#sil's stories
suntails · 1 month
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hijo de la luna
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falmerbrook · 10 months
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@tes-summer-fest Day 3: Starlit
"Young Sotha Sil lay upon a patch of moss and gazed up at the stars. Driven by his great love of maths, his mind turned to counting. "I shall count every star and give each a name!" he resolved. For hours he counted and named until, at length, his eyes tired and he drifted off to sleep."
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judesmoonbeauty · 5 months
Omg, please ✋🏻
Silvio and Gilbert in the same room together is always so enjoyable. I love the way they do business and talk to each other. Especially Silvio! He’s about the only one ballsy enough to cuss Gilbert out or call him a name to his face 🤣 And Gilbert, I’m sure puts up with it not only because Silvio is useful, but because he’s just being brutally honest - rude or not 🤣😆
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Please, let me enjoy this banter for years to come 🖤
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abeacontownwedding · 2 months
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this is all of abw everyone go home
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Sotha Sil: I want you to know that even though you destroyed Ald Sotha and killed my entire family, revenge is not an ideal we promote in the Clockwork City.
Mehrunes Dagon: Oh? wonderful, that’s great!
Sotha Sil, smiling: But we’re not in the Clockwork City, are we?
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oc-tober 2023! days 16-20 (featuring est, rani, helf trio, and glainyn)
16- seasons (est)
Only in winter do you regret your hair’s this short, neck exposed to the cold wind and wet snow that falls from low-hanging branches. You pull your scarf tighter and wait for spring, when the sun finally warms you and the world turns green. The summer draws near and you take a blade to your hair, grown down past your ears in the cooler months and almost- almost- too long for comfort. Late-day sun scorches the back of your neck but you can’t care, raising the small sail with fresh wind ruffling your hair with hints of the coming autumn.
17- myth (rani, silear, halthel)
“Oh, I’ve heard this one!” Rani says brightly. “We have one like this back home, with the glowing trees and the magic fruit and everything. Do you think we got those fairytales from you?”
Sileär’s mouth works silently as if she isn’t sure what to say. Halthel looks like he’s trying not to laugh. “Fairytales..?” She turns her bright eyes on Halthel. 
“We,” he says solemnly, “are old, my friend.”
“Fairytales,” she mutters. “I knew some things had been… dramatized, but really!”
“Do you know the Green-eyes story?” Rani asks innocently. Laughter finally overcomes Halthel. Sileär’s face only twists, confused.
18- hero (glainyn)
The wingbeat-thunder doesn’t reach him in his room in the keep, but the cold does. He groans as he stands on sore feet and takes up his axes again, running for the doors in nothing but padded training armor.
The drakes of the Frost-horde descend on Tharrazhâr again with ice and claw. Rangvald holds the courtyard, shouting orders at too-new recruits who have not faced assaults like this even when Vethúg descended on Erebor. They are holding, but they are fresh from hard training and as unused to fighting so weary as to the swooping drakes. Glainyn runs, battle-horn sounding.
19- feather (silear)
They run for their ships when smoke begins to rise across the bay. It grows thicker over the Havens like a swelling stormcloud. Sileär whispers desperate pleas to the waves, but for all Imroval’s speed the flames are faster, lighting the underbelly of the smoke with angry reds and oranges. Imroval creaks in sympathy beneath her feet, her blood louder than the wind in her ears. Not again, not again. How many times is enough?
From the tower overlooking the harbor there falls a white star, brilliant enough to pierce the thickest smoke. 
Afterwards, they find only feathers left behind.
20- boundary (lirulin)
The bounds of day and night are sharp, harder lines than there had been around the mingling of the lights. Lirulin stands on the docks where her father’s family had fought- where Omaruin had fought- and the daylight dies, leaving only the harbor-lamps to light the way back to the city, to the road beyond that leads back to Tirion and her mother’s home, a quiet shell full of those left behind. Histenna will be waiting for her there, to ask why she has come here yet again to dwell on things she cannot change, and she will not answer.
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vaguely points towards the direction of fourth of july by fall out boy. i was talking to my friends ab it being a brian&tim song but honestly? its soo "sorry its licked" jaylex sometimes. "you are my favourite what if, you are my best ill never know." / "oh im sorry, i didnt mean any of it, i just got too lonely, in between being young and being right you were my versailles at night" / "i said id never miss you but i guess you never know" its them.
