#swing trading training
mayuri-manufacturer · 8 months
Best Equity & Commodity Classes in Pune | Sri Vallabh
Sri Vallabh's Stock Trading Academy, offering the best equity & commodity classes in Pune. With expert guidance and comprehensive curriculum, we empower traders to enhance their skills and knowledge. Our equity classes provide valuable insights into the stock market, technical analysis, and trading strategies. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trader, our courses cater to all levels of proficiency. Additionally, our commodity classes delve into the intricacies of the commodities market, providing you with the tools to make informed trading decisions in this dynamic sector.
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mahesh23 · 1 year
Sri Vallabh Investment offers the Complete Swing Trading Course gives the opportunity to learn basic to Advanced Swing Trading Strategies with new techniques & technologies in the stock market which helps you to book a profit either the market is bull or bearish.
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rajeshiv · 1 year
The Complete Swing Trading Course - Sri Vallabh Invesment
Sri Vallabh Investment offers the Complete Swing Trading Course gives the opportunity to learn basic to Advanced Swing Trading Strategies with new techniques & technologies in the stock market which helps you to book a profit either the market is bull or bearish.
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
Firsts V
Hardersson x Baby!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Your first steps
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There's something about your little family that makes Magda feel soft.
She isn't soft. Not really.
She's one of the best defenders in the world. She's intimidating and scary and people falter when she glared at them.
But here, in Germany, she isn't any of those things.
In Germany, she's lying on the sofa with Pernille on top of her, trading soft kisses while something random plays on the tv. You're sitting in front of them, banging some blocks together aimlessly.
You babble some half-words and Magda knows that you're very close to forming your first words soon. You grunt a little bit before deciding to taste your blocks.
Magda laughs. "Does that wood taste nice?" She teases and you turn to look at her.
You grunt at her again, before throwing your block over to where your girl-swan and girl-moose are sat further away.
"Oh!" Magda says," Did it not taste nice then?"
You hum, shuffling across the floor to where your stuffed animals await you.
Magda winces. "Does she have to do that?"
You shuffle more furiously on your bum to your other toys.
"She's happy," Pernille laughs.
"But..." Magda watches as you smash your moose and swan together. "She can crawl..."
"And she wants to bum shuffle," Pernille replies," She can crawl and she can bum shuffle. She tends to crawl more at training."
Magda pouts, something truly pathetic for such an intimidating Chelsea player to have on her face. "I want to see her crawl too."
She doesn't get to see you crawl often. When she comes over to Germany, you like to be carried and when you're put down, all you seem to do is bum shuffle your away around the apartment.
You giggle from across the room as you smash your toys together again.
"She's being violent, Pernille," Magda says.
"She's making them kiss," Pernille replies, glancing over at you.
"Yes," Pernille assures her with a little laugh," Princesse!"
You turn to look at her, halting your playing.
"Can you show me how your toys kiss?"
Your head bobs up and down and you smash your toys together again.
"Good job, princesse!" She says before grinning at Magda. "See, she's just aggressively affectionate."
"Aggressively affectionate?" Magda laughs," Is that we're calling it?"
"I think it's sweet."
Magda rolls her eyes, dipping her head down to press her lips against Pernille's. Pernille kisses back until suddenly they're trading lazy pecks back and forth as they cuddle together.
You turn your head to look at them both.
Whenever Morsa comes to visit, she's very cuddly with you and Momma. Today is no different.
She flew in last night when you were already asleep so today is a calm day at home. That's what usually happens.
The day after Morsa flies in, there's a chill day where you do nothing but stay at home and then the day after, you will all go out and do something together.
Most of the time it's the park and Morsa will push you on the swings and help you feed the ducks.
But that's for tomorrow.
Today is for kisses and snuggles.
Momma and Morsa have gotten started without you. That was okay at first when you were still playing with your toys but you're done now and want to be included.
You whine a little but neither notice you.
With Morsa home, you don't really need to use your legs because she likes to carry you everywhere.
You raise your arms for uppies but no one comes for you.
You huff.
You don't want to have to shuffle over because it makes a silly noise and you would prefer to be picked up.
It's a little annoying and you force yourself to your feet.
You've stood before at training, holding Caro's hands even as she glanced around the room in horror at being responsible for you.
So, you've had practice at standing so you stand now.
Momma and Morsa are still taking up all your kisses.
You want kisses too.
One foot comes down in front of the other until you're standing in front of them both.
Somewhere along the way, they've stopped kissing to watch but you're just very happy to get your own cuddles and kisses to really care.
"Did she just...?"
"Yeah." Magda's face splits into a grin. "Look at you, princesse!" She grabs you, fluidly pulling you into her arms. "Walking already!"
Kisses are littered over your face and you giggle, kicking out your little legs in happiness.
Pernille stays frozen for a while before she's taking you from Magda's arms and placing you back down further away.
You frown.
You're pretty sure you've already earnt your kisses.
"Come on," Pernille says to you, a camera in one hand," Do it again. Do it again, princesse!"
You place one shaky leg in front of the other as you toddle right back into her arms.
"Look at you," She coos," Such a big girl."
"I think this calls for cake," Magda says and you perk up.
You know that word.
"You want cake?"
Your head bobs up and down.
"Let's get cake."
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chrysalind · 2 months
last chance
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pairing: kuroo tetsurou/reader wc: 860 tags: pre-relationship, fluff, high school setting (third year), bad flirting, kuroo is really trying
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"What'd you get for number 8?" Kuroo asks as he leans over you.
"Umm," you tilt your head and the golden light of the late afternoon sun flickers across your cheek. "I think I put down 1868 to 1912."
"Wait, seriously?" He claps his hand on his forehead. That's five questions he's probably got wrong now, not to mention he'd barely finished writing his second essay, meaning the maximum possible grade he could get is...
"I hate history," he grumbles, trying to redirect his train of thought from its depressing destination. "I'm never taking it in university."
You sigh ruefully. "I feel the same way about chemistry. The moment I walked out of yesterday's exam, every piece of knowledge about thermodynamics just—" you wave your hand near your temple, "—vanished."
"Bet you're glad I gave you my notes though, right?"
The train doors slide open and a crowd of students from another school shuffle in. His legs brush against yours as he tries to make more room around him.
"Only because I gave you my English notes," you counter dryly, moving your bookbag onto your lap as a freckled teen slides into the seat beside you. The small plastic Keroppi charm on its side swings erratically against your thigh.
"A more than fair trade," he reasons. "Especially since I was getting the highest mark in chem, while you were just below Takaichi in English."
"Takaichi's mom is from New Zealand," you reply, with a roll of your eyes. "He's been practically fluent since he was born. Plus, your handwriting sucks, so you get points taken off for that."
Kuroo snorts, but has no choice but to concede. After all, he can barely read his own notebooks from last semester.
He watches as the Tokyo cityscape rushes past, still thrumming with life, even as the sun dips low in the sky. It's hard to imagine an afternoon where he won't be packed into the subway at this time, with his loosened Nekoma uniform tie around his collar, and your occasional company on the afternoons he's able to catch you at the school entrance.
His short spell of mourning is interrupted by the announcer as the train pulls into a familiar station. You both exit onto the platform and make a beeline towards the escalators.
"I'm not staying in Tokyo," he says, as you're halfway through the barriers.
Keroppi's face smacks against your zipper as you pause. "Oh?"
"I'm going to Osaka," he continues, weaving through the crowd. You fall into step beside him and there's a second in which Kuroo thinks he's vastly overestimated his importance in your life.
"That's..." He watches as a crease forms between your brows. "I thought you were going to Tokodai."
"Nah," he says, re-adjusting the strap of his bag. "I think it'd be good to gain some independence, you know?"
"Right," you say, tucking your Suica away. The sound of the city fills in the quiet that follows as you step out of the station.
Truthfully, Kuroo had been hoping for something—anything—more than the pensive silence that now settles between the two of you as you both walk the last few blocks of your high school era. But as you round the corner, the weight of the moment only grows heavier.
From his peripheral vision, he can tell you're sulking with your lips turned down in a pout that you probably aren't even aware of. And even though you've never admitted it to anyone, he's not oblivious to the way you can barely hold his gaze for more than two seconds, or how you linger at the intersection when you part ways.
"You know," he says, as you both stand before a crosswalk, "this is probably your last chance."
Your eyes flash up at him.
"What do you mean?"
He straightens up.
"Your last chance to admit that you're in love with me," he blurts. He had meant for it to come out a bit smoother, maybe aiming for a kind of teasing tone, but something had gone horribly wrong in the last second. Embarrassingly, he feels his own cheeks grow hot at the boldness of his declaration.
The crosswalk indicator changes, but you're both frozen in place.
You blink, looking absolutely bewildered, and he begins to fear that he's broken you.
And then an odd sound emerges from your mouth—a short snicker, followed by an open burst of laughter. Your giggle seems to carry over the noise of the traffic around you and Kuroo tries very hard not to die right then and there.
Instead, he forces himself to laugh along. How could he have miscalculated so bad?
He's sure he'll remember this moment for many sleepless nights ahead.
"Don't worry," you say later with the world's most bemused smile, as you near his building. "It's not my last chance."
Kuroo works up the courage to look you in the eye.
"After all, I still have our graduation ceremony."
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gogobootz1 · 6 months
The Mentor pt.4
Finnick Odair x Reader
Summary: Back at home in your district, you debate the merits of calling the phone number you've been given
part three | part five
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You stare at the phone. You’ve been on the floor next to your bed, staring at the phone on your nightstand for an extended period of time. 
A crumpled piece of paper seems to taunt you as you clutch it in a tense fist. It has his number on it. Not that you needed to write it down, but you practically ran to the nearest pad of paper when you boarded the train yesterday. 
You sat in this same spot last night, as well, for probably an hour. Ultimately, though, you decided calling the same day would come off as desperate or uncool. 
Although Finnick has thoroughly demystified and made himself available for you, you can’t help but want to make a good impression. The two baby breakdowns you’ve had in his presence probably haven’t helped. Really, to retain your reputation, you should simply not call. But that’d be mean. Would that be mean? But that’s beside the point. You want to call, you do. But you don’t know what exactly he gave you this number for. Talking specifically about your unfortunate shared trade? Trauma dumping? Breakdown hotline? 
Currently, you're handling things as best you can before Snow throws you back in the deep end. Rehashing everything would probably be more damaging. 
You want to call, but would he want to have a normal conversation? Are you capable of having normal, authentic conversations with people at this point? 
Besides, you don’t even know if this is his District Four number or the number to his Capitol residence. Really, you might not reach him at all. 
“What are you doing?” Darla’s voice causes you to jump four feet in the air. Your head snaps quickly over your shoulder to glare at her. Darla had been watching trashy Capitol TV at your house since the train brought you back. She said she didn’t want to be alone.
“What the fuck, D? You can’t just sneak up on a person like that!” You insist. 
She makes a face at you, “It’s not my fault you’re having a staring contest with the phone.”
“Did you want something?” You ask, jaw clenched. 
