#spd problems
embervoices · 11 months
It's so rude how the air is always touching me...
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weirdplutoprince · 7 days
Beard anon here. I wanted to know if other autistic males have sensory problems with their beards; and if they do, did they ever want to have a beard because of the looks, but chose not to because the of the sensory sensibility?
Question for autistic people who can grow beards:
If you can grow a beard and would like to do so, did you ever choose not to because of the sensory feeling?
2. Any tips on how to grow if the feeling is uncomfortable to you?
You can answer in asks, but if you can, please reply here so it's easier for this anon to see them! :)
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adhd-dog-guy · 2 years
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**weighted blanket**
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seraphim-coinz · 29 days
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SPDgender, or Sensoryprocessgender, is a neurogender relating to Sensory Processing Disorder. This flag was requested by @seraphtrix, our friend.
The reds symbolize minor and major overstimulation, and the blues symbolize minor and major understimulation. The gear symbol is for sensory processing disorder.
Seraphim's note: we have Sensory Processing Disorder, which is why we felt comfortable coining. 💕
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symphony-calamity · 2 years
Not oblivious nor aware of my surroundings but a third secret thing (sensory processing disorder)
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imautistsick · 1 year
Having blue eyes and autism or spd would suck. I have green/ hazel eyes and the sun is so bright already. I cant imgaine being blinded (by the liiiggghhhttt) every sunny day.
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jpriest85-blog · 5 months
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I fell in love with @pdrrook Perfumare VN and IFs. While I'm still looking forward to seeing the rest of the story in Perfumare: Amalgam. I also got excited learning about the sequel Perfumare: Amalgam and came up with some concept art and info for my Shapeshifter MC, Gloria Jardin. I'm kind of jumping the gun ik, but I couldn't help it! I'm not sure how things will play out for Gloria, so I'll probably wind up having multiple routes saved like I did for my Allure MC, Liz Morren. Here's my info for Gloria so far. I'll probably wind up changing things once the sequel is officially released.
Name: Gloria Jardin
Animal form: Swan
Pronouns: she/her
Preferences: Bisexual
Birthday: January 24th
Height: 5ft10”/177.8cms
Appearance: A tall ethnically mixed woman, in her late twenties with a chestnut complexion and a dancer's build. A square shaped face with a cleft chin, full mouth and brown almond shaped eyes, her natural hair is black and coily, but as a Shapeshifter she can change her hair and eye color whenever it suits her mood. As does her fashion sense, and she's collected a pretty eclectic wardrobe over the years, depending on her mood and the occasion. From sleek suites paired with colorful avant-garde accessories to more theatrical clubbing outfits that could rival a Las Vegas show girls costume. Although she usually wears some sort of accessory or stylistic touch that has feathers or resembles swans.
Notable Features: A little gap in her front teeth, and long toned legs.
Personality: Gloria comes across as a classy, confident, intelligent and vibrant woman. Although it would surprise people to learn she went through an “ugly duckling” phase as a child. Considering the expectations put on her by her family growing up, she always felt like she never quite fit. In a way her childhood was similar to Laurent's trying so hard to be the “dutiful child ” to meet expectations and approval, and yet she was miserable. Although being away from her family ment Gloria finally got a chance to do things for herself and learn who she was as a person. Discovering she was Tier 4 Shape Shifter was kind of a relief actually. Well mostly she's still under watch from the government considering higher tier Shapeshifter's can potentially impersonate important people like government officials ect.
Although despite the fact that her gift is often associated with subterfuge and misdirection, Gloria herself tends to be a pretty honest person. She's wasted so much of her childhood trying to be what others wanted her to be, and it made her miserable. She's done with that bs, and she's not going to apologize for existing anymore! Although she does have enough class to recognize and apologize if she hurts someone. Even unintentionally by saying something thoughtless or blunt. Also, she still keeps enough social etiquette to show restraint when necessary. Although this does make her appreciate the fact she can take an animal from more. For Gloria, being able to turn into a Swan is cathartic, as she's not bound by the same rules as polite society if even for a little bit. She can fly, swim, and even bite people who piss her off.
Many people are often surprised to learn that she's friends with Alois Becker aka Marco and considers him like family. While Gloria did have a party girl phase and often went out dancing with Marco, she usually tries to keep him from doing anything too reckless that could get him seriously hurt. Although Gloria is fully capable of causing her share of havoc, she just prefers to be more discreet by Shape shifting into her swan form. While swans are very elegant and graceful birds, they have a huge wingspan and have been known to bite, so she can still do some serious damage if so inclined.
