#so anyway that was lesson learned that even if she invites it i will never speak of it and luckily she hasn’t since and that was years ago
wavesoutbeingtossed · 22 days
#warning: rant about parent ahead#I’m so so so so so empathetic to mental health struggles#like exceedingly so#but it’s just so exhausting being on the receiving end of someone’s self-loathing#and to be clear I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ANYONE HERE#you are all my phone besties and I have so much empathy for your struggles and know that i love you all#and wish i could say the right thing to support you all always and you are always welcome to share whatever is going on#and to quote the bard herself i wish i could take the bombs in your head and disarm them#but when my mother gets into these moods she just seems to use it as a way to get a rise out of us#she’s pulling the ‘well maybe you don’t want to do x with me because it’s not fun because I’m a terrible person and you’re scared of me#and i ruin everything so maybe you would just rather i do everything alone’#and i don’t doubt she feels horrible and i know she has intrusive thoughts etc#but that is so manipulative!!!! she then puts the onus on us to reassure her that she is not!!!! But that is not what she wants!!!!#which we then do profusely and remind her that we do love her and we do do things together and whatever the fuck is the problem of the day#but of course she won’t hear it#so yes it makes us scared of her because we are always worried we’re going to say the wrong thing in a given moment!!!!#i just shut the fuck up at all times now#but my dad tries to use reason with her and of course it just ends in her lashing out and projecting all this shit on him#’oh you maybe you actually hate me maybe you want to leave me’ etc#THEY’VE BEEN MARRIED DECADES HE’S THE MOST LOYAL AND KINDEST PERSON IN THE WORLD HE NEVER ONCE HAS#i honestly don’t know how he lets this roll off his back because i am so fed up with it#It’s just so so so so hard because one minute she’s ‘herself’ and the other she’s this inferno#and we just have to ride whatever wave she’s on and it sucks all the air out of the room#it’s like the one and only time i tried to very gently bring up that something she said was hurtful *after she’d brought it up herself*#she went on a ‘oh I’m a terrible person/terrible parent’ rant and it then turned into me reassuring her that she isn’t#i was just trying to show her how the language/behaviour she uses was hurtful to me#so anyway that was lesson learned that even if she invites it i will never speak of it and luckily she hasn’t since and that was years ago#But it’s just… i know bad thoughts can’t be helped and again i feel so much pain on her behalf for what she struggles with#and i wish i could help but there’s absolutely nothing i can do#AND SHE’S GONE OFF ALL HER MEDS SO THE ONE SOURCE SHE DID HAVE ISN’T THERE ANYMORE EITHER
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rebelspykatie · 9 months
Steve’s never had anyone show any genuine interest in the things he likes. Robin rolls her eyes when he brings up sports or silly movies that don’t have a bigger plot or character work. Even though she played soccer, she doesn’t care about it in the same way that Steve cares about basketball or football. 
The kids make fun of everything from his taste in music to his choice in snacks for movie nights. Mike calls him a little housewife for baking one time and he never shows up with cookies again. They’re never intentionally mean spirited, or at least he doesn’t think so. He knows he can give as good as he gets when it comes to catty, sarcastic comments, but he tries to steer clear of personal attacks on someone’s identity these days. He learned that lesson with Jonathan. 
But even before the party came along, it was like that. His parents never stuck around long enough to find out what he was up to, never attending a game or meet, and certainly in the dark about what he might be up to outside of school. Tommy only ever cared about himself and Carol, only following Steve around for clout, popularity by association. If he asked him right now, he’d bet a lot of money that Tommy doesn’t even remember his favorite food or the movie he used to watch when he was sick. There was a point where he thought he could share things with him. Until he realized mid ramble about sports cars that Tommy wasn’t even listening to him. He was staring at Carol and nodding along with a vacant expression. 
So he stopped sharing. Stopped caring if people knew anything about him because they never asked. People always made assumptions about him anyway. The girls he slept with only wanted one thing. The kids were happy to let him chauffeur them around with no questions asked. Robin was the only one he let in, the only one that cared about digging deeper. But, and she never said in so many words, he could tell that she thought his interests were mundane, and clearly not something that sparked any enthusiasm from her. She couldn’t even keep up with the girls he slept with, giving him the same bored stare as Tommy. 
Even now, after a few years, Steve’s reminded that they never would have become friends if not for trauma and the secret inner workings of the Russian’s within Hawkins. He’s lucky to have her, but he doesn’t think she ever would’ve chosen this, chosen him. And that’s fine. He’s used to not being chosen. His parents didn’t choose him when they started leaving him alone at age 12. Tommy and Carol chose each other and the reign of a new king when Steve fell from his throne. Nancy chose Jonathan. 
He doesn’t think he has a lot to offer. 
Well, at least until Eddie comes along. He’s taken by surprise when Eddie asks after the song that’s playing in his car. He’d assumed Eddie only liked metal music, and yeah he pokes fun at the genre of music Steve seems to stick to, begging him to give metal a shot, but he doesn’t say a word about how lame it is. When they’re having a movie night, Eddie notices that Steve gravitates towards coke and brings him one without Steve asking.
After Eddie sees his bedroom, Steve gets a pack of hot wheels for Christmas. Eddie jokes that he should give one to each of the kids as their new ride, since they seem to be ungrateful little twerps. Steve places them right under his posters on his dresser and Eddie grins at them every time he comes over. They lay in bed and pretend to drive them on the ceiling like they’re kids again. It shakes something loose in Steve’s chest. 
Eddie hates sports, but he invites Steve over on Mondays, when Wayne is perched in his chair for football. He quietly works on his campaigns while Steve and Wayne watch the games. Eddie somehow worms his way into Steve’s heart, digging deeper and deeper with each new thing, like he wants to know more. Steve’s history is a minefield, but Eddie expertly navigates through it, leaving who they were behind, building something new together. Steve’s already halfway in love with him before he even realizes that Eddie is something that he likes. 
He expects to freak out a bit more, but who is going to stop him? Who is going to care if he wants to be with this boy? He’s spent so long ignoring parts of himself for others that he wants to cherish this fragile thing, to cradle it in his hands, make sure no one can ruin it for him. When he kisses Eddie, it feels like coming home, like he’s finally found that place he’s been searching for his whole life. It’s a kind of devotion that Steve’s not used to, born of love and not obsession or jealousy or anger. 
He’s not sure he deserves it, but he’ll do everything in his power to keep it.
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ac3may · 9 months
“ the wag diaries ”
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How You Met
~ Alessia Russo ~
Alessia would never make any claim to know anything about ice hockey before she met you
but if interrogated she couldn't deny that Y/N L/N was a prominent face in her mind since she was a teen
most people had only recently began to recognise you with your increasing sponsorships
Alessia however had known of you from your college days
she had been dragged to a UNC friends hometown in Minnesota where she attended her first ever ice hockey game
it was an unfamiliar sport to the Brit, the violence definitely shocked her
she thought football was physical enough
number 23 immediately drew her attention though
the way she managed to dominate the rink while still gliding so gracefully was addicting
it wasn't until four years later when your face was plastered across all the sporting outlets that Alessia was reminded just how attractive she found the sport
or maybe it really was just you
the next time you crossed Alessia’s path you were a lot more physical, a lot more real, and a lot more directly in front of her
both being sponsored by Beats by Dre you had been invited to their rooftop event in LA, launching a new product
laying eyes on the blonde from across the dance floor you knew immediately you had to meet her
approaching her at the bar it was evident that she was shocked to see you
although that did nothing but spur your ego
the cocky glint appearing in your eye only attracted Alessia more
"hey, pretty lady. any chance I can interest you in drink? some company perhaps?”
"well I'm pretty sure it's an open bar, so drinks are free" 
*eyes widen in rejection*
*she touches your arm*
she TOUCHES your arm!!
"but I could do with some company"
you then spend the following many drinks sat a little too close to be friendly
talking, giggling, and flirting around the fire pit
within an hour the pair of you had abandoned the groups you arrived with and tumbled into whoever's hotel room was closest
the following morning of room service in bed and further extra-circicular activities had Alessia thinking maybe something more would come
but after watching your broad shoulders walk away from her, freshly showered back buried in her duvet, there was no contact to follow
after several months of teasing from Ella about her new interest in hockey you appeared again
you had been visiting England to complete several press and media requirements, one of which being a photoshoot campaign with Beats
grumbling to your best friend and manager after a long train ride and cramped Uber to the studio in Manchester the last person you expected to be faced with was Alessia
not learning her lesson, again Alessia ended up in the same bed as you by the end of the night
as well as a supply closet, restaurant bathroom and hotel pool before that
this time though she was the one to walk away, and not without the promise of a regular arrangement
you were by no means in a relationship
but every time you were in the same country you sought each other out
neither of you had time for that anyway
a year later when Alessia joined her team in the Euros final you made the decision to fly out and surprise her in the stands
As soon as she made eye contact with you Alessia lost all interest in the impending afterparty
staying only as long as was polite before dragging you off to yet another hotel room
You were more than happy to accommodate her wishes though
the entire trip being made to celebrate her achievements in the first place
Alessia is demanding in physically wrapping your arms around her naked body when you try to stand and leave
on the high of the win she is extra confident
and the exhaustion catching up to her reigns her filterless
"why do you always leave me, am I just a warm body to you?"
*you gape, too stunned to speak*
*her pout is dramatically adorable*
"Alessia you are SO much more than a warm body to me! how could you even think that?!"
holding her tighter in your arms you listen as she explains her insecurity
all the while she played with your tangled fingers, resting on her stomach
hearing her out you admitted your intimidation of her being too good for you
the simple solution, that pleased both of you, came when she finally asked you to be her girlfriend
of course you agreed immediately
sealing it with a kiss
Okay, question for anyone enjoying/invested in the wag diaries. Does anyone have suggestions for different nicknames we could maybe call the “characters”? I feel like mixing all the Y/N’s is already getting pretty confusing….
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lola-bunn1 · 1 year
it's always been you.
❥ genre: angst-ish? to fluff
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You and Lo'ak have been friends for the longest time, after the death of your parents, you were invited to hang out with the sully's way more often, considering they were your parent's friends.
When you were there, Lo'ak was the only one your age, so you hung out with him more than everyone else. Sooner or later, you two became best friends and went everywhere together.
You'd go to the tree of souls and talk about your problems there, you'd ride on your ikrans and fly late at night, sure his parents didn't like it. But Lo'ak was a rebel and he didn't really care.
Later, the sky people came for war again, and the sully's needed to find shelter in a place they don't know about. So you obviously went with them.
You stood with the sully children as they were introduced to the metkayina clan. You learned their ways and helped them around the village.
But something felt off about Lo'ak now. Things were different.
You sat with Neytiri to help her make some food while the others were out for lessons.
"So, what do you think of Awa'atlu?" Neytiri smiled at you, she was always like a mother to you.
"It's nice, the people here are different than our people" You responded
"Yes, they are. But it feels like a refreshing new start, with new people and a new home. I hope the children are getting along well with the others"
Before you could answer, Lo'ak came in
"Hey-guess what I learned? I could ride an ilu now. Check me out on the waves, girl!"
"That might be the most annoying thing you've ever said. Never say that again it's giving me the ick." You teased
Before he could say anything, Tsireya came in as well
"Lo'ak! Come on, it's time for our exercises." She smiled at him, he quickly nodded and walked away with her
You sighed, "Guess you're right Neytiri, your children seem to be getting along with them just fine." you mumbled and left the marui
When you wandered around the island, you found an area nobody went to, and it was the perfect place to relax and have some peace from everything.
You wanted to tell Lo’ak about it, but clearly he didn’t really care to know. So now it was just you, sitting near the waves, staring blankly at the ocean and fidgeting with the bracelet in your hand.
It was a bracelet you had made for Lo’ak, you wanted to give it to him. But he was too busy to even talk to you at this point.
You aren’t supposed to care this much about this. Lo’ak likes being around Tsireya and it wasn’t a problem. She was a beautiful and kind soul, he deserved her.
She was better anyway.
You felt a tear slide down your cheek and were quick to wipe it away, you shouldn’t be crying over something so stupid.
You got up and walked around the village, exploring and wandering on your own since nobody *ahem* was there to go with you.
You quietly hummed to yourself as you collected some seashells you found in the sand, when you suddenly flinched, feeling someone touch you
You turned around to see Ao’nung looking at you with a confused expression
“Uh-did i startle you?” He asked
“No I just twitch for no reason.” You rolled your eyes and kept looking for more seashells
“Well um, I couldn’t help but see you wandering around on your own, I collected some of these” He said as he showed you a collection of seashells
“Why…would you do that?” You furrowed your eyebrows
“I dunno, thought I could maybe help you look around. You can make really nice things with those shells” He shrugged
“Oh…” You muttered to yourself, “okay I guess” you said, and the two of you looked for more, and sparked up some conversation
You had to admit, it was a little weird how Ao’nung was acting. He was usually his smug cocky self, but for some apparent reason he was being nice, and you kind of enjoyed the company you’d been missing ever since you got here.
You two had the best time, you gathered them all up and decided to split them so you can both make some stuff with it. You sat by the ocean and talked about some stuff as well
When Lo’ak was done with his lessons he went to look for you, a little confused as to why you weren’t home. You weren’t exactly familiar with this island
When he found you, even more confusion set in his mind when he saw you talking and laughing with Ao’nung. It wasn’t even confusion, it was an odd feeling, like a mix of anger and sadness.
Something about the fact that you were hanging out with Ao’nung bothered him and he didn’t want it happening ever again.
“So you can make a necklace with them as well” Ao’nung said
“That group of shells would look so pretty on a necklace!” You said with a smile on your face
“What the hell are you two doing?” Lo’ak said with a stern tone
“Oh-hey Lo’ak, we were just talking about the she—“
“I wasn’t asking you.” He said, not even looking at you in the face, his eyes set on Ao’nung
“Uh, same as she said. Just talking about stuff” Ao’nung said
“We’re leaving” Lo’ak grabbed your arm and pulled you up from the ground
“Listen here, fish lips. Talk to her again, and you’ll get another black eye.” He said, walking away with his hand pulling you away as you mumbled apologies to Ao’nung who was silently nodding at you
Lo’ak finally let go after some time and you pushed him away
“What the hell was that.” You yelled
“What? I saw the way he was looking at you”
“He wasn’t doing anything wrong!”
