#that might suit itself to an a/b/o fic
likeshipsonthesea · 2 years
hiiii! i just reread your soft alpha buck fic and i was wondering if you’d ever write more in that universe (or just in abo!) there’s a severe lack of omega eddie in this fandom
oh, i'm glad you enjoyed it (presumably lol). i really liked writing it and the concept of an alpha in rut being Obsessed w making their omega Feel Good felt very ~fun and funky fresh (thank you again to @mothy-moo, u have the best ideas <33)
i haven't written anything else in that universe, or really planned to. i don't think i'll ever write more of that specific fic, i think i left it where i wanted to. if i ever did continue that fic, i might do something w eddie's heat? or maybe eddie fucking buck, as was implied in that fic? but i have no ideas/plans for that at the moment.
that being said, i am also excited by the idea of omega eddie and wish there was more to read out there. enough to write it myself? perhaps. we shall see~
i enjoy a/b/o and the various worldbuilding aspects, but i'm feeling very limited with the worbs at the moment so if i do write, i don't think it's going to be a/b/o. of course, if i get excited about an idea (story-wise, smit-wise, emotions-wise~) then who knows what'll happen. and yes, this is an invitation to excite me about it :))
thanks for the ask! i do love when people message me about my fics :)))
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enbyleighlines · 1 month
I have decided to revisit my idea for an omegaverse Tellius AU…
My thoughts will be listed under the cut. Beware that it will get spicy. I am still undecided whether I want to flesh this out into an actual fic, but it has currently made a home in my brain, so feel free to let me know your ideas.
How a/b/o dynamics work:
Alpha men and beta men are indistinguishable from birth and through childhood. Some men will simply “present” as an alpha at some point in their late teens or early adulthood by going into a rut.
Same goes for omega women and beta women, who will “present” by going into heat.
Omega men and alpha women are rare, and have a mix of male and female sex characteristics. Omega men possess a penis, a vagina, and a uterus, and develop a more masculine figure during puberty. Alpha women possess a penis, testes, and a vagina, and develop a more feminine figure during puberty.
Rut is a state of hyper-aggression, where alphas will be consumed by the desire to scare off any perceived competitors of their chosen love interest, claim an omega with a bonding bite, and stockpile as much food and water as they can. It happens once a year, in the spring, and lasts about a week. However, a shorter rut can be triggered by an omega in heat.
Heat is a period in which an omega is fertile, and is consumed by the desire to reproduce. Before heat comes pre-heat. Pre-heat is also known as the nesting stage, wherein an omega will find and decorate a safe space for them to hide away during their heat. This lasts a day. The heat itself lasts 2-3 days. Omegas in heat lose all interest in anything but sex, which is why alphas are driven to stockpile food and water, so that they can force their omega to hydrate and feed themselves. Heats happen once a season (every 3 months), and their first one is generally triggered by proximity to a compatible alpha.
Certain dynamics show up more often in certain laguz tribes. Most herons are omegas and betas, with few alphas, whereas hawks and crows are dominated by alphas.
In beorc, omegas are the most likely to give birth to alphas and omegas, though they also give birth to betas. Betas generally only give birth to other betas, but occasionally they also give birth to omegas and, more rarely, alphas.
Alpha/omega and beta/beta are the most common relationships. Alpha/beta and beta/omega couplings rarely result in children, so they are considered ill-suited for one another.
In beorc society, only alphas are considered suitable leaders. The one exception is the Apostle, a position only ever taken by omega females. And even then, they have to share power with the alpha senators.
About the story/plot/characters:
There’s no Lehran’s Medallion, Ashera and Yune are worshipped as the twin goddesses of the dawn and dusk.
Misaha is never assassinated.
Sephiran is the reincarnation of Lehran, Misaha’s Branded nephew, and a close adviser to the Apostle.
Soren and Pelleas are the twin heirs of Ashnard and Almedha. Soren is an omega and Pelleas a beta.
Despite being the elder sibling, Soren looks like Pelleas’s younger brother.
Ashnard believes in alpha supremacy and doesn’t want a beta inheriting the Daein throne, so he is hoping that Pelleas is just late to present as an alpha.
Ashnard and Almedha had a passionate love affair at first, but then Ashnard lost all interest in Almedha when she presented as an omega. However, he continues to keep her around hoping that she might produce an alpha heir for him. However, it’s exceedingly rare for dragon laguz to get pregnant, and thus far, it looks like Soren and Pelleas will never have any more siblings.
If Pelleas doesn’t present as an alpha, Ashnard’s Plan B is to find Soren a strong alpha bride to knock him up and hopefully provide the alpha heir he desires.
For now, though, Soren is mostly ignored by his father and left to his own devices.
Soren is still Branded, but Pelleas is not. In this AU, the Branded can transform into an altered state (which for Soren looks like some sort of weredragon creature), but it is far more difficult to control those transformations. For this reason, Soren spent his childhood kept out of the public eye.
Soren was sickly as a child, and Almedha entrusted the help of Elena, who is a heron Branded, to be Soren’s personal nurse. This meant that Soren was sent to live with Elena and Gawain whenever he fell ill. His most treasured memories are the times he spent with Ike and Mist.
Once grown up, Soren starts trying to undermine his father by aiding a secret rebellion faction within the Daein army, led by none other than Gawain. Their current objective is to investigate the recent influx of feral laguz within Daein’s borders. Other members of this underground group include Ike, Mist, Titania, Oscar, Boyd, Rolf, Mia, Ilyana, Zelgius, Zihark, Rhys, Sothe, Ranulf, Lethe, Mordecai, and, eventually, Jill.
They take part in laguz hunts, aiding the escape of ordinary laguz and capturing the feral ones for observation.
Crimean princess Elincia and Begnion Apostle Micaiah are both omega, and invited to Daein to attend some political function, because Ashnard hopes that one of them will trigger Pelleas’s rut. Neither does, but Micaiah becomes an ally to Soren’s cause, putting him in touch with the Serenes royal family, whose healing galdrar might restore feral laguz to their normal state.
The focus would be on Ike/Soren. Ike thought himself to be a beta, but after a harrowing battle wherein Soren is forced to shapeshift to save both of their lives, Ike finds himself hiding in close quarters with Soren, whose scent suppressants have worn off, and it triggers his first rut.
Ranulf (a beta) starts as Soren’s love rival (Soren thinks Ike and Ranulf are secretly dating) and eventually they all become poly, with Soren and Ranulf becoming close platonic partners and Ike as their very confused but grateful boyfriend.
Sothe presents as an alpha upon meeting Micaiah. Pelleas also wants to win Micaiah’s heart. Their rivalry over her eventually spirals into a love/hate relationship with a bunch of unresolved sexual tension. Micaiah marries them both.
Boyd (an alpha) and Mist (an omega) are an established couple.
Jill (an alpha) begins as a possible bride for Soren, but neither of them are interested in the other (because they’re both gay). However, Jill eventually joins Soren as an ally, and meets Lethe (an alpha) and the two develop an unconventional alpha/alpha enemies to lovers relationship.
Geoffrey (a beta) is Elincia’s secret lover. Because he’s not an alpha, he isn’t considered a suitable option for her, but Elincia doesn’t care.
Zelgius (an alpha) meets Micaiah’s uncle Sephiran, an older omega, and becomes determined to woo him, to Sephiran’s great amusement. Gawain awkwardly attempts to wingman.
Omega siblings Reyson and Leanne both have their respective alpha husbands (Tibarn and Naesala) there to support them.
Aaaand that’s everything I have for now. Please do let me know if this is something you would like to read.
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ryndicate · 2 years
꘏ General ꘏
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This blog (mainly) creates and also interacts with dark content. I place warnings for all my content, so proceed at your own risk.
we are very very multifandom here. i hyperfixate a lot, and my adhd is sitting proudly at the wheel. whatever character my brain chooses for the day is usually how it goes. characters I write for are linked in my masterlist even if I haven't put anything out for them yet. I add as I go
I’ll be real and say that I frequently dip away from tumblr for a couple days rather often; I have a low social battery that drains even when I’m shitposting to no one in particular. But I love to chat so don’t hesitate to send an ask, I’ll get back to them next time I’m online :)
My content is not suited nor intended for minors. 18 and up please and thank you. If you don’t have an age marked somewhere visible I will block. “18+” “adult” “legal” etc are not acceptable and will result in a block.
Blank blogs annoy the piss out of me but I'm too lazy to block them all so just have an age listed okay.
do not interact with my content (reblogs especially) if your own blog rules are not 18+. If i see 17+ or similiar, that makes me uncomfortable.
no dc anti’s (if you know how to scroll past, this doesn't include you) hate will be ignored. if you don’t like my content, the stuff i reblog, or the things i say, just block me or unfollow. 
if you ask for part 2s. it’s a rude thing to do in general. 
Rules and Asks
I typically answer all my asks, I don't ignore people so if I'm taking awhile to respond it's either because i havent seen it or I'm thinking on a response. However, if I think an ask is worded in a way that would make others or myself uncomfortable, check my return to sender tag. I'll probably have made a post with a response without directly posting the ask itself.
I do need a listed age to feel comfortable responding! Please no trauma dumping. And I'm awful at writing comfort so pls no "what would Chara do" h/c situation asks 🥲 I'm bad at them. Awful. The result of my attempt would somehow make your day worse. For your own mental health just pls do not lol.
I'm down with being called bb/babes,girl by just about anyone. But bitch/bestie/love are reserved for mutuals and discord friends, those are very important terms of endearment for me and it feels off getting them from people I don't know.
If you send me compliments about my writing we’re valentines. this isn’t even my own rule, this is cosmic law. 
Writing Info
I write every day, but I write and post at my own pace, the pace my irl life allows. If something is listed in my wips, I’m working on it so please don’t demand content from me.
The stuff I write is usually explicit, and even when it’s not has mature, dark, or unsettling natures to it. Not every fic will include these topics but beware they may contain incest, a/b/o, monsterfucking, horror, yandere etc. Here’s a little link to give you an idea on more, listing them can get tedious so i keep it separate and update it as I go.
I don’t do requests (commissions aside) but if you want to tell me your thoughts on a character, or maybe put them in a messy little situation, it might spark something in my mind and a little something might come of it, you never know ;3
what do i not write... hm. scat. vore. the Obvious. Other than that this is a really tough Q bc my mood switches up a lot. Sometimes I go on a single trope spree, other days I will write criminal level fluff in one hour and shiver inducing dark alley shit in the next. I have so much range, please expect me to use it.
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darkangel0410 · 3 years
First Lines of Last 20
Saw this going around and it looks like fun so: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20,  just list them all.) Choose your favorite opening line, tag some friends!
i just wanna be (a part of you), Brady/Matt (a/b/o, sibling incest, Neckz 'N Throatz au): Matt doesn’t tell anyone before the fact.
He knows a lot of people are going to see it: Neckz 'N Throatz is a porn mag, sure, but it's also an institution in a lot of ways and everyone he knows has seen at least one issue of it.
take my hand, Brendan Lemieux, background Brady/Matt (bdsm au, background sibling incest): Brendan knows that look, understands the glint in Tkachuk's eye; he's played against Matthew before, knows he's a sub and that he's been collared since he was a rookie, but Brendan's never given much thought to the kind of sub Matthew was, how alike they might be in some things.
But now playing against his younger brother and seeing a familiar smirk twist his lips, Brendan thinks they might be more like each other than not.
hold me tight, Dylan Cozens/Ryan Johnson (getting together, wjc shenanigans): Dylan opens the door in a faded pair of sweats, barefoot and shirtless, and it takes Ryan a few seconds to get his brain back online; he knows Dylan's huge, knows how tall and built he is, but it's like his brain forgets that Dylan is exactly his type and every time he sees him in person it's like a fresh jolt to his system.
“Ryan,” Dylan says with a bright smile and pulls him in for a hug; Ryan hugs him back and absolutely doesn't think about the fact that Dylan could probably manhandle him any time - any way - he wants to.
just to feel you, Brady/Matt (sibling incest, a/b/o, heat fic): Brady knows it’s going to be him and Matt.
They still fight like cats and dogs, as eager to use their fists on each other now as when they were kids, but there's an edge to it recently that wasn't there before, something that makes Brady want to pin Matt to the floor and take him apart, bite by bite.
just like oxygen, Jack/Connor (werewolf au, graphic violence, courting rituals): Jack's fourteen the first time he meets Connor.
It's at the U16s, both of them the youngest players on their respective teams and both convinced they were the best players on the ice.
i love the way you hurt me, Brady/Matt (sibling incest, werewolf au, graphic depictions of violence, courting rituals): Courting probably wouldn't have been such a big deal for any of the wolves Matt played with growing up if it wasn't for Eichs and Davo.
From the first time Davo laid a dead bear on the patio of Eichs billet's in Detroit until he presented Eichs with Murray's head at center ice during the final game of the world cup, every wolf Matt knows had paid rapt attention, endlessly fascinated by the story unfolding in front of them.
nobody loves you (like i do), Brady/Matt (sibling incest, bdsm au, sadism, masochism): The thing is Matt doesn’t consider himself romantic or anything like that. He loves Brady: as his dom, as his brother, as his boyfriend, and yeah, he needs him in the same ways, but those are just facts to him.
They’re feelings, too, of course they are, but Matt is as sure of them as he is the sky’s blue and hockey is the best sport: irrefutable facts that shape every day of his life.
beginnings in death, Jack/Connor (in death au, first meeting, pre-relationship): The first time he sees Connor is at a funeral.
Jack's there mostly for Noah's sake; they go back a long way, just two street rats who somehow dragged themselves from the back streets of Boston to New York City and become successful along the way. He would rather spend his time finding who did this, but Noah needed the closure and he needed support so Jack stayed.
charlie, Charlie/Brandon (godlings au, alternate universe - Greek mythology): Charlie doesn't remember anyone ever explaining what death, or the afterlife was to him.
He's pretty sure he was born with the knowledge in his bones.
got you under my skin, Jack Hughes/Quinn Hughes (sibling incest, a/b/o): Everyone in their immediate family are betas, even their cousins, so it's something of a shock when Jack finds out Quinn's an alpha.
They're playing ball hockey in Chucky's driveway and Matty's back from Calgary for the summer so they're playing two-on-two; it's not a particularly intense game, just some friendly chirping and half-hearted shooting.
in between, Jack/Connor (godlings au, homophobic language): The locker room afterwards is quiet in spite of winning and Connor knows part of it is his own bad mood bleeding over to the rest of the team, but he can't bring himself to care as much as he should.
not a day goes by, Brock Boesar/Elias Pettersson (a/b/o, non-traditional a/b/o dynamics, frottage): Brock is just so pretty, it's hard for Elias to concentrate when he's around.
He wants to buy Brock new suits, ones with some color and a good cut that would make him look even better than he already does. Take him out to dinner, spoil him so he knows how much Elias wants him.
He's never looked at an alpha and thought mine. Never wondered how one would look with his collar around their neck.
all your fevered dreams, Brady/Matt (sibling incest, hellhounds, sirens): Most preternaturals don’t recognize Matt’s scent right away.
The ocean part of it is simple: all sirens smell like saltwater, even if they’re not born at sea the way their ancestors were. It’s the brimstone that makes wolves and other shifters wrinkle their noses in confusion and lean in closer to get a stronger smell, like their noses lied to them the first time.
eyes closed, fingers crossed (i swear), Sam Girard/Erik Johnson, background relationship (bdsm au, spanking, kneeling): It’s just a quiet moment between the two of them, after a bad game. Sam pulls him closer, makes sure he’s surrounded so all Erik can see is Sam, makes sure Erik is only focused on him before he tells him that the loss isn’t his fault.
