#spn 14x01
2sw · 2 months
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becauseofthebowties · 10 months
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14.01 - Stranger in a Strange Land
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captainchilly · 7 months
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One Castiel Quote per Episode 109/136 → 14.01 “STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND"
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soullessjack · 9 months
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I know the real reason is far deeper but the idea of jack throwing a sulky teenage hissy fit because he can’t utterly destroy monsters anymore is so funny
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super-flan · 3 months
Yesterday I began season 14 on my 1st SPN rewatch. 14x01 pissed me off. 🤬
It’s the obvious inconsistencies & lazy ass writing what gets my blood boiling.
In the SAME EPISODE we have Sister Jo looking at Dean’s face & seeing apocalypse!Michael, & Cas didn’t know he was surrounded by demons!?!? REALLY?!?!
Then Cas heals ppl & even enters Dean’s mind I’m 14x02 & 14x03, but he couldn’t heal HIMSELF when the demons attacked him.
& Kip saying Cas’s function or purpose was to be a hostage/bait to get trap Sam/The Winchesters? WTF!!! Even w/o wings, he’s still an angel.
O te peinas o te haces rollos. Angels are either powerful or they’re not. Making them as weak or as strong depending on what you want in a particular scene w/o any consistency is LAZY-ASS WRITING. Those writers got paid. They should be able to do better than people who write for free (cuz they should at least have more time). How is it that the average fic is better & more consistent than this!!!
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trialssam · 3 months
one of the reasons I love 14x01 is because dean is not in it
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annmariethrush · 2 months
“There will be no new king of hell, and if they want the job, they can go through me.” AND THEN ROWENA GETS THE THRONE???
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mlobsters · 3 months
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supernatural s14e1 stranger in a strange land (w. andrew dabb)
pre-ep recap being ac/dc shot down in flames much better fit than metallica's nothing else matters from 13x01 vibe-wise and matching the pace of the clips. good job, guys. and smooth segue to it being on in the car
s14e1 / the matrix
wtf jackles, what is this speaking voice/cadence. reminds me of keanu reeves?? usually when i make really out there sound associations, i'm a little high. but that is not the case today. he's acting more like an agent than neo, but getting the keanu vibes :p i can't think of what movie specifically i'm thinking of. the devil's advocate and constantine are the other two keanu movies i've seen a bunch, but i dunno
never good when i'm pulling a clip in the first few minutes 🥴 gonna be a 2-3 day watch i'm guessing.
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also don't really understand the styling choices. i get that it helps make a big visual difference between michael and dean, but like. dude wasn't dressing like this old timey fancy man with a flat cap in the au world. is this 20s-ish? never seen peaky blinders but this seems kinda similar? reading about collar pins and bars now. lol
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is this the grief beard i've heard about. well maintained, if so
MARY Sam, we’re gonna find him. Ketch is working that thing in London. Castiel is in Detroit. I know it’s been three weeks since Dean… Something will break. It has to. SAM Yeah. Yeah, you keep saying that.
so like why does sam need to be in charge and involved in this vampire thing with this bunker full of people? they were fully self organized and fighting before they came here. even if sam is de facto leader for whatever reason; delegate, my guy. no help to anyone if you're not sleeping. call jody in, i bet she could talk some sense into him. also vaguely funny that we're all Team Family Go! but the family i connect with the most for them is jody and her girls
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CASTIEL Does any demon know where Dean Winchester is? KIPLING I’m sorry, did you just say you lost a Winchester? Because, one -- that’s… interesting. And, two, how is that you lost Dean? I thought the two of you were joined at the… [Kipling glances down in a suggestive way.] …you know, everything.
in a way i wish i could have watched this without any knowledge of fandom because my knee jerk response is, ew. because i just don't see anything between dean and cas, i have a hard time grasping they're even close, i've just tried to accept it because the show tells us all the time. but maybe i could have come around to it more if i didn't know about the screaming zeitgeist that is destiel. or maybe i'd have the same reaction, i don't know. but anyway perpetually disgruntled knowing that my reaction is always colored somewhat due to fandom. i try to watch objectively but i know my feelings on things outside the show color my feelings of stuff inside the show
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oh, cas. what have you gotten yourself into this time.
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SISTER JO Why would he say “yes” to you? MICHAEL Love.
short and sweet
man i know jackles is trying to do something different but i do not enjoy the way he's speaking as michael. ok now i'm getting umm. brad pitt in interview with the vampire?? like when he's talking to what's his face. for the interview. lol. christian slater! kind of slow, flat fairly emotionless narration.