- lynxb3 (hii!)
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Hi Lynxb3 :D (Lynx?) no no, you were right, I'm changing the name to "Sorry, It's Licked" forthwith and rewriting the entire story so that Jay licked Alex's keys so that they belonged to him, as per the ancient laws of the universe
Also you're SO right with that song, there are so many lyrics that work so well for Jay and Alex, and honestly just the comparison to fireworks all the way through the song works for them as well. because like, when done properly fireworks can be fun and beautiful, but if you fuck up even a little bit when you're setting them up they can shoot off in the wrong direction or too early or too late and really badly hurt people. Like, yes, they can be beautiful, but you can also get severe burns from them and stuff like that. Which, yeah that's Jaylex in S,IL alright lol.
Anyway, looking at specific lyrics under the thingy bob cos it got long:
"I said I'd never miss you, but I guess you never know, May the bridges I have burned, Light my way back home on the fourth of July" is one of the lyrics that really feels like Jay and Alex to me, like, specifically the idea that after everything got SUPER fucked up in uni and they finally parted ways, neither of them realised just how much they'd miss each other? Like, i think especially Alex wouldn't have realised it, because he's gonna break it off fairly impulsively (it's still a good decision, but it's a fairly split second one all the same) right after Jay really badly hurts him, so obviously he wouldn't think he'd miss Jay, because the last time he saw him was a time when Jay did something that really fucked him up, y'know?
and then like, the bridge between them is burned, duh, but they still find their ways back to each other years later during the events of MH. And that bridge is still burned, but instead of being a blazing inferno it's just glowing coals. Which obviously isn't gonna be fun to walk across, you'll burn your feet and there's the constant threat that a board will give way and send you plummeting into the water rushing below. And, yeah, that does happen, they both get burned then Alex purposefully shoves Jay off the bridge and sets it back on fire because that's the only thing he can think to do to stop Jay following him back across it, which would get Jay killed.
"You are my favorite what if, You are my best I'll never know" Jay and Alex both definitely had at least a phase of thinking about what they could have been if the other person hadn't fucked it up. or, well Jay would have thought about what they could have been if Alex hadn't fucked it up. Alex would have thought about what they could have been if both of them hadn't fucked it up.
Alex isn't unaware that his own actions and behaviors had a hand in their relationship failing/not going further than FWB's, but he doesn't think he's solely to blame. I think for a long time he did just purely blame himself, mostly because Jay verbally/outwardly blamed him too, like, just straight to his face made him feel like it was his fault. But (especially after he got together with Amy) he'd eventually come to realise Jay was at fault too, that they both fucked it up and chances were that they could never have worked out while they were both still 'themselves'. They'd have to have been so different than they were for their uni relationship to have worked out/been healthy.
"And I'm starting to forget, Just what summer ever meant to you, What did it ever mean to you?" Honestly, I can't decide which of them would have been more upset to find themselves forgetting things about the other, like, after a year or two of just not talking to each other or seeing each other at all after Uni.
Maybe Jay would be the most upset if he did forget anything, but I don't think he would forget that much? If that makes sense? Like, I think that relationship in uni had such an impact on him that he wouldn't forget nearly anything about it, and i think that he'd honestly hate that because he'd be so angry at Alex for how it ended (i have evil plans to give them a terrible 'break up' lmao, they do about it so fucking badly) like, I think Jay remembered Alex's birthday more easily than he remembers anyone elses, even the people he actually cared about actively, I think he would still remember Alex's favourite meal and his favourite songs, I think he'd remember the bands Alex told him he used to listen to before he met Jay, all the random ass shit. and he would hate it.
he'd hate that he remembers more about Alex than he does about his current partner or his current friends or anyone else. (no I'm not projecting. No i don't hate that I struggle to remember my best friends' birthdays but I remember a certain not-technically-my-ex's birthday without even having to think about it, because I got hyperfixated on him and my brain decided to keep weird random facts about him, what are you talking about?)
On the other hand, I think Alex would forget a lot about Jay, whether that's because of Operator mind fuckery or just as a natural thing he would have forgotten no matter what, and I think he'd hate it. I think he'd hate realising he forgot something about Jay, especially as he slowly came to terms with his sexuality and realised that he had in fact really liked Jay and just hadn't known how to deal with it, so had just shoved it down and vehemently ignored it. I think he'd hate it if he realised he could no longer remember Jay's favourite colour, his favourite season, his favourite whatever.
