#so im setting up a queue to not go days without posting art. so to do so i will be going a while without posting out :]
candiednova · 1 year
aaa finally setting up a queue of art posts so i dont go days without posting art, wish me luck!
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GUIDELINES are over here!
FOR ALL ROMANTIC/SEXUAL CONTENT (WRITINGS, AUDIOS, ART, EDITS, ETC.) AND RAMBLINGS ON THIS BLOG, CHARACTERS ARE ALWAYS 18+. if they’re younger than 18 in canon, in any romantic/sexual content and ramblings, they have been aged up to 18+. BY DEFAULT, all characters will be portrayed as 18+, unless it’s stated otherwise; and if they are stated to be portrayed as under 18, it’s not going to involve anything romantic. (I used to add a thing into the posts saying as such, but given how much content I create, it got tiring having to tack it on every single post.)
Please do not use the ‘submit’ feature OR IM me to make requests; I only accept requests through asks. When the askbox is physically open and you can send me asks, then requests are open. When the askbox is closed, requests are closed. If you try to circumvent that, I will tell you requests are closed. The SUBMIT feature is for people to submit their own work if they would like it displayed on this blog. And if I get too many IMs asking for requests, I will turn my IM settings so that no one can send me any.
There are character limits for different types of content, just to prevent me getting overwhelmed and spending lots of time on a single request. One ask counts as one request, so, you can send multiple requests, but per request the character limit applies. Character limit for reader inserts and scenarios is 3. Character limit for headcanon sets is 5. Character limit for reactions is 10. You are more than welcome to send multiple requests, but the limit applies per each request. If you want, say, headcanon sets for eight characters, please send them in two separate asks. (Such as, “relationship headcanons for Beast, Dagger, Doll/Freckles and Joker” as one ask, and “relationship headcanons for Jumbo, Peter, Snake, and Wendy” as another ask. I hope this makes sense!)
Be patient with me, please!! This blog is quite popular (which I never expected haha) and I can have anywhere from 50-100 requests at any given time. Even with me being excited to write, it takes time, and I do work part-time, not to mention I run other blogs. I also put things into the queue immediately after they finish so that my content can stay fairly consistent when I’m active. In addition, I do not work on ‘first in, first out’, instead going wherever my inspiration for certain characters/concepts lies at any point, so I do requests rather out of order most of the time. It may be a while before you see yours finished, but I do guarantee you that asking me a lot whether it’s done/if I’m working on it will not speed things up! Sorry in advance.
I do lots of research, but, sometimes my facts in content (whether historical facts or canon events facts) might be inaccurate. Most of the time this is because I’m choosing ~aesthetic~ over accuracy, but I’m also not perfect and may mess up. (I promise you, I will NEVER live down the Cheslock oneshot where I somehow blanked on the fact that June 4th was the cricket tournament and not the last day of classes. 😂)
If you request Grell or Doll/Freckles, please specify which pronouns you would like me to use when writing! I headcanon Grell as genderfluid and Doll/Freckles as bigender, so for Grell I am just fine using ‘he/him’, ‘she/her’, and ‘they/them’ pronouns; for Doll/Freckles, I am fine using ‘she/her’ and ‘they/them’ pronouns. If you don’t specify pronouns (or make it clear by using them in your ask), I will simply go with whichever ones feel right to me in that request.
I do art, audios, and video edits in addition to writing! Video edits are usually done without request because I pick the songs based on my own tastes, but I do often ask opinions on which one my followers want to see. And you can always request art and audios!
If I am not comfortable writing a certain request/topic/etc., I will answer the ask VERY QUICKLY so that whoever requested it isn’t waiting for something I don’t think I can write. This is for my own sanity to avoid adding something “to answer later” to my drafts and forget, and for yours so you know up front if your request won’t be filled. If I do not answer the ask quickly, then it is in my drafts waiting to be filled!
I don’t do drama, fandom OR personal. This is a place for all my followers to feel safe and welcome, because that’s how my followers have always made me feel here. Do NOT bring any of your drama around here; it will be ignored, and you will be blocked. I simply refuse to engage with it.
thank you for reading, you get lots of love! 💖💖💖
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:: Sketchy Saturday :: FAQ ::
What is Sketchy Saturday?
Sketchy Saturday is a Fallout Community Event held every weekend on @artistsoftheapocalypse ! It's run by a crew of volunteer Artists, Moderators, and some supportive friends who cheer us on as we work to produce new Fallout fanworks based on requests by our participants, helping to foster joy as the center of Fandom-- even for folks who are not artistically inclined or don't have the money for commissions.
NEAT! How does that go?
The exact timing of each weekend is up to whomever is leading the art team that week.
If you're curious how a Sketchy Weekend is done from the volunteer side, you can have a read through our Workflow document.
If you'd like to volunteer with us some time, shoot a Tumblr IM to @solesurvivorpaigeargot . They'll chat with you about what you'd like to do with/for AoTA, and take the next steps from there.
Loor [@solesurvivorpaigeargot ] is the originator of the event, and the one who most frequently leads the art team. The following explanation is the general way in which a weekend is run, but a different person leading the art team will lead to differences. Always remember to read our informational posts to check if anything is different on any given weekend <3
SO! GENERALLY SPEAKING! This is how a Sketchy Saturday looks on Tumblr:
Times are in US Pacific <-- this is a clickable link to an internet clock, which you can use to compare to your time zone <3 Or, if you'd like, a time difference calculator!
Thursday, 8:00 PM : Prompt and Guidelines are posted, requests are open!
-- At 8 PM on Thursday nights is when our prompt post normally goes up, containing all the information prospective participants will need to join in the event that weekend. Basically, it's the weekly rules post-- since we use Prompts to limit the scope of what people can request, it is very important you read the Prompt Post every week in which you participate.
Friday, 9:00 AM : ARTING BEGINS!
-- The team actually begins waking up and talking to each other a lot closer to 6 AM-- getting the priority list in order, checking through the asks to make sure everyone followed the rules, and verify we have references for all requested characters that weekend. 9 AM is when we are finishing up prep work and are ready to get down to some Sketchy Business.
Friday, 8:00 PM : REQUESTS CLOSE!
--Don't think I need to explain this one :P If you send a request after the cut-off, we will reply privately to thank you for your time and effort, and ask that you please join us next week <3
Saturday, All Day : TIME TO GOOO!!!
