#something that feels a little bad is that if you put too many counters on a creature you might not be able to pay so you'll get nothing
dravidious · 1 year
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Oh gosh the Simic are gonna need so much fucking ramp to keep up with this thing
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starrystevie · 11 months
steve's desperate, okay?
he's officially running late for his first date with linda because he couldn't find his car keys and the shirt he wanted to wear just wasn't working so he had to grab something out of his hamper and throw it on blindly which then messed up his hair and he almost forgot to brush his teeth again but remembered as he opened the front door and-
he only realizes he forgot to put on cologne once he makes it halfway to her house and smells himself. the shirt from the hamper smells stale, not bad, just stale. and steve in his normal, non-rushed state wouldn't have noticed because his trusty calvin klein would have covered it up but today is apparently not a day for things to go right.
with a sigh of frustration, steve pulls into the hook's drugstore a little too quickly and it makes his stomach lurch the tiniest bit before sliding into an open parking sport at the front door. he rushes in, pushing the door open with too much force and books it to the fragrance aisle.
"this is so fucking stupid," he mutters to himself, unable to be heard by any surrounding shoppers over the annoyingly loud jingle playing through the speakers.
steve skids to halt in front of the cologne section, crouching down and scanning quickly over the tester bottles for obsession. once he spots the amber bottle, he yanks it towards himself, spraying as much as he can onto his chest given the awkward angle he's at. as he stands back up, steve pulls his shirt collar up towards his nose and the ball of nerves in his stomach loosens at the familiar smell. he may be late but he feels like he's back in the game.
checking his watch, he sees just how late he is and makes a beeline for the door, nearly running into an older lady with far too many rolls of toilet paper in her tiny arms. as he dodges around her and extends his arm to push open the door, he hears a loud voice over the intercom.
"you're not going to buy anything after stealing cologne?"
steve stops, freezes where he is and frantically turns his head around to spot the cashier grinning at him. he has long hair and a bright red hook's drugstore vest over a denim vest which doesn't look very comfortable. he has chains in his jeans and handcuffs holding his belt closed and a smirk that is trying to kill him and oh-
"wait, stealing cologne?" steve shakes himself back into existence as the old lady pushes by him without dropping a single roll on the way back to her car. "you're going to call me putting on a few sprays stealing?"
the cashier's smile just gets bigger, like a cat hunting down a canary. steve's never felt like a canary before but can't deny that it's an exciting feeling.
"well, on a good day i wouldn't. but i'm bored and you didn't buy a single thing so technically, yes. you're stealing, pretty boy."
steve fights the urge to roll his eyes and put his hands on his hips, so instead he crosses them over his chest, cologne wafting up from the movement and reminding him that he doesn't have time for this no matter how cute the cashier may be.
he makes his way over to the counter, grabs a pack of gum and slams it on the counter. without breaking eye contact with eddie, as his nametag suggests, he throws him a salty smile of his own and pulls his wallet out from his back pocket.
eddie's eyes are a deep brown with a glimmer of something behind them and his hands are covered in rings making his fingers look long and strong. the jeans he has on are ripped on one of the the thighs, showing a hint of a tattoo to match the ones crawling up his arms. steve's no stranger to thinking men are attractive but this guy? he's on a new level. his heart thumps painfully in his chest when eddie's grin grows larger as he watches steve give him a once over. it thumps even harder when eddie gives him a once over of his own.
the clock above the register shows that he's officially 20 minutes late to picking up... laura? lisa?
no, linda. damnit.
eddie looks down at the gum and then back up at steve, quirking up an eyebrow. "i hardly think this monetarily equates to a bottle of cologne but-"
"oh come on!" steve huffs. eddie laughs and it's clear and bright, ringing off the cinderblock walls louder than the annoying jingle that's still playing. whatever fight steve may have had left in him drains away at the sound and suddenly he isn't thinking about the clock anymore. he feels his shoulders fall down to a more relaxed state, feels himself shift his weight on his feet to look more natural than ready to run at a moments notice.
"just kidding, man." eddie rings up the gum quickly and hands it back to steve. "sorry, you looked like you were in a rush. i shouldn't have created a scene just because i'm bored."
steve chuckles. "i'm already supremely late for my date so what's another five minutes. especially if it gets me..." he looks at the gum packet to look at what he even picked up in the first place. "... spearmint freshen-up gum."
"well there you go," eddie says, grin smaller than before, "a perfect thing to get for a date. everyone likes their date to be minty fresh for that first kiss."
it strikes somewhere in steve that he isn't expecting. the beemer is still out in the parking lot running so he didn't have to waste time, his watch on his wrist feels heavy, the scent of obsession overpowering. but he can't make himself move. he wants to stay and talk to eddie, wants to learn about what makes him tick.
"can i borrow your phone?" steve asks. eddie's eyebrows furrow but he reaches for the store phone and places the console on top of the counter.
"for what?"
steve look through his wallet, finding the piece of paper with linda's number on it. holding the receiver between his shoulder and ear, he dials in her number and holds his pointer finger up at eddie, signaling that he'll need a second. steve then brings the finger to his lips and shushes with his cheek pulling up in a smirk. eddie's eyes zero in on the motion and it feels like steve's gone from being the canary back to the cat.
"linda? hey it's steve."
he watches as eddie mouths steve back at him and then nods to himself when he gets the confirmation that it is indeed his name. steve throws him a wink for good measure.
"i know i'm late and i'm really really sorry to cancel last minute but-. oh. yeah, sure. have a good time. okay bye li-."
on the other end of the line, linda slams down the phone without waiting for steve to finish talking and it makes him wince with how loud it is in his ear. he gives eddie a sheepish smile, all toothy and guilt-ridden, and gently puts the receiver back down.
"what was that?" eddie asks with a disbelieving look on his face. steve shrugs.
"she got tired of waiting so she already had another guy lined up to come pick her up."
eddie sucks in air through his teeth and mimes getting shot in the heart. it has steve laughing as he falls over on the counter, hair covering his face. he turns his head to peer up at steve through the curtain of curls, the one brown eye that's visible twinkling in the harsh overhead light.
"was it true love? are you just absolutely heartbroken?"
steve thinks about it for less than a second. watches how eddie curls back up one vertebrae at a time before placing his elbows on the counter and leaning over. watches how eddie's eyes flit between his own and his lips. watches how he focuses on the latter for a little while too long.
"why would i be heartbroken," steve starts. he's being too forward, too brash, but with eddie looking at him that way, he knows he can be. "when you'll probably be on break soon and can make it up to me? you know, for making me even more late and all."
eddie's grin grows wide again. "oh really?"
steve shrugs once more with a playful look of consideration on his face, resting on his elbows to match eddie on the counter. "yes, really. this is your payback for being bored and taking it out on me."
it's later when eddie's on break and steve hasn't left the drugstore in over an hour and they're sitting in his car with bowie playing through the speakers that eddie looks up at him with a look steve knows well.
"you do smell really good, y'know." his voice is softer than steve's heard it all day.
"so are you glad i came in to steal cologne?" steve leans closer over the center console to get into eddie's personal space. there's a hand curling over his bicep and pulling him even closer, their faces only centimeters apart.
"i guess i'll let it slide this time, thief."
and when they kiss for the first time, it tastes like the freshen-up gum they both had been nonstop chewing ever since steve paid for it.
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beforeimdeceased · 8 months
hey bae! if you’re still taking requests could i please have something fluffy with mean! ellie and sensitive/soft! reader. it can be whatever u want, loving the pink theme btw 🎀⭐️!
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pairing: mean/cruel ellie x sensitive/emotional reader.
synopsis: you’ve had a seriously bad day, and now you’re stuck with the shittiest person you’ve ever met while you wait for your friends to get home.
a/n: thank u for acknowledging the theme! it took so long to put together 😭. also i really hope this fulfills your request. would you guys want a part 2 w/ smut this time?
“crybaby, crybaby. we need to cry. and if we do, i know that would be alright.” — edit
ellie fucking williams was an exceptional singer, guitarist, and had incredible stage presence. but more importantly: she was an asshole. a complete fucking dick, and not just the usual “too good for everyone” cocky. she was crude. she was vulgar and she knew exactly how to push people, you specifically. sometimes you thought that she walked around asking for a fight to prove herself to people. now, you think it’s so she can finally feel something. even if it’s a mind spinning jab at her face.
you did your best to stay away from her, despite you sharing friends; jesse and dina. you knew exactly how she was and you knew you couldn’t handle it. no matter how many times you tried to let her little remarks brush past you, you always found yourself wanting to go lower. and each time you were around her it got harder to bite your tongue.
today was a bad day. a shit day. one of your worst. you found fraudulent activity on your bank card, got hit with a frustratingly large and urgent bill, and your washing machine broke. all in the span of an hour. the customers at your job had been extra rude and to make matters worse, your manager yelled at you for a mistake you didn’t even make.
all you wanted to do was go over to dina & jesse’s and eat brownies while they treated you like the child they’d yet to have. dina rubbing your back and reassuring you that everything will be okay while jesse threatens to beat all your enemies bloody. you use the spare key you have to their apartment to messily trudge in, kicking your shoes off at the door and smiling as you open the fridge to find dina’s special 1,000 hour brownies.
“i keep telling her she should put weed in those.” echoes behind you, causing you to pause mid bite. there she is, leaning against the counter. eyes smudged with her signature stage eyeliner, sweat glistening on her skin, a tank top and her stage cargos sagging on her waist. gargling down a plastic water bottle that had definitely seen better days.
“where are dina and jesse?” you furrow your brows closing the fridge. you grab a napkin to place the brownie on, and move further back near the door away from her. just in case.
“they went to go grab some groceries, but they told me to stay here and wait for you.” she answers, finishing the bottle off.
fuck. how long were they going to be gone? you couldn’t imagine spending more than 2 minutes alone with this loose lipped devil. her eyes narrow as she looks you up and down before smiling. here she goes.
“bad day? cause it looks like it.”
“well it definitely isn’t going to get better with you around me.” you snap back.
“ouch. i’m hurt.” she laughs. deviously. a hand over her chest as she pushes off the counter to chuck the empty bottle into the trash can.
you move over to the living room, sitting yourself on the couch. maybe if you ignore her she’ll get bored and leave you alone? maybe she’ll get so bored she’ll actually leave. god, please get the fuck out of here.
she follows you though, sitting way too close for comfort and turning on the tv. you pull your phone out, immediately opening tumblr and mindlessly scrolling. hoping that dina and jesse will be home soon.
“d tells me you stopped showing up to gigs because of me. is that true?” she breaks the silence between you two. you shrug her off. “you’re not the easiest person to be around, williams.” you state.
“so what’s wrong with me? i’d love to hear it straight from the horses mouth.” she scoffs, scooting closer. when you attempt to ignore her she pulls your phone out of your hand. staring into your eyes with her very own. piercing through your soul for a response. “is it because i called you an idiot?”
“among other things, but it doesn’t surprise me that that’s all you remember.” you reach for your phone but she pulls it back. this causes you to pinch her, and she smacks your hand away still holding your phone back. “remind me then.”
you feel her taunting tone. her want— need to push at you. to push your buttons and boundaries until you break. it’s like a game to her, and you certainly weren’t in the mood for it today.
“can you give me my phone so i can find out when dina and jesse are coming home?” you sigh. her behavior reminded you of a customer you’d had earlier who’d treated you like garbage because you weren’t smiling. you felt tears welling up but pushed them down. you never cried in front of ellie. because of her, maybe, but never to her face. you’d never live it down.
“can you answer my question? so i can apologize or whatever. d is really on my ass about it.”
you scoff. “ofcourse you aren’t genuinely sorry. you probably don’t even remember all the fucked up shit you say and do to people. half of the time you ignore me and the other half you treat me like i’m a burden. do you remember when you guys had your first real show? i told the security i knew you and you pretended like i was a stranger.”
“jesse was sooo pissed you didn’t show up.” she laughs. “did he yell at you?”
“yeah. thought i was lying because you told him i was. called me a shit friend and a liar until i showed him proof. why am i the only one you treat like this?”
“you’re definitely not the—“ you reach for your phone again, but she’s quicker than you. pushing you away and laughing at your lockscreen, which was a picture you’d taken of yourself. one you felt incredibly confident in. all of that confidence was withering away slowly and you could guess it’d only been 10 minutes. “only one.”
“that’s so much worse. seriously, i don’t have time for this today. i’ll just go home.” you sniffle and fail to hide it. the tears were in the back of your throat and you felt like her personal rag doll all over again. what you’d finally gotten away from the last week was haunting you all over again. her taunting, her rudeness. she knew what she was doing and she didn’t even care.
“are you gonna cry? am i making you cry?”
you gulp, biting your lip to fight the shakiness in your voice. “just give it back.” is all you can muster up. her arm stretches up and as you reach for it she tucks it in her back pocket and sits on it.
you feel the tears begin to spill out of your eyes and you quickly turn around and lean into the couches arm. hands over your face as you pathetically attempt to calm yourself. you feel a hand on your shoulder and you push it away before realizing it’s ellie handing you back your phone.
it takes you a couple blinks, convinced the tears have obstructed your vision. the very same ellie who’d tripped you in front of a crowd of people last month, was being nice? her face has softened, genuine concern replacing the taunting gaze she previously had. she places a hand on your back and shushes you.
“i’m sorry. i’ve never made you cry before, i’m sorry.” she speaks softly. she almost seems…confused? is this what it takes to get her to realize that what she does actually fucking hurts you? for you to break down in front of her? for her to get a peek at the silent nights you’d spent sobbing over another one of her “jokes”? all this time?
you wipe your eyes and begin to laugh, which startles her and causes her to lean back. “you’re such an ass, ellie. god, you’re such a fucking dick.” you shake your head and breathe. she doesn’t respond, just stares at you with concern. brows furrowed as she concentrates on your body language. the way you’re leaning closer towards her.
“today was such a bad day.” you cry out in frustration, dipping your head into her lap. you just lay there, sobbing. she doesn’t move you, but instead rubs your back. shushing you. whispering that it’ll be okay, and you’d never admit it because it was coming from her, but you really needed it in that moment.
she pulled you in closer to her, turning you onto your side so she can rub her thumb across your cheek. wiping some of your tears away. you begin to cry even harder, but she doesn’t push you away. even when her pants are soaked and snotty. she lets you lay there, and cry into her.
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felixbit · 6 days
employee discount, p2
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pairing: jeongin x gn!reader w. 1.5k genre: fluff, coffee shop au summary: part 2 of this fic, where you learn jeongin, a cute barista, has been giving you the employee discount at the coffee shop you frequent. after giving you his number, you decide to give it a chance. warnings: none a/n: this was super fun to write! there will be a part 3 (maybe not immediately), and it will be the final part of this story! thank you for all the support on this story :)
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Ever since you walked out of the coffee shop with Jeongin's phone number on your cup, you've been smitten.
You thought that the little crush you'd had on the barista was a normal thing for a regular to have at their local shop. A cute worker was part of the fun of going. It turned out, understanding that he was at least the slightest bit interested turned you into a maniac.
After getting his number, you saved his contact in your phone and shot him a text a few hours later (and many attempts at psyching yourself up to do it) briefly saying hi and who you were. His response was almost instant.
jeongin: hey! was wondering when you'd say something
Even just one message had your heart stirring and jumping to conclusions. How long had you kept him waiting for? You forced a response out anyways.
y/n: worried i wouldn't say anything?
A pause. His texting bubble popped up once, went away, and back again.
jeongin: a bit. y/n: i'm here now!
Now that the first hurdle had been jumped through, things seemed to flow a little more naturally. His conversations over text felt as cordial as talking to him behind the counter, so you got the feeling he wasn't faking interest when you'd spoken in the past.
Originally you'd sat down to have a quick text chat with him before doing the rest of what you needed to on your lunch break. Unfortunately for you, Jeongin seemed a little too interesting and time slipped by quickly. Before you knew it, your allotted time to eat and relax was over.
y/n: bad news jeongin: what's up? y/n: lunch break's over. didn't even realize we'd been talking that long jeongin: oh gosh, i'm sorry for taking up your time! don't go hungry because of me y/n: pay me back in coffee tomorrow? jeongin: deal
After sending that text and clocking back into your shift, it dawned on you that what you said sounded a bit like a date invitation. Surely he knew that just meant you coming in normally, right? Not that you would be against a date. You considered writing a text to clarify but decided against it to get focused on work.
Throughout the rest of the day, you were plagued by thoughts of Jeongin. Normally you'd think of him once or twice and a smile would come to your face, but multiple times an hour was starting to get excessive. He was just a barista, wasn't he?
Your shift finally came to an end. As you were going home, your mind was still buzzing at the promise of seeing Jeongin tomorrow. It was almost hilarious how excited you were to see the guy you saw almost every day of the week. It wasn't even going to be that different than how you always saw him.
You got to eat your lunch when you finally settled in at your apartment. Maybe it was eating and thinking that got your mind away, but you found yourself opening your phone and searching up the name 'Jeongin' on social media. It wasn't a surprise there were quite a few people in the area with his name, but you searched anyways.
As you scrolled, one account caught your eye. The profile picture seemed like it could be him but the username confused you a bit. "i.2.n.8"? His display name was Jeongin, and when you opened the account it was almost immediately confirmed it was him. Username aside, you began to dig into his posts.
He was just gorgeous. There was no other way to put it. Every post was taken in a way that looked like he wasn't trying but somehow turned out perfect. The entire account seemed to have an unintentional aesthetic and you just couldn't stop scrolling and zooming in on photos.
Against your better judgment, you followed him. It wasn't five minute before he followed you back and you saw a text message pop up.
jeongin: stalker much? y/n: guilty
That night was fun. Your text exchange lasted almost another hour before you decided to go out. It pained you to say goodbye but you knew it was best not to burn out on conversation before you saw him next.
The next day rolled around and you were way too nervous about going out. You put on a work outfit that looked what you thought was your best and made sure to look as exceptional as you could.
The time came where you had to leave your apartment and face him. The trip over to the coffee shop was short as usual and a little too calm for how you felt inside. You approached the doors and peered inside, seeing Jeongin behind the bar hard at work.
Gaining your strength, you opened the door and walked in. Jeongin peered up from his coffee he was making and gave you a warm smile. You couldn't contain the feelings that felt like they were blooming in your chest. Either way, you continued on towards him.
"Good morning," Jeongin said in a sing-song voice as you approached, not looking up from his work.
You peered over the counter to see the cream design he was pouring into the cup, "Good morning, what are you making?"
"Ah, a little frog. I saw a video of someone making it and I wanted to give it a try," Jeongin snickered as he finished and showed you, "Looks a little lopsided, though."
It was true that the frog wasn't perfect, but it was perfectly cute. "It's wonderful. I love him."
"Well, if you like it, I like it," He said as he slid the coffee out and called out the name for the order. A man walked up and took the drink, smiling at the design. Jeongin turned his attention back to you. "What are we getting today?"
The two of you walked over to the register just as you had the morning before, "The same thing I get every day."
You began to grab your wallet from your pocket and Jeongin held out a hand, shaking his head. "My treat today. Pay you back in coffee, remember?"
A free drink was hard to say no to. You stuffed your wallet back in your pocket as he input your order into the system and punched in something that took the total down to zero. Jeongin really was sweet, wasn't he?
As he broke away from the cash register and walked back to the bar to start your drink, he looked up at you. "So, you went and found my socials yesterday?"
