#stranger things head cannon
clamberclogs · 2 years
Billy’s reading list
Okay team, what do we think Billy reads. What’s on his night stand? Which paperback is stuffed at the bottom of his backpack? 
I’d love to know what y’all think. 
I’m thinking: 
1. Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut
2. Goodbye, Columbus - Philip Roth
3. The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald 
4. The Outsiders - S.E. Hinton 
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thewriterowl · 10 months
Din: (incredibly tired) So, if a stranger says they have an injured Lothal-kit in their ship you...
Luke: (soaking wet) Go into their ship and help!
Din: (sprays him again) No, Luke. No.
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madelynraemunson · 1 month
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wake me up when september ends (eddie’s version)
it’s forced conforming. that’s what’s killing the kids. in hopes of a better future, eddie enlists in the military when he graduates high school.
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thegoblinboy · 1 year
I want Steddie to be very passive aggressive towards each other during high-school. I want them to “not care” about what the other thinks but their eyes are constantly looking across the room and finding each others. I mean Eddie doesn’t start jumping on tables until Steve is seated across the room sharing the same lunch period. Steve has bitchy comments but they are always passive aggressive when he responds to Eddie. But the thing is, you can’t get that passive aggressive with someone unless you know a lot about them. Little does anyone know that they are not so aggressively fucking each other any chance they get.
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kas-eddie-munson · 1 year
(This is inspired by this fic by @withacapitalp ! ^^ I wanted to do my own take on Steve with OCD ^^)
Content warning for a panic attack, OCD, and intrusive thoughts involving gore!
~ ~ ~
Steve always hated knives.
Well, not ALWAYS.
He was about five or six, and his nanny was in the other room, talking on the phone. He asked her for a penut butter sandwich, but she told him to wait, that this was important. Maybe it had been five minutes, or maybe an hour. His child brain couldn't tell, could only tell that he was hungry.
So he started rooting through the cabinets. He knew where a lot of things were. He'd seen his nanny in here often enough. He managed to pull out a plate, bread, peanut butter, jelly. He grabbed a butter knife, the final instrument, and began to work.
Spreading peanut butter and jelly was harder than it looked. He got frustrated as the bread ripped, and the ingredients barely spread. Eventually, he decided it was good enough and closed the sandwich to take the crust off. He wasn't a big crust fan.
Cutting with a knife was difficult, too. He pressed hard and moved the knife back and forth, but it still didn't cut very well. It also made an obnoxiously loud scraping sound as he worked. He furrowed his brow in concentration.
Suddenly came the clack clack clack of his nanny's footsteps, and, well. She wasn't happy.
Her eyes were bulging and she lurched forward, yanking the butter knife from his grip. His stomach dropped and he froze. She never talked to him like that.
"Be careful! Knives are too dangerous for boys your age to use without a grown-up! You could have hurt yourself," she set the knife far away on the table, as though its mere proximity was a threat, and crouched down to look at him at his level.
He still felt frozen as he nodded and mumbled apologies.
When Steve was a few years older, and another nanny taught him how to use a knife safely, he was always careful with it. He never cut towards his fingers, as instructed, and he turned the sharp part away from his plate when he set it down, just to be extra safe.
When puberty hit, he taught himself to shave. It was an ordeal, but a necessary one. He worked slowly and carefully. He made sure to push the razor to the very back of the shelf above the skink when he was done, so it was less likely to fall and cut his hands.
Then the upside down happened. He wouldn't notice until years later that his distaste for sharp objects was getting worse. He always made sure to grip the bat tightly when he held it. To be hyperaware of where it was, where it was pointing.
Then he was at work. It was a normal day, until it wasn't, and then he was in the boathouse. He was up against a wall. And there was glass. Sharp. Ragged.
Pressed into his neck.
And his heart was pounding and he was pushing his head as hard against the wall as was humanly possible and his friends were talking in the background but he could hardly tell what they were even saying because, somewhere in the back of his mind, a dangerous voice whispered, move forward.
He blinked hard. Pushed even further away. What the hell was that? Did he have a death wish or something?
Then Eddie pulled back. And Steve had to shake it off and get back to business.
The next few days passed in a blur of adrenaline and fear. Vecna was dead, but Max was hurt so bad, and Eddie barely made it out alive, and Steve, wracked with guilt that maybe they'd be okay if he had done something different, guarded their hospital beds like he needed the air in those stuffy rooms to breathe.
He didn't sleep much, or eat much, or bathe much, for about four days, until Eddie woke up.
