#sorry if the options aren't the best!
aspecpolls · 4 months
The poll asking if Aros and Aces celebrate Valentine's Day gave me the idea for this related poll! By "celebrate" I mostly just mean do you get excited about all the cheaper candy you'll be able to find, you don't have to actually do anything special for it.
(also just so it's clear- "aspec" does not mean only the asexual spectrum, that would be acespec. this poll is for everyone on the aspec to answer)
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rotshop · 1 year
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lesbians on their way to make fun of you and say you're unfresh as fuck
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inutaffy · 1 year
idk. when someone says "this character is the best ..." im like hm but it's. up to you i thought. did we forget ab opinions
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undreaming-fanfiction · 3 months
I love a good florist Steve, but what I love even more is a good but naturally bitchy florist Steve.
He'd have his own flower shop and years of dating experience behind his belt. He is not just a good boyfriend, he is THE good boyfriend. Going to his shop isn't just to buy a bouquet of flowers, oh no. It's a whole relationship coaching thing, he teaches husbands to do better, gives courage to teenagers asking their crushes out, gives advice regarding flower language to elderly ladies who just want to be slightly passive-aggressive...you know, the normal thing.
He has a catalogue with flower pictures to help people who have no idea what the flowers are called, they just know they were orange and didn't easily wilt.
He shows a local teenager the cheaper but still fancy options and throws in a bunch of free flowers that aren't really up to his standards. "Okay, you say she likes pink flowers. Does she like things to be a bit more decorated or does she prefer simplicity? You don't know? Okay, can you describe what she normally wears? No, I'm not being creepy, but you can sometimes tell the person's preferences from their clothes. Now answer or leave dateless."
He chats with the elderly ladies of Hawkins when they ask for a flower to gift to their fellow church ladies when they host their meetings. He cackles when he hears some of their orders. "Oh wow, Ethel, a yellow hyacinth? Would you like a gift card with that, something like sorry you're such a jealous hag? No? Of course I know the meaning, it's my job."
"Are you expeting her to say yes to the date with that atrocity on your face? Yes, I know it's a moustache. But it's also an atrocity. Shave it and thank me later. Now, would you like a ribbon for that bouquet?"
And most of all, he grills the unlucky conservative men in Hawkins who come to him for flowers for their wives without any idea what they like. "I see, so you want something pretty. What does your wife like? Flowers? Well, that's not specific. What kind of dresses does she wear? Expensive? Can you tell me anything about your wife's personality? ...nagging. No, I can't just mix something together, unlike you, I take pride in gift giving. Okay. I don't think this is a shop for you. Yes, that's what I'm saying, I won't play a part in your wife's disappointment. Oh sure, go take your money elsewhere, but I can give you this advice for free - you married a unique human being, so treat her like one. And if you really want a happy marriage - maybe come back when you learn something about her as a person. No need for that language, have a good day, sir."
For those that are more receptive, he goes through their partners' personalities and hobbies, suggesting date options and absolutely roasting the bad ones. "A football match. When your girlfriend hates sports. I don't care if it's your boys playing, you can try telling her that this is important to you and you'll take her out another time, but if you try to pass this as a date, you'll be single before you say "sorry". A date is for you as a pair, not for you only."
But the best thing his shop brings him is Eddie Munson, who sneaks in, absolutely ready to be roasted, and asks for a bouquet of bright colorful flowers for his best friend Chrissy. "She just got divorced from her asshole husband and I want to show her that she can have nice things. Platonically. But she deserves so much more. Uh...she really loves warm colors, so maybe yellows and oranges? What are they called...gerberas! She likes gerberas! And she likes things to be a bit messy and imperfect, so maybe some leaves there as well? A green ribbon would be nice."
And Steve just beams at him as he gets to work and says "Oh wow. Whoever your partner is, they are so lucky if you remember all of these things even for your friends. Makes a guy jealous."
Eddie just wiggles his eyebrows at Steve and mutters, "that position's sadly open. Has been for a while. Interested?" and he almost faints against the counter when Steve turns around.
Eddie is ready to run.
But Steve just fluffs his hair, reapplies his lipgloss and asks: "Where do I apply?"
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
Types of AO3 Summary
Option 1 - The Excerpt:
The quickest, the easiest! Find a section of your fic that contains the main premise of said fic and also showcases your writing. Copy paste that into the summary box. BOOM! Done.
Best used for any fic, unless it's so short the excerpt would be the whole fic.
Option 2 - The No Frills:
Just a description of the fic. No need for drama. No need to complicate matters. Keep it simple, keep it safe.
Example: "A short character exploration of Blorbo's thoughts after Daisy leaves."
Best used for short fics, poems and fics where the style/format is more important than the plot. Or fics that tie directly into a scene/episode from canon or another fanfic.
Option 3 - The Hook:
Draw the reader's interest by giving them a set up with no conclusion. Introduce the main character(s), introduce the status quo, describe an inciting incident, leave a question in the reader's mind.
Example: "Blorbo is a barista at a coffee shop, struggling to pay their bills, but after handsome rockstar Obrolb walks into their coffee shop they find that they have to decide whether a chance at love is worth the cost of fame."
Best used for mid to long fic where there's a strong premise and follow through. Especially good for AUs. Can be expanded for more complex plots or used multiple times in one summary for multiple characters or subplots.
Option 4 - The Sitcom One-Liner:
"The one in which [over simplified description of one of the main plotlines]" This is essentially 'boil your plot down to the very simplest statement you can, oversimplify if possible. The more bizarre or unhelpful the better.
Example: "The one in which Blorbo learns to like cake".
Best used for fics with at least a little humour in them.
Option 5 - The Rule of Three:
Three is a magic number. Find three key moments in your fic and just list them. That's it. Often ends with 'not necessarily in that order' if used for comic effect. If it's an AU, establish that quickly (i.e. 'Star NHL player Blorbo…').
Example: "Blorbo makes a friend, falls in love, and almost burns to death, not necessarily in that order."
Best used for anything, really. Three is a magic number. The human brain loves things that come in threes.
Option 6 - The Trope Lure:
Why bother describing the plot? We all know AO3 readers are here for the tropes. Similar to The Sitcom One-Liner just using tropes instead of plot. Often followed by the phrase 'that nobody asked for'.
Example: "The Space western / A/B/O / Mail Order Bride fic that nobody asked for."
