#super junior master list
chicken-fifi · 2 years
Cho Kyuhyun (SuJu) Drabble - July 6th (11:44 am) - NSFW
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Word Count: 378 words
Genre: Smut
Reader: Fem
Kyuhyun’s hips pistoned against you, his cock entering and exiting you at an ungodly speed. Your hinds wrung the sheets under you as you willed your limbs to not give out under the speed and pleasure you were feeling. His hands gripped your hair and pulled tightly with enough force to pull you up pressing your back to his chest as he continued to pound into you. The hand holding your hair shifted to your neck pressing on it firmly whilst his other hand slipped down to your clit causing another orgasm to hit you. Unlike the prior ones you’d experienced during the night, you weren’t able to keep the loud moan that left your lips at bay.
“You’ll wake them up,” Kyuhyun whispered into your ear, riding out your high. “And then who knows when we’ll get another chance to try for our third.”
You bit down on your lips, but it was too late. The pitter-patter of tiny feet could be heard in the hallway followed by the jiggling of the doorknob - thank goodness you decided to lock it. Kyuhyun stilled inside you, his cock twitching, painting your walls with his seed. He bit your shoulder gently muffling his groan as you struggled to form words.
“Y-yes?” you called out trying to focus as best as you could.
“Are you hurt Mommy?” you heard the oldest of your two children ask.
“I’m fine. Daddy and I just had a nightmare…” you drifted off
“Is Daddy okay?” your other child asked worriedly.
“I’m fine,” Kyuhyun managed to answer quickly, pulling out of you and moving to slip on a pair of pajama pants  while ushering you to the bathroom so you could change.
You heard the door open as you cleaned yourself up as quickly as you could and changed before going back out to the bedroom. Kyuhyun was crouched in the doorway with both kiddos reassuring them that everything was fine. The two of you walked them back to their bedroom tucking them in bed before returning to your own room. As soon as the door was closed Kyuhyun looked at you with a smug look.
“How about we send them to my mom’s for the weekend so you can be as loud as you want?”
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Can I request an angst to fluff Eddie story where Eddie is an oblivious little golden retriever and his girlfriend hates/loves that about him? He starts dealing to Chrissy who then starts hanging around more, starts changing her style to be more like Eddie and also his girlfriend, breaks up with Jason, and then suddenly is everywhere. Eventually the reader loses it in front of everyone when Chrissy goes a little far with her flirting and Eddie tells the reader she's being dramatic. To him that's his girl, his soul mate and he even plans on proposing after graduation. He doesn't even think of other girls. The reader is hurt he dismissed her in front of everyone and feels like he chose Chrissy, and Chrissy thinks she won because Eddie chose her. Then the next day Eddie doesn't pick up the reader for school like he usually does, instead he shows up late with Chrissy in his passenger seat. The final offense though? Is when Chrissy sees the reader looking and grabs Eddie and kisses him. Now Eddie realizes his girlfriend fears were very valid and now he's not sure if he can fix this, but he will move heaven and earth for just a shot at forgiveness.
(This got super long, and I really didn't mean for it to 😂 you can totally cut it down or change whatever you want. I don't really care I just really enjoy your angst to fluff.)
Yes, you may ask for a request!
Thank you so much for requesting and enjoying my work :)
And details are always helpful! If this is not what you wanted, let me know so I can rewrite it. ( Alternative ending in master-list - still ends with her going back so fair warning)
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Y/N has been smitten with Eddie since she met him in her sophomore year. He was confident, charming, funny, and so hot. It was very easy for them to become friends as they had a lot in common. They enjoyed the same bands and laughed at how many of the same shirts they had. They have an equal number of records all over their rooms. Both have a hidden stash of weed in their drawers. It was like they were meant for each other.
Eddie was obsessed the second she walked up to him. Her Metalicia shirt was cropped, and small bleach stains were scattered. He smiled, knowing he had one just like it in his closet. But when he started to get to know her, he was so dead. He thinks he already loves her since the first day. and just kept falling. when she asked to join DnD and was somehow better than he was. He knew he was going to marry her.
During Y/N's junior year, she spent the whole time trying to make moves on Eddie. She cringed at how obvious her schoolgirl crush was, but he either wasn't getting the hint or did not like her.
Every morning when he picked her up, she had a big smile on her lips and a touch on his knee (that got higher each day): "Wow, Eddie, those jeans frame your thighs so well." She even fucking winked. He smiled and drove on, like she had not said a word.
Then, when they went to the pool, she did not bother to hide her staring. "Eds, your tattoos are always so fucking hot to see when you are on full display." She even trailed her fingers over the design. And nothing. He blushed and basically walked away.
She decided to bite the bullet and ask him on a date. If he said no, then at least she knew where he stood.
When Eddie saw Y/N walking up to him with purpose in her eyes, he had no idea what to think.
"Okay, Eds, I have the house to myself this weekend; want to rent some movies and hang out?" She twirled a piece of her hair with her finger. batted her eyelashes as she looked up at him. A smile lit up his face. "Of course, I'll go tell the group." Before she could correct him, he took off.
She signed, "I meant just us."
"So Y/N has the house to herself, so movie night at her place." Eddie announced as he walked into the video store.
"She never asked me." Robin protested, and Steve agreed.
"Well, maybe she just thought I'd tell you." Eddie shrugged. 
"Well, did she tell you to ask us?" Steve said, "She always asks us."
"Well, no, but I just figured." He shrugged again. What is with the questions?
"Dude, you are telling me Y/N told you she has the house to herself, invites you for a movie night, and you think she wants us there?" Robin pipped me with an eye roll.
"Dude, she was so hitting on you." Steve smacked him on the shoulder.
"No, she is just friendly; she does not like me." Eddie responded back, but Robin was quick with an answer.
"Eddie, she does not flirt with anyone but you."
When he showed up at her house that night, alone, she was confused.
"I thought you asked the group?"
"someone told me the intention was for this to be a date?" He asked with a shy smile pointed towards her.
"Yeah, but I get it. You make it quite clear you do not like me."
"Why would you say that?" He asked confusedly; he loved her.
"I flirt with you, and you ignore me. I ask you on a date, and you ask the group. It's okay, though. We can just be best friends."
"You never flirted with me." He was even more confused.
"Eddie, when a girl is touching your knee, complimenting everything you wear, winking at you, touching your chest, batting her eyelashes, and twirling her hair, you know she's into you."
That night she finally kissed him, and he finally understood the feelings were mutual.
Now that it is senior year for the couple, they are more in love than ever.
Y/N was a bit more on the tough side, and Eddie was soft. She hated new people, but Eddie wanted to welcome everyone with open arms.
Being with Eddie meant watching people take advantage of his kindness. He is quite oblivious to the intentions of people around him. I mean, it took him two years to see she liked him. She loved and hated that about him.
And right now, the hating side has been flicked on.
Chrissy Cunnignham has been following her boyfriend around like a lap dog. It started with a deal. And Y/N thought that was the end of it, but she kept showing up.
 Eddie and Y/N snuck out to the parking lot to each take their lunch together in the back of the van. They sat in comfortable silence when a voice cut in,
"OMG, Eddie! "There you are; I have been looking for you." Y/N rolled her eyes at the high pitched voice. Eddie smiled at the girl, and Y/N hated the jab that landed in her gut.
"Just having lunch with my girl, what's up?" She smiled at the fact that he reminded her that he, in fact, does have a girlfriend. Because Chrissy likes to forget that piece of information.
"Huge party this weekend; I want to invite you," Chrissy said to Eddie and Eddie only. Her eyes never drifted from his brown ones.
Eddie looked over to Y/n with a question in his eyes.
"Baby, want date night at a party?" She did not want to spend her night with Eddie at a party, but if he wanted to go, she would suck it up. She gave him a nod.
"We will be there."
After the little run in with Chrissy at lunch, Y/N felt a tad bit sour. She knows Eddie is hers, and Eddie only wants her, but that insecurity was settling in.
She shook it off and headed to Hellfire. She and Eddie are now partners in leading the campaigns. Her seat was always next to Eddie, so a huge scowl landed on her face when she saw a familiar ponytail sitting next to Eddie in her seat.
"Chrissy, welcome, but that is my seat." Y/N said it as nicely as she could.
"Oh well, I would prefer to sit next to Eddie." She giggled as she looked at Eddie.
Eddie was once again oblivious to Chrissy's disinterest in their relationship.
"Well, I do not care; I would prefer to sit in my own seat with my boyfriend." She did not care to be polite now.
The group was walking in behind them but stopped at the tension in the room.
"Well, if Eddie wants me to move, then I will move." Chrissy bit back, and she crossed her arms.
One thing about Eddie is that he does not like to say no to people, and he does not like to hurt people's feelings, except apparently his girlfriends'.
"Baby, don't be so dramatic; it's just a seat. The spare chair is in the closet." Eddie smiled softly, truly believing he could easily fix the situation. Chrissy cheered.
The boys gasped at his response. Dusitn went to say something, but Y/N gave him a look. With the biggest breath she could manage, she grabbed the chair and placed it next to Gareth. Her boyfriend could fuck off.
Eddie frowned in her direction, but his attention quickly returned to Chrissy when she asked questions about the campaign.
Y/N rolled her eyes every time Chrissy would cheer on Eddie.
"Look, if you want to cheer so goddamn bad, why not go to practice?" Y/N snapped. Dustin tried to hide his laugh.
"Babe, no need to be rude. She is having fun; if you are going to sit there and be mean, you should just go." Y/N felt steam coming out of her ears. Did he seriously just tell her to go home?
She bit back her response and clenched the dice in her hand. It was going to be a long night.
It got even worse. The news that Chrissy dumped Jason traveled fast.
Y/N had her theories of why this breakup happened so suddenly, but Eddie, of course, just wanted to help.
"Chrissy You deserve so much better. You will find someone perfect for you. I know it."
Y/N felt like her eyes never stopped rolling. She shot a glare at the back of Eddie's head as he hugged Chrissy.
It was the night of the party, and the couple was heading to the front door.
"We shouldn't have come. All she wants to do is flirt with you and act like you don't have a girlfriend."
"She knows we are together, and she is not flirting. She just wants a friend so be nice," Eddie warned as Chrissy opened the door with a smile and only pointed to Eddie.
Y/N felt her blood boil when Chrissy laced her hand into Eddie's and yanked him out of Y/N's grasp, dragging him into the house. Eddie's head turned quickly to his girlfriend, "Babe." He said it with a smile as he used his free hand to reach for her.
 Y/N was very close to either killing Chrissy or Eddie. She understood that Eddie had no idea what was going on. He doesn't know Chrissy has been flirting with him for days. But she wanted to scream at him for being so stupid.
