#thank you SO MUCH for the ask!! <3
emin-folly · 1 year
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Saw your Batman sneaking up on Superman comic and 1) completely agree and 2) had to ask— what do you think Jon’s deal is then? 😂 Or is Damian genuinely better than his dad at sneaking around?
Hi!! Good question, I'm glad you brought this up~! First, thank you! I just feel like that should already be canon lol As for Jon, let me start by explaining my thoughts on the ways you could sneak up on a Kryptonian successfully and there are 1) Magic/magic-infused suits/sound barrier (I mean, do I really need to explain? lol) or 2) They would have to be concentrating really, REALLY hard on something to make them not notice any outside activity. Course, there's option 3 where they literally know you're there and they're letting you sneak up on them which, depending on the situation, you should gtfo ASAP Some people have brought up interesting points about other natural sounds, etc being mixed in there as well and so, theoretically, one could just use those to mask their presence. Which is definitely plausible but I still think they'd already know you're there, you know? Because it's not just the sounds but the smells too. Idk, I feel like it'd be pretty hard if not near impossible to be completely invisible to them ahah Okay, MOVING ON TO JON Jon's case is interesting cause not only is he half-Kryptonian, he's also half-human, which is most definitely working against him. I think all of what I said above does still apply to Jon, even though his super-sense are weaker, they're still pretty effective. Having said that, I could also see him tending to...space out more? Like, unlike Clark who's mind most of time is hyper-focused, I kinda hc that Jon has the more human tendency to just zone out, to be more easily distracted. He's also just a kid too, so there's that as well. As for Damian, I can see him being better at being stealthy than Bruce (cause he smol lol) but I think he pretty much falls into the same category. He's good, but Jon would also have to really preoccupied with other things~ TL;DR: Jon is technically a lot more easily to sneak up on but you'd still have to get lucky lol
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
18: Give three author recommendations
@breannasfluff has SO MUCH GOOD WRITING!!! There's something for everyone, really, and she writes a loooooooot so there's a lot of great stuff!!!!
@zarvasace created the Disability AU, which is one of my favorite things of all time. Also everything Mina writes is incredible
I also really like aquaticflames on AO3. I don't know if they have a tumblr. They aren't super active rn but their old LU fics are excellent
19: Give 5 fic recommendations
I've been following along with I went where the crow flies on AO3 and it's incredible!!! It's a Wild meets the chain fic, but Wild got out of the shrine 5 years too early. It's incredible and so fun to follow along with
Fanboy by cereme on AO3 is an incredible fic. It's Time-centric and also has a lot of good Time & Four stuff. I love it
My Heart's Forsaken Me by @sister-dear is one of my all time favorite Time fics. I love it a looooooot. Time picks up Four's sword and is split into different timeline versions
Heart of Gold by @zartophski is soooooooo good. It's a Time and Malon fluff fic, which is one my favorite things
Operation: Sunny Skies also by @zartophski is such a fun read! The chain helps Sky with a VERY big event :D
20: Recommend 5 of my own fics
AUTHENTICITY!! It's my favorite thing I've written. It's an autistic Wild AU and it's primarily hurt/comfort and fluff. It's quite fun :D
I just posted Delirium yesterday and I was blown away by the response. I was proud of it so I'm glad the internet liked it too! It's a Sky and Wild centric, Wild whump fic with some comfort at the end.
Sentiment is one of my favorite things I've written. Time and Warriors get into an argument but then get to hug bc neither of them know how to deal with feelings very well
Euphoria is another good one! I made everyone trans
I'll also go with my fic that got the smallest response on AO3. It's Obligatory Winter Episode based on fanart by dfanart and it's very cute and sweet.
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leavingautumn13 · 5 months
For the WIP title asks:
Rising Tide (which is also a song by Sunny Day Real Estate)!
Tell me, do Kyogre and Groudon meet at the shore to enjoy a nice playdate while Maxie and Archie fight over land/water property lines like the suburban dads they are?
this ask is sending me, oh my lord. thank you--i laughed pretty hard at this :D
and this song is within the time frame of songs i'm referencing in the fic, so that's just perfect! thank you!
