#someone sent in an ask a few months ago like
lila-lou · 1 day
✨ His only exception - Pt. 31/? ✨
Summary: 12 months ago, Butcher went above and beyond to have you join his team. You had a simple office job at Supe Affairs. The same thing every day, working from 9 to 5 and watching Butcher and his team defeat one renegade after another. One evening, however, something changed.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 5827
A/N: This is part 31 of “His only exception”.
English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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Meanwhile, Ben was consumed by a storm of emotions, his anger simmering just beneath the surface, threatening to boil over at any moment. As he made his way downstairs, his thoughts were a tumultuous whirlwind of regret and frustration.
When Butcher crossed his path, his snide remark pushing Ben over the edge, something inside him snapped. Without a second thought, Ben lashed out, his fist connecting with Butcher's face with a sickening crunch.
The force of the blow sent Butcher staggering backward, blood gushing from his broken nose, a few bones cracking under the impact. Ben stood there, panting heavily, his knuckles bruised and bloodied.
In that moment, the veneer of control that had kept Ben tethered to reality shattered, leaving nothing but raw, unbridled fury in its wake. The consequences of his actions mattered little as the red haze of anger clouded his vision, consuming him whole.
As Butcher's face began to heal in seconds, the shock of the rapid regeneration only fueled his fury further. With a snarl of rage, he launched himself at Ben, his own fists swinging wildly in retaliation.
The two clashed in a violent whirlwind of punches and kicks, the sound of bone against bone echoing through the hallway as they exchanged blow after blow. Each strike brought with it a symphony of pain, but neither man showed any sign of backing down.
With each passing moment, the fight grew more brutal, the intensity of their rage fueling the relentless assault. Bones cracked and blood spilled, staining the floor beneath their feet as they fought.
Annie and A-Train rounded the corner just in time to witness the brutal brawl unfolding before them. Reacting quickly, they rushed forward, attempting to pull Ben and Butcher away from each other, but their efforts were met with resistance.
"Ben, stop it!", Annie shouted, her voice laced with desperation as she struggled to break through the haze of his rage.
But Ben was beyond reason, his fists still flying as he fought against A-Train's grip. Blood streamed down his face, mingling with the sweat and grime that coated his skin, but he showed no signs of relenting.
A-Train's muscles strained against the force of Ben's resistance, his expression a mixture of frustration and concern. "Come on, man, calm down!", he urged, his voice barely audible over the din of the fight.
But Ben's fury was unyielding, his mind consumed by a single-minded determination to unleash his pent-up rage. It took all of Annie and A-Train's combined strength to finally pry him away from Butcher.
Annie's voice cut through the chaos like a beacon of clarity, her eyes searching Ben's battered face for any sign of recognition. "Ben, where's (Y/N)?", she asked, her tone gentle yet insistent, hoping to break through the haze of his rage by mentioning someone he cared about deeply.
The mention of your name seemed to pierce through the fog of anger clouding Ben's mind.
Ben tugged harshly his arms away, his frustration still evident in his movements. But Annie refused to let him retreat into himself, her grip firm as she gently tucked his wrist again, her gaze unwavering as she searched his eyes for any sign of vulnerability.
Sensing that something was amiss with you, Annie gestured for the others to leave her and Ben alone, a silent plea for privacy as she sought to unravel the mystery of your absence.
"Let go of me", Ben growled, his voice low and dangerous, a warning simmering beneath the surface. "If you want to fucking live, you'll let go of my wrist right now".
Annie held his gaze steadily, unflinching in the face of his anger. "Ben, I'm not your enemy", she said calmly, her voice soft yet firm. "But something's wrong, and I need to know what it is. Please, talk to me".
Annie maintained her grip on Ben's wrist, her expression a mix of concern and determination. "Ben, I need to know where (Y/N) is", she insisted, her voice steady despite the tension between them.
Ben’s jaw tensed as he wrestled with his emotions, the turmoil of his inner conflict written across his face. “She’s downstairs… in the hospital”, he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air.
Annie’s brow furrowed with worry as she processed the revelation. “What happened? Is she alright?”, she pressed, her concern for you overriding any other considerations.
Ben pulled his arm away from Annie's grasp for good, his movements sharp with frustration. "It's none of your fucking business", he snapped.
"Ben, I'm just trying to help", she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation.
But Ben's resolve remained unyielding, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. "I said it's none of your fucking business", he repeated, his voice cold and cutting.
As Ben left the building without another word, Annie wasted no time in springing into action. She hurried downstairs to the Vought hospital.
Every step felt like an eternity as she raced through the corridors, her mind racing with a thousand different possibilities.
Finally, she reached the entrance to the hospital. With a quick glance around, she spotted the reception desk and wasted no time in making her way over.
"Excuse me", she said breathlessly to the nurse behind the desk, her voice urgent. "I need to know if (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is here. Can you please tell me if she's okay?".
The nurse bit her lip, her expression filled with sympathy as she regarded Annie. "I'm sorry", she said softly, her voice tinged with regret. "But I'm not authorized to share any information about Ms. (Y/L/N) without proper clearance".
Annie's heart sank at the nurse's words, frustration bubbling up inside her like a tidal wave. "Please", she pleaded, desperation creeping into her voice. "I just need to know if she's okay".
The nurse hesitated, torn between her duty to uphold patient confidentiality and her desire to help. "I understand", she said finally, her tone gentle yet firm. "But I'm afraid I can't make any exceptions. You'll need to contact Ms. (Y/L/N)'s next of kin or legal representative for any updates on her condition".
Annie nodded, her determination unyielding despite the setback. With a subtle shift of her gaze, she scanned the surroundings, searching for any opportunity to bypass the hospital's strict protocols.
Excusing herself to use the restroom, Annie slipped away unnoticed, her footsteps quick and purposeful as she navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the hospital.
Annie began to search for your room.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of searching, Annie found your room. With a silent exhale of relief, she slipped inside.
As her eyes fell upon you sleeping peacefully on the bed, a wave of relief washed over her. You didn't seem hurt or in any immediate danger, just a bit rough around the edges and tired.
Annie approached your bedside with cautious steps, her gaze softening as she took in the sight of you. Despite the shadows of exhaustion that lingered beneath your closed eyelids, there was a sense of tranquility about you that eased the knots of worry in her chest.
Annie's heart skipped a beat as she noticed the medical report at the foot of your bed. With trembling hands, she reached out and picked it up, her eyes scanning the contents with growing horror.
As she read the words "first pregnancy with a supe baby", her breath caught in her throat, her mind struggling to comprehend the gravity of what she had just discovered. It was impossible, unthinkable, something that defied all logic and reason.
Her ears went numb as she grappled with the implications of the revelation. Never before in the history of supes had there been a documented case of someone being pregnant with a supe baby. The very idea seemed like something out of a nightmare, a cruel twist of fate that defied all understanding.