He hated it in there, as much as he knew he wouldn't want to be anywhere else in that moment. Too many sharp things. He often found his gaze drifting to the IV cords inserted into the crook of Max's elbow and the back of Eddie's hand respectively, and he'd clench his fists thinking about the needle.
It was day four when he was doing this, half-eaten cafeteria food to his right from Robin, that he found his gaze once again drawn to Eddie's IV.
Yank it out.
Steve wanted to leave the room. He shook his head a little. Blinked hard. Tried to dismiss the weird thought.
Why did he think that? What if he did that on accident? He didn't want to hurt Eddie. Never, even if he hadn't fought so hard to get him here, would he want to hurt him.
That's when Eddie finally blinked his eyes open and woke up.
They had a tearful reunion. Steve reassured him that the others were okay, that Vecna was gone. He walkied Dustin and the kids in Max's room to come over, and they crowded around him, with hugs and tears in their eyes.
Steve stood on the other side of the room to give them space. He smiled fondly as he watched them catch up. He almost bumped into a poll attached to Eddie's IV. His mind flashed with imagry of him pushing it to the ground and stomping on the cord.
He decided to wait in the hall until they were done.
Steve and Eddie start hanging out. A lot, actually. Steve can't shake the feeling that the alternate dimension stuff can't be over yet. When he's not at work, Eddie is over. When Eddie's not over, Robin is over. When they're both busy he's with the kids. He doesn't give his fear the time of day to seep in with how busy he makes himself scheduling movie nights and trips to the arcade.
He keeps getting scary thoughts. Some of them are... new, though.
Steve starts to wonder what it would be like to hold Eddie's hand.
Steve imagines putting Eddie's hand in his mouth and biting down, hard, as he screams.
Steve wants to nudge his foot under the table.
Images flash of kicking Eddie in the balls, him doubling over in pain.
Steve finds himself getting lost in his eyes.
His head is filled with visions of jamming his fingers down Eddie's eye sockets.
He tries not to examine the thoughts too closely. Just shakes them off. Still... he wonders. Where was all this coming from? And is he gay? He goes over old memories. He loves Robin, but it's still a scary thought. Among the other scary thoughts.
All the thoughts get more and more mixed up in his head. He can hardly tell which ones are real anymore.
One night Eddie's over, and they're watching a movie, alone. Steve doesn't even remember which. Mostly they watch long enough for something to happen that prompts further conversation, and they goof around, ignoring the movie until the topic runs its course.
Eddie is wearing a new shirt. The sides are cut open, further than most of his shirts. The angle he's sitting at has it falling open even more, and Steve keeps finding his gaze drawn there when Eddie's eyes are on the screen.
It isn't too dark in the room. They have a dim lamp on, and Steve's eyes have adjusted to the lighting. So he can see a lot of detail.
There are stitches.
Steve digs his nails into the palms of his hands as grotesque images flash through his mind, and the commands start.
Tear them out.
Use your fork like a seam ripper.
Jam your fingers inside and pry his skin apart.
Steve feels like he's about to vomit. He wants to cry. He just wants this to stop. He wants Eddie to leave and he wants Eddie to hold him and he doesn't want any of that but most of all he doesn't want to snap somehow and do any of those horrible things.
He clenches his fists harder and shoves everything down and focuses on the movie.
Steve wonders if the thoughts will ease up as Eddie's wounds heal, since a lot of them are about that.
They do not.
They leave for a walk in the woods. Eddie wants to gather a bunch of rocks. For what purpose, Steve does not know. Steve is charged with lugging the rock bag around, since his bites never went as deep and are much more healed now than Eddie's.
It's ridiculously hot outside. Steve is sure his hair looks like ass in the humidity. Eddie is sweating through his shirt. Steve doesn't mind that part.
They find an open clearing with what Eddie deems "an especially exquisite selection" of rocks. Steve doesn't think they look any different, but he just smiles. Unfortunately, the lack of tree coverage makes it even hotter.
"Hey big sports guy, catch," Eddie calls as Steve feels something hit his backpack. He looks behind him and sees black cloth lying on the ground. He leans down to pick it up, then looks up at Eddie a few yards away.
Eddie is flushed, chugging down water from a bottle, some of it dripping past his mouth and down his chin and torso. His bare chest is covered with tattoos and scar tissue. Most of the stitches have been removed, it seems. Steve feels his face heat up, and then he sees it.
One of the deeper bites is still stitched up, and he has a drain attached to it. No bag is hooked up right now, but the drain is there, under the skin, peeking out. Steve wonders how deep it goes. Flashing images of yanking it out start coming and he feels nauseous as Eddie clears his throat and Steve meets his eyes in horror.
"My eyes are up here, princess," Eddie says as he smirks.
