#sorry if things look off i stopped paying attention to my ref at some point and everything went wrong
possuminnit · 8 months
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on a kick of drawing everything very tiny on a huge canvas. anyways messy doodle of my guys:(
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agentmaxa · 3 years
Short-Fuse (Krashlyn x Reader)
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A/N: I didn’t know what the Anon meant by “a bit younger” so I just made R more spunky and less beat around the bush. If they wanted a mom/daughter relation... sorry.
Sorry for any mistakes, please enjoy.
Y/n could care less if the tackle caused any pain, getting up from it Y/n shouted to the ref, “You going to foul someone ref?!”
The ref turned his head, pretending not to hear the angry player.
Scoffing, Y/n headed somewhere else on the field. Hopefully in the eyesight of a reasonable ref.
Somewhat glad non of Y/n’s other teammates had it this bad.
Y/n couldn’t really focus on the game, too frustrated with the number of fouls she was being called on.
Yes, Y/n was an aggressive player but knew when to tone it down and it felt like one misstep tonight was an automatic foul.
The game resumed and Y/n was heading down the field trying to get the ball back. Y/n got beside the player that had possession and waited for the player to mess up so the ball would be vulnerable.
The player messed up alright, losing footing. Y/n getting tipped by the player as they went down.
Y/n managed to stay standing, slowing down to see if the other player was fine but stopped when the ref blew his whistle.
What is it now?!
The ref signaled that Y/n was being fouled for tripping the other player, a look of disbelief nearly on everyone on the field.
The crowd booed loudly.
Y/n had to turn and walk away, trying to cool down.
If it wasn’t Y/n’s body committing the foul, Y/n’s mouth would do it.
Looking over at Ali and Ash to see them slightly worried.
As the game went on, so did the fouls.
Y/n had just about had it when there was a blatant dirty tackle from the other team and the ref turned a blind eye.
In the last few minutes of the game, Y/n thought the hell would be over.
That the end of the nightmare was coming.
But not before things took a sharp turn.
Someone finally got hurt enough for the ref to pay attention.
The same player that tripped over their own feet, fouling Y/n, had gone in for a dirty take to get the ball back from the defense.
Ali is on the ground, trying to get up again. Ash was by her side in seconds and Y/n to get there, “Hey baby, stay down the medics are coming this way.”
Ali nodded her head, still in pain. She knew nothing broke but she wouldn’t put it past being a bruise, sprain, or even a fracture.
The medical team examined Ali for a minute or so, clearing her for the last few minutes of the game but if it seemed to worsen they’d have to sub Ali out.
R and Ash were relieved that it wasn’t anything serious, Ash planning on going back to the goal while Y/n looked at the board to see what happened to the player.
When Y/n saw it went down as a foul and a very firm warning, that was the final straw.
Storming past other players, Y/n getting in the ref’s face.
“What the hell ref?! That should be a yellow and you just foul?! Krieger almost got her ankles broke! Do your fucking job and CARD, SOMEONE!”
It was impossible for the ref to ignore Y/n that time and so he reached into his pocket and pulled out a red.
Y/n was about to thank some higher power that this ref finally has common sense but then he points at Y/n then off to the sidelines.
The ref red-carded Y/n.
Leaving the field, Y/n knew the ref was still looking so Y/n gave the ref the middle finger, not even looking back to see the reaction.
Ali and Ash watched Y/n walk off to the locker rooms, concerned more than anything but also frustrated with the ref, wanting nothing more than the match to end.
Ali and Ash shortened the time they normally spend with the fans, more concerned with finding Y/n.
Walking into the locker room, they saw Y/n still had everyday clothes there. Ash hurried to the ice bath area, having a feeling that’s where Y/n was, Ali close behind.
Ali and Ash saw Y/n relaxing in an ice bath, eyes closed.
Before they could say anything Y/n says, “Thought an ice bath would cool my temper.”
Y/n’s joking tone was a little concerning, Ali asked, “Y/n how long have you been in there?”
“Not long enough, probably.” Y/n got out with ease, eliminating Ali’s and Ash’s worry that Y/n had been in there too long.
“Y/n wait.” Y/n was reluctant but kept going, not wanting to accidentally say something that would be regretted later.
“Come on Ash, let’s just give Y/n some space.” Less than a handful of times had they seen Y/n this angry, even after harsh games.
So the two headed off to get changed into their everyday clothes, waiting a few minutes till they looked for Y/n again.
Y/n’s phone was left on so Ali was tracking it with her own phone. Soon they didn’t need it.
Stumbling into the small training area the stadium had, hearing grunts and sounds of something being hit, they entered looking around.
Y/n’s back was to the door, focusing on the punching bag, beating and kicking the life out of it.
Y/n stopped for a moment, barely feeling a micro-layer of sweat.
Then two arms wrapped around Y/n’s torso, keeping Y/n’s arms by Y/n’s side.
“Ashlyn.” Y/n sounded less angry, almost giving Ash a warning.
But after a moment of Ash not moving, Y/n felt the anger leaving.
Ash moves Y/n a step or two away from the punching bag. Ali was now able to hold Y/n from the front. “We’re here baby. Just breathe.”
Ash noticed Y/n’s heartbeat slow down from a pounding to a calmer thumping. Y/n’s shoulders fell, putting her head in the crook of Ali’s neck, taking in Ali’s scent. Reminding Y/n of Ali’s favorite flowers.
The mental and physical exhaustion finally showing its ugly head.
“You ready to go home, baby?”
Ash could barely see the nod from Y/n, Ali let go so Ash carried Y/n.
Y/n still needed to take a shower from the game so Ash and Ali helped clean Y/n up in the shower, also giving Y/n physical support.
Ash got out of the shower first, getting a towel to dry off and got dressed, getting clothes for Ali and Y/n as well.
Ali turned off the shower and Y/n was able to dry and dress without help. All of them heading to bed.
“Sorry by the way.”
Ali and Ash were surprised by Y/n’s words, “Why are you sorry baby?”
“I lost my temper.”
“Y/n don’t apologize for that. I hope they never have that guy ref a game again. I would have lost it if I were in your position.”
Y/n hummed somewhat not believing Ash.
“And Kelley defiantly would have. And Becky. And Pinoe. And Syd. And Alex.”
Y/n chuckled as Ash continued to name almost everyone on the national team and Orlando team.
“Okay, I get it. Thanks, you two.”
“Love you too.“ Ali said before turning her body to turn the light off.
“Love you too, baby.”
“I love both of you.”
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all my focus on you
summary: all of your focus is on Jake, and yet you can’t see that he loves you.
warnings: mentions of injury
word count: 3.2k
note from the writer: this is the first thing I've posted in months and I really like how it turned out. let me know what you think! also I didn’t edit it so sorry ahead of time.
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“Who’s Tuna?”
You had heard the nickname tossed around a lot. At least, you were pretty sure it was a nickname. You were new to the world of hockey, having only really paid attention to the sport in the past few months as a result of your roommate, Jess, dating professional player Brock Boeser. Through him, you had met Elias, Quinn, Thatcher, Troy, and a whole assortment of others. But, Tuna still remained a mystery to you. Apparently, he was going to be joining your group out to the bar that night.
“You’ll like him.” Brock declared, giving you the same response he always did whenever you asked, while Elias’ smile turned the special kind of mischievous that only he could ever pull off. You didn’t have the chance to question how he could have been so certain, because Jess called your name and insisted that you start getting ready to go.
You’d never, not once in a million years, admit it that Brock was right.
You did like ‘Tuna’. A lot more than you probably should have. He was fun and outgoing from the moment Brock introduced you to him at the bar. Your heart stopped in your chest when you realized that Tuna was Jake Virtanen, your secret hockey crush. When Jess started seeing Brock, she showed you the entire Canucks roster. Jake’s piercing blue eyes struck out to you from the moment you saw his picture, but other than a ‘oh he’s cute’ and a mental note of his name and number, you kept quiet.
Now, he was standing before you, handing extended for you to shake with a dazzling smile that nearly made you forget your own name.
“I’m Jake.” He said brightly, and you offered your own smile in return as you slipped your hand into his meekly. Your face warmed at his touch, and if you possessed the ability to look away from Jake, you would have seen the shit-eating grin Brock wore. But you couldn’t, and instead you saw the way Jake’s gaze stayed on you, his own cheeks turning red. “What’re you drinking? I’m buying tonight.”
And thus, an amazing friendship grew. Which, for whatever reason, Brock seemed to loathe.
He was insistent that there was something more between you and Jake, which you vehemently denied, and each time your cheeks would burn brightly. It wasn’t as if you didn’t want anything more with Jake, in the few months that you had gotten to know him, he had become one of your closest friends and the person you told everything too.
And your secret hockey crush turned into full blown feelings. Most of your time was spent with him, even if you felt nothing but butterflies in your stomach whenever he was near. Only a few short months after meeting him, you couldn’t imagine your life without him. He was a constant presence in your life, as sure as you were that the sun would rise, you knew that Jake would be there for you.
With a schedule as crazy as a professional athlete’s, you jumped on any opportunity to spend time with Jake and any of the guys on the team, who all quickly became good friends of yours, along with their partners. Currently, you were at a diner, getting a quick lunch with Jake, Petey, and Brock, the two blondes sharing a side of the booth opposite of you.
Jake was in the middle of animatedly telling a story, and you watched with your undivided attention. Well, nearly undivided, since he had swung an arm around your shoulders shortly after sitting down and the simple contact had your heart beating like crazy. Petey had sent you no less than three shit-eating grins, and Brock was openly chuckling at how flustered you were. You were just thankful Jake was as oblivious as he was.
“You’re coming to the game tonight, right?” Jake asked, jostling you with the arm that was around his shouler to get your attention as soon as he finished his story. You nodded, taking a sip of your drink to cover up the fact that you had been openly staring at him as he spoke. “Perfect. Alright, I’ve got to run. I’m supposed to meet with my nutritionist.”
There was a chorus of ‘goodbyes’ as he tossed some cash on the table, enough to cover both his bill and yours, since he always insisted on paying for you. Before he could slide out of the booth, though, he pressed a quick kiss to your temple, an innocent act that had your heart doing cartwheels. You avoided Petey and Brock’s gazes, trying to will the heat in your cheeks away. It was only when the bell chimed on the door signalling that Jake had left, did someone speak up.
“Oh, come on!” Brock groaned, and you shot him a curious look. He ignored you, turning to face Elias, who was grinning in amusement. “I’m just going to tell her. It’s painful at this point.”
“Tell me what?” You question, nerves seeping into you, watching Elias shrug and grin wider. Instantly, your mind thought about the worst, like someone was getting traded or something similar, but nothing could have prepared you for what Brock said next.
“Jake is in love with you.”
“What? No, he’s not.” You spluttered, eyes wide and cheeks warm. Brock rolled his eyes at you, a scoff leaving his lips as if he thought his teammate’s apparent affection was obvious.
“He talks about you all the time.” Petey offered, and you fell silent. Elias wasn’t one to mess around with something like that. Sure, he made sly comments that had you laughing everytime, but this was different.
“He thinks you could never like him back, so we have to listen to him complain about it.” Brock’s tone was serious, but you could hear the subtle chirp. You pursed your lips, dropping your focus onto your plate to avoid meeting either of their gazes.
“You guys are ridiculous.” You settled on saying, though just because you dropped the conversation, it didn’t mean that you stopped thinking about it.
Even hours later as you were walking through the doors of the arena, you were still thinking about it. Though, you were quickly distracted as Jess led you through the crowd to find your seats and watch warm-ups.
Despite your inner turmoil, the Virtanen jersey felt right on your shoulders, now a regular part of your wardrobe. When Jake had found out that you had no idea about hockey, he had bought you the number eighteen Canucks sweater, along with tickets to just about every home game, claiming you were his good luck charm. When he gave you his jersey, he stated that it was to make your hockey experience complete—thought now you weren’t so sure.
Brock’s words from earlier in the day were still bouncing in your head. You had a hard time believing they were true, but then you thought over nearly every interaction you had with Jake. They all had a common theme—Jake was always looking at you with a softness to his eyes that you had, at the time, chaked up to his friendliness. Now, thinking back, you recognized the look. It was the same look you gave him.
A look of utter adoration and total love.
You settled into your seat to watch the game with a wide smile on your face, borderline giddy with the conclusion you had come to. You decided that after the game, when you would be going back to Jake’s for a movie night and a sleepover, a tradition that had been established after celebrating a win too hard one night and you spent the night at his place, and at the following brunch it was decided his guest room would be yours after any home games. Though, if you played your cards right, you wouldn’t be sleeping in the guest room.
Your happiness only lasted until halfway through the first period, and quickly dread formed in the pit of your stomach. The game was back and forth, neither team able to keep possession of the puck for very long. Petey scored first, and you cheered loudly, but clamped your mouth shut when a player on the opposite team—you couldn’t see a name on his jersey, and even so, you didn’t pay attention to any hockey team outside of Vancouver—started shoving Jake. Of course, Jake was running his mouth and shoving back, and it was only when a ref skated between the two players did you let out a breath of relief you hadn’t realized you were holding.
Apparently, Jake pissed off the other team a lot more than you originally thought.
You would have sworn he was being targeted. Everytime he was on the ice, it seemed, that an opposing player would check him into the boards. He wad getting hit hard from all angles, he got tripped twice but only drew a penalty on one—and if you screamed bullshit! at the ref, then who would have blamed you—and got into a fight late in the second after an opposing player shoved into Thatcher.
It was the third period when things really went awry.
It was the final minutes of the period, Vancouver up by one, thanks to Bo’s goal at the end of the second. The Canucks were fighting to hold on, maybe score an extra point to cement their victory, while the other team was getting desperate. And they were playing dirty, too.
You didn’t really register the gasp that fell from your lips as some unknown opponent slammed Jake into the boards, head on, with clear intent to injure him. You did remember jumping to your feet, as if that would make everything better.
Jess, who you hadn’t really acknowledged was sitting next to you in your stress, gripped your arm tightly. You watched in horror as Jake stayed down, hands holding his head as the athletic trainer jogged across the ice with the assistance of Troy Stetcher. You couldn’t tear your gaze away from Jake, but if you could, you would have seen Brock looking worriedly from his injured teammate to where he knew you were in the stands.
It felt like years later when Jake finally stood, and while leaning heavily on his trainer and Troy, he went down the tunnel. You sat down stifly into your seat, leg bouncing in nerves and fingers tapping an unknown pattern as you anxiously waited for the game to be over so you could check on Jake.
Five minute major, game misconduct.
Good, you thought, but you kept your mouth clamped shut as nausea swirl in your stomach. Distantly, you heard Jess say that the opposing player was most likely going to get fined for his actions. You knew hockey was a hard hitting sport, but that was terrible. You had seen Jake hurt before, blocked shots, highsticks, and the sorts—but not once had it taken him that long to get back up.
You couldn’t focus on the rest of the game, you were pretty sure that at some point Quinn had scored, but eventually Jess was leading you down to the tunnel where had to meet the other players. Holly, Bo’s wife, had tried to assure you that Jake would be fine the moment she saw you.
“He’s got a thick skull.” She tried to lighten the mood, but all you could muster was a weak smile and a laugh that sounded forced and foriegn to even your own ears. You listened to the other wives and girlfriends of players chatter about who knows what—certainly not you, you were staring at the door you knew the boys emerged from—for minutes. The girls knew you, how you were always around Jake, acting like a couple but not once taking that extra step, so they knew how stressed you were, waiting for the verdict.
Elias was the first one to exit the room, heading straight to you with a tiny, reassuring, smile on his face. Your arms were crossed tightly across your body, an indicator of just how uncomfortable you were in the moment.
“He’s fine. He’ll be out in a few minutes.” He told you quietly. Though it helped calmed you slightly, you couldn’t get the imagine of him laying on the ice out of your head. You nodded your head in thanks, before he patted your shoulder comfortingly and departed. Quinn was next out, shooting you a pitiful smile. Tanev, Toffoli, and Edler all came out before finally, the brunette you had been waiting for emerged with Brock at his side.
He looked terrible, his tie was loose around his neck, hair a mess from the quick post-game shower he had just taken. His shoulders were slumped, and he looked so tired that your heart clenched in your chest.
“How are you?” You asked quietly once he stopped before you. Jess and Brock left to give you some privacy, but you didn’t notice in the slightest. Your focus was on Jake—like it always was.
“A little beat up, nothing I can’t handle.” He waved off his injured like it was nothing. You pouted for a moment, knowing he was playing down the severity of it. He seemed to sense your disbelief, because he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you into his chest. You sank into the embrace, reciprocating the hug with a deep sigh.
“Don’t you ever do that to me again.” You threatened into the fabric of his suit, wrapping your arms tiger around his middle. He chuckled lowly, holding you just as tight in return. Your heart was thundering in your chest, your stomach a lightning storm of nerves.
“I’ll try not to.” He assured you quietly, dropping a kiss to top of your head. You thought back to your decision before the game, how you were going to confront both his feelings and yours, and decided that it could wait just a little bit longer.
“Come on, let’s get you home.” You mumbled, pulling away sightly. He nodded and you, and you were pleasantly surprised as he slipped his hand into yours, threading your fingers together, as you headed in the direction of his car.
You insisted on driving, and Jake only protested slightly. The ride was quiet, and you could tell something was bothering him, but chose to stay quiet and let him come to you when he was ready. Or at least until you got back to his home. Instead, you listened to his music play softly from the car as you weaved through the streets of Vancouver, taking the familiar path to Jake’s place.
When you finally arrived, he slipped into his bedroom to change into something more comfortable, and you made yourself comfortable on his couch. When he returned, he was in a Canucks hoodie and pair of grey sweats, and instead of sitting next to you on the couch, he laid across it so his head was in your lap. Instantly, your hand threaded though his hair and you scratched at his scalp, something you knew he loved. His eyes fluttered shut at the action, and he hummed contentedly.
“You scared me tonight.” You said softly after a moment. You tried to will away the tears that welled up in your eyes, remembering how it felt to see him laying on the ice, injured. It tore you in two, you had never felt more sick to your stomach at a sight than you did when he was down.
“I know.” He sighed queitly in response. Not trusting yourself to keep your voice steady, you chose not to respond right away. He reached a hand up, grabbing yours out of his hair and pressing a kiss to your palm, before threading your fingers through his and resting it on his chest.
And then, you couldn’t stop the words from tumbling past your lips—
“I love you too much to see you get hurt like that.” You hated how your voice cracked, and most of all you hated how you confessed your feelings. You wanted to do so during a happy moment, one shared with smiles and he’d tell you he felt the same, but no, you were holding back tears on his couch as he tensed, your words registering.
“What?” He questioned, sitting up abruptly. You would have thought that you had screwed everything up, if it weren’t for the near-death grip he had on your hand. Still, you couldn’t meet his gaze, and instead focused on the coffee table. Gently, with his free hand, he cupped your jaw, turning so you were facing him. It was then that you realized that you were crying, silent tear tracks running down your cheeks that he brushed away carefully as he studied your face intently. “What did you just say?”
“I love you.” You choked out, voice tight. “And I’m new to the hockey thing, so I’m not used to seeing hits like that and I—”
Your ramblings were cut short as Jake surged forward, connecting your lips to his. It took you a moment to react, but your free hand eventually moved to the back of his neck, your other still gripped in yours. The kiss wasn’t heated, but loaded with so much passion and emotion it made your head swirl. Months of casual flirting and innocent touches built to this moment, and you would be lying if you said you were aware of how long you actually were pressed against him.
Eventually, he did pull back, a wide and dopey grin on his face. You smiled just as brightly, the hand on the back of his neck toying slightly with the strands of hair there. Chasing your lips for a few quick pecks that your readily complied with.
“I love you, too.” He hummed, seemingly unable to tear his focus from you. You didn’t mind, not one bit, considering he had you attention from the moment you had met.
“I know.” You grinned, watching as his brows pull together in confusion, a silent question and urge for you to elaborate. With a giggle, you explained. “Brock told me.”
“Of course he did.” Jake groaned, tipping his head back. You chuckled at his dramatics, looking at him with the same fond look you always did. Only this time, you didn’t have to worry about him finding out. Your hand moved from behind his head to his jaw, thumb brushing across his cheekbone. You smiled as he brought his attenton back to you, and you leaned forward to press a quick kiss to the tip of his nose. “You know, he’s been trying to set me up with you this entire time.”
