#just please let akane keep serving
skania · 21 days
OnK Chapter 149
I know it doesn’t mean much coming from me because I’m always complaining about Aka’s writing, but…
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And I mean it when I say that I expect nothing 😭 This was literally my first ever OnK-related reblog and its tags are more relevant than ever lmao
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These, too:
#honestly I didn’t think too hard about any of this during my first read #because the romantic endgame seems so obvious that it kind of discourages guessing lmao #but re-reading these chapters has made me appreciate Aqua’s side of his bond with Akane a lot more
Back when I first got into OnK, I mentioned that Akane was the entire reason I kept reading the manga. I didn’t care about the romantic subplot, found Aqua/Kana extremely obvious and predictable, and Aqua plain boring.
It’s only during my second read that I paid close attention to Akane’s interactions with Aqua and I ended up playing myself into both, caring about Aqua and shipping him with Akane lol
This chapter has made me realize that despite everything, I'm not emotionally invested in whether they end up together or not. I’d prefer it, obviously, because Aqua truly is at his most interesting whenever he’s around Akane, and their dynamic has the best development in the manga (so far).
But it’s just like I said before: If they don’t end up together, that’s just Aka’s loss, not mine. I’m just here for Akane 😂
And as an Akane fan, I feel like the best thing for me to do right now is to just take a step back and watch things unfold, because Aka will do whatever he wants regardless of how any of us interpret his manga lol
So instead of posting the long post I originally wrote about this chapter when the leaks came out, I'll just share a a clown gif because in hindsight it was silly of me to expect Kana out of all people to have any sort of meaningful insight into Aqua 🤡
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And a couple of things that caught my eye because I can't help myself:
Kana didn't even see Aqua and Akane have any sort of meaningful moment, just those two standing in each other's vicinity was enough to make her throw herself a pity party. How many more times is she going to pity herself and give up? How has Aka not tired of writing her this way? Where did her development from the Scandal arc go? 🤡
So Chapter 147 featured Kamiki thinking Ai doesn't love him and Kana thinking Aqua likes her. It even had a helpful "Cut 139: Misunderstanding" panel and everything. Will this mean something? Who knows!
Kana used guilt-trip! It was super effective!
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Oh the irony! Poor Akane looks like she's been hard at work convincing herself that she's over Aqua. And you know what? I cheer for her and respect her energy 100%. I'd rather see her doing her mightiest to help him without any ulterior motives than to have her crying for him and hoping to get back with him every other chapter lol
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Akane calling Kana out for her pity-party and for being cowardly was so cathartic that if I didn't already stan her, I'd have become a fan right now 😭 It also means that Aka is 100% aware of the way he writes Kana, so when will she finally be allowed to grow?
Kana's praise to Akane made me so sad though because yes, Akane is pretty and she's talented and she's kind. That's sweet of her to say. But that's not what made Akane someone special to Aqua: it was the way she understood him. The worst part is that Kana ends her praise by saying that Akane is a "goody-two-shoes" but... that's the opposite of how Akane views herself. She sees herself as someone who's not decent and not normal. So it's no wonder that while she gets flustered (it's her dear kana-chan praising her), she seems to get a bit sad/frustrated afterward. After all, for Akane it's probably the opposite. Men would prefer a decent, normal, bright girl like Kana - Aqua included.
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I wish someone would tell Akane that she is too ignorant of her own charms and that she doesn't have to act like an adult all the time. Truly the pot calling the kettle black! Sadly, unlike Kana, Akane seems to have no one in her corner in this manga. Aqua was the only one there and the poor guy is barely even a character anymore lol
Overprotective mother or controlling ex-girlfriend? Take your pick!
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The English translation left something pretty important out in these panels. Akane doesn't just say "if you have a girlfriend", she says "if you have a precious/important girlfriend". This distinction is very important because it goes to show that... as expected, Akane doesn't think she was an important girlfriend to Aqua. It's like she didn't count and Kana would be the real deal. Oh, Akane...
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Which takes me to her very silly, very convoluted yet very predictable plan (in true Aka fashion).
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When Akane thinks “I know exactly what you hate”, I imagine she means that Aqua hates hurting and endangering those he cares for. So I'm guessing Akane thinks that if she plays matchmaker and quite literally throws Kana at him, someone he has a soft spot, then Aqua won't be able to go through with his revenge because that would mean breaking Kana's very fragile heart.
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In other words, it looks like Akane is going to try and use Aqua's guilt-complex against him and her weapon of choice is love. But not her love, obviously, because as far as she's concerned, her romantic love already failed to save him.
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Granted, using Kana's romantic feelings to her advantage is kind of... well, wrong. To quote Akane herself, [Kana] is neither her pet nor her property, but a person. But I'm guessing that Akane may be falling victim to the same loophole she got caught in in Chapters 96 - 98. She thinks she knows what's best, so she's putting her own beliefs aside for the time being.
Kind of like Aqua, actually.
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And, ironically, it's Aqua himself who first realized how easy Kana is to use.
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So! All in all, I'm here for Mastermind!Akane but I hope that Aka will actually make it worth our while. Will Kana realize that she's about to be used as a chess piece in this Proxy War? Who knows, characters in this manga seem to walk in circles, only being allowed to grow when it fits the plot 😂
Last week we wondered whether Aka would subvert expectations or go the predictable route, and down the predictable route he went. His way of making it less predictable is by including a twist in the form of Akane's ulterior motives, but will this be enough to allow this ol' used trope to lead us someplace new? I guess we'll have to keep reading to find out, but given the quality of the writing lately, I'm not expecting much lol
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mari-lair · 1 year
Y'know I've just realised that now that Aoi can see supernaturals it's going to be really interesting to see how she's going to influence the plot. Because her first interaction with supernaturals was nearly killing her childhood friend, getting attacked multiple times, watching who was meant to be her saviour (because Teru was the strongest person in that situation, he had to be the one to save Aoi because no one else could) nearly die, and slowly crumble away herself. That was horribly traumatising! And now she has to keep living her life with a numb hand and the understanding that (in particular) Nene and Akane are doing incredibly dangerous things. And since it seems the clockkeepers are becoming relevant again, Akane is almost definitely going to be in danger. Again. All the other characters have an at least somewhat positive relationship with supernaturals (as seen by the most recent chapter) but Aoi's got nothing. It'll be interesting to see how her place in the story is going to change given how in the past all she had was the distant amusement about the school's rumours.
Aoi does have a few positive interactions with supernaturals! Noticeably, with the mokkes, who she helped and they helped her back.
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And with Hanako, who she doesn’t know had planned for her to die, so in her point of view, he is a friendly guy that helped her in the Far Shore. He is also someone that Nene has a crush on, and vise versa, so Aoi can fall back on her usual “love talk” with him to comfort herself, as shown by how she talks a bit about her feelings on the train, and is even able to relate to him
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And while her trust in him is not blind, she does listen to him.
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Her overall view is understandably still negative though.
She was clearly traumatized by all the events you listed since she kept the bracelet Teru gave her: A gift that surely brings bad memories but serves as protection.
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And I suspect she still wears the bracelet in school, she just hides it, since she suddenly started to wear long sleeves, something no one else has done in her class.
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So is not like the days got colder and students changed uniforms, Aoi was the only girl that made a conscious choice to wear long sleeves even if it would make her stand out.
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I would love to know how her interest in supernatural rumors would be transformed now that she knows they are real and that they can be as cute and fluffy as a mokke or as dangerous as Hakubo. Or how she addapts to seeing these creatures in her everyday life.
(Please Aidairo I am on my knees begging you to explore Aoi more.)
Aoi usually worries about Nene easily, but she seems to trust Hanako with her safety, since he was so protective when Aoi threw them in the trash’ and Akane, one of the few people Aoi trust, also trusts in Hanako's competence.
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As for Akane, I really really really hope she doesn’t just go “He has Teru to protect him, is okay” because while it would make some sense, considering Teru was the one that rescued Akane and led the group that came to save her, I want her to be a relevant part of this arc! Akane was so important in her arc, she should be relevant in his arc too! Not just be a goal (her hand). Let her help him somewhat. I would love that so much!!
If you want to see how a character without a single positive relationship with supernaturals would fit the narrative, we already have two: Akane and Teru. Exorcist life is not very comparable to Aoi’s situation, but please take a better look at Akane.
Akane was a normal person that has consistently been tormented by supernaturals. Since his complaints are mostly treated as a joke, people might forget that Akane never forgave the clock keeper for putting Aoi’s life at risk and tricking him to work a job he really hates.
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When directly asked about his opinions, the manga drop the ‘comedy lenses’ and shows us point blank that “the clock keepers recruitment trick stuck with him even after all these years. Akane hates them on a fundamental level.”
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He isn’t looking at Hanako here, his eyes are unfocused, he is thinking about the day Aoi almost died and using a ton of '...' in his dialogue: It is a trauma. Just because he tries not to think about it, and it isn’t as brought up in the narrative as the main characters' traumas, it does not make it any less of a traumatic event: Many of his beliefs and attitudes got shaped by that event.
Even the mokke try to attack him to steal his School Mystery seat. So he really has no exceptions. 
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It makes sense that every supernatural is either an uncaring asshole or a beast in Akane’s eyes. Sure, he can be forced to work with them for the greater good, he is a guy that values his word and his duties, but he will never respect or like them.
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comfortabletogether · 1 month
2nd time again sorry but can write DRA another girls and then have a situation where there S/O keep accidentally hugging them when they go to be wake them up
if I’m being completely honest, I think I terribly misunderstood this prompt. I interpreted it as a S/O who randomly hugs the girls. So if it’s terribly wrong and you want it fixed feel free to dm me!!
I realize i did read this horribly wrong and I’m sos sorry, I will remake this eventually.
Warnings: Light spoilers
~ Mod Haruhiko ✈️
Kizuna Tomori
⭐️ Kizuna is so touch starved, she doesn’t even know how to react when you first hug her. She just stands there and cries but when you ask she just says that she had something in her eye.
⭐️ Her relationship with you was the first time she had ever been able to open out and be vulnerable, she’ll probably try and shove you off the first few times you try and hug her. But she’ll start accepting them after a little while.
⭐️ Kizuna loves your hugs and after a little bit of time she’ll start to get pissy if you don’t hug her that day.
Kiyoka Maki
🏹 Oh my god! Physical touch is her love language as well! The first time you hug her, she will try and lift you up and spin you around, and spoiler alert! It doesn’t go very well.
🏹 But from this day forward the two of you have an unspoken competition to see who can hug each other the most. And she’s the Ultimate Sharp Shooter. So you are really in for a treat. She’ll commit a lot of sneak attacks
🏹 Kiyoka just loves hugs all around. Unlike Rei, she’ll do it in public without any hesitations. She has no shame when it comes to light PDA.
Akane Taira
🫧 Another touch starved girlie, she also cries when you first hug her because she has barely ever had gotten physically affection from her life as she grew up in an orphanage and then she served Utsuro, someone who wasn’t keen on anything.
🫧 Akane loves you so much and she’ll probably end up copying your mannerisms of constant physical affection. And despite this Akane will always blush a deep red when you hug her.
🫧 Although she loves you to no end, Akane would end up feeling slightly overwhelmed by the affection every so often. But she stilled loved to be my your side even when she feels overwhelmed.
Ayame Hatano
👟 Ayame gets so embarrassed and blush when you first hug her. Despite being hugged a ton platonically. She love you and Ayame just doesn’t know how to handle it.
👟 She had never been good with romance before and she wasn’t good at it starting then either. But Ayame loves when you surprise her with hugs especially on days she’s just feeling overall really down about everything.
👟 Ayame loves when you hug her after a race even after she has already told you not to over and over because she’s sweaty but always do so anyways because you love her and don’t care if she’s a little stinky.
Mikako Kurokawa
🔮 ANOTHER TOUCH STARVED GIRL. Please give Mikako all your love, she deserves it. She won’t cry when you first do it, as she’s become used to hugs thanks to Yamato.
🔮 Mikako will though cry when the two of you are alone in her room. The two do you sitting in comfortable silence and then you just hug her. It sparks a deeply rooted sense of love in her. And she truly just wanted to tell you how much she loves you in the moment.
🔮 But in public Mikako will gladly accept your hugs but will get embarrassed when one of the girls end up teasing her over it. 
Rei Mekaru
🥼 Rei Mekaru will shove you off of her in public the first time you try. And the second. And the third. She loves that you’re physically affectionate but she also says that she was a reputation to uphold and will not let you hug her in public.
🥼 Hug her all you any when it’s the two of you. She will gladly accept them and will very often roll her eye in the mist love struck way possible. But she’ll claim that she only tolerates your affections
🥼 Rei loves you and despite her denials her love for you is very clear. Even though she has an extremely cold exterior fronting.
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anotherrosesthatfell · 8 months
killermare first made - written by HP (my writing partner 💀)
[Note: this is unfortunately canon... Why do I even gave him the job to write backstories...]
Nightmare will be called by the name of Alphonse in here while Killer is Amaris.
Also, this is a short one, the full version is on wattpad but I am not sure if I really want to make this canon and publish it... 🗿
It's black, everything is black for Alphonse.
How long has it been since the wars ended? How long has it been since he killed everyone.
Alphonse got up from his king sized bed, if he were still himself, he will be so grateful everyday but now?
He just want to die and meet his family again. Can he even reunite with his family?
No.. His family are in heaven. If he die, he'll go to hell.. He deserves it.
Alphonse was never a man of religion after knowing her deceased wife done witchcraft. He used too because he devoted himself to the empire he served long time ago as a knight.
Now look at him, a sad pathetic king who can't even get himself together.
Alphonse get up and looks at the mirror. He changed so much... He was kind and caring but now he is nothing but an ugly monster.
"... I need to get out." he whispered to himself.
The outside was loud, it was a proof that he stay in too long.
He has magic now, he can travel across the world with just using magic. He didn't get a good control of it at first but after years, he manages too.
Alphonse walks around the place, it was full of trees and happy children are playing.
That two words reminds him a lot of the past.
"shit..." Alphonse sighed to himself. 'Maybe this is a bad idea, I should go to more depressing place—' "huh—?"
A girl suddenly stumbled upon him which made him startled. He didn't fall but the girl did.
Alphonse panicked and turn around to ask if the girl alright. Yet as soon as he did that, he was stunned by the girl appearance.
"U-Uhm, maaf tuan! {{U-Uhm sorry mister!}}" The girl apologized as she got up by herself.
White hair, palest skin that he ever know and two pair of black eyes. She looks exactly like his deceased wife when she was younger.
"Fiona...?" he mutters under his breath.
He was shocked indeed, part of him want to hug her so badly.
Just then, a slightly older man ran towards Fiona. Alphonse immediately fled from the scene while still panicking, he hides using his shape-shifting quirk.
"Amaris, jangan pernah lari seperti itu lagi! {{Amaris, don't ever run like that again!}}" Yelled his brother, "You have no idea how upset the doctors are right now..."
"T-Tapi Kakak, mereka akan menembakku dengan jarum lagi! {{B-But Brother, they're going to shot me with needles again!}}" she pouted. "Aku benci itu! {{!I hate that!}}"
"ini demi kebaikanmu sendiri, Amaris... ayo pergi sebelum mereka memutuskan untuk mengganti dosismu lagi. {{It's for your own good, Amaris... Let's just go before they decide to change your dose again.}}" said her brother.
Amaris frowned but she gave up in the end. She wanted to play with those kids, if she didn't stumbled on the eerie man, she would've gotten away.
Talking about Alphonse, she wonders where did he went.
"kakak, ada seorang pria menakutkan dengan penampilan berlendir {{Brother, there was a man with scary with slimy appearance.}}" she said
"apakah kamu berhalusinasi lagi, Amaris? {{Are you hallucinating again, Amaris?}}" he sighed. "tolong jangan katakan itu pada doktermu {{Please don't tell that to your doctors.}}"
Amaris's brother didn't find any concerns behind her words. They left and went back to the mental hospital.
Alphonse was still there, he stop hiding as he tried to keep his calm. No kidding, he is still surprised to see someone who look so much like his wife. As if his wife were reincarnated as Amaris.
"Amaris huh... ..." Alphonse smirked to himself as he feels his darker self is telling him horrible things he should do to get Amaris in his hand.
Alphonse snapped from his thoughts as he get himself back.
'This isn't right, she's not even Fiona and she seems like around my late daughter age...' Alphonse is trying to stay sane but it's hard to do so.
‘’then just wait for a few years, she'll be all yours once again.”
There's it again. The one who keep talking to him after those pass years, it was the consequences for committing treason and ate the forbidden apples.
"Oh God.." Alphonse hates these kind of conversations.
‘’God can't save you, this is your fate... Now you must do whatever you desire...!‘’
"Well my desire is just for you to go away!" Alphonse yelled as he covered his ears. He don't want to listen this horrid thoughts.