Steve ducks his head and runs his fingers through his hair. God, he hopes Eddie can't tell what he's thinking. About either topic, really. Or maybe he doesn't mind too much, about the one.
He tries to look at him, but his eyes keep trying to snap to the drain, and he knows he needs that out of his sight, fast, before the thoughts get worse.
"Dude, that's not fair." He shakes his head, still ducked down and eyes anywhere but on Eddie, as he makes his way over.
Eddie laughs bright and loud, and he pulls at his curls. "What's not fair, exactly?"
He shoves the shirt back at Eddie's chest, fingers buzzing with something as they make contact briefly with the skin of his pec. Eddie stumbles back a step and his eyes are wide.
Steve leans close and makes eye contact. "If I'm not allowed to be shirtless, neither are you, big boy." He gives his chest two quick pats before turning around and walking back the direction they came. He calls "for your modesty!" over his shoulder. It takes a few seconds before he hears Eddie's footsteps start up behind him to follow.
Eddie tells him he supposes they collected enough rocks for the day, anyway. Steve notes that Eddie didn't put the shirt back on, but he has it draped over his shoulder, and it covers the drain that way too, so Steve doesn't bring it up again. As they chat and walk home, Steve thinks Eddie looks redder than he did before. He looks cute flustered.
Is he flustered? Steve hopes so. Why does he hope so? Steve thinks he knows if he's honest with himself, but he's also scared, so he continues to try not to think about it.
"Alright alright! Settle down! I'll be back with snacks in less than five minutes. If you nerds haven't made a decision by then, we're putting on my pick."
Steve rolls his eyes as he leaves the room and the kids' voices raise even higher in pitch, whining that his movies are always boring. The other "adults" chatter behind them on the sofa, as the kids crouch around Steve's VHS collection.
When Steve comes back, The Goonies' cover is flipped open on the floor, and the ads are starting up as the kids flip the lights and fight over the remote, messing with the volume and arguing about whether or not there was a skip button for the ads or if they just had to fast forward through them. He looks around, and his heart skips a beat as he realizes that the only seating choice left is to squish himself right next to Eddie.
Or Mike, but he was absolutely not sitting between him and Byers for two hours, or however long The Goonies was. He doubted they'd stay apart like that for long, anyway.
Eddie smirks at him from behind his hand as he sits down, their thighs pressing together, and Steve is glad it's dark in here because he's pretty sure he's blushing.
That's when he realizes what side he's sitting on. And he freezes.
Oh God.
Oh no.
This is the side with the drain.
It was touching him. It was touching him. It was right there. It was right there and if he moves the wrong way he'll hurt him. It'll catch on Eddie's shirt and he'll rip it out and blood will be everywhere.
Oh my God. He can't move, now. It would be weird. Where would he even go? He can't just sit on the floor.
Oh my God. What if he moves to leave and that's what does it. He's stuck here. He's stuck here indirectly touching the thing under Eddie's skin and his lungs feel smaller than they should and oh God he does NOT want to freak out in front of everyone.
He has to leave. He has to get out of here. How the hell can he leave???
Steve presses as hard as he can into the armrest and away from Eddie, scooting out of his seat, and looking back at Eddie's side to make sure it hasn't started to bleed. His eyes catch Eddie's and the man still on the sofa looks confused, still sitting comfortably against the back of the sofa with his arms crossed as Steve, as discreetly as possible, slips out of the room and up the stairs. He's suddenly grateful he's only wearing socks on his feet so his footsteps are quieter.
He gets upstairs and walks into his bedroom, shutting the door behind him, running his hands through his hair, and taking deep breaths. He runs through the last couple minutes in his head, when. Oh God.
Did he look closely enough? Was he sure Eddie wasn't bleeding? What if it started slow? What if he didn't notice until Steve left and now he's bleeding out? What if he's on some sort of numbing agent and he WON'T notice until he PASSES OUT because it's dark and Steve isn't 100% sure he didn't see blood and he knows he must look feral right now but he just has to go check just to be sure and
He opens his door again to a surprised Eddie, hand half held up like he was about to knock. Steve's eyes drop down to his side and back again.
"Hey, Steve. Are you alright? You looked a little woozy back there." Eddie asks, uncharicatistically softly. Steve realizes he must still look wild and tries to shake away the crazy eyes.
"Uh, yeah, yeah, no worries." He runs his hand through his hair again, realizes that makes him look more anxious, and drops it. His eyes flit back and forth between Eddie's eyes and his side, and then he keeps them steady on his eyes.
Eddie eyes him skeptically. "Mind if I join you for a minute?" He gestures in the room, and Steve steps aside. Eddie closes the door behind him.
