, it makes him feel less lonely having someone else to be mature with 🤣
- OH and don’t let me forget ~ this man is in LOVE with your curves, like if he could spend every minute of the day kissing every inch of your body, he would. He also has to let you know how much he loves you, how beautiful you are, just the daily positive affirmations he has to give to you (he’s soo in love w you)
- He’ll spend a lot of time losing track of everything and getting lost in his daydreams about you. He really looks for you in everything. He sees the sun bright and shiny? It reminds him of you. He looks at anything purple? All he can think about it your pretty hair.
- He almost never stops thinking about you. (it’s actually become quite a problem) And when he does daydream about you, it’s so obvious. He’ll just be sitting there by himself, smiling like a huge idiot and everyone else is just like “Is he okay???” LOL
- He’d never tell you this, but he LOVES watching you take care of others, you’re just so kind and the way you nurture others really makes him want to marry you (and start a family with you) even more then he did before.
- This man enjoys it so much when you enjoy yourself, he really loves your chaotic-ness. He will just sit back and look at you like a proud father when you’re having your own fun. You just always make him smile.
- When you open up to him about your past relationship, he feels a mixture of emotions. He feels angry, because who could do that to the love of his life? You’re so sweet and kind and he KNOWS you don’t deserve anything less then perfect. He also feels sad. Sad that he wasn’t there to make you feel better and take away everything bad from you.
- It hurts him so much to know you’ve went through so many things, and you’re still kindest and prettiest soul he knows. He admires you so much for how much love you have to give to everyone.
- Whenever you’re having a moment when the anxiety just gets the best of you - he tries so hard to help you, with whatever it might be. He’s so patient with you (it comes very natural to him) He’ll do anything you want or need. A spa day by yourself or a warm bath with candles and your favorite book. He tries so hard to make you feel special and good. He will make sure to rub your back and tell you everything’s gonna be alright. Over and over again til you know it yourself.
- He also makes sure to let you know that you would never ever ever be a burden to him in a million years. He would walk around the whole earth barefoot just to see your smile or to see you happy. You’re HIS girl and when you have a problem, you can come to him no matter what it is!!
- When you get really really sad or you’ve have a long day, he likes to steal your polka dotted glasses from you and dance around in them (even though it might be a little blurry seeing him 🤣) he really will try everything to make you crack a laugh.
- He loves hearing about your work goals! He thinks it’s so neat how much you want to help children with mental health. He thinks it takes such a smart, patient, but also understanding person for the job. And you’re the perfect person for it to him. He’s so supportive for you. I could definitely see him as the hubby that packs your lunches and stuff like that LOL
- Whenever you guys go out, whether it’s to a bar to see old friends, or just out on a date, he’s got an arm wrapped around you at all times. He wants to show you off to the whole world honestly, you’re perfect and if someone can’t see that then they’re blind.
- Out in public he loves showing you off but can also get pretty protective over you. If someone is looking at his girl, he’s gonna say something to them (and that’s honestly rare because he’s a chill dude.) At the end of the day, if someone is making you uncomfortable, he’s gonna confront them. (if that’s okay with you ofc)
- Also back to the part where I said he always thinks of you, I forgot to mention how whenever he sees a Plushie Shark or any kind of stuffed animal shark, he makes SUREE to get it for you, you’ll definitely work up to a collection overtime 😭
- And whenever he comes home from work he’s always stopping at a local cafe to get you some good iced coffee, this man just really REALLY loves you!!
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Thank you for your request bestie! Hope you enjoyed 🥰💛
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lais-a-ramos · 7 months
15 questions, 15 mutuals
tagged by: @lesbianlotties :)
i'm not usually tagged in these things, so, thank you so much for tagging me 😊💖
1. Are you named after anyone?
technically, yes lol
my big sis, who is 7 years older, had a school mate at the time who had the same name and she thought it was pretty and told my mom
2. When was the last time you cried?
therapy this week (it happens a lot lol, but it's in a healing way)
3. Do you have kids? nope.
4. What sports do you play/have played?
well, in average brazilian public schools we unfortunately don't have extracurricular activities, so, i never played sports like american teens do.
i currently take muay thai lessons in a gym nearby tho
5. Do you use sarcasm?
i'm too sarcastic for my own good lol
typical quiet introverted kid who is very sarcastic and oftenly by their tongue, so, i'm more cliché than i'd like ig 😅
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
i'm a very observant person i guess, so i usually pay attention to a lot of stuff, going from whether someone is more introverted or extraverted from their clothes to their sense of humor
7. What’s your eye color?
dark brown, might look black depending on the angle and light
8. Scary movie or happy endings?
depends on the day, really.
