#shigaraki x f!reader x dabi
zombryz · 1 year
♡ all my suffering ♡ chapter 6
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˗ˏˋ hello ˎˊ˗  
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Chapter Six
masterlist | Prev. Chapter 1 | Prev. Chapter 2 | Prev. Chapter 3 | Prev. Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 7 | ao3 | playlists (dabi & shigaraki)
Pairings: Shigaraki x f!reader x Dabi
A/N: Hii my dear readers!! Please enjoy all the hurt, the angst, the "love", THE SMUT, and of course the action and fight sequences lol :3
Warnings: Specific to this chapter - blood, angst, possessiveness, smut (lots), quirk play, masochist!reader (sort of)
Word Count: 13k
Toga also started calling Tomura by his first name. You weren’t sure if this was to mock you or if she just felt left out. Either way, it was precious to hear her also refer to your boss by his first name. Every time you observed him acting strangely in response to her demonstration of friendship, you bit back a small chuckle. But he never did this to you. Actually, now that you think about it, you couldn't tell if he liked it or not when you called him Tomura. Unfortunately, at this time, it didn't matter. You were currently on a mission that Tomura alerted the league to earlier that morning. You were summoned to the woods by someone Tomura referred to as “The Doctor.” He didn't say much about the mission, but you knew it had to do with his strategy for overthrowing the hero society. You were all currently standing in what appeared to be the gloomy lair of the so-called “Doctor”. Only moments ago, you were face-to-face with a giant creature named Gigantomachia. The Doctor, who is sitting in front of the league, facing away from you and in front of multiple computer screens, supposedly set up the encounter with the giant. You were confused and out of breath because you had just prepared yourself to fight Gigantomachia when a black substance started pouring out of your mouth. The substance was similar to Kurogiri’s warp gate and allowed you to teleport from the mountains to this lair. You try to dial in to your surroundings by looking around the dark room. There are rows and rows of tanks filled with purple liquid, and inside are the bodies of Nomu. You are at the back of the group, standing next to Dabi and Spinner. Tomura, Toga, and Compress are in the front and have a clear view of the Doctor. Tomura began speaking with the doctor moments ago, but you were still taking in your surroundings, completely oblivious to what was being said. Dabi turns to you and signals that it's safe to put away your knives. You do as he says and try to listen to Tomura and the doctor’s conversation. You must’ve missed introductions due to being distracted, because it felt like there was already some tension.
“So why not lend me a hand, Doc?” Tomura hisses through his teeth, eyes filled with passion.
“You just sound like a kid playing a bad guy!” The doctor laughs in Tomura’s face, causing Tomura to straighten his posture in annoyance. “Anyways, I was always planning on helping out,” he adds in a more serious tone.
“Tomura, those ideas of yours seem deranged.” Toga chimes in, sounding a bit hurt by the words Tomura spoke that you weren’t paying attention to. You must’ve also missed the ”ideas” she’s referring to. “Like, do you also want to destroy,” she inhales deeply, “the things you love?” Toga frowns. Tomura turns his head slightly, looking over his shoulder.
"Well, I don’t particularly love anything.” Tomura’s eyes bounce from Toga’s to yours. He then turns back to face the doctor once more, swiftly breaking eye contact with you. His words sting your heart a bit; it’s not like you particularly love anything either, but you couldn’t help but think back to his drunken words about how much he would sacrifice for the league. You knew he cared for the league the way you cared for them. “I suppose I can give mercy to the things you love.” He adds to his response by waving her off. This causes Toga to cheer, and your heart settles a bit.
“You’re all far too weak; I can’t just hand over these powers.” The doctor says it in an ominous tone. Powers? Is he talking about quirks? Is he planning on giving us quirks? "But there is something you can do to prove to me that you’re ready.” He stands from his chair and continues, eyes bright: “Gigantomachia is a valuable member of the league, and he was All for One’s biggest fan. He hasn’t accepted you as his master.” He narrows his eyes and says, “If you can make Gigantomachia submit to you, then everything I have will be yours.” You never met All for One, but the league doesn't talk much about him. Apparently, he was Tomura’s master who got taken by All Might during a raid.
“Just so you know, I’m not helping.” Dabi chimes in and crosses his arms in displeasure.
“Is it because your fire didn’t work on him?” Toga calls him out, and you shoot him a wandering look, questioning why he’s been acting so weird since the last time you two slept together.
“No,” he hisses back, “I have a good potential ally in mind.” Dabi turns away from your questioning glare and looks at Tomura.
“Fine.” Tomura looks over his shoulder at Dabi and shrugs. What? So Dabi is just going to leave without saying anything?
Before you can object, the doctor pulls out a small nomu and twists the pipes sticking out of its head to teleport you back to Gigantomachia. You went to object, but it was too late; more black liquid started pouring from your mouth. You look at Dabi one last time, but he doesn’t look at you. Still confused and a little disoriented, you land next to Tomura, who is already approaching the giant man. You prepare yourself for battle and take out your knives.
“Hello,” Tomura says to Gigantomachia in a calm voice, causing the giant to growl at him. “Are you ready to submit to me?” Tomura’s voice grows dark, and it is unlike anything you’ve heard from him before. You remain behind him, ready to back him up any way you can.
Tomura starts running towards him, and before you can stop him, the giant man brings down his fist. Tomura luckily dodges it, but the wave of the blast causes him to be sent back a couple hundred feet in the air. Once out of sight, the giant rests his eyes on you. Oh shit. You weren’t as bold as your leader; instead, you took off running to put some distance between you and the giant, and luckily, he didn’t chase you. ---
It had been hours since you started fighting the giant. It was dark now, and it was as if Tomura had just started fighting. You had no idea how he had so much energy; you were exhausted. Twice assisted in making clones of all the league members, including yourself. It was rough constantly watching your clones get pulverized by the giant villain. You winced every time you saw yourself turn into gray goop. You, Spinner, and Toga decided to stay back in the tree line to watch the battle unfold. Tomura wasn’t letting up, though; he was determined to make Gigantomachia submit to him. If you were being honest with yourself, you were also irritated by Dabi, who just decided to abandon you. As you sat on a rock, twirling a random stick in your hand, you thought about how Dabi abandoned the group. It felt so unlike him.
Suddenly, everything went silent, causing you to drop the stick. The big guy tuckered himself out and fell asleep right in front of Tomura’s feet. You and the rest of the group quickly ran over to him and asked what you should do now. Tomura shrugged and peered ahead at what appeared to be a small cave illuminated by the moon and located beneath a waterfall. His features now covered in exhaustion, you realized he just wanted to sleep too. You and the rest of the league followed him into the cave. Spinner started a small fire, and everyone claimed a corner as their bed for the night. As you went to lay down with Toga, you saw that she was already resting on Twice’s lap. Spinner was paired up with Compress, which left you with Tomura. You hesitated for a moment, not sure of what to do. If you let him sleep on the ground, surely he wouldn’t be able to get any sleep, and neither would you. When you slid down the cave wall next to him, he looked at you through the hand on his face before taking it off and laying it down on the other side of him.
“Who was the ‘potential ally’ Dabi mentioned earlier?” You tilted your head to look at him as he undressed from his hands.
“That still bothering you, huh?” Tomura speaks in a monotone voice, probably due to his exhaustion. He saw your face earlier, when Dabi first mentioned that he was leaving. He knew you weren’t happy about it.
“What? No!” You deflect his acquisition by shaking your head before you add,“I-I just don’t get why he left at a time like this.” Your voice cracks, betraying your lie. “Trouble in paradise?” Twice chimes in from the other side of the room. You roll your eyes at him, shifting your attention back to Tomura.
“Listen,” he exhales slowly, “he does that from time to time,” Tomura adds in a lower voice than before to keep the group from eavesdropping. He then leans over to lay his head down on the pile of hands, choosing to face away from you. You calm your thoughts about Dabi and take in Tomura’s appearance. He had a bunch of cuts and bruises all over his face and hands, and it looked like he was trying to hide them from you.
“Don’t go to sleep like that.” Your tone is serious as you slightly tug at his coat, causing him to groan and lean back up to face you. He is looking at you with tired eyes and heavy shoulders, and it pulls at your heart strings. You couldn’t help but think both he and Dabi were avoiding you lately. Tomura could’ve easily asked you to heal him, but he didn’t. You furrow your brows, irritated with them both at this point.
“Are you mad at me now?” His question surprises you, but it causes you to relax your face and scoot closer to him. You sometimes hated that he could read your energy and know what was going through your head.
“No,” you huff, “now stop talking.” You bring your palm to his cheek, and he flinches at the sudden physical touch but soon sinks into your hand and doesn’t say another word. You activate your quirk, and he watches you in awe for what feels like the millionth time now. Your hair begins to float, and your eyes start glowing. He doesn’t move from your hand once you finish healing his wounds. Instead, he continues to stare into your eyes, scared to move because he doesn’t want to upset you again. The fire crackles beside you, and the warm light hits his face in a way that makes your whole body heat up.
“Are any of you hurt?” You call out to the rest of the league, but they all groan a no in response as they’re all so close to falling asleep. You turn your attention back to Tomura, who is now falling asleep in the palm of your hand. His eyes are slowly closing, but he is fighting his sleep as hard as he fought the giant today. “Here, I’ll take first watch.” You position yourself against the wall and pat your lap, indicating that he can rest his head there. He realizes what you’re saying, and his eyes widen a little.
“I can’t; I could accidentally kill you in my sleep.” He states it bluntly. He’s so tired now that he looks frustrated.
“Good thing I’ll be awake to activate my quirk if I have to.” You give him a promising smile, and he contemplates for a moment before accepting your offer. He positions himself to face the rest of the league with his back against the wall while he slowly and gently brings his head down onto your thighs. You can tell he is unsure about this because he isn’t putting his full weight on you. To make him more comfortable, you bring your hand down to his head and attempt to lull him to sleep by running your fingers through his hair. He tenses up at first, but after a few seconds, you feel his body weight shift, and he is drifting off into a deep sleep. You can’t help but watch his breath while he sleeps. You had never seen him sleep before, and you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. You were doing a terrible job of keeping guard because your eyes never left his sleeping figure. His long, bluish-grey hair was splayed out over your thighs, revealing his handsome face. His lips were slightly parted, and his lashes were long and matched his hair color. Watching him like this suddenly makes your stomach twirl. The extremely dangerous Tomura Shigaraki feels safe enough with you to let you protect him. What a sentiment. You couldn’t help but smile like an idiot. After about an hour, Tomura shifted in his sleep and wrapped his arms around your left leg to cuddle your thigh. You froze, prepared to activate your quirk, but his own quirk never activated. His palms were flat on your thigh, and you weren’t turned to dust. Still on edge, you slowly lifted his hands without waking him and placed them at his sides. You weren’t sure why decay didn’t activate in his sleep. Strange, you thought.
After another two hours, your eyelids started becoming very heavy. You were deep in your thoughts and even started to remember a little bit more from your past and your hero days. You had faint memories of someone you were close to just before returning to U.A. There was a man with red wings. Was it wings? Who knows. If you try to remember too much, you’ll get a headache. You didn’t like having nothing to do but think. There were even a few invasive thoughts about Dabi, and you were curious what he was doing while you had another man laying on your lap. You debated waking Tomura up to switch with you, but you wanted him to get as much sleep as possible. As if he felt your exhaustion, he stirred awake and sat up slowly, yawning. The fire had died down, so there was little light left in the cave. He looked at you and recognized the tired expression plastered on your face.
“Here,” he rubbed his eyes, “I’ll take over,” he says, shifting to sit up against the wall.
“Are you sure?” You silently hoped he was. You were beyond exhausted.
“Yeah, come here.” His words immediately give you butterflies. He takes off his coat and lays his head against the wall, revealing his Adam's apple, while he gives his lap a little pat and spreads his legs slightly. You give him a once-over before agreeing; he looks awkward, but you are too tired to care. You slowly bring your head down onto his lap and lay the opposite way he did, facing him instead of the rest of the league. You weren’t sure why you laid this way—maybe because you wanted to look at him while you fell asleep. He takes his coat and lays it over you. He brings his hand to your head the same way you did to him. His hand brushes gently over your hair, barely brushing you. When you smile softly, he decides to do it again and starts massaging your temples sweetly with his pinky finger still in the air. Tomura wasn’t big on physical touch, but it felt different with you. He has always had this urge to touch you.
“You didn’t dust me in your sleep.” You whisper, looking up at him with heavy eyes. He was already looking down at you, so your eyes met him instantly. This made your stomach flip. Luckily, it was somewhat dark in the cave, so he couldn’t see it. “You had all five fingers on me, and I didn’t have to activate my quirk,” you whisper again.
“Hmmm.” Tomura furrows his brows but continues to rub your temple as he diverts his eyes to the fire. You wanted to know what he was thinking but didn’t push further. Instead, you quickly gave in to sleep.
You only got an hour of sleep. The cave started rattling and shaking you awake forcefully. You felt Tomura’s arms wrap around you roughly as he pulled you into his chest. The cave walls were cracking, and rocks started falling from the ceiling. Gigantomachia found you. How did he find you? Tomura wrapped his arms around your head to prevent any debris from falling on you. You closed your eyes tightly and shifted your body closer to Tomuras, wrapping your arms around his waist. Once the attack stopped, the group shuffled to their feet to exit the cave. Tomura unfolds his arms slowly, revealing you sitting between his legs and clinging to him. You gently unwrap yourself and pull away from him, feeling embarrassed now.
“Are you okay?” Tomura flashes you a look of worry before grabbing your chin and checking you for injuries. He turns your head to the left and then to the right. You are too worried about him, so you swat him away gently before turning your attention to him instead. You lean into him once more to check for injuries. “I’m fine; are you okay?” You sit up slightly to get a good look at him. He seemed unscathed.
“Don’t worry about me. I’m going to make this bastard finally submit to me.” He rose to his feet, placed the hands back on his body, and started toward the entrance to the cave. There was a determination in his voice that made you believe him. As he exited the cave, you got up to follow him into battle. You only just noticed that you were wearing his long black trench coat that he covered you in the night before. It was gradually getting colder outside, but you knew he probably wouldn’t stop the fight to put his coat on. So you decided to wear it for now.
It had been a week since you started fighting Gigantomachia. The entire league, minus Dabi, was exhausted and frustrated at this point. It had been non-stop fighting, only allowing two to three hours of sleep at a time. You all started sleeping in shifts, except Tomura. He wouldn’t tell you this, but he would rather fight on zero hours of sleep than risk putting you in harm's way again like he did the first night in the cave. After all, for some reason, Gigantomachia started ignoring everyone but Tomura.
There were moments when Gigantomachia would fall asleep, which allowed the team to meet up to discuss game plans. That’s where you all are currently. You were all standing in a circle discussing ideas of what to do next when, all of a sudden, Twice’s phone started ringing. Everyone turns their attention to Twice as he pulls out his phone.
“It’s Giran! I wonder where he’s been; I’ve called him like a dozen times!” Twice shouts.
You recognized the name. Giran is the outside recruiter for the league and assists with getting costumes and weapons; he even helped Compress get his new arm. You think about Dabi for a moment and his “potential ally”, Maybe that's why Giran was calling. Your heart flutters trying to listen to the conversation when Twice’s face drops in fear.
“This isn’t Giren…” Twice alerts.
“A voice changer?” You add, and your face contorts in confusion as you listen to the weird robotic voice coming through the phone speaker.
“Who are you? Where’s Giran?” Twice yells into the phone.
There's an uneasy silence when the stranger answers.
“I’m the grand commander of the Meta Liberation Army.” The voice comes out staticky. “My name is Re-Destro,” he adds.
Tomura stands up and grabs the phone from Twice. Causing you to shift focus to your leader.
“First the Yakuza, and now the Liberation Army?” Tomura speaks into the phone. He holds it with two fingers, careful not to dust the thing. “Why are you has-beens suddenly appearing out of nowhere lately?” He sounds pissed off.
“Where is Giran?!” Twice yells again.
“Ah, I’ve got him right here, and he’s still alive; don’t worry. Our objective is to liberate all metahumans and to demolish the existing world to create a new one where people can be themselves.”
“You talk a lot.” Tomura groans.
“Interesting; I think we should explore that.” Mr.Compress chimes in.
“Give us back Giran, and then we’ll talk. We have bigger things to deal with right now.” Tomura attempts to conclude the deal.
“Oh, you’re mistaken. You’re not calling the shots right now…” Re-Destro answers smugly. Tomura growls in response. “How are those mountains? We’re watching you all on satellite right now.” Tomura thinks about dusting the phone, but you grab his hand before he can.
“I think we should hear him out.” Your eyes meet his, and he backs down, holding the phone out in front of you.
“Ah, Lady Medela, is that you? I heard you switched sides.” You hear Re-Destro’s cocky voice on the other side of the phone.
“What do you want from us?” You speak up.
“The league of villains has become too well known. We simply want to crush you so that we can start this war without you getting in the way.” You grit your teeth at his words. “Make your way to Deika City in the next hour if you have any chance of freeing your friend Giran. Then, you will decide if you stand against us or do nothing and be captured by the heroes that we will send to your location.” Tomura’s fingers are still on Twice’s phone while you stand under him close to the speaker. He’s heard enough now but still looks to you for confirmation before you send him a “yes” with just your eyes, giving him permission to dust the phone. He lays down his palm and completely dusts Twice’s phone.
“Hey! My phone!” Twice groans, reaching out for the dust particles.
“So, no good choices...” you start, still looking up at Tomura.
“No, so I guess we’re going to Deika City to crush these bastards.” He jumps down from the rock he was standing on.
“What?” You object and tilt your head at him. “You’ve barely slept in a week; there's no way you can fight like this.” You cross your arms, hoping that he’ll back down from your words.
Tomura doesn’t answer. Instead, he turns his body to speak into the earpiece that the doctor gave him when he first arrived here.
"Doctor, did you hear all that? How long do we have until the big baby wakes up?”
You can’t hear what the doctor is saying, but you’re almost positive he gives Tomura a number of hours.
“Perfect. Now, where’s Dabi?” Tomura says it out loud to no one in particular. This makes you perk up a little. Were you finally going to see Dabi again? “We’ll need an exit, Doctor.”
“We’re really going to fight him?” Toga questions.
“Have you noticed how the big guy always finds me no matter where I try to hide?” Tomura begins, and you think back to the moment in the cave when you were jolted awake by Gigantomachia’s attacks. "Well, I’m going to bring him with us to this fight. Re-Destro doesn’t stand a chance.” You look at Tomura and notice his features. He is confident in this plan, and you start to realize how great of a leader he is becoming. He is so smart and calculated, and you admire that about him. You would follow him into any battle.
Once again, the black substance starts pouring out of your mouth as you are teleported right outside Deika City. Your eyes immediately meet Dabi's, who is resting against a tree. He must’ve been summoned here as well. He looks at you briefly before turning his attention to Tomura.
“How did I get dragged into this?” he scoffs and rolls his eyes.
“Maybe because you’re part of this group.” You answered him with a little bit more of an attitude than you meant to.
As you all walk through the city, you notice how empty and quiet it is. It was almost like there was no-one home.
“Where is everyone?” Toga voices out.
“I get it now. The whole city is the army.” Tomura says.
After a few minutes of wondering around, a man in a black suit and glasses walks out onto the street to face you.
“Our guests have arrived! Welcome, welcome!” He creepily welcomes you. “Let the festivities begin!” he shouts before snapping his finger. Suddenly, tons of army members start flooding out onto the streets, ready to attack.
“Where is Giran?” Twice yells after the suited stranger.
"Oh, your friend? He’s with our grand commander.” He gestures to the tall building behind him. Bingo, that's your destination. You, along with the rest of the league, get into battle formation. You remove your knives from their holsters and hold them in either hand between your fingers.
The army members yelled out “Tomura Shigaraki!” all at once and pounced on him. There are so many of them. You take out two random men with sheer strength alone. Your first collide with their heads causing them to fall to the ground. You try to keep tabs on Tomura's movements, but he takes off towards the building with an entire mob of army villains in tow behind him. Without hesitation, you follow him, leaving the league behind. Dabi’s eyes follow what you’re chasing after, and he looks down, realizing you left him to follow Tomura. You slow down a little when you see Tomura swaying his feet as he also slows down a bit. Oh no, he's getting sloppy. He’s going to pass out. You knew he shouldn’t have rushed into battle with no sleep. The mob begins to catch up to him, so you run even faster to catch up before they can hurt him. Suddenly, Tomura jumps onto a stone fence and rushes back the opposite way towards the mob. He grabs one of the mob members faces and glides his hand across the bodies, disintegrating them all at once. Your eyes widen in horror; you have never seen him kill anyone, let alone that many people at once. All of those people, just gone. He jumped off the stone fence and landed right in front of you. Anger seethed out of his mouth like a rabid dog. He was panting heavily and was ready to grab you, but when you flinch, his face shifts when he realizes it's you and not another mob member.
“Tomura,” your voice comes out barely above a whisper, worry seeping over your face.
“I think I’m going to be sick.” He leans over and grabs at his ribcage, releasing the contents of his stomach onto the ground a few feet away from you. None of you have eaten in days, so it was mainly bile. You knew this battle wasn’t smart. He is overworking himself.
“It’s okay.” You gently pat his back, unsure of how to comfort him right now.
Dabi and Spinner catch up to you and try to understand what they just saw. Did Tomura really just kill all those people in one move?
"Well, if our leader isn’t sparing lives, then I’ll have some fun too.” Dabi laughs quietly to himself.
A couple of army members make their way to your location. Dabi quickly lights them up in flames. You protect your face from the heat and lean down to meet Tomura’s face. Your hair falls in front of your eyes, and you move it behind your ear. He looks at you from the side, and you give him a sweet smile.
“Are you okay?”
“I’ll be fine.” He’s breathing heavily, not as angry as before.
Once he is back on his feet, the streets begin to swarm with Twice clones. They’re all yelling that they’re here to protect you all, his comrades. You can’t lie; you feel the odds are much better with this many clones. You and Tomura speak to each other with just your eyes. You both decide to use the distraction to run towards the tower again.
“Twice, do you think you can clear a path?” Tomura asks the closest Twice clone in proximity.
“Of course, boss!” Multiple Twice’s answer at the same time.
Once you reach the tower, Tomura turns to you and looks over your head to get a couple of Twice clones' attention.
“Keep her here, will ya?” He asks the clones, and they oblige by grabbing your arms and pulling you away from him.
“What? N-No, let me go!” You fight back against the clones, but there are about five of them holding you down. “Let me help you fight!” Your eyes meet his, and there is a flicker of sadness in his eyes.
“I don’t know who is waiting for me up there, and if it's a boss fight, I can’t risk having you with me.” He softens his eyes a bit. You hate that he’s doing this by himself.
You call after him, but he is already in the building before you can fight any harder. Damnit. He’s going to get himself killed. Your heartbeat quickens, and you suddenly have a looming feeling fall over you.
After a few minutes of trying to fight your way out of the Twice clones’ grasp, you feel a thud and are then surrounded in gray goop. The Twice clones were taken out? By what? You duck, avoiding an attack from your right. It was an Army member. They’re strong too; they were able to take out Twice’s clones in one shot. You prepare yourself and start throwing punches. The army villain ducks your attacks and goes to activate his quirk when, suddenly, he is lit up by blue flames. So maybe he wasn’t so strong, and maybe Twice’s clones are getting weaker by the minute.
Your eyes meet Dabi's, and you see in his face that he knows what you’re about to do. Before you can even get the chance to think your body takes off running into the building of the tower that Tomura was in. Dabi was faster. He grabs your wrist and stops you, making you whine out in frustration.
“Let me go, Dabi!” You fight against him, but this is much harder than five Twice clones. You were so close to fighting alongside Tomura, but now he's still up there, alone. Dabi’s grip is hot and causes you to wince a little, but you ignore how painful it is.
“Wow, I thought I had more time.” Dabi’s face drops in realization, but you’re just as confused as ever.
“What are you talking about?” You reply through your spurts of trying to escape his grasp. You feel like a toddler trying to kick and scream to get what you want.
“You and Shigaraki,” The grip on your wrist loosens, and he drops your arm. You catch his eyes once more; his beautiful icey-blue irises begin to match his mood. To your surprise, you don’t immediately run inside the building once you’re loose this time. Instead, you look up at Dabi, not sure what he is trying to say to you. You furrow your eyebrows at him, hoping he’ll continue to explain what he's talking about.
“You care about him.”
“Yeah, well, I care about all of you.” You speak in a questioning tone, still not following and slightly irritated that he’s bringing this up now.
“You care about him more than the rest of us.” His face shows signs of sadness mixed with a hint of jealousy. “I know this because, for a while,” he pauses, “you looked at me like that.”
“Dabi,” you say, lowering your voice to match his tone. “Can we talk about this later?”
Dabi is angry now. He gets in your face and speaks down to you. “I’m not going to let you kill yourself for him all because of a little crush.”
Crush? CRUSH? He thinks you have a crush. On who? Tomura? How dare he make this whole situation miniscule just because he thinks something like that? Before you could scream at him, punch him, or whatever it was that you were feeling, all the windows in the tower above you shattered. You threw your hands over your head in an attempt to protect yourself from falling glass. Oh no, Tomura. Dabi grabs you once more and leads you around a corner where you are safe and both have eyes on the building. It looked like a giant hand was sticking out of the top floor and creating a giant hole in the wall from the outside. When you looked up, you saw Tomura fighting a man in a striped suit. This was the boss fight, you thought. It’s Re-Destro. He was running around his attacks, trying desperately to get his hands on him. Suddenly, Re-Destro grabbed Tomura with his giant hand and held him there. When Re-Destro flipped Tomura upside down, you yelled out to him, attempting to run towards the building, but once again, Dabi stopped you and kept you close to him. All you could do was watch. The ground shook beneath you when the building started collapsing. What was going on? Dabi grabs your hand, pulling you along with him as you run away from the building to seek shelter again. When you look back, you see another Tomura on the ground, touching the building. What? Then it clicked. The Tomura that was fighting Re-Destro was just a clone, and that’s why he didn’t want you to come up with him. After your realization, you gasp in a second realization. How is he doing that? Is his quirk evolving? You think back to when he just disenegrated that mob group; he didn’t touch half of those people, yet they still died. Was his quirk, decay, spreading? Can he disintegrate in larger quantities now and let it spread to other things it touches? You were in complete awe.
The battlefield is flattened, and you see what you assume is the real Tomura approaching a weakened Re-Destro who is lying in a pile of rubble. Once you’re at a far enough distance, Dabi lets go of your hand, and you both turn around to watch how this plays out. You listen to their conversation as much as you can, but you’re further out than you’d like to be. Tomura attempts to decay more of the ground around him but is caught off guard when Re-Destro jumps and smashes the debris with his giant fists. This causes Tomura to be sent flying backward. Re-Destro is quick; he is tuned into Tomura’s location before he gets a chance to land. Once he does, Re-Destro holds Tomura up by his arm, and you can see Tomura wince as his whole body weight is suspended in the air by Re-Destro’s thumb and pointer finger. Re-Destro is massive now. Your heart is racing as you watch this battle. Tomura goes to dust his hand, but Re-Destro grabs his other hand and has Tomura completely powerless now. Tomura winces again, and this time you hear him scream. His hand is crushed by Re-Destro. “Nooo!” You scream out, looking away as tears well up in your eyes. Was this it? Was Tomura about to die? “Dabi, help him!” You turn to face Dabi, tears now streaming down your face as you beg him not to let Re-Destro kill him. You felt helpless and powerless. All you can do is stand around and hope Tomura makes it out of this so that you can heal him.
Dabi starts leaving your side to engage in the battle when Re-Destro jumps back in pain. Tomura started to decay Re-Destro’s thumb, causing Re-Destro to release Tomura and throw him to the ground. Tomura then sits up and grabs his head in pain. You notice that his entire left hand is covered in blood as he rubs his temples. After a few seconds, Tomura is back on his feet and takes off running around Re-Destro. He’s fast, but not fast enough. Re-Destro creates a huge ball of purple energy and throws it right at Tomura. He once again goes flying through the air. He is taking hits left and right, and you cannot handle watching it, but at the same time, you can’t peel your eyes away. Through tears, you continue to watch the fight. The last hit must have broken Tomura’s left ankle because, when he stands up, he starts limping towards Re-Destro, dragging his foot behind him. He reaches down to grab the hand that he is always using to cover his face. He is in rough shape, and you’re not sure how much more he can take. His nose is bleeding, but he’s smiling. Why is he smiling? He is looking up at the sky as if he were remembering something. You’re worried now that he has a concussion. You need to heal him soon. Then, in an instant, the hand you’re used to seeing on his face is disintegrated by his own hand. He dusted it without a second thought, crushing it like it meant nothing at all.
