#so I feel like they're still being used on contexts outside of tumblr. but it does not elevate my opinion of them
llycaons · 11 months
did you know ppl still genuinely use the term 'anti' as in anti-fan or anti-show and there are people who still tag anti x in the character/show tags? in 2023. I thought we'd moved past this as a culture quite frankly
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yonpote · 2 months
I feel like people are conflating continuing the joke with invading their privacy… like no one is stalking them or sneaking pictures or bothering their friends and family asking about them we’re just continuing their joke that they set up within our fandom space. Which is exactly as we should be doing imo
yeah exactly. like i think when outsiders dont understand that we are in on the bit that makes some sense, but when it's PHANNIES especially phannies who joined post coming out???? it seems strange.
oh i didnt really explain why this kinda behavior is homophobic as well. (disclaimer: me calling an action homophobic is not the same as me calling an individual homophobic.) a lot of ppl use pj and sophie as a direct comparison straight couple example. pj has only directly called sophie his girlfriend once, and it was in the context reading someone's poorly written article about him lmao. otherwise, its known that they met in uni, have lived together since then, have worked on nearly every kickthepj project together, and generally their on screen energy is really sweet and funny. they also have a cat together and call themselves a family. it's not a stretch to say they're together in the slightest. in fact, it is just natural to assume so.
BUT when dnp who are now publicly out, have been very open about how much they mean to each other, have lived together since dan was in uni, have worked on nearly every project together (even in solo projects the other would help out behind the scenes), have a clear on camera chemistry together, had co-parented a fish, a pigeon, and several houseplants and possibly plan to get a dog or other pet in the future... suddenly it's wrong to assume anything.
i understand the fear that may come from having been in the phandom since when they were closeted and it was much harder to talk about it without seeming like youre aligned with stalkers or ppl who harassed their families or dnp themselves to reveal more information, but thats not the case anymore, and ESPECIALLY if you discovered them post-gay, it's such a flimsy argument to say anyone is breaching privacy in that way.
now there are still some like unspoken basic decency and boundary rules. you probably shouldnt be @'ing them in your smutfics or even your pretty innocent theories about them being super duper in gay love. dnp themselves understand that if they aren't being @ tagged in something, it's probably not meant for them to see, and even acknowledged that in the twitter memes video. but us talking about it in our own spaces, especially on tumblr where they arent on as much but also on twitter BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THEYRE NOT MEANT TO SEE IT, is not the same as being like hey @/danielhowell @/amazingphil do you fuck nasty i gotta know if you fuck nasty. (but even if i were to do that, i feel like its very clearly a joke lmao)
so like just dont worry about it, if you still personally dont like seeing ppl talk abt this stuff regardless, you can mute and block people, you can blacklist tags, you can curate your own experience to fit your needs and you dont need to harass other people into suiting your needs.
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cactuslester · 2 months
“Don’t you get tired of over qualifying your words for random people on the internet” YES GOD SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you anon! like i really feel this so hard because like i know we often can't help caring what other people think and can't help feeling like we need to overexplain ourselves for a myriad of reasons, some of them being that social media culture has bred such an environment of like constantly performing and being scrutinized and scrutinizing others to see who is saying exactly the right thing in exactly the right way, and it's like, of course it's always important to be aware and thoughtful about what we say and how we conduct ourselves, but really sometime the black and white mentality goes too far, and learning how to distance yourself and care less about what others think is honestly so vital to enjoying your internet experience and feeling free
and when it comes to the phandom and talking about dnp's relationship specifically, i think a lot of people (mostly outside of tumblr, i feel like most of us here Get It) are still stuck deep in that ~2012-2016 mindset. and like i get that era did a number on a lot of us, but dnp themselves have moved on, and we're allowed to move on too. like so many people on here have already said, it's perfectly natural to think dnp are in a relationship because, lbrh, they've made it pretty much as clear as they can make it without outright saying it. dnp are very aware of how we as a fandom operate and think and know that right now, they're existing in a space where they can be just short of being explicit about their relationship, such that those who actively keep up with their content Know What's Up, but it's not enough for any tabloid site to pick up and run an article on and get the public spotlight trained on them again. given that, i think it's fair for us to pick up what they put down, and anyone in the year 2024 jumping down people's throats for saying they're together just looks silly, and it's time that everyone who still cares about what those people say to just stop caring
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(im the anon that said regression is not nsfw)
oh okay i get it kind of :thumbs_up:
do u talk abt potty training stuff on ur main age regression acc too or is it just this one? cuz if u do i might follow idk hehe
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okay, I thiiiink these are the same person? Probably? Unclear. I'll answer both here, for clarity.
1 - No, I don't talk about potty training stuff on my main, not anymore. I moved those posts here a couple of years ago. The only content that's there are maybe some reblogs from other regressors.
2 - Okay, first of all, age regressors did NOT come up with those terms, nor do they have exclusive rights to use them. Those terms have been used by people for, like, ever. Parents calling their kids "little ones", family members calling out "littles, come over here!" to refer to any younger members, the obvious origins of "mom" and "dad" and their variants, and "caregivers" being tied to both people who care for babies, children, the elderly, and those with disabilities.
If anything, age players have more rights to the terms "littles" and "caregiver" in the context that we're using on this site. They're the ones who originated/popularized them. I know this because I was here, on this site, in 2016, when age regressors decided to split off from the sfw age play community, and there was legitimately tons of discourse about who had the "right" to those terms.
(who here remembers the chire and the other handful of communities that attempted to exclude anyone who liked the parental nicknames and the usage of the word "little" in their regression? I do. god, do I remember. this is the main reason that a lot of old regression blogs specify that they're "community free regression")
Second, I... don't? Tag anything here as ageplay? Everything here is just tagged with omo tags, then with assorted organizational tags - there is nothing here tagged with agere or ageplay - just posts that use the very vague term of "little" and the other term of "caregiver" within the post itself.
(which, I just feel the need to repeat, is a word that even normies use!! my own parents, aunts, and uncles call me and my cousins littles!!! Outside of that, "Littles" is a shared community term!! Littles and Caregivers, as we use them, originated from Dominant Daddy/Mommy and Little Boy/Little Girl - it's the gender neutral version!! Cg/L! Regressors are the ones who decided to keep it!! Because it's vague!! That's intentional!!)
But, yeah, you're allowed to feel your feelings, and, honestly, the fact that you're uncomfortable with the "playing grown-up" tag is something that I anticipated when I made that tag - that it might make people uncomfortable! But, I've been working on making my own boundaries and enforcing them, while not immediately catering to make other people comfortable at the detriment of my own comfort/space.
This is my blog. People didn't like when I put non-sexual omo on my agere blog because it helped me regress. That's okay, and even I became uncomfortable with it after a while, so! I made this blog! It's not my agere blog. It's my soft omo blog. It's nsfw and for adults only. And, only just recently, I decided to take advantage of those two facts and put some other nsfw posts here. I do not want to make yet another sideblog for the handful of "icky" posts I'd like to reblog, especially when this blog is already here.
A nice thing about Tumblr is that tags are now blockable, so if, for some reason, you wanted to follow me still, you'd still be able too view all my other posts while excluding that specific tag. Or you can block me, if you wanted to - you curate your own online experience, and I'll hold no ill will towards you for making sure that you're comfortable and safe.
As for saying thats someone can't be both an age regressor and an age player? Literally what are you talking out????? Huh???? Do you think that adults can't age regress and slip into the mindset of a child while also being capable of, while in adult headspace, in a consensual relationship, roleplay as a child for sexual gratification??? Those are two different things!!! Ageplay is roleplay, and as such, one is capable of adult things! Agere is someone slipping into the headspace of a child!! Healthy communication with one's partner makes it clear what's okay in one headspace and what's okay in the other!!!
I'm not even an ageplayer and even I know that it's possible to do both 😭😭😭 and I just read fanfiction and people's actual blogs!!
As for your sign off, um. Okay? I don't even interact with a.geredips posts and blogs.... even if they're very relevant to me and my regression! Not even with my main!! (I'm also very shy and timid and a bit scared to interact) And, on my main, if people who follow me start breaking people's DNI, I literally softblock or block them - if they can't follow people's boundaries, then they can't interact! I'm just one blog, and I doubt that if anyone wanted to demonize age regressors, they need any help from me - people who deliberately mistag are probably more than enough tbh.
