#someone reteach me how to tumblr
faejilly · 5 months
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i want to share something i posted on my private instagram in its entirety. (tumblr people i trust most of you dm me if you want the @)
i’ve been wanting to talk about my relationship with art for a little while now.
as a young child, i was always drawing, coloring, or painting something, like lots of kids. making art was just a fun and relaxing activity for me, something i did pretty frequently and enjoyed.
that changed as i got older. my ocd got worse, i became more critical of myself, and i was noticing how different i was to everyone else. people called me creative a lot as a kid. i took pride in that. but i started to notice that i had been drawing the same things over and over my whole life. other kids my age didn’t do that. how could i be creative when i never created anything new? it didn’t make sense to me, and i felt like a fraud. so i pushed myself to draw other things even though i didn’t really want to. and then i noticed more things i didn’t like. i’d never learned how to hold a pencil correctly. my hands were too shaky, my lines always jagged or wiggly. i couldn’t grade the pressure i was putting on the pencil. compared to my peers, my art looked like it had been made by someone younger. i hated that. to me, different meant it was ugly and bad. so i figured i needed to reteach myself how to draw. i became a connoisseur of those how to draw (blank) books. but every line i made that didn’t perfectly match the image from the books had to be redone. anything less than perfect wasn’t good enough. i’d erase holes into my paper, telling myself i couldn’t do anything right. the thoughts got worse, that terrible things would happen to me if i couldn’t do something perfectly. art was becoming just another one of the seemingly endless sources of anxiety in my life. picking up a paintbrush or looking at a blank sheet of paper was enough to send me into panic. this phase of my life was roughly from ages 6 to 11.
so i quit. no more painting or drawing. i wasn’t good at it so it wasn’t for me. i had to accept that. i found other creative outlets like writing and crochet, which i was already getting into as i became more and more disillusioned with art. this lasted until i was about 16 and my ocd got a lot more manageable.
since then, i’ve gotten tiny flickers, little urges to make art again. filled with fear, i tried drawing and painting again. and i would hate the results, so i’d quit again for another few months. that cycle repeated many times.
but recently, it’s been different. i had the urge to pick up watercolors and just couldn’t resist it. but something was different this time. i hated my work, but i didn’t want to stop. i wanted to try again. so i have been, for a few weeks now. and i’m enjoying it. it only dawned on me recently that i had once labeled watercolors as my least favorite medium to work with years ago. i found them far too difficult to control. and now, that’s what i like about them. that they sort of do their own thing, that they take control and i adapt to them. and i think there’s profound healing in that. i’ve found peace in wetting the colors, creating transparent layers. slowly building them up to more vibrant colors, and swirling my brush in water. it quiets my mind.
so currently, i’m fixated on painting jellyfish. over and over. that’s all i’ve been painting, but i’m okay with that. maybe one day i’ll perfect them. but if not, i’ll be okay.
i still don’t think my art is good. in fact, i’m embarrassed to post it. but i am because i think it’s important to my healing journey. and i may not be proud of how it looks, but i am proud of what it means.
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dr3amofagame · 3 years
alright i think i turned asks on 
feel free to request stuff for me to write/interact w/ me there !! this is mostly for /dsmp stuff so if you have anything you want me to write in the /dsmp ,, im very very willing to see your ideas! 
characters im most comfortable writing (and will probably prioritize writing abt): 
c!dream (by a long shot,, what can i say)
characters im very happy to write, but am a little less confident in:
honestly probably like everyone else
characters i will not write:
c!george /j
(im actually fine with writing him i just think it’s funny to make fun of him) 
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Jason Mraz’s albun, We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things but from the POV of a lesbian
that’s it, that’s the post
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quillsink · 3 years
Hi Ink!
So I have a couple questions-advice-thingies I want to ask you, if that's okay.
You said you were under 17, right? So I'm assuming you're still at school. How do you balance your blog with your schoolwork, if you have any? I also have an amrev blog and I've been struggling a lot with it. I get distracted by tumblr a lot and I have too much overdue work. I'm wondering how you get it done.
And you write fanfiction too, right? How do you find the time to have a (really funny, may I add) blog, do your schoolwork, and write great fics like that????? like I'm seriously wondering how you manage??
and if you don't go to school and/or you also have hw problems, then lmao ignore this
Hey anon!