“Yeah, he told me that I’d like you the night we met. He and Petey were planning this.” You explained, watching as he lifted your joined hands and kissed the back of yours, a barking laugh leaving him as you finished your sentence.
“Was he right?” He asked cheekily, swinging an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his chest so he could cuddle you. You admired him with a soft smile, watching as he grabbed the remote on the couch beside him to put on a movie. Never in a millions years would you admit that Brock was right, but you with the way Jake was smiling, you decided to make an acception.
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justcourttee · 4 years
I love your sibling Jasonette so much!! If you don't mind, could you do Marinette's first meeting with the rest of the Batfam? Also, this is probably a stupid question but are the rest of the sibling Jasonette stories connected?
Not a stupid question at all! I wrote them so that if you read all of them, there are parallels so that they could be connected, but if people didn’t want to read all of them, they could also stand on their own :)
I also NEVER mind writing more sibling Jasonette ;) Hope you enjoy! @moonlitjiminie 
Family Game Night
“What if they don’t like me?”
Jason stopped in his tracks, shaking his head in disappointment.
“Is that even a real question that you’re asking me? I’m honestly offended right now that you would even think they had an option to not like you.”
He dramatically placed his hand over his heart as if her words had fatally wounded him earning a small giggle from the girl. Slinging his arm over her shoulder, she managed to breathe a small sigh of relief as they made their way up the long staircase.
Jason didn’t even bother knocking as he threw open the manor doors, effectively dragging her in with him.
“Master Jason, what a pleasure to see you attend family game night and with a guest in tow, how lovely.”
An older man stood in the foyer, his sly smile warming Marinette to the core instantly. Jason narrowed his eyes playfully at the man, a sly smile of his own tugging at his lips.
“Marinette, let me introduce you to the only sane person in this household. Mr. Alfred Pennyworth. He likes to pretend he’s just a humble butler, but we all know that he secretly runs the whole thing around here.”
Alfred bowed deeply to Marinette to which she could only curtsey in return.
“It’s a pleasure, sir. I am sorry for invading your family time. I was under the impression that my presence was a known factor tonight.” Her narrowed eyes shot to Jason who simply shrugged, his smirk as arrogant as ever.
“Nonsense, a friend of Master Jason is a friend to all. You are by far the most pleasant friend he has brought to this event.”
Marinette almost wanted to ask about the context of his remark, but something in her gut told her she really didn’t want to know.
“Please, follow me to the sitting room. The rest of the family has already arrived.”
They walked in a comfortable silence down the hall, Marinette nerves slightly frayed now knowing that nobody expected her appearance. Alfred pushed open two oak doors, revealing a brightly lit room filled with many laughing faces. When Jason said he had a lot of siblings, Marinette thought two or three. Nothing could have prepared her for this.
“Oh my god, Jason brought home a girl!”
Instantly all sounds in the room paused as many heads turned their attention to where Marinette stood in the doorway. Hesitantly, she raised her hand in greeting, a sheepish smile gracing her face.
“Everyone, this is Marinette, the legendary designer MDC, and my sister. She’s flown all the way from Paris to meet you losers for some reason so be nice.”
Marinette mumbled a quiet hello as a few smiles broke through the room welcoming her. Instantly, a blonde girl jumped up to drag her back to where she was previously sitting, ignoring Jason’s protests.
“You just have to play on my team tonight! Are you any good at Pictionary? I mean I’m not great, but I can say with utmost confidence that I can beat most of the people in this room.”
“That’s not true!” Marinette’s attention was split as one of the men started an argument with her as to who was the better pictionary-ist. She didn’t even notice when Jason had sat beside her, an amused smile tugging at his lips.
“The rude blonde is Stephanie Brown. She’s Timmy boys girlfriend, who would be the dead zombie looking kid over there.”
Marinette’s gaze followed to where Jason pointed, a small giggle escaping at his accurate description. The poor boy looked like he hasn’t gotten a good night's sleep a single day in his life. 
“The rude boy arguing with Stephanie would be Dick. He practically rivals your optimism except his happy go lucky actually disgusts me.”
The man paused from his argument, a horrified expression on his face.
“I like to think my optimism is a blessing.”
That earned a collective groan from the room to which he simply crossed his arms into a pout.
“Anyways, continuing, the redhead is Barbara Gordon-Grayson who unfortunately has trapped herself in the position of Dick’s wife. A tragedy really for such a beautiful woman, I mean she could’ve had me and instead she chose him? The world just isn’t right.”
Another protest came from Dick’s direction as he turned his pout into Barbara’s outstretched arms as her attempt to not laugh failed miserably.
“The one staring you down while trying to pretend he’s not interested at the same time would be your future husband Damian.”
Marinette felt her entire face flush red as she reached back slapping Jason in the stomach as hard as he could.
“Todd, I do not appreciate harassing this young woman. You are beneath her in status and beauty therefore you should not be allowed to get off with this insult to her self so easily.”
Damian stood from his spot, careful not to make eye contact with Marinette as he sped past her toward the room’s only exit. She wanted to call out and ask him to stay, but the pink on his cheeks caused her to pause. He probably was just as embarrassed as her and just needed some time to breathe.
“Jason, that was mean! Look at how flustered you made him!”
Jason simply laughed as he reached over to ruffle her hair.
“Trust me, he never gets ‘flustered’ that was all you.”
For the second time that night, Marinette felt her face flush.
“He’s right you know!” Her eyes turned back to the blonde from earlier who stared her down with a playful expression in her eyes. “Demon spawn definitely has a crush on you.”
The rest of the family took turns picking at her, taking jabs until she was sure there wasn’t one part of her that wasn’t bloodshot red.
“Alright, alright, give the girl some space. We want her to return eventually!”
Marinette smiled gratefully toward the dark-haired man.
“After all, I need to get to know my future daughter-in-law.”
She instantly regretted her friendly gesture as the room exploded once more, smiles and laughter filling the room. Why exactly had she let Jason talk her into this?
“Okay, okay, really though guys. It’s game night! Time to pick team captains.”
Stephanie’s devilish smile sent shivers through Marinette’s spine. It was purely chaotic, reminding her of another blonde that she had left behind.
“I vote Marinette and Jason, the ultimate sibling showdown!” Dick puffed out his chest as his voice mimicked what sounded suspiciously like a wrestling ref that her father loved to watch.
“I’m down, how about you princess?”
Marinette bit her lip as her eyes glanced around the room at their waiting faces. Her eyes caught sight of one brooding face that she couldn’t seem to pass by. He also seemed to be waiting, his eyes nervously glancing from her position to the door as if he might bolt at any moment.
“It’s game on Todd.”
They shook their hands defiantly, both wearing dangerous smirks. Maybe she could salvage her pride tonight; not just hers’ but Damian’s as well. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Ladies first.”
Marinette and Jason stood on opposite sides of the room, both watching each other with an intense look that came from their competitive natures. She scanned the eager faces of his family thoughtfully. She had no idea what any of them were good at, but she wanted to maintain appearance for the psych of it.
Everybody broke out into smirks as they shared knowing looks. She didn’t bother to pay them any mind as the pink-cheeked boy rose to stand with her.
“Wrong move princess, demon spawn hates game night more than he likes to win. My first choice? Stephanie.”
The girl pumped her fist in the air as she joined Jason on his side. Marinette leaned toward where Damian stood, hiding half her face behind her hand.
“Time to strategize, who is my best bet?”
Damian stared at her with a bewildered expression.
“C’mon beau garçon, I need your help if we’re gonna kick Jason’s ass.”
He nodded slowly as if that were a perfectly reasonable excuse to kick into gear.
“Grayson is the leading contender if you wish to win tonight.”
Marinette nodded as she motioned for Dick to join them as well. Jason raised an eyebrow at her as he called over Tim, challenging her to pick from the remaining two.
“Okay Damian, Barbara or Bruce.”
He didn't bother responding as he pointed at his father, leaving the redhead to Jason’s team.
It was five hours of intense games, Alfred keeping score as an unaffiliated third party,( after all, they had all agreed that he was the fairest way to keep the games moving.) They all sat in anticipation while he tallied the scores. She couldn’t seem to calm her nerves as she stared at Jason’s cocky smirk.
Marinette felt a warmth brush by her kneecap. Instantly her head snapped to where a hand rested before her gaze reached back up to his face, a light red dusting across her cheeks. Immediately his hand retracted.
“I’m sorry if that was inappropriate, your knee was just bouncing anxiously from the corner of my eye and it was a slight bother.”
Marinette muttered out a small sorry before they both broke their gaze, the blush evident on both of their cheeks.
“And with a final score of 5-4, the winning team is… Miss Marinette!”
Her whole team jumped from the couch in excitement. Without thinking, she threw her arms around Damian’s neck. Realization crossed her face as she quickly retracted her hug, her entire face as red as could be. God, she hadn’t been this much of a blushing mess since she was thirteen.
They all chatted idly for a few minutes before Jason finally intercepted, insisting he had to get her back to her apartment before it got too late. The whole family waved her goodbye, minus one red-faced teen who instead handed her a small piece of paper as discreetly as he could, ignoring the taunts from his family behind his back.
As they drove back to her apartment, Marinette couldn’t hold her excitement anymore.
“I don’t know why you were warning me so much, I think I’m in love with your family Jason.”
His familiar smirk sat on his face as he turned into the apartment’s lot.
“I told you they were going to love you, and what do you know? I didn’t even have to give Damian your number, you two worked it out on your own. I truly believe they are planning out your wedding right now.”
Marinette shook her head as she reached over the console to hug Jason tightly before stepping out of the car. She wanted to deny accusations of what happened tonight, but she knew it would just fuel his picking.
Besides, even she couldn’t deny that she was excited for the next family game night and if she saw a certain Wayne there, well, that really wouldn’t be so bad.
Permanent Tag List:
@damianette-is-life @ash-amg @rebecarojas07 @heaven428 @long-lost-peace @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @moongoddesskiana @nach0ava
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wxlfstxrx · 4 years
sweater weather chat #5, part 2
our dear @shinymooncolor​ asked me to help write part 2 of her amazing text fic that had me screaming into my pillow at 6am. lots of hockey puns, lots of laughter, and lots of flirting oOoOooOOoo. thanks shiny for the guidance, and i hope you like it as much as i do :) characters by @lumosinlove​!
They had won. He had had his second shutout of the season. A perfect way to pay back a new sponsor. Kasey had never cared much for sucking up to the guys in suits. He had a handful of lucrative endorsements— he didn’t have to do much besides wear certain brands for press and endorse a bunch of stuff like skates, equipment, and even hair products once in a while. 
The teasing over the past few days had been near insufferable. And he still felt like kicking himself. But he’d been so frustrated and turned on and Nat knew. She knew what a single snap would do, knew he had to suffer through another two hours worth of presentations. He had tried to pay attention, he really had, but once he knew Kris was taking notes, his mind had drifted. Having his girlfriend live texting and snapping pictures of herself did not help. His phone had glitched at one point, and the texts had been sent off to the worst imaginable group of people. Even texting his mother by accident would have been better than his immature, prankster teammates. 
He stomped down the hallway, following the excited chatter and buzzing of his team. He knew the press would be interviewing him, so he stayed in character, not even wincing when Pots threw an arm around his shoulders and cheered loudly before smacking a kiss to the helmet perched on the top of his head. He did, however, squeeze back when Leo wrapped an arm around him, part congratulating and part sympathetic, and he patted his rookie mentee on the back in response. 
Coach began his victory speech as he slowly and methodically padded down, unlacing his skates and disregarding the increasing volume that arose on the back of a win. He ignored the pointed whispers of the boys next to him— Kuny and Nado were always up to something, and he wasn’t going to rise to their bait. Not this time. 
Dumo got his attention as he sat down heavily next to him, between him and his Russian stall neighbour, wrapping a sweaty arm around his shoulder and waxing poetic about his saves. He rolled his eyes, but immediately re-schooled his face as the media swarmed through the doors. They descended upon him and Cap, and he politely answered questions with pre-studied replies and polite smiles. There was a commotion and some wolf whistles and whooping, but he resolutely ignored it and continued speaking to the reporter.
“No, I’m always preparing differently, each game is new and you can never truly rely—” He stopped short, feeling his cheeks flame; even his many years of psychological training and optimisation had not prepared him for the sight of his six foot teammate dressed up in fishnet tights, some sort of leather bodice and his tattoos on full display. Their teammates were whooping and guffawing, and when Nado caught his eye, he winked exaggeratedly and blew a kiss.
“What the bloody fuck,” Kasey whispered, his jaw dropped and his face bright red.
Nado casually sauntered over to him, falling into Kuny’s stall with frankly too much grace for someone in five inch stilettos. He draped himself against Kasey’s side, and Kasey blinked, leaning back.
“Hey, handsome,” Nado smirked, curling a lock of Kasey’s long brown hair around his finger. He leaned closer, his breath tickling Kasey’s cheek. “I bet my stick would feel great in your crease, don’t you agree, sweetie?”
Bewildered, Kasey’s gaze snapped to the rest of the locker room, purposefully avoiding looking into the cameras. God, he bet the media was having a field day with this… whatever this was. All around him, his teammates and some of their partners who had come down to congratulate them on their win were bent double with laughter, with Pots right at the front gleefully recording the whole spectacle, presumably for Nat, who had not been able to make it due to a gig on the other end of the city.
Nado hooked his legs over Kasey’s on the bench, throwing his arms around him as he seductively trailed a finger down his cheek. “Or, if that’s not your cup of tea, I’m happy to let you cover my crease any time. We can work on our power plays together.”
Someone roared with laughter, and Kasey pushed Nado, who was practically seated on his lap now, off of him. The heavily tattooed man pouted, his big blue eyes glistening like the ocean on a clear summer’s day. 
“Aww, c’mon babe, don’t I look hot in leather? The boys seem to think so, and something tells me that you do too,” He smiled sweetly, and Kasey scowled at the others. Tremzy looked like he had just scored his first goal in the league, and Harzy had an arm slung around him, grinning smugly. He met Leo’s eye, and he gave him an apologetic smile and half nod, but his eyes were glittering with amusement. 
“I—” Kasey had to stop himself from cussing in front of the media, and he groaned instead, running his hands through his frazzled hair.
“Err, sorry,” The reporter— not Skeeter, this time— cut in, evidently entertained but also very confused. She turned to Nado, seeing as Kasey had buried his face in his hands, muttering under his breath. “Jackson, help me to understand the situation here. Is this some sort of new game ritual you have, or are we missing something?”
Nado smiled lazily, leaning back against the stall divider beside him and combing his fingers through his floppy brown fringe. “Ask Kuny, he’s boss.”
Realising what Nado had done, Kuny spluttered, glaring warningly back at Nado, but he simply shrugged and began to rub Kasey’s back sensually.
Kasey jumped, and he quickly whispered to Nado as the reporter headed over to a very harassed looking Kuny, the cameras trailing behind her.
“Nado, what on earth? What are you guys playing at?”
“Sorry man, I had to. ‘s my punishment for that whole… thing with Kuny’s cousin. He made me do it,” Nado grimaced for a second, then shrugged, batting his eyelashes. He looked down at himself, cocking his head and nodding in approval at the tight leather bodice around his torso. “Gotta admit I look smashing though, I might just have to get a picture of this for the gram.”
Kasey sighed, and looked over at Kuny, who was surrounded by the media and the rest of the team, in their various states of undress.
“Nado been bad. I punish him,” He replied curtly, not wanting to speak more than he had to. Talker snorted, and Sergei and Dumo both barked out a laugh which they covered up with a cough.
The reporter’s eyebrows flew up beneath her bangs. “Oooookay, seems like there’s been lots of, uh, love going around today,” She turned back to the cameras, which swung back round to face her, and she began wrapping up her interview.
Kuny awkwardly slid away, approaching Nado and Kasey as the press made their exit. He thwacked Nado upside the head, and he yelped. 
“Fuck you. You— You buttface,” Kuny growled menacingly, but everyone around them burst into another round of laughter.
Timmers wheezed, and he slapped Kuny hard on the back. “Fuck Kuny, you’re a real special one, you know that?”
“What?” He glared. “I cuss at Nado, why you laugh?”
“Nothing,” Timmers shook his head, his hazel eyes bright and shining with mirth. “Nothing, Kuny. You’re good. Stay like this forever, please.”
Pots, who was still recording, whipped the camera around to face Kasey and Nado, still seated on the bench, Kasey having forgotten about removing his gear when the press had come in. Nado instantly threw himself back onto Kasey’s lap, flicking his fringe dramatically and smiling at the camera.
“Say, Nado, why do I have a feeling you’ve got more to offer than what you’ve given us already?” Pots grins, zooming in to Nado’s wink.
“Oh, I thought you’d never ask!” He lifted the back of his hand to his forehead theatrically, his voice a high pitched whine. He didn’t even break character, Kasey had to give him that, but before he had the chance to push Nado off him again, the other boy had cupped both his cheeks in his large hands and brought their faces close together.
“You know, I think the ref should’ve given you two minutes in the box earlier,” Nado simpered, waggling his eyebrows at Kasey, who decided to fix his gaze on the long scar running across his teammate’s face rather than look into his eyes. “Because baby, you’ve got me hooked onto you.”
Kasey’s eyes flew up to meet Nado’s in a frown. “I— That wasn’t— What?”
Tremzy gasped loudly. “Blizzard, are you… blushing? From that pick up line?”
“What? No I’m not,” Kasey tried to defend himself indignantly, but Nado was grinning from ear to ear and even Loops, who had been silently watching all this while with a mysterious smile, snickered at that. 
Nado turned so he was straddling Kasey, and his hands gripped onto the dividers on either side of them, effectively caging Kasey in his stall. With nowhere else to look at, Kasey dared to roam his eyes over Nado, from his chin-length brown hair falling into a curtain around his face, to his confident smirk, down to his bare unshaved chest, still glistening with sweat from the match earlier and the stifling heat in the locker room. 
Up close, he could see the details on his tight leather corset, the three heavy straps in the front and the tight shiny material stretched out at the crotch, giving Kasey an impressive but probably very inappropriate view of Nado’s groin. He flushed even more as he realised Nado’s bare ass, save for the fishnet stockings, was planted on his lap. 
Speaking of the fishnet… Fuck. 
Nado had actually shaved his legs for this. What the hell. His long legs were spread wide open and his muscular thighs were pressed against his own, and those stilettos... His stall suddenly seemed very warm, and Kasey leaned back against the wall behind him, his head thunking against the wood loudly.
“Oh, Kasey,” He pinched Kasey’s flaming cheek with one hand, and he swatted it away, huffing in embarrassment. “Seems like the fishnet and leather are indeed to your liking, eh?”
“Fuck off,” He muttered in response, crossing his arms and turning to the side.
“Oh, but don’t you just love the way the fishnet feels against your legs?” Nado purred into his ear. “Just imagine, darling, what these legs will feel like, wrapped around your—”
Kasey stood up suddenly, his hands sliding under Nado’s ass and lifting him up. Nado shrieked and clutched onto Kasey’s broad shoulders tightly as he turned around, slamming him up against the empty wall beside his stall. He leaned in close enough so their noses were almost touching, his light brown eyes blazing, a stark contrast from his usual calm and collected front. “Yeah, Nado? You wanna go? Why imagine? I’m not afraid of spearing you. Think you can handle me, hmmm?”
He raised a brow, and Nado’s eyes widened in shock. He heard a mixture of gasps, chokes and laughter from behind him, and his lips curled up in a victorious smirk. He stepped back from the wall, walking them over to Kuny, who was seated by his stall. Kasey let go of Nado, dropping him into his roommate’s lap, and nonchalantly turned back to his stall to continue undressing. As he tugged off his leg pads and skates, he called over his shoulder to Kuny.
“Take your work wife home, won’t you, Russian God? He’s got a timeout.”
With that, he peeled off his jersey and the rest of his gear, and headed to the gym to cool down, leaving the rest of the team in chaos.
On the way out, he passed by Kuny patting Nado on the head comfortingly and telling him, “Hehe, not be bad anymore. I’m win.”
He was sure he heard Nado respond with a “Fuck, I think I need a cold shower. Now.”
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Disqualifications or Needed Rest
Quick Tag List: @kuruumiya @spacelizardtrashboys @stupidbluegirl @enigmaticandunstable @nattinngrst
This Passage Contains Potentially: swearing, violence, blood, angst, whump, fluff and smutty content. Chapter-specific warning: This chapter contains mention of pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness, and Braxton Hicks contractions.