"Steve, I'm not gonna lie. I'm worried about you, and I don't think I'm the only one." Eddie steps closer to him and places his hands on Steve's shoulders gently.
Steve racks his brain. "How do you know something's wrong? Wait, what do you mean? I'm fine." Steve tries to shrug and Eddie levels him with a look. Steve feels his lungs shrinking again, and his eyes sting.
Eddie moves his hands up and down his arms a little. "Steve, you've been acting off for weeks. Flighty? You almost never sit next to me anymore. Basically the whole room conspired against you today. Is... did I do something? Did you," Eddie furrows his brows, and shakes his head, "did you, hear something about me?"
Steve shakes his head, very confused. He wasn't even actively avoiding sitting next to Eddie. How did he not notice he was doing that??? What else is he doing without noticing?
Eddie rubs his shoulders again. "Hey, hey, it's okay. Breathe for me. Slowly. Try to breathe."
Steve does try to breathe slower, and sinks to the floor. Eddie follows him, and talks to him as he tries to calm down.
"Stevie, you need to tell somebody what's going on so we can help you."
Steve shakes his head vehemently.
"Why not? I'm not going to force you, but. I'm not gonna judge you or anything. You're my friend, Steve."
Steve looks into Eddie's eyes and sees nothing but sincerity. He isn't sure what he'd see if he told him the truth.
"I don't think you wanna know," Steve says softly.
Eddie bites his lips and looks away for a second. "Are you scared?" Steve nods. Eddie looks back, nods, and looks away again.
"Look, Steve, if it makes you feel better, if you tell me the scary thing, then I'll tell you something scary, too." Eddie looks back at him, lip still between his teeth.
Steve feels something warm inside, and he smiles the tiniest bit. "You don't have to do that, Eds. I. I just," Steve takes a big breath. "I don't want you to hate me. Or be scared."
Eddie shakes his head and looks off into space again. "I kinda doubt my thing is the same as your thing, but either way. Steve, I don't think you can do anything to make me hate you. You're one of my best friends, Steve."
Steve isn't sure that's true, but he leans his head back against the wall. His breathing is more even now, and the tears have slowed. He thinks for a minute.
"I -" he closes his eyes, "I get these. These..." He tries to come up with how to word it. Eddie looks at him with the kindest eyes Steve's maybe ever seen, and he braces himself. "I get these words in my head?" Eddie tilts his head slightly, looking confused, but no less kind and patient. "Like. Someone is telling me to do something I don't want to do?"
Eddie's eyes widen. "Oh. Oh Steve. I'm so sorry. I, I think my aunt had something like that. Do you, do you see things sometimes? Things that other people don't see?"
Steve shakes his head again. He actually laughs a little in surprise.
"No! No, not like that. Not like, halucinations. Like. The thoughts are me. But they're not me? Like, they're the things that I would least ever actually want to do, but they just get stuck there? And they won't shut up? They're like, opposite thoughts. Like I think the opposite of the thing I want to do, and then I don't want to do it so badly but it still is just like stuck there repeating because I don't want to do it so badly?"
He looks at Eddie, who seems contemplative.
"Can I ask what the thoughts are about, Steve?"
He shakes his head.
"No. It's bad, Eddie. It's so weird, and gross. Like," he takes a big breath and continues, "they're about people getting hurt, Eds. People I care about. I just," he starts to cry again, looks at Eddie. "What if I do it on accident? What if I like. What if I hurt you, Eds? I don't want to; I'd never want to, but what if I did? On accident?"
He starts sobbing again. Steve feels Eddie's hands cup his cheeks, brushing away tears with his thumbs. He's honestly kind of surprised Eddie's still here. He probably shouldn't have said that much.
"Steve. I trust you. So much, Steve. I know you would never hurt me. And I can't say I know what's going on in your head, but I know you. You're Steve! You save people! You don't hurt them. And you won't hurt me."
Steve melts into Eddie's hands. He isn't sure Eddie's right, but he knows one thing. He cares about this man, so much.
"Thank you." He puts his hands on top of Eddie's. "Thank you, Eds." Eddie smiles at him, but looks close to tears himself.
"Did you, did you want to talk about it? Your thing?"
Eddie's smile falters. "I don't want to make it about me, but I suppose I did say I would. Do you want to hear it?"
Steve nods. "If you want to tell me."
Eddie nods. "Okay. Well." He closes his eyes. Nods again. "I'm gay, Steve."
Steve's heart skips a beat. "Oh my God." He's suddenly aware that their hands are still on his face. "Eds. I think I'm gay too."
