#thank youuuu for the ask mwah
emberglowfox · 28 days
you should infodump about your ocs
i'm going to talk abt a bit of the worldbuilding in steelheart redux bc i am a nerd. you'll get a pinch of arthur at the end though
holograms are pretty common tech in the SHR-verse, and at the time of the story, most are polychromatic (aka full-color, though like real-life televisions Just How Many Colors depends on model and price and whatnot) but that wasn't always the case! when holographic technology was first really figured out, holographic displays were only capable of projecting in one color, using opacity to differentiate value. early holographic phones (H-phones, or whatever lingo i come up with later to describe them) accepted this limitation in exchange for being able to just. project a big honking screen (though said big honking screen was not physically interactable in any way.) they looked kind of like this:
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and since suddenly people could just whip out their phones and project a wall-sized display, a section of the entertainment industry scrambled to capitalize on this by making films and graphics For these phones (and the legion of projectors that also emerged) that were essentially black and white films, as stipulated by the holograms' display limitations. these movies were called monofilms (or just monos), and shortly separated into two categories: standard monofilms, produced for dark environments, and inverse monofilms, produced for bright environments.
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(when discussing the categories of monos in relation to each other, the terms 'additive' and 'subtractive' are often substituted.)
this led to a brief, albeit fiery race for various cinematographers to become the "master" of monofilmography, which involved different lighting setups and considerations than normal filmography. it was also popular among indie filmographers, as shooting in black and white was far less expensive than shilling out for top-of-the-line, industry-standard but Fucking Pricey full-color cameras.
eventually, polychromatic holographic displays were invented and standardized, and the short golden age of monofilms passed. still, despite the major film studios that had dabbled in monofilmography returning to the standard, monos remain a staple of indie film production and enjoy a niche but dedicated fanbase.
such as arthur steele, who inherited a love and appreciation for them from his late father.
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sighonaraa · 1 month
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Rosé, I think, if you want to get technical, but close enough!
she's beautiful.......
for you, my love, a wee bit of a brand-new wip (!) that i'm working on for the whump bingo card i received (!!!!!!):
“I think I’d rather walk over hot coals from here to France than do this,” Colin informs the occupants of the first car as they slather sunscreen onto each others’ backs and wait for the second car to arrive. It’s Roy driving that one, and Sam is convinced that he refused to let Jamie touch the GPS, or Moe the radio. He imagines all of them sitting there in silence as Roy becomes steadily more aware of his mistakes, and shudders. Alhamdulillah he got assigned to Isaac’s van. “But then you would have to be in France,” says Jan Maas, a pair of sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose. He’s standing at the edge of the forest, looking for all the world like a cryptid that crawled its way free of the trees and then immediately realized its mistakes. Colin’s mouth screws up in disgust. “Damn.” “I take enormous offense to this,” says Richard, huffily. Then, pinching the spot where he’s applying sunscreen to Zoreaux’s upper bicep, “Quit moving.” “Sorry,” Zoreaux says. “I don’t want to be here.”
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fruity-arts · 4 months
Do you have a twitter?! Your art got me in a tizzy
Does it count if I have an account but don’t use it…? If you can convince me to be active on there and post my art I might. Not sure how successful you’ll be
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dragoncarrion · 2 months
can you tell me about cinnabar and rage rush :0?
GLADLY!!! im putting all this under a read more since it'll probably get a bit long
ok so those two are part of a tf story i've been spinning around in my head for a while. it's still HEAVILY in the works but i've got the basis for both their characters. kind of
Cinnabar (the big dragon) is a predacon that self exiled kind of in her own volition (yes im writing the t.f.p predacons into this bc i could not skip the chance to have big dragons in my story im sorry). she used to be an executioner for the current guy ruling the predacons (which would be Quinacridone. dont worry about him i barely have anything on him lol he doesnt matter) but her friend, some other guy named Malachite was conspiring against the previous leader with Quinacridone's help, once the deed was done however he basically threw Malachite under the bus, dropping him into this vengeful spiral. He tries to drag Cinnabar into it, hoping that she'd kill Quinacridone for him given her closer position to Quin, but when she refused out of fear of both of them getting killed, they had this big falling out and fight (if you've seen previous drawings of her you'll notice she's missing an eye. well this is where she loses it lol). After this, Malachite fucks off to somewhere, and Cinnabar runs away too, both to try and find him, and because Quinacridone seems to be getting onto their plans of dethroning him, despite how unwilling she was to do it. She lands in this strange underground colosseum fighting ring, where's she "loses" Malachite's trail. In reality he had been fighting here for a while, mostly for his bruised ego and because something about this place seems to keep people from leaving (lore wise its bc there's some big ass titan underneath with its freaky aura that fucks with your mind). So she's been here since, working as an announcer for the fights and a guard of sorts, hoping to get a lead on where he ended up, but everyone here is very secretive and uncooperative.
