#soft tissue injury
griffinequestrian · 2 years
Michael’s rehab continues. At first, I let him him walk out on a loose rein, long and low, when we started with the walk work. We’d work in a free walk along the road, in the grass, etc, with a nice swing through the hips just to get him moving around again. But once the walk work built up to a substantial amount of time (20+ minutes) we shifted into a real working medium walk - with the focus being on establishing self carriage and getting off the forehand. 
Mikey wasn’t thrilled about it, naturally. But this time really is a “blank slate” for him - and for us to reinvest in the basics with the goal of keeping him fit and therefore remaining sound for the years to come. I feel like the “thoracic sling” is a buzzy word these days among biomechanics horse people, but it plays such a real and vital part in developing a horse the correct way. Due to Mikey’s size and conformation (and our original groundwork of being brought along as a hunter) he is so happy being on his forehand, being “too round” and really front-loading his weight. That is not a good recipe for true strength and soundness in the future. Not all of this is new to Mikey - we still competed in dressage before his injury. But we’re developing those thoracic sling muscles and making this medium walk the new go-to neutral gait. 
You can see in this video that we are making progress - he is stepping underneath himself through the hind end at the walk. The head and back will come (right now the goal is to not let him trick me into falling forward or me holding up him up, so he can break at the poll or be above the bit only). It’s been an interesting process to track our progress in these rehab rides. I can already see how it’s making a difference in the very brief trot work we do. 
(P.S. - We can’t make tight turns yet, hence the long straight trot sets, lol.)
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lifeforcestemcell · 4 months
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Choose LIFEFORCE STEMCELL for Expert Soft Tissue Injury Treatment
Suffering from soft tissue injury? You should consider regenerative medicine to treat soft tissue injury, whether caused by sports, accidents, or daily activities. Call us today for any query!
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lawyersinaustralia · 1 year
People who have been involved in a motor vehicle accident usually know how scary it can be when the unexpected happens on the road. Even a collision at a low speed can cause you to be harmed. When you suffer a whiplash injury after a car accident, you will likely want to know what to do next.
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bfstkb · 1 year
KB Support Tape is a big part of preventing reinjury during the recovery process. This tape works to support your groups of muscles to provide light compression and swelling relief. It provides a feeling of stabilization when exercising, and can help reduce pain when sleeping.
One of the biggest benefits of KB support tape is that it provides armor for your injury by strengthening the skin. It prevents your skin from stretching, along with preventing the injured area from stretching. This reduces excess motion around your injury and gives it a chance to heal.
KB support tape is hospital grade and ISO-10993 compliant, as well as FDA approved. This means that it's made with extremely safe, high quality ingredients. It's designed to last at least 24 hours per application, and each roll of tape is 16 ft long, or enough for about 7-10 applications.
The difference that KB support tape makes in pain levels and in activity levels is a game changer.
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lebeaumondesblog · 2 years
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Ambulatory Wheelchair user Vil Schoenheit, AU
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As a dancer and a highly active person the stress put on his joints and injuries to the hip and torso area gave him chronic pain. Formed a pars fracture and sprains became fairly common. With the additional injuries from his overblot it was decided that he would benefit from a mobility aid.
References below cut:
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#I hope the wheelchair looks right#I had to use a couple of reference photos for proportion#Spondylolysis is a defect caused by alternating full flexion and extension movements#are more common in ballet dancers than in the general population.#“Spondylolysis” is the medical term for a small crack (fracture) between two vertebrae in your spine.#the pain usually spreads from your lower back into your thigh and butt muscles .#Feels like a muscle strain in or around your lower back.#Gets worse during physical activity and improves with rest or when you’re less active.#Overuse: Repetitive motions that put stress on your low back cause wear and tear on your vertebrae. Over time#this damage can add up to cause a pars fracture. Doing physical work for your job#playing contact sports and repeatedly injuring your low back can all damage your vertebrae.#Dancers require extreme ranges of motion in their hips. They require this for many styles and performances. Hip pain and hip injury are#often seen in dancers as well as soft tissue injuries.#Dancer athletes exhibit extreme range of motion of their hips#a requirement for many styles and choreography. Hip pain and injury are leading causes of lost work and lost performance time for the dance#disney twst#disney#twisted wonderland disney#disney twisted wonderland#twistedwonderland#twisted wonderland#twisted series#vil schoenheit#schoenheit#ambulatory wheelchair user#ambulatory mobility aid user#twisted wonderland meme#vil twst#vil twisted wonderland#wheelchair
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qvietspvce · 3 months
alright my pride and arse are bruised but i’m pretty much fine so i get to go home via the supermarket to pick up some ibuprofen
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er-cryptid · 1 year
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princessnijireiki · 16 days
tizanidine as a drug is bonkers because the fact that "horrifying nightmares/night terrors" is just, like, a thing that can even be accepted as a common & normal medication side effect in the world is very wild
but it feels all the more nuts because it's a muscle relaxant, like, oh, you're in pain, or having spasms, or muscles/connective tissue are too tight & knotted up, maybe even FROM stress? we can fix that + make you very sleepy haha. but WATCH OUT
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cementcornfield · 9 months
I blame the loss on Joe and Ja’Marr not doing their pinky promise!