She was dancing with Eddie, finally having fun since Chrissy got occupied with hosting. Her hands were in his hair, their hips grinding into each other, and matching smiles took over their faces. They were lost in each other, making out in the middle of the floor. This is what she missed about Eddie—being with him in this way. He has been so busy with Chrissy that she feels like she's been pushed to the back burner.
"Can we talk?" She asked loudly into his ear. He pulled away, worried, and walked her out to the backyard.
They stood on the grass and passed a joint back and forth.
"I don't want to be that girlfriend that controls you or picks who you are friends with. But this thing with Chrissy needs to either be talked about or stopped. I am not comfortable with how she flirts with you, how she touches you, and how she always needs your attention."
"Babe, I told you there was nothing going on." He sighed
"I do not care if there is nothing going on; it is the fact that she is trying to make something happen, and you will not shut it down. I know you think everyone is just being friendly, but I am your girlfriend, and if I am telling you that I feel our relationship is being neglected, you should be working this out with me, not trying to tell me I'm making shit up. I bite my tongue a lot, but the times that it splits, you turn on me. You tell me to leave it alone and go home. Do you know how embarrassing that is? and seeing her smug smile because she's winning."
Y/N noticed her friend Robin making her way out to the yard with Steve following behind. Robin could easily sense the tension, and she knew Chrissy had been a pain in Y/N's ass, so she could imagine what was going on.
"She is not winning! There is no fight or competition. You are my girlfriend, not her. So I don't see why we are having to talk about this. Why would I want to even try with her when I have you? Just get over this insecurity and jealousy so we can move on from it."
Robin, Steve, and Y/N's mouths dropped. Chrissy once again popped up with a big smile.
"I'm feeling some tension here; maybe we should take a breather." Chrissy offered adviced as she put her hand on Eddie's back. That's when Y/N snapped.
"Get your fucking hands off of my boyfriend!" Eddie was quick to jump in front of Chrissy as Y/N marched towards her.
"Seriously, you need to calm down. You are embarrassing yourself and me."
Y/N felt every piece of anger leave, filled with hurt. It was like Eddie wasn't even himself. He was replaced with the shell.
"I pour my heart out to you. I tell you why I am upset with everything going on. And you first told me I was insecure and jealous, and now you are fucking protecting her? Are you saying I'm embarrassing you? What's embarrassing is how she chases you around. how she dumped her boyfriend just to try to snag you. She's fucking wearing a Metallica shirt, Eddie! with fucking black boots. I have almost the same outfit in my closet. She wants you! Why can't you fucking see that?"
Eddie honestly did not know what to say.
"Let's take you home." Robin said as she grabbed Y/N's hand.
Y/N was hurt, but he didn't bother to say anything, didn't bother to stop her, and never bothered to follow her to Robin's car.
He just stayed; he stayed with her.
Y/N took the time away from Eddie to breathe. She needed some space. So she waited until Monday to talk to him when he picked her up.
The only problem was that he never showed up. She begged Steve for a ride, and he said yes without hesitation.
She was relieved to see she made it on time. But her breath of relief hitched when she saw his van pull up with her in the passenger seat. She watched as they climbed out. Eddie looked like he was in the middle of a huge rant, then Chrissy's eyes caught hers.
If looks could kill, they would have murdered each other.
Y/N started to walk towards them, intent on calling them out, but she froze in her spot at Chrissy's next action.
"Okay, I think we need to take some space away from each other because if it makes my girlfriend uncomfortable, I need to respect that." Eddie explained as he pulled up into the parking lot and getting out of his van. He tried to call his girlfriend last night to tell her he was going to give Chrissy a ride to talk some things over, but she never answered.
"Eddie I don't get it. You had a fight, and she left, and you stayed with me. You obviously just showed her that you picked me. Respecting her wishes is all out the window now." Chrissy said as she peered over at her. an idea forming in her head. This was her chance to end their relationship once and for all.
Eddie went to protest when he felt her lips crash onto his. His eyes flew as wide as they could. He cringed at the feeling of sticky gloss coating his lips. He went to pull away, but her hand grabbed the back of his head to shove him closer. When he finally got himself free, he had no idea what had just happened. He was telling her they couldn't be friends, and she kissed him? That's when he noticed it; Chrissy was twirling her hair and batting her eyelashes, and he felt her touch in his chest.
"Oh fuck, you are flirting. Look I'm in love with Y/N so this will never happen" He stated as he pulled himself away. He messed up. His girlfriend told him over and over, and she was right. Chrissy didn't respect his relationship with Y/N. And he allowed himself to disrespect it in the same way.
He was quick to head towards the school, but that's when his eyes caught his favorite ones. She stood there, unmoving. Tears flowed down her face, her hand tightly holding her backpack strap. His heart dropped. She saw it. She saw her kiss him.
He went to move, but she was faster; she ran off into the building.
"BABY, WAIT!" he screamed as he ran after her. He followed her into the girls' bathroom; he didn't care.
She was sobbing into her hands on the floor. His heart shattered. He was quick to kneel in front of her. He grabbed her hands away from her face and wiped off her tears.
"Baby, I promise, I didn't kiss her. I didn't know she was going to do that. I'm so sorry. You have every right to be mad at me. You told me over and over, and I just chose not to believe you. It's just that I'm so goddamn in love with you that I don't even notice anyone else. I didn't notice her flirting because half the time I don't even notice her. I'm thinking about you. I'm sorry I called you insecure and jealous. You aren't; you were upset, and I should have made you feel better. "I promise with everything in me that I only want you, and I only want you for the rest of my life." He didn't notice that he began to cry too. He was so scared that he'd messed this up so badly that she'd leave.
"Please don't leave me, baby. I need you. Please don't," he was sobbing into her now. His face was tucked into her neck.
"I'm not going to leave you, baby." "I love you too," she said, kissing his cheek. She knew he understood his mistake now. And she also knew he was going to fix everything he cracked.
He pulled away with a sniffle. Red, puffy eyes met each other's on the bathroom floor. He leaned in for a kiss, but she pushed him back.
"Not until you get that 30¢ gloss off of you," she teased. He took it as seriously as he should have. and began to scrub the hell out of his lips. After about three washes, he went to her with a smile.
"Now?" He asked, and she nodded.
Their lips met in a needy kiss. Every once of love and passion was sent to one another.
As the couple walked out of the bathroom, they were definitely late for class now. Eddie spoke up.
"Just so you know, I'm marrying you."
Tags- @bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson
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letshaikyuu · 22 days
Semi Eita as your boyfriend // hcs.
a/n: i was too lazy to go through my master list and see if this has already been written, so you're getting double the fun if it is lol
warning: I wrote this on my phone so God knows how this thing is written
he's the sweetest and most awkward human being ever in this series. you people don't understand how obsessed I was with him and his hair back in the day when Hq season 3 came out, and I still am ngl. his hairstyle was one of the best choices this anime has ever made (besides having Akaashi Keiji as a character in it <3)
brings you to his practices all the time because he wants to show off how good he is - and then Shirabu gets under his skin and he will slam that ball on his head. but will listen to you if you start criticizing him and tell him to be more kind to his juniors.
highschool semi helps you with your homework even though he doesn't pay much attention in class. always buys you some kind of treat from the vending machines, and surprises you with them during breaks. if you two are in the same class he will not be paying attention at all and will send you notes via crumpled paper balls. if the teacher catches the two of you and you both get detention, he will be the happiest cause he gets to spend more time with you (and also apologetic cause he got you into this mess).
he looves his coffee shop dates and sitting there, endlessly chatting over an iced americano or two with no sugar cause he's just bitter like that (but a sweetheart to you <3). loves going on random shopping sprees and spending lots of money on useless things; loves shopping after getting his paycheck from a part-time job and makes sure to get you something as well!
I can see him collecting like couple items? nit sure which kind, but definitely those cute matching keychains and/or badges. he has a box with all of them with his and yours name written on top with a heart (he's such a sap, I love him).
goes to music festivals with you and those performances at bars and such. super protective of you in those settings but not in an overbearing way, he just knows that some people get a little too rowdy and risky when intoxicated and wishes to take care of you.
yo, he will judge some of your food preferences - like, if you're a mint-choco lover (I am one myself), he will judge the life out of you because “how can you eat that shit if it tastes like toothpaste?” I don't see him having very adventurous taste buds, so you will clash heads if you're more open to different food options.
has a cat at home and prayed to all the Gods before his cat and you were supposed to meet for the first time because that is his child and if you two don't vibe, we have an issue. let's just say you're all a happy little family and the cat likes you, so Semi's little heart can calm down.
once he gets his driver's license and a car, takes you on spontaneous road trips everywhere. imagine those aesthetically pleasing ones in movies and with the two of you in them.
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deancaspinefest · 2 months
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Super Double Bus | Rating: Explicit | Word Count: 29,012
Author: MBQ | Artist: girlinthemirrorbluenight
Castiel Novak's first quarter at UIC had been carefully planned and scheduled out. He had his list of "Re-Entry" classes neatly checked off and had already gotten the academic calendar figured out. He thought he was properly prepared and debriefed for his first freshman outing to the Navy Pier with far too many baby-faced eighteen-year olds, but he'd indulge them.
Being a few years older and with some junior college already on his transcripts, he was pretty confident he could handle any curveball these toddlers could throw. But a boyfriend-shaped Dean Winchester quickly proves to be a problem that is rapidly demanding a solution.
Link to fic | Link to art
Pairings: Dean/Cas, Lisa Braden/Dean Winchester/Meg Masters (Meg 1.0)
Warnings: no major archive warnings
Tags: College AU, Frat Boy Dean Winchester, College Student Castiel, menage a trois, house party, semi public sex, party bus in Paris
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jasontoddsmommyissues · 11 months
Unsmooth Operator
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Femme!Reader
Summary: It’s summer in Hawkins and Eddie finds himself caught up on the cute girl working at the record store in the mall
Warnings: Reader uses she/her pronouns, brief mentions of sexual content (nothing sexual actually happens), swearing, potentially lethal levels of adorableness 
A/N: First of all, sorry it’s been so long since I posted my last fic. My poor little ADHD self is a slow writer, I’m afraid. But anyway, I kind of wrote this as a sort of prequel to my Henderson!Reader fic, but there’s no direct mention of Reader being related to anyone, so you can either read it as that or not. Also, special thanks to Mr. Joseph Quinn for confirming that Eddie Munson has no game. 