“WRONG. That's not your desires at all!”
"I am loyal to my wife bastard... This is just so wrong." Alphonse sighed to himself.
He left the place before he will get told by those dark thoughts again.
He is in the castle again, it was dark and he is lonely.
He need to control himself, he can't lost against someone who is part of him now.
(here I am waiting for my other friend opinion...💀)
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2n2n · 7 months
How do you think chapter 109 will play out?Will we see a little of the history of the Yugi brothers? Well one thing I'm sure of is Teru will kill Aoi after this 😂
Ahaha... well, I do have some thoughts.... I kinda try to have more overarching or general theme 'theories' or perhaps you could say 'beliefs' of 'directions', it can be more embarrassing to have very short-term going-to-be-dispelled-in-a-month musings ... BUT ... well haha I can't control my BRAIN...
I've been thinking that... I'm not sure Tsukasa is really 'a person' in this situation, at least not to Kako or the Clockeepers in general. If I think about a court trial, responsibility, blame, I would think that NUMBER 7 is responsible for those he has DOMINION AND CONTROL OVER, his YORISHIRO, and his KANNAGI. If HIS properties, his SACRED OBJECT, and his SERVANT, are acting up under HIS stewardship, then it is ultimately his fault... not theirs. Right? That is how I'm thinking...Nene-chan can only know what Hanako tells her, and she can only move about with significant kaii help. Tsukasa isn't meant to do anything at all, on his own! He's just a battery powering Amane!
I would reaaally love Tsukasa dehumanized. I would not imagine the kaii longterm governing the mysteries would really be able to see yorishiro as 'people' so much as 'things' (there is also almost no way Akane would see Tsukasa as a 'person'!), and regardless of if yours is a pair of scissors or a body, it all serves the same purpose (to keep you in line). The destruction of yorishiro is something this system allows for -- which Hanako is typically in charge of-- it is not something considered murder, or whatever, of course. Mysteries do not get to consent over being peeled if the leader decides it is necessary, but more important to me right now, is that yorishiro themselves get the least amount of control. Tsukasa was seemingly trapped in Hanako's boundary and needed assistance to get out ... Sumire sure couldn't do anything even given a hundred years. Sumire being destroyed by Hakubo is not a criminal investigation in and of itself; she belonged to Hakubo after all, a mystery has the power to destroy their own yorishiro. In my mind.. yorishiro are the ultimate underdogs of this system. They are made, and discarded, for the purpose of being someone else's power. For a boy who once killed himself to save his brother, it's a perfect role for Tsukasa .... something that only exists for Amane.
I guess though, overall I do think Amane has been, this whole time, letting Tsukasa do as he pleases, because he is curious about what Tsukasa wants to do. Once he figures out Tsukasa is responsible for the chaos, he no longer makes any effort to catch/stop him.
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^ This Amane to me, is a reveal that he is warmly, affectionately watching Tsukasa, in mirror to how Tsukasa likes to watch Amane. I am not sure Tsukasa, when alive, really did things for himself often? Did Tsukasa have big wishes, dreams, ambitions? Maybe yorishiro Tsukasa is the most self-possessed and disruptive he has been...? He was always asking Amane if he liked or wanted something.... but now, he's disobeying him of his own accord. I wonder if Amane likes that...
*kaff* but well, how does that matter to the trial... I guess it could mean anything. Maybe Amane could just throw his hands up, maybe he could just finally put Tsukasa back in his boundary. Maybe he could lie and say he was only here to do just that, not to help them...but to subdue them. I wonder! Listen judge I'm not involved.... (weirdly, Akane and Teru could confirm that...? They found him helpless and stuck... crying... )
I had a fun fantasy of Tsukasa being forced back into Amane's boundary, but at the last second grabbing Nene-chan and sending her there with him... that would be so fun (: that's fanfiction at that point though haha.. I'm just desperate to see that boundary, and I'd love for Nene-chan to see Tsukasa incapacitated in his coffin... ♥ she just got to know him... it would be nice if she could see him 'dead'. It would be nice if 'finally stopping Tsukasa' didn't come with a sense of victory. Seeing the typically vivacious little boy, who just sang by her side, as a corpse, would be harrowing.
I would be interested in Amane and Teru teaming up against the Clockkeepers lol... in this situation, I think their goals align .... ? why not ... if they both want their power revoked... Teru doesn't like the mysteries existing at all! Neither does Kunishige....
not really impossible to me that they would unite, they uhh, they ? ? they are coworkers in the . hot guy juice stand
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you're in my twisted post of fantasy so, well. For fun. For fun! let's imagine Tsukasa is locked back in Amane's boundary, helpless. And then, let's assume there is no choice but to peel the clockkeeper yorishiro in order to right the school's time, and Amane nudges Nene-chan to do it (what a sensation! how haunting! who is the 'bad guy'?)... let's say after that, Natsuhiko and Sakura don't actually have a reason to free Tsukasa-- I mean-- Mitsuba is in their pocket, and No. 7 allegedly already agreed to peeling Tsukasa ... so past a certain point, do they need him anymore? Haven't they accomplished enough? I'm not sure either of them really and truly ally with Tsutsu... and he's already willfully suicidal on his own. They know he wants to be destroyed. There is no reason to 'save' him, he isn't asking to be saved at all; not the plan and they know it. If he's in Amane's clutches, that's convenient in a way.
If only Nene-chan could free Tsukasa, and become his assistant for real...
Oh yeah... I also have the thought that ah, I would love it if the Clockkeeper's losing power meant Akane lost his kaii-related memories? That would mean losing his memories of confessions with Ao-chan, and the ability to help heal her hand, or even understand it is hurt, perhaps... it would place a lot of power into Teru's favor, as he and Aoi could then exclusively share the kaii-world-knowledge, and only he could heal her, or protect her from supernatural harm. I like the thought of Akane and Aoi having to 'start over' in a way, and Aoi having to lead this time... I like Teru's manipulative underhandedness, with Aoi, how he blackmails her, pressures her, etc... Akane being made the least relevant and capable would be very captivating. It could force Aoi to protect him doggedly. Which I think would suit the manga's ever-reversing dynamics (: HOWEVER! Akane losing his memories of kaii would ALSO isolate Teru, as Akane is the only person who knew his real self. A lonely Teru is fun and funny!
I guess I also wonder if Kunishige-san and Tiara are actually beating ass out there in the school, if Kunishige has a tool for ... any of this.. on his person... to not be effected ... or something.. idfk. I don't actually care about them but I am trying to bare them in mind lol....
that was a lot of nonsense, wasn't it ....
the events are really making my head spin haha. SO MUCH COULD HAPPEN... ! And... I bet everything else will haha.
I'm sure we'll learn something about Amane and Tsukasa. If nothing else, 12 year old Tsu is awaiting for Nene-chan once time resumes in the school....
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Anything else we remember?
*As then Ibuki and Yukio head to the cafeteria*
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Sooo who are we gonna talk with first?
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Well I was thinking of heading to the cafeteria first, I know that a few of our classmates are there.
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Oh right right, it would make sense since it's lunchtime, huh? Then let's go!
*As then the 2 walk in and found 4 of them...*
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*Akane is scarfing down the tray of food* Yamm nurf! Twis ish sooooh gooh! Twanks Terry!
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...My name is Teruteru, not Terry? And are you even eating my food at all?
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*swallows down* More please!
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Huh? Th-That fast, just slow down already!
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So? Give me more food, I'm still hungry!
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...This is the 3rd serving today and your still hungry? Maybe just try and savor it?
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Sorry, no can do - Akane and me are going to do some more training...
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So Akane, remember this will be your last meal before we head off.
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Oh I know, I'll be sure to prepare for training Coach Nekomaru!
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Honestly I never expected to meet such an opponent here that can keep up with me!
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...Well okay, after your done be sure to grab the dishes and put them at the window, I'll do cleaning later.
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*eating a bit of distant from them*...You might want to get use to this, Teruteru?
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I-I know, it's just... she was scoffing it down and not even eating at all.
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Oooh hey look, it's them!
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Ham Hands! Teruteru, Akane and Nekomaru! What's up?
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Hm? Oh... Ibuki and Yukio, seems you both are here...
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*Is scarfing down more food...*
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Oh... Akane's eating again, right?
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Yes, she is which she isn't even tasting it but at least she likes my food...
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That's good to hear, anyway I was hoping to ask you guys something if you have the time.
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Hm? Well sure, but do make it quick - me and Akane have to go train.
0 notes
mieletcrepes · 4 months
i finished zero time dilemma. 22:34:41 over about 5 days (jesus christ.) below the cut will be spoilers, this'll be a disjointed thought dump. might have something more coherent later. we'll see :3
i am mentally ill about d-team
like seriously i think all of them as a group are tied with clover for favorite zero escape character. high bar to reach
their force quit section was so sweet ;;;;
also their vas were SO good. in general the en voice acting is really well done for this game
d-team definitely had the best endings too. the other team-specific ones were fine i guess
wait hold on i'll give my thoughts on each ending in order
1st coinflip ending is underwhelming in a good way. it was also my first ending, and it serves well to get you interested in where this is going i think.
apocalypse ending explains how junpei and akane got to the vlr timeline at least! the way akane refuses to let junpei help her at all is depressing but she probably needs to keep the timeline consistent so quark gets vlr'd or something.
crossbow ending was like 'oh ok that's it?' very unremarkable
perceptive ending was also very underwhelming but it's just kind of an easter egg so (shrug)
q ending was a good bridge to the final ending i think. eric is annoying here but when is he not.
i am eric hater no. 1
false reality ending was fine, served its purpose i guess. not sure why it's not listed as one of the endings on the save file but ok sure
radical-6 release ending has me chewing on the walls. diana i am so sorry. holy shit. she makes me feel emotions. she refused to kill phi even though she was infected........ she wanted to save both phi and sigma............
twins ending was long as hell but wow was that a rollercoaster. diana i am so sorry. sigma i am so sorry. phi i am so sorry. delta please die
final ending was good and i am ecstatic that they kept their memories intact! why did it end like that though. it like built up to carlos deciding whether or not to shoot delta then just faded to black??? what the fuck game. rude.
in general this game can be summed up as 'd-team is perfect in every way akane and junpei are having issues and everyone else is there'
the new characters were all somewhat boring to me? except mira i love mira but sean eric and carlos are all just there for most of it. although i'm not a fan of their archetypes so it might just be personal preference
fuck eric
i wish akane and junpei's relationship was like. explored a little more? which is weird because a lot of c-team's screentime is them bickering about their relationship but i don't think they ever really fully talked things out
i miss k vlr
i love you d-team
diana and sigma only straight people ever
in conclusion: ztd is a fun game but the original characters were pretty lacking for me and the storyline felt a little underwhelming in comparison to the other games? the fragment format is interesting in concept but i feel like it takes away from the experience since you don't really know when things happen relative to each other + in which timelines
a lot of vlr and 999's impact came from how things developed over time and ztd just didn't really have that except for the more long-winded endings
she fucked that old man/10
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thatotherfanfic · 2 years
Chapter 9: Gayer Than Previously Imagined
CW: hiccups, rumor mill, Kazuichi not even being able to keep his own secrets rip spiky hair man
Hey there! Yes, I did split this in half after the fact. If you're looking for new content, go to Chapter 11.
Teruteru never realized how badly he needed a day off until he actually took one.
After he cleaned up breakfast, he went back to bed for a short nap and ended up sleeping past noon. He badly wanted to go out for lunch, but he didn't really have the funds, and spending so much time with Kazuichi lately meant there had been no chance of him matching with a deviant sugar daddy online, so he was on his own.
"I hate doing that, anyway," he huffed as he served himself from the lunch buffet. "Although, a more experienced partner would be nice…on a purely physical level, of course."
He ate alone in the courtyard, arguing with himself over whether or not he ought to go through his various online dating profiles to see if he'd caught the interest of anyone worthwhile. 
"It's not like we're exclusive," he reminded himself. "It would be weirder if I stopped seeing other people."
Read on AO3
He'd said this to himself for the past two weeks. Like always, after swiping through a few profiles, he lost interest. He sighed. Try as he might, he just wasn't the polyamorous type.
"Might as well ride this fling to the end." He smirked at his own double entendre. "See how long it lasts."
The thought made him strangely gloomy. He went back for seconds and then again for custard pudding, but it didn't help much. 
He didn't see or hear from Kazuichi all day, so he assumed his bed friend was also taking some much-needed time to himself. That was comforting. It would do him good to stay out of trouble for a little while.
It did concern him that he didn't see him in the dining hall for lunch. When dinner rolled around and Kazuichi still hadn't shown his face, Teruteru started to wonder if he'd been foolish to think that Kazuichi was even capable of spending a drama-free day alone. 
After a few minutes of deliberation, he pulled out his phone under the table and tapped out a quick message.
Still in bed, sleepyhead? Supper's on. ;)
There. That should be forward enough to provoke a typo-laden response. And hopefully pull him out of whatever new spiral he'd fallen into.
Or maybe he wasn't spiraling. Maybe he was hyper focused on installing rocket boosters into a go-kart, or something like that. It was quite possible that he hadn't thought of Teruteru at all today.
With a jolt, Teruteru realized he was halfway through with dinner, and he had no idea what he'd eaten.
Seriously, Teruteru. This is ridiculous! He glanced around the table nervously. Had anyone noticed him spacing out? He had a reputation to maintain, after all.
It didn't seem like it. Akane was talking with her mouth full, as usual, and gesturing at the diminished Saturday evening crowd.
"Where the hell is Ibuki?" she was saying. "I haven't seen her since breakfast."
Hiyoko snickered. "I don't know. Where the hell is Kazuichi?"
Several people started arguing at once, Mahiru the loudest among them. "Oh my gosh! Can everyone please let that go?"
Teruteru blinked and sat up straighter. He looked over at Nekomaru, who was sitting nearest to him. "Hm? What's this? Did I miss something?"
Hiyoko stuck out her tongue. She'd matured impressively over the past two years, growing up and out in flattering directions, and her single long, blonde ponytail made her look sophisticated instead of babyish, but that didn't stop her from acting like a child. "As if we'd tell you . You'd probably want in on it, perv."
Teruteru's eyes widened. "Hold on a minute…are you actually suggesting that Kazuichi and Ibuki…did that?"
"Guys, stop. " Mahiru stood up and planted her hands on the table. "Ibuki said nothing happened, so nothing happened. Can we drop the issue already?"
Hiyoko twirled the end of her ponytail around her finger. "All I'm saying is, Kazuichi won't stop pigging out these days…and we all know how Ibuki feels about chubby boys."
She looked over her shoulder at Byakuya, who ate his roast chicken in haughty silence, as always. Teruteru's heart beat annoyingly fast. He had to bite back a nervous chuckle.
Mahiru glared at Hiyoko. Akane looked from one to the other, turning her head to one side. "Wait, so are you saying that Kazuichi and Ibuki are out banging each other?"
Despite his best efforts, the mental image of Ibuki and Kazuichi going at it clashed so severely with what Teruteru knew about Kazuichi that he burst out laughing. Everyone turned to look at him.
"What's so funny?" Mahiru snapped, crossing her arms.
"Oh, nothing," said Teruteru, wiping a tear from his eye. "Just…the thought of those two doing it…" He shook his head and tried to compose himself. "Now that I'd love to see."
Akane still looked confused. "Wait a sec." She swallowed a huge bite of chicken. "Isn't Kazuichi gay? I thought Nagito said he was gay."
Hiyoko flipped her ponytail over her shoulder. "Oh, probably. Kazuichi would take anyone who could stand to touch him. Which is nobody, except that stinky little pervert. And Ibuki, now that he's let himself go."
"Where did this come from, anyway?" Teruteru asked, resting his chin in one hand. He ignored the bait. "Nobody saw them, did they? I want to know everything…in detail." 
Mahiru sat down in a huff. "Nobody saw anything," she said.
"Right," said Hiyoko. "I definitely didn't see Kazuichi stumbling out of Ibuki's room this morning, half-naked, with a big old hole in that filthy jumpsuit of his, redder than Akane's butt cheeks after she's done 'training' with old man Nekomaru."
Oh, so Hiyoko's trying to stir up trouble, is she? Teruteru covered his mouth with his hand to stifle his laughter. It was impossible, after all. He knew exactly where Kazuichi had been this morning.
Well. Up until about nine a.m., anyway. 
"Huh? Does my butt really turn red?" Akane looked thrilled. "Mahiru, you gotta snap some photos sometime!"
Mahiru looked close to despair. "Can we drop the topic?! Please!"
Teruteru's stomach hurt from holding in so much laughter. Or…no, that had to be it. Why else would he feel so unsettled? He was only holding back for Kazuichi's sake, even though he wasn't here. Obvious as Kazuichi might be, Teruteru wasn't about to out him. He felt bad enough about egging everyone on last time Kazuichi publicly humiliated himself. Some kind of reparations were probably in order.
