#so now i have to simulate this stuff like an idiot
electric-sympathy · 2 years
Why do people who aren’t emotive in the slightest post reaction videos online.........
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 months
Maybanks sister
Series masterlist , previous chapter
Taglist- @cassie0sstuff @rafesgiirl @fals3-g0d @tiaamberxx @callsignwidow
Part 2, Chapter 2- a not so fun sleepover
Summary: it is just your luck at this point. You and Kiara get caught by some weird people in the Barbados after finally getting off ‘poguelandia.’ You’re trapped with your psycho ex. Again. For a second time.
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After what felt like a year, finally, someone had come to rescue you guys.
Now, you guys had been saved. You were thankful for whoever this dude was for picking you guys up, thankful to get off this damn island already.
“I got a little guide out in Saint Vincent. I was spotting fish.” He told you guys as you sat down in his plane.
“What were you spotting?” You asked the man, curious.
“You know, the usual. Wahoo.”
You quirked an eyebrow, JJ also seemed confused as he turned to you.
“Wahoo? In September?” You whispered to JJ. He had the same confused look.
“That doesn’t make sense.” He whispered back.
“I’d hang on to something. Gets a little spicy on takeoff.”
“Wahoo doesn’t run in September. Like ever.” You told them all quietly. “Kinda wish it did, cause then we’d have been eating it…” you trailed off. “It tastes so good.”
“Yeah. So whoever this dude is, he’s not a fisherman.” JJ spoke.
“Maybe the run just starts earlier out here.” Pope shrugged.
You tilted your head to the side. “In the carribean? Unlikely. They usually-“
“No, I know what this is. He’s working for my dad. And he’s probably been looking for us the entire time.” Sarah cut you off, everyone turning to her now.
“All right, we gotta find out.” JJ said. “Just gotta look for clues…”
You tapped on JJs shoulder, and pointed to a bag on the back of his seat.
“Hey, Jimmy.” John B spoke, distracting the man while JJ slowly reached for the bag, taking it and rummaging through everything. He opened a book and found a picture, a picture of the coastal venture.
He handed it to Sarah.
“So he was looking for us?” Cleo said.
“He’s working for my dad.”
“I say we all jump off.” You pointed down. The plane shook suddenly, you all grabbing on.
“Hey, yall better hold something we got some unexpected turbulence up here.”
“Guys, whatever it is, it’s happening fast. Look.”
Everyone looked out the window, seeing some land.
“That looks like Barbados. I’ve been there with Terrence.”
“Okay.. there’s 7 of us, one of him. You know my vote, we storm the cockpit.” Jj told everyone.
“Idiot. None of us know how to fly a damn plane.” You hit him in the arm.
“I’ve seen pope fly simulators.”
“Yeah, and I’ve flown the fucking Death Star on Lego Star Wars, doesn’t mean I can fly.” You shrugged.
“Well do you have an idea?” He turned to you.
“Something safe..?”
“Why don’t we just wait until the plane lands somewhere safe, and then we sneak out. And if someone comes to mess with us, we mad dog them.” Pope spoke.
“Yeah. I like that way better.” You nodded.
“I like the mad-dogging part.” Jj tilted his head.
“Just put that back. Put it back. Be cool.” Kiara told JJ, John B distracting him again so JJ could put the stuff back into the bag.
“I’ve been going since I was 18-“ he spoke, and heard a sudden noise. JJ had been caught.
“Hey man! What the hell are you doing?” He turned to JJ, slapping him away. “That’s mine! That’s my book, give it back!”
“Fly the plane! Please fly the plane. Please fly the plane.” Sarah said, the plane shaking. You were knocked straight into Cleo who helped you sit back up quickly.
The plane crashed into the water as he struggled to get it up. Everyone screaming as they fell into the back, you all piling on top of each other. The plane filled with water.
“Is everybody good?” You asked them, everyone coughing.
“Jj, wake up, man we gotta get out.” you helped him get up. John B shoved open the door, multiple people coming over.
“Oh no. They don’t look friendly.”
“No, they look very unfriendly!”
“We gotta go, come on.”
They all got out.
“Kie, go!” You told her.
“I’m coming. Go!”
“I’m not leaving until you do.”
“Guys, get out before it sinks!” JJ told you both. Kiara looked at you and back behind you, at the man sinking.
You groaned when she began to swim over, you following.
“Come on, you gotta hurry!”
They all shouted out you both. You helped Kiara get through the plane and unbuckled the man, helping her carry him through the window.
The others were all swimming now.
“Come on guys, hurry up! Hurry up!”
“We got you.” Kiara panted to him, the man unconscious as you both carried him to shore.
“Wait, where are they?” Jj asked, turning around.
“You guys, where the fuck are they?”
“They went the other way.”
You both brought him up to shore, Kiara coughing as you brought her close to you.
“Thank you.” The man told you both, awake now.
“You lied to us. Who are you?” Kiara asked, an Atv interrupting him.
“Oh God. You should get out of here.”
You stood up, helping Kiara up and both of you running away from the men.
“Oh my God. Oh my God.” JJ mumbled, watching.
You both looked around, a car pulling up. You both hid by a boat, before getting caught.
“They’re over here!”
You punched a man square in the face who tried to grab Kiara, sweeping his leg and making him fall before another caught your arm. And another grabbing Kiara as you thrashed and screamed.
“Get off!” You shouted, they both dragged you guys into their trucks as you struggled.
“What… what are we gonna do?” JJ asked, teary eyes. “We’re going after them, right?”
“What… what can we do?” John B spoke.
“Where are they talking them?”
“They’re all right there, they’re looking this way we gotta go.” Cleo said and began to swam. The other followed but Jj stayed behind for a moment.
“JJ come on. We can’t save them if we get caught.”
“We lost the others. We’ll keep searching.” You heard a voice over the man’s radio.
Kiara stayed in the bed of the truck, you looked around for a moment before jumping out and before you could even tell her to get out, you were being shouted at.
You ran away, as far as you could. But that wasn’t very far before they caught you again, one of them punching you and knocking you down, your cheek falling right back onto the sand.
“Jesus, dude! I’m gonna have a black fucking eye!” You shouted, groaning as they threw you back into the truck.
“Worth a shot, I guess.” You shrugged when Kiara looked at you in shock.
The pilot came up to the truck.
“We saved your life.” Kiara whispered to him.
“I know. I know. I’m sorry. I’m gonna try to help you, okay? I swear, I didn’t know it was gonna be like this. Look, if you don’t fight, if you just do what they say, these guys probably… they probably won’t hurt you.”
“Probably?” You recoiled, making a face at him.
“What did Ward promise you?” Kiara asked.
“Who? Hey, just take my advice, do what they say. Good luck.”
The man got back in the truck.
“All right, let’s go.”
- - - - ᨳ꒰ ୨୧ ꒱ഒ - - - -
“Jesus, this dude is loaded.” You whispered to yourself when the truck drove up to the house. Kiara and you looked at each other worriedly as you were being walked in.
The house was huge, full of antiques and relics.
“Take them upstairs. The Orinoco room.” One women said, and you both were grabbed by the arm and dragged upstairs.
You shoved the dudes arm off you when you entered the room.
“Why are we here? Who are you working for?”
“Dinner at eight. I’d clean up.”
“Just tell us what they want!-“ Kiara shouted, but the man shut the door in her face and the door locked.
“Great. This is fun. A little sleepover.”
Kiara looked out the window, and you looked at the dresses hanging up.
“At least they’ve got taste…?” You mumbled, flicking through the dresses. Two red dresses for each size.
“Pick your size.” The note read. You shrugged to yourself, grabbing one.
“Least it gets me out of these clothes.”
Later, the both of you were escorted downstairs.
“You know, this dress looks actually pretty good on me. Think they’ll let me keep it?” You asked Kiara when you walked downstairs, looking at yourself in a mirror.
“Why out of everyone to be stuck with did it have to be you?” She murmured.
“I’m offended. I think it’s a lot better than being struck with JJ. I’m just trying to lighten the mood.”
As you walked down and were directed into a room.
“Uh, excuse me?” Kiara said to a man, with a shaved head.
The man turned around, his eyes meeting yours first, his face falling.
“No, I knew you and Ward were behind this shit.” Kiara spoke, your mouth agape as you stared at him as in shock.
“What are you talking about? You guys trying to weasel in on my deal? Is that what’s going on?” He walked towards Kiara.
“No fucking way!” You shouted, turning on your heels, holding your hands up and beginning to walk out before a guard manhandled you inside, throwing you onto the floor. “Goddamnit!” You huffed.
“Is there like any other room I can be in? Specifically without him?” You asked the guard, before he slammed the door in your face.
“Seriously?” Rafe started. “You’re so fucking imm-“
“Yes, seriously! Last time I saw you was months ago, and you held a gun to my head and a knife to my throat! How am I immature?” You pointed at him, standing up and getting closer to him, shouting in his face now.
“I wondered if your little reunion would cause sparks, you know.” A man said. All of you turning to him now. He chuckled and turned.
“Who are you?” Rafe asked the man.
“Me? My name is Carlos Singh. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cameron. And Ms. Carrera and l/n, I do apologize for the rough tactics of bringing you here.”
He turned his gaze to you.
“And I heard you’re a fighter. And a runner. Roughed up a few of my guys.” He chuckled. “All is forgiven. Please, come.” He motioned to the other room.
Kiara looked back at you.
“Sit down.”
Rafe looked at Kiara and at you, you sneered at him and walked behind Kiara, your arms crossed as you sat down on a chair.
“Rough tactics. What about me?” Rafe asked the man.
“Yes, Mr. Cameron. False pretenses. But, the ends justify the means, I’m afraid. Sit. Please.”
Rafe sat on a chair next to you, while you scooted over as far as you possibly could. He exhaled as he looked at you and back at the man.
“We have a lot to talk about.”
“Yeah, fucking right we do.” You scoffed, leaning back in the chair.
- - - - ᨳ꒰ ୨୧ ꒱ഒ - - - -
“Hey. Hey!” He shouted, hanging on the closed door and messing with the doorknob.
“Oh my God, yeah I’m gonna lock myself in the bathroom, do not disturb me.” You murmured as the man shut the door, Kiara grabbing your wrist and stopping you.
“If I have to deal with him, so do you.”
You groaned. “It’s locked, you dumbass.” You told him when he tried to continue to get it open. Kiara and you walked towards the window, he followed.
“Get off me, man!” Portis shouted.
“Who the hell is that guy?” Rafe asked, watching the man be dragged.
“We know him. It’s Jimmy Portis. He was trying to help us.” Kiara whispered. Singh looked at the window, pulling out a gun.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Rafe spoke, the man dissapearing in the back. All you could hear was the gun firing.
Rafe swallowed, Kiara panted, your mouth hung open in shock.
“This diary. Hey, no bullshit.” He turned to you, “don’t bullshit me. Do you guys have it?”
“I don’t know anything about a damn diary!” You told him. “You sure you don’t?”
“I think I would know if I fucking-“ he started.
“Kie?” You turned to her, voice hopeful. She shook her head.
“Well, it’s official. We’re all dying together.” You said with a groan, running a hand over your face.
“Nobodies dying.” Rafe said, glancing at you.
“Yeah? What’s your bright idea then, buzz?” You asked, your arms crossed.
Ouch, went straight for the haircut.
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stubz · 1 month
Drill Day
'Attention participants, the drill will be starting in 1 minute. Take this time to prepare yourselves and to remember that everything that will happen is a simulation. Nothing can or will legitimately hurt you. Should you wish to stop the simulation tap the centerpiece of your vest and you will escorted off, should you be unable to do so simply say 'moon' and you will escorted off.'
"Okay the sound system is good, the holograms and drones are a go, and our actors are ready."
"I still don't know why we need actors when we have perfectly good holograms and drones." Glip didn't want to admit but she was a little hurt that Calis and the Captain didn't trust her work.
"We've been over this. As good as your holograms are they aren't physical which can lower the realism and while your drones are physical they can can be too predictable which is something we don't want. Hence the actors."
"Doubt they'll even be convincing." she grumbled.
To Glip's annoyance and Quip's entertainment the actor's where in fact convincing.
"What are you doing you idiot?! Your in a supply closet with tons of stuff around to use and you use a towel?? You deserve to be captured by enemy forces."
The poor Vrool get's tackled to the ground by an actor who roars in their face, fake fangs and mandibles making them ink themselves.
"Aw buddy, aw there we go! Good sportsmanship actor!" the actor uses the towel to clean the Vrool best they can before finding them a new uniform to change into them a before sending them to the 'jail' set up.
"Shlip who did they hire for this?" honestly this was some of the best simulation acting she's seen in a while.
