#silly jester boy
Any non sexuality/Gender/relationship headcanons for the mercs or non-mercs? (Like random things about them? I.e Someone being left handed or something)
- 🐌
I have a couple of headcanons, but I'll only listen a few for now :33
- Scout is lactose intolerant. Don't ask me why I think that. He just gives me the vibes.
- Scout also cannot swim. He never learned to.
- Spy has poisoned one (probably more) of his teammates before. No one will consume anything that he makes anymore.
- Engineer has a horrific sleep schedule. So does Medic.
- Demoman watches soap operas and gets extremely emotional, especially when he's REALLY drunk.
I have some more, but this is all I'll post for now :33
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I had to make a new account cuz I got a new phone :(
I'm DJ! I'm the silly little jester :3
I'm genderfluid and pansexual (any pronouns)
This is just a silly little blog, no gimmicks or anything
Might post art or answer asks :3
I'm a minor btw :)
Fandoms I'm in:
-School Bus Graveyard
-Stardew Valley
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stardenx · 9 months
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They will perform on the royal grounds from dusk till dawn
Welcome X & O
Sentenced to silliness
Idk man
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sabrondabrainrot · 6 days
Magimune Day 1
Day 1: The Beginning ☀️🌟🌙
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I am in a hype fixation once again and like hear me out, prompt is the beginning and like day and night that's basically a bunch of beginnings. I just really wanted to do like something fun with colors and patterns! If you guys have any fic recommendations for fnaf fics that center around the daycare attendant please let me know! I just caught up on Permission Slip and that fic is immaculate.
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sinnabee · 10 months
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2 cups evil boredom
3 teaspoons (heaping) blorbo poison (powder, not liquid)
1 daycare theme (10 hour loop)
1/3 cup brainrot
*1/2 cup distilled back pain
**(un)diagnosed mental illness
*(any kind of pain works, back pain is usually what i have on hand)
**(if you aren’t a fan of the flavor a diagnosis leaves, undiagnosed will work in a pinch! Personally, I like to add a bit of both.)
First, turn on the daycare theme (10 hour loop) and pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees.
Sift together your evil boredom and blorbo poison in a medium sized bowl.
Add in your pain of choice and mix well.
Once thoroughly mixed, it should be looking a little thicker. Some granules from the evil boredom and blorbo poison are fine. (You can always mix further, if you’re worried about it affecting the texture.)
Add your brainrot and beat with a whisk until it’s looking lighter, a little fluffy. (If you aren’t in the mood for fluff, a dash of angst or hurt/comfort can help tone it down. An AU if you really wanna spice it up.)
Realize this is turning out a lot better than you thought it would. Dang. Well, you’re certainly committed now.
Go ahead and get out a glass baking pan. Coat the bottom with non-stick spray. (I tend to favor Y/N brand Nonbinary Spray myself)
Using a baking spatula (one of the rubbery bendy ones), carefully move your mixture from the bowl to the pan. It’s alright if you get some on the sides, the heat should help it settle once it’s in the oven. To get out any air bubbles, tap the pan (carefully!) a few times on the counter.
Place the pan in the oven and set a timer for 15-25 minutes, or take a peek every now and then and see if it’s the right shade of cheerful.
Congratulations!!! You’ve successfully survived evil boredom, despite the hurdles you faced, and made something! (Pretty tasty too, if I might add.) You are still mentally ill, though. But - hey - now you have a little treat! And hopefully, your day’s just a little bit brighter! Enjoy!
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flyolai-brainrot · 2 months
i can't believe nikolai invented boops today
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mcmactictac · 1 year
Do you think the people who make the posts about being a court jester and seducing the king so that he falls in love by being around him constantly and being a silly little charming guy know about bbc merlin. It’s important to me that they know bbc merlin exists and will give them exactly that
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neptunestoast · 2 months
Let's lighten the mood a bit
Hello it is I, random anon who does not know you and has never interacted with you before, what is your opinion of your mutuals?
I know it's you Byxell, but anyways
One of my first mutuals and friends here! Their kind, sweet, and very understanding. Don't let them catch you awake at 3 am though. Very fun to hang out with and just ramble with. Would give hugs, my emotional support void.
