#shout out to mark. he was a real one
zhuhongs · 9 months
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lovebugism · 4 months
soooo eddie hears or reads somewhere that birthmarks are where your lover from a past life used to kiss you
and as soon as he gets home he wants to make sure that in this present life r still feel this love and that the birthmarks remain the same until their next life together (ugh so cute 🥺)
i changed this up a wee bit but i hope u like it!! — you and eddie kiss birthmarks on the other for the next life (established relationship, fluff, 0.7k)
bug's one year celebration ♡
Eddie traces shapes on your bare back, a post-sex ritual of sorts. It starts out innocent, usually — tiny hearts and flowers and planets that you try hard to guess. It almost always ends with him signing penises onto your spine and laughing out loud every time you realize.
He’s doing it mindlessly now. Touching you just to touch you. His finger trails up your back, circles over your shoulder blades, and then falls back down again. “Did you know you have a birthmark here?” he wonders, breaking the honeyed silence of his tiny bedroom.
Your brows furrow as he traces some sort of outline between your shoulder and spine. “Do I?” you murmur, muffled into the pillow.
“I think so. It’s really faint.”
“Maybe it’s just dirt,” you joke quietly. You don’t see Eddie pull his hand away to lick his finger, but you feel the wet touch of it when it swipes over your back. “Ew, Eddie!” you shout.
“It’s not dirt,” he confirms, choking back a laugh.
“I’ve ever noticed it, I guess. I don’t think I’ve ever looked that hard back there. Like, ever.”
Eddie scoffs, almost in disbelief. “That’s a shame…” he murmurs. 
His finger is gentle and featherlight as it trails down your bare back, leaving chill bumps in its wake. His hand dips below the sheets covering the bottom half of you. His palm spreads unabashedly over your ass, wide and warm. 
“…’Cause there’s a real nice view back here.”
You lift a heavy hand to swat at the boy beside you. It collides halfheartedly with his shoulder. He laughs again. “What?! I’m talking about the birthmark, babe! It’s cute— I love noticing new things about you.”
“Don’t people say that’s how you died in a past life? Wherever your birthmark is?”
Your tired eyes open to find Eddie’s screwed-up face. “Does that mean someone stabbed me in the ass? In, like, the middle ages or some shit? ‘Cause that’s a fucking gnarly way to go.”
“Better than being stabbed in the back… Literally.”
Eddie settles next to you with a huff. He lays on his stomach and shoves half his face into the pillow next to yours, all but melting into the mattress. He keeps tracing the mark on your back with an absentminded touch, never anything but gentle with you.
“Wanna know what I heard?” he mumbles.
“I heard that birthmarks are where your lover used to kiss you— you know, in a past life or whatever,” he confesses, like it’s a deeply held secret. Then he shrugs his milky white shoulders. “That’s what my mom used to say, anyway. And that woman was never wrong.”
You smile quietly to yourself. Eddie doesn’t talk about his mom very often. You feel a special privilege to be hearing about her now.
“I believe it,” you hum.
His contented grin blooms into something wider and more boyish. “That means someone might’ve been kissing my ass in a past life.”
“That’s awful,” you grumble with a scrunched nose. “Now, I have to give you a new one.”
“Choose wisely, princess,” Eddie lilts and turns onto his back. He spreads his arms out wide and beams when you lean over him. “My future depends on it.”
You don’t think very long. Maybe a moment or more. You press your lips to his chest, just below the faded tattoo on his pec and right over his beating heart. You smile when you pull away, all giddy like a teenage girl, and lay back down again.
Eddie’s chest sparkles with so much adoration it hurts. He laughs it off anyway. “Alright, cheeseball— It’s my turn.”
“You have to do it in the same place!” you argue in a tiny voice when the boy lays over you. He props his weight on his elbows and entwines his legs with yours. The heavy closeness feels like heaven.
“So we’ll have matching birthmarks! And then, when we’re in the next life or whatever, and we look like totally different people, we’ll know we loved each other.”
Eddie scoffs. “I’ll know.”
“How will I know that I loved you?” he repeats, like the answer’s obvious and far too silly to ponder. You nod, and he shrugs. “‘Cause I have to. I can’t help it.”
Something warm blooms behind your ribcage. “And I’m the cheesy one?” you tease with a big, girlish grin.
“It’s your fault. You bring the worst outta me, honey.”
You laugh when he drops his head to your chest, pressing a kiss over your heart and lingering there. You pray it stains forever.
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aot men as dads - headcanon!! some 18+!!
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includes: eren, jean, reiner, & levi
i'm still working on some full-fledged one-shots and parts of my series', but i'm nannying for the summer and have BABY FEVER. please enjoy my little headcanons of my fav aot men as dads <3
DISCLAIMER: some of this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. if you are a minor, please do not read below the cut.
ok but eren is such a cringe dad lol
buys himself all of the #1 Dad! merch. he’s got mugs, tshirts, hats, all of it, and all of it went on his credit card.
10000% a girl dad. loves all the little dresses and bows; he puts your daughter’s hair in its first bun, nearly tears up when she points at his matching hairstyle and babbles “like da-da!”
you have to parent eren as much as the children. when you turn the corner into the living room where he’s supposed to be having “quiet time” with your toddler only to find that they’re buried in a pillow fort and eren’s signed his own name in crayon on the wall next to your daughter’s scribblings. “babe, we can just repaint it! she’s being creative.”
loves when you’re pregnant. after your first, eren keeps a calendar on the wall marking off the days until it’s safe for him to fuck you again, fuck a baby right back into you. already has a breeding kink before your first. develops a lactation kink after.
TERRIFIED (and i mean terrified) of hurting your little angel. has absolutely zero concept of “cry it out”; if he hears his baby crying, he’s sprinting into the next room, kissing a nonexistent boo-boo.
refuses to admit it but he has no backbone when it comes to your daughter wanting literally anything. she wants it, she gets it.
favorite thing in the world is matching outfits. favorite. “babe, where’s her green hoodie? i’m wearing mine today for the park!” “of course it matters, we have to match! on that note, where’s yours?”
lets your daughter use his hair to learn how to braid. usually has a few pink hair ties or glittery clips sticking out of it when you come home from a mom’s night out.
really big on your baby getting to see the world. drags you on vacation to any place he can think of, even as you try to explain to him that she can’t form any long term memories yet. “but baby, she’ll have pictures. how many kids in her class can bring a picture of them at the eiffel tower to their first show-and-tell?”
accidentally ruins santa and the tooth fairy for your daughter. cries harder than she does over it.
aggressively vets babysitters. ends up settling for a nursing student in the labor & delivery school who’s the oldest of seven children and probably more knowledgeable about child development than both of you combined, but he’s still suspicious.
wants to watch while you push, watch his baby come into the world. you’ve never seen a sweeter sight than eren in his scrubs, crying while holding your baby girl.
most people picture eren as being the roughhousing dad, but it’s jean, and i will die on this hill.
freaks out every time he drops your first boy while throwing him around like a ragdoll, but he’ll never stop because “listen!! he’s laughing!”. when it comes to the rest of them, he’s experienced enough now to tell the difference between a real booboo and an imagined one, and he simply brushes their little pants off caringly before shouting “now you tackle me!”
jean’s got no gender preference for your first, or the rest of your little brood for that matter. he raises them exactly the same, regardless: tough.
it takes him awhile to get used to the concept of babies’ minds. you’ve walked in on him having full-blown arguments with your shrieking toddlers several times. “what’s not making sense? if you let your goldfish ‘swim’ in the toilet, it dies, simple as that.”
plays “bad cop” for you because you’re terrible at it, but he’s always having to turn around and snicker into his elbow in the middle of scolding because your babies get the same little throbbing forehead vein as you when they’re mad
wants a big family, and gets it. you practically have to drag him to get his balls snipped after your fourth, him reminding you that “it’s reversible!” the entire way there.
the newborn phase is his favorite. he’s rarely home for any longer than ten minutes without scooping your most recent addition into his arms, squishing their little cheeks and marveling at their gurgling noises.
the kids never give him anxiety, but when you’re pregnant??? jean’s a wreck.
“do your feet still hurt, love?” “what do you mean you have indigestion? that could be the baby coming!” “of course we can’t have sex, what if we poke its little head?”
definitely the dad that’s got a delivery bag and a backup bag and an emergency third backup of the backup bag in his car at all times. the first week of your third trimester, he starts watching you suspiciously for any signs of labor, even though this is your fourth together. you think you’ve got it down by now, you tell him, but he won’t listen.
always gets the kids to work together on little surprises for you. every mother’s day they wake you up with breakfast, every valentines day your dining room table is covered in handmade cards, every birthday your kitchen is coated in flour from jean and four little ones attempting to bake
SO HARD to drag him out for a date night. he wants to bring them everywhere: the fancy restaurant, the couples' get away trip
jean's that dad standing in the bar, watching the game, beer in hand, with an occupied baby carrier strapped to his chest
wants to watch during delivery, but he passed out the first go-round, so now he’s content standing up by your head, trying not to turn white as you squeeze his hand hard enough to break.
talks you into just one more on your fourth’s second birthday. “they’re all so big now. don’t you miss it, babe? my baby in your belly? c’mon…” turns out he reversed that vasectomy without telling you
another girl dad. hardcore girl dad.
buys his little princess all number of dresses and barbies, is confused when she’s more interested in the baseballs her classmates have.
accidentally raises the most tomboyish, toughest little girl. still babies her, and she hates it.
cries more than you do on your first date night out when you leave her with your mom. forgets to order his entree at the restaurant because he’s watching the baby monitor app on his phone.
definitely the best at splitting baby duties with you. reiner’s up before you most nights when she wakes, grabbing a bottle and cooing at her lovingly even as she screams. you always try to stay awake to watch him on the baby monitor, though, heart melting as his massive arms rock the tiny bundle back to sleep.
all the neighborhood kids love him because of his size. at every cookout, reiner can’t help on the grill because he’s buried in the grass in a little army of toddlers, led by your daughter, shrieking with joy.
always taking pictures. literally always. unflattering ones when you fall asleep breastfeeding, candids at the zoo, eighteen identical pictures of the lock of hair from her first haircut clogging up his camera roll.
can’t be the bad cop. literally ever. he just can’t say no to his little princess, can’t break her precious little heart by telling her that throwing her food onto the floor is bad.
takes your daughter to mommy & me classes with him
DILF DILF DILF. all the moms in the classes swoon over him and gossip about him when he’s not there; much to your annoyance, reiner never notices, insisting that they’re his “mommy friends”.
always sporting a little bit of glitter on his face or a sticker on his back from your daughter
coming from a fatherless background, reiner nearly kills himself trying to be a constant presence in your daughter’s life (you have to remind him that he has to rest too)
never misses an open house night at school, even if it nearly gets him fired. coaches all of her sports teams. literally almost cries when she makes her first soccer goal. actually does cry when she tells you the boy sitting beside her in class called her his girlfriend. full-blown breakdown on her first day of school, so bad he has to stay home from work.
the absolute BEST through your pregnancy and delivery. always cooking your craving of the week, constant foot and back rubs, stays up all night with you for the three days before the birth when you’re just too swollen and miserable to sleep.
holds your hand through the entire delivery, gets in the doctors’ way when they’re performing checkups because “i’m her father, i need to know what’s going on”
levi never pictured himself as having children, but when your little surprise arrives, blinking up at levi with his own grey, owlish eyes, levi can’t believe he hadn’t thought of it sooner.
very easily irritated with anyone asking questions about your home life.
when his coworkers ask for your newborn’s name, levi simply says “child.” are you two trying again? “why the fuck do you need to know?”
super overprotective. your baby waves at someone in the supermarket, and levi’s leaning down to explain (in words your eight-month-old can’t yet understand) stranger danger.
totally one of those parents that goes half-crazy trying to get their child into the top-notch, snobby preschool in town.
“we’re not wasting his intelligence on the public school”
levi grew up with basically nothing, so he goes all out buying the best baby products on the market. $2,500 strollers, researching “best baby toys for development”, the whole nine yards.
100% spends months trying to get your child to make a game out of picking up his own toys after playtime, but it never works.
has a meal plan for your child to “optimize nutrition” that you have to sneak around to give your baby little chocolates and junk snacks.
“why are there pringles in his playtime bag? they have no nutritional value.”
vets anyone that comes around your child, even other children. “no more playtime with that evan kid. he’s always got a cold or something.”
he’s always been a light sleeper, but once you have your child, levi snores beside them watching kids’ cartoons on the tv like you’ve never seen him, even drooling as his head lolls, arm tucked tight around your little one.
learned everything he could about labor and delivery beforehand
you almost killed him in the delivery room as he explained each medical detail of your labor symptoms to “reassure” you. he finally got the hint when you threatened to decapitate him.
he thinks it’s shameful, but watching you be a mother turns. him. on. 
wants to take you right there when he catches you breastfeeding, watches you read a bedtime story, spin your child around laughing. you’re just so naturally good at it and it makes him love you all the more, all that love going straight between his legs.
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elliotsblunt · 9 months
brother’s best mate | draco malfoy
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pairings - draco malfoy/reader’s | brother’s best friend!au |
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sypnosis : when your older brother's best friend finds out about your date with Diggory—he decides to give you a piece of his mind.
word count : 3.4k
warnings: smut, established siblings, weed, choking, pet names, minor girl fight, size kink, not proofread so sorry
authors note: the reader is 18 in high school and graduates in less than a few months!! no minors are sexual in this one-shot. draco is 19 and only one year older than the reader. this was fun to write but lowk got lazy at the end. hope you all enjoy its very smutty.
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© elliotsblunt 2022. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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You walked alongside your class mate, Ginny Weasley—a fourth year just like you. A Gryffindor with fiery bright red hair and the personality of a lion, freckled marks littering her nose. She had been your newfound best friend, usually sticking within your own house which had been Slytherin up until recently.
Some drama that had occurred in third year, so you began to seek friendships from other houses as well. You never really cared, but your older brother insisted you hang out with your true kind. Whatever that meant.
Ginny paused as they strolled past the Great Hall. “Say, _ _—Oh!”
You felt someone run into you from behind, a brute force slamming into you full force. Your knees wobbled and collapsed as your palms shielded your face, stinging as they slapped the concrete floor. Blinking with wide eyes, your eyes snapped up to meet a pair of narrowed blue eyes.
“Parkinson,” Ginny called from behind you, storming past you. Your arm shot to reach for her wrist as you held her back. “Chill Gin, it’s cool.”
The dark haired girl smirked, crossing her thin arms over her chest, where her tits practically spilled out. You almost gagged at the sight as Pansy chuckled,
“Sorry, _ _. Didn’t see ya.”
“She’s not even worth it. Come on,” You rolled your eyes, thankful Ginny had your back in the back of your mind. Pansy’s smirk faded as you spun around, reaching out and shoving you from behind. You fell forward once again, Ginny calling out your name as she kneeled beside you. Both of you send the laughing girl a glare.
“What is your problem?” You hissed, standing up on your feet. “I haven’t—“
“He broke up with me. Neville broke up with me—for you. You fucking cunt. And now, I’m going to beat you and that Gryffindor’s ass.”
Your brows knit together. Neville? But you hadn’t spoken to him in months, ever since last year. When he had broken up with you for Pansy Parkinson.
A smirk crept onto your lips, still on the ground. Her cheeks reddened at your next words, “Huh. Isn’t that ironic.”
“You bitch,” she gritted her teeth before slapping you across the face. Your eyes widened as you smiled in shock, not believing that this whore was fighting you over a man. When you had found out that Neville, who you dated for a solid two months, decided to cheat on you with Pansy Parkinson. The new, shiny exchange student from Beauxbaton Academy. She spoke French and was the only girl to show off cleavage.
She had been the talk of most of the boys in each house for months.
Apparently, the French liked to get down and under. Real quick. Half the boys went through her by the time summer rolled around. You remember your older brother mentioning her, saying if his best friend hadn’t fucked her before he graduated then he most definitely would have “tapped”. All he had earned from you was an eye roll.
“You crazy slag!” Ginny shouted, but before she could step in—a deep voice interrupted.
As you stood from the ground, picking up your book that you had dropped, you froze before quickly facing the voice. A warmness flourished in your chest as a familiar smirk was given to Pansy, by a blonde Slytherin that had graduated last year. Your brother, Alex , stood beside him, “Parkinson. Please don’t tell me your shoving my baby sis because of one of your personal wankers.“
Draco chuckled to himself, his head shaking before shoving his hands into his pockets. His hair had been combed to the side, a single strand falling over those piercing eyes of his. A black long sleeve tightened around his muscular back, a pair of black slacks to matched. You could almost smell his cologne from here.
“Can it, Waters,” she snapped at your brother, shifting her scowl into a smile when your sights landed on Draco.
“Draco—I didn’t know you were back. I would have looked for you.”
“Exactly why I didn’t,” he replied quietly, rubbing the back of his neck before clearing his throat.
Parkinson blushed a deep red, looking away from Draco. Ginny threw her a brow. “Didn’t you and Longbottom just break up?”
“Longbottom, Pans? The kid looks like a human piranha—bless his soul,” Alex chuckled, but you shook your head.
“No, he looks better. He got surgery.”
“No wa—!”
“Both of you shut up!” Pansy spat at both your brother and you, causing you all to just look at her with expecting looks. After her eyes swept back and forth across all of yours, she groaned before spinning around and stomping away. Alex tilted his head at her, “What’s with her?”