“Yes he was, he was hanging out with you!” He yelled
“Oh so now I can’t hang out with anybody? What else am I supposed to do when all you do is avoid me and go hang out with your little Tsireya. Go to her, maybe she’ll fix your problem.” You said and began to walk away when he pulled you back
“I don’t want Tsireya.” He said with a serious tone, “Do you seriously not get it?”
“Why wouldn’t you want her? She’s pretty, she’s smart, she’s perfect—“
“I don’t want her because she’s not you, y/n!” He snapped
“What?” You said, taken aback
“You heard me. I don’t want her because she doesn’t make me laugh the way you do, I don’t want her because she doesn’t make me feel warm inside the way you do, I don’t want her because she doesn’t make me feel the way you do, I don’t want her because she’s not you.”
“But Lo’ak—“
“I don’t know what happened to me back there. But I do know that I never ever want to see you with someone that isn’t me. Because I see you, y/n”
It was quiet for a moment, and Lo’ak knew this entire relationship was over. Until a smile rose upon your face
“I see you too” You whispered as the two of you leaned in for a soft kiss
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to say those words” He smiled, hugging you tight
“Wait!!” You suddenly said, pulling him with you as you ran somewhere, ignoring his questioning
You two kept running till you found it, the area you’ve been wanting to show him.
“I found this place a while ago, isn’t it nice? Near the ocean, peaceful, nice view”
“It’s perfect” He said, you dug up some sand and pulled something out of the hole
“I made you this” You said, giving him the bracelet, “do you like it?”
“I love it” He said, smiling as he wore the bracelet and kissed you again, and again, and again
“Lo’ak stop it” You giggled as you tried to get away, but he kept pulling you closer, kissing your neck and moving up to your cheeks and lips
“Okay okay, stop it” You chuckled as you lightly pushed him away, “one more thing! You need to go apologize to Ao’nung”
“We both know I’m not doing that” He said
“You have to, Lo’ak! He really didn’t mean any harm, he was just collecting seashells with me! He even showed me where the pretty ones are! Give him a chance, please?” You said, playing with his fingers
“Fine” he sighed and you smiled, “but only for you, ma y/n”
He had you now, and he’s not planning on ever letting you go.
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feluka · 1 month
Hi, I don’t rlly know how to explain this but I’ll try haha.
I recently found out I have Egyptian and specifically Coptic ancestry, through family tree making, matching with cousins, gedmatch, dna testing, etc and now personal confirmation from family/ancestors.
The problem is idrk who was the Coptic ones in my family as my dad died when I was four and I’ve had no contact with his family at all since. I know it came from his mother, but I can’t even give you her name let alone where she was from, or anything. Although I want to learn more and reconnect and eventually find out who they were exactly. It’s just hard because my dad’s living family has no contact w us and since he’s dead, it’s been hard to get records as well.
I would like to learn more about Coptic culture and Egypt in general but I am worried about people considering me a ‘culture thief’ since I only recently. found this out a few months ago but didn’t really have 100% confirmation until like 2 weeks ago. And even though I can prove genetically I have ancestry Coptic I can’t really say who my ancestors were which would probably make some skeptical.
Especially because I am African American and there already exists a rift between Egyptians and AAs bc of hoteps who claim Egyptian culture/claim Egyptians are just Arabs who ‘stole’ Egyptian culture. I want to be respectful but I’m unsure how to navigate this.
I guess I’m asking if you have any idea how I should move forward, or if you know of any resources to learn more? I want to be respectful, but I would also love to start to reconnect even if I don’t know where my ancestors were exactly from other than ‘Egypt’.
Hello! First of all, this is both a very respectful and a very personal ask, so I want to thank you for trusting me with that. I hope my answer can help you find peace with the matter a little.
Instead of trying to figure out if the overall sentiment of trying to reconnect is harmful or not, because there's really no answer to that in and of itself, and instead stop at every individual action taken to reconnect and asking: could this be harming anybody?
For example, if you'd like to pick up Coptic language lessons, could this action possibly be harmful to anyone? Not really. Is reading about Coptic culture and engaging with what survived of it in modern day harmful? I don't think so.
The only possible thing that I can think of that might be harmful is, I have awful experiences with certain diaspora Copts who have never really engaged with the community nor know much of it, who suddenly butt in conversations about Coptic politics in Egypt like they're an expert on it despite never having been or known anything about it themselves, but from the way you've written this ask I doubt you're the kind of person to do that anyway, seeing as you're being very respectful and that you recognize that there's some dissonance in your experience (which there's no shame in, but the self awareness is helpful as a guide of when to participate and when not to!)
I don't know if I said this before on this blog but, to my knowledge, the matter of the hotep subculture entails far more than just questioning the Egyptian identity, and seeing as I'm neither African American nor Black at all, I don't think it's my place to comment on it. I invite any of my Black followers to contribue to intra-community discussion in the reblogs/comments for you to read, though!
All I can promise you is that even if the notion that the population of Egypt was displaced rather than converted during the Arab conquest of Egypt is false, there still are Black Egyptians and there always have been. Sadly I'm sure there will always be people who try to make you feel like a pretender, but that is true of so many things and regardless of what you do, so always remember thay Black people have always been part of Egypt's history, and that nobody is entitled to know your personal details or family history and you don't need to disclose anything you're not comfortable with to prove anything to them.
As for resources, there's always a lot on Egyptology in general, so the specific topics that would be helpful to be aware of are: modern history of Copts (or Copts post the Arab Conquest of Egypt), the persecution of Copts, the decline of the Coptic language and the efforts to revive the language. The last two are especially pertinent nowadays.
Lastly you can always ask other Copts! I may not have all the answers but I'm sure between me and my followers we can find something helpful for you if you're trying to find a specific resource of have more questions. (The scarcity of resources is something we *all* have to deal with, even us here in Egypt, I'm afraid, but it's not a lost cause! You'd be surprised how much is out there on internet archives.)
I hope you have a lovely day. ♥️
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jacksdinonuggets · 3 months
~Fight Nights~
Summary: Vaggie has a fight with Charlie and needs comfort. However, the only other person she can run to is Carmilla
Vaggie stormed out of the hotel, angry, and on the brink of tears. She and Charlie had just gotten into a fight. They didn’t fight often so it really affected them when they did. The reason that they fought? Vaggie was suppressing her negative emotions again, therefore keeping a secret. This made Charlie pretty upset since she wanted them to have a mutual relationship and not just one protector. However, Vaggie viewed herself as someone who couldn’t show weakness so she got pretty worked up when Charlie confronted her about it. She didn’t mean to turn it into an argument. It just sort of happened.
Anyways, she just really needed comfort from someone and the only other person she could really go to was carmilla. She had been taking fighting lessons once a week with her and sometimes, she would even teach a little bit of ballet so she could learn to dance-fight. At first, they would just go back and forth with returning weapons and paying some loans and business stuff but then they started to get a bit personal. Sometimes, if Vaggie was having a bad day, Carmilla would invite her into her office and they would talk about whatever was bothering her before they practiced.
So, still slightly pissed and more emotional than ever, she walked to her warehouse that was also just her normal house. She knocked on the big metal doors, hanging her head low. Now was not the time to cry.
The doors opened after a couple of seconds and Carmilla greeted her at the door.
“Vaggie, what brings you here? It is not our normal practice day,” She questioned as she urged the girl inside. 
“I just-... I needed someplace safe to cool down. Me and Charlie had a fight,” Vaggie explained. Talking had never seemed as hard as it did at that moment. It felt like with every word she was about to break down into tears. Usually, if she was feeling like this, she would go to Charlie and the two would cuddle, spend time together, or have little time. But she couldn’t because she felt wrong for having to want comfort from the person she just fought with. It would be awkward and strange.
Carmilla sighed, “How about you meet me in my office and i’ll bring up a cup of tea. Then you can tell me all about it, ‘kay?” Vaggie nodded and started walking up the stairs. She passed the big doors that lead into the main house area and went towards the office. 
As Vaggie was waiting, she could feel her headspace teetering. It was a weird feeling to want to be taken care of and comforted by basically a stranger. But somehow she grew sort of attached to her.
When Carmilla returned, she had two cups of tea in her hand. She gave one to Vaggie, who was sitting on the couch. She nodded a thank you and took a sip. Carmilla sat next to her and put her’s on the coffee table.
“Alright, why don’t you tell me what’s going on?” she prompted. Vaggie took a deep breath and began.
“Charlie had begun to notice that i was hiding my vulnerable emotions and lying whenever she would ask if i was okay. I get overwhelmed easily but I would say i was fine whenever someone would ask, just to not be seen as weak. Well, she noticed and confronted me about it. We got into this huge fight and she brought up how i haven’t regressed-” Shit, she can’t tell her that. That’s too personal. Plus, what if she thinks its weird? “Uh- I mean used this one coping mechanism in a month or two and that i was repressing it,” wow, great save there.
“Anyways, she hit a few nerves that I know she probably regrets. I said a few things I’m not proud of, but it still hurts. Its like, I really want a hug but I can’t get it because she’s the only one I have who can comfort and love me!” Vaggie spiraled. At this point, she didn’t even care that she was talking to a dangerous overlord. She just needed to rant. And rant she did.
“Would it make you feel better if I gave you a hug?” Carmilla offered. She saw how Vaggie looked as though she desperately needed one. It was like looking at a small panicking child. You just needed to help them. In a way, Vaggie reminded her of her daughters. And Carmilla reminded Vaggie of a mother in a way. Not like she’s ever known hers, being a heavenborn orphan whose only family consisted of exorcists who bullied her.
Vaggie nodded. Carmilla wrapped her arms around the small, short girl and gave a reassuring squeeze. Vaggie had never wanted to cry more than did right now. It was overwhelming. But not exactly in a bad way. She felt this strange, clingy emotion towards her. 
Carmilla was about to pull away but she felt something stopping her. Vaggie’s arms were gripping her waist like her life depended on it and she could feel something wet on her collarbone where Vaggie had her head. She hadn’t even noticed the girl start crying. But nonetheless, she rubbed her back and comforted her, just like she would with her daughters.
“Shh, it's okay, I’ve got you,” she whispered in a soothing motherly tone, the one she never uses with strangers or in combat.
Vaggie’s headspace dipped so far when those words were spoken. She felt so small, like a toddler in Carmilla’s big embrace. 
“Mama..” Vaggie mumbled into her chest. It was very muffled and quiet though.
Carmilla noticed the words spoken from vaggie and knew that the girl’s headspace had dropped. She wasn’t stupid. She knew what regression was. 
“Mama’s here, sweetie,” she gently told her.
The two hugged for what seemed to be 5 minutes until Vaggie calmed down. She didn’t want to let go though. It felt so good to feel loved.
“It seems like it’s past your bedtime, little one,” she said when they pulled apart. Vaggie pouted but was noticeably tired. It was about 9:30 and her little brain could only stay up so late.
“Come on, I’ve got a spare room you can use.” she stood up and signalled for her to follow her. However, she Vaggie was having some trouble standing. She kept falling over. Having one eye and being small didn’t mix well for balance. 
Carmila bent over and picked her up. She held her by her hip as she carried her out of the office, their tea forgotten. She walked towards the big doors that led to the main house area. When she opened the doors, Clara and Odette were sitting in the living room on the couch. They looked up to see their mother carrying the princesses girlfriend? It confused them but Carmilla mouthed ‘I’ll explain later’. 
When they approached the guest room, Carmilla was able to hold Vaggie with one hand for about a second to open the door. They didn’t have any spare pajamas so Vaggie would have to sleep in her current clothes. They didn’t seem too uncoomfortable though.
Carmila laid her down in the bed and pulled the covers over her, tucking her in.
“Wha’ bout Char-Char?” Vaggie rubbed her eyes. The big kid in her knew that Charlie would be expecting her to be home in about an hour and would definitely begin freaking out if she wasn’t home by then.
“I’ll let her know you’re staying the night,” Carmilla said in a hushed voice, “For now, its ni-ni,”
Once she was done tucking her in she turned off the lights and left, but not before cracking the door just in case Vaggie needed anything during the night. Then, she went back downstairs to explain the situation to her daughters. They seemed pretty okay with it and promised not to spread it, as Carmilla knew it was something she’d probably like to keep a secret. In the end, Carmila never expected to be the mother of three, yet here she was.
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bethanydelleman · 5 months
sorry if this is a stupid question, but I was starting to write a story taking place in the regency era, and wanted to do a sort of cliche governess marries the widowed father of her charge. But I wasn't sure how old I should make the girl. My understanding was that a governess would only be needed until the girl debuted which could be as early as 15. as of now, I made the girl 14, as, due to her father being over protective he wouldn't allow her to debut until she was older anyways, but I wasn't sure how common it was to get a governess that would only be there for a few years. the governess is sort of desperate for a job, so even if its a bad deal, its okay. I also wasn't sure if the girls hadn't debuted if they could go to parties, or if she didn't debut she would still be considered a child and not allowed (including smaller family/friends get togethers). For this last one I'm trying to remember how the youngest sister is treated in sense and sensibility, but cannot recall.
Thirdly, I was curious how odd it would be for a governess to teach horseback riding. From what I was able to understand, it wasn't improper for ladies to learn sidesaddle, but I wasn't sure who would teach them, or how common it was.
sorry to use you as like, a focused google search, but I was having a heck of a time finding anything about the specifics of governesses. Usually it was all vague terms like "Until the daughters came of age"
Happy to help! Keep in mind that most of my help comes from novels from the time period.