“These are no longer necessary.” You hear Tomura speak loudly and confidently. It is the first time you have been able to hear his voice in this battle. It’s different. His voice is unwavering and not as whiny as it was before. There's a credence in his voice that’s raw.
Re-Destro ups his game by transforming himself into a giant-suited mech. Tomura quickly counters his moves by dusting his entire arm. He’s becoming cocky with his moves now. You weren’t sure what made him suddenly so much stronger, but you were so happy to see that he was winning. Tomura kneels down and starts decaying the ground beneath him, causing Re-Destro to fly away while pieces of his suit start slowly falling off. You and Dabi are further away when you notice Gigantomachia making his way to the battle. You figured things were about to get super ugly, so you tried to put some distance between you while still keeping your eye on Tomura. As Tomura decays the city around you, you notice all of the color leaving his hair. You’re not sure what you’re seeing, but it almost looks like it’s turning white. Re-Destro’s suit is totally destroyed now, and you see him start to flee. He looks terrified of Tomura.
“We need to get out of here. Shigaraki’s going to kill us.” Dabi gets your attention, and all you can do is nod. You take one last glimpse of Tomura and see him throw his head back in a sinister and freeing laugh. You have never seen him this happy. Aside from being worried that you’re going to die, you couldn’t help but smile seeing him like this.
As soon as you’re outside of the dust zone, the world goes silent. The ground settles, and the smoke starts dissipating. He must’ve won. You and Dabi make your way back over to Tomura and notice Spinner hiding behind a van. You group up with him and look into the valley where the building once stood. Your eyes catch Tomura’s figure once more. He looks so different from when you arrived. He stood tall, and his hair was as white as snow. He was covered in blood, and his clothes were mostly destroyed. He was only still wearing his black pants, which were ripped at the bottom. Your eyes make their way to his chest, and you instantly turn beet red. You had never seen Tomura shirtless, and now he was standing there in battle, shirtless and covered in blood. He was lean but still very muscular. Dabi made a tch noise when he saw what you were staring at so intently.
“Woah, when did Shigaraki get ripped?” Spinner’s mouth dropped open, and you bit back a chuckle. Hey, he said it, not you.
Re-Destro’s legs were missing. He must’ve cut them off to avoid them disintegrating. He was currently bowing to Tomura, and you took this as confirmation that the battle was over. He won. When you look over to the right, you see Gigantomachia bowing down to Tomura, as well as every single one of the Meta Liberation Army members.
“Ummm, are we supposed to bow?” Spinner asks.
“Fuck that. I’m not bowing.” Dabi crosses his arms, annoyed.
You silently admire the man before you. He has changed so much since that dreadful day that he kidnapped you. He was just a scared kid who was the leader of a few low-ranking villains. But now he had gained all of Re-Destro’s followers as well as the respect of a multitude of high-ranking villains. You don’t waste another second. You slide down the crater that Tomura created, leaving Spinner and Dabi behind the van. Your heart beats loudly in your chest, and you're breathing heavily, trying to cross the valley to make your way to him. You’re running as fast as you can. He had just finished whatever he was saying to Re-Destro when you reached him. Without thinking, your body collides with his as you wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him into a heartfelt hug. You didn’t even realize you were still crying. Tomura is thrown off balance a bit as he struggles to stay off his broken ankle. He is surprised and confused, but he accepts your hug. After a moment, he wraps his non-broken hand around your waist and rests his chin atop your head. He smiles gently and breathes in the smell of your hair. The smell of strawberries.
“I thought I was going to lose you.” You whimper into his chest.
“You didn’t believe in me?” He laughs into your hair. Even his laugh is different. He is so much more assured.
You both don’t say anything else. He just holds onto you until you pull away first. Once you do, you heal as much as you can of his wounds. The fingers that were completely crushed were gone, but you were able to heal the nubs of where his fingers once were, leaving him with two fingers on his left hand. He tries to make a joke about how he's lucky he’s right-handed, but you were too concentrated on healing his ankle. Only because he told you to, you heal Re-Destro’s legs so that he is at least no longer bleeding out. He then tells you that the league will come back with him, and he will provide lodging and food for the group.
It had been a week since the fight in Deika City. After you were shown to the headquarters, you were each given a room inside the massive basement of the Meta Liberation Army, along with new clothing and new suits. Tomura was busy with Re-Destro, so you were left with Dabi, Spinner, Compress, Twice, and Toga. You wanted to see Tomura, but you knew that as the leader of such a huge front, it would be hard to speak with him whenever you wanted. You spent the week avoiding Dabi’s stares and passive-aggressive comments. You knew he wanted to talk to you about your "crush,” but you felt like you needed to figure out what it was you were feeling first before talking to someone else about it, let alone with a man that until recently you were sleeping with. Not to mention, you still feel something for Dabi. You found yourself watching him silently as he fidgeted with his coat, fixed his staples, or felt your breathing hitch in the back of your throat when he stood a little too close to you. As you were eating lunch with the league in a designated room, one of Re-Destro’s henchmen, Skeptic, came to grab you all for an announcement. He forced you to dress in elegant attire and to meet him downstairs at five. You dressed in a simple white dress and wore black heels to match. For the first time in a long time, you put on some makeup and brushed your hair. When you came downstairs, you noticed Dabi in a suit and tie. It was an odd sight, but he looked as handsome as ever. He was struggling with his tie, so you slowly made your way over to him to assist. He dropped his hands and allowed you to help him. There was a tension in the air that you ignored.
“These things are always so itchy.” He complains.
“Well, let’s hope it’s just for tonight.” You give him a soft smile, and he looks down at you with joyless eyes.
As you fix Dabi’s tie, he brings his hands back up to yours and gently rubs your palm with his thumb. You shudder and look away from him, but he brings your face to his and gives you a small kiss on your forehead as a thank you. He says nothing else, and before you can react, Skeptic walks into the room. You all followed Skeptic into an elevator and down three levels of stairs that opened up into a giant convention-style room that held close to 100,000 people. Your jaw dropped when you saw them all. Skeptic brought you to the back side of the building so that you would walk out on a stage where Re-Destro and Tomura were already seated. There was a throne in the center of the stage, and sitting on the throne was Tomura. He was wearing a giant, fluffy red cape and a suit and tie underneath. His hand was in a brace that gave his two fingers support. He had one of the hands he used to dress with on his face, assuming it wasn’t the same one he dusted in battle. His other hand was in a black sleeve that would keep him from accidentally decaying anything. His white hair fell a little past his shoulders now, and he looked so clean and soft. It was nice to have access to showers whenever you wanted. When you peered around the throne, you noticed his legs were spread as he nonchalantly sank into the throne. He looked the part of a king.
As if he felt you near him, he turned to face you as you walked up next to his throne. You looked down at him, ignoring the crowd in front of you, and it felt like you were the only two people in the room. He instantly released the breath he had been holding this whole time. You were like a safety net for him, and he never knew why, but when you were around, he was less anxious.
Re-Destro then introduces Tomura as the new grand commander and the king of villains, and you all as “The Paranormal Liberation Front.”. The crowd cheers, and you smile for them. Once the room starts clearing and you exit the stage, you find Tomura and make your way over to him. You approach him nervously with your hands behind your back. Your heels clicked as you walked, causing him to turn around and look at you.
“Hey.” He speaks first. His voice really is different now; it wasn’t just that day in Deika City. It is deeper, and you can’t help but like it.
“Hi,” You respond calmly, but inside you’re shaking. You feel so small in his presence. Somehow, he seems taller. Maybe it’s because his posture is straighter, but he’s always towered over you, so that can’t be it. You don’t know why you’re so nervous; this isn’t your first conversation with him. "Tomura Shigaraki, the King of Villains, has a nice ring to it. ” You try to lighten up the awkward tension.
“Yeah, I suppose it does.” He takes the hand off of his face—a small gesture that shows that you still hold a special place for him. He doesn’t bother taking off his hand mask for the others, especially now that he has an image to uphold. “You look nice.” He looks you up and down, and your face starts to heat up.
“So do you.” You look away from his gaze, suddenly aware of his eyes on your body.
“I want you to come with me.” He says this in a quiet voice, not taking his eyes off your face.
“Okay, where are we going?”
He says nothing; instead, he takes off down the corridor with his cape flowing behind him. You follow him without question. He leads you down more stairs, deeper and deeper into the basement. Once you arrive at a large iron door, he pushes it open, revealing the lair from before your fight with Gigantomachia. It was where you all first confronted the doctor. So that’s where it was. He walks you into a room that is just past all of the giant purple tanks filled with Nomu. It is a medical room with a terrifying chair in the middle that has wires and tubes sticking out of it from all directions. There is medical equipment all over the room, and there’s a screen that shows brain scans. To the left of the chair, there is a line of windows that allow someone on the outside to view in; however, there is no one in sight. You’re confused about why he brought you here. You turn around to face him, and he is already looking at you. His hands are behind his back, and he looks like he has something on his mind.
“Tomu-” You start to say something, but he quickly interrupts you.
“My quirk manifested during my battle with Re-Destro.” He walks closer to you, and your heart starts beating faster. You weren’t scared of him, but he did make you nervous because, for the first time in a while, you couldn’t read his moves. “It not only disintegrates something I touch but also whatever is connected to it.” He leans in even closer to you and grabs your left hand with his right one to bring it up to your face. He is holding it out in front of you with just his thumb, pointer, and middle finger. He slowly adds his ring finger, and you freeze.
“T-Tomura, what are you-” You prepare to activate your quirk.
Then he brings down his pinky finger so that all five of his fingers are holding your hand. He is palm to palm with you, and his fingers are wrapped around yours gently. His hand is a little clammy, and you can tell he’s just as nervous as you are. He gently rubs the top of your hand with his thumb as he brings his eyes to meet yours. When you look back up at him, you realize he was much closer than he was moments ago. His face was inches from yours.
“I can control decay now.” He smiles a little as he looks at your lips.
You smile back, and you’re not sure why there are tears forming in your eyes. You’re just so proud of him. You pull him into a hug, but the motion causes him to trip over a medical wire. He falls towards you, causing you to fall backward into the metal chair behind you. You clench your eyes shut, bracing for impact, but it doesn’t come. You are now lying in the chair with Tomura’s knee between your legs. His arms are stretched out at the sides of your head, and he is caging you in, his hair messily falling over his face and yours. It tickles a little, but you can’t help but feel heat rushing through you. He is panting, and your heart is racing. He is looking at you with those crimson eyes, lust covering his features. You notice his eyes flickering at your lips multiple times. You don’t care anymore; you take the opportunity that is laid out in front of you. You grab his tie and pull him roughly into you. His eyes widen as you kiss him like you’ve wanted to since you first laid eyes on him. He freezes for a moment, but then he melts into your kiss. He moves his right hand away from the side of your head and uses it to grab your face to hold you closer to him as he wraps his fingers around the back of your neck. He pulls his knee up a little until it is flush with your heat. This sends a wave of ecstasy through your body that makes you moan into his mouth. Your reaction makes him smirk as he takes your bottom lip into his, and he bites harder than you’re used to. He sucks your lip gently after, and you want more of him. You sit up a little to kiss him harder, but he pulls away from you and off the chair, leaving you whining for him. No, no, no! When you look at him, he is facing away from you and out the windows into the hallway. Unsure of what just happened, you wait for him to speak first.
“I can’t.” His voice isn’t as confident as before. It was staggering a bit, and he sounded in pain. “I can’t do this to you. I can’t hurt you again.”
“I don’t understand.” Your voice betrays you, and you once again feel so small. You have so much of yourself to give to him, but he refuses to take it. To take you. You have been chasing him for what feels like forever. Now that you’ve caught him, he doesn’t want you. This stings.
He won’t look at you.
“Tomura, can you look at me, please?” You’re practically begging him at this point. Tears threaten to spill again, and he must hear this in your voice. He does what you ask and turns around to look at you. He looks sad too; the smile he wore moments ago is now downturned.
“Pretty soon I’ll be put in one of those tanks over there.” He walks over to you again and squats in front of you so that he can meet your height on the chair. You furrow your brows at him in confusion.
“What?” None of this makes any sense.
“My body has to undergo several modifications that are going to take months to complete.” He is looking at you with sad eyes. “That’s why I brought you down here so that you could hear it from me and not from Dabi.”
“Dabi knew?” You’re not sure how to feel about this.
“Don’t be mad at him; I told him to keep quiet.” He tries to console you by rubbing little circles on your thigh.
“Well,” You look up at him with doe eyes and grab his hand from your thigh to hold it in your lap. “I-I can wait for you.” You add, sniffling a bit.
“Y/N…” He starts. “This war is going to start soon, and I can’t promise that I’ll even make it to the end.” The realization sinks in, everything you all have been working so hard for is starting to catch up. You feel like your knives are poking at your heart, and as your tears threaten to spill again, you feel like there are needles in your throat. How did we end up here? “Dabi will keep you and the rest of the league safe.” Ouch, another sting to the chest.
“Can we just have tonight and worry about the war tomorrow?” You say it as though it’s the easiest solution in the world. You both know it’s not. Once you open that door, there is no going back, and Tomura knows this. He didn’t even want to care about you as much as he does. Heck, he didn’t want to care about the league as much as he does. He doesn’t know what to do; you’re pulling at his heart strings. You notice that he’s lost in thought; you try to bring him back to reality, and the next thing that comes from your lips is a total accident. “Tenko?” He freezes. He forgot that he had told you his name. His real name.
“Come with me.” He grabs your hand, and he pulls you off the chair quickly. He pulls you up stairs and elevators. His pace is quick, and you’re dragging behind him on your heels. They make it hard to walk as fast.
After you two get in the elevator, you’re super curious about what's going on. He has a sweet smile on his face, and he’s still holding your hand even though you’re just standing in the elevator. Now that he can touch you, he’ll never let go. Once you reach the 4th level above ground, he pulls you out of the elevator, but you’re not quite going as fast as he’d like you to.
“Tomura, wait, my legs are shorter than yours, and I’m wearing heels!” You shout at him.
He lets go of your hand briefly, turns around, and lifts you up over his shoulders. Well, this position sure feels reminiscent of when you got kidnapped. “Need I remind you that I’m wearing a dress?” It wouldn’t matter anyway. There seems to be no one around, but still, you didn’t want to expose yourself to anyone in the army who happened to walk by. You’re giggling now, and you hear him laugh softly. He lays his modified left hand across your ass to cover your underwear, which may or may not be showing. The action causes you to blush. Once you reach your destination, he puts you back on your feet. There’s a door, similar to your bedroom door but much grander. There are gold accents all around the French doors that he is currently leading you into. Once in the room, your jaw drops. There is a massive bed with red velvet sheets and a huge, dark stone wall behind it. To the backside of the room there is a fireplace that is currently lit, and to the left of it there is a balcony that has not one, not two, but three different doors to walk out onto it. Circling around, there is a walk-in bathroom with a jacuzzi bathtub and a gold plated shower.
“What do you think?” Tomura takes in your reaction. He was equally blown away when he saw it.
“It’s fit for a king.” You say this, running your fingers through his cape, causing him to chuckle a bit. He still didn’t believe it himself.
“I was thinking you could stay in here while I’m,” his voice lowers, “you know... anyways, I wouldn’t want it to go to waste.” You turn to look at him, and your eyebrows raise in surprise. He was just going to let you stay in his room? “Just don’t…” He thinks about staying quiet but he says it anyways, “Sleep with Dabi in my bed.” His face shifts uncomfortably, and a weird jealousy takes over his features.
“Tomura!” Your jaw drops again, but this time in offense. You playfully hit him, and he swerves away laughing. “I don’t even know what’s going on with that anyway.”
He moves closer to you and looks into your eyes again. This time, the lust from earlier returns, but it’s much more sinister and filled with need. "Part of the reason I said that I can’t have you is because once I have you, I won’t want to share you.” His voice is deep and dipped in possessiveness. He closes the gap between you and grabs the back of your neck, where you left off earlier. His thumb runs along your bottom lip, making the butterflies return to your stomach. He uses his left hand to unhook his cape from his neck, and you hear it fall to the floor.
“If you want me to be yours,” your breaths become heavier, and your knees start to buckle. “Then make me yours.” You whisper seductively.
He takes that as his queue. He’s towering over you, and you can feel that you’re already so wet for him. How embarrassing, you think. The thumb that was rubbing your lip was quickly replaced with his mouth. He places gentle, open mouthed kisses on your lips. His mouth laps over yours as his tongue battles yours for dominance. You submit to him, making him softly growl into your mouth. He removes his mouth to kiss your jaw and then down your neck, forcing your head upwards, giving him more access to you. He starts kissing down your collarbone and down to your breast. Once he reaches your nipples, he realizes that he is leaning over quite a bit. He then gets on his knees in front of you to run his hands up your body. What a sight, the king kneeling for you. His right hand grips the back of your thigh as he kisses down your stomach through your dress. Your hands are in his hair now, pulling at his soft white locks. He whimpers into your stomach, and this makes your legs quiver. He pushes your dress up, revealing your pretty lace underwear.
“The Meta Liberation Army gave you this dress, right?”
“Yeah, why?” You respond breathlessly.
He grips the fabric and dusts it completely. Your breath hitches, and you’re now standing before him in nothing but your bra, underwear, and heels.
“What if I liked that dress?” You feign innocence, pouting down at him.
“Too bad, I like you without it on.” He nips at your hips, and you watch him loop his fingers around the band of your underwear, encouraging you to step out of them as he pulls them to your ankles. He takes a moment to also unclasp your heels and pull them off while he kisses your shins. He throws them across the room and brings his attention back to your now bare core. He places sweet kisses on your inner thighs as he slowly trails his right hand further up your leg. His fingers dance around on your skin, making you shiver. His fingers and his lips reach your core at the same time. His fingers spread you open softly. He looks up at you one more time for confirmation, and you give him a small nod, making him bury his face into your soaking cunt. You moan loudly at the sudden jolt of pleasure. It’s as if he is trying to memorize every move your body makes as he continues to drown out your moans. You can barely stand now as you ride his face. He is supporting your weight with his left hand while he circles your clit with his tongue. He adds his middle finger to the mix and parts your entrance as he slowly inserts his finger into you. You clench around him as he pumps his finger in and out. Your lewd sounds make him pull his face away to bite his lip. He’s looking up at you again, and you are feral for him. You want more; you need more. He goes to continue, but you tug at his hair to yank his head back. He whimpers slightly as his adam's apple bobs up and down. He is so hot, and you don’t really know how to express how much you want him. You drop to your knees to kiss him. He melts instantly under your touch. You’re nearly growling, and you want to rip his clothes off. As you sloppily kiss him, you tug at his tie, pulling it over his head. You struggle a bit with his buttonup shirt, and it makes you whine in frustration.
“Dust these.” You demand it in-between rough kisses. Your lips move down his jaw and down his throat.
Without so much as a thought, he does what you ask. If you weren’t holding his lips captive, he would’ve responded promptly with a "yes, ma’am.” He pulls his hand from your thigh and places it on his chest. What was once a suit is now dust. His clothes crumble beneath his touch.
There it was. His chest. His muscles. Your fingers run down his sternum, and you can feel his heartbeat racing. Your hand goes lower and lower until it reaches his already hard cock. You press your finger to his tip, and when you pull away, there is a string of glistening pre-cum attached. You smile into his kiss and rest your forehead against his for a brief moment. He is beyond desperate for you. His hips buckle in your hand as you gently wrap your hand around him. He’s big. He lets out a raspy moan, and when you look him in the eyes, you swear you could come just by how he's looking at you. He looks so needy, and his cheeks are burning red. You know exactly what you want. You blink at him slowly and kiss his lips gently once more.
“Can you lay back for me?” You ask him with big doe eyes. How could he deny you?
“U-uh, yeah, sure.” He stutters cutely before lying back with his hands behind his head.
You position yourself and take his cock in your hands once more. You look up at him, and he looks nervous as he bites back his moans. You wonder for a moment if this is his first time. You smirk and bring your mouth down. You lick the pre-cum off his tip and push your head down agonizingly slow. He groans loudly and hisses through his teeth as soon as you bottom out. He struggles to keep his composure and moves his hands out behind him to grab the bedside table, which almost knocks the lamp over. You start to bob your head up and down his length and moan sweetly while you suck him slowly. He doesn’t mean to, but he moves his hips up every time you come down so that he can bottom out again and again. This makes you choke a little, but you don’t care. You just want him to feel good. He brings his good hand to your face, pushes your hair out of your face, gathers it together, and holds it above you.
“G-god, you’re s-so pretty.” He struggles to get the words out, but he doesn’t fail to make you blush. His words of affirmation don’t stop there. “I-I’ve wanted you for so long.” You allow him to fuck your mouth senseless now. He deserves it. You have tears welling in your eyes, but you’re so into it you don’t care. Your hips are also moving, as you're practically dry humping the air. He notices this and brings your face down one more time before pulling you off of him. You’re almost sad to lose your attachment to him, but he leans over to caress your cheek, and you close your eyes and smile. He moves to stand up, and you follow suit. He pulls you to stand with him, and he leans over a bit to pick you up and throw you onto the bed. Once you’re sprawled out on the silky sheets, he takes his large palm down and places it on your abdomen. He rubs your stomach all the way up to your breasts, and he gently massages the right one as he brings his face down to meet yours. He kisses you hard and then pulls away. “Come here, angel.” He demands it, and you completely oblige. You’re not sure when the roles switched, but you didn’t care. You just wanted him to do whatever he wanted. He was your king, after all. He man-handles you and flips you around. Your ass is now in the air, and he is positioning himself with your entrance, using your slick folds to lubricate his length. He palms your ass before he pumps into you roughly. You yelp, and he does it again. He is being rough but still allowing you a moment as he settles into you. He rocks his hips deeper and deeper until he almost bottoms out inside you. You struggle to take him all in. You’re nearly drooling now as he places his hand on your head, making you sink lower and lower into the bed. Your hair is messily sprawled out over the sheets, and he keeps his hand on your head as he fucks into you harder and harder. “Good girl.” He leans down to your ear and moves your hair out of your face. Your moans are muffled by the sheets, but you don’t hold back. You honestly didn’t care who could hear.
“Tomu-” You try to whine, but it is lost in the sheets.
“What is it, baby?” He brings his face down to yours again, kissing your nose softly.
“Y-you’re too big.” You whimper as he bottoms out again and again. It feels like he’s in your stomach, but it hurts so good.
“You’re being such a good girl for me; do you want me to stop?”
“N-no!” You cry out in pleasure.
“That’s my girl.” You can hear the sinister smile in his voice.
He lifts your hips a little more as he tries to get as deep as possible. He folds himself to snake his hand underneath you to grab your chest. Once he hugs you from behind, he starts fucking you relentlessly. He lays his forehead in between your shoulder blades and leaves a trail of kisses each time you cry out his name. He doesn’t want to come yet, so he leans up and twists you around. He leans himself onto the headboard as he pulls you up and onto him. He treats you as his own personal toy as he lines your hips up with his. Although he was at the bottom, he was in charge. He fills you up again, and you throw your head back, riding him as slowly as you possibly could.
“Oh my god,” your voice is shaking. He feels so good inside you. He keeps his eyes on you as you bounce on his cock. His hands move from your hips to your breasts. He squeezes them, pushes them together, and squeezes them again. He swears he could come just by watching you lose yourself in pleasure. You grab his right hand and bring it up to your throat.
“Dust me.” You demand as you rock back and forth.
“Are you sure?” He is a little hesitant and doesn’t know if you fully know what you’re asking for.
“Yes.” You open your eyes, and they’re glowing.
He uses his quirk, and you moan loudly. His finger tips try to disintegrate you as your quirk protects you and heals your skin just as quickly as it breaks down. It was like a game of chicken. The danger sends you over the edge.
“Tomu, I’m going to come.” You cry out. His hand is still around your throat. His jaw goes slack as he watches you fall apart and ride out your orgasm. He whimpers as he tries not to come inside you.
You’re sensitive—too sensitive. Your body jolts a bit as you stop using your quirk. You fall into his chest, and he kisses your forehead. There is a moment of silence before you start rocking your hips back and forth again.
“Tomura, please, I want you to come.” You beg, and he brings you closer to him. He sits up a little, wrapping his arms around you as he fucks up into you once more. He grabs the back of your waist and kisses your chest. You throw your head back, on the edge of coming again.
“Where do you want me to-”
You cut him off with a kiss to his lips. “Come inside me.”
He perks up at your words but has no objections. He pulls you even closer as his moves start to slow. After a few more pumps, “I-I’m going to come.” He whines into your mouth.
“Fill me up, please. I want you so bad.” You bring your mouth to his neck and leave open-mouth kisses on his neck while he shoots his hot ropes inside you. The sensation makes you clench around him, milking him for all he’s got while you ride out your orgasm for a second time.
He stays inside you for minutes after you both come. You’re both breathing heavily, and he’s resting his forehead on yours. You don’t dare move, not wanting to leave this moment. He pulls away first, like he always does. He kisses the tip of your nose and moves the hair out of your face.
“My whole life I had an itch that I couldn’t scratch, no matter what I did it would always come back…” He starts, and you lift your head to look up at him. His eyes are filled with sadness, but you’re not sure why. “The itching stopped the moment you came around.” Your heart suddenly feels heavy. You’re not sure how to respond, so you just stare at him, admiring him. Before you could say anything, he kissed you.
You fell asleep in his arms as he rubbed your temples, just like the night in the cave. He didn’t sleep, though; instead, he watched you sleep. He wondered how someone so beautiful could be with him, right here in this moment. Maybe in a different life, you two would happily share your lives together. Maybe in a different life, Tomura wouldn’t be the king of villains. Instead, maybe he had a normal childhood that would still lead him to you, but in a much gentler way. Maybe he would bring you flowers and ask you to be his girlfriend. Maybe you would say yes, and you would lay under the stars together. He smiled at the thought of something that could only happen in another life.
The next morning, you woke up to an empty bed. If you weren’t wrapped in his cape, you would’ve thought you dreamed up your whole night with him. As you sit up and look around, the light from the sunrise floods through the curtains of the balcony, and you have an overwhelming feeling of heartache coursing through you. “Can we just have tonight and worry about the war tomorrow?” Your own words ring through your head, and you’re quickly brought to tears. It’s tomorrow. He’s gone. He didn’t even say goodbye. What now? What do you do now? You suddenly feel so alone. After crying for a few minutes, you hear a soft knock at the door with the sound of Toga’s voice asking if you were in there and that she has clothes for you.
“Coming.” You walk over to the door and open it.
She gives you a soft smile before walking through the doorway. She hands you the clothes, and you shuffle to put them on.
“The doctor sent me to get you. He said he wants to talk to you about an idea he has for your quirk.”
You furrow your eyebrows in curiosity. The sudden thought of Tomura down there in a tank with all the Nomu invades your brain.
“You don’t have to go yet if you’re not ready.” She notices the strange look on your face and tries to console you.
"No, it’s okay; I’ll go.” You send her a sweet smile, and you both start walking towards the door. You look back at the room and see Tomura’s cape laid across the bed. Your eyes shift down before you inhale and step out of the room.
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
@freakyshibs prompt: Can you do one where they're childhood friends who liked each other but lost contact after touya's death. They meet each other again and confess their feelings to one another and you can decide what happens from there on! I want it to be smut but if u arent comfy writing that that's cool!
”touya!” you squealed as he tickled you; laughs filling the air as you both fell over onto the ground.
Touya was a bit older than you, only by a year, but he still was just as childish as you were. His favorite thing to talk about was growing up and marrying you, but even you knew as a kid it was just talk. Nonetheless, he still called you ‘baby girl’, regardless if it was a bit cringe or cheesy.
He would always ebb and flow; sometimes he would be at the park, sometimes not. Often times he would show up with scratches or bruises, but it didn’t stop him from being playful with you.
“where did you get this scratch from?” you would always ask, touching them softly as if he would break as he watched your intently. he would shrug it off and run away, laughing as he teased you.
But one day, he didn’t come to the park. You didn’t think anything of it until he didn’t come the next day, or the next, or the next. you began to worry, was he alright? You were 12 now, and you marched your way down the street like a big kid. this quickly faltered, however, when you saw the ruins of his house.
ash was scattered on the street, the air smelling musky like burning paper. the whole house was black, the occasional red flicker spurring up before dying back down. Fuyumi was standing out front alone, doubled over as she wept to herself.
You stopped in front of the house, eyes full of tears as you watched her cry into the burnt clothing of.. touya. he was no where to he seen, but based on the way the clothes looked, he was long gone.
“fuyumi.. what happened..?” you ask, meeting her pained eyes as she turned around, holding your small waist as she cried into your clothes. you sat down and hugged her back; she was just a child like you, but it still must have been even harder saying that this was her brother.
“he.. he’s gone! All For One took him.. h-he’s..” just explaining this pained you more as she started to cry even more, your grey shirt turning black from the amount of tears falling.
