#so many new favorites this year!!!!! feeling like such a winner
shesarealphony · 7 months
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favorite horror watched in October 2023
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sexyandhedonistic · 10 months
Faith (and feeling) is the secret: A small success story and what you can learn from it.
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Hello, my loves. It’s been a while since I’ve made any sort of post on this blog. Today I’m going to be bringing you one of my many success stories. As someone who’s very private, I’m always skeptical about talking about any of them as they tend to be quite personal and oftentimes require me to disclose details to provide context. Even in this one, I’ll be keeping it occasionally vague and change a few insignificant details to preserve that privacy. Nevertheless, I feel good about sharing this one because I remember drawing so many comparisons and turning to a lot of what Neville himself said in his lectures and I applied what I’ve learned from beginning to end. Anyway, let’s get to the story:
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This happened some time ago, it doesn’t really matter when but I had found out that a favorite artist of mine was having a concert after tickets had started going on sale. The concert was in one of my favorite cities which was a bit of distance from me so I was open to going, but not particularly compelled to. When I first heard about it, I looked up how much of the seating was occupied just to have an idea of how popular this concert was. 
I couldn’t even see the seating chart because it would halt me with a “there are no seats available at this time”. Knowing the law, if I really did want to go, what I had just read meant nothing in the slightest, so I wasn’t discouraged. I continued to check from time to time to see if anything had changed and I would bump into the same exact notice. But again, I was still open to going and what I had read held no value and my reaction was no different than if I had seen a stadium full of blue sections. It didn’t matter one bit. This went on for two months.
During that time, I found out that some of my friends were going, so now I was more interested in going as well. I hadn’t particularly assumed I would go throughout, I was always thinking of the idea rather than from it. So, although for the most part I had no solid desire to actually be there up until now, I still knew that if I wanted to, I could be. Not once through this entire time did I feel stressed nor desperate. I always had faith.
It was the month of the event and I still didn’t have seats, and then they announced a giveaway which I entered. The span to apply was approximately two weeks and they would announce a winner a week before the event. That very morning, I was still hopeful about winning. I felt good, I kept thinking about what it would be like to be in one of my favorite cities hanging out with my friends and seeing one of our favorite artists. And then I decided to induce the state akin to sleep to really place myself into that state of consciousness.
I would like to mention something very briefly here that I’m not sure whether or not I have previously brought up, but whenever I imagine during the state akin to sleep, I see it as death. What I mean by that is that I am conscious of being something I don’t want to be before I induce the SATS, and the goal should be to come out of that imaginal act conscious of being something else. That’s how you should always approach the state akin to sleep. Die to the old state and identify yourself with the new one. 
 Having already been in Los Angeles on numerous occasions, I drew the feeling from that. I recalled what the weather was like at that time of year, I remembered all of the landmarks I would pass by, I thought about how happy I would be to see my friends, how excited I would feel to see one of my favorite artists perform, and I mentally placed myself in that city. I was no longer sitting in bed within four walls miles and miles away. I was in Los Angeles. I was surrounded by the hot weather telling my friends how happy I was to see them and I heard them say it back to me. I saw the lights and the streets, I felt the butterflies of making my way to the venue and finding my seat. I took all of those feelings and really let myself sit and become fully drenched in them until I felt happy to be there. (And I remembered to think from the end and not of the end. Remember that this is key. If I simply thought about being there, it would create no shift in consciousness.) I kept focusing on that feeling, I didn’t have a particular scene in mind, I was simply focusing on the senses and the emotions of being there. I felt happy that I was able to make it, I was thinking about how glad I felt for not taking no for an answer and the memory of the present moment of me inducing the SATS was something I had done last week.
I wasn’t keeping track of the time I was in that state, but it was roughly an hour. I hadn’t slept and the sun was starting to rise when I pulled myself out. I felt satisfied with my prayer and I reminded myself that if for whatever reason I felt uncertain I could simply do the same, so I felt good. I wasn’t anxious about whether or not I had done enough because I knew praying and accepting that it was happening was all I had to do and soon enough I’d be making my way to LA. 
Then I went to sleep. The winners were to be announced in a few hours and shut my eyes assuming I would wake up to the good news. However, I didn’t win the giveaway, but I was a runner up and I was given access to purchase tickets at a heavily discounted price, which in itself was a good start to my trip to LA. I didn’t have a particular seat in mind when I saw myself there, but I did want to be close and I was (4th row from the stage). A seat that would’ve cost me about $230 went down to $60, so I snagged it. If you’re familiar with the You Are In Barbados story, this was my “Good news, Mr. Goddard” moment. It was happening.
I had my trip, I booked my flights, I prepared everything and within a week I was on my way to see so many of my favorite people in one city. I was ecstatic the entire time leading up to it and I enjoyed myself to death. The concert was on a weekend and I was back home by the time the week started. It was Tuesday and I was checking my inbox and for some reason I felt like going through my spam folder. And I came across an email that stood out to me.
It was an email from the event telling me that one of the winners hadn’t responded so I was next in line and I had won two tickets plus the opportunity to meet them. Now, I admit that I did think the giveaway was going to be the how in my story. When I induced the state akin to sleep, I didn’t visualize myself winning, I visualized myself being in LA because that was the actual end. What I most wanted was to attend the concert so that was the end I was living in. Yet, that email served as a reminder that if I really did want to meet them, I very much could have. That would’ve been the part where Abdullah would’ve told me, “Who said you are only attending? You are in Los Angeles and you met them.” If I had that desire in my heart, I would’ve remembered to remain faithful to that even after the giveaway had ended. Remember that it always comes down to persistence and brazen impudence when it comes to whatever it is that you really want. Know what you want and reject anything that isn’t it. Nothing more, nothing less.
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I hope you guys enjoyed this little success story of mine and you can learn a thing or two from it. I know I’m always here providing advice to the best of my ability and this particular success story attests to the fact that I practice what I preach to you all. I’ve also told you guys before that when you all start having successes of your own, your faith in the law will only grow more and more. I speak from experience! 
So my advice to you from this story, as I always have advised:
Know what you want. Have a clear idea of your desire.
Facts aren’t important. The 3D isn’t important. 
Go straight to the end. You don’t need to become conscious of things in steps. (This is why I focused on being in LA and not on winning the giveaway.)
Have faith. Always walk by faith and not by sight.
The takeaway is to not worry about the how in the slightest, only concern yourself with what the end of your wish fulfilled looks like. It is yours if you truly want it. Focus on the end only, not anything in between. If you know circumstances don’t matter and you are limitless, that you don't need to worry about the how, the when, the why or the if, the only relevant question you should be asking yourself is the following:
Do you want it?
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tuesday again 5/21/2024
get a load of this cat
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one of my favorite bands, Joywave, dropped a new album last week! it is not my favorite album of theirs but so it goes. perhaps it needs more time to grow on me. Sleepytime Fantasy kicks off my favorite section of the album. video game enchanted ice cave dream sequence music.
i must stay true to my own rules for this series (not a rec series, genuinely what i've been into the most this week) and the song that's been on loop all week is a genshin impact character's theme music (punchy wolf-coded ice cop who is the duke of the prison he. runs? administers? don't worry about it). unfortunately a bop. the character music lately has been a lot more modern and experimental than i expected? this one has a police siren drop
thank you mackintosh.
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i really, really enjoyed Trouble And Her Friends by Melissa Scott (LAMBDA award winner 1995)! @delta-orionis and i frequently ask ourselves "what if neuromancer was good?" and this scratches that itch for me. it is often difficult for me to take neuromancer's protagonist henry seriously, but this book features a pair of extremely practical dykes. it opens on the passing of a new american law criminalizing big swathes of online activity, passed despite a presidential veto. description from amazon
Less than a hundred years from now, the forces of law and order crack down on the world of the computer nets. The hip, noir adventurers who get by on wit, bravado, and drugs, and haunt the virtual worlds of the Shadows of cyberspace, are up against the encroachments of civilization. It's time to adapt or die. India Carless, alias Trouble, got out ahead of the feds and settled down to run a small network for an artist's co-op. Now someone has taken her name and begun to use it for criminal hacking. So Trouble returns. Once the fastest gun on the electronic frontier, she had tried to retire-but has been called out for one last fight. And it's a killer.
this startled me by how fun and competent it is! i tried reading one of the author's books last year (Dreamships) and had a miserable time with the pacing and flow of information. there are echoes of the pacing issues i had with the last book-- this is a nearly four hundred page hardcover, we have a lot of Next Locations to go to, and we are going to take our fucking time getting there. a road trip book, rather than a destination book. Scott has gotten way way better at fleshing out those locations— an artists' co-op has their skylights set to amber to hide the wear and tear on everything in their central hangout space when the feds show up. i also connected with the inciting incident way more-- someone stealing a female hacker’s name and style is instantly relatable. i am riding shotgun with Trouble. i am ready to throw down with her.
it's a very physical book in many ways, bc it has three brief sex scenes, is very concerned with sensuality in both senses of the word, and overall it's like the background in an anime that’s full of dials and buttons and little blinky lights. written in 1994, fascjnating how much concepts of VR and sensory inputs have not changed, but everyone still has the equivalent of an enormous old school desktop and giant CRT monitors set up. everyone is constantly lugging around so much physical tech. the stuff that makes you better at hacking in the net is quick reactions to VR sensations, the only way to get that cutting edge sensation is to get a physical chip or “worm” in your head, and the only people who do that are the core outcasts and freaks of the internet (the gays, the women, the people of color, the all three, presumably the furries as well). from that day to this…
there's an interesting contrast between Trouble and her old partner Cerise stalking the virtual reality bazaars/being queens of the BBS undergrounds, and the danger they feel and face when moving about in the real world. some reviewers are very cranky about how negotiations on and offline feel the same but i did not feel this particular quibble. communication is communication. it is known both on and offline that they're 1) women and 2) lesbians. they're in less physical danger online but slurs can still happen no matter where they are. also, i am well used to the necessity of having to posture and peacock and be kind of a bitch to establish myself in order to get anything done in coding/hardware scenes, which is something i don't think any of the male reviewers of the day ever had to think about.
some cowboy shit goes down at the end that had me hooting and hollering, and Scott handled the hacking scenes in an interesting way-- a sort of abstracted duel? terrific "fight" scenes. very interesting at how she will move things around in order to treat scenes in ways she's good at-- like establishing very grounded locations that feel real, physical sensations, and fight scenes-- instead of just kind of slogging through a very surface level high-overview travelogue like in her last book. ive been stuck on a fic chapter for like four years and this is making me think about doing it the fun way instead of the way i thought it should be done. this may be obvious but i am an amateur and more importantly an idiot.
this was a $6/1 book special last year at one of my favorite thrift stores, a religious shop with the absolute worst vibes in the greater houston area but some of the best stuff
Five Dolls For An August Moon (1970, dir. Brava). sometimes you see a cool title on kanopy and you don't have a better way to kill an hour and a half. plus it had some guys i know from cowboys. tw for a suicide's body in the first fucking ten seconds of the trailer, which is a weird trailer choice bc u don't actually see most of the murders in the movie.
ive watched a fuck of a lot of spaghetti westerns so i feel i am somewhat qualified to tell you this is one of the worst dubs ive ever seen. the lines actors are quarter-heartedly delivering do not always make a lot of sense and only occasionally match the subtitles. i am assuming this is the original dub, bc kino lorber generally does a pretty okay job restoring things?
this is not a good movie (extremely troubled production, director swap three days before filming, made on a shoestring budget, the actors mostly wore their own clothes, etc). it is not very good at maintaining tension, because it is a film that first and foremost Looks. beautiful fucking sets, beautifully decorated. the exterior is a matte painting, a sort of frothy dream-bubble of sixties architecture. most of the interiors are apparently a real house. incredible experimental burbling soundtrack full of Weird Sounds.