Ageplay and age regression, like it or not, was cut from the same cloth - a cloth made out of a gradient from black to white, with shades of grey all in between. Like a baby blanket! Black/ageplay and ABDL on one side, white/agere on the other, with you and me and my friends and mutuals somewhere in the middle, all spread out across!
Plenty of adults don't think anyone should return to the comfort of childhood things, and look at the whole blanket with scorn and disgust. Cutting off more and more of the blanket, because you think that my grey isn't as palatable as your grey, is not going to change these people's minds. Both of us live in the grey zone, and I personally think that by accepting more of the grey, our baby blanket will be strong enough to handle anything - even and especially people who think our blanket should be torn to shreds.
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ceruleanterrapin · 4 months
Another ramble about my singlet friend and what it's like being a fictive because I can
Context for people stumbling upon this: I'm a Leonardo fictive. I've been around for less than a year and a few days ago I met our body's childhood best friend for the first time
So simply put, being a fictive is hard. You miss your family, your skills, your home, your body, everything. Not just that, but most people will never understand any of that unless they have fictives too
But when I told my singlet friend I was a Leonardo fictive, you want to know the first thing she asked me? She asked, "Do you miss your brothers...?" And I'll be honest, I was shocked when she asked that. I just wasn't expecting her to see things from my perspective so easily. All I could reply with was "Yeah... I do.."
It was just... refreshing to have someone know what I'm going through. To have someone understand without me having to even explain a thing. She's a singlet yet she prompted all these questions. She understood
I was so scared of meeting her for the first time because I, Leo, have never met her before. Our body has known her since we were 4 years old, but I've only existed for less than a year. I wanted to make a good first impression and for her to like me. When I explained to her this she comforted me and said "I already like you! And not just the body— I like you, Leo."
When we finished talking, I stepped outside to get some fresh air and just to feel the wind on my face. Maybe I've lost everything. I've lost my family, my friends, my home. But, I've also gained things as well. I have another family now, I have new friends, and I have a new home. The pain will never go away from what I've lost, and it's still going to take a long time to adjust to my new life, but at least now I have people who understand me and my pains. I have someone who I can talk to and sees me as an equal, despite how... "weird" I may seem as a fictive. I mean I basically just told her I'm a person that thinks they're a turtle. Who wouldnt be weirded out? But she wasn't. She just treated me like any other headmate of ours. She even made a Tumblr specifically to talk to us since we've made separate blogs on here
Why did I write this? I'm not entirely sure. I guess I just wanted to show other systems that you CAN be yourself as a fictive/introject. You don't have to hide yourself from those who truly care about you. You're just as normal as any other headmate/alter
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aropride · 1 month
speaking of psychosis- i wasn't speaking of it here but i was speaking of it- i've been trying to figure out what was up with the great psychotic episode of freshman year, because i had assumed it was a trauma-induced psychosis type of deal, but it occurred to me that i was definitely having sort of thought broadcasting types of beliefs, probably some other stuff but i can't remember atm and don't feel like digging thru my old vent account lol. (ramble continues under the cut this got VERY long)
(line with text so tumblr doesn't eat the image. idk if it still does that but better safe than sorry)
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(the months with "2" are split into first and second half of the month bc it was relevant, couldnt figure out how else to signify that succinctly)
i cut out the labels of each belief for safety + in case that's triggering to ppl but each row is a different belief i had that in retrospect was probably some sort of delusion? top two are very similar but different enough i tracked them differently. bottom two might have just been anxiety+ptsd but i do really think they're connected to this
it was definitely at its worst mid nov-end of jan, but started in september and didn't really let up til like june
anyway like i said i had assumed it was a combination of trauma and being off my meds and isolation that made the perfect situation for me to go fucking crazy, but i hadn't really thought about it that hard . but now that i Am thinking about it, again, i was definitely having these kinds of beliefs before The Trauma
and in my past self's defense. one thing about my thought broadcasting beliefs specifically was that i was straight up being essentially cyberstalked at the time and didn't know, so i was completely right that certain people knew more about me than i had told them, but i was wrong about the reason why
anyway i was reading up on schizospec disorders for class (kind of. also just for fun) -- also important context schizophrenia does run in my family i think on both sides? but my parents are weird about talking about it. so that's part of this also.
but i noticed that of the three labels i was looking at- brief psychotic disorder, schizophreniform, and schizophrenia- (i didn't look into schizoaffective bc i dont think i have many bipolar symptoms, and didn't look into stpd bc i don't think it counts as a personality disorder if it lasts like 10 months lol, and delusional disorder because i do think i had some negative*&cognitive symptoms (*psych term meaning absence of things present in nonschizospec people, not literally just bad symptoms lol)-- though to be fair, that may have just been a combination of situational aspects & autism?)-- either way, it's not on this beautiful and awesome diagram in mspaint i made so i could illustrate the timeline aspect of the diagnostic criteria:
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bc a diagnosis of brief psychotic disorder requires symptoms to only last a month, and schizophreniform for 1-6 months, whereas schizophrenia is lifelong .
basically the problem is- while the worst part of my psychotic(?) symptoms lasted ~4months, they were definitely there in some form for around 10 months, which is too long for a diagnosis of schizophreniform, but i don't feel comfortable just, assuming it's schizophrenia lol, especially when most of the symptoms i experienced dont affect my life anymore? it does make me nervous though that this happened right around the typical age of onset.
this might just be a problem with diagnoses being too specific to cover the entire spectrum of human experience, and i might just be outside of any area where a specific label could be applied . also, i know it's been written about but not become an actual diagnostic label- but there are places where ocd and psychosis can over lap, and schizo-obsessive disorder has been suggested as a diagnostic label, but not officially used anywhere afaik..
i think my main concern at this point is just, whether or not i should be concerned about it coming back. like, is it possible to be in various stages of active psychosis(?? it still feels very strange to refer to it that way but i guess that's what it was, so) for ~4-10 months, and then just be chilling after. or should i be worried. was this a one-time thing starting because i was off my meds and being worsened by isolation and trauma or is there a possibility of this happening again. and i think that's a question that can't be answered with any certainty, probably
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
Hi there I was just curious if you’ve heard this podcast and what your thoughts are on it
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. I managed to find the podcast with Gen and Dave Hollis you mentioned, which is in this link here. This aired on 11/5/2020. I see the episode number is 119 and is titled "The Benefits of Slowing Down and Focusing on What Matters- with Gen Padalecki". A good friend of mine showed me that post and it really caught my attention based on the things I've been seeing in my divination readings, my personal observations, other posts like that one and others I have caught wind of here on Tumblr, etc. I'm going to give time stamps of some of the highlights I feel are worth sharing prior to discussing my thoughts on things.
2:10 Dave asked Gen what exactly makes her tick, how she got to where she is, and asked her to tell people "who the heck you are". "It's loaded um and I like it. That's such a great question because I feel like I'm coming into my own all of the sudden and so I feel that couldn't have come at a better time. I feel like I had this tough exterior kind of growing up but like internally had to be this good girl and you know I feel like now 39, 3 kids and I feel like what feeds me is being completely honest about my feelings and using my words to express myself. Not that I wouldn't but like I say to my kids (was a little hard to understand her here so I could be wrong about this portion) just being completely honest about my feelings and expressing that and I think what really makes me tick is finding ways that I can find happiness and for me that's my children who I didn't realize how much joy and insane love they bring to me and my husband. I also find little things like I love to read. I've just relearned how to read essentially through COVID and I am, it brings me so much joy and walking in nature and being outside, I'm really active. So things that really feed me and stimulate me and um, make me feel good. I feel like I've turned them. I don't know, you pay it forward. You know, you bring that energy with you."
4:30 (in the context of Dave and her discovering what really matters to them the most continuing from the last question): "This is the first time I lived with my husband. I know that sounds really crazy but my husband had been filming a TV show for 15 years in Vancouver so when all of this started you know he came down here. He had 2 episodes left and then that was the completion of the series. Personally, it meant that I had to live with him and deal with coparenting which was really stressful like the thought of it. And to make that work, and it was crazy because we were always in this tight bubble with just us and our kids and it really was simplifying. It was you know like the layers are gone. The interference is gone, drama is kinda out the window in a way, and we got to really simplify basic needs. It's so weird how much unlayering we had to do and that's what I'm finding through all of this is a lot of unlayering to get to the core".
