#so I'll just scream it into the void
Supernatural obviously has me on chokehold 24/7 bUT I'm watching dead boy detectives and the scene in episode 5 of Edwin saying in the swings "there are these feelings that I'm not used to" IS LITERALLY THE DEAN CONFFESION SCENE
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share-the-damn-bed · 2 months
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a-wondering-thought · 3 months
something something, i'll always be enchanted by people gathering through the blur of the crowd to watch that someone playing their music in the city as the music echos through the streets with the sound of their craft, whether its a young teen trying out on their guitar trying to share what they can do with the world, or older folk reliving the dreams of their youth through the flow of the instrument, they are under the tunnel in the dim flickering street lamps, the young creating memories of their first days as a musician playing for a crowd whose faces they cant recognise or the old coming back to the roots where they first began and made those very memories under the tunnel with the dim street lamp, it wasn't flickering back then, but the moonlight still shines down just past the entrance to the tunnel, and the older joins younger because one day the young will become the old playing the sweet tunes of their youth
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the funny thing about kyuushi is how it drops lore in akajas instead of the main manga but because it’s an episodic gag manga, i guess you can’t help it. but with all the lore i got so far (and what a difficult thing it is. thank you dedicated fans) i think i like how the central theme really is the human-vampire (esp hunter) relationship.
am i really writing meta about the vampire cock and boobs show? of fucking course. though less than meta it’s just me writing my thoughts
but with the recent akaja with northdin, it really occurred to me that the lore’s narrative had always hung on the fact that the 1800′s was a difficult time for everyone and now times are changing. how the vampire-human conflicts probably had so many casualties and how what we’re seeing is the aftermath of the event. a post-war recovery, if you will and it’s been centuries sure but vampires live so long it might as well be just five years ago to them. the vampire lore seems to be a story about how you deal with the after effects of conflict when you live so damn long. in fact, it’s so deep in the dragon clan’s narrative, that their feelings of loneliness, failure, and frustrations all goes back to that time.
Grandpa misses his friend (who is a hunter lmao) and thinks wistfully about how the time has changed and humans and vampires working together is such a lovely sight (as seen when he played tag with everyone in shin-yoko). he misses helsing so much and hopes he was still around to show what humans have done in the present. “Take care of your human friend” he says to Draluc, looking so sad most of the time but trying to connect with humans due to his fondness for them.
Mira doesn’t care much for humans but because of the conflicts and her hopes to make a better world for her son, she ended up not seeing him throughout his childhood and not even knowing him 200 years later. she doesn’t know the man he’s become. she doesn’t know he has a familiar. she doesn’t know he loves his friends and he’s happier with them. she knows he was lonely but simply thought it was her failure that made it so. so she selfishly kidnapped her own son and turned him into a kid again to fulfill her own desires. she was worried and frustrated at the fact that she seemed to have missed her chance to be with him until draluc pointed out that there was still time to get to know each other
Draus sheltered his son and did all he could to keep him safe knowing he was weak. (when northdin mentioned how seeing draluc die was so chilling, he understood why Draus was like that) the human-vampire conflict worsened his anxiety for his son who could not use the dragon blood’s powers due to how weak he was. so he ended up spoiling him, his only son. he even made a ring to ensure the kid’s protection from other clans. he met with the other clan leaders and in his own way and influence, tried to make the world a better place for him. By the time his son sought independence, he still couldn’t help but worry about him.
And then there’s northdin who does not like humans at all. like Draus, he worries for Draluc in his own way even when the kid had no respect for him. (like fucking hell that akaja) he’s anxious about trying to make the kid stronger because the human conflict is getting worse, which was why he took the kid under his wing to begin with. He cared for the kid to the point of running straight to them when he found out an exorcist had found draluc, even begging that he could drive a stake to his heart if he promised to keep the kid safe. and it was this that changed clergy at the time of the human-vampire conflict too! which led to northdin turning him and how he’s lived with the regret when he didn’t wake up to the point that his diary is a mess (again that fucking akaja) and now they met and there’s closure to it.