Often tacked on to the end of The Hook or The Excerpt as a tl;dr.
Best used for fic that plays its tropes straight with no shame or second guessing.
Option 7 - The Pre-emptive Strike:
(Not recommended) You just wrote this fic, the self doubt is consuming you. You feel the need to apologise profusely for your existence for no apparently reason. You feel cringe, you think the fic is cringe, you want everyone to know that you think the fic is cringe in case they don't like it and judge you for it.
Example: "So I fell in love with this pairing and had to write this. It's weird and terrible. Lol! I suck at summaries! Sorry!"
Best used for no fics ever. I cannot stress this enough.
(Seriously, I am begging you, don't do this. If you're planning to use this option, rethink it and do one of the others. I guarantee you more people will want to read your fic.)
Sometimes added on to any other summary as a strange disclaimer. (srsly. don't.)
Option 8 - The Unapology:
Embrace the mayhem, embrace the deep dark depths of your soul. The opposite of The Pre-emptive Strike. A combination of The No Frills and The Trope Lure that truly gives no fucks.
You have committed crimes and you are proud of them. You know what your USP is and you're going to make sure your target market finds you. Look upon my works, ye readers, and despair!
Example: "There aren't enough tentacle fics in this pairing, so I had to write one myself!"
Best used for fics with controversial/polarising tropes with all relevant details already clearly stated in the tags.
Option 9 - The Interrogation:
What if you wrote a summary entirely in questions? What if your readers had to read the fic to discover the answers? Who knows what will happen if you do this?
Example: "What happens when Blorbo McBlorbo gets his wish and Daisy doesn't make it to the plane on time? What happens when Obrolb finds out? How will this change Daisy and Blorbo's friendship?"
Best used for... I honestly don't know. This style of summary does not vibe with me. Mystery fic maybe? Sorry guys.
Option 10 - The Multipack:
Got a bunch of shorter fics in one work? No way of summarising them all without a wall of text larger than the Great Wall of China? This one is similar to The No Frills in that you're not describing the plots themselves and similar to The Trope Lure in that often broader genres and tropes are mentioned. What links those fics? Are they all in the same fandom? The same pairing? The same challenge? Just slap that right in the summary. A chapter list with 1-2 word trope/pairing summaries can be included or not.
Example: "A collection of Blorbo/Daisy/Obrolb fics based on Tumblr prompts. Chapter 1: Regency AU Chapter 2: Werewolves vs vampires Chapter 3: Ghost!Daisy Chapter 4: Space pirates!"
Best used for (obviously) works that are compilations of fic.
Option ? - The Void:
I said The Excerpt was the quickest and easiest summary to do. I lied, well... I didn't exactly lie. What is quicker and easier than not having a summary at all? After all, that's what the tags are for.
Best used for... nothing? Write a summary, guys. Please?
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catboybiologist · 1 month
Do you now, or have you ever, called yourself a femboy?
Curious about something. The initial craze over the exact femboy aesthetic seemed to mostly be from 2019-2023 or so, and is much calmer now. For one, it does seem like it increased the overall, casual acceptance of cis gender nonconformity, but also helped a lot of people discover their own trans identities, whether they were transfemme, nonbinary, or transmascs finding new ways to relate to femininity. Obviously femboys aren't "dead", but they're not the same level of novelty that they were a few years ago.
This is going to be a very, very loose poll, and I know it won't cover every situation. I'm also sorry for making over generalizations! It's difficult to cover every situation. But feel free to let me know your own personal relationship with the term in reblogs and replies!
If these options are confusing, let me know! For example, I would choose "binary transfemme, stopped using the term when I realized I was trans"
Obviously if your experience doesn't cleanly fit in, I would like the best approximation! Eg, if there was a period of time where you used the term post transition, but gradually grew uncomfortable with it, you could choose the same option as me.
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coralinnii · 1 year
Hello to you! I was wondering if you were taking requests. I just had a prompt I thought you might like! Any characters you'd like, with an s/o who can and will get violent easily if someone disrespects the love of their life? Like someone calls cater fake and suddenly a chairs getting thrown at their head. I'm sorry for asking, I just thought this was funny :)
❋ Feral!MC who defends their man ❋ feat: Epel ⭑ Ace ⭑ Cater ⭑ Malleus genre: fluff, humour note: gn!reader, no pronouns used with reader, established relationships, reader is implied to be magicless, depictions of physical fighting and violence (punching, kicking, etc),
So, I usually just randomly pick a set of 4 characters but this worked out so well it was hilarious.
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All his life, Epel feels underestimated due to his fragile-looking appearance and stature. He spent his early adolescence running amok to prove himself a man but since meeting Vil, he’s learning to hold himself back. 
But that doesn’t mean his situation has changed. There will always be one or two schoolmates that continue to demean him for his looks. 
“You Pomefiore wimps are all the same. What, too afraid to get your makeup ruined?” 
Oh, there is nothing Epel wants more than to give these jerks a piece of his mind, but nothing these guys can say would compare to what Vil would do if he starts a fight here so he chose to turn his cheek on their superficial comments. 
Sadly, the offenders did not appreciate that as they started to grow red over being ignored and started raising their magic pens when… 
“Ooff!” One of the grunts fell to his knees clutching his lower half, revealing you standing behind him with a look that could scare the campus ghosts.  
“The hell is manly about picking on someone minding his own business?!” You seethed in fury as you glared at the wounded student and his friend helping him. “Epel has more manly qualities in his pinky than you do in your whole body, including that sad manhood” You sneered at the term, barely believing one could call any part of them “man”. 
You stepped closer to the two male students, one of them covering his already injured equipment. With an air of barely contained wrath, you stomped your foot extremely close in front of the fallen student, right between his legs “Leave before I make sure that you two will be walking weird for the whole school year” Your eyes glinted with not a threat, but a promise. 
With the two bullies running off, you looked to Epel. Gone was the fury in your eyes but rather concern. 
He really shouldn’t be, but darn it if he wasn’t proud of you. He wanted to praise you so much for how amazing you were. He knows now that violence is not the best option but it sure makes you look cool.
If he were his younger self, he’d have been embarrassed that someone fought his battles for him but he knew you do it out of love and never because you didn’t think he couldn’t defend himself. He’s learning new forms of power, and your willingness to fight for him was another side to strength he didn’t have growing up. 