Now Rage Rush (the tiny ass sparrow) is said colosseum's champion. Im thinking she's got this outlier power of like. mini hyperspeed that looks like borderline teleporting, so it's impossible to track where she is during fights. She's been here wayyyyy longer than Cinnabar, and was actually the one to take down Malachite in a fight, though only by some mere dumb luck. at the last second The spiny plating on her left shoulder is actually a bunch of his scales since she likes keeping "trophies" of those she defeats like some fucking sicko. When she meets Cinnabar she's quick to realize who she's looking for, but decides against telling her for obvious reasons. Rage Rush becomes something like a... "friend" to Cinnabar in the following years. They're both very bitter assholes though, so it's mostly some on and off toxic situationship of sorts 😭 Cinnabar hates Rage Rush's incredibly rude and aggressive personality, always getting under people's skin just for the hell of it, while Rage Rush gets very irritated at how Cinnabar seems to always be wallowing and moping about something. Sometimes she'll outright ignore the sparrow even when she's talking to her face just to get back at her. Still, they mostly stick together since Rage Rush finds Cinnabar fascinating and is one of the only people who will talk to her (plus they're both lonely as fuck deep down). Fun fact: Rage Rush used to be some low status autobot (loooong time ago im thinking that whole thang has been over for millennia by now bc thog dont caare) going by the name of Speck, but changed it to something edgier once in the fighting ring. She has a history of feeling ignored and excluded by other people, which led to her starting to resent pretty much everyone around her after a while, so the adrenaline of the fight's victory feeds into her rancorous power fantasies that she has been stewing in for ages. i dont ljke her ❤️
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kithj · 9 months
your writing never disappoints its always so toothsome (i am gnawing on it like some beast). always a pleasure to read. there’s a sort of rhythm to the words and the weave of more literary versus matter of fact writing,,, you have a v distinctive voice as well. feel like i could read an excerpt and be like i know that guy!! BIG love as always 🫶
also a question bc im curious, feel free to not answer. does this current version of siren’s call have a lot of similarities w the IF version? plot wise i meant, beside all the narsty tasty bits
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hehehe thank you!!! and i'd definitely be lying if i said the jibaro didn't give me a little bit of inspiration with the golden siren, i was definitely picturing all the jewelry that she wears when i was writing her description in the water, and the similar vibes of a dangerous "romance" between them. i also really wanted her appearance to contrast dramatically with Rome's completely unadorned snake siren.
as for your question, a little bit of yes and no. while i did want to play with sirens a little bit in the original story, it wasn't something i had planned to be as big of a narrative piece as it ended up being in the short story.
obviously Swaine isn't present in the short story, nor any of the other characters aside from Rome & the mention of Reed. i'm honestly not sure if i'm going to do more with siren's call just yet, so i don't want to share too much.... but the mc was always intended to have the scarred map from their father, though originally it was on their back. Rome & Alessa both knew about it, but Swaine was the only one that could potentially read it, since he knew the mc's father & was familiar with his code. it was what he was originally looking for when he killed their father and ransacked their house, but he failed to find it since... the mc was the map.
i did have similar themes planned for the longer story, the idea of a "cycle" and the mc being trapped inside it (and dragging Rome along with them) and i imagine this short story being one of the various outcomes of a more vengeful mc that perhaps killed Swaine on sight, unknowingly trapping themselves in the cycle without ever learning about the scars on their arm and thus never finding real closure with the loss of their father. of course this context is missing from the short story; it's all meant to be very... speculative.