Summary: Snuka goes after both Roddy and Kirby, causing Rod and Snuka to get disqualifications and into actual fights.
Kirby's POV:
We were in the Boston Garden. I was sat next to the announcers desk and Snuka started yelling at me and then pulled me out of my chair and I fell backwards, over my own feet after trying to get away from a very pissed Snuka. Rod exited the ring, helping me up.
"Ya alright Kirbs?"
"I'm fine, Roddy, I fell over my own feet."
Rod quickly got back in the ring, followed quickly by an angered Snuka, holding a chair.
I couldn't help the scream that escaped my lips when Rod's chest hit the mat.
I helped Rod to the back and stayed close to him, I turned my back to the locker room door for a few minutes as I leant against the wall, talking to Billie about Tito Santana.
"He's nice to me, hermana."
"So, you went out on a date?"
"Si, y'know, for a guy who's catchphrase is 'Arriba' I think he'd rather be 'debajo de mí'?"
"Billie, what does 'debajo de mí' mean?"
"Below me."
I felt a hand on the back of my arm and before I even realised who it was I had them in a sleeper hold. Upon realising who it was I swiftly let them go.
"I have never been in ma own sleeper hold, but I guess there truly is a first time for everything."
"Sorry, Roddy. I didn't realise it was you and I was just trying to protect mys-"
Rod cut me off with a gentle kiss.
"You're okay baby, if I were you, I would've done the same thing."
"I'll leave you two lovebirds alone, adios."
"Adios, hermana."
"I didn't know you could speak Spanish."
"I can only speak a little Spanish, Rod. I'm not gonna brag about something I'm not good at."
"What else can you do that I don't know about?"
"I speak a little French, a little German, some Norwegian, Irish Gaelic, Scots Gaelic and I speak Welsh fluently."
"How did ya learn to do the sleeper hold?"
"I watched you do it."
"So, you learnt from the best?"
"I guess I did, Roddy, I guess I did."
The next day I was at ringside for another Roddy vs Snuka bout.
After Snuka tossed Roddy back into the ring and cost himself the match he went after me.
Roddy got up just before Snuka started yelling insults in my direction.
Snuka started walking up to me as Roddy went to climb out of the ring.
The moment Rod's feet touched the floor, Snuka slapped me with the back of his hand right to my jaw, sending me sprawling to the floor.
Tony Colon, Jose Luis Rivera, Salvatore Bellomo and SD Jones had to run out to keep Snuka from attacking both me and Rod.
Rod kept going for Snuka until Orndorff, SD Jones and André held him back, with André helping me up.
McMahon gave Roddy three days to cool of, his next match being on the nineteenth and his next fight with Snuka being on the twentieth.
"That fucking asshole."
"Rod, focus on me, forget Snuka for the next three days, focus on me."
"He could have seriously hurt you, or worse…"
"I know," I mumbled out, putting a hand on my stomach, "Let's just get to Ohio and forget about all this shit."
"I'll treat ya, hon. What d'ya want to eat?"
"Burgers, then ice cream with maple syrup and blueberries."
"Ice cream and maple syrup?"
"Don't question a pregnant woman's cravings, boyo."
On the nineteenth, Roddy won against Rocky Johnson.
On the Twentieth Roddy and Snuka had a Fijian Strap match and Rod lost.
On the twenty-first Rod won against Salvatore Bellomo. On the twenty-second Rod won against B. Brian Blair. On the twenty-third Rod won against B. Brian Blair again, and again on the twenty-fourth.
On the Twenty-Sixth Rod lost by disqualification to Snuka.
On the Twenty-Seventh Rod, Adrian and Murdoch won against Snuka and the Samoans and After the show Rod and I hung out with the Tag Champs, Adrian and Murdoch as well as Ventura.
Ventura and me talked about Vickie for a short while and it seemed like Ventura was intrigued by her.
On the Twenty-Eighth in the Landover, Capital Centre. Rod defeated Snuka by Count-out, but they continued to brawl until myself and several others had to hold the two apart. Myself, Valentine, Orndorff and Orton held Roddy back so Snuka could get to the back, without Rod tearing him limb from limb.
On the Twenty-Ninth, Rod once again beat Snuka, after the Show Myself and Rod hung out with Orton and Orndorff.
On the Thirtieth, Rod had another bout with Snuka.
On the First of August, Rod won by count-out against Snuka, following the event we hung out with Ventura, Orton and Adonis.
I started to feel like thee days are blending together or repeating with only minor details changing, like the date and what exactly happens that day.
On the Second of August, Rod won against Snuka by count-out, again.
Again, on the Third, Rod, Adrian and Murdoch won against the Samoans and Snuka.
On the Fourth, Roddy won against Jimmy Snuka, again.
I drove home that night while Rod boarded a flight to Toronto, spending the fifth and sixth on my own.
I decided to spend a couple more days at home, until the Sixteenth.
On the Sixteenth, Rod, once again, had a bout with Snuka, which I was at ringside for.
On Friday the Seventeenth, Snuka noticed me at ringside after getting himself counted out and began yelling at me until the referee pulled him back and admonished him for doing so.
After the show we hung out with David (Schultz), Bobby (Orton) and Paul (Orndorff).
On the Saturday, myself and Bobby were backstage as Piper interviewed Sgt Slaughter.
On Monday, the twentieth Rod had yet another bout with Snuka and I decided to go back home to Salem for some well needed time to myself.
I didn't tell Rod, knowing he would try and stop me from leaving, I just left a note stating 'Need some time off, love you, will be in Salem.'
I reached the house by the Twenty-Third, answering the phone as it rung, right as I entered the kitchen.
"Hi my love, did ya get home alright?"
"I got back fine, Roddy."
"When are ya gonna be back?"
"I'll be back on the first of September, alright, I'll meet you at the Philadelphia Spectrum, okay?"
I spent the following week, relaxing at home before driving back to see Roddy.
As I walked to ringside the crowd erupted into cheers and shouts of my name as well as 'Piper'.
The crowd continued to cheer as Rod climbed out of the ring and rushed up to me, pulling me into a loving embrace and pulling down my mask to plant a kiss on my lips, whilst the ref counted him out.
André and the crowd didn't seem to care about the fact that I had gotten Rod counted out of the bout, they only seemed to care that the Rowdy one had his right hand woman (or left, if Bob Orton was his right hand man) back by his side.
By the morning of the Seventh, Rod had noticed a subtle change in the way I dressed and I could tell that all throughout the day he was trying to pinpoint what was different about me.
That night, Roddy, Paul and Bobby took turns guessing what was different.
"Ya hair's different?" Orton started
"You got another tattoo?" Orndorff guessed
"No, although, that does sound like a good idea."
"Ya, uh " Rod paused, scanning from my boots to my hair before a wave of realisation hit him, "Ya finally look pregnant."
"What do you mean, Roderick?"
"The belly, you've got a slight bump."
"You're right, I dislike that I look slightly fat, but you're right."
"You're not fat, ya with child, there's a big difference."
It took another week for Rod to tell everyone.
It took another three weeks for Rod to get jealous of anyone paying me more attention than what seemed necessary.
By the Twelfth of October, I had started getting backache, the occasional passing faint feeling, as well as having some difficulty sleeping and 'Baby Brain' (aka forgetting very obvious things at random times). The morning sickness had gone away by this point.
But, the worst thing I started feeling was Braxton Hicks contractions.
The first time any of this really impacted me was after Rod had filmed a Piper's Pit segment with Tonga Kid on the Sunday.
"Ya alright Kirbs," Rod lifted my chin up, looking me in the eyes before lifting me out of my chair and walking me to the first aiders room.
I was checked out and let go, Rod's confusion when I entered the room quickly becoming anger at what I believe was the perceived notion that they refused to help me.
I grabbed Rod by the collar and planted a passionate kiss on his lips.
"I'm fine, Rod. Braxton Hicks. False contractions."
On the Seventeenth I had to lean on André for support backstage, right after he had pinned Roddy, making Rod justifiably both angry and jealous.
"That motherfucker."
"Roderick. He's my friend, anyway I felt faint and he's taller than me."
"Ya my wife."
"Don't get possessive, Rod."
"I'm sorry, I just, I don't like seeing you in the arms of another guy."
"Don't blame me, if anything, blame the universe."
"Because I'm a giant. Plus, you got me pregnant, right after we got married, which was in June. It's October, I'm due to give birth in February, And … oww."
"You alright, baby."
"Mmn, I'm fine, fucker kicked me."
"As in, the baby?"
"Is that the first time it's happened?"
"Did it hurt?"
"It surprised me more than anything."
I grabbed Roddy's wrist, pressing his hand against my stomach as the baby kicked again.
"Oh … my … God."
"Strong baby."
"Strong parents can make a strong baby."
"If I slap you, would the baby kick me?"
"Kirbs, don't you dare."
We started laughing to ourselves over the absurdity of the moment.
We had the Eighteenth off and Rod decided to invite Bret over.
A knock at the hotel room door signified Hart's arrival.
"Hey, Cousin."
"Hi Roddy. Hi Missus Piper."
"Oh, Bret. You know you can call me Kirby."
Both Myself and Roddy had seniority over Bret but we didn't really care much about that, to us he's family, and family comes first.
We spent the day chatting and relaxing with Bret in a café, going over things such as giving Bret advice on how to get the crowd behind him and Rod insisted on him doing promos.
I hadn't realised that Roddy had his hand on my stomach all day until Bret brought it up.
"Rod, why's your hand permanently on Kirby's stomach?"
"Because, Bret, yesterday something very important happened and I'm not missing it again."
"Kirby, what does Roddy mean by that?"
"The baby kicked for the first time yesterday. Rod's just making sure he feels it when the baby kicks or punches."
We were right back to work the following day. The days blended together in my mind up until the Twenty-Eighth, where I remember being backstage whilst Rod did a Piper's Pit segment with Valentine and Captain Lou.
The next day I remember is the Thirtieth, when Rod lost by DQ to Hogan. The only reason I remember this is because I yelled 'Fuck him' when Piper brought up Hogan being the champ after the bout, back at the hotel.
The days blended together for another short while until the Third of November, Making a fuss while Rod was working as Moolah had taken it upon herself to piss me off.
After the show had finished Moolah had taken to questioning me about both my status as a wrestler and if Rod was truly the father of my child.
Rod had to hurl me over his shoulder to stop me from jumping on Moolah and beating her to a pulp.
On the Seventh, Rod made sure I stayed backstage during his match, he did the same on the Eighth, making sure that Schultz, Valentine and Orndorff had me protected.
On the Tenth, Rod made sure I was protected by Orton for the whole show, after both Rod's bout with Hogan and the Piper's Pit segment, we went back to the hotel with Schultz, Valentine and Orton.
On the Eleventh, Rod brought me to ringside with him, but lost to Hogan. Once again, we hung out with Orton, Schultz and Valentine that night.
Between the night of the Eleventh and the morning of the Seventeenth, Rod let me stay at the hotels instead of being with him for shows.
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alias-b · 4 years
sins of my youth. 013
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Billy Hargrove x OC! Evie Fenny~ Also posted to my AO3
Summary: It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even loathed the strange girl next door. Evie Fenny wasn’t too fond of the chaotic Cali transfer either. An awful high school tradition sparks a chain of events that changes everything, ultimately bringing two frayed souls together.
Hey all!! Evie attends a party to get back into the swing of being a messy teen and the night doesn't go as expected. Billy opens up about his past in California with a story Evie finds all too familiar. TW: Slight sexual refs, teens drinking/smoking, talk of past s*icide/death, and addiction. TAG LIST OPEN. Always open to chatting about the fic, thanks!!
Chapter 13: Almost Paradise
   “Are you sure about this?” Heather spoke over Evie’s shoulder.
   “We always hit the mid-winter break parties. Why wouldn’t we, Heath?” Evie applied her favorite shade of cherry in the mirror. Makeup still only covered so much that next night. But, with the swelling down, she hoped it wasn't that bad.
   “Figured you’d be hanging with Billy.”
   “We haven’t done anything...much. His dad is grinding him to stay in. He'll...also be at the party I'm sure.”
   "That why you put on the new bra?"
   "It's not new..." Evie fixed her sleeve to hide the black strap. Blushed a whole garden of strawberries. "Like I said...haven't done anything."
   “Haven’t had the chance, hm.” Heather plopped down and stole some mirror space. Relenting as she applied a lustrous pink shade to her lips that matched the scrunchie holding her curls high. “I know you’re hopelessly into him. All the eye fucking over the movie last night. If you hadn’t have passed out on the couch-”
   “Would...you be mad?” Evie looked up.
   “I’m just coming around to him again. If you trust him, I will.” Heather smiled. “I just have to be the bitchy best friend. Make him sweat it out for my own enjoyment. Cute how he tucked you in last night through, looked like he might not leave you.”
   Evie lowered a brush doused in gold glitter from her eye.
   “I am sorry...about the whole-”
   “You don’t have to be sorry about him, Bowers is the one that should be sorry.” Heather frowned. “I’m not mad you didn’t tell me. Honest. I get it. I can’t imagine what I would have done.”
   “You wouldn’t be in that situation because you’re smarter than me.”
   “No, I’ve made poor boy choices too. We both know that.” Heather beamed. “Can I borrow your earrings? The little cherries you made.”
   “Sure, keep them. You get more mileage out of them than I do. I can make more.”
   Heather squealed and went to steal them. Evie thought it funny, her friend would rather wear her craft projects than the baby diamonds in silver and gold her parents were always buying.
   “Hey, I… My mom’s been lying to me. About my dad.” Evie admitted. “He’s trying to call and give her money, I think. I don’t know if he asks about me. Where he is. I’m just… I don’t know what to do with it all, Heath.” Her voice broke and leveled out. Slowly the brush came up again. “You ever feel like you remember things differently? Like maybe we never see things as they are, we just see things as we are?”
   Heather turned to see, still putting the earrings in.
   “I’m sure Mona’s trying to protect you. She’s always been so much.” She pressed her lips and tilted Evie’s face to check her work as she always did. “Covered it nicely. How’s your head?”
   “No pounding anymore. Not getting dizzy, I think I barely avoided a concussion.” A beat. “I just wonder what exactly she’s protecting me from. It’s eating me.”
   Felt like too appropriate an expression.
   “We’ll figure it out, but you put way too much pressure on yourself like you’re alone, Eves, and you’re not.” Heather pulled Evie in to hug her. “You have me and Steve. Friends at school.”
   Blue hopped up on the desk to meow loudly, both girls broke to giggle. 
   “Yes, you too, cutie.” Heather scratched the kitten’s chin. “And Billy, I guess. Whatever.”
   “Yeah, I don’t know what we’re doing. But, I don’t mind it so I guess I’ll chase that.” Evie thumbed Heather’s lipstick at the corner. “You’re set.”
   “You, too. Let’s head out.” Heather winked and stood up.
   Blue trailed after them so Evie filled her dish. Grabbed a prized jacket she used to be too afraid to wear for how loud it was. Red leather and fringe. Bitchin'. A signature piece of clothing. Undoubtedly Evangeline. Fredrick didn't like it so it was packed away with all her sharp edges.
   Heather beamed as her friend donned it. Completed Evie's look with a black skirt and graphic shirt tucked in. Vaguely mesh pattern tights and her warm boots. Gold hoops gleaming and her little music note necklace. Plucked piece of juicy fruit and a hard pit for good measure. Curls bounced, almost obscene.
   “Think Brock and his shitheads will crash?” Heather waited for the door to be locked before they got into her car.
   “I’m not worried about Brock after what happened with Fredrick.” Evie stared at the empty place in the Hargrove driveway where Billy’s Camaro usually sat. No doubt he was already there raging. Evie got annoyed with the flame in her stomach that flickered at the thought of running into him there with all the dancing they’d been doing. Every little maybe and almost. Syllables rolling off tongues to tangle.
   Loch Nora rangers were undoubtedly the best.
   Evie still liked parties. Liked the stimulation. The noise. That beautiful overlapping noise to wash her world out. The drunk idiot teens wandering to dance or do dumb shit. All technicolor. Even liked them better than what Fredrick would take her too. Annoying how Fredrick had become this constant life point of comparison. Physically out and still here to set the scales.
   Time for some liquor.
   She peered around and realized Steve never came to them anymore. Heather even asked him and he just declines too politely. Three drinks sank into her stomach so Evie went out back to where some meathead with no shirt was pouring. Moved through sprightly bodies to get another cup. Smoke and sweat in the cool night air. 
   “Fenny, you hear Tannen got a DUI?” Nameless meathead poured.
   “No, shit?” She took her plastic cup back. Black and gold glitter nails clicking the artificial red. 
   “Swear to god! His dad’s basically paying everyone to make it disappear.” The guy chuckled. “Lucky, the idiot didn’t crash into anyone.”
   “Yeah, he’s a mess.” Evie tipped her cup in thanks and watched teens bop around the covered pool to booming music. Rich house on a hill, no one was calling the cops. Cold and slush weren't stopping the festivities, it only made them turn up the noise and heat. Her outfit combated the lingering winter well enough. Perks of being a bigger gal. Thick skin to combat the weather and assholes. “Thanks.”
   “Plenty more to go around.” 
   Evie caught a bunch of metalheads thrashing around a huge trampoline. Jumping from the lowest part of the roof to it and climbing all over. Billy among them spitting beer and cackling. A hungry wolf against the bright moon. Readied to toss his head back and-
   “Evangeline!” He howled and she rolled her eyes below, drinking. Cup lifted to acknowledge them. Billy flashed his teeth, glowed there at her. Still among his following.
   "You clean up well, Fenny!" One boy cooed so Billy shoved him into one of the many seat cushions that had been stolen to line the perch.
   "Why not join us? Stay awhile." Billy crouched at the edge. Admired Evie glittering and that outfit. Tassels constantly in motion, she looked like a song leaping off unworthy pages. They echoed the calls and she laughed outright, went back inside to a chorus of whines wanting her to stay and indulge them in their debauchery.
   “They out of the hard stuff already?” Heather approached and offered a tiny joint to Evie that she caved and puffed. “Tammy’s asking. I’m switching to water.”
   “Beer only it looks like. It’s raining boys out there though.”
   “Oh, maybe I’ll catch myself one.” Heather winked and wandered outside with the smoke.
   Evie got squished in between her and Tammy moments later. Talking school and beauty and graduation getting closer. Across the way, Billy had a whole room entertained with his California stories. Evie lingered to see his eyes flicker over to her.
   The strange radar he had when she was around. Always on high. He smiled bright and animated his tale, kept them all hooked and laughing because he was just too badass. Too good. A firework in this boring town. Perched on the table with a smoke in hand.
   Spinning tales around the way he spun her under confetti.
   And they kept peering at each other. Billy got more persistent as Evie made it a point not to look. To stay reeled into Tammy gushing about the car she was almost saved up for. This baby pink bug she dreamed about. Robin joined them and Tammy blushed as they shared a freshly rolled joint. Heather and Evie shared knowing looks.
   Billy decided he wanted attention from Evangeline and left the stories behind to cross toward her. Evie felt sparks when he plucked up her hand, nodding aside. One tug and smoldering eyes. She didn't move and played a pout.
   “I’m having an important discussion with the girls about the principal's clearly fake mustache, Hargrove.” She lifted her eyes, biting her lip as if that might curve her intoxication. Curled a smirk he matched.
  "Thrilling. Something tells me it ain't getting mileage." Billy didn’t take his eyes from Evie. “Ladies?”
   “We just finished actually, Evie was about to get herself another drink. You look like just the soul brave enough to help with that.” Tammy, oblivious but a wingman to the end, cut in so Billy pulled Evie up.
   Heather flashed a guilty smile as they went off because Evie was aimlessly bickering. They didn’t go out back for a drink. Billy climbed the steps with her hand. Slowly Evie adjusted to lace their fingers. They moved over bodies and went down the hallways into a vacant TV room with beaten couches and thick screens.
   “What are you doing?” Evie dropped her arms as Billy bit his tongue with intent eyes and crossed into her space for a kiss. Tasting of some green apple schnapps the boys outside had downed with all the hard stuff.  
   “Just something I thought about for a while.” He cupped her face for another and Evie felt dizzy for the first time after her drinks. Billy and his lips. Tasting her. Pulling her back into a couch with him.
   “You mean like a day?” Evie had giggled. Breaking the kiss to see his pupils spread.