"Mahiru's right," he said. Mahiru looked like she wished she'd been wrong. "Just because Kazuichi and Ibuki are both absent doesn't mean they're off…copulating." He looked around, raising one eyebrow. "I notice Chiaki is also missing. So are Nagito and Hajime. Are you suggesting they're having an orgy?"
Hiyoko's evil smirk turned into a scowl. "Zip your fat lips, clown! I hate it when you talk!"
'Clown' was a new one. Teruteru's temper flared. He wanted to argue, but over the two and a half years he'd spent at Hope's Peak, he'd learned a much more effective way of shutting Hiyoko down.
"Mm, really?" He leaned forward, smirking. "Then of course I'll shut up. Why don't you keep insulting me while I'm helpless to defend myself? In fact, I'd even let you strip me naked and humiliate me right here in front of everyone."
Hiyoko stood up, glaring daggers at him. "Ew! Why do you have to ruin everything? I hope you fall into a vat of oil and die!"
With that, she stormed from the dining hall. Mahiru stood up and put her hands on her hips, looking like a frazzled mother. "Seriously?! Teruteru, when are you gonna learn to stop making inappropriate comments like that?"
"I don't know," Teruteru said, suddenly irritated. "When's Hiyoko gonna learn to stop stickin' her nose where it don't belong?"
No one responded. Teruteru wet his lips and looked down at his food. An outburst like that was out of character for him. People would start to talk if he didn't get himself together soon.
"O-of course, I'd let her stick it wherever she likes –"
"Okay, that's enough." Mahiru stepped away from the table. "I'll come back when all of you stop acting like little kids. Seriously! Don't you all have anything better to do than gossip about each other?" 
Bold words from someone who hangs out with a diva like Hiyoko, Teruteru thought, but he didn't want to continue the argument. A cold, hard knot of anger had formed just under his ribs, and he didn't know where it came from. He wasn't sure he wanted to know, either.
Sonia sighed as Mahiru left the dining hall. "Unfortunately, a group of our size has little to do but talk about each other," she said, looking up at Gundham, who sat at her side. "After two years, it is impossible not to rub each other the wrong way at times…"
Teruteru snickered. The sheer collective willpower of everyone ignoring him kept him from saying anything.
"Only foolish mortals like yourselves care for such petty trivia," Gundham said, staring into the distance. One of his hamsters chewed on his scarf. "My Dark Devas and I care not who is 'doing it' with another. The only matter of import is that the mangy wretch has turned his lecherous gaze from you."
Sonia blushed lightly. It was all very sweet, and it made Teruteru irrationally jealous.
"Please." Teruteru spoke without thinking again. He gulped as everyone turned their attention (or purposeful lack of attention) toward him. "I mean…Kazuichi hasn't really looked at Sonia for over a year. Everyone knows that."
"I suppose." Sonia folded her hands, looking at Teruteru with distaste. "Still. Such behavior carries weight. It is not simple to forget."
Unlike several of her classmates, Sonia did not shy away from eye contact with Teruteru. She fixed him with a regal stare until he had to look away, sweat dripping down his face.
"I-I know that," he said, tapping his forefingers together. "Still, I – well, aren't we a little hard on him sometimes? That's all I'm saying." 
A short silence fell. Teruteru wasn't sure where this conversation went wrong. Sonia had thrown him; he couldn't even make it sexy with his gut twisting and turning like this.
Akane gestured with her fork. "Aren't you gonna say something about the hard on?"
Teruteru blinked. "I beg your pardon?"
"Hard on him?" Akane shrugged. "It's right there."
"Well – well yes, it is, but –" Teruteru smoothed his hair back. Damn! No one ever beat him to a sexual innuendo! What was up with him tonight? "I-I was trying to make a point. You know what? Never mind. Let's talk about something else."
He hadn't realized how much he preferred people to call out strange behavior instead of sitting there in judgmental silence. With Ibuki, Hiyoko, Nagito, and Kazuichi gone, no one was here to express loud shock that he was turning the conversation away from a sexual topic. All the same, he could feel them thinking it.
"That is unusually empathetic of you, Teruteru," Sonia said slowly. She shifted closer to Gundham. "I admit…I have felt concerned about his behavior recently. I fear he is unwell. But I do not know if it would be appropriate to ask after his mental health…especially as I would not want him to misinterpret my attention."
Nekomaru shook his head. "What he needs is a solid workout routine," he rumbled. "A healthy outlet for his restless energy!"
Akane nodded enthusiastically. "Hell yeah! Ooh, maybe I could train him! He eats like an athlete already, so he's halfway there!"
"Halfway there? That makes two of us," Teruteru said, just so Akane couldn't accuse him of missing an innuendo again. 
Everyone ignored him. He almost missed Hiyoko. 
"Not to return to a sore subject, but I personally see no issue if Kazuichi and Ibuki decide to 'Netflix and chill,'" Sonia said. "I am truly happy for him if he has found a partner, but…to be honest, I do not see what would draw Ibuki to him."
"Hiyoko mighta been onto something with the chubby thing," Akane said with her mouth full. "You see him yesterday? Kid was about to bust out of his shirt. It was pretty inspiring!"
This whole conversation was ridiculous. Teruteru hadn't expected them to actually start discussing ways to improve Kazuichi's life. It made him feel strangely miffed.
Besides, it was all baloney, right? None of the girls had ever shown interest in Kazuichi before. And even if Ibuki was into his recent weight gain, there was no way Kazuichi would return her interest. The man was a flaming homosexual, for crying out loud!
Well. A repressed flaming homosexual. If Ibuki approached him with an offer, would he say yes just to prop up his insane fantasy of being straight?
That did seem like something Kazuichi might do. Teruteru's mouth thinned.
He finished his meal and slipped away from the table unnoticed. On second thought, he doubled back into the kitchen, swiped a picnic basket, and assembled a small meal for Kazuichi, just in case he hadn't eaten. After all, he still hadn't answered Teruteru's text, even though he had seen it. That was cause for concern.
"Odds are he's out prostituting himself at some fast food chain," he said to himself, lifting his nose. Kazuichi had a shameful affinity for dollar-menu burgers and fries. If their fling left any lasting influence, Teruteru hoped it was refining Kazuichi's palate enough that he'd lose his taste for that all but inedible trash.
It is a fling, he scolded himself in response to that ridiculous melancholy rearing its head again. What the hell is wrong with me lately?
The trip up to the third year dormitories was excruciating. He kept trying not to wonder what, if anything, had happened between Kazuichi and Ibuki, and so of course he wondered the whole damn way.
"There's no way," he huffed as he reached the elevator. "Kazuichi is terrified of women. She'd never get within six feet of him."
And then, as he reached the third floor landing: "When would they have had time, anyway? If he left my room just after nine, and Hiyoko saw him leave Ibuki's room before she went to breakfast…"
And then, as he stood in front of Kazuichi's door: "Really, what do I care? We're not exclusive. He can see whoever he likes. And so can I. It really doesn't matter to me."
He rang the doorbell and waited. Nothing happened. Against all logic, he wondered where Ibuki was.
"I should go though my matches again," he grumbled, ringing the doorbell a second time.
No answer. With a frustrated sigh, he pulled out his phone and called.
Kazuichi picked up on the first ring. "Hello?" His voice sounded hoarse. "What – what do you want?"
"Not much," Teruteru said. "Just checking in. Where are you?"
"I'm –" Kazuichi cut himself off. "Nowhere. In my room. Why?"
"Well, I've got something for you," Teruteru said, shifting the basket to his elbow. "Can I come in? If you're alone, that is."
He held his breath. Kazuichi's response would tell him everything. That was one of the perks of sleeping with someone so loose-lipped.
"What do you mean? Of course I'm alone!" Kazuichi snapped. He sniffed. "Are you making fun of me? Like I have anyone else to hang out with…"
All the tension bled out of Teruteru's shoulders. A grin spread over his face. "Of course, of course. Silly of me to ask." He chuckled, feeling suddenly weightless. "Well, have you eaten? I haven't seen you all day. I brought you something, just in case."
Kazuichi went silent. Teruteru thought he heard sheets rustling. "So it's…so it's you out there…okay." He sniffed. "Okay, cool. I thought it was…never mind. Um, I-I had snacks, but I ate them already…hold on. Gimme a minute."
Teruteru waited. After about a minute, the door opened just a crack. He looked up, but Kazuichi shuffled behind the door.
"Here, you can just…" He stuck out his hand. "Just give it here."
"Are you serious?" Teruteru pulled back, frowning. "What am I, a delivery boy?"
"W-well, you can't – you can't come in, " Kazuichi said, his voice hoarse. "You're seriously gonna yell at me."
Teruteru pushed on the door, angling away so Kazuichi couldn't grab the basket. "Well, now I'm curious."
"No, dude, c'mon," Kazuichi said, sounding panicky. "I-I can't – you – j-just gimme the food –"
This was ridiculous. With a jolt of inspiration, Teruteru glanced over his shoulder. "Shh…" He held up one finger. "Is someone coming?"
It was a gamble, but it paid off. Kazuichi squeaked, grabbed Teruteru by the wrist, and yanked him inside.
"I don't see anyone," Kazuichi whispered, peering through the crack in the door as Teruteru steadied himself against the wall. "Did you – was that a trick?!"
"Well, I had to get through to you somehow." Teruteru brushed himself off, rolling his shoulders back. "Goodness. You nearly broke my arm. Now where shall I put this…"
He trailed off, staring at the disaster zone in front of him.
It had taken his eyes a few seconds to adjust to the dim light. (Why was it so dark in here, anyway?) Kazuichi had the curtains drawn, and the only light sources were a huge wall-mounted flatscreen TV and an industrial work light pointed at a monstrosity of an engine. The floor was covered in spare parts, tools, tissues, crumpled paper, empty plastic bottles, and snack wrappers. The table was worse. Between a half-gutted antique radio, even more mechanical detritus, paper trash, and a few empty instant ramen cups, there wasn't an inch of clear space to be seen.
"Mother of pearl," Teruteru said, staring slack-jawed.
"You can't yell at me!" Kazuichi folded his arms in on himself. "I-I told you not to come in! Here, gimme that." He reached for the basket, but he froze up as soon as their hands touched. "Uh – a-and, um, th-thank you, I guess. Uh. Y-you didn't have to…I was fine. I am fine. I mean…"
He was babbling to himself now, the way he did whenever he got nervous. Teruteru watched him push half the junk off the table and onto the floor so he could set down the basket. He flipped open the lid and immediately dug into a bowl of mashed potatoes.
"Take your time," Teruteru cautioned, scanning the floor for a safe route to the table. There was only one free chair, and Kazuichi was sitting in it. The other was piled with school books that looked like they hadn't been touched all year. 
"Can't," Kazuichi said with his mouth full. In a hooded sweater, a T-shirt that stuck to his gut, and a ratty pair of sweatpants, he managed to look more disheveled than Teruteru had ever seen him. 
"Yes, you can," Teruteru contradicted. "It's my day off. I packed this up for you from the dinner buffet."
Kazuichi stopped with the spoon halfway to his mouth. His eyes suddenly looked very confused behind the battered rectangular glasses he was wearing. It was a very cute look on him. Sort of a "hungover university student" aesthetic.
"Oh," he said. He swallowed hard, then started eating at a more normal pace.
Teruteru picked his way to the table. He gingerly set the school books on the ground, dusted off the chair, and took a seat. "So these are the fabled glasses," he teased, reaching up to chuck Kazuichi's chin. "Just as I suspected. They look good on you."
Kazuichi squeaked and pulled away. He tried to pull his hood closed, but it got stuck on his frames. Teruteru's heart melted just a little bit.
"Wh-whatever," he mumbled. He finished the mashed potatoes and pulled the basket closer, turning his face away whenever Teruteru tried to get a good look at him. A few minutes passed where Kazuichi ate in silence and Teruteru tried to decide what, if anything, to say about the state of his bedroom.
"I know it's a mess," Kazuichi snapped as Teruteru looked around the room for the thirteenth time. "I've been meaning to get to it, but…there's always too much going on. I'm gonna. It's just, it's – it's overwhelming. Okay? Stop looking at it like that!"
He polished off the plate of roast chicken and pulled forward a bowl of stew, muttering under his breath. Even in the dim light, he looked red.
Teruteru pushed the clutter in front of him aside so he'd have room to rest his chin on his hand. "Overwhelming is a word for it. How do you walk anywhere?"
"I – I know where things are," Kazuichi muttered with his mouth full. "And I kick shit. How else? Jeez!"
He ate mechanically, glancing up every now and then. On the off-chance they made eye contact, he jumped, flushed deeper, and ate faster.
It didn't seem like Kazuichi was in a talkative mood. That wasn't usually a good sign. Teruteru stood up, and Kazuichi's eyes darted towards him.
"Where are you going?" he said through a mouthful of bread. He swallowed hard and turned his attention back to the rolls Teruteru had packed for him. "Not that – not that I care. You can leave if you want. Nobody asked you to be here. N-not that I – I mean, it's not like I mind or anything…"
Teruteru lightly placed his hand on Kazuichi's shoulder. Kazuichi tensed up. 
"Just wanted to let some light in here," Teruteru said, patting his shoulder before picking his way over to the windows. He pulled back the curtains, and the late evening light streamed in. Kazuichi hissed and hunched over his food, and Teruteru laughed. "What are you, a vampire?"
"No," Kazuichi growled, as if that had been a real insult. "I'm tired, that's all. It's hard to sleep when it's light out if the curtains are fucking open, a-and it's hard to get over there, so like…what's the point? I might as well keep them closed."
Teruteru made his way over to the work light and switched it off. From there, the clutter wasn't so bad (it seemed like Kazuichi had worn a path from the engine to the bed to the door), so it didn't take as long to circle back and switch on the overhead light. Kazuichi pulled his hood over his glasses. 
"That's better," Teruteru said, sitting down again.
"No it's not," Kazuichi whimpered. "It looks worse with the lights on." 
Teruteru looked around. It was the difference between a junkyard in the daytime and a junkyard at night, but saying that probably wouldn't be very helpful.
"Well, it could be worse," he said, brushing the back of Kazuichi's left hand with his thumb. Kazuichi jumped and pulled his hand back. Regretfully, Teruteru folded his own hands tightly in front of him. "Alright, alright. Listen, I heard the strangest rumor about you today. I was wondering if you could tell me where it came from."
Judging by the terror on Kazuichi's face, this was not as good a distraction as Teruteru had initially hoped. 
"What – what kind of rumor?" He pushed back his empty dishes and pulled a slice of cake towards himself, the last thing Teruteru had packed for him. He glanced about like he wished there was more. 
"People are saying you slept with Ibuki." Teruteru raised one eyebrow. 
Kazuichi choked. He thumped himself on the chest and tried to protest, but all that came out was strangled wheezing.
"N-no I – that's not true!" He stared wildly up at Teruteru, crumbs all over his face. "I – she – wait, what? That's – why are people saying that?" 
Genuine confusion. So it wasn't true at all. The last of Teruteru's doubt washed away, leaving him irrationally warm inside. 
"Apparently, Hiyoko saw you come out of Ibuki's room this morning?" Teruteru leaned his chin on his hand. "Knowing Hiyoko, it's probably a lie. After all, when would you have had time to –"
"No, no, I know that ," Kazuichi said, looking more confused than ever. "B-but…Ibuki just…she didn't tell?" 
Teruteru blinked. "I'm sorry. You lost me. Tell what?"
"She – but she saw me," Kazuichi said, eyebrows pinching together. "She saw me come out of your room, and – and she knows we're a thing, and – I-I had another one of my dumbass panic attacks and I told her everything, and we talked about – about – stuff." He jerked his hood farther over his face and stuffed the last of the cake into his mouth. "I-I thought she was gonna tell everyone. Didn't she?"
Crumbs on his lips, deep brown eyes behind thin black frames, a heavy blush coloring his chipmunk cheeks… Teruteru scooted his chair a bit closer, and to his immense relief, Kazuichi didn't flinch away.
"I guess not," Teruteru said. "I admit, I did think that it was odd she would sleep with you, given…" He trailed off. Kazuichi's sexuality was a touchy subject at best. Better not to go there. "Given how vocal she is about her preferences," he finished.
Kazuichi pushed back his plate. He sunk back into his chair and scowled as he rested a hand on his stomach.
"I guess," he mumbled. He burped into his fist. "She's…y'know." He glanced up at Teruteru like this was top-secret information. "She's into girls."
Teruteru nodded. "Exactly."
Kazuichi looked shocked. "Wait, what? You already knew?!"
Teruteru laughed. "What, and you didn't?"
"Well –" Kazuichi tugged on his beanie. He burped again and shifted in his seat. "Jeez, we can't all be detectives!"