Thankfully, she's usually not as aggressive and reckless as Marco, although she sometimes feels more like an older sister/ young stepmother just trying to keep him from accidently getting himself killed. Although Marco will sometimes complain about Gloria becoming less “fun” as they've gotten older he appreciates the fact she cares enough to try, and the fact she's the only person who's always honest with him. Even though it means he usually gets roasted for being an idiot.
Headcanons & Additional info
Her name is a reference to a brand of perfumes, specifically Gloria Vanderbilt's Jardin à New York, which has a Swan debossed on the bottle. 
When it comes to her personal scent preferences, Gloria likes to use classic floral perfumes, particularly ones that smell like Gardenia.
Her Swan form is based on Mute Swans. Although she has been known to also take the form of Cygnet, since baby swans are so cute and fluffy. Perfect for when she wants others to lower their guard or needs to squeeze into smaller spaces. 
Gloria has always been fond of dancing and even took ballet lessons for many years. It's actually how she first met and befriended Alois/Marco. They were enrolled in the same dance class and performed well together when partners. Even during Gloria's party girl phase, she often helped choreographed dance routines for the clubs that made them both the life of the party. 
This also unfortunately fed into some of those “gold digger” rumors about her. Alois/Marco always likes to make an entrance, and what better way to ensure an audience than to show up with a tall, gorgeous woman who could pass for a model. Even though he only sees Gloria as a friend and sister figure, he's more than happy to play wingman, and likewise, Gloria is sociable enough to introduce him to actual super models. He can also act as protection in case drunken creeps try to hit on Gloria and don't take rejection well, which is sadly often. Alois/Marco's efforts to keep Gloria safe wind up unintentionally damaging her social reputation. Since many of these creeps also come from well-off families and don't get the fact that Gloria prefers Alois/Marco's company because he's her friend and respects her personal boundaries. They just assume she's only with him because he's got more money and/or his family owns the club.
Since Shapeshifters often have to thoroughly study an animal before they can take its shape, Gloria winds up developing an interest in swans and other birds. She has become a bit of an amateur Ornithologist and can even accurately mimic bird calls.
Gloria also has a love of learning and academics and in addition to being taught French by her family, she's become fluent in speaking, reading and writing many classical languages as well; Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Latin and Sanskrit.
She probably winds up getting a job in an academic field, which can be exciting for Gloria because she gets to learn so many new and fascinating things and earn new doctorates. It also means she struggles to be taken seriously since she's a lot younger than others in her field, not to mention it's difficult to get resources for research unless she's studying a subject that already has government funding, or wealthy patrons deem profitable. Not to mention her reputation for honesty means she often butts heads with higher ups on things like censorship and propaganda. 
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Shout out to the San Diego Zoo! Not only do they have dedicated Quiet Zones where there is little foot traffic and less noise, they also have signs for “Headphone Zones” with signs to warn you when things might get extra loud quickly. As an autist with sensory processing issues, especially sound sensitivity, this was huge for me. I was able to enjoy the zoo without becoming totally overstimulated and shutting down.
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hoshi-kawaii · 3 months
My inner child is healed every time I put my socks on inside out so the seams dont touch my toes.
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living-with-autism · 2 years
Hey everyone sorry for being absent for so long I’ve been having a lot of personal stuff going on and if anyone wants to reach out and talk about anything please don’t hesitate to message me on here I could really use a friend :)
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mosaic-system · 1 year
I always feel weird with SPD
Because we can relate to A LOT of the autism stuff that’s like eww texture or I have the need to be crushed with a boulder and nothing lighter will do
But I feel like if I start talking about it too much without being autistic that people will think I’m faking or something or trying to be clout-y or something
And not everyone has heard of SPD so everyone default goes autism?? No??
I just ugh
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piedoesnotequalpi · 6 months
What a horrible day to have ears
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smallestavocado · 1 year
I despise how little sensory issues are taken seriously bc im working at a hospital and one of the patients requested for no cucumber with his salad and when i delivered it i realised there was cucumber after all, and i asked him if he could pick it out and he said he could still taste it on the rest of the salad and he sounded quite distressed so I got him a new one made without cucumber but it wouldn't have happened in the first place if they had listened to him. It's a private hospital that he paid good money to be in, the least we can do is prioritise his comfort.
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pray-for-throckmorton · 9 months
having a sensory processing disorder is kinda fun because one day you're sipping on coffee that is essentially molten lava and it's underwhelming but the next day you touch velvet and find yourself unable to hold back tears.
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imautistsick · 2 years
Autistic problems: following other autism blogs but you have no idea what their special interests are so you get a bunch of random stuff on your dash
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