-- Once the requests are closed, our artists have a solid to-do list and we spend Saturday gettin it DONE... Or at least as close as we can get without hurting ourselves. We encourage our volunteers to withdraw at any point they become exhausted or are in pain.
Sunday, 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM : SUNDAY PARADE!
-- After a Sketchy Weekend is done, we queue up all the finished works to reblog back into the feed for people to enjoy. Any requests we have not finished at 7:00 AM on Sunday are Dropped.
Sunday, 12:00 PM : EVENT IS OVER! Time for housekeeping!
-- At noon Sunday pretty much everyone involved with the blog fucks off for a couple of days to pay attention to their own lives and rest. Then, we start setting things up for the next weekend! :D
Alrighty, so what's up with Dropped requests?
A request is dropped when, for whatever reason, the volunteer team could not complete it before the Sunday Parade.
We keep track of our participants this Spreadsheet, which we link every week for easy viewing. There is a full description of how it all works in the document, but the TL;DR is this:
Higher priority scores are served first. If you choose not to participate in a single weekend, your score goes up by +1 If you choose to participate, and your request is dropped, your score goes up by +4 Ergo, you are more likely to be served and get something the next time you participate, because your higher score will put you above others on the list who decided to simply sit out.
Ah, I see; so if you get dropped, you get served sooner next time. What about new people?
New Participants get first priority. If it's your first time with us, or you're back after a long absence that caused your username to age off the list, you go to the front of the line.
New people go first? Why?
We want to encourage new participants, and sharing with friends. 'Oh, BTW, first time requesters always get theirs served first' is a pretty good incentive if you wanna tempt a buddy into joining us for their first weekend.
Okay, that makes sense. What about the Housekeeping you mentioned?
Every week we have to reset the event, and that's a mostly manual process. Priority scores need to be recalculated, we take metrics on Monday, and a new prompt needs to be decided on all before the coming Wednesday, and right after the Sketchy Weekend? Everyone involved has mush for brains for like two days.
Housekeeping is just a catch-all term for everything that needs to be done between the end of one Sketchy Weekend and the beginning of the next one; not to minimize it because man there's a lot, but just so all that labor has an umbrella it fits under. XD
HOLY BALLS that's a lotta work. And it's all run by volunteers?
YES! The Artists of the Apocalypse is a voluntary collective; we each made an individual choice to join, and we all have the right to leave at any point. We work together because we choose to, and do our best to build each other up and and support one another :D
How do I support this group / the volunteers?
AoTA, as an entity, does not currently have a donation page. [ Loor is working on it, but such a donation page may not be viable until we have our own website. Until then, donations to such a group would be in a legally grey area that might put our volunteers at risk of legal action from IP holders, and none of us have the resources to fight that kind of shit, so we are being VERY careful with that ]
HOWEVER! We are certain to credit our volunteers, who each provide links to their donation pages, patreons, shops, and other web presence to be included with their volunteer credit :D
We HIGHLY encourage checking out the links of our volunteers every week! And remember that SUPPORT isn't just DONATIONS, it's also likes, reblogs, and kind words <3
Alright, so what's this SHIPPY SATURDAY thing I've been hearing about?
The last sketchy weekend of every month is Shippy Saturday! While the name implies it's all about romance, what it really means is that the prompt on the last weekend of the month will allow for two characters interacting to be requested.
OOOOOOOOO So I can request my favorite ship?
Damn right you can, so long as you follow the rules of the prompt that week. <3
Even if there's an OC in it?
Honey, even if they're both OCs, we love that shit around here. Besides, canon characters are just OCs that got bought and published.
Nope. We are fully aware that there are minors in our audience, and thus we try to keep things PG-14 around here. Their joy with this property is not less valid because they are younger. We'll curse all we fuckin' want here, but no explicit nudity or explicit sexual content will be posted on AoTA as part of a Shippy Saturday event. Occasionally implicit? Sure, but don't come to us expecting to get your spicy fanart fix.
Also, though it should go without saying: any romantic ship MUST be entirely comprised of consenting adults. They can be any species you like but everyone must be capable of giving and communicating consent to their partner[s].
Wait, you said I can request a ship containing two OCs-- even if one of those OCs belongs to a friend of mine?
Yes, but we ask that you please ask your friend before sending their baby on to us. If they object for any reason, we will take the work down immediately and apologize.
Their OC is their baby, they have the right to say no. Remember to ask your friends if they're cool with strangers drawing their baby before offering up someone else's character <3
Okay, okay, let's say I'm in, I wanna send in a request for a Sketchy Saturday... So, is that cool? Who can participate?
ANYONE AND EVERYONE! We welcome ALL lovers of Fallout, from casual players of the games to hardcore fanfiction authors with multi-year projects. We do not need to know who you are!
The only requirement we have is that you follow The Rules and Guidelines in the prompt post every week you participate.
What happens if I don't follow the rules?
If your request doesn't follow the guidelines in the Prompt Post, we will privately reply that the request is not valid, and ask you to try again.
If a request is BLATANTLY not valid, such as containing derogatory or challenging language directed at our volunteers DURING the event, meant to disrupt them while they're working, the account sending that request will be BLOCKED.
5 year olds get away with slapping someone and saying they didn't know it would hurt someone.
No one on this site should be under 13, we expect better than that from our participants.
Can I request a specific pose, even when the prompt doesn't mention it?
Unless the prompt is a pose prompt, you may not specify a pose. Unless the prompt is an expression prompt, you may not specify an expression. Unless the prompt is a palette prompt, you may not specify a palette. Unless the prompt is a setting prompt, you may not specify a setting.
Please do not specify information we did not ask you for. It is frustrating and puts the organizers in a very awkward place while communicating with requesters.
These are freebies, not commissions.
Boundaries are important. What do you guys do if no one wants to serve a request?
If all volunteers on the art team say 'No' to the same request, it triggers a Team Vote to Decline. If the vote is unanimous, we privately reply to the requester informing them at their request was declined, and thank them for their time.
We do not ask our volunteers for reasons why. Every creator has the right to say ' No, I do not want to do that ' without being interrogated.
Sucks that you gotta have that shit in place, but glad you've got a plan for jerks... But let's assume I'm not a jerk, and that I sent in a request, and that request was valid. Is there a way I can check up on the status of my request?
We have a handy spreadsheet! We also post screenshots of our Work List through the event so folks don't have to click over all the time <3
I'm new, does that mean I start out at 0?