Annie's mind raced with a thousand questions, each more terrifying than the last. How was it possible? What did it mean for you and the baby? And most importantly, what would happen if anyone found out?
Thats when Ben stepped inside, a large bag from the nearby pharmacy store and a huge bouquet of roses clutched tightly in his hand, his eyes immediately landed on Annie and the medical report in her hands. His jaw clenched with a force that seemed to echo through the room, his expression darkening with a potent mix of anger and betrayal.
Annie's heart sank as she felt the weight of his gaze, the tension in the air palpable as the gravity of the situation hung heavy between them. She knew that Ben was beyond mad.
But instead of backing off, Annie's eyes also flared with intensity, her own anger matching Ben's as she held her ground. "You really knocked her up?!", she growled, her voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and outrage. "Are you out of your damn mind?!".
The words hung in the air like a thunderclap, the weight of their accusation reverberating through the room. Annie's fists clenched at her sides, her entire body tense with frustration as she stared down Ben, daring him to deny the truth that lay before them.
Ben's jaw tightened even further, his fists trembling with restrained fury as he struggled to find the words to respond. The silence stretched between them, thick with unspoken tension, as the reality of the situation began to sink in.
Ben's muscles tensed with barely-contained rage as he slammed the bag anf the flowers onto the table. Without a word, he grabbed Annie by the throat and forcefully pulled her out of the room, his grip firm and unyielding.
Outside the room, Ben pushed Annie against the wall, his expression twisted with anger as he glared down at her. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!", he demanded, his voice a low growl that reverberated through the hallway.
His patience wearing thin as he fought to control his temper. "(Y/N) is not your fucking concern. Stay the fuck away from her", his voice louder than intended as he struggled to keep his anger in check.
Annie managed to pull herself free from Ben's grasp, her chest heaving with exertion as she stared defiantly back at him. "Do you even know how dangerous this fucking pregnancy probably is?", she hissed, her voice laced with frustration and concern.
But Ben remained unmoved, his expression hardened with resolve as he met her gaze head-on. "I said stay away from her", he growled, his tone leaving no room for argument. "This is none of your business. So stay the fuck out of it".
Annie's frustration boiled over at Ben's stubborn refusal to acknowledge the gravity of the situation. "What the fuck are you gonna do if she dies?", she demanded, her voice cracking with emotion. "You think you can just ignore the risks and pretend like everything's gonna be fine?".
Ben's jaw clenched with anger at Annie's words. Without a word, he surged forward, gripping her by the throat once more with a force that made her gasp for breath.
"Watch your fucking mouth", he snarled, his voice low and dangerous. "You have no idea what you're talking about".
Annie's eyes blazed with defiance even as she struggled to break free from Ben's iron grip. "I know enough to know that you're putting her life at risk", she spat, her voice filled with righteous indignation. "And if you think I'm just gonna stand by and let that happen, then you're even more of a fucking idiot than I thought".
As Annie and Ben's argument reached a fever pitch, a low rumble echoed from within your room. Startled by the noise outside, you attempted to sit up, but the dizziness that gripped you proved too overwhelming. With a gasp, you tumbled out of the bed, your limbs weak and unsteady as you hit the ground with a soft thud.
The sound of your fall cut through the tension between Annie and Ben, their argument momentarily forgotten as they rushed to your side. "Shit", Ben muttered, his concern evident in his voice as he knelt beside you, gently helping you into a sitting position.
Annie's expression softened with worry as she hovered nearby, her hands trembling with the urge to help. "Are you okay?", she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern as she reached out to steady you.
You nodded weakly, the world still spinning around you.
As your stomach churned with nauseating intensity, you found yourself unable to utter a single word, the queasiness overwhelming your senses. By now Ben was used to this look, knowing what´s going on. He scooped you up in his arms, his movements swift and decisive as he carried you to the bathroom.
Gently setting you down beside the toilet, Ben supported you as you collapsed against it, your body wracked with involuntary heaves as you emptied the contents of your stomach. The sensation was agonizing, waves of nausea crashing over you in relentless succession as you clung to the porcelain bowl for support.
Annie hovered nearby, her hands wringing with worry as she watched the scene unfold before her. "Is she going to be okay?", she asked, her voice tinged with fear as she looked to Ben for reassurance.
Ben nodded grimly, his jaw set with determination. "She'll be fine", he replied, his tone steady despite the gravity of the situation. "We just need to get her through this".
As you leaned weakly against the bathroom wall, the concern etched deeply into Ben's features was unmistakable. Despite his attempts to reassure Annie, a nagging sense of doubt gnawed at him from within. It had only been a few weeks since the discovery of your pregnancy, but already he could see the toll it was taking on you.
You had lost a noticeable amount of weight, and now, weakened by the flu and constant vomiting, you seemed more fragile than ever. The thought of you suffering like this filled Ben with a sense of helplessness that he struggled to push aside.
To be honest, he was more than worried. The weight of responsibility bore down on him heavily as he grappled with the uncertainty of what lay ahead. The fear of losing you, of failing to protect you and the baby, threatened to consume him whole.
Annie brought you a glass of water to rinse your mouth, her expression filled with concern as she offered you a small measure of comfort. As you leaned against Ben's solid chest, seeking solace in his embrace, a sense of guilt washed over you.
"M'sorry", you mumbled weakly, your voice barely above a whisper as you buried your face against Ben's shoulder. The weight of your apology hung heavy in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the fact that you hadn't told him about the conversation with the doctor.
Ben's arms tightened around you, his embrace offering a sense of warmth and security that you desperately needed in that moment. "It's okay", he murmured, his voice soft and reassuring against the tumult of your thoughts. "We'll figure this out".
With a deep sigh, you allowed yourself to relax into Ben's embrace, finding comfort in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your ear.
Ben held you close, his chin resting gently atop your head as he pressed you tightly against himself. His eyes stared off into the distance, a myriad of emotions flickering across his features. Concern, fear, and determination mingled in the depths of his gaze as he grappled with the weight of the situation.
Annie stood nearby, her heart heavy with concern as she watched the two of you. The sight of your weakness tugged at her heartstrings, filling her with a sense of helplessness that she struggled to shake off.
With a heavy sigh, Annie approached, her gaze filled with empathy as she reached out to gently touch your shoulder. "Is there anything I can do to help?", she offered softly, her voice tinged with genuine concern.
Ben's jaw clenched again, his frustration bubbling to the surface as he listened to Annie's offer of assistance. "Keep your fucking mouth shut", he growled, his voice low and harsh. "No one can know about the pregnancy".
Annie recoiled slightly at the force of his words, the gravity of the situation hitting her with renewed intensity. She nodded solemnly, understanding the severity of the situation. "I won't say a word", she assured him, her voice barely above a whisper. "I promise".
With a curt nod, Ben turned his attention back to you. He carefully lifted you up again, cradling you gently in his arms as he murmured, "Let's get you back in bed".
