#sorry i made it a little sad lol but they be comforting each other with the power of love
bluesidez · 26 days
GymRat!Miguel Part 9.1 | full chapter without breaks on AO3
content warning: lots of music links, ROADTRIP!!, some hurt/comfort at the beginning, a damn near comedy if I must say so myself, Spanish parts (if wrong, please correct me), lots of fluff, Buc-ee's shenanigans (I love that store), Miguel drives a Range Rover (hot, I know. Tyler got that MUNYUN), some jealous Miguel (MY FAVORITE), a hint of jealous reader 🫨 (she has a storm coming lol), simp Miguel if I'm being honest, 18+ so MNDI, male masturbation, wet wet fantasies, both reader and Miguel are h word for each other
word count: 7.1k, damn near proofread (this is only one part of the behemoth)
I did some research on MLE, yachts, superyachts, dolphins, and water activities for this chapter. 🤠 Hopefully, it shows! The yacht size I imagined is somewhere in between a regular yacht and a superyacht/megayacht. I built a Range Rover just for GR!Miguel you guys. (thanks to my irl besties and @slushycoookie once again 🥰)
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GymRat!Miguel who comes back home after nearly a week of bliss with you. He floated all the way home from dropping you off with Tyler’s people.
He made them wait much longer than they needed to when he decided to makeout with you next to the black Suburban. 
Only a few more weeks before he could see you again. 
GymRat!Miguel who is met with his mom sitting on the couch with just the tv glowing on her. 
His steps were too heavy to sneak past her, so he just sighed and settled down on one of the plush chairs. 
“I see you’re home,” she says. Her eyes don’t move from the Golden Girls episode playing softly. 
“Sí, mamá.”
“How come you didn’t tell me where you went?”
“Gabriel told you where I was. I’m sure you asked him.” Miguel was tired already. 
“He did, pero eso no fue lo que te pregunté.” (but that’s not what I asked you)
“You’re not even looking at me.”
“And you’ve sat so far away. Like I’m going to hurt you. Miguel, I asked you to come home. You didn’t respond. You didn’t call. You didn’t even speak to me when you came back a few days ago.”
Miguel stared at her face, willing himself not to get emotional over this. 
“I acknowledge that I should have let you know where I was. I didn’t talk to you because I didn’t want to say something I would regret.”
Conchata finally turned to look at Miguel. Her first-born. The life given to her after so much turmoil. 
She could still see the little boy that would cry at the drop of a hat. She could still see the little boy that would dry up his tears if Gabriel started to cry with him, just to comfort him. The little boy with so much room in his heart. 
She can see him now, face ridden with sadness. A face that she knew too well. 
“I didn’t mean to hurt you, mijo.”
“Well, you did. Again. I’m used to it. This isn’t a new feeling. What is new, is you acting like this towards someone else close to me.”
“Let me finish, ma, please. You’ve never been a parent that cares about how I’ve felt in regards to anything. You have made decisions for me without a second thought without ever considering how I might feel. You’ve also never been the type of person who hurts someone else for no reason. I’m sorry I’m not with someone you picked, but I’m not sorry for loving her. She is everything to me. If I were to fall, there’s no doubt in my mind that she would be there to build me back up. She’d probably even break my fall if I couldn’t stop her.” 
Miguel stopped to look up, willing himself not to cry. 
“What you said to her brought something out that she hasn’t felt in a while. You broke her in a way that I promised myself I never would. I wanted to present her to my family in a positive light, to show her off. I didn’t expect you to be ecstatic about her, but I did hope that you could at least open your heart up once you met her.”
He looked off, tears escaping from his eyes. You’re in a better position now, but he won’t know if that donner will creep back up on you, making you hate yourself for something that’s not your fault. He remembered the pain in your voice, how kept it in until you were with him and away from the manor. He hated it. 
“But instead, she was met with two people who paid her no respect. Two people that brought her turmoil. I expected Kron to be horrible, look at how he talked to you, but not you. You were supposed to be better. You didn’t see how much you hurt her, I did. It’s like we prepped for nothing but a shitshow and I should have followed my gut and kept her to myself a little longer.”
Miguel sniffed, wiping at his nose in hopes that it would stop the urge to cry. 
Conchata let the silence rest. Nothing but the TV and her son’s sniffles filled the room. 
“I’m sorry, Miguel.”
Miguel turned back. Shocked that she didn’t put up much of a fight. 
“I just,” she paused. “There’s no excuse for how I treated her. She didn’t deserve it and if I could go back and change my behavior, I would. I think that I was just overwhelmed. Upset because my baby is growing up. He’s moving on and I can’t hold him in my hands anymore. I don’t tuck him in anymore. I don’t have to check under his bed for monsters. He doesn’t need me to do anything. So this shift is hurting me, mijo, and I took it out on the wrong people. For that, I’m so sorry.”
Conchata was a hard-cased woman. She stuck with her opinions, even if they were blatantly wrong. She was proud and vocal. She never let people see her crack or fall under pressure. So, seeing her like this, begging for Miguel to understand her, was a rare moment for Miguel. 
“Ma, me growing up doesn’t stop me from being your son. I’m still here. I’ll still rely on you, but I want you to have a break too. You have to let me grow. I won’t live here forever, but that doesn’t mean I won’t come back to you. I’m glad you were able to express this to me, I just wish you could have said so sooner.”
“Lo siento, mijo.”
Miguel got up to get closer to her. He wrapped her up in his arms, too easy to forgive her. “It’s ok.”
He leans back and kisses her forehead, heart mending by the smallest of stitches. “You still have to apologize to my girlfriend, though.”
“I will when I see her again.”
“And we need to go to therapy.”
“George has already told me.”
“And I want you to make me some ceviche. And tamales.”
“And tres leches.” 
She sighed, but squeezed him tighter. “Don’t curse in front of me again, and I’ll consider it.”
“Gracias, mamá.”
“De nada, mijo.”
GymRat!Miguel who goes to sleep with his body feeling a lot lighter. The weight of his relationship with his mom lifted a little off his shoulders.
GymRat!Miguel who has two grand master plans that he’s been setting out for months: eating you out and making your first time together special. 
He’s been overthinking every detail like a maniac. The peaches from the fruit bowl have been disappearing to his room for research purposes only- and a snack of course. 
He once ended up on the girl side of Tik Tok where they complain about everything guys get wrong when pleasuring them. He had been thoroughly reading the comments and taking notes here and there. He didn’t really need the tip about making noise though, he already does that just thinking about you. So many times has he had to stuff his mouth when jerking off. 
He also had a few tabs open in incognito mode. That research is only done in the deep of the night. 
Right now, he’s sitting at his desk reading some article about listening to your partner’s body and his mind can’t help but to wander off. Will you grip your thighs around him? He hopes so. He could die that way. Will you be vocal? Will you tell him if it’s too much? Will you guide his head and pull his hair? 
That last question has him gripping his sweats in anticipation. No doubt when you scratched at his back in the hotel room, he was reeling from the sensation. It was like a reward for him whenever you feel so good, you’re too unaware of what you’re doing to him physically. Too lost in bliss to register the marks and pain you’re leaving on him. You just want him to give you more. 
Miguel drops his pen and pushes the heel of his palm on his growing bulge. 
“Fuck.” Every time about an hour or so into researching, his head is full of you. He imagines what it’ll be like to finally taste you, to be inside you. 
He remembered how wet you got with just a little rubbing. Your body was so responsive to his movements and he couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen if you guys upped the foreplay. 
Miguel leaned back in his chair, arm over his head. He dropped his hand in his sweats hand gripping at the base of his erection, exhaling deep as he gave it a few pumps. 
Your hands on his chest. Your arms around his neck. Your nails scraping his back. Your thighs wrapping around his waist. Your breath on his lips. 
You opening up for him. You dripping down his fingers, down his legs, down his face. You screaming out his name loud enough for the entire neighborhood to file a complaint. You in whatever position he puts you in. He could hold you up. Maybe have your legs in the air or stretched out on the bed. He could have you grabbing for the sheets, the headboard, him. His head in your chest, in your pussy, in your ass. 
Pre-cum spilled onto his stomach, rolling down his shaft. Would you let him go that far?
He doesn’t know what’s worse, the cold showers and teeth-marked arms at the beginning of the relationship or his constant daydreams of your body connecting with his that kept occurring regularly. 
Maybe you felt the same way too. That was a new thought. 
Do you wonder about your first time together? Were you just as excited as him? Do you get wet at the thought of him inside of you? Do you have to stop everything and find pleasure like he does? Were your fingers enough or did you need more?
Miguel continued to move his hand up and down, squeezing occasionally to mimic what you might feel like. 
He’s groaning into his elbow, hips lifting from his desk chair. 
He could almost hear your voice in his ear. Begging, praising, crying out, stuttering. 
GymRat!Miguel who cums as Gabriel slams through the door. In a matter of 15 seconds, Miguel covers his drenched chest, shoves his sensitive dick back down, and grabs napkins to try to wipe away at his hand. 
Nevermind his shirt is now ruined. 
“What the fuck are you looking at and why is this picture showing a seductive pomegranate?”
“Why the fuck are you opening my door without knocking?”
“I did knock! I did our special knock plus a freestyle! I thought you were dead, Miguelito.”
Miguel’s heart felt a little tug despite its rapid tempo, “’M not dead, Gabri. Just busy. I didn’t hear you.”
Gabriel snickered when he got closer to look at his laptop. “I can see why. These tabs are a dead giveaway.” 
Gabriel reached over to stare at Miguel’s notebook. 
“These are some good tips! You shouldn’t expect her to taste like sweets, though.”
Nothing in his notes indicated that, but Miguel wanted to be offended for you anyway. 
Miguel gave Gabriel a hard side eye, mouth set deeply down. 
“I really wish you would get out of my room.”
“Oo, you should buy a rose. Dana loves that thing.”
“I don’t want to hear about whatever freaky shit you and Dana get up to, Gabriel.”
“You’ve caught me in more embarrassing situations, I’m just trying to lighten the mood! I also suggest those candy panties-”
“I’m not putting candy on- Gabriel. Can you please stop talking to me?”
“Miguel, this stuff is important!”
“¿Por qué eres así?” Miguel mumbled. “Ok, yeah. I get it. But you can chat to me about this after I’ve switched shirts.” (Why are you like this?)
“Fine, I’ll come back. Ten minutes. Then we must have a healthy chat about how to have fun safely.”
Gabriel skipped back to the door singing Candy loud enough to be heard as he went back to his own room. 
“Strawberry! Raspberry! All those good things! Violets and gumdrops that’s what you’re saying to me, me, me.”
A black hole would be nice to save himself from this situation. 
GymRat!Miguel who jumps out of his bed the day of the “Yacht Weekend.” Gabriel is dead set on calling it the “Yachty Pawty” and Miguel thinks that’s unbelievably stupid. 
GymRat!Miguel who has to go and pull Gabriel out of his bed to get him to get ready, his body stretching like a ferret. He’s never been a morning person. It’s like his brain didn’t start computing until noon. 
GymRat!Miguel who jogs around the neighborhood to kill time. The weather is a lot cooler in the morning plus it gives Gabriel time to come to reality. He waves to the son of one of his neighbors who gawks at him as he passes by. 
Were his shorts giving away too much again? He didn’t feel a draft. 
He looked down at his crotch. All good. 
GymRat!Miguel who calls you while he stops to take a water break. 
“Amor!” His voice is bright and his smile is radiant, watching as you squint at the screen.
Your cheek is squished against the pillow and you’re wrapped up in your covers. 
“Hey, Miggy. It’s so bright there.”
Your voice was scratchy, a sign of how deep in sleep you were. You were so fucking cute. 
“Are you running?”
He placed his phone on a nearby bench so he could stretch. “Yeah, I’m taking a break.”
He went into a deep lunge, stretching his body low to the ground. 
You went quiet for so long, Miguel thought the call dropped. 
“Baby? Did you go back to sleep?” Miguel asked.
“No, I’m still here. Those pants are,” you started to shuffle your phone. “Really short.”
“Really?” Miguel stood up and looked down at his pants. They did cut off high up his thighs, but they were good for running. Plus, he got hot easily, so he needed as much wind on his skin as possible. “They’re comfy.”
“Mm hm. Can you turn around for me?”
Miguel turned, confused but willing. 
“Got it. Thank you, my muscle bear!”
“What did you just do?”
“Took pictures of your ass. It looks great. I’m gonna hold it real good later.”
Miguel laughed and grabbed his phone. 
“Can I hold yours, too?” He wanted to do way more than hold it. 
You smile sleepily at the camera. “I’ll think about it.”
GymRat!Miguel who lets you stay on the phone while he runs back to the house. 
“You’re just going to hear the wind and me breathing for a few minutes.”
“And I’m fine with that! It’s like boyfriend ASMR. Peaceful.”
GymRat!Miguel who ruffles Gabriel’s hair when he gets back home. He’s staring at the wall and shoveling cereal in his mouth at the slowest pace known to man. 
“Buenos días, hermanito!” (Good morning, little brother)
GymRat!Miguel who takes a cold shower to cool off for once and not because he’s having explicit thoughts of you. 
GymRat!Miguel who chugs down a protein smoothie while he waits for Gabriel to come downstairs. 
GymRat!Miguel who answers the door to Dana. She’s got some shades on and a purse with the same texture as a croc. 
She peers over her shades. “You’re looking put together!”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Don’t play dumb. You’re trying to impress your girl! What do you have planned? A dinner on the horizon? A spa date? Oh! No! Another shopping spree?l
Yes. No, but he should arrange that. And absolutely not. He’s not Tyler. 
“No,” Miguel squints. “But how can you tell?”
“You’re easy to read, big guy. Even when you think about her your eyes turn into hearts. When have you ever thought to wear a button down for a roadtrip to the beach?”
“I’ll figure out what you’re up to. I have my ways.”
She twirls and runs up to Gabriel’s room, leaving a waft of strong perfume after her. 
With that, Miguel knew it would be at least another 45 minutes before he could get on the road. 
GymRat!Miguel who does his special knock on Gabriel’s door. 
“I’m opening it, so you fiends better have your clothes on.”
He swung the door open to the disheveled couple. Dana with her hair astray and Gabriel breathing eerily hard. 
“Seriously, guys? I need to go by the airport.”
“I was just waking him up!” Dana says with a voice that was much hoarser than it was an hour ago. 
“Well,” Miguel put a hand on his hip in a way that anyone could tell he was Conchata O’Hara’s son. “Are you awake, Gabri?”
Gabriel’s face was as red as a tomato as he shook his head no. 
Miguel pitched his voice higher to mimic his brother. “Ten minutes. And then we can have a conversation on time management and respect. Except it won’t be “safely” because I’m going to hurt you.”
GymRat!Miguel who finally backs out of the driveway in exactly ten minutes. Gabriel is rubbing his arm in the passenger seat with a pout on his face. Dana is grinning from ear to ear. 
GymRat!Miguel who hands Gabriel the aux. He might be a silly boy, but his music taste is immaculate.
GymRat!Miguel who almost has to hurt Gabriel again when he doesn’t want to get out of the passenger seat. 
“Why do I have to move?”
“Because I said so.”
“That’s not grounds for anything!”
Dana pokes her head over the console. “Gabie. Read the room. He wants to grip on to his girl while he drives with one hand. Show off.” 
GymRat!Miguel who kisses you and grabs your bags at the same time when he sees you. The cars around are loud, honking sporadically. People are walking and running to catch cabs or get to their loved ones. Workers are trying to direct the traffic. 
It all quiets down when he meets your eyes. 
“Hola, mi amor.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and bring him close. “Hello to you too, my love.”
You smile up until he presses his lips against yours. More and more pecks follow after that. 
He holds his nose to yours, completely enraptured by your presence. 
“Oh my god, let’s go!” Gabriel shouts from the car, pressing his palm against the steering wheel. 
“You’re not the one driving, pinche pendejo!”
You giggle and stand on your tippy toes to try and see over Miguel’s shoulder. You’re still too short so you lean sideways. Miguel melts. 
“Just a few more and we’ll be done Gabriel!”
“Fine. For you, I’ll let it slide.”
You stand back up straight and kiss Miguel a little more. 
GymRat!Miguel who does reach over and grip your thigh. If Gabriella and Troy weren’t in the back belting, he’d hike his hand up further. 
“Right now I can hardly breathe!” Gabriel pivots his head towards Dana dramatically, water bottle a faux mic. 
“Oh! You can do it, just know that I believe.” Dana is touching his chest dramatically. 
“Are they always like this?” You ask, laughing a little at their antics. 
Miguel groans in annoyance. “Yes.”
GymRat!Miguel who nearly sprints out the car when he parks by a pump. He’s been riding for a bit and he needs to stretch his legs. 
“Miggy, you want something from the store?” 
You’re standing next to the car, the wind blowing your hair back. Your jacket blows away a little, showing off the tight little outfit you’re sporting. You’re beautiful. 
He wants to break you down in the front seat of his car.
He swallows the thought. “I’ll come in there soon, don’t worry.”
You walk in the giant gas station and head immediately to the Icee machines. For the best possible experience, you should wait until it’s time to go before buying it. 
As you’re walking along the wall wondering what flavor you should get, you feel a tug at your arm. 
You turn to see Dana with some bottles in her hand. 
“I don’t know what he’s planning, but trust me when I say, you should take these.”
You frown as you take the cranberry juice. “Um.”
“I’ve been around those two long enough to know when one of them is up to something. I mean Gabriel hasn’t said anything off, but look at how he’s bopping around the store.”
You turn and look. 
He is indeed bouncing more than usual. He’s so tall that if he puts even more pep in his step, he might just break a hole in the ceiling. 
“Ok,” you turn back to Dana while fighting a laugh. “So they are planning something. What does that have to do with me and cranberry juice?”
“Gabie tries his best to use bro code, but I quite literally suck the information out of him sometimes. He caught Miguel looking at lots of articles about pleasuring his partner. With his mouth. That’s all I know for now.”
Your heart picks up. He was still going on about that?
“That might just be a coincidence.” 
“He’s wearing damn near beach attire with his hair styled. He held onto your thigh for an hour, even when the turns got tough. He stared at you walking into the store even until he couldn’t see you anymore.”
You bit your lip. “Those last two things are standard Miguel behavior.”
Dana huffs and spins you around. 
Across the store, you could see Miguel and Gabriel huddled over something. Miguel with his eyes focused and Gabriel animatedly explaining something. Every once in a while, Miguel would nod and roll his eyes up as if he was mentally checking on something. 
You sigh and turn back around. 
“Do they sell pineapples too?”
GymRat!Miguel who looms over you while you and Dana are looking at some cakes. You look up at him, pressing your head against his chest. 
Miguel kissed your forehead when you beamed at him. 
He looked over to Gabriel who was also crowding Dana and shouted, “¡Vamos!”
In a matter of seconds, Miguel had lifted you and brought you to the middle of the store where the workers were cooking up fresh meat. 
You squeal in shock and laugh on the way over. Miguel’s not even struggling. 
Gabriel on the other hand huffs as he places Dana down. 
“You need to work on that, babe.”
“I can lift you when I want to!” Gabriel replies, petulant. 
