#sirius plays ghost trick
siriusgamer · 1 year
This 👇 has been sitting in my drafts for years, probably because it's not the most polished set of comments in the blogosphere? But I thought you guys might enjoy it, while I replay until I get to the point where I remember/understand what I was talking about when I first started writing this 😅
Sorry for the delay!!
Anyway, chapter 14 blew my mind.
The park guardian died hours ago, and I thought, “We’re not going to be able to bring him back without causing a rift in the time-space continuum, right??” But it turns out he doesn’t have much of an effect on the timeline either way, so we’re safe.
Sissel, on the other hand, has had a major effect on events, so bringing him back to life probably wouldn’t be possible :(
Speaking of people that are dead, MISSILE :( :( :’( That absolute ASSHOLE ran over him. Let’s drop the rock on HIM >:(
Missile ended up with ghost SUPERpowers, so between the two of us, we stopped the rock from crushing the park enthusiast ("And now Mino is right where he belongs," in the trash.)
"So you went back in time?" "YOU BET I DID!"
Missile wants to stay dead so he can keep his powers and protect kamila....
oh no, I hope missile is okay
The rock of the gods is what gave missile his powers!! wtf???
(except Sissel got ghost powers, and he was nowhere near the rock when he died...)
.... but if the criminal died, near that rock, then... he must have come back as a ghost with some kind of powers, right? and maybe he has it in for jowd because.... idk.
ah, that was the reason she never came back to the park. even feeling like a hero saved her didn't make her feel safe there
... i thought the temsik were a people? the assassin said he had to get rid of all the temsiks... was he talking about the rocks? or the ghosts given powers by the rocks?
we need to go ask jowd what the heck he knows about all this 
cabanela will never forgive jowd... for what?
"Please don't pick on the minister. If he dies again, I'm the one who has to save him." I am gonna miss Sissel's snark, though??
ohhhhh my god wait a minute
his wife's death was HIS punishment? dude. dude, she's the one who died. and now i'm sad that we know nothing about her except the fact that she's dead. fridge.
maybe he's being manipulated, though?? if they can manipulate people to sing the wrong lyrics, then they can manipulate him to say something he otherwise wouldn't, right?? why am i suddenly so on this dude's side when i was originally so suspicious of him?
WHAT IS SISSEL'S ACTUAL NAME. or what's the name of his twin, or SOMETHING. is this the family that is mysteriously missing from this story?
Random details:
Does the rock (Mino) kinda look like whatever was painted on Jowd's cell wall, or am I imagining that? 
“He’s mesmerized by my beauty.” 
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hauntedwitch04 · 2 years
Becky’s Halloween party!
Welcome to my Halloween party! I really love this feast, and I wanted to celebrate it with you all. I know that I’m already late, but here I am. I took some prompts from the internet, hope you like it. I’ll try to post everyday, but I can’t assure anything, I'm so sorry.
With love, your Becky,💫
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DAY 1: “You can’t go out with such a thin jacket in October, you gonna get a cold!” with Steve Harrington
DAY 2:  “I love this song. It totally gives me Halloween vibes.” with Timothee Chamalet
DAY 3: "If you keep eating so many sweets you will get cavities." "I eat you out practically every day and my teeth are practically perfect." with Sirius Black 
DAY 4: “You know darling, it’s dangerous to walk around after midnight.” with Azriel
DAY 5: “You are scared of a crow?” “It’s a fucking crow in the middle of the night in October, obviously I’m scared.” with Eddie Munson
DAY 6: "You know, honey, as much as it costs me to admit it, your pumpkin is much more beautiful than mine." "Of course, I am the queen of pumpkins." with Steve Harrington (x Henderson!Reader) 
DAY 7: "You saw the ghost, too." "Love...it was a fucking bedsheet." with tasm!Peter Parker. 
DAY 8: "Did you buy a fucking cauldron?" "All witches need their cauldron to make potions, you dummy." with Ben Barnes 
DAY 9: "If you keep singing the Nightmare Before Christsmas songs, I think I won't make it to Halloween in one piece." "But at least you'll know them all by the time we see it on Halloween night." "Tell me we're playing trick-or-treating, because this is a fucking treat." with Andrew Garfield 
DAY 10: "Trick or Treat." "I choose treat, but I know something sweeter than this candy." "And what would that be?" "You." with Remus Lupin
DAY 11:  "You are the cutest ghost I have ever seen." with Dad!Steve Harrington x daughter x Mom! Reader
DAY 12:  "Feel lucky that I share my treats with you." "I left all the chocolate to you." "That's why I love you." with Remus Lupin 
DAY 13: "Why do we have to choose a pumpkin, we already have X that it is an empty head." with Azriel 
DAY 14: "I love spending my days with you in front of the fire and u good horror book in my hands, because I finally feel at home." with Regulus Black 
DAY 15: "Remind me never to let you tell a scary story again, I will have nightmares for the next ten years." with Eddie Munson  (for my sister) 
DAY 16: "Strange as it may seem, I love walking through cemeteries at night. Everything is so scary, gloomy, and finally you feel really alive." "Love, I think it's time to stop reading Edgar Allan Poe." with Regulus Black 
DAY 17: "What was that sound?!" "You stepped on a twig." "Why are there twigs on the ground!?" "Why are we in a freaking forest!" with Sirius Black 
DAY 18: "I love reading during the rain, but you know what I love most? Reading during the rain with you in my arms, with your intoxicating scent of cinnamon and chocolate that smells like home." "Man! You give me diabetes." with Remus Lupin
DAY 19:  "God, I wish it was Halloween every day if I could see you in that dress. You're the sexiest witch I've ever seen." with Joe Keery 
DAY 20: "If you eat so many sweets, your stomach will hurt." "Oh come on, I'm not a child anymore." "Does your stomach hurt?" "Shut up before I punch you." with Rhysand 
DAY 21: "You won't be able to convince me to enter that abandoned house." "Okay." "What, you don't insist?" "No, because apparently you'd rather be alone in the surroundings of an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere." "Fuck you." with Loki 
DAY 22: "Would you like to watch Corpse Bride? I've already made hot chocolate and lit the fire." "Are you asking me to marry you?" "Why?" "Because it's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." with tasm!Peter Parker 
DAY 23: "Tonight there is a full moon. Do you want to go watch it?" "No, sorry I can't tonight, I turn into a werewolf." "What?" "Stupid, of course I feel like going to see the moon with you." with Andrew Garfield
DAY 24: "Remind me never to let you drink at a party again, you looked possessed." "Well, at least I was in theme with the party since it was for Halloween." with Timothee Chamalet 
DAY 25: "Oh my God, did you see that beautiful cat!" "I wouldn't go too close, it's a black cat." "Really? Are you afraid of black cats? I didn't think you were so superstitious." "Well I have a witch in front of me, so I believe in everything now." with Steve Harrington 
DAY 26: "We could watch Sleepy Hollow." "I'm not going to watch another horror movie just because Johnny Deep is in it." "But have you seen how hot he is?"  with Ben Barnes 
DAY 27: "Why are you dressed as Dracula?" "Because it's my Halloween costume?" "I thought we decided to go as JD and Veronica!" "Well look at it from that point of view, they're both dead." "So will you be in a little while when I kill you." with Sirus Black 
DAY 28: "You got me candles!" "Cinnamon and lavender, your favorite."  with Remus Lupin 
DAY 29: "Wow, what is that on your neck? Oh my God it's a bite! Did a vampire bite you? Are you going to be like Dracula? Oh my God, oh my God that's cool." "No man another animal bit me: my girlfriend." with Steve Harrington 
DAY 30: "I will never again take a drink offered by you." "Why? Don't you like them?" "No honey, I love them, but I am more and more convinced that you are a witch and that you put love potions, because the love I feel for you is beyond imagination." with Azriel 
DAY 31: “I fucking love Halloween Party!” with the Marauders 
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impishtubist · 7 months
trick or treat
(this is painfully American and no I'm not taking any criticism about that because frankly I don't care)
“Daddy, when is Harry coming?”
Sirius glanced at the clock. “In one hour, bug.” 
“How long is that?”
“That’s as long as one nap.” 
Teddy pouted. “That’s a long time.” 
Sirius grinned. “It’s not that long, I promise. Do you have your costume laid out?”
“And you’ve got your bucket?”
“Where are your shoes?”
Teddy pointed at the door, where he had carefully placed his shoes. 
Sirius wiped his hands on a towel. “Do you want to go to the park while we wait?”
The least Sirius could do, he figured, was to try to run off some of Teddy’s energy before letting Harry take him for the night. He bundled Teddy into his coat and whistled for the dogs. They came running, and Sirius clipped on their leashes.