but if i can have both, it's awsome :)
9. Any talents?
i mean, i don't know lol
i play guitar, but i'm mostly average, bc i only started studying 7 years ago, once here in brazil we don't have extracurricular activities and i didn't have music classes until i found a church nearby.
i also took singing classss once, for this program in my uni that offers classes taught by the students for other students, university workers and for the ppl in town, but unfortunately the instructor left for a study opportunity and the singing classes were discontinued.
i also like writing poems once in a while, tho it's been a while since i don't write any 😅
i hope it counts ;)
11. Where were you born?
born and raised in brazil 🇧🇷
11. What are your hobbies?
well, besides the music and muay thai that i mentioned above, i also love watching movies and tv shows, and reading books, and reading mangas and watching animes, and i'm also a hardcore soccer/football fan
12. Do you have any pets?
yes, a mutt that my big sis found on the university campus a few years ago
13. How tall are you?
i'm 1,66 m (that's around 5'5 ft, for the american mutuals)
14. Favorite subject in school?
portuguese/literature, philosophy, arts
15. Dream job?
well, before getting in the social sciences college, i used to dream of becoming a journalist and writer.
i also dreamed of getting in a music college, but, bc of the no extracurriculars thing, i never had the skills to participate in any auditions.
so, right now, i just dream of graduating -- if generalized anxiety disorder allows me -- and get an average, steady, minimum wage job w/ labor garantees like any south american young person 😅 *cries in america latina*
i don't think i can tag 15 ppl, so, i'm gonna tag @paintmylifewitheverglow , @jackietaylorsversion , @harundraws , @woodenpicador, @sexybread-png , @ggardengirl and @faunshiii
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noroi1000 · 2 years
hey there! I was wondering if I could get a jjk romantic matchup.
(I'm 20 and bisexual with a male preference)
𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒: I'm female. I'm 5'5 with brown hair that is pretty curly but I often straighten it. I have blue eyes that have a few small specks of brown/golden brown. I have really pale skin.
𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘: I'm shy around people I don't know and really hyper around people I know well. I'd say I'm a nice person. I'm really good with kids. I'm a pisces (if that says anything heh). I'm also REALLY oblivious when it comes to love.
𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒: Reading, Art, Acting, Singing, Watching movies, Writing, And watching cartoons made for kids.
𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐎𝐍: I wear skirts a lot. ✨white button up shirts✨. I have round prescription glasses that I probably need to wear more. I will wear anything pink. If I'm not going out in public I just wear an oversized shirt and some shorts.
𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀: if you want to you can do something nsfw. I often like people who are the opposite of me (stereotypical sweet girl and bad boy? Idk).
Thanks! :)
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is
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Sweet boy… Shy towards strangers. Very cheerful and smiling for friends.
He's really shy to people he has never seen. He does not interfere in their affairs, but his psyche is rooted in the principles of courtesy, so even though strangers are just "strangers", there is a part of it that pays attention to them so that nothing happens.
He experienced a lot in his life because of other people, therefore his trust in others decreased more and more. He has known everything that could be the worst and was fed up.
No friends, no loved one with him.
Shyness along with fear. He's just sometimes able to scare a man who is very open.
It changed a bit when he found friends for himself. Or rather, they found him. He gained in his heart and began to smile more than ever.
Now he is a really nice and loved boy who cares about everyone who is close to him without looking at his safety.
Spending time with someone, anything he can do with a friend. He just loves it the most.
He has gained a lot more energy thanks to loved ones, and he behaves completely different than before.
Even though he sometimes has this serious, sad and even terrible personality. It's not like that for friends. But who knows what it could be for the enemy…
From the beginning, he wanted every person he is close to have a good time and be happy. He would never want anyone to experience what he does. No trauma, no misfortune. Only love and joy. Especially children and younger than him. He's as nice as he can be. Regardless of the situation, he wants to show good emotions. Is smiling.
Even though he has not known true love in Life, he knows what it should be like. Happiness and warm feelings. No harm or sorrow. It is only important for him that someone will love him as much as he can.
• You can like to read and he likes to hear you read for him. Even if you don't want to, a warm and reassuring silence is enough for him. It's something nice for him.
Mainly when he can rest her head on your thighs while you are reading while sitting.
It is possible that he will tease you a bit, reaching out to your body for tickles. He will also just touch your thighs and slide his hand under his shirt to touch your belly skin. While you can politely read a book or write, or even watch a movie, his hands won't come loose from your body. He needs a touch, no matter in what form or where.
• He especially hopes you won't push his hand away and allow him a lot of tenderness.
• Watching movies and cuddling! No matter in what position.
Even watching something you watched as a child. Coming back to childhood is even nice.
• Put on his clothes! He loves it.
• You have a similar style of dress, so he will certainly want to dress in the right clothes. It doesn't matter if the sweatshirts are Matching or just the clothes that fit somehow.