Epel swore to continue growing up, to appreciate the strengths he found such as you, and to someday be strong enough to protect you forever.
“We can’t let Vil hear about this, but that was super cool! Ya sure spook ‘em good!” 
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Ace is a cheeky bast*rd. Sure, he knows when he should shut up but when push comes to shove, he’s not afraid to say how he really feels and doesn’t care how he can come across to others. Due to that attitude, he has made a few enemies that don't appreciate his words and like him, aren't afraid to tell him that. 
“Who are you to say that about us? Acting like you’re better than us, get off that high horse of yours!” 
Ace rolled his eyes over the student’s weak insult but did nothing. Something like this isn’t worth getting hurt over. The redhead was about to put on his fakest smile and ready to satiate the poor kid’s ego but suddenly a blurry figure breezed past him and straight at the student who started this commotion. 
And the sound of something solid hitting flesh rang through the hallways
Loud gasps and curious whispers filled in as students saw that you landed a straight punch on the other student, who’s sitting stunned on the floor.
“If you didn’t do stupid sh*t, then maybe Ace doesn't have to call you out on it!” 
Boy is smug af over you getting all feral and defending him like that. Watching someone he likes fight for him and getting angry on his behalf tickles his heart. How many guys can say his lover would beat someone up for him? Ace felt shivers down his spine seeing you all fiery and angry for his sake, yelling at the dumbfounded student how Ace doesn’t have to be nice to anyone who doesn’t deserve it. 
“And at least Ace has a brain to think before doing something stupid unlike you morons! Talk sh*t, get hit!” Seeing you angrily compliment him is strangely attractive to the Heartslabyul freshman that he rather push to the back of his mind to ponder at a later date. 
As your voice got louder as your fury burned, which Ace feared might catch the attention of a teacher or worse, his housewarden. 
Always quick on his feet both metaphorically and physically, Ace used the chaotic situation to run in between the crowd and escape his enemies before a teacher ended up showing up just as he predicted. When the coast is clear, Ace will definitely tease you on your little feral child moment.
Great job, you really stroked this kid's ego 
“You sure got scary all for lil ol’ me~ You love me that much, huh?”
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Cater knows how some people see him, what they say about him but he doesn’t care since in the end he doesn’t affect him that much. Words from a couple of rando people means little to him. 
It was an uneventful day, when he heard a couple of classmates whisper behind his back, words like “fake” and “clout-chaser” made purposely clear for anyone, including him, to hear. 
“Talk about vibe killers” The laid-back senior thought, a sting of annoyance managing to build in his heart. It doesn’t crush him but still, having someone insult you never feels good. 
He was planning to take the high road, pretend not to hear them and walk away when he heard a commotion from that direction. When Cater turned around, he nearly dropped his phone when he saw you…with your hands in a vice grip on one of the jeering student’s hair. 
“Say that again, I dare you!” You screamed as you looked ready to turn the poor boy bald. “Show off that loser behavior so everyone can see!” 
The student in your grasp was helpless and not even his friend could help him because any attempt made to you only made you tighten your grip on his locks. 
“You don't know anything about Cater, how can you call him fake?! He’s considerate and always makes sure not to make anyone uncomfortable, unlike you motherfu-“
You couldn’t finish your sentence as smoke started filling the space, which sent everyone in the vicinity in a state of chaos thinking a fire had started. Surprised, you released the fool in your grasp and in that moment you felt someone pull you away from the smoky mess. In your angry confusion, you nearly restarted your assault when you recognized the familiar light ginger locks and charming green eyes through the fading smoke. It was Cater that pulled you away from the crowd before a teacher finally showed up and cleared the smoke spell he casted.
You nearly gave Cater a heart attack. The last thing he wants is for you to get in trouble or worse, have a target on your back due to your fiery temper. Secretly, he felt a sense of guilty pleasure knowing how fired up you get for someone like him, plus that wild side of you is scarily appealing to him. 
Even if he prefers to hide things with a smile, he worries for your safety more than anything. He has a plethora of ways to get himself out of a bad situation so he hopes you could trust him a bit more.
He might not be able to stop you from getting into fights for his sake, but at least let him protect you when you do
“Hoo boy, that was a close one! You gotta trust me a little more, you know?~”
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When Malleus saw you walking back to your dorm one late night, thunderous clouds quickly formed as he noticed bruising on your face and hands, obviously from a scuffle. 
“Who is responsible for this?” Malleus spoke calmly but the dangerous strikes of lightning raining down in the far distance spoke volumes of his true emotions. 
You shrugged your shoulders, trying to downplay your injuries as you explained that you got into a fight with a couple of students earlier that day. Malleus was curious but you looked tired and decided to let you rest for that night
Malleus heard later from Lilia that you suddenly tackled a bunch of students when you overheard them speaking ill of the dragon fae, saying how he only earned his housewarden title purely because of his powers and not due to skills or competence. 
Ok, let’s make it clear. Anybody who dares to insult Malleus definitely has a death wish, with the exception of Leona. Being one of the most powerful mages of his time and having a loyal group of guards that isn’t afraid to take someone down, anyone with survival instincts would think twice before talking sh*t about the heir of Briar Village. 
But this is true everywhere, there is always that tiny group of people that dare to speak nonsense, acting as though their actions won’t have consequences. 
Hah, they thought. 
The students who witnessed the fight recalled the sheer rage exuding from you as you continued to pummel on the target of your wrath. You were finally pulled away by a teacher and was sent to Crowley's office, which explained your late return. 
“They don’t know anything! They don’t see how hard you’re trying to understand humans for the future of fae-human relations. The lessons and training you do to someday lead your kingdom, they know none of it. None at all!” 
Malleus has Silver and especially Sebek who would yell at anyone that would even dare to breathe weirdly in Malleus’ presence, so naturally hearing that a fight broke out because someone supposedly disrespected him is a common story for him. But this was the first time he heard it was you who started the fight in his honor. 
He brushed against your cheek, where your bruise was before he quickly healed it. He wondered if humans were all reckless when in love like you were. He should reprimand you, tell you that such violence is unnecessary as petty hate is nothing to him.
Although, supposed if he were in your position, he wasn’t sure if he wouldn’t do the same, perhaps even worse. Afterall, you were his precious treasure. 