My Master List | Ao3
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It’s June in Hawkins and the summer heat has already grown practically unbearable. The shitty window A/C unit Eddie’s been using has finally crapped out, and in the heat of the day the trailer is approximately the temperature of the sun. Mercifully, he’s found a sweet, air conditioned refuge in the newly built Starcourt mall, a temple to 20th century decadence and consumerism that also happens to be a very pleasant temperature inside. 
Jeff and Gareth are tagging along today, which is fun except for the quick pit stop they had to make at the homegoods store so Gareth could pick up some new linens for his mom. They’ve finished that now, though, and Eddie’s already got their next destination in mind. 
“I’m gonna do it”, Gareth insists as they go, “I’m gonna get a tattoo.”
“Your mom would kill you”, Jeff replies.”remember when she caught you smoking? I thought she wasn’t going to let us see you ever again after that.”
“It’s different now”, Gareth tells him, “I’m 16. I’m gonna be a junior. It’s time I make my own choices, you know?”
“Good luck with that”, Jeff laughs. 
“Let’s hit the record store next”, Eddie cuts in, “I want to pick up the new Bob Dylan album for Wayne.”
“More like you wanna see the cute girl working the register”, Jeff teases.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”, Eddie retorts, desperately hoping his cheeks aren’t actually turning as red as he thinks they are.
In truth, he does have an ulterior motive for wanting to go to the record store, and it is you. You’ve been going to Hawkins High for the past three years, but admittedly Eddie had never really been more than vaguely aware of your existence until this past semester, when you two had PE together. He had this routine he’d do where he would imitate the gym teacher when the man wasn’t looking, and it never failed to elicit a giggle from you. One day Eddie noticed how cute you looked when you laughed and well, he’s been a little bit stuck on you ever since. 
“Why don’t you just ask her out?” Gareth comments, as if it’s just that easy.
Sweet, naive Gareth. Maybe for guys like Steve Harrington it’s that easy, but Eddie isn’t Steve Harrington. Gareth wasn’t there for Eddie’s early high school days. He wasn’t there during Eddie’s sophomore year when two hot juniors decided to prank him by convincing him their cheerleader friend was “super into him” or his junior year when he invited that girl from drama club to join Hellfire and she laughed out loud at him. Most girls don’t even want to be seen with Eddie “the Freak” Munson, let alone date him. 
“Jeff’s talking out of his ass”, Eddie lies, “come on, let’s go.”
You are, of course, there at the counter when they walk in, and oh God, is that an Iron Maiden shirt you’re wearing? Fuck, as if he couldn’t be more into you. 
“Um, Eddie, you good dude?” Gareth asks him and he realizes he’s stopped right there in the entrance of the store, just staring at you. He quickly turns away and walks the rest of the way into the store, thankful that you’re currently checking out a customer and probably didn’t notice him ogling you like a total weirdo. 
Admittedly, this may not have been a good idea, at least if he wants to convince Jeff and Gareth he’s not into you. He quickly grabs a Bob Dylan tape and starts making for the door, desperate to just get out of there and spare himself anymore humiliation.
“Um, you gonna pay for that?” Jeff asks and fuck. He’s shoplifted before but he’s not interested in getting barred from the record store, so he’s not gonna risk it today. 
“Right”, he mutters and then he forces himself to go up to the counter. 
He feels like his heart is going to explode in his chest when he walks up and you flash him that brilliant smile of yours.
“Hi, Eddie”, you greet and his eyes grow wide because you know his name. Well, obviously you did, you had a class together, but it just sounds so good coming from your mouth that he momentarily ceases to function. 
“Did you need help with something?” you ask after a moment.
“What?” Eddie asks, “oh no. Just um, just this.”
He sets the tape on the counter and you grab it to ring it up.
“Dylan”, you comment as you do, “not your usual fare.”
“It’s for my uncle”, Eddie explains, “he’s a big fan.”
“Cool”, you say, “I like your vest by the way. Dio. Nice.”
Well, that’s it. It’s over. Eddie’s done for. 
“That’ll be $6.30”, you say.
“Oh, right money”, Eddie sputters and fishes a ten out of his pocket. He knows Jeff and Gareth are standing nearby, watching this all play out and probably laughing with each other about it. He’s definitely never living this down.
“You want a bag”, you ask as you finish gathering his change. 
“Oh, I um, I guess”, he replies, not actually processing the question. You hand him his change, then place the tape in a bag and slide it over to him. He goes to grab it, and because he’s not at all paying attention to anything but you, inadvertently sends the display of Beach Boy tapes sitting on the counter tumbling to the floor.
“Oh shit”, he hisses, “oh fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay”, you reply, coming around the counter, “I keep telling Doug he shouldn’t put that stuff so close to the register.”
You bend down to start picking up the tapes and years worth of Wayne’s lectures on behaving like a gentleman come flooding back to Eddie, so he quickly follows suit.
“Let me help you”, he says.
“Thanks”, you say and you’re smiling again and Eddie kind of wants to die. 
With the two of you, it doesn’t take long to get everything cleaned up and back in order. 
“I’m really sorry”, Eddie says again as you make your way back behind the counter, and then before he can stop himself, he blurts, “maybe I could make it up to you somehow?”
“What?” you ask, clearly unsure of what he means.
“I mean like, maybe I could buy you a-a coffee or something sometime”, he stammers.
You peer at him for a moment, and he braces for the inevitable rejection he’s about to endure.
“I like ice cream”, you say, “if you meet me here at 3 tomorrow, you can buy me some ice cream and we’ll call it even.”
Maybe Eddie’s already dead and this is heaven. That or he’s being punked somehow. Either way, he stands there like an idiot for a second, trying to process that you just suggested the two of you meet for ice cream. 
“Um okay”, he says.
“Cool”, you grin, “see you then.”
“Right”, he says, “see you then.”
And then he’s swiping his bag from the counter and stiffly making his way back to Jeff and Gareth, his body still trapped in a state of shock.
“So”, Jeff prompts, “what was all that?”
“I um, I think I’m meeting her for ice cream tomorrow”, Eddie informs them. 
The two younger boys exchange glances, mouths stretching into a matching pair of shit eating grins. 
“Talking out of my ass, huh?” Jeff teases.
“Shut up”, Eddie snaps, “I’m just being polite okay? It’s not like a date or anything.”
“Sure it isn’t”, Gareth replies smugly. 
“Whatever”, Eddie huffs and the others know not to continue the conversation, even if they spend the rest of the afternoon exchanging amused glances at each other.
Eddie waits until he’s back at the trailer to let everything sink in. When it does, he feels a vague sense of panic washing over him. 
Embarrassing as it is, Eddie’s never had a real, serious girlfriend before. Hell, aside from a brief flirtation with Tammy Thompson that ended in a very awkward hand job in the school parking lot, he’s never really had any experience with girls (or boys for that matter) at all. And Tammy was the one that initiated that. He wasn’t even really into her, he was just desperate for some sort of female attention. 
You, though, he is into you. Very, very much into you. And he has no idea what the hell he’s supposed to do or say. He finally, finally has a chance to go out with his dream girl, and he’s almost certainly going to say something wrong and scare you off like pretty much everyone he’s ever been into. 
He wonders what the weather in Wisconsin is like this time of year, because he’s halfway to hopping in his van and heading there now, never to be seen or heard from in Hawkins, Indiana again.
Then again, maybe he’s over thinking it. It’s not like the word “date” ever came up in your conversation. Maybe this really is just him paying you back for his clumsiness, and afterwards you won’t even spare him a second thought. In the end, he figures that whatever the case, he’s not just going to leave you high and dry, so he has no choice but to go. 
Eddie shows up outside the record store at 2:45 the next day. He stands there awkwardly, fiddling with his rings and secretly hoping that you don’t show up and he doesn’t have to deal with all of this.
No such luck though, you appear exactly at 3, looking as cute as ever in your jean skirt. 
“Hey”, you greet and Eddie momentarily forgets how to speak.
“Hey”, he repeats, unable to formulate a coherent enough thought to do anything but copy your greeting.
“You ready to go?” you ask and he nods. 
The record store is a fair bit away from Scoops Ahoy, and for probably the first time in his life, Eddie finds himself unsure of what exactly to say. Thankfully, you take the lead.
“So, have you heard Megadeth’s album?” you ask, “I got it the first day it came out and I love it.”
“Me too”, Eddie says, and he can feel himself being knocked out of his stupor then, “you know, my friends and I have a metal band.”
“Really?” you ask.
“Yeah”, he tells you, “we perform Wednesdays at the Hideout, if you ever want to come see us.”
“I’ll keep that in mind”, you smile and Eddie thinks his heart momentarily stops. 
Walking into Scoops Ahoy with you by his side is an almost unreal experience. You and him go up to the counter and Steve Harrington is there in his little sailor suit that Eddie almost feels sorry that he’s forced to wear. 
“Hey Steve”, you greet.
“Hey Y/N”, Steve replies, and then he notices that Eddie’s with you and he gets this super confused look on his face. 
“So, uh, get whatever you want I guess”, Eddie says.
Once you two have ordered and gotten your ice cream, you eat it while idly wandering around the mall, just chatting about anything and everything. Eddie, as always, is frequently cracking jokes, and God is it mesmerizing to see the way you laugh in response. 
It’s quite the disappointment when you’re finishing your ice cream and you’re bidding him farewell. 
He knows he has to at least try to see you again so he tests the waters with a quick “that was fun, we should do it again sometime.”
“I’d like that”, you smile.
“Awesome”, he replies.
“Here”, you say, rooting around in your purse, “give me your hand.”
He obliges, and you produce a pen, which you use to scribble something onto his outstretched hand.
“What’s this?” he asks.
“My number”, you reply, “call me tonight or tomorrow?”
“Sure”, he tells you. 
“Great”, you say, “I’ll see you, Eddie.”
“See you”, he says, hoping he doesn’t sound as absolutely lovesick to you as he does to himself. 
You flash him one final smile before departing, and he just stands there awkwardly for a second, watching as you go. Once you’ve disappeared from sight and he’s snapped out of his trance, he peers down at the numbers you’d scrawled onto his hand. He has to remind himself that it’d be weird to get them tattooed onto himself permanently. He can’t believe that it worked. You went on a date with him, in public, and didn’t care if you were seen together. You laughed at his jokes. You gave him his number and asked to see him again. You liked him. 
The trailer is as unbearably hot as ever when he returns, but for once, he doesn’t care. He’s too excited to call you later and hopefully set up another date. 
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fereinsm · 1 year
Overhaul/Update version for one of my proudest works, a main cover art(?) for my little project call Robotnik AU.