Your face flushed a bit. Even though it was true, you weren't expecting to be put on the spot for it. "Well, yeah. Couldn't help it."
Jeongin smiled deep. He was looking down at your drink, but his dimples gave him away. "Why's that?"
Again, not an easy question to answer honestly. "Your favorite barista gives you his number, why wouldn't you look him up?"
"Okay," Jeongin nodded, "Did I hold up to your expectations?"
After finding his page the day before you ended up looking at it an embarrassing amount of times. "I liked it, yeah. Did you like mine?"
"Yeah, it was so you," Jeongin looked up and you noticed a small flush on his cheeks, "That's a good thing, by the way."
You couldn't help but laugh. He was so charming and sweet, but he still had a bit of that boyish charm. "Thanks, I'd hope it was," You said, "How's it going over there?"
"Almost done, you keep me distracted," Jeongin grabbed a lid and popped it on your drink, holding it over the bar for you to grab from his hand, "There."
You reached over and took it from him, your fingers slightly touching and your heart pulled a few somersaults. God, this was a high school crush all over again. "It looks perfect, as always."
"My pleasure," Jeongin wiped down the bar with a cloth. You saw him stop for a moment, his eyes trained on something and his breathing was a little hard. He looked up and met your eyes, "Would you want to go out sometime?"
Oh. Oh shit. Maybe his flirting was a bit overt, but the question still caught you off guard. You stood there shell shocked for a few seconds as your brain relentlessly tried to reboot and catch up. Realizing you needed to respond, you nodded a little too hard. "Yes, yeah, I'd love that."
Before you could cringe at your own words, you saw the brightest smile on Jeongin's face. You'd never seen him smile so hard, but it certifiably made your heart melt. He nodded and seemed to compose himself. "You probably have to go to work, text me later about the details?"
You checked the time, muttering a small oh shit under your breath. A bit behind schedule, but you'd get away with it. No part of you wanted to leave him now that you agreed to a date, but duty calls. "Yeah, you're right. I definitely will!" You said as you began to walk towards the door.
"See you later!" He called out from the bar as you opened the door and walked out. Oh, shit. It was happening!
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palioom · 8 months
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summary: javier has never been able to get enough of you, but it's only gotten worse ever since you've become pregnant.
pairing: javier peña x f!reader
word count: 3.1k
warnings: 18+ content; no use of y/n; unprotected p in v; oral (f receiving); fingering; established relationship; pregnancy sex/kink; squirting; cum eating; cum play; creampie; some dirty talk
• masterlist •
Life in Laredo was boring.
Boring people, boring houses, hell, even the birds singing here seemed boring.
But that’s how Javier liked it.
The biggest news here was barely worth a mention compared to what he had seen in Colombia.
He was more than fine with this boring life, no more chases, no more heavy protection tact vests. No looking over the shoulder, no suspicious staring.
Though, he still did that from time to time.
Couldn’t quite shake the habit of suspecting people planned something bad, occasionally checking his car for bombs.
He’d probably never lose these things, it was too deeply embedded into his being now, had become a part of him.
But that’s why he loved this boring life.
Coming home to the little plot of land they had purchased right next to his father’s, staying close to Chucho and helping out whenever they could.
Coming home to a warm home, decorated with silly little trinkets, pretty paintings.
Everything neatly organized but with a certain chaos to it. He didn’t like things too neat, and while their home was tidy and clean, it looked lived in.
Maybe a little wild at times.
Not bare or sparsely decorated like safehouses or his apartment back in Medellín.
He loved coming home to the smell of food wafting to the front door.
Loved coming home to her.
His lovely wife, her back turned towards him as she worked on something, hair up and out of her face.
Moving her pretty hips and ass as she hummed along to whatever song the radio was playing. Completely in her own world.
He smiled when he saw her, walking up to her and pressing himself close, hands on her hip and kissing the back of her head before pressing one against her exposed neck.
She was warm and inviting, letting out a small sigh when she felt him, leaning back while still working on whatever food she was making.
“Looks good, cariño.” He said, kissing that spot behind her ear that let her sigh even deeper before resting his chin on her shoulder to watch. 
“Thank you, it’s the stuffing for the poblano peppers I wanna make at the cookout tomorrow.” She said, her skilled hands cutting vegetables into small portions. “I know I could whip it up tomorrow, but I have so many things still planned and I don’t know how I’ll feel.”
A smirk stretched his lips wide, his hands roaming to her large, round belly. Just letting his hands smooth over it for a moment, they wandered to the underside of it, gently lifting it.
The sigh of relief that spilled over her lips echoed loudly in the kitchen and he watched how she put down the knife, just leaning back into him, hands gripping the counter.
It was a heavy weight in his hands and he couldn’t imagine carrying that around every day.
But she was such a champ, despite her swearing and complaints. And she had never looked more beautiful.
“We could make a different kind of stuffing.” He suggested, tone teasing. “Together.”
A small laugh bubbled in her chest, and fuck, how he loved hearing it.
“Pretty sure there’s enough stuffing inside of me already.”
Javier had always been pretty insatiable when it came to her, whether it was for the basic need of wanting to fuck his beautiful wife or because his past was plaguing him and he needed a respite, seeking comfort in her body rather than his usual vices.
But ever since she had become pregnant, he truly couldn’t get enough of her, hands all over her round belly and swollen breasts, needing some part of himself buried inside her pussy.
Not that she minded, he always made sure to make her feel good.
“C’mon, nena.” He said, letting her belly down again gently, taking notice of how she slumped a little. “There can never be enough stuffing inside of you.”
She rolled her eyes with a groan, partially from the heavy weight returning, partially because he was ridiculous. In the best way, of course.
“Better keep that talk to a minimum tomorrow.” She warned with a grin, turning around in his arms and leaning back against the counter.
“Yes ma’am.” 
His lips on hers were gentle at first, moulding languidly together, his hand roaming up and down her side. Moustache tickling her upper lip.
Letting his tongue find hers, he could taste some of the vegetables she had chopped up, smiling at that. She tasted amazing and Javier couldn’t wait to have whatever she was making tomorrow.
But first, he wanted her.
Deepening the kiss, his hands wandered down to her ass, squeezing hard which made her moan.
The most beautiful sound he knew, soft and already high-pitched, a song no one else would ever know.
“C’mon, nena” He rasped against her lips, a small groan leaving him when her hands wandered into his hair. “Let me take care of you.”
She chuckled at his words.
“Take care of me or of your dick?”
Javier had to laugh at that as well, forehead coming to rest against hers, looking into her eyes.
“Is that what you think of me?”
She shrugged her shoulders, upside down smile on her lips.
Her hands moved to his cheeks, squishing them just lightly. She really wanted him, feeling wet already at the thought of him inside her.
But she needed to finish chopping the vegetables first, knowing she wouldn’t come back here once he had her in bed. And he wouldn’t do it.
“Can I finish this first, Javi?” She placed a kiss on the bridge of his nose, right over the small scar there. “I know you won’t let me out of bed once you get me there.”
Javier sighed but nodded. Anything for his wife.
Kissing her forehead, he let his lips linger there as she hummed. “I’ll help you, cariño.”
It took them longer than expected to land in their bedroom, with Javier trying to get things done the fast way and getting reprimanded by her more than just once for how sloppily he diced the vegetables.
But, they had managed somehow, leaving the mess to get cleaned up in the morning.
She giggled when he pushed her onto the bed, gently, before kneeling before her.
Hands on her belly, lips back on hers.
“Wanna taste that pussy so bad.” He said, one hand sliding to her thigh and slowly pushing up the hem of her dress. “Wet and sweet for me.”
Kissing down her jaw to her neck, he could feel the moan vibrating in her throat, her hand at the back of his neck.
“Please, Javi.” She sighed, enjoying the way his lips felt against her skin, how tantalisingly slow he moved his calloused hand up her thigh. 
Her legs spread further, allowing him to trace his fingers up the inside of her thigh before reaching the hem of her panties, already wet.
A soft gasp echoed between them when he pressed a knuckle over her clit, applying just a little bit of pressure.
Her fingers curled into his neck, eyes closed.
She was much more sensitive now, every little touch so much more intense as he languidly dragged his knuckle over the damp material.
“Feels good, huh, nena?” He asked, leaning back to look at her face, drinking in her pleasure as he pressed a little harder. 
She nodded, humming, biting her lip when he brushed over her clit again.
“Take them off, Javi.” 
He grinned, fingers hooking under the waistband and tugging them down her legs when she lifted her hips to help him.
Both his hands were back on her immediately, bunching up her summer dress so he could look at her soaking pussy when she leaned back on one arm. The other caressed the back of his head still.
No matter how often he saw her, he always looked mesmerised somehow, like this was his first time.
Made her feel special, the low, quiet whistle and grin on his face making her giggle.
“Pretty pussy all soaked for me.” He said, eyes still on her middle as he used his thumbs to spread her open, the air chilly against her. “You're stunning, cariño.”
She couldn’t quite see, her belly too big already, but she felt the rough pad of one thumb press into her clit, making her hips jerk forward.
“Always for you, Javi.” She smiled, nails scratching against his scalp.
His dark eyes found hers, sparkling and so loving and he leaned up towards her face, pressing a long kiss to her lips.
“Let me taste you, nena.” He said.
Just a few years back, when she had met him between his stays in Colombia, he would have just dived in without even asking, merely announcing it.
It made her happy that he had settled a little, had found enough rest to allow himself to change just a bit.
Just a little though, still falling into his old ways more often than not.
Exactly how she liked it.
“‘Course, Javi, you fucking know that.” She chuckled, kissing him again before he settled back down, grinning like he’d just won the damn lottery.
In his mind, he did.
With a woman so stunning, so perfect with her charm and wits and that round belly only making her angelic.
He felt like he had done something right for once when he put a ring on her, just them in a tiny ceremony.
Only Chucho with them.
They never liked the big celebrations, just them was enough.
“Scootch back and lay down, cariño.” He said, helping her to move back on the bed, making it easier for both of them.
That growing stomach of hers had made it just a little harder to do all this, but they found a way.
She hummed when he kissed down the insides of her thighs, occasionally biting her while his hands kept them spread for him.
Her hand in his hair tugged weakly on his dark locks, making him hum in return.
“So fucking pretty.” He murmured, right before finding her middle, tongue twisting around her clit, seeing how her back arched off the bed, her fingers curling tighter into his hair. “So fucking sensitive, cariño.”
Licking a broad stripe up her folds, he focused solely on her clit, tongue flicking over it before he sucked on it, making her moan and whimper.
“Javi, fuck, that feels good, baby.” She whined loudly, writhing on the bed already, one hand twisted in the sheets while the other still gripped his hair tightly.
She wished she could watch him, watch his face as he ate her out. He always looked so pretty when he did.
So she closed her eyes and imagined his staring up at hers, brows furrowed in concentration. The wet sounds growing louder, mingling with her moans.
Her hips bucked against his mouth and he laid one of his hands on her hip to keep her still, the other finding her wet entrance, two fingers teasing her and making her whine.
“Oh- Baby, please, fuck me with your fingers, please.” She rushed out, trying to inch closer to him but he kept teasing her, letting them glide over her aching hole but not pushing inside. “You’re a mean man, Javi.”
He hummed against her, the vibrations running up her spine and pushed his fingers in, taking her by surprise.
She clenched around him, moaning loudly and throwing her head back as he slowly started pumping in and out of her, fingers curling against that spongy sweet spot inside of her.
“That’s my girl.” He mumbled, grabbing her hip harder as he continued to lick and suck at her clit. “Sweet pussy gripping me so tight, nena.”
Her orgasm was building rapidly, feeling so sensitive as he touched all the right spots.
A different, unfamiliar sensation built alongside it, faster and faster as she writhed below him, whines growing louder.
“Baby- I’m gonna-” She choked out, unable to finish her sentence as her orgasm crashed into her so suddenly and so violently that she couldn’t even make more sounds.
Then she felt it, a warm, wet gush, her hand in his hair managing to tug him away as he kept pumping his fingers, fucking her through her orgasm as she soaked his shirt.
He just looked stunned. This was the first time this had ever happened and seeing her body tremble, legs shaking and her thighs and the sheets wet…
Could he possibly be more in love and crazy for her?
“‘M sorry, Javier.” She gasped out when he removed his fingers once she had calmed down again, breathing hard. “I don’t know-”
“Stop.” He cut her off, rising to his feet so he could crawl over her. “That was fucking hot, cariño.”
His eyes were hungry when he looked down at her, lips crashing into hers.
His moustache was wet, as was his chin and she could taste herself on him when he pushed his tongue into her mouth.
She could practically feel how excited he was, not that he ever wasn’t, but all the shame she might have felt at what she did was melting away as he kissed her so roughly and passionately, his hands moving to push down the straps of her dress.
Quickly his fingers unclasped her bra and she helped him take it off, groaning when his rough hands cupped her sensitive breasts.
“God, I love you pregnant.” He said, kissing down her neck to her chest.
She giggled, the sound broken by a gasp when his mouth closed around one nipple.
“Just ‘cause my tits get bigger?”
Javier had to laugh at that. “Exactly, and you’re fucking sexy like this.”
She rolled her eyes, moaning again when his tongue curled around her nipple, back arching into him.
“Can you finally fuck me?” She asked, hands in his hair. “Please, baby, it hurts.”
He sat up, taking off his soaked shirt and throwing it to the side, revealing his toned chest and soft stomach.
“Hurts for me, nena?” He said, brow raised as his fingers fumbled with his belt buckle. “Gonna need my dick to help you feel better?”
She nodded, biting her lip as she watched him take off his jeans, then his underwear, his hard cock springing free.
“Say it.”
Her legs wrapped around his waist, trying to coax him closer. 
“Need your cock in my aching pussy, Javi. Want you to fuck me.”
His hands wandered to her dress, still bunched around her hips and pulled it off of her.
“My pretty little wife.” He chuckled, lining himself up with her, her legs draped over his hips. “You sound so sweet, you’re always so good to me.”
Slowly he pushed in, watching for her reactions as he pushed in deeper, until he was settled all the way.
She moaned, eyes closing and her hands reaching for his thighs, needing to hold onto him in some way.
“Feels good?” He asked, running his hands over her legs, then placed them over hers.
A low hum left her and she nodded. “Move, baby. Wanna feel you.”
Javier obliged almost immediately, rolling his hips slowly, pulling out before pushing himself all the way in again. 
Dragging low moans from her, short gasps and pants.
Watching her face contort in pleasure when one of her hands left his leg to squeeze her own breast.
“Fuck, you’re so gorgeous, cariño.” He groaned, feeling her clench around him. “My dirty, little wife.”
A new orgasm built rapidly, his dick hitting all the right places inside of her, his groans and moans only helping the waves of pleasure grow.
She opened her eyes to look at him, watching his muscles flex as he slammed his hips against hers, when he lifted her legs to lay them against his shoulders, changing the angle and moving faster.
“Oh- Javi, fuck!” She gasped, feeling herself so close already as he kept fucking her. “You feel so good!”
“I know, nena.” He rasped, his eyes moving back and forth between her face and her bouncing breasts. “Be a good girl for me and let go, yeah? Wanna feel that pussy all tight, you’re so fucking gorgeous like this, cariño.”
Just a few more thrusts, looking at his face, teeth bared and brows furrowed, her second orgasm crashed into her, making her tense up and moan his name, squeezing him so tightly he had to stop for a moment.
“Just like that, nena, yes.” He breathed out, picking up his speed as he fucked her through it, rhythm faltering. “That’s my girl, fuck-”
His hips pressed into her, a guttural groan ripped from him as he came, fingers curling into her thighs.
“So fucking pretty with your belly, fuck- Gotta give you more.”
She barely understood his rambling over the blood rushing in her ears, struggling to breathe as she still felt the pleasure running through her.
But something about it was just incredibly hot.
He let her legs down gently before pulling out carefully, spreading her legs to watch his cum leak out of her.
She felt hot under his gaze and watched as he used his fingers to push it back into her, making her groan and roll her eyes.
“Javi, I am already pregnant.” She said, watching his face closely.
He hummed in response, still pushing more back into her.
“Just gotta make sure.” He said, hearing her laugh at that. “Love seeing my cum inside you, cariño, you know that.”
“Just gotta make sure…” She mumbled under her breath with a chuckle. “You’re ridiculous.”
Happy with what he’d done, he leaned forward to kiss her belly before leaning over her again, putting his fingers to her mouth.
She did, sucking his fingers into her mouth and humming at the salty taste, both of them together.
When he pulled them out again, he kissed her, soft and tender now, his hand smoothing over her belly.
“We do make good stuffing.” She said, trying not to laugh but feeling herself unable to when he started grinning.
He laughed too, loving her laugh and kissing her forehead.
“We do, and I’ll make sure there’s more where that came from.” He said, eyes twinkling.
“Not tomorrow.” She warned.
He kissed her cheek.
“I won’t have to mention it, everyone can already see how well I stuffed you.”
That earned him a playful swat on the arm, pushing him off of her with a laugh.
Yeah, she really loved this Javier.
And she could imagine letting him stuff her just once or twice more.
He was pretty good at this, after all.
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apuckishwit · 1 year
When Your Boyfriend's a Reformed Mean Girl
100 percent inspired by this tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR75sjkf/
Time seems to do wierd things for Eddie Munson.
It's something Steve has gotten used to, in the year they've been dating. Eddie is attentive and affectionate, always makes sure Steve needs are being met, always goes the extra mile to let Steve know how much he loves him, how much he cherishes their time together. In many ways, he's the best partner Steve's ever had.
Just...sometimes things like approaching deadlines and important dates seem to literally not register in his brain until it's almost too late. And not even then, sometimes.
Eddie acknowledges that it's a problem. He puts every effort into finding workarounds. There is a calendar hanging at both his (brand new, government-funded) trailer and Steve's house, hanging right by the door with color-coded schedules and a pack of Post-It notes and a cup of pens sitting on a little table below it in case something changes or comes up. Steve has a dedicated half hour every night where he's allowed to remind Eddie of things they have coming up, or ask if they've been added to the calendar and Eddie is one hundred percent not allowed to gripe about being nagged in that thirty minutes. Not that he would, because most of the time there's at least one, "Oh, shit, forgot about that." When something slips through the cracks, he apologizes promptly and sincerely if it's something that affects someone other than him and he is always trying to do better.
Steve understands. Hell, after as many concussions as he's had, details get away from him too sometimes. There's several color-coded blocks on the calendar for Steve, as well. Sometimes, Eddie just forgets things despite his best efforts.
But their anniversary? The date that Steve has been carefully planning for almost a month to celebrate their first (of hopefully, many) year together as a couple? Really?
Eddie is going to be horrified.
He is going to feel so bad, and so guilty, and he is absolutely going to go all out to make it up to Steve. Steve knows this. He knows Eddie loves him, and that Eddie was looking forward to tonight as much as he was, and that this is just an instance of Eddie's brain betraying him, and not him actively trying to hurt Steve, or be dismissive of him. Eddie is going to feel awful when he realizes that he stood Steve up on their one-year anniversary to fight imaginary dragons with the boys. Hell, the boys are probably going to feel awful when they realize they gave Eddie something else to focus on in the lead-up to his one-year anniversary.
Well. Dustin, Lucas, and Will are going to feel awful. Mike will probably think it's hilarious.