“Neville broke up with her for _ _,” Ginny replied, an knowing smile on her face as she nudged you. “But she happens to fancy someone else.”
“I would be mad to if a bloke that looked like that broke up—“
Your eyes found Draco’s. He was looking at you, with something new flickering in his eyes. His jaw was clenched as a soft smile played on his lips for you. Ginny nor Alex responded, waiting for you to respond.
“Urm, just some kid I met at a party.”
You were talking about Cedric Diggory. He was the golden boy of Hufflepuff, with those dreamy eyes and charming smile. Your heart soared whenever he passed you in the halls, sending you his specialty wink. You had to bite your lip to hold back a smile for the rest of the day, almost drawing blood. And last night, you had both texted non-stop.
Tonight you were supposed to meet him in Hogsmeade. Spring Break was coming up, which is why your brother had came in the first place. You always spent Spring Break with your brother—and Draco just always happened to be with him. They were inseparable. Ever since first year.
“You go out with him yet?” Draco asked another question, narrowing his eyes. His head tilted as he studied you.
“But she’s meant to tonight,” Ginny added, throwing an arm around you. You threw her a stare but she wasn’t paying attention to you, sending heart eyes to Draco. She always a massive crush on him, and you were sure he knew. Especially when he sent her a boyish smile right now. “Thank you, Weasel. Though, you don’t look much like a weasel anymore.”
She tucked her hair behind her ear as Alex rolled his eyes. “Gross, bro. Don’t flirt with my baby sis’s friends, ight?”
Draco chuckled as you groaned, “Ginnyishelpingmepackokbye,” you rushed out before grabbing your giggling friend.
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You stood outside your favorite restaurant in Hogsmeade—The Flying Dutchman. They had the best burgers in town, and you’re the one who actually proposed to come here when Cedric asked you out. Your brother, Draco, and you always came here for dinner when you rented out your hotel room. Like every Spring break. A faint smile wore on your lips at the memory as the spring breeze pressed warm kisses onto your flesh.
But as more time passed by, that smile began to fade. Cedric had been more than thirty minutes late.
Ginny texted her that about after an hour, you should call it quits. And so you kept checking your phone, tapping your glossy heel against the concrete of the sidewalk. Your heart banged on your rib cage as blood rushed to your ears. Everything was slightly muffled as embarrassment overcame you.
And when it hit nine o’clock, you began to walk to your hotel.
Anger coursed through your veins. How dare he asked you out then ghost you completely?
You pulled out your phone and sent him a few messages cursing him out before shoving it back into your purse. With glossy eyes, after about ten minutes, you had reached the hotel room you were to be having alone. Your brother and Draco would be sharing the next one over. Approaching the entrance, where green glass pillars cascaded over a tall, lavish building—you hummed as the cool air conditioning welcomed you.
“Welcome,” a faux customer service voice rung in your ear. Your eyes landed on the front desk attendant, a young man. “Do you have a reservation?”
“Yes. Under Waters.“
“The single queen bed with a walk in-closet?”
You blushed, “Yes.”
“Perfect. Will that be cash or credit.”
“It’s on file. I come like, every year,” you explained, and he nodded firmly before clicking his mouse a few times. He was short and chubby—hair receding slowly from the sides. You didn’t know that was possible. “Have you found it?”
“Yes. It went through and….perfect. You’re all set,” he bent over, opening a drawer and a pair of keys jingled in your ears. He pooped back up whilst kicking the drawer back closed—handing you your card and the wifi password. “This here is your room card for room number 67 as well as our wifi and password.”
“Thanks,” you sent him a smile before making your way inside. As always, the halls were the same. A green carpet with beige walls, random paintings everywhere. It smelled of old paper inside your room, a bed with red covers and white pillows rested on the large bed. A walk-in closet, as promised, was lodged in the corner next to the bathroom.
You decided to shower, still in a sour mood about being stood up. Taking off your makeup with a cleanser, you stripped off your clothes and hopped into the shower. Craving to feel the warm water soothe your tense muscles, you moaned as it happened moments later. Digging your vanilla shampoo into your roots, you used your net to scrub off the dirt and dead skin from your body.
After finding everything off, you wrapped a towel around your figure and opened the door to your bathroom. A scream tore from your throat at the sight of someone sitting on the corner of your bed.
“_ _. I’m high as fuck,” Draco ran a hand through his hair, a red hue glowing from his eyes. His eyelids hung low as he smiled lazily—flickering his gaze over to you. “Alex is passed out. He took too many edibles.”
You scoffed, “And I assume you were the more responsible one and maintained a decent amount of sobriety?”
“Big words, _ _. Big words for a little girl,” Draco taunted, your eyes rounding at his words. He had never seemed this laid back with you, always being the more poised and dignified out of him and your brother. Hair always slicked to the side, clothes looking tidy and clean cut. But his hair had been messy due to him running his fingers through the strands, and his black button up he had changed into had been unbuttoned halfway.
His gold chain glistened against his pale skin, your thighs clenching at the thought of it hanging in your face while he—
“How was the date?” He questioned, his eyes darkening. You gulped.
“He didn’t show.”
“What?” He rose his voice, standing up from his seat. You flinched at the intensity of his tone as his eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”
“Why do you care so much?”
“Dammit, _ _,” he balled his fist, storming over to you. Your back hit the wall, clutching your towel to your body, as his palmed slammed against the wall and staid there. His scent of peppermint and marijuana, which led you to believe he had smoked instead of taking the edibles with your brother. His eyes swirled with a hidden emotion as breath fanned your lips. “Why can’t you just answer a simple question?” He scoffed,
“You never do what you’re told.”
“And you’re too high,” you mumbled, placing your hands on his chest to push him back. But he caught them, “Draco.”
“_ _,” He whispered, “I can’t watch you get heartbroken over these little fucking boys anymore.”
Your throat went dry. Had Draco liked you?
That didn’t make any sense. He had been the most popular boy at school. Him and your brothers were the two most crushed on guys at school, Draco running through a number of girls throughout his years. He always paid attention to you, never leaving you out. “What? You think it’s a coincidence that every dude you have a date with bails on you?”
Your eyes widen, “You’re the reason Cedric—?”
“Back when I was in Hogwarts,” he continued, his boyish smirk returning to his lips. “Looks like you don’t need my help in that department after all.”
He had been your brother’s best friend, and if you didn’t know any better, his high self just confessed to scaring off other guys to date you. Out of all the girls he could have had, tonight, it appeared he wanted you. And one thing about Draco Malfoy—
He always gets what he wants.
Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip as his piercing eyes bored into yours. His thumb reached out, shocking you, as it took place of your teeth. An animalistic look flashed in his eyes, “Relax, kid. It was a joke.”
“Don’t call me kid.”
Draco released a chuckle, taking a step back before shaking his head. He ran a large hand the lift his pale hair again, “Fuck. You’re Alex’s little sis,” he sighed, letting out sarcastic chuckles. “I’m turned on by my best friends sister.”
His words caught you by surprise. Your lips fell open in shock, eyes bulged and skin flushed. He tugged at his strands once more before muttering fuck it, turning around and walking straight towards you. You flinched say Draco grabbed your arm, pulling you into his chest before slamming his lips against yours.
They were smooth and plump, sucking on your own as his hand flew to your cheek. At first you hadn’t kissed back, in shock, but when his thumb began to rub the flesh of your face—you melted. Your lips fought against his as you completely surrendered to him.
His fingers found your hair, lightly tugging on the strands. A soft moan left your lips, causing him to hum, “You like when I pull your hair, little one?”
The nickname caused a shiver to run down your spine. A pool of wetness shot down your core, a pleasurable sensation overcoming you as he continued to kiss you. His scent overcame you as he spun the two of you around, laying you on the bed before crawling above you. His lips didn’t part from yours.
Pulling away, you panted as he observed you from above. Your hair had probably been a mess and completely damp. The towel wrapped around you had been the only thing separating you from the Slytherin above. His eyes were clouded with the drug, “You’re fuckin’ breathtakin.”
You blushed. You didn’t think you would ever hear him say that. Considering how much of a fan girl you used to be for him back in primary.
He dived down to close the gap between you two. “I wanna fuck you. Show you how it feels to cum around a grown dick like mine,” Draco breathlessly panted against her lips. His fingers dove to her towel, tossing to to the floor before looking down. His hair tickled her nose,
“Looks like every inch of you is perfect, _ _. Can’t wait to have you fall apart on my tongue.”
“Next time. I—want it now,” you breathed, craving to get fucked by Draco. Your arms wrapped around his neck as he grabbed one of your tits, popping it into his mouth before swirling his tongue around the bud. His eyes crossed at the taste, “Fuck, that feels so good.”
“YehBaby?” His voice was muddled by your mounds. You giggled as he founded the other one before doing the same. Your hips began to arch and he smirked,
“My horny little one,” he teased, sitting up straight. You chewed on your lower lip, clenching your thighs as his eyes staid on yours. Unzipping his slacks, he tossed them to the side along with his trousers before hooking his arms around your thighs. You shrieked as he yanked you to the edge, grabbing his cock, “You sure you can take it? A big dick like mine?”
You grabbed his bicep, which bulged under your hand. His arm had been twice the size of yours. Rubbing his swollen pink head against your clit, peering down at you. Your eyes widened up at him, all innocent like, pinching your nipples. His lips reached to kiss your feet before resting them both on his shoulders, “You sure about this, _ _? Because once I start, I can’t stop.”
“Please,” you pleaded, reaching for him. He chuckled before bending down, letting you wrap your arms around his neck. His thick cock began to slid into you, making you squeak his name, “Draco! Oh my—urgh.”
His red rimmed eyes looked down at you. As he inched deeper, the more your mouth dropped. He pecked your lips before moving more fluidly, more and more spikes of pleasure adding to your tummy. You weren’t a virgin—every guy you’ve been with always made you do all the work. So the fact that Draco had expertly began stroking his hard cock into your gushing pussy, you noticed more moans escaping you.
The blonde grunted, working half his cock inside. And then he pushed it all the way in, making both of you cry out in unison.
And then he chuckled darkly at your blissed out expression, a wicked smile curling onto his lips as he angled himself. His hips rammed into yours, holding your knees against him, as your tits jiggled before his eyes.
Cries and pleads babbled from your mouth.
“Yes! Please!”
“Draco—it feels too good.”
“My Merlin—I can’t—“
“Yeah?” He cooed, brutally snapping his hips against you. His thick head pushed into your walls, his abdomen rubbing against your puffy nub. With a tender voice, his hand flew to your throat, as he continued, “Just like that, little one? Move my hips like this?”
He gave her two harsh strokes, giving her a bruising kiss. Draco’s hair fell over his eyes as sweat glistened over his abs. Ring clad fingers snaked to your pussy, his thumb pressing circles into your clit. It began to pulse, meaning you were going to cum, making Draco raise his brows.
“It’s so warm, _ _. You gonna come on this dick?”
“Yes,” you whimpered, “Yes yes yes YES YES—“
Draco chuckled, kissing your lips to silence you. You came on his dick, being completely lost in the trance of your orgasm. It felt like a million glasses had broken in your ear, earth shattering before you as euphoria paused time. Never in your life had you came that hard.
And then he pulled out, sitting against the headrest on the bed. You sent him a look, still calming down from your high, as he tapped his thigh, “Come take a ride on this dick for me, baby.”
Without time to waste, you crawled over. He smiled at you evily as he guided you, “Sit with your back-good girl,” he instructed, making you face your back to his chest. He lifted your feet and stood them on his thighs, “I’m going to play with your pussy. Throw your arm around my neck and take this dick, that’s all you have to do. Okay little one? Can you handle that?”
To answer his question, you instantly grabbed his cock before sliding down. You cried out, “Ah!”
“That’s it. Juuuuuuust like that,” he shushed, rubbing three fingers on your swollen pussy. You jerked in his hold as he nipped at your ear, “I got you, baby. I got you.”
And with that he began rapidly thrusting up into your clenching pussy. You screamed out as his fingers fastened their pace, your back arching against his chest. Your arm shook as it clung to his neck, his lips attached to your nipple. The crude licking sounds edged you closer to your high.
His hand covered your entire stomach, “So tiny, baby. You like when I fuck this little pussy?”
Your tummy began to contract. Draco licked his fingers, tasting your juices, before rubbing them against your creaming pussy once again. Your brows rose in pleasure as a scream came from you, “I’m gonna—ah—“
“Come on,” he urged, “Come on come on come on—there it is! Just like that, _ _. Allll over my fucking dick.”
Your body twitched as you came on top of Draco. And when he felt your tight pussy gush around him, he grabbed you by your waist, prolonging your orgasm by animalistically rutting up into you. “Fuck, I’m gonna, fuck fuck fuck—“
“What the fuck?” Alex’s voice screamed in the air.
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imaluckygirl · 12 days
⭑ cool with you
( enhypen scenario )
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synopsis: your boyfriend favorite moments with you when he’s at home.
( 엔하이픈 ) - maknaeline!fem.reader ( hyung ver. ) ; fluff , crack & domestic
──── bookshelf .
note : im trying to be more active but school is not letting me *sighs* but ill keep doing my best! hope you enjoy >< ( didnt checked this one so it might have some grammar errors )
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sunwoo : karaoke night & a little bonus at the end
he is the type of boyfriend that would rather enjoy spending time having fun with you than cuddling you. i mean, he is affectionate and all, but he likes to see you laugh and show him that big bright smile; that is uniquely yours. that’s why i think he would like to spend his quality time with you doing a karaoke night. snacks and drinks on the table, with a karaoke microphone placed there, and a korean karaoke machine synchronised on the tv. at the living room sunwoo would be waiting for you sat while choosing a song for both of you to sing while you pay for the pizza both of you chose to order. when he sees you walking in the living room and sitting by his side on the couch after placing the pizza on the table, he would kiss gently kiss your cheek and point at the tv, indicating to you that he chose a song already; and if you were down to sing with him.
when you nodded — as you always did because saying no to your boyfriend felt like committing a crime — sunwoo will smile and shake his hands in a fist excitedly. when he clicked on the remote’s control and the song started, he handed you a microphone while you were drinking an iced tea, saying: “stand u-” and when he was about to complete his sentence the lyrics started to turn onto another colour, indicating that the lyrics were being sang already. however, when you saw the lyrics appearing and then slowly fading, you stood up like you assumed sunwoo would shout in a very enthusiastic tone — because he always did — and began to sing with him.
both of you definitely would be swaying to the rhythm while your arms were up following your body as it sway. sunwoo would be laughing so hard if you get a low score after all your dedication and would giggle while he rans away from you; when you threatened him with a pillow. the night ends with a full stomach and with sunwoo gently massaging your face with a face moisturizer and applying a strawberry lip balm onto your lips — that doesn’t last longer than two minutes because he can’t sleep without placing a good night kiss onto your forehead while you kiss him on his lips.
ps: just wanted to mention that he also loves these karaoke nights because he can feel free to be who he is; the real him, without feeling judged and watched by uninvited eyes. ( you make him feel so safe )
jungwon : when you have a tea to tell him; with a plot twist hehe
obs: i feel like, in general, all members would be interested in this conversation lol; but jungwon would be more often — trust me. even though you can think this is something sunwoo would like to do the most with you, it is, but no specifically under such a domestic moment — because i think he would listen to your yapps while both of you are sat on the underground’s sit for an example. but anyway, i’ll stop talking and let you read...
jungwon would often come back home with you telling him about some tea you were waiting for ages hours to tell him, but the most common times this would happen would be when he is laying on bed with you and you suddenly gasp and unconsciously pull him away from hugging your body. “what?! what happened?!” he immediately looks at you with a question mark above his head while your eyes were widen and your mouth open. you were be texting someone frenetically while he was getting even more confused. “WHAT!” you yell, shocked for some reason. “y/n, what happened?” your boyfriend would be sooooo concern, frowning while sitting on bed with you, trying to find out why were you so shocked.
“mingyu and mina just broke up!” you tell your boyfriend after a dramatic pause, while your hand is hiding your open mouth and your eyes still wide open. “WHAT?!’ now he was just as shocked as you. “that’s why i am freaking out!” you justified after you just watched the cutest reaction coming out from him — his eyes widened just like yours and his mouth dropped out of surprise. in a swiftly movement he was following your eyes through your friend group’s chat; and one of your friends was talking about their theory about why they had broken up. “they are saying mina cheated on him.” you commented and jungwon looked at you, nodding. “wah... i can’t believe this...” your boyfriend brushed his hair back with his hand, taking a deep breath. “just last week i was talking with mingyu and he was saying how happy he was because of the engagement ring he bough for her-” “HE DID WHAT?!” “i didn’t tell you? i mean, i thought you knew...”
another time this gossip session would happen is at the kitchen, while he is washing the dishes. imagine jungwon casually washing the remain dishes from yesterday’s dinner and you come downstairs calling him like: “jungwon, jungwon, wonie!”, he would be drying his hands as fast as he can to know what happened to you, and he is relieved you weren’t hurt. “what happened?” “there’s people saying that you cheated on me!” you would tell him, laughing. “WHAT- WHO?”
kiss this baby if you plan to prank him like this because he just can’t sleep thinking that you just heard that he supposedly did something so nasty and disgusting and made you feel hurt/betrayed. whatever, after a hundred times pranking him in the same way, he would quickly get you, but act up just to have your sweet kisses showering his face.
riki : game nights with you & watching films with you
i can think about so many scenarios of riki enjoying his time at home with you; like SO MANY. but i will tell you two of his favorites.
something about game nights with you makes him feel like he is back in japan and like he is fourteen again. he used to play twister or guess who — for an example — with his sisters or at his family dance studio; with his friends. he remembers having so much fun with them, and it makes his heart flutter when he play those games with you — like he is creating a new memory over so many good ones he made in the past while he was in his hometown. talking about riki’s hometown — plus his family —, when it’s an important holiday, your boyfriend’s family invite both of you over, specially when it’s christmas/new years eve. you watch him playing guess who against his little sister while you chat with konon on the sofa before he calls you to help him with questions. or as i mentioned twisters: it would be so funny when his whole family joins. like, not just konon, his little sister, riki, you, some of his friends, but his parents as well. it would be such a good memory him and his family are going to remember with so much affection and love.
another thing i can’t forget to add is how giggly riki gets when just both of you is playing at home ( or at his dorm ). even if it’s a simple uno round he would get all giggly and competitive after he yells “UNO! UNOOOO”. even if you try you always lose and wonder how he can be this good at this dumb card game — ignore the fact that he was a stack of uno cards hidden under his thighs.
now, hear me out, riki can be every loud and playful, but he is very serious and affectionate when it comes to those film nights or movie nights ( whatever ). your boyfriend really enjoys watching films, even before he met you. however, watching films with you hits different. it’s different because he have someone to cuddle, to kiss if there is any boring scene, whisper something — usually what he think will happen at the end or creating a theory and sharing with you —, be vulnerable, and many other motives. and trust me, 100% of chance that he would ask if you are scared of horror movies. and if you are, perfect, that’s the genre he is choosing. just with the thought of you getting scared and holding onto him makes a grown young man blush. you think he is mean, but he’s hopelessly in love with you.
