#so i guess i can't blame them if i give off an aura of not wanting to be pampered
it do be like that sometimes
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Sorry if I’m being rude but do you even like answering asks anymore? You just seem to take a while getting to them, and I get you have irl stuff going on so I’m not mad or blaming you for it or anything at all. But you also kind of seem a bit mote blunt/cold in your responses so I was just wondering. Sorry if I’m being rude, you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to, I totally get it.
Oh anon, oh my beautiful and wonderous anon, you are not being rude at all. And I am glad to answer this!
I've been absolutely dreadful about responding to asks in a timely manner as of late. It's 100% true and I make no excuse for it. (Though I will explain more as to why, just saying it's still my responsibility and I keep making y'all wait.)
Long story short, part of it is just general depression. At least, that's what I assume happens when I want to respond to my Asks (or indeed, get something else done that I need to) and for the life of me, I can't seem to do it. I assume that's depression striking, could also be executive dysfunction. Who knows, I'm not diagnosed with anything so I'm just guessing a lot of the time. I'm sure a lot of folks who read this know how that feels.
But on the other hand! The good news (for me, anyway is that as of late, I've been back working with the children's theatre program that I love so much (and talk about a lot for that reason.) I'm working this summer on a production of Alice in Wonderland that I adapted and co-wrote with the Director, so that's fun. But it is also very time consuming so yes, you're totally right, IRL stuff is going on, but I just have to learn how to manage my time better I suppose.
What really made me stop in surprise though, was what you said about my seeming more blunt and cold in my responses. That definitely gave me a double take. Do I? Do I, for real? Genuine question, just wanting to know, because I honestly have no idea what you mean or which questions you're referring to, and I hope I didn't give off that aura unintentionally. (If anyone else feels similarly, let me know? I might need to examine what I'm putting out there...) Either way, thank you for reaching out!
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
Hey! I hope i'm not bothering! You remember that one request with the reader running away from NRC? What if they were found by a couple of RSA students, and after explaining the whole thing they brought them to their headmaster and he actually managed to get them back in their world safe and sound?
How would the same characters (or less if you want!) react to the news?
MC has been put through so much, they were literally just trying to survive-
The reader is gender neutral btw! (I forgot to mention that last time rip-)
First Years + MC Running Away [ALT]
Guess who's back... I am back, with some angst-
I like how I moved out Kinktober straight to angst. Thank you for requesting more angst! I really enjoy this series so far, and I'm glad a couple of asks are asking to continue it. A spin off with the Vice Dorm Leaders [and Floyd because Jade is not without Floyd] is coming, so please don't send requests on that anymore!
Warning: Suicidal thoughts [from some characters], angry outbursts, cursing, angst, please read at your own discretion if you are sensitive to said issues.
"I know I've just met all of you," You turned to the RSA students that rescued you. "But thank you. I can't thank you enough."
They gave you an assured nod of thanks, as they encourage you to step through the portal. Before putting one foot through the mirror, you detached a piece of jewelry that you held dear to yourself, as a reminder of your lover. You kissed it, giving your own instructions to the rest of them if they ever saw him.
"Sayonara, my eternal beloved."
Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek finally figured out where you were! Yes, this was his moment, to be your prince as those legendary tales always foretold! You would be the one waiting for him right? It was rightfully so, as you both had promised one another with the bracelet made of the very vines in the Valley of Thorns.
Several students of RSA didn't question his presence. Lilia and Malleus could deal with everything else. But you were his priority. He was going to take you away from NRC, to meet his mother and father, and his siblings! And you both can thrive together, perhaps building your own family after Malleus graduates-
"Zigvolt… right?" A blonde student called out. He was about to brush off the irrelevant human, that was until he noticed that in his outstretched hand was your bracelet. Your bracelet. The one he promised you with… And it was when he noticed that the vines were dying.
"I'm Aura. My friends and I found them," The gentle student explained. It never reached Sebek's ears. The only thing that was going through the poor half-Fae's mind was the earth shattering reality that you might've been killed by those RSA scum. "They wanted to return this back to-"
Sebek's body shook with rage, as he grabbed Aura by the collar. "You dare smile while talking about my YN's death?! You… You insolent human!"
A fight was quick to break out, but before Sebek could cause anymore damage, Silver held him back as Malleus ordered Sebek to stand down.
"Master! How can you order me such a thing?! They killed YN!" He screamed, pushing against Silver once more. Lilia's intervention calmed both parties down, as the truth was revealed. You weren't killed, but you left. You left everyone, and you left Sebek.
His eyes were soulless, unable to comprehend why would you leave. In his palm, the ring that used to be clad in green and brown moss was left with rotten, dry bark as the physical proof your promise was shattered, just as his heart was.
The loud, proper Sebek never healed, no matter the eras of time that passes as he lives on, past his master's time in NRC, past the lifespan of his friends… as he dwells on the past where there was you. It would never be alright.
His heart was encapsulated in shield of hard rock, as he swore to never open up to another human again. His shoulders held the very blame that he couldn't un-learn his hatred for humans, and that was what drove you away. You could never be with such a loathesome Fae like him… and so, he'll carry the weight of his sins as he goes to bed every night, looking into the mirror you left only to see a reflection of himself, spiritless.
Ace Trappola
He was a machine, taking every piece of information he could find about you. He wasn't going to let it end like this. He had so much to tell you, he had so much he wanted to do with you, so many things he wanted to show you… his own beauty in this Twisted Wonderland.
He had no power to search for you. He didn't care that he had to stoop so low to get what he wanted. If it was what he had to do, if he had to drain every bit of his own magic to get to you, to be consumed by the ink, then so be it.
A purple cat with the token name of Che'nya appeared as he returned with a message. Ace gripped tighter onto his magic pen, awaiting the news. Che'nya's sorrowful face was the opposite of what he wanted to see. He was supposed to be brought to RSA to get you! Why wasn't he moving?!
Still no words exchanged, the cat fished a chain out of his pocket, holding out to Ace. As if he were automated, Ace held out his hands. He felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if the jewelry itself punctured his heart as it was the necklace he won for you at the fair.
Shivers went up his spine as his blood ran cold, his mind immediately constructing the worst of the scenarios that could happen. The warmth returned to his face as his anger boiled, directing it at the senior who only served as his messenger.
"What the hell happened to them?"
Ace grabbed Che'nya by the collar, knocking over his runaway bag as he spat in his face once more. "What happened to YN?"
Using his Unique Magic, it was easy for Che'nya to slip away. The cat appeared behind him and despite Ace's tendencies, put a hand on his shoulder as if to comfort him. The act of care confused Ace, that was, until it was all made clear.
"YN wanted you to know before they left… you were their everything."
From the commotion, the rest of the Heartsyabul gang entered, thinking a fight broke out again. Ace had been on the edge, but it was just in time that they heard the entire story. The letter you left wasn't convincing enough, even though it was talking about how much you simply suffered in this world.
Deuce was the first to reach out a hand to Ace, but both him and Che'nya were pushed away, as they met eyes with Ace, who's cherry red orbs only held the blue of sadness and tears in them, realising that the person who had been keeping him sane, his soulmate across this very universe, left him. His world, and his being came crumbling down as his heart was void of you.
"Don't… Don't try to help me. Just leave me the fuck alone."
Deuce Spade
He wasn't motivated to search for you. Why would he? He's the reason you left after all. Even if he tried to do anything, who could he really trust? It was something he couldn't answer. It was a dilemma. He needed you with him but if he caused you so much suffering, would it be better to let go?
Or would it be much better if he weren't here in the first place?
He didn't trust the wrenching in his heart, if he's honest. The notion that you were found, that you were safe in RSA… For once he didn't want to curse them out. His heart aflame, realising he was moments away from holding you in his arms again.
He ignored the sound of his room door opening. He couldn't care less about Trey or Ace invading his privacy. He wallowed in his own misery, his hands tracing over the matching bracelets that you made for him after the VDC…
"Deuce Spade?"
Yes, that's who he was. Deuce Spade. A pathetic existence of Twisted Wonderland that should've never fallen in love with you. With no clear response, the stranger simply outstretched his hand, and in his hand was a bracelet resembling yours.
Deuce couldn't angry. If he did, it'd be discarding every single time you comforted him to help him control his emotions. He couldn't… He couldn't get angry without you to be there waiting for him, to console him… to hold his hand in yours as your bracelets would entangle with each other.
With Trey, Deuce finally greeted the RSA student, Eloise properly. Eloise told Deuce of you, and how he and other RSA students found you in such a sorry state. With the bracelet, he gave Deuce your letter to him, but Deuce's head lifted when he heard the news about you.
"YN's… gone?"
"The professor offered it to them- and we had no say-!" Eloise began, but Trey held a hand to Eloise's protest, as Deuce, for the first time in the past week, broke into a smile.
"It's my fault anyway… I shouldn't get mad at you."
Your absence from the world puts the final nail in his heart. You always hated him, and that's the truth he'd carry with him to his grave.
"Deuce, wait-"
He kissed the bracelet that once hung from your wrist he'd kiss as his way of translating his affection to you.
"I… YN is living a better life. Without me."
Jack Howl
He knew you left him. He knew, with the wrenching of his heart causing him to jolt from his bed awake, as he watched in the mirror the mark of his spouse disappear. His spousal mark was slipping from his very fingers, but in the moments of seconds, he couldn't comprehend why.
The burn of the mark drifting away strained his eyes, as uncontrollable tears flowed down his cheeks. It hurt. It hurt to move his body as the tattoo burned off of him, it hurt to speak and it hurt to think about you.
He wasn't a good person, no matter how much he tried. It was the only explanation he could come up with, as he felt his skin tighten, a scar slowly forming. He couldn't comprehend sleeping right after, his body still as if he were a statue frozen by the loss of you.
You weren't killed in this world, no you weren't… You left this world. The clinging of the mark to his back proved so, because if you truly didn't love him anymore, the mark would not burn as much as it did. His spine was on fire, as skin pulled in different directions, slowly erasing the remnants of you from him.
It was a fright for Ruggie finding him in such a state. The heat of Jack's skin made the atmosphere of his room sweltering hot, that the messenger from RSA suffered the moment he stepped in.
"Rielle, you should leave the letter here."
The red haired nodded, nudging the letter into Jack's hands, unaware if they would flinch or if they would remain as the dead figure Jack resembled. He had no strength to move his body on his own, but it were as if his mind knew that it was your scent, his hands in automation as he ripped the envelope open, its contents delicately falling onto his claws.
A letter addressed to him, with the words he needed to hear so desperately from you. You didn't want him to get hurt, neither you wanted him to cry. The blooming feeling in his chest from reading your letter soothed his body, as if you wrapped him in a cold blanket to nurse him back into shape. He didn't let his tears stain the letter, rubbing the lower parts of his eyes until they were red, sore from his actions.
It was truly you, because only you would be the one to wish him happiness in this life, as you pursued your own happiness, away from the darkness that was Twisted Wonderland. No other resident of this land would've said those poisonous words, for they knew that the weight they carried to beastmen like him were heavy.
He didn't tell you, for he believed that you would be by him as you promised…
But once a wolf like him gains a burn from their spousal mark, they could never love another in their lifetime.
"My own happiness… my own happiness was only you."
Epel Felmier
No amount of bribing, bargaining or disciplining could quell the bloodlust in Epel once he heard you escaped to RSA. He had imagery of storming the school, setting buildings on fire and threatening innocents to reveal where you were, but with the position he was in, there would've been no hope for such an effective scenario for Epel.
Days. He went days without touching you, without telling you that he loved you, as he always did. He knew of your doubts of this world, yet he couldn't change anything. So… just this once, he wants to change something for your sake.
With the influence of Vil, Epel got to RSA, but it was just a little too late. The only person that approached the group of frantic NRC students was Neige. Epel immediately noticed that your bracelet was in his hands, which made him assume for the worst case scenario for you.
They took you away from him. They took you away from him, and had the audacity to present your belongings to him-
"I'm sorry Felmier-san… They meant to give you this but-"
He slapped Neige's hand off of his shoulders, the bracelet falling to the ground. Neige of course was taken aback, but there was nothing that he could do against Epel's burning eyes of hatred and rage, targeting the sweet male near his arm's length.
"Shut the hell up."
No, it wasn't time for him to get angry now. It's not against his moral code, but by proxy it'd be defying the promise you both made. The dwelling on the promise caused hot tears to pool at the corners of his eyes, as he stormed away, the bracelet threaded between his fingers.
He slumped to a tree, his feet aching from running away-
Ah… he's done it again. He ran away from when everyone needed him the most. When you, needed him the most.
His shoulders wouldn't stop shaking from his sobs, as the realisation that you were gone dawned on him. You weren't here anymore, you wouldn't come to him anymore, and he couldn't search for you anymore.
His throat sore from his chortled cries, his jacket stained with his tears and the skin underneath his eyes as he wept for his loss, for not being able to protect you… Maybe it was right for you to leave him.
"YN… I'm really hopeless, aren't I?"
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
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I am going to be honest and admit that I did not expect to see characters like Tatara and Kichimaru in here…I generalized it into s/ being a famous celebrity.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, unhealthy mindset, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, stalking, threats, intimidation, disturbing behavior, paranoia
Petite and shy s/o is a famous celebrity
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🌧️I see Pain in a modern AU still in a relatively high position since he's a business man through and through. That guy owns money and has the tactical mindset to know exactly what course his company should take in order to get the most win. People and co-worker respect him for that, though they can't help but be slightly intimidated by him. He's quite polite yet his whole aura seems so cold and distant and somehow the many piercings on his body add to that intimidation factor. Yahiko is just so untouchable and even if that is his charm, not to mention that he's quite attractive, he doesn't display any sign of yearning for a relationship. He rejects those who confess with a icy and polite tone and those who bother him too much and turn too pushy have left his office with tears in their eyes and hearts pounding in fear. Pain isn't one to yell or get violent, his words and overall demeanor are more than enough to send someone running though, not even to mention that he has influence.
🌧️No one seems to know about what he does in his free time except his two best friends Konan and Nagato and people would probably never guess that he's madly obsessed with one very well-known celebrity. Yahiko has a reputation to uphold after all and is aware that his tendencies go into a very obsessive area, but in his eyes you're a literal goddess so no wonder. I'm not even kidding, you're this man's religion and he has something dangerously close to a shrine dedicated to you somewhere in his house. Whether you are a singer or a actress, whatever has to do with you is being bought by him immediately and kept safe and treasured somewhere. It has to be said that Pain never steps over the boundaries since he respects and worships you too much to lower himself to the level of collecting hair or your personal belongings. Instead he hires himself a painter who paints him portraits of you, depicting your glory perfectly. He keeps his whole collection in a special part of his house where no one except him and his two friends are allowed to enter.
🌧️Yahiko was mesmerized the first time he saw you, someone as fragile and bashful as you who still managed to be confident and fantastic when it came to your skills. He's watched every concert/movie you were in and remembers everything down to the minor detail about you and every interview you ever held, he has watched. He absolutely adores it when he sees you turning all shy and sweet when talking to others, despises those who make you uncomfortable though. In his eyes you're a holy being from heaven and for that alone everyone should only treat you with the highest adoration so every hate comment, rude remark from a fan or a hater and knowledge that you're forced to do something against your will sets him off. He tries to hide it at work, his workers notice on the slightly dark glint in his eyes and the barely dark undertone in his voice that something is wrong.
🌧️People who work for him are being exposed to his obsessive nature as well. Talent to prosper his business is something he regards highly yet he has certain patterns and habits which are to blame on his religious view on you. Those who love and praise you daily in his company tend to be let easier of the hook as long as it hasn't damaged the company and during interviews he gives a person more likely a chance if s/o is their idol and views you in high regards. Those who badmouth you are loaded more in work and he goes harsher against them. It's all happening under the surface and no one really catches on, thinking that he probably just had a bad day. Pain sees himself as your loyal follower and for that has deluded himself into thinking that he has to get rid of those who dare to tanish your reputation, be it because they wish you death or count to the disturbing sort of fans, he will get rid of them. He can bend the rules to his liking a bit and has enough fortune to cover certain accidents up.
Juuzou Suzuya
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🔪No one wants to admit that someone like this little weirdo made it into the police and became the leader of his own special task force. Juuzou is an outsider, only those who got to know him really closely know that he is a loyal albeit weird guy. Many from his work don't even want to admit that he's there so the realization that he is incredibly good with what he does stings even more. Suzuya was able to solve quite a few complicated cases where everyone else alread failed simply because he thinks out of the pattern and uses methods which are, even if still legal, not something the average person would do. That' why the people above his rank tolerate him. He is a talented guy and has never let his superiors or co-workers down before. So they'd rather get used to his quirks such as constantly having sweets stored in his pockets and desks and his playful and somewhat child-like behavior instead of risking disappointment from the public in a difficult case.
🔪Juuzou isn't an individual that hides his preferences very much. Sure, he has a somewhat serious side to him and he tends to switch his giddy demeanor whenever a case gets dangerous or he's seriously mad, that doesn't keep him from being very much open with everything else. So it's a well-known fact to everyone he works with and hasn't worked with yet that he is a huge fan of darling's. With him working directly under the police, Juuzou attempts to not let his craziness shine through too much to the point where he is being suspected of having a unhealthy obsession with you. It's a thin line he works with, people tend to underestimate his intelligence though so he actually pulls it off. The fact that he adores you so much can make it hard for those who aren't exactly fans of yours since Juuzou tends to be even more of a brat to them. He loves getting on their nerves, sometimes plainly refuses to talk or even acknowledge them and their presence and will point out every mistake about them that he notices.
🔪His own Squad is the one who gets the worst of it all because Juuzou never stops talking about you. Whenever you release a new song or movie, he is busily rambling the next day why you are as wonderful as you are and that you're a literal angel and the list just goes on. So even if someone from his Squad has never heard of you before or just isn't quite as big as a fan of yours, Juuzou will pretty much force them to like you or otherwise they'll have to endure having their nerves poked constantly by him. Always sits in his office either watching a movie or series you are playing in or listening with the volume turned maximum to your songs. Even in his car he always jams to your music and people he drives by hear it since he never turns down the volume. Juuzou is in his own ways very nice and friendly to those who are fans of s/o as well and is all too eager to start a chat with them about you. It could be as much as him hearing someone praising you on the streets and he'd instantly talk with them a bit. He has absolutely no shame to approach a stranger.
🔪His whole house is filled with posters of you and his own room is the worst since every inch of it is covered with photos and posters of you. Only loves what features you and even if it's something he hates more than anything, he'll start adoring it. Juuzou is a major obsessive fan as well so he knows everything you ever mentioned somewhere before as well. He knows your favorite sweets and they've been his favorite ever since as well. The type to talk to the photos and posters of yours and kiss them and he's even gotten himself a pillow with your face. You're his angel, your personality and petite body only enhances it and he will absolutely go mad whenever he hears that you're being mistreated. If he knows that person, he will pay them a visit and creep the shit out of them, in the worst case scenario he might even try to frame them with a crime. Would die to get his hands on a chance to meet you personally and get an autograph from you and a few pictures without you knowing about it.
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🎭Uta isn't a guy who would enjoy being in a position where he has to work too much or would be in the eyes of the public. The guy just wants to enjoy a peaceful and quiet life doing what he wants. He owns his own little tattoo and piercing shop and frankly spoken, he's talented with what he does. He has artistic blood running through his veins and that's what has made him sort of famous in his business. he's creative and has very special motives and tattoos which you just don't find anywhere else. Occasionally he's also willing to craft and paint certain masks and sketch a few things if a client orders and pays for it, mostly when he celebrates something special such as the anniversary of his shop or a special day in the year. No denial that he has some fans as well since he's mysterious and intriguing. Aside from the chats he has with his customers, Uta doesn't interact much with others, much less goes on dates. The only person he is close to is Itori with whom he tends to go out for a drink about two or three times a week.
🎭Uta is smart so he would never slip up in front of people about his obsession. He himself is pretty nonchalant about the whole ordeal, knows that in the eyes of others he'd be labeled as a crazy person so he keeps his obsession hidden. That doesn't mean that he hides the fact that he's a fan though, he just presents it in a way acceptable to society. His shop is decorated with one or two posters of yours and even if this is more subtle, he has designed it here and there in the colors he knows to be your favorites. If you should have released albums of any sort, he lets them play most of the time in the background and if you have appeared as a main character in any sort of film or series, he prefers to have them be played on the TV he has installed in his shop. He's even gone as far as to design some tattoos inspired by you, such as your favorite animals or other aesthetics you love. Even some tattoos which feature you directly, he doesn't display them in his collection for customers though unless someone specifically requests to have one with you.
🎭It has to be said that he tends to put a little bit more care and work into tattoos designed with you in mind since you're that important to him. His darling is Uta's muse who gifts him with inspiration and creativity. His shop wouldn't give it away, his home mirrors his obsession more. Sketches are decorating the walls, all with you as the center of attention and not all sketches Uta has made are exactly innocent. Uta has fantasies and he won't really shy away from drowning in them or drawing them and since you're already so sweet and shy, he finds it all the more sweet and alluring. The detail he puts in them are nothing short of mind-blowing and highly disturbing if it is a darker work of his. Uta is a little sadist so the image of ruining someone as innocent as you and having you do lewd things is very arousing in his opinion. He always draws or crafts masks whilst listening to your music or having a show of yours running on his TV.
🎭Uta has some level of self-control so when he's confronted with someone who clearly doesn't like you, he wouldn't act rash. He can't disappoint a customer if there is a chance that they will talk bad about him and have a negative impact on his business, he remembers them though. Uta is aware enough that he isn't exactly in a very powerful position and so he has to approach such scenarios more carefully. His shop is good to find out potential gossip or stir some up, sending letters to threaten someone to shut up is an option as well if someone is really annoying, not like Uta hasn't a sharp tongue himself. His fury whenever someone disrespects you is mostly let out in aggressive drawings in which he always pictures the person dying a gruesome death and he will send such pictures anonymously if he should know where the person lives. Such a drawing of him can do much due to it's horrifying level of detail and lead to paranoia of the victim. Uta himself as a tattoo of you somewhere on his body, though it's covered up all the time.
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💋Itori has her own bar in which she often serves herself. Her bar is famous for quite a few reasons. The first one is Itori herself since man and women are attracted to her looks and her appealing charm. The second one are her drinks that are being served in there. She has more money in her pouch than the average person and owes some really expensive wine and alcohol which she serves in her bar. On top of that her cocktails and drinks are very beloved since she has a tongue for how to mix something together that will be to her customer's enjoyment. Be it a classic drink, something really fruity, a drink that warms you up from the inside and leaves a pleasant burning in your throat or something really refreshing and cool. She has everything and constantly adds new things to her list. She sometimes even invites Uta over so he can try her newest cocktail out with her. Probably got tons of confessions before, turned every single one down though.
💋Itori is a simp for her darling, a huge sucker and that i something she doesn't necessarily hide. Sure, she possesses enough sense to understand that she will never be able to expose the true extent of her adoration, but she definitely wants to express enough of her love for you to let others know. Her bar as well is decorated with posters and grafitti with you or titles of movies and albums you were featured in and the music that is being played for the nice vibe in her bar is going to be only from you if your career should include singing. She's even as slick as to name the drinks served in her bar after your song titles or roles you played in series and movies and those are her favorite drinks which she always recommends. She even went to Uta's tattoo shop a few times before to get a few tattoos with you as the motive. She exposes a few of those tattoos, not all though. Even requested him to draw a few cute sketches of yours which she keeps at home.
