#tendo boyfriend
fortist166 · 2 months
Daily Reminder: Even love rivals acknowledge that Ranma and Akane are commited to each other
Ryouga specifically used the term 「ふられる」 - being dumped by your lover.
Shinnosuke took Akane “going back” with Ranma as her rejecting him, just like Ranma misinterpreted Akane “staying” with Shinnosuke as a breakup.
Ranma himself used the word 「ふられる」 multiple times and even called her 「うわきもの」 - ‘unfaithful person’.
And I think the last panel is enough to sum up Akane’s thought.
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deadinside8675 · 3 months
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bitmeddler · 2 years
Pacific Rim / Marvel Cinematic Universe Avengers AU!
“A team of heroes backed by the Pan Pacific Shield Corps (PPSC) must defend earth when an alien kaiju army attacks San Francisco…”
Stacker Pentecost as Nick Fury: The steadfast, principled, no-nonsense leader who has been with the PPSC since the beginning, the Marshal not only actively seeks new heroes to bring into the fold, but also has the onerous task of dealing with the PPSC top brass and external organizations.
Raleigh Becket as Captain America: A first generation Avenger, Raleigh returns to the battlefield as a member of the PPSC after a long hiatus. Becket never imagined he’d grow up to be a hero, but his strong moral compass and compassion for those around him put him on the path. His brother Yancy, who he thought was dead, is later revealed to be the Winter Soldier.
Chuck Hansen as Thor: A confident heavy-hitter, Chuck is stripped of his power and banished by his father Hercules after a display of selfish arrogance. Hansen eventually learns to put his ego aside for the greater good and redeems himself in his father's eyes.
Mako Mori as Black Widow:  An orphan who grew up to become a powerful warrior and martial arts master. Smart, strong and capable but with a past that haunts her, Mori draws on her found family as a source of strength.
Tendo Choi as Hawkeye:  The wise-cracking utility guy with a specialized skill set and resourcefulness that puts him on the level of the other powered-up heroes, Choi is calm in a crisis with a strong ability to take tactical decisions with assertiveness and accuracy.
Dr. Hermann Gottlieb as Iron Man: A brilliant engineer who uses his exceptional intellect and technical knowledge to code the revolutionary ‘Jaeger Armor’ enabling him to fight on a superhuman level. His desire to stop the kaiju invasion drives him to succeed, but he grapples with a strained interpersonal relationship with his emotionally distant father, a scientist involved in the early days of the PPSC. Dr. Gottlieb works in close collaboration with Dr. Newton Geiszler in their shared lab.
Dr. Newton Geiszler as the Hulk: A genius scientist with far too many PhDs, Dr. Geiszler is at the forefront of his emerging field. His zeal and dedication to learning more about the kaiju paired with a disregard for his own personal safety result in a lab accident infecting Newt with Blue Gamma, altering his DNA and giving him the ability to change into a powerful kaiju/human hybrid when under threat.
“Rangers assemble!”
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kleftiko · 10 months
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cw: none, this is fluff, gn!reader
ft. haikyuu boys
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♡ you come home with arm tan lines on your body cause he didn’t want people gawking at his super hot partner
— akaashi, iwaizumi, kuroo, tanaka, atsumu
♡ HE comes home with arm tan lines all over his body cause you didn’t want people gawking at your super hot boyfriend
— oikawa, ushijima, osamu, SAKUSA
♡ you had to share him with all the kids he befriended and played with (you are the judge of the handstand AND sandcastle contest—and he WILL pout if he loses)
— hinata, BOKUTO, atsumu, tendo
♡ played volleyball the whole time, sweat gleaming, with face a little flushed, bared-chested, like a GOD. and you’re the one that gets to hand him his water while everyone else drools
— KAGEYAMA, iwaizumi, oikawa, ushijima
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schelamski · 6 months
Things Haikyuu Boys would do in a relationship (pt. 2)
-Nishinoya, Iwaizumi, Suna, Kuroo, Yaku
Part 1: Sakusa, Kita, Asahi, Hinata, Tendo
Part 3: Kenma, Kageyama, Terushima, Akaashi, Atsumu
Part 4: Ushijima, Tsukishima, Oikawa, Bokuto, Osamu
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
 Nishinoya Yu: Smiling into a kiss
A lot of times when you and Yu were kissing, you could feel his lips pulling into a smile. He just couldn’t help himself, even after sharing countless kisses he still got excited for another one from you. It became such a habit that you started smiling shortly after him while kissing, leaving you two beaming afterwards.
Iwaizumi Hajime: Wrapping you in his jacket with him when you’re cold
At first Hajime played the annoyed boyfriend when you were cold again, he didn’t quite understand how somebody could be cold all the time as much as you were. His opinion changed drastically when he took you in his jacket for the first time while you two waited outside of a street food restaurant. Feeling you closely pressed against his chest, being able to wrap his arms around you (a/n please he could suffocate me with his biceps) made him look forward to spending time with you outside in the cold season. You enjoyed it even more because now you were able to listen to his fast-beating heart while feeling absolutely content in his arms.
