#so i offer you my shoulder
typhoonvash · 9 months
⩥ @nothinglikegod || unresolved feelings [ask response]
The past week has been hectic, to say the least. From arguments with Wolfwood that felt like months ago, to Livio, to the Orphanage, to, currently, Ship-03, there was simply too much to process. Vash had only recently been able to get on his feet again after being laid out for several days. He'd used too much of himself to help the steamer's Plant come to a stop before hitting the Orphanage, and wound up falling unconscious. Next thing he knew, he was in a familiar room aboard Home—it wasn't a dream; all of his friends were there.
That includes Wolfwood. After all of that, how could it not?
He's not at 100% yet. The outlaw's footsteps are heavy with fatigue and clumsy with sleep, but for the most part he can get where he wants to. This is his first excursion out of his room since being here, and perhaps the most important.
... Vash can't say that he expected to find Nicholas crying, however. It felt like too private a moment, like he shouldn't interrupt, but...
Does he truly have no one to turn to?
It's not like they encountered him with friends. Vash is aware—though others are not—that he arrived to the team with an employer and a weapon that can only be explained with relation to one party in particular. Is it a good idea to trust him? Logically, no.
But Nicholas D. Wolfwood is a good person. Vash knew from the moment he met him. He doesn't know what his objective is, he doesn't know what he's gone through, but he does know he deserves better.
Vash stays a good distance away, allowing Wolfwood his space.
"You'll always have me."
Wolfwood has taught him a lot, and Vash likes to think that he's taught him a lot in turn. As much as he hated to admit it, 'An empty promise is a lie,' lingered in his mind more than he'd like it to.
This is not an empty promise. Not in the least.
The visceral reaction doesn't surprise him, but he couldn't stay silent and let the man wither away in solitude.
He fully enters the room and allows the door to shut with a mechanical whir. Vash keeps silent as he pores over the things he can say.
"I know, and I'll leave you alone soon," his words are soft, gentle, but solid, "There's a lot I need to process too, starting with you."
Admittedly, Vash isn't used to confronting anyone about conflict or emotions—he wanders without company for good reason.
"Before... everything happened," the blond knows that Wolfwood will understand what he means, "We weren't exactly on the best terms. This might just be a job to you, I don't know exactly what your story is, and I don't think I should know, but I want you to know that to me you're a valuable friend. A partner. And, well, if you ever think that you're alone out there..."
The words are harder to say than he'd like.
"Well, I'm there for you. As long as I can be, I'll be there for you."
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rudeboimonster · 9 months
~help your local rat get stable housing~
dramatically sprawled out on the floor
so i gotta move for the third time in that many years. unfortunately between health problems and the General State of The Economy, I have been unable to find work to be able to save any money. i have no choice but to leave the entire state. i thankfully have somewhere to go, however I need help getting there. i've been trying to do the math to get what I need to its lowest amount possible, but even that is still at least $2.5k.
after this move, i should be able to get things more stable and I might even have a couple job prospects lined up in that area, but right now I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel funds wise and desperately need help.
if you're able to spare anything, i've set up a goal through kofi so i can track it publicly. i have trouble asking for help but i really need what help i can get. thank you, so so so much.
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yuviur · 7 months
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And then, Henry is holding them really tight, more for his security than theirs, and he walks out of the dungeon (ep 42)
I cannot be the only one who cried when the twins climbed Henry and sat on his shoulders like two loving pauldrons 🥺
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nakaremfarlei · 1 month
Was just thinking about the amount of animals Obi-Wan interacts with compared to literally everyone else and in the Clone Wars episode where Kamino gets attacked he literally gets saved twice by the same ray-like animal and just...
The growth from judging Qui-Gon for the 'pathetic lifeforms' he picks up to whatever he has going on during the Clone Wars era. He must have gotten that from Qui-Gon though, right?
And because it's my brain and it's rotting with all the star wars stuff I am consuming I was thinking of Obi-Wan saving all these creatures and the 212th having to deal with that. Surely they made one of the rooms pet proof in case one of them needs a new home. There also have to be clones who love that because of course Obi-Wan can't really take care of rescues on top of all his duties.
After the first few times this happens Cody learns to order animal food and other necessities. And if the Republic doesn't fulfill these requests or asks too many questions he'll just have to make sure to organize them on planet during the campaigns.