and then there’s draluc who is caught in between. being young and sheltered to not know enough about the conflict (i mean he sat and had tea with a goddamn exorcist lol) and having experiences that’s indirectly caused by the conflict. his weakness and sheltered life in the middle of the fights had isolated him from others, but also made him lonely. his mother couldn’t see him due to her work. he didn’t have friends and he was treated as a delicate thing. his first friend was John, who he was reluctant to take with him due to the fear of trapping him forever in a life of eternal loneliness with him (even though he was so overjoyed at finally having a friend!) “im not lonely. i have john” but it’s different now that he’s in shin-yoko. everyday has been fun for him.
and now, in the present you can see how these people are trying to heal from the aftermath and how ronaldo and draluc’s relationship is somehow central to it, the proof of the future they had aspired, or the closure they had always wanted. ronaldo and draluc’s easy friendship has touched grandpa, who had always wanted the easy friendship between vampires and humans (edit: i reread the grandpa tag chapter and he had a flashback of his friend through ronaldo?? god fucking dam), how ronaldo and hinaichi looking for draluc when mira took him made her understand that his son is not the kid he used to know, that she didn’t really know him but it’s not too late to. How Ronaldo being there to take care of draluc had reassured Draus that his son would be okay and he won’t be lonely. (northdin is a work in progress lol. but he’s also working on his issues with his guilt for clergy. which draluc was responsible for ahaha) 
and now Draluc is no longer lonely and has someone to be with. someone who is always fun and doesn’t treat him like a delicate flower (for better or worse) but is also reliable enough to save him (ranging between kidnapping to the getting flushed down the drain lol) and they’re trying to love happy now. a lot of vampires are. so i think it’s nice. i have no idea what im saying.
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agir1ukn0w · 7 months
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peaches2217 · 4 months
Everyone please drop words of endless praise and gratitude towards my gf in the replies, her attempts to troll me have led me to discovering my new favorite perfume and I once more owe her my life
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ecogirl2759 · 7 months
I reblogged this post earlier, and I wanted to elaborate on my stance since I messed up my reblog and my message didn't show up :(
LONG ramble about Taka and Ishida under the cut :)
(Spoilers and death and all that good stuff, as well as a couple screen caps)
Heads up:
Just real quick, I'm gonna make a couple points based on this snapshot from an old interview. Here's the source. (I will translate some parts of this below, too.)
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For starters, I don't think Taka was ever meant to survive.
I really think he should have, but I don't believe he was ever going to. Hot take, ik lol
As basically everyone knows by now, Taka was meant to kill himself in Distrust. That ended up being changed since the whole suicide plot would've been revealed too early for people's liking, so that point was given to Sakura. So even before the game was refined and shipped, Taka was going to die. (Edit: OKAY this info is actually false. Leaving it in so that people can read what I had originally said, but this part is NOTTTT ACCURATEEEEE okay thanks)
Taka's FTEs also stopped when he changed into Ishida, and while Ishida had one unused FTE, it was only one. I doubt there was ever much planned for Taka past Chapter 4 (maximum), so they decided to just kill him in Chapter 3.
Kodaka did speak a little bit about what he had wanted Taka's death to feel like, so I think that's pretty solid evidence that he was always going to die.
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Kodaka: You could say that. However, even in a sad situation, I didn't want to make it [his death] cruel/brutal, so when it comes to it, it was on purpose.]
Ishida was also not a very well-received character lol.
Apparently, when the game first came out, Ishida was one of the least liked characters in the whole game. The staff also didn't care for him much, so they probably wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible.
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Komatsuzaki: I felt like the characters were weaker when combined (laughter).] [Kodaka: That [Ishida's FTE] was also scrapped, and almost all of his appearances were lost. For that reason, Ishimaru himself was very popular although Ishida wasn't popular in the slightest. It's unfortunate... (laughter).]
The wordage here makes me think that there were originally going to be more chances for Ishida to appear, but that was thrown out in the earliest stages of planning. [ボツ roughly means "rejection (of a manuscript, etc.)]
Kodaka DID want to dive deeper into Ishida's character, though! He said so here:
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Kodaka: I wanted to dig a little deeper regarding Ishimaru and Oowada's union, "Ishida," though...]