Erik knows he wasn’t playing his best hockey, but he breathes in Sam’s scent, listens to his voice and lets go of the loss faster than he normally would.
those words, that kiss, Patrik Laine/Nik Ehlers (werewolf au, a/b/o, heat fic): The first thing Patrik notices about Nik is his scent: it’s light and airy, almost, the bright scent of oranges and some kind of flower scent that drives Patrik crazy because he can’t place it; it’s not until halfway through his rookie year, when they’re in Florida for a roadie, that he catches it in the middle of a store and has to follow it until they’re in the middle of the gardening department and he’s asking a bemused worker what flower is in the trays by the register.
feel good (on my lips), Dylan Strome/Ryan Strome (sibling incest, a/b/o, heat fic): Ryan knows his parents aren't getting back together, they split when he was still in mites and considering how badly they used to fight, it was a decision that was met with relief on his part, so he's never secretly hoped for a reunion or anything like that.
It's still a surprise when his dad tells him that he's dating someone new, a female beta from his company who is also divorced and with a son a couple years younger than Ryan is; he's happy for his dad, though, and agrees to stay at his place during winter break to meet them.
just swimming in our sins, Brady/Matt (sibling incest, accodental dick pics, panty kink): Matt gets the snapchat notification as he's getting ready for bed and his phone goes off almost immediately after.
"Don't open that," Brady tells him in a loud whisper, his voice weirdly echoey; Matt goes over Brady's schedule in his head and remembers he's in Florida this weekend. "I sent it to you by accident because I can't see shit in this fucking bathroom."
sweat drips (love sticks), Brady/Matt (bdsm au, sibling incest, masochism, sadism): Matt knows the kind of sub he is and he's always been ok with it.
There's worse things for a hockey player who happens to also be a sub to be than a masochist; at the very least he always has a bruise to press when he's jerking off, aches and pains that he can pretend someone put on his skin during a scene if he wants to. Usually he doesn't.
strike us like a match, Brady/Matt (sibling incest, sentinel and guides are known, canon typical violence): They've always been close, closer than most siblings Matt knows: Brady's always been protective of him, even when they were younger and Brady was smaller than him; he's selfish about Matt's attention, always wanting Matt to pay attention to him and only him.
There's never been a time where Matt hasn't wanted Brady with him, even when they fight Brady's always the one Matt wants to be around.
So now, my fave 🤔🤔🤔 I think probably it's love the way you hurt me because it's a good intro for the entire series as well as the fic itself.
Tagging: @007waffles007 @adamsgirl42 @candy-belle @caixxa @colubrina and anyone else who wants to do it!
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theexecutionerssong · 4 years
Hey Gaëlle ! Est-ce-que tu aurais des recommendations de fic Destiel ? Sans trop de smut, surtout pas beta/Omega (c'est même plus du smut à ce niveau-là...) et beaucoup de pining ? ( Je devrai être en train de réviser mes partiels d'ailleurs... 😅). Merci beaucoup ! 😌
Hellooo ! Alors tu as frappé à la bonne porte parce que je lis jamais de smut, ou alors quand c’est dans des longues fics, je passe juste ces passages là. (mais j’aime beaucoup les fic a/b/o qui ont pas de smut, parce que les sentiments sont quintuplés donc pining + angst on a whole other level). Y’a peu de fluff dans mes fics préférées, love me some angsty life and death moments, mais ça finit toujours bien. Enfin. Vérifie les tags quand même :)))) J’ai mis les liens, si y’a pas c’est qu’elles ont été supprimées mais j’ai les pdf donc hit me up.Et révise tes partiels !!!!
A turn of the earth -https://archiveofourown.org/works/5138552/chapters/11825306
Dean’s your typical half-orphaned, monster-killing 22-year-old until a trenchcoated stranger crashes into his back windshield one September night, claiming he’s an angel that knows him from the future and that he’s on the run.
Frigging fantastic.
(Or, in which Castiel gets stuck in Dean’s timeline preseries and Dean kind of hates it—until he doesn’t.)
Probably my favorite fic set in Canon. It’s set around season 11, and I love how we dive into Dean’s past pre-series and then as time goes by, we catch up with the show timeline’s. It’s incredibly well written.
525,600 Minutes - https://archiveofourown.org/works/507228/chapters/892693
A man wakes up alone on the streets of Detroit. Lost and somehow forgotten, he's dressed in blood-soaked clothing without memories and without a name.
This is his journey to find it.
It was first published in 2012 set after s5, but it was rewritten last year. I still have the old version for nostalgia’s sake but the new version is even better. It’s got some amnesia so great for pining :))))
The inexhaustible silence of houses -https://archiveofourown.org/works/560268/chapters/1000755
Almost two years after the world doesn't end, Castiel falls from grace—and loses his voice in the process. It is the impetus for confession and change; before long, he is settling into a loving relationship with Dean, the Winchesters are tired, and hunting for a place to land has taken precedence to hunting anything else. Dean and Castiel fall in love with the strange little house on the end of Swallowtail Drive, and for a little while life is as it should be—sweet, affectionate, and beginning afresh.
But more and more Castiel sees and hears things in the house that beg the question of whether or not a place itself can be alive. The walls and rooms seem to shift and grow and breathe, and one night, Dean comes home from a hunt changed in a way that Castiel cannot explain. In the months that follow, their domestic bliss takes turns for the dark and sour, and the confusion of their circumstances will ultimately test everything Castiel knows about the man he loves, and everything he believes to be true.
Listen, I cried. I cried SO MUCH. There was a lil fandom war going on for a time between which was the hardest, this one or Twist and Shout, and both destroy me completely. But this one is set in canon and closer to the characters, to me, so I’ll always recommend this one first (unless you want a happy ending, in which case, don’t read it)
Only if for a night - https://archiveofourown.org/works/826303
Castiel is captured by a djinn. Dean goes slightly crazy, and Cas discovers a thing or two about himself.
I’m a sucker for Dean/Cas in Djinn verse and this one is by far my favorite.
The Bird That Feels The Light (not slash) https://archiveofourown.org/works/210860
AU from 5.18 (or thereabouts). Castiel awakens in the middle of a smoking crater, stranded and very much human. According to the people who have discovered him, it’s six months to the day after Michael and Lucifer faced off on the field of battle outside of Detroit, and Castiel isn’t the only one to have returned. When, at his insistence, they take him to this other person, he finds a child –a little boy– and realizes that, contrary to all his expectations, he has been reunited with Dean Winchester. The world has changed in their absence, and not for the better. Sam is gone, whether dead or simply missing is uncertain. Castiel is given the name of a man in Idaho who may have answers for him. He is faced with the task of travelling cross-country with Dean, who is dependent on him now in ways he never was before, in order to discover the truth. But along the way, as he and Dean learn to know and trust each other once more, Castiel begins to realize that the answers he thought he wanted might not be the ones he needs.
It’s not slash at all since Dean is a kid but I’ve read it probably about 20 times and I still love it as the first time. There’s just something about human Castiel carrying a 4 year old Dean across the world and fighting monsters and demons and humans to survive that gets to me.
Hands, From Which All Things Are Built - https://archiveofourown.org/works/747324
Castiel travels with the angel tablet and without the Winchesters. One day, Dean gets a text from some anonymous number. (They speak in the language of need.) A post-08.17 Goodbye, Stranger story.
If you want pining, this one is definitely for you.
Last Man Standing - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8363328/1/Last-Man-Standing
This one is set just after the season 7 finale, it’s a Purgatory fic with so.much.pining I always need to hold a pillow to my chest when I read it or I go insane sdfghjkl I haven’t read it in probably 4 years but I remember absolutely loving it.
Outrun my gun - https://archiveofourown.org/works/281887/chapters/448388
"The two of you are so stubborn you've made Heaven blink." Finally convinced that Sam and Dean will never say yes and accept their destinies, Heaven and Hell come up with a new plan, one that will redraw the Apocalypse and make everything run much more smoothly. All they need is Dean Winchester's soul.
Don’t mind the MCD tag, it’s got a happy ending. Also a classic set in canon, it’s from 2011 so quite oldish but it’s incredible how the characterization is on point. Love love love it.
Tramps Like Us
Dean Winchester's life is falling apart. He's lost his job, his apartment, and his brother, all in one day. He seems to break everything he touches. Frustrated and alone, he drives off into the night with no idea where he's headed. But then he meets Castiel Novak, a quiet and reclusive man with a haunted past, and suddenly he finds himself with a very specific destination in mind.
I feel like everyone has read Tramps Like Us but just in case, I’ll put it on the list. Not sure what I can say that hasn’t been said by half this website already but well… it deserves the hype.
Til The Last - https://archiveofourown.org/works/1001935/chapters/1984189
When the war came, Dean Winchester was determined that he was not going to get involved. He had more important things to worry about than some rich man’s fight. He had work on the farm and he had taking care of his family. Nothing else was worth his worry. But in August in the Year of Our Lord 1863, when the soldiers came knocking, they weren’t asking. They dragged Dean away. 
Dean and Cas have been best friends since they were kids. When Dean is drafted into the Confederate army, to what lengths will Castiel go to ensure that Dean makes it back home alive?
OH BOY. OHHHHH I could talk about that one until the day I die. It’s a complete AU but it has great parallels to canon, it’s incredibly well written, humanity in all it’s ugly truth and “I will fight for you ‘til the last, Dean Winchester” jesus christ it’s so good, so good
Out of the Deep - https://archiveofourown.org/works/548878
Stay away from the light-beds. Stay in the deep.
It is the first thing hatchlings are taught the moment their fans unfurl and they can swim without their parents to buoy them along. It is the first rule, the first law. It is the beginning of every boogey-monster bedtime story told when they settle against the cliffs to sleep.
Castiel should have listened better.
I love everything she writes but I think this one if my favorite. It’s sooooo long, and angsty as fuck but all ends well and it has some very fluffy moments. If you’re into this kinf of AU then 100% go for it.
To Raise a King - https://archiveofourown.org/works/1961403
This must be some kind of horrible joke at Castiel’s expense. Is he truly expected to protect a King? One who has been their enemy for as long as he can remember? He is much more suited to being a part of the army, or at the very least someone who helps to train the knights. That would be far more preferred than having to watch over the King. It means Castiel would get to keep fighting – and that’s the only way he knows to give meaning to his life.
An AU too, Cas is tasked to watch over Sam and Dean -there’s an 8 year age difference between Dean and Cas. I loved it because it’s set over about 15 years and Cas is asexual and I love time period AU in general :’)
Painted Angels https://archiveofourown.org/works/1085792
Author Castiel Novak has finally hit the big time, with a book based on his failed college relationship with a brilliant painter. He's put all his pain behind him, but at a book signing, he comes face to face with Dean Winchester for the first time in twelve years, and the reunion doesn't go like Cas hoped. Dean's a broken man, with a lot of scars and secrets, shoulders weighed down by his demons and self loathing. Cas sees a second chance with the man he's never stopped loving, but Dean's moved on, and is about to get married. Sam launches a "brilliant" plan to reunite his brother and his best friend, but Cas is worried it will all blow up in their faces, and he'll go through the agony of losing Dean a second time.
This one is hard to read because for the most part, it’s heartbreaking. There are happy flashbacks all along but it’s still hard when what happens in the present it’s a fucking tragedy. But I would still read it a thousand times over, and the timestamp completely make up for all the pining and the angst. It’s rare to find fics that last an entire lifetime.
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miracle-sham · 4 years
Vent Your Spleen Until You Keen.
| {Maribat 2k20 – Day 3: Out Sick} |
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] |
| Triggers/Warnings: Major Character Injury, Major Illness, Pneumonia, Concussions, Blood and Injury, Drowning, Explicit Language/some swearing. |
| Bloodied Robins aren't built to swim with clipped wings. Good thing the bats, birds, and bug are there to patch him up before it's too late. |
| Word count: 1968. |
| A/N: So as I mentioned in the authors note of the previous Ficlet, I got mugged in the dark dank alleyway by the Maribat2k20 MariTim prompt calendar and stabbed by the knife of inspiration. Except this time it was the angsty knife of inspo. So enjoy a nice but of hurt with comfort. |
| If you want to be tagged in future oneshots/fics, or a specific Au, then send me a DM or an ask! |
| Also side note, Don't Like? Don't Read. Also please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
 Crashing into the Miller Harbour waters after being thrown from the roof of a warehouse is not how Tim thought his evening would go. Then again, earlier, he hadn't realised this drug trade would be a trap, meaning now he just so happens to be the unlucky bat to get caught. Or in this case, dumped in the harbour. Which is great. Lovely. Abso-fucking-lutely spectacular.
 The crack of the armoured suit and gear slamming into the dubiously murky waves is accentuated by the thrumming pain from where his back and neck take the brunt of the impact. Tim arches in pain as the air is knocked out of him, leaving him gasping for breath. It's not helped by the chilly water breaching his suit and stinging his open wounds. I'm going to get so sick from this, urgh. He grumbles internally. Even if he wasn't lacking a spleen, the harbour's waters are polluted enough to make probably even Superman sick.
 Tim kicks upwards and is struck with the realisation of oh no, oh fuck. As the water weighs his suit down even more and he starts to sink. The cold saps his energy and makes him clumsy. Fingers slipping at the straps and zips and security measures on his suit. Grimacing, he struggles, strength waning too quickly. Sploosh-Thwip-thwip-thunk-clink, chunks of his armour detach and sink below, significantly slowing his descent but he's still sinking.
 He fumbles around his belt for his rebreather and manages to get it over his mouth just as his vision loses colour and goes fuzzy around the edges. Breathing heavily, he listens to the creepy sound of the rebreather working and flurry of air bubbles surrounding it.
 Shit, I'm running out of time. Tim curses in his head. He keeps kicking and the water is looking lighter, meaning he's close. So close. But not close enough.
There's a thunderous splash as Tim breaches the surface. He doesn't stop—can't stop, not if he wants to live. His swimming is the only thing keeping his blood pumping and head above water.
 His vision blurts violently and the darkness at the edges of his sight flares. Not enough time, not enough. The bank is closer though, I might make it?
 Tim blacks out.
 One second he was swimming for his life, now he's lying face down on the cement bank, gasping for breath like a dying fish. He pushes himself up, muscles protesting and shaking from cold and pain. There's a shallow pool of watery blood surrounding him—not good but could be worse. Just need to get back to my Nest and I'll be fine.
 Tim fiddles around his remaining armour and gear, tapping the self destruct buttons for the discarded gear, and grasping at the grapple hook in relief—it would be a pain getting back home without it. He limps forward and shoots the grapple, swinging himself home.
 He barely makes it through deactivating his security measures and stumbles through his window. Limping over to his sofa, Tim immediately collapses and passes out—still in gear.
 The next day, Marinette's halfway through patrol and already fairly banged up—with a particularly nasty headache among other things—when she spots that the window to Tim's Nest is open. She swings by to inspect and sees his handiwork on the deactivation of his security measures. She hums and glanced through the window to look inside, thinking, Probably nothing to worry abo—
 Tim's lying half on the sofa, covered in blood and muck. He's pale—paler than usual—and his hair is plastered to his forehead. Breathing laboured and nasally, and shaking like a leaf. He looks sick and injured and he's not even managed to switch into civvies before passing out—not good, really not good.
 Okay maybe definitely something to worry about. Marinette mentally amends, a spike of worry slamming itself into her chest. Especially since no one's talked to or heard from him since early patrol yesterday... She climbs through the open window, closing it behind her and then resecures the security measures.