Eddie's eyes widen. His mouth opens, then closes.
Steve's not sure exactly what comes over him, but he leans forward and presses their lips together. Eddie kisses back.
They talk more about it, later. About the thoughts. Steve isn't exactly sure why, but just knowing that Eddie knows, and doesn't hate him, helps. And there are times when the thoughts are better, and the thoughts are worse. But knowing Eddie's on his side makes it a bit better.
Thanks for reading this!!! If anyone doesn't know a lot about OCD but is curious about Steve's presentation, here's some more info:
(He has Harm OCD, so you can also just google that, but this is a p thorough intro ^^)
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Vecna’s plan requiring Mike to leave for California means nothing. The number 1 following Mike cryptically at the airport means nothing. Them barely giving us Mike’s perspective the last two seasons (despite him being the original protagonist) means nothing and it isn’t setting up his POV to be revealed in s5 bc the entire audience is completely comfortable with where Mike stands as a character in regards to his deeper feelings/motives. No confusion there so no need to address that. Mike saying How will I survive a whole week without you guys at the start of s4 wasn't foreshadowing his fate at the end of said week. Mike standing in front of exit signs 3+ times in s4 is probably just a coincidence. Mike being associated with gaping mouths in multiple moments spanning the entire series, even going back to his very first line on the show, means nothing at all. Nancy’s vision about her family (Mike) dying was mentioned at the end of s4, but it didn’t happen so probably won’t ever happen, even though there’s still another season left set directly after the events of s4. Will calling Mike the heart and how without heart they’d all fall apart, was not in any shape form foreshadowing something happening to Mike and them all falling apart, bc Mike is definitely just a prop and everything in relation to his story only holds meaning on the surface or for other characters arcs and couldn’t possibly be hinting at something deeper that’s being saved as one of the many surprises for the last season.
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#byler#stranger things#im sorry but ppl getting mad over speculation about mike and vecna is weird… especially when there's series long evidence…#like we know for a fact Will and vecna are facing off in s5 it's a given with the most basic ga being ready for it#it’s probably going to really come to a head in that final battle in the last two episodes#so early s5 and everything leading up to Will being confronted by vecna cant just be Will and vecna confronting each other over and over…#that would make their final confrontation anticlimactic#there’s a reason we keep seeing a chess board/dnd in relation to the events to come#bc EVERYONE is a piece in vecna’s game#EVERYONE plays a role in him reaching his main goal#back in 2019 if ppl heard max was a target or Nancy was a target in s4 they would’ve been confused#bc there’s little to no ties between the mindflayer and those characters#for a fact Will has more ties to vecna than them#HOWEVER them having no connection to vecna is not entirely true#vecna is connected to Max and Nancy’s trauma related to the person they lost because of him..#and he used that against them to be 10 steps ahead so that he can lead up to reaching his final goal AKA WILL#he could have just got will 10 times already but he doesn't do it that way#we could’ve not had any of the events in s3-4 happen with random ass characters#BUT THE REALITY IS VECNA WANTS/NEEDS CANNON FODDER#he needs ppl that are just players in his game to overcome to eventually follow through with his plan#Mike arguably has fucked over vecna more than anyone#he’s also someone that both Will and El care for dearly#there’s a reason vecna's plan required the great big love triangle mishap in s4#his plan literally depended on that miscommunication so that they would have a false win#like y’all just seem to want the most anticlimactic season with Will and vecna facing off only…#yes that Will happen and it will be some of the biggest moments of the season#but there's other stuff that's gotta happen...#and tbh will is going to be swamped with venca/lab revelations next season#them pounding us on the head with will is gay in s5 is going to feel repetitive as we've seen that four seasons in a row...#mike on the other hand...
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disastercomingfaster · 11 months
The Fruity Four would have all been grandma and grandpa Swifties and would have all gone together to the Eras tour. Yes, even Eddie would have gone in a metal Taylor Swit Etsy shirt. I am not taking any questions 😂
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listlessladylister · 2 years
Guys guys guys y’all omg
Imagine a Steve who has always been hard of hearing or was born with tinnitus and who’s hearing has been steadily worsening with each encounter with the upsideown, because he just keeps getting concussion after concussion like oh my god.
And he’s doing his best, he’s always known he would lose his hearing entirely eventually, but he’s also super bummed because he thought he’d have longer and there’s so many things that he knows he’s going to forget and that he didn’t appreciate enough.