However, not even the interviewers really cared for Ishida lol.
Also, just to bring it up, here's where the claim for Taka's nonexistent backstory comes from, as far as I can tell:
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Kodaka: I thought about depicting that [his experience in junior high] a little more in his Free Activity part, but that was becoming too dark/gloomy, so it was retired.]
So it's not that he had one that was scrapped after he died. He never had one to begin with.
The staff do agree that he was rushed, though. Kodaka admitted that he probably rushed his death a little at the end, but he was trying to achieve a certain feel with it.
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Sugawara: Ishimaru's facial expressions were fairly abundant, but I felt like his time to die seemed too quick to carry out.] [Kodaka: Be that as it may, I feel I was too quick regarding Ishimaru. But, I really wanted the event when Ishimaru died to be like Robert Rodriguez's "Desperado".]
Now, I haven't seen Desperado, so I have no idea what this reference means lol. If anyone has seen it, lmk! (Defo going on my Must Watch list hehe)
Taka was likely always meant to die, but his character was incredibly rushed and shallow that he ended up dying without much to his backstory or personality.
It's really unfortunate, though. I've always felt like Fuyuhiko was kinda like what could have been for Taka, even on my first playthrough of the second game. Taka's character did and still does have SO much potential, including the fact that his percent chance of surviving his death is MUCH higher than any other character that has died thus far.
If there's ever a new Dangan installment, I want a Taka cameo where he didn't actually die because the freezer room basically acted as a life support system for him and slowed his circulation of blood, letting his head injury heal just enough to escape Hope's Peak some time after all the survivors are already out but before anyone comes back, but because he has severe untreated head trauma he's kinda crazy.
Sorry for the ramble hehe
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transsexualhamlet · 6 months
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christmas dinner 👍
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uldahstreetrat · 2 months
reminiscing a little bit about my old active rp days back in high school and an ask meme that went around a lot that was like "put [example emoji] in my ask box if you would ship our characters together" or different symbols for different kinds of relationships and how THAT specifically lead to or contributed to a lot of long lasting relationships in my life aha
been kinda wishing to see another one of those kinds of memes go around again cause I love screaming at people about ocs and how they would get along aha
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florallylly · 5 months
sorry queen but a cheater is a cheater is a cheater and that's not a label i easily let go of
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
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MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT (2022-2023) | ep. 7
Satang Kittiphop as Sound & Winny Thanawin as Win
I’ll do anything as long as I’m not tied up with you. / And you think I want to?
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tardis--dreams · 4 months
You know what? I give up on this paper once and for all. I'm not even ashamed anymore
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thedruidsforest · 11 months
I'm just spitballing here but what are some nonprofit-esque careers I could pursue in botany or horticulture or environmental sustainability
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peaches2217 · 10 months
Given the sheer number of WIPs I have, I think it's time to start participating in WIP Wednesday. Today, we begin with one I started in late May/early June and still haven't been able to quite piece together! I am DETERMINED to finish this, and maybe posting a snippet here will help kick me into gear with it 😅
Tentative title is To You Who Hung the Moon, but I'm not sure if I'm sticking with it or not.
Eyes as big and blue as a clear sky stared up at Peach.
She startled, instinctively putting distance between them. “I… I’m so sorry,” she stumbled, pressing a palm against her burning cheek. Impulse had gotten the better of her, and here she was, paying for it immediately. “I didn’t mean to intrude on your personal space.”
Mario just kept staring, and Peach wondered if it was the shock that made him so unabashed, or the combination of pain and healing magic coursing through his system. 
But eventually he grinned, and her heart settled back into its proper place.
“I won’t tell anyone.” His words were slow and a bit slurred, and Peach was somehow relieved, especially as he reached up to touch his forehead. He wasn’t all there. The chances that he’d remember this were slim.
Seeing the way he blushed as he felt the space where she’d placed her impromptu kiss, she wasn’t sure if she truly wanted that or not, but it was undoubtedly for the best.