“Yeah,” she shrugs casually, “someone’s at the door.” Now that surprises you. You jump up, leaving the worn-thin paper beside the phone. 
“And you just left them there?” You breeze past where she stands in the doorway to your enormous bedroom. 
Tramping confusedly down the stairs, you pad barefoot across your wooden floors, through the hallway, and up to the thick oak door separating you from the elements. 
Swinging the front door open, you momentarily regret not grabbing a robe to cover your old pajamas. There’s no one there to witness your fashion faux pas, however, and your nose scrunches in confusion. You lean your torso out of the doorway and into the crisp night air- thankfully warmer than the Capitol. Shaking your head, you seal the door back up and flick the deadbolt. 
“Did they leave a name?” You shout up to where you’d last seen Darla. She doesn’t reply, but as you start walking back to your room you swear you hear her faint voice. 
Suddenly, it clicks. You really should have learned not to underestimate her by now. “Darla!” You break into a sprint across your house. 
“She’s been staring at the phone alllll night,” you hear as you make it to the second floor. 
You know who she’s talking to. And you just know he’s wearing a smirk. You don’t even have to hear the pleased “Really?” that comes through the phone.
Bursting into your room, you tackle her away from the phone. “I’m gonna kill you!” You growl as she starts fighting back. Darla didn’t win her games through pure luck, after all. The phone sits a foot or two away, unattended on the ground, as the two of you wrestle. 
Finnick hears the fight over the phone and listens with a concerned smile. He won’t deny that it’s entertaining. 
Finally, Darla elbows you in the nose and uses the chance to escape. “Sorry! Don’t hang up!” She calls out as she flees your wrath. 
Your shoulders drop in annoyance, and you wipe your upper lip to see she knocked you hard enough to make you bleed. “Bitch!” You call half-heartedly after her. 
Grabbing some tissues, you turn to where she left the phone on the ground. You cautiously make your way over and pick it up with a grimace. “Hello?” 
“Hi,” Finnick’s smart reply rings in your ear, “good wrestling session?” 
“She gave me a bloody nose,” you bemoan. 
“Poor baby,” he taunts, and you scoff. 
“Shut up!” 
“You know, I was told you’ve been staring at the phone for forever,” Finnick ventures, and you can practically see his grin. 
“It wasn’t that long,” you correct, quietly. 
He sighs, “Why didn’t you just call?” 
“I just- I didn’t know if you’d want to talk to me,” you say defensively. 
“I gave you my number,” his confusion is audible. 
With some hesitant, you huff, “Yes.”
“And you called it,” you can hear his smirk through the phone. 
“Not quite,” you snap. 
“That’s ok, you’ll call without youth assistance soon enough,” he says confidently. 
“Are you calling me old?” 
“Never, darling,” he replies lazily. “So… why’d you want to call?” This is the part you were dreading. 
“I don’t know,” you snap defensively. After a moment of silence, you take a breath. Reluctantly, you say, “Aren’t we- friends now?” 
“Wow, a lot of confidence in that statement,” he teases. You glare at the phone. 
“Fuck off,” you say, only half joking. 
“Okay! Friends,” he concedes. More silence. 
“I’m just bad at this, okay?” You admit, feeling awkward. “I haven’t really had a friend in years.” 
To your luck, he takes the information in stride rather than replying with pity. “You mean falling in cow shit didn’t endear you to people?” 
He earns a small grin from you, “You’d be surprised, actually. The family who owns the corner store ate for a week on the money my nana gave them for soap. They loved me.” 
He chuckles thoroughly at that, “Look at you, stimulating the local economy.” 
“Oh yeah,” you laugh too, “you know, that’s happened a few times, actually! Once-“ you cut yourself off. 
“Why’d you stop?” Finnick asks, after a second of silence.  
“You know a lot more about me than I know about you,” you reply cooly. “You don’t get another of my hilarious and charming childhood tales.” 
“Booo,” he complains. 
“Nope,” you stand firm. “That’s how it works. You’re missing out on some good ones, too.” 
“Fine, would one of my childhod stories mske you feel better?” He asks.
“Yes, actually,” you nod. 
“Okay, when I was twelve, there was a district-wide competition and whoever had the biggest catch won. I helped my father pull in the winning fish,” Finnick offers. 
Your face falls flat, and you don’t reply for a few seconds. He calls your name, thinking you might’ve lost connection. “You totally missed the point of this,” you tell him. 
“Excuse me?” He asks defensively.
“Has the great Finnick Odair never had anything embarrassing happen to him in his life?!” You ask, almost frustrated. "Falling in shit is very different than being a champion fisherman,” you say. 
You can almost see him rolling his eyes. “Fine,” he gives in and you grin, “that same day, I kept refusing to wear sunscreen. So by the time we docked with our catch, I’d spent about eight hours in the sun. Well, I didn’t feel it until the next day, but I was so burnt I got incredibly sick.” 
Your shoulders drop, “Finnick, this was supposed to be funny, not sad.” 
“I was wearing sunglasses on the boat all day. When I finally went back to school, all the kids called me ‘goggles' because of my tan line,” he grumbles. You break into a laugh, and he smiles. He likes the sound even more than he did yesterday. 
“Sorry,” you apologize for laughing. 
“No, no, you asked for it,” he shakes his head. “Was that good enough?”
“Definitely,” you nod. 
“So, do I get to hear the story you were about to tell me, then?” He asks expectantly. 
“If you insist,” you tell him. “This was before the poop incident, by the way,” you preface. 
“Naturally,” he nods. 
Smirking, you start, “So, I was sort of a ringleader when I was really young, and one day, I led a group of local kids on a forest adventure.” 
“This can't be good,” he says, and you shake your head. 
“While we were in the woods, we came across some sort of nest.”
“Yes,” you nod, continuing, “So I poked around a bit, and I saw some babies, when suddenly, the animal it belonged to showed up.”
“Of course,” he said. 
“It was unhappy, and started hissing at us. So everyone wanted to run, and I reluctantly agreed, but not before it sprayed us.” 
“Don’t tell me it was-“ 
“A skunk? Yeah,” you confirm, “I was single-handedly responsible for about seven tomato soup baths across town.” 
He laughs, “So whoever made tomato soup was grateful to you too?” 
“Well, the family that sold the tomatoes was, but everyone who had to make the soup was really unhappy with me.” He laughs even harder at that, and you smile at the sound. 
“You know, I doubted you, but I’m starting to think your childhood stories are all charming and hilarious,” he admits. 
“Thank you!” Before you can say anything else, Darla shouts up from downstairs. 
“Your TV is broken!” 
“Hold on a sec,” you tell Finnick, then try to muffle the receiver. It hardly helps, he can hear your whole conversation. 
“So what?!” 
“Come fix it!” 
“Do it yourself!” 
“Hang up on your boyfriend and help me!” 
“Then come spend time with me!” You pause at that one. “Please?!” 
You bring the phone back to your ear and sigh, “I have to go, Darla needs me to fix the TV.” 
“Oh, so you’re a tech wiz too?” He teases you. 
“No, but I might be a babysitter,” you reply.
“You love her,” he corrects. 
You huff, "I do."
"Tell the kid I say hi," you smile at that.
“Will do,” you nod and go to put the phone down. The sound of your name stops you. 
“You know I’m gonna call you now, right?” He asks, and you grin a little. 
“Good,” you confirm, “I’ll be around.” 
“Not staring at the phone I hope,” he says. 
“No, I might be too busy tending to the diva,” you shrug. Darla validifies your statement when she shouts out asking you to make hot chocolate. 
“Good luck,” he offers, "I’ll let you leave before she gives you another bloody nose.” 
You chuckle, shaking your head, “Bye, Finnick.” He wishes you the same before you hang up. You sit there a moment longer. 
“Are you staring at the phone again?” Darla shouts. You roll your eyes, and start heading her way. 
“Just for that you’re not getting hot chocolate,” you taunt, and she complains. 
It’s nice to have friends. 
taglist: @emerald-09 @iwantmyredvelvetcupcake @daixylie @imaegonstargaryenswife0 @fandomhopped @axelinchen
It is getting progressively harder to find good pictures to use for these.
Anyway, I didn't really edit this, but I hope you all enjoyed <3 also I might write something for Johanna soon because I love women - if you have any requests let me know ig?
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
The first bout of whispering, Shiro can ignore. He’s a teacher by trade, after all. Astronaut, sure. Paladin, even. But he always expected to be a teacher, trained for it, and he knows when you put a group of teenagers in a room and expect them to start learning by lecture, there’s going to be some whispering. He’d be concerned if there wasn’t, frankly.
But as it keeps happening, again and again, to the point where it’s almost constant, Shiro begins to lose his patience.
“Lance, Hunk,” he says, catching himself long before then. He tries to smile, gentle but firm. “Everything okay?”
The two boys clam up immediately. Lance even begins to lean slightly away from Hunk, although Shiro’s not sure he notices.
Shiro frowns, puzzled at the reaction. That’s — uncommon. He’s seen embarrassed, seen sheepish, seen unbothered, even seen downright rude, but Lance looks almost… afraid. And Hunk looks at him with a lot more anxiety than the situation calls for, but Shiro is beginning to notice that that’s just Hunk.
The both mutter some semblance of apology, and Shiro moves on quickly, unwilling to dwell on the incident too long.
For the rest of the briefing, he keeps an eye on them. He’s still focused, of course, as their break-in and recon on a nearby Empire warship is not only hugely dangerous, but will also be hugely beneficial, but he lets his notes do a lot of the talking for him. He flits his eyes to the pair every so often, and while Hunk meets his eyes on occasion, smiling slightly, Lance keeps his head down, hunched over his tablet.
Shiro notices that the tablet is powered off. He doesn’t write a single note.
His shoulders are hunched up to his ears.
“Alright, kiddo, good job.”
Keith grins, stepping backwards and bowing to finish the fight. Shiro bows back, matching his smile.
“You did great.”
“I know,” Keith says cheekily. “You’re getting easier and easier to beat. Probably because you’re elderly.”
Shiro raises an eyebrow. “Am I.”
His annoying little brother hums, completely unconcerned. He steps off to the side and starts swinging around his training stick, very clearly showing off. “Mhm. It was super easy to fight you. I just went whoosh, smack, bam! —” he punctuates every sound with a swing and slash of the stick — “and every hit just landed. Honestly, I think a punching bag would have been more of a challenge. Adam is a way better spar partner than you. I wish I was shot into space with him.”
Shiro’s eye twitches. It’s a clear goad, he knows it is. Keith isn’t even trying to hide it. He’s a twerp with too much energy and too much experience pressing all of Shiro’s buttons — a favourite button of his, of course, being the bit of…healthy competition Shiro has always had with his boyfriend.
(He’s well aware of the irony. He hears Adam pointing and laughing in his head every time he endures Keith’s complaining about Lance pulling his mullet, so to speak. In fact keeping his mouth shut about the parallels is the only thing keeping him from throwing Keith down the laundry chute. He’s waiting for a moment when the reveal can be well and truly devastating.)