“He’ll bounce back, i just know it.” you say with a weak smile as you wiped your own tears, hugging her as more tears began to fall. you had no clue whether he actually could, you just had to hope.
11 years have passed now. 11. Touya still hadn’t left your memory in all of these years, but you learned to move on. Well, you didn’t want to, but the weeping led to your parents to get angry with you.
“Move on! Touya is dead for pete’s sake y/n!” your father yelled.
“no he’s not! I know he’s not. There’s no way-“
“forget him or get out.” your father said, pointing to the door with a scowl.
“dad, im 14 years old! I can’t-“
“then leave it alone.”
The words were drilled into your head, but you couldn’t help but choke back a sob when you saw on the news the uprising villian attack.
“and there are also new villians coming into the city. Dabi is who we believe is the new one, and he has already burned down several buildings. If you see him, our only advice is to run and let the heroes take care of him.”
The news reporter seemed scared himself, but come on, this ‘villian’ looked exactly like touya. He would never hurt someone without a purpose.
You rushed out of your room and out of the house, running towards the city as fast as you could. the video on the news showed him alone, maybe this would be your chance to see touya again?
You followed the scent of smoke; your great sense of smell really helped since it was faint. the fire must have burned out, but maybe he was still nearby. your turned a corner to go through an alley way as stopped in your path, almost running into dabi.
you toppled back as looked up in horror, expecting to find a scary villian instead.
“touya?” you asked, although it was more of a whisper, as you brushed the hair out of your eyes.
“hey baby.” the man says as he offers you a hand, pulling you up as you fell into his chest.
“you’re.. alive?” you ask as tears fall down your face and into his shirt, a small kiss being placed on the top of your head as a yes.
You looked up at his face and examined the purple-ish skin. Your hands ran along the line of skin and staples that attached the clear skin to the burnt skin.
“are you-“
“I’m fine. healed if you would.” he interrupts, lifting you over his shoulder with a grin.
“hey! put me down!” you yell, earning a slap on the ass as you yelped and quieted down.
“stop yelling. unless you want to take me right here?” he asks, peering over his shoulder to look at your flustered face.
“who says i want to fuck you at all?” you challenge, earning a deadpanned look from dabi as he shakes his head.
“it doesn’t take a quirk to see your eyes travel down to my zipper before shooting back up, darl’ “ he laughs as he takes off again, slipping a hand up your shorts to tease the corner of your pannies.
“you- ngh- fine. where are we going?” you stutter out as you claw at his back.
“the hq. they know a bit about you, don’t worry.” he explains as he takes another alley way, sighing when shigaraki shoots him a look.
“shig, meet the beautiful y/n.” dabi says as he pats your ass, signaling you to look around. you meet shigaraki’s eyes and shutter; they looked so sad.
“dabi, put me down for a sec.” you say as you hop down, walking over to the man. He begins to protest, but you take his hand into yours with a gentle smile.
“you can touch me, i have a resistance quirk.” you say as you run your hands through his hair. He acted like a cat; melting into your touch.
“alright alright, come onn, give me some of that in my room.” dabi says as he takes you away, sticking his tongue out teasingly towards shigaraki as he walks into the LOV headquarters.
It was nice inside, didn’t seem like a headquarters but rather a bar. Dabi took you past toga and drug you towards the back half of the bar, towards what you assumed was his bedroom. he kicked open the door and pulled you close, capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
“you know, i missed you- ah fuck.” he starts, getting cut off when you palm him through his sweatpants. He rested his head on your shoulder as you unzipped his pants, slipping them down along with his boxers to gape at his size. How was that supposed to fit inside of you?
You gulped down as you bent down, taking his dick into your mouth. you were doing something right because this infamous ‘terrorist villian’ had his head thrown back and was releasing the most heavenly moans to ever be made. You wiggled on your thighs, trying to get any sort of friction possible, but it wasn’t doing anything to please you.
You released his dick with a ‘pop’ as you clawed at his thighs, bringing out of his haze to stare down at you with curiosity.
“want it.. now..” you mumble out, too embarrassed to hold eye contact with the man.
“feisty, eh?” he laughs as he pulls you up, throwing your shorts elsewhere and settling you on his lap. he got you ajusted and propped himself up with his hands behind him, opting to watch you do the work.
You looked away with a blush as you buried your face into his neck, only taking him half way before you almost busted in two.
“t…too big.” you moan out as he moves his hips just a little, pushing more and more in.
“come on now, just a little more, yeah? hang on.” he says with a grin as he gives one powerful thrust, shoving all of it into your plush, gummy walls with a loud groan. You screamed out a hearty moan as tears pricked the corners of your eyes.
You sat there with a whimper, waiting to ajust but not wanting him to pull out. It took a while, but you eventually got ajusted and began to move on your own. He places his hands on your hips to stabilize you as you bounced up and down, the grin never leaving his face as he watched your tits bounce.
“geez, you are gorgeous, just for me..”
@kelin-is-writing you might like this too lol
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doumadono · 5 months
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Warnings: smut w/o plot, rough p in v, oral (f & m receiving), wry & dom Dabi, f!reader, a lot of cursing and names calling, slapping, a little degradation, hate s*x Synopsis: arranging a birthday celebration for Dabi proved to be a mistake. It ignited his anger, driving him to his room in a fit of rage. When anger transformed into desire, Dabi insisted on celebrating in his own way, marking the first intimate encounter between the two of you A/N: the prompt was Dabi's first time with his girlfriend is on his birthday This marks the last story crafted in celebration of Dabi's birthday 💜
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"You little cunt!" Dabi's voice thundered, a venomous edge cutting through the air. He didn't bother casting a glance in your direction.
In response to the verbal assault, you jerked your hand free from his grip. "What's the matter this time, Mr. Know-It-All? I merely intended to throw you a pleasant birthday celebration, and you act as though I threatened to annihilate your entire family!"
Dabi scoffed dismissively, striding purposefully toward his room. "Do you think I'd give a damn fuck if you did? Of course not. And I thought I made myself crystal clear — I want no bloody celebrations. I detest my birthday. I despise the very notion of being born. What is so challenging for your tiny, stupid brain to comprehend?"
A disbelieving sigh escaped your lips. While you were well aware of his aversion to birthdays, the magnitude of his anger caught you off guard. Baking him a cake and orchestrating a modest gathering with the assistance of Toga and Shigaraki seemed like a harmless gesture to celebrate his existence, yet it had evidently ignited an unexpected fury.
Dabi came to an abrupt halt and glanced back at you, seizing your wrist and pulling you closer to him. "No response, huh?" he sneered. "Fine, little cunt. So, you're keen on celebrating the day this damn pathetic villain, murderer, and arsonist was born? Well, we'll celebrate it, but we'll do it my damn way."
He forcibly pulled you behind him, and despite your inner desire to break free from his grip, the futility of any attempt was evident – he wielded a strength far surpassing your own.
Dabi swung open the door to his room and shoved you inside, the harsh sound of the door slamming shut resonating through the air as he entered, sealing the room in an oppressive silence.
In the midst of the heated altercation, the details of the argument eluded your memory. A palpable anger still hung in the air, the exchange of words escalating to a fever pitch.
Your gaze shifted toward Dabi, poised to retort, but the intensity in his turquoise eyes arrested your words. The pulsating vein in the black-haired man's neck became a focal point, a magnetic force compelling your desire to quell its frenetic rhythm with a kiss.
His recognition of the unspoken yearning reflected in your face halted his verbal assault, leaving his mouth slightly ajar.
In that suspended moment, the impulse to crush your lips against his neck overwhelmed you. You yearned to soothe the frenetic heartbeat beneath the surface.
As if reading your intentions, Dabi seized you abruptly, drawing you into the circle of his robust arms. It was as if he had glimpsed into the depths of your desires, a skill he wielded with uncanny accuracy. In that instant, he kissed you with the intensity you had yearned for, the clash of tongues mirroring the earlier verbal sparring. The taste of anger mingled with a surprising sweetness, and your body ignited with a white-hot desire, a fervor that only Dabi could unleash. The searing sensation surged from your chest down to your thighs, awakening every inch of your being.
You had sensed the fire kindling in Dabi's loins, the hardness growing almost instantly, and his whole body turning super hot due to his quirk.
Dabi grasped a handful of your hair, yanking your head back, and engaged in a fervent exchange of kisses, licks, and nips, each touch eliciting moans of pleasure from your slightly bruised, parted lips.
The yearning became unbearable, compelling you to crave the feel of Dabi's skin against yours. Almost as if he had divined your thoughts, he leaned back, swiftly discarding his shirt through his hair. His hands reached for your blouse, and with a forceful yank, he tore it open, sending buttons scattering across the tiny room. Despite the intimidating aura that surrounded Dabi, you harbored no fear.
Even though you were aware of his desires, the topic about sex was returning like a boomerang, resurfacing every few days. It had been over half a year since you both became a thing, yet you had not crossed the threshold into a physical relationship, and this restraint was gradually driving Dabi to the brink of madness. You suspected that today's outbursts were fueled, in part, by the previous night's rejection when, amidst a heated make-out session, you had declined his advances as his hand ventured into your shorts, teasing your folds through the fabric of your knickers.
Yet now, a curious mixture of emotions surged within you. Somehow, you found yourself yearning for him with an intensity that defied explanation. Despite no longer being a virgin, a concern lingered about the potential discomfort of engaging in sex with Dabi.
Dabi's lips sought yours once more as he simultaneously released the front clasp of your sheer bra. He took one of your nipples into his mouth, the exquisite pain of his teeth on your flesh intensifying the smoldering embers between your legs into a searing white-hot flame of desire.
"Dabi..." you whined loudly, rolling your head back, resting it against the wall, slipping one of your hands into his hair.
His impatient hands slipped under your skirt in a quest to discover your most sensitive spot. The intensity of his anger and desire surged as his hand encountered obstacles on its journey - your panties. Finally, locating the waistband, Dabi forcefully burnt your panties away, being careful enough to not hurt you. Free from the hindrance, his hungry fingers found what they sought.
Dabi inserted a finger into your wetness, gliding it upward over your swollen clit after finger fucking you for a moment, eliciting moans of ecstasy from you. Simultaneously, his lips continued their exploration, savoring the taste of yours, tracing a path from your lips to your earlobes and down to your neck. "Fucking little cunt," he sneered. "I'll certainly educate you on how I desire my birthday to be celebrated. Perhaps it will penetrate that thick, stupid skull of yours at last, you little whore."
Your moans of pleasure intensified, your hands exploring the contours of Dabi's body. His skin felt sensuous and super warm beneath your fingertips. Before long, your hands discovered his pierced nipple. Gently, you pinched it, coaxing a primal sound from Dabi's lips as he worked diligently on marking your neck, signaling to the world that you belonged to him.
The heightened arousal compelled you to push him away slightly. You replaced your fingers with your mouth after leaning forward, nipping and licking his chest. The tip of your tongue traced along his tensed muscles, whether concealed beneath healthy skin or adorned with scars and purple patches, relishing the taste that was undeniably manly and salty, yet sweet as nectar to your senses.
Dabi's fingers fucked you more, and had rendered you incredibly wet, your clitoris throbbing with anticipation, swollen with both pleasure and need. Seizing your chin in his hand, Dabi kissed you roughly, propelling you back against the wall. He then descended to his knees, lifting your skirt, and trailed his tongue up one thigh and then the other, savoring the juices that had escaped during the fervor of his fingers' endeavors.
Dabi's warm tongue resumed its task, leisurely stroking your sweet, swollen spot. He inserted a finger, moving in and out, synchronizing the motion with the skilled strokes of his tongue. His tongue circled around your sticky clit, while his finger worked diligently to pleasure your pussy. Suddenly, he sucked on it with a hunger reminiscent of a baby latching onto its mother's breast. Your moans grew louder, the sensation of his sucking propelling you closer to the edge, teetering on the brink of no return.
"Yes, Dabi, oh! Just like that!" you gasped, attempting to keep him in the spot to grind your pussy against his face, but Dabi swatted your hands away and rose to meet your gaze.
His eyes mirrored yours, smoky with unbridled lust. "Oh, no, no, little dirty slut. Not yet. No matter how you beg, you'll come when I say," he declared, denying you the release you sought as he asserted control over your pleasure. "Suck me off like a good slut and I'll think of rewarding you."
The overwhelming urge to taste the most manly of flavors had consumed you, leading your hands to fumble with Dabi's thick, white belt. Finally releasing it, the snap and zipper undone, you descended to your knees in front of him, pushing down his dark pants. Dabi's hardened member sprung free, pulsating with the burning lust, a little pearl of precum adorned the slit of its tip. Your cheeks reddened upon noticing the piercing just beneath the tip. Your tongue explored his shaft, moving around and under, tracing the prominent vein, finally reaching the head and swirling around it. It was moist, and the salty flavor was a delightful sensation, spilling all over your tongue. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you took him between your swollen lips, bobbing your head back and forth eagerly, moaning around him.
Dabi's sharp intake of breath signaled the pleasure coursing through him as he felt your lips on his dick. "That's it, dirty whore, suck that fat cock."
You sucked and licked, the intensity of his moans guiding the rhythm of your movements. The sweet labor of tasting your boyfriend drove you into a state of pure ecstasy.
With a resounding pop sound, you withdrew his dick from your mouth, using one hand to jerk it, spreading your saliva across the length of his shaft. Pressing the erect member against his abdomen, you then lowered your head to cradle his heavy balls in your mouth, delicately pressing on them with your tongue.
"Fuck," he growled, closing his eyes for a moment. "You're a fucking whore. My private fuck toy. You're nothing more than a whore, spreading your legs so willingly f'me right now. Look at you. And two days ago you were whining that you're not ready to let me fuck you just yet. Pathetic."
His lewd words elicited a moan from you as you resumed the task of sucking his cock. Ensuring to swirl your tongue around the head, you then proceeded to kiss along the vein running beneath the shaft before you pushed his dick back into your mouth, bobbing your head eagerly.
Suddenly, Dabi reached down, seizing your arm and pulling you up. "Enough, cunt. Time to fuck that pretty, little cunt, yeah?"
"I am so ready for you to fill my belly with your fat cock, daddy," your words quivered with desire.
Dabi grinned wryly. "You're a pathetic bitch, princess. You think with your fucking cunt. So disappointing."
Pressed against the wall, Dabi gripped one of your legs, lifting it up. In one fluid motion, he drove his cock deep inside you, easily bottoming out in your pussy.
"Dabi!" Your scream of pleasure echoed long and loud as the painful stretch overwhelmed your mind.
He lifted your other leg, picking you off the floor, impaling you against the wall, never losing the rhythmic, frantic thrusts.
One of your hands glided down from Dabi's shoulder to your wet clit, skillfully massaging it as he thrust into your pussy. He felt like a white-hot spear inside your pussy. You and Dabi stared into each other's eyes. Both your hands now rested on Dabi's shoulders. You arched your back, rolling your hips in his embrace to synchronize with each of his strokes. "More, more, more!" you begged, your tone pathetic.
Dabi encircled his arm around your ass, using his free hand to deliver a sharp slap to your face. "Look at me, bitch! Look at me!"
It proved challenging for you to maintain focus on his face, especially with every forceful thrust causing the aggressive tip of his cock to brush and nudge all the right spots deep within you. "I… I can't, D… Da…"
He didn't allow you to finish your sentence, responding by slapping your other cheek. "I. Said. Look. At. Me!"
Moaning unabashedly, like a cheap whore you apparently were in that moment, you gazed at him through teary eyes. The singular thought that occupied your mind was the anticipation of his cum, filling you to the brim.
Dabi intensified his rhythm, his buttocks flexing with each forceful thrust. He nibbled on the column of your neck, emitting guttural grunts. "Fucking bitch. Your cunt belongs to me. You belong to me. You fucking naughty whore."
In the final few thrusts, as Dabi's movements became increasingly erratic, he reached the peak of his release within the warmth of your pussy. "Take it, bitch, take it, take it," he growled through gritted teeth. The temperature of his skin soared, accompanied by wisps of dark smoke and the faint scent of burning flesh as he briefly lost the grip on his Blueflame quirk.
His hot seed spilled into your pussy, intensifying your own climax as your pussy clenched tightly around his throbbing shaft. "Dabi!!!" you screamed, the overwhelming sensations pushing you to the brink of consciousness, making it difficult to catch your breath.
Dabi lowered one of your legs, and then the other. Clinging to each other, you leaned against the wall, neither trusting your legs to support you. Dabi's semen mixed with your juices slowly traced down your shaking legs, leaving a trail of slickness in its wake.
Dabi cradled your chin between his thumb and forefinger, planting a tender kiss on your lips. "Now, you've been the good girl you are, princess. Satisfied with the fucking celebration?"
You trailed a series of soft kisses along the contours of his sharp jawline. "Yes, but… are you still upset with me, Dabi?"
Dabi scoffed, theatrically rolling his eyes. "No. I fucked away all the stress, yeah?"
"You burned my favorite panties," you complained, making a sad face.
He leaned down to hoist his pants back up, tucking his flaccid cock back into its confines and adjusting them before fastening the belt. "I'll buy you a new pair, just stop whining."
Dabi flopped onto his bed, sliding both hands under his head as he gazed up at the cracks on the ceiling.
Climbing onto the bed, you curled into a ball by his side, resting your head on his chest, attuning yourself to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "I'm sorry for riling you up."
"It's fine," he grumbled. "Let's not talk about that, doll."
A few moments of silence hung in the air before you whispered, "I just want you to know that I genuinely love you, every fiber of your being."
Dabi remained unresponsive initially, but after a prolonged and piercing silence, he wrapped his arm around you, leisurely stroking your shoulder. "Thanks, doll face. I love you too."
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dabislittlemouse · 1 year
mmm deflowering tomura would create a monster (i know we debate whether dabi’s a virgin or not; i believe tomura is before you come along 100%)
he’d go feral, animalistic. gonna be pinning you down and fucking you all day everyday. it’d be like fucking marathons
rip to your poor pussy. once he’s experienced it he can never get enough
okay- deflowered Tomura is way worse than Dabi I’ll fucking tell ya that~
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MDNI +18 | Shigaraki x fem!reader
I do headcanon that Tomura’s been watching lots of porn (cmon he’s grown up being on the internet of course he’s found that shit). So he’s dying to know how good pussy feels like, in fact, he’s dying to know just yours.
Tomura would think that the moment he’d watch you naked, he’d grab you and fuck you into oblivion. That’s what he’d been fantasizing at least while palming himself at the thought of you. Just grab you and bite you and fuck the shit out of you.
But no, the moment you undress yourself in front of him as he sits down on the bed, he gulps nervously and can’t move. He is literally salivating at the sight of you, he wants to touch you but at the same time is nervous to. You look so gorgeous, your body, your shapes, your beautiful tits looking straight at him got his cock aching painfully.
“It’s alright Tomu.. you can touch me” you whisper, sitting on his lap and feeling the bulge forming. He’s never seen a naked woman in real life before, let alone touch her. He is fondling your breasts so gently, fearing he’ll hurt you, but you reassure him he can go further and use you as he wishes.
Ohh the way his eyes are rolling at the back of his skull once he enters your warmth: your tight gummy walls wrapping so eagerly around his cock, I can’t help but think that he cums the moment he puts it in.
But no, he won’t be embarrassed about it. Right after some seconds he starts thrusting again, not caring one bit if he just came inside of you. He fucks his cum deeper and deeper inside, his thrusts get faster and rougher, you don’t really care if you want to cum or not, all you want is to watch him use you for his pleasure.
“F-fuck, fuck , fuck, ahhh feels so fuckin’ good.. such tight cunt- m’gonna fuck this-mmmhm all night long~” he says incoherently, totally drunk in your cunt as he is ramming into you and kissing your cervix so painfully good.
And right after that blissful night, nothing will stop Tomura from fucking your brains out whenever he gets the chance, he becomes a sex addict, but only for you. If you aren’t there, he’ll have nothing else to do but jerk off to your pictures or videos, you are the only person that gets him off.
BONUS: right after his awakening, Shigaraki is upgraded, his body buff and definitely stronger, his stamina reaches the sky. His body has changed, so has his cock. He’s way bigger now, hornier, right after he wins the war he’ll think nothing else other than ramming his cock right into your sloppy cunt and breed you real good. And it definitely stretches you out real good, it makes you cry. He won’t stop, he will go round after round until you can’t think straight anymore.
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@mossy-opal you might be interested in this~
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bakugoushotwife · 8 months
kinktober day eighteen: cockwarming kink
>>> idk why shiggy and cockwarming are like peanut butter and jelly to me...like i only have cravings for him when i'm deep in the caverns of my mental illness but...this is yummy? and i don't think it counts as cockwarming but shut up!!!
>>> starring: tomura shigaraki x curvy!f!reader >>> cw: cockwarming, established relationship, degradation, exhibitionism, fingering (fem receiving), p n v, creampie, implied multiple rounds. >>> wc: 3.1k >>> event masterlist
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it was league tradition at this point. not even when the members were scattered to the winds to gather intel and work official villain business did the group miss weekly movie night. some members may or may not be there some weeks, sometimes you were all together, coupled off into platonic and romantic pairings to view whatever your leader picked out. whenever you were there, he let you pick, but it’s been quite some time since you’ve been back home. shigaraki regrets sending you so far out of reach. this assignment had taken you much longer than he would have liked, way longer. correspondence had grown slower, each message shorter than the last. you were tailing hawks to make sure he was trustworthy and it seems it was giving you a great deal of trouble. 
or maybe hawks was loyal to the heroes like shigaraki suspected and had gotten to you with his agenda, turning you into a double agent. well, no, that couldn’t be it. if that were so, you would do a better job of acting normal to keep him off your case. did you need help? no, again, he knows you would just tell him that too, so what was going on with you? were you mad at him? had he done something before you left? 
he thinks back a couple of months—the unbearable length of time you’ve been gone—trying to think of any reason you could be short with him. you didn’t have any big fights, he didn’t forget any anniversaries or special occasions, and he went easier on toga like you asked him to. the only possible thing he can think of is the fact that it was saturday, aka movie night, when you left— and he fell asleep watching the movie you picked—meaning he didn’t get to spend your last night with you or give you any goodbye-and-good-luck dick. he sighs aloud at the realization. you were absolutely petty enough to hold that against him, but he hoped you wouldn’t prolong your mission just to prove a point. 
this is the first time since the league started this little routine that he’s wanted to call it off. the rest of the league missed you too, if not because you were their friend, it was because tomura had grown so intolerable and irritable in your absence that they were begging nightly for your return. when saturday rolled around, and you still weren’t back, they watched their fearless leader sulk around like a kicked puppy all day. each member dreaded the nighttime. shigaraki was prone to throwing tantrums when he saw any of the league members get too friendly with one another in your absence, so it looks like they’ll all have to sit spread out for movie night. 
was he to be held accountable for the things he said and did while busy wallowing in his grief? some may say yes, but he was a strong believer in live and let live—you were certainly his better half. but you’ve been away for close to three months, and your effects are wearing off. he was incredibly snappy as he set the theater room up, the shitty little projector dabi stole was clearly running on its last legs. he was in no mood to pick out a goofy movie, not whenever he was wondering if you were even coming back at this point. he barked at twice to find something to watch—and the man was heavily influenced by toga’s opinions, so suicide squad seemed to be the answer. what a trash pick, he thinks. it’s why he’s in charge, and why only your opinions can influence his own. you would never have allowed suicide squad. 
that’s not the only reason tomura misses you, of course. he misses working on your own missions together, decorating the hideout to make it feel more like a home, the way you’d sit with him as he plays video games in his room, or how you two would cuddle as you’re falling asleep with his glove-clad hands all over you, and of course, your drooling pussy sucking him in over and over again. it’s been nearly three months since he’s gotten to see your face, inhale your familiar scent, or get anywhere close to cumming. he can’t even use his own hand anymore—you’ve spoiled him. he’s always been a shitty sleeper, too, but your body in his grasp was the magical cure—so of course he’s been getting next to no rest without you. he’ll never send you on a mission again. 
when he hears several bustling voices and a relieved “thank whoever put us on this flaming pile of shit” from dabi, he knows you’re home. mr. compress and kurogiri escort you into the movie room, where he waits for you. tomura nearly shouts, either at you for being gone so long or in relief that you’re finally home, he’s not sure. the corner of his mouth slides up in a reserved grin, but everyone can see the light return to his eyes. god forbid a world where you didn’t come back to him. 
“sorry i’m late for movie night everyone! i missed you!” you sing out to greet the room, but you’re only looking at your exhausted boyfriend. though he always carried a certain tired stress, he looked worse than usual, and you know that he hasn’t slept through the night since you’ve been gone. you’re on the love seat next to him immediately, jumping all over him and tightening your arms around his neck. his grin spreads, and kurogiri plays the movie to keep everyone else from having to watch in on your reunion and sickening love fest. 
he slides his arm around your back, humming sleazily in your ear. “finally. took you long enough, babe.” he huffs, taking that deep inhale of your sweet smell and sighing his relaxation quietly. his mood is relieved just by holding your frame and feeling your soft hair tickling his cheek. you giggle and sigh too, and he feels the weight of your body slump into his. 
“don’t i know it, was beginning to think you hated me for sending me out there for so long.” you pout, releasing him from your grip to gain sight of his face. he rolls his eyes at you, shaking his head with a tiny amused grin donning his features. 
“you’ll never leave this hideout again. i missed you.” he pinches some of your hair between his fingers and curls the piece around his digits as he looks over your face, gazing at your soft eyes and gentle lips, full cheeks, and everything else he’s missed for what feels like forever. you hum in intrigue at the ‘threat’ and kiss him. you can’t afford to go too hot and heavy with all your friends in the room, but you wanted your boyfriend to know you missed him just as badly as he missed you. your nights weren’t spent sleeping comfortably and every day you felt more and more lost without tomura’s logic keeping you on task. you nibble at his bottom lip, laving your tongue over him with a little moan. he grins, you’re the extrovert, but he’s not shy about making you noisy in front of the others. you feel him smile against your lips before he pulls away, trailing kisses over your cheek until he can bite the lobe of your ear. you gasp sharply, and he’s tossing a blanket over your hips for modesty’s sake. 
you smirk knowingly, lifting your skirt over your ass as the blanket falls in your lap. “oh so my little slut did miss me..” he whispers, licking over your jawline as he reaches under the blanket. the pads of his first two fingers swipe over you panties, tracing the outlines of your lips with a nasty little grin. he can feel your wetness pooling against the fabric already, your desperation making his cock rise against his sweats. he casts his eyes around to make sure no one’s watching, but he’s trained his league better than that. he slides his hand under your waistband, finding your clit automatically. you feel your stomach flutter in response to his touch, the fabric of his mostly fingerless gloves scratch against the inside of your thigh as he presses his sinewy finger in circles around your bundle. you fall against him, head rolling around on his shoulder within seconds. 
he knew you like he built you himself, and he knew that after a trip away—the both of you were insatiable—but you were all too easy to work up. you would tell him all about the mission later. there would be plenty to catch up on after he gives you all you’ve been missing here lately. tomura would be lying if he said that watching you stifle your noises and wiggle against the cushions didn’t affect him, his dick was crying for you. fingering you in front of the league was one thing, fucking you was another. but his body was growing too hot to bear, and he could tell from the need in your eyes that even having him inside you would relieve some of your ache. that should be fine, they wouldn’t look at you no matter what—they knew better than that, but he still didn’t want them hearing your sweet sounds. that was just for him. but with your hips bucking into his hand, and yours clamping down over your mouth as he shoves you over the edge with his fingers—he knows he’ll need to feel you. 
he’s pulling himself out of his sweatpants before he can argue with himself too long about it. his cock stands straight up in wait, and before you know it, tomura’s hands are on your hips and he’s pulling you into his lap. your brain was still mush, veins coursing with the pleasure of being reunited and under his spell. you were so focused on not making any noises that you didn’t even give your needy boyfriend a look of disapproval. he pretends like you’re the problem as if he would be able to sit here with his hands to himself, but you know the truth. shigaraki is just as helpless as you are, hence his finger curling around your panties and hooking them to the side so he can lower you on his waiting cock. 
he makes you sit all at once, and he clamps his free hand over your mouth before you can react to the stretch. then he snakes his arm around your waist, pulling you back to meet his chest. “keep quiet and sit still.” 
you nod vigorously, though you know you’re agreeing to something impossible. you were crazy with need, his fingers only unlocked the gate of your desire. you hadn’t had this dick in you for too long, and now that the length is fully sheathed in you—you’re ordered to sit still? it burns, your hole needed to be stretched back open to accommodate his sizeable length, long curved shaft angled just right against the spots you needed him most–but it wasn’t enough. you needed movement, you needed to hear him grunt and moan and speak unimaginable filth in your ear. you whine out softly, when the movie was loud enough you thought only tomura would hear.
he can feel you squeezing, and despite his orders, you wiggle in his lap irregardless. he should have known you wouldn’t be able to handle obedience after so much time apart, but it’s nothing he can’t remind you of. truth be told, he’s losing his cool too. he missed your wet cunt gripping him like this—how could he be angry at you for needing him so badly when he’s no better? he couldn’t, really, he could only be amused with your affection for him even if it assuaged every worry he had about you leaving him all that time you were gone. his hands dig into your fatty hips to use them as his own personal stress ball, kneading and squeezing on his whim. he can feel everything, every nerve on his body was acutely aware of every labored breath you took and each pound of his heart. he didn’t know if he could be strong much longer—and he knew you wouldn’t be able to keep your mouth shut. 