This was far from the first kiss he’d received since being admitted to the infirmary. It was part of their unspoken system, after all: a kiss to the nose for a job well done, a kiss to the cheek in show of personal gratitude, and a kiss to the forehead for healing and strength. And he’d been receiving plenty of the latter over the past few days, because he was too stubborn for his own good and kept refusing painkillers, assuring the doctors through gritted teeth in a strained voice that he felt PERFECTLY okie-dokie, thank you very much.
(“I can’t bust out of here if I’m too loopy to see past my own nose!” he’d reasoned, tapping his nose in emphasis. “You can’t bust out of here with a broken femur either,” Luigi had fired back, and Mario simply muttered something about wills and ways.)
But this kiss broke tradition. There had been no healing magic behind it, no psychological benefits that he could reap from it in his sleep. No, this kiss had been entirely selfish, conveyed all the things Peach wanted to say but couldn’t quite find the resolve to, not yet.
Thank you for not leaving me.
That thought alone had been swirling about her head every waking moment of the past four days, among a myriad of others. “He’s gonna be okie-dokie, don’t you worry!” Luigi had been quick to say, turning her away from his pale, bruised body swaddled in bandages already soaked red. “Mario, he’s a tough guy, and I’m no good at lying, you know? So if I say he’s gonna be okay, he’s definitely gonna be okay.”
Even while shaken to the very edge of her limit, Peach had been able to tell he was saying that as much for his own sake as hers, so she clasped his hands in hers and promised to help in any way she could.
It hadn’t been Bowser, not this time, and it wasn’t her life he’d nearly given his own for. Peach wasn’t sure if she could live with herself had the circumstances been any different.
“You look so sad,” Mario noted, inadvertently pulling Peach from her brooding. “Do I need to start telling bad jokes again?”
I've got a few more disjointed sections written out, but that's the longest cohesive section. What do y'all think? Worth reviving?
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 1 year
Honestly, I think my Twisted Wonderland timeline may be messed up because the Age of Gods in TWST was 100 years ago and that Lilia is over 600...
I probably got my hands on the wrong info though so please correct me but yeah, Age of Gods was 100 years ago.
So either Twisted Wonderland is an entirely new world that speedran all of its advancements or I'm just dumb 😭😭😭
Honestly I believe that Twisted Wonderland has to be 2000 years old at most judging by the timeline, my question is how did they come up with so many advancements. Was it solely the Shroud family or Fae?
I do think it's funny that Lilia was born before the Age of Gods.
I don't think the Age of Gods for TWST were a hundred years ago, it was S.T.Y.X that was founded a hundred years ago and if i recall correctly its actually because its a fairly new branch after the previous head of S.T.Y.X died.
Mostly because they say the Blot Phantoms they house are over a thousand years old, though I understand how it can be confusing considering we don't have a direct timeline and because of what Trein says about how we're in Year One of magic.
It's crazy to think that Lilia is younger than S.T.Y.X in that respect but I guess war ages you.
However, I do think that TWST did have an upperhand, so to speak, with its development, especially in regards to Fae, and I'd argue that a lot of advancements are due to Fae being proactive—which is why the Valley of Thorns hinges on Malleus learning from Night Raven.
Because Fae live to see entire civilizations rise and fall in what seems to be a blink to them, they tend to stagnate. Finding the advancements they made hundreds of years ago to still operate so why change it.
Which is why I truly and utterly believe that Briar Valley houses some of the richest history and museums of every culture, civilization, and even languages long gone.
To sum up my thoughts—Malleus is meant to propel Briar Valley forward. Everything that he learns and will learn helps aid in the new age of Briar Valley. Part of me believes Maleficia had been her millenia's New Age, and Mallenoa would've been as well had she not been killed. [I genuinely feel faint knowing that Mallenoa was just a princess when she died.]
The concept of Maleficia being a "modern" God is extremely interesting, because the implications that one day Malleus will succeed her in power makes my head spin—especially in consideration of what he's doing in his Overblot, to think there is someone stronger than him just vibing is...
And that's not even getting into the fact that she is still in her prime as a Dragon Fae with 1000+ years under her belt. Literally no one is touching her except Malleus.
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rottiens · 3 months
Tw for nsfw gif
This is so Priest Toji imo
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