#thank you andy for asking i don't know if you knew what you were getting yourself into but ummm this is my blog and i do what i want <3
yoggybloggy · 2 years
hi buttons whats the 17776 rp and tma rp crossover animatic. just a casual question im asking unprompted
cracks my knuckles. well you asked
heads up: 1) this will get long 2) i'm summarising a lot here so even though it's a lot i can't exactly describe all the nuances 3) trigger warnings will show up when relevant
phil is mimi's (@/thatsmimi) character from DSCP, which is an rp based off of jon bois' 17776 story/series. in short, it's set in a world where everyone became immortal for no reason on april 7, 2026 (an event called the moment), and also space probes have managed to gain sentience over time and are people now. the DSCP stands for deep space communication program and is a NASA program (made up for the rp) that basically acts as a big group chat for lots of probes.
phil is the head researcher of the DSCP (NASA staff is practically non-existent at this point, really). he's usually pretty uptight but also snarky - or even asshole-ish, but that's more of a defense mechanism he's eased up on over time. he has a whole arc with nancy (a sentient probe), where he was the first person who talked and bonded with her as she processes being a person, and - actually this is too hard to summarise but he leaves the DSCP at some point due to Conflict and Turmoil but he comes back. they have a very strong bond and she helped him see that he's not just some asshole but really, deep down, a good person.
sicily is mim's (@/coatcandy) character from a TMA rp (or TMARP)! i, uh, am not in this rp and do not know much stuff about TMA. but she's like, 19, an archive assistant (US not british) and got sent off to a very harrowing mission by an archivist AKA her dad to a 19th century ship thats perpetually stuck in the arctic that has several avatars on it. but she actually makes friends/bonds with the whole avatar'd crew and they find a way off.
(tw: mentions of child abuse, murder and death in the next paragraph)
and also she kills her piece of shit abusive adoptive father who only her took her in after her mother was murdered (an event that caused her to become slaughter-aligned) to train her up for Archive Things. yknow, when you're nay but a teenager and a bubbly kindhearted girl who deeply struggles with her humanity <3 (harold deserved it tho)
and then she becomes the assistant to a different archivist, isidore and they're actually friends etc.
and these two RPs are within their respective RP canons not connected at all. but! mim wrote a series of crossover fics that are basically just phone calls between phil and sicily that purely occur by accident due to multiversal avatar-y bullshit and they share anecdotes/some #struggles with each other cuz both of them got something fucked up going on with their universes (phil - everyone's immortal and no one can die, sicily - your regular TMA fare)
and THEN. mim wrote a fic which you can actually read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40544313/chapters/101577525
in brief: phil gets transported to sicily's universe due to more avatar-y bullshit and they have to figure out how to get him back to his home universe, which involves going to the apartment he used to live in. but, yknow, in this universe. alternate selves and such. (phil from his original universe doesn't live there anymore - DSCP takes place in 20022 currently and TMARP is essentially present day). #shenanigans and #deep conversations ensue.
(tw: death, suicide mention)
when they get to the apartment it's like... all fucked up by avatar bullshit, and they find that phil in this universe is actually now a ghost who's being trapped in the apartment due to lonely avatar stuff (he didn't become an avatar he's um. dead) phil manages to make it back, but uh, yknow. he struggled with depression and suicidal ideation before the moment (still does sometimes, some ways, that kind of stuff is tied up with his self-perception issues). in his own universe he never made that choice (and then the moment happened so he's been living for thousands of years in world where no one can die), so seeing a timeline in which he did... yeah. i'm not elaborating on it here but it hits in a way.
this isn't in the fic, but there's also a parallel in these crossover universes - in the way that phil didn't survive in sicily's universe, sicily also didn't survive in phil's universe, because the avatars don't exist there, she didn't become slaughter-aligned when her mum was murdered, so she didn't survive that attack either. and she was 14. so there's this... thing we've got here, with two people who meet and connect, and their lives crossover, and the connection is over. and that person is dead in your own universe, and you couldn't have met that person anyway because they'd be a different person, but still you have to mourn them because you've had that connection and.
[edit: one thing i forgot to mention was that knowing that other universes where the fears and avatars and all that dont exist also hits sicily pretty hard in ways. because she doesnt know who she'd be without all that. and phil reassures her of course. you're a kid it'll get better. but then. she actually is dead in his universe. so. </3 cant figure out how to articulate what this story is really exploring but its a lot! i recommend mimi's directors commentary in the video 👍]
(tw over)
look obviously i could never explain in a single post what all the emotions and narratives and relationships mean here. that's wrapped up in phil and sicily's own stories, which ultimately belong to no one else but the people who told those stories, and the people who got to experience those stories. and i'm gonna get sappy here - yes, it's just something really special to an incredibly selective group of people, but really that's the point. the point isn't to create some grand narrative you get acclaim and praise for, it's just to create a story, just for you and your friends, to connect through that work of creation.
and mim (along with everyone else who co-created these rp universes which led to this crossover) really created something so emotionally engaging that even if other people's wouldn't fully get the entire story at play, because the story wasn't ever made to be understood by more than a few people - even then, i can't help but want to share it. because i love it! it's incredible. something about me is i will always want to share the things i love no matter how incomprehensible.
and of course, i'm a motherfucker who loves talking and explaining shit that doesn't need to be explained.
so finally, the animatic:
if you've made it this far (or just scrolled straight to the end really), well, you don't have to watch it, but i can't recommend it enough, and yes its because i'm in a obvious position of bias, but even if you understand nothing about the story it's just genuinely. a really really good animatic. i love mimi's art and this animatic is just incredibly well drawn, in terms of character, boarding, pacing, emotions, storytelling, connection to the song's lyrics-- [i pass out from running out of breath]
just. watch it ok! ok. thanks
and that's the 17776 rp and tma rp crossover animatic
(and also follow mimi's art @/enderscribbles with any luck she'll post the animatic there too and her art's just really good ok bye)
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buckets-and-trees · 7 months
Sweet, sweet Aspen. You have been a very bad girl. This soft!dark guy, your boss, caught you doing something wrong—something that could easily get you fired—but he decided maybe, jussst maybe, he should keep your indiscretion, and your resulting punishment, between the two of you. After all, he’s been dreaming about filling you with his cock for ages 😏
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(I picked this GIF because it looks like he’s saying, “On your knees.” lolll)
well, dearly beloved sister ho, you know we were thirsting over a particularly ... inspiring gif.
I don't think you anticipated your ask to spawn THIS, but... here we are! THANKS FOR POPPING MY ANDY CHERRY!
Fandom: Chris Evans Characters Title: I'm Your Man Characters/Pairings: soft dark!Mafia!Andy Barber x female!reader Word Count: 3k
Summary: You've spent weeks working to pull off the perfect night for Andy Barber's big charity event. A rush job, but you worked meticulously and diligently over six weeks to coordinate the biggest event of your career to date. You weren't the only one with a plan for the night.
Content Warnings: extortion, explicit smut, DUBIOUS CONSENT, spitting, oral - male receiving, spanking, vaginal intercourse, breeding kink, unprotected sex
Logistical Notes: A NAUGHTY submission @the-slumberparty's Naughty or Nice challenge. Prompts incorporated are in bold.
Additional Notes: I didn't want to write a summary. There's only enough plot here to smut you up. Dividers by @rookthornesartistry and @firefly-graphics.
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You sit up straight when you hear the door to Andy’s home office open behind you.
“Thank you for waiting for me,” he says as he strides across the room and takes a seat in the leather executive desk chair.
“Yes, of course, Mr. Barber,” you reply. Every part of your body is tired – tired in a good way from the long day of work – so you were eager to get home, soak in your tiny tub, and crawl into bed for the rest of the weekend, but it hadn’t been an incredible inconvenience when he’d asked if he could speak with you before you left.
“Tonight was exquisite, you did well,” he doles out the praise, and you try to quell the blooming in your chest. In the six weeks working with Andy Barber to plan the charity event you’d just executed for his foundation you had seen that he wasn’t one to casually compliment, hard to impress. You had taken more and more satisfaction out of each meeting, email, or text exchange as you consulted and then presented him with options for the event when he had fewer and fewer notes, knowing you had cracked his taste and gained his approval. He’d been your toughest client to date, but by far one of the most rewarding as he had excellent taste.
“Nearly perfect,” he adds.
Your smile falters ever so slightly, and suddenly your chest floods with a chill. “Nearly perfect? I’m sorry, sir, what didn’t live up to your expectations?”
This was far from your first event, you had built an incredible portfolio over the years, and you knew you were finally ascending to be one of the best event coordinators on the eastern seaboard – you had received an email request from a goddamn Vanderbilt to plan a wedding for them in a year and a half that you were going to respond to and accept in the morning. You weren’t arrogant, but you’d worked damn hard and knew you were good.
Your breath catches in your throat. “I – what?”
“Only one misstep tonight.”
Your brain flies back through the evening, reviewing every moment, raking through trying to determine what you could have possibly missed.
“I’m very particular about what belongs to me, and I cannot abide theft.”
Your jaw drops.
“Empty your bag.”
Now your whole body is buzzing with incredulity. You shake your head.
“I know what’s in there.”
You almost didn’t take this job when it landed in your lap. He was the reason you knew you should have said no. There were whispers about his reputation, his real businesses. But you took the initial consultation because the pitch was more money than you’d made over the last three years. Then when you’d met him, he’d been so normal, so nice, maybe a little charming, and up until this moment you had convinced yourself there was no way any of those rumors had been right.
But before you even put your hand in your bag, you knew you were wrong to have thought he wasn't all those awful things.
Not one, not two, but three Rolex watches nestled in the bottom of the main pocket. Watches you'd never seen - wouldn't even have known where to find them.
You scoop them out and drop them on his desk, eyes burning with tears. “Why?”
“Yes, why? I was already giving you a fat paycheck. What a shame when I had just given your name to the Vanderbilts’ social secretary for their son’s wedding a few days ago, I’ll have to reach out and let them know.”
“No,” you breathe.
“I’ll have to discreetly let everyone in my network know it’s better not to invite someone in their home with such light fingers.”
Your breath hitches and your hand flies to your mouth to stifle an almost sob, trying to hold back the onset of tears. “Andy, no, please.”
His smile softens. “There we are,” he coos, “you finally called me Andy like I’ve told you to so many times.”
He leans forward resting his arms on his desk.
“Now, if you go upstairs, be a good girl, put on what I left for you in my room, and wait for me, maybe I can make all of this little misunderstanding go away.”
His steel blue eyes are hard, they demand an answer.
You cock your chin up wishing you could say no, wishing you could even scowl at him, but aside from the heat and hurt in your eyes, you know you can’t do anything more without risking further ruin, so ultimately you let your chin drop and nod, resigned to the impossible power this man wields.
“Now we’re back on track for a perfect night, sweetheart. I’ll be up soon.”
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You don’t know how long he makes you wait, using the promise of soon as another show of his power, but long enough that your knees hurt from sitting back on your heels in a submissive, kneeling position with your head lowered, hands folded in your lap, and back to the door as the card in the white box left for you had instructed.
Also in the box had been a set of exquisite black lace and silk balconette bra and cheeky underwear. That they fit you like a glove had been both humiliating and alluring.
Even though Andy was the reason you almost said no to the job, even though he was the humiliating reason you were in this position – extorted into a nearly naked state, no question of what was to come – he was also the reason you took the job.
Dread pooled in your stomach, but along with the dread and humiliation, there were rivulets of shameful desire.
You had taken the job for the money and for how quietly charming he had been. He had never outright flirted with you, but he always left you with the question of whether he was. You worked hard for him because it felt good to win his approval. He praised you and you had preened under his intense blue eyes every time. You had forced yourself to keep everything professional.
All for nothing since you were in the farthest position of professional now.
When you finally hear him enter the room, your sit up straight again.
He tsks and says, “Head down, sweetheart.”
Andy comes around to stand in front of you. You see his perfectly polished shoes, the perfectly tailored trousers. His hand moves to your jaw, tilting your head up to look at him. He runs his thumb over your lips, circling them.
“Open your mouth,” he says.
You do.
He leans closer, then spits in your mouth, and you blink in surprise, a surge of humiliation running through you, but his grip on your jaw is powerful, so you don’t move away.
“Close your mouth but don’t swallow.”
He moves back from you then, and he begins to silently undress. He had already taken off his jacket, but he doesn’t hurry as he unbuttons the cuffs of his shirt, the buttons down his chest, and then shrugs it off his shoulders. He places it nicely on a plush armchair on the side of the room. Next he sits on the edge of the bed and removes his shoes and socks.
The way he doesn’t watch you but does all of this in your line of vision, knowing you have to watch, is another move meant to communicate who is in control of this situation. Still holding his saliva on your tongue is starting to become uncomfortable. Your instinct is to swallow, but you don’t know what disobedience may mean with Andy, so you fight the urge, not wanting to tempt any more of his darkness.
He stands and takes the shoes and socks to a large closet off to the side of the room, and when he returns, he stands directly in front of you again, takes your jaw in his hands again.
“Show me,” he says.
Your eyes watch his face you open your mouth, showing him the pool of saliva.
“Good fucking girl,” he murmurs. You hate the small bloom in your chest those words immediately invoke again. He spits into your mouth for a second time, then with a caress that is too tender he urges you to close your mouth. “Swallow.”
You do.
Andy unbuckles his belt, unbuttons the top of his fly, then unzips and pushes down the waist of his trousers with his briefs, and reveals his hard cock for you.
He’s big.
You had gotten yourself off to the thought of him a few of times late at night alone in your bed, most recently a few days ago, and you hated that you had since you were now here like this, forced on your knees in front of him.
Your core is pulsing with heat at the sight of him though – bigger than you had fantasized, and bigger than any man you’ve been with previously. You know he’ll fill you in a way that will ruin you for other men. You want and dread it.
“Take me in your mouth, sweetheart,” he commands.
Instead of forcing his cock into your mouth, this is more possessive, having you submit yourself to pleasing him of your own accord. You know every way he’s manipulating you.
“If I have to tell you one more time,” he trails off, leaving the end open for your imagination.
You plant one hand softly on his hip and wrap your other hand around his shaft, leaning forward to take him in your mouth. As you push forward, he groans. He won’t hold back when he’s pleased with you – he never has, he knows it affects you. His hands go to either side of your head. “Eyes on me, sweetheart.”
You do as he says, sucking him, bobbing up and down his length, and for a while he lets you control the speed and the depth, but his hands let you know he can and will control this when he wants to. After the first couple of minutes, he makes this clear when you push back to take a breath and wipe the mix of your spit and his pre-cum dripping out of your mouth and his hands firmly prevent you from moving off him. Instead, he pushes you down slowly – more slowly than you had been pumping – and doesn’t stop until your nose hits his lower abdomen. You try to push against his hips, and he pushes his hips forward with you still anchored on his dick. Your eyes well up.
“So pretty,” he says, “imagined you like this, but you’re more gorgeous than I thought you would be.”
Something in your chest melts. You wish he wouldn’t say things like that. It makes you weaker – weaker for him. He pulls back just an inch or two, then pushes his length into your throat again.
“That’s it, sweetheart, my perfect fucking girl.”
You whimper, and the tears spill over.
His right hand moves away from your face and around behind him. He’s quick, and when you can see his hand again, it’s to discover he’s taken his phone out of his back pocket. He takes photos of you, angling the phone a few different ways. Then he tosses the phone onto the chair where he’d laid his shirt.
Then he resumes his small, concentrated rutting, only easing out just enough to make the thrust back in worth it for him. As he does, he groans, swears, wipes tears from your cheeks, and the moment before it’s too much, he finally pulls you off him.
You fall forward, gasping for deep lungfuls of air, but he’s already putting a hand under your arm and hauling you up.
“Get on the bed,” he instructs, man handling you with surprising ease, doing most of the work your weak and aching legs can’t do to hoist you up onto his Alaskan king bed.
He’s immediately up as well and behind you, the last of his clothing stripped off. His fingers quickly undo the clasp of your bra and pull it off your shoulders and toss it away. He pushes you forward, toppling you down to the mattress. He slaps your ass, and you gasp and jerk. He brings his hand down on your round flesh again, with another sting, but the second one has you moan, and he lets out a satisfied, “Yes,” before giving you a third slap, the hardest, and you moan again, but this one more guttural, and you’d be mortified if you weren’t shocked over the way it translated to pleasure so quickly to your brain.
Then he yanks the lacy underwear roughly down and off your legs, tossing it away as well. He pushes between your legs behind you, splitting your legs open, and his fingers seek your cunt.
He hums in approval, “So wet for me. Ready for me.”
You huff and pant.
He leans over your back, pressing you down into the mattress. “Are you eager for me?”
“Andy,” you whine.
“Say it and I’ll fuck you good, sweetheart.”
You don’t want to. You bury your face in the covers.
He slaps your ass again, and you yelp.
“Admit you want me to fuck you.”
Another slap.
“Yes,” you finally concede.
“To breed you.”
You gasp, but he’s already hauling you further up the bed, and he drapes himself over your back, arms caging you in on either side of your body. His legs push yours apart as he leans down to press kisses over your shoulder blades, at the base of your neck, along your spine. He uses one hand to guide the thick head of his cock to your leaking entrance. He doesn’t care to stretch you. “Take me in your cunt, sweetheart, it’s mine.”
The only mercy is that he slots himself in slowly.
You press your hands up against the headboard and concentrate on taking deep breaths, on trying to relax your walls completely, because he’s entering you, in you, filling you, unrelenting invasion and it’s pleasure and pain and too much and not enough because every moment of more fullness is exquisite and you can’t even think about holding back the sound he’s pushing out from your diaphragm, up your throat, and out of your mouth, because that’s how it feels as he's filling you.
Once’s he’s fully inside of you, he presses his mouth right next to your ear. “I’m going to fill this pussy with my seed.” He anchors one hand on your hips, then begins pull out, only so he can start thrusting back in. “I want everyone to know who you belong to.”
You’ve never had an orgasm only from vaginal penetration, but the way he fills you as he fucks you, and at this angle, making you almost forget to keep breathing, you wonder if this is how you’ll go, strung out as his cock punishes you with the pleasure, but then his hand works around beneath you and his fingers quickly find your swollen and aching clit. You cry out, and one of your hands reaches back to cling to him, fingers clutching into his hair. He nips at your neck, chuckling darkly.
“My pretty girl, my good girl, taking my cock so well, you close?”
An immediate, “Uh huh,” is all you can manage.
“Then let go,” he commands, pinching your clit harshly.
You see stars, and you cry out for him.
Hearing you scream his name and feeling you clench around him is all he needs, and he pumps his cum into you, saying more dirty, filthy, possessive things, but you don’t know what the words are, because you’re completely lost to coherency.
He sinks his full weight on top of you when he’s completely spent.
Both of you are silent while you come down, heartrates returning to normal.
You wait for him to say whatever he’s going to torment you with next, but he doesn’t speak.
After more long moments, he finally pushes up enough to turn you from your front to your back. He cups your jaw again and strokes his thumb over your cheek. Your breath hitches at the intimate gesture in the aftermath.
“Aw, why are you crying now, sweetheart?”
No, you didn’t want more tears, and not these - the soft tears. You try to look away, but he forces your face back to look at him.
“I would have slept with you if you’d asked, Andy, why did you have to do it like this?”
“Because this is so much more than that, sweetheart. I didn’t want to just sleep with you, and I needed you to know from here on out that you’re mine. I own you. I’m very particular about what belongs to me. I didn’t want you to have any illusion that there’s a choice here.”