   “Hey, it was a long, long day.” Came a shrug, eyes on her pretty tights that were sending him. “I can only say so much over the phone.” Hands worked under the skirt. Melted Evie down while she came in for more of him. 
   Straddling Billy’s hard thigh, she combed his hair back and ravished him in turn. What could she say? She liked to kiss him. Liked his mouth and his palms and his heat against her. Scorching. Billy adjusted, taking her hips to press his leg up into her.
   Evie rocked unconsciously. Gave him a little moan. Let him untuck her shirt. She came out and felt his hand on her bra. Fingers sunk under the fabric while they locked eyes. Rolled her nipple until another moan lulled. Evie still pulling at his hair, lips opening.
   “No bad kisses yet, hm?” The hum hitched as Evie pressed into him. Kissed him deeper. Not worried she might squish him with the shameless, signature way he touched her. 
   “Let’s try a few more.” Evie about whimpered into his tongue. Brow furrowing. Breath quicker. Something ready to churn in her belly.
   Billy gripped her hips to encourage her on. Shifted down the line of her jaw. Silken mouth trailing to release warm sighs. Evie had her hands pressed against his grey tee. Skimming under the leather jacket to feel the hard lines. Miles of him to trace and explore. Shifting, one hand came to his left shoulder. Finger pressed and Billy gave a jerk, breath catching as he pulled back to hiss.
   Evie narrowed and yanked away the moment he looked in pain. Avoiding her eyes as if he wasn’t just trying to turn them over and finish this.
   “Are you okay?”
   “Fine.” Billy leaned back in for a kiss she barely responded to. Thoughts racing. “It’s nothing.” He cupped the back of her head. Lips all over Evie’s neck. Fingers slipped to push his jacket aside and Billy grasped her wrist. “Evie, it’s nothing.”
   “You’re hurt.” She frowned. Billy gripped her arm still, searching. He opened his mouth to speak and the door burst open, giggles sounding at the same time Evie threw herself out of Billy’s lap. Practically to the other side of the couch. Shamefully tucking her shirt back in.
   “Oooh, this one’s taken,” Tommy backed up and processed who was in there again with Carol under his arm, “Billy and Fenny? No fucking way, you two. Ha!” He cackled and Billy gave an agitated breath.
   “We’re busy, shut the door, man.”
   “No shit, you’re busy. I’m shocked. I thought Fen wasn’t speaking to you ever again after-”
   “Hagen, we’re talking.” Evie slid her eyes to Carol who’d gotten dead silent. Eyes bright and full of hate. Piles and piles. A tremendous build of fire and loathing directed at Evie for existing in the same space.
   “Talk away. Have fun, kids!” Tommy only found it funny. Jeering in his annoying way before Carol shoved off him and stomped out. “Hey Carol, what’s your problem?” He smacked the door shut following his upset girlfriend down the hall.
   “Shit, asshole.” Billy rubbed his shoulder. “Where were we?” The purr made Evie turn her head, thoughts elsewhere. Billy crawled to kiss her again and Evie stood. “Hey, where’re you going?”
   “I just, I feel weird now.” Evie stumbled around the coffee table. Cheeks bright and rosy. Not sparing him a glance because Carol’s eyes gnawed her. Created an incessant buzzing around her brain. Billy jolted to follow but she was out the door. Looking around for Carol and Tommy’s loudmouth. Boots hurried down the steps after Tommy, still trying to coax his girl back to the festivities.
   “Carol, hey,” Evie pushed beyond Tommy once Carol was out a sliding door, “Hey, can we just talk?”
   “You are such a fucking loser, you know that?” Carol spun on her heel to direct some teenage rage in Evie’s direction. A few outside by the kegs noticed the tiff, pausing to see. 
   A crack.
   “Why do you hate me so much?” Evie dropped her shoulders. Billy slipped out and stepped up behind Tommy, pausing at the standoff. Carol staggered. Clearly intoxicated. Cracking a huge, watery smile. Reckless. She stepped toward Evie so a burst came. “Why! I'm not mean to you! I've never been mean to you! I only talk back and I still feel guilty, but you're so... Why?”
   "You're nice to me?" She made it sound unreal and laughable.
   "Yeah, actually! I don't understand it, I've tried to be kind to you." Evie felt a tear slip down and stayed level. "No one deserves to be treated the way I see you treat others. So, why?"
   “Because!” Carol shot back, welling too. “You’re so fucking kind and...playing innocent...and you're good! And I..." She stopped with another deafening crack. So loud, it rang. Carol really stopped to reflect and hated what she saw looking back at her. But, Evie was here looking too so the hate rerouted.
   "Good?" Evie breathed and so much ugly spread in her veins like a disease.
   "And...And you get all this attention! Acting like you don’t know! And just look at you! Do you really think you’d get that attention if these boys didn’t feel sorry for you?” Carol stumbled and pointed a finger in Evie’s face, furious and shaking. Too close.
   Evie got silent. Dropped everything she felt.
   “You’re the one I feel sorry for.”
   Carol buzzed with rage and reeled back to slap her so hard, the force sent her into Tommy.
   "Girl fight!" Came some yelps.
   “What the hell, Carol?” He caught Evie on pure instinct, not understanding either. Billy charged forward and Carol kept pushing as Evie found her footing.
   A chorus of shocked gasps and awe came from the drunk teens near the pool. The music blared.
   “Hit me back, you bitch! Yeah? Do it like you did to Tannen. Think you’re any better than me!” Carol was near sobbing. Eyes crinkling with tears as she shoved before Tommy got in front of her. Looped an arm around her waist.
   “That’s enough, Care, c’mon.” He and Billy separated the girls, but Evie wasn’t trying to hit back. Just stared with huge eyes and a palm against her hot cheek.
   "Hey. Hey, you okay?" Billy stood in front of her now, tugging. Evie wasn't budging. Enthralled. Stuck. Sinking. Not good. "Let's go. She's wasted."
   “Evie!” Heather was racing across the grass to help. “Carol, back off her.” She planted her feet between them and Carol sneered, struggling against her boyfriend.
   “Ooh, Princess Heather to the rescue. Admit it, you just like being the pretty friend.” More hissing channeled out.
   “Just, shut up!”
   “How about you tell Fenny why Tannen even tried to chase her skirts that night? Yeah?” Carol broke free and tackled Heather into the grass. "Tell her what a shit friend you are, baby!"
   “Another girl fight!” Teens howled across the way. Billy and Tommy shoved in to pull the clawing women apart as they rolled around and pulled at hair.
   Evie heard herself shouting to stop, barely audible over the crowds that closed in on them to cheer and chant.
   “Tell her, sweet pea? Tell her that her dear B-F-F set her up with some animal. I was at that party, I heard you, bitch!” Carol skidded as Tommy pulled her off. Billy had Heather by the arm, trying to yank her up from the grass. She began to sniffle. “Perfect Heather. Little priss who can do no wrong. Perfect body. Perfect life. The teen dream. Tossing bones to us lowly folk when you're done.” 
   Carol laughed and cried all at once. Even the crowd slowed to watch her. Evie felt a coldness spread at the display.
   “Oh yeah, Heather, you’re a real carpenter’s dream!” Carol mocked relentlessly. “Flat as a board and needs a screw! Go on and tell Fenny what a great friend you are. You brushed Tannen aside and pawned that puppy off on someone easier.”
   “I didn’t know he was like that yet, okay! It was stupid.” Heather admitted, tears falling. Evie froze at that, didn’t move toward her.
   “Heath, what’s she talking about?” Evie hated how wounded she sounded.
   “I just thought maybe he’d cheer you up, we all were drinking and, Tannen, he...he was nice at the time. So I thought. I just...you know-”
   “Just, what?” Evie leveled out. Billy let Heather go once he brought her up from the grass so she came to Evie. Crowds all but hushed.
   “Can...Can we not talk about it here?” Heather tucked her hair aside, sounding too small.
   “No, I love an audience! Talk.” Evie’s spine went rigid.
   “I just...nudged Tannen your way. You just broke up with that guy over the summer and your dad left. Tannen was, I don’t know, it was stupid. He was nice and...and good looking. I thought he’d make you feel better. I didn’t know he was like that yet. I just was trying to hook my friend up.”
   "Please, you alluded to owing him a favor after. He ate that up. You talked up a desperate animal in need of a hot beef injection. You said Fenny could barely thread a needle these days." Carol bellowed. More shock. More awe.
   "I was super drunk!" Heather covered her eyes to rub them
   “So, you told him to try fucking me! Told him I was desperate for it!” Evie’s voice rose and Heather quelled with shame.
   “You were so sad...I thought he’d give you a good night.” The tone trailed off.
   “I’m fat, but I can get laid on my own, thanks. I don’t need your fucking help, how little do you think of me?” Evie’s curls shook around with the same fervor. Heather just held herself and stared at the grass. “Do I really seem that pathetic to you?”
   “No, it’s not that at all-”
   “It feels like that,” Evie stepped back, “keep me around because I make you look like the Queen Bee and toss some asshole with a reputation my way out of pity if I cease to function.”
   “Evie, it’s not like that!” Heather wept and got her hand shoved off when she tried to touch her friend. Evie wiggled through the crowd because it split for her fury.
   “Get off me,” she went around the house, “get away from me, Heather! I don't need you!"
   Heather stopped on the lawn and just stood there to see Evie follow the street lamps off.
   Carol watched them go, sagging into Tommy who was definitely too drunk for this.
   “Jesus, what’d you do?” He pulled her in another direction. Back to the house. Away from the excitement resuming. “Shouldn’t start that shit.” They got back inside so he led his girlfriend into an empty bathroom. “You okay?”
   “I am now. Bitches. I just...I can’t fucking…” Carol sniffled and cleared her throat. "I don't know why I hate her, okay, I just do! She just gets...everything."
   “This is about your mom getting back with that asshole.”
   “It’s not about that!” Her defense went up. “I’m just tired of Fenny acting like she can get everything she wants. Throwing herself at Billy, fuck. Wondered why he all but dropped everyone else. I thought he and Vicki had something. Gotta be kidding me.” Carol crossed her arms to lean back into the counter as Tommy washed his face with cold water, nauseous.
   “I don’t even think Fenny’s gonna go for him when she’s already got a thing with…” He perked. Lips sealing. Carol noticed.
   “Thing with who?”
   “Nothing, I just...I saw something...and I’m drunk. I’m fucking drunk, Care.” He got his shirt tugged.
   “Tommy.” She sucked her cheeks in and he knew he’d be caving. “What did you see?”
   “Evie’s been seeing Bowers, I saw her leaving his place all roughed up. Not the first time, I live a street away. Saw them in his driveway shouting at each other once. It was so dark. They kissed and she...well, her head dropped down for a bit. Thought I was having a nightmare there. I tried to forget it and just act like... I didn't believe it was her until I saw her on that bus. I'm drunk, fuck...” Tommy blurted in one breath. Carol’s lips opened.
   “No fucking way.”
   “Listen, I could be wrong-”
   “We can’t let them get away with that. I mean, he’s a teacher. What if he really hurt-”
   “You’re not doing it to save, Fenny, you’re doing it to make her life worse. Just...forget I said anything. I’m fucked up. Shit. I fucked up. I fucked up so bad.” Tommy rubbed his eyes. Let them dart. Carol slid her gaze away and crossed her fingers behind her back.
   “Fine. Whatever you say, T. We'll forget it.” Another pull brought him in for a kiss. Tommy caressed her arms and felt Carol trying to make herself small. “Can I stay at your place tonight? I can’t go home to Jason on our couch again. I just...I can’t. I can't do it, Tommy.”
   She trembled so he tucked her under his chin.
   “You know you don’t have to ask, babe.”
*** ** ** 
   Evie was down the hill still stomping under barely lit streets. Teens ranging to music still in the distance. Forgetting her. Intent, she marched over frozen sidewalks covered in slush. The tip of her nose and ears grew chilled pink. Heather had shouted after but stopped the pursuit at the end of the lawn. Ruefully, Evie wouldn’t weep, she already cried enough this damn week.
   She just wanted to be better. Higher. Then all of it.
   The unmistakable rev of Billy’s Camaro rolled up behind her.
   “Evie, don’t make me come out to steal you. Just get in.” The window came down. “You can’t walk home in that skirt with the snow. We don’t have to talk about it.” 
   She paused to hear him. Eyes on the wind sweeping frosted shrubbery about across the perfectly trimmed lawns. Rich people. Cozy in their homes burning bags of money on nights like this.
   “Are you going to be all the same to me, Billy? Tell me right now, I swear to god. Pretty face trying to get its way with words that are just...empty. You gonna get mad if I don’t put out and try to grab at me like Tannen? Why are you bothering with me?” Evie sniffled, hands out and dropping as he watched her. Brow furrowed. “You saw them looking at us funny.”
   “Evie.” He reasoned. “Where am I right now? Am I back there shotgunning free liquor or am I freezing my balls off coming after you? Again.”
   “You’re here with me. But, how do I know this isn’t some weird game for you with a prize at the end. Kids like us, we don’t go together. Are you trying to win a prize so you can move to the next? Can’t blame me for thinking it.” She approached the car. Still guarding herself. “I can’t let that go.”
   “I like you, Evie, and I can tell you that a hundred times. But, it means nothing if you won’t let me.” Billy leaned over to click the door open. “You don’t let anyone like you.” He waited as she didn’t move, hands gripping the wheel before he sighed. “Didn’t notice the other kids, if you really care. I’m the Keg King.”
   A cold breath puffed out her nose, almost amused.
   “I was enjoying the view.” Billy drew those glittery blues to her expression.
   “What makes this a view?”
   “You.” A shrug pulled along with her heartstrings. “Get in, let’s go somewhere.”
   “Anywhere you like. Just as we planned, remember?” Billy winked at her and Evie’s walls lowered. She looked back at the house party echoing and got in to buckle herself.
   “How much have you had to drink?”
   “Relax.” He sped off. “Barely anything and I even drank water. You proud?” He fiddled with the radio. “Wasn’t feeling it tonight.”
   “Looked like a party on the roof.”
   “Well, I still gotta impress the following.” Billy gestured to the glovebox. “Put a tape in, will you?”
   “You and your hair metal...and...oh?” Evie skimmed the selection while they whirled away from Loch Nora. “What is this? Fleetwood Mac. I’m so impressed.”
   “Ugh, that must be Max’s, she keeps leaving her tapes in my car. Throw it out.”
   “Wow. Apologize to Stevie.” Evie gasped and mocked. Cupped her hands over the sacred tape. “He didn’t mean that.” Billy peered over to crack a laugh at her jabbing. “Alright, alright. Can’t go wrong with a little Queen.” 
   “Fair enough.” Billy let her slip the tape in and mess with the volume so they could still hear each other. “You really mad at Heather?”
   Evie went flat.
   “Yes and I’ll stay mad at least until school starts back up.” She crossed her arms, relaxing as the heat picked up. Too good just as Carol said.
   “Where am I taking you?” Billy turned down another road, flying beyond the trees and Evie stared at his profile. Intent on the road for once. 
   “You opposed to a little more cold?”
   “I have blankets in back. Might have to get cozy.” He slid those eyes over and Evie sucked her cheeks in. 
   “Take a left up here. I know a secret spot.” 
** ** ** 
   “You didn’t say anything about hiking through a dark forest,” Billy whined with his arms full of blankets. "If Michael Myers reams my ass-"
   "Maybe I'm a Thing like the movie and I'm taking you somewhere to assimilate." Evie teased ahead of him.
   "I actually like the sound of that, Angel. Proceed. Assimilate with me all night long." Suggestive.
   She just laughed, loathing him.
   “It’s not far. I'll protect you, Billy. You hear the water and ice cracking? Chicken.” Evie flicked a flashlight they snagged from his car after parking in the thrush. “Just up there. C’mon. I promise it’s worth it.” She hurried up, leaving him behind to watch her silhouette in starlight
   “Someday, I’m gonna stop chasing this girl,” Billy uttered under his breath, hurrying to follow because that was the biggest lie he'd ever told himself. “The whole ‘no murder’ deal stands.”
   “Naturally.” Evie giggled and stepped over a log. “Here.”
   They walked along the train tracks going both directions. Came upon the cliffs where the bridge was laid out. Billy looked out at the frozen water yards below. At the moon and stars bathing the space in an ethereal glow. Frozen water framing the rocks. Looked like a castle full of magic.
   “Down here.” She went to the edge and climbed down under the steel and wood tracks. Into the space that was suspended over the great fall.
   “This is your spot?”
   “You'll see why.” Evie reached for his wrist so he didn’t trip. Snagged the blankets from him. “Prettier with all the icicles. Look.” Billy did. Admired the iridescent, dewy glimmer. “And now we wait.”
   “Wait?” He came to Evie, lighting a cigarette. “For what?”
   “You’ll see, I said.” She settled a blanket around her shoulders and gave him one. Playfully covering his shoulders.
   “Wait to freeze to death.” Billy had grumbled as Evie paced farther, stepping over boards and balancing on steel beams.
   He saw the moonlight stream through the tracks into her curls. Admired her when she peered back to press a genuine smile. His cigarette dropped. Cherry glowing all the way down. Air whistled.
   "Tell me more about yourself, Billy Hargrove." Evie cocked her head at a dewy spiderweb. "Favorite fruit? Favorite insect? Are you fonder of chocolates or-?"
   "You think I'm interesting." He decided.
   "I think you're here with me." Evie curled around a steel post to see him.
   "Tangerines," Billy replied after a beat, "and favorite bug? Do scarab beetles count? Just think they look cool as shit."
   "Naturally. Good choice, I suppose." She sized him up and tapped her chin when Billy gestured across the way. Neither moving. "Pineapple and luna moths."
   "Luna moths?"
   "Yeah," Evie hummed to herself and hid away behind the beam, "I always thought they looked like they were fluttering straight out of our dreams. Don't you?"
   Billy took one step. Really watched her shift in ethereal lights. Luminous and bathed utterly.
   "Evangeline." He mused as she teetered across a board and came to the edge. Eyes on the water far below. "Why a singer?"
   "Hm?" She faced away from him. Seemingly in a dream herself. Billy imagined moths glowing around her pretty hair. Fluttering to follow her into the dark. He wished she'd extend a hand to him so he could join. Follow her right into it.
   "Why do you want to be a singer?"
   "Always liked it. Growing up, I just felt right, I guess. The most like me. This girl I wanted to be and she's on a stage under too many lights. Singing her heart out to miles of crowds. Touching them all in a way. Connecting." Evie trailed her fingers over chains that hung down, clicked them together like wind chimes. Billy edged up after her. Not getting too close. Wondered about what was ticking in Evie's soul.
   "Nice to be heard when you put music out into the world," Billy observed and she seemed to like that. Curls bouncing softer with her voice. Evie unfurled for him there and she was breathtaking.
   “I wanna write music that lifts people so high, they’ll have to look down to see heaven." Evie gasped gently, heart-soaring while she came to the other edge on the opposite side. Almost leaning too far.
   "Yeah?" He felt her tug tender cords in his soul. Didn't take his eyes away.
   "I want to write something that makes others understand they’re not alone. Not small. You know? One great song before I...” Evie trailed off with a sober sort of melodic call beckoning and looked far below to the great fall that was one stumble away. One step. Fingers opened. Her arms lifted enough to drop the blanket behind her and feel the wind. “You think I can write a song powerful enough to help me fly over this bridge, Billy?”
   One hand lifted higher, lips open and unable to stop. Unable to look away from the edge. Steady as can be, Billy slid his palm against her. Skin awakening. Reminded her that she was here. That he was with her. That they weren't alone and the song was alive. Fingers laced and Evie seemed to reel back to him, brown eyes glinting to see his face there. Freckles all glowy. Curls spun of gold shifting just right.
   "You're beautiful." She observed there.
   Billy surely would have followed her to the edge, but he didn't want her to go. Stay.
   "You're strange." He'd found this sentiment before and it sounded all the more lovely tonight. Billy gently pulled her from the edge. “Come here, Angel, warm me up.” 
   Billy draped himself in the other blanket again. Shifted her under it as if it were a cape. A shroud that would keep them both from harm's way. From the edge.
   “Okay, Dracula, easy.” She stumbled into him. The diamond lines of Billy’s chest cut into her. “Wait, you feel that?” She watched his earring shift while he looked around. “The vibration.”
   “Yeah, I do.” He muttered suggestively.
   “Not that kind. Just listen. Feel it.” Evie stepped out, almost giddy as she plucked her blanket up and felt around. Billy welcomed it in his chest. The smooth vibrations generating from above. “Get ready.”