"Some random ship members who had too much time and was down for a free dinner on Cap."
"Huh, any apexes?"
"Oh yeah, like two thirds of them. Those big ones dressed like a Mors Crawlers? That's a tighalax and a rextalian."
"Great asteroids no wonder those orcs were shaking."
"Yep," he said popping the p. "almost as terrifying as the real thing."
"Wait wait wait, hold the shlipping communicator, we got younglings doing this?"
"Oh quiznack. . .well it's probably gonna be toned down right, right?" he asked looking at his co-worker.
"Yeah, yeah it should be. Look. Like half the actors are leaving...leaving only the scariest ones left." they looked at each other concerned.
"What!? Damnit Quip and Glip don't yell into the comms!"
"Are we actually sending younglings into this??"
"Isn't this like youngling endangerment?"
"The kids have been briefed about this and their parents signed off on this. Perfectly legal and safe. I also brought in some experts on this."
"Experts on scaring children?" who the shlip does that??
"Just do your jobs."
"how the deq are these kids fine with this..."
Said younglings are being chased by actors, dressed as Mors Crawlers and Domitors, the actors giving them very little breathing room.
One of them swipe at the younglings with their prosthetic claws, catching on the little ones clothes. They yank back and the child is sent sprawling towards the jaws of the Domitor, the child's vest lights up red. They're out.
Some more children get caught by claws, tails, and wings. Each one of them are out.
The remaining few duck into an open vent too small for the predators to follow. They claw and roar at the entrance.
"HA! Can't get them now, score one nothing for the younglings!"
"Nope, look at screen 3."
While the actors at the entrance roared and thrashed a few of them ran through the halls until reaching the other side of the vent. Just as the children were coming out.
They could run but to where? Back into the vent? Forward into their pursuers?
Well they tried both.
The largest and strongest charged forward while the smallest ran back.
While the larger and stronger ones were from species known for their power and abilities, they were still younglings going against adults. After some struggling their vests turned red.
Only a handful of younglings reached the vent without getting caught. The ones inside were safe...for now.
'Only 5 minutes before the simulation is over. 5 minutes.'
"Well, looks the kids win this one."
"Good for them. They earned it."
"Yeah-hold up...what are they doing?"
The actors were...breaking the wall. They had grabbed chairs and any heavy objects they could and were using them to break down the wall.
"THERE'S NO WAY IT IS....gods wrath it is...JUST LET THE KIDS HAVE THIS!!"
When a foot of the vent was now revealed they grabbed it and started to pull. The other side, now aware of what was happening, started to push and increase their efforts in grabbing the younglings.
"They're pulling it...oh my gods they're pulling it out of the actual wall!"
Inch by inch the predators pulled out sections of the vent. Almost a third of the way done. The hole left behind now big enough to send over their smallest predator on the other side.
The beast crawled as fast as it could through the tunnel. The younglings yell and kick at its claws.
A child screams while being dragged out of the body cams view.
"They're dead."
"Yep, you owe me five tix."
"No, I betted on the other rextali-"
Quip and Glip quieted. Then went into a flurry finding the right camera, searching for the child who said the safe word.
They found the child; Zyz, age 6 years old, species rextalian, being comforted by an actor. Face pressed into the adults fake fur while stroking the child's spine with their palms. Keeping their face and claws out of Zyz's view.
All the other actors around them softly put down the vent pieces and children already caught.
They then step back and then kneel or crouch. Claws are up or by their sides.
The children go to one another, checking up on each other, a few check on Zyz.
One of the actors slowly approaches Zyz on their knees. Hand out holding a tissue.
A tiny hand takes it. Along with the tissue.
And just like that all the other adults scoop up the children. Some are cradled into their chests, needing comfort and to not have them see their masks. Others are put onto their shoulders and backs, not as riled up or in a more playful mood. Some are tossed and dangled, to put them at ease despite the adrenaline coursing through their small bodies.
Soon the sniffles and hiccups are replaced by laughter and cheers.
The claws are replaced by warm sweaty hands.
Fangs and mandibles are replaced by sweaty smiling faces.
Wings and extra appendages are replaced by children hugging the tired actors.
"...they were HUMANS?!?"
"Hey it's Max! ...Ohhh that's whose a professional in scaring kids. That makes sense now."
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lorablackmane · 6 months
ISAT Act 5 Missable Interactions
I missed a shitton my 1st playthrough bc I was on that Siffrin mindset during act 5's loop and I realized afterwards I had a save in the meadow b4 everything. So I decided to compile stuff I found I missed 4 others who might've missed things too! Please keep in mind that below will be spoilers for this act and the next, and that there are some concerning things about Siffrin found here that I've labeled this post with a few trigger warnings. Check them before reading to decide if you want to read!
Please note the section on the favor tree has new info!! If you don't want to know how a secret boss fight goes please skip the 2nd to last dot.
• Literally every kid in town is terrified by Siffrin now, ignoring him or telling them to go away. You'll walk away from the shopkeeper if you try to talk to him, causing Odile to look at Siffrin with concern. He eats the pain du chocolat in one bite, concerning the pastry maker.
• Says stepping on the banana peel isn't in the stage instructions if u try to use it now.
• Everything that had a smell in earlier chapters now smells like sugar.
• If you interact with the cookies on floor one Siffrin will try to eat one. It's as hard as a rock.
• Interacting with the landscape drawings in the broken egg key room makes them hysterically ask if they'll ever see anything outside this loop ever again.
• A new group of drawings are also here of Siffrin with his face completely blotted out like the friendship drawing.
• The dictionary makes him scream that he isn't taciturn anymore, is he?!
• Interacting with the "grape juice for adults" makes them say they hate alcohol (jlmfr) b4 taking a swig.. only to discover its actually just juice. They remark hysterically they can't even get drunk in peace here!
• Mira's dying plant reminds them of someone, and they remark how there's four happy, never changing plants all together on the other desk before hysterically laughing. Rubs their arms when passing the desks to try to simulate the human contact they'd get in earlier loops from their family.
• Says they'll make all the wishes come true if you Interact with the Head Housemaiden's wish survey.
• Rips the info on the King, if interacted with again they attempt their breathing exercises to no avail then suddenly smell sugar again.
• Looking at the drawings in this office will make Siffrin start thinking about defacing them, but remarks he doesn't have a pencil as he hysterically thinks scribble, scribble, scribble.
• Mocks themself for thinking odile is there if u interact with the checked out book list in the library.
• Gets upset if Interacting with the diary area bc they still can't say the name of their home country. Calls himself a stupid blinding idiot.
• Gets upset at the theater scroll section, stating why read one when you're in one. Tells themself to stop going off script and go if interacted with again.
• Wonders if they'll ever carve again when Interacting with the carving wood. States they'd like to carve the King if so so they can snap him in half if interacted with again.
• Interacting with the cupboard with eyepatch makes them say they're cold, their stomach hurts, they can't stop shaking and a headache is forming from thinking about their mistakes. Then they take the painkillers, one over the recommended dosage for their size.
• Interacting with food shelves makes them ask why their stomach hurts so much and they're so hungry like they haven't eaten in years.
• The croissant cookbook makes them grip their coin.
• The anthology of horror stories makes them repeat the scene with their family, before they mock themself again for knowing it by heart since they have always wanted to never forget
• Breaks one of the statues on the change God shelf in the pottery room.
• Refuses to take the gizmo, stating a fair fight or none at all.
• The clothing closet where Isabeau talks about your cloak makes him repeat the scene though says he's had this cloak forever in shaking text. When Isabeau goes to check the cloak Siffrin says that he doesn't touch them because they're disgusting. They say they're so cold. This time they realize they're hallucinating the others being there when they are going to do the final reply.
• They tell themselves to stop monologuing if they try to go towards the bathrooms.
• You can see the House inhabitants if you leave the final room!! And go back to Dormont to see the party they were getting ready for. The others will join Siffrin out of corcern for his mental state instead of stopping him which is nice. There's a bunch of interactions here I won't note but they're delights.
• Loop is gone, but Siffrin will leave their silver coin where they sat in a custom from his homeland.
Edit: thanks to @cleverretortnotfound for the hint that this changes! Instead of nothing there u find a silver coin. If interacted with he'll remark its the exact same as his own and call out to Loop, then ask if they should call them by their previous name... and Loop reappears. Silently they let Siffrin look them over, and though they don't have any features that mirror Siffrin's own... he knows. Theyre the same person. He takes their own coin out, flipping it before sending it to Loop who catches it without thinking. They look at it for a moment, before saying, "Oh stardust... so, you've won, haven't you? You broke the loops? Defeated the King? Talked to your party? Realized that all along, the reason you were stuck here was because of a stupid blinding wish you made? Awww. I'm soooo happy for you. You got your perfect ending, after all. And now... I have nothing left to say to you. So you should go."
Siffrin doesn't reply, causing Loop to ask why they're there still. What does he want them to say? WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO SAY? HE'S WON!
Once again, Siffrin doesn't reply. Loop laughs, before saying "oh, Stardust! You know, you know I was just like you once! A stupid, aimless traveler, trying to find any reason to keep going! And then, I met everyone! And I felt that finally, I had people i could count on, people I could love! And then, I got scared! And made the exact same mistake you did! Make a stupid blinding wish, hoping I could stay with them! Went through the House, tried to fight the King, tried to win! Did that for so long, I couldn't even give you a number! And then... I couldn't do it anymore. ...You see, not unlike you a few hours ago, I did a very special kind of giving up. But unlike you, who gave up on your wish, and almost destroyed the world in the process... I gave up on my wish, and destroyed myself.
And made another wish instead. I wished it could be over. I wished I could get out of here. I wished for someone to help me. For someone... Anyone, to help me!!! And someone did help me, right? The Universe did! They got me out of here! And trapped me in some other Siffrin's loops instead!!! And it was fine. It was different. It was even peaceful, for a while. I didn't have to stay inside the House, trying to defeat the King. I didn't have to fight, I didn't have struggle, I didn't have to do anything.
(Note: during the last paragraph, during the I wished section up until the scream for anyone to help,, we see stills from the intro animation where Siffrin eats the star. Theres a new still though, a close up of Siffrin crying out before he ate it.)
I just had to watch, and be happy that at least, I wasn't the only idiot out there who trapped themselves eternally in time. I just had to be happy that at least, this time, it wasn't me. And now. And now. AND NOW YOU-!!!
So! Since you won't leave, here's what I'm thinking... let's fight, you and I! Let's have a cute, minuscule, old-fashioned little fight like a bonded couple. Okay~?"
Once again, Siffrin doesn't reply and Loop laughs, "nothing to say, still? Haha... HAHAHAHA!! STARS, killing you would make me SO HAPPY. (note: during this sentence temporarily Loop turns into Siffrin and looks rather... concerning) Are you ready?"
Siffrin tries to speak up, but Loop says they don't get a choice.
The battle commences, with Loop saying let's just get to it. Loop strikes with stars but isn't very strong, they loop back the 1st time you win, the 2nd, the 3rd, and on the fourth the photo changes (will add link to another post with pics later).
At the end of the battle Loop looks away before saying, "you... Siffrin, Stardust, whatever our real name actually is... just kill me."
Siffrin is shocked and asks why. "Why," they say, "Are you stupid? Isn't it obvious?! I wanted to kill you!! So I could take your place!! I wanted what you have!!! Stars, I still do! You... you don't.. you don't want another you walking around. You should just kill me and get on with your stupid life!!"
This makes Siffrin laugh and reply their self-hatred isn't strong enough that'd they'd kill another version of themselves. Loops laughs at that and says he's got weird priorities... then say but what if they're asking him? What if Loop wants this? What if dying is the ending they want?! Siffrin doesn't reply and Loop starts to beg, "Stardust, please, please just kill me!!! I don't want to be here! What else is there for me now?! You've won, so I should be gone!! I can't go back to how it was before, because that past is gone! I can't go back to my friends, because they wouldn't recognize me!! There's nothing else for me to do, no script to follow, no Universe to lead me, I-"
They can't continue, sobbing. "Why.. why did it have to be you...? I could've... I wanted to... if only back then, I... if I had held on longer... maybe then..."
Oh Loop, Siffrin thinks. But don't you get it, he says. Loop asks what is there to get. The reason he succeeded, he replies, but Loop still doesn't understand. They take Loop's face into their hands as they say Loop was the reason they succeeded! Without them, he would've given up too. Because they were by Siffrin's side they continued going. Yes they didn't tell him everything, yeah they didn't know what to do... but knowing they were here and he wasn't alone...
They tearfully reply he's lying, but he says he's not. They shout again Siffrin is lying, but they reply again they're not! They try to scream it again, but siffrin stops them by saying, "Loop. Mira sends her thanks, by the way. They all do." Confused Loop repeats the word thanks, adding "...to me...?"