“you guys have your own room—why do we have to suffer through this?” dabi huffs out, clearly aware of what was going on in the room. twice clasps his hands by his cheek, disagreeing with his teammate. 
“young love! they just missed each other! at least he isn’t pout—” 
“out.” tomura hisses, cock jumping from knowing you were caught. you just clamp around him in answer, just as shameless as your boyfriend. “don’t speak—get out.” 
the other members gave mixed reactions, some rolled their eyes and huffed their way out the door, the others chuckled knowingly—they would rather deal with this shigaraki than the one that misses you any day of the week. when the door shuts and you two are left alone, a mixture of fabric and skin taps against your jaw. tomura held your face in his grip, fingers dancing along your bone in a teasing way. 
“my slut forgot how to listen, hm?” he asks rhetorically, sliding his grip to your neck. he squeezes with just the right amount of pressure to make you dizzy and open your mouth—though he can’t see your skanky face right now. you’re lucky he was just as needy right now or he was liable to leave his dick in you until it went soft without ever moving—but tonight? tonight he needed to reclaim his slutty little cunt until the sun came up. 
“been so long since i had to take orders.” you huff, maybe you were annoyed with him after all. 
he snickers. “attitude, little slut.” he says with a harsher squeeze to your neck. tomura can’t deny his entertainment–you got your nickname from your neediness, after all. “are you really mad at me?” he asks, and you know he wants a real answer. 
“annoyed—why’d you want me gone?” you huff, and he angles his hips up into you without warning. you gasp sharply at the stab, leaning forward to hold onto his knees. 
“didn’t want you gone, brat.” he sighs, letting off your throat in favor of holding the natural handlebars of your curves as he pushes your back forward to watch his dick plow in and out of you, his grip your only guidance. your moans start immediately, and he can’t help but smirk. “you’re my right hand, you’re the only one i can trust with some shit.” 
you purr at his explanation, bouncing along him on your own accord. he’s massive, filling every gap your pussy had to offer unapologetically. he presses against the entrance of your cervix without any movement at all, much less the animalistic style your boyfriend liked to fuck in, it was brutal. but so so good. it burns and sends shooting yet blissful pain through your body with every stroke, you slip forward a little, growing unable to hold yourself up. he grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling you back up without remorse. 
“where you going, slut?” he teased, slamming up into you. it was unfair, he was gifted with such a huge dick he didn’t even need a good angle to absolutely wreck you. he was mesmerized by the sight of your cute little hole puckering around him, swallowing him whole and letting him slide back out. you would squeeze down with every thrust, making him slow down to pull himself out and speedily shove back in. “can’t even take good dick anymore?” 
you mewl out in response, your fingers digging into his thighs as your back arches deeper, only encouraging your boyfriend to speed it all up. it’s like you can feel him in your throat, your entire body being used and abused by the man you missed desperately. shigaraki treats you like his prized treasure any other time, but especially after a trip away—you love being his slut. you moan and through your ass back, making him groan out at the conflicting paces. 
“so nasty. fucking you stupid and look at you—like a bitch in heat.” he chuckles, though it’s all so pornographic to him. no other pussy in the world would feel like yours, your cute clamping and sticky wetness could never be beat. and your insides practically beat into the shape of him, he knows no other dick would have your toes curling as you bounce  and squeal. 
“tomura—” your breathy moan makes his balls hurt. he didn’t care how quickly he came this time. he’ll keep you spread open all night until he’s satisfied with the amount of cum seeping out of the hole made just for him. he wanted you to cum twice as many times as he does, so your sweet moan of his name and your fluttering pussy only tell him to snake his arm around your hips so he can rub your puffy clit again. he loves these gloves you got him, the mesh fabric makes it easier for him to feel everything without fear of quirk activation. he can feel your pulsing need under his fingertips, and he smiles at your sensitivity. you were such a gift to a man like him. 
“what? use your words.” he huffs in disinterest, though you know it’s anything but. your gut lurches, feeling like you stepped on an escalator that was moving too fast. 
“wanna cum, can i please, tomura?” you ask sweetly, calling his name just how he liked and everything. he had every intention of drawing this out—but he supposes he can have that during your next round. 
“do it now.” he orders, gruff voice telling you that there would be no punishment if you didn’t—unless you considered taking him all night a punishment. the sound of him groaning and feeling your body made it easy to follow his orders, your hips still even as his continue their assault. you shake from head to toe, the orgasm so intense after such a long time without cumming on his cock. you squeeze down so hard he sucks in a deep breath, knowing he was going to shoot his load like mount vesuvius. you hum happily, wiggling back on him to milk all the warmth he gave you. he slows his hips to a stop, panting only a little as he pushes you carefully off his lap and onto the love seat. “want to see my slut’s nasty faces this time.” 
he grins as he spreads your legs again, ready to stain the cushions beneath, when someone knocks at the door. twice pounds on the frame again, pouting. 
“can you guys at least pause the movie?” 
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corollaservant · 2 months
Retail Therapy // Dabi x f!reader x Shigaraki (18+)
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Synopsis: Working as a sales assistant in a high end sneaker shop is boring. But you're about to be taught otherwise.
Warnings: noncon/dubcon (idk about this one), degradation, humiliation, illegal recording, mentions of crimes, ableist remarks (not from reader), harassment, dumbification
A/N: kinda thought of the LoV as streamers (but not like gamers). thx anon in spam blog for encouraging this dumb idea, idk what this says about us:)
Another boring day at work. But honestly, what were you expecting? 
You didn’t know anyone who had fun working in retail. Not that this would be your job forever, as you planned on quitting and you know... try something else. Dropping out of college may have not been a smart move but you were confident that you’d find your path, somewhere, sometime. The store was never busy, the pricing and interior design repelling most passers-by and only attracting a couple influencer kids (you often laughed at the term) and their rich parents or a few unknown athletes in an effort to buy designer and make a better name for themselves. High end clients never showed up in person, they had no reason to, no one shopped at boutiques anymore—all the more sneaker ones. 
You would often kill time by watching stuff online (who didn’t), looking at the latest socialite news in various media outlets, the world was going downhill, you thought, as you absentmindedly sipped from your water bottle. Articles wrote about villains, social pariahs, as they’d branded them, parading power by killing innocent civilians ‘for the fun of it’. 
Two shadows at the door caused you to look up. Customers? No way. Your heart stopped for a second as both walked through the door. Was this some kind of a twisted game of fate? Who didn’t fucking know them, Dabi and his subordinate, the man he had on a leash, even though he was the supposed boss, Shigaraki Tomura. What the fuck where they doing here? 
The taller man, which you knew as Dabi, wore a dark blue jacket with the collars ripped while his patched purple skin stood out. Surgically attached staples (or where these piercings?) moved when he smiled. Despite the menacing appearance, you had to admit he looked quite... elegant? His shorter companion didn't fail to catch your eye either, a hood pulled low over his face and wearing a miserably plain outfit. Under other circumstances, you’d throw guys like them out the store—this wasn’t some charity but you quickly reconsidered, once you remembered their recent streaming. Shigaraki filmed Dabi burning up a whole forest just to kill some time as they laughed. Cool, yeah. Problem was they had accidentally murdered some poor people on a picnic, who they’d later find and film, joking about how ‘today was not the day for a picnic, guys’. The two villains would livestream the whole thing on various platforms, other times they’d upload it later on a channel, where perverse comments encouraged and gave them both views. They obviously had a clear immoral viewpoint on heroes (they despised the filth society had created on false pretense) and never failed to shout it even louder. 
‘’Hello, sweetheart.’’ Dabi greeted you, approaching the register. His loyal dog followed close, hands in his pockets and a sly smile. 
‘’Me and my...friend would like to check out a few shoes today, we’re feeling generous.’’ The friend didn't sound very friendly.
You regained composure and whispered a ‘’y-yes, sure!’’ as they looked at you. Dabi's eyes diverted to your work uniform, a blazer with exposed bust and a tight pencil skirt (yeah yeah, you knew this was a high end sneaker store but rules were rules and you had to attract the filthy rich somehow...manager's words, not yours)
‘’W-what would you guys like to see?’’ You stammered, their proximity not helping. 
‘’Sweetie got a speech impediment?’’ Shigaraki asked no one in particular before Dabi interrupted.
‘’Don’t listen to this asshole, he isn’t getting any so he’s always pissed off.’’ The first scowled but remained silent. 
Dabi seemed... kind? You thought as you looked at him and shyly moved to the display shelves. 
‘’S–so, could you guys tell me what you’re looking for exactly?’’ You couldn’t believe these two had to come to your place for fucking shoes—somehow the thought of villains having to buy clothes had never really crossed your mind. 
‘’We don’t fucking care, sweetheart.’’ Dabi said looking directly at your chest, eyeing your tits. Such a pervert, thinking you wouldn’t notice. 
The whole time Shigaraki was on his phone, which he held in a bizzare way, it was known his quirk involved his hands but you never bothered to care, both these guys were murderous and you possessed no ‘quirk’ whatsoever so it really wouldn’t matter if it came down to physical altercations. 
‘’We have t–these ones..’’ You lifted your arm up to show Dabi a new pair you got in last week as his eyes travelled to your bent ass, skirt accentuating the curves even more, as he smirked to himself. 
‘’T–they collaborated two brands for this.’’ You murmured, not sure he heard you. His presence made you anxious, you knew what he was capable of and definitely wanted to live another day. 
‘’Oh yeah?’’ Dabi said. ‘’How much do these cost? They’re fucking ugly.’’
You opened your mouth to retort but settled with a ‘’T–two grand.’’ It came off unsure and hesitant. 
‘’These are dead. Two grand for these abominations? Hey Shiggy, come look!’’ He told the man who had been too consumed with his phone to listen to the conversation.
‘’Look at that shit man, can you believe trash heroes buy that for two grand?’’ He questioned as the latter lifted his gaze.
‘’Yeah I really don’t give a fuck, buy your shit and go, I have content to upload.’’
‘’Please excuse him, baby, he’s just a weirdo who gets off on livestreaming the people he decays, don’t worry we won’t take long.’’ 
Decaying? Livestreams? And why did he call you baby? These guys had to be joking, they were openly talking about murdering people for fun and you suddenly felt sick, your stomach with its contents turned over.
You had been silent, looking at them in horror, while Dabi broke the silence.
‘’Awwh, c’mon now, I’ll be nice. I think I might like these.’’ He said and pointed to a pair of black plain sneakers, they’d suit him, you thought despite the predicament.
You must’ve not reacted at all so he spoke again.
‘’Are you slow, sweetheart? I said I want to try these on, in 15.’’ The tone made you immediately snap out of your thoughts and take a step back—he felt too close through your peripherals. 
‘’L–let me check in the b-back for you guys..’’ You apologized, you couldn’t even turn around but somehow got to the storage room. Fuck, of course he had to be wearing one of the largest freaking sizes, your store never brought these as no one ever bought them, what was he, a fucking giant? You were frantically searching through storage drawers and anything scattered you could find across the room but without success, the pair was sold out (was a basic choice) and the sizing available was 13 and below. Shit, you cursed, as you were about to exit, when you saw two figures at the door startling you. 
‘’What’s taking you so long? Lost in the hallway?’’ Dabi mocks, as Shigaraki snorts. 
‘’I- I– couldn’t f-find the ones you’re looking for.’’ You avert your eyes and Dabi’s smirk wavers.
‘’What does that mean, baby?’’ He furrows his brows. ‘’You should be grateful I even chose this shitty store in the first place. It’s not enough you charge poor customers two grand for shoes I can find in the dumpster, now you’re telling me you don’t have the one pair I actually liked?’’ He raises his tone as he has you practically pinned against the door. You could’ve sworn the other guy's laughing but the room’s spinning and you try to take a deep breath. 
‘’I- i’m sorry, guys, p-please let me try to find s-something else- for you, I–’’
‘’No, I think you can just shut the fuck up now. I don’t want excuses from that pretty mouth of yours.’’ His words hurt as you try blinking your tears away—it used to help but not when they’re flooding your eyes like a stream anyway. You feel like this could actually be your end and matter of fact, anyone would know soon enough, as you’d probably also get livestreamed while they’re at it.
‘’Soo.. let me get this straight, you can’t find a proper excuse, you don’t have my shoes, you make me and Tomura wait while you're blabbering some bullshit and you scam stupid cunts for money. Does your boss know he’s hired the dumbest whore on the planet or do you fuck him to keep your job? And for a shitty job like this? You reaally gotta be desperate.’’ He finishes and now the tears are well formed and fall from your eyes, as you sob—you literally sob, ashamed and hurt, these men didn't even know you and here they were throwing words around because of a pair of fucking shoes, you feel useless and embarrassed, as you choke out some ‘I'm sorry’s.
None of them seem to care about your tears or your stuffed nose, snots falling down your chest and staining the work blazer and Dabi continues in an amused tone.
‘’Stop crying, it's pathetic. Be of use instead, will you?’’ He sighs and looks at Shigaraki, who had been watching his phone intently the whole time.
‘’Tomura, how do you think bitches like her pay when they can’t satisfy my needs?’’ He asks the man, who contemplates for a second, kind of clueless and annoyed, interrupted from the live streaming of the rest of the LoV. 
‘’Ugh.. I don't know, kill her? Listen man, we don’t have much time, we have to go meet the rest, so whatever it is, make it quick. I want to show my face in Toga’s stream, she has too many hot bitches watching.’’
This man is out of his mind.
‘’Shiggy, you fucking incel, it’s not like you’re going to fuck any of them, so how about you put your scrambled, decayed brain to good use?’’ Dabi responds, all while you’re looking at the exchange horrified, where is this going?
‘’Well...since apparently I’m the smart one here, I’ll tell you both how this is gonna end up.’’ Dabi exhales, he sounds bored but his eyes gleam, he seems amused. ‘’You can’t offer me my shoes? You offer me your body, it’s not like you have anything else going on for you. I fuck you and your little cunt and you–’’ he turns his attention to Shigaraki, ‘’–you’re going to film the whole fucking thing. Should grant you enough pussy, once I let you participate.’’
You want to scream, you really do. But there’s no words coming out, the phone’s too far away, the storage room's hidden in plain sight and there’s two guys ganging up on you so what’s the only thing you do? Beg.
‘’P-please, Dabi, I can—I can help you find something else, we have-’’ You blabber but he cuts you off.
‘’Wow doll, surprised your dumb brain memorized the name. But I don’t blame you, I would too.’’ He’s inching closer to you, as you back off, each step he takes leads you towards the end of the room. The closet touches your back—you’re pinned under him, the shelves hit against your back.
‘’Got the camera on?’’ He tells Shigaraki, without turning to look at him, while the latter scoffs.
‘’Yeah, all set.’’ You can see him holding his phone and wait impatiently.
‘’Now..’’ Dabi says, ‘’take that nasty shirt off, God, who dresses whores like you up? Tits out and everything for the public to see.’’ He says as your shaking hands start unbuttoning the work blazer; you had no shirt under it, it was a hot day and you hadn’t bothered, it’s not like customers were frequent. 
He’s so close that your arms touch his shirt as you slowly unbutton it and the blazer falls down your shoulders, your bare tits in full display not just for him but for Shigaraki’s camera to film as well. His eyes rake you up and down, your cheeks stained with tears, your hair disheveled with strands that stick out in opposite directions as your tits quiver on your chest. It’s swift, but you notice how his turquoise eyes widen—not a lot, since they’re heavy lidded and half patched anyway.
‘’Fuck, these look nice..’’ He comments as he brings up both hands to grope them while you gasp. His hands are not as cold as you expected, they’re large, slender and painted black as he starts circling his wrists while still at a fair distance. You moan and he smirks, Shigaraki switching spots to get a better angle. 
Dabi closes the distance as his face is on yours, his breath on your mouth and you close your eyes when he laughs.
‘’Aw, did you think I’d kiss you?’’ He says as you whimper frustrated but he continues ‘’Whores like you don’t deserve kisses.’’ He grabs your skirt with both hands and aggressively lowers it as you stumble trying not to fall down.
His words cut deep and you fight the urge to let another stream of tears down your face; you’d been called names in the past, but the way he talked upset you way more than anyone before. Unbeknownst to him, your felt your panties smeared, his warm hands had turned you on—the thought of you being like this disgusted you. You really were pathetic and he’d soon find out.
His hands cupped your clothed cunt as you moaned ‘’D-dabi, please–’’ to which a voice from the back laughed. You had completely forgotten about Shigaraki, the fact that he was watching (and filming) making you want to vomit.
‘’Baby, please shut the fuck up.’’ Dabi says ‘’Tomura, are you getting this?’’ But at this point Tomura was not only getting it but holding the phone with one hand while the other rubbed a bulge on his pants.
Dabi moves your panties to the side, almost ripping them apart and pushes two fingers without warning in your cunt as you choke on a moan. His fingers feel good, too full in a way and he knows how to move them inside, working his way deeper, while they’re already long.
‘’Man, you’re not gonna believe how wet she is.’’ He tells Tomura, who hums and strokes his clothed cock, phone still in his hand. 
You’re being moved up and down the shelves, his fingers penetrate your cunt with force as you feel the pressure in your core build up, you think about fucking yourself on his fingers, grinding up and down—maybe cum and have them gone?, but he brings his other hand to your neck and chokes you with precision, blocking your airway immediately: ‘’Don’t think you get to decide when to cum.’’ He says and he removes his stained hands, your arousal is brought to your face as he turns around and proudly shows the camera. 
‘’Look at this retail cockwhore guys, pussy dripping from two men she couldn’t sell shoes to!’’ He brags and you crumble, embarrassed and desperate for an end.
‘’D-dabi, p–please don’t say that!’’ You mewl and he looks down at you with pity.
‘Say what? The fucking truth? Aren’t you a little cumslut, yes or no?’’
‘’I– I–am n-not—’’
‘’I said, are you or aren’t you my little cumslut, yes - or - no?’’ He orders as you notice something small and blue igniting from his fingertips and you freeze.
‘’Say it.’’
‘’I- i am.’’ You brokenly murmur, but he needs all the words. 
‘’You’re what?’’ 
‘’Y–your cumslut..’’
‘’I need the name too, camera's on you know’’. His patience wears thin, you can tell by his tone.
‘’I-i-am--Dabi’s cumslut.’’ You look at the camera and with that he finally snaps, turning you over and grabbing you by the waist, his fingers touch your bare back, as he spanks a heated palm on you and you flinch.
‘’Good, now let’s show everyone how cumsluts like you get fucked.’’ He unzips his pants and brings his cock in between your folds. 
The sensation is intoxicating, your heat and his pre in between you while your hands are stretched to touch a shelf you can’t reach. You don't even know what you're up against, fuck, you hadn't even seen—
‘’Make sure you’re getting this.’’ is all Dabi says before abruptly pushing his cock inside you as you let out a sharp cry, he’s too big and you can’t take him at once, a pain shoots up your belly as he starts thrusting at a steady pace. 
‘’P-please ‘s too much, s-slow d-down!’’ You yell behind you but he doesn’t seem to care, as he grabs your hips harshly and pushes himself deeper, your cunt stretching to accommodate whatever it can and you thank his fingers for the prior mess they made.
‘’Fuuck, feels too good.’’ He groans as he thrusts into you. You hear a sudden whimper and look around to see Shigaraki with his cock out, moving his fist up and down his length—eyes fixated on the spectacle. 
You don’t have time to beg him to stop filming because Dabi’s slender hands are toying with your clit, his cock rips apart your insides as pads of his fingers find the bundle of nerves with ease. He teases it—not harshly, as his cock does that for you, but in light strokes, like he’s trying to tickle you and you feel yourself tremble, your cunt twitches and he feels it too apparently, because he groans ‘’Shit, you’re tight, too? Who would’ve expected it, huh..’’ as Shigaraki is starting his commentary on camera.
‘’Take a look guys, this is probably the biggest cockwhore we’ve seen... look closer! getting her loose cunt all fucked like that.’’ Dabi huffs, skin slapping sounds reverberate across the storage, as he continues his pace, cock disappearing in between your folds.
‘’Man, shut the fuck up.’’ He tells the guy behind him, ‘’her pussy’s tight as shit..or maybe I just have a big cock.’’ You can tell he smirks and you moan, it's like he's harsher now, his cruel words while they shouldn't, are bringing you closer and you can’t deny the pleasure he’s giving you, each time he belittles you or Shigaraki for the matter.
You can't even see him, but you imagine him drinking in your pathetic state: desperate arched back, lifted slutty skirt and red flesh—frustrated whines and miserable attempts to sink down his dick, even when you know damn well he’s the one setting the pace.
‘’Hey, Shiggy..’’ Dabi groans, ‘’want me to let the whore fuck herself on my cock? She seems soo eager.’’ He tells Tomura, who at this point is solely focused on your ass sinking up and down Dabi’s cock.
‘’S-sure..’’ he breathes out, too horny to care. 
Dabi stops moving, cock hard and still inside you, stretching you out regardless, as you pant frustrated. You’d been so close and he stopped once again. Fuck it, you think, you need to get your release somehow. 
You take a deep breath and start tantalizing him, cock throbs in your walls while you move and grind your hips back and forth. Dabi hisses, his hands dig in your ass, a pain from a metal on your hips—you’d definitely have marks tomorrow but it feels too good and he lets you, which surprises you.
‘’D-dabi, is she good?’’ A voice calls from behind but Dabi doesn’t answer, he just lets you do your work as you increase your pace, your legs are about to fail you but you raise yourself up and grip whatever you can find in front of you; you can hardly breathe. You think you might make yourself cum and he must be on the verge too, because he grabs you by the hair and spears his cock so deep, you want to scream—but you can't because there's not enough air in your lungs to function. ‘’Enough.’’ He spits and starts drilling himself back at his own relentless pace.
You feel numb but a known sensation spirals under you, fuck, he feels good and you suddenly wish for his hands on your clit so you beg. Again. 
‘’D-dabi, please, agh t–touch me..there.’’ 
‘’Beggars can’t be choosers, baby.’’ He smirks and picks up the pace, if that's even possible, the motion perfect for your pussy to squeeze him in tighter and while he acts all tough, a hand is back on your clit. He wants you to come undone, wants to be the one bringing you to such despair. 
‘’D-dabi!, I-I'm-hmn.. g-gonna–’’
Hairs stick to your sweaty forehead, veins pop out your hands as you cum feeling a faint knot snap, you blabber a bunch of incoherent words and tremble, shutting your eyes in shame.
He’d been waiting for this, holding himself back but he wanted your mess, your pathetic orgasm so he lets himself go with a couple final thrusts. He groans, praising your ‘’good cunt– baby..’’ before shooting his load inside—shit, he came inside, you think, this is so wrong but the sensation is tingling, almost satisfying in a twisted way.
A voice interrupts the moment when both of you turn to look at Shigaraki, cock in between a fist and a frown on his face, he seems upset.
‘’Dabi, you idiot, I wanted her too.’’ He says and Dabi looks at you, fucked out and cum oozing from your hole. His cum. 
‘’Well,’’ Dabi looks at you, ‘’would my favorite cumslut help a friend in need?’’ he smirks, ‘’Just some head, we don’t have all the time in the world, alright?’’ He smiles as you lower your gaze—fuck fuck fuck, wasn't one enough? What's the point of arguing though, one look at both of them convinces you otherwise.
‘’C-could I please have some water?’’ You try to stall, throat dry and raspy from the sounds made earlier. 
‘’Water?’’ Dabi laughs, ‘’nah..it’s too far away. Here, have this instead.’’ He says as he approaches you and swiftly moves his hands up your cunt, gathering his load and your juices and bringing the mix to your mouth. ‘’Open up.’’ He orders and your eyes widen before you realize he sticks his fingers in your mouth, coating your tongue and continues ‘’now, you can suck the incel off.’’
Your mouth isn't dry anymore— it's disgustingly covered in his salty cum but Shigaraki's too impatient to retort and already has his cock poking at your opening. He’s smaller but has nonetheless notable girth. 
‘’Mhm..not gonna last, man.’’ He warns but Dabi seriously doesn't care. Indeed, once you're forced to take Tomura in your mouth under Dabi's glare and bob your head up and down a couple times, he pants and whines, cock jerks in your mouth, as a palm with the pinky lifted rests on your head pushing it down his groin. You gag on his dick but soon enough he comes; you can tell by the way he frantically tilts his hips up, so you remove your mouth in tears, this feels horrible. His cum spurts all over the place, some lands on your hair and some on his shirt. 
‘’Fuck!’’ He groans, ‘’My shirt’s stained, you whore.’’ His voice is whiny as red eyes narrow. For the first time, he manages to inflict terror on you, his hand’s about to touch you when Dabi interrupts.
‘’Enough, she’ll give you another one, I’m sure shitty store sells some lame shirts somewhere.’’
Tomura sighs and removes his shirt. He throws it to your face and hisses.
‘’Gross, you can keep it, cumslut’’. You feel tainted and humiliated, some fresh tears wipe semen off your face, when Dabi speaks up.
‘’Tomura–’’ There's still hope in your eyes, as you turn to him.
‘’She's about to put in on Depop, you know.’’
Dabi and Tomura smirk and you wordlessly get up, something plummets inside (your heart?), as you wipe tears inside your elbow, the only clean body part of yours.
It’s been hours since the shift ended and they left the store, blowing you a kiss but you’re curled up in bed as you anxiously scratch your knees. You feel dirty. Empty. You remember Dabi’s hands on you, Tomura’s shirt and load in your hair, which was later thoroughly washed to the point clumps fell off, when a message appears on your phone.
It’s a message request and it reads:
How’s my favorite cockwhore doing?
You suddenly feel very nauseous, how did they even find you? Your hands are shaking as you pick up your phone to unlock it, only for a new request from a different account to pop up: 
1 attachment sent.
You take a deep breath as you try to think rationally.
This could be worse, you convince yourself. This could’ve been livestreamed.
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artemis32 · 6 months
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Dabi / Touya Todoroki x reader (ft. Tomura Shigaraki & Keigo Takami)
First fic in yonks, and it's a dark one (seriously. read the warnings)
i have three other fics i'm working on that i'm hoping to have done in the next week or two :))
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word count - 7.5k
tw: dark content, noncon / dubcon (mostly noncon), (pseudo) incest??, yandere, threesome, gangbang, vaginal sex, oral sex (both m and f receiving), throat fucking, slapping (not in a sexy way), praise, degradation, they're all pretty mean, voyeurism, choking (not in a sexy way), Dabi is called Touya pretty much the entire fic, and he has a Jacob's ladder, the big dick Shiggy agenda continues, violence, creampie, no protection (wrap it before you tap it kids), chasing, Touya has a thing for tits, some head injury (reader should really have that checked out), Keigo's kinda just there for the vibes tbh
bnha masterlist
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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
The mumble is dejected, barely uttered under your breath, and promptly followed by a heavy huff.
Your day had been hell personified, to put it lightly. 
A slew of unfortunate events had been what made up your day, bad luck from the moment you’d opened your eyes that morning - late, might I add.
All of your bad luck had culminated into what had probably been the worst day of your life, and to top it all off, you’d been forced to walk home in the rain. Twenty minutes of trudging down a bunch of empty streets saw your already terrible mood plummet, becoming ten times worse.
You’d been looking forward to the day’s end - all you wanted was to get home, for some peace and quiet and whatever leftovers you could find shoved in the back of the fridge. 
That’s why, right now, you feel yourself itching with barely concealed irritation.
There, sat far too comfortably on the sofa, was your brother.
Step brother.
As if you’d ever call that waste of space your brother.
Worse still was the fact that he had two of his creep-fest friends with him.
That wasn’t what annoyed you, although you hated that they had decided to spend their time here instead of elsewhere.
No, what annoyed you most was-
“You couldn’t have picked me up? I had to walk in the rain. Twenty minutes Touya!”
He glances over at you, barely registering your words, his attention more focused on the game he’s playing with one of his friends - the blue haired one who has a habit of seemingly undressing you with his eyes everytime you see him.
You shiver in slight disgust as he eyes you up.
“And? How’s that my problem?”