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Characters list:
Upper row/section (above Movie Eggman's hands), from left to right: - Sonic.exe (the utmost terrifying OC/FC from the creepy pasta thingy) - Queen Boom Boo, Merc version (OC/FC made by Dan-Habiki/@Dan_Daymaker) - King Boom Boo - Lah - Su & Uh - Shadow the Hedgehog (Team Dark) - Rouge the Bat (Team Dark) - E-123 Omega (Team Dark) - Dr. Eggman Nega - Doctor Albert W. Wily (Megaman, Archie comics) - Honey the Cat - Breezie the Hedgehog - Bocoe & Decoe + Bokkun - Dark Oak/Lucas - Dark Queen/Merlina - Erazor Dijinn - Coconuts - Scratch & Grounders - General Helmut Von Stryker - Anton Veruca (Shogakukan magazines) - Junior Robotnik - Captain Whiskers & Johnny - Opal the Jellyfish (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Dive the Lemming (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Blade the Shark (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Captain Shellbreaker (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Mr. Bristles the Yeti Crab (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Mephiles the Dark - Silver Sonic - Dark Enerjak (Knuckle) - Nazo (appeared in Sonic X's last teaser) - Eggette/Omelette Robotnik (famed OC/FC originally designed by Alpha Gamboa (blackbookalpha)) - Infinite the Jackal - Solaris - Black Doom - Eclipse the Darkling - Black Death - Dark Gaia (Perfect form) - Metal Sonic - Iron Queen aka Regina Ferrum - Time Eater - Mammoth Mogul - Iron King aka Jun Kun - Imperator Ix - Wendy Naugus - Bearenger the Grizzly (Witchcarters) - Carrotia the Rabbit (Witchcarters) - Falke Wulf (Witchcarters) - Walter Naugus - Fleetway's Super Sonic - Shade the Echidna - Boomer Walrus aka Anti Rotor - Patch D'Coolette aka Anti Antoine - Princess Alicia Acorn aka Anti Sally
Middle section (below Eggman's hands), from left to right: - Speedy (both Pre and Post-Super Genesis Wave versions) - Sage - T.W. Barker - Dave the Intern - Sleet & Dingo - A.D.A.M. - E.V.E. - Lyric the Last Ancient - Zor - Zash (OC/FC made by @saccharinerose) - Zeena - Zazz - Zomom - Zavok - Master Zik - Agent Stone (Sonic movies 2020/2022) - Orbot & Cubot - Wes Weasely - Snively Robotnik - Dr. Robotnik (Sonic movies 2020/2022) - Thunderbolt the Chinchilla - Predator Hawk (Destructix) - Anti-Miles - Scourge the Hedgehog - Storm the Albatross - Wave the Swallow - Jet the Hawk - Rosy the Rascal - Sleuth "Doggy" Dawg (Destructix) - Sergeant Simian (Destructix) - Fiona Fox (Destructix) - Duck "Bill" Platypus - Bark the Polar Bear - Bean the Dynamite - Drago Wolf (Destructix) - Nicolette 'Nic' the Weasel - Razorclaw - The Foreman (Grandmaster) - Hugo Brass - Diesel - Flying Frog (Destructix) - Geoffrey St. John - Hershey the Cat - Nack the Weasel/Fang the Sniper (Team Hooligan) - Fleetway's Chaos (Darkon fish form)
Lower section, from left to right: - Dr. Finitevus - Grimer Wormtongue - Dr. Fukurokov - Dimitri the Echidna - Maw the Thylacine - Mecha Sally - Mecha Sonic - Mecha knuckle - Jackal Squad, named by Nibroc-Rock as Uno, Deux, Trois, Quatre, Cinq & Sei (Shadowy figures) - Kayseri Valaedshkova (OC/FC made by dirtthefox/@Its_Dima_V) - Strike (OC/FC made by @speedofsoundsketches) - Surge the Tenrec - Kit the Fennec - Sofia the Gorgon (OC/FC made by Sofia-MMD/@GorgonSofia) - Clutch the Opossum - Kaibette the Genet (OC/FC made by @kaibette) - Rough & Tumble the Skunk - Battle Lord Kukku XV - ***Mecha Robotnik - Akhlut the Orca (both Pre and Post-Super Genesis Wave versions) - Tundra the Walrus - Mordred Hood (drawn with @adokle's style) - The Foreman/Tassel boy (Post-Super Genesis Wave) - Mimic (the Mimic Octopus) - Byte the Goat (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Lightning Lynx - Iblis - Phage - Conquering Storm (Post-Super Genesis Wave) - Bride of the Conquering Storm (Pre-Super Genesis Wave) - Dr. Starline - Biolizard - Sigma (Megaman, Archie comics) - Axel the Water Buffalo - Abyss the Squid - Cyani the Cobra (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Cipher the Owl (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Bleak (OC/FC made by HT-Doodles/@HtDoodles) - Clove the Pronghorn (my top fav among all the characters here) - Cassia the Pronghorn - Lien-da - Chaos - Tikal the Echidna - Pachacamac - Gae-Na - Kragok - Thrash the Devil - Warden Zobotnik & Znively (Zone Cop) - Belinda & Charlie - Nephthys the Vulture - ??? (Behind Nephthys) - Trevor Burrow the Mole (Desert Raiders) - Sonar the Fennec (Desert Raiders) - Spike the Porcupine (Desert Raiders) - Razor the Shark - Queen Angelica - Rusty Rose - Robo Tails (Brain-washed, based on Sonic Lost World's designs) - Beauregard Rabbot - Jack Rabbit - Matilda the Armadillo - Zefir (my main OC/FC) - Gamer Deer (aka 'Aleko' the Northamer Guard or the 'Gamerdeerdude' by @adokle) - Zonic (Zone Cop) - Chesah the Tarsier aka No.29 (my OC/FC) - Sandy the Caterkiller (OC/FC made by @the-hydroxian-artblog)
For the Alt version: FeReinsm on Instagram: “Overhaul/update versions for one of my proudest works, a main cover art(?) for my lil’ project - Robotnik AU. For the 2nd and 4th pics…”
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lovesickfolly · 10 months
tagged by @aleng-neng. What are my fave top 9 shows in no particular order. (All of these I have at 10/10.) I'll only pick recent shows, as they're the ones I have listed on MyDramaList and thus have a ranking for. XD This means it's mostly bls and cdramas. 1. Moonlight Chicken.
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One of my feelgood shows, even though it's still new. It feels comfortable and adult and grounded, with a bunch of amazing actors who are clearly comfortable with each other. As an 'older queer' it resonates with me a lot and I didn't dislike a single thing about it.
2. The Blood of Youth.
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A really fun show with gorgeous, engaging characters and the right mix of beautiful scenery, beautiful people, and creative storytelling that I like. Sprinkle in some excellent fight scenes and a bunch of my favourite actors and I'm sold!
3. Old Fashion Cupcake.
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I talked about mature stories earlier and this is another one of those. I could see myself in the main lead just a bit too much for me not to love this. Nozue recognizes that he's maybe stuck in a rut and complacent when he doesn't have to be. And, maybe, that handsome junior at the firm could help him get out of it (and make him recognize he's not straight).
4. KinnPorsche.
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Look, I know it has its issues. I know. And I know people have an issue with some of the fandom. I get it and for the most part I agree. However, this was the first BL in a long time that I had the urge to write fic for. I enjoyed the complexity of the universe and the characters that much. (Even if some of it didn't make sense. but that's half the fun!) And that's why I like it. It got my brain involved. (And I just adore Tankhun, okay.)
5. Word of Honor.
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Years ago I watched a few cdramas and then...somehow forgot about them? (I don't know how I did that.) However, back in 2019 I got back into them and eventually stumbled upon The Untamed. 'This is the pinnacle of cdrama for me and my tastes!' I thought. But then Word of Honor showed up. Look, everything about this show is stunning. The story, the characters, the setting, the clear and unadulterated love between the two main characters. Everything and everyone is beautiful and I've never gone through a cdrama as fast as I did this one. It's beautiful in ever sense of the word. And so, so queer. Don't believe me? Just search 'word of honor cdrama' in the gif section on tumblr and marvel at the art.
6. A Tale of Thousand Stars.
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This is not the first Thai BL I watched, but it almost feels like it? Because ATOTS is the first one I remember going crazy about (and it set me on the road to basically loving everything EarthMix are in together). I was super invested and wanted to draw art and everything. It's just such a nice, soft, romantic story and the characters are so fun. This is probably the one I've rewatched the most.
7. Semantic Error.
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As you can tell, I generally like stories that feel far away from home. I like magic and fantasy and settings that aren't typical. However, this is one of the few exceptions. I think it's the characters and their journey and the perfect execution of tropes that would have felt stale in any other show. It's a fun story with excellent characters and I get why it's so popular.
8. Mysterious Lotus Casebook.
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Technically, I can't say this show is 10/10 yet because it still has a bunch of episodes to go. However, I can tell it's going to get close at least. (And will probably get to 10.) I keep comparing it to a perfect blend of The Blood of Youth and A League of Nobleman, in that it's a fantasy world with a master swordsman who's dying (and begrudgingly adopts a cute puppy who loves him) and a bunch of cases that need solving (to unravel the overarching plot). It's so much fun and the settings + characters are so beautiful. (And I may or may not heavily ship the loyal, eager puppy with the stoic, lying dying man who tries to push him away (and literally abandon him) in an attempt to keep him safe (from harm and heartache).) The hurt/comfort and love against all odds is strong in this one! He gave up his lifelong dream to protect a man who's been lying to him ever since they met and whom is at that point a wanted fugitive!! Because he trusts and loves him so. Also, it has a bunch of very handsome and gorgeous actors/characters in it, whom I love (and who suffer beautifully).
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9. ??? I only have 8 shows that I've given 10/10 to (or a prospective 10/10, lol), so I'll just leave you with some other recommended shows that came close! Bad Buddy
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Between Us
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Choco Milk Shake
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Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms
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My Only 12%
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Ancient Love Poetry
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That's it! I invested way too much effort into this, but...it was fun? Sorry for clogging up your timelines with this, though!
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elysiangroundsforall · 2 months
About Me & Masterlist
Hi Y'all, Welcome to my blog or Welcome Back! Even though I'm not new to tumblr and have been writing for the past 4 years with a 2 year break in between. I will not be revealing any personal information accept the fact im an adult. My previous accounts are @hesitate9 and @hazzascrrls but I forgot their pswds.
