#snarky remus
lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 4 - Cease
@jegulus-microfic May 4, Word count 852
Previous part First part
“He was standing there half a minute.” The fat lady huffed at James. He grinned at her. 
“Dramatics run in his family.” He told her as he hurried after Regulus. 
He was waiting in the Common room, looking around the room. James had never been into the Slytherin Common room, but from what he’d heard it was quite dark and gloomy. Well, it would be down in the dungeons, a stark difference to the cosy warmth of the Gryffindor Common room. 
“Come on. Remus and Sirius are waiting,” He said gently. Regulus didn’t move, seemly transfixed by the room. James tapped him on the shoulder and Regulus leapt into the air as though he’d forgotten James was there. James caught him before he could trip over the footstool and somehow ended up with his arms wrapped around Regulus Black in front of the fireplace. If it hadn’t been so absurd, it would have looked quite romantic. James quickly released him and strode towards the spiral staircase. Regulus followed. 
Sirius was now sprawled across his own bed instead of Remus’s, but had angled himself, so Remus was in his eye line. His eyes narrowed when his brother entered the dorm. Regulus ignored him, again taking in the vaulted ceilings and circular room. He wandered over to one of the windows and stared out at the view. He reached out and opened the latch, letting the wind rush in. He closed his eyes as it ruffled his hair. James’s mouth went dry. He’d never seen Regulus look like he enjoyed anything. Except quidditch, but his enjoyment was usually covered by pure determination. And Godric was he pretty when his face wasn’t scrunched up in a scowl. 
Said scowl reappeared once he re-latched the window and turned to the inhabitants of the room.
“So you’re the wolf then?” He asked Remus, when no one started talking. Remus lifted his chin up high from where he was propped up by his pillows. 
“Yes,” He said evenly. Regulus nodded. 
“How long?” 
“Since I was five,” Remus replied. Regulus nodded again. 
“Fenrir?” He questioned. Remus’s eyes narrowed and he snarled. This early after a transformation, Remus was usually a bit testier than normal and it had been a hard moon. James could tell his friend was still in a lot of pain, though he tried his best to hide it. 
“Yes.” He spat out at the name. Regulus’s attention turned to Sirius. 
“Are you the dog or the rat?” His voice had zero emotion. Sirius let out a growl. “That doesn’t answer my question, Sirius.” Regulus drawled. He knew exactly how to push his brother's buttons. Sirius rose sinuously from his bed and stalked across the room towards his brother and just before they met he transformed into that great shaggy dog. 
Padfoot let out a small warning growl from his throat before turning to Remus’s bed and carefully hopping up to lie across his feet. He made sure to whack Regulus with his heavy tail as he did. 
Regulus took half a step back to regain his balance, scowling at his brother. Remus learned forward and stroked Padfoot's fur while muttering something in such a low voice that James couldn’t pick out a single word. But whatever he said made Padfoot cease his growling. “Well, that answers that,” Regulus rolled his eyes and turned his back on his brother. “And you’re the deer?”
“Stag,” James puffed up his chest. 
“It’s still a deer.” 
“Yeah but stag sounds more impressive.” James stuck his tongue out, but quickly closed his mouth when he realised who he was taunting. Regulus just watched him warily. 
“Is there anything else you wanted to know or are you still here because you want to flirt with Prongs?” Remus’s words sliced between them. James watched as Regulus rolled his eyes again. What was Remus on about flirting? 
“How did you do it?” Regulus’s full attention was on James as he scrutinised him.  
“Well, we sort of just herd him until he goes where we want him to. Last night, Sirius dragged him most of the way back down the tunnel.” James rubbed the back of his neck. It was weird describing how you wrangled your werewolf best friend each month. Regulus shook his head.
“No. Not that. I want to know how you became animagi. That’s some seriously advanced magic.”
“Oh, that,” James said, as though it was nothing. He glanced at Sirius, still in his animal form, and Remus, who’d picked up his textbook and seemed to be ignoring the rest of the conversation. “It was Sirius’s idea, and he did most of the leg work. It took us a while to figure it out, but once we did, it wasn’t that hard.” Total lie. It had been the most gruelling piece of magic any of them had ever tried and Peter took so long to transform, they were scared he was going to get stuck as a half-rat mutant. Regulus’s expression changed to what James thought looked very much like awe. 
“Will you teach me?” He asked and James blinked in shock.
Next part
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super-oddity · 2 months
larry 🤝 wolfstar
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herlittlel0ve · 11 months
Jeggy Date
James is pacing around the room in nothing but his pants a pair of socks and a open Hawaiian shirt "What about this one?" he asks looking around at his friends. "Reggie would like this right? I think it's great"
"a Hawaiian shirt? Are you being seri-sincere right now?" Remus throws a questioning look at him
He looks down at his shirt again "What-I okay your right it's stupid" he takes the shirt off and is digging through the clothes on his bed again. "What about this one?" He asks as he pulls out a yellow jumper. "Yellows a good color right?"
"yeah if you're a flower" Peter chucks on the side of Remus "You're gonna blind him mate"
"Okay-okay what about this one?" He throws on a navy blue flannel " It's nice right?"
"are you gonna leave it open like that?" Sirius asks
"I can pull it off open rights?" He's shaking his head
"Reg would love that" Remus chuckles quietly
"What-no James change please for my baby brothers innocence" he says while gagging
"Okay fine what about this one" he pulls on a white t-shirt and looks at his mates
"it's see through James" Peter kindly says
"What no it's not" me looks at the shirt and presses it into his chest "Damnit it is"
"You're really overthinking this mate. If you waste anymore time you're gonna be late" Remus says while Sirius starts gagging again dramatically
As if on cue Regulus interrupts from where he was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed "Yeah you don't wanna keep your date waiting do you Jamie?"
James whips around so hard he thinks he gave himself whiplash. He can barely make out Regulus shape if he squints due to the fact his glasses are on the bed from all the shirt changes. "How long have you been standing there" He asks embarrassed.
"Around the opened flannel" James groans and covers his face.
Regulus walks towards the bed where all James clothes are, and picks out a red shirt along with a pair of brown trousers that are so dark their almost black and hands them to James. "Remus is right you're overthinking this; change darling" he says as he pecks him on the lips erupting a groan from Sirius.
He walks towards James's night stand where he keeps is jewelry and comes back with a necklace just as James finished putting the clothes on. He turns James around after putting the necklace on him and holds his face in place as he pecks him again. "Now I'm gonna go down stairs and wait outside of the portrait for you. When you come out I'm gonna complement your outfit and act like I wasn't the one who picked it out okay?" All James can do is nod.
Regulus waves to all the guys and goes to walk out of the room. "Where the black shoes please not your red ones the red ones will clash" He says as he closes the door. As soon as the door shuts and he hears Regulus foot steps fade away he looks at his friends. "I'm gonna marry him" he says with a absolute blisses out expression. Sirius gags are getting drown out by laughter.
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pandalilysavior · 1 year
platonic moonwater is so special to me you guys don’t understand them like i do
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lunapwrites · 1 year
Another Penumbral teaser, because I can.
"The Moons have agreed to maintain neutrality," Doge reported. "As have the Greengrasses and Diggorys." "They won't join us?" One of the Prewett brothers; Peter didn't care which. "Not everyone is willing to fight—" "They might as well throw in with the bloody Death Eaters, for all they're handing the country over to them!" More bickering, more inaction. Not useful. ("Dunno what the old man expected with Potter," Meadowes muttered under her breath. "Wouldn't be surprised to find him under one of those masks." McKinnon scoffed. "Black's influence, I'd warrant." "As if Lupin's any better." Useful.)
A little Peter POV because honestly I wanted to get him to use his powers for good(?) for once hahaha.
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luveline · 2 months
Babe congrats on quitting!!!
I live coworker!James sm he is so lovely and i cant heló bit asking for more
R having a bad day and James doent know until he teeases her and she just like opens up to James a bit more?
thank you!!
You can’t escape Remus’ sweet questions of concern, though he’s tactful. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Remus asks, James a haunting somewhere near the customer complaints desk. 
“I’m fine.” 
“You really don’t wanna come to dinner with me?” 