6:15: Dave said "talk a little bit about the ways you have had to be creative in maintaining the relationship that you have, the love that you have with the distance that has historically existed and the complexity of what it means to do the work that you both do. To which Gen responded "yeah I think it's finding the little things and I always enjoyed having a long distance relationship with him. It's kind of silly 'cause like it's in some ways it's like this vacation you have when you're together and then they're gone and so it's almost like super- not superficial but but it's not realistic and when we were apart, what I would do is create boxes. I mean he still has this box from um when we first met he was a port drinker. And he had a bottle of this Pinto port that he loved and so I took the box and I put in you know love letters and n' what have you and then once we had kids you know it obviously gets a little more complicated and you're strapped but just making that time. It's so silly but it's work and you have to treat it as such but without it becoming monotonous I guess.
7:25 (con't from above) I'm finding creativity in that work and you have to work on, on that relationship and um find creative ways to 'cause you know especially after the two of use have been together for 12 years, we're really different people and you grow at different times and sometimes you are like "I really don't like you right now" and then the other person grows in a different direction and you kind of have to find the balance and that creativity to come back together and that commonality to come back together and you know..."
8:30: After David asked if she's enjoying descending into Austin after living in California: "I was born in California, I was born in the Bay area and then funny enough I moved to Montana. My parents said we're going on vacation and they moved us to Montana. So um I have memories of people throwing things at our car."
They apparently moved to Montana in 1994. This would make her either 12 or 13 when she moved.
11:36: "The one place I felt was the most formative was moving to Montana. And it's such a strange thing and I don't know if you've experienced this too where I had all these preconceived notions that as a spoiled California kid. You know not spoiled but just where this world was this bubble and moving to a place where in my mind I thought I was gonna ride a horse to school and have to carry a gun (with some oomph I might add ha ha) and you know I was like who are these people? and, it was the one place in my life that was so challenging and so difficult. To get through that and through the other side. I have the best memories, I'm still trying to go back. I'm trying to get Jared to go back and I'm like "we gotta figure out a way to get back to Montana just because".
Turns out she lived there for 2 years and then her and her family moved to Idaho.
13:30: she mentions here that her college counselor in Idaho told me his advice and I'll never forget it was to "pick a college that made me uncomfortable, just uncomfortable enough you know to where I would have to figure stuff out but not too uncomfortable to where you want to leave. I still take this advice with me to every day. I really feel that to find discomfort because that's where you learn. You know, you look deep and within yourself and have to get dark". She was talking in response to Dave's discussing his son's fear of not winning his class president election by saying "and especially now as a kid learn these lessons now. You don't want to wait until you're in your 20s to suddenly get uncomfortable. Get over it now, get over that hump, get over that fear of what people are thinking and letting that affect you and penetrate you and learn who you are now. Learn to fall on your face and get back up and keep on going."
21:20 Dave mentions Gen's first role as Kris Furillo who "was a troubled teen that worked at a horse ranch and as you said, you were born in LA, moved to Montana and then Sun Valley. It feels a little bit like art imitating life how does the saying go? I don't know but outside of the troubled teen part your career feels like it's mirrored a little bit with some of the moves you've made". Gen agreed saying "Yeah absolutely. You know what the craziest part is that so I was born in the Bay area and the same mountain. So this girl Kris Furillo steals this horse, she's sent to juvie or something and ends up going on this horse on this crazy ride up Mount Diablo and that's where I lived. So it's so crazy to be reenacting this story." She did say also "I don't know if I'm that troubled but I feel I felt the role at that time I think." She mentioned talking to Nicole and doing a rewatch and "reviving the show or something".
26:25 Dave asked Gen what it's like joining a show and then creating a life with them. He also was wondering about what it's like working with Jared while married and such. Probably the very best part of this whole thing in my opinion and what really made me want to watch this podcast from that post you shared Anon: "I was just talking to someone about this that my favorite relationship with him is a work relationship. Sometimes it's hard to be married to him because he's like, Jared is so interesting because he's so analytical. I mean my husband, I'm going to toot his horn because he's literally one of the smartest human beings I've ever met in my life and it's annoying because he will correct you on words you think he didn't even know. I have a book of SAT words just because I'm like I am going to get him. And so I'll just casually talk about something and use a crazy word in a sentence and he'll be like well you pronounced it incorrectly. It's so frustrating. Also in our marriage he's very giving and emotional and supportive. He's supportive in everything that I've done and I feel really lucky and grateful. I think even more so when it comes to work he is your biggest cheerleader and it's going to be a lot of time together. But funny enough, I think we'll be better at work than sometimes we are at home. Because I'm like, this is how the kids are, this is how I like them, this is the order htat I like things in. And it's hard for me to let go I think, at home. but at work, it's just a really nice exchange and I feel really lucky, and he'll sit there too. If he's not working, he'll take it, pull up a chair and talk on the phone and watch at me and I can hear him bragging about me and whether he's doing it for my benefit I don't know but it makes me feel good and I feel really lucky that he does stuff like that."
29:50 Now the second best part that wasn't mentioned in the post you shared Anon (where she responds to Dave's question about Jared being open about his struggles with anxiety). Paraphrasing here but she did admit here that both of them are in therapy for anxiety. She also said "but for us specifically we both are in therapy, actually all of us, the kids are in therapy as well. We feel really strongly like it's a workout. So you know We know we put so much emphasis on exercise." She talked about more emphasis on also exercising your brain.
39:00 (approximately, summarizing here): she talks about how for when she gave birth to Shep (in a bed) and Odette (water birth in the tub), she was in an Airbnb house in one of which the owner didn't even want guests to cook salmon. Also she started talking about how "the journey that you go through as a woman to get to that point, it just felt so in control and so giving [power]". This was in response to a question Dave asked Gen with regards to her giving birth naturally being a source of her strength. She did confirm Tom was a hospital birth where she had an epidural. She did admit also that they chose Seattle because it was closer to Vancouver for giving birth.
43:54 Gen is talking about how "their school has gone back yet and I really struggled to be honest with you [admitted she didn't send them back yet, and I'm assuming they did virtual schooling instead]. It was really challenging and I might just rip off the bandaid and put them in sports soon because I do worry about their mental health and for so long I've been like I have to do what's right for our community, I'm not gonna put anyone else at risk, we're in lockdown, our kids will not be in sports. And now I think I'm doing a disservice to my family. We've been at it now for what, 8 months? I'm like I gotta do something. So I certainly don't have the answers on this one." This was in response to a question Dave asked her during this tough how she and her family create "joy moments" with her kids during COVID-19 lockdown.
45:25 Dave asked Gen about the upcoming Walker Texas Ranger show "where is Chuck Norris when you need him?" Gen said "Yes I'm very, very excited and very humbled. I feel really lucky 1. to be able to work again, it's been a long time since I've been on a show and I also get to work opposite my husband and I get to play his deceased wife. I know we could have a field day with that one but I'm really, really excited and I've read the first couple lines of scripts, Jared shared them with me and I, I'm so, so excited for people to get their eyes on this show. I really feel that it's so well done, so well written it's so of the times and I just, I just feel it's so wholesome on the one hand and so like cutthroat and edgy on the flip side too and it's so fun".
46:51 Dave asked Gen his apparently standard end of the interview question "If there were one single takeaway that you could leave with this audience. An idea, a question, an actionable piece of advice that would help them have a little bit more peace, have them have a little more joy what is this single thing of a question that you would leave with our listeners today?" with which she answered "you know what I always say to my kids every day? I say 'say one good thing about yourself every day', and every morning when they wake up they have to say one positive thing about themselves. I started doing that with myself too and I feel that sets the tone for the day".
Now, onto my actual thoughts about this. Now when this podcast was aired it was in November 2020 during COVID. It's now March 25, 2024 as I am typing this and heard this entire podcast. I joined this fandom via joining Tumblr late December 2022 admittedly when I wanted to know more about why I was getting weird vibes about Jensen and Danneel's marriage as I had finished most of the series back then.
First thought finishing this particular podcast is "WELL Gen, you certainly were honest about your feelings here about Jared, weren't you?" I provided a link above for the other readers so they can hear it all for themselves outside of the partial transcript I gave above. I noticed that she talks about how much joy her children give her (not so much Jared but said her children bring her and her husband so much joy) but also heard some sources of her frustrations being with her husband. This may or may not sound "fair" to some people but she certainly has enjoyed a nice, comfortable cushy lifestyle minus the husband 9 or so months out of the year for most of their marriage and then suddenly now, she has to learn how to live with him. Oh my, what a concept of living with your husband finally...