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My Nationality: Indian
My Fav Color: Purple, Black
My fav song: Bambi-Baekhyun, I Can't Stop Me - TWICE
My fav band: Stray Kids
My fav SKZ song: Cover Me and Silent Cry
My ult bias: Lee Know
My Bias list: Lee Know, Kai, Baekhyun, Eunhyuk, Heechul, Key, Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Ni-Ki, Soyeon, Yeji, Jihyo, Momo, Wonbin, Taecyeon
Bands I will write for: SKZ, ATEEZ, SUPER JUNIOR, Enhypen, Twice, ITZY, G-IDLE, RIIZE, EXO, 2PM, SHINEE (except Jonghyun Pls understand why I'm not comfortable writing about him. Though Shinee will always be ot5 I'll only write about Key, Minho, Onew, Taemin), I may add more bands to the list if I start stanning them
My fav k-actor: Ji-Chang Wook
My fav k-drama: Ghost Doctor
Actors I will write about: Ji-Chang Wook, Lee Jongsuk, Lee Dongwook, Kim Bum, Kim Soo Hyun, Song Joon-Ki, Kim Gun-woo, I may add more.
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Request Rules
I will not write member x member.
I will not write about SA, and hardcore sexual stuff.
My stories have a lead female and for the female idols mostly male i may write women too if i feel comfortable enough.
This is SFW blog but minors kindly refrain from reading content with NSFW tag on it. I will upload a SFW version of it.
Please don't ask for NSFW stuff for minor idols i will not entertain them.
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Master List
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Master Post - List of Completed Readings and Works in Progress (WIP)
I strongly urge you to take all the tarot readings on this account lightly. All the posts are intended to have an entertaining nature, they are pure speculations and completely made up by me. I can never ever guarantee any of it and you should never take any of the tarot readings for granted. I would like to stress that I know no idol nor actor personally, I never met any of them and all those readings are fictional, imagins, make believe and hypothetical scenarios. Do not base any of your life decisions on a tarot reading only, always use your common sense. If you have issues with tarot cards for religious or other reasons, do not engage in reading my posts.
When you make a request take my life into consideration and be patient. I’m a responsible adult with a full time job, dog, family, friends, duties, house chores and requests from other sources. All these take my time. Also reading tarot cards requires a certain mood, vibe and concentration, it can’t be done just anytime. Count on the time delays, please. I will do my best to complete your requests.
I’m always willing to help out if you yourself consider taking on tarot cards as a hobby. Feel free to ask if you have any inquiries about it, no question is dumb. I don’t know everything but will try to help the best I can.
Tip me for my readings on ko-fi! Purely optional! All readings are for free now!
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LINK: https://ko-fi.com/oraclekleo
Requests status:
K-Pop Readings - CLOSED
Tarot Readings
Monsta X
NCT (All sub-units)
Omega X
Solo Artists
Stray Kids
Super Junior
The Boyz
The Rose
(only Yunho and Changmin, see the former members among solo artists)
US, UK, CA, AUS Actors
Xdinary Heroes
*(WIP) = works in progress
Tip me for my readings on ko-fi! Purely optional! All readings are for free now!
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illusionsym · 8 months
Why Not The Dancer full season engsub master list
all translated and upload by emzhaek
[ENG SUBS] 180505 Why Not The Dancer Ep ONE  - Super Junior's Eunhyuk (ft Donghae), Highlight's Gikwang & SHINee Taemin  Openload: https://openload.co/f/5co01Jenb38/180505_WNTD_with_subs_%281%29.mp4  Rapidvideo: https://rapidvideo.com/v/FR2SK9S4NS  MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!F65XQYRB!b4MVsUhDlf8hOeOGIO8xrqfvXszFbkV_RVPGzeCHXMc
[ENG SUBS] 180512 Why Not The Dancer Ep TWO  - Super Junior's Eunhyuk, Highlight's Gikwang & SHINee's Taemin  Openload:  https://openload.co/f/UVrWrQdfbmk/%5BENG_SUB%5D_HD_180512_WHY_NOT_The_Dancer_episode_2__Eunhyuk%2C_Gikwang%2C_Taemin.mp4 Rapidvideo: https://rapidvideo.com/v/FRUVALZLTE MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!Iy4GQLYR!FpZ
[ENG SUBS] 180519 Why Not The Dancer Ep THREE  - Super Junior's Eunhyuk, Highlight's Gikwang & SHINee's Taemin Openload: https://openload.co/f/90xwzwUwYdU/%5BENG_SUBS%5D_HD_180519_Why_Not_The_Dancer_Episode_3%3A_Eunhyuk%2C_Gikwang%2C_Taemin%2C_Jisung.mp4 Rapidvideo: https://rapidvideo.com/v/FRUVT7T0FV MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!96QEHY6C!0-4
[ENG SUBS] 180526 Why Not The Dancer Ep FOUR  - Super Junior's Eunhyuk, Highlight's Gikwang, SHINee's Taemin & NCT's Jisung  Openload: https://openload.co/f/PwpQFv3uNsg/%5BENG_SUBS%5D_HD_180526_Why_Not_The_Dancer_Episode_4%3A_Eunhyuk%2C_Gikwang%2C_Taemin%2C_Jisung.mp4  Rapidvideo: https://rapidvideo.com/v/FRUW4JV1X9 MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!NmxDABBC!zHrKfCwzPQhtrNQlSFgs83ZHbZruiESEaUSfzKQ-hwg 
[ENG SUBS] 180602 Why Not The Dancer Ep FIVE  - Super Junior's Eunhyuk, Highlight's Gikwang, SHINee's Taemin & NCT's Jisung  Openload: https://openload.co/f/AUWIU3N7m-g/%5BENG_SUBS%5D_WNTD_180602_Episode_5.mp4 Rapidvideo: https://rapidvideo.com/v/FRYIKBPEWP  MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!Q2xyDLgY!HL1pXgjkyRnHxSZIs7a8rsoMEq6-vkAqwgnM6WEHKso
[ENG SUBS] 180609 Why Not The Dancer Ep SIX  - Super Junior's Eunhyuk, Highlight's Gikwang, SHINee's Taemin & NCT's Jisung  Openload: https://openload.co/f/KDns3USOmv8/ENG_SUBS_WNTD_180609_Episode_6.mp4  Rapidvideo: https://rapidvideo.com/v/FS8WMF9HOS  MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!hzpmjJ7D!-Nt
[ENG SUBS] 180616 Why Not The Dancer Episode SEVEN  - Super Junior's Eunhyuk, Highlight's Gikwang, SHINee's Taemin & NCT's Jisung  Openload: https://openload.co/f/Wz2vgK4f4q0/ENG_SUBS_WNTD_180616_Episode_7.mp4  Rapidvideo: https://rapidvideo.com/v/FSJUUXC0F0  MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!MiQWFSTA!RfE
[ENG SUBS] 180623 Why Not The Dancer Episode EIGHT (FINAL EPISODE) - Super Junior's Eunhyuk, Highlight's Gikwang, SHINee's Taemin & NCT's Jisung Openload: https://openload.co/f/OvdyGarqJF4/%5BENG_SUBS%5D_HD_180623_Why_Not_The_Dancer_Episode_8_Eunhyuk%2C_Gikwang%2C_Taemin%2C_Jisung.mp4  Rapidvideo: https://rapidvideo.com/v/FSSI7CPLNS  MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!snYy0YCI!1sA
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disneytva · 1 year
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June 2023 Programming Highlights
Friday, June 2 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties “Cat Tree Caper/Showstopper” (1-16) (8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/1:25-1:55 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Cat Tree Caper” – The SuperKitties have to stop Cat Burglar from swiping all the cat trees from the cats of Kittydale.
“Showstopper” – Mr. Puppypaws tries to make the Singing Squirrels give him a private concert. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “Squadron/Forest Defenders” (1-06) (9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD; 7:30-8:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Squadron” – The Jedi put their flying skills to the test.
“Forest Defenders” – Kai and friends defend the forest creatures’ homes. TV-Y
Thursday, June 8 Original Series – Series Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “The Beginning of the Friend” (1-01) (8:00-8:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) After learning that her to-do list will save the world, Hailey attempts to ride every ride at the county fair. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “Beta’d and Hooked/The Wild, Wild Mess” (1-03) (8:30-9:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “Beta’d and Hooked” – Hailey and Scott set sail to catch the legendary Blue Ono so they can win the top prize at the Fish Taco Festival.
“The Wild, Wild Mess” – After becoming ‘Sheriff for a Day’ at a western reenactment town, Hailey uses her newfound authority to rid the town of an invading dirt bike crew. TV-Y7
Friday, June 9 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “HALT, Tiger!/You Gotta Be Kitten Me!” (2-16) (7:30-8:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/12:00-12:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “HALT, Tiger!” – On Shadow Mountain in the Land of Myth and Legend, Mickey and friends meet Cho Sook, a mythical Korean shapeshifter. *Jee Young Han (“Perry Mason”) as Cho Sook, a Korean gumiho.
“You Gotta Be Kitten Me!” – Daisy and Minnie help Thalia overcome her fear of cats. *Yasmine Al Massri (“Quantico”) guest stars as Bast, an Egyptian cat-like statue. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties “Sparks vs. Sparks/Poochy Playdate” (1-17) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/1:25-1:55 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Sparks vs. Sparks” – When animals accuse Sparks of stealing, the SuperKitties must find the real thief.
“Poochy Playdate” – A jealous Mr. Puppypaws traps all the other dogs to keep them away from the park. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends “Super Scooter/The Lost Web Shooter” (2-22) (8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/1:00-1:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Super Scooter” – When the villains team up to take out the heroes and their super-powered vehicles, it’s up to Ghost-Spider and Ms. Marvel to save the day.
“The Lost Web Shooter” – When Spidey loses one of his web-shooters, two kids get the dream of a lifetime to help him recover it from Doc Ock. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “The Jedi and the Thief/The Missing Kibbin” (1-07) (9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD; 7:30-8:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “The Jedi and the Thief” – Kai and Master Zia must get back her stolen ship.
“The Missing Kibbin” ‒ The young Jedi helps a bounty hunter find a lost pet. TV-Y
Wednesday, June 14 Original Series – Series Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Built To Build/Pup DE-struction” (1-01) (8:00-8:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney Junior) “Build To Build” – Phinny must build a new bridge so Petsburg’s kids can get to school.
“Pup DE-struction” – Mayor Gilmore tasks Phinny with building a skate park, but an indestructible boulder stands in their way. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Hush Puppies/Beach Day Build-Off” (1-02) (8:25-8:55 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney Junior) “Hush Puppies” – Phinny struggles to build quietly for a family whose chinchilla neighbor needs to sleep.
“Beach Day Build-Off” – Bobby Boots wants to show up Pupstruction in front of the mayor, but his attempt backfires. TV-Y
Thursday, June 15 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Bailey’s Birthday Coaster/Doggone Tired” (1-03) (8:00-8:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Bailey’s Birthday Coaster” – For his little sister’s birthday, Phinny builds her the wildest roller coaster ever.