If this is set in the Regency, not all girls "came out" at 15, it depended on a number of factors including if they had elder sisters. Jane Austen's heroines are never out before 17, Catherine Morland and Marianne Dashwood being the two youngest. It also depended on a girl's maturity, as everyone thinks the immature Lydia Bennet should not be out (she is 15). I believe Maria and Julia Bertram (Mansfield Park) aren't out until they are 20 and 19 respectively, and Maria says she'll learn from her governess until 17.
As for how long you would employ a governess, in Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë, Agnes is hired by a family with pretty old girls, the eldest being 16 and very near to coming out and the younger 14, but the family both wants and keeps a governess. This was similar to what happened in Anne's real life, by the way. Agnes is not dismissed from that position even after the elder sister marries, she leaves because her father is dying.
Also, if the father is widowed, he might keep the governess for longer if he could afford it. Miss Taylor, Emma's governess in Emma stayed until Emma was 21 and only left because she married. As Emma was the only daughter at home, Miss Taylor transitioned into being her companion and would probably have served as a sort of chaperone despite being unmarried. Men and women did a lot of activities separately, so having a paid "friend" around for your daughter wouldn't be unusual.
As for gatherings, it's likely that daughters are attending small gatherings once they are mature enough to be quiet. Margaret Dashwood is invited to dine at the park, she is 13, in Sense & Sensibility, but she is not invited to London, which would involve large parties. Fanny Price dines at the parsonage in Mansfield Park, which would count as a close friend, but Mary Crawford remains unsure if she is "out". Even the young Middleton children come out after dessert to greet the guests in Sense & Sensibility, though some of the company dislikes this suggesting it's either not common or the children were expected to behave better (they are 8 and under).
I know nothing about who taught horse riding to women. The only lessons in Jane Austen are an uncle for his niece (Fanny Price) and a guy teaching the girl he's attracted to (Edmund Bertram/Mary Crawford). Fanny muses that Mary's brother could have taught her.
Last consideration, I would consider the skills of your governess. If one is being hired for an older girl, she would need more advanced accomplishments. Can she play, draw, and do fancy work? Does she have good references? Is she old enough that it isn't crazy for her to be in charge of a teenager? (Like is she at least 20?)
Here is what Agnes's employer wants:
For the girls she seemed anxious only to render them as superficially attractive and showily accomplished as they could possibly be made, without present trouble or discomfort to themselves; and I was to act accordingly—to study and strive to amuse and oblige, instruct, refine, and polish, with the least possible exertion on their part, and no exercise of authority on mine. With regard to the two boys, it was much the same; only instead of accomplishments, I was to get the greatest possible quantity of Latin grammar and Valpy’s Delectus into their heads, in order to fit them for school—the greatest possible quantity at least without trouble to themselves. John might be a “little high-spirited,” and Charles might be a little “nervous and tedious—”
Agnes Grey, Ch 7
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ravenclaw-legend · 3 months
If I Killed Someone For You
I'm sorry that I did this
The blood is on my hands
I stare at my reflection
I don't know who I am
Practice my confession
In case I take the stand
I'll say I learned my lesson
I'll be a better man
"You KILLED him, Sebastian! You used an UNFORGIVABLE CURSE! I cannot look past this, if I turn a blind eye I am just as guilty!" Ominis was yelling at Sebastian in the Undercroft, completely ignoring Sebastian's attempts to explain himself and convince Ominis to not turn him in.
"I KNOW OMINIS! I'M SORRY, ITS MY FAULT! You don't think I know that. The nightmares of being covered in blood are reminder enough. Just let me explain myself. I will be better, I swear to you!" Sebastian shot back when he swore he would be better, his eyes moved to lock with mine, across the dimly lit Undercroft. Their secret place that holds so many positive memories now is the backdrop for this fight, it's almost poetic.
You're conflicted about whether to turn him in or protect him. Anne has made her choice and abandoned the house in Feldcroft with only a note left behind. She told people that Solomon had died in his sleep, which was convincing enough.
I'm packing up my things
And I'm wiping down the walls
I'm rinsing off my clothes
And I'm walking through the halls
I did it all for her
So I felt nothing at all
I don't know what she'll say
So I'll ask her when she calls
After we returned from the catacombs, Sebastian pushed everyone away. The most I heard of him was Ominis telling me how Sebastian would be screaming in his sleep, always the same things; "I won't let her suffer!", "ANNE!" and "Nooo!"
I didn't know what to do, I was in love with Sebastian. Never acted upon the feelings but I loved him regardless. I always helped him but tried to keep him away from the dark arts; he wound up heavily into the dark arts anyway. Sebastian Sallow was determined to a fault and sometimes crossed the line from determination to stubbornness. Unfortunately, he still learned the Unforgivable Curses despite Ominis attempting to stop him.
After Ominis and Sebastian's argument, I found Sebastian in the boy's dorm in the Slytherin common room. He was packing up his things, obviously he was preparing for the worst. I looked at him sadly, it was like the bright personality he had when I first met him was now dulled. Sebastian's shoulders were now slumped and his confident posture was now seemingly weighed down. "Bastian?" I said quietly as I reached to place my hand on his arm, at my touch he spun around to look at me with his face stained with tears.
Would you love me more
(Would you love me more)
If I killed someone for you?
Would you hold my hand?
(Would you hold my hand?)
They're the same ones that I used
When I killed someone for you
Sebastian looked at me with so much pain and hurt in his eyes. "Would you love me?" He asked, keeping his watery hazel eyes locked on mine. "What?" I asked, shock filling my voice. Did he know? How did he know how I felt about him?
We stayed that way for what could have been minutes, hours, or even days. Time seemed to stop as we stared at each other, the air becoming thick with the tension between us. "Would you love me, if I killed someone for you, MC?" Sebastian said this as he began to walk towards me and took both of my hands in his. His hands were larger than mine. They were warm, inviting, even comforting. "Would you hold my hand, if they're the same ones that killed someone?" He says quietly. I know what he is doing, he is trying to figure out who is on his side, who he can find comfort in and open up to. "Bash" I sighed "I care about you. But you know what you did was wrong. Killing Solomon was wrong, no matter if he was attacking us or not." I hugged him. This man may be a murderer to everyone else but he is still my best friend, he is still the man I love; he is just misguided right now.
Would you turn me in
(Would you turn me in)
When they say I'm on the loose?
Would you hide me when
(Would you hide me when)
My face is on the news?
'Cause I killed someone for you
"Are you going to turn me into Black, to the Ministry?" Sebastian asked holding me close enough that I could feel his heart racing in his chest. "No. I won't. But I don't condone what you've done and it will take time to fully forgive you." I stepped back from him looking him in the eyes as I continued to say "I killed for you too Sebastian...
You have to understand that
The one I killed was me
Changing what I was
For what you wanted me to be
I followed your direction
Did everything you asked
I hope that makes you happy
'Cause there's just no turning back
"MC. I'm sorry. You never needed to change for me. You had my attention from the moment I saw you enter the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom on your first day and I knew I loved you the moment you beat me in that duel. I know you probably don't feel the same but I had to tell you, in case I never get a chance again. I don't know what Ominis will do" Sebastian reaches out to cup my face in his hands, cradling it like I am made of glass and will shatter if he isn't careful enough. "Sebastian," I sighed turning into one of his hands and reaching out with my own to grab a hold of the front of his robes "I love you too." The next thing I felt was Sebastian's lips on mine. He was clutching me tightly against him. Our lips moved together in sync as if this was meant to be. It felt right to be in his arms.
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arlana-likes-to-write · 6 months
Lightning Bug - Chapter 25
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Warning: mention of past trauma, self-hatred, fluff lots and lots of fluff, lying (but like it's for a surprise), almost first kiss
Word Count: 4.8k
“Could this have not waited at a more reasonable time?” Tony asked, sipping on a cup of coffee. Natasha fought an eye roll and a snarky comment that threatened to fall from her lips. It was 10:45 pm. Yelena snorted
“Please, Stark,” she said. “It’s not like you sleep anyways.” Her sister beat her to the comment she was going to make. Natasha wanted to have this meeting much earlier. Getting the young girl absent from this little get-together and who this meeting was about was challenging. The Black Widow blamed it on the candy Maria, who was slipping her candy during the movie. Sam, Wanda, and herself were standing in front of the team.
“We’ll keep this quick,” Sam said. “The three of us learned recently that Y/n has never celebrated her birthday.”
“She doesn’t even know the day she was born.” It made Natasha’s blood boil at the girl’s confession. She could tell it bothered her more than she wanted to let on.
“That is..”
“Not surprising,” Vision finished off Steve’s trailed-off sentence. “FRIDAY couldn’t find any official document of her birth. It’s no shock that her parents never disclosed that information.” Parents were a loose way to describe who those people were to her. Hell, Alexei and Melina were better parents to her and Yelena, and they were brought together for a Red Room mission.
“So,” America said, a smile creeping up to her face. Natasha had a feeling she knew the direction this conversation was headed. “When are we throwing her a party?”
“That’s what we wanted to discuss,” the Black Widow said. “Are we cool with throwing her a party?” Maria rolled her eyes with a shake of her head.
“Please, Nat, you could have said, ‘I want to do something for Y/n,’ and we would agree to help,” the agent smiled. “That girl has us all wrapped around her finger.”
“We would do anything to see her smile,” Bucky added. “What’s the plan?”
Somehow, Natasha and Wanda crept back into their bed without waking the teen. The young girl seemed to find her way into their bed rather than her own. Natasha couldn’t care less. At least now the couple knew she was sleeping. The bed shifting under the weight caused her eyes to flutter open. “Is it morning?” The teen groaned. Natasha chuckled.
“No, we still have more hours to sleep.” She flipped on her back and glanced between the couple.
“Why are you up then?” She asked, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Her lips were in a pout, which had Natasha biting her lip to stop herself from laughing.
“Just an Avengers meeting,” Wanda said. “Nothing to worry about, so go back to sleep.” It was a white lie, but Natasha hated lying to her even though it was for a surprise. She watched the cogs turn in the girl’s head, almost seeing smoke coming from her ears.
“Are you guys leaving for a mission?” Natasha shook her head. “Good, because I don’t want to lose my cuddle buddies.” Her eyes began to close, and she moved her body closer to Natasha.
“We aren’t going anywhere, molniyenosnyy zhuk (lightning bug),” Natasha promised, kissing her on top of her head. Overall, it was a good plan. Pepper was responsible for booking vendors so no one had to cook or serve drinks. Maria and Tony were sending out invites to the rest of the team. Kate, America, and Yelena had the most important job of getting their friend out of the tower while the party was being sent up; Wanda and Sam were doing decorations. There was some underlying fear that Y/n would hate the party and shut down on them. It was amazing to see the progress. Natasha felt her girlfriend’s hand on her hip and squeezed it reassuringly. Now, she had to figure out the perfect girl for her.
“Guys,” you whined as you followed your friends through the busy New York City sidewalk. “Guys, I have homework to do!” When you finished your lessons, Yelena dragged you to the elevator and down to the garage, where America and Kate were waiting. They kidnapped you for a lack of a better word and now were leading you to an undisclosed location.
“Not today you don’t,” Kate smiled, lopping her arm with yours. “We got big plans.”
“I don’t even know what those plans are.” America lopped your free arm with hers this time, and you were sandwiched between the duo.
“Just trust us,” she smiled. The last time you trusted one of them, you we were freefalling through the multiverse and throwing up in a wizard’s cauldron, making you a little nervous. They were acting odd. It was customary for Kate and America to be on another energy level, but even Yelena had a pep in her step.
“I trust you,” Against your better judgment, you did.
“What am I even looking for?” You asked Yelena as you pushed through racks of clothes. They took you to Macey’s, a store you never dared to enter when you lived on the streets. Now, instead, you were a little overwhelmed and lost.
“Just pick whatever you think you’ll like,” she said as if it was the simplest thing in the world. It took more work. You groaned, and Yelena chuckled at your misery. “Look, finding your style will take time and a lot of trial and error. There is no wrong answer.”
It was how you found yourself in a changing room with Yelena on the other side of the door. You had yet to learn where America and Kate ran off to. You were changing into camo cargo pants and a black shirt. The sizing was the most challenging part because you gained a healthy weight while living at the tower. “I heard Pepper asking Tony about missing people reports in the houseless community,” Yelena said. “I’m guessing that was what you were doing.” You checked the outfit in the mirror, liking the pants but not the shirt. You opened the door. “Yes to the pants, but no to the shirt.”
“I thought the same thing,” you said and closed the door to change. “And yeah, that was me. Two people have said something to me about people going missing, so I brought it up to Pepper,” you shrugged and changed out of the outfit. Next was a pair of jeans and a graphic shirt, cut shorter than you were used to. You liked both. Opening the door, Yelena glanced up from her phone.
“Yes to both,” you smiled, nodding. Again, you went back into the room.
“Do you know if they found anything?” You asked. Yelena sighed.
“Not sure, I think Tony is being,” she paused. “What’s the word? Stone floor?” You giggled and checked out the next outfit. You liked the shirt but the shorts were a weird cut to them.
“I think you mean stonewalled,” you opened the door. “Means to be uncooperative.”
“Nerd,” the blonde teased with no actual malice. She tilted her head as she looked at the outfit you were wearing. “Yes to the shorts, no to the shirt.”
“Really?” You questioned, looking in the mirror one more time. “I thought the opposite.” You closed the door and put the shirt in the yes pile and the shorts in the maybe. The final outfit was out of your comfort zone. It was a black and white plaid skirt (Yelena was excited that it had pockets) and a black-sleeved shirt that came down to your elbows. Yelena picked out a pair of black vans to complete the look. Before your mind spiraled, you put it on quickly and looked in the mirror. The cut of the skirt seemed too short, and all of your scars seemed to be displaced. “Okay,” you said. “Don’t laugh at this one. How do I-” You opened the door, and instead of Yelena, America was there with a little bag by her feet. “Oh, hi.” You watched as her eyes looked you up and down. Her gaze made you feel self-conscious.
“You look beautiful,” she said.
“Oh,” you squeaked and felt warm, embarrassed by the sound escaping your lips. “No one has called me that before.” You were ugly, a monstrosity, but never beautiful. America was quick to her feet and stood in front of you.