Siffrin laughs, and reminds them they helped the others get to the King. That they sent their thanks for leading them to Siffrin. For helping them save him. Loop can't reply, and Siffrin says, "See?"
"Stardust... why couldn't it have been me...?" Loop asks, to which Siffrin replies they don't know. Maybe it was the script, maybe it was the Universe, or maybe... maybe it's no one's fault. Loop is silent once more and he replies, "I'm sorry, Siffrin."
Finally using Loops real name. Then adds, "And thank you, Loop. Without you, I would've given up a long time ago. Thank you for helping me, this whole time."
Loop doesn't respond and Siffrin goes, "Loop, we can-"
Loop cuts them off, "Siffrin." He flinches as they continue, "Please, you're going to have to talk to them, from now on. No more keeping how you feel from them. We both know where this leads. And if one day, no matter what you do, everyone's paths and yours diverge... you'll have to learn to be okay with it. We cant... we can't do this again. Hold them hostage, against their knowledge, against their will, just because we're lonely. Learning to talk to them... learning to let go... it'll be hard. It'll feel impossible. You might think you'd rather die than share how you feel. After all, isn't bottling things up the reason you managed to break the loops? You didn't have to tell them anything until the very end, and it turned out fine didn't it?"
Siffrin is silent, then attempts to say but, but if I talked to them earlier, then maybe - then gets cut off by loop, "Yeah, dummy. If only you had been strong enough to talk to them, maybe this whole story wouldn't have happened at all. If only... oh well. It doesn't matter now."
Loop starts to disappear. Siffrin asks where they'll go now? Loop sadly replies, "Oh, stardust... I don't know! I'll join you so we can become one? I'll Die? I'll stay under this tree forever? Does it matter?"
You can choose between it does and I guess it doesn't. I won't update this with the other, I'm sorry but this is taking a toll on me, so I'll atleast tell you what "It does!" Leads to.
They laugh, then say Siffrin's sweet. "Aww, don't worry, Stardust. Somehow... I'm sure I'll see you again. You... and everyone else. Mirabelle, Isabeau, Odile, and Bonnie. I need to accept their thanks in person, don't I? That's just basic etiquette. And I'll need to give you back your silver coin eventually!"
Siffein agrees, and Loop continues, "...hmm. I'll see you all again soon enough, Stardust. I promise! I super promise! I super duper promise! So don't forget me, okay?"
The screen fades, leading us back to the gang. They welcome Siffrin back and ask if everything's okay. He says he thanked Loop, to which they're relieved. Odile says she was hoping they'd bring em back so she could thank them in person, and the others agree though Isa says they looked shy so maybe they were too embarrassed. Which is too bad because he had so many questions, and so he hopes they see them again soon. Bonnie says they wanted to know how Loop glows and how it felt, to which Mira chides them saying you can't ask someone how they glow. Bonnie is flabbergasted, making the others laugh.
Odile adds she hopes Siffrin told them they can see the gang anytime. Sadly Siffrin smiles before saying he did, and how they too hope Loop says hi again soon. The others note Siffrin looks sad while saying this to which he replies he was thinking of Loop. The others tell them they'll have to tell the gang more about them then soon. Like how they met and why they're a star. Also how they knew about the loops. They then go back to the final room.
• The best artist ever has something new in the epilogue.
Silver coin
B4: grips it in his pocket.
Epilogue: remarks that it's been with them through it all and feels like it could've been used for something. Backstory no longer unlockable, but can be used at the Favor tree.
Drawn card
B4 epilogue: says it's a traveler walking to their death with open eyes, rips it apart.
The end: looks at the card and just says "it's you!"
Epilogue: says it's a traveler starting a new journey, the card is labeled the fool.
Bright flower
B4 epilogue: tears off all the petals then discards it
The end: says it's still here.
Epilogue: you still have the flower, he says before deciding that it's theirs now!
Friendship doodle
B4: Siffrin's face is blotted out, no reaction to viewing this..
Epilogue: their face is no longer missing. Unknown whether this was a hallucination on their end or not.
B4: presses it between their hands to try and help them with their breathing exercises.
The end: squish, squish they say.
Epilogue: Clay they say, before making a star. 
Piece of glass
B4: uses it to self harm by piercing it through a bit of the back of their arm multiple times. Says stars afterwards, can't tell if being sarcastic and calling the dots they made that or screaming the word like a curse as usual. (Updated: if used a second time Siffrin says they're making more tiny stars. Concerning)
The end: they say hide it, hide it don't make the others worried.
Epilogue: they become scared and startled, saying they need to be careful. Then they toss it before they can hurt themself.
Broken doll
B4: fixes the clothing on it, if u click on the cupboard it's from again tells it it'll see the end if it's the last thing it does.
The end: turns the doll so it can see everything.
Epilogue: they hold it close as they look at the sky, saying they both made it.
Crumpled poem
B4: genuinely could not read this the first seven times but using the capture reveals after reading it Siffrin repeatedly says they want to go home.
Epilogue: they read it, then say they'll never go home again, but maybe they can make a new one. They can't wait to see if they can.
Mirror picture
B4: no reaction. Says its of them and the actors despite no one being there.
Epilogue: they grip it tightly before tossing it, saying it's in the past now. That they're fine, they're fine! And if not they will be soon.
Long thingy-thing
B4: tosses it, saying it's not needed anymore.
Epilogue: they say it's their long thingy now.
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not-terezi-pyrope · 3 months
It doesn't excuse the misinformation and reactionary sentiments that get thrown around, but something I reality check myself on occasionally is that the sharp divide, especially on capabilities/usefulness, between a lot of computing/ML people and the general public in how they view modern AI post its popular emergence into culture really is due to where those two crowds are coming from.
If you've been into AI, machine learning on really anything to do with computing/automation at all, you've seen how useless pretty much all automation/machine data comprehension used to be outside of a very narrow context. You've programmed algorithms to try and simulate aspects of human speech, to query databases, to try and classify different data sets. From that context, you look at something like ChatGPT and rightfully recognize it as a paradigm changing near miracle, because your baseline was so low.
Meanwhile, you have your laypeople who have only interacted with humans and fictional portrayals of AI systems that act like humans, so when presented with something and told that it's an AI that's more realistic than ever, I guess that's the assumption. It always frustrated me to see these long essays talking like they've just "discovered" that a new model is unreliable or can't robustly understand a given task, or that it's just emulating a behaviour instead of really "experiencing" the internals of it. I was always like, why would you ever assume it can do that? Nothing before has ever been able to come close, why would you expect perfection immediately? But I need to remind myself that most people have had this drop into their lives out of the blue and really have almost no realistic grounding.
I do need people to recognize that this is a consequence of their own lack of knowledge and information than to talk like people in tech have actively "deceived" them. When you drill down into stuff like the "it's not really AI" conversation, it's always just "I had assumptions and this didn't live up to them", but people are always so aggressive about it, like they've been deliberately taken for a ride. I need people to have a little humility here and recognize that what actually happened is that they didn't know as much as they thought they did.
Of course in the current climate that would require acknowledging that the entire AI field isn't composed of simpering Elon Musk-worshipping "techbro" idiots selling snake oil, against whom anyone else is immediately morally, and therefore apparently intellectually, superior to. So I'm not holding my breath too hard.
(Obligatory fuck Elon Musk in case anyone gets the wrong idea, I am also using "Elon Musk fan" as derogatory. Not because his companies have never done anything technically interesting but because the man himself is doing more harm to the world and the reputation of the fields he sticks his dick in than practically anyone alive right now)
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CAWF Tumblr simulator
🦠 Neutro-2145 Follow
B Cell hasn't worked in a while, the bacteria tastes bland…
(56 Notes)
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❤️ IM1235 Follow
The neutrophils are so cool when they're saving the body! I should get them a gift to show my gratitude!
❤️ IM1235
Ok I just saw them rip out the insides of an infected cell, I don't think I can sleep tonight.
#oh my god #do they do that all the time???
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🧸 Dendri217 Follow
I don't think sewing lactic acid bacteria nearly everyday is good for my mental health, but it sure is fun! I need to go outside more I think
#lactic acid bacteria #my beloved #maybe I have too many of them #but you can never have too many lactic acid bacteria
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🎆 RegT59 Follow
As much as I love Helper T as a friend I wish he'd stop buying random things with our budget. He didn't even solve the Rubik's cube he bought last time, now he's buying those metal wire puzzles.
🎆 RegT59
He offered to get me something and I bought a conch shell just because it looked interesting. His bad habits are rubbing off on me.
#sigh #i should just stick to solitaire #our office is getting so cluttered
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⚪ Neutro-3033 Follow
The amount of people that don't know not all neutrophils enjoy eating bacteria or infected cells is wild. Have you tried to eat some?? It's terrible. Some of us only eat it because it's part of the job.
#i swear #its so annoying #at least the RBCS bring us stuff other than bacteria #i really wouldn't mind something less sweet
(82 notes)
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✖️ Cross-TCell reblogged
🐦‍⬛ King-Killer
How do I tell my subordinates that I don't actually hate them and that I'm just strict and they need to stop being so sloppy? Believe me guys I like having you around please invite me to something I'm begging you
🐦‍⬛ King-Killer
That was a moment of weakness ignore that (please invite me please please please ple
🐦‍⬛ King-Killer
#its okay squad leader #we honestly just thought you'd be too busy to bother with us #so glad you actually do like us #the boys love you too
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🍸 Microfold108 Follow
What even is the point of living? If not just for the sake of a higher being we don't even know? Are they good? Are they bad? Maybe they're the nicest person in the world, maybe they're a serial killer who has murdered countless of their kind. Do they know we work only for them? Do they know how many of us love them?
🍸 Microfold108
Nevermind Dendritic cell came over with a lot of friends and he said they all enjoyed me so maybe there is more to life than that.
#i need to find an actual interest #maybe then I'll stop being so negative about everything
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🟩 HelperT31 Follow
Apparently you can just buy a house??? On Sellular?? I'm going to prank Reg T with this. It's going to be so funny, imagine I pull out a whole house right in front of the office, she'd go insane.
#nobody reblog this I can't let reg t see this #itll ruin the surprise
(1,129 notes)
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🗡️ NatKiller095 Follow
Non-immune cells are literally so scary, how do you socialize everyday without getting tired or stressed out??? What do you MEAN you think us murdering cells is scarier?? At least I don't have to go around the ENTIRE body just to hand over a box of gases to someone I barely know!
✨ Eosin-9024 Follow
I agree!! How else would you relieve stress if you can't straight up explode? I would rather die than have to deal with that everyday, I'm so glad parasitic infections are rarer than bacterial and viral infections.
#non immune cells #im sorry for exploding your houses all the time but you guys genuinely terrify me
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🪩 B265 Follow
I love working on the skin! So many beautiful women up here! Way better than working for that insane idiot boss in the alimentary tract
#talking about helper T cell #he sucks so bad #wont let me live my life for just 5 minutes #i do really miss reg t tho #she was way better than helper T
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🪄 Mast92 Follow
The reason why Cellor-sun was so adamant about saving her friends despite risking her life to do so was because if she didn't she risked the Natchlor absorbing her powers and in turn causing the destruction of the whole vessel. Yes she loves her friends but she needed to take the risk, it was a big part of the plot, how do people not see that the first time they watched??
Also I hate how they forcefully gave Cellor-sun a love interest. Soma was an interesting character as Cellor-sun's new companion but they didn't have to force the love interest trope on him. I feel like the trope was so one dimensional, like two different people wrote him. The Cellor-sun I know would never instantly fall in love with someone like that! Their arc was literally 20 minutes long!!! She has high standards and yet just happened to meet someone who has all those exact standards??? Where do you find a cell that happens to be into all your interests, mesh well with your friends, and don't mind that you are a magical girl constantly risking your life for the sake of the vessel?? Soma would've been fine if he was just a friend of Cellor, he could've been her love interest, just stretch it out realistically. He has interesting powers that interact well with the rest of the cast, I really just wish his arc with Cellor would've been written better. Whoever wrote that needs to post a public apology right now.
#cellor-sun against the univessel #cellor-sun #soma-san catu #i could've written it better for real #catu
(424 notes)
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spctrsgf · 2 years
the simulation
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summary: you’re a new pilot joining the resistance, and the Black Squadron sends you and others into a simulation to test your abilities
word count: 3.1k
warnings: language, she/her pronouns, guns and blowing stuff up ig? it’s not graphic or anything
a/n: finally got around to posting this guy (unproofed cus my editor is busy)! we’re just gonna pretend that Marc’s parents found out how to live on Hoth for the sake of this story okay? please leave your thoughts so that i may improve <3
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“Hello everyone, this is your pilot speaking. We will be on base in about 20 minutes, so please make sure you are seated with all your items and with your designated group.”