“Doggone Tired” – The Pup Crew must save the grand opening of a new Petsburg restaurant, but Tank’s too sleepy. TV-Y
Friday, June 16 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Fast and Furriest/Luna Digs Deep” (1-04) (8:00-8:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Fast and Furriest” – When a hamster ball rolls out of control, the Pupstruction Crew tries to stop it.
“Luna Digs Deep” – Luna loves playing with her new excavator scoop so much she can’t get any work done. TV-Y
Saturday, June 17 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Kiff “Fresh Outta Grandmas/Maybe-sitting” (1-16) (8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “Fresh Outta Grandmas” – Tensions rise when the crew gets wrapped up in a new collection craze.
“Maybe-sitting” – When Kiff shadows Harry and Terri as they watch Kristophe, she learns that being in charge is not so easy. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “The Last Sand/The Show Must Go Wrong” (1-02) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “The Last Sand” – Hailey and her dad enter Oceanside’s Sandcastle Building Contest, but a cheating A.C. goads her into a small-scale medieval war of epic proportions.
“The Show Must Go Wrong” – When the star of the school musical injures herself in the middle of the show, Hailey must overcome her fear of performing in front of an audience. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “Cubix Dudes/Cos-played” (1-04) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “Cubix Dudes” – When Hailey’s plan to build an owl habitat is derailed, she learns the value of sacrifice for the good of a friend.
“Cos-played” – When Hailey, Scott and Beta discover that they’ve been scammed at a Hero Force cosplay event, Hailey finds the hero within her to stand up to the bullies. TV-Y7
Friday, June 23 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Bailey and the Doggy Doctor/Dog for a Day” (1-05) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Bailey and the Doggy Doctor” – Bailey is scared when she finds out she’s having her very first checkup.
“Dog for a Day” – Bobby Boots sneaks into Pupstruction HQ to get a hold of Phinny’s blueprints for a new waterpark. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties “Voice With No Choice/Brother Battle” (1-18) (8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/1:25-1:55 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Voice With No Choice” – The SuperKitties stop Zsa-Zsa from turning animals’ voices into musical instruments.
“Brother Battle” – Sparks and Buddy accidentally hurt each other’s feelings. TV-Y
Saturday, June 24 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Kiff “Everyday I’m Riddlin” Riddlin’/Life On The Inside” (1-17) (8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “Everyday I’m Riddlin” Riddlin’” – Kiff and Barry help a local bridge troll but discover he has some tricky riddles. *Rhys Darby (“Our Flag Means Death“) guest stars as Trollie, a troll living under a bridge.
“Life On The Inside” – Kiff and Barry get detention and meet a ragtag team of students who help them plot an escape. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Hamster & Gretel “Let’s Sea What You’ve Got/Churro’s Day Out” (1-20) (9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT) “Let’s Sea What You’ve Got” – Gretel and Bailey experiment with Gretel’s powers at the beach.
“Churro’s Day Out” – Churro has a day out while the family gets a portrait done. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “Road Trippin’/Escape Doom” (1-05) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “Road Trippin’” – Kristine feels like the third wheel after she unexpectedly joins Scott and Hailey on a road trip.
“Escape Doom” – Hailey must lead her friends out of an Egyptian-themed escape room that chaos bots have rigged to crush. *Martin Starr (“Silicon Valley”) guest stars as Cody, an escape room attendant. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “The Flamingo Must Flamin-Go / Splatter of the Bands” (1-07) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “The Flamingo Must Flamin-Go” – Hailey secretly adopts a smelly, old flamingo and quickly realizes she’s bitten off more than she can chew. *Natasha Rothwell (“Insecure”) guest stars as Carla, a local animal shelter owner.
“Splatter of the Band” – Hailey must decide between perfection and fun in order to win a local music festival. *Blake Anderson (“Workaholics”) and Brandon Mychal Smith (“Sonny with a Chance”) guest star as Swagmeister and JT, an influencer duo, respectfully. TV-Y7
Friday, June 30 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Firebuds “The Super Safety Show/Job-O-Rama Day” (1-21) (7:00-7:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/1:50-2:20 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “The Super Safety Show” – Iggy and Rod’s jealousy of the Firebuds leads to an emergency.
“Job-O-Rama Day” – Violet can’t decide which of her moms’ jobs to present at a school event. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Adventures in Bulldozing/Safe and Hound” (1-06) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Adventures in Bulldozing” – Roxy is babysitting Bailey when she accidentally inspires the young pup to go on a demolition spree.
“Safe and Hound” – Phinny’s dad decides the Pupstruction Crew needs a “Safety Supervisor” — him! TV-Y
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bulbagarden · 2 years
We interviewed our Bulbapedia staff friends here at Bulbagarden about their jobs! So here is the interview if you're interested~~it's very very interesting!!
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"Bulbapedia was founded in late 2004 by a team of staff from the Bulbagarden Pokémon forums, with the bold ambition of creating a comprehensive resource maintained by the community, for the community. It was formally unveiled to the public in February 2005; at least 21 new articles were created within the first 24 hours of operations, and within three months 1,000 articles had been compiled. With close to 50,000 articles as of late 2022, Bulbapedia alone makes Bulbagarden one of the world's most visited Pokémon websites. Given the franchise hadn't existed for even a full decade at launch, it's fair to say that even the brave initial scope pales in comparison to the humongous scale of modern Pokémon media!
Bulbapedia may seem monolithic at times, but the wiki's success rests upon the efforts of everyday contributors and especially the team of Researchers, Poké Maniacs and Super Nerds that run the site and manage those contributions. In this article we'll be speaking with some of those (very human) Admins and figuring out what makes both them and Bulbapedia tick, covering their day-to-day priorities as well as their future plans. Whether you're a seasoned wiki editor or have never so much as thought about getting involved, we hope you'll find it enlightening!
Please introduce yourself - what is your role with Bulbapedia, and how long have you been on the team?
Hello! I'm bthrussellUK, and I'm a Junior Administrator on Bulbapedia. I joined the team in March 2022, and first contributed to the wiki in October 2019.
Heya, I'm Spriteit, one of the Australian team members; I've been a part of the Bulba team since 2011. After being temporarily added to the team to assist with the release of Black and White, I recently moved up to being a member of the Editorial Board in 2021. I was an expat from Wikimon and general Wikipedia editing and I found Bulbapedia. My first big job was changing all the Japanese names of the Gen 5 starters to their English ones and it's what piqued interest in promoting me to staff.
Salutations, I am Frozen Fennec, an Admin on Bulbapedia. I have been with the team since 2020 when I was invited to join the team as a Junior Admin - I was promoted to Admin status later that year.
Hello! The name's ht14 (pronounced h-t-fourteen); most folks here call me ht! I have been on staff with Bulbagarden since 2009, mostly serving on the Archives (our image repository) and have been a staff member on Bulbapedia since 2020. I tend to focus on trying to keep things organized on the Archives and work on rather niche Pokémon-related topics, whether it be the Pokémon Adventures/PokeSpe manga, Pokémon Masters, or some of the Japan-exclusive arcade games (e.g., Battrio, Mezastar). In general though, I bounce around quite a bit between a variety of projects, so you may see me in many places on Bulbapedia.
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First off, how does Bulbapedia work? Who puts the information up there, and how do they get it?
bthrussellUK: Bulbapedia, like the rest of Bulbagarden, is run by volunteers! Anyone can edit the wiki, and it has grown into what it is today thanks to the efforts of hundreds of editors who have made thousands of edits. All contributions are welcome, even if it's just fixing spelling errors. Because the Pokémon franchise is massive, it does attract a lot of rumours and speculation so we try to stick to official sources for our information, and like Wikipedia, we encourage referencing wherever possible.
Spriteit: Users are the main method here, we have a lot of people new to the site who are unsure how they can contribute. We have categories of pages with incomplete information, but in general most users find a niche they may be interested in such as Pokemon Go, Masters or Unite, or a particular little project such as updating learnsets with new games or the move lists, and they go from there. As for how they get it, the tireless work of game dumpers on Twitter that they put up for the public to access is a huge benefit to everyone. When people come with questions, watching Let's Play videos on Youtube can always help confirm info. However, other research methods come down to playing/reading/watching whatever section you're editing.
Frozen Fennec: Fans of the series add new pages, info, images, and the such to Bulbapedia. The information comes from various sources from voice actors, to internal game data, to old or new news articles about various content in the series.
ht14: I believe Bulbapedia works when it's online! Haha, just kidding. But seriously, pretty much anyone with an account with Bulbapedia puts information up (that also could potentially include you, the reader!).
What’s a typical day’s work for a member of the Bulbapedia Staff?
bthrussellUK: Wake up. Coffee. Hours of existential dread... Then just getting stuck in! A big part of being a staff member is answering editors' questions and helping them so that they can get on with editing and improving the wiki. Other than that, we are editors ourselves, so we too are at the coalface making changes to the wiki so that it continues to be a great resource for Pokémon fans.
Spriteit: You primarily find me trying to respond to questions on the Discord, there's generally a scroll through the day’s recent changes to check edits that look odd or on pages that are of particular interest to me. As for the work I generally do, it's primarily grunt work; recently I went through all the existing learnset pages and ensured the move data was correct with a bunch of regular expressions I wrote. I also have historically gone through and updated the TCG pages with the new legality data with every rotation. Otherwise I also work to create basic templates that may be needed, as well as upgrading old templates to new styles.
Frozen Fennec: Generally I check Recent Changes maybe twice a day and help point users in the right direction if they seem to be having trouble getting the right idea of how to make edits (usually just reminding people to use Show Preview for articles to make sure the edit will not cause issues and to avoid making a lot of multiple edits to a page.) If I’ve come across information about beta content or other miscellaneous unknown data, I usually try to figure out where it will fit on Bulbapedia.
ht14: It honestly depends! We do sometimes have other things that may take priority, but there are many days in which we edit much like the average user on the wiki (adding quotes, fixing typos, etc.), and there are other days in which we go on Discord or the talkpages on Bulbapedia with users and staff to discuss a variety of topics about improving the wiki.
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That’s a typical day - what's it like in the run-up to a major release? What do you do when new information is flying all over the place?
bthrussellUK: No idea, I'm looking forward to finding out. :)
Spriteit: Stressful to say the least - in the run-up I try my best to pre-emptively work on projects that we can do beforehand and preparing the data we already have. Once we get learnset data I generally work on creating the new templates for those and then distributing that to the appropriate Pokémon pages. I also monitor social media sites to add what data I can from users, though this is admittedly hard to balance in the rush of information that comes with everyone wanting to help.