 With a whispered “Tikki, spots off,” she drops her transformation and wobbly bolts to Tim's side. Checking his pulse and status. Too-quick heartbeat, infected lacerations to the arms, legs, and torso, bruised or maybe broken ribs—Marinette flinches and takes a second to calm herself down so she doesn't retch—bruising to the side of the head, and a ton of minor bumps, scratches, and grazes from the looks of things. She then checks his other symptoms: rapid and shallow breathing with occasional wheezing, high temperature, sweating and shivering—clammy.
 Marinette chews her lip, eyes watering. “Oh, Tim…” She shakes her head, heart-pounding, and whips out her phone, scrolling down to the contact with shaky hands. It rings twice then picks up. “Leslie?” She cuts in as soon as the call connects, shoving the phone between her ear and shoulder to free her hands. “I'm at Red Robin's place and he's hurt, really bad, I—” She breathes in before recounting all his injuries and symptoms. “He's unconscious, and I think he's either in septic shock or got pneumonia, maybe both…” As she's talking, Marinette grabs the nearest first aid kit she can find and goes about cleaning out and patching up the injuries she can with the equipment she has.
 “I'll be able to treat him at the cave. How quickly can you get there?” Leslie answers in a clipped but calm tone.
 “Uhh…” Marinette pauses both in speech and in movement, “We'll need someone to drive him there because I can't drive. I don't know who's close enough and can drive. I'll call B, O, or Agent A after this.” She continues to apply first aid.
 “I'll be at the cave in twenty-five minutes,” Leslie responds, cutting the call off not a second later.
 She grabs her phone from her precarious ear-to-shoulder position and scrolls to Agent A's number and it only takes him one ring to answer. “A.” Marinette pulls the same thing she did with Leslie's call, cutting in before the other can speak whilst putting it back between her ear and shoulder so she can continue applying minor treatment. She repeats the same thing she told Leslie. “I've also called Leslie, she's heading to the cave now, she said she'll be about twenty-five minutes.”
 She doesn't quite catch all of Alfred's response because Tim wakes with a groan and coughs, his pupils are blown and his gaze is worryingly blank—glazed over. Marinette thinks she hears something about the batmobile and three minutes but she's more worried that it looks like he's concussed as well. “Concussion. He's also got a concussion.” Marinette relays on autopilot, and maybe she hears Alfred inhale sharply but she can't tell. She's not sure when or if the call ends but she's too stressed to care.
 She's fumbling with the first aid and it takes every speck of focus she's got to make sure she isn't making him worse—next thing she knows Nightwing and Red Hood and jumping through the window (security deactivated and opened first, so no broken windows here).
 Red Hood pulls Marinette away from Tim, and Nightwing carefully scoops his little brother up. The world blurs around her and then her vision wavers, going completely colour blind as it goes fuzzy and dark at the edges, getting worse and worse. She thinks Red Hood's talking to her, he's gripping her arm rather tightly, almost painfully but it's giving her something to anchor on to… But it's not enough, her vision spins, going completely black, and distantly she hears panicked yelling and feels the world tipping to one side—
 The world slowly comes to and Marinette's feeling absolutely wretched. She's lying on a medical cot from what she can tell, but her mind's so fuzzy. She doesn't want to open her eyes. People are talking in hushed tones the distance. She thinks this isn't the first time she's woken up here since—
 She has vague memories of opening her eyes and people bustling in and out of view, asking questions and doing things. She doesn't remember much.
 Then she hears a voice closer to her, she can't remember whose voice it is but it's warm and rumbly but not too gruff—familiar. “Hey kid, you awake again?”
 Marinette groans in protest—she would rather not be awake right now.
 “Yeah, yeah, you're in pain, life sucks. I know.” The voice sounds amused.
 She huffs in indignation which only causes the voice to bark with laughter.
 The voice quietens down after a second. “You an' Timbo gave us quite the scare y'know. Don't think I've ever seen B that worried before, when we dragged the both of you to the Batmobile.”
 Marinette hums, unsure how else to respond.
 “You've got a concussion if you're wondering, you were lucky I was already holding you up when you fainted. Could've made your concussion worse if you had hit the ground instead.”
 She groans again, the mention of the concussion brings the full throbbing pain in the back of her skull back to her attention. She huffs again to express her displeasure at the voice reminding her.
 The voice snorts—probably at her pain like a sadist. “Timbo's fine, by the way, surgery went off without a hitch. Even woke up a few times, so if you're up and about the next time he wakes up you can help the others smother him with love and affection.”
 Marinette smiles lopsidedly. “Coo'.”
 Of course, the first thing she does once she's no longer bed-bound, and Tim's awake and somewhat healed, is take Jason's (it took her a while to recognise it was him who had been speaking to her) advice. In the form of her relentlessly hugging Tim like a clingy koala—much to his joy and begrudging dismay.
 “Mari… please.” Tim begs, staring at the ceiling as if it would somehow save him.
 If anything his words prompt her to hug him even tighter, “Nope! I will hug you for as long as I physically can.”
 In exasperation, he exclaims, “Mari, no!”
 “Mari, yes!” She shoots him a smug grin.
 “Mari please.” 
 “Tim, I will keep hugging you.” Marinette threatens
 “Mari, let go.” He says with no real intent behind his words.
 “No letting go! Only hugs or death!” She declares with an even smugger grin.
 He grins back then dramatically proclaims, “Guess I'll die then.”
 “No!” She half screeches, struggling to contain her giggles.
 “Oh no! I'm dying! Blargh!” He lays back down on the medical bed, pretending to die dramatically. “Marinette, as my dying words I must tell you that—that I—I—” He fake coughs and lets himself go limp.
 “Tim! Nooo! Clearly, the only way to save you from dying is to give you the magical fairytale kiss of life!” As soon as she says that, not giving him any time to react, she pecks him on the lips.
 “Wow, I'm alive again, what a miracle!”
 Around the corner, unbeknownst to the two, Jason eyes Dick with amusement. “You taking blackmail photos there, Dickiebird?”
 Dick makes an undignified squawking sound and nearly drops his phone. If not for his bat training, he definitely would have dropped it. Trying to pull off an air of nonchalance, he leans against. “Pfft! What are you talking about? Of course I'm not, I'm just collecting evidence that Timmy's okay. For uh Bruce and Alfred's sake. And the Teen Titans too, they've all been worried once they heard how bad he got.”
 Jason snorts. “"For evidence he's okay", sure you are.”
 Dick narrows his eyes. “If you tell anyone, I'll release all the cute photos I have of you when you were still wearing the Robin suit.”
 Jason gasps. “You wouldn't dare!”
 Dick grins. “Try me, Little Wing.”
 Raising his hands up, Jason backs away. “Fine! You win!”
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little oneshot! Comments, likes, and reblogs are much appreciated! |
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sleepychai-fics · 4 years
Road to Salvation ~ Chapter 2 - The Mall
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Warnings: description of scars, guns (let me know if I’m missing anything)
Word Count: 4,542
Pronouns - Female
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in BNHA. However, there are many OC’s in this fic that I’ve created. These OC’s belong to me and are specifically created for this fic. 
However, Mihoko Shinsou and Hajime Shinsou are NOT my oc’s. They are oc’s created by Keiid, who used to have tumblr but now uses twitter. Please keep that in mind.
Feedback is appreciated!
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Some people call it home. Others call it a sanctuary away from home. It’s a shelter for all those in need. A place of security and protection. But everyone generally refers to it as The Mall, purely for what it once stood to be.
The structure itself is fairly large and takes up the shape of a simple square, standing five stories tall. It’s capacity is enough to cover 7 blocks of land, 10 if you count the surrounding car park. Despite its years of abandonment, it stands strong and intact. The few indicators of its abandonment are the weeds and mould that grow in between the cracks of the walls, the shattered windows that have been replaced with wood and the entryway that extends further than what it originally had been.
Kai walks a few steps ahead of you as the two of you approach the entrance. He opens the door for you, gesturing for you to go forward. With a playful scoff and a shake of your head, you walk past him.
As you enter the small area, someone with cherry blonde hair approaches you. “(Y/n)! Kai! You’re back!” They greet you happily, before their eyes set on top of Michi. “Oh. You’ve brought someone with you.”
You nod. “Don’t worry Kaede. He’s a class C.”
Kaede smiles. “Ok. I’ll let you take care of him then. Call for me if you need anything!”
“Will do!” Kai answers back as he once again opens the door for you, allowing you to step inside the larger complex.
On the outside, it looks run down and almost inhabitable. The inside has a whole different outlook.
It’s much cleaner than expected, courtesy of most of the habitants that reside within the mall. The first floor stands as a common space. Barrels of fire scatter throughout the area, a few people hovering over each one. Store spaces on the first floor have been transformed into either kitchen areas or have been cleared out for the purpose of social meeting places.
The above floors were built as balconies around the structure, with a couple of bridges spanning across each one. So even from the first floor, you could look up and see the worn down roof of the building. It was an open and respected design, a representation of the generalised tone of the area.
Each floor had a purpose. The first floor was a common space, as well as a cooking area. The second floor stood as an area for training, both combat and quirk control. Although, the more destructive quirks were trained outside in the parking lot. The third floor, a highly secured floor, was dedicated to storage of supplies. The fourth floor, another highly secured floor, is allocated as the sleeping quarters.
Finally, there’s the fifth floor. It’s hardly used, hence why it’s dubbed as the ‘silent floor’. You go there to have time to yourself when things become overwhelming. It’s also used as a meeting place to discuss things such as finances and security measures. If no one can find you on the other floors, bets are you’ll be found on the fifth floor.
You stride across the floor along with Kai, and every person you pass by shines you a smile and a warm greeting. Children cheer and dance around you briefly, giggling as they greet you. Comments such as “you’re back!” and “we missed you!” along with various others flutter into the atmosphere. Although one comment catches everyone's attention.
“(Y/n) has someone with her!”
There’s a momentary period of silence from everyone around you as they peer up at you and notice Michi attached to your hip. You feel Michi flinch as a result. His grip tightens around you as he nuzzles his face further into your neck. As a reassurement, you thread your fingers through his hair.
It takes a second longer before everyone returns to their previous activity. The children that had once surrounded you had rushed off to play tag.
You continue your journey, trekking up the few flights of stairs and broken escalators that lead up to the fourth floor. Every floor you ascend to gets quieter and quieter.
By the time you reach the third floor, another person sidles up to you.
“Welcome back.”
With a glance to your side, you smile.
“It’s good to be back.”
Dabi smiles and pats your shoulder, matching his pace with yours as you climb the final flight of stairs.
At a first glance, Dabi isn’t the best to look at, especially in the eyes of a young child. Scars as a result of third-degree burns litter across his skin, a bright red and pink in colour. One particular scar spreads all across his neck and even links up to a small patch on his right cheek. He dons a loose fitting shirt, accompanied by a thin dark jacket. The jeans he wears are ripped at the knees and torn at the cuffs. They’re thin, and look to provide barely any warmth
“I can see why you’re a bit late.” He looks at Michi with a soft smile. Michi peeks out once again at the new voice. Upon taking his features in, he flinches back to hide his face. Dabi sighs softly.
“I’m going to go to put this into storage.” Kai gestures to the bag.
“Oh! I nabbed a few people as well so you’ll need to put that with the safe.”
Kai nods in return. “Will do. Night.”
You and Dabi both bid him goodnight as you split off at the top of the stairs. Kai heads up another flight of stairs whilst the three of you turn towards what used to be stores.
The stores had been cleared out as bedrooms. Just under 200 stores varying in sizes and the capacity of people that sleep in them. Each ‘bedroom’ had at least 12 sets of bedding laid out - bedding being defined as a low-quality blanket and a slim pillow. The security of the floor included at least 30 individuals who walked around certain areas, occasionally peeking into each room.
“Yusu contacted me.” Dabi informs you as the two of you turn left. “They have strong belief that there will be violent gang activity happening in a nearby district.”
A scowl sets on your face. “Do you have the coordinates?”
He nods in response, holding up a small phone. “They sent it a few minutes ago. Will you take the job?”
Without hesitation, you answer. “Of course I will.”
You walk into the fourth store you come across. It’s fairly big compared to the others, 20 kids able to sleep somewhat comfortably with a few other adults among them. The sky had just grown past dusk, so not too many have retired to bed, leaving the space fairly empty except for a few kids.
With quiet steps, you walk towards the back of the bedroom, Dabi closely following suit. You kneel down next to one of the beds and gently caress Michi away from your body.
Michi jolts and whines in response, hands clinging to your shirt. “D-Don’t leave me!”
A string of hushed words come from you in an attempt to soothe Michi. “It’s okay Michi. I won’t ever leave you.”
“Bu-but you said you were going somewhere!” His words are muffled by the way he buries his face into your chest. You can feel patches of wet warmth where he lays as a result of his shedding tears.
Your hands rest on Michi’s elbows, gently prying him away from you enough to look at him. Tears pool in the boy's eyes but you’re quick to wipe them away. With a sad smile, you speak. “Remember what I said to you? About being a vigilante?” Michi nods, lips quivering. “Do you know what a vigilante is?”
His eyes glance towards the ground. “Someone who breaks the rules.”
“Yes. But I’m a good vigilante. I break the rules to help people.” A hand comes to cup Michi’s cheeks, coercing him to look at you.
“So you’re a hero?”
It shouldn’t make your heart beat painfully, but it does. It hurts having to tell a child this. The thought of having to tell such a young innocent child the truth of the world hurts. But it’s the malls’ duty to be honest about the world. Even if they’re small children.
You sigh. “Yes. But not to other heroes. I don’t have a license like they do, so that means I can’t use my quirk to help people.”
“So why do you do it if you’re not allowed to?”
Another painful heart beat.
“Because those heroes don’t like to save people like us.”
It’s painful to hear him sniffle. “Th-they don’t? Why don’t they like to save us?”
Your fingers gently card through his hair and you smile at the way he leans into your touch. “They don’t think we deserve it, or they don’t want to be seen around people like us.”
“Why not?”
You sigh. “The answer might make you upset now. If you want, I can tell you. But if you’re really upset now, I can tell you another day when you ask me again.”
One of the few rules of the mall include brutal honesty. No matter the age. If someone asks a question, the answer will be honest. It works a bit differently for those who are traumatised. If mental health is at risk with the honest answer, then they’ll be told as such. They make the decision themselves if they still want an honest answer.
Michi is hesitant to nod his head. “O-Ok. B-But you have to promise to come back!”
You smile in relief, holding out a pinky towards him. “I will. I promise.” Michi takes the pinky with his own. Running on instinct, you bring your lips to press gently on Michi’s forehead. “I won’t be long. I’ll be back in a couple of hours. Dabi will be here with you.”
Michi takes another glance at Dabi, who kneels down beside you. He simply smiles softly at Michi, his expression nothing but calm and sincere.
You gently part away from Michi, speaking to him in a soft voice. “I trust him a lot. He’s like a brother to me. He’ll make sure you’re safe while I’m gone.”
Michi steps back a bit, staring over Dabi. A few long seconds slip away before he hesitantly approaches Dabi. He doesn’t move, letting the kid choose his own approach. Michi steps into Dabi’s frame, head lightly resting on his chest and hands clutched to his own. Dabi remains still, not wanting to scare him off with any movement he isn’t prepared for. It’s not a hug, but it’s the start of trust.
After running your fingers through Michi’s hair again, you stand up. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.” Dabi makes slow movements to remove the phone from his back pocket and hand it to you. “Try to get some sleep. You too Dabi.”