“For like one minute maybe. Why don’t you start working out with Miguel?”
“No thanks.” They both said in unison, almost carbon copies of each other. 
Really, if Miguel didn’t work out, or if Gabriel did for about a year, they could definitely play off as twins. Only subtle things separating them, like Gabriel’s freckles, softer face, and slightly shorter height and Miguel’s less curly hair, thicker eyebrows, and deeper voice. 
In your eyes, their bond was precious. You wondered what their baby pictures looked like. 
“You guys are so cute,” you say, reaching up to squeeze both of their cheeks. 
They both melt the same way in your hands. Miguel’s face is only a little bit hotter against your palm. 
GymRat!Miguel who presses up against you while you both check out. You stay nonchalant and talk to the cashier like normal, but you could feel Miguel’s heartbeat through your thin romper. 
Every breath he took molded on your skin, his chest rising and falling against your head. 
He kept steady hands on your hips and waist, only moving them to pay for your snacks. 
The cashier would take not-so-subtle breaks to stare up at him, face getting redder after each glance. 
You could only think “me too, girl.”
He really did look good today. His shirt was open a little lower than normal, his shorts loose but tightening around his thighs with every step he took. His hair was slicked back with a few strands falling loose and shades sat perfectly on top of his head. A chain danced around his neck, the color glowing on his pretty skin. He was tanner than usual, the sun making him glow after so many morning runs. 
To top it off he smelled really good. You wanted to lick him. 
From how slow the cashier was moving, you knew she was ready to take a lick too. 
You took moments like this in stride. Especially when Miguel was pressed so hard against you, you could feel his dick at the small of your back. 
Still, when people still tried to hit on your boyfriend or gawked at him even when you caught them, it was hard not feel frustrated about others thinking he can be taken from you. Or just ignoring you. 
More often than not, Miguel would bring you back down to earth with some action to let others know that he’s taken. 
Today, it was a kiss to your neck and a smack to your ass followed by his hand rubbing circles in the same spot. 
He grabbed the bags in one hand and your hip in the other. 
You looked back to the cashier scanning the next customer far more aggressively than before.  
GymRat!Miguel who eats half of his sandwich before starting the car back up. 
You still place the other half in front of his mouth, feeding him occasionally. 
He just smiles before and after each bite. Giddy with attention. You wipe his mouth to stop sauce from spilling from his shirt. 
Miguel almost turns the car into turbo drive. 
GymRat!Miguel who finally makes it to the beach an hour or so later. It’s late Thursday afternoon, so the sun is still shining bright. 
Gabriel is excited to finally be free from the tight back seat so he uses the opportunity to blast music from Miguel’s stereo. 
“C’mon, Dana! Dance with me,” Gabriel said, pulling her out of the back seat and bringing her to the front of the var. “Let’s have a twerk-off.”
You can’t stop the laugh that spills out of your mouth. You couldn’t imagine either of them shaking anything. 
“I can not twerk and you know it!”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t shake. Don’t be shy now!”
You and Miguel get out of the car to stretch, Miguel watching the two over the hood of the car, unphased. 
Gabriel turns to you with a glint in his eyes. “Can you twerk?”
You were ready to shake your ass on a yacht after some liquid courage, but you didn’t mind a little dancing beforehand. 
You hurried to the front before the song was over and put your hands on the hood. You bend over with an arch in your back and move your ass to the beat of the song. 
You hear Gabriel shout, “Oh shit! Go, go, go!”
Dana sprints, nearly bulldozing Gabriel to stand behind you and catch it. You laugh at the two and bend even deeper, encouraged by their cheers. 
GymRat!Miguel whose eyes nearly pop out of his head when you bend over. 
When did you learn how to do that?
He’s stunned for a second until he reaches inside the car and turns the radio off. He’s going to kill Gabriel. 
Miguel hurries to the front and picks Dana up by her armpits to move her aside. “You guys are wasting my gas and neither you or you are CashApping me shit.”
He straightens you up and pulls your risen romper back over your ass. He stands behind you like a bodyguard, arms crossed and frown deepening. 
“I don’t know what you think we’re going to be doing on this yacht, but all of my girls are throwing it back. You need to prepare yourself, Mig.” Dana scoffs, mostly offended that Miguel just removed her from a dream spot. 
“Yeah, Mig. Be mindful of why you were invited to the function,” Gabriel turned his nose up and wrapped his arm around Dana. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, m’lady.”
Gabriel bowed to you and you curtsied back with a fake dress. The two of them walked like royalty to the trunk, gathering their bags. 
GymRat!Miguel who stuttered trying to explain himself when you turned to him. 
“Is it going to be a problem for you that I’m dancing with others?”
“No!” he said way too fast. 
You gave him a look with your eyebrow raised. 
“You just,” he paused. His voice got quieter as he played with the strap of your romper. “You never danced on me before.”
He had a pout on his face, mouth turned like a duck. 
“Oh my god, Miguel. I can dance on you if you would like. You just have to ask.” He was so cute. You’ve never seen him get that jealous before. 
You kind of want to play with him some more. 
“Can you dance on me later?” he asks, not daring to meet your eyes. 
“Of course.”
You giggle as you kiss his cheek. His pout slowly disappearing from his face. 
GymRat!Miguel who is greeted by the enthusiastic captain with a shake that moves his entire arm. He’s a jolly little fellow, cheeks rosy and his mustache curled on the ends. He was also strangely stocky. He reminded Miguel of Santa Claus if he took vacations in the Bahamas when he’s not at the North Pole. 
“I take it you’re Mr. Stone’s son, yes?”
“That would be me.”
“Excellent! Excellent. Your father has told me quite a lot about you. You sure do take after his height. My name is Captain Barrett and I’ll be steering the boat for you youngins this weekend. Me and your father go way back. And between you and me, I was better lookin’!”
Miguel chuckles awkwardly, trying to move the conversation along. 
He finally looks past Miguel and sees the three of you standing there. 
“And who might you three be?”
“This is my younger brother, Gabriel. His girlfriend, Dana.” 
“And this is my girlfriend.” Miguel moves by your side and wraps his arm around your shoulders. His tone is full of warmth as he says your name. 
“It’s nice to meet you all. Will you all be in our cabins this weekend?”
“Yeah, this is four of the ten staying on board. The others won’t get here until tomorrow at noon.”
“Is Kron supposed to be joining you all too?”
Miguel stiffens, his grip on your shoulder a little firmer. 
“Not that I know of, no.”
“Perfect! He ruined my other boat and it took me ages to clean it up. Hopefully, you’re nothing like him.” Captain Barrett does a little pleading gesture with his hands. 
“Welp, follow me and I’ll show you on board!”
GymRat!Miguel who is still stunned by the amount of things money can buy when he sees the yacht. He’ll never get used to the life of luxury that Tyler introduces to him. 
“Holy shit,” Gabriel mutters as he stares up at the black and wooden beauty of the deck. Dana elbows in his side, telling him to be polite in front of the captain. 
“Welcome to Black Jack.”
There were crew members there to hand out fancy smoothies and grab everyone’s bags. 
You had seen yachts on some of your old high school classmates’ Insta stories but this was beyond. 
“I’d like to introduce you guys to the crew. They’ll be assisting me to give you youngins a good time.”
Captain Barrett ran down the line and you all greeted every person. Miguel made mental notes of their names. They’ll be getting close with all of the surprises he had planned for you. 
“And this is my son, Blake! He’ll be helping me up in the cockpit.”
Miguel stopped to shake his hand. 
He was like the textbook definition of a pretty frat boy. Tall, but not O’Hara tall, tan, and handsome. He smiled and showed a straight line of teeth, dimples peeking through. 
“Nice to meet you, Miguel. Kron’s really not coming?”
What’s with people asking about that dickhead today?
“Nope. Just us and our friends. If he does come, it’s news to me.” 
Blake went to shake your hand and it was like he started to glow under the sun. His smile went up to his eyes and he mimicked the heartthrobs in the movies Miguel’s cousins watched growing up. 
“And who’s this?”
“My name is-”
“My girlfriend,” Miguel said before you could even finish. 
You looked up at him in shock, laughing it off. “That too, but I have a name.” You respond to Blake and shake his hand. 
Miguel doesn’t like how his eyes scan your body. It was subtle, but he caught it. 
Even as you all finish up greetings, Blake is still making moves towards you. The type of flirting that probably flew over your head, but Miguel has been around enough guys like him to know exactly what it was. 
 “So is this your first time on a boat?” Blake asked you while he guided you guys to your room. 
“No, actually. But it’s definitely my first time on a yacht, especially one this huge.”
Miguel followed behind with Dana and Gabriel.
“Is this your first time on a boat?” Miguel mocked Blake quietly, mouth scrunched up. 
“‘La envidia esta flaca, porque muerde y no come,’” Gabriel replied. “You’re turning green from your neck, bro. He’s just being nice.” (Envy is thin, because it bites and does not eat.)
“No, he’s definitely flirting,” Dana quipped. “He’s not even paying the rest of us any attention.”
“Thank you, Dana. And Gabriel, don’t ever quote a Spaniard to me again.”
“How do you call that flirting? He’s not even-” Gabriel paused as Blake laughed really loud at something that you said with his hand guiding you way too close on your ass. “Ah shit.”
Miguel stomped towards you two, yanking Blake’s hand off of you and replacing it with his. 
“I think we’ve got it from here. You can show those two where they’ll be staying. Thanks,” Miguel nods his head towards Dana and Gabriel with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. 
“Right,” Blake responds to him with a blank face. “I’ll see you up on the deck.” Blake winks at you before walking further. 
“Don’t kill him, Miguel,” Dana pats his shoulder as she walks by. 
“You’ve got my permission to hurt him if he touches me one more time though,” you say, snuggling close to Miguel and patting at his chest. 
“So, I’m killing him. Got it.”
GymRat!Miguel who watches you twirl around the VIP suite. 
“Miguel! This is so beautiful! Look at the view.”
“Oh my god! There’s a walk-in closet!”
“There’s a bidet! How’d they fit that and a shower in here?”
Miguel leaned on the doorway, watching you comment on every little thing. 
You made sure to start to spray everything with Lysol, a habit from your mom when traveling. 
While you were in the bathroom, Miguel got out one of his first gifts of the night. 
It was another keychain to add to your collection. He’s been working hard to have this weekend make up for the awful dinner night. 
He placed it on the bed and started to open his bag to grab his pajamas. 
“What’s this?” you ask, coming out to spray the bed. 
“Just a little gift for you.”
“Aw, this is so cute!” Your voice gets higher as you take in the little legos. “They even look like us! When did you get these?”
“I got them made about a week ago. You like them?”
“I love them! Thank you, Miggy.”
GymRat!Miguel who wants to moan when you walk out. 
You guys are going on a double date with Gabriel and Dana at a casual-not-so-casual restaurant farther in the city. That didn’t stop you from getting all dolled up. 
You walk to him on the bed, standing in between his legs. 
“Amor,” Miguel said, rubbing his hands up and down your backside. “You look amazing.”
“Thank you. So do you,” you responded, careful to not run your hands through his hair. It was a comfort for you, but you didn’t want to ruin it. 
Instead, you bent down to kiss him in the quiet of the room. The sun was still out, but a lot dimmer than before. Little patches of sunlight caught Miguel’s eyes. The color was so deeply brown, you swore you saw speckles of red throughout. 
He moved to sit you on his lap, glancing over every detail of your body. 
“You’re making it harder for me to want to leave.”
“It’s funny that you say that. You’ve been walking around like you’re straight out of a beach movie. Chest out and legs for days.”
Miguel blushed and put his head in your chest, bending you back and holding you so you won’t fall. 
“What are you hiding for? It’s true!” you laugh as Miguel seemed to burrow his face deeper. 
“Yeah, but you don’t have to call me out.” He was just trying to impress you, per usual. 
GymRat!Miguel who gets nervous on the way to the restaurant. It was one of those immersive experiences with projections on the plates that told stories with the meals. They were pretty cute to Miguel and he figured that all three of you guys would love it. 
The only thing is, he pulled some strings with Tyler to add an extra animation in there. He’s not sure how much that cost, but he’s glad he didn’t have to see the price. 
GymRat!Miguel who side-eyes Gabriel when he just about screams as the little chef walks across the animated place. 
“He’s so tiny!” he whisper-shouts. “So precious!”
By the time the first course comes out Gabriel is fighting tears. 
“Control it, Gabri,” Miguel says, rubbing his back. 
“I’m trying. I really am.”
GymRat!Miguel whose heart blooms when you laugh at one of the scenes. The little chef is squabbling with a giant shrimp and losing the battle. 
GymRat!Miguel whose heart speeds up when the special animation starts up. 
Only the two of your plates are lit up. There’s a river of chocolate that separates the two. From Miguel’s plate, there’s a little version of him that calls to your plate. He watches as your eyes grow when a mini you climbs on top of the plate and yells back. Your character throws him a kiss, sending a pink flutter across the river. The wave of it goes straight to mini Miguel’s heart who in turn, falls backwards dramatically. 
The real you lets out a watery laugh at the scene, eyes looking at Miguel briefly in shock. 
Mini Miguel jumps back up and gets to work, digging around the plate to grab biscoff cookies from the chocolate ocean to make a boat. While he works, your character wanders around the plate cutely, tidying up the area for his arrival. 
When the boat is finished, Mini Miguel uses a giant spoon to steer the boat, singing out brightly the closer he gets to you. The mini you is jumping up and down, cheering him on just like you do in real life. 
Once he gets to the edge of your plate, you lean close to give him a kiss. He climbs from the boat onto the plate and spins you around. You giggle in his hold until he lets you down. 
From there, he starts to use the spoon to drag a chocolate message across the plate. He takes confident steps, spreading the brown syrup across the plate with ease. 
“Tú eres mi luz.” (You are my light.)
When he finishes it, you both sit at the edge of the plate, feeding each other scoops of chocolate from the giant spoon. They both look up at you to wave, the Mini Miguel cheesing extremely hard as he waves both arms. 
The animation fades away in a wave of browns and pinks, the waiters bringing out the actual plates of food. 
The floodgates open when you’re presented with the same chocolate message, a slice of chocolate biscoff cake, and little chocolate decorations of the mini you and Miguel. 
“Oh my god, the spoon is here too,” you say with emotion, picking up a chocolate coated spoon. “Miguel!”
You don't know what to do. You keep fanning your face in hopes to stop the tears from coming out and ruining the light makeup you had on. Dana hands you a pointed napkin and you thank her while holding your head back. 
Gabriel is a mess, faces wet with tears. His cheeks are round as he blows out air to control his breathing. 
“I didn’t mean to make you cry, mi amor,” Miguel’s face is ridden with worry as he reaches across the table to grab your hand. He looks to Gabriel and sighs, “You either, hermanito.” (little brother)
“I’m good. I gotta just,” Gabriel waves a hand in front of his face cutely. “Just gotta get this out. If you’ll excuse me.” 
He gets up to shuffle to the bathroom. 
“I better go help him out. He gets a little delirious when he cries like that,” Dana says, rubbing your shoulder as she leaves the table. 
Miguel wastes no time to sit in Dana’s seat, taking the napkin from your hands and wiping carefully at your tears. 
“I love you. So, so much,” you say, resting your face in his hands. “Everyday, you find new ways to surprise me. I don’t know how you do it, but I’m just…”
You pause, waving your hands in the air, unable to express how you felt. Just thinking about it has the tears spilling over again. 
“Hey, hey,” Miguel chides, catching your tears again. “If you keep crying, I’m going to cry.”
“I can’t help it, Miguel! You made a cookie boat to get to me. How can I not cry?”
Miguel reaches to kiss your cheeks in hopes to help you subside the tears, “I know, baby, I know. But to answer your first thought, when I think of you, the ideas just pour out of me. You’re my first true love, so I don’t know all the ends and outs of a relationship, but I do know what it feels like to be loved. I just want to extend that feeling to you.”
You stare in awe and the man sitting next to you, eyes glistening as you take in his words. 
“I think I need another tissue.”
Miguel laughs as he grabs one to pat at your face again. 
GymRat!Miguel who feeds you bites of the cake while you feed him scoops of ice cream when you’ve calmed down. You can’t stop smiling for the rest of the night. 
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divider by: @iwonbin 🩵
Part 9.2 here!
a/n: This is half of the chapter, but I had so much fun writing this! (mostly because I was not doing my actual work while writing half of it), especially Gabriel's silly ass. Like, it was super duper fun. Writing jealous Miguel was also great. There's so much stuff about reader that he was unaware of and I've been imagining him sitting at a table and yelling like Kendrick when it all plays back in his mind.
As always, like, comment, and reblog. Let me know how you feel! 🩵
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laneywrld · 25 days
still a champion | Lewis Hamilton
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request: hiiii i saw you said we can submit request do i was wondering if you could write something abt abu dhabi 21 where you and lewis have a daughter maybe like 2 years old and after the race lewis just is wrecked and he just wants to be comforted by his little family and everyone in the paddock is watching him and how he interacts with you and your daughter 😕 and he’s just trying not to show how upset he is and trying to be strong in front of you and your daughter but she can just tell so shes like "whats wrong daddy" and his heart just shatters 💔🥲 can you make it really sad but also really fluffy?i was watching that episode of dts the other day and it just made me wonder what it would be like if lewis had a little girl 🥹 sorry if this made no sense lol i tried my best to explain 😂
word count: 2.2k
warnings: none
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As Lewis steps out of his car after the Abu Dhabi 2021 Grand Prix, a heavy weight settles over him, dragging at his shoulders and sapping the energy from his limbs. The taste of defeat is bitter on his tongue, a stark contrast to the sweet victory he had hoped to savor.
His heart, heavy with disappointment and frustration, is a testament to the fierce battle he waged. His mind, a whirlwind of emotions, is a reflection of the relentless determination he poured into each race. He fought tooth and nail for the championship, pouring every ounce of energy and determination into each race, only to come up short at the final hurdle.
The realization that victory had slipped through his fingers at the last moment gnaws at him like a relentless beast, tormenting him with thoughts of what could have been. He replays every moment of the race in his mind, searching for answers, for any sign of where it all went wrong.
But try as he might, he can't shake the feeling of profound loss that grips him, a sense of emptiness that echoes through his soul. He had poured his heart and soul into this season, sacrificed so much in pursuit of his dreams, only to fall agonizingly short in the end. He was cheated. 
You hold onto your two-year-old daughter tightly; her excitement is palpable as she eagerly awaits her father's return from the race. Her innocent joy is, in a way, crushing, filling the air with a sense of anticipation.
As Lewis exits his car, you can see the disappointment etched on his face, a stark contrast to your daughter's radiant smile. She reaches out for him eagerly, her tiny hand outstretched, expecting to celebrate his victory with him.
You rock her on your hip as you watch the other drivers approach Lewis first. You decide to stand back and take the time to calm your daughter. "Hi, Mommy's girl," you hum at her; she looks up at you, her giant orbs mimicking her father's with that same radiant smile. 
"Gonna see daddy," she states. 