NOPE! New participants are ALWAYS served first... and after your first Sketchy Saturday request has been fulfilled, then you'll start at -1.
Can I have my name removed from the Sketchy Saturday Record?
No, we need the record to be accurate, which means no arbitrary removals. We are willing to hear people out on a case-by-case basis, but there will need to be some pretty extreme circumstances, as well as agreement among the mods on what to do about the situation.
[ Last updated 01 / 20 / 2022 by Loor ]
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fieldfullofbangtan · 5 years
bts hc: as wizards
 you can thank sims 4 realm of magic and the fact that my hair is now ~pastel pink~ for this magical mess. it was super nostalgic researching harry potter spells and charms and now i really want to rewatch the entire harry potter series.
made it long because i feel like i’ve left yall on read for a while :p
(credit to this person on Amino that wrote an awesome post about the members and their wands/patronuses!)
patronus: mink
wand: mahogany
clever and funny
he’s brave but also kinda a wuss
the ghosts just roaming about the school terrify him
truly is the eomma of all the griffindors
mostly learns spells that improve his looks and lifestyle
pimples? PFFT.
hasn’t showered in 4 days? boi still smells like a field of roses
what even is expelliarmus?
would turn himself into a flower first chance he gets
“this is my true form”
queue the rest of the members putting him in a cupboard and just leaving him there
cleans up everybody’s messes
the type of wizard that uses Lumos to get good lighting for a selfie
will prefer home cooked food over this magical crap any day
“wtf is this.”
“chocolate frogs!”
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patronus: magpie
wand: fir
intelligent and a strong leader
fir wands demand strength and power from their owners
a total klutz but he has jin that can save him
also the spell reparo comes in handy A LOT
his clumsiness becomes life threatening when magic is involved
“Incendio! OH SHIT”
“Sorry Jin I was just trying to make you stay still!”
woopsie indeed
not permitted to ride his broom anymore
last time he almost killed himself and four others
everybody loves him anyways
especially the teachers because he’s a teachers pet
it’s not his fault he’s a genius
who occasionally sets his friends on fire
potion-making will likely end badly
cut him some slack k
he has a lot on his plate
(can i just say how much i love this account and their art, please check them out)
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patronus: buzzard
wand: vine
sly mf
introverted but can be super talkative if he wants something
cold exterior but has a warm heart
always trying to better himself
that trait doesn’t really go hand in hand with his love for sleep
will use the bewitched sleep charm on himself
and the protego spell to keep people away from him
“hey hyung”
“im sleeping”
“but hyung-”
*jimin flies across the fkn room*
“i said im sleeping”
he’ll kiss his head sorry later don’t worry
arrives 10 minutes late on the dot to every class 
doesn’t fail them tho
secretly nerdy cuz he reads a lot
also acts tough but gets scared easy
defense against the dark arts class is the worst for him
hard shell but a true softie on the inside
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patronus: polecat 
wand: dogwood
needs to be saved
the talking paintings have it in for him
they’ll pose perfectly still until he walks past and they’ll scare the shit out of him
waves around his wand and yells ‘Riddikulus’ at anything mildly unnerving
he’s an angel tho
a true hufflepuff
knows everyone in school
could burn the school down and nobody would be mad at him
you’d think his scaredy ass wouldn’t be a prankster
and you’d be wrong
he uses his magic for good and for evil
good as in he makes everyone around him happy
evil as in sometime he’ll use immobulus on his friends so that he can cuddle the shit out of them
gets in trouble thanks to his imbecile friends
“don’t worry hobi the forbidden forest is just a myth, its totally harmless”
*3 minutes later he fkn faints from seeing a normal sized spider*
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patronus: dapple gray stallion
wand: willow
sneaky but sweet slytherin
the kinda person who looks super sweet and innocent
but will wreck you in a duel
he’s a shy boy
until you get him out of his shell
or get him drunk
all the girls have the hots for him
some guys as well
maybe even one or two professors
though he will deny it until his last breath
a hard core perfectionist so he won’t be satisfied until his spells and potions are absolutely perfect
the one spell he knows perfectly is the healing spell
thanks to his friends because he has to use it on them constantly
Namjoon sprained his ankle falling down the stairs?
Jungkook got hit in the face with the Quaffle ball?
Hoseok fell off his broom?
“oh for fucks sake... episkey”
everyone would be hopeless without him
and injured
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patronus: chestnut mare
wand: hazel
a wonderful... mess
super lovable 
makes everyone around him feel comfortable
doesn't shy away from his emotions
which is a great thing
until he gets angry and lights something on fire
or sad and casts a mute bubble around him so nobody can talk to him
or god forbid overly happy and energetic
he will wingardium leviosa the shit out of everyone and everything
yoongi wont have it
care of magical creatures is his favorite class
he has a weird bond with all the animals
he even talks to them as if they talk back and weirdly enough it seems like they understand
could probably befriend a dragon
definately the one in the group that has a toad for a pet companion
jungkook made him join quidditch
looking back it was a dumb idea
now he’s obsessed and would probably risk his life just to win
passionate boy
he truly is a blessing to the people around him 
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patronus: black stallion
wand: hornbeam
and athletic
and handsome
do i sense a true ravenclaw
always has to be right
super argumentative and competitive
“Im right you’re wrong shut up”
obviously undefeated at quidditch
and obviously the one who catches the golden snitch
has forced everyone except namjoon to play and it’s a mess
“Hoseok you have to get the ball through the rings not pass it to the opposite team”
“You have to actually fly around Yoongi you cant just be still”
“Ok I know I said tackling was allowed but you can’t grab onto someone elses broom Jimin”
he’s got a lot on his plate but he’s still having fun
only because he loves his hyungs
even though he’s pretty much talented at everything he’s still pretty grounded
super loyal to his friends and family
also has the dopest fkn owl
has the whole package pretty much
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what hogwarts house are you? im a proud griffindor 
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storiesofwildfire · 4 years
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UPDATED: 02/07/2020
This is an independent roleplay blog for Loki Laufeyson based primarily off of a mixture of Norse Mythology, Marvel, and God of War 2018. I am not in association with Marvel or Sony and claim no profits from this blog. This is also not a fandom blog, meaning most of the posts will be in-character responses to threads and asks. All reblogs will be in relation to Loki or any of the characters or ideas that make up their world. IMPORTANT INFO ON LOKI: It's extremely important to keep in mind that Loki is a gender fluid shape-shifter and may appear in any number of forms and genders at any given time. Loki has very few limits on what they can do with their body and they will not always appear to other muses as MCU's Tom Hiddleston version of Loki. This can and will include variations to Tom Hiddleston's Loki, Lady Loki, Jotun Loki, and many other forms. Loki may be male, female, both, or neither at any given point in time. It is up to me and my discretion of when to implement Loki's shape-shifting abilities. Bottom line, don't expect Loki to be a cis-male who is always in a completely male form. It's out of character and simply won't happen and even if Loki presents male or female, that does not mean that Loki's body beneath the clothing matches that presentation. Assume nothing.