“i’m not letting you choose a film never again!” you would tell him with a pouty face as you sigh; while walking out of the cinema’s room holding your boyfriend’s hand. riki would most definitely laugh at you and mock at your jumpscares; oorrrr he would laugh, kiss your cheek and then proceed to cup them with his hands — while cocking his head down because of the weight difference — and say: “okay, i’m not letting my baby watch any other scary movie.” you squint your eyes, not trusting on him, but he pouts. “i’m being serious!” “okay...” — he wasn’t being serious.
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© imaluckygirl , originals .ᐟ 24.
taglist : @jakesangel . . .
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just a little something to get started with this blog <3 enjoy!
"afternoon amour" poly!marauders x reader, very, very fluffy
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Now, despite the difficult and dreary task it is to stay focused in History of Magic, despite the awful, droning tone of Professor Binns, and despite the pleasant day outside that called to every Hogwarts student like a siren, you were dutifully scratching out notes on Elfric the Eager.
That's just who you were, a good student. Focused, dutiful! Your grades never suffered, and, quite frankly, you took pride in your work.
So, when the end of class rolled around and students were itching to chase out the door and into the sun, you were reasonably surprised to have Binns return a paper to you with a "Dreadful" marking on it.
You gaped at the "D" on the paper before quickly flipping through the pages. Red ink was scribbled all over it, corrections here and there and everywhere. By the time you recognized the handwriting and realized Binns had made a mistake by handing you the wrong paper, the student's paper that you held had scrambled out of the classroom with the rest of his famous friends.
You thought the Marauders were all relatively smart, how did Sirius Black manage such an awful grade?
Glancing around the now empty classroom and then out the window, you sighed, trying to decide just how worth it it was to follow the rowdy group outside and retrieve your actual paper. You looked at the "Dreadful" paper again.
Not that the Marauders had ever done anything horrible to you personally, it was quite the opposite.
They were far too friendly.
It was perfectly fine that they were cozy and affectionate with each other, seeing as the whole school knew about their sweet romance, but they always managed to pull you into their show. Little compliments here and there, the occasional brushed hand or shoulder. You flushed thinking of some of the things Black himself had shouted to you in public. Potter incessantly held doors for you and practically stole your books off your shoulder to carry them for you. Even Lupin had his moments of quiet suaveness, standing and sitting too closely to be entirely friendly, speaking to you gently as he explained things or said a joke only meant for you.
Not that you entirely minded, of course. But having three gorgeous Gryffindors flirt with you and distract you and be so romantic but never fully ask you on a real date could be... overwhelming.
A gentle sigh escaped you as you stood with your bag on your shoulder and Black's paper in hand. Might as well take the opportunity to enjoy the pretty day outside.
As you made your way out the doors, sunshine washed over your face, followed by the shouts of your peers enjoying the day. A quick glance around the courtyard led you to exactly what you were looking for.
There stood James Potter, emphatically recounting a story to Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. He seemed completely in his element, skin glowing under the light of day as he jumped and kicked and shouted to them. Remus leaned against a tree with his legs crossed, one arm holding Sirius to his chest (who was enraptured with James's story) and the other holding a novel. You smiled watching them. Their shared happiness was completely contagious to everyone around them.
Sirius looked like he was about to chime in with Jame's when you caught his eyes, a huge grin spreading across his face.
"Hey gorgeous! Don't you look lovely as ever?"
His shout made James turn and Remus look up from his book, smiles spreading across their faces as well as a flush spread across yours. James bounded towards you and tossed an arm around your shoulders, bright as ever.
"Hey there lovey," He said as he dragged you towards the others, much faster than you had been walking before, "to what do we owe the pleasure of seeing your pretty face?"
"A misplaced paper, it would seem." You shyly produced Sirius's horrid essay, and James snatched it from your hands.
"Christ, Pads, how'd you manage that?"
"Manage what?" Remus frowned, putting down his novel as James handed him the paper. He skimmed the front before pushing Sirius aside to flip through the leaves of paper, frowning more. "Sirius, I helped you study for this! How'd you still manage a 'Dreadful'?"
The boy in question scoffed a little, before smirking and offering a hand towards you. "Way to tattle on me gorgeous."
Your cheeks felt even warmer as James grabbed your bag and nudged you towards Sirius, who, once in range, grabbed your wrist and pulled you to sit with him. He wrapped an arm around your waist and tugged you into his side, leaning his head against your shoulder.
You whispered a quiet sorry to Sirius, who playfully shushed you, as Remus looked up again, scolding in his tone.
"I'm serious Pads, this is just horrendous. Did you even try at this?"
"Maybe. Maybe not," He then turned his gaze to you, mischief in his eyes, "maybe I was distracted during class."
At this you tucked your face behind your hands and groaned, making James and Sirius coo at you while Remus's frown softened.
"Quit using our dovey as an excuse, and set the poor thing free, you've just about crumpled them."
Sirius shot up at this, scandalized. "I've done no such thing!" He tightened his grasp on you and pulled your hands into one of his as he looked at you. "They don't mind my loving on them! Do you, gorgeous?"
"Uh-" You glanced between Sirius, Remus, and James, who had now set your bag down and sat in front of the two of you. Your face felt like it was on fire. This felt a little more serious than the playful comments you four had shared up to this point. James smiled pitifully and reached over to stroke your arm.
"Do you really mind, lovey? We'll leave you be if it's too much."
If it's too much.
You glanced between the boys, thinking about how overwhelmed you felt around them. The touches, the soft words, the loving pet names.
Glancing between them, you realized just how wonderful the feeling was. Sure you were overwhelmed, but it was a completely fuzzy, delightful feeling. You felt loved.
The longer you sat quietly, the more boys seemed to deflate. Sirius removed his arm and was about the shuffle off before you grabbed at his arm to stop him.
With a smile, you spoke up,
"No. Not too much. It's alright. I-... I like it."
Sirius grinned, scooping you entirely into his lap and holding you tightly as James laughed and Remus rolled his eyes fondly at his behavior.
"Perfect, I knew you'd be on my side, gorgeous." He tucked his chin over your shoulder to give Remus a stink eye and a smirk. "Looks like I win this time."
You feared Remus's eyes may get stuck if he kept rolling them, but he shook his head and scooched to lean against Sirius. His voice was filled with loving as he spoke up,
"There's no winning for you considering this essay."
You giggled as Sirius groaned and hid away in your neck, whispering a quiet "see what they put me through?" to you as James laid his head across your lap with a grin.
"Maybe they can help you study, Pads! Since it's clear Remus's tutoring isn't workin- OW! Hey!"
James rubbed at his cheek where Remus had just pinched him. The latter huffed and cozied up closer to you and Sirius, who laughed at James's misfortune. You began to run your hand through his curls as your eyes shut.
The sun's warmth felt lovely on your face, but being surrounded by your boys possibly made you feel warmer.
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this completely not proof read i fear but i wanted to write something before the night ended, so have this as a gift my dears <3 much love, charlie
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hairyjocktf · 2 months
New Recruit
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Luke was at a low point in his life. He’d graduated high school but wasn’t smart enough to get into college. He had tried working some retail jobs around but he never had the work ethic to last long in those. He had similar problems in other gigs. It had been months of him bumming around and his parents had finally had enough, he was officially out of their house. With few options left, he was desperate. While walking down the street one day he saw an ad for the military, boasting stable careers and plenty of benefits. He’d played a couple seasons of sports in school and felt like he might be able to at least pass the initial evaluation, and out of near desperation he decided to try and enlist.
He made his way to the army office nearby that had been listed in the ad, and to his surprise there was no trouble. They did a quick physical evaluation and he was good to go, ready to sign up for boot camp. Luke was nervous; there was no coming back from this point. He thought about it for a couple minutes while being stared down by the recruiter, realizing he really couldn’t think of a better option. And so he signed the contract, unsure of what was to come. 
Two weeks later he was on a bus out to the base to start his boot camp. Luke didn’t know what to expect; he’d heard numerous stories about how brutal this training would be to weed out people. The bus was filled with the strangest mix of people he’d ever seen. Some guys looked like they’d been using steroids since they were 12, some looked like they belonged in an accounting department, and some he just couldn't pin down. Regardless of who surrounded him, Luke felt out of place, and he was only growing more nervous as the bus sped through the dense woods. After what felt like hours they finally cleared the trees and he saw the huge fences that would enclose the next few months of his life.
The buses pulled into a large dirt clearing at the center of the base where they forced everybody out. A huge and built man addressed the new recruits with his booming voice.
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“Privates! Welcome to Fort Eagleton!” he shouted above the noise of disembarking men. “I am Drill Sergeant Thornton, and I’ll be in charge of whipping you lot into shape!”
Luke gulped, it looked like those rumors had been true. He was in for a world of hurt.
“You’ll be under my watch and command for the next ten weeks, learning what it takes to be a soldier. First, I want to see what I’m working with. Privates! See those chalk markings on the ground? Space yourselves on them for inspection!” 
His loud voice echoed across the clearing. The men all scrambled to stand in position, each on a chalk marking that were spaced four feet apart in a grid. Luke found an open one unfortunately near the front of the pack. He glanced nervously around at the others. Some were standing at the ready like they had been born for this, but the rest also looked around with worried looks on their faces. Their attention was brought back to the front by the thundering voice of the sergeant. 
“Listen up, privates! Here with me I have Corporal Evans, a prime example of what you should all strive to become in the next ten weeks!” The sergeant gestured to a tall and strong looking man next to him. Evans was at attention in full uniform, but Luke could tell the man was absolutely jacked underneath. He could see how the coat was straining against his huge, broad shoulders.
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“He is the epitome of a soldier, and what all men should model themselves after,” the sergeant continued. “I will make a real man out of each of you! That is my promise as your Drill Sergeant. However, some of you may take to that easier than others.” He began walking through the rows of men in plainclothes, observing each of them with scrutiny. Luke’s eyes went wide as the sergeant stopped directly in front of him.
“You, boy. What’s your name?” The sergeant did not quiet his voice even when right next to him. 
“Luke,” he said shakily, “Luke Peterson.”
“Private Peterson, you may have passed the exam to get here, but I hold doubts that you are up to the challenge that is basic training,” the sergeant said while making intense eye contact. “Do you think you have what it takes to become a soldier?”
“Yes.. sir,”
“Well! Let’s put that to the test,” he boomed again. “Evans! Bring me this private’s new uniform.”
Within seconds, the man was at his side holding a folded army uniform. Thornton took it and handed it to Luke.
“Put this on, boy! Let’s see how you’ll fit in here,” he said with an almost sinister twinkle in his eyes. 
Luke had no choice but to then strip down to his underwear in the middle of the crowd. The eyes of the dozens of men he had entered with were burning holes in him as he changed into the fatigues. They immediately felt too large for him but he continued as the sergeant watched impatiently. He pulled up and belted the pants before buttoning the shirt closed. They were at least two or three sizes too big, Luke thought, and he looked ridiculous in the oversized fatigues. He laced up his boots which were also excessively large and stood back up to address the sergeant’s burning gaze.
Out of nowhere, Luke suddenly felt like he’d taken a punch straight in his stomach. He collapsed to the ground on his hands and knees, gasping for air as the pain in his stomach did not lessen, but began to spread. His torso felt like it was on fire, and he groaned in distress as his body was overwhelmed. Everyone else in the clearing was watching in awe as Luke’s body began to grow. His spine lengthened slowly, back widening and shoulders broadening. His legs began to stretch and grow longer, adding a good eight inches to his height. He began packing on muscle like he’d been working out for a decade, limbs inflating in seconds adding strength and size. His chest pushed out into two meaty pecs, which finally caught Luke’s attention from the incredible soreness he felt as his body exploded in size. His eyes widened as he watched his own body fill out the fatigues that had moments ago been far too large, arms swelling to fill the sleeves and chest pushing against the now tight shirt. His legs also bulked up, adding 20 pounds of muscle as quads and hamstrings grew in and thickened. His feet expanded, pushing against his large boots. He felt a sharp pain shoot through his jaw as it widened, giving him a square and masculine face. The pain began to subside and Luke managed to stand back up, this time matching the sergeant in height. 
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The drill sergeant addressed him, “Good start soldier.” He had a hint of a grin on his stern face.
Luke was angry and confused, “What the hell was that? What did you do to me? What do you mean good start…” His sentence trailed off as he felt an intense tingling feeling arise on his chest. Underneath his tight uniform shirt, in the center of his massive pecs, tiny brown hairs began to poke out of his skin. The hairs started out thin and wispy but quickly thickened as they grew longer, spreading out across Luke’s mountainous chest muscles. The hairs erupted across the expanse, burying the skin under a dense layer of fur as they grew thicker, longer, and tangled together. Especially dark hairs sprouted around his sensitive nipples, causing Luke to let out a moan as he brought his hands up to massage them. The crowd watching Luke was stunned at his actions in front of the sergeant. Some of the men closest to him could see what looked like thick hairs beginning to poke out from above his shirt collar. The fur on his chest had spread up across his collarbone and had started peeking up onto his neck, where it was finally visible. The sergeant stood watching with a smirk as Luke was lost in a world of pleasure, rubbing his nipples as hair began taking over his body. The hair was not confined to just his chest, and shot down south across his stomach, coating his new abs and muscle in the same thick rug. The hair was growing in so densely that it started to push out through cracks and seams in his uniform. 
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The other privates were speechless watching this erotic display in front of them, not knowing what to do. A few noticed Corporal Evans, who was standing behind the drill sergeant, subtly mimicking Luke’s actions, seemingly lost in his own bodily pleasures as his hands roamed his body. Luke’s breaths grew louder as the hairs continued climbing up his thick neck, creating a river of hair traveling up from his chest to his square jaw. He’d never had much stubble before, just some light peach fuzz, but that was changing. The soft hairs were overrun with thick, wiry, testosterone-fueled growth that coated his jaw in an incredibly dense beard. His upper lip was next, first darkening with the shadow of thick stubble before the hairs pushed out and completed the full beard on his face. Luke’s hands moved upwards, stroking his fingers through the long wiry hairs that now covered the lower half of his face. His eyes closed as the pleasurable sensation began to control his actions, wanting to experience every ounce of this growth. The beard growth was very noticeable to the crowd as well, as men further away began to break formation and inch closer to see what was happening to Luke. Evans was in the back, feeling the scratchy stubble on his own face as it pushed out a couple millimeters, just enough to leave a dark five o’clock shadow.
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Unbeknownst to the crowd, Luke’s body was continuing to change under his uniform. Luke could feel every new hair sprout out of him as the hairs spread, conquering more of his newly buff body. His armpits tingled as the follicles there went into overdrive, pumping out hair after hair. What had previously been a sparse grouping of hairs quickly became a thick tuft of sweaty, musky hair. Dark and wiry hairs pushed out of bare skin, spreading out and covering his pits in a full manly bush, already dense enough to trap his body sweat and stench. Luke stuck one hand into his shirt to scratch the growing forest in his pit before pulling it out and smelling his fingers. He shivered from the euphoric smell of his own musk that was only growing more potent. The pit hairs continued to spread and even connected with his chest hair, creating a seamless rug across his whole upper body. 
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The wave of hair growth continued advancing across his muscular body, with hairs beginning to pop up across his broad shoulders. They were joined by more and more hairs, giving Luke a thick coating across his traps. The hairs began to crawl down his brawny back, knitting a rug as they grew thick and tangled across his shoulder blades. As the hairs advanced down his spine they also began covering his arms, where long dark hairs were pushing out across his triceps before utterly engulfing his forearms in dark fur. Luke watched as the thick hairs poked out of his sleeves, ensuring anyone would know even in full uniform how hairy he was under there. That is, if they didn’t notice his large, calloused hands, which had their own small carpet of hairs sprouting across the backs. Luke could feel as the hairs creeping down his back reached the bottom, where a bushy tuft sprouted up just above his waistband. He subconsciously knew what was next, and moments later he was overcome with bliss as his thick ass cheeks sprouted their own rug of dense curly hairs. He could feel how the thickest, longest, and darkest hairs were pushing out of his crack, and he reached his hand into his pants to feel the silky fur that filled the gap. As all eyes were on Luke, Corporal Evans was still engaged in his own stimulation, feeling his pit hairs push out a little more, his back get a little more hairy, and his ass plump up just a bit more.