“I wanna walk Bowie!” Teddy demanded, and Sirius handed over the red leash. He had had several stern talks with the dogs as Padfoot when Teddy was a baby, telling them how fragile a human child could be and how they weren’t ever to jump on, pull, or knock Teddy over. The lectures were probably unnecessary, as all his dogs were intelligent and well-behaved, but it made him feel better about the whole thing. Bowie was larger than Teddy, but he walked calmly down the street, not even running after a squirrel when it darted in front of him. 
They played for half an hour in the park before walking back. Well, Sirius and the dogs walked, while Teddy ran ahead of them. So much for burning off his energy. 
Harry was already waiting for them at the house when they returned, and Teddy shouted in excitement.
“Hi, Teds.” Harry dropped into a crouch as Teddy ran at him, catching the boy in a hug. “Are you ready to go?”
“No! I need my costume!” 
“Let’s go put it on then, shall we?” Harry straightened. “Hi, Sirius.”
“Hi, love. Thanks for doing this.” 
“It’s no problem.” 
Teddy dragged Harry off to his room, chattering at him a mile a minute. Sirius’s heart swelled as he listened to his kids, to Harry’s questions and Teddy’s excited answers. He fed the dogs while Harry helped Teddy with his costume, and then finished cleaning up the kitchen from dinner. 
The doorbell rang, and he went to answer it. 
“‘Lo, you two,” he said, standing back to let Ron and Hermione in. “Teddy’s already got Harry captive.” 
Feet pounded down the hallway, and Teddy ran into the room. Or, rather, a pteranodon with Teddy’s face ran into the room.
“Ron!” he cheered. “Hermy!” 
“My goodness,” Hermione said, taking in the elaborate costume that Sirius had spent hours magicking into existence using some clothes Teddy had grown out of. “What kind of dinosaur are you?”
“Not a dinosaur,” Teddy said, sounding offended. “‘s a flying reptile, Hermy.” 
“And what’s it called, Teds?” Sirius prompted.
“A ter-an-don.” 
“Pteranodon,” Sirius said.
“That’s what I said!” 
They went outside so Teddy could stretch out the wings of his costume and Sirius could take pictures.  
“Alright, Tedster.” Sirius knelt in front of the little boy. “You have fun tonight, okay?” 
“I will.”
“Good. Can I give you a hug?”
Teddy allowed a hug and a kiss, and then he ran to Harry, taking his hand and tugging him down the street. 
Sirius never visited James and Lily’s graves on Halloween.
He visited the cottage instead. 
He knelt in the entryway where he had found James’s body. He climbed the stairs to the nursery where he had found Lily’s, where he had scooped a bleeding and sobbing Harry from the wreckage of his crib. He sat in the kitchen, where he’d spent countless afternoons having Sunday lunch with his best friends. He lingered in the living room, where he’d played with Harry on hands and knees while James watched fondly from the sofa. 
He wandered the cottage like a ghost, haunted by the lives that had never unfolded here, by all the futures they could have had. 
After, he returned home, lit a fire in the fireplace, and sat on the sofa with a glass of wine. The dogs joined him--Bowie draped across his lap, Sasha and Zephyr curled up on either side. Demeter wandered out of Teddy’s room and leaped on the back of the sofa, purring as she rubbed her head against Sirius’s cheek. It was the only day of the year she ever paid him any attention. 
By the time Harry, Ron, and Hermione returned with Teddy, Sirius had had a good cry, finished his wine, and made a batch of hot cocoa for everyone. Teddy was only wearing half his costume, and Harry carried the other half while Ron carried his candy bucket.
“Daddy, look what I got!” Teddy exclaimed, running up to Sirius. Sirius hoisted him onto his hip and inspected the bucket.
“Very nice, Teddy,” he said. “Did you have fun?”
“Yeah, I wanna go again.”
“Next year, bug.” Sirius kissed his cheek and set him down again. "Let's get you some hot cocoa, you're freezing."
The kids then settled on the floor in the living room in a circle, Teddy on Harry’s lap. 
“Okay, Teds, let’s see what you got.”
Teddy upended the bucket on the floor, and sweets scattered everywhere. The dogs all lifted their heads, eyeing the sweets curiously. Sirius flicked his wand, and the candy all gathered in a neat pile.
“Three pieces only tonight, Teddy,” Sirius said. 
Sirius dragged a hand down his face, trying to suppress a laugh. “Teddy.” 
“We can choose three,” Harry said. “Come on, Teds, we’ll help you pick out your three favorites. Then we’ll put the rest away for other special occasions. You remember how sick you got last year? That wasn’t any fun, was it?”
“No,” Teddy said sullenly. He heaved a great sigh. “Fine.” 
Harry, Ron, and Hermione spent the next half hour sorting through Teddy’s candy with him, separating out the toys and trinkets that some houses had handed out instead, and discarding the candy Teddy wouldn’t eat. Sirius retreated to his study but left the door open, warmed by the joy emanating from the other room.
“Teddy, where did you get all this licorice?” Ron asked at one point, laughing. “You hate licorice. Here, we’ll throw them out--” 
“No, Ron! Those are for Daddy.” 
“Sirius does like licorice,” Hermione said, and Sirius could hear the shrug in her voice.
“Yeah, an’ Daddy’s sad. So he gets licorice.” 
There was a beat of silence, and then Harry said, “You think Daddy’s sad?”
“Yeah, Halloween makes ‘im sad,” Teddy said. He lowered his voice and added, “I think it’s ‘cause he’s scared of the costumes.” 
“Maybe you’re right, Teds. Why don’t you go give him his candy to make him feel better?”
“Okay!” Teddy scampered into the study, holding a handful of licorice. “Daddy, I have presents for you.” 
“Thank you, Teddy.” Sirius absolutely was not going to cry again. He pressed a kiss to the crown of Teddy’s head. “I feel better already. Why don’t you go eat your treats, and then have Harry help brush your teeth? It’s almost time for bed.” 
In the end, Ron helped Teddy with his bath, Harry brushed his teeth, and Hermione read him a bedtime story. Sirius almost felt guilty about letting the kids take over so much tonight, but Harry had given him a stern talking-to two years ago when Teddy first started trick or treating. For one night, he and his partners could handle Teddy while Sirius gave over to his grief. 
Teddy was half-asleep when Sirius went to say goodnight to him. Demeter was curled up at his side. She flicked her tail lazily when Sirius came into the room, but otherwise didn’t acknowledge him. 
“Good night, Teddy,” he whispered, drawing the dinosaur-patterned blankets up to Teddy’s shoulders. “I hope you had a good Halloween.” 
“Daddy,” Teddy said sleepily, “will you come next year?”
Sirius stroked Teddy’s curls. “You want me to come with you?”
“Mmhmm.” Teddy snuggled into his pillow. “You can dress up.”
“Oh? And what would I dress up as?”
Teddy blinked open his eyes and gave him a perfectly innocent look. “Stubby Boardman?”
Sirius huffed. “Your big brother has been putting ideas into your head again, I see.” 
He leaned down and kissed Teddy’s cheek. “Sure, baby. I’ll go with you next year.”
(Remus isn't in this because I didn't feel like writing him. He's probably dead, but you can imagine they're divorced and this is Sirius's week with Teddy if that makes you feel better. Also Harry is definitely dating both Ron and Hermione okay bye).
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jegulus microfic day 11 from @jegulus-microfic
prompt: ghost // words: 823 // content warnings: none
James sees the younger Black brother in the house sometimes.
He never tells a soul, and he never makes eye contact, but he sees him.
It started by accident. James had popped into Grimmauld Place to pick up an old book from the family library that Sirius asked for, only to stop dead in his tracks at the sight of a slim figure slipping into the kitchen. Intrigued and, he will admit, mildly bewitched, he returned the next night to catch a glimpse of that same boy.
He realized it was Regulus on night three.
The boy looks like a dream, with misty gray eyes and dark velvet curls and skin so pale James can see right through him to the other side of the room. Though that might be due to the undead nature of his spirit.
Regulus Black is supposed to be dead. Not alive, not halfway dead, just dead. All the way dead. He died in 1979. It’s 1982 now. He is supposed to be dead.
No one else sees him either. Only James, and only when Grimmauld Place is dark and silent aside from the creaking of the old floorboards settling in the wind.
Tonight, though, James is going to confront the boy. He is going to find out once and for all if this spectre is a figment of his imagination or if, somewhere between life and death, Regulus Black started wandering.
It could very well be his imagination. His house is lonely now with Sirius and Remus on their own and Harry living with Mary and Lily fifty-percent of the time. It wouldn’t surprise him if one day, James’ subconscious decided to make a ghost.
A ghost of Regulus Black, though…that seems less plausible.
He had planned to walk into Grimmauld Place and demand that Regulus Black show himself. He had. It’s just…James has never been one for confrontation.
So, when he reaches the old house, with its dark walls and beheaded House Elves lining the corridors, James freezes. He stands in the front entryway, and he freezes.
Am I really here to chase a ghost?
The last thing he is expecting is for Regulus Black to come down the stairs right in front of him.