This blog is selective and private, meaning I will be selective with who I interact with and/or follow and I will only roleplay with mutuals. My ask box and my IMs are open to non-mutuals, however. If I’m not following you, but you’d like to interact, don’t be afraid to shoot me a message. If we talk and I like you, chances are, I’ll follow you back. If you want to send a random ask, feel free. You don’t have to my mutual to use my ask box. I can be an extremely slow roleplayer at times. Please understand that this is a hobby and while I love what I do, I cannot be here all the time. Sometimes IC replies and OOC replies will come slowly. I am also a writer outside of Tumblr, so sometimes my personal and professional projects have to come first and often suck up a lot of my creative energy. That said, I am not on Tumblr at all during the weekends. Starting Friday night and usually extending to Sunday night/Monday morning, I log out of Tumblr completely. This is because I am typically very busy on the weekends, but also because I need to take a step back from Tumblr once in a while just to keep my sanity. I'm more motivated to write on the days I promise to be here if I can look forward to a few days off at the end of the week. It's just to give me some peace of mind and a bit of breathing room. On days I am not on Tumblr, I am likely still on discord--which is available for mutuals upon request! Sometimes my blog will update through a queue so it is still active even when I am not physically on. I do this regularly but not consistently. If you're curious as to whether or not something is a queued post, you can check my tags. All queued posts have a queue tag on them!
I actually roleplay as more than just Loki on this blog. It also includes four of Loki’s children ( the children I have chosen to incorporate from mythology ); Hel, Fenrir, Jörmungandr, and Sleipnir. There are also a mixture of secondary muses that help make up Loki’s world. Most of these characters are the mun’s original characters, but canon characters like Fandral ( I loooooove writing Fandral! ) may show up on occasion. It’s important to remember that this blog is a Loki-oriented blog, though. While I do roleplay as numerous secondary characters, this is not meant to be interpreted as a multi-muse blog. If you would like to interact with any of my secondary characters, chances are, you’ll need to interact with Loki first. I do, however, love getting to use my secondary characters, so if you're interested in them, please let me know! It's also important to remember that while some of these characters are canon to either mythology or Marvel, they are my own interpretation of them and may not 100% be accurate to canon. While canon characters do exist in the side muses, most of them are original characters and are not available for public use. These are my characters, my ideas, and my world-building. Please do not use them without permission or claim any information as yours.
I do not roleplay with anyone under the age of 18. It's nothing personal to the younglings of Tumblr, but for my own personal comfort, I'd rather keep my interactions to 18+ only. I prefer plotting over jumping into an interaction that has no basis. Memes are great and I love them, but I have very little interest in maintaining threads that have no substance. I prefer novella threads, but I am willing to do shorter para threads as well. i am not willing to do one-liners. A thread has to have some meat to it in order to hold my interest. I do not tolerate hate at all. Anonymous or not, I will not deal with hate directed at me or any other person. NSFW (meaning sex, violence, torture, gore, and other adult themes) will be present. I roleplay a large range of topics, including very dark and sensitive subjects. I do not personally have many triggers when it comes to what I am willing to explore on this blog. Dark themes will be very present. I will not censor my muse but I will tag triggering content accordingly. I tag by a 'tw; triggering content title' system. Self harm, for example, would look like this: tw; self harm
Simply put, I love shipping, but it's not the sole reason I'm here. If I ship, I prefer to ship in a setting that's well thought out and plot-driven. The ship is great, but there needs to be more than just the ship. I don't ship for the sake of shipping and I only ship based on chemistry. If you want to ship with me but don't know how to approach the subject, just send me a message and we can discuss it!
Blogs who have no about page. This is the essence of a character. Without it, I have no idea if I would be interested in your muse or not. This is staple for canons and OCs. Anyone who makes me feel like a number. I do not expect anyone to make me an exclusive partner. You are more than welcome to roleplay with dupes, but I do not want to be added to a collection. I am an individual, not a collector’s item. Valuing unique portrayals is so important Non-roleplay-blogs/self inserts. People who I have witnessed abusing or attacking other role-players. If you have an issue with another role-player, handle it in private. Do not attack them publicly. I have been a victim of “call-out culture” and I will not deal with it. I understand that some call-out posts are necessary to warn people of harmful people and toxic environments, however, more often than not, I see call-out posts that throw around false accusations and complain about personal problems rather than actual, problematic behavior. Unless undeniable proof is provided, I will never be part of the culture of publicly slandering someone. To follow up on that last point, if I see a lot of ooc drama and constant negativity on a blog, I won't follow. People who godmod. If you do godmod me, I will message you about it. If you are unwilling to discuss the issue, the thread will be dropped. Anyone who thinks they have the right to tell me or anyone else what they can and cannot do with their blogs. Roleplaying is about writing and exploring a wide variety of topics. Fiction is not reality. A muse’s actions are not the mun condoning said actions. If you cannot understand that fiction is a way for writers to explore things outside of everyday life, dark or otherwise, this is not the blog for you.
Being exclusive is something that I am willing to do, but on very rare occasion. It takes a lot of personal love and interaction with a mun to be willing to make them exclusive with my muse. This isn't just about IC interactions being amazing, but also an OOC connection with the other mun as well. An exclusive status will only be offered if it is returned. If you are my exclusive, I am yours. EXCLUSIVES LIST: THISFORGOTTENLORE - Bigby Wolf, Brienne of Tarth, Bruce Banner & Hulk, Geralt, Heimdall, Illya Kuryakin, Jaskier, Khal Drogo, Kratos, Robert Jekyll & Hyde, The Iron Bull, Yennefer OFCHARREDBONES - Johnny Blaze FANDRALXTHEXSTABULOUS - Fandral If you would like to talk about being an exclusive and we already interact, please feel free to shoot me a message!