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Luke felt his now size 16 feet heat up in his boots, beginning to grow itchy. Hairs were crawling out of the tops of his massive feet, popping out of his thick toes shortly after. The hairs climbed up his thick legs from his feet, coating his calves in dark hairs before engulfing his massive thighs. The hairs came in thicker and darker as they neared his groin, where his formerly modest bush began to double, then triple in size. Thick pubes were sprouting up all across his crotch, enveloping the area in a dense forest of curly hairs. Luke let out another moan at the sensation and shoved both his hands into his pants. He felt the coarse hairs sprouting through his fingers as his bush continued to spread outward. His cock began gushing precum before it too began to grow. It had almost been swallowed up by the immense bush, but now it hardened and pushed out, growing longer and thicker. Luke grasped his growing member and felt the hair climbing up the shaft as it continued to push further out of his bush. He felt his balls swell in size and drop a little farther down, becoming coated in hairs just like the rest of his groin. 
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Luke was overcome with euphoria, and the animalistic instincts took full control as he began stroking his nine inch cock with both hands, each pump blasting his brain and body with pleasure. The sergeant and everyone else watched as Luke jacked off to his own transforming body right in front of them, stunned into silence. Corporal Evans, still unnoticed, slid his own hand into his pants to deal with his rock hard problem. Luke kept at it, moaning louder and louder as precum poured out of his cock. Every stroke seemed to make him grow just a tad bit larger, just a little hairier. Finally, after a few minutes of being overcome by pure ecstasy, he erupted, a fountain of cum spraying out covering his new uniform in sticky white semen. Some of it even got on the sergeant, who seemed unfazed. Evans grunted quietly as he pumped a massive load directly into his jockstrap that he had on under his uniform. He wasn’t prepared for quite how large it would be, leaving a wet spot on the front of his trousers and leaking down his leg. Luke panted as his mind returned to his body, finally taking stock of the situation and realizing in a moment of panic what had happened.
Before he could say anything Sergeant Thornton started to laugh. His roaring laughter pierced the awkward silence that had overtaken the space for the last while. He walked over to Luke and slapped him on the back.
“Atta boy! That’s what I like to see,” He said to Luke with an uncharacteristic smile. The crowd was shocked. That was not the response they’d expected in the slightest. 
“You’re fit to be a real soldier now, and I trust you’ll serve us well. A fine specimen!” he turned to the crowd. “Look here, privates! This is a real man, a bastion of strength and masculinity who can take a beating and give some hell.”
Luke too was stunned. He was scrambling to process what had just happened to him, and that it was seemingly planned by the sergeant the whole time. His thoughts were cut short by the sergeant addressing him again.
“Well son, you’ve done good today. We’ll have to clean up that scruff of yours to get you in regulation,” he stroked Luke’s new beard with his hand, sending a bolt of lightning directly to his still semi-erect cock. “Corporal Evans will help you out with that, and with cleaning up your fatigues,” he said as Evans approached from behind. Luke noticed the darker stubble on his face and the dark splotch in his bulging crotch. 
The drill sergeant once again spoke to the crowd, “The rest of you will be assigned living quarters and shown the areas for training. I want you all back here at exactly 1300 hours!”
Evans ushered Luke away from the grounds and into his own private quarters, where he stripped out of his cum soaked uniform and finally got a look at himself. He was taller, absolutely built, and incredibly hairy. It turned him on in a way he never knew he could be, his cock once again rising to full mast. He rubbed his hands through all of his new fur, unable to believe what he was seeing.
“I was in your shoes when I enlisted,” Evans said to him. Luke turned to face him and saw a slight blush in his cheeks, and his bulge was even more noticeable. “I’ll make sure you get cleaned up and everything, but how about first we just enjoy the new you in its raw form,” he said, stepping right up to Luke and wrapping his hand around Luke’s cock. Lost for words, Luke pulled off Evans’ hat and leaned in for a kiss, grabbing his bulge and pushing him against the wall.
Maybe bootcamp wouldn’t be that bad.
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This was my longest and most ambitious story yet! Hope y'all enjoy it and thank you for nearly 400 followers in just a month! Feel free to dm or send an ask if you have ideas for future stories.
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saylorsaysstop · 4 months
Sleeping Together | 18+
also shout out to @joyful-enchantress because after she commented on my Grayson post earlier, this all came to my mind. 🤪
**underneath the cut**
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Dick talks you through it. He wants you to be vocal and makes it his top priority that your needs are met first
"Tell me what you need, baby." - "That's it, just like that, baby. You're close, aren't ya? Yeah, look at you. Come on, grind a little harder. I know you can do it."
Giving head is a sport for Grayson and he excels at it. He eats you out like you're his last meal
The man is an acrobat. He's flexible. All the positions he can get the two of you in should be new entries in the Kama Sutra
Dick loveeeees head in return. He won't ever make you do it or ask, but he loves that you're so eager to pleasure him
"I've been good, haven't I? No other reason to explain why you're gifting me that hot mouth of yours, sweet girl."
Dick isn't afraid to moan either. He knows when the noises start coming out of his mouth, you get off quicker
Let's go back to that acrobatic thing. He may or may not figure out ways to suspend you in the air... He may or may not be such a kinky man that he's got a separate room in your house where he plays sports with you... I'm not admitting it, I'm just saying
Loves for you to suck him off when your head hanging off the edge of the bed. He also loves to eat you out simultaneously
Dick Grayson is a boob man. Both hands on deck, he squeezes and teases your nipples by plucking them between his fingers. Loves to suck on them until they're stiff peaks. Likes to push two fingers into you while he bites your nipple, stroking until he hits that sweet spot. You're a goner after that
Loves for you to take what you want
"Atta girl, ride it just like that. This dick belongs to you, right? Act like it. Pleasure yourself... Yeah, go ahead and play with your clit. Wanna see you come. You're so pretty when you do."
Dick treasures loving on you after sex. He rewards you for your good behavior and a job well done with baths, massages, you name it. He ensures you're taken care of and reminds you that he loves you dearly
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Jason likes it rough. He loves it when he sees your marks on him, whether it be teeth or nails. He collects each one like it is a kill
Ropes? Knife play? Any sort of bondage? Jason Todd is your man
Loves to bind your hands above your head while he rails you deep into the mattress. Loves the idea of you being helpless and unable to take it anymore. Gets him off real quick
Loves some dirty talk
"Take this dick like a good girl." - "You're soaking wet, babe. All this for me?" - "Not gonna waste a drop of this cum, you hear me? You won't let a drop leak outta this cunt - my cunt. You got that?"
Jason likes to get right by your ear while he grunts with each thrust, nipping your earlobe in between before trailing his tongue down your neck and sucking on your collarbone
"Gonna mark this pretty neck up, baby."
You two go at each other until you're a panting mess. Clothes strewn all over the place. Jason and you stare up at the ceiling, laughing like teenagers as you calm down from the high
"I think that was my new personal best. Ten orgasms. Ten!"
Yeah. Jason likes to place bets on who can give the other more orgasms in one night. Right now, he's winning
Jason loves your butt. Loves to slap your cheeks as he bends you over his lap as a warm-up. Carresses and bites the plump skin when he's kissing his way down your body before he hikes your legs over his shoulders and feasts
Likes to feel you breathe against him. He loves to feel your chest rise and fall when he's on top and you're panting for every breath while chasing your orgasm
He's a man who likes to edge that's for sure
"Uh-uh... That wasn't it. You can do better than that. Moan a little louder, that's it..." - "I'm being mean? No, you just need to work harder to come. You wanted this." - "Atta girl. I promise I'll let you come after this."
Jason's aftercare is you two taking a hot bath together where he can just hold your back to his chest and actually talk. You're his safe space
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Tim, albeit quiet, is a delectable switch. One day he's all soft and endearing, the next he's plowing you into next week (and blushing when you mention it afterward
He does a lot of studying on sex. What positions feel the best for you, different ways he can go down to ensure he has you screaming his name for all of Gotham to hear
Gets a little possessive during sex, especially when he's losing himself in it
"You're mine, do you hear me? Mine, sweetheart. Mine." - "No one else is going to claim you. You belong to me."
He likes it when you pull his hair, especially when he's going down. Feeling you guide him further into you is like a bolt of electricity shooting down his spine
Tim loves to get you relaxed before sex too, especially if he knows it's going to be a long night. He'll run you a warm bath, pamper you with sweet-scented lotions, and get you nice and ready before he unleashes. Fun fact, those nights are when you know he's gonna get rough
Tim won't admit it aloud but he loves a good missionary position or where you two lay facing each other. He loves to caress your face and kiss you softly as he takes you
"Lift your leg, sweetheart... That's it. C'mere. Let me watch that gorgeous face of yours when you fall apart for me, yeah?"
Like Dick and Jason, he VALUES aftercare so. Freaking. Much! Takes a warm cloth to the mess he made between your legs and kisses along the heated skin, telling you how much he loves you
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killerpancakeburger · 2 months
I'm the powder, you’re the fuse
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SUMMARY: Soap finds out that his girlfriend is a skilled mercenary. And that he likes it... a lot.
PAIRING: Soap x f!Reader
TAGS: Established relationship, Badass!Reader, Smitten!Soap.
WARNINGS: Canon violence, misogynistic comments/insults, mention of: blood, death, kidnapping/hostage taking, torture, weapons, suggestive content (Soap is Horny), military inaccuracies, swearing.
A/N: yes I am still writing the civilian fic with Ghost and Soap... but then I had this idea and thought I could finish it ""quickly"". Written on mobile so if there are mistakes feel free to tell me!!
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Soap let out a yawn big enough to dislocate his jaw, staring at his captain with mild resentment.
“This couldn’t hae waited til after breakfast, sir?”
“‘Fraid It could not, John. Actually in just a few minutes you'll be barking at me to know why we haven't gotten a move on already.”
Johnny looked back at his superior with perplexity, before glancing over at his teammates around the table, hoping for a scrap of information. Ghost remained imperturbable while Gaz shrugged.
“We received this video thirty minutes ago. Addressed to a certain Sergeant MacTavish.”
His captain turned on the projector and crossed his arms, leaning against the wall behind him. It was his teammates’ turn to glance at him questioningly, and to him to shrug with ignorance.
The Scottish soldier rubbed his face in an attempt to get rid of his lasting drowsiness as the video projected on the white screen facing them was starting.
A group of armed men in balaclavas were occupying a room. The one in the front spouted the classic ransom demand in exchange for a hostage. Nothing worth being summoned at the crack of dawn for.
Then the spokesman moved aside, revealing their detainee, bound to a chair and gagged, shooting daggers at her captors, and Soap almost knocked over the table with how brutally he stood up. Carried away by white-hot fury, he slammed his hands on the table.
“Fuckin’ - what the fuck is this!? When did this happen? Where are those fucking bastards? I -”
Rage had roughened his usually smooth voice, granting it a gravelly pitch, turning his shout into a growl.
“Control yourself, Sergeant”, interrupted Price, “It's not over yet.”
On the screen, the same man as before grabbed your hair, ignoring your murderous glare, forcing you to look at the camera, and coaxed you with disdain before taking off your gag:
“Come on doll, gonna have to beg real pretty for your man to get him to rescue you.”
The second your mouth was freed, you snarled at him, baring your teeth like you were about to bite.
“I'm gonna rip your throat out with my bare hands, you f-”
“Fuck, someone muzzle that rabid bitch”, swore your agressor, your belligerence clearly having thrown a wrench in his plans.
Soap could not help the flare of pride soaring in his chest at the view of your defiance and your grit.
After receiving their orders, the team left the room to prepare themselves for the assault. 
“A friend of yours?” asked Gaz, while Ghost questioned “Ya know her?”
“That's mah girl”, admitted the Scotsman, a bit sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, looking away. The cat was out of the bag. For your own sake, you had been a well-kept secret, but it was blatant that it didn’t protect you.
“Been together for a year. Never meant to drag her into this, though.”
“She sounds like a bloody riot, mate.” teased Garrick.
“She doesn't seem fazed to be taken hostage. Mainly pissed.” pointed out Ghost, wary.
“She's fearless.” admitted Soap with an enamored little smile. “Doesn't mean we don’t have to get her out of this though.”
His expression shifted from fondness to cold determination.
“‘F course.”
“We've got your back.”
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“Gaz? You copy?” called Ghost over coms.
The afornamed was tasked with overwatch. His response arrived, marked by hesitation.
“...  I don't think she needs our help, guys.”
“The fuck s’that supposed to mean?” grumbled the Lieutenant.
“It'd be better if you'd see for yourselves. Third window on the right, second floor.”
Ghost took out a pair of binoculars and pointed them at the given position.
“Fooking hell…”
The expletive was mumbled with a mix of surprise and… awe?
“What? What! Lemme see L.T.!” pleaded Soap.
Ghost quickly passed him the tool, eager to make him shut up. The sergeant hastened to shove them against his face. His gaze took in the sight in front of him and he let out an appreciative whistle.
“Steamin’ jesus…”
He drank in the view that was your bloody display of fierce skill and deadly efficiency. You staggered between the enemies with fluidity, making them seem like clumsy amateurs. Slicing a throat there, shooting a head here, he watched with fascination as you used a dead attacker as a human shield.
“I think I'm hard.”
“TMI,  Soap.” 
Gaz coupled his comment with a gagging noise.
“Can ye blame me! Mah lass is oot there bein’ a bonafide badass ‘n’ that's the hottest shit a've ever seen.”
“M not blaming you for being a horny bastard, I'm blaming you for not keeping it to yourself.”
“If you two are done bickering, we could go pick her up.” groaned Ghost.
Letting Garrick past, he grabbed Soap by the shoulder as he was walking by him.
“You knew?”
“Knew what?”
“That you were going out with a killer.”
“Nae, but it turned out to be a good thing, didn’t it? Cannae imagine how badly this would have ended with a civilian. The wounds, the trauma…”
Ghost let out one of his grunts that Johnny knew meant “I disagree but it's not worth debating you about it.”
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Positioning themselves near that final entrance, Soap nodded in response to Ghost's hand signal, waiting for him to break the door down. They were still on their gard in case some of the assailants survived.
In the ensuing silence, your voice reached his ears through the wall he was propped against.
“Come on doll”, you taunted, imitating your captor's scornful tone from earlier, sickly sweet then venomous. “Tell me who you work for and I won't gouge out your remaining eye.”
Johnny gulped. Eavesdropping on this definitely did not help with the… situation in his pants.
The racket produced by Ghost dealing with the door had the merit to make him focus once again. 
His body moving automatically, his training taking over, Soap charged into the room, pointing his rifle at the only person left standing there. Like a reflection of himself, you were aiming your own firearm at him. Your eyebrows were frowned in concentration, your eyes glinting with cold determination. Then recognition dawned on your face, and you heaved a sigh of relief, lowering your weapon.
“It's you! You scared the shit out of me.”
Relief flooded through him at the sight of you, bruised, battered, and blood-spattered, but alive. He tossed his gun aside as you put down yours, ready to embrace you, but Ghost's voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Back off, Soap.”
An order. Johnny stared at him in shock.
“What the hell, L.T.?”, he hissed in his direction.
You docilely raised your hands in the air as the masked man lined up the end of his gun's barrel with your head.
“Worst rescue party ever”, you mumbled to yourself.
“Sorry, Johnny”, grumbled Skullface, not sounding sorry in the slightest, never taking his eyes off you. “But do your usual conquests take down a dozen armed men on their own?”
Illustrating his words, he gestured with his rifle to the ground littered with corpses. The man you had started to interrogate - the only one left alive - whined in pain.
“So what's your deal? Ya a mole? Shagging Johnny for intel?”
“Ghost!” Soap gasped, offended for himself as much as for you. “M not some clueless newbie!”
You made a face at the question. You understood where he was coming from, hell you’d do the same if the roles were reversed, but that didn’t mean you enjoyed sharing details of your sordid past, especially with a stranger. The less people knew about it, the better.
“I used to be a mercenary for a family who did organized crime. Been clean for years though.”
“Oh yeah? They let you leave just like that?”
“The boss’ daughter had a soft spot for me.”
The lieutenant stared at you for a few more seconds, as if judging the veracity of your statements through sight alone, before lowering his weapon.
A resounding “Bonnie!” rang out. Next thing you knew, your boyfriend's muscular arms closed around you, causing you to yelp, pain running through you at the overeager contact. Soap cursed and apologized profusely.
“Bloody hell, a'm sorry, didnae mean tae hurt ye. Are ye alright? Show me where it hurts. If those bastards leid a hand on ye, I swear-”
There was something both flattering and arousing with how the more Soap lost his cool, the more pronounced his accent became, and the rougher his voice sounded. You placed a finger across his mouth to put an end to his verbal onslaught, an endeared smile on your own.
“At ease, soldier. I'm OK, just some bruised ribs and a busted eyebrow.” you summarized while pointing to the trickle of dried blood on the side of your face.
He leaned his forehead against yours, a gesture that felt terribly intimate, an adoring grin adorning his lips.
“Cannae believe ye wiped out those sorry fuckers all on yer own. Fuck, that's hot.” he confessed in a subdued tone.