You coo, pressing your nose against hers, "Yeah, baby going to see daddy, we have to be very very calm okay no squealing like a piggy." You tease tickling her tummy, and she lets out her signature squeal. "Gotta give daddy a hug and a kiss, okay? Make him feel better. We gotta be extra extra nice to daddy."
Like all two-year-olds, she begins to ramble on and on, and you take a moment to observe your husband from across the garage. 
As you watch Lewis accept condolences for his stolen race, you notice the subtle telltale signs of his inner turmoil. His knuckles are tight against his skin as he clenches them tightly, a desperate attempt to hide the emotions bubbling just beneath the surface.
You can see the tension in his jaw, the way his shoulders slump ever so slightly under the weight of disappointment. And as he murmurs his thanks, his voice is strained, betraying the effort it takes to keep his emotions in check.
Despite his best efforts to hide his pain, you can see the raw vulnerability in his eyes, the silent plea for understanding and empathy. And as you offer him a supportive nod, a silent gesture of solidarity, you can only hope that he knows he's not alone in his struggle.
Lewis stares into you, his eyes almost pleading for a sense of comfort and your hand instinctively clutches onto your daughter tightly as if you're preparing to comfort her as well as Lewis approaches. 
His demeanor is somber and distant, and your heart sinks with a heavy weight of disappointment. You can see the turmoil in his eyes, the crushing weight of defeat bearing down on him like a suffocating blanket.
You try to shield your daughter from the harsh reality of the moment, plastering on a smile and gently guiding her toward her father. But deep down, you know that she's too young to understand the complexities of the race, too innocent to comprehend the depth of her father's distress.
As Lewis scoops her up into his arms, you can't help but feel a pang of sadness for him. Despite his best efforts to hide his disappointment, you know that he's hurting inside. And as you watch them embrace, you silently vow to be there for him in any way you can.
Lewis brings her to his chest, holding her to him like a teddy bear, his arms hold his daughter against him like she too could be stolen. Unlike other races , Lewis isn't happy and cheerful; he isn't smiling at his daughter or tossing her up into the air gleefully. 
She may be young, but your daughter was wise beyond her age. "Daddy?" Her voice is a mere whisper and you watch Lewis face as he pulls frees her head from his neck. 
"Yes, baby?" He asks, and his voice, too, is low and broken.
"What's wrong, Daddy?" 
Lewis feels his resolve crumble as she speaks, her teary eyes resulting in his own. "Why are you sad?"
As Lewis looks to you for guidance, his eyes filled with uncertainty and sadness, you step in to save the day. Joining in on the embrace, you wrap your arms around both him and your two-year-old daughter, creating a cocoon of love and support.
In a gentle tone, you explain to your daughter as simply as you can, "Sweetheart, sometimes things don't go the way we want them to. Daddy's feeling a little sad because he lost the race unfairly." You hold her close, feeling her small body pressed against yours as you try to convey the complexity of the situation in a way that she can understand.
"But you know what?" you continue, your voice soft and reassuring. 
"Daddy did his best, and that's what matters most. We're proud of him no matter what." You press a kiss to her forehead, feeling her tiny arms wrap around you in a comforting hug.
As you hold your family close, you know that while the disappointment of the race may linger, the love and support you share will always be there to carry you through even the toughest of times. 
As Lewis watches you explain the situation to your daughter with such grace and compassion, he feels his heart swell with love and appreciation. In that moment, he's overwhelmed by a profound sense of gratitude for having you by his side, supporting him through the highs and lows of life.
Seeing the tenderness and care with which you handle the situation fills him with a deep sense of warmth and reassurance. He's reminded once again of the incredible bond that the three of you share, a bond that transcends any disappointment or setback.
In your embrace, Lewis finds solace and comfort, knowing that no matter what challenges may come their way, they'll face them together as a family. And as he looks at you with admiration and affection, he's reminded of just how lucky he is to have you by his side, guiding him with your unwavering love and support.
"But you know what always makes Daddy feel better, beautiful girl?"
She perks up, her eyes igniting in a sparkle.
"What is it, mamas?" You inquire with a dramatic, inquisitive look on your face.
"A kiss?" she guesses, and you lean forward, pressing your lips to her tiny nose. 
"You're so smart baby, a kiss. They always make Daddy feel better," You turn to Lewis, a loving look on your face, "Isn't that right baby, you want some kisses?"
Lewis can't help the smile that graces his lips as you peer up at him. "Kisses would make me feel a whole lot better right now." He admits.
He lowers his head, allowing your daughter to reach his cheek and you lift onto your tip toes, pressing your own against his forehead. You speak life into him as you pull away and linger in his embrace.
As you gaze into Lewis's eyes, filled with a mixture of sadness and uncertainty, you feel an overwhelming surge of love and admiration for him. Gathering him close, you speak from the depths of your heart, "Lewis, I am so proud of you. You are a winner in every sense of the word, even if the score won't reflect that."
You hold Lewis close, your arms wrapped tightly around him, as you speak softly into his ear. "I'm so proud of you," you say, your voice filled with love and sincerity. "You're a winner, no matter what the scoreboard says. I love you more than words can express."
You gently stroke his back, feeling the tension slowly melt away under your touch. "You're so resilient," you continue, your voice steady and reassuring. "No matter the challenge, you always rise above it. I believe in you, Lewis. And I'll always be here to support you, no matter what."
In the hushed silence of the garage, all eyes are fixed on the tender moment unfolding between your family. The atmosphere is charged with a palpable sense of adoration and respect as the team members observe the heartfelt exchange.
There's a softness in their gazes as they witness the love and support shared between you, Lewis, and your daughter. It's a reminder of the human connections that transcend the fast-paced world of racing, a testament to the strength of family bonds in the face of adversity.
At that moment, the sound of engines and clattering tools fades into the background, replaced by the quiet reverence of those gathered around you. It's a scene that speaks volumes without a single word, a powerful reminder of the importance of love, resilience, and unity in the face of life's challenges.
And as the moment lingers, bathed in the soft glow of camaraderie and understanding, it's clear that your family's bond is a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who witness it.
As he stands on the podium, forced to watch his rival celebrate triumphally, a wave of raw emotion washes over him. He fights to keep the tears at bay, to maintain his composure in the face of defeat, but it's a losing battle.
The weight of disappointment hangs heavy on his shoulders as he watches the celebrations unfold around him. His heart is heavy with the knowledge that he came so close yet fell agonizingly short. As he reflects on the season that was, he knows that the pain of this loss will stay with him for a long time to come.
With a determined stride, Lewis hurries to escape the podium, his heart yearning for the comfort and solace of your embrace. As he navigates through the crowd, his only thought is of finding his place in your arms again, where he can seek refuge from the tumultuous night he's endured.
When he finally reaches you, he pulls you and your daughter close, enveloping you both in a tight embrace. The warmth of your bodies pressed together soothes his frayed nerves, easing the weight of the disappointment he carries.
With a sigh of relief, Lewis sinks into the comfort of your embrace, feeling the tension slowly melt away with each passing moment. He closes his eyes, reveling in the simple pleasure of being surrounded by the ones he loves most in the world.
In that moment, nothing else matters except the love and warmth shared between your family. And as you hold each other close, you find solace in the knowledge that together, you can weather any storm that comes your way.
"What'd you have to tell Daddy, baby?"
"You are still a cham-"
You giggle at your daughter, reaching up to pinch at her cheeks as Lewis holds her up in one arm, "champion." you whisper.
And she nods with squinted eyes, turning to face her daddy again. "You are still a champion."
Lewis coos, pressing a kiss to her cheek and squeezing you tighter into his side. 
"My victor." You hum, "Let's get back to the hotel? Have a relaxing bath and some dinner?"
Lewis nods, his heart thumping no longer from disappointment but from love. 
As Lewis basks in the warmth of your embrace, surrounded by the love of his family, he feels a profound sense of contentment wash over him. The burden of the lost title fades into the background, overshadowed by the overwhelming love he feels for you and your daughter.
He marvels at the way you effortlessly know how to be there for him, how you always seem to say all the right things to comfort and uplift him. And as he watches you pass on that same love and wisdom to your daughter, his heart swells with pride and gratitude.
In this moment, nestled together in the comfort of your bed, with your daughter snuggled between you, snores filling the room with a symphony of peaceful sounds, Lewis feels genuinely at peace. He gazes into your eyes, filled with tender love and appreciation, knowing that no matter what challenges may come their way, as long as he has you and your daughter by his side, he has everything he needs to find happiness and fulfillment.
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short and cute request!
My requests are still open. You can leave it in my asks, and I'll get to writing it as soon as I can. 🫶🏽
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flametrashiraarchive · 10 months
Hi! Me again lol. If we're limited to how much we can ask you don't have to answer. I was wondering if you could do Giyuu x Y/N who was also a hashira but after the final battle. They're finally able to be together and months later find out they're expecting. It can be SFW or NSFW. If you're not comfortable with this I totally understand.
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Yes! Happy endings ftw. 
I thought it would be cute to have this be part of the bathhouse pieces just for the sake of a throwaway joke, but this reader is specifically AFAB so please ignore it if that's not for you. It's the Bathing with Giyuu Multiverse.
I’m really sorry it doesn’t really include the pregnancy part (I alluded to it but they’re really difficult for me to write about sometimes) but I hope the love between Giyuu and you makes up for it. 
This piece does contain slight spoilers for the end of the Demon Slayer manga so be warned! (spoilers from here on out!) 
Also, I refuse to accept that the thing with the mark and how much time he has left is canon. It’s too sad so it doesn’t happen. You and Giyuu are gonna grow old together. 
I hope you like it!!
Giyuu Tomioka x F!reader. NSFW.
Memories of your fallen comrades haunt you long after the rubble is cleared away. Nightmares of what befell those you care about wake you when you finally do manage to drift off. The scent of battle lingers on your skin for weeks. Smoke, blood, and death. No matter how many times you've tried to wash it off it clings to you. 
Which is why you find yourself traipsing to the onsen in the darkness, your katana still grasped firmly in your hand, because you still can't quite believe that it's over. The battle is won, and the world is safe. 
You can relax in the onsen completely safe and completely alone– 
"You're kidding me?!"
Giyuu stares at you, half submerged in the steaming water, his expression one of wide-eyed surprise. But once he sees it's you, his face softens again. "Ah… is it time for our annual awkward bath together?"
You laugh for the first time in days. Giyuu has always been a little less guarded around you, but since the fight ended, he has been far more open. He's funny. Peace looks good on him.
"Do you mind if I get in?" You ask, "It's not like we haven't seen everything already."
He shakes his head. "I don't mind. We've been through hell and back together, this is nothing."
"Should I turn around?" he asks.
Oh Giyuu. Even after everything you’ve been through together; the battles, the quiet moments, the nights you spent together early on where you promised it was just once to get it out of your systems, and the times later when you both agreed you could die at any moment so why the hell not. Even after all that, he’s still a perfect and slightly awkward gentleman. 
Your breath shivers as you slip off your yukata in answer and those deep blue eyes of his drink you in. 
He stands, gazing up at you with his lips slightly parted. It'll take some time to get used to the sight of him without his right arm, and no doubt it'll take him even longer than that. But he's alive. You both made it. You survived. 
He wades toward you and offers you his hand, helping you step down into the water. His eyes never leave you. Yours never leave him. And you both just stand there, the water only up to your hip, laid bare before each other in this newly peaceful world.
You no longer smell smoke, blood, or death. Giyuu’s scent is soft, clean rain, washing over you and carrying the horrors away.
His smile is so soft and serene your heart aches.
A muscle in his cheek flexes before he speaks. "I didn't lose you," he says, as though the fact is only just sinking in, as if he'd mourned you even before the battle had even begun and is only just allowing himself to believe you’re really there, that you really survived. 
It’s a feeling you know well. 
A slow smile lifts his lips, his eyes meeting yours, his sapphire gaze filled with unending tenderness. You reach up to caress his cheek and melt as he closes his eyes and leans into your touch. 
"We made it, Giyuu."
"We did," he says, his voice so quiet and calm. "I should have told you this before the battle, but I was afraid to because I thought telling you would mean you wouldn't make it. Like I’d put a curse on you or something. And if you don't feel the same–"
"I love you."
His eyes widen a little, but soften a heartbeat later. He chuckles. "Yeah… yeah, you took the words out of my mouth." 
"I've wanted to tell you that for the longest time."
"Me too.' He dips his chin, pressing his forehead to yours as a quiet laugh of relief emerges from him. With your heart fluttering, you close your eyes and just enjoy the sensation, and the quiet intimacy of being loved by Giyuu.
His lips hover so close to yours, gentle breaths fanning over your skin. Your heart aches with need for him as you tilt your face toward him to bring your lips closer.
He closes the gap, his kiss as light as gossamer, sending your heart into a frenzy. The kiss is so gentle it's almost painful, the fluttering in your chest more than you can bear. It shivers through every fiber of your body, more potent than any breathing technique as every cell in your body seems to sigh his name. 
Giyuu. You're alive. We made it, and we can finally let ourselves love.
Little by little, the kiss deepens until Giyuu's tongue is caressing yours. His lips are soft and oh-so gentle, stirring up the butterflies in your belly. You open your eyes, seeking reassurance that this isn’t all just some dream. The intimate sight of him causes your heart to leap; his eyes are closed, his pretty dark lashes resting on his pink-dusted cheeks, so peaceful in that moment you can’t believe this is the same world which demanded so much sacrifice. 
He skates his hand down to the curve of your lower back, gently pulling you closer until your bodies are flush with each other. The rise and fall of his chest staggers against yours as you wrap your arms around his neck and hold him, bathed in moonlight and the rising steam of the onsen. And though the battle only took place in one tiny pocket of the world, it feels as though you are clinging to each other among the wreckage, even here surrounded by serenity.
As much as you crave each other, you take your time and love one another slowly, washing each other with all the tenderness the world couldn’t spare you until now. You sit with your back to him as he washes your hair, his fingers deftly moving over your scalp, making goosebumps pebble along your thighs. He bows his head and weaves a cloak of kisses across your back and shoulders, making sure not to leave a single inch of you feeling unloved.
And then, when you’ve both washed away what you needed to, he takes your hand and leads you back to his home; a big, empty house waiting to be filled with the family and the love he never even allowed himself to believe he could have. The comforting scent of him lingers in the house and you feel as though you never want to leave. He doesn’t want you to go either. 
Moonlight shines through the windows, casting silver light over the pair of you as you lie together in Giyuu’s bed, lost once more in tender kisses. The relief and love, the guilt of survival, the way your mind can’t quite slip fully out of fight mode… It’s overwhelming. He notices the moment your tears start to fall. 
“Love… it’s okay,” he whispers, stroking them away with his thumb and you know he understands completely.
“We’re allowed to be happy, aren’t we?”
He smiles softly, and nods. “Yeah… we are.”
His breath is hot against your skin as he trails kisses over your jaw, down your throat, and to your chest. When his lips reach the top of your breast he pauses, lays down his head and closes his eyes, listening to your heart’s rhythm and your breathing with a quiet sigh. You know this will go on for a while; that no matter how often you reassure each other that this is real, that you both made it, that it’s okay for you to love each other, some part of you both will always question.
Because since when has the world ever been this kind?
“Can I love you forever?” he asks softly. “Is that okay?”
Your fingers thread through his soft black hair as he kisses down your stomach. “Please, Giyuu… please do.”
He brings you simple solace with the wet heat of his mouth. He settles between your thighs, eyes closed, lapping at your tender flesh with his fingers interlaced with yours. Soft and slow and so loving your heart can barely take it. He tastes every inch of you, drawing comfort from your sighs and the way you gasp his name. A groan emerges from him as you bear down on his tongue, grinding yourself against his gentle mouth. And only then does he quicken his pace, giving you what you need to drive you over the edge and plunging into ecstasy.
You can’t help but laugh a little as he raises his head to gaze at you. Giyuu always has the haziest, prettiest expression when he’s drunk on your pussy, and the war hasn’t changed that one bit. His cheeks are flushed pink, his lips glossy with your slick arousal. 
He gets back onto the bed, lying face-to-face beside you and guides your thigh over his waist, angling his hips so he can enter you. He sets a languid rhythm, kissing you the entire time, his cock only entering you halfway so he can make it last as long as possible. He fought through hell to be here with you and he’s going to make sure he cherishes every second.
“You’re… so wet…” he gasps against your lips.
You try to bite back a grin and fail. “Yeah. That’s what happens when you fuck the water hashira.”
Giyuu’s composure breaks and he laughs–really laughs–resting his forehead against your chest. “I love you.”
Gods, what a world this is; that you get to love him, that you have the luxury of time to stop and laugh together in the middle of sex. Giyuu has such an adorably boyish laugh too; one which crinkles his nose and shakes his shoulders. It’s a sound you want to hear a billion times more over the course of your life and a sight you will never tire of.
“I love you too, Giyuu. I always will.”
He’s still chuckling until he rolls you onto your back and presses himself deeper, wiping the smiles from both your faces as pleasure drowns out your amusement. The delicious stretch pulls a groan from you, and when he starts to roll his hips you can’t help but cry out. The control he has over his body is breathtaking, and the loss of his arm doesn’t hinder him at all as he has you wrap your legs around his waist and fucks you hard and deep, filling the room with the lewd symphony of slapping flesh and your wanton cries.
Every time before, he has pulled out of you, both of you unwilling to bring a child into the world when each tomorrow was so precarious. But now he presses deeper, his eyes alight with new possibility, and love like he never allowed himself to believe in. He groans as he fills you, resting his head between your breasts and listening to the thundering rhythm of your heart as you wrap your arms around him and hold him through his orgasm. 
And then you lie together in the aftermath; just you and Giyuu at the end and the beginning of it all.
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slvtforfiction · 5 months
Hi I think your request are open. 😭
Anyways I have a prompt where it’s like Jonnie meets a fan and like later on he kind stalks her media and accidentally likes something for an old emo phase and she dms him “??” And it just spirals from there into something cute?
An old phase,A new like
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☆ Yesss!
☆ Love this,thank you anon x
☆ Sorry it’s so short
☆ Johnnie Guilbert X Reader
☆ Fluff
☆ If you are going to request: please check at the pinned post if requests are open,otherwise I will delete your requests which I have already been doing
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers :)
Masterlist | Pinned post
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“So today we are-“ I look down at my phone as a notification pushed past my do not disturb, Johnnie Guilbert like your photo.
I knew Johnnie,we had text back and forth for a while about doing a video idea even though we had never done it. I had met him at a convention and most likely acted like the biggest fan girl alive.
I clicked on the notification and saw that the like was a photo from 2020,almost 4 years ago.
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Liking photos from 2020,huh?
Sorry didn’t mean to.
Nooo it’s okay sorry lol
Okay good lol,thought you were mad
No,no lol
So how are you?
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2 weeks later,
“I’ll see you again next week? Maybe another date?” I ask with a schoolgirl smile on my face, “Yeah ofcourse,I’d love that.” He replied and I smiled,kissing his cheek.
We walked back to my apartment and watched a movie,cuddling up to each other and sharing some popcorn whilst we watched some shitty romcom. Neither of us cared about the movie,though neither of us would say it. We just enjoyed the comfort of each other.
Around nine o’clock Johnnie left,I was sad to see him go but I knew he had an apartment to sleep in so I couldn’t exactly keep him.