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sorry about the tubi interface and our old friend the activate windows logo.
there are so many fun directorial flourishes and staging, but it does get a little wrapped up in itself. this made me think of The Secret of NIMH, a beautifully animated talking-animal film that gave me nightmares as a child, where the animation tricks and sparkles and moving parts sort of all get in each other's way to produce something less than the sum of its parts. this sort of happens here. i'm going to yoink this from a review:
Bava’s eye for exquisite compositions is equally evident. One scene in particular stands out in this regard: The filmmaker shoots an otherwise humdrum fistfight through wooden latticework that breaks the action up into an abstracted mosaic effect. The fight culminates with a table being upended, which in turn unleashes a myriad crystal spheres. The camera follows along as the spheres tumble and cascade down a spiral staircase and roll across a tiled floor before plopping like so many bath bubbles into a tub. The scene concludes with the revelation of a recently deceased character caught in what you’d have to call a tableau morte. It’s a dazzlingly orchestrated sequence, easily on par with more famous Bava set pieces.
it's gorgeous! there's also So Much going on. another lovely bit of business: as each person dies they get wrapped in plastic sheeting and put in the walkin freezer. next to slabs of beef. not a subtle film, and i don't mean it as a diss, bc where's the fuckin fun in that?
i have not been doing much of anything here except listen to podcasts and work toward the two-thousand-fish-caught achievement in genshin. impatiently waiting for Clorinde to be released in several weeks. that one button needs a raise. it is So funny to see genshin characters with fucking guns. very sword and pike based societies so far
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every time i have tried to make one of these samplers for Me it's gone horribly wrong or been somehow destroyed so i'm making this one for my brother's upcoming birthday, bc he will have off-campus housing next academic year, in an attempt to peacefully do some fucking cross stitch and get something out at the end of it. pattern here on etsy
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autisticgayplushie · 1 year
neurodivergent plushie preference results + new survey!! (long text post alert!)
hello my lovely beloved tumblr friends!! I know it has been like 1000 years since I initially posted this survey but I wanted to share some of my findings!! I am working on finalizing the designs for the autism cat and adhd dog and I have one more survey about poses! that I'm doing to nail down the designs!
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average favorite plushie size: medium (about 12 inches) with large coming in at a very close second! many people also chose that it depends on the cost of the plushie. favorite plushie materials: this one was so interesting to me so I'll list out all the percentages! since people were able to choose more than one, the percentages dont add up to 100 lol but it'll give you a rough idea!
fuzzy minky - 66.7% (the winner!)
mochi minky - 50.6%
faux rabbit fur - 46.1%
regular minky - 28.4%
a few other findings: general preference is for embroidered facial features rather than plastic, most people lean towards more loosely stuffed rather than firm plushies, and having plastic pellets in the paws or rear is preferred typically over not!
the general response for "do you stim with your plushies" was yes! lots and lots of people mentioned rubbing and petting them, or rubbing the fabric on their face, which are things I do with my plushies as well :3 everyone is unique tho, it was super interesting to read all the responses!
I couldn't include every single plushie that was mentioned, but for some of the ones I could find I made a messy collage of some favorite plushies!! I literally broke into tears reading these responses multiple times, the ways that people love plush just make me really emotional bc they're so important to me too :')
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the material people were most likely to have sensory concerns with was crinkle material, with super long acrylic faux fur and felt coming close behind. I'm also glad I'm not alone in the dislike of the texture of sublimation printed mochi minky (that's one of my personal big ones.) plenty of people also mentioned velvet, sherpa, or the cheaper fabrics used on novelty plushies sometimes. fuzzy minky was also the least likely for people to report they had sensory issues with! I'm a data girlie so I really just had a blast getting to look at these results and they'll definitely influence all my plushie creation going forward!! I so super appreciate everyone's responses and taking the time to fill out the survey, seriously! it helps so much! please feel free to share the results and use them in your own making if you are a plushie creator as well!
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sophie-looks-at-stuff · 11 months
Some Modern Aemond Headcanons:
Hey y'all! So the votes were pretty close, but by a slim majority it looks like one post per character was the winner! 🥳 I also just have too many ideas for certain characters! So I'm going to start with my favorite, the man, the myth the legend, Aemond himself. My internet is going to be a little spotty for the next few days, since I'm going to be moving, but stay with me! I'll get them all on here at some point :)
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He has a big black/gray great dane named Vhagar. I saw someone else say he’d have a great dane, and I totally agree!
He experimented with different colors for his false eye, blue, green, maybe even the signature Targaryen lavender. But ultimately he settles with the sapphire blue stone. It’s different, and makes him feel badass, but also a little pretty :)
Mans is the embodiment of dark academia, from style to work ethic. He’d be a double major in philosophy, and history. Maybe a minor in business, just in case Aegon somehow convinces Alicent and Viserys to give him the family business instead him. He’d still be the CFO or something, but CEO does have a better ring to it…
He'd get his own apartment as soon as possible. He doesn't like having roommates all up in his business. He refused to stay in a dorm room with a total stranger, so he and Aegon teamed up for once to convince Alicent to let them do an apartment together instead. But after a year or so, Aemond needed his own space… Aegon isn’t exactly neat and tidy sometimes. 
Speaking of his apartment, I think Aemond would be pretty minimalist. He doesn't super love clutter. But his office might be the one exception. Since he's a double major with a minor, he's got a lot of textbooks, and novels lying around. Unlike Helaena, he's not a collector, or a huge fan of nic nacs. But he does have his posh tea, and I think he'd have a small collection of about 3 or 4 daggers.
It would be interesting to see him with an s/o that is a collector, he'd probably end up designating a part of his house to them for all their little things. He could handle a small corner or bookshelf, but it grows on him overtime. And he gets secretly a little excited every time they bring something new home. "Hey look what I got at the antique store today!" "Add it to the shelf love :)"
Definitely a smoker. He knows it’s a bad habit, but he’s not super driven to quit either. It’s a stress reliever, and it gives him something to do while thinking. Helps him process stuff. (also it’s just kind of hot to think of Aemond with a leather coat and a cigarette, plus that motorcycle I mentioned earlier…) 
Black is his favorite color/shade, at least for clothing and interior decorating. But ever since he was a kid he's had a thing for blue, a deep ocean, sapphire blue. That's probably why he settles on the blue sapphire for his eye.
Modern boyfriend Aemond would be a secret romantic I think. He didn't really have many girlfriends if any in high school. He'd have had his first kiss and all that, but they weren't really on his radar. Part of me thinks Aemond would be with someone a slightly more extroverted than himself. They would get him out of the house a little more, even if it's just to take Vhagar for a longer evening walk than usual.
I think one of his love languages would be gift giving. He can be a little closed off sometimes, so when words seem to fail him, he'd find a way through gifts. They'd range from a bouquet of your favorite flowers, to a private dinner at the nicest restaurant in town. You saw a dress, or top you liked online? It would be nicely wrapped in a box on your bed within the next couple days.
He needs someone with patience. He's insecure about his eye sometimes, (not all the time, cause I feel like he has some days where he's totally feeling it). He might take a while to let down some walls, but when he does, you can read him like a book. You see him squint a little at something his brother said? You know he's annoyed and wants to change the subject.
Looovvessss dark chocolate. More particularly though, he loves chocolate covered espresso beans. It's his snack when studying.
He runs cold, he has an extra layer with him at all times. Sometimes it's a sweater under his leather jacket, or a scarf Alicent made him tucked into his bag.
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plutoccult · 7 months
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pairing: sugawara koushi x female reader
description: it’s the annual employee awards night for japan pulp and paper, your least favorite night of the year. after getting embarrassed year after year over your ill-fated engagement, you just hope the night turns out decently, and your new conflicting feelings for sugawara aren’t all that helpful either.
word count: 5.4k
also available to read on my ao3 here
author’s note: hello! i’m sorry this third part took so long to get to you guys. i’m juggling schoolwork alongside life in general and i didn’t want to rush this then post something crappy as a result. i’m really passionate about this au and want to provide the best content possible for everyone, not just myself (because honestly this is so self indulgent for me to write). this part will be inspired by the dundies episode, of course with many changes, and as you can tell, we’re getting closer to the angst!!! my favorite!!! i’m thinking about making a suga x reader playlist, honestly. hopefully the wait for this was worth it, and i hope you enjoy!
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“y/n, y/n, y/n!” oh, how you hated the tone of ukai’s voice right now. based off experience—and also the time of year—he was either going to a. act super excited about something, b. say something stupid, or the most popular option, c. both. “you know what time of the year it is.”
“unfortunately, i do.” you sigh as you look up from your computer.
ukai pouted over your lack of enthusiasm. he should know by now why you were like this. “why aren’t you excited? awards night! chili’s! booze! ribs! good vibes!”
yes, awards night. you absolutely despised this night ever since you began working at the office. it was more like an ordinary power trip for ukai rather than an actual celebration for the employees. most if not all of the time, at least someone got absolutely humiliated, and you were one of the common targets. but, there was free food and drinks, so you couldn’t totally hate it, even if you really did hate it a whole lot.
“well, i do like ribs.” you shrug.
“what about booze?” he questioned.
“i need to listen to a lot of taylor swift if i’m going to drink, or be really sad…” you pause. “or all of the above.”
“ugh, how pathetic.” ukai scoffed and began to walk away.
“don’t make me tell takeda you bully your employees on the daily.” you lightly threatened, but ukai wasn’t wavered by your words one bit.
“i bully him on the daily, i’m invincible!” he said, perhaps a little too loud as the entire office could hear him, even takeda himself in his little nook.
“every year, ukai holds an awards night for all the employees at japan pulp and paper. mind you, he funds the entire thing. none of the other branches to this. just this one.” you explain to the camera as the crew questioned ukai’s yearly excursion. “it’s probably my least favorite night of the year besides the bachelor finale. i always get sad thinking about how majority of those relationships never work out…”
in his office, ukai put on a show for the documentary crew as he conveniently placed all of his past awards on his desk for the sake of “cleaning” them. they were all awards he gave to himself, but he still felt like a winner regardless.
“oh, what’s this?” ukai asked as he pretended to act like he didn’t notice the cameras were rolling. “just my “world’s best boss” awards. i’ve never lost once. i should make a reel, actually… Y/N!”
you cursed to yourself as you got up from your desk and walked to ukai’s office, eyeing suga as he snickered quietly and rolling your eyes as a result. “is it a y/n problem or a ukai problem?”
“y/n problem.” he said without hesitation. “i’m emailing you footage from every miyagi awards and i need you to make a highlight reel.”
“can’t you just make tanaka do it?” you whined. you could be doing much more productive things right now, like making faxes or pining for suga from afar— oh! you were still struggling with that newfound realization, it seemed.
“but where’s the fun in that?” ukai whined.
oh, but the fun was so obvious to you, how could your egotistical boss not see that? “um, he’d probably make the highlight reel all about you rather than everybody else.”
“y/n, you beautiful genius.” perfection, just like you wanted, and a rare compliment from ukai too. “TANAKA!”
tanaka bolted out of his seat, knocking over his chair and even spooking the shit out of suga. he tripped over his feet multiple times as he ran to the sound of ukai’s voice, almost like an over-obedient puppy. it was sad, but oddly adorable at the same time.
“yes, sir?!” tanaka asked, practically gasping for air. how could he be so out of breath so quickly, you wondered.
“miyagi awards highlight reel. have it done by the end of the day.” ukai ordered, passing your previous duty onto someone far more willing.
“i’m on it!” he said excitedly, running back to his desk as quickly as he arrived.
now that you got away with not having to do a thing, you wanted out of ukai’s spiky hair. “am i done here?”
“eh, make me a coffee or something.” ukai said, shooing you away. as if you were going to do that for him.
“sounds like a ukai problem, not a y/n problem.” you sassed, shocking your boss as he cried out for you on your way out of his office.
“y/n! god, where did you learn that from?! tsukishima?!”
“she sure did.” tsukishima smiled proudly as the two of you high fived each other. where else would you learn such sass? from the sass master himself, of course. he was the leader of the sassy apocalypse.
“you know, i actually dislike you less now, tsukishima.” you say nonchalantly, and tsukishima is touched by your words.