His voice was tender, filled with a quiet reassurance as he carried you back to the hospital bed.
Annie followed close behind. Despite the tension that lingered in the air, there was a sense of unity in that moment, a shared commitment to ensuring your well-being above all else.
As Ben carefully laid you back down on the bed, he tucked the blankets around you with gentle hands.
Ben watched you fall back asleep within seconds. A heavy sigh escaped his lips, the weight of exhaustion settling upon his shoulders. With a weary groan, he sank onto the couch, his muscles tense with pent-up tension and worry.
Annie observed him from across the room, her arms crossed tightly over her chest as she studied him. "You both look beyond exhausted", she remarked softly, her voice tinged with empathy.
Ben rubbed his face with a tired hand, his movements slow and deliberate as he tried to push back the fatigue that threatened to overwhelm him.
"I'm fucking fine", Ben muttered defensively, his voice strained with exhaustion as he brushed off Annie's concern. "We're both fine".
But Annie wasn't convinced, her brow furrowing with worry as she refused to let Ben off the hook so easily. "What do the doctors say?", she pressed, her tone gentle yet insistent. "They must have some idea of what's going on".
Ben hesitated, his jaw tightening with frustration as he struggled to find the words. "They think it's the flu adding to her weakness", he admitted reluctantly, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
"But it´s not just that", Ben continued, his voice low and troubled.
Annie's concern deepened at Ben's cryptic words, her heart pounding with a sense of foreboding. "What do you mean?", she pressed.
Ben took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to reveal. "They're worried that (Y/N)'s body might be too weak for the baby", he confessed, his voice heavy with guilt. "No one knows if she'll be able to continue the pregnancy without… help".
"But what kind of help?", she asked, her voice trembling with fear. "Is there anything they can do?".
Ben shook his head, his expression haunted by the uncertainty of the situation. "The doctors are working on some kind of V medicine to make (Y/N) stronger", he explained, his voice barely above a whisper. "But… there are no guarantees".
Annie leaned back against the wall, her eyes fixed intently on Ben as she processed the weight of his words. "Do you love her?", she asked softly, her voice tinged with curiosity and concern.
Ben's eyes narrowed slightly at the question, his expression guarded as he met Annie's gaze. He rolled his eyes, a flicker of irritation crossing his features. "What kind of fucking question is that?", he grumbled, his tone defensive.
Annie sighed softly, recognizing the familiar defensiveness in Ben's response. She knew that he was not one to open up about his feelings, especially not to her. But she couldn't help but wonder about the depth of his emotions towards you, especially in light of the challenges you were facing together.
"It's just… she means a lot to you. I can tell, but.. ".
Ben's jaw tensed with frustration at Annie's probing, his walls rising higher as he struggled to keep his emotions in check. "She knows how I feel", he muttered evasively, his gaze drifting away from Annie's probing stare. "That's all that matters".
"If you love her, you wouldn't allow her to suffer like this", she insisted gently, her voice tinged with sadness. "She's counting on you to protect her, Ben".
Ben's jaw clenched tighter at Annie's words, a pang of guilt twisting in his chest as he looked upon you, so fragile and vulnerable in that moment. "I'm doing everything I fucking can", he muttered defensively, his voice thick with emotion.
But Annie shook her head. "She's suffering, and you know that", she murmured.
With that, Annie left the room, her footsteps echoing down the hallway as she disappeared from view. Left alone with his thoughts, Ben felt a wave of anguish wash over him, the weight of his responsibilities bearing down upon him like a leaden weight.
Ben's hands trembled slightly as he pulled the bag from the pharmacy closer to himself. He began to carefully arrange the small boxes of vitamins for pregnancy on the table, each one a beacon of hope in the midst of uncertainty.
He knew that he loved you more than anything in this world, and that his heart ached at the thought of seeing you suffer. But at the same time, he couldn't shake the overwhelming desire to protect the life growing inside of you, to ensure that your child had the chance live.
As he glanced over at you, still lost in peaceful slumber, a wave of tenderness washed over him, mingled with a fierce determination to do whatever it took to keep you both safe. His heart clenched with indecision, torn between his love for you and his desire for the baby that symbolized your love.
By midnight you were awake again, the soft shuffle of footsteps drew your attention to the doorway, where the nurse entered the room, her presence a comforting reminder of the watchful care surrounding you.
You watched from your bed as she approached, her gentle demeanor a balm to your weary soul. With a warm smile, she checked on you, her eyes filled with genuine concern as she assessed your condition.
Meanwhile, Ben lay sound asleep on the small couch nearby, his form bathed in the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the window. His chest rose and fell in steady rhythm, the lines of tension that had etched themselves into his features during the day softened in the gentle embrace of sleep.
"The fever seems to have gone down a bit", the nurse remarked with a gentle smile, her voice soft and reassuring as she checked your vital signs.
You offered her a weak smile in return, grateful for the small reprieve from your symptoms. She administered the new infusion. But the nurse's expression turned more serious as she turned her attention to the untouched dinner plate resting on your bedside table. "You need to eat something", she insisted firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument as she gestured towards the meal with a determined nod.
You nodded obediently, understanding the importance of nourishing your body, especially in your weakened state. With a weary sigh, you reached for the plate, determined to do whatever it took to regain your strength and vitality, if only for the sake of your unborn child.
After the nurse left the room, you turned your attention to the plate of food before you. As you ate, you found yourself sinking one hand down onto your belly. Slowly, you began to rub small circles over the swell of your abdomen.
With each gentle stroke, you felt a sense of connection to the tiny being nestled within your womb, a bond that transcended words and filled you with a profound sense of peace.
As Ben stirred from his slumber, his eyes slowly blinked open, heavy with exhaustion. His gaze drifted around the room, taking in the dimly lit surroundings before settling on you, sitting on the bed, quietly eating your vegetables.
A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he watched you, a sense of relief washing over him at the sight of you awake and seemingly feeling a bit better. Pushing himself up from the couch, he made his way over to your side, his footsteps slow and deliberate as he approached.
"Hey", he murmured softly, his voice rough with sleep as he reached out to gently touch your shoulder. "How are you feeling?".
You looked up at him, a tired yet genuine smile gracing your lips as you met his gaze. "Better", you replied softly, the words carrying a weight of gratitude for his presence by your side.
Ben's heart swelled as he looked down at you, his hand lingering on your shoulder. "I'm glad", he whispered, his voice filled with warmth and tenderness.
With a gentle squeeze of your shoulder, he settled down beside you on the bed. His arms holding you close against his chest. With a heavy sigh, he murmured softly, "I'm sorry for losing my shit… Again".
His heart still ached with the memory of seeing the fear in your eyes, a painful reminder of the impact his anger had on you. Despite his outward strength, inside, he felt a sense of guilt and regret for causing you any distress.
"I would never lay a hand on you.. Not like that", he added, his voice filled with sincerity as he held you tighter, as if seeking reassurance that you believed him.