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6 months later,
“Hey Johnnie!” I smile down the phone,we hadn’t hung out a lot this week but I didn’t mind,opting to sleep on call for the week instead.
“Hey love,you okay?” He asks me and I smile at the nickname, “Yeah,im okay,you?” I ask and I could almost hear his smile.
It was always nice to hear johnnies voice,it had become comforting over the past month or so,despite his energetic attitude. He always knew when it was time to settle down and he always knew what to say and how to say it. It made me envy those closest to him.
“So how was your day?”
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1 year later,
“Happy 6 month anniversary!” He said as he hugged me,I smiled and kissed him as I grabbed some chocolates I had bought him.
He handed me some flowers and chocolate and I smiled, “Happy 6 months!” I smiled at him,my face beaming with excitement.
One phone call 6 months ago had led me to become infatuated with him,though I would be lying to say that I hadn’t had a small crush on him since I first text him.
We sat down on his sofa in his apartment and smiled as we put on the same shitty romcom that we always do,it had become our tradition and no one was complaining. As long as I got to snuggle up to the comfort of his chest I didn’t mind.
It had become apparent to both of us that we didn’t really care what we watched as long as we were with each other. I smiled as I snuggled into his chest,something that had become somewhat familiar with us. He snaked his hand around my waist and we sat their in comfortable silence as we admired each other.
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2 years later,
“Happy one year!” I say as I wake up next to him in our apartment, “Happy one year.” He smiled at me,clearly as tired as he always was,I smiled at his goofy little smile and kissed him on the cheek.
“I got you something.” Johnnie whispers as he reaches into his draw,on the other side of the bed. He pulls out a ring box and I smile as he opens it, “I got us those Pandora promise rings you like.”He says with a smile. I sit up in bed and shimmy onto his lap pulling him into a deep hug. “Thank you Johnnie!” I almost yell as I kiss all over his face.
“Do you wanna be the moon or the sun?” I ask and he shakes his head “Whatever you want princess.” He chuckles and I immediately give him the moon ring. “Johnnie,we’re literally the sun and the moon.” I smile and he nods his head, “I love you so much,thank you!” I say happily and he smiles at me as he gives me a peck to the lips.
“I got you something too!” I say with a huge smile beaming across my face, I reach into my draw and pull out three wrapped presents. I feel like a parent watching their child open their presents with glee.
“Awh thank you baby!” He says pulling me back in for a hug and I smile,accepting the hug gratefully.
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6 years later,
“I love you so much,I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else,Y/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?”
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riverbutghost · 1 year
All Alone (Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley xGN!Reader)
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Summary: After an unsuccessful mission and you getting scolded by your lieutenant, you’re left all alone by yourself feeling depressed for the first time.
A/N: This is my first post ever on Tumblr lol I’m excited.
Categories: this is Angst / Hurt Comfort and the ending isn’t sad but isn’t happy either.
Warnings: graphic language, wound, blood, getting shot but nothing fatal, slight sexual themes, also the readers nickname is Scout.
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You were exhausted.
The mission had gone wrong, making all of you to take a step back. And it was probably your fault.
“I’m going after that guy!” You yelled through your comm. Then Ghost’s voice was heard.
“Don’t do something stupid, Scout.”
But you had already done the stupid something.
You didn’t see it. You didn’t see the guy who was holding a gun to you from behind. It was Soap who saw it and informed you but it was too late.
You turned around quickly while pointing your gun, but the guy shot you in the arm. You gasped loudly at the sudden pain. You could’ve shot the man too, but a stupid little mistake was made. You couldn’t shoot him, you couldn’t move your arm. He ran and called for reinforcements.
And boom, the mission failed because of you.
On other circumstances, you wouldn’t mind being yelled at, but you weren’t feeling yourself. You weren’t Scout who would tell everyone to fuck off.
Even before the mission, you weren’t yourself. You didn’t know what was wrong with you, but you weren’t there. You didn’t mind it, but it costed you a whole mission.
You didn’t see your lieutenant after the incident, only seeing his back where he was sitting in the front of the truck. He didn’t say a word and it was painful. You were scared because that happened before too.
You had done something reckless again, almost getting shot at the head.
But you were lucky.
“You’re so fucking reckless, Scout.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I’m not sorry Ghost.”
“You shouldn’t have done that.” He hissed through clenched teeth.
“But I did, and I take the blame. So fuck off-“
In two steps, he was in front of you. He pushed you against the wall. Your breath hitched.
“When will you shut that stupid mouth of yours?”
Your lips parted involuntarily. Ghost’s eyes flicked down to your lips.
You closed your mouth and swallowed everything down. Every little witty remark.
Your eyes went back and forth between his eyes and his mouth.
He looked at your eyes again and his gaze softened.
You licked your lips. He took a breath.
“Don’t tempt me, Scout.” You gulped again. His voice was hoarse, his chest rumbled. Your skin was suddenly burning.
“I’m not trying to, Ghost.”
Your breaths were shallow, unorganized. You wanted to see his face, see his mind. What was he thinking?
You looked deep in his eyes. Suddenly, you found another emotion, sadness. Then there was guilt maybe. He swallowed whatever he was going to say.
You kept quiet. He was quiet too. You were just staring at each other, not feeling any discomfort even though you weren’t in a comfortable position.
“You could’ve fuckin’ died.” His voice came out as a whisper. His gaze dropped for a second. You shivered.
“Ghost, Price is calling for you!”
A sudden call from Gaz was the interruption you didn’t want.
“Comin’” He called to Gaz, still looking at your eyes. He cleared his throat. He took a step back and turned around, leaving you in the kitchen. Breathlessly, you cleared your throat too.
You felt something down on your abdomen, tensing slightly. You thought it was something sexual.
And that night, you had your first wet dream about your lieutenant.
Right now, you were sitting on the bed the medic told you to, and waiting for her to start patching your arm up. She had already took the bullet out, which was a really painful experience you might add, and she told you to wait for her to patch you up.
She was washing her hands and talking to you at the same time, not knowing her words were entering one ear and leaving from the other.
Suddenly the door swung open, Ghost came in.
“Get out, Stevens.”
The medic, Stevens, gulped and got out immediately, leaving you alone with him. You were screwed.
No need to be scared, you told yourself. He is my lieutenant, my friend-
“What the fuck was that?”
He snarled, looking at you with disappointment. You swallowed the lump in your throat. Not now, simon. Not after I fucking blowed up a mission by myself.
“Ghost I-“ He cut you off with a growl. You shivered.
“Didn’t know you were that, stupid.”
You licked your lips, trying so hard to come up with something witty. But no, you felt something else coming up.
You didn’t say anything, only looking at the floor. You were hoping for him to leave now, but no. Simon fucking Riley didn’t know when to shut up or speak.
“I can’t fucking believe you. You’re a fuckin’ failure..”
You looked up.
He was still wearing his gear. He didn’t even wait to change, because scolding you was more important.
He took a deep breath, averting his eyes from yours.
“Are you done?” You asked with no emotion behind your words. You were exhausted, and your arm was still bleeding. You tightened your hand over it.
“No, I’m not fuckin’ done, Sergeant.”
You gulped when your eyes met. He was waiting, waiting for you to say something, anything that would set him off. He wasn’t looking at you though, you knew it. He was just here to scold you. He wasn’t seeing the bigger picture.
“My arm needs stitching.” He closed his eyes for a second.
“Fuckin’ hell,” He grumbled, the noise would make you feel things in other circumstances.
He looked at you one last time before getting out.
You got up and left the room after waiting for your doctor who didn’t show up.
You were out of the shower, still drying your hair with the towel.
You had stitched your arm by yourself, but it looked terrible as before. At least there was a gauze on your wound. You hoped it wouldn’t open.
You took a deep breath. You were going to bed after a long and hard day. Finally, you thought. You really wanted, no, needed to cry.
You could’ve literally cried after your lieutenants scolding, but you didn’t want to seem even more stupid and childish .
You’re a fucking failure , he’d said.
It was so hard, so hard not to cry and you were proud of yourself in that moment. Because if you cried in front of him, you would’ve showed him a vulnerable side and that was something you didn’t want.
Because you knew he didn’t like you.
You thought about your feelings towards your fucking lieutenant. He was your lieutenant, your superior. It wasn’t ethical, and you knew he wouldn’t look at you like that. It was almost painful to watch him interact with rookies like it’s nothing, but when it came to you he would shut off. He would scold you in a second if you did something wrong.
But you couldn’t forget about the little moment you had together in the kitchen too.
You wanted to take a breath, but you broke down instead.
You let the tears fall freely, not wiping them or anything. You knew you needed this. From the start of the day, you were waiting for that moment. And you finally had it.
And there was a knock on your door.
You sat down on your cold bathroom floor, not even suppressing your whimpers. You put your hands on your face, breaking down bad.
I need this, I need this, I’m worth it, I’m not a failure -
Then your door swung opened. You didn’t get up, you couldn’t. You couldn’t clear your vision. There was a nonstop battle between your eyes and your heart.
“Scout, hey.”
Then you heard him. You cried harder. You knew you were humiliating yourself , but you didn’t care for now.
“Scout, you’re okay-“
You harshly pulled your hands from your face and pushed him hard.
“Fuck you, Ghost. I’m not a-a failure and you know it. I’ll shoe you one day.” You were hiccuping between words and Simon cursed himself.
“Stop crying.”
You stood up, using both of your hands. The movement causing your arm to ache, and you whimpered.
Simon got up, looking stressed and angry at the same time.
“Let me look at your wound.”
“No, just leave me alone.” You answered him while rubbing your hands over your face. You didn’t sound angry for a second and that made him concerned.
“I don’t want you to fuckin’ bleed out and die, sergeant.”
Your face scrunched up, and you felt nauseous.
“Funny, lieutenant. I’m sure you want me to fucking die instead. Don’t need to be nice, we’re all alone.”
He was looking at you so confused. You wanted so hard to yell, to scream. But you were tired.
You closed your eyes and leaned on your bathroom door. You
“Listen to me fucking carefully, Scout.” He spoke harshly. You didn’t open your eyes, not ready yet to hear more scolding from him.
He took a deep breath.
“Please, Scout. “
You nodded your head, still wanting him to leave. He took a step towards you. His voice suddenly softened.
“Open those pretty eyes first, yeah?”
Your breath hitched a little and you mentally cursed yourself. You opened your eyes, finally meeting his’.
“I don’t know how to do…this.” He swallowed.
Simon took a careful step toward you again, and you let him. Your crying had already stopped, but you were looking like ghost now.
“To do what? Be nice to people?” You asked him harshly.
“Yeah, I don’t know how to be nice to people who I care about.”
You were startled by the sudden comment. He continued.
“I don’t know how to open up to people who could just die in an instant. Because If anything happens to them, I would be a real Ghost.”
You pressed your lips tighter now. You were shocked to hear those from him. But he still needed to work on his language.
He lifted his hand and put it just above your cheekbone, wiping under your eye. The sudden touch making your insides scream. you
“I don’t know what to do, to say, Scout.”
He leaned towards you, your breaths mixing with each other’s. You wanted to take off his mask now. Instead, you leaned your forehead in his forehead.
He leaned in, hand still stroking your cheek.
“Let’s figure out what to do, hm? Together .”
Your lieutenant closed his eyes and hummed. His other hand sneaked behind you to rest on your hip.
“I’m scared.” He confessed in a whisper. You licked your lips.
“Me too, Ghost.”
“Simon.” He interrupted you. You couldn’t even be happy that he told you his name.
He pulled back, his hands still resting on you.
“But that doesn’t mean you can talk shit to me, Simon.”
He swallowed the lump, nodding his head. It was hard for him, hard for him to suddenly feel an emotion. It was the worst fucking pain when you almost got shot in the head, but he couldn’t do anything other than yell at you, then fucking it up by almost kissing you. He couldn’t sleep after that night, seeing you on top of him was a sight worth dreaming but he couldn’t risk it.
He couldn’t fall in love with you. But he did. He wasn’t ready, for whatever feeling he had for you.
“I don’t think we should,” He called your real name at the end of the sentence. Your eyes suddenly shot open.
“Why? Simon fucking Riley is suddenly scared of some feelings?” You asked him harshly .
“Yes, he is.”
He was staring right at you, and you were starting to feel sleepy.
“You should probably go now.”
You said while looking anywhere but him. He sighed, looked at you one last time before grabbing the door handle to open the door wider for his massive form.
“I,” He sighed. “You’re not a failure, Scout. You’ll never be a failure.”
He got out of your bathroom, leaving you all alone once again.
“I’m not a failure.” You whispered to yourself, knowing fully the actual meaning behind his words.
He cared. He cared for you.
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I hate this, this was rushed and also my first so please bear with me lol.
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talkbycolor · 6 months
red lipstick
A/N; this is actually wholesome, btw i felt very gay when combining the colors because i wanted to make it all orange or all blue but then i thought that wouldn't be equitable and i wanted to give them love equally
Pairing; "Keith/Tenebris" x GN!Reader
CW; very fluff actually, love for keith and tenebris as it should / kinda has spoilers LOL
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Ah, young love, so fresh, the romance, the heart beating strongly, the stolen glances, the heavy sighs. The murder, the blood boiling when you notice how someone takes an unpleasant interest in your loved one.
The courtship with Keith and Tenebris was adorable, since you were able to properly meet them things have only gotten better, going out on romantic dates, overnight getaways, and sleepovers.
Although at first it was a bit complicated to… organize times, so to speak, you wanted to spend as much time with Keith as with Tenebris, you adored both of them and you didn't want either of them to feel out of place.
Right now it was just 5 PM, you were about to have a date with your boyfriends! The emotion was so palpable, your style used to vary constantly so once Keith arrived at your home he couldn't help but be surprised, again, you were wearing a different lipstick, your lips shined in carmine just like his face.
"You look exceptional this afternoon" He complimented you, but he didn't come over to kiss you like he did every time he picked you up for a date.
But that didn't mean anything, right? It doesn't matter.
You both went to his favorite place, the place where the bitch waitress you murdered used to work, the food was delicious and you even dared to order a dish outside your comfort zone. The dinner passed calmly, you could chat with Keith, and at times there was a glimpse of blue spots on his skin, Tenebris was also part of the conversation, seeing your boyfriend's disfigured face where they were both trying to be present was complicated, but a greatly appreciated effort for you.
The bright glances they shared caused your heart to bubble, so you moved closer to lock your lips in a kiss.
A kiss that never came.
"Huh? Keith? Tenebris?" Your confused and sad voice came out of your mouth, causing the boys to panic. "Why don't you kiss me?" You finally asked, so it wasn't your imagination, they were avoiding your lips.
Keith immediately tried to explain. "N-no, no! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that, I do want to kiss you, but I didn't want to ruin your makeup-…" And you interrupted him with a kiss.
"You're a fool, but a very adorable one." You kissed his lips again, a loud and tender kiss. "That's exactly why I put on lipstick, to kiss you" You spoke boldly before launching into filling your partner's face with kisses.
Kisses that were no longer rejected.
You both decided to return to your love nest at home, now snuggled up and comfortable in bed, your bodies so close together as you sat on his lap to spread sweet kisses all over his face, lovingly caressing his jaw while he ran his hands along your hips.
It was a special and intimate moment where you could see the evidence of your love staining his face in shades of red.
"I love you" He spoke softly, his voice a little distorted because it was difficult to tell if it was Keith or Tenebris who said it, but does that matter? No, they both loved you and loved being with someone who accepted them. "Gosh, I love you so much, thank you for being with me, us."
"Thank you for not running away," Tenebris commented, making you laugh, although his comment was serious and not a joke.
"I love you so much" You whispered as you placed a kiss on his forehead, leaving the mark of your red lips on his skin.
You even decided to touch up the lipstick, there was something so satisfying about smearing each other with lipstick that made you so happy and obviously the boys too, that strange smile gave it away.
Your partner leaned his back against the mattress to be more comfortable, your body still on top of him was not a bother. Your lips left sleepy kisses on his lips.
"We can't sleep like this, sleeping with makeup on is bad" You mentioned out of nowhere, causing a small laugh from the boy.
"Then let's get cleaned up, then we'll go back to bed and you'll keep kissing me until I fall asleep."
It was already late and your body was too relaxed with the natural scent of Keith's body to get up, but you still both stood up to find your makeup remover. Once ready you returned to the bed, where your bodies stuck together like leeches once again and you received a passionate kiss from Tenebris.
"I know it's late but… can we kiss some more?"
"Of course, love"
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writing-house-of-m · 9 months
Falling for you
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Natasha is in love with you and decides to tell you
A/N: I was so impressed with myself when I came up with the title lol The request can be found here. Comments, reblogs and likes are appreciated!
Prompt: "Oh, I'm falling in love."
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"It was when I saw you giving flowers to Wanda once. I saw the gesture and it hit me like a ton of bricks. The way you looked at her. I wanted someone to look at me like that. I learned afterwards not 'someone,' I wanted you to look at me like that.
"It was as if my mind held up a queue card telling me how I felt about you. I realised, 'Oh, I'm falling in love,' but the more I thought about it the more I realised I've been in love with you for a while and I didn't know what to do."
Natasha started speaking after you made a joke about her playing hide and seek. Nobody knew where she was when you noticed her missing for a while and got curious where she might have been. She was looking out at the view motionless before you got there for you don't know how long.
You regret making your joke.
"I don't even know why I'm telling you all this. Maybe because I'm sick of holding it all in.
"In the red room it was always 'love is just something used to brainwash childish minds', 'A chemical reaction, nothing more' and for the longest time I agreed. I have never experienced it before and didn't think I ever would…
"Until you."
She looks at you emotionally. It's the most vulnerable you have seen her. The 'Black Widow' on the verge of tears because of you,
And there is nothing you can say to make her feel better.
"I do love you, just not in the same way. I'm really sorry," you see in the way Natasha drops her head, the devastation she is feeling, "but my heart will always belong to Wanda."
She lets out a sad laugh, looking out at the setting sun in the horizon, orange and pink painting the sky, "Figures," she scoffs, "the person I fall for, already taken," she says, sniffling.
There are a few moments of tense silence before you decide to break it, in hopes to lighten the mood a little, "Well, if it's any consolation Wanda aspires to have your 'hot bod'," you jest, then raise your hands and eyebrows innocently, "her words, not mine."
It does make her laugh but shortly after, silence prevails and you both bask in it. You stay there in each others presence long after darkness takes over and white dots fill the night sky.
Shortly after your conversation on the roof you move out of the compound. It was something you and Wanda had been discussing anyway but you thought it would be easier for Natasha if you weren't there. To you it would have felt like you were rubbing your relationship in her face after her confession. But for Natasha, she missed seeing you everyday.
As always life continues, work takes over. Your time together is reduced to when you are assigned to the same missions. Natasha realises quickly her feelings for you will never falter. So she makes the most of the time she gets with you.
It doesn't take long for that to be taken from her as well.
Natasha felt your presence missing from this world. Prior to everything that happened, you hadn't been at the compound for the longest time but at least she knew you were out there and happy. But now? There was a gaping hole in the shape of you that was missing and it was unfair for everyone, not just herself.