I am a bit angry with her comment about "relearning how to read" for a couple reasons. I discussed in a Tumblr my problems with her answer about her literacy campaign question she got during the Jared and Gen Atlanta con earlier this year which was a few days before my 11 year anniversary from the day I uploaded my first YouTube video. My first YouTube video was about my struggles in school and even talked about how I essentially LEARNED how to read period, not this "relearning how to read" bullshit statement Gen made, as she had a bazillion books on her shelf in posts going back prior to 2019. I decided to make a Tumblr post and a video response going with my post talking about why there's plenty of things wrong with Gen's answer. In short, her views on literacy go back to thinking that literacy problems are more or less in far away lands only and definitely knows nothing about what it really means to be illiterate. I advise she uses her computer or phone to learn more about the same literacy statistics she spews out at times and learn about the REAL causes of illiteracy in both the developing and developed worlds.
I'm also concerned greatly about her admitting her and the kids are all in therapy. Again you guys, this podcast aired back on 11/5/2020. Why are her kids who were aged about 3, 5, and 8 at the time or so in therapy? Again, this was back in November 2020 when this podcast was aired so this is about how old the kids were at the time. "To exercise their brains" as she put it? Come on all, this is a joke right? You go to therapy to GET HELP FOR ISSUES not to "exercise the brain", I've had enough of this stupid "woke" shit. I'm sorry but just no.... I spent some of my childhood in speech and occupational therapy because I needed help with speech and sensory issues. I spent some of my time as a teen seeing a psychologist because I needed help with emotional issues. I also spend some of my time as an adult today in therapy because I need help overcoming emotional issues going back to my childhood and also admittedly from trauma I've endured in my adult years and frankly just can't seem to get a break from in my eyes. Hell, as an example of how wonderful my childhood was... I have such a sweet memory of being in 4th grade under the annoying fluorescent lights in my speech therapist's office "learning" how to pronounce words like "orange" and "banana" not long after she came into my classroom to gather me and threatened me saying "I will drag your ass out of this room if you don't come with me now". Good times... now why were/are her kids in therapy at such a young age? I don't know, I doubt it's just to "exercise their brains". So this is how you like your kids Gen? Going to therapy at such a young age from whatever issues they are going through, despite living such a comfortable cushy life with dad barely around most of the time? The gall of it, seriously... There are so many things wrong with this on so many levels but you know, I know now with real life confirmation of what I've suspected hearing it straight from the horse's mouth, there's something legitimately going wrong behind closed doors without her saying it...
And I am sorry but I MUST go revisit the statement of her favorite relationship with Jared being a work relationship. I discussed previously the timeline of their marriages here, which I concluded things went way too fast and frankly talked about how there's plenty of red flags with the whole deal. I also caught wind of some curious social media tendencies of his, his family's and hers discussed here that just can't be ignored or unseen. In another post here where I mentioned in a reblog the holiday Jared broke down on wanting to die was ironically enough Ascension Day, I took the liberty of taking photos out of Jared's chapter in the book "Family Don't End with Blood". It is in the context of this chapter that made me really start to question the Pada marriage more. "Why did Gen not stay behind with her troubled husband?" Being someone who has been in therapy since she was a kid apparently, she should know that it takes time for meltdowns, breakdowns, shutdowns, etc. to occur and that there are WARNING SIGNS of something going on especially with her own husband. I'm sorry, I don't accept the bullshit answers that it's because she barely knows her husband or "she didn't know". Nope, there are always hints something is amiss, she just chose to overlook them at this time. Nope nope and just nope.
Bottom line is, even though Gen's mom the childhood psychic Penny may have foretold Gen's future husband is going to be a producer per this podcast I wrote about here BUT what about the palmistry reading Jared got where he was told he was going to be rich but have a bad love life as I posted about here? Did these 2 psychics hear from other entities different things in their divine blueprints about their said unhappy marriage? Penny didn't talk about the unhappy side of things (how convenient and frankly typical of said demonic seers) and Jared's palm reader didn't divulge who he was going to marry but implied it won't be a happy love life for him. Hmm, this is one reason I can't stand demonic seers.
On an interesting note, the Bathroom Chronicles podcast is episode 11. Around the 1 hour 10 min marker (1h10min00sec or 1:10:00 as it'd read on a timer is when that psychic Penny and Gen talk about how she learned from her psychic friend about her future husband. Overall Bathroom Chronicles podcast length is 01:17:48. This Rise Together podcast you shared Anon is episode 119, which aired on 11/5/2020. Also in this video from one of the last JIB panels from last year around the 11:33 marker Gen hesitated to kiss Jared onstage after she crashed this panel, can't unsee that for sure. Ironically while they were discussing a book called "Happy Place" in this live stream filmed in May of last year, Jared was told by Gen "No, don't wear your hat" which his fans are aware is a source of comfort for Jared, his "happy place" in a sense. What on earth is with all of the 11s surrounding Jared and Gen? As a brief meaning of what 11 could mean per that link, "The angel number 11 has a deeper meaning – it’s all about spiritual awakening and higher consciousness. Your guardian angels try to get your attention, nudging you to explore your inner self. Additionally, the number 11 is a symbol of leadership and new beginnings." Hmmmm what new beginnings? I guess we shall find out one day....
Thanks for the share Anon!
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stoopid-turtle · 10 months
Hey loving your blog so far , am a new turtle just recently watched the untamed with my best friend. I'm 100% convinced they were definitely a thing during filming even now I still believe they are still together. My bestie on the other hand doesn't think they were anything more than friends. I tried my best to convince her but she thinks I falling to separate the actor's from their roles they were playing. My question to you is that do you ever sometimes think us turtles overthink too much or misinterpret what was going on between them ? Forgive my grammar English isn't my first language
Hi there! (Your English is perfectly fine!)
Yeah, I do think turtles overthink some things. There's a lot on YouTube that falls into this category, tbh. I can see how it happens. With all the bts, it feels like its own show that we can pore over, slow down, watch from different angles, decipher the TRUTH from it to reveal that bjyxszd.
But the bts aren't scripted. While they're endlessly rewatched by us, they were one moment in time for the guys. One moment in a long, exhausting day of work. Stuff we may think of as being intentional and meaningful may just as easily be random, off-the-cuff, and ultimately meaningless. Think about jobs you've worked where you get bored and tired during a long day. If you're like me, you and a coworker/friend will start talking nonsense to each other to get through it.
One friend/coworker and I made dinosaur noises at each other between taking calls in a call center. Yeah, idgi either. And because I'm a flirty bisexual, we'd make lewd gestures and kissy faces at each other sometimes for fun. She's straight, so it wasn't serious. I am aware that this dynamic is different between guys than between girls (in the US. I can't speak to China.), so I'm not saying that what happened between gg and dd is like me and my friend. Just to show that...sometimes stuff just gets weird. I wasn't nursing a secret crush on my friend or anything. It was just random time-wasting.
So yeah, I do think some stuff is misinterpreted. As I've noted, we see very little of what was happening bts, and there was a lot going on outside of whatever was happening between gg and dd. It's inevitable that some stuff will be misinterpreted.
This is why it took a while for me to come around to bjyxszd. And I resisted HARD. I'm skeptical by nature and I'm double-skeptical of things that sound too good to be true (like that a popular BL couple was played by actors who actually fell in love and are now together).
But at the same time, I came around. It took me spending many hours reading, watching, trying to translate, etc. Even then, I had to write out a novel in tumblr posts to lay out my thoughts to establish to myself that I'm not crazy on this. Like you, I'm 100% convinced that they were an item during filming.
So I was able to get past the stuff I think is a bit of a stretch to believe in it anyway. Now, it just means I smile at the stuff that does seem meaningful to me, and leave the other stuff for those that enjoy it. I don't want to single out any particular thing that I think isn't as significant as some people think it is, bc I don't want to ruin anyone else's fun. We're all turtles so regardless of what path we took or what convinced us, we're in the same boat. There's no point squabbling over the details.