   “Ready?” He laughed, coming toward her again. Billy stepped into her space as Evie reached back to curl her fingers into his leather jacket.  Head tilted up toward the tracks. 
   “Lie down with me.” She began to tug and Billy felt this drunkenness take him over at Evie and her smile brightening. They reclined together wrapped in blankets and Billy realized it as the horns called over Evie’s wild laughter.
   “You’re full of surprises, Fenny.”
   “It helps to scream it out, whatever you want. Just let it go with the train.” She kept snickering as the bridge really began to shake. Billy watched her face. Alight and wild. Red lips against the moonlight pooling to spill over her and illuminate the glitter in her makeup.
   “You’re beautiful.” He said then. Unsure if she really heard him over the howl of the oncoming cars. 
   Billy laughed with her. The roar of a train began to charge above. Blaring horns and steel wheels cranking fast. Her nose crinkled as the windswept their hair. Lips opening to scream with it. Billy couldn’t help joining her. Both of them calling out against the rumbling that never seemed to end.
   Icicles fell around the edges and reminded Billy of confetti. Falling so slow and sweet to decorate the space. Shattering colors. That night he first danced with her and kissed her long and hard. Spinning round and round.
   Evie pulled herself up and climbed higher into the beams. Head tossed back to give a call like a siren.
   “Fuck you!” She saw Billy stand and peered at him. “Keep yelling! Anything you want at anyone! Really let ‘em have it!”
   “You first!”
   “You left mom and me, you selfish fucking prick!” She raged up into the air for her father that wasn’t around. Hair whirling up into the gust of wind. The train took her syllables with it. Shouting back. "You can't just make people and then abandon them! They'll think they did something wrong forever!" Billy felt his chest tighten. Joined her. Heart bursting.
   “Why didn’t you just let me fucking save you! Why wasn't I enough!” He didn’t yell for Neil who beat him senseless. Perched upon steel Evie saw Billy tense. Burst again. “I hate you!” He cried that. Evie's fingers pressed harder into steel. Lost in him. Billy heaved for fresher air. Having never faced it all.
   The train ended as they stared at each other. Both breathing into the frozen air. Heaving to gasp.
   Evie slipped down and tossed her arms around Billy’s shoulders. Kissed him back into cold steel as if she was trying to comfort him. Kiss him all better. Luna moths landing delicately on their bodies to open and close their lovely wings.
   "Why'd you do that?" Billy asked of her for the first time. Evie beamed at the turn in the phrase.
   "Because at that time, you weren't going to." She brought him back in. Wanting more. Cupping his face. “Feel any better?” Evie drew out, leaving him to look fluttered. Unsure, Billy swept in so he didn’t have to reply yet. Miles of kisses hot like the cherry of his smoke he let tumble below.
   “Felt good.” He murmured, pulling her into him. “If anything.” 
   “You can’t tell anyone about this place. It’s my secret. Our secret.” She pecked his lips and Billy drew out because they both were too cold to continue. The heat in her belly wasn’t enough. 
   He tilted his forehead against hers, lulled forth when her weight shifted back and the loss. The loss of her ached Billy down to his marrow. This almost paradise they constructed together.
   Curls fell into his face before he lifted to glimpse Evie once more. Wondered how she’d look swaying with lush moonbeams in her hair always. Pretty goddess draped in starlight. Painted in pearly shimmers. 
   Enough to take his breath, Billy gasped for it back and gave this distant chuckle. Nodded to promise he wouldn't tell a soul. Evie caught him wincing as her hand moved over his shoulder again so she left him completely.
   “It’s nothing.” He turned to go, eyes elsewhere. Anywhere else they could dart. Not on her. “Let’s just head back.” Billy felt like he was in a dream. Spinning and dizzy all the way back to the car. He realized as the locks clicked that Evie had been speaking.
   “Are you alright?” She swallowed and Billy looked at the car keys in his hand. Little scorpion keychain glinting. “Were you talking to your mom back there?”
   “Yeah. I just…” Billy shook his head and turned the engine on. “I don’t know where it came from.”
   “I thought it’d be Neil.”
   “I guess I can’t even stomach dreaming of him.” He replied. “I know it’s not a dream if he’s there. Even if he’s getting his. You know?”
   “Yeah. I, uh… Do you…?” Evie squirmed in her seat, worried he’d close up on her as he stared at the road and drove at a steady speed for once.
   “Do I, what?”
   “Hate her?”
   “No.” He skidded at a red light, almost sounded defensive. Shoulders fell. Knuckles went white on the wheel. “Sometimes.” Evie felt her cheeks burn and tried to sound even, it still came out as an airy whisper.
   “What happened to her, Billy?”
   “She just died.” He sighed to calm his own tone from sounding hot. “She died when I was fourteen.” Finally, he corrected himself. “She killed herself.”
   “I’m sorry.” Evie tried not to stare at him. Fear it made him uncomfortable quelled, but she couldn’t look away. Billy closed his eyes at the next red light to breathe, opened them.
   “It happens.” He said. “People wake up one morning and decide they don’t want to wake up ever again...and they act on it. And they succeed.” It felt like he started to drive slower the closer they got to Cherry. “Doesn’t matter who they leave behind.”
   Evie carefully extended her hand over to touch his in his lap. Because it does fucking matter and it always will. The fingers on the wheel flexed and Billy didn’t tear away.
   “She had a lot of problems. Like my dad. Maybe they tried to fix each other once. I don’t know.” Billy continued. Too tender about it all. “They divorced when I was nine. All the back in forth. The visitations. Courtrooms making me choose and I just...I wanted her. I wanted it to stop too. I know she was messed up, but she tried to get better… You believe me, don’t you?” 
   His blue eyes glistened. Jaw tensing. Billy pulled up between their houses and neither moved as he cut the engine.
   “Yes, I believe you.” Evie found the syllables around her tongue.
   “You believe people can get better, Evie?”
   She almost welled with him. It struck her heart with lightning.
   “I really hope so.” She had to or she was lost just as well. Evie sniffled and tried to be stone again when all the emotion came into her voice to cloud it.
   “She never hit me though. Dad drank and beat the shit out of her. Made her drug habits worse and worse. Liked when she was some coked-out zombie. Pills and needles, it just… Fuck, Evie, she just kept falling back. They fought for custody the whole time and I really thought she was getting better. Dad acted like a fucking hero, rescuing me from an evil druggie.”
   “You’re worth getting better for.” Evie felt Billy slip from her hand so he could clear his throat and rub his eyes.
   “I found her, you know?” He shuddered and stared at his open palms in his lap. Saw red on them. “It was her weekend and I took the bus home from school like I always did. We were going to go to the boardwalk.”
   His head tipped back and he gave this grim smile. They never made it to that boardwalk, Evie realized. 
   “The smell of that house, I’ll never… Just rotten...and I couldn’t even see her face at first because of all the flies.” It was Billy who reached out aimlessly for Evie’s wrist. Something to stay rooted, she figured. “My mom was beautiful and she always smelled like oranges. Like the big orchard she worked at. But, the fucking house just smelled like shit and piss and vomit and rust when I came in. Like death. I found her in the bathtub all bloated and ugly and the water was already brown. She sat in there alone decaying and no one...”
   Billy kept rubbing his eyes again until they were too swollen to cry. Evie had his hand in both of hers, clamped tight to keep him alert. Unwavering.
   “I didn’t know what to do so I called for help. I couldn’t lift her out, I wasn’t strong enough and I kept screaming...  Then, I tried my dad three times, and...fuck, I ended up calling Susan. They’d started dating a couple of months before and I didn’t like her. Or her kid. But, she was too nice and gave me a number to call if I needed her after they’d gotten serious. I don’t know why I kept it in my backpack. She came when they were loading my mom up. Kept trying to hold me and I wouldn’t let her until I was too weak to fight it.”
   “She does care about you. She’s scared, too.”
   “My dad cleans up his act well from time to time. Plays the perfect father and boyfriend, she fell for it. In too deep now with no way out. He'll bleed her dry, too. My dad, he likes it when people don’t have a way out. Mom found a way though, spite him.” Billy dropped his head back again, chest sinking before he looked at Evie. Quivered there. “I just get...so mad.”
   “I know.” She sank into the seat a little to watch him.
   “She left a note that said sorry. That she loved me. Left this for me, too.” Billy fingered his pendant. “Wasn’t enough. Sometimes, I walk into my own house now and that smell… I can’t escape it. I’m always in that house. In that room with the flies covering everything.”
   That shook Evie. They weren’t perfect kids, but they didn’t deserve to be trapped in that house. In that room. Where trauma was fed on a loop. A haunted house where they were the ghosts doomed and trapped to wander. To relive what killed them from the first.
   “I tried so fucking hard to make her better, I took care of her and I wasn’t there. I let my dad drive her to-”
   “Billy, it’s not your fault.” Evie had his hand pressed against her chest at that. “It’s not.” Both painfully sober, they just looked at each other. Leveled out. “I’m sure she tried so hard for you. Some people, they just… Addiction is…” 
   Evie felt this ice swell up her stomach. Addiction is a harsh cycle. It never really ends, you work at it and fight it, but it’s always there in the back of your memories urging. Once you start, you’re always an addict. Recovering or not. You can’t stop.
   You can’t stop.
   “Getting help is so hard when you’re sick.” Was all Evie could manage. Unable to portray how profoundly she understood. “Your job was to be a kid.”
   “All I wanted was to go back to California and now, I’m not sure if I ever can. Just knowing she won’t be there again. Sometimes when I’m here, I just pretend she’s alive and still picking oranges on long, hot days.” Billy swallowed. “My dad just...shut down for the first time when he showed up to get me from Susan’s. I asked him if he was gonna hug me. Susan had for a long time. And he just tensed and told me not to be soft. That I can’t act like a pussy and mom was just too fucking sick to get better. But, I knew she had a chance. I knew it was enough. I...” Billy’s voice cut over. He tried to gasp for some clear air so Evie pulled him over the seats into her arms.
   “You’re enough.” She said. Plain and simple. So easily.
   Billy vibrated in response.
   "Sometimes I think you navigate the world like something bad is coming for you and you're waiting for it, Evie," he muffled into her, "and I don't want you to go, too."
   "I won't go." Evie held steady, eyes flickering beyond him at dead space. "Promise."
   Hands came up like he might shove her off before Billy shattered. Melted into her heat. The soft slopes of flesh. Arms went under his so she could hold him close. Billy hitched a sob and stopped anything else that dared creep up his throat. Fingers wrung into her clothing. Evie let him squeeze her tight. Within inches of breath. Make her a balmy slice of paradise he could sink into.
   Billy closed his eyes. Face pressing into the line of her collar. Inhaling perfume and lotion. Flames bubbling up from her skin. 
   “Come to bed with me,” Evie’s lips touched his ear, “nothing funny. I just don’t want you to sleep alone tonight.” Billy felt himself relent, only nodded into her hair. 
   They snuck out under street lamps and went into the Fenny house. Cleaned up without words to dress down for bed. Blue wiggled in with them atop the pillows and Billy faced away.
   Evie wished she had something better to say, but she just told him goodnight. Gently murmured it against his spine as she tucked in behind him. 
   “Evie.” Billy shifted after a long beat. Turned over to face her there. Barely awake at that point, her eyes cracked.
   “Thanks.” Billy moved again on his back because it always seemed to get her nuzzling into his side. “What I told you. Don’t tell anyone else. Please.” Arm stretching so Evie could take her place and mumble something he didn’t catch, a nod followed. Nose pressing to the cotton tee he left on, Evie slipped away first. Left Billy to his thoughts as he watched the dim lights pull between the blinds and curtains to make patterns along her ceiling. 
   He knew he was consumed and he wasn’t sorry. Not one bit. Evie tumbled deeper into her dreams. Not stirring as fingers played with her curls. Petting them softly. Billy mulled over it all and he just wasn’t ashamed and he couldn’t figure out how to make her see it. But, he was willing to keep trying. Evie was worth trying for, too. Plain and simple. Sighing out, Billy let himself begin to slip too.
   “Anyone…” He couldn’t help uttering, almost melodic. Lashes fluttering. “...who knows what love is…” 
   Billy peered down at Evie’s face, peaceful and relaxed against his chest. Cheek pressing hot through the fabric as his fingertips ran a barely-there line down the silky skin.
   The rest of the lyrics never came. Tangled into his heartstrings where they made a cozy home.
   Billy immersed himself in burning amber, closed his eyes to follow Evie into absolute darkness. Almost paradise.
Thanks guys for being so lovely! This is probs my fav chapter to date. Leave words in my ask or replies if you have them! Love to hear from you all xoxo
TAGGED:: @80sbxtch​ @nottherightseason​ @orxhidshavana​   @alagalaska​ @alongcamedolly​ @kellyk-chan​ @10blurredsmoke10 @stanley--barber​ @charmed-asylum​ @unmistakablyunknown​
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softlass27 · 4 years
❛❛ C’mere. Lean on me. ❜❜ (robron AU, one of them gets hurt)
Hope you like it, Amy!
ao3 link here
Sometimes Robert forgets that he is married to a very stubborn man.
It’s easy to forget because Aaron’s a lot more open and easygoing these days, compared to how he was in the early days of their relationship. More willing to show vulnerability than he used to be.
He still has his moments, though.
Like on the football pitch.
The Woolpack football team reformed about six months ago, and actually – shockingly – they’re pretty good this time around. Now that they’ve got rid of some dead weight (Paddy, the team is too polite to say, even if Robert isn’t), recruited a couple of new players and actually had time to practice together, they’re less like a group of clumsy kids having a kickabout and more like an actual team. They’ve even started winning matches.
Matty is now a force to be reckoned with, his nimble feet making him perfect for stealing the ball from opposing players; Ellis and Billy are so in sync they practically move together as one unstoppable force; David is surprisingly good at tackles, even if he does whine like a baby every time he falls over; and Vinny is… well he’s not the best goalkeeper in the world (or even the Dales), but what he lacks in natural talent he makes up for in enthusiasm.
The star player – in Robert’s entirely unbiased opinion – is Aaron. Look, Robert’s not exactly an expert in football, but from where he’s standing (on the side of a cold, muddy field until he can’t feel his toes), Aaron scores the most goals, executes the most successful tackles, has the most energy… Robert’s earned bragging rights, okay?
So there he’s stood one chilly Saturday morning in March, like the supportive husband he is, watching Aaron and his team. Well, he’s half watching, half chatting shit with Dawn while keeping an eye on Seb and Lucas playing together.
Seb is easily Aaron’s biggest cheerleader, in awe of his dad every time he sees him play. Last month, Robert couldn’t resist surprising Seb with a tiny version of the team’s strip for him to wear to every match, and he doesn’t know who was more delighted by it, his husband or his son.
But it’s just past the 70th minute now, there’s only so long a four year-old’s attention span can last. Robert can’t say he blames him; to be honest, he’s counting down the minutes until the final whistle blows and they can all head to the warm pub for a full English.
If he had been paying more attention, perhaps he wouldn’t have missed the brutal tackle that sends Aaron flying. One second Robert’s absently checking his phone, the next he hears the unmistakable sound of his husband’s loud yell, and he whips his head up to see Aaron sprawled on the grass, his face scrunched up in agony as he grips his left ankle.
Billy and Ellis are already shouting to the ref and charging towards a player on the opposing team, who holds his hands up and loudly protests his innocence. The team checks Aaron over; Robert can hear them telling Aaron to sit out the rest of the match but he’s shaking his head and insisting that he’s good to keep going.
Robert feels a tug on his on jeans and looks down to see Seb clutching his leg worriedly. “Is Daddy okay?” His bottom lip’s already wobbling, so Robert quickly lifts him up and gives him a squeeze.
“Daddy’s fine, he just took a bit of a tumble,” he says in his best reassuring voice, despite the fact that he’s more than a little worried himself. “He’s already getting back up, see?”
Matty’s helping Aaron to his feet and he manages to stay standing, though Robert can see him wince and wobble as soon as he puts weight on his injured leg. He spots Robert and Seb staring at him and gives them both a smile and a thumbs up, before waving off his teammates’ concerns and lining up to take a free kick.
This is enough to calm Seb, who wriggles impatiently in Robert’s arms until he lets him back down and goes back to playing with Lucas. Robert, on the other hand, isn’t quite so convinced by Aaron’s supposed recovery.
He watches as Aaron continues to play for the remainder of the match, his face twisting as he tries to run without putting too much strain on his left leg. It’s only a few more minutes, but time seems to stretch out as Aaron becomes slower and slower, the clearly-increasing pain becoming more evident in his movements.
“Just stop, you idiot,” Robert mutters under his breath. Unsurprisingly, this doesn’t make a difference.
To say Robert’s relieved when the ref finally blows the whistle is an understatement. If the match had gone on much longer, he would have barrelled onto the pitch and dragged Aaron off himself.
The Woolpack’s team have won 2-1, so they’re in a jubilant mood, arms thrown over each other’s shoulders and slapping each other’s backs as they come off the pitch.
“Back to the Woolpack then, lads?” Vinny cries, to which they all cheer in agreement like it’s the best idea they’ve ever heard. Robert doesn’t know why they’re so excited; they always go to the Woolpack after a match, whether they win or lose.
Aaron walks – well, hobbles – over to Seb and swings him up into the air.
“You won again!” Seb crows happily.
“Course we did, we’re the best aren’t we?” Aaron grins and tips Seb back in his arms until he’s nearly upside down – a move that never fails to make him screech with delight.
Robert runs a hand through Aaron’s sweaty hair. “You’re not going to the pub, are you?”
Aaron puts Seb down and grabs Robert’s arm as he straightens up. Robert doesn’t miss the grimace on his face, the way his weight shifts to the side of his uninjured leg.
“Yeah, course I am. Team tradition, innit?”
“But your leg, you need to rest it.”
“Don’t fuss, my leg’s fine.”
“It is not fine.”
“It’s just a twinge, I can barely feel it,” Aaron replies with all the gusto of an idiotic footballer who’s just had a big win and wants to get hammered with his mates.
“You’re practically using me as a crutch right now,” Robert points out.
“No, I’m just… touching you. Normally.”
Robert blinks and tries very hard not to scream in frustration. He is literally the only thing holding Aaron up right now.
“Right, so you won’t mind if I just – ” He quickly steps away so Aaron loses his grip and tilts sideways, gritting his teeth when his weight lands on his injured foot. He reaches out for Robert quickly.
“Okay okay, fine, you've made your point, get back here.”
Robert rolls his eyes and returns to Aaron’s side, lets him lean against his chest and rest his head on his shoulder. He can feel Aaron letting out harsh, controlled breaths against his neck.
“On a scale of one to ten, how sore are you right now?”
“Like… four?”
“So that’s a seven, then.” All that gets him is an annoyed grunt and a soft headbutt in return.
“Sorry lads,” Robert calls out to the group. “I’m taking this one home, get some ice on his dodgy leg. You’ll have to have your piss-up without him this time.”
They whine and groan like they’re all half their ages, but agree readily enough, Matty coming over to pat Aaron on the back and tell he he hopes he feels better soon.
As the rest of the team troops off towards their respective cars, Robert pulls Aaron’s left arm around his shoulder. “C’mere. Lean on me.”
They set off at a slow pace, ambling towards the car while Seb zigzags about in front of them, kicking his miniature football that he brings to every match.
“You should’ve just stopped when the prick tackled you. You’ve probably made your leg worse now, you idiot.”
“Oi, I’m injured here, you wanna try being a little nicer to me?”
“Oh, now he admits it,” Robert grumbles and grips Aaron’s wrist a little tighter. “I’m just saying, you’re not exactly 21 anymore.”
“Rich coming from you, old man.” Aaron snorts.
They continue in silence until they reach the car, twin expressions of irritation on their faces.
Robert helps Aaron into the passenger’s seat, then goes to buckle Seb into his booster seat in the back. He spots one of Seb’s pillows (they keep it in there for when he needs to nap during long car journeys) and brings it to the front, tucking it under Aaron’s foot.
“Here, that might help until we get home,” he mutters, slamming Aaron’s door and heading for the driver’s seat before he can reply.
They pull out onto the main road and set off in the direction of Emmerdale, Robert driving as carefully as he can in an attempt to avoid jostling Aaron’s leg. It doesn’t take Aaron long to notice what he’s doing, and he reaches over to run his thumb over Robert’s wrist. A silent apology for snapping.