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skania · 17 days
OnK Chapter 149
I know it doesn’t mean much coming from me because I’m always complaining about Aka’s writing, but…
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And I mean it when I say that I expect nothing 😭 This was literally my first ever OnK-related reblog and its tags are more relevant than ever lmao
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These, too:
#honestly I didn’t think too hard about any of this during my first read #because the romantic endgame seems so obvious that it kind of discourages guessing lmao #but re-reading these chapters has made me appreciate Aqua’s side of his bond with Akane a lot more
Back when I first got into OnK, I mentioned that Akane was the entire reason I kept reading the manga. I didn’t care about the romantic subplot, found Aqua/Kana extremely obvious and predictable, and Aqua plain boring.
It’s only during my second read that I paid close attention to Akane’s interactions with Aqua and I ended up playing myself into both, caring about Aqua and shipping him with Akane lol
This chapter has made me realize that despite everything, I'm not emotionally invested in whether they end up together or not. I’d prefer it, obviously, because Aqua truly is at his most interesting whenever he’s around Akane, and their dynamic has the best development in the manga (so far).
But it’s just like I said before: If they don’t end up together, that’s just Aka’s loss, not mine. I’m just here for Akane 😂
And as an Akane fan, I feel like the best thing for me to do right now is to just take a step back and watch things unfold, because Aka will do whatever he wants regardless of how any of us interpret his manga lol
So instead of posting the long post I originally wrote about this chapter when the leaks came out, I'll just share a a clown gif because in hindsight it was silly of me to expect Kana out of all people to have any sort of meaningful insight into Aqua 🤡
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And a couple of things that caught my eye because I can't help myself:
Kana didn't even see Aqua and Akane have any sort of meaningful moment, just those two standing in each other's vicinity was enough to make her throw herself a pity party. How many more times is she going to pity herself and give up? How has Aka not tired of writing her this way? Where did her development from the Scandal arc go? 🤡
So Chapter 147 featured Kamiki thinking Ai doesn't love him and Kana thinking Aqua likes her. It even had a helpful "Cut 139: Misunderstanding" panel and everything. Will this mean something? Who knows!
Kana used guilt-trip! It was super effective!
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Oh the irony! Poor Akane looks like she's been hard at work convincing herself that she's over Aqua. And you know what? I cheer for her and respect her energy 100%. I'd rather see her doing her mightiest to help him without any ulterior motives than to have her crying for him and hoping to get back with him every other chapter lol
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Akane calling Kana out for her pity-party and for being cowardly was so cathartic that if I didn't already stan her, I'd have become a fan right now 😭 It also means that Aka is 100% aware of the way he writes Kana, so when will she finally be allowed to grow?
Kana's praise to Akane made me so sad though because yes, Akane is pretty and she's talented and she's kind. That's sweet of her to say. But that's not what made Akane someone special to Aqua: it was the way she understood him. The worst part is that Kana ends her praise by saying that Akane is a "goody-two-shoes" but... that's the opposite of how Akane views herself. She sees herself as someone who's not decent and not normal. So it's no wonder that while she gets flustered (it's her dear kana-chan praising her), she seems to get a bit sad/frustrated afterward. After all, for Akane it's probably the opposite. Men would prefer a decent, normal, bright girl like Kana - Aqua included.
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I wish someone would tell Akane that she is too ignorant of her own charms and that she doesn't have to act like an adult all the time. Truly the pot calling the kettle black! Sadly, unlike Kana, Akane seems to have no one in her corner in this manga. Aqua was the only one there and the poor guy is barely even a character anymore lol
Overprotective mother or controlling ex-girlfriend? Take your pick!
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The English translation left something pretty important out in these panels. Akane doesn't just say "if you have a girlfriend", she says "if you have a precious/important girlfriend". This distinction is very important because it goes to show that... as expected, Akane doesn't think she was an important girlfriend to Aqua. It's like she didn't count and Kana would be the real deal. Oh, Akane...
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Which takes me to her very silly, very convoluted yet very predictable plan (in true Aka fashion).
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When Akane thinks “I know exactly what you hate”, I imagine she means that Aqua hates hurting and endangering those he cares for. So I'm guessing Akane thinks that if she plays matchmaker and quite literally throws Kana at him, someone he has a soft spot, then Aqua won't be able to go through with his revenge because that would mean breaking Kana's very fragile heart.