He brushes the tears off your cheek.
“I’ll have my men move your things here in the morning, and we’ll elope in a few weeks. I’m closing the deal on a resort in Lake Como, doesn’t that sound perfect? We’ll tie the knot and then spend our honeymoon there – we can stay all summer if you want.”
You hesitate.
“No one else is gonna take care of you like I do. Now I asked you, ‘doesn’t that sound perfect?’”
“Yes, Andy,” you whisper.
“Of course, it does.” He finally kisses you – and it’s dangerously soft. Warm lips engulfing yours, insistent, sucking your bottom lip between his. You whimper, and he licks his tongue into your mouth, lapping you up. He rolls over with you, putting him back on the mattress with you on his chest. He holds you pressed to him with one hand, the other hand securing your head so you can’t escape his kiss until he’s done kissing you.
It isn’t until you think you might pass out from how breathless you are that he finally breaks off the kiss. He shifts his pelvis up against you, his cock hardening again. “And I was serious about you carrying my child. But first you’ll ride my face until I’ve made you cry for a good reason, and then I’ll fill you up with more of my seed. You’re not leaving this bed the rest of the weekend.”
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↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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norrisleclercf1 · 4 months
Doctor Charles who starts doing teeny tiny gestures to show maybe he’s not such a dick and actually cares about you
A/N: Good ole Dr. Charles who is cold but warm with you
It was another hard shift, one where you just wanted to quiet your job. Dr. Charles was on the night shift with you and you couldn't help but cast glances his way. After that night where he forced you to sleep, you noticed that he was going easier on you than anyone else.
The others didn't like it, but you always stepped in when he went all Dr. Devil and he'd calm down and apologize leaving your coworkers in shock at the fact he'd go all nice whenever you were around. "Here," Jumping you open your eyes to see Charles sliding a protein bar your way.
"What's this for?" You ask, opening it and taking a bite. "You need to stay awake. Also, noticed you haven't eaten all day." He mumbles and passes off a chart. "Should put your glasses on." You pass, which has Charles turning, squinting at you. "Why?" "Your handwriting is atrocious right now, noticed it gets worse the more your eyes get tired. Here," You slide his glasses out of your pockets and hand them to him.
"You left these at the last trauma." Charles just nods, and gently takes them and slides them on. "Thanks," He turns and walks off leaving you with a slight blush.
"Dammit, just can't you work!" You kick your med cart, as you couldn't get your simple insulin out for your regular. "Stop," Charles rushes over and grabs your foot as you go to kick the cart again. "I just want my stupid insulin for Walter." You snap, as Charles gently steps back with you.
"This is my trick for this one." Charles moves and shoves the drawer in and lifts up before pulling it back and revealing your insulin. "How'd you know that? Don't know many doctors who pull their own meds." You move and grab the vial.
"I did my internship here when I was a newly graduated medical student. Would help the nurses." You stare at him like he's grown another head at the reveal. "What? I was nice, once." Charles moves and closes the draw walking off.
He couldn't help but watch you as you helped a kid who was in an accident. He loves watching you work, ever since he let you take that nap he refused to see you that burnt out again. Especially when he's the one that caused it. Charles wanted nothing more than to see you smile all the time, he knew what the other nurses called him and he could care less as long as you were smiling at him.
Charles didn't even know he was moving until he was behind you and smiling at the boy. "Hi there, I'm Charles." The kid smiles as you clean his wound. The boy was crying but seemed to stop seeing Charles. "What's your name?" Charles pulls a stool over and sits down and starts cleaning the other scraps.
"Andy." The kid whispers and Charles nods, "I like that name, how old are you?" Andy smile and pulls his hands back showing he's 5. "5? That's a great age, I remember being five. I really loved cars." Andy giggles and moves closer to charles. "I like red cars," "So do I!" Charles and Andy laugh and you have to stop yourself from melting as you get Andy all cleaned up and transferred to Peds.
"Hey, Charles?" Charles turns as he waved off Andy. "What's up?" You take a deep breath and smile. "Will you go on a date with me?" You wait as you see Charles smile grow wide. "Yeah,"
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laurbiek · 3 months
as promised... something!
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She hears the distinctive sound of the WhatsApp video call. Its weird when they're in different countries, the mode of communication changes time and time again to avoid crazy roaming charges. She's used to being able to call him quick using the regular phone app, to see if he wanted her to pick up dinner or to ask him nicely if he would switch her laundry out for her.
It's weird to start over on another app, it almost feels like they're starting another relationship. It feels so different. The inside jokes and frequent questions about the HBO password are nowhere to be found, in it's place is an empty blank page, waiting hopefully to be filled with the same.
She picks up her phone from the edge of the bed and swipes to answer the call. She looks at the time when she does, 10:04, almost five minutes late for their scheduled call.
At least that has stayed the same.
The slight hum of the highway plays in the background, and there Andrew sits. He looks tired, but not over consumed. It's a good kind of tired, like the kind you get after a good, but long day. More of a content-tired. His hair is in the messiest bun possible, obvious that he needed it out of the way and had lost all ability to care. He's got his glasses on, and Y/N remembers when he Facetimed her from the eye doctor to see if they looked good before he ordered them.
She internally thinks that they still do.
"Hey love", he finally speaks between bites of a sandwich. She looks down at the table the phone is propped on, and sees the distinctive red and white wrappings.
"Are you kidding, you went to Wawa without me..."
"I'm sorry! The band voted before we left Philly! I told them you'd be mad but they don't seem to care about my marriage so... I had to"
"This is a betrayal, of the highest degree. I can't picture a world where I can forgive you"
"If I could ship one across the Atlantic to you, you know I would"
There is a few beats of silence, they both know that statement means more than just a sandwich.
She finally breaks,
"How are you holding up?"
"Eh, not bad. I've not been this tired in a while but I'll get used to it soon. I've done it before."
"It's quiet in the bus, where is everyone else?"
"So everyone else is sleeping and you stayed up to call me?
He takes another bite of his sandwich before answering simply,
She stares at him through the phone as he keeps eating like he doesn't understand the niceness of his actions, it's just second nature to him.
"Thank you," she says, voice full of genuine earnestness.
He doesn't respond to that, instead, he switches to another topic. He doesn't feel like he needs thanks for his actions, he would rather thank her for being around to call him.
"How are you at home, everything good?"
"Yeah, there was a dead bird in the yard yesterday, Elwood found it while we were playing, he almost picked it up but I got to him before he did. That's honestly the most exciting thing that's happened here since you left."
"But that's the joy of the country isn't it, that nothing ever happens?"
"Yeah. But I would rather do nothing with you than do nothing alone"
There's a long stretch of silence between them before Andy notices a tear fall down Y/N's cheek. There are no other signs of her sadness, no shaking shoulders or audible sounds. Just a few gentle tears that he would've missed if he wasn't so utterly enraptured by her face on the five-inch screen. His heart breaks.
"Hey hey, it's ok love, it's just a bit longer. I'll be home for a break in a few weeks. "
"I know. It's just really hard."
He doesn't know what to say to that at first. He wants to hammer on about how she knew what she was getting into, and this was an inevitability. But he knew she knew that. Him repeating it isn't going to make either of them feel any better. The next part of him yearned to just get on a plane and be at home, but that wasn't fair to anyone. Not his bandmates, not the concertgoers, and not Andy who loved what he did more than anything.
All he could say was
"I know."
You imagine the separation being hard but no one really prepares you for it. You can't prepare for it. It's the pain of losing a routine and a lover all at once. It's the frustration of needing help, of needing someone to take something off your plate and having someone willing to, but that someone is 1000 miles away. Literally.
She's crying a little harder now, still silent, with the tears increasing in frequency and size. He says again,
"I know. I know how hard it is cause I feel it too. You know what I miss the most right now?"
"I miss the things that you do that piss me off. The annoying stuff. I miss how you always steal bites of my food."
She can't help but laugh at that. He keeps talking,
"I miss how cold your feet are and how you're always trying to shove them under me to warm them. And how often you leave dirty clothes on the floor."
She joins in this time,
"I miss your hair clogging the shower drain. And how you use every possible dish when you cook."
"See, doesn't it hurt a little less knowing that you don't have to unclog the shower for a while?"
"Yeah, and I'm sure you sleep easier without my cold feet poking you."
Theres another small pause, but this one is not as sad as the rest of them. This one feels like two people comfortable with each other, just basking in the silence, feeling no pressure.
"It sucks love, it really does. But it gets easier. And there are less shitty days. And it's not for forever."
"Ok, it's shitty, but I've felt shittier. And it's not for forever."
"OK," she says, wiping her eyes a bit to try to show a bit of a braver face, "this is getting kind of bummer-ish, talk to me a bit about tour stuff"
For the rest of the call, he prattled on about various events and hijinks at his shows, on the road, and in between. About halfway through the story, he realized that she had fallen asleep and for some reason, he finished the story before hanging up. Possibly hoping that she would wake back up, but mostly enjoying the domestic feeling of talking to her. He eventually hung up, settling with the fact that she was indeed asleep for real. A few hours and a timezone later after he woke up from his own nap, he noticed a WhatsApp message again,
I forgot the HBO password again...
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Love? Love. (part one)
(Andy Barber x reader)
summary- recently split from his wife, Andrew Stephen Barber, aka, Mr hotshot ADA daddy dilf, lives with his 14 year old son Jacob. All he has known since the tender age of 17 is Laurie, and their baby boy. Will his life change when a bright eyed and bushy tailed y/n moves in the house right opposite to his? More importantly, will it change for the better or the worse?
*contains adult themes, smut and age gap (reader is a senior in college, Andy is in his early thirties)*
Andy's sleep is rudely cut short by the whirring engine of packers and movers mixed with the commotion of workers walking back and forth, setting up the furniture.
His face grimaces as soon as he opens his eyes,
at seven fucking am on a sunday! fuck off!
Apparently-as he later finds out-a new family had just moved in the house opposite to his. From what he had heard from his best friend(and neighbor), Sam, the family had a son of around Jacob's age which was about perfect since Jacob was a shy kid and wasn't exactly Mr. popular with kids his age. maybe he would find a friend in the new kid
By the next weekend, Jacob and the kid, Tyler, were already friends and today Jacob had invited his friend to play video games together.
"Daaaaddd", Jacob whines, "Please don't embarrass me!"
Andy gasps dramatically ,"Are you ashamed of your old man!", he even goes as far as to clutch his chest, right where his heart is, "i knew this day would come, i just thought it would be fifty years from now when i am bound to a hospital bed and shit my pants every time i try to say a word with more than three syllables"
As Jacob rolls his eyes, laughing, the doorbell rings, "whatever old man, just behave or i won't buy you diapers when you're all old and 'bound to a bed'".
Tyler shyly greets Andy and the boys disappear into their boy cave. Andy decides to settle down for a movie from the comfort of his couch. He can already imagine what Sam would say if he found out about Andy's weekend plans
are you seriously wasting all that good-good on a couch? Let's go out man , find you a pretty girl, you need to get out of this 'grandma' routine
Sam wouldn't get it ,he was married, happily so, and had a baby girl with the woman of his dreams. "Between the two of those pretty girls, i don't stand a chance"- he'd say
It wasn't that easy for Andy to navigate the modern dating world, there were too many 'what ifs' and not enough 'why nots' for him to fall in love again
what if he's a one night?
what if he catches feelings and she doesn't? what if he finds someone perfect only to find out he's incapable of feeling love again?
oh shit, worse yet- what if he was a reboun-
His thoughts are interrupted by the ringing doorbell, jesus can't a man watch the godfather for the millionth time in peace?
"Hi, Mr. Barber"
Andy's breath hitches, "Hi there"
"I would shake your hand but mine are full", she giggles.
Andy's heart does a backflip at her laugh as he shakily reaches out to take the four tupperware boxes from her.
"I'm y/n", she gives him a sweet smile, "I'm Tyler's sister and we just wanted to thank you for inviting him over, god knows we needed the break! Teenagers, amirite", she looks up at him with those big doe eyes.
Snapping out of the trance, Andy invites her in, "Come in............uh",
Andy's chest is filled with a warm, fuzzy feeling
Names are so intimate, Y/n, while he asks her to come in, Y/n, he asks her to sit, Y/n, as he brews her a cup of coffee.
Andy, as her eyes sparkle when she realizes the movie he has on, Andy, as she tells him she cooked all the treats she brought him tonight
"So", Andy strikes up the conversation as they settle on the couch, "i've heard that you tutor children?"
"Oh, yes, It's just to earn a little before i graduate, besides, my god complex is fulfilled while teaching people", she jokes.
Andy doesn't remember the last time he was so interested in a conversation that wasn't about work or crime, or both, really.
An hour later, they are way past formalities, talking about everything and nothing, as if they were old friends.
Her mouth agape, she looks at him in utter disbelief, "He got away with it?" ,Andy can't believe she's so engrossed in his work stories, Laurie had always told him to keep his work where it belonged-in his office.
"Tyler and i should leave now, it's getting late, mom will be mad if we're late for dinner"
Andy's heart sinks why did she have to leave
"Alright sweetheart", he says lowly, "it was a pleasure to have your company".
Y/n smiles bashfully 'sweetheart'
did he mean it? no way! he must have a thousand women worshipping at his feet, he's the fucking ADA, he's single, he's hot and don't even get me started on that smile-
Focus Y/n!!
Andy notices the hitch in her breath, the sudden tint on her cheeks and the way her shy eyes try to look anywhere but at him
a straight up filthy image crosses his mind-
you, laying naked on his bed, all spread out for him, whining as he sucked between your petals
you, closing your eyes bashfully as the head of his thick cock lines up with your wet, tight hole
he would have no qualms with slapping your face lightly, "look at daddy while he's fucking you open"
"look at me baby, look at who's making you feel so good"
he'd kiss your pouting lips, "my dumb little baby can't think with daddy's cock inside her, ca-
okay Andy, She's a smart and beautiful twenty-one year old girl, she must have boys falling at her feet, the last thing she'd want is you.
As she and Tyler leave, Andy can't help the stupid smile on his face
"dad?, you good there?"
Andy snaps out of the trance, "yeah kid"
"phew! With that shit eating grin, you almost had me convinced that you had shat you pants"
author's note: heyyyyyyy girlies, i purposefuly made the first chapter short and vague so i can take the story forward as you'd like me to! Please do leave suggestions!!! nothing is off limits to me
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daydreamgoddess14 · 11 months
Support System pt. 2
Thanks for reading! I figure if I can get this out of my head I can get on with the other stuff.... or I'll just be compelled to write more Roy. Who knows?!
Chapter 2
Shrieks and giggles and thundering footsteps sounded throughout Sara's house. You sat at either end of the sofa with a large glass of wine and rolled your eyes. 
"I can't decide if someone's going to get hurt or…"
"Nah, they're fine," sudden silence, Sara looked up to the ceiling, "I think…" The giggles returned and she relaxed. "Andy didn't fancy helping out yesterday afternoon then?"
"He had plans apparently." You sigh. "I don't get how he can be this super organised dad for years and then decide he's not that person anymore."
"He's punishing you. For having a better job, for the long hours and the commuting. Typical 'this is what I've been doing for ages, you should be able to do it too?' bullshit. Phebs dad did the same till he buggered off completely."
"He knew my job was tricky, it's never been flexible - that's not new information. Now I'm trying to force flexibility and redo how I work."
"You'll find a balance. It'll take time."
"I just wanted to show Lexie that mum's can have great jobs. That I can do both. I totally fell for the you can have it all bullshit. You can have it all as long as you sacrifice yourself to do it." She patted your knee in comfort. 
"You can have it all. Just never expect to eat a hot meal, shower in peace, or have sex ever again."
"I haven't had any of those things in years anyway!" You laugh. 
"You have half a week alone now - you've never had that before! Time to introduce eating dinner and having sex!"
"It's the weirdest thing. The house is so quiet." A thud comes from upstairs. 
"I know, it's bizarre. Even if Phoebe's not here, I still do everything the same."
"Are we saddos?"
"Definitely. I guess that rules out the sex."
"Hmmm. I guess so!" You'd ordered pizzas for dinner and put on a Disney film for the girls. Sara could do French plaits, but you couldn't, so she braided hair while you painted nails. The girls loved every second. The following morning, Sara, with a rare full weekend off, was taking Phoebe to the Richmond game. She'd text Roy the night before and asked for two extra tickets for you and Lexie. While she was wrangling the girls to the breakfast table, the front door knocked, so you went to answer it. Roy had his back to you, but turned at the sound of the door opening. You were suddenly very conscious of your matching sleep shorts and t-shirt - he looked great in dark jeans and a black henley. He looked from your bare feet, up your legs. Thank god you'd put a bra on. 
"Mornin'" he said gruffly, handing her two tickets, "these are for Sara. Yours will be at the ticket office."
"Oh, thank you. Do you want some money for the tickets?" You turn to find your bag on the coat hooks. 
"Don't be fucking daft, course I don't. You might want to put some more clothes on though, it's cold." He was heading back down the garden path before he'd finished speaking. 
"Duh. I don't exactly go out in public like this." You called.
"Shame." You heard as he rounded the corner to his car. 
"Prick." You had no idea why Phoebe was so obsessed with this rude uncle who took the piss out of everyone. 
By the time you'd all gotten dressed and wrapped up, it was nearly time for the match. You walked round to Nelson Road, stopping at the ticket office to collect the tickets he'd left in your name. The noise in the stadium was unreal. It was mid March and the team didn't have long left till the end of the season, they were doing well and everyone had high hopes. Your seats were in the designated family area just behind the dugout. High above you was the owners box and directly in front of you were the Richmond team and coaching staff. Phoebe and Lexie were already joining in the chants and cheers around them. The combination of two 9 year old girls made them significantly louder than normal, Roy turned to seek them out and gave the girls a little wave, catching your eye as he did so.
"Does it remind you of loving boy bands when we were girls?" Sara asked as the stadium began it's 'Jamie Tartt doo doo doo doo' song. 
"Oh yeah, your brother is a real Robbie Williams!" You laugh. The team wins and you have to practically tear the girls apart when it's time to leave. "You'll see each other tomorrow." You reason, but it's not enough. "Why don't we pick Phoebe up in the morning and I'll take you both together?" That suggestion elicits some cheers. 
"Are you sure? I'm on early so I'll be leaving at 6am but Roy will be there. He comes straight from training Jamie at some stupid hour of the morning."
"That's fine, collect her from yours - about 7.30?"
"Yeah perfect, I'll let Roy know you'll be there." 
"Great, hear that girls? We'll get Phoebe and I'll take you both to school." The girls finally seem appeased and you manage to separate them. The rest of the afternoon you spend trying to straighten up the house, do Lexie's homework and cooking. You make sense of the coming week, Lexie gets collected by her dad on Wednesday afternoon so you know that the back half of the week can afford to be crazier and busier. Bathtime and bedtime are quick to arrive and once Lexie's settled, you finally get to sit on the sofa in silence. Sara has text to thank you for a lovely couple of days, and she's sent you Roy's number should you ever need it. Lexie is so excited to see Phoebe the next day that it takes a lot less arguing, bribery and shouting to get ready for school. You find a little extra time to put some effort in yourself with a black shift dress, heels and your hair loose around your shoulders.
"Mum, your hair looks so cute!" Lexie says happily. 
"Thanks bun. Let me brush your hair, see this is what happens when we both have time to get ready properly! No shouting and we both look smart." Lexie rolled her eyes, 
"Yeah yeah. Let's go get Phebs!"