It’s a nice offer, but Remus is part of a package deal, and he’s the only one of the three who isn’t exhausting; Remus’ boyfriend Sirius is well meaning but so beautiful and so alarmingly aware of it, while James is all those things too, but much less subtle about it. “I’m too tired for the walking, thank you. I’m just gonna stay here and eat my sandwich in slow bites.” 
Remus laughs, wrapping his scarf tight around his neck. He doesn’t tuck it under his coat. Sirius will do that for him. It’s heartbreaking to see every day, a reminder of real love in the world that will seemingly never touch you, but it’s cute too. 
James rockets back to his desk. He’s always in a hurry. Half-frantic, he pulls his rucksack from under his desk and unzips the main body. To your horror, he unveils a large Tupperware of white rice, asparagus, and what looks to be chicken thighs. Next comes his portable knife fork. 
He notices your watching. “It’s just rice and chicken,” he says defensively. 
“No, I’m not–” You shake your head. “Not about what you’re eating. Eat what you want, James.” 
“Don’t I always?” he asks. “Not about what I’m eating. Your general look of disgust and disdain is to do with something else, then. Did you accidentally look in the ladies bathroom mirror again?” 
“It’s nothing.” 
James tucks his chair in, face paused, hands hesitating at the sides of his dinner and then flat to the desk. “Hey, is something wrong?” 
Maybe his comment before struck a nerve. Maybe you’re having a terrible day, and everything’s piling up, and you can’t be expected to keep in your feelings forever. Or maybe you’re dumb. “Guess I did look too long in the mirror,” you say. 
“You’re upset?” he asks, startled.
You shake your head vehemently. Slow. “I’m just having a bad day.” 
“What happened?” 
You stare at him for a moment, take in the concerned twitch of his brows as they pull down and in, the set of his nice mouth, remarking to yourself on how the snarky sarcasm erases itself from his expression so quickly, leaving behind a boy with a very sweet face. 
His hand curls into a loose fist. “You don’t have to tell me.” 
“I don’t know if you ever get this, but sometimes I,” —your face goes white hot suddenly, an acknowledgment of the powers over you you’re giving him in needing reassurance— “look at myself and I feel a bit off. And I thought if I had lunch by myself I’d have time to not be looked at? Um. Which is why I was unhappy. Not because of you.” You frown at him. “You do make me unhappy, though.” 
He pretends to laugh at your weak insult, which is generous. “So you actually did get upset looking in the mirror? Shortcake, I was kidding about that, it's not like it makes any sense.” 
You frown at one another. “Why not?” 
“Because you’re nothing worth being upset over?” James suggests. “You’re pretty. You know you’re pretty.” He points at you with his fork. “You do know?” 
“No,” you mumble. 
“I’m not telling you again,” he says, looking strangely as though he’d quite like to tell you again. 
“I’m consistently below average.” 
“Where? Do you have an address? I must go to this place where you’re the standard.” 
Something weird and queasy summons to life in your chest, before levelling into a surprising pleasure. That was definitely a compliment, and from James, though annoying he might be, it means a lot. He’s outrageously good looking, after all, and especially when he smiles, which is nearly constant. He’s smiling now with the fondness of someone who knows you better than he actually does. 
He ruins it rolling his eyes. “You’re ridiculous. Which I’ve come to expect!” he says, sliding a thumb under the clasp of his Tupperware. “Why would you think you’re not lovely? To look at, that is. You’re a huge pain otherwise.” 
“That’s uncharacteristically mean, even for you.” 
“I’m balancing it out. Want some asparagus?” 
You excuse yourself for a quick trip to the bathroom, where you mouth questions at your reflection of the puzzled variety. Has James been replaced by a body snatcher? Or are you finally seeing the version of him everybody else in the office seems to know?
When you get back to your desk, your figurines have been upended by a ‘freak earthquake’. He’s back to normal.
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theemporium · 1 year
Just a thought but Sirius or someone having a thing for you for ages and at some point you finally get together but Remus James and Peter just don’t believe it because you’re so opposite and Sirius just trying to convince them but they don’t believe him until they walk into you kissing or something. Love your work btw <3
kinda changed it to sirius being with someone they never expected but i hope you enjoy it! and thank you!!🖤
“Pads is dating her?!”
Remus and James stood in front of Peter, lips parted in shock at the rumour that just left their friend’s lips. They had been in the common room, respective textbooks sprawled around them when Peter came rushing in, eyes wide and cheeks flushed at what he had just seen.
At first, they thought their friend was taking the piss and waited for Sirius to jump out from the shadows with a grin on his face, claiming it was all a prank. But no Sirius had appeared and Peter kept talking and—fuck, they just couldn’t quite believe it.
In all honesty, it was shocking enough that Sirius had settled down with one person, let alone that he was dating you of all people. 
You stood for everything they assumed their friend hated, purely because you would’ve been Walburgha Black’s number one choice to marry her eldest son off with. 
You were raised with the pureblood etiquette, speaking prim and proper and not even allowing yourself to use slang as you spoke. You were a Slytherin, and proud to be so. You were crazy smart and you were the image of pureblood royalty, though the cold shoulder you usually gave people and the snarky attitude didn’t exactly make it easy for even those with a pureblood complex to approach you. 
Even if for some bizarre reason their friend had fallen for you, the fact that you liked him back was shocking enough to keep both boys seated on the couch as Peter retold the story for the thirteenth time. 
“I’m calling bullshit,” James said with a shake of his head. “This must be some elaborate prank he’s pulled off.”
“And what? Got her involved?” Remus asked. 
“Maybe it’s someone with a polyjuice potion,” Peter supplied. 
“Or maybe Pads is actually dating her,” Remus said before his nose scrunched up. “Yeah no, he’s definitely up to something.” 
It took less than five seconds to work out where Sirius was with the help of the map that was quickly shoved in their pocket as all three boys began rushing towards the courtyard, so sure that whatever Peter had seen had to be false. 
Because there was no fucking way that Sirius Black was—
All three boys quickly drew to a stop when they noticed you both. You were sitting on a picnic blanket, leaning back on your hands as you nodded along to something. Sirius, however, had his head propped on your lap, talking away as his hands moved animatedly to the point they could have sworn they saw your lips twitch into a smile. 
“Holy shit,” James gaped at the sight. 
“It could still be a prank,” Remus said, though he didn’t know how much he really believed that himself. 
And just when they thought they couldn’t be shocked any further, you leaned down to press your lips against the wizard, his hand coming to grip the back of your neck as he deepened the kiss. 
“Moony, are you seeing this?” 
“I’m seeing this, Prongs.” 
“Right, great because I think I’m gonna faint.” 
What they couldn’t see was the way Sirius’s lips twisted into a grin as he continued to kiss you, his fingers expertly pulling the clip out of your hair until it cascaded around you both. 
“Your friends are still staring,” you informed him, the words whispered against his lips as you began to pull back but he was quick to chase you. 
“Let them stare all they want, love,” he murmured as his thumb lightly brushed over your thumping pulse. “I bet they are fucking confused.” 
“Such crass language,” you hummed. 
Sirius smirked. “Gonna punish me, love?” 
You shook your head in amusement, pulling back fully despite the way Sirius playfully pouted in response. “You wouldn’t be able to handle my punishments, Black.” 
His eyes gleamed at the challenge. “Is that so?” 
“You are all bark and no bite,” you informed him and the boy was quick to scramble up, his hands darting to your sides as he crawled over your squirming body. 
“I can show you just how hard I bite, love, you just gotta ask.”
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inkdrinkerworld · 19 days
hi can i request a rockstar!remus drabble where he is super touchy with reader and the guys r js teasing them hahah thank you i love your writing🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
“Dove,” Remus’ voice is scratchy and a little worn from all the shows. Singing and playing the bass for almost twenty nine shows in half as many weeks has him worn and a little frayed, but he’s still the same Remus. 
You’re in the hotel room with him, Sirius and James, the four of you having a cup of tea and trying to relax after the last round of shows. Or well at least you’re trying to have a cup of tea, but your boyfriend keeps calling you away from the kitchenette to his side with a pitiful whine and his pretty honey eyes.
“Two minutes Rem,” you’re determined to finish making his tea- a ginger and honey blend that you’re sure he hates but you know he’ll drink it- and yours, a regular black. 