You groan in frustration, kicking off your shoes in the entryway and stomping up the stairs towards your room. 
“Fucking stupid, waste of space, dumbass, idiot - I’ll shove that damn controller up your ass.”
You take a deep breath, calming yourself. 
It’s fine. This is fine. 
After you’ve calmed yourself and changed out of your soaked clothing, you head downstairs again, pausing on the landing to stare out the window.
The rain pelts down in thick sheets, so heavy you can barely see beyond the window.
You preoccupy yourself with grabbing something to eat, shoving a few slices of leftover pizza onto a plate and into the microwave. While it heats up, a thought hits you and you head back to the living room.
“Hey Touya, when’re mom and dad getting home?”
He doesn’t answer. You wait a while, thinking he’s preoccupied. 
Still nothing.
You ask again.
“Fucking hell!” he yells, slamming his hand down on the coffee table. 
The screen flashes as his character dies and Shigaraki snickers next to him.
Touya turns to glower at you.
“Stop bothering me.”
You roll your eyes.
“When’s dad getting home?”
He leans back, flicking at the controller as another round starts up. Shigaraki hands his controller over to Keigo, or Hawks as his friends mockingly call him.
“Eh? He’s not coming home. Him and your mom left for a business trip this morning - didn’t they tell you?”
You still.
A business trip?
You hum out a distracted thanks, heading back into the kitchen as the microwave blares. You grab the still-hot plate before heading back up to your room, crawling under the pile of blankets on your bed.
You put the thought of your parents and their last minute business trip out of your mind. Instead, you think about other things.
Like the fact that Touya refused to call your mom ‘mom’.
You didn’t blame him, per se. In fact, it was probably better that he didn’t.
It was just strange - Shouto, Fuyumi and Natsuo all called your mom theirs, so it was always jarring to hear Touya call her ‘your mom’, or even worse, by her first name. But it never seemed to bother her, so you never mentioned it.
It wasn’t as if he was even around often enough for it to be a big deal. 
Mostly, he stayed with one of his friends, coming home only when no one else was around or if he needed a change of clothes.
It was an arrangement that suited everyone, though your father never seemed to appreciate his son’s flighty nature.
Whatever, it was none of your business.
All you knew was that whenever he was around, he made your life a living hell.
Before your mom had married his dad, you’d never had any siblings, so the only image you had of that type of relationship before was the stuff you’d seen on tv. 
Shouto and Natsuo were nice enough, adopting you as their younger sister. You’d joined their family early enough that it felt as if they really were your siblings - you were barely four years old at the time, two years younger than Shouto.
Fuyumi had smothered you in the beginning, coddling and cooing at you like a pet. 
Once the novelty had worn off, she’d become somewhat of a normal older sister, though still far more affectionate than what you expected.
Touya though - he avoided you like the plague, at least for the first few years after you’d been forced to live together. Sometime after your tenth birthday though, he’d turned into your own personal tormentor, teasing you like some stereotypical middle school bully, pulling at your hair, tripping you while you walked up the stairs, locking you in the basement if you went down alone to get something out of your dad’s office. Once or twice, he even managed to get you into a headlock, letting up only once you were seconds away from passing out.
It was horrible, and your siblings stepped in wherever they could.
He seemed to lose interest after a while, settling on slinging insults your way whenever he was near. Eventually even that seemed to lose its appeal, and, as of late, he’d gone back to ignoring your very existence, as he had when you’d first met.
It might have hurt your feelings, if you’d had any type of relationship with him. Now, you were just thankful he wasn’t trying to wrestle you to the ground whenever he saw you.
Your musings are cut short by a loud clap of thunder, and you flinch as the windows rattle.
Thunder never bothered you, but the storm seemed to be getting worse, and in the back of your mind, you registered that Shouto still wasn’t home.
You fidget with the blanket on your lap for a few more moments, trying and failing to distract yourself with your phone. You find yourself tapping Shouto’s contact, calling him before you can think twice.
Most of the time, you were concerned your siblings would find you clingy and annoying, as Touya had no problem reminding you, but you cared for them, and that meant you fretted over every little thing.
You pull at a loose thread on your sweater while the line rings, staring vacantly out the window as rain continues to streak down, blurring the view of the garden.
Will it flood? They might have mentioned something on the weather report this morning. I really should start paying more attention.
You lurch forward. “Shouto? Hey, what’s up?”
He greets you, asking why you called.
“Well, you aren’t home yet and the weather’s looking pretty bad. I just- I was wondering if you’re coming home tonight?”
If you were talking to anyone else, you’d be worried about sounding pathetic - needy.
But it’s your brother. Your older brother who loves you and would never mock you for your concern.
He hums before answering. “Oh, yeah, I forgot to let you know, I’m staying over at Midoriya’s tonight. We have a project to work on and it’s just easier to stay here for the night.”
“Oh,” you say.
There’s a long pause, neither of you saying anything for a long moment.
“Okay, I just- um, wanted to check in.”
You take a deep breath, pulling yourself together.
“Well, have a good night. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He’s about to put the phone down while you scramble to keep him on the line.
“Wait!” you exclaim, “Mom and dad are away on a business trip”
“Yes, I know,” he says evenly. 
There ‘s another pause. 
“Natsuo should be home soon though - his classes ended about half an hour ago, so you won’t be alone,” he reassures you.
“Okay,” you say, sighing through your nose. “Okay, I- goodnight Sho, see you tomorrow.”
He bids you goodnight once more before ending the call. 
You stay still, not moving from your spot for a long moment.
The truth…
The truth was that you weren’t exactly comfortable being alone in the house with Touya. Well, Touya and his friends.
Not that he’d ever done anything beyond bullying you, but - well, you hadn’t been alone with him for more than ten minutes since you were seven years old, and you weren’t eager to try your luck.
Bruises healed, but his scathing words took longer to soothe.
You shake your head.
No, grow up - there’s no need to be so scared. It’s just for one night. And besides, I can just stay in my room and he’ll stay downstairs. Far away from me. And Natsuo will be here. I won’t be alone.
This is fine. 
It’s fine.
After taking your dishes to the kitchen, you make your way back upstairs and head to the bathroom you and Shouto share, locking the door before stripping and jumping into the shower.
The hot water helps work the knots out of your neck, and you sigh heavily as you stand under the jets of water. 
After scrubbing your hair and body, you leave the shower and brush your teeth. Enveloping yourself in a massive towel, you unlock the door and pad over to your bedroom. 
A hot shower had unsurprisingly done wonders for your mood, and you felt much better now. Although, a part of you wished you’d properly relaxed and taken a bath instead - you were sure your muscle aches would be a thing of the past if you had.
You stop short in the middle of the hall.
The door is ajar. Your door.
You’d shut it. 
Before you went to the bathroom, before you’d gone downstairs to the kitchen, you had shut your door.
Hands shaking, you reach for the handle and push it open.
It’s empty.
You sigh through your nose, closing the door behind you and heading over to your closet.
After changing into your pyjamas - sleep shorts that could just as easily pass as underwear for how short they were, and a ridiculously oversized shirt, stolen from either your father or Natsuo - you head over to the hamper in the corner of your room, dropping your towel into it and-
You let out a strangled sound, and it dies in the back of your throat as you freeze with your hand still outstretched.
Laundry was a chore you kept up to date with at all times, preferring to keep your clothing separate from the rest of your family. 
You tended to wash your underwear in a separate load too, so it often took longer to get to. 
That being said, you were supposed to do a load today, and there, on top of the full hamper, was a pair of panties.
Your favourite pair.
The lacy white undergarment lay crumpled up, discarded in a hurry. And it was covered in something thick - both creamy and white.
You feel yourself gag.
Anger- No, rage blinds you as you move to the door.
You storm downstairs, unthinking as you march into the livingroom and stand with crossed arms in front of the TV, ignoring the indignant yells that follow as both Tomura and Keigo die in the game. 
“You’re disgusting.” You spit out, your words venomous and your tone scathing as you keep a tight grip on your soiled underwear.
Touya regards you with a bored, uninterested look, pausing for the briefest moment to eye the panties crumpled in your hand. The two other men take the unprompted disruption as their chance to take a break, Tomura standing up and heading towards the bathroom.
“Hm? Did someone upset the poor sensitive baby?” He asks in a mocking tone, rolling his eyes as he holds out a hand for the controller.
“You and your disgusting degenerate friends are the ones who upset me. Stay out of my room, and keep your goddamn dicks in your pants.” You snap scornfully, glaring down at him.
He pauses, his eyes narrowing as he sits straight and leans forward, his voice dropping an octave as he stares you down intently.
You scoff and roll your eyes. “Don’t ‘what’ me, you know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Tomura returns from his trip to the bathroom, flopping down on the couch with a grunt as he restarts the game, craning his neck to peer around you at the TV.
“No. I don’t. What the fuck are you talking about?” 
“I’m talking about the literal cumstain one of you left on my underwear. Just because none of you have ever felt the touch of a woman doesn’t mean I appreciate you using my underwear to get your rocks off.”
His eyes lighten in amusement at the words, and the smug smirk he wears as he glances at his friends makes your blood boil.
“The kitchen, huh Shiggs? You dirty freak.”
Somehow, you don’t think the words are meant as an insult. The three laugh, ignoring you completely. Keigo even claps the blue haired reprobate on the shoulder in an almost congratulatory gesture.
Rage roars in your ears, and any sense of civility evaporates as you glare at them.
“I’m telling my mom.”
The words, however childish they may be, slip out before you can stop them. It’s all you can think to say at that moment.
Touya pauses, wrinkling his nose in an expression similar to disgust as he scoffs.
“Your mother? Ha, fuck off, I don’t care what she thinks. She’s not my mother. She’s nothing. She’s a brainless bimbo whose only purpose is to spread her legs for my asshat father.”
The words sting more than they should, considering you know they’re not true, and you bite back, uncaring of how you might hurt him as the words spill out of you, trembling hands clenched so tightly your nails dig into your palms, drawing blood.
“Yeah, well, at least she actually loves me. It’s more than you can say for your mother. And at least the rest of the family actually want me around. Fuck, at least Dad looks at me- he’s too disappointed in you to even look at your face.”
Tomura and Keigo’s reactions tell you everything you need to know. You just fucked up. Royally. 
The only sound besides the constant battering of rain against the large windows is the sharp intake of breath from Touya’s two friends, and they sit deadstill, staring between the two of you as they wait with bated breath for Touya’s response.
He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t look at you. He doesn’t even move.
The room seems frozen in time. No one moves, no words are spoken to break the silence.
You move. The smallest of steps, a miniscule shuffle to the side, towards the staircase.
It seems that’s all he needed. 
Touya is on his feet in an instant, darting towards you, but you’re already making a mad dash for the stairs.
He tackles you down before you’ve even made it halfway, grabbing your ankle and jerking you closer midstep. Your forehead collides painfully with the edge of a step and you let out a pained, strangled whimper. 
Much of what Touya tells his friends is lost to the ringing in your head. All you really register is him picking you up, feeling near weightless as he carries you past the living room, his friends’ leering gazes digging into your scalp as the two of you descend into the basement.
Your attempt at wriggling out of his arms is pathetic and half-hearted, and when you try to grab at the door frame to halt his movement, he cruelly twists your wrists, his expression unchanging at your cry of pain.
The last thing you see before the basement door closes is the enraptured gleam in Tomura’s eyes.
You weren’t ever really allowed in the basement, not that you had a reason to enter the restricted space.
Regardless, you never wanted to be down there. It was cold, and dark, and it sent a stab of unbridled panic down your spine. It only really contained your father’s old office space and a spare bedroom which had been used as a storage space for the better part of the last twelve years. All in all, it was an empty, forgotten space.
The handful of times you’d been down there never ended well.
And as usual, the problems had to do with Touya. 
Always Touya.
He’d locked you down there for hours once, before it had become essentially abandoned.
You’d been five years old, still young and believing the best of him. He’d told you it had been a game of hide-and-seek.
Only, you’d spent the better part of eight hours screaming and sobbing, completely unheard in the soundless backroom of the basement. You’d passed out on the bed sometime after the six hour mark, sleeping soundly until you were found.
Your mother had been in a panic by the time she’d found you, letting out relieved sobs of her own as she scooped you up into her arms and cradled you against her chest soothingly.
Your parents had thought, completely unaware of the truth, that you’d strayed down there alone and managed to lock yourself in. Since that moment, you’d been banned from wandering into the basement by yourself.
Similar things had happened over the years, and unsurprisingly, Touya had been the root cause of many of the problems you’d dealt with.
Presently, he tosses you uncaringly on the bed, scoffing in bored amusement as you scramble over the bed and huddle against the headboard.
Despite your earlier brashness in confronting him, you were terrified. The reality of the situation had set in, and you felt your stomach roil as Touya stared you down with heavy lidded eyes, his gaze contemplative as he scans your half-bare body.
You’d seen that look before, and it made your skin crawl. It terrified you.
It was how Tomura looked at you when he brazenly palmed the bulge in his pants.
How stupid of you, marching downstairs and confronting three grown men, as if you had any chance of winning an argument. You wished you’d had the forethought to at least put on a proper pair of pants.
You swallow thickly, clenching your trembling hands into tight fists as you straighten your spine, attempting to appear calm and unaffected.
“Okay Touya, you’ve made your point. You can stop now, I-I won’t tell anyone.”
It’s an effort to swallow your pride, but you manage the words through gritted teeth, bowing your head as you continue. 
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry for being, uh- For being mean.”
Touya rolls his eyes as he leans forward and grips your ankle tightly, his palm calloused and warm, pulling you closer in one quick jerk, your ass teetering on the edge of the bed. “Imoto…” he trails off, his tone far too sultry for the situation, caressing the inner side of your ankle with his thumb, stroking the soft skin as he tilts his head, deep in thought. 
His grip tightens again, to an almost painful extent, and you suppress a cry as the delicate bones of your ankle groan under the pressure. His voice is cold and condescending as he speaks.
“You’re so stupid.”
You lean further back as he hovers over you, surveying you with flat, emotionless eyes. 
“I don’t care that you were mean. Just like I don’t care if you tell anyone. I don’t care if they believe you either. You know why? Because no one will do anything,” he whispers, toying with the hem of your shirt as he regards you with cool indifference.
“I could do anything I wanted, and no one would say a thing. In fact, I will do what I want… Do you know what I want?”
You shake your head, hesitant and silent in your state of panic.
“Aw, imoto, you know you shouldn’t lie to your big brother,” he murmurs patronisingly, gripping the hem of your shirt as he slowly lifts it up, leaving it to rest just above your bare breasts.
His pupils are blown wide as his hand trails down your waist, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
“Y’know, you’re pretty grown now, aren't ya? I wonder… Have you let anyone touch you yet?” 
He hums to himself, not pressing you for an answer as he continues in a stupor, seemingly unaware of your silent horror. You’re completely frozen, too shocked to move, to speak, to do anything. You can’t even bring yourself to lower your shirt as you listen in abject horror as he continues on.
“I really hope you haven’t. Not that it really matters… Touya-nii will take real good care of you, don’t you worry… It’s about time I treat that bad attitude of yours too.”
You’re frozen in disbelief and fear, completely paralysed as he shoves a leg between yours, keeping them open as he shifts his grip from your ankle to your hips.
The stupor is short-lived, and your struggles renew twofold as he paws at your clothed cunt. There’s a satisfying thwack sound as your foot connects with his jaw, though the sense of victory quickly fizzes out within the long bout of dead silence. Touya tilts his head to the side staring at the wall blankly, and after a few long moments, he moves, slowly facing forward again, rubbing his jaw, seemingly completely ignoring you as he works his jaw.
He huffs, the sound reminiscent of an amused scoff as he looks down at you with rage simmering in his eyes.
“Like I said: You’re so fucking stupid.”
You don’t see the slap coming. All you register is the blurred sight of his arm flying towards you, his numerous rings glinting in the lowlight of the room, and the sudden burn of his backhand striking you across the face. A short, surprised huff is all you can manage, the sharp taste of blood and the stinging pain of rapidly developing welts on your cheek distracting you from reacting.
A trembling palm presses to your tender cheek, and you look up at him with shocked eyes.
“You… hit me.”
He lets out a sardonic laugh, rolling his eyes as he clicks his tongue and caresses your cheek, condescending in his tone.
“Aw, my sweet little sister. You sound so surprised. If I’d known you were such a baby, maybe I’d have taken my rings off for you. Here-”
He pauses, pulling away as he discards his rings haphazardly, turning to frame your face with his calloused palms. His eyes soften slightly as he looks down at you, caressing your tender, reddened cheek for a moment, his fingers lovingly stroking the warm flesh before digging into the fat of your cheeks and his gaze hardens. 
The next slap feels worse than the previous, if that’s even possible.
You’re still reeling from the rough strikes, jolting out of your daze as you feel Touya’s palms ghost over the inside of your thighs. 
His gaze is focused and razor sharp as he soaks in the sight of your scantily clad core, his palms encasing the tender, soft flesh of your thighs. 
Squirming uncomfortably does nothing as he pins your hips down, shifting to kneel on the floor before the bed, yanking you closer and throwing your legs over his shoulders.
Dread drops into your stomach like a stone, making your head spin. As badly as you try to keep them at bay, tears bubble up, dripping down your temples as you sniffle, staring up at the ceiling as you beg.
“Stop– Stop!” You wail panickedly, thrashing beneath him, making no attempts to disguise your sobs. “Stop or I’ll tell Dad!” 
He lifts his head from where it was descending between your legs, grinning wickedly at the words.
“Dad? Aw, you sweet, innocent thing. He’d do the exact same thing if he could. Where do you think I get it from, huh?” he says mockingly, condescending as he slaps your cheek lightly before moving back to his previous position, his mouth dangerously close to your centre despite your tightly clenched thighs.
“Come on now, open up for me. It’ll only hurt more if I have to make you.”
A pleading whine is all you can manage as you shake your head, keeping your legs pressed together.
His eyes turn cold at that, all playfulness and teasing leaving him in an instant. He cruelly digs his fingers into the soft flesh of your thighs and huffs in annoyance at your yelp of pain, leaning forward as you jerk your legs apart from the pressure.
A moment later, his warm mouth envelopes your clothed sex.
Your hips jolt, and you gasp in surprise, eyes wide and rounded as you stare down at his bowed head between your legs.
This… This was wrong. So wrong. 
Even if you didn’t like him, even if you were loathed to admit it- He was your brother.
Your brother.
“Touya… Stop, please. Please,” you beg quietly, your voice quivering with effort as you reach down to his head, intent on pushing his face away.
You don’t get very far.
His grip is like a vice on your wrist, and he doesn’t look up and he squeezes down painfully, tutting in mock disappointment.
“Did your mother never teach you it’s bad manners to interrupt someone’s meal?” he murmurs, not looking up at you as he massages your hips, hooking his fingers over the hem of your sleep shorts.
It’s torturous. A sick, twisted punishment, the way his focus is wholly dedicated to undressing you.
Shame floods your chest, burning up your neck and over your ears.
He pulls your shorts down, inch by inch until you’re exposed to him, shivering in the cold, stagnant air of the basement. He looks up at you then, regarding you with cool indifference as he kneads the fat of your thighs.
“Itadakimasu,” he purrs softly before descending on you.
A breathy, strangled garble is all you can manage as he licks a smooth, confident stripe up your slit, twirling his tongue lightly around the bud of your clit before returning to your cunt.
His tongue is teasing, punishing as he laps at your core, slurping loudly as if to humiliate you. It works, tears of shame burning your eyes as he pulls away after a few minutes to stare up at you with an appraising eye.
“Someone’s enjoying this, hm? Look at how worked up I’ve got ya…” he hums softly, shifting his hand to rub tight circles on your clit as he stares you down.
“You’re a disgusting whore, getting off on this. Like mother, like daughter, huh?”
The words snap something inside of you, and you decide in that moment, you want to hurt him- kill him. Gouge his eyes out and shove them down his throat.
“I hate you.”
You glower and slap him across the face with as much force as you can muster, not giving him a moment to react as you kick his shoulder, sending him careening back before you jump off the bed, yanking your shirt down in the process.
Though you try to sprint for the door, your relief is short lived.
At least the floor is carpeted here, you think gratefully, sparing your head the aching reverberation as your skull bounces off the ground for the second time that evening.
He wrestles you onto your back, keeping you pinned with frightening ease.
You realise in that moment, he’d been allowing you to put up a fight. Though he seemed somewhat lanky at first glance, his torso and arms were corded with muscles. Muscles he used to keep you restrained beneath him as he ripped off your shirt, tearing through it like paper and leaving you stark naked beneath him. Your struggles had been little more than a game to him, one which he’d played along with all evening.
Screams and pleas fall on deaf ears as he snarls down at you, hatred simmering in his eyes. A thin trail of blood drips down from his cheekbone and onto your bare chest, the scratch on his face red and angry from where you’d struck him.
“I was going to be nice, get you all prepped and ready, maybe even give you an orgasm or two. But you’re such an ungrateful fucking whore,” he spits, wrapping his hand around your throat to quieten your wails.
When you continue struggling, thrashing beneath him with flailing limbs, he lifts you up slightly by your throat before slamming you down, knocking the last of your breath from your lungs. 
“Now, here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to punish you for that little stunt just now, and then I’ll let my friends upstairs have their way with you too. It’s the least you could do after you were so rude to them, hm?”
You have no words left. No hateful insults, no pleas, no threats, nothing.
All you can do is cry soundlessly as he unbuckles his belt, the metal clinking as he yanks it off and shoves his pants down his thighs, lining himself up with your mostly unprepped entrance.
He slaps your cheek lightly, shaking your head as you try to dissociate from reality.
“Nuh uh, none of that now. I want you here. Pay attention,” he hisses, gripping your jaw tightly before shifting his palm back down to your neck, his grip bruising and painful.
A pained squeak is all the noise you can manage, clawing at his hand on your throat as his cock shoves into your core.
It’s agonising, painful, feeling him force his way into you, violating you.
His hips jerk forward in short spurts, fighting against the resistance of your unprepared core with every stroke, his Jacob’s ladder rubbing your walls raw with each vicious stoke. Tears dampen your temples, burning your eyes, and you wait for the pain to subside as he pushes in to the hilt and stops with a puff, his breathing evening out after a long moment.
The two of you lay there in silence, and you suck in a shuddering, wheezing breath as he released the column of your throat. His hand travels down your bare body, coming to rest on your pubic bone as he uses his thumb to massage tight circles into your clit.
His ministrations leave your legs quaking, and your orgasm overtakes you without warning, slamming into you like a tidal wave as you whine and arch your back off the ground, begging him in broken babbles to stop.
Your pleas fall on deaf ears, and he seems to double down, grinning cruelly as he continues to flick your swollen clit.
“Come on now, you can give me one more,” he coaxes teasingly.
And you do. You cum again, your walls fluttering around his cock as your eyes roll back in your head. 
His fingers stop their tortuous movements while you pant, but you’re not granted a reprieve as he grips your hips, lifting them slightly to position the back of your ass on the top of his thighs. He jerks his hips forward, snickering as you gasp and whine before drawing his hips back and slamming forward.
The movement makes your breasts bounce, and he immediately sets an arduous pace.
You dig your fingertips into the carpet beneath you, clinging onto it for dear life as he fucks his way deeper into you, pressing your thighs to your chest. 
The noises you let out are disgraceful, moans and whines that would put a pornstar to shame, but your mind feels blank, empty of all thoughts besides the feeling of his cock filling you up, the mind numbing massage of his piercing against your gummy walls.
Touya isn’t much better off. His bottom lip is caught between his teeth and his brow is furrowed, twitching as he grunts and moans each time he bottoms out inside you, feeling your walls suck him in deeper with each stroke. You’re both covered in a light sheen of sweat, panting heavily and trembling with the exertion, and your cheeks still shine with tears.
“That’s my girl,” he murmurs. “My sweet little sister, nothing but a dumb little cumslut. What would everyone say if they could see you now, huh?”
His words are hateful and meant to hurt you, but you can’t think, can’t respond in anything but breathless moans as he pulls you closer and picks up the pace. 
“Say thank you. Say ‘thank you big brother for making me cum’. Say it.” 
He’s as demanding as ever, tweaking your nipples in punishment when you make no attempt to respond, insead laying dumb and drool covered beneath him.
“Say it,” he orders you.
“T-Thank you- fuck- thank you Touya.”
He scoffs, slapping your tits with an open palm.
“Thank you Touya-nii,” he corrects you, squishing your cheeks together with one palm as he shakes your head back and forth.
“Thank you Touya-nii,” you whine, writhing beneath him.
He rewards you by leaning forward and spitting into your squished open mouth, clamping his palm over your mouth as you gag and try to spit it out.
“Ah ah, swallow.”
You do.
He pats your cheek in a gesture that seems almost loving, shifting his fingers down to your clit once more.
“You wanna cum again? Wanna cum on your big brother’s cock?”
It’s a rhetorical question, he’s already forcing you over the edge for the third time that evening, leaving you a twitching, overstimulated mess beneath him.
"It was me, by the way. I used your underwear- I came to tell you Natsuo wouldn't be home tonight, but instead all I find is some lacy white shit."
He chuckles at your horrified expression, groaning at the feeling of your fluttering walls.
“-’m gonna fill you up,” he grunts to himself, gripping your thighs, digging his nails into the tender flesh as he uses your body.
His words fill you with cold dread, but you don’t have time to interject before he stills with a throaty groan, slumping over you as his cock twitches inside you and warmth floods your belly.
“F-Fuck, so good-” he mumbles into your chest as he presses kisses against your tits, still grinding into you as your walls twitch pathetically around him.
He huffs a spiteful laugh at the whine you let out as he pulls out of you, his cum dribbling out of your spent cunt. He lightly slaps your cunt, smirking as your legs twitch, before he sits back on his haunches and tucks his now limp dick back in his pants.
“Up. Get on the bed.”
Your mind, somewhat coherent once more, is in a frenzy.
What the fuck had you just done.
This was wrong. So, so wrong.
What would your parents say? What would your siblings say?
Oh God, if they saw this, saw you…
You feel sick, your stomach roiling as you sit up, shoulders shaking with cold realisation.
Another harsh slap to the face pulls you out of your panicked reverie.
Touya looms above you with cold eyes and an unimpressed expression.
“Get on the fucking bed. Right now. We’re not done here.”
You know by now that fighting is useless. He was so much bigger and stronger than you, so easily able to subdue you. Not to mention the other two men upstairs-
No. Please no.
But your suspicions are confirmed as Touya walks to the door and leaves the room, coming back a moment later with his two friends in tow and a cruel smirk on his face, tutting mockingly at the anguish on your face.
“I did warn you. You have to apologise for your bad manners. Come on sweetie, be a good girl for them, yeah?”
None of them wait for a response, both Keigo and Tomura pulling their aching, leaking cocks from their pants as they hover above you, leering down like a pack of hyenas. 
Touya doesn’t slap you when you try to dissociate this time, content to let his friends use you while he lounges in the armchair in the corner of the room, watching with a disinterested expression. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he seemed bored.
Keigo seems to have some sick fascination with your mouth, shoving his cock down your throat without warning or preparation and letting out a throaty moan as your throat convulses around him.
His palm remains locked around your neck, watching with rapt attention as your throat works awkwardly around the thick intrusion.
You’re almost thankful for the distraction of his cock, for the way Touya had stretched you out minutes prior, when you see the length bobbing between Tomura’s legs.
How it was possible for someone to be that big, you didn’t want to know. 
Your eyes remain transfixed in muted panic on the monstrous member as Tomura makes his way around the bed, propping you up on your knees before he spits on your cunt.
The feeling of a fat glob of spit hitting your entrance and sliding down the length of your slit makes you cringe, shivering in disgust at his actions. You’re not given a moment's warning before you feel the fat head of his cock rubbing against your entrance, trying to pry its way into your tight heat.
A panicked, muffled garble escapes you as you jerk forward, only serving to fit more of Keigo’s length down your throat in your attempt of escape.
Tomura lets out a hiss of displeasure, digging his fingertips into the fat of your hips as he jerks you back towards him, forcing the head of his cock into your pussy.
It hurts, you want to say. It won’t fit, please.
But you can’t. All you can do is choke down gags and sobs as Tomura rips through you. Everytime you think he’s bottomed out, he just keeps going. He keeps going until it feels like he’s pushed through your cervix, until he sits snugly in your stomach. 
He doesn’t give you a chance to catch your breath, doesn’t grant you the smallest of breaks like Touya did. Instead, he immediately sets a harsh, forceful pace, and each stroke feels like a punch to the gut.
From his spot in the corner of the room, Touya lets out a low whistle, leaning forward with his forearms resting on his knees.
“Look at ya. You’re loving this, aren’t ya? Hm, if I’d have known being dicked down was all you needed to shut up, I’d have done it ages ago.”