"It's very obvious," said Teruteru, eyes gleaming. He watched as Kazuichi absently rubbed his stomach. His T-shirt rode up a little, exposing a line of skin that curved over the waistband of Kazuichi's sweatpants. Teruteru had to cross his legs under the table.
Kazuichi slumped, which only made his T-shirt ride up farther. "Fine. Whatever. I'm stupid, I guess. But still, I can't…why didn't she tell anyone? She's just gonna let people think we – we did it?!"
"Apparently she said nothing happened between you two, but didn't elaborate. It seems like most of her friends believe her. I expect she didn't want to out you."
Kazuichi flushed scarlet. He picked at his teeth and looked away. "That's…cool of her, I guess," he mumbled. His stomach gurgled, and he shifted his weight. "Ugh. Shit, I'm full. That was more than it looked like..." He glanced over at Teruteru, not quite meeting his eyes. "You didn't bring anything to drink, did you?"
Teruteru reached into the bottom of the basket and pulled out a bottle of Coke. Kazuichi's face lit up. 
"I compromised my principles for you," Teruteru said as he handed it over. "You're welcome."
"Dude, you're the best!" Kazuichi grabbed it, his old grin erasing the misery from his eyes. "I love you so much right now. Uh, not like – I mean – y-you know what I mean." 
Teruteru's heart skipped a beat. Kazuichi was suddenly only interested in the bottle, his cheeks glowing pink as he twisted the cap off.
"Uh, careful," Teruteru warned. "On the walk up, it probably –"
Too late. Foam fizzed out from the cap, cascading over the sides of the bottle. Kazuichi squawked, and then in one quick motion shoved the bottle halfway down his throat.
Teruteru stared. Kazuichi's mouth worked for a few seconds, and then he pulled the bottle out, shining wet, but clean. He spit the cap out onto the table and took a long drink.
"That's…" Teruteru swallowed. "Impressive."
Kazuichi shrugged. He fiddled with the label. "Oh, that? Um, that's – that's nothing. I mean, I drink a lot of soda, so I'm used to that happening, sometimes…"
They stared at each other. Kazuichi drank the soda much faster than someone trying to settle their stomach logically should. Teruteru watched as his throat bobbed. He didn't stop for breath until he'd finished the whole bottle.
Teruteru nodded, unsure what to say, as Kazuichi slammed down the empty bottle and let out a long belch. He kept glancing at Teruteru out of the corner of his eye, like he was waiting for something.
"Very nice," Teruteru said as Kazuichi rubbed his stomach. "Ten out of ten."
"I-I can go longer," Kazuichi said eagerly, standing up. He leaned heavily against the table and burped again, looking like he regretted the sudden movement. Teruteru had to fight back the urge to grab him by the shirt and kiss him right there. "Here, watch – watch this."
He shuffled across the room, cursing as he stepped on loose screws and God knows what else, until he reached a minifridge that Teruteru hadn't noticed before. It looked like it was made out of at least eight different kinds of metal. 
Kazuichi opened it and pulled out another bottle of Coke. He made his way to his bed, sat on the edge, and stuck the bottle in his mouth. After a moment, he spit the lid out like he did before. He kept glancing at Teruteru in the same anxious, eager way as he drained the bottle, tossed it aside, and let out a good twelve-second belch.
Teruteru's nose was bleeding. He dabbed the blood away with one of the napkins he'd packed.
"Kazuichi, are you flirting with me?" he asked, leaning forward over the table.
"What?" Kazuichi flushed. "No! I-I just – hic! Ah, shit..."  
That did it. Teruteru stood up and made his way across the room as fast as he could, while Kazuichi rubbed his stomach and clamped his mouth shut.
"I'm convinced you're doing this on purpose," Teruteru said as he pushed Kazuichi back so he could climb over his lap. Kazuichi covered his mouth and averted his eyes.
"On purpose?! D-don't be dumb. I just – hic! " He hunched his shoulders. "God…i-it's a cool trick, right? I thought – hic! – I thought you'd like it."
His voice had died to a barely-audible mumble. He jerked his beanie low over his eyes and ended up dislodging his glasses. 
"How so?" Teruteru chuckled as he pushed Kazuichi's glasses back into place. "Tell me exactly what you thought I'd like about it, Kazuichi. Walk me through your thought process."
"W-well…" Kazuichi hiccuped and let out a low burp. He grimaced and pressed his fingers into the side of his stomach. "Jeez, do I really have to spell it out? You're – hic! – y-you're into that shit!"
The laugh that bubbled out of Teruteru's gut wasn't nearly as suave as he would have liked. It was dangerously close to being a giggle. "Just like I thought," he said, cupping Kazuichi's face and ever so slightly squishing his cheeks. "You are flirting with me."
Kazuichi gulped. Teruteru watched his throat bob. "I – well – hic! – ugh. Fine, I guess!"
And before Teruteru had time to celebrate actually making Kazuichi admit it, Kazuichi slipped his hand behind Teruteru's neck and shoved their mouths together.
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
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Killed for a Hopeful Future (Nagito Komaeda x Reader)
Warnings: Angst, mentions of suicide, domestic stuff, detailed descriptions of murder, mentions of v/mit, potential spoilers???
Mod Ibuki: Another piece me and @call-me-ko worked on together! Execution based off this fan-made one! I hope you enjoy!
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Sobs were all that could be heard throughout the small cottage.
Heavy, distraught sobs.
Nagito sat in his bed, the bed Y/N often accompanied him in. Heavy sobs racked his body. He doesn't think he's cried this hard in his entire life.
His love, his world, was gone.
It was like they were taken right out from under him.
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One gunshot wound to the chest and bruises around their neck. Their leg looked broken, probably from the fall.
Y/N's body was hung from the door of strawberry house and dropped all the way to grape house's floor. Blood was everywhere due to the gunshot wound.
When Nagito saw, he thought he was going to die himself. No one told him that they were the victim. They just said they didn't know who it was yet.
He didn't get to say goodbye
He didn't get to tell them that he loved them.
He didn't-
"Nagito!" Fuyuhiko yelled. Nagito swung his head around, glaring at him.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Nagito stated. Fuyuhiko stayed quiet. "Simple question. Is it really that hard to answer?" He snapped. Fuyuhiko didn't say anything. Kazuichi shakily sighed. "W-We didn't want to make you panic."
Nagito scoffed. "A little late for that, isn't it?"
Nagito investigated your body himself. He didn't trust anyone. You were loved by everyone here, and yet you still died. It didn't add up.
Bing Bong Bing Bong
Bing Bong Bing Bong
"Nagito... it's time for the trial." Hajime mumbled apologetically. Nagito nodded slowly.
"Give me a minute..." He responded. "Of course." Hajime said softly, moving to the elevator.
Nagito dropped to his knees in front of them. Tears started streaming down his face.
"Who did this? Angel...who did this to you?" He mumbled, stroking Y/N's head. "I promise...your killer will get what they deserve." Nagito placed a kiss on their forehead.
He began making his way towards the elevator.
Justice would be served
"The murder occurred at around 5:30 am." Hajime started.
"The murder weapon was a noose found at the scene, but they also had a wound in their chest. I think a gunshot. That could be the cause of death as well." Chiaki added.
"It was the cause of death." Nagito interrupted. "How else could they have fallen?"
"Fallen...?" Chiaki asked. Nagito scoffed.
"I'm not looking to play games this trial. I want to know the blackened as soon as I possibly can so let me tell you this so you can put everything together." Nagito said angrily.
"Strawberry house and grape house are connected. It's an elevator. Y/N died beforehand via gunshot. That means the killer went to the Final Dead Room. I would know because I went there. The elevator won't move if a living thing is detected. It moved because they were dead already. The killer tied a noose around their neck and tied the other end to the doorknob. Then, they activated the elevator. Eventually, Y/N would fall because that's how gravity works. Now, figure out who killed them." Nagito snapped. He explained the murder in perfect detail, no flaw.
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With Nagito's explanation, soon enough they found the killer.
"Gundham...why did you do it?" Hajime asked, a solemn expression painted onto his features. 
Gundham stood silent. After a moment, he took a breath.
"We had a plan." He muttered. "Please explain." Hajime requested, taking a few glances at a fuming Nagito.
"Y/N and I agreed that we would allow all of you to escape at the expense of our lives. I completed the Final Dead Room, and we planned the murder from there." Gundham started.
"We wanted you to survive. Y/N didn't go down without a fight, nor did I. I request you remember that." Gundham looked towards Nagito. He dug through his pocket and pulled out a key. He walked over to Nagito and held it out.
"It is the key to their cottage. I didn't know if you had one or not, either or I assumed they'd want you to have it." Nagito took the key silently.
"I don't expect forgiveness, nor do I want it. But one thing I want you all to carry from mine and Y/N's demise is that you must always fight. Do not go down without one."
With that, Gundham was dragged to his execution.
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And that's how he ended up in his room clutching a piece of your clothing while he bawled his eyes out.
Bing Bong Bing Bong
Bing Bong Bing Bong
"Please make your way to Jabberwock Park! Not attending will result in immediate death! See you soon! Puhuhuhuhu~"
Nagito looked at the monitor. Should he even attend? He didn't care whether he died or not.
After contemplation he decided to go. He dried his eyes and placed your belonging neatly on his bed. Nagito made his way out the door and to Jabberwock Park.
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Upon arrival, everyone gave him pitied stares. He looked horrible, worse than he usually did, and he knew that.
"Are you alright?" Chiaki spoke. Nagito looked at her and stuffed his hands into his pockets.
"No, not really. But you shouldn't worry! I'll be fine." That was a lie, even he didn't believe it.
"Allow me to introduce the new motive. Future visions!" Monokuma announced. Everyone rolled their eyes.
"We aren't gonna do that shit!" Fuyuhiko screamed. "Yeah, like we'd believe it!" Nekomaru hollered after. Nagito stayed silent.
Future visions? He didn't believe in any of that, but it's worth a look, right?
When everyone left Jabberwock Park, mainly out of anger towards Monokuma, Nagito looked at the vision motive.
A character select button appeared on a screen that seemingly came out of nowhere. He selected himself. A video began to load.
"Alright, let's go see baba." Nagito cooed. He took his daughter's hands and gently pulled her to her feet. The baby giggled in response.
"Ready? One step at a time." Nagito looked up at Y/N. They sat on the other side of the living room, smiling at the two. Nagito gave them a bright smile. With small steps of his own, he guided their daughter in Y/N's direction.
Their child shook their hands from Nagito's. Nagito let go and smiled, keeping close behind her.
Y/N opened their arms and their daughter stumbled into them. Nagito hurried over with a wide smile.
"You did it, baby! I'm so proud of you!" Nagito cheered. His daughter crawled out of Y/N's arms and into his. She rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"And you say she isn't a daddy's girl." Y/N teased. Nagito smiled and kissed his daughter's cheek over and over, earning a giggle in response.
"Yeah, I guess I see where you're coming from." Nagito leaned forward and gave you a kiss.
"I love you, angel." "I love you too, Nagi."
Nagito stared at the screen with a mix of horror and awe. He moved his hands towards his pale face and rubbed his temples. He took his hand and selected Y/N’s character.
“Daddy! Higher!” His daughter giggled, gripping the chains of the swing. Nagito chuckled
“A little higher, okay?” Nagito compromised. She giggled and nodded. “Okay daddy!”
Y/N smiled from next to Nagito, watching as he booped her nose every time the swing came towards him.
“Baba! Look how high I’m going!” Their daughter called. Y/N giggled and nodded.
“I see! You’re almost as tall as me and daddy from up there!” Y/N said, a smile gracing their features. Nagito nodded in agreement, a huge smile on his face. He turned his head to face his lover.
“Look how happy she is.” He mumbled, chuckling everytime she giggled.
“Daddy keep pushing me!” She said when he stopped for a moment. Nagito laughed and continued pushing the swing.
“She really is such a happy kid.” Y/N smiled throughout their sentence. Nagito wrapped one arm around Y/N’s waist and used the other to push the swing.
That was his future? Or would’ve been?
Nagito put his forehead against the screen and started crying again.
He couldn’t help but feel selfish because he wanted that more than anything.
Soon enough his tears turned to crazed wheezes, laughter shaking his body.
Hope and despair mixed in his eyes once again. He had nothing to lose…
So why not get himself killed? Or better yet get them killed. It's all their fault after all, Y/N did nothing to them yet they had to die.
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Bing Bong Bing Bong
Bing Bong Bing Bong
“A body has been discovered! Please make your way to the warehouse on the fifth island!”
Everyone dropped what they were doing and made their way to the warehouse next to the factory while Nagito took his time. Everything went according to plan. Now all he had to do was wait. Whether he survived the trial or not didn’t matter much to him, since one way or another he would die.
Suicide or execution was the question now.
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“The victim is Nekomaru Nidai, the Ultimate Team Manager. The murder weapon is unknown, but definitely a tool of some sorts as he was taken apart.” Hajime started. 
“Trip wire was found at the scene.” Kazuichi added. “So we can assume that was definitely used, especially since he has scratched on his ankles. Well, as scratched as metal can be.”
“Killer probably pressed the power button after using the trip wire, right?” Fuyuhiko questioned. Hajime nodded. “Most likely.”
Sonia put a finger to her chin. “So what you are saying is the killer used tripwire, and then powered Nekomaru off?” Hajime nodded again.
“Who would want to kill Nekomaru? He was so kind to us all.” Akane muttered. “I can’t answer that, I wish I could. But for now all we can do is find his killer.” And with that the trial was officially underway.
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“So this is how it happened.” Hajime started. “Nekomaru was lured to the factory’s warehouse by an anonymous letter. He assumed whoever it was he would be able to handle, so he expected a fight. What he didn’t expect was tripwire a few feet away from the door. With his height, I wouldn’t expect him to see it either. Nor would I expect it myself. After Nekomaru fell into the tripwire, his head slammed into the floor, causing him to be weakened for a moment. It may not have been a long moment, but it was enough for the killer to rush into action and press his power button on the back of his neck. When the power button was pressed and Nekomaru was officially powered off, the killer took him apart using a variety of tools found at the market. This explains the mess of oil we found. The killer scattered his parts all around the warehouse and factory, thus leading to us having to find the parts and put them together for investigation.”
Hajime turned to the podium across from his.
“Isn’t that right, Nagito Komaeda? The Ultimate Lucky Student…”
Nagito smiled that crazed grin of his. His eyes were swirling with hope and despair once again.
“Yep! You are absolutely right!” He laughed. Hajime winced while Akane banged on her podium in sheer anger.
“Why, Nagito?” Hajime asked. Nagito continued to laugh. “Isn’t it obvious? I wanted to die!” He said as if it was nothing. Akane growled. “So why didn’t you kill yourself!?” Nagito’s laughs died down, his emotions doing a complete 180.
“Because I wanted to kill you all as well.” He said simply. Everyone looked as if they’d seen a ghost.
“W-What?” Hajime whispered. “Did I stutter? You guys were the reason Y/N died! Y-You took them away from me!” Nagito screamed. He dropped to his knees behind his podium, sobs beginning to consume him once again.
“I-I could’ve had a life with them...We w-would’ve been happy a-and I w-would’ve had a d-daughter.” Nagito mumbled weakly. “I just want Y/N...I-I want to see Y/N. P-Please just kill me already.” He pleaded.
Everyone looked at him with a mixture of sadness, pity, and fear.
“Who am I to disobey?” Monokuma said. “W-Wait, we need to talk more! We have more questions, bastard!” Fuyuhiko cursed. Monokuma ignored him. Nagito continued sobbing and clutching his podium.
“Let’s give it everything we’ve got! It’s punishment time!”
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Nagito was set up straight, strapped to a wheel similar to one you’d see on a gameshow. Every section other than him was either Monomi or Monokuma.
Monokuma spun the wheel, causing him to start spinning with it.
It landed on Monomi.
Monokuma spun the wheel again. A wave of nausea hitting Nagito like a truck as his head began pounding.
It landed on Monokuma.
The wheel was spun once again. Nagito laid cursing his luck as he began throwing up in his mouth from the constant motion sickness.
The torture continued for nearly 15 minutes. A vicious cycle of spinning and choking on his own vomit.
Monokuma spun one last time, the wheel finally landing on Nagito. He smiled, elated that the torture was finally over.
Before he could blink, copious amounts of spears fired towards him. Out of many, only three struck him.
Two in each of his legs, and one in his chest.
As he slowly bled to death, all he could think about was one thing.
He was going to see them again.
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sdr2lovemail · 3 years
Ultimate Imposter x Reader 2: The Electric Boogaloo)
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Shoutout to @insert-an-original-name-here for giving me the chance of writing something this great.
This instalment gets kinda sad, has at least three moments meant for comedic value, and reader and Imposter have romantic tension that they are oblivious to as they have to focus on the killing game.
This is a part two to this. I suggest you read that first.