And one day he’s getting high with our two favorite trailer trash men, Eddie and Billy and letting himself be not okay about it because he’s been putting on a strong face for the kids but inside he’s just spiraling into this really awful sense of mourning like ‘I know it’s really fucking obvious but god I fucking miss music. I really fucking miss music, and I’ll never hear it again and I kinda feel like I’ll never dance again either?? What if I just forget things like rhythm and beat and shit? Like what if I stop being able to tap little patterns with my fingers because I just lose all sense of tempo and melody? Like-'
And it is at this point that Eddie sits bolt upright and is forgetting all of the basic asl he’s learning for Steve in a fit of excitement and throng to mime ‘wait right here’ ‘I’m going to go get something’ and ‘I have a great idea’ all at once before he vaults off the bed and barely sticks the landing.
Steve and Billy are both confused but Eddie comes careening back in with a stereo and a cassette and Steve is like, ‘I’m the deaf one here jackass so I know you just heard me. Why are you bring music?’
Fast forward to Billy and Eddie introducing Steve to rock and metal and Steve for once being able to stand it, because he isn’t straining trying to understand what the lyrics are and he isn’t cringing from the wailing of the guitar. What he IS doing, is feeling the bass pump through his veins and cradle his ribcage, he can stomp and head bop and head bang and even though it isn’t really the same it’s good.
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toomanybandstocare · 2 years
{Taking a Shower with Steve}
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Program: Soft Shower Headcannon
Pairing: Steve Harrington x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warning: A singular swear, Reader has hair
Camp Upside Down Masterlist
Always starts with a bath since he knows you need to ease into the thought of standing and taking care of yourself.
Steve lets you set the temperature for the bath based on your achey muscles and needs.
Holds you close to his chest as he rubs your shoulders and combs through your hair gently with his fingers.
"What made you happy today, sunshine?" he hums and presses a kiss to your shoulder blade and up your neck. "This. Just appreciating your loving touch," you whisper in response. He blushes and presses a trail kisses up and down your neck. You just made his day.
Holds the back of your thigh and supports your lower back when you decide to get up and switch on the shower head.
Taking in how the droplets of water hug your figure and tries to memorize every freckle and dip.
Leans against the wall opposite of you as he watches in adoration when you wobble a little and start the shower.
"It's going to be too hot when it heats up all the way, love." "But it's fucking freezing. I'm chilled after one splash."
At the sight of the first uncomfy jump from hot water, he scoots pass you and shields you from most the water.
He knows that you just need to warm up, so he'll slowly and subtly change the heat down to a better temperature.
Watches and adores you as you try to wash your hair only to turn around and pout for a kiss. He easily complies and swells from your loving gaze.
Knows your wash routine after slowly taking note and observing.
"Tch- lemme wash your hair and clean you up, baby." "But 'm so tired."
Steadies you with a firm grasp to your hip and taps his fingers, silently telling you that he's got you.
"But you know you'll feel better." He can't help but quirk an eyebrow even if you can't see it. "You're right," you sigh.
Messages your scalp and knows exactly the right amount of product to use and when to use it.
Will ask if it's a certain day if your routine differs then usual.
"Can you hand me your body way, pretty?" he asks kindly and pats your bum.
Gently washes you with the loofa and bends down to kiss the center of your spine.
"Kay, honey, tilt your head down for me, I can get your neck." Carefully holds your hair away and is even more careful with your sensitive spots.
Guides you to then face him and tilt your head upward with his other hand. Just slowly movie your head side to side to softly wipe the front of your neck.
"All set, darling," he basks in how refreshed you look. "Thank you for caring for me," you hum. Utterly speechless because no one's ever thanked him for that. He dips down to press slow, tender kisses across your jaw, cheek, and awaiting lips.
Lets you dry yourself off as you can have a moment to center yourself.
Wraps you up in a fluffy robe.
Throws you one of his comfy shirts and one of yours to choose from.
Waits in bed consumed by a sleepy, happy daze as you putter around doing your nightly routine.
Opens his arms wide and invites you to join him with a tired smile.
Utterly content to call this his life.
Excited to start every day in a tangled pile with you.
Yearning to fall into bed and hold you close each night.
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clamberclogs · 2 years
The Hargrove move
I've been thinking about this a lot. Generally, I subscribe to the theory that Neil moved the family to Hawkins because Max either accidentally outed Billy, or, accidentally told Neil about Billy and a boy, and Neil moved them as punishment/to exert control. But...then I got thinking about big picture Neil as an abuser.