💋Her clients get the idea though and she loves engaging in talks with fellow fans of yours. Those talks can really go on for a long time, though she has to occasionally leave them for a while to take the order of another guest of hers. It's really one of the easiest ways to get her to talk a conversation with someone and sometimes she's even as nice to give out a drink for free. It's really cute though when she starts gushing about how much her darling is an idol for her, she gets all bubbly and excited and a pretty smile is tugging constantly at her lips, accompanied by a small blush. It's the complete opposite of someone who expresses dislike towards you. She completely ignores them and often has one of her employees attending to their orders. Cuts conversations short with a more frosty tone and does everything to avoid them. Her bar is important to her so she wouldn't risk more, but she is in no mood to endure someone who is against her sweet darling.
💋At home she has every fan item that could possibly exist about you, listens only to your music and only watches stuff you are in. She doesn't seem to like anything else anymore and constantly fangirls when you appear on screen. What she adores more than anything is in the end interviews or TV shows you are in since she could die out of love whenever she gets to see the real you, the sweetest babe in the whole world. She'd dare to day that s/o is almost too precious for this world and rude people that keep on saying nasty stuff about them who she often wishes to torture for being so cruel to darling. All Itori wants is to have s/o in her arms and shower her with the love and affection she deserves and she loves to get lost in such couple fantasies as well to the point where she has even asked Uta to draw her fantasies for her as well. He's aware about her more obsessive side, keeps it a secret though.
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✍️Naki's job is one which should be questioned since he works for a person who leads a rather corrupted organization, though the image in the eyes of the public has to be perfect. In the eyes of others Naki is some sort of assistant for the boss Jason which isn't completely wrong. Only that instead of paperwork, Naki is responsible to remind every person who hasn't paid the money back to his company that they should do it very soon or otherwise there will be problems. He gladly gets violent since he's incredibly loyal to Jason and that is what has scored him a high position within the corrupted company. He might not be the smartest candle, but that's not even that big of a problem since he has people cleaning up after him and the whole power of the organization behind his back. Blackmailing, bribing, threatening to literal assassination is how the company solves problems if it can't be helped and they even have connections in the black market and he is part of it all, even if he's friendly to his co-workers.
✍️Maybe it is the dark business he finds himself daily involved with that made him fall head over heels in love with darling the first time he saw her on screen. He was just utterly lovestruck and turned into a obsessive fan very little time and literally everyone in the company who knows who he is knows that as well. His whole office and home are plastered with photos, images and posters of yours, he constantly listens to your music and watches anything you've participated in and buys all the fan merchandise a fan could have about you. Everything about you is remembered and constantly chanted like a prayer in his heart and soul and if someone were to ask him, he could easily list every single detail that has ever been published about you. Some people find it somewhat amusing, others cute and then there are those who are either creeped out or annoyed with his burning passion that regards everything involving you. Naki never slacks of in his job though which is why Jason never complains.
✍️The man is so sensitive though so it is better to never say anything against you as long as there is the risk of him hearing it or someone telling it to him because Naki is going to be livid. He idolizes you, views you as the most lovely and sweet human to exist on this planet and so every insult directed against you sets him off. He wouldn't hurt his subordinates, but he's yelling and screaming at them, calling them names before storming away to listen to your voice and watch an interview to calm down. Oh, his poor and sweet baby has to go through hatred depite being nothing more than perfect. His reaction to any sort of negative words and critique against you is the worst simply because he can not regulate his emotions very well and loves you too much to accept any of the bullhit some people throw your way. He's delusional even in a modern AU, convinced that you're too pure for a world filled with disgusting people who only want to hurt you.
✍️So to protect you from such vile people, Naki resorts to the illegal influence he has. He tracks down persons in the city he works in who express their dislike towards you in form of hatred or even death threats online and hunts them down. His life is embossed with violence and blood as it is, this is nothing to him since he is completely convinced that he does something good for s/o by beating up everyone who ever dared to type hurtful words against her. How bad the damage of the other person is going to be depends on how much hatred they expressed, in the mildest case they will be send into the hospital with several broken bones since Naki lets his emotions take control of him too easily. In the worst case Naki will murder them and have the traces leading to him or the company be erased by his subordinates. Would really just be willing to bleed severely to be able to meet you and considering that he is one of Jason favored employee, that chance looks terrifyingly realistic.
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🔻One of the guys in this post who is the most associated with the dark and criminal world. Tatara is someone who prefers to avoid the public eye and working as a leader for a criminal organization is the best way to never interact with people. He's basically an albino with his red eyes, pale features and white hair which would draw the attention of people who surround him, a dreadful thought for him. His job is gruesome since he murders in cold blood yet it has never really bothered him much. He's so indifferent about it all and above everything just loyal to his superiors. His underlings aren't treated with the same respect since he Tatara views them as people below him for him to use and for him to die, he has no problems admitting that either. He never cares when they die and he never cares to act nice to them either, he just commands and uses them. It's this cold and untouchable side of his that has him shrouded in mystery since he rarely talks and gives something about himself away.
🔻Tatara probably doesn't even know himself how he became a fan of yours and how he fell into the rabbit hole of obsession from there. Truth be told, he never expected to care about any sort of celebrity out there in the first place. Not knowing you is sort of hard though since you are well-known and he has to go undercover for missions sometimes as well which is why he got to hear about you in the first place. Tatara is a quite secretive about the start as a fan of yours though, he will never tell anyone about it. It's more a slight curiosity at first to see what the hype is all about, all it was supposed to be was a small glance. Instead he found himself almost enraptured by you to the point that it angered him. Your personality was something out of this world, you were basically a shy and small mouse standing in the spotlight. For someone who has known violence and evil as long as him, someone innocent like you in this world was out of comprehension.
🔻The whole world is corrupt so how does it come that you can stay so shy and weirdly cute? Tatara...is weirdly intrigued by this and decides to take closer looks which marks the day of his obsession. He watches and analyzes every music video of yours, every movie and every interview and how you can change your whole demeanor and gain confidence when you do what you know you are good in. He only watches everything to analyze and understand you more, the more his liking towards you grows the more he starts liking your music and the shows you are in though. It happens so slowly that even he needs a while to catch on, once he does though he is perplexed. Tatara overcomes the feeling that he is somehow being ridiculed from you, though he knows that it's technically not true since you don't even know him. As soon as that thought crosses his mind he almost feels sad that you don't know him, leading to him feeling even more embarrassed.
🔻I said it once before, I'll say it again. No one from his underlings has even a clue about what is going on inside of him and even his superiors have a hard time reading him since he's always so stoic and carries himself around with his usual confident and commanding gait. Despite his thoughts constantly swirling around s/o, he doesn't get affected to the point that it shows in any way. With time he just accepted the fact that he's obsessed with you and that he has this weird need inside of him to protect you from haters. It's not for the sweet reason it might sound at first, Tatara has just this entitlement to be the one to corrupt and ruin you since your shyness is equally adored and disliked from him. He's possessive and most likely one of the first to start calculating and planning on how to kidnap you. Since he has so little respect for others, he never really bothers to get rid of those he knows hate on you and wish you death. He has enough underlings to spare who can spill the blood for him.
Washuu Kichimaru
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🟣Kichimaru is someone who has the act of a pretender nearly down to perfection which allows him to lead some sort of double life. He has his hands involved in numerous companies and organizations and with that influence comes a lot of wealth and power. He pretty much inherited it from his father who used to be a chairman, even though he was a illegimate child. Kichimaru worked his way diligently and slyly upwards from there on and he does not shy away from cheap tricks. He has a very duplicitous nature, able to play the polite and soft-spoken chairman and representative of his company who respects his co-workers and employees. Reality looks different though and that's especially true for him. He cares in real life little about the people he works with and has tainted his hands with the malice and blood of the black market and crimes. He is a nihilist after all, he believes that everything will end anyways so he might as well take advantage out of it and have some fun.
🟣His nihilistic view seems to twist and bend the moment he saw you on TV for the first time and found himself instantly enraptured. All things are going to end and the efforts of humans are useless in the end anyways, that's what he used to believe. But you...are eternal. Ethereal. Kichimaru doesn't want you to end nor does he sees the work and effort you put in as useless. Obsessive doesn't even seem to be the right word for Kichimaru, he's way beyond that and is the sort of Yandere and obsessive fan who takes a trophy for being highly and unbearably disturbing. Maybe that comes from the fact that Kichimaru has pretty much declared his s/o to be his purpose and sweet sunshine in this otherwise boring and gray world, he just wants to have them and is selfish enough to go through as quick as possible with his plans. Since he has so many underlings in so many places it is especially easy and he is definitely going to find a way to stalk you or at the very least let someone stalk you for him.
🟣That's how he gets his photos and that is how he gets some things of you which he adds to his shrine he has dedicated to you. Don't misunderstand him, he loves all the pictures that he has found from you and which cover every last centimeter of his walls. Those who are being snapped without you knowing are just more special since he's the only one who gets to see them. Kichimaru reacts, similar to Naki, very sensitive to any hatred and pressure put your way since you are his innocent and cute angel. Differently from Naki, who takes a violent approach, Kichimaru takes the sadistic approach. He loves destroying someone who hurt you and completely justifies all the killing because of it. He's some sort of puppeteer who pulls all of the strings, who watches how he crushes a human and laughs about their futile efforts to go on and wait for the better days. By the end of it all he kills them, sometimes in a really gruesome way if they forced you to do something you didn't want or tried to hurt you.
🟣He keeps his crazed obsession away when he acts as chairman of his company, taking the role of the quiet and soft-spoken leader once again. That doesn't mean that he just hides the fact that he's a fan of yours completely. He continues to listen during work to your music since it keeps him motivated an in a good mood and he's somewhat delighted when someone notices it and addresses him since they're a fellow fan as well. He's glad to know that s/o is so beloved, on the other hand it often has him feeling queasy as well. He knows how delicate and bashful darling is and it worries him sick, especially with how dangerous and ugly people can be and he should know best. He's being hypocritical at best since he has deluded himself into believing that he can cherish his s/o most and protect them the best when he himself is under the radar of the public involved in criminal activities. Maybe a part of him knows that, he's too needy and selfish to care much in the end though.
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skiyoosmi · 3 years
post-break up heartaches
verse 1. in the car that used to drive us to our home
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⤷ kuroo tetsurou, oikawa tooru — more characters coming soon
⤷ verse 2 | verse 3
⤷ play. never let me go by ghostly kisses, forget about us by clinton kane
commissions: open
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⇢ KUROO sighs for the umpteenth time of the day. he was so fucking exhausted and his body's about to give in to sleep any moment now. work has been beating his ass; there was this newbie who kept on messing up the documents needed by the board and for the whole day, he had to be the one to fix said issues. it's not like he wasn't paid enough for that; if anything, his paycheck was one of the most beautiful things he laid his eyes on— but god, even his body has its own limits and yet...
"ya.... yer not supposed to do this anymore. y-ya left me, remember?" you slurred, index finger pointing right at his chest as he circled his arms around your waist, huffing as you practically dropped all your weight on him. here he was, suddenly given the task of having to take you home after your supposed-to-be designated driver, miya fucking atsumu, also drank his brains out with you.
"be patient. still heartbroken because of you, y'know?" kenma softly tells him despite the tipsy feeling lurking in the back of his mind, shaking his head as he looked at you, whose system finally shut down and were now dozing off in the black haired man's arms.
"..... still?" he mumbles, looking down at your figure and he feels his heart contract with pain all over again.
"you can't expect her to be fine immediately, kuroo. it was your wedding day, supposed to be the greatest day of her life and yet it became the worst one... you left her at the altar alone."
he didn't reply anything— or rather, he was unable to. because what can he say to refute the truth? nothing. instead, he proceeded to his car with you still in his hold. he places you on the passenger seat, locking the seatbelts before jogging to the driver's side.
the car ride was calm as you slept soundly with your head occasionally hitting the window lightly as it swayed from side to side. he was sure as hell that if you were sober right now, you wouldn't even have the thought of seeing him cross your mind. he just knows for sure that you despise him with your whole being... at least, that's what he thought until...
"i'm sorry, tetsu. please come back," you whimper in your seat, voice quiet but he heard it nonetheless, "tell me what i did wrong so i can fix it."
the pitiful sounds and mumbles you made struck kuroo right in the heart and which makes him pull over an empty but safe road, just a block away from your (previously shared) apartment. looking over your form, he finds himself reaching out to touch your face, caressing your cheeks as drops of tears fell down slowly on them, "you didn't do anything wrong. you were fine. you were so perfect."
you squint your eyes at him, probably wondering if this was real or just a part of your drunken imagination. nonetheless, you hiccuped, "y-you... you left me and i... i still can't even bring myself to hate you... i just wanna ask you why? i just want to understand."
he thought he also knew the reason why but every single time he thinks about it, he's only led to one conclusion: because he was a coward. no way was this any of your fault— it's definitely not your fault that right at that moment, as he stared at the mirror, wearing the black suit you chose for him, the sudden fear of commitment loomed over him. it's not like it was your fault he suddenly got scared of losing you the way his parents lost each other. but now he thinks it's ironic, because he lost you anyway.
maybe... just maybe, if he had just met you where you stood at the altar, instead of leaving you alone in it, maybe he would've been happier. maybe his days would've started more with a smile from you as you helped him fix his necktie before going to work. maybe, the working hours he spends in the shitty corporate world would've been more worth it if it meant he can come home to you at the end of the day. maybe... maybe he wouldn't have to be stuck with this lump in his throat as he wonders what could've been happening if he just chose to show up and vowed his life to you.
but he didn't.
"i realized i wasn't just ready to tie my life with anyone yet. that's all there is to it, yn."
so with a heavy feeling stuck in his chest and a quiet promise to never see you again for the sake of not hurting you further, he starts the car's engine again, ignoring the words you replied but he was sure they will haunt him for a very long time... again.
i can wait for you no matter how long it takes, tetsu, you know that.
⇢ OIKAWA gives you what seems like a guilty smile as he stands in front of you, opening his arms and gesturing you to come closer. but the stoic expression on your face takes him back to the reality that the last thing you wanted to do today was to actually fetch him from the airport. it just so happens that his three best friends were caught up with work that they had no choice but to send you, the main ex-bestfriend slash ex-girlfriend, to him.
why did you agree when you practically loathe him with your whole being? well, it was probably because you weren't the devil who would reject your friends when they were literally on their knees as they begged you and for some reason, you thought he'll look pitiful going back to his home country after five years with no one to welcome him. yeah, that's it. it's not like you're still in love with him or anything.
"my car's just around the corner," you begrudgingly walk towards the car park with him quietly following. at the moment, he knew better than to get on your nerves or else there would be war. he hates that this happened to the both of you but he can't blame anyone else but himself. because who wouldn't hate their ex-boyfriend if they suddenly broke up with them over a phone call?
tension filled the car as you both sat beside each other. perhaps, this was what other people were talking about when they say that it's impossible for exes to be friends again, to not feel any awkwardness because you were sure as hell that the word "awkward" was an understatement of your situation right now. nevertheless, your eyes couldn't help but wander to his figure as he adjusted his body, opting for a more comfortable position in the passenger's seat.
he looked more youthful and you felt bittersweet— proud that his whole aura screams of "success" which meant that gone were the days where he longed to get that winter cup trophy, nor the times when he overworked himself and put a strain on his knee which led to countless arguments with you. if anything, he looked happier and it sucks because you're not even close to feeling that way... not without him.
"i heard you've finally gotten yourself your own condominium? that's great, yn!" he exclaimed as soon as you began driving to your destination, a hope lit within him that maybe you might just respond to him. just one smile, that's all i need, he thinks.
but you remain focused on your driving, choosing to reply with a single nod and a soft "yeah..."
disappointment fills his heart as he faces the truth that your relationship has really been ruined, along with your friendship. all because he was foolish to think that he couldn't handle the physical distance between you two. realization dawns upon him that he just made that same distance worse as you pull your heart further away from him.
"... i actually bought it for the two of us, you know?" he whips his head to your direction in surprise, heart clenching as he watch you let out a sad chuckle, "i just... i thought it would be nice if we had a place to permanently stay at and for you to have a home to go to when you're at japan. but yeah... i guess things doesn't go our way sometimes, does it?"
"i'm sor—"
"it's okay. i'm fine now," you quickly reply, shaking your head but keeping your eyes on the road. he tries to ignore the tears that start to form in them because he has no right to stop them, knowing full well that he was the one who caused them in the first place.
as if on cue, you halt your vehicle in front of a familiar apartment and much to your dismay, you find yourself looking back in the past when you used to live in that same place, making wonderful memories with the chocolate haired lad with you. you clear your throat to stop the sob that desperately attempts to escape your throat, "uhm... we're here."
"oh, yeah. we're here," he numbly states, already missing you despite the mere inches of space separating the two of you. you just felt so far away and he hates it. but this was the path he chose so he gets out of your car along with his things, turning to you once more, "uhh... thanks for the ride, yn. i know you probably hate me but yeah... it's very nice of you to put that past us and i guess i just want to say sorry for hurting you... i just..."
"i don't hate you, tooru," you softly tell him, "i just don't want anything to do with you anymore. to see you this happy, without me, is like a slap in the face because i'm not. it still hurts and i'm not fine. i just hope this will be the last time we'll see each other. be safe on your trip back to argentina. welcome home."
and with that, you start the car's engine again, no longer having the energy nor the strength to hear his reply. but he wishes you did because as he watches your car drive further away from him, he can't help but wish that he can take back time so that you don't have to go to that condominium and instead, go inside the home you once shared with him.
but i'm not happy, yn. because how could i call this place my home when you're not here with me?
at that moment, unbeknownst to the two hearts that long for each other break at the same time, you finally let out the tears and cries that you've been keeping since you saw him, knowing that no matter how much you try, you'll never be as happy as you were with him— simply because he left you with a hole in your heart that no one else can fill.
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© SKIYOOSMI, 2021. reposting, translating, editing, copying and any kind of plagiarism are strictly prohibited, thank you.
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sirenascales · 3 years
-> double black [part six] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
The case is concluded and Chuuya collects his prize. [Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai]
3,461 words
warning: mentions of violence, murder, nsfw, smut, slight voyeurism
note: so i lied, there is one more part, which will be nothing but smut so be excited for that hehe
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || Masterlist
My ability is called Hell Hath No Fury and it gives me the ability to make a perfect clone of myself that is fueled by the anger, rage, pain and despair that dwells inside of me, and has been inside of me since I was small. The anger isn't something that's just there, I've been through a lot of things in my life that left my weary soul full of the negative emotions that powers my clone. I don't particularly like using my clone, as she could be quite scary. Like anger and hatred, she could be very hard to control sometimes.
"She is quite scary, huh?" Dazai hummed, voice full of humor as I told him about my ability, us now back at the ADA. I sat at my desk, shoulders slumped. "Took me by surprise~"
I laughed softly at him, shaking my head as I read the official report that was written at the conclusion of the Taichi investigation. There was an unreadable look on my face as I read through the text, Dazai swaying his chair from side to side beside me.
"It says that Taichi was killed by the drug dealer..." I repeated, grimacing as I recalled Chuuya shooting the same man right in his head. "I don't... know how to feel about this."
I was the one who killed Taichi, yet here I was, sitting at my desk in the ADA office with no consequences coming my way. Further reports say that the drug dealer soon met his own demise due to the retribution from the Port Mafia, which wasn't an exact lie.
"Just go along with it, Bella. The only ones who know the truth are-"
"I can't believe you would do something so... incredibly stupid." I winced as soon as Kunikida started barreling down on me, sighing as he continued to lecture me.
Of course, we had to tell Fukuzawa, as well as the rest of the core members of the ADA what happened. It was only fair, considering we had to make sure the story was solid. It was rather nerve wracking to say the least, and in total me fashion, I had cried right in front of the President.
I thought I would get fired, but all I got was a week's suspension. "Get some rest," Fukuzawa said to me, leaning back in his chair. "You're going to need it." I nodded my head, standing up and bowing to him quickly before I left his office.
"I guess I'll see you guys soon," I said to the others, holding my bag full of belongings in my hands. I gave them all one last wave before walking out of the office, aware of Dazai following behind me. As always, I chose to walk down the stairs, only going down two flights before I turned on my heel, dropping my bag and wrapping my arms tight around the taller man.
"Oof," Dazai gasped out before he wrapped his arms around me, chuckling a bit as he gave me a squeeze. "It's not like you'll be gone forever."
I sighed, keeping my face pressed against his chest. "I know. I think all the adrenaline from... everything finally left and now I honestly feel like shit. I'm so tired, Osamu."
"... would you like me to come with you?" Dazai asked and I shook my head, giving him a playful, scolding look.
"You need to finish that report, you lazy bastard," I replied, Dazai already whining and I rolled my eyes. "Call me later?"
Dazai stopped whining, gently cupping my face with his hand. He leaned in and kissed me, stealing my breath away as he always had. He smirked at my flushed face, stepping back. "Yeah. Now go."
I left him by the stairs, making my way back to my apartment. Now that I had a week off, I wasn't sure what I should do. I guess doing was Fukuzawa said and just resting would be a good thing, seeing as I was tired, both physically and emotionally.
But even as I try to sleep, I find myself tossing and turning, waking up every hour. I slumped on my back, letting out a frustrated breath as I stared at the ceiling.
"You know, bella... you're disrupting my beauty sleep," Dazai spoke from beside me and I rolled my eyes, huffing out a breath. Dazai chuckled softly, laying one arm under his head while the other rested over his tummy. "This will pass in time."
I sighed softly. "It's weird... I don't regret it."
"But you still took a life."
"Did you feel this way when you first killed someone?"
"... I honestly don't remember. When you're surrounded by nothing but darkness and carnage for a long time, stuff like that is nothing to be concerned about."
I frowned. "When you were in the Port Mafia... you were partners with Chuuya, right?"
"Like I said, we were the best~" Dazai sang and I smiled softly.
"Just imagining the two of you fighting together is kinda scary..."
"Well, when you have someone like Chuuya and the youngest executive in Port Mafia history, yeah, we were pretty scary!"
I choked. "You were an executive?!" I exclaimed in shock. I thought about Chuuya, and how he worked alongside the Leader of the Port Mafia himself. Dazai was that powerful? And with someone like Chuuya...?
Dazai sputtered, bursting out into a fit of laughter. "You like dangerous men?"
I grinned widely, finally turning to cuddle against him. "Blame it on the daddy issues," I answered, making him snort. "Why did you leave?"
"You should try to get some sleep," Dazai replied, changing the subject and I shrugged my shoulders.
"Yeah, though I won't be surprised if I can't," I mumbled unhappily, shifting a bit to get comfortable. I closed my eyes, hearing Dazai chuckled softly as I started to doze off.
Unsurprisingly, I slept like shit that night, my eyes were sore, the bags under my eyes puffy and dark. I groaned, waving Dazai goodbye tiredly as he left in the morning, heading to work after I scolded him for trying to sleep in and skip work.
The door closed behind him and I let myself fall back on my couch, just staring into nothing for a while before I grabbed my phone, pressing on Keiko's contact and calling her. She didn't answer.
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After pressing the button on the side of her phone to end the incoming call, Keiko sighed nervously as she approached the man sitting in the desk before her, hands shaking as she placed down a large, thick envelope.
"Here you go. That's all of it," she said softly, quickly withdrawing her hands away and clasping them together against her chest.