Suna Rintaro: His hand in your pockets
Whether it was the pocket of your jacket, sweater or the back-pocket in your jeans, when you were with Rin he somehow found a way to keep his hand on you. He would pull you close enough by your belt and then stick his hands into a pocket of yours only to whisper something in your ear. Being so impossibly close to him like that still send shivers down your spine which he noticed with a teasing grin. How would you know that he himself wasn’t as unaffected as he staged to be?
Kuroo Tetsuro: Hugs
I mean have you seen this man? I don’t want to blame it on his parental issues but I do because Tetsuro is a big hugger. He will hug you in the weirdest positions, needing your closure and comfort. The best thing for him though is when you start to hug him first, it makes his heart explode everytime. It only takes one of said hugs in the doorframe when he’s coming home from a shitty day and his mood is immediately lifted. It always made him feel like he mattered to you.
Yaku Morisuke: “This reminded me of you.”
 Since your boyfriend is playing over in Russia, he’s always bringing you something from over there when he comes to visit you. The best one yet is the one Morisuke is giving you right now, it’s a key. Looking at him with disbelief he only states “I finally found a nice apartment in Ekaterinburg and I want you to come live with me. I miss you too much and we´ve talked about it for quite some time but I wanted to wait until I found an apartment that would fit us”. This feels almost as if he’s proposing to you.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
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malereadermaniac · 5 months
Studying ~ Ushijima x Male Reader
Some nsfw! Minors dni and fem readers dni!
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Ushijima has always liked how smart you are
Ever since you two had been seated together in class, he admired how you always try in class but aren't too snooty about it - you help him if he needs it for whatever reason
The one time that solidified your relationship as friends was when Ushijima had overworked himself so much at practice because of nationals that his brain wasn't computing with the lesson at hand
"You good?" You whisper, noticing his disheveled look and empty piece of paper
"Uh.. yeah, I'm just confused" he whispered back, looking down at his notebook
Wordlessly you slid your notes to Wakatoshi
He looked up at you with widened eyes and you flash him a warm smile before turning your attention back to the teacher
Once you slowly started to hang out with Ushijima and Tendo, the muscular volleyball player didn't take too long to take a liking to you
Tendo always shipped the two of you, teasing you both by gushing over anything you two did
Which happened a lot, since you and Wakatoshi became really close
You were and still are a shy, gay nerd, you knew there was no chance of him liking you but that didn't stop you from showing affection like you would to any other friend
Wakatoshi on the other hand didn't register that he was head over heels for you
He could only get his head in the game if you were on the court-side cheering him on ever since he met you
He would put his arms around your shoulder when you two would walk to class
Fucking hell Wakatoshi not only catch himself staring at you for ages and conjure up excuses for himself
But finally, once you two finally got together nothing much changed
Except for Ushijima doing everything he used to do x10
He isn't one for a lot of PDA, but when in private, Wakatoshi is all over you
And you love it so, so much
In public he'll call you pretty or handsome, he'd hold your hand and hold you close but that's about all
In private, this man is holding you on top of him, complimenting you, constantly talking to you; there's never a moment of silence when you're with your boyfriend
You both do go out on dates, Ushijima has money and he aims to spoil his boyfriend as much as he can, so fancy restaurants and vacation homes are go-to's
But the two of you do a lot of study dates too
You teach him some things and vice versa
But the common trend amongst your study sessions is how they end
You'll start rambling about a topic you're passionate about and Ushijima will go silent, listening to you while admiring every part of your face and body
He'd look at you hands and touch them gently as you talk - his much bigger and rough hands juxtaposing yours, which he fucking loved
Then Ushijima would focus on your lips and eyes, until you notice and slowly go quiet
You'd look at him too for a split second, admiring his messy hair and sharp jaw
Until he interrupts your staring
"You're so gorgeous, (y/n)" Wakatoshi would softly say, then slowly moving in to kiss you
The work on the desk is long forgotten once you position yourself on Ushi's lap, making out like hormonal teens, his huge hands on your hips, subtly asserting his dominance over you
The more you two make out, the more desperate you both get, your hips involuntarily grinding in short ruts against your boyfriend's bulge
Ushijima maneuvers you with his hands on your hips, his eyes closed as his tongue dances with yours
Your hands on you boyfriends strong, huge chest, rutting more and more against him as small moans and whines escape your throat
"Fuck you're so hot, (y/n)... I fucking love you" Ushijima mumbles against your ear as he breaks the kiss, leaving kisses down your neck to your nape
Your arms wrap around his neck as you mumble a quick "i love you too" in between breathy, quiet moans
You're both fully hard by now, making out for a further 15 minuets, just enjoying each other's touch
Ushijima's hand is gripping your hair gently, guiding your mouth as he makes out with you
However, Ushijima notices how desperate you're getting and stands up, picking you up with him
Your legs wrap around your huge boyfriends waist , his lips still clashing against yours
He lays you on your back on his bed, not breaking contact with your lips even once
Ushijimas hands roam your body, palming your crotch and waist and thighs
Your arm hooks around you huge boyfriend's neck while your other arm reaches around Wakatoshi's back
He breaks the kiss and looks down at you, admiring your panting, disheveled state for a moment
"(Y/n)... can I eat you out?" Ushijima asks nonchalantly
"W-Woah wait aren't your parents here right now?" You ask, your boyfriend's question catching you off guard
But Ushi could tell you wanted to do it from how your dick twitched against his palm at the mention of him giving you head
"They're on the other side of the estate, don't worry about it, darling" Ushijima says with a soft look on his eyes, his fingers slipping under your waistband and slipping your bottoms and underwear down your thighs
"O-Okay then!" You sit up, looking your boyfriend in the eyes with a glimmer of excitement in yours
The brunette chuckles, fucking hell Ushijima loves you
Cut to just a few minutes later, you're a moaning, panting, whiny mess
Your legs are raised, feet flat on the bed while a pillow props your neck up just enough to watch as your boyfriend feasts on your hole
"Fuck, (y/n)! You taste incredible!" Wakatoshi grunts while looking up at you from below, his chin covered in a waterfall of his spit, his hair frizzy from your tugging and his eyes hazy with lust
You chuckle as Wakatoshi gets back to it
You watch as your boyfriend tries to subtly rut against the bed, eating you out making him incredibly hard
You pant like a bitch in heat, moaning like a porn star fir your boyfriend as he shoves his warm tongue into your hole
"Shit darling.. Mind if I do more?"