You threw your head back in laughter, only to wince when your sore ribs manifested themselves.
“Never heard that one before. Could get used to it, though.”
You laced your fingers behind his neck, nonchalantly leaning against him, not fighting back an impish smile. Soap's hands grabbed your hips in response. Your roguish expression must have gotten the better of his restraint, because one breath later, he was hungrily pressing his mouth against yours. You replied in kind, swiftly deciding you did not care for his colleagues’ presence, and he moaned in appreciation.
After a minute or two, you broke the kiss against your will, remembering an issue that needed to be solved. You smiled, amused by the vision that was Soap chasing your lips blindly, then pouting when you refused him.
“So you guys are gonna take care of the bodies, right…? I can deal with one or two, but this is a bit much.”
The last soldier, the one you didn’t hear from yet, a pretty man with dark skin that Soap would later introduce as Gaz, assured you that they would handle it.
Transferring your attention back to Johnny, you noticed a trace of guilt in those ocean eyes of his, as he was staring at you.
“Something wrong?”
“Ye not mad at me?”
“Why would I be mad at you?” you frowned.
“It's mah fault if those bastards took ye.”
“Oh, Johnny…” you sighed wistfully, cupping his face. “I knew what the risks were when I chose to date a soldier. Plus, there will always be a chance that my past catches up to me. I was pretty fucking mad when I got a hood shoved on my head and my arms twisted behind my back before getting hauled away in the middle of the fucking night, but not at you.”
Once they gathered all the intel they needed and dragged away the only survivor, the team and you left the building. Your testimony was required for the mission report, so you accompanied them without protest, longing for the care that would be provided by their medical facility.
As you were walking to their vehicule, hand in hand with Soap, you noted how he couldn’t take his eyes off you.
His cerulean eyes kept greedily roaming all over you, like you were a vision so dream-like it was making him doubt your reality, like you would vanish the second he stopped contemplating you.
“Yer one badass lass, y'know that? ‘M so proud o’ ye. Proud tae be yers.”
A/N: Ghost's "grunts that Johnny knew meant “I disagree but it's not worth debating you about it.” " is based on my grandma 💀
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inumakis-boo · 4 days
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TOGE INUMAKI ⟢. ݁₊⋆.˚ ༘♡˚
fanfiction synopsis ␥ you and toge inumaki are both in your third year of jujustu high, but youve barely spent a moment alone yet. when you do on a saturday night, you realize exactly why you need to "hang out" more // aka, the first step to being friends with benefits.. hooking up the first time.
word count - 4,629 // hope you enjoy! tw obviously.
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You would have never guessed how this night would end, compared to its beginning. Like something you would have read in a terrible booktok novel with its cliches and tropes- but you could have never understood how even cliches, imitate life.
It was finally Saturday night, and all of the second and third years sat in Itadori’s room, with the dim blue LED lights circling them, and posters of clad women on the wall to give off the perfect teenage boy aesthetic. Some game was going on the TV and both Itadori and Nobara had been occupying everyone's attention with their shouting and cheers as they fought on screen.
You didn’t know exactly how or why or when, someone had swiped a bottle of something, and now it lay on the mats on the floor, empty with a broken seal. At least everyone had gotten more than a few sips of the fire in the bottle, and you struggled to swallow it, but you still smiled after and laughed. It made the stress of training on the body at least feel a little better as your fingertips buzzed.
Nobody checked the time, and everyone laid out on his bed, on the floor, on the desk and chair. It wouldn’t be too much of a problem- all the teachers would be gone for the weekend. After all, they were all old enough that Satoru Gojo wouldn’t have to babysit constantly, right?
They sat, comfortably then, letting the TV be loud and the shouting obnoxious.
It had taken you awhile to notice, but one member had been missing for the last few minutes with no explanation. You double-checked the room and did not see the violet-eyed boy sitting anywhere. He had last taken a few sips of the bottle and beat Itadori in a game, before at some point dipping for.. whatever reason.
Perhaps he had gotten sick or was fetching something? You decided to go check it out. You silently got up off the floor and didn’t pay much attention as everyone laughed at Itadori dying for the 7th time tonight.
The hallway was darker than usual, but it was probably too late anyway. Moonlight shone through the panes of the window, their crossed shapes decorating the hardwood down the hall, each window revealing the silky glow from the outside. Your eyes followed down and caught to one pattern disturbed.
You follow it up and see the one you were checking on, leaning on the window sill, soaking up the moonlight. It glimmered against the pale skin of his face but did not fade the marks around his mouth.
You slowly walk over, and he tears his eyes from the scene towards you and smiles a little. Instinctually, he pulls out his phone.
“You look happy.” You remark, and his smile grows as he types into the notes app.
// Just felt like walking around, but seeing you here is better. //
You were familiar with his real personality beyond the curse lodged in his throat, the silly and rather typical teenage boy attitude in everything he did. But for some odd reason, it was seeing it face to face was a difference. You had only maybe a few conversations with him before over text, and while you trained together in class, didn’t mean you were used to him yet.
// Something happen? //
“Nah.” You lean on the sill with your body, feeling the open breeze come in. “You're not missing anything.”
He just smirks with a little head shake, and his eyes that had met yours look back to the sill.
// I won’t keep you here, //  He types as you look over. // I should be back soon. //
“I’m not in a rush to watch Megumi and Itadori argue about the game rules again.” You smile and snicker. “Out here is nice.”
// Not surprised about that at all // He snickers aloud, // I would like company. //
The moonlight and the random liquor someone brought must have been messing with your senses- He felt welcoming and charming, and in this space, it was more private than anywhere else.
“You had plenty of company in there.” You bring it up, but he just shrugs. Perhaps he wasn’t asking for that kind of head-ache-inducing company.
He scrolled up again to the first note.
// ..it is better seeing you here.//
What was happening with your stomach? It was like something was bubbling up, in a good way. He gazed with an interested eye. and you tried to hold back a dopey grin.
He turns to face away from the window and stretches. You watch him turn back to you, his face now in the dark of the hall. He types-
//I am going to go back to my room, wanna me to walk you back to everyone else?//
“W-What?” You stutter embarrassingly, then clear your throat- “Nono, you don’t have to. It is only down the hall. Let me walk you instead.”
Ah, his smile was so genuine, and he brushed back his hair for a moment before shrugging. A visual okay.
You begin to walk with Him down the silver halls, cusping your hands in yours, watching as you walk in step, his dorm slippers on with his casual sweatpants and navy t-shirt. He wanted to be comfortable- it wasn’t even the first time you had seen him in casual clothes.. although it was more of a rare sight to not see his mouth covered.
You blindly follow him to his room, your eyes catching peeks of his face. He still looked like he did last year according to school photos, but his jaw was more defined, and of course, his inky markings had always made themselves apparent. You thought they were interesting, like any tattoo or scar.
His eyes look at you curiously, and you realize you're just staring at him and look away. You don’t look back, even though he brushes his arm against yours. He had little words to say, yet had better social skills than anybody here. It didn’t feel awkward though, it was just a little new. You hadn’t really noticed him before.. nor had you noticed him noticing you.
Both of you arrived at his dorm room, a little wood plaque around his doorknob that was a gift, a salmon emoji that had been painted for him hung there. It was cute, and you watched it as the door opened.
Toge stepped into his room and didn’t bother to flick on the lights, the full moon shining right through his windows. You couldn’t see much but you could smell him from outside of the room, a mix of his shampoo and cologne- fresh and warm. It almost pulled you in.
He turned after he kicked off his slippers, coming back to the door with his notes presented still.
// We should hang out more often. I think you're fun. //
You shake your head with a laugh. How did he come to that conclusion?
“We didn’t even do anything..!” You laugh, rubbing your arms. Toge returns to his phone. “How would you know?”
// Yeah but, I have my reasons, don’t I? Maybe I have a feeling. //
Okay, maybe your knees had good reason to be weak. Was he flirting? His face seemed to say so.
And.. what could happen if you tested the waters? You hadn’t ever flirted with many people before but.. he was just a friend, right?
You look down the hall and bite your lower lip with a smile. “What kind of feeling?”
It is his turn to look away, leaning against the door frame. He is trying to not smile too hard, you can see.
“Are you feeling like.. we should hang out sooner than later?"
You were wondering if others had drunk more than you had, and according to his eyes, sizing you up, you had an inkling that he might've had just enough to not fear with his expressions. If he was truly cautious, he would be covering his mouth, right?
And according to the feeling between your legs, you had little filter to worry about.
He took a step once, then twice until your chests were practically meeting, and he looked like he had already decided what he wanted, and was bold about it. While your heart was still beating, even if rapidly, you wouldn’t stop until you figured him out.
Of course, he typed with one hand by your side, then presented.
// I am feeling like you are curious about me like I am curious about you, and I wanna see more. Only if you wanna. //
He had read you like a book. You licked your lips and sighed, looking up at him. His hair had been pushed back some since he arrived at his dorm, and the warmth from his body mixed with his cologne was driving you nuts. You wondered how toned he was under these clothes- and wondered if he thought about you the same way.
“If you're so curious..” Your hand slipped onto his pec- firm and warm. “How about you come find out?”
That would do it- one smirk and another step and his lips were pressing against yours. So softly at first, but once your hand had slowly crept up his neck and pulled him just a tad closer, you could feel the intensity rise, his tongue running across your lips and into your open mouth, hands running up and down your hips, never pulling you further but always closer.
Then you could feel him moving back and pulling you with him. You were still in the hallway outside of his dorm, after all. You accepted it- and had no room to even protest. He was too good of a kisser and knew exactly how to take control, not much of a surprise there.
By the time you had started paying attention again, you heard the decoration on his door tap on the door as it closed shut, and realized vaguely you were in a dark room with his boy that just moments ago, considered nothing more than friendly with.
How far this was going to go or fear of being caught was honestly the last thing on your mind. He had reiled you up and at this point, he could have anything he asked for. He wanted to know, he needed to know.
You let his tongue slip into your mouth as his hands run underneath your shirt, his hands on your skin sending you even more haywire. It was addictive, and you were determined to make the same reaction out of him- if not better.
You let your fingers curl in his hair, pushing him forward more, his warm sigh against your cheek telling you how much he was enjoying this. He deserved it, for being so nice to you, and coming onto you like that, making you feel so nervous and witty. You let him guide you to somewhere in his room, and suddenly you can feel the edge of something behind your ass. You were slightly pinned to the end of his bed frame, just enough to keep you from running away.
His knee slowly dragged between the gap of your legs, and the proximity made you sigh in appreciation. He hummed, yet didn’t dare leave your lips. He was being so explorative, passionately involved in every toss of your tongue in your mouth and every patch of skin he touched. His fingertips were dragging across your flesh, and the entire time you could barely keep yourself sane enough to touch him back.
But you did- starting at his navel, just to make him sigh through his nose as his kisses traveled from your mouth to your neck and ear, the brush of his face and lips making you want to squirm with delight. Then, the palm of your hand, just teasing enough, palmed his firm abs, defined so perfectly that you could imagine them in your dreams just by touch alone- but here you were, touching his so wantingly. Your fingertips, like his, grazed so temptingly across his obliques, feeling their tightness and the rumble in his chest easily.
At this point, his shirt was bunching at your wrists, and as a final act of teasing, simply made a motion to pull it up, and meeting violet eyes as he did could’ve made you sink to your knees at a moment. His eyes were lidded and needy, and his lips were pinker with friction, and you could only imagine if he was the type to leave marks behind.
The white shirt had been tossed, maybe on his desk chair, he clearly hadn’t cared where it ended up, because he was too busy doing the exact same to you. You wouldn’t even break eye contact, wouldn’t dare, as his hands sat right below your bra, and could feel the urge in his grip to just take it off right then and there.
Maybe helping his urges wouldn’t be so bad, right?
You took his hand, and encouraged the back of his, allowing him to sneak under the wire and squeeze your perky tits, watching his eyes return to yours as he squeezed on his own.
There was no way you were returning to your dorm room tonight.
Next thing you knew, your bra wire was sitting right near the top of your breasts as he had leaned down, holding his head as he licked and sucked on the hard nipples, rolling one in the other hand. It was erotic, watching his tongue, marked with the scar of his curse, flicking your cute buds to make your body jello in his hands. It was extremely hot, and you knew that these panties were going to be ruined by the time you let him tear them off of you.
Speaking of underwear, you forced his head to lay next to your neck, returning his lower half to be in your grasp, and immediately got to work palming at the other. He sure was enjoying that attention, letting you fondle your smaller hand against his clothed thickness, shuttering at the idea of sitting right on it. The lewd thoughts were going a mile a minute, and you weren’t planning on stopping.
He continued to pull at your sensitive little buds as you fondled him, his breath becoming heavy against your neck as you thoroughly got an idea of what to expect- but hands wandered on his side, and you knew that his long fingers were not going to be idle much longer. His entire hand curled around your mound over your sweatpants, and the pressure in his fingertips along your pantied slit was driving you nuts.
But, with bra abandoned on the floor, he moved you with his hand still on your crotch to the side of the bed, his forehead against yours as he switched places and sat down first, then brought you into his lap.
You could tell he was not going to be rough in manhandling you, just simply moving you just to better fit his need to touch you, and the touch alone was enough to make it obvious how wet you were- and he became very aware the moment he dragged down the band of your sweatpants to reveal the heat of your pussy, throbbing with need for any kind of friction, by anything.
You could hear the hum in his throat, the holding back of a groan as he touched the lace of your underwear and found it moist, clearly satisfied with all that had been hidden before. You could feel the grind of his cock against your ass as he leaned back more into the headboard and pillows, making your torso almost barely sit up, while your legs were pulled apart so easily by setting them on opposite sides of his own knees. You were so bare, and his fingers trailing around your clit, throbbing with need, was enough to make you moan into the air, your chest rising with the lighting going through you.
“Be quiet.” The command shot through you instantly, and your mouth closed, only faint whimpers lodged in your throat managing to make any noise- anyone could hear, of course, it was late.
But no- that was only one half of the coin. The other half was being able to hear the gushing noises as he softly slapped your wet folds, just enough to hear it, and being forced to hear how needy you had become. His other hand held your jaw close to his neck, and let you cover your whimpers there. You moved your ass against his length just below, but he wasn’t done here.
One finger had slipped in so easily with all the lubrication gushing out of you, but the second dreadful finger had entered so achingly slow, pushing your insides slowly apart as he made a few experimental pumps before sinking them deep and curling, slow at first then faster and faster.
You weren’t going to make it like this. You were bound to cum, splayed out like a breeding slut for him, taking his fingers as he fucks you so earnestly, and sighs and grunts like he is fucking you, all the while not even having the pleasure to groan out yourself- only forced to hear how much your pussy needed his cock soon, and by soon, you meant thirty minutes ago, out in the hall way in the moonlight outside of Itadoris bedroom.
“Haah..” He grazed your ridges so slowly that you almost came, his thumb flicking your swollen clit too many times to count. He was too good at this.
You couldn’t handle it anymore- it was either you were going to cum here, or he would fuck you. Or both. Hopefully both.
Your fingertips grab onto his waist band and try to pull it down, but the angle is hard and you almost grow frustrated. He only bites his lip, forces your head so he can kiss you, and drags his own pants down, lifting both of you up to do so briefly.
Your first contact with his cock is when it slaps against your wet folds, the tip of his dick just brush so teasingly against your slit that you can barely imagine how you would somehow fit it in your throat eventually (hopefully, eventually, if she made it out alive.)
Now he was gasping, the mix of the delicate heat on his shaft, the wetness leaking from your needy hole, and his tiphead rubbing against your clit was even driving him insane. His hands were bruisingly gripping your waist, keeping you still as he slides up and down, shifting his hips to graze his tip all around your folds.
“P-Please, Toge-” You manage out when he gets weaker, your watery eyes and whimpering tone catching his ear immediately. “I want y-you to fuck me.”
He wouldn’t resist that kind of plea, not when he himself wasn’t sure how much longer he was going to last- fuck it, he would use his curse to go longer if he needed too, as long as he was buried inside your cunt when it happened.
You felt it, instantly as the tip of his cock buried slowly into your hole, finally, stretching so good you were ready to about give up and let him take you anyway he wished. He was not going to let that happen though, you had to witness it all, how good he was laying it down.
The shaft went deeper and deeper until you felt the tip graze your delicate cervix, even with this much preparation, you still knew it was going to be bruised tomorrow morning. Fuck it, what did you care. Toge Inumaki was going to fuck you, and hearing his whimpering as he finally hit his base against your folds was like music to your ears.
He pumped it in, slowly and surely, until the pumps couldn't be timed anymore as he was, becoming steady thrusts into your creaming cunt that the hand on your jaw moved to your lips to block any noise from escaping.
God, his cock was so perfectly heavy just enough to burn your entrance as he entered over and over again, and perfectly long to make you groan into the palm of his hand as he slams it into you. It was too erotic the noise, what was the point of even covering your voice? Between his huffing and the squelching, it would be instantly noticeable to anyone outside the door.
Yet, he fucked your pussy until you could feel all the wetness gather at the base, dripping down his shaft. He didn’t even care beyond holding your mouth in his palm to conceal the noise.
But, he wasn’t done yet. No.. one final trick.
“Sit up and face me.” He whispered, and thank goodness you did not resist whatsoever to spare his voice, already so weak, you found yourself slipping his fat cock out of your needy cunt, and turning around, watching him readjust himself to look at you.