It is why she makes the decision to go to Vormir.
The world is better with you in it.
Even if she won't be here to witness it.
As she is falling to her demise, the sound of wind rushing past her ears she closes her eyes to see your smiling face.
The memory of you stood on the rooftop trying to make her laugh. The picture can be compared to a piece of artwork with the way the warm setting sunlight hits off your skin and makes your eyes shine.
Natasha is glad to have such a picturesque image of you in her final seconds that she can find comfort in behind her eyelids.
Despite the cold climate and the circumstances her body is filled with warmth knowing she is the reason there is the possibility to bring you back. At least then you will have a chance at starting that family you and Wanda announced.
As that final image slips away along with her consciousness, Natasha thinks about the fact that even though she could never have you. You always had her.
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tiedyeflannels · 6 months
Hiiii it’s me again 🫣, hope you’re doing amazing!!! I am sure you seen the recent live lol of jungkook, Rm, V and Jimin could you possibly write something about it again for Jungkook like maybe they all do the live together like an 8th member of bts and her and Jungkook are just really cuddly u know and jungkook just holding the whole time idk if that makes sense but I am sure you can write something whatever that is good and your comfortable with sorry thing is long. THANK YOU!!! 💗💗
Hi again! Sorry for taking forever to respond to your request, finals were a pain! Ugh... Anyway, I hope you're doing well too and thank you for your request! I made Y/n a producer instead of an 8th member because I wasn't sure how to spin it, so hopefully you like it. I also added, kind of like, a bonus scene because I was sad watching that Bangtan Bomb... Anywho, I hope you enjoy it! <3
Right Here
Jungkook x producer!reader
Word count: 2k
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“Y/n-ah!” The guys collectively exclaimed.
I happily waved at them while softly shutting the door behind me.
“Hi! Sorry I’m late, I was in a meeting when Namjoon texted me about this live,” I said, placing my bag on a chair that was next to the wall of tables. 
I walked into frame and waved at the ARMYs watching. “Hi guys! How are you?”
“We’re good,” Jimin said in a high-pitched voice.
I looked back at him.
“Oh, are you the voice of ARMY now,” I teased.
He smiled and nodded his head triumphantly. I giggled and moved over to the couch, but not before grabbing a slice of pizza.
I took a bite of my slice of pizza and plopped down next to Jungkook. They kept talking while I finished up my slice, throwing the crust on the empty pan and dust off the crumbs from my hands. 
I looked around at the guys when my eyes landed on Jungkook, who was already looking at me. I leaned forward and narrowed my eyes at him for a moment before leaning back.
I smiled at him, “Why are you staring-”
I didn’t get the chance to finish my sentence when he tackled me into a hug making us fall back.
I hugged him back as I laughed, “Did you seriously wait until I was done with my slice so you could hug me?”
I didn’t get a verbal answer, but when he hugged me tighter, I knew what the answer was. 
As the rest of the members got closer to their enlistment date, things had taken a melancholy turn and it affected each one of them, especially Jungkook, even if they didn’t show it.
I knew.
ARMY knew.
But there weren't a whole lot of things we could do in order to make them feel better about leaving.
So as I realized that this impromptu cuddle session wouldn’t be over for a while, I made sure we were both a little more comfortable by moving us to sit against the back of the couch so we wouldn’t be laying down the entire time.
It took a bit for him to get settled in a way that was comfortable for both of us, but he ultimately chose to be a koala. His head was resting on my right shoulder while his arms were tightly wrapped around my torso and his right leg was draped across my own.
There wasn’t much I could do with the way he was holding me, so I just wrapped my right arm around his back in a semi-awkward half hug and rested my left hand on the leg that was draped across me, slowly drawing shapes while I watched the others talk.
It couldn’t have been more than 10 minutes before the guys started to get up to say their “goodbyes” to ARMY. I tried to move to get up, but Jungkook tightened his hold on me as soon as I moved an arm. I sighed knowing it would be a miracle to get him off of me by myself, so I looked over at Jimin, silently asking for his help.
He smiled at my predicament and walked over, grabbing one of Jungkook’s arms and gently tugged, “Come on. We gotta say bye to ARMY.”
“Noooooo,” he drew out as the arm that was around me tightened its grip once more, practically forcing Jimin to pry him off of me. 
“Dude, you need to get off of me in order to say bye to ARMY,” I exclaimed as I wiggled my way out of his grasp.
He huffed as we both finally stood up, obviously not liking that our cuddle session was interrupted. I smiled at his pouty face and patted his head as the others were deciding how they wanted to say bye.
Taehyung grabbed the camera, pointing it at Jimin as he said bye to ARMY and ended by bowing slightly.
Tae, then, turned the camera over to Namjoon who also said his final words with a salute, promising to “go and come back safely”.
“Ok, Jk, you can go.” 
“No, I’ll end it,” he said while taking off his hood.
The others were quick to oppose the idea.
“Why doesn’t Y/n say her final words and then I go and you can run in front and then we’ll end it.”
There were nods of agreement and when they turned to me I shrugged, nodding in agreement.
“Yeah, I don’t see why not.”
“So, I can end it,” Tae asked and we all nodded.
He was still holding the camera and motioned for me to say my piece. I walked into frame and waved.
“ARMY~ I’ll make sure to go live whenever I can to keep you company before Jin comes back! The guys will be back before you know it! Stay strong,” I said, blowing a kiss to them with both hands before waving ‘bye’. 
I looked at Taehyung, “Do you want me to hold the camera for you?”
He shook his head.
“No, Jimin can hold it for me. You, stand over there,” he said as he pointed to the side opposite of where Namjoon and Jungkook were standing.
He continued, “and turn around since you haven’t seen Jk’s hair yet either.” 
I huffed, but did what I was told by walking to the left and turning around so I was facing the wall while Jimin took the camera from Tae, so he could say bye.
“You need to run, ok?”
“As soon as you end-”
“Can you guys just go already,” I exclaimed, hoping to move this train along.
Taehyung gave his little speech, though I’ll have to disagree with Namjoon, who said it was “too long” because mine was about the same length.
I heard a lot of shuffling behind me and was about to turn around to see why it was taking so long when a very slurred “We were BTS” sounded through the air before someone collided with my back, making me stumble forward as pair of arms wrapped around me, keeping me from falling.
The guys were laughing at the scene as they said their final “bye’s” before turning off the live.
“You can turn around now,” Jungkook said, loosening his hold on me enough for me to move, but not removing his arms completely. 
As I turned around to face him I was not prepared for what I saw. My jaw dropped as I looked at Jungkook’s hair which was now completely buzzed off.
“Woah,” I exclaimed, placing my hands on either side of his head, turning it side to side in order to get a better look. 
I started to become confused. Jungkook chuckled, grabbing both of my wrists to stop me from moving his head so he could look at me.
“What’s with that face?”
“How do you still look good?!”
Everyone started laughing again.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.”
It was December 12th and Hobi, Yoongi, and I were currently seeing Jimin and Jungkook off to start their military service.
“Well, luckily, this is the last time we’re going to have to do this,” Yoongi said, stuffing his hand further into his jacket.
I nodded my head in silent agreement and walked over to where Jimin and Jungkook had finished talking with some of their friends. They turned to look at me as I got where they were and grabbed their hands in both of mine, switching my gaze between the two.
“How are you guys feeling,” I asked to try and break the tension that was starting to form as time got closer to when they were supposed to leave.
They both shrugged.
I sighed.
“You’re going to be fine. I talked to Jin this morning and made him promise to keep an eye on you and make sure you’re okay, though… he did say that he might make training a bit harder for you two,” I teased.
That got some chuckles out of them, which I was very happy about. It didn’t last long before the heavy air settled around us once again, so I mustered as much of an encouraging smile as I could and said, “You two are going to do great. I’ll have my phone on me at all times whenever you get phone privileges back and want to talk to me, okay?”
They nodded as I continued, “Stay safe and healthy and warm because it’s starting to get chilly, okay?”
They nodded once more. 
I looked at them as they looked at me expectedly.
“What? That’s all I’ve got,” I said.
Jungkook laughed as Jimin shook his head with a smile forming on his face.
Jungkook looked over at Jimin, “Would you mind giving us a sec?”
The latter nodded, “Of course, I’ve gotta go talk with Hobi hyung before send off, so I’ll see you later Y/n.”
I nodded and gave him a tight hug.
“Be careful. Stay safe and make sure to eat. Call me if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING, okay,” I whispered before breaking the hug.
“You got it,” he said before pulling me back in for one last hug.
“I’m gonna miss you, Chim. I’ll see you when you come back.”
We both nodded at each other in conformation as he started toward where Hobi and Yoongi were standing.
I moved to stand next to Jungkook as we watched them talk.
“So, what are you going to do in the meantime,” Jungkook spoke up.
I turned to look at him as he did the same.
“Probably work on some songs for your guys’ comeback with Yoongi. He said that he already has some that he wants me to look at later today, so yeah,” I shrugged. 
He hummed in response before pulling me into a hug. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel like crying at that moment. We had talked about him leaving all the time as the date came closer and every time Jungkook was the one who comforted me when I started crying, but I wanted to be strong for him and at least give him some sense of comfort on the day it really mattered so I controlled my emotions.
“Sorry I have to leave you,” he whispered.
He is not making this easy, huh?
I shook my head and held him tighter, “It is not your fault. Nobody will ever blame you for something you have to do. Especially not me.”
I pulled back and cupped his face in my hands.
“You just need to make sure that you don’t overdo anything. I don’t want to get a call from Jin or Jimin saying that you overdid something that landed you in the infirmary, got it,” I teased as he nodded.
“I love you a lot. We all do. So please make sure to be safe while you’re gone, okay,” I asked.
He huffed but untimely nodded again. “You’re starting to sound like my mom,” he muttered.
I laughed at the statement.
“Good, because she’s right!” 
There was some loud shuffling behind me, so I turned around to see Yoongi, Hobi, and Jimin standing in front of us.
“Okay, lovebirds, it’s almost time to go,” Yoongi said.
I playfully rolled my eyes as a smile made its way onto my lips. I turned back to Jungkook and placed a quick peck on his cheek.
“One for the road,” I said as I moved away from him.
“You guys should get going before you’re late,” Hobi spoke up.
They nodded as they fixed their backpack straps and picked up the duffle bag at their feet. I gave them both a once over.
“Take care of each other.”
They hummed as they started to leave. As we were watching them walk away, Jungkook suddenly turned back to us. 
“You’ll be here when we get out, right?”
I nodded, “Of course! I’ll be right here when you come back!”
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littlexscarletxwitch · 11 months
── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘇𝗼𝗻𝗲
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): fluff, a drop of angst, some comfort, sad imagine, established relationship, long-distance relationship, flo being an amazing gf
warning(s): language, heartbreak (?), grammatical errors, unedited
word count: 1.8k
note: I cannot write a sad ending for the life of me lol, but one day I will. And you won't see it coming (jk). I thought I would never post this fic, when the song came out I had like the main idea but never proceed to write it down. But I'm glad I finally wrote it, it was long time overdue lol. I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Love, M <3
note 2: So I made the mistake (wait was it really a mistake? I dunno) to listen to 'Needed me' by Rihanna while finishing up this fic. What do we think about smut for part 2 ?????? 
requests are open! + check my rules + masterlist <3
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You were laying on your bed, eyes closed, pretending everything was fine, when in reality it was quite the opposite.
“I hate this,” you mumbled to your phone for Florence to hear.
“I know, baby… Me too. I just wish I could be there with you,” she said as she hugged herself, pretending that it was you who was holding her.
The yawn you were trying so hard to hold back finally slipped out. “Yeah, you keep saying that…”
The words rushed out of your mouth without giving them a second thought, you didn’t mean to sound mean or angry, but you had and it had already reached her ears.
“Yeah, well, I’m working. You know that,” she immediately replied, she sounded both hurt and angry, and you cursed yourself for that.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m sorry, I’m just really tired. Today was a really long day, I’m sorry, baby,” the last thing you needed was to pick another fight for such a small thing over the goddamn phone.
You breathed out, trying to calm your own thoughts. It felt like the only thing Florence and you would do was fight over the phone. The two of you could only share a couple of hours together through the little device, and the two of you would waste it over some stupid fights. The whole situation was stressful, not just the fights or your job, but being so far away from each other that it physically hurt. And it hurt even more that you two would be constantly fighting.
You heard her taking a deep breath, she felt the same as you, you knew it. She was tired and stressed and had a lot going on at work. But she wanted to be with you more than anything, hold you, kiss you, touch you and whisper sweet nothings to your ear.
But you couldn’t tell that by her deep huff. You figured she was tired about this, about you, about this whole situation which did no good to either of you.
“Maybe… maybe we should take a break…” you muttered, not wanting to be heard but she already had.
As soon as the words left your lips you regretted even having thought of them. You didn’t mean it, that was the last thing you could ever possibly ask for in this world. But maybe it was what she wanted and needed. Maybe she was just too scared to pronounce the words so you had to do it instead.
A break? Florence thought, not wanting to believe the words that came out of your mouth. Things were pretty bad if you wanted to take a break. Shit, she really screwed up. Was that really what you wanted? A break? A break away from her and her shit. It would make sense, right? You were tired, she was tired, but were you really tired of her? You wouldn’t have said anything if you didn't mean to, right?
“Yeah, maybe we should. If that’s what you want, love…” she let her head fall against the wall, trying to find some kind of support, praying to the universe that you would take back your request.
Well, there it was, she wanted to take a break. And who were you to deny her such a thing? You were willing to give her everything, this wasn’t the exception, even if it broke your heart.
You cleared your throat, afraid your voice would betray you. “Yeah, okay,” you said, fighting back the tears.
As soon as you heard her, you hung up, not wanting her to hear you as you sobbed. You felt your heart shrinking, a burning feeling creeped throughout your entire body, and the more you cried the more you felt like your head was about to explode. And you laid there, hand clutch to your stomach, feeling cold and alone.
You felt Billie cuddling your feet, trying to give you some comfort since she could sense your sadness. And even though all the poor thing wanted was to show some support to one of her favourite humans, she unintentionally made everything worse, since she was a reminder of her owner. The two of you lay there, you crying your heart out, until the both of you dozed off to sleep.
The moment you hang up, she realised what had happened, that it wasn’t a dream, more like a nightmare if that were the case. But it was real, it had happened and she didn’t stop you. Why didn’t she stop you?
“Fuck!” she cursed, throwing her phone on the bed.
She took her hands to her head in disbelief, the last moments of her life going through her mind on repeat over and over again.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.
She was angry. Angry at herself for not having done something about it, she should have told you that it was a mistake, that it wasn’t what she wanted, not even close. At her work, she loved working, she really did, but was it really worth it when it ruined the best thing that has ever happened to her? —you. At the distance between the two of you, at the stupid body of water keeping you seven thousand miles away from her. She was even angry at the stupid different timezone for constantly keeping the two of you apart.
She couldn’t help to imagine you laying in your shared bed, probably wearing an old oversized t-shirt of hers, or maybe not given that you two had broken each other's heart, now sleeping right where she was supposed to be.
She couldn’t stop hearing your voice in her head, a fucking break? What were you thinking? What was she thinking? She should have told you that it was crazy, that it was a mistake, that it was completely bullshit.
Her head was starting to hurt from all thinking, her heart began to shatter as the realisation sinked in and as her anger slowly faded away sadness began to wash over her. She felt her stomach churn at how wrong this whole thing felt.
She was supposed to be running lines, but she couldn't concentrate anymore as the only thing that popped on her mind was you. She had to do something about it, she couldn't leave things between you two like this, she couldn’t go to sleep that night knowing that she let you go that easily.
“Screw it,” she said to herself, not giving her actions a second thought or else she feared she might back down.
She grabbed her phone, grateful that it hadn’t landed on the floor, and made all the calls she needed to. She was going to fix this, she had to.
You felt the sunlight creeping through the curtains even though your eyes were still closed. Slowly and carefully you opened them up, as you began to gain consciousness you felt like your head was about to explode. The events of last night came rushing to your mind like a slap to your cheek. The call, the words that were spoken, the tears that were shed and Billie cuddling at your feet offering you some comfort.
You got up, brushed your teeth, took a painkiller and went back to laying. You began to think things through. What were you supposed to do now? Did Florence expect you to leave her house? Who was going to take care of Billie while she was gone? Should you just gather your things and leave? Toby can take care of Billie, he used to do it before you came along, that would be no problem. Shit, what were you going to tell him once you got there with Billie?
You shook your head, letting the thoughts fade away as it was all becoming too much too fast and too real. You could already feel the tears burning your eyes just by the thought of leaving the place Florence and you had been sharing over the past two years.
You decided that you were done thinking for the moment. You found some ice cream in the fridge and made your way to the living room. You dropped down on the couch, a blanket over your shoulders, and snatched the remote control from the coffee table.
You were just about to watch your comfort show when you heard the jingle of keys. Your heart dropped, who could possibly be?
“Y/n?” you heard as the door flew open. “Y/n, where are you?”
You didn’t answer, the words wouldn't come out of your mouth.
“Ah, there you are,” Florence said, she seemed out of breath, as if she had been running or something.
“What are you–?” but she cut you off right away.
“No, let me go first, okay?” she didn’t wait for an answer. “I have this whole speech planned and it’s already fading away so…” she took a deep breath. “This is bullshit, Y/n. I’m not having this. A break?! Are you serious?” she said, stepping closer to you.
“I’m not done yet, love,” she was now sitting right next to you, her warm hands reaching out for your cold ones. “I get it, we had a rough couple of months, always bickering at each other. But that doesn’t mean we should take a break, I’m not going to let you go, Y/n.”
“But you agreed—”
“I only agreed because I thought that was what you wanted, but it’s not even close to what I want. That’s why I’m here,” you felt the tears in the corner of your eyes, your bottom lip slightly trembling. “I’m here to tell you: no, I don’t want a fucking break. I don’t give a shit about my work, about the contracts that I signed. The only thing I care about is you, and I’m going to make it work, make us work. Because I love you, Y/n. So fuck your ‘break’, you hear me? Fuck it.”
You looked at her soft green eyes, even though your vision was half blurry you could still make out her watery eyes.
“That was a great speech,” you joked, your heart getting warmer as a smile formed on her lips.
“Yeah, well a 10 hour flight gives you a lot of time to think about—”
Your lips stopped her from talking as you threw yourself on her, connecting your lips in a much needed kiss. A kiss that you had been dreaming of the last couple of months.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” you whispered over and over again on her lips as you kissed her.
You were straddling her, both of your hands cupping her cheeks caressing her soft skin. You felt her hands sneaking around your waist, gently squeezing your skin. And then moving them further down to rest on your ass, pushing you more into her chest.
Much to your dismay, you pulled away from her lips, feeling the need to actually pronounce these words: “I missed you, so so much, Florence.”
“Me too, baby. Me too,” she said, leaving kisses all over your neck. “In fact, let me show you how much I missed you,” her hot breath gave you goosebumps, as you threw your head back, giving her more access to your sensitive skin.