It’s fruitless, but worth the effort of speaking.
The streetlamps and shop lights illuminate the street under the freshly darkened sky. A few stars twinkle above, the rest hidden from sight due to the amount of light pollution. The crescent moon shines brightly amongst the dark canvas.
The streets are crowded with families and business people making their commute back home. They walk down the streets, chatting amongst one another happily and going about their usual evening. Some enter restaurants to meet up with other friends and talk more whilst they order food.
Hitoshi stumbles out the door of the roller skating rink. Once he regains his balance, he turns back to his father. “What was that for?”
His father, Hajime Shinsou, chuckles. “For cheating in that race.”
“I did not cheat!” Hitoshi scoffs.
Hajime ruffles his son's hair, briefly tangling his purple locks together. “Sure kid. I just happened to accidentally fall.”
“No, you fell because you have no talent.” Hitoshi quips back as he tries to fix up his messed up hair.
Hajime gasps, eyes widening in surprise, accentuating the dark circles below them. “Oh really now?”
Hitoshi hops back away from him as he lunges towards his son, hands stretched to ruffle his hair again.
“Ok boys, enough fighting. You both have no talent.” Hitoshi’s mother, Mihoko, walks out the door and makes her way to her family. Her lilac locks are tied behind her head in a bun, but a few short strands hang to the side of her face, framing her plump cheeks.
Hitoshi takes the brief distraction from his father and reaches up to mess with his own dark purple locks.
“You two will never grow up will you?” Mihoko says with a smile.
The two boys reciprocate the smile before fixing themselves up once more and heading off down the street.
“What are our dinner options tonight?” Hitoshi asks.
Mihoko hums. “We can decide while we walk. There’s a few restaurants down this street we could try.”
Hitoshi shrugs. “Sure.”
The small family walk closely together as they make their way down the street. The wind is light and a little cold, but it’s not enough to bother them.
Mihoko smiles as she turns to Hitoshi. “How was school?”
A frown settles on his face. “It was good I guess.”
The parents glance at each other, noticing the quick change in mood.
“Is everything ok?” Hajime asks, concern etched in his voice.
A sigh leaves Hitoshi and he visibly slumps forward. “It’s nothing. Just a few kids trying to get at me. They didn’t.”
“Clearly they did.”
Hitoshi grumbles, slightly annoyed at the conversation and wanting to avoid it going further. “Can we not talk about it now? Please? It’s family night.”
Hajime considers his son’s words and tone for a moment with a small hum. “Fine. But I want to know what happened tomorrow. I’m just worried for you son. That’s all.”
“I know dad. But it’s family night. I don’t want to be the one to bring down the mood.”
Hajime is quick to bring his son in to his other side for a hug. “That’s really considerate of you, and I understand what you’re saying. But you also need to understand our concern.”
“We’ll always be here for you Hitoshi, we always said that.” Mihoko adds.
Hitoshi can’t help but smile at his parents. “I know. Can we drop this topic now?”
Hajime nods. “For now.”
Mihoko looks up at one of the approaching stores. “Oh, what about that one?” She points to a restaurant store just ahead. It’s decorated with bright lights advertising the karaoke they offer as entertainment, as well as the meal specials they have.
“The one with karaoke?” Hitoshi asks. Mihoko confirms with a hum.
“Sure, why not? It’ll be fun.” Hajime says.
Hitoshi smirks. “Yeah, until you hear how bad they can get.” This earns a light slap from his mother.
The three walk towards the restaurant. Just as they nod to the doorman, screams erupt from inside, along with the sound of glass shattering and wood splintering. Everyone within the near vicinity stands frozen for one second, not really comprehending where the sounds came from.
The window explodes into millions of pieces as several men storm through it. They’re all dressed in loose clothing. Hair stringy and unwashed, much like the hair of the beards that a few have. They’re clothes are slightly unkempt but aside from that, they appear to be fairly clean and from middle-class income.
People from the streets scream and duck, faces struck with horror. They sprint the opposite direction and shove others out of the way, desperate to escape the scene.
Amidst the chaos, the Shinsou family flinch and instinctively turn to each other, seeking reassurance from each other to ensure they’re together.
Hitoshi feels secure for all of 4 seconds before he feels a hand grip at the back of his collar. Without any warning, he’s yanked harshly away from his parents. In a brief moment of panic, he shouts and jerks his elbow back at his snatcher. But the person wraps their other arm around his front, the muscled arm preventing him from attacking. Another second passes before Hitoshi feels cold steel press against his temple.
A gunshot silences the area.
Hitoshi flinches at the proximity of the sound, hands flying up to grip at the arm wrapped around his front. The gunshot having come from a fellow gang member, effectively placing a blanket of silence over the area.
“Everyone shut up!”
Hitoshi takes this moment to look over to his parents. Both of their faces are overridden with panic. Hajime has his arms wrapped around his wife, stopping her screaming form from lunging towards her son.
Hitoshi can see the desperation in their expressions, the desire to rush over to him, but he can also see the recognition of danger in his father's eyes. He can see his muscles tense with restraint. Hajime wants to run to him and try to save his son, but he knows the risk of doing so. All he can do now is stay put and pray to all gods.
“Please stop this!” A man with ginger hair runs out from the broken window. His casual black shirt and blue jeans are dusted with what looks to be flour and crumbs of food. His eyes are wide with shock as he spots Hitoshi pulled against them. “Let the boy go. He has no business with this. We can talk this out.”
The snatcher tightens his grip around  Hitoshi, eliciting a choked sound from the boy. “You had your chance to talk. Now I want to demonstrate to you the consequences of not following our deals.”
“Please don’t do this! Hitoshi!” Hitoshi has to close his eyes at his mother's screams. He can’t stand to see her look so traumatised. Despite his attempts to keep it in, a tear slips down his face.
“I’ll give you what you want. Please just let the boy go!”
The snatcher lets out a loud groan of frustration and annoyance. “You just love to take the fun out of everything don’t ya! He’s my hostage now! Just remember that this is all your fault! The consequence you suffer because you neglected to comply with our demands.”
Hitoshi whines as the steel of the gun presses further into his temple. Amongst the cries from his parents, Hitoshi hears a voice behind him.
“Let him go.” The voice is casual yet holds, firm and serious.
The pressure of the gun eases as the snatcher whips around to face the interruption.
A figure dressed in black, ragged clothing stands there. The hood of their jumper falls over half their face, the other half being covered by a fabric mask. The only visible part of the figure’s body is their hands.
“Who the fuck are you asshole?!!”
“The girl who’s about to break your hand if you don’t release that boy.”
The man growls at you. “I don’t need to take orders from a child like you!”
“A child?” The figure huffs out a light chuckle. “I may be a child, but I have bigger brains and balls than you.”
It happens so fast Hitoshi barely has time to comprehend it. One second Hitoshi has a gun pressed against his temple. The next, he’s being yanked by the shirt collar, away from the man as he crumples to the ground, hands gripping onto his crotch.
The girl dismantles the gun, throwing the parts away, keeping them separated.
The man groans in pure agony. “Don’t just stand around dumbasses! Get her!”
At the demand, the remaining men come to circle around the two.
“When I say so, you run through the opening. Understand?” The girl whispers to Hitoshi.
His mind is racing, adrenaline and fear coursing through his veins, hyperfocused on his surroundings. He nods vigorously, fists clenched with uncertainty.
The girl smirks beneath the mask. “Look boys. Why not save yourselves the embarrassment and just scurry along. No one has to get hurt tonight.”
“Yeah right lady. You just kicked our boss in his jewels.” A man with twisted horns on his head growls.
The girl takes a quick glance at the man on the floor. “You mean his dick? Let me tell you now, from kicking it, it’s small and worthless.”
The horned man lets out a yell before charging at the girl. He goes to take a swing at her, but just as he’s about to make contact, the girl ducks under his arm and steps behind him. The man has 2 seconds to think before a sharp jab hits him at the side of his neck. The jab effectively hits the vagus nerve, rendering him unconscious.
Hitoshi’s eyes are as wide as saucers. The girl just took out a guy nearly twice her size in one hit!
“Kid, NOW!” Hitoshi snaps his head back towards the girl. She whips her head back, striking the nose of another behind her whilst another man opposite her doubles over, clutching his gasping and clutching his throat.
Hitoshi doesn’t waste another second and bolts through the opening.
The girl screams as she’s thrown to the ground, the guy having regained enough grounding to push her and reach for him.
Hitoshi registers the sound of his mother's screams as he sees the hand reaching for him. But the man seems to stop himself, though not on his own accord. He shouts in pain as his body is shoved down to the ground, seemingly by an invisible force.
Hitoshi takes a brief glance at the girl. Her hood is no longer drawn over her face, allowing her (h/c) hair and glowing (e/c) eyes to be seen. Her arm is pointed to the ground, fingers tense. Hitoshi concludes that her quirk must be at work.
A hand yanks him away from the streets, pulling him towards his parents. The store owner lets Mihoko grasp at her son, her arms coming to wrap tightly around his body. Hajime does the same, overlapping his wife's arms.
The three watch in suspense as the girl stands up.
Two guys on opposite sides rush in to her, but it’s a stupid move she immediately recognises. With a single step and a flick of her wrist, the two men collide head first to each other, noses breaking in the process.
The click of a gun alerts everyone in the area as another man takes aim towards the girl.
The girl dashes to the male, uppercutting his arm and yanking the gun out of his grasp. A straight kick to the chest sends him barrelling on the ground. The gun is dismantled and tossed away before the cycle repeats.
Everyone watches in silence as the girl picks off every man one by one. Each hit she makes has every man groaning in pain. It’s fascinating to watch a young girl take down men twice her size with simple moves. A jab to the throat or to the side of the neck. An uppercut to the chin or gut. A knee to the crotch or under the kneecap. There’s a clear purpose to each strike she makes: take them down as quickly as possible. And it works.
However, as everyone admires over your skill, one of the once fallen men has risen up, snatched up the dismantled parts of a gun and reassembled it.
Hitoshi takes his eyes off the girl to stare at the man as he cocks his gun. Instinct has adrenaline rushing through his veins.
“Look out!” Hitoshi wrenches himself out of his parents' grasp despite their heart wrenching screams and dives into the fight. He tackles the man down as he takes the shot.
The bullet flies high into the air as the man falls to the ground. Hitoshi sits up, one knee on the ground, the other pressed into the man's chest and he begins to punch.
It hurts like no tomorrow, but Hitoshi pushes through the pain. He wills himself to punch again and again. He knows he’s wasting so much energy on one guy, but all his frustrations and fears pent up from the night slips out and drives his fist back and forth.
It's not long before a hand grips his arm. He grunts as he’s pulled up and away from the man. Hitoshi turns to face the offender, ready to punch him in the face, but his eyes meet that of the girl.
She stares at him, eyebrows tucked toward the nose. The expression shows anger and annoyance, but the (e/c) eyes show something similar to understanding and gratitude. She doesn’t give him a chance to stare closely at her for another second as she shoves him back into the crowd.
Hitoshi barely registers his parents' arms encasing him once again as his eyes follow the girl's movements. She takes out the final triplet of men, ending it with a powerful punch to the nose, the bones cracking audibly on impact.
No one moves. No one makes a sound. All eyes are on the girl as she fixes up her hoodie over her face. Her chest heaves with each intake of air, her fingers flexing as she rolls her wrists.
Her head shifts over towards Hitoshi. Despite the hood falling over her face, Hitoshi feels her gaze set on him. He feels it as if it's a dagger piercing his chest. He feels the intensity of it, the aggravation, and the appreciation.
She doesn’t stay there long. As soon as the sirens reach their ears, she darts away.
He can’t look away from her, even as she disappears into an alleyway. Even as his parents call out to him. Even as a team of pro heroes and police officers arrive at the scene.
Dabi is sat up against the wall with Michi laying across his lap, hand tucked up to his chest. It’d taken a couple hours, but Dabi had managed to sooth Michi to sleep, his calloused fingers threading through the child’s black matted hair. Dabi himself was not asleep, despite his eyes being closed.
You enter the room as quietly as possible, tip toeing across the room, avoiding the many kids that are spread out. A few kids look up at you as you do so, but after identifying you, they lay back down and return to their attempt at sleep.
As you get closer to Dabi, he opens his eyes, sparkling blue eyes scanning you for any signs of injury. Once satisfied you are okay, he stretches his unoccupied arm towards you. You slide next to him, accepting the embrace and wrapping your own arm around him.
“How was he?” You whisper.
“He asked a lot about you. Told him a bit more about what you do.” He answers, his own voice a whisper.
You nod. “That’s good.” A yawn slips past your lips.
“You should get some sleep.”
You poke Dabi in his side. “So should you.”
Dabi simply smiles at that and leans his head atop yours.
No more words are spoken, silence once again fills the room, allowing the two of you to slip into a light sleep.
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atruththatyoudeny · 5 years
Monthly Reads | July 2019
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Happy 28th! Sending out all my love to the authors and artists in this fandom! ♥ Here are all the fics I read and loved this month:
The sanctity of patience | scrunchyharry | historical - arranged marriage - royalty - 22k When young Lord Harry was chosen by King Louis of Bavaria to become his husband and prince consort, Harry thought all of his dreams had come through. His illusions came crashing down when he understood it meant living in isolation in the alpine castle of Neuschwanstein with a husband who turned out to be far from what he had hoped for. His illusions vanished, Harry will have learn to appreciate what has and even, perhaps, fall in love with his imperfect husband and his castle.
The Charles Compass Trilogy | SadaVeniren | fluff - humour - 8k Louis Tomlinson is a successful writer who rents a beach house on the Cape to try and finish the final book in his successful Charles Compass trilogy.
Stealing Flowers | lululawrence | mutual pining - humour - fluff - 4k The one where Louis pines after the Sexy Stranger on the Subway and almost asks him out. That's when the strange posters start showing up around Brooklyn.
If You Wanna Try Me On | zimriya | The Devil Wears Prada AU - boss/employee relationship - 18k To be fair, Harry’d been half asleep when Niall convinced him to put in his CV in the first place. Like, Harry wants to be a proper serious journalist--he’s not about to give up that dream in favour of becoming a personal assistant at a fashion magazine, or...whatever. Harry’s not actually all that sure what Tomlinson Styles even is, beyond his ticket to fame or any of the other things Niall’d spouted off at him, but when he shows up for the interview and is unceremoniously shoved into an office with the Tomlinson part of that equation, all Harry can really think about is that he would like to be a Tomlinson-Styles. ...or the Devil Wears Prada AU that no one wanted. Sort of.
Play Me A Memory | jacaranda_bloom | strangers to lovers - kid fic - emotional hurt/comfort - fluff - 27k Louis lives with his nine-year-old son Jake in a peaceful beachside community on the east coast of Australia, working as an entertainment coordinator at the local five-star resort. Harry is a recluse who lives on millionaires row and writes musical scores for blockbuster movies. When the roots of a wayward willow tree create havoc at his home, Harry is forced to stay at the resort while repairs are carried out. Cue matchmaking storms, muffin preferences, laughter, love, and a whole lotta music.
No Love Like Your Love | Rearviewdreamer | a/b/o - enemies to friends - exes to lovers - soulmates - soulbonding - 43k When it comes to saving the world from itself and convincing rich CEOs of environmentally harmful companies to go green, there's nobody better than Harry Styles. That is, until Louis Tomlinson, his ex and former Alpha, is involved.