Especially with the bts, which happened years ago at this point. Odds are, even gg and dd don't remember the context of any one clip at this point. So the TRUTH is impossible to know completely. It can be frustrating if you're like me and dislike ambiguity and uncertainty, but we're all in this pit together. We just have to enjoy what we've gotten and what we continue to get.
I'll also just say, don't stress too much about convincing your friend. I know it's frustrating when you want to squee about something but your bf isn't into it, but people tend to dig in their heels when someone tries to convince them of anything. There's also no need to do so. BJYXSZD regardless of if people believe in it or not. Find some other turtles and do your squeeing with them and when with your bestie, focus on what things you do share with them.
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guideoftime · 2 months
💕x 5
Five amazing people please follow them! Everyone deserves love!
▴ — @ourowndemise ;; Kohi, Ganon's carrd! One half of the most interesting gay dynamic I get to watch. I find you very interesting to watch, and the very long very detailed bio you have for your Ganon facinating. I know we haven't interacted or talked and part of that is my fault (I saw when you reached out and I at that time was really struggling RL and just never got back to your message I am so sorry) but I would really really like to try and figure out how Sheik and Ganon can interact. But outside of that I love seeing what you and Al come up with for Ganon and Kohga. I think they're absolutely adorable when they interact.
▴ — @rage-reloaded ;; Eli, muse list! A very, very lovely and very talented individual that I have completely screwed up with because of my inability to focus lately and respond to poor Ravio. The asks that Eli has answered for me have been on point and fantastic. Ravio is one of my favorite Zelda characters and he is my favorite "version" of Link. I know it gets complicated with him being a mirror conterpart for Link but I firmly believe him to be a "Link" and a "Hero" no matter what Ravio himself thinks and Eli plays him wonderfully in what I have seen. I really want to interact with you and him more, I would love to get a thread with him going properly or just to talk! To work out a plot for the two of them! Thank you so much for still following me and always feel free to pester Sheik too with whatever you want! You are a joy to see on my dash and the art I've seen you do is lovely too!
▴ — @devotedsheikah ;; Liz & Impa's Carrd. A very new friend, a very new follower, admittedly I have not played much of AOC to know a lot about this Impa and her character but what I have seen of you on the dash has been very entertaining! Sheik will always have respect for Impa regardless of the universe she is in and I truly do believe the two of them can have a very lovely familial relationship if you're ever interested in talking things out about them!
▴ — @twilitae / @legacyshero ;; Kheppie & Twi's carrd , Wild's carrd. You are a very lovely and interesting individual. I mean the interesting part in the most positive way possible too. Everything you make is so visually appealing and beautiful to look at, your graphics, icons, and even the formating you do on your blogs is incredible. I can't even begin to imagine the work that goes into all of that, I can't even be bothered to format a different color of font than the options tumblr gives us because it's so tedious to me. So I entirely admire the dedication and work that goes into doing all of that. On another note, your style of writing is very creative and eye catching. The poetic aspect of it is very admirable and I know I could never write that way personally it is pleasing to read. Despite following each other for (maybe a year at this point) we haven't had the chance to write together and I really hope at some point we do, or just to plot something out! I love seeing you on the dash and the things you do!
▴ — @skygraced ;; Rinn & Zelda's carrd! Welcome back! You and Bianca are the entire reason I have attempted to play Skyward Sword (despite struggling to stare at Link's big puffy lips and wanting to choke Fi out). I knew absolutely nothing about that game and from playing it I haven't really learned much more than I started with, so I can firmly say that the context and actual plot you guys have to play off of really doesn't seem like much and what you have taken from all of that and run with is incredible. I love seeing you on the dash, I love the little banter that Sheik and Zelda have developed and whenever you finally settle and back I would love to have an actual thread go! I think Zelda and Sheik can have really adorable interactions with their shared love of the harp. After we get past his panic over her being an actual goddess.
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femmespoiled · 2 years
Hi Bella! 💖
I don't know if you've already made a post about this before, but I was wondering if maybe you could explain the definitions and the difference between a high femme and a stone femme?
Thank you so much! I appreciate your efforts to bring butch/femme dynamic education to the tumblr community 💖💖 you're amazing and I admire you so much 🥰
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Hi, first of all, I apologize for how long it took me to answer this, your ask got to me in the midst of a lot of drama going on around here and I had to take a little break to feel confident as a femme again, before I talked about this, so once again, I'm sorry. Also, thank you, you're very sweet ♥️
I think there are a few factors involved here*. There are a few meaning to those words that have been widely popularized in lgbtq+ spaces, therefore depending on what kind of circles you ask about it, you'll get different answers and I'm not here to talk about whether that's right or wrong and my feelings about it, though it may happen, we'll see.
So let's start with the definitions commonly used outside of our little butch/femme community. I think these are heavily, if not almost entirely, influenced by the futch scale and let's be honest that was a disservice to the butch/femme community at large, because high femme in said scale is portrayed only as a hyper feminine aesthetic/fashion choices/love for makeup etc, and while again some femmes do feel comfortable with that and love makeup, are hyper feminine, we're not an aesthetic and i speak about my frustration because daily, I explain to people that (I'm very grateful to everybody who takes my clarifications well, but that's not always the case). In the same scale, stone butches are depicted also entirely as an aesthetic, as this hyper masculine, hard aesthetic, aggressive and dominant etc and while that some butches may be ok with that, that's not what a stone butch is about either in my circles and in my community, unfortunately I feel that can bleed into femme as well, because they see stone and assume the same stereotypes they would for stone butches.
I feel strongly that a lot of these people who use those meanings regarding high femme/stone femme, see the meanings as valid and sure, that's ok, I guess (?), but I don't think they have an understanding about butch/femme (bar culture), our history, our community and how these are still used by us. While I'm here, I'll be the first to admit, we're not the only ones using butch and femme, they do have other contexts, but here I'm talking about butch/femme in sapphic spaces and the usage of those in said places.
Now that we covered that, around here in this community, in my experience*, both of those (high femme and stone femme) mean the same, they are sexual roles and sexual boundaries. When we talk about identities like butch and femme and say explicitly that they involve social, erotic, emotional reasons and contexts, stone terms are part of the erotic contexts.
High femme/stone femme/(even pillow princess sometimes) means a femme who has certain boundaries when it comes to giving or touching their partner(s) in a sexual situation, someone who doesn't like/feel comfortable/would rather not touch their partner(s) in certain ways for whatever reason they might have, it's important to understand that each stone femme has their own subjective boundaries and what, and to what extent, they're comfortable with, so you shouldn't assume one size fits all, same goes for stone butches. The counterpart of stone femme is a stone butch and that is a butch who has boundaries regards receiving/being touched by their partner(s) in sexual situations, a butch who doesn't like/feel comfortable/would rather not be touched in certain ways for whatever reason they might have. Oh and yes, doesn't have to be because of trauma, I have seen before people saying that stone femmes are only valid if their boundaries are attached to trauma, that's not true, you are allowed to just have boundaries, you're allowed to not want to do something, more importantly, you shouldn't be doing something you don't want in bed, all you need is someone compatible with you, same goes for stone butches, of course.
Stone butch and stone femme, in that order, can get confused with stone top: a person who is exclusively a top and also has boundaries around being touched and receiving during sex; and stone bottom: a person who is exclusively a bottom and has boundaries pertaining to giving during sex.
Can a butch be a stone bottom or a femme be a stone top? Absolutely. The first two sexual roles, stone butch and stone femme, as far as I'm concerned, are related to and pertain to the butch/femme identities and relationships, now the last two any person regardless of their identity can use.
While I'm here, I'll also clarify that being a bottom doesn't mean you're submissive, bottoms can be dominant and that's perfectly fine, being a top also doesn't mean you're dominant, tops can be submissive and that's also perfectly fine. And this one is important, being stone doesn't mean you're aggressive, dominant, any of that, it's about your boundaries. Top, bottom, vers =/= dominant, submissive, switch.
Another important thing about high femme and stone femme is that because of the widely popularized uses of these words and terms outside of our community I've seen femmes, myself included have a subjective relationship to those terms, for example, I prefer stone femme because I feel that it is less likely to get misunderstood by the meaning/stereotype that bothers me the most regarding to this, which is the "aesthetic", a lot of femmes prefer high femme, for the same and for whatever other personal reason, we have our own subjective relationships to it navigating this community, a lot of the time because of our desire to be understood. I hope this makes sense ♥️
*disclaimer: being a stone femme doesn't make me an expert or authority on the subjects, this is my experience and my knowledge.