Imagine you're Susan. You're a waitress in a little greasy spoon cafe, raising your daughter, dealing with being a single parent, and this guy starts coming in, your age, and he's kind of attractive. He always gets a coffee, and he leaves a good tip. He starts chatting you up, and its kind of nice, because it feels like a long time since someone looked at you like a woman, someone who wasn't a creep, trying to stare down your dress while you refilled their coffee. Eventually, he invites you out on a date, you sit at a nice restaurant by the ocean with a tablecloth and silverware and you don't need to worry about Max, or the bill, and it's lovely. And you're so worried to spoil it, to tell him you have a kid, because this going so well, but when you do tell him he's thrilled. He tells you loves girls, and he has a son too, and he always wanted two. It just goes so well. His son is so well behaved, and he even helps Max fix a squeaky wheel on her skateboard. You all go out for dinner together and you’re so happy, you buy burgers and fries, and you spit a milkshake with Max. You can see people smiling at your table, at your happy family. And the sex is good.
When your car starts making a funny noise, Neil tells you it's no good, and he sells it for you. You needs a loan to get a new car, and you aren’t exactly a reassuring prospect, so Neil puts you on his accounts, and cosigns with you, which is amazing. And then he's getting down on one knee, on the beach where you had your first date. You get married at the courthouse, because you both had white weddings. Max gets a new blue dress, and Billy wears a suit. He has a black eye, because he's a boy and he got into a fight, but you helps him put a little bit of makeup on it and a secretary offers to take pictures on the courthouse steps.
Then you all move in together. Neil has a bigger house, so you and Max move there. Neil helps Max paint a wall to make it feel more like hers. Neil is very strict with Billy. They have hushed discussions out in the garage, "father-son time." Neil is great with Max. The sex is still very good.
Neil loves your cooking, he suggests you quit waitressing at the diner, and then you can have more time for a book club, for Max, and for the house. You’re a busy mother of two now. Neil's house is in a different neighborhood so you see your friends less. Neil has a lot of rules, more for Billy, but some for you and for Max. He stresses manners, and, Billy is such a polite boy, so Neil can't be wrong. Neil offers to adopt Max, he always wanted two. You agree, after all, you want them to be a family too.
Over dinner, Neil tells you that he’s moving the family to Hawkins, Indiana. Billy knocks his chair over and storms off. Neil doesn't go after him, but, laying in bed at night, alone, you can see a light in the garage. Neil comes to bed angry with bloodied knuckles. The drive to Indiana is silent.
The first time you see Neil hit Billy you almost can't believe it, except that you can.
Billy snarls at you when you tries to help him up. He yells at Max and she yells right back.
You’re sitting alone at the dining room table, Neil's table, in Neil's house that you shares with Neil's kids. You’re in Hawkins Indiana. Even if you knew what to say, you don’t have a single friend to call.
You’re totally alone.
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kevin6942069 · 2 years
slight st vol 2 spoilers for eddie
warnings: smut head cannons, eating out on period, blood, and i think thats it
so.. i got some ideas for vampire eddie. im sure some of these have been thought before so if anyone else has made smth abt these please lmk and ill credit, just some 3am daydreaming ;)
-eddie would 100% just sneak up behide you and graze his teeth over your neck
 -if you have a hijab or anything that covers your neck that shouldnt really be   moved away he would just breath on the back of your neck till you notice (bc he   has hot ass breath LMAO)
-if his partner is afab he would ask to eat them out of their period because yk, vampires just love blood and plus its a win-win in his eyes!
-if his partner agrees to it then oh my GOD- he would be such a tease and just graze his teeth over their cunt 
-if his partner is amab then he’ll graze his teeth over their cock while sucking them off, you cant prove me wrong
-i imagine he would have long nails for some reason and he would just tease you by grabbing your sides or playfully tickling you (either sexual or not sexual)
-”you scared? i dont bite sweetie. atleast not unless you want me to.”
-”mmm? scared ill bite you?” 
-queue the smug ass shit eating grin every five seconds yall
-brushes his nails over your nipples
-if youre really cold he’ll bring you closer to him and cover you up with his wings :)
-totally begs to bites youre neck or just bite you at all
-please do let him
-if you give in and let him he is so happy, like his eyes glow up and just has the biggest smile ever
i have more hc’s but i just ate a whole tub of ice cream and im lactose intolerant, my stomach is abt to actually fucking explode so ill write more when i feel better LMAO, anyways enjoy ur meal whores <3
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feathered-mushrooms · 2 years
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Max learning to walk again with her two over protective partners
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
Can we get more domestic Eddie and reader? I wanna hear about the proposal!!