“It’s the truth,” she said, taking your hands. You couldn’t look at her when she was this close, so you stared at your connected hands. “I would never lie to you.” She softly spoke those words, and your head snapped to look at her. It was hard to keep eye contact with her as her eyes flickered down to your lips and then back to your eyes. There was no way she couldn’t hear how fast your heart was beating or the way your hands clammed up. Slowly, she leaned forward as if waiting for you to pull away. But you weren’t going to.
“Hey, are you almost ready?” you jumped back at the sound of Kate’s voice entering the changing room. “Damn,” she whistled. “You look good. You should wear that tonight.” She glanced between you and America, who immediately sat back in the chair. “Did I interrupt something?”
“Nope!” You quickly said. “Yeah, I’m ready. Let me change.” You slammed the door closed, cringing slightly at the sound. Your hands wouldn’t stop shaking as you tried to take the outfit off. America was going to kiss you. She was going to kiss you, and you would let her! Back in your clothes, you rested your head on the door. It took a few deep breaths to calm your racing heart. Wait. Pause. Kate said tonight. What was happening tonight?
After Macey’s, Yelena drove all of you to Kate’s apartment, which she still had in the city. They only used it when they wanted a break from the team, which America was slightly offended by. Pizza was waiting for the group, and Kate told you you had about an hour to get ready. She said the Young Avengers were throwing a party on Peter’s floor, and even Kamala was journeying to the city. So you ate pizza, watched the fashion show that Kate and America put on, and changed into the skirt and shirt combo.
The hour flew by, and you were riding the elevator up to Peter’s floor, anxiously biting your lip. “Hey,” America linked her pinky with yours. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you smiled. “Just a little -wait,” you noticed the button for Peter’s floor wasn’t pressed, but the common floor was. “What’s going on?” You asked your friends; they were struggling to hide the smiles on their faces. The metal doors opened.
“Surprise!” The Avengers cheered, and confetti cannons went off and fell around you. The walls were draped in shimmering streamers of gold and silver, catching the light and casting a warm, celebratory glow. A large banner proclaiming “Happy Birthday Y/N!” in bold, cheerful letters hung proudly as the focal point. Balloons of various sizes and hues bobbed overhead, creating an ethereal ceiling of color.
The table was a symphony of presents, each carefully wrapped and topped with bows that sparkled in the light. The wrapping paper ranged from elegant patterns to vibrant designs.
“You little lairs,” you said, pushing the trio playfully. Your cheeks were beginning to hurt from the smile on your face. You never had a smile this big before.
“This was all them,” Kate pointed to the couple walking over to you. “We just played decoys.” You looked at the couple and ran over to them. Wanda and Natasha caught up in a hug.
“Is this okay?” The Black Widow asked. You saw the worried edge on her face.
“This is amazing,” you said. “You guys did all of this for me?” The couple smiled with a nod of their head. “Why?”
“Because you deserve a birthday party no matter how much you try to convince yourself you don’t need one.” Natasha tapped your nose, causing you to scrunch it.
“And look at this outfit,” Wanda grabbed your hand and spun around in a circle. The action caused you to dissolve into a fit of laughter. “You look so cute!”
“Thank you,” you smiled. “Yelena helped pick it out. She liked that it had pockets!”
“My sister does have excellent fashion sense,” Natasha mumbled. “Well, come on! You’re the star of the show, kid. You got some new people to meet!” There were so many people. Peter, MJ, and Ned hugged you and wished you a Happy Birthday. Kamala introduced you to Brunnhilde, but everyone called her Val, Carol’s girlfriend. You met Rocket and Nebula through Thor, and Shuri was excited for you to meet Riri. Meeting everyone new was fun, but you felt a sense of peace when you ran up to everyone you saw on a day-to-day basis. Sam picked you up in a hug and spun you around. Even Bucky hugged you, although he was a bit hesitant. Your heart was so whole that you couldn’t think it could improve until you saw two familiar figures from your family before the Avengers.
“Annie, Lucia,” Similarly to how you greeted Wanda and Natasha, you ran over to them, and thankfully, Paul was there to catch the two. “I can’t believe you came.”
“Easy there, sugar,” Annie said. “We aren’t as young as those two Avengers.” You giggled.
“Sorry, I got excited,” you looked at Paul. “Monsieur Breaux,” you said with a bad French accent and a slight bow. You saw the man roll his eyes, a smiling tugging at his usual stoic face.
“Cut it out, you whippersnapper,” he said, opening his arms for a hug. You gave him one. He smelt of cigar smoke and stale coffee. Similar to Annie, he was warm. “You’re looking good, kid.” He whispered and squeezed you tight.
“Feeling good, sir.” You smiled and felt an arm pulling you away from the man. It was Lucia who started dragging you towards the table of food.
“Mija,” she whispered, leaning close to you. “The Falcon. Is he single?” You stifled your laughter, which turned into a snort. Sam was leaning against the bar, waiting for his drink with Maria. You weren’t sure, but you noticed how he kept looking at the agent during movie nights or group dinners.
“I don’t know señora” you said. “Maybe you should shoot your shot as the kids say.” Lucia rolled her eyes.
“It’s nice to see you happy, mija. I’m very proud of you.” You grabbed a plate for her and looked around the common floor. Yeah, you were proud of yourself too.
“Hey, kid,” you looked at Tony. “Do you got a second?” You excused yourself from the group and followed Tony to a small table, a little off to the side of the party, where Pepper was sitting.
“Am I in trouble?” You questioned.
“Did you go something where you should be in trouble?” You shrugged at the CEO and sat in the empty chair. “We wanted to give you one of our presents before you opened the others.” You’ve been eyeing the table all night. You were very excited to open them. Tony set an envelope on the table, and you opened it carefully. It was a birth certificate with your legal name, and it was certified by the New York State Health Department, but there needed to be more information: your birth date and your parents’ names.
“I’m a little confused,” you admitted. Tony smiled.
“When Natasha first told us about you, I had FRIDAY do a search of who you are,” that made sense. Inviting a stranger into the Avengers Tower had a huge security risk. What was Natasha thinking? “We found no birth certificate.”
“Which means your biological parents never reported your birth to the health department,” you frowned. That was hurtful but not overall shocking. Pepper grabbed your hand. “We may never know your birthday, but we wanted to allow you to choose your new one.”
“It’s already signed and official, so the choice is yours.” Your choice. Your choice. You wondered if other kids would love to change their birthdays. Would they change it to summer instead of winter? Or away from a significant holiday. It was a lot of pressure, but you knew the day you wanted.
“The day Natasha found me. The day she saved my life,” Tony took the document and wrote the day, changing the year to match your age. “What about the parent’s spot?” You asked, taking the paper from him and putting it back into the envelope. “Who do I put there?” The billionaire rolled his eyes.
“Did you just ask that question?” He gestured with his drink behind you. Turning around, you saw who he was pointing to. Natasha and Wanda. They were playing darts against Yelena and Bucky. “They love you, kid,” Tony said, touching your shoulder. Loved you? Natasha and Wanda loved you? No one loved you even when you fought so hard for their affection. But they gave it to you without asking for anything in return. Natasha found your eyes immediately; she smiled and waved at you. You waved back.
“Sometimes that’s so hard to believe,” you said, turning back to look at Pepper and Tony.
“You are a wonderful person,” Pepper smiled. “Anybody would be lucky to have you as their daughter.”
Since it was your birthday celebration, finding a moment to talk to Natasha and Wanda was hard. Everyone wanted your attention. Thor wanted to discuss your ability and compare it to his. Shuri discussed your schooling, and Val wanted to know how your training was going and if you wanted her to take over. Kamala demanded you be her partner in the next ‘beer’ pong tournament. Even America, who you see every day, sought after your attention. You still needed to talk to her about what almost happened at Macey’s.
Once presents were opened, the cake was eaten, and a cringeworthily performance of Happy Birthday was sung, you finally had a free moment. Natasha pulled you over, the envelope that Tony and Pepper gave you still in your pocket. “Are you enjoying your birthday celebration?” Natasha asked as she sat down next to Wanda, and you sat in front of the couple. “I know Clint and Laura are upset they couldn’t make it. Lila had a school thing.” They gifted you a bow and arrow set that you were excited to test in training.
“Yeah,” you smiled. “Honestly, I am exhausted, but this has been the second-best day of my life.”
“Second?” Wanda questioned. “What is the first?”
“Is there something you wanted to talk about?” Natasha leaned on the table with her elbows on top and folded her hands.
“You’ve been a surprise addition to this tower,” she stated. “There is a light you radiate that draws all of us in.”
“Sometimes it’s dull, but other times that light is so bright and warm it’s beautiful to see,” Wanda added. You felt your throat burn as you tried to keep the tears that were forming in your eyes.
“We want to make sure that light never goes out, so,” Natasha smiled, glancing at her girlfriend. “We want to adopt you.” Still, you felt your stomach drop. They wanted to adopt you. You. You were constantly told no one would ever love you, that you were a burden to everyone. But they wanted you. Similar to how you choose your birthday, they choose you. “But we wanted to ask you before we moved along with the process.”
Instead of answering, you smiled and pulled the envelope out of your pocket. “I said today is the second best day because the day you found me was the best day of my life,” you gave them the paper. “So when Tony asked me for a birthday to use, I said that date,” Natasha held the paper in her hands. “You saved my life, Nat. I don’t know how I’ll be able to repay you.” The Black Widow let out a shaky breath and placed the paper down.
“It’s not complete,” she said, pointing to the spot where your parent’s names would be. “Who are you putting there?”
“You guys. I never got to experience life before you opened your family up to me. I know I’ve said it a million times and I'll probably say it a million more. Thank you for this incredible life I get to live.” With tears in her eyes, Wanda waved her hand, and a pen appeared. Without hesitation, you handed the pen to them. It was the best decision you’ve made.
“I think that’s everything,” Riri said, placing the leftover food on the counter. The party was dying down on the common floor, and you weren’t surprised when America came up to tell you the party would continue on Peter’s floor. “Your folks know how to throw a party.” You smiled. It was nice hearing everyone refer to Natasha and Wanda as your parents. It wasn’t weird or strange it felt right.
“Yeah,” you huffed a sigh as you placed a box of champagne bottles on the ground. “But the Avengers sure know how to party,” Peter asked the AI to play music to fill the quiet air. There was no need for that as everyone began to get more food and drinks that Yelena was making; you weren’t sure how smart that was.
A game of Would you rather broke out that had you wiping away tears from your laughter. You noticed Carol and Val joining, and no one seemed to bat an eye at the couple. You liked Val. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to see America. “Can I talk to you for a second?” Your stomach dropped at her question, but you managed to answer with a nod and followed her into the kitchen. “I wanted to give you your birthday present.”
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” you said, putting your drink on the counter. Your friend rolled her eyes.
“Of course I did. Now close your eyes,” you smiled and did as you were told. “Hands out in front of you.” When your hands were out, you felt a bag placed in them. “Okay, you can open them.” You put the bag next to your drink. “I still have the receipt if you hate it.” It was cute how worried she was. Inside the white gift box were two jewelry boxes. You opened one. Inside were two rubber rings; one had a lightning bolt, and the other had a star that matched the design of America’s powers.
“These are amazing! Thank you!”
“We match,” she showed you her hand. Unlike your rings, hers were made of metal, but the design was the same. “Open the next one.” You put the rings on and opened the second box. This time, the jewelry was metal; a dog tag engraved on it was ‘Stay Gold’ from the Outsiders. “It’s made out of bismuth. It’s the least conductive metal and electricity.” You were a little lost for words.
“Can you put it on for me?” You whispered, handing her the necklace. She took it, placed it around your neck, and snapped it into place. You spun around to face her. It was a significant deja vu moment in the changing room. “Thank you, America. These are perfect.” She scratched the back of her head.
“It was nothing,” she said. “I’m glad I could make your birthday special,” once again, you saw her glance at your lips. Unlike at Macey’s, she stepped back and created distance between you and her. You frowned. “About what happened at the store, I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” You questioned. “Why are you sorry?”
“Because I went about it the wrong way and should have asked before doing anything, so I’m sorry.” You smiled and held out your hand. Hesitantly, she took it.
“It’s okay. We’re okay,” you squeezed her hand. “We’ll figure it out, okay? Together.” America smiled.
“Yeah, together.”
You rubbed your eyes as you opened the door to your room. The presents you received were stacked on the wall to be dealt with another day. The only thing you grabbed from the pile was the blanket Wanda made you and threw it on the bed. You changed and got ready for bed. Before you lay down, you took the Polaroids with the camera Maria got you. It made you smile, capturing moments from your birthday celebration and the small party with the Young Avengers. You decided on two pictures to hang up on your wall: one with you, Wanda, and Natasha, and the other was a group photo with you and the Young Avengers. You hung up the two pictures following the newspaper clippings you had, your brother’s confirmation, and the fire that took your parents home. Well took Johnathan and Leah’s home. They were never your parents. They never deserved that title.
Climbing underneath the covers with Wanda’s blanket over you, you couldn’t help but smile. Your cheeks were still sore from the day. Reaching over to the newspaper clipping of the fire, you ribbed it off the wall. It was an article that you had memorized, and it was slightly tarring at the edges.
Tragedy Strikes as Beloved Pastor and Wife Perish in Devastating House Fire
In a heart-wrenching incident that has left a tight-knit community in mourning, a prominent local pastor and his wife lost their lives in a devastating house fire caused by an electrical issue. The fire engulfed the family home in the early hours, leaving behind a community in shock and sorrow.
Reverend Johnathan L/n, known for his inspiring sermons and tireless community service, and his wife, Leah L/n, a beloved figure in their congregation, could not escape the flames that consumed their residence. The couple had been married for over 20 years and were deeply involved in various charitable activities throughout the community.
The fire, which investigators believe originated from a faulty electrical connection, quickly spread throughout the home, making it difficult for emergency responders to contain the inferno.