“Give the girl some space, Moony. Haven’t let her have a moment alone since she got here.” Sirius is teasing, a wide smirk on his face as he sips his own tea. Remus doesn’t find him funny though. He also doesn’t see the humour in James’ raucous laugh because this is the first time he’s left Lily alone since she got in and that’s because she locked the door while in the shower. 
“Here I am,” you say coolly before Remus could reply to Sirius with a snarky comment. 
“Thank you dove.” He takes a sip of his tea gratefully before tugging you a little closer and you’re practically fused to his side, with your knees pressing into the space between his back and the sofa. Remus’ hand stays glued to the dip in your waist, slipping under the fabric of your t-shirt to caress the skin there.
Remus hums, not caring that his friends are mocking you both now. “Yeah, thank god we’ve got that two week break.” You hand combs through his hair, watching with a smile, behind your cup of tea, as his eyes flutter shut and he heaves a sigh. 
“Look at him, all knackered the second you stroke his head. He’s like a bloody cat.” Sirius snickers and this time Remus chucks a cushion at him even as he cuddles closer to you. 
“Give the man a break Siri, had to be without his girl for a whole three weeks.” James’ comment makes Sirius laugh even louder and you save your boyfriend from any further teasing. 
“Weren’t you the same one begging Lily to stay with you for the second leg of this tour, Jamie?” His cheeks turn red and Remus chuckles, making Sirius shake his head playfully. 
“I’m gonna go see if Marls needs any help,” you snicker, you all know what it’s code for. James follows it up with a, “M’gonna go check on Lils.” 
Remus huffs, a smile on his face. “Oh yeah, go be more lovesick than I am.” 
When they leave, Remus sets both your mugs down, pushing your body to lay flat on the sofa before splaying out over you. 
“Missed you so much.” he kisses your stomach, pulling up your shirt so he can lay his head flat against your skin. 
“Missed you too Remmy, get some sleep love.”
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ginevrapng · 9 months
"did sirius black just wink at you?"
no. you're trying to pretend he didn't at least, this is the second time so far this term sirius has winked at you and he smirks at you whenever you accidentally makes eye contact.
sirius black cannot like you, he just can't. he likes loud, confident, thin, conventionally attractive girls, he does not go for girls like you. black dates 'hot' girls like marlene mckinnon, not you.
not a girl like you, soft, cute, round.
black cannot like you, he likes someone who's like him, a gryffindor, popular, likeable, approachable, someone with the same friends. someone who he can walk next to in the corridor as he can sling his arm around their shoulder with zero shame.
that's why sirius black cannot like you. you're not his type and at this point you're getting annoyed with his constant fucking around with you.
you pretend you've never shown much interest in him before. you don't talk to him in class and don't talk to him in general, you pretend to think his jokes are immature and his hair is ridiculous and everyone believes you, apart from the man himself. you scoff and roll your eyes at the snarky remarks made in class towards the teachers although you hide your mouth behind your hand and slightly smile, you bite your lip trying to stop giggling, you pretend you want to support your house and watch all the quidditch matches but the only reason you attend every single game is to watch sirius play.
sirius black is smarter than people believe him to be, he knows that it's all an act that you put up. and he loves it.
he loves the way you turn your head away from the door every time he walks into class late. he loves to hear you stifle your giggling as you see the latest prank he's pulled like snape walking around with bright green hair. he loves the big jumpers you wear when you always pull your sleeves down so they cover your hands. he loves the way your chubby cheeks become more prominent on your face as you're talking carefree to your friends.
"black did not wink at me, he probably doesn't even know my name. i'm not his type."
you're sitting in the courtyard and you're pretending you haven't noticed the marauders. you want to read to get some work done but the library is too cold and your common room is too crowded. you try and focus on your essay but not only are the marauders near you, a couple of your friends are distracting you too.
one of your friends is bending down to your eye level, blocking out the sun while complaining that you're wasting the day, your other friend being just as melodramatic waving their hands about complaining about something you're paying zero attention to.
in the corner of your eye you see james potter laying on the ground fiddling with a golden snitch, which you think is strange because though you go to the gryffindor games to watch sirius you do know that james is a chaser. remus lupin's reading a muggle book and is somehow being able to ignore his mates chattering. peter pettigrew has his hand stuck in a can of something that he's trying to shake out off while sirius is snickering at him.
thinking you've looked at him long enough for it to start becoming suspicious you turn your full attention back to your essay.
"oi, black's looking at you again." your friend shouted to you in a whisper.
"no he's not," you hiss back not looking up.
"yes he is!" came from both of your friends.
"i'm not his type guys," you reply getting exasperated, feeling like you've had this exact conversation so many times by now.
"who says?"
you freeze, knowing that voice, having dreams about that voice. finally you look up from your essay to see sirius smirking from behind you having heard your conversation. your two friends have the biggest grins on their face, i told you so grins.
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rainydayathogwarts · 2 months
The rabbit hole - Remus Lupin
remus lupin has a way with all the ladies, even the popular girls wc: 1.3k
Tumblr media
Despite not being the most sought after marauder, Remus Lupin got more than enough attention from the ladies. Every knew it, especially you, who lived around girls always gushing about their newest crush. You have to admit, his name did come up a few times. But did it even matter? The term 'popular' wasn't one you’d use to describe yourself because you didn’t believe in putting people up on pedestals, including yourself. However, you couldn’t help it if those words were thrown at you by other people. You weren’t mad at it; getting attention from boys and being admired by younger girls was fulfilling and validating, and meant you never had trouble finding dates when you got bored. 
Unfortunately, it seemed you had fallen into the same rabbit hole many other girls surrounding you fell into - the rabbit hole called 'wanting the one man who wasn't interested'. You don’t know when this fascination over him started, but you assumed it had to do with the fact that he didn’t pay any attention to you. It was refreshing, but frustrating. Guys always gave you what you wanted, or made the first move. Remus, on the other hand, had only ever spoken to you in class when you’d be paired up, and he’d never made a pass at you, unlike the two friends at his right and left side who had both previously flirted with you at parties in an attempt to getting on your roster. You had laughed and thrown a snarky comment at them before amusedly walking away. But Remus Lupin and his stupid chestnut hair had caught your eye, and when you wanted something, you didn’t stop until you got it.
Remus had noticed this new attention from you in potions class - a simple doe eyed look from you when you’d asked him to get pearl dust for your potion had him doing a double take, making sure he hadn’t imagined your signature move. He’d heard boys talking, and he had to admit, even he was intrigued by you. “Mate she just gave me those eyes...” was a popular start to a sentence when he heard boys exchange stories, but now that he’d laid his eyes on them himself, he knew he was in for it.
On the way back to his dorm, he wondered if that was you making a first move, or just a subtle ask for him to make a move. He decided that he'd wait and see, make sure he hadn't been mistaken and make a fool of himself by throwing himself into something nonexistent. The more he waited, the harder it was to hold himself back. Of course, Remus prided himself on being respectful to all women and being quiet, which is what drew many of the ladies in. This meant that he tried incredibly hard to hold back the flirtatious comments and sly responses during lessons. You knew the game he was playing, because you often took the route of playing hard to get.
"You're being delusional" Sirius finally told him, James nodding from his spot beside him on Peter's bed. "Like, good for you man if there is anything there, but there isn't." James said teasingly. "No- I swear! She's flirting with me! She's flirting and I'm enjoying it! She's flirting and now I like her, and now I'm like every other guy at Hogwarts." Sirius and James exchanged a look. "Well you're not like every other guy if you actually end up with her. How many guys have you heard of who actually became her boyfriend?" He thought long and hard, and when he looked back at the other two, knew they shared the same number. "None."
The map showed that you were alone by the black lake. If he wanted to catch you in time, he'd have to hurry along. He stole a book off his bed before rushing off, haphazardly throwing his jumper somewhere into the dorm. He slowed down his pace once he made it past the main entrance, catching his breath as he began walking in your general directly. Remus didn't want to seem to obvious, so he marked the page he had left his book from with his index finger dipping between the pages. His breath hitched when he got closer to you, realising you were just in shorts and a bikini top, enjoying the spring sun, a boombox next to you playing some music.