Not (heart) Broken | glitteredcurls | soulmates - superpowers - mild hurt/comfort - 14k Every person is born with a unique, personal Ability and a soulmate. Abilities are developed from birth and treasured as parts of each person’s personality, while a soulmate is somewhat of an intimidating prospect; the minute two soulmates are in contact with each other, their powers are voided, only to be reinstated when they regain their distance. How is Harry, a young healer, supposed to feel about the possibility of losing his helpful healing Ability with one look of his unknown soulmate? He figures it can’t be too inconvenient. Until Harry meets them and, well, it kind of is...
Fall in love with the moon (and everything beautiful) | louistomlinsons | fluff - light angst - anxiety - friends to lovers - 10k Louis and harry work in a bookstore together and harry tells dumb jokes and they fall in love
There You Are | lovelarry10 | stripper/exotic dancer - mutual pining - angst - divorce - cheating - emotional hurt/ comfort - 82k Harry’s entire life has fallen apart - in one night, his carefully planned future is suddenly uncertain. Then he meets Louis.
Tiptoe Through Our Shiny City | graceling_in_a_suit | inspired by Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist - miscommunication - mistaken identity - strangers to lovers - famous/non famous - 8k Where’s Fluffy Announces Secret London Show TONIGHT!' Harry stopped breathing. “Pinch me, Niall,” he mumbled. The story of how Harry sees his favourite band live for the first time, and maybe falls in love along the way. AU Loosely inspired by Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Loosely.
You Have to Retreat to Advance | 2tiedships2 | a/b/o - fake/pretend relationship - strangers to lovers - 18k The one where Harry is expected to bring his longterm omega to the company's mountain retreat. Since he hadn't told anyone that they'd broken up months ago, he now has to find someone willing to play the part.
Shine On (You Crazy Diamond) | larrymaybe22 | 1970's - glam rock - famous/not famous - strangers to lovers - hurt/comfort - angst - substance abuse - alcohol abuse - internalized homophobia - homophobic language - slow burn - 58k The year is 1974 and Britain’s glam rock scene is in full swing. Enter Louis, a broke and dejected student who finds himself on a tour bus of all places, working as a roadie for the enigmatic “womanizer” Harry Styles. Along the way, Louis discovers the cruelty of fame and that maybe there is more than meets the eye beyond the curls, cocaine, and crazy suits.
Could you love me anyway | SadaVeniren | canon compliant - post-The X Factor era - bdsm - bad bdsm etiquette - dom/sub - under-negotiated kink - subdrop - kink negotiation - mildly dubious consent - 13k Harry and Louis begin playing ping pong during the X-Factor Tour. It quickly gets out of hand.
Easier | allwaswell16 | a/b/o - soulmates - soul bond - exes to lovers - getting back together - angst - fate - destiny - 6k The last person Louis wants to see is his ex-boyfriend who also happens to be his soulmate.
Hot Buns | Snowy38 | TV show - hate to love - angst - drama - emotional hurt/comfort - 51k “You can call me Harry if you like.” “Is that your name?” Louis checked. Harry smirked. “Actually, it’s Harold but I hate it. I hate everything about my life but what do you care?” Louis licked his lips and caught his knees up under his arms. “I care enough to get you out of the gutter, mate,” he accused softly.
I'm Tripping Over Your Every Single Move | lookingfortherainbow | meet-cute - first dates - pining - fluff - 6k Harry is the local swimming star athlete and Louis is the lifeguard that turns Harry into a fish out of water.
The Aurora Zone | Anonymous | blind date - enemies to lovers - 19k The one where Harry is busy crossing off his bucket list while Louis is busy falling for the guy he's supposed to hate.
I've spent a lifetime running (and I always get away) | Anonymous | first meetings - fluff - 5k The eruption of an Icelandic volcano (the name of which Louis decidedly cannot pronounce) really shouldn't be the catalyst for a relationship with a boy he's only just met. Or // the one where Louis and Harry share the back of a car, a cramped bed on a dingy, highly unsafe boat, and their adoration for art (and perhaps each other).
Haunting Beauty | 4ureyesonly28 | 1980's - ghosts - fluff - 6k It’s 1988. Harry has just finished his first year of teaching English and looks forward to a relaxed break. Louis is a poltergeist and has different plans for Harry’s summer.
Meet Me in Montauk | make_this_feel_like_home | Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Fusion - amnesia - strangers to lovers - lost love - angst - 84k The one where Harry has amnesia, Louis can't handle the pain and Lacuna Inc provides a unique service: the ability to erase a person from your memories.
Two to Tango (series) | rainbowslovehl (Larrymateforlife) ➊  Put Your Best Foot Forward - fluff - meet-cute - ballroom dancing - 6k Louis loses a bet and has to go learn waltz. Harry is the guy who won’t stop stepping on his foot. ➋  Af-fur-mative - fluff - 1k Harry is anxious about the first meeting between his moody cat and Louis.
Uni AU (series) | lightswoodmagic (sarah_writes) ➊  This Might Tickle - Larry - fluff - 4k Louis' been admiring Harry from afar until they become study partners for their first year anatomy class. ➋  When You Smile - Ziam - fluff - 2k Liam’s never seen Zayn smile during classes, but a trip to the zoo for their studies helps him see a lot more. ➌  The Doppler Effect - Larry - Halloween - fluff - 2k There's only one person who figures out Harry's Halloween costume ➍  A Work of Art - Ziam - smut - 4k Zayn meets Liam before he realises he’s the life model for his extra credit class. ➎  My Favourite Word - Larry - fluff - fake/pretend relationship - 3k Louis’ ex boyfriend won’t leave him alone, so Harry steps in.
With Words Unspoken | Anonymous | 1960's - 1970's - strangers to lovers - Louis is 49 - Harry is 47 - mentions of past divorce - fluff - fate - sexual awakening k The one where Louis is lost, Harry is an excellent tour guide, and age is no barrier to finding the love of your life.
Whipped Cream | writingstylinson | hearing impaired - pining - 24kk Harry isn't focused on anything except growing his online photography business and keeping his service dog at his side. It's important since he's always being undermined due to his deafness. The last thing Harry needs are his client's brother trying to convince him to go out on a date with him.
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aspiratixxn · 4 years
Wiggles and wriggles and wounds, oh my!
Summary: Tony really wants to say fuck but he can’t in front of one insistently wiggly red spider boy.
Warnings: Blood and injuries. 
Word Count: 1877
Notes: For @jalapenobarnes​‘s writing challenge! I know I just signed up but I sort of just churned this out because it was fun to write and because I’m avoiding my two other fics heh. My prompt was “I’m trying to stop the bleeding!”, which just screamed Tony attempting to parent injured Peter. 
🚫 Starkers don’t interact 🚫
“Will you PLEASE STOP THE WIGGLINGS.” Tony can’t curse because Peter is a child and he’s really trying to cut the habit for the press, but he so wants to say fuck right now. Like really, really wants to say fuck.
The cause of said desire is of course one grievously injured Peter Parker, who’s normally fluffy hair is slick with red and he wheezes with every breath. The wheezing is less concerning when it’s because Peter’s laughing at his own stupid jokes, coming out in a pour of words.
“B-but Mr. S-Stark,” he giggles, “I’m a SPIDER! We wiggle!” And to prove his point, he wiggles a little bit even though it makes him wince from all the gashes on his body.
Tony has been blessed with multiple kids in his life. But between Harvey, Morgan and Peter, he can finally feel his age catching up with him.
To combat the raging headache beginning to bud in the back of his head, Tony does a categorical assessment of the situation. Peter’s spider suit is torn to pieces pretty much. It’s not really salvageable so he’ll strip it for parts for the next suit. Friday and Karen do a scan and reveal some pretty heavy bruising and fractured bones but no internal bleeding or compound fractures (thank fuck). Peter’s weirdo heal factor is already plugging itself in so those will be gone in a day or two. Peter himself on the other hand refuses to stop talking or moving for even a minute and he’s babbling something about how spiders spin their webs and how they walk and how their legs bend. Who knows who spider’s legs bend?? Peter Parker that’s who.
“I am. Trying. To stop. The bleeding! So, if you’ll just be a good little spider and lie still for your flies or whatever you drain the goo out of, that’d be amazing. Fantastic. Absolutely wonderful.” Tony has never felt more grateful that he has an entire med kit packed into his suit as he’s spraying Neosporin on basically every inch of Peter’s body. If he could, he might be tempted to slam dunk the kid into a whole pool of the stuff. There is to be no infections on his watch. Not after the shit he experienced in Hong Kong a few months ago. That was absolutely horrible for a regular person, who’s to say what it’ll do to Peter who can’t take painkillers or antibiotics?
“Ewwww, goo? Goo’s gross. I mean I know spiders dissolve the guts of flies and other various small insects, and sometimes male spiders but like, what do you think it’s like to just slurp goo every day for food?” Peter makes a face, interrupted briefly by the sting that the spray brings. “But I guess it’s the buggy way since flies do it too. Hey Mr. Stark, did you know that flies secrete enzymes through their feet and they drink through their feet? Or that butterflies eat flesh? Did you know that?”
Deep breaths Stark.
“I did not but you know what, of everything I sure am glad you weren’t bitten by a butterfly. Or a fly. Or any other enzyme foot secreting insect.” It’s onto the wrapping even though the worst of the lacerations are already starting to look a little better. Tony whips out a sleeve of gauze and several rolls of bandages to begin wrapping around the more severe oozing cuts, mostly located on his arms and legs though there’s quite the nasty one on his chest. Peter snorts as he begins, fingers fumbling just a bit. He’s really not good at this. His forte is more like slapping on an Avengers band-aid on Morgan’s everyday scrapes, bumps and bruises. Pepper’s the real patcher-upper. She’s off in Thailand right now though, enjoying some mangoes and a very stubborn board of directors, insisting on cutting all funds to the avengers/S.H.I.E.L.D initiative.
“It’s not enzyme foot secretions! It’s an enzyme secreting foot!” Peter huffs. “And I mean yeah this spider stuff is pretty cool y’know especially for sneaking out and stuff like walking on walls is the bomb diggity but wouldn’t it be cool if I could fly?! Imagine that!!” That’s one arm down.
“First of all, spider boy, as long as you’re not secreting enzymes on the carpet it’s fine. You know how Pepper gets about her rugs.” Peter nods solemnly, apparently remembering the Jell-O goo incident on her nice Persian rug. “Secondly, have you been sneaking out? You know how I feel about you breaking curfew young man.” And it’s a pretty generous one in his mind, at the exact stroke of midnight. Hey if Cinderella gets that much then it’s good enough for his little pumpkins to roll home and go to sleep. Peter shrugs and suddenly has the urge to look at everything else, the smoldering buildings and piles of debris, instead of meeting Tony’s eyes. He’s even mumbling YMCA to keep from saying stupid things. Oh how they grow without his notice. He sighs, thinking he’ll have to update the protocol again. Or possibly reinstall it, given Peter’s previous compulsions to just uninstall the fucking programs. Having finished the other arm, he moves onto the quickly wrap up the bits and bangs on Peter’s legs. “Third, who says bomb diggity anymore? You’re way too young to even know that term.”
“What! No way Mr. Stark, some of my favorite stuff to say is like, bomb diggity and radical! It’s a renaissance of 90’s slang.” And there’s that big, toothy smile he gives when he’s trying to butter up and get himself out of trouble. Ha! Tony’s installed a Notepad of things Peter does that are bad protocol to make sure he and Pete have some talks about things like this. Sure his old man brain might get flooded with other stuff but ever faithful Friday will remind him of it later.
The last bit requires Peter to strip off the remnants of his suit, which is going to be a bit of a problem considering Peter has a case of the jelly limbs right now. As in he’s so exhausted and beat up that his body has effectively said nope! to any form of movement that isn’t wiggling in place and being pushed around gently. So it’s the old scissors trick (not a trick) and Tony just uses some super duper ultra sharp scissors to gently cut through the wires and fabric of Peter’s suit. Peter moans a small complaint (I liked this suit Mr. Stark) but Tony’s more worried about the still dribbling tear that crosses his chest.
Peter heals like there’s no tomorrow, something that Tony only wishes he could have sometimes. But still this one looks like it might scar, especially given the kid’s habit of picking at scars. But for now all he can really do is wrap it up and-
Boss. Friday’s soothing voice chimes up and as soothing as he’s made it out to be, after radio silence all this time Tony nearly shits himself. It appears that Mr. Parker will need stitches for this one.
Aw, fuck.
Well Tony is garbage with a needle and thread so there’s no way he’s going to be doing those stitches. In fact Peter is normally the one sewing so this poses a slight problem. He doesn’t want to move the kid, who’s mumbling now about 1950’s fashion (again, who knows about these things?? Peter). And forget ambulances since they take forever to do anything and that’s not really Tony’s style in the first place.
There’s a nearby clinic, about a quarter mile away boss. Ah Friday, ever so helpful lovely Friday.
A quarter mile isn’t that bad, he reasons to himself. Even he, with his emaciated lungs, can get that far without the suit so it should be a cinch to do it in the suit right? Even with a hundred sixty four (that’s 164) pound child in his arms.
Now the real question is how to get Peter there. He’s started to sing drinking songs (he’s not even old enough to drink yet why does he know these??) and is kind of waving his arms around. Well, it’s probably not because of blood loss because Karen, and by extension Friday, would’ve let him know. The easiest thing to do would just be to scoop up the lil spider and princess carry/fly him there and pass it off to a real professional. But a part of Tony really hesitates because what if that hurts him? He’s not really known to fly slow so what if the jet propulsion opens up new words or the turbulence in-flight causes him to shift shards of bone from his fractured humerus or what if! Peter decides to start dancing to his singing!
There’s a twinge behind his eyes and he groans, pressing the heel of his palm into them. Okay. So logically none of those things will happen. Peter’s a sturdy kid. But also, Tony’s not really well versed on all this stuff. He almost tells Friday to flip a coin, carry or fly him there, but his rational brain finally takes over. It kicks his parent panic to the corner and makes him scoop up Peter, delicately of course, and take a low flying (above tree tops because they’re not getting whacked on the way to the doctor) course to the clinic, where the nurse’s eyes nearly pop out of her head. She stammers her way through the paperwork process. Peter is seen immediately by an older physician, who simply collects him and brings him back without much fuss.
Which leaves Tony to deal with the flustered nurse who literally looks like she’s about to melt into a puddle on the floor. To be fair it is 3:47 AM so this is probably a little extreme for night-time injuries. Tony mindlessly scrawls information on the papers passed to him, wrinkling his nose at the insurance one.
Strictly speaking Peter isn’t part of his insurance. But Tony quickly dismisses that, telling Friday to make a note to add him to the policy. Easily done, considering this is Tony Stark they’re working with.
The physician comes back out and ushers Tony into a room where Peter has finally knocked out, snoring on the cot like he wasn’t just painting a random street corner iron red. Tony has the good sense to sit down and try to untense his shoulder as the physician goes through lists of care items and thing, prescribing antibiotics which Tony knows won’t work. He just listens anyways, thanking her for her care and services. She says that he can take him home but in a car, not flying across the city in a suit. Probably a good idea.
He gets Friday to call Happy who is obviously very not happy about being woken up at this god forsaken hour of the night. He still grumbles that he’ll be there in ten, twenty minutes and hangs up and Tony groans once more, that headache bursting into a full-blown migraine. And he doesn’t have any ibuprofen because he forgot to restock it.  
Under his breath, in the weird yellow limelight of the fluorescent bulbs above, he finally mutters a vehement, “Fuck.”
