#so that’s the importance of the water in stuff
Hi! I just scrolled through your blog and loved your writing, so I decided to make a request! I was wondering if you could write fem!reader x Lucifer where they're kind of just hanging out but R is kind of grumpy and Luci is subtly (but not subtly cause lord knows he's too awkward to be good at hiding things) trying to figure out what it is. R kind of just dismisses him while scrolling on their phone and Lucifer's like "let me try something..." and just slides a snack to R to which she nibbles on and then becomes normal again. Bonus points if she apologizes when she realizes she was being mean without meaning to. Anyway, this got long. If you decide not to write this, I understand. If you do, you are required to drink water and eat a snack too at some point. Love you and your writing! <3
A/N — OOOOOHHHHHHH anon I love you for requesting this 😭💖 thank you so much! It's just a little short, but I wasn't sure what else to add lol
Hangry | Lucifer x Fem!Reader
Warnings: reader being a little mean, Lucifer being loving and understanding
Word Count: 489
Summary: Luci forces you to eat something after you unintentionally snap at him.
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On a couch, in a palace, in hell, there was you. Glorious you. The very one who kept Lucifer sane — his Heavenly best friend turned perfect stepmother to his beloved daughter, which was a more recent (and super awesome) development. 
He could tell just by looking at you that you weren't exactly feeling the best — it was clear by the present frown and the way your brows furrowed every once in a while, as if you were fighting something. 
For a split second, he thought you were sick. But as he placed his hands all over your face, forcing you to look away from your phone screen, he soon realized that you weren't sick.
“Sorry. . .” He mumbled when you set your darkened glare on him.
You rolled your eyes, looking back to your phone. There was important stuff going on. Meetings to be scheduled. You didn't have time for anything else. 
“Did you sleep?” Lucifer questioned not even five minutes later. 
You sighed, irritated, practically growling out your answer. “Yes.” 
“Okay. . . Well how long did you —”
“GOD! Can you give me five fucking minutes to do my job, Lucifer!?”
He was momentarily taken aback by your harsh tone,  but then it was as if a light bulb went off in his head and he stood from where he had previously planted himself in front of you. 
Guilt began to settle in your being as you nestled yourself further in the couch to continue working. You hadn't expected him to leave — just maybe stop hovering like you were going to spontaneously combust and disappear.
You knew he meant well, but you just weren't feeling it. Any of it.
Five minutes later he returned with a plate that had your favorite sandwich and bag of chips on top, snatching your phone out of your hand and replacing it with the plate and a bottle of your favorite drink. 
You growled. “Luci—” 
“Eat.” He demanded, holding your phone out of your reach. 
And you did. That first bite of the sandwich made you realize that you hadn't eaten breakfast. . . Or lunch. . . You felt better immediately, which showed him instantly what the problem had been. 
Once you finished, you sat in silence, trying to figure our what to say. . . It ended up being a ‘thank you’ that was said so low it was almost missed in the quiet room.
“You feel better?” He asked.
“Yeah. . . I'm sorry I snapped at you — I didn't mean to. . .” You trailed off when he grabbed your face in his hands and forced you to look at him. 
“I forgave you the moment you started eating. Before anything, you're my best friend, and we don't need you being hangry.” 
“Wife.” You corrected with a slight smile.
“Even better.” He grinned, placing sweet kisses all over your face — even the tip of your nose. Yeah. . . You were definitely forgiven. 
So long as you remembered to eat and stay hydrated.
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moonbaetarot · 9 hours
Pick a pile
Your current energy
1. 2. 3.
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Pile 1
Your in your soft and loving area cherishing Your self and what you love. Being very generous and helpful. Your very content with something this could be money a relationship or just life in general. I feel like you just wanna help someone you have something and you wanna give this to people. Very content and happy with your life at the moment. For some you may have lost something or are going through a difficult time but there is still so much love around you. You may be working at lot or just doing stuff for yourself like skin care or going on a walk. If your not doing this you need to you need a break I feel like your overthinking a lot more then you need to be tho. You may be very all over the place like one minute your happy the next your sad.
Thank you for reading loves! 🤍
Pile 2
Your very stressed out your working to hard and pushing your limits. You may have sleeping problems or haven’t been getting good sleep. Your carrying to much and I feel like your doing this to get to a goal or something like your working so hard to get money or your studying so hard to get a good grade.There is a new opportunity and experience waiting for you soon tho I feel like your veryspontaneous and you like to have fun I feel like your very much of a what next person you get bored really fast. I do see you overcoming this problem or stress you have but you need find balance in your life your someone who likes to be free and young but you can’t with all this your carrying. You may resonate with pile 1.