Tragically, the couple’s only son, Caleb L/n, was away at school during the incident. He rushed home upon hearing the devastating news. Witnesses report that Caleb, in shock and desperation, was calling out for his sister, fearing that she might have been trapped inside. However, there was no evidence of a sibling at the scene, leaving many puzzled and concerned for Caleb’s well-being.
Friends and neighbors have rallied around Caleb, offering support and condolences as he copes with this unimaginable tragedy. The mystery surrounding the potential sibling has only added to the grief and confusion surrounding the devastating event.
The community has been deeply affected by the untimely loss of Pastor Johnathon and Leah L/n. Many gathered for a candlelight vigil outside the charred remains of their home to pay tribute to the influential couple. Tearful parishioners, friends, and neighbors shared memories of the couple’s kindness, compassion, and unwavering dedication to their faith and community.
Local authorities continue investigating the exact cause of the electrical malfunction that led to the fire. The tragedy serves as a sobering reminder for residents to prioritize regular home inspections and maintenance to prevent such devastating incidents.
Funeral arrangements for Pastor and his wife are currently being coordinated by the community, with details expected to be released in the coming days. As the grieving community comes together to support one another, the legacy of the beloved Pastor and his wife will undoubtedly live on in the hearts of those who knew them.
You fought back tears. Kindness, compassion, and dedication to their faith. If only they knew their beloved Pastor was a monster. You ripped up the article and shoved it in the drawer of your nightstand. You pushed the palms of your hands to your eyes. They were not going to ruin today. They’ve ruined so much of your life today, and it was not one of them. You took another photo out of the pile. It was of you, America, Yelena, and Kate. The tears went away, and a smile was once again on your face. America wrapped her arms around your neck while Yelena and Kate stood on either side. Your friends were everything to you. Friends. You had friends who cared about you, parents who loved you, and a family who would never lay a hand on you. You would have never thought this would be your life with the cards you were dealt. Closing your eyes, no nightmares dared invade your mind when surrounded by warmth, love, and happiness.
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thecrystalquill · 11 months
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A/N: Here ya go, Chapter Eight!!!! As always please remember to read the intros etc. I don’t give permission to republish, copy, or use my work elsewhere.
And please like/reblog! I always appreciate it :)
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Chapter Eight ~ Academic Chess
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The first class of the day, according to her schedule, was Transfiguration; taught by the same professor who first greeted them the night before.
The morning had been a bit strange; where she was used to waking to the sound of seagulls and screaming, she was now awakened by the other girls in her dorm rummaging about to get ready. She’d never had to share a room before, and certainly not with so many people. Her roommates seemed nice… a little strange but who was she to judge? As she’d unpacked her bone collection and trinkets to place on her shelf, they’d unpacked magazines and scented candles, and given her funny looks as she placed her giant new journal on her desk. But so far they had yet to curse her name or scurry away in fear – in fact, they even introduced themselves. Saoirse Speck was the first to greet her, an Irish girl from Cork; she was a little odd herself, with absolutely no filter before she spoke and always seemed to have her head in the clouds. Another was Millicent Bullstrode, she had a round face and always seemed to be frowning just a little. Millicent looked the most nervous out of them to meet her, but shook her hand anyway. The third girl was Bridget Byrne, a pureblood from Windermere, a little rude but still more tolerable than some. They invited her to sit with them for breakfast, (Y/N) could see the reluctance but agreed nonetheless.
Finding their way to Transfiguration could have been easier – there was no map provided for students and there weren’t any signs about the castle – but eventually, after many stops to ask for directions, they made it in time.
The classroom was located on the east lower floor of the castle, just up a flight of stone stairs. It was a magnificent room, (Y/N) thought, every part of the great castle was. Stone arches decorated the walls, great windows curving up to the ceiling let in so much light that no candles even had to be lit, and the rows of wooden desks were all set for them to start. She was terribly excited – not that anyone could tell.
“Good morning, class.” Greeted the professor when everyone was seated. (Y/N) could have sworn she wasn’t there a moment ago. “Welcome to your first lesson of the year. For anyone who may not remember, I am Deputy Headmistress McGonnagal – head of Gryffindor house and your professor. I am glad to see you all on time.” She paused and looked at each face in the room. “Well, most of you. It seems we have a few missing students. But never mind for now.”
The professor moved to stand by her desk, gesturing to the chalkboard she had prepared in advance. “I trust by now that you’ve all had plenty enough time to revise your copies of A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration and are already informed of the contents of its first chapter, if you’ll all please open them up.”
Everyone did as she asked, and Saoirse sucked in a breath. (Y/N) looked to her side to see that her roommate had forgotten her textbook, and on the first day too. She rolled her eyes before placing her own copy between them in a silent signal to share, ignoring the grateful look the girl sent.
“Today we will be learning about the Transfiguration Alphabet, something I expect you all to be fluent in before the end of term...” The professor began her lecture as everyone started to take notes on the scrolls provided. As the chalk began to write on the board various symbols and their meanings, which they had to copy, the room soon fell into concentrated silence, and the next time (Y/N) looked up, there was no sign of the professor but a cat on her desk. But still, she busied herself with her notes:
Monday 2nd September, 1991
Class Rules:
No food or beverages in class
No silly behaviour
Be professional
Pay attention and ask questions
Note: there will be a 10 question quiz after each week.                                                                              
Introduction to Transfiguration
Transfiguration is the most sciantific scientific branch of magic. It is the defined art of changing the form of an object or being into a different form. Forms: Transformation, Conjuration, Vanishing, and Untransformation. It is a very dangerous form of magic and easy to mess up. When you are working with the molecules of an object you are changing its basic princaple principles.
There is a strict and systematic approach to incantations and wand movements. Take care to be precise.
Transfiguration Alphabet:                                                            
A – O
B – θ
C –  
(Y/N)’s notes were cut short as the great wooden door to the classroom burst open. The class turned as two boys in Gryffindor robes scurried in, panting. Ron whispered something to Harry that she couldn’t quite make out, then the cat jumped off the desk and suddenly revealed itself to be their professor. Oh that explains it, thought (Y/N), as if her teacher being a cat explained anything really.
When the boys finally found a desk to share, just behind (Y/N) and Saoirse, they let out a breath and hurried to take notes. (Y/N) turned, despite knowing she shouldn’t, to face them. “Don’t worry too much,” she said, though her face was unreadable her words were clearly meant for comfort, “you’re not that late. I can lend you my notes later if you like.”
The boys shared a glance. “No thanks,” said Ron, his eyes lingering on the Slytherin emblem on her robe, “we’re fine.”
(Y/N) frowned a little, studying their faces for a second, both looked a little unsure, but she turned back to the front of the room and brushed it off.
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When everyone arrived and settled into Potions, (Y/N) was surprised to find that their professor was not present. Wasn’t he supposed to greet them on entrance?
Whispers and gossiping travelled about the room; some were about her, most were about Harry. (Y/N) was never truly one for gossip – if someone had something to say they could say it to her face, ask her directly; and she felt the same as they took glances at Harry and he kept his head down, hair covering his scar. Supposedly no one had yet learned their manners.
Suddenly, the doors slammed open and the noise bounced off the stone walls, rattling the glass jars on the shelves, and in came a tall, dark-haired man dressed all in black. Briskly walking between the tables and to his desk at the forefront of the dark room. Anyone would think the classroom floor was his stage. “There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class.” He announced in a drab voice.
Ah, thought (Y/N), he just wanted to make a dramatic entrance.
“As such, I don’t expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few…” the professor glanced at the rude Malfoy boy from the previous day, “who possess the predisposition-” hang on, does he know that boy? Is he implying he’s already had lessons over the summer? That’s cheating. “-I can teach you to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper... in death.” Very dramatic, should she be taking notes on dramatic flare?
Before she could think about picking up her goose-feather quill, she heard the scratching of someone else’s to her right. Near the edge of the row beside her, Harry sat writing on his parchment, gaining Snape’s attention. “Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not… pay attention.” The girl beside Harry gave him a quick nudge, making him look up in time to see the stoic professor make his way to him. “Mr. Potter. Our new… celebrity.” He mocked, which was really not very professional behaviour from a teacher. “Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?”
The girl beside him eagerly raised her hand, but Harry only shrugged and shrunk back in embarrassment.
The potions master took no notice, only taking the opportunity to humiliate the boy further. “You don’t know? Well, let’s try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?”
Harry gulped and shifted his eyes to the girl beside him. “I don’t know, sir.” He replied. Of course he didn’t, it was only their first day, after all.
“And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?” (Y/N) knew the answer to that one, it was easy, and so did the bushy-haired girl raising her hand, it seemed.
But poor Harry was struggling for an answer. “I don’t know, sir.”
Snape pursed his lips, a couple of students snickered at the humiliation; most just seemed uncomfortable or afraid. “Pity. Clearly fame isn’t everything… is it, Mr. Potter?”
What was his motive in all this silly bullying? (Y/N) couldn’t help but wonder. But the sight of Harry – the first person to chat with her on that train as if they were already friends, as if she were more than just a dark, mysterious rumour – sat there flushed and feeling small and… stupid even, she just couldn’t stand the injustice. Before she could even think twice about her actions, her mouth moved of its own accord. “To be fair to him, professor,” she interjected, drawing all eyes her way, “it is only our first day. We can’t all be expected to know our textbooks by heart.”
The man turned to her, standing tall and menacing with a glare that surely would have made any other student quiver in their seats – but (Y/N) Addams had seen far scarier sights than a greasy, middle-aged man who bullied children, and she was far braver than she looked. A family proverb echoed in her mind, one that had been drummed into her and her siblings for years: A sharp mind makes you the most dangerous in the room, a sharp knife makes you the most deadly.
An Addams speaks their mind. Always. And right now, her mind was saying that Professor Snape would be a worthy enemy if he wished it. She also had the potential to be one of his best students, if he allowed it. If Snape had a problem with that… well, hence the second part of the proverb.
“Miss Addams…” Snape drawled, taking slow steps towards her, as if he fancied himself a predator stalking prey. But an Addams was never prey. “I should have known you’d be trouble. If you’re so keen to interrupt Mr. Potter’s questioning, you’ll be more than capable of answering for him.”
He was challenging her, obviously, but even if she got some answers wrong, it wouldn’t stop her from accepting. She held her head high and met his stare with a seemingly innocent one of her own. “I might.”
Snape seemed all the more irritated. “Monkshood and wolfsbane--”
“Are the same plant, also known as aconite.” (Y/N) answered immediately, it was easy – she grew it herself in the family’s poison garden. “Named because it used to be made into a paste and dipped on arrowheads for wolf hunting, since its highly poisonous. Would you like me to tell you about some murder cases involving it?” Some of her favourite murders involved poisons, it would take her all day to recite them all.
Academic battles were much like chess, and (Y/N) just made her first move.
The professor gritted his teeth. “A bezoar can be found where?”
(Y/N) thought for a moment, knowing for sure it was in her copy of Magical Drafts and Potions. “I believe it can be found in the stomach of a goat, sir.”
The flash of both anger and impression on the professor’s face made this all the more fun. “And what, Miss Addams, would you get by combining powdered root of asphodel with an infusion of wormwood?”
(Y/N) didn’t know the exact answer, but she knew enough to show him up a little. “I don’t know, sir.” She said, waiting for the look of self-satisfaction to cross his face, and when it did, she interrupted any jab he wanted to throw. “But given that asphodel is part of the lily family and therefore poisonous, I’m going to assume it makes some sort of poison – which I wouldn’t know the name of because we aren’t meant to study those until later in our curriculum.”
She was correct, of course, which irritated him all the more. And lucky for her, Snape was head of Slytherin House; he wouldn’t take points away from her for being correct in his class, would he? “You are lucky, Miss Addams, that I am willing to overlook your cheek. The next time you have something to say... you will raise your hand.” He sneered, turning with a swish of his robes and returning to his desk, eyeing the class. “Well? Why aren’t you copying this down?”
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Lunch wasn’t much unlike dinner the night before; just as excitable, just as loud. The only difference being that (Y/N) was no longer sat alone. Though she now had company, she still felt a separation from the students around her. As Rumi once said: “even surrounded by people, like water and oil, he remains apart”. That was how she felt at Hogwarts; not quite fitting in, away from home and her norms. She couldn’t wait for the end of term and it was only her first day.
Moments later, a commotion began within the Great Hall. “The mail’s here!” She heard from across the room, seeing a few students stand as a great swarm of owls flew into the room… or in all technicality, a parliament of them.
Various parcels, letters, and papers were being dropped all around onto the tables, owls landing near their owners to accept treats or steal pieces of their dinners. “Are you expecting anything, (Y/N)?” Saoirse asked from beside her, opening up a letter and feeding her barn owl a piece of chicken. Was that cannibalism? Maybe…
“Well I’m sure my family have sent something--” She was interrupted by startled shrieks around her, all looking up to see another bird enter the Hall. It was easily twice the size of many of the owls swooping out of its way, a wingspan that sent a woosh of air as it passed, and in its long talons was a parcel with a letter attached. It dropped it in her lap before landing on the table with a graceful flap of its brown wings, head hung low to greet her. “Mortis.” She greeted, tearing up a piece of pork in exchange for its delivery.
“I-is that a vulture?” Bridget cried, eyes wide with fear as the bird in question began to tear apart a full roast chicken.
“Yes.” (Y/N) simply answered, ignoring the stares and chattering as she opened up her parcel. A small box wrapped in brown paper and black string, sealed on the top with the black wax of the family crest; inside was a black quill, a pot of red ink, some more parchment paper, a silver letter-opener sharp enough to perform an autopsy, and a box of matches. She just couldn’t wait to light something with them. The letter was in a charcoal grey envelope, the seal was a rich black, and the crest had been coloured in white – doubtlessly Wednesday’s touch, almost perfect. Taking out the new letter-opener, handle shaped like a dragon’s neck, its fierce head roaring at the end, she swiftly cut open the envelope and took out its contents. She knew from the second she opened the letter that Wednesday had written it; her father would have been writing every word that came into his unorganised mind, and her mother’s nails were far too pristine to stain.