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victorineb · 5 years
Hannigram A/B/O Big Bang 2019 - Brouillé
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So excited to finally be posting my entry for @hannigram-a-b-o-library‘s Big Bang 2019! I was partnered with @nonexistenz who has created some wonderful art which you can see on their blog or with the rest of the fic over on AO3.
Here’s a snippet to whet your appetites - hope you enjoy!
Hannibal feels no compunction in wandering through Will’s house, placing his hands all over Will’s belongings. It’s not as if he will ever know and Hannibal is hardly going to let such a golden opportunity slip through his fingers. One can tell so much, after all, from a person’s home – even his, he suspects, may have one too many racks of antlers for comfort, though he believes it reads more as “eccentric European” than “serial killer.” Will’s home is, just like its owner, utterly lacking in refinement but possessed of an unvarnished charm that Hannibal cannot help but appreciate. There are things he would change, of course – the untuned piano is a waste of a humble but decent instrument, and the spartan bed shoved into the corner is utterly unacceptable. Perhaps he should arrange for Will to be too drunk to drive home the next time they dine together, persuade him to stay in one of his guestrooms so that he might feel the benefit of a good mattress and linens with a thread count higher than double digits.
The house itself, though, is clean and neat, remarkably free of dog hair or smell, and Hannibal can see the appeal of such a sanctuary for someone like Will. The world presses ruthlessly on him from all sides; here, there is space to breathe and time to do it. Here, Will has no responsibility to anyone but himself and his pack.
He continues to drift through the room, taking in the pedestrian art and the eclectic literature that hints at the roots of Will’s lyricism. He recalls Will’s automatic, defensive ascent into his office library during their first session and thinks of how much more happily he might sit amongst the more personal collection at Hannibal’s home. He would be fearful to touch the rare editions, at first, but easily coaxed into pulling out a particularly interesting volume, eyes lighting with hunger and joy. He would soon lose himself in a novel, or perhaps some poetry, and Hannibal would quietly draw out his sketchbook and capture the moment, smiling indulgently when Will caught him, protesting that he could not stop himself from immortalising this moment between them. Later, he would draw from memory the look on Will’s face at his words, the blush on his cheeks, the hope in his eyes.
He bypasses Will’s untidy bed without a glance, instead homing in on the set of drawers which he imagines hold Will’s meagre, crease-filled wardrobe. He cannot imagine Will taking the time to hang any of the garments he clothes himself with, though he must have at least one suit, given his occasional duty to appear in court. Hannibal shudders briefly at the thought that he might turn up as an expert witness clothed in plaid and that dowdy blazer he wears to teach in. He must find out if this is the case and gently persuade Will of the value of a good suit. Or, if at all possible, convince him to let Hannibal introduce him to a decent tailor, perhaps secretly take care of the bill, let Will protest the gift but eventually accept with a shy smile…
Inside the drawer is a sight that makes Hannibal smile himself. Will’s clothing might be plain and utilitarian, and often covered with creases, but that, apparently is no reason not to fold each item with the same care and attention Hannibal would give to one of his own bespoke suits. Rows of immaculate white t-shirts, placed with the same precision one would find in a high-end boutique, catch Hannibal’s eye in particular. He recognises them as the same items Will was wearing the morning Hannibal surprised him with breakfast, the morning their great adventure began, and surmises that this drawer holds Will’s nightwear. He supposes that Will prefers to keep these items near, in case of the need to change following one of his nightmares. He wonders if Will bleaches them to keep them so white, if the scent of his sweat and fear are still clutched deep within their fibres.
Unthinkingly, he reaches into the drawer and pulls out the top shirt, holding it to his face and breathing in. No bleach, only the faintest trace of salt sweat, and none of the bitter fear he had expected. Instead, what Hannibal inhales is the pure, unsuppressed scent of alpha.
That’s all it takes. One. Deep. Breath.
The story continues on AO3.
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I was wondering if you could write a rhack a/b/o fic. Alpha!Jack is in an important video meeting and one or two toddlers roll into his home office and makes a mess, and superhero rhys comes in and saves the day! or jack invites his kid(s) to sit on his lap for the entire meeting! doesn't matter how it goes down, i just live for your abo content uwu. Oh jee, or omega!jack in a meeting and alpha!rhys taking care of the kids but they end up running to their mom?? dad?? SLSLALS
OMEGA!JACK FICLET YOOO! xD haha :D This labeled as Domesticity. Also on my ao3 here :) My masterlist archive of bullshit i write can be found linked at the top of the blog or here. 
“And just what kind of ‘side effects’,” Jack sarcastically voiced into the video call, “are so bad that we can’t even get the damn thing off the ground?”
“Sir there’s been… well–”
“Nah, shut up, I wanna hear from him,” the omega CEO said as he pointed to the camera, the room of people in the meeting looking wide-eyed at one another in worry. “Yeah, you- the idiot who looks like he got electrocuted. Come on now, hurry up.”
A man with wild, whispy blond hair had indicated himself uncertainly with a finger, but it was obvious to the others in the room that he was who the CEO had meant. The man he’d been pointing to must’ve had some close encounters with the fences penning everything in.
Jack rolled his eyes as the man spoke up to confirm he meant himself. Geez, what kind of idiots was he paying down there anyways? “Come on dumb-dumb. We don’t got all day!”
“AH! Yes sir! Ah… um, well, the thing about the side effects–”
Jack leaned his chin in his palm, knowing he was saving time by having this call on video instead of going down to Pandora himself, but their slowness and easily-startled looks were starting to grate. Yeah yeah, he got that they weren’t graced by his presence often, but this kind of starstruck fear was inefficient and getting him nowhere.
“-and the depth of the rash itself is very–”
“Yeah yeah, frickin’ deformations. I know all about ‘em. What else is the problem?”
“Well sir, there’s also the issue of protein injections, and….”
Jack glanced to his home-office’s door opening with gentle force. An imperceptible smirk tilted one corner of his lips as he saw his firstborn toddle in. Rhys must have his hands full with their second. It made the omega CEO amused.
“So find another way to test it,” Jack spoke over the man as the team assembled looked worriedly at one another.
“Sir, we’re kind of running out of specimens…”
Jack didn’t care about that, though. His eyes were tracking the progress of his daughter as she was making for the model of Helios he kept in the office. She loved the damn thing. Was gonna be the next ruler of Hyperion for sure if that was any indication.
Jack rolled his eyes. “Why do I even bother paying you morons if you want me to find the solution to your problems myself?” He was met with more grovelling and excuses, not for the first time wondering if he’d be met with half as many headaches on the daily had he been an alpha. The long-annoying thought brought a growl from his throat that he suppressed as he didn’t want to alarm the tiny form approaching the model of Helios with wide, excited eyes.
The smile that graced his face as he watched his daughter made someone on the other end of the video call faint. He turned a frown on them for taking his attention away from the two year old, and sighed.
Looked like he’d need to make a trip down to Pandora to put the fear of him back into them if things didn’t pick up next quarter.
“Look, I’ll tell you what I want, you’ll do it, and you get to keep all your blood inside your body. Pretty fair deal, right?” the omega CEO sneered as more than a few faces blanched and stuttered excuses he didn’t pay any attention to were spoken into the video uplink.
Jack looked up as Rhys stuck his head in the door, the young alpha clearly looking for their firstborn and visibly relieved that he’d found her. Their eyes met, and Rhys offered the older man a sheepish grin for interrupting his meeting, silently moving to fetch their daughter even as he had their other one on his hip.
Jack’s grin was genuine as he could clearly see Rhys had a tantrum on his hands if he removed their toddler from the scale model, and the omega CEO gave a little amused huff, way overdue for ending this call.
“Listen up because I’m only going to say this once: I want those skags weaponized, and I want it done by next quarter. Up the breeding plans if you have to, and– I can’t believe I have to even say this to you morons- wear some damn biohazard suits to keep this shit contained! I will not have another failure on my hands just because you idiots can’t keep yourselves and the prototypes alive. Now get your overpaid asses on it or I’ll start drawing for specimens among your overblown staff!”
Wide eyes and gasps were the last things Jack saw before he ended the call, turning in his chair with a grin towards his mate and their willful child. The omega leaned forward in his chair to scoop up the two year old before she could bring the model tumbling down, and Rhys sighed with a smile as he looked at Jack.
“Sorry about that,” the young alpha laughed. “I was cleaning up the mess this one made with her carrots,” he said, indicating the baby held aloft his hip, “and that little troublemaker got away from me.”
“Can’t keep Helios from this one,” Jack said with a laugh, kissing a chubby little cheek as the toddler wiggled in trying to get back to the model. He looked back up at the younger man. “I’m gonna have to go down there at some point and show those idiots what’s what.”
“It’s so hard to be king,” Rhys teased, leaning down to kiss the omega CEO as he cradled their baby’s head. “Now come help me put these two down for a nap or they’ll be cranky later.”
Jack waggled his brows at the younger man with a grin. “And then? How about something for daddy?”
“To keep you from being cranky?” Rhys laughed as he hefted the baby to his other hip. “I wouldn’t even know where to start.”
“You little shit,” the omega CEO laughed, grinning. He stood up, taking their squirming child with him, to press another kiss to the young alpha’s lips. “Maybe if you’re really nice, kitten, I’ll let you get a quick knot in, mm?”
Rhys shook his head with a laugh, dramatically covering the ears of the baby in his arms. “Not in front of the kids.”
“Oh please, they don’t understand yet. And my little pumpkin here is more interested in Helios than anything we’re saying,” Jack said with a laugh, finally letting the toddler free to make her break for the scale model.
“If she breaks that again, you can’t get mad.”
“Good thing you’ve got the solution to keep me happy right at the base of your dick,” Jack purred. “Gotta give the king what he wants, right?”
“I’m not calling you that anymore.”
“I bet I can make you, buttercup.”
Rhys’ cheeks heated as he tried to temper the smirk on his face, more interested in what the older man might have planned tonight than he wanted to admit, and decided to ignore the omega CEO in favor of coaxing their daughter from the scale model of Helios.
They ultimately had to remove the model from the post and allow it to be tucked in for a nap right next to their fussy toddler, the small child cuddling it as if it were her favorite new teddy bear. The baby easily went down for her nap with a single bottle, but Jack…
Well, there was more than one way to please the omega CEO, and luckily for the older man, Rhys was well-versed in keeping his mate in satisfied, knotted bliss.
kofi | ao3
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i-stan-too-much · 5 years
Sope Fic Recs
Here are some of my favorite Sope (Yoonseok) fics, because I’ve read a LOT and I’d like to share some of them with you :-
[ these are in no particular order and there are also some others I’ve wanted to share but unfortunately, they’ve been deleted :( ]
* - omg, this is very good
**- wow, this is a work of art
***- this is so good to the point that I’ve reread it so many times and yet I still fall in love with it just like the first time
1. Darling!*** By margotty (orphan_account)
— Hoseok is an aspiring writer who keep notes about a certain boy with soft black hair, lashes that feather in the wind and a nose that twitches when he's pissed.
Hoseok wakes one day to find that boy, the one he'd so often referred to as "Darling" is in his kitchen, making pancakes in Hoseok's pajama clothes.
(Basically Yoongi is a figment of Hoseok's imagination and he's come to life.)
This fic is one of those fics that when you just read the first sentence, you know that it’s going to be a good one. The plot is especially well thought out, the idea behind this fic is really cool, from the way that Hoseok first deals with the fact that there’s this ‘stranger’ that’s come to life from his notes, to how he learns to welcome Yoongi pretty soon after and learns to love him in such a short period of time. I also really like this fic’s ‘soft aesthetic’ like when Yoongi and Hoseok ride on Hoseok’s bike all over town, and how Yoongi is described with a certain delicacy. The first time I read this fic was on a school night - or shall I say day, at 3:00 am and after I was done, I had to go and reread it.
2. i can be ur pretty boy (i’ll wear a skirt for u)** By ohh
sugarmin, from what Hoseok gathers, is a goddamn tease. His profile picture is the lower half of his face, dewy cheeks, button nose, and a dangly earring hanging from one of his ears visible, but what puts the icing on top of the cake is this: his pretty pink mouth, suckling delicately on a heart-shaped lollipop. i have a gun in my bag, his bio says. Angel or devil, Hoseok doesn’t know, but he craves.
And oh, how Hoseok craves.
or, a story of new neighbours, boba teas, hidden identities, and riding the penny board under the summer sun.
This fic has two stars because it incorporates smut with a nice plot. Again I love the ‘soft aesthetic’ vibes that Yoongi gives off. I also like how Yoongi shows a more feminine side, and how both characters aren’t subjected to toxic masculinity. The fic itself is great, Hoseok kind of has a crush on this instagram model, the model being Yoongi, and Yoongi ends up moving to be Hoseok’s next door neighbor, and the rest is history.
3. Canvas** By Daebon
The paintbrush is poised above skin, ready to continue its work, but Hoseok finds that he's suddenly in far too deep. Now, the man beneath him has become the artist, coloring Hoseok’s world in vivid shades of passion.
His trembling hand lets go, brush clattering to the floor, splattering paint.
“Yoongi, I want you,” he whispers, voice low.
The elder stares back at him with a peculiar expression. “I already agreed to let you paint me.”
“No,” Hoseok rasps out, shaking. “Yoongi, I want you.”
Haunted by strange dreams, Yoongi begins to question the blurry line between right and wrong. Hoseok has the perfect life, but yearns for a muse other than his provocative boyfriend. Unfortunately, these troubled men find each other before they find themselves.
This fic has the potential of getting three stars, but the reason I gave it two was for the ending (this fic contains angst.) Now that being said, this fic is on a whole other level of literary techniques, the writer could even be a bestselling author, with how well this is written. Even if you don’t like angst, I’d recommend you give this one a go, because of how well written it is.
4. Love Yourself*** By endearings
It begins when he’s ten.
“Yoongi-ah,” his brother says, eyes glinting meanly. “You look a little chubby these days. Maybe don’t eat the ice cream, yeah?”
Yoongi puts the spoon down; curls into himself, drawing his knees to his chest despite the countless times he’s been told to sit properly at the dining table. “It’s just--just one bite, hyung; It’s not a lot.”
“Suit yourself.”
This fic will make you cry!! I put this one on here because of the message. You can tell that Yoongi has been insecure, and his family didn’t really help him feel better about himself, but Hoseok did. And maybe I put this one on here because I can relate personally to it (my best friend has been dealing with insecurities and body image for a long time now) but I still think that you should read this. I feel like it will really open your eyes. Disclaimer 99.9999% you’ll cry when you read this, so I don’t advise to read it in a public place.
5. The Diner** By psychojimin
"He tried really hard not to stare when that new employee came out of the kitchen for a second time. He tried really hard not to sniff when he passed by. There was just something about the man that made something stir inside of Hoseok, that made a comforting warmth grow in the pit of his stomach. The coffee in his mug had seemed to be cooled down enough and he took a sip, but the still scorching drink almost felt refreshing against his heated tongue."
I kind of debated putting this one on here, because I know a lot of people aren’t really interested in a/b/o, or are uncomfortable with smut. If you are, then you can go ahead and skip this one, but I put this one down for the people that have been looking for good ‘Alpha Hoseok’ and ‘Omega Yoongi’ fics. Not to mention, the smut in this is really good, but there’s still a plot.
6. Under the Same Sky*** By Lastwhalien For Mia95 [on going]
"The sky he wakes up to is not his sky."
One night ends as another begins.
Yoongi and Hoseok are half a world a way, living very different lives and yet they are intertwined when they begin to share their senses, irreversibly connecting their worlds.