You felt a wave of warmth wash over you at his words, knowing deep down that Ben would beat you or something. You nestled closer to him, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your ear, a comforting reminder of his love and devotion.
"I know", you whispered softly as you reached up to gently stroke his cheek. "I trust you, Ben. I always will".
Ben's heart ached with a profound sense of remorse, knowing that despite your words of reassurance, you had still flinched away from him earlier.
With a tender touch, he squeezed you even closer against his chest. He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, his lips lingering there as a silent apology for his earlier outburst.
As Ben’s hand gently guided you towards his car a week later, you couldn’t help but feel a surge of relief at the prospect of finally leaving the confines of the hospital behind. Your body still felt weak and fragile, but the promise of fresh air and freedom beckoned on the horizon.
Just as you approached the car, Annie’s voice pierced through the air, her tone filled with urgency as she called out to you. “Hey, wait up!”, she yelled, her footsteps quickening as she hurried to catch up with the two of you.
You glanced at Ben, a flicker of surprise crossing your features at Annie’s sudden appearance. It had been over a week since she found out about your pregnancy, yet she hadn’t reached out to either of you during your time in the hospital. Her sudden presence now left you feeling uncertain and apprehensive.
Ben's jaw clenched slightly as Annie's unexpected presence grated on his nerves, his annoyance palpable as he struggled to maintain his composure. Despite his irritation, he forced himself to remain outwardly calm, knowing that any outburst would only escalate the tension between them.
Annie's eyes flickered over to you, her gaze lingering on the small bump that adorned your abdomen, a mixture of curiosity and concern flashing in her eyes. "Are you feeling better?", she asked softly, her voice laced with genuine concern.
You nodded slowly, offering her a small smile of gratitude for her concern. "Yes, I am", you replied, your voice soft yet sincere. "Thank you for asking".
Ben's grip on your lower back tightened imperceptibly, a silent reminder of his protective stance. Despite his lingering annoyance, he couldn't deny the sincerity in Annie's voice, nor could he fault her for showing concern for your well-being.
Annie quickly reassured the both of you, her voice tinged with sincerity as she spoke. "I haven't said a word to anyone, and I won't", she insisted firmly, her eyes meeting yours with earnestness. "Your secret is safe with me".
You offered her a small nod of gratitude, appreciative of her commitment to keeping your pregnancy confidential.
But Ben's expression remained guarded. "Forgive me if I don't exactly fucking trust you", he muttered, his tone laced with a hint of bitterness. "Cause you've already proven that you can't be trusted".
Annie's brow furrowed with frustration. "I understand that you're upset", she replied. "But I'm telling you the truth. I haven't told anyone, and I won't".
Despite Annie's assurances, Ben remained skeptical, his distrust of her lingering like a shadow between them.
Annie's voice broke through the silence, her tone soft yet tentative as she broached the topic that had been weighing on her mind. "Do the doctors have any idea how your pregnancy will proceed?", she inquired gently, her eyes flickering between you and Ben. "Will the baby need any special treatment or care?".
You shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how to respond to Annie's questions. Part of you still felt a lingering sense of resentment towards her for the role she had played in the team's actions against Ben, yet another part of you couldn't deny the longing you felt for her friendship.
"We're still waiting on some test results", you replied carefully, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "But so far, everything seems to be progressing kinda normally".
Annie's gaze shifted towards Ben as she spoke. "You need to be careful (Y/N)", she said softly, her voice tinged with urgency. "To not get hurt. You're important too, not just the baby".
Ben's jaw tensed slightly as he absorbed Annie's words, his expression guarded. "We'll be careful", he replied curtly, his voice firm with determination. "We know what's at stake".
You couldn't help but mumble under your breath, the overwhelming desire to just go home and find solace in the familiar comforts of your own space tugging at your heartstrings. "I really just want to go home", you whispered.
With a heavy sigh, you slid into the car, the worn leather seats enveloping you in a sense of familiarity and warmth. As Ben settled into the driver's seat beside you, you spared a fleeting glance towards Annie, a pang of guilt tugging at your conscience as you left her standing alone.
As the car rumbled along the familiar streets towards home, your hand found its way to your belly, instinctively seeking comfort in the gentle swell that cradled your unborn child. Despite the lingering weakness that still clung to your limbs, you couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over you as you felt a subtle vibration beneath your palm.
A weak smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you marveled at the tiny life growing within you.
Feeling Ben's hand squeeze your thigh, you turned to him with a curious expression, the gentle pressure of his touch anchoring you in the present moment. "What's up?", you asked softly, your voice tinged with curiosity as you met his gaze.
Ben's eyes softened as he glanced at you, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I talked to your doctor about the V medication", he explained, his voice filled with a quiet sense of optimism. "He said they're making great progress".
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, a surge of hope flooding through you as you processed the implications of his statement. The prospect of a medication that could strengthen both you and your unborn child filled you with a renewed sense of optimism, easing the weight of uncertainty that had been looming over you in recent days.
"That's amazing news", you murmured, your voice filled with gratitude.
As you and Ben settled onto the couch, the aroma of the takeaway food filling the air, you snuggled up against him, seeking solace in his comforting embrace. However, as you nestled closer, a wave of pain shot through your back, causing you to tense up involuntarily.
Sensing your discomfort, Ben's expression softened with concern as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to his chest. "You´re okay?", he murmured as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
You winced slightly, the pain in your back intensifying with each passing moment. "It's just my back", you whispered, trying to downplay the discomfort. "I think I pulled something".
Without hesitation, Ben channeling his power into his hand to generate warmth. He then carefully pressed his heated hand against your lower back, the soothing heat radiating through your muscles and easing the tension.
As the warmth seeped into your aching muscles, you felt a sense of relief wash over you, the pain gradually subsiding under Ben's comforting touch. Leaning back against him, you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to relax, grateful for his unwavering support and care.
When Ben's heated touch eased the pain in your back, a soft moan escaped your lips. Unbeknownst to you, the sound of your moan had a powerful effect on Ben, instantly arousing him and sending blood rushing to his groin, making him hard.
Feeling the sudden shift in his body, Ben's cheeks flushed with heat as he tried to suppress the rising desire that threatened to overwhelm him. With a shaky breath, he focused on maintaining his composure, his hand still resting gently against your lower back as he tried to ignore the growing ache between his legs.
Ben couldn't help but grumble under his breath, his voice strained with pent-up desire. "It's been a fucking while since I heard you making those sounds", he muttered, his words laced with a mixture of frustration and longing.