"Any chance I could sit in the shade under that tree without looking like a total creep?" He asks, gesturing to the tree merely a couple of meters from you. Your eyes flutter open, a hand coming to your face to protect your eyes from the sun. "Mhmm, I don't think there is. But that's okay, I'm used to being admired." Remus scoffs, sitting down with his back against the tree, and opens up his book. From the corner of his eyes, he sees your body turning in his general direction, as though surprised that he's not giving you any attention. If that was the case, his mission was already succeeding. He feels the hesitation from you, glancing up at you to see you open and close your mouth, speechless. You turn onto your back once more, closing your eyes with a sigh.
You both sit there in comfortable silence, but Remus hasn't turned a single page of his book and despite you having your eyes closed, the only thing you can think of is how close he is to you. Suddenly, you sit up, turning to take a long sip of the water bottle next to you. Remus has to pretend he wasn't looking at you, but when you address him by his first name, his head immediately snaps up to meet your gaze. "Yes?" "Want to go in for a swim?" Well he wasn't expecting that. You grin when he begins to stutter; you'd finally caught him off guard for the first time since you'd started flirting with him three weeks ago. "Well, I'm- I'm not in my swimmers." You cock your head to the side, raising an eyebrow at him. "Is that a problem?"
Yes, Remus wants to say. Yes, because I have scars and I'm insecure, and I don't want you to see me like that. But he doesn't say any of those things. Instead, he stands, and you follow his movements promptly. You wait for him to take at least his shirt off, but he only loosens his tie, pulling it over his head before stalking towards you predatorily. You try to take a step away from him when the proximity becomes too intimidating for you, but one of his hands snakes around your waist and your breath is hitching and he's leaning his head down close to your ear and you only hear "Hold your breath" before you're being whisked into his arms and your feet are leaving the ground.
You're suddenly gasping for air, breaking through the surface of the water, but you immediately spot Remus's grinning face, shaking his hair away from his eyes and you can't be mad. Like physically, it is impossible for you, even if your denim shorts are now all wet and you almost died. But you're swimming towards him and holding onto him with your legs wrapping around his waist and somehow you're leaning into him and pressing your lips against his. The position is weird: Remus can probably reach the ground, his hands supporting your denim-clad hips whilst your hands grip onto his wet uniform, but in some odd way, it's perfect.
The second you pull away, Remus's eyes are widening and he's muttering "Oh, no." Confused, you turn to see what he's looking at, only to spot a quickly approaching figure called the insolent Filch, already yelling about "Jumping in with Uniform!" and "Get them Mrs. Norris!"
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katsu28 · 1 month
can I request “tucking a strand of hair behind your partner's ear” with remus lupin? maybe him and shy!reader’s very first kiss?
thank you for requesting <3 so sorry it's taken me such a hefty chunk of time to get this written, hope you like it!
remus lupin x shy!reader, 2.7k
You were never really sure how to act around Remus. You were comfortable around him, of course. But it was hard for you to figure it out because you liked him. You liked him so much it scared you a little bit, because you’d never fancied anyone as much as you did him. 
He was kind and funny and smart, loyal to a fault and protective over those he cared for. And sure, sometimes he could be a bit grumpy and rough around the edges, but that was what made him Remus. 
Remus, who enjoyed your personal space as much as you did, it seemed, with the way he was always close to you. 
Whether it was his long fingers intertwined with yours as you made your way through town, or one of his arms over your shoulders to whisper a snarky remark reserved only for your ears about how the overly dramatic story Sirius was in the middle of telling was a boldfaced lie the long haired boy had concocted to impress one of Lily’s mates whilst you were out with everyone. 
Remus, who bought you flowers because they were pretty and thought you would like them even though the pollen sent him into sneezing fits that required him to sit across the room from them at all times. 
You said you’d rather him not get them at all if his allergies were that bad, but he always shook his head instantly, claiming that sneezing and sniffling was nothing compared to how brightly you beamed when you spotted the bundle in his hand. 
Remus, who wasn’t perfect by any means, but he was perfect for you. 
You still hadn’t quite grasped the concept that he liked you the same way yet. It seemed like a dream that you never dared question because you didn’t want to wake up from it. Who would want to wake up from the bliss that was being the one person Remus fancied? 
Maybe that’s why you hadn’t quite mustered up the courage to kiss him yet. There were a few times you’d come close, forgetting everything and letting his lips get within an inch of your own before chickening out and turning away at the last second. You were worried he’d find your reasoning for it silly. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to kiss him. You really wanted to, but your inner voice won out every time, that stupid little voice in the back of your mind telling you he’d surely lose interest in you once he figured out you had no idea how to kiss someone. He’d know you’d never kissed anyone immediately, and he’d come to his senses and move along when he still could. 
Part of you thought Remus was far too fond of you to be that harsh, but there was no beating that voice in your head. You didn’t want to jeopardize the good thing you had going with him. 
He never questioned why you always seemed to pull away from him at the last minute. If anything he took it in stride, shifting his focus to anything else so you wouldn’t feel like you were putting him out. 
You should’ve known his curiosity and even his frustration would come to head at some point. One day, he’d try again and finally voice his confusion. 
You’d fallen asleep in his lap on this quite nice spring afternoon, after spending the morning out on a walk in one of the nearby gardens, not on purpose but rather a result of the warmth emanating from his body and the worn sofa you’d both collapsed on upon returning to your flat. 
Truly, you didn’t know you’d drifted asleep until Remus coughed. It was quiet, but loud enough to stir you from your slumber, blinking awake slowly until you realized your cheek was pressed against his thigh. 
Stifling a rather large yawn, you shifted onto your back, stretching your limbs out until your joints popped and your vision cleared. When it did, you zeroed in on Remus above you, waiting for you to notice him. 
“You snore a little bit, did you know that?” He said coolly, cocking his head. 
You pushed his head away from you playfully, fighting the grin threatening to overtake your lips at the sight of him peering down at you. “You were watching me sleep?” 
“Very hard to read when I’ve got a foghorn in my lap.” He tutted, but the sticky sweet smile gracing his handsome face told you he was anything but annoyed. 
His scar stretched when he smiled like that, the jagged white marring his face rounding out the apple of his cheek as it raised. Remus tended to be self conscious about it, but less so when your fingers came up to trace along it. Not intended to bring attention to it in any way, but to reinforce that it wasn't something that deterred you from him. He felt better about it after. 
“Sorry.” You said sheepishly. In your scramble to an upright position, you completely missed the way Remus deflated as you moved away. “Good book?” 
“Fine, I suppose. Good sleep?” 
“Fine, I suppose.” You teased, bumping his shoulder with yours. 
“Been spending too much time with you.” 
“Is that it?” He huffed out an amused chuckle, letting his hand fall onto your knee. You didn’t dare react, fighting the urge to allow your leg to bounce even when Remus’ fingers began to circle lightly. “What else about me is rubbing off on you?” 
“Dunno. What do you think?” 
“What do I think? I think…you don’t need any of my bad habits mucking you up, because you’re perfect the way you are.” Remus murmured. You averted your gaze from his, avoiding the softness in his expression in favor of focusing hard on a loose thread from your sock. He was being nice, like he always was, and you didn’t know how to react, like you always did. “Though an overthinker, maybe. Don’t dwell on it too long, love, you’ll only end up hurting yourself.” 
“I don’t overthink.” You protested rather meekly, pouting. Remus made a disbelieving sound in response, lilting and a little bit teasing, but soft and fond nonetheless. He reached out, bumping his knuckles against your chin affectionately, letting his fingers travel a little further to push the hair away from your face. 
Your skin felt like it was on fire when he brushed against your ear, even more so when his hand came back to settle at the curve of your jaw, thumb sweeping along the apple of your cheek tenderly. Almost too tenderly, with the way he was looking at you too.
Part of you wanted to steer the conversation in another direction, but you managed to push the feeling aside, wanting to see maybe, just maybe, if he moved to kiss you this time, you wouldn’t shy away. 
Remus moved slowly like he didn’t want to spook you, getting closer and closer still. 
Five inches. Four, three, two—no, you couldn’t do it. You shifted abruptly, teetering back on your palms under the guise of losing your balance. 
Remus frowned, blinking slowly. His hand dropped from where it had been against your cheek, falling against his knee almost dejectedly. “Do you not like me?” 