i like keeping things vague and unexplained and letting the reader interpret what it could mean. were the scars ever even a map at all or was it meaningless? does the siren know what the scars really are? is she trapping the mc or is the mc trapping her? is the mc really reliving this experience over and over again? is that really Rome in bed with them in the end? are they really going to do it differently this time...? we just don't know, and that's the fun of it ;-)
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tmntxthings · 11 months
Also also ∑一 Loser ・゜・。is pretty good too. Would Leo be able to commit trying to get our beloved reader back? Would reader even consider giving him another chance? I like how you wrote the story because it feels real. I've never experienced it personally like in the story but getting played like that and your feelings not being considered is real. And people writing about these things even if they're x readers gives a bit more awareness of these situations, whether you're finding out you or someone else is being played or if even you're the one playing someone or multiple someones! I just felt like rambling or something about this, sorry for clogging up your inbox a bit!! Hope you find money in one of your pockets or something!!! 💖
Dearest anon I really enjoyed your questions!! As always my fics are up for interpretation, but I do find it entertaining to make things up for debate!! No wrong answers :D in my opinion 🤔
Leo digs in deep with this one because he is so vexed that he has lost someone that he thought would always be around… he’s realizing how convenient it was to just always rely on reader, to have a constant in his life like that! And maybe a bit to do with his own feelings that he likes to play ignorant/oblivious! He’s kinda stupid and very stubborn, sooooo his resolve is strong. Stronger than the hate that reader feels for him at the moment because of all they had to go through because of him!
I’m so flattered you read and enjoyed the fic, thank you for the kind words <333 love to hear thoughts 🤗
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betasuppe · 1 year
I want to eat your art /pos
Oh anon, you're gonna have to watch yourself... you compliment me anymore & I'm gonna have to eat you too because youre too sweet uwu♡
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ego-meliorem-esse · 3 months
congratulations on passing all your exams!!! 🥳🥳
Im celebrating by making a nail salon appointment and getting myself a (sadly) expensive and detailed set of nails huehuehue
Thank you I'm legit happy with myself in a way never before seen by mankind, other mammals or certain species of marine life <3
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marriedzukka · 1 year
5, 11, 17 for retgmt <3
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hi jo beloved my number one retgmt warrior <3<3
5. Where did you write this fic? Is that your favorite spot to write?
all over, but probably mostly in my bed or at the desk in my room. i write a lot at work too when there's downtime but I prefer doing it at home in my cozy space with no interruptions (other than my cat)
11. Was there a scene that you hadn't originally planned to include? Why did you decide to fit it in?
soo many omg...but there a few that come to mind:
1) jet giving sokka a pep talk. jet only plays a very small part in this story so I wasn't sure if I should keep it in, but sokka also needed a reality check from someone who didn't care about his feelings as much as his friends/family lmao.
2) iroh's letter to lu ten. it started as just an exercise in trying to find his voice, and i almost didn't include it because it was hard to find a good spot for it. but people still comment about that part specifically so I'm really glad I kept it in!!
3) sokka's conversation with katara, aang, and toph when zuko was Going Through It. round-table scenes like that are so hard because there's so many people to keep track of and i wasn't sure if it was too clunky, but sokka also needed a pep talk and new perspective from his people so I decided to keep it.
4) zuko's conversation with hakoda. I don't know what it was about this scene that was so damn hard to write but other than the huge emotional parts of that chapter, this was definitely the hardest scene to get right. I knew that I wanted them to have a conversation but i couldn't figure out how to get the two of them alone in a way that was natural. But then it finally clicked when I remembered that I had literally already set up the fact that Sokka was trying to pay more attention to when Zuko needed a break, so it gave me a chance to show Sokka actually doing that AND get Zuko alone.
17. What was the hardest scene to write?
hmmm. tough choice, I've cried so many very real tears writing this thing but apart from the big relationship moments, which I'm always concerned with getting just right, I think the hardest to write was when Zuko finally breaks down in chp. 14. That shit was rough. I had to really dig into those feelings and try to express what grief feels like (it feels like So Much), and also simplify it in a way that made sense and resonated. And then because I love making things even more complicated for myself, I decided to put some flashbacks in that scene too. Those ended up being necessary but I was definitely struggling to make the whole thing flow in a way that made sense.
13.My favorite line of dialogue from this fic was [xyz]. What inspired it?
🥺🥺🥺 i love that line too, I think it sums them up so well. I'm not sure if there was anything specific that inspired it, but I wanted to call back to earlier in the chapter when they were looking through pictures together and Sokka made him say that he deserved good things. And it got to a point when Sokka was finally like, fine- don't believe me? I'll show you myself!!!!
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lestatlioncunt · 8 months
1 and 7 for the companion tav asks!
companion!tav ask game.