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In other words, it looks like Akane is going to try and use Aqua's guilt-complex against him and her weapon of choice is love. But not her love, obviously, because as far as she's concerned, her romantic love already failed to save him.
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Granted, using Kana's romantic feelings to her advantage is kind of... well, wrong. To quote Akane herself, [Kana] is neither her pet nor her property, but a person. But I'm guessing that Akane may be falling victim to the same loophole she got caught in in Chapters 96 - 98. She thinks she knows what's best, so she's putting her own beliefs aside for the time being.
Kind of like Aqua, actually.
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And, ironically, it's Aqua himself who first realized how easy Kana is to use.
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So! All in all, I'm here for Mastermind!Akane but I hope that Aka will actually make it worth our while. Will Kana realize that she's about to be used as a chess piece in this Proxy War? Who knows, characters in this manga seem to walk in circles, only being allowed to grow when it fits the plot 😂
Last week we wondered whether Aka would subvert expectations or go the predictable route, and down the predictable route he went. His way of making it less predictable is by including a twist in the form of Akane's ulterior motives, but will this be enough to allow this ol' used trope to lead us someplace new? I guess we'll have to keep reading to find out, but given the quality of the writing lately, I'm not expecting much lol
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
For everyone who wanted bullfighter Nando when I mentioned it the other day, here you go :D
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+ this one I don't feel like coloring yet(imagine he's in Ferrari colors!!!)
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#did you know bullfighters dedicate their kill to a friend or member of the public by giving them their hat?#i really wanted to draw silly vettonso where fernando offers seb his hat#seb retires from bullfighting(yeah its an au now) and fernando in his green costume is like;#'here is my hat. now will you come back from retirement? 🥺'#but yeah feel very abnormal abt that ^ and also the thing abt them having someone who helps them get into their costume as a sacred ritual#theres just a lot of thoughts and ideas floating around in my head bcs of it#anyways i liked drawing this but it was very suffering too and took me like 5 hours#its like. you see the intricate embroidery and im like ah! omg! i love painting details!!!#and then remember im not the best w coming up with ideas for the embroidery pattern itself#so pls bear with me 😭😭 mainly i was trying to reference the diamond logo of renault#but most of it kinda just ended up being austrian knots i guess bcs thats what my mind defaults to#i thought the shoulder pad would be the most difficult but that came together the easiest and made the rest actually work in my head#aaahhh also im surprised w the angle of his face! im usually not good at side profiles as well as tilted down heads#but i think he looks pretty good honestly???#also w the sketch i just wanted to post it bcs i liked his face okay 😭😭😭#i wanted to paint it too but I realized im so naive thinking i could paint two of these horrifically detailed things in one session#but his face 🥹🥹 i like it!!! theres some renault era pic of him i really like where hes sun drenched and angry looking#^ and i think i captured the vibe well so!!!!!#well anyways mayhe ill draw more of this. it was fun but also like sucked my life force out bcs it kept going from easy to 'I CANT DO THIS'#the pictures of matadors are just...insane to me. tiny waist fat ass flamboyant costume. im dead 🫠#f1#formula 1#fernando alonso#catie.art.#fa14#matador au
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coquelicoq · 8 months
crashes ur board meeting n drags u out by the collar but its fine bc youre the one always saying shit like "im looking for people i can use" ok lol. get used idiot
#just tracing like. the sequence of events that had to take place in order for this to come to pass#1. natori and his shiki are skulking around homura stalking ban. possibly it's just his shiki and natori is elsewhere.#either way 2. natsume shows up and natori learns about it either bc he witnesses it or a shiki comes to tell him#3. natori gets in his little richard scarry apple car (this is my mental image for some reason) & fucking. BOOKS IT to the matoba compound#4. goes inside. presumably matoba lackeys try to stop him bc their boss is in an important meeting but somehow he gets past them#(possibilities here are v fun to think about. maybe natori does this all the time and they're used to it. maybe he's never done it before#but they're all on orders to let natori in if he ever shows up. maybe natori convinces them he's supposed to be IN the meeting#which is great because it sounds like some important clan thing so what is he in the clan now??)#5. interrupts matoba's meeting like 'i need you' and matoba's like 'bye everyone whatever this is is more important'#6. they get in natori's comical apple car (again the apple car is not canon don't worry about it)#& natori drives like a bat out of hell back to homura. (SOURCE: matoba is so scarred he refuses natori's offer for a ride later)#i wonder what they talk about on the way there? because they don't talk about why natori is stalking ban until much later#so they must be busy talking about something else. but what??