"Do.... Haaaa~ Do whatever you want, Ushi~" you say breathily
If you were loud before, fucking hell you were raising the roof now
Ushijima slicked up his long, thick fingers with his spit and started toying with you ass, spreading your hole and curling into your prostate constantly
While he was gently working you open, your boyfriend also decided to pay your twitching, touch-starved dick some attention
Your hands dart to Wakatoshi's hair, tangling your fingers in his brown locks while your boyfriend laps at your dick while he abuses your prostate
You tug at his hair as he blows you and fingers you, your moans echoing throughout the room like a porn shoot
Ushijima was loving every moment of it, your face, the noises you were making and fucking hell you taste so good
By the end of what was supposed to be a study session, you and Ushijima are laying in his bed, him laying on top of you
"Wakatoshi. You're crushing me." You murmmer
"Hm... I can't wait to call you Wakatoshi too"
"Sorry!??!?" You shout, your high-school boyfriend daydreaming about marrying you catching you off guard
"What darling? I can't fantasise about you like that?" Ushijima teases you
"Shush! We're in high-school lemme at least graduate first! Plus... who says I'm taking your name"
"My wallet is."
"Shush" you hit your boyfriend playfully
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haikyu-mp4 · 2 months
Like a son
word count; 503 – f!reader, just cute stuff
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You’ve been the manager for Shiratorizawa’s volleyball team since the start of your second year, settling well into your role and even catching the attention of a certain redheaded middle blocker. Long story short, you’re now in a happy relationship with Tendo Satori, and the whole team thinks you’re a joy.
When you entered your third year, you welcomed little future ace, Goshiki, to the team. He would often need reassurance, which you and Tendo happily provided. Semi even dared compare you to being in the role of Goshiki’s parents, which the two of you found to be hilarious. It didn’t help when Goshiki accidentally called you ‘mom’ once during practice, making Tendo cover his mouth so he wouldn’t burst out laughing like the others and embarrass him even further.
This particular week, you were asked to manage the training camp they set up for promising first years. They only needed you the first day, to make sure everyone settled in smoothly, and on the days where the third years came over to have a practice match. So you happily agreed to help in exchange for some perks that Washijo simply had to approve. They have a pretty good budget, after all.
On the first day, you caught the attention of many of the attendants with your gorgeous looks and fun demeanour.
“Hey, what was your name?” one of the taller players asked, coming up to you with an innocent smile. Koganegawa, you think his name was.
However, you didn’t get to answer before Goshiki was shielding you from the guy, arms stretched out as if protecting you. “Get away! She has a boyfriend!” he yelled, making all the others turn and look, some snickering. Poor Koganegawa wasn’t even trying to hit on you.
You pat his shoulder and step to his side as he lowers his arms. “And my name is y/n. Make the most of your training, boys!” you cheered with a bright smile before turning away to go fill up more water bottles and make sure the ball boys had all the information they needed. Later, Goshiki was a blushing mess when some of the attendants asked if he was your boyfriend, denying it nervously as if he had done Tendo wrong somehow.
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When you left practice that evening, after a loud thank you from all the boys, you skipped over to your boyfriend’s dorm to tell him how sweet it was to see your son protect you from the other first years. Tendo could not stop laughing and asked Wakatoshi if he heard your story as well, hugging you close as he felt overwhelmed with his affection for you.
So when Tendo and the other third years came into the gym for a practice match, you bet Goshiki would hear the praises from his senpai. Tendo ruffled his hair and thanked him for taking such good care of you, and the spark in the younger boy’s eyes was just precious.
Oh, how he’ll weep when you two graduate.