Very silly, kind, and fun to chill with. He always got some animal pictures on deck to make your day better. Is a goober! Would give head pats
One of my other first mutuals, very nice, is funny, underrated asf. They make me laugh with their art, super cool! Would give a high five or a hug(don't talk a lot with them but would like too)
Funny as shit, super good at art(especially writing), always there to give me courage. Super sweet, makes me giggle too much. Is a sister to me. Would give a high five or a hug
Super kind, sweet, underrated, cool, outgoing. Would give a hug or a high five (we don't talk too much but when we do, they are very fun)
Sneaky little shit, funny, is like a sibling to me(we "argue/fight" like siblings) Can't focus for shit, super nice, underrated. Would give a hug and/or high five
Very sweet, a lovely person, cool. Underrated, kind, would give a hug (we've only talk maybe once or twice but I'd love to talk to her more)
Funny, kind, blunt(in a good way) Cool, acts tough but has a soft spot for certain people, don't let him catch you being depressed (aggressively affectionate) would give a hug or high five
Newest mutual, fucking funny, sweet, cool, how the fuck do you draw so fast!??!?! Actual raccoon, makes me laugh to much, kind. Would give a hug or high five
If you'd like me to not @ you please tell me! I know my words are repetitive, but I couldn't think of too many words TvT
These are people who've I've gotten to know a little more than others.
(Idk why yall are friends with me. You are all too cool :])
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envysrealm · 8 months
no way me posting non-fandom related art?! Could it be?!
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anyways subjecting y’all to my new magical boy oc
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uwukillmenowowo · 5 months
I-I dunno there’s just this vibe that reminds me of Jevil and I adore Chaotic characters—
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ejsuperstar · 6 months
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one of my friends (@bzezz) draws sky kid capes as wings and i think that is very fun so here is my sky kid (i tend to rotate between 2 different outfits but i mainly draw my jester outfit) with wings.
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rendomperson · 2 months
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uwu I'm crocheting myself a jester hat
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pafl-confessions · 5 months
I would absolutely rail Kafka
as in this guy?
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sinnabee · 2 months
quick life update:
it’s absolUTELY crazy you guys!!! i had to pull from my retirement to do it, there were a few oh god it’s gonna fall through moments, but i did it!!!! :DDD
not gonna be online as much for a bit, because i’m moving!!!! i paid my rent for april and my roommate is giving me the month to move out. the plan is to get as much stuff moved over in boxes myself before renting a truck so my brother can help me cart all the furniture over there ^^
ideally myself, my girlfriend, and some friends are also gonna try and get the rooms painted before we get the BIG stuff in there.
to all of you who still have sticker or charm orders that haven’t gotten to you yet: i know!!! i’m so sorry, but this is what’s been putting it off and off and off! i’ll try and send out what i can, but most likely, i won’t be able to get anything out right now until the end of april. i probably also won’t be able to stream much if at all, since i’m packing! (this is why the shop is closed atm also)
i’ve gotten most of my utilities sorted out, but i’ve still gotta file my 2023 taxes and do some other house things, like mess with the security system (??) they left.
but yeah!!!! i’m really pumped!!! i can finally have my furniture and stuff in more than one room! paint the walls! hang up shelves!!! once i’m settled i should finally have a dedicated space for stickers and art and streams, instead of doing it all out of my bedroom haha. so hopefully in the future, i’ll be a LOT more capable of keeping up with demand. ^^
i also just wanted to say thanks for all of the support from all my friends and moots and just!!!! everybody!!! special shout-out to the dca fandom for getting me into streaming and sticker making and just being a delight in general, y’all have changed my life for the better <3
ANYWAY. that’s what’s going on with me! i love u guys and i’m still around, just busy for a while! <3
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stardenx · 7 months
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X & O back at it again
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drowned-hubris · 12 days
Me: I’m gonna work on my BDA OC!
Also me:
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Would’ve added info in the box but I couldn’t redownload IBIS and my handwriting sucks today
Anyway Nallie Mood Board
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