This man won’t care who started the fight, he’s smiting anyone for trying to harm you in any way (A red flag but a confusing one) 
“I would prefer you avoid such conflicts in the future, my dear. Not for your sake, but for theirs if I learn of the fools who dare lay a hand on you”
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mochalate · 2 months
[intro] new notification!
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msby!atsumu x reader || w/c: 560 Atsumu discovers that the only thing worse than online dating, is dating advice online. a/n: oh look at that, another atsumu fic!! this one is less stressful for me though. its pretty short, with a cute little plot that won't cause me planning paralysis. making edits for atsumu is always so fun <3 i hope you'll read it!!
[chapter 1->]
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r/relationship_advice • 3 hours ago
I want to ask out my twin brother's girlfriend.
It's not as bad as it sounds. She's not really his girlfriend.
I'll try to explain.
We're colleagues, sort of. (Me and her— I'd rather starve to death than work for my brother.)
Last month, someone took a picture of us leaving the office. I was only walking her to her car but the person who took the picture wanted to imply that we were dating.
And that wouldn't have been an easy rumour for her to handle, so I got my brother (identical twin) to post a picture with her on his socials.
Obviously, just one picture wouldn't work to convince anyone, so they've been meeting up a couple times a week (they have similar interests, so they were friends already) to be seen together.
Now here's the issue— I never saw her like that before, and I thought it was just fucking annoying to watch people be lovey dovey, fake or not... but one of my other colleagues said it sounded like I was jealous.
And fuck, I am.
Do you think she'd be mad if I asked her out? I reacted pretty badly to the original picture. And I'm worried my brother likes her for real (those photos they're posting are kind of convincing...)
Edit: for everyone asking, no, I can't ask my brother. he'll know why, and if he really does like her I don't want to mess with it. and if he doesn't he won't let me hear the fucking end of it. i can hear the best man speech already.
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u/unicornpoodle • 2 hours ago
lol dude (I'm assuming you're a dude, unless you're a girl who unfortunately is built exactly like your brother) are you sure you like her and aren't just jealous of your brother being happy? fake or not
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u/fattytuna95 • 2 hours ago yeah i'm sure. I cut out a picture of one of my teammates and pasted it over his ugly mug and it made me even angrier. ↑ 35 ↓ •••
u/msbygirlie_13 • 2 hours ago
Oh hey!! I recognise you from the atsumu miya subreddit!! That's so cool you have a twin just like him!! And his brother got a gf recently too!!! (I think they're fr tho lol.)
Okay hmmm this is a tough one. wdym when yuo said 'reacted badly'??? and what was so bad about the rumour in the first place if it's an option for you now???? this is kinda weird ngl.
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u/fattytuna95 • 2 hours ago do you really they're the real deal??? I kind of laughed. And now that I look back at it, I think I might have looked way too eager to put it out there that we weren't dating. like I was disgusted or something. :( I wasn't, I just didn't want her to have any trouble. :( :( I'm sorry, I can't explain the situation any more for privacy reasons. ↑ 20 ↓ •••
u/guiltyassassin_ • 1 hour ago
well you don't have to talk to either of them... you said someone took the original photo. maybe they're still stalking?? ask them what they think?
lmfao you guys are either celebrities or highschoolers with this kinda drama
(also you keep calling your brother ugly, but then say you guys are identical? huh????)
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u/fattytuna95 • 55 minutes ago This is kind of an insane idea, but it does make sense. Maybe I'll do it. (and you wouldn't get it.) ↑ 2 ↓ •••
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first chapter tomorrow! please like/reblog/reply/send me an ask if you enjoyed it :) it keeps me going lol [my other fics->] divider: @/cafekitsune
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scarletwinterxx · 6 months
sunshine and midnight rain - mark lee scenario
hello! so i'm back and yes i'm still on my mark lee brain rot era😅 it's like whenever i see this guy i completely forget about the rest of male population haha anyways I hope you like this one🤍
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"Why are you so mad right now?"
"Because I asked you to do one thing and you didn't" Mark says, still avoiding your gaze.
This was not how you envisioned your morning, when you woke up Mark's side of the bed was already empty. When you went to look for him he was gone, no note, no text of his possible whereabouts. And when he got back, he was clearly and very obviously mad at you.
"I got home just fine" you say with your arms out. Mark still hasn't look at you and it's bugging you. You follow him out the living room. He's going round and round, trying to tidy the place just to avoid having a conversation with you.
"Mark, can you please look at me" you tell him, this made him stop and look over at you. A clear look of disappointment on his face, "I swear I was going to call you but the girls and I were talking and drinking. It slipped my mind, I already booked a cab home when I remembered"
"You went home, way past midnight alone and drunk. Do you know dangerous that is?"
"But I got home safe"
"And what if you didn't? What if something happened? God forbid I get upset about that, I was worried I'm sorry. Is that what you want to hear?"
You say nothing for a while, thinking of something to say back. You really are at fault here, you should be the one saying sorry right now.
"I'm sorry, I should've called" you tell him, now avoiding his eyes just as you feel the tears fill yours. Mark sighs, crossing the room until he's right in front of you. He hooks his finger under your chin, making you look at him.
"I'm mad because I care. I don't trust the world when it comes to you, I just want you to be safe always. I'm not going to stop you living your best life, but I want to know you're safe" he whispers, anger already disappearing.
He wipes the few tears that escaped, cradling your face between his hands.
"Are you still mad?" you mumble, this made Mark smile and shake his head.
"We're okay. I'm sorry for raising my voice at you"
"And I'm sorry for making you worry"
He kisses your forehead before pulling you in for a hug, "I don't like arguing with you, but I'd do it in every universe as long as we make up and end up like this. I love you, always. Okay?"
You hug him tighter, answering him without saying any words.
Just like that you're okay again.
Bless this universe for giving you such an understanding, loving, mature man to love. You'd be stupid to ever let him go which is why no matter what argument, the two of you always make sure to solve it together.
Mark never lets you go to sleep upset, he'll ask you what's wrong or if he's done anything to upset you. At first it was hard for you to admit your feelings that easily, you learned that you don't like being vulnerable, you don't like sharing your true feelings. You bottle it up. But ever since you started dating Mark, all of that changed.
He's there to listen, even when words aren't being spoken. He knows when to give you space, he knows when to chase after you and hold you tight. He knows you in a way you didn't want to know yourself, you used to be scared of these feeling but not anymore.