⚔Mod Peko⚔
You both die in this one (ft. Ultimate Imposter/Byakuya Twogami)
Ever since the night of the party you and Twogami have been inseparable. You guys have grown incredibly close in the time of you two being on the committee together. True to your word you guys have been working together to keep the island a safe place. No matter if it’s deterring your classmates away from Monokuma’s motives or breaking up a simple fight. The both of you have been a mostly unstoppable force.
But sadly not everyone will listen.
Many classmates were dropping like flies. Murder after murder execution after execution. Despite trying to keep a positive outlook on things it was starting to feel like there was no hope. But you know you must keep going. Not just for the rest of the class. But for everyone else that had to die.
It was the morning after a trial and everyone was gathered in the restaurant for breakfast. Gundham was struck down by Teruteru. The chef caught the despair disease while helping Mikan serve meals to those that were sick. Gundham just so happened to be the patient that was unfortunate enough to be the victim. It’s frightening that Monokuma has the power to spread a disease that can drive someone to kill. What’s more frightening is that it could’ve been Twogami that was killed.
He was also in the hospital sick with that disease. And with no way to contact him directly you were worrying yourself sick. The moment that body discovery announcement went off. You will always remember that feeling of absolute despair. Worried could not begin to describe what you felt for your friend. The feeling of relief knowing that he was okay will never be forgotten either.
With the opening of a fourth island, it was time for the Jabberwock Island Health and Safety Committee to begin their meeting.
“Now then, we will all separate into duos to cover as much area as possible. I assume you are all mature enough to pick your own groups. If we hear a single argument break out we will be more than happy to put you in groups ourselves.” Twogami said as he looked over the notes you had written the night before. “Once you have situated yourself with a partner please come to me so I may write them down.”
Taking a break from eating their breakfast everyone begins to discuss partners.
The groups being: [Name] and Twogami, Mikan and Akane, Fuyuhiko and Chiaki, Hajime and Kazuichi, and Nagito and Sonia.
When breakfast had been finished everyone made their way to the 4th island bridge. The monobeast stationed there was defeated by Monomi sometime before. Walking with their partners everyone enters….an amusement park? Looking around the entrance you give one last message before you depart.
“Okay guys! We will all go and explore the park and we’ll meet back up in front of-” You take a minute to read the sign. “...Nezumi Castle in an hour. Let’s all do our very best to find a way out!” And with that you all went in separate ways.
After a few minutes of walking you and Twogami come across what is said to be a horror house. Doesn’t look very scary though. Twogami walked ahead to open the door but was stopped by Monomi.
“You can’t go in! Students must respect their teacher's privacy!” She turns to face her house and is surprised by the destruction of it. “Wha-Wha-What?! When did this happen!?”
Startled by Monomi’s sudden appearance he takes a step back. So this really is Monomi’s house. But what did she need a house for? It's not like she had to sleep. Stepping up to where Twogami stands you begin to question her.
“You don’t know that your own house was defaced? I thought you were monitoring the island at all times. Could we perhaps bribe you to let us in?” Monomi begins to freak out at the mention of bribery.
“Bribery is a big no-no! You children are so bad...” She begins to get teary eyed. “I-I better not see you try to break in or….or I’ll get mad!” She tries to give the two of you an angry face before she quickly apologises and vanishes.
“Alright so we can’t go into this house. What kinda secrets could she be keeping in there?” Pulling out your e-handbook you begin to look at the map. Twogami looks over your shoulder to see where the two of you currently stand. “Hm, there seems to be some kind of a funhouse if we keep following this path-”
*Bing Bond Ding Dong*
You were interrupted by the monitor's tone. Looking up at the screen attached to Monomi’s house you see Monokuma.
“Ahem. Everyone please head to the rollercoaster on the 4th island.” And just like that it shuts off. That wasn’t a body discovery announcement. What could that bear want now? Could it be another motive this soon? Looking at each other with an expression of worry, you begin to run towards the rollercoaster.
Slowing down into a walk the rest of the class has already arrived. Once there you see Monokuma at the front of the crowd. He’s impatiently tapping his foot and looking at his wrist as if there’s a watch present. Realizing that everyone is present he begins to speak.
“Geez! You kids are so slow! I don’t even want to tell you about the amazing prize I have prepared for you all. I should execute you for wasting my time! However, that would be a despair-inducing fanfic ending if I did that.” What is he talking about? “Since I’m so very generous I have decided to give it to you after everyone rides the roller coaster.”
At the mention of going on the ride Kazuichi begins to turn green. He must get sick on rides. Before he can speak up, Fuyuhiko starts to talk first.
“How do we know this isn’t some trick? What if the prize is just some dumbass motive?”
Fuyuhiko proves a good point. What if this is some ploy to get you all to kill each other. You’ll pass on that. You all begin to leave but you all do not go far as Monokuma begins to yell out.
“Hold it! I can assure you that this prize is 100% not an official motive! Bear’s honor! If you all see what I give you and decide to start the killing then that's on you.”
Anything that comes out of the bear’s mouth is bound to come with strings attached. Nonetheless you all board the coaster after Sonia’s attempt at making it sound like a fun bonding experience. Kazuichi puts up a fight before he’s shoved in by Akane. After everyone is buckled in, the train takes off on the course. Various screams of both terror and enjoyment are heard. You were having the time of your life! Moments like this were rare when you had to fend for your life.
Looking at Twogami to see if he’s having just as much fun as you were, you see him holding on to the safety bar like his life depended on it. His eyes were tightly closed and his face was scrunched. Looks like he’s not a fan of fast rides. His grip only let up once you were all back at the station.
You seemed to be correct about Kazuichi’s motion sickness as he looks about ready to throw up. And poor Mikan seems as if she'll burst into tears at any second. You and your classmates, with the exception of a few, excitedly talked about how fun the ride was. Though the joyous moment was cut short as Monokuma re-entered the picture.
“Upupupupu! Now that you’ve ridden the ride, here's your reward!” From out of thin air he proceeds to pull out a black file with the Future Foundation’s crest on it. This may be useful in uncovering their identity. “Once you’re done having a look, meet me at the funhouse for another beautiful prize!” Nagito takes the folder from his paws. And as quick as he came he left. Everyone gathered around as Nagito opened the file.
Inside was information about a killing school life that happened at Hope’s Peak Academy. Which means this has happened before? Nagito then flips a page revealing the six survivors of that previous murder game. A certain picture causes everyone to pause.
“T-Twogami?! Why is your picture here?”
“There was a previous killing game at Hope’s Peak?”
“Hey Twogami! Why wouldn’t you bring this up before?!”
“Ah! Is the s-same mastermind responsible for that one in charge of t-this killing game?”
“There’s no way the teachers or the police would allow such a messed up thing to happen!”
Questions were being asked one after another. Imposter was panicking underneath the costume. They had no memory of Byakuya being in a killing game. Has their talent failed them? This was supposed to be the perfect cover. They had to think of something to say!
But they were luckily saved as you began to speak.
“Well if all of our memories were taken, then that would mean Twogami forgot that he was in a killing game. So it makes sense that he wouldn’t tell us.” All eyes were on you. No one said a thing before Sonia nodded in agreement.
“Yes, I believe our friend Twogami would not simply lie about something like this. I know that he wouldn’t keep anything like that a secret.” Everyone began to murmur in agreement. No one wanted to doubt Twogami. But you had to admit this did look a little suspicious.
“Well let’s hope that Twogami isn’t working with the mastermind hehehe. It would be so unfortunate if he was betraying us.” Nagito spouts out. With a growl Akane steps up to the lucky student.
“Why do you wanna doubt Twogami so bad huh? You wanna be restrained again? That it?” Akane begins to crack her knuckles and get into a fighting stance.
Nagito holds his free hand up in surrender and gives Akane a smile. “No, but just think about it. Why would someone who survived one killing game enter another? If he were in cahoots with the mastermind he could be telling them all types of things about us.”
Before anyone could retaliate a familiar tone rings out and the monitors flip on.
“Ahem! I thought I told you all to meet me at the funhouse. Wasting your poor headmaster’s time like this is inexcusable! Everyone report to the funhouse now!”
Looking amongst yourselves, you all begin to walk for the funhouse.
Upon arrival, Monokuma is there.
“Alright! For your next prize everyone needs to get on the train!
Kazuichi pulls his beanie over his eyes. “Uggghhhh, another ride? I’m still feeling sick from the last one!”
Hearing the complaint, Monokuma extracts his claws from his left paw. Not wanting to become sashimi, everyone boards the train with their partner. The train begins to pull away as you look at Twogami.
“This train is much slower than the rollercoaster. No need for you to grip the safety bar here.” You teased.
Rolling his eyes, Twogami responds. “Tch, laugh all you want. I still- What the hell?!” He cannot finish his sentence as gas begins to fill the tunnel. This was a trap! You cover your face in an attempt to avoid breathing the fumes. But it’s futile as everything goes black.
No one knows how much time has passed since this funhouse became a prison. Your body began to give up on itself. The lack of food, the daily exercise, and the absolutely nauseating environment was doing a number on everyone. This funhouse was no fun at all.
You and Mikan were running yourselves dry trying to take care of everyone. As time passed Imposter grew increasingly worried. Though they swore they wouldn’t get attached to anyone, they’ve started to care about you. This normally went against what they did. Being the ultimate imposter they had to be ready to change and go. Growing attached would mean feelings and feelings meant it would be harder to skip town. Imposter felt bad about lying to you. The file Monokuma had given out and Nagito’s mistrusting words were in the back of everyone's mind. While everyone said they trusted Twogami there was still suspicion.
They felt bad being this close to you. Letting you think that they’re the real Byakuya felt wrong. They had a plan to get everyone out of here. But before it was put into motion they wanted to come clean.
It was currently after a rigorous session of Monokuma Tai Chi. Everyone felt as if their bodies were going to give out at any moment. Chiaki and Akane were doing their best to keep Mikan in bed. The nurse had fainted from overexertion. Yet she still wanted to try and treat everybody. You wanted to try and help her but were also put on bed rest. As the ultimate leader you felt….useless. Being forced to lie around while everybody had to fend for themselves. It just felt wrong.
Lying in bed accompanied by a dreamless slumber, a knock suddenly interrupts. It takes a minute for you to reach the door. Your body is crumpling under its own weight. Finally reaching the door reveals Twogami on the other side. Seeing your weakened state he guides you back to bed and sits you down. He’s standing in front of you with quite the serious expression.
“Twogami….my friend. How..How you holding up?” You have to take a breath after practically every word.
“I have something very important I must discuss with you.” His cold voice sucks any trace of joy out of the room. Did something bad happen?
“The Byakuya Twogami you know is nothing more than a fake.”
“I am not Byakuya Togami.” Imposter proceeds to remove the glasses and mask to reveal sleeked black hair and cool grey eyes. “I am known as the ultimate imposter. I have no name, gender, or story of my own. I am nothing more than the identities I put on.”
Wow. Okay that’s a lot to take in at once. This whole time you were all talking to a fake?
“So...The whole time we were friends...was it all fake? Was everything you said to me a lie?”
“No. Despite myself not existing, despite there not being a real me. What I felt being your friend felt...real.”
“Have you...told the others?”
“I have not. I felt you deserved to be the first to know.”
You feel kinda betrayed. But in a way you also don’t. It’s their ultimate to be someone they’re not. And you don’t think the real Byakuya would have gone through all the trouble to get to know you like that. You’ve heard stories about the Togami family and friends were very unwelcome there. Looking down at the disgustingly bright patterned floor you began to think. You were going to believe in this imposter. You were going to believe in your friend.
Standing up on shaky legs you stand tall in front of them. With your arms behind your back it resembles the first confrontation the two of you ever had. You outstretch your hand towards them. Your fingers are trembling from the lack of nutrition.
“If everything you told me was true...I want you to shake my hand. This handshake will prove it. And if it is true...I would love to still be together with you. Both for the committee...and as friends.”
They stare at the outstretched hand before them. It seems as if they were trapped in thought for a second. A moment passes before they wrap their hand around your own and give it a firm shake. They offer you a small smile in which you return.
“And, if you’re up for it of course, we can have a meeting together to discuss you telling everyone else your secret.”
“Actually there was another thing I wanted to discuss with you.”
Sluggishly everyone rises from their slumber to head for Grape Tower. According to the wall clocks it’s 7:00am. But with no windows or announcements no one truly knows what time it is. Hajime meets up with Sonia and Chiaki at the staircase. Once he slowly walks closer he sees that Mikan is also there with an arm around both students to stabilize her. Exchanging tired greetings the four of them head down the stairs.
*Ding dong dong ding*
“A body has been discovered. Everyone please make your way to the Grape house and begin the investigation.”
In front of the four students lay a body. The body of the Ultimate Leader. If it weren’t for the pool of blood it would simply look as if you were sleeping. Mikan and Sonia let out screams of despair as Chiaki and Hajime can only stare in stunned silence. Akane comes barreling down the stairs as fast as her weak body can take her. She freezes up upon seeing your body.
“Upupupu! Looks like the half of the bossy duo was put to rest! By the way I came bearing gifts! Dun dun dun! Milk and bread! And it doesn’t stop there. It’s the Monokuma file-”
“There will be no need for that.”
Everyone including Monokuma looks over and sees Twogami and the rest of Strawberry House’s residents exit the elevator.
“We do not need this file as there will be no investigation. Let us proceed to the trial immediately.”
“Hmmmmm, a trial in which no one is prepared? Sounds like a good time! One moment please.”
*Bing bong ding dong*
“Since your good pal Twogami thinks he runs the place. Ahem! The investigation is now over. Please head over to Monokuma Rock for the class trial!”
“Twogami what are you doing?!”
“Trust me I have everything under control.”
Everyone is at their podiums and the trial begins. Though no one is really sure to start as they only got to look at your body for a couple of minutes. Mikan didn’t even get the chance to perform an autopsy.
“Now then I will provide the rules for this trial-”
“Shut up. You will not get the satisfaction of a trial as I am fessing up here and now. I am the one who murdered [Name], the ultimate leader.”
The silence in the trial room is deafening. All anyone can do is stare in disbelief. Even Monokuma was in a state of shock. Twogami was just gonna come out and say it like that. It’s like he doesn’t fear death! From beside Hajime, Kazuichi pipes up.
“This guy is crazy! He must be working with the mastermind. H-He’s lying to get us killed-!”
“You shut up too. I can assure you that I am not lying and I’m not working with this mastermind. In fact there is something else I would like to say.” Everyone stares in anticipation. From the corner of Imposter’s eye they can see Nagito smiling. “The reason that Byakuya Togami was in that book and the reason that it does not add up that he would be in another killing game is simple.” Imposter removes all traces of the Togami identity.
“I am not Byakuya Togami.”
Sounds of confusion ring out from everyone besides Monokuma and Nagito. They were an imposter the whole time?!
A baffled Fuyuhiko speaks up. “What..What the hell do you mean by that?!”
“Isn’t it simple Fuyuhiko? Who we thought to be the ultimate affluent progeny was in fact the ultimate imposter!” Nagito says just a bit too gleefully.
“Ultimate...Imposter?” Chiaki looks over at the mystery person next to her.
“The only person that I have shared my secret with was [Name]. And do note that they were in on this murder plan as well. Allow me to explain what happened.”
Back at a previous place in the fic, You and Imposter are sitting on your bed in the funhouse. Imposter’s expression is serious and their body is tense. They had just come out to you about their true, or lack of, identity. You accepted them but the conversation will not stop there.
“I plan to use myself as a sacrifice. I will lay down my life for the rest of you to escape. I have cleared the Final Dead Room and have equipped myself with the means to make my passing easy.”
You are silent as tears begin to well up in your eyes. Looking down you take their hands in your own.
“I’m sorry but I can’t let you do that. What’s the health and safety committee without both of its members? If that’s the case then...then I believe we should go down together. Like some despair filled Romeo and Juliet. At least I think that’s how the book was...I never read it.”
Imposter lets out a small chuckle at your joke before the smile turns bittersweet. You both want what's best for the rest of the class. But for either of you to die would hurt the other.
“[Name], this is my responsibility. I cannot allow your life to end as well.”
Abruptly standing up from the bed, taking a moment as that was a lot for your malnourished body, you stand tall in front of Imposter. Setting your arms behind your back and with your chin raised you begin to command.
“To the imposter formerly known as Byakuya Twogami! I, the Ultimate Leader, demand you to allow me to be a part of your sacrifice!.” You slowly reach forward to grab their hands once more. “Not just as fellow members of the committee, not even as fellow members of the same class. But...together as just the two of us.”
Looking down at your connected hands, Imposter sits in thought. Closing their eyes they let out a sign. Looking back at you they begin to speak with a smile.
“I should've known you would be too stubborn to back down without a fight. Okay, we will start the new plan immediately. Only time can tell how long is left for our bodies.”
“Oh, before we begin there’s something I’d like to give you.” Reaching into your pocket you pull out that same handkerchief Imposter had given you the night of the party. “I washed it a while ago but with all the stuff happening around us I kinda forgot to give it back.” You gently set the cloth in their palm.