It is important that his body and his smile will say: "She is my girlfriend and I love her!"
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i've never seen this assign merc thing before! looks fun
Anyway, I'm an artist/editor. im omni with a preference of masc, i can spell for shit [undiagnosed dyslexia], i also cant think ahead at all. and i think random crits are, in fact, balanced.
one time i was i the forest on a walk with my s/o and it was humid so there was creepy-crawlies everywhere. 5 or so minutes in, a toad jumped out on the path in front of me. natural curiosity got to me so i decided to grab a stick an poke it because what the worst that could happen right. as soon as i had made contact, it jumped at me.i screamed so loud i thought i popped my eardrums. my s/o was quite concerned
sorry for long description/story!
Yah it's not like. an organized thing I started at all it's from when people would tell me what merc they look like, which then turned into "I don't look/act like any of the mercs, I'm xyz" to which I would assign them a merc based on their behavior to be contrarian, then people started sending these in with the intention of being assigned a merc, and now I'm like one of those fanfic blogs taking ship requests with people going hi I'm a 5'5" girl I have long brown hair in a messy bun I have bright blue orbs etc etc (although physical appearance, height, gender, pronouns, sexuality, etc. do not matter and will not influence your results)
Anyway Scout
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soulinesims · 2 years
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Primrose Perez for @galaxsims Love Island
Name: Primrose Perez Age: 24 Sexuality: Straight Traits: Outgoing, Self-Absorbed, and Jealous Occupation: Instagram Influencer Hometown: Del Sol Valley
read below for her background and the rest of the application info !!! :)
Background: Primrose's story all starts with her parents. Specifically her parents long, convoluted, toxic on and off relationship. Bear with me. Primrose's parents were high school sweethearts who broke up before college. After college they reunited and began their 7 year on and off relationship journey which produced 4 children. Primrose was only 3 years old when her parents finally called it quits.
As the third child out of four, Primrose felt like the typical middle child. She always felt like she had to fight for attention, specifically for her mom's attention. You see, after Primrose's parents divorce her mom took her and her siblings to live in Newcrest while their dad stayed in Del Sol Valley. Primrose's mother worked day and night focusing on her career as a fashion designer. Primrose became quite destructive as a child in order to capture her mother's attention. She craved it. Even though it was the negative type of attention.
Primrose's need for attention worsened as her and her siblings grew up, all because of her older sister Penelope. Perfect fucking Penelope, everyone calls her. Penelope began a career in modeling at 16, and well now she is the most successful and paid runway model. Capturing the attention of well everyone, including Primrose and Penelope's mother.
Primrose tried to follow in her sister's footsteps as a runway model but considering Primrose is 5'5''...that was never going to happen. So Instagram modeling was the perfect fit for Primrose. Instagram modeling also brought Primrose the attention she always wanted. Even though she is constantly referred as Penelope Perez's little sister.
Why Are You Applying For Love Island?: "One, to make a name for myself. I'm sick and tired of everyone calling me Penelope Perez's little sister. I'm way more than that" (Primrose's main criticism from people is that she got her Instagram following because of her connection to Penelope)
"Two, to find a man who can give me their undivided attention and love. I want a guy to treat me like I am the ONLY girl in the world" (Primrose felt extremely invisible as a child, and even though she will never admit it, she still does because of her sister's success)
"And three, to show to everyone that I am just as worthy and unique as my sister." (The media, and people on social media constantly compare Primrose to her sister. The media raves about how demure and classy Penelope is, pointing how tacky and wild Primrose can be)
Ideal Type: "- Tall - A sense of humor - Someone who can give me their undivided attention whenever I need them to - Someone who goes above and beyond to show their love"
What Do You Hope To Get Out Of This Experience?: "For everyone to see me as ME. Primrose Perez, not Penelope's little sister. I also hope to get my forever man who will give me all of the attention and love I deserve. "
Extra Info :) - Primrose has a very outgoing personality - She loves to dance and loves a good party. The tabloids have gotten some quite unflattering photos of how wild she can get at parties - It's quite surprising to many, but Primrose does have some quick wit to her - She LOVES showing skin. I mean she worked hard for her body, and bought some of it - She can get very flirty once she finds a guy attractive, and is not shy to go for what she wants - Not surprisingly, she gets quite snippy when someone mentions her sister - She has dated a couple of popular rappers who she had to dump because she figured out they just wanted to get close to her sister - She is half cuban, and half mexican
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Hi! I don't know if you still take ship request but if so I would very much like one if not then please ignore my ask.
My pronounce is she/her and I'm interested in a stranger things ship. Also I'm 23 so someone above 18 would be good and male please.
(short) physical description:
I'm 5'5 and have middle length dark brown hair and brown greenish eyes. Generally I would say I have a normal body type.