Yep, as expected. Face nothing more than a filthy reaction, dimmed and teary eyes, bitten lips, and red-got ears and cheeks, followed by cute red marks all along your neck, just enough to match your pink, toyed nipples against your pale skin, and finally, hand marks to go right along with glistening folds, already drooling all over the cock in his hand, directed right at your hole.
His hair had long since been pushed back, and his cheeks and lips were the same hue of red, his chest sweaty from bearing your heat on it as he fucked you on your back against it, and finally, silvery hair trimmed right at the base of his hard cock which throbbing and beading with precum.
“Sit on it, like a good girl.”
You had no inclination to do otherwise, feeling the tip enter you again, but this time, so much deeper than you knew another could go. It spreaded you out perfectly, watching as he got a perfect view of your hole, stretched around his dick while your tits sat prettily on your chest, hands stabilizing you on his hips.
You sat fully on it, your insides spazzing as it throbbed inside you, and you watched his face as he relished in the feeling, so completely trying to hold back from the display in front of him.
You wanted him to tell you exactly what to do- you were going to be his plaything tonight, no matter how much embarrassment you would feel in the morning, you were addicted to the idea of this man find every weak spot inside you, and letting him do exactly what he wanted.
He got the memo very fast.
“Bounce up and down, baby.” He whispered again, and your thighs moved, allowing you up and down on his shaft with ease. Even the burning in your thighs had disappeared, thanks to his order. You let his cock pump into your the first few time, watching as he tilted his head back to feel the bare heat, the friction of your ridges inside of you dragging across his head and shaft constantly.
You didn’t tire of watching him, not of him holding your hips and guiding you even though his words had done enough, not tiring of watching his eyes roll back, his mouth opening to moan aloud, his abs squeezing as he control his abdomen from reacting. It was your turn to watch him fall apart, and with all the foreplay with your tits and clit, you thought it well-deserved, if not vengeful.
You gained confidence as you rode him, hearing the slickness coat your thighs then meeting his, creating a sound so erotic it would get you both kicked out of jujutsu high, but you didn’t care when you grabbed his hands from your waist and let them grope at your tits, watching his eyes dilate with the motion of them moving in his hands. It went right to your abdomen as you felt his fingers pull at your already tender nipples.
You weren’t ever going to be the same after this- of course, you fooled around briefly before you joined the third years before Jujustu High, being a late bloomer, but this was going to be part of every wet dream, every shower spent with your fingers deep in your holes, would be about this moment, with his eyes grazing over you like he had a million things to say and command, and you're expected (and will) obey every single one, simply because he could fuck you to the point that you hoped he cummed right inside of you.
The very thought was going to make you explode, right on the base of his cock, you were going to lose all control, and nothing but his words were going to stop it.
But he was waiting for the perfect time- no, he wanted to cum with you, at the same moment, wanted you to cream right inside you as you creamed on him. He was going to make you remember this night, when you discovered all of him.
The sickening slaps had increased, and the effect of his words had worn off, but you didn’t care. The feeling of your g-spot being constantly rubbed into, fucked into, was all that mattered. His hands abandoned your tits for now, and instead, settled right on your face, and brought you down to kiss him. Now, it was his turn.
He trusted his hips deep in your cunt, and if nobody knew you two were fucking, somebody probably knew now. The dick was simply too good to even speak, feeling your lips wet with drool as he kissed you, your tongue being eagerly played with as he entered your mouth. He wanted you to go insane- he refused to be the only one.
Finally, he pressed your forehead against his, with both of your sweaty bodies rubbing together as he fucked your cunt easily with a flick of his hips, your moans and breath sharing the same space between your faces, he couldn’t resist any more. Not any longer could he hold out, now when you looked so prettily drunk on sex.
“I want you to cum.” He managed in a guttural demand. “Right now.”
The squeeze of your walls finally killed him as your racked out a deliciously loud moan turned whine, his hot cum shooting right into your clenching pussy as you leaked all over him, twitching and stuttering and faltering, head meeting his chest and neck as she came hard, right where she wanted to the most.
He holds you with both arms around your back, giving slowing thrusts into your sensitive cunt, tits and chest heaving against his as your whimper and whine, until he finally comes to a stop, and with the missing of friction, comes out his hard cock, and the load dripping onto his navel that he had buried deep inside you.
You were delirious with sex, completely and utterly spent as you panted against his chest, feeling his breath match yours so perfectly it was calming your brain down. You couldn’t stop twitching though, and you didn’t know if and when you would stop.
“Breathe..” He whispered, using probably the last of his energy to calm you down. Of course, it works, and you can feel yourself take a deep breath and release it with a shuttering take.
“Is it okay.. if I stay?”
You could hear the soft noise of him tapping a screen.
// To hang out? //
You smiled weakly, and lifted up a finger to type back.
// yes pls. //
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Thank you all for reading! I had rewritten this, it was supposed to much more vague but.. i like this better.
anyways, @inumakisser and @nectardaddy this is for you pookies, i promised fr to deliver.
see ya later!
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(part 2 of November Paramedic; part 1 is here.)
Steve's honey-sweet eyes, gleaming with confidence, ask 'why don't you take a bite?'
His pink mouth, deliciously curved, wonders 'don't you want a taste?'
His dark chest hair, leading a mouthwatering path down his pants, says 'you know you want to'.
And Eddie does. He really does. He would, if Steve was actually here. Alas, all Eddie has is the calendar photo currently staring at him from where it's propped on Eddie's dresser, and he's not biting into it. It's the only one he's got, you see; he won't be ruining it with bite marks and drool due to his intrusive thoughts.
If he had a copy machine close at hand, though? If he could make as many pictures as he'd possibly want? Oho, watch out, Slobbertown!
It's been one week since Steve the sexy paramedic revealed himself to be a real person and not just a dude in a softcore porn calendar. One week since he Florence Nightingale'd Eddie before vanishing in a flurry of bloody gauze and blinking blue lights, leaving both Eddie and Gareth breathless.
(Though in Gareth's case, it was due to laughing so hard he choked on himself.)
The calendar doesn't do it for him anymore. Don't misunderstand – he still uses it when beating the meat. In fact, it has exclusively become his primary masturbatory aid, and it has served him especially well the past few days. The moment those 48 hours were over and Gareth left, Eddie chucked off his sweatpants and went to, well, Slobbertown. But it's not the same anymore. How could it be, when he knows the real Steve's hair smells like a meadow and his aftershave like lemon and spice? When he's felt the pressure of Steve's fingertips on his jaw? When he's seen the faint scar running down Steve's chin from his mouth? When he can still hear Steve's voice use his name, give him orders, call him 'sir'?
It's impossible. Fuck, just whenever Eddie closes his eyes Steve's face appears, as vividly as if it happened yesterday. Of course, that might have something to do with Eddie already having made himself oh so familiar with Steve's face, and chest, and hands, and… everything else, for the past two years. Jesus damn it, if he knew this was where he'd end up he never would've bought the calendar in the first place.
Groaning, he throws himself back on his bed; then he shouts as his head thumps into the wall. Typical. He rubs at the spot to soothe it. No bump, though it hurts like a bitch. Pain (and suspicion he just aggravated the previous head injury) aside, he's comfortable, thus he sprawls out and stares at the ceiling as planned.
He's been distracted. He knows that because literally everyone has been on his case about it. Gareth gives him smug smiles that have turned alarmingly calculated as the week has passed. Jeff and Marv, having been filled in by Gareth, are rather more amused in a benign way. His boss almost sent him home to recuperate after catching him staring into space for the third time. Uncle Wayne noticed something was off through the phone. And Max has been giving him weird looks.
Ah, little Max. The only person in the complex who doesn't steer clear of him. She doesn't actually know what went down – not completely. She knows he got injured, because she caught him and Gareth as they stumbled home while she was exiting her apartment to toss the trash. Her sharp eyes zeroed in on the plaster, and on Eddie's arm that was slung over Gareth's shoulders for support (at Gareth's insistence).
"You got in a fight?" she asked.
With a grin he'd exclaimed, "Battle? You know me better than that! Nay, I did my utmost to escape the violence... but the ruffian got to me regardless."
"Huh. You okay?"
Gareth had rolled his eyes. "He's fine. I mean, listen to him."
"Don't worry about me, Red." Eddie tapped his own head. "This ol' noggin is harder than it looks."
A corner of her mouth twisted up, though if it was in amusement he couldn't tell in the dim hallway. They ought to team up against the super; maybe their combined whining will have him finally fix that broken light bulb.
"Make sure you don't take aspirin or ibuprofen," she said. "It can-"
"Yeah, I know. Paramedic already told me."
"Good. Is our lesson still on?"
"Certainly, m'dear."
And then he'd tipped an imaginary hat, she snorted, and Gareth hauled his ass to bed.
He didn't see Max again until Sunday afternoon, when she came by for their aforementioned weekly guitar lesson. Parking themselves on each end of the couch, his acoustic in her lap, he'd made her play the 'homework' from the previous Sunday. It sounded pretty good. She honestly won't need his help soon – probably doesn't need it now. She understands basic theory and is diligent about practicing. He'd be fine with awarding her temporary custody of the guitar for a while. She insists on coming over, however, claiming she has to be perfect by the time of the next open mic down at Connie's Corner Coffee.
The reason she has to be perfect? Well. Eddie is pretty sure it's to impress her boy. She hasn't confirmed that it's for her boy, or even that she has one, but it totally is and she totally does. He knows this because 1. she becomes flustered and grumpy (grustered? Flumpy?) every time he brings it up, and 2. if she was learning to play for herself he'd be subjected to a lot more Pink Floyd and a lot less Curtis Mayfield.
It's cute, to be honest. Picking up an instrument for a boy you like? That's romantic as fuck. If he hadn't been the Lord of All Losers he would've serenaded tons of boys when he was younger. Hell, he'd do it now, if only there were anyone willing to listen. But he hasn't had as much as a date in ages, and none of his previous attempts at relationships ever reached the 'romantic gestures' stage.
Maybe he should ask Max to set him up with someone. Why not? She probably meets dozens of people every day, at the campus, at the skatepark, wherever else she hangs. If there's anyone who could sort out his disastrous love life, it's Max Mayfield. She's so put together, and she's not even 20 yet. She's got her own place (in a supremely shitty building, but still a place), she's got a man (reluctant as she is to admit it), and she is halfway through her math degree. A fucking math degree, for Christ's sake! Math majors are built for solving problems!
Maybe she could even calculate how many times he'd need to injure himself before he'd meet the one paramedic he wanted to kiss… him better.
It was around that point of his daydreaming that Max shot a hair tie at his forehead and demanded he stop zoning out and correct her hand placement.
"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked, her eyebrows furrowing deeper than usual. "Have you been resting?"
"Yes. For the prescribed 48 hours, and then some. I'm fine."
She'd frowned, scrutinizing him with those pale blue eyes. He squared his shoulders and met her gaze like a man. Easier said than done, to be truthful. He likes Max – she's fun, easily the most kickass neighbor he's ever had – but she can be intense. And when she gets her stare on? She's downright creepy.
"I'd prefer to cancel over you fucking up your head more," she at last said, posture stiff and chin jutting. 'Don't lie to me,' is what she meant.
Eddie sighed. "Red… I'm fine. Seriously."
And he was. Physically speaking, at least. Mentally, he'd always been a little off. Part of the patented Munson charm, really.
She must've realized that, because she relaxed, her expression going from 'active bitch face' and back to 'resting'.
"All right. Sorry for being overbearing. It's just." She shrugged a shoulder, gripping the neck of the guitar as it started sliding off her crossed legs. "One of my closest friends is a medical professional. Another one is studying biology. They've been discussing human anatomy and… I guess they've gotten into my head."
Damn his friends for caring. How was he supposed to sell this image of a dark, dangerous, rocker dude if he was constantly misty-eyed from how sweet his buds were to him? He leaned forward to pat her knee.
"I appreciate the concern, unnecessary as it is. But!" He drew himself back and pointed in the air. "We're not postponing! Open mic is less than a month away – you only have so many days left before you'll be on that stage, in front of aaaaall those people… and your beau."
He's certain that if she hadn't still been sorta concerned about his health, she'd have smacked him.
That was Sunday afternoon. Now is Wednesday evening. He is still hung up on Thursday. He doesn't even know why. Yes, he was face-to-face with the hottest guy ever. Sure, that same guy has been the star of his most critically acclaimed fantasies. Indeed, he hasn't gotten laid in eons. Of course, he's pent-up with sexual frustration and yearning for another man's touch.
But still. He's not an animal or a sex-crazed teenager. He's smart enough to know that nothing good will come of this. It's not like he'll ever see Steve again. That'd be so unrealistic.
A knock on his front door reaches his ears. Eddie makes no effort to get up and answer it. He's not expecting anyone – whoever it is will have to return another day.
The knocking turns into a pounding, followed by yelling.
"Eddie! Let me in, asshole, I know you're there!"
Ugh. What does he want? Hasn't he heard of texting?
Eddie drags himself off the bed and toward the door. Yanking it open, he's met by Gareth's self-satisfied visage.
"Good evening," he says, heedless of Eddie’s glare. "I come hither with your solution."
"My solution?" Eddie mutters as he stalks to his couch to crumple into another heap.
Gareth follows him inside. "I have a plan to get your man!"
"What? Who? What?"
"Steve. November-paramedic," Gareth says, like it's obvious, which, what the actual fuck?
"He's not my man?"
"But he could be."
"Gareth, what the fuck-"
He moves to sit up, but Gareth's palm hits him square in the diaphragm and pushes him back down.
"No, listen: you are a terrible patient."
"I'm not-"
"Remember back in high school, when that asshole rear-ended us in the intersection at Hickory and 5th?"
Eddie grimaces. How could he forget? They'd stopped at a red light when a drunken motherfucker plowed into them, sending them careening into the T-junction. One car managed to break before hitting them; another veered only to crash into a fourth car. The result was, for them, whiplash injuries and, for the people who collided, bruises, sprains, and a dislocated joint. It had been the scariest moment of Eddie's life, and the neck pain had been excruciating. That wasted piece of shit was lucky no one died.
He says, "Yeah?"
"You were so snarky with that poor EMT."
"Okay, first off, I was a snot-nosed brat back then-"
"Dude, you were nineteen."
"-and she was rude to me first."
"She was following protocol!" Gareth shakes his head. "The point is that you never follow orders or instructions, not even when a doctor tells you to. But November-Steve? I've never seen you be so pliable."
"And after, when I had to babysit you for two fucking days? I expected it to be difficult. But you were so busy sighing and yearning-" he says, ignoring Eddie's indignant sputtering, "-and replaying him tenderly caressing your face with his big, manly hands and holding your gaze with those big, manly eyes-"
"Do you want to fuck him?"
"-that you forgot to complain or be a contrarian about everything." Gareth smiles, sweet as cavities. "It was great. I'd like to recapture that. And if November-Steve is the one to bring it out of you, well!"
Eddie glowers at him. No, really! With the metaphorical thunder clouds swirling over his head and everything! His world has been shook. It is tilted off its axis, and it's his best friend's duty to mock him relentlessly for it. But this? Trying to encourage him? Give him hope? That's going too far.
Gareth notices. Of course he does; curse the heart on Eddie's sleeve. The sickly-sugary smugness evaporates off him, and he takes a seat on the dingy couch seat.
"Eddie," he says with a softness reserved for a select few individuals. "Seriously. You've been all moon-eyed for a week. You've been thinking about him. Really thinking."
Eddie balloons his cheeks and huffs out the air. "Well. If you spend two years jerking it to a guy-"
"-and then he suddenly appears before you, in the flesh? I've been fantasizing about it. He's a fantasy. And when it actually happens, that's…"
He trails off. Gareth knocks their shoulders together.
"He seemed nice."
Eddie scoffs. "I spoke to him for fifteen minutes. Tops."
"Fifteen nice minutes. You haven't dated in ages. Maybe this is a sign?"
Chuckling, Eddie slumps his head onto Gareth's shoulder. They're the wrong heights for it, so it's awkward and strenuous on the neck. He remains.
"You're just looking for another opportunity to embarrass me," he says.
"Embarrass you and improve your life. Like only true friends strive to do."
Eddie hums. "So what's your fucking plan?"
Gareth shifts, turning toward Eddie, but doesn't say anything yet. Glancing up, Eddie is met by a zoomed-in, upside-down view of Gareth's pointy grin, his canines gleaming.
"The university!"
Taglist: @rougenancy, @raisedbylibrarians, @yourebuckingkiddingme, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @emma77645, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @eddielives1986, @stevesbipanic, @the-redthread, @fandemonium-takes-its-toll, @henderdads, @gay-little-bitch, @lordofthepointygerbils, @lenore1232, @imzadidragonfly, @zerokrox-blog, @eddiemunsonswife, @cherrycolas-things, @ediewentmissing, @princess-eddie, @atombombbibunny, @ajamlessbaby, @dogswithforks, @grimmfitzz, @cutiecusp, @cuips-not-cute, @manicallydepressedrobot, @messrs-weasley, @madaboutmunson, @mightbeasleep, @suikatto, @brassreign, @snapshotmaestro, @bea-sayan, @courtjestermunson, @csinnamon-fox, @steveisabicon, @spectrum-spectre, @spinmewriteround , @just-super-fucking-gay, @escapingthereality, @oneweirdcryptid
No longer adding to the tag list, due to numbers and (hopefully temporary) technical difficulties. Please save or memorize the tag #steddie fic: november paramedic instead; all the parts will be there (unless something goes terribly wrong).