“that is the nicest thing i’ve ever heard.” he said, placing his hand over his heart to show his appreciation.
the work day went by, and tanaka sat on his computer while looking through past awards footage. upon his digging, he stopped on a certain clip from last year, one you instantly recognized just by the sounds of the camera shuffling, even from the distance of your desk to his. you couldn’t believe you were reliving this right now.
“yo, guys. watch this.” tanaka called out. nishinoya and hinata get out of their seats and crowd at tanaka’s desk to watch the computer screen with more of your coworkers following suit. it all made you want to crawl into a hole and die.
tanaka resumed the video, thus playing out last year’s utter embarrassment. it was ukai announcing your award, one that haunts you to this day. “and the award for "world’s longest engagement" goes to… y/n l/n! give it up for y/n, everybody!”
the sound of everyone’s applause in the video erupted through the office. suga sat awkwardly across from tanaka, so even if he wasn’t watching the video, he could hear it all loud and clear. he remembered that night all too well, and all suga could think to himself was that if he was your fiancé, he wouldn’t leave you waiting around to get married.
“when are you finally gonna tie that knot, you two? when pigs fly?”
god, the memories are all coming back to you. getting the award was bad enough, but with ryo right there watching, just as embarrassed as you, it was all too much. you couldn’t take the humiliation anymore, so you walked away from your desk and went to the break room, hoping it would be empty so you could go cry in there. suga noticed you walk away, and while tempted to comfort you, he thought of something much better.
suga—with the camera crew inches behind him—knocked on ukai’s office door. when ukai noticed the cameras, he motioned for them to come in. suga just knew his boss simply couldn’t resist it.
“hey ukai?” he walked through the door, one of the crew members closing the door behind him. “ooh, it’s cramped in here.”
“you’ll get used to it.” ukai shrugged. “what’s up?”
“have you, uh, finalized the miyagi awards yet?” suga asked. he was beating around the bush right now, but it was all part of his not so sinister master plan.
“why, you want me to rig something? because i can be convinced…” ukai dramatically paused. “with money.”
“no, not exactly. i just, uh…” he sat down in an empty chair. “i’m kind of curious as to what award you’re giving y/n this year.”
you see, ukai didn’t have a clue about suga’s feelings for you. if he paid a little more attention to his employees, he’d see how clear as day it was that you two had some unspoken thing going on. even the documentary crew noticed it on their first day of filming. his obliviousness was just bad.
“oh, same as last year, no contest.” ukai struggled not to laugh, the mere thought of what happened last year giving him the urge to burst. “it's the best one.”
“world’s longest engagement? again?” suga scoffed. he had an inkling this would happen, and thank god he decided to talk to ukai while you had no suspicions.
“yeah, it’s hilarious.” he replied.
now this was where suga had to let his plan really start rolling. it’s phase one now. “i just, um, i think it’s just pretty much expected by now, you know?”
“but that's why it's funny.” ukai said. “every year that y/n and ryo don't get married, it gets funnier.”
“well, i think if you use the same jokes it just comes across as lazy, if you catch my drift.” suga shrugged. there comes the first crack in the glass. he knew exactly where to push ukai’s buttons.
“and unoriginal.” the glass had been totally shattered now.
“well, i never!” ukai gasped out of offense. lazy and unoriginal? he’d rather die than have his jokes be called such things, which is why he fell right into suga’s trap.
“oughta think of something better then.” he said, resisting a smirk.
“and what’s your idea of better, suga?” ukai questioned, crossing his arms as he waited for an answer.
“oh, well, let me think about that.” suga smiled to the camera, proud of his work.
you walk into the break room with tears in your eyes. unfortunately for you, takeda was sitting at a table alone as he sipped a cup of coffee, so you quickly wiped away your tears and pretended as if nothing was wrong.
“oh, hey, takeda.” you sniffle. “excited about awards night?”
you weren’t exactly the best at hiding things, which takeda instantly noticed. it’s almost never a good idea to cry in front of the hr guy. “y/n, are you crying? did ukai do something insanely offensive again?”
you’re silent for a moment, trying to think of what to say to him, especially considering he’s higher up than you in the company. regardless, the words all just come out like word vomit.
“i’m in the world’s longest engagement with a man who doesn’t even know my favorite flavor of yogurt.” you spilled out, instantly regretting saying those words out loud based off the confused look on takeda’s face. “i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have said anything—”
“no, no, no. it’s okay.” he reassured you. “you guys can come to me about anything, especially if it’s ukai related.”
“really?” you asked in disbelief.
“emphasis on anything, not just the ukai stuff.” takeda said. it’s nice to know someone else around here has your back, even if that’s quite literally part of his job.
“thanks, takeda.” you say. “i don’t know why ukai messes with you so much.”
“trust me, i don’t know why either…” he quietly said to himself.
you decided that since you were already in the break room, you might as well grab your favorite snack, but alas, someone ate it. again. you knew you should’ve bought that mini fridge to hide behind your desk like you wanted to.
“aw, did yamaguchi eat my fucking yogurt again?” you groan then instantly realized you dropped the f-bomb on camera once again. “oh shit, i just cursed. fuck, i did it again! oh my god, please stop me—”
“i am not okay, guys. not okay.” you say while laughing almost manically, sparking concern from the crew who questioned your sanity. “i have feelings for someone who isn’t my fiancé. someone i work with, no less! i’ve been with ryo for years, since college! but will i EVER get married? i just… i don’t know what to do. i just want this to all go away.”
after arguing with ryo at home, you finally convinced him to come along with you to chili’s for awards night. he wanted to go out to a bar with his friends instead, but he did that plenty enough, so one night without going wouldn’t kill him, at least you hoped that was the case. you couldn’t bear to hear his voice any longer at this point.
the two of your entered the restaurant and were greeted by tanaka and nishinoya, who were taking on the role of ushers before the event properly began.
“welcome to the eighth annual japan pulp and paper awards night.” nishinoya greeted you. “may i take your coat, y/n?”
“sure, nishinoya, thanks.” you say, taking off your coat and handing it to him.
“ryo—” he began to say before ryo brushed past you and grumpily walked towards an empty table. “nevermind.”
you softly smile to them before following ryo, taking the vacant seat next to him. you let out a sigh and look over to see suga was already here, sitting at a table with hinata and kageyama, seemingly babysitting them for the night. you assumed daichi put him up to it, wondering how he was able to be convinced.
“i can’t believe you dragged me here after what happened last year, y/n. you embarrassed me.” ryo scoffed.
god, not this argument again. you remembered what happened when you got home that night last year. your argument lasted all throughout the hours of the night, all to end with no solution. you both went to work the next day with bags under your eyes, the sweet bliss of caffeine keeping you in a somewhat functioning state.
you couldn’t understand why ryo would claim this was all your fault. he was the one that proposed to you! besides, you were far more than willing to plan a wedding, but it takes more than one person to do it. you would have never gotten that pathetic award in the first place had it not been for his lack of cooperation. it’s why your relationship was doomed to fail; he never wanted to work as a team.
“really?” you raise an eyebrow. “if anything, you embarrassed me.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, a hint of threat in his tone.
“it means exactly what i said.“ you huff.
“pft, whatever.” ryo rolled his eyes. “we should’ve just went to the thirsty bulldog with the warehouse guys like i wanted to.”
“well, you can go. i’m staying.” you cross your arms.
before ryo could get another word in, tanaka walked onto a small stage with a microphone in hand, signaling the awards were about to begin.
“alright, before we get started, a few announcements. keep your acceptance speeches short.” tanaka said, wagging his finger around so everyone got the point. “i have wrap it up music, and i'm not afraid to use it, people!”
ukai took the microphone out of tanaka’s hand despite his protest and forced him off the stage, getting the night properly started. “thank you tanaka for that, and thank you all for coming to the 2023 miyagi awards night! i am your host, keishin ukai. let’s all have some fun tonight!”
everyone clapped, and ryo simply couldn’t stand to be there a moment longer. he looked at his surroundings to see if anyone would notice him leaving, but he thought screw it and decided to just straight up get out.
“i’m leaving.” he said quietly in your ear. “find your own way home.”
“fine by me.” you reply.
ryo shook his head in annoyance. “god, you’re such a bitch, y/n.”
your jaw dropped as you watched ryo leave the restaurant. you knew no one else heard what he said, but you wished someone did so they could see why you were in such shock right now.
“oh man, ryo, don’t go, aw no, come on—” ukai said on ryo’s way out, letting out a chuckle once he saw him head through the exit. “whew, thank god.”
all of your coworkers laughed, and you covered your face with your hands in embarrassment. at least last time you met your fate towards the end of the night, not right at the beginning. this was already off to a horrendous start.
to come to your rescue, suga slinked out of his chair and walked over to the empty seat next to you. “this seat taken?”
you uncover your eyes and see suga, your knight in shining armor. he always came to you when you needed him most, didn’t he? “uh, not anymore, no.”
“great.” he grinned and sat down. “someone else will have to babysit carrot top and mr. simpleton idiot tonight.”
why did suga have to make the whole feelings thing so hard for you? he just had to be perfect in every way, the complete opposite of your asshole fiancé. he always treated you like porcelain, and if that’s what you were, then ryo had shattered you a long time ago. but as much as that sick and twisted part of you deep down wanted suga, you knew you couldn’t have him. it was wrong.
as the night moved along, a waitress walked up to your table to take your order, just what you needed. if you were going to spend this night with suga and potentially be made a running joke, you needed reinforcements in the form of intoxicating liquid. there was no way you could get through tonight sober, as sad as it sounded.
“can i get you two something to drink?” the waitress asked politely.
“two of the strongest drink you have.” you reply.
“alright, i’ll be right back—” she began to say before you cut her off.
“oh no, that’s just for me.” you say with out hesitation. suga’s eyes widened as a result, his concern evident.
“is y/n okay? do any of you know what’s up with her?” suga asked.
of course they knew, but it’s not like they were going to spill, especially considering they would be fired if they ruined such a slow burn. the producers knew full well they had a glorious storyline unfolding on their hands, and none of the crew members were allowed to directly stir the pot.
“nothing?” he groaned. yup, not a peep from them. “you have to know something. god, you guys suck.”
the camera crew took that personally.
the distributing of the awards went smoothly so far. no complete and utter humiliation happened yet, so it was safe to say nothing was terribly wrong. while ukai’s awards were almost always at least slightly offensive, some of them were actually kind of funny.
“alright, y’all. this award goes to someone who is quite literally scared of everything.” ukai began. “i mean, they freak out when a fly is in the room. so, the award for “biggest scaredy cat” goes to… hitoka yachi!”
everyone did the typical applause, and kiyoko giggled at yachi while she went up to get her award. on the way up to the stage, she received a high five from yamaguchi, her cheeks slightly burning red as a result. however, her blush quickly faded when she received her little trophy.
“um, this says “biggest scaredy rat”…” she spoke up.
“ignore that.” ukai said.
before yachi had a chance to speak another word, tanaka played his “wrap it up” music that he threatened everybody with earlier. “i didn’t even give a speech!”
“we’re on a time crunch!” tanaka yelled harshly.
“but i…” yachi pouted as she accepted defeat and walked off the stage.
“it’s okay, yachi.” yamaguchi tried to comfort her.
“thanks, yamaguchi.” she sighed.
“i’m shocked you didn’t get that award considering you look like the rat from flushed away.” tsukishima snickered while yamaguchi gawked at his savage comment.
while that was going on, you were downing drink after drink. you weren’t even counting anymore. no thoughts, head empty; just the way you wanted it to be. you figured this was the only way to feel good about yourself with the way your life is going, so you thought so be it.
after finishing yet another drink, you slammed the glass down onto the table and raised your fists into the air. “y’all know what dj khaled said!”
“anotha one?” suga replied hesitantly.
“anotha one!” you exclaim.
“okay, let’s settle down.” cough. “y/n.”
“are you still drinking that?” you ask suga.
“great, thanks.” you interrupt suga and take his beer, giving him no room to protest. he wanted to tell you to relax on the drinks, but he found it hard to do so. would it come off the wrong way? maybe, so suga had to bite his tongue while you got drunk. you weren’t the only one drinking anyway, but you might be the only one drinking to this extent.
once you were quiet, ukai began to announce the next award. “this next award is one that’s never been done before. gasp, am i right? why are none of you gasping?”