It seems like the other man wasn’t expecting it either, for he goes stiller than a statue, and it could be just James’ eyes playing tricks on him, but he thinks he sees Regulus pale.
“You’re — but you’re dead.”
The young Black brother, the dead Black brother, laughs at him.
“Don’t pretend you’ve just noticed me. You’ve been unnecessarily puttering around this place for months.”
James swallows a very large lump in his throat and forces himself to look the man in the eyes. It’s the first time he’s ever done so; he’s only caught the reflection of those eyes in mirrors around the house. Staring into them head-on is like trying to withstand a torrential rainstorm, like standing firm in the face of hurricane-force winds.
“You’re dead,” he mumbles again, feeling rather stupid.
“Do I look dead?” Regulus asks. He leans languidly up against the stairway railing. One of his perfectly sculpted eyebrows is raised in critical analysis of the man in front of him.
“Well…you don’t look real,” James whispers without thinking. Regulus’ shoulders shake as he releases a soft, amused scoff.
“Why are you here, Potter? Why have you continuously been here, invading my private residence? Does Sirius know you come here every night to stare at his dead brother?”
Instead of answering, James takes a step closer, and when Regulus doesn’t back away, he moves closer still.
“If you’re still alive, why have you let everyone believe you were dead for the past three years?” James asks, fighting the urge to reach out and touch Regulus, to really feel whether or not he is a hallucination.
Regulus’ lips curl up in a knowing smile.
“Don’t demand information you haven’t earned yet,” he snaps, though there is a distinct lack of malice in his tone. “Come back tomorrow night, and maybe I’ll tell you. If you earn it.”
James’ breath catches in odd excitement he has no explanation for.
“Tomorrow night?” The words are coated in hope.
“Show up. Or don’t. I don’t care. Now get the fuck out of my house, James Potter, or I’ll sic Kreacher on you.” Regulus glares at him so intensely that James knows he’s not joking. James’ entire body itches with restlessness as he backs up and leaves Grimmauld, already wishing that time would speed up and bring him to twenty-four hours from now.
He should tell Sirius. He really, really should.
Shouldn’t he have all the information first? Telling Sirius, “Hey, your dead brother is back,” with no explanation might come off as a sick prank. No, James won’t tell. Not yet, anyway. First, he’ll gather the facts.
Which means meeting Regulus as many times as it takes.
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regheart · 4 months
one thing that people often get wrong about the prank or about remus and sirius in general is that typically remus doesn't hold a grudge and sirius almost doesn't feel guilty, despite the common portrayals that have them being the opposite of that
this is what they say about the prank in PoA chapter 18:
“Professor Snape was at school with us. He fought very hard against my appointment to the Defense Against the Dark Arts job. He has been telling Dumbledore all year that I am not to be trusted. He has his reasons . . . you see, Sirius here played a trick on him which nearly killed him, a trick which involved me —”
Black made a derisive noise.
“It served him right,” he sneered. “Sneaking around, trying to find out what we were up to . . . hoping he could get us expelled. . . .”
it served him right is what sirius said about snape, nevermind how the situation had affected remus
sirius' guilt is only present when james or harry are in the picture. he claims that by suggesting the secret keeper change he "as good as killed them" and he has no expectation of being part of harry's life when he escapes azkaban, only considering it and offering after he has been forgiven
and later on chapter 19 this is their exchange:
"[...] Wouldn’t Sirius have told you they’d changed the plan?”
“Not if he thought I was the spy, Peter,” said Lupin. “I assume that’s why you didn’t tell me, Sirius?” he said casually over Pettigrew’s head.
“Forgive me, Remus,” said Black.
“Not at all, Padfoot, old friend,” said Lupin, who was now rolling up his sleeves. “And will you, in turn, forgive me for believing you were the spy?”
“Of course,” said Black, and the ghost of a grin flitted across his gaunt face.
it's possible to assume that they overcome their differences quickly because there are more urgent matter at hand (killing peter), but that dialogue sets the tone for most of their adult interactions: they know each other the best and there's an unspoken mutual trust that comes from that and from learning from past mistakes
i'm saying this because i see a lot of people attributing a huge feeling of guilt and shame and inadequacy to sirius post prank, but those are mostly remus' traits. while remus isn't likely to openly show anger or resentment (as much as he might as has the right to feel it) and is frequently shown as someone to forgives easily
teenage sirius was reckless and had little knowledge or care for the consequences of his actions, so after the prank, when no damage is done he (and likely james) resume to blaming snape for messing around and finding out. teenage remus, on the other hand, had all of those feelings of shame and inadequacy while being very grateful for the acceptance and the friendship he gets from the other boys, so whatever his feelings were — and later those feelings were probably tainted by sirius' arrest and washed out by his proven innocence — he probably didn't hold on to them for too long or act upon them at all
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shipsgaysfordays · 3 months
i just had—what i believe to be—one of the worst ideas i’ve ever had. absolutely awful. deplorable.
it was the idea of a marauders au based on dear evan hansen. haven’t worked out all of the ideas but the first few thoughts were to have remus as evan and sirius as conner. more involving sirius’ “ghost”. like calling into question whether or not this is remus’ mind playing tricks on him or if sirius is there. also having remus realize that he’s in love with sirius but sirius isn’t there.
i wouldn’t have the lie get as big as it does in the musical, like i think it would stay as a thing between remus and sirius’ family and then like probably their friends too. like the kinda common au trope of remus being an outsider to the group and then slowly becoming friends with them all.
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enigmachine · 3 months
quick introduction post i’ll probably make it look pretty later. all of this is subject to edit
i’m squiffy or eni/enigma! my birthday is july 27th and i’m an intj 5w6. i speak english, very basic elementary español, and i’m currently learning русский. this blog is mainly to upload art. my alt blog is squiffied and i plan to upload stuff related to my ocs there. (so basically my own echo chamber…) some of my besties post art on here go follow them @mangomoths @b1tstar (rose if you see this hi i didn’t forget you i just didn’t know if you’d wanna be put on blast)
in general i do 3d modeling and drawing. i’m currently learning programming (lua, python, html) and i hope to create all the ideas in my head into games someday! i also LOVE anthropology and archaeology. i translate japanese rpg maker games in my free time even though i’ve never actually learned the language (love you papago and deepl❤️❤️)
i LOVE puzzles, riddles, mysteries, and anything related. i enjoy collecting and playing ds mystery visual novels i’m the #1 fan of any detective character and whenever i do escape rooms i carry everyone TRUST (really any mystery vns but those ones especially… i don’t know if it’s a special interest or what) but most of them are so expensive my wallet is crying
other than mystery vns, i enjoy rpg maker games, roblox, and stickman media. here’s all the fandoms i may post about:
ds games / mystery visual novels
• professor layton (MY FAVORITE!!! also includes lb:mr and lmj)
• ace attorney (i still have to complete tgaac)
• ghost trick: phantom detective
• ai:tsf (haven’t played ai:ni yet)
• zero escape (currently playing vlr, haven’t played ztd yet)
• your turn to die
• steins;gate (currently playing, might just watch the anime though)
• technically i’ve played the danganronpa games but i don’t really post about it?? it’s been so long i’ve probably forgot a lot anyways
• rhythm thief (currently playing)
• haven’t played but i want to get into hotel dusk SO BAD
• rhythm heaven (someday i will get megamix… someday)
• warioware
rpg maker games (stickman media in italics… those two kinda go hand-in-hand)
• ib (favorite along with…)
• yume nikki
• the witch’s house
• mad father
• witch’s heart (need to do sirius conclusion)
• hylics (currently playing)
• dead plate (currently playing)
• MARIKINonline4 (currently playing)
• 数字のヤツら (suuji no yatsura, currently playing + translating IS THERE EVEN AN ENGLISH FANDOM??)
roblox (heavily fixated on this at the moment)
• PHIGHTING! (medkit one-trick LOL… i play skateboard or scythe if it calls however)
• regretevator
• get a snack at 4 am (yeah those are like the big 3 games that are well known… everything else is kinda small)
• ocean terror
• brandon works
• someday i’ll get into guts & blackpowder. someday
• minus elevation
• my own ocs LOL
miscellaneous (i like “mainstream” fandoms too you guys!)