It's obvious who's the serious one and the jokester in you and Mark's relationship. The best thing about it is the fact that your boyfriend, no matter how serious he is, will always play along.
"Mark, you busy?" you ask, walking inside the office to see him on his computer
He looks over at you with a smile, "No, what's up?"
"I was wondering..." you say while walking towards him, he waits for you to continue. You got to where he was sitting, smiling cheekily at your boyfriend
He knows you're up to something, he grabs you by the waist sitting you squarely on his lap.
"Do you know how to whistle?"
"Do I know how to whistle?" he asks back,
"Yea like you know, like this" you pout, but before you can whistle Mark closes the gap between the two of you. Kissing you gently, he grabs the back of your head to deepen the kiss. Suddenly you forgot what you were doing in the first place.
After a few minutes of exchanging kisses, you broke apart. Looking dazed and in love, "Hey! I was suppose to do that! Did you know I was going to do that?" you asked
"Maybe" he mumbles, looking at you with pure adoration
"I'll pretend I didn't know" he adds, making you roll your eyes.
"You just want to make out"
"You're not wrong there, now come here I need your kisses"
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The first time it happened, Mark thought it really was just coincidence.
You just started to decorate around the house, the tree was halfway done and a few other decorations scattered here and there. He was just walking to the kitchen doorway when suddenly you stop him
"What?" your boyfriend blinks back at you confused, instead of answering him you just point up making Mark look at where you're pointing. There hanging by the doorway was a mistletoe.
"When did you put that there?" he asks with a smile, finding the tradition cute. Even cuter when you're looking at him with the biggest smile, ready to receive your kiss
"I just put it up today, now where's my kiss" you say, pursing your lips at him making Mark chuckle. He grabs you by the waist, leaning down to kiss you. It was short but sweet, enough to leave you smiling like an idiot.
A few months ago, the two of you finally decided to move in together. It's been years since you got together, and most times you spend your nights together whether his place or yours. At some point you realized that it would make more sense to just move in together, so you did.
"Love, did you do laundry last time?" you asked him, walking inside your shared bedroom to see him resting on the bed
"I did"
"Oh thanks, love the fabric softener you used. Now all my clothes smells like you" you smile at him, jumping on the bed to cuddle him. Immediately he hugs you close.
"Then will you stop stealing of my clothes now?" he asks
"Negative, I like your hoodies better"
He chuckles at your answer, "Knew it"
"What were you doing?"
"Just checking my phone, I wanted to order this pan for making omelet. Should we get one?"
You love how his sentence now say "we" or "our" instead of his and yours. Of course you still respect each other's boundaries and individuality, but on things like deciding what to paint your home or what furniture to buy or groceries to stock up on it's always the two of you.
"Should we? If we're using it then why not, I love eggs for breakfast" you tell him, looking at his phone screen to check
"I know, that's why I'm getting it. Okay, I'll order it now then" you watch him as he do so.
"This is fun" you mumble
"This, buying things for our place. I like it" you smile
"Me too"
"Do you want to marry me?"
Your question took him by surprise. Not because he didn't want to marry you, it's just when he thinks of that big question he's the one doing the asking and not the other way around.
"Mark? Sorry forget I said anything" you mumble, moving to rest your head on the pillow instead
"Remember when we first started dating or way before that?" he asks you
"I was shy, I wasn't as confident as the other guys. People think I'm aloof and too serious. You never thought of me that way, you entered in my life like you were meant to be there all along and maybe you are. Scratch that, I know you are. You're meant to be in my life. When I knew I was falling in love with you I didn't know how to say it without scaring you away, so I did it slowly. I did it in a way that won't overwhelm you. Because to you it doesn't have to be a loud confession or a grand gesture. i loved you they way i knew you would understand. i loved you the way i know how. i just loved you. I know you, your mind is a wonder. You doubt, you question and you worry your pretty mind to no ends. I didn’t want to disrupt that"
By now you're face to face again, he's speaking so softly like he's afraid you'll float away of he's too loud.
"You said I was your peace, and back then that was more than enough for me. By some miracle, you fell in love with me too. And now we're here. So to answer your question, yes I want to marry you. One day I want to get down on one knee and ask you that question, I'm still working on being the man worthy to ask that" he continues, and you soak each and every word he speaks like he's already saying his vows.
Because you know, you know he is a man of words. If Mark says it, then it's true. He will never say such things to deceive you.
"Do you have any more questions for me, pretty girl?" he whispers, waiting for you to speak
You shake your head, scooting until you're on his side again. Tucking yourself as close to him as you can.
He tilts your head so you're looking at him, leaning down to kiss you on your nose, your cheeks and last your lips.
"I'll love you over and over again, just like when we met"
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ashwhowrites · 9 months
Hello! you can do one with older!eddie where he doesn't know how to use his cell phone much, so he and reader are having sex and he is filming it (with her consent, obviously) and then he will send her the video so she can too has, he ends up sending it to someone else. 🫣
This is actually hilarious. Just a small smutty and fun blurb
Sex Tape
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"Pretty girl, look at you taking me so well." Eddie moaned, pointing his phone camera at her cunt. He loved seeing her cunt take him in and clenching around him.
"Daddy, cock is so big. Filling me up." Y/N moaned, Eddie's flashlight shining, giving her the perfect lighting to see Eddie's cock pushing in and out of her.
When Eddie asked to record them having sex, she wasn't against it. She thought it would be hot. Their sex tape was at the touch of her fingertips to watch whenever she wanted.
He moved the camera up, focusing on her tits as they bounced, his free hand moved up to twist her nipples. Her loud moan travels straight through the microphone.
"Such a slut. Letting Daddy record you as you get fucked. Nasty girl, probably would love for everyone to see it, huh? Show everyone just how pathetic you get for me." She felt herself getting close to his words.
Her hands reach to touch his hairy chest and toned stomach. Her nails scratched down his happy trail, moaning as her wetness soaked his pubic hair.
"Look at how fucking soaked you are." He teased, moving the camera down to her cunt. Bringing the camera as close as he could, the wetness loud as he fucked her harder. Her wetness shined from his flashlight, showing how soaked his red cock was.
"Daddy, please make me cum. Please." She begged, grabbing his hand from her chest to move it down to her clit.