“anyway, this award goes to someone who’s built like a greek god and is always rocking a gorgeous man bun.” he said, making it all so obvious. “the “office beefcake” award goes to… asahi the temp!”
asahi looked to the camera in shock.
“what’s… what’s a beefcake?” he asked in disbelief, hoping someone could grant him an answer, but he was left with nothing. “is it like, um, a cake made of beef? a beef made of cake? wait, that doesn’t even make sense…”
one of the crew members pulled up the definition on their phone and handed it to him. when asahi read it over, his eyes widened. “oh...”
“this award… is no contest.” ukai said. from the way he started speaking, you thought the award was for you, but thankfully it wasn’t. “i ask myself this all the time, how can one possess such a hair color without dyeing it?”
“ugh, come on.” tsukishima rolled his eyes. “we already know it’s an award for hinata.”
ukai couldn’t even get that mad. it was his most unoriginal award ever. a painfully obvious one too. “yeah, come up here, ginger.”
hinata rushed onto the stage as happy as he could be, but his smile quickly went away when he read out his award. “most orange hair? not again!”
kageyama hollered out into a fit of laughter, probably the only employee who found this hilarious. any chance to laugh at hinata, he would take, but he sure wouldn’t get the last laugh once ukai was done with him.
“well, kageyama, since you find that so funny, let’s give out your award.” he said then went to look for the trophy. “where is it… ah, it’s the “tight ass” award!”
“but that went to tsukishima last year!” kageyama stood defiantly.
“well, guess what? there’s a new tight ass in town!” ukai cackled.
tsukishima laughed his ass off. he wouldn’t have been mad if he received the same award, but this… this was the greatest potential outcome. this may just end up being the best awards night ever. that is, if everyone is happy by the end of it.
all while tsukishima laughed, kageyama gave him the death glare, but it wasn’t long before he switched his gaze onto ukai, who joined in on the laughter.
“how’s the award, kageyama?”
“i’m gonna shove it where the sun don’t shine and show ukai who the REAL tight ass is.” he said through gritted teeth. it was safe to say no one should speak to him for the rest of the night.
it was halfway through the night, and after so many awards had been given out, it was time to relax a little bit. unfortunately, ukai’s idea of “relaxing” wasn’t what any of your pictured.
“now, it’s time for a brief intermission…” he spoke into the microphone. “one where i will be singing bring me to life by evanescence with tanaka.”
“oh my god.” kiyoko’s eyes widened. she couldn’t handle this right now. it’s too much.
“kiyoko’s got a crush…” daichi teased, gently nudging her shoulder while yachi tried to pull him away to stop.
“daichi, don’t—”
“i’m just poking fun!” he raised his hands in the air defensively.
“shut your trap, daichi.” kiyoko said lowly.
“that doesn’t work on me like it works on tanaka and nishinoya.” daichi said with full confidence before kiyoko gave him the death glare, which immediately made him cower down. “but that does.”
meanwhile, you’re sipping on an empty glass through a straw, and suga couldn’t help but take notice to it. “uh, i think that might be empty, y/n.”
“no, no, no. when the ice melts it’s just like a second drink!” you giggle before letting out a loud hiccup.
“lemme just…” suga tried taking the glass out of your hands, but you fought against it, so he gave up. “nevermind.”
suga’s concern only grew more and more. not just towards you, but also to the horrendously off-key performance ukai and tanaka were putting on right now. at least the “god, please help me” face on kiyoko had while she covered her ears was funny.
suddenly, wadded up napkins were pelted at ukai and tanaka, but it wasn’t their coworkers who did such a thing. it was the other poor customers in the restaurant who just wanted to have a nice meal.
“you guys SUCK!” a random guy yelled, crushing both ukai’s soul and his confidence, so he pressed pause on the music, which confused tanaka.
“hey, why’d you stop?” he questioned, ready to keep going despite the haters.
“i’m not feeling it anymore.” ukai shrugged. “we should just cut this short, you guys. just enjoy your food and stuff.”
cut this short? oh no, no, no. you didn’t get drunk for nothing! if ukai was going to put you to shame once again, you sure weren’t going to be sober for it this time around.
“wait, where’s my award?!” you whined. “i didn’t get one!”
“yeah, me too!” suga chimed in to help your case. he too didn’t put on all that work convincing ukai for nothing. neither of your efforts shall be in vein.
“anotha one! anotha one! anotha one!” you began to chant, suga joining in before the rest of your coworkers did too “come on, everybody!”
the chant went on for a few more seconds before ukai finally gave in, but you would soon live to regret your previous decision. “okay, fine! since you asked so nicely… this next award goes out to none other than our lovely receptionist, y/n.”
all of your drunkenness quickly faded into sober realization as you brace for what’s to come. suga could only hope his earlier conversation with ukai actually worked.
“i think we all know what award y/n is going to get this year…” a dramatic pause, it’s killing you. why does ukai love those so much? “it’s the “dairy queen” award! because she’s always eating yogurt without blowing up the bathroom afterwards!”
you instantly gasp and look over to see the proud smile on suga’s face. you have no clue he took part in this for your sake, but you’re just too elated to think right now. you couldn’t believe this was happening in the best way possible. finally, you weren’t the butt of the joke, and it was absolutely glorious.
“come on down, y/n!” ukai said as you got out of your chair—still in shock—and walked up to the stage for your award, one you were actually excited to receive.
“oh my god!” you say as you grab the microphone out of ukai’s hands to give a speech. “i have so many people to thank for this award.”
“first off, shoutout to my supreme tolerance for lactose, i’m just really built different.” you began. “uh, let’s give ukai a round of applause for being our mc tonight because this is a lot harder than it looks. and also because of tanaka too.”
you watched as everyone clapped, but your eyes were fixed on suga for a brief moment as he watched you in complete and utter amazement. you didn’t know if it was the alcohol, but you sure felt on top of the world right now.
“and um, finally, i want to thank god. because god gave me this award…” you pause before saying nine words that nobody will ever let you live down, but you didn’t care. “and i feel god in this chili’s tonight. WOO!”
“y/n l/n, ladies and gentlemen!” ukai exclaimed as you gave him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek, making him blush “oh! thank you…”
you return to your seat and instantly wrap your arms around suga. he’s taken aback at first, but returned your embrace and found himself lingering against your touch longer than he should. you let go of the hug and jump up and down in excitement, forcing suga to join you, and does so happily.
“i think this might just have been the best awards night ever.” suga said to the camera. in all honesty, it was your happiness that made it this way. “we got a killer evanescence cover, which is always awesome. asahi is the office beefcake now, pretty bummed it’s not me. kageyama dethroned tsukishima, which was a total shocker, in my opinion. and uh, you’re the dairy queen.”
suga looked over to you and saw that you were staring at him while continuously nodding. “what?”
“nothing.” you smile. you were so drunk right now.
“okay.” he said before looking away. when suga turned his head again, you were still staring at him, and he could swear he saw hearts in your eyes. “what?!”
“nothing!” you start laughing uncontrollably and fall out of your chair, still laughing.
“oh my god, you are so drunk!” suga exclaimed as he rushed down to the floor to lift you back up, but ukai had a different idea in mind.
“oh fuck, she’s dead!”
“you’re not supposed to curse, ukai!” suga yelled at him.
“shut the fuck up, suga!” he yelled back.
“was this year's awards night a success?” ukai repeated the documentary crew’s question. “well, let's see. i made y/n laugh so hard that she fell out of her chair, and she almost broke her neck, so i killed… almost.”
after the whole falling out of your chair ordeal, you and ukai ended up banned from the establishment. you walked out of the place with suga, who had his eye on you incase your body threatened to let you fall again. you notice the cameras are on you on your way out, and with your trophy in hand, you yell to the camera.
“i just want to say… that this was the best night ever! WOO!” you say before tripping over your own feet.
“woah, careful!” suga quickly caught you, your eyes lingering onto each other’s gaze.
“…thank you.” you step away from suga’s gentle grasp. you really were porcelain, weren’t you?
the silence afterwards engulfed you both. your drunken mind was telling you to kiss him, but the part of you that started to sober up screamed no. you couldn’t. you can’t ruin this one good thing that’s yours.
“hey, how are you getting home tonight?” suga asked to break the silence.
“i, uh, didn’t think that part through.” you let out a dry laugh. you defiant behavior towards ryo earlier may have been a mistake as you knew he wouldn’t be here to pick you up later, but you always had suga to count on.
“well, i can take you home.” he offered. “didn’t exactly drink enough to get tipsy considering you kept stealing my drinks.”
“heh, sorry about that…” you look away, embarrassed over your previous behavior.
“actually, i wanted to ask you something…” suga paused, trying to figure out how to put it into words. “um, are you… doing okay? you seemed upset after ryo left.”
“i’m uh…” you hesitate, your head swirling. i’m harboring conflicting feelings for you despite being engaged to another man, you think to yourself, but you knew you couldn’t say that out loud. “i’m doing just fine.”
it wasn’t what suga wanted to hear, but he just had to accept it. “oh, okay. let’s get you home then.”
one way or another, sugawara koushi would be the death of you.
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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daydream-cement · 1 year
Larissa Weems Headcanons
Some Larissa Weems x Reader. Just a series of little things that I think about for Larissa. Most are just little things, not big enough for stories.
Send me your own personal headcanons for her or feel free to argue with the ones I've listed.
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As a little girl, she always said she wanted to be a doctor. This changed quickly when she began at Nevermore and began taking outcast centered classes. That's when she knew she wanted to teach those subjects.
She has always had a desire to be a leader. It was her mentor at Nevermore who pushed her to get her principals license and apply for the position of headmistress when it opened up.
The scar above her lip is from her first year teaching. She was taking a student to the lycanthropy cages and they turned before she got them inside.
She had a critical mother and father. This led her to be hyper independent and over critical of herself. She attributes most of her success in life to this, but she is aware of how negatively it impacts herself.
She struggles to open up emotionally with most people.
She loves to go out with the other teaching staff for a drink or two at the end of the week.
Most of her life revolves around work, so most of her relationships are acquaintanceships or distant friendships.
While she spends a lot of time working, most of it is her going above and beyond. She plans and works more than she needs to in the first place.
She doesn't find herself unattractive, but she certainly doesn't think she is as attractive as you might tell her she is.
She sometimes snores but she will vehemently deny that she does
She takes forever to get ready in the morning, but she doesn't see it as a burden. She loves every second of it.
She wouldn't notice if someone had a crush on her, nor would she recognize most types of flirting. Typically, she just sees people as being friendly.
She gets flustered easily when you first start dating.
She tries not to tell people about her abilities. She worries people won't trust her or will ask her to shapeshift if they find out.
While she does have many bitter emotions towards Morticia, she misses her quite often. They were a wonderful duo that complimented each other well.
Larissa is not a fan of PDA, but won't hesitate to tell people you are both together. She loves to talk about you as she is very proud to be with you.
She loves TEA (sometimes coffee), but simply getting her to drink water is a challenge. Often she will say, "There is water in my tea/coffee. I don't need to drink water."
Because you are with her, you both attend many official dinners or conferences together. Due to this, you have developed a bit of a secret language with one another. Certain looks, glances, or pinches on the arm are different methods of silent communication.
She is a wonderful person, but she does enjoy people watching and occasionally poking fun at others. Her snide comments are only for you to hear though.
She understands technology to a certain extent. Loves games like Candy Crush or Solitaire, but will sit and listen to you explain social media to her. She refuses to download the apps no matter how many times you ask.
She is a frequent patron of the arts. Loves having art around her home, enjoys theater, and never is without a new novel in her purse.
She loves ABBA, Madonna, and Fleetwood Mac. Her favorite ABBA album is Voulez-Vouz
She has a tradition to watch every mamma mia movie at least once a year. Regardless if you like it, you will have to watch it with her. There will be singing along, the occasional quoting of the movie, but never interruptions that involve criticism of this 'timeless masterpiece' - Larissa's words
She is argumentative as hell. You have never been right and never will be right.