His words flow in one ear and out the other, your sole focus on not choking around Keigo’s length as he bottoms out and keeps you pinned in place with his palm planted on the back of your head.
As much as you try to ignore it, his throaty, vocal moans make your core clench around Tomura who scoffs. “You were right, she really is a whore. I can feel her sucking me in.” Touya only hums in response, watching now with an almost enthralled expression as his two friends plough into you simultaneously. “You probably love this, hah? Dumb little slut.” 
The swat he places on your ass leaves a stinging red welt on the smooth flesh.
You’re too lost in the unwanted pleasure to even think about responding. You let your mind wander elsewhere, losing yourself in the toe curling sensation of Tomura’s dick rubbing up against your walls, filling you completely.
Maybe if you pretend it’s someone else, anyone else-
You cum so hard you black out for a moment, losing any and all sensation in your hands and feet as your limbs fill with a strange fuzzy feeling. Your orgasm was so sudden, so unexpected and all-consuming that you struggle to keep yourself conscious and up on all fours, arms and legs trembling as Tomura whines through his teeth.
Keigo grips your hair at the roots, bringing your attention back to his cock as he moans, tilting his head back and flooding your throat with his cum without warning.
He tuts, pulling out of your mouth with a sigh and tapping your chin with his fingers.
“Be a big girl and swallow now, will ya?”
You wince, grimacing as you swallow down his thick, salty seed.
His smirk is devious as he pats your cheek, zipping up his pants and walking over to Touya. He leans down and whispers something in his ear, though their conversation is lost to you as Tomura flattens your chest against the mattress and picks up his pace.
You can’t stop your tongue from lolling out your mouth as he rails into you, your drool forming a puddle beneath you, soaking into the cream duvet. All you can manage is breathless, whiny moans - the only sound in the room besides his own grunts, the slick pattering of your cunt, and the banging of the headboard against the wall.
The thick duvet lays twisted beneath your fingers, and you cling to it desperately as Tomura pants above you like a dog in heat, using your cunt like some glorified fleshlight.
By the time Tomura finishes inside you, you’ve climaxed twice more. He collapses on your back, breathless as he licks a stripe up the ridges of your sweaty spine.
You’re too exhausted to even whine or wrinkle your nose in disgust. It’s all you can do to fight from passing out, puffing from the exertion.
Goosebumps cover you as the sweat cools on your skin, leaving you shivering and sticky.
Touya approaches the bed, murmuring something to Tomura, who grumbles and gets off of you with a grunt before ambling out of the room.
Once only the two of you are left in the thin silence, Touya speaks. His voice is little more than a low murmur as he crouches down next to you, softly brushing the sweaty strands of hair off your face.
“You look so pretty like this. All vulnerable and used… I hope you know how this changes things. You’re mine now. All mine.”
The sentiment makes your stomach curl. If he sees the cold dread on your exhausted face, he doesn’t comment on it, instead pressing a soft, small kiss to your temple.
“Come on, I’ll carry you to your room.”
He doesn’t wait for an answer, lifting you off the bed with ease before leaving the basement and making his way through the house, to your room. The sight of the soft, baby pink walls feel surreal after the past few hours. You feel as if you’re violating the clean, pure space of your bedroom, soiling the sheets as Touya sets you down on your bed. 
He bustles around your room, grabbing another sleep shirt and tossing it your way before coming to settle down beside you on your bed. You make no move to put on the shirt.
You don’t do much of anything but stare blankly at the wall opposite your bed.
Touya hums softly, stroking your hair.
“Ya not gonna say anything?”
There’s a pause.
“Huh. Okay then… I think you’ll move in with me. Well, Tomura and me, that is. It’s a nice place, you’ll like it.”
Again, a pause. He seems to be waiting for a reaction, a change in facial expression, something.
He sighs heavily.
“Come on, don’t be like that. It’s not as if you didn’t enjoy it. You’re lucky it was storming outside and no one’s home. I’m sure the entire neighbourhood would’ve heard you moaning like a whore.”
It’s a jibe, one meant to get a rise out of you.
“...whatever. You’ll come around sooner or later, hah?” he hums, ruffling your hair.
He stands and stretches, seeming to contemplate something for a moment before he sighs again, covering you with a blanket and leaving your room without another word.
Only once the door clicks shut, do you allow yourself to cry, your small sniffles muffled by your pillow.
Despite your fear, your strained emotions, the ache between your thighs and in your jaw…
You fall asleep, curled up in a tight ball beneath a pile of blankets.
Unconsciousness welcomes you with open arms, and you pray that you stay asleep indefinitely, not wanting to wake up and deal with what had happened. 
You dream of shadowy figures, larger and faster than you, with glinting silver jewellery and cruel smirks, all looming over you.
And when you wake up hours later, you awake all your belongings packed up in cardboard boxes, and to Touya next to you in bed, his fingers pumping in and out of your core, his other palm massaging your breast.
He nips at your ear, smirking against your neck. "Morning imoto..."
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ph4ngz · 1 year
[DARK CONTENT] Dabi x ProHero!Reader
Warning(s): NON-CON, Reader is under a quirk suppressant, physical abuse, Dabi is kinda scary and psycho tbh, Reader is a very new hero, crippling corruption kink, use of fire quirk (he brands reader), mtf oral, ass play, nipple play, Dabi is a huge dickhead, cumming inside, talk of getting pregnant toward the end, kinda hurried to finish it lmao...
"Oh, good morning sleeping beauty."
Your restless stirring seizes the exact moment an unfamiliar hoarse, teasing voice registers in your brain. What the fuck?
Urging to find the source of said voice, you find an intense pain blossoming over the span of your right cheek when you attempt to lift yourself from the ground despite the handcuffs binding your wrists. You'd opened your heavy eyelids for a split second just now, all you saw was the blinding sun beaming through many jagged gaps of a wall made of cracked cement, but the sudden pain had made you clench them shut again before you could make any sense of your fleeting view.
"Ooooh, yeah... Spinner threw you to the floor last night. Impact do a number on ya, huh? Sa'shame none of your useless hero friends could be bothered to save you."
The scent of cigarettes and damp concrete surrounds you, the strength of it almost suffocating. Where the hell are you? Who is Spinner?
"F-Fuck off." hostility laces your words, yet your supposed kidnapper is rather amused by them, a scoff ringing in your sensitive ears. His heavy footsteps echo everywhere as he saunters around above your place on the cold floor, purposely keeping a certain distance so you can't see his face if you open your eyes. The ground's temperature is numbing your shivering body through your thin training getup. Goosebumps cover your chilled skin, although you're not entirely sure whether it's the flooring or the anonymous villain at fault for them.
"Unless you wanna be burnt to ashes, you better watch the attitude, bitch."
White pulses in your vision once the villain stoves the heel of his steel-toed boot into your side, the thick block digging into your ribcage and leaving a dusty, dark imprint on your shirt.
Your bloodcurdling cries echo within the confines of what you assume is some warehouse tucked away in the city, car horns and occasionally loud pedestrians fading in and out of your hearing capabilities. It's entirely possible that your screams will not be acknowledged from this distance, obviously decreasing your chance of gaining backup from other pros.
You consider unleashing your quirk, but deem your current situation grants too little information for you to use it yet. Best to wait until it's guaranteed safe and necessary. Even though, guessing this guy's quirk is heat or fire-based, your own powers wouldn't be of much help.
The heel bruising your side lifts slightly but not completely, relief only surfacing for a quick second before being dragged away by the villain ruthlessly nudging you around with his foot like a feline plays with it's prey. High pitched groans pass through your gritted teeth, making him close his eyes as if listening to the soothing whisper of each tree in a forest.
"God, can you tone it down? My ears might bleed from all that useless whining." Another gravelly voice enters the vicinity and you pause your involuntary wailing and thrashing. Once again, you open your eyes to be met with nothing but the ground.
You recognise that voice.
Flashbacks of what past UA students refer to as 'The USJ Incident' and "The Training Camp Incident" flicker inside your mind like a dying flame. Shigaraki. Holy shit, you've been captured by the League. You could've sworn your heart just skipped at least four beats.
"Oh boss, such a buzzkill." the pressure on your ribs finally disappears and the boots responsible for your noisiness step directly in front of your line of sight, albeit sideways which, when paired with your facial injuries, brings on some dizziness.
You're practically paralysed as the man you'd woken up to lowers himself into a steady crouch beside you, allowing his patchwork face to be visible. A pair of the most enthralling blue eyes seem to glow beneath a veil of messy obsidian hair. Dabi, the only member of the league who excels in long distance attacks. His quirk is basically fire, from what little findings you've heard from Hawks during your mere few weeks of being a number 6 hero. Wonderful.
"Is this the hero Spinner brought back for us, Shiggy? Woah, she's super adorable!" A petite, blonde girl lays a hand over the shoulder pad of Dabi's coat, eager to inspect. Toga. Deku had told you about this one as you'd volunteered to help at that infamous training camp during your third year, Uraraka too.
A faint shout from another room, “Not as super adorable as you, my darling Toga! Yeah, you’re totally smokin'!”,sounds before Shigaraki speaks up again.
"Fresh out of UA, her quirk would be an insanely helpful addition in order to achieve my goals, but her pain tolerance is something to be ashamed of. I suggest leaving the room before your ears are damaged beyond repair."
The chuckling man before you dons a sickening saccharine smirk as he holds eye contact, "She's a noisy one, ain'tcha? Kinda cute too."
You glare daggers at him from your place below him, soft and aching cheek smushed against the dirtied concrete still.
"N'awh, don't go lookin' at me like that..." Dabi tilts his head, pouting with childish ways lacing his every word.
The way his large, shaky hand threads itself through the hairs on your head shouldn't be as comforting as you think it should be, especially after he'd stepped on you like nothing more than an empty soda can not even five minutes ago. You swallow dryly at the fact that his palm is covering the entire visible side of your skull, then sparks crackle inside of your veins, every part of you tingling at the villain's blunt nails barely scraping along your scalp.
Shigaraki mutters a few words whilst you close your eyes, something along the lines of: "Overhaul" and "forty-eight hours", to which Dabi responds with an ominous "how exciting". Maybe, maybe not. You don't quite catch anything they say, but you’ll stick with your guesses.
You're ashamed when you come to realise that the other members, even Toga whom was directly in front of you, had already filtered into another room as you'd been focusing mainly on the calming sensation. Some hero you are, you wonder if somebody had made a mistake by placing you at number 6 on the charts.
No, you don't have time to wonder this, wonder that.
Not when you're alone with him.
The cold hardly allows you to fully experience the next surge of agony, and you're somewhat grateful for that, when Dabi yanks your head upward by your hair to then fit his other hand beneath your arm, propping you up like a limp ragdoll.
You’re sat with your back against the wall now, legs spread slightly and wobbly like jelly. Your wrists seem to be as heavy as led, laid awkwardly on the gritty concrete.
“What’re you gonna do to me…” you exhale with utmost fear, lack of confidence visible to whoever wants to see it whilst he situates himself lazily on the floor in front of you, one leg splayed out and the other tucked in. The corners of the villain’s lips pull upward at your question. Dabi relishes in your wide eyed reaction to his joyous smirk. Shit, he hasn’t even given an answer yet!
“Fuck, I love this question. Alright…”
You strain to activate your quirk, whether this environment is safe enough to use it or not. It’s necessary. You perform everything in your power, every ounce of inner strength seeping from your pores… but it’s not working. Not on your first try, second, third nor fourth.
No, no, no!—
Azul, infernal threat emitting from the calloused palm of your captor immediately brings an end to your violent squirming, the instantaneous lick of scorching flames enough to stun you.
“Jesus Christ, have a day off. The boss wasn’t kidding when he said you were a fresh one.”
Despite the panicked currents whizzing back and forth within your state of mental whiplash, the features on your face relax. Your jaw, slack and vulnerable to snap with a single blow. Eyes drooped and void of metaphorical light, aimed his way.
Your kidnapper’s croaky chuckles bury themselves inside your poor head, his voice unforgettable.
“Pfft, perk up a little will'ya?” Leaning forward, Dabi pinches both of your hard yet covered nipples to elicit an adorable yelp from his newest muse. The sudden stimulation has you come alive once more, reacting in a way you don’t want to pay mind to.
“That’s better, riiiight?” The utterly disgusting, condescending mumble that falls from his lips when he’s tantalisingly peeling your skintight vest above your bare tits dares your brows to bow, but you manage to refrain.
What the hell is wrong with you?
“Nngh—! Stop it! Bastard!” The humiliating villain’s fingers rise to torture you with your pebbled nipples a second time, though now he’s carefully circling them with his thumbs as he observes you helplessly wriggling away from his touch. It’s making your clit throb, and you can feel the arousal starting to gather in sticky droplets before soaking into your panties.
Your captivating, fucking adorable, perky tits fully exposed to him, nipples painfully hard and sensitive thanks to the cold. Dabi's smiling still, like you're some tiny, mewling kitten in front of him. Stubborn but so curious, ready to play with him yet too proud and full of hero syndrome bullshit to admit how much your claws are begging to sink into the pleasure.
He's squeezing the fat of your breasts harder now, the soothing heat of his palms warming your chest. Or is that something else entirely?
“Hah, hah, h- AH!” An ear ringing slap to your already bruised cheek causes you to cry out in stinging pain. You can already picture the huge, pink handprint staining your face. During this moment, you sense him shuffle along the concrete floor to close even more distance between each other, kneeling between your legs.
The involuntary pout curling your bottom lip would probably be more than enough for the childish man to fall head over heels for you if he could, if he wasn't already out of his fucking mind. Two pairs of thumbs and forefingers grab ahold of your sore, puffed out cheeks and stretch them, squeeze them, mush your features which ultimately makes you appear even cuter. Dabi's patchwork face is directly above yours, hovering menacingly and casting a shadow over you as he begins to humiliate you once again.
“You're so precious, ain’t ya…” he nods and copies the fearful, pouting expression you’re blessing him with. He circles his thumb over the hot mark on your face then slowly trails it across to your bottom lip, playing with your mouth as the dirtiest thoughts play out in his vision.
You’re sat there, shivering uncontrollably and trapped under his predatory gaze, watching his other hand lowering closer toward the area between your legs in your peripheral vision. You’re about to break eye contact with the intimidating villain when he presses a few of his fingers over your clothed clit, making your thighs try to clamp together on instinct, although Dabi’s keeping them open with his body wedged between.
He giggles hoarsely, finding your pathetic body’s reactions so very cute. An experimental circle of his digits against your now pulsing bud has you holding your breath, doing your damn best to ignore the lowkey clenching of your leaking hole. After a moment or two, he swiftly discards of your sneakers to be met with the most endearing pair of socks, an array of tiny strawberries decorating the pink cotton. Soon, you notice him tugging at the hem of your joggers and images of what’s bound to happen if you let him pull them down project inside your muddled brain like a one second slideshow.
You’re scared. Absolutely terrified. But you have to acknowledge it now, the feeling has grown too much to disregard any longer. You’re so fucking turned on.
“Ass up.” Dabi orders whilst backing up a couple inches on his knees so there’s more room.
And you comply, willingly! Well, it’s not like you can make use of your quirk to escape, so…
He practically rips your bottoms off of your body in one fell swoop, leaving you almost fully exposed bar a pair of thin socks, matching underwear and the vest bunched up around your collarbones. He’s eyeing you like a starving vulture, faintly drawling out a “good girllll”.
Of course, your body reacts in the worst of ways to the villain’s praise, toes curling and fists closing and opening. He notices, and you swallow hard.
“Oh, so you get off on praise? Want me to tell you that you’re doing well? That you’re making me feel so good?”
Tears are beginning to blur your vision as he shuffles closer once more and leans in, pushes your panties aside to spread your pretty pussy with both of his thumbs. Your fingers twitch when Dabi dips his head into the side of your neck, lips ghosting upward until they reach your earlobe.
“Or do you want me to bully you? Make you cry, make you fucking despise me, play with your little virgin clit until you pass. The FUCK.” He gives a biting smack to your cunt, “Out?”
The tears escape at the sudden shouting and they don't stop, even if the rest of your face tells a completely different story. You can't tell whether your mouth opened in a silent moan or a silent scream just now. Dabi licks his lips at the view.
"Awww, know what? I like the second option much better." he coos softly, kissing the side of your head. It's his body heat drawing you closer into his affectionate kiss, the way it's radiating off of his entire form is making you crave his warm touch. Right?
In a matter of seconds his thumb is already back on your pussy, and the stimulation is so powerful that you can already feel your abdomen tensing. You’re gritting your teeth with panic, wide eyes observing his hand between your thighs as he’s biting your neck.
With a single buck of your hips, Dabi presses his forehead against yours, donning a mean smirk with his eyes closed.
“Desperate.” He almost whispers whilst positioning his other hand directly on top of your lower tummy, pressing slightly and creating an irresistible pressure which gets you that much closer to release.
Once more, the villain lowers his head to face your nipples, taking one into his mouth and watching your sweet face struggle to hide the truth. He circles your clit faster, his touch hardly there at all but enough to have you squirming. The near unbearable pleasure you experience when his tongue repeatedly swipes across one of your hardened buds is making you pant, jaw slack.
You’re almost laying down, only your head and shoulders leant upon the wall now, how easily you let your guard fall is terrifying.
“Stop, stop stop stop—” you gasp and plead for him to seize his actions, but it’s no use.
“Or what. Feel too good, sweetheart? You gonna cum for me? Heh, I can see it written all over your face, how pathetic.” Dabi muses, his words so condescending and hurtful.
You shouldn’t cum. You shouldn’t. You should be screaming and yelling and doing everything in your power to escape. Not just laying here willingly, letting this happen to you—
“C’monnnnn, I know you want to. You wanna let it all go, cum all over my fingers,”
“You want me to go faster, make my little virgin hero’s legs shake,”
“That’s it, that’s it, cum for me, cum for me—”
“Fuck!” You yelp, voice breaking after trying to suppress it for so long.
His touch is removed from your pussy as soon as your orgasm hits, only to be returned by his long middle finger rapidly brushing along and rubbing your inner walls. Instead of overstimulating you, it makes you yearn for more. More orgasms, more touch, more him.
This is bad, very bad.
Your high has hardly calmed down at all when he orders you to stand, “up, face against the wall.”
You do as told, humiliatingly eager. Although a bit too slowly due to your hands being cuffed, so Dabi stations an iron grip on your upper arms and tugs you upward, most likely leaving a bruise to match the rest. He manhandles you into his desired position, an unmistakable glint of excitement in his eyes.
You catch the villain lowering into a crouch position behind you after arching your back and spreading your legs. You wince when his large hands painfully grab both of your asscheeks, spreading them to see both twitching holes. Arousal and cum are dripping from your cunt, his needy tongue snaking from his mouth on impulse, and he lets you take a good look at him too.
“Blehhhh.” Dabi almost taunts you childishly with his mouth from behind you, your head turned to witness his display, and your brain willingly burning the dirty image into itself. His blue eyes are captivating, so bright that they seem to glow even in the daylight. You notice his eyes begin to narrow as a devilish smile also rises on his lips, clearly having seen your moment of fascination.
With you still looking, he disappears from your gaze to hurriedly close his wet, soft lips over your puffy, throbbing clit. His hands are holding onto your ass for stability, fingernails clawing at the skin and leaving red, raw strips in their wake. There’s no time wasted, one heavy lick after another, more of your juices gather upon his tastebuds and he’s fucking ecstatic.
You’re in too deep to try and hold on to your resolve now, you know that, but maybe it’s just your nature. Strained moans escape your plumped lips, deep pink and sore from biting down so hard in order to refrain from enjoying your captor’s antics.
Lewd noises of suction and your wetness sound as his mouth pulls away from your cunt for the first time since he started.
“Ugh, fuck…” he groans lowly, his heavy breath fanning out onto your aimlessly clenching, drenched hole when he leans back on his heel to take in yet another view of your behind. A few seconds pass before he decides you’re too addictive to stay away.
“Mmph- Ah, you taste so sweet, so fucking innocent…” Dabi breathes, his skilled tongue flicking your bud back and forth so much that your knees threaten to buckle, and of course he wouldn’t let that go unnoticed.
“Look at you, mm, can hardly handle it.”
He’s eating you so fast that it’s getting more and more difficult for your brain to keep up, and before you know it you’re coming undone for the second time. You barely even registered your orgasm building up, so this time it’s much more intense.
Dabi’s irises swirl with unexpected surprise and pure elation.
Your eyes clench shut, harder than ever as you endure the way your hole spasms, the way your body jolts under the villain’s hold on you. Thighs so desperately trying to close again, you strain to keep them open for him, even as you feel something watery sliding down the plush skin.
Even as you’ve hit your peak, he’s still got his mouth on you, this time shaking his head with his long tongue lolling around and gliding over every inch of your sex. For a split second, you wonder why he’s riding you through this one. And for another split second, you internally thank the concrete wall in front of you for being something to lean your full weight on.
“Sh-Shit, you’re a squirter too?” He asks rhetorically whilst standing, using the back of his hand to wipe his chin. Man, he's starting to think he should keep you after this.
“I… I don’t know! I’m sorryAH!” Your apologies are cut short by a firm smack to your ass and a breathless chuckle.
“You’re so CUTE!” He yells with a crazed grin and delivers another smack, harder than the last and sure to turn your skin a darker shade of red.
You’re well beyond crying over the pain now, instead you’re starting to fucking enjoy it, crying over the pleasure. Broken sobs echo with each crisp smack he hurtles toward your ass until he stops completely.
Without any warning, Dabi leans over your trembling body to take your jaw in one hand, keeping it steady for his other thumb to bully its way into your mouth. He coats it with your spit, rubbing the pad of his thumb all over the surface of your tongue and eventually removes himself from you.
The silence is deafening, that is until you break it with a sharp exhale.
He’s slathering your asshole with your own saliva, circling around it and causing you to pant, who knows why. Exhaustion, anxiety, anticipation, fear… pleasure.
“Oh? You like that?” He places his other hand around your waist, his featherlight touch tickling you slightly and making you twitch.
“Filthy girl.”
The harder he begins to push against your puckered hole, the louder and faster your breathing becomes. He’s contently watching you clench around nothing from above your pathetic form, and it’s when he dares to slide his thumb past the rim that you finally break.
“Urngh! Pl-ease, please!” You beg, non injured cheek scraping slightly along the wall.
“Begging? For what?”
You pause to think for a moment. Mind blank. There’s no answer, and Dabi can see it on your face.
“Haha, my dumb little hero doesn’t even know what she’s begging for! What, are you all fucked out already?” His raspy voice is pleasant in contrast to the words he says with it.
Suddenly, the villain slips his slicked thumb fully inside of your ass, grabbing a handful of your hair and yanking it backward at the same time. He leans forward again, only to whisper in your ear.
“I hate to break it to you, precious, but I’m sure as hell not done with you yet.”
It seems like your entire world spins ten times faster, like you’re floating as he speaks.
“God, I’m gonna fucking ruin you…” he states, voice still low as his hold on your hair drops and he softly caresses the length of your spine in a way that’s frighteningly loving.
In a matter of minutes his coat is flung onto the ground, jeans are unzipped and pushed down with his underwear to free his throbbing cock, a sigh of relief from him indicating that his hard length was getting worse to deal with by the second.
You’re soaked, your cum spilling out of your hole without much of a push at all, and it’s driving Dabi insane. He wants to corrupt you, your sweet little cunt is practically calling his name, just asking for him to claim it. He’s sick of all the foreplay nonsense, all he wants is to split you in half, fuck you so dumb on his fat cock to the point where you can’t even form a coherent sentence.
So that’s what he’s going to do. Say buh-bye to the adorable virgin hero you are.
Quickly running both hands through his obsidian head of hair, he stares at his dick. Angry, long and jumping. Yeah. You’re destroyed. Your captor grips both of your shoulders, his cock level with your puffy, slicked up pussy without even having to align it. You’re the perfect size for him, now let’s see if you’re the perfect fit.
“MMPH! NNGH!” You squeal loudly, the searing pain originating from your sex automatically sending hot teardrops over your waterlines, the corners of your mouth downturned into a cute, wobbly pout.
“Oh, shut up. That was only the tip. Some pain threshold for a hero.” He says through gritted teeth, hiding his twisted enjoyment.
Dabi’s sinking you down onto his cock by your shoulders, his forceful grasp too much for you to wriggle away from. Inch by inch, he’s sliding in, the pain so overwhelming that you’re feeling lightheaded again.
“Almost done, don’t worry. You’ll be screaming for me by the end, virgin slut.”
That’s it. His attitude is getting to you.
“Get off on innocence much?” You backchat with a pained and hostile twinge.
“OI!” He shouts, pausing any movement for the time being, his voice making you jump in the process.
Good, that tormented look is back on your face.
The villain sucks on his teeth before slamming his hips into your ass, immediately nudging your cervix all the while branding your shoulders with burning handprints which evokes an agonised reaction from you.
A silent scream leaves your lips, the sensation so intense that no noise is enough to convey it.
“I thought I told you to watch the attitude, princess. Tch, stupid bitch.”
Fuck, you’re so tight around him that it’s hard to move. Inhaling through his teeth, Dabi attempts to thrust his twitching cock in and out of you. He succeeds, but only just. Looks like you’re growing accustomed without him having to touch your clit, how cute.
The pain is succumbing to the sheer pleasure, the feeling of his length brushing up and down your inner walls drowning it out. Whiney groans are erupting straight from your chest, playing like music to your captor’s ears. Every thrust is becoming more and more powerful, his cock dead set on finding release inside of you before anybody else ever can.
After a short while, your heated face is occasionally bumping into the wall as you’re bouncing on him, echoes of strained grunts and the sweetest moans mixing with each other and the sound of skin against skin.
“Sssshhhhit! You feel me? Yeah?” His gravelly questions pierce through your mind, every word he says so clear to you.
“Yes, yes! Hard-Harder!” You’re a blubbering mess now, letting yourself go, completely unhinged for your villain.
Your villain? THE villain. What’re you thinking?!
“Hahaha! You’re taking it like a bonafide slut! Turn around and I’ll go harder for you.” Dabi is loving this way too much.
Obeying orders, you turn around only to be picked up and manhandled once more, this time your back pushed into the wall with him between your legs. You’re left with an unbearable feeling of emptiness without his perfect dick stretching you out, but that feeling soon disappears when he instantly slams back into you. Wrapping your arms around his neck and scrunching your pretty face, you cry out, “Fucking hell!”
Dabi bites his lip at the sight before him and licks up a few of your stray tears, then finally presses his lips against yours. Your teeth clash sometimes with the movements but neither of you give a shit, you’re definitely too fucked. The villain soon slows his pace, still keeping the strength in his thrusts consistent, the slight decrease in speed allowing you to force your tongue into his mouth without biting it.
He sighs loudly and pleased, undeniably happy with your little performance of courage. He’s keeping you, he’s decided. The kiss is broken, and the pace is increased once more.
“I’m gonna cum—” Your captor warns.
“N-Not inside! Ah! Ah!” You attempt to yell through every bounce of your ass upon his strong thighs, sweet panic arising on your features.
“Sorry, what was that?” He asks menacingly, the muscles in his arms tensing up as they secure your legs. You can feel his cock jolting inside of your tight cunt. No no no!
“Please! N-ot insi-ide—!” Your nostrils are flaring, heart beating about a mile a second but he isn’t pulling out.
Dabi hears you, loud and clear. But damn if he isn’t going to make a show out of this. With his plumped lips open and teeth gritted, he closes his eyes and bows his eyebrows, pulling the perfect face of release just for you.
“Nngh— fuck, fuck…” the villain pants with his nose touching yours. As soon as his eyes open to be met with yours, filled with terror, excitement, lust… all such emotions that contradict with each other playing on your face, he just laughs at you dryly. Dumb, tiny virgin bitch.
“Whoops. Too late.”
Your wide eyes are boring into his narrowed ones as a mixture of his and your own cum droops to the ground beneath you, not a thought present inside your head. Shock numbing your emotions. Still, you attempt to weasel your way out of his hold, which gets you nowhere.
“You didn’t think we were finished, did you? Don’t worry, I’ll be the one to tell your hero buddies you’re on maternity leave... Hey, what'd you expect? A fuckin' apology?”
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zombryz · 1 year
♡ all my suffering ♡ chapter 4
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Chapter Four
masterlist | Prev. Chapter 1 | Prev. Chapter 2 | Prev. Chapter 3 | Next Chapter 5  | ao3 | playlists (dabi & shigaraki)
Pairings: Shigaraki x f!reader x Dabi
A/N: Hello my friends! First of all, thank you for reading this far and I appreciate all the support :) Enjoy the 4th chapter! Also, FYI - I do have the ending planned out so I'm not writing the plot of the story as we go, but lets just say this is elevated porn with plot (sorry). I just enjoy writing action scenes... let me know if its not very entertaining and I can cut it back some.