I think it'd make him worry about what else he didn't remember about Jay, it'd make him worry that he was forgetting good things about Jay and making it so that his mind could only paint Jay in a bad light when actually there were things he'd forgotten that would place him in a getter one.
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean any of it, I just got too lonely, lonely, whoa" God, Jay and Alex say so many nasty things to each other that they don't mean in S,IL (like, over the whole series not just in the main starting fic) Like, in chapter 2 of S,IL with Alex saying anything and everything horrible that he could think of to scare Jay away and make him hate him so he stopped trying to find out what happened to Alex in uni to make him the way he is now with all the Operator stuff. and then also in chapter 3 of "If It Ain't Broken" Jay remembers a fight he and Alex had, and remembers some of the really nasty shit he said to Alex during that (and probably forgets a whole bunch of it too, because he struggles to remember stuff that happens when he's like REALLY angry, everything just kinda greys out and he doesn't remember anything much about what happened)
god they're both so horrible to each other sometimes 💀
I am a cruel god forcing their hands.
They could have been happy but I'm just here like "dance for me my pets, dance for me and perhaps I'll reward you with some sliver of fluff for you to wrap your wounds with."
And then I give their promised fluff to someone else 💀
"Don't tell me you cried, Oh, honey, you don't have to lie" (i thought this line was 'don't tell me you're fine, oh honey you don't have to lie' literally until just now when I finally looked up the lyrics for this post, so well done me) Honestly though, I think if Alex told Jay he'd been upset about ending their FWB relationship in uni Jay wouldn't have believed him. Like, if Alex had told Jay he'd cried over it, that he'd had to ask Amy to reassure him that it was the right decision and it didn't make him a bad person for ending it, Jay would think he was bullshitting him. He'd think Alex was just saying it to stop him from hating him for it, or to make him feel sorry for him.
"I wish I'd known how much you loved me, I wish I cared enough to know" Alex alex alex alex alex
Specifically alex after uni realising he liked Jay back and wishing he knew how much Jay actually liked him. Like, he knew Jay liked him, obviously, but he didn't know the extent to which he did, he always shut the conversation down the second it strayed too close to real talk about real feelings, and now he's regretting that. he wished he knew, he wishes he'd cared enough to ask about it. He wished he'd consciously cared enough about Jay to get over his fear of being in love with another guy, but that wasn't how it turned out and now he's left thinking back on what they had and picking through every little thing he remembered Jay doing and saying, trying to find something to tell him exactly how much Jay liked him.
did Jay just like him casually? did Jay love him? did jay like to think they could have ended up being partners for life if Alex had just gotten over himself? or was the furthest he saw them theoretically getting just a short-ish relationship once they got out of uni, before they eventually parted ways, or maybe remained friends after that?
Alex would feel bad about not having cared enough about Jay to get over caring about himself and his fear of himself and how people percieved him. Even though he'd know that his fear of people thinking/finding out that he was queer in some way was a very valid fear to have. Y'know?
"I'm sorry every song's about you, The torture of small talk with someone you used to love" honestly this one is just the awkwardness of Alex seeing Jay again for the first time since he gave him the tapes after Uni. Like, Alex has done all sorts of introspection and come to terms with his identity and has realised he did like Jay back back in uni and just hadn't known how to deal with that. And now he's lost Amy, and he's face to face with someone he's realised he actually used to really like, and oh god maybe he still likes him, and he just doesn't know what to say, he doesn't know how to talk to him, he doesn't know how to make it so this isn't awkward.
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sneakygreenbean · 3 months
ohg we are WRITING today !!!!
They resumed their pace of a mild trot, finally stopping in front of a shabby wooden door covering the doorway to an equally shabby wooden building. 
Nammu cautiously pushed open the door, while Sil kicked the dust off his sandals on the porch step. Nammu gave him a curious smile. “You don’t need to do that. It’s probably going to be dirtier inside than it is outside.” 
Peering inside, Sil could see that they were not far off. Dusty tables made a shallow U around a tiny corner stage, with melted wax pooling where candles once lay lit. Stools surrounded a bar where a fierce looking woman with black hair and pink eyes looked up at the pair. Her voice commanded respect, but was not harsh. 