Dear (Y/N),
We hope that your first days at Hogwarts have been interesting thus far. Father wishes to know which house you have been sorted into, obviously (you should know that there is a bet in place, and I sincerely hope you haven’t lost me my pocket money). Mother asks if you have made any friends or enemies yet. I, personally, should hope that you prioritise the latter.
You did pack a camera, didn’t you? We want to see what everything looks like. If not, please inform us in your reply and we will send one over. Mother and Father also want to know if you would like Thing to accompany you while you settle in.
We are very interested to know about your classes and professors, will you be learning how to turn anyone into toads soon? Pugsley has already broken our new guillotine and I think spending a few days as an amphibian would be a worthy punishment. But for now I have tied him up and put him in his closet with his mouth taped shut.
Pugsley and Father are going fishing tomorrow – they feel that they are in need of a distraction while they get used to your absence. I, however, hope you stay there as long as possible. In fact, next time you should take Pugsley with you and it might finally be quieter around here.
Grandmama wants to remind you to practice your knife throwing, as it would be “unbecoming” of you to be a sloppy thrower by the time you return.
We expect your reply to arrive soon. Make sure Mortis is well-fed before you send him back, or he might eat one of the carrier owls he is let loose near. Wouldn’t that be funny?
Awaiting your reply,
Your family.
She couldn’t wait to write back.
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
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you met a woman from a penpal website and began to form a relationship with her, until you suddenly got comfortable with her and began to share fantasies that she had also dreamt of.
pairings | prisoner!dark!natasha x fem!reader
warnings | 18+ MINORS DNI! online talking, prisoner!natasha, dirty talking (online), rough sex on the couch, strap-on (used), pet names, dark!natasha, and daddy kink.
word count | 3.5k 
notes | this was anon requested and i hope this satisfies you, nonnon! i’m so sorry if it’s too late :( i am doing my best to get all of your requests. enjoy though!
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When I heard of this website called Pen Pal from my friends, I was sketched up. I wasn’t the type of person who would message someone from the internet–let alone a stranger who could break into your house if they had your address. You can’t trust the internet these days. The only reason why I know this website is because of the lack of relationships that I have never gone through in my life. Although I did have a few crushes, they liked me back, but eventually, it turned into nothing like a cloud of dust. Did I want to be in a relationship? Sure, sometimes.
Okay maybe.
Anyway, I was scanning through the website and saw some of the inmates who seemed desperate as I was. These people, specifically women, wouldn’t pass my age. That didn’t matter though, I’d still like anyone even though they weren’t my age. No one caught my interest, especially with their boring information about themselves. Looking for a babe, I want someone who could send me nudes, if you got tits then ur good. This is the information that I don’t need, they are too forward. If you want to speak eloquently about railing someone, you might as well do it in the second stage of dating.
Until I see a profile that did catch my interest. Natasha Romanoff, 36 years old. “I like making new friends.”
She’s a real eye-catcher.
And, she’s not your typical American, she looked too European to be American. Perhaps she was Russian and possibly was born from there, unless I may have assumed it in a wrong way. I decided to click on her profile and gave her a small greeting message.
Me: hey! :D
I didn’t wait much for her reply since I had Calculus homework that I had to do, so I grabbed my pencil and went back to studying. It was almost midnight when she replied, and I was tireless when I received her message.
NatsRomanoff: Hey there :) what suddenly brings you here?
What suddenly brings you here, I thought as I read that message. I could say: nothing much, I just want to say you’re really pretty or I want you to lick my neck with your devilish tongue so that I could be compelled to you. Although the second option was too forward, too soon. I decided to type something else.
Me: my friends told me about this website, idk why. i think it’s because they think i’m pretty lonely, plus it’s also fun. as they said.
NatsRomanoff: Hahaha, that seems cute. I hope the people here doesn’t scare you off unless you’re only talking to one person.
Me: i only plan to talk to one person and hopefully that’s you
NatsRomanoff: You must be adorable, what’s your name?
Should I give her a piece of information about myself? Would it be risky enough to say my name and let her rattle all over me? Or would I not let her in and continue on with my basic life? Yes, basic. My life in the outside world isn’t as fun as it seems. I go to school, learn a few things, have my piano lessons, and come back home with a gaunt look on my face that wasn’t too inviting. Go on, tell her! My head won’t stop telling me to do so, my fingers are on the keyboard as I try to think of any other names that I would use.
Me: Y/N. you?
NatsRomanoff: Pretty name :) Natasha, even though you can see that in my bio.
Me: sorry. i was trying to be formal lol
NatsRomanoff: What’s your sexuality? I don’t want to assume that you’re a girl or a boy, or neither.
Me: i’m a girl!
NatsRomanoff: Cute :) so can I call you a pretty girl then?
I try my hardest not to form a smile or a significant sparkling feeling inside of me as I know that I could fall for someone on the internet in less than a month. But heck, I blushed hard.
Me: yes, why not haha
NatsRomanoff: :)) how old are you, pretty girl?
Me: I’m nineteen, almost twenty in two months!
NatsRomanoff: That’s cute, really adorable I’m gonna be honest. You don’t mind talking to someone older, yeah?
I put my laptop away for a short minute and thought long and hard about our age difference. We were seventeen years apart, she’s almost two decades older than me and I have this sort of romanticization of being with older people. They bring so much comfort to you that you ought to believe that they will always protect you and be more mature than you are, so that’s probably the reason why I love being in that type of situation in the first place. Though, I could never be in one. My parents would kill me.
But they aren’t here, so…
Me: not at all. :)
NatsRomanoff: I’d ask if you could send me a photo of you, but you can’t do that here.
Me: Well, when do you get out of prison?
NatsRomanoff: Two years, pretty girl. Why? Care to visit a poor old woman like me? :)
Me: aren’t we friends?
NatsRomanoff: Of course, we are. I’d like to see you someday, hoping you wouldn’t run off.
Me: why would you say that? lol
NatsRomanoff: Aren’t you scared that I’m some old woman who is a prisoner? You don’t know my crimes.
Me: do you want to tell them to me?
NatsRomanoff: I’d keep it a secret for now :) but, I’d like to see you someday. Anyway, I have to go. Can I talk to you again tomorrow? Pretty girl? :(
The real deal question was: why wasn’t I scared? Why was I willing enough to give myself to a prisoner? I wouldn’t know what she has done, I wouldn’t know anything about her. But she seemed so kind enough that she doesn’t give me the peevish and creepy vibes that I’d always feel when it comes to other people–especially her age. I bit my inner cheek and thought about what to type with her calling me a pretty girl. Referring to me as one even though I hardly believe in such a name like that.
Me: of course, tasha! goodnight :)
NatsRomanoff: Goodnight, pretty girl.
The next few days went pretty smoothly and ambling. It felt like I was in this word heaven as I called it whenever I would be talking to Natasha. Perhaps paradise would be a fitting term for our messages. My friends knew about Natasha, they even told me to flirt a little. But I gave them a hint that I wasn’t ready for anything like that, knowing what they were trying to tell me. Natasha knew a few facts about me that I told her a few days ago. And she gave me small pieces of information about her too, which made me admire her more. Before she got arrested, she was working at a bar and would spend her quality time at the library, telling me that she had a spot that is now taken by everyone else. I told her that I also like reading and that’s how we mostly connect; we send each other book recommendations. Apparently, she likes The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, she said the book reminded me of her–even though that was a little confusing on why. I told her about the book called The Price of Salt because of my age difference with Natasha. She said she had read that one, and we both laughed about it.
NatsRomanoff: You seem like such a smart girl for your age :) What school are you going to?
I read her message, again and again, thinking if I should tell her what school I’m attending. My friends told me not to give any information that would lead to my address, but it’s Natasha, right? She wouldn’t hurt me, even though I’d only known her for five days. Plus, she constantly reminds me that I don’t have to say anything that would offend me.
Me: columbia University, i have a scholarship. :)
NatsRomanoff: You must be academically inclined then :) Love smart girls like you.
Me: lol what does that mean?
NatsRomanoff: I’m sure you know what I’m trying to say.
No, I don’t know what she’s trying to imply–does that make me feel stupid?
Me: anyway, i have to do some reading before i go to bed :(
NatsRomanoff: Aw, come on :( I want to talk to you some more, stay here baby.
I almost threw my laptop in the air as I read that word. Baby, I thought with a whimsical smile on my face. She’s getting into me. I imagine her being in my bed right at this moment, her hand on my knee as she tells me so many stories about herself before her life in prison. Touch me, Natasha. Put your hand on my core, massage it and tell me how much I can be yours. Whisper into my ear and tell me that I’m the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen, that you have to eat. That lewd thought quickly went away when I received another message from her.
NatsRomanoff: Can I call you baby?
Me: of course, you can.
NatsRomanoff: Good. I love us being friends, I haven’t talked to anyone like this in such a long time. I understand if you’re tired, I’ll message you soon. Goodnight, baby girl :)
Days have turned into weeks, weeks have turned into months, and I’ve caught myself falling in love with Natasha Romanoff, not knowing her criminal record or her basic life. Just a small fact about herself that she rarely tells me since she stated that she’s more interested in my life than hers. I didn’t mind, it’s not like I could ask her again, but it did get me wondering why on earth she wasn’t telling me in the first place?
I was lying down on my couch with a book sprawled all over my face, just like how I’d be in bed whenever I think about Natasha. We’ve said some dirty text to each other, but not in a way that we tell our fantasies to one another. I like to imagine a lot, it’s like I make them into my own little world and I drag her through it–let her know what I like and don’t like. I’ve never told anyone about my fantasy, nor hers. I guess we were practically the same people.
NatsRomanoff: I have something to tell you, but promise you won’t freak out.
Why would I freak out? Is she going to say something intense that would scare me off? There’s nothing that could scare me off when it’s only from her, or maybe that’s how submissive and giving I am.
Me: shoot.
NatsRomanoff: I have this fantasy of breaking into your house and watching you sleep. If not asleep, then you’d be standing there with a frightened look on your face. I would touch you without your consent and quiet you down since you’re a bad kitty. Is it okay if I say I want to touch you without your permission? How about if I slip my fingers inside of you without your permission? Would you still allow me? Just tell me to back off, I obviously won’t do anything if you say no. Think of it as a kink.
I felt myself beginning to get wet as I read through the whole message from her. She makes my body tremble with the need for her touch, how much I crave for her fingers or her tongue to lather up all over my skin. My face began to heat up like a kettle, my toes were curling against the sheets, and my hands were sweating as well as my forehead. I wanted what she wanted, I fantasized about it long before she did. Unless she has done it first, I wouldn’t really care. The fact that we share the same thought probably meant how much we are connected. I typed fast and sent it, moaning quietly with the raging thought of her breaking into my house with a threatening look on her face.
Me: that’s really hot, tash…
NatsRomanoff: Do you want that to happen, little girl?
Call me that again, call me your little girl, Natasha. I promise that I can be good to you, I’ll suck your thumb for you and kiss your neck, I’ll let you open me up and take me until I’m bursting into tears, you only know how to make my world shatter. You know.
Me: yes.
NatsRomanoff: Call me Daddy, baby.
Me: Daddy.
NatsRomanoff: You love Daddy?
Me: yes.
NatsRomanoff: I have a strap-on in my cell, did you know that? Before you, I’d fuck girls with it. And now whenever I see that toy, I just want to use it on you so badly. I bet your pussy is tight, are you a virgin?
To her disappointment, I wasn’t. I’ve had sex with a girl twice, but it wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. Losing your virginity should be special, and it wasn’t. As much as I want to say it felt nice, it’s not as good as I thought it would be. Or maybe, I was expecting an older person willing to take me instead. Could that be Natasha when she comes out in two years? I can’t wait any longer, I could feel my legs opening up for her.
Me: i’ve had sex before :( is that okay with you?
NatsRomanoff: That’s okay baby. I’m a little disappointed that you’ve had sex, but it’s alright. Promise me no one else will touch your pussy except me. Promise me.
Me: i promise.
NatsRomanoff: I love you, little girl. Can’t wait to see you.
That was her final message before she went offline, and it made my eyes quirk in confusion. Can’t wait to see you. Was there a possible chance that she escaped from prison and broke into my home, fulfilling our fantasies of one another? Couldn’t be true, she wouldn’t do such a thing.
I decided to close my laptop and turned off my lamp, my body shifting against the mattress while I had my legs pressed hard against each other–shamefully trying to get some friction that would make me think of her lewdly once more as my nipples started to perk with the chill thought.
I tried texting Natasha over and over again for a whole week, but she never responded. It took me time to realize that maybe she has met someone else who was willing to give themselves to her, to be much more open when it comes to sex. Was it because I was not a virgin? Did she shame me for that? Or maybe, just maybe, she has escaped prison and is finding my location?
Stupid, stupid thoughts. She wouldn’t know my location, but I’ve given her a hint now since I went to Columbia University. It’s not that I was frightened, maybe a little, but it was because I don’t know anything much about her that she’s capable enough to hurt me.
I tried surpassing the thought and went back home soundly with my keys jangling on my bag, it was attached to the metal zipper. Except that, the door was unlocked, which gave me a thought of someone breaking in. Could it be Natasha? Was she fulfilling the fantasies that we’ve created together? I shook my head and walked to the apartment–getting a different feeling from the atmosphere. Everything seemed normal, perhaps I might’ve forgotten to lock my home. I dropped my schoolbag on the ground and removed my jacket, the hair on my skin getting sensitive because of the cold mystic air from the outside of my window. I turned around and almost stumbled on the couch when suddenly I saw a figure who was standing in front of me, I didn’t know who it was.
“What the fuck?!” I exclaimed, stepping away from the redhead woman–who’s honestly very daunting–as I tried to find a piece of glass or any object that would be my self-defense. Instead, she gives me an evil smirk and wraps her free arm around my neck, pulling me close to her until I realize who this person was.
This was, in fact, Natasha Romanoff. She has escaped prison.
I didn’t even give her my address.