"Good girl." He praised, rubbing her clit as he focused the camera. He wanted to record the second she came all over him.
"DADDY!" She screamed, her thighs shaking as she came all over him. Eddie fucked her through it, praising her as he leaned down to kiss her. The camera was a lost thought as he came inside of her. He growled into her mouth, both his hands gripping her hips as he fucked himself empty into her.
After they took a second to catch up on their breathing, Eddie cleaned her up. Small pecks to her face as he settled next to her. He reached over to grab the phone, ending the recording.
"Let me do it, baby. You still aren't the best with technology." Y/N explained she loved dating an older man, but his knowledge of technology was low.
"I can do it!" Eddie argued, scrunching his eyebrows as he looked at all the options when he clicked share.
He groaned as the phone took forever to load, "patience baby, takes a while to send that long of a video." Y/N told him.
"Then what's the point of paying so much for a fucking phone that can't load?" Eddie argued, Y/N laughed and rolled her eyes.
"We've had this argument when you bought it." She teased.
"Well sorry! I mean what was wrong with flip phones? Now I have all this touch screen shit and accidentally hit the wrong shit all the time." Eddie said, pounding at his phone.
"Leave it alone! The more you click the more it'll freeze!"
Eddie ignored her and continued to smack the screen, the little sound of a swoop.
"It sent! Don't touch it." Y/N said, reaching for her phone. But she was confused when she didn't have any modifications.
She grabbed his phone from his hand, ignoring his huff.
"EDWARD! YOU SENT IT TO CARL!" She screamed, sitting up as she frankly typed on the screen.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93
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serialunaliver · 23 days
sorry for bringing up the man vs bear thing AGAIN but I just saw a video on instagram of this lady making a video diary of her horrible hiking trip where she was violently nauseous and nearly passed out and all the comments that weren't dismissing her and saying she's soft and overreacting were saying shit like "well aren't you glad you chose the bear now huh? yeah bear is looking like the best option now isn't it??" UNPROMPTED!!!! yeah no their feelings totally weren't hurt and they are definitely acting rational in the comments of random women's Instagram posts and they definitely will drop it at some point and talk about literally anything else.
that poor bear is stuck living rent free in these peoples heads
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lovelybrooke · 2 months
Hey, can you do romantic yandere sally face headcanons especially when they realize they're in love with the reader?
Yandere Sally Face Concept
There aren't any good Sally Face gifs so no gif for this one. This is going to be based on this act I got a while ago, you don't have to read it to understand it but just in case.
I've been watching Invincible so that's what's been taking up all my time, sorry.
Tw: for general talks of death and hints to murder (including child murder). Please don't read if that makes you uncomfortable.
Life was always hard for you. From a young age you started to see things. Shapes of things that weren't there, people that would disappear a second after you saw them. When you were little you thought you were special, that this--thing--made you different. But as you got older, you started to regret that feeling. 
You were ten years old when you realized that the people you were seeing were dead people. A little girl appeared in your room, her hair nappy and long. Her skin was pale white, covered in bruises, and there was a large red mark on her head. You were scared, terrified even, but the only thing that kept you from calling out for your parents were her cries. She cries for her mom, for her dad, and for help. They were so loud, so overwhelming, that eventually you couldn't take it. You cried and cried until your voice went raw, your parent's couldn't even console you. 
The next few years were filled with doctor visit after doctor visit, all which didn't help. You kept seeing the same things, hearing the desperate cries of people from beyond. Your parent's tried to help, but there was only so much they could do. Eventually, you got used to it, you even made some friends out of these ghosts, the ones that weren't as mean. Your parents, however, remained concerned. They were scared of what was happening to their child, of the things they were seeing. They didn't know what to do, so they thought a fresh start would be the best option. 
Nockfell was a small town, and you were just about to start a new year of school. Maybe you would make some new friends, maybe you'd forget about all these silly little things you were seeing. Moving was relatively easy, it was a distraction to everything, something else to focus on. Your parents encouraged you to make friends when you first moved to Addison, but it was hard. You were always shy, couldn't relate to other kids for...obvious reasons. Your parent's never pressured you but it worried them. 
All good things come to an end, however, and eventually, you started seeing them again. It didn't help that you moved in during a murder investigation, it felt as though everywhere you turned spirits were popping up left and right. It got to the point where they were your only friends, meeting a little girl named Megan who reminded you of the one you met all those years ago. That's how you met Sally. 
It was awkward at first, it's hard meeting someone while talking to a ghost in a bathroom, but eventually you two bonded. You both knew what it was like, to feel ostracized. You never asked about his prosthetic, you just...accepted him for who he was, he liked that. One day, Sally introduced you to Larry, his other friend. Larry was more open than Sal, in nearly every way. But you understood why they got along so well. It wasn't just the music or the hobbies, they both understood each other in a deep way, in a unique way. 
Explaining to the both of them that you saw dead people was definitely...not fun. It was when Larry took you to his treehouse for the first time. Sal came with, and at first, it was fun. It was the first time you laughed in--years. But then, it was like a chill ran up your spine and suddenly you couldn't breathe. The treehouse felt small as you struggled to catch your breath. For a second, it felt like there was someone else with you three, and it terrified you. You spend the next hour explaining everything to them, and honestly, if they were anyone else, you probably would be out two friends. 
You spend the few weeks before school helping them with their goal to figure out what happened to Mrs. Sanderson. It was weird, spending your days searching for a murder, just to go home and pretend like nothing weird was happening. Your parent's thought you were getting better, which you were. Sal and Larry eventually introduced you to their other fiends, Todd and Ashley. Todd was more quiet than the others, and you related a lot to him on that part, while Ashley and you tended to draw together. For the first time in your life, you had actual friends and a community. 
Growing up with them, your dynamics changed slowly. High school was difficult, it always was, but it was nice having people there to keep you safe. Larry never let anyone make fun of you, and Sal was always there to comfort you. Ashley was always the one you went to when times got tough mentally. She'd sit and talk to you for hours, and she'd listen. You and Todd would study a lot together, and he'd rant to you about whatever new thing he's making. 
But things got weird, around the time Sal showed you his face for the first time. It was a random night when you were hanging out in your room when he told you he wanted to show you his face. He was obviously really nervous, stuttering and talking quietly. You accepted and told him to do whatever he was comfortable with, and a few moments later, he took off his mask. It definitely was awkward, but you thanked him for feeling comfortable enough around you to share this with you, you couldn't even finish before he hugged you. You should've known something about your relationship would change after that. 