The point is, Steve knows Eddie didn't do this on purpose, and it's not that Eddie doesn't value his time with Steve enough to remember the date, and so he's merely irritated. Maybe a little exasperated. Not truly angry.
All he has to do is radio over to Wheeler's place and remind Eddie what the date is. His boyfriend will literally drop everything, will probably not even bother to pack up his precious miniatures and dice before he's tearing out of the driveway and breaking every traffic law imaginable to get to Steve's house. Steve doesn't actually want Eddie to get a ticket or anything, though. Besides.
He's feeling a little petty.
There's steaks waiting to be tossed on the grill, twice-baked potatoes in the oven, and a fucking homemade chiffon cake with fresh strawberries and whipped cream chilling in the fridge. Eddie's gift is sitting on the counter, in an elegant little gift bag tied with black ribbon.
"Hey Rob, you wanna come over for dinner?" he says into his walkie, deciding to let Fate decide if his boyfriend is listening and catches a clue.
"Do I get a piece of that cake you made?" Robin replies immediately, amusement already dancing in her voice because she's his (platonic) soulmate and she can read his mind.
"You can take the leftovers home," he says.
And then his (romantic) soulmate, who can usually read his mind, comes over the channel as well. "Have fun, babe!" Eddie says brightly. "This is probably going to run later than I thought. I'll probably just pick you up for breakfast tomorrow, okay?"
Steve rolls his eyes fondly. "Okay."
"Love you!" Eddie says, and signs off.
Robin brings a bottle of wine she stole from her parents' pantry and they demolish the dinner and half the cake. Steve does get another package of steaks out to thaw in the fridge for tomorrow, though, and blows out the fancy candles he'd lit before they burn too low to be used again. Fuck if he's making another chiffon cake, though, persnickety little thing. He calls Enzo's and orders a chocolate marble cheesecake to be picked up tomorrow.
"So you gonna milk this for a nice present or what?" Robin asks as Steve is packing the remains of the cake for her to take home, as promised.
"Nah. He's fucking perfect like 90% of the time...I'm not gonna get mad at him for the other ten." Robin smiles at him, a little gooey-eyed. Steve returns it with a smirk. "But I'm not letting him off the hook entirely."
He has just finished putting the dishes away when he hears the rumble of Eddie's van in the driveway. He glances down at his watch, laughing to himself a little when he notes that while late, it is far, far too early for a gaming session to be done. He scoops his little gift bag off the counter and saunters to the front door just in time for a frantic knocking to sound. He schools his features and opens the door.
"Steve! Stevie, baby, I am so, so sorry. I swear to God, I had tonight written down in like five different places, but Dustin wanted to try a new character class and we haven't done this campaign yet, and I got so excited...I'm so sorry I forgot, but I'm here and I SWEAR I will make it up to you!" Eddie pauses for breath, wild-eyed and panting.
Steve holds the silence for a moment, and then shakes his head, leaning forward to drop a kiss on Eddie's cheek. "You're such a nerd," he says, affection dripping from his words. He sighs. "I hope you know, now I'm expecting flowers tomorrow. And I get to pick the movies for, like, two weeks with no complaints."
Eddie almost wilts in relief. "Absolutely none," he promises, reaching out to grip Steve's hand. "I will make tomorrow night AMAZING. I promise."
Steve smiles at him, his chest aching with the love he feels for this man. But he's still feeling just a little bit petty. He holds the bag out to Eddie, tilting his head coyly. "You can still open this tonight, though."
"Babe! I thought we said no gifts." He takes the bag in his hands, plucking at the ribbon.
Steve's smile turns just a little sharper. He worked fucking hard on that cake. "It's kind of for both of us, really. It's what I was gonna wear up to bed tonight."
Eddie peeks in the box, his brow furrowing. "Stevie...there's nothing but strawberry lip gloss and a bottle of lube in here." He looks up, and freezes as his brain catches up with what his mouth just said.
Steve leans forward and kisses him, hard, long, and absolutely filthy. "Suffer," he whispers against his boyfriend's lips.
Then he shuts the door in his face.
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seiwas · 4 months
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₊˚⊹。 i'll be good to you | nanami kento
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wc: 1.5k
summary: nanami’s half-hoping you call a fourth time.
contains: implied f!reader but no mention of pronouns, exes, mentions of alcohol, swears, reader wears makeup and heels, drunk calls, a bit angsty and a bit hurt/no comfort but it isn’t all that sad i think
a/n: this ran away from me again! but this is a brainchild from me and @augustinewrites, with song inspos: you were good to me, tequila, bourbon, and already gone
part of the in's and out's new year/birthday event | request prompt: calling your ex drunk at two a.m. with feelings still stuck in your throat
you are here -> part 2
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Nanami moves in numbers. 
It comes with his personality—practical and efficient, forward thinking. 
Predicting deals from 9-to-5 looks a lot different from dealing deaths by a ratio of 7:3, but the tactics remain the same, the stakes still high; every move is precise and calculated, analyzed to be accurate. 
So he’d known—the day he decided to pick up his blade again was the day he’d deal his final blow—at you, and the relationship you built together. 
A strategic takedown of something he deemed doomed from the start. 
That’s what he wants you to think, at least. 
When his phone rings three times—the first in the middle of lecturing Yuuji, the second while going overtime underground, and the third just moments ago, bleeding out on a bathroom counter, Nanami realizes that the probability of him ever speaking to you again, alive and breathing, is a number he can’t predict. 
So he waits, linen pants and a cotton shirt while sporting a drink by his kitchen counter. 
Strangely, he’s full of hope, half-good and half-bad—that you’ll call back; that you won’t. The line between the two blurs. 
It always has with you. 
A friendly face—that’s all you were supposed to be; his work neighbor a few cubicles down his. It started with polite nods, a few casual waves, maybe even small smiles on a good day. Your schedule was terrible, much like his—one of the first ones to arrive and the last ones to leave. 
Then, you finally moved past just a friendly hello; something about bread, he recalls, an attempt to exchange recipes on sourdough. It started then, with you leaving a cup of coffee on his desk and he saving an ‘extra’ sub for you. 
(Except, it’s never an ‘extra’ with Nanami; he’d never do anything miscalculated.) 
Suddenly, you’re the first face he looks for in the morning, and he’s the last person you check on before clocking out at night. 
For a while, he didn’t know what to call you—a coworker? Friend? Someone he has dinner with at 12 midnight? 
You set it straight after the seventh ‘date’. 
Now, when his phone rings the fourth time, he picks up.
You’re cursing on the line, the sound of metal clinking on tile muffled in the background. 
He waits for you to talk, half-hopeful and half-nervous at hearing you speak. 
You always used to drop your keys by his door—your haphazard way of looking for his amongst five of yours. 
“Shit,” you grumble, the lock finally clicking open. 
He hears your footsteps, the sound of your heels landing as if they’ve been hastily kicked off. 
A party, perhaps? Or a night out? 
There’s a funny feeling that sits in his stomach when he thinks about you coming home from a date, one he knows he no longer has a right to. 
It should be good, he thinks, you’re moving on.  
He stares at his glass, liquor blurring into ice—brown edges fading into something lighter, near transparent. For a moment, he wonders if this was a mistake, if you hadn’t meant to call him at all. He’s considering putting the phone down to save you the embarrassment. 
“Finally,” you spit out, clumsy and a little too honest. 
To anyone else, you’d sound normal, but Nanami’s known you for years, has loved you for just as much, and this sounds a lot like the version of you that’s lost track of how many you’ve had to drink—the same one he’s had to tuck in bed, with your arms clinging onto his neck while dragging him under the covers with you. 
He takes a sip. 
“Was starting t’think you died or sum’in.” 
It’s impossible for you to know the truth, he’s made sure of that—it’s why he let you go in the first place. 
“Someone offered to buy me a drink t’night,” you mumble, wood scraping against your floorboards. The exhaustion in your voice is palpable. 
He has no idea why you’re telling him this. 
“I asked f’r bourbon,” you breathe, shaky, “on the rocks, because—” 
That’s what he always got, what he introduced to you when you asked him why he likes it so much. 2 ounces of bourbon for a ball of ice, with time as an aid, mellowing its intensity to flavors of smoky caramel, vanilla, and a touch of spice. 
He gives a lowly hum, swirling the drink in front of him. 
“Was it good?” 
(The drink, the date. The potential new guy.) 
There’s silence on the other end of the line, too long to be considered thoughtless. His watch counts the seconds. 
“Not as,” you finally answer. 
Another bout of silence. 
He wonders what you look like, if you’re wearing that lipstick you know is his favorite; if you still smell like the closest thing he’s ever had to a home. Do you still keep an extra handkerchief in your purse? That obnoxious cow print he now uses to remind him of the life he used to know? 
You sniffle. 
“You fucked me up, Kento.” 
He knows. 
“How c’n you say this… is what’s best f’me when it hurts this much?” you hiccup, a sob caught in your throat. 
When Nanami ended things with you, he gave himself 30 minutes. Any less, he would have regretted it, and any more, he would have taken it all back. 
“Y’re so unfair,” you breathe out shakier than the last, broken more than anything, “din’t ev’n ask me what I wanted.”
He knows.
And he supposes he deserves this, aching at the way you fall apart on the line.
He takes another sip, longer and fuller, dragging out his gulp. 
“I still love you,” you weep, voice unsteady, “and I f’cking hate you for that, y’know?” 
Your words burn more than the alcohol down his throat. 
His eyes start to sting, brown glossing over. There was a time when your ‘I love you’s’ gave him reason to wake up in the morning; when they got him through the day and lulled him to sleep at night. 
But this one, this time, he knows, will haunt him for the rest of his life. 
(He’s never wanted anything more than to say it back to you, right now.)  
“I apologize.” the words come out stiff, squeezed out as he puts down his glass. 
“I know,” you scoff, managing a chuckle while sniffling, “like that’ll do ‘nythin though.” 
Nanami clenches his jaw, fingers tightening around his drink. You always were the perfect bite to his snark, acknowledging things straight up, as is. 
And you always had a hunch of how things would end up. 
You know that this call is pointless, that he won’t take you back by the end of it. You also know that each and every one of his decisions comes from a series of calculated predictions, that once he makes up his mind, there’s no changing it. You know how Nanami works, that he moves in numbers. 
Except, you never know his reasons—that the truth of all this is that he’s sworn to himself that he’ll be good to you. There’s no point being with an empty man, and dragging you into the dangers of sorcery would be cruel, even more unfair to you. 
The line is quiet for a while, filled only with your attempts at steadying your breathing. 
“Did you drink enough water?” he asks, a little out of nowhere but completely in place. 
You snort, pushing back your chair, “Shouldn’t say things like that,” your footsteps are picked up by the mic, “makes it sound like y’care.” 
He hears you gulp a glass down on the line, lips curling into a sad smile. 
“D’me a favor?” you slur, followed by a yawn. 
He hums. 
“Stay on ‘til I fall’sleep?” 
And for once, he doesn’t think so hard about it. This small thing can’t possibly skew the damage he’s already caused you. 
A creak sounds from your end, the sofa you both used to spend your weekends on; it’s been thoroughly broken in, love seeping through each crevice and dip. It’s selfish, but he hopes you still feel him through it—giving you a safe place to rest, soft and tender in keeping you close when he can’t. 
You shuffle, pillows muffling the microphone as you move around; then you mumble, sleep-laden, “Don’t forget to turn the lights off.” 
It shouldn’t affect him this much, but the reminder calls back every instance you’ve ever said it to him: whispers over his shoulder, while dragging your feet away from his home office; a peck to the tip of his ear before nuzzling his neck while he reads; a shout from your bed, for him to hear within the echoes of the bathroom walls. 
You both have terrible sleep from odd hours at the office, but nightmares have always persisted with him more. Turning off the lights was a reassurance, a quiet ‘I love you’—a reminder that it was okay to fall asleep, you’d be there when he wakes. 
His eyes zero in on the light switch to his right, humming his response. 
The call runs for 31 minutes.
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a/n: other tidbits i wasn't able to include—reader is able to hold liquor well, and used to drink with nanami often but doesn't understand the appeal of his preferred drinks; reader is able to go head-to-head with nanami's personality but is also a lot more vibrant and loud; reader also doesn't know about the jujutsu world (in case it wasn't obvious). i also envision nanami becoming less himself towards the end of their relationship, which is also when he starts considering going back to sorcery.
thank you notes: big thank you to @augustinewrites for half-mothering this fic 🥺 what would i do without your sad ideas and songs to match!! and to @mysugu and @soumies for ofc!! listening to me talk abt this all the time lol
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comments, tags, and reblogs are greatly appreciated ♡
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pairing: ethan landry x f!reader
description: you’ve been hanging around the group more often lately, and they haven’t clocked the way you always end up leaving with ethan. when you overhear them doubting you’d ever date him, you decide to make a show of just how much your boyfriend means to you.
warnings: swearing, mindy is kinda being an asshole but i love her it just fits the plot, also they make popcorn like … impossibly fast at the end but i was not wasting time on popcorn making when i had FLUFF to write huh. no gf mentions !!!
author’s note: this has been almost finished for so long and i finally finished it today lmao. hope you enjoy!
“Hey E, when did Y/N say she was getting here?”
“What’re you asking him for?”
“Because obviously it’s him who’s going to know?”
You rolled your eyes at the argument between Mindy and Chad as you quietly paced down the hallway towards the lounge.
“Why is that obvious?” Mindy countered, and you could practically picture Ethan’s pout as he butted in now, “Why are you so sure she wouldn’t tell me?”
Mindy scoffed, “What, you know everything just because you have a massive crush on her? You probably just, like, stalk her or something.”
“I don’t stalk her—,”
“Okay, you just follow her round like a lost little puppy she has to deal with all the damn time,” Mindy snorted, “I’m just saying she’d have text the group chat, not just you.”
“Hey, that’s harsh,” Tara interjected, “Whether she’s out of his league or not, that’s not what the deal is here. They’re just as close as she is with you, if not closer. It makes sense she’d text him.”
You shook your head even though they still couldn’t see you, lingering just past the doorway and listening in as they talked.
“Why is this whole thing being blown out of proportion? He only asked when she’d get here, not for you to all talk about me like I’m a total loser she’d never be seen with,” you could hear that he was taking their words to heart as he tried to stick up for himself for once.
“Nobody said total loser,” Mindy shrugged, “But we’re just speculating. Chad talks about you two like a couple, and I’m simply reminding him that you’re obviously not.”
Anika put her hand on her girlfriend’s arm for a second, “Mindy, c’mon. You’re just being mean now.”
“I know she’s out of my league and I never said any different Mindy,” Ethan groaned, “Could we shut up about this already? She’ll be here any minute and I don’t need her hearing you talking about how pathetic I am.”
Mindy huffed, raising her arms in feigned surrender, “You said it, not me. Look, sorry, I’m not trying to be harsh I swear. Just no point in you getting your hopes up, is there?”
You took that as your cue, striding into the room and heading straight towards your boyfriend.
“Hey guys,” you hummed, throwing down your bag and plopping yourself down onto Ethan’s lap and curling your arms around his neck.
He looked perplexed, unsure why you waltzed in and made such a show of PDA all of a sudden, but his tense body relaxed under your touch regardless.
His hands curled around your waist as he shuffled back in his seat to make you both more comfortable, his voice shy as he responded, “Hey.”
“Woah, woah, woah,” Mindy rose to her feet, “What?”
You rolled your eyes for what felt like the thousandth time, turning your head to shoot her a sickly sweet smile, “What?”
You could see Chad stifling a laugh, because he’d seen you sneak out of their dorm one too many times not to have figured out you were actually dating by now.
“Why are you—,”
“Sitting on my boyfriend’s lap? There’s no other seats, Minds,” you shrugged, fighting back a smirk as she went bug-eyed, “Oh, shit. I forgot we still hadn’t told you guys. My bad!”
Mindy fumbled over her words for a moment, still staring at you as your fingers twirled Ethan’s curls at the base of his neck and his fingers danced over the waistband of your jeans.
You pressed a kiss to his cheek, feeling warmth radiate from his skin as his eyes darted around the room for everyone’s reactions.
“Boyfriend? You’re together?”
Tara was grinning, “Nice!”
“Aw you guys,” Anika grinned, “That’s so cute. We can double date!”
You rolled your eyes, “Maybe if Mindy apologises for talking to Ethan like he’s the shit on the bottom of her shoe, yeah.”
“I’m sorry, I just—,”
“It’s fine, Mindy,” Ethan shrugged, nuzzling his face into your neck to hide away from the attention, “Can we just move on? At least you all know now.”
You frowned, pressing a kiss atop his curls as he remained close to you. You watched Mindy frantically search for the right words to say, before deciding to stay quiet.
Silence hung in the air for a moment, tension evident as Ethan’s grip on you seemed to tighten.
“It’s Ethan who’s been asking to keep things quiet, so thanks for the reminder of why,” you huffed, “Because you make him feel like he doesn’t deserve me. It’s not fair, Minds. At all. And you’re supposed to be my best friend.”
“I am your best friend!” Mindy replied, “I just didn’t expect this, that’s all. I’m sorry, okay? I’m happy for you guys. I really am.”
You scoffed, “Well maybe if you spent a little more time treating Ethan like an actual person and not some pointless side character in a, like, movie or whatever, you’d realise he’s a good person and that it’s me who doesn’t deserve him.”
You felt guilty for your outburst, and you could see that it had really driven your point home to Mindy, who was now staring at her feet shyly and snuggled in close to Anika.
You snuggled in closer to Ethan’s lap, interlacing your fingers as you did so. His hands were as warm as his face had become as a result of all of the attention, and you could tell he felt uncomfortable.
He did, however, enjoy the fact that everyone knew you were together now.
A sudden bout of confidence sparked in him as he pulled your joined hands up to kiss the back of yours, “Whatever. Whether she’s out of my league or not, she’s my girlfriend. Now let’s just put the stupid movie on, yeah?”
Everyone nodded silently, tension still thick in the air as Mindy picked up the remote control, but before she could press play you hopped back up out of your boyfriend’s lap.
“Oh, I brought popcorn,” you exclaimed, grabbing his hand and pulling him up as you picked up your bag again too, “We’ll go make it really quick. Won’t be long.”
Ethan followed you into the kitchen, your hands still interlocked, and smiled confusedly at you as you hopped up onto the counter beside the stovetop and quickly began preparing the popcorn.
“Sorry about that,” you bit your lip, watching him carefully as he sauntered to your side and placed a palm on your hip, taking control of the popcorn making, “I overheard the conversation and got really pissed off. Also just missed you and wanted to be annoyingly PDA’y… Is that alright?”
He scoffed, “Are you kidding? I only wanted to keep it from them because they don’t think I deserve you and I didn’t want you realising they’re right… I’m like, so happy, that I can kiss you around them now. So happy.”
You pouted, “I hate that you think that too, though. You more than deserve me, Eth. And I’m really lucky to have you.”
His thumb rubbed at the skin of your waist just beneath your top as his other hand shook the popcorn as it heated up.
“You’re the best, Y/N,” he hummed, pecking your lips quickly before refocusing on the popcorn, “I kinda wish we could just go to mine or something instead. I’m not in the mood for anyone else’s company anymore.”
You leaned in to kiss him, a hand carding through his curls briefly as he took the popcorn off the heat and set it aside, turning off the hob. His hands then flew back to your waist, settling himself between your parted legs to kiss you properly.