Shiro manages, with herculean strength, to step away from his turd of a brother, putting his training stick away.
“I am leaving,” he says loudly, pointedly turning away. “I said I’d train one hour with you and not a second more.”
He feels Keith’s pout more than sees it. “Coward.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Shiro snorts, waving his hand dismissively. He hears swishing sounds, and the clicks of buttons — Keith is starting up his own training. Again. “Don’t be late for dinner or I’ll send Lance after you.”
“Can’t promise I won’t maim him,” Keith mutters. “Sometimes I just want to wring his neck.”
Shiro is very familiar with that feeling. Or at least the raving about it. He used to feel great pleasure in driving Adam to that point, just because he was hot when he was mad. But Shiro values his limbs — or at least what’s left of them — where they are, so he keeps the comments to himself as he makes his way out of the training room, meandering back to his own quarters.
He takes his time showering and redressing, knowing he’s got some time before dinner. He thinks Hunk even managed to wrestle Coran out of the kitchen, which means no food goo. It also means that he’s banned from even breathing near the kitchen until the food is fully cooked and completed — which is a bullshit ban and one based in false accusations — but he’s sure he can help set the table, or something. Stir a pot. He’s good at that.
He towels off his hair, not bothering to style it, and takes his time walking over to the kitchens. The castle floors are cold under his bare feet, he finds himself wishing he had the lion slippers Lance made him. They’re very warm. He never wears them because he’s terrified of ruining them, but it’s so icy in here that he might start having to, or else he’ll freeze.
As he approaches the kitchen, he hears voices. He freezes, quieting his steps and pausing behind the wall to listen. Hopefully no one else walks by, or that will be humiliating.
“— all you have to do is ask, Lance, just casually, it’s not even —”
“— it is even, Hunk, it’s the worst and I’m not doing it, why would I inconvenience —”
“— it isn’t! Not even a little! It’s the smallest tiniest thing!”
“Hunk —”
Hunk throws his hands up in exasperation, spoon going flying and splattering some kind of blue sauce all over the cabinets. Neither of them even blinks at it.
“I am tired of watching you struggle, Leandro! Heaven forbid you ask for help!”
Shiro frowns. That’s not good. That sounds serious.
“I asked for help,” Lance huffs, arms crossed over his chest. “I asked you, didn’t I?”
“I don’t count and you know it,” Hunk says sharply, mirroring him. “I already knew.”
Lance looks away, clenching his jaw. His fingers are tangled in his jacket’s sleeve, tense.
“You don’t have to help anymore if it’s too hard,” he mumbles. “I can handle it myself.”
Hunk softens. “It’s not that, Lance.” He wipes his hands in his apron and pulls Lance to his chest. Lance goes, although he doesn’t move his arms, burying his face in Hunk’s shoulder. “You know it’s not that. If that’s all we have then I’ll keep doing it, damn the consequences.” He pulls back slightly, nudging Lance back so he can look him in the face. “You can just do better, dude. All you gotta do is tell Shiro about your —”
A hand claps over Hunk’s mouth, cutting him off, and Lance squeaks, “Hey, Shiro, hello, hi!”
Shiro startles. He scrambles upright before Hunk turns all the way, so at least he’s only seen crouching by the door like a weirdo by one person.
He clears his throat. “Uh, hi.”
“You’re banned from the kitchen,” Hunk says, muffled. How he looks so mighty and dignified with Lance’s hands still very much pressed to his face is well and truly beyond him. Shiro is frankly awed.
“I just came to help set the table,” he assures, hands held up in surrender. “Promise I’ll stay away from the actual food.”
Hunk narrows his eyes, but must decide he could use the help, because he nods, stepping backwards so Lance’s hands fall back down.
“Alright,” he sighs. “I’m making stew. You can set out utensils if you must but know I’ll judge you heavily for it. Lance, come help me finish up.”
Lance scrambles after him, avoiding Shiro’s gaze like he’s sure he’s going to get yelled at. Shiro watches him go, perplexed.
The next few days are, for the most part, manageable. Their mission goes well, Keith is surprisingly mellow — Shiro suspects the little nerd has discovered a library of some kind — and distress calls are minimal. All in all, Shiro should be taking the time as the blessing it is and catching up on some much needed R&R.
Instead, he’s worrying about the Blue Paladin.
Shiro can’t say he knows him well. They’ve hardly been in space a couple of months, after all, and while Shiro must have taught him a couple times — he was in the piloting program so it’s almost impossible that they didn’t cross paths — the Garrison is huge, and Shiro largely teachers younger students. Shiro can’t recall teaching a Lance, anyway.
But he can tell something’s off.
Besides the fact that Hunk keeps looking at Lance with concern, the Cuban seems…withdrawn, almost. He still works hard in training and smokes them in any kind of long distance, but there doesn’t seem to be any joy in it. Even his arguments with Keith seem halfhearted, which Keith will never admit leave him agitated as much as it has Shiro’s eyebrows raising. Shiro is sure, basically, that something is the matter, and surer still that he has to be the one to fix it.
How exactly he should go about it…well, that’s the part he’s struggling with. He knows Lance is kind of star-eyed around him, even though they’re on the same playing field, so Shiro’s not sure just regular talking to him about it is going to do something. And he seemed pretty resistant when Hunk pressed, in the conversation Shiro overheard. He’s just not sure what to do.
Luckily, the situation starts to resolve itself.
“Hey, Shiro, can I talk to you?” Lance mumbles into his breakfast, as everyone else is distracted by Pidge and Keith’s loud argument about cryptids (Shiro has heard it too many times at this point. He’s tuned it out).
Shiro blinks. “Sure,” he says, trying to keep the shock out of his voice. “Now?”
“Uh, after we eat, maybe.”
Shiro tries very hard not to seem over enthusiastic. He sucks at that, so it doesn’t work, and it seems to make Lance more stressed, which only stresses Shiro out more. By the time everyone has finished up and people are starting to file out to various tasks, the tension between them is so thick Shiro feels as if he might suffocate.
Suddenly, as if he propelled himself, Lance springs to his feet, snatching his bowl and Shiro’s and powerwalking towards the kitchen sink. Shiro, startled, follows him.
“You okay?” Shiro asks softly, noticing the whiteness of Lance’s knuckles, clenched around a sponge, and the robotic way he scrubs it across a dirty spoon.
Lance says nothing. He keeps his eyes trained resolutely on the soapy water, spine ramrod straight, nerves bleeding from him in waves.
Hesitantly, Shiro rolls up his sleeves, standing beside him and beginning to dry what he rinses. As Shiro gets close he gets tenser, shoulders hiked up to his ears, but as the minutes drag on, empty kitchen echoing the sound of swishing water and clanking cutlery, he begins to calm down. Shiro watches his face relax, easing its worries twist, and terror fade from his brown eyes.
He hands Shiro the last clean dish to dry, then pulls the plug on the sink, darting over to grab a hand towel and starting to dry.
“Can you write mission plans in pink?”
The words rush out of him, like he’d been holding them between his teeth for God knows how long and they’d finally spilled out. He looks almost nauseous after he says them.
Shiro blinks. That was…not what he’d expected.
“It’s perfectly okay if you can’t,” Lance continues, as if Shiro had not spoken. “I mean, whatever. I’ll figure it out. I’ve gone without this long, after all, and it’s totally doable. Of course there’s the migraines and the agony but that’s all light work. It’s war, after all. Ha.” He chuckles nervously.
He’s shrunk in on himself, looking almost small. Shiro stares at him with a dropped jaw and wide eyes. Lance doesn’t even notice, eyes focused intensely on the hand towel, breathing worryingly erratic.
“I just swore to Hunk that I’d ask, you know. He said it wouldn’t hurt. And of course it wouldn’t but I don’t need it. It’s just. You know.”
Shiro cannot stress enough how much he doesn’t know. He hasn’t felt this lost in a while.
“Pink makes the letters stick to the page. And I know that sounds stupid as shit and that’s because it is stupid as shit, unfortunately. Dyslexia is the dumbest thing in the world, actually. And who named it that? You know how hard that word is to spell? It’s hard. They should have called it — I dunno, I just mean, it’s whatever. It’s fine. I’ve handled it this long. Uh.” He looks up, finally, and maybe he doesn’t know how to make sense of Shiro’s expression, because he winces, shame overtaking his face. He sets down the towel and gestures vaguely behind him, stepping towards the door. “I’m just gonna — go. Sorry. See you later. Sorry.”
He all but flees out of the room. Shiro barely manages to snag the back of his hoodie, holding him in place.
“Lance. Chill a second. Give me time to respond.”
Lance looks deploringly at the door, then back at Shiro. He looks like he’s accepting his death. Shiro can’t help but feel the teensiest bit offended.
“I’m not going to bite you,” he says, aghast. “Jesus, kid. You’re going to give me a complex.”
To Shiro’s great relief, the remark makes Lance grin. Some of the tension eases from his face.
“You sound like my mother.”
“From what I’ve heard, that’s a compliment,” Shiro says lightly. He pulls out two chairs, orienting them so they’re facing each other. He deliberately takes the one farthest from the door, so Lance doesn’t feel trapped. He gestures to the other one. “Sit.”
Lance does.
“Now. From the beginning and with a little less fear, hopefully. Tell me what’s up, kiddo.”
Lance looks down at his hands, where he’s picking at a scar on his wrist.
“Um. So. I have dyslexia. I can’t read too well.”
Lance cringes as he says it. Shiro wonders who he has to kill for putting the idea that this is something to be ashamed about in his head.
“Cool,” Shiro says, as encouragingly as he can manage. “The main character of my favourite book series as a kid had dyslexia. I was jealous of everyone who had it. I used to pray for it.”
The revelation startles a laugh out of Lance, like Shiro hoped it would. The tension melts right off of him.
“You prayed?”
“Every night,” Shiro affirms, grinning. “I even crossed my eyes and pretended when it didn’t work. My mother didn’t believe me for a second.”
“You’re a dweeb,” Lance says, sounding kind of awed. Like he’s shocked that Shiro, too, is a nerd loser on this castle full of other nerd losers. “Dyslexia sucks.”
Letting his face settle into something more serious, Shiro nods. “I imagine it does.” He reaches over and squeezes Lance’s hand, subtly stopping him from picking at the skin. Keith has the same bad habit. “Writing in pink helps?”
Lance shrugs. “Sorta. Dunno why. But things are less squiggly when they’re written in pink or red. Not perfect, but it’s something. I can hardly read at all when they’re in black; it’s like my eyes are spinning out of my head trying to focus on ‘em. Gives me migraines like you would not imagine.”
“And thus Hunk whispering the plans to you so you don’t have to read them,” Shiro surmises, the whispering during briefings suddenly making sense. Guilt twinges in his belly.
“Yeah. Sorry about that, by the way. Didn’t mean to be rude.”