“Of course I like you,” You insisted. Obviously he wouldn’t believe you. Even you wouldn’t have believed you. Not at all to your surprise, he looked thoroughly unconvinced, so you tried again. “I do.” 
“Right.” He said. His brows drew together in the middle, one hand coming up to scratch at the back of his neck. “Right, you say that, but every time I get close to you, or I try to kiss you, or god forbid I try to pay you a compliment, you always pull away. I haven’t said anything before, because I figured you’d clue me in when you were ready, but you haven’t.” 
“Rem…” You sighed, drawing your knees towards your chest. His shoulders lifted up by his ears, dropping into a resigned shrug as he searched your face for any semblance of an explanation. 
“Is it me? Am I misreading this whole thing? I don’t—I don’t know what’s happening.” He was frustrated, you could tell. Frustrated, confused, maybe even a little disappointed, and with good reason. “I know you don’t like opening up, but it’s me, love. You can talk to me, right?” 
You twisted your lips to the side, suddenly feeling all kinds of embarrassed. Remus thought you didn’t like him because of the way you acted around him. You wouldn’t lose him because of what you were doing; you’d more likely lose him because of what you weren’t doing. 
Things needed to change, now, and you were the only one who could change them.
“I don’t know what I’m doing, Remus.” 
“Does anyone really know what they’re doing?” 
“No I mean, like, I’ve never been in a relationship before. I don’t know what to do around you, how to act. So I just…” 
“Shut down?” He offered, not malicious in any way, but understanding. Remus was always just that. Understanding. You nodded wordlessly. “That’s the thing about relationships. There’s no single right way to be in one. You’ve just got to figure out what works best for the both of you. We need to figure things out, but we can’t do that if we don’t communicate.” 
You sighed, letting your chin dip towards your chest. “I’m sorry, Remus.” 
“Oh, you.” He said fondly, maybe even a little bit sadly. “You’ve not got anything to be sorry about at all. Now we know where to start.” His palm skated over your knee, up, up, up until he was met with soft skin against the rougher pads of his fingers. Goosebumps raised at his touch and he smiled softly again, not-so-secretly pleased he could elicit that kind of reaction from you. “You’re doing fine, love. Thank you for telling me.” 
“There’s something else too. Why I haven’t let you kiss me yet.” 
“I’ve never kissed anyone before.” You mumbled, voice muffled by the sleeve of your jumper. 
He squinted at you, leaning in closer, as if somehow heard you wrong. “Come again?” 
“I’ve never kissed anyone before.” You repeated, as loud as you could muster. “I was afraid you’d leave me when you found out. That you’d think it was weird and off putting and you wouldn’t like me anymore.”
Remus blinked at you, long and slow. It sure was something to process, you knew that.
It’s not like you were expecting him to understand or come to terms with your reasons right away. You’d been battling with these thoughts every time you were with him, even more when you weren’t. This was brand new information for him. 
What you definitely weren’t expecting him to do was snort. Your nose wrinkled in immediate offense, even more so he cracked a smile. 
“You really thought I’d leave you because you’ve never kissed anyone?” 
You scowled, cheeks burning hot with embarrassment as you folded your arms over your chest stiffly. “Well now that you’re the one saying it out loud, it sounds stupid.” 
“It is!” 
“Don’t be mean, Remus!!” You huffed. You angled yourself away from him to stare angrily out the window, brows furrowed tightly, shoulders hunched.
Before you could brood too much, his large hands spun you right back around to face him again. He wasn’t smiling at you the way he was before, but you could still see the leftover twinkle in his eyes and it definitely didn’t make you feel better. 
“You’re being silly, love. You really thought I’d leave you because you haven’t kissed anyone before?” He repeated, ducking to catch your gaze with your every attempt to avoid his. You turned away from him, he chased after you, like some weird game of cat and mouse. 
Eventually you grew tired of it and you looked him square in the eye, jaw set. “Yes I did, and I’d appreciate it if you stopped saying it like that.” The corners of Remus’ mouth quirked up into a tiny smile. “Don’t you dare laugh at me, Lupin.” 
“Oh, now we’re on a last name basis?” He replied, brows raised in amusement. “I’m not going to laugh at you. I think you’re being ridiculous, but I like it.” 
“Ridiculous is even worse than silly!” You spluttered, losing your nerve from before at the risk of sounding whiny. You’d stomp your foot to bring your point across even more, but that seemed a little too dramatic for the situation. Settling for a deep frown, you scowled at your boyfriend, moving to rise off the couch. 
“No, wait—I’m sorry, I’ll be serious now, I promise.” He insisted, holding his hands up palm out in front of him. “No more poking fun, you have my word.” 
“Look, I don’t care that you’ve never snogged anyone before. In fact, that’s good news for me—means you won’t be able to tell if I’m absolutely shit at it.” 
“I thought you were being serious now.” You grumbled. 
“I am! I am. Y/N, I…” Remus hesitated, raking a hand back through his hair. “I’ve never felt the way I do for you with anyone else before. And I haven’t really, erm, been with a lot of people, so this, with you, it's special to me.”
“Me too.” 
“I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’m sorry if it feels like I’m going too fast, or pushing you into something you’re not comfortable with. You can always tell me to fuck off and I’ll understand.” 
“It doesn’t.” You said quickly, shaking your head. Still, he looked skeptical, bordering on guilty. “You don’t. You’ve never made me feel uncomfortable. It’s actually the opposite. I…I feel more like myself when I’m around you. You make me feel safe, Remus. To be who I am, to say what I want. I just—I’m still trying to figure out what that means, and sometimes it makes me unsure of myself.” 
You weren’t even sure where all the words were coming from, but as soon as they left your mouth you knew they were true. 
“I know the feeling.” He murmured, letting you take his hand in yours. His thumb rubbed along your knuckles absentmindedly. “For what it’s worth, I reckon you’re bloody great. And I’m glad you feel safe with me. That you feel like you can be yourself. Means I’ve done something right.” 
“You’ve done everything right, Remus. I’m the one who can’t get over myself and be who you deserve.” 
“Hey, hey, stop that.” He chided, giving a firm shake of his head. “You’re already everything I deserve and more.” 
“You’re too sweet to me.” You frowned, leaning into him. His arm swept across your back, fingers curling around your shoulder to bring you even closer, a swift move punctuated with a kiss to the top of your head. You angled yourself so you were looking up at him, ready to gauge his reaction to your next question. “Can you…kiss me now?”
Remus’ brows flew high. “Are you sure?” 
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I can wait, I promise. I—” 
“Will you shut up and kiss me, Remus?” 
Remus lifted your chin with two fingers, rich coffee eyes searching your own for any ounce of hesitation and coming up empty, before closing the gap between you swiftly, but not rushed. Firm, but not aggressive. He kissed you much like the way he acted around you.
Even though you were more or less just following his lead, kissing Remus came to you easier than you thought it would. His hand slid up to the back of your neck. Yours bunched into the front of his jumper like you’d done it before, subconsciously tugging him closer until he’d backed you up against the opposite armrest of the couch, one arm braced on either side of you to hold himself up. 
His body blanketed yours, lips leading to the edge of something more before he pulled away. He studied you again, reveling in the dazed look in your eyes as you both caught your breath. “How was that for your first kiss?” 
“Mm, good,” You hummed, still a bit taken aback (in the best possible way). 
“Top marks?” 
“Alright if I go for extra credit?” 
Now that you’d finally managed to kiss Remus, you didn’t want to stop. You honestly didn’t think he’d mind if you never stopped. You certainly wouldn’t.
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post new fics :)
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starrylayle · 6 days
It’s nice to see that some fanon marauders fans are starting to see how whack and far removed their depiction of sirius black is,,, but not Remus lolll.
Like they’ll say, ‘oh sirius is tall, snarky and intimidating — but Remus is just taller, snarkier and more intimidating’ like no he isn’t lmaoo
idk what the obsession with this OC posing as Remus is but uhm,,, they can never let sirius be the cool one. Remus has to be always a little but cooler even tho in the books he’s a total loser (and not in the cool way)
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bitchyycapricorn · 1 year
Remus Lupin x Pureblood! Reader
Wordcount: 2.7K
Synopsis: “Bite me Lupin.” You challenge, raising your head to look into his amber eyes.