She is stubborn and competitive. She wants to be the winner of everything (even if it's not a competition).
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magnorious · 3 months
Pixar’s Cars is still way better than people give it credit for
Am I writing an essay on a kids movie that fell out of relevance after the last sequel seven years ago? Yes. Is it my favorite background animated movie to put on whenever I’m working? Yes.
It goes without saying that Pixar’s catalog is still topped by movies like Incredibles, Toy Story 2, Up, Inside Out, Finding Nemo, Ratatouille, etc. Cars sat at the bottom of Pixar’s “best of” list until its sequel came out and people realized how bad Pixar movies could actually be.
But you know what? I love Cars. Is the story as deep and moving and profound as some of the others? No. But it was made with love and after what feels like the past 8 years of resounding “meh” coming from Hollywood and some of the most shameless cash grabs pretending they’re not, Cars remains my feel-good movie. It doesn’t have that classic Pixar “cry your eyes out” moment, no dead parents, no chosen ones, decently low stakes. It’s a good time, anytime.
Why I’m writing this now, though, is because of this: I knew already that the King and Chick were based off real racers, and Lightning’s “McQueen” is another homage, but I looked up if Doc was also based on a famous racer during my last rewatch and found this on Wikipedia:
Doc’s car model, the Hudson Hornet, was manufactured from 1951-1953 for its original run. In 1954, its manufacturer merged with another company and the Hornet was heavily remodeled to boost sales, only the popularity of the car never recovered. It stayed in production until ‘57. It was used in racing and that’s where Doc’s paint job in the finale draws inspiration.
But do you remember what his backstory is? 3 back-to-back Piston Cups from ‘51-’53, a crash in ‘54 that saw him rebuilt, and obsolescence upon his return.
People complain that they “didn’t need to be cars” in this movie. They’re not like the toys in Toy Story where the plot and message depends on them not being human. They’re not like the fish in Finding Nemo. They could have just been humans who drive race cars and it raises more questions than it answers.
You are wrong, Sir.
Doc’s backstory is why they had to be cars. They aren’t human because the story depends on them being machines – as Cars 3 explores more deeply. A human endurance runner can train to be the fastest, running against other humans with the same chances at success (ignoring steroids and socioeconomic opportunity). Humans aren’t running foot races against mutants or aliens where, no matter what we do, we will lose by nature of what we are.
Cars do. A car model is beholden to its manufacturing and all the complications that come with it. Cars are objects that, like toys, have obsolescence built into them. There is no “outdated” way to run a foot race.
So yes, Doc has a Tragic Backstory(tm) but it’s not just that he was some great master at the top of his game once that faded from glory like any human who got too old. He’s a car, and no matter how good he was, how many Piston Cups he won, the powers that be that made newer models with better mileage and efficiency and mechanics were always going to dethrone him.
The movie isn’t about him, though, it’s about another rookie. A rookie who lives life in the fast lane and thinks his time in the spotlight is never going to end when Doc can look at him and know exactly how wrong he is. Lightning is a race car too and, regardless of the existence of Cars 3, Lightning will also inevitably become obsolete no matter what he does to fight it.
I doubt the writers were going for this when they wrote it but that they’re machines is also a criticism of how we treat celebrities. Lightning is an entertaining story until the next shiny starlet emerges and, through no fault of his own, he’s kicked to the curb for the “new”. And that new will be cast aside for the next new and so on and so forth and the only winner is the greedy producer making money off their cash cow until they drain it dry.
Yes, the movie is about appreciating life and the things that you do have and “the friends we made along the way” but that they’re machines matters. Had they all been human, the movie would have lost half its message, and half the tragedy. If they were human driving cars, Doc wasn’t written with a disability so he could have, in theory, hopped back behind the wheel of a new car and still won against younger drivers. He’s not human, he’s a car, and he isn’t built to go as fast as newer models.
Age affects everyone, but a world made by machines that pits machines against other machines in an endurance test is inherently rigged when the machinery being tested can always improve.
It is unfortunate that both Doc and the King go out in wrecks (even though the poetry is nice) and the story doesn’t explore the existential obsolescence of being a machine designed to only do so well and be improved upon – even Lightning still has to wreck out of his big race in Cars 3 before he starts losing to the newer models.
But maybe having a Cars movie that does explore the existential obsolescence of a machine might have gone over kids’ heads. Or, maybe not? They pulled off some very mature themes in Incredibles with marriage problems and presumed infidelity that kids probably didn’t understand but still knew was not good for the characters.
Not to mention all the other wonderful details in this movie: The car-pun cities on all the license plates, the tire tracks in the sky and car-shaped natural phenomena, all the creative sponsoring brands on the racers.
How the “Life is a Highway” montage hits you over and over again with a straight road that cuts through the winding nature (the snaking river, the mountains sliced open to make room), industry that stops for nothing and scars everything in its path.
If you haven’t watched this movie in a while, do yourself a favor and find time to do so.
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mysterygrl20 · 5 months
My Top 9 albums of 2023
I got tagged by @blmpff. thank you 💕
I listen to mainly kpop. So i guess this is my favorite kpop albums of 2023. And my spotify is heavily tied to stationhead for listening parties so it's very biased and unreliable.
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First off: Ateez and their 3 EPs they released this year stole my heart and overtook SKZ.
Halazia from Ateez's Spin off: From the Witness was a mini EP. This started my year as they literally released it Dec. 30, 2022 so I didn't add the album cover up there in the top 9. I was also still lowkey freaking out as I had got to see them in concert Nov. 2022 and they had Xikers (pre-debut) perform with them. And I watched this music video way too many times.
1. Outlaw - Ateez. This is a no skip album. I love every single one of these. Don't make me choose a favorite.
2. The World EP.FIN: Will - Ateez. I picked one of my favorite group songs off this but their unit songs are amazing: Everything- Jongho and IT's You (Yeosang, San, Wooyoung)
3. Dual - The Rose. I got to see them TWICE this year: Sept & Oct. 2023 and had a BLAST. This album is amazing. Also I really liked the album cover.
4. Rockstar - Stray Kids. Another no skip album. I got to see SKZ in March 2023 for their Maniac tour. And Mr. Bang keeps me delulu on Bubble.
5. 5-STAR - Stray Kids. [hehe fitting] Another no skip album. My number one song was obviously S-Class. Superbowl shook me to my core. And then they made me cry with Youtiful.
6. Deadlock - Xdinary Heroes. They spelled out FUCK YOU in their title song Freakin' Bad.
7. The Name Chapter: Temptation - Tomorrow x Together. I saw TXT in May 2023... It's an EP of 5 great songs.
8. Dark Blood - Enhypen. My vampires. I literally made a BL gifset to the lyrics of their song Bite Me. Another favorite: Chaconne.
9. House of Tricky: Doorbell Ringing - Xikers (and also their other EP: How to Play) I got to shanty (Tricky House) with them pre-debut. I love their concept too. Also Tricky House some how made it in my top 15 songs for 2023.
Honorable Mention:
FML- Seventeen. There's just something about this album I like.
The Name Chapter: Freefall - TXT. Solely for Blue Spring being on it.
SKZ Replay: I also hold this close to my heart as it was a christmas gift from Stray Kids in 2022. So it feels more like a 2023 album. It also has the most whiplash between songs.
Single: Dum Dum - Jeff Satur (and also Steal the Show) but also Macarena - Blitzers and Baggy Jeans - NCT U [which they also added to an album] and the eurovision winner Cha Cha Cha - Käärijä.
or title tracks like: Shalala by Taeyong or Guilty by Taemin that I want to include for reasons.
Favorite OST from 2023: Let's Try from OFTS. I listened to this every Friday waiting for the new episode to be released. And it should have made it into my spotify 2023 playlist. I almost picked MSP's cover of Tilly Bird's Just Being Friendly.
Tagging but no pressure @trashlie, @thatdamngoodlookingbutterfly, @quadruple-agent, @theteatimechronicles @tinytalkingtina @theelast-straw @aceoflights and anyone else who wants to join in.
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impromptu-sketches · 1 year
𝔹𝕃 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟚 ✦ 𝕎ℝ𝔸ℙ-𝕌ℙ
Happy New Year! And welcome to my 2022 BL Wrap-Up!
Out of all of the BL stories -ongoing and completed- I’ve read this year, I have a winner in ten categories and four ‘best of’ winners!!
Thank you to all of the writers, artists, and creators out there ♡ published or not, you are amazing, we appreciate you, and thank you so much for bringing beauty into this world for others to experience!
And the nominees are...
- Semantic Error
- Killer Crush
- It’s Not Like That
- Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
- Punch Drunk Love
And the winner is...
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All these were absolutely hilarious, but Killer Crush was just relentless! The chemistry between them, the ridiculous situations they put themselves in, all of their little thoughts and expressions, and the freaking side couple! ٩̋(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) I enjoy every second of reading this!
And the nominees are...
- The Ghost’s Nocturne
- Wet Sand
- Stranger
- Coyote
- Night Fragments
And the winner is...
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I recently re-read Coyote before reading the new chapters and it had me captivated again from the very beginning ~~~ I mean, LILI, MARLENE!! Are you kidding me?? ♡♡♡♡♡ They are soulmates ♡o(╥﹏╥)o ♥♡ and the gorgeous art!! The sex scenes..... fUck. I could go on forever ... I don’t care how many romeo & juliet stories there are, this one does it best! Zaria (author & artist) is god tier!!
And the nominees are...
- 19 Days
- Sasaki and Miyano
- Semantic Error
- 4 Week Lovers
- Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
And the winner is...
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Not even able to show a kiss directly on the mouth but the winner nonetheless!! That’s how l-o-n-g we’ve been waiting and how amazing it was ♡♡♡ We have truly been blessed the last few weeks with He Tian and little Mo!! (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡♡ My heart is about to burst I swear!!
And the nominees are...
- Dear Door (*2021 winner)
- It’s Just a Dream... Right?!
- Liveta
- 4 Week Lovers
- Pearl Boy
And the winner is...
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Oh my god, I was not expecting this manhwa to be what it was!! But they are just so cute!! 。゜(ノ≧∀≦)ノ ゜。  And Jungoh grew on me so much!! Then the dreams kept going... and things got spicier and spicier (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
And the nominees are...
- Sasaki and Miyano
- Path to You
- My Love Mix-Up!
- Dreaming of You
- Night Fragments
And the winner is...
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I re-read this one recently and I’m so glad I did because it was just as cute and wholesome as I remembered!! I just can’t get over them. Simply adorable. ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)˚๐*˟ ♡
And the nominees are...
- Victor | Liveta (*2021 winner)
- Jooha | Pearl Boy
- Na-kyum | Painter of the Night
- Seo-an | The Pizza Delivery Man and The Gold Palace
- Yeonwu | Banana Scandal
And the winner is...
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Seo-an is so unique ♥ one of the reasons he’s my favorite is because his character feels so real and relatable. A big part of the plot is dealing with his anxiety and panic attacks and despite that vulnerability he is also so kind, patient, and sticks up for himself and others. I really like his character alone and paired with Woo-won ♥ I’m so excited to continue this story in February - I will be reading it as soon as it drops.
And the nominees are...
- Yoonseul | The Third Ending
- Dooshik | Pearl Boy
- Dowon | Full Volume
- Taehee | Banana Scandal
- Woo-won | The Pizza Delivery Man and The Gold Palace
And the winner is...
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Ahhhhhh!! (ノ≧∀≦)ノ Dowon has my whole heart ♡ He’s so freaking sweet to Beom and yeah this BL is horny af but it’s also super adorable!! Honestly, I was not expecting it to be so romantic but Dowon is just so extra and I love him and I love them together ♡♡♡
And the nominees are...
- Dooshik & Jooha | Pearl Boy (*2021 winner)
- Taeman & Dahyeok |  Killer Crush
- Coyote/Lili & Joshua/Marleen | Coyote
- Sangwoo & Jaeyoung | Semantic Error
- Woo-won & Seo-an | The Pizza Delivery Man and the Gold Palace
And the winner is...