I love wearing jewellery with everything but don't really have a style that can be defined. I just wear whatever I want sometimes it's fancy other times it's a bit more rocky or edgy. Basically whatever I feel like.
I'm a bit shy at first and don't really start a conversation duo to anxiety but if some one talks to me or asks me anything I'm more than happy to answer that. But I'm really trying to get better with it and once I hung out with someone more often I really change. With people I know and feel comfortable around I'm completely different. I'm very funny and like making others laugh. I'm also not afraid to do stupid stuff.
I'm open to talk about anything without actually telling much about me as I'm more interested in the life of others. Generally I put others and their needs before me and always try to help others. I would say I'm a good listener and can be very serious if it is needed.
Normally I'm a friendly person maybe a bit sarcastic to friends but never really rude. But I can be a bit hot tempered and become quite protective and maybe a bit mean if someone really pisses me of.
I'm a rather anxious person but mostly hide it with humour especially social situations can get the best of me. If things don't really work out I can get pretty frustrated (maybe cry for 5 minutes) but I try my best to always find a other way or make the best out of it.
But I'm also a very enthusiastic person and easily get into new things so my hobbies change frequently and I feel like I know a bit about everything.
-definitely reading (fantasy and horror are my faves and I don't really like romance books)
-astronomy (I just love everything related to space and read a lot about it)
-sports (I'm a huge sports fan and watch football, american football, motorsport and recently got into ice hockey as I worked at my local rink. But I also love doing sports and nerver back down from a competition)
-music (this is very basic but I always have some music on in the background and I love dancing to it)
-games (I love playing board games with friends or video games by myself but I have to admit I'm not the best loser)
animals, food, plants, driving around, presents, family, dressing up, mountains, good sense of humor, competitions, snow, friends
people making others feel bad because of something, having to ask people for help, phone calls, coffee, spiders (I could cry seeing them), loud chewing
other stuff:
I don't know if this helps you but I will include it.
- I'm an ISTP personality type
- I'm a virgo sun, libra moon and leo rising (but I totally had to google that as I don't know to much about it)
- I really wanted to study psychology but I didn't have the grades so now I'm a law student 😅
Thank you so much already and take all the time you need! 🤍
Of Course! Here you go! :)
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson & Jonathan Byers
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I am tore between the two for you. I feel like Eddie would be attracted to you in a way were it is like opposites attract. Jonathan seems to be bit more of a better fit, but I could still see Eddie. Your sun is a virgo so I feel thats very fitting for Jonathan. I could see you you running into Jonathan at a library. You accidentally bump into each other when Jonathan was trying to find a book for school and you happen to also be looking for a book for school. But what neither of you knew was that you were in the same class. So you were looking for the same book. You guys ended up becoming partners in a project that had to deal with the book and ever since then, you guys started talking a bit more and you got to find out who the real Jonathan Byers was.
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wolfsama8 · 1 year
The mechanic
Chapter 5 the underdog first fight
Older Izuku pov
*Ah the first fight i remember it well i walked up to be next to the rat he was so close to me i could kill him before yujiro could kill me but i hold off as nezu starts telling people my old stats*
Nezu:Izuku midoriya the traitor of U.A. sentence to life in prison for his actions against U.A.
*I yelled at him my faces inches from his i could feel the metal of a barrel at the back of my head as i took a step back so did the guards nezu continued like nothing happened*
Nezu:with a height of 5'5
Izuku"wrong it's 5'8 now"
Nezu:with a weight of 115 pounds
Izuku"add another 85 pounds do that rat"
Nezu:his ability...none he is completely quirkless like i said this match is gonna be one sided and i have to say i will enjoy ever minute of it
*Nezu walked off and the guards escorted us to the arena I glanced one more time to momo and I saw her looking at me her eyes she looked hurt and conflicted i simply sneered at her and scoffed before following the guard*
Meanwhile with mama inko few minutes before
3rd person
*We see her with Mitsuki and Masaru inko was having tea with Masaru whole Mitsuki was just scrolling through channels*
Masaru:so inko how are things with you're son
Inko:i wished I knew he hasn't come to visit in over 2 years now and whenever i try to call or visit I'm rejected i don't know what i could have done to upset my son so much..
Masaru:he is 16 he's probably just going through a phase
Inko:not my Izuku something is wrong but no one will tell me anything you're a lawyer can't you do anything to help me?
Masaru:without prove that something is wrong I'm sorry n..
Mitsuki:HOLY SHIT!!!!
*Both of them ran to Mitsuki to see why she was screaming what they saw shocked them*
TV Nezu:Izuku midoriya the traitor of U.A. sentence to life in prison for his actions against U.A.
*The 3 adults where shocked thinking this has to be some kind of sick joke*
Mitsuki:that's bullshit my nephew would never do that!!
Inko:i..izuku..h..he was in jail..