Chuuya watched her carefully, noticing just how scared and timid Keiko was acting, and he honestly didn't blame her, not after what she's been through, and especially how Taichi continued to throw her under the bus, even after his death.
"I swear... I had nothing to do with what he was doing..." her voice trembled and Chuuya sighed deeply. He dug into his drawer, producing a cigarette for both himself and Keiko. She allowed him to light hers for her and there was a silence as they each took a drag.
"I believe you," Chuuya started, leaning back in his seat. "He used your name to open that offshore account and the safety deposit box, making sure not to have this all trail back to him." Keiko hung her head and Chuuya thought back to when he first saw her. She was way more outgoing and cheerful, and admittingly had a very sensual, attractive aura that even he himself would be into if she hadn't been with Taichi.
It was a shame to see that all gone, all because of one coward. It pissed Chuuya off immensely. She was essentially betrayed by someone she trusted, and Chuuya could relate to that all too well.
"But, everything is finally coming to a close with all the money Taichi stole from us coming back. Don't worry, Keiko, our investigation makes it more than clear that you are innocent in this. You have nothing to worry about," Chuuya said, but Keiko still looked troubled. She said my name softly and he looked at her questionably.
"What about her...?" she asked softly. "Is she clear?"
"You did see the official report, right?" Chuuya replied in turn, taking another drag from his cigarette. Keiko nodded silently. "It wasn't that hard to form the story. There was at least some truth to it. The drug dealer was as good as dead... as well as Taichi. She just beat us to it. We can let this slide."
Keiko sighed in relief, taking another drag from her own cigarette. "That's a relief... I was worried about what would happen to her."
"Nothing," Chuuya answered. "And we will be keeping an eye on her for a while too."
Keiko nodded in understanding. "I'm still worried about her, though. She's been having a hard time sleeping and I'm sure it's just... everything finally getting to her..." Keiko sighed deeply, rubbing her eyebrows. "But I don't know what to do... she's in this mess because of me, I wanna help her but I don't even know how to help myself!"
"And that should be your main focus right now," Chuuya spoke, crossing his arms over his chest. "Don't worry about her. I'll take care of her."
"But why?" Keiko questioned. "It's not like you care about her. Or love her."
Chuuya rolled his eyes. "There's no love there, but she's... fun."
Keiko snorted at that. "She's not one for love and relationships. I guess that's why she's involved with you, and Dazai. There's a mutual understanding there, and I guess if it works for you guys, then it's okay. But-"
Chuuya quirked an eyebrow. "But?"
"She's still sensitive. She wears her heart on her sleeve, so even if there really is no love here, I'm sure she still cares for you guys. That's just how she is. So I ask... just don't hurt her. That's all. If it all ends... just make sure she doesn't get hurt." Keiko clenched her fists. "I don't know what I'll do to you if she does."
Chuuya just stared at her, pleasantly surprised. He let out a short laugh. "Are you threatening me?"
Chuuya grinned, laughing again as he shook his head. The loyalty in this friendship was honestly a sight to see. It was refreshing. "I don't usually respond well to threats, so I'll let this slide. You've done all you can do, so you can head on home if you want. If you're lucky, we won't see each other again."
"Well, if you're still seeing my best friend, we probably will," Keiko said, standing up, feeling a little less nervous. "Goodbye, Chuuya. Stay safe out there."
Chuuya nodded. "I hope you can heal and become your old self again. It's sad to not see that pretty smile on your face."
Keiko blushed brightly. "Shameless flirt," she shot at him playfully, turning away from him to leave. Chuuya laughed loudly from his desk.
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"So, are you okay now?" I asked Keiko over the phone, her telling me about her meeting with Chuuya. She first apologized for ignoring my call, but it didn't bother me that much. I was only glad that she was doing okay.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Gonna spend the rest of the day home and figure out what to do."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well... I'm thinking of going away for a while. Maybe for six months... just to heal and find myself again."
"Six months?! What about your job?"
"I quit. I want to start my life over again, but I love Yokohama, so I figured... I can get another job when I come back! I'm gonna sell my condo too!"
I was stunned. "I... but where do you plan on even going?!"
"Hm... maybe Europe? I'm not sure yet. Are you... okay with me leaving?"
"Of course! I support you with everything you do in your life. I just want you to be safe and okay..."
"I'm glad. I'm pretty determined, but don't worry! I will always come home!"
Keiko and I talked for a while after that, a smile on my face as we ended the call. I was happy to see that Keiko was trying to turn her life around, proud of her for being so strong. It was rather inspiring, and helped me to gain my own strength to get my shit together as well.
The day went on, and I was in the kitchen making an early dinner when there was a knock on my door. I was annoyed, thinking it was Dazai flaking out on work again, but as I opened my door, I was surprised to see a certain red head at my door.
"Wow. You look like shit."
I rolled my eyes and scoffed, turning and walking back into my kitchen, Chuuya following behind me.
"Gee, thanks."
"What are you doing?"
"Cooking an early dinner. You want some?"
"Yeah, sure."
It wasn't long until Chuuya and I sat across from each other, chowing down on some food and filling our bellies.
"So, what's up?" I asked him, drinking some water. Chuuya was still stuffing his face, almost choking at one point before he downed his glass of water to save himself.
"Well," Chuuya coughed. "I came here to collect my prize."
I blinked. "Your prize? What are- oh," I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. That stupid race Dazai proposed. Chuuya was the one who figured it all out first, and I was the prize for the lucky winner. "So, you wanna have sex later then? I'm cool with that."
Chuuya scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "No. Well, yes, but no. Not yet. I'm taking you somewhere."
I raised my eyebrows. "Where?"
"Shut up and don't worry about it. You'll see when you get there."
I narrowed my eyes at him, just wondering what the fuck he was up to. What could it possibly be that he wouldn't tell me what his plan was? It was rather suspicious and I began to grow wary.
But we finished eating and Chuuya didn't even give me a chance to pack before he dragged me out of my apartment. I managed to get my keys, phone and purse, and I gave him the stink eye the entire time I was stuck in the backseat of a fancy car with him.
"Are you having me killed?"
"I will if you don't shut up."
I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest as Chuuya took me to my supposed doom. But we arrived at our destination, and I was extremely confused as I looked up at the rather luxurious hotel. I didn't get the chance to question it, Chuuya leading me inside. We were immediately greeted by the hotel attendants, and led to the elevator. We rode it all the way to the top floor, the attendant leaving us alone as the doors opened and we walked out into the hallway.
"Chuuya..." I let out a small breath as he led me inside the penthouse, my jaw dropping as I took my first look at the very luxurious space. "What is this?"
"Keiko told me you were having a rough time," Chuuya spoke, taking off his hat and then his jacket, hanging them up carefully. "I figured this would help you. Full body massages, jacuzzi, anything you could ever want to just... relax. It's all here."
"But... Chuuya, you didn't have to," I whispered, still in awe with my face heated up.
"Well, just deal with it," Chuuya huffed.
"Isn't this expensive though?"
"It's nothing. Just... think about this as my prize. Taking care of you."
Now my face was burning hot, Chuuya's own flushed red. I gave him a look, his words making me smile a bit despite how flustered they made me.
"You sound like a sugar daddy."
He didn't respond. That made me giggle. "How long will we be here."
"For the week, until you get back to work."
"But how did you..." I trailed off, gasping when Chuuya gave me a light push further into the penthouse.
It was an amazing, large open area space with a full kitchen, all the top appliances, a flat screen and a huge king size bed. The bathroom was just as fabulous, the large soaker tub calling my name.
"Oh, I need to get in that," I declared, making Chuuya laugh lightly. He watched as I looked around the bathroom, taking it upon himself to start filling up the tub. I turned to him and smirked. "Will you join me?"
"Like you have to ask that."
After finding a nice smelling bath bomb to put in the tub, Chuuya and I undressed and carefully climbed inside, sighing blissfully as the hot water immediately began to relax our muscles. I sat between Chuuya's legs, my back against his chest and my head resting against his shoulder. My eyes were closed, Chuuya's strong hands roaming all over my body.
"Tired?" Chuuya asked me softly and I sighed, nodding my head.
"Yeah... like Keiko said, I've been having a shit time sleeping," I answered, turning my head to lightly kiss Chuuya's jaw lightly. "But maybe a relaxing massage would help. Oh, but it's kinda late, huh? The masseuse would be gone by now."
Chuuya's hands continue to roam my body, one moving south. I let out a deep sigh when he began to rub circles on my clit.
"Yeah... but I can think of other ways to make you sleep," Chuuya whispered in my ear before he bit into my earlobe. I sigh again, Chuuya then capturing my lips with his own.
After making me cum on his fingers in the tub, we finished up in there before we found ourselves tangled up in the sheets of the king sized bed. Chuuya had my legs thrown over his shoulders, his cock plunging deep into me with every thrust he made.
"You're mine..." Chuuya breathed out, hissing and moaning from the pleasure. "... for the entire week... gonna make sure the only name you know is mine." He growled, clenching the sheets on either side of me tightly in his fists.
"Oh, yes, yes yes!" I cried out, back arching off my bed, eyes going wide as a voice that was not Chuuya's spoke up.
"Oh, that's just cute."
Whipping our heads around, we were shocked to see a certain detective standing at the foot of the bed, lecherous grin on his pretty face. We froze, Chuuya's cock still inside me, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Dazai?!" I shrieked.
"How the fuck did you get in here?!" Chuuya followed, glaring at the man. "What the hell?!"
"You can't hide things from me~" Dazai sang, not even hiding the fact that he was enjoying what he was seeing, his eyes slowly trailing over both of our naked bodies. "I was wondering why you called me to ask about her schedule... so I did some digging."
Chuuya hung his head, gritting his teeth in annoyance. "I am going to kill you."
Dazai laughed heartily, waving his hand dismissively. "No, no! Don't let me disturb you! I can watch! You guys were having so much fun!"
Before Chuuya could even react, he ended up groaning, his wide blue eyes finding mine. "Did you... fucking like that?" he asked and I stuttered a bit. "Do you want him to watch us?"
Another chill went down my spine at the thought and Chuuya groaned again as I clenched tightly around him. Chuuya cursed, feeling his cock twitch inside of me. He cursed again, becoming more overcome with arousal.
"Interesting," he breathed out, small puffs of air hitting my face. He smirked slightly, glancing back at Dazai. "This brings back memories."
"Fond memories," Dazai hummed and I looked back and forth between the two of them questionably.
"What are you guys talking about?"
Both of their eyes were now on me, and the intensity of their gazes made me gasp sharply, another chill going down my spine.
"Why have him just watch," Chuuya began, nuzzling his face against my neck. "When he can join us? Oh, fuck, you squeezed me so tightly just now..."
I trembled, heart hammering in my chest at the mere idea. A threesome? With Chuuya and Dazai. Looking over, I catch Dazai slipping off his tan jacket, gulping as he started to work on getting his shirt off.
"We have a week, right? Oh, this is going to be so much fun."
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bruhstories · 3 years
summary: you and yuji have been together for three years now, but on your anniversary night, you allow your own demons to come to the surface. pairing: ryomen sukuna x female!reader (itadori yuji x female!reader, too, i guess?) | aged up characters word count: 3.5k warning & content: cheating?? (is it cheating if it's technically the same body?), unprotected sex, creampie, slight dacryphillia, vaginal fingering, blackmail, reader is kind of an asshole? (can you blame her tho, sukuna is such a daddy ugh), bit of overstimulation, slight dumbification (if you squint)
a/n: i'm back, and i can tell my writing skill is getting rusty. i took a break and it's obvious with this fic, but i need to get my head back in the game. it is what it is.
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Yuji was a great boyfriend. In all honesty, he was every woman and man's dream — funny, charming, attentive and, most importantly, caring. He cared about you so much that he always made sure to control his own personal demon. You knew about Sukuna, Yuji told you after a few dates, and you were well versed in Jujutsu Sorcery, enough to know that he was not someone you could mess with. But you didn't want to give up on Yuji, and stuck with him through thick and thin. After almost three years of the beautiful and fun relationship you two had, he asked you to move in with him since you were both adults now, and you gladly accepted, because after so much time, you came to love him, despite seeing Sukuna's outbursts during fights. That thing, that monster, was beyond terrifying, but you trusted Yuji with all your heart, and that was all that mattered.
Or maybe you were unhinged, maybe you wanted Sukuna to come to the surface. Maybe, deep down in your heart, you fell in love with the switch, with the raging, brutal frenzies that you happened to witness on the rare occasions when Yuji couldn’t control the King of Curses. Maybe you weren’t meant to be a Jujutsu Sorcerer, because, as opposed to your optimistic and good-natured boyfriend, you never hesitate to kill – human or curse. Sometimes it felt as if your curiosity surpassed your love for Yuji, and that was a horrendous thought. Surely, that can’t be the real you, right?
Today is your three-year anniversary, and naturally, you want to surprise your boyfriend, so when you come home from a mission, you stop by his favourite ramen restaurant, picking up something to eat, maybe even some dessert. You tiptoe inside when you notice Yuji napping on the couch, and after silently setting up the table, careful not to wake him up, you quickly change into something... nicer. Yuji doesn't really enjoy it when you show some skin, which sucks because you want him to show you off. Nevertheless, you respect him, but tonight is special, surely it wouldn't hurt if you wear a shorter skirt. And a low-cut blouse. And heels. Fuck it, you think, adding a pair of thigh high socks as well, maybe that would rile him up. As much as you loved him, Yuji was too gentle. You liked that about him, truly, but sometimes you just need him to give you a good fuck, which was impossible, no matter how much you begged him to do it. You watch your reflection in the mirror from head to toe, proud of your skimpy outfit, but you can't help but wonder if he might be upset at your choice of attire. Even if he prefers it when you're dressed in pastels, that's not you, the real you. "You look good enough to eat." Yuji's voice breaks your trance and you turn on your heels to look at him. He stands in the doorway of the bedroom, arms folded across his chest, but there's a strange aura around him, and you can't exactly see his face through the dim lights. "You like it?" Your ears perk up, happy that he's not bothered by the clothes. "I do. You should dress like that more often." He sneers, stepping closer to you. "Alright, what kind of prank are you pulling now, Yuji? You never liked these kinds of clothes." You lower your head, your luscious lips turning into a pout. His calloused fingertips grip your chin, turning your head to face the mirror, and that's when you see the black markings on his face. Fear paralyses your entire body, eyes widening in panic and anxiety. "He might not like them, but I do." His voice is lower than Yuji's, calm yet obscenely dangerous. "I- you-" The words get caught in your throat, and you can't take your eyes off of his reflection. You know for a fact there's absolutely nothing you can do to defend yourself from Sukuna without hurting Yuji, and that thought makes you feel incredibly small and downright pathetic. "Little lamb, do you have any idea how hard it's been for me to watch this ungrateful brat take you for granted?" His hand is still leaving imprints on your chin and cheek, the other travelling down your back. "To watch you lose yourself for him, of all people?" "You don't know me!" Lips open without a thought, and you regret every syllable that came out of your mouth. "Oh, but I do." Yuji, no, Sukuna sneers, that same hand that was once on your back is now on your abdomen, painstakingly slowly creeping under your blouse. "Everything he sees, I see. Everything he smells, I smell. What he hears, I hear. But I just couldn't touch what's mine. Until now." You feel him pinching your nipple, and you're ashamed to admit how good his skin feels against yours, his hot breath fanning over your nape. "'M not yours." You grit your teeth, manicured fingernails digging into the plush of your thighs to keep your composure. "There's one thing I can smell that he can't. Wanna know what that is, sweet dove?" He whispers in your ear, and it's dotting your skin with goosebumps. "Enlighten me." "Your arousal." "You're bluffing." Is all you manage to say before Sukuna spins you around, pinning you against the mirror. "Let's see, shall we? I bet you're dripping," he shoves one of your legs to the side with his knee, and you don't stop him, "I bet you you've fantasised about this, late at night, when this brat can't please you. He's well endowed, though, it's a shame he can't use his dick." "S-stop it, please. I love him." "Pardon me if I doubt that." "Please, sir..." Sir? How should you call him? Demon? Cursed spirit? Monster? "How about master?" Sukuna barks back, as if reading your mind sarcasm dripping
down his tongue. You can't stifle a moan when his teeth sink in the crook of your neck, and you know damn well that you want this, and that every word he uttered so far was correct. You have thought about Yuji switching with Sukuna, wondered how he would fuck you, make you chant his name, but you never told your boyfriend, you couldn't. It's sinful, disgraceful and disgusting. Instinctively, you grind up his thigh, tears of shame and lust pooling at your eyes when you slowly give in to the temptation. He's already bruised your skin, one hand toying with your tits, the other lifting your skirt up. It's too late to fight him, because you never wanted to fight him in the first place. You deepest, darkest wish is finally coming to life. "That's better." Sukuna licks his lips, and your half-lidded, glossy eyes land on his tongue. "Please, m-may I kiss you?" Eyes dart away, cheeks burning with desire and embarrassment. "How polite of you to ask." He coos at you mockingly, his face inching closer to yours before absolutely crushing your lips under his. You don't hesitate to partly open your mouth, allowing his tongue to slip between your lips. Fuck, he kisses you so good that your knees give in, and all you can think is that if he's such a good kisser, he's definitely going to fuck you dumb. And you want that more than anything. When he pulls away, you lick your lips, still tasting him on your tongue, and he tastes so much better than Yuji — sweet and addictive. "I really wanted to take my time with you, after all, I waited three long years for this. But you're such an eager little slut, aren't you?" "I'm n-not a slut-" You try to protest, but you can't fool him, especially not when he's pushing your panties to the side, fingers grazing over your slit. "You are a slut. You merely buried that side of you for a pathetic little boy who can't handle a real woman." Sukuna's index finger gently brushes against your clit, enough to have you weak and needy. "Don't worry, Y/N, you don't have to hide from me. You can show me what you really want." It hurts to know that Yuji probably sees and hears everything, that he will probably break up with you after this, but you're too far gone to care about his feelings when finally someone is paying attention to yours. Your hand travels up his thigh, palming his already hard cock, and the way he groans, throwing his head back is satisfying enough for you. It hurts to think that Yuji never appreciates this side of you, and it's more painful when you consider this to be cheating — it's still his body, technically, but it's not your loving boyfriend, and you're perfectly fine with that. He slips a finger between your folds, a quiet moan escaping your lips, and Sukuna knows you won't dare say no to him, or try to reason with him. He adds another finger, but he absolutely does not move them an inch, instead you automatically fuck yourself on his hand, gripping one of his shoulders for support. "That's a good whore." Sukuna praises you, tongue lapping at your collarbone, making you delirious with lust. "You want my cock? Want me to fuck your aching cunt?" It's impossible to refuse his proposition, instead you buck your hips, your fingers gripping his t-shirt and you know you might tear it if you keep this up. "Yes..." You answer him, voice soft and quiet. "Yes what?" "P-please... Yes, please!" "Much better. Get on the bed." Sukuna commands and you obey, skirt dangerously hiked up. You proceed to take it off, but he slaps your hands away, too impatient for such formalities. He did wait a long time for this, you understand that, and so you lay on your back, blouse unbuttoned, panties on the floor and legs wide open for him to take you. Oh, and he adores this sight, how you willingly give yourself to him, your dainty fingers spreading your juices around your cunt, eager to be filled. In those three years of being with Yuji, you got used to his cock, but seeing it now seems like it's the first time. Precum leaks from the blushing tip and your mouth begins to water just by looking at him, and
this pleases Sukuna greatly. "Tell me what you want." He climbs on top of you, hands resting next to you as your fingernails graze over his chest. "I don't wanna say it..." You avert your gaze, a crumb of dignity left in you because you know Yuji hears everything. "Oh, you don't?" He quirks a brow, brown irises bearing a hint of red. "Then you won't mind me killing the brat." This garners your attention, and you feel stupid because of course he would blackmail you. Do you care? No. Do you want Yuji to think you care? Yes. "Please don't hurt him." You look back at Sukuna, tears pricking your eyes. "Why shouldn't I? We both know he doesn't deserve you." "You're wrong, I love-" "This isn't about you loving him, it's about you renouncing your true nature." His hand finds its way on your neck, fingers wrapping around it. "How many times have you begged him to choke you and he refused? How many times did you ask him to fuck you harder and he said no? You're a filthy slut, Y/N, and it's time you got what you deserve." The lack of air has your pussy clenching around nothing, and you hate him so much for being right. Yuji could never give you what you want, but Sukuna can, and it's an opportunity you can't pass. "Now, I'll say this one last time — tell me what you want." He releases the grip on your neck. "Y-you! I want you to fuck me, please, fuck me good, make me yours!" The tears that roll down your cheeks ruin your makeup, mascara mixed with eyeshadow smeared under your eyes. The tip of his cock pushes past your folds, and inch by inch he bottoms out. It feels bigger than before, stretching you open in a beautiful blend of pain and pleasure, your lips forming an O as your eyes roll back. "He doesn't deserve your tears. But I do. Cry for me." Sukuna sneers, his broad frame hovering above you and you feel so small and vulnerable. Yet again you obey, allowing more salty droplets to run down your face as you wrap your legs around his waist, feeling him go deeper. "Fuck, 's big! Oh, god-" Sukuna's palm meets your cheek, a sharp, stinging pain bringing your eyes on him. "Focus, whore. Not god, not the brat, me." He grunts, hips rocking back and forth harder and faster. "Who do you belong to?" You don't want to say it, what would Yuji think of you? He's probably already disgusted, contemplating breaking up with you once he regains control of his body. Another slap pulls you out of your thoughts and you buck your hips against his. "Answer me." "I b-belong to you! You!" "That's right, you're mine. Don't worry your pretty head, little lamb, Yuji won't be coming back any time soon." He grunts with every thrust, and his reassurance is somewhat comforting, because, god, he fucks you so good, you would kill for another opportunity like this. His teeth sink into your shoulder, fingers bruising your skin and you're delighted that he's marking you. All that matters is that you're his, chanting his name over and over again, praying to your new god, and Sukuna is beyond pleased with his work of art. When he pulls out of you, you almost cry, because it feels like a part of you is missing, but he's a merciful god, he won't let his newly devoted subject famished. Flipping you over as if you're made of feathers, he thrusts back into your aching cunt, and you yelp at the feeling of being overpowered by him. Sukuna's stamina is off the charts, because while your legs begin to feel numb, he's fucking into you with such force and intensity that the damn bed slides on the floor. It's raw, the way he's defiling your cunt, and it's sending your brain into overdrive. Your spongy walls clench around his cock, and while he doesn't say anything, the simple fact that he's going deeper and harder makes you feel special. Squirming and thrashing under him, you're desperate for some form of validation, and so you lift your ass up, pushing it back against his hips with a delightful moan escaping your lips. Sukuna takes notice of your sudden change of posture, and the way you curve your spine to try and get a look at him is adorable. "You want something,
pet?" He barely spares you a glance, and his indifference makes your pussy flutter. Your incoherent sentence almost makes him laugh, words such as good and please distinguishable between the other stutters. "Use your fucking words." A slap over your firm ass makes you yelp and jolt up. "A-am I good enough f-for you?" The question takes him by surprise, but he doesn't stop to think. Instead, he digs his sharp talons into the plush of your hips, overjoyed by your eagerness to please him. "You could do better." Sukuna teases you, but you take it personally, sadness and determination coiling inside of your heart. By this point, you don't even remember your boyfriend's name, too high on pleasure to even care. "'M sorry! P-please, I wanna be good!" You throw your head back and he wraps an arm around your neck, pressing his chest against your back. "If you wanna make me happy, you best forget about Itadori." "W-who?" "Your– never mind." Sharp canines flashed in his smirk, Sukuna tilts your head enough for you to catch a glimpse of his eyes. They're dark and vicious, and any sane person would be repulsed by them, but not you. No, you drown in them, completely absorbed by the hatred hiding behind them. The more you stare into his orbs, the closer you are to your climax. And he knows it. "Fuck fuck fuck!" "That's right, little lamb, let go of all that is moral and human." "Don't stop- oh, god, please don't s-stop!" In your frenzy, in his frantic pace, Sukuna's close, too. It would have taken any other woman hours to please him due to his insatiable nature, but you — your cunt clenching around his cock for dear life milks him dry, and inch by inch he pulls out, watching the hot liquid dripping down your trembling thighs. Art, he thinks, this is what art is — your face buried in the pillows, ass up, and his seed spilling out of your sore cunt. You come down from your haze, slowly but surely, and the realisation of what just happened begins to hit you. You want to regret everything, to feel a shred of shame, but there isn't any left. After this night, Sukuna irrevocably owns you, and you wouldn't have it any other way. He lays on the bed, lazily watching you stumble in the bathroom to clean yourself up, but with his guard up in case you want to try anything stupid. Yet when you don't come back, Sukuna wonders if you ran away out the window, which makes him laugh to himself because he could find you anywhere if he wanted to. So, he drags his feet across the room, finding you on the edge of the bathtub, watching the water pool inside with a blank stare. When you feel his presence, you get up and tug at the hem of his shirt. The man flinches, until he remembers that you are harmless and exhausted, and you don't look like you even want to put up a fight, so he allows you to take his shirt off. "Is this for me?" He points at the tub, brow quirked and a mischievous smile on his lips. "Yes." "Are you gonna clean me up?" "Yes." You sigh, wondering if you truly ever loved Yuji, wondering why you didn't even try to fight for him. "Do you want your boyfriend back?" Oh, how you dreaded this question. You cringe at the words, and don't reply. Silence is also an answer, but he's cruel. "I need to hear it." "He will also hear it." Of course he will, that's the whole point of humiliation. Sukuna steps in the tub, dipping himself in the hot water, a hand extended towards you. "Join me." You hesitate to take his hand, lips pursed and eyes narrowed at the man who looks so serene that it amazes you how brutal he was before. "I won't ask again." Complying, and not wanting to anger him, you don't waste another moment to get in the tub, back against his chest. "Can I ask you a question?" "You just did, sweet dove." "Fine, I’ll shut up." "Now, now, don't give me that attitude, or else I'll have to put you in your place. And you won't like it." His nails are pressed onto your jugular, and you know those things can cut, your hips are still bleeding. "Ask away." He lets his hands fall on your shoulders and you exhale the breath that was caught in your
throat. "Why didn't you kill me? Why don't you kill me?" "I need a pet." "Oh." Your disappointment makes Sukuna burst into laughter. What did you expect? A confession of love? "Oh?" He mocks you, tracing circles on your skin with his talons. "Don't worry, I take good care of my pets. Especially if they're loyal and obedient." His hands travel down your body, one pulling your knee to the side, the other moving up your thigh. "You are loyal and obedient, yes?" "Please, no more-" The rest of the sentence dies before you can utter it when his fingers ghost over your swollen clit. "Answer me, Y/N." "I can't come again!" "You can, and you will, because I want you to. Now answer the fucking question." Sukuna toys with you, only pushing his index finger one knuckle deep between your folds before pulling it out, and somehow you can't feel the sharpness of his nails. "Will you serve and obey me, not once questioning my authority?" He pushes the finger back in, curling it upwards and you don't fail to clench your walls once more. "Oh, f-fuck, I will, I will! But please, I can't–" When he rubs your clit, you are done for. You didn't think you could reach another climax, but those circles he's rubbing with enough pressure to both give you pleasure and pain have you melting in his arms. "Swear it, then. Make a pact with me. I can give you anything in return, maybe even the brat." "I s-swear it, S-Sukuna! I swear my loyalty to you!" You hiss between your gritted teeth, hips rolling in synchronicity with his hand. "And in return, what do you want?" "I want you! Oh, god, I only want you!" "Clever girl." The man decides to give you what you want, and with a quickened pace, you squeeze your thighs together, coming undone on his fingers. "I'm going to enjoy your company." Embracing your true nature is your salvation, and damnation. Your boyfriend is never coming back, Sukuna simply won't allow it, and from this moment on, your memories of Yuji begin to fade away, like a bad dream, because you simply must serve your beloved master, your merciful and devastatingly powerful god. That's who you really are.