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screechhermit · 2 months
Earthbread Mechanics - Combat 1/?
So first post of many here. I'll say this now, most of the posts about this will not be in order as they're just going to be whatever is on my mind at the time. Today its some aspects of combat. Some of these ideas are pulled from a bunch of different places with a lot of them coming from Kingdom as its the main game with combat, and I haven't played Tower yet, so I'll get into the stuff I'm pulling from there first.
In theory each Cookie would have a class(charge, defense, magic, etc) with this only really effecting the skills and what toppings they should use(I'll get into those in a bit). Outside of that Cookies would all have a main melee attack along with a ranged/magic attack depending on the Cookie.
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So Toppings, another bit from Kingdom yes I know, but I find them as interesting as a mechanic. In essence they function the same as Artifacts from Genshin but we aren't going there. Anyway in this hypothetical game they would function the same way that they do in Kingdom. You'd equip a max of five to your Cookie, with each kind having differing effects on stats.
Resonant Toppings
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Additionally I want to touch on Resonant Toppings briefly. I love the idea of them, with sets meant for specific groups of Cookies. However, I feel that Kingdom initially kind of dirty, with Moonkissed and Trio Toppings both being no longer available yet we can still get Tropical Rock, Draconic, Sea Salt, etc. Even in limited amounts they are still available to us. In this case I would imagine the different varieties would simply only be obtainable depending on the region of the world. Moving on!
Crystal Jams
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So I have an issue with their inclusion into Kingdom. While in concept they are very cool, honestly would've preferred for Legendary Cookies to just have Magic Candies. However I don't want to remove them outright because there is an aspect I like about them for use in a party style of combat. These being the Rally Effects they have when a Cookie possessing one is in your party. An item in game that provides buffs to your whole party is very fun. But changing them from their form in Kingdom is how to obtain them and how they would be used. Firstly I'd keep them in their first stage form as the simpler design just looks nicer. I'll go more into them in another post as this is getting long as is.
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So this aspect is something I just find fun for games sake. It does also make strategies for what Cookies to have on your party. Having Elements assigned to Cookies in an open world rpg does feel very cliche but it also just feels correct to me to include.
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Elements can tie into so many other aspects of gameplay in a variety of ways. Plus they're also just fun to look at, all the pretty colors and fun symbols for each one. I do find it interesting that of the ones currently in the game, they all seem to tie into an Ancient, Legendary, or Dragon Cookie. So putting that into the context of the other three Ancients, four Dragons, and the other nine Legendaries, it leaves a lot of gaps in the Elements to get filled. Sleep for Moonlight Cookie, Wind for Wind Archer Cookie obviously. I could see some kind of Space or Star Element for Xylitol Nova Cookie and the likely four other Nova Cookies. We all know its inevitable, Devsis loves to release higher rarity Cookies in sets of five. This isn't even considering the Beast Cookies yet. But that's for another post.
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With all of those thoughts planted into the realm of Tumblr for all to see, I bid you all a good evening as its getting late on my end as I type this. Thank You and Goodnight!
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savior-of-humanity · 1 year
Thinking about details for a Las Plagas infected verse for Leon/Ashley..
(putting this under the cut because This Is Going To Get Fucking Long)
So, the verse itself ('glorias las plagas; infected verse') wouldn't be just for the Las Plagas parasite, as it'd also cover AUs involving the other viruses in the RE verse like the Golgotha/G-Virus, but for the sake of this post we're gonna be focusing solely on Las Plagas itself. But first I'm going to ramble about the parasite.
In the events of Resident Evil 4, both Leon and Ashley become infected at the hands of Los Illuminados. And their symptoms actually get pretty severe into the later part of the game, signalling the significant progression of their parasites.
Right up to when they finally manage to remove the parasites, I think they (or at least Leon, considering that he was infected first before Ashley) were literally on the verge of losing their humanity and succumbing to the parasite - mainly due to the severe hallucinations Leon's getting at this point as he quite literally shambles into the lab with Ashley in his arms. Relevant scene for context/visual example.
I don't really know how the Las Plagas parasite mutates its hosts, but I would imagine the mutations it creates aren't just physical extensions of the parasite's body but actual mutations to the host's body, with prominent examples being El Gigante, Del Lago, Colmillos, Jack Krauser, and Osmund Saddler. There's also the fact that human-animal hybrid monsters like Novistadors and Verdugo exist, which interestingly enough are human-insect hybrids controlled by Las Plagas. I'm not exactly sure what sort of DNA went into the creation of these two in particular but I would imagine there would've been some tampering with the DNA of the parasite.
Something to also note is that there are actually different strains of Las Plagas canonically; the "submissive" strain, which is the original/natural strain that most enemies in the game (such as the Ganados/villagers) are infected with, and the "dominant" strain, which seems to be an altered version of the parasite that allows the host to control those infected with the submissive strain. To my knowledge, Krauser, Saddler, and Salazar were infected with the dominant strain.
So, anyways, back to the actual verse itself.
Since we know that the parasite induces mutations into its host, the "default" version of the verse would mainly consist of the idea that, while Ashley + Leon are free from the parasite's influence, it still left something behind in their bodies due to the infection having progressed so far. Specifically, DNA 'packages' - full of genetic material that the parasite would have used to twist their bodies as it deemed fit.
Whether from outside influence or on their own, these DNA payloads would activate, releasing a huge surge of genetic material that would, of course, result in significant mutations. There's actually a lot of takes on what a Las Plagas-infected Leon would look like (which you can find pretty easily if you search for it on tumblr) so I want to try and be unique-ish in my own take on him (and Ashley).
Since there's no parasite trying to control them, they'd actually have control over how their mutations present themselves - but they aren't going to get the hang of it from day one. I imagine it's a gradual thing; the first few times they mutate, they're basically going to be manifesting the full potential of their genetic potential. Obviously, since it's not only extremely painful but also turning them into walking killing machines, it'd only really occur in a high-stress life-or-death situation. After that though, they get the hang of it over a long but gradual process, until eventually they can reach a point where they can just spontaneously mutate whatever they want (granted that they are able to mutate it in the first place), whenever they want.
As for what these mutations would actually look like; I don't feel like drawing full-body references right now so I'll try and give a brief summary of the most significant features in a "full-manifestation" state of mutation. Maybe with some sketches thrown in too.
For Leon;
He'd have two sets of large insectoid mandibles within his mouth (normally folded against the actual jawbone/teeth), which are capable of protruding quite far out for serious chomping action. Think of it as a weird cross between the mandibles of Elites/Sangheili (Halo) and the mandibles of tarantulas. When they're folded up, the tips of the fangs stick out from his lips a little bit.
There's a lot of thick, chitinous plating on his body. While it doesn't cover his entire body, it's mainly present along his spine, the ribs, his outer thighs, and along his arms. Everything below the knees and elbows, however, become almost completely chitinous. He gets toe/finger beans however.
He gets a tail. It's basically a cross between the tail of a Verdugo and the tail of scorpions like the thick-tailed scorpion. In its 'default' state it's about 6 feet in length, but it can actually stretch to as far as 13 feet long - the chitin does not stretch along with it, though, so there's a lot of sections of exposed muscle that can leave it vulnerable to damage.
He gets an extra pair of mantis-like pincer-limbs that normally lie at rest folded up on his back, but can spring out into action for gripping onto surfaces or stabbing enemies.
The hands and feet remain human-like in structure but the digits become a lot stronger and somewhat elongated. Combined with him getting straight-up claws and he can climb walls with no issue most of the time.
For Ashley;
She'd basically get a lot of the same features as Leon; chitin plating, a tail (though hers is much smaller, can't elongate, and lacks a bladed stinger), extra limbs (which are, again, smaller and not so deadly), and claws. She lacks the mouth-mandibles however, and gets a pair of wings that resemble that of a moth's but are much more durable in comparison.
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Can we see the Violetshine quote list
ASKLDJSALKJDAS SURE!!! (for context anon is talking abt an ask i sent to @/wc-confessions talking abt violetshine warriorcats where i mentioned i have a quote list for her LMAOOO)
this list is a combination of quotes said by her and quotes relating to her!! just stuff that rly hit me in the mentally ill kinnie brain aksljkldjf (putting under the cut to avoid this post getting unnecessarily long LOL. also all the quotes r screenshots but bc tumblr doesnt let u post more than 10 pics im gonna write em all down manually lol)
Besides, Ratscar's words were still gnawing at Violetkit too sharply to allow her to concentrate on Littlecloud. She's not really one of us, is she? She'd heard the skinny, dark brown elder's meow as she passed the elders' den that morning. He was talking about me.