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sleepyomi · 1 year
physical touch with hq!! boys
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a/n: y’all really blew me away with the response to the acts of service post and so here is the next part! it took a second to come out because I’ve been struggling with a head injury but it’s up now! I hope y’all enjoy!
love language masterlist | acts of service | quality time |
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atsumu —
constantly keeps a hand on your waist if you walking together or holds you hand if he’s carrying anything. big fan of low key PDA: holding hands, quick kisses on your cheek, keeping a hand on your waist/lower back. he loves the little touches. when alone he likes to hold you close, have your head on his chest, pressing kisses to your hair. typically only touchy if you’re walking someplace together or at home, but if you initiate he will keep his hand in yours the whole time.
matsukawa —
holds you close anytime he can. likes when you sit on his lap. will take ANY excuse to have you in his lap or to carry you. stub your toe? up you go. this man is hands and shameless. he takes pride in the fact that he can tend to your needs, and likes showing that off by holding you. isn’t super big about it in public spaces like school or restaurants, but his home screen is a picture of his lifting you up in victory after an early volleyball tournament third year.
kuroo —
likes to hold your hand when you go out to eat together. presses small kisses to your hair, your cheek, your ear whenever his face is close to yours whether it’s standing up from tying his shoe, fixing a strand of your hair, or just sitting together. loves to play with your hair and have you lay on his chest, his body, rest your head upon his shoulder. he revels in the close contact and the fact that you trust him with yourself.
tsukishima —
is very shy which his touch, tries to be as discrete as possible but he is just a tiny wee bit clingy. likes to link pinkies when you walk. share his headphones with you and fall asleep with your heads resting together. loves when you relax into him when your tucked up under his arms. is big on giving you kisses when alone, on your forehead, your lips, your hands if your walking somewhere and there’s no one around. he’s not ashamed of you it’s just that akiteru saw him holding your hand and press a kiss to your knuckles and he yet to live it down.
tendo —
this man is a smitten kitten. a complete whirlwind of a boyfriend. likes to come up out of nowhere and smack one on you when you least expect it. enjoys resting his chin on your shoulder when your working on something and watching as you do it. always keeps a hand on your lower back if getting by you but especially if you’re in a crowded area. have to walk through a crowd? hand is secured. having to stand together on the train because it’s full? hand on your back. really just likes to keep you close and safe, and never make it possible for you to doubt his love.
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do not edit, claim, or repost as per @sleepyomi
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bleach-your-panties · 4 months
ꪉ DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! 》 ~ satori tendo x fem reader
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a/n: y'all can thank @prettybraat for this😂😂
cw: chocolate and dick. that's it. that's the post. tendo is his time-skip age.
dividers by @/hitobaby and @/cafekitsune.
wc: 550
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"Keep sucking, baby; make sure you get it all..."
Tendo moaned and pushed his gloved hand harder down on top of your head.
With your boyfriend being a world-renowned chocolatier, he was often bringing work home with him.
He'd spend hours in the kitchen, conjuring up new concoctions and recipes for you to taste-test before he would ever let the ideas breach the kitchen of his workplace.
You were always so eager to be his little sous chef, as well.
He'd tie one of his much larger aprons around your smaller frame and plop his chef's hat on top of your head, just to watch the beautiful smile that bloomed across your gorgeous features.
You're his cute little girlfriend, sweeter than the treats he was so well at crafting for others to enjoy.
When the two of you got in the kitchen together, it often ended up looking like a scene out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; though, you're not exactly sure how you both ended up in this exact position.
"Ah, fuck, shit - shit's still warm." He chuckled as he took the spoon he'd been stirring the pot with and drizzled more of the deep, cocoa-colored confection down onto his shaft and your awaiting tongue.
You looked so fucking dirty like this; sitting on your knees on the tiled kitchen floor. His apron still covered your body, but you were completely nude beneath it.
The chef hat on your head had flopped down over your forehead, shielding your eyes, so Tendo reached out to lift it out of the way.
When you looked up and his eyes met yours, his dick twitched in your mouth, releasing a stream of pre-cum.
You kept eye contact with him for the next few minutes, just dragging your tongue all along the underside of his dick to make sure you didn't leave any traces of chocolate behind.
Needing to take a break, you slowly pulled off with a loud, wet, 'plop'. Strings of saliva mixed with chocolate and precum followed your lips, making Tendo's small, squinted eyes roll back in his head.
"Fuuuck, you're so nasty, baby. You know that's why I love you, right?"
With a little smirk, you licked your plump lips and sat back on your legs.
"I thought you loved me because I'm pretty and I always help you in the kitchen?"
He then rolled said eyes and returned your smirk.
"I guess that, too, then." He laughed when you smacked his thigh then grabbed your arm, pulling you forward to smash his lips against yours and taste the combination of candy mixed with his and your essences.
You both moaned into the kiss before Tendo finally pulled away, cupping your cheek in his hand.
"I love you, baby. You're always such a great help to me. I couldn't do this without you."
The confession made your heart swell with love and you grinned big.
"I love you, too, 'Tori. You make me so proud."
He tried to hide the blush that bloomed on his cheeks, but you already saw it, causing you to let out a small giggle.
With spoon in hand, he dipped it once again in the pot before reaching behind your back to untie the apron.
"Lay back, gorgeous. Now it's your turn."
ok so he like really loves chocolate. his favorite food is chocolate ice cream asgfhsdjg;
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bumbledi · 1 year
♡ First touch ♡
Pairing: third year! Ushijima Wakatoshi x fem!reader
Genre: smut
Summary: spicy moments in your boyfriend’s dorm
Warning: smut, f masturbation, clit play, handjob (m receiving), oral (f receiving), some praising, nipple play, first couple of sexual interactions.
Note: throwback on those naughty activities on your Shiratorizawa years.