Hoseok is the son of Durumi, not just a criminal empire but the empire, it is the machine that turns the world, manipulating money, world leaders, crime, and the rise and fall of power. He's good at his job, he was born for it, raised for it, but a coup has given his father the perfect chance to remove Hoseok from power, trapped in his apartment he's restlessly waiting.
Yoongi has escaped his past carrying the guilt of his mistakes he has rebuilt his life near the sea where he works on recreating the world as best he can, His life is calm, removed from the chaos it once held, but it still follows; a name he can never have, a family he can never truly be a part of.
One day they start to share their worlds, to see, to hear, to touch, to smell, to taste, to be two souls, two bodies, bound.
This one is so good!! Yoongi and Hoseok start off as complete strangers who appear in each other’s dreams. Then they realize that they can communicate with each other, and read each other’s thoughts. This one isn’t complete yet, but it’s so interesting and I can’t wait for the next chap. The plot is very interesting and the writer knows how to thicken the plot without dragging it out too much. The suspense will eat you alive!! Whether you want to start this fic right away or wait until it’s completed is totally up to you though.
7. wake up (to the sound of your fleeting heart)*** By inkingbrushes
Yoongi walks into Hoseok's dreams and it's surprising, sure, but it's a surprise that Hoseok welcomes.
This one too, is one of those that makes you wonder, how do people come up with such things?! This one is one of the older ones, and yet I still remember the first time I read it and how in awe I was, that someone wrote this and that they were THAT GOOD. Ever since, this writer has been one of my favorites and go to for bts fics.
8. stay (a little longer)** By ineedmygirl
That part of Hoseok that shut down when Yoongi left, that huge gaping space left in his brain and in his chest - it shut down to protect him
It was the part of Hoseok that knew, deep down, all along, that he was in love with Yoongi. And it knew that if Hoseok realized it back then, the heartbreak would devastate him beyond repair.
And now, that part of Hoseok is awake again.
or, Hoseok's best friend disappeared two years ago without a trace. They run into each other again in a seedy hotel in the middle of nowhere, and somehow Hoseok convinces him to join him and his friends on a road trip.
This one is a more recent one, so if you’ve read the ones I’ve listed above there still might be a chance that you haven’t read this one. This one is perfect for when you just need a casual fix to read when you’re home alone on a weekend and you’re bored and just snuggled up in your bed all warm. When I read this one, it just made me go aww. And when I reread it, it also made me go aww.
9. we’ll be looking for sunlight* By inkingbrushes
Yoongi thinks Hoseok's got a smile that can rival the sun.
(Or: the one where they meet during a cold winter night and Yoongi has no idea the boy with the million-dollar smile can turn everything he touches into ice.)
This one is the Jack Frost au you didn’t know you needed. I love all things Disney and Dreamworks and this fic was no exception. After typing all of this out, I questioned whether this one should really be on here, but why not. Who doesn’t like Disney or Dreamworks am I right?
10. The Things Worth Going To War For*** By softlyblue
“Spice and silk and trade and cloth. These are the things one goes to war over, but in my heart of hearts, I know they are not worth it.”
- quoted from a letter penned by the Crown Prince to his lover, at the end of the Southern War
“It’s got ears,” says the man that’s choking him. Hoseok. “Look, look. It’s got - like a cat.”
“Let me-” Yoongi wheezes, phlegm in the back of his throat, stars in his eyes, “Let me-”
“So Jungyoo wasn’t lying.”
Hoseok pushes harder. Yoongi realises faintly that he isn’t even touching the ground; Hoseok is holding him against the wall, Yoongi’s feet dangling uselessly a foot from the floor. “Why are you here?”
“He’s got the house markings,” Seokjin stretches over Hoseok’s shoulder and presses a thumb to the centre of Yoongi’s forehead, smearing the makeup there. The warpaint. “Maybe-”
“But why’s he got ears?”
Yoongi claws ever-more desperately. (Oh, if Jeongguk could see him now - he’d be a disgrace.)
“Hoseok-ah, I think you’re choking it.”
This one is also really good. I really like the relationship between Yoongi and Hoseok. Both start off hating each other at first, but slowly turn to acquaintances, then to friends, and finally to lovers. I remember this fic used to get updated every Sunday, and I would look forward to the end of the week just for this one. Disclaimer though, there are A LOT of ocs (original characters) so if you get confused a lot or are a little slow, you may want to at least skim through the previous chapters for names to have an idea of what’s going on (trust me this is from experience, I had to reread the entire thing)
11. Ripped At Every Edge, But We’re A Masterpiece** By superrunnaturall
Min Yoongi and his muse, Jung Hoseok.
I really like this fic, because you can really see the contrast between Yoongi and Hoseok’s background and where they came from. This one is also pretty old, but there might be a chance that you haven’t read it yet. The fact that Yoongi is a painter is a really good bonus might I add.
12. the prince’s vivisected* By cherryfluffyfuzzysocks [ongoing]
while the rest of the household worries over namjoon's strange behavior following prince jungkook's birthday, yoongi sets his mind on a different task.
he wants hoseok back in the house, whatever that takes. five years of enslavement together was horrific, but one month apart is unbearable. as yoongi prepares to work himself dead, the past continues to haunt the present.
**second work within a continuous series
This fic isn’t even my favorite of the series, but I added it because I think that this entire series is SO COOL. The idea of a kind of dystopian universe, where all humans are controlled by aliens has been overdone, but not when Jungkook’s the alien, that’s controlling everyone. I think that kind of adds a special touch especially when you see that even though the rest of bangtan are slaves to Jungkook (minus Hoseok) each one of them is kind of struggling with something different, and this series is covering exactly that. Each member (or two) will cover a fic and even though not all the fics will be sope I think that this one is still a must. Disclaimer, Jungkook is a huge asshole, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
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sparklycitrus · 6 years
Continuing Spitballin’ Omegaverse
Yeah...am definitely contemplating writing one of these for DGM. Er... here’s some random head canon!
I started with thinking about prisons, of all things, and how that would work in an omegaverse world. Obviously the sexes have to be separated because otherwise there’d be rape and abuse and murder running rampant everywhere (can you imagine an omega in prison with multiple alpha guards? It’ll be chaos 24/7.) I assume beta prisons would be like ours, maybe with a few alpha as guards around - no omegas. Alpha prisons would have alphas everywhere BUT the prisoners have to be on some kind of medical control as part of their sentencing, because otherwise it’ll be ridiculously hard to subdue. I didn’t think too much on those because my fic would only deal with omega prisons, so here’s some details:
Omega prisons would have two layers. Inner part are all omega prison guards, maybe a handful of betas (like doctors, a profession more suited for betas in general). Everyone has to take suppressants - omegas throughout their entire sentencing (also birth control), personnel can take sick leave if possible, but most takes suppressants. Prisoners are allowed one heat per year and there’s a special heat room that’s specially designed for it. (It’s a prison, not a hotel, shit needs to be in control and rampant hormones is just too much of a variable.) There’s a transition part between the inner and outer parts, patrolled by betas. The outer part is all alpha guards. They’re there just in case prisoners try to make a break for it and overpower the omega guards. It’d be quite hard for omegas to break out with alphas around. But alpha guards are not allowed in the inner part under most circumstances (stuff like mass prison break excluded) to keep rape and abuse at bay. Alpha visitors to omega prisons (their mates, for example) have to be shot with a hormonal suppressant before they could enter the prison, period, just in case their scent makes the omega prisoners unruly or afraid.
My omegaverse will probably involve quite a bit of biomedical technology to keep everyone’s biology at bay. Quite a lot of people are on suppressants to keep a regular job schedule, and birth control is abundant and free and very, very effective. Mating is NOT for life. It can be, and most are, but should something happen (like early death, abuse, etc.) there are medical procedures that can reverse it (expensive and probably would need court orders or some such to be implemented, but still available). Society is pretty segregated HOWEVER it’s not completely impossible for an omega to be in a high-ranking position, just super rare. Women are still expected to have the child in the relationships as opposed to men, so a lot of women just don’t mate with men to keep an equal dynamic. Omegas of both sexes are expected to be the homey mother type while alphas of both sexes are expected to be the breadwinner type. Alphas are also expected to mate (or not) with lots of partners. An alpha that doesn’t bite more than a dozen people in his/her lifetime or have a giant litter of pups is considered weird and introverted. Omegas, on the other hand, are expected to mate to one alpha and one only. There are also people who just prefer not to mate, from all sexes, and they’re usually shunned as being creepy, like we would do with that weird neighbor who might be a serial killer, etc.
And that’s all for now. I might have a summary version of dynamics in a later post. You know, for someone who dislikes mpreg, rigid sex structures, heat (yes, I think it’s silly because in nature males don’t go in heat because they’re supposed to be ready to fuck all the time), animal characteristics (I think they can be cute, but there are so many fics in fandom that have this it’s cliché and way overdone), and all that, to attempt to write an A/B/O fic is a feat in itself. 
Which is why I think this might be an interesting challenge specifically for someone like me.
(one guess as to who’s the omega in prison. come on, pretty obvious, there’s only like two omegas in this fic total and I talked about both of them lol)
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helloo! how was your day milady? its always a pleasure reading your replies too! <333 and i hope you'll enjoy your hiatus :))
also idk i just find parrots rly pretty, and the way the supposedly repeat stuff you say is rly endearing too djhdjfhfb in all honesty, im pretty new to the whole baking thing, but i love making cookies :D they always smell so lovely djfjdjdj i'd love to explore and make more stuff!
you do digital drawing? :o id love to see something! only if you're comfortable sharing though ofc <3
mmm i haven't watched alot of tv shows really tbh. my favourite and the only one im invested in atm is friends, ive watched alittle of modern family and how i met your mother, but that's pretty much it ig jdndjdj
as for movies, i love the greatest showman! it hits a bit too close to home but i always love the goosebumps i get whenever i watch it :) next would be thor ragnorok, which ive mentioned before djjdjs but its just really funny and love it sm, and it was loki's turning point so bonus marks. black widow is also a new favourite <333 though i felt terrible when they were being tortured as kids, but it really showed a new perspective on natasha and her past. i also really like the notebook! everything was so sweet it rly nearly brought me to tears jsbdjdjjsh and finally the shawshank redemption! it was something i didn't rly think i would like, but i was really pleasantly surprised lmao. everything was pretty depressing but it also kinda blew my mind away :D
for songs, my no.1 song rn is nct dream's irreplaceable, idk why exactly but i love that song. i also have a thing for songs that are similar genres to baekhyun's un village, nct jaehyun's try again and jungkook's still with you, so those are three more though im not really sure if they're really the same genre anyways and its been almost a year now and i still cant get over how nct 127's boom makes me feel 💕
hmm for fics, i dont really remember everything i read, but i absolutely loved your ceo cheol fic 🥺 it was so cute and the way reader and cheol work perfectly together T-T most of the time fics like these consist of cold bosses who only show a little warmth to the reader, but cheol was so sweet throughout everything it just made everything so much more adorable and endearing. i really really loved it :'D <333
what are your top 5 of these? and also for the next question, have you ever
been to a concert?
sneaked out from your house?
gone through a one direction and/or bts phase?
had a crush?
had a pet?
performed in front of a crowd?
read a book/fic that you love so much you still think of it occasionally? (yes im asking for recs)
- 💎 anon who loves you lots!! <333
milady?? heh you sound like chat noir from miraculous ladybug (my guilty non guilty pleasure show) i was thinking carefully about these answers thats why it took so long!! i'm going to go to bed after this is posted hehe this is gonna be a long reply so take all the time you need to answer pfft- my day has been lovely thanks to this ask by the way!!
yeah i'd love to show you something!! there were a couple burried in my rambling tags but when we're allowed to turn off anon i'd love to show you!! do you have discord btw?? it might be easier to talk on there afterwards!!
ooh how i met your mother is probably my favourite sitcom!! maybe that and b99. its pretty long and the ending was erm...not good imo but i still think the long length was worth finishing!!
the movies you picked are lovely anon!! i am also a fan of the greatest showman since i am also a big fan of musicals!! it was pretty fast paced but overall the grandeur and visuals of it stunned me and the sountrack is amazing!! i haven't watched black widow but hopefully soon!! and i dont usually watch a lot of western films but i really want to check out the notebook as well!!
ahh your music taste is also exquisite!! so im guessing you're more into like soft pop/rnb kinds of songs!! i definitely listen to baekhyun's music before sleeping since his vocals really suit soothing songs. i really need to check out more of nct's music - hello future was really good!!
OMG ANON YOU READ MY CHEOL FIC??? i was so unsure about that one but it makes my heart squeeze that you read all of it and liked it :'D
okie so my top 5 (no particular order) i'm probably forgetting a few
tv shows - 1. HUGE atla fan!! i even liked legend of korra even though some poeple didn't 2. how i met your mother 3. horimiya 4. extraordinary you 5. yona of the dawn
movies - 1. your name 2. big hero 6 3. tangled 4. weathering with you 5. from up on poppy hill - literally any ghibli i've watched
books (sorry lots of these are manga) - 1. fruits basket 2. haikyuu!! 3. SNOW WHITE WITH THE RED HAIR (IT'S MY FAVOURITE EVERYTHING) 4. to all the boys i've loved before (it's very different from the movies) 5. i don't mean to bring up percy jackson since it's been years but those books are still everything to me
songs - 1. eight (iu, suga) 2. all my love (svt) 3. kidult (svt) 4. dandelions (ruth b) 5. somehow (day6)
thank you for asking anon! i loved listing these out! next to the never have i ever!!
been to a concert? NEVER!! waiting for svt to come to canada, they didn't list canada for ode to you :(((
sneaked out from your house? NEVER i've sneaked people into my house...
gone through a one direction and/or bts phase? I HAVE! bts but it was only for like a month before i fell in love with 13 men...
had a crush? soobin duh i'm beginning to realize now that maybe i've been more in love with the idea of love instead of harbouring genuine feelings // NEVER!!
had a pet? I HAVE!! multiple fishes...rip
performed in front of a crowd? I HAVE!! i've played the drums during school concerts and during a competition a few years back!!
read a book/fic that you love so much you still think of it occasionally?
for this last one i'm going to tie it in into my top 5 fics of all time!! (with mini reviews!!) i should make a masterlist of my recs honestly - when i compile all of my favourites i think that's when i've be brave enough to tag the writers fjdshfdkj
out of touch, out of time by @/by-moonflower // i read this months ago and my heart literally still sinks whenever it even crosses my mind. i don't think i've ever been so emotionally impacted by a fic before and this is my go to rec for anyone who wants to FEEL something. i don't wanna go in depth as to spoil it, so i'll just leave it at that for now.
outlasting the universe by @/by-moonflower // you know what i'm just gonna link their entire masterlist because all of their works (even the short drabbles) are just literary masterpieces. the way they write makes you feel so alive?? and everything just speaks for itself and is so authentic. they make you feel like you're wandering amidst a ghibli film, periof. authentic is the best word i can use to describe their work and this fic is just the definition of beautiful.
bluff and nonsense by @/thepixelelf // THIS FIC. it's my go to rec overall. it was so memorable had such good flow and just genuinely so genuine?? i have no other words to describe it, it's just so ,,, lovely. the plot takes you on a journey and it's woven together so seamlessly.
in a span of three months by @/viastro // i won't be surpprised if you've read this one already because this author is a true staple in the carat writing community and honestly all of their works are simple timeless. this one really hit the mark for the me the most though and i finished it all in one sitting.
wish by @chocosvt // goodness i'm a fan of hoshi fics aren't i? this one was also really memorable for me and i have read it several times!! friends to lovers but they really made the trope their own and added lots of twists and tadbits that gave it so much charm!! i would also rec this as a starter fic for svt :))
phew thank you for reading all of that anon, i really appreicate you taking the time to write such love responses and questions. now i'd like to know your answers for the same questions ,,, have you ever:
been to a concert?
sneaked out from your house?
gone through a one direction and/or bts phase?
had a crush?
had a pet?
performed in front of a crowd?
read a book/fic that you love so much you still think of it occasionally?
to add on:
been to a place/been in a particular mood after a specific event that you wanted to stay in forever?
written a piece of work that sparked energy within your fingertips!!
met a person/have someone in your life who you now just treasure so deeply?
this is getting super long we need to reveal our identities soon fkdsfkjlds
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deepfriedtwinkie · 7 years
Kingsman: A Trainee’s Mission (Pt. V)
PREQUEL FIC, this section ~2,450w
note: the medallion says the skydiving task has been done so we’re not gonna do that
pt. I  | pt. II  | pt. III  | pt. IV
It’s a very lucky thing, Harry is all too acutely aware at the moment, that he has never had any particular problem with heights.