You looked to your right, quadruple checking that you were in the right section of the craft. Pilots, it read. Your shoulders slumped in relief and you let out a breath you’d been holding in, trying to calm your shaky hands.
To say you were nervous was a severe understatement. Everyone around you was talking, seemingly comfortable in their newfound purpose and home. Not that you were ungrateful for this opportunity, it’s just that you never felt like you really fit in. You were too nervous, too quiet to feel like the people around you were in the same boat.
There was one woman in the corner who seemed to be shutting herself out, but after a second look you noticed that she was deaf and couldn’t hear the commotion anyways. You supposed that she was set to be a mechanic of some sort.
So, that left you were alone in your feelings and nothing you were trying was helping the anxiety gnawing at your throat. Breathe, y/n, breathe. You closed your eyes, trying to drown out the particularly loud conversation from the people to your right.
“Everyone!” You jumped at the sound of the man over the loudspeaker. “We have landed. Please leave through your appropriate exits and welcome to the resistance!”
You stood up, grabbing your backpack and following the crowd out the door. You noticed helmets tucked under many peoples arms, suddenly feeling a little left out of the memo.
You don’t have the money for that, you idiot.
You smiled slightly as you remembered stealing your favorite helmet from the lady across the street, wishing you could have taken it with you. But the helmet was hers: you couldn’t do that to her even if you wanted to.
Anyway, you followed the rest of the pilots to who you assumed was the General, waiting for her to sort the masses. You were surprised at the lack of people in your group, there were roughly twenty of you. She nodded you and some ten others gently to a group of pilots, already suited up and ready to fly.
Staying to the back of the group, you found a nice spot between two heads to watch as one man stepped forward. You marveled slightly at him, his curly black hair flopped on his forehead as his brown eyes sparkled. His posture demanded respect yet he wasn’t intimidating; just enthusiastic.
“Welcome, recruits. I’m Commander Dameron,” the said man spoke. “I trust you all had a good flight in?”
Murmurs of agreement answered him.
He laughed. “Good. Now, to the point: based on a previous assessment, you all have been declared the best. We are the Black Squadron, the best of the best in the resistance. Currently we’re down two members, and that’s where you all come in. Two of you will be chosen to join us, if any of you are deemed good enough. There will be a test, but first we’ll let you all get settled into your quarters, and a droid will let you know when to come out to test.”
Everyone nodded in agreement, following one of the members of the squadron to the rooms. Your mind, on the other hand, reeled from Dameron’s speech. Best of the pilots? Two new people joining the Black Squadron? And, perhaps the most blaring thought of all: you were one of the contestants?
A man next to you touched your arm, snapping you out of your thoughts. “The droid says you’re right here.” He pointed to a door. “Oh, uh, thank you.” You smiled awkwardly, him returning the gesture (less awkward than yours, for sure) before following the rest of the group.
You pressed a button to open the door, not expecting it to work. You figured it just scanned your DNA or something when you pressed the button as you strode into the room, flipping on a light. It was a nice but simple room: a bed in the far right corner, a desk in the left, a bathroom across from the bed and a wardrobe across from the desk.
You placed your backpack on the bed before venturing to the wardrobe, whipping it open to find it stocked lightly. Their was a few pairs of orange pants, some tank tops (white and black), and a flight suit like the one Commander Dameron had been wearing.
You whirled back to see the suit in all its glory. You ran your finger along the slightly worn material, lingering on the resistance symbol. You belonged here now, this was your home. A wave of emotions hit you like a truck, causing you to tear up and drop your fingers from where they were wrapped along the sleeve.
Composing yourself before your eyes grew red and puffy, you noticed something on the top shelf of the wardrobe. A helmet perched on it, and you quickly found that it fit perfectly on your head. “How’d they know?” You murmured to yourself, placing the helmet down gingerly and moving to unpack the rest of your stuff.
A knock sounded to your door, causing your to jump from your light stupor. You stumbled over to the door, opening it to find a droid waiting. “You have ten minutes to get ready before I escort you and the others to Commander Dameron. Please wear your designated flight suit and helmet.” With that, it whirred away to bother the next person down.
You swallowed deeply, your nervousness bursting up through the seams of the box you had just managed to cover as you slipped on the suit. You looked yourself over in the mirror. Part of you was screaming ‘this is the stupidest thing you’ve ever worn and the orange does not compliment your complexion’ and the other part of you was screaming ‘you did it your gonna be a fucking resistance pilot’.
You chose to listen to the ladder as you grabbed your helmet and headed out the door. Touching your free hand to your wrist, you reassured yourself that your bracelet was still intact, only relaxing once you felt your fingers brushed against the moon shaped beskar.
The droid and the other pilots arrived not long after you stepped out of your room, you falling in line with the nice man that had directed you to your room earlier. “Hey,” he greeted. “I’m Marc.” (I had to okay)
You smiled, easing at not having to initiate a conversation. “I’m y/n.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, y/n.”
“So,” he started in the short silence that ensued your answer. “Where are you from?”
His eyebrows raised. “Really?”
“Yeah?” Was that so hard to believe?
“That’s so cool!”
You grinned. “Not really, but where are you from?”
He leaned in. “Hoth.”
Your eyes widened. “What? How? I thought it was inhospitable.”
“Not enough for my parents. They were hiding from the Empire and figured it was a good place to hide since no one goes there.”
“Huh. That’s smart if you ask me.”
Marc laughed. “Yeah, I think so too.”
“How’d you get food?”
“My mom knew a man who flew around a lot. He’d bring us a shit ton of food every few weeks.”
You gaped. “Awesome. What was his name?”
Marc was about to say something else, but your little group reached the hangar and Commander Dameron, causing Marc to quiet. “Welcome, recruits!” He waved his hands in the air. “Now we will be testing you to decide where to place you in terms of squadrons. One of which could be the Black Squadron, led by me.”
Another man stepped forward. “Hello, everyone, I’m Snap. Snap Wexley. And before you ask,” he held his finger out mockingly. “I want to be called Snap, skip all of that formal crap that Dameron does. Anyway, the test is relatively simple. The four of us,” he gestured to him, Dameron, and two others. “Will be split into two groups, as will you all. We’ll fight against each other and see which team has the last ship standing.”
“It’s a simulation,” Dameron cut in. “The simulation ships act and feel exactly as our normal x-wing would. The sides of your ship will plunge you into the reality at hand, and you will fly out of your respective star carrier to attack the other team. We will have droids act as people on the carriers to make the simulation seem as real as possible.”
Snap chuckled. “Alright, we’ll split you up into teams now.” He paused. “Oh! And this is Karé,” he pointed to a blonde haired woman. “And Mei.” He pointed to a shorter woman.
Soon enough, you found yourself in the cockpit of a simulator x-wing, riding along Snap, Mei, Marc and three other people who’s names you hadn’t retained.
To say you were nervous was, again, an understatement. You knew that Snap and Mei were good pilots: they were on the Black Squadron, after all. But Dameron? You’d heard things about him. Even on Tatooine you had, whispers of him being the best pilot the resistance had.
And now you were fighting against him. Lovely.
“R-four, check in.” Snap’s voice floated through the radio to your right. “R-four to Snap, I’m here.” You replied, remembering your call name.
“Here, Snap.”
“Alright, Rookies,” Mei’s voice floated over the comms. “Show us what you got.”
The windows of your ship tinted, pulling you up and into the hangar of a star carrier much like the one you had just been in, but the doors were open and your teammates were rushing out of it. You quickly jetted yourself forward and out into space, getting into the zone.
“What’s the plan?” You heard Marc shout into the comms.
“Take ‘em down, R-two!” Snap yelped back.
“That’s a shit plan!” R-three yelled back.
“I have an idea!” You didn’t even hesitate to respond, your normal uneasiness fading. “We should split! Some people should distract their shooters and some people take down the carrier!”
“R-four, I like that plan,” Mei said. “But it’s hard to take down the carrier!”
“You have a point! Maybe we start with the communications first?”
“Everyone listen to R-four!” Snap cut in with a laugh. “She knows her shit!”
“Atta girl!” Marc yelled. “I’ll go with you to the comms!”
“Okay! Cover us!” You agreed, shooting up and over where the current commotion between both sides was happening.
Marc trailed closely behind you as you made your way to their star carrier. “Watch out, R-two! They got guns!” Marc quickly swerved to dodge the shots, alerting a rogue ship from the other side.
“We got company!” Marc yelled.
“I see them! Just keep trying to dodge!”
You studied the field, calculating your next move to avoid being shot. The enemy ship was coming from the right, the star carrier shooting from the front…
“Marc! I’m gonna do some weird maneuvering stuff so just try to follow me!”
“Yes ma’am!”
You dipped straight down almost immediately, dipping out of sight from the star carrier. Marc followed, and you correctly anticipated the follow of the enemy x-wing. “Time for the old switcharoo.” You yanked the controls upwards, flipping behind the trailing ship and blasting it to pieces.
“R-four! Nice shot!” Marc yelled over comms. “One ship down!”
A chorus of cheers sounded from the comms, and you beamed.
“Alrighty,” you said, mostly to Marc. “Let’s do Step 2.”
You came to the bottom of the ship, scoping underneath for a pressure point. “Y/n?” Marc asked, trailing you. “What are you doing?”
“I wanted to see if there’s somewhere that I can destroy the whole ship.”
“That wasn’t the plan!”
“Yeah, I know. But the comm antenna is also down here.”
“Alright…” Marc seemed apprehensive.
“We’ll be fine! We just have to find that antenna!”
“I see it!” You turned your ship around just in time to see Marc get blasted.
Flipping away from the shots, you managed to shoot back, hitting the ship that was shooting. “R-two is out, I hit one more!”
“So is R-one! Out, I mean.” Mei yelled.
“We’re taking damage! Snap, whats the plan?” You yelled.
“I don’t know, you’re the one with the good ideas!”
“And your the one who’s actually on the squadron!”
“Hold on!” A grunt sounded through the comms. “Just shot one!”
“Me too!” Yelled the quiet voice of R-five.
“Three more to go!” Mei cheered. “R-four, how’s your job lookin?”
“Good! Comms are down!”
“Perfe-“ Snap started to say, only to be cut off.
“Snap’s out!” Mei screeched.
“Shit!” R-three yelled. “What now?”
You maneuvered around the star carrier. “I can try to take out this carrier if you think that’s smart!”
“What should we do?”
“Guys! I’m being trailed!” R-one interrupted.
“I got you!” R-three yelled back.
“Mei is down! R-one is struggling!” R-three cut in.
“Fuck. Um, try to stay safe, R-three! I’m gonna take out the carrier!”
“I found the pressure point!”
“What pressure-“ R-three cut themselves of, clearly dodging shots.
“The gasoline! With these types of blasters, it’ll explode!”
“Perfect! Also, R-one and I each shot down a ship, somehow!”
“Nice job, guys! Keep going, you got this!”
“Shit, R-four, Dameron’s trailing us!” R-one screamed.
“Get back to the carrier!”
“He’ll blow up the carrier!”
“Just go!” You grunted as you maneuvered your x-wing. “Get up the shields as soon as you get in!”
“Oka-“ A sharp shrill ran through your ship.
“Attention R-four,” an automated voice said. “You are the last one standing against the enemy team’s Commander Dameron. We are connecting comms right now in order to further test your abilities.”
“Hey hey hey, watch your language.” The baritone of Dameron’s voice echoed through your comm.
You said nothing, only flying further into the star carrier, shooting any probes or people that posed a threat.
“You ignoring me, R-four?”
“You betcha I am, Commander.” You said through gritted teeth, almost at the gasoline tank.
“Where are you, by the way? Haven’t seen ya yet.”
“That would defeat the purpose of the test, wouldn’t it? If I can’t resist your questions and prodding, I’m as good as dead.”
Dameron chuckled. “Ah, snappy talker, eh?”
You chuckled. “Nah, you’ll find I’m pretty quiet unless necessary.”
“So this conversation is necessary?” You could hear his smirk.
“Can’t be making a bad first impression by ignoring my maybe future commander, can I?” You made it to the gasoline dropping one of your timed emergency bombs and then getting the hell out of there.
“You must be near the carrier,” Poe said suddenly. “Smart woman.”
“Took you long enough.” You bantered, feeling suddenly confident with your progress in the plan.
“Ya know, insulting me is not helping you impress me.”
“Huh,” you shot out of the carrier. “And here I was thinking you liked a little competition.”