“I wish we could just go to yours too. We’ll dip as soon as the movie ends, yeah?” you grinned, biting your lip as you pulled back from the kiss, “We can deal with them asking questions another day. ‘M more in the mood to just curl up with you.”
He nodded, “Me too. Sounds like a plan. And thank you, for tonight, seriously. I’m not exaggerating when I say how lucky I am to have you.”
You shook your head, “You’re my boyfriend, and I’m proud of that fact. Mindy just needs to get her head out of her ass sometimes. I’m sorry they’re so shitty to you sometimes, it’s pathetic.”
He kissed you quickly again, scooping your waist to pull you down from the counter to stand beside him.
“Honestly at this point I don’t care anymore,” he shrugged, “I’ve got you. Oh, but please don’t agree to any double dates without me. No offence, but a double date with Mindy and Anika would be, like, my personal hell.”
You giggled, shaking your head again, “We’ll work on her weird unnecessary disdain for you, babe. But of course, I understand. C’mon, we better get back in there.”
“Can’t we just stay in here instead?”
“I wish.”
“Ugh,” he huffed, an adorable pout gracing his features that almost made you give in and make up an emergency reason for you both to leave, “At least we get to cuddle this time. I’m sick of you always having to sit away from me.”
You chuckled, “You do tend to watch me from across the room like a lost puppy. It’s adorable. In fact, I’m surprised nobody ever notices me doing the exact same thing back. We’ve been totally obvious this whole time.”
He kissed you again, briefly and feverishly like he couldn’t stop himself, “Our friends are idiots, huh.”
“Absolute morons,” you smiled, kissing him one final time before grabbing the popcorn and his hand.
“Let’s go get through a movie, hey?”
thanks for reading !!!
i hope this was okay, it felt a bit messy and shit when i was editing but i’ve been stuck on it so long so thought i’d post and then maybe come back to it? let me know what you thought!
feel free to request more, i’ve been chaotic with which old drafts i’m finishing lately but my requests are still open — and here’s my masterlist!
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vivwritesfics · 10 days
I feel like we need a return of witch!oscar
Maybe reader finds one of his books and tries to make a potion from it despite not understanding any of it
No but I started thinking last night I could do a whole witch!oscar thing but i've got so many things to come out first that this might be an eventually situation. For now pls keep sending in witch!oscar
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Oscar had been insanely protective over his things when she first moved in. Like, crazy protective, to the point where they fought and she threatened to move out.
(He wasn't ashamed to say he'd begged her to stay. The fighting, though, it wasn't for nothing. It was to keep her safe, even if she didn't understand that. Oscar would do it all over again to keep her safe).
But, as it came to a year of living together, Oscar had stopped this crazy protective thing he had over his stuff. He stopped guarding that bookshelf full of recipe books like a crazed dog and no longer bothered hiding that box full of God knows what under the floorboards under his bed.
(Now, understand, Oscar would have told her. If he didn't think the information would have put her in more danger, he would have told her exactly what he was. It was eating him inside, her not knowing as she slept against him, content in this safe bubble Oscar had created. Created through lies that had him feeling sick and the protection spell he'd put on the apartment).
Even now that Oscar trusted her with his things, he hated leaving her in the apartment on her own for extended periods of time. If he'd just told her what she was, she couldn't be in danger of accidentally cracking open a spell book and messily casting an incantation. But, when the council called, Oscar had to answer.
(She was what this meeting was about, actually. Most witches were solitary creatures, preferring company of their own kind and even that was rare. Oscar was the exception, with his human girlfriend. As much as the other members of the council looked down on it, on their relationship, they knew they had to try and keep her safe from any magical mishaps).
"I didn't even know you had to go on business meetings for your work," she whispered that morning, cheek pressed against her shoulder.
He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. "I know," he mumbled. "But I'll be back before you know it."
Before he left, Oscar doubled the protection spell around the apartment. They hadn't been apart for this long since she'd first moved in, and part of Oscar just knew the council was holding the meeting on the other side of the country to test him, to test his patience.
She knew Oscar wasn't going to be in when she got back from work, but that didn't mean she didn't already miss him terribly. Making dinner, something Oscar usually took care of, was a chore that evening.
(It was the only time, aside from the protection spell, that Oscar used magic around her. He was a terrible cook, but it was partly how he'd won her over. Even if she found out what he was, he could never reveal this secret about his cooking).
When she pulled the most basic of ingredients out of the fridge, she spied something on the counter. One of the books from Oscar's shelf. He must have left it there on purpose, she figured. A book full of Australian delicacies he'd left for her so that she didn't miss him too much.
She cracked open the book and decided to make the first thing she saw, some kind of soup.
The ingredients were so odd, but they had all of them in the kitchen cupboards. Gathering up the ingredients, she started about making this odd, Australian soup.
(Maybe, if she looked a little closely, if she'd even considered being a little wary of her boyfriend, she would have noticed that this wasn't a recipe book, and this wasn't a recipe book).
It didn't look like anything Oscar had made. If she wasn't so hungry she would have tossed it and bought a pizza, chalked it up to her (lack of) cooking skills. But her stomach was grumbling and it didn't small that bad.
All it took was a single spoonful. Bless her, she didn't realise she'd made enough to dose an entire football stadium full of people. But one spoonful and she was on the phone to Oscar, crying about how much she missed him in a way that just wasn't her.
"Oscar," she cried through sobs as he thanked his lucky stars that he had a moment to pick up.
"Has something happened?" He asked quickly, panic in his voice.
She sniffled. "Yeah. I fucking miss you and my soup isn't as good as anything you make and I hate it and I want you to come home and I think we should get married and I think we should get a dog."
By the time she'd said the final few words, she was no longer crying. No, she was happy, excited even.
"Oh fuck." Oscar hadn't meant to let that slip, but he certainly didn't think it would make her cry again. "Oh, sweetheart, what have you done?"
It had to be one of those fucking love potions Oscar hated to much. And, to make things worse, it had been his fault. He'd left the book on the kitchen counter, of course she was going to think it was a recipe book.
Damn the council meeting, his girl needed him. "Sweetheart, can you throw the soup away for me?" He asked. There was no response, but Oscar could hear her moving around the kitchen, hopefully doing it.
"Done. It was gross anyway," she mumbled.
He let out a laugh, if only to comfort her. "Great. Go and get changed into one of my shirts and get into bed. I'm on my way and I'll make you something proper when I get home."
"Hurry back?"
"Of course."
If you enjoyed this, please feel free to buy me a coffee
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abc-91 · 3 months
Aged up Fushiguro Megumi x Catgirl Reader
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Megumi remembers that moment well, the moment he found a cute catgirl abandoned in the rain. He couldn’t just leave you there; he had to take you home. So that’s exactly what he did. He’s taken very good care of you, always giving you lots of pets and attention, getting you as many toys as you want, and always preparing your favorite meals for you. You’ve been with him for nearly a month now when you start feeling your heat coming on. He’s away at school when it starts, so you’re all alone at home.
When he comes home he finds you mewling on the sofa wearing one of his t-shirts and humping the couch cushions. He feels utterly shocked, and he doesn’t know how to respond. His face turns red, and he reacts the only way he can think of.
“B-Bad kitty!” Your ears instantly perk up and you turn your head. You know you should stop, but the heat between your legs is too strong.
“I said stop!” You whimper in response at his shouting, but you still don’t stop. He grabs you by the waist and pulls you off the couch, causing you to whine to the sudden lack of stimulation. Megumi carries you to your room and puts you in bed.
“Bad kitty! Don’t do that!” His face is bright red and he’s trying to seem stern despite his obvious embarrassment.
“If you’re going to do something like that then do it in your room!” He leaves the room and tears start rolling down your cheeks after being yelled at by your owner. You curl up in bed, putting one of your pillows between your legs and humping it desperately. You’re whining and crying softly. You know it was wrong to hump the couch, but you couldn’t help it. You just wanted your owner to come home and take care of you, but he just yelled at you instead.
Megumi can hear your quiet mewls and whimpers from the living room, and he feels somewhat guilty. He realizes that you’re probably in heat, but he’s too embarrassed to do anything. In fact, he doesn’t really know how to help you. He simply walks to the bathroom and takes a shower to try to calm down. When he gets out of the shower, he can still hear your whining and crying. He feels horrible for yelling at you and is very concerned about you.
That night he lies in bed for a long time, listening to your soft noises of pleasure and sadness. Eventually you quiet down and he thinks you’ve fallen asleep. He goes to check up on you, gently creaking your door open. Megumi sees you curled up in bed drooling as you sleep. He feels relieved that you're resting now, but he still feels very worried about you.
The next morning he wakes up to the sounds of your whimpering again. He gets out of bed and knocks on the door.
“Kitty? Are you alright? Are you hungry?” He doesn’t get a response other than mewls. He lets out a soft sigh.
“I’m going to go out, but I’ll leave breakfast for you in the kitchen if you get hungry.” Megumi makes breakfast, eating his portion and leaving yours out on the counter. He then gets dressed then leaves.
You’re still desperately humping your now wet pillow when you hear another knock on the door.
“Kitty? I got you something. I think it might help you.” Megumi slowly opened the door and walked in with a bag in his hands. He sees that you're grinding on the pillow relentlessly and it makes him turn even more red.
“G-Gumi, help~” You beg softly with tears in your eyes which makes him even more nervous.
“It’s okay, kitten. These should help you.” His hands are a little shaky as he reaches into the bag, pulling out two small boxes.
“Uh you seem a little preoccupied, so I’ll just open them for you.” He nervously opens one box, and shows you the pink and white object that’s shaped sort of like a microphone.
“Here, kitty. If you move this switch it vibrates.” Your eyebrows furrow and you whimper softly, not understanding what the object is for.
“I’ll just leave that for you to figure out…” He opens the other box, taking out a strangely shaped object.
“And you can uhm- you know- with this one.” Megumi awkwardly sets the dildo on your bedside table with the vibrator. You don’t really understand the purpose of the two objects, but you’re far too horny to ask before he starts to leave.
“I’ll leave you alone now, kitty. I hope you like what I got you.”
He awkwardly leaves the room, feeling embarrassed and nervous. You never stopped humping your pillow while he was there. He can still hear your whines and mewls for hours on end.
It’s around noon when he hears you shouting,
“Gumi, help!” He rushes into your bedroom to find you crying and grinding against the pillow.
“Hurts! It won’t stop!” You whine softly and he notices that you still haven’t touched the sex toys he left on your nightstand either.
“I-It hurts? Did you try the toys?”
“D-Don’t know how, ah-“ You look so desperate and it breaks his heart. He nervously walks over to the bed and grabs the vibrator.
“It’s okay, kitty. I-I’ll help you use them.” He sits on the efge of the bed.
“Can you get off the pillow and lay down on your back for me?” You nod and lay down like he asked.
“Please, Gumi! It’s so hot! It hurts!” Tears stream down your face, and he reaches a hand up to wipe them with his thumb.
“It’s alright. I’ll take care of you now. I’m sorry for yelling at you yesterday; I know you couldn’t help it, right?” You nod and mewl.
“I’m going to help you now. Tell me if it’s too much, okay?” Megumi moves the vibrator to your clit and turns it onto the lowest setting. You meow loudly and arch your back.
“Ah- More Gumi!”
“Is that helping, kitty?” You nod rapidly and whine.
“Want me to turn it up?” You nod again without fully grasping what he means by turning it up, but you soon let out a purr when he turns the setting on the vibrator up.
“Feeling better yet, kitty?” You whimper softly and your legs start to shake. It doesn’t take long for you to climax. You mewl loudly and he shushes you softly. You’re sensitive, but you need more.
“Gumi, more~” You beg softly and he turns the vibrations up higher again.
“No! More!” Megumi turns the vibrator onto the highest setting, causing your body to shake.
“Ahh~” You moan softly while trembling. You’re close to orgasming again. Megumi looks at you with a mixture of concern and embarrassment. He was worried about you, but is it really okay for someone to be using sextoys on their hybrid like this? His cock can’t help but stir at the sight of you moaning and whining in pleasure like this, which only makes him more ashamed. Your eyes roll back into your head.
“M-More, please Gumi”
“I-It’s as high as it can go…”
“No! I need more!” He looks over to the dildo sitting on the nightstand, and grabs it.
“Tell me if it hurts, okay kitten?” You nod without understanding what is going to happen. A loud mewl escapes your mouth when the tip of the dildo nudges against your entrance. He slowly slides it in, making you squirm at the unfamiliar intrusion.
“Shh, kitty. It’s alright.” Your hands dig into the sheets as he starts gently thrusting it in and out of your needy hole while the vibrator continues buzzing on your clit. You feel your orgasm building up, and you can’t hold back anymore. Your back arches and you cum, soaking the sheets yet again. He slows down slightly as you come down from your climax, and he looks at you softly.
“How are you feeling kitty?”
“B-Better, but I need more.”
“More? Want me to move the dildo faster?” You assume he’s referring to the object he’s thrusting in and out of your hot cunt, so you nod eagerly.
“Okay, kitty.” Megumi starts to thrust the dildo into your heat at a more intense pace, causing your head to fall back on the pillow. He hears you mewling and whining as you clench around the dildo.
“F-Feels good… need more!”
“M-More?” He tries to move the dildo faster.
“Like this?” You shake your head.
“What do you want then kitty?”
“I-I don’t know. It’s just not enough.” You cry softly and he panics since he’s moving it as much as he can.
“Uh okay… I uh-“ You whimper and squirm.
“I don’t think it’s big enough… and it’s so cold.” You whine out and he feels ashamed of what he’s about to do.
“Don’t worry, kitty. Your owner is going to take care of it, okay? Just stay still.” He moves the vibrator and dildo away from your desperate cunt, making you whimper in disappointment.
“Shh, just a sec.” You watch as he discards his clothes, leaving him completely naked. Seeing him like this only manages to make your neediness increase. Your thighs rub together on the bed and you mewl. When your eyes wander downwards over his body, you see a large, bulging organ that you don’t have. It looks similar to the dildo he was using on you, but it’s thicker, longer, and more pinkish. You whine desperately and spread your legs for him, figuring out on your own what he’s going to do.
“Oh, my smart kitty. Good girl.” He climbs into bed with you, kneeling between your thighs.
“So pretty. I’ll help you; I promise.” Megumi grabs the base of his shaft and starts to gently rub his cock over your wet heat. You mewl and he grunts softly. He then lines himself up with your entrance, slowly pushing his thick length into you. The stretch stings slightly, making you whimper.
“Oh, princess. It’s alright. It’ll hurt a little at first but I promise it’ll get better.” He gently wipes your tears and pauses his movements for a moment to let you adjust. It doesn’t take long for you to start whining and trying to push yourself down on his cock, so he chuckles and helps you by sliding the rest of his length into you. Megumi gently kisses your temple after he bottoms out.
“Big, Gumi! It’s big! I’m full!” He thinks your rambling is adorable, and he grabs onto your hips.
“Do you like it, kitty? Or is it too much for you to handle?”
“Ah- N-No! I like it!” He chuckles and partially slides out, before sliding back in. You gasp.
“Do you like it when I move like this, kitty?” His voice is a little strained, but still tender.
“Want more?”
“Please!” He keeps thrusting in and out of your cunt and he starts moving at a faster pace. Your thighs tremble and you purr.
“Good girl, my little catgirl really is the best kitty for me.” His words turn you on even more, and you can hear him groaning softly into your ear due to the way your heat sucks him in.
“S-So full, Gumi!”
“I never knew my kitty had such a greedy cunt. Sucking me in so well.” He groans, grasping your hips a little tighter as he slams into you harder. You can’t even respond since you’re too busy moaning and purring. He feels you clamping down on him harder, causing him to moan loudly.
“Are you going to cum for me, kitty?” You nod and mewl.
“Go ahead, be a good girl and cum all over your owner’s cock.” Your eyes roll into the back of your head and your thighs tremble. You cream on his cock and he continues slamming into you relentlessly. Megumi kisses you lovingly as you come down from your high and strokes your hair when he pulls away.
“Feeling better, kitty?” He sees you nod, which makes him smile.
“How about I try to see if I can fill you up more?” *Before you can respond, he grabs onto your thighs and pushes them up against your chest. He leans his weight against you, pinning you in a mating press. The new position causes his cock to hit places deep inside of you and for you to experience more pleasure than you knew possible. You purr and he groans in your ear loudly.
“Feels so good, kitten.” His cock pistons in and out of you, tip slamming into your cervix with each thrust. Your walls flutter around his cock.
“Aw, is my kitty going to cum again already?” You nod and a few tears roll down your face.
“I’m close too, kitty. Want to cum with me?” He hears you mewl in response.
“Just hold off for another minute, can you do that?”
“Good girl. I’m almost there I promise.” He grunts louder while your cunt squeezes his cock tighter as you try to hold off on your orgasm. Megumi grows closer to climaxing with each drag if his cock against your walls.
“Oh kitty! Cumming!” He buries his cock inside of you and stills. You moan and release around him as his load shoots against your womb. You feel a warm, hot feeling spreading in your stomach from his cum spraying inside of you, which makes you whimper more. He holds you tightly until he finishes filling you with his seed. He relaxes and pants softly, but keeps his cock fully sheathed inside of you.
“Good girl, kitty.” He kisses your temple.
“I love you so much.
“Love you too, Gumi.” He leans away slightly and lets your legs down from your chest, but he then goes back to resting on top of you.
“Do you feel better?”
“Mhm, but I’ll probably get needy again soon.”
“That’s alright, kitten. I’ll help take care of your heats from now on.”
“Thank you, Gumi. I’m so lucky to have you as my owner.”
“Aw, thank you, princess.”
“Gumi, am I going to get pregnant with your kitties now?”
His face turns red as he sees the adorable look in your eyes.
“Uhm, well.”
“Aw, Gumi, I want babies with you!” He’s even more embarrassed and nervous now.
“I’m not sure if that’s a good idea…”
“Why not? I wanna have kitties! Please! I’ll take good care of them, I promise!”
“Oh sweetie, I know you would. Maybe we can keep trying for kitties then.”
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉ ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  
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suashii · 3 months
— 𝒿𝑒𝒶𝓁𝑜𝓊𝓈𝓎, 𝒿𝑒𝒶𝓁𝑜𝓊𝓈𝓎 ౨ৎ
suna rintaro x reader. 1.6k wc. ノ sfw ノ fluff ノ college au ノ suna and reader are roommates ノ jealousy ofc :3 ノ + atsumu appearance !