A/N: Please let me know what you think.🥰
Taglist: @deangirl96, @thatgirljayy, @suckitands33, @deans-spinster-witch@mimaria420@kaz11283@uncle-eggy@jackles010378@vxnilla-hxrddrugs @meowmeowyoongles@sarahgracej @zemosdarling228 @leila22rogers @mostlymarvelgirl@emily-winchester @blacknoirr @onlyangel-444@seasonofthenerd@staple-your-mouth@artemys-ackles@selfdestructionandrhum@mystic-mara @kat-nee @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @star-yawnznn @me1501 @CheyNovaK
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mangowafflesss · 6 hours
what do you think the 141 would do if they find out reader was ghosted by some guy she was talking with for a few months?
I do not like this at all. Please forgive this atrocity. CONTENT: MENTIONS OF VIOLENCE | SWEARING | SUPPORTIVE FAMILY-ISH DYNAMIC <3
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Three months ago, you had met this guy, Joe. He was nice, handsome and someone you loved talking to. However, you could only ever talk on the phone but he didn't seem to mind what you did for a living.
So sweet and understanding.
One morning you woke up and when you checked your phone, you felt something was off. There were no text messages from Joe like usual, but you shrugged it off and sent him one before throwing your phone down and getting on with your day.
A couple of days later, still no texts or calls. It was unusual, he was always the biggest on communication. Always sending texts about his day but nothing.
When it turned the week mark, it came to your attention that he had in fact ghosted you. You had checked his social media and also found out he blocked you on everything.
Which was not so sweet.
You were a little hurt inside, after thinking he was the one you would want to date after years of nothing.
When you went to the gym the next morning, you felt annoyance seep into your workout. Why didn't he just say something to you? Why be an asshole?
You threw your fists at the punching bag and heard the sound of clapping sound behind you. Looking over your shoulder, you see Soap and Gaz standing there with amused looks on their faces.
"Whoever you're imagining that bag to be should be worried" Gaz chuckles and you smile softly before sitting down on the bench beside you "Sadly I can't hit the real thing" you murmured before taking a sip of your water bottle.
"Oh, so you are picturing someone. Who?"
Here we go. You rolled your eyes but the two biggest gossip mongers sit on either side of you with hopeful looks in their eyes, waiting for you to spill the beans.
Taking a deep breath, you run your hands over your thighs and groan. "You know that guy I was talking to for a couple months?"
"Mr. Nice guy?" they say at the same time and you feel them get closer to you, their faces rather close for comfort. You hated when they did this.
"Yeah well, he ghosted me" you deadpan and they gasp in unison while looking at each other.
"What a dick" you hum in agreement and feel them take one of your hands in theirs. "We got you, he can go die for all we care" "Good idea Soap"
You see them give one another a look and before you know it, you're hoisted off the bench and carried all the way towards what you know is the Captains office.
"What are you doing? Put me down!" you yell but your voice is useless.
You're sat in one of the chairs opposite Prices desk and he raises a brow in confusion, because you know for a fact they just busted their way inside without knocking.
"Tell him what happened" Gaz says breathlessly and you shake your head "Its not important-"
"The guy she was talking to ghosted her! Can you believe it?!" Soap interupted you and Price leant forward on his desk with his hands rested under his chin.
"Mr. Nice guy?" he asks and you sigh "Can we please stop calling him that" you groan while rubbing your forehead where a headache is starting to form.
"I'll get my knives" you heard a voice say and jolted your head up not realising Ghost was in the room.
"I don't think that's necessary"
Ghost shrugs while standing in the corner, backing down, for now.
"Oh come on! let ghost after him, it'll make him regret not seeing how amazing you are"
"Yes, shaking him to his core. Guys it's fine, I'll get over him" you say simply and Price smiles "We are here for you, if he contacts you. Let me know" you nod your head while standing from your chair and leaving the office.
"I want to every single piece of information on him, got it?" John commands and everyone moves around the room in sync.
"Already working on it"
"Lets go visit this bastard"
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tarotwithlove · 1 day
PICK A CARD ⭒ why did you meet this person? (any connection)
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reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · LINKTREE · 18+ PATREON · SUGGEST A PAC TOPIC · TIPS ♡ tips, bookings, and feedback are highly appreciated!
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cards · the devil, nine of cups (reversed), death, ten of swords, nine of swords, knight of cups (reversed), agate: courage, power, perseverance. 
channelled songs · loyalty by kendrick lamar. i'll have some in a bit by crywank. magic carpet ride by nct 127. low by sza. 
my dear group one ♡ the person you are asking about may be a friend. or, more likely, an ex-friend. this is someone who may have betrayed you -- for some, this person may have slept with, flirted with, or otherwise gone after a person you were romantically interested in. 
take it as it resonates, of course, but this was definitely some life-changing betrayal. a betrayal that shook you to the core and may have jaded you to friendships entirely. 
meeting this person may have served one singular purpose -- to reveal the truth to you. to reveal the truth about this third party or this opportunity, specifically to show you how flimsy this was.
because, dear, if this friend could come in and steal this away from you so easily then it was definitely flimsy. you met this person because, quite honestly, you were growing too comfortable in a life (or with a person) that was not meant for you.
and so this person was sent into your life to -- in their own warped way-- shake things up and realign you with your purpose. to realign you with the people, places, and things that are actually meant for you. and to, also, trigger you so that your unhealed and forgotten wounds are revealed to you. 
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cards · four of cups, the lovers, five of pentacles, the fool (reversed), king of wands, moonstone: peace, travel, balance.
channelled songs · lost umbrella by inabakumori. a lot’s gonna change by weyes blood. sweet & easy by wonder girls.
my dear group two ♡ the person you are asking about may be a lover, or a potential lover with whom the connection did not progress. this person may have ghosted you or unceremoniously, and expectedly, ended things.
whatever the specifics of how things ended, it may have taken you completely by surprise because of how well things were going.
or, at least, how well you thought that things were going. and you may have thought that things were going really well. so when they ended things or you stopped hearing from them, you may have been completely blindsided.
you met this person to, in a way, remind you who you are. to remind you that you are a badass and a beauty. and to remind you what it feels like to love or really like someone again -- because, for many of you, it may have been some time since you last loved or *really* liked someone romantically.
thus, you met this person so that your heart would not grow cold and shrivel up simply from lack of use. while it may not feel like it, you have met this person -- more than anything else -- to remind you that you’ve still got it. and to remind yourself how much you have changed, grown, and matured -- because of how just a few years or months ago this experience would have completely broken you.
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cards · the moon (reversed), king of wands, judgement (reversed), ace of wands (reversed), four of swords (reversed), lepidolite: rest, sleep, dreaming.
channelled songs · migrate by mariah carey. rhode island by the front bottoms. sugar and spice (i found me a girl) by luther vandross.
my dear group three ♡ the person you are asking about may be a stranger. someone you crossed paths with and can’t stop thinking about, with thoughts of this person constantly occupying your mind. so much so that it may upsetting to some of you, because you just want to forget and move on but you are unable to.
you may feel strongly connected to this person. and even though your paths crossed briefly, you may be wondering whether there is some strong soul or spiritual connection between you two. whether you are meant to be more to each other than just strangers.
and that is why you have met this person. because you are meant to be more to each other than just strangers.
in the past, you may have shied away from making the first move towards another person, but this person has come into your life to make you change that.
to make you step into your own, be more confident, and to take initiative so
that you may live a fulfilled life. a life without regrets.
in short, you have met this person so that you may push yourself out of your comfort zone.