Just as you finished your sentence, his carrier went up in flames, eliciting a string of curses from the commander.
“Language, Commander.” You chuckled.
“Ya know what, R-four? Fuck off. Seriously, where the hell are you?”
You smirked as you pulled up behind him, locking in on his x-wing. “Nice ass, Dameron.”
Then you shot him, watching the plane go up in flames. You cheered to yourself, but were quickly swept back to present as you were shot at. “The hell?!” You yelped, grabbing your controls and jerking them to move. “R-four, can you hear me?” You heard Dameron come over the comm again.
“Yep!” You jutted into a hard left, pulling behind an x-wing and blowing it up.
“You need to get them off your tail.”
“No shit, Sherlock!”
“G- what did you just say?”
“It’s-“ you grunted as you yanked yourself into a jarring dodge. “A saying.”
“What? Look, R-four, you gotta go into the debris from the old enemy carrier!”
“Respectfully, sir, that is a shitty plan and I will not be doing that.” You slowed your ship to a stop.
“What are you doing? Move your ass!” Dameron’s voice took on a tone of urgency.
“Watch!” You pulled upwards at the last second, dropping your last emergency bomb, set off with a roulette of bullets. The x-wing’s exploded, you having to pull up even further to avoid being licked by the fire.
Once you’d deemed the bomb efficient and that the enemy ships were gone, you headed back to the carrier cautiously. As soon as you released the landing gear, the windows faded and you were back at the real hangar of the resistance star carrier.
Thirteen pairs of eyes tracked you as you slipped from the simulation on slightly wobbly legs. Some were of awe, some of hate. Either way, the attention was nerve racking and frankly, you didn’t like it at all.
But perhaps the most important of them all: Commander Dameron’s. As your eyes met his, you couldn’t determine the emotion behind them. You would like to fool yourself and say that it was some sort of newfound appreciation, but in reality it must have been disappointment. You did beat him, after all.
“Well,” Snap clapped to break the silence. “We will discuss and get back to you about who, if anyone, got into the squadron!” You and the others nodded, walking away.
You had made it a total of four steps before a hand grabbed your wrist, silently holding you back as everyone else walked away. Marc turned back once with raised eyebrows, but you just gave him a look of confusion. When everyone was gone, Snap yanked you back and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
“You got game, Hawkeye.” He said with a big grin adorning his face.
You laughed. “Maker, is that my nickname now?”
“You betcha it is.”
“Great. Lovely.”
Snap nudged you. “C’mon, that’s pretty good. Coulda been worse.”
“Snap.” Dameron’s voice was hard as his eyes darted between you and the said man, causing Snap to drop his arm.
“Sorry, Commander.”
Dameron sighed, running a hand through his curls. If only you could reach up and- “I told you to call me Poe.”
“But-“ He nodded to where you were standing a bit awkwardly.
“Call me Poe, Hawkeye.” He stuck out his hand.
“You better not use that fucking nickname, Poe.” You met him halfway.
He chuckled. “Or what?”
“How would you like the base to know that you,” you stepped closer and into his personal space. “the best pilot in the galaxy got beat by a rookie.”
He tilted his head to the side, smirking lightly. “Is that a challenge to my authority I hear?”
“You bet your ass it is.”
“And you said you’d be a quiet one.”
“Only talking cause it’s necessary.” You smiled mockingly sweet.
Poe turned to Snap. “I want her on my squadron.”
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rowavolo · 4 months
"Sorry, I have a boyfriend." "I am your boyfriend, idiot." (A silly RowItto drabble)
hehe i finally felt like writing a little silly something simply because i love Itto, he's so silly. Please be niceys to me im insecure about posting my self insert stuff <3
Content includes mentions of alcohol and Itto being a little too drunk, but in like a silly way.
"Come on, big guy." Rowan tugged his boyfriend's arm gently, trying to lead him away from the tavern table they'd been sitting at all evening. The smooth wood was littered with empty glasses and little bowls once full of snacks. The Angel's Share was about to close for the evening, and Rowan had been ready to go home for several hours now.
"Wait, wait, hang on." Itto stumbled momentarily, causing Rowan to brace himself in case the large oni were to crumple to the floor (as if he could stop Itto from taking him down as well). "I can't go home with you." Itto's voice lilted awkwardly.
Rowan sighed inwardly, pinching the bridge of his nose between his forefinger and thumb as his ruffled tail twitched back and forth underneath his cloak. "Why not?" He tried to keep his tone even and passive, but it was somewhat difficult when Itto had been so scatterbrained for the past few hours.
"You're pretty." Itto drawled, punctuating the statement with a long, low groan that garnered them a few strange looks from the few patrons who had yet to vacate the bar for the night. "And small. And a little bit squishy."
Rowan leaned back and bared fanged teeth for a moment as Itto roughly pinched his freckled cheek, displacing his wire-rimmed glasses. "...Thank you?" Rowan scrunched his face up and gently swiped Itto's hand away from him. "But that doesn't tell me why-"
"But I already have a pretty-small-squishy-cute boyfriend. I don't wanna go home with anyone else." Itto pouted.
Rowan let out a soft chuckle and shook his head. "Itto, come on, quit messing around. Let's get home, alright?" He gave the oni's burly arm another tug, trying to guide him towards the door once again.
"Hey, hey! Hands off, little guy! I'm not goin' home with you! I'm super duper flattered and all, but my boyfriend's gonna be back real soon, we're gonna walk home together!"
"I am your boyfriend, Itto." Rowan furrowed his brow and dug his nails into his partner's warm skin.
"Nuh-uh." Itto pointedly tugged his arm away from the boy and crossed his arms, puffing his chest out and looking away with a pointed 'hmph'
"Dude. You're insane. Come on, or I'm gonna leave without you." Rowan stomped one foot, ears flattened against his head beneath his oversized hat. "Then Diluc is gonna throw you in Cider Lake. Again. Do you want that?"
"Yes." Itto announced, as if that's what he'd wanted all along. "I'm waiting to leave with my boyfriend. And you are not my boyfriend. I'd rather get dumped in the lake than betray my boy that way!"
"Are too." Rowan insisted petulantly, bouncing up and down on his tiptoes as he struggled to wrap his head around this elaborate 'bit' his boyfriend was pulling today.
"Are not!" Itto retorted, with an equal amount of petty childishness in his tone.
"Are too!" Rowan squared himself up and faced up to the oni, though it seemed as if he didn't even notice, since Rowan barely reached his chest at his full height.
"No!" Itto blew a raspberry. "My boyfriend is a little kitty-cat guy." He held up his hands to mimic a set of animal ears on top of his head, and wriggled his behind to simulate a tail. "He's small and red and I love him very much, but he's very shy, and if he comes back and you're standing here talking away to me, he's probably gonna go hide! Now shoo!" He explained himself with a slow, deliberate tone.
Rowan tilted his head to the side as he processed this newfound information, then finally realised what must have happened, and why Itto was acting the way he was. "Itto." He said slowly. "My light. My love." He struggled not to burst into laughter. "There is nary a thought at the base of those pretty horns."
Itto looked vaguely confused for a few moments as he tried to decipher what the boy was telling him. "Huh?" He brushed his fingers over his left horn
Rowan shook his head and pulled his hat off to free his ears, then hiked up his cloak to reveal his tail, which waved back and forth in amusement.
"Oh man, Rowan!" Itto exclaimed, his whole face brightening. "There you are! I thought you were never coming back!" Without hesitation, he scooped Rowan up and gave him a bone-crushing hug.
"I didn't go anywhere, you doofus." Rowan leaned away from Itto, wrapping a shaky hand around one of his horns as he tried to lean in and rub his stubbly face up against Rowan's.
"You would not believe the audacity of this guy I just met." Itto adjusted Rowan in his arms as easily as if he were nothing but a sack of flour. "He would not take no for an answer, it was crazy!"
"Itto..." Rowan sighed and shook his head slowly. "I know, right?" Itto hefted Rowan into a bridal-style position. "But I told him, I have the cutest, prettiest, squishiest boyfriend in all of Teyvat, and I wasn't having any of his sneaky charms!"
Rowan couldn't help but giggle at Itto's chicanery. "Yeah. Right."
"C'mon, don't say it like that. You're the only one for me, babe." Itto announced, loudly enough for the dwindling handful of people in the tavern to hear clearly. He pressed a few scattered kisses against Rowan's face and head. "Now let's get out of here, before mister pushy comes back."
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagiarise my writing! This includes posting translations to other sites and using it to teach bots!
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akechiguro · 9 months
to see you again.
oneshot | shuichi saihara x kokichi ouma
alternate universe - postgame, simulation
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Synopsis | Shuichi Saihara and Kokichi Ouma meet again after the events of the 53rd season of Danganronpa.
Word Count | 3.0k.
Author’s Note | i don’t usually write in first person so this is a change of speed ^^ this is also from january so it’s pretty old, i feel bad for not posting :,D
also posted on ao3! (with minor changes)
I still remember our last conversation. It rings like a fucking melody in my ears every time I go to sleep and I hate it. Every time the ear worm starts replaying in my head, it makes me forget about her, she’s the reason I even put myself out there and yet I find myself thinking about his and I’s last conversation rather than hers and mine.
“But, y’know…I…wasn’t boring, right?”
He wasn’t. He never was. He kept me on my feet like a real detective and pushed my limits so far over the edge I was sure I’d come crashing down at some point, but I didn’t. In a way, he saved me from doing that— or did she? Both of them? It doesn’t matter. One way or the other, I’m a better man because of them. Better, sure, but whipped out of my damn mind because of that little scumbag who preferred to play the devil’s advocate in serious situations rather than actually being of some real use.
I thought— no— I knew he died. Investigated his own death with my own eyes, forced another one of my best friends to his execution because of it, and found myself becoming a sobbing mess all over again. Not just for him, but her as well, even if she was some number of months between the two cases. I wasted too much of my time crying over someone I swore up and down I hated. Was it for nothing?
It had to have been. He’s sitting right in front of me right now.
There’s an awkward silence to the room, an unresolved tension lingering in the air so thick you could cut it with a knife. His hair is still the same shade of purple, if not a bit darker, maybe a little longer, and he looks taller since we last talked. Ironic. The outfit is near unrecognizable— the strangest feeling of deja vu, and yet, neither of us can remember where we’d seen each other in these clothes.
“So,” he started, taking the liberty of starting our conversation. God knows I can’t. Not after everything I’ve seen, argued for, cried over. He leaned his head against his hand with that certain admiration in his eye I could never quite figure out during the game. I’m glad he’s casual. It helped me calm down a little bit.
“So?” I retort shakily. My hands are trembling, fiddling with the hem of my school uniform’s jacket. I know I said Kaede helped me grow as a person, be more confident, but for some reason I can’t meet his eye.
“How’d you do? You know, after I was gone?” He asked. His tone is more…calm? It’s different from the game’s, whatever persona he took on. He doesn’t seem like a malicious person anymore. Or at least, not acting like he is. But he doesn’t seem totally different, either.
“What do you mean?” I mumbled, and I felt like an idiot. You know what he meant. How’d we figure out it was Kaito, who survived and how we did it, stuff like that. I clenched my teeth and averted my gaze to a wall— plain white with a bit of grime. Well, can’t expect every room in this facility to be squeaky clean.
Kokichi laughed, softly, a strange unfamiliarity striking right through my ears. It’s nothing like how it was in the game. It’s intriguing. “You know what I mean! How did you figure out my plan and all that? Who was the mastermind you and Kaede tried so hard to uncover? I want all the details!”
I blinked. “Oh, uh— right. Well, it took, uh…a lot of probing, I guess, to figure out it was Kaito in the exisal and not you,” I started, gazing off in a random direction to gather my thoughts. “I…well, neither Maki or I could really handle the aftermath of that. For two different reasons, I think,” I chuckled nervously, and this caught his attention.
“Two different reasons? Maki was affected? I didn’t think she cared about anybody!” He laughed again and my heart started beating faster. Why did I have to catch feelings for someone who purposefully made themself out to be a bad person in a game of life and death?
“Yeah, believe it or not,” I smiled, catching his eyes for no longer than a second before deciding the painting behind him was a lot more interesting. Some sort of wave, I think the picture was. “She had a crush on him I guess, ended up threatening Monokuma and all that. Kaito didn’t actually die in his execution, either, it was his sickness that ended up killing him. Had he not had it…” I trailed off, feeling my features soften, “…he would’ve survived with the rest of us. Maki, Himiko, and I.”
“Woah, woah. Slow down,” Kokichi grinned. “Himiko survived with you but not Kiibo? What, did he kill Tsumugi or something? And an execution failed?”