“Shh,” she coos over and over again, cupping my face tightly. I do admit I was trying to free myself from her, but she was so strong. “You’re so beautiful in real life, and so tiny. C’mere, don’t be scared. It’s me, Natasha, why are you trying to fret me?”
“L-Let me go!” I said, kicking off my feet.
“Shh, stop baby stop…”
“No!” I screamed kicking my feet again, my hands trying to push her chest. But God forbid, she was undeniably strong. Her arms were wrapped around my torso like it was a life sentence, I kept screaming until I felt her hand smack against my left cheek–making me whimper aloud.
“If you scream again,” she breathes heavily and nips on my earlobe so that I could feel her warm breath–my core is beginning to pool with wetness. “I will cut your tongue out. You better stay fucking quiet.”
She never let go of my body and instead, kissed me hard on the lips. It felt consensual since I let her do it, and I almost melted from the kiss that I wasn’t expecting from her. Her mouth felt warm and cooled my lips, and I realized how we were both famished for our lips to touch. I never thought about it happening this way, though it felt romantic and incredibly arousing as she kisses my lips hard and passionate. I was desperate for her not to pull away, but she did with a pant.
“Gonna fulfill that fantasy we both wanted,” she whispers with a low grunt, pushing me to the couch while unbuckling her belt. “I have my fat cock with me, and I know how much you’re going to like it. So better yet open your legs and show me that pretty pussy of yours.”
I did not waste time removing my pants and snapping my legs together as the air hit my wet cunt. She sees the action and furrows her eyebrows, her hands in between my knees as she pushes them away, departing if you have a deeper term. Her eyes were so dark that you couldn’t see much green in them and her mouth was foaming when my bare cunt was shown, my clit beating hard.
“Gonna give yourself to me, m’kay? Gonna fucking ruin this hole until you’re mine. In fact, I’ll have to hurt you if you disobey me. Might as well break your legs so that you could never run off from me, understood?”
A sharp slap made contact with my inner thigh as I gasped out in pain, mostly pleasure. She watches my lips being bitten by me and almost wanted her dildo pressed against my mouth, slithering herself in until she fucks my mouth as if it was the gaping hole of my vagina. I was ready–so ready–to submit myself to her, to make her smack me until I bled. I wanted her to do everything she wanted, let alone if she had to take me in the ass. I stare at her and notice how hungry she was for my pussy, please just fuck me.
She pulls down her pants and I see a dark purple dildo that looked insanely big for my preferred size. I looked at her with horror but she was smiling down at me, meaningless to say I have no way out. She brings the tip to my entrance and thrusts inside of me with one go, my mouth screaming in pain and pleasure. In an instant, my hand was around her neck and I felt her mouth kissing mine again–though this one was a sloppier one.
“Fuck,” she murmurs more to herself, enjoying the sight of her cock fully inside of my cunt. “Look at you, taking a prisoner’s dick. Ya like that, don’t you baby? Want me to fuck you on this couch?”
I nodded.
She snaps her hips into me, making the couch squeak with how forceful it was. I was moaning with each thrust, my chest burning up at how fast the pace was going–I couldn’t take it, she was so big. Yet, I didn’t care. I wanted her to do this to me, I wanted her to take me until I’ve become such a slut for her that everyone would know who I belonged to. She buries her face into the crook of my neck as I hear her let out a whiny moan.
“Oh, baby! Mmph, you fucking feel so good…” she pushes my hair away from my face to take a better look at me, and she chuckles. Fucking chuckles. “You are a slut, aren’t you? Tell me you’re my whore baby, come on–tell Daddy.”
“I-I’m–” my breath hitches as I felt my breasts bouncing up and down with the speed of her shallow thrusts. I’ve grown wetter than I imagined. “I’m your whore, Daddy…”
“Daddy is crazy ‘bout you,” she sniffs into my neck heavily that I practically heard it. “Gonna make this pussy mine. I’ll make sure of it.”
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this was insanely hot for me i’m sorry
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aleksa-sims · 29 days
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RL Story
I had a nice evening with N., his Mom & her spouse, whose name's Felix. He is a musician. He plays e-bass & piano. He used to play in a band. Now he earns his money with private piano- or e-bass lessons. Before that, I never really met Felix. I thought he was more serious at 56. But I gotta say, I was positively surprised. He is quite a... jokester. In any case, he is a nice guy from whom I can learn a lot. Like playing the piano. Well, frankly, I still can’t play the piano. I guess I didn’t take it seriously.
After dinner N.’s Mom had a little chat with me and Nico. Only 2 months and 2 weeks left, but Nico and I still haven’t thought of a name for our Baby. We talked about it weeks ago, but we just couldn’t agree. Let's see...
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After that N’s Mom took the opportunity to talk to me about.... some unpleasant topics. She and my Mom talked a lot about Nico and me. My Mom told her, that I married Daniel and also about the risks to my Baby, due to my addiction & pills. I'd love to run away. But N.'s Mom was always nice to me, so I decided to talk to her. She didn’t want to expose me or anything. She just wanted to make something clear.
N.'s Mom: You don’t have to talk to me about your marriage. I know how uncomfortable this is for you and I also know how it feels to divorce.
Me: I’m so sorry I wasn’t honest to you. I was so ashamed. I knew Nico and Stephanie were engaged and still got involved with him. And yea, I was also married. 😞
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N.'s Mom: Don't worry about that.... Nobody is perfect A... Remember when you told me about your addiction? You thought this would change my mind about you. But you were and still are, such a nice girl. After you and N. broke up, I was... surprised & sad. But I never expected you, to call me and talk to me about it. I noticed when you visited P.’s Mom, that you avoided me. I want you to know, that I wasn’t upset about it. I know you were sad..... And yes, your high-risk pregnancy worries me, but I don’t judge you.
Me: I’m so glad you brought this up. Yk, I didn’t visit P.’s Mom and Fabienne often. It was hard for me to be there. I kept looking over to your house, thinking about N. It hurt sm... We all hurt each other a lot. In the end, I was glad it was over. I mean both of them! 😞... Still, I never want to be separated from N. again. As for my pregnancy, I’m really happy rn, but at the same time, also worried about my Baby. 😞
N.'s Mom: Whatever comes, you’ll make it... Your parents and I will help you. If, you want that.
Me: Thank you. I will certainly accept your help.
N.'s Mom: I hope you feel comfortable in this old house. There’s still so much to do, but I can handle it.
Me: The livingroom's so cozy & beautiful. The hallway upstairs looks a little creepy to me. But I think this gives the house that ...special charm. I kinda like it.
N.'s Mom: The house is old. It belonged to his parents and I knew we would have a lot of work here. But since I’m having a grandbaby, I thought, this is the perfect place for us.
Me: 😳Yeah, I get what you mean. I'm sure our little one will like it.
I felt very comfortable with N.’s Mom and Felix, they are both so nice. I hope the good mood remains. 😬 It’s N’s birthday soon, so his Mom invited Melanie too. She tried to reconcile us. I think N.’s Mom forgot how MEAN and insane her daughter is? 😠 Anyway, I'll try but... agh, Idk?
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I wrote something and idk if I should continue??
Audrey ditched the meeting.
Audrey Rose, the crown princess of Ulstred and Auroria, ditched the meeting of the royal council and sent CJ freaking Hook instead of herself, citing that she’s the next in line for the throne anyway, might as well get the hang of it now – She used these words in front of CJ, which just made her smile blinding-bright and ask if she is allowed to bring her ropes to the meeting.
Audrey didn’t tell her no.
The council just had it coming, you see, and CJ was looking forward to the council meeting so much– And Audrey might or might not have fashioned her hairdo with a discrete camera that will be streaming the drama directly to her.
She wasn’t completely heartless, though: She told someone CJ was coming.
Yes, someone with a position on the council, yes, how utterly responsible and compassionate of her, isn’t it?
…Fine. She told Uma and Harry, who, technically, wasn’t invited to the meetings but refused to let his Captain attend alone and Ben refused to deal with that. Personally, Audrey thought he was letting the pirates get away with entirely too much, but who was she to judge?
She had the phone numbers of the officer that handled interception jail memorised from how much she bailed CJ out – that menace quickly learned that Audrey paid quicker and with less annoying life lessons talks than her older sister. Audrey had the displeasure to witness such talk once. It consisted largely of „Alright you fucking menace, here is how you do shit without getting caught, how many times do I have to tell you? Anyway, you are grounded.“ The grounding had to perceivable effect, as far as Audrey could tell: She had to bail CJ out of a jail somewhere in the Camelot Heights not two days after that.
Anyway, Uma and Harry: When she told them CJ would be coming, they just cackled: „Who exactly do you want to kill, princess?“ Uma asked, „I’m sure there are quicker and less painful ways.“
Audrey just smiled at her sweetly, because why, she certainly didn’t mean to hurt anyone, wish anyone harm, why, she’d never!
„Oh, that’s gonna be fun,“ added Harry, „And by the way, I’m not babysitting her. If anyone asks, we’re not related.“
„Audrey could write her up with some of the fancy new titles, couldn’t she? These morons won‘t even know you two are related.“
„They won’t know what hit them, love.“
At this point, Audrey left, as she didn’t wish to be exposed to more pirate PDA than strictly necessary – another good reason to ditch the meeting – and yes, she did write up CJ with one of those fancy new titles.
They indeed won’t know what hit them.
Especially as she got a rumour that the pirate duo has been persuading Wonderland to send Ally as their representative ever since.
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veeisgayasf · 1 year
Hello my love! I thought of this prompt a while ago and I thought you take on it would be an amazing read! I was wondering, could I request larissa x fem teacher fic? Reader has been flirting with Larissa for a little while, but poor trust issued baby Larissa thought she was just being friendly or didn't mean it ao she brushed it off. A little while later, Reader and thornhill are set to go on a date, but Weems quickly learns of Thornhill actually being Laurel Gates and rescues reader from being almost drugged/ unalived. They go back to Larissa's office and reader is like "I didn't even wanna go on a date with her, I wanted to go with you." Lots of angst and a happy kiss/ ending. I'm so sorry if this is way too long!!
I Thought You Would Never Ask Larissa x fem!teacher!reader
Word Count: 2350
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Larissa was going over several lesson plans that teachers had submitted for next semester when you walked into her office. “Good evening, gorgeous.” You said flirtatiously as you entered the spacious room. 
Larissa stayed seated and looked up, humming. “Good evening to you too, Miss Y/L/N. Can I help you with anything?” She said, once again looking down at the stack of papers on her desk, shuffling them around.
 You stood there in silence, already knowing the answer to your next question. Larissa let her eyes meet yours, a questioning look on her face.
“I just came in to see your beautiful face and to see if you would like to accompany me to the Weathervane for some hot chocolate?” 'You asked, a sickly sweetness to your voice. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to at this moment, Miss Y/L/N, but thank you for the invitation.” Larissa replied, oblivious of your intentions. You knew there was a pained look on your face, but you tried to smile anyway.
You had been flirting with Larissa, to no avail, for quite some time. The statuesque woman seemed infuriatingly immune to your advances. You lost count of how many times you had invited her to go with you to Jericho, just to get a little bit of alone time with the stunning woman. Tonight was no different. You finally decided, after getting shot down once again, to give up and try to move on.
Nodding, you bid her goodnight and left the office. Larissa stared curiously after you. She had picked up on the numerous pet names you called her. Sighing, Larissa leaned back into the chair, closing her eyes. There’s not even a chance this woman is flirting with you, get it together Weems… Besides, you don’t even know if she swings that way. She thought to herself. The last person that “flirted” with her ended up just leading her on and breaking her heart. Nope, it’s just in your head. She thought before getting back to the work in front of her.
Little did either of you know that Marilyn Thornhill stood a little ways down the hall, eavesdropping in on the whole conversation that ensued. The professor had intended on paying Larissa a visit after they had gotten into an argument earlier on in the day over the validity of her name. When she showed up, she heard your failed attempt at asking Miss Weems on a date. She quietly stood a couple doors down, waiting on you to leave. Once you did, she saw the look of defeat on your face and a lightbulb went off in her head. She ditched her original idea of ambushing the headmistress, and began hatching another plan. 
A few weeks have passed since you decided to stop trying with Larissa, only seeing her when necessary or in passing. You thought keeping your distance would help the feelings subside, but in reality it just made you miss her more, which is why your heart was racing as you made your way to the faculty meeting. Several teachers filed in, chattering amongst each other.
You found an empty chair  near the back and quickly took a seat. Larissa was at the front of the room standing at a podium. You both made eye contact for a brief moment.
“Are you saving this seat for anyone?” You heard a voice ask, making you break eye contact with the headmistress. Looking up, you saw Professor Marilyn Thornhill pointing to the chair next to you. “No ma’am, it’s all yours.” You said with a sheepish grin. The red-head tucked her bag under the chair, and sat down, smoothing out the dress she was wearing.
 “Oh goodness!” She exclaimed, looking around. “I didn’t realize the ENTIRE faculty was going to be here!” The woman laughed nervously, which made you smile. 
“Yeah, it’s pretty packed. I’m just thankful I got here early enough to find a seat in the back.” You said. Usually you tried to sit as close to the front as possible, but it was already hard enough being in the same room as Larissa.
 You let your eyes wander up to the woman, once more. To your surprise, she was staring directly at you, only looking away when she realized you saw her.
The meeting started with Larissa going over the events of the Rav’n. After that, you practically zoned out during the rest of the meeting. Organized faculty meetings never failed to bore you to death, even with a gorgeous woman as the speaker.
“If there are no other questions, I have nothing further to add. Thank you all for your time.” Larissa said, pulling you out of your daze. As soon as she said this, the room was once more a bustle of teachers and staff walking to exit the room.
 You decided to stay seated for a few minutes longer, waiting for the room to clear out. Marilyn reached under her seat and grabbed her belongings. She stood up and smiled at you. “Well thank you for letting me steal this seat.” She winked at you, making you giggle. “Of course. You’re a very polite thief.” You replied, making her blush. 