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Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! <3
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pinkslashersimp · 1 year
Hi I have a request for NBC Hannibal and Will Graham/ Hannigram x reader! Can you do some headcanons for each of them walking in on a reader in the middle of a breakdown and doing SH? Sorry if that’s a bit much you def don’t need to detail the SH but would love to see what they do to stop the reader and comfort them (I’ve been going through it lately oof lol)
I love lovee all your drabbles and stuff sm if u choose to write this TYSM in advance ahh<33
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╰┈➤ Synopsis: Hannibal and Will both comfort you after a ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ breakdown
⠀⠀⠀✎ Notes: Hey anon, I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ get to this, as mentioned before on here I’ve just ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ finished my college course and at the time these reqs ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ were sent I was completing assignments and doing ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ my exam^^ I wanted to get as many reqs in my inbox ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ as I could before I closed it and I’m finally getting to ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ them all. thank you so much for your patience (⋆ˆ ³ ˆ) ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ 🩷
⠀⠀⠀ I don’t feel particularly comfortable writing your ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ specific request simply because it could be ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ potentially triggering to others, so I’ve written ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ Hannigram comforting you after you’ve gone through ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ it and are struggling, I hope that is okay<3
⠀⠀⠀ I also want to check that you’re okay and everyone ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ who feels this way is doing okay? I understand this ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ was back in February but as someone who has dealt ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ with SH myself I understand that urges don’t always ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ magically vanish by a wish on a star. If you or anyone ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ else reading this needs professional or immediate ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ help it is there and available to you.
TWS: Mentions of SH and breakdowns.
988 Lifeline
The Samaritans
Find a Helpline
Signs of self harm and getting help
National eating disorders help
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Hannibal and Will had both comforted you the best they could after your breakdown. Hannibal had taken care of your wounds and made you some food and a drink, Will sat beside you, twiddling his fingers unsure of how to approach the situation.
Hannibal seated himself on the other side of you, and put his hand on top of yours, will figured he should do the same and he put his arm around you and held you close, they both let you cry it out and encouraged you to eat something, just to get energy back and ensure you were at least taken care of.
Hannibal approaches the situation from a psychiatric point of view. You were sad. No, more than sad, and he had to discover the root of it to ensure the problem was taken care of and to ensure your safety.
He arranges for little sessions in his therapy office, encouraging you to discuss your troubles, mood, and harm. With each session you both get a little closer to understanding a solution, and Hannibal gives you different ways to vent your feelings without causing yourself or others harm.
If need be, he will look into a prescription for you.
Hannibal is also in charge of first aid, bandaging and disinfecting any injuries you have. Stitching too if needs be.
Hannibal will get upset at this, his level of stress varies on how bad it is getting. He doesn’t ever show this as he wishes to avoid upsetting you and causing further breakdowns and self inflicted harm, but you will notice him being much quieter and more stern with you.
Will approaches from a much more nurturing perspective, keeping a watchful eye over you every second he can, doing his best to cook for you and run little errands to make you feel better.
If he notices you looking particularly upset, he removes anything you could potentially hurt yourself with from the room and brings some tissues, he also sits with you and tries to cheer the mood up, either with a joke or by trying to steer the conversation to something you enjoy.
If Will is struggling he will call in Hannibal to help, as he knows Hannibal can read others and manipulate situations far better than he can.
Will gets upset too, but he shows it by telling you that he is hurt. He understands you are hurting too, and approaches the conversation as empathetic as he can, but he wants you to understand that this affects them, too, even if you are the one hurting the most.
He just wants you to know that they are not, and will never be, angry at you.
Anything you could use in the house against yourself has been locked up somewhere you can’t reach, and you are forbidden into the kitchen until they trust you are feeling better and okay.
Hannibal arranges for himself, you, and Will to enjoy trips out together, in hopes it will lift your spirits and take your mind off of anything that is causing unnecessary stress or harmful thoughts.
Hannibal takes you to the theatre, to fancy restaurants, and to garden and art exhibits.
Will on the other hand will take you to the beach, forests, or cheaper restaurants.
You all go on these trips together and, occasionally, they will let you pick the location, allowing you some control.
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my-own-walker · 1 year
im so sorry it wouldn't let me answer you abt the tate langdon ask, pre death please and thank u
I Can't Handle Change
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note: it's been so long since i wrote anything tate. this should be fun!!
summary: pre-death tate gets comfort from the reader after a fight with his mom 🥺
warnings: sad angsty tate, kissing lol,
Little things wore Tate down over time.
He once told me that he spent a whole afternoon picking fresh lilacs and daffodils out of his mother's garden, arranging them into the prettiest bouquet for her. He was 11. If you truly let that sink in, it's astounding that an 11-year-old boy was sweet enough to do that for his mom. Her response to the gesture was to shout at him about ruining all the hard work she'd put into the gardening.
She threw the handmade bunch into the trash right in front of him. Held his head straight to make him watch and all. The pretty purple and yellow petals crashed down into the can with a thunk.
Their relationship didn't change. Especially when Larry came into their lives. Constance was an interesting woman. She was in no way fit to mother the children she birthed. Her narcissistic tendencies drew her to do things to the children that made them resent her. It seemed she resented them right back.
Tate and Constance were constantly at war with each other over the whole Larry thing. He didn't know what he wanted, but it for sure wasn't a new dad. Nothing could truly fill the void inside of him. If anything, his mother and Larry were working in tandem to dig even more out of his soul, shoveling heaps of it out of him and discarding it right before his eyes. Just like Constance did with the flowers.
When I came along things changed for Tate. We met in school. I'd spend afternoons at his place. Somewhere along the way we started dating. He possessed this all-encompassing love within him. Since he was a child, its tendrils reached out, longing for someone to latch onto to disseminate the intense feeling. He was a lover, but also the child of someone with no room for real love in her life.
I embraced his need for connection. His intensity. Tate was emotional and strong-willed. The love he gave me was the warm embrace that you crave on winter's coldest nights. It was slippery quicksand, pulling me in with no regard for my control.
She hated me, Constance. She didn't like my presence. My effect on her 'beautiful boy.' It was a game of cat and mouse. She didn't want his love, but she wanted him to keep trying. The thrill of rejecting him intoxicated her. When I came into Tate's life, he stopped trying to connect with her. He finally found someone that would accept him.
On a rainy day in November, Constance and Tate went at it again. She expressed her intent to keep Larry in his life.
'He's your new father and you have to DEAL with it!' she screamed.
Larry watched from the corner as she slapped Tate across his face. The coward didn't even say a word. No mother should be hitting her son. Instead, Larry wore a smirk so devilish he could be a minion of Satan, for all anyone knew.
Tate didn't even say a word. He stormed out of the door and straight in the direction of my house. I lived two miles away. He trudged all that way in the pouring rain. When he arrived at my doorstep, he was soaked right through to the skin, shivering from the cold. He broke down on my front porch. Body-wracking sobs left his lips as he crouched down into a ball. I pulled him up by his armpits and guided him inside.
When we got to my room, I immediately stripped him of all his wet clothes and gave him some of the stuff I had stolen from his room. A sweater, some loose-fitting jeans, and a cardigan. I wrapped him in the layers, shushing him as he cried through the process. He collapsed into a heap on top of my duvet cover, face in his hands. Still shivering, he let out another heart-wrenching sob.
I hurried over to the bed and wrapped him in my embrace. His head rested on my chest and his body rested in between my legs. I sat up against the headboard, running my fingers through his hair, letting him cry it out. After some time, his cries became softer.
'Nothing I do is ever good enough,' Tate sniffed.
'You know that's not true,' I tutted. 'You are good enough.'
'No,' he whined, 'With her. In her eyes.' I knew he meant his mother. I didn't even have to ask.
'What happened, love?' I asked softly.
'It's just that ugly motherfucker again,' he sighed. 'She keeps saying he's my dad. She wants me to call him dad.' I stared off for a second not sure what to say. I kissed the top of his head.
'You shouldn't have to call him that,' I decided. He sobbed loudly again.
'She hit me, Y/N.'
I gasped and grabbed his head, turning it to make him look at me. And there it was, clear as day. A welt forming over his eye. I couldn't believe I didn't notice it earlier.
'I ignore him now. I don't insult him. I stay away. But now she wants me to call him dad,' he cried. 'Nothing I do is ever good enough. She knows I can't handle change.'
'Oh, baby. I am so sorry,' I whispered. Looking into his glassy eyes, I saw a brokenness I had never seen before. She went too far, as she always did. I kissed the tip of his nose. 'I'm sure that feels great, huh?' I half-laughed, sardonically, running my thumb gently over his swollen face.
His hand reached up and wiped my cheek. I didn't even realize I had started crying, too. I loved him so much and hated to see him hurting.
'Please, don't worry about me,' I said softly. 'I just cry when you cry. I'm a big dork.'
'I love you so much, Y/N,' he rasped.
'I love you more,' I replied. He sat up more so his face was level with mine. Leaning in, he kissed me delicately. He always kissed me so tenderly, his soft lips caressing mine so beautifully. Tate truly meant his kisses. They had intentions behind them. It was his way of saying 'thank you,' or 'I love you.' None of his kisses were meaningless.
The tenderness dissolved into a passion. We had this insatiable need to be closer to one another. We stayed like this for what felt like forever. Kissing in our mutual bliss. His ever-present need to give love and be loved in return was being fulfilled.
And with that, the broken parts of him began to heal again.
Quickie but a goodie! Thank you for this request. I like writing Tate. He's a moody lil boy.
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fcthots · 9 months
ok so this is clearly self-indulgent but what Reader x canon stuff isn’t?? 😤 anyway I’m finally submitting a thing because your portrayal of him & all these ficlets have done wonders for the world—
Italian!Jason (and/or just Jason Who Speaks Italian) & you have used Italian as sort of a “comfort language” since you were growing up together as teens. Yeah, you speak English, but your nicknames for each other, the curses you tend to use, just a lot of specific words because English isn’t always properly descriptive…& there was always a sweet Italian old lady who made the best bolognese & arancini!
anyway, he dies & you’re obviously heartbroken. Skip to Jason finding you (he might be in costume or not) & revealing that he’s alive. He’s too tall, his eyes are too green, he’s too tired and sad-looking. Not that he’s not attractive, but—what if it’s not true? There’s clones, alternate dimensions, dreams…
Then he’s speaking your language. Just partly because you were never fluent. He’s slowly coaxing you into a hug. (Or maybe this is much less angsty & you went from suspicious to in love & ready for a sexy reunion in seconds, lol.)
anyway, have a great weekend!! ♥️ 👌🏽🇮🇹
Also I google translated everything bc despite my last name looking like an Italian masterpiece even I say it the English way.
He rotated through every nickname in the book. You were his "principessa", "Tesoro", "cara", "bella", "mia amata", "mostriciattola", etc (princess, sweetheart, dear, beautiful, my loves, and little monster). He called you every sweet name under the sun, all in the language he said "was more fit for your beauty. It sounds much better in Italian."
And one day he stopped calling you anything. One day you just stopped hearing his voice for what you thought would be forever. One day he's calling you "puttana" for stealing his food and then the next day he's dead, laying in a coffin six feet under. You put a red, green, and white rose by his grave because you think he would have found it funny. You don't go back.
You're not the same after, haven't even jokingly attempted to speak a lick of something other than English. You keep quiet, keep to yourself, and think about Jason's spiel about americanized food when you pass by a Dominos pizza.
This all changes, though, when you're walking home by yourself late at night. You have to pass through the bad part of town and maybe you should have been more careful, but it was too late for that now. There were two men and one had a gun; you stood nom chance of making it if you ran. You attempted to back up, just to put some space, but you backed into a trash can and it loudly knocked over. You assailants don’t seem to have appreciated that: one grabs your arm and the other levels the gun at your head. You're shaking and slightly crying, scared out of your mind.
That is until a tank of a man with a bright red helmet drops in. He takes out the man with the gun first and the other pulls a knife to put to your neck. The Red Hood freezes when he looks into your eyes. After the knife starts digging into your skin, he springs back into action. It all happens so fast, you're not even sure what really happened.
But the next thing you know, there's two unconscious bodies on the floor, and the Red Hood is kneeling before you, taking off his mask.
"Principessa?" (princess?)
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mostdisconcerting · 2 months
Bad Day=Binging ScarNash
I had an interesting day today. Not in a good way. So as one does in such a situation, I went back to rewatch ScarNash. Cuz they’re my comfort ship.
This is just me reviewing almost every scene of the episode so I can forget that life exists for a little while🙃
Today I picked 4x04. And goodness I do not regret it one bit.
Starting with Patrick and the fat goose line. I’m sorry but why did that have to be so damn funny. “My fellow punters…” and “copious amounts of whiskey”, with his very Frank expression shifted my mood from stressed to joyful immediately. And I only now noticed that as Patrick and Eliza leave to meet Carter, Eliza yeets a paper in Clarence’s direction (or at least she tried).
I applaud Clarence’s “shit the parents are gonna argue if I don’t step in” senses. We love him for them.
I’m gonna make a rare mention of William, but I felt so bad for him when Ivy started talking about her mom’s gout. If I was eating anything resembling her description, I would gag to no end. Ruined the poor dudes snack.
Watching Patrick panic is probably my favorite part of this episode. Bros just pacing up, down, round and round, trying to think of what to do. (He’s literally just me but toned down and with an adult brain 😂)
That scene at Fallons was perfect. That unanimous “who?”, and the cover up that “we do love a little gossip now and then.”. It’s adorable and funny to see these to be in such sync and in such odds as they are.
Also, idk if anyone else noticed but she’s holding his ARM in the stables scene?! How-wha-why did I not notice that?
Poor Fitzroy. He could’ve had a much nicer career with his father out of the way. He’s known for being his father’s son, this way he could learn to be his own man.
We gotta talk about that cab scene. Literally, Patrick was trying to make things better by saying “it’s not your fault they left”, and just made it worse by adding “it’s mine, I should’ve never left you in charge”. She looked so genuinely offended by what he said, only to be shut down cuz they were literally in the middle of investigating.
Then they just break into Fallon’s office like it’s nothing and start bickering about the resignations again. She said she didn’t fire any of them. And then she admitted to firing multiple. Which is great I guess. So… we have that. Then they just hop through the office when someone comes in. Like. They have no right to be this adorable. Why are they literally my grandparents on steroids.
Turns out the lines about Eliza sulking started in this episode, which clearly adds to why she’s pissed when he spends the entirety of 4x05 just telling her she’s sulking and she should not sulk.
Then we have scene where Patrick’s pacing again. And I don’t blame him for making Eliza nervous too. Like he said “good I don’t see why I should suffer alone” (which is a quote I’ve been using way to much in real life recently lol)
Clarence makes his grand entry with some food and the info that Gibson is here. 🙃
And I’m finally going to end on those last two scenes of them together (cuz I skipped William kissing Eliza)
Them blackmailing Carter was hilarious. I mean, we know both of them were hella nervous cuz he could’ve just gunned both of them down there but that’s whatever. I love the little voice moderations and the expressions Eliza and Patrick pass each other basically saying “he’s agreed, now let’s get the hell out of here before he changes his mind and kills us”
Then we got Patrick praising Eliza. That could’ve played out to be an even more heartfelt scene had Eliza not seen the time and ran off. He looked disappointed, but he seemed to let it go (unlike William would’ve as we know) , understanding she probably forgot to do something .
Makes me sad seeing potential like this being flushed down a toilet.
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They’re an old married couple and I love that for them🙃
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lambertdiary · 9 months
Jealousy, Jealousy
"Sorry Won't Fix This" Masterlist
A/N: So I posted part two a couple of days ago and I had a few people asking for a part three, and I'm not gonna lie... I got a little carried away lol, so definitely I'll post a part 4. This was really fun to write and hopefully it'll be fun for you guys to read it! PLEASE let me know what you think 🫶🏻 Also I was watching an Andrew Garfield movie so keep that in mind.
Word Count: 2.1k+
Warnings: angst, language, jealousy, Dalton being shitty (again)
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After Dalton left, Y/N just stared at the door trying to hold her tears in. She was doing a good job, until Chris walked through the door and asked her what was wrong. She broke down immediately, but Chris stayed with her comforting her all night. She cried until she couldn't anymore, and all that was left was a raging headache. 
Y/N told Chris everything, she had been avoiding that subject but letting it all out made her feel a lot better. She felt bad for Chloe, she really did, but at this point she just wanted to detach herself from the whole situation and just Dalton in general, so her next step was moving on.
“You need to forget about him Y/N, he’s not worth it” Y/N nodded agreeing with her friend, but a part of her still felt like she lost someone really important.
“I know I do” She sighed deeply before continuing “I guess the last time we broke up I thought we would somehow find our way back to each other, you know?”
“Y/N, I love you and I know what you mean, but I just want you to think of all the times he did something shitty, and then tell me you still want him”
Y/N laughed a little, admitting to herself stupid her feelings were “You’re right”
“I know I am, dude. Go out, have fun and meet guys who are not gonna kiss someone else in New Year’s”
After a minute of silence, Y/N finally built up the courage to ask “Did you know?”
“Know what?” Chris asked in confusion.
“That Chloe and Dalton were like together together”
Chris thought about her answer for a moment, but ultimately decided there was no point in hiding it anymore “Sort of… I mean I knew he was getting invited to her parents’ house and hanging out with some of her friends” Y/N just nodded, a sad look still on her face “But it doesn’t matter because you’re over him now”
Chris encouraged her to go out with someone. Y/N wasn’t the type to approach a guy and ask for his number, so Chris offered to introduce her to one of her friends she thought Y/N could get along with. 
She met Andrew a couple of days later, and she was surprised when they immediately hit it off. He was cute and funny and really easy to talk to, so Y/N was excited when he started to take her out on dates. They were seeing each other almost every day, and Y/N even took him to her favourite coffee shop, telling him that she got her best work done there and how it was the best coffee she ever had. He chuckled at her statement but agreed with her, sharing his love for coffee too.
⋆ ★
Dalton didn’t tell Chloe what happened that night, of course he didn’t. He kept seeing her like nothing happened and she couldn’t be happier about it. 
The thing is, Chloe felt like she didn’t have him for a number of reasons, even when they started dating he was barely any special towards her. Sure, she would spend a lot of time with him and he would seek her attention, he even drew her for an art project but that was before they became a thing, and the portrait was just somewhere in his dorm. 
She would go there with him and see the wall with a bunch of paintings and drawings of Y/N, and before he told her about them she had no idea they used to date, but she couldn’t help but feel jealous that she never made the wall. 
So one day she decided to ask him to put it up “I’m your girlfriend now, don’t you think it’s time you put the drawing of me on your wall?”
“Uh” He looked at his art displayed on the wall, realising a lot of them were Y/N “I will” He simply replied, thinking he could maybe do it later, but the look Chloe gave him made him understand that she meant right now. So he did, he stood up and removed a few portraits, making space for the new one. He couldn’t bring himself to actually get rid of them, so he decided to just leave them on his desk. That was weeks before he told her about his past with Y/N.
The day after Y/N rejected him he concluded it was officially over, so his relationship with Chloe got a little more serious. Chloe properly introduced him to her parents, they started to have more dates and they even had ‘romantic’ weekends.