"color your skin with gold, and the violence remains cover your eyes with rose, but the stain remains will you repair your life with all the holes you fill? smother your will and drain you of your passion..."
oh yeah, that's going on the playlist.
as for our beloved suburban dads, i can't say too much without spoiling the last quarter or so of the fic--though i guess i have been pretty transparent about maxie actually succeeding in catching groudon. that's a thing that happens. gonna be mum about the circumstances and implications and fallout of that, though. i'm sure it turns out fine.
as for the wip itself, it's the first chapter of eye of the storm. the title refers to the circumstances that drive may to leave home in the first place--things get to be too much for her.
for a little context about my may, she's 22 at the start of the fic, and had moved out of her parents' house at 18, back when they still lived in johto. she opted to move back in with them temporarily when they moved to hoenn (instead of staying in johto by herself), and it's a choice she starts regretting very quickly. snippet under the cut. i feel like i should add a trigger warning for this as well--it's a bad situation if you've ever been in it before but pretty vague if you don't know what you're looking at. tw for implied emotional abuse, i suppose.
This was bad.
May sat on the carpeted top stair and gripped her empty mug so tightly her knuckles turned white. A faint “godsdammit” floated around the corner that led into the living room and up to her ears. Whatever her mother was fussing with down there had her, to be incredibly mild, extremely pissed off.
This was bad, but it had probably been worse at some point before. Not that May could put a finger on when, exactly; the last four years of solitude had papered over the memory of her mother’s moods with a series of perfectly pleasant lunches and borderline enjoyable outings to the movies. The tone of voice May was catching now, in snippets from the ground floor, was a knife widening the old wound of the six years before that, during their time in Olivine, after their last big move. The first time this had happened, May had been thirteen and stupidly hopeful.
She didn’t have age as an excuse this time.
Did she really need another cup of coffee? She could turn around, tail between her legs, and head back to her room. This one locked, though that might cause her more problems in the long run. She’d already endured the years of formless suspicion about why she kept her door closed all the time, and even that particularly bad summer where the door had been removed entirely. She didn’t need, didn’t want a repeat of that. Something told her the offense her mother would suffer over a locked door would be far greater than over a closed one. Teenagers were just like that, after all. From an adult it would be an insult.
Moving back in had been a massive fucking mistake.
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5eraphim · 1 year
🌿 and 🎉 for the writer asks? i love your work by the way! your writing always has be like !!!!
ahhhh yr so sweet tyyy!!! >w<
🌿how does creating make you feel?
maaan it's either the BEST feeling in the world or the WORST and there's no in between! 😭 but it's always nice to be constructive and spending time wisely- i suppose?
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
when i'm good it's a little snack, or a walk outside w my dogs, and fresh air and all that. when im bad it's usually either a shot or some Benadryl. usually it all depends on the time of day. but i try not to buy into the "getting intoxicated makes you more creative" myth bc that's a bit of a slippery slope :/
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smallblueandloud · 6 months
1 & 28 for the ao3 wrapped ask meme!
ao3 wrapped! (writer’s edition)
1. how many words have you written this year?
106k so far! 67k of which was for fanfic
(i am really really proud of this number! i wrote like 22k of fanfic in 2021 and i didn't even keep track in 2022, so this year was really a comeback for me)
28. favorite work you wrote this year?
oh, i have to say but the verse is sweet, aka bail organa time travels. i think this is the best story i've ever written, and probably the best thing i've ever made. i am very proud of it and it makes me so, so happy to go back and reread it.
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I'm loving your FirstPrince Vampire AU I've binged all 14 chapters and I can't wait for the next chapter. When do you usually update?
Thank you so much!!! I don't upload on a schedule but I have been lucky enough to have a lot of brain rot creative energy for this story so chapters have been coming every 1 to 3 days. Don't count on it to last, though lol
For anyone curious, my FirstPrince vampire!au is here ~
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mackmp3 · 8 months
Hello!! What is the weather like where you are?
hello Eli!!
here in aotearoa it's spring, not autumn, so all the fun autumn stuff i've been seeing doesn't really apply - though i do love the vibes of it hehe - it's around 6am as i answer this and out my window it's a little cloudy, the sky a sort of ultramarine colour but still a few stars, quite cool and a little bit of wind, i think it's going to be a warm day which is nice :)
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008luna008 · 2 years
4 for the spotify wrapped ask game thing <3
my fourth song is 'green green dress' by Andrew Garfield!
and my favorite lyric is 'can I hear your laugh, babe? can you make me smile? // I'll forget what's on my mind for a while'
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nottheweirdest · 2 years
favourite thing about Riot? (which is adorable btw)
Aww thank you so much!!! I had a fun time with that series and that fic especially! My favorite part about Riot is when Sonic has this moment of realization that things don't have to be perfect... to be perfect. We so often hold this idea of perfection in our heads, whether it's about our lives, jobs, a partner, etc., without realizing that perfection can simply be the reality of the moment. It's self conceptualized. Things are perfect when we decide they are.