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um. how in the world is nick's soul in his vessel? didn't crowley remake it or whatever? or did he not die at any point in the ... 7 years intervening between lucifer dumping him in s5 and getting popped back in during s12
from 12x13 CROWLEY I managed to pervert that spell. So your essence wasn't sent back to the cage, but instead, we found your discarded vessel a few years ago… repaired it, improved it, making it a fitting final home for the real you.
whatever, man. nothing makes sense to me anymore. also thinking about jimmy novak called being possessed by castiel like "being chained to a comet" - for all those years
NICK Ow. I don't get it. I don't understand how Lucifer could die and I could live. SAM Yeah, um… I think that maybe it's because the archangel blades were made to kill the archangel inside a-and not the person they, uh -- NICK Possesses and uses to almost end the world twice?
sure. SURE. that makes sense. not at all how anything else ever works on this show, but sure! i mean, i love mark pellegrino too but come on, guys.
SAM Stop saying that, please. MARY What? SAM “It's gonna be fine,” that everything's gonna be fine, we're gonna find Dean, and -- MARY We are. SAM You don't know that. Dean's gone, and we have no idea where he is or -- or if he's even still alive. You know, Michael could have… burned him out or… worse, and… MARY I know. I know he's out there, scared and alone. I know. I know he might never come back. Never think I don't know that. But -- I can't -- I have to think about the good, Sam, because, if I don't, I will drown in the bad. For Dean's sake, I can't do that. We can't do that.
that's fine and reasonable but it's also reasonable that sam doesn't want to hear a baseless placation.
jack getting a grandpa bobby now too apparently
completely zoning out on this demon monologuing. why did they bring the girl along who isn't a hunter. what happened to the devil's trap bullets? and couldn't they make the bullets made out of the angel blades they had on the au world? because with all the dead angels they surely must have a stockpile. wouldn't get this several minute action sequence with fake tension though so
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SAM Enough! There will be no new King of Hell. Not today. Not ever. And if anybody wants the job, you can come through me. Understood? (breathing heavily) So, what's it gonna be?
lol okay
SAM It's the -- It's the magic egg that kicked Lucifer out of the President. I thought we could use it on Michael, but -- Ketch can't find it. So, that's another dead end, which is just awesome.
i'm glad the show remembered because i completely forgot about that thing. thanks for preemptively ruling it out
CASTIEL Sam, are you all right? SAM Yeah, I've been better. I've been worse. You? CASTIEL I'm -- I'm just sorry. I should never have gone to those demons. SAM Cass, I -- No, I-I-I don't blame you. I… Honestly, I-I wish I'd have thought of it first. If it meant finding Dean, I-I'd work with -- I'd do anything.
❤️ take what i can get. (still need to sleep, sammy)
MICHAEL Now, you -- you know exactly what you want. You don't pretend to want to help people or save the world. Your want is pure and simple and clean. And that's why you are worth saving. That's why we are going to work so well together. Because you -- you just want to eat.
LOL what. michael loves vampires!
!! omg lol i just reread my 13x23 with my whole "can't kill michael now that he's wearing dean" is that the whole reason we get pellegrino back as nick, so we can find out that archangel blades don't kill the vessel?? 😂
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shallowseeker · 9 months
TFW parenting, and pep-talking Jack:
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Hey, Sammy DOES come into the domain of Jack's bedroom to act as Jack's father! It's in 14x01, when Dean is missing. :-) (TBF, He does this in 13x03 Patience too but that wasn’t well-received/was perceived by Jack as glib and fake.)
Anyway! This whole episode, Jack is pretty successfully being raised by The Village of Hunters. Everyone steps in: AU Bobby, Mary, Sam, Cas. (Of note, Jack doesn't feel better, really, until he talks to Cas.)
In this episode, Jack laments the loss of his powers.
In the Sam scene, Sam tries his best to sit with and comfort Jack, and he mostly does okay with that. Interestingly, Sam emphasizes "moving past it," because that's a Sam way of coping. Dissociate and get back to work.
This is a sharp contrast to when Dean comforted Jack about his nightmares in 13x23, which was to tell him, "It's not about being strong," and emphasize taking care of Jack.
Sam in 14x01:
SAM: I talked to Bobby. He says you may have had a rough day today. JACK (sullen, closed off): It was fine. Sam tries some more. SAM: I know it's a lot, I'm sure, but you can get past this. I know you will. I have faith in you, Jack, and I believe in you. (Mary enters; Jack still looks sullen and upset.)
It's a nice attempt, especially for Sam, who comes by connection in a more practiced, careful, "therapizing" manner. The conversation gets interrupted by Nick Vaught waking up. Nevertheless, even before the interruption, Sam's attempt gives off a stilted feeling, like Sam is reading from a self-help seminar.
He says, "You'll get past this," and "I believe in you." Somehow, it doesn't feel like he's coming down to Jack's level and getting real with him, as Dean and later Cas will do.
At the end of the episode, Cas comes into Jack's room, with his own face beaten to a pulp. Cas hasn't healed himself. He's letting Jack see his own weakness here. That it's okay to screw up. They all screw up all the time.