• animator vs. animation/animator vs. minecraft
• law of talos/endzone/castle of nations
• identity v (seer/composer main… i wanna say i main prisoner but i had to stop the luca main curse is REAL. i used to main painter too until they took his third painting away💔)
• spooky month
• the stanley parable (unfortunately i only played the original… someday i’ll get my hands on ultra deluxe. someday)
• portal (currently playing portal 2)
• if i do commissions will someone buy me ultrakill
ummumym’.!.!!,:&/ some of my favorite characters are luke triton, alfendi layton (pl), sigkin, arakawa, kashikin, eclair, axez (mo4), medkit, broker (p!), pest, bive, emerson, spud (regretevator), and cashier (gasa4)
some of the tags i use:
#art - guess
#not art - guess
#off topic - anything that doesn’t line up with what i normally talk about
ok that’s all make sure you like and subscribe that smash button hit send tweet
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broomsticks · 1 year
bc monkey brain does what it wants to do, whenever it wants to do it, have a ridiculously belated
halloween-themed wolfstar rec bingo
🐈‍⬛ halloween '81: October 30, 1981 // Penknife // 1k, M 🩸 blood: The Cartography of the Wreck // berhanes (sqvalors) // 2.6k, T 😱 full moon gone wrong: How to be happy // TheDivineComedian // 6k, T 👹 monsters: Amateur Cartography // montparnasse // 50k, M 🕸️ free space: If We Make It Through December // Suchsmallhands // 14k, G 🍬 trick or treat: they walk in the dark // watfordbird33 // 1.7k, T ⚰️ death: Small Bones of Courage // 15k, E 🎭 costume party: Lie With Me // Squidgilator // 12k, M 👻 ghosts: The Love Song of Sirius Black // kaydeefalls // 7k, M
bingo board by @moonwalker94 for hpfc :)
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🐈‍⬛ halloween '81: October 30, 1981 // Penknife // 1k, M. two parallel stories, canon compliant, short and so punchy.
The last good day he will remember, Remus spends the afternoon sitting on the windowsill of his flat pretending to read a book. Actually he is drinking in the deep blue sky and the golden light through the trees and the quiet of the street when everyone is off to work or school. The book is so that he can tell himself he is doing something, because there is no time these days to waste, even though he has nowhere to be until evening.
🩸 blood: The Cartography of the Wreck // berhanes (sqvalors) // 2.6k, T. angsty trust-issues first war wolfstar in interconnected vignettes get me every time. every time.
He thinks about the bruises etching themselves into his bones and the ache settling deeper than muscle. He thinks about how the man tending his wounds is the man holding him together is the man who might be trying to take him apart.
😱 full moon gone wrong: How to be happy // TheDivineComedian // 6k, T. it’s the moon in poa that goes wrong :)
"I want to go," said Harry quietly. "This is my fault, after all. If I had conjured a better Patronus –" "No, Harry" said Lupin. "It's my fault. If I hadn't turned at that precise moment –" "It's not your fault you're a werewolf!" said Harry. "It's not your fault you're an unhappy teen," said Lupin. "Still, we both failed at playing the cards we were dealt with, didn't we? We were playing an unfair game, and this -" he gestured to the corridor, "this is losing. Let's go and face it."
👹 monsters: Amateur Cartography // montparnasse // 50k, M. first war montparnasse fics capture just everything i think and feel and want to say about monsters and this ship so have an extra-long vibe quote (it's two sentences).
Monsters, it turns out, are what Dumbledore has in mind: werewolves mostly, same as it’s been for nearly a year, but now too giants and vampires and hags crouching in the distant crags and cracks of England where the bloodless whispers of war go unheeded by those living unfettered at the knife-edge of constant battles already long lost, strange covens of pale, mud-splattered people huddling under the cowl of their curse with their own dialect, their own dark comforts, their own brutal justice, weighed on the scales of fearful necessity and savage hunger. The cottage in the woods will lend him greater credence than a flat in Camden and a part-time desk job at a Muggle library and, though Dumbledore doesn’t say so, a handsome, reluctant Auror-to-be boyfriend with a last name louder than his motorbike; so Remus hoards what little he has and settles into the hillside, fighting his way through the roses and the mint that’s conquered the old garden and taking tea outside with The Secret Mating Patterns of Boggarts and Misery for Pastime and Profit at sundown, dwindling into the house with the ancient, dusty draught blowing through the kitchen every night and speaking its comfort against his lips and his ears, gently, gently.
🕸️ free space: If We Make It Through December // Suchsmallhands @shipsnsails // 14k, G. this fic is a solace, a warm little shelter in a snowstorm, a temporary respite in between the two wars.
He remembered when it was warm. Sipping absently and staring vacantly, he remembered summer and the heat that touched every memory. Even the warm nights on the parapets of Gryffindor tower, when four boys could gather and smoke cigarettes and grass without bundling up. The stars overhead seemed closer and blurrier in the summertime. Only the moonlight remained untouched by the sweetness of the summers, which brought visits at the Potter’s, and swimming in creeks without a shirt because the only people near enough to see were his friends.
🍬 trick or treat: they walk in the dark // watfordbird33 // 1.7k, T. have a side of james/peter to go with your remus/sirius 😘
They run until they’re somewhere else, and then Sirius is slamming Remus up against the wall, and every other time felt like play, but this doesn’t feel like play. This feels like James and Peter. This feels like Sirius means it. And then he’s molding himself to Remus. He’s fitting his curves and he’s touching him everywhere and there’s fire in between them and they’re kissing. They kiss like the end of the world and the beginning. They tumble and they’re not coming up.
⚰️ death: Small Bones of Courage // 15k, E. small bones small bones my love my baby! i'm not normal about this fic. what writing -- but it is Death, front and center.
Sirius insides tug reluctantly, but he nods. The eternal serpent in his blood rears up and strikes violently at his spirit for rolling over like this, letting the dark creature have its way, losing the only battle worth fighting—infused with the unique strength of resignation, Sirius does the bravest thing he’s done in years and simply ignores the venom. “Alright,” he sighs. Alright, alright, alright. So much of Sirius’ time has been spent convincing himself of that vapid untruth. He thinks fondly of the time that he has now—precious little, but time nonetheless—to spend on enjoying what’s left of Remus’ existence instead of pretending that hell has frozen over.
🎭 costume party: Lie With Me // @squidgilator // 12k, M. all costume no party, i'm reccing it anyway. a polyjuice potion + magical theory-heavy first war fic.
summary: Sirius meets Remus unexpectedly, in somebody else's body. Nobody trusts anybody.
👻 ghosts: The Love Song of Sirius Black // kaydeefalls // 7k, M. ghosts in the sense of a series of canon-divergent vignettes, and ghosts in the sense of --
"You won't be here when I wake, will you?" "No," Sirius says, and he suddenly knows it's true. This is Remus' dream, and he was lucky enough to be a part of it, but his time is running out as surely as sand slips through an hourglass. "No, I won't." He kisses Remus' forehead. Remus nods, very still in Sirius' arms. He closes his eyes. "Remus," Sirius whispers. "Will you do me one favor? Please?"
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verdant-mischief · 4 months
His Brightest Star
Remus is lying awake, staring up at the ceiling, listening to Peter shift restlessly around in his bed and James turn the pages of his book. His eyes feel heavy, the exhaustion from a week of classes and studying weighing down on him, but he doesn´t want to fall asleep. At least not yet. His gaze shifts from the ceiling to the window, where a million stars light up the night sky.
He traces the constellations with his eyes, after years of Astronomy classes knowing them by heart. There´s Orion, the hunter, the most obvious one with his belt, right next to it the V-shape that forms Taurus´ head and the faint stars of the Pleaides cluster and when he turns his head just so, he can see Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. A small smile appears on his face, and he tears his gaze away from the window, looking over at his Sirius, lying just a few metres away. It´s too dark to see more than an outline of a body beneath a blanket, but he can still feel his heart starting to beat faster, a warm feeling blooming in his chest.
While Peter has finally stopped turning and is now snoring softly, James is still reading, and Remus starts considering using a sleeping spell on him. Maybe he´s steal one of the sleeping potions next time he has detention. A moment later though, James finally puts his book down and with a whispered Nox the soft glow of light disappears. Soon he can hear his deep and regular breaths and Remus figures that he has finally fallen asleep. He turns back onto his side, staring at the bed next to his. Sirius doesn´t move, though, and after another minute Remus almost believes that he has fallen asleep already. The thought makes his heart drop, and he has to fight against the disappointment he feels rising inside him. He should be glad that Sirius is getting some sleep at last. Lately there have been far too many nights he´d spent lying away, unable to fall asleep, the little sleep he managed to get restless and troubled. Still, Remus has gotten used to having Sirius next to him, wrapped around him while he falls asleep and despite the exhaustion from before, he finds it hard to fall asleep now. His thoughts keep spiralling, like they so often do when he´s alone in the dark, and he is about to just get up and go for a midnight walk, when he hears the rustling of sheets and a moment later naked feet hitting the ground. Remus almost doesn´t dare turn back around, not quite convinced that his mind isn´t playing tricks on him or that this isn´t some kind of dream. But then he hears footsteps coming closer to his bed and a moment later he can feel someone hovering over him.