Thank you for reading loves! 🤍
Pile 3
Your very gentle and emotional I’m definitely getting water sign energy Pisces, cancer, Scorpio. You also seem to be a bit bored like you don’t know what to do with yourself. You’re getting ready for a new chapter in your life I feel like your life is so calm because it’s getting you ready for something new. I also feel like your very childlike or your connecting with your childhood or inner child. You’re very funny as well kinda unhinged or unserious. I feel like family and emotions are very important right now. Eye contact or the eye may be very important. You have very good intuition. For some you may be needing to leave something in the past. A blue car and the number 3 may be significant.
Thank you for reading loves! 🤍
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asoftgoth · 2 days
To ask my dream future self in case I ever escape the closet, how is weight stuff on HRT?
So much I try to read online is full of fatphobes drowning it in desperate weight loss / maintenance talk for such different body types. Would love to hear from a calmer voice what eating on E as a bigger girl is like, if it's actually that much easier to gain, whatever you've been noticing/feeling
I wanted to know this too before I started and there really isn’t a good resource at all for this kind of info, especially for truly obese people like me. From talking with other big trans girls like myself, I can honestly say is that a lot of it will depend on your genetics. I know that’s not what people like to hear, and it’s scary. A lot of transitioning seems like it’s kind of a dice roll. What I will say, though, is that if you look at your mother, if she’s a bigger woman, you will probably end up with a build similar to hers. For me, that was definitely the case. For example, when it comes to boob size people say that you take your mother’s cup size and go down a size, and that that’s what you’ll probably get.
As for my transition, when I actually started on estrogen, I lost quite a bit of weight. Although most of it was almost entirely muscle mass. I did some measurements throughout the process and so far I have lost about 25ish pounds overall but I’ve gained about 4.5 inches on my hips and lost about 4inches on my waist. I initially lost probably 40 pounds, but I’ve gained back another 10-15. So there was that aspect. I think what I’ve gained back has been fat. And definitely I’ve lost a ton of muscle. If you have a big upper body, don’t be super scared because most of the muscle that I lost was actually from my upper body. Like shoulders, upper tummy, that kind of stuff. I actually don’t think it’s much easier to gain weight on estrogen. Or at least it isn’t for me. Some people have said that it is but of all the trans woman that I know that are also feedists it doesn’t seem like it’s some super easy thing to gain weight on estrogen. It’s why I really really really hate the term “biological males”, because our bodies act like cis women’s bodies do in practically every way. 
Lastly, I’ll talk about medication’s. I didn’t see a ton of fat transfer while I was on estrogen. I saw some for sure, but it hasn’t been anything compared to what I’ve seen since being on progesterone. I’ve been on estrogen now for a year and 3 months. I’ve been on prog for about 3 and a half months of that, and I’ve seen more fat transfer while on progesterone then on only estrogen (and an anti-androgen which I still take too). What sucks the most I think about transitioning, is how long things take. Your body is going through a lot, and it’s really important for you to take care of it and help it along through this process. It’s why I haven’t really been actively gaining, and I’ve just been trying to make sure I’m eating decent enough food and drinking lots of water and getting the exercise that I need. I think that’s really the most important thing with all of this. Eventually, I probably will try gaining weight intentionally again, but I’m just kind of letting my body do its thing. It’s going through enough changes on its own.
I hope this helps!!
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abitterberryblog · 1 day
TWOTM Emissa Corenius : An Over-Analyzation
Major The Will of the Many spoilers and random theories ahead !!
Okay, so when I first read The Will of the Many, I wasn’t reading properly, and I just kinda assumed that Emissa was just a kinda blandly written character in such a well-written world. That was, of course, until the whole twist thing. What I liked was that it wasn’t a complete 360, and that she didn’t end up as extremely bad, but flawed enough for me not to be annoyed with her existence, and for her to not seem like only a Mary Sue 'love interest' character.
The thing is, I don't think she is at all.
First of all, I’m starting this with an analyzation of her relationship with Vis, and her not-so-role as a ‘love interest’. Was it real? Was it fake? I think she eventually did grow to be fond over him after a while, but I’ve always known she was going to betray him somehow. Something about the vibes.
It all started with the glass of water at the infirmary. I know there’s a chance that maybe she’s just, idk, kind or whatever, but after the ending, I’m not so 100% sure.
Not only that, but Ulciscor  constantly nagging about how suspicious he was of her. (Normally I'd pass it off as Ulciscor  being obsessed and hyper-anxious about the mission thing, but this was Emissa, and that caught my interest.)