Darktail stared at her. "What's it like living with Clan cats when you know you're an outsider?"
She tried not to remember how lonely she felt in the Clan. How Pinenose's kits ignored her. How she wasn't allowed near Grassheart's kits in case she passed on an infection. "They try to make me feel welcome." Her breath caught in her throat. Don't they? Darktail leaned closer. "And yet you don't."
I'm not wanted here. I never truly was.
Twigpaw only comes to see me when she wants something. She hasn't tried to find me in the four moons since I left. Hasn't she been worried about me? She huffed to herself. She thinks her needs are more important than anyone else's.
Anger surged through her. Did no cat want her? She'd spent her life being passed around by other cats. First Alderpaw had taken her from her mother's nest. Then Rowanstar had snatched her from ThunderClan. Then Needletail had taken her to the rogues. This was the first time she'd had any choice in the matter, and she was choosing ShadowClan. They were lucky!
She searched Violetpaw's gaze for a reaction, but Violetpaw seemed unmoved. Pity swamped her. When had Violetpaw stopped expecting to be loved?
"Oh, Twigpaw." Sympathy flooded Violetpaw's gaze. "You always want to be close to some cat." "Don't you?" Twigpaw frowned, puzzled. "I guess I just didn't think it was possible."
"Let's never forget we have each other. We're kin, and that's stronger than being Clanmates or denmates. We'll always be close. Nothing will ever change that."
She didn't understand. Twigpaw had said she wanted to be close to her. They'd talked about being sisters--how that was more important than anything. You made me trust you!
"You can't leave!" she wailed. Twigpaw stared at her from among her Clanmates. "I can't stay." Why not? Fury surged through Violetpaw. Why had Twigpaw begged to stay close if she was just going to leave?
Violetpaw bit into her mouse, stung by Twigpaw's words. Violetpaw has always been sensitive. Her sister hadn't meant them meanly but it felt like a criticism.
Violetpaw glanced back at him. Talking about Pebbleshine seemed to have made him happy, even though she was dead. Was that how it was when you lost someone you loved? Her thoughts drifted to Needletail. Even thinking of her friend made Violetpaw's chest tighten with grief. I could never talk about Needletail happily. Not after what happened.
"You're abandoning me again!"
"You left me when we were in ShadowClan. And you're leaving me now. All for your precious ThunderClan! What's so special about them? They're just a bunch of meddling know-it-alls. Why do you want to be with them instead of me?"
"I don't care!" Violetshine hissed. "I don't care if you're not happy! What about me? Why am I never allowed to be happy?" Her eyes rounded as though she realized what she'd said. Her body shook. She dropped her gaze. "I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I just believed that everything was finally going to be the way I dreamed it would be."
Hawkwing pressed against them, soothing Violetshine with a gentle stroke of his tail. "Twigpaw is right," he meowed softly. "We will always be kin. We'll miss Twigpaw, but isn't it better to know she's found where she belongs than to live with her knowing she wishes she were somewhere else?" Violetshine lifted her glistening gaze. "I just wish she wanted to be with us," she mewed thickly.
He'll probably decide to move on, she told herself, trying to ignore the hollow feeling in her chest. Just one more cat who leaves me behind, whether he means to or not.
"He is," Violetshine admitted. "A bit like you. Except he follows through."
Twigpaw gasped, stung by her sister's words. "Look," she meowed, "I'm sorry about leaving SkyClan, but I just didn't belong there, as much as I wanted to." When there was no response from Violetshine, she asked, "Haven't you ever felt that way?" "More times than I would have liked," Violetshine sighed.
"This is for Needletail!"
Anger surged in Twigbranch's chest. "But you can't leave me!" She glared at Violetshine. "How can you go after all we've been through?" Violetshine stared back at her in surprise. "But you left me, over and over."
Rootpaw had heard stories about Darktail and his Kin, and how they had nearly destroyed ShadowClan. And he knew that for a while his mother had been part of the Kin, and that she had eventually helped to destroy it. But Violetshine had always refused to talk about it. Too raw, too painful, Tree had explained to him and Needlepaw.
"I can't do it," she meowed. "I worked too hard to find my kin. I could never leave Hawkwing."
"But if Bramblestar is violet toward other cats, especially those in his own Clan - cats he is supposed to care for - then he must be stopped." Her voice shook a little as she added, "I learned about that from Darktail."
Rootpaw stared at his mother. She must feel very strongly to mention Darktail. Normally she never talks about that part of her life.
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boileddogchicken · 1 year
i feel like most blorbos of mine that qualify as oc's are ones made within the context of either a ttrpg or a video game, that's cool and all but i should try to make one not confined by any particular setting tbh, although knowing me i'll inevitably turn said character into someone within something anyways i still have thoughts about the thirsty sword lesbians campaign i gm'ed even though it's over, one of the npc's has become the template for so many characters i've made, so there's the original one, there's the star wars 5e one, the dungeons and destiny one, there's like half of a pathfinder one (i need to play pathfinder fr), also i keep thinking abt the species she was and coming up with more lore abt how they work and in the silly college au i think abt from time to time where all my oc's just get to be normal (except marina of course, she will never know peace) the TSL bird woman and the star wars 5e bird-adjacent woman are dating oh and also my WoL just fights everyone oh yeah i still need backstory for my D2 guardian, also i should throw her into the blender that is the My OC's University™️ AU im new to using tumblr how long is the character count for a single post??? wowww i can just keep typing and just keep going honestly tho, if my brain just wants to keep writing stuff i might as well take the time to write that ffxiv thing i've been thinking abt lately but haven't been able to put together if it ends up being stream of consciousness like this post that's fine, tbh it'd make sense for b'rsh to write in that way but wait i was gonna write in third person. hmmmmm i'll have to think about what i want to do in that case also i need to think more about how exactly b'rsh is connected with all my friend's WoL's bc like *one* has been properly flushed out but the others are almost entirely vibes yknow? maybe i'm just tired and forgetting things since i'm so bad at memory but idk iverelle and b'rsh's dynamic???? or like backstory stuff???? like b'rsh and etrii hang out on weekends and shoot the shit but no one else has been properly developed i mean b'rsh likes to bother narail and also she has an auntly vibe with just abt every other WoL belonging to my friends but how did that come to be yknow??? wtf was this post abt when i started wait it was me wanting to make oc's outside the confines of specific settings/ttrpgs/games eh whatever if i make my own character and i think they're neat who cares right? i think the closest thing i have to a fully independent oc is Dusk, she's a wild west but fantasy outlaw who was cursed with absolute silence, meaning she can't cast spells or speak but also it makes her so hard to track so yeah but also i had been thinking of using her in a ttrpg. but honestly i don't think i will tbh if i'm being honest- but yeah that's the gist of it i'm still not at the character maximum for tumblr- is there one? or can i just keep going until i decide that it's time to stop. hmmmm do i really want to try to push tumblr to its limit or should i just stop now and press post
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uselessheretic · 2 years
i said this somewhere else but not here, but i think a big reason why ofmd fandom is struggling so much with certain topics (especially race) is mostly due to unfamiliarity with the marginalized identities. from my perspective as a black american, convos about race in polynesia is next to nonexistent even in antiracist spaces. topics on the caribbean is something that more people have a passing knowledge of, but even in real life antiracist spaces, they're rarely talked about in depth (and in black spaces we mostly just all bicker on twitter with the biannual diaspora war someone always kicks off with a hot take.) this isn't everybody of course. there's plenty of māori and people from the caribbean in fandom, and sometimes fandom acts like there isn't. this is also an american perspective, although i feel like it'd be a wee bit egotistical for people outside those regions to assume they know everything.
with ofmd it's not just being familiar with the culture, but its history as well, and then analyzing what happens in the show through those lenses. the time period and historical figures being depicted reflect a very complex moment in history that had a lot of nuances that aren't as widely present today. when you throw in being critical of the show's writing and what our modern day biases look like that gets even more complicated. but that still means we have to then determine how much the writers intention matters here. so people are juggling analysis that involves culture, history, writer's intention, and our own biases.
