#talk to myself
pattarainn · 22 days
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I just want to see them happily retiring together, with him as a Battlestar Commander turned househusband, and her as the Secretary of Education, a working wife. Then, years later, a party asks her to run for presidency, and she gets elected, and they become the unstoppable power couple they are.
(Also not me, trying to write a fanfic where they first meet at the Galactica decommissioning ceremony and then fall in love. Adar regrets losing her, especially to an aging soldier he deems unworthy and socially inferior.
He even insults them, saying she's playing a matador, messing around with a Tauron bull, and trying to SA her. But she punches him in the face (because Bill taught her boxing skill), and it's all caught on camera. Suddenly, she's the talk of the town, praised for defending herself against assault and becomes the new face of #metoo.
And Tauron people all become fans of her because she chose to defend her Tauron partner and chose him over the frakking President of the Twelve Colonies himself. And baby Kyliegh Curran as Lenore Usher, may or may not be their granddaughter from Lee and Dee, who's so close to and loved by her grandparents <3
But since English isn't my first language and I'm so busy with work and adulthood, I don't even know if I could find time to continue drafting this shite. I just love Roslin x Adama in AUs without the attack soooo sooo bad.)
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arissopian · 6 days
Apapun yang pertama kali orang lain pikirkan tentang kita..
Semoga yang baik menjadikan diri kita baik, yang buruk dijauhkan dari diri dan semoga tidak menjadi keburukan bagi orang lain karena pikirannya.
Bengkel Motor, 210424.1100.
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Early morning 🌞
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karistiltskin · 2 months
nessa barrett’s music is extremely regulus black coded.
no i will not explain, go listen.
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Eminem - Talk to Myself ft. Miley Cyrus
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
He will say nothing half so hard to me as what I say to myself all day long.
Anthony Trollope, from Can You Forgive Her?
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miirnamagdy · 8 months
Two lonely people together.🦋🌑
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vulgarpr1nce55 · 1 year
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tw // suicide and self harm
decided i didn’t want to vent on instagram anyways yeah i look fine in this picture but a month before this i wrote my suicide note and a couple weeks after i took this photo i tried to kill myself not the first time but definitely one of my most intense attempts. i had been deteriorating for months and begging for help and my mom didn’t take me seriously… i’ve moved forward but i will never forgive her for not listening to her. a listening ear could’ve saved my life. i thought that was my lowest but it only got worse…. and worse. sure i can’t cry anymore but it hurts. i feel tainted. this wasn’t a lesson she had to learn. i didn’t need this. it didn’t shape me. it broke me. and i’m so sorry. because i would never do this to her. i would never do this to you. we tried so hard. we tried and that’s all that mattered. i will keep working my hardest. i know you would’ve wanted me to. i’m drawing more now. we aren’t friends with you know who anymore. don’t worry it’s better this way. it doesn’t hurt as much anymore. you and leath talk now. he forgave you. we gained the weight back. we lost a lot more before that happened though. mom and you have reached common ground. you have different friends now but it is okay because they’re sweethearts. they love you. and we love you. and we will keep loving because a couple sour faces cannot break you. oh sofia, you are strong. stronger than you realize. i’m so sorry.
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manddoublee · 1 year
It's me, and that voice in my head
Telling me that I'm better off dead
If you think that you can make me cry
More than me, myself and I
Well go ahead and try
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If you think that you can make me cry
More than me, myself and I
Well, go ahead and try
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arissopian · 1 year
Ekspresi itu tidak selalu mencerminkan isi hati.
Jangan sampai justru hati kita yang jadi kotor karena sudah berprasangka buruk melihat ekspresi orang lain yang tidak mengenakkan.
Percaya bahwa orang lain berlaku demikian adalah tanpa maksud sengaja lebih aman dan menyelamatkan.
Cianjur, 131222.1348
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gibla · 2 years
I went to the store the other day on a mission for sugar and I went to the wrong isle and absent mindedly picked up a box of tea. I randomly snapped into reality realizing that definitely wasn’t why I was looking for so I whispered to my self “ what’s wrong with you dumb nut” and slapped my forehead I went to leave the isle and turned around to see a couple looking at me like I was vecna.
I embarrassedly walked out of the store, half way home I realized I forgot the sugar but got the tea.
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kickdrumheart68 · 2 years
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
I attack myself before she can.
Anna Dorn, from Vagablonde
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