There’s a really fat chance that she was, somehow, working with Veridius. This does not mean that she’s evil or whatever, and I'm still trying to figure out of Veridius is good or not, but it does make her a lot more interesting and complex.
Towards the end of the Iudicium, Emissa uses Will. You can’t use Will during academy stuff without some sort of source, or somebody allowing to use it. It's simply not possible?? Veridius? He’s literally the Principalis of the academy, after all, and during the infirminary scene at the end of the book, its implied that the Principalis spoke with Emissa beforehand, when he says to Vis that ‘she’s distraught’ and tries convincing Vis to talk to her.
What I noticed in this book is that the author, James Islington, is very careful in what he keeps in the book. Details. Hints. No matter how small or useless they seem. There are MAJOR spoilers, but : Here's a funny example I found.
See? Everything is littered in little details to be explored upon later. Even something as simple as a background detail of Aequa flipping coins.
ALSO, and something that I don’t see talked about for some reason, is the fact that Emissa knows that Indol was planning to deflect from Military to Religion. Indol never told her this. He’s shocked that she knows. Guess who may know??? Veridius???? That's right!!!
The question is, why would Veridius tell Emissa this? No idea from me here. But something else during the Iudicium arc catches my attention, and it’s the fact that Veridius PRIVATELY tells everybody what prize they would get if they won the whole thing. As implied by Eidhin (after he cancels on the Iudicium thing for Vis’ sake), Veridius often tempts them with something they really, really badly want,  and something that would drive them to want to win. 
I’m surprised not many people talk about that scene where Emissa asks Vis for the Heart of Jovan in the Iudicium, so she could win. She’s upset by this, obviously, since she cries and stuff, but I notice that she says “I can’t let us get separated.”
When I first read, I assumed she was talking about Vis, but that wouldn’t make sense, since she basically stabbed him as he fell off a tower (?) like, five seconds later. And also, her and Vis being separated wouldn't be related to her winning the Iudicium, (unless she's in a scenario where she'll have to leave forever or something if she doesn't win, which isn't really likely), Which makes me wonder, who was she really talking about?
Hopefully, we’re find out in the next book. Someone she really cared about? Relative? Family member? Am I missing something? Will this be important?
After all, we don’t exactly 100% know why Veridius planted Vis near the Callidus-Eidhin punchy debacle. He obviously knew Vis would step in.
At first I wondered if he was trying to kick Vis out and expel him, which is probably more likely, but right now I’m running on four hours of sleep and I am high on theories.
I think I’ve read this theory somewhere on the Hierarchy subreddit, too, but what if Veridius planned this whole thing, not to expel Vis, but to plant Vis near the stables as his punishment, maybe for Emissa to keep an eye on him? Or woo him for secrets or whatever the fuck? 
At the very least, whether Veridius did purposely plant Vis there for that sole reason, or as an afterthought after Vis worms himself out with the Threefold Apology, I do think that Veridius did make Emissa watch over Vis on purpose.
Otherwise, I think it’ll be a little random with Emissa just casually joining Vis to scoop horse dung, and I do not care how cool or attractive or fascinating he may appear, I still think it’s important. Hopefully? And why do I think so, you may ask?
I do not really think Islington deliberately wanted Emissa and Vis to be like, endgame, endgame. Like, The EndgameTM.  Maybe Emissa was trying to get more information on him. I don't know. It’s plausible. Emissa is top of the academy after Indol, and besides Indol being of course the smartest (as told by Vis), Emissa is FAR smarter than most readers deem her to be. I don't think everything as simple as this. Emissa simply cannot be this blind and radiant and carefree. She isn't in a perfume ad. We've established, from the book itself, that twotm is LAYERS upon LAYERS and twist after twist.
First of all, I’m so sorry, but Emissa and Vis have like no chemistry (imo). They do have maybe like a teeny, tiny bit, but the thing is that Vis has more chemistry with LITERALLY every other character his age BESIDES Emissa. I know, I know, every writer isn’t perfect, but there’s something so suspicious about Emissa and Vis’ dynamic.
As mentioned once on a Hierarchy Series subreddit post, Emissa and Vis have a strange dynamic that is unlike the others characters. With literally every single other character/friendship/relationship that Vis is in, there are details of each interaction, each feeling Vis has with them, what they do, bla bla bla, snippets of the scene, dialogue, ect.