#that or they're both too distracted by all the near-death experiences from natori's crazed driving lol#natsume's book of friends#natsume yuujinchou#homura cats arc#horrible exorcists#my posts#sidenote i feel like that page at the end where both matoba and sensei refuse natori's offers of a ride is really funny because#sensei's reason is that it will take too long. but sensei did you know natori drives like a speed demon? think it thru...#also like. how long did it take him to decide to involve matoba? was that his backup plan all along?#also it's pretty lucky that he found matoba at all considering he could be anywhere...the matoba have like 15 houses...#he has matoba's schedule memorized lol#natori sparkling to the assorted clan members in the meeting: sorry ladies and gentlemen i just need to borrow this~#*throws matoba over his shoulder and fireman-carries him to the parking lot*
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finncakes · 1 year
Do you feel like Ashton and Orym are avoiding speaking to each other? I've seen a few others mention it and it feels like they have plenty of opportunities to talk but don't
i feel like ever since their talk in ep 40 there's been smth off between them versus before. extremely long rambling under the cut i am so sorry these two change my brain chemistry
personally i think on orym's side he doesn't like someone who's able to read him this well. i think it's esp interesting cause ashton in ep 40 said "i know you're not okay." rather than asking if orym was okay, feel like that makes orym uncomfortable. someone not evening giving him a chance to continuing putting on his strong exterior. probably last person able to read past his bullshit was well...will, derrig or his mother.
ashton i think seems afraid of how easily they open up to orym. just like ashton sees through orym's, orym sees through ashton's bullshit. they've almost started to say things to orym & just abruptly cut off (and it's killing me!!! ashton i am shaking you by the shoulders what were you gonna say!!!). they want to be ready to talk to him but they aren't cause once they start i don't think they'll be able to keep everything in. knowing how much this group is players who embody their character nearly 24/7 (i do it too agfgh), i was esp sad seeing ashton after the battle. look like they were holding back fuckin tears man (orym too).
both of them are feeling small and lost and i think once they do talk? it'll be big for them internally because they read eachother so well and are a lot more similar than they originally thought. ESP seeing even slivers of how orym copes with things this awful. seems like ash & him cope more similarly than i would've figured. also makes me worried for those 6 years orym was lost for....girl what happened...
in general i think their talk in ep 40 made all their similairties and abilities to just see straight through eachother more apparent to them both. and that's sorta scary for both of them, hence why they're just avoiding it. easier to ignore it than sit down and talk to someone who you know will see a very vulnerable version of you whether you like it or not.
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ayakashibackstreet · 18 days
It's soooo funny that whenever my city's on TV, it's always unflattering shit. How dare you, this place is amazing, I'd die for my city, I'd die for this neighborhood (which is admittedly the part of town with the shittiest reputation and arguably part of the reason I'm this anxious)
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molagboop · 1 month
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So I put the power of friendship and impractical outfits into Metroid Dread. No suits, no shields: we die in a giant laser hand cannon fight like true warriors.
#raven beak#chozo#a lot of effort for a bit#i thought back to that one piece i did a few years ago where i put raven beak in bikini armor and i said#'wouldn't it be funny to see him actually fight in something like that?'#because as we all know exposed flesh in combat is very humorous when large guns that shoot beams are involved#and then my train of thought fell to 'wouldn't it be funny if Samus was covered more than Raven Beak is'#'to subvert the sexy outfits thing a little bit but also drive home the 'god-emperor of Chozo Victoria's Secret' look he has going for him'#So the original sketch was created July 21 2023. And I redid it on April 10 2024.#and built Raven Beak bulky like a pro wrestler to really drive home the drama/hamminess of the situation but also to make him look stronger#my outfit design continues to be lacking but my commitment to the bit remains unmatched#... it's also so much easier to draw silly bikini armor that makes no sense than it is to put characters in regular clothes. or armor.#if you want a 'lore justification' for the lack of armor let's just say Raven Beak doesn't need the suit to be powerful.#and Samus is about to demonstrate that he has sorely underestimated her. by a mile. or a kilometer.#anyways the differences in their outfits match their upbringing and general philosophy#Samus opts for the more practical leotard offering her mobility and lightweight motion#Raven Beak guns for the full regalia that shows off as much muscle as possible while not skipping out on symbols of rank#and he NEVER leaves home without a cape#the cape is a must if shoulder-mounted black hole generators aren't available.