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compacflt · 10 months
val kilmer and marlon brando had a method actor-off on the set of the island of dr moreau and ended up hating each other. val's also like insanely obsessed with mark twain. he's a weird guy. i disagree with you and anon though. i think he's straight but he's just obsessed with the idea of gay people and has done stuff with men because he's an Actor. went to gay clubs deep in character because he's Method. like tom hardy. or damon albarn. his interviews for kiss kiss bang bang are hilarious because he talks about how he made his character gay and requested to kiss robert downey junior on screen and then comments that he has to think about kevin bacon to get into it but rdj's a better kisser than colin farrell. like. okay dude. great example of a guy who is just insanely committed to the bit.
im gonna blow myself up this is so funny
this is what im saying he’s a bit cringe i would rather be a little ignorant
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Total drama "fake takes" huh? Ah, That's interesting...
I hate Ripper and Chase so much, I would never love them and I would never say that they are my favorite characters ever. I hate Chipper and I think that ummm... It should never happen, and Priya is my favorite character ever
Trust me, I am obviously telling you the truth...
*stare at you guys with this face 😏*
(if you know me, you'll obviously know that this take is completely the contrary of what I actually think)
Where else would people put their fake takes?
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sickmachete · 1 year
well 🧍 now i know how my dad feels
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cosmicallyavg · 2 years
Just wanted to let you know my brain refuses to read your url as anything other than “cosmic vag” as I scroll by
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daydadahlias · 9 months
every time i use the 👐 emoji i think of guys being dudes
I’m so glad I’ve had this lasting impact on you
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iknityounot · 6 months
(Long post, sorry y'all)
A little more than two years ago now, my grandmother passed away. She and my grandpa had moved down to my home town a few years before so we could take care of them. I brought them groceries once a week, helped them write checks, fixed tvs, and found lost things. I was really close with my grandma.
In addition to her hilarious personality and dry wit, one of my favorite things about her was that she was a painter and a crafter like me! She used to crochet, and I took her to the craft store a couple of times so she could get more yarn and books on crochet. But her arthritis and the shaking in her hands kept getting worse, so she eventually had to stop.
She kept her most recent project, a granny square blanket, safely packed away in a plastic bin. She told all of us she was going to finish it one day.
Her hands never got better, and when she got sick, and we found out it was cancer, she rapidly deteriorated.
After she passed, I went to work helping my mom clean out my grandparents apartment so we could move my grandpa in with her. In our frantic cleaning, I found that bin again:
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DOZENS of granny squares, dozens of half used skeins. I asked my mom what she wanted me to do with it, and she said she didn't care. I set it aside and later took it home.
Maybe a month later, that tumblr post about the Loose Ends Project was going around. It felt like a sign--I was never going to learn to crochet in order to finish my grandmother's blanket. But they might be able to help!
So I filled out the interest form. They got back to me SUPER quick. And maybe 2 weeks later, I was paired with volunteer in my state (only 2 hours away!) and the box of yarn, granny squares, and my grandmother's crochet hook were in the mail. That was at the end of January this year.
Over the next couple of months, my "finisher" emailed me regular updates on her progress, and asked me questions on my preferences for how she constructed the final blanket.
At the end of August, the blanket was done!
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I had always intended the blanket to be a gift for my mother. So I cleaned it up, put it in the only bag I had big enough to fit it, and drove to my mom's. I gave the blanket to her and she was gobsmacked. I explained to her all about Loose Ends, and how someone volunteered to finish the piece for us. She was speechless. (I was quite pleased with this, because I am not the best at giving gifts, so this was a pretty exciting reaction!)
She said that it was the most thoughtful gift she had ever been given. She said "your grandma would love this". To which I replied, "yeah, I know she really wanted to finish it a couple of years ago". But that was when my mom dropped the bomb of a century on me--she told me that my grandma had started making those granny squares OVER 30 YEARS AGO. She had started the blanket when my grandpa was staying in the hospital, but that was back when my mom was younger than I am now! My grandma had packed them all away, planning on finishing it, when my grandpa was sent home from the hospital. Then it went from house to house, from condo in Chicago to their apartment in my hometown. All that time and my grandma had wanted to finish it, but couldn't. First because she was busy, then because she forgot how to do it, then because of her arthritis, and then because of the cancer. My mom said she had given up on expecting my grandma to finish it. 
She said I brought a piece of her childhood with her mom out of the past.
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And really, all of this is to say, if you have seen or heard about the Loose Ends Project and have an uncompleted project or piece from a loved one who has passed away--these are your people. They were so kind and treated my project with such care. That box probably would have been found by my own grandkids one day if I hadn't heard about Loose Ends.
Five stars, absolutely worth it!
(From what I understand, you can sign up to volunteer too! If you have time to share, it might be worth checking out!)
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mrfoox · 4 months
I'm kinda glad I can keep my opinions to myself but man
#miranda talking shit#Heard an story of... “I had my first strong love feeling like a woman. We met only a few times irl#But then suddenly she moved away and broke all contact for a year. I waited for her and tried to contact her. She sent an message 6 month#Ago about how she did it bc of anxiety and not bc of me. Then it's just been silence again. But I'm still waiting for her and I'd drop#Everything if she contacted me again“ me: what.... Wh.... Huh?!#Like I get it... First love? That shits intense but also like... Do you hear? Yourself? This isn't good for you... You've been waiting for#Someone for like two years who have not held contract with you like at all. As someone who struggles with bad anxiety and depression... Yea#Like if I really loved or cared for someone I'd try more than just give an excuse and then stop answering again#Everyone is different and we all have our past but... That sounds so... Yeah not good.#Heard this story and I was like wow... You're.. Over 30 and you... Don't respect yourself enough to break things off and move on?#First love makes us stupid but like... They weren't even officially dating it was more an “it could go somewhere” type of situation.#Maybe I've... Had practice but. Actions does speak louder than words. If I don't feel that return of care I'll tire and go to those I know#Will. I wanted to shake this man and scream this at him but... No one asks for my opinion and I understand when to not share it#It just sounds so sad to me. To wait for years for someone who can't even bother texting you? Still you're hoping they'll contact you#Hope is an wonderful thing and it's what keeps us alive but... Hope placed on people who has shown they do not care... Yeah#Maybe I'm harsh but I do believe in the idea if someone really does care. Texting and calling even just some isn't impossible. Inaction#Speaks for itself... No answer is also an answer.#Me sitting there sadly: you deserve better king... Love and respect yourself....