Looking down at the handkerchief, Imposter is feeling something strange. Like something like this has happened before. What an odd feeling.
They softly take your hand and set the cloth in your hand. They then close your fingers around the item.
“Keep it. Consider it a memento of our bond. Though our story is ending here, our leadership will live on.”
Wiping the stray tears from your eyes, you bring Imposter into a hug. You feel a sense of remembrance from being in their hold. Like you’ve done this before. Pulling away you look into their eyes and give them a smile.
“Alright! Time for Jabberwock Island’s Health and Safety Committee to have their final meeting!”
“And that’s what had taken place.”
The trial room was silent. Not even Nagito had any remarks. The sacrifice the two of you had made struck them deep. The fact that you would use your own lives to keep everyone safe.
“Now then Monokuma please commence the voting. I want every vote to be for me.”
With a unanimous result, the Ultimate Imposter had been found guilty. There was now only a matter of time before they were dragged away to their death. There was not much to be said. Everybody stepped down from their podiums to give their final words but nothing came out. It wasn’t long before Hajime broke the silence.
“Ultimate Imposter. I thank you *and* [Name] for your sacrifice and everything you’ve done to keep us safe this far. We will not let you both die in vain.”
One after another your classmates begin to share their gratitude. Nagito and Kazuichi even apologizing for assuming they were working for the mastermind. This hope filled moment was interrupted by Monokuma announcing that it was time for the punishment.
With their head held high, Imposter began to walk towards their demise. And in their final moments they were glad to be able to do their best in keeping everyone safe.
[Remnant RECOVERY Simulation Complete]
[Pod will open in…3..2..1..]
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pearlsephoni · 3 years
Shinkane Week Day 7: Of Bourbon and Wine (Free Day)
Can also be read on AO3!
Rating: T
Fandom: Psycho-Pass
Pairing: Shinkane (Kogami/Akane)
Characters: Akane Tsunemori, Shinya Kogami, Shion Karanomori
Summary: A rare night off finds Akane and Kogami at the same bar, where stories shared between old friends give way to dormant desires.  
A/N: Author’s notes can be read on AO3.
Akane wished she were at home. 
It was Shion’s fault she was at this bar. Her friend had told her, in very kind words, that she had a moral obligation to take herself out on the town. “If I hear you spent another weekend here or in your apartment, I might die of vicarious boredom.” 
“Don’t ‘san’ me,” Shion had tutted with a triumphant smile. “You only ever do that when you’re trying to put me off, and that means I’m right. Let me doll you up a little, lend you a dress, and then you can go out, have some fun, and tell me all about it.” When Akane still didn’t agree, Shion went so far as to pout. “Please, Akane-chan, I can only have fun like that vicariously through you.” 
Shion was stubborn, but she wasn’t unreasonable. Her adjustments to Akane’s makeup didn’t go beyond a bit of added shadow to her eyelids and a darker red to her lips, and her hair was only waved just a bit. What Shion did put her foot down for was the outfit.
Which was how Akane now found herself sitting at the bar in a tight, sparkly, long-sleeved red dress that only reached to her midthigh, paired with black heels she’d had to dig out from the back of her closet. Shion wasn’t that much taller than her, but if the borrowed dress only reached the middle of Akane’s thighs...well, no wonder Shion had insisted she wear it. Tonight was probably the first time it had been worn in a while. 
“Ma’am?” The voice broke through her thoughts, and her gaze jerked up to meet the bartender’s. “The gentleman over there had this sent to you.” A frosty glass of red wine was gently set in front of her, and she followed the bartender’s finger to a man on the opposite end of the bar. 
He had dark, lightly tousled hair, and was wearing a snug grey henley. He was handsome, there was no denying that, and Akane’s lips automatically quirked to match the small smile on his face, but she didn’t make any moves to reach for the wine glass. She could practically hear Shion sighing in disappointment - all that work to dress her up for a night out, only for her to turn down the first man to express interest in her. 
Though...she hadn’t turned him down, not really. If she just sipped at the drink and flashed another smile, that would be enough to express her interest. It was easy. It was simple. It was-
“Fancy seeing you here.” 
And just like that, the drink and the man across the bar were forgotten. “...Kogami-san?” 
“Yo.” He slid into the stool next to her with an easy smile, his white button-down and dark jeans making him look more at home in the social space than Akane would’ve ever expected to see from him. “I never thought I’d find you in a place like this.” 
“I could say the same to you,” Akane retorted, though her smile robbed her words of any bite. “What brings you here?” 
“Thought I’d visit some old haunts, see what’s changed since I could last go out on the town. Shion mentioned this place was still standing, and I wanted to see it for myself. What about you?”
Realization dawned on Akane, her mind flipping through Shion’s insistent pleas. She had been strangely determined to get Akane out, almost to the point of desperation. Of course...of course she knew he would be here. “Shion...was very insistent that I come out tonight. She did my makeup, let me borrow a dress, the works.” 
Understanding fell over Kogami’s face, followed very quickly by amusement. “And here I was wondering what the special occasion was. I have Shion to thank for this?” 
“Sure. You look nice...really nice.” There was an air of nonchalance in the way Kogami shrugged, but it didn’t stop Akane from feeling flustered when he glanced away to sip at his bourbon. 
“I...thank you. So do you.” 
“Thanks.” The small smile he flashed was warm, and Akane felt suddenly restless, her fingers automatically seeking out the stem of the wine glass that was now beading up with condensation. Kogami’s eyes followed her movements, and his smile turned a little bitter. “I’d offer to buy you a drink, but it looks like someone beat me to it.” 
“What? Oh, I-” Her hand jerked back from the glass, panic suddenly clashing with the strange giddiness that was bubbling up in her. The bartender had long since moved on to serve other patrons, and when she looked down the bar, the man in the henley was nowhere to be seen. “I didn’t- I don’t want- wait.” She turned back to Kogami with a frown tinged with playfulness, her nerves immediately calmed with the chance to change the subject. “How did you know someone else bought it for me?” 
“It doesn’t look like you’ve even sipped at it...and you don’t really strike me as someone who likes red wine enough to order it.”  
“Oh? What do you think I would order for myself?” 
It didn’t make sense to her that eyes the color of rain clouds and ocean waves could emanate warmth. But whenever Kogami looked at her, really looked at her, like he did now, she could feel something like a flickering flame licking through her and making her blood rise into a flush on her cheeks and the tips of her ears. 
“You would order plum wine.” His smile broadened at her wide eyes. “Am I right?” 
“I’m glad your detective skills haven’t gotten rusty,” she muttered, pulling a soft laugh from Kogami. 
“Well, Inspector, can I buy you a drink?” 
“Only if you promise not to call me Inspector for the rest of the night.” 
His smile was enigmatic as he waved down the bartender, placing an order for a glass of sweet plum wine. 
Conversation flowed as easily as the wine and bourbon over the next few hours. They couldn’t share information about the cases their departments were working on, but Kogami could share stories of his trips to Masaoka’s grave with Ginoza, and the way Sugo couldn’t stop sneezing whenever Dime joined the team for outdoor training. In turn, Akane offered stories of Sho’s rare moments of quiet confidence when he noticed something the rest of Division One missed, and the few times Yayoi got visibly annoyed with Shimotsuki. 
“I shouldn’t say it, but it is a little cathartic when she frowns at Mika,” Akane laughed with a guilty smile. “Yayoi’s the only one who can get away with it without getting a whole lecture on ‘respect.’” 
“Shimotsuki’s scolded even you?” 
“She used to. Nowadays she’s settled for a general sense of annoyance towards me.” 
“I’ve heard stories about her from Sugo,” Kogami chuckled, “but I didn’t think they got so bad.” His eye caught Akane’s as he sipped at his drink, and she didn’t bother trying to hide the fond smile that pulled at her lips as she watched him. “What?” 
“It’s just...nice, seeing you like this. You look relaxed, almost at home.” 
“Mm...it helps, not being directly under Sibyl’s thumb. And my apartment is a lot nicer than the Enforcers quarters.” 
Akane rolled her eyes at his smirk, though she couldn’t stop smiling. “Is that so?” 
“Oh yes, the height of luxury. I have windows and everything.” A thoughtfulness fell over his face as he watched her fiddle with her empty glass. “I’ve never seen where you live, have I?” 
Akane’s smile slid off her face with the realization that he was right. There was no way an Enforcer would have been able to visit an Inspector’s apartment, and since his return, the few times they had been able to meet had always taken place in small cafes or by food stands. “It’s strange, but...I always wished you could’ve seen it, especially since I got to see your space. I think you’d like it...it has windows, too.” 
Kogami smirk returned, an almost-perfect match for the playfulness lining her face. “Are you inviting me over?” 
“You’re always welcome, Ko. Though...maybe not tonight?
“How come?” 
“Well...we’ve both been drinking.” 
“Does that change anything?” 
“For me, it does.” She didn’t mean to pin him under her hooded gaze, she really didn’t. But any guilt or embarrassment she would’ve felt vanished under the weight of those grey eyes. Oh. 
She had seen those eyes glint with triumph, become shadowed with grief, and even soften with affection, but this...the heat in his gaze now made her suddenly aware of all the ways they were in each other’s space: their fingers touching on the bar, their knees just barely brushing together, their shoulders bumping whenever either of them turned on their stools. 
Silence settled over them as they both suddenly found their own desires mirrored in the other, and then, finally, Kogami murmured, “Akane...are you sure?” 
“Yes. I have been for a while.” 
“...Me too. But tonight…”
“We’ve been drinking.” 
“We’ve been drinking,” he repeated. As they had been speaking, his fingers wove between hers on the bar, and she gave them a little squeeze of reassurance that made a small smile quirk at his lips. “...Can I still walk you back?” 
“How will you get home? Isn’t your place in the opposite direction?” 
“It’s fine, I’ll get a taxi. I can do that now, y’know.” 
A snort of laughter escaped Akane at that, and the weight of their unspoken confessions lifted between them as they got ready to leave. Kogami paid for their drinks despite Akane’s protestations, and he held her coat for her to shrug into, earning himself a bemused smile from her. “Such a gentleman.” 
“I have my moments,” he laughed. There was almost a shyness to his smile when he held out his hand, and a small thrill rushed through Akane when she realized he wanted her to hold it. “Shall we?” 
“We shall.” She took his hand, pressing close to his warmth as they headed out into the late winter chill. Her fingers fit perfectly between his, and she had the tipsy thought that perhaps their hands were made to hold each other and keep each other warm. For the first time, she wished her apartment wasn’t so easy to walk to - she could have walked miles in the cold with Kogami at her side.
He seemed to have the same thought when they reached her building - he didn’t immediately reach to open the door, nor did he untangle their fingers. He just stood there and watched her, seemingly waiting for her to head inside. 
“Well...I, um...thank you, for tonight,” she murmured, cringing at her own stammering. “I...I enjoyed myself a lot more than I thought I would.” 
“Me too.” His smile was fond, his eyes gentle in a way she’d only seen in flashes throughout the night. “I’d like to do it again, maybe at a park or somewhere we’re both more comfortable.” 
“Are you asking me on a date, Kogami-san?” 
A dusting of pink appeared on his cheeks, but as always, he was impossible to fluster. “Only if you promise not to call me ‘Kogami-san.’” 
“Oh? And what would you prefer?” 
“Just...my name. ‘Kogami-san’ feels so formal, after...everything.” 
“Alright, then...let’s make a date of it...Shinya.” 
Oh, that smile. He so rarely smiled like that, so wide and bright and filled with real happiness. Seeing it now made Akane feel like she forgot how to breathe, and two warring desires clashed in her: the desire to look at that smile forever, and the desire to kiss him senseless. 
She didn’t realize that one desire had beaten the other. All she knew was that, suddenly, her free hand was coming up to cradle his cheek, and she was rising to her toes, and he was bending down to her. 
The first brush of their lips felt electric, as if they had been filled with static that was finally escaping. Akane heard Kogami’s breath catch a split-second before their lips met again, and this time, all she felt was warmth. It was blossoming under her lips and flickering through to her fingertips and glowing like an ember in her chest. The kiss was slow and gentle, even as she licked into his mouth and his hand carded through her hair. 
She didn’t know how much time had passed when Kogami pulled away - all she knew was that he had a flush that matched the heat in her cheeks, and that she felt a bit lightheaded, though she wasn’t sure whether that was from her euphoria or the plum wine. Steadiness came when Kogami gently rested his forehead against her, and his fingers moved from her hair to stroke her cheek. 
They stood like that for a silent moment, content to simply breathe in each other’s space. When Kogami spoke, reluctance seemed to thread each word. “It’s late...you should head in.” 
“When can I see you again?” Her voice sounded whiny to her own ears, but she didn’t have it in her to be embarrassed when Kogami’s response was to press his lips to her forehead. 
“I’ll call you. I don’t think I’ll be able to stay away for very long.” 
Those words pulled a smile across Akane’s lips, even as she slowly forced herself to step away from his warm arms. “I’ll see you soon, then. Good night, Shinya.” 
“Good night, Akane.”
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bullshittierlists · 3 years
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Spoilers for DR1, obviously. I decided to remake this list because my opinions on all of the characters have changed significantly since the last time. I’m honestly not even super happy about this one.
I see no god up here other than me:
Kiyotaka Ishimaru - Oh my lord, he’s perfect in every way (except for the thing, which I’ll get to). He’s funny, he doesn’t feel entirely insignificant, and he’s got a cool, sad backstory to dive into if you like him enough, but it isn’t required to do so throughout the main game. Everything about his genius/hard-working motif is brilliant. I think it’s incredible how he’s actually the opposing force to Komaeda rather than Junko, even though no one talks about it and the game doesn’t really use it that much. His whole backstory with his grandfather and father is so sad and I’m so proud of him for getting to be where he is today, even if it didn’t quite happen how he wanted it to. The one exception to this practically perfect prefect is, of course, the elephant in the room, Kiyondo Ishida. Here’s the thing: I think Kiyondo could’ve worked really well. However, as far as I know, Taka was swapped out last minute with Hiro and had to die in chapter 3. I honestly think this was the worst decision the franchise made after making Mikan... the way that she was. The only reason people hate Hiro is that he survived the first game. I’ll get to this more later, but I honestly really enjoyed his character for the first three chapters. After that, though, he got a little stale and even a bit annoying, especially the Kyoko being a ghost bit. I feel like Hiro really overstayed his welcome and his presence could’ve been more than made up for by the comedic duo of Hina and Taka. I understand that choosing the survivors of each game is difficult and a very meticulous process, but let’s just consider the interactions with other characters for now. To start with, Hiro hardly had any positive interactions with any of the other characters in the back half of the game outside of Hina calling him out for being an idiot. If we put Taka in his place, he could’ve had serious moments with Kyoko and Makoto, helping them to solve some of the mysteries. He also could’ve played off of Byakuya and Toko’s relationship in telling them that PDA is “not welcome in a school environment.” And the crowning jewel of missed opportunities, his interactions with Hina. They’ve both lost their best friends in the whole world and have no one to rely on. In canon, Hina had to do a character 180 just to keep up with Hiro’s idiocy and not break down about losing Sakura. However, if we had Taka, he could’ve helped her to get through it because he would’ve already gotten over Mondo with the help of Ishida. See? I brought it back around. If Taka had been able to resolve his issues with Ishida in chapter 3, he would’ve been able to help Hina to develop her character through the loss of Sakura in chapter 4. I think this would’ve been so much better for both of their characters and I weep for what could’ve been. But for some reason, Hiro just had to stick around.
Mondo Owada - I’m honestly surprised I talked about Taka for that long without mentioning Mondo. I don’t actually have a lot to say about Mondo that I won’t get to with Chihiro, but this is basically your warning to be ready for another rant and it also serves as a break from the last one. Mondo and Taka are perfect for each other, Mondo is the most sympathetic killer, bar none, and even though I’m not a huge fan of dogs, Chuck is so precious.
You’re the best:
Celestia Ludenberg - Pretty goth lady. That’s about it. She could’ve been better in chapter 3, but I honestly still really liked her plan and her breakdown was phenomenal. My favorite thing about her though is her execution. Her execution fits into the thin category of executions that include the element of specific despair, basically meaning that Monokuma made it specifically to make her sad apart from the fact that she was dying. She was ready and honestly excited to be burned at the stake because it would guarantee her an interesting death and therefore an interesting life. But then, she ends up just dying in another boring old car accident, many of which happen every day. It’s fun to watch her expression and demeanor change throughout her execution, it’s one of my favorites.