Send me a fic of mine and I'll tell you my favorite part!
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rinniekins · 2 years
For the Pokémon team ask thing, Fire? 🔥
Send me a Pokémon type and I’ll tell you what my team would be of just that type
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vampyearn · 2 years
I hope you’re doing well.
Lady grey, blooming tea and chamomile for the ask game <3
hi! i hope you’re well too!
lady grey: graphic tees, boots, flowy skirts, stupid earrings & long coats
blooming tea: hyacinths & morning glory/moon flowers, and i’ve recently become enraptured with ghost pipe flowers. they look so cool…
chamomile: comfort films are probably. uhm. sighs… perks of being a wallflower, howl’s moving castle, coraline, barbie & the 3 musketeers, pirates of the caribbean, ice age dawn of the dinosaurs (gulps) and like. my beautiful laundrette. duality, baby! (i use children’s film as a coping mechanism)
here’s my letterboxd btw!
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le-velo-pour-dru · 10 months
3 and 9 for the music box asks! (i know you're still a teenager but like a song from when you were younger or even like a real lil kid would be cute i love hearing what music influenced people's childhoods)
3: Count On Me by Bruno Mars is SUPER important to me because they would play it over the speakers every morning when I was in kindergarten <33333
9: Light Touch by Jazz Emu is like- SUCH a me song, cause I'm very shy and I love puns X3 🩷
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5eraphim · 1 year
Is fanfiction writing ask no.8 okay? Maybe we could try no. 62 if no.
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip (I couldn't decide which one i like the best, so here's a few.
weaponizing pussy for the forces of personal immunity and freedom
how unlikeable can i write this man? how can i make this UNBEAREABLE to anyone who doesn't share my fetishes?
high but not dry
men will see a vessel to carry out their malignant impulses, ask if anyone is going to use it and not wait for an answer
how awful can i make this story unreadable to people who don't share my fetishes 2 electric boogaloo
penis jumpscare
can't have shit in team fortress classic :(
62. In [insert fic], is there a deleted scene/idea you wish you could have included?  Why did it get cut?
I tried so hard to shoehorn Heavy to sticking around until the finale of Nuthin' Personal, but I really just needed to finish the ending and stop dragging out the middle. Also wish I could've gone more into the branding scene on that one Engie drabble I wrote ages ago.
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sunsrefuge · 1 year
6, your choice!
thank you !! time for some Khozzak & Qlikk content <3 i lowkey lost my mind a little while writing this !! i just <3 i forgot how cute they are.. i love them sm <3 <3 <3
6. On a sunny Tuesday afternoon, the late sunlight glowing in your hair.
A tall, gray asura casually weaved through the bustling market’s crowd, dodging knees and elbows as he made his way toward the western end. It was a little later than when Qlikk would normally start making his way home, so there was a chance that Khozzak had already missed him.
Oh, there, a gentle smile tugged at his mouth as he spotted a head of pink curls, turning back and forth. Qlikk’s shoulders were hiked up the smallest amount, but enough that Khozzak already knew what was going on.
Khozzak picked up their pace, clearing ground faster before they came to a slow stop beside their partner. Qlikk spotted him before he said anything, prompting a bright grin from the shorter asura.
“Oh, hey!” Qlikk bounced on his feet a little, happily leaning into Khozzak’s side as they wrapped an arm around his shoulders in a comforting gesture.
“Hey, heading home soon?”
“I was about to, but it, uhm…” Qlikk glanced around, leaning a little closer.
“It got busy quick,” they chimed, “I was just on my way home myself. Need a buddy?” Khozzak smiled as he asked, already knowing the answer.
“Oh, please!” Qlikk wrapped his own arm around Khozzak’s waist, happily humming as they started walking.
Khozzak looked through the crowd, spotting a quick way to get out, through two charr and past a stall. Qlikk followed him without a word, the both of them ducking as they squeezed through the pair of charr that were none the wiser. Qlikk’s shoulders relaxed as they cleared the back of the market stall, and a giddy sigh escaped him. Khozzak glanced down at their partner, happy to see him already feeling calmer.
Qlikk’s green eyes met theirs as he glanced up, the warm evening sun bouncing off of his curly hair, “I love you.”
Khozzak felt his face get warm, prompting him to gently break eye contact and instead idly plant a kiss on top of Qlikk's head. “I love you, too.”
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kimtaegis · 3 days
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JIN HUGS JIN HUGS! for @jinstronaut ♡
cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls, 0613data
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lokorum · 8 months
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