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fuckmeyer · 4 months
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hot tip: EXCLUSIVE behind-the-scenes content available to those who livechat my fic to me
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cinna-bunnie · 8 months
i had a fun day 2 day ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა everyone has been so nicey 2 me all day from the minute i left my house earlier ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა ♡⁠
i went to a Retreat for the first time for work earlier 0: and I did SO good for being up since 2am it didn't even feel like it 💀
it was so chill i drove like an hour away but Away from the city so there wasn't rly traffic and the mountains r so pretty 2 drive thru (❁´◡`❁) got some rain n v low clouds and since it's autumn there's all these pretty colors. i took an edible on the way n was just jammin out n enjoying the scenery among the many safe opportunities 2 look
and then at the thing we got 2 do different ice breakers n go on decently long breaks; i got 2 hang in different groups n actually Talk w a bunch of ppl which i never have time for omg. it's nice working at a legal nonprofit, i would NOT want to do this with corporate mfs !! 😹
went around n said hii to the enbies and i ran up a hill that looked a lot smaller than it was, i made it like 80% of the way before my legs were immediately like no girl we're done !! but my brain was like but it's Right There, and i struggled 2 finish the climb but I Did !! ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა and i was so so tired i do not remember ever being that winded before 💀 getting down was so much slower n worse bc my legs were Done and when i finally made it to the bottom i laid flat on my back for like 15m, and when when i made it back to sit n chill i still need like 10 more minutes akskska. i do not b exercising !! i just wanted 2 play it looked fun and i got excited (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
in between things i was working on my sister's choker n kept winding up w a group of ppl around me 2 talk to about it and just talk 2 in general n the company was rly nice (❁´◡`❁) ♡ had a lot of different kinda talks 2day!! everyone is a sweetie!! some ppl r so funny n chill and i rly hope 2 get 2 talk more casually w people perhaps As Friends when i go in 👉👈
there's one girl in particular who is rly cute n sweet and i want 2 see her again ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა when I got home finally i had 2 hop on my work laptop real quick 2 look up her name again 2 make sure i didn't forget ☝️😌 we do not work at the same office but hii i am visiting next week 🐇
yippee!!!! ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა !!!
#i think i have become an introverted extrovert at some point 0:#which is rly nice bc my social anxiety was SO bad at the beginning of the year like i didn't even know where to start skskdksk#but i kinda figured it out? but it's also just being me? idk.. much 2 think. but i made good progress#i am getting a good grade in being funny and nice and talking to people !!#i want 2 kiss someone on the forehead#omg but if there's ANYONE who deserves a kiss it's this old lady who lives a few buildings down on the way to my car#where EVERY time i see her she always has something so so sweet to tell me about how i look#today she said I'm always looking fancy (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) ♡⁠ and more but that's the main thing i remember besides the small talk#and the first time we met she asked me if i was a model fr and she's told me I'm cute and I'm just like PLEASE SKDKDKS#i can't fully tell if you're just really sweet or kinda 👀 at me but girl u r so sweet like hello do u Want a hug or a kiss ?? i love u !!#old ladies have a warmth they fill u with that just take the weight of Everything off ur shoulders n leave u feeling full n happy!!#bless old ladies fr!! literally my favorite people to interact with always i love u abuelas everywhere u r everything to me and i would do#anything for u !!!! i miss getting to help friends grandmas w stuff as a kid 🥺 it was just always great 2 talk 2 them and be close n on#good terms n stuff :3 i was the same way with their moms hehe. hi hello i want 2 help !! (⁠✿ ‚‚⌒‿⌒‚‚)#my friend is being lame and acting embarrassed but i love you please talk to me i am so so interested and think you're really#cool and funny and sweet and wise actually ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა ♡⁠ i wanna be around u if u wanna hang out#even if it's as simple as getting 2 help in the kitchen n always helping w dishes n stuff ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა aaa ♡⁠#omg i was late 2 the thing too and missed the breakfast and there's this sweet energetic old lady who's always like#omg u didn't get to eat? do u want this? can i get you some coffee or tea? and I'm always just like no no it's okay I'm gonna get it but#appreciate the offer and just ૮ – ﻌ–ა she is always looking out 4 me !! but she's just a sweetie like that !!#i think sharing food is a universally good way 2 make friends and it always warms my heart 2 meet ppl who r the same (❁´◡`❁)#they r always so so sweet 😭🥰 for my astrology girlies i correctly guessed that she's a taurus hehe 😼#there's another old lady who's an office manager for one of the offices n she is so soft spoken n sweet and i wish i got 2 hug her n talk#to her more 🥺 she's so far though omg i don't get to see her in person much#n e ways i work w some really warm bubbly ppl ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა i am a happy girlie 2day!! then im going Serious Mode again tmrw 🫡#oo i get to setup like an Actual server for a rack w linux and it's being delivered 2 my place tomorrow 0: I'm excited abt it as a project#AND my new jewelry came in today along w some cute underwear we r starting this wk off strong !!!#there was so so much more frm 2day i am just rly stoned n thinking abt it all (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)#if u actually read all of my ramble ily ty for letting me Talk ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა ♡⁠
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whatimdoing-here · 12 days
Boys are done with school with their half day Thursday. I'm working at their field day all day Wednesday. So I get today and tomorrow for my last quiet days before summer.