“Sorry you couldn’t go to the pub with the others,” Robert offers, only feeling a little bit bad.
“S’okay, think I’d rather hang out with you two anyway.”
Robert doesn’t know if he entirely believes that, knows how much Aaron loves hanging out with his teammates – especially on the high of winning a match – but he appreciates the gesture.
Aaron glances back to Seb, who’s happily tearing the little collection of daisies that he’d picked into shreds (Gonna have to give the backseat another hoover tomorrow, Robert thinks with a wince).
“What d’you say, mate – us three putting our feet up, big bowl of popcorn and a How to Train Your Dragon marathon?”
“Dragons!” Seb yells, throwing the remnants of his daisy petals in the air.
Dragons are Seb’s newest favourite thing, quickly overtaking dinosaurs in his estimations (“Because dragons are like dinosaurs ‘cept they can breathe fire, Daddy,” he’d explained matter-of-factly. Robert couldn’t really fault his logic).
Aaron laughs and turns to Robert.
Robert grins without taking his eyes from the road.
“Dragons it is.”
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library-with-tales · 4 years
Bungou Stray Dogs Band AU that I spontaneously came up with like a second ago.
Based off the mobile game if you haven’t noticed. Someone probably already thought of this buuuuut I like my idea so here we go:
World setting
Port Mafia, Armed Detective Agency and The Guild are music agencies while the other smaller groups are just bands (haven’t read manga yet but I’m aware there are other groups). The Special-too-long-of-a-name people are the big boy cooperation (I am so uneducated with the music world why do I do this to myself).
Port Mafia are filled with talented people yes, but they have the habit of straining the music artists sometimes (this will be relevant in a bit) and are more focused on the monz. If you want a reference, their music are on the same level as your good ol’ big pop groups, the real famous on the radio ones.
Armed Detective Agency (in this case they’re called Armed Music Agency, yes they are still armed) is a smaller agency since they prioritize quality and feelings over quantity and catchiness, which makes them pretty indie tbh, They have songs that don’t particularly appear on the radio a lot, if not, not at all. Though they’re talented all the same.
The Guild are basically the equivalent to K-pop and J-pop, not quite famous in Yokohama, but definitely famous enough to go on tour there.
Atsushi’s arc
There were a few ideas for him (music school was in the draft but I dunked it faster than I pulled it up) but it boils down to one thing: Atsushi accidentally becomes a famous singer from an old video he made when he wasn’t fully into music yet. He, being the oblivious guy he is, suddenly starts gaining fans and is beyond confused yet appreciates it very much.
Though not sure why people are calling him the Beast below The Moonlight (Plot twist, you big stupidhead, that was the title of the old song you made). He goes along with it though, calling himself Moon Tiger, which is so him honestly.
Anyways it’s not Dazai if he doesn’t try to drown himself so while Atsushi’s vibing by the open canal he just sees him. Like canon, Atsushi saves Dazai. But the thing about Atsushi is; he’s camera shy and most of his videos have him covering his face and out of camera view, so Dazai doesn’t immediately recognize him as the famous youtube singer.
As thanks, Dazai treats Atsuhi to dinner with Kunikida, and Dazai has a hunch that Atsushi is Moon Tiger so they start a small convo about it. Atsushi’s all; “ERRRRMMMMMMM” and he wants to leave until:
“Y’know, whoever Moon Tiger is, I’d totally pay a lot of money to hear him sing.” Dazai hums. Kunikida kinda agrees to this, saying how talent like his shouldn’t come totally for free. Atsushi doesn’t ask for donations or get youtube money (because he dunno how :( ) so he’s almost flat broke, and this kinda perks his interest.
“Actually, uh, I kinda know Moon Tiger. I didn’t want to bring it up because I thought you’d ask for autographs or something ha ha. I agree with the paying part.” Atsushi you’re low key greedy ngl, Pre-Bullshit Atsushi was greedy. Money-eyed hoe. “If you want I can get you to meet him, but he won’t wanna show his face so it’s gotta be somewhere he can hide himself while still being able to sing.”
“Done!” Dazai holds his hand out like it’s some sort of deal. “I know a place.”
I’m sorry Dazai, but I’m not smart or sexy as you, so I don’t know the place. Let’s go with the regular canon spot, yeah? And Dazai listens while Atsushi sings behind a big crate and when Atsushi is done, he expects money but he gets a thunderous applause instead and suddenly his identity is revealed and everyone is clapping and staring at him super amazed.
And Atsushi faints from being too overwhelmed. 
Anyways, things happen, some parts are alike to canon, some parts aren’t. Atsushi’s main goal in this AU is to get over his terrible stage fright while simultaneously trying to avoid clashing with Port Mafia, who at first, wants to recruit him before he fully signs the contract with AMA.
I don’t know how battles would work in this, but they happen.
Dazai’s backstory
So my man Dazai amirite?
Not a surprise, he used to be under Port Mafia. At some point he does numerous collabs with free lancer Chuuya because Chuuya’s little sheep band had an issue with copyright with Port Mafia (oops). 
Onto the main course though: Odasaku.
Ango is in charge of Oda and Dazai, who usually does music together because they’re friends (hurray). But Oda had long gave up on doing vocals because his throat just couldn’t handle it, he much prefers writing music and Dazai doesn’t mind because he never has extremely big ideas anyways.
A clash with Mimic happens and Mori’s all: We need more music we need to stay number one. And so -I dunno how- he forces Oda to finally use his voice to sing via Ango’s persuasion.
Oda completely loses his voice in the end, like he completely damaged it, and he can’t handle the music industry anymore so he leaves. And Dazai’s all: “Don’t go please.”
And Oda writes on his phone and holds it out for Dazai, “This agency. It doesn’t care much for music, does it? I used to sing because I liked singing, because there were feelings in it. But slowly this agency stopped me from being able to do that. Dazai. Don’t you think you should sing with feelings too? You’ve never made an opinion on my ideas, is it because you can’t or you won’t?”
And Dazai realizes he only likes doing music because of the people around him, especially Oda, and now that Oda isn’t in Port Mafia anymore, it just isn’t the same. He’s been making music to grab people’s attention and not much because he wanted to. So he decides to change and switches agencies.
(His relationship with Akutagawa is as straining as canon; “I don’t care about how you made this dumb song, it’s not good enough! How will anyone want to listen to this crap?” Now Aku’s music are catchy and all but lacking in meaning.)
Other things
Yosano’s music is pretty rough, but it literally lets all the feelings out, so it becomes pretty nice. So you know that music that cures this and cures that? That’s Yosano’s music, except it’s really hardcore. I don’t know how she does it, she just does.
Kyouka is the daughter of two big music geniuses and is expected to be the same, so she gets an immediate acceptance into Port Mafia and it nearly breaks her until Atsushi meets her. During a concert or something -because in the end, Atsushi’s still the fan boy type- Atsushi goes up to Kyouka and asks if she’s okay and stuff.
“I’ve made 35 songs, but I can’t...hear my own voice, my own music...” Your Lie in April ref do not hunt me please. 
Ranpo is known to have serious in depth meaning behind his music, and a good 20% are just matryoshka songs (he gives out stuff if you find out if his song is an in depth meaning one or just nonsense that somehow speaks meaning while having no theme at all)
Poe’s are somewhat the same as Ranpo, except they’re more like stories to be honest, and his songs get numerous fan interpretation and so far, Ranpo always gets it right. The only one who ever does without missing a beat (ha ha got em.)
Debating if I should just make Kunikida an agent or a music artist that just likes writing songs rather than performing them.
Naomi could be an idol ngl but she’s not, she’s her brother’s number one fan! (She’s a secretary in the agency.)
Chuuya’s more famous for his pretty looks than his music at this point, but it doesn’t mean he’s a shit music artist though.
Higuchi is Aku’s agent.
Kenji’s songs are so happy and go-lucky it makes anyone listening to it feel pumped up. Hence his music are often used in AMVs or sports exercise (what a range!)
Yumeno’s music are those cursed type of songs that weren’t meant to be creepy or weird to begin with (e.g Tonight You Belong To Me, it’s an innocent song yet it can be taken as horror(?)) but end up becoming one anyways.
Dazai’s songs are so sad sometimes but they’re always upbeat. A weird yet perfect balance for his listeners.
That’s all I got! Honestly, don’t really know how to develop The Guild in this, maybe one day I will. 
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BTS Reaction: You watch a soccer match together
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You had invited him over to watch the soccer match with you. He was cuddled up on the couch with you and moment your team scored and you stood up on the couch and started screaming, boy was he surprised. You were normally so quiet. When you realized what you were doing you immediately flopped back down on the couch, a blush forming on your cheeks.
“Sorry Namjoon I get a little carried away there.” 
“It’s okay. I actually things it’s rather cute. Don’t stop just because I am here.”
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Jin was right there yelling with you. You were surprised when you both stood up off the couch at the same time and started yelling at the TV when the ref made a bad call. 
“Yah! What’s this guy blind?!” You look over at Jin slightly shocked. “What?”
“I didn’t know you were that into sports.”
“I didn’t know you got that into them either.” Your attention is turned back onto the TV as you both get back into the game, and spend the night watching and cuddling in between yelling. 
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When you invited Yoongi over to watch a soccer match the last thing he was expecting was for you to sit so close to the TV he was sure it was going to damage your eyes. You stood up and cheered and ran around the living room the first time your team scored and it honestly started him at first. However that quickly changed when he saw how happy and excited you were. He smiled at you fondly. Even though he might not yell along with you, he just enjoys watching how excited you are and finds it endearing.
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Hoseok had watched a few soccer matches, but never had he seen someone so enthusiastic as you. He honestly loved it. You danced whenever your team scored, cursed at the TV whenever the opposing team did, you criticized the ref if he made bad calls. It got to a point where he stopped watching the game and just started watching you instead.
“Hobi! Watch the game pay attention!”
“But you're just so amusing to watch, love.”
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Jimin thought you were quiet and shy, soft spoken and sweet. That is until he watched a soccer match with you. When he opened the door and he saw you decked out in your team’s gear along with paint on your face he knew he was in for a treat that day. You were cuddled up on the couch happily watching the game until someone on your team was injured by a player on the other team. You jumped off the couch.
“That’s bullshit!”
“Jagi!” Jimin doesn’t know how to react. He’s never heard you yell before let alone curse. He sees your face turn red as you sit back down on the couch.
“Sorry Jimin..” 
“No don’t apologize! I was just surprised is all. You’re normally so quiet.”
“Soccer brings out my loud side.”
“Well, I like this side of you too.”
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Taehyung showed up to your door with tons of snacks in his hands. He looked like he was about to drop them all so you quickly helped take some and ushered him inside.
“I hope I brought all your favorites.” You look through the bag and smile happily at him.
“Thank you Tae, you didn’t have to do this.” 
“Nonsense! It’s my first time watching your home country play a game this is exciting! Even if it is just on the TV.” Taehyung watches the game right along with you, and he’s cheering right along with you too. He hugs you happily when he sees how excited you get when your team scores. He’s happy to just spend time with you, and his face starts to hurt from how much he is smiling and laughing at your antics. 
“Where did my soft spoken, shy angel go?” He says to himself as he laughs softly.
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Jungkook had bought you tickets to go to a game and you were so unbelievably excited. He knew how much you loved soccer and he bought you the tickets as a surprise. You both were sat close to the field. He wasn’t expecting you to be so loud. You were jumping up and down out of your seat, cheering and booing along with the crowd and he couldn’t help but laugh. You hear him laughing next to you and look at him with a questioning look on your face.
“You’re usually so quiet I’ve never seen this side of you.”
“Ah, sorry. I get a little carried away at the games.” 
“Don’t apologize. It’s actually really great to see you let go and just have fun.” You grab his hand and pull him up and encourage him to cheer along with you. He does before he gets shy when he sees people staring at him and he quickly sits back down.
“You’re cute Jungkook.”
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xxfanficnationxx · 5 years
Lacuna// Teen wolf Rewrite
Wolf Moon Part 2
Part 1 
Pairing: Stiles x Reader (Eventually)
Warnings: none really 
A/N: I really love to put visuals, its my favorite part of writing. But if it gets too annoying then ill stop. I’m trying to make the reader as bad-ass as possible. I really wanted her to be extroverted and forward, basically the opposite of me. Hope you enjoy!
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You awoke early, 30 mins before your alarm. The events from last night still fresh in your mind. It’s time for school, so you began to get ready. Lucky for you, you had been planning your first day outfit for a while, it was laid on your dresser ready. Before you got ready, you went to check your bandage on your leg. It was almost soaked but dry with blood, it looked like it was even turning black. But then… you removed it, and the bite was gone. Completely gone. ‘Did I imagine it all?’ 
You heard keys clinking and steps coming up the stairs. “Knock knock, sleepy head” your aunt began to open the door. You quickly grabbed the bandage and tucked it under the sheets. Thank god it was dried blood. “Oh!” She exclaimed “You’re awake. That’s surprising. You excited to go to school! Make some friends?” She started to dance to you, sitting next to you and poking your sides. Even though she worked a full night shift. She still had so much energy. 
“Ughhh” you groan, falling back into your bed and pulling your pillow up to your face to block her out. “No! No new friends. Just get through the rest of high school.” She stands and starts to walk out. Chuckling to herself lightly. 
“Okay, okay. Well. Get ready! And let me know when we need to go.” She walks out and shuts your door. 
You grabbed the outfit and made your way to the bathroom to do your makeup and hair. You put on your outfit and stare in the mirror. 
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You actually look good, taking into consideration how you feel. 
Your aunt dropped you off a little later than the other kids because the principal wanted to meet with you beforehand. You walked onto the walkway leading to the front doors of the school, you saw a girl digging through her bag on the phone with someone. Then a man came walking towards the both of you. 
“Sorry to keep you two girls waiting” she looks up at him then to you. “Allison, this is Y/n.Y/n this is Allison.” She holds out her hand. 
“Nice to meet you.” A gorgeous smile graced upon her lips. 
“Nice to meet you too!” You reply, a bright smile as well. 
“So y/n you from Seattle?” The man states as he walks towards the door. 
“Yes I am, but I lived here before. Years and years ago.” You smile 
“Oh yes, and Allison San Francisco isn’t where you grew up?” He asks as he opens the door. 
“No, but we lived there for more than a year, which is unusual in my family.” She replies. Already peaking your interest 
“Well hopefully beacon hills will be your last stop for a while. Both of you.” He turns his head and looks at you. You smile, nodding your head. He opens a door leading you both in. “Class these are your new students, Allison Argent and Y/n Y/l/n. Please do your best to make them feel welcome.” He exits the room. And you see a seat open by the window. Allison lowers her head and walks to another seat, a boy turning and giving her a pen. She gives him a puzzled look before smiling and saying “Thanks.” 
You sit down setting your stuff down and preparing to highlight the hell of the syllabus. “Well begin with Kafka’s Metamorphosis on page 133.” The teacher says. 
You feel a tap on your shoulder so you turn slightly. “Hi, you said your name was Y/n” you nod feeling slightly uncomfortable. “Did you live here before? My names Stiles.” You lightly gasp as you start to recognize his features. 
“Yes, yes I did live here, umm hi Stiles. I don’t know if you remember me. I mean hell I barely remember you.” You smile. 
“Ms. Y/l/n, please turn around.” You slowly turn to pay attention. Slightly red in the cheeks for already getting called out. 
You feel the boy behind you start to sit up and whispers “I remember the name.” You smile. Still looking forward. Happy he remembers. Even if it’s only slightly. 
The bell rings, finally school ended and you see Allison up at her locker. You decide that it might be easier to be new girls together then apart. “Hi!” She jumps a little you start to say sorry but she stops you.
“Y/n! I’m sorry for being so jumpy! Just a little bit overwhelmed.” She opens her locker pacing her binder in it. 
“Tell me about it” you laugh a little. “So I was thinking you know, it’s probably better being new girls together rather than a-“ some redhead walks up and interrupts you. 
“That jacket is absolutely killer. Where’d you get it” you can tell Allison is a bit uncomfortable. She gives you soft look and looks back at the girl. 
“My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco.” She nods slightly
The redhead looks at you. “And that outfit, I can tell I have some competition this year” She laughs. Points at both Allison and you and says “and you two are my new best friends.” 
At this point some boy comes up the her and starts sucking her face. You didn’t even know this girls name, at least you can tell your aunt you already made friends. You jerk your head a bit when you hear a girls voice loud and clear in your ear “can somebody tell me how new girls are here all of five minuets, and they’re already hanging out with Lydia’s clique?” You look away, trying not to make it obvious you can hear their conversation clearly. How strange. 
Another voice comes through. You recognize it as Stiles from earlier. “Because they’re hot. Beautiful people herd together.” You blush a little bit. “Scott you see that one girl. Yeah I think that’s y/n from when we were you-“ your focus is cut off from their conversation as Lydia starts to talk about a party this weekend. 
“Yeah Friday night, you should come.” Jackson says looking at you and Allison like we would be insane if we didn’t go. Allison begins making excuses of not going. But honestly to you, it seems fun. 
“Yeah sure totally I’ll go.” Lydia, as you now know because of that one girl from earlier, looks up at you and smiles
“Everyone’s going after the scrimmage” Jackson says. 
“You mean football?” Allison asks. 
“Footballs a joke in beacon.” Jackson laughs “the sport here is lacrosse” interesting. Seattle was all about football. “We’ve won state championship for the past three years.” 
Lydia goes on about how amazing Jackson is but you couldn’t stop thinking about how you could hear the other’s conversation a while ago. Was it just a Fluke. “Perfect. You’re coming” she grabs both Allison and your hands leading you to the field. You sit in between Allison and Lydia, really not excited about being there. You throw a quick text to your aunt about staying after school and that you’d just walk home, she was sleeping, but you liked to make sure she knew what was going on. 
You see stiles walk into the field with the same boy from first period. He didn’t see you, but you couldn’t help but stare. “Who is that” you hear Allison say. 
“Him?” Lydia replies. “I’m not sure who he is.” 
“Isn’t that Scott? Scott Mcall. Always hanging around Stiles?” You say. Making the connection. “We all used to be really good friends when we were young.“ you look away slightly red in the face. 
“He’s in our English class” she says. Then the refs whistle goes off. Scaring you a bit. It was loud. But you look to the field and notice Scott cowering and grabbing his ears just like you, only his seemed worse. You wondered for just a bit if he was experiencing the same thing you have been. 
Scott gets hit in the face and you flinch. That must have hurt. You see stiles in the corner of your eye shake his head. Just like that Scott started to catch balls perfectly. You hear stiles chirp with happiness. Making you smile, he really was goofy. 
“He seems like he’s pretty good!” Allison says. 
“Very good” Lydia replies. 
You start to zone out at this point. Staring at Stiles. He was jumping around like a maniac. He’s actually super cute, isn’t he.
After practice, you make the trek home. Smiling to yourself about how well today actually went. Then you realized something. The bite, it’s healed. So is your wrist. Could the hearing and sense of smell be some kind of response your brain is making to the bite! Is it rabies. Oh dear, I hope it’s not rabies. 
Your scrambled thoughts are interrupted by a car passing by. It’s a bright blue Jeep. It stops abruptly maybe 20 feet or so in front of you. You walk up, slightly worried you’re about to be kidnapped. As you get closer you can hear who's in there. 
“Let’s just pick her up. She walking all by herself. That’s not okay!” You recognized the voice of Scott. 
“Okay, but if she turns out to be some kind of serial killer, coming for revenge of all her childhood friends. I’m leaving you in the dust” Stiles says. You laugh a bit and walked the last 10 feet up to the window. 
“I promise I won’t kill you” You say in an ominous tone. 
“Ahh!” Stiles jumps and turns around. “Jesus, you heard that? How’d you hear that? You were like 20 feet away.” Scott look at you, head cocked a bit and squinted eyes. 
“You speak louder than you think.” You say with a chuckle. “So… a ride?” 
If you have any requests or just want someone to talk to, i’m here!
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justlookfrightened · 6 years
Building a life
I got this prompt from a random generator: “As he flicked through the letters, a small, handwritten envelope caught his attention and his heart began to thump.” Warning that it begins after Jack and Bitty have broken up. Hopeful ending.
As he flicked through the letters, a small, handwritten envelope caught his attention and his heart began to thump.