“Remus, are you still awake?” Sirius´s whispered voice asks, and Remus can feel a smile forming on his lips. He shifts around, looking up at Sirius, his skin even paler in the dim light of the moon. With his black hair falling into his face, he almost looks like a ghost, and for a second Remus doubts if he isn´t a figment of his imagination after all, but then he smiles, looking as beautiful and alive as ever, and the spell is broken. Remus lifts his blanket and Sirius doesn´t waste any time before climbing into the bed, bringing a wave of cold night air with him. Goosebumps rise on Remus´ skin as Sirius´s legs tangle with his and his hands find their way to his face, his fingers freezing cold. Sirius leans forward, pressing a soft kiss to Remus´ lips and if he shivers, they can both pretend it´s from the cold and nothing more.
“Almost thought you´d stand me up, Black.”
Remus can see Sirius´ lips turn up into a grin, his eyes sparkling.
“I wouldn´t dare, Lupin. I´m far too scared Potter would snatch you away from me.”
At that Remus can´t help but laugh, clutching his hands to his mouth to stifle the noise. He quickly whispers “Sonoro Quiescis”, casting a silencing spell over his bed as not to wake the others. He feels the outside world dull ever so slightly and finally finds himself able to relax. Now it´s only Sirius and him and Remus would never admit it, but those stolen hours between sleep and waking are his favourite moments.
“You´re an idiot, you know that, right?”
Sirius chuckles softly and kisses him again, once again taking Remus´ breath away.
“You keep telling me.”
Remus rolls his eyes, but can´t quite keep the fond smile off his face.
“You keep giving me reasons to do so.”
Sirius smirks.
“So, no need to worry about James and you flying off into the sunset then? Holding hands and leaving me behind?”
All Remus can do is shake his head.
“I don´t even know if you´d be more jealous of James or me in this scenario.”
Sirius lets out a laugh, beaming at Remus.
“What you are telling me is that I do need to be worried.”
Remus doesn´t even dignify that with an answer, instead pulling Sirius closer and kissing him, hands buried in his hair. He feels Sirius melt in his arms and when they part there´s a slightly dazed look on his face and even in the dim moonlight Remus can see the red tint of his cheeks, his hair an utter mess. Remus reaches up and brushes one of the hair strands out of Sirius´ face, trailing his finger down his neck. He can feel Sirius take a shaky breath, still staring at him like a deer in the headlights.
The words “I love you. Merlin, do you have any idea how deeply I´m in love with you, Sirius Black?” flicker through his mind, but he can´t say them. Not now, maybe never. Instead, he presses one last kiss to Sirius´ lips, before whispering: “We should really go to sleep.”
“You´re so boring, Lupin,” Sirius gives back, but curls up in his arms, nonetheless, fitting right into his embrace as if he was made to be there, two puzzle pieces, fitting perfectly together. In a few hours Remus will wake up and shake Sirius awake, who will steal into his own bed again, unseen and unheard, like he was never here at all, like it was all just a dream, but for now Remus gets to hold him, and fall asleep listening to his heart beating slow and steady, and he wouldn´t trade this for anything in the world.
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badass-at-fandoming · 2 years
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Fandom: Ikémen Revolution
Pairing: Sirius Oswald x Seth Hyde
Tags: One-shot, Established Relationship: Sirius Oswald/Seth Hyde, Fluff, Kissing
Surprise! @aquagirl1978 and @violettduchess's Fall Fluff, Autumn Angst Content Creator Challenge was too inspirational to resist. Thank you for organizing this event, friends! I tried to hit all the prompt words in one story and include a few of Seth's Halloween Card lines. Enjoy!
If you also want to join in on the seasonal fun, find the challenge here.
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Sirius frowned at his empty mug. The rich tang of the cider rested on the back of his tongue, and he wanted more. But fetching more cider would mean leaving the bonfire.
Standing as close to the fire as was safe, he closed his eyes and willed himself to soak up as much warmth as possible. Under the baleful harvest moon, the autumn night nipped deep. Winter had encroached early this year. He scrunched his shoulders to bend closer, letting the heat bake his skin. Unfortunately, the fire could only do so much. The front of his cozy wool sweater might be hot to touch, but the back of it was cold as anything. He’d been rotating his standing position back and forth for the past ten minutes—alternating which half of him burned and which half froze.
The bonfire crackled and smoked. The ambient noise of people’s conversations provided merry music. While he was glad to no longer be in the military, he missed living so close with his friends. Today’s Harvest Moon Festival had been a perfect excuse to hang out with everyone, even though he’d lost the pumpkin carving contest to Luka. Behind her zombie mask, Nodisha was having the time of her life telling people’s fortunes. It was nice to hear the sound of Fenrir’s voice, even if said voice was daring people to hold leaves to the fire. Maybe he should put a stop to that. Sirius opened his eyes in time for someone to cover them back up.
“I caught you! I wonder what’ll happen to the prince who was captured by the evil witch,” Seth teased, pressing his hands a little more firmly against Sirius’ eyes.
Heat that had nothing to do with the fire beat into Sirius’ heart. “Hmm, I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?”
Sirius’s grip tightened on his mug as he waited Seth’s answer. Finally, Seth said, “I want you to turn around and look only at me.”
Obediently, Sirius turned in Seth’s arms. Mud squished under his boots. Now towards the fire, his back thawed, while his front bled heat. When Seth’s fingers dropped, Sirius opened his eyes. Rosy from the chill, Seth looked adorable in his witch costume. He’d looked adorable all day and had caught Sirius staring twice.
“Can I play a special trick on you?” Seth asked on tip toe, voice husky, ghosting over Sirius’ cheeks.
Mouth dry, Sirius swallowed and nodded. He didn’t have to wait any longer for the kiss.  Seth’s warm hands framed his face. Careful to keep the mug handle hooked by a finger, Sirius wrapped his long arms around his boyfriend’s waist and pulled them together, letting Seth have the last of the bonfire’s boon. Seth’s tongue licked the roof of his mouth, and Sirius tasted cinnamon.
Voice rumbling from happiness, Sirius said, “I think that was a treat, not a trick.”
Seth winked. “I’m saving the trick for later, loverboy. ⭐️”
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halothenthehorns · 2 years
All in the Family
Chapter 197: The Forest Again
The surrounding trees and clearing they next landed in was as opposite to where they'd just been as night and day. Literally. It was so dark now they all swallowed screams of fright for what their eyes hadn't yet adjusted to, and lighting their wand tips made the process painful and too sharp as it illuminated the glistening cobwebs everywhere, like looking through a ghost, the strands hung like a veil between one world and the next. A massive throne of raw webbing its origins, but the acromantula had died last year. The spider's den must have been a hierarchy of murder and betrayal in the colony ever since as Aragog's children fought for dominance and now ransacked their school in the distance.
Were they intelligent enough to be a danger to them if any came back? None had recalled seeing them in the actual carnage, but they'd all been a bit distracted and isolated to pretty strict parts of the castle what with nearly dying and all, so they couldn't be certain one wouldn't creep up on them now given the chance.
So the fact that they were all looking up and around made it a pretty fair accident they missed the body until James felt the crunch under his foot and looked down to see the glasses.
He tapped the bridge of his own nose in confusion to make sure he wasn't somehow missing something, there really was so much webbing dripping from every surface it was a horrific nightmare of a question if they would even get zapped out of this location or stuck in place but it would have been nice if that was just his eyes playing tricks on him. The body did not vanish no matter how long he stared and refused to understand.
His son lay only a dozen feet away. The wild black hair, the tatty clothes, and even closed, the shape of his mother's eyes. His face was lax, peaceful, he could have been sleeping in the cradle of ghostly silk bedding. His chest was not moving.
"No," the moan passed from his lips, the pain he'd died fearing witnessed before him. "Oh, Harry, no..."
Sirius grasped his shoulders, not pulling him away, just keeping him where he stood.
Lily folded herself beside his head, running her fingers over the lightning scar, little teardrops catching at the corner of her son's eyes as she loved and cried for him.
Alice took her hand while Frank placed his hand gently on her back. Remus knelt on his other side while Sirius held his brother's weight. Peter and Regulus exchanged a look before doing what needed to be done as Wormtail kept watch and Regulus respectfully picked the book up off of Harry's chest and began.
Their friends, a family he'd never known would not let Harry be alone even at the end of the world.
Their boy was only a few years shy of his own parent's age of death, he'd done exactly what was asked of him and the price paid still felt like too much as his home and its shelter beyond this forest would now hold.
Dumbledore had set him on this path, but they had drawn him this way. The Resurrection Stone felt like a lie, how could they ever want this for their child? To join the Order had been their choice, to stand there and die for their son was no choice at all, and a repeat they'd do a thousand times for their only child, so that this would never be his fate.
I had a long internal debate with myself if any of the spiders should have been spotted.
Aragog could hold a conversation and had memory, logic, reason, emotion, the understanding of what was happening to his friend. Human, in intelligence. His spider-children understood enough to follow orders and not eat Harry and Ron, but was Aragog unique by likely being the only one in existence raised by someone? Do they gain intelligence by being the alpha of their colony and that's why they eat their dead, or is it a natural state to do so like normal spiders?