Yeah, I‘m always open for questions! I won’t respond if it’s too personal, but my inbox is always open!
Yeah, I’m under the age of seventeen, and dragging myself through high school (ugh). I do have a lot of schoolwork! For the past few weeks, I’ve been on holiday, so I’ve been more active. When school restarts in the next few days I probably won’t be online as much.
Ahhh yes the ol’ I get distracted by tumblr. My tip for this is — make your friends your alarm. I’ll say on the server “yall if you see me online in the next one hour bonk me on the head i need to study.” This way, if they see me on tumblr or discord they’re like INK GO THE FUCK BACK TO YOUR TEXTBOOK.
Another tip is to take away your devices while studying. Take your ipad or phone or laptop and put it away in a corner of your room. What I do is I set a timer for one hour, and I keep that tab open, while I walk up and down in my room and study. The times reminds me “hey you go to another tab youre being unproductive” and the deadline pressures me into studying.
Another tip for not getting distracted is to not follow too many people! The less chaotic your dash is, the less you’ll want to check it. Try to limit your follows to people whose content you think is something you’ll want to see 99% of the time. My rule is, you look at someone’s blog, at least half of their listed fandoms you have to be in, and the 5 most recent posts on their blog have to be something you’d like to see. I often go through my followers and unfollow some people, and I’m also not joining any more discord servers—two is enough for me.
So yeah, set limits for yourself!
See anon the answer is I have no friends-
No actually it’s quarantine and it’s currently holidays, so I have the time to do all I want. Back in April when I was still in online school, I would generally do homework during class, so I would finish all my homework and classwork in the first part of the day when the teachers were rambling about nonsense (I multitask aight lmaoo) and by the second half of the day I could chat on discord and check tumblr, then after school I’d study for a few hours, then check social media, etc. Most of my fic writing is done on the weekends or a spare half an hour on weekdays. I’m churning out fics pretty fast now cuz holidays, but during school I’d write maybe 1-2k words every weekend.
Okay this was very long lmao, but I hope you find it helpful!
(And yes even though I don’t listen in class I still pass, the teachers are shit and they can’t teach, I’ve learned more from the textbook than their incoherent rambling. My teacher once taught us an entire concept, then told us “lol i was wrong” and didn’t reteach it, so i just don’t listen to them any more and learn from the textbooks, khan academy and crash course) 
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bakurapika · 3 years
i do keep bitching about "he/she" vs the singular "they" but i saw someone else bitching about it and now i want to defend for some fuckin reason
because im not sure if people aren’t old enough to remember, or don’t think it’s relevant, but it used to be considered correct english--not just standard practice, but the only correct way to write english--to use “he” as the only pronoun when referring to a generic person. this is not obscure or ancient. 
Here’s a grammar textbook from 2003 that argues for more inclusive language, because "Studies have confirmed that most people understand 'he' to refer to men only."
So, for example, a sentence would and should say, “When the average Tumblr user logs into his blog, he will see more DeanCas content in a moment than a medieval peasant would experience in his lifetime.” 
yeah obviously that’s fucked up
so even though it was clunky and weird, progressive/feminist folks pushed for the use of “he or she.” And this was decried as a moral outrage, unnecessary, etc. Let me rummage around in the Times opinions for some quotes--
Here is a woman in 1981 complaining that, although she experiences sexism from gender expectations, the use of he/she is only valuable as a virtue signal: “Look what a nonsexist writer person I am, avoiding the use of masculine forms for the generic.” She also casually mentions “Without wishing to step on anyone's civil rights, I hope transpersons are not the next politically significant pressure group. If they are, count on it, they will soon want their own pronouns.” And so on. 
Here’s someone in 1982 talking about the new “antisexist” movement, also calling it a “feminist campaign against sexism” (with a nice little historical mention of the gender-neutral pronoun “thon” that was put into dictionaries as early as 1913).
I’m not going to do this one the favor of quoting it, since this opinion piece is just a very badly written horny poem. As of 1989, the author complains about “The neutral pronoun ’he (slash) she’” being too clunky to use in daily life, but how it’s becoming necessary “so no one claims that you endorse such gross misogyny.”