*Inko was having a panic attack thinking such negative things about herself Mimbling how she must have been a horrible mother until Mitsuki slapped her had to bring her back to reality*
Mitsuki:don't you ever say that! You we're the best mother Anyone could ask for you heard him he was framed he knows it, I know it Masaru knows it and you sure as hell knows it!!
Inko:y..yes yes..y..you're right it's just..
*Inko starts to cry Mitsuki hugs her and glares at her husband*
Mitsuki:why are you just standing there Mr lawyer go to the computer and book us tickets we are going to see him and you are gonna free him!!
Masaru:y..yes right of course!!
*Masaru left running for his home office as inko and Mitsuki sat down with nothing left to do but keep watching*
Back with izuku
3rd person
*We see him in his cel 5 minutes to the fight as stain was helping him cover his arms with bandages to hide his now burned arms*
Stain:remember don't get hit
Izuku:i know
Stain:he's heavier so use you're speed to you're advantage
Izuku:i know
Stain:this isn't the outside world this is a fight to the death you fight dirty worry about honor later focus on staying alive now you understand me?
*Izuku just nods as they finish the guards come and take izuku to the arena they let izuku walked alone once they made it to the hall and izuku did he walked he could hear the audience cheers becoming louder with each step until he was blinded for a second by the bright lights and everyone saw him*
Announcer: ladies and gentlemen izukuuuuuuuuu midoriyaaaaaaaaa!!!
*Some cheered some booed izuku ignored that and concentrated on his opponent ikko Kobayashi who was just drinking alcohol not taking this seriously as izuku walked to the ring and stopped in front of ikko*
Referee:alright are the combatants ready?
*Not just nods not taking there eyes off each other*
Referee:and start!!
*The referee jumped out of the way ikko let the bottle drop breaking it izuku glanced at the ground and ikko threw the first punch*
*Izuku dodged it grunting his legs starting to feel pain already izuku as always ignored it and continued to dodge punch after punch*
Announcer:the fight just started and ikko already has midoriya on the ropes!
*Izuku jumped out the way as ikko slammed his feet on the broken bottle breaking it more and kicking the glass at izuku*
Izuku"a distraction..
*Izuku covered his face with one arm but one shard escaped him and cut his cheek*
Izuku"his true intent.."
*Izuku dodged as ikko slammed his fist creating a small crater at the ground*
Ikko:this is pathetic are you just gonna keep dodge...
*Ikko stopped talking as izuku punched him square in the face so hard izuku broke ikko's nose and made his face flat making ikko stumble back*
*Ikko touched his face and looked at his now bloody hand his hand starts to tremble*
Ikko:blood..this..this is my blood..
Izuku:you still think I'm..
Izuku:what the...
*Ikko disappeared and reapered next to izuku, izuku eyes widen as he blocked in time but screamed as he felt his bone get a fracture*
Announcer:oh it's all over folks izuku unintentionally activated ikko's quirk now nothing can stop him!!
*Izuku got some distance holding his arm in pain looking at ikko laughing like a maniac*
Izuku:this is gonna be harder then I thought..
To be continued
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otherworldsjt · 1 year
Death's Fury Chapter I: Intuitions
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      I mentally signed out of my c-chip. The newest model of the small circular device my family's company, Cerebral Tech, created decades ago is worn just behind the ear. They're like the old cell phones people used long ago, except they have way more capabilities and are controlled mentally. Honestly, the design's a little tacky if you ask me, but I can't imagine living without one.
      The rattling of the train caused me to refocus, reeling me back into reality. It dawned on me that I'd been so engrossed in my thoughts that I wasn't even aware of my name being called.
      "...Lisa? Lisaaa," Trik floated towards me from his room of the train's suite we rented while waving his arm impatiently. He's a sarcastic, self-assured, pompous yet mildly emotional, theatric little ass – I mean prick – who, for some reason, refers to anyone other than me by their last name.
      Physically, he's a sophisticated AI system in a four-foot-tall, floating, expensive, robotic body capable of detecting the immense energy signals of the Primordials from great distances. But let's just shorten it to SAS or, to be ethnically correct, "technological being." That's what he prefers anyway.
      I told him he reminds me of a female robot I saw on an old streaming device. She was from some ancient children's movie where the robot descended on earth and fell in love with some trash disposal robot: except Trik has arms, a black screen for a face, a silver body, and blue LED lights for eyes, eyebrows, and a mouth. He wasn't too fond of the comparison since he's already sensitive about his slender build, so he usually stays in his camouflage form where he looks more like a 5'5" 17-year-old.
      Today, he wore a red shirt, black shorts, and blue socks (he doesn't like shoes). As always, he was perfectly tanned and had perfect brown hair. I never get jealous, though, since I know it's all artificial.