Hi there! My name is Amber and I'm in my mid-twenties. I've just finished up a master's degree in creative writing for entertainment, meaning I take great pride and joy in writing stories in just about any sort of medium. I primarily focus on prose (as demonstrated by this blog) and film/television scripts, but I also dive into comics and other mediums from time to time. I've been roleplaying Loki for over six years now. They have truly become my life-long muse and they even inspires my off-Tumblr projects quite a lot. Aside from Loki, I do have a long history of both writing and roleplaying including a number of canon characters and original characters. I'm not going to go on and on about myself because I don't want to bore you! Just know that I'm very friendly, kind of shy, and if you want to write with me and you come at me wanting to plot, I will probably be over the moon about it. I thrive on plotting and world-building and if you have an interest in doing those things with me, we'll get along great. If you would, by chance, like to know more about me and why I roleplay as Loki, you can click HERE and HERE. I do run a couple of blogs ( though Loki is my main! ). You can find all of them here: LOKI LAUFEYSON ( and supplement characters ) - STORIESOFWILDFIRE. MULTI-MUSE - GRIMOIREWEAVERS
Background, popup background, and mobile header graphics made by the incredible and lovely Smudge ( aka thisforgottenlore ), tweaked by myself. Background art by the extremely talented SCEITH-A. Popup background and mobile header art by the equally as talented ROSSDRAWS. Personal graphics, unless stated otherwise, were made by myself. Icons are a mixture of free-to-use icons (and gifcons) found and reblogged on Tumblr and my own personal icons which were editted from raw screen caps and created by me.
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authenticaussie · 6 years
What's something that frustrates you?
When people complain about others not tagging their created things (fics, fanart, or otherwise,) but then don’t tag things on their own blog.
Or, I guess, a better explanation, when people reblog posts asking people to tag their fics/art/etc. (a simple search of the tags brings up so many! look at just the ones I can find on my blog alone, all with notes in the thousands! here here here here), but then they don’t tag things on their own blog?
I think it’s hypocritical and frustrating, because how can you be so unaware that you reblog those posts and then DON’T LEAVE TAGS ON THINGS YOURSELF??  
Plus it 100% leads to the mentality “well this is a lot of effort, I guess if no-one tags my stuff with nice things, I won’t do it anymore either!” or “What’s the point if no-one else is doing it?” or “If no-one else does it, I must be the one in the wrong. I should stop tagging the content I reblog.”
Now, based on personal evidence, I can say that all of those - especially the last - are wrong. I know I LOVE reading tags, and I’ve gotten messages (here and here, and even more through tumblr IM) from authors and artists who literally thank me for my encouraging tag ramble. 
The fact that there are so many posts to the tune of “please reblog this with tags” or “I always check on someone’s blog to see their tags” also proves that everyone wants tags. But no-one bothers to think, hm, maybe I should write tags? For the things that I reblog?
And I get it; I understand that it can be difficult to tag things due to outside issues (time, disabilities, energy), but…there are ways around this. And it isn’t an excuse for everyone who chooses not to leave tags on things. 
First of all, I know how hard it can be to find energy, as someone who personally struggles with energy allocation and organisation - but what I do is I find movies people have recommended to me, or TV shows I watch, and tag things as I watch the show! My queue is always full, so it’s usually not stressful to tag things on days when I have free time/energy and add them to my queue. 
Second of all, it’s not like the tags have to be long. Like, yes, long tags - just like long reviews - are awesome, but if all you have the energy/ability for is “this art is beautiful/cute/amazing!” or “I love this fic!” why not say that? Why not tell the creator how you feel, just like you’re begging your followers to tell you how they feel? (Plus, for tags, if you want to/can add more, just add details. “I love the way x character is smiling / the way you draw clothes / the way you colour” or “I love x line from this fic / I love this concept / I love the way you write!”)
Thirdly, if you know you can’t manage tags frequently, why not try sending them an ask? I know it can be nerve-wracking, but asks are really special to people who make stuff. They’re not comparable (both are awesome!) but they show that you care about how much effort the person puts in. Even if you think “oh they must get a lot of asks, they don’t care about me”, it’s!! the same principle behind a butterfly’s wings. Small droplets make up oceans. Without it…there’s nothing. 
idk. This is mainly directed at the people who reblog those “please leave tags!!” posts all the time and then. never leave tags themselves. Especially if they also say they “have no time”, because…time is one of those things that you decide what you do with. Disabilities and illnesses are assholes, and they don’t feel pity about fucking over your good intentions, but there's always work arounds, you know. Xkit has an auto tag feature, just smash some preloaded compliment phrases into there and b a m you immediately have something to use. Or post a gif as a response to something you really really like!! I l o v e seeing cute gifs on my stuff it's adorable!!
It's just super frustrTating when people say they don't have time. You don't even have the time to say "this was great"?
But you have the time to ask other people to do what you won’t?
I just kinda wish people would analyse their behaviour and realise why there’s a disconnect between popular posts about asking people to tag and the amount of tags that they'll get on a post. You’re asking someone to do what you won’t. Of course they’re not going to listen! Of course they ignore your plea! You’re not even following it yourself. 
If you want to start a trend, you set an example. You show people how to do it, and even if it’s hard, you try your very best.
Something small is better than nothing at all.
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virmillion · 6 years
Arbitrary (Part 1) / Alternate Ending
happy birthday patton! // alright my dudes here’s one of two endings. if you chose this one first, im sorry
Warnings: none, let me know if you need any
The silver analog clock is still ticking away softly when Patton wakes up a few hours later. 9:36. The ten of the minute plus the one of the minute is the hour. The one of the minute divided by the ten of the minute subtracted from the one of the minute times the hour is the minute. Patton smiles to himself. For all he tries to resist adultery, Logan’s lessons in silly math games really stuck with him. Patton stands carefully, rolling his head to get out the cracks in his neck. Still no sound from outside of his room, or any indication that the other three remembered today’s significance, or lack thereof.
   He pokes his head out the door, glancing both ways but seeing no one. Just the faint blue glow of the television. Funny, he could’ve sworn he turned it off. Patton shuffles his feet over the carpet, reveling in the scratchy fibers against his socks, decorated in puppies with mustaches. No sound emits from the screen down the hall. No turning of pages, no singing of songs, no tapping at phones. Patton moves closer, wincing as the floor creaks under him. Still no sound. No reaction. He’s alone.