Chihiro Fujisaki - Oh boy, it’s the one I expect to get hate for. Buckle up, lovely people, it’s time to get personal. I personally headcanon Chihiro to be a cisgender male; however, I also believe that you can headcanon anyone to be anything you want. There is an exception and it’s when that headcanon specifically derails something the character was trying to present. In this case, it’s toxic masculinity and the importance of appearances in society. I’ll preface this whole section with a statement: I’m not trying to be transphobic. I could see Chihiro being a trans male, but cis or trans female just feels counterproductive to me. Let me explain. Chihiro’s entire existence is used to parallel Mondo’s. Chihiro has a strong will with a weak body, while Mondo has a strong body with a weak will. Mondo is seen, in canon, as a super manly character who is strong in both heart and body, but he doesn’t believe himself to be this way. The only strength he’s ever seen is through aggressive violence, and that’s how he shows his strength. This is proven in the fact that when he felt weak against Chihiro’s strong will, he killed him out of fear, which he had grown to believe was strength. However, since Chihiro had a weak body, people treated him as unmanly, even though he was strong-willed, so he believed that everything about him was weak and learned to be submissive to everyone else’s desires. This is proven in the fact that he dressed and acted the way he did specifically to please others, not himself. It’s shown in multiple free time events that he hates the way that he looks and that he hates dressing to appease other people. It’s not even necessary to turn to the FTEs to gain this information, it’s obvious from the fact that he goes to Mondo specifically to get stronger in what he thinks is both mind and body, as he’s been known to think that the two are connected. It can also be understood from his dialogue that he wasn’t trying to get physically stronger for himself, he was perfectly comfortable with his body, he wanted to get physically stronger so that other people would leave him alone. These are the effects that bullying had on him. Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but whenever I see Chihiro as female, trans or otherwise, it feels as though those people want Chihiro to subject to the bullying because it more closely fits their ideal. It just feels like evidence of toxic masculinity because since Chihiro is feminine, he must be female, even if he says otherwise. The difference to me between this and say, trans Gundham headcanons is that with Gundham, there’s nothing in his character that goes either way, so it’s fine to headcanon him however you want. But when Chihiro explicitly states that he wants to be seen as male, he’s ignored and pushed aside as “another missed opportunity for trans representation.” But he’s not a missed opportunity for representation, he’s just representing something else, toxic masculinity. It’s obvious that it goes over people’s heads because they don’t seem to understand this at all. I’m not trying to be rude, I just want people to understand that just because the representation isn’t specifically for the group you want, doesn’t mean that it isn’t good representation. I can talk about this more if anyone wants me to, but it’s almost 1 AM and I’m not sure how much longer and I can form cohesive sentences and I’m not sure this is the best argument to test that on.
Genocide Jack - Idk, she’s funny. I’ve already gotten past most of the characters I have strong opinions on. Whereas in the second game, I have strong feelings about my favorites *and* my least favorites, I really only have favorites in this game and everyone else is pretty neutral.
Byakuya Togami - He was actually originally my second favorite character, but I realized a good way into the series that I didn’t actually like him that much. He’s not as smart as he claims to be and he isn’t as well written as Komaeda or Kokichi. However, he does have one truly fantastic moment in the first game and that is during chapter 4. When it’s revealed that Sakura killed herself, he shuts down. It’s impossible for something to have happened that he didn’t predict and he truly believes that. It’s incredible to see his complete shift in character (at least for this trial) and I absolutely adore that moment. Everything else with him is still kinda meh.
Hey, I think you’re really cool, I like you a lot:
Sakura Ogami - There’s literally nothing about her that I can say that hasn’t been said already. She’s perfect and I love her for it.
Aoi Asahina - Like I said during my Taka rant, I think she would’ve been much better if she didn’t have to accommodate Hiro. The first game had a much darker tone than the second and Toko/Genocide Jack already had the comedic relief role covered. She and Taka could’ve still had their fair share of funny moments together, but I feel like she could’ve gone through Akane’s arc during the second game, but better because she would’ve been able to build off of Taka, who already went through the same thing. Either way, she’s cute and I adore her and Sakura’s friendship.
Sayaka Maizono - So I actually made this list back in January (it’s currently the middle of April) and just never got around to making it and since then, I’ve fallen in love with Sayaka. It may or may not have to do with me being cast as her in a secret project that I’ll announce later, but she has my heart regardless. Now, I’d probably put her behind Chihiro and ahead of Genocide Jack. She’s just such an interesting character and while it’s a shame that she died so early, I still think she wouldn’t have been as good if she didn’t die so soon. For the record, I think both Sayaka and Leon were morally in the wrong. However, Sayaka was doing it for her friends, while Leon could’ve stopped at any time and really only went back for himself. Sayaka is not a snake. Thank you, goodnight.
Mukuro Ikusaba - She’s definitely my neutral point. I have one of these in every DR game, even if I don’t realize it. I just don’t really have any opinions on her and it’s not even because she wasn’t in the game for very long. I just don’t know how to feel about her. I just finished Danganronpa: Zero and that boosted Junko way up in my book, but it didn’t really change my opinion on Mukuro at all.
Kyoko Kirigiri - I get the hype, I really do, but I just can’t get into her. For starters, I don’t like Naegi all that much, so of course I’m not going to like the people that hang around him all the time. The most I’ve ever liked her is while watching videos of her along with “Not So Bad A Dad” from Phineas and Ferb. Other than that, she’s extremely neutral for me.
Toko Fukawa - I’m including her appearance in Ultra Despair Girls, but it didn’t really help her much. I liked her in the first game, but it was only because I was going through a weird phase of obsessing over people and now I just think it’s weird because it is. I went into Ultra Despair Girls knowing that she got character development and then completely forgot to pay attention to it because I was so enraptured by the Warriors of Hope. So, I don’t know, she’s just kinda creepy and I didn’t really notice her (or Komaru, for that matter) in UDG.
I remember you:
Junko Enoshima - Like I mentioned during Mukuro’s segment, I just finished Danganronpa: Zero and it was a wild ride. I made this list before I had even started the book and I was mostly just confused by Junko. I didn’t understand her motivations or any of her plans, much less how she was able to achieve anything she was. But once I finished DR0, it all made sense. I won’t spoil it here, but she was incredible in that book and I wish I had caught on to everything earlier.
Makoto Naegi - I feel bad, but I have to compare him to the other protagonists. He’s just so boring, and I know that that’s the point of a protagonist, but Hajime proves that it doesn’t have to be that way. Makoto’s just kinda there all of the time. For example, in DR0, he shows up for one scene, but he literally doesn’t even do anything. He stands there, talks to Ryoko, is scared during a fight scene, and is never seen again. It’s really frustrating to know that he’s only there because he was the protagonist of the first game and it’s like “Wow, you know this character!”
Yasuhiro Hagakure - My only opinion on him is that he should’ve died in chapter 3. My only explanation for why he was so high on the original list is because I watched this one hysterical panel for DR1 and Hiro was by far the best character there. In the game itself, I liked him until he overstayed his welcome and cost Taka his shot to be memorable.
Leon Kuwata - I honestly can’t explain why I dislike him so much, I just really, genuinely do. He’s just kind of annoying, but that’s about it. Like I said before, I don’t really hate many of the characters from this game, they’re mostly all loved or neutral and he’s just the most negative neutral.
You are literally the worst. Actual scum. Leave this planet and never return:
Monokuma - You know the drill by now if you’ve seen my other DR tier lists, it’s kind of an obligation at this point.
Hifumi Yamada - Why. Why is he like this? Why is he this way? Honestly, he’s not nearly as bad as Teruteru or Kazuichi in the perv department, but I just hate him so much. I don’t understand why he is the way that he is, but I do understand that I’m happy he died in chapter 3. Honestly, I could’ve done with him dying earlier, but it is what it is.
It’s 1:15 AM and I am done writing. I’ve been putting this off for months and I figured it was finally time to get it over with and it definitely didn’t have anything to do with the fact that I can’t sleep. I hope you enjoy all of this and if you would like me to elaborate on anything, just drop me an ask and let me know. I’m always happy to explain any of my opinions and want to make sure I’m as clear as possible. Please do not spread hate about me until you’ve made sure you understand my point. Then go to town.
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Wait Utsuro and Yuki are two separate people? I just thought he had DID.
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No, no, it’s nothing like that. It’s kinda complicated, but I’ll give you an overview.
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“Maeda Yuki was and has always been a regular guy, but he was accepted into Class 79 of Hope’s Peak as the Ultimate Lucky Student. The person we know as Utsuro was born with Divine Luck, which granted good fortune to both him and everyone around him.”
“They’re two fundamentally different people who just happened to be born at the same time and look quite similar. The difference is that Divine Fortune made Utsuro’s life a living hell, always drawing in people who want to exploit it, while Yuki’s luck was fairly low-key and never caused him much trouble. In fact, it’s what allowed him to join Hope’s Peak...and that’s where the trouble started.”
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“You’ll probably remember Utsuro was turned by enoshima, and with him and Akane, they hatched a plan to serve as infiltrators. This involved kidnapping Yuki and allowing Utsuro to take his place. He became the mastermind of the Proto-Killing Game and he didn’t even remember it. Meanwhile, our Yuki was left comatose and abandoned after the Proto-Killing Game ended.”
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“Then he got wrapped up in Sannoji’s plans...”
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“See, Utsuro died at the end of the Proto-Killing Game and Sannoji, who wanted the power of Divine Luck for himself, hatched a plan: he was working with Kokoro to recreate Utsuro as an alter ego in the hopes that would restore Divine Luck and allow Sannoji to steal it. It didn’t work at first, since they were trying to build it from scratch, but that’s when they made a discovery.”
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“Thanks to the scanning chip in Mikako’s brain still sending data to Kokoro’s computer, along with an attempt by Kisaragi to keep their memories somewhat preserved after they were captured- the dreams our Mikako has been having- they managed to retrieve data from her brain to start creating an Utsuro alter ego properly.”
“The problem was that they needed a physical body to upload the alter ego into in order for Divine Luck to manifest. Well, not so much a body as a functional brain, so...”
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“Of course, what Sannoji didn’t take into account is that his test run- making an alter ego of himself- also meant that he’d created an AI that wanted Divine Luck as well. And that was the Sannoji we came to know in the simulation. With that, he hatched a new perspective on the plan: escape.”
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“Since Yuki had been stripped down to a brain, he needed a functional but inactive body to upload into. In this case, he was planning on using Akane’s body; she’d been brain dead since the end of the Proto-Killing Game and Sannoji’s goal was to take Divine Luck and then escape into her body.”
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“It’s a complicated and awful plan, but the method they decided on was simple: in order to upload an Utsuro alter ego into Yuki’s brain, they needed to destroy his old personality. The way they’d do that was subject him to so much trauma and depression that he broke down and became...basically like Hibiki’s puppet state. You know what happened after that.” 
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“So no, Yuki didn’t have dissociative identity disorder. It’s more that Sannoji was trying to wring out every bit of his personality through trauma and then upload the Utsuro alter ego into him. All just so he could bring back Divine Luck and kill him again.”
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To think that bastard almost pulled it off...
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Yuki...Master Utsuro...I’ll never forgive Sannoji for it!
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Yeah...if we ever find this guy, I swear.
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The whole reason it failed was because Utsuro had actually transferred Divine Luck into Akane. That’s what was keeping her body preserved.
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And by extension, that let me use it and allow everyone to escape.
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You really let Yuki have my body.
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Please don’t say anything perverted...
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I’m not, I promise.
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It’s just a bit of a nice thought.
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Parts of me and Master Utsuro lived on and helped Yuki got save tons of people during and after the Tragedy. After all that, he got the greatest gift of all.
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Guess that’s one way to look at it.
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magioftheseas · 3 years
AoiNene Week Ficlets #7
Day 7: Free
It’s a Persona AU with Nene confronting Shadow Aoi!! Yeah!!! I love this idea so... I had to write it. Persona AUs are fun.
She lives in a perfect dollhouse. Everything serves a purpose. Everything has a function. Everything and everyone does as they’re told. Everything is plastic.
But everything looks real enough that people can be fooled and even if they’re not fooled, does it really matter as long as everything is easily manipulated? As long as everything still works as it should? A perfect dollhouse. Functions properly. Can still be played with.
All that matters is the veneer.
It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine.
There’s an intruder.
Aoi’s eyes snapped open, her joints seizing up. The dollhouse was in an uproar at the intrusion. There was screaming. The desperate pitter-patter of so-called guards trying to preserve the ‘game’ by any means necessary. They’re getting cut down without mercy. There is screaming.
Screaming of her name.
She flinches when the doors burst open. This is supposed to be reserved to masters, and yet this person—just trounces in without a care. Stomps her feet and stands before her, a ridiculous creature by her side.
“Aoi,” the intruder breathes. “It is you. What...?”
Aoi regards her in exasperation. A wry smile touches her lips.
“Nene-chan,” the doll murmurs in a dark lilt. “That was rather rough of you. No one will want to play with you if that’s how you act.”
Nene’s always so quick to please, but she’s overzealous and overeager. It’s as admirable as it is annoying.
“It’s always because you trample on without any care,” Aoi continues sharply. “That’s why guys don’t like you, Nene-chan.”
Nene always gets so adorably flustered, even as she shakes her head quickly.
“That’s not important right now!” She readies her weapon—is that a hoe from the gardening club? It’s quite the humorous sight, Nene brandishing that like a hero does his sword. “What have you done to the real Aoi?! You—she’s being held captive here, isn’t she?”
Nene always was as adorable as she was infuriating.
“I am the real Aoi. I’m not only the true self she represses—but the ideal she can’t quite reach. Because of fear.”
(And how afraid had her weaker self was. So much so that it didn’t take much urging to sway her in. Nene wouldn’t understand that. Of course not.)
“You’re part of the problem, too, Nene-chan,” she can’t help but say. “Just what’s wrong with you? How can you be like this?”
Nene’s such a bleeding heart. She flinches right away. And that darkness—the real shadow inside of Aoi Akane can’t help but stir.
“So steadfast, so straight-forward, so simplistic in your goals and your tastes... You keep falling for shallow, stupid boys just for their looks. And I have to watch you get your heart broken. Every. Single. Time. But,” the doll inhales. “Did you know? I love it. I love mending your heart so much because then it’s in my hands. It’s mine.”
“A-Aoi...” Nene utters, taken aback and afraid.
Of course she’s afraid.
These feelings are scary. They won’t stop boiling over.
“You keep getting your heart broken, and you don’t even realize how much you’ve shattered me. I can’t be my best self when I’m stuck on you.”
“I... I’m sorry.” Nene ducks her head. “I’m sorry, Aoi. I’ve been taking advantage of your kindness.”
She couldn’t help it.
She burst into laughter so rigorous it splintered her entire being. The wooden pieces fractured, giving way to nothing but the pure shadow.
“Nene-chan, Nene-chan, Nene-chan...” She bears a gaping maw, a void that Nene stares down. “Let me consume you.”
Nene stares her down, and she doesn’t flinch this time.
“I’ll save you, Aoi,” she swears.
And it’s for reasons like this that Aoi can’t help but love her. Love her so much it hurts.
“Psyche,” Nene whispers, summoning a brilliant being so that the battle can begin.
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kaweeella · 3 years
Just Kids Being Kids
Chapter 1- Class 79-B
With Danganronpa S being announced here’s a little series about the Hope’s Peak kids hanging out. I hope you like it!!!
Hajime sits down at his desk, the class already getting loud.
“Good morning,” Hajime looks over at who greeted him; Chiaki Nanami, ultimate gamer and representative of class 77-B. “How are you, Hinata-kun?”
“I’m alright, how are you holding up?”
She hums and takes her seat. “Yeah, same.” She pulls out a handheld and starts playing a rhythm game.
Hajime looks up to see a desk flying towards them. He quickly grabs Chiaki and ducks. She only looks up when she’s finished with the level.
“Guys you shouldn’t be throwing things in the classroom.” She scolds.
“Sorry, I guess things got a little out of hand!” Akane laughs and rubs the back of her neck.
The two get back into their seats, Hajime adjusts his uniform and Chiaki gets back to her game.
After a few minutes their teacher enthusiastically throws open the door, the rest of their classmates trailing behind her.
“Alright, kids! Today we will be learning algebra!” The class groans. “Oh come on, this is still a school.”
They go about class, Hajime staring off absentmindedly. He scribbles things into his notebook. The handwriting on the page before is much neater than his. He sighs just thinking about it. It’s gotta be easy to write like that when you’re the ultimate calligrapher. Just how algebra must be easy for an ultimate mathematician. Izuru Kamukura, ultimate… ultimate. He’s the one that got them into Hope’s Peak, Hajime feels so out of place.
“Hey, hey.” Chiaki gets his attention. “Did you hear what Yukizome-sensei said?”
“No, sorry.”
She giggles. “I’m gonna show around one of the incoming classes.”
“Oh, that’s cool.”
“Yep yep. So I won’t be here tomorrow.”
“I hope that goes well.”
“I’m sure it will.”