Remus smirks, leaning down into your ear. “I’m going to fuck the pure-blood out of you.” He growls.
“Do it then.” You snap back, feeling Remus’s hand on your bare thigh.
“I’m going to ruin you.”
Warnings: Smut!, enemies to lovers trope, angst, cursing, P in V, fingering
AN: lightly edited
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It was your glare that caught Remus’s attention. The way your eyes narrowed the moment the two of you made eye contact. You sat across the hall at the Slytherin table, chatting with your friends and poking your food with a fork that some idiot let you have. Remus didn’t trust that you wouldn’t stand up at any given moment and come stab him in the neck with it. He had every right to not trust you with sharp objects of course, since the moment your eyes locked with the brown haired boy you couldn’t help but think about dragging the fork down his throat and watching his filthy half-blood self beg for his life.
“You’re staring Lupin.” You taunt from across the room.
“Well clearly so are you L/N.” Remus counters proudly. He sat up a little more in his seat as a smirk fixes on his face.
“Yes well,” you smile, “I was just wondering how your whore of a muggle mother was doing. Still spreading her legs in hopes for something magical?” Your voice was dripping with venom as you mock Remus’s family life.
Remus clench’s his jaw, his hand bawling into a fist of rage . “You-“
“She’s not worth it mate,” James mutters, pulling his friends attention away from your proud face. Remus knew they were right, there was no point in arguing with you again. You always seem to win after all. No matter how many times they call you out for you skewed views on blood status, you always manage to shoot back with how at least your family loves you because you weren’t some blood-traitor or half-blood freak. At that point the boys would accept there was just no changing your views on these matters.
To make things even worse, you were a favorite in the Slytherin house. Many of the student’s believe you’ll be the next heir of Slytherin after all, between your family status and that fact you were a parselmouth. These factors made it nearly impossible for the boys to ever get back at you for your snarky remarks. The whole house would be up in arms defending you, and you’d just set a snake on poor defenseless Peter again. Remus backs down from the fight, looking back at his plate and resuming his eating. You sat proudly with your friends, laughing about how pathetic Remus was, not even standing up for his own mother. Laughter fills the Slytherin table until everyone is dismissed to go back to class.
Remus was back in the library for the third time that day. It’s been a few days since the lunch table incident and Remus found the only way he could escape your taunting was by hiding deep in the bookcases of the library. He was enjoying hiding behind a bookcase and reading up on the new D.A.D material that was assigned when a figure turns the corner and bump into him.
“Ugh. Seriously?” You huff as you gather your books back into your arms. “Watch were you’re standing loony Lupin. God, you’re such a menace you know that?” You grumble.
Remus startles at your sudden presence, feeling the color drain from his face as his eyes met yours. “I was here first,” he squeaks out. A blush spreads across his face while his eyes search for an escape route.
“You think I care if you were here first? A filthy, disgusting, half-blood like you shouldn’t even be standing in my presence, let alone in my way while I’m trying to retrieve my books.” You spit. Your face was bright red as you push past Remus’s frozen body. He could feel every ounce of dignity he had left leave him in that moment.
“You don’t have to be such a bitch you know.” He mutters under his breath as he begins to leave.
Your head snaps in his direction as a scowl spreads across your face “Excuse me?”
Remus turns to face you, attempting to stand a little straighter in the process. “You heard me. I said, you don’t have to be such a bitch.”
Your body was shaking with rage, ‘how dare such an inferior half-blood speak to me in such a manner’ you thought as you clench your jaw. “Say that shit again, I dare you.” Your voice was sharp like a blade threatening to cut Remus open. He winces, backing up slightly.
“We both know its true. You are a bitch. A pure-bloo-“ Remus couldn’t finish his sentence before he was being thrown back into the bookshelf. Your body slamming against his roughly, books falling as you and Remus make impact with the shelf behind him.
“You think I’m a bitch? I’ll show you bitch.” You seethe, your first bawling around his now disheveled robes. “Fuck you Remus Lupin.”
“Fuck me?” Remus growls back. You pause for a moment at his words.
“You want me to what?” You tease, a small laugh escaping your lips.
“Shit. No that’s not what I-“ Remus groans, feeling you release him from your grip.
You back away from Remus, your eyes scanning his body up and down in the process. His back was still pressed up against the bookshelf, his hair is messed up and his robe was thrown open. Your eyes lock on his very obvious boner, causing your face to flush an even brighter red.
“You’re fucking disgusting Lupin.” You grumble, grabbing your books from the table and walking away.
It had been a week since you saw Remus in the library, you were avoiding him at all cost. You’d never admit it, not even to yourself, that you were highly attracted to the scarred Gryffindor boy. Something about him made your knees weak and your body feel like it was on fire. You knew it would never matter how hot and bothered Remus made you, your family would kill him on sight if it weren’t a crime. So you held your head high and made his life a living hell.
The bell rang, dismissing everyone from their classes for the day. You gather your potions books and watch as students file out of the classroom. Professor Slughorn wishes you a good rest of your day as he exits the classroom as well, leaving you alone.
You continue to gather your books and put away your materials until you hear the door slam shut. You look up to see the Marauders on the other side casting a blood lock spell on the door. Your heart drops as you realize you’re trapped in the potions room until either Slughorn returns after supper, or until tomorrow morning. “Bloody hell,” you mutter, slamming your book on to the table.
“Really? You’re mad? They accident left me in here with you.” Remus grumbles as he appears from behind the far wall of the classroom holding some extra ingredients that were reserved only for the upper class potion students.
“Of course I’m stuck in here with the freak.” You groan, glaring at Remus as he approaches your table. “You know, nobody likes a scarred freak. Obnoxiously tall and built and…fuck” you mumble turning your head away from Remus realizing that if you keep talking you’ll only embarrass yourself.
“Tall and built? Didn’t know you had the capability of complimenting someone.” Remus teases, a sudden surge of confidence coursing though him as he continues to walk towards you.
“Fuck off Lupin, you’re the one who said you wanted to fuck me the other day.” A blush spreads across your face as the words leave your mouth. You can still vividly remember just how hot Remus looked pushed up against the bookshelf. The way his hair was a mess and his robes hanging off his perfect body.
“I did say that didn’t I? Also, I want you to know I’m not any happier about being stuck with you L/N. You’re an obnoxious stuck up brat.” Remus tosses his ingredients onto the table before turning to face you. “All you do is bitch. Complaining about others not being ‘good enough’ because they aren’t some snobby pure-bloods. You think you’re so much better than everyone else is that it?” Remus teases as he pins you between himself and the empty table behind you.
“Bite me Lupin.” You challenge, raising your head to look into his amber eyes.
Remus smirks, leaning down into your ear. “I’m going to fuck the pure-blood out of you.” He growls.
“Do it then.” You snap back, feeling Remus’s hand on your bare thigh.
“I’m going to ruin you.” Remus taunts, his hand sliding up your thigh now. “I’m going to fuck you until you’re nothing more than a pathetic mess underneath me. Begging me to keep going, to keep ruining your perfect little pure-blood self.”
You let out a groan, hands gripping the table behind you. His hand burns your skin as it travels further up your skirt, the heat traveling all the way up your body and leaving a pool in your underwear.
“You like the sound of that don’t you Y/N? You want a half-blood to fuck you, don’t you? What would daddy say if he saw you like this? Hot and flustered for me.” Remus presses a rough kiss to your neck, biting down on the tender skin.
“I-“ you let out a moan, pushing your body up against Remus’s.
“Use your words.” Remus’s hot breath hits your neck and sends a shiver down your spine.
“Yes Remus, I want you to fuck me. I want you to ruin me, please.” You moan as Remus hand slides your now soaking underwear to the side.
“Look at you, such a good girl using her words.” Remus teases as his middle and ring finger slide into your hot cunt. You throw your head back at the feeling. Your hips jerk forward, rocking ever so slightly on Remus’s fingers. Remus slowly pulled his fingers out of you before pushing them back in. You let out another series of moans as you rock your hips desperately.
“Remus please,” you beg as his fingers slide in and out of you.
“Please what?” Remus groans, his fingers getting faster.
Your voice is barley as whisper “Fuck me, please.” You moan.
“I can’t hear you clearly….” He says teasingly, pulling away from your body slightly. “Just say it louder, and more clearly so I can hear you love…” He whispers into your ear with a smirk on his face.