“Of course not,” Shiro says gently. “I get it now. Sorry for not understanding.” He frowns, remembering something. “I should’ve asked beforehand. Or suspected something, or known better, really. I had a kid a few years back in one of my astronomy courses. Li-something. I marked all his stuff in red for the same reasons.”
Lance makes a very particular face. Warning bells go off in Shiro’s head.
“I appreciated that very much,” Lance says politely.
It takes a moment for it to click.
Shiro considers banging his head against the table.
“Please tell me no,” he begs, ears reddening.
“It was a great honour to be renamed by the Takashi Shirogane,” Lance insists.
“I had you in my class for three years!” Shiro says, aghast. “I — I called you Li all the time! In front of people!”
“I didn’t want to correct you! That’s — embarrassing!”
Shiro cradles his head in his hands. Dear God. He knows he’s not great with names, but — Jesus. To rename a kid. Blatantly. Other teachers must have thought he was some cruel jackass.
“I think there was a Li McKinney ahead of me in roll call,” Lance offers, patting Shiro’s back delicately. “So. Pretty easy to mess up.”
“Did you write your name as Li on tests? And assignments?”
“After the first couple times, yeah. Hunk laughed at me. At a certain point I’d just dug myself too deep, I think.”
Shiro sighs, dragging his hand down his face. It’s still quite hot. He looks up at Lance, who’s mouth is twitching.
“You were short as shit back then,” he observes, trying to picture the kid in his class. “Like, shorter than Pidge.”
Lance scowls. “I was — saving up on growth spurts. Yeah. So. Purge that from your memory.” He smirks. “Like my name.”
Shiro groans. “I’m never hearing the end of that, am I.”
Lance smiles. “Probably not. I didn’t know you were uncool. It’s interesting. I’m seeing you in a whole new light.”
Shiro rolls his eyes, but reaches over to mess with Lance’s hair, like he would Keith. Unlike Keith, Lance freaks out way harder, screeching something about hard work and artistic expression.
He smiles. “Glad you came to talk to me, kid.”
Lance sticks out his tongue, but he looks pleased, too. “Yeah, yeah.”
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chaosology · 10 months
— Sam Kerr x reader
based off this request. i hope i did you justice :)
“Bit cold this morning, are we Kerr!?”
Sam’s head rose as the voice reached her ears. Her favourite hoodie had been missing from its normal spot and she was left freezing in the middle of the field, the morning sun no use. How did this happen? Sam was a routine person - the same socks at every game, the same seat on every bus. She wore her hoodie every morning she trained, placing it atop her bag the night before as to not forget it.
She stood midfield, her Aussie accent loud and clear as she let out an exasperated “I don’t know where the fuck it isss” at the sky. The team just laughed at her antics, chucking a ball at her feet and mumbling something under their breath about how it “wasn’t even that cold.”
Though, it was an unusually frosty morning in Melbourne. The grass crunched under their feet as they walked across the field, leaving trails of green footprints in a sea of almost white. The Australian was racking her brain, where the actual fuck was it? The wind was beginning to bite, and she resorted to rubbing her hands up and down her arms just for some relief.
That morning’s training passed quick, and Sam eventually warmed up as she stretched with Kyra. She had formed a now loved routine: wake up, train, go for brunch with her girl. Y/N would swing by after training to pick her up, rolling down the window and smiling as she pulled up on the curb. She usually didn’t get out the car, instead choosing to admire from afar and pick the most raunchy, explicit song to blast when Sam got close.
It’s funny, you should see your face! A little bit of Megan Thee Stallion never hurt anyone...
She would pretend to be annoyed, but Sam knew Y/N loved the idea of the team’s stoic team captain climbing into a car blasting “real hot girl shit.” And Sam just loved seeing her happy.
As coach dismissed them, she wandered over to the changing rooms to grab her bag and meet Y/N at the car. However, she wasn’t expecting for Alanna to clap her on the shoulder with a giggly I think you’ve got your answer, Sammy.
Y/N stood by Sam’s locker, chatting with Katrina and twirling Harper’s hair absentmindedly. Something had made her laugh, and Sam just admired. The way her eyes lit up and she threw her head back, her hand coming to her chest to fiddle with the strings of her hoodie.
But it wasn’t Y/N’s hoodie.
The slight frustration that had built up over the morning had lifted. She looked so goddamn cute, and Sam couldn’t help but stare. She was walking over in an instant, her hands coming to rest on Y/N’d hips as she whispered a small “hey, you” from behind.
Y/N turned in an instant, excusing herself from her prior conversation to embrace Sam. She was warm and soft and adorable, and the star striker almost couldn’t let go. By now, it was just the two of them. Y/N looked up, her eyes almost glassy.
“I’m so sorry, baby. Mini told me this was your special one and I was just cold, I really didn’t know”
“No, you love your routines. What if you really needed it, or-”
“Stop,” she said, pulling Y/N to her chest. “To hell with that. Do have any idea how goddamn adorable it is to see you in my clothes?”
Sam’s hand came to Y/N’s chin, tilting her head upwards. Her finger ran delicately across her lip as she sighed,
“Don’t ever take it off. Wear it to my games, make that our routine now, hey?”
No words were shared as they kissed, Y/N’s arms coming to wrap around her love’s neck. In truth, Y/N had purposely seemed out this hoodie. She didn’t know it was special, but it was the one Sam wore the most. The collar smelled just like her, and when she slept that morning without her girlfriend by her side she’d feel less alone.
“So, if we’re trading now… does this mean you’ll wear my barbie hoodie?!”
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flusteredtuna · 5 months
Focus On The Target
Geralt of Rivia x !fem! Witcher Reader
Words: 3k+
Warnings: ( 18+ Mature Only ) Choking, Finishing inside, fingering, riding,
Summary: After months of tension, a visit to his bedroom sparks something that was a long time coming.
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“Focus on the Target.”
Geralt of Rivia was a Witcher to be reckoned with. His hard exterior is thicker than bone and rock. It’s just the way he has to be, to be able to fight those dreadfully awful monsters.
He took you under his protection initially a handful of months ago, when he found you lost in the forest. A lost and broken female Witcher. It was no law of surprise but you both found yourself inseparable. And with every foe you both have crossed, you have insisted that you can fend for yourself. It’s hard for you to resist being stubborn about it since you were both around the same age and once wielded power like his.
Today, he finally decided to teach you the trade of combat. Since you never learned under prior “guardianship”. For, there would be a point where you would lose at your attempt to get involved.
Your leather boots squelch into the terrain below as you pull your arm in with blade in hand. The slight breeze that carries sprinkles of rain falls into the bay of your parted lip. You swing the throwing knife at the target ahead, hearing it whisper its sharpness in the air as it flies. The knife thuds on the ground, refusing to stick into the wooden target.
“Your grip is key.” He places another blade in your hand gripping your fingers tightly around it to show you how hard you should hold it. “The angle you throw should follow your arm’s aim…” Looking over at him, watching his yellow eyes flicker as he focuses on your training, you admire his strong features. His husky jaw and broad shoulders. The way his hair looks like beds of fallen snow and soot, with a strand falling next to his furrowy brows. More than a handsome man, but a damn good-looking one.
“Just inhale deeply and let it go as you throw. Just like the bow and arrow.” You nod “I understand”.
You spin your head back toward the target that is nailed to the wide tree, narrowing your eyes. Throwing again you manage to make it stick, but not in the center.
“Better,” His voice sounds full of gravel. But it’s deep enough to be alluring.
You’ve been attracted to his presence since you met him. And he’s felt the same about you. There have been many times when hands graze, tension fogs a room, and sometimes your lips almost meet during the fading of dusk. Your hearts were more than friends, but you both never mentioned any sort of lust, when it fluttered in the air. You both just let it pass by for some unknown reason. I mean, how could you turn down a man so protective and valiant as him?
“Remember to take your time, the ease will keep you in line with your target.” He gets closer to you guiding your arm with his hand, “When the knife leaves your hand, you want to be aiming higher than the target.” Shifting your eyes from him back to the target, just to get a sense of how close he is. You inhale deeply, letting it all fly away with the throw of the next knife.
Geralt is impressed and nods. “Good, very good.” He hands you another knife. “Again.” His dominating tone makes him all the more attractive.
Continuing to practice, you make a good improvement. Even with the distractions of him looming over you, or showing you how to hold the blade correctly. Not to mention the exchange of glances here and there that feel so seductive. But his expressions are always too cold to tell half the time.
You practice until the sun begins setting in the sky. He plucks the last knives out from the spiral wooden target. “You did well.” As you move toward him he turns around to take the last two from your hand. “I believe I’ve made quite the improvement on the path to proving you wrong, Geralt.” His response is a huff. The closest thing you’ll get to a chuckle from him.
“We should get back inside before it turns dark.” He looks at you, “Get some food and rest”.
You both make your way back to the tall house you’ve decided to reside at for the month. It’s tall and made of cobble. Wide and large, but not as large as a mansion. It’s just more than enough space. The mossy stone is gorgeous with the way the golden light showers its surface.
After eating a sufficient meal you decide to head to the bath. Geralt leaves you to clean up and relax, as you’ve earned it. The bathroom is just as homey yet grand as the house itself. A large sunken smooth stone tub, with buckets and candles around it. Cloth to wash and dry with as well. You undress from your robes, covered in mud and grass stains. Slipping every item off with ease as your breath deepens in relaxation.
The bath is warm as you step in, one leg at a time, then sit on the inner step of the tub. The cuts on your knuckles sting as they meet the water. Training did not only involve throwing knives but it involved throwing punches. Some against hardwood.
Although you are exposed, you feel safe, finding peace within the subtle darkness of the room. You steep in the tub for a while, taking your time cleaning yourself. Tilting your head back and closing your eyes, you soak and relax further.
So relaxed you are reluctant to hear the door creek open. “Oh uhm.” That coarse voice makes you shoot your eyes open to find Geralt standing there. You catch him looking at your wet and free breasts, so beautiful as they glisten from candlelight. He quickly turns away, “Sorry I thought you had finished.” The last word echoes in your head. Finished. The interaction makes you grin. He’s felt the breast he sees before him yet he has trouble looking out of respect for your current nature.
“Not yet.” You tease and play with his words and smirk, looking him up and down. You wouldn’t mind if he were to look again. Maybe come over and join you. “I’m almost done. Unless you want to join me.”
Geralt nods and moves closer, refusing to look anywhere in your direction. You’re surprised he decided to join you, but you guess he just thought it was best to not waste warm water. “I cannot stay for long. I have tasks that need my attention later tonight”. He finally meets your eyes but doesn’t explore anywhere else.
“Well, There’s plenty of warm bath.” You gesture to the other side of the large tub. It’s spacious enough to fit four people. He starts to take off his ragged dark clothes of the day and steps into the bath, only leaving on his medallion. His body was covered in those familiar scars he lets you ask about. He sinks into the tub, and you watch him out of the corner of your eye, wanting to pay the same respect to him as he did to you.
He seems very at ease in the pool as if everything else is just white noise. He closes his eyes and sighs as if he were waiting for this moment of relaxation. The water blurs everything beneath the surface as it ripples, and you watch the water as it waves.