(Any of these arguments sound familiar?)
People who use “he/she” regularly are probably old enough to remember when doing so was a controversial political stance in favor of women’s rights. They may even be old enough (gasp! someone born before 1980?!) to have been taught in school that “he” is the only pronoun to use in gender-neutral situations, and they may have had to actively unlearn that and reteach themselves how to speak in a more respectful way. Can’t we empathize with that? 
I’m not saying that it’s good to use “he/she” as a neutral pronoun. But, if the person doing so is not being malicious--and especially if they’re not a teenybopper--maybe we can cut them some slack.
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everyonescute · 4 years
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Hi, I’m Darcy, and welcome to my attempt on a journey of self care and finding myself. I’ve used tumblr in the past, but mostly for memes, anime and the occasional inspiration for my novel. I wanted to use it differently this time. I’m 25, and I’ve decided to do some self discovery. So here is a little snippet of me:
I was the last one to find out that I’m bisexual. This realization didn’t hit me until after highschool, but when I came out to my friends they told me that they knew and were just waiting for me to figure it out. I’ve told my mom’s side of the family, but my dad and his side are heavily religious and I don’t think I will ever be ready for that conversation.
I go to therapy for MADDS (maladaptive daydreaming), which is my coping mech for my PTSD. I don’t mind going further into detail about this, but I’ll save that for another time.
I’m five foot, three inches and I weigh two hundred and twenty pounds. I have PCOS and a gluten intolerance. I struggle with my weight because of this. I also use eating as a coping mech and it got progressively worse when I moved out of my parents house.
This is what my blog is for. I want to start a journey of eating healthier, exercising more, and just in all taking care of myself. I want to share this journey to maybe inspire someone else to take care of themselves, as well as see other stories of people doing it. You only have one body and it is trying its best, so help it out!
I’m making a promise to myself that I won’t start a fad diet. No intermission fasting, no calorie counting, and no starving. Just eating healthier and moving more. This isn’t just for my weight, I have health issues that run in my family that I want to avoid in the future.
My self care doesn’t revolve around just eating better though. I want to take better care of my skin, cause let me tell you, under that mask and filter is acne and clogged pore. I used to love wearing makeup all the time too, so it’s my goal to start doing that again as well and reteaching myself the new art of it. Hair care is also on my list. I found out pretty recently that my hair isn’t “straight”. It's actually pretty wavy when I’m not weighing it down with the wrong hair care. I’m thinking I have 2A hair and I’ll find out soon if I’m right. Either way, its time to start treating my hair the way it deserves to be treated.
So thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope you stick around to follow my journey. I hope I look back at this post one day and see how far I’ve come along.
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roguespy · 4 years
here i am , back on my bullshit someone reteach me how to tumblr tho like its been ... literally a year ...
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painfully-laughing · 6 years
Someone reteach me how to tumblr. It's been so long 😭😅
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fleurdeneuf · 7 years
10 things about me
I was tagged by @onthedriftinthetardis approximately an age ago, but am finally doing the thing now!  Thank you.  :D  (I hope you don’t mind if I take your lead on some sorts of facts to impart...I never know what to say in these things.)
1. I’m an INFP (who occasionally tests as INFJ), which is one of the rare MBTI types (about 4% of the population), and is referred to as the Healer or the Mediator.  It means I’m an introvert, loyal, creative, daydream a lot, have deeply held values, and am too damn sensitive for my own good.  If you’re familiar with the Enneagram personality types, I’m a 4, which is referred to as The Individualist or The Artist, and is much the same.  Apparently I’m supposed to be a super creative type, which I’m not...but that’s because I get in the way of myself more than anything, I think.
2.  More types?  OK, let’s do it: I’ve never taken the super long Pottermore test, but I have taken some shorter ones, and am either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw.  I choose to be both (Huffleclaw/Ravenpuff) rather than choosing one over the other.
3. I don’t have any “first job” horror stories, like a lot of people do.  I was very lucky in that my first jobs were shelving books at a library and leading tours at a local museum, both of which fit into my personal and academic interests.