Frozen Fennec: It can be a little stressful as a lot of information or misinformation might be floating around and it can take a couple of weeks both pre-release and post-release to make sure the information is accurate for the game in question. I generally try to filter out information from dubious sources known to promote misinformation; it can lead one to end up trying to verify game data that never existed.
ht14: One of the things we’ve done is to try to prep our templates and files to standardize for the newest release. It does admittedly get a bit chaotic at times, but the earlier the heavy lifting is done the more manageable it becomes upon release. We do our best to ensure we get the info from reliable sources and filter past a lot of rumors that come by, regardless of how seemingly accurate that information may seem.
What warrants a page on Bulbapedia? What level of depth is too deep?
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bthrussellUK: Pokémon has been around since 1996 and is the largest media franchise in the world. From video games to airplanes, x-ray machines to vinyl records, and trading cards to macaroni & cheese, Pokémon has done it all, and while the wiki is pretty comprehensive, it certainly doesn't have everything! It can be a bit of a balancing act, but in general we try to stick to things that are official and approved by The Pokémon Company, or are major elements of the wider community. We want the wiki to be as complete as possible, but we're not likely to add a list of every store in the world that sells Pokémon cards...
Spriteit: I'd argue this is a question of perspective. A lot of information could be used to create pages - however, I think one of our biggest issues is completing pages and sections and it's why our coverage isn't as in-depth as we'd like. For example, the Mystery Dungeon community have voiced an issue that we don't have enough information on our pages about the games, and while we'd love to have more, it's a huge undertaking from our end to go through and not just find that information, but add it to Bulbapedia between other projects and real life commitments. If in doubt we always recommend creating pages within your userspace and going from there.
Frozen Fennec: If there’s more than three sentences of information and potentially a screenshot, logo, book/manga cover, etc. I feel it potentially warrants an article. When making new pages though, it is almost ALWAYS recommended you do it in your own userspace first, seeking out new potential information and checking with staff to make sure the article is of good enough quality to be added to the mainspace. I consider anything that goes into incredibly minute detail that adds nothing to the article to be "too deep" or "too superfluous”. For instance, noting how and when a character appears is fine but recording every single frame they appeared in and what pose they were in would be something that gets removed soon after.
ht14: We are quite open to development of new pages on the wiki. Although we have over 47,000 articles, we do acknowledge that there is still a whole slew of information out there that has yet to be covered. That said, we do hope to create articles that have a reasonable amount of content. As others have mentioned, if you are able to write out a few sentences and provide an image, chances are that it is relevant and could be a new article, but we highly recommend that you create it on your userspace first and bring it to the attention of staff members. As far as depth is concerned it definitely varies, but bear in mind the audience who may be reading the article or section of the article - it's helpful to be detailed and yet succinct.
How often is the information on Bulbapedia incorrect? How do you go about correcting these instances?
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bthrussellUK: Never. How very dare you! :p In all seriousness, at time of writing Bulbapedia has 47,814 articles. That is a lot of ground to cover, so while our Admin team is good it's likely that there are inaccuracies. That's either through editing mistakes, or often because Pokémon is ever growing and changing. An article that said there are 151 Pokémon would have once been correct, but things have changed a lot since then. That is why this is a wiki - anyone can edit it, so if they spot a mistake, they can fix it!
Spriteit: More often than we'd all like. Usually the truth is in the weeds, and inconsistencies across pages where information is displayed is the worst culprit. For example, a given rival’s team is usually displayed in (at least) three locations; the location page, the rival page and the walkthrough page. If one of these pages is edited there's no guarantee the other pages are correct and errors can then persist. Other issues emerge from fandom rumours - occasionally we'll have a well meaning user add incorrect info and it will go unnoticed, even if the information is somewhat benign it can proliferate into becoming a perceived truth.
Frozen Fennec: It varies, sometimes it can be information that was thought true by a majority of people at the time with little to no sources before it gets challenged by a PokeTuber or DidYouKnowGaming-type channel, after which the information is usually quickly corrected. In more recent times, we have cracked down on disinformation and have begun requiring sources for the more obscure details that might show up in the character infobox or trivia section of an article.
ht14: More than I would like to admit. It can be a source of frustration at times, but it is occasionally fun to do some detective work to uncover the actual truth. Sometimes, these errors come from an earnest user who may have quickly read a part of a section and may have misinterpreted what was said and was eager to change it without understanding the entire context.
We definitely sourced things in the past, but over the past five years or so we’ve been much more intentional with sourcing our material on the wiki directly. As a scientist, this gives me a lot of comfort and assurance that we are doing our best to be as accurate as we can with what we know.
What’s the one thing you think people don’t realise or understand about Bulbapedia?
bthrussellUK: This server ain't free. Everyone hates ads. Ads suck, and we spend more time than we'd like trying to ensure that they're appropriate for our users. But running a website this big costs big bucks; the Bulbagarden Archives alone hosts over 200,000 images. To pay for that there either has to be a fee to enter, or ads. And thus, ads.
Spriteit: So many things - the first is that everyone on staff is a volunteer, they have families, jobs and lives outside of Bulbapedia. We have to prioritise our time within our means and sometimes that means we aren't able to give Bulbapedia the love it needs, but that doesn't mean we don't love it as much as you do. The second is that we have just a single technician who services not only the whole of Bulbapedia, but the majority of the Bulbagarden network, as well as working for the overarching server company. They do what they can but there are certain things that take priority over others, and, like the staff, they aren’t available 24/7 either.
Frozen Fennec: I feel some people (not many even at that) don't realize that when new information drops or a new game is released that not every aspect of it will be IMMEDIATELY added to Bulbapedia, people have lives and it takes time to add things like screenshots, movepools, character story segments, etc. Some users will also tell others to add content without contributing themselves, and are then surprised when the information hasn’t been added a week later. If one has the information, screenshots, and whatnot, they are always welcome to make an account and help add the content to Bulbapedia; more editors are always welcome to join in, helping make the information more accurate and up to date.
ht14: Believe it or not, we don't know everything. We're also not perfect. As great as our staff is and as comprehensive as we try to be in our projects, there are bound to be blind spots (I don't know much about the Pokémon RéBURST manga or the PokéPark games, for instance). That’s also why it's really important that users respectfully bring issues and gaps to our attention so that we can be made aware.
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Is there anything you would like to change, or are changing, about Bulbapedia? Where does the future lie?
bthrussellUK: It's been a little while since the help resources, especially for new users, have been updated. That’s the next project I’d like to work on, so that people who want to help make the wiki even better have everything they need to get started. As for the future, I think we have an exciting project in the pipeline that has the potential to make Bulbapedia even more useful (ooo cryptic).
Spriteit: I'd personally like to see the timeliness of responses and decisions improve. Due to an increasing amount of people using their phones to access information, we're trying to move towards CSS styles as opposed to the way we've currently been building templates, as well as keep future designs with mobile appearance in mind. As for future projects, there's one or two in the pipeline that will hopefully make our lives a bit easier in the future. There are a few other large long term projects we're working on but there's no saying when these will be started, let alone completed.
Frozen Fennec: I can’t think of much I would like to change about Bulbapedia, perhaps some old and untouched articles getting much-needed updates but otherwise things are going as well as they can be. I hope in the future we will have more editors, better ways to get information and pages out sooner, and more people looking towards Bulbapedia for accurate information about the franchise.
ht14: Sorry, this information is confidential. We are often thinking about new templates and new ways to better present the information that we have with the reader in mind. Keep your eyes peeled!
How can anyone reading this help contribute to Bulbapedia, or even join the Staff team one day?
bthrussellUK: Hit the edit button! Don't be shy! If you have knowledge that is missing, add it! Bulbapedia is a community resource, for the community, by the community. People around the world come to Bulbapedia for Pokémon knowledge and we need your help keeping it up to date. Anyone can become a staff member; regularly contribute to the wiki, make valuable improvements and follow the code of conduct, and you too could be promoted!
Spriteit: Saying where you get information from if you're adding something controversial or not easily reliable, assisting with semi-large scale projects, having technical knowledge of how things work is a huge help as well. Don't get discouraged, sticking around, helping out with tasks big and small. Taking on personal projects and following them through. We did have a staff drive last year and over half of the applicants didn't have an account, so that's also a good starting step.
Frozen Fennec: By helping with adding new and accurate information. As for potentially becoming staff, we have a staff drive every year and I’d recommend checking that out; being polite and helpful also goes a long way when being considered for staff.
ht14: You reading this is already a huge help! Our Getting started page is a great starting point. In brief though, we have many wanted articles and images to go along with them and given that there are so many articles out there, there is bound to be some niche that you can uniquely fill to assist. Alternatively, if you find stub articles, see how you can improve on the pages there. I encourage you to edit not with the intent of being on staff, but with the intent on improving the wiki. Consider that all of us who are editing with good conduct have a passion for Pokémon and a desire to help share information.
And with that, we'll let our hardworking Admins get back to the Bulbapedia coalface! We hope you've learned at least a little bit about how our wiki operates, the challenges we sometimes face, and the ways in which you can make a difference. If you have any further questions about it, please get in touch via our Discord or Twitter account - or leave a comment under this article!"
If you have any questions, you can talk to me at the Tumblr too~~ I hope you had fun reading this, I actually learned some things from this believe it or not!!! (thanks to WyndonCalling for making this and to bthrussell, ht14, spriteit, and my very cool friend Lunie for giving answers!!!)