"We'll be too early if we go now, love."
"Pleeeeease?" You check your watch, way too early but hopefully Roy won't be too much of a dick about it. It's a tube day today so you walk the short journey to Sara's. It's Phoebe who flings open the door and the two girls are inseparable once more. 
"You're really early, better come in." Roy calls from the kitchen. 
"We're walking to school so not that early." You clarify. He looks at your shoes, skeptical. 
"Walking to school then to the tube? You must be mad. I'm going past the school, I'll drive and drop you off at the station after." 
"You don't need to do that."
"I know, but I'm only going to end up driving past you in about 20 minutes anyway." He arches an eyebrow, daring you to argue. He pours another cup of coffee and hands it to you. "Besides, now you've got time to for a coffee before your day starts." You take the cup,
"Thank you." The girls come back to the kitchen, angling for extra breakfast so Roy opens a cupboard and hands them little chocolate croissants.
"Lexie's mum, you look lovely and your hair is beautiful today."
"Thanks Phoebe, that's very kind of you." You see her elbow Roy, 
"Doesn't she look lovely uncle Roy."
"Yeah, you look lovely."
"Thank you. Again." You blush, hiding your laugh behind your cup. 
"Got everything girls? We're goin' in a minute." You both finish your coffee while the girls get their bags and coats. Roy's 4x4 feels huge, he holds the door open for you at the same time as he does the same for Phoebe, then goes around to let Lexie in. 
"If this car wasn't so big, maybe it wouldn't be so easy to block you in?" You tease as he starts the car. He looks at you and for the briefest second you think he's angry, then he laughs and it's a low, deep chuckle which lights up his face and makes you feel warm in your belly. You jump out to take the girls into school while he turns the car around and then all too soon, you're outside the station. 
"Did you need me to get Lexie this afternoon?" He asks. It's a stark contrast to everytime you've had this conversation with Andy. Roy asks with ease and without judgement. "I'm getting Phoebe anyway?"
"I should be done in time, but thanks. If I get there first, I can get Phebs?"
"Nah it's OK, her mum should be home in time for bedtime tonight so I won't have her long anyway." You open the door to get out of the car but his warm hand on your elbow stops you, "Let me know if you're running late though, yeah? I don't mind. Sara gave you my number?" You nod, dumbly, "OK. Just call me or something."
"OK. See you… soon."
"Yeah, see you soon." You swear you're still blushing even once you're out of eyeshot and down on the platform. 
The kids manage to survive by seeing each other at school, and the lighter Monday and Tuesday you'd planned mean for a smoother week. You don't need to call and beg Andy for help and you don't have to lean on Sara or Roy either. It's not until Wednesday morning that you cross paths again. You're waving goodbye to Lexie at the door when she spots Phoebe across the carpark with Roy. Since Lexie refuses to go in until Phoebe is there, you decide to wait for them. The girls hug and race inside for breakfast club. 
"Mornin', you alright?"
"Yeah, not bad. You?"
"Yeah good. Need a lift to the station?"
"That would be great - if you're sure?"
"Wouldn't have offered otherwise. Busy day?"
"Yep, a long one today. Lexie's dad is picking her up so I've got a late meeting." He holds the door open for you.
"What is it you do?"
"Deputy Director of Communications for a charity."
"Nice. Sounds… boring?"
"Hmm. They're not a great company to work for to be honest. They don't really have any people skills so they couldn't give a shit when you need something from them. It's all take take take." He shrugged,
"So leave?'
"Said the millionaire ex footballer with a great job as a coach. I have bills to pay - it's not that simple. Plus anything else at the same level is longer hours and generally more demanding than I can do at the moment."
"Fair enough. This is your stop." He pulls up at the station.
"Thanks. Probably won't see you till next week now, Lexie's with her dad till Saturday so no emergency pick ups needed. I can avoid the school completely."
"Lucky you. Let me know if anything changes and you need me to get the little un." You're suddenly overcome with gratitude for the support he and Sara have given in such a short amount of time. As if sensing how overwhelmed you are, he nudges your shoulder, "Don't be fucking weird about it. Off to work you go."
"Fuck off. I think you're nicer than you let on." You narrow your eyes at him. 
"Yeah well don't get fucking telling everyone. I don't do favours for the whole of the fucking town."
"Just the mums of Phoebe's friends."
"Just one of them."
"Ahh, it's survival of the fittest at the school gates and that's definitely not me."
"You're doing a great job. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Now, fuck off before you're late." You can see a grin pulling at the corner of his mouth. 
"Bye Roy!" You hop out of the car and turn back with a quick smile. 
The second half of the week is as hectic as you expect it to be. You call Lexie each evening through yawns, promising her a fun weekend of baking. When Andy drops her off on Saturday morning, he invites himself into the kitchen despite you trying to avoid him. 
"Did you take her to the football last week?" He asks. 
"Yeah, her little bestie Phoebe got us tickets. Her uncle is one of the Richmond coaches."
"Not that miserable twat who picks her up from school? Roy Kent?"
"Yeah him. Phoebe adores him," you don't hesitate before adding, "I think Lex has taken a shine to him as well. And he's not a twat." 
"He had a go at me yesterday in the playground. I ain't having her go to a Richmond match, she should be West Ham."
"You can't force her to support anyone. She doesn't even have to like football. She likes Phoebe, she's a good friend and her mum is just as nice." You reply with a shrug. "Why did he have a go at you? Did you park on the hatches?"
"No I bloody didn't. I said Lex couldn't sleepover and he told me she could if she wanted to."
"Course she can if she wants to. Look, if you don't want her to spend time with her friends when she's with you, then fine. But when she's with me, we work out our plans together and we do what makes her happy." He shook his head and slammed the front door. It was barely 9am and you were done with his bullshit. You pull out your phone and text Sara, Going to the park if you want to come. Coffee on me x Then you call Lexie.
"Come on babe, let's go to the park and then we'll do some baking later." You don't get a reply from Sara so you head out anyway. Lexie is somewhere near the top of the big climbing frame when Phoebe barrels into you for a quick hug, and then goes off to join her best friend. "Hey Phebs!" You don't really want to turn away from the climbing frame but you do a quick scout around to see how far away Sara is. But it's not Sara on her way over, it's Roy with Phoebe's backpack on one shoulder and two coffees in his hands. He hands you one with a small smirk. 
"Park this early?"
"Thanks, rough morning. I heard you and Andy had a delightful conversation at school yesterday?"
"Dickhead said Lex couldn't have a sleepover with Phebs when it's his time with her."
"I know. I told him she could do whatever the fuck made her happy when she's with me."
"That's what I said," He growled. "Did he tell you he made some sly dig about it being so you can go off and do whatever or whoever you want?" You spin in anger to face him, his eyes stayed on the top of the climbing frame. 
"What?! No, he didn't dare say that to me. Ugh, he knows full well that single mums aren't exactly beating prospective new partners off with a stick. Just cos he's already met someone." You wipe your hand across your cheeks, shaking your head. Roy doesn't say anything. He reaches into Phoebe's bag, pulls out a paper bag and passes it to you. A chocolate star biscuit sits inside. 
"It's not a gold star, but whatever. You're a million times better than he is. More than that. You don't need validation from him and you don't need to compare yourself to him." He holds your gaze, his dark eyes are the darkest you've ever seen. He glances at your lips so briefly you think you imagined it. You smile sadly.
"Thank you. Chocolate's better anyway."
"Course it fucking is." He smiles.
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kelcemenow · 11 months
Win Or Lose - Chapter 4.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1774
Warnings Angst, strong language, mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage.
This was a very detailed Anon request that I received and knew I had to give it a go! (I’ll not paste the whole request here as I usually do, as it was rather long but if you want to read it, it’s here. Be warned, it’s rather full of spoilers!)
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You stared up at the ceiling, the only sound being your quiet breaths. You were physically exhausted, emotionally and mentally drained, having stayed at the hospital overnight. You were happy to be back in your own bed and away from people but you felt numb and empty, missing something that you hadn't even had yet.
Travis' voice grew louder, "Thanks coach...yeah. I don't know...I...I'll let you know. I don't want to rush anything you know? It's...it's okay. Thank you." You could hear a crack in his voice as he spoke, "I will, thank you again."
You blinked, not moving in your bed as Travis slowly opened the door. He tiptoed around to your side, assuming you were asleep but when he saw your eyes were open, he smiled and took your hand in his.
"Coach Reid sends his love. Said I can take as much time off as we need."
"That's good." You said plainly.
Travis reached and stroked your hair, "Baby, I'm so sorry."
"Why? It's not your fault. It's no ones fault, that's what Doctor Tomlin said...these things happen." Your eyes moistened as you spoke, a tremble creeping towards the end of the sentence.
Travis lowered his eyebrows at you, feeling helpless.
You peeled away the blanket that was draped across you, "Come in here with me."
You watched your husbands face soften and he exhaled quickly, crawling into bed with you and curling up. You shuffled in bed and wrapped your arms around him, his back pressing into your chest.
"I am so lucky to have you. I don't think I could've gone through any of this without you."
"No, baby, no. I'm the lucky one. You're so brave and strong. Sienna would've..." Travis trailed off as his voice shook.
You could feel his shoulders shake as you held him tight, "Shhh, baby. It's okay, I'm here."
He grasped at your hands, clinging firmly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You're the one who had to go through it all, you know...having-"
"She was...is your daughter too. This is happening to both of us, we're a team remember?"
Travis sniffed loudly before taking a deep but shaking breath. He gave your hand a squeeze and brought it up to his lips, pressing a kiss on your knuckles. You reciprocated the gesture, instead kissing the back of his shoulder.
"You have been amazing, Travis. So truly amazing."
Even though he was facing away from you, you knew he would be smiling at your comment.
"We can get through this."
Travis knocked gently on the ajar bedroom door, careful not to wake you if you were sleeping.
"Yeah?" You croaked.
His head poked through the small gap, a soft smile on his face, "Hey beautiful. Do you fancy coming and chilling on the couch with me?"
You continued to scroll through your phone, "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute."
Suddenly, Andy Reid's face flashed onto the screen in your hand.
"We noticed that Travis Kelce wasn't in attendance at yesterday's or today's practice, why is that?" A reporter asked from off-screen.
Andy pursed his lips for a second, "Travis is taking a rest at the moment, that's all."
"Is he injured?" Another reporter questioned.
Andy shook his head, "No, no. He's fine, there's no injury, he's just...taking some time."
The journalists chattered amongst themselves and one voice shouted over the top of the noise, "Will he be playing this Sunday's game?"
"That will be a game time decision."
You swiped the video away and cleared your throat, "I think you should play on Sunday."
Travis stepped towards you, "What? Are you crazy? I need to be here with you."
"Baby, I'm okay. I'll curl up on the couch and watch from here. It's a home game, so you'll be back soon after. Right?"
Travis nervously ran his hands through his beard, "I don't want to leave you."
You smiled and pointed in the general direction of Arrowhead Stadium, "You're going to be 15 minutes away. I'll be fine here, don't worry."
Travis closed his eyes, "I don't think I can do it."
You carefully climbed out of bed and reached out, grabbing his shoulders, "Yes you can, baby. You're the strongest, fiercest and most dedicated man I know. We might be a team, but you have another team that need you."
Travis met your gaze and nodded his head.
You smiled, "So, it's decided then."
You clung to the blanket that you had become attached to, your knuckles almost turning white. The large TV above the fireplace blasted the stadium noise as various players flashed on the screen.
You reached across the couch to grab your mug of hot tea when Travis' name was mentioned.
"...Travis Kelce is down at the side-lines, reports of him missing some practice's have been circulating with no information as to why, but Andy Reid did say recently that it would be a game-time decision if Kelce was to play at all today. Rumours of an injury or illness have been heard, but there has still not been any confirmation. So, we don't know the reason as to why he was absent but the fans here are just glad to see him at all..."
You felt a stab of guilt in your stomach, a stinging reminder of your situation. You placed your fingers on your temples and stared up at the screen, still showing your husband stretching and warming up. He looked distracted and nervous, awkwardly talking to Patrick occasionally, his eyes fluttering around the stadium.
Taking a deep breath, you sipped your tea and watched as the game began with the Chiefs receiving the ball. Travis sat out of the first two plays and remained on the bench, his left leg twitching and bouncing. He watched the action of the field, fiddling with his gloves and occasionally holding his head in his hands. Eventually, you saw him stand up, jumping on the spot a few times and shaking his shoulders. He nodded towards Patrick and as he passed Coach Reid, Andy patted his back. You smiled softly, safe in the knowledge that he had support around him.
You felt nervous as you watched him on the field. He was playing consistently well, catching the ball and gaining yards often. But in-between plays, you could see that he was appearing distant.
Although the Chiefs had a solid start, by half-time they were 5 points down. The analysts were commenting on Travis' missed practices and implying that was a possible reason for the slow start. You sighed and shook your head.
"I don't know James, Travis is looking tired and although he is yet to make a mistake, if he continues with this distraction, it might not be long before he does."
You lowered your eyebrows and threw your fist down on the cushion beside you, "Shut the fuck up, Phil Simms."
As the second half got under way, Travis began to lose his concentration and seemed to fade into the background of the game. Usually, Patrick would throw the ball to Travis often, knowing he would get the yards and most importantly, the points. But today, it seemed Patrick was avoiding throwing to him, aware of his hindrance.
You chewed at your nails as you noticed the pair talking at the side-lines. Travis' hands were waving wildly and his face appeared almost frustrated. Patrick was shaking his head and placing his hand on Travis' shoulder, you assumed in an effort to console him. You could feel your eyes stinging due to your lack of blinking but you couldn't pry your eyes away from the screen. Eventually Travis gave up the fight and slumped back down onto the bench.
You lowered your head, feeling a slight relief that he was getting more rests than usual, but upset that he wasn't getting to play the game how he usually loved to.
The Chiefs managed to claw back some of the loss but the Raiders were very good to make sure the ball was rarely in the hands of a Chief. Your worries grew with each interception and fumble. You paced the room as the fourth and final quarter began, nervously wringing your hands.
As you reached down to pick up your mug from the coffee table, you accidently knocked a small piles of magazines onto the floor. Rolling your eyes, you knelt down to pick them up, your eyes settling on a grainy, black and white photo that was in amongst them.
A lump formed in your throat instantly. It was your last scan photo. Your eyes slowly gazed over the image in your hands, your fingers gently caressing the blurred shapes. You stared at the photograph, your mind reverting back to all of the plans you and Travis had made, the dreams you had for your daughter and the ideas you had thought of.
You blinked your eyes, releasing a single tear down onto your cheek. You quickly wiped it away and placed the magazines and photograph back onto the coffee table, sniffing and clearing your throat when you noticed Travis crouching into his position, ready for a play.
You clasped your hands together and held them at your chest, "Oh please baby. Come on."
The clock was running down and the Chiefs needed points on the board to win. As Creed snapped the ball, Patrick wasted no time in looking for Travis whose feet were pounding down the field. The ball landed with ease in Travis' arms and he continued to speed towards the end-zone. Your jaw dropped open and tears fell down your cheeks as you saw the determination and tenacity that you had always admired in him.
Your eyes flew around the TV screen wildly, noting that he had almost reached the end-zone, "Yes baby! Yes, keep going!" You screamed in between sobs.
The volume of the crowd increased as his feet crossed the white goal line. He stood still for a second before dropping to the floor, the ball still cradled safely in his arms. Your hands flew to your cheeks as you watched a hunched Travis break down into tears, his shoulders shaking. His teammates were sprinting across the grass and Patrick knelt down, wrapping his arms around him into a tight hug. You cried, seeing how supported Travis was by his team, but also because of how proud you were of his bravery.
The final whistle blew to signal the end of the game and the crowds adorned in red and gold went wild. Travis was still on his knees, feeling the bittersweet sensation of his win, and his loss.
I have to be honest, a sad angsty ending isn't usually my style so I really struggled with this one. To the point where I'm not 100% happy with this chapter but that is probably just me being a perfectionist. This request was a difficult one and I was super nervous about it but all of your comments have been amazing! I have more requests to work through but I have some busy days ahead. I'll get onto writing them as soon as I can. Drop me a message or comment below if you want to be added to my Taglist.
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989
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sstan-hoe · 2 years
𝑷𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝑩𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝒊𝒔𝒏'𝒕
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — andy barber x fem!reader
𝒔𝒖���𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — you catch Laurie cheating on her husband, but what she didn't realise is that payback is indeed a bitch.
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — cheating (on both sides), SMUT, minors dni, sir kink, praise kink if you squint?, oral (m receiving), throat fucking, choking, cream pie, idk is riding Andy’s dick a warning? Laurie, yeah she is a freaking warning.
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — reblog and comment! follow @sstanhoe-updates to get notifications everytime I post!!!! so turns out I'm very short on WiFi and when I plan to post i don't know if I'll even have WiFi 👍 also I couldn’t exactly neglect Andy like that? Though I'm already on a few new Lloyd fics
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“Good morning y/n!” Laurie’s cheery voice greeted you at the entrance of the office. She had a smile that she hadn’t had for a while, “good morning boss, you seem so happy. Did Andy do something? Did you two spoke it out and had sex?” You asked matching her smile.
Laurie giggled at your questions, “first of all the fact that you call me boss and ask if I had sex in the same sentence doesn’t match. Second, yeah you could say it like that.”
She gave you one last cheeky smile before vanishing in her office.
You had been Laurie’s assistant for over eight years now, you had seen Jacob grow up, helped her through the murder trial and supported her. You had also known Andy for seven years and he was the perfect husband at the beginning until two years ago.
Jacob was framed for murder and the marriage of Laurie and Andy lost the spark, passion…everything it hand. Now they fought and only existed next to each other.
Laurie told you everything from her perspective, but you were dying to know Andy’s. She may be your boss but knew how she could be and probably didn’t make it easy for him.
Lost in your thoughts you hadn’t realized that the mail man stood in front of your desk.
“Excuse me? I’ve got flowers for Laurie Barber?” Confused you looked up at him, “what?” “Flowers…for Laurie Barber?” Ohh, they must be from Andy.
“Oh, yeah. Just give ‘hem to me, do you mind me asking from who they are?” You asked taking the flowers from the man. “Sorry, no, but even if I did, I couldn’t there is no sender on them.”
Andy wouldn’t hide it if they were from him, but maybe it was a gift for something Laurie did for someone.
“Okay thanks anyway, bye!” The man gave you a smile and walked away.
However, you were a noisy person and looked for a card. The flowers were jasmine which looked beautiful…Laurie’s favourite. Only a few people knew her favourite, and Andy was surly one of them.
‘Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman – T’ What the fuck you thought as you found a card, those were definitely not from Andy.
Taking a deep breath you walked over to Laurie’s door, knocking twice before she said, ‘come in’. With a forced smile you opened the door, “a flower bouget just came for you.” Laurie instantly jumped up and walked out to the flowers.
“Soo are they from Andy?” you asked crossing your arms over your chest as you leaned against the door frame. Laurie took the card, reading it and pressing it to her chest with a smile which she hid from you giving she had her back turned to you.
“Yeah, Andy found his romantic side again…oh and I forgot to tell you I have a lunch meeting with Thomas which I would like to have in my office without any distractions.”
You nodded, being suspicious or maybe you were just making this all up. Even if her marriage wasn’t good, she wouldn’t cheat right?