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lovelytarou · 3 years
caffeinated love
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pairing: nishinoya yuu x reader
genre: fluff, slight angst
tags: coffee shop!au, barista!noya, noya & reader being whipped for each other
a/n: dedicated to my beautiful, loving, sweet and supportive wife @chibishae34 💖💞❤️💕 i hope you liked this surprise and i did your bb noya justice! :c
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it was a perfectly sunny day.
it was too perfect, you might add. the scene in front of you could easily fit into a studio ghibli movie, the only thing missing are the animated characters, and the soft piano music that usually accompanied the films.
you don't know what made you look at life with rose-colored lenses today, it might be because you're in a good mood, or you woke up on the right side of the bed, or the wind just brought some positive air to you. whatever it is, you're thankful for it.
you're walking around campus with a skip on your steps, a smile on your face as you grinned at the people you passed and the surroundings. to some people, it might come off as creepy, or even weird, but no one is going to ruin your mood today. not when you're so close to having your coffee.
a bigger smile tugged at your lips, looking up at the café in front you – its bold, intricate sign you're familiar with and the welcoming aura beckoning you in.
Crows' Cabin.
your favorite café that serves the best coffee ever in your campus. you couldn't have asked for more. they got your coffee right, the perfect amount of sweetness, the tinge of bitterness, and the smooth feel of the cream like a warm blanket on a cold day. not to mention, their staff is pretty welcoming and friendly, too.
what you loved most about this place is the fact that you can study in peace and the fast wi-fi that they have. it has the perfect atmosphere to do a little studying while you sip your coffee.
walking inside, you pushed the doors open, letting it emit a small ringing sound as it announces your arrival. the usual silver-haired cheery guy that greets you when you come in isn't standing in his usual post. instead, a short guy with bleached streaks greeted you with a lively energy that almost shocked you to the core.
you can't help but think how cute he looks, and walked closer cautiously to the counter.
“hello! welcome to crows' cabin! what can i getcha, cutie?” he gave you a big grin, leaning on the counter with his arm. you blinked in surprise, taken aback by his ecstatic greeting and chuckling lightly.
“hey, uh...is sugawara not here?” you probably sounded rude, but if there's a new guy on his stead, you could only guess that he's going to get your coffee wrong. at least, that's what you think.
he let out a humming sound, his face scrunching up as he thinks with his index finger and thumb under his chin. your heart skipped a beat. he couldn't get any cuter.
“i heard sugawara changed shifts because of his hectic schedule and all,” he explained, waving his arms about. “but you're lucky you're stuck with me! so, what do you want? coffee, tea, or me?” he gave you a wink after his question.
despite the nag of disappointment at the news of sugawara not being able to take your order anymore, it was quickly replaced by giddiness at the presence of this energetic boy in front of you.
before you could answer, however, the other staff with shaved hair that you quickly recognized as tanaka ryuunosuke, emerged from the kitchen and shook his head at his co-worker's antics.
“oi, stop flirting with the customer and take their order already!” he scolded, slapping the boy with the small towel he's holding on the head, earning a yelp.
“ukai-san won't be happy to know that you're trying to pick up chicks while on the job, you know.” tanaka's quip made your cheeks heat up. although, it seemed like the smaller guy is flirting with you, it was probably how he greets all the customers that comes in the café.
yet, the thought of him asking you out isn't too bad at all.
he's pretty attractive, you'll admit that. he's got mesmerizing, big, brown eyes that looks like it can pierce through your soul the longer you looked at them, and not to mention his fiery personality that greeted you the moment you entered.
“i can't help it, ryuu. they just looked so cute! who am i to deny our pretty customer our special service?” he wiggled his eyebrows at you suggestively. god, you wanted the ground to swallow you whole.
“leave the poor customer alone, idiot. look at them, they're too red already!” it definitely didn't help that tanaka made a comment on how flustered you seem to get over his co-workers flirtatious advances.
“i-i'll get the usual, please...” you managed to croak out despite the embarrassment you felt, immediately sliding the exact amount to the counter.
the boy tilted his head at you in confusion, “the usual...?”
oh, right. he's new.
ignoring your flushed cheeks and rapidly beating heart, you murmured how you liked your coffee all the while his piercing gaze is intently staring at you, giving you his undivided attention while you explain your order passionately.
“uh, no– wait, that's probably too complicated. i'll just get that one instead–” he waved his hand dismissively at your panicked ramblings.
“nah, no need. i already memorized your order, angel face.” with one final wink at you, he went to the back to prepare your coffee.
“why don't you settle in and get comfortable while i prepare your drink?” he called over his shoulder.
tanaka could only watch the commotion with fond, proud gaze as he went back to his own station.
during the afternoon, the crows' cabin don't have many patrons unlike in the mornings and evenings. usually, they were back in their classes or offices, and sometimes will only grab a quick bite before heading out.
this is the most peaceful moment, in your opinion, in the café. you hummed along to the song playing on the speakers as you typed away for your essay that is due tomorrow. yeah, it might not be healthy to cram when it's due tomorrow, but with how busy you are, can you really blame yourself?
what's important is you're doing it now instead of putting it away and procrastinating like you always do.
your fingers stopped typing as you gazed out the window, thinking of what to write next. amid the staring absently at nothingness, the boy from the counter approached you. he placed the cup from the tray beside you on a coaster.
“thanks, uh...” shoot, you didn't get his name. you don't remember tanaka mentioning it, too.
he seemed to have read your mind as he laughed, eyes crinkling at the sides as he threw his head back. you can't help but stare at him, he's such a ball of sunshine. any moment now and you're sure your heart will burst because of this guy.
“my name's nishinoya yuu, nice to meet you, uhm...” he stretched his hand out, which made you chuckle. you accepted it, shaking his hand as you introduced yourself.
nishinoya rubbed the back of his head, his cheeks flushing, “that's a pretty name.” he murmured, eyes casting off to the side as the thought of how warm and soft your hands are overtaking his mind.
before he could get carried away, he cleared his throat and looked at you expectantly.
“anyway, i'm excited about what you think of the coffee i made!” he bounced on his heels from where he stood, excitement jittering his bones.
rolling your eyes playfully, you cracked a smile at his excited expression and brought the cup to your lips to take a sip.
time seemed to have stopped as nishinoya watched you take another sip of coffee. you, on the other hand, couldn't believe that he made it just how you like it despite the first time making it for you. the slight smirk didn't escape your notice as you let out an appreciative hum upon the taste.
“so?” he leaned a little close to you, anticipation written all over his cute face.
“i gotta hand it to you, nishinoya. you did well, maybe even better than sugawara’s,” his chest seemed to puff up at your praise which you found endearing. so he likes to be complimented.
“of course! who else can make your coffee if not also the best barista in crows' cabin?” he boasted, thumbs pointing at himself. you can't help the laughter that bubbled out of you. he's such a refreshing presence in such a familiar place. and you're here for it.
he felt his heart clench as he smiled at your laughing figure, one thought only occupying his mind: he wanted to see you smile and laugh more.
he glanced at the clock on the wall, noticing that it'd be a few hours left before his shift ends and until then he still has a lot to do. even if it makes him sad, he has to go back to work and part from you. although, he hopes not permanently.
“anyways, enjoy your coffee! don't work too hard! and uh, call me yuu.” he gave you one last smile before he went back behind the counter.
his name kept repeating over and over inside your head, a smile on your face as you looked down at your cup of coffee.
you're definitely going to keep coming back here.
the next time you went back to the café, nishinoya perked up like an overexcited dog. his face immediately lit up at the sight of you. the relief that washed over you was something that you kept thinking about as you made your way to the counter, a grin splitting your face.
why were you so glad to find out that he's here?
“hey, it's you again. how are you doing today?” he greeted, already buzzing to life at the mere sight of you.
“i'm great, actually. and you?”
“it's been a long day, but it's all better now that you're here, cutie.” he chuckled at the way you became flustered in seconds after he called you a pet name.
“you're not too bad yourself, yuu. i'll take–”
“–the usual. i already memorized it, remember?” he replied, seeing the puzzled look on your face.
“right. yeah, sorry.” you facepalmed yourself softly, shaking your head at your forgetfulness. “it's just...i've been working too hard so i probably forgot,”
“i have just the thing, now go get cozy and i'll bring your drink!”
you took that as your cue to find your seat. today was pretty hectic for you, especially since you have to catch up to the nearing deadlines. taking a seat, you immediately opened up your laptop and began to work.
not half an hour later, a cup was placed in front of you, along with nishinoya sitting at the opposite chair which made you quirk an inquisitive eyebrow at the boy.
“what are you doing?”
“it's okay, i have my break at this time.” he then placed a bag beside your laptop, “on the house, a little birdie told me that it's your favorite,” he sheepishly rubbed at his nape, avoiding your gaze.
opening the bag, you find out that it's one of your favorite pastries inside. you can't help the soft gasp leaving your mouth at the kind gesture.
“oh, thank you so much! i've been craving these lately.” you gave him a grateful smile, biting down on your favorite treat. it still tasted just as good, but what really warmed your heart was the thought of nishinoya purposely asking sugawara for your favorite pastry and you can't help but add it to one of the things you like about him.
you couldn't help but choke at your own thoughts to which nishinoya shot you a concerned look. once you calmed down, you noticed that he kept glancing back at the wall clock then back at you then down at his fiddling hands.
“what's wrong?” you asked through a mouthful of food. yuu chuckled at the sight and shook his head.
“can i borrow a pen?” confused, you gave him one anyway. he grabbed the bag that your food was placed in, scribbling on it.
“thanks, i gotta go back now. break's over. bye!” he jogged back to his station and you were left weirded out by his actions. not only when you were preparing to leave the café did you notice the small note at the other side of the paper bag.
nishinoya yuu
xxx-xxx-xxx :)
you exited the café with your stomach and heart feeling full.
“do you think they liked the treat? will they even text back?” nishinoya paced back and forth in their small staff room.
“what if they didn't read the note?!” he gasped, stopping in his tracks as he bites his nails in anxiety.
sugawara laughed at his junior's predicament, “relax! of course they'd love the treat, i did tell you it was their favorite. as for the number, you should probably be a little more patient with that, noya.” he advised, placing an assuring hand on noya's shoulder.
as if possessed by a spirit, nishinoya perked up and his agitated self was replaced with determination.
“you're right. i shouldn't worry about it too much. they'll come around!” as soon as he said that, his phone's ringtone resonated in the small space.
on his screen was an unknown number and he immediately knew it's you.
without wasting another moment, nishinoya picked up the phone and answered the call.
“h-hello, y/n?” he internally cursed at himself for stuttering.
“–john? is that you? how's your mother–”
dumbstruck, nishinoya abruptly ended the call and placed his phone on the table.
“what happened? what did they say?” sugawara inquired, eager to know what happened between the two.
“it's not them.” nishinoya deflated like a balloon, covering his face with his palms.
was he reading this right? what if you don't see him that way? what if he was just forcing himself on you and in reality you don't really reciprocate the emotions he felt whenever you enter the café?
with a little more positivity from his seniors and tanaka telling him that he shouldn't lose hope, nishinoya decided to go home feeling less energetic than usual.
it was not around midnight that he received a call from an unknown number. he hated that he felt excited, that maybe, just maybe at the other end it was you.
picking it up slowly, he breathed in and out, counting to five before he answered the call.
“hello, yuu? it's y/n. sorry i called at a time like this,”
his eyes lit up at the sound of your familiar voice. even through the phone it sounded as beautiful as ever.
he almost stumbled over the scattered clothes and mess that littered his bedroom floor when it is indeed you that called him, landing on his bed.
“y/n? it's really you! uh, don't worry about it. i'm not sleeping yet...totally not because i was waiting on you or anything!”
your laughter brought butterflies fluttering in his stomach, oh how he'd love to hear that sweet sound everyday. it got him smiling too as he listened to it.
“i'm sorry for making you wait. i was just busy with my studies and all...but, i've decided.”
“decided...on what?”
there was a pregnant pause on the other end, he thought that you might ended the call or something. but then you spoke up again.
“i wanna go on a date with you.”
he must be in heaven because there is no way in hell or earth that you'd want to go on a date with him. you, who looks so pretty, beautiful, elegant and charming that he's having a hard time if you're actually real. you, who never fails to make his days a little better at work whenever you waltzed in and decided to grace him with your presence. you, with your complicated mixture of coffee that he memorized in favor of impressing you and in hopes that you come back again to the café.
he couldn't believe it.
“y-yeah? that's great! so, when are you free?”
“i was thinking maybe saturday? if that's alright with you?”
“that's fine with me! i actually have a day off on saturday. same time? at the cafe?”
he can't help the grin that's practically splitting his face in half but he's just so happy. he immediately caught feelings for you the moment you walked inside crows' cabin and he can't get you out of his mind since.
the same thing can be said about you, which the only reason you're actually studying in the café and keep coming back there was for a whole another reason other than coffee. heck, you even find yourself thinking of him whenever you drink the beverage.
with a lovestruck look on your face, you nodded even though he couldn't see it.
“yeah, that would be great.”
when saturday came, to say that you were nervous and jittery would be an understatement. you can't stop looking at yourself in the mirror or literally any surface that you have a reflection on to make sure that you looked nice and presentable on your date with noya.
and due to that fact, you didn't notice him walking up to you, all smiles and looking as cute and handsome as ever.
“ready to go?” he asked, offering his elbow to you which you gladly accepted.
“where are we going?”
“it's a surprise,” he teased, flashing you a mischievous smile.
you went along with it. the two of you walked, stopped for some food and talked about what you both liked, disliked, and how he got the job at crows' cabin.
“–so i told ukai-san that i really need the money! i was actually just saving up for the new game i saw down the street but i made it sound like it's a life or death situation if he wouldn't hire me. in the end, i loved working there. i mean,” he gestured to the two of you, “because of it, i finally went on a date with a wonderful person!”
chuckling at him, you playfully pushed his shoulder.
“shut up,” you grumbled.
you can't help but admire him. the way he animatedly tell his stories with his own sound effects and grand gestures that never fails to make you laugh and rope you in with the story. he's fun to hang out with, knows a lot of stuff about the neighborhood and won't run out of tales.
“ah! we're here!” he paused walking to stop in front of your designated place.
he brought you to the movies.
“oh, wow...i didn't expect that,” you laughed sheepishly, trying not to offend him.
“i figured we'd watch a movie. ryuu said that there's this new horror movie that's a blockbuster nowadays,” quickly catching on to his plan, you smirked to yourself slightly.
“is that so? well, i'm pretty sure you'll protect me from the scary things in there, right, yuu?”
he seemed to puff up at that, “of course i will! what kind of man would i be if i can't protect you?”
that earned another laughter from you, shaking your head as you tugged his arm towards the direction of the entrance.
he insisted that he'd pay for the tickets and the food which surprised you a bit, but you couldn't really complain since he was being nice all day to you. you decided to just pay him back later.
as soon as the both of you are inside and the movie is playing halfway, you noticed how he's the one who is more scared of it than you. he's trying to play it off by coughing when he'd accidentally yell in surprise or laugh it off when he'd jolt up from a jumpscare.
how cute.
without saying a word, you grabbed his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. the feeling of your soft and warm hands brought him back to reality, looking down at your intertwined hands. his cheeks flared up and he thanked himself for choosing a horror movie or else this moment wouldn't happen.
“ah, i'm glad that movie was over!” he cried out in relief. all throughout the movie, he kept squeezing your hand hard like a woman giving birth or hiding on your shoulder when a jumpscare comes on. you gotta admit that you enjoyed his reactions more than the movie itself.
you were both now walking home – he insisted – and your hands are still holding each other, clearly not wanting to let go. by the time you walked out of the theatre, it's already nighttime.
the skies are clear and there are stars peppering the night sky. it's quiet out with an occassional passing vehicles, or a hoot of an owl but it's a comforting silence.
“this is me,” you mumbled, stopping on your tracks once you saw the familiar street your residence was in.
noya can't help but glance at the street behind you with a sad look and down at your still conjoined hands. he knows he should, but he wanted to spend the night with you longer.
“you sure you can make it home okay?” he gave you a pleading look, hoping that you'd let him at least walk you in front of your house.
“yeah, i'm sure.” with that, he let go of your hands hesitantly, linking your pinkies as he gave you a small, content but genuine smile.
“i really had fun today, yuu.” you avoided his gaze when you saw his smile widen in satisfaction. he laughed heartily at that.
“me too, even if i hid throughout the movie.” he rubbed the back of his head, feeling his face heat up in embarrassment. he kept rambling about how he probably turned you off because of that and why he shouldn't have taken you to the movies but somewhere exciting instead.
goddamnit, you can't take it anymore.
leaning in, you closed the distance between the two of you and slotted your lips in his, closing your eyes. you felt his breath hitch at your actions, his hands coming up to hold your jaw.
just like everything about him, the kiss was breathtaking.
it felt like hours when you pulled away, his eyes was still closed as he savored the blissful moment you shared.
“thank you,” you whispered, as if any louder can ruin the magic.
you pushed his shoulders away gently, giggling as you walked home. nishinoya was left there, awestruck with a dumb smile on his face as he stared at your retreating figure like he just woke up from a beautiful dream.
“huh...? hey, wait! come back here!”
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shra-vasti · 4 years
Pretty U
Pairing : Xu Minghao x reader
Type : Soulmate au, idol au
Genre : fluff
Warnings : none
Word count : 3-4k approx
Soulmate au type : In which a person is born with a tattoo of a flower bud, when a person first has any sort of physical touch with their soulmate, it will bloom into a flower which represents their soulmate's personality briefly.
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You were like an enigma, for Minghao at least. The way you performed, the way you subtly flirt with the audience, he wonders how you even do that. Whenever he watches you perform or even get a glimpse of you, it's enough for him to get stuck with the thoughts of you for a long time. He feels like he knows you, that you may have been someone from his far past or even an erased memory but the only thing that keeps him from believing those signs is the fact that you two haven't even once introduced yourself properly.
But he has heard about you, a lot. Nothing bad, nothing good. Form what he had heard, you were foxy, wily, sly who knew their way out. He didn't judge you, he never judged anyone maybe except for few of his members but that's the other story. He has no idea where those rumors about you came from, you were rather sweet aside from the rumors.
"Beware pretty boy." a rather euphonic voice warned him. He look up from where he was standing to see you standing in front of him rather closely. He backed off, shook by the proximity of the two of you. You laughed at his startled self, you hands behind your back as you shook your head.
He look cute like that. You saw him zoning out right in the middle of the bighit building, a little idea plopping in your head as you head towards him.
"I'm sorry." he bowed unable to hide his embarrassment. He heard you laugh again as you once again made your way towards him patting his shoulder and mumbling a sweet bye and exiting with a wink.