You think Sal told Larry what happened that night, because you talked about it the next day at school. He thanked you for being so kind to him, that Sal was building up the courage for weeks to share that with you. After that, you were almost always with the two, and if you were alone, Sal never had his Mask on. He told you he felt comfortable around you and Larry. You slept over at both of their apartments all the time, spending all night listening to music, catching the two staring at you for a little two long. 
As you got older, you and your friends only got closer. You moved in with Todd and Sal after graduation, and while you were sad to see Ash go, it was nice knowing she was following her dreams. Even while away, she talked with you all the time over the phone, and would even sometimes send letters detailing how school was going. Even though you were older, you still occasionally dealt with seeing ghosts. Someone was always there for you, but it was still always a shock when you saw them. It was better though, now that you were out of the apartments, but it still lingered. It didn't help that you could tell something changed between you, Sal, and Larry. They whispered to each other when you were around, shared looks. They were touchy even, and it confused you. Somedays you wanted to go back to how things were when you were children, but some days, you liked the change.
A/n: I didn't add stuff from the later acts (the cult stuff) since it would be too much and I don't want another Hazbin Hotel situation.
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pathetic-sapphic · 10 months
Hi! Is it ok if I request the arcane women (any you want) with a fem s/o with anxiety? How would they comfort her and support her?
If u don’t wanna write this, feel free to ignore my request. Thank you! Love your work 💓
Arcane women with a S/O who has anxiety
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VI is, at first, not the best at picking up the initial signs of your anxiousness. If she sees you fidgeting or bouncing your leg, she'll only think you're being impatient or having difficulty staying put for a while. It's not until an incident occurs where she gets badly hurt that she realizes just how much you worry about her every time she goes out. You cry as you bandage her up, shakily asking her what were you supposed to do if she never comes back one day and telling her how much it scares you. From that day onward, Vi makes an effort to let you know her schedule, and when she plans to come back home, and overall just tries to show you that she's there for you whenever you need her.
Hey hey, look at me, baby. It's okay, no need to cry. I'm fine, see? So don't be sad, I wasn't hurt that bad, just a couple of bruises, is all. Why are you so upset? Really? Oh babe, I am so sorry, I had no idea you worried this much. I promise from now on I'll be more careful and I'll always come back home to you okay? Good, now tell me what else has been bothering you, does this happen often? I'm here for you if you ever need anything, you can confide in me, baby.
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CAITLYN is extremely observant and has a very calming presence. Whenever she notices your anxiety flare up, she makes sure to take hold of your hand and, if you aren't home, asks you if you wish to leave. She'd be more than happy to set up and pay for a therapist if you wished to go to one. She is ready to do absolutely anything to help you, as long as you're comfortable. She is very insistent on talking things out with you because she wants to learn what makes you feel safe and what doesn't. Betters her communication with you so that you worry less and confide in her more.
It's okay darling, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I just hate seeing you so anxious and hurt all the time. If you wish, I could arrange a consultation appointment with a therapist? I'll go with you if that'll make it easier and maybe they'll help me understand better so that I can then help you! But there's no pressure, my love, take as much time as you need to think about it. In the meantime, you can always count on me to be there for you, you just have to talk to me, alright? Good girl, come here and let me hold you for a bit.
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JINX only wants to see you with a smile on your face and having the time of your life, so she'll do anything she can to help you. One thing she discovered that helps is when you vent out your worries about the future; the what-ifs and all the scenarios that might go wrong. She listens to you closely and reassures you why that won't happen. Girlie will make charts and hold a whole presentation just to beat your anxieties. She is a very intelligent and logical person so she presents her case well and you have no other option than to trust your sweet girlfriend.
Okay, toots, tell me what's bothering you and I'll tell you why that pretty brain of yours is wrong! I have all the credentials I need to make my case and I passed all the requirements! What were the requirements? Uhh, being your girlfriend? And I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who fills that place out so c'mon tell me what's got you so fidgety. I know you think it seems silly but I know better than anyone not to judge you for the silly things your brain is trying to make you believe. You're always there for me trinket, let me do the same for you.
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SEVIKA understands these feelings as she is someone who carries a lot of responsibilities and burdens on her shoulders. But because of her reputation and the threatening image she needs to maintain, she learned early how to bottle these emotions up and deal with them with the help of unhealthy habits (such as smoking and drinking). She doesn't want the same thing to happen to you. In her eyes, you still hold onto the innocence and good in your heart so she will help you as much as she can. She learns how to comfort you through words and uses her fondness for physical touch to reassure you that she's always by your side. Despite the rough and tough image she shows to everyone, Sevika has a huge soft spot for you and will treat you with nothing short of respect and kindness.
Okay babygirl, tell me what's wrong? Nuh-uh, don't even try pretending that nothing is wrong, I can feel your nervousness from all the way over here. Come, sit next to me, you don't have to tell me what's going on if you don't want to but let me just hold you for a bit. Just to calm you down a little. There, doesn't that feel better? You're safe here with me, I'll never let anything hurt you. I love you so much babygirl, never forget that.
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MEL is another person who experiences her fair share of doubts and anxieties but cannot show them due to her position. That's why she swears she'll make sure your experience is different. She is aware that you may not feel comfortable completely entrusting yourself to her so she, like Caitlyn, will offer to arrange a therapy appointment for you. Because of her work, Mel is often absent and cannot spend nearly as much time by your side as she wishes. Instead, she always tries to communicate with you through letters and little gifts. You are also permitted to visit her office whenever you wish. There's a special corner of her office designed just for you and your comfort so that you can keep her company when both of you are busy but crave each other's presence.