“So what does the night feature for you tonight? You said you have tasks.” Your eyes meet his. Geralt seems to think for a moment, the water lapping the sides of the pool. “Nothing too serious. Need to deliver a Kikimora leg to an alchemist in town.”
His voice is comforting and relaxing. He has a lot of experience with monsters, so it’s quite natural for him to speak of them so calmly. “I’ll be back in the early hours of the morning.”
“Then you should take your time now before you face another creature.” You grab a sponge and hand it to him. Your hands touch on accident, as they tend to do, and he takes the sponge. “Thank you.” It glides over his muscular arms and chest, and you can’t help but watch him a bit. He groans and it makes you squirm your legs a bit. As the noise would be lovely in another situation.
You let a few strained minutes of stubborn sexual tension pass before you notice how pruned your fingers are. “I’m headed to my chambers, I’m in dire need of my beauty rest.” You grab a towel and start to emerge from the bath. "I look forward to seeing your beauty upon rising.” He turns his face away and remains silent after this, seeming to restrain any further comment on your naked figure before him.
You dry yourself as much as you can before wrapping yourself in the warm towel. Starting to walk out of the room, you turn your head back to meet his eyes again.
“Goodnight, Geralt. And good luck” You smile and turn to walk away closing the door behind you, just hoping he makes it back as unharmed as possible.
You wake up in sheer terror, gasping for breath, clinging a hand to your heart, and feeling your pulse race a little faster than usual. It was another nightmare. One that was rare these nights. You sweep your curly locks out of your face and try to gather yourself. Maybe turning on a light or two would help.
The terrors fade a bit from your memory as you cool down, trying to observe the room to distract you. It must be late in the evening, creeping into early morning as it is still dark out the window beside your bed. He must be back by now, he has to be.
You throw your blankets open and slip out of bed, still wobbly from your slumber. With slightly heavy feet, you make your way out into the hall with candle in hand. The silence of the house is accompanied by the creek of the floorboards and the wind faintly hitting the window at the end of the hall. There is no glow from the outside seeping through the window like there is in the winter. Just darkness and shadows of your surroundings bathe around you and your candlelight.
As you carefully make your way down the hall, refraining from making as much noise as possible, you reach his door. You stand in front of the mahogany and iron, deciding if you should bother his sleep he so well deserved. Although you now desired more than one form of comfort.
Taking a deep breath, you nudge the door with your knuckles just enough to see and peek in. The door’s hinges creak quietly as it moves open a sliver.
You find that his bed is made, and he is not there. A strange discovery as you knew he’d be back in the early hours of the morning.
“Y/N.” A large warm hand lands on your shoulder and you gasp. “What are you doing up?” His hot breath lingers on your neck. You turn to face him, candle at your side. He’s a little cleaner than usual with a few small scratches on his face and his garbs and armor rugged from combat.
“I could ask you the same question.” His eyes glued to you as he takes your candle and sets it on the hallway’s table beside him.
“I am well within my reason. You should be in bed.” He wasn’t wrong about either. But it’s hard to sleep when the best comfort is supposed to be in the other room. Now it faces you.
Taking the pad of your thumb, you swipe his cheek and ignore his scolding. “Didn’t get too beat up, I hope.” He holds your hand in place and closes his eyes for a moment, taking in your palm. Then meeting his eyes with yours again, he lets go of the grasp and lets your hand fall.
“All went well indeed.” He moves a step closer to you backing you up against the wall.
“Now. I will ask you again. What are you doing up?” His voice makes you shiver with how low it is. Although it’s an intimidating tone, you find it protective.
“I’m safe and sound aren’t I? Why does it matter.” You try to throw your attitude at him to show he has no control over you.
“Because. You tend to linger by my bedpost when you’ve had a night terror.” He’s not wrong. You would come to him when it was unbearable because he was the only company you knew to turn to. You stay quiet with a tough look on your face, and he clearly reads you like a book.
He takes a step forward and as a result, you are pinned to the wall between his door and the table with the candle lit. “Or are your intentions…” Leaning in, he puts a hand on the wall right over your shoulder. Another attempt at protective imitation. “More seductive?”
“Perhaps a bit of both…” You analyze all his features, letting your eyes wander. “Perhaps…” You move a smidge closer to him, breath upon breath, “more seductive intentions.”
He doesn’t even let you catch your breath before taking a firm hand to your hip and locking lips with you. The kiss is filled with a feverous passion that makes you ache for more. You reach for his face again, pulling him closer, while you put another hand on his chest starting to unbuckle his armor at the sides.
This felt different than the other moments when you’re lips met each other. This felt like it was going to lead somewhere more permanent. It was rougher and made you more in need of his touch. His chest piece falls to the floor while he works on taking the others off, throwing it to the side. Geralt was now easier to feel, with fewer clothes to shield him from your touch.
In a swift motion, he grabs you by your thighs and picks you up, pressing you into the wall while your legs wrap around him. Tongues interlacing in a dance, swirling.
As you both pull away, your lips burn with sensation. He huffs into your mouth and presses his temple to yours, swinging you around and taking you to his bed. His grip on your ass as you travel is firm.
His room is almost as humble as his, but his bed is just as handsome. The headboard is stained Mahogany with carved features of trees and animals. And the canopy drapes over the bedposts, making it a cozy resting place.
He plops you down onto the edge of the end of the bed and starts to loom over you again. Leaning in to kiss you once more, you scoot backward. Making him work for it. “Catch me if you can, White Wolf.” You make sure to annunciate the name, just to tease him further. Every quick move you make back, he advances. Until you hit the headboard, letting him have his way with you.
The kiss again is tender and filled to the brim with passion. He grabs your wrist pinning it above you as he starts to kiss down your jaw, then your throat, until he hits your night dress. A thin white gown made from cotton cloth that comfortably drapes your body. He sits up, staring down at you for a second.
“I’ll get you a new dress.” He grabs the opening right above your breasts and tears it open, turning the garment into mere scraps of fabric. And just as he found you in the bathing room, you are exposed to him yet again.
He takes you in, being so mindful of every hill and plain on your body. It looks like he’s mapping you out for a plan of sensual attack. He murmurs low at the sight of you, and a hint of a smile appears on his face.
Your knees are bent, stuck together, while your heels lay far apart. With his medallion dangling, he takes a hand from your stomach and glides his calloused palm down your side. He sweeps under to grab your ass, releasing his grip to then move to your thighs. Trailing up his hands meet your knees, and he moves them apart. Opening you.
As his hand moves, his eyes follow to meet the center of your opened legs. His treasure. His reward to reap. He dances his fingers to your inner thigh, closer and closer to your center.
“Am I to watch as you dangle satisfaction above my head.” You say softly while your breath hitches with every change in touch. “Mm-hmm.” He nods as he finally reaches your clit making slow circles. You gasp and arch as his touch consumes your entire being shooting pleasure up every vertebrae.
Leaning in closer, he grabs your face sternly with control and kisses you again. The sensation fills you with desire. He then fills you again but with his fingers. Not rushing but not hesitating either. In and out, he pushes again and again. Although this fills you with more than mere lust, you want to show him how you can overcome his territory.
You push against his chest with a hand and he follows the motion sitting up with you and slipping his fingers out. He might be dominating but he’d do anything for a beautiful creature such as yourself. As he’s up you sit on your knees before him and begin unbuttoning his shirt.
Stopping only four buttons down you look into his eyes with mischief in mind. You tear open his shirt the same way he did to your dress. Taking his medallion in your hands you pull on it just enough so his lips are once again close to yours. “I’ll get you a new one”. You smirk at him and his hint of a smile grows a little larger from your playfulness.
You unlatch the buckle on his pants and push him back onto the mattress. It was your turn to be the cat climbing over him.
As your breasts dangle in his face he starts to take his trousers off. You stop him and do it yourself, throwing them on the floor. Now he’s just as vulnerable as you.
Starting from his ankles you prowl your way to his hardness.
Within your grasp, it is firm and thick. Only growing thicker as your breasts hang in his face again. This throat purs with his low-toned vibrations making you chuckle. Lifting his head, he places his mouth on your breast while placing a hand on your waist. This leaves your entrance to hover over his cock in your hands. A tease for you both as you continue to move your hand up and down his shaft while his tip kisses your wetness.
Moaning and humming, you both stay here in this series of actions. But he desires more of you. Moving his mouth away from your breast, he places both of his hands on your waist. “I trust you remember our horseback lesson, yes?” He says looking at you.
Your grin is naughty after he says this. With his permission you slide onto his mass, stretching you, while he guides you with his grip on your hips. His length fills you and you struggle to look at him straight. It’s just too large to handle without going slow.
Now that you’re sitting upon him, you start to ride. Just like he taught you. Starting slow you bounce up and down letting your hair hang in front of your face. The pleasure is too much to bear with eyes open. Grabbing your face again he says “Look up, darling”.
His grip tilts your head up to face a mirror you failed to notice at the other end of the room, facing right at you. You also fail to continue to ride him, now distracted by the surprise of your reflection. With your hips now hovering, he gives you another surprise and starts to thrust into you. You start to close your eyes again as your face scrunches in pleasure.
“Keep watching.” He tightens his grip on your face as moans continue to escape your mouth. And you watch as he fucks you. He frees his hand on your hip for a moment to smack your ass as it creates a tantalizing sting, leaving your cheek red. He watches as you watch your reflection jolt up and down from his thrusts. Moving his hand down to your throat, he flirtatiously chokes you, while he arches his head back to watch the mirror with you.
Reaching a hand to hold his arm that has a grasp on your throat, he finally lets you throw your head back as you grow tighter around him. “Gods…” You exclaim. “You feel…so…fuck”. He chuckles low at you and starts to thrust at a faster pace.
As you both get closer to ecstasy his hands move back to your hips, and you bow down to meet his temple. Moaning into each other’s mouths, the sensation of your parts meeting is what the afterlife should feel like. It’s more than safe to say that this is the furthest you’ve taken each other than ever before.
Your temples continue to meet as he trusts, and your grip on his shoulders tightens as you feel yourself pulse around him. Holding you close his movements get tighter and tighter. Until finally, a rush of sensation washes over you and within you, as he finishes as well.
Slowing down, sweat drips from your brow. He lets you feel him twitch inside you before lifting you by your hips while you gasp at the release of fulfillment. You feel the mixture of fluid drip down your inner thigh, a satisfying tickle.
You both try to catch your breaths lying on his chest. As your hand lays on his heart you feel his body rise and fall with each breath. It’s so calming here, even if your legs already feel sore. He puts a hand on your back to soothe you.
“Feeling better?” He asks. You realize that you had forgotten the original intention of lingering at his door. “I am feeling…” Sitting up you look into his eyes, tucking a piece of hair away from his face. “Magnificent.” A well-earned and rare smile appears on his face as he looks into your eyes. You feel proud to know you made The Witcher smile for once.