Peeves was excluded for similar reasons, his argument with Filch during first year made him a being that they could not interact with, same with the house-elves. Magical creatures are horribly misclassified in this world, Remus is absolutely human but for one night of the month where he's as mentally capable as wolves, highly intelligent animals that have their own problem solving capabilities along with the capacity to love, protect. Should he not have vanished then, each full moon his werewolf came out, rather than sticking around snapping at all of them? It was the human part of him that kept him trapped in this void along with them, but how much does that really affect each individual werewolf when they change according to their different personalities? The various levels of intellect on each of these scales in comparison deeply fascinates me.
You cannot comprehend how much I'm freaking out I'm almost done.
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hauntedwitch04 · 9 months
Hi and welcome for the second edition of my halloween party. The first one was very liked, so I thought of making a new one this year. Hope you enjoy it.
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DAY 1: “Take my sweater, I love you and i don’t want you to transform into a popsicle” with Remus Lupin 
DAY 2: “You really did this for me?” "I made one for every single person I love, but your is the one I did first because you were the first I thought about." with Steve Harrington 
DAY 3: “Please kill that fucking spider” “Love, you know it’s fake right?” with Cassian 
DAY 4: “Eat some more soup, it will make you feel better. This is my James mother’s recipe.” “Fuck, love this is delicious.” with Sirius Black 
DAY 5: “I don’t need paradise, mine is right here with you, cooking a pie while you dance and sing an old rock song, dreaming about our future” with Dean Winchester 
DAY 6: “I got some leaves on my way here for you, they are really pretty” with Andrew Garfield 
DAY 7: “Love I swear if you light another candle our house may go on fire.” with Nyx Acheron 
DAY 8: “I have a skeleton in my closet.” “Everyone have them, love.” “No I mean literally” with James Potter 
DAY 9: “Did you really gift me an owl?” “You love the little one from Harry Potter, so i thought it would be a good gift.” with modern!Rhys 
DAY 10:  “Sweety, we are too old to play trick-or-treating.” “That’s a lie, you are never too old for it.” with Regulus Black 
DAY 11: “Look what I got from the shop down the street” “Another coat, seriously?” with Sam Winchester 
DAY 12:  “Your pumpkin is making heart eyes to mine.” with Eris Vanserra 
DAY 13:  “Oh my God, please save me from this ghost” “Love your Ghostbuster is coming” with Ben Barnes 
DAY 14: “Some friendships are like candles: they burn bright for a while and then they die because of a little wind.” with Azriel 
DAY 15: “There is someone there, you think we have to help him” “It’s a scarecrow” “I think I just had a heartache.” with Sirius Black 
DAY 16: “I love this oil lamp. How did you know it?” “I love you, and I know you, so I know you are into witchy things.” with Dean Winchester 
DAY 17: “Look mommy, a fox. Why are you crying mommy?” “Because it reminds me of your daddy.” with Eris Vanserra 
DAY 18: “You know we are not in a crime book right.” “Don’t ruin my moment. My time to be Sherlock Holmes has arrived.” with Sam Winchester 
DAY 19: “I’m not gonna watch another fucking horror movie with you” “Don’t worry darling, you have your hero by your side.” “Love, I don’t have to remind you that you are the one screaming the most right?” with Remus Lupin
DAY 20: “We are not gonna bring that black cat home.And don’t even try to make me the puppy eyes, this time won’t work. I’m over your spell witch.” with Nyx Acheron 
DAY 21: “What are these rocks?” “They are runes stones.” “Babe, since when you are a witch.” with Timothee Chamalet 
DAY 22: “We are not gonna watch Bride Corpse another time.” “You love that movie too, dont’ lie to me moose.” “Love, we already watched it like five times in two days!” with Sam Winchester 
DAY 23: “I never saw someone loving the moon like you do.” “You know what I love most about the moon? It reminds me of you, of your eyes.” with Rhys 
DAY 24: “Why are there three pumpkins? We always make pumpkin, one for you and one for me.” “Well I want to practice since, from next year we are gonna be three.” with Steve Harrington 
DAY 25: “Wow, what is that on your neck? Oh my god, it’s a bite! Did a vampire bite you? Are you going to be like Dracula? Oh my god, oh my God! That’s so cool!” “No man, another animal bit me: my girlfriend.” with Regulus Black 
DAY 26: “You are never gonna touch another drop of alcohol in front of me, you look possessed.” with James Potter
DAY 27: “Tell me a spooky story” “Love, if you don’t sleep another night because I scared you, your mum is gonna kill me.” with Cassian 
DAY 28: “Oh my god, you are bleeding!” “Love calms down, it's fake.” “You are a horrible person.” with Azriel 
DAY 29: “Boo!” “Fuck you” with Dean Winchester 
DAY 30: "Love, why are you crying?” “Neil didn’t deserve it.” “We already talked about this: you can’t watch that movie alone.” “But it’s one of my favorites.” with Remus Lupin
DAY 31: Halloween Party with College AU!Every fandom
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siriusgamer · 7 years
Chapter 13: I can’t believe I was right about something
I needed the daughter to call her dad, but when I got the phone to her, Novelist Mom HULKED OUT, so actually making the phone call happen was a bit more complicated. (I feel so bad for the rat omg)
Aww, the justice minister smiled :) And everyone apologized and all is well again.
"Is this what 'family' is all about?" Another reference to family from Sissel... that’s got to be significant. We still don’t know anything about Sissel’s life before tonight, including whether or not he had family involved in all of this.
"You have the power to control and manipulate people, don't you?" !!! So some ghosts can possess objects, and some can possess... people? I was right (holy fuck that never happens) when I predicted that people were being controlled. I just didn’t expect that a ghost was behind their actions.
We haven’t heard from the blue guys in a while, by the way. What if they killed someone because they knew that person could potentially gain the power to control people? 
In the flashback, he's holding his own hand back, just like Lynne did! LYNNE’S INNOCENT I KNEW IT. The question remains: who wanted Sissel dead, and why, and did they use Lynne because her presence was convenient?
Sissel called her because he had info on Jowd’s case. So did he know about the manipulator before he died, and was planning to expose them to the police? OH SHIT MAYBE THE MANIPULATOR MADE KAMILA RIG THE CONTRAPTION poor kid :(
I still just don’t understand the motive behind any of these actions. Why have these things happened? What do the perpetrators want?
(...... okay what if the manipulator has the power to bring people back from the dead without having to take the entire story back to the time of Sissel’s death? Cuz I’m a little (a lot) sad that he’s supposed to just disappear in the morning. Oops I got attached)
Cabanela reported the existence of a manipulator, but apparently can’t handle the fact that it’s a ghost, and just dances away from the situation, then Lynne calls and requests my help at the park.
Random details:
"There's something I'd like the two of you to hear," the minister says as he turns his back to the room. Okay, Lana Skye. 
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goodplace-janet · 7 years
Ooh, they don't exactly fit the spirit of the meme, but how about Lynne, Sissel, Campanela, Jowd, Kamila, and MISSILE! (I would also like to see if/how your answers change after finishing the game, but shh.)
I was thinking I would have to come back to this question after I’ve finished, since I’m less than half way through, but for where I am so far:
I would cuddle the floofiest of floofs, Missile
Sacrifice myself for LYNNE I LOVE HER SO MUCH
I would kick Jowd until he gives me all the answers to Sissel’s mystery, because he clearly has them
I would take Cabanela to prom, because he is TALL and a good dancer
I would abandon Sissel in Jurassic park, because as a ghost, he a) can’t get eaten and b) could ghost trick his way out of it eventually
I would push Kamila off of a low bridge into a shallow body of water, so that Missile can rush in to rescue her, and then we can all cuddle? Please let no harm come to Kamila, she is precious
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pet-genius · 2 years
Arrested Development – Sirius, Snape, Obsessions and Blind Spots
We discover Sirius’s true allegiance and heart in the climactic ending of POA, but underneath his unquestionable courage, integrity and loyalty to his friend James and his remorse for letting James down and putting his fate in a traitor’s hands, and his wish to make it up to Harry, we also see the hints of a disturbing fixation on Severus Snape.
“[…] so, in a way, Snape’s been right about me [Lupin] all along.”
“Snape?” said Black harshly, taking his eyes off Scabbers for the first time in minutes and looking up at Lupin. “What’s Snape got to do with it?”
“He’s here, Sirius,” said Lupin heavily. “He’s teaching here as well.” He looked up at Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
Sirius is looking at Peter, who had betrayed James and framed Sirius, intending to murder him, but a mention of Snape makes him lose his focus. And Lupin doesn’t seem surprised, as he is answering heavily, as if already weary of the subject (and this is the first time Sirius and Luipn were in the same room in a long while). Snape is as interesting to Sirius as Pettigrew, despite Snape being, as far as Sirius knows, no more than his former target.