Also, it’s been exactly two months since I uploaded something so it feels nice to come back with a smut :D
Sorry if there’s any misspellings. Hope you like it.
If you want to recommend any scenarios you would like to read... lmk ☺️
Prequel from the “The road to parenthood” series
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
At this point in life, you have been dating Wakatoshi for 5 months and little by little you two have been developing your relationship.
You current concern at the moment?
You promised your extremely hot boyfriend to take it slow but after the first make out session you had in his dorm a couple of months ago, you haven’t been able to stop craving something more...
How the hell do you break it up to him without sounding pushy?!
Why does he have to be so damn hot?! Why does he have to grab your waist so tightly with his huge hands?! Why does he have to look so worked up during practice?! Why does he have to rub your nape while kissing you?! Why does he have to move your hair out of your face so gently during lunch break?!
These and more thoughts were on your head while you were laying down on your bed, flickering your clit as fast as you could as you felt your orgasm so close...
“Ahh... mmh... Wakatos-shi...” you tried to moan as low as you could, it was early in the morning and you didn’t want anyone to hear you... “mmh... I’m gonna cum...”
you started to gasp for air when you suddenly heard the sound of your alarm going off “mmh... c’mon!” You tried to ignore it but eventually you took your hand out of your pijama shorts and sight out of frustration. “Damn it!” You said smacking your alarm. What a way to start the day...
After that you started to get ready for the day, starting by changing your very wet underwear.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Hey, grumpy face!” Tendo said while sitting on your desk
“Oh... morning, Satori” you said with a more friendly tone.
“Come on now, tell me what’s been bothering you this morning...”
“It’s dumb...”
“Want me to guess?”
“No! It embarrassing so no...”
Satori gave you a suggestive look and then lean over to your ear...
“You didn’t get to cum?”
“Satori!” You let out a scream while covering your face making Sarori laugh
“You and Wakatoshi-kun are sure taking your sweet time, huh? How long have you been dating? 4 months?”
“5...” You correct him
“Oof...- and you haven’t fucked?”
“Why are you asking me? I’m pretty sure you made him spill the beans already”
“True... I just want to hear it from you!”
“I just don’t want him to feel pressured”
“Speak to him then... Maybe he’s feeling the same way as you right now...”
“And if he’s not? I don’t wanna make it awkward...”
“It’s sex talk... it’s gonna be awkward ether way...”
“You’re right on that...”
“I’ll tell you what, talk with him as soon as possible and since coach Washijō will give us this Friday off, you can make plans with Wakatoshi-kun, go back to his dorm and make a move... I’ll make sure nobody interrupts you...” Satori winked at you, making you blush.
“Alright!” You said with conviction.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Wakatoshi-kun!” You called for him once you spotted him after you got out of your last class
“(Y/N)...” he said with a soft smile on his face
“Hello, Leon, Eita, Satori”
“Hello, (Y/N)!” They greet you.
“Already heading to practice?”
“You know Washijō” Leon said scratching his head
“Yep... Pure evil” Eita commented making you all laugh
“Good luck guys...” you giggled. “Oh! Mmh... Wakatoshi? Can I have a word with you?” You said remembering what are you here for.
“For sure”
“We’ll get going... See you at the gym, Wakatoshi-kun”
The three guys started to walk away, leaving you two alone
“What is it?”
“I rather telling you on a more private place...”
“I still have time, we can go to my dorm if you want...”
“Yeah... that’s okay...”
And then you started to walk to his dorm while you were talking about random classroom stuff.
“Come in...” he said opening the door.
“Thank you...”
He left his bag on his desk and hen turned to face you.
“Alright then... What is it you want to tell me?
“What a rush you have...” you giggled and got closer to him “Wakatoshi-kun... I know we agreed on taking things slow but i want to know in what position are you right now...”
“What I mean is... would you like for us to take things further? You know... more than making out or more than me grinding against you...” now you felt how your cheeks were burning.
“You mean... sex?”
“Yeah... I’ve been thinking about it for a while and I would like to know how do you feel...” You said looking down, you were way to embarrassed to look at him in the eye and after a couple of seconds of silence you realized this was a bad idea “Wakatoshi-kun, please forgive me! I think this was a bad...-“ you were about to grab your stuff and go but he interrupted you.
“(Y/N)...” he grabbed your hand “there’s no other person I would like to do it with if it’s not you...” he fixed your hair behind your ear and then got closer to you so he could kiss you.
“Well, thank God because I was about to lose my mind” you said, making him laugh “I have to study for my science class... What about we handout on Friday?” You said holding him close to you
“That sounds good, we can hangout here if you want... I think the coach is giving us Friday off.” He grabbed your hips tightly and kissed your cheeks when you hide your face on his chest “do you want me to buy condoms?” He said to your ear with no shame
“Wakatoshi!” You gave him a small punch on the chest but then you nodded. You might need them.
“Alright then...”
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
The well awaited Friday came and let’s just say it definitely was easier to say than to do.
You two have been in his room for a while now and even tho you try to start a make out session with your boyfriend, he distances himself when you are starting to get more into it.
Maybe he just needs one last little push.
“Oi, Waka-chan... can you go out and buy me a peach juice? I forgot to get a drink before...”