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jiwoomk · 7 months
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hi everyone! first let me start off by saying congratulations to the admins on the grand opening of magickai! i'm super excited to be among the first few apps/muses accepted tonight and can't wait to start writing with everyone!
i'm em {21+, she/her, central} and i play (obviously) kim jiwoo here! i'm still working on her pages such as the one for her background and her plots but i'll be getting to those either tonight or tomorrow for sure! until then i can at least give you her profile page with the few basics and even some info down below which will hopefully help a little with plotting/threading something out for now! i'm mostly available nights and weekends (my weekends consist of friday, saturday and sunday) though if you ever need to reach me feel free to hit me up on tumblr dm's, discord (available upon request) or twitter (upon request). for now, i'll be listing a few facts about jiwoo here to get us going, maybe even add in a few connection opportunities as well which will be labelled as so.
if you'd like to plot, feel free to even like this post and i'll come find you! i can't wait to get jiwoo out there and can't wait to start writing with all of you!!
jiwoo was sort of known as the 'black sheep' growing up in her family. her older brother was always the 'genius' of the family even when it came to getting his powers/companion, mastering his abilities a bit quicker than most.
because she was mostly pushed to the side, even more so when her brother would bring home awards/certificates from school, jiwoo was basically free to just do whatever she wanted while growing up. she didn't have to worry about really getting good grades (though she still did excel in her classes but never expected any sort of appraisal from her family), she would even often hang out with the 'wrong crew' while in middle and high school.
even though her brother was known as the 'favorite child', the two of them still were close. he would even do what he could to try and get jiwoo in the so-called spotlight, but his efforts never worked and their parents focused solely on him. jiwoo never once despised her brother because it wasn't really his fault that their parents preferred their son over their daughter. {open connection for an older brother | junior+}
it wasn't until she gained her powers that her parents finally gave some sort of acknowledgment of her existence, though it was only because they found out that she was able to manipulate curses. they were only worried that they would end up being cursed by their own daughter, but it was even more apparent that they wanted nothing to do with her, even more so when they were quick to 'ship her off' to jeju as soon as enrollment day came around.
after that day, not once did her family contact or visit her, nor did they invite her to family gatherings. the only way she found out that these events were even happening where from her older brother, though maybe due to their bond or his own reasons he never would attend these family gatherings. rather he would spend time with her, the two celebrating the holiday's together instead.
despite still having her brother around, especially since the two now attended the same school, jiwoo only used her parents' lack of love for her to help push her forward. she was determined to better her own skills, both magically and physically, and vowed that she would show them one day that they were wrong for the mistreatment that they gave her over the years.
jiwoo's weapon (or rather weapons) consists of dual pistols. one of the pistols is black while the other is a more white/silver, both with gold accents/trimming and different designs on both. at first she wasn't too sure about wielding around guns in a fight, but over a short time she grew used to the two pistols, so much so that she now frequently practices with them when she's alone.
there's only a select few that jiwoo willingly got close to/befriended over her time at the school so far, though when it comes to others she's not really someone to take the time to actually approach them. it could be because of how she grew up, getting used to just the loneliness and accepting it, though no one really knows what's going on inside of her head half of the time. {possible connection of friends + some enemies who think she's arrogant | open to anyone + multiple}
when jiwoo isn't busy working or practicing, she can mostly be found either gaming or taking photographs during her downtime. it's her way of relaxing and giving herself some time to clear her mind, even more when she's stressed or feeling 'down'.
jiwoo is very blunt with her own words, often times being a little too blunt and not realizing it until she's said something wrong, though she's also stubborn and will refuse to openly apologize. maybe you'll get a note later on with "i'm sorry" on it but who knows.
her fashion mostly consists of more comfortable/casual clothing, partially because of having to wear a uniform of sorts while bartending at her job.
she's the type who will defend those she cares for and is close to, basically she'll fight anyone who dares harm those she has an attachment to.
there's more to jiwoo here but i'll leave those small details to her pages (when i finish them) and plotting dm's!
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twistedtummies2 · 3 months
Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes - Number 21
Welcome to A Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes! During this month-long event, I’ll be counting my Top 31 Favorite Fictional Detectives, from movies, television, literature, video games, and more!
SLEUTH-OF-THE-DAY’S QUOTE: “If I’m not back in five minutes…just wait longer.”
Number 21 is…Ace Ventura.
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I struggled a lot with where to place this character. To be honest, it’s entirely possible this placement is too low…I should add immediately, it’s also entirely possible this placement is too high. Ace Ventura is a HARD one to rank, mostly because of the dichotomy of this character: on the one hand, he’s one of the most deliberately silly and comedic detectives on the list. But on the other hand…he’s actually NOT depicted as an outright buffoon. Ace is good at his job, it’s just that the combination of his attitude and the job itself (and the tone of the movies he’s in) lead to a lot of goofiness.
Of course, I can’t talk about dear Ace without discussing his actor: Jim Carrey. Many would argue this is the role that put Carrey on the map. Whenever people reference Jim Carrey or his career, Ace Ventura is usually one of the first movies and performances that come to their minds. And for Hollywood, one gets the feeling this is the idea they have in mind when they CAST Jim Carrey in most projects: zany, over-the-top, childish, and at times wildly inappropriate. One could argue it’s the single most Jim-Carrey-ish performance in all of his time as an actor, and it’s the benchmark many still hold his work against since then.
Ace is a so-called “Pet Detective,” which is…basically exactly what it sounds like. He specifically tends to cases that involve domesticated or captive animals, such as zoo exhibits or…well…people’s pets. Carrey appeared in two separate movies with the character. The first features Ventura trying to figure out who kidnapped a dolphin, which was to act as the mascot for a Super Bowl team. The case becomes increasingly more twisted and bizarre, as Ace finds the kidnapping linked to a murder and a criminal master of disguise. The sequel, “When Nature Calls,” sees Ace attempt to retire after a failed case; he’s called back into active duty to investigate the disappearance of a rare specimen of a bat. The bat was apparently going to be used to bring peace between two native African tribes, and if it is not found and returned to its rightful owners, war will break out in the jungle.
In both films, Ace is depicted as a wild card; a madcap eccentric whose questionable ethics and often clownish personality make him an annoyance to many of those around him. However, for all of his lunacy, he’s actually not depicted as an idiot. He’s a looney, but he knows what he’s doing: he picks up on clues and details the police often miss, and notices things that the audience may not pick up on, much as any great detective does. He’s not incompetent, he’s just FREAKING NUTS. While detectives who have a humorous side are common, it’s very rare you’ll find a detective who is both a figure of pure comedy, with almost nothing serious going on around them, and yet also isn’t a total and complete moron. I think that’s part of what makes Ace Ventura so interesting and loved, because he is probably the most popular of such rarities.
While neither of the Jim Carrey movies were very well-received by critics, both were box office successes. They have gained a very substantial cult following over the years, to the point of being considered 90s comedy classics by many. Their financial returns were so great, that an animated TV series was made showing Ace’s further adventures, similar to another Jim Carrey outing, “The Mask.” There was also a direct-to-video sequel called “Ace Ventura, Jr.” which focused on the adventures of Ace’s estranged son, played by Josh Flitter. I have seen neither of these, to be honest, but I’ve been told the animated series is alright, and that one should not touch “Junior” with a ten foot pole. In the case of the latter, at least, I think I’ll keep it that way: the original Ace Ventura is really all I need.
Tomorrow, the countdown enters the Top 20!
CLUE: “Kill me if you can!"
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littleragondin · 1 year
i will knock you, the untamed, to sir, with love
Thank you Petri! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
I've done To Sir, With Love already
I will knock you
Favourite character: it’s Noey, really. He’s a tiny gangster with a marshmallow heart! He thinks he lives in the 70s (?) and listen to music when he’s sad! He makes little lists of what to do to woo his tutor! He’s annoying yet adorable! He’s the oldest son but the baby brother vibes are impeccable.
Funniest character: it’s Thi, my pathetic little man.
Best-looking character: ok so hm, if I really had to pick I'd say Waewdao (lady in Noey's gang) and also think that Thiw is actually pretty charming.
3 favourite ships: > Noey/Thi, I was a little lukewarm at first (for many reasons but that’s a big age gap where they are in life), but they end up so sweet and the maturity level works > Waewdao/Rayrai. We only got the tiniest crumb but how could I resist a cute girl on a motorbike getting a nerd girlfriend with an attitude?? > Noey/Thiw. They’ve been best friend forever! They cry when they fight, then they cry again when they finally reconcile! They made a gang together and they are ride or die for each other, and while I adore them as best friends, I also think it would be cute.
Least favourite character: Thi’s parents, they can gtfo with their stupid elitism and picking on a 17 years old. Like, I can grasp that you’re not super into your ~22 yo son going out with a high schooler, that’s fair, but people, take it with your son first maybe, then don’t be snobbish assholes about it.
Least favourite ship: Noey/Pam, of course. Also Noey/salt, like please child step away from the shaker, we beg you.
Reason why I watch it: it’s fun and sweet, a little over the top but it’s mostly adorable, and I love a show that sticks to its aesthetic. Plus, of course, it’s SO visually pleasing, and I also like the music.
Why I started watching it: I saw gifs of Thi with wet eyes and Noey grabbing his chin, so paired with Noey’s incredible fashion sense, I had to check.
The Untamed
this one was SO hard dlsmjqkf (ಡ‸ಡ)
Favourite character: After careful consideration, and ignoring my tendency to want to pick the least known characters I love the most just so they can shine a little… It’s Jiang Cheng. It’s the miserable tempest of a man, the Most Little Brother With a Temper, the purple whip with a soft heart, I just. I really love him. Very VERY closely followed by Song Lan, my other tragic favorite, my best man who deserved so much better.
Funniest character: The Junior Quartet is a strong favorite of course (Jingyi and Zizhen especially) BUT I think I will go with Sect Master Yao, he's just such a joke.
Best-looking character: once again, how to chose in a sea of gorgeous people in even more gorgeous robes?! (did I spend 30 min just looking at different pics of the cast? … obviously). Okay, OKAY let’s try to be reasonable! I’d say… Song Lan, Jiang Cheng, Nie Mingjue (that one took my surprise ok), Jiang Yanli, Madame Yu. Can’t do less than a top 5 ;_;
3 favourite ships: Not in order but I guess those are the one I come back to most often so > Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen. They wanted to build a sect together okay?? They wanted to save the world together! Xiao Xingchen broke his vows and offered his eyes for Song Lan, and Song Lan will roam the earth until Xiao Xingchen’s soul is whole again! They are so tragic, and they love each other and man. They own my whole heart. > Every variation of 3zuns. Happy AU, tragic canon versions, two by two or the three of them together. There is so much love and hurt and betrayal in there it’s absolutely fascinating and I could spend hours just like. Thinking about them. > Mianmian/Qin Su. Look, do they interact even for a second on screen? No. Do I think that they would have crossed path bc both are both in the Jin sect and Mianmian could have been Qin Su’s knight in shinning armor when shit goes down? Yyyyeaaaahhhh. This one is tiny but I cherish it a lot.
Least favourite character: unsurprisingly, I have nothing but contempt for Jin Guangshan. Jin Zixun is also quite the little shit.
Least favourite ship: Hu, I’m… not so sure? I am not fond of Xue Yang with any of the Yi City players, mostly (not in a reciprocated, healthy way at least). I think in “canon” there are none I really dislike.
Reason why I watch it: I like the story, and most of all I ended up very attached to all the characters. I find it beautiful to watch, it emotionally works on me super well, and here too I just love the music.
Why I started watching it: I got taken in by the beautiful robes and long hair, as well as the promise of Wangxian. I am, when it comes down to it, an easily swayed watcher lol
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jayudistrict · 7 months
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