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Glory Bound [Chain + Mercenary!Reader]
They'd tried to hire you as a guide. That's not what you're paid to do.
Another round of nonsense for the trash heap.
TW: Choosing not to disclose. Be warned.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise. Linked Universe is the fan creation of jojo56830.
Perhaps the majority of your brethren would have been content to play guide for a few days. Travel around the (admittedly more dangerous) parts of the map, point out a few potential monster nests, sit back while your employers did their hunting (their duty, they'd said) and then go spend the rupees that had been all but handed to you.
Easy. The easiest job you've ever been offered. Except it was a goddess-damned joke because that was not what you had trained until your damned eyes bled to do. You were a warrior, a mercenary, a born and raised killer, not a guide to a bunch of ignorant castle knights seeking a good time in the countryside (because you weren't damned stupid, you recognized the symbol of arms on the posh one).
The scarred and tattooed ones seemed promising at least, though the pink haired one had a look in his eyes that made you reluctant to turn you back to him. It's the brows, perhaps. Suspicious looking motherfucker. Lobster kid was cute though, if a little young to be slugging it out with monsters. But who are you to judge. A babe could put an arrow between your eyes if it ever got the mind to (and if you were stupid, but that was besides the point).
When the eldest (big fucker, dressed down in armor heavy enough to make a man's bones creak) had approached you with a job you'd expected there'd be fighting and you'd been more then willing to take that challenge. You hadn't expected to be told to stay out of the way (man had more tack than that, but you called it for what it was) and just point them in the right direction.
You'd flat refused to his face, and took a certain measure of glee from his shocked expression. Because who the fuck did they think you were? This damned expensive armor you'd scraped and saved for was not for show. It was your badge of honor and how dare anyone take that from you.
The boss had talked you into it though, even cut a deal with the knights in your place since you weren't always good with words. You'd guide them on their merry way across the goddess forsaken places of this land you call home, and in exchange, they'd stay behind you.
"Your duty is to get rid of these unusual monsters, correct?" Boss man had said, so damned personable but you knew the old bastard could put a dozen men in the ground if he wanted. "Then so long as you witness their demise, it doesn't matter who swings the sword." Reluctantly, they had to agree the point. The fact that you were the only mercenary who knew the area outside of the trade routes well meant they didn't have much of a choice regardless. And so, you took the job, gave them the rundown on how they would stay behind you unless death came for your sorry hide and then off you went.
And thus you were here now, staring down a monster nest with mounting anticipation. Beside and behind you, you could feel their anticipation too, buzzing off their skin like an agitated bee's nest. The scarred one looked especially ready to bolt forward, stopped only by the pelted one's firm grip.
You cast a glance at the leader, and with an amused glance he called back his boys. Most gave unhappy frowns at the order, but a few looked interested in what you'd do. The smallest one (not a child) was the most open with his interest and a curly haired man in green was not far behind. The white caped one just looked concerned, but you paid him no mind.
The kid though? You couldn't decide if you trusted him not to run out into the battlefield (in your way) the moment things got exciting. He had that aura about him that spoke of bullheaded brashness. Though not as much as the scarred one, but as before pelt man seemed to have a good arm on him.
Whatever. It didn't really matter. You had a job to do, and so you got to it.
Walked right into the monster camp with your sword drawn. You could hear the disbelieving sounds behind you, but you paid them no mind. If they wanted a bowman they should have gotten a hunter. You intended to put this damned expensive armor to use.
The monsters were tougher than usual, you'll admit. Faster and stronger and a great deal smarter than you were used to around these parts. But, at the end of the day they were still just juiced up monsters. Same weaknesses, same strengths, same ugly mugs twisted in pain and death.
A few new faces, but not much different from anything else you've ever fought. And you'd fought a lot. So much you'd forgotten where you began and your sword ended. You'd forgotten what it felt like to feel the breeze of a chill night's wind on your skin. You'd forgotten what it meant to be human, what it meant to be mortal when it was just you and the thrill and an enemy in your face.
It was exhilarating to taste the sting of adrenaline on your tongue again, the strain of muscles against the force of such powerful blows.
No. Not just that. It was the first time in a damned long while you could say you were enjoying yourself. Not since the day you looked back and realized none of your peers had followed you up that damned mountain called Glory. The moment you realized you were alone in this pursuit. The moment you realized, standing above a vast, empty graveyard of black mist, that you had finally reached the top. And that you were alone.
You had reached the end of your journey, and yet you had hungered for more, more, more. Bigger. Stronger. Faster. Smarter. Better.
And now. After so long of nothing. After so damned long of soul draining stagnation.
Rapturous, wonderful glory.
It was a bloodbath. And you had bled. But they had bled more.
They'd been on you the moment you'd stepped foot into their camp. Three lizalfos-like creatures, a dozen or so bokoblines and a tall armored creature you hadn't encountered before. You welcomed them all.
The first to reach you were the lizalfos lookalikes, running full speed at you while the bokoblines played support as archers. The armored one stayed back at first, and you hoped it was as powerful as it thought itself to be.
The first lizard reached you, spear at the ready with a thrust. But you simply sidestepped, ramming your sword into it's throat as it glanced by. The spray of warm blood hit your face but you paid it no mind, swirling on your heel and ripping the spear from the now slack claws with the added momentum.
Another had come from your other side, but you rounded on it with the spear in hand, and using the momentum from the previous lizard's speed threw it with deadly force into the creature's chest. There was no time to stop and admire it's final pained snarls though, dodging down at the last moment just as another spear made for your head.
Still swirling, you lashed out your sword and got its legs, sending it down to its knees. Or it would have, if you hadn't grabbed it's tail last moment and used it as a counterweight to fling yourself out of range of an arrow. Unbalanced and reeling from the blow, it was helpless as you finally finished the twist to use it as a living shield against the other two arrows that had followed the first.
It died with a final jab to the jugular, disappearing into a fine mist of black. All in all, it had taken ten, maybe fifteen seconds. But that's just the nature of battles. They never lasted long.
And neither did the bokoblins. You had slashed them down before the big one had even made it to your location, one of them hadn't even the time to draw its sword before meeting yours.
And then, the armored one was on you. And you knew nothing then but the cold and hot and tingling pain of rapture.
It was big, it was strong, it was powerful in a way nothing you'd ever fought before had even come close. It was glorious.
Blows rained down on you with enough force to crush a man, swipes of its sword so quick and precise they were nearly impossible to counter. It beared down on you with the ferocity of a creature that knew no fear nor pain nor equal. A creature just like you.
You had one thing it didn't though. And that was a goddess-damned itch that needed scratching after too many damned years to recall with adrenaline flowing freely through your blood. Something to prove a monster like this could never understand.
You refused to yield a single, fucking inch.
You kept close, refusing it the leisure of range advantage. You stayed quick on your feet, faster than it even weighed down by armor. You let it bump and hit and attempt to bully you into proper fighting range, and you let it because you were going to get some use from this expensive damned armor even if it cost you an arm.
One direct strike, and you'd be dead. One glancing blow to an unguarded limb and you'd be maimed in an instant. But none of that mattered, because despite it all you still knew what this was.
This was an endurance battle, and knew the score. And you were going to drag this feast out for as long as you damn well could because you had a goddess-damned itch that needed scratching and this monster was doing it for you.
One minute. Two. Five. Ten. And then-
An arrow was suddenly in the slit of its helm, and it was disintigrating before your very eyes, and it was just fucking dead and you weren't the one who did it.
Slowly, you turned.
And there he was, the pink fucker with the fucking brows. Bow in hand and looking just as pissed as you felt.
"Oh, my fucking bad! You just looked like you were enjoying yourself so fucking much, I just thought I'd join the fun." He snarked, and you felt your anger manifest in a snarl.
You knew there was a reason you didn't like the look of him. Suspicious fucker.
But before you could open your mouth. "It's night, you overzealous fucker. Camp's already set up and we lost a whole day of travel because of you!" He snapped, and you held you tongue. You looked around.
Yup. Night. And a fire was glowing a little ways off, eight pairs of eyes watching from around the pit with open interest at the little drama unfolding before them. The youngest looked about salivating at the mouth as he pinned you with puppy eager eyes, and you knew sleep would not be granted easily this night. The scarfed, posh one too looked about ready to crack open your head and rummage around the insides for whatever secrets he thought you might be storing.
Ah. "Opps. My bad, man."
"Motherfucker! That's it?" Pinky harped with a truly thunderous frown, but you could hear outright laughter from the others not far off. The white caped one even seemed to be carving some sort of wooden figurine, so they mustn't be too upset, right?
"Yeah. Guess I got a little too excited about having a decent fight after so long." You admitted, because yeah, that was on you.
Pinky began cursing under his breath, stomping back to the camp with you not far behind. When you stepped into the firelight, the eldest one waved you over with an amused, but serious expression.
You went easily because this was your employer, you were in the wrong and because lobster boy look about ready to jump you the moment you got to his height. And, without an enemy to take your mind off the discomfort, you could tell you had definitely pushed yourself too far this time. You ached everywhere.
Worth it though.
You sat and the man put a companionable hand on your shoulder (you were about to be chastised, you could just feel it. fuck). "Next time we encounter enemies, you have ten minutes. If you're not finished by then, we join to clean up the rest." He smiled with his one eye, and you just bowed your head. Because yeah, your bad.
"Got it. Sorry Boss." You accepted easily, shame-faced.
He patted where his hand had been resting. "Good. Now, I'm sure the boys are eager to talk to you, Mr. Hero." He was being an asshole somehow, you could tell (there was an inside joke in there too, but you weren't privy to it). Sacrificing you to the wolves (you side-eyed lobster boy), and looking so damned harmless while doing it.
Damned ruthless, this one. You wanted to meet him on the battlefield, if things like that absolute unit of a beast are what these bastards fought for a living. They must be a whole new breed of monster and you were just rearing to meet them. Properly, with swords in hand and blood rushing wildly through your veins.
Suddenly, the top didn't look so lonely anymore. The clouds had finally parted and the world lay before you in all its splendor. So much bigger than it had ever been before.
And you were so ready to conquer it all.
For Glory. And the goddess-damned thrill.
Back to the shadows to rest.
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cabotwife · 6 months
Omg can you do a modern Johanna mason x reader. One where they are older not in college I don’t really see Johanna going to college she probably went into a trade. But I think she also give off grumpy cottage core lesbian tolerating her wife’s cats and shit but I also get the vibe she would want an protection dog like a Belgian malinois and trains it to bark at men 😘
I love your work and I am so Impressed and happy at how your able to “publish” all your stories quickly but it doesn’t lose quality and is still very well written😍😍😘🥰
thank you for requesting! i'm so glad you love my work:) that makes me extremely happy to hear <3
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Domestic Bliss
Johanna Mason x Fem!Reader
warnings: domestic Johanna (so slightly ooc), Johanna gets violently attacked or smth, she despises her wife's newest kitten, not proofread
word count: 1183
a/n: my first attempt at writting domestic fluff, i hope you like it ! (i wrote this at 3 am.)
you groan groggily as you are brought out of your peaceful sleep by the all too familiar sound of dog barking. “Romo..” you whine out, swatting your hand out as if that’d stop the loud dog.