“Sure... I’ll be back in a minute”
And with that, he walked out of his room, leaving you all by yourself.
You hurried and got up from his bed and without thinking it too much, you took off your panties and then stuffed them in your backpack.
You don’t know what are you doing yo do if this doesn’t work...
Not long after, you heard the door starting to unlock, so you fixed your skirt and lean against your boyfriend’s desk, trying to pretend nothing happened.
“I’m back...”
“that was fast.”
“here... your favorite” he handed you your drink and leave his on the bed.
“Thanks” you opened your drink and gave it a sip, pulling yourself together. It was now or never.
With the most organic movement you could pull off, you “accidentally” dropped your phone on the ground, right in front of you. And as you expected, your boyfriend kneel down to pick it up.
“W-Waka-chan...?” With the feeling of your cheeks heating up, you called his name.
And just as he turned to looked at you, he couldn’t believe what was he seeing.
The sight of his beautiful girlfriend pulling his skirt up just above her pelvis, the most surprising part? She did have any panties on.
“Please... Wakatoshi...” you sat on the edge of the desk and opened your legs just enough so he could see you entirely.
You could hear his heavy breathing and see how eyes appeared to turn black while looking between your legs, not even blinking.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to...”
He didn’t answer, just got closer to you without stop looking at your vulva for a second.
The closer he was, the more you tried to look away... You were so excited but so embarrassed at the same time.
“Can I really...?”
“Mmh.” You mumble as an agreement.
The next thing you felt was his thumb touching slightly you clit, barely petting it but making you gasp.
He started to flick it very gently while you tried to hold back your little moans... Why does it feel better when he does it than when you do it?
The next thing you felt was Wakatoshi’s breath so close to your pussy, it gave you goosebumps. Is he really going to...?
And then, you felt a gentle kiss on your clit, then two and three and finally a little lick
“Waka-chan!” you bit your finger
He started by licking your clit, then he tried to start sucking it and little by little he started licking all of your pussy, up and down, making you all wet.
“Y-You can put a finger in if you w-want...”
“Are you sure?”
“I-I’ve done it a couple of times... It’ll be okay... O-Only do it one at a time”
And with that said, he put his index finger in you.
“It’s warm inside”
He slid it in and out of you, slowly, while he continued to lick your clit.
Not long after you felt something building inside you.
“Waka-chan... I-I think I’m gonna... I’m gonna...”
You felt how your toes curled when you reached your orgasm, you grabbed your boyfriend’s head in place and let out a couple of moans.
After your orgasm faded away, you let go of your boyfriend’s hair and slowly closed your legs.
“W-Was that good?” Wakatoshi asked while licking his lips.
“Well, you made me cum...” he smiled while standing up “hey... I want to do something for you too...”
“You don’t have to...”
“I want to.”
You grabbed his hand and pulled him close to you. Setting him between your legs.
“Do you mind if I-... oh.” You felt your face heating up
“What is it?”
“You are...”
You looked away from him while your cheeks turned red.
Wakatoshi looked down and saw how tight his erection looked in his pants. He didn’t know he was THAT hard!
“It’s okay if you don’t want to...”
“No! I want to” you held his hand “I really do”
You let go of his hands and started unbuttoning your shirt once you had your bra exposed you lower it down and exposed your breast. You looked up to see your boyfriend and he wasn’t even blinking while looking at your boobs.
“You can touch them if you want...”
You heard him gulp and slowly getting his left hand closer to grab your right breast.
At first he gently squeeze it and played with your nipple but then he started to play with your breast.
“I know the size is...-”
“It perfect...”
You smiled at him and you started to unbutton his pants. He had a little wet spot on his boxers. You started to touch him over his boxers and felt how hard he was, it was so warm to your touch.
“Can I... take it out?”
You grabbed his boxers waist band and carefully pulled them down. And his hard dick popped out. It was think and kinda long with a red tip and some hair on the base.
“I... I don’t know how to hold it... can you... help me?”
He kissed your cheek and grabbed your hand to put it on his dick. Then, he put his hand in top of yours and slowly, started to pump it up and down.
“Like that is fine... I also like to touch the tip... feels nice”
After a couple of pumps, he let you do it on your on. You continued while you felt how Wakatoshi played with your boobs.
You looked up at him and got closer to start kissing.
He would groan occasionally on your lips and you would moan when he pinched your nipples.
“(Y/N)... I think am going to...” he said while you massaged the tip of his dick.
“Go-ahead...” you pumped his dick a little faster than before.
“Mmh... (Y/N)....”
And with a big groan he came on your hand. His cum dripping down your hand and a couple of drops in your skirt. It looked so hot...
He gasped for air and rest his head on your shoulder.
“Was it okay...?” You asked letting go of his dick.
“It was really good...”
He straightened up and gave you a little smile.
“Why did we took so much time to do it?”
You chuckled and kissed him again. You might save the condoms for another time.
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
hello, hello. I would like you request shiratorizawa 3rds boys playing Minecraft with their s/o🤭
I think with tendou would be hilarious
Nah bc Satori would be killing ur cats 😭 this is so cute
Playing minecraft w GN!reader ft. Ushijima, Tendou, and Semi.
Ushijima Wakatoshi:
"How do you- I'm being attacked by zombies." His voice is nonchalant and he stares at you waiting for your input.