“Sure, thing boss,” you agreed. Laurie gave a smile and went back to her office with the bouget of flowers. You released the breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
As lunch rolled around a man with dark blonde hair and acid green eyes walked up to your desk. “I have a meeting with Mrs. Barber,” he said while playing with his keys. “Okay, I need a name.”
“Thomas Jones.” You nodded and told him to go right in as you scribbled the name down on a piece of paper with one hand.
The man walked in, and it gave you a little time to lock over him. He wasn’t as tall as Andy and didn’t look as muscular, while Andy was big and intimidating Thomas was slim and spoiled.
Right then the phone rang, looking at the caller ID you sae Andy’s name pop up.
“Hi Andy,” you greeted him with a hint of surprise in your voice. “Hello darling, I was wondering if you could go into Laurie’s office. She accidentally took one of my files with her this morning.” You could melt everytime he called you ‘darling’. Andy made it a habit everytime Laurie wasn’t around.
“Sure, but she has meeting and told me no distraction, would you come to get the file then?” If Andy was going to come here, you had to prepare Laurie.
“Oh, no don’t worry. I just need information from it, which would have led to my next question, if you could send me a picture or tell what I need?” Of course, you would do everything to help him.
God what was wrong with you? He is your bosses husband after all.
“I would love to Andy, but right now isn’t a good time.” “Darling please, I really need it. My case depends on you, and you want to be good girl, right?” Fucking hell yes, yes you want to be a good girl.
“Yes sir, I mean Andy. Sorry, yeah, I will get the file.” You shakily breathed out. “Thank you darling, I’ll wait here.” Nodding you stood up and walked over to Laurie’s office.
Taking a deep breath you opened the door, “Laurie, Andy called and-,” you cut yourself of as you saw the scene in front of you. Laurie bend over her desk and Thomas balls deep inside her. “Oh my god, oh my god…” you repeated and quickly shut the door.
So, your suspicions were right, poor Andy. To be honest you would have expected between the two of them that Laurie would be one to cheat. Andy was always loyal.
Wait…Andy was still on the phone. “Andy-, I uhm…,” you didn’t know what to say, should you tell him? No, not right now.
“There, there was no uh file…sorry- I, yeah,” you stuttered with a drained tone. “That’s fine darling. Speak to you soon, bye,” “bye,” your voice broke as the word left your mouth.
He hang up and Laurie stormed out of her office, her hair looked like a mess…after her came Thomas with the same look. “Y/n, please don’t tell Andy!” She almost begged, almost. “This was a one-time thing, and I don’t even like him-“ “What? We have been fucking for a month now!” Thomas cut through her sentence.
She shot him a look before turning her head back to you with pleading eyes.
You were overwhelmed with the situation, “sure, yeah. I won’t, don’t worry….” She smiled gratefully at you before sending Thomas on his way and quickly rushing into her office.
As you watched how the situation unfolded you realized that you could not keep this a secret from Andy. However, you weren’t sure if he would believe, so just in case you needed prove.
For the rest of the day, you thought how you could prove that Laurie was cheating.
Then as you got yourself a water you overheard two of your co-workers complaining about cameras. It was like a light bulb switching on.
You quickly run back to your desk. A few years back there was a break in which lead to Laurie putting cameras in her office. You were the only one besides Laurie who had access to them, and she always forgot she had one given they were hidden.
Pulling up the file of the camera you really found the footage. Laurie Barber being fucked by Thomas Jones, you scrunched your nose up in disgust.
You copied the video on your phone and packed your thing. Your boss was already gone, she had a class reunion meaning that Andy was hopefully home alone, well besides Jacob.
Driving to the Barbers residence felt longer than it actually was. It felt like you had a big, heavy box on your shoulders, and you were dying to get it off. Parking in front of the house you took a deep breath before getting out of the car.
As you were about to knock the door opened revealing Jacob who gave you a confused look.
“Y/n? Mom’s not here.” “Yeah, I know I’m her assistant,” you chuckled nervously, “I’m hear to talk to your father.”
Jacob’s eyes turned into concern, “did something happen.” Your eyes widened by his question, “no, no don’t worry. You just go on your way.” He nodded giving you a smile. You gave him a pat on the shoulder and entered the house.
Just then Andy jogged down the stairs, “thought I’d hear you,” he gave you one of those beautiful smiles as he walked towards you pulling you into a hug.
“Andy I…this is not easy for me…remember lunch? There is something I have to show you.”
“Did you find the file?” You shook your head in response to his question, “maybe you wanna sit down for that?” “What are you talking about darlin’,” damn his and that pet name.
Slowly he moved to the couch, sitting down he patted the seat next to him. “Before I show you something, you need the prehistory. Today Laurie came in all happy and dazed, I thought it was because you two made up. Then around ten she got a bouget of flowers; jasmine’s which had a card in it that said, ‘Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman – T’. I was suspicious but didn’t say anything.”
Andy leaned back, he didn’t want to say that he had an idea where this was going but he was suspicious himself. Laurie had been different the past few months, happier.
“Then before lunch she told me she had a meeting with Thomas Jones at lunch and wanted no distractions. Lunch came and so did the man, he was shorter than you, dark blond hair, acid green ice. They went in her office and then you called, said I should go in and I didn’t want to leave you hanging but what I saw was…,” “Laurie fucking Thomas?”
You nodded as he finished the sentence for you, “I even have prove!” You said quickly.
“I don’t need prove darling, I saw it coming but that gives me even more reasons to divorce her.” Andy stated laying his head in his hands.
Nervously you reached for his hand, interlocking it with yours. “I’m sorry this happened, but if you need anything, really anything don’t hesitate to call me.”
Lifting his head Andy pressed a kiss to your knuckled. Butterflies erupted in your stomache, and you prayed to god that this wasn’t just about Laurie. If you were honest, you had always felt a certain attraction towards Andy and now that Laurie was out of the way…
“I think in the last two years I spoke more with you than with my own wife.” He whispered against you joined hands.
His words were true though. While you did help Laurie, you also helped Andy, meeting him for lunch, breakfast or even a walk in the park. You listened to him about he felt, what was going on and how he tried to make everything better.
“I fell out of love with Laurie a long time ago but didn’t want to accept it, then the murder trial came and you. I know you were there before but, in this time, I really got to know you.”
If Andy continued to talk like this then you would be gone, he words made you melt.
“Well Andy, I like you too…,” you trailed of unsure if you read his words right. He smiled in response and laid his unoccupied hand gently against your cheek, “can I kiss you?”
Speechless you nodded. Andy leaned in pressing his lips careful on yours, it was a shy kiss at first. Then you gently bit on his bottom lip, he opened his lips letting your tongue slide in. Your tongues fought over dominance.
Andy deepened the kiss and moved your leg over him sitting you down on his lap. His hands rested on your hips while your held onto his neck.
Slowly Andy circled your hips over his growing cock provoking a whimper from you. He hooked his fingers in your trousers about to pull them down when you stopped him. “Don’t, don’t you think it’s going to fast?” you asked breathless.
“Darling, I wanted you for the past year and could never act on it, I need you. However, if you really want to- ,” “No, no forget I ever said anything just continue.”
“Wait, do you wanna do it on the couch?” this time it was Andy who interrupted. “Well, I don’t really want to have sex with you in the bed you share with Laurie,” you told him and could feel your cheeks heating up.
“Believe she won’t sleep in there another night…maybe-,” “fuck it, she deserves it.” You cut him off and lifted yourself from him.
He led you to the bedroom and promptly threw you on the bed. In one go he took your sweats with you and god were you thankful for not wearing tight pants. They landed somewhere in the room along with Andy’s shirt.
Andy hovered over you giving you the perfect chance to adore his god like sculpted chest, they veins popping out from his arms made you weak.
“Wait, can I…can I suck your cock?” you looked at him through your lashes, Andy grew harder under you by your question. “Yeah, fuck yeah.”
You slid down the bed and kneeled down in front of Andy. Slowly you opened his trousers and pulled them down with his boxer. He stood now opposite from you completely naked while you still wore your shirt, bra, and panties.
His erection sprang out almost hitting his stomache, he was thick and bigger than your past boyfriends.
You licked a long strip up his shaft causing him to wince, taking the courage you took the head of his cock in your mouth, tongue swirling around his red tip that leaked precum.
Andy whispered, “fuck,” clawing his hand in your hair, gaining control over you he pushed you deeper down his length. You gagged as his tip hit the back of your throat. A loud groan came past Andy’s lips.
“I’m sorry…I…fuck it’s been so long,” he apologized releasing you. “It’s okay, fuck my throat, sir please…” Andy thought he misheard but one look in your pleading eyes gave him all the answer he needed.
His hand went back to your hair and pushed you down his cock. Your tongue licked his veins while your free hand played with his balls. Andy moaned loudly as you squeezed him.
You tried to take him in completely but were unable, what you couldn’t reach you rubbed with your other hand.
The moans of Andy turned you on and made your vagina pulls, your panties damp from your wetness.
“Fuck, I’m close,” he groaned and pulled you away, “I won’t come down your throat, that’s for next time…I need your pussy.”
Raising you to your feet he pulled your shirt over your head and unclasped your bra in one motion. He backed you on the bed and removed your panties. Holding them up to his nose he smelled them, “did sucking my cock made you this wet pretty girl?”
You gave him a strained nod. Andy hovered over you once again about to line himself up with your leaking cunt, “wait, I gave you no foreplay…should I-,” “that’s for next time,” you repeated his words.
His hardened cock barely slipping through your soddened folds, holding his cock there as he gives a few tentative thrusts, lubing himself up with your slick.
Gently Andy pushed his thrombin cock inside your pussy. A cry left you as he stretched you out, “god you're tight, I'm gonna have so much fun ruining you.”
The moans of Andy turned you on and made your vagina pulls, your panties damp from your wetness.
He started with slow thrusts that not only turtoured you but him too. “Andy, let me ride you...please?,” he would do everything you asked.
Rolling over Andy planted you on his thigh, he let go of you giving you free reign.
You lifted your hips over his hard cock, the new angle has your lips parting a soft whimper leaving. Slowly youbpushed down on his length, you feared he was too big for you. His cock pressed against your sweet spot, in response you squeezed him pulling a groan from Andy.
His hand shot up curling around your throat and you whined at the feeling. You spread your legs further sinking down on him completely.
You paused needing time to adjust to his length, “oh would you look at that, you can't even fit all of me inside that tight lil cunt?,” what? no you thought you had taken in fully. One look down showed you truth.
The brunette bucked his hips up with a desperate groan, “darling you have to move...,” he snapped you out.
Taking a deep breath you began moving your hips at a slow pace, “okay that’s it.” Andy snapped his hips up, your eyes rolled back into your head at the feeling of ecstasy caused by Andy's harsh thrusts.
His pace became brutal, making you feel how badly he wanted – needed you.
“I'm gonna have you wrapped around my cock for days, why didn't I do this before huh?”
Andy’s thumb rubbed over your clit drawing a desperate cry from you while his over hand held your hip. “are you close darling? You won’t cum until you ask for permission like a good girl,”
He pressed down harder on your bundle of nerves driving you crazy. Needing to gain more control Andy turned you over on your back. The new angle drove a phonographic moan from your lips. Andy pushed himself deeper inside you pausing for a moment and coming face to face with you.
You look up at him with pleading eyes, begging him to give you your release. “Ask. For. Permission,” he draw himself out and thrusted hard back after and before every word.
“Please can I cum, please, sir, I've been a good girl, your best girl...please,” you whined.
Downstairs the door opened and a tired looking Laurie walked in. It was after ten and the reunion went longer than expected. Now she only wanted to throw herself into her comfy bed. The only downside was that Andy would be sleeping next to her, but given the perks that came with marriage she had no need to divorce him.
She walked up the steps but aproptly stopped as she heard loud moans and voices coming from the bedroom. Listening closely she could make out Andy’s voice but was unsure on who the woman was.
“Beg like the little slut you are...cum, cum for sir,” the knot in your stomache exploded and it felt like fireworks erupting from your belly.
With you squeezing his cock Andy didn't last long and spurted his white seed inside you. He rocked his hips against yours, fucking you through both of your orgasm. Then he pulled out watching his seed drip from you hungry cunt.
Whispering, “you look so pretty filled with my cream,” Andy pushed his sperm back inside you.
He was leaning up to give you a kiss, telling you how much of a good job you did when the door opened with a lou boom revealing a red headed Laurie.
Laurie’s eyes widened as she saw who was laying beneath Andy. “You fucking bitch!” She screamed, she went to latch at you, but Andy held her back.
“Don’t you dare touch her! The only bitch here is you, cheating on me for months and acting like you want to work on our marriage.” He was filled with rage and was relieved to finally let everything out.
Laurie’s expression was priceless. In all the trouble she had pushed the thought aside that she was cheating too. “Oh yeah? How do I know you're not cheating just as long with my assistant?” she question thinking she could get the upper hand.
Wrapping the bed sheet around your naked body you stood up to face Laurie herself. “I'm sorry Laurie, but you couldn’t keep it a secret and I know I shouldn't have slept with him but–,” “'but'? There is no but! What happened to your loyalty?” You knew you shouldn't have done it, but Laurie deserved it. She had alwaus been treating Andy bad and this was just the cherry on top.
“My loyalty is with Andy, thats why I told him,” you stated unsure what her next was going to be.
Andy’s eyes drifted to you and instantly softened at your words.
Within a second you felt a hot, burning sensation on your cheek. Your eyes widened as you realized that Laurie had slapped you across the face. Holding your cheek shock you glanced at Andy who had the same expression.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Laurie snapped and was ready to throw another punch. Quickly Andy stepped in catching her wrist.
“This is how it's gonna go; you go downstairs and leave us alone, I will give you the divorce papers tomorrow and then you're going to move the fuck out and if you even think of doing anything other than that, I will sue you for every last thing you have.”
Laurie couldn't believe that someone who used to love her would say such words to her, “You're fired.” Those were her last words to you before she left.
Sinking down on the bed tears began falling down your reddened cheek. Andy wasted no time kneeling down in front of you wiping your tears gently away. “What did I do? Andy I betrayed my friend, destroyed a family and now I don't even have a job anymore,” he wrapped his arm around you, holding you against his chest.
“It's okay, I know it's not ideal but you didn’t destroy anything. This family has been broken for years now and the only thing you did was save us. You saved me, now I can be with the woman I wanted to be with for the past two years. Jacob will be much happier knowing his parents aren't fighting anymore. And you know I've got this free job as my assistant if you want it?”
You needed a minute to process Andy’s words. He still wanted you after everything and offered you a job. “I don’t know what to say Andy...”
“Do you not want to be with me?” he asked concerned. Looking up at him you frequently shook your head, “no, I mean yes, I want to be with you. I've wanted this since the day I met you, but I meant the job. I don't want to be a burden...”
“I've wanted to fire Thomas for a long time anyway,” Andy shrugged. At the mention of the name your ears perked up, with confused eyes you watched as Andy began to smirk. “Laurie fucked my assistant, he always undressed her with his eyes and acts like a spoiled brat.”
“You fucked me because Laurie fucked your assistant?” you shrieked backing away from his embrace.
Andy tilted his as if he was thinking about the right answer. That earned him a slap in his chest, “asshole, you think you're funny.” He smiled and captured your lips in a sweet kiss.
“I'm gonna put on some clothes and see Laurie out, then us two will have a relaxing bath, yeah?” He held up his pinkie, “yeah,” you agreed linking your pinkie with his while smiling like a dork.
As Andy walked over to his drawer you took the opportunity and admired his ass, you really wanted to squeeze those cheeks.
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
Hi!! Um so I just read your Carina DeLuca x Maya Bishop x Reader and now I’m opposed. Your writing got me into this ship and this show bahaha- and speaking of your writing I f*cking love it. Literally lights up my day/days whenever I read one of your posts and I get so excited ahaha so legitimately thank you🥲 if possible could you do another one of Carina DeLuca x Maya Bishop x Reader? Idrc about what prompt, just like a bad situation, to worse to better you know. If you don’t want to write for them I’d love to read another WandaNat x Reader🫣 (but if u really need a prompt something like insult to injury) thank you!
I hope you’re doing okay and it’s okay if you aren’t <3 and hopefully u are taking care of yourself. I’ve been reading ur fics for ages so if u ever need like a randoms imaginary shoulder to cry on I’ve got you ;) 🌸
Worse Alone
I am so, so sorry it took me so long to get to you 🌸! I can't express in words how much what you said means to me though, like (and I say this a lot, I know, but it's true) stuff like this truly gives me so much motivation. I love you so much and I will give you my imaginary shoulder any day that you need it. Btw, you don't have to sensor your swears unless you truly want to, I am the queen of obscenities <3
[[Summary]] Smoke and semi-working lungs don't go too well together. But you have a job to do. (marina x reader)
Word Count: 1.8k
A five-hour blaze wasn’t something that anyone wanted to deal with, but it was something that you and your team knew how to deal with. Of course, it was dangerous for everyone around, but it was also thrilling. You all ran into fires for a reason, the eight of you were adrenaline junkies who felt the irresistible need to save lives. 
Every so often after a particularly rough day Maya, Carina, and you would just curl up together in bed, no one sleeping despite how exhausted the three of you would be. The brunette would alternate between stroking your hair and rubbing Maya’s back, cushioned in between the two of you as if she needed the pressure to prove to her that you both were safe. 
To call today a ‘rough day’ would be an understatement. Thankfully everyone had survived, but a young woman had been sent to Grey Sloan with severe burns, screaming about her baby. The baby, a severely annoyed two-year-old, was thankfully fine. The little boy had been distracted fairly quickly as the other paramedics checked him over, focusing on the stethoscope which he for some reason found absolutely fascinating. 
His mother was rushed to the burn unit but from what you and everyone else knew she was holding strong and the boy's other mom was taking care of him. That wasn’t the worst part though. The worst part was that your body was utterly pissed with you for deciding to treat it so badly and it was taking it out on you at the worst possible time. 
You had done the best that you could when it came to fighting the blaze, resisting the urge to attach yourself to an oxygen tank even when you were outside of the house, away from the smoke. Entering the house was an atrocious idea, but your girlfriend was in there. You had ignored Andy’s orders and raced to rescue the woman you loved.
The blonde knew that you weren’t feeling very well, she had heard you coughing in the bathroom before the call had come in and had tried to convince you to go home. Then of course the alarm sounded and there was nothing that either of you could do. Sure you wanted to be anywhere but inside a burning building with your lungs already starved for oxygen, but it wasn’t like you had much of a choice. 
Maya was fine, momentarily hindered when a piece of the roof collapsed leaving her needing to find a new way to get herself out. You had helped despite her protests that she could do it on her own and that you needed to leave. Instead of doing what she asked of you, you took the time to help her get out, working strategically and quickly around the debris. 
You made it through without passing out even a little bit and the fire was finally extinguished. When you got outside you pulled your helmet off and half stumbled over to Ben in search of oxygen. He noticed your struggle and passed over a mask, asking repeatedly if you were okay as you sat down on the bumper of the Aid Car, your gear practically pulling you down. Gravity was not working in your favor. 
“Y/n, let me take your jacket off,” Ben ordered, sounding like a doctor. He was a doctor. The damn man had too many careers, it sometimes frustrated you just how accomplished he was. 
“Back off, Probie.” You rasped, shrugging him away. Technically you had rank over him, so technically you could order him around. The loophole totally worked for you as long as it mean that he’d leave you alone. You didn’t have any problem with Ben as a person, he was actually a pretty nice dude, but you had absolutely no wish to be ‘Doctored’ right now.