which kinda uses a bit more active work than people are used to. fandom's always bad at talking about race no matter what but lmao ofmd really be struggling. at the very least i be struggling 😭
so, for many people these are conversations they haven't held before and lenses of analysis they haven't used. that means there's a lot of new information they're learning often from fandom folks' meta and commentary. that means people have to do more work than usual to determine what is and isn't true. usually there's a bit more check and balances happening where a lot of the time (but not always) misinfo will be corrected by others in fandom more familiar with what they're talking about. this on its own is already a pretty bad way to tell real info from misinfo, but it's even worse now.
this whole ramble is also me saying that i'm also in the process of learning, and i think people should be more open to admitting that. nobody knows everything and learning involves making a lot of mistakes. i wish fandom had a more rehabilitative culture of being able to own up to mistakes. with things born of ignorance to not always be treated like purposeful, unforgivable crimes. that kind of pressure makes for a miserable environment where people are scared of being wrong and more likely to default to just agreeing with whatever statement is least likely to get them in trouble. which also means when people suspect that something isn't correct they just stay silent and work off the assumption that someone else will fix.
which, by the way, is called morally motivated network harassment so if you ever wanted to read a study that feels like it's describing tumblr perfectly i would highly recommend it.
i've been super wordy all day so my bad lol but i guess tldr:
a lot of people in ofmd fandom aren't familiar with some of the more complex topics around race because it involves marginalized identities that often are erased in schools/antiracist activist spaces
stuff being more confusing makes sense because not everything is straight forward. especially when talking about things in a historical context where there's more active engagement needed (also most schools teach us to not engage in this way. so like it fr is hard??)
fandom's too mean about things. when people are learning we should encourage that, but it's hard to do that when people feel like they're going to be punished if they make a mistake.
idk fact check stuff i guess? and be careful to not mistake someone's own interpretation for fact when listening to someone's opinion. ppl should also look at the sources and draw their own conclusions.
also i think it's dumb when someone learns new information and then pretends that they knew this all along and that everyone else is dumb and bigoted for not knowing. just as a bonus point i guess.
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riddlerosehearts · 3 months
🐍 oh my god i had no clue there was a way around the character limit, thanks tumblr for being inconsistent across platforms 💀
Nico was my fave when reading the original series as well! Though I did end up latching onto Leo more when HoO came out, I still always have a soft spot for Nico.
Funny you say that about Jamil, I just saw some super awful takes abt him recently (again) that just made me feel like people are reading a completely different story, though part of that can be blamed on how the EN translation changed some stuff that kind of completely change the context of his situation.. honestly, given what you wrote abt Annabeth I think Jamil would also fit in Athena cabin - he's smart, capable, cunning and a strategist, plus he already has the gray eyes. He'd likely be the head of the cabin too.
I agree! Lots of people have pointed out there's a lack of Leo & Nico interaction in canon despite their similarities and I think that's such a shame, while I don't ship it romantically I really wish there could've been a friendship between them. I wish there was more emphasis on platonic relationships in general in HoO, so many things could've been explored further but we didn't get to :(
Nico being allergic to cats despite liking them is actually so adorable, I'm totally accepting that headcanon now. He tries to hold Grim then starts sneezing uncontrollably.
Me too! I'm usually reluctant to share my thoughts in case anyone reads it and thinks "there's no way you actually think that/that's stupid", but I'm really glad I can share with you and chat about ideas because it's so nice hearing what someone else thinks. Along with that I have made PJO OCs that I have been faaar too shy about showing people, but I they're precious to me and maybe I will post them one day...
Leo just using latest shows as bg noise would fit so well and be so funny lol, he'll know a few things here and there about whatever's going on but be completely wrong about some things that die-hard fans get mad at and give him a long lecture about the series that he barely retains because he didn't expect it. And Leo having fire hair can be uh, just a terrible accident where he lit his own hair on fire, for my "i just want to see it one time" convenience.
Now for a fun question, how do you think Leo & Nico would wear the NRC uniforms or dorm uniforms? Like how Idia never wears the blazer, Jamil wears a hoodie etc - how would they prefer to dress?
tumblr is such an inconsistent, buggy mess it's ridiculous sometimes. recently i discovered that i had blocked someone whose url i recognized but who i didn't ever remember blocking and don't know why i would've, so i unblocked them immediately but i was just like?? how did that even happen?? could've been a mistake on my part but i also wouldn't be surprised if it was a glitch 😭
i latched on so hard to nico as a kid because i was an edgy emo kid who really related to him ADKJGHDK. so of course as an edgy emo bisexual teenager i started loving him even more when house of hades came out. but like i said before, leo is easily my favorite of all the new characters from HoO! i have some criticisms of HoO as a whole but i like leo so much that i used to want to be a hephaestus kid mainly so he'd be my brother (and before that, i wanted to be a hades kid for reasons that are probably pretty obvious LOL).
oof, yeah, i do play twst EN and... okay, i was going to go off on a whole tangent here about jamil and kalim and how the localization watered down their entire fascinatingly tragic dynamic but it got so long that i realized it could practically be its own post. so i removed it and expanded it into its own post. it's here if you'd like to read it, but tl;dr is i agree with you completely lol. jamil is one of the most misunderstood and mischaracterized boys in the fandom and i think the changes EN made definitely have something to do with that, which frustrates me immensely because outside of certain choices made with both scarabia and pomefiore i tend to really enjoy the localization. the way they translate idia's dialogue is comedic gold.
anyway, though, i was also thinking athena might make sense for him! and i know i previously said riddle could be head counselor of the athena cabin, but i can totally see it for jamil too. although, i wonder, how would it affect things if kalim was also present at CHB? would jamil still need to keep his head down, make sure not to outdo him at anything, and reject any sort of position of authority so kalim wouldn't look bad? would he give the head counselor position to someone else (not kalim, i don't think they'd be in the same cabin) if it was offered to him? which reminds me, another idea i had is that i think it could be interesting if jamil was the son of a minor god while kalim was the son of an olympian, possibly giving jamil even more reason to resent him. or it could even be the other way around (say kalim's parent is a minor god and jamil's is an olympian, so jamil is more powerful than kalim but has to act like he isn't) too.
personally i do think romantic leo/nico is cute and it's a ship that i have a lot of nostalgia for since i read a ton of fics for it way back in the day lol, but i'm not shipping them in this twst AU! i'm a multishipper who loves nico and will together too and i really just wish leo and nico had gotten to be friends in canon. i strongly agree with you that HoO should've focused more on platonic relationships, and i actually basically said all of this recently in a post here!
okay, it would actually be hilarious if nico was still allergic to grim despite grim's constant insistence that he isn't a cat. and nico being like, well, i'm allergic to cats and i don't think it's the ghosts that are making me sneeze, sooo. and now i'm also thinking about nico coming at grim like idia in his labwear groovy askjdghd.
i feel like in general i'm so bad at explaining my ideas and i get worried about not making any sense lol! but at some point in the last few years i just sort of started saying fuck it, if i have something that i really wanna post on my blog i'll go ahead and post it and if someone thinks it's stupid then they don't have to follow me. i bet your PJO OCs are great, and you shouldn't be afraid to share them!
HMMM oh man, i'm nowhere near as creative as i wish i was when it comes to fashion because i'm bad at visualizing how things go together lol. but my first thought is that nico canonically insists on wearing his worn out old aviator jacket everywhere up until it literally gets torn to shreds. and then in TOA he buys a black leather bomber jacket and starts wearing that everywhere instead. so i think he'd insist on wearing his bomber jacket over his school uniform like idia does with his hoodie! he'd wear a black shirt instead of a white one, like vil does, and i could see him wearing the vest but i don't think he'd bother with the tie, blazer, or gloves. he'd also wear black converse and maybe he could add some more of his Emo Kid flair by wearing a cool studded belt or attaching chains to his pants or something, i think that'd be fun.
for leo, i would love to hear if you have a different idea than what i say because i'm not as sure about how i think he dresses! but i get the vibe that his main consideration is comfort and how well he'll be able to work in something, like he doesn't necessarily dress badly but he's very casual and doesn't wanna put a ton of time or thought into his clothing. so i could see him maybe wearing the gloves and blazer, but not bothering to put on the vest or tie or button his shirt up at the top, and just grabbing a pair of work boots for shoes.
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