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moving in with suna was a bad idea.
he’s not a bad roommate. sure, he takes extra long showers and uses up all the hot water at least once a week and you’ve had to remind him to wash his dishes every now and then, but he’s not a bad roommate.
your frustration that comes with being suna’s roommate has less to do with him and more to do with the feelings you’ve been hellbent on keeping a secret ever since they became known to you a few weeks ago.
that much is getting harder these days with midterms being upon you. there’s been a girl over the apartment—some chick suna was paired with to work on a presentation. that fact alone doesn’t bother you; suna was kind enough to ask before inviting her over. she’s where your problem lies.
she’s shameless, really. always laughs a little too loud at jokes that aren’t that funny and always sits a little too close to suna when you’re positive the coffee table they’re working at isn’t that small. and the worst part is that suna is oblivious to it all.
even now he’s blissfully ignorant of the way she’s not so discreetly flirting with him. she’s supposed to be packing up to leave but, like she’s had some sort of life-changing revelation, she stops in her tracks and turns to suna, placing a hand on his shoulder. “you have a volleyball game this week, right?”
from the kitchen counter, you roll your eyes and stuff another spoonful of rice into your mouth. you wouldn’t normally eat in the kitchen while she was here but one too many spills by your laptop and the inevitable crumbs left in your bed have kept you from taking your meals back to your room. you’re starting to think a sticky keyboard or the unpleasant feel of tiny pieces of food against your skin would be preferable to whatever you’re about to witness.
suna nods and she pulls her hand away to clap. “perfect! i’ll be there to cheer you on!”
her exaggerated excitement causes you to snort, earning the attention of both of them. there’s a curious expression on suna’s face but the girl is all but staring daggers at you like you popped her bubble of joy and ruined the moment. you’re tempted to laugh.
“sorry, saw something funny on my phone,” you lie, shooting the two of them a smile before turning around to wash your dishes.
you dawdle at the sink until you hear the front door close. suna appears as you’re drying your hands and you spare him a glance, wondering if he’ll bring up your strange behavior. part of you hopes he does—maybe then you could open his eyes, finally make him privy to that girl’s blatant attraction to him.
he doesn’t question it, though. instead, he asks, “can i see what you were laughing at?”
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
“you don’t get it, ‘tsumu, she’s actually the worst,” you tell him, dramatically dropping your head on his shoulder.
“why don’t you just leave when you know she’s coming over?”
your eyes cut over to atsumu, an unsavory frown tugging at your lips due to his outrageous suggestion. you can’t believe your best friend would side with her. “why should i? i’m the one who lives here.”
“because, clearly, it’s bothering you.” he isn’t the least bit apologetic for his outlandish recommendation. “look, it’s either that or you come out and tell suna that you like him. i’m tired of hearing you bitch and moan every time i’m here. we’re supposed to be watching them do that.” atsumu points to the screen of your laptop that’s playing some trashy reality show the two of you are hooked on.
you click your tongue at his blunt response, lifting your head from his shoulder. maybe he’s right—complaining won’t get you anywhere, but you’re too proud to tell him so. “hey. this is the thanks i get for putting up with your relationship problems? you ungrateful brat.”
you flick his forehead which elicits a shocked gasp from the blonde. a victorious grin is in the process of making its way to your lips when the plush of one of the many stuffed animals you keep in your room hits your cheek. your jaw drops in surprise at atsumu’s courageous counter.
“i’m going to kill you.”
you aren’t usually one for using your precious plushies as a weapon but any one within your reach is promptly launched at the setter. he dodges some and is whacked by others, all while theatrically screeching for you to stop. you’ve still got some steam left by the time you run out of ammunition and atsumu can tell. he reaches out, taking your wrists in his hands to prevent you from doing anything.
“wait, i’m sorry,” he breathes out, strands of messy hair falling in front of his face. “truce?”
you’re considering whether or not you want to take him up on his offer when your door swings open. suna’s on the other side.
his eyes scan the room, taking in the mess of colorful stuffed animals strewn across the space before they land on you. not you, but the way atsumu’s holding you. something about it makes his jaw tighten.
“hey.” your voice, breathier than usual, convinces suna to meet your eye. “what’s up?”
the scene he walked in on almost made him forget why he’d come by in the first place. “i’m ordering food. do you want anything?”
you hum in contemplation and then smile. “i’ll have whatever you’re having.”
he nods, readying to close the door. “i’ll call you when it’s here.”
the click of the door shutting sounds over the indiscernible voices coming from your laptop. taking your hands back from atsumu, you straighten out your clothes as thoughts of suna cross your mind. he usually finds any way to make a conversation drag, lingering in your doorway even when you’ve told him to leave so you can go to sleep.
you’re about to ask atsumu if he caught on to his friend’s abnormal lack of words, but he’s got another idea.
“yeah, thanks, i don’t want anything,” atsumu shouts at the closed door.
forty minutes pass before the episode ends and atsumu takes his leave. you see him out, planning your next viewing party as he puts on his shoes. he whispers something about settling shit with suna before then so he isn’t subject to your fussing the next time he comes around and darts down the hall before your fist can meet his shoulder.
you make a mental note to get back at him when you see him tomorrow as you shut the door and spin on the ball of your foot. from the foyer, you can see suna situated at the coffee table. there are plastic delivery bags on the surface and he seems to have already started eating from his portion.
“what happened to letting me know when the food was here?” you ask, shuffling over to his figure and plopping down on the floor beside him.
through a mouthful of noodles, he replies, “i didn’t want to interrupt.”
you almost scold him for talking with food in his mouth but then his words register. your eyebrows furrow as you split your wooden chopsticks. “interrupt what, exactly?”
it’s petty, he knows, but he can’t ignore the feeling that’s been gnawing at him since he saw atsumu touching you so comfortably. it’s like the image is seared into his eyelids and he’s forced to see it every time he blinks.
“i don’t know.” he flicks a mushroom with his utensil. “just seemed like you two were in the middle of something when i walked in.”
you hum, not paying much mind to his words as you pick up the stir-fry with your chopsticks. the noodles hang right in front of your lips when you respond, “i guess we kind of were.”
suna frowns at your answer. he wanted to hear you say it was nothing so he could kick himself for being so unreasonably bent out of shape. instead, your reply fuels him to ask the question he’d been wondering about for nearly the past hour. “are you and atsumu together?”
“what?” you sputter around your noodles. you want to tell him no but, unlike suna, you aren’t one for talking with your mouth full. your silence, however, only leads suna to keep going.
“i don’t care if you are but you should have told me so i wouldn’t just barge in on-”
“i’m not dating atsumu,” you finally reveal after swallowing your food. you’re not sure what possesses you to say the next part—perhaps you feel the need to really drive your point home—but it comes out speedily. “i like you.”
quiet blankets the room following your declaration. the two of you stare at each other with parted lips, suna’s eyes slightly widened in surprise. his lack of a response makes your heart beat heavily against your chest. it’s loud in your ears and you wonder if he can hear it too.
you breathe out an awkward laugh after a couple more seconds of silence. “look-”
“i like you, too,” suna admits.
“jeez, suna, you should have just said that!” you slap his shoulder, cheeks warming in belated embarrassment. “i thought i was going to have to move out because of one-sided feelings.”
“sorry.” he chuckles, rubbing the spot you had just hit. it didn’t hurt, but it felt different than the ones he had been met with in the past. he could get used to the tingles you leave behind on his skin. “i had to let it set in.”
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thanks for reading! reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated :3
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moonknightsonata · 5 months
Book Dilemna
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pairing: Marc Spector x reader, Steven Grant x reader
summary: You’re moving in with the boys, and Marc greatly underestimated how many books you were bringing into their already full of books apartment.
cw: What’s a little bickering between lovers, Marc suggests something blasphemous about books several times. Mostly fluff.
wc: 1413
a/n: Is this a little anecdotal of when I moved in with my boyfriend and he thought I had too many books? Yes. I can only imagine how many books Steven and I could have if we combined our libraries and we would both be in heaven but Marc hates it.
Here’s something a little sweet while I work on something heartbreaking with Marc.
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Marc thought Steven had a lot of books. He had naively assumed Steven had the biggest personal collection of books that someone could have in one apartment, and that only libraries or bookstores would have more than him.
That thought left his brain immediately when he was lugging up the tenth box of books from the moving van into his - now shared with you - apartment.
He unceremoniously dropped the box on the table and rolled his shoulders as he gave you an unimpressed look. “Please tell me that was the last box of books.”
You looked at him from the kitchen where you were unpacking your favorite mugs into the cabinets. “Um… how many have you brought up?”
“I think that was ten.”
The grimace on your face let Marc know it was not, in fact, the last box of books. How many books could you even have? Marc wondered if you had even read them all, or if you hoarded them like a dragon. He groaned as he sat at the dining table, leaning his head back on the rest of the chair. “How many more?”
You gave a little shrug, apologizing. “Maybe a few more?”
Marc’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you suspiciously. “A few, like 3 more or a few like another 10?”
“… 5? I’m not sure honestly…. I didn’t keep track when I packed them up!” You defended yourself, putting the last mug away. You made your way towards the door, slipping shoes on. “I’ll go get the rest of them, you sit for a few minutes, you’ve been going up and down for the past hour and a half.” You really did feel bad, Marc was being such a trooper after all, lugging your stuff from the van.
Marc shook his head, already standing up and wrapping his arms around you to stop you from going downstairs to get the boxes. “No, no, I can do it. C’mon, I was Moon Knight - I’ve dealt with ancient Egyptian gods, you think I can’t handle boxes of books?” he teased.
“You’re the one complaining -“ You started, before Marc interrupted you with a kiss. As he pulled away with a grin on his face, you rolled your eyes. He started it.
“Where do you and Steven plan on putting all these books, huh? Steven’s books already have most of the real estate in here.” Marc gestured to the stacks of unorganized books that already claimed every available surface of the apartment sans the kitchen counters and dining table.
“We just have to organize them a bit, we’ll fit them!” Marc raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms with an incredulous look on his face. Your confidence wavered a bit under his look and as you took in the inventory of just how many books were around you. But really, you were sure that with a bit of organizing you could fit them all.
“Maybe you’ll have to get rid of some -“ Marc started before he heard two interruptions.
Are you out of your mind? Steven.
“Are you out of your mind?” and you.
If it wasn’t so annoying how you had both screeched at the mere suggestion of losing a couple of books, Marc would’ve found it hilarious that the two of you had been so in sync. He raised his hands in mock surrender, he at least knew when he’d lose a battle. “Okay, okay, forget I said it. Geez, you and Steven hated that idea.”
You smiled triumphantly, both for getting your way of keeping all of your books, and the fact that at least one of your boyfriends understood. Two against one worked in favor, after all. “Good. At least one of you has some sense! Getting rid of books… unbelievable!”
She’s right, Marc. Getting rid of books, that’s just mental. Steven agreed with you, and Marc could see him shaking his head from the corner of his eye in the mirror hanging nearby.
“At what point do you two have too many books?”
There’s no such thing as too many books!
“There’s no such thing as too many books!”
“You two have to stop doing that.” Marc deadpanned, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Let’s just finish getting all of them into the apartment, before we decide what to do with them. I will honestly be shocked if you and Steven can fit all of them on these shelves.” Marc said, opening the front door to go back downstairs.
You trailed behind him, at least to help finish unloading the van so that he wasn’t the only one doing the heavy lifting. “We’ll fit them all, you’ll see!”
You definitely were not going to fit all these books.
You and Steven had waited for the next weekend to tackle organizing and shelving both his and your collections.
The day started with the two of you bickering over the proper way to organize the books.
“Definitely by title.”
“Title? But then you could end up mixing the subjects! We should do it by subject and genre.”
“That might work for all of your history books, Steven, but what about my novels? Some are romance, some are fantasy, and some are both! What if one of my romantic fantasies get misplaced into the ‘just fantasy’ section?”
Oh my god, you two are making this so much more complicated. Just put them on the shelves!
Steven’s gaze shot over to the mirror hanging on the wall so quickly, you thought he might have gotten whiplash. “We certainly will not “just put them on the shelves”, Marc! They have to be organized.
Do it by color then.
Steven knew if you had just heard the blasphemous words that Marc just suggested, you would lose your marbles. “Absolutely not.”
“What? What’d Marc suggest?” you asked curiously.
“Organizing them by color.” Steven snorted, even adding an overdramatic touch of shuddering his shoulders. “Can you imagine, love? By color?”
You paused and Steven’s bemused expression fell. “You can’t be serious.”
”I’ve seen pictures online where people have done it, it did look kind of pretty.” You shrugged, nonchalantly. You couldn’t say you would actually humor the idea of organizing books by color, but the absolute conniption it put Steven in almost made you reconsider.
”How would you even find anything?”
“I know what color my books are! Not my fault that most of your history books are all brown and yellow.”
Steven couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His own partner, suggesting organizing books by color. If he wasn’t so in love with you (and if he didn’t think it would be a case of the pot calling the kettle) he would’ve called you mad.
After about ten more minutes of bickering, discussing how to organize the books, you and Steven had agreed that first by genre, and then by title would be the simplest way. It would most likely be the quickest way to find books when they were needed.
It took another three hours just to organize the books into stacks, spread out around the apartment and labeled with sticky notes on what genre they were (which also lead to a few more interesting debates on whether you would sort ‘general mythology’ books with his Egyptology books, or should it Steven just have a ‘mythology’ genre - or should your romance books be separated by ‘young adult’ and ‘adult’).
But by dinner time, you and Steven had managed to get many of the books onto shelves around the apartment.
You were washing the dishes after dinner, when Marc approached you from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your neck. “I’m surprised you two got as far as you did.” Marc had honestly suspected he would come to front and find the apartment overrun with books.
You turned your head towards him, beaming with a prideful gleam that Marc could practically hear ‘I told you so’ coming. “You doubted us?”
”When I could hear you two arguing practically all day? Yes.” Marc chuckled, rolling his eyes.
You returned the eye roll and handed Marc a towel to start drying the dishes you were washing. He took it from you, diligently drying and putting the dishes away. “We weren’t arguing, we were discussing.”
”Mhm. If you say so.” Marc says, a teasing grin on his face.
“Although… I hate to say you were right about one thing.”
Marc’s face lit up and he grinned like a cheshire cat.
“Oh? Do tell.”
”We’re going to have to buy more bookshelves.”
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iaeriy · 5 months
affected // jude bellingham x reader
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summary; jude never realizes how you’ve affected him and his life.
word count; 4k
warnings; angst, situationship, playboy! jude, smut, slapping.. unprotected sex, fingering, missionary..
a/n; once again.. not proofread! for a friend of mines & for my jude girlies, anything in bold is flashbacks &&&& sorry if this is bad..this is also based off my experiences im still going through.. anywho..enjoy! 🎀🐾
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aching, that’s how it felt the day you saw him hanging out with a lot of girls after he kept coming back to you everytime and you would take him back. you had enough of him but something in you always craved for him, no matter what it was. anything you used to do that you did with him, you found yourself stopping and breaking down, your heart would ache, it even ached your hands and all over your chest. anytime you would open up the social media you’d see recent events of jude, him with a new girl maybe at least a few times a week or seen walking out of their homes. it upsetted you in so many ways, you didn’t know what to do, you stayed home avoiding everybody. even text messages and calls from him. you always took him back, after every little mistake he did, after playing with your heart & using you for when he didn’t have anybody around that time. small glimpses of any memory you two shared would hit you, no matter where you were or how you were feeling, it always ruined your day. it hurt you when you realized you weren’t his world, you were his side piece, only something he needed when he was desperate and much more you could never explain. you were the other woman, because he knew you fell in his trap so many attempt’s because you were in love, a love that you somewhat never experienced but with him. a love that had you in awe from head to toe, a love that had you attached. he knew your weaknesses, he knew the things you thought about with him. he knew the things you did for him and threw it away like nothing mattered because there was always other women throwing themselves at him, and he enjoyed it. you cried for days & days.
that was now a month ago.. without him but his text messages would return, even his calls.
you were now in the couch sitting down criss cross reading your book, it was a cloudy windy day and you had gotten back from visiting your mom at her home for lunch as she had promised. your phone was slowly getting tons and tons of messages, nobody but jude himself and you managed to avoid them. you stared at the vase of flowers he had gotten you, you sighed as you put ur book away before walking over to the island counter, there had been a card next to the flowers but you never opened, afraid that you’d burst out in ears and you’ll be begging back for him. you sighed, ‘fuck it’ you thought before you grabbed the note slowly before opening it, your heart already racing as you felt your heart thumping in your ears, you slowly read the note as tears started to form in your eyes. what were you thinking, why would you do this in the first place. you put the note back next to the card as you wiped your tears before making your way to your coach, you laid down before grabbing the blanket. suddenly you closed your eyes and there you were again.
“jude! did you really get me this!?” you said as your eyes were widened looking at the vase of the flowers, purple and baby pink. just like how you loved those colors, “yes i did, do you love them?” he said as you smiled nodding your head at him, “what for?” you said putting them on the isle as he chuckled, “because i love you so much sweetie.” he said as he stood behind you, hugging you behind. his hands wrapping around your waist befofe you turned around, “i love you a lot..you know that..” you said as he smiled slightly, “me too.” he said as you giggled booping his nose before he picked you up, you bursted out giggling as he smiled. “you’re so pretty..” he said, a pink tint brushing over your cheeks before your hands cupped his cheeks. he looked at you as you admired the color of his eyes, you were still blushing before he kissed you, you kissed back giggling before he kept kissing you, he laid you on the couch as you were still giggling before he fell on top of you, “i love you so much..” he murmured in your ear as you looked at him.
you woke up as you were panting for some reason, tears streaming down your face before you got up walking to your bathroom, you washed off your makeup as you sobbed in between washing your face. why would you pick the note up, why did you overthink it a lot. you wiped your tears constantly, your eyes puffy and pink. you walked back to the living room as you sat back down, you kept crying and your chest was hurting. your eyes widening as you looked at your phone, tons and tons of more messages from jude. you sobbed out again before the door knocked, you choked on your breathing as you wiped your tears, “c-coming..!” you said as you wiped your tears again before walking to the door as you opened it, you stood there as your breath hitched. you swallowed down as you felt your eyes water up again, why was he at your door. did he want you for more pleasure? did he want to toy around with you again? did he only want you in his trap again? what did he want. so much was going through your head you attempted to process it in one second. “i kept messaging and messaging you, why didn’t you pick up?” jude said leaning closer to you as you shook your head, “g-get away from me..” you murmured as you looked down not wanting to let him see your teary eyes. “why? what’s wrong now.” he said harshly as you looked up at him, “nothing..just sick..” you said with a tear slipping out of your eyes, knowing you were lying. he looked at you as your hands began shaking, “y-you can..come i-in tho..” you said as he nodded before he walked in to your home.
you looked at him as he looked at you back, “hm?” he said as you shook your head, “why are you..h-here?” you said trying to control your breathing, attempting to calm down knowing this time things get settled and get fixed or you take him back in as nothing happened and fall into his trap. “just wanted to talk to you..” he said as your eyes widened again, more tears slipping out. “n-no..” you murmured shaking your head, “n-no..not this t-time..” you said choking up on a sob as he held your hand, “i promise we can work something out this time..” he said as you shook your head, “we can’t! everytime i take you back, you do stupid stuff! stupid fucking stuff that you think you dont know what it is but you know what you’re doing! it’s not fair!” you said as you slapped his chest, “i-i’m always your stupid option! you only need me when you’re looking for sex.” you yelled out sobbing as you looked at him, your vision blurry from the tears building up. he looked at you, “that’s not me, i promise darling..” he said as you shook your head, “it’s a cycle. you hang out with a girl and suddenly when i try and hang out with somebody you’re onto me, it’s like this every fucking damn time jude! it’s not fair for me!” you said as another tear slipped out again, he looked at you cupping your cheek. “that’s not me it isn’t y/n.”