“c’mon bud, listen to your mama.” as soon as you hear the raspy voice of your wife you kiss the possibility of sleep goodbye.
you push yourself up from where you lay on the couch, Atlas, your cat, somehow managed to sleep through all of Roman’s barking, but the moment you move he’s already in the next room. you stare at the tall brunette as she peels her jacket off of herself, hanging it on the coat rack.
“Jo.” you breathe, watching her with sleepy eyes.
when she turns to face you, you are graced with her beautiful grin. “hey, princess,” she hums, making her way over to you after kicking her boots off.
“what time is it?” you whisper, rubbing your eyes as you swing your legs off the edge of the couch. a yawn takes over you for a moment before you look up to Johanna with doe-like eyes.
your wife can’t help but chuckle at you, “time for you to get to bed, silly girl.. why’re you still up?” she squats down so you two are eye-level.
“was waiting for you..” you pout at her, looping your arms around her neck as you sloppily push your weight on her.
“woah-” Johanna places her hand on your elbow as she has to re-steady herself. “tryna make me fall?” she raises a teasing eyebrow.
you simply shake your head as you push yourself more towards the brunette, leaning your head against the crook of her neck. you feel the chuckle vibrate through her throat as she holds the back of your head. you peel your eyes open when you feel something touching your thigh, you giggle when you see Roman’s head resting on your thigh.
“come on, baby, time for bed.” she says gently, looping her forearms under your thighs as she stands, her muscles flexing as she picks you up.
you whine softly, but don’t protest as she carries you to your shared bedroom. you peer over her shoulder at the sound of the pattering of paws following behind you. you smile as your wife’s dog, who very humorously loves you more but do not mention that to her, follows close behind you two. the 1 year old Belgian Malinois puppy is always near you, he gets anxious and temperamental when you’re not here.
you refuse to loosen your grip on Johanna, even when she’s attempting to lay you in your bed. “baby.” she huffs at the pitiful noise you let out when she peels you off of her, plopping you into the bed. you furrow your eyebrows at her as she begins walking towards your shared closet. she simply shrugs, “i tried to be gentle,” she hums.
you bury your face in your pillow as you wait for your wife to join you in bed. you smile to yourself as you hear the light being switched off and then feel her toss herself onto her side of the bed. turning your head against the pillow, you look over to her. she’s now dressed in a white ribbed wife-pleaser and a pair of cotton shorts, that are probably yours.
she looks over to you, meeting your eyes. she rolls her eyes as she opens her arms for you.
you grin widely as you practically roll yourself into her arms. your legs immediately tangle as she takes you into her arms. you bury your face in her shoulder, your breath fanning against the neckline of her tank-top.
Johanna smiles down at you, pressing a kiss to your hair, “goodnight, princess, i love you.” she whispers.
“i love you too, ‘anna.” you mumble against the skin of her shoulder.
you both fall into a comfortable silence before dozing off into sleep.
by the time Johanna wakes up the next morning, you’re already up and out of bed. the brunette scrunches her eyebrows at your absence before sliding out of the bed.
she makes her way towards the kitchen, but not before tripping over the little white and orange demon that is bouncing from wall to wall in the hallway.
“jesus, Casper.” she groans, sweeping him away from her using her foot. much to her dismay though, Casper attacks again. he lunges at her ankle, causing her to stumble. she practically growls at the cat as she picks him up, as soon as her hands are on him he starts squirming, kicking his feet, and gnawing on her knuckles.
she tosses the cat onto the nearby chair, glaring at him as she finally walks into the kitchen.
her sour mood is immediately erased when she sees you working at the stove, your cook book propped up near you. Roman is curled up at your feet, just waiting to be tripped over. she scowls at the dog, her dog, though he doesn’t seem to know that, or he just simply doesn’t care. she can’t blame him though, you’ve always had a way with animals, they all just love you, almost as much as she does.
she walks up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her chin on your shoulder, “hey, baby.” she mumbles, turning her head slightly to press a kiss to your neck.
“g’morning, honey.” you grin cheerfully, turning your head to face her, placing a tender kiss to her lips. “how’d you sleep?” you ask as you turn back to the stove where you were working on making an omelet.
she hums, “good, good.. Atlas was laying in the bed with me when i woke up.” a smile takes over her lips.
“see! i told you, you just have to be patient with them, Jo,” you giggle, flipping your omelet over in the pan.
“mhmm..” she presses gentle kisses to your neck, and you tilt your head automatically to give her more access.
you turn the burner off on the stove, moving your breakfast to a plate, “do you have work today?” you ask as you turn in your wife’s arms, laying your own arms over her shoulders, playing with the short hairs on her neck.
she grins as she shakes her head, “nope, i’m yours all weekend, princess.” she winks.
“oh joy,” you say teasingly as you pat her hip, moving out of her grasp to grab the plate of omelet. you turn to face her again, pushing the plate towards her, “go sit down ‘n eat.”
the brunette furrows her eyebrows at you, “what about you?”
“mine is already made, silly,” i say, motioning towards the living room coffee table where my plate sits, an omelet resting atop of it, and a cat sitting there also. tearing off a piece of the egg. “hey! KJ, no!” you holler, running towards the living room to shoo the gray cat from your food.
you spin back around on your heels to face your wife, scratching your neck as you gaze at her. “whoops.”
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mayuri-manufacturer · 8 months
Forex Trading Course In Pune | Sri Vallabh Investment
Our expert-led training equips you with essential trading skills and strategies to conquer the dynamic world of forex trading. Whether you're a novice or an experienced trader, our forex course caters to all levels of expertise. From understanding the basics of currency pairs to mastering advanced trading techniques, we cover it all to help you make informed and profitable trading decisions. Our personalized approach ensures that you receive individual attention and support throughout your forex journey. With real-time market analysis and hands-on practice, you'll gain the confidence needed to navigate the forex market like a pro.
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discordantwritings · 6 months
Training, Interrupted- Dracule Mihawk x Reader
Warnings: 18+ NO MINORS, afab! reader (no gendered terms), PiV sex, mentor/ mentee relationship, not beta read
Summary: You’ve been thinking about your mentor too much. In ways you shouldn’t be thinking about your mentor. It was stupid of you to think your ogling went unnoticed, wasn’t it.
Word Count: 2.6k
Note: I’m a sucker for surprisingly slow and romantic Mihawk ok
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It remained a mystery to you how you even got taken in under Dracule Mihawk’s wing. You think he must have been really drunk the night he saw you scrapping in a back alley and promised to show you how to dial your natural talent into precise skill- and then the morning after was too proud or stubborn to take that promise back.
But here you still were, months later and living in his castle, training day in and day out. Constantly exhausted, beaten, and bruised you sometimes wondered why you stayed. And then Mihawk would give you an approving nod or slight praise and- yeah- you were in love with him.
He was effortlessly powerful, a refined pirate, and, of course, incredibly hot. And you had to suffer through the man walking around constantly with his unbuttoned. It was a hell of your own choosing though, you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
But sometimes you got frustrated. And by sometimes you mean all the time. Frustrated with your training, frustrated with Mihawk, and worst of all, sexually frustrated. Every day you would end your training with a duel with Mihawk and every day you would end up panting, sweaty on the ground with your mentor standing over you, pointing Yoru at your throat. Every night you shamefully muffled your cries into your pillow as you cum on your fingers to that exact image. It was never quite enough though and you always fell asleep unsatisfied.
It was hard not to think about in the mornings, sitting at his ridiculously long dining room table as you ate breakfast together and talked over your training for the day. You focused all your energy on your toast as he went through what you were expected to do today in the hopes that his keen observation skills can’t detect that you’re still worked up from the night before.
“I don’t like to repeat myself.” The sharp sound of Mihawk’s displeased voice cut through your thoughts and you realized that in your focus you had totally blocked him out.
“I’m sorry.” You don’t look him in the eyes, embarrassment burning up your skin.
“Work on fixing your sleep schedule, you’re never present in the mornings.” He says as he stands up, walking behind your chair as he passes to the kitchen. “Or I will have to work you until you pass out.”
You barely hold yourself together until you hear the door to the dining room shut and you practically collapse onto the table. The mixture of shame from not paying attention and the lust how your dirty minded twisted his last statement overloaded your brain. Not to mention you don’t even know what your training routine is supposed to be today. You’re screwed.
In an effort to not be kicked off the island you ran yourself through the hardest training regimens you could think of. So much so that you could barely drag yourself to the room where you did you nightly duel with Mihawk. However much your body (and your mind) protested you made it right on time.
“I see you figured out what to do with yourself today.” Mihawk was already in the room, Yoru in hand.
“I did what you wanted me to do.” You brought up your sword, knowing he wouldn’t want to waste any time.
“And how could you be so sure.” It takes him no effort to close the distance between you two, Yoru swinging down fast. You manage a weak block, having to side step to avoid taking a hit.
“I’m sorry.” You swing into Mohawk’s side but in a flash Yoru is there, easily parrying your blade.
“You keep saying that and yet-“ Yoru sweeps up and binds your blade and with a shove your grip, weak from heavy training, gives. “Your behavior isn’t fixed.”
Your eyes dart from him to your sword on the ground and you decide to make a lunge for it but your move is easily predicted. A quick foot slides under yours and kicks, sending you clattering to the ground. Mihawk lazily walks over you, Yoru’s tip drifting to your throat.
“You’re constantly distracted. What am I to think? Because I’m not sure how much you want this.” Normally he’s walked away at this point and left you to your defeat, but now he is still bearing over you.
“I want this. More than anything.” You plead from the ground.
“More than anything?” Mihawk retracts Yoru, swinging it over his shoulder. In a move that surprises you he goes down on one knee next to you, staring intently. As much as you want to break eye contact you can’t, his bright ringed eyes hypnotizing you. “I certainly don’t believe that.”
“W-what do you mean?” You manage to choke out, feeling cornered despite being in the middle of the room.
“I know you don’t think I’m stupid.” His head tilts slightly “I see how you look at me.”
Oh, you’re done for. You know you’re bright red from embarrassment and all you can do is finally lower your gaze in shame. “I’m sorr-“
You’re cut off by Mihawk’s pointer finger being brought under your chin and pulling it up, forcing you to look at him once again. “Do I need to keep telling you not to say you’re sorry?”
The small move has you biting back a whimper. “No sir.”
“Good.” You see his gaze flick over your form for a second before returning to stare into your eyes. “I’ve also heard you, you know. Late at night.”
You feeling like you’re going to burn up under his gaze and words. You go to apologize but manage to switch up your words before he tells you off again. “I can leave. I’ll be gone before dark.”
“Why would I want that?” His thumb goes over your chin and using his two fingers he drags your face closer to his. “I was enjoying watching you squirm but it’s clear you’ve grown distracted. We can’t have that can we?”