1. Where can your Tav be recruited? Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region? Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
Violante can be found near the chapel entrance in act 1! you will find her sneaking around, ready to attack the looters (? idk how to call them, those guys you can convince to leave or fight) there. you can decide to stop her or watch her do her thing, in the first case she will be upset with the PC and try to attack them but the tadpole connection will stop her. in the second case the PC will get closer to her after she's done killing, she will be guarded and cautious but express interest in the fact that you didn't stop her from attacking those people (she saw you staring hehe) and then shared worm moment
7. Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game? Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
answered here!
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zizzy-rie · 8 months
You post art relatively often, but it's still pretty uncommon, and it's rare enough that I rarely see it in the wild on my dash. But i came in just in time to see your femme Wukong and I just want you to know that something about your style makes me very happy. I don't know what it is (I'm thinking's that it's got something to do with the way you draw smiles and frowns) but it's very comforting and makes me happy.
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I've never really expected any outcome to be like this with my art BUT I'M GLAD IT MAKES YOU HAPPY AND COMFORTED!!! (^o^)
Words aren't enough to describe how happy and appreciated I feel right noww (-w-)
People like you deserve the world~~~~
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sighonaraa · 2 months
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Sending some roses for future use whenever you want to share something you’re working on :)
i love you and your creative rose asks so much. here's a small bit from the next chapter of the sun is only a God if you learn to starve:
“You cannot escape us, mi amigo!” shouts Dani. He always tries to pitch his voice into one of those low, sing-songy horror movie villain tones whenever they play these sorts of games, and it always fails, but it does almost always make Sam double over so hard with laughter that Dani’s able to snag the ball from him anyway. Today, though, he’s preoccupied. Only half of his mind is here. The other half is distant from itself, weeks and worlds and wounds apart. He’s not moving fast. He can sense Jamie trailing at their heels, half-heartedly following the motions so no one can take him aside and ask him if everything’s all right. Isaac had tried it, the day after. He’d squirreled Jamie off into the hallway and they’d all kept talking like they could pretend they weren’t listening and only minutes later Isaac had returned and Jamie hadn’t, and they had acted as if they hadn’t heard the sharp, knife-twist of Jamie telling Isaac that it was fine, just fuck off. I’m fine. (But beneath it: A tender, broken thing. An abandoned animal turned belly-up for love. They had acted as if they hadn’t heard that, either.) It’s Dani, not Jamie, who sneaks in and steals the ball back with a triumphant shout. Sam lets him take it, but his eyes remain on Jamie. Jamie, who had once been the most competitive of the lot. Jamie, who had once chased him from one end of the field to the other, refusing to give up until he had the ball and the goal and the warm clasp of Sam’s hand on the back of his neck. Only then would he settle, calm. That gentle, light touch, and his muscles unspooled and he relaxed into it like it was sunlight on water. Colin pounces after Dani, but Dani passes to Jamie, and Jamie— Jamie jerks away from the ball, trainers grappling at the dew-slick ground, and then freezes. “Jamie?” says Dani, tentatively. “I—” Jamie blinks. His mouth moves around a heavy silence. “I don’t—”
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threadsun · 8 months
gives you some soup and throws a blanket on your head
Oughhhhh sloop.......
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bisexual-horror-fan · 10 months
I'm popping out of my houdini disappearence act to say that I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO MEET THE BOYSSS!!
Honestly cannot wait to hear what it was like because I will be living vicariously through you, Bex.
I, TOO, AM SO EXCITED TO MEET THE BOYS! Trust me, I am gonna come back here with a tale to tell and regale you all, just wait! I meet them for my picture at 4:10 PM, and I am going to be a wreck all day leading up to it.
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transbuck · 11 months
16, 17, 24, 25?
16 - Want any tattoos? What of?
I thiiiink so. I have commitment issues so we’ll see if i can ever settle down with one but the two ideas i have are the creation of adam hands across my chest post top surgery and a shark tattoo, maybe on my forearm
17 - Want any piercings? Where?
I would like an eyebrow piercing but idk if i can commit to keeping it healthy while it heals fhakdhs maybe in a few years when im more stable
24 - When was the last time you cried? Why?
Hrm the last time i REMEMBER crying was probably about a year ago when i read the sequel to aristotle and dante discover the secrets to the universe. GOD i wept
25 - What’s your favorite decade?
Purely aesthetically, tie between the 70s and the 80s. Mens fashion in the 70s popped off and we should bring that shit back, and the 80s had some fun aesthetics as well
send me a number :)
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mattodore · 1 year
i love reading your tags 😽
thank you <3
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