Thank you for reading! 🖤 ☺
Part 3
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angelicsoka · 4 months
ROMEO & JULIET, l. hughes
word count | 1.3k
pairings | luke hughes x fem!zegras!reader, platonic!trevor zegras x sister!reader, platonic!quinn hughes x reader, platonic!jack hughes x reader
summary | in which trevor zegras finds out who his sister has been fooling around with, and he isn’t very happy.
warnings | not proofread, no use of "y/n", but the reader goes by the nickname “jules”. slight nsfw content but no smut. lowercase intended. this is a work of fiction, i am by no means saying this is how they act in real life.
a/n | this is highly requested, however i did rewrite it like 3 times. it still isn’t my favorite thing ever but here it is! enjoy!!
jules zegras was off limits to trevor’s friends, a rule that jules found incredibly stupid. since when did he get to decide who she can and cannot date? still, she kept her distance and they kept theirs. that was until luke hughes walked into jules’ life. 
it started off as nothing more than a fling, a one night stand. but one night turned to two, and nights turned into morning coffees, you get the picture. jules was happy, luke hughes made her happy. he was the perfect gentleman, he opened the car door for her, brought her flowers for every date night. he treated her like a queen and fucked her like a whore. he was the definition of perfect in jules’ eyes; the only problem was trevor. 
because of trevor, they spent most of their time together, sneaking around. quick kisses as they passed, sneaking into bathrooms at parties for a few minutes alone. they had sworn ethan and mark to secrecy when they had caught the two of them kissing. and trevor did everything in his power to keep his sister away from his friends, especially the hughes brothers. they were a real life romeo and juliet. 
jules giggled as luke kissed up her neck, her hands attempting to push him back. “lu, we can’t. my brother will be back soon and he will kill you if he found out.” she let out a breathy moan as he sucked lightly on her neck. “luke, please.” 
“i’m tired of hiding, baby. i just wanna kiss my girl and not have to worry about everyone finding out.” luke looked at her, a soft pout on his face. 
“trust me, i want nothing more than to show you off, but i can't if you're dead. just give me time to tell him.” luke frowned but nodded, placing another kiss on her neck. “luke.”
“alright, alright, i’m done.” he smirked, backing off. “for now.” jules blushed, pushing him away from her when the door to her apartment opened. 
“jules! luke! we're back!” trevor shouted, setting the pizzas on her counter.
“dude, we’re right here. you don't need to shout.” jules glared at her brother as jack and quinn walked in behind him. “the fuck you lookin’ at?” jules raised an eyebrow to jack who had a weird look on his face.
“is that a hickey?” he asked, pointing to the bruise forming on her neck. she gave him a harsh glare, knowing what he was up to. jack had walked in on luke and jules cuddling the day prior, and he had been trying to get them to tell trevor ever since. “are you blushing?” jules stood up, shoving past jack to grab a slice of pizza. 
“i don't know what you’re talking about.” she didn’t meet the eyes of her brothers and friends as she made her way back to her spot on the couch.
“jules, what is he talking about? let me see.” trevor tried to get a look at the hickey, but jules pushed him away, smacking him upside the back of his head. “ow, what the hell?”
“fuck off, trev. it's just a hickey, you act like you haven’t ever given someone a hickey!” she argued, her blush giving away the embarrassment she was feeling. “i’ve had it a few days, clearly you are oblivious.”
“you didn’t have it yesterday.” jack stated, his mouth full of pizza. trevor whipped around to jack, ready to interrogate his best friend. quinn sat beside luke, the two watching it go down. luke was glaring at his brother, giving him the ‘cut it out’ motion as he did. 
“how do you know?” trevor looked to jack, a suspicious look on his face. “i swear, jack, if you gave her the hickey–”
“first of all, ew. second of all, jack doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
“what do you mean ew? please, you wanna get with me, don’t even deny it.” jules rolled her eyes, going to retort when trevor interrupted them.
“hold up, do you know who gave her the hickey?” 
“trev, i’m in college. why are you so surprised that i have a hickey?” jules was doing her best to defer the conversation, but trevor was persistent. “just let it go.”
“i’ll let it go when you tell me.” jules huffed out a laugh at his words. “come on, jules, just tell me!”
“no! jesus, trev, it isn’t that big of a deal.” jules took a bite of her pizza, glancing at luke. he was silent, avoiding eye contact with her and trevor.
“dude, just let her be. i wanna watch a movie and i can’t if you fuckers keep arguing.” quinn intervened, tired of the pointless arguing. jules looked to quinn with a grateful look in her eye, earning a slight nod. 
“fine, but we aren’t finished talking about this, jules.” she rolled her eyes, grabbing the remote from her coffee table to turn on a movie. 
“yeah, whatever.” jules clicked on a random movie, glancing to luke once more.
“dude, why do you keep looking at luke?” trevor asked, his face dropping when he realized. “oh my god, it was luke wasn’t it?” luke’s face flushed and he began to stutter as he tried to tell him otherwise. “oh my god!” 
“trevor, wait before you get mad–” jules started, her face incredibly red.
“of all my friends, you chose luke?” 
“hey! why’d you say it like that?” luke asked, an offend look on his face. “you say that like i’m a bad kid or something. be glad it's me and not jack!” jack began to choke on his pizza, glaring at luke as he coughed.
“fuck you, moose. i’m a great guy!” jules burst out laughing at his statement, stopping when she saw the look on trevor’s face.
“trevor, please. just listen before you kill him.”
“kill me?” luke’s voice squeaked, his eyes wide.
“hush, luke.” luke looked to quinn wide eyed, jules moved closer to luke, putting herself between luke and trevor. “listen, trev, he treats right, okay? and he is super sweet, and funny, and hot. and he treats me right, and that’s all that should matter.” jules spoke quickly, her face flushed as she spoke. “i like him, trev, like really, really like him. hell, i love him!” she clamped a hand over her mouth at her confession. her eyes darted to luke, the only sound in the room being the tv as everyone stared at her, eyes wide. “wait–”
“you love me?” jules’ fight or flight kicked and she ran out the door of her apartment. she hadn't even realized she was running until she was outside her complex, the winter air nipping at her skin. she felt her chest tighten, panic coursing through her veins. she hadn’t meant to say that, at least not yet. she sat on the cold pavement attempting to catch her breath. “j?” she whipped her head toward luke, shocked he had followed her out.
“lu–” luke sat beside her, placing a hand on her cheek and drawing her lips to his. 
“i love you, jules zegras. so goddamn much.” luke said, after pulling back from her. she gripped the front of his shirt in her fist, a goofy smile on her lips.
“god, you are so hot.” 
“oh, i know.” he laughed when she hit him. she kissed him once more, before pulling him up with her. 
“we should probably go talk to trevor. he’s probably planning your murder.”
“ehh, i wouldn't be so sure about that.” jules looked at him, confused. he led her back up to her apartment, opening the door. inside, shouting could be heard.
“dude, we’re going to be brothers-in-law!” jack shouted, shaking trevor by his shoulders. “aren’t you excited?”
“yes, i am. i don’t think quinn is though.” jules and luke walked in further, looking to quinn who had a dead stare on his face, looking as though he wanted to die.
“you good, quinny?” jules asked, looking to the oldest hughes.
“how could you do this to me?”
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bby-deerling · 6 months
floral & fading (law x reader nsfw)
18+, mdni, nsfw, wc: 1.7k masterlist
a secret santa present for my lovely anie <3 @strawheart-pirate
cw: afab!reader, piv, rough sex, scratching, choking, hate sex kinda, law is bad with feelings, reader is also kinda bad with feelings, angst, bittersweet, hurt no comfort, you let this guy hit once and he's totally obsessed w/ you, strawhat!reader, messy relationship dynamics
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Law needs you desperately despite the fact he knows he cannot have you.
He hadn’t intended to get attached to you, not in the slightest.  Mind scattered, full of adrenaline, and buzzing with alcohol, he had meant for you to be nothing more than a late-night drunken distraction from the flood of emotions he felt after the events of Dressrosa.  Somewhere in the murky deep of the back of his mind, you had snuck in and sank your ragged claws into the sulci of his brain, to the point where he can barely close his eyes without picturing your mischievous smirk, or the contortions on your face as he fucked you, squeezing his tattooed hand around your throat.
For all intents and purposes, Law couldn’t stand you.  Brimming with intelligence and wit, you squandered your potential by wasting precious time goofing around with Luffy.  The strategic and combative skills you possess in battle make you an essential asset to your crew, but you were resistant to discussing any sort of long-term plan with him, insisting that wasn’t how Luffy rolled—it drove him crazy, and gave him the deep urge to break you until you finally relented and decided to use your mind properly like he wanted you to.
“Come on, Traffy!  Tell us who won!” you exclaim one day after a water gun fight, out of breath and nearly falling over as you slide along the wet deck in your flip flops, Luffy close behind you.
Law rolls his eyes and sighs, not bothering to look up from the book he was reading.  “How should I know?  I wasn’t paying attention to your nonsense.” he says in his usual dry monotone.
“Traffy, you were supposed to be watching us!” Luffy whines, putting his hands on his hips as he pouts.  Law ignores both of you, hoping you would eventually find another judge to determine the victor of your silly game; he thinks you’re finally discussing finding someone else to bother when you whisper something in Luffy’s ear that makes your Captain giggle maniacally.
“We decided to team up.” Luffy says proudly.  Law catches your grin in his peripherals, but continues to sit, eyes fixed on the pages in his lap, and ignores you, a mistake that would soon lead to his downfall. 
“So…You lose!” you shout with a grin.
With your words comes a stream of water straight to his face, followed by a second, less accurately aimed jet from Luffy that drenches his book and leaves Law fuming.  You keep that infuriating, mischievous grin plastered across your face, but he slightly smirks as he notices the way you swallow hard as he glares at you, a silent acknowledgment that you knew you were certainly in for it now.
“Shishishi—you’re in trouble with Traffy!  Not me though, I’m gettin’ away!” Luffy cackles, using his rubber arms to swing to the other side of the ship, leaving you to Law’s devices, and oh, did he have plans for you.  
Your idiocy had earned you a harsh quickie in the library, full of bites and dirty talk and nails dragging into his back.
“F-Fuck, Traffy—” you whimper as he bucks his hips harshly, filling you up so deeply his cock brushes against your cervix.
He yanks on your hair harshly and sinks his teeth into your neck, not caring in the slightest if he leaves marks on your precious, unblemished skin.  “Brat.  Say my name properly.” he hisses in your ear, wanting nothing more than to hear the word fall off your lips.
“Mmmf, ‘m sorry, Law…” you whine, tilting your head towards him to give him more access to your neck.  Law—hearing you drop the nickname and letting his real name drip off your tongue drives him wild and makes him drive his cock into you even harder as he bites and sucks along the column of your neck.  The familiarity and intimacy of it—even though it’s entirely manufactured, and he would never dream of displaying a similar vulnerability and dropping the -ya­ from your name—allows him to pretend you care more than you do.  It lets him pretend you care as much as he does.
“You better be.” he whispers, roughly clawing at your back with his jagged nails.  He wanted a string of apologies out of you before he was done—he’d already coaxed one out of you for spraying him in the face with the water gun, but burrowing your way under his skin and refusing to evacuate was the much more severe crime at hand, one with a sentence that ended up benefiting you both physically, but left him in a mental state even more frazzled and unfocused than before.
Irrationality began to cloud his judgement even more so as time went on, and he insists on you being in the group he brings to Wano with him.  Having you on the Polar Tang, even for a short time, is intoxicating to him—with the temptation of having you so close overpowering him, he finds himself uncharacteristically taking breaks from his work to use you for stress-relief.  He tells himself that’s all it is despite the fact he knows it’s a weak lie.  You’ve deciphered his feelings by this point; he can see it written on your face, though you cautiously say nothing.  Instead, you hang around after your unsavory activities, following him around the submarine and staying up late at his side, curiously and gently prying at aspects of himself that he thought he had locked away for good.  He’s furious at you for the way you’re able to unravel him, ripping him open emotionally just as he tears at your insides physically, and he takes his frustrations out on you accordingly.  However, you never seem to mind, and take all he gives you in strides; he’s mean, nasty, and rough with you in bed, but no matter how hard he tries to keep control, there’s a glint in your eyes that says you’re the one with the real power—you’re the one who can get the Surgeon of Death to snap and succumb to his base urges, and it enthralls you, much to his continued frustration.
He finds himself obsessing over you so deeply that he makes every excuse to keep you apart from your crewmates until the rest arrived with Sanji in tow.  He gives you a cover story to keep you close to him and continues his façade of this simply being sex to him, though you both know it’s more at this point.
“I like you, Law. I've gotten attached.” you said one night, words nearly drowned out by the chorus of cicadas hissing in the distance.
You were curled into his side, fingers tracing along his chest tattoos; it’s a rare moment where he lets you to show him affection like this, and your confession makes him deeply regret allowing you this luxury.  Despite the way your presence makes his heart contort and twist, despite all the hoops he’s jumped through to keep you close to him, and despite the fact that if he keeps his feelings bottled up for too much longer, he may never get the chance to vocalize them, he remains stubborn, letting a painful silence emanate into the night.
“It’s silly of me, I know, but I can’t help it.” you whisper, flinching at the way your voice cracks in the process. 
At times, Law saw you as obnoxious and silly, but you were also clever, compassionate, understanding, and strong, especially as you withstand all of his erratic mood swings as he sorts out his feelings for you—that’s why it cuts him to the bone when he causes you pain like this.
“Neither can I.” he whispers, unable to hold his sentiments back any longer.  He feels a touch lighter, but is not surprised when the melancholy resting between the two of you remains hanging in the air, coating you like a blanket.  After all, this could not and would not last forever, and once this alliance ends, the only glimpse he may ever get of you again might be on your wanted poster.
When all of the business in Wano ends, he has half the mind to take you for himself—to make you his and refuse to let go no matter how much Luffy begged him to release you, but he knows you would never leave your friends and go with him willingly.  Maybe that’s what infuriates him most—no matter how intimate and soft your half-lidded stare is while he fucks the daylights out of you, you would always love the sea, freedom, and your stupid antics with your crew more than him.  No amount of late-night conversations, full of hesitant divulgences and barriers broken, and no amount of physical contact would ever permanently tie you together, despite how much he wished that wasn’t the case.
Law knows this is the last time he’ll have you beneath him, close to him, and vulnerable for him, but he can’t bring himself to be gentle, overwhelmed by the violent storm in his chest.  Laid out and panting, your fingers curl into the sheets beneath you as his skilled fingers work magic on your clit.  Just as your thighs begin to twitch, he pulls his hand away, delighting in the way you whine and plead with him in frustration.  Inked fingers roughly squeeze the sides of your windpipe, making you squeak for him.
“You didn’t think I’d let you have it this easy, did you?” he taunts, using his other hand to grip your chin, smirking as he hovers over you before planting his lips onto yours.  Heated, deep, and full of longing on both sides, the kiss is enough to nearly pull his heart apart in two.  He takes great care to memorize the drag of your lips against his, the way the plush skin of your hips feels in his grasp, and the grip of your walls against him as his cock slides deep inside of you.
If this is the last time Law is going to have you, he is intent on drawing it out as long as he possibly can before he lets you go.  He just wishes things didn’t have to end this way.
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demonvibez · 11 months
Showering with Mammon
·Characters: Mammon x GN! Reader
·Word Count: 1800+
·Rating: Mature/Explicit ; Minors DNI
·Genre: Fluff, Smut
·Tags: fluff, mammon accidently walks in on reader, light punishment, smut, gender neutral sex, reader has GN body parts, mentions of fangs and marking, hand stuff, penetration
·A/N: this one was really cute fun to write! y'all know as our first, he would definitely be jumping at the chance to get into mc's shower! anyways, likes/comments/rb's are appreciated! lemme know which brother you'd wanna shower with next. ♡
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You and the Avatar of Greed had been thick as thieves practically since the day you had dropped down into the Devildom and under his protection.
So it didn’t come to surprise anyone that Mammon had practically moved into your room after the two of you had forged a pact together.
He was so used to sharing the upstairs bathroom with five of his brothers, despite it always being crowded and disheveled after each of their uses.
He often kept a shower caddy full of various bath products given to him at the many modeling gigs he has worked - Shower Gels from Wersace, a custom hair care set from Goetia, and a plethora of skin care products from Majolish line the bottom of his tote.
Most days his routine is rather quick - wash hair, wash body, done. Some days, he likes to barricade the door and take his time to pamper himself.
So when Mammon starts spending more of his nights and days in your room, it is only natural that he also moves into your bathroom as well.
He ends up ditching the shower caddy, his bath products now lining the walls of your shower and the counter of your sink.
You have to scold him at first for always leaving wet towels and dirty clothes everywhere, but eventually the two of you fall into a routine.
You typically take your shower first, seeing as it is your bathroom after all, with Mammon taking his second to ensure you won't be late in the mornings.
Your system starts working perfectly, until one day a simple mishap changes everything between the two of you.
You were used to getting changed in the bathroom after you finished up your showers.
You were just stepping out of the shower, pulling a towel around your body when you suddenly hear Mammon shout out to you that he is going to grab something from his room real quick.
You don't reply to him, thinking he has left already. You don't hear any noise coming from your room, so you assume that you are all alone.
You drop your towel to the floor before walking towards the mirror by the sink, when all of the sudden, the door flies open and Mammon makes his way in without thinking.