4. You may have noticed that I knit...but I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had to relearn it.  My mom tried to teach me, a college friend tried to teach me, a book tried to teach me, I’d put it aside for years and then reteach myself...if you’re someone who’s had trouble getting the hang of it, I am proof that practice makes perfect (or, well, practice makes competence, anyway).  
5. Despite learning to knit (for the first time) 15 years ago, I have exactly one hat that I have knit myself.  I am always knitting things for other people (it’s so much more fun), and so...one hat.  I have a list a mile long of stuff I want to make for me, but doubt I’ll have/take the time to get much of it done. 
6. You may have also noticed that I am fond of the color pink.  I know I’ve rambled about this in tags a couple of times, but I’ll restate it here: I also went through a phase of “not being allowed” to like pink as I got older.  Pink was my favorite when I was little.  When I hit the tween years, I discovered that it wasn’t cool, and switched to purple for a while, then blue for many years.  I started allowing myself to like certain shades of pink again in college, but not too much - nothing TOO girly or TOO feminine (because those are such awful cliched things, right?)  But now?  Pink is my fave again, and I am unapologetic.  There’s nothing wrong with being girly.  There’s nothing wrong with not being girly.  Just let girls like what they like and don’t attack them for it.  This has been a PSA by your aunt fleur.  :)
7. I love cats, but I’ve never had one.  I did, however, have a roommate for a while who had two cats, and I still miss one of them desperately.  (What can you do when a cat claims you for their own?)
8. I am pretty sure that I have the best brownie recipe ever.  It came about through looking up substitutions for ingredients I didn’t have, so it was an accident, like many good things.  I’m happy to share it if anyone wants it, but...you probably don’t want to know how much butter is in them.
9. I started watching DW in 2007-2008, and was up to speed by the time season 4 aired in the US.  I started reading fic right away, looking for episode/post-episode/in-between fics as I watched, then fixits, then other canon verse stories, then finally AUs.  There have been a few times when I’ve stopped reading, but I’ve always come back to it, and now that I’m on tumblr and interacting with fandom, that has kept me more engaged.  I lurked for years, too shy to talk to anyone or leave comments on fic (except for literally a handful), but decided when I joined tumblr in 2014 that I’d take the leap into engaging.  Tumblr can be exhausting and annoying, but I don’t regret joining fandom in the least. :)
10. I would love to live abroad someday and be able to get a job in my chosen field (museum work).  It’s probably just a pipe dream, but anything is possible.
11. (Because I split the knitting stuff into two, and didn’t realize I then had an extra):  I am a very liberal Christian (Catholic, if you’re wondering which flavor), which is usually seen as a contradiction in terms…sometimes it feels that way, too. 
I think I’ll take @onthedriftinthetardis‘s lead here too, and tag my last ten messaged mutuals: @deathlyfandoms, @asthewheelwills, @chiaroscuroverse, @fadewithfury, @tinyconfusion, @goingtothetardis, @redthreads, @acreasy1, @paigenotblank, @ruebella-b  
No pressure, of course!
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exhumish · 7 years
So, I just watched Mark’s video, Respect. This is just getting out my thoughts, so… He is absolutely right. I just saw Mark reteach the basic rule of living amongst others; respect. I can’t even describe this if you even haven’t seen the video firsthand. I can’t say much he hasn’t, but again, these are my thoughts. With the Felix media fiasco, then watching this, it made me think a lot. The media will latch on to anything that looks even the slightest bit negative, and capitulate on it. What does it feed in us? Greed? Vengeance? Jealousy? A sense of being? Really, what does it fill? It must really be something if we so desire to ruin people, instead of focusing on the good they’ve done. People really get a kick out of dehumanizing each other, huh? I can’t say I’m perfect in my actions either, I’ve said and done things I’ve regretted, just like everyone on this rotating heap of rock we live on, called Earth. But, it made me realize; Mark is so right. Felix is so right. Dissacotiating ourselves from and utterly disregarding those who aren’t what we want to see as people won’t get us anywhere. But what dissapoints me is that we have to be told this. We are so uncapable of doing it ourselves, respecting each other, that it has to be spoon fed to us. This site, for example, is a battleground on who is right, who is wrong, who’s shitty and who isn’t. We forget that basic understanding because we want to be right. We’ll fight to put those around us down, when we can lift people up instead. It’s…it’s sad, to say the least. I’m 15 right now, and I really don’t want this stuff to be the legacy my generation leaves behind. All I can really say is, go watch Response and Respect. I hope Felix will overcome this pointless hate from the media and on, and I hope that watching Mark’s video will at least open someone’s eyes. Maybe, maybe not. @markiplier, thank you. You said what no one else wanted to. Continue what you’re doing, all I can say. And @pewdie, if you even use your tumblr account anymore, I don’t know, thank you for being so honest and upfront about the media. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard that must’ve been. Thank you guys for being you, and I am surely going to learn from these. I see it so much, being in my first year of high school, and I’ll always think of this when I see it, and try to help those around me suffering from it too. Thank you.