Days went by and Dalton tried his best to keep Y/N out of his mind, constantly telling himself that he was with Chloe now and that it was for the best. He wanted to be a better boyfriend for her but he sometimes forgot to put in the effort.
One day Dalton decided to get coffee after class, buying one for him and one for his girlfriend who was waiting for him in his dorm. After receiving his order, he turned around and was ready to walk out, but a familiar face stopped him.
He saw Y/N sitting at one of the tables, talking and giggling with some other guy. Dalton stared at them for a moment, his knuckles whitening as he gripped the cups he was holding. He decided it would be better if he left, but just as he started to walk again he noticed the guy stand up and make his way to the washroom. 
Before he could think about it, he found himself standing in front of Y/N, giving her a questioning stare, as if she owed him any explanations. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked in a demanding tone.
Y/N was both surprised and annoyed at his question. She scoffed and crossed her arms, giving him a bland tone to make him feel like she didn’t care about him “What kind of question is that?”
“I know you’re here with someone, I saw him”
“Why do you care? Aren’t you still with Chloe?” Y/N asked him, pointing at the cup with her name on it. Dalton shrugged and thought about something else to say. She had a point, he was with Chloe now so he shouldn’t care, but he did “You should probably take your girlfriend her coffee, it’s gonna get cold”
“We need to talk”
“There’s nothing left to talk about”
Before Dalton could say something, someone else joined the table “Hi, I’m Andrew” He said, sitting across from Y/N. 
“Dalton” He replied, pressing his lips together.
“He was just leaving” Y/N quickly added.
“Oh” Andrew immediately suspected she didn’t want him there “Well, nice to meet you man”
Dalton clenched his jaw, he didn’t say anything else and just gave them a quick nod before leaving the coffee shop. He was walking to his dorm and the whole time he wished he had said something clever to Andrew.
When he got to his dorm, he was received with a sweet hug and kiss from Chloe, telling him how much he has missed him. As usual, they sat on his bed and talked about their day before moving on to schoolwork. 
“So, my birthday party is this Saturday and I was thinking we could wear the same colour” Chloe said out of nowhere.
Dalton tried to hide the fact that he forgot about her birthday “Uh- yeah, what are you wearing?”
“The dress I bought last week. I told you it was for my birthday, remember?” She asked, hurt and mad he forgot such an important detail. 
He nodded his head quickly “I remember baby, I’m sorry” Dalton brought her closer to him and gave her a reassuring kiss “We’ll both look phenomenal in pink”
⋆ ★
Y/N wasn’t surprised to see Dalton, it was impossible to avoid him completely given they lived in the same building, but anytime they saw each other they just pretended the other didn’t exist, it was working just fine for Dalton until he saw her with someone else. 
Her feelings towards him definitely changed, while she still felt like she lost someone important to her, she was also disappointed at how much he had changed since the party, so they were a mix of many different things. Often she couldn’t help but wonder how different things would be if she tried harder when they were together, but at the same time she resented him for not always showing that he loved her the way she wanted him to.
“How long do we have to wait?” Andrew asked, holding his hair away from his forehead so the face mask wouldn’t stick to it.
“About 20 minutes” Y/N was smiling down at him, finishing up with the thick paste on his cheeks.
He opened his eyes and smiled back at her “Do you have like a hair thing I can borrow?”
Y/N chuckled and reached for another headband, carefully sticking all of his hair back “This is a great look on you” She joked.
They laughed as he looked at himself in the tiny mirror “I guess you’ll have to style me more often”
“I mean, you already look great all the time so I don’t think you need my help”
She watched as his smile went shy, almost sure he was blushing under the face mask. Andrew handed her the mirror and she put it back in a small vase that had a few makeup brushes in it.
“Did you make that?” Andrew asked, paying close attention to the drawings on it, recognising Y/N’s favourite flowers.
“The vase?” She asked and he nodded “Yeah, last year in a pottery class”
“A pottery class?”
“Yeah. I mean, I only went like 3 times but this is great, isn’t it?” She picked it up and examined it. It had been a long time since she did.
“May I?” Andrew grabbed it and looked at all the different colours on it “And you drew these?” He asked, pointing at the beautifully painted flowers.
“Not really, my- uh friend helped me with those, but I still did most of the job” She clarified.
“Oh…” He faked disappointment “And you had me over here thinking you were an artist”
She scoffed playfully as he took the vase from him “I am, did you see the one at the bottom?” Y/N showed him a smudged spot of paint that looked like it was supposed to be a flower “You wouldn’t get it, it’s abstract art” Andrew gave her a frisky look that made her blush  “Are you an artist?”
“Born to be but my lack of skills didn’t allow it, very tragic” Y/N giggled at his dramatics as she scooted closer to him “I can’t really draw… I mean I can, but it’s not very good” Andrew laughed “Why? Do you have a thing for artists?
A strange feeling took over her heart, but she just shook her head and forced a smile “No, just for guys that look good in headbands” She teased. Andrew felt his face get hot again and an impulse made him lean over, getting really close to her face but Y/N stopped him.
“You don’t wanna taste this face mask, it’s gonna linger for days” Andrew shrugged his shoulders and took a quick look at her lips, and then back at her eyes.
“You already have that effect on me”
Y/N was speechless. For a moment they stared at each other intensely, Y/N almost gave in, but the door swinging open made both of them jump.
“Oh- sorry to interrupt” Chris said slowly, dropping her things on her bed.
They turned red and quickly got away from each other, trying to cover their embarrassment “You didn’t, we’re just doing face masks”
“Without me?” Chris joked.
The three of them stayed there for the rest of the afternoon, and as soon as Andrew left Chris couldn’t help but tease Y/N about what she almost witnessed.
“So, I see you two are really getting along”
“I guess” Y/N replied, unsure of how to feel.
“What? Do you not like him?”
“I do… I think I do” She stopped to think about it for a moment “It’s been great but honestly i don’t know if I can take it any further”
“Y/N he’s like perfect for you” Chris stared at her friend, waiting for an explanation “Why not?”
“Because he’s not Dalton”
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yarrystyleeza · 4 months
Ok actually I didn't have to think long, lol.
What would your ideal first date with Mikey (aka our favorite Irish mob daddy) consist of??? 👀
I am really really REALLY sorry it took me (5) months to finish this piece, a lot of stuff was going on (my life was a complete mess, still tho). But since it's Valentine's day, I HAD to post something, and what's better than a date with Mikey for a Valentine's gift?
Something else I had to say, is that I had no idea how to write HCs—which is the vibe that I got from your ask (hehe), so, I improvised, and made up a whole story of what would your first date with Mikey would be (with a back story as well).
That being said, let's jump right into the act! And thank you, thank you, thank you, so much, for submitting this request and for your patience, please enjoy! 💖💖💖
It's Always Raining In Dublin (M.K)
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Requested by @loveroftoomanyfandoms
Pairing and dynamic: Michael Kinsella x female!reader (reader is a bookshop owner), strangers to friends (?) to lovers
Prompt: fluff, first date goes wrong but then perfect, rain, rain, and more rain.
Word Count: 4.3k!
Writer's note: this was supposed to be finished back in September, which was five months ago, but I was struggling for a while with both a terrible writer's block and life and then BOOM I got the inspiration to finish it. Also, this is the very first time I ever write anything for Michael, so I'm a little nervous, I hope it's good enough though.
(I proofread this almost a thousand times WITH my bestie as well, so if there's anything wrong with the grammar and/or the lexical content, we were really exhausted and couldn't see shit—we're sorry T-T).
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It was a rainy morning when you truly met him, it rained almost everyday in Dublin but that day was a core memory. You had just unlocked the door of your little bookshop and started to sort things out before your costumers arrive.
Usually, your first client doesn't show up before nine-thirty in the morning, which gives you spare time to dust off the shelves and pick up a big cup of coffee from the nearby coffeeshop down the street—in this never-ending autumn.
That morning was no different. It was pouring heavily but you're used to opening your shop on rainy days, it's always raining in Dublin anyway, and if you had to take each rainy day off—you'd end up with a couple of fingers on your hands as you count the days you worked on per year.
You were organizing the children's books section when you heard the sweet chime of the little bell hanging on your front door. It was barely eight and you happened to just finished your coffee and breakfast, getting ready to start your day. But it began earlier than you expected it to.
Your costumer was a man, you assumed he was in his early forties, maybe for the dark thick beard that covers most of his face. His face was strangely familiar to you, you just couldn't exactly remember when it was when you saw him.
But you're sure that this was the prettiest face of a man you've seen in a while. His greenish hazel brown eyes sparkled like a kaleidoscope with a hint of an exquisite permanent-sadness, and his flushed skin and dampened hair glistened due to the torrent outside.
You felt your breath stuck in your throat for a moment before you could clear it to speak.
"good morning, sir, how may I help ya today?" you faced him fully and your skirt swirled—following your motion with a swoosh in the air, you catch him glance down at it for a second before returning his eyes on you.
"I... The book ye suggested ta me the other day..." he starts gently and the memory comes back rushing immediately. You remember that warm tone, you had indeed met this gentleman before.
A week ago, he came over to your shop and you recall how lost he was in his search for the perfect book to read. And you, being a bookworm, and also the owner of this little corner bookshop— you had to help him. You gave him a suggestion for a book out of his box—out of his comfort readings.
And from the gentle look on his face, you suppose that he liked it.
"I'was grand," the man smiles softly and the corners of his eyes crinkle a little, you find yourself grinning back at him.
"Ye finished it quickly!" you commented in excitement and he looked a bit puzzled, a smile softly drawn on his lips with a little crease of confusion. It was adorable.
"I mean—I'm glad t'was grand that ya finished it quickly." He lipped a silent "oh" before his cheeks burn red as he smiled and his eyes almost disappeared.
"Are ya here for another book?" you asked when the silence fell on the place, raindrops kept knocking on the glass front nonstop, music to your ears with this handsome man smiling and radiating joy to your eyes.
"Ye can say that..." his voice was quiet but you can hear it in this downpour noise, he tilted his head to the side and shrugged, and it was impossible for you to not aw at it.
"How about we go with somethin' even newer for today?" you suggested, he nods to the side with a little smile, you walk and he follows you down the aisle.
"Romance or crime and mystery?" you stop at the novels sections, "pride and prejudice, I guess ya must've heard of it before," you pick the book off the shelf, he gently takes it from your hand and examines the cover thoroughly with his amber eyes, and he looked so interested.
"Or, we can go with Agatha Christie's illustrious murder on the orient express," you take the book and hand it to him, "or... Take a whole new genre and check Mary Shelley's horror Frankenstein? It's one of me favorites," you hand him the third book after strolling down the aisle a little more.
The man looked puzzled now, he seemed interested in each one of these books. But you patiently wait for him to speak.
"Have ya made up yer mind yet, sir?" you ask.
He shrugged with a sigh, raising his brows high, "they all look grand— can't lie t'ye," he answered.
"They are— but I can make ya an offer, I'll give ya the three books with the price of one and a half—and in return, ye're gonna write me a review of each book to add to me list of reviews and suggestions here on me wall," you tilt your head to the side, eyeing his beautiful features and almost forgetting you were waiting for his answer.
"Tha' seems grand ta me," he chuckled.
"I'm glad it is!" you walk him back to the cashier check, you get back behind your computer to scan the books and add in the discount.
"That'll be 18.46 after the discount," you lean against the wooden surface with your arms supporting you up.
He nods and hands you the money. "There ya go--" you're about to hand him the change. He shook his head, "no, keep tha change, miss..." he cuts you off gently, looking down at the little pin with your name on it.
You tell him your name to catch his eyes back up and he nods with a little smile, "Michael." he says, only taking the receipt and the paper bag of books.
He turns and makes his way to the front door, "Michael?" you loved the sound of his name rolling off your tongue. He stops and turns with a puzzled face, "thanks fer the tip," he smiles and you can see the blush on his face a mile away. He leaves and you watch him take a turn to the right before he disappeared under the northern downpour.
The next week, Michael shows up at your shop's door on a Saturday afternoon, a big smile drawn on his face. You were dealing with a little kid trying to choose a book, you turn to see him and he immediately waves at you, a little sweet grin splits the darkness of his thick beard. "Ya can take the book now, pet, momma's gonna send me the money later, 'kay?" The two of you watch the little kid waddle out of the shop.
"Sorry t' interrupt yer work," he says as he crossed the distance between you. You shake your head, "at all, Michael. How was yer read? Which book did ya read first?" you asked, leaning against the shelves.
He smiled wider when you said his name, almost startled to speak. "Um, the-- the mystery one, murder on the orient express," he answered.
"And did ya like it?" you ask him again with enthusiasm and butterflies crowding your lungs. He rubs the back of his neck with a sigh and an apologetic smile. "Ya don't seem like ya liked it, did ya?" you chuckled.
He scrunched his nose and tilts his head to the side, "the ending was unexpected at all ta be honest with ya," he shrugs.
You nodded and hummed to his answer, "Christie is never expected, that's why we love her," he nods back.
You notice the two paper cups of coffee he held in his hand when the smell of freshly baked-and-brewed coffee beans hits your nostrils. You were so confused why you never noticed it before, maybe you were distracted by Michael's presence as a whole, or his always-glistened ambers if you were specific. Michael notices the confused smile on your face. "I— thought I should bring ye coffee, as a thank ya."
Your smile grows with a blush as he hands you a cup, "thank ya, Michael, that's truly sweet of ya," you coo, his face blushes and shyly drops his eyes to the ground.
The sky thunders and you nearly jumped out of your place, both of you stare at the other and you burst out laughing. "Did that scare ya off, pet?" Michael asked with a worried smile, you kept giggling.
"Not really but... It was... Unexpected?" you answer after taking a deep breath.
"Like Christie?" he chuckled, you burst out laughing.
"Like Christie."
The weeks turned into months and Michael began to show up more and more often, and you eagerly waited every morning to see his shiny hazel eyes and his beautiful smile, one that you keep daydreaming about until he steps into your shop with two hot cups of coffee.
He turned from a regular client—to be a resident of this little bookshop. Michael started to stay in with you and help you organizing and monitoring the place—he would even help the little kids in choosing their books, too.
Once, you found him sitting on the oak floor, the little boys and girls gathered and sat around him, while he narrated a children's book. Your heart melted at the sight, and luckily that wouldn't be the last time.
The kids would come into your shop asking you if uncle Michael was there to read for them; Michael was now a part of your place, and you're happy to have someone like him to keep your company.
One evening —after three months of seeing each other daily— when the sky was cloudy and the sunset light was becoming less visible. The weather broadcast had warned about an upcoming rainstorm tonight—so you had to call it a night and leave.
You made sure everything was in the right place and order before you left. You put your autumn coat on and stuff your phone inside your purse. You take the keys out and you make your way towards the exit. Michael was waiting for you by the front door. Both of you get out of the shop and you turn to lock it up.
Michael calls your name gently in a tone barely louder than a whisper before you head on your way home and it makes your stomach churn in the most beautiful way.
You turn to look at him, he's shifting in his place, hands stuffed inside his leather jacket pockets and face all flustered and burning red. "Can I walk ye home tonight? It's a lil' darker than usual, I'd be worried 'bout ye, pet," he asks, voice so desperate. Your heart skips a beat—but it comes back pounding.
Your smile doesn't leave your face and it starts to hurt your cheeks. "Sure thing, Michael, I'd love to," you nodded, he grins and his eyes crinkle and his orbits shine.
The sky darkens but you could still see the perfect smile on Michael's face, little raindrops started sliding against your skins and it was a scene out of a painting, so magical and calm.
You make it to your place and you exchange goodbyes. You watched him walking down the concrete path and disappeared behind the brick wall.
You made your way to your doorstep, almost taking your keychain out when Michael calls out your name, you turn to face him, he's all soaked in water but his beautiful grin never left his face.
"Can I take ya out fer dinner tomorrow night?" your jaw dropped and your head screamed 'yes, yes, yes'.
"Yes! Yes, y'can, Michael!" you could barely make out his silhouette as your grin almost shut your eyes. He's almost jumping in his place, he sighs with a big smile.
"I'll pick ya up tomorrow at seven, is that grand fer ya, pet?" he shouts.
"Of course, Mikey!" you shouted back.
You walked into the warmth of your house soaked and giggly, you ran upstairs straight to your bedroom to plan an outfit, you didn't care about messing up the carpet, you'd deal with that later.
You quickly made up your mind about a floral day dress you had bought recently and you recall thinking of Michael while buying this dress.
You guess he's going to love it, he usually complimented you when you wore dresses and let your hair down and that's what you're going to do.
You took the next Sunday morning off as you started to prepare yourself for the date, pampering yourself with all the skin and hair care products you can find in your house.
You wanted to look perfect for him.
You felt overwhelmed with happiness, making up the scenarios of your evening. Where will he take you out? Is it a fancy restaurant or a local diner? What would he bring you? Flowers definitely, he's a flower-gifting man, as you realized, it was definitely his way of showing affection. He brought flowers every couple days for the shop.
Now it's nearing seven and you happened to just finished your look. You put on your dress and you fix your hair, adding a little floral accessory to the side of your braided bangs. You looked stunning, you hoped that you'd give the same impression to Michael.
The doorbell rings as you slipped into your heels, you look at your mirror for the very last time tonight before opening the door. He looked so fine though he wore his shirt and trousers casually with his leather jacket. You could kiss him already.
His eyes stayed fixed on yours for a brief moment before he exhaled with a stunned smile. "Y—ya look magical, pet," he breathed out and it made you turn completely red.
"I tried me best..." you shyly drive your eyes away and tuck a stray strand back behind your ear.
"Y'don' even have ta try, love, ye're always lookin' good," he shyly says and you could see his cheeks prickling red as he drove his eyes down to his shoes.
"I um... Brought ya these," he revealed a bouquet from behind his back, it was of red roses. It matched your dress perfectly. His head tilted to the side with a smile as he handed it to you.
"They're so wonderful, Mikey, loved them, thank ya," you take the bundle. "Ya look great too, Mikey, loved yer shirt," you had to compliment him, he deserved it.
His face reddened beneath his beard, "thanks, love."
"Ye're ready, aren't ya, love?" he asked with a smile.
"I am, let me get me purse and coat first—"
He shook his head, "take yer time, pet," he countered.
You turn behind the door and take your coat off the hanger. Sliding inside it, you take your purse, grab an umbrella and widen the little crevice of the door to pass outside.
Michael hesitantly held your hand but when he noticed how you instantly wrapped your palm around his—he intertwined his fingers with yours, with no plans on letting go.
You walked down to the main street where Michael tried to stop a taxi for the two of you. "We don't have to take it," you stopped him with a gentle hand on his back, he was a little confused, "I'd prefer walking with ya, Mikey," you explained yourself. A big smile breaks the darkness of his beard and you could swear he beams at you.
As you strolled down the concrete path, the sky thundered vigorously, the voice rumbled and echoed in the air, and it wasn't long before it started dropping tears upon the two of you.
You could see Michael's face turning dark, he cursed under his breath, you rubbed a pat onto his bicep, and pulled the umbrella over your heads, offering him a soft smile. He smiled back but you still felt how uneasy he was.