And T wipes out real bad on his bike on the way to school and was a half hour late.
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antirepurp · 2 months
i enjoyed a bit of sushi before starting minecraft and my agenda for approaching cobblemon is prioritizing pokemon with overworld uses and benefits since the real games would never give you that approach and it's making me realize how artificial a lot of the starter pokemon feel. like even in-universe these boys feel like they were lab-created to be someone's first pokemon that fights well. how would a squirtle help me gather resources. how does a chikorita help me traverse the environment. im going to be forced to pick one of these daffy pals when i create a new world but none of them serve my goal all that well
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team7-headquarter · 1 year
Feeling sentimental over Sasuke tonight.
I can't stand when I see him portrayed as just a dramatic little boy, because fuck , his grief and his anger and all his sorrow and bitterness came from a love so soo big it made the world dark, his heart exploded over the sky and tainted it gloomy red.
What was love and friendship to him in a world boiling with corruption, with greed? And what's a flower in a battlefield? Can it bloom? What is the song of a lover over the roar of an earthquake? Would you let a bird go if you know it'd kill it or would you keep it caged? Or would you go out and kill whatever is waiting for the little bird?
Sasuke got so lost wondering how could he live a fiction, 'cause dreams alone can't save the world. Who would descend to hell and purge the devils in there? What's Orochimaru alive if not for that job? What was Danzo there for? What was Itachi there for? Why is that people only worship what shines? Why is that the kages can decide to start a war for nothing but greed? Why is that the heroes' sins are never counted? Why is that some of the last survivors of the clans that founded Konoha were roaming the world searching for justice in themselves, not in the place that was supposed to be their home?
Obito. Itachi. Sasuke. Tsunade. Naruto. Karin.
Uchihas. Senjus. Uzumakis. Outcasts of Konoha.
But then when Sasuke talks, they only listen to the "hatred" and not the truth behind?
That "hatred" came from a wound no one had the right to expect to know. It came from devotion, from the love of a little brother, the same way it came from Itachi. It came without a warning at such young age; their bones ached all at once and aged years in a minute. It teared holes in their eyes, black signs, dark omens, patterns of stars and silent mathematical equations to alter the world around them, to alter their fate.
And isn't it the tragedy of the Uchihas? To be able to slow down the world and copy what they see, to be able to travel to other dimensions and to be able to web nightmares and dreams. But even if they can make you live your entire life in a illusion or could help the dead came back from life, they can't erase what was, they can't make the pain go away, they can't forget. What's s dead was dead, what's done was done.
“ I can fix it. I can save them. I can fix the world. ”
But once it's over and they have tried (and failed in some degree), who is going to fix their empty chests? For all they poured and all they gave and all the flesh they use to carry the burden of the world, where can they rest without the constant reminder of what they've lost?
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Me and my boyfriend started watching the cutscenes for dead souls and like my boyfriend openly admits just "Daigo has a bromance in every game he's in.. Even this one with majima" Then I saw your Mine Dead Souls ask- I think Mine would just die on the spot just because of Daigo crossdressing (bro died happy)
daigo a popular man what can i say
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