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safyresky · 7 years
Another fandom ask thinger! The Santa Clause (and its sequels) :D (I'm imagining there's a lot to this one too? Hehe)
How I entered/learned about the said game/show/movie/etc of that fandom
I actually don’t remember when I first saw the movies, all I know is that I started fanfiction when I watched tsc 3 at home after it had came out and thought “man what if Jack probably can’t use his powers anymore, like Zuko in book 3 of atla, b/c he’s all nice now? He’s need someone to reteach him.” And then Jacqueline was born and then I spent like 7 years obsessively thinking about it then I finally posted MTF and well now here we are, 3 whole stories, halfway through a rewrite and with like 20 Bernelle/TSC AU’s and an OC who enjoys story jumping.
I didn’t interact with the fandom until I read more fics and reviewed them and replied to reviews on my own work (which I always do! Unless it’s like 1 word review, then I’m like HOW DO REPLY TO THIS? YAY? I MEAN SAME I LOVE MY SHITTY SNOWY CHILDREN)
Then Ana’s fic appeared and I read it and then later she asked if she could use Jacqueline which began a beautiful friendship. Then more TSC fans popped out of the snow like daisies and well here we all are now what a fandom ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Fave character
In a shocking turn of events (I begin, sarcastically), Jack;s my favourite character. I don;t know what it was about him that made me love this giant dramatic villain? Mostly Martin Short cause he’s one of my fave actors and he just did such a good job as Jack like his lines made the movie ok and the commentary TSC 3 presented of commercialized Christmas and such was SO GOOD and Martin Short was a great Jack Frost and I will fight anyone who says otherwise literally line up let’s go
He’s just such a fun character like “it looks like Armageddon in here” “I’LL GET A MOP!” or  “okay okay chill” “I INVENTED CHILL” Or the BEST: Santa looks at frozen Neil and Laura and looks at Jack, and Jack simply replies “Yeah and??”
And we all love good old B-Man, need I say more? I wish he had been in the third movie tbh I can only BEGIN to imagine those interactions, ha
Least fave character
I…don’t actually have one?? EB is a punk but I don’t hate him. So maybe he’d be my least favourite? I don’t have a least favourite in our MCs sooo yeah. But EB’s crush on Sylvia is just…so weird why did they put that in there why
I HAVE NO CANON SHIPS FOR THIS FANDOM LMAO MY FAVE SHIP IS BERNELLE AND I KEEP FORGETTING ELLE ISN’T CANON AND THEN I CRY A BIT??? Honestly in all the fic I have read, there have only been 2 OCs that I find well suited for Bernard–our lovely Elle (thank you based Ana) and Lydia, from this fic which was a very good read!
some people ship Charlie with B which is cool too. I don;t quite get it but y’know, it’s cool.
Pairing that everyone likes but I don’t get
Also B and Charlie, I don’t get it tbh
Fave thing about the fandom
Aside from it being basically us 3 on tumblr, probably that the most famous TSC post is a theory about Curtis murdering Bernard to secure the position of head elf and I think it’s hilarious and I would write a fic about that 100% because it seems so plausible and it’s so funny
The most despised thing
That the fandom isn’t bigger and also when people say TIM ALLEN PUSHED SANTA OFF THE ROOF
If there is something I would change from said game/show/movie/etc., what would it be.
If making Jacqueline and the Frosts canon and making Elle canon isn’t a viable option, I’d have thrown B back in the third movie just to have the sweet, sweet B-Man and Jack banter I crave
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