“Remus please,” you beg.
"Please... what my love? Please tell me what you want." His voice is dark and teasing now.
“I want you to fuck me” you whimper.
His smile widens, his eyes fill with lust as he takes you in. He pulls you closer, his fingers fucking you mercilessly, he whispers into your ear once again. “I can't hear you my love..."
“Fuck you Remus. Fuck me please,” you cry, moving your hands from the table to grab onto his Gryffindor robes.
Remus smiles, his eyes fixing on yours. “Now we’re getting somewhere.” He spoke as he kisses down your neck. “You want me to fuck you? Is that what you want.. My love?”
”Yes Remus, please. I need you please” tears brim the bottom of your eyes as Remus’s finger continue to slide in and out of you roughly.
"As you wish my love..." He pulls away from your neck and connects your lips passionately. His fingers curling inside your aching cunt, never slowing for a second. "I'm going to fuck you until you can’t stand anymore..." Remus pulls away from you, removing his fingers completely. Your eyes go wide in a confusion. You felt so empty without Remus’s fingers inside of your, or his body pressing against yours. You watch as Remus loosens the tie around his neck, pulling it over his head. He begins to shed his robes, his undershirt coming of next. You pause, admiring how toned his chest was, and the way light pink scars litter his chest and abdomen. “Quit staring and start stripping love,” Remus smirks as he pulls off his trousers.
“Shut it,” you grumble, loosening your tie as well before pulling it off completely. You follow his lead, stripping yourself completely naked. Your eyes meet his again before he pushes you up and onto the table. Your legs are quick to straddle Remus’s hips, pulling him closer as his lips attack yours hungrily.
“I’ve wanted you for so bloody long,” Remus groans, lining himself up at your entrance. His cock just barley enters you when a cry of pleasure escapes your throat. You bite down onto his shoulder harshly, trying to quiet yourself as Remus fully enters your aching cunt. His warm skin pressing against yours as his hips snap back and forth. His hands travel under your ass squeezing roughly as he lifts you off the table so he could thrust up into you.
Another cry escapes your lips as Remus helps guide you up and down his hard cock. You feel your whole body shaking as he pound up into you. His lips just barley ghosting kisses over the skin of your neck and shoulders, leaving a hot burning sensation spreading all throughout your body. Throwing your arms around his neck your fingers find their way to his hair, gently tugging on the fluffy brown strands.
A string of moans fall from your swollen lips at the feeling of Remus inside you. You could feel every inch of him as he fucks you senseless. Your mind is hazy as the world around you seems to disappear. The only thing your mind can register is the feeling of his cock thrusting in and out of you. Your walls contracting around him as he hits all the right spots deep within you.
“Fuck Y/N,” Remus moans, setting you back down on the table. Remus pulls out of you slowly before pulling you off the table and flipping you around.
“Oh my..uh,” you let out a whimper as your body presses against the cold table. Remus pushes into you from behind, placing one hand on your lower back and the other on your hips. His thrusts pick up again as he slams into you from behind. Small moans and whimpers escape your lips as your body is pushed up and down against the table. Remus’s thrusts are hard and forceful, pushing deeper and deeper into you each time. Groaning, Remus digs his fingers into your hip, leaving little red marks from the force.
“I’m close,” Remus groans, pounding into you with more force than before. “I’m going to fill you up, ruin you like you deserve to be ruined.” You let out another cry at his words, placing your cheek against the cool table, submitting to Remus completely. Within a few more thrusts you can feel Remus twitch cock twitching inside you. Letting out a grunt, he finishes in you, pushing himself as deep as he possibly can. “Fuck,” Remus heaves before picking his thrusts back up.
“Fuck-oh Remus!” You moan as his hand travels down your back and the inside of your leg. His fingers dance across your heat before dipping between your folds so he can rub your clit. The sensation sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body as your cunt squeezes around his still throbbing cock. “Remus please don’t stop,” you beg, feeling your orgasm approaching quickly. Remus keeps up his thrusts as his fingers toy with your clit, making you cry out with pleasure. “Remus I’m-I’m” you sputter felling the coil in your stomach snap as your orgasm washes over you.
Remus lets out another grunt, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he pushes deep into you before cumming in you for a second time.
“Fuck,” He sighs, pulling out of your limp body. You let out a small moan in response, too fucked out to respond properly. Remus ran his finger down your spine slowly, a grin spreading across his beautiful lips. “You’re so pretty when you’re not being a total bitch.” He laughs.
A dry laugh escapes your lips as you find your strength to sit up. “And I suppose you’re pretty hot for a half-blood freak.” A teasing smile settles on your lips as you stand to face him.
“Fucking pure-blood,” Remus mutters, placing his hand on your cheek and bringing you in for a kiss.
You pull away for a moment to smile at him, “your pure-blood now dumbass,” you smirk, connecting your lips with his once again.
Remus laughs against you lips before mumbling “what’s daddy going to think?”
You shake your head, still pressing kisses to his lips as he talks. “Just shut up and kiss me Lupin.”
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jaylienpotter · 10 months
Part 2 of Let them be | 1k words
< Part 1 | Part 3 >
Let boys wear skirts
James had started a protest against the school rules not allowing females to wear trousers. How? By breaking the dress code. Of course Sirius was going to follow up and also put on a skirt. His brother Reggie desperately needed to change uniforms.
What he wasn't expecting was how it felt. The fabric was nice and it was much more freeing, refreshing. But there was something else. He felt different. He felt pretty. I mean, he was always gorgeous. But not like this. He was looking at himself in the bathroom mirror, turning to see the skirt from different angles. He put his long black strands behind his ears and smiled. Sirius didn't know what it meant. He wasn't like Regulus. He wasn't trans. He liked being a bloke. He never felt discomfort with his body. The knock on the door startled him out of his thoughts.
"Sorry I'm going!" Taking the towel and his pajamas, he opened the door to a Moony in a skirt. Obviously they had all agreed to it but he just looked so awkward and cute, with high socks to hide the scars. But Remus would look good in anything. At least in Padfoot's eyes.
Lupin didn't budge when the bathroom got free. He stared, looked his friend up and down.
"What?" Did he look bad? Did he wear the skirt upside down? Did he just look ridiculous with his hair like that, which made him look even more feminine?
"I- uh- nothing, I just… It suits you." Was Moony blushing? Did Sirius only have to wear a skirt to catch his crush's attention this whole time?
"You think?" Pads did a little twirl. The skirt was a little short but what did he care?
"Yeah. You look… Pretty."
"Thanks. I kind of like it, actually…"
"I see. Uh Pads, can I use the toilet?" Sirius stepped aside and ever so slightly glanced at the boy's arse. Lupin looked a lot more modest. It made sense with his 'problem', as well as anxiety and low self confidence in general. Black didn't expect him to follow the protest. The four of them were in, though. Even Wormtail. Lily's skirt was slightly tight but he said it was fine since it was for a good cause. He could use a spell to largen it but none of them had mastered those yet. They'd end up making a skirt big enough for the squid.
There were whistles from the Gryffindor table as soon as he walked in for breakfast. Mckinnon was hyping her friend as usual.
"Look at her!" She was joking, of course. But it hit Sirius. He felt a knot in his (her?) stomach. Why did he like that? He was fine with male pronouns, never had a problem. Still didn't. Shrugging it off, the drama queen paraded to the table, followed by an anxious werewolf.
"Don't worry Moons. If anyone looks I'll just be flagrant and get the attention off you."
"Thanks Pads." He smiled, his cheeks still slightly tainted. Perhaps he was too hot from the high socks and long sleeves in the hot weather?
"Good morning, lads! How are we feeling? I see Padfoot is confident, great. Wormy is getting used to it. Moony, you good, mate?" Potter was such a mum. People would think that Remus being the most sensible out of the four, he would have the responsible, more parent-like role. To be quite frank, he didn't give a shit. If his friends made a fool of themselves he'd laugh. Prick. Hot prick, though.
"Yeah." He looked to his left and back at Prongs. "I'm okay."
The day went as expected, they got detention quite soon, the first class was thankfully History of Magic and their ghost of a teacher didn't even know he was dead, let alone what his students were wearing. They received plenty of comments. Some cheering, mostly from girls, some were snarky, and some of the students called them girls, which Black didn't seem to mind at all. And of course, there were lots of stares.