   The screen is on the slideshow of screensavers, this one of some landscape at a beach that Patton’s never seen, that he probably never will see. The couches remain empty, the kitchen dark, the hallway silent. Patton settles himself on the loveseat, alone, and turns the screen back on. Toy Story 3, maybe fifteen minutes in. He lets his head loll against the chair cushion, the mindless entertainment flowing around his head aimlessly. Nobody shows up to inquire about the movie still playing. Nobody shows up to wish him a happy birthday. Patton checks his phone. No messages. 11:30. The movie ends, the credits rolling up the screen as the next movie queues up. Where the Wild Things Are. Patton doesn’t lift a hand to wipe his cheeks, still damp from the ending of that Toy Story movie. He hasn’t made it through that movie once without crying at least three times. Usually more.
   Patton drifts off again, the last bit of his birthday spent alone in the dark, shivering under the cool blow of the air vent. He can’t bring himself to grab the blanket on the other couch, instead drawing his knees to his chest and hugging himself. Not like anyone else is about to do it for him.
   When the brightness of his phone screen wakes him up again, the television is on a screen saver, the room is dark, and he has a notification from one of his many games—a happy birthday wish, with a few free in-game currency tokens. The biggest present he’s gotten so far. Patton swipes a finger over his face, the raw skin still retaining the tear tracks. He doesn’t remember crying after Toy Story 3 ended. Goosebumps crawl over his arms, still freezing despite the air conditioner having turned off already. Still alone. He would’ve thought somebody would make the trek out, notice him by himself, seen him asleep, done something. Of course not. How could he forget? He’s an arbitrary side, providing unnecessary guidance in the life of someone who didn’t ask for it. The others made that pretty clear already. His phone blinks again, a second notification from another app for his birthday. Great. His technology loves him more than the other sides do. What else is new?
    Patton moves for the kitchen, turning the television off as he goes. Still never figured out who turned it back on in the first place. He makes himself comfortable with a bowl of dry cereal at the dining table, leaving the overhead light off. Shovels of manufactured flavor go into his mouth as he scrolls around on his phone, watching the battery drain as the clock ticks ever higher. 11:44. 4 percent. The hour times the percent is the minute. Still alone. With his fist propped under his chin, Patton lets his focus drift as he stares at a dark spot in the table, his eyes tracing the spirals as it melds with the rest of the wood. His vision blurs as he focuses on his thoughts, on how pointless January fifteenth is. What a waste of a day. 11:53. Still silent. Still alone. Completely arbitrary, and forgotten. The chair squeaks against the wood in protest as he pushes it back, empty cereal bowl in hand. He deposits it in the sink, splashing out the crumbs with the faucet before heading off to his room. Lights shine under the doors in the hall of bedrooms, but all of the doors remain shut. Patton lifts a fist to knock on the first, the dark blue one, but hesitates. They probably didn’t talk to him for a reason. They probably forgot. Maybe they remembered, and they didn’t care. They probably ignored him all day so he wouldn’t bother them. Patton lowers his hand, turning back for his own room and pulling the door shut behind him. The creaking hinges scream in the dark, splitting his ears. The most noise he’s heard all day.
    Patton pulls the campfire donut candle back down from the shelf, admiring the picture on the back. Specially printed in-store, a personal image instead of the factory one, a snapshot of all four sides smiling with Thomas after posting the first sides video with all four of them in it—Logan, Patton, Roman, and Virgil. Together. When it first started going downhill. Patton snaps a match over its box, lighting the artificial happiness and letting the tiny flame illuminate his empty room. The yellow gleams bright, casting a faint glow around the rim of his glasses while throwing his shadow across the room, letting it meld with the darkness. An orange chunk of the wick pops and crackles, falling into the rapidly melting wax. Alone. Dead. Patton sets the candle on the floor, admiring the dancing flame as it warms his face. Something he can actually feel, something to remind him he’s not completely alone. Mostly. Not entirely. But mostly.
   The lights outside of his door slowly click off as the night stretches on. 11:58. Patton closes his eyes, inhaling the indiscernible scent of the wax burning away. The metal of his door is illuminated by the fire, a tiny sliver indicating that not everything is empty. Most things are, but this one thing isn’t. This one candle, with this one picture of that one memory that he’ll never get back. When they posted the first video, and everyone slowly broke away from Patton, one by one. First Thomas, the instigator of it all, as he started to spend more time with his friends, planning and scheming. That’s not to say it’s bad, as Patton is a firm believer in the importance of relationships, but it’s more of a conflicting issue when those relationships come at the expense of his own. Logan followed closely behind Thomas, insisting that he needed to be busy writing plans and scripts, that he couldn’t be bothered with movie nights or arts and crafts or family dinners. Roman was right on Logan’s heels, determined to let a little frivolity cut through the boring planning stages of the videos. Even Virgil, his little anxious baby, vanished nearly as soon as he appeared, despite not being there for the first recording. He needed to be at Thomas’ side to make sure nothing too harmful slipped through the cracks, that some small detail didn’t get lost in translation, and Patton understood that. Truly, he did, but that doesn’t mean he loves the feeling of being forgotten now, with only a candle to show for it. 11:59.
   Patton considers the tiny flame, how it fights to escape the wick, to consume the wood upon which it sits, to lick Patton’s fingers and dance over his skin and crawl through his clothes, singeing his hair and melting his glasses and bringing the room to the ground, taking Patton with it. He knows the tradition—light a candle, make a wish, blow it out. Simple. An arbitrary set of actions that has no real purpose in being fulfilled. Patton glances to the ceiling, the shadow copy of himself darkening the space above him. He should make a wish. He should talk to the others. He should voice his concerns. He should try to make things how they used to be. He should try to make himself happy.
   He does not make a wish.
   He does not seek out the others.
   He does not voice his concerns.
   He does not make things the way they were.
   He does not know how to make himself happy.
   He does not make a wish.
   He does not make a wish.
   He does not make a wish.
   He blows out the candle.
   The smoke drifts away.
   The room goes dark.