"'Toshi, use your sword!" You don't even look at him because you're fighting a stupid skeleton.
"Which button was that again?" His character is close to dying.
"We should have played on creative mode." A snort escapes your lips and he smiles at you.
"Maybe I'll lose more often if I get to hear that cute laugh of yours." You don't even have to look at him to know he's smirking.
"Better stop daydreamimg cuz I'm robbing your place." You laugh again.
His brows furrow, he looks so cute. "Hey, I've gathered all that myself, you can't take it." He shakes his head playfully.
"Quit getting distracted by my hotness, then." You smile.
"That's hard to do.." He sighs trying to keep from smiling,
Tendo Satori:
"Satori!!" You scream kicking his side. He starts cackling.
"What?" He asks trying and failing to sound innocent.
"You snake! You burnt my house down!" It took you two weeks straight to finish your build, it was perfect.
"Ah... that was your house? Oops." It wasn't an accident, the smirk on his face said so.
"I'm so going to get you back." You scoff and walk over to his place and kill some of his cattle and his favorite cat— which is named after you.
"You killed, (name)?!" He screeches in shock.
"I'm not your minecraft bae anymore, 'Tori." You feel pretty satisfied with yourself.
"Two can play that game." His character makes his way to your burnt down house. He finds your favorite wolf in his pin and kills him. "Goodbye Satori junior, your sacrifice was not in vain."
"You killed my baby and burned my place?!" You weren't able to believe what happened in a little over five minutes.
"Okay how about we make a truce and I help you build your house again?" He knew you couldn't resist such an offer.
"Fine but if you burn down my place again, I will kill all of your animals." He chuckles at your childness. He loves that about you.
Semi Eita:
"Did you kill them yet?" You ask Semi waiting for the green light.
"Mhm.. give me like two seconds." He was concentrating hard, but you can't help being silly.
"One, two." You count out very fast and he scoffs at you.
"Okay I'm done, go go go." He says and your character runs into the house of the villager he just killed.
"What's in there?" He asks with amusement.
"Let's leave, it's only bread." You let out a laugh from your gut as he sighs.
"Damn, this is like the fifth house with nothing good in it." He groans, it's not a big deal to kill villagers, its just time consuming.
"What if we rob the pillagers? It's risky but I'm sure they have some good items." You mention, it causes your boyfriend to smile at the thought.
"Okay, we'll give it one last shot." He was just as determined as you are.
Actually finding the pillagers took over an hour, you happened to stumble across one and it began attacking you.
"Eita, help! I found a pillager!" You scream and he laughs at you. It's so adorable to see you really getting into the game. Honestly, he's thinking about leaving you by yourself to see how you'd respond.
"Eita, where are you?!" You're fighting the pillager with your sword that wasn't as cool as your boyfriend's sword.
You can hear muffled laughter, indicating that Semi planned on letting you die. That bastard.
"Eita please, I'm dying!" The pillager gets the upperhand, it shoots you one last time and your character dies.
"Eita, how could you?! I thought we were partners in crime!" If anyone else heard what you said without context they'd be confused. Your boyfriend on the other hand broke into fits of laughter.
"I'm sorry baby, try to catch up." Eita lets out a small giggle. At least he waits for you to catch up before continuing.
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Heyyyy, thanks for this request ily anon!! I think Tendo's is my favorite, he is such a cute menace. Anyways thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it :P
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deadinside8675 · 3 months
just a cat girl and her superhero boyfriend
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I copied the picture on the right the to best I could do
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aphroditelovesu · 9 months
Oi!Tudo bem?Pode escrever uma carta de yandere Apolo para uma leitora que é esposa dele mas ele acabou sabendo que ela está tendo caso com outra mulher?(Eu andei ouvindo "I Kissed a girl da Katty Perry e essa ideia não saiu da minha cabeça)Eu adoro a sua escrita!
Tenha uma boa noite/madrugada 😊
author's note: vocês amam um drama e eu escrevo com muito prazer! Eu amo essa música e eu estou escutando Boyfriend da Dove que combina com a da Katy. E tenha uma boa noite/madrugada também! ❤️😄
My beloved,
Today, the tears of my heart fall like golden drops from the sun, dyeing the sky blood red, because I discovered the dark secret you kept. The news that you, my beloved wife, have given yourself to another, a woman, has burned my soul like the incandescent rays that emanate.
I, Apollo, the god of the sun and music, who spreads beauty and harmony throughout Olympus and Earth, was plunged into deep darkness. I, who inspired love songs and poetry, am now consumed by a wild passion, an uncontrollable rage.
It's as if the strings on my lyre have turned into chains of fire, binding me inescapably to you. My heart burns with jealousy, yet my love for you remains undiminished. I don't know how I should react, I'm full of anger and jealousy, but I can't hurt you.
I want you to know that I can't live without you, my muse, my reason for being. I watch you, day and night, like the sun and moon, ever present, ever burning with desire. I promise that, if necessary, I will do whatever it takes to get you back, even if it means destroying everything that dares come between us. And I will destroy that woman who dare to touch you.