The Marauders walked together everywhere, to be stronger and avoid being attacked. James was incredible, swagging around the castle with his head held high.
"Hey, Prongs? Can I ask you something?" It wasn't until they were in their pajamas that Sirius gained the courage to talk about it.
"Of course."
"How did you feel wearing a skirt? Were you uncomfortable? Did you like it?"
"Well…" Potter twisted his mouth to the side, as he always did when thinking. "It was fine, I suppose. I wouldn't say I liked it, I wouldn't choose to wear one. But for the cause it didn't bother me."
"Hm." Pads's gaze was distant. He had time to figure it out, they were going to keep wearing skirts until a teacher heard their complaints. At least Sirius and James were.
The next day, Marlene joined the protest, borrowing Sirius's trousers that were oversized for her. The lads had gone downstairs and she was in their dorm with Black, getting ready. They had no problem changing in front of each other since both were gay.
"You seem to be enjoying the skirt." That tone meant she was onto something. The fucker could always read Sirius. Even better than James, at times.
"Yeah… I suppose so. Makes me feel pretty."
"Just pretty or more like a girl?" Bloody hell, she had figured it out even before Sirius.
"I'm not sure…" Marlene put on her tie, done getting ready.
"Do you want to borrow my makeup? It might help." Pads turned around nervously yet excitedly.
"You sure?"
"Yeah mate. You also have to repaint your nails, they're all chipped. Wait here, I'll get my stuff."
"Thanks Marls…" She winked and left, coming back a few minutes later.
"I also brought a small mirror. Sit, we're having a beauty session." It was funny. Marlene wasn't that feminine. She didn't wear makeup all that often and when she did, it was more of a rock punk look with smudged black eyes. It wasn't anything like Evans or Mary, which were a lot more elegant and traditional.
"You don't want to eat first?"
"I'd rather get you all prepped up to see people's faces when you show up all girly."
And the faces did not disappoint. Black and Mckinnon walked into the Great Hall with wrapped arms. She had her hair in a messy bun, her shirt not fully buttoned up with her tie loose, the trousers covering her feet and a bit of a black smudged eyeshadow. Sirius, on the other hand, wore the skirt from the previous day, which was slightly short but still covered up everything, the shirt also not buttoned up all the way as per usual, and the red and gold tie undone, sitting on his shoulders. Some black nail polish and winged eyeliner, too. He couldn't deny it, it felt pretty good.
The best face was Remus's, who literally dropped his toast. The pink cheeks were definitely not from the weather. It sparked a little hope in Padfoot, that maybe his dreams of being with his best friend would come true. However, Moony would probably forget about it as soon as the protest ended.
It took a while until that happened. Pads and Prongs wore skirts for around two weeks (and some of the girls wore pants - Marlene, Lily, Mary, Dorcas, Pandora), eventually Reg felt comfortable enough to join, he had never felt so good at Hogwarts.
Mcgonagall was the one who spoke up about it, saying it was getting ridiculously out of hand and that she saw no problem with girls wearing trousers 'But for the love of Merlin, boys, put on some trousers'.
Dumbledore agreed to change the rules, as the protest was distracting the students' focus during classes. Fully aware the Gryffindors weren't going to back down.
Regulus was ecstatic and thanked all of them. Sirius was happy for his brother but he was going to miss the skirt. In this journey of self discovery, he had come to the conclusion that he felt both masculine and feminine, some days more than others. All the pronouns felt right, but he did prefer being called pretty over handsome. Maybe Sirius would be able to wear a skirt again someday. Until then, makeup was the only way of expression. He would also miss Moony's glances, he ought to come up with a new way to lure the Gryffindor boy.
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Alpha!James x Beta!Regulus x Alpha!Remus Throuple Headcanons
Where we learn the difference between James and Remus as alphas. Regulus is a national treasure, and is the reason why his boys are such satisfied alphas.
Sighs just thinking about beta regulus who struggles to take remus and james' knot :(
beta regulus who goes into false pregnancies whenever the two alpha's ruts coincide and he's so full of cum, his body reacts to accommodate. But beta's have a hard time conceiving and they all know there's no baby.
Still, the sight of Regulus with a bump turns James and Remus on so much, they make sure to give him lots of love.
What about james who doesn't like being left out even when he's not up for anything himself, so he'll just watch remus and regulus fuck in their bedroom? What about regulus who says he's too busy when the two alpha's call him over, only to end up at the foot of the bed, blushing, smelling like lust — asking if it's too late to join because remus and james made the most delicious noises?
James is so territorial about his lovers it's a wonder he's able to have what he has with remus and regulus without losing his mind. Anyone other than remus touching regulus would've ended up in a bloody mess. Anyone other than regulus and him taking care of remus in an aggressive rut would have sent him over a feral rage.
And for all of James' unadulterated alpha behavior and aggression, people never really expect Remus topping when they're together. This dynamic catches James off guard too. Perfect, charming James Potter disappears once he's with his lovers because all that ever was, was a facade. James is loud, needy, and argumentative. An only child raised by indulgent parents with money. The first time James butts heads with Remus, all it takes for James to back off is a command in alpha voice from Remus to sit down and listen. James thrives in protecting the people he loves, always being told, growing up, his words would be followed. He never really expected to follow someone else as an alpha. But Remus, from all the years struggling, who's lived life having to fight to keep everything that's his, his — takes all of James' sharp edges and grinds them down, just enough so he can get a good grip on him.
No one expects calm, timid Remus to have the amount of control he has over James and Regulus. No one expects much from Remus with James and Regulus always the ones setting the path in front of them ablaze. But that's okay, Remus' alpha, doesn't care for other people's opinions on his casual docility. On his unusual lack of aggression or territoriality.
But he certainly has no problem holding a snarling James down, and telling him he'll be knotting him like the good little slut he is. He has no problem telling a snarky Regulus to present himself for James and making sure the beta follows form.
James needs both Remus and Regulus to keep him steady. Regulus and James need each other to enjoy their own burning, hungry flames. But Regulus needs Remus to come get him after so he doesn't get lost in all the mania, he needs Remus to hold the back of his neck and call him back to the surface. Remus needs James and Regulus to feel real. To feel like he exists.
Remus whose alpha presentation never fails to stump everyone because all the primal urges, all the hormonal spikes don't show when it comes to him.
Only for his ruts to reduce him into a beast needing to breed. Prone aggression considered beyond the normal rut behavior. He's susceptible to fast and painful bursting orgasms that keep him hard and looking for a mate to knot.
Regulus, the beta that he is, IS NOT made for the type of alpha remus is. James and Regulus make do, James calls him his omega wife because Regulus more or less knows how to fit around James' length and bulb. They fit right in the good middle of why alpha's tend to look for beta rut mates and why beta's will look for alpha's as well. Beta's are so much tighter that alpha knots feel unreal, the same way alpha's start choking on spit once they get a taste of betas on a rough rut.
But Remus? Remus is the type of alpha that justifies the need for omegas, and is a good example, himself, of why omegas justify an alpha's existence. But remus, so in love, so hungry for Regulus will force a knot too big to fit Regulus' small hole. And he will NOT have anyone else. It's on the tail end of his ruts when his mind starts to clear, that only then, will he consider James to knot.
Moony, the alpha that Remus becomes is wholly and deeply enamoured with Regulus. Only Regulus will do. He's accepting of James' presence as pack, but they learned the hard way what happens when James tries to carry away a fucked out Regulus.
Moony-Remus, a more cognizant, more present version of their alpha will have James and Regulus, especially towards the end where Remus-Moony will dote on James until the rut fully passes over.
Regulus deserves an award for being the best beta EVER. The throuple would sink without him.
The service Regulus does for his alpha's would make any good omega pale in fear. And the boys KNOW IT. They know how lucky they are — that and how much tighter of a hole they get from Regulus 😔. Regulus will never have a future with anyone else because Remus and James are so ready to kill to keep their boywife ✨
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number1abbasupporter · 10 months
Remus: describe Regulus in 3 words
James: mysterious, snarky, and hot
Lily: sweet, precious, and cute
James: are we talking about the same person?
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