He stood there still frozen, did you perhaps flirt with him? He could feel his heart beating loudly as he patted his hand over it trying to calm it down. He didn't know why he felt such strong emotions when you came near him, maybe he just wasn't prepared.
He turned around abruptly, looking in the direction you went and kept looking till you were out of sight. Did you have such impact on each and every person you met? No wonder there were a hell lot of people who admired you, girls and boys combined. There was just something mysterious about you and he would be lying if he said it didn't attract him.
The sound of his phone going off pulled him out of his thoughts as he pull his phone out of his pocket. Jung Haeun, he picked up the phone informing her that he'll be at her house in 10 minutes as he started walking out of the building.
"Are you really planning of leaving Korea so abruptly?"
Minghao was seated on the couch as he eyed Haeun's packed belongings. He felt his heart getting heavier as the seconds passed by. His thorat felt dry as he tried to reason everything out with her. If only Joshua and her would have listen to him first, things would have been far better.
"Sorry Hao, but you know I loved Joshua too much and it will be best for me if I get as away from him as possible. I'm going back home and start a new life. It's for my well being. Although I'm happy for him, I can't just let my heart break over and over again."
Minghao clenched his fist and closed his eyes momentarily. He inhaled and exhaled deeply trying his best to suppress his emotions. Haeun was someone really dear to him and it pained him watching her heart getting broke time and again. He wanted to blame someone but he couldn't. He knew feelings can't be controlled, he knew Joshua was going to find his soulmate eventually but he didn't think about Haeun leaving him just like that.
It was for her better, he kept repeating that to himself. He wanted to laugh at himself, how Joshua managed to meet Haeun through him and became more important to Haeun still a blur to him. Maybe the romantic love between two people was much stronger than the platonic love he shared with her from years but that didn't hurt less when she didn't even consider his feelings and took a decision.
He knew she was hurt and maybe it was better for her but now who was he going to go to when he felt down and neglected. She was the only one aside from his members he was closed too. How was he supposed to get used to her not being around him anymore. He lost his best friend just like that.
"Here's your coffee." Haeun smiled at him as she sat beside him and Minghao adjusted himself so that he was facing her. He reached towards her and held the cup as Haeun eyed his wrist, the tattoo on Minghao's wrist which was once a small bud blossomed into a beautiful dahlia. She internally smiled feeling happy for him finally meeting his soulmate, but getting confused as to why he didn't tell her.
"Thanks." he mummered taking a sip of the coffee. He drank it in one go, getting surprised by the sharp gaze Haeun had set on him. He gulped trying to figure her out before huffing.
"So you are trying to tell me that you are too busy to even tell me about what's going on your life now?" her question was sudden, but her playful aura and small smirk gave off that it wasn't something very serious.
"What are you talking about?"
"Why didn't you tell me you found your soulmate?" she pouted looking at him. Minghao furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes unconsciously landing on his wrist where the bud tattoo was located only for them to widened. His brought his wrist closer to his face examine the newly bloomed flower.
"I....I don't know." his voice was a mere whisper, his mind wondering in so many different directions. Did he bumped into someone one the way? No he didn't.
"You don't know? Did you not know when the bud bloom into a flower when it was right on your wrist? You got to be kidding me." Haeun exclaimed, her eyes narrowing in his direction in a criticising way. She couldn't believe he was so naive to miss the formation of bond.
"God I can't remember." he pinched his eyebrows together then shaking his head violently. He never really made any effort to find his soulmate. He believed fate will find its way but that didn't mean he wasn't excited about the idea of meeting his soulmate and now he just crossed the chance with fate.
"It's okay hao I'm sure if not you, they will find their way towards you. Chill." She smiled at him sympathetically but bursting into fits of giggles soon.
"Let me drop you off." He got up pouting in her direction giving her a side glare as he got her luggage and exit her apartment with her following behind.
He dropped her off the airport, helped her with luggage and bid her goodbye with a bitter smile.
"I'll miss you." he said as he hugged her for the last time.
"We will see each other soon. I'll come to visit you sometime till that time try to remember something about your soulmate okay?" she replied breaking the hug. She patted his shoulder and winked in his direction before making her way towards the flight.
A sudden realization hit him at Haeun's gesture. You had touched him the same way Haeun did and it was so lame of him to forget about someone who lives in his mind majority of the time. He faceplamed himself before looking towards Haeun watching her flight take off.
He felt empty, her family was going to be really happy knowing she came back for good. He hoped with a sincere heart that she find her love. She deserved it. He just cursed fate for being so cruel with her but now he had something else on his mind, you. What were the chances of you being his soulmate again?
Your eyes were trained on your wrist where a beautiful cosmos flower was bloomed, a small smile was splayed across your lips as you trailed it with your other hands. Cosmos, the flower that represents peace and tranquility. You exhaled as your mind wondered towards Minghao, you were too shy to spin around and run towards him exclaiming to watch his wrist plus you didn't want everyone else present in the building to know your business.
You never knew why people were interested in others life so much. Why they wanted to know everything about one's life. You get that being an idol you kind of sign up for it, well for the fans and netizens as it is but not the fellow idols at least. Idol life was a mess in idol industry but it seem really perfect in the eyes of netizens.
You kept your personal and idol life separated even from your fellow idols except for a few close ones who knew you from a long time or some people who you have taken a liking of. It led for every other person to have a wild guess on your life. Sometimes the rumours entertain you other times they gave you headaches but nonetheless it's fun to see everyone else getting worked up to figure you out.
You liked it, you prefer it that way. How people presumed you have countless of affairs, maybe with some of the CEOs of the big companies too but none of them had confirmation and that itself was satisfactory. You liked the attention you were getting, either way there were many people who admired you for your work as well as your exterior.
You wondered what Minghao thinks of you, if he judges you the way other do or if he thinks you are too good to date like others do. You shook your head, from what you have heard and from what you have seen, he wasn't the type to judge someone easily.
You made your way towards the building where the party was being held for celebrating and welcoming the artist of pledis, source music and your company under bighit. You were nervous but ecstatic at the same time.
"Cheers to everyone attending this party." the host exclaimed as soon as you grab the glass of your drink, you held it high laughing alongside everyone in the room and taking a glup.
The party was great, you talked with many idols and producers in order to strengthen your connections in the industry. Everything was great except that Seventeen was no where to be found, how were you going to approach Minghao if he was no where to be found.
"I hope you are having fun labelmate." his voice startled you, you didn't imagine him approaching you first that too as soon as the event started. You turn around a little too early for your liking making him raise his eyebrows as he giggled.
You scratch the back of your ear before nodding slowly, you weren't supposed to be this shy. You aren't known to be this timid. You recklessly blamed it on the soulmate bond.
"Where were you?" you asked even before you could think, he smiled as he reached forward to grab the drink from your hand, taking a sip and putting it aside.
"Just had to drop someone off so I was kind of late hence making the members wait for me and collectively getting late at the party." he stated as he looked in the direction where his members were standing. You followed his gaze, your eyes landing on the rest of Seventeen some of them laughing, some smirking and some trying their best to not look in your direction. Minghao gave them a look and they quickly turned around the other way.
"So you know?" you asked him motioning him towards your wrist which was now covered with a skin tape. He nodded, a big smile plastering on his face wanting to just hug you but not when you were in public like this.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked referring to the time when you could have stopped him and tell him about the soulmate bond.
"I figured that too late." you replied not wanting to sound too timid in front of him. He nodded at you telling you he will meet you  after the party alone where you could just talk about yourself more privately. You bid him goodbye as he made his way towards his members.
You turn around wanting to grab another drink when your eyes landed on bunch of people eyeing you and gossiping. You sighed internally, you generally never minded this when you used to get caught up in false dating rumours but were they going to judge you for finding your mate too?
"I'll go use the bathroom." Minghao excused himself as he made his way towards the restroom. He was happy, a little eager for this party to end. He wanted to hold you, tell you about how much you occupied his mind even when he didn't know you were his soulmate.
His eyes never left you and neither did yours. He was happy with this little game of stealing glances when no one was looking, or everyone was looking but he didn't know. You never understand anything fully till you experience it yourself and Minghao could confirm this saying. When Seokmin, Soonyoung and Joshua would gush about their soulmates and their love he used to cringe, finding it too lovey dovey for boys of their age but the prominent butterflies he felt when you smiled at him was something he wanna experience forever.
He was afraid that he was too plain for you, too simple, too boring that you would reject him the moment he step in front of you but he was happy to see you looking out for him. At first he thought you just hated the idea of being soulmate with him and didn't approach him but he figured you were shy. A little thing about you which he involuntarily learned.
He got out of the restroom feeling relieved, he didn't drink more than a glass but he rather had too many soft drinks. He fixed his blazer smiling at his senior who was heading in his direction but before he could pass her she stopped in front of him.
"Are you enjoying your time here?" Kim Sejung, a soloist who debuted the few years prior to him asked.
"Very much." he replied his eyes taking a look at the main hall where the party was going on to have a look at you.
"I hope we can collaborate anytime soon in the future. Your team is really amazing and you guys deserve your success." She said as she complimented him for maintaining his idol image really well. He smiled at her bowing towards her, thanking her for her kind words.
"But as you can see I'm your senior and have been in this industry longer so I suggest you to stay away from sly people who run behind you just because you are famous. Precaution is better than cure, don't want you getting hurt." her smile was bitter as she indirectly taunt him to stay away from you.
Her words caught him off guard, who was she to tell him about his life? He didn't wanted to sound rude so he just thanked her and made his way towards his members. He never understood what was wrong with people's mentality, or why did they care so much about other people's business.
This wasn't the first warning he had got the whole night, he had his fair share of unwanted advice from his fellow idols, mainly female idols spluttering shit about you having multiple affairs simultaneously and male idols about you trying to trap him as your prey to live off his stardom. Although you were his junior, you were comparatively doing well with your career, you didn't need him for that.
The members were getting more concerned about him as they could see his usually composed demenor cracking up little by little. It didn't go unnoticed by you. You saw all of the people going towards him to warn about you. You didn't even know what was wrong with you talking with him. Then again people don't know how to keep their nose off of others business. It pained you looking at him getting annoyed as the time passed, maybe he will get tired of it and not see you, the thought pained you but you didn't know what do to. You weren't going to let people ruin your relationship with him even before forming it.
You made your way out of the main hall towards the backyard which had a garden. You went towards it taking off your heels and keeping it aside as you made yourself comfortable on a cold bench. A sigh left your lips forming a cloud, you should have brought your coat along with you as you came outside. Outside was far more chill than the hall inside.
Your thoughts went back towards the hall, sometimes you wish you debuted in a girl group, at least you would have shoulders to lean on at such times. You never let the rumours break you but those rumours potentially creating a gap between you and your soulmate made you uneasy. Your eyes filled with tears as you breathed in and out to calm yourself.
Suddenly the chillness of the surrounding subsidised, you look down at yourself touching the warm fabric that was now protecting you from the chill breeze. You look up, immediately standing up on your feet to come face to face with Minghao. He stepped closer as you look down at your feet to hide your tears away from him. This wasn't how you were planning the after party would go.
He hooked his index finger on your chin and brought your face up, he leaned closer concern laced on his face as he wipe the tears with his hands.
"What are you crying about?" his voice was barely above a whisper due to your close proximity, his breath hitting your face as he spoke. "Why didn't you bring your coat with you it's cold in here."
"I'm sorry." you said as you tried your best to look anywhere but him. He encircled his arms around you, bringing you closer to his body immediately making you feel more warm as your hands rested on his chest.
"Look at me." and you did. "I don't care what others say, I am not annoyed at you. I just hate the fact that you allow people to talk shit about you." he continued as he cupped your cheeks kissing your nose gently. You closed your eyes relaxing in his embrace.
"It's better that way." you opened your eyes looking at him, he tilt his head at you. "The false rumors, it kind of helps me, otherwise the company would force me to date an idol for publicity and I don't want to be with anyone else but you. I wanted to be with my soulmate and I didn't want to court anyone else but you."
You nuzzled your face at the crook of his neck, your cheeks and ears getting red due to your sudden confession but it felt right to tell him those things. You inhaled his scent, your smile widenening at the feeling of his heart beating rapidly in his chest. You stayed like that for a while, in each other's arms as he rubbed random pattern on your back.
"You don't have to force yourself to be with be because of our bond you know? There's going to be a time when you will feel overwhelmed with the amount of gossip and rumors about me. I don't want you to get hurt." you replied as you wrapped both of your arms around his waist too afraid to let go as if he would disappear.
"I don't care." he sighed softly kissing your temple before tucking your head back at the crook of his neck. "I don't care what others say as long as you are with me. It will hurt me to listen something which I know will hurt you but they are just rumors, they will die down. And I'll be by your side forever."
If anything Minghao was sure of was his determination to protect you and you wanted nothing but him to believe in you and your bond. You kissed his neck as you hugged him more tightly.
"Can you kiss me?" and so he grabbed the collar of his blazer which was draped on your shoulder and pulled you again him as he kissed you again and again till you forgot everything else but him.
"I want to pick and gather all the pretty words for you. They stick in my throat in front of you. I promise myself, while drinking a glass of water in the morning, to tell you. I will confess what has been on the tip of my tongue tomorrow, You are pretty.''
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love-amihan · 3 years
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amihan's note: this is just self-indulge i can't get enough of them 😭 i got this random idea wherein i showed my mom + friends the following pictures of my faves and what are their first impressions. i may also include some first meeting w/ my mom scenarios and more of what i think they will interpret them as. modern au of course, happy reading!
lil side note: my friend questioned me after sending all these pics, she was like "mimi u do realize these r lines" but ma'am u don't understand they r attractive lines!
info; aunt is what u call ur close friend's mother. mano is a sign of respect/greeting to elderly wherein you take their hand and bring it to your forehead i honestly don't know how to explain it
✨ jjk masterlist ✨
self insert, it's mimi x her faves!
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-gojo satoru
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mom said he reminds her of someone from slam dunk because of the art style, kinda brings back memories for her
most likely to be part of a cult
++ will invite u to join (i swear my friends r something)
yandere vibes
as i quote from my friend "cross my fingers, hope to die"
he will get along with my group of friends i swear
ngl, i'm 100% sure that gojo flirted with one of my friend before
gojo and mimi are gonna meet her group of friends for the first time, "shit" he curses under his breath, mimi turns her head to him and slightly tilted her head to the side "what?" gojo takes a deep breath before saying it in one breath "i may or may not have flirted with one of your friends before"
mimi was about to ask him to repeat again when she heard her friend "satoru?!" gojo gave a sheepish smile "heyyyy" he slowly distances himself with mimi afraid of her "oh let me guess, you're one of the victims?" mimi excitedly pipes in while laughing, her friend laughs along with her while shrugging "you think im surprised anymore you hoe?" mimi teased patting gojo's arm
he's the type to join in on our pamper night, i just see it clearly. also my mom tolerating his childishness
mimi and her mom are having one of their pamper night after having a long week, mimi was applying the mask on her face carefully while humming a tune. gojo who just got in their house saw the bond between the two "auntieee~ i want one too!" he whined while pointing at the masks.
"come here sato" mimi's mom coos at him, clearly babying the man. mimi crosses her arms finished with her mask looking at her so-called man with a smile adoring her lips "you know i wonder sometimes if i got myself a man or a child" gojo let out a dramatic gasp "auntie she's bullying me" mimi's mom played along and playfully glare at her, mimi giggles at this "also shut up you love me~" gojo added.
-okkotsu yuta
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that guy who laughs at uncertain situations (if u only know what he's really like ✋)
class clown
softboi (yes he is ma'am!)
happy go lucky
lowkey yandere vibes
i feel like my friends already loves him because they were the one who introduced him
mimi and her friends are hanging out at their usual bench chatting away until one of them noticed the small group of guys passing by. "hey!" one of her friend shouted waving her hand before gesturing for them to come over.
they soon arrived where mimi and her friends are, a young boy with a sweet smile caught mimi's eyes. she gulps looking back to her friend who's introducing the group, "and he's yuta" she finishes with her arm around yuta her other hand giving his chest little pats. mimi nod to herself trying not to forget his name.
definitely met my mom before, helping her with her grocery or something. mom took a liking of him because he's kind and polite
yuta knocks on the door nervously chewing his bottom lip, mimi opened the door and smiles at him, the raven head returning it with shaky breath "come in" yuta politely comes in and to his surprise saw a familiar face "oh you're that sweet boy" mimi's mom exclaimed softly smiling as yuta gave his greeting taking her hand bringing it towards his forehead.
"you met before?" mimi chimes in looking at the two "i helped her carry her things since she's having some trouble" yuta explained his nervousness slowly fading away, mimi's mother turns to her daughter "i love him already! you're definitely marrying him" mimi's mother then welcomes yuta to their home with open arms "mom!" mimi shouted in embarrassment. yuta lets out a chuckle, relieved that he was welcomed right away.
-fushiguro megumi
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cold type
major daddy vibes (all i can say is megumi's their type-)
cool aura
doesn't give a fuck type of guy
my friends probably heard of him because of me
mimi was walking around the campus together with a friend of hers, they were talking about usual school stuffs. sharing all the stress and pressure they're feeling having to be the leader of their own respective group.
mimi came to a stop when she noticed the quiet preserve guy who's walking towards the elevator hands on his pocket. after pushing the button, he cracks his neck side to side his hand soothing the crook of his neck. "let's go use the elevator" was all she said before dragging her friend.
the three walks inside the elevator without a word, mimi and her friend stayed behind as megumi stands in front of them pushing the button of his classroom's floor. mimi's friend can't help but snicker, mimi pinches her side telling her to stop.
megumi turns and gesture at the floor buttons "which floor?" his low voice making mimi's knees weak in the knees, mimi's friend was having fun seeing her friend malfunction in front of a hot guy. she giggles not wanting to embarrass her more than she did "oh we're in the same floor, it's all good"
mom likes him when i showed his pic! *cough* one of her fave *cough*
got nervous with meeting mom for the first time but soon relaxed with mom's calming and friendly nature, all in all mom still likes him
-inumaki toge
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crazy type of guy
gives off the always sleeping guy
playful type
"oh wow its hot in here" seductively lowers his collars
daddy- (i- ma'am-)
bad boy!!
mom said rock 'n roll but let's forget that
i'm gonna be honest, i feel like he's gonna be part of my friends, my "kapag tropa lang tropa lang rule" (basically translates to: if u're friend just stay as friends rule) will be broken just for him;
toge and mimi was known to be touchy with each other in their group of friends. toge trusts mimi more than the others, he shows this by doing simple things such as leaving his id with her if ever he goes somewhere or do something.
their friends mostly find them leaning in each other's shoulder whenever they are given a break or during their little talks. "you know i saw this new.." their friend started explaining, all of them listening. toge gets into a more comfortable spot leaning his head on mimi's shoulder busy with scrolling on his phone. once in a while showing mimi something funny or interesting.
mom will likely take time to warm up to him. toge will do his best to get on her good side, shows his charms. once he gets mom's approval there's no turning back. he gets treated like he was her own son.
toge smiles at mimi's mother sweetly, "what's your name?" as toge took her hand making mano with her (stop i dunno how to phrase it) "inumaki toge, auntie" mimi's mother let out a soft gasp, "the inumaki toge?" toge looks at the direction where mimi disappeared, a little confused by what's happening. he looks back at mimi's mother about to ask why she knows him.
"mimi won't stop talking about you!" mimi's mother informed as toge's mouth left agape, mimi who happen to get back at the right moment grumble "mom why did you tell him?!" she said through gritted teeth. mimi's mom have a sweet smile on her face faking a surprise.
"oh i wasn't suppose to? oops?" mimi grumbles more standing beside toge who now have a smug look on his face, "you talk about me huh?" he began, mimi gave him a playful shove "shut up."
-ryomen sukuna
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most likely to kill me
unique looking
mom really likes him!
thinks his tattoos and aura is cool
if my friends saw a picture of him they will immediately question me
he's a snitch, i hate his snitch ass ugh
mimi's mom did not like sukuna from the picture at all, she doesn't have any problem with people who have tattoo but he got it all over him. we can say that mimi's mom is kinda looking out for the both of them because their relatives are just too traditional and doesn't like the looks of tattoos.
however, sukuna soon got her approval! how you ask? well the mf snitched without knowing. sukuna nudges mimi's side lightly, trying to start conversation "how's the piercing?" mimi's eyes widen looking at sukuna hissing, "kuna no!" mimi whisper yell at him. mimi then felt her mother's glare, "is that why you've been wearing your hair down often?"
sukuna got confused then looks at mimi's mom "care to explain?" he took this as a chance to get on her good side "yeah mimi, care to explain?" mimi looks at her significant other not believing what's happening, mimi looks back and forth between the two 'this mf a snitch' mimi thought.
mimi then explained herself blaming sukuna since he's the one who pushed to get her cartilage piercing "don't blame sukuna, you should have told me" mom defended him, mimi gasp as she looks at sukuna who's smirking at her with the 'i won' face that mimi wanna punch off his face.
a lil bg; i already told my mom b4 that i want cartilage piercing but then she got wary with the news of someone got in a coma after getting it so in the end sadly, she only allowed me to get the lobe piercings.
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cover: one piece's baby 5
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dazaithefirst · 4 years
AtsuLucy & AtsuKyou
I do not hate any of the characters, except Fukuchi Ochi, and I respect every ship BSD has. If I could marry every single one of 'em, I would. This is a post of my opinions about AtsuLucy and AtsuKyou. Also, there are manga spoilers here so I hope you wouldn't mind. I hope I won't get canceled here like how I got in Facebook because I ship AtsuLucy and not AtsuKyou/Shin Soukoku. As I've said earlier, I respect all the goddamn ships and I just want somebody to here my opinions or I just want to simply say it here. If I've said a wrong thing, please notify me. Thank you and take your time reading it!
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I am a big AtsuLucy shipper. To be honest, I like how they look out for each other. Here are some of my insights and why do I ship them:
They experienced the same type of abuse (not that I wanted to be abused lol) so there might be times that only the two of them can know what's this and that (okay, is head canons alrighty? I hope so);
Atsushi is a good guy. In fact, he is a cute adorable fluffy little angel but we all know that he doesn't like his enemies like the Port Mafia and The Guild. But when they defeated Lucy's Anne of Abyssal Red, he felt sorry and said that he understands what she feels;
The way Atsushi sympathizes with her despite knowing just a part of her past, I love it. I need more of it. It makes my heart flutter;
Also, the way he approached Lucy after losing to him, is so cute, awkward and soft all in one. Imagine your enemy asking if they can do anything for you, damn Lucy is one lucky girl;
Manga Spoiler, when the ADA was accused of being the nation's terrorist, Lucy made a rallied outside the government just to say that "Atsushi is not evil" and "The Detective Agency is innocent", oh how I wished she worked in the ADA even as a part time (it was Ango who spilled that Lucy did it and maybe the latter didn't expect that);
Atsushi was certain that he saw Lucy after the Three Way War and said that he hopes Lucy isn't teaming up with the criminal organizations (Port Mafia's one of the organizations I guess) to take revenge on them. And please, notice how Atsushi was straight looking at the paper he was holding and then BAM! he saw Lucy, I mean if it's the tiger's ability then otay, I'm not gonna be delulu anymore *sniffs*;
Lucy gave Atsushi the parachute she was saving for her own escape. She let him escape Moby Dick through her ability and Atsushi was worried about her safety for she's gonna be trapped there. He even promised to save her there and he was going to went he infiltrated Moby Dick but sadly, Shin Soukoku suddenly sailed so even I have forgotten that Atsushi promised that he was going to save Lucy. It was funny for me when they got a chance to have a little casual talk when they've retrieved Kyouka's parents' documents;
Manga Spoiler, lastly, Lucy was a great asset when AtsuKyou are heading next to the Sky Casino, where Sigma is. After some events happened in the Sky Casino, Sigma fell on the sky and Atsushi jumps out of the Sky Casino and catches him but he eventually let go of Atsushi. Nathaniel's ability hits Atsushi's tail, which is his support, and he was knocked out. Then my girl Lucy saw it and jumps off the Sky Casino too (like it wouldn't cost her life), she reached out for Atsushi's hand and then voila! Welcome to Anne's room;
Another one is Lucy calls Atsushi by the name "Toraneko" which means tabby cat like how Akutagaw calls Atsushi "jinko." And then I just realized that Kyouka never called Atsushi's name or maybe it's just me?