You finally decided that the room was cleared out enough to leave. You stood up, turning for a few seconds to see Larissa a few rows in front of you. Bags in hand, she gave you a small smile that made your stomach do somersaults. You had no earthly idea how you were supposed to get over this woman when she had this effect on you.
“Um, Y/N?” Marilyn quietly questioned. “Mhmm?” You hummed, still mesmerized by the tall blonde in front of you. “I was curious, would you like to go on a picnic date with me? Maybe you could stop by my classroom tomorrow?” She said, blush painting her cheeks.
 The question caught you by surprise. “Oh, um, yeah! That would be awesome!” You responded, a little more enthusiastically than you intended. 
Larissa heard the question and your response which made her stomach drop. A feeling of protectiveness took over. She knew you had no idea of Marilyn's true identity. She was going to expose her soon enough.
There was another unfamiliar feeling that crept up. Jealousy. She had no right to feel jealous, but she couldn’t help it. (She finally got her answer; you did swing “that way”.)  It was the fact that you said yes to a date. A date that wasn’t with her. She knew it was selfish, but it didn’t stop her from walking closer to where you stood.
“Wonderful!” The professor clapped her hands together. “So, I’ll see you tomorrow for our lunch-date?” She stood there waiting for you to answer. 
“Date, yes. Picnic tomorrow. In your classroom.” Your words came out all choppy. You were trying to be polite, but Larissa was making it hard for you to even function with the fire she had in her eyes right now. You couldn’t handle it. 
Turning towards the door, you said a quick goodbye to Marilyn and hurried out into the hall and towards your room. 
You woke up to an obnoxious banging on your door. Disoriented, you stood up making your way to the entrance of your room Rubbing your eyes, you turned the handle and to your surprise, Marilyn was standing in front of you.
 “Oh my, I’m so sorry. Did I wake you?” She said, with two cups in her hand. “Um, yeah, but it’s okay. Is that- is that coffee?” You asked, your voice still hoarse from sleep.
 “Yes! I went by the Weathervane this morning to grab coffee and pastries and thought you might like a cup!” She said, thrusting the cup into your hand.
The liquid was hot and bitter, as it reached your mouth. It was exactly what you needed this morning. When you got back to your room last night, you didn’t even bother changing clothes. You were exhausted and knocked smooth out after the strange evening you had.
Looking down, you realized you needed to shower and get ready for the day. “Thank you so much for the coffee, Marilyn.” You said politely. “I have to get ready. I will see you at lunch?” You smiled up at the woman. 
“Oh absolutely! I can’t wait for our little picnic date.” The woman said, clapping her hands together once more before exiting your room.
Larissa was pacing back and forth in her office, trying to decide on how to tell you that Marilyn was not who you thought she was. In fact, her name was Laurel Gates. Someone she, and the whole town of Jericho thought to be dead. 
Wednesday had barged into Larissas office a couple weeks back, showing pictures of Laurel conspiring with the townspeople to somehow burn down the school.The woman was back for revenge against outcasts. 
Larissa growled to herself, absolutely frustrated.  She decided she would go confront Laurel, before you put in any type of danger.
Lunch time rolled around quickly as you made your way to Marilyn's classroom. You were a little bit ahead of schedule. Your students had all finished their quizzes quickly, so you decided to let them out early today. 
Pulling the door open, you saw the professor standing by a table in the middle of her classroom. “Good afternoon, Marilyn.”You said with a smile. Startled, Marilyn turned around, shoving something into her pocket as she faced you.
“Oh yay! You’re here!” The woman said, excitedly. There was a blanket draped over the table with sandwiches and drinks. “I am starving!” You exclaimed, taking a seat at the table. 
You both sat in comfortable silence as you inhaled the sandwich she had made. Marilyn intently stared at you as she slowly took a bite of hers. You glanced over at her and she smiled, chewing the bite she just took. 
“So how has your day been?” You ask, trying to make small talk. “It’s been interesting, but it’s about to get more interesting” She said with a very strange smile on her face.
“How so?” You question, genuinely curious. Marilyn didn’t answer you. She leaned forward, crashing her lips into yours, catching you completely by surprise. You pulled back, bowing your head. “Um, Marilyn… I- I’m sorry.” Your voice was low.
 “Oh, I am so sorry! I misread your intentions!” the woman said, but didn’t leave your space. Instead, you saw her pulling out a small vial from her pocket that had a blue glowing liquid.
You didn’t get the chance to ask what it was before you heard Larissa storming through the door, followed by Sheriff Galpin. “Laurel! Stop!” The woman yelled. You were unsure who she was yelling at.
“Miss Gates, I suggest you put the poison down and step away from the table.” The sheriff demanded, looking directly at Marilyn. “Please, don’t make me use this.” He had his gun pointed at her.
The redhead cooperated and placed the vial on the table and took a few steps back. “I can’t believe you're sticking up for these outcasts. You’re a disgrace!” She yelled, eyes darting between the sheriff and Larissa. You stood up and walked towards Larissa, confusion painted across your face.
The sheriff approached the professor and pulled her hands behind her back, placing handcuffs on them. He gave her rights before escorting her out of the room, leaving you and Larissa alone.
“Um, what the hell just happened?” You asked Larissa. “Come on, Y/N. Let’s go back to my office. I will explain everything.”
A couple hours had passed as you sat in Larissas office, listening to the woman explain everything. You tried wrapping your head around it all, not understanding how someone could be that evil. You watched as Larissa walked over to the sofa you were leaning back on, taking a seat next to you.
Eyes focused on her, you couldn’t help but laugh to yourself. “What on earth could you be laughing at, Y/N?” The woman asked with a puzzled look on her face. “You know, I didn’t even want to go on a date with Mari- I mean Laurel.” You replied, the corners of your mouth turning up into a smile. “I wanted to go on one with you.” 
You looked up to see a surprised look on Larissas face. A brief silence filled the room before she finally spoke. “Y/N, I would have gladly gone on a date with you, had you made your intentions clear.” She smiled, nudging your shoulder.
You knew you had a look of utter shock on your face as the headmistress softly chuckled. “I’m not good at taking hints. If someone is interested in me, they have to be straightforward with me, although I definitely enjoyed the cute names you called me.” Larissa admitted. You just stared, eyes wide. 
You didn’t even bother replying. You scooted closer, taking Larissas face in your hands. Very slowly and gently, you planted the softest of kisses upon her lips, eliciting a sharp inhale of breath from the gorgeous woman. To your surprise, Larissa reciprocated the kiss and deepened it. Your heart was threatening to beat out of your chest.
Larissa was the first to break contact, leaning her forehead against yours. She stroked the sides of your face. “I could definitely get used to this.” She said, making your heart race even faster. You kissed her again, red lipstick smearing on your lips. The smell of warm vanilla and roses flooding your nose. You smiled into the kiss, a chuckle escaping your lips. The blonde pulled back, an inquisitive look on her face.
“Hello gorgeous.” You said,  staring into her ocean blue eyes. “Would you like to go on an official date with me to the Weathervane for some hot chocolate?” You asked, making her bust out in full on giggles, remembering the question you had asked several weeks ago.
Larissa turned to you with a huge grin on her face. “I thought you would never ask.”
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reyxa · 3 months
can't we just get oolong? ch. 4
title: can’t we just get oolong? author: Reyxa rating: T summary: au where zuko and iroh settle in ba sing se post-banishment. when a pretty water bender start frequenting the jasmine dragon, zuko’s world turns upside down.
Chapter 4: Ginseng
“Wh–” he jolts awake, smacking his head on the doorframe of the teashop’s backroom as he whips around. “What, Uncle?”
“You’re falling asleep standing!” Iroh presses a large cup into Zuko’s hand, a wide grin etched into his face. “Stayed up quite late, did you?”
Zuko rubs the smarting pain out of the side of his head, chugging down the drink in his head. The sleep weighing heavy on his shoulders lifts a bit as he drinks. He’s had his fair share of sleepless nights, but none so tumultuous. His brain is foggy with thoughts of Azula’s oppressive presence in the city, and the way Katara’s fingers had brushed against his wrist as she undid the knot of her necklace.
Grinning, Iroh slides the cup out of Zuko’s hand and places it on the table. He places a large hand on Zuko’s shoulder. “You are lucky, waterbending inspires inner harmony. You could learn much from her, Prince Zuko. I hope she bends you into shape!”
Iroh laughs just as loudly as Zuko groans. “I’m never gonna see her again anyway, leave it alone!”
His uncle continues laughing. “Go take some rest, Prince Zuko. Can’t have you drooling into the tea, can we?”
Katara awakens to pain shooting up her spine, rattling her teeth.
“Wake up, lazy bones!” Toph’s grating voice, accompanied by the reverberations of her earthbending cleave into Katara’s consciousness. “It’s past noon!”
“Ow!” Katara yelps, rubbing her lower back as she clambers up from the hardwood floors of their apartment. “Toph!”
“Oh good, you’re up! You’ve got plans tonight,” Sokka passes her a piece of parchment. She squints at it, an extremely detailed drawing of some kind of bear-creature swims into view. “A party!”
Katara rubs her eyes and blinks again at the parchment. ’Please join us this evening in celebrating the Earth King’s bear, Bosco.’ “Bear?”
“Are you feeling okay, Katara? You slept in more than usual.” Aang frowns at her while he feeds Momo.
Last night floods back into her memories. She still isn’t sure how smart it was to reveal their whole journey here to someone from the Fire Nation. The banished prince, no less. But she remembers his breath brushing gently against the nape of her neck, the shy tone of his voice as he had invited her back.
“Katara?” Aang pokes her. “Maybe you should rest tonight. You seem out of it.”
She laughs nervously. “I’m fine! Just… adjusting to Ba Sing Se life, that’s all! So, the Earth King will be at this party, huh?”
“You and Toph will go in as noblewomen and get the Earth King’s attention! Me and Aang will sneak in and Aang will dazzle him with his Avatar-ness and we’ll be on our way out of this city.” Sokka snatches the invitation from her. “Then it’s bye bye Fire Lord!”
‘We’ll be on our way out’. She musters a cheerful smile. It’s better to put distance between herself and Zuko as soon as possible, she tells herself. Can’t have another Jet situation, she’s learned her lesson this time.
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aita-blorbos · 4 months
AITA for making my daughter quit her music?
I (F43), full time SAHM, have a daughter (F16), let's name ner K. I've recently divorced and remarried to an amazing man who is K's step-dad (M45) and adopted his sons (M20 and M12, but not really relevant since it's not about them). This all happened three years ago. I have full custody and my ex-husband has visitation rights but haven't used them at all. He doesn't even show up to K's birthdays or holidays, the best we can expect from him is a card or a letter.
Me and my husband are trying to provide the best environment we can for K but she's resisting any change. No matter how much time passes since the divorce she dislikes my husband and her step-siblings (the youngest adores her and really looks up to her, I can't fathom why since the best she does for him is ignore him. No help with homework or anything). I'm honestly dumbfounded at how persistent she is at making the entire family feel awkward and ashamed around her, at some point we had to stop inviting her to family dinners because she would just eat silently and glare at us. Me and K used to have a normal relationship before the divorce but it has plummeted since.
Here's the thing: K still absolutely adores her deadbeat dad. They were always closer than me and her but my ex was still pretty distant because of his job, which I was okay with before this whole situation. K's dad is a musician and K was always slightly into music because if it, but after I remarried she plunged very deeply and very suddenly into it. She took a part-time job to pay for her violin tuition (my husband offered to but she refused, saying she doesn't to be indebted to him and "they're not even related", which hurt us a lot) and joined a youth orchestra and plans to enroll in a music college. She spends so much time on music she doesn't even have any friends, or at least not that I know of. My husband was upset about it as he wants her to find a normal job in the future and doesn't think she has the right attitude for arts at all. I wouldn't minded that at all (even though she's obviously not cut out for that and never had any music talent like her father did, I must admit) if not for her attitude and the fact that she does it to impress her father.
She doesn't seem to enjoy music at all and always comes home stressed and on the edge, never invites any of us to her performances but keeps bugging my ex about it. He's even written me to stop her from writing him again, which is the most contact I've had from him in years. She obviously thinks that if she manages to impress him my ex will take her back and be a better dad to her. I don't care why he's so indifferent about her when they used to be close and why she wants to be back with him so badly when she has a perfectly good family here and I don't really care to find out.
Recently she joined another music group on top of her already existing lessons and youth orchestra rehearsals and it's been seriously affecting her academic performance, to the point of skipping school, so I decided to put my foot down and said that it's either she quits it and learns to manage her schedule or she'll never see her instrument again. An argument happened during which she accused me that I never cared about her (not true) and that she never asked for this new living situation (true, but as she is still a child at this point it wouldn't be for her to decide, plus her father gave up his rights anyway) and that I care more about my husband and step sons than about her (I don't know what gave her the impression since I always try to spend time with the family, it's HER that chooses not to participate in anything because she's not interested. She can't complain about it if her step-brothers try to accept his new family and she's refusing to and it's entirely her fault). She said that music makes her happy and I said that it obviously doesn't because she's only stressing out about it and never seems to actually enjoy her practice time or performances, to which she blew up and said I don't get it what it means to be an artist, which is almost word to word what my ex has said to me a long time ago.
That really upset me because I don't get why she'd spend so much of her life on music just to win one person over when with her intellect and attitude K could have done so much more and enter a prestigious university but I was content with letting K do whatever she wants as long as it doesn't bother my husband, but her slacking off and having worse grades started to affect our family's reputation (my husband's company in pretty well known so it's important to maintain good image) and it bothers him now and K being responsible obviously wasn't happening, so I took her violin away and forbid her to going anywhere after school until she apologised.
She got really quiet and seemed to listen but today after school she still wasn't home and when I called her teachers they told me she's been dismissed as regularly. She's a smart girl so I'm sure she's fine and just pouting somewhere. I don't think I'm in the wrong but one of my acquaintances said I could have handled the situation better and the whole thing about her biological father and hating my husband seems suspicious, but I think it was teens being moody. AITA?
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