He asks how Jack is, and Jack sullenly mutters (again) that he's fine. Then, Cas tells Jack that he did well, and Jack explodes in a flurry of emotion, easily opening up to Cas: (we’ll see that he is more willing to hurl his genuine emotions at Cas, Mary, Dean…)
JACK: All I did was get punched...in the face! CAS (wryly): To be fair, we all got punched in the face. JACK: That's not--Before, when I had my powers, I-I could've done something. CAS (frankly): Jack, you don't-- you don't have your powers. And you- your grace should regenerate in time. But until then-- JACK: I'm useless. I can't kill demons, I can't find Dean, and Michael is in our world and I can't stop him. I can't do anything. I don't have...anything. CAS: Oh, Jack. That's just not true. You've got me. You have all of us. (touches shoulder) You have...your family. (then, passionately) And we are going to find Dean, and we are going to beat Michael, and we're going to do it together! Because that's what we do.
Cas's message seems to get through to Jack a little better here, though Jack is still uncertain and scared. Cas, like Dean, keeps it real with Jack (just like they keep it real with Claire). It doesn't sound so...canned. (Sorry, Sam. Ilu. You try so hard.)
Cas talks frankly: "Yes, you've lost your powers." He also, like Dean, emphasizes familial support and delivers a message of hope and unshakeable confidence.
Lastly, Jack is in his "Rocky Balboa" era. It's so adorable. I just wanted to point out his lil jogger outfit and make you imagine him training to "Gonna Fly Now." You're welcome.
No, literally. This is Jack is 14x01, except he's (somewhat hilariously) getting the crap kicked out of him:
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fandom-hoarder · 7 months
In 14x01, why does it seem like everyone waited til they got back to the bunker to clean up from the fight? lololol It's a 14 hour drive from Detroit to Lebanon! They drove like this?! 🤣
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And why hasn't Cas healed anybody lolol help.
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2sw · 15 days
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"Yeah, well, someone has to keep fighting for Jack."
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casdeans-pie · 6 months
In 14x01 when that random demon is doing his evil monologue to Cas and pauses for dramatic effect and Cas is like, 'AND?? 🙄 don't just stop there ffs'
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lillysilverus · 2 years
Stranger in a Strange Land is on.  Season 14 of SPN was pretty craptastic(cough Michael/Dean cough) , but Dabb did get this episode right.  
It was such a great Sam episode.  Tired, frustrated Sam trying to be everything to everybody.  Reassuring Jack and letting him come to help with the demons for his self esteem.  Dealing with Nick when no one else would.  His reaction in the hallway after leaving the room and having to talk to Nick was just so painful and perfect. Kip the demon calling him his Beyonce and getting his ass handed to him. Sam scaring the other demons out of their meatsuits. And all the while looking hotter than it is outside my door right now (heat index is 102). 
One scene that’s really spot on is his first one when he comes back and Mary tries to get him to rest.  He’s exhausted and frustrated, she tries to Mother him and he shuts that down. Sam Smith’s reaction is so good because when he grabs her arm and pointedly stops her from trying to stop him, you can see in her face the realization that she wasn’t around to have the right to be that person to him.  And later on in the car, Sam’s reaction to her admitting that she has to keep being positive or she’ll drown in the bad.  How many times have we seen that in Sam and he’s realizing that he did inherit something from her. 
So many gems among the dross and it’s all Sam. 
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soullessjack · 7 months
anyways I’m thinking a lot about these outlines from 14x01 and 2 and all the things they do for Jack’s characterization
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“If he’s going to try and be the version of human being his mother was, then he wanted to know more about her. After all, he never met her since she died practically at the moment of his birth. And with both his biological parents gone, he felt a longing to connect with his roots.”
“No, Cas. I’m really not as dumb as everyone seems to think.”
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“The truth is, there just isn’t much information about Nephilim. He didn’t realize he was such a rarity.”
“Jack agrees, and says he has to prove to Sam and Dean that he’s capable of being on the team.”
“I’m just trying to figure out who I am. I don’t know who I am.”
“Heroics aren’t the only measure of strength.”
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“…he knows what Cas is thinking: that this is Lucifer’s gene pool talking. It’s not. ‘I’m not my father. I’m not my mother. I’m me.’”
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notalawyerdude · 1 year
So in 14.01
I think the reason why Sam is able to deal with watching after Nick is because when he was in the cage he wasn't in Nick as a vessel, right? Like would've just been in his angelic form, vessel-less? I honestly haven't watched that part of the show in quite a while so I don't fully remember. But if my vague memory is accurate, then 99.9% of the time that Sam knew Lucifer, he was not in the nick vessel.
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ineffableuser · 2 years
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I cannot express how much I’ve missed this kind of scenes, guys
“Just answer the question” he’s clearly not even in denial anymore- AH, I’m so not ready for Despair
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