Warnings: Specific to this chapter - blood, lots of blood, Sexual assault, angst, abuse (physical and emotional), possessiveness, slowburn progression, TW for Overhaul in general (Idk why I hate him lol)
Word Count: 7k
You left Dabi sleeping on the mattress as you quickly followed Shigaraki out of the garden shed, adjusting your T-shirt and smoothing out your hair. The last thing you wanted was to make him more annoyed with you. This walk of shame was going to suck. Shigaraki was standing next to his Nomu, facing the woods in the direction of the house, waiting for you as you dove beneath the same wooden panel as the previous night. Shigaraki was standing there with his arms crossed. You were embarrassed and concerned about his sudden stoicism. Your cheeks turned scarlet as you purposefully waited to speak first. Since you first saw him, months ago now, his light blue hair has gradually grown longer. Now it was almost past his shoulders and was blowing slightly in the wind. You really took in his looks under the morning sun, admiring how his arms looked in the black shirt he was wearing. 
“Tch,” he begins without looking back at you, “you’re going to have to change before I hand you over.” He states this nonchalantly, his voice extremely monotone. 
“I-I know. I’m sorry,” your voice cracks from using it for the first time that morning; suddenly very nervous to be in his presence, “I’ll be quick.” 
“Good.” He left it at that before walking toward the house ahead of you, his nomu in tow. 
Once you got back to the house, you quickly changed into your hero costume. Villain Costume? Oh, you didn’t even know anymore. There were still rips from where you were captured that night months ago. Eventually, you’ll have to consider getting a replacement or at least a patch up. You sighed heavily as you equipped your knives to your thighs. What even happened last night? You slept with Dabi; you remember now. Your face heats up thinking about his face in between your thighs. What does that mean for you? Did you like him? Did he like you? Suddenly, your brain goes back to your walk back to the house with Shigaraki. He didn’t say anything else to you. The tension was thick in the air. He didn’t even prepare you for your job with Overhaul, which seems like something he should’ve done. Or maybe you should’ve asked him. It’s too late now. You’ll just have to ask Toga. 
A big, blacked-out van comes to pick you up, along with Toga and Twice. The two of them were giddy and happy about having a job that could finally contribute to the group. They spent the ride talking and playing rock, paper, scissors. You, however, were stuck in your head thinking about Dabi and how you didn’t say goodbye to him in your rush to chase after Shigaraki that morning. You hoped he would understand why you left so quickly. Heck, he’s a hot villain, so you were sure he probably slept with loads of girls in the past, and they were probably all one-night stands. He didn’t seem like the relationship type, and he definitely knew what he was doing in bed. The thought made your stomach sink—thinking about him sleeping with tons of other girls. With that, you pulled up to your destination and were pulled from your thoughts. Thank god.
As the three of you exited the van, you saw him. You didn’t even realize how much pent-up anger you still had for the man standing only a few feet in front of you now. Your brows furrowed in anger like those of an untrusting dog ready to attack. Twice felt your energy and put his arm in front of your body, prepared to hold you back if necessary. Overhaul was surrounded by his men, who were polished and wearing black suits and ties. They looked like hit men, and that's probably exactly what they did for work. “It’s okay, Y/N.” Twice whispered to try and console you. You hadn’t even noticed your knuckles whitening as you brought your hand down to one of your knives. 
“Welcome, my League of Villains associates,” he started. His hands were behind his back, and he still spoke through that dumb fucking mask that he always wore. At least Shigaraki’s was scary. Overhaul’s just made him look like a tall, man bird. You truly hated him. He noticed right away that your hateful eyes were fixed on him. “Y/N, I hear you’re this group’s team leader.” He speaks directly to you now, a small smirk on his lips. 
You had no clue what he was talking about considering Shigaraki didn’t really brief you that morning, but you weren’t going to let Overhaul get the upper hand here. “Yeah, I am,” you say, feeling the haste on your tongue as you suck in through your teeth. 
“Good, follow me,” he turned away, signaling for you to follow him with the wave of his hand. “The other two can go with my men here.” You were suddenly worried and didn’t want to be separated from Toga and Twice. Overhaul was not someone you could see yourself ever trusting. It's a shame, but he got on your shit list the day he killed Magne. Twice pulled his arm away from you, and Toga shot you a sympathetic smile. You followed him inside, down an elevator, and through hallway after hallway. Left, right, and right again, you tried to remember your exit plan while he was leading you, but all the walls looked the same—gray, boring, and without windows since you were underground. Great. 
You arrived at a room that had the appearance of a guest room. The bedsheets were done up like a hotel, and there was a small side table with a lamp next to it. A small TV sat in the corner of the room. The walls were just as gray in the room as they were in the hall. You frowned at the sight. “Is this where I’ll be staying?” You spoke up before Overhaul had the chance to even give you a tour of your home for the week. 
“Yeah, it i-”
You cut him off once more: “Where are Toga and Twice going to be staying?” You interjected, crossing your arms and not giving a damn that he was still speaking. 
“They’ll be in the two rooms next to yours.” He gestures to the rooms behind you with a tilt of his chin. You stay quiet this time. Not really having much else to say to him, hoping this conversation would be over soon. He pauses for a long moment, unsure if you were going to speak up again. He takes a moment to take you in. This was the closest he’s ever been to you. The girl who managed to make him bleed, he thought. What an interesting specimen you were. He thought you were pretty and had an aura that made you frightening. You were a mystery to him, and he wanted to know why Shigaraki wouldn’t exactly give you up as easily as he did the others. 
“Are we done?” You interrupt his thoughts. Not sure why you’re still having this awkward conversation.
“You’re kind of feisty, aren’t you?” He chuckles softly. It was definitely not a noise you expected him to make.
“Only with people I have no interest in speaking with.” You crossed your arms this time; this action made his eyes fix on your side, and then his eyes slowly trailed down to your legs, examining your bodysuit. It was filled with holes and rips from your previous fights. He didn’t like how unkempt it was. 
“I’ll have my team get you a new suit.” He ignores your previous comment. His eyes move back up to yours, and suddenly you feel small. You don’t let go of your false confidence, though, as he continues to stare you down. “Before we talk about why you’re here, are you hungry?” Now that you thought about it, you were starving. Shigaraki barely kept food on the table for the league; it was usually everyone for themselves, so you don’t remember the last time you had something to eat that wasn’t stolen. You must have lost about 10 pounds since joining the league. Actually, a lot of the members were kind of scrawny. This thought made you sad. All you could do was nod and Overhaul once again lead you through the hallways of the yakuza stronghold. 
When you came across a small kitchen in one of the big rooms underground, you saw a few random men seated at one of the tables, but upon seeing Overhaul, they got up and left. He grabbed a sandwich from the fridge and handed it to you before grabbing a water bottle and leading you over to one of the tables. You both take a seat, and you are skeptical for a moment but reluctantly take the two items from him anyway.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” you ask while scarfing down the sandwich he gave you. Maybe you should be more worried about him possibly poisoning you, but you weren’t sure that you cared considering how good the sandwich was. Overhaul sat across from you and you shifted uncomfortably as the metal table touched your bare skin where the giant hole resided in your suit. He had taken off his mask and placed it on the table so that he could eat as well, and you still weren’t sure why he even wore the stupid thing. Maybe to keep up the scary morale? Who knows. He was kind of like Shigaraki, but they were more mirror images of each other. The opposite, if you will. It was kind of weird how you felt like you were having deja vu. Your eyebrows were still furrowed in anger. You were starting to think they would permanently be like that around him, although he was being nice for the time being. You still hated him, and before anything else, you didn’t trust him. “You should hate me like I hate you,” you added bluntly before taking another bite of your food.
“Why would I hate you?” He chuckled once more. This time you looked at him, and your brows softened ever so slightly. You could finally see his smile without his mask. Overhaul certainly wasn’t ugly. He would probably be classified as a pretty boy to other people. You feel like Toga might like him if she were here. He had dark and alluring eyes with long bottom and top eyelashes. He had a beauty mark under his eye that just added to his pretty features. 
“Well, for starters, I did that to you.” You sat up a little and pointed with your sandwich at the big scar on his wrist; it had barely healed. You honestly weren’t even sure if he realized it was you who threw the knife at him. Everything happened so quickly that, for all you knew, he didn’t see who threw it. 
“Yeah, you’re a pretty good shot,” he smiles lowly before looking up into your eyes through his lashes. He takes a bite of his food and doesn’t take his eyes off you.
“I don’t know about that; I was aiming for your head.” You looked away from him. A small smirk escapes your lips. 
His expression was calm as he chuckled at your words again. A full-on smile was plastered on his face this time. What’s with this guy? 
 “I took your friend’s life and your other friend's arm,” he says casually, shifting the conversation back to a serious tone. The anger bubbles up in you once more as you remember that day. “I’m sorry.” 
What? He’s apologizing? You admit that you did not see that coming. Was he just trying to get on your good side? Was he trying to recruit you? Something felt off. You still didn’t trust him. 
“Don’t get it twisted. I am still going to kill you if I get the chance.” You frown. “For Magne,” you state coldly. 
His expression doesn’t falter. Instead, he shifts in his seat to put his hands under his chin, resting his elbows on the table. He understands that your relationship wasn’t going to heal in a day.
“You work for me now,” he pauses. “Well, for this week at least. Unless I can convince Shigaraki to fully hand you over to me.” He starts speaking business, and your ears perk up. “I don’t know if that will ever happen, though; you’re very special to him.” You freeze at his words. Why? Special? After a moment, you realize he probably meant because of your quirk. That had to be it, right? He continues, “We received intel that it's possible that at some point this week the hero society will try to infiltrate our base,” your eyes widen. 
“W-What? Is that why we’re here? Does Shigaraki know?” Your voice betraying you and coming out a bit strange as you speak through your anxiety. That meant that you might see some of your old hero friends. You were not ready for this at all.
“Hey, don’t worry. I’m not planning on having you on the battle front. Your sole responsibility is to heal my men if they are injured in the fight.” He notices the concern in your face and says, “Plus, this is a stronghold; we’ve held up down here for almost a century.” His words console you. You take a deep breath in.
“Okay,” you reply with more certainty in your voice this time. You want to ask him why they don’t relocate, but remember quickly that he said they’ve been down there for almost a century. You didn’t really think to ask what the Hassaikai did for the hero society to try to infiltrate them. You’ll come to realize that you wish you had asked. “And for the record, Shigaraki doesn’t own me. I can make my own decisions about who I work for.” Overhaul smiles at your sudden blurt.
The next morning, you stirred awake with wide eyes at the realization that someone's arms were wrapped around your waist. Their face was plastered to your back, and they were snoring softly. You almost panicked before you looked down and saw Toga's delicate fingers holding on to your shirt. She was such a sweetheart; you had grown to love her like a sister these past few months. You suddenly hear more snoring coming from your floor; this time it sounded more manly. You slowly roll toward the edge of the bed and see Twice laying on the floor with a pillow and a blanket. His face was half-wrapped with a piece of silk, and his blonde hair was messily sprawled on the pillow. Cute. Overhaul’s men had given you each a set of dark gray scrubs to sleep in, so you were all matching. It almost felt like you were in jail, but you admit it felt good to eat real food and sleep in a real bed for once. It was cute that the two other members didn’t want to sleep alone. You didn’t blame them at all.
Toga had started to wake up, and you felt bad for moving around so much. You turned toward her and rubbed a small circle on her cheek and whispered, “Go back to sleep; it’s okay.” She nodded with her eyes closed and turned over in bed. The league really was like the family you never had. As you got out of bed, you quietly stepped over Twice and walked out of the room. To your surprise, one of Overhaul's men was posted just outside and turned to look at you as you jumped a little. It's good to know he didn’t trust you either.
“I have instructions to bring you to the boss once you’re awake.” You groan, already irritated. He had a mask on that was similar to Overhaul’s and carried a machine gun in his arms. Did he really think you guys were that dangerous? 
“What time is it anyway?” you ask the masked stranger as he radios his replacement. Another masked man comes running down the hall to stand guard over Toga and Twice. If you had known this would be a whole thing, you would’ve just woken them up too.
“It’s almost 5 a.m.,” he answered gruffly. 
“Is Overhaul even awake yet?” Your eyebrows raised; you were a little confused by all this but followed the man anyways.
“Guess we’ll see, won’t we?”
You follow the man down some halls to the elevator that brought you down before. He swiped his keycard and clicked level 5. You noticed you were on level 7 currently. Damn, you suddenly remembered just how deep underground you were. The thought makes you nauseous. You walk down the hall and see a few other men wearing the same uniform as your guide. All of them have guns. It felt darker on this floor for some reason. The walls must be a darker shade of gray. Once you arrive at what you assume is where Overhaul is, you watch as your guide whispers something to the two men posted outside the door and then brings his arm up to lightly knock on the double doors. You hear something inside and then a “Come in.”
Your guide pushes you inside and closes the door behind you. Okay? Rude. You look around the room, but it's pretty dark, so you can only make out shapes that resemble a bedroom with lots of furniture. Suddenly, the room is illuminated with the sound of a clap that makes you jump a little. It was still kind of dark; only the corners of the room were lit up with a comfortable, warm light. You let your eyes adjust and looked around you. The room was massive and filled with furniture that you only saw in the homes of top heroes. There was a fireplace to the left, along with a huge shag rug. To your right was a kitchen and living room combo with marbled countertops and a massive flat screen that came out of the wall. The couch looked like a cloud and was big, white, and fluffy. On top of that, everything was pristine. The floors were marbled black and looked like they had never seen a speck of dust. You allowed your wanderlust to get the best of you, and your eyes snapped back to the center of the room, where you noticed an all-black king bed with silk sheets and a beautiful stone backwall. On the bed was Overhaul, who sat up leaning on one of his hands while the other rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He was shirtless, and the silk sheets fell to his hips. You were suddenly embarrassed and didn’t expect him to be so ripped. His night sweat was glistening in between his pecs. You diverted your eyes and placed your arms behind your back, feeling awkward. A sudden redness made its way to your cheeks; you weren’t sure how to feel in this moment. Instead of the anger that usually spreads across your face when in his presence, this time you had a look of shock and nervousness. 
“I’ll be honest, I didn’t expect you to be up so early; maybe I should’ve told my men to just make you go back to sleep instead of bringing you here.” His morning voice is deep and raspy, making you squirm even more. 
“I-I’m sorry, I can go,” you start towards the door. Your voice is small and far.
“No, it’s okay,” he starts, uncovering himself as he gets out of bed. “You’re already here; we can start the day.” He stands up and stretches, showing off more of his body unintentionally. His pants were dangerously low, and you couldn’t help but stare at him. Damn it. He sucks. You can’t be thinking about him like that.
“Um, okay, sure,” your voice cracks slightly. 
“I actually have something for you,” he walks over to his kitchen as your eyes follow him. His back is equally toned. You have got to pull it together. “Here, I had them rush this, and we got lucky; they had one already in the warehouse."  "I hope it fits.” You walk over to him and grab the piece of clothing from his hands. You backed away, nervous to be this close to him. 
“A new suit?” You look at the fabric in your hands. It felt very similar to your old one but was made with better quality material. It was also… “Purple?” you ask bluntly. A dark lavender, from what you could tell, which wasn't the color of your old hero suit but you didn’t mind it. Maybe it was time to retire it anyway. You weren’t a hero anymore.
“Yeah, thats kind of my color,” he rubs the back of his neck. “I thought it’d look good on you,” he yawns. You remember his jacket that had the purple ruffles. Great. You’ll be matching with the guy you hate most. You roll your eyes internally. 
“Cool,” you say as you tuck the suit under your arm.
“Do you want to head back down and wake the others?” 
Overhaul walks you out of his room, and the man who was your guide earlier walks you back to your room. Toga and Twice were still sleeping, so you lightly tapped on their foreheads to wake them up. Once they were awake, you were brought to the showers and got ready for the day. You sighed as you rubbed the fabric of the suit between your fingers. This felt significant somehow, like you were officially packing up your old life and starting a new one. You pull on the suit; this one zips in the front and buttons at the top of your neck, allowing you to control how much clevage you wanted to show, which was nice. You decided not to show any. Overall, it fit well; it was a little tight in the ass area, but that was okay. Lastly, you put on your black combat boots as well as your thigh holster for your throwing knives. Overhaul made sure the suit was fingerless so that you could still activate your quirk easily. He also gave you a waist pack that matched your boots. It was filled with medical equipment, and there was even a secret compartment in the back that was a holster for a butterfly knife, which he gifted you a purple one to match. You wore it on the back side so that it was out of the way and you could easily grab the butterfly knife handle if you needed it. You looked in the mirror; your hair was still dripping wet. You put a black mask around your ears to become one of the hassaikai and noticed a small hickey on your neck below your right ear that was quickly fading, and it made you think about Dabi. You wondered what he was doing right now and if he even missed you. You couldn’t decipher how you were feeling but had a twinge of guilt thinking about Overhaul. You drain the water from your hair and braid it back in pigtails. You took one last look at the new you, feeling confident and ready. 
The week was almost over. Tomorrow was your last day at the stronghold. Thank god. You couldn't really take any more little awkward moments with Overhaul. He was starting to grow on you, and you hated that. You, of course, still didn’t trust him, but it was nice to have someone to talk to while you were there. Toga and Twice didn’t really have much to say. Their loyalty was with Shigaraki, so they only did what they were told in front of Overhaul, and Overhaul was always next to you. You suppose your loyalty was with Shigaraki as well. Deep down, you knew you were loyal to him, but you weren’t really sure why. The week had been so slow that it was driving you mad. Overhaul manned both Toga and Twice at the front of the stronghold elevators, and there was a barrier of his men between you and them. They were on the front lines, which made you nervous, but as the week went on, your anxiety dissipated, and you felt like the attack would never come. Overhaul kept you with him in a huge room at the back end of floor five. You were sitting next to him, fidgeting with your nails, when you heard a sudden boom come from a couple levels up. It shook the entire room and made the dust shake off the walls. That can’t be good. Suddenly, Overhaul’s radio went off, and one of his men could be heard yelling on the comms, “They’re here! Everyone, the heroes are here! They—” and the room was met with radio silence. You looked over at Overhaul, who was surprisingly calm. 
“What should I do?” You looked to him for orders, your face drowning in worry. He stayed quiet as he began zoning out. He stood up and placed his hands in his pockets. You were confused.
“Come with me,” he signaled you to follow him, and so you did. 
As you followed him down the hallway, the rumbling of the building worsened, and you could hear screaming from the upper levels. Overhaul was walking fast, and you were trying to keep up with him. 
“Hey! Stop!” You heard a man's voice from down the hall. What? Are they down here already? No way. Your eyes widened as you turned around to look at who the voice belonged to. You were closer to him, and Overhaul stood behind you. Your eyes met a blonde man who looked to be only a few years younger than you. He was built like Allmight, and his eyes were dark blue. He had on his hero costume, which was yellow and white with a red cape. Across his chest was the number 1,000,000. Your mind went blank as you started to recognize him; you couldn’t quite place his name, though. You just remembered that he was a student at U.A. High. Once his eyes locked on yours, you could tell he was also trying to piece together how he knew you.
“Lady Medela? You’re working with these people?” He finally recognizes you, and his voice comes out strained. You don’t answer, and so he continues, “You’re on the missing persons list, ya know? Are you in trouble?” He sucks in through his teeth, anger overwhelming him once more. He diverts his eyes back to Overhaul, who is just standing behind you with his hands in his pockets. You are silent, but your eyes show that you’re in pain and confused by his words. You remember your life before, but now that you were actually face to face with a hero, you were tempted to run to him and let him save you from all this. The hero in front of you drops his head and his voice cracks; he’s on the verge of tears as he says this: “Did you know he’s keeping a little girl here that he’s torturing and using as a weapon?” He looks back at you through angry eyes now. He was still holding onto the hope that you weren’t working with Overhaul.
“What? Is that true?” The heroes' words cause you to turn around and face Overhaul now. Your furious, angry face returns, along with all the hatred you’ve harbored for him. You drop every ounce of whatever it was you felt with him to resort back to anger. You slowly reach for your butterfly knife, but it all happened so fast. Overhaul quickly overpowers you and puts his hand around your neck, locking you in a chokehold. The hero, a couple of feet away, tries to run after you when a crashing noise is met with one of Overhaul's men falling through the floor, blocking you from the young hero. His men immediately start fighting with him, drowning out your need for rescue. 
“C’mon, how about I take you to her?” Overhaul’s voice is suddenly sinister, and you can feel your heart beat in your temples as the blood rushes to your head, depriving you of oxygen. He turns down the hall with his arm still around your throat. He throws you up against a wall, and he pulls down your mask to rub his finger over your lips roughly. He then kisses you aggressively and bites your lip hard enough to make you bleed. You whimper in pain, and he pulls away, adding, “You can finally meet my daughter.” He lets go of your neck to shift you in front of him, and as you’re gasping for air, you see him swing back his fist to punch you in the face, knocking you out. 
You’re not sure how long it's been, but you wake up in a dark room with a throbbing headache. There is a little girl sitting over you, shaking you awake with tears in her eyes. She’s terrified and saying something, but you can’t hear her. She looks to be about seven or eight years old and has long, blueish gray hair, red eyes, and a little horn on the side of her forehead. If you didn’t know any better, you would think she was related to Shigaraki. You put two and two together and knew she had to be Overhaul’s daughter. That son of a bitch, he punched you! You get up quickly and reach for the throbbing part of your skull. 
“Don’t move so fast, you’ll hurt yourself!” The little girl warns you; her voice is small and sweet. 
“It’s okay; I’m okay.” You send her a small smile. You curse yourself for not knowing she was here the whole time you were here. You take in her appearance, and shes in a hospital gown covered in bandages. Overhaul is going to pay for this. “Now, how about you and I get out of here, huh?” She looks at you with barely any hope in her eyes but nods to your statement. Poor girl. “My name is Y/N. What’s yours?” you ask, trying to get her to talk again.
“Eri,” she responds in a soft voice that breaks your heart. 
“Okay, Eri, I’m going to heal my headache enough to have the energy to get us out of here.” She nods, and you activate your quirk just enough to make the throbbing go away. You then pick her up and carry her on your back. She snuggles into your shoulder blades, and you start walking towards the door. The medical room was dark, and the only light was coming from a small window in the steel door. You try kicking the door, but have no luck. You then step back and take a deep breath before cracking your knuckles. “Cover your eyes and ears if you can.” You warn her before slamming your fist into the window. Nothing happens at first, so you put more force into the second punch, causing it to shatter. Your fist is immediately covered in blood and glass. You pull a large shard out of your knuckle, hissing at the pain. Once you’re clear, you reach through the window and unlock the door, cutting up your forearm in the process. There is blood everywhere, and you think you might pass out, but you stay strong for Eri. On the other side of the door, you activate your quirk for a second time, which is enough to stop the bleeding in both places, but because of your head injury, you’re unable to heal fully. You look around both halls and don’t see anyone. It’s quiet. You decide to head toward the emergency stairwell, and you take off, shifting Eri into a more comfortable position. “Okay, up we go. You ready?” You communicate with her so shes not scared. She just nods into your shoulder blades, and you take off running down the hall.
You and Eri make your way up five flights of stairs, and you’re in pain and out of breath. You try to hold yourself together and remind yourself that there are only two more flights of stairs left. The building was still shaking from all the fighting, so you held on to the rails for dear life. Once you made it to stairwell level-two, you started quickening your pace. You were almost out when suddenly the stairs from level-one started collapsing, and your eyes widened in fear of being crushed. You spun around and dove through the level-two door that brought you back into the halls. Eri asked if you were okay while you were on your hands and knees struggling to breathe. You just patted her leg in response and tried to get up and stand. You struggled for a moment and finally got back up on your feet. You had no choice but to walk the halls now, and you had no clue if you would run into heroes or Hassaikai members. You took it with a grain of salt and continued on, hoping for the best. After walking for a few minutes, you heard loud rumbling once more, and it sounded very close to you. There was a room up ahead that had been blown up, and a lot of the load-bearing walls were about to give. As you got closer, you noticed it was a small warehouse, and there were people fighting inside. You kept your distance, approached the area quietly, and stayed low to the ground, hoping the people fighting wouldn’t notice you. There he was: Overhaul. He was fighting someone. You ran to a closer wall that could give you a better glimpse of the battle. He was fighting the blonde hero from earlier along with another familiar hero, a small man who had on a green hero suit paired with red shoes. Suddenly, Overhaul sent concrete spikes up from the ground to try and hit both of the heroes. You froze for a second in shock when you felt something impale your leg. After a moment, you felt cold, and when you looked down, you saw one of the spikes sticking out of your calf. You dropped to your knees once he released the spikes, sending them back into the ground. A bloodcurdling scream came from your lungs, and then it felt like the fighting halted when all three men looked over at you. Instead of looking at them, you kept your focus on your leg. Your face was contorted in pain, and you immediately broke out in a sweat. The spike had ripped your muscles to shreds. The two heroes noticed Eri on your back and decided to fall back to where you were. Overhaul noticed you and his daughter, and that both heroes were trying to make their way to you. He wasn’t going to have that. He shot off more concrete blasts, but the smaller hero was faster; he noticed this, and his fist met Overhaul’s face. He kept hitting him over and over, not allowing him access to you. The blonde hero used the distracted Overhaul to fall through the floor and appear again next to you. He took Eri from your back and attempted to help you.
“Can you stand?” He reaches his hand out to you and tries to help you up.
“I-I need-d to fix my leg first,” you struggle to reply through your broken sobs, the pain causing you to go in and out of consciousness. You weren’t even sure if you could activate your quirk in this state or if you had the energy to heal yourself. Your hair began to float slightly, and your pupils flickered into white glowing orbs. When you grabbed your calf, the hole in your leg slowly began repairing the muscle, stitching itself back together again. You’ve lost too much blood at this point, and your head injury was bad, so you were only able to heal it enough to fix the muscle. The wound was still big and bloody, but you couldn’t keep going, you had no more energy left. The room began to spin, and you knew you were about to pass out. Before you did, you looked over at the blonde hero and grabbed his hand. 
“M-Make sure you get Eri somewhere safe.” He nodded and started saying something about how he was going to make sure you got out of here too, but his words fell on deaf ears. You were already out of it; you fell backwards, and the hero made sure to catch you enough before laying you down softly on the concrete floor. He escaped with Eri, leaving the fight to the other hero. Once the battle ended, Overhaul was arrested, and the search crew began going floor by floor, recovering bodies and the injured. You were unconscious when someone picked you up off the floor, bridal style. 
“She’s still feverish, but I think she’s finally waking up,” You hear a familiar voice in your vicinity. A hand comes to rest on your forehead to feel your fever. There were muffled voices in the background, but you couldn’t quite make them out. “Hey, Y/N, it’s us; you’re okay.” Her voice was calm and eased you. It was Toga’s voice; you’d recognize it anywhere. 
“W-What happened?” You finally go to sit up and once again grab your aching skull. You look down at your body and see that you were still in your bodysuit, which is ripped at your leg. It looked like someone cut the fabric to be able to apply bandages to your wound. You remember what happened now. “Where is Overhaul?” You grumbled angrily, more angry than the League has ever seen you. 
“He was arrested.” Twice replied. You follow his voice with your eyes and see the rest of the league gathered around you. They had stationed you on the kitchen table and used towels, blankets, and anything else they could find as padding for a makeshift hospital bed. You were in the hideout, and by the looks of it, it was evening. There were candles all over the kitchen, and everyone's faces looked warm under the candlelight. 
“How did I get out?” You asked, not remembering anything. 
“Toga and I found you covered in ruble, and we snuck you out.” Twice answered once more. You looked around the kitchen again and saw both Shigaraki and Dabi on the other side of the room, standing in the shadows. Shigaraki was maskless and emotionless. Dabi, on the other hand, looked angry and upset. They were both not looking in your direction. Toga, Twice, Spinner, and Mr. Compress were surrounding you, making sure you were okay. 
“Y/N, what happened with Overhaul?” Spinner chimed in. 
“I’m going to kill him,” you hissed while wiping your mouth, remembering how he kissed you and violated you. Your hatred for the man was spewing all over your words. The league looked at you in surprise. Shigaraki’s ears perked up at this and he finally looked over at you. It was odd for him to see you, nothing but a little hero, threaten to kill someone. He wasn’t sure how to feel about it, but he knew that whatever Overhaul did to you must’ve been bad for you to want to kill him. Shigaraki suddenly felt angry at Overhaul, his thoughts immediately going to the worst possibility. If he hurt you, he’d kill him for you. You wouldn’t even have to lift a finger. You went on to explain everything to the league. Most of them had the same reaction—disgust written all over their faces. When you finished explaining, you looked up at Shigaraki, and he was already looking at you. His face showed no emotion—no anger, no sympathy. You wanted to know what he was thinking. After all, this was his whole gig. You were there because of him. Before you could say anything to him, he called out to Dabi, Spinner, and Mr. Compress, telling them to come with him.