Jack would recognize that scrawl anywhere. It was the handwriting that covered dozens of sticky notes: on a bag of cookies tucked into his duffel bag, on hundreds of sandwiches he ate before games, on the bathroom mirror on days that Bitty -- that Eric -- had to leave before Jack got up.
It was the handwriting on the letter -- not on a sticky note this time -- Jack found after Bitty left.
The letter had been centered at the place at the head of the dining room table. It was a modern thing, all glass and steel, and it went well with the condo Jack bought in Vegas.
The paper had looked out of place, off-white linen stationery that Jack knew Bitty’s -- Eric’s -- mother had given him when he told her he wasn’t moving back to Georgia, not after graduation, not ever.
“She said she expects me to write her real letters every now and then,” Bitty -- he had been Bitty then in Jack’s mind, and he wasn’t here to argue about it, so Jack would remember him as Bitty if he wanted -- Bitty said. “She still wants to text and call and Skype, but she says sometimes it’s easier to share your real feelings by writing them down on paper.”
At the time, thinking of the way Bitty inscribed his love in each one of those sticky notes, Jack had agreed. He never saw that paper again, until the one sheet was centered at his place at the dining room table.
Most people thought the kiss at center ice after the Falconers won the cup was a big moment in their relationship. It was, in a way. That was the moment that he and Eric declared to the world that they were a couple. He’d braced himself for the backlash, told himself he could withstand anything for Eric.
The joke was on him. Sure, not everybody was happy. But the team and the league and his agent made it so he never had to see the worst of it. The refs even started calling the anti-gay slurs that they had let go before; he lived in a well-insulated, comfortable, well-paid bubble.
But that was the start. A month later, Eric was asked not to come back to the bakery where he’d talked himself into a job, half marketing and half baking. She loved him, the owner said, and he was doing great, but his status as the man who kissed Jack Zimmermann on TV was drawing too much of the wrong kind of attention. She offered to pay him for the rest of the summer, but asked him not to come in.
Eric had been sad, but Jack tried to comfort him by saying that they could spend more time together before school and their respective seasons started. Eric gave him a weak smile, and agreed, and Jack had tried to make sure he had a good time for the rest of the summer.
It had seemed a foregone conclusion that Eric would move in when he graduated. Jack didn’t remember them ever talking about it, beyond the logistics of how and when Eric would get his stuff to Providence.
When Eric took up residence, Jack breathed a sigh of relief. Now things were settled, and he could concentrate on hockey. Eric started attending games with the wives and girlfriends, started introducing himself as Eric instead of Bitty, made sure Jack’s life ran as smoothly as possible. Everyone loved him, Jack most of all.
But when they didn’t even make it to the playoffs that year, two years after winning it all, the organization started talking about making changes.
Jack had a year left on his contract, and he was costing the team a lot of money, and maybe he had just finished his third year, but 30 was looming. He wasn’t exactly expecting it, but he wasn’t exactly shocked, either, when he got the call saying he was traded.
Eric, though. Eric was devastated. He hadn’t been able to find what he called a “career track” job, but he babysat for Marty and Thirdy’s kids, he baked for special events (and did get paid for it), he was a fixture at Falconers charity events.
The year that followed was not good for either of them. St. Louis reminded Jack of nothing so much as purgatory, gray and unwelcoming and uncomfortable. Eric reached out to the team, to the WAGs, and … well, he said that he couldn’t fault them for civility. But over the months, he spent less time reaching out to people and more time on his vlog.
Jack poured his heart and soul into his hockey, hoping to attract interest from other teams as soon as he entered free agency so they could leave this godawful place.
Then came a year in LA, where Eric seemed to fit in a little better.The golden California sun loved him, Jack thought, and when they got dragged to a party with people from TV and movies, Bitty mixed and mingled with abandon.
The trade to Vegas surprised them both, but Jack figured it would be fine. How different could it be?
It turned out the difference between the shore and the desert was vast indeed. The sun that caressed Eric in Los Angeles glared at him in Vegas and exposed all his flaws. Or maybe it just showed the flaws in everything.
Eric complained about the heat, about the tourists, about the excess of everything. He didn’t like the condo, he didn’t like the furniture (the furniture he bought, because it went with the style of the condo), he didn’t like the showgirls that hung around the team. He didn’t like Kent, but he had never liked Kent.
“He just wants to be friends, Eric,” Jack explained. “And he’s the captain. I have to spend time with him, and it would be good if you did, too.”
“No, thank you, Mr. Zimmermann,” Eric said. “You suit yourself, but I’ll keep myself busy.”
That was the week before Jack found the letter at his place at the dining room table.
“Dear Jack,
“I love you. I know that’s a strange way to start a Dear John letter, but it’s true. I love you more than anything, and I know you love me.
“But it’s not enough. I used to think it would be, that we would get married and adopt babies and grow old together. But I kind of think I’ve stopped growing at all, and I can’t take root here.
“This isn’t my place, and it’s not going to be. It’s Kent Parson’s, and I guess it’s yours now. I’m putting this letter at the head of our dining room table, but I can count the number of times we’ve eaten here together on one hand.
“I guess it’s a good thing we never did get married. Not being legally bound together makes this so much easier.
“I’m not angry, and I don’t blame you. I always knew hockey was your first love, and hockey is a jealous lover.
“Please don’t worry about me. I’m going to try to disappear for a while, try to figure out what I want and what I need before I start over. Don’t try to find me.
“I know this will hurt you, and I’m sorry.
“Love, Eric.”
Jack had wanted to howl, wanted to collapse, when he read it. He called Kent, who shrugged, and said, “Is that the first  time someone cut you off like that? Doesn’t feel great, does it?”
He called Shitty, whom he hadn’t talked to in six months, and was advised to follow Eric’s instructions.
“Brah, how much time were even spending together?” Shitty asked. “I’m pretty sure Bits was lonely.”
“Do you know where he is?” Jack asked, point-blank.
“Yes,” Shitty said. “But he asked me not to tell you. He told me to be there for you -- he said you’ll need someone -- but not to say where he is.”
“Is he alright?” Jack asked.
“Brah, he’s wrecked,” Shitty said. “Says he doesn’t know who he is without being attached to you. But he doesn’t want to just be an appendage.”
“Okay,” Jack said. “But could you tell him something for me?”
“Maybe,” Shitty said.
“Tell him that I’ll always love him, and I’m sorry I didn’t see what he needed,” Jack said. “Tell him that he’s it for me, and when he finds what he needs, if he still wants me, I’ll be there. Will you tell him?”
Shitty shrugged.
“Depends,” he said. “I’m not gonna lay a guilt trip on him.”
Now, a year and another Stanley Cup later, there was a small off-white envelope, addressed to him in Bitty’s -- Eric’s -- handwriting. The return address was in Providence, the address of the bakery that had asked Eric to leave and not come back.
“Dear Jack,
“Congrats on the Cup. Now I know why everyone was so excited about you and Kent playing together. Including Kent.
“Shitty chose the night you won to pass on your message. I think he wanted to wait until I knew you were alright.
“I’m alright, too. I don’t know if you realized, but I managed to save a lot of money while we were together -- well, a lot for me. Probably not for you. But it was enough to buy myself into a partnership in this bakery. The plan is to take the whole thing over in a few years when my partner retires. Business partner, I mean.
“I have friends and a job and a life, and I guess I could say I’m happy, and it wouldn’t be a lie. Thank you for giving the space I needed to do that. But I do miss you.
“If you want to get back in touch, you have my address.”
“Love, Bitty”
Jack put the letter down, and thought about buying some stationery to write back. Then he decided to take the more direct route. He called his agent and asked her to book him on the next flight to Providence.
He didn’t know exactly how this would work. But it would, somehow. And in a few years when he retired, his partner -- his life partner -- would be in Providence, not waiting for him, but building a life they could share.
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itsbquick-blog · 5 years
Blake Quick
English Composition 1
15 October 2018
Broken Spirits
All of a sudden the crowd stopped cheering, the players stopped playing. My coach immediately ran onto the field with a sense of urgency, calling the physical trainer to aid me. I couldn't move it at all, I couldn't put any weight on my right leg without immense pain. Never in my life have I experienced anything that felt like this before. As the ref made me some space from all my concerned teammates, I was helped into the trainer's cart. As I made my way off the field I made eye contact with my mom. She had this look of overwhelming concern on her face, she knew just as well as me that my days of playing soccer were over.
The trainer met my parents near my mother's car in the parking lot close by. My mind was racing beyond belief so many thoughts were racing through my head. “Is this really happening? How bad is it? What does this mean for my future playing career?” All of which I would learn the answer to shortly.
Getting into the car was incredibly difficult, I remember looking at my mom still in shock. She was trying to hold back tears, she didn't like to see her son in so much pain. As I was helped into my mom's car by my father, mother, and the trainer all I could feel was my leg. Every single little adjustment sent shooting pain up my shin, I couldn't hold back the tears anymore the pain was unbearable. Once they got me in the car my mother kissed me on the forehead and told me not to worry.
My mom took the driver's seat, me in the passenger's, and my concerned father took to the back seat. He keeps talking intently trying to keep my mind off the pain, he continued to talk about his countless injuries growing up. He even got me to crack the slightest of smiles for a moment. Even though the ride to Newton hospital was only a 20-minute ride, it felt like an eternity. With every curve and bump in the road, the pain arched up my leg keeping me in tears. I vividly remember the feeling of uncertainty, and the feeling of knowing something is wrong, this kept me in a state of confusion and panic. No matter how many times my mother reassured me that it was okay, I knew it was not.
As we made it to the hospital, my mom pulled the car right up to the door of the emergency room. At this point my leg was still in an almost unbearable state, the throbbing pain felt like someone repeatedly hitting my shin with a hammer over and over.
Getting out of the car was no easier than getting into it. Luckily we ran into some very kind strangers who helped get me into a wheelchair. My father wheeled me into the room, my leg felt every single bump and turn we made. As soon as I entered the room there were many sad, and concerned eyes of others all looking my way. I was a crying, sniffling mess just wanting the pain to leave. My mother took care of checking me in,  while my father took me to a more secluded part of the room continuing his efforts to calm me.
The wait to be helped had to be the worst part of the day. The anxiety of thinking about how bad the injury could actually be kept running through my head. I started to shake as if I was cold, I couldn't control myself anymore. All I wanted to go back 24 hours when everything was perfect. I had just started my senior year, my last year to play varsity soccer, my last chance to play with my best friends in the world. Now that came crumbling down, my season, my senior year all of sudden was in jeopardy. Everything I wanted to do in the next coming months would be almost impossible with a big injury.
Soon a very nice nurse came to bring me to the doctor, she wheeled me into this room and gingerly helped me into the soft bed. Soon the doctor came into the room   with the best attitude she could to examine my leg, every way she twisted and turned my leg ended in excruciating pain. Despite all my pain and screaming, she didn't believe my leg was broken! This news sent chills up my body, a sense of relief, happiness flooded over me. With the good news, the doctor wanted to check over my X-rays, just to make sure everything was alright. While the doctor was away, I managed to stop crying, I managed to relax for a minute.  
I almost didn't even notice that the doctor had returned. She had this solemn look in her eyes, this made me uneasy. In a very somber tone, she said the words “I'm very sorry for getting your hopes up, but it looks like your leg is broken, your tibia is broken clean through”. These words hit me like a freight train, my whole world collapsed for a moment. My thoughts just kept echoing  “It is over, my season is gone” over and over in my head. I burst into tears, everyone around me came together and cried with me. My best friends couldn't take the news either, I've never seen them this emotional before. My mom was a mess, and you could even see the hurt in my father's eyes. Watching me play soccer is one of his joys in life.
Finally, it was time to leave I was exhausted, depressed, and in tremendous pain. This time I had to sit across the back seat of my mother's car since I could not bend my knee. Then we were homebound, this time I didn't feel the bumps or curves from the road in my leg. I didn't feel this sense of overwhelming confusion anymore. However I was just a shell, my spirit was shattered, my season was over, life was about to get really hard for the next 10-12 weeks. This experience would prove to be one of the hardest things obstacles, not only physically but mentally. Over the next few months the feelings of being left out, the pain, incapability to do simple tasks. This all led to me being a better person.
Looking back now almost a year since I hurt my leg, I am realizing how much it actually changed me. That broken leg led me to become a stronger person, because of that leg half of my senior year was absolutely terrible. I couldn't go out with my friends, I couldn’t sleep, and it was almost impossible to pay attention in class. Even to this day, I walk with a slight limp because of the injury. This was one of the biggest tests to my character that I have ever faced, getting over that bump in my life was significant to me. It helped me see that life can be very shitty to you sometimes but that doesn't mean that you have to sit down and take it. It helped me to not take the good things in life for granted cause you never know when something bad is going to happen.
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sadisticstories · 7 years
Popular Girls part 6
Ch6. Gross Emily walked into the basketball court , hanging all over Mike. Everyone stopped to stare . the spectators were there for the girls basketball game , but two local celebrities walked in so naturally the attention turned to them . Mike scored 50 points the night before to lift the school over their rivals and Emily the sexy girl , who was cheerleading captain , successful instagram model and ruler of the school , so natrually everyone wanted see what the duo were doing at a girls basketball game . No one really cared about girls basketball at the school . There were about 150 people in the crowd mostly family and close friends of the players . Compared the boys games which would have an attendance of over two thousand . Emily looked so hot today , she was wearing tight jeans that put her hot ass on full display . Her black hair flowed down to her waist , she was wearing a white crop top that put her sexy little waist on display. She always made sure to show off her stomach it was so flat and reminded everyone that she was perfect down to every last part of her body . The referee ran by her as she was walking down to take her seat . He turned his head to look at her and was so over taken by her sexiness that he forgot where he was going and ran right into a player and fell down . The crowd erupted in laughter. Emily merely smiled at the situation and sat down in the front row. She surveyed the court and found her target . There she was, the third looser , Sarah . Sarah had not been humiliated in a long time , she thought because she gave Christy the suicide tape of Kate that she would be left alone by the popular girls. But that wasn't the case at all. The popular girls had as a cruel plan for her as they did for Kate and Heather . Sarah's eye brows had grown back and her hair was beginning too do the same . But it was still extremely short . Sarah was mannish looking to begin with . She had broad shoulders fat arms fat legs and a little beer belly. No tits no ass, and a disgusting face riddled with acne . Sarah was bigger than most girls so she was a pretty good basketball player. It was the only thing she was holding onto. The popular girls made sure she got bad grades . Not bad enough to fail out but bad enough so she couldn't get into college . It was a cruel game they played with so many students . And it tortures Sarah ,who was a really smart student before . She was ugly no man had ever looked at her they only mocked her . So the only thing she had was basketball, it was her safe haven away from the popular girls who would never bother to go to a girls basketball game . But Emily was here today not to watch the game , but to embarrass Sarah . Emily stood up from the stands almost immediately the refs stopped the game and everyone started at the unbieleavly hot girl. She swaggered towards Sarah. Stood in front of her and smiled . " on your knees!! " she said in annoyance . The big ugly girl dropped to her knees . " follow me and stare at my fucking ass the whole time . " Emily said arrogantly . Sarah crawled behind Emily who walked to the center of the court so everyone could see . " stand up !" she said to the ugly girl curling her finger. The ugly girl slowly rose to her feet . " strip down to your bra and panties , gross bitch . " Emily with a gleeful smile. The ugly girl stripped out of her basketball uniform and was now in bra and panties . Tears comin to her face she new her body was gross she was extremely self conscious of her looks. Emily laughed as she looked the ugly girl up and down . Everyone in the gym stared at the scene in silence. The women shocked about what was going on but speechless. The men were either cumming in their pants or feverishly masturbating. And the other players just praying Emily doesn't pick on them . The home team fall to their knees and begin to worship Emily in an up and down motion , they were all members of the ugly students club that payed the popular girls 20$ a day , so naturally they knew their place . The girls on the other team quickly followed suit and worshipped this unbelievably hot girl . " look at this disgusting beast . She is hiteous !!!!!!!! it's an insult that someone so ugly can breathe the same air as me." She looks at the girl again and snarls " kiss my foot and apologize !" The ugly girl drops down and lightly pecks the sexy girls expensive heels . " stand up again bitch , we are going to play a game . " The girl slowly rises to her feet . Emily stood majaestically a few feet away from her . " Now Sarah where is your mother ? " Emily asked playfully feeling out the situation to see what her next move would be . " my mother left my dad and me 2 years ago . " Emily laughed , " awww , she probably couldn't deal with how ugly you were ..." Emily looked at the girl who was completely humiliated by that statement . Emily felt a sadistic satisfaction. The girl was terribly ugly and that fact was excentuated by Emily's amazing beauty . " so where's your dad" Emily asked . " he's right there " pointed the fat girl. There sat a man with an enourmous erection wet pants . He was clearly white trash had beaten dirty clothes and was missing some teeth . " crawl down here dad" Emily said loudly and playfully . The old man began to crawl , as he got closer Emily got more disgusted yet amused by the site of this man . " stop right there looser, you are the dirtyest pig I've seen ever , its no wonder you birthed such trash . " Emily said pointing at the ugly girl in her ugly underwear . " oh my god I just realized your underwear doesn't even match.... do you even know how to be a girl.... such a failure !" Sarah's face somehow became redder than before . Emily turned her attention back on the father . " I notice you have an erection and your pants are all wet .....are attracted to me ???" Emily said playfully knowing the obvious answer . " yes , you are the hotess girl I've ever seen in my life !It's intoxicating !" " wow , that's a big word for trailer trash...obviously I am the hotess girl you've ever seen......I can't imagine there is anyone pretty that lives in a trailer . " Emily laughed. " do think it's hot when I'm mean to your daughter ." " yes , so hot! " " Who do you love more Emily or your daughter . " " you Emily !" This brought an evil smile to Emily's face and a loom of sadness to the poor ugly girl. " you see Sarah no one loves you , you are just to ugly , not even your own father loves you and clearly your mother doesn't ." Emily smiled at the girl who's had no pride left . " crowd when you see the ugly beasts body what's the first word that comes to mind !" Emily shouts awaiting response from the crowd . " ugly!!!" " beast" " monster" "Gross" ......... "That's it" Emily yelled " gross, when I see you that's the first word that comes to mind . " Emily stood in front of the girl with her perfect body eyes so bright smile wide she was so proud of herself . She was so hot , only someone as hot as her could be allowed to treat people this way , she thought . The crowd started to chant gross! , gross !gross! , as Emily stood and looked on enjoying every moment , savouring her power over this ugly girl. Just then the two starving Right twins crawled out , looking terribly skinny with whip marks all over their bodies . The crowd was shocked by their appearance . These girls used to attend the school and play basketball in fact . But they now looked completely different , it looks as tho they had aged 30 years in the matter of a couple of months they were in terrible Condition , whip marks all over their back ribs poking out , dark black circles around their eyes . The two girls each had a sliver tray in their hands . One with a permanent black marker , the other a vicious whip. Emily was so bold that she would sometimes have students whipped on school property she had done it twice before . She had no fear for the repercussions in fact she was smiling , carefree of any consequences , she would mentally and physically torture this poor ugly girl and no one will do anything to stop her . In fact the exact opposite was true they would praise her and support her for this . What a sad exsistence for Sarah , in any other school Emily would be expelled and thrown in jail . But the popular girl owned this school and this town so people would only encourage her and cheer her on , while Sarah was humiliated and tortured . What a wonderful world the popular girls have created for themselves . Emily walked up to the ugly girl and smiled " hmmm what is the ugliest and grossest part of your body .... I think it's your ass.... how does someone with so many pounds have a flat disgusting ass. " emily said smiling , Emily took the marker and drew a big circle on the fat girls big but flat ass . She then went over to the father and handed him the snake tail whip. " I'm hot , you're daughter is ugly her ass is just an embarrassment to girls like me who have perfect asses..." Emily poked out her amazing ass. She wasn't kidding her ass was truly an amazing site. "For that reason her ass must be flogged ten times for being so ugly ... and I've chosen you to carry out this punishment ... I want you to whip your own daughter ." Emily said smiling sadisticly at Sarah the whole time. " yes Emily whatever you want , pleasing you is all that matters! " " that's not a good enough response , hand me the whip!!! " Emily takes the whip out the father hands . Then Emily the whip and proceeds to hit him with it 10 times . He began to bleed from his face and other areas . " THAT WASNT GOOD ENOUGH. you fucking grovel at my feet and beg me for the privlage of letting you amuse me. By whipping your daughter a daughter that you had the nerve of bringing into my world. " Emily spat angrily. Her sadism was growing to new heights . She was truly enjoying whipping this man . " I'm so so sorry Emily ! Please let me whip my daughter for your amusment , I'll whip her to death if you want me to .!!" The man said on his knees pleading with Emily . Emily non-shaulantly handed him the whip and the man got up and started whiping his daughter. He whipped her ten times in the ass and then started whipping her all over her body. Emily hadn't even ordered it he just wanted to impress her . All the while whipping his own daughter . Whip crashed down on her . She was begging him to stop but her own father was insulting her as he beat her . Calling her ugly , cursing her for thinking she could even look at Emily . Emily was calmly looking on in amusement . This man truly would kill his own daughter right now just to impress her. Emily was once again using her hotness allows her control people . She was so sprout of herself , so happy with what she was doing . " I love being hot " she said smiling at Mike Emily finally called for a stop . " STOP " she yelled and the man stopped immediately . The poor girl was on the ground bleeding crying , Emily walked up to her . " wow your seriously pathetic , talk about ugly crying... " she smiled at the girl for a minute just relishing in the feeling of superiority over Sarah"follow me bitch this isn't over yet .!" Emily started to leave the gym not before walking towards Mike and passionately kissing him. She sucked his dick in front of everyone . She pulled his pants down and kissed his dick it's almost exploded on contact with her lucious lips , they had a perfect little puff to them . They looked perfect around his cock . Less than a minute later he shot out an unbelievable amount of cum , more than anyone had seen . Emily looked at it proudly . " baby look at all that , cum , " she shook her perfect ass walking around the puddle. " I'm fucking divine , I have to be to make a man so much cum " she said so conifidently and arrogantly knowing that every female in the room felt inferior . And they should feel inferior because they were all dogs in comparasion to her and they knew it. That's exactly what she was thinking as she pointed to an ugly mother to lick this huge puddle of cum on the floor . She scoffed as the woman tried to walk towards the puddle . " get on ur knees and crawl to this puddle of cum , dog,!! ...you look like an old beaten street dog that no one wants . " Emily said smiling , she was on fire today humiliating everyone in her path . The 48 year old mother of an ugly girl who played on the basketball team crawled to the puddle . " where's you're daughter bitch . " Emily said with her hands on her sexy hips while a women 30 years older groveled at her feet . The woman pointed to her daughter and Emily simply laughed , "just another ugly dog nothing special, but I'll allow her to lick up my mans heavenly cum !" The girl crawled next to her mother and began to lick up mikes cum. " that's real mother daughter bonding!! " Emily said loudly laughing at the state of the patetic people . Emily curled her finger for Sarah to follow. Sarah rushed to follow On her knees , she had already been defeated she might as well give up. The men and women looked on in awe of Emily's hotness , arrogance and unbelievable power . " follow us dad , there's more whipping to come! " Emily said smiling at the girl and the father . The three walked out of the gym leaving everyone in awe. ***********- A little while later they arrived at the tattoo shop that Tessa took Heather to get her 'ugly' tattoo. Sarah immediately began to cry and beg when she saw where they were . She knew all to well about Heathers " ugly " tattoo and was suffering from extreme anxiety for the last week that this would be done to her to. Now her worst fear was coming true she was at the same tattoo shop crawling behind a popular girl. Her father not far behind with a whip in his hands. " I can't believe you're not worshiping the ground I walk on." Emily said in annoyance . " five lashes " said Emily as she continued to walk towards the door . The father took aim and sent 5 hard lashes down on his daughter . Who screamed in pain . Emily only smiled as she strutted into her shop a bleeding girl crawling behind her kissing and praying to the ground that the beautiful Emily had walked on . The shop was empty today for everyone except Tessa and Dave the tattoo artist who gave Heather her mark . Tessa was sitting in the chair having her feet worshipped by the tattoo artist , he was massaging and kissing them with such intensity and care . Tessa smiled and looked as they walked in laughing hysterically at the situation . " I'm glad you made it ." She said pushing the tattoo artists face with her foot . "Here she is!" Tessa said laughing at the sorry state of this ugly girl . " let's go get in the chair " Emily said pointing her well manicured finger at the chair . The ugly girl had no choice she didn't even beg, she accepted her fate Emily and Tessa smiling and mocking her the entire time . When the tattoo artist was finished she looked in the mirror , the word " GROSS" was written across her face. She immediately dropped to her knees in front of Emily and Tessa who were having what seemed like the time of their lives laughing and making jokes about Sarah . " please let me kill myself , please please ." Asked Sarah sovernly . Emily looked at her as if she was annoyed the girl interrupted her fun . " hmmmm let's see, dad what do you think should your ugly, gross daughter should kill herself . " Emily stood looking at the father her hands on her hips . " yes Emily , she should have done it years ago . It's a disgrace that she lives in the same world as you . " This caused Emily and Tessa to loose complete control , they became so amused and so horny at the same time . The two sexy girls starting making out with each other , it was so hot two perfect sets of lips hitting each other corressing each other perfect bodies enjoying their triumph over the girl . They both took turns kissing and licking each other's perfect pussys untill they orgasmed while the three on lookers watched intently . It was a wonderful sight an out of body experience to see these two hot girls pleasure each other . It would no doubt be the moment of their ugly pathetic lives . When they were finished Emily turned to Sarah wearing a satisfied smile . " no you can not kill yourself we just started playing are game with you idiot .... you are coming to the dance tomorrow. We have such a fun game to play with you Heather and MS. Antes aren't you excited??" Emily said not even waiting for a response. She and Tessa walked out and spit in the face of Sarah's father in the process . Sexy asses shaking full body on display , as the pathetic daughter father were left on their knees to walk home in shame .