You’re not sure what’s happening right now is real, because it could have been ripped straight from one of your masturbatory fantasies. You try to nod your head but his two finger grip is surprisingly firm.
“I’ll need you to use your words darling.”
Practically melting at the pet name you manage to squeak out a “yes.”
“Good.” And just like that his hand is gone and he’s standing up over you. He reaches a hand down for you though, and you take it before you can overthink the situation.
“Do I- I mean should we-“ You stumble over your words now face to face with him.
“How about I meet you in your room in a half hour.” You think you see the ghost of a smirk on his face.
“Yeah. Yes. Yes sir.” You’re not sure if you can actually manage to wait that long but you’re at least grateful for the chance to run through the shower first.
“Perfect.” You expect him to leave immediately but he surprises you by snaking a hand around your waist and pulling you closer to him. Your faces are so close you can feel your nose brush against his and you hold your breath.
“Can I kiss you?” Mihawk asks at a whisper.
Having lost the ability to speak you instead bring your lips to his in answer. Mohawk’s hand at your waist grips tightly as he quickly dominates the kiss. But just as fast as it started it ended with Mihawk pulling away and striding out the door, leaving you standing breathless.
You took the quickest shower of your life, leaving you with just enough time to overthink what you were going to wear. Clothes? Stay in your towel? Nothing? You groaned as you rifled through your closet before finding a basic robe. You throw on the middle ground of clothing and run to your bed, unsure of how much time you have left. Seating yourself on the large bed you face the door, doing your best to slow your breathing down. This was real. This was happening.
Before you could think too much a knock echoed through your room. Taking only a moment to collect yourself you call out that he can come in.
Mihawk opens the door and walks in, shutting the door behind him without taking his eyes off of you. Yoru and his coat are missing, it’s almost like you’re already seeing him naked. He wastes no time and strides over to you, hands immediately going to the tie of your robe.
“Wrapped yourself up for me?” He smirks, hands not untying the knot yet.
You nod, already flushing under his gaze.
His fingers dig their way into the knot and start to pull but before it comes undone he stops and leans in closer. “I want you to be sure about this. If you don’t want this we can pretend this never happened.”
“No!” You say a bit too loud. “I mean- please, I want this.”
“Perfect.” In a flash your robe is untied and his hands are on your skin, grabbing at your waist and pulling you to him. He captures your lips in a searing kiss and you can’t help but be swept away. Your mind goes blank as you feel his hands run down to your hips, his thumbs rubbing circles into your skin.
His mouth moves down to your neck and you shudder as he bites down, marking you. While he runs his tongue over the fresh mark one hand leaves your hip and travels inwards, skating over your mound.
“Tell me,” he whispers into your neck, “what do you think about when you’re moaning to yourself late at night.”
“I-“ Your words catch in your throat as his fingers ghost over your folds. “You.”
He chuckles as his hand stills. “Come on now be more specific.”
You groan in frustration, his fingers so close to where you need them to be. “Your fingers. Your hands. Anything you’d give me really.”
The answer seems to satisfy him as you feel his fingers push past your folds and gently enter you. You bite the inside of your cheek to stifle the noise but Mihawk notices and bites down again, this time on your shoulder.
“Don’t hide your voice from me darling, I want to hear you.” Two fingers curl inside you and your mouth falls open in a moan. You don’t try and hide it this time and are rewarded with Mihawk’s thumb gently circling your clit. As his fingers work inside you his mouth travels back up your neck, eventually recapturing your mouth in a kiss. He’s more relaxed this time, lazily swallowing your moans as you get closer and closer to the edge.
You pull back and press your forehead to his. “I’m close.”
He presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth as he adds a third finger and precisely angles his fingers to hit that delicate spot inside you.
“Cum for me.” The gentle command sends you over the edge, white hot pleasure racking over your body.
You barely register him pulling his fingers out but you see when he backs up a fraction, pulling his fingers up to his mouth. Dazed, you watch him lick your slick off of his fingers one by one.
“I’ll have to have a proper taste next time.” He stands up and takes off his shirt and you prop yourself up to get a proper look. You’ve seen him shirtless before but as he reaches for his belt you can’t wait to get the full picture. In a bold move you lean forward and replace his hands with your own on his belt, opening it and quickly going to unbutton his pants.
“Eager, aren’t we?” You glance up and see a smirk but it’s quickly chased away as you slip your hand down the front of his pants. Both of you gasp when you make contact with the large bulge underneath and you lightly palm him through his boxers. You swell a bit with pride knowing that you’ve effected him like this.
After one long drag your hand comes back out as you yank his pants and underwear down. His cock springs free, his tip red and leaking. You look up innocently as your hand gently wraps around it and you tug experimentally. You’re rewarded with a small gasp but before you can go any further he pushes you back into the bed.
“Some other time I’ll let you suck my cock but right now-“ He climbs over you on the bed, sitting back slightly so he line himself up with your entrance. “I need to be inside of you.”
You shiver as you feel the head of his dick slide over your folds. He braces himself over you, one hand coming up to your face and brushing away some hair. The unexpectedly soft gesture made you relax and you leaned up and kissed him. Your arms snake around the back of his neck and you hold him close as he slowly enters you.
The stretch is almost painful and your fingers dig into his back as he slowly continues to push into you. You feel like it takes an eternity but he finally stills, his hips flush with yours. Mihawk pauses, letting you adjust to his size.
“You take me so well darling.” He breaths into your ear before slowly moving out and then back in. You press your face into his neck as you let out a loud moan, overwhelmed by the drag of his cock inside you.
Mihawk is in no rush, continuing his languid pace and whispering praises in your ear. You give up all control, letting Mihawk use you as he pleases, enjoying the way pleasure chases out any other thoughts in your head.
You’re snapped back into the moment after who knows how long when Mihawk slides a hand between the two of you and his skilled fingers start working at your clit.
“I want to feel you fall apart around me.” He nips at your ear as he starts thrusting faster.
You clench down around him and a low moan escapes him. Feeling how close you where he doubles his efforts and you practically scream his name.
“Can you cum for me again? I know you can, cum with me.” You can tell he’s close too, his breath is shaky in your ear.
“Yes I’m-“ is all you can manage to say before pleasure overtakes you once again and you dig your nails into Mihawk’s.
Mihawk isn’t loud as he cums but you feel him fill you up as his breathing finally slows.
He doesn’t move for a few moments, letting the two of you come back to your senses. He gently pulls out and kisses you on the forehead, leaving for the bathroom. Coming back with a washcloth he cleans you up. You honestly weren’t expecting your mentor to be this gentle or caring, but it makes your heart swell.
He pauses at the foot of your bed for a second and for the first time ever you see him hesitating.
“Don’t leave.” You plead softly with him.
You see the hesitation slide off of him as he climbs back into bed with you.
Wrapping your arms around him again you bury yourself in his side, content in his warmth. You’re not sure how your relationship is going to change after this, but when you feel his steady heartbeat you’re not worried at all.
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rajeshiv · 1 year
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mayxo-hxh · 2 months
As autistic coded as Illumi is, he is also EXTREMELY Bpd coded. Here's a thread abt why that would be, from a person with bpd. 🧵
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Everything about his character screams a person that feels so so much but forcefully tones his feelings down so hard to the point where they seem nonexistent.
On the exterior he seems like he couldn't care less about most things and is a very calm and controlled person. However, his emotions shine the brightest when the topic of interest is a person he cares about.
This is ESPECIALLY shown in the election arc where he reveals much of his emotions to the audience. He gets two whole bloodlust scenes this arc.
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One with extreme anger
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and one with extreme joy.
When Hisoka provoked him, it took absolutely zero transition for him to immediately spike his bloodlust and aura to GREAT amounts to the point of engulfing the entire MOUNTAIN and reaching Killua from SO far away.
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And in the same exact second it happened, it ended just as quickly the moment he noticed Killua running away. That is a CLASSIC negative mood swing example if I've ever seen one. One extreme emotion in one second, gone in the other.
On the other hand, his second bloodlust had a small transition, one that still did not give you the expectation of what truly came after.
He is seen watching Killua on his phone and the moment Nanika healed gon, showing Killua can use her on command with no consequences and also showing her immense power, he was absolutely overjoyed. So much in fact that he exploded in maniac laughter and aura a second after merely giving it a small laugh.
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We get a hint at his bloodlust incoming in that moment, but NEVER predict just how MUCH would actually come out. Classic euphoric mood swing number two.
When he encountera Killua with Hisoka in the background at the end, he is pretty much shown going through the five stages of grief in mere minutes the moment his own butlers turn on him and allow Nanika to come out.
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denial, anger, depression...
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and finally, acceptance. acceptance that he was going to be traded by killua not only for a friend, but for the rest of the family's lives.
He was so very clearly unhappy about it at the beginning, yet came to acceptance in mere seconds the moment nanika came out. He bargained with himself, Killua shouldnt be able to wish twice, then accepted. even if he could, thats okay. go ahead, kill me!
and then theres also the way he just switches from a very :DDD to >:| mood in like one panel short hello he is so coded
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Even more; Usually bpd is either caused through trauma or inherited. and you can definitely argue that illumi went through enough "training" for the former but. is his behavior not. familiar to yall. not at all???? im just saying......... I know someone else in the zoldyck family that has intense mood swings!
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if there is one person in the family that shows their unfiltered emotions and switches from being calm to screaming in distress in a single second, its going to be this woman. she gave birth to a son thats a literal copy of her. she ctrl c'd and ctrl v'd.
and i dont exactly know what this next one has to do with the thread but why was bro normal for one second then turned into this i mean im not complaining hes still hot and ill claim him as my bpd son regardless
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anyways yes this was the thread have fun with this interpretation slash analysis however u like 👍
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fandumb-thoughts · 6 months
Luke and Thalia and Annabeth traveled together.
I don’t remember if it’s ever mentioned, specifically, what time of the year it was but I don’t think it matters. They were together for months and even summer nights get cold.
Annabeth was tiny, only 7 years old. That’s a 1st grader, later in the school year, or a 2nd grader at the start. She was a baby.
They must’ve huddled together for warmth, at night, especially with little Annabeth. I bet they walked through populated areas holding hands with her—maybe, in a moment of lightness, swinging her between them the way parents do with small children. I know Luke and Thalia must have traded off carrying her on their backs when they were walking for long stretches of time, when her legs couldn’t keep up.
Knowing this—because there’s no feasible way that this is not the truth—I picture Annabeth sneaking out from the Athena cabin, all bruises and scabs from training hard because she understood the weight of a life lost, in the middle of the night.
I can imagine how she would sneak into the Hermes cabin, maybe through a window, how she would’ve tip-toed over the campers who overflowed the bunks and slept in sleeping bags on the floor. How she would have found Luke—on the floor, for at least the first summer or two, and eventually in one of the beds as a they earned beads on their necklace—and crawled in next to him. How Luke would’ve pulled her, this tiny little girl who he’d played guardian to at only 13, closer because it was only them left, now.
I wonder, though, when that all stopped.
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