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dawllick · 6 months
Sad vent in tags
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alchemiclee · 7 months
I have decided that i'll never open art commissions unless I get asked if I do commissions. it will be by direct request only, basically. because I opened commissions for years once and got 0 lmao so i'll focus on other stuff and if someone asks, i'll decide then if I want to do it. but for now, nah. it's too discouraging 🤣
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spidehpig · 22 days
Prison/Ex Convict Ghost
Who gets assigned a pen pal while he’s serving time. Gets assigned to someone with a pretty little name. It’s almost endearing how they send him weekly letters sharing tidbits about their life, asking him about his life and his interests. He ignores them all. Every last letter he receives he reads with his nose upturned in distaste.
It isn’t until about the 11th letter that the pen pal program finally peaks his interest… This time his little pen pal sent him a polaroid of themself. And oh aren’t they just a dime… pretty little thing smiling innocently at the camera… He could swallow you whole. Rushes to the library to snag a pen and paper and FINALLY writes you back. He won’t let a pretty bird like this get away from him. Didn’t you mention you liked to cook a few letters ago? Oh he’s smitten now. Stuffs the little polaroid picture of yourself that you sent him into his pillow case so he can sneak it out after hours and fist his cock under the scratchy prison sheets to the image of your pretty smile… Rolls his eyes when Johnny whines and asks if they can share pen pals because he got some old guy as his. He wants a pretty bird sending him sweet letters too :(
Ghost only has 3 more months.. he can’t help but ask your name and where you’re from in his letters back to you. Cataloging every last detail about you so he can find you once he gets out. Pretty little thing should have never sent him such sweet letters in prison if they didn’t want a brute showing up on their doorstep a few months later…
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kyra45 · 2 months
How to spot a scam blog
A very simple guide to figuring out if the blog messaging you is a scam:
Was you sent an ask within some time of sharing a specific type of post such as a trending topic or subject? - Usually scam accounts target particular posts and will spam asks to everyone who shared it. The ask may relate to certain events going on or more. These asks are always sent to many users all at once so it’s suggested to tumblr search part of the ask and see if its been sent by other accounts labeled as a scam or accounts with similar style.
Is the account relatively new? - More often than not, the accounts sending the asks are about a week old or even newer. They haven’t been made too long ago and often send asks within hours of being made. If you have timestamps turned on, you’ll be able to see the date something was posted. A fresher account is usually not going to be one who’s finding you unless they are searching tags and saw your blog.
How many posts are on the account? - Scam accounts rarely have many posts on their blogs beyond the initial pinned post. All their posts, being very few are very little, are most often just posts from a trending topic they looked up or a popular tag they decided to look through. They will share only a few and then make no further posts. This is to pad out their blog to make it look used but it’s easy to see how new the blog is if you scroll to the end.
Are the shared posts fitting a theme? - Scam accounts try to share posts based on the scam they’re trying to run. This means they’ll share posts related to the topic of their choosing and then stop once they’ve shared a few. Most of these posts come from the OP themselves and not from someone the blog is following though in rare cases they’ll find a person to reblog from so they don’t look suspicious.
Are the reblog dates accurate? - If you use timestamps, find a post the blog shared and check ‘Other notes’ and see if the reblog date matches the date that is listed on the blog itself. Often, scammers will backdate posts to make them look much older then they really are in an attempt to deceive people into thinking they’ve used tumblr for months or years.
Is the url auto-generated? - Not always seen from a scam account, but scammers often just use auto-generated usernames because it’s quick and easy to do. But real accounts may have these too. It’s just a thing to keep in mind.
Is the url familiar or similar to one you’ve seen before? - Scammers often try to copy their older accounts by using usernames based around previous scam attempts. It becomes obvious after about a while and usually makes it easy to figure out the scammer is back again. This isn’t always from scam accounts as regular accounts may do this for reasons.
How often do you get asks? - If you barely get asks and suddenly keep getting mutual aid asks it’s very likely you’re just a scammers latest target and they’ll keep spamming asks. This means you’ll consistently get the same style of asks from a brand new account that shouldn’t know you unless they found you in tags. You will keep getting these asks on a daily basis. You will eventually always get these asks.
Did they request you to message them directly? - On rare occasions a scam account will want you to send them a direct message and then they’ll just ask you for thousands of dollars on the spot.
Does your bio say no mutual aid asks? - Scammers don’t read/don’t care they will ignore that and send you asks anyway that won’t stop them.
Short version: More often than not the blog asking you for money is a scam if you don’t usually get asks for money from brand new accounts.
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adreamfromnevermore · 2 months
Headcanon that the Bats must be the most infuriating members of the justice league. And it's got nothing to do with what they do or don't know or even their general skills and egos. Everyone is very used to Batman and the expectation that him and any of his spawn are somehow going to be three steps ahead of any issue they bring to the table ever.
No no, the infuriating bit? The stalking.
Listen, this is a family of freaks and weirdos. They work so well together because none of them were normal to start with and then they ended up traumatized. It's practically common practice in that family to accept that nothing is what it seems at face value and that all of your siblings are attempting to pry into your private life and cases at any given moment. I think for them it's honestly weirder if you take what they say at face value. They speak a language holy separate from any normally socialized person and it is a language of lies and half-truths that relies on the assumption that all parties are aware of that.
They're the most infuriating bitches around.
They'll tell someone something and appear to do the opposite and when confronted will have the most convoluted but sound reasoning of why they actually did exactly as they promised too.
They regularly pick people's pockets and hack into personal information because for them? That's practically a love language. They're obnoxious and they aren't even aware of it. Someone asks them to just tell the truth and they react like they've been shot. They're probably offended when they realize that someone hasn't been at least attempting to dig into them back, like come on man. I thought we were friends but you didn't even Google how long Nightwings been around? We've already put the bar on the floor for you guys? My siblings already have a full dossier ready on you because they caught us on camera in your home city during that 2 minute conversation we had 3 months ago. They sent it to me a few hours later. I think they got Oracle to help cause usually it takes them at least 12 hours.
You think they're being nice and friendly and then you realize that they have a nice little file compiled of everything you've done in the last five years, where you went to school and every note your teachers ever made about your behavior a decade ago when you were still a high schooler and fairly normal. If asked they'd probably be willing to bring out the family tree they built for you. They know what you did last summer better than you know what you did last summer. They have pictures, pictures that should be impossible because there's no way they were stalking you then and those sure don't look like security camera footage.
In reality Bats and Superman get along so well because that man is an investigative journalist and when they first met he could not leave it alone. Bruce was charmed the first time Clark Kent started doggedly attempting to ask him if he knew anything about Gothams new cryptid. It was cute how off base he was. But he was trying!!!! Bruce was sold for life! He dropped an dossier on lexcorp off in Clarks apartment a few days later. As a gift.
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beloved-nyx · 26 days
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ᝰ.ᐟ Why does it feel like someone’s following your every move?