Tag List:
@sakurahayasaki @erlenmeyertrash @lemonpepperpizza @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @milomeepit @leesacrakon @virgilmood @pantasticpanini
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thamnoph1s · 3 years
edit i didn’t proofread so this is very long: for the tldr i dont know who the commissioners are who contacted the salt post account, i have never taken money before im done art, ive never been rude in dms, ive always kept people in queue updated, never removed someone without telling them, and have never made someone pay a new price if they commissioned when my prices were lower! i hate to accuse someone of this, but all of that stuff was lies and i think they’re just trying to cause intentional issues ;-;
hey i was shown the posts by some of my friends, ive been fiddling with what to say since i dug this account out of the dust kKDJKD
i was trying to think of the best way to send screenshots, or get proof from existing commissioners, or track down some of the people who may have made those messages because i dont recognize those events from any encounter, but in retrospect it doesn’t really warrent me going through every message or trade ive ever sent
that being said, i am happy to provide proof of anything and encounters with any specific commissioner! adding them all here, however, would just be overkill and full of a billion messages sent to my GF if i can’t exclude anything
so, long story short, i don’t recognize the events in those posts from any person on wolvden xD if i did, i’d reach out privately, esp since they alluded to still being in my queue! to clear up some of the complete misinformation...
a. i have never taken payment before i have completely finished a commission! (i asked one user for 5 GC the day before to pay for studs, but it was solely a favour and i have long completed their art and thanked them graciously for helping me out there!) in fact, ask any of my current waitlist that i have sent back premature payments! i have adhd and feel it’s a lot less stress to work this way, especially since wolvden has scammer protection ^v^ im not sure where that came from at all, because i have, from the beginning (and there is proof of me answering this question in my main/oldest thread) said payment will only be after!
b. yep, i have been doing YWHs while i still have a waitlist! however, i was doing these YWHs because i sprained my wrist at work and found it difficult to do anything but colour with my nondominant hand (since i can have streamline on) and desperately needed funds for territory expansion! i specifically opened the YWHs because i didn’t want to take money from people on my waitlist before i had finished ;w;
c. i have never been short with anyone in private messages, nor have i talked to any people on the waitlist like one of the people said in a while :o if anyone has issues with the wait/doesnt have the funds, theyre free to cancel at any time with 0 obligation/issue! just send me a message and they’re good to go, no harm done! if i knew someone on the waitlist was having an issue i would be one hundred percent down to remove them, i have not gotten a single message from anyone regarding that :c
d. i currently have 12 custom commissions sketched, none of which have been paid in any part! you can ask anyone listed on the waitlist about this qwq i also post the WIPs publically on a question/hangout thread linked in my main thread!
e. whenever i have changed payment type (pwyw to set prices, and then increasing set prices) i have completed all previous commissions to the same amount as when they commissioned! i worked in groups of 5 when i did PWYW, and all of the 5 i had put on queue were to be finished to the prices i agreed to before then! in fact when i have increased prices, i specify in the message sending the finished art the amount that they have to pay/not the current prices! why else would i still have the previous prices listed in my main thread, and many comms in waitlist with payments beside them that are less than current prices? ;w; long story short i have never asked someone to pay more than they agreed to at the time they commissioned, and im kind of bummed someone would lie about that along with the rest of this stuff
f. i do take paypal, though that was a super recent change so any paypal comms are at the bottom of my waitlist and 0 money has been exchanged! i have not completed or recieved paypal payment for any wolvden commission ^^
i think thats about everything- again, if the people sending their worries were anyone i recognized/the events were true i would absolutely reach out privately, but i have no clue who they are and you can ask anyone who has recieved art from me or commented in my thread at any time to see if they had an issue!! the idea of people i dont even know having my name messed up for them kind of worried me, so i wanted to download this again and try to clear some stuff up
if anyone still has concerns i cannot stress enough that my wolvden pms are always open!! same with discord, or even here if i can figure out how dms work, and i have public question/concern/critiques allowed in the off topic thread so you may also ask there if you’re worried that i will react badly in private these users have said i would ;w;
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izzpeng · 5 years
Unsent Emails
Subject: Surprise bitch, I'm back!
Dear Smithy,
First of all I would like to say, fuck you for telling me I wouldn't get an A* in maths just because I messed around in class too much. Second of all, I would like to thank you for being a fraction of motivation in my math studies. I have to admit, I liked you enough to study 10% harder than I usually do and for that you deserve a blog post dedicated to you, just kidding you worthless piece of shit who wont even dedicate your thoughts to me. But it's too late now, so you're very fortunate for even being mentioned in my oh so popular blog.
Thanks for being a great teacher/supporter/motivator/useless advisor/racist bastard/...friend. See you in the afterlife you dick.
With cold fury,
Izzati Azhan
Subject: God Bless the Lopez
Dear Lopezo Mighty,
You don't deserve a 'fuck you' because you knew my potential and only encouraged me day after day, with your sadistic humour and the quiet blazing fire dancing in your eyes which was the only sign that you're actually human. I'd express my gratitude in a 10,000 word essay but I'm sure you'll just read the introduction and conclusion and base my grade off those two paragraphs. But without your life coaching I would not have gotten A*A* for both my Eng Lit and Lang. Dare I say it, thank you for setting us a Date Wiv Des Tinny, those practice papers were torture each week but well worth it in the end. You are my spirit animal in all dimensions, maybe except in Hell where you'd be Satan but...
Stay Healthy Senôr!
With all my love (though you believe it is just another concept of convenience),
Izzati Azhan
Subject: bust out the roti, girl its about to get some of this izzatikkamasala
Dear Beenal the Brindian,
I know I know, this time its a fuck me for getting an A and not an A* but Miss I was 3 marks of an A* if that makes you feel any better, it does with me! I actually don't feel that thankful towards you since I do feel I did hm... mostly all the work, I took the exam after all. But an email of gratitude to show manners and my kissing ass abilities can't hurt can it? So terima kasih for all the lessons you spent dramatically telling us your stories, sometimes even twice of the same one, thanks for letting me doodle in class just because you talk a lot of the time and therefore I am allowed to half listen. I wouldn't be the indian food loving person I am today without you, oh and almost forgot... of course thanks for helping me achieve that almost A*! Fuck the examiner for me next time will ya.