"Hey, human! Did ya hear me or no- AHHHHHHHH!"
His eyes widen and his jaw drops to the floor as a deep rose blush creeps across his face.
The image of your naked form seers itself into his memory as his brain short circuits between lust and denial.
He moves his head to look away, a hand flying up to shield his blush from your eyes, but his own eyes keep darting back to you as his heart pounds in his chest.
You expect him to say or do something, but he's frozen there.
Your voice calling out his name breaks the silence, his brain kicking back into gear before he starts blabbering.
"W-w-what are ya doin?! I didn't see nothin'! I'm goin' out! I'll be back later!" he said as he made his way out of your bathroom, not allowing you to get a single word in.
You could have sworn you saw him steal one last little sneak peek at you before slamming the door closed on his way out.
You should probably be mad about the sudden invasion of privacy, but you always thought Mammon was adorable, and the entire situation was beyond hilarious.
At first this encounter made things a bit awkward for the two of you - or more accurately, it made Mammon act a bit awkward around you - but it ultimately brought the two of you closer together.
One morning, when the two of you are pressed for time, Mammon comes up with a brilliant idea - the two of you should just shower together!
You were a bit hesitant at first, as sharing a shower together would be quite intimate - especially at such an early time in the morning.
"I mean, we share a bed anyway! Why wouldn't ya wanna shower with The Great Mammon!?! Come on an’ hurry up, we're gonna be late for breakfast!"
Your first shower together was, yet again, a bit awkward, both unsure of what to do with each other.
Cheeks painted crimson and eyes darting rapidly, Mammon was a nervous mess, which you can't help but to find adorable - you let out a giggle.
"H-hey! What're ya laughin' at?! I ain’t lookin’ at nothin’! You’re just a human, what even is there ta see,” he stammered as he tried to hide his face behind one of his trembling hands.
You shook your head as you picked up the bottle of shampoo, squeezing a dollop into your hand with a grin across your face.
"Oh, nothing," you say as you reach up and begin to work his hair into a lather, "this was all your idea, you know."
His blush deepens at the feeling of your fingertips massaging his scalp, his eyes fluttering closed at the gentleness of your touch.
After scrubbing his hair for a little while, Mammon finally began to relax, and the two of you washed each other under the shower’s cascade, with tender touches and loving smiles.
You both took so long in the shower together that Lucifer let himself into your room and was waiting as the two of you walked in wrapped in towels, hair damp.
You both ended up receiving an hour and a half long lecture from the Avatar of Pride himself while tied down to your chairs in the middle of his private study.
Despite Lucifer's objections, the two of you continued to grow closer, and your bath times with Mammon grew more and more intimate.
One evening, after a particularly long week at RAD, Mammon decides it is time for the two of you to unwind together with a nice bubble bath.
He brings some of the LED lights from his room, setting them up around the outer edge of the bathtub, along with a nice bottle of champagne from the human realm and a bath bomb he stole from Asmodeus.
With the soothing atmosphere surrounding you both, the sound of the gentle fizz of the bath bomb in the air, you couldn't help but to sink into the warm water, relaxing into Mammon's arms as you leaned against him, your back pressed against his beautifully tan chest.
The moment Mammon has his arms around you, his resolve shatters and he can't help the sudden wave of greed that is washing over him, his arms tightening around you and his lips instantly finding your neck.
He whispers your name as his hands roam your body, his fangs lightly nipping at your neck as he feels your chest.
"Mine…mine…all mine," you hear him chanting in hushed tones against your skin as he gently marks you, one of his hands starting to travel down past your waist.
He starts teasing your sex as he starts kissing his way up to your ear, sending electricity through your body and making you crave him more.
Your sudden greed for him only turns him on even more, his pace getting faster as he sucks on your neck, his cock growing increasingly hard as you grind against his lap.
As he continues to toy with your most sensitive spots, he can’t hold himself back any longer, slipping himself inside of you in one slow, smooth motion.
The tight, snug feeling of you around him as he sinks into you makes him feel indescribably amazing, his demon form popping out instantly.
Mammon starts the pace out nice and slow, his hips moving his impossibly hard cock in and out of you as you grind against him just as slowly, one of his hands still stimulating you as the other grips your hip, his rings lightly digging into your soft flesh.
He starts to massage you faster, his own thrusting getting quicker as both of your moans grow louder, your eyes rolling into the back of your head at the sheer pleasure you’re feeling.
“S’right…cum for me, my human…wanna make ya feel good,” he moans into your ear as he continues through your orgasm, holding you down on his cock as he strokes you through your bliss.
He kisses your neck softly for a few moments as you catch your breath, before he picks you up and turns you around in his lap, sliding himself back into you once more with a moan.
His lips crash onto yours immediately as he wraps his arms around you, pouring passion into the kiss as he begins to bounce you on his cock.
Grabbing onto your ass, the pace continues to build again as the two of you exchange sloppy, greedy kisses, his wings wrapping around you to pull your bodies closer as the two of you lose yourselves in the moment - both of your hands grip at his scalp, one hand grabbing at his hair while the other grips one of his horns as the pleasure continues to build up inside of you.
Soon enough, the two of you are hitting your climax together, Mammon whisper-chanting sweetly against your lips as euphoria washes over you both.
“I love ya…I love ya…I love ya so damn much…”
You stayed there, cuddling in his arms and in his lap for a few minutes longer, until he noticed you shivering slightly as the water had gone cold.
He helped you to finish rinsing off before picking you up out of the bathtub and carrying you over to the sink counter, setting you down to go grab a towel to wrap you in.
After getting you dried off and dressing you in one of his black v-neck tees, he carries you over to your bed and sets you down before crawling under the covers with you, pulling you into a close snuggle.
His arms find their way around you as you rest your head against his chest, he tilts his head downward to press a kiss into the top of your head.
You let out a tired giggle, tilting your head up to steal a kiss from his lips, a huge smile on your face as you settle your cheek against his chest once again.
“I love you so much, my greedy demon. Sweet dreams,” you said with one last yawn as you drift off to sleep.
“I love ya too, treasure. I’ll always be here when ya wake up…” he whispered back to you, his own eyes growing heavy.
With his last final moments of wakefulness, Mammon couldn’t help but to think about how he was so damn lucky to find a treasure like you. You are worth more than all the Grimm in the Devildom - and he is determined to never lose you.
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- demonvibez ♡ - likes/reblogs appreciated - do not copy/repost! -
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lovelyjj · 20 days
Hickey Prank
jj maybank x reader
requested by @shirasimpson
a/n: sorry this took forever!
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The idea for the prank came out of nowhere. You saw it on tiktok and wanted to try it with JJ, wondering how he was going to react. You were excited because you don’t normally play pranks on him.
The prank seemed simple enough. JJ was supposed to be coming over soon so you had to act quick. You took out your eyeshadow palettes and got to work.
First you started with a pinky red. You applied it to one side of your neck, then near the front of your neck and then finally on the other side of your neck. So you had three fake hickeys littering your skin.
Next you added a purple shade. You took a tiny brush and applied it to the red circles. Then lastly you added some blue. You had to admit you did a good job. They looked really real. You weren’t sure if JJ was gonna believe you that they were fake, after you prank him.
Shortly after you put on the fake hickeys you herd a knock on your door. You quickly got up and rushed to your bed. You pulled up the covers all the way up your neck and to under your chin, so he couldn’t see them when he first saw you.
“Come in,” you put forth.
“Baby you will never guess what Pope just did!” JJ came in already about to tell you a story.
“Well we were at the château and we were talking and then all of a sudden he took a huge hit of my vape and-“
“I’m listening,” you announced.
“You know what never mind it does not matter, I’ve missed you.”
JJ got on top of you and gave you a kiss on the mouth. The kiss was getting more heated and JJ moved his hand down to hold your hip and he moved the comforter down. What JJ didn’t expect is to see hickeys displayed on your neck.
“Um what the fuck!?” JJ stood up, straddling your legs.
“What?” You faked confusion.
“Who- What- How?” JJ stuttered.
“Let me see this shit,” JJ tilted your head up and inspected your neck. He ran his thumb over them and scowled.
“Who did this to you?” JJ seethed.
“Did what?”
“Your neck, did a vampire bite your or something?”
“I don’t… I don’t know I-“
“You don’t know? Y/N, are you cheating on me? Be honest.” JJ said appalled.
You stayed quiet, not sure how to answer that.
“When I find out who did this to you, they are a dead man,” JJ spat.
“JJ relax.” You tried to calm him down as you sat up.
JJ was now pacing in your room. You didn’t think JJ would act like this.
“No I can’t relax, you are cheating on me and you don’t even care!” JJ shouted.
“What am I not good enough for you?” JJ showed sadness and anger in his eyes.
“JJ let me explain-“
“Who was it? Was it Rafe I swear to god if he touched you-“
“JJ it was a prank. Look!” You got up and grabbed a makeup wipe and smeared it on your neck. Then you showed him the wipe with the eyeshadow remains.
“You- oh a prank? you really got me there.” JJ scratched his head.
“Y/N I was loosing my mind. I thought you- Oh i’m so glad you’re not cheating on me.” JJ ran up to you and lifted you up. He spun you around over his shoulders as you laughed.
JJ set you down and cupped your face as he gave you a fiery kiss.
“Now get on the bed, I’m gonna mark you up with some real hickeys so everyone will know you’re mine.” JJ instructed.
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igotanidea · 11 months
What is wrong with you!? : AK!Jason Todd x reader
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Just a little something to outline how i see this verse going. Suggestions/requests/feedback is highly appreciated.
WARNINGS: angst, SMUT minors DNI, probably bit of OOC
He was strong enough to snap her body in two if he wanted.
To break her neck.
To choke her.
To hurt her.
But somehow in his crazy, washed brain, he knew he needed her. And in some messed up, freaked out, impaired way he felt for her.
Not only because she knew what he’s been through, but because it was also so easy to dump all his frustration into her.
He failed in his mission to kill Batman?
Rough sex
His militia was questioning his abilities to lead?
Blowing steam off while pounding into her.
Did he love her?
Honestly, what is love? He lost the meaning of this word a long time ago. What he felt for her was like what the owner feels for a pet. Some kind of allegiance. Sure, he would feel some sort of emptiness if someone were to take her away and would probably kill that person off while getting his revenge, but it was nothing more than that.
Or at least that was what he was telling himself.
He was not Robin anymore and his childish infatuation for her surely turned into something more animalistic. She was at his mercy.
Just like right now.
There were some disturbances in the force and it made him angry. Angry enough to grab her from the tech room where she was working and drag her into his own bed, stripping off his armor and clothes, doing the same to her, pressing her to the mattress with all the brute strength he had.  
“Jace…..” she writhed underneath him, feeling him kiss her body with the animalistic urgency, biting, scratching and squeezing. All of her body, except her mouth. He avoided that like a plague. He didn’t need intimacy, closeness and all that bullshit. She was just a playtoy for him. The same way she was for Harley back in the days. The same way he was for Joker. “Please….” A single tear flew down her cheek.
“Shut up.” He hissed, entering her without any prep or warning, just with one push. And it hurt like hell, even after all this time she was kept in Arkham like a prisoner. Well, he was big after all. Her poor body should have been used to all kind of torture by now, but the truth was far from that. And Jason made sure she stayed tight for him. “Just shut the fuck up and take what I give you.” Jason added, putting a hand on her mouth to muffle the scream she dared to let out.
“Jace….” She moaned, not sure if it was pleasure or pain. The fact was that she might have developed some sort of Stockholm syndrome.  She knew him when he was Robin. She loved him when he was Robin and in the back of her head she had this crazy scenario that if she could only comply with his action and commands he would come back to her. Love her back. Love her again.
Poor little thing thought she could save him from himself.
She believed that she could be the one to see and have the real Jason, not the Arkham Knight. But the more she tried, the more she failed. “Baby….” She writhed, one of her hand reaching for his chest and shoulder, trying to touch him, to feel his skin against her, to ground herself.
She wasn’t appalled or disgusted by marks Joker left on him.
He was.
“Get your hands off me!” he shouted and grabbed her tiny wrist in his ironclad grip, leaving bruises and making her whimper in pain. She should have known better. He hated his body, all those scars and imperfections. He hated being reminded of the past tortures and rough treatment and her touch, even if it was so loving and tender did just that. “You little whore!”
“I’m sorry.” She cried out “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…..”
“Just shut up!” he yelled picking up the pace, pounding into her like she was nothing more than a piece of meat. He did not care about her silent begging, pleading and whines. If anything, having such sense of control only spur him on. “I know you like it, don’t you? Being treated like a slut you are? Hm? Y/N? Answer me!”
“Jace…..” she begged, squirming and trying to free her hands, which were now pinned above her head “I….I…..” he was rough, brutal even, but he never failed to bring her pleasure, by some twisted accident igniting the fire inside her and her body slowly started to take over making her unable to form any coherent though, settling on arching her back, whining and silently begging him to not stop while losing her breath.  
“So cock drunk, aren’t you?” he groaned, pushing her body back to the bed harshly, one hand still pinning her hands to the mattress, the other gripping her hip, pushing into her more, harder, faster. “So fucking stupid you can’t even answer one question?”
“I….. ah! Please…..” she whined throwing her head back, exposing the soft flesh of her throat.
“Oh, no, you don’t get to cum. You’re here to serve me, remember? Not the other way round.”
“please…. Jay, please…. I’m so….. “ she gulped awkwardly. She shouldn’t even think about saying it, but it just slipped past her lips “so close. So good. You’re so good. God, Jason, please, please, let me. “
“No.” he smirked vindictively grabbing her throat, cutting the air supply and watching her struggling to breathe. He himself was so close to cumming now.
Finally, with just one more thrust he came inside her, letting out groans and animalistic sounds. But not words. He felt good with her, but it wasn’t like he was going to admit it.
And this time she got lucky since she managed to orgasm with him.
It happened from time to time, not that he cared at all.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow night.” He pulled out, immediately reaching for his pants ready to go back to his duties.
“Don’t go.” She cried out, pulling herself up, her blurry eyes and tear stained face making him stop for a second. What the fuck was wrong with her? He treated her like nothing and she still gave him that loving gaze? Why? She was supposed to break, to let go of all her hopes and fantasies filled with happy future with him and yet, all his actions did nothing to make her do that.  “Please, don’t leave me.” She begged, her body shaking, clearly getting into the subdrop phase. She needed aftercare, even the slightest aspect of it. Her entire posture, her curved, trembling lips, the stain from the tears on her cheek.
She was so fragile and vulnerable.
She was so pathetic.  
Those were the times when something in him broke. He might have been brainwashed to hate batman and everything connected to him, his freaking assistant included, but it was y/n. His friend, his first love (and most probably last, since he didn’t have much opportunities to meet girls). He wanted to hold her. She’s been through enough. But he couldn’t break. And even her sad eyes and extended shaking arms were not enough to make him change his mind.
“Clean yourself up.” He muttered “you’re dripping.”
And then he moved towards the adjacent bathroom. He needed a moment for himself. To collect and control every stupid emotion bursting inside him. The thin walls however did nothing to muffle the sobbing and crying of Y/N, who was shaking on the bed, silently calling his name, begging for attention like a little child. Even after all he’s done he was crying for him, wanting his touch and hugs and care and attention.
Fuck, he couldn’t go soft.
But it was painful to hear her like this.
To see her broken. By him. By the only person she wanted and need.
Fuck, she was making him soft.
He yelled in frustration and punched the mirror.
Hard. Hard enough to break it into little pieces that fell to the ground and hurt his knuckles.
The sound clearly scared her, since in a second she appeared in the bathroom door, watching him bleed to the floor. Wearing only her shirt and panties since it was all she could grab in a hurry to check on him.
Fucking check if he was all right.
“what are you staring at?!” he yelled turning towards her. Her eyes wide in fear, her lips trembling, her body shaking but she was so fucking beautiful like this. Just like in the other life, before Harley left her fingerprints on Y/N.
“I… I …..” she stuttered “you’re hurt.”
“Yeah, so what? It’s not like I haven’t been before.” He shrugged, shoving her away, trying to move past her.
“Let me help you.” she whispered, lifting her hand trying to reach him, but quickly realizing how much of a mistake it would be. Again. “Let me patch you up.”
“Cause I don’t want you to bleed. I don’t want to see you like this. Please, Jason, let me…. Let me help you.” she mumbled looking at the ground, too shy and scared of another punishment for even suggesting something like that .
Jason couldn’t comprehend it.
How was it possible that she wasn’t completely broken like him?
What the fuck was wrong with her?!
“Why do you care?!” he yelled in frustration, grabbing her shoulders and pushing her into the wall, a little squeal escaping her lips in the process. “Why?” he grabbed her chin making her look at him
“You know why…..” she sobbed
“don’t you dare saying it!”
“I…. I won’t….. I won’t, I promise. Please…. It hurts.” He let her go, preventing her from falling to the ground. “Let me….”
“Grab the kit. Just do your job. And do it silently. I don’t want any other stupid words coming out of your mouth, you hear me?”
She nodded and without a sound sat him on the bed taking a spot next to him. Her skillful, soft hands patching him up quicker than anyone else ever could. Years of practice as Wayne assistant (i.e. Batman’s helper).
“thank you” he whispered when she was done, not looking at her. She just nodded again, smiled lightly through the tears and laid down on the bed, not daring to hope for anything. Not anymore. And Jason was not going to give her anything, apart from throwing her a blanket so she could cover herself. And then he left, leaving her in the dark, still unable to figure out what was wrong with her.
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