Anyways, I am itching for Bungou Stray Dogs Season 4 ackk!!
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Yes. I did shipped AtsuKyou at the beginning of the series. Okay, lemme just share some of my insights about this ship:
I shipped them when I literally thought she was 16 but it turned out that she's 14. It's the first red flag for me. I know that Atsushi is a baby but Kyouka is literally a minor.
At first I thought it's was fine 'cause they only have 4 years of gap;
But had anyone never thought that Kyouka's behavior towards Atsushi is like Akutagawa's behavior towards Dazai;
Remember that one scene in season 2 where Atsushi was finally caught by The Guild and Kyouka just stood there crying and just said, "Why? Why did you show me the light? Why did you give me hope? Goodbye. Please don't give me anymore light."
Okay, I admit. That was very pathetic. But as I think about it, she had trauma and was literally abused for three years or so, so I really can't blame her. Kyouka was told that she is more suited in the dark and all she knew that time is that she killed her parents with her ability. What a sad life, bub;
When I've read the manga, I've read it after season 2 'cause I was growing impatient for season 3, there were so many changes to the anime like the second picture of AtsuKyou up there. Atsushi was supposed to land on Kyouka's shoulders and not in her lap;
The scene where Atsushi asked Kyouka how's the bathwater was so cute. They looked like a couple to me and it just reminded me that I'm gonna be single forever;
And when Kyouka passed the entrance exam, I was so happy (of course who wouldn't). I dunno why but I saw a platonic relationship in my laptop's screen. (Their "Welcome home", "I'm home" of them looks like they're a married couple tho). But when Kunikida scolded the both of them, I saw siblings. ISTG THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY EYES!
To be straight to the point, I think she's either unhealthy attached to Atsushi because he showed her light or she's just overprotective of him (seriously, a 14 y.o girl protecting a 18 y.o baby? otay).
Kyouka is one the characters with a great character development. Some say her character is boring and I can't blame y'all 'cause she have a lil bit of Sasuke's aura, like that one quiet kid sitting beside the window with the face saying that her clan was murded (Kurapika is now drowning in an indescribable emptiness) but Kyouka has a visible soft side so she cute, otay? Tho I wonder where did she learn to drove that car on Dead Apple at the age of 14 'cause my 14 y.o ass can't even step on the gas and brake without shaking in fear. Long story short, despite everything happening on BSD, I'm still a AtsuLucy shipper. I'm still rooting for Shin Soukoku, but AtsuLucy is my heaven.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
Chapter 5
I don’t really have an introduction for this, but I really like how this chapter ends :D
It's dark...
I blink my eyes and realize that there is light, but it's blocked out, like the sun blocked by the moon during an eclipse. The darkness is cold, and empty, just like the growing void inside me.
The sun... I need it... I need him...
Squinting my eyes, I finally see what's blocking the sun: It's a human silhouette, facing away towards the light. Their body is amorphous, hidden by a flowing robe and their shoulders garnished with a thick, furry trim. The sight sends a chill through my body, stoking the flames of the most dangerous thing I could possess right now: 
Despite the fact that this silent, still person does not turn around at the sound of my voice, I move. I move like a moth drawn to flames, like a magnet drawn to it's opposite. For the first time in days, the fire of hope in my belly bursts to life at the mere chance of being reunited with him... the north to my south, the sun to my moon, the day to my night-
There's nothing more that I want than to see him again. To feel... whole again.
I grab his shoulder, but I'm not prepared for what I see when he turns around. Because- well- it's not him. It's...
Her face is just barely tinted by the dying light behind her. She looks sad... no, that's not it, is it? There's a weight in her eyes that hits me harder than I thought it would, a weight of things that I have not yet lived to see. There's guilt, confusion, grief, frustration...
Despite the look in her eyes, she's smiling. I'm smiling. The dissonance contained in her expression shocks me to my core, and I stumble back.
This... this is...
The image is immediately dashed from my mind as a door creaks and I jump slightly in my chair. Yikes! I really just dozed off... I blink my eyes a few times to banish the groggy feeling within them, and see that no one has returned to the meeting room yet. I just saw William outside, so he must be avoiding me for a little while, so who-
"What did you tell him?"
I quickly turn to my right to see Nozel standing there, staring down at me. The look in his eyes isn't his usual, cold stare... it's something almost worse. As soon as my eyes land on him, I feel it; the horrible, oppressive pressure that permeates the air around him, his mana and emotions mixing into something terrifying. Even I'm caught off guard by it this time, and it takes everything I have to keep a straight face and not slip down to hide under the table. 
He's mad. Really fucking mad. And for the first time, it's truly directed at me.
"...tell who?"
Despite the whirlwind of cold emotion around him, Nozel's rage is only betrayed by a slight twitch of his face. "You know who. Now-" He sucks in a break through his nose. "Care to explain why Fuegoleon just came and told me he's voting for you?"
Oh shit...
"Huh? He is?" I feign ignorance and bat my eyelashes a few times innocently. "Well, I can't blame him-"
"Enough! What did you say to him?!" For the first time, Nozel actually raises his voice. I almost wince, and my hands grip the sides of my chair a little tighter. Jeez, I didn't mean for him to find out until the actual vote. I knew he might get angry about it, but right now- "This is why you called the recess, right? You wanted a chance to get him alone and- and-"
Finally, I decide to respond. "What exactly do you think I did to him, Nozel?" I ask, fighting to keep my voice from wavering. Today has been a rollercoaster of emotions, and it doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon. "He was the one who asked me why I wanted to be Wizard King... all I did was answer his question, and I guess it was enough to change his mind." An extreme simplification of our conversation, but true nonetheless. 
Nozel stares at me suspiciously, his jaw visibly tightening for just a moment. "...I can't tell if you're lying or not. I've never been able to." He finally closes his eyes, letting out a frustrated sigh. "I can't believe this, though... just a few words, and you swayed him? Fuegoleon?"
"What? You don't believe me? Why didn't you just ask him?" I can't help but let my mouth twitch into a momentary smile.
"I did." Nozel averts his eyes from my face at the brief expression. "But he wouldn't tell me. Maybe he was-"
"Ashamed?" I let out a breath of laughter. "Do you really think I seduced him, Nozel? Fuegoleon's like a stone wall sometimes... he's not nearly as in touch with his romantic side, like..."
My words unexpectedly drop off at the realization of what I was about to say.
... don't think about it...
"That wasn't my plan." I clear my throat to continue. "I'm not the type to seduce someone... you know that, don't you, Nozel?"
"...I do."
His aura fades just a little bit. It slips.
We're both thinking of it now. The trial. Where my honor and title was stripped away, all because of a false accusation and an unjust world. It's my biggest regret, something that took years to crawl back from. But finally, here I am, with my title back, and the crown within my grasp. Nozel was there, at my trial... and when it mattered most, he defended me.
"Back then... you said I earned your respect, because I earned Fuegoleon's respect. You defended me when the whole world was ready to strike me down."
His brow furrows beneath his braid at the memory. "...I remember." His expression softens incrementally until he almost looks sad. "I did say that... but-"
"Then you know what you have to do today, right?"
Because, in the end, Nozel's reason for becoming Wizard King isn't to "become Wizard King." His reason was Fuegoleon. To fight, to compete, to find fulfillment in the ending, whatever it might be...
But now, the foundation is gone. Fuegoleon gave up.
He finally looks up to see me on my feet, my eyes staring resolutely into his.
"I'm the one who stood closest to Julius, so I'll be the one to take his place today."
He's slipping... further and further...
His cold aura is all but gone.
"Give up on your dream, and pledge yourself to me.
Nozel doesn't give me an answer. His eyes linger on mine for just a moment longer, the chill from his anger melting away. After that long, lingering look, he turns away, his robe sweeping around, and disappears through the door to leave me alone once again.
As expected, my name leaves his lips. There's an audible yet soft gasp from some of the other captains, all turning to stare at him, stunned.
"L-Lord Fuegoleon-" Kaiser stutters, his voice weakened. "You can't possibly-"
"I've made my choice!" Fuegoleon doesn't dare look up from the surface of the table before him, almost looking like he's in pain. I can't even offer him a comforting smile; he won't look into my eyes. "Move on."
...I'm sorry. It hurts, I know... but I promise-
My hand forms a fist where it rests on my knee. 
I won't let any of you down!
The muttering finally stops, and Marx takes a deep breath before marking down the vote and moving on. "...Nozel?"
He doesn't answer right away. Not even close to right away. He just... sits there, and thinks, staring blankly at the table. 
Nobody dares to move. Nobody dares to breathe as the Eagle finally reaches the end of his thoughts.
"...I... I will trust you..."
Nozel's words barely pass his lips, and for a moment, I no longer see the royal, proud man that stood before me for years and years. 
At long last... Nozel... I've defeated you.
"I'll trust you with our future." His eyes move, just a little, to glance at me one last time. "You have my vote."
The others don't react this time, as the full weight of this action sinks in slowly but surely.
And then...
"Voting for Forehead girl. Again."
"Please! Proper names!!!" Marx sighs and writes down the selection, his hands shaking slightly as he does so. I glance up at him and offer him a little smile, which he thankfully reciprocates, and the strength returns to his voice as he speaks again. "Dorothy?"
Dorothy shakes her head for just a second, but then smiles brightly. "Well, my candidate just jumped ship, I better do so as well!" She winks over at me. "You're a bit young to be Wizard King, don't you think?"
"Huh? I'm twenty-six!"
"OH! Nearly as old as I am..." Dorothy can't help but let out a giggle. "Fine then. You have my vote."
I grin back at her before Marx moves on. "Kaiser?"
"I haven't changed my mind... Fuegoleon." Kaiser crosses his arms, frowning at the table. Eek... he didn't get swayed, then... I have four votes now! My heart starts to beat more violently in my chest as I start to realize how close I am. That means... my last bet...
I turn to look at William as all eyes turn to him.
"...I'll vote for you as well."
Despite his being my fifth vote, officially putting me over the threshold Julius spelled out in his will, I can't feel any joy. 
I tricked him. I lied. I've already forgiven him, but I can't give it to him until I know I won't need to use it any more. Like today... because of him, my goal has been achieved.
I'm sorry.
And finally, even though there's no reason to, Marx moves through the rest of the votes. The only other person to vote for Fuegoleon is Rill, who I think is just confused and unsure of what to do, but all the others vote for me. "The final results..." Marx quickly tallies them up, then turns the paper for us all to see.
"Nozel: 0. Fuegoleon: 2. Which means..."
Seven votes. More than enough. 
I don't expect there to be a happy reaction, but to my surprise, the captains all let out a collective sigh of relief. I blink, a little confused, then look at Fuegoleon when he says my name. He's smiling a little, even though he still looks a bit disappointed. "Well... I'm glad it's over. Thank you for organizing this... your majesty."
Your majesty. 
The gravity of the situation finally registers, and I can't help but let my eyes widen as, one after another, the captains start talking, offering me comforting smiles, proud smiles, relieved smiles. Even Kaiser and Rill, the ones who still voted against me and look a bit sheepish, are smiling. "I'm sure you're going to be great... you're right, we all respect you a great deal," the older man tells me with a smile beneath his extravagant mustache. "You were one of the people Lord Julius picked, after all."
"I agree." Even Nozel looks... content. "He kept you by his side for a reason... you were the person who stood closest to him. Perhaps this is where you belong."
I feel my heart swell slightly at the praise, their smiles and words encouraging me further, the truth that this is real singing through it all.
"I promise..."
I stand up, glancing at Marx one last time. He offers me an encouraging smile, spurring me on with confidence.
"I'll be the best you could ever ask for."
Here I am, a commoner, a foreigner, a girl who's journey far outstretches the length of her life, standing before them as their leader. These nine people, who I hold in the highest echelons of respect, have chosen me. Maybe they needed a push in the right direction, but in the end...
I stand here... in his shoes.
"Thank you... together, we will-"
Before I can finish my sentence, the door bursts open and two people run in. I instantly recognize them.
"What the Hell are you two doing here?!?" Yami roars, his seat scraping slightly as he jumps to his feet. "Noelle- Finral- can't you see we're in the middle of an important meeting?!"
Sure enough, Noelle and Finral from the Black Bulls both stand there, out of breath. Noelle's eyes dart around, widening slightly when she realizes that something important is going on. Her eyes linger on me, a flicker of understanding within them. She's one of the few people who know that Julius is dead, since she was there outside the Shadow Palace as the reincarnation curse was dispelled, so she might have realized why we were gathered here.
"I'm sorry, Captain! But it's an emergency!" Finral frantically explains. "You see- we were in town handing out food, and then someone from the Parliament came by and took Asta and Nero away for an interview! They haven't come back!"
Parliament!? That catches everyone's attentions, and Yami's eyes widen. There's been rumblings over the past few days about some sort of retaliation against the "perpetrators" of the whole catastrophe, even though the Devil is dead already. This would either be aimed against Asta or the possessed knights, the latter of which included myself, but I assumed I would have time to settle into my role as Wizard King before any action was taken. Apparently I assumed wrong.
"Damnatio's probably behind this," Fuegoleon speaks up. "He would be the one to enact such a plan so quickly... Asta and- Nero are probably being held in prison or at the Parliament Tower."
Yami grits his teeth before turning towards the door. "That's all I need to hear, I'm going!"
"Wait! You can't just rush in there without a plan!" I quickly sidestep to block his path.
"Watch me!"
"Yami!" I scold, giving him a little glare which actually makes him pause for a moment. "They want to use Asta as a scapegoat because of his possessed Grimoire, right?" It's a quick and easy way to shift the blame and put the whole affair behind us, but it could also be a valuable tool... at least something that could extend Asta's life, as well as unearth some valuable information. "Is your squad nearby?"
Yami glances at Finral and Noelle, who give him a nod. "Alright... can you cause a scene and stall for time at the tower?"
At my words, Yami can't help but smirk. "You know I can, Queenie. Come on, you too!"
I roll my eyes at the nickname, watching as he and the others run off to find the rest of their squad. "Right... then the rest of you are dismissed. Except you two-" I turn and point at Fuegoleon and Nozel.
"Hmm? Why us?" Nozel asks curiously.
"You two are royals... we had to hide Julius's death from Augustus for a few days, so he wouldn't start involving ourselves in our affairs. But now that our decision has been made, he's going to find out... in just a couple minutes, actually. I'm going to need both of you to back me up."
"...I see. Right." Fuegoleon gives me a nod, standing up from his chair with Nozel as the others start to leave.
"Marx, get me a pen and some paper. Also, I need to change into some new clothes... can you write something down for me?"
I leave my instructions with the three of them before running to the next room, an empty sitting room, and finally stripping off my dirty Royal Knights robes. I wrinkle my nose a bit, since the last few days were sweaty and dirty, the long hours rubbing off onto the fabric. I start to fold them up to leave somewhere, but my hand brushes up against something and I freeze.
It's a green stain, streaked over where my knee was. A grass stain. I remember how I got it; the night before the operation, the night before everything went wrong, Julius and I sparred one last time, and I ended up on top of him, both knees mashed into the grass. We kissed... and laughed...
I wipe away the tears before they even appear.
Don't think about it. 
Robotically, I pull on the new clothes Marx fetched for me. Tights, flats, a black shirt with fringe at the wrists and neck. The dress he picked out is similar to my usual choice, but a lot more casual, secured by a sash much like a bathrobe. It's comfy... very comfy. I look good in it, too, when I reach the mirror and start to brush my hair into a presentable style. Saida, the elf... I'm glad she didn't throw these away. I let one of my fingertips brush against the gold clover earrings that I always keep in my ears. Julius gave them to me, years ago, as a Three-Leaf-Day present.
"Hello? Oh, you're ready."
I turn to see Marx walk in and close the door behind me before turning to assess my appearance. "That's better! Those robes were starting to get a little stinky."
"Don't use the word stinky, please!" I tease, letting him approach me. "Is everything ready?"
"Yeah... the other two are waiting for you outside. But... first..." Marx draws in a stiff breath, as if he's holding back tears. "This is your debut after all... so you should wear this."
He finally holds up what he was carrying. It's Julius's gold chain, and hanging from it are his two medallions. An item I saw him wear almost every single day, like it was an extension of his body, of who he was. 
"A physical reminder of your new status... we'll have a formal coronation later, of course, but for now, this will have to do." 
Slowly, I nod, ignoring the sudden swell of pure... feeling that just appeared inside me at the mere sight of the chain. I remember so clearly how it felt. Whenever he hugged me tight, and I buried my face into the white fur of his robe, I could feel the metal cold against my skin. And sometimes, when he was getting undressed for the night, he would take it and put in on me for fun. "Look at you, a little Wizard King~" 
Look at me now, Julius... I guess this is appropriate. I'm glad to have another thing to remember you by.
Slowly, I bend over slightly, and Marx takes the cue. With one movement, he puts the chain around my neck and lets go, letting it hang down on my chest. I straighten up, a little surprised at how heavy it feels today.
This weight... the weight I've taken on my own back. Will I be able to carry it alone?
When I look back at Marx, my eyes widen a bit when I see he's crying, not even resisting the tears that streak down his cheeks. 
"I-I'm sorry-" Marx reaches up to wipe his face. "I just... always thought this would be a happy day. The day Julius stepped down and let you take his place. I wanted it to happen like that... not like... l-like this-"
He's cut off as I grab him into a tight hug, holding my best friend as close as I can. Marx buries his face in my shoulder and lets out a sob, his hands balling up the fabric of the back of my dress.
"It's okay... Marx..."
I finally pull back to look him in the eye, and he looks a bit shocked that I'm still holding it together.
"Today... will be a happy day. Maybe not now, maybe not for years. But one day, we'll look back on it and laugh. I promise."
Finally, Marx's tears slow, and he cracks a smile as he gives my shoulder a squeeze.
Minutes later, Fuegoleon summons the Fire Spirit, Salamander, and we zoom off towards the Parliament Tower. "Look, Yami's already there!"
"What on earth is that?" I frown a bit at the sight of some large, dark structure looming by the broken wall of the tower. It looks almost like the Black Bull's base, but I can't be sure. "Come on!" Fuegoleon steers his spirit down through the caved-in wall, and I spot Yami, standing in the middle of the room, his sword poised to strike a tall, dark haired man wearing an unattractive smock. Damnatio! Yami, don't kill him!
"Flame Magic: Blazing Spear!"
Immediately, two crackling rods of fire appear in my hands, and I jump off of Salamander. With just a muted cry, I fall gracefully to the floor, just in time to block Yami's blow. With a whoosh of wind, Nozel and Fuegoleon land behind me, separating Damnatio from any danger.
"That was close... you almost made this situation much worse!" I mutter to Yami, who just rolls his eyes and sheathes this sword.
"Took you long enough."
"That's Fuegoleon and Nozel! What are they doing here? And-"
Oh, That voice. I turn to look up at the surrounding balconies, where various nobles and royals are sitting to watch the trial. Right in the biggest box is none other than King Augustus Kira the 13th, also known as the bane of my existence. He's jumped out of his seat and is glaring down at us from over the banister. "What is the meaning of this!? And what are you doing here?"
"Sorry to burst in so suddenly! We needed to set the record straight!" I call back, summoning any ounce of confidence and poise within my body. This is okay... I can do this! I have the power now... I can do anything I want! "Fuegoleon, the scroll."
Fuegoleon nods and quickly opens the paper we carried here. "By order of the Wizard King, Asta is to be turned back over to the Black Bulls, who will be tasked with researching the Devils in this world, just like the Devil who was the center of this most recent attack."
Angry and confused mutters suddenly fill the hall, and Damnatio's eyes widen a bit. "The Wizard King?"
"Where is he?! Of course Julius would pull something like this! You!" Augustus points down at me accusingly with a fat finger. "Where's your husband!"
It occurs to me that, years ago, in this very spot, Augustus stripped me of everything I had. My honor, my title, everything...
Julius came in just in time to save me. I was ready to accept my fate, because I thought that everything was ruined.
But it wasn't.
I felt less than human on that day. I was a traitor. I was... sterile. I could never give Julius the family I wanted. But, through some cruel twist of fate...
I am human. The life inside of me proves it. And today, I stand in the same spot I stood in my darkest hour. But now...
"Julius is dead."
Now that silences everyone. Augustus's eyes widen at the response he never expected to hear. His miserable lips flap once, twice, and a third time, never managing to form words.
"Dead..." Damnatio is the one who speaks, prompting whispers all around the tower. "Then... who authorized this order?"
"I did."
I give him one last smile before looking back at the King, high above me, shock and anger starting to cloud his eyes. 
"I am the 29th Wizard King!"
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shadowknight465 · 4 years
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The heretic inside us all
I should, I shouldn't, I should, I shouldn't...
He whispered to himself while plucking the flower's petals. Maybe those things are lying to him, and because he has such a bad reputation, he doesn't know if he should talk to the Priest about them. Maybe if he does it would be another excuse for the Priest to tell more lies about him. Then again that Priest was creeping at one of his secret students. Making her feel uncomfortable. Or if he goes to detail on what those things look like he'll probably give him the answer, and maybe some holy charms to ward them off. Whatever the case is he has to do it at midnight to not draw any attention. But first he has to tell Dream, so he wouldn't be worried. He went back to his house feeling lucky that it's a Sunday. When he got home he instantly made himself some lunch and went to the well for a drink. He may not be a religious person, but Sunday is his favorite day. Where he can be alone for once, he knows the Bible well, but the real reason why he stopped becoming a Christian devoted man was because God never answered his prayers, and he saw how people use their religion as an excuse for being horrible people, and he doesn't want to be just like them. Still he can't change their perspective of things, and it will kept that way. He was probably asleep when Dream came back, because when he woke up the first thing he saw was the face of a green caterpillar. He slowly got up, and asked Dream what time it was. To which his brother pouted saying Nightmare can never be scared. Nightmare sighs with annoyance, and asks Dream what time it is again. Dream blinked, "Oh! Umm.. I didn't check the sundial, or in this case the moon-dial?" As Dream collects his thoughts, Nightmare walks to the sundial room. Midnight. Perfect. Nightmare grabbed his cloak, took off his crown, put the mysterious book under his shirt, and told Dream that he'll be back in five minutes.