"It's okay, Mikey, I love walkin' in the rain," you comment, and that kinda eases the tension of his demeanor.
The walk is silent, and you could still feel him timid as you held his forearm, you know he can't control the weather, but you don't really mind if it's sunny or gloomy, as long as you are with Michael, it's all what matters to you.
The two of you made it to the restaurant, and Michael's face turned even darker. A sign on the glass door reads 'electricity outage, sorry for disturbing' was hung on the glass door. You turn to look at Michael, his eyes are glaring with fire.
The receptionist types something on his phone and sticks it to the glass, "it's coming back in a few minutes, we're working on the issue, we truly apologize for such occurrence... See, Mikey? We can wait a few more minutes," you smiled back at him, but Michael wasn't really buying it.
He gulped and closed his eyes, huffing out a stream of hot air. "It's okay, Mikey, we can go somewhere else if ya don' wanna wait..." you suggested.
He shook his head, "no, I booked us a table in there a week ago and I ain't takin' ya anywhere less than that!" he tried to remain calm but his tone was getting angrier, "I can't let this day go wrong like tha'!" he expressed, wiping his mouth and tugging onto his beard, something you noticed he does whenever he feels tensed.
You rubbed his bicep and squeezed it a little, your hand unconsciously walk up to his face and you scratch his thick beard. He smiles a little, but his eyes are glistened with tears like glass balls.
Things weren't going his way, for years and years, and today he wished he could finally do something he wanted. You didn't mind if you got the chance to dine at the restaurant or took your date home, what you only cared for was Michael's presence with you. But to him, it seemed like today too is going wrong and he has no clue how to fix it.
And you truly hated to see Michael angry or sad, he doesn't deserve to feel any of that. He's a sweetheart, he never put you down, so you have to keep him up.
"Have I told ya about the one time I almost died?" you ask him, and he clearly shifts demeanor to your question, you hide a smile waiting for his answer. Your ways might be effective after all.
He shook his head with knitted brows, you nodded and hummed. "Well, that day, I was picking up coffee from the shop I'm a regular for," you start, and you notice him directing all his being to you, "that day, me favorite waiter wasn't there to get me order, and another one got it," you leant onto the glass, after getting closer to him so the umbrella would cover the two of you better.
"But, when me order arrived, it was a wrong one, and I was really mad, I told the waiter to change it, but he couldn't, they can't give the drink to someone else and they're not allowed to throw it away," you got closer, and Michael was so integrated into the story.
"So I had to accept it, but I was still so angry at that, I wasn't seeing things clearly, and I was crossing the street and a car almost hit me!" you tell animatily, Michael was shocked.
"Ya didn't hurt yerself pet, did ya?" he was worried and you loved his face when he was.
You huffed a chuckle and shook your head, "I didn't hurt meself, and didn't spill me coffee either, and when I arrived to the bookshop and took a sip of it, I discovered that it was so much better than me regular order," you shrugged, Michael smiled but he wanted to know more, "and now it's me new regular."
Suddenly, the lights came back, as the night had already fallen. Michael's face lit up a little and you grinned to that. You walk into the place and the receptionist leads you to your table with plenty of apologies. Michael helps you into your seat and settles down his, released a breath he wasn't aware he was holding.
You reach out for his hand across the table, pulling him out of the cloud forming over his head. "It's okay, Mikey... We're inside now," you offer him a smile, he smiles back, you rub his knuckles with your thumb.
A waitress approaches your table with a note in hand, Michael took a deep breath and looked up at her. She asks for your dinner of choice. You look at Michael, informing him that you want him to order for the two of you, that you want what he wants.
"Two Seared Scallops with Pomegranate and Meyer Lemon," Michael answered after taking a glance at the menu then you. You nodded with a smile.
The waitress nods and takes her way back to the kitchen. Michael smiles at you, but his face drains of all blood when he sees the waitress approaching your table with an apologetic smile. "We truly apologize, sir and ma'am, but we're out of scallops and they won't be arriving today. Ye're gonna have ta change yer order," she tries to break the news as gentle as possible.
Michael is frustrated, his thick brows are firmly knitted over his gentle eyes, you caught them lose their shine, and you had to do something about it.
"It's fine, we can have steak, mashed potatoes, and wine, right Michael?" you had to give him a choice too. He looks up at you, you tilt your head to the side with a soft smile. He nods.
"Alright, two steaks... How d'ya like yer steak, ma'am?" the waitress asks. "Medium well," she nods to your answer and turns to look at Michael.
"And how d'ya like yer steak, sir?" you sneak your hand and place it on his, sending a supportive smile his way. He respires, "same as hers." he answers.
The waitress nods and walks back to the kitchen once again. You turn to face Michael, "I wouldn't mind if we never ate here, I just enjoy sitting with ya, Mikey," you hold his hand, he almost sobs, you reach out for his other hand, now fondling both of them. "It's you Michael, I ain't here fer the fancy dinner or the expensive wine, I'm here fer ya Mikey baby."
He finally smiles. "Thank you, pet," he whispers. You shake your head, "t's notin', Mikey."
Another waiter arrives with a tray of wine and globular glasses. The waiter pours your glass first and turns to pour Michael's—when he accidentally smacks your glass and he spills it onto your dress.
You hiss at the sudden cold wetness, trying your best not to curse or cry—because you too feel the world isn't working its best way with you today.
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath and trying to stop the tears from forming.
The waiter keeps apologizing, and you already know how Michael's reaction might be without even opening your eyes and looking at him.
But you can't let this day go bad, you still have a chance to fix it, you can make it 100% better with your reaction, you can stop the chain of bad occurrences.
You open your eyes and look up at the waiter, "it's alright I... I just need a towel..." he rushes back to the kitchen. You grabbed a napkin off the table and tried to absorb the wine spilled on your dress.
"Tha' fuckin' idiot..." Michael curses.
You chuckle, "it's okay, Mikey, me dress is red, it won't change notin', I'll be fine."
Once you made sure most of the dampness was gone, you readjusted yourself in front of Michael, wearing a beaming smile on your pretty face.
His eyes fondly meet yours and you're flustered, looking down at the silverware displayed on the table.
"How are ya like tha'?" Michael asked, resting his cheek in his palm. You looked up at him, and he's got the sweetest smile you've ever seen him doing. His eyes beautifully sparkled to the golden lights of the candles.
"Like what?" you answer with a question. He gestures at you with his chin.
"How're ya such a beam of light?" you turn red at his question, "how are ya, after all tha', still smilin' and tryin' ta make it work?"
"Well," you swallowed with a smile, "bad things won't stop happenin' t'ya, Mikey love, that's somethin' ya should keep in mind, but they can't stop ya from looking at the bright side of it all." Michael furrowed in participation.
"Y'know? I'll never get a chance ta make that day perfect more than it is now," you simply say, "and if I would get a chance ta fix anythin', I wouldn't, because it's already going perfect f'me."
The two of you spend the rest of the evening on nibbling and chattering. Your dress was now cold and sticking to your thighs but you didn't mind, the food turned stale and cold but you didn't care; as long as it was Michael with you, you didn't mind anything else in the world.
Michael pays for the dinner and accompanies you to the exit. The two of you look outside, the rain is heavily pouring over the city, and it's loud enough you could hear it from behind the glass door.
You turn to look at him, he smiles and nods, pushing the door and escorting you with an arm wrapping you to his side.
You step into the street under the rain and you're immediately showered. You snicker, holding Michael's hand and looking at him, your eyes asking him to join you. Michael giggles as he follows you, now holding the two of your hands softly as the skies decanted its whole heart on the two of you.
"Y'know ya can't wait for the rain ta stop. It's always raining in Dublin anyway, Mikey." you whisper, he smiles and cradles your cheeks and he pulls you into a kiss, warming your hearts under the cold downpour.
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dwindlinghaze · 1 year
chatoyant skies
(andrew garfield x reader)
summary: alphabet fluff fic :)
warnings: fluff, sprinkle of angst, relationship stuff (i've never been in one lol who am i to talk😭)
sorry for any typos or incorrect grammars, my fingers aren't my best friends ;)
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
A. adoxography [favourite little things about each other]
you find it cute how his nose gets red when he's cold. you think it's the most adorable thing. you admired how his hair is messy and droopy in the morning. he will run his hands through his hair to get it out of his face but it will flop down again. his hands are rough but they are gentle too, and you love how he plays with your hands when he's nervous.
your sleepy mumbles in the morning makes him smile. as i said before, he loves your hand/holding your hand/anything really. he also loves your rambles about the things you're passionate about. it warms his heart when you pull his body to yours when you're cold and completely bury your face in his neck. he loves how your face fits so good in it.
B. brumous [how they comfort each other after a rough day]
you would pull him for a comforting hug and pat his hair while trying to make him feel better by saying comforting words. when he has finally calmed down, you'd ask him what it was about that made him upset. you'd do the best you could to make him happy again.
when you're sad, upset, or even just tired, he would make your favourite dish and talk to you about it the whole evening while assuring you that everything will be okay. words about how much your worth is will be lowly whispered by him to you.
C. cosmogyral [what they love most about each other]
you love his hair of course! it is soft and shiny and you love touching it (and he lets you do it every time because he enjoys it too) his arms are also one of the many things you love about him. when he wrapped it around you, you could literally feel yourself melting into him because it was just so comfy. his eyes are also so beautiful, you can't help but stare at them sometimes with a sweet smile which makes him all flustered. the way he smiles at your jokes is untouchable. you love him with reasons and no reason.
he loves your style so much that sometimes he will steal some clothes from you (ones that he fits ofc). he loves your eyes and you two would have an eye staring contest. he loves your hands too, again i think he is big hand holder. he would admire and appreciate every curve of your body because to him, you are perfect with all your imperfections. your discipline also is a good influence to him because as time goes he sorts of absorbs your tidiness and discipline. your smile is the most important thing in the world for him. he always wants to see a genuine smile from you so he knows that he's keeping you happy and comfortable.
D. diaphanous [small gestures you do for each other]
he'd write small notecards for you filled with encouraging words and he will put it on the top of your phone so he is sure you will read it.
you took an interest in baking so when andrew got home from work, the house will smell like a bakery full of pastries you baked for him. he loves your food too <3
E. elysian [a place that held a beautiful memory]
it was the place where you two made it official. as cliché as it sounds, when he walked past that place, memories of you and him being in a romantic haze swarmed to his head in a kaleidoscope of happiness and gratitude.
F. foudroyant [how affectionate are they]
the both of you are incredibly affectionate, at all times. just small gestures here and there. making sure the other is alright in any situation. if one of you is feeling off, the other would immediately find a way to make it alright again. he'd rub your back to make you feel better. you'd squeeze his hands when he's nervous.
G. gasconade [are there fights]
of course the are. every healthy relationships have fights! it's not often but if there is, it will be mostly because of the busy schedules and works. you both always try to understand how important each of your work is. at times you'd cancel a date or he can't be there for a movie night. when you both finally found a time to spend together, you two would be too tired to even do anything. after a whole month without the presence of each other, you two argued in the kitchen. his job is very important and dear to him and so is yours so it was just like solving a crossword with no right answer.
but you two would eventually made up and make things work. he promises to think rationally. you also promise to not make him feel pressured.
H. halcyon [any pet you'd want to have]
months into the relationship andrew gave you a mini pig (a rescue one ofc!). nonetheless, you took care of it with your whole attention because it is so precious and andrew is so thoughtful. even though a pig isn't an ideal pet for a couple to have, who cares anyway? you and andrew still give the little pig all the love and affection it needs.
I. insapory [what you dislike about each other]
there aren't many things you dislike about each other. though you dislike his carelessness. sometimes he does things out of the blue that will not end up so great. he dislikes your clumsiness especially if it'll end up with you getting hurt.
J. juvenescence [how mature is the relationship]
fights make things better for relationships (though those fights happens rarely). i don't think andrew would want to date someone that's too young with a huge age gap so he'll find someone his age so there are more similarities in what you want.
sometimes in the relationship, you and him will be a little childish, but it's all just for fun! all in all, i think the key to a successful relationship is to be mature in facing obstacles. you both wanted this to last forever so maturity is very important.
K. kalon [cuddles, hugs, kisses]
cuddles - he loves cuddling with you! especially when the weather is freezing and barren cold. he'd just drag you from wherever you were and lay down on the couch, he'll place your head in his neck and cover the both of you with the blanket you knitted. he just really loves cuddling with you so he'll do it any time.
hugs - you are a big hugger. you love hugging everyone. which is very pleasing to him because he loves it when you hug him. although your arms aren't as big as his, you'd still be able to wrap your arms around him and make him smile. he too loves hugging you. when he hugs you, it feels like he's protecting you, which makes him want to do it all the time because you are so precious to him that he didn't want any speck of cruelness in the world to touch you.
kisses - when you just started dating he found out that you love forehead kisses. so whenever a chance of planting a kiss on your temple is there, he'd take it. how you smile when andrew kisses your forehead is the purest smile he has ever seen, and he wants to see it often. also, kisses on the lips happens occasionally too! your lips taste so sweet that he just doesn't want to separate his from yours. he would definitely pout when you only give him a brief peck on his lips. sometimes you two would make out for god knows how long until you both fell asleep, face pressed against the other.
L. lethologica [how they confessed their love]
it was just a normal rainy night in his london flat. you two were watching a movie- well you were drawing messily on a paper. when he looks over at you, your eyes were focused on the drawing that you were trying to make shape of and the words came out of his mouth. an 'i love you' is said so softly by him and you looked up to meet his gorgeous eyes. you smile as you kiss his lips whispering an 'i love you' back.
he has been in love with you for so long and he just had to let you be aware of that because he wants you to know that you are loved. having unrequited love scarred his heart but knowing that the feeling is mutual puts his heart back together.
M. meraki [how much efforts are put into dates]
andrew puts a lot of effort. if you're having a dinner date out, he will make sure the restaurant you two were going to have a whole menu of dishes you like. if it was a date in the park or a nature walk, he will bring cold water just in case it's too hot or a coat in case you're getting cold. and the end though, he will give you a very thoughtful gift that melts your heart. your favourite date was when he took you to a place to feed penguins, he brought you across the state to meet penguins in real life! he would do every possible things just for you to be happy and loved.
N. nubivagant [are they supportive]
of course he is! he'd encourage you in everything that you do (that are rational ofc) but he's also not hesitant to tell you when you're not supposed to be doing what you're doing.
you'd be supportive of what he does too. you always think he is good in everything he does so giving a little everything a try will not hurt. just like andrew, you will always support him to a certain extent. if what he's doing is too much, you aren't hesitant to tell him to back off a little.
O. orenda [is the relationship secure]
yes it is. you love each other too much to just take this happiness for granted. he likes it when things are secure and knows where it leads to. he wants this beautiful relationship to last for a lifetime.
P. philocaly [love languages and how they show it]
andrew's love language is definitely physical touch and quality time. so cuddling is a very good option (that's also why he loves cuddling so much). sometimes, you place your palm on his face when he is talking to you and he will press his cheeks further into your palm like a cat. you'd bake with him, do artsy stuff with him, and he'll enjoy every second of it. you would arrange a dinner in the woods behind your backyard and he would pray for those to happen more often (and it does!). you want him to feel loved.
acts of service is a big thing for you so he would absolutely be there for your service! when you can't open a package, he will do it for you. when you crave for some food, the next thing you know is the food is in front of you. he'll place his hand on a table or a cabinet when you crouched down to grab something. although words of affirmation isn't your main love language, he will still whisper sweet nothings to you because he wants you to know the you in his point of view.
Q. quatervois [do they want a marriage or wedding]
yes absolutely. andrew always wanted to have someone by his side who will spend the rest of his life with and meeting you is a miracle to his wishes. he also wants a marriage because it's with you. the proposal wont be big or anything. it'll just be the two of you on a regular thursday night together when he pulled out a ring.
the wedding will be small and intimate too! it'll just be in a small venue filled with only people you are close with. though nothing in your relationship really changes that much because you two were already so deep into each other's life and love, the only thing that changed is that your relationship is legally approved by the government and was signed on a piece of paper.
R. rasavada [is honesty important in the relationship]
honesty is one of the most important aspects in a healthy relationship. you two are always honest to each other no matter what the situation was. even if it was horrible, lying will make things ten times worse. andrew will be so straightforward to the point (not in an aggressive way).
S. solivagant [do they get jealous often]
andrew is a very confident person and he doesn't get jealous easily. but when someone is checking you out way too much, he will pursed his lips and furrow his brows at the person.
you're also confident! there are thousands of people that are probably attracted to him and sometimes you do feel small but it doesn't matter to you because he chooses you every time.
T. thantophobia [fear at the thought of losing each other]
do i need to elaborate? losing someone you dearly love wholeheartedly is a pain that time could never mend. the both of you sometimes feared that the light burnt out when you are months away from being together but after a day spent with each other, the flower is only growing.
he loves you so much that he forgot how loneliness felt like. meeting your other half really makes life brighter and more complete.
U. utopia [how are they in the morning, night]
in the morning, you usually wake up first so you would be met with his heavy arm secured tightly around your waist. you would just smile at andrew's sleeping face and kiss his cheeks before laying down again because it's quite literally impossible for you to get off his grip. then he'll wake up, he runs his fingers through your hair gently while admiring your peaceful state and kiss the top of your head softly, trying not to wake you up. when you two are fully awake now, he will ask you how was your sleep and little sweet questions will follow.
at night before bed, he will sit on the edge of the bed, waiting for you because when you are together, he refuses to go to bed without you. he wants you to be the last thing he sees before he is off into the dream world and wake up with you tangled up with him. he will interlock his fingers with yours and kiss your lips before saying goodnight. also, you guys cuddle while sleeping, he will be the big spoon but sometimes you will be too.
V. vernorexia [how romantic are they]
he tries to be romantic because he loves seeing the crimson cheeks on your pretty face when he does a romantic gesture. he buys you your favourite flowers with a handwritten card for you. he gives you small gifts. he doesn't like going out in public so most romantic dates are whether in your place or in his. he would cook you breakfast and make you cordiform pancakes and strawberries (also breakfast in bed if you feel like it). he'd go to ends of the world cause to him that's what you're worth.
W. wanderlust [how do they spend the holidays]
andrew loves christmas so he will definitely celebrates christmas with you and his family and sometimes yours too! ever since you two introduced your families to the other's, holidays have always been so festive and fun.
when you two got home, you will have a mini celebration with just the two of you being intimate and overly affectionate to each other. you cherish each passing second spent together.
X. xylograph [nicknames that are used]
verbally, he will call you sweetheart, lovie or, your nickname that he made for you. you call him darling, honey, or sometimes love. in texts or messages you two would call each other in random made up names. his contact on your phone is drewdrops and yours in his is raindrops. :)
Y. yonderly [are they emotionally distant]
not at all. he cherishes every little thing of you and you make him feel emotions. he loves small activities with you, every evening spent together is what keeps him going til this day. you love him so much to not care about his being, mentally and physically, you took care of him when he can't take care of himself.
Z. zemblanity [what makes them angry]
andrew is a really patient man, things don't anger him very easily but if there is a situation where his anger builds up, it's probably because something or someone puts you in danger. he never wants to see you hurt.
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