You were expecting to be yelled at, but thankfully Andy hadn’t come over to shout while you were still on the scene. You could see her casting you frustrated looks while she talked to your girlfriend, but left it alone. That only lasted until you got to the station.
“L/n!” Andy yelled, stomping over to you. She looked angry but also concerned. Maya was beside her, wearing a similar expression. “What the hell were you thinking? You endangered every one of us!” The captain snapped, glaring down at you. 
You stood to meet her gaze, trying to look less weak than you felt. Fighting her on this was probably a poor decision, but you had no intention to take this lying down. 
“I was doing my job, Captain.” You bit back. Andy bristled at the comment, rage hardening in her eyes. The woman beside her bit back what would definitely be a remake would probably upset everyone and reserved herself to a slight shake of the head. 
“Check. Your. Tone. L/n. I am your boss, not your punching bag. I don’t care that you aren’t feeling well, that doesn’t give you an excuse to be an ass. You could have gotten yourself and others hurt.” Now it was your turn to bristle. 
“Maya was trapped, she needed-”
“She needed you to do what you are told instead of ignoring direct orders. You aren’t the only one on this team Y/n, do you understand that? If you ever do something so stupid again I will have you suspended. For now, you will be taking two weeks paid leave. Take care of yourself. Come back when you’re done making stupid decisions.” Her voice softened on the last sentence, expression fading from stern boss to worried friend. 
You sagged slightly, shrugged, and looked over at Maya in hopes to find support there. 
“Come on Y/n. Carina’s off today, I bet she’ll make you some soup.” She held out a hand and part of you didn’t want to take it. Part of you wanted to prove yourself to your boss, but Maya’s offer was too good to pass up. Carina made the best soup and she was always so good at knowing exactly what you needed. 
You took the hand and allowed yourself to be led out of the station, ignoring everyone’s kind words and well wishes. Maya got you situated in the car, both of you silent. She was incredibly gentle, brushing your hair away from your face and lingering a bit with her touches, but she was still frustrated with you. It was okay, you understood. You had scared her. 
The ride home was quick and quiet. You were half asleep and Maya was listening to the radio, your cough overpowering the soft music. Carina would probably insist that you sleep with at least two humidifiers tonight, but it wouldn't matter, at least you’d be with them. 
You let your eyes slip closed and you leaned against the cool window, shivering in your loose clothes. You wanted your bed and someone to hold you. Unfortunately, you’d have to wait for those things. They’d probably make you shower before you were allowed to climb into the bed.
You were right. The second you got into the house Carina was all over you, asking a flurry of questions and speaking in rapid-fire Italian about your condition. Normally you loved to listen to speak the language that you didn't understand, but now it was just messing with your mind. 
She had ordered you and Maya into the bathroom, promising to have your room made up with whatever she believed that you would need to feel better. The shower was nice enough. Maya washed your hair, allowing you to lean back against her in your exhaustion. It was tough to stay standing, but she was there, making sure that you would be okay. 
“M’sorry.” You rasped, blinking teary eyes at the worried looking blonde. She tilted her head to the side and smiled, gripping your elbows tightly. 
“Babe, I just want you to be safe. I’m sorry you don’t feel well. I wish that you had told one of us sooner, then you would have gotten to be with Carina all day. It could have been a good day, not an awful one. Okay?” You nodded your understanding and sniffled softly, your nose running in what you were sure was a disgusting way. Maya looked at you lovingly nonetheless. 
When the brunette said that she was going to get everything you could possibly need, she had really meant it. The room that the three of you shared was decked out in everything one would want for a sick day. Boxes of tissues, a mug of tea on the bedside sitting beside a glass of apple juice, three humidifiers, a bottle of cold medicine, a fluffy blanket, and extra pillows.
“You did that pretty fast, Car.” You forced out, climbing into the bed with the help of both of your girlfriends. Maya followed and wrapped her arms around your waist, holding you close while Carina measured out a dose of medicine. 
“Si, I work quickly. Now open your mouth, I want to see how high your temperature is.” She was in work mode right now, they’d be time for joking after you did what you were told. You pouted but opened your mouth, holding the thermometer under your tongue. The brunette carded her fingers through your hair as you waited for the reading, looking utterly disappointed. 
“102.3, oh Y/n, no wonder you do not feel well. Take this, alright? Then you can go to sleep.” She kissed your forehead, prompting you to obey her wishes. You were a sucker for physical attention, even more so when you were sick. 
The medicine tasted like you licked a fake plastic cherry and stung your throat, but it was what it was. Both women smiled when you finished it and you got twin kisses on each of your cheeks. These women were amazing. 
You felt your eyes fill with tears and you ducked your head, not wanting to show them that you were about to cry. That was just too much, they didn’t need to deal with your unnecessary emotions at the same time. 
“Oh baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Maya crooned, tilting your chin back up so that you were forced to meet her crystal blue eyes. You felt Carina’s arms slip around your waist as she sat on your other side and that was about all that you could take. 
You broke into stifled sobs and pressed your head against the blonde's shoulder in search of comfort. You didn’t want to talk about it, you just wanted to cry. Which was stupid, because earlier you had been completely fine. Now you were bawling like a baby in the arms of your girlfriends. 
Neither of them said anything while you cried, they just let you, holding you close until you were too tired to cry anymore. You didn’t actually remember falling asleep, all that you knew was that one minute it was dark out, and the next you were laying down with your head on Carina’s chest, both of the women asleep beside you. 
Your body still hurt and you still felt disgusting, but at least you weren’t alone. Being sick and alone was worse than being sick with people who loved you.
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paddockletters · 1 year
You should never be ashamed - Trent Alexander Arnold
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request: can it be with Jude or Trent where they were in public and someone makes fun of her Eritrean accent and how sometimes she struggles to speak English so from that on she stopped talking only responding with one or two words and they comfort her. if u can thank you ( @idreamtoliveinfantsy) thank you for you request ❤ summary: trent gives you the confidence you need when people make rude comments about you. pairing: trent alexander-arnold x reader; bestfriend! jude bellingham x reader warnings: none words count: 1.2
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Two years ago you had moved to England because your boss had asked you to work here and gave you a better promotion, something you had dreamed of. On the other hand, you had met Trent during a night out with your friends and from that moment on you clicked amazingly.
It all started with an outing as "friends", you agreed to start getting to know each other - like hobbies, dislikes, favourite food, favourite places in your countries, etc. - However, for both of them, it was inevitable not to develop feelings beyond friendship. Soon a few months later you started dating and you were happy for what you had with him.
What you had was special, he made you feel comfortable wherever you went and whoever you were with. You loved the fact that he knew you so well that he knew when you weren't in the mood, when something made you sad, he made you happy. You complemented each other so well.
In the time you had been living in England, it had been long enough to get used to this new place, however, if one thing is true, being a foreigner is sometimes difficult and dealing with people who are not the best at doing it with others. Although you consider yourself a confident person, without fear of anything, in reality there was something that made you feel insecure, your accent. Even though you were almost 100% fluent in English, that accent when pronouncing words or phrases was still there and it wasn't like it was going to disappear overnight and you were proud to keep it.
However, one night when you and Trent had gone out with some friends to spend some time - it was really a quiet night out, just going to a restaurant for dinner.
You were sitting in the middle of your boyfriend and Jude; next to him was a girl he was seeing, and across from you was Andy with his girlfriend. During dinner, words were exchanged between everyone, however, Jude's friend was barely speaking to you and to a certain point she was giving you dirty looks.
"Baby, are you okay?" Trent leaned close to your ear and asked you as he noticed how you stirred uncomfortably.
"Yeah, I'm fine" you smiled at him, as he placed a hand on your thigh.
The night was going well, until she spoke.
"You're not from here, aren't you?" Jude's friend asked you.
"Yes, I'm not " you replied uncomfortably.
"And you don't feel embarrassed? I mean, I'd be if I sounded that weird and funny..." she said, looking at you with displeasure.
Everyone at the table was speechless until Trent spoke up.
"I don't think it's any of your business, if it's none of my girlfriend's business, it's none of mine, you shouldn't care either.
I think it's disrespectful to her, I guess you're just being ignorant and I can see the kind of person you are. You are disgusting" Trent spoke harshly and you just grabbed his arm. The last thing you wanted to happen was he gets in troubles.
Jude didn't keep quiet either.
"Paige, I'm going to ask you to leave. Like Trent said it was disrespectful to y/n; she's like my sister and I can't stand this behavior, even more when you and I are just barely getting to know each other. I don't know what I was thinking when I brought you here, I don't know how I didn't notice it before either.
Paige -now you knew her name - just kept quiet and looked concerned. She just grabbed her bag and left the restaurant.
When she left, everyone was quiet and it was a bit awkward. Trent like the great boyfriend he’s, decided to stop dinner and take you home, this had been too much.
The drive home was silent; Jude had gone back with you. You could clearly feel the tension in the car.
"hey, y/n... sorry about what happened at dinner. I don't even know why I took her to dinner" Jude spoke.
"yeah, never mind" was all you replied.
When you got to Jude's flat, he got out of the car and said goodbye to both of you, and you just nodded your head in agreement.
There was only you and Trent left in the car, and he knew something was wrong.
"Baby, are you okay? Don't lie to me please" Trent spoke to you as he took your hand.
You didn't even know what to say, in your mind you knew that what had happened was something silly.
When he saw that you didn't answer, he spoke to you again.
"Baby, please. Talk to me”
"It's no big deal, it's just what happened today...it made me feel bad, uncomfortable, but it was silly."
"Baby, that wasn't something silly. It's okay to feel that way because what that girl did was wrong.
You should never be ashamed of that because it's what makes you who you are, there's nothing wrong with that. Please don't ever feel that way, that girl is the one who is wrong."
 "Thank you Trent, I love you."
Arriving home, you headed to your room as Trent secured the door and turned off the lights in the living room.
Once you were both in bed, you grabbed your cell to see messages from Jude.
Jude ❤
Hey y/n, I'm so sorry about what happened today.
And like I said, it was dumb of me to take her, the last thing I want is for you to get hurt. You know Trent is my best friend and you're like my sister.
I'm sorry, and I swear to take care of you as much as I can and especially from comments that might make you feel bad.
I love you
You adored Jude, you were like siblings as you had a very good relationship.
"Jude sent me a text apologizing" You said to Trent as you showed him the conversation.
"He can be very annoying at times, but if I'm sure he wouldn't do anything to hurt you."
" Just like you. thank you for everything you've done for me these past few months, you make me feel at home.
Really, you've made me so happy."
"This is what a relationship is all about baby, we're both here to support each other and take care of each other always, and I've told you many times but don't ever forget, never be ashamed of who you are because that's what makes you special, that's what makes me love you, that's what makes you have what you have. You deserve so much.
You lean in close to him and grab him by the neck to kiss him.
"I love you, I love you so much" you say against his lips and through tears.
"I know that, but I wouldn't mind if you showed it to me in a different way" He says teasingly as he lays you on the mattress kessing you and doing other things during the night that help to show the love you have for each other.
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dragonydreams · 6 days
Cake is a Love Language - BuckTommy, HenRen
Title: Cake is a Love Language Fandom: 9-1-1 Rating: General Audience Pairings/Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinnard, Hen Wilson/Karen Wilson, Denny Wilson, Mara Driskell Additional Tags: Double Date, Cake is Love Summary: Tommy thanks Hen for introducing him to Buck, so Hen invites them over for dinner. Timeline: post 7x06 Word Count: 2,494 Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over these characters. I am merely borrowing them from Reamworks, Brad Falchuk Teley-Vision, Ryan Murphy Television, and 20th Television. Betas: Thank you to @medieshanachie for looking this over for me.
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The doorbell rang as Hen and Karen were getting the kids ready for school the Monday after Chimney and Maddie's wedding. Hen was a little harried as she opened the door to see a man standing there wearing a shirt with the logo for her favorite bakery.
"Andy, what are you doing here? I already picked up my order," she said, thinking of the single cupcake in the fridge decorated in the bisexual flag colors she planned on taking in for Buck.
"Hey, Hen. This isn't an order you placed, but something that was ordered to give to you," Andy said, holding out a box and envelope. 
"Who's it from?" she asked, accepting the package. 
"Can't say, but they knew what you like," Andy said, turning to go.
"Hang on, let me grab my wallet for a tip," Hen said, quickly.
"Already covered," Andy said and waved as he headed back to his car.
Hen closed the door, more curious than ever, as she carried the box and envelope to the kitchen. 
"Who was that?" Karen asked.
"Delivery," Hen said. She opened the box after setting it on the table where Denny and Mara were eating cereal. Inside were four cupcakes.
"Cupcakes!" Denny exclaimed. "Can I have one now?"
"No, finish your cereal," Hen said. "We'll have them for dessert tonight."
"Who are they from?" Karen asked, obviously sharing the same thought as her son.
Hen closed the box and put the cupcakes in the refrigerator and then opened the card. Her eyebrows rose as she held the card out for Karen to see. 
Thank you for convincing me to fly into a hurricane. - Tommy
Karen laughed as Denny asked what the card said. 
"It's from an old co-worker, Tommy," Hen said. 
"You think that's about Buck?" Karen asked, quietly.
"Oh, definitely," Hen said. "We should have them over for dinner. Soon."
"Tell Buck to let us know when Tommy's next free night is," Karen said. 
"I will," Hen said. She pulled out her phone and scrolled to find Tommy's contact info. 
You're welcome. And thank you for the cupcakes. I'm going to ask Buck, too, but Karen and I would like you to come for dinner the next time we all have a night off.
Tommy replied immediately. 
We'd love that. I'll have Evan coordinate our schedules.
"Evan, huh," Hen muttered. 
"What's that?" Karen asked.
"I texted Tommy to thank him and invite them to dinner and he said Evan would coordinate our schedules," Hen relayed. 
"Who's Evan?" Karen asked, confused.
"Buck," Hen said. "That's his real name."
"I don't think I've ever heard anyone call him that," Karen said.
"They don't. He introduced himself that way when he first started but said to call him Buck, so we do. Maddie's the only one who ever calls him Evan anymore, aside from his parents."
"Interesting," Karen mused.
"Very," Hen agreed.
Buck was already upstairs by the time Hen arrived at the station. She quickly changed into her uniform before heading up. She found him sitting at the table, grinning at his phone.
"I suppose this isn't much of a surprise, but I still wanted to give this to you," she said, placing the boxed cupcake in front of Buck. "Welcome to the family."
Buck's face lit up. "Maybe not, but it is very much appreciated." Then his face scrunched up in confusion. "I thought we were already family."
Hen nodded to the decoration on the cupcake. "That family."
"Oh, right," Buck said, blushing. "Um, yeah, thanks."
"I got the flag right, didn't I? I know we haven't talked about it yet. And there's no rush to label yourself," Hen rushed on, suddenly realizing she may have been presumptuous. 
"Hen, it's perfect," Buck assured her, taking her hand in his. "It's the right flag. I'm definitely bi. I still love women, but have recently come to realize that I also really like men."
"You know, I always thought you might be, but since you never talked about wanting to date men, I didn't want to make you confront something you weren't ready for," Hen admitted. 
"I probably wouldn't have believed you," Buck agreed. "I had no idea that what I was feeling for Tommy was attraction until he kissed me. I just knew I wanted to spend time with him."
"If you were confused, you could have talked to me," Hen said, a little hurt that he hadn't.
"That's just it, I wasn't confused," Buck said. "It was like everything suddenly made sense. Like that thing that I've been searching for so desperately was suddenly right there. I wasn't confused, I was at peace."
"That's beautiful," Hen said. "I'm so happy for you."
"I'm happy, too," Buck said. 
"Karen and I want to hear all about how you and Tommy got together over dinner the next time our shifts all give us a free evening. I already told Tommy when I thanked him for the cupcakes."
"He followed through with that?" Buck asked.
"He did. I assume you told him which is my favorite bakery?"
"Yeah. When he told me he wanted to send you something to thank you for introducing us I told him that cake is your love language and gave him the number to call," Buck said.
"That was very thoughtful, thank you," Hen said. "Tommy already said yes to dinner, so once you have his schedule, he said you'd coordinate on his behalf."
"I look forward to that," Buck said. 
The bell went off then, so Buck stashed his cupcake in the fridge before they both ran for the engine.
It took about a week for everyone's schedules to align, but soon Buck and Tommy were ringing Hen's doorbell.
Denny was hovering behind her as Hen opened the door. He and Mara had eaten earlier, but he wanted to say hello. 
"Come on in," she greeted them. "Tommy, it's so good to see you again."
"Thanks for having us," Tommy said as he followed Buck into the house.
"Hey, Buck," Denny said, coming over to give Buck a hug.
"Hey, Denny, loving the new hair," Buck said. "How'd it get so long so fast?"
"It doesn't feel like it was fast. I just haven't seen you for a while," Denny said. 
"I guess we haven't," Buck agreed.
"Who are you?" Denny asked Tommy.
"Denny, this is Tommy, he's Buck's… date?" she said, unsure of what label they might be using. "Tommy, this is my son, Denny. Tommy used to work with me at the 118, before Buck joined us. He’s the one who sent the cupcakes.”
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Denny," Tommy said, holding out his hand to shake.
Denny shook it and said, "You, too. Those cupcakes were so good."
Tommy laughed. “I’m glad you liked them.”
Hen looked over to see Mara hovering in the doorway, clutching her blanket. "That's Mara over there. She's a little shy." Raising her voice she asked, "Mara, would you like to come meet some of my friends?"
Mara shook her head and retreated from the room completely. 
"We’re going to play video games while you have your dinner," Denny said. 
"You're not joining us?" Buck asked.
"Nah, we already ate," Denny said. "I'll see you later."
They all watched him go after Mara. "Mara's our foster daughter. She's had a tough time settling in but she's been opening up to Denny. He's being the best big brother," Hen explained.
"You're very lucky," Tommy said. 
"We are," Karen said, joining them. "Sorry, I had to get dinner out of the oven before it burned."
"Tommy, you remember my wife, Karen," Hen said. 
"It's a pleasure seeing you again," Tommy said. 
"You too," Karen said. "Dinner's ready, so let's move this to the dining room."
Karen looped her arm through Buck's and led him to the table with Hen and Tommy following close behind them. 
Once the couples were seated on either side of the table, Buck said, "Ladies, you have outdone yourselves."
"Flattery will get you nowhere," Hen teased.
"Except perhaps another dinner invitation," Karen added.
"That's all I'm after," Buck said. 
"Is he always such a shameless flirt?" Tommy asked, amused.
"Always," Hen answered at the same time that Buck said, "Hardly ever!"
They all laughed and began to serve themselves. 
After they'd all had a few bites, Hen said, "Thank you again for the cupcakes. Although I don't feel like I deserved them. Chimney's the one who brought Buck and Eddie to Harbor, not me."
"Don't worry, I got Howie a nicer wedding present than was necessary in thanks. I'd never hear the end of it if I hadn't. Besides, he may have been the one to physically bring Evan into my life, but he wouldn't have been there if he hadn't anticipated you calling in air support to go after Captain Nash and Sargent Grant. We all know better than to ignore your hunches."
"You know, I had a hunch about you," Hen admitted, leaning back in her chair as she looked at Tommy.
Tommy blinked. "How? I was completely in the closet when I was at the 118."
"After Gerrard left, you stopped talking about girlfriends. If you mentioned dating at all you used gender neutral pronouns."
"I didn't think anyone noticed," Tommy admitted. 