He hope that even the Priest can help him about his supernatural encounters.  Who knows maybe the Priest will help him.  He went outside, and silently walked to the church building, later knocking on the door. "Come in my child are you trying to get closer the Lord, or are you committed a sin for me to give you forgiveness-Oh it's you." The priest said as he open the door. Nightmare doesn't need to look at him in the eye to know that the priest hate him with every ounce of his being. "I didn't came for either of those things, I just want to tell you that I've been supernatural encounters with ghostly creatures." Nightmare explained. He's wished that he told his brother earlier, but Dream will probably think he's insane. "What kind of ghostly encounters you demon?" The Priest ask with a bitter taste in his beak.  "Ghosts that are telling me that I'm their king or emperor-whatever the case is of their realm." Nightmare explained.
"Which is?" The Priest asked suspiciously.
"The Necro empire-" The Priest put his left-wing on Nightmare's head. "If this creature lied, then may God strike him dead." The Priest commanded to God. Nothing happened. "I guess you were telling the truth after all, and I never thought I will say this to a disgusting demon like you, but I'm afraid that even I can't help you."
"H-how come?" Nightmare started to get worried. "Because I know what the creatures are, but we banned all knowledge of them for this good village safety."
"And why is that? What they will do?" Nightmare pleaded for answers.
"They causes pain to those who has hurt you, and cause greater pain to the  people who had hurt you unintentionally. There's got to be a reason why they're doing this unless..."  The Priest turned to Nightmare. "You haven't sold your soul to the devil have you?"
Nightmare was shocked with disgust. "No, I haven't."
"Are you sure? Because the only way they can come back is if you sold your soul to these devils." The Priest explains. "I swear your holiness I didn't sell anything to the devils." Nightmare pleaded. "LIES!" The Priest voice boomed the building. "AND I BET THAT THE TRUE REASON THAT GOD DIDN'T STRUCK YOU DEAD JUST THAT EVEN HE HAS FORGOTTEN YOUR WRETCHED SOUL!" Nightmare dropped to his knees for he cannot stand the loud noises, one of the biggest reasons he hates going to church. "ARE YOU CRYING BECAUSE ITS TRUE?!" The Priest yelled at him. Nightmare, while trying his best to calm himself down pleaded. "N-No pictures I-I can't stand the booming sounds..."
"EXCUSES!" The Priest yelled. "N-No it's true." Nightmare tries to defend himself with words.
"GUARDS! GUARDS! TAKE THIS HEINOUS BEAST AND PUT HIM INTO THE CELL!" Nightmare heard The holy man yelled. He can feel the guards strong grip as his eyes were closed the entire time.
What has he put himself into?
Morning has arrived as Nightmare open his eyes blinded by the sun's harsh light, and felt a hard cold surface on his lower legs. He quickly regain his focus, and saw he was in the middle of a courtroom. People gathered all around him. Some were smiling, probably to see the torture. He seen one-too many courts to know what's going to happen to him. As he scanned around the room he felt a negative aura and headed straight towards it, seeing Dream crying.
Maybe it was a bad idea at all...
He thought to himself. "Nightmare." A deep voice echoed the room. Nightmare turned to the voice and in the minute he saw the court robes, he knew what this means. And knew there was no chance of him winning.
"So, Nightmare you were always the questionable person in this entire village, and for that we leave you alone," The judge begins his speech.
Nightmare thought as he gave the jury a death glare.
"But now our holy man said that you sold your soul to beings that should not be named."
"I'm was telling the truth..." He mutters to himself. 
"What was that you say?"  The judge ask. Nightmare look up.
"Well?" The judge ask getting a little more impatient.
Nightmare sigh figures if he's going to be on trail he might as well try to prove himself to be innocent. "I said I was telling the truth." Nightmare repeated himself. "And why should we believe you." The Priest asked glaring at him, Nightmare didn't need to see the smile to know that the priest was enjoying this. "Should I get someone to defend me while all of you are against me?" Nightmare asked reminding everyone of the rules when it comes to trials. "In trials like this the defendant doesn't need to be defended." The judge explains to him. It wasn't a huge surprise for Nightmare. Which he couldn't care less. He does care that his brother has to be in the court room however and who knows if they've lie to Dream that he can't be defending Nightmare. "Anymore questions you want to ask before we get started Nightmare?" The judge asked to him. Nightmare shook his head. "Then let the trial begin." The judge announce.
"Nightmare you have been accused of selling your soul to they who shall not be named, is that true?" He said. Nightmare kept his head down, not because he was angry he's just uncomfortable of talking to strangers in the eye. "About the accused? Yes. But about the story? No." Nightmare replies. "So why do you have this book our holy man found underneath your shirt?" The judge asked. Nightmare had forgotten about it. "I was going to ask him about the strange book. Because it keeps saying things about the dead and the Moon King, including the value of lives." Nightmare told to court. "And where did you found it?" The judge asked. Nightmare kept quiet knowing they'll destroy one of his safe place if he told them. "ANSWER ME!" The judge voice echo the room. "It appeared out of nowhere." Nightmare partly told the truth. Then, one of the gaurds came up to Nightmare; towering over him as Nightmare was tied down. And with brute strength the guard throw punches and kicks at him. Then as if command, rips Nightmare's shirt partly to expose some already broken ribs, later grabbed one of them and ripped it out of Nightmare's chest. Nightmare screamed in agony, and losing black blood all over the floor. "Black blood..., so you are evil." Nightmare heard the judge over his pain. "I was just born with it, so it doesn't mean anything." Nightmare tries to reason while still in pain. The Judge and the guard both nodded while looking at each other. He had seen this before, and knows it isn't good. The Guard went to the back to come back later with a war hammer, and raise it over his head. Nightmare had to close his eyes to try to imagine he's in a different situation. And he would have succeeded if the hammer wasn't so fast when it hit the right side of his skull. Now half blinded he try to find Dream in the crowd, but couldn't see him. All he could see on his right side is black with a hot yet cold substance over the side of his skull. He tries to reason with himself to where his brother could be, till he heard two bronze doors slammed. "Do I need to go on with your crimes?" The judge asked. Nightmare was in so much pain that he couldn't hear what the judge, or anyone is saying. "Your silence has answered at all." The judge calmly said. "You were accused of kidnapping children, and teach them about witchcraft. Is that true?" Nightmare heard as his pain ease for a bit. "I would never kidnap a child, and I wasn't teaching them about witchcraft I was teaching them about how to read and write; something that you wouldn't dare do." Nightmare answered with disgust. He may known a bit of magic himself, but those are white magic he has been using, not black magic. "We have a church Nightmare," The judge reply. "and that is all what the children need to know." He continued. "Well maybe some kids wanted to know how to read the Bible on their own, and how write their names." Nightmare respond. "But you did kept a little boy, and didn't bring him back till the next day." The judge remind. "I was worried about his mom would do to him after his dad died. And I saw how she treated him after the funeral such as, blaming him over her husband's death when it was clearly not his fault. And later told him that he should replace his father." Nightmare explains. "Am I not allowed to worry about my neighbors' safety? Do I need to tell everyone that our strongest man try to commit rape to a little girl?" Nightmare reasoned with the court. "He would never do it, but you would." Nightmare heard someone, but he ignored it. "I also have met a few children who had heartbreaking stories such as, one little girl who was forced to touch our priest in areas that made her feel uncomfortable, as she could do nothing about it."
"That still doesn't give you the excuse on practicing witchcraft..." The judge reminded. "The so-called witchcraft I practiced wasn't meant to harm people it was meant to heal. And are we forgetting that we also have Wiccans in our village?" He said. "I'm going to ask you another question then," The judge reply. "Is all of this true about what you are saying?"
Nightmare look at floor from the tiredness, and the pain he was in. "Yes. All that I have said is the truth." Nightmare responded. "One last question Nightmare." The judge asked. This was at the point he knows it's hopeless, and does not care about the visions he started seeing about the Village being burned to the ground. Because all he cares now; is if anyone will listen to him. Or at least tries too.
"Are you afraid of God and his heavenly angels?"
Nightmare with all his strength look at the judge with his good eye-socket, and said in the most calm firm voice. "No. I'm not afraid of any supernatural being of extraordinary powers, because I know the real monsters are all of you."
A moment of silence had filled of room.
"You're an absolute liar, Nightmare." The judge reply with a sick, twisted voice. "And now you shall be sentence to death in front of our very eyes by one of God's angels." As a window flies open leading in a creature that is known as a throne. As it hovers in front Nightmare with its blinding light. Nightmare could see a naked man made out of light. Still not scare for his own life for once. He said to the angel. "I'm not afraid of you, or your God." To his, and everyone else's surprise. The throne breaks the Nightmare chains, and cleans up his spilled blood, later giving him back the mysterious book. Nightmare stood up with all the strength he got, and walk out of the church to be hugged by Dream who is sobbing because he didn't do anything to help him. "Brother?..." Nightmare asked in a weak voice.  Now seeing flashes of his memories. "Yes, Moon?" Dream asked crying over his shoulder. "I need to go back to the in-hill.." Nightmare said as he collapsed. Hearing an echoey distance of his brother calling out his name.
It was dark again with the same old spirit orbs hovering around him. "Let me guess: It's my time to go." Nightmare smile as he look down. He honestly never thought that he'll have to die like that. It's not like he could control fate anyways. "Actually, this isn't your time yet." A orb reply. "So why are all of you around me? Is it something I had to deal with every time I shut my eyes?" Nightmare asked. "No. We came to tell you about the weapon waiting for you in the ruins."
"Ruins?" Nightmare questioned.
"Yes, the ruins. Of the Celestial half-demons."
Nightmare remember the urban legend that's been spread around for 200 years. About the beginnings in the fall that ruins. About how 12 celestial succubi has seduce 12 powerful heroes, and gave up the daughters to their victims as soon as they were born.  And how the heroes had to give them up so an old man who claims to know celestial beings which includes raising them. The old man then raise, and turn them into 12 types of heroes. Hoping that one of them will become his wife. Unfortunately the old man turns into an abuser as the girls grew up, and start falling in love with each other. Well except for one who thinks she's a boy and is the lunar witch. As if his abuse wasn't enough, she was almost forced into a relationship by the sun paladin, who is in love with her. By making everyone else abuse her to the point they killed her only friend an black owl griffin. All so she can become the witch lover. It unfortunately cause her to lash out on everyone, and ran away to be killed by the old man. And just when you think it's over it turns out the old man killed, and trap the others into their own weapons. Now possessed the weapon they used to wield; they now have no choice, but to wait for a new master. So would that mean Nightmare is gonna have the witch as his weapon?
"I'm not using someone as a weapon." Nightmare said.
"Not like that Nightmare. We mean the warlock, even as a spirit possessing his own weapon can create your weapon." They reasoned with him. Nightmare is sort of satisfied they didn't misgender the warlock like everyone else who had heard about the legend. Nightmare sigh and thought about it. If he agrees, then he'll have to go to the ruins to maybe meet a few of the trapped ghosts, and might died before getting the chance to get it. But if he doesn't they'll probably summon the warlock, and turn him into his slave.
Nightmare took a deep breath. "I'll go to the ruins."
"That's what we like to hear." The orbs said as a blinding light flashes.
Nightmare woke up again. This time he's in a bathtub with Dream right by his side. From the tear stains on Dream's face; he could tell his brother had been crying a lot.
I shouldn't have let him see me like this.
Nightmare thought as he sigh. Causing Dream to wake up. "You're finally awake." He said this time crying with tears of happiness. "How long have I been asleep?" Nightmare asked. Noticing how dirty the room looked. "Four whole days. I had to have that fire ring thing to help me to not let you die." Dream responded expressing his joy and frustration. "Dream?..." Nightmare said calmly. "YES?!" Dream excitedly replied. "That fire ring thing is called a throne, one of God's highest angels." Nightmare replies with a laugh. "BROTHER YOU NEARLY DIED! YOU SHOULDN'T LAUGH!" Dream yelled in a worry tone. "Sorry, I just can't believe that you forgot one of the legends I told you as a bedtime story ." Nightmare calms down.
"Also, Dream?" Nightmare asked. "Yes?" Dream looked up.
"STILL ALIVE!" Nightmare cheered proudly. "STILL ALIVE!" Dream followed. Nightmare then notice the book Dream has in his hands. "So you found it, huh?" Nightmare reminded Dream. Dream nodded. "I can only make out a few of the words, but I wanna ask you you something." Dream replies. "What is it?" Nightmare asked. "That stick with a crescent moon on it, and the guy in the nun outfit holding it. I saw pictures of how he reaps souls like the Grim Reaper, but there's also some pictures where he heals souls. Like this picture with a disturbing fire creature in it." Dream pointed at the image where it shows the so-called Moon king comforting the fire creature in like it a crying child. "Do you think the creature might evil?" Dream asked. His eyes turned to Nightmare. Nightmare vision turns into a flash. This time seeing the flaming creature crying with Nightmare's hand is touching his cheek bone. "I-I just wanted to g-give you justice.." He said with a voice that sounds similar to Dream, but is overlapping with someone else's. And the smell of his breath is like burnt alcohol. Yet, somehow Nightmare felt that he knew why smelt like that. Just as the flash appeared it disappeared revealing a striking similarity between the creature's face, and Dream's face. "Brother, did you have another vision where you are comforting someone?" Dream asked waking Nightmare up from his thoughts. Nightmare nodded while catching his brother staring at his still-healing ribs. "I'm sorry that you had to witness to trial." Nightmare apologize, trying to figure out if Dream was part of the jury, or if he just snuck in without being detected. "It's not your fault, Nightmare. I heard rumors about you being taken as a prisoner, and I just came to see if it's true. And when I saw you getting beat up, and you nearly losing your right eye socket, I ran away because I was too scared." Dream confesses. "Actually it was my fault if I haven't come to the priest; None would happen." Nightmare reminded Dream. "Also I think you should enough tears for a few days. You should go to get some sleep." Nightmare suggested. Dream nodded as he walked back to his own bedroom. Nightmare took a look at the place where one of his ribs that got ripped off was on a table right next to him with a note reading. "Put it back on him as soon as he wakes up." Nightmare guesses it was probably meant for Dream. So he put it back to its original place and wait for the water to heal it.
I survive yet again..
Nightmare thought as he relaxes in the bath. Nightmare looks around to find his journal which had a few scratch and bite marks on it indicating Dream might've tried to read it. Nightmare then chuckled as he opens it with a charm spell, finds a quill and begans writing.
June 26 , 1517
It had been a while since I wrote the last entry, and it was because I try talking to the priest about my visions plus the supernatural encounters, but I ended up getting trialed, and was tortured there. Royal guards beat me up, and they trying to destroy my skull with a Warhammer. And unfortunately my brother, Dream had to see it. They all try to sentence me to death by an throne's hand, but the throne has shown mercy on me. Maybe it's because even God is disgusted by most of the village actions. When I fell unconscious after the trial. The strange beings told me to go to the celestial half-demons ruins where I can get my weapon from the moon warlock. Now thinking about it me in the warlock almost have the same origin story ,but I don't want to end up like him. Or be a vengeful spirit of any kind. Sometimes I believe that we're all heretics, one way or another. Including our holiest men, The Priest and The Judge.
He then put the quill down, and took another shut eye. Without having to worried about death again.
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Big Hero 7: The Series
Big Hero 7 Season 2
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The calm before the storm
*Nimble hands set up a camera to record a video, to which it finally shows Cora Mizichio in her living room. She lets out a deep breath before she smiles up at the camera.*
Cora: Hi! It's me again! Wow,a lot of things has happened since I started this video diary, and let me tell you: It was a very insane, yet stupidly awesome ride.
*She pulls out her phone and soon starts a montage of video clips she recorded showing herself and her boyfriend and friends as both themselves and super heroes.*
Cora: Turns out Baymax saved his chip in a rocket first to which Hiro and I decided to rebuild Baymax, but when one glitch caused his body to run around like a lunatic. Didn't help that Yama held Baymax's skeleton and yours truly as hostages for Hiro to do his dirty work on stealing something from Professor Grandville's desk, *Mutters under breathe* more on her later*clear voice*. Because of that it lead to Gogo, Fred, Honey Lemon, and Wasabi to help Hiro rescue us and make it home safely. But when Yama released an army of Boot legged Baymaxes to steal the thing; that was the night we all realized we can be way more. So we put on our suits and stopped the army, stopped Yama, and destroyed the thing. Since that night we became Big Hero 7!
*Cora smiles brightly to herself as she shows the official picture of themselves as super heroes that show their super hero names: Electro-Magnetic Alpha(Hiro), Aqua Girl(Cora), Omega Danger(Baymax), Chemistry Princess(Honey Lemon), Velocity(Gogo), Fredzilla(Fred Frederickson IV) and Blades Master(Wasabi). Then the clips start showing people they met along the way*
Cora: We've met a lot of new people since then, both as supers and students. There's Professor Grandville; a strict but fair dean who is more than what she seemed, Professor Seto my Bio teacher, Mole the pest that bothers Fred and Gogo and deserves a good butt-kicking, *Shows clip of Karmi*… Someone who also deserves a good butt kicking for her behavior to Hiro and I. Esmeralda the fashion major student from SFAI and the woman partially responsible for me going to bot fighting, Commander Carter who got us our super hero licenses along with Mr. Frederickson; both who help young supers get their license to protect them and assist them in whatever mission they are in. Tela-Patty the telepathic girl, Laser blast who uses, you guessed it, laser beams, Sparrow the archer who can hit any target. Finally there's Ice Frost, she can freeze anything and survive subzero temperatures, and who we learned is Miyuki Frost, an animation major student at SFAI. And as any hero can face, there's our Rouge Gsllery: High Voltage, the Mother-Daughter electric dancing crime duo. Globby, a man transformed into a -Globby- mess after a poor choice to steal Honey's chem purse was made. Momakase, a skilled thief and sushi chef who...turned out to be connected to my Papa, and Noodle Burger Boy was an innocent bot before he was hacked and reprogrammed by one man.
*Cora paused as she thinks over what to say next, her smile fading away as she thought about him, along with the memories came a whirlwind of emotions that clash against each other. Finally she looks up and speaks again with a determined brow on her face.*
Cora: A man named Obake, a very intelligent...and very dangerous, mentally stable man whose circumstances turned him into one of our most dangerous villains we ever faced … his birth name was Bob Aken, an orphan... but he was adopted into a Yakuza Clan where he gained a father, a mother...and a brother. He was renamed Kage Mizichio...and his brother... is my father, Mizuchi Mizichio. The heir of the Mizichio Yakuza Clan. The Demonic Titan. *Rubbing her arms as she swallows tightly* Their story was at first innocent and happy... but when their father, Isamu...my grandfather died; Nozako, their mother...*Gulps* My grandmother...took over and immediately darkened their world. They had a strong bond like Hiro and Tadashi, but Nozako's plans for my father and abuse to Kage forced them apart. In the end they both escaped... Kage twice since... he wasn't very successful the first time.
*Cora pulls out two photos, one showing a young Kage with a younger Professor Grandville, and the second photo showing him with a girl that bears a striking resemblance to Cora; save for the freckles, green eyes, and long strawberry blonde hair.*
Cora: With the help of my Papa he managed to get secret classes at SFIT where Professor Grandville protected him and encouraged him to grow. And there's Chara Bonete… she was just a highschool student who met Kage and they... fell in love. But when Kage tried to build an energy amplifier without anyone knowing it exploded. He survived because... Nozako's workers found him as doctors. She punished him by dropping him out of school...and taking away Chara's life. That was when Kage's bond with my papa snapped. Papa's escape was by accident. He was sent on a mission by Kage to retrieve a very powerful medicine that could cure all diseases and heal all wounds. He was supposed to also kill the herbal medicine maker and her daughter to hide any evidence... instead.. he fell in love with her, the daughter of the herbal medicine doctor...my mama. With patience, determination, and love. Papa regained his hope and faith and his connection with Mama grew deeper. But he knew that anytime Nozako could return and harm them, or worse, turn them into her own puppets like she did with him. So he faked his death. After Mama saved him with the very same medicine that he was supposed to steal, he ran away with Mama and Grandmama to San Fransokyo where they hidden themselves and the potion away from the world and from Nozako's reach...even me. But because of Papa's 'Death'... that lead to Nozako blaming Kage for his mission. He was kicked out of the only home he ever had, and since he didn't know Papa was alive he couldn't call for help. All those years of abuse, hate, and mistreatment turned him into a monster... a monster bent on Destroying San Fransokyo to rebuild it to his image, reclaim back his home from Nozako… and mistaking me for Chara. Thankfully Hiro and the gang saved me and stopped him from succeeding his plan. And by some miracle...Papa saved him. He convinced Commander Carter to get Kage help to not only receive treatment for his mental health, but to also get the surgery for his brain damage. A shard from the energy amplifier he built long ago struck his head...and Nozako left it in there to make him suffer. And now...
*Cora pulls out a letter her family received the other day and shows the contents of it.*
Cora: This letter says that Kage had shown significant recovery in both his surgery and his counseling that he's cleared to go home.. and by home I mean here. And the day he's gonna join us is also the day the new semester of SFIT starts. That alone is a shock cause... Hiro and I had been in SFIT for a semester. We've made it this far into our lives and relationship... But that leaves us with something.. what happens now? Kage can't be left alone, and he has to do something. Papa mentioned that he would talk to Grandville when he comes along. Thankfully the first Baymax is gonna join us and help Kage. *Whispers into Camera* That's another story for another time. *Clear voice* We got our answers to this questions we'd thought we would never ask and got closure. But a part of me feels that there's more that my family isn't telling me; I know why Papa had been overprotective of me before but...Grandmama never really told me why they lived in Muirahara woods for so long, or even how Grandmama made such a powerful medicine in the first place. And there's been someone at SFIT that's been seeing 'you know who' a lot...and she gives me a bad feeling inside me... but if we survived Obake and all these crazy things, I'm sure we can deal with whatever happens to us in the future. We're in this together through hell and back.
*Cora smiles brightly as she saves the video and shuts it off to prepare for bed. As she prepares her futon after texting Hiro goodnight with a heart emoji, the moon shines brightly above the bay of San Fransokyo. The waves crashing to the shore along with the pale glow of the moon gives off an aura of great beauty...and great danger. and it shines through not only Cora's window, but to Hiro's as well, then to the rest of the gang, to Mizuchi, to Kaguya...and finally ending it with Kage Mizichio. All of them unaware of their future ahead.*
A.N: Here is a new chapter from me as we near to the premier of Season 2~! The first Baymax is a reference to the KH3 crossover and so he will be joining too! There's also gonna appearances of Kage/Obake and perhaps even... Nozako and the sirens( Which will appear in the future as I post the chapters here). Also, my Editor will update the chapters so the wordings will be different a bit, so till then, enjoy this! Also, Finals is coming for me so I'm gonna be a little busy, so please be patient for me. As for the Hiro HamadaXCora Mizichio ship...
P.s: Please don't share your spoilers into the reviews.
Thank you all for following BH7! Love you all!
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
07 - Our Realization
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This chapters songs:
New person, same old mistakes: Tame Impala
National Anthem: Lana Del Rey
Blackout Days: Future Islands Remix
I think it might be hell; Clarence James
Y.L. Perspective-
Seriously, what was it with tight dresses? All they would do was squeeze the living hell out of you, making every single step you took complete torture. Sure, people looked hot in them, and I wouldn't blame anybody for wanting to show off their looks. But me— me?! No. Especially not to a high school third-year party, where all anybody wants is sex.
"Come on, don't make such a huge deal out of it. You look so beautiful it hurts me." Giki tugs on my arms, attempting to pull me out of the car while the other two band members leaned on it, beginning to grow impatient with my childish behavior.