જ⁀➴ CONTENT: stalking, suggestive, reader is in college, reader is insecure, nothing to bad ??, not proofread (we die like kings), soft yandere (?), nothing graphic, mentions of jealousy and clinginess
જ⁀➴ FORMAT: 1.3k words, full fic
જ⁀➴ AUTHORS NOTE: This is my third time writing yandere ahhh! Anyway, it's been so long since I wrote something!! Um enjoy <33 also damn...reader really going through it.
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“There,” You mutter under your breath. “Finished.”
You balance precariously on a wobbly stool, hands parting from a sleek, black camera. A security camera, to be precise. 
You would have never thought of putting a camera in your apartment, not because you were naively dumb, but because you had thought you lived in the safer part of the city. Friendly neighbors always alerted you when suspicious people even lingered next to your doorstep, but also because you were broke. Broke, broke, broke. 
Your rent was taking up more of your money than your groceries were. It had taken weeks of splurging on food to even be able to afford a security camera, much to your disdain. You were living on leftovers, and you were getting sick of week-old Chinese takeout. 
Stepping off the stool, you admire your handiwork, cringing at how gaudy it looked in your minimalistic (or in much harsher words, bare) apartment room. 
Your phone dings softly, and as you pick it up, you grin at the name displayed on your notifications. Caelan. 
Caelan is your crush. Your cheeks seem to grow hotter at even admitting it in your thoughts. You felt like some highschool kid, even using the word “crush.” But Caelan did that to you, you guess. Make you feel childish and absolutely hopeless, and sometimes you wish he knew that. But then again, if he did, you would probably self-destruct on the spot. You were fine with admiring Caelan from afar. 
Heard what happened U ok?
Ahh. That. 
The very reason you put that gaudy camera in your apartment in your first place. 
It had been a month ago, when you first saw the signs of someone breaking into your house. You were doing laundry, a perfectly normal thing to do on a Friday night while your friends were getting drunk and partying at a local club. Some of your underwear was missing, but you had chalked it up to your own clumsiness.
But then you saw the note, and everything changed. Written sloppily, penmanship atrocious. You had thought that the person was just bad at writing-but in hindsight, he must have used his less dominant hand to write it. Biting your cheek, you read it, and you wished you hadn’t. 
It was the most perverse, disgusting thing you had ever read. That night, you couldn’t even sleep, scared that the unknown intruder-stalker would come.
The next day, the stalker sent you pictures of you doing the most mundane things. Sleeping, eating, studying, doing laundry, and even changing.
You immediately called the police on the next day, when a bouquet of roses showed up on your doorstep. The police had said, “We’ll look into it.” 
They never did. 
It led you to ask for help from a friend, and you instantly regretted it. Because the next day, the whole campus learned of your supposed stalker. And even though their sympathetic, “You okay?” made you feel a little bit more safer, a little more secure in your tiny world, it still made you embarrassed, scared too. 
You type in a quick, I'm fine! And then wonder if you should put an emoji after that. After spending an embarrassingly long minute of deciding if you should, you just send it with no emoji. 
That’s good.  If you need anything just call me.
A few days pass by, and still no stalker appears on the camera footage. At first, you’re elated. But then another few days pass, and you feel silly. Maybe there was no stalker, maybe you were being overdramatic-but even then, those pictures? The note? You shiver. You hear a knock on the door, and turn to the noise, a small hum escaping your lips.
Must be the delivery man. You had ordered some new textbooks for college. You walk towards the door, and twist the knob. 
Caelan smiles, pale fingers holding a bouquet of roses. He wears a black turtleneck, gray pants and a black dress coat. You, on the other hand, were wearing your pajamas. 
If you could melt in a puddle, you would have. You wished you were buried in a pit. You wanted to be flung into space. Your cheeks were burning hot. You must look like a mess. Is it too late to be flung into space? 
“C-Caelan. What brings you…uh, here?” You cringe at your words. 
“For you, of course.” He laughs, taking a rose from the bouquet and putting it behind your ear. “I just wanted to check up on you. I hope I wasn’t intruding on anything, like your beauty sleep,” He muses, eyes wandering towards your pajamas. 
You never wanted to turn into a puddle so badly. 
“Hah-no, I just woke up!” You lie, ignoring the way he cocks his head to the side skeptically. Ignoring the fact that it's three p.m. 
“You should’ve called…I would’ve,” You gesture towards your clothes, “y’know, prepared.” 
“Oh shit!” His eyebrows furrow, a hand yanking at a loose black strand of hair that escaped his braid. “I’m sorry, I was just so worried–”
“No, no it’s fine!” You hate the way you sound-so, so desperate. “Um, do you want to come inside? I’ll go change and then we can talk.” 
You lead him inside, ignoring the fact of how oddly happy he is to be inside your home. 
After Caelan and you became official, he started to change. Slowly, like how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. 
He became more clingy, and at first you thought it cute. You loved the way he doted on you, liked how he curled up into you in the mornings when he stayed at your home (more often than not) and begged you to stay in bed for just a few minutes. 
But he also became more jealous. Whenever you were next to someone, he always hovered close by, a suffocating presence that almost drowned you. Always insisted on going wherever you went. 
You sit on the couch, nestled closely next to Caelan. He hums softly, hands nestled under your shirt as you watch some shitty rom-com. A masterpiece. You called it. Caelan had raised a brow at that, but didn’t say anything except for a snort. You had elbowed him in the stomach after he jokingly (?) insulted one of your favorite moments. 
“‘m gonna get some water,” he mumbles, hands retracting from your body and making you feel cold. You whine at the sudden coldness, complaining about how you might die of hypothermia if he doesn’t come back soon. He scoffs at that, planting a kiss on your temple as he walks into the kitchen. 
And leaves his phone. 
You pick it up, grinning. Your intent was clear. Take a silly photo of yourself and make it his wallpaper. A perfect, opportune moment. 
You open the camera app, successfully taking a horridly candid shot of yourself, before curiosity takes a hold of you. You open the photo app, scrolling through his photos. Most of it was just pictures of landscapes, before you stop. 
A picture of you sleeping, drool leaking from your mouth. 
You stop, before groaning. Did you really look like that when you slept? You scrolled some more, before stopping again. Blood running cold. 
Was that a picture of you changing?
You frantically scroll through more photos, and with horror realize that most resemble the photos that your stalker took. You would never forget how disgusting you felt, at how you felt like your privacy had been breached. 
You choke down a scream, eyes wide and hands shaking. 
And then you feel something-a hand, on your shoulder. Tight enough to bruise, and tight enough to secure you in place. 
“Oh.” A single word escapes Caelan’s lips, and you turn. You can see your own, frantic expression in his black eyes. Black eyes that you thought were beautiful. 
“So you saw them, hmm.” It wasn’t stated as a question. No, it was a statement. A fact, indisputable. The most horrible part was that he wasn’t even trying to deny them. 
“Well, isn’t this cute?”
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©beloved-nyx. do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work/theme without prior permission and or confirmation.
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