"I'm sure most of them didn't, but I'm well familiar with that game," Hen said. 
"Anyone in our community would recognize those signs," Karen added. 
"I probably wouldn't have, but I also got caught out by trying to keep neutral pronouns," Buck said. "That's how Maddie found out about Tommy. I slipped up. Granted, it was the first conversation I'd had after our first date."
"You also came out to the team pretty quickly," Tommy pointed out.
"And what a way to come out," Karen said. "You've gotta tell me, was that planned?"
Buck and Tommy shared a look and grinned.
"Not exactly," Tommy said.
"I mean, Tommy was always going to be my date for the wedding," Buck added.
"But I hadn't exactly planned on coming straight from a fire covered in soot," Tommy continued.
"And I couldn't resist kissing him when I saw him," Buck said, blushing. 
"You didn't tell him his face was covered in your soot?" Hen asked.
Tommy laughed. "Oh, I did."
Buck was grinning. "It saved me the trouble of making some big announcement."
"True that," Hen said. She raised her wine glass. "To nonverbal announcements."
They all clinked glasses. 
"So that's how you came out, but how did you get together?" Karen pressed, leaning forward in her seat, eagerly. 
"Yeah, so do you remember when Eddie had to stay behind on light duty because he'd sprained his ankle during a basketball game?"
"You mean when you pushed him during a basketball game?" Hen clarified.
"Chim?" Buck asked, guessing that Chimney would have given his partner the play by play.
"Chim," Hen confirmed.
"After I took Eddie to urgent care and then got him settled with pain meds at home I went to talk to Evan. Eddie and I had been hanging out a lot since the rescue and I didn't want Evan to think I was trying to come between their friendship," Tommy said.
"I was kinda jealous," Buck admitted, bashfully. "But not just because Tommy was spending so much time with Eddie, but because Eddie was spending so much time with Tommy." 
"I get that," Karen said. 
"Luckily, so did Tommy," Buck said. "He understood better than I did because I didn't realize it was because I was attracted to him until he kissed me."
"Damn, Kinard," Hen said. "Way to just go for it."
"I've gotten pretty good at reading signals," Tommy admitted. "And if it didn't go the way I'd hoped, it's not like I can't take a punch."
"Eddie's the hitter, not me," Buck said.
"No, you're the pusher," Hen drawled.
"Ooh, ouch," Buck said, hand to his heart, everyone laughing.
Tommy brought a hand up to rest against the nape of Buck's neck. "Luckily, Evan didn't pull away and he agreed to a date that Saturday."
"Which I totally ruined by being an ass when Eddie and Marisol showed up at the same restaurant," Buck said, leaning into the touch.
"He did not," Karen gasped.
"Oh, he did," Tommy said, taking a sip of wine. "Their appearance sent Evan running for that closet."
"I was caught off guard," Buck said, "and I reacted badly. Very badly. After dinner, Tommy ended the date early and left me at the restaurant."
"Can't say that I blame you," Hen said, earning a slap on the arm from Karen.
"I didn't actually blame him. I understood why he'd behaved the way he had, but also I knew that Evan needed to really think about whether or not he wanted to date me," Tommy said.
"Which I did," Buck rushed to say. "Eddie talked sense into me after I told him that he'd interrupted a date and not just a dinner between friends and he convinced me to call Tommy. We met up for coffee the next day and I invited him to the wedding."
"After buying me truly disgusting coffee," Tommy said.
"I guessed at his coffee order," Buck admitted.
"Why didn't you just order him a black coffee with a handful of creamers and sugars?" Karen asked. 
"Because if I'd gotten it right he would have been impressed," Buck said.
"Do you still take it–?"
"Yes," Tommy rushed to say. "I take it the same way, which Evan hasn't figured out yet."
Hen tapped her nose and pointed at Tommy. "Gotcha."
"How many cups of bad coffee have you had to drink by not telling him?" Karen asked.
"Way too many, but I'm not giving in now," Tommy said. 
Buck turned hopeful puppy dog eyes on Hen. 
"No," she said. "You won't get it out of me. Unlike some people on our team, I can keep a secret."
"So you're going to make Tommy suffer through my guesses rather than allowing me to bring him the perfect cup of coffee?" Buck wheedled. 
Hen glanced at Tommy who shook his head. "Yep."
Buck gave an exaggerated pout and Tommy used the hand that was still on Buck's neck to pull him closer until he could kiss the pout away.
Hen saw the way that Buck melted into the kiss. She looked over to Karen who had the same soft look on her face that she knew was on her own.
Hen leaned over to whisper in her wife's ear, "I don't think I've ever seen him so relaxed and happy in a relationship before."
"He really is happy," Karen agreed. "They both are."
"Stop talking about us," Buck teased. "We're right here."
"You were a little busy," Karen pointed out.
"Our ears still work," Buck countered. 
"And yes, we are happy," Tommy said. 
Lifting her glass again, Hen made another toast. "To happiness."
The End
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navybrat817 · 2 years
Is it bad that I want Lloyd to choke me?
Not bad at all, nonnie.
Have a Taste
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Female Reader Summary: Lloyd gets off on the control he has over you, but is he really in control? Word Count: Over 1.1k Warnings: Explicit sexual content, rough oral sex (m. receiving), spitting, possessive behavior, threat of violence, Lloyd Hansen (I feel like his stache should have a warning apart from the man. I want him to look like Andy. 😂) A/N: I don't know. I'm in a mood. Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Edit by the beautiful Nix and banners by the lovely @maysdigitalarts .
Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and updates and reblog or comment if you feel inclined. Thank you for reading!
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You once asked Lloyd to list his favorite things. He didn't hesitate when he replied "choking you" as number one. Whether it was from his hand against your skin or his cock down your throat, it sent a thrill through him to watch your eyes widen in hesitation each time he used you. If you showed fear, it was because you didn't know when he'd get bored of you. Life in general was meaningless to a man like him, who killed more people than he cared to remember, but your mortality in his hands? 
He gets off on being your god.
You get off on letting him think he has control.
There was no soft rocking of his hips as he grabbed the back of your head and pushed his cock to the back of your throat, bringing you back to the present. He hadn’t bothered to undress when he shoved you to your knees minutes ago and released himself from his slacks as he settled in his chair. You squeezed his thigh as you gagged, but he pushed you down further until your nose hit the small bit of curls at the base. He firmly held you in place, smirking as you blinked up at him and tried to breath through your nose. 
"You gonna cry for me? Or is your pussy the only thing weeping for me?" he taunted, slapping your cheek twice with his other hand. You didn't register the sting from his palm or ring. Not with his dick constricting your breathing. "Get that look off your face. You can still breathe.”
Your eyes narrowed to slits as he laughed, the action making you take him impossibly deeper. With your nose smothered, you weren't sure how much longer you could stay like that. He surrounded you, his scent, touch, taste, everything. Spots danced in front of your eyes as you smacked his leg twice, a tear sliding down your cheek as he yanked your head back, air flowing back into your lungs. 
"Think everyone knows by now you're my slut?" he asked, seizing the opportunity to shove his cock past your lips again when you tried to answer. You spluttered as he leaned back and brought your head with him, forcing you to bob your head up and down. Drool seeped out of the corners of your mouth as you whimpered. "Or should I finish in your face so they see that I own you?"
Wouldn't be the first time you made a mess on my face.
But you both knew he preferred to fill your holes as much as possible
He slid across your tongue with a sigh. "You know. I don't actually like being possessive. Gets complicated when people can hold something over you," he said nonchalantly, as if you weren't there. You did your best to concentrate on the task at hand, fear and arousal pooling in your gut. His indifference was more terrifying than his rage. "But you, pumpkin, I guess you just bring that side out of me. Congratu-fucking-lations.”
It shouldn't make you wet to know that this man, this sociopath, felt possessive of you. But the moment he shot one of his associates who stared at you a little too long, you were lost. Maybe you were a little fucked up, but isn’t that what drew the two of you toward each other in the first place? The jagged pieces of your psyche were too sharp for anyone else.
So were his.
You could cover each other with scars and you’d still crave more.
“Where the fuck are you going? Getting lost in your head again?!” he snapped, gripping both sides of your face as he snapped his hips. “You don’t get to think when I fuck you, cupcake. So suck my cock like you mean it.”
The ease in which he chokes you makes more tears fall. You wonder some days what he sees when he looks at you. Holes to fuck, someone to keep boost his ego. Shame filled you as your panties dampened more, the urge to rub your clit growing with each thrust in your mouth. You didn't dare touch yourself though. He wouldn't break your fingers if you did, but he'd make you wish he had. 
"Keep choking yourself on my cock 'til I come down your throat. Thank me when I'm done, you fucking hear me?"
Your eyes rolled back, moaning in encouragement as he thrust his hips faster. He controlled the pace with a groan, your throat burning as he used you. Did he realize that you were using him, too? He thought he was in control because you let him take from you, but your mouth, hands and cunt were the things that made him snap.
You gave him that privilege.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Here it comes. Stay fucking still.”
That’s right, big boy. Lose it. Come for me.
He warned you, but it was still a bit of a shock when he spilled in your mouth. You swallowed some of him down as he grunted, thick, salty and enough to make you choke again. He held you there until he was satisfied, releasing you after a moment so you could sit back on your heels. You sniffled as you wiped your mouth and cheeks with the back of your hand.
I’m still a mess even when he doesn't finish on my face. The bastard doesn't even have a hair out of place.
"Fuck, you're pretty when you cry," he smiled, his muscles flexing under his polo as he leaned forward in his chair. You kept your mouth shut when his hand shot out to grip your chin, your hand snaking up your dress. "Aww, nothing to say? Did I fuck your throat that good?"
Your jaw lowered to show him the remainder of his release you let settle on your tongue.
"I fucking told you to swallow and thank me when-"
He didn't blink as you spit it in his face, exhaling through his nose as he began to tremble in anger. No one else would ever have the balls to do what you just did and you took great satisfaction in that. Hell, he was probably impressed.
Just a little.
"Thank you," you croaked, smiling when he wrapped his hand around your throat. 
“You think that’s fucking funny?” he whispered.
Like his indifference, whispering was scarier than his screams.
And you were so fucking turned on. Before he could squeeze, you lifted your hand to show him your gun. You always kept a weapon strapped to your thigh, like he taught you. “Just wanted you to know how it feels. Now let’s see if you choke when I’m drowning you with my pussy.”
So. I just did that. 😇 Thank you for reading!
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cevansbaby-dove · 8 months
Hi 🩵
I have a request for Husband!Andy Barber x Wife!Female!Reader
What would their life be like the first few days after the two of them got married? Staying in bed all day and having the steamiest days and nights, lots of cuddles, or are they more adventurous people that actually go sightseeing on their honeymoon?
I'm curious where your thoughts will lead us with this heheh 🖤
This sounds amazing!! Thank you for trusting me to write this. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Mr & Mrs Barber 🌹
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Husband!Andy Barber x Wife!Female!Reader
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"Well Misses Barber...shall we get up yet?" You smile up at your husband of two days. "Do we have to move? I feel so cozy next to you"
he smiles. "Okay okay we'll stay a bit longer but i have to make you breakfast" You sit up a little. "In bed?" He nods. 'If you want, what ever makes my wife happy" He kisses you softly and you pull away saying. "Wife...god i'll have to get used to you calling me that"
"yea you will because i'll never stop calling you my love" You lean your head on his chest and wrap an arm around him. "Five more minutes."
You fall fast to sleep.
Hour time skip.
You get out of bed and change into this cute outfit.
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As you walk into the kitchen you can hear Andy humming to a song. You smile and sit at the counter. "Did you make breakfast without me?"
Andy looks at you. "yea i didn't want to wake my wife up"
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he walks over to you and kisses your lips. "Did you sleep alright?" You nod. "Yea, just a bit tired from our trip to France." You smile. "but oh man it was a fun trip"
"hmm i'm glad you enjoyed it" he kisses you once more and grab a plate of food he set aside. "I kept this on warm for when you came out."
"Aw! Andy you didn't have too..." You look at the plate of eggs, bacon and pancakes in the shape of a heart.
"no i wanted to spoil my wife so i went all out"
You look at your husband with a big grin, h's always been able to fix your bad days to great days even on his worst days after a tough case you were by his side telling him how great of a lawyer he is and making sure he knows that he's a great man.
He was going to date your best friend Laurie but she was just so toxic and you knew she was and Andy saw it too.
She would say mean things about him behind his back or to his face, he broke up with her and then met you.
He loved how caring you were to anyone you crossed paths with. He loves how your eyes shine when your smiling at kids, you two have talked about having three but in a few years.
You two wanted to take your time as a married couple to stay in the so called honeymoon phase that everyone could see you two were in.
"Y/N? did you hear me?" You look at him. "Hm? sorry was thinking.." he smiles. "i said i have to get to work at noon i have a big case so i might be home late."
You nod. "Should i wait up?' You smirk. "No darling no need, you need to rest too" he kisses your head and cleans up the kitchen a bit.
later that night.
Your in the living room when Andy storms in saying. 'Fuck why the fuck am i a lawyer?"
You jump a bit when he slams the door and heads upstairs. "Andy? what's wrong?" You ask as you follow him.
Andy takes his jacket off and hangs it up in the closet and says. "Damn case went out the window.."
He sits on the bed and sighs. Your right by his side rubbing his back. "Andy, There will be other cases please don't be upset"
"Not like this, this was gong to send me over a million in the bank"
Not knowing what else to say you wrap your arms around him pulling him close to you.
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"We'll get through this...I'll be right here" He kisses your cheek and says. "Thank you Y/N" You smiles. "I made a vow to you a few day ago, for better or for worse."
He smiles. "And your saying for me..." You smile. "Say it with me."
You both say at the time. "It's just a bad day not a bad life" Andy smiles. "I love you so much Y/N Barber"
"I love you too Andrew Barber"
Thanks for your ask love!! I hope you found this great to read. I had to add a bad day cus who wouldn't want to be there when chris or andy have a bad day? 🥺
taglist: @cutedisneygrl @patzammit @k-slla @jackles010378 @alternativeprincess @katherineswritingsblog @armystay89
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daddy-issues-galore · 21 days
The Florist next-door... Andy Barber x f!reader Part 15/? (Now being posted on @daddy-issues-galore and NOT @i-have-a-wonky-eye-too)
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<Part 14<
Warnings: 18+ readers only, swearing, fingering, unprotected sex, sex outside (in a tent) slight dirty talk, pet/nicknames (baby girl, sweetheart), accidentally use of 'daddy', Laurie being mean, sweet father/son/reader moments
Andy smiled to himself as he watched you teach Jacob how to make a s'more. He thought you looked absolutely stunning, the flames from the fire in the back yard illuminating your natural beauty as you and his son laughed and made a mess with marshmallows and chocolate. It had been the perfect day... almost.
The three of you had spent the entire day buying everything Jacob needed for his camping trip. Andy was thankful for your help (and camping knowledge) because he knew absolutely nothing about camping. Having you around to explain things to Jacob was more helpful than any YouTube video he would have been watching. Eventually, Andy gave in to Jacob and agreed the three of you could spend the night 'camping' before setting some of the stuff up in the back yard.
That's when the almost perfect day took a hit and things went a little sour.
"How do you know so much about camping, Y/N?" Jacob asked as he helped you connect the tent poles together.
"My dad and grandpa, used to take me every year when I was a kid." You smiled. "I used to love spending time out in the woods, collecting firewood or fishing by the lake."
"How come we never went camping?" Jacob looked at Andy who was trying to put the other tent up on his own.
Andy frowned as he struggled with a pole, "Uh, well... We were always working and... Your, uh, mom, hates bugs, so..." He huffed and stood up, putting his hands on his hips. "Why won't it work?"
You and Jacob burst out laughing at him making Andy roll his eyes and smile at you.
"Okay, smart-ass, you do it." He challenged Jacob with a smile.
"Fine." Jacob ran over to him and quickly began to take over as Andy's attention was drawn away by the doorbell.
"I'm gonna answer the door, but when I get back, that tent better be up." He called out over his shoulder with a grin.
Andy sent you a wink making you blush and quickly look away from him.
As much Andy was going to miss Jacob being around for the weekend, he was also looking forward to the two of you being able to spend some time together. He wanted to show you how grateful he was for you being by his side.
Andy's smile fell as he opened the door. "What are you doing here, Laurie?"
"I want to see my son." She scowled st him.
Andy let out a heavy sigh as he placed his hands on his hips. "I've already told you, Jacob doesn't want to see you right now."
Laurie scoffed, "You mean you don't want him to see me."
"That's not true, Laurie. I've spoken to him and he does want to see you, just not yet, okay? He needs time." Andy said calmly.
"Why am I the bad guy? You're just as bad and as guilty as I am. This isn't fair, Andrew." Laurie said raising her voice.
Andy huffed, "You're right, I am. But one of the differences is, Laurie, our son caught you in bed with another man." Andy glared, "And unlike you, I haven't been sleeping around. What, Y/N and I, have is serious. I love her."
Laurie scoffed crossing her arms over her chest, "Please. What you have with her is a midlife crisis, Andy, and you know it. Give it a couple of months and things will fizzle out and you'll realise that you've made the biggest mistake of your life."
Andy gritted his teeth. "No, that was marrying you."
Laurie rolled her eyes. "Screw you. Now let me see my son." She said as she tried to push him out of her way.
"No." Andy blocked the doorway so she couldn't get in. "Now leave."
Laurie glared up at him. "Fine. But don't think this is over, Andy. I'm taking my son if it's the last thing I do." She spat before turning around and heading back to her car.
Andy watched her until she drove off down the road before slamming the door shut, letting out a shaky breath as he leaned against it.
"How long do you think he'll last?" You whispered to Andy as the two of you settled in your own tent for the night.
"It depends how much charge his cell has." Andy answered with a playful smile before he paused. "Did you tell him about the lack of bathroom situation in the woods?" He asked.
You creased your brow. "That's a job for his father, I think." You laughed softly making Andy chuckle.
"I think it's best we leave it to mother nature." He chuckled as he laid down.
As you laid down beside him, Andy slipped his arm around you and pulled you into his side so you could rest your head on his chest. The two of you exhaled softly as you snuggled closer to one another and finally let yourselves relax after a busy day.
You'd barely been laid there ten minutes when you heard Jacob moving around inside his tent before he unzipped it. You looked up at Andy with a questioning look as Jacob's footsteps moved away from where the two of you were.
Andy just rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh, "Tell me he isn't going in already?" He asked as the back door quietly shut.
You quickly covered your mouth to hide your amusement. "Maybe he's gone to use the bathroom."
"Don't make excuses, Y/N." Andy huffed, "He's gone to play his game, hasn't he?"
You nodded with a soft sigh, "I think he might have, yes."
The two of you laid in silence  for a couple of seconds before you burst out laughing.
"Should we go get him? Or go in?" You asked.
Andy shook his head, "Nah. Let him think he's out smarted us." He pushed himself up so he was hovering over you. "I've missed laying with you in my arms." He whispered as he cupped your cheek.
Since telling Jacob about the two of you, you thought it was best that you didn't 'have sleepovers' with Andy. The poor kid was already going through so much you didn't want to add to it. For now, him being okay with you spending time with him and his dad knowing the two of you were an item, was enough. You didn't want to rub his face in it.
You let out a soft exhale as you let your hands softly glide over his sides. "Me too." You smiled lovingly up at him. "But it wouldn't be fair to, Jacob, if I were to stay the night. And, I don't want to give, Laurie, more ammunition to use against you in the divorce." You let out a frustrated sigh.