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They’ve won again! Honestly nothing has changed, they are still so awkwardly cute together and adorable!! ♡♡♡  
And the nominees are...
- Daeshik & Yosef | Love so Pure 
- Seolho & Hyunshik/the boss |  Killer Crush
- Shizusumi & Hiiragi | Given
- Hirano & Kagiura | Sasaki and Miyano
- Jihwa & No Name | Painter of the Night
And the winner is...
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Oh my god, Yosef being a gentle giant teddy bear and Daeshik being his cute plotting eager self... I did not love the idea of them together at first, but damn did my opinion change!! And idk why but  Daeshik talking, going on and on and Yosef just listening patiently is my favorite thing haha (*´ ˘ `*) 
And the nominees are...
- Taehee | Banana Scandal (*2021 winner)
- Giovanni | Hold Me Tight
- Jooha | Pearl Boy
- Jae-hee | 4 Week Lovers
- Dowon | Full Volume
And the winner is...
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It’s him again!!! I can’t get over how much I love Taehee ♡♡ He had me the second that I read ‘The Power Fruit Girls’ (aka The Powerpuff Girls, which is a real show that I watched growing up)!! Anyway, I love Taehee for so many reasons, one being his introverted nature, the fact that he never tries to be someone he’s not, and always sticks up for his man!! I love how much he loves Dojin!! ♡♡
And the winner is...
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Okay, I was not freaking expecting this BL to become one of my ultimate favorites but oh my god!! It’s so good!! Not that much ‘plot’ happens, but I just love these two so much - individually and together. I also love a good cinderella story, and this one is so wholesome and beautiful!! The slow tensions growing between them, getting to know each other first, helping each other... I cannot freaking wait for them to be together (.づ◡﹏◡)づ. Upi (author & artist) has quickly became one of my favorite authors ❤❤❤
And the winner is...
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This BL has me in a chokehold lol whenever there’s a new chapter I have a physical reaction because I’m so excited to read it. And it will continue to have me in a chokehold until the final chapter!! I love and hate this slow burn so muchhhhhh (,,>﹏<,,) ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ oh my god I love it 
And the winner is...
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Awwwwww the first BL I’ve ever read has come to an end (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ So cute, so wholesome. It will always hold a special little place in my heart.
✧ - BEST BL OF 2022
And the winner is...
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OH MY GOD, Semantic Error is everything!! The best enemies to lovers slow burn out there! The teasing! The tension! Sangwoo being Sangwoo (✿>ꇴ<) had me cracking up so many times - I can’t wait to read more ♡
I love Semantic Error so much I cosplayed as Sangwoo this year at a local convention - my first ever cosplay costume!! And I dressed my partner up in the iconic red jump suit hahaha ♡♡♡
Thank you all for reading!
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oc-challenges · 1 year
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Hello guys, gals, nonbinary pals, and every other lovely person in this community! The time has come for your (second) favorite challenge! Thanks to you all for voting on the polls, this challenge is a little different than previous years despite some of the winners but we hope you’ll still enjoy!
This challenge is for LGBTQ+ ocs only... hence why it’s called the pride challenge.
Tag your posts with #opc2023 in order to have them reblogged. (please do not tag any non-challenge related edits with this)
DON’T steal edits. If you feel your edit or someone else's has been stolen, report it to our submission box by following these guidelines.
If you want to make a crossover edit with somebody else’s oc, make sure the other person is okay with crossovers.
Feel free to send us any questions and keep in mind that all challenges are up for interpretation.
Be kind!!
Day One (June 1st): Gay
Make something for an oc that identifies as gay!
Day Two (June 2nd): Lesbian
Make something for an oc that identifies as a lesbian!
Day Three (June 3rd): Bi
Make something for an oc that identifies as bisexual and/or biromantic!
Day Four (June 4th): Pan
Make something for an oc that identifies as pansexual and/or panromantic!
Day Five (June 5th): Aro/Ace
Make something for an oc who identifies with the aro-ace spectrum!
Day Six (June 6th): Poly
Make something for an oc who is in a polyamorous relationship and/or identifies as poly in anyway!
Day Seven (June 7th): Gender
Make something for an oc who is not cisgender!
Tropes are a ton of fun, and there’s a trope for basically everything! This pride challenge as something new but exciting (hopefully!), we are doing LGBTQIA+ tropes week! Take a look at this list (or come up with your own) and apply them to your ocs!
Unfortunately guys there is only so many weeks in a month, and therefore we’ve dropped AU week (although look out for a special edition of it in the valentines challenge of this year), but we are keeping our favorite LGBTQIA+ artists around! You know the drill, promote your favs with an edit/drabble to one of their songs or poems!
WEEK FOUR (June 22nd—28th): PROMPTS
Prompt #1 (June 22nd): Pride/Proud
It’s what this month is all about so of course we’re bringing back this one!
Prompt #2 (June 23rd): Freedom
Making something for an oc using the word free and/or freedom! Are they free, are they pining for freedom? Use it however you’d like!
Prompt #3 (June 24th): Worth/Worthy
Make an oc creation using the word worth or worthy! Whether they use L'Oréal Paris' or not, you know they’re worth it.
Prompt #4 (June 25th): Truth
Let your ocs live their truth and use the word in a creation!
Prompt #5 (June 26th): Growth
As our ocs find their identities, they experience a lot of growth, so make a creation sing the word Growth!
Prompt #6 (June 27th): Change
As Taylor Swift said, these things will change. I can even feel it now! Can you and your ocs? Well show us through this word prompt
Prompt #7 (June 28th): Reflect
Use the word reflect in an oc creation! Are they reflecting on a relationship? On their journey to self-discovery?
Day 29 (June 29th): Here’s My Review... Not Gay Enough
We all know it; How Harry met Sally, the 10 things Kat hates about Patrick, what happens when Juliet faces the loss of her Romeo... But what about when Harry met Sully? The 10 things Kurt hates about Patrick? When Julio faces the loss of his Romeo? Well, I’m sure you get the point. Take a classic het romance and show us in another fun way how love is love! 
Day 30 (June 30th): Gift to The World
Hopefully you’ve signed up for the pride exchange on @ocpotluck and you can spend this day admiring everyone’s creations and adoring your gift!
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astronomodome · 1 year
Alright I was asked to make a list of all the The Garages songs I associate with life series things so I have done that
A few notes:
Songs are in no particular order (mostly just sorted by album as I was going through listening to them all)
All song titles (in color) are links to the respective songs, so you can listen to them :3
These songs are all worth listening to but my absolute favorites are marked in orange
Let me know what you think! I’ve been waiting so long to talk extensively about this :)))))) <- going to explode
list is below the cut because this got loooong
Astro Astronomodome’s Garages Life Series Playlist:
Eyes in the Dark- *gestures vaguely* how am I gonna live with these eyes in the dark when they’re following me around and they’re following you around 👍 and there’s nowhere you can go that they’re not there 👍
Jaylen Hotdogfingers Settles The Score- limited life winner martyn in thy little wood I am so normal about you <- lie
Godspeed- TIES sending off Skizz… see you space cowboy
Curse of Crows- third life grian-core, you know, when he was green and couldn’t actually kill but he and scar were going around being vaguely threatening. You could maybe use the crows in this as a metaphor for red life scar. Also birds
Relief Pitcher (Leave It On The Field)- Extremely strong vibes but I’m not sure of what. Maybe last life martyn? In the final battle? Idk. Maybe every martyn. I ljke him. (anyway this song changed my brain chemistry permanently so it deserves a place in the list regardless)
rooting for you- I’m delusional, bdubs is a species of plant, and ethubs is wlw. what is a nature wives
we had a season- ok this is THE desert duo song. No song will ever end of double life we’ve-spent-so-much-time-dancing-around-each-other-and-now-we-have-nothing-left-but-each-other desert duo as hard as this song. I have a very detailed AMV in my head of this so you know I’m right. It’s even a duet… ‘we had a season, we had a year/between when I died and when I reappeared’ (there’s almost exactly a year between grian’s last third life episode and scar’s first double life episode. I checked for this reason specifically and it killed me instantly) PLEASE just listen to this one ‘I had my reasons, I had my fears/I had my pride (I still had tears in my eyes as I died)’
dead ringer- just as the previous song is The desert duo song, this is The red king ren song. It slaps and the vibes are perfect. ‘my skin is made of energy, my blood is made of fire/I am what will happen when your best-made plans backfire’
hexed- very much post-3rd life watcher grian. pretty self-explanatory
The Alternate- ‘I’m new but I’ve seen so much/I’m old but I was not there’ do I even need to say it. Gem-as-Cleo and Lizzie-as-Pearl (‘I’ve done this once before’)
gamer grindset- yeah this is The Life Series Joel Song. you can fight me on this but you don’t have to because I know I’m right
a leap of faith- reminds me of scar. nothing in particular it just has similar vibes
haunted- ok now this is a Real watcher grian kind of song. ‘my body is a temple/for the gods of other men/wielded as a weapon by foes I swore I’d never be again’ ok. edgy bird moment
she’s dead and i’m someone else- this one requires some interpretation but I’ve always seen it was team BEST mourning the loss of bdubs. However it could also be applied to almost every ten in the life series that lost a member early lol
Mike Townsend (feels the shadows call)- specifically last life shadow alliance martyn but any martyn in general fits. he’s having a bad time
INCINERATE- just like. Being on your red life in general and the bloodlust and manic energy that brings. 😛 (edit after the finale: OKAY I KNOW THERES SO MANY LIMITED LIFE MARTYN SONGS BUT THIS IS ALSO ONE OF THEM ‘I know how to win this/I don’t need to play your games/I’m just gonna dance now/I’ll show you how to deal with pain’ ‘every day’s getting worse and we’re starting to choke/‘cause the water in the air is getting stuck in our throats’ LIKE COME ON MAN)
Sidelined- limited life skizz you will always be famous ‘am I just another wash-out/am I damned to go out swinging/I can’t hear you from the dugout/is there anyone else singing for me’ I am singing! I am singing for you skizzleman!!!!!!!!!
Firewalker With Me- the song. The myth. The legend. It’s just such a great song and it’s about life series grian’s curse of killing the people he cares most about. Grian is a parker if you think about it <- mentally ill (special note- ‘nobody deserves to be called a curse/but if you’re gonna resist I’m happy to make things worse’ is grian accidentally getting jimmy final-killed first in limited life btw)
We’ve Got History- not to be that guy but desert duo. Ok
New Year, Same Me- martyn.
The Return- the start of a new life series! Seeing old friends again! Missing friends who couldn’t make it (cough cough martyn missing ren in limited life cough cough)! Playing the game! Living and loving despite the horrors!
A Horrible Mistake We Will Make Again And Again- grian grian grian. Grain. The bird boy. Also easily one of my favorite Garages song titles. ‘If I don’t know the limits, how am I gonna break them?/If you think that we’re kidding well then you’re sorely mistaken’
The First Ain’t The Last- canary curse activated! Honestly the entirety of this album is just the average life series lmao ‘and one day you’ll wake up/and from the ashes a phoenix will rise/and she’ll hit like a champ/and burn out bright before your eyes’
The Ballad of Unremarkable Derrick Krueger- another one that definitely has life series vibes (and is just a really good song) but that I just can’t place. I want to say Tango honestly because he always has been somewhat painfully mediocre and has famously always final-deathed in underwhelming and meaningless ways
Rise- this is the Cleo song. Epic. Thank you Cleo :) Joe can be the monitor in this scenario I think he’d be good at it
RIV- does anyone still remember that part of martyn’s last life lore where the mysterious voice was promising that he would get to see jimmy mumbo and impulse again if he followed its instructions? Well……
Hell’s Game- Blaseball is a death game and this song leans into that so naturally it fits pretty well with the life series as a whole. Would make a great AMV
5am Shift- Ok bear with me here. This doesn’t really fit Pearl other than the song title (lol) and maybe you can make some parallels to cleaning lady Pearl but it gives me her vibes. Plus it’s just a whole jazzy banger and one of my favorite songs so it’s going here anyway :)
Nullified- for the end of limited life. pretty self-explanatory ‘wasted all my minutes/trying to stay alive/and look where it got me/I’m just the last one nullified’ honestly worked better before the actual finale because martyn was more manic about it than this song would imply
STRIKEOUT!- life series mumbo my horrible wet cat. this song is a little weird but it suits him I think
The Tug- they never left the desert.