But with Emissa, it’s sort of just…speedran? Like, besides the whole Suus island romance debacle and theatrics, their interactions just sort of go…
“Emissa visited me in the stables and we talked. For a long time. She helped me. She's nice. Also, her eyes are really green.” 
“Emissa sometimes studied with Callidus and I in the morning, sometimes not. Blablabla, she’s great and funny.”
“Emissa talked with me during Suus after noticing that I was uncomfortable with the politician people, blabla. ”
“Emissa and I trained together. In Three. Emissa helped me study. In Three. Wow, she makes me smile. Haha.”
Obviously, I'm exaggerating, but I'm definitely NOT wrong. Open the book and reread it. I DARE you to tell me I'm wrong.
See, there’s no real scene with them. Is it just me who noticed this? Just a time jump where Vis summarizes everything he did with her and how awesome and fun it was. There’s no way an author, writing a book with this much description and detail, just fumbles a romance by writing it like this.
NOT ONLY THAT, but even the CONFESSION scene isn’t anything as theatric as the rest of the book. Not even a SMIDGEN. Even the whole kiss can be easily forgotten. It’s not some dramatic confession. It's not romantic. It's not even sweet and heart-warming in that subtle, simple way. It's just a really lukewarm 'maybe i like you' and then boom, and it's over in an instant.
Vis mentions Indol and the secret that Emissa accidentally exposes of Indol, and then Emissa (suspiciously) changes the topic to how much she likes Vis and kisses Vis. And then boom, romance. A quick end scene, as if it wasn't ever important.
Isn’t it like, hella SUSPICIOUS? She changed the topic. Kissed him. Distracted him. And then the scene ended like it wasn't a whole Vis-Developing, Emissa-Developing, HUGE relationship moment.
Which, yeah, maybe she did like him at some point, but it sure as hell is convenient, isn’t it? I’m super invested in her character now, which is ironic because I used to not be able to STAND her because I just thought her character was just a really poorly written love interest.
I’m convinced Islington has the writer ability to write a confession/kiss scene much better, and much less random than that. Which means that I really don’t think he INTENDED to make hearts swoon. Just to distract.
Emissa is very fascinating, and few people acknowledge that, and I am EXTREMELY excited for The Strength of the Few to release.
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aro-tarot · 1 year
Random thought: Why do I usually see people say Arthur is at the bottom of the lake? Ya know, when Avalon is an isle? Not the lake? Was it not clear enough in the show?
Also, is it just funnier that he’s at the bottom of the lake than the boat actually managed to sail all the way to the isle?
I just think jokes about Arthur sick of eating apples and seeing apples and damn, Gwaine would have have loved this place because of all the apples are kind of funny.
And I just think it’s kind of funny if he’s leaving through the mists and gets lost in the mists, too foggy. Like: Merlin! Damn, I walked back to Avalon. Merlin! Ugh, I walked in a circle again! Merlin!!
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rooksunday · 2 months
the image of an exhausted commander fox, sitting in his office, throttling a datapad and yelling WHY IS MY JOB SPREADSHEETS?? before yowling like a space banshee and frisbeeing the thing through the open window with all the force of kamino-guaranteed strength bolstered by buereaucratic rage, where the datapad sails merrily and speedily for a longer distance than many would credit before impacting with concussive force against the surprisingly soft skull of emperor palpatine, gladhanding for the press in the courtyard of the senate below
the resulting explosion is caught on many cameras
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anneapocalypse · 1 month
I wonder how many Warriors of Light look at Ryne and are reminded of all those moments back in ARR when everyone around them took it for granted that they would save the world. Except so much worse, because Ryne is a teenager, and she's never had a choice about any of it. The Warrior of Light is an adult who at least did choose the life of an adventurer. But neither of them have asked for the gifts of Light that make them uniquely able to solve their world's problems. Both of them, perhaps, struggle with their own identity in the face of who they're expected to be. The kinship between Warrior and Oracle can be so strong, as they can understand what she's going through and what's been stolen from her in a way few other characters can.
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aron-has-ocs · 1 year
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A very important shot out to amazing animatics I’ve managed to find for some of my favorite Rise fics!
Links to the animatics and fics under the cut. Check out these creators!
Oyasumi [Rottmnt fic Animatic] Every Night the Longest Day - Animatic by Kryptid Krackers
Every Night the Longest Day by ashtreelane
TRAUMA | Animation meme | ROTTMNT FIC - There must be something under the water | - Animatic by 『 Sherbet • Studios 』
There Must be Something in the Water by Filsamek
Treehouse [ by Alex G | rottmnt animatic] - Animatic by Chiren_Exe
Rotten Reflections by @nicoforlifetrue
And a bonus shout out to  Pieces - I May Be Invisible PMV (ROTTMNT AU) by Javaskulls, detailing a scene from I May be Invisible but I Still Look Good by @dandylovesturtles
(Spoilers in the animatics for the fics. Be safe and read tags carefully! Love you all!)