so okay i have been very busy irl with work and having company this week, so i haven't had the emotional energy to answer the MANY asks i have received about joe and ja'marr and how terrible everything is lmao. just know that i got all those asks and i appreciate being the one that y'all want to come to with your joe'marr feelings, i get it, i see you, i hear you, etc. etc.
choosing to respond to all of them with just this ask though, because WHERE was the pinky promise??? it could have fixed everything!!!
but to put my opinion out there (which doesn’t count for much, disclaimer i obviously don’t actually know what is going through anyone’s mind on the team) i think joe and ja’marr are going to be okay. i’ve gotten panicked asks asking me if i think ja’marr is going to demand a trade, asking if i’ve felt how the vibes are off and how joe and ja’marr aren’t friends any more etc etc. and trust me, i love to catastrophize as much as the next person. but i really do not think we’re at that point at all. 
ja’marr is frustrated, for a lot of very understandable reasons. he wants the ball more than joe is throwing it to him. he wants joe to have listened to him weeks ago about sitting out. and now they’re 0-2 with aaron donald staring them down. i think he has every right to express that frustration, and i’m sure joe is aware of it. 
the thing for me is i need them to be TALKING to each other about all this. as much as i love that they know each other so well and have so much history that they can "read each others’ mind” and they “don’t need words”…..i think this is the season that maybe they do. things are rough right now and only looking bleaker in the future. they need to be on the same page on and off the field. 
and i have faith that they WILL figure it out! they’ve been friends and teammates for 5 years! that’s not a bond that is going to go away after a few bad weeks. if anything i think facing this adversity together is only going to strengthen it! like imagine how powerful they’ll be when they actually use words with each other <3 <3 
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sillydegu · 1 year
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Lily did not like going to the vet 0/10 very scary
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celepeace · 3 months
tfw your dog has a $900 squirrel chase
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msviolacea · 1 year
Honestly, after two months of regular appointments, I think physical therapy should be an annual wellness appointment, not just a thing you do when you're injured.
(Seeing a good exercise trainer would be a substitute, but let's be real, the odds of any random medical physical therapist being good are way better than a random person the Anytime Fitness trained to be good at selling session packages.)
But seriously. There are so many tiny ways we abuse our bodies every single day just because we were never told how to do them properly, and our bodies are good at coming up with shortcuts that make movement easier in the short term. I'm learning so much about how my ankle and foot are supposed to work, and noticing all the weird little things I do that probably contributed to getting weak ankles (and probably getting minor sprains a half dozen times before this) in the first place.
How much better would so many of us be if we could have a no-foul appointment once a year with someone trained to go "okay, so you do X, Y, and Z on a daily basis, here's what you should pay attention to avoid doing, and here's a small little exercise to do every day that will help buld your muscles in this part of your body so you keep doing it right." How much healthier would we feel as we age?
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bfstkb · 1 year
Cold therapy is one of the most important parts of the healing process, and it's also one of the most overlooked. When it comes to soft tissue injuries, it is vital to use cold therapy, not just at the beginning stages of your injury, but all throughout your recovery.
When you first sustain a soft tissue injury, you will likely be dealing with a significant amount of inflammation, including internal inflammation you may not be able to see outward signs of. Inflammation can present many ways - it can look like an increase in pain or swelling, redness, or stiffness/difficulty moving. Inflammation means that the soft tissue below the skin is injured and bleeding - this may cause pain and swelling.
It is essential to decrease inflammation in order for the healing process to take effect. The best thing to relieve pain and swelling caused by inflammation is the ColdCure. The ColdCure is a medical device designed to provide the most thorough and easy method of treatment for cold compression.
The ColdCure comes with an adjustable neoprene wrap, and three reusable gel packs, which can be kept in the fridge or freezer. It uses Rigigel technology to provide safe and effective cold therapy, by staying at a temperature of zero degrees Celsius. The gel doesn't move around inside the pack, and conforms to the area you're trying to treat.
Cold therapy is the best way to get some relief from pain and swelling initially, and using it throughout the healing process will only help your recovery. Nobody should have to live in pain, and using cold to help your soft tissue injury is the first step forward.
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me: i bet i can line out this next page in a day
also me: what if... hear me out... i drew this one panel at a really weird angle for no good reason besides 'it was mildly interesting' and then immediately have to do errands for a few hours
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khal-eventing · 1 year
Long term rehabs can certainly be frustrating, but I'm glad that I have such an incredible horse to be going through this with. And some pretty great barn friends who are helping me out with her. She's so sweet and so willing, and even though she's an absolute diva (and has bucked me off once in this process) this slow and steady approach is starting to pay off. My vet is even optimistic enough to believe we'll make it to some mini trials in the fall if we continue improving like we have been!
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