“Aiy, Nammu. I told you I don't want any of your customers in my hostel. You stain the rugs.”
“Vei, use your eyes. This is a child, not a customer. He will not be causing any trouble, nor staining any rugs.” It was dim here, but Sil could almost make out a crooked smile on Nammu’s face. The woman named Vei looked at him, and her face softened. 
“You seem polite enough. What is your name?”
“Sil, sera.” 
“Sil. And who is this…” She gestured at Nammu “Vagrant, to you?”
“Sil is my, ah, younger brother.” Nammu lied so easily, so smoothly, Sil almost found himself believing them. 
“Kst. Nonsense. You have no mother, or I would have given you back to her by now.” 
“Adoptive brother.” Nammu’s voice never faltered. 
“Mephala take me, Nammu. You are not the nurturing kind. I hope Sil learns faster than I did what a hustler you are.” 
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kimonia6 · 11 months
Rizzing the rat
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girl on the most recent season of The Voice who performed a Paramore song while wearing fishnet sleeves I owe you my life btw
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teamflasksims4stories · 5 months
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Silvanus Flask and Ruthie Forrester
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
you know what's ironic? me, who generally doesn't like love triangles, writing a freaking love triangle slow burn. (even tho I tried to justify it to myself by saying it's not a love triangle because the other pairing has been unrequited since the start)
aka I feel bad for Tommy. sorry my dude, you never had a chance but you're making me cry now and that's not fair
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What about 40 with anyone you haven't used yet but want to?
(this isn't what i was expecting to come out for this one! had fun though <3 vaguely set summer 1944 TA):
“You do deserve this,” Silmahtar says, prodding Eärnur sharply in the back. “We spent all yesterday at the forges with you-”
“-and we didn’t even get to touch anything!” Macilnis adds from his other side. 
“But Leithian?” Eärnur protests, pained. “Again?”
“It’s Macilnis’s favorite,” Silmahtar says solemnly. “...and it’s what my uncle said they were performing tonight.”
“We don’t have to come to Lindalírë to see a show,” Eärnur says, doing his very best not to look like he is sulking, because they are right and he did promise and he will never hear the end of it otherwise. Not that I’ll hear much of it at all with them, he thinks sourly, but he settles into his seat as an expectant hush falls over the crowd in the Song-house.
It’s a good thing he knows the story well, he thinks, when Macilnis elbows him to ask about snacks ten minutes in. Eärnur contemplates passing snack duty to Silmahtar, but he is already watching with rapt attention. Eärnur groans to himself, but he gets up and crouch-runs down the aisles towards the stands of little wrapped moon-cakes near the exit.
“My apologies,” a woman in the livery of the Ithil-citadel says, touching his shoulder lightly. “I do not mean to interrupt your evening, but I have a message from your lady mother.” Eärnur’s mouth goes dry.
“What is it?” The messenger hands him a thin paper, folded and hastily sealed with his mother’s sign. “Thank you,” he makes himself say, cracking the seal and holding it up to the dimmed lanterns of the cake-seller’s stand.
Eärnur, it reads, in his mother’s cramped hand, hurry to Barad Cúron when the show is over. Best bring Silmahtar and Macilnis, too. There is news from your father- and from the north.
He tucks the paper into a pocket and gets another moon-cake. He slips back to his seat and stacks the cakes beside Macilnis, who is idly braiding her own hair (hair she vehemently insists she is not growing out just because she’s heard the Lay of Leithian one too many times). Silmhatar is still enraptured with the performance, but Eärnur is still glad for the dim lights here that hide his expression from the young cousins. Macilnis whispers half the lines along with the performers, but for once she refrains from a running commentary. Maybe it’s because she and Silmahtar aren’t sitting beside each other this time. Eärnur will have to remember that for next time. 
He hardly hears the show anyway, sunk too deep in nervous speculation over what news could be dire enough for his mother to summon them straight back to the citadel but not dire enough to take them from the middle of the show. The King had gone north; he knows that much. What news has there been? Whatever it is, he doesn’t think it’s made much of a stir in Minas Ithil yet. He hopes that’s a good sign.
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From the Ashes of Ald Sotha
I wrote it a bit ago, inspired by a lorebook found in Clockwork City.
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paverics · 10 months
it’s so weird to think that i’m literally 26 and today was the first time i’ve ever actually encountered, in passing, a family with two mothers
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