“you knew what you were doing in some of these things.. you cheated the first time we got back together. you don’t get what i felt!
you said crying again before he glared, “i never cheated. she was all up on me and i was drunk. you obviously don’t get what i tried doing for us neither.” he said as you shook your head, “that’s not fucking true! it was all over the media! are you fucking stupid!?” you said crying as he grabbed you, “that’s not true. quit saying fucking assumptions.” he said as you pushed him off, “assumptions that are true. you fucking dick, it happened TWICE. TWICE JUDE. and yet you don’t give a single fuck about my feelings!” you said as he looked at you again, “i did. i gave you everything you could possibly ask for.” he said before standing up as you stood up, “what i want was a boyfriend. somebody that could love me, not manipulate me and make me feel guilty for the girl i was!” you said before getting up yourself. “just admit it, you don’t know how to love someone properly and you only want sex.”
“even after the second time you cheated. you only needed me around for sex. you’re never wiling to change for me or anything in general, even the media knows it itself. so do i.” you spat out as he chuckled.
“or maybe because i’m the only guy with a better dick, you can’t even get enough of it, after all..” he said leaning close to you, “i fuck you better. and it’s proven.” he whispered as you pushed him off, “get off me!” you said as he smirked, “you’re fucking hilarious y/n. believing all this bullshit your mind comes up with, you’re such a idiot.” he said as you looked at him tearing up, “what?” you said as he looked at you, “here you go crying yet again..” he said rolling his eyes as you bursted out crying one more time, “why can’t you just understand me for once! why can’t we be in this together!” you said as he looked at you, “i do. i understand you. you just don’t get it yourself. i’m telling you, i’ll do whatever you want me to, starting now.” he said crossing his arms as you sobbed out. he wrapped his arms around you, holding you against his chest as you sniffled.
there it was again, hearing his heartbeat against your ear. you suddenly felt your heart flutter..there was your love coming back for him.
“i promsie, i’ll change. i’ll be willing to do whatever it takes, i don’t want to loose you sweetheart, i want you. only you, you taught me things nobody else has as well, deep inside i want you, my heart wants you. i need you in my life.” he said as you shook your head, “don’t lie, you’ve broken promises. promise after promise.” you said as he shook his head, “that wont happen again, i’m willing to try one more time.. you’ve impacted on my life..” he said as you looked at him, he cupped your cheek caressing it as you looked at him. “what are you..” you said softly and confused before he kissed you passionately, you kissed back wrapping your arms around his neck before he held your waist. he laid you down against the couch as your head hit the cushion, you held onto the back of his neck, slightly caressing his skin softly his fingerpads drawing lines on your waist as you hummed in between the kiss before he picked you up.
“take me to the bedroom..” you whispered between the kiss, against his lips as he nodded his head.
he held you before walking to your room as he closed the door, still kissing you..he placed you down as your hands cupped his cheeks, before he tugged on the side of your jeans, you pulled his hand off as you giggled in between the kiss before you bit his bottom lip, a soft wince mewling out his mouth as your tongue slid inside his mouth, exploring every inch of him before he picked you up again. you wrapped your arms around his neck still making out with him so..sloppy & passionately.. as he then placed you on the bed before he slightly towered over you before his hands made their way down to unbutton your jeans, pulling them off before he pulled away from the kiss. both of you breathless and lips all plumped, he took his shirt off tossing it somewhere around the room, you sat up slightly before he pulled the hem of your shirt to then over your head tossing it to the side, he leaned in one more time yet again kissing you deeply. you kissed back before his lips traveled down to your neck as he began to paint wet kisses on your skin, you closed your eyes as you felt his bulge slightly poke your clothed core. you whimpered softly as he bit your neck, he puled away before caressing your cheek. you removed the hairtie holding your ponytail as you let your hair fall down, he chuckled before towering you yet again. your arms placed on the bed as he lowered down, “don’t move..” he said as you nodded your head before he lowered down to your core.
he slightly opened your knees before he kissed your abdomen, “i love you..” he murmured holding your hand as you looked down at him, your cheeks turning pink the second his free hand began pulling down on your panties as they wrapped around your ankle, he chuckled against your core, a soft moan coming out of your lips. “please don’t..” you said whining before he pulled them off your ankles as he burried his face into your wet core, a whiny noise coming out of your throat, his tongue licking long stripes sucking around your clitoral area as your head slowly leaned back, he continued with his mouth sucking around your slit. you whiny moaned again, “o-oh my god j-jude..” his tongue licking your pussy ever inch before his tongue slipped inside your tongue. you gasped as your back slightly arched, your hand gripping his hand as his fingerpad rubbed your hand, your knees slightly closing just a bit, his face covered deep in your cunt. he looked up at you watching your facial expression, your moans being soft and whiny just like how he remembered, your chest rising up and down slowly, as he continued working his tongue all over your pussy, your fingers tangling his curls before he groaned.
you were moaning uncontrollably nearly on the edge of your orgasm, you felt his fingerpad rub the knib of your clit, tears forming into your eyes as your orgasm approached quicker, “j..i’m gonna c-cum..” you said moaning as his finger began pacing up.. you sat up on your elbows chasing your orgasm, throwing your head back your free hand gripping the sheets as your knees began shaking the second you released yourself. you moaned loudly at his tongue, he never stopped..he continued. that’s another thing that drove you crazy, he was wayyyy too drunk in your pussy, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as he chuckled at your emotions. he caressed your abdomen before you looked down at him, you blushed before he pulled away from your pussy, a string of your wetness all over his lips.
he chucked before wiping his mouth as he hovered above you again, “one more time then you can have me..” he said before placing his lips on yours kissing you deeply, you kissed back with a small mmph your hands finding his jaw, caressing his cheek before he held onto your back noticing yoh were sitting up, you continued kissing him deeply, feeling his tongue nearly slip inside your mouth meanwhile being distracted by being kissed.. judes finger slowly roamed down to your cunt again before pushing his two fingers into you. you moaned softly into his mouth as you cupped his cheek, eyes closing..feeling his finger slowly pump in and out of your walls, soft moans spilling in the middle of the kiss as jude swallowed your noises holding onto your back still as his free hand unclipped your bra, letting it loose off your chest, his fingers doing the work by curling up inside you as you leaned your head back, trying to catch your breath yet you were moaning uncontrollably.
you were breathing heavily and moaning in between your sounds, your head rolling back to look at him, a small chuckle coming out of him, “you want more? hmm?” he said, your head nodding slowly up and down before he leaned his forehead against yours. you whimpered looking away, a smack to your boob as you whined, “don’t look away from me baby..” he said before you looked at him, tears building up from your previous orgasm. his fingers thrusting quicker into you, looking up at him. he kissed you again as you kissed back, moaning messily into his mouth..your free hand holding onto his bicep, “close again aren’t ya?” he said before you felt his thumb rub your clit in circles, you moaned loudly as your thighs began shaking, “i-i’m gonna come..” a moan corrupting out your mouth, his thumb increasing his circular movements before you gripped onto the sheets, you moved away from the kiss as you closed your eyes before finding your release, chasing your orgasm, tightening around him. your back falling on the duvet, closing your legs rubbing your thighs as a few noises slipped out your mouth.
you were on the bed, legs shaking and breathing heavily trying to recover from your last two orgasm. suddenly you heard jude pulling his pants down, you looked over at him before you blushed heavily. “shhhh..i’ll be careful..not unless you tell me to move..” he said as you nodded your head, he crawled on the bed placing his hands next to your head..his hand stroking his shaft slowly as he groaned. you looked down whining, your eyes watching him stroke himself as you felt yourself get wetter. he looked up at you, before he chuckled at your reaction..his hand lining himself against your entrance, “look at me.” he said as you nodded your head, you felt him push himself into you. your eyes rolling back feeling his cock stuff you inside, his thick veiny length slowly stretching you out, “..so..big..” you said as he chuckled, leaning his head against your forehead..nearly almost cupping his cheek he held your hand placing it next to your ear, “let me prove it to you..okay?”
he said as you nodded your head, your legs next to his hips before he began to rock his hips slowly against your walls, you and jude already getting noisy, it had been awhile without feeling each other. both of you letting out soft sinful noises, especially you. it felt so good..so so so..delicously. your knees slowly jolting with judes thrust, small groans escaping judes mouth, “look at me..f-fuck baby..watch my cock slip out of..fuuuckkk..you..” he whispered as your eyes rolled back, slowly feeling himself increase his speed. your head leaning back before jude grabbed your chin, “nuh uh..watch, pretty girl.” he said as you whimepred in response before you looked down watching him slip out of you, so easily..
you moaned uncontrollably before resting your head into the duvet, “so wet and tight..” jude murmured before nuzzling his face into your neck, his moans near your ear driving you insane. you felt yourself get wetter and wetter. his thrusts so deeply and slowly.
he cupped your cheek before turning to look at you. a whiny noise coming out of your mouth suddenly coming back to your realization from your frenzy, “hey baby..” he said as you giggled softly in between your moans his hand cupping your cheek..you leaned in before he kissed you hushing your moans. you kissed back, your hands cupping his cheek as well..his cock hitting so deeply making you shut your eyes at some point, you moaned non stop wrapping your legs around his lower back. your free hand scratching his back with your nails, he moaned in between the kiss as his hand placed next to your head massaged around your boob. you bit on his lower lip, french kissing him..his tongue running along the side of your lips. your tongue and judes tongue sliding on each others, both of you matching the energy as you whiny moaned feeling the tips of his finger pinch your nipple. he pulled away as he breathed heavily, a string of saliva breaking the connection before he chuckled, “my favorite thing to do..” he said before thrusting sloppily again.
your wetness coating his inner thighs, sounds of your wetness squelching making you whiny moan in between. you cupped his cheek again, “i l-love you..” you sighed out before kissing him again, he kissed back yet again..his lips were on you before he gripped onto your boob again, his speed increasing at your tightening. you felt yourself at the same state, your orgasm approaching “jude..jude,jude,jude..” you moaned out as he looked at you, “i know sweet girl..i know..” he said a whine coming out your mouth before he began pounding mercilessly into your skin, “o-oh my g-god!” you screamed out, his tip hitting your g-spot. “k-keep going! r-right th-“ you moaned out before jude slightly pressed on your throat, you choked on your moans before he looked down at you, “you’re mine. understand that from now on..and after this..fuck. after this moment..” he said moaning out, your eyes rolling back..his cock perfectly stuffing your pussy.
you let out a cry the second he let go of your throat, you felt your lower stomach slowly starting to burn and warm up your body, more warmer than the hot air sorrounding you and jude, your breathing insanely being heavy as your chest rose like crazy.. the over sensitivity hitting you quickly as the delicous pain felt so so so..good.
you were in heaven, on edge from the intense pain and pleasure roaming your body. your moans getting louder and high pitched, “jude!” you screamed out his name before you gushed all over him, your tightness causing jude to moan loudly just a tad bit before he came inside of you, his cum shooting deep inside you. painting youe walls as you milked him empty from inside, you scratched his back.. your nails deeply caved into the skin of his back.
his head falling on your boobs breathing heavily as you played with his curls, his breathing ragged before you tapped on his shoulder. “hey..l-look at m-me..” you said before he raised his head up looking up at you, “so..did i prove you wrong?” he said chuckling before you giggled with him, “no silly..i want you with me forever..” you said as he smiled, “i love you with all my heart y/n..” he said kissing your lips before you kissed back, “come on now..let’s get you cleaned..” he said.
he sat up before standing up, you sat up as your body felt wobbly. he held you bridal style before walking to your bathroom, he sat you down on the counter before he started the water on your bath, you giggled watching him. “you’re so cute..already doing these stuff for me..” you said before he walked over to you, he kissed your forehead as you smiled. “come on now..” he said smiling before carrying you again, he held your hand helping you get in the tub as you sat in the warm water before he sat in as well behind you.
you leaned your head against his chest as he smiled looking down against you, “can’t get enough of you..” he said kissing your cheek before you giggled.
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skzstannie · 6 months
"Let the memory-making commence"
SKZ -> ot8 x 9th member! reader
genre: fluff wc: ~2100 cw: none :) summary: After an emotional night, the boys cheer you up and try to give you something to look forward to surrounding the holidays again.
Here's Part 2 to "We'd never want you to struggle alone" Alsooo, I hit 100 followers a couple days ago, so THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Reblogs are more than appreciated!
Happy Scrolling! || Masterlist
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You all lay in each other's arms, and you feel incredibly comfortable and safe. Chan's the first to break the silence, "We have five days left until Christmas. What do you say we make some new Christmas traditions? We don't want to replace what you used to have, and you’re entitled to spend your Christmas season as you'd like. But, if you'll let us, we’ll give you something to look forward to about the holidays again. Please?" The guys are all looking at you now, each of them displaying a face that could rival a sad puppy.
You realize now that there's nothing to be scared of. These are your best friends you're talking about, who want nothing but to shower you in love and happiness.
"I'd love that."
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So, the guys set out on their mission early the next morning, figuring they better start as soon as possible. After all, they had so many fun things they wanted to do with you before Christmas Day.
You were abruptly brought out of your peaceful slumber from an added weight landing atop your stomach. You startle, opening your eyes to be met with Hyunjin’s hair brushing up against your cheeks. You try to push him off you, holding up your title of being a grumpy morning person, but he won’t budge.
“Get up!” he whines, shaking your shoulders. “It’s already 8:30, and we can’t just let you sleep all day!”
“I’m not asking to sleep all day. I’m asking to sleep until 10, now please get off,” you struggle some more, pushing with all your might. You quickly give up though, finding your attempts futile against Hyunjin’s size and stubbornness.
“No can do, up and at ‘em sunshine!” he grips your blankets and whips them off you in a flash, leaving you shivering from the cold temperature of your room. He’s quick to throw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and he begins to make his way out of your room.
Your fists pound on his back, your only desire to go lay back down in your warm bed. This doesn’t deter him however, so you give him a nice firm smack to his butt, making him yelp. You swiftly wrap your arms around his waist as he lets you slip a little off his shoulder.
“Hwang Hyunjin don’t you drop me!” you yell, holding onto him for dear life.
“I won’t, I won’t. That just hurt really bad, you little menace!” He puts you down once you’ve arrived in the kitchen, and his hands immediately reach back to massage his poor bum.
“Well, that wouldn’t have been necessary if you’d have let me sleep another hour,” you huff, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Ok, no more Ms. Grumpy Pants, I only wanna make cookies with Ms. Sunshine, so if you could please find out where she is, that'd be great,” he retorts, a sarcastic smile taking over his features.
You roll your eyes but give in, allowing your lips to curve up into a genuine smile.
Hyunjin starts to gather the ingredients for making cookies, slamming cupboards left and right. As you busy yourself doing the same, you look up towards the kitchen entryway upon hearing some ruckus from the hallway. Seungmin and Felix practically bounce into the kitchen, looking way too excited for 8:30 in the morning.
Seungmin makes his way over to you, holding an extra apron that he plops over your head, tying it loosely around your waist. “Thanks Minnie,” you tell him, turning around to give his arm a gentle pat.
“Alright, let the memory-making commence,” Felix claps his hands and giving them a quick wash in the sink, reaching for a stainless steel bowl Hyunjin had set on the counter. “If we wait too much longer, everybody else will get up and crash our cookie making party.”
All was going smoothly, the four of you working together and following a recipe Felix had printed out, until Seungmin got a little antsy and decided to flick Hyunjin in the forehead with a flour-covered finger.
Seungmin laughs at seeing Hyunjin’s expression. “Flour boy,” he calls Hyunjin, breaking out in even more giggles.
In retaliation, Hyunjin grabs a fistful of flour and launches it at Seungmin’s face, leaving the poor boy coughing.
Of course, all hell breaks loose after that, and by the end of your food fight, all four of you end up absolutely covered in flour with a single egg plastered against the fridge door.
You guys managed to finish the cookies, having barely enough flour to make the batches. Once they’ve gone in the oven, the four of you decide to go shower and get cleaned up while they bake.
All the other guys have woken up by the time you’re finished with your shower. They’re all sat around the kitchen, the aroma from the cookies no doubt drawing them in. Chan goes over the plans for today, and you smile at his thoughtfulness. After breakfast- a.k.a Christmas cookies- you’re all going to go sledding, then come back to the dorms for dinner and a Christmas movie marathon.
After you’ve all eaten one too many cookies, everyone goes to get dressed for your first group activity of the day: sledding.
You realize you don’t have any appropriate clothing for sledding, the snow sure to seep through the nice coat you have, so you ask Seungmin if he has any extra garments that'll keep you warmer.
"Yea, let me find some really quick," he responds, diving deep into his well-organized closet. He comes up with two pairs of gloves, one slimmer and one thicker, a thermal, long sleeved turtle neck, a hoodie, and a huge winter coat.
"All of this will not fit on my body at once, Seungmin," you comment exasperatedly, overwhelmed by the weight of the clothes he just threw in your arms.
"Yes they will, and you will be warm. Go get dressed, we're leaving in a few minutes," he dismisses your concerns, leaving no room for discussion. He gives you a light push out of his room so he could get himself dressed and shuts the door in your face.
"Thanks!" you shout through the door, heading back to your room to layer up.
After putting on all the clothes Seungmin gave you, you feel like a marshmallow. A big puff ball, if you will.
You walk to the living room where everyone is waiting for you, ready to complain about how you are not going out in public like this.
They are quick to rebut, telling you how adorable you look while pulling you out the front door towards the readied van in the parking lot.
The drive is uncomfortable, all your winter gear making you all hot, everyone fitting a little tighter in their seats than normal. The ride is short, though, only about 10 minutes before you're all allowed freedom of the outside once again.
You let out a small chuckle upon seeing the hill you'll be sledding down. It's small, no taller than 20 feet, but the guys assure you it'll still be fun. Upon some further digging, you find out you're manager requested you partake in absolutely zero dangerous activities during your day off, and this is all the guys could convince him of.
You guys make your way up the hill, Jeongin and Felix dragging the sleds up. To make things more interesting, everyone decides two people will race down the hill at the same time, and the winner will be decided tournament-style.
Chan and Hyunjin go first, and Hyunjin wins by just a few feet. Next is Felix and Minho, and Minho pulls out ahead. Seungmin and Changbin go next, and Changbin wins by default because Seungmin wiped out about half way down the hill. You and Jeongin, being the maknaes, decide to team up against everyone else and ride together. Of course, this doesn't go without complaints from the rest of the members, Hyunjin giving you guys the nastiest side eye he could muster. The maknaes come out on top, beating Jisung by a landslide. Maybe it's because your sled had twice as much weight on it, or maybe it's because you guys are just better; it's up for debate.
By the end of the day, you and Jeongin reign champions. You all continue to sled for a while longer, and eventually your peaceful sledding session turned into a brutal snowball fight.
The culprit of the snowball fight was Minho, deciding it'd be fun to shove a handful of snow down Jisung's jacket. This of course lead to the development of two teams, Maknae line versus Hyung line.
You guys pelt the oldies for a few minutes, obviously gaining the upper-hand once your makeshift snow fort was built, courtesy of Felix and Jisung. However, you guys surrender once Jeongin is captured and threatened with handfuls of snow down his pants.
Once arriving at home, hot showers are in need, all your fingers and toes frozen to the bone. You get dressed in your coziest pyjamas, accompanied by a big hoodie and fluffy socks.
Chan takes it upon himself to order food in for everyone, and you all thank him before deciding on which Christmas movie to watch.
You reveal that one of your favorites used to be How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the Jim Carrey version, and everyone agrees to start with that one.