We immediately learn about the trick Sirius had played on Snape, somehow luring him to the Shrieking Shack to meet Lupin in a transformed state.
“It served him right,” he sneered. “Sneaking around, trying to find out what we were up to . . . hoping he could get us expelled. . . .”
To preempt the (irrelevant, stupid, and morally bankrupt) assertion that it does indeed serve him right because he supposedly knew Lupin was a werewolf, Sirius himself says of Snape that “Snape is clever enough to stay out of trouble”, so whatever Snape knew, Sirius believed he was sending a person who isn’t stupid or suicidal into a predator’s cage. More on that later. Back to the point, the attitude that “he deserves to die or get bitten and at the very least traumatized because he is annoying and in our way” is alarming. But not surprising. People seem shocked that Sirius would betray James in the conversation Harry overhears in Hogsmeade, but no one seems shocked that he would be a criminal in general. Lupin isn’t so surprised, and even after the truth is revealed he has this to say:
“Not if he thought I was the spy, Peter,” said Lupin. “I assume that’s why you didn’t tell me, Sirius?” he said casually over Pettigrew’s head.
“Forgive me, Remus,” said Black.
“Not at all, Padfoot, old friend,” said Lupin, who was now rolling up his sleeves. “And will you, in turn, forgive me for believing you were the spy?”
“Of course,” said Black, and the ghost of a grin flitted across his gaunt face. He, too, began rolling up his sleeves. “Shall we kill him together?”
“Yes, I think so,” said Lupin grimly
“What was there to be gained by fighting the most evil wizard who has ever existed?” said Black, with a terribly fury in his face.
“Only innocent lives, Peter!”
“You don’t understand!” whined Pettigrew. “He would have killed me, Sirius!”
Black and Lupin stood shoulder to shoulder, wands raised. “You should have realized,” said Lupin quietly, “if Voldemort didn’t kill you, we would. Good-bye, Peter.
Sirius, who cares so much about innocent lives, moments before said Snape was served right for snooping (a brave card to play for the maker of the map, but never mind that). The way Lupin and Sirius both naturally roll up their sleeves for an execution, Lupin’s exclamation that Peter “should have realized” he would be in mortal danger, speaks volumes. Harry and his friends are already old enough to know better than the three adults.
Moments before, Sirius criticizes Harry for using Expelliarmus on Snape:
“You shouldn’t have done that,” said Black, looking at Harry. “You should have left him to me.”
To do what with? Why would Sirius think Snape needed to be rendered even more helpless than he was? Snape threatened Sirius, but nothing more than that.
With a roar of rage, Black started toward Snape, but Snape pointed his wand straight between Black’s eyes. “Give me a reason,” he whispered. “Give me a reason to do it, and I swear I will.” Black stopped dead. It would have been impossible to say which face showed more hatred.
Who hates who more? From Snape’s perspective, he has plenty of reason already: He has a personal vendetta against Sirius, he is convinced that Sirius is the one who betrayed Lily*, and in his mind, he is protecting Harry from his parents’ fate. He probably would have gotten away with it, legally. And yet he needs even more reason.
*To pre-empt another criticism, Snape did not know Sirius was innocent or about Peter, or he would have warned Dumbledore. Karkaroff explains that the Death Eaters did not all know each other.
Later, when he has Sirius unconscious and helpless, he conjures a stretcher to carry him to the castle and send him back to Azkaban. He and Harry are of the same mind here:
“I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing it because — I don’t reckon my dad would’ve wanted them to become killers — just for you.”
“He [Peter] can go to Azkaban,” Harry repeated. “If anyone deserves that place, he does. . . .”
Harry’s hatred is understandable and rooted in reality. Snape’s is, too. Both of them are choosing the legal and non-lethal course action.
In the original timeline, Sirius levitates Snape out of the shack:
Harry went right after Black, who was still making Snape drift along ahead of them; he kept bumping his lolling head on the low ceiling. Harry had the impression Black was making no effort to prevent this.
Again, why? Why not just leave him there? Doesn’t he have bigger rats to fry just then? It’s clear who hates who more, or at least who is more willing to act on his hatred.
We know how this all ends. The book ends with Snape looking deranged, vindictive, “quite unbalanced.” But judging by their respective behaviors, Snape was mild. Sirius was the one who took more care to show how much he hates Snape than to keep an eye on Peter.
In GOF, in the cave scene, Sirius mentions Snape again.
“I think they’ve both got a point,” said Sirius, looking thoughtfully at Ron and Hermione. “Ever since I found out Snape was teaching here, I’ve wondered why Dumbledore hired him.
But as far as I know, Snape was never even accused of being a Death Eater — not that that means much. Plenty of them were never caught. And Snape’s certainly clever and cunning enough to keep himself out of trouble.”
Sirius stared at the cave wall, then made a grimace of frustration. “There’s still the fact that Dumbledore trusts Snape, and I know Dumbledore trusts where a lot of other people wouldn’t, but I just can’t see him letting Snape teach at Hogwarts if he’d ever worked for Voldemort.”
So by Sirius’s own words, he has been thinking about Snape for months now, wondering why Dumbledore would hire him. But why is this so strange, on its face? Dumbledore needed to fill a vacancy and Snape was a Slytherin who was good at Potions, just like Slughorn, his predecessor (who also knew a thing or two about the Dark Arts). It would seem only natural, and not something that would require much explaining, especially if (to Sirius) Snape never worked for Voldemort. Sirius doesn’t know Snape was hired precisely because he had worked for Voldemort. Sirius’s frustration at the thought that Snape is NOT a DE is, I think, Sirius wishing he could attribute every negative quality to someone he hates (#relatable). He seems to wish Severus was a DE. His internal back-and-forth and his frustration show that he really did drive himself up a wall thinking about Snape all this time, never mind that it’s plain weird that he can list Snape’s friends off the cuff, decades later (but not Lily, oddly enough). I’m about Sirius’s age and I don’t know who my high school nemesis’s friends were.
They meet again:
Snape had not yelled or jumped backward, but the look on his face was one of mingled fury and horror.
“Him!” he snarled, staring at Sirius, whose face showed equal dislike. “What is he doing here?”
Snape is still scared of Sirius. Sirius doesn’t fear Snape and never did, and he has no reason to, and yet he is displaying the same immaturity. Yes, they’re both stuck in the past, but only one of them has a salient reason to worry about the other. Just because you’re paranoid, don’t mean they’re not after you, and Snape, who is about to return to Voldemort, knows this. Why is Sirius not even attempting civility?
Snape is beneath Sirius in every way, not worthy of his regard, not even for the sake of Dumbledore’s mission. The man who said, “If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals” again has a massive Snape-shaped blind spot. In OOTP, Sirius pays for his treatment of his inferiors with his life. We also get further evidence of Sirius’s long-time fixation on Snape and refusal to move on from this:
“I’m bored,” said Sirius. “Wish it was full moon.”
“This’ll liven you up, Padfoot,” said James quietly. “Look who it is. . . .”
Sirius’s head turned. He had become very still, like a dog that has scented a rabbit.
“Excellent,” he said softly. “Snivellus.”
Even I wouldn’t be happy to see Snivellus if I saw him every day at breakfast. I’ve analyzed SWM to death, so I’ll mention only one more line:
How’d the exam go, Snivelly?” said James.
“I was watching him, his nose was touching the parchment,” said Sirius viciously. “There’ll be great grease marks all over it, they won’t be able to read a word.”
Again, doesn’t he have better things to do in the middle of an exam than to watch Snape? Evidently not (#relatable again). James sure seems certain that Sirius would be fascinated.
20 years later:
“I’ve warned you, Snivellus,” said Sirius, his face barely a foot from Snape’s, “I don’t care if Dumbledore thinks you’ve reformed, I know better —”
First, in what context did you have time to warn “Snivellus” already, Sirius? And why do you think you know more than Dumbledore, when you didn’t even know Snape was a DE in the first place? Never mind that this is said in response to Snape criticizing Harry, i.e., it’s completely irrelevant. Sirius has no idea of the Prophecy and that Harry is particularly important, all he knows is that Snape is a spy for the Order. An animosity toward Harry does not have to suggest Snape is not truly reformed.
“Oh, but why don’t you tell him so?” whispered Snape. “Or are you afraid he might not take the advice of a man who has been hiding inside his mother’s house for six months very seriously?”
“Tell me, how is Lucius Malfoy these days? I expect he’s delighted his lapdog’s working at Hogwarts, isn’t he?”
They are both acting like children, but Snape is also letting Sirius know he’s been spotted, in response to a perfectly gratuitous and unsavory insult. Sirius is the first to draw a wand, and again Harry finds himself stepping in to control Sirius, in this way acting exactly how James would not.