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carey-pricemas · 7 years
Protect my Honor- Tyler Seguin
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Ok anon I wanted to do Auston, but he just doesn't seem like the type... so you got Tom instead! Hope you guys like this one! Enjoy!
Warning: Fight, cusses
Anon Request: hi i love your stories💓 if requests are still open could you do a tyler seguin one where like another hockey player starts hitting on you and he gets jealous and during the game they get into a scuffle? maybe the other guy could be auston matthews? tom wilson? (:
              You were leaning against the wall, waiting for your boyfriend to come meet you before the game. It was part of his game day routine and one you were happy to partake in.
              It was better than him grumping at you because lunch was two minutes late.
              So you leaned against the concrete wall playing on your phone outside the locker room.
              "Hey there." You jumped as a voice greeted you. You were so focused on the one set of doors, you didn't hear him approaching you from the other direction. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
              "No worries" you smiled. "I just wasn't paying attention."
              "Ah, phone that interesting?" he said leaning against the wall beside you.
              "The locker room doors actually." His shirt proclaimed he was on the opposing team, the Washington Capitals. "Aren't you far from home?"
              "I was trying to warm up, but then I saw this beautiful girl and I had to get her name. I'm Tom."
              "(Y/N)" you said smiling. He held his hand out to shake.
              "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he winked. You could feel your cheeks turn bright pink. "But... you'd look better in red." You looked down at your 'victory green' jersey and smiled.
              "Gotta root for the hometown team" you said with a shrug.
              "The hometown team is actually blue" Tyler said, wrapping his arms from behind you. You smiled and leaned into your boyfriend.
              "That is true, but they don't make a Maple Leafs jersey with your name on it." Tyler kissed your neck and you chuckled. He was marking his territory. Tom's eyes widened.
              "Oh man, hey Seggy."
              "Hey Willy. I see you met my girlfriend, (Y/N)." Tom smiled.
              "We did meet."
              "He was warming up" you supplied. Tyler quirked an eyebrow.
              "Your locker room is pretty far away." You rolled your eyes.
              "Come on, Tyler. Let's do this so I can get to my seat." You turned around and stood on your tip toes, pressing a kiss to Tyler's lips. "I love you."
              "I love you too. I'll see you after the game?"
              "I'll be here" you responded. You looked over your shoulder to see Tom missing. "And stop being a jealous man. I've loved you for years. Another Toronto boy isn't going to steal me away."
              "I don't know, (Y/N). You could go for the bad boy thing." You rolled your eyes and ran your hands over where you knew his tattoos were under his pads.
              "I think I got that." You winked at him before giving him one more kiss. "Go. Win it, babe."
              You were going to kill him. There wasn't going to be an epic proposal or the wedding of your dreams that you had been planning since you met Tyler in 3rd grade.
              No. He was going to be in the ground 30 seconds after this game ended.
              You had noticed Tom chirping him all game. And like how Tyler normally responded to chirps, he scored instead of reacting.
              Apparently he was over that.
              On this last face off you had seen Tom say something to Tyler and as soon as the puck hit the ice, Tyler and Tom dropped the gloves.
              Tyler was not a fighter. Not by a long shot. He'd let the rest of the Stars fight, but usually wasn't one to jump in there himself, which suited you just fine. But the other do-do birds in green stood back and watched.
              Even Jamie, his best friend and the true fighter of the two.
              You were going to kill them both.
              "Get him Seguin!" the guy next to you screamed. You knew you were being irrational, hockey fights happened, but this had to be something more than a few chirps.
              You watched as the two traded punches, Tyler surprisingly holding his own. Tyler landed one right on Tom's jaw and stunned the other man, enough that his feet slipped out from under him and the two wound up on the ice, Tyler on top.
              "Holy shit" you whispered. Tyler won.
              Both benches tapped their sticks in solidarity as the refs pulled them apart and sent them to the locker rooms with such little time remaining on the clock. With two goals in hand, and a fight, Tyler's efforts still weren't enough to procure a win for the Stars.
              You made your way out of the stands and down to the locker rooms, waiting impatiently for your boyfriend so you could kill him.
              You saw the locker room door poke open and his head peek out. You frowned and crossed your arms over your chest, tapping your foot.
              Suddenly Tyler was pushed out of the locker room by Jamie, who also didn't look happy, and pointed in your direction. Tyler hung his head and slowly made his way to you.
              "Hey babe" he said sheepishly.
              "I don't know whether to smack you or kiss you" you said.
              You never said seeing him fight wasn't hot as hell.
              "Kiss me?" he suggested.
              "You're not a fighter you big oaf! And especially not against a freaking GOON!" you ranted.
              "But I won" he said. You gave him a look. "I can explain?"
              "Tyler Paul Seguin I'm going to murder you."
              "Wait hold on!" Tyler held his hands up. "He was chirping me about you!"
              "I don't ca- Wait. What?"
              "Yeah he was saying how you were about to give him your number and how you wanted to be with him." Tyler shrugged. "Saying how hot you were and then... other things."
              "I'm going to kill him" you said. You turned and started towards the other locker room when two arms locked you in place. "Let go Ty-Ty. I'm going to go rip his-"
              "Hey. Already did that, remember?" You sagged against him. "Let's go home, find a movie, and cuddle up with the dogs. Let's forget this happened. Maybe even..." He pressed his mouth against your ear and whispered naughty suggestions, making you giggle.
              "Well I mean... you DID protect my honor."
              "Now you're getting it!"
Ok I like how it turned out actually and I'd love some feedback! Let me know what you think! Up next: Jakob Chychrun!
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atlaswriting · 5 years
“There’s still a little light out,” Abram checks the time on his phone, “Curfew isn’t for another two hours. What if we hit up Faneuil Hall?”
Brody nods, “I’m always down to eat.”
“Actually,” Ellie starts, I watch Brody’s chest deflate—preparing himself to be dragged back home, away from Abram, “I was thinking Elise and I would have a girl’s night. She can sleep over, my dad won’t mind. Have you booked your Hotel for tonight?”
I shake my head.
“Good. You two go ahead, I’m taking her with me.”
Brody’s face falls, “I’m not too sure that’s a good idea. Should we leave them alone? Unsupervised?”
Abram shrugs, “How many lives can they really ruin overnight?” shoving Brody’s chest he laughs and Ellie rolls her eyes. “I’m kidding. It’s probably better this way; Elise just can’t keep her hands off of me and if we’re going to demolish you tomorrow, I have to be well-rested.”
“Exactly. It works better for everyone this way.” Ellie wraps her arms around Brody and kisses him. For a moment, I think they’ve forgotten about Abram and I. “In case you feel like running away with him later, I’ll send you pictures to remind you what you’d be missing.” She tells him, punctuating each word with her lips.
“Dude,” Abram said, pulling his stare away from me, “my mom can see this.” He points down toward the grave.
Ellie grins, untangling herself from Brody and grabbing my hand.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Brody hollers behind us.
♡ ♡ ♡
Ellie and I are both on our stomachs on her bed. The last time her dad checked in on us was at 9:00 and with the clock now reading 11:44, she reaches below and pulls out a bottle of tequila. “Write drunk, edit sober.” She pops the cork from the bottle and takes a drink, recoiling away from the bottle before forcing another swallow. “That’s really bad warm.”
“Won’t your dad be mad?” She holds out the bottle, trying to quiet her cough with a pillow. I take the bottle and steady my flipping stomach. Swallow as big a mouthful as I can manage before it burns a hole in my cheek and hiss away from the bottle. “No wonder Abram says you can be a demon. Only something supernatural can stomach that.”
And yet I go back for another sip.
“Aw, he’s so sweet.”
We’re only a quarter of the way down, we’ve tried to re-direct ourselves three times and somehow, we’ve ended up on our backs, laughing.
“They don’t really like each other, do they?” I ask Ellie. The worry on my face must’ve been alarming because she starts laughing even harder, rolling onto her side. “Stop! I mean. Ugh.” I grab the pillow from behind my head and press it over my face—just a little bit harder and it would all be over.
“They love each other—but in a different way than they love us,” she explains, “I’m not saying it’s any better, or that they love each other more—it’s just different.” She picks up the patron bottle, and drinks some more, “I would stop trying to understand it, though. You won’t ever. I still don’t and I’ve known them since before I grew sense.”
I nod, still not completely sure she’s telling the truth. “Would you do this for Brody?” I ask, pointing toward the pictures on her bed and at the half-opened laptop. “Would you risk ruining everything to save him?”
She’s quiet for a little longer now. Long legs stretching off her bed, Ellie peels away pieces of clothing until she’s more Victoria’s Secret than Target. To maintain her modesty, I cover my eyes and she laughs, “I’m only doing what I promised Brody. I’ll be right back.” She disappears into her bathroom and returns a few minutes later, cheeks red, fingers tapping quickly away on her phone. “Have you ever sent Abram…”
“Oh my God.” I shake my head, “No. I wouldn’t—I couldn’t… He wouldn’t.”
She leans over and pulls my phone from the night side table, “It’s funny. Seeing their reactions—because you know that they could look up girl’s bodies on the internet, but it’s never the same reaction. Plus, Brody’s going to call me any mi—,” her phone rings, as if on cue and she pushes my legs off the bed, answering the Facetime. Brody’s words are nearly inaudible to me, strung together in lovesick gibberish.
I disappear behind the bathroom, body shaking with fear and a little something more—anticipation boils beneath my skin and I channel my inner Ellie. I’ve spent years trying to peel away the ugly, digging my fingers into skin and not stopping until I reach pretty—or bone, whichever comes first.
Tugging away articles of clothing, I take a picture for Abram, sending a new one with each piece of clothing that falls to a pile by my feet. Excitement begins to drip away, making time for it’s cousin, embarrassment. I look at the final picture, mostly skin with just the tiniest bit of lace—leaving very little to the imagination, I notice every flaw, every piece of fat that wasn’t there a few months ago, each bone and all the scars dragged on by fingernails. I shut off my notification alerts, and pull my clothes back on. Too afraid to look at our Instagram messages and find the rejection I know is waiting there.
“I feel proud,” Ellie is sitting up in her bed, hair pulled up into a high bun, typing furiously on the computer in front of her. “What did he say?”
“I don’t know I’m too afraid to look.”
She laughs, turning the computer in my direction. I settle in beside her, “You have to see him tomorrow.” She reminds me. “And to answer your question,” I stop reading and look up at her, “I would absolutely do this for Brody. A thousand times. It’s like a phoenix—it has to burn before it rises again.” Ellie shrugs, “It’s saving his life.”
♡ ♡ ♡
My body trembles. And not because of the cold radiating from the ice, but from the graveyard of secrets we’ve exhumed. Each time I close my eyes, those pictures of Abram and Jason haunt the darks of my lids. Skeletons that have been hidden so deep inside the closet are unearthed, deader and uglier than before.
“Stop it.” Ellie says firmly beside me. “We’re going to be fine.” Even her voice begins to shake and she casts a careful glance around the rink. Nearly every face was illuminated by the lights of their phone, leaning over to show the person beside them—or whisper something.
“It’s safe to say it’s out?” Ellie and I both snap our heads to the left as Gigi walks carefully down the stairs, “There are news stations outside but school officials aren’t letting them in. Fox25 is already covering it.” She sighs, “I knew it was going to be big, Malachi being who he is and all, but this.” Even Gigi’s confidence begins to waver and she stares at the ice with dead eyes. “I suppose all we can hope for is neither of them seeing it before the game.”
My knees buckle and I drop into my seat, head falling into my hands. My phone begins vibrating—I’m almost afraid to look, terrified to find his name staring back at me.
When I finally do, my heart leaps into my throat and I struggle to swallow.
Mom: What did you do?
Mom: You arrogant, selfish little girl, do you have any idea how this will reflect on me?
Mom: Good luck paying for school next year with no money.
Mom: Stop ignoring me.
Mom: Call me back now, Elise.
— missed calls from Mom: 24.
I shut my phone off just as the buzzer announces the start of the game. I look for Abram’s number and feel a little bit better when I see him smile through his mouth guard.
“Ellie, we need to take it back.”
“There’s no going back now,” Gigi interrupts her—Ellie doesn’t even look annoyed by this, “We did what we did. We knew that shaking the bottle would make it explode.” She sighs, “Don’t worry. It’ll work itself out.”
She pulls her attention from the ice to type madly at her phone. Thumbs moving so fast over the keyboard my eyes can’t keep up.
I settle further into my seat as the first period starts. Abram knows all of Brody’s weak spots and uses Jason’s help to aim for them. They played well together, I knew this much, but tonight they were playing like they were one brain split into two bodies. Without signal or shouting, they were an extension of other sticks. On the bench, a few Middlebury players nod toward the opposite end of the boards and I notice a row of expensive suits, one tries to be inconspicuous with his notepad held low while leaning over to whisper something to the others—suits that expensive only meant one thing: Scouts.
By the end of the second period, Middlebury is up by three, but Boston slowly started to catch up. The start of the third period is when everything changed.
Middlebury sucks chants echo through the stadium as the boys blow their lead and start making the penalty box their home. A fight breaks out; helmets and pads are thrown carelessly onto the ice. Fists collide barbarically with bone, faint curses fall from their mouths and I look away as two different refs try to pry the boys off of each other—moments later I look back and watch in horror as Abram is ejected from the game.
♡ ♡ ♡
ONE HIP CHECK FROM PRISON: The secret life of Malachi Rose, prominent New York publisher or cruel, horror story villain? — see pictures below.
“You have to talk to me.” I’m running past Abram, my heels have fallen off somewhere in the parking lot and the gravel scrapes the bottom of my feet. Rain pours down and my skirt and tank top become a second skin. I pulled off his jersey and left it waiting inside Ellie’s car, not wanting it to be the second part of him I’ve ruined that night.
“Abram, please,” I beg. Jason waits by the door of the hotel. He moves by me with ease and Abram was now my only shot at an apology. I take a quick glance behind me at Ellie, whose tear stained cheeks are red and puffy, her hands hold the steering wheel in a vice grip and I’m half afraid she’s going to drive herself into the river.
I reach forward and grab his arm, planting my feet firmly into the pavement I tug him back and hold him in place, “I’m sorry—it was supposed to help you. Not…not—,”
“Cost me everything?” He asks angrily.
“It won’t cost you everything! The scouts are going to Middlebury in two weeks—you’ll be fine, they’re not going to let one game get in the way of your career.” I say, words stumbling over each other trying to get out before he tugs his arm away. “Look, look, stop trying to run from me!” He tugs his arm roughly away from me, “We thought it would help you—both of you,” I shout the last part, looking over at Jason who turns away, arms crossed.
“I love you, okay?” I tell him, between sobs that shake my body, “I love you, Abram. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you ever. Gigi, Ellie and I, we thought if everyone knew, he wouldn’t be able to hurt you two anymore. We thought we were helping.” I leap forward, reaching up and holding his face between my hands, “Tell me you still love me—please, tell me that.”
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