      "Sorry, Trik, what were you saying?"
      "Jeez, I've been calling your name for five minutes. What were you doing anyway," he asked with a hint of exasperation. "Don't tell me you were fantasizing, again."
      "I wasn't," I replied sharply. "Not that I would tell you if I were."
      A few months ago, I started receiving these painful headaches that would completely debilitate me. They're usually associated with images followed by a muffled voice. Though they're no longer as straining, whether I'm awake or asleep, my mind constantly slips to visions of some barren wasteland where I come across a faceless lost boy. I try approaching him, but the dream then shifts to me plummeting through the sky. Each time this happens, I'm falling while desperately clinging to a disfigured and bloodied figure as we approach terminal velocity. It should've been an awful and terrifying experience, but it felt like I was more concerned for whoever the figure was than us crashing into the ground.
      Of course, Trik caught a glimpse of that part a couple of weeks ago and assumed it was some weird fantasy. How did he manage to glimpse part of my dreams? I'd forgotten my c-chip was set to display (stupid me), so anything I was visualizing in my head was being shown on a holo-screen emitted from a unique bracelet that comes with every c-chip.
      I tried explaining it to him before, but I couldn't even explain it to myself, so it's no surprise he didn't buy it.
      "Just recording my first memory log. I told you I'm trying to help the next Watcher as much as possible, so I'm going to log all of the events and experiences I go through so they can learn from my past."
      "You were serious about that?" he asked.
      "Yes. Simply training us until we're 19 and sending us out with a starter pack doesn't help a Watcher get through the civilizations or wilderness encountered during the mission. There's nothing to go from. No past lessons learned, no information about skills or tricks discovered that could help, nothing! The family leaders just sit there on their thrones and bark orders to the rest of us, Mom and Dad included. Just think of all the Watchers who have probably repeated the same mistakes as the last and never knew because they want to 'keep us on our toes,' or what was it Dad said? Oh yeah, 'be creative,'" I said, using my fingers as quotations."
      He wants us to 'show him our adaptability,'" I ranted."
      Neither of them has ever actually worn the mantle of Watcher, so they have no idea what it's like. They just happen to be the current family leaders of our century. The same goes for the leaders of the previous two Watchers, who probably failed to find Death because of that," I finished, then sulkily added, "And I don't wanna be like them...This is the Hearts' century, my century. I wanna complete the mission of gathering them all after figuring out whatever's going on with the world. I want to prove myself and show what separates us from the Sadios and Russos. We're supposed to be the head family, right? So, I can't disgrace our name."
      "Yea, there's definitely a lot of pressure on your family this century," Trik replied while stroking the hairs he made grow on his chin.
      I remained silent and stared out the train window as the scenery flashed by.
      Approaching me, Trik continued more seriously, "Listen. You shouldn't be worrying about failing, Lisa; your journey's only just beginning. Besides, in the last year, you've accomplished something no other Watcher has; you figured out there were two other Primordials all along!"
      "Pretty sure they wanted me to make that discovery," I remarked.
      "I find it hard to believe we were lucky enough to find two new traces of spirit residue that no other Watcher came across. And considering those same traces were near the site of the previous Death Primordial's...death, I have this gut feeling that something big is going on." I stopped for a few seconds to contemplate what it could be.
      For now, my theory was that these newly rediscovered Primordials got the jump on Death, but that's hard to believe since Death is one of the three most powerful Primordials, if not the most powerful Primordial. So realistically, I came up with nada, then gave up.
      "Anyways, all the more reason why we need to find the last two Primordials. Hopefully, that lead we got back in Charlotte isn't a dead end," I said.
      Trik made an expression as if he suddenly remembered something.
      "Oh right, I almost forgot! I was saying earlier – while rudely being ignored – that I've started detecting the signal of the Death Primordial's spirit energy. It's approximately 53.7 miles west of our current destination."
      Having not fully registered what I'd just heard, I remained dumbstruck, staring at Trik before eventually responding.
      "Oh, my God! Trik, do you know what this means?!"
      While still stroking his chin with what appeared to be a proud expression, he began, "It means that I've finally–"
      "It means we've finally found a lead that wasn't a dead-end! It means after 200 years, I'll be the first Watcher to find Death," I stated, grabbing hold of him excitedly.
      "Seriously," Trik said vexingly.
      Pushing away from me, he continued, "You do realize it's because of me that you're going to be the first Watcher to find Death in two centuries. But of course, you wouldn't think to acknowledge my contribution. As usual, you'd rather spend more time complaining about your family than noticing how invaluable of a member I've been in the last year of us running across the country. I get this is your mission, and as you gather everyone, it'll be your team, but how do you plan to lead the team if you're being so self-centered?"