After school, Hajime walks slowly back to the dorms. Incoming classes, huh? He thinks about what they could be like. All of the other ultimate students are… eccentric to say the least. His train of thought is interrupted by a certain someone.
“Kamukura-chan, Kamukura-chan!” Junko Enoshima, ultimate fashionista, says.
“Sorry, wrong one.”
“Aw! I wanna talk to Kamukura-chan! Come on!” She says, shaking him.
“No can do. Now please let go of me.”
“Junko, let go of him.” Mukuro says to her twin.
Hajime shakes her hands off of him. “I thought you had some kind of photoshoot or something.”
“Aw, did you memorize my schedule? I didn’t realize you liked me that much, Hinata-chan!” She laughs. “But in all seriousness, it ended quicker than expected, and good thing too, it was getting so booooring.”
Hajime rolls his eyes.
“Oh! Have you heard about the new incoming students?”
“Yeah, I have.”
“A little birdy told me one of them’s an assassin.”
Hajime hums. “I don’t doubt it.” Hope’s Peak has never been one to care about the legality of kids’ talents.
Junko groans. “You’re so boring, Hinata-chan.”
“Sucks.” Hajime knows that telling her to leave wouldn’t do anything and the only thing he can do is wait for her to get bored.
“And you’re sooo mean too~!” She says, but doesn’t sound too serious. “This is why I like Kamukura-chan!”
“Oh no, however will I cope.”
“Maybe I’ll like you more if you get on your knees and beg.” She laughs.
“Ah, Hinata-kun!” Chiaki runs over to him. “Hello Enoshima-chan, Ikusaba-chan.”
“Hey, Nanami-san.” He waves. “Do you need something?”
“Can you give this to Yukizome-sensei tomorrow?” She holds out a folder.
“What are you doing tomorrow, Nanami-senpai?” Mukuro asks.
“I’m gonna be showing some of the new students.”
“You are?” Junko perks up. “Tell me everything you know about them!”
“Well, one of them’s a detective.”
She deflates. “We already have a detective! What else?”
“Well, one of them was arrested for killing some people.”
“So there really is going to be an ultimate assassin?”
“Huh?” She pauses for a moment. “I’m not gonna go into too much detail, this isn’t my story to tell, but they aren’t an assassin.”
“Oooooh okay, okay.” She laughs and turns around. “Well, that’s all I needed, come on Mukuro.”
The two of them walk away, Mukuro giving the two a small wave. Hajime and Chiaki also part ways.
Kaede throws open the door to the room she was told to go to. She wheels her luggage over to the side and looks around. She showed up a little early, so it’s no surprise to her that there aren’t many people. There are four other kids; a girl in a gothic maid dress with hair covering one eye; a tall boy with long hair and all his skin covered besides his upper face; another boy with silver hair and strange bulky clothes; finally, a girl sitting cross legged in a chair playing on a handheld system.
She walks up to the girl in the maid dress. “Hi! I’m Akamatsu Kaede. What’s your name?”
She smiles softly. “I am Tojo Kirumi, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“So what’s your talent? I’m the ultimate pianist.”
“I am the ultimate maid. I have served very powerful people and I can fulfil just about anything requested of me.”
“Wow, that’s amazing!”
“Not really, it’s just my job.”
“Well, I think that’s cool. It’s nice to meet you, Tojo-san!”
They both smile and Kaede turns to look at the other kids. She reasons that the other girl is doing something, so she’d talk to her last. She walks over to the silver haired boy. He’s shuffling awkwardly.
“Hey!” She greets him. He perks up.
“Hello!” He smiles at her. “I’m K1-B0, but you can call me Kiibo!”
“Oh! That’s an unusual name. I’m Akamatsu Kaede, the ultimate pianist.”
“I’m the ultimate robot, and I hope that name comment isn’t supposed to be robophobic!”
“Huh? No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you or anything!”
“Alright,” His smile grows brighter than before. “You seem really nice, Akamatsu-san.”
“You seem nice too, Kiibo-san.” She waves and they part ways. There are some more kids who arrived; a short purple haired boy, a girl with long blue hair and circle glasses, a short boy with giant dead eyes, and a girl with green hair tied into two braids with a big green bow. She also notices that the bag she left by the wall has moved, it’s laying by the girl’s chair who has a leg lazily draped over it.
She walks over to the blue haired girl. She’s staring at Kiibo.
“Hello.” She greets. The girl just keeps staring. “What are you looking at?” Nothing. “You’re looking really intensely at Kiibo-san. Do you have a crush on him?” When she still gets no response, she huffs. “Come on…” She pokes the girl’s cheek. Then again. Then the other cheek.
“Well, I wasn’t expecting to be poked on both sides today.”
“So what were you thinking about? Was I right? Do you have a crush on Kiibo-san?”
“Huh? I wouldn’t say that. I was just thinking… doesn’t he look like the main character in a video game?”
“Don’t you see it too? Like a side scroller type where you can pick up upgrades to better fight the enemies. I’d say it’s plainly obvious.”
“Uh, I guess, but I don’t think he’d appreciate you saying that.”
“No? I thought people liked being told they’re the main character.”
“Well, I’m Akamatsu Kaede.”
“Ah, right. I’m Shirogane Tsumugi.”
“Hey!” The green haired girl runs over to them. “I’m Chabashiro Tenko. I’ll make sure to protect you from those degenerate men.”
“Huh? I think the guys here are pretty nice so far.” Kaede says.
“Oh yeah? See the little purple one? He tried to steal from that bag over there. If it weren’t for me and that other girl he would’ve gotten something for sure!”
“Oh dear…”
“Wait really? That’s my bag!”
“See? The degenerate boys will do whatever they think they can get away with!”
“Well, just because that one kid tried something bad, doesn’t mean all boys are bad.”
“Yes they are! They’re horrible, that’s what Master always taught me!”
Tsumugi giggles. “Well, thank you for your protection.”
“Yeah, now if you’ll excuse me…” Kaede rolls up her sleeves and approaches the would-be thief in question. “Hey!”
“Huh?! What is it?”
“Did you try to steal from my bag?”
“No, never! I’d never do something like that. Scout’s honor.” He smiles.
“Really?” She continues to interrogate him.
“No! Wh…why are you picking on me?!” He begins crying.
“W-wait I-”
“He did.” The sitting girl says, not looking up.
As if a switch flipped he immediately stops crying. “Damn. Looks like I’ve been caught.”
Kaede sighs. “I think we got off on the wrong foot.” She extends her hand to him. “I’m Akamatsu Kaede.”
He laughs. “Sure.” Then he walks away, leaving her hand extended.
She hears a strange laugh and notices the tall boy standing next to her.
“I suppose this place being a school for the gifted doesn’t mean that it’s a school for the honorable.”
“Well, at least there are people here willing to defend those who can’t defend themselves.”
“Yeah.” She’s not sure about the other girl, but she’s not sure if Tenko’d be willing to defend him. “Oh! Sorry, I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Akamatsu Kaede.” She offers him a handshake like she did the other boy.
“Shinguji Korekiyo.” He shakes her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Akamatsu-san.”
She smiles. “Yeah, you’re pretty nice, Shinguji-san.”
They wave goodbye and Kaede goes to talk to the short boy.
The boy hums. “Hello.”
“I’m Akamatsu Kaede.”
“...Hoshi Ryoma. I wouldn’t recommend getting too close to me.”
“Sorry.” Kaede backs away a little. “Is this better?”
“...” He chuckles. “That’s not what I meant.”
“I’m not the kind of person someone like you wants to get involved with.”
“Someone like me?”
“A good person.”
“... you seem pretty good to me.”
“You don’t know the half of it.”
“Alright, but I’d always be willing to talk if you’d like.”
He leans against the wall and takes out a small box. Kaede has to do a double take to realize they’re candy cigarettes. Then she looks around, her eyes lading on a new boy, standing in the corner.
“Hey!” She says as she walks over to him.
He jumps a little, grabbing the brim of his hat. “H-hello…”
“I’m Akamatsu Kaede. Good to meet you!”
He rubs his fingers on the brim of his hat. “O-oh, I’m Saihara Shuichi.” 
Their attention is drawn to the door when someone loudly bursts through.
“Hello Hope’s Peak. Feast your eyes on the great Kaito Momota, luminary of the stars!” Almost everyone looks over at him. “This is the right room this time, right?”
“Yep.” The girl says, still not looking up.
He gets pushed to the side by a girl with long brown pigtails.
“Get out of the way.”
Eventually all the other kids find their way there, the last one being a small red headed girl.
“Isn’t someone supposed to show us around?” Kaede asks.
“Oh,” The girl says. “Is everyone here now?” She grabs a clipboard and stands on the chair, counting. “Alright then, then we can get started. I’m Chiaki Nanami, and I’ll be showing you around today.” She gets down, picks up Kaede’s bag, and rolls it over to her. “Please keep a close eye on your stuff, some people have sticky fingers.”
A girl starts to snicker. “Their fingers aren’t the only things that are sticky.”
“Please hold all snarky and sexual comments until the end of the tour.” Chiaki instructs. After a beat of silence, she continues. “The 16 of you will make up class 79-B. I hope you enjoy your time here.”
They start the tour, Chiaki occasionally answering questions. Their final stop is the dorm building.
“Remember to grab your keys.” Chiaki smiles. “Any last questions?”
“Who’s that?” Maki asks, pointing to a girl who had been trailing them the whole time.
“Enoshima-chan, you’re supposed to be in class.”
“Oh no~ I guess I’ve been caught~” She laughs.
“Go back to class.”
“But I want to meet the new kids! They haven’t disappointed so far.”
Chiaki sighs. “Go get your keys and settle in, I’m gonna bring Enoshima-chan back to class.”
Kaede bounces on the balls of her feet. She’s liking it here already.
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twilightknight17 · 3 years
We’re at the end of the road, folks.
And god damn, I feel so validated by my Sojiro characterization. Wow. Thanks for basically making me canon for ten more seconds, Atlus. XDDD
So when last we left our intrepid heroes, they were laying at the bottom of the Jail of the Abyss, because Ichinose is an asshole. So we had to fight our way back up, carrying Sophia’s unconscious body. Which wasn’t that bad; the Jail isn’t very big. We left Sophia at the door to keep her safe, and then charged back into the hall of the Ark to hack Ichinose’s exploding crystal box thing.
Ichinose doesn’t understand why we came back.
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So, yeah. I guess like... bizarro-world Maruki? Maruki wanted to alleviate suffering by granting everyone’s wishes. EMMA’s going to make it so that people can’t wish for anything.
After a kick-ass hacking battle set to the new version of Rivers in the Desert, Ichinose yells at us about our right to judge. Why should humanity keep this painful world, just because WE’RE strong? Just because we’ve never screwed up or suffered?
Which, clearly she has no idea who the fuck she’s talking to.
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We’ve worked too hard to listen to that kind of bullshit.
Ichinose proclaims that “humans don’t need hearts” and charges up the laser crystal to blast us again, and Sophia steps in to block the attack. She’s still fighting Ichinose’s control even though Ichinose insists that she’s just a faulty prototype.
Apparently Ichinose created Sophia in the first place because she spent a lifetime being called a heartless doll, so she made an AI to help her learn about the heart.
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I think you’re the problem, but not for the reasons everyone else is saying.
But she got angry when Sophia started asking questions of her own and basically tossed her aside, until EMMA found her and dropped her into the Shibuya Jail.
And Sophia, unlike her creator, has learned and grown, and is tired of being given orders. She’s ready to make her own choices.
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That is certainly a persona.
I gotta admit, they got me. I was wondering why Sophia didn’t have her arcana yet, but for some reason, I also wasn’t expecting her to get a proper persona. I’m now wondering about the implications of someone being able to code an AI capable of developing a soul that can summon a persona. There’s a zero percent chance that Ichinose had any access to plumes of dusk, which are the reason that Aigis and Labrys gained enough consciousness to have personas. So Sophia is legitimately a miracle piece of technology.
Pandora is an interesting choice, but I dunno if I can articulate that beyond a surface-level, “Oh, because she’s Hope, and Hope was still in the box.”
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I swear to god, every major villain in this game is trying to be Goro Akechi. For the last goddamn time, we don’t kill people. Get up, Ichinose. We’re leaving.
Ryuji literally grabs her by the arm and drags her out, because she’s trying to stay behind. Which just confirms for me that if Goro hadn’t put up that bulkhead door, we’d have dragged his stupid ass out of the Ship, too. XD
Back to the real world, and Tokyo is blacking out, and the Tower is losing its shit.
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The metaverse is fusing with reality, the Tower is becoming the Tree of Knowledge, and hell yes we are climbing this tower after all!
Morgana points out that this is the same thing that happened last year, and Zenkichi freaks out a little bit.
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You’re lucky you moved to Kyoto, sir. You missed quite a bit.
I love these kids, though. They’ve got so much black humor about this whole god thing.
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The metaverse encroaching on reality means that everyone has to cram into the bus in their thief gear. Zenkichi, please. Your hat. Sir.
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I love climbing this tower. I’ve been here, too! Also they have butter. XD
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I was expecting the Mementos version of the lower observation deck, and instead I got some weird amalgam between Mementos and Azathoth’s boss chamber.
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We had to fight Metatron as the guardian of the last elevator, which is another parallel to Yaldabaoth’s archangels. And then it’s up to what I guess used to be the high observation deck to fight the big box.
EMMA insists that all humanity wants is to let it give them all the answers, and it throws them into some sort of alternate fog world full of the voices of the public.
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The Thieves are all separated, trapped in the fog. Each of them has to find their way out, and they realize that the fog of the Desires is protecting EMMA. EMMA knows exactly how calling cards work, so they won’t work on her. Instead, the Thieves decide that they need to send the calling card to the public, so that they’ll become aware of their desires again and the desires will crystalize.
...oh come on, Atlus. We’re right in the endgame.
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One last hacker battle to break into EMMA’s server room in the tower, and Futaba and Ichinose manage to hack EMMA itself to deliver a calling card to everyone at once.
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Love you, Zenkichi. We’ve taken out two gods already. We’re good.
Confronting the Ark again reveals a bunch of freaky tentacle arms grabbing the desires, and then the box turns into some sort of massive figure that looks sort of like Yaldabaoth, except less robot and more seraphim. It literally names itself the Demiurge, so I feel like EMMA may be drawing something from the lingering dregs of Yald’s influence? It’s cool.
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Clearly no one told you what happened to the last false god that thought it knew what was best for humanity. ;) “Hope binds humanity to misery” is bullshit.
After a... not very difficult first phase, the Demiurge reveals its true form, and we split into three teams to take out its support orbs (modeled after the sephirot) and the main body.
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I really liked the setup for the last boss. The teams were the first instance where it was really apparent that the whole team was fighting together. Each of the three battles was happening concurrently, and destroying the orbs has a concrete effect on the main fight. I wish we’d gotten to do things like this more often, especially during the Shadow Thieves fight.
That said, the main body was actually the easiest part of the fight? All the attacks were really telegraphed, and not particularly hard to avoid. Except for the spear jab.
But it finished off with a full-team all-out attack, and that was awesome.
The desires began to return to their owners, and we get to bask in a job well done once again.
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Upon returning to the real world, it’s the next morning. Sophia’s happy that she got to be a hero, Zenkichi’s heading off to properly arrest Owada, and the rest of us need to head home, because we were supposed to be home last night. Zenkichi can’t figure out why we consider him a phantom thief, since he “only joined [us] to use [us]”. Which is silly. The Phantom Thieves are built on the bonds of friendship and stalking! It’s too late, Zenkichi. You and Akane have been adopted.
I’m a little disappointed we didn’t get to tell Akane the truth. That would have been great.
Atlus personally reaches out and pats me on the head, because Sojiro has the absolute perfect reaction to his kids coming home after a nationwide manhunt for them.
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I feel so valid making him serve Lavenza coffee and be completely nonplussed about a guy marrying Death. I love him. We’re so lucky to have Sojiro. XDDDD
The next day, the kids have a celebration party for their victory, and learn that Akira is going home the next day. This kid needs to catch a break. He can’t even have a few days to relax with his friends. X’‘‘D
Everyone goes to see off Akira, though we detour to Shibuya to meet Ichinose. A news report shows that Owada was successfully arrested, and apparently Ichinose tried to turn herself in to the police, and they didn’t believe a word of it.
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This is just highlighting my issues with Maruki. Even if he doesn’t think he did anything wrong to society as a whole, he never apologizes to them for what he put them through. Especially Akira. Ichinose turns around and helps them stop the final boss, and her last scene is her apologizing to the Thieves and trying to make amends for her actions. Maruki’s last scene is... “If things get bad, you can start over like me! Now we’re even!” We are not.
Sophia leaves to help Ichinose learn about the heart, Akira promises to come back for winter break, the Phantom Thieves go their separate ways once again, and the credits roll.
I’m gonna leave my final impressions in a different post, because this one is long enough already. So... look forward to that?
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