“Yep. His execution failed and that, uh…really pissed off Monokuma,” I smiled. Enough time has passed where names don’t make me flinch anymore, they don’t send my lunch up my throat like they used to. “…You’re not far off from your theory about Kiibo, though. I guess Miu installed lasers and stuff inside of him and he ended up destroying the End Wall so we could escape. The final trial was a redo of the first one, and we figured out Kaede’s plan…”
No. You swore you wouldn’t cry to him when you found out this opportunity was something that could happen. Stay strong.
“…Kaede’s plan failed. Her shot put ball missed,” I explained, voice shaking with each new word. “It was Tsumugi who actually killed him, and who ended up being the mastermind. It…it wasn’t an easy trial,” I laughed bitterly, staring down at the table. I know Kaede is still alive. I know it was a simulation. But that means Tsumugi also lives; the one who orchestrated all of their deaths, left a far deeper cut in my core than any murder attempt ever could, is still walking and breathing. Something about that made it worse.
Kokichi fell back in his chair with a look of shock. “Dang. So how did her and Kiibo end up dead while you, Maki, and Himiko didn’t? Wouldn’t Kiibo’s lasers have killed you, too?”
“Nope. He destroyed the Ultimate Academy while breaking the End Wall, and a piece of rubble ended up falling on Tsumugi. Kiibo, he…he made sure we were safe and protected before self-destructing.”
“So a robot did have some humanity after all,” Kokichi giggled, crossing his arms on the table and letting his head follow. He still looked just as childish as he did in the simulation, yet there was more of a sense of…maturity, maybe? Was that the word? I don’t know. When it comes to him, it feels like no words even come close to describing him.
There’s awkward tension in the air again. There’s so much I wanna tell him and yet none of it is coming out. So much I wanna ask; why put on such an…interesting front? Why sacrifice himself the way he did, especially with the show he’d put on just before his death? Was everything he’d told me about hating me true?
I can’t get anything to come out. I’m just staring at him like an idiot, or maybe admiring, I can’t really tell, myself. I think he notices, too, because he seems totally comfortable in the silence. At least he seems like he does. If I’m not in tune with my own emotions, then I don’t think I ever will be with Kokichi’s, even outside of the game.
“You’re still insecure, aren’t you?” He asks suddenly.
I blinked. “What?”
“I can see it in your eyes, y’know. I may not have the same confidence I did in the game, but I can still read you like a book, Shuichi,” he smiled, something soft in his gaze while he stared at me. Maybe even sincerity. I fully believe him, too. Even the tone of his voice is softer, meeker, and his eyes don’t hold the same mischief and judgment they used to. Is this the real him? What he truly feels? No, not that— he’s not done anything out of emotion. He’s just…talking. And yet somehow my assumption seems correct. “I thought you got over your emo phase,”
I want to counter that. But he’s right. I guess I don’t really have the same confidence I had in Danganronpa, either. “I, uh…I thought I did, at least. Why bring that up?”
“I dunno. You look like you wanna say something.”
“Oh,” I breathed, mentally beating myself up. At the very least I thought I was better at speaking my mind. Well- this meeting should’ve made it obvious to myself that I’m not. “I guess I’m kind of just wondering…how to word this…why? Why were you the way you were? You seem so…” I trailed off, not letting myself finish that. That’s not the only thing I want to ask. Not why I contacted Danganronpa asking for this meeting. But it’s all I can get out right now.
He laughed. “You’re not the first to ask, y’know? I thought my favorite might be more original, but you’re asking such a boring question.”
So others got to him before I did…somehow that’s not surprising. “You’re surprised? I thought you could read me like a book,” I smirked, “I thought you of all people should know why I’m the most interested,”
“Fine, you’re right,” He smiled, adjusting so his cheek laid against a fist. “Welp! I don’t have a good answer to that. I wanted to be the antagonist. Nagito was my favorite in all 52 seasons I saw before applying to Danganronpa,” He laughed.
“Is that…it?” I asked, mentally cringing. That came out rude.
“I don’t…really believe you,”
He barked out a laugh. It’s the most familiar thing he’s done this whole time. “Wow! A whole couple months after we last talked and you still don’t fully trust me?” He’s weirdly amused, I noticed. Was his in-game personality the real thing? No— somehow this feels like an act.
I shook my head quickly, flustered. “No, no! It’s not that! It’s just, well- it’s not just your attitude I was referring to. You seemed to have it out for me specifically. And Kaito and Miu, I guess, though I can probably assume for them…”
He hums, leaning back in his chair. His arms rested comfortably behind his head, the darkness of his uniform making his hair pop to a lighter purple than it actually is. “Yeah, those two are idiots. I’m surprised Kaito lasted so long,” he giggled quietly to himself, “but as for you…I don’t really wanna tell you that.”
“Huh?” Now that actually surprised me.
“I didn’t hate you or anything if that’s the answer you’re after,” he continued, averting his gaze elsewhere, “but the exact reason..eh,”
I can’t complain, that is the answer I was after. But now I’m just more curious. “Is there a, uh…a reason you can’t tell me the reason?”
Kokichi shrugged. “Nope! Maybe I’m lying though, huh?” He smiled. That itself was a lie. I could tell, somehow.
Another moment of awkward silence.
“Well, what did you think of me?” He asked, adjusting his position back to resting his head on his arms again. Could he always not sit still for this long? Or had I just never noticed in the game?
“Do you not know?” I asked, cautiously. “I…I told you that you’ll always be alone. I- I don’t mean it now, in fact I wanted to apologize for that-“
“Don’t worry about it, Shumai,” He laughed. “It was easy to hate me in the game, y’know? I hated myself!”
“Er…” I glanced down, picking at my nail beds.
“Oh, not to traumadump or whatever the word is,” Kokichi shook his head quickly, “I already knew, actually. I just wanted to hear it come from your own mouth.”
“But I still want to apologize! That was- that was rude of me. What you did was horrible, but it was still uncalled for on my part.” Plenty of people had murdered in the game. Too many, far too many. Was I justified to say that to someone who, more or less, did what he did in self defense?
“But is that all you felt about me?” Kokichi asked, the same cautious tone I’d used earlier. Like he’d said it accidentally, almost.
It kinda shocked me, to hear him ask that. He’s right. That’s not all. It’s the safe answer, the one I’d assumed everyone else had told him. But should I even admit to that other feeling? The one still eating at me, the one I can’t get out of my head no matter how hard I try? He can’t feel the same. Not him.
I took a second to think of a response, holding unsteady eye contact. It was Kokichi who’s eyes darted away momentarily, only to return with the same hesitation. “…No. It’s..it’s not.”
Why not come clean? What are the chances I ever see him again after this? We both will become just another face in the crowd, going about our school lives as though we hadn’t gone through someone so horribly traumatic.
I don’t think Kokichi was expecting my response. His eyes widened slightly, the micro movements of his mouth and eyebrows revealing to me a sort of surprise. I know I’m not a detective anymore, but I’m still attentive. He definitely wasn’t expecting it.
He licked his lips, ever so slightly. They’d gone dry. “What’s that other feeling, then?” He leaned forward, slightly, his eyes falling somewhere else. Lower to my face. The tension’s changed.
My breath caught in my throat, mimicking his actions. “I’m…sure you can guess.” I mumbled, meeting his eyes again. I feel like I’m running a fever, I feel lightheaded, this is a horrible idea…I shouldn’t have said that, I should’ve lied, I should’ve…
…His hand sliding gently over mine, his body to lean further across the table… Should I?
What other chance would I get?
I stood, cupping his face gently and closing the distance. His skin is just as smooth as I remember it being, so strangely soft, yet I can still feel the bones in his cheeks. He’s thin, sure, but it doesn’t seem too unhealthy. His lips are chapped, dry, almost uncomfortable. He chews at his lips, a nervous habit. It’s more endearing than I should think of it being.
He’s quick to kiss back. He tugged at my uniform’s collar, almost needily- hungrily?- like he’d been waiting for this. None of this explains anything that happened in the game. I think it just raises more questions, if anything. But my mind’s too fogged and my face is too hot to think of anything else but our proximity.
It’s only when he starts to fidget with the buttons on my jacket that I pull away, and I can think of absolutely nothing except how much I’m going to regret that. Not because I don’t like Kokichi, honestly, it’s the opposite. I refused it for so long that I think I’m actually in love with him. But I thought it earlier; what are the chances I’m going to see him again after this? I don’t think I can handle a long distance relationship, but I don’t think I’m ever going to get over him. No, no, I don’t think, I know I’m never gonna get over him.
He looked nervous, hand lingering on my clothes for a moment longer before he brought them to his chest nervously. He looked so out of character from what I remembered of him in the game…that Kokichi would probably keep going. This one looks like he’s on the brink of tears. “Pausing for air, or..?” He asked, trying to laugh it off.
I shook my head. “We can’t do this, Kokichi.”
“Why not? You kissed me!” He’s getting defensive. I should’ve seen this coming.
“I know! I know, that was…my mistake. It’s not that I don’t want this,” I started, grabbing his hand and slinking my fingers through his, “I…I’ve been denying how much I’ve wanted to do that for entirely too long. But it’s…I don’t know where you live. We don’t go to the same school, hell, we might not even live in the same part of Japan. I don’t…want to commit to something I can’t maintain.”
He looks defeated, for far longer than I would’ve liked. I feel horrible. But quickly perks up. “Well, where do you live?”
“You can’t just kiss me and then go on this whole rant about why we can’t be together and then expect me not to ask where you live!” He smiled. “Where you from?”
“Oh.” I take a second to think. Are we even allowed to tell each other that? Fuck, of course we are- why wouldn’t we be? “Uh, Okinawa. I wear…probably too many layers for how warm it is compared to the rest of Japan,”
He smiled. A lot brighter than I would’ve imagined. “And you’re not lying?”
“No! Why would I?”
“I’m from there, too! No way that’s a coincidence!” He giggled like a child, freeing his hand to wrap them around mine. “I don’t live with my parents, they’re from Aichi. Just my older brother. But it’s crazy lucky I do, right?”
I stood there, dumbfounded. I was worrying for nothing? “So…so that means—“
“If you break my heart, Shumai, DICE is a real organization. They’ll kick your ass!” He laughed, dropping my hands to grab me in a hug. It’s so unfamiliar. In game Kokichi…no, I need to stop thinking about him.
“Y-yeah..! Yeah, I’m sure Kaede or Kaito will have your head in seconds if you, uh..break mine, too.” I laughed, awkwardly returning the action.
I still don’t know a lot about Kokichi. I don’t know about his family or how his school is or even if this version of him is the real one. There’s still so much I need to learn about him, that he needs to learn about me, but somehow, I know it’s going to be easier with us. I don’t think I’ll ever forget our last conversation as characters in a television show. The game, I think, forever changed who we are as people. But it’ll work out. We’ll be okay.
We’re gonna be great.
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corvidcrowned · 5 months
Peeks in
Hi i finished yttd and now i have to ask what exactly is the ai test idiots au? im very curious,,, from what i can tell its a sara ai? who became sentient? but idk abt the others lol im just oh so interested
ok so get this right.
the ai sims- aka where the percentages are from- were disrupted one day when a glitch happened, messing with everything going on in the facility. This happened when the sara ai won, causing her to achieve self-awareness! (Here’s a comic of what happened from red’s perspective kinda)
Before this event, the sims went pretty normally- one or two people winning and all the others dying. Noticeable patterns showed up though! The sara ai and keiji ai were pretty much nemeses, the sara ai killed the shin ai most times, and the anzu ai had a pretty decent win rate, particularly because of her rivalry with the sara ai. ‘PLEASE stop killing people’ ‘ermm.make me?’ You know.
The glitch that made the sara ai becoming self aware led to some other weird stuff happening though. For example the sim itself would glitch often leading to the ais themselves to get super corrupt for short periods of time. Very strange and unusual. Michiru was supervising all this but scientific curiosity was too much to make everything normal again.
Fun fact though !! The Sara ai ends up becoming a lot more different from the original, eventually becoming his whole own person entirely !! He goes by Red, originally a nickname from Michiru because of his eyes. He/it/bite little creature guy<3 the anzu ai clings to being ‘anzu’ longer though, since for a while getting back home because her family needed her was what kept her going. Eventually though, they accepted being an ai, picking out the name ‘Pierrot’ with Red’s help. The two of them won a lot of simulations together! Pier wins some alone too ofc but unlike red’s weird mother-son like relationship with Michiru, pierrot does not like her at all (here’s how they met)
Eventually the simulation is concluded and red gets put into a doll body (which is drastically customized- fangs and his red eyes. He cuts his hair a little bit too hehe) while Pierrot manages to get into the general system at asunaro. The two don’t see each other for a while because of this unfortunately but eventually they do reunite, pier just living in red’s (stolen) phone sometimes. <3
Red and Pier’s funny lil story goes in a few directions depending on things, they show up in a collaborative au between me and some friends (ai guys<3) and some other stuff, I wanna make a comic abt them eventually (the Pluto project..<3) but their ‘canon’ end is them living with the survivors of the death game!! Because. Red’s ass broke into the dg LOL. He was like ‘heyyyy emiri ^^ you know what would be funny..’ and she was like. ‘Get in there boy’. So red ends up hangin around and messing/hanging out with people!!! Like kai(here) and gin(here) but he and sara REALLY DO NOT GET ALONG!!!!