      It dawned on me that he was in one of his moods. Being one of a thousand robots with artificial emotions, he likes to feel needed and irreplaceable, so he always tries hard to prove himself. And being that this is the first Primordial he's successfully found in the last year –something he was made to do – of course, he'd feel a sense of accomplishment. Accomplishment I just disregarded. I felt like an idiot.
      "I'm so sorry, Trik. Of course, you're invaluable; you've been with me since I was a kid. There's no way I can do this without you, and I mean that literally. Without you and your sarcasm and charisma...and excessive talking, I'd probably go insane traveling around all alone. You're my best friend, my brother; I'll always need you. And as you know, my mission is pretty much shot without you."
      I pulled him back in for a hug.
      "I'm sorry for being so inconsiderate all this time," I said apologetically. I rubbed the top of Trik's head, and when I looked down at him, I could've sworn I saw him blushing. I get he's camouflaged, but can robots blush?
      Pushing me away, he cleared his throat (which is weird because he technically doesn't have one).
      "Ahem. Well, moving on, according to the Quantum Train's schedule, our stop's at 3;therefore, we should be arriving in Atlanta in an hour. So go clean yourself up; first impressions are everything."
      Trik left to clean the suite.
      "Hey! I'm not that dirty," I protested.
      "Yes, you are," he responded from his bedroom.
      Feeling a little self-conscious now, I went into the bathroom and realized he was right to suggest a clean-up.
      My white jeans weren't so white anymore, my blue shirt had tiny holes and rips in it along with dirt stains that probably came from my altercation with the jerks who couldn't take a hint back in Charlotte, my shoes were scuffed and dirty, my face no longer had its olive glow, and my hair – oh god, my hair – was dingy and matted. It wasn't nearly representing its natural cocoa and black luster.
      I needed a shower desperately. I didn't have much to work with, but I managed to clean my face with some wipes somewhat, brush my hair, switch to a clean shirt, put on a pair of shorts, and throw on a thin black jacket.
      Not my best choice of clothing, but I'll have to go with it, for now, considering in the next moment, I was thrown off balance when the train screeched to a stop. Looking out the window adjacent to the sink, I could see we'd arrived at an Atlanta train station.
      I opened the restroom door.
      "Trik, I thought you said we had an hour!"
      "I said we had an hour 30 minutes ago," he retorted, approaching the restroom. "But it seems we've arrived ahead of schedule."
      "Great," I muttered.
      I threw all my belongings back into my spatial bag and walked out of the restroom. Standing there, I closed my eyes, inhaled, then exhaled deeply, trying to prepare myself mentally. After all, this is my first encounter with a god. After about ten seconds, I felt as ready as I was going to get.
      "Alright, let's go."
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aurumacadicus · 3 years
For the fic title men, probably a low-hanging fruit, but: Sam/Steve, “On Your Left”
I'm 5'5" so I love low-hanging fruit lmao
On Your Left
"Thanks for hanging out with me while the rest of the team's gone," Sam said, trying not to sound too sad.
"I think it's less hanging out and more commiserating at this point," Tony replied, struggling with his crutches. "I mean, you and I both know that if one of us wasn't injured, we'd be right out there with them."
Sam knew it was true, so he didn't bother telling Tony he was right. Tony probably already knew it. "Do you need help?"
"I've got it," Tony grumbled, and then promptly dropped one of the crutches. He stared at it, sucking in a slow deep breath through his nose and letting it back out through his gritted teeth.
Sam stared at him, then asked, "Do you want another slice of cake?"
"Yes, but I shouldn't," Tony huffed. "I've had two. I'm not going to be doing much exercising with my leg in this cast. I don't want to get fat."
"I think it's very nice of you to pretend you'll actually stay on bedrest like the doctors told you to," Sam told him, getting up to grab the fallen crutch for him. His side throbbed as he bent over, and he stood back up slowly, sucking in deep breaths to combat the urge to vomit.
They both stared down at the crutch for several minutes, because it seemed so far away, for all that it was technically within reach, if either of them could just power through the pain. Neither of them were really inclined to. They'd been injured in the same battle the day before, they were still sore and exhausted, and they didn't know when the team would be coming back, because now there was cleanup and press junkets and glad-handing politicians. Steve, especially, would be kept longer, as the leader of the team.
It was always lonely being the injured team member left at the tower. Luckily, they'd been able to spend most of it together, posting multiple pictures to twitter of them doing injured shenanigans that eventually made Natasha tweet 'If I tell you where I hide my emergency cake, will you please stop slapping each other on your stitches.' Still, now that they were full of cake and exhaustion was finally creeping in, the fact that they would be going to bed alone was sinking in as well, somehow adding another layer of tiredness on top.
Finally, Tony sighed and muttered, "I'll just sleep on the couch."