With all my beloved assets,
Izzati Azhan
Subject: smile at me wit ur eyes, nat yo mouth only
Dear Turquoise Eyes,
I'd like to get to know the 16 yr old you but my chance has passed. Inappropriate flirting aside, guess what sir! I got exactly what I got in the most recent geo mocks 149/180 and I thought the mocks weren't an accurate indication. I'd like to thank you for having beautiful eyes and smiling at me even though on the inside you be like "lol fucktard thats the most incorrect answer ever, like not even close." I enjoyed your classes and you're sometimes funny but not on purpose, more like weird funny yknow? I think you'd like to get credit for my success but honestly i learnt how to answer case studies properly through Ajmal through Mr Cook, so who is really my teacher here? Me. Because I taught myself to sought answers and techniques elsewhere but sure I guess you can have some credit, those eyes deserve at least a generous 5%. lol ok bye tq
With a 9 on the Ritcher Scale,
Izzati Azhan,
You guessed it, the wait is over! #gcseresults2016 was trending on twitter and the sounds of 16yr olds packing their bags, getting ready to get disowned by their parents was the most honest and lit af song this year (after Frank Ocean's Blond of course). I admit its always nerve-wracking receiving results, where a single exam determines your ability to understand (or memorise) a two year course. But I had faith that with my prayers and hard work Allah gave me the results I truly deserved, so presumably my anxiety was on the down low while my trust in God was at sky high.
Alhamdulillah I got 3A's 6A*, I was so confident I would smash an A* with Business and Art but alas the grade boundaries proved me otherwise. With three fucking marks off an A* in Business I was so irritated at which examiner marked my paper, not irritated to risk a request for a remarking though. And Art, I hoped for an A*  but instead faced it's less prestigious sibling, an A. I asked around of course, not trying to compare or anything but I just needed to know what the students who I thought was for sure going to get A* actually got, to my delightful (?) surprise they too got an A which led me to believe that scoring an A* in Art is no easy business. Business isn't easy either lmao.
To this, I must admit defeat to my mother. She's been on my back for my choice of Art as an A-level subject saying its hard to score high in Art, but my cocky ass just waved it away and dismissed it altogether. Doubt has risen up in my throat, threatening my artistic capabilities to spill out across the walls of abandoned buildings as grafitti instead of street art. So thats something to think about before Saturday Morning.
I attended Enrollment day alone, my heart beating, my eyes watering and my mind wandering. I chose to do IB diploma, for many reasons. I am just so drawn to how different it is, I think of all the future local Bruneians who did A-levels asking for the sam scholarship then I imagine the MoE going through the applications like "Great a-levels, a-levels, a-levels Oooo IB whats this?" and I just feel like I would have a standing chance you know? It would also help me to mix around with more international students and prepare for the university life so when I do go to university Insyallah I wont feel vulnerable and small.
But I just feel like my mother is against me taking IB, like she's trying to be supportive by giving a tight smile and grim nods but inside I know she's not convinced and this all happened on the way to the Arts Centre which made me even feel more queasy. My Father on the other hand, gave me a genuine "Go for it" which helped me so much on every level, I just need the motivation, just that little push to help me get going, feed me a trickle more of confidence.
So I had a choice to approach either Duckling or Dickinson on my IB subjects, and okay Dickinson was full okay there was a long queue and I ended up going to Duckling because I really had no choice! hehehhehhehehhe. Anyway I waved the papers in my hand high above to indicate that I was next and he laughed and told me to come and sit, so naturally I did. He took a look at my grades and praised me and then circled my subjects that I intend on studying, giving me advice that I should only need Math Studies seeing as how I'm not thinking of a mathematical kind of career. He then said " blablablabla Youre subjects are a smart choice, I think you're good to go, Welcome to the IB program"
And that was the clarity I was searching for, that little- push.
Just before that, Brindian approached me asking me  about my business results and encouraging me to take that remark because I was three marks off an A* saying that theres no reason I dont deserve the A*. I was uncertain because sure it makes me feel so fucking good about myself and so very satisfied, but who really needs an A* in GCSE Business to get accepted into a University? So I made a face. The face. and She went "What do you have to lose?" And of course one thing instantly came to mind "Um money?" then she gave me a look. The look. So I said I'll think about it and apparently only 1 or 2 students got A*. The thing is I actually would get it remarked if my Art grade also got bumped up to an A* but I have no idea what Ms Stroud is trying to do by contacting the exam board?
So thats that, she asked me about my ever so popular brother. So I told him oh he did well, she asked about which university and I replied Leicester and I told her that Im actually going off and missing 3 weeks of school. Then she went "oh you know Leicester's my hometown, in what area is he living because Im there in December" and i was like wtf creepy. And she continued saying "Oh Imagine if we just bumped into each other on the streets" and I was going to say something awkward because like what the fuck right? But Mr Duckling was open and ultimately saved me and she gestured me to go ahead.
After that, Mr mcluck approached me well not really, well kind of but it was super fucking awkward because I was waiting for my turn with Mrs Krüger and he was on the table nearby and made eye contact and he smiled and I returned it and i was like fuck am i suppose to go over lmao so i slowly sat down while he came over to me. YAKNOW gotta play hard to get. SO again he asked me are you happy with you results blablablabla were you nervous getting your results so I told him that I wasnt as nervous because other people were like "oh my life is over" and he laughed and blablablabla just mostly nodding and smiling. Then he asked me about my brother's results hi ok 2nd teacher to ask about my brother cool. I gave him a vague oh he did well and told him Leicester University on 18th September and I added that I was actually going to send him off and missing 3 weeks of school. Blablbalbalbalabl then he finally asked about IB saying that oh great choice.
And Wendy told me that at the YC Mcluck was talking about me to wendy asking me what I got and he saying that i Was exceptional kekekekkekekekk fuck man his eyes are so blue, dont think about it dont think about. Did i tell you I had a dream of him as Ben Affleck like wtf, first of all why would I even dream about him, maybe it was because I crossed his mind like just the night before omg. but whatever. Idk that made me feel so good about myself. Then Brindian thought that Fatin was Hana and approached Fatin and Wendy haahhahahahah and somehow started talking about me?? Like boi they both love me so much, I wonder if Lopez or Julibear bear talks about me like that. Sigh imagine
Smithy: Shes a fucking pain in the ass
Lupez: Intelligent fucking pain alright
Smithy and Lupez: But she's our pain in the ass.
OMGGGGGGGGG I loved all my GCSE teachers and classes! like those were the best days of my JIS experience so far. Art was super chill, she let us sing out loud together saying that we were the only class who did that and that she'll miss us :(((((((( Smithy couldnt care less, he just moved on click like that. Anyway, hope everyone got what they expected with their results or better and just remember kids, grades DO define who are and where you'll be in life. lol goodluck fam.
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