You see… Red is very jealous of Sara. Why did he have to be created just for her sake? How come she got homecooked meals and a family that loved her and friends and school and he had to live through hell every day?? Ofc sara’s life isn’t that great (her father is literally meister after all..) but red does not know that. Sara finds herself disturbed by red. This weird copy of her keeps running around causing trouble and insulting her to her face.. she thinks he was thrown in to make everyone trust her less or something. They’re so messed up…. After the death game though they hang out a lot. Make amends. I ljike them..
ERM YEAH THATS ALL OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD..!!! Also candy’s here sometimes she’s a cute pink girl who kills<3 (she also is an ai of shin who takes after midori… a lot. Because she was directly under his thumb and had to deal with him she began to associate violence and love until the two concepts totally overlapped in her mind. AND she’s trans!)
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3tabbiesandalab · 2 years
What the fuck was that?! Part 3
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Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x Reader
Things are going well for you and Bob, until the unthinkable happens.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 4
That night, after I’d kicked out my idiot brother and the others, I finally got that raincheck. Bob cleaned up the mess in the kitchen left by the others, elbows deep in suds at the sink, his glasses slid down his nose.
I stood beside him, and he gave me a shy smile “Hi”.
God this man. I can’t wait any longer.
I pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose, and grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled his face down to me. I touched my lips to his and softly kissed him. Bob to cupped my face with both his bubble covered hands and kissed me back.
And fuck is was a kiss.
We broke apart, suds dripped down my face and down his arms and I laughed breathlessly.
“Sorry” Bob laughed and picked up a kitchen towel and dried my face and neck and lastly his hands and arms.
Once he was dry he kissed me deeply again.
And I pray he never stops.
Over the next week, everyone threw themselves into their work, including me. I’ve been working on the F18’s, and to my surprise, I had been ordered back in the pilot seat by Admiral Simpson, he had me test flying some insane simulation with the lowest hard deck and hardest manoeuvres that I’ve ever flown.
Bob, Rooster and Phoenix all knew that I was training again, but I couldn’t discuss details as it was classified, much like their mission. Even so, I’ve been able to spend time with Rooster and with Phoenix, something I am so grateful for.
Even reconnecting with ‘Uncle’ Pete or Maverick as he’s known to most, has been great. Rooster is still angry at him for pulling his papers years ago and although I know he got the late Admiral Kazansky to ground me after my accident, unlike Rooster, I don’t hold a grudge. I’m just thankful to have him around again as he’s the only father figure I’ve ever had in my life as mine, who was Uncle Pete’s wingman, died 7 months before I was born.
Then there’s Bob. My Bob.
He’s still shy and sweet and still a bit awkward, but now that there’s no doubt that I like him, new layers of him appear every day. He is more confident, and witty and funny, especially when he’s fucking with Hangman.
The other day at the beach, Uncle Pete organised the team to play dog fight football and the bunch of sweaty, half-naked toned bodies, well apart from Bob who kept his shirt on, had started to draw a crowd of fawning women. Typically, Hangman showed off and threw the ball directly at the women, but before he could retrieve it, Bob wandered over instead.
From my vantage point on the veranda of the Hard Deck, I smiled and laughed as I saw Bob had the women giggling and flirting with him. That left an ignored Hangman very confused.
And when Bob scored the winning touchdown and was hoisted on Rooster’s shoulders, the group of women erupted in cheers congratulating him. And you could clearly hear a gobsmacked Hangman utter to himself, “What the fuck is that?!”
In the last few weeks, I feel like a different person. One thing I do know about myself is that I’m very good WSO, but to have it acknowledged by Maverick feels great. I’ve been on bases or carriers full of people, but have always faded into the background, but now I have Phoenix. She and I have become a great team and she’s like another sister to me, I trust her with my life.
Rooster has become a great friend, and has confided in me about his own insecurities and the stuff with Maverick. I’m getting on well with Payback and Fanboy, and even Hangman joking around with me is now fun.
My family have always been amazing and supportive, but to finally feel seen by others feels really good. But by far the biggest difference though, is finding my person in YFN.
Being with YFN feels incredible and I feel more confident and secure in myself. She is beautiful and kind and understanding and so much fun to be with. And I can’t stop kissing her. We haven’t had sex yet, not that I don’t want to, she is incredibly sexy. There hasn’t felt like a need to rush anything, I’ve just been enjoying falling in love with her.
And I am. I’m very in love with YFN ‘Robin’ Bradshaw.
I just haven’t told her yet, I will, it’s just it has happened so quickly and there’s a small niggling doubt, she might not feel it too.
Maverick stood at the front of the training room looking solemn. The whole team is here for an announcement and, I don’t know if I’ve imagined it, but his eyes are flitting back and forth between me and Rooster.
Admiral Simpson entered the room, so we stood and saluted. “At ease” he said, and we sit back down. “The mission is being moved up, you leave for the carrier in 24 hours.”
That’s not that unusual, but I imagined we’d get every second we could to train as we’ve barely had any successful runs in the simulator. 
“I’ve also determined the need for another aircraft in the formation, a single F-18 with a third bomb in case of failure to destroy the target in the first two passes. The team will now consist of five aircraft with a team leader, two foxtrot teams and two wingman” The Admiral said.
Phoenix and I looked at each other, it’s not a bad decision to have a backup. Hangman predictably looked like the cat that got the cream and Rooster looked stoic, they must realise it is very likely they will be apart of the final team now.
The Admiral continued “This mission cannot fail. Maverick has recommended his final team to me, but I have the final approval. I want a team who are willing to make the sacrifices needed to complete this mission.”
“With that in mind, Captain Mitchell will be team leader. And I have chosen a pilot, who passed the simulation, from outside this group. They will be the wingman in the rear of the formation” he Admiral finished.
Maverick bowed his head as I heard the door to the debriefing room open.
So far, it’s been a good day. I’ve just finished a successful training run of the simulation Admiral Simpson. Now I’m work on Uncle Pete’s F-18 after his mission training.
I daydream about how I woke up with Bob’s arms wrapped around me, my back against his chest, him making soft noises in his sleep. I could feel his hardness pressing into my ass and it took everything in me not to rub against it. We’re in no rush, but he is so fucking sexy and moments like that make it difficult not to jump him.
I’m in love with Bob, I’ve knew it almost instantly and want to shout it for all to hear, but I’m terrified I’m going to scare him off.
I’m broken out of my thoughts by an officer’s voice “Lieutenant Bradshaw, Admiral Simpson wants to see you in his office.”
I nod to the officer and head to the bathroom to make myself presentable before seeing the Admiral.
Waiting outside Admiral’s office, I heard raised voices coming from inside, one was Admiral Simpson, and one was Uncle Pete.
“I don’t need to explain myself to you, but I’ve had her training separately. She is the only one, apart from you, who has had some success with the simulation. I will do what I need to do to make this mission successful. Of course I know she has strong ties to quite a few members of the team, including you, so her presence will be motivational for them. She is going on this mission, Captain, end of discussion“ the Admiral declared.
Uncle Pete sounded angry, “I know how important this is but with all due respect Sir, you’re using her. Dangling her like a fucking carrot in front of them to make them work harder.”
I stepped closer towards the door and heard the Admiral “Careful Captain. Another outburst like that and I will have you for insubordination. Robin is going on this mission and so are you.”
Ten minutes later, I waited outside the debriefing room in complete shock. I’m not supposed to feel betrayed, orders are orders, but I do. I know I’m a good pilot, and I’ve flown missions before my accident, but I thought I was just testing a simulation, but I was part of some fucked up plan to ensure this mission has the best chance of success.
The officer at the door opened it as the Admiral finished his address, and I stepped inside.
“Oh my god.“
“YFN No!”
I heard Phoenix and Rooster’s voices and the murmurs of the other pilots.
With sadness in my eyes, I looked at my brother and then at Phoenix and they were as clearly shocked as me.
“You’ve got to be kidding me” Hangman commented as I made my way towards the empty seat.
“Enough” the Admiral bellowed, “Lieutenant YFN Bradshaw has had a successful simulation and will be in the rear of the formation. As mentioned, Captain Mitchell will be team leader. The rest of the team will be announced by him.”
The Admiral left the room as I took the empty seat next to Bob and dared to look at him. He stared straight ahead, his breath shallow and I can see he is distressed but doing his best to hide it. Ever fibre of my being wants to reach out and touch him, but I know I can’t in this setting.
Uncle Pete’s solemn voice filled the room “You are all gifted aviators. My choices are the reflection of the mission, and nothing more, The foxtrot teams are Payback and Fanboy, Phoenix and Bob.”
Bob turned quickly to Phoenix, and they shared a nod, then he turned to me, and gave me a sad smile, a mixture of pride and grief in his eyes.
Uncle Pete then said the only thing that can make this any worse…
“And my wingman is Rooster.”
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finniestoncrane · 10 months
I'm here for a blind date I'm genderfluid (afab if you're wondering. I apparently give off Boy Vibes™)
I love dinosaurs (some of my favorites include Archaeopteryx, Australovenator, and Baryonyx, Minmi, Oviraptor, and Yi qi) comic books (mostly Suicide Squad but you already know that by now), and I'm trying to get into cars because I want to be an automechanic, since my grades weren't good enough for paleontology and I suck at art. College wasn't right for me and being an automechanic is probably like... A trade school thing, right? I also like Transformers. I got a mullet at one point, but it grew out a bit lol. I'm kinda clumsy, which is pretty evident since my glasses keep breaking lol. Not like I can afford new ones so I guess I'm using duck tape and super glue to keep the frames in... 2 pieces I guess. I guess it's just duck tape keeping the ear things on. I really got into old monster movies in Middle School because of a book called the encyclopedia of monsters. From like... The really old ones like The Blob That Ate Everything to the ones from to the slightly more recent ones but they're still decades old, like the Alien Franchise. Not too big of a fan of regular (?) horror movies. Technically I haven't seen most of the alien movies, but I really liked Alien VS Predator so I think that counts enough. I know I've already told you this but I fell down a YouTube rabbit hole of wilderness survival and eventually wound up finding a channel about boomerangs and the occasional Australian wildlife video (there's one titled Kangaroo Maggots. He finds a kangaroo corpse at the side of the road and maggots are inside of it. Really fucking gross. 0/10. Do not recommend if you hate maggots. Don't know why I watched that specific video honestly, but all the rest are good). Which lead me to another channel about Australian animals. I'm American and idk how tf I got from how to cook a cactus to watching a video on dingoes. I play a lot of simulator games. Like... If you look at my steam library it's like... 99% simulator games, the Batman: Arkham Series, and then a hunting game for some reason. And even then I think that's a hunting simulator come to think about it. Don't know why I like Simulator Games, I just do. Wait... Does the Arkham series count as simulator games? Like... Are they technically Batman simulators. I love reptiles and rats, but I fucking hate spiders. Need an Australian Man™ to help me if a spider is near lol. You know wow I'm talking about here I tend to get overexcited when myself or others are talking about stuff I'm interested in. I go on long tangents about stuff I like. I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to my semi-niche interests. I do enjoy listening to people go on their own tangents about things they like too though.
It's also quite apparent I have a thing for weird and/or disgusting fictional men ( my taste in women is better I swear. (Will fall for any tall woman who even looks in my direction. Which isn't saying much cuz I'm 4'10¾") )
💜 blind date 💜 the kitchen is now closed! 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie1500 (to follow or to block) a/n: hi please come in and distract this idiot, quickly, quicker, HURRY 💚
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"Hi, uh-huh, welcome to the Vill-Inn. Can I just... sit you down as quickly as possible? If your date asks any of us if we want to see his big, curvy weapon one more time, we are going to escort him from the premises. Good luck!"
The moment you sit down at your table, after being rushed over by the waitstaff, you're met with a wide and mischievous grin, a signature smile from a man you recognise.
"I go by many names. Captain Boomerang, George, Digger. But you can call me daddy, if you like."
You screw your face up a bit, trying to pretend like that line didn't get you, and he's quick to try and win you over.