Snape checks on Sirius, warns him and does what he can to keep him safe. I somehow doubt that Sirius would have done the same. This is hypothetical, but we have evidence enough that Snape steps up to protect people he despises, his former bullies included. Sirius never shows the slightest inclination to do the same. In fact, he needs to be persuaded by a child not to actively harm others. Harry is able to appeal to his better nature at least some of the time.
I think this goes to the root of Sirius’s hatred: We see how Sirius and James first met, and instantly bonded over their hatred of Slytherin and their disdain for Severus.
“You are determined to hate him [Snape], Harry,” said Lupin with a faint smile. “And I understand; with James as your father, with Sirius as your godfather, you have inherited an old prejudice.”
Now, this is interesting, because Harry has very legitimate reasons to hate Snape and suspect him. Snape has been singling him out for mistreatment since he set foot at the school. Harry is not prejudiced, but Lupin is so certain that James and Sirius were, and that it was a core part of their identity Harry would inherit it from them. The word “prejudice” here, where “baggage” or “enmity” would have done, is telling. My interpretation is that Lupin is referring to Snape’s poverty, as this is the book where we find out Snape is a half-blood from a slum. It certainly was the only thing that would have stood out about Snape as soon as he met the others on the express. It is fair to assume that James and Sirius were not prejudiced against half-bloods, we must give them that, and certainly they were more accepting of werewolves. Perhaps Lupin is referring to Snape’s Slytherin-ness.
The word “determined” here is even more important: Lupin can only be talking about a very young James, and he very well might be commenting on James’s own irrational hatred in the face of evidence to the contrary. For James, I believe (and JKR said as much) he was determined to hate Snape because he wanted Lily; for Sirius, I believe he was determined to hate Snape because he wanted to emulate James in the lack of better role models in his own family. He shows his contrarian nature as soon as he boards the train, and that nature too never leaves him (#relatable, again).
“My whole family have been in Slytherin,” he said.
“Blimey,” said James, “and I thought you seemed all right!” [Why did Sirius seem alright but not Snape?]
Sirius grinned.
“Maybe I’ll break the tradition. Where are you heading, if you’ve got the choice?”
In other words: “Maybe I’ll be unlike my family, but hold on, I need a new identity in that case. What’re you going to be?”
James and Sirius instantly bonded over teasing Snape (and Lily). Over time, there was school and quidditch and girls and their animagus project and full moon adventures, but Sirius only ever seemed interested in going after Snape and in the full moon adventures, and then in serving the Order. And in the end, those memories were all he had left, with James dead and Peter a traitor. As for the friendship with Lupin, it appears that this relationship was already cracked by SWM, possibly as a result of the trick Sirius had pulled (which already shows he didn’t care about Lupin all that much to begin with). He is cavalier about Lupin’s secret then, says he wishes it was the full moon, etc., and when it comes the time to choose the actual Secret Keeper, Sirius trusts Peter more. And so, when James died and the war was won, Sirius lost everything, except his hatred for Snape. He could never let it go because it was all that was left of the identity he had crafted and of the memories of the short good years of his life.
“Yes, but the world isn’t split into good people and Death Eaters.” Another killer line, and another blind spot. Sirius is unable to see the good in someone he dislikes, he relishes in his hatred, in defiance of Dumbledore.
Snape, conversely:
“Don’t be shocked, Severus. How many men and women have you watched die?”
“Lately, only those whom I could not save,” said Snape.
This conversation takes place in March, following Sirius’s death months prior. Snape could be talking about Sirius here, possibly Emmeline Vance. By the time he died, he learned to value all lives. He grew up, if not as much as he should have, and he overcame whatever prejudice he held. The same could not be said for Sirius, though he wasn’t without his virtues. Something to be said there for forming your identity, ultimately, based on love and not on animosity.
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 3 years
(i hurt myself with this one a little bit, and idk why. this is not a soft-fluffy christmas drabble. this is tortured angst christmas drabble.) 
“Yes, my love?”
“You....you know that voice in your head? The...one that tells you that you’re...stupid and not good enough and...not worth the trouble?”
Sirius looked up from his spot in the sitting room, hearing faint footsteps down the hall, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up with anxiety and Black Family paranoia he couldn’t shake. He immediately grabbed his wand, stilling and waiting, hoping it was just his mind playing tricks, or just the odd hour of the night that cause the creak in the floor boards. Well after midnight and Sirius was still awake, having slipped out of bed next to Remus hours ago to go smoke and ended up in the sitting room with a glass of whiskey and a ancient wizarding law text. He was feeling and looking far too much like his father these days.
The floor boards groaned again, and Sirius kept his eyes on the door, exhaling when he saw his godson appear in the threshold, clad in a hooded sweatshirt and pajama bottoms, black hair messy as ever. 
“It’s late, my love.”
“Can’t sleep...” Harry said, picking at the strings of his sweatshirt hanging around his chest. “What are you doing?”
“Mmm...” Sirius hesitated a moment, knowing he didn’t have an answer that resembled anything like a good role model. Because the truth was his own feelings had gotten too big today with the holiday approaching. Another one without his best friends. Another one without matching pajama’s and Mrs. Potters cookies that try as he might Sirius could never get the hang of. Another year haunted by ghosts and everything left behind. He settled for honesty, looking at his fifteen year old, “Drinking and hoping to bore myself to sleep with outdated wizarding policies.”
“...Can I join you?”
Sirius should’ve told him to go back to bed. Sirius should’ve escorted Harry to the kitchen for a glass of water and helped him get to sleep. Because it was 3am and two days before Christmas Eve and his teenager needed sleep. But he didn’t. He patted the spot next to him, Harry smiling the tiniest bit and going to sit down. Sirius flicked his wand in his hand, summoning a spare glass over to where they were. He grabbed the bottle of whiskey next to him pouring the slightest amount before handing it to Harry. 
His first drink is going to be with me, Prongs. What good am I as a godfather if I don’t introduce him to whiskey and bring him stumbling home before curfew?
Then you’ll be in charge of the vomit as well?
“For me?”
Sirius shrugged, “This is what happens after hours. But uh...leave the telling Remus bit to me, yeah?”
“Your funeral...” Harry sniffed the glass before slowly taking a sip, the teenager coughing immediately at the taste. A familiar fondness and an ache in his chest appeared at once. 
I hate whiskey, Pads. I don’t know how you do it.
“It burns a little,” Sirius offered, trying to compose his smile as Harry finished coughing, handing Sirius the glass back.
“That’s disgusting, Sirius. Can’t be healthy either...” 
I’m surprised your insides can still function after how much you drank before you even turned seventeen...
Sirius exhaled softly, finishing the rest of Harry’s glass and putting it back on the table. 
“Mm...sorry about today.” Harry said, looking down at his hands, “All the...shouting and arguing...and the...door.” 
The one Harry had slammed so hard that afternoon it cracked the frame it was on. A combination of teenage rage and magic that couldn’t quite be controlled yet. 
“Is that why you’re up?” asked Sirius, “We already talked about it, it’s over and you’re forgiven and...we’ll be spackling a wall together tomorrow which wasn’t on the initial plan for Christmas Eve Eve but...it’s alright.” 
“Christmas Eve Eve isn’t a thing, Sirius...”
Sirius scoffed, debating making a cheeky remark but could tell by Harry’s body language that wasn’t what was needed right now. Sirius gently turned Harrys’ face in his direction, green eyes filled with concern and worry. “It’s alright,” Sirius repeated.
“I don’t know why I do it...I just get so angry and..about nothing? About everything? I...don’t know what to do and then I just feel bad about it after when I yell at you and Remus and....”
“Neither of us are mad,” Sirius told him, catching eyes in his own, “Anger...is a nasty thing. I think I wrote a book on it when I was a teenager...and it took me...a very long time, in fact some days I still think I’m working on it, to realize it was actually just...a lot of grief. But it’s easier to be mad.”
“It’s so much easier to be mad.” Harry agreed and Sirius chuckled, wrapping his arm around Harry’s shoulder and pulling him in closer. Harry didn’t even attempt to feign rigidity or dislike of the gesture, his head falling easily onto Sirius’ chest “Sirius?”
“Yes, my love?”
“You....you know that voice in your head? The...one that tells you that you’re...stupid and not good enough and...not worth the trouble?” 
“I know the one...”
“It goes away, right? Like...this is just some teenager stuff and it’ll...it’ll go away?”
Sirius kissed the top of Harry’s head.
He didn’t make a habit of lying to his godson. In fact, Harry had been the one person he’d been consistently honest with his entire life. Especially as they entered the teens, Sirius had continued to be honest even if it mean telling Harry that he was being a jerk and you are not going to turn into some kind of monster that takes their pain out on other people.
But just this time...
Because his godson didn’t need to know he was drinking away the voice in his head. The one that was his mothers and his fathers and James’ and Mr. and Mrs. Potters all in one. 
Stupid piece of shit. You destroy everything you touch.
“Yeah, kid...it goes away.”
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