Your food arrives about a third of the way into the movie, and you all indulge on the much needed meal. You have some more Christmas cookies for dessert, and by the time you're finished with the food, the movie is over.
You all make light fun of Hyunjin for crying over the ending, but allow him to choose the next movie to try and put a stop to his dramatics. He chooses National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and you're thankful for another comedy.
While the day has been quite fun, watching movies isn't as thought-provoking as a snowball fight, allowing some of your anxieties and negative thoughts to creep into the back of your mind.
You miss your family. You miss the way your grandma used to sit and listen to all your school drama and the way she'd gasp when you'd tell her what your best friend had done for a boy. You miss the way your father used to buy you a pair of earrings every year for Christmas. You still had every pair, your first being cute little bunny studs, and your last being a beautiful pair of Sterling Silver hoops. You miss your grandfather's sarcastic remarks; your mom found them insulting but you always thought they were funny. You miss your mom. Everything about her- her home cooking, her hugs, the way she'd always know what to put in your stocking.
You know now, after today, that it's okay to miss those things. You're supposed to miss your loved ones. However, it is not okay to live in the past and despise change. Your mom would've wanted you to celebrate Christmas with a family as loving as the one you have here surrounding you. You know she would've loved your members, every single one of them.
She would've loved the way I.N was your partner in crime in life, never backing down when you ask him if he wants to prank Chan with you. She would've loved the way Seungmin acted like your older brother, teasing you every chance he gets. She would've loved how happy Felix is, always acting as your light in the darkness. She would've been proud of Han for fighting through his anxiety and how he helped you with yours, never letting you feel alone. Your mom would've loved Hyunjin's art, the way he paints his soul on paper with a singular brush. Your mom would've been impressed by Changbin's health journey and motivation, and she probably would've secretly convinced him to drag you to the gym with him. Your mom would've admired Minho's gentleness towards animals and his love for his cats. Lastly, your mom would've loved the way Chan takes care of you, always making sure you're happy and well.
Thinking back to yesterday and how thoughtful and caring everyone had been, you decide to tell them your creeping thoughts. They, of course, comfort you, Changbin pulling you closer from your spot between him and Minho on the couch. They ask if you want to elaborate on your feelings, but you tell them no. It had been such a fun day, and for the sake of your mental health, you choose to try and busy your mind with the plot of the movie.
This works in your favor, and you’re able to replace your thoughts with laughter. Towards the end of the film, Changbin's comforting hold has begun to lull you to sleep, too comfortable and warm to keep your eyes open any longer.
"Thank you guys for such an amazing day. I had a lot of fun," you mumble into Changbin's shoulder, pulling everyone away from the movie for a second.
You hear a chorus of coos and whispered affirmations before you officially let sleep takeover your restless mind and body.
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bi-writes · 8 months
again and again | the mandalorian
he comes when i call. every single time.
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type: one-shot pairing: the mandalorian x afab!fem!reader word count: 4.3k (quick work while i try and finish the 10k+ monster in my drafts) warnings: mature language and content, mature written sexual content, 🔞⚠️ (warnings under the cut) summary: the mandalorian is not very nice when he's jealous. but he can be nice to you. complete masterlist
concept art chosen: "envy" (2007), "jealousy" (1895)
detailed warnings: 18+ smut, size kink (reader is described as smaller than the mandalorian, able to be moved by him easily), possessive!mandalorian, soft!dom!mandalorian -> read at your own discretion
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You had been here before.
Not this cantina, exactly. Not this planet. But you had been here before, in an outfit this small, in a room much too loud, feeling the glare of eyes you didn’t even know the fucking color of.
You were not quiet about your presence here. If you were being honest with yourself, you left a messy trail to your whereabouts in hopes a certain bounty hunter would follow your breadcrumbs. You had a feeling he would not be able to resist. You had a feeling that he would get a whiff of you, and not be able to stop himself from getting a peek, a glance, a taste of even just a strand of your hair or a trace of your footprint in that big, shiny helmet of his.
You smoothed out the front of your skirt as you shuffled your way to the bar. You had to elbow a few organics out of the way, but you finally had the droid in your sight, and you banged your palm against the bar counter for a refill.
If you were being even more honest with yourself, you would admit you dressed up just for him. You were in a bright red two-piece, a short mini skirt with a matching long-sleeve top made of shiny, geometric leather. Your midriff was on display, leaving little to the imagination, and you paired it with matching leather boots and an exposed thigh holster with your favorite blaster strapped to it. You wanted to put your hair up, but you had a feeling the style would only get in your way tonight.
Besides. He liked it when you had your hair down.
You hopped onto a barstool as the droid poured you your refill. You sat up straight, putting the straw to your lips and sucking it down almost entirely, letting the sugary alcohol seep into you and warm you from the inside out. You swung your feet and giggled to yourself, loving the feeling of his attention. It sent a lick of adrenaline shooting down your spine. Your toes curled, and your nipples hardened under your top, and you hadn’t even laid eyes on him yet.
“Need another?”
A warm voice motioned for the droid to give you another generous pour, and you smiled brightly at the unsuspecting human taking up space on your right side. He was wearing a uniform of sorts, dark and pressed, and he had a dazzling smile. Pearly white teeth, curly locks, and a sweet, innocent face. He was adorable. Too bad you didn’t care much for adorable.
“Oh, I’ll take whatever you’ll give me,” you laughed, nodding as he put a few credits down for you. After another fruity refill, you were finding yourself being pulled off your seat, soft hands gripping your bare waist as he tried to coax you onto the dancefloor. Your flirtatious banter was less than subtle; you knew he had so many gadgets adorned in that helmet, and if he was going to hide in the shadows away from your eyes, then you would give him a reason to come out.
Those fingers around your waist stiffened suddenly. Instead of a warm touch guiding you to move, you felt the change your stranger’s demeanor. His palms went clammy, and he went rigid at your side. You licked your lips, your eyes shutting for just a moment as you smelled that familiar edge—blaster residue, leather, iron and something dark and tangy and his.
“Come to ruin my fun?” You asked over your shoulder. You couldn’t see well in the dark of the cantina, but the Mandalorian was a ghostly, towering figure, nonetheless. He caged you into the bar, and you realized then that one of his hands was occupied—his blaster aimed right at the boy’s middle. “Maker, you just can’t help yourself!”
You stepped in front of the blaster, the point of it pressed into your bare stomach, and his helmet tipped down just enough. You would described the stiffness of his movements as unamused. He drew the blaster back immediately, away from you, but the damage had been done. The boy behind you fled before you could blink, and you huffed out an angry sigh, glaring up at the Mandalorian. You opened your mouth to say something, but he holstered his blaster, and with that same hand, he gripped your waist tight, yanking you forward until your middle pressed against his. Your bare stomach pressed against his utility belt, soft breasts squished up against that cool beskar. You fought the chill that ran through you, letting your eyelids flutter a bit as you fell into that comfortable headspace that could only be had right here, with him, in his arms. You lit up inside, fighting a grin.
Yes, yes, yes—
“You’re taunting me,” the Mandalorian growled finally. The edge in his voice should have scared you, but it enticed you instead. Lit a fire under your feet. The Mandalorian was nothing short of the being you craved the most, and every time you set eyes on him, you were reminded how much of an effect he had on you. He was all-consuming, and you were a bunny in a trap.
“Bite me,” you snapped, but a smile broke out on your face, nonetheless. You tilted your head to the side, standing up on your toes. Even in your heels, you craned to be level with him. You tucked your fingers into his belt, pulling him that much closer. “No, really…bite me.”
You let out a light giggle of surprise when the hand on your waist slid down to grasp you under your thigh tight, the gloves doing nothing to cool the heat of his touch. One of his hands reached to smooth over the handle of your blaster, a pretty little silver gift that he had given you some time ago. The sight of it strapped on your person didn’t go unnoticed; he was rather excited with the view, if the warmth against your thigh had anything to say about it.
“Maker, you missed me, didn’t you?” You cooed softly, leaning forward to kiss the beskar of his pauldron. The tone of your voice was almost pitiful, a childish reassurance that sent a pang of annoyance straight through him. “It’s okay…” You put your hand over his on your thigh, dragging it up until it slipped under your skirt, guiding him to touch you. “I missed you, too, baby.” You closed your eyes, kissing now just under the jaw of his helmet. “I knew I could get you here by leaving something along the way for you…wearing something pretty and shiny just like you…” You mewled softly as he kneaded the flesh of your ass in one large hand. “…getting boys to buy me drinks…”
Bunny in a trap, bunny in a trap—
“You’re coming with me,” he said simply. It wasn’t a question, it was a demand. An order. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pouting just a little.
“Don’t be mad,” you whined. “Or jealous. If you think for one second that I have eyes for anyone else, you’re blind.” Your fingers rubbed gently along the nape of his neck. He wore too many layers for you to feel those soft curls you adored pulling on. “If you weren’t such a stubborn piece of work, maybe you’d let me call you my boyfriend—”
A disgruntled sound left him, and his grip on you tightened. You met his visor for just a moment before realizing if you wanted any conversation of substance, you needed to get him alone, in private. You liked playing games, but the Mandalorian seemed as if he wasn’t in the mood. Most times he found you this way, he let hands wander just a tad longer so he could take pleasure in breaking their noses.
You took his free hand in yours, turning and guiding him out of the cantina. The crowd parted for you immediately, patrons not wanting to bump into the armor accidently. When you were outside in the quiet, you moved to the alleyway, covered in privacy by tall walls and dark light.
“I-I don’t know why you get so mad at me—” You started, tucking yourself into his side. He was hard to cuddle against with the rigid layers, but you wanted to be close to him. “You always get so jealous, but at the slightest whiff of commitment, you run the other way…” You looked up at him, right into the visor, hoping to find his eyes. “I miss you when you go,” you whispered. “I miss you all the time. I know what you do is dangerous, but Din—” His head tilted sharply at the use of his name, “—I miss you, and I know you miss me, too.”
You stood up on your toes and cupped the cheeks of his helmet in your hands, kissing the space where you thought his lips might be. You smiled, eyes glossy with sadness, and you sighed with relief when you felt two gloved hands slip up your short skirt again and squeeze your ass firmly, possessively. You adored having his undivided attention, adored being at the center of it. Seeing only yourself in the reflection of his helmet brought more peace to you than he could ever know. The Mandalorian was always so cool and calm and collected, and you loved that he lost complete sense of it around you.
“Say you missed me, Din,” you murmured. “Say you were jealous tonight and that you missed me.”
The smile on your face never left. The Mandalorian thought you could not look more precious than right now, waiting eagerly for him to murmur in your ear the praise you so deserved.
“I was jealous,” the Mandalorian admitted, slipping one gloved hand between your thighs and guiding those fingers against the seam of the lace there. You swallowed a bit, knowing that he would be able to feel how wet you’ve been for the last hour. “I was jealous, and I missed you.”
You broke out into a bigger smile, giggling with delight and moving to take his hands out from under your skirt to hold, but he held tight. He chuckled darkly, shaking his head slightly.
“No…” He manhandled you, turning you around and pressing you up against the alley wall chest-first and caging you in with the broadness of his figure. It happened so fast, and your heartbeat echoed in your ears as you tried to keep up with him. “I’m taking what I deserve, right here, right now.”
You hummed softly, your body turning liquid in his grasp. There was no place safer, no place more tranquil and perfect, than in his arms. It didn’t matter to you that you were out in the open, that anyone could walk by and see you. The Mandalorian would never let anything happen to you. You were safe, always. You feared nothing except for losing him, perhaps.
“You’re such a good girl,” he muttered in your ear. His modulated voice was honey in your ears. You leaned back against him, your ass pressing against the front of him eagerly. “Always letting me have what I want, no matter where we are, huh?”
You nodded, reaching up and wrapping an arm around his neck, the other hand bracing yourself against the wall. “I’m safe with you, Din,” you whispered. “Always have been, always will be. Not afraid of anything when I’m with you.” You reached down and slid your skirt up until it was bunched around your hips. “And I’m yours, whether you want to admit it or not—” You moved your hips at an angle, the hardness of him now pressed against your ass, and he stiffened, his grip on your middle bruising. “Yours to do whatever you want with…whenever you want.”
The Mandalorian grit his teeth under the helmet. It was infuriating how much of an effect you had over him, and he couldn’t even punish you for it because you were being so good. You were saying all of the right things, talking sweetness into his bones, making him feel that hot, scorching satisfaction of his claim over you and everything you were. There was no need to convince you that you were his, there was no need to remind you; in fact, it was you that was begging for him to do the one thing he had refused all this time—to simply acknowledge you.
You were so pliant. Doe-eyed and soft, gentle and easy, so small and moldable. The Mandalorian felt a warmth in his chest every time he towered over you. He was big and bad and rough around all of the edges, but nothing ever seemed to cut you. His touch only warmed you from the inside out, only had you gasping and making such pretty noises.
“Just…promise me one thing,” you said over your shoulder, meeting the visor with your eyes. He said nothing, but he smoothed a hand over your waist and squeezed you there to encourage you to continue. “Tell me I’m yours, Din—” You rested the back of your head against his shoulder, closing your eyes. He brought that hand up to wrap around your throat, but his touch was more soothing than anything. “Please,” you begged softly. “I need to hear you say it.”
The Mandalorian sighed deeply, his other hand moving to unzip his flight suit.
“If you want to know why I don’t want you to call me your kriffing boyfriend—” he spat, shaking his head, and you gasped as you felt his cock hard and leaking against your back, “—you should know it’s because that title is insulting.” You whimpered as he gripped the lace of your panties and pulled, ripping it apart easily. The delicate fabric was no match for those hands, and you squirmed under his grasp. The show of strength was enough to send another wave of need through you, wetting the place between your thighs even more. With no panties to soak, you could already feel yourself dripping slowly. “I’m not your boyfriend. I’m not your lover.” You moaned loudly as he notched himself at your entrance, hissing as he felt you immediately drenching him with your arousal. You were so wet, it was almost pathetic, but this was your Mandalorian, and by the chuckle that left him, you knew there was only satisfaction and need in the air, no room for embarrassment.
“I am yours, and you are mine—” His voice was muffled by your cry when he pushed into you, meeting little resistance as he pressed his hips into you until there was no space between you. You were tight, but so, so slick, sucking him in and squeezing him as another rush of slickness coated him. He groaned lowly as he felt you, realizing now just how much he had missed being so close to you, inside of you, intertwined and all around you. He hoisted you up in his arms, easily maneuvering you until you were right where he wanted you, full and squirming and drunk on the feeling of him. “—I could devour you here, and I would still be hungry, do you understand that?”
His voice in it of itself was enough to send you into another wave of pleasure. Deep, crackling static enveloping the roughness and neediness that he spoke of. It wasn’t a secret between the two of you the amount of times he had brought you over the edge with just his words, talking in your ear as your shaking fingers abused the soft, wet center of yourself.
My sweet girl. My perfect girl. Pretty, pretty girl, all mine, all mine, all mine to look at, all mine to touch, all mine to eat—
You moaned softly, clawing at him from behind as you tried to gain any kind of stability, but the Mandalorian was using you how he pleased, not giving you any sort of control. All you could do was cry and whimper and beg for more as he used the wall for leverage, fucking up into you. You managed to grab onto his forearms, digging into the clothed flesh there, feeling the pulse of him.
“What you mean to me…” He let out sharp groans, savoring the soft cries from you as he watched you take him so well. Your legs were shaking, your toes barely touching the ground as you tried to be coherent enough to say something back, but you were rendered speechless. There were tears forming at the corners of your eyes, the piercing feeling of the Mandalorian filling you and taking over you and consuming you almost too much to bear. He was so big in so many ways. Big enough to hold you, big enough to crush you in his arms, big enough to split you in two and put you right back together with those skilled, deadly hands of his, big enough to fuck a mark into your cunt so well that you would never ever forget that he had been there. “…mean more to me than anything in this world…wanna tie you up and stow you away all for me…wanna hide you from anyone and everyone—wanna have you every minute of every day and keep you full of me—” You squeezed him hard at the very thought, “—oh, you like that, yeah? Like that thought? Like the thought of me right here, all the time?”
Fuck, he was rambling. The Mandalorian was never a man of many words. You had seen him have conversations with just a nod and shake of his head, with just that steel glare alone, but whenever he was buried inside of you, he could never stop. Sputtering, grunting, spitting—maybe this was how he grounded himself, maybe this was how he kept himself just sane enough to not completely lose his self-control while he was inside of you.
Right here, all the time—mine, mine, mine—
You nodded, your jaw loosening and falling open in a silent cry as he snapped his hips quicker. His unwavering thrusts hit you deep, and he squeezed your throat gently before lowering them to your hips, spreading you open to give him more room to take you. There was something still soft about the way the Mandalorian fucked you. It was filthy this way, out in the open where someone could catch you, but his towering figure hid you from display. He held you tight, crowding you in his warmth. He was always possessive, but never cruel, and your pleasure came before his. You thought you couldn’t be anymore wet, but one gloved hand slipped up the front of your skirt, cupping your mound to give you the heel of his glove to grind against, your clit throbbing against the leather.
Oh, fucking—Maker—more, more more—
“Din—” Did other words even exist? Why couldn’t you form a coherent sentence? The only phrase you could muster was his name. Had his cock really dwindled you down to something so simple, so pathetic? The sounds between you were flushing you with embarrassment almost. So sticky, so wet, your thighs were glistening with sweat and your sweetness, and you nearly cried when you noticed one of his gloved hands smear his fingertips with that pretty creaminess and slip just under the lip of his helmet—
Yes, yes, yes—taste me—
“I’m gonna take you away,” he babbled. He was talking, just talking to fill the space, talking to keep himself from moaning too loud or cumming too fast, “Gonna take you away from here, keep you with me, yeah?”
He cursed under his breath, his hand finding its place spreading you open better, and his tongue was warm with the tang of you. It was enough to have him canting your hips just that much more, the tip of him prodding at the softest parts of your walls.
Soft, tight—she’s so cute, look at her, nothing there but me, all me, can’t think of anything except for how good she takes it.
“Yes, Din, please—!” You begged, your hands gripping his forearms harder and nails digging in hard to hold yourself steady. “Please, please, please—wanna be with you, please…”
“Shhhh…it’s gonna be alright,” he muttered. “I’m not gonna tease you today, don’t worry…gonna give you what you need, yeah?”
You nodded, gripping onto him tighter and grinding down against his hand, feeling the dull ache in your belly become sharp and buzzing and hot. Sex with the Mandalorian was always messy, but you were soaking your bodies, the wet squelch echoing in the alley and giving the Mandalorian an audible reminder of just how cockdrunk and dizzy and absolutely crazy you were for him. If you could eat him alive, you figured you just might.
“Know you’re close, yeah?” He panted. “Give it to me. You’re mine. Need you to show me.”
You swallowed hard, shutting your eyes tight. He dropped one arm to grip your leg, hiking it up to angle himself deeper, kissing your cervix and hitting a soft spot that had your tears falling quickly down your face. He was so good at this, too good at this, hitting it again, again, again—Din—right there—please—! Sheer, rippling, hot pleasure trickled down your spine, feeling so hot that your blood ran in your ears and your legs gave out underneath you. Like always, the Mandalorian caught you, holding you up so he could pound you through your orgasm. You could hear the thick wet of your release smearing between you, reaching up to grip the back of his neck and force him close.