SUN 2- obligatory flower husbands song for all the flower husbands enjoyers out there. Time to go cry I guess
flooding/drowning- big impdubs moment. Or honestly just any of bdubs’s life series exes reminiscing… ‘and you’re angry when the energy rises to meet you/like the life rafts are disrespectful to the sea’ is the most life series bdubs thing I’ve ever heard
REMEMBERTHEM- very good and classic anti-watcher song. If c!martyn was just a little more aware of his situation I think this would fit better (honestly a lot of good garages songs just don’t fit very well because we haven’t quite reached the ‘let’s kill the watchers’ stage of the lore yet lmaooo)
Nothing Happens Every Day- tfw when no life series 🥺 could also be martyn because he loves to kill <3
historic season nine party time speedrun and associated records- mean gills vibes. a nice quiet evening in the coral isles, reminiscing
Mike Townsend Is A Disappointment- I’m so sorry Jimmy but it fits too well
Bonus! Hermitcraft-adjacent songs:
Storm’s Raging- moon big. the long, slow, inevitable end of the world. Bdubs looking up at the sky as it falls on him. the lyrics kick ass as well: ‘there were days when it all seemed never ending/when all you could hear was the forecasts, the fear/and the sound of the cloudline bending’ (and the way it speeds up at the end……. omg)
howling at twin moons- s8 scar. I will not elaborate
alaynabella hollywood- ariana griande <- wait who said that
golden- rentheking arc I love you :3 viva la revolution
Sincerely, The Collateral- hermitcitizen song tbh
Beep or Bleat- despite the EXTREMELY zedaph-coded song title this is actually end-of-season 8 tango moon landing-core. ‘do we possess a soul/does it exceed the speed of light/can it escape black holes/do we still have a chance to fight’
Nut Economy- another rentheking arc song. You can tell when I started watching HC from this can’t you. Well. Royal emeralds I miss you :(
Morning is Coming- HONESTLY if I had the ability to make AMVs this would be top of my list. It’s just so… so much. Escaping moon big at the end of season 8… I know it’s overdone at this point but it’s rotating around in my head all the time. What does it say about me that there are two moon big songs here and they’re both my favorites…
fourteen days is not enough for my screams to reach your ears- another tango lost in space at the end of season 8 song. it messed me up ok
psychoacoustics- I love convex* *DISCLAIMER: 99% of the convex knowledge I have comes from fan interpretation alone. Alternatively I could just be really trying to manifest a zedaph villain arc
oliver mueller (is a hero)- docm77 for several reasons which will become apparent almost immediately
hello world- grumbot I love you :] (putting in a different version so you can tell what the lyrics are without subtitles and I’m sorry because this version of the song is somewhat worse. they just start singing godspeed in the middle of it for some reason and like I’m not complaining I love that song but also why) (here’s the original version)
the entire kansas city breath mints team failed the bar exam- hermitcraft. no elaboration is necessary
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msmargaretmurry · 4 months
I love the idea of a celebrity demonstration! Show how hard it is to do what these guys do! I also think the major issue really is that what players want to do and what fans want to see are usually very different.
I also think that the nhl likely did ask teams with players that couldn’t attend about replacements but they probably said no. I know that happened last year with the Kraken where guys just wanted to go on vacation. I really wish more players would contribute when asked about the asg. Because the articles have said that the league reached out to a couple of star players and it sounds like Connor was one of the only ones who really contributed. And while I like Connor, of course his ideas are just pure hockey skills.
I think one way to fix some of the annoying domination from one team or another is having fans vote for the player representative of their team and the league picks out the star players. That way fans can vote in their favorite guys but no team is crazy over represented. It feels like a real missed opportunity not to have more guys participating in the giant skills competition first. You could make it so there are 3 preliminaries and everyone participates in 1 or 2 of the 3 so everyone gets to see their guys. And then you just eliminate each round till you have like 5 guys in whatever the final comp is. And each skills competition in itself gets a winner.
And there should be some sort of time served exception where if you’ve been to 3 or more all star games, you decline without punishment. That way guys going might be a little more excited and you’d get to see new people.
yes i completely agree that a significant issue is what the players want to do vs what's most entertaining for many fans. i tried to touch on that in my little ramble but i don't know how coherent it was 😅 something like celebrity demonstrations imo would add a bit of that entertainment factor without putting it on players' shoulders. i think there's a really interesting thread here about how so many hockey players are uncomfortable with stepping out of the "athlete" box and into the "entertainer" box, even though sports are literally the entertainment industry (and they're not the only athletes that resist this, but it feels particularly prevalent in hockey) but i am not going to try to interrogate it before i've had my coffee 😂
100% correct on the league asking for replacements and guys saying no. as should be their right! they've already planned vacations! and i mean like, you could easily cut down on the danger of losing representation from a team by inviting two guys from more teams instead of 4-5 from two teams. but there is definitely a problem with guys simply not wanting to go. if my choices were "long tropical vacation with my friends and family" and "three days in toronto to play 20 minutes of hockey" i too would opt for the former. not including everyone in the skills comp imo MORE of a disincentive than the previous format.
i like the idea of individual event champions and an all-around skills champ -- like gymnastics! i do think there is a time constraint issue with trying to put together a fair competition that involves all of the players. in the past sometimes there have been individual event incentives -- break 100mph on hardest shot and win money for the charity of your choice, etc. (also i would MUCH rather see these guys battling to win money for charity than hear about how winning that extra million is soooo motivating 🙄)
as many issues i have with the execution of connor mcdavid's saw trap of a skill comp, i DO think it's good that he got involved! kinda side-eyeing guys who were asked and didn't get involved tbh! building an event that both players and fans can love will need to involve player voices AND fan voices, and all respect to connor's efforts but he is not representative of an average nhl player or even an average-good player, and he certainly cannot comprehend the mind of an average viewer. he's in a class of his own, as a player and with the kind of personal leverage and security he has in the sport.
anyway this is why i never got mad at ovi's habitual "oh the asg is coming up? alas, i am conveniently lightly ill or injured, guess you'll have to take someone else from my team" after he'd been a bunch of times. that's how caps fans got the absolute delight of kuzy at the asg, and how tom got his first all star nod and got to be wonderfully surprised by how welcoming the other players were to him! and then when the asg was somewhere fun and vacationy (south florida) ovi was like, yes i will make one more appearance so my son can experience the asg. i think that kind of agency is good for players! ("agency" here used loosely, since he did have to sit for a game every time he dipped out of his all-star nod. but a) he was a big enough star to get away with it and b) his organization clearly supported his decisions, which is not a luxury all players have. the league did NOT like when he did this but i support players being able to say fuck off to the league!)
i don't think it's a coincidence that many of the most memorable fun asg moments in recent memory have been ones where players and/or fans took initiative to make the weekend their own in ways that went outside of the nhl-prescribed box (e.g. ovi and geno's big reunion, ovi begging to be picked last in the draft, the john scott of it all -- even leon's "i'd get off the ice" bit and the ensuing drama kind of falls into this category for its unscriptedness imo, although it is the closest to an nhl-approved storyline of the moments that come to mind.)
lmao this is so long sorry. in my defense the metro keeps fucking holding between stations so i am stuck underground with nothing better to do. but obviosuly i don't have all the answers for fixing the asg from a player buy-in perspective OR a fan experience perspective, i just think it's a really interesting and frustrating problem!
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sarahowritesostucky · 5 months
2023 In Review : Authors' Edition
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again? I wrote my first drabble. Plan to do more as part of my compliments to fanart that I like and reblog.
How many fics did you work on this year? (They don’t have to be finished or published!) 28
What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer? I overuse semicolons and dashes and the first step is admitting you have a problem.
What piece of media inspired you the most? Handmaid's Tale, Snowpiercer (And of course MCU just b/c of Stucky)
What fandom(s) did you write for this year? Marvel/MCU, Actor RPF, Supernatural, Fresh, Snowpiercer, Knives Out
What ship(s) captured your heart? Stucky already had my heart. I really got into other C.Evans and S.Stan characters paired with OFC's, this year though.
What character(s) captured your heart? I liked exploring Curtis Everett and Lloyd Hansen. But I still ride or die for Steve&Bucky.
Did you write for a new fandom or ship this year? Yes!! Lots of new M/F pairings, and 5 new C.Evans characters.
What fic meant the most to you to write? "The Carter Academy for Omega Excellence"--because this was my first commissioned fic and I'm super proud of that. Plus, I've formed a friendship with the person who asked for it!
What fic made you feel the happiest to work on? No clear winner for this one, just a ton of ties. Fluffiest fic was "Angels Are Avian Adjacent"
What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing? "The Merging: A Union" - just b/c I've left the SN fandom and was glad to have given the story an end.
What fic was the most difficult to write? Did you finish it? "Medically Necessitated" - because there is SO much I want to include in the plot of this one and it just is hard to keep it all straight in my head sometimes. Plus I'm rarely in the mood to write it because I hold the tone and quality of the writing so dear to my heart, that I don't want to just phone it in or half ass it. It is not finished (yet!).
What fic was the easiest to write? "Wet Dream" was written as a Bingo fill, and it felt like it came pretty easily.
What were your shortest and longest fics this year? "It Started with Helga the Lunch Lady" - 863 words "Medically Necessitated" - 91,000 words
Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023 "Medically Necessitated"
What were you go-to writing songs? "Wicked Game," "Enjoy the Silence," "I want to," "Like U," "Say It," "Falling," "Insomnia," "Should Be Higher," "Daddy Issues."
What were your go-to writing snacks? Kratom, caffeine pills
What was the hardest fic to title? Hydra Sanatorium - the title was actually something else that I decided I didn't like, so it got changed.
Share your favorite opening line A 3-way tie between: 1. "As a gigantic fucking Duh, hiking that last mile home with an ass full of cum is no fun." (BB & his 1001 Fetishes, ch 34), 2. "The Morning When Steve Finds Out What Bucky Wants to do to His Dick:" (Modifications & Improvement of Functions), and 3. "Sebastian’s in the middle of taking a dump when he hears his phone out in the kitchen. “Ah, crap.”" (I Prefer Girls Who're Not Afraid to Cry)
Share your favorite ending line A 3-way tie between 1. "What the hell kind of simp-ass Dom even calls themself something stupid like "Bucky," anyway?" (It Started with Helga the Lunch Lady) 2. "And then, nodding at the box of Midnight Black #106 that the other man is considering, furtively advises, “... don’t do it.”" (Merry & Bright, part 2) and 3. "Well, Bucky utilized his super soldier stealth skills. Steve tripped into the floor lamp." (Good Ol' Fashioned Values)
Share your favorite piece of dialogue I couldn't sort through ALL of the dialogue, lol, but it would definitely be the dirty talk in one of them. A recent one that comes to mind is the sexually tense and taunting back and forth Bucky has with his half-sister in "Make it Stick", or the banter between Ransom and his ex-GF in "Who'd You Have to Blow to Get That Part?"
Share an excerpt from your favorite scene AGAIN, too too many to sort through them all, but I love the scene in Good Ol' Fashioned Values where Steve and Bucky are making love, and Steve is emotional over wanting to be the omega mate he used to be for Bucky, and Bucky tenderly reassures him that he's still the perfect mate: [[“Buck, oh, p-please …”
“Uh huh. That’s right Honey. So soft. You work so hard to go soft for me, don’t you Sweetheart?”
Steve whimpered in a way he rarely did anymore, hands flying up to cover Bucky’s on his neck. “Yes, yes,” he gasped. His fingers curled into Bucky’s metal ones and held on almost desperately. “Please. I can be good. Buck,”
It broke Bucky’s heart a little bit, and he cooed sadly and shook his head. “Aw, Stevie, no.” He changed his pace, slowing down and fucking in deep and staying there to grind them together. “You’re always good, Honey. Always. Even when you can’t.” Steve’s eyes got misty at that, and plaintive, sad sounds started working their way out of his throat alongside the moans. Bucky hushed him. “Shh sh sh, Sweetheart.”]]
Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out? The last paragraph of Modifications & Improvement of Functions, because the tone of the fic was so lighthearted and so twisted at different points, I wasn't quite sure which tone I wanted it to end on. [[Steve’s old junker of a heart gets another ding in it. He pulls Bucky in close to be the little spoon, and lies there kissing at the back of his neck for a long, long time. “You always work right, Buck. You’re always perfect. I love you.” He traces the edges of the star that’s carved into the nape of his neck, and eventually he whispers, “We’ll go to the piercing shop tomorrow.”]]
What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story? That a 16 year old character may NOT be written engaging in even non-explicit sexual relationships in a Tumblr fic. I had to reformat a few details to be safe (but I increased the age gap super much instead, so nah nah! 😝(Got my abusive Tumblr Staff Troll 🧌to thank for that one.)
What did you use to write? (e.g. writing programs, paper & pen, etc.) Google Docs. Sometimes I'll jot something small down straight onto a Tumblr post.
If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year? I'm just really satisfied with the themes and unique way the narrative handles the subject matter in Modifications and Improvement of Functions, I think. As well as how I navigated the half-sibling incest depicted in "Make it Stick"
Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic? When I achieved 5 in a rows on Bingos, I posted the masterlists. First time doing that!
How did you recharge between fics? Sleep, binge eating, elliptical machine/gym, Youtube videos.
If this were an awards show, who would you thank? My supporters who have commissioned fics, my most frequent commentors/rebloggers, and the people who supported me when the Tumblr Staff Troll 🧌 started abusing her position. (@smlmsworld, @autumnrose40, @pia-bartolini, @pandafishao3, @albymangroves, @rogersbarneses, @cobaltmoonysart, @justsupersarahthings (@and the others who I probably forgot!)
What’s something that you want to write in 2024? I have a fic I was writing for the @stuckyhistoricalfiction challenge that I never finished because of an injury/recuperation, but I truly love the fic concept and what I have written so far, so I'd like to finish that this year, even if it's just a shorter version than I'd planned. I also had two fics I was supposed to write and another fic I was supposed to draw for, for the @stuckybangs, which I didn't complete due to the injury. I'd love to collab with those partners and fulfill their visions! BUT MOST OF ALL: I want to finish up many, if not most (or all 😅) of my WIPs that I have going. I love them all so much and have no intention of letting any of them remain unfinished forever!
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mooifyourecows · 3 months
I'm sure someone's asked you this before, but I'm thinking about writing another short fic and I'm wondering what your process is for plotting out your writing? every time I try and write something I always struggle with knowing how to move the plot toward what I want. I'm wondereng if you have a structure you tend to follow? if you've answered this before feel free to tag me in that post or something, but it's been so long since I've written something and I want a good structure to start from. and you're one of my favorite authors so I figured you'd be the best to ask
ideas take time. I'm sure there are some people out there who can get an idea and then spit out a short fic immediately after and it's great and wonderful and amazing but personally, I can't do that. I gotta sit on my ideas and build them over time. even the short ones!
it's just not enough for me to want to write something. i gotta be into it, and i'm not going to get into it unless i've spent considerable time thinking about it and developing it in my head. whether that means building up plot or backstory or just witty banter, I need to have a good feel for the story before i can start writing it. most of the story ideas i come up with never get written. i come up with an idea that i'm into but then i can't brainstorm enough meat in the middle so i either tuck it away in my notes to try and salvage later or i forget it and move on
And that's okay! not every idea is a winner. but it's not a waste of time to come up with them. several of my stories were once ideas that i scrapped because i couldn't motivate myself to get into them. Summer Rain was an original story idea i came up with when i was a teenager that i stuffed into the very back reaches of my brain until years later i got into Haikyuu and dragged it out to rethink it into a fic idea instead. GMB too. Hard Times was a fic I started years ago and then abandoned because I couldn't bring myself to think up what should happen after the initial deal is struck.
when i am actually plotting out a story, i don't really have a structure that i follow. I just think of individual things and jot them down in my notes, then change or add to them as i continue to brainstorm. I mainly focus on the BIG parts, working them out in my head until I like them, and then write the little in between stuff as I go. I am one of those writers that prefers to write by the seat of my pants and it's worked well for me so far but I understand how some people prefer not to do that.
none of my stories come quickly though. For many of the long ongoing ones, i'm coming up with new stuff all the time. I've got a big thing planned for ATEGT that i didn't think of until I was like 15 chapters into it. Summer Rain is nothing like what it was supposed to be when i first started it. Ideas are supposed to change and bulk up over time, so if you give them the time they need, you can think up some really fun, amazing stuff!
Don't rush. I understand the need to write something and post it as soon as possible. There are times that i wish i could just bust out a fast one shot and shoot it out there for people to read but it's just not my style. the people who can do that are awesome and i admire them! but it's just not for me. I need to bat an idea around in my brain for weeks, months, or even years before it becomes anything concrete.
other than that, i don't really have much useful advice for you in this area, unfortunately. Just... take notes. Write down your ideas as soon as you think of them. It's not a contract. You don't have to keep them. I'm constantly jotting an idea down in my notes and then deleting it later because i changed my mind. It's fine! Get loosey goosey with it! it's supposed to be fun! don't stress yourself out with trying to force something thats just not coming. let it come to you freely and you'll be pleasantly surprised by what you think of.
i've also found that it helps for me to write my thoughts down as if i'm telling the idea to a friend. Just working through the plot on the fly from beginning to end. "I've got this new idea. So there's Character A who works at the airport and what they does is this and that. then one day as theyre doing this or that, someone comes through the line and then this thing happens and Character A is like what the heck? but they're cool so they're like hey it's no big deal and Character B is cute so Character A is like hey let's see where this goes, so anyway Character A does this and Character B is like that and after that Character C who is Character A's ex and a total douchenozzle shows up and Character B is like yo i'm gonna help you out and so-" you know? Just... write it out. If you don't know what happens next, say you don't know what happens next. "Some other stuff will happen and their bond will grow you know, like fun romantic and silly things where they learn some stuff about each other but it's clear that Character B is keeping a secret but Character A doesn't want to push them into talking about it so they just pretend like they don't notice and-" etc etc.
Walk yourself through the stuff you HAVE figured out and you might think up some others on the fly too. It helps to see it in a linear fashion. "And then and then and then and then". At least it does for me. Especially since my brain doesn't like to be organized and constantly jumps around to whatever is most interesting at the moment. my friends have gotten long strings of messages from me over the years about story ideas i've come up with and just want to get out to see if they have any real potential. and those are the ones that usually do!
sorry i don't have any real tricks or tips about this stuff. i really am just a sloppy disorganized writer and people probably shouldn't try to emulate me because it's a mess over here, take my word for it 🤦‍♂️
anyway, i wish you luck! You can do it! just make sure you are having fun. your writing should be indulgent and exactly the kind of thing you would want to read. don't think about what other people would want. You're not making a product to sell, you're creating art 🌈
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wildemaven · 2 years
Weekends with Frankie: Flea Market Finds
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x Reader
Words: 1,002
Rating: T
Warnings: mentions of food; let me know if I missed anything
A/N: Getting this out later than I wanted to, this sickness hit me hard. This isn’t beta’s and kind of feels like a mess. My brain feels like mush, so I’m not even sure I like the ending, nothing was working as I was writing it— it is what it is now lol.
Weekends with Frankie Masterlist / Masterlist
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The paper cup is warm, its contents fueling this chilly morning. You’re tucked into Frankie’s side, your favorite spot to reside on the weekends.
It’s the third Sunday of the month. Which means it’s not your slow serene kind of morning. But sometimes sacrifices equal greater rewards.
The house you share with Frankie is modest but homey.
When you moved in, while spacious, it was lacking a sense of style. No fault to Frankie, the man is simple in his ways and never put much thought into decorating his home.
That was years ago. Since then, with Frankie’s approval, you’d been able to meld both of your aesthetics to design your home— his warm earthy tones and your contemporary mid century modern.
But it was your shared appreciation for all things from decades before that gave character throughout the space. Items laced with history from those who had previously owned them.
Thrift stores and flea markets are where gravitate towards when purchasing things.
That’s where you find yourselves this morning. Bundled in layers, ready to browse through a treasure trove of collectibles and piles of rare nicknacks strewn out for pickers to rummage through.
You didn’t necessarily need any one item in particular. Through thrifting together, you’d both found a love for collecting.
Frankie’s collection of vinyls was impressive. He had a real knack for finding some old gems. His most prized one being Prince’s Purple Rain album. More often than not, it was streaming through your home.
He was diligent in his purchases. Each album had to hold meaning or reference a time in his life.
You found joy in collecting old film cameras. You’d grown up before digital was the norm, and pictures took close to a week before you were able to see them. You love the accessibility of your phone for quick snaps but there’s just something about the click and winding of a vintage camera body.
Frankie appreciated the photos around your home even more so because they were taken by you. Your sweet little Canon AE-1 was always stowed in your bag when leaving the house. It accompanied you on many camping trips to the mountains. It was always with in arms reach during barbecues with the guys— you made each of them photo books through out the years of birthdays, weddings and group vacations.
Today your find yourselves digging through a pile of well worn tshirts, Frankie’s second love. It’s stacks and stacks of band tees, the images so faded they’re just barely visible. They’re aged to perfection, the fabrics so buttery soft from years of wear and tear.
You’d gifted Frankie a vintage Fleetwood Mac shirt when you’d first got together. It had quickly become his favorite. Dark blue, faded in some areas now littered with holes all over it. The offer to replace had been brought up several times, but he refused stating it was just starting to break in and fit right— it makes the man happy.
Sifting through a few piles, he’d found a few winners— new to him Styx and Rolling Stone tees.
Frankie and you have a love affair with books. Your home is filled with them, any and every subject. Early on in dating, Frankie had mentioned his aversion for reading when he joined the army. With all the studying he’d done over the years for flight school, he swore he’d never pick up a book again. But it was on his first deployment, the long days filled with trepidation and uncertainty, where he found books were the one thing that made his down time a little more tolerable. They kept his mind busy getting lost in the pages, the words leaving a lasting impression on him. Books were his escape.
You’d found him a first edition of East of Eden, the book that resolved his love for reading. He’d briefly mentioned it on your second date, a mere fact he’d given that you tucked away for a later time. When he’d unwrapped it 3 years later for Christmas, he was speechless. It was in perfect mint condition, every page crisp and pristine— but also he was so in awe that you’d remembered such a small thing he had mentioned years prior. It sits on his nightstand now, his watch and glasses placed on top neatly every night before climbing into bed, nestling himself against your sleeping frame.
It’s a small stack of books that you’ve both decided were worthy of a new shelf life in your home. Their pages grayed and worn with faintly legible marks littering the page margins, a glimpse into the thoughts of those who’d found wisdom among the lengthy chapters. Both of you looking forward to adding your own remarks in time.
Items tucked away in the trunk safely, as Frankie drives you home. The leather creaks as you shift forward to adjust the vents, the air ambient and warm. You relax back into the seat, sensation slowly coming back to your frozen fingers. Movement from the driver’s seat pulls you from thought. Frankie’s saying something, but the afternoon sun is filtering through the driver side window— you’re taken aback by his backlit presence.
The golden rays peeking through his over grown curls. That breathtaking dimple making an appearance as he reflects on the day, your life’s mission to make him smile just so you can witness it. He’s a force that makes life memorable and authentic.
You both haven’t moved since settling into your be couch when you arrived home, not before trading your warm layers for one of Frankie’s soft tees and leggings. Containers of pasta from your favorite Italian cafe are strewn out on the coffee table— stomachs satiated and nearly bursting. The low hum of the record player fills the room, Purple Rain. Frankie flips through one of the books from today, dog-earing pages as he reads.
The weekend nears its end with work life on the horizon. Your mind is already reeling with what’s in store for next weekend.
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