What I wore consisted of a very light blue colored dress with small ripples down the entire thing that tugged at both my hips and chest and the sleeves were long and oversized to trick the eye. It was small and snug and made my entire body look better than I imagined. Yes, it was a gorgeous dress, but I hadn't ever planned on wearing it. The only reason I ever even bought it was because I loved the way it looked on me— meaning it was never intended for other people to see. Plus, this wasn't even that grand of a party. I mean— yes, there were at least three hundred people inside singing and dancing from what we could hear, and it was quite a humongous house, but still: I didn't get the point of dressing so club-ish.
To my friends' relief, I gain the courage to step out, trying to avoid the couple of people that were glancing over to the new arrivals: us. My hands attempt to pull down the dress, but it simply stays above mid-thigh.
"So, what's there to see here, hm? Are we greeting anybody here, or what?" Toruku questions, locking his car and twisting the watch on his wrist. We begin walking towards the grand house, meanwhile talking silently.
"Pretty much everybody is here, so you guys can just runoff. I'm gonna try and find Miya since she invited me and all."
It wouldn't be any trouble to try and find our friends, since we had quite a few. Being a popular band at your school had to give you a few favors. The only thing was that I was scared of being lonely at this party. I didn't know what would happen, who I would meet, or if I would make mistakes of some kind.
The four of us slide through the crowds outside while muffled music was heard. But the second that Toruku opened the door, so much was happening. Flashing blue and red lights would appear, coloring everybody and their sparkly wardrobe. Many were dancing and shouting at the loud music that blasted through the noise, though I didn't mind very much. The music was almost hypnotizing, and so was the faint smell of marijuana and alcohol.
From my side, Toruku made an expression of excitement. "There's fun stuff!" He yelled, sliding his hands together. "I'll see you guys later!" Is the last we hear of him for a while, before he makes his way between the crowds of teenagers. I nervously crossed my arms, doing the same as him, and starting my way around the house to explore.
Suddenly, a voice calls out to me, sending immediate chills down my spine. "Y/n!" Yelled Kiyoko, as her arms widened for a hug, while a drink in her hand bounced in the cup. "I didn't know you were coming! We could've matched or something!"
"There's no need, you already look so good tonight!" I spoke loudly over the music, looking up and down at Kiyoko. She wore a red spaghetti strap silk dress that fit perfectly on her, but what didn't? "God, you're such a goddess!"
"Don't even, Y/n. I've never seen you so hot-looking before," she laughed, putting a warm hand on my shoulder. "Don't mind me if I act a bit silly right now, I'm tipsy."
I nod. "How about lead me to the drinks so I can be too? I'm getting impatient," I say back, before being led to the kitchen. It's big and grand, just like the rest of the house. In there, there are about two or three jugs of whatever, and a stack of cups as well. People were seen talking and laughing near them.
Kiyoko and I fill two cups of beer— or what I assumed was— and gave them both a bump. "Cheers to our third year, right?" I say, as we down what we have in our cups. The amount of carbonation in the beer is surprising, making my nose scrunch up while it goes down my throat. "Jeez, what's in this, crack?"
"Probably," Kiyoko's obnoxious laugh releases, as she leans against me, giggling over my shoulder. I simply laugh back, baffled by drunk Kiyoko. "Hey, you know who's staring right at you?"
My veins practically freeze. Staring at me? At what?! "Who?!" I silently yell at her, quickly turning my head side to side to spot anybody.
"Koushi. And he's not taking his eyes off of you."
Not even a second after her seductive tone whispers into my ear, I spot the guy, with a drink in his hand and a couple of familiar volleyball players discussing with him. However, he didn't look too cheerful. Instead, he just looked me up and down, and right into my eyes, then taking a long chug of his beer.
I smirk back at Kiyoko, excited at the fact that he had spotted me so quickly. "Do you think he came with anybody? I wanna talk to him but if he's with someone then I'd rather not." I ask the girl, as she moved her feet to the beat of the song playing.
"Hm, I have no idea. Anyway, I gotta go. My date is waiting for me. Bye-bye, stay safe!" Her cheerful aura soon leaves the dim blue room, and I'm left alone in the kitchen, waiting on him to approach me.
The first few seconds I glanced at him, I only got a few of his stares. Each time I would attempt to look away, acting as if I wasn't beating myself up because he wouldn't talk to me. But once he tapped Daichi's shoulder, set the empty cup down, and mumbled something, I knew my wish came true; I wouldn't look like such a loner now.
His footsteps approaching me are the only thing I can make out from the music and nothing else, but that is until his voice catches my attention as if it weren't already all on him. "Hey, Y/n. I didn't know you'd show up today." He says, leaning his hips against the counter. "You look pretty."
"Thanks, you too!" I return the compliment, as the music gets louder. It's not until a few seconds after that I realize what I had just told Sugawara: that he looked pretty. I mean, it wasn't a total bad compliment for a boy. He did, in fact, look very good tonight. He wore a white t and grey button shirt over it, with dark baggy jeans and a few chains and rings, all topped off with his shaggy silver hair.
He smiles at me, reaching for one of the red cups that were stacked upon each other, and filled yet another cup up with beer. "You don't think you'll get a headache tomorrow morning?" I ask him, as his eyes turn to me while he drinks. It sure did seem as if he was using a hell of a lot of cups tonight.
  "I think I'm fine. I know how to take my alcohol." He puts down the red cup that was now empty, ahead of tightening his jaw and giving me that same gloomy look he'd given me before. "You do too, don't you?"
  'Yeah, I do.' I say internally, nodding. "You look upset. Are you okay?" My voice is shaky and loud, but not loud enough for him to hear, for his eyes rolled back and he leaned closer to my face. "You look a little down. Did something happen?"
  He whispers into my ear, "I can't hear you right now. Let's go somewhere else." His hot skin rubs against my cheek, meanwhile, his nose tickles my ear. "Come with me." Sugawara gets a hold of one of my hands, and wraps his fingers in between mine, before leading me out of the kitchen and into a crowd of people, where I was lost in the whirl of shouting people. Every once in a while, he would turn his head, searching for any sign that I was uncomfortable. But I wasn't. Only curiosity was what I was feeling.
Soon after, he brought us two to the front of the house and opened the door. Outside was a few people smoking or trying to have a nice talk without the noise inside. But even if it was muffled, it was still really loud. Sugawara makes a turn towards two empty chairs in the front porch colored a nice light and dark grey with striped patterns. In front of it was a glass coffee table with a few empty and full cups of beer.
Suga set his cup beside the others, and sat on the far left chair, while I sat on the right, waiting for an explanation of why he had brought me out here. It wasn't as if I was angry, but simply wondering. "It's nicer out here. I saw you were pretty uncomfortable all alone, so I thought we could just stay out here for a little," he explained, while the dim porch light bulb hung above his head, making his platinum hair appear gleaming. He wasn't wrong, I was pretty stressed about being alone for measly ten seconds.
"Yeah, you guessed right." I fiddle with my fingers, taking in and off the ring wrapped around one of them. "I don't know why, but I'm just not feeling up for a party tonight. Usually, I'd be the one telling everybody to go so we could enjoy it. So much for wearing something I usually wouldn't, right? If I had known people were gonna start swimming I wouldn't have even come." I huff, leaning over onto my knees. Today was tiring, and being forced to a party wasn't what I expected.
    As if he read my mind, he asks, "did something piss you off today? Was it your father? You didn't get to tell me how that went. I don't mean to be intruding on your life or anything, I just wanna know."
   I sigh lazily, leaning over to prop my elbows onto my knees as I gazed towards the moon. It was nice today and covered in small clouds. "It's nothing, really. I just got into this argument— this fight with him. He tried taking me somewhere nostalgic and then tried putting on this entire 'good father persona, while I just sat there dreading every moment of it. You have no idea how much torture it was." At the simple description, I can already feel my eyes watering. God, how much would I cry today? How many times would it be until Suga would go at least one hang out without me breaking down in front of him?! "Anyway, I told him how I felt. And all he could say is 'sorry', after what I explained to him. How he didn't deserve to try and boss me around as if he were even there when I self-harmed. Instead, I had to go to some grey-haired boy in the corner of my math class, right?" I giggle, sniffing up any fluids that left my red nose. Thankfully, Sugawara understands and doesn't hold back a cute snort.
  "I'm sorry. I know what it's like to have a bad relationship with a father, trust me. And you don't deserve that. From what I know, you're such a strong, beautiful, good person, and although you grew up without them, I think you did a great job finding yourself." Although my eyes are closed, I can still imagine the way he looked at me, and the sweet stare he gave. What I couldn't imagine was his hand pressed on my knee, with his thumb softly massaging it. "You're a great girl, you know. Don't let him ruin your confidence."
   As expected, a cheeky smile on his pretty pale face is what I see when I open my eyes, as well as a few fewer students outside of the house. But now that we're mostly alone, I don't bother feeling as if I have to hide from anybody. "Thank you. It means so, so much." My voice wobbles in the cold air, meantime one of his thumbs made its way towards my cheek to wipe the large tears that bounced on my bottom lashes.
   "It's no issue. I'm only telling you the truth," he speaks, pulling his hand back into his lap. Soon after, he sat back in his chair, looking up at the sky that painted many glittering stars, and a pale white moon. I do so too, letting every emotion leave my body with each breath. Talking with Sugawara was as if being in heaven, if only for a split second. I wished that it could last at least two, or three, or even an entire minute. "Y/n, do you... do you wanna leave?"
   My eyebrows curl at his question. "What do you mean by that?"
  Before being able to thoroughly ask him more questions, he quickly clears things up. "I mean I don't wanna be here anymore, and I know you don't either. As you said, 'I'm not in a party mood.' I brought my car, and I'm not drunk. Not tipsy either. Do you just wanna hang out somewhere else?" He looks down at his wrists again, picking at his cuticles while waiting for my response. For a second I think about why I came. It was only so that Miya would trust that Giki brought guests. I'm sure that now she had at least four hundred people in her house she wouldn't mind. And besides that, I didn't know where we would go, or if we would get in trouble.
     But in his luck, he was right; I didn't wanna be here.
Sugawara and I both agreed I'd meet him at the front door after I said bye to Giki. He brought up a clever idea that I should probably tell at least one of my friends we were leaving, or else they'd grow defensive and act as if I were kidnapped. And so, I'm approved to leave and plan to waste no time getting out of this house.
That is until I encounter what feels like a ghost.
"Y/n," my name is heard from a mouth, sending me to glance to my right. Looking up, there stood Oikawa, someone so distant, yet so familiar. All I could do is stare back at him, blinking a few times to check that I wasn't hallucinating some figure. He was tall, and his build was skinny but muscular, just like when we were kids. Except now, he looked more of a man than a boy. He ran a hand in his brown hair, turning towards me completely instead of a sneaky side stare. I had begged the gods to keep him away from me, but here we were.
Toru had no business being at this party— a Karasuno party— so why was he? Is this to run into me? Or maybe Toruku? So many thoughts ran through my mind, yet all I could do is stand there, staring at him. "W-why are you here?" I hesitate to ask, followed by one of his awkward laughs.
He rubs the back of his head, saying, "I was invited? Why else? I thought I would see you here, but I didn't mind. But if you are, does that mean Toruku is too?" I didn't understand why he wanted to know about us, but I also didn't care. I didn't need to be so stressed about this tonight. "Wow— I can't believe it's you. I thought... I thought you—"
"What, killed myself?"
"N-no! No, of course not. I just thought you moved again. At least that's what you told everybody. Iwa and I had been trying to get a hold of you guys recently because it being our third year. We...we thought it was best to say bye properly, y'know?" Even though his voice is so low, I can still hear him over the blasting music and obnoxious talking. "Listen, I just. I just wanna see how you guys doing. I know you're in a band now. That's cool, right?"
I nod, with an expressionless face. Annoyed, I cross my arms and relax my posture. "Yeah, I guess. I heard you're at a preppy little school now. Isn't that fitting?" An unexpected attitude is heard in my tone, which soon made me feel a bit sorry. But what was I to say? He can't expect to get so close to me after three years. This conversation is useless. I need to go.
Oikawa takes notice of this and has no second thought of grabbing one of my hands, requesting for me to stay. "Please, I wanna talk more. I..I have so much to say. Can I at least have your number?"
I attempt to resist his grip on my fist, but he simply pulls back harder. He must really wanna talk. I say, "I have to go right now. We can talk some other time. Please, just let me go." All of a sudden, another arm is wrapped around my wrist, but not Toru's. Instead, it's Sugawara, giving him the most intimidating stare. Both setters stare at each other for long seconds, before Suga gently slid his hand from my wrist to my hip, as the warmth of his fingers makes my back curl.
"Is everything alright, babe?" He asked, looking down and smiling at me. Ahh, I get it. The old boyfriend-saving trick. He makes sure to give Oikawa a two-faced smile, letting him know he would be able to confront me no longer. Going along with his ploy, I lean on him, grabbing his arm in security. "I'm fine," I mumble, looking anywhere else but towards Oikawa. "Let's just go."
  Closing the front door that I had walked into just about an hour ago, Sugawara let go of my hand, "Who was that? Why were they so demanding?" He asks, looking at me for a response. Although I try to act toned down, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by everything. But luckily, I'd just for tonight, I could escape from my problems.
  "Just an old friend. Thank you, though. I didn't feel like talking with them."
Sugawara and I walk towards the end of the street, where he has said his car was. And once we'd reached it, he pulled open the door for me, and I sat in the passenger seat. It wasn't a big car, but it wasn't small either. Its paint consisted of a darker matte grey, and inside the seats were beige leather. He had two small cans of car freshener; one lavender, the other cherry almond. Hanging from the rearview mirror was a string attached to a small volleyball plush and a necklace. I wasn't sure what the necklace was about, but it wasn't any of my business. Overall, it was a nice car, which I could tell was kept clean.
"Sorry if it's messy, or weird looking. I just got it last year so I'm still kind of beginning to get used to it."
   An entire year? Looking over at Suga I say, "if you don't mind me asking, why has it taken so long?" He swallows hard, tapping his fingers on the black leather that covered the steering wheel. "It was my moms. She gave it to me before she passed away." He says, stuttering. It seemed that Suga wasn't very comfortable talking about this subject. "A-And besides that, it took me a little to learn how to drive. I only ever take it when I don't have a ride somewhere. Other than that, it stays at home."
What he said had cleared up some things I was wondering about: why hadn't he taken it to school? But now that I was aware of the situation, I thought it's best to not ask. "Oh. Well, that's okay. There's no need to be ashamed or anything," I tell him, backing up my words with a sweet tone. "I don't take loss very well. Not any better than you did, at least."
"Ha! You have no idea." Surprisingly, a remark leaves his mouth, soon followed by an apology. "Sorry, that came out rude." His low voice cracks at the last word. I felt nothing but sorry for Suga at the moment. Whatever he didn't tell me about in the kitchen was itching his ear this entire time, and I wouldn't go on without knowing what it was.
  He licks his soft lips and folds his hands within each other. I assumed it was about some girl, why wouldn't it be? Suga is truly a handsome young man— a man— not a boy. I wouldn't blame any other teenage girl to fall head over heels for him, but I wouldn't be okay with somebody causing him trouble. After what I've heard about Sugawara, he didn't deserve any more dreadful events to occur in his timeline. "What's up with you, Suga? You seem upset today. Well, not upset, more like down. But are you okay?"
  "I'm fine. I just got in this fight with my dad today about volleyball. He makes it such a big deal, more than before my mom died. I think he just worries I'll end up throwing my life away. But after everything, it feels like that doesn't even matter," he explains, as the engine now roared, and I quickly strapped on my seat belt. "Anyway, where do you wanna go, hm?"
   I look out the window, as we begin to pass the house that held so many. But soon we reach the end of the street, and almost all of the noise is gone. If only for a few hours, I can finally relax. "I dunno. I just wanna leave."
"Maybe you wanna get some clothing from your house? I can drive you there, and we can go somewhere else afterward," Sugawara mentions, shifting his vision towards me if only for a second. But I deny it. I wouldn't wanna be anywhere near home right now, or at least home is what they call it. For me, it's simply a hollow shell full of regret.
"No. I don't wanna go home." I turn my head towards Suga, whose eyebrows raised in surprise at my demand. "I don't even care if I'm uncomfortable. I just.. I just don't wanna go home."
"I don't either." He smiles meekly. "Look, I have a t-shirt in the back. But it's only a t-shirt, nothing more"
"That's okay. I snuck pajama shorts under my dress tonight," I giggle, lifting the blue skirt to reveal bright pink cotton shorts with cartoon monkeys and bananas covering them. "So, where to after?"
"I'm not sure. I think I'll just park at this old skatepark I know, and we can just stay there for a while until you decide we wanna go."
  "Orr," I make a request. "We could stay there all night. I don't mind sleeping in the trunk or something, that's what makes it an adventure, right?"
  Sugawara shrugs, as a smile appears on his face. Soon, we're out of the neighborhood, and out on the main road, where anywhere go is a mystery to me. "I.. I dunno. What if your parents get angry at me? What if you get in trouble?"
"I don't think they will, Suga. They don't care much." Quickly, I begin to unstrap my heels, placing them next to my feet, and take off my seat belt. To his surprise, I instantly climb towards the back seats of his car, getting low immediately after I succeeded. "You said the t-shirt was back here?" I ask him, glancing to the middle seat. Usually, if you pulled it down, there was a compartment that had a shortcut to the trunk. I put two fingers between the small loop the divided the seats and the storage, pulled it back, and pushed a small button that pulled back. Surely, my predictions were correct.
"Hey— be careful back there. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." Sugawara says, without any notion that I had done times many times before when I went out with the band. Carefully, I reach my hand into the dark space, feeling and touching on items that might feel like a t-shirt. The only thing that is in reach is a duffel bag, a volleyball, and a box until I catch hold of thick cloth.
Carefully pulling it out of the dark, I observe thoroughly, to discover it's a jacket of some sort. When I cautiously unfold it, I reveal a large hoodie, with big orange letters painted on the front, 'Karasuno.' "Oh, you can just wear that if you'd like. I don't mind, and besides, it's not dirty or anything." Suga turns briefly to glimpse at me who help the sweater, making sure to adjust his eyes back onto the road afterward.
  "Haha, just don't look," I chuckle, bowing behind his seat for furthermore privacy, before carefully but hastily pulling the blue dress over my head. Finally, I'm released from its threshold. Then, I take the hood, and slide it over my torso, and pull it down. The size was just perfect for me to lounge in. Once I'm comfortable, I toss the dress into the front seat and make my way there too.
"Thanks, Suga. I didn't wanna be in that all night. Anyway, where are we going again? To a skate park? Great, do you have skateboards?" I asked, digging in my purse for some extra socks. Once I find some, I pull them over my feet, glad that the ache of the heels was almost over with.
  "Uh, no. I don't know how to skate. But my friends usually come here a lot, and there's never any security, so if you'd like we can just stay here for a while until you wanna go home." He says, pulling into a small lot with a few small buildings around it. The further he drove went to show that it was a skate park. In fact, one of my favorites. When he finds a spot that isn't too obvious to the main street, he parks his car and rests both hands on his thighs. "It's nice out here, isn't it?"
   I agree, nodding whilst staring at the lit-up park that contained many loops and poles for tricks. "Yeah. Listen, thank you for rescuing me from Miya's. I know you probably had better plans than to have to take me here." As the words leave my mouth, I realize how strange it was that we left and decided to hang out for a while. Although Sugawara was a friend, I still had much to learn about him, including his instincts.
  "Uhm, Suga?" I utter, avoiding contact with him. But even so, I still sense his stare. After grabbing his attention, I ask, "I don't mean to sound like a loser, but why're you so accepting? Not that it's bad, it's that I haven't really met anyone other than my close friends that actually enjoy spending time with me. You're just.. very flexible. You make time for people, you're helpful, you're caring. I wanna know what makes you that way?"
   The question stirs in Suga's mind, bringing about a long silence. For me, I always perceive people to be too careless and flamboyant. Yes, I try to look at both sides of the stories, but I always let people's opinions get to me. It's what makes me so insecure about letting people get to know who I really am. "After everything that happened, I decided that I wasn't who I wanted to be. I'm not saying I completely love who I am, but I try to be a better person. Especially to people that mean a lot to me."
   "Oh, yeah. I get it." I say, leaning my head back in the seat. "After everything that happened at the beginning of high school, I decided it was best to pick myself up. I wasn't gonna achieve anything by sitting around and throwing my life away, right? I think I'm just confused because.. well... after being comfortable with who I am, I don't let people get to know me. I just feel like everybody is too judgmental, and I'm gonna seem like I'm still a burnout."
  "I get it. But people do change, Y/n. People like us. I guess— time flies so fast. Everyone changes so quickly that in a blink of an eye, your entire perspective of something is completely altered, and everyone you know— or at least used to— they're on a completely different level than what you expected. It feels like you're realizing that it's not as simple as you thought. It's realizing that you'll be somewhere totally different than four years from now. You've gotta have that realization things are never gonna stay the same." As much as I wanted to deny it, Sugawara was right. Even if I'm somebody who's approved by everyone, I'm still my own person, whether they like it or not. How I develop has only to do with me, and no one else. "And besides, you're a very likable person, Y/n. I'm sure you don't have to worry about being enough for other people. You're more than enough."
  I couldn't help but chuckle bashfully at his sentence. "Yeah, I bet you say that to all the girls you let in your car," I say jokingly, meeting eyes with Sugawara. But he isn't laughing very much, just lightly smiling, and shaking his head 'no'.
  Suddenly, one of his hands meets with my cheek, brushing against the peach fuzz that stood upon it. I could do nothing more than stare at him, observing the way his chest rose so fast while doing so."Y/n," he mumbles, making my heart beat faster than light speed itself. His eyes did more than observe every inch of my expression but search for something other than panic. "I'd like for you to know that you're someone so incredibly valuable. You're beautiful and talented and sweet. God, you're so sweet. Don't let anybody tell you you're anything less, which includes yourself."
  "Kou," I whimper to him, placing my hand on his, and feeling his thumb slide towards the corner of my lips while feeling him come closer towards me. Any longer I waited for him to touch mine would have resulted in a heart attack.
  "What is it?" He whispers, oblivious to the action of parting my lips with his finger, feeling against their softness. What made it even more desirable was the way he stared at them, imitating the way they would move when kissing him. And I did so, impatiently waiting for him to touch them, I demand of him, "Koushi, kiss me already. Please, I want to. I.. I do."
  Sugawara rapidly grabs my wrists to make sure I don't squirm and finally takes initiative to press my lips against his. At first, he feels them softly, but once I show the bit of resistance, he soon lets go of one wrist and grabs the back of my neck, bringing it closer to him than ever. Our mouths can barely get rest, inflicting a dangerous amount of sharp intake from our noses. Every second of being gripped in his hold felt so much more heated than I had expected. If I wasn't such a prude, I probably would have gone further as to let him kiss my neck.
   The small groans that echoed throughout my throat made the both of us feel just as nervous as before, but still, it made the process of making out more enjoyable. Especially the heat of his mouth, along with the way his tongue grazed mine ever so gently. With the way that Sugawara had kissed me, I couldn't remember a time I had ever kissed someone so meaningfully as this. So passionate, and loving.
  So damn long.
Hey guys, thank you for making it so far in the chapter. I know it was a long one. Pls remember to note and comment! Love you all <3
- estrxlar
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