“Inside me, Din,” you whimpered. “Need to feel you…”
He’s so warm, he’s so big, he’s mine, I want more—
“I know, I got you—”
You relaxed when you felt him, frantic thrusts and deep grinds as his cock pulsed and emptied and branded you so tenderly. You mewled happily, nuzzling back into him. His arms wrapped tightly around your middle, holding you close, and you hummed softly. The coming down was always sweet with the Mandalorian. The way he would press you to him, no space for air between your bodies. If the Mandalorian could fuse you to his beskar, you figured he would. You would let him, if only it meant he would take whatever he needed from you always.
“Wish we could stay like this forever,” you mumbled in a daze. Your mind was still fuzzy, your vision trying to straighten itself out as it basked in the rush of sweetness and calm and utter pleasure that seeped into your very bones. He brushed your sweaty hair back and off your shoulder, letting his heartbeat steady as he held you. The Mandalorian was the only thing holding you up straight, but you knew he would not drop you. “Were you serious, Din? About taking me away?”
He pulled out of you slowly, soothing you with gentle fingers through your hair as you winced a bit. You could feel the warmth of him slowly making its way down your thighs, a familiar, aching feeling that you wished could stay.
“Yes,” he murmured. “My ship is in the landing bay. I have more than enough room for you.”
The Mandalorian carefully moved your skirt back into place, slipping the cowl out from his chest plate and draping it over your shoulders. Something fluttery and nice settled in your belly at the gesture, and you were grateful that his hands didn’t leave you, still settled against your bare midriff and squeezing there absentmindedly.
“Why now?” You asked gently. “Every…every other time I’ve asked, you…you’ve refused.” You sniffled a bit, and he brought a hand up to wipe your tears. Tender, sweet, apologetic. “You never let me come with you before. You…you always…you always leave. Why is this time different?”
The Mandalorian tucked your head into his chest, smoothing a hand down your back.
“I guess I just can’t be away from you anymore,” he said simply. He took your hand in his, but you realized quickly that you had to hold onto his arm for support as you followed him towards the landing bay. You smiled up at him as you walked.
“So…does this mean I can call you my boyfriend?” You joked, biting your lip cheekily. He reached down and gripped your ass tight, squeezing it harshly for good measure.
“No,” he clarified, but you could hear the amusement in his voice. You picked up your pace when you saw his ship in the distance. You had been on his ship before. You had enjoyed many nights there, tangled up in warm sheets and small spaces. You planned to take full advantage of your new privileges in it. Before you could make it inside, the Mandalorian tugged on your hand gently, bringing you to face him. You smiled up at him, and he kept a hand busy adjusting the fabric around your shoulders.
“I just need you to know that you didn’t have to tease me this way for me to come get you,” the Mandalorian said lowly. “I know I hadn’t given you any reason to believe that I care for you more than…” Your eyes lowered a bit, a little sheepish, but the Mandalorian cleared his throat. He put his fingers under your chin and lifted your gaze back to him. You couldn’t explain the feeling, but you knew you had his eyes on yours. “I would’ve come for you. All you had to do was ask.”
You stood up on your toes, leaning forward until you could put your forehead to his. You closed your eyes to savor the kiss, and he followed easily.
“But did you like it?” You asked playfully, holding back a laugh. You felt the tips of his fingers playing with the hem of your tiny skirt, and he let out a low hum.
Teasing, little girl.
“Yeah…I liked it.”
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Younger Kind Part 13 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: When Bradley sees Meredith again after so many months, he is filled with a range of emotions. He wonders if he has done enough for Noah on his own. His primary mission in life is to be the best dad, the one Noah deserves, and he has to be honest about how that is going to affect what he has going on with you.
Warnings: Angst, smut, swearing, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 3700 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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Bradley was up early. He'd barely slept anyway, but that wasn't entirely Meredith's fault. He had been scrolling through all the photos of you that he had saved on his phone, and he even considered calling you well past midnight. 
He had a bad feeling. Meredith had never gone this far before. Last year and the year before, she had simply called Bradley, begging for an update about Noah around his birthday. And once he had sent her some updated photos, she briefly bugged him about custody, and then she had vanished again. But now he felt like he had made things so much worse by ignoring her calls for so long. 
"What the fuck," he muttered as he got dressed. Meredith had followed you and Noah to the damn park! He wanted to believe that she wouldn't intentionally do any actual harm, but she obviously spooked you. Since you had no idea what she looked like, your reaction had been to put Noah's safety first.
Every time Bradley thought about you protecting his child, he got a warm feeling in his chest. Simply thanking you wasn't enough; he wanted to hold you and Noah and spend hours explaining it to you. Then maybe he could understand this feeling better himself. 
But you got hurt in this mess that Bradley had helped create. And he needed to make it better if he could. 
There was a light knock at his front door, and he went to answer it as he zipped up his jeans. "Hi," Nat whispered, giving him a tight hug as he let her inside. "What time is she coming?" 
"I have no idea," he replied miserably, and Nat rubbed his back for a moment. When Bradley called her last night, she agreed to watch Noah while Meredith came by. He wanted to find out what Meredith wanted before he let her see Noah.
"Okay, well, I'm free all day. I'll take Noah with me back to my place, and you can just call me after Meredith fucks off."
Bradley nodded. 
"And if Meredith doesn't feel like fucking off," she added, "I'll make her."
Bradley couldn't help but grin down at her. "Thanks, Nat. I'll go wake him up."
Once he had played another round of musical car seats, Bradley waved as Nat pulled out of his driveway with Noah and a stack of coloring books in tow. Of course the coloring books were ones that you had brought over when you came to babysit or just spend time here, and now Bradley was itching to call you. 
Instead he messed around with his coffee maker and brewed a vanilla latte, just the way you liked it. He was still sipping it and thinking about how much he loved the way you looked in his house when another knock jarred him from his thoughts. 
He abandoned the coffee on his counter and went to the door once again. "Meredith," he said with no emotion as the tall blonde pushed past him and into his living room. 
"Bradley." Her expression was smug as she looked around; it had been years since she was here, and very little had changed. But Bradley did see her eyes catch on some of the artwork you and Noah had made for him which was hanging on the far wall. "Where's Noah?" 
"He's not here," Bradley replied, tucking his hands in his pockets.
She turned back to him and glared. She had always been beautiful but haughty. "I don't want to see you. I want to see him."
Bradley didn't waver. "You specifically told me on the phone that you wanted to talk to me in person. So let's talk."
"Fine," she said cooly, dropping down onto his couch. "But next time we set something like this up, I want him here too."
Bradley almost laughed in her face as he sat too. Next time? Over his dead body there would be a next time. Noah didn't know who his birth mother was, and Bradley wanted to keep it that way. Bradley grew up without a dad, but under very different circumstances. Meredith had a track record of being nonexistent, and Bradley didn't want that for his son.
"Where is he?" she asked, sharp eyes on him. 
Bradley sighed. "He's being well taken care of, Meredith."
"By your babysitter?" Then she said your first and last name, and Bradley felt a chill wash over his body. 
"How do you know her name?" he grunted, clenching and unclenching his fist in his lap.
"It wasn't hard to find out after I got her license plate number. She's a nursing student at the University of San Diego, Bradley. A mere child," she said, shaking her head sadly.
Bradley's heart was pounding. Meredith knew who you were, and she wanted something from him. "Did you scare my babysitter on purpose yesterday?"
Meredith laughed, head tipped back as she placed her hand over her heart. "Are you really going to keep calling her that, Bradley? She's obviously 'babysitting Noah' because you're messing around with her. Your little booty call. And she looks like she is all of eighteen years old."
"She's twenty four. And don't talk about her like that," Bradley replied through gritted teeth. "Don't."
Her eyes lit up. "So it is true. I was just making an assumption, going off a hunch. She's cute, so I'm not surprised at all. But I don't think they are going to take too kindly to a father who is busy fucking the babysitter. One who is basically half his age, at that. A father who is distracted. A trashy, young babysitter who is sleeping with someone over a decade older than her."
"Meredith," he growled, trying his hardest to stay calm, but he was seething now. 
"And you let that trash around our son, Bradley. A glorified slut, making money and getting laid while she's at it. And that's not even taking into account that you're still in the Navy. You leave Noah with random friends of yours every time you're deployed, none of whom are his legal guardian. None of them can make decisions in an emergency. You lack any and all stability." She was completely calm as she tossed her hair over her shoulder and sighed. "No, they will not like that at all."
"What the fuck are you getting at, Meredith?" And then Bradley noticed for the first time that she brought a fancy looking leather bag with her, out of which she procured a manila folder.
"This should spell everything out nicely for you." She handed it to him, and he opened it and skimmed through a stack of papers. His heart rate grew steadily faster until it was getting hard to breathe. It felt just like the first time he hit 8 G's. He was going to throw up. Bradley could feel the bile rising in his stomach as the panic truly set in. His insides clenched as he looked at her.
"You want custody."
"Full custody, yes. I have a lawyer. A good one."
He closed the folder and tried to hand it back to her, but she pulled her hands away and stood. "You can keep that," she said with a smirk. "I made several copies."
Bradley stood as well, and got in her face. "No judge in this entire state is going to award you custody of Noah. Not after the shit you've pulled."
She shrugged and headed for the door. "Lucky for me, you've pulled your own shit. We'll just have to wait and see who sounds more believable."
His heart was thudding, and his ears were ringing. "You abandoned us, Meredith! You haven't paid a single penny for anything in nearly four years, and Noah doesn't even know who the fuck you are!"
As she turned the knob, she looked back at him and said, "Abandonment is a strong word, and you can't prove anything. And may I suggest you learn to keep your emotions in check? It will be good practice for the courtroom. And you need to keep that girl you're sleeping with away from our son. I won't hesitate to ruin her if I need to. You already forced me to go through her once, Bradley. I'll do it again with no remorse if I have to. Noah is my son. Just because that girl is fucking you, that doesn't give her the same rights I have."
"Do I need to get a restraining order, Meredith?" he called, but she was already walking out to her car with a little wave over her shoulder. 
"Not if you want me to allow you to have visitation rights. Oh, and make sure you answer my calls next time, so we can prevent another visit at the park!"
You were laying on your back porch in the sun, trying to finish reading your assignments for the following week. Every hour or so, your phone went off, but it was never from the only person you wanted to hear from. It was just a bunch of texts from Greyson, begging you to come over. He must be bored. It was probably too early in the day for him to get stoned, and you knew he was too lazy to look for another girl for the night. That was why he was bothering you now. 
You squinted and turned your head away from the sunlight and thought about your ruined sunglasses, crunched up in the parking lot next to the playground. Bradley said he was going to call Meredith. You were so embarrassed; you actually ran away from Noah's mom. Surely she wasn't going to hurt either of you. She probably just wanted to see him, even if she did sound like a bitch when Bradley described her. But she was pretty. And probably just the right age for Bradley. Now you had a very clear image in your mind of exactly what he was trying to replicate when he was using the dating app.
You had a gross feeling in your stomach. You hated waiting like this. You were always waiting for everyone else. First you waited for Greyson to contact you whenever he wanted to see you. More recently you'd been waiting for Bradley to let you know where you stood with him.
When you decided you were hungry, you stood and went to your kitchen. You tore open a bag of Skittles as you looked through your refrigerator, but after you ate a handful, you left the rest on the counter and walked away. 
When your phone rang late in the afternoon, you answered it as soon as you saw who it was. 
"Bradley?" you asked softly, and you were met with a beat of heavy silence that made you want to cry.
"Hi. Any chance you can stop by later? Just for a minute?"
"Yeah," you replied, pacing the length of your small living room before curling up on your couch. "I can do that."
"I'll see you later."
Nat kept Noah at her place for most of the day while Bradley had a good, old fashioned nervous breakdown. His best friend was good like that, and he didn't even have to give her any details yet. She just knew what to do without any prompting. 
Bradley sat in the middle of Noah's bedroom floor and thought about everything he could lose if this didn't work out for him. He had a dresser full of Noah's little clothes behind him, and a closet full of Noah's toys next to him. He paid for everything for his child. And not that Noah was a burden on him in any way, but they never got any help from Meredith, monetarily or otherwise. But he could see how it would be impossible to prove she abandoned the two of them. And it probably didn't help that he never returned her phone calls or let her see him when she begged in the past.
She was a business developer. She made more money than Bradley. But he never went after her for a cent, because he knew he would rather have his son to himself than have to share Noah with someone who didn't really care about him.
So why the fuck did Meredith want to be involved now? It didn't make sense. And Bradley hated that he thought the worst of her at this moment, but he did. He just knew there had to be something he was missing here. 
He laid back on the floor and fiddled with his phone, forcing himself to stop from calling you. He rubbed one large hand along his face and let out a sting of curse words. The fact that he wasn't sure if he would be able to protect his own son was making him anxious and scared. But he could protect you. He could save your name from being dragged through the mud. He could prevent you from potentially spending your time in a courtroom, from becoming collateral damage to Bradley's crime of falling for Meredith and getting her pregnant in the first place. 
And Bradley knew he had to protect you, because he wasn't worth it. Getting messed up with him was not worth your time and aggravation. He just wished he had pumped the brakes a little harder, told you this was a bad idea and shut it down earlier. He should have never let it get physical. All the flirtation and banter should have been enough for him. He should have taken it for the ego boost that it could have been and moved on, pursued a woman from the dating app and stayed away from you. 
It was already too late for him though. Because he knew how you tasted. He knew all the little noises you made when you were underneath him. He knew how good you looked in his clothes. He knew how much Noah loved you. And he fucking knew you loved his kid right back.
And now all of his baggage was coming back to haunt him. 
"Fuck!" Bradley shouted. And then he scrolled through his phone until he found Tracy's number. It was a Saturday, and he hated to do this on the weekend, but what choice did he have? 
"Tracy? It's Bradley Bradshaw. I'm not sure if you remember me, and I'm sorry it's Saturday-"
"Bradley. Of course I remember you. And your sweet son. Noah, was it?"
"Yeah," he replied, running his hand over his eyes. He had taken Noah with him last year when Nat urged him to talk to a lawyer about setting up a will. They had also touched on the topic of a custody agreement, which Bradley had firmly told Tracy was something that wasn't necessary at the time. 
"What can I do for you?"
"Do you remember our conversation about custody and parental rights for Noah?"
"Yes, I remember."
He sighed deeply. "I think I need to revisit that conversation."
You changed into a cute sundress and packed up the three remaining coloring books and the pack of neon crayons you had for Noah. You added a bag of Skittles to your tote, and then you headed out to your car as tears prickled your eyes. 
Your arm hurt a lot more today, and changing the bandages with your left hand had been challenging. You considered taking your first aid kit along with you and asking Bradley for help. But then you decided that getting over there and getting this over with was more important. 
He must have spoken to Meredith by now, and while you weren't sure exactly what that meant for you, there was no doubt it wasn't good. 
You parked in his driveway alongside his Bronco, and let yourself in the front door. It was late. Noah was probably in bed already. That was probably why Bradley asked you to come now. 
"Hi," you whispered. He was sitting in the middle of the couch with his elbows resting on his knees, and he looked impossibly handsome as he glanced up at you. 
"Hi," he echoed, his voice deep and raspy. You thought that maybe he wanted to add Princess to that greeting by the way his lips were silently working, but then he snapped his mouth shut. 
You wanted to go sit in his lap. It was the only thing that would make you feel better right now, but you knew you shouldn't do it. And as you took a few steps closer to him, he stood, and you could feel the heat from his big body. 
"Are you okay?" you asked softly. He leaned a little closer to you, like he wanted to kiss you. His hands were reaching for your hips, but you watched him clench them into fists and drop them to his sides. 
"I think I will be," he replied, and you couldn't stand it any longer. You reached for his face, stroking his mustache as his eyes closed. And then you kissed him. And he kissed you back. Right before he took a staggering step away from you.
The only thing Bradley wanted to do was get lost in your kisses and beg for you. He wished he could forget about everything that had happened after he fucked you at your place and left for work yesterday. Pretend Meredith wasn't a threat. But he couldn't keep pretending. That much was made clear when he spoke to his lawyer earlier.
After he stepped away from you, he cleared his throat and said, "We can't do this anymore."
You laughed humorlessly as you ran your fingers along your glossy lips. "Can't do what anymore, Bradley? What exactly have we been doing?"
"Messing around," he replied, keeping his eyes on your face. It was so much more than that though, and he felt like the biggest asshole in the world for trying to make you think he felt any differently. For trying to make you think he didn't care about you. "It was fun, but I need to take things seriously. For myself and for Noah."
You pressed your lips together and looked at the floor. "Did you and Meredith get back together?" you asked, your voice barely a whisper. 
The thought of it made him sick. It made him feel outraged to even think about Meredith at all, let alone romantically. But if that's where your mind went, then so be it. 
"We talked about it."
You gasped, but you didn't look at him. "You told me she abandoned you. And you think that would be best for Noah? Best for you?"
"I'm... not sure," he replied, wanting more than anything to collect you in his arms and take care of you. Kiss you. Be with you. But he couldn't protect you and do those things right now. Not after his conversation with Meredith, and especially not after speaking to Tracy. "But sometimes people change."
"You sound unsure," you said, looking up at him hopefully as tears collected in your eyes. "Why won't you give me a good reason? A solid reason?"
Bradley ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath, using his anger to hold back his own tears. "I can give you a whole list of reasons. Is that what you want?" You didn't respond verbally, but the quiver of your lips made him keep going. "You're too young for me. I need a woman more mature than you. Someone who would help me take care of Noah. Someone I could be in a real fifty/fifty relationship with. And not just with Skittles."
You sobbed, and he hated himself. But he kept going.
"You think you want this, but you don't. You're just a kid. You don't know what you want. But I can guarantee that me and all my baggage isn't it."
"I never said you had baggage-"
But he cut you off, shaking his head and saying, "I said it. So it doesn't matter what you did or didn't say. This is not going to work. I don't want this."
You had tears dripping onto your cheeks now as you looked up at him. Your pretty face was scrunched up in sadness or rage. Probably both. Because he was behaving like a dick. 
Your shoulders shook while you cried. "Fine. I understand," you said through your tears. "I can't make you want me back."
He felt like the air had been knocked out of his lungs, because you were the only thing he wanted right now. He had let himself indulge in his feelings for you, and now he was hurting you on purpose. And it was killing him.
"Can I say goodbye to Noah?" you whispered, swiping at your tears.
Bradley nodded, stumbling behind you as you walked quickly to Noah's room. He stood in the doorway and watched you gently brush Noah's hair away from his forehead as you sobbed. Then you bent to kiss his cheek and whispered, "I love you, Noah."
Bradley couldn't take it. He turned away and walked back to the living room. He broke his own heart, which he could eventually probably handle, because the outcome he wanted was important to him. He could come to terms with keeping you away from him. He knew you'd be better off without him in the long run anyway.
But he hadn't anticipated how much this was going to hurt his son. Maybe he had made a mistake.
When you walked back into the living room with your tote bag on your shoulder, you slapped Bradley's house key against his chest without looking at him. He fumbled and caught it before it dropped, but when he turned toward you, all he saw was the swirl of your dress as the door slammed shut behind you. 
Bradley stood with the key in his hand, inhaling the smell of wildflowers as he listened to your car pull out of his driveway. 
"Goodbye, Princess."
Bradley, what did you do?! Hope you enjoy your babysitter fic which you help me write, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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