“Welcome to Mont Blanc,” comes Arthur’s voice over the comlink. “Currently, the eight of you are standing over four thousand, eight hundred metres above sea level.”
There are no summits that high in England. His guess from a few minutes ago had been right. That plane ride felt far longer than it should’ve for a reason. Harry exchanges a glance with Hamish, though it’s difficult to express much of anything behind their parka hoods and snow goggles. It doesn’t matter much, anyway. Any idiot could tell all eight of them are thinking the same thing.
This is the part where they give us hell.
“Your task is straightforward. Due north, you will find a bridge, linking the plateau you now occupy with the next. Cross it, and you will find in the crag of the mountain a metal strongbox. Naturally, this box has been sealed against the elements. The method by which it opens will be yours to determine.”
‘Straightforward’ might not be the word he’d use with a mystery vault to decipher, but so far, nothing sounds all that unreasonably difficult. Harry rubs his gloved hands together for warmth. This shouldn’t be too much trouble.
“Retrieve the contents and deliver them to the plane behind you before the countdown displayed on your goggles reaches zero. Failure to complete this task before time runs out will result in swift dismissal from the training program.”
Then again, a little trouble never hurt anyone.
“Take your marks.”
There are golden x’s in the snow. A row of them, arranged below their boots, perpendicular to the bridge in the distance. The candidates fan out, claiming one apiece, bent into the poses of Olympic sprinters. Harry gives a nod to his immediate right. Hamish nods back.
Sixteen boots send up powder from the mountainside. Making his break for it, Harry notes the digits in the upper right corner of his vision. 14:58. He overcomes Derrington, then Kenneth. He’s on pace to overcome Graham.
Sixteen metres to the walkway. Fifteen. 14:51.
Fifteen minutes. Why would they give us fifteen minutes? What could–
The first explosion brings all eight of them to a skidding halt. It’s the second that finishes off the bridge. Flailing wood and rope plummet to the bottom of the gorge in a cloud of flak and snow.
Instinctively, Harry presses the arm of his goggles. But Arthur isn’t there. The line is dead.
Of bloody fucking course it is.
14:10. Quickly, Harry scans the peak in search of an alternate route. There isn’t one. Not besides climbing all the way down and back up again. There isn’t time for that. They’re ill-equipped for that, for that matter. All they’ve got are snowsuits and rifles. So much for ‘prepared for any eventuality’…
His hands fly, bringing the gun to eye-level.
…unless we are.
Turning the rifle over, then again, he inspects the barrel in a rush. It was never for weight, never for practice, never for authenticity or imaginary enemies. They have them for a reason. He finds it in a dial on the barrel. With effort behind his cold, gloved fingers, it turns one click, then another. To a small icon of a hook being cast from a line.
The others are inspecting the drop when he braces a stance at the chasm’s edge, propping the gun on his shoulder, taking aim. He fires, and sure enough, a grappling hook launches from the muzzle, sailing through the air until it clamps solid rock on the other side. The line between weapon and mountainside goes taut. A steel cable.
They’ve all taken notice. “That’s fucking it! Everyone!” Two more lines go out immediately. Then three. By the time it’s all seven, one of them’s spotted the breakaway marks on the barrel. “Like this, now!” The anchor is the barrel itself. Following suit, he cracks the gun over his knee and jams the peg that comes away into the snow, beating it down with a rock.
Panting, Harry stands, calculating. 12:43. There’s a zipline, but no handle bar. Frantically, he starts to pat his snowsuit. These things are identical to their training suits, other than the down and fur; there’s got to be…
Why would a one-piece garment need a belt?
He’s going to find out. The buckle is in his hands, then the whole of it. He gives it a tug, then another. Woven into the threads is something that catches the light up here. Coated steel, he’d bet anything.
Sitting beside his line, legs over the edge, he loops the belt across, twisting it again and again round each hand. He takes a deep breath. Then pushes. With a heavy lurch, his bodyweight drops, stomach clenched as he goes whizzing through the air.
Don’t think about the ground. Don’t think about the ground. Like a snow owl, he’s sailing across vastness, echoing amounts of nothing, feet dangling over empty space like ornaments. It’s exhilarating. It’s nauseating. It’s over in seconds, banking his boots harshly against the gorge’s northern face. He struggles to pull himself up as rapidly as possible. His opinion of heights may be up for reevaluation once this day is over.
Timing and angle have favored Winston. With his legs back under him, Harry spies the prat ahead, in the lead. They must’ve launched within seconds of each other. There’s a grunt to his right, and he reaches down toward it. Hamish’s glove slaps into his hand. Joint effort gets him up over the side.
“Oh, I’ll be fucked if I’m gonna lose to him,” Hamish growls.
“Let’s go.”
11:01. The two of them bullet side-by-side toward the glint of the vault in the distance, the others behind them still preparing to cross the gorge. They make it to Winston’s heels, and the three of them skid to their knees in front of the box together, crowding it in search of an answer. 10:13.
“Out the way, you two, leave it to the big boys,” Winston says.
“Fuck off.” He’d be more creative if it wasn’t so bloody cold. As a substitute, it’d be nice if the cloud of his breath would freeze into something he could knock him on the head with.
“There.” Hamish has the snowdrift cleared properly away from the front of the strongbox. On the front is a recessed square featuring a trio of wheels, like a slot machine, each one askew and marked with different letters of the alphabet. “That’s the way in.”
09:58. “’Course it’s the bloody way in.” Winston bats Hamish’s arm away from the console, setting upon the wheels himself, fiddling until they make a word. S-P-Y.
Nothing happens.
Galled, Harry glares at the back of his head. “You fucking thought the password was spy?”
“Well how the fuck should I know!?”
Hamish speaks again, this time urgently, eyes wide behind his goggles. “O-N-B. Try O-N-B. Oxfords not brogues. It’s the passphrase.”
Winston can’t get the first wheel back around. 09:16. Hamish bodily shoves him aside and does it himself, to Harry’s surprise, rearranging the set until it spells out O-N-B. A pinhole light they hadn’t noticed turns green. There’s a hiss of air. The vault’s front lifts away, revealing eight padded envelopes.
“Brilliant!” Harry laughs.
“Yeah, yeah, well done, lad.” It’s about as heartfelt as a colonoscopy. Winston reaches in past them both, snatching up the envelope marked ‘W.C.,’ springing off and darting across the snow.
Harry grabs the ‘H.M.’ by mistake. Hamish smashes the ‘H.H.’ into his hand, trading him as they break into an unfettered run, each tucking their parcel for safekeeping into the body of their snowsuits. 08:49.
Winston’s off, sailing has way back across the gorge. Some of the others are just arriving, even still. Others whip past them on foot as they rush toward the ledge. Harry drops, readying his zipline, winding his belt again and again around his hands. Hamish is a mirror image. They work quickly. Trading a nod, at the same time, they shove off.
At 08:01, both Harry and Hamish are zinging breakneck toward the checkpoint. This time, it’s like flying. Harry even considers whooping for joy.
At 08:00, he hears a distinct sproing of a sound to his right.
He looks in time to see Hamish swinging downward. Clinging to his broken wire, hurtling toward the crevice’s face, a chain of panicked ‘whoas’ stringing together into a resonant, plummeting yell.
“Shit!” Harry angles his body to speed his flight, crashing his boots into the rock face. He scrambles to solid ground and nearly trips to reach Hamish’s anchor, still wedged into the snow. A hurried look over the side spares him the sight of his friend as any stain on the formation; he’s sorted how to cushion the blow. Apparently, these parkas inflate, as well.
07:34. There’s no purchase to be had on the mountainside, no crag. Only ice. Hamish’s grappling hook hangs broken, metres below him, and beyond that, a plummet to death.
No task is worth this. Immediately, Harry’s winding things round his hands again. This time, it’s Hamish’s zipline. He goes belly-down on the outcropping, reaching for as much of the wire as he can grab. “Hold on! Stay calm!”
He rears back to his knees, pulling with all his strength. He tries to inch backwards, intending to get his feet underneath him. Neither action does a goddamned thing. For all the slightness of his frame, Hamish and all his gear are too much weight for Harry alone.
“Harry! I can’t hold it much longer!”
Three of the others are returning, climbing to their own anchors. “Help me!” Harry barks the moment they set foot on earth. It’s Courtney, William, and Graham. The pack of them rush over as Harry gets to his feet, and the four take positions at the cable.
“On three!”
“Fuck three!” comes from the gorge. “Fucking fuck three! I’m dangling off a cliff, you fucking pull on one!”
They pull on one. Harry gives it his might, shoving loops of cable backward into hands struggling to catch up. He pulls until his lungs feel they might give out. Until his hands, he’s sure, are bloody beneath his gloves.
Until he sees the top of his bunkmate’s head, and leaves the cable to the other three, lunging to seize his arm.
A last heave brings him over, and they both land hard, side-by-side on powdery backs under an azure sky. At 04:06, they’re catching their breath. Harry knows the pat on his shoulder is the mute term for gratitude.
Just like he knows why the countdown flashes red upon reaching 03:00.
He’s off and running despite every muscle in his body. “Come on!” Like hell they’re going through all of this only to fail at the finish line. The plane waits in the distance. They can make it, both of them. He wrangles a glimpse over his shoulder to see Hamish closing in, albeit with the grace of a rag doll. He grins manically, eyes ahead.
They’re the last four boots in the stampede, thundering madly down the white. He nearly trips on ice; a hand wrenches his elbow. The readout taunts them with 01:59, and they go faster, surging on a burst of speed and mad determination.
Nearly tripping, they clamor up the airstairs. No sooner do they collapse into upholstered seats than the countdown is canceled remotely. At 00:01.
Harry whips the goggles off his face, dropping them behind him from a limp hand. Fucking hideous things, anyway.
They’re wheels-up when the crackling voice of Arthur fills the cabin.
“Congratulations,” he tells the candidates. “You have all completed a most difficult task. One with several unexpected complications, no less.”
“Unexpected fucking complications?”
Forget the demolition of the fucking bridge; what exactly would they have proposed to have done if anyone had died out there? Sacrifice for the greater good is one thing, a thing he understands and supports and would gladly sign his life to, but sacrifice for a drill? For the experience? What would they have told Hamish’s aunt, the woman who raised him? That it was all right her boy had died because he learned something?
“If you have something to say, Harry, by all means,” comes the feedback.
He hadn’t known Arthur could hear them. Honestly, he doesn’t care. Nor does he care if any of these other lads hear, either.
“It was an accident, then?” he demands. “The faulty grappling hook? Not another one of your death-defying life lessons? For God’s sake, he’s seventeen. There is no level of skill that makes unnecessary risk permissible, not on someone with their life ahead of them.”
He sees Hamish staring as if no one’s ever said those words before. Everyone else glances awkwardly about the cabin. The intercom remains so silent, he wonders if Arthur has flat ‘hung up’ on him.
Finally, it cuts in.
“There was a net, Harry.”
“Fifty metres down the gorge. A mountaineer’s net, invisible from your height, reinforced with a micro-elastic technology developed by our textiles department in Cardiff.”
He’s beginning to wish the rest of them weren’t listening.
“Let this be a lesson to the lot of you,” Arthur says. “A Kingsman only condones the risking of one life to save another. There are no exceptions.” They hear him softly clear his throat. “To that end: Winston.”
Winston sits up, looking to the ceiling of the plane as if somehow Arthur was plastered up there, the fucking twat. “Yes, sir?”
“My personal congratulations on completing the assignment in record time. You’ve won the challenge. When you return, your reward will be to pack your bags.”
Everything about his daft expression takes a fast turn south. Harry glances at Hamish to find he’s not the only one concealing a laugh of surprise.
“You were well within range to assist your teammates. And you heard Harry call for help. You failed to prioritize real and immediate danger over the promise of personal recognition. So have you failed the Kingsman, myself, and Agent Tristan, as well.”
Oh, God, it just keeps getting better.
“You’re dismissed from the program. Effective immediately. Is this understood?”
Slumping down, arms folded, Winston emits a petulant, “Yes, sir.”
“Good. Then I shall see you all back at HQ. Over and out.”
The remainder of the plane ride is as smooth sailing as any flight has ever been, or could possibly be. At the honor bar, Harry finds peanuts, and he passes a packet back and forth with Hamish while the clouds go rolling by.
pt. VI  | pt. VII  | pt. VIII  | pt. IX
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jadegreenworks · 7 years
19 Overcoming
I hope everything (I meant everyone, but it can’t be buggered now, LOL! sOrry!) had a good week! Thank you to everyone who reblogs and gets the boost out for this fic! I’m truly grateful! I’m having a birthday on the 10th, (my birthday, actually), @hannigram-a-b-o-library​ has #Summertime Slick Omegaverse fest going on, @radiance-anthology​ is hitting goals like a boss, and the forking fireworks are finally over, so all is right with the world!
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Will lay where he landed for a long time, taking stock of himself, his head flaring with pain where he’d struck it. He groaned, the ache in his skull sharpening, wincing as the impact made itself known all over his body.
“Mr. Graham! Mr. Graham!”
“Will! Oh my goodness! Will!”
The voices of Mr. Hawkes and Mina reached him through the thundering in his ears and Will opened his eyes, finding the butler, the housekeeper, Jimmy, and Mina looming over him by lamplight in an attempt to help.
“What on earth happened?” Jimmy gasped, helping him sit up. “We heard you all the way upstairs!”
“Will! Are you hurt, dearest? Oh my gods!” Mina fretted, pale and frightened, her fingers fluttering over him like butterflies, uncertain where to land or what might hurt him.
“There was something on the landing,” Will said, biting his lip slightly in discomfort as her questing fingers skimmed over his ribcage, waking a flaring ache that stole his breath. “I-I tripped over it. I was just clumsy...”
Mrs. Henderson rushed up to check and Will could hear the sudden low drone of Hannibal’s voice when he spoke to her, a soft purr accompanied by the growing strength of his scent as he was finally drawn by the ruckus.
Will tried to recall if he’d caught Hannibal’s scent in the hallway, but it permeated everything to varying degrees and he couldn’t be sure if he had or hadn’t. The hands that had pushed him, too, he couldn’t quite recall being large or small, it had all happened so quickly.
Hannibal’s suite was right next to his, yet the servants in the attic had heard the commotion and responded before Hannibal had. Will stared at Hannibal and wondered with cold dread if his husband had found an opportunity yet again to deal with him as he had his first wife.
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