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camels-pen · 5 months
Usopp: Zoro, where are my Shuriken Stars?
Zoro: why are you asking me?
Usopp: because you're the only other person who uses my locker
Zoro: oh yeah. i put them in the Cook's locker last night. wasn't enough space.
Sanji: what-
Usopp: space for what?
Zoro: me, duh
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sarahjacobs · 2 months
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punk spot and goth sarah stuff 🫰
i also made playlists of the kind of music i think they'd listen to :') you can listen to spot's here. most tracks fall under the hardcore subgenre, but there's also a good amount of ska and pop. generally has a chaotic, garage, and/or dated kind of sound, really wanted the kind of stuff that scratches my brain in a specific, rough way
there's also sarah's playlist, which i'm less confident about because i'm wayyy more immersed in punk subculture and music. but. i tried! some gothic rock, mostly punkabilly and gothabilly. i feel like she'd be into music that has that campy slasher feel, so that's the overall mood i was gunning for
#newsies#92sies#uksies#sarah jacobs#spot conlon#drawings#confession idk anything about uksies this is purely based on vibes bcuz the concept of a pinoy nonbinary spot has charmed me#anyways more nerdy stuff ahead i am so sorry >>>#i heart thinking about what characters would be like if they were punk it is so fun#i view sarah as punk usually so it's interesting to compare & contrast her and spot#like sarah i personally cant see modifying her hair or her body much. she'd mostly stick to diying clothes and jewelry#so while she IS punk she's not the kind of punk that most people auto think of#but spot feels like someone who'd /really/ want to lean into all the trappings of punk. being intimidating AND cool#so they're spiky all over. hair piercings jacket are sharp#sarah's battle jacket is a comfortable corduroy material. it's colorful and has random scraps of fabric bcuz the goal is#to make the original jacket last as long as possible#whereas spot's has more inflammatory patches and is strictly black and white and has the sleeves cut off#and has non fabric stuff attached like the spikes and studs and also soda can tabs#because they also strike me as someone who collects random odds and ends. hence the bottle caps repurposed as pins#i also wanted to play around with adding chains and safety pins onto their jacket but alas#ultimately had to prioritize readability#same thing w sarah i wanted to give her layered necklaces and more maximalist elements to her outfit but it ended up muddying everything up#anyways. im insane but specificity is very important to me for punk stuff just because i think#'punk versions of xyz' tend to water down what punk actually is by prioritizing the aesthetics of rebellion without being specific#in What they are rebelling against. which is why these headcanons lack inflammatory political ideas and punk bands#or like they'll just have the circle A sign and it's like ok but do you know what anarchism is and what anarchist praxis looks like#also spot would not be an anarchist tbh they read as more of a commie#they are not doing nonhierarchical based organizing iykyk
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super-nowa-art · 8 months
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it's the LAW!!!
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layalu · 3 days
wip wednesday (?) aka look at my water caustics boy
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tuberosumtater · 7 days
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It's Raining Heavily Outside~
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writings-on-the-moon · 10 months
I don’t know if it’s a headcanon for the sake of angst, or if people genuinely believe this: but where did we get the idea that Morro starved Lloyd to make him easier to possess?
At least, when I look at this dialogue.
“This armor, it weakens me. At the same time, Lloyd is fighting my possession.” - Stiix and Stones.
“Lloyd's spirit continues to fight my possession. He's getting stronger.” Peak-a-Boo.
“Save your strength, because I'll be needing it.” - The Crooked Path.
This whole Possession has been a double-edged sword. Now especially that last line? That’s the main reason I highly doubt Morro was starving Lloyd. Whatever Lloyd feels, so does he. If Lloyd is hungry, hurt and weak, that’s not going to be helping anyone. Not saying this makes Morro a nice guy, just that for all that he’s got a list of wrongs; starving someone likely isn’t one of them.
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onebizarrekai · 2 months
there's an entire temple dedicated to the maintenance of the seasons in holodrum and protecting the rod of seasons and its four spirits. meanwhile nayru is just keeping the harp of ages in her basement
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ow1et · 3 months
happy sunday morning!! athene wears dark lipstick (usually black or a deep wine) under her mask solely so that she can leave marks on other people's masks / cheeks / other places.
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