So I’m gonna do this one as headcanons bc I don’t think I can stretch it into a full fic
♡ You and Eddie had been sitting in his trailer smoking and listening to music
♡ Nothing you guys hadn’t done a million times before
♡ There was something about the way that the light filtered in from the setting sun outside and just happened to hit you that made Eddie’s breath catch
♡ He loves you with every fibre of his being. You’re literally the love of his life
♡ People will say that you can’t be the love of each other’s lives because you’re both still so young but sometimes you just know
♡ Eddie knows. He’s known for a long time
♡ There’s just something so intimate about spending time like this. He could do it forever
♡ He wants to do it forever
♡ It might be the weed talking just a little bit but Eddie wants to be with you just like this for the rest of his life
♡ He doesn’t have a lot of money and he can’t afford to buy you a really nice engagement ring and he knows you’re not the type to care about stuff like that but he wants you to know how much he loves you
♡ His own family had broken up when he was little. Mother dead. Father in prison somewhere. He’d been so unsure of things when Wayne had stepped in. Didn’t think he was worth what Wayne was trying to give him.
♡ He knows better now. He knows his worth. He knows how much Wayne loves him. How much Wayne loves you
♡ He worries that your parents won’t approve. That it’s fine for their daughter to date the town menace but not to marry him
♡ What can he offer you other than love? How many times has he heard someone say love doesn’t pay the bills?
♡ He has to steady himself because it’s now or never and he doesn’t want to miss this opportunity
♡ When he calls your name you almost don’t hear it. Eddie’s speaking so softly. When you do turn around he’s fiddling with his rings which is how you know he’s nervous
♡ He wants to say something romantic. Something profound. Something that they’d make a shitty John Hughes movie about. It doesn’t happen that way
♡ The words sort of fall out of his mouth all at once and you have to ask him to repeat himself because you definitely didn’t catch that
♡ ❝ Will you Marry Me? ❞
♡ You sort of look at him for a minute trying to figure out if he’s serious. Eddie’s heart is beating so loudly in his ears he’s sure he’s about to have a heart attack.
♡ Then you say yes. You say that one little word that means so much. That means the world to him.
♡ Now is his turn to look at you. To figure out if you really mean it.
♡ There’s a lot of yelling. So much so that Wayne who usually leaves you two alone to mind your own business (whatever business that might be) comes running into the room.
♡ There are tears. From you. From Eddie. From Wayne. Good tears though. Happy tears.
♡ Your parents are just as thrilled. They can’t wait to start calling Eddie their son in law.
♡ Eddie can hardly believe his luck. From a lonely kid no one seemed to want or care about to the happiest man on the planet.
♡ It might not have been the most traditional proposal in the world but you wouldn’t change it for the world. If in twenty years it’s you and Eddie sitting in his bedroom getting high together and ignoring the outside world then you’ll be the happiest woman on earth for a long, long time.
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thegoblinboy · 1 year
Eddie would love the 90’s
I am so angry, it’s totally cannon that Eddie would have a obsession with Sweet Leaf when 4/20 became a thing in 1990 and he would absolutely eat the hell out of ‘no more tears’ by Ozzy in 91’ like ‘Mr. Tinkertrain’ and ‘Mama, I’m coming home’ would be his most played but “I don’t want to change the world” would be his absolute favorite and on repeat nonstop. Not only that but him and Wayne (possibly Steve) Unironicly really get into home improvement for different reasons. Steve and Wayne think it’s just a funny show while Eddie is constantly shitting all over it for the painfully obvious sexism. (He’s literally hated Tim Allen from day one let’s be real) and tbh he would probably watch rugrats. I said it, that bitch has a reptar sweater and no one can tell me any different. Further along in the 90’s he would absolutely love Buffy the vampire slayer. (Also enter sandman)
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strxwberrymoonstar · 2 years
Eddie Munson head cannons nsfw
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Huge tit man
like huugeee he always makes sure to show them some love
he’s the type to make sexual jokes
“where shall we go today Eddie?”
“Oh im not sure baby but you can always come around me ;))”
He’s not a freak but he’s sure as hell a freak in the sheets
hair pulling
this man loves to have his hair pulled
hand kink, like i mean his rings have you seen them???
would tease you so much during school and i mean like trailing his hand across your thigh
loves to get a reaction out of you in a public setting
before y’all go for it he always makes sure you know the safe word and that it’s okay to use it
and once he’s finished that he will literally pound your life away
he’s LOUD
and when i mean loud i mean loud like moaning, whimpering all the noises
would have a massive praise kink even if it’s you or him receiving
total switch
he would love to dom but him as a sub mmmmmmm
he would beg so much
“please please please”
when he begs his voice goes a little higher with each word
those handcuffs you see in the background of his room, yea he uses those
makes sure that you always orgasm first before he does
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floweredwishes · 2 years
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*wholesome head cannons to be specific
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