Sam almost asked him what he'd do if he needed to get up to use the bathroom or get more water, but decided if Tony was too tired to worry about it, he was too. "Goodnight," he said, reaching out to give his shoulder a squeeze, before he turned and went to his bedroom.
The bed was so big without Steve in it. Sam had always complained about never having enough room, because Steve always muscled his way on top of him, even when they started on opposite ends of the bed. Sam pressed his hand to the gash on his side, fingertips trailing gently over each stitch like he knew Steve would have if he was there. He'd probably apologize, even though it wasn't his fault. Something about being the leader of the team and responsibility or something. Probably apologize for Tony getting hurt too. He always felt bad when multiple team members were injured, agonized over what he could have done differently to keep the injuries from happening. Sam always told him it was never his fault.
It was cold. Colder than he usually was. Steve was a furnace, so much so that they rarely even used the covers. Sam wondered if he should ask JARVIS to turn the heat up, too exhausted to get back up and find some extra blankets.
Then he felt the blankets shifting beside him, weight being put on the mattress. He had one moment where he blurrily thought, 'Tony's made it to the bed to cuddle.'
Then he heard a quiet voice whispering, "On your left."
Sam smiled, realized what it was that Steve had actually said, and scowled. "'m gonna kick your ass," he slurred, rolling over to face him. "'d you get Tony's crutch off the floor?" He paused, then added, "Take 'im back to his room I'll wait."
"Buck came and got him," Steve assured him as he curled around Sam carefully. His fingertips began tracing over the stitches on his side.
"I fuckin' knew it," Sam slurred.
Steve smiled at him. "Knew what?"
"That you were gonna come in an' be a sappy li'l shit. When this medicine wears off, yer in trouble."
"Oh no," Steve said gamely. "Guess I won't make you breakfast in bed tomorrow."
"Shut yer hell," Sam said, rolling closer to him. "On yer right."
Steve fiddled with Sam's right hand in response. "Don't worry," he said, thumb running over Sam's knuckles gently. "It'll be on your left soon enough."
"...What," Sam asked blearily, because that made no sense.
"Go to sleep," Steve whispered, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
And well. Steve was finally here. And he was warm. And he must have been in an okay mood to come in with a joke. So. It would probably be alright if he slept.
"Make pancakes," Sam huffed before he tucked his face against Steve's throat.
"Of course," Steve replied, smiling, and kissed the top of his head.
Steve offered him a cheeky smile. "Are you that upset by it?"
"I'm gonna kick your ass," Sam told him seriously, but then Steve was putting down a tray of a frankly ridiculous amount of food. "...After breakfast," he grumbled, and did not think about how Steve's proposal was kinda cute.
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commajade · 3 years
I wont pretend to understand how you feel but your recent post nailed so many things on the head
When i was a kid and we were visiting our family in iran, i asked my mom why my grandmother was so small. And she told me, its because during ww1 england and the allies stole all the food in iran for the war effort, so everyone growing up at that time was starving. She told me to look around, and that indeed everyone in her generation was small, because they didnt have enough food to grow correctly. An entire generation, of a culture thats one of the oldest on earth, just stopped growing because of european imperialism. And thats just one example, because most of this was taboo. We dont talk about the family members who died violently, we dont talk about how the west precipitated all the instability and violence that decimated our family, because the fear of consequences for speaking out is so damn high. I didnt even know how many uncles and cousins i had until my father died, when i learned that they all died years ago, i didnt know that my cousins werent blood and that their real parents died in a political camp and were rescued by my uncle who was fleeing through the mountains. A whole generation of silence and its not like i didnt bear that silence, that loss, before even knowing what it was made of
And that also ties into what you were saying, about more privileged people in exile trying so hard to forget, to obfuscate their horrible reality, to bully their way into a white privilege that they will never be able to reach anyway, no matter how they play at politics, no matter if they get white wives and get blond haired blue eyes babies
Its just so much and i feel like our generation is left to deal with the dissonance and the sheer weight of a past that we didnt experience directly but only through silence and the traces of trauma in our parents
i'm glad it resonated with u anon! it's the same deal in korea the average height of south korean ppl shot up as soon as the rok became a first world country (1993 i believe) so my mom was the tallest girl in her class at 5'5 and now i'm a fairly average height at 5'7. the national security act in skorea that was the justification for slaughtering anyone who had any sympathies with the people's committees and workers movements of the north is still active today. the propaganda is so thorough that the normal idea of history average south korean ppl have is so far from the truth. like people outside of gwangju didn't realize the gwangju uprising and massacre of 1980 even happened until regime change and a tv broadcast about it in the mid 1990s it was a huge shock for the whole country. that gap in stories and narrative for a whole generation is so huge it's the source and manifestation of trauma it's how the people are not allowed to make sense of themselves and their place in the world with each other it's a major block to healing for anyone involved.
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