Ah hello, my love. It's wonderful to see you. No, no, you could never bother me, don't you worry. Is something wrong? Ah, you just missed me, are you sure that's all? If there's something wrong, you know you can always tell me, right? Okay, good, well since you made the effort to come all the way over here, why don't you stay for a bit? Marvelous, go and sit down darling, I'll have someone bring us some coffee and I'll be right there with you. I love you too, I'm glad you came to seek me out.
a/n: i might make a post with the same prompt but with male characters, if that's okay with anon ofc :)
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thepeculiarauthor · 4 months
we got another two years prob till link click season 3 so i'm gon talk about everything i love about this series thanks
human trafficking rep. holy shit. a more realistic approach to the mental trauma involved for all parties.
the VAs slapped, regardless of what sub/dub you pick, they all slayed
suicide awareness. so many shows shy away from this when trauma/etc are very real and suicide is often faced as an option. link click takes this and goes "hell no. live. FUXKING LIVE NO MATTER WHAT" and it's 11/10. you're loved. please. stay.
the bonds. not a lot of fiction anymore just shows GENUINE relationships. it's either abusive shit or fluffy shit -- neither are 'good' or realistic. but link click comes along and has functioning adult relationships that Still have issues and problems and arguments and disagreements bUT love is still present in those relationships bc they're healthy
it's also a reminder that genuine love / relationships aren't based on what you can give, etc. (as adults i think we forget this often and we feel we have to deserve a relationship; link click says f this)
a big theme of the story is making mistakes!!!!! so many fictional stories either 1) take the 'aw i messed up again:(' approach or 'my mc can do NOTHING incorrect or wrong ever' and they suck, lol. link click is a great balance of yes, we messed up, but we move forward.
link click also is a solid example of "yeah, sometimes life is shit! you try your best! it doesn't always matter!!!" but not in a "so d/e" way but in a "even so, still try, still love, because knowing you can't control shouldn't instill fear but bravery"
death and grief handled in a realistic way tbh
the occasional laugh and smile and just the humor is pure
the tension and intrigue is the best written and portrayed i've seen and i'll die on this hill sorry
the concept of time travel is popular, but i haven't found anything to tackle the emotional / MORAL consequences like link click has. "SHOULD you change the past? IS IT OK to change the past?" we've all seen "oh no we changed the past we must fix it!!!" but I've never seen "the past, the present, and the future are heartbreaking and gut-wrenching and stunning and precious and beautiful as they are" but HUMAN NATURE remains and our desires continue to be to remove the heartbreak and pain. is that morally wrong or not?
ANYWAY this will prob be part 1 of more but please lmk what you think lol
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inhuman-obey-me · 18 days
Hey this may be unpopular..could Solomon or Barbatos likely to kill MC if all turns to shit...
Like i know one story of Solomon where it was supposed a demon disgusised himself as Solomon to be a ruthless king.
If it's unpopular, well.......we partly agree though? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Diavolo, and thus Barbatos by extension, takes responsibility for the Devildom extremely seriously. They would certainly not want to harm MC, but if they've investigated thoroughly and it's the only way to protect the realm? We have basically no doubt that both of them would put the Devildom first. So if that situation were ever to arise, sorry y'all but MC is going to fucking die. They'd hate it! They'd be extremely upset about it! They would do everything to find a solution that didn't come to that! But if it's really the only option, they simply aren't going to put MC ahead of the whole Devildom.
As for Solomon, the particular story you're referencing with a demon disguised as him is actually about Asmodeus! Solomon himself, though, has basically declared it his life's purpose to represent and defend humanity, and similar to Diavolo, the human realm is his top priority. However, in his case, that actually includes MC, since MC is a human, so Solomon would be doing his damnedest to also protect MC as best as possible. He certainly would not want to allow the Celestial Realm or the Devildom take matters into their own hands. So, whether he'd be willing to sacrifice MC for the sake of the rest of the human realm may actually be a bit of a toss-up.
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emptysekai · 1 year
guide to ad-free youtube for mobile via. youtube revanced
since youtube vance is no longer maintained and youtube is cracking down on adblockers here is how to download youtube revanced which has the best options for customising youtube features; including removing youtube shorts popups, sponsorship segments in videos, hiding unused buttons, bringing back dislikes, and more! [official revanced github]
this guide is for android only. sorry apple users idk how to help you. your device doesn't have to be rooted. even if it is, you should still be able to follow this guide. if you have youtube vanced installed, revanced shouldn't clash, so you don't have to uninstall it if you don't want to.
installation guide:
1. download all 3:
i. microg (this will let you log into your youtube account) [apk mirror] (scroll past description, download the latest one)
ii. revanced manager apk [github] (select the latest release, scroll to the bottom in assets, install the .apk file)
iii. latest youtube apk [apk mirror]
2. open revanced manager
3. select in this order: "patcher" -> "select an application" -> "storage" (note: if your phone asks you to let the app have storage access, say yes)
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[id. two screenshots of the revanced manager app. there are red markings drawn overtop, indicating areas to select mentioned in step 3. the three spots are circled by a red square, an arrow pointing towards it, and a circle with a marked number to indicate the order at the end of each arrow. id end.]
4. select the youtube apk you downloaded
5. select patches. you can tap "recommended" or "default" or turn on/off patches you want
6. once you have selected, select: "done" -> "patch"
7. wait as it intialises youtube revanced. when it's done select "install" (note: if your phone gives you a warning that the app is blocked, select: "more details" -> "install anyway")
8. if this worked, you should have youtube revanced installed, and you can log in like normal. if this didn't work, read the next part.
(under the read more are troubleshooting solutions + other alternative apps)
issue a) if the botom right now says "open"
1. select: 3 dots on the top right -> "export apk"
2. save it
3. open whatever file browsing app you use (most phones should have a default one that comes pre-installed called something like "files" or "my files". if you don't have one, you can go to the play store and search "files" and pick one. if you aren't sure, i use "files by google")
4. find the exported file and install it (it will be called something like "youtube-revanced-versionnumber.apk")
5. if this worked, you should have youtube revanced installed, and you can log in like normal. if this didn't work, you can read the next part.
issue b) can't build or install youtube revanced with no option to export
1. something may have gone wrong with the file installation at some point, so try a clean start. to do this, uninstall:
i. revanced manager
ii. youtube revanced
iii. microg
iv. (optional) disable/uninstall the default youtube app
2. follow guide from step 1 again, hopefully it works. if it's still not working, you can try other alternatives. i've listed some in the next part of this post
libretube, newpipe, songtube, vuetube, astron, puretuber
i haven't used any of these personally, but i haven't seen any problems with them. let me know if there are and i'll remove it from the list.
you can also use youtube through your web browser with adblock add-ons. i'm not sure whether youtube has affected their mobile site though. with the firefox app you can use ublock origins (for ads) + youtube high definition (for general quality fixes)
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