Andy nodded, gently brushing your hair. "I know, sweetheart." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "You're right... But, right now," Andy leaned down again and kissed your lips, easily slipping his tongue past them and pulling a soft moan from you.
Andy smirked to himself when he pulled back from you and you chased after his lips.
"Jacob, is almost certainly staying inside for the night whilst we're out here." He leaned down and kissed the left side of your neck making you draw in a sharpe breath as he ran his tongue over your skin, tickling you with his beard. "And you're already laid in my arms." He whispered before doing the same to your right side.
You reached up and carded your fingers through his hair, pulling his head up so you could crash your lips against his.
Andy slipped his left hand into your sweats and slowly coated his fingers in your wetness. You let out a breathy moan against his mouth as he pressed two of his thick fingers against your clit and began to slowly circle it.
Your eyes closed and your back arched, "More, please."
Andy chuckled softly as he pushed his fingers inside of your weeping pussy and began to slowly fuck you.
You groaned, "Fuck, Andy,"
Andy dropped his face against the side of your neck and moaned against your skin. He twisted his hand and curled his fingers as he kissed and licked your neck. You threw your head back, rolling your hips against his hand moaning.
"Shh, baby. Gotta keep those pretty moans quiet." Andy smirked, "Don't want anyone hearing ya' 'bout to cum, do we, sweetheart?" He teased, lightly nipping your skin.
"Shut up." You moaned.
Andy chuckled as he curled his fingers. "Don't be mean, baby girl," Andy raised his head to look down at you. "Or you won't be coming at all." He warned as he slowly began to remove his fingers.
You shook your head, "M'sorry, Andy. I'll be good." You whined.
"Good girl," Andy leaned down pressed his lips against yours.
You let out a deep moan against Andy's mouth as he added a third finger began to finger you at a faster pace. Your hips once again began to move against his hand.
"Oh, Andy..." You moaned, sliding your hands under his t-shirt against his strong back muscles until you could hold onto his shoulders. "Please, don't stop." You moaned. "S'close." You squeezed around his thick fingers.
Andy groaned against throat as he softly sucked and kissed your skin. "C'mon, baby... Cum for me... Cum for daddy." He groaned and crashed his mouth against yours as you began to cry out in pleasure as you came around his fingers.
You held onto Andy as you slowly calmed down from your orgasm, letting out soft mewls as Andy carefully withdrew his fingers from you.
"Shit," Andy panted against your mouth as you both caught your breaths. "Are you okay?" He whispered, lightly kissing your cheek and brushing your hair back.
You hummed, "You didn't hurt me, baby. I'm okay." You smiled up at him as you cupped his face.
He shook his head. "No, I meant-" He sighed, "I said-"
"Hey," You smiled up at him, "It's okay."
"No, it's not." He frowned. "I shouldn't-"
"Andy," You pulled his face closer to yours. "It's okay," You bit your bottom lip sudectively. "I enjoyed it." You smirked.
Andy's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "You did?"
You nodded as you slid your right hand between the two of you and palmed his hard cock through his sweats. Andy's eyes fell shut as his mouth fell open with a soft moan.
"It's okay, daddy," You whispered before softly kissing his chin. "I enjoy it."
Andy gulped as he pulled back to look down at you, licking his bottom lip. His eyes moved from your lust blown eyes to your nipples that were noticeably pebbled through your (his) t-shirt.
"You want my cock, baby girl?" He asked as he began to push his sweats down until his hard cock was free and in his hand.
You let out a low moan as you stared at his beautiful cock. "Fuck," You nodded licking your lips. "Yes, daddy."
Andy let out a low growl quickly helping you pull your sweats down before he crawled between your legs. "I need to be inside you," He kissed you, taking a hold of his cock and running it through your folds.
Your mouth fell open as the head of Andy's cock nudged your swollen clit a couple of times before he pushed his hard cock inside of you.
You let out a deep groan as Andy bottom his thick length inside of you. You dug your nails into his broad shoulders and hooked your leg over his hip, your heel pushing u to his ass.
"Fuck, your pussy feels so good, baby." He began to roll his hips as he pressed his face into the crook of your neck. "Fuckin' made for me."
He pulled back and crashed his lips against yours, forcing his tongue inside your mouth as you moaned.
You rolled your hips in time with his, "Fuck, right there," You moaned loudly.
"Fuck, baby." Andy rested his forehead against yours. "That feel good, baby girl?"
You nodded, dragging your nails down his firm back as he ground his hips against yours. You cried out as his public bone rubbed against your swollen clit.
"C'mon, baby girl, give daddy one more." Andy reached up and pinched one of your nipples as he crashed his lips against yours.
You let out a deep groan of pleasure as you came around Andy's cock. He wasn't far behind you, moaning deeply into your mouth as he came.
The two of you held each other close as you came down from your highs, sharing soft, loving kisses.
Andy carefully laid back beside you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "I love you, sweetheart." Andy whispered.
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"I love you too... Daddy." You wiggled your eyebrows at him teasingly with a giggle.
Andy let out a tired chuckle, shaking his head. "Don't make me spank you."
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1nephthys · 2 years
Darlin' Darlin'
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Word count: ~7.1k
Make it work this time, Steve. (part 2)
Also, I used a song released in 2020 but it's suit and I love it. Idk how to add cool link, but it's call "Darlin' Darlin'" by The knee-Hi's.
Robin and Nancy ran into a school and quickly got into office.
"Jesus Christ, you scared me" Steve screamed at them. After a second, the group heard something outside. "Stay here" he said quiet this time, looking directly at y/n.
He took random lamp and got out of the room. The rest, of course, also did that. Nancy and Dustin had flashlights in their hands but they didn't dare to light anywhere but floor.
Everyone screamed when Lucas went out of the corridor.
"What's wrong with you!" Steve yelled at him "I could've killed you with this lamp! Don't sneak like that, Sinclair"
"Sorry!! Sorry! I was biking for god knows how long. Give me a second." He explained himself. Now, y/n noticed that he was out of breath and have sweat on his forehead. "Shit! Guys! We god a code red!"
"Sinclair, what are you talking about?" Steve asked, he was confused but all of them were, waiting for any explanation.
"Y/n, Dustin! I've been with Jason and the rest and they've gone totally off the rails. They want to capture Eddie and they think one of you two know where he is. I don't know why you, y/n but Andy said he saw you few days ago with him so they think you two are friend or something" He explained, when Andy told them that she was hanging out with Eddie, Lucas who know nothing thought he would laugh at him. "Anyway, you both are in terrible danger."
Cool, now I've Vecna and fucking basketball team on my tail. Y/n thought, that her life can't get any worst.
"Amazing! Amazing! How I am suppose to focus on saving whole world when some guys in tight shorts are looking for me?" Dustin commented.
Steve tapped his shoulder. "Let's go get somewhere else, huh?" he suggested "Nancy, can we go to yours and think about something there? My parents are home, there's no way I'm driving those kids directly to Jason" He pointed at y/n, Dustin and Lucas "and Robin is Robin" he said. They all knew she didn't had much money but they didn't talk about it, she didn't like to talk about it.
"Yeah, of course. Come on" she said and rushed out side and to the car. She, Robin, Dustin, Max and Lucas went to her car, while Steve and y/n to his BMW.
Of course it wasn't coincidence, Dustin pushed Max and Lucas into Nancy's car trying to get the other two to talk, especially after he heard that Eddie called Steve this asshole.
Steve started driving as y/n rested her head on the door and fasted her seatbelt. Steve looked over at her for a second.
"Hey, you seem tired, you can sleep, I will wake you up when we there." He suggested.
"No, I'm fine, thank you, Steve" she said. He thought she thanked him for a ride or proposition so he just nodded, but in reality she thanked him for all the good memories he gave her, after all. They weren't talking often, who knew if this wasn't their last conversation?
They got to Nancy's driveway soon after and Steve got out of the car as well as y/n, she did it a lot slower though.
Nancy's car was already there which meant that the girls with kids were already in basement. When Steve and y/n got there, they were reading some articles. Analyzing them, trying to understood.
Y/n sat on the couch beside Dustin and Steve took one of the articles and were walking with it around the room.
"Do you guys really understand something?" He asked, looking at his friends for any answers that he couldn't find.
"Pretty straightforward" Dustin said. Steve was about to said something probably rude, he was annoyed. "uh, uh, uh. Everyone Vecna has cursed has died, except for this old Victor Creel dude Nancy found. He's the only known survivor. So if he don't know how to beat this curse, then who? We just need to talk to him" He explained.
y/n sighed, it was seemed like there were no chance for her.
"That's assuming he was cursed, which we don't know." Steve said, he also didn't think it could work out "Straightforward, my ass. You know what, Henderson, a little humility now and then wouldn't hurt you."
Both sibling sighed "It's not a good time for arguments, Steve" y/n commented. "Maybe now no one is cursed but you never know when it's gonna happen so we should find solution as soon as possible" She said. Yeah, as soon as possible, preferably in the next twenty three hours.
"You're right, your brother is just annoying piece of sh-" before he had any chance to end this sentence, she send him death stare "sorry." he quickly said.
"Alright, if you don't mind, it's late and I didn't get a good sleep in like forty seven hours. I'm going to get some water and then you all better don't wake me up." y/n announced and got up to go to the kitchen.
She was friends with Nancy for long enough to know exactly where different stuff had place in her house. So she opened a cupboard next to the refrigerator and found aspirin. She took some in hope it would work this time. When she closed a cupboard again Dustin appeared next to her.
"Hey" he said
"Damn, Dustin, don't scare me like that" y/n looked at him, her face soften. How was she supposed to tell this little men that he's gonna lost his older sister in few hours?
"Why Eddie called Steve asshole? What does he know that I don't know? I thought we were telling each other everything!" He almost screamed. He was so frustrated because they really did told each other everything. But how y/n was supposed to tell him that right now if she knew Dustin would be furious with Steve and probably wouldn't want to talk to him. He would lost y/n and Steve, both of his siblings.
"I have no idea Dustin, maybe something happened in school earlier. Only Eddie know what he meant" y/n suggested. She was sure Dustin was also going to ask Eddie about it, so she just hoped he would come with some good excuse. "Come back down, we have monster to fight"
y/n smiled at him a little. She put her arm around her brother's shoulders and kissed his head as she led him to the stairs. Nancy was on a phone and everyone else were quiet. Two siblings were curious who was she calling now. It was almost middle of the night. Steve put his point finger to his lips to show y/n and Dustin to also be quiet. They sat back at their places on the couch and waited for her to end.
When she put the phone down she smiled and said "it worked!"
"What worked?" y/n asked.
"Well we need to talk to Victor, so I called someone and now, me and Robin are rock-star psychology students at the University of Notre Dame. I'm Ruth. She's Rose. On our way we are picking up our documents. But the point is.. we called Pennhurst Asylum, told them we'd like to speak with Creel for a thesis we're co-writing on paranoid schizophrenics, they didn't agreed but we landed a three o'clock with the director" She explained everything.
"So.. now all we have to do is charm him and convince him to let us talk to Victor?" Steve asked not fully sure about this plan and it was showing in his voice.
"Yes, but it's not your problem. He is a men and had two young and sexy students asking him for something? Come on, believe in us a little, Harrington" Robin looked at him, he raised his hands up without a word.
"So, we have plan. Can we go home then? I'm really tired and I wanna get some sleep." Y/n said.
"Yeah, I will drive you and Dustin. Max, Lucas you wanna go too?" Steve asked, looking at those two
"I really don't want to be around those trailers. Can I stay, Nancy?" She looked with hope at the older girl.
"Of course, you can Max. You too, Lucas. If you want" She gave younger girl nice smile.
"Yeah, I mean, Erica is going to kill me anyway" He said, he don't want to say it out laud, but he wanted to spend as much time as he could with Max.
"Okey, then we can go" Steve announced "I will just go to the toilet really quick. You two can wait in the car" He said and threw his keys at y/n. She catch it. They said their goodbyes. Maybe y/n hugged every single one of them a little too much.
"Dustin, I need to tell you something, but you need to promise me not to tell anyone else." Y/n said. They were standing next to Steve's car and she was nervously playing with the keys he gave her.
Dustin looked at her, confused. Why she just randomly said something like that "Ok?" He said, but this answer wasn't enough for her "I promise" He added.
"I- Vecna- I think I got cursed." She finally said. Dustin looked at her. He needed more explanation. How he didn't notice? "I- I realized in the office. Max was reading those symptoms that Fred and Chrissy had before and- when I stopped on the way. You know, in school" Dustin nodded his head so she continued "I saw a grandfather clock- it looked so real and I couldn't look away, Dustin"
When she told him whole story they both had tears in their eyes. She knew that already but saying it out laud to her brother was something totally different. And Dustin? Oh boy, his sister. His own sister, who saved him so many times. In Upside down, when their parents were yelling at him for not doing dishes, when Steve was upset with him. That one time when she came to his school because some kids were rude to him. When he fell in playground and tore off his knee and was crying so, so much and she stuck a plaster on him. When she brought Steve home and he had friend he dreamed of because of her. His heart was ripped.
He pulled her in for a hug, which she gratefully gave back. They stood like that, Dustin was crying. He was sad and angry. Why didn't she said anything earlier?
"Hey, you two good?" Steve asked, curious when he was close to them. He didn't saw Dustin face, because it was buried in y/n's chest but it was obvious it wasn't happy hug.
y/n gave him his keys "yeah, we can go".
They got into the car, y/n beside Steve and Dustin in the back. It was quiet, tensed. In this total quietness Steve heard as Dustin sniffed.
"Ok, what's going on? You two think I didn't noticed? Dustin? What happened?" Steve shot with question, which made Dustin look over at y/n "Hallo??" he thought for a second. "Did someone get cursed by Vecna or what?" He asked as a joke, he wanted to make the air less heavy but when the siblings instead of laugh or even tell him to stop joking about it, looked down and stayed in silent, he knew. "y/n? Say something please.." He asked as worry washed over him, when she stayed silent again, he turned his head at her "Y/n! Can you once talk to me!" He was upset right now, he wanted to help, was tired, didn't sleep for two days and now it felt like his chest was about to explode.
"Yes, Steve! Someone got cursed! Now stop fucking yelling an me!" now her tears were also running down her cheeks. She was scared for her life, for Dustin well-being after what might happened and Steve screaming at her only added oil to fire.
"It's you, right?! Of course it's you! You had vision in school right? God, of course you had! Why you didn't tell us?!" Steve continued, Dustin also wanted him to stop but right now even he couldn't say anything.
"Because there's nothing more we can do! If girls will be in time then I'm surviving this shit and if they're not-" she couldn't end her sentence, she felt like something stuck in her throat.
"They- they will be on time. They have to, we are not letting anything happen to you. I am not letting anything happen to you." Steve calmed a little. Seeing her in that state. With tears on her cheeks, not able to talk - it was heartbreaking.
"Stop talk that shit right now" She said. How could he said something like that when he was the one who hurt her like that?
"It's not shit, I love-" He started, Dustin looked at him in hope that he would finally confess. Well, in fact, he wanted but y/n interrupted him.
"Stop it, right now! You know it's a fucking lie! Just like this fucking relationship!" She screamed at him, she didn't even realized what she just said in front of her younger brother.
"But it's not! It's the fucking truth. I love you!" He yelled. He had tears in his eyes, he almost didn't see the road because of that.
"No, you're not! It was just a fucking dare!" Y/n screamed. He almost crushed as he heard her said it out loud. He heard all the pain in her voice.
"What?" Dustin asked, from the backseat. He looked at y/n and dried tears on her cheeks and then at Steve and his teary eyes.
Steve and his friends were sitting around Caffe table at the party. He didn't even know whose house was that. There were a lot of bottles of alcohol and weed around. He just began his Sophomore year but when you were king Steve, you were getting invited even at Seniors parties. He had beer in his hand as he and his friends were playing truth or dare.
"Steve! Your turn." one of the guys said "truth or dare?" he asked with a smirk, already knowing what Steve was going to choose.
"Dare." few people clapped, others laughed.
"I dare you to.." the guy waited a second, even though he already knew his dare. Everyone in the room did. "..to somehow start dating y/n Henderson, from your history class" Steve was looking at him, wide eyes and his mouth slightly opened. Even more people started laughing, some of them told Steve they felt bad for him "I didn't finish. You have to date her for eight months. I was supposed to be a whole year, but I'm in a good mood."
"C'mon! Don't do that! It's impossible to pick her up. There's nothing I can talk about with her!" Steve complained. All he knew about y/n was that she was good at history. Just generally good at school.
"You know the rules! You know what losers have to do!" The guy responded
"Fine!" Steve said.
Steve drove his car with y/n on the passenger seat to the school. He parked at his usual place, everyone knew it was only his place. He got out of the BMW and rushed to other side to open the door for his girlfriend. They smiled at each other as Steve put out his hand for her to grab as she was getting off the car, she happily accepted it.
He closed door when she was standing next to him and hand in hand they started walking to the building.
"Hey! Steve!" someone behind them yelled. They both turned around, it was the same guy that dared him. "you two are still... a thing?" he asked, acting surprised. Of course he knew they were still dating. Who in this school didn't know that king Steve had a girlfriend and who exactly she was?
"Yeah, we dating if you didn't noticed. Now, sorry but I want to walk my girlfriend to the class." Steve responded. He wasn't stupid, he knew that the guy wanted to tell y/n about this fucking dare. He wanted for a while because he was testing him about it all the time. Steve pulled her closer and started walking away from the guy.
"I'm surprised to be honest" He said behind her. Y/n stopped and turned around. She wasn't that shy anymore.
"What is your problem?" She asked
"Oh, my problem? I don't have any. I just thought it was a eight months long thing, right Stevie?" now more people were watching. It's high school, of course everyone was interested with drama, especially if it was about Steve and his girlfriend.
"Steve, what is he talking about?" y/n asked, realization was rushing over her. Why Steve just randomly came to her one day when he always ignored her?
He tried to pull her away but she wasn't giving up. Now that she knew there was something going on, she needed to know what exactly.
"Oh, nothing. Just the dare he is still doing. You have fun, right Steve?" He asked him "Dating poor girl. Look at her now, you only taking away her chances to get real boyfriend. She's probably good in bed. Maybe I can try?" He said and everyone around were saying something, quiet comments and laugh could be heard.
"Stop it right now!" Steve said loudly. He was so angry. He knew it was his mistake to take this dare, but it already happened. If only he could take back time, he would. It started with dare but he actually felt in love with his sweet y/n. He really wanted to tell her about it, but always was too scared. There was nothing in his life that the regrated more.
Now, his lovely girlfriend was running back to the exit, tears flowing out of her eyes like waterfalls. She felt so small when everyone was watching her right now. She put all of her in this relationship, she even brought Steve home to met her parents and brother, just to find out it was all a lie? How could he, her loving Steve, do something like that to her? To her little brother who found bestfriend in him?
He ran after her "y/n stop!" he yelled when they were far enough to talk without all the eyes on them
And she stopped, turned around to look in his eyes "Is it true?" She asked, Steve looked at his feet "Is it fucking true?" she yelled this time.
He finally looked at her, he really didn't want to say that but he could lie to her again "..yes" he admitted.
She baited her lips to stop the sobs she felt inside her. She nodded her head and turned around. She started walking home.