May this ardent love of mine lead you to reconsider your choices and to win back your heart, because without you my life has lost its shine and my music its charm. Always remember that for me you are the only star in my universe, and I will never let you go out. You are mine and I won't forgive your betrayal so easily. Prove yourself to me and maybe I will be kind to your punishment, my love.
With love and disappointment,
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geniousbh · 27 days
https://twitter.com/babiepipe/status/1788611973434966276?s=46&t=P-vFopqdjOVxKKaVnS8uNw não lalau mas ele deste 🤏🏻 tamanho. juro que saco ele todo fofinho falando sem parar de mexer as mãos felipe otaño be my boyfriend challenge
ele gesticula tanto, e quando tá ansioso fala super rapidinho, ele é muito momma's boy! queria tanto ser a namoradinha introvertida que ouve ele contar sobre o dia, sobre os novos amigos de elenco e os desafios de gravar, até me cansar e dar beijinhos na boca dele pr ele ir parando enquanto eu solto "uhum", "é?", "aham..", e ele vai amolecendinho...................
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schelamski · 6 months
Things Haikyuu Boys would do in a relationship (pt. 4)
-Ushijima, Tsukishima, Oikawa, Bokuto, Osamu
Part 1: Sakusa, Kita, Asahi, Hinata, Tendo
Part 2: Nishinoya, Iwaizumi, Suna, Kuroo, Yaku
Part 3: Kenma, Kageyama, Terushima, Akaashi, Atsumu
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
Ushijima Wakatoshi: Helping you put a necklace on
Wakatoshi likes to spoil his girlfriend, especially on your birthday. Right now you are struggling to put on the beautiful necklace that he gifted you, special to you because of the engraving on the back. “Toshi can you help me?” you ask him and his hands are immediately on your neck, closing the necklace around it. He is looking at you in the mirror while letting his hands linger a little longer than necessary on your nape before putting your hair back in place and stretching out his hand to take you to the dinner reservation he made to celebrate your special day.
Tsukishima Kei: Deep convos about random shit
Normally he doesn’t talk that much and especially not over something so seemingly unimportant but with you he is conversing without any snarky remarks or hesitation. Kei could talk for days about the deeper meaning of a recent book you two happen to have read, a theory regarding his most beloved fossils or everything else that’s running through his head. You always admire his way of thinking and you are happy each time he gives you insight on what’s happening in this smart head of his. The way you are listening and talking to him never fails to make him want to shut up again and just kiss you, after all he is better at showing his emotions through actions than words.
Oikawa Tooru: Having a special song
It was the song that was playing in the small copy shop where you were waiting to receive your printed pictures when you met Tooru. He wanted to print out some pictures to craft a photo album for his nephew when he noticed you humming the melody of the song absently. On your third date in a mini golf arena the song started playing again and since then it’s been the song to which you have the best memories. If he ever gets the chance to marry you, he wants this song to play during your first dance.
Bokuto Koutaro: Randomly looking at each other and saying, “I love you so much”
Currently you were suffocated with the weight of your boyfriend who was laying on top of you but you wouldn’t be able to catch a breath anyway because suddenly he told you that he loved you. That was the first time he told you and you weren’t able to say it back until he moved to look at you because you’ve been silent for too long. After that it happened at the weirdest times. For example, when Kou asked you which type of rice to bring or when he walked in on you sitting on the toilet or even in front of all of his team when you came to watch the MSBY team practice. After hearing it some more in unexpected situations you even started to learn to say it back to him in time.
Miya Osamu: Hugging the back of them and putting your face on their shoulder
There is no better feeling after a long exhausting day than coming home to find Samu standing in front of the stove working on some meal for you to eat. You make your way into the kitchen and collapse against his broad back while leaning your face on his shoulder, humming in appreciation. You follow him around the kitchen like this until he leads you to the table and places a plate of incredibly good smelling food in front of you and him. Over dinner you ramble to him about your day during which he reminds you with a soft smile to eat before the food gets cold. After the dinner you two spend the rest of the evening cuddling on the sofa, both enjoying the soothing warmth of each other’s bodies.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
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getosarea-archived · 2 years
18+ content, minors dni.
the category is needy and clingy boyfriends who crave your touch whenever you're doing something as sweet and innocent as cuddling with them. these are the same guys who suggest trying out cockwarming and get all restless barely five minutes into it because they're a bunch of horny fuckers who have zero sense of self control. they're so urgent with their advances too. lifting your unsuspecting hand and placing it flat on their crotches, smirking at you suggestively when you looked at them in confusion. "come on babe, pretty please?" they ask, batting their lashes and acting all cute puppy dog like. they convince you by incentivizing you. "babe i promise i'll treat you so fucking good if you do this for me." they flatter you. "babe, no one can make me feel as good as you do. i swear to god you have no idea how bad i've been wanting you to touch me. it's driving me insane." not to say that their words aren't genuine, because these confessions are coming straight from the heart (cock) and have no ulterior motive, other than you giving into their pleas. and if you do pleasure them, if you give them exactly what they want and more, they will worship you. they act like they're about to be emasculated, as if this is the last time they'll ever be able to have sex. they're so dramatic, it's embarrassing. but they always stand by their word. they treat you just as good as you treat them, even better sometimes. at the end of the day, it's because of these very traits that you know they are never leaving you for someone else, especially if it's for sex.
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