"I'm joking, love! Lighten up, it's a blind date, it's supposed to be fun!"
At least he's quick to... not apologise for his jokes, but to try and recover from them. And he's also surprisingly interested in you, and in getting to know you. Although, you fear it's just so he can make more risque jokes.
"Ah, mechanics. So... you're good with your hands then? You wear one of them little overall things? With anything underneath?"
The loud laugh he lets out at the end of his remarks are so endearing though, they make his lewd comments almost charming. Which you're unsurprised by, given your specific taste in men. He's perfectly strange and definitely a little bit gross, just how you like them.
He comments on your glasses, mentioning that you seem like someone who is a creative problem solver. A comment that feels like a proper compliment, not just a segue into another flirtatious remark. And it feels like he's dialing down on that the more he gets to know you. he talks to you about horror films for twenty minutes without saying anything lewd or crude. It's almost like it's a defense mechanism he uses to keep a distance, to maintain his facade.
In fact, he barely says anything at all when you're telling him about your preference for classic horror, and what video games you're interested in. Almost like he's enjoying learning about you. Almost like he can forego his usual ridiculously brazen behaviour around you. And you're more than happy to return the favour when he gets excited about boomerangs. Your fault for mentioning them.
"Yeah, you can learn a lot from a video online about surviving in the outback, but if you're ever looking for private tutoring, I'm your man."
He winks with this statement, but you can tell there's sincerity behind the offer. The fact that you're willing to listen politely, and that you seem interested in him when he's talking about subjects that are so personal to him, makes him feel very at home around you. And you're warming up to him, to the point where you can make some jokes too. I mean, no harm in joking about inviting him round to your place to get rid of some scary spiders, since he's Australian Outback Extroardinaire.
"Listen, for you, I can let myself be more of a hero than anti-hero for a change. Show me the little buggers and I'll have your house spider free in no time."
He winks again, and you're so fond of it that you can't help but imagine a life of being winked at across tables. A strange, happily ever after.
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ectogeo-art · 2 months
^_^ okay so I am sure I'm not the first to think of it but basically:
instead of their conversation getting interrupted, after the "Mr. Garak, I never knew we thought so much alike." "Life is full of surprises, Commander." exchange, they hook up, and only after that we hit unpause on the plot. (Plot~~ Sim!Garak seems to betray them, saves them, dies, Sisko sees Bashir's reaction to Garak dying, the rest of the simulation happens and they wake up in the cave). Now only Sisko (and the founders) knows he slept with Garak and he is going to pretend that never happened, especially because he realizes that Julian has deep feelings for Garak. But Sisko can't help but look at real Garak differently after that, there is probably some awkwardness or tension and Garak notices and tries to figure out the source for that, maybe he ramps up the flirting and Sisko tries to forget even more how good sim!Garak was. (Garashir are probably in the pining idiots stage of the relationship or in a friends with benefits while pining for each other situation). Sisko may try to be supportive to Julian and make sure Garak isn't just playing with Julian's feelings. I am not sure where to go from here, I think Jadzia may also notice Sisko is acting off and try to talk to him about it. There is also the question of how the founders knew to simulate sex with Garak and the options I thought of are 1) Julian's memories 2) your idea about pre-canon on Romulus siskarak 3) changelings already did some hands-on research on ds9 and that included sex with Garak
Another question is if Garak finds out, how would he feel about it? I figured he would be delighted at first, but I'm not sure about his reaction further
Sorry if I rambled too much this ask was shorter in my head 😅
Haha, omg, this is INSANE, thank you for sharing, I LOVE it! ^_^ Especially Sisko seeing Julian holding Garak as he died and feeling extra weird about his hookup with Garak after that. Peak comedy!! <3 (Though it would work well with an angsty tone too haha)
Hmmm, if the simulation's pulling stuff from ALL of their minds then maybe the simulation saw memories of Garak flirting with Sisko in Profit and Loss and just extrapolated from there hehe ("Oh, and if you'd like, stop by the shop one day. I have a number of suits that would look quite flattering on you." - like, we all know what THAT means!!! lol). Or maybe the Dominion just assigned the simulated Garak to be the confidant/honeypot of the simulation, the character meant to draw information out of the actual people and observe their reactions. Maybe they picked him based on his reputation as a spy and/or as a flirt, or maybe it was just at random lolll.
And real!Garak flirting with Sisko to try to find out why he's acting weird post-The Search is great! XD Like, I imagine Sisko is just like. Being extra nice to him or something but in a weird awkward way, bc he feels bad both for mistaking a simulation for the real him and for almost maybe accidentally being a homewrecker and breaking up garashir/preventing them from getting together. But Garak finds his aimless vague niceness disconcerting because he is used to Sisko being clear and firm with what he wants from him and where they stand. So maybe Garak is like hmmm I'm gonna drop innuendos until he either bends me over his desk or tells me what's really going on (win-win). lol
And I think it should end with Garak and Sisko hooking up for real. Like, Garak finally wears Sisko down and gets him to spill the beans about the simulation. He tells him about sleeping with simulated!Garak and also about his observations about Julian's obvious feelings for Garak. And Garak's just standing there with his mouth hanging open because he's shocked to learn that he's desired by either one of them, let alone both of them. Sisko expects Garak to feel used or disgusted, but Garak just steps into his personal space and kisses him with tongue, so grateful to learn he has a chance with Julian... and he's also not uninterested in the fact that Sisko's clearly into him too. And then!!! Well, then he and Sisko fuck, obviously. <3 Just once. <3 Garak initiates this by saying that it's only fair that, since Sisko has been with Garak, Garak should get to be with Sisko. And then afterwards Garak just leaves, armed with a new understanding of Julian's feelings... and Sisko is just left in a daze thinking like, "Man. That was hot but what the fuck WAS that." But luckily a lot of the tension was released between them, in such a way that they can maybe (MAYBE) be normal about each other for a few years. The end! I hope you like my thoughts on how your AU would play out, and thank you for letting me share my vision. XD
As for your followup ask:
wait the thought "what if /no/ garashir" just went through my mind for the first time ever, what if in this au they really are just good friends (with benefits) and Sisko was reading too much into it, maybe something makes Julian try to play matchmaker for them (hopefully the first ask reaches you before this one so there is context)
Okay I gotta admit, I'm such a Garashir=endgame girlie that I'm not really interested in thinking through/brainstorming a true no Garashir scenario, it just doesn't compute for me, sorry (but that of course def doesn't mean you can't explore it!). That said, I can buy something like Garashir not yet realizing/acknowledging their feelings at that point, or them trying to distance themselves from their feelings for each other or thinking it's unrequited. Like, it makes more sense to me if Garashir just hasn't happened yet, than if it actually is just platonic/FWB between Garak and Bashir.
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shummashum · 5 months
Zeus Brundle Ch8 [10~15]
So Luci threw the atmosphere into the gutter and made the mood like shit. if he says "haha it wasn't I want", I'll immediately throw a punch at him
Terrified, Liz screamed out Zeus' name inside her heart. You think that will work?
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oi what the heck seriously why is this really happening how
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you're not the only one who's taken aback right now I'm also taken aback right now how the fuck did he do it how did he detect Liz's coordinates, and how did he calculate the changing location in real time that guy is beyond my imagination
That's how she was summoned to the academy's courtyard. that guy is insane I'm truly impressed by this
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so what is a labyrinth why is a place with such an ominous name connected to the academy grounds
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why are these guys talking about things that only they know so!! what is that!!
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Well, she could apologize to him at least. fimally!
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I thought it was vain since she was destined to face Zeus even if Hiro didn't provoke her, but you could have thought this way... In the end, this whole series of events wasn't for nothing. That's relief at least
so what would she do now? confession? hang on a second, I'll get some movie glasses and some popcorn…
But before Liz could finish speaking, Zeus declared he would speak first.
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oh this is this that that stardust stuff?
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oh shit I can't believe he really found that it wasn't just an empty promise this guy is something
and… I really like that stupid ahoge
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but you know that blush on a male character it's hard to watch,,, I know all otome games are like that but you know, I consider this game as nothing more than an idiots observation simulator, not a dating sim nor a ren'ai game I have no immunity to this it's too hard to watch when this kind of scene comes out I'm screaming inside endlessly while watching this scene
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I feel like I'm going to die right now what should I do I feel like I'm going insane I'm not telling the story is shit or below it's just due to my low limit this WH is the first otome game I'm playing seriously you know
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he's confessing like an elementary school kid omg look at him creaking I already liked him except for his behavior in Ch5 but I like him even more
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oi Luci are you watching now I guess you lose this time this is a pretty happy ending, don't you think
Anyway, Liz and Zeus had time to share the feelings and thoughts they had been harboring.
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wait wait a sec is it natural for the distance between two people to suddenly become this close when they confess to each other
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wait wait a sec what what!!!!!!! who on earth would kiss right after confessing is this how all Gen Z live these days??
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em erm uh…….
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-Ch8 End-
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
GAME TWO LES GOOO (fanfic author anon)
Tbh a whole lot of nothing and everything happened this game all at once
So Naranchia gets fishing bait and Jolyne gets fishing gear. I like to think these are two seperate events and Naranchia grabbed the bait to eat thinking it was food
Jotaro is the empty backpack grabber this time
Weather Report and Polnareff fight over a bag and Polnareff won, I think it's funny cuz they both have whiteish hair and terrible haircuts
Foof tended to Naranchia's wounds ahhh my heart. they're besties your honor
Avdol and Koichi went on the hunt for people together w h a t
Anasui did the same but. alone
Caesar picks flowers 🥺🥺🥺
Weather Report questioned his sanity damn ok
Fugo died trying to escape the arena lmao
Jotaro tried to poison Rohan's drink but accidentally drank it and died. Why is Jotaro a himbo in this game he's so ooc
Joseph cried himself to sleep I'm fucking dying lmaooo
Josuke, Naranchia, and Jolyne fight but Naranchia runs away and then Josuke kills Jolyne dude this man is ruthless
Weather Report can't start a fire lol
Foof and Koichi huddle for warmth, as does Kakyoin and Emporio omg
Kakyoin camouflages himself in the bushes. not with that hair, you don't
Anasui and Kakyoin huddle for warmth, pink haired besties
Rohan passed out from exhaustion lol
Josuke and Naranchia snuggle 🥺
Jonathan is awoken from nightmares baby nooo
Joseph can't start a fire lul
Joseph attacked Kakyoin but he managed to survive bruh
Speedwagon tends to Jonathan's wounds..........gay
Rohan is picking flowers now, tbh he has done nothing this game but is still thriving. love that for him
Joseph defeats his grandpappy in a fight but spares him o_O
Avdol and Rohan fight over raw meat when the feast happens and Rohan gave up and ran away lmao. so in character
Avdol, Kakyoin, and Speedwagon hunt for other people. These guys are on something this game wth
Jonathan sprained his ankle trying to run away from Joseph bruh
Jonathan destroys Rohan's stuff while he's sleeping that's so rude Jonathan
Kakyoin ate toxic berries lol
Ok so now carnivorous squirrels are attacking huh. anyway
Anasui kills Foof so she doesn't have to be attacked by the squirrels??? sir what
Joseph tries to kill the squirrels but dies like an idiot
Anasui poisoned Avdol's drink and he fucking died. Damn man
Ok so like nobody got a significant amount of kills, lots of people just got like one or two but Jonathan has been the most bloodthirsty this game by FAR...
the chaos that comes with these Hunger Games Simulators is unmatched
and honestly Jonathan Descartes a little Murder. As a treat-
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despair-to-future-arcs · 10 months
You guys are playing Surgeon Simulator? Ohhohohohoho, you are not ready for it.
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*she is focusing intently on the simulation*...
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Seriously... are you removing the heart?
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Gross, how the hell you don't throw up when you pull that stuff out?
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Oh hey why not pull out some other organs too, eh Kanata? Seriously that shit be hilarious...
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He-Hey... I think your distracting Kanata, she needs to focus...
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But why, it's so boooring! Can't we play anything else?
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Oh hey I know, I wonder if maybe you can have sex with the patient here and-!
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*As surprise by that outburst, Mitch and Kizuna held onto each other*
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Huh...? Oh I mean...
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My apologies but I tend to react like this when someone is being disruptive at the hospital, apologies Mr. Higa and Miss. Tomori.
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No no, I think those 2 idiots deserve to get yell at, Kanata so thank you for silencing them...
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Still that is quite impressive work, Kanata - I can truly see your talent in surgery when playing this game.
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Well I mean... it's not like real surgery but still, I get the feeling from being in the room operating on a patient, so I gotta say it's quite the experience.
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Th-Then I trust you with Midori then, if this is how you are!
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O-Of course, thank you so much for the compliment!
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