"Y/n, stop! I can explain! Please don't leave me!" Steve yelled after her. He was so frustrated and he felt awful. She didn't stop, she didn't do anything just like he didn't existed "It started with dare but- when I got to know you, y/n- when I got to know you everything changed. I really do love you!" He said but how could she believed him right now? He was perfect liar in her eyes.
She turned around for a second and got closer to him, their faces were almost touching "You better not break Dustin's heart, you got this?" She asked him
"No, stop. He's good kid and he thinks you're a good friend and boyfriend. You better be at least one of those things" She said. He nodded his head. He would explain everything to her when she calmed down a little and they were going to be all fine again, right? "Good" she said and went into her direction. Steve was just standing at his spot, looking at her back and wishing he could do something.
"Stop the car." Dustin said, if only he knew what Steve did, he would never let him be around his sister again.
And Steve did stopped the car. Dustin got out and started walking home. Y/n sent Steve death stare and ran to Dustin. She hugged him. He was upset, angry. He felt like his sister was torturing herself just to make him happier and as he tried to get them back together, she always stayed quiet.
"Why didn't you tell me? I would stop hanging out with him" he was crying, as well as y/n and Steve in his car.
"That's exactly why I didn't tell you, Dustin. You love him and is a good friend for you. You weren't supposed to find out" she said quietly into his hair.
"I'm not five anymore. You don't need to take care of me all the time and looking for friends for me" Dustin said. He was right and she knew that but in her eyes, he was always going to be little brother.
"You are right, Dustin. But you know I won't let anything happen to you" and it hurt even more, knowing that there's only hours left.
Y/n and Dustin finally got home. On foot. Dustin didn't want to leave y/n's room even for a second. This little guy, always with attitude and sassy, couldn't stop crying. Y/n sat with him on her bed for long time before he finally become too tired and fell asleep. They sun was already perking though the curtains when the girl came out of his tight embrace.
She sat at her desk and got some clean sheets. She looked over her brother and started writing. She wrote letters for everyone. Her mom, dad, grandma, all her friends: Robin, Max, Mike, Lucas, Will, Eleven. She felt so responsible for those kids, as they were her sibling too.
There were only two people left. Dustin and Steve. She started with the one for Dustin. Her eyes become teary again. God, she wasn't ready for that. But she finally did it.
Now, the last one. She started writing. Version one, then two, then three. All of them were shitty. She didn't know what to say. She wanted to forgave him but she didn't know how to do that. But after so many failed tries, she decided to just write what she felt. She told him how much she hate him after what he did because she couldn't stop loving him. She told him about her fear that he had feelings for her best friend Nancy, again. She told him everything.
He looked over at Dustin, he was still sleeping on her bed, peacefully. She moved his backpack and walky-talky to gave him more space and then put her shoes on. Without thinking twice she left house.
Life on the steeds of Hawkins were going normally. It was already around 11am and people were driving to work, some elders were walking around, cafes were full of the costumers. Everything seemed so normal, just like she was going to life because have she could die when the sky looked so pretty that day and people were smiling at her.
The only different thing was the ticking close all the way. She was trying to ignore that.
After long walk with her tote bag, where she put the letters she finally made it to Steve's house. She knocked at the door. He opened faster than she thought he would.
"Y/n" He said surprised. "What- What are you doing here? I thought you-" you didn't want to talk to me. He didn't had guts to say it out loud. He was happy to see her even thought she seemed like the most tired person in the world. He didn't look any better.
"I- I want you to give those everyone. You know, when I- I didn't want to gave them to Dustin. He is terrified." He said as she took the letters out of her bag.
Steve looked at them, few envelopes with names on them. The first one was Steve.
"Y/n, Nancy and Robin probably already talking with this guy. You're- you're gonna be fine." Steve said. Maybe he just had argument with her and he knew exactly she was angry at him, but she came to him. Wrote him a letter. It was hard relationship, they were arguing but then came to each other. There still were some burning feeling inside them.
"I- We don't know that. I'm just asking you to give them to everyone. Just in case." She said, she had tears in her eyes again and she felt so weak, pathetic. All she was doing was crying.
Steve noticed so he pulled her in for a hug. He knew how she felt. She'd never been a one to cry in front of the others and lately she was crying all the time, in front of Dustin and Steve.
"Fine, if anything happen, I will give it to everyone. I promise." He whispered into her hair. "-but nothing is gonna happen" he added quickly.
"Thanks, Steve" she said. She needed some comforting words, even if she knew they weren't going to change anything. "About what happened in the car- I'm sorry. It just all overwhelmed me and I don't why I said that stuff when Dustin was there. Please, talk to him. He can't lost both of us" She said.
"No" Steve responded. Sky got darker, clock louder. "He don't deserve anything. As well as you. You both are nothing"
y/n wanted to pull away from him, but he only held her tighter. "Steve, let me go" she said.
"Oh, y/n, you really think some stupid letters are going to fix it? You've broken everything. Your time is almost to an end. " He looked up, and the creature in front of her, was definitely not Steve. She screamed and fell on the grass behind her.
And sky was blue again, Steve on one of his knees beside her "Hey, hey! Are you good? It was vision, right?" He asked, he was as terrified as she was. Y/n nodded her head.
"I- I should go before Dustin wakes up" She said.
"I will drive you" Steve suggested as he helped her stand up.
"No, the walk will be good for me"
"We will be there faster if you let me drive you" Steve said. He was right so she quietly agree. He got into house again just to grab his keys and put letters on the table. Then both of them got into the car.
Steve started driving. "Hey, can I ask you something?" he asked suddenly. Y/n looked over at him, giving him quiet permission. "What-" He though about it for a second, he wanted to choose right words. "What was that vision about?"
She looked down, playing with her fingers. Steve looked at her "sorry, I shouldn't have asked abo-"
She cut him of "no it's fine, it's fine. It's just- it was scary Steve, the sky got dark as it was some storm and this god damn clock started ticking lauder and you- you said some mean stuff. About Dustin. and me" she explained. He looked over her with apologizing eyes. Of course he would never said rude things about his favorite siblings but he saw how hurt she was.
"I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry you need to see and hear those things" He said.
"stop" she said quietly. she didn't want to argue again, neither did he so he just nodded his head. But she really appreciate his words.
Meanwhile, Dustin wake up in her sister's bed because of Robin voice from walky-talky. "Hallo?? Someone copy?" She said, probably again because she sounds annoyed.
Dustin quickly got out of bed, in his still sleepy state he didn't even noticed y/n weren't around. Honestly, for few seconds he didn't know where he was. "yes! yes, I'm here. Do you know how to take that curse?" He asked.
"Finally, Henderson! I thought you were sleeping. It's like 1 pm" she said "but, yes, we think we do! thank to my amazing persuasion skills"
"Then how?" He asked as he looked around the room finally. He finally noticed he was all alone. He quickly left the room and started looking around whole house for y/n.
"Meet us at Wheelers, it's long story to tell" She said. y/n had some time left right? He would find her, go meet girls and everything would be fine. So he said they would be there soon. When he was in the kitchen he noticed Steve's car outside. He quickly got to the porch.
"What are you doing in here? And why you talking with him, y/n?" young boy asked angrily. Y/n knew it would end up like that.
"Dustin, it's fine, he just drove me." she quickly said.
"If you are here already, you are going to drive us to Nancy's house. They know how to take of that damn curse." Dustin said looking at Steve. Even though young boy had so much attuite Steve couldn't be happier right now. That meant y/n was safe.
"Of course, just get in." He responded, with a smile. God, he felt like huge weight was taken off his shoulders.
"I just need to go to the bathroom. I will be back in a second" y/n said and she rushed to the door. She tried to stay calm, but she also started to see hope.
She did her business and stated washing her hands.
Then, she heard Dustin as he said "I bet this time with her was torture"
"Yeah man, you don't even know" Steve responded and chucked.
"C'mon y/n, open the door" Dustin said, as he knocked loudly.
She looked at the window. It was dark outside, again.
She didn't know why, but she opened those door, more scared than ever before.
Only Steve was standing there. "You thought I really loved you, huh? You were so stupid. So unlovable. I was ashamed when I was walking with you around the school" He said, looking in her eyes. "You were so easy to manipulate. Just like your grandpa manipulated you when you were child? Do you remember how he used to play with you?"
"No, no. stop" she begged. Oh how much she wished to forgot that all.
"you do remember that right? That's why you didn't let me touch you for months in our relationship" He said "remember how you wanted to kill yourself. You were so young, right? But now I'm here. To end your suffering, once and for all."
"No, no please" She closed her eyes, maybe it would all go away. Just like when she was next to Steve's house.
But when she opened it again, It was Vecna standing in front of her. "It is time, y/n" he said "time for you, to join me"
She somehow passed him at the door and started running.
"That's it, she's taking too long." Steve said. He and Dustin were already sitting in the car so he got out and rushed to door. When he knocked at the door, and y/n didn't responded, he yelled "Y/n! Are you there? We need to go!" He knocked again. And when she didn't even said anything, he knew something was wrong. " Alright, I'm coming in"
And he did. He hit the door with his shoulder few times and door finally opened. "y/n? y/n!" She looked at her, shook her body, She was unresponsive. Her eyes were white. He screamed her name so, so loud. When Dustin heard it, he ran to them with his walky-talky.
"What's happening?" He asked, he was scared, Steve was scared.
"I- I don't know. Call Nancy and Robin. Tell them they need to tell you right fucking now how to take off this fucking curse" Steve yelled. They both were yelling right now
Dustin nodded and click something on his walky-talky. "Robin! Robin! Do you copy? Robin, please!" He had tears in is eyes, It couldn't happened.
Y/n finally didn't saw Vecna so she stopped for a second to catch her breath. She ran so far, she was already in the wood, not in the bathroom of her lovely house.
"You can't hide from me, y/n" He said as he appeared between some trees.
"Robin! Hallo, this is code red! Respond, please!" Dustin was still trying.
Robin finally answered. Already scared by the way Dustin was trying to get her to respond "Dustin? What's happening? Did someone got hurt?" She asked.
Before young boy had any chance to say something, Steve yelled "Robin! Y/n- She's- She's cursed. What we suppose to do? Please" He sobbed at the end of his sentence. He thought everything was going into good direction, but there he was, shaking his y/n as it was his life depended on it.
"What? But she didn't-" she started, surprised.
"Robin! What the hell we need to do?! Just tell us!" Dustin interrupted her this time.
"Dustin! Steve!" y/n screamed. "Help me!" She lost Vecna again but when she turned around she saw red fog coming into her direction.
It was pulling her in, inviting her to come closer. So she did. she saw lightning and heard that gooddamn clock as well as thunders. But she was coming closer and closer. She heard some creatures chittering, she looked behind her, but there was just the same fog. So she got farther ahead.
She was standing on wet floor. The trees disappeared but something high was growing out at their places. It scared her even more but she couldn't stop walking into this direction.
"Music! Play her favorite song!" Robin yelled on the other side of Dustin's walky-talky
"song?" Steve asked confused. Of course he knew y/n's favorite song. She always made him listen to it in the car. He thought it was cheesy, a little bit too cheesy, but it was making his girlfriend happy. So even now, months after they broke up, he kept this cassette in his car and listened to it when he missed her too much (which was quite often).
"Yeah song! Do you know what's her favorite?" She asked
"Yeah, I have cassette in the car. Dustin, stay here." He said, he ran to his car, faster than ever. He knew she still had her cassette player in his room, loud enough to be heard in bathroom. She told him she can't imagine her room without and when it once broke, she broke the college piggy bank to buy a new one.
He found it quickly and ran back. He got into her room and stopped for a second. Just for a split second to look around. It looked so different. He finally clicked play and turn the volume all the way up. He heard this sweet melody and rushed to bathroom again.
Y/n was now walking around. She was too scared to run. She looked around as Vecna was again talking to her. She saw that old clock, when she turned around, she saw Chrissy. She looked frightfully. Bloody face, body wrapped with something unhuman, her fingers broken in scarring way.
She took some steps back, just to hit Fred's body, looking the same. She let out a scream.
"Do you like them, y/n?" Vecna appeared behind her again, with the question. "would you like to join them?"
She started running again but he grabbed her with one of the tentacles. "fuck!" she yelled as she fall onto ground. "No, no no no!" she was screaming as it pulled her to one of those strange towers. It started choking her.
Then she heard song. Her favorite song. The hole appeared in the fog and she could saw Dustin and Steve, shaking her shoulders. "They won't help you" Vecna said "You belong here with me"
"You are not here" she said, with all of her strength.
"But I am, y/n" she put his hand on her face and it become even more painful.
The boys watched as she started levitating "No! No! No!" They both screamed "y/n c'mon"
Oh, darlin' won't you lay with me tonight?
Darlin', darlin' the last thing I need
She saw herself in her room, reading book. She heard something, or someone knocking at her window. She got up and looked through the curtain just to see Steve, sitting on a tree right next to her window. She opened it for him.
"Steve? What are you doing here? It's like 2 am" she said
"I missed you. Now, let me in before I fall and your dad would find me and hate me even more" He said. She moved and he got into the room. Pulling her in for a kiss.
"He doesn't hate you" she said
"He would if he find out I breaking into your room to sleep with you. Let's go lie down in the bed" he suggested. And they did. And the next morning Dustin found them tangled in sheets, they both needed to pay him to keep quiet.
I cannot leave without seeing you, please
So won't you hold me and tell me goodbye
The Henderson's were just leaving for a vacation on their summer break. They would leave town for a month and both y/n and Dustin seemed to can't let go their friends and boyfriend, for y/n.
"I love you" Steve said. As he hugged his girlfriend. Max and Lucas joined, so Mike and Dustin also did that. Now, it was big, group hug.
"We will miss you both" Max said, and everyone agreed.
"alright kids, we are not leaving for a life time! Come on! Fancy hotel is waiting for us!" Mr. Henderson yelled. They said they goodbyes once angin and Dustin with y/n sat in the backseats. They both waved at their friends. Y/n send Steve a kiss.
Before I ley here and shut my eyes
Darlin', Darlin', won't you kiss me on my head
Y/n groaned angrily. She was sitting in Steve's car. But this time on driver sit. He drove them on some wilderness where she couldn't hit practically anything.
"Come on, y/n! Just as I taught you. You can do this, sweetheart" Steve said
"No Steve, I have no idea how I passed this stupid exam." she looked at him "let's switch and drive home?" she gave him her best puppy eyes. How could he ever say no to her?
"How do you going to drive anyway when you so insecure about it?" he asked, even though he knew she was not going to start the car again today
"Well my, amazing, loving boyfriend can drive me everywhere, right?" She asked, with a huge smile. Steve just rolled his eyes but also chucked as he got out of the car.
Y/n did the same, really happily. They met in front of his BMW and he stopped for a second. "You are lucky that I love you" he said as he kissed her forehead. She smiled, even wider.
I'm laying patiently on our unmade bed
So won't you hold me and tell me goodbye
Before I lay here and shut my eyes
She didn't know how she managed to do that but she ripped one of Vecna's tentacle, the one that was holding her.
He let her go, she started running, faster than she ever did towards the hole where she saw Dustin and Steve.
She was closer and closer when some pieces started falling from above. She was trying her best to avoid them.
I said, darlin', darlin', darlin'
Won't you lay with me tonight
And while you're at it, please turn off the light
Steve was screaming at her, at this point he was saying everything that came to his mind. About his love for her, how sorry he was. Dustin wasn't even listening. He just cried and couldn't stop.
So won't you hold me and tell me goodbye
Before I lay here and shut my eyes
I'm leaving, I'm closing my eyes
Please come see me before I die.
The song came to and end. Before they had time to said anything, y/n started falling. Steve tried his best to caught her, so they both ended up on the bathroom floor. Y/n in his arms. As she tried to catch her breath. "Oh, my God" she said.
Dustin joined the hug, he was still crying. "You're safe, you're safe" Steve said quietly. Tears were running down his cheeks too.
"I thought I would lost you" Dustin said quietly. She put her hand in his hair, pulling him even closer.
Then, the rest of the group ran into the bathroom. Robin and Nancy with Lucas and Max behind them. "Oh, my god. What happened? How are you feeling?" Robin asked.
"I'm- I will be fine" she answered her after a second. Now, she was safe, right? She was safe in Steve's embrace.
She looked over at him, how worried he was. Maybe now, she saw something more than a boy who dated her as a dare.
a/n. This is much longer than I thought it would be (I'm sorry). I kinda had idea for this story so maybe it will become actual series, but for now - I think I'm gonna do pt 3. Let me know what you think!
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onsunnyside · 2 years
Okay new fic idea bestie 💡
what about a Steve or Andy mob au with innocent reader who comes from a blue collar family, super hard working. Our parents worked their butts off for it and now we’re attending a private university. Only for us to meet them!maybe we share a class together. He’s the first one we meet on campus🥺 our Big and beefy mob daddy! We think they’re so sweet, showing us around and making us feel welcomed, too bad we don’t know they’re in line to become the next head of a major crime family😭😭Bonus points if we don’t find out who they are until it’s too late🫡🫡 bc we’re too in love to let them go. And well, who said we had a choice in the matter anymore? Once they found us, they had no intentions of letting us go anyways🫠🫠
ok hold on bc i was listening to lovefool and really wanted to write a fic inspired by it and this is perfect !! now... which daddy to choose !! Steve, Andy, or Ari? shall we switch it up a bit and go for someone who isn't Ari? 🫡
you're sweet and shy, smart and studious but not enough bc you didn't get a scholarship at your dream university 🥺 bc it's private, it's super expensive and you knew you couldn't attend without the scholarship but oh my !! with some help from your grandparents and your extremely hardworking parents, your academic dream comes true !!
on the first day, you're nervous and shy, getting lost on the vast campus bc you didn't want to bother anyone and ask for directions. that's why you end up to your lecture late and have to do the walk of shame to the only empty seat in the hall. you stutter out apologies and eventually settle down, slowly taking out your things and opening to a fresh page in your notebook, only to realize you don't have your pencil case:
a gold pen grabs your attention, and your eyes follow up the huge hand to a handsome man, wearing a soft smile. "I have an extra."
"O-Oh my, thank you!" You say a little too loudly and earn yourself a few glares. You cower into your seat, hiding in the blank pages of the notebook as the stranger simply glares back. You shakily print the date at the top corner and don't notice everyone quickly whip around, going back to minding their own business. 🌚 (bc everybody knows)
fast forward: you and he grow close. he's kind and charming, very chivalrous and always opening doors for you, paying for your lunch and offering to hold your bag (you politely declined those offers).
"You want to come over tomorrow, button?"
"T'ya house?" You blink at him with a mouthful of your lunch, "Sow'y." You apologize, washing down the food with some water. "I'll have to ask my parents. Uhm, I've never been to a boy's house before..."
He chuckles quietly, reaching out to wipe your mouth. "It'll be fine, we're just going to study. Maybe watch a movie to relax and I could finally show you my car."
bc he gets dropped off and picked up by a sleek black car with heavily tinted windows every day, he said it was bc his parents were overprotective of him. he's had his driver drop you off at home a few times but sometimes you preferred going by yourself.
"I could take you for a drive... Show you my favourite spots. Or we could just stay inside, my parents kind of went wild when building our house. There's a lot to do."
You sit back, gaze flickering between his hand holding yours and his pretty face. "Is that—Would that be a date?"
"Think of it like a pre-date. We could get to know each other outside of all of this," he gestures to the campus and your uniforms, "If I want to win you over on our first date, I'll need to explore the playing field beforehand." He winks.
ugh as if he didn't have your heart the moment you laid eyes on him !!
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