“Toga, Twice, stay here and hold things down; we’ll be back,” Shigaraki hissed out. You laid your head back on the table; you were still exhausted and needed to rest.
“We’re going to fuck him up, aren’t we?” Dabi turned to walk next to Shigaraki with his hands in his pockets. He smiled evilly, hoping thats what they were going to do for your sake. Dabi wanted to stay back with you, but an order is an order. 
“He’ll never be able to touch her again.” Shigaraki growls while walking ahead of the men; his face was calm, but there was a storm inside him. Your anger toward Overhaul has transferred itself to Shigaraki. 
It was becoming daylight, and Spinner, Dabi, Mr. Compress, and Shigaraki were all in a truck traveling along the highway in route to Tartarus from the hospital that Overhaul was rumored to be at. They had circled back around a few times before they saw their target. A black van with red lights drove onto the ramp of the highway, and Shigaraki signaled to Spinner to get in front of them. Spinner obliged and drove the truck to line up with the van behind them. The back doors of the truck opened, and Dabi released a giant blue flame toward the van. It was as if they had anticipated an attack. Dabi’s flames were met with a sand cloud, and a separate police vehicle drove in front of the black van to protect it. Shigaraki had climbed to the top of the truck and waited for the heroes to show themselves. He jumped off the back of the truck and toward the police car. The sand hero put up a wall of sand that Shigaraki struggled against. Mr. Compass then released a marble that made the police car flip over. Dabi then jumped out of the back of the truck and stopped the sand hero freeing Shigaraki. The van itself was then stopped by Shigaraki’s decay; he broke the windshield of the car and caused the driver to drive the van into a wall. Shigaraki walked to the back of the van and ripped Overhaul out. He was strapped to a foam pad, handcuffed, and wearing a straight jacket. Overhaul caught a glimpse of Shigaraki standing over him, and his eyes widened in fear. Shigaraki was covered in his usual villain attire and had his hands in his pockets while his foot rested on Overhaul’s chest. 
“Are you here to kill me?” Overhaul whimpers. 
“No, I wouldn’t take that away from Y/N,” Shigaraki chuckles. “She wants you dead,” He leans closer to Overhaul to whisper, “I’m just here to make you pay for what you did.” Shigaraki grabs one of Overhaul’s arms and dusts it. Before it can spread to the rest of his body, Shigaraki takes a knife and cuts it off. Overhaul wails in pain, and Shigaraki calmly says, “This one is for Magne and Compress.” He then shifts his body to Overhaul’s other arm and does the same. Overhaul screams once more, and Shigaraki replies to this with, “And this arm, this arm, if for laying your hands on Y/N. I told you she was mine.” Feeling content with his actions, Shigaraki walks back to the truck with his hands in his pockets. 
Dabi listened to his boss's words to Overhaul and got slightly worried when he heard Shigaraki’s possessiveness toward you. Shigaraki knows that you and Dabi slept together, so why hasn’t he removed Dabi’s arms if he truly felt that way? 
One thing was for certain: Dabi didn’t want to find out. 
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My Girl {Dabi}
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A/n: okay so I am not really a fan when it comes to civilian reader mostly because I enjoy writing and reading villain reader (and I also ADORE writing the reader being a member of the Zoldyck family) but I feel like this will work way better with a civilian reader so there you go
Pairing: Dabi (Touya Todoroki) x f!civilian!reader
Trigger Warnings: mentions of Dabi's scars
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It was funny. It was very funny. Living next to a member of the League. Oh it was hilarious. Was it a nice experience? As far as you knew, Dabi rarely slept to his apartment. Was it a hideout? Did he pay any rent? Had he actually bought it for fun? There was no one to answer your questions though something inside you said that he didn't have the money to pay rent, let alone buy the whole apartment.
And since he rarely stayed in his apartment, you also saw him very little. In fact, you had only bumped onto each other exactly two times, and both times you pretended you had no idea who he was. Had you managed to fool him? He had never knocked on your door so the most probable answer was yes.
However, there had been a few times, always late at night when you would catch him sitting at his balcony. He only had one chair there, not even a table and he would always sit, his legs on the railings. Sometimes there would also be a cat on his lap, its fur matching the colour of his hair.
That was how it was. Sometimes you'd see him, sometimes you wouldn't and even though the walls in both of your apartments were thin like paper, not once had you heard him make any noise.
Not once until... that night.
You knew Dabi was spending the night in his apartment. You had heard the front door open and then close. And mere moments later, you could see the light of his balcony from your bed. Not thinking much of it, you got out of bed, wanting to close the balcony door when you heard someone tapping on your railings. Wanting to stay safe and most importantly alive, you decided to ignore it.
"Come on, love." Not having heard his voice before, you couldn't help but be surprised by how deep it was. "Don't be afraid of me, you know I'd never hurt you."
What actually made you walk to your balcony that day was his audacity. "Last time I checked... you are wanted?"
He was unbothered, petting the cat on his lap while looking straight ahead at the busy city.
"I am. That doesn't say much." You watch as he lets out a sigh, making a move to stand up. The cat quickly understands that and jumps off his lap before proudly walking inside his apartment. Dabi on the other hand, stands up, leaning over with his scarred hands on the railings, the only barrier between his side of the balcony and yours. "Oh come on now..." He grins as he sees you taking a step away from him. "Don't tell me you didn't expect that." He chuckled, tilting his head to the side slightly.
If it wasn't so cold outside and if you were stupid you would have actually stayed there to chat. But you were shivering from the low temperature and as much as you were trying to hide it, it was painfully obvious.
Rolling your eyes, you turned around to head inside but Dabi quickly caught your hand, making you turn to face him. "You're not that naive, are you?" His grip on your wrist was surprisingly gentle and his hand was warm, exactly what you needed. "Tell me you expected that, love." His grin only widened when he saw you looking at his hand on your wrist.
"Are you drunk? What should I have expected? You talking to me?"
He let go of your hand with a sigh before sitting back down on his chair. "Way to kill the fun." He mumbled. "I am bored, entertain me."
"I'd rather not, go burn a building or something."
"Shigaraki says I do that too often, plus..." He chuckled, lifting his right arm and you watched in terror as whatever had been holding his scarred skin together with his 'normal' skin was simply not there anymore, leaving some of the skin of his palm loose.
"I have..." You stopped yourself, you knew you would regret this later. "I have bandages..."
"Bring a stapler."
You blindly obeyed, heading back inside to take the stapler from your desk but before you could even walk back outside, Dabi was already in your bedroom, sitting on your bed.
Patching him up was... silenlt. Mostly from your side because there were a few moments when he would wince. It was far more disgusting than you had originally imagined but soon enough you got used to it, not lifting your eyes from the palm of his hand even though you could feel his eyes on you.
"You do an awfully good job..." He pulled his hand from yours to examine it. "I might burn some more buildings just to feel my girl patching me up again."
His laugh was cute. You had to give him that.
You cleared your throat, making him look at you again. "I'm not your girl."
"As far as I am concerned, you are." He paused and stood up. "Since you moan my name every night and all."
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wttcsms · 5 months
WAIT DON'T CLOSE IT YET!!!!! the 'love story told in untraditional format' prompt and DABI??? mm.
would like to meet, touya todoroki ;
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pairing touya 'dabi' todoroki x f!reader word count 1.9k synopsis the dregs of society run rampant on hinge, and everyone knows you're not going to meet The One on there. but you know the saying... love does come when you least expect it. alternatively: catching feelings through the hinge dms. content contains one reference to jumping off a building, some sexual jokes author's notes OK not necessarily a love story, but there are feelings in involved, i swear. this is supposed to be fun & silly!!!!
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You nearly throw your phone across the room. Download Hinge, your friends encouraged you. It’ll be fun! 
You frown at Shigaraki’s ever-so-eloquent opening line of I’d blow yo back out. Yeah, you can see why this app was designed to be deleted. The fucking dregs of society are crawling all over this thing. Just one nice, well-adjusted individual. That’s all you’re asking for! 
Apparently, any decent guy is either taken or not on Hinge. You debate throwing in the towel and just meeting someone organically, like, out in public, exactly as the good lord intended, but right before you do, your phone vibrates.
New Notification!
Hinge | Dabi liked your image!
Hinge | Dabi sent you a chat!
It’s a Friday night, and you know for a fact that there is not a single sane man on this app, especially at this hour. Considering the fact that you’re sitting in bed right now, about to rewatch Pride & Prejudice for the sixth time this week, what else do you have to lose? Dignity? You open the app.
Apr 22 10: 24 PM
Dabi: You’re hot, what’s wrong with you
You: ?? 
Dabi: You’re too hot to be single and on here. What’s your deal 
You: you’re on here too? 🤨
Dabi: Would you say I’m too hot to the point where it’s suspicious I’m on here
You: i’m not here to give you an ego boost
Dabi: Then what’s the point of being on here
You: so you just get on here for free compliments?
Dabi: Maybe I have premium. Maybe I pay for these compliments 
You: yeah, you look like the type to pay for hinge premium ngl 
Dabi: Bye I’m going to talk to girls that are easier to manipulate 
You: please do 🙏 
Apr 23 1:21 PM
Dabi: Did you miss me
Apr 23 3:15 PM
You: so much
Apr 23 4:47 PM
Dabi: How much
Apr 23 6:01 PM
You: i was going to jump off a bridge if u didn’t text me 
Apr 23 8:01 PM
Dabi: Damn that’s crazy
Dabi: How I don’t care 
Apr 23 10:15 PM
You: don’t you have anyone else to bother
Dabi: I want to bother you though 
You: you probably scared off every girl you’ve ever come in contact with 
Dabi: True
Dabi: Except for you because you’re stupid
You: you pay for hinge premium, there’s an idiot in this conversation but it’s def not me
Dabi: I was joking 
Dabi: I don’t have money like that
You: i can tell
You: you probably take girls out for coffee as a first date, and then make them venmo u their half of the bill
Dabi: Nah
Dabi: I make her pay the full amount
You: i’m not surprised
Dabi: That was a joke too
Dabi: I never take girls out 
You: thank God
You: you’d probably be every girl’s worst date story
Dabi: Want to test that theory out 
You: no thanks, i don’t feel like being content material for some crime podcast 
Dabi: Smart girl
Apr 24 12:13 PM
Dabi: Wyd
You: at the police station, filing a restraining order on you 
Dabi: Damn 
Dabi: You want to be the one to put me in cuffs
You: the officer here actually has pink cuffs, i know some guys find that emasculating but you seem like you wouldn’t mind
Dabi: I love pink actually 
Dabi: I’m so down
You: i think you’re my dream guy
You: more like my sleep paralysis demon, but same difference 
Dabi: Aw you think of me when you sleep
Dabi: You’re that obsessed already
You: stfu 
Dabi: Don’t feel bad 
Dabi: I’m a munch fr
Dabi: I need u
You: what you need is to be put on some medication 
Dabi: Yeah you’re my medication
You: you need to be psychologically evaluated 
You: r u a social experiment 
Dabi: Stop flirting with me 
You: you’re so childish
Dabi: Am I bothering you
Dabi: Do I elicit strong emotions 
You: you don’t look like someone who knows the word elicit 
Dabi: I’m in grad school
You: wow
You: this is the first time you’ve left me genuinely speechless 
Apr 24 3:55 PM
Dabi: Yo when’s ur bday 
Dabi: Do you have any siblings 
You: are u gonna ask for my mother’s maiden name too 
Dabi: Yeah actually 
Dabi: Give me your ssn while you’re at it
You: ur a creep, ur lucky ur cute
Dabi: Wow, you can’t have deep convos with anyone any more without being accused of trying to get answers to their security questions
You: tell me something abt you first
Dabi: My dad sucks
You: yeah you look like you would have daddy issues
Dabi: Lmao
Dabi: I’m being fr though
You: yeah, a lot of dads do suck. what abt the rest of ur family?
Dabi: I haven’t seen them in years
You: oh
You: do they suck too?
Dabi: Nah
Dabi: I moved out as soon as I could 
You: your dad was that bad?
Dabi: The worst
You: are you trying to get pity pussy rn???? don’t tug on my heartstrings if it’s all just a lie
Dabi: Damn wtf
Dabi: But also depends. Do u wanna give me some pity pussy rn
You: bye i thought we were actually having a serious moment 
Dabi: I wasn’t lying. Swear
Dabi: Now tell me something too
You: im an attention seeker. that’s why im on here
Apr 25 1:56 PM
Dabi: Did u miss me not giving u attention
Apr 25 3:56 PM
You: sorry, i was having really crazy sex waiting for u to come back
Dabi: Fire
Dabi: You deserve it
Dabi: Me next?
You: only if you promise to tell me u love me before the post nut clarity hits
Dabi: I love manipulating women during sex
Dabi: Anything for u 
You: you say that but someone else is in my dms telling me that i can be his housewife and raise our kids and never work a day in my life again so pls top that offer 
Dabi: DAMN
Dabi: I bet he’s boring 
You: he’s not boring, we’re actually getting married and gonna have a big family
Dabi: Well clearly the fact that ur talking about him to me shows that u aren’t interested in him 
You: i’m telling u abt him so u have something to aspire to
Dabi: Damn you should date him then 
You: that’s the first intelligent thing you’ve said 
Apr 26 7:00 AM
Dabi: I hate you
Dabi: Wyd today
You: pls mind ur own business 
Dabi: Smd
Dabi: Tell me or I block you
Apr 26 8:19 AM
Dabi: U suck
You: and swallow
Dabi: No you don’t
Dabi: You probably spit it out
Apr 27 9:34 AM
You: true but in my defense, you look like you would produce something that tastes like toxic waste
Dabi: Were u deadass ignoring me 
You: don’t be so needy, dabi. it’s not a good look
Dabi: Sorry that was a moment weakness 
Dabi: So what now
Dabi: Is this when u give me ur insta
You: i don’t have any social media
Dabi: Nah you’re a catfish
You: maybe
Apr 27 1:34 PM
Dabi: Wyd
You: you’re a true wyd warrior, do u realize that
You: i’m currently getting my back blown out by a dude who posted his headshot as one of his hinge pics. i am not even faking my moans.
Dabi: Stfu 😂
Dabi: Do u even know what sex is
Dabi: Name one position 
You: easy, missionary 
Dabi: Well you’re on your phone so obviously the sex you’re having isn’t that good 
You: im just a good multitasker 
Dabi: tell me if ur shit is grippy
You: hold on, let me ask him
Dabi: Whats his name
Dabi: Whats he saying
You: don’t worry abt his name
You: he told me im gripping him so tight, it’s like i’m trying to take his blood pressure rn
Dabi: LMAO 
Dabi: That means ur not attracted to him
You: wow, a guy who knows that tight doesn’t equal aroused, i’m genuinely impressed w you 
You: and for the record, i would never actually fuck a guy who posts a professional headshot as one of his pics on hinge 
Dabi: Oh now you tell me
Dabi: Guess I have to cancel the appointment I just made to get a headshot done 
Apr 28 6:20 AM
Dabi: Im leaving Okinawa to go back to work. I’m sad, cheer me up
You: just commit a crime so they won’t let you leave
You: also i think maybe u need a psych eval or smth bc why are u still talking to me 🤨
Dabi: Nah tbh you’re the most interesting person on here
Dabi: I’m gonna go to tokyo and commit a crime on u 
You: yea, u not being in my guts rn should be a crime
Dabi: Chill my dick isn’t big enough for that 😂 
You: i want you to seek professional help
Dabi: I want u to seek these nuts in ur mouth
You: when should i ghost you
Dabi: Whenever u want bae you can ghost me anytime 
Apr 28 7:26 AM
You: u literally told me i could ghost u anytime WHAT IS UR DEAL
Dabi: Damn ok well when you do at least say goodbye
You: when i do, i’m reporting ur hinge account in the hopes that u get banned and have to resort to meeting women irl
You: i’m actually reporting ur account rn
Dabi: Good idea
Dabi: I’ll report u too 
Dabi: Before you get banned from hinge, can I have your number
You: no
You: i don’t give my number out to random ass strangers online
You: and ‘dabi’ is a weird name to have saved in my contacts
Dabi: Touya
Dabi: That’s my real name
You: oh
You: who the hell uses a fake name on a dating app??? 😭
Dabi: Stranger danger is real
Dabi: If I take you out on a date will you give me your number
You: a REAL date???
Dabi: Yeah I’m actually a gentleman in case you couldn’t tell
You: i don’t know how i could’ve missed that fact.
Dabi: I’m being fr though
Dabi: Dinner reservations and everything
You: are you paying the entire bill 🤨
Dabi: Why wouldn’t I
You: hmmm
You: every sex joke i made was definitely just a joke though, pls don’t get any crazy ideas
Dabi: Obviously you were joking, I’m not an idiot
You: you’re not gonna try to hit on the first date?
Dabi: If it’ll make you more comfortable, I’ll tape a 10 ft pole to my chest so I can’t get anywhere near you
You: cute
Dabi: Dinner tomorrow?
You: yes, dinner tomorrow 
Dabi: And if I do well, I get your number?
You: hmmm
You: i guess
Dabi: Fuck yeah
Dabi: I’m tired of texting you through hinge 
You: you only get it IF you do well
Dabi: I’m gonna rock your shit 
Dabi: Romantically 
You: sure you will
Apr 30 12:01 AM
Are you sure you want to delete the Hinge app?
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[ ] No new matches
[ ] App is difficult to work with
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[ X ] I met someone
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bugs1nmybrain · 9 months
Masterlist (18+) ♡☆♡☆♡☆
This is a comprehensive list of all my fics and headcanons. These are all x readers, and the reader is almost always fem. Listed at the end are things that I will write and won't write.
Characters I write for: L Lawliet, Tomura Shigaraki, Shouta Aizawa, and Professor Franken Stein, Liela Lovesworth (an OC of mine)
I am also a self-shipper! I may post content about my f/os and the time I spend with them. If that makes you uncomfortable, then take a walk!
Minors CANNOT interact with these posts, as 98% of them are nsfw.
Date updated: 5/10/24
L Lawliet ♡♡♡
Somno/Morning Sex with L (smut fic)
Fem!L x Fem!Reader
Food play with L (self insert smut)
Drunk 69 with L
Voyeurism and Somnophilia with L (smut fic)
L Lawliet x Bipolar Reader (headcanons)
Intricate: L x Chubby! Reader NSFW (smut fic)
Distraction (smut fic)
L x Curvy! Reader (headcanons)
What L Would Do When He's in Love (headcanons)
NSFW Headcanons
L and reader lose their virginities together (smut fic)
The Task Force walks in on you and L making out (fic)
Pet names he'd call you (headcanons)
L x INFP! Reader (headcanons)
L x Short! Reader (headcanons)
L x Reader: First Time Headcanons
L x Chubby! Reader (headcanons)
L SFW Alphabet
L NSFW Alphabet
L Relationship Headcanons
Tomura Shigaraki ♡♡♡
Shigaraki x Fem!Reader: Shiggy crushing on reader - Two Part One-shot
Bipolar Shigaraki Headcanons
Fem Shiggy Headcanons
Shigaraki walks in on Re-Destro talking shit about you (short fic)
Shigaraki's Psychological Conditions Headcanons
Shigaraki x Fem!Reader Anal Sex (One-shot fic)
Give Your Heart a Break - shigaraki x reader series
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Clingy!Tomura x reader hcs
Kisses with Shigaraki (headcanons)
Shigaraki with a Girlfriend Headcanons (w: dub-con/non-con, domestic abuse)
Neko!Shigaraki and Reader smut
Stoned Bathroom Sex with Tomura
Sfw Reverse Comfort MDLB (mommy dom/little boy)
Mommy Kink with Shigaraki (smut fic)
Shigaraki x Chubby! Reader Headcanons
Nasty (Period sex) (smut fic)
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet
Shiggy x Short! Reader (headcanons)
Tomura fucking you in front of Dabi (smut fic, TW: dub-con)
Shouta Aizawa ♡♡♡
Aizawa x Bigender reader hcs
Aizawa x reader headcanons
Emotional Support Sex with Shouta
NSFW Headcanons
Aizawa x Bipolar! Reader (headcanons)
Aizawa x Virgin! Reader (smut fic)
Aizawa x Short! Reader (headcanons)
Aizawa SFW Headcanons
Aizawa x College Student! Reader (smut fic)
Aizawa NSFW Headcanons
Aizawa x Chubby! Reader (headcanons)
Aizawa Relationship Headcanons
Franken Stein ♡♡♡
Stein x Immuno-compromised Reader (headcanons)
NSFW Alphabet
Stein x Chubby! Reader (headcanons)
Liela Lovesworth (my oc) ♡♡♡
Confession (sfw)
What I will write♡♡♡!!:
fem characters (ex: fem L, fem Tomura, etc)
enby reader with female anatomy or male anatomy (please specify for nsfw)
male reader but I've never done it
Any character that I write for
crack fic
problematic content
Mental illness (bipolar, schizophrenia, ocd, etc)
Mommy/daddy kink
Chubby reader
anal but not rough
What I WON'T write ×!×!×:
blood/mutilation (with the exception of period sex)
Anything ridiculously out of character
brutal rape (any rape is brutal, but I mean gruesome to the point of no return after I write it)
Yandere (I will write obsessive partners and codependent relationships, but no kidnapping or stuff like that)
Furry (except nekos)
Characters I don't write for
267 notes · View notes
lvrrocks · 1 year
what the hell . l.o.v
💻 where the lov find you’ve been caught by a hero , and are forced to lead them to the lov’s base
👤 himiko toga , touya todoroki / dabi , tomura shigaraki / tenko shimura , mr. compress / atsuhiro sako , twice / jin bubaigawara x f!reader ( all separate )
📍kinda upset characters :(, the villains are slightly ooc (especially Twice and Shigaraki. I don’t write for/read much about them)
• • • •
himiko toga
Is definitely taken aback. Like how could this happen? How could her love lead her worst enemy here?
Isn’t mad at you, just weirdly confused
“Sweetie, what’s EraserHead doing here?!”
She knows you didn’t mean to, and she can prove it from the guilty and sad look on your face, as well as the strong grip Aizawa has on you
Soon, the fight breaks out, and all you can do is just hide in another room and wait for it all to be over.
About an hour passes and it’s finally ended, but Himiko has to grab you and run with you fast to your guy’s new hideout, away from EraserHead
As soon as you settle, you break down
“Hey, sweetie, it’s okay!” your lover tried calming you, softly squeezing your arms, “I know you didn’t mean to! Meanie EraserHead did this!”
You can’t help but cry harder at her sweetness. You held all the blame on yourself. You’d risked going out, knowing a hero could identify you as part of the LOV. And sure enough, EraserHead was the one who’d nabbed you, and forced you to your hideout. “But..” you’d barely gotten out through broken sobs, “I led him there! He got there because of me! I was so wreckless- and- I-I-“
She then grabbed you, pulling you in for one of her best hugs. Her clothes smelled like blood, but that wasn’t anything new. You’d gotten used to the metallic smell she’d had on her since you first came across her in that abandoned alley. You wrapped your vaguely bruised arms around her, sobbing into her chest as she pet your hair. “Sweetie..” she cooed, kissing your head all over, “it’s ok..! I don’t blame you, and- I’m pretty sure- the rest of the LOV don’t blame you either. So don’t worry you’re pretty little head!”
You looked up at her, seeing her adorable, fang-y smile that led all the way up to her blood red orbs. It made you smile a bit through your tears, which Himiko wiped away with her thumb. “See,” she said, growing happier at your smile, “you’re okay! You’re even smiling! So cute!”
You were content after that, mostly after her constant reassurances, and even some members of the LOV trying to calm you down.
• •
dabi / touya
He wasn’t.. mad. Not mad. Just.
Just- bewildered
He just stared for a second at your shaking figure, and the bunny-eared hero that’s got an arm around your neck
Soon, he was one of the first to yell. Well, not really yell, as he was talking to you, but he spoke like he was definitely irritated.
“Y/n, come here.”
A lil nervous, you wiggled out of Mirko’s grasp, and jogged to your lover. You could see the vague frustration in his scarred face.
Soon enough, the fight broke out, leading to your warehouse-like hideout to be broken down, and while some of the other members of the LOV fought the hero, you, Dabi, and a couple others fled to somewhere new.
You’d be worried about if the other members would find your location, but Dabi simply stated he’d keep in touch with the others.
Dabi sat you down, his blue orbs staring into your own
“So. What happened?” He sat across from you on the grassy floor of the abandoned building.
You started tearing up, but you didn’t want him to think you were weak, so you held the heels of your hands to your eyes. You feel warm, rough hands against your wrists, and he pulls your hands down.
“Look at me when you’re talking to me, mouse.” he demanded softly, still staring into your eyes.
You sighed. You knew it wasn’t really your fault, you didn’t mean to have Mirko follow you to your hideout. You didn’t mean to make everybody move again.
You never mean too. But it happens.
“Well, uh, I was out getting things and Mirko recognized me, and she knew I was with you guys, so she practically death gripped me, and made me tell her where you were and.. I didn’t wanna get my ass kicked by her.”
He let out a deep sigh. A couple moments passed before he moved to sit beside you, grasping your hand. “Mouse,” he squeezed your hand, “I’ll tell you this right now. It wasn’t your fault. But, I’ll give you a better option when you go out. How about I buy you a new hoodie, and you start wearing a mask, hm? Don’t want you unintentionally risking our safety again.”
“Sorry..” you shied away from his stare, but he grabbed you right back, holding your chin.
“Hey. Don’t shy away from me.” he squeezed your chin, “let’s go somewhere else, mouse.”
• •
tomura / tenko
As the leader of the LOV, and pure hater of all heroes, he’s definitely pissed
Not necessarily at you, but at the woody hero who had you wrapped in his branches.
Between the grip Kamui Woods had on you and the severe death glare Tomura shot him, there was enough tension that you could cut it with one of Toga’s blades.
Tomura got up immediately, storming up to the hero, and the battle commenced quickly.
You ended up being wounded during the fight, a bigger cut on your leg.
Later, Tomura had ended up getting away.
And that’s when he noticed your cut.
“Y-.. y/n..?” he spoke quietly at the sight of your bloodied leg. You winced trying to shift to look at him. “Oh.. ohh.. oh my god..”
He rushed towards you, getting on his knees kneeling next to you. “Holy shit.” Was all he spoke before he yelled at some other member to get a med kit.
As soon as they’d arrived, Tomura shuffled to get his protective gloves on, and he made quick work in getting you patched up. “Damnit.” he mumbled.
“Damnit.” He seemed so… upset. And not in a way you were used to.
Sometimes it was little bursts of frustrations (usually caused by hero news or something), or him yelling at the other members because they fucked something up.
This time he sounded so.. hurt. Like, genuinely hurt.
It made you tear up. He took notice quick.
“Babe..? Oh god what now? What did I do?” He seemed so worried.
“It- it’s nothing, just.. my leg hurts.” you were a terrible liar. He saw right through you, placing a gloved hand on your uninjured thigh.
“You’re an awful liar,” he said, “now, I’ll ask nicely since you just love me being so nice to you.”
He sighed, brushing his hair back a bit. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
You blushed at the nickname, knowing perfectly well how it affected you. You gave in. You had to. “Well.. seeing you so upset, and not in the way I’m used to, it.. made me sad.”
His face softened ever so slightly. Even under all that scratchy exterior, you could tell when he was showing genuine emotion. “Babe, I’m upset because you got hurt. That stupid hero brought you here against your will, and of course I have to deal with it, but all that caused you to hurt yourself. Stupid fucking heroes. Always thinking they’re doing good when they’ve only brought harm upon some innocent people. You didn’t do anything. And he just snatched you up like some treasure map, leading him to the little x-marks-the-spot.”
You shakily sighed, and threw your arms around him. Which, in hindsight was a bad idea, because you winced at the pain in your thigh. He tried his best you hold you. You sat there for a while, content.
Until, of course your thigh started feeling wet and warm.
• •
mr. compress / atsuhiro
He was startled, but as per usual, he maintained somewhat of a calm composure.
He was still wildly confused, however.
How could his lovely possibly lead a hero to their hideout? It didn’t make sense.
Then it clicked. You were forced to.
So, him and the rest of the league took care of the hero who’d nabbed you. Forcing you to betray some of the only people you had in life.
After the fight had ended, you were crying a bit. Sat in a corner, arms wrapped around your knees, salty tears streaming down your face.
He walked up to you, and got on a knee in front of you.
“Darling? Hey, why are you crying?” he soothed, holding one of your hands.
It only made you cry harder, and you lept onto him, holding him tight. “I brought that stupid hero here! I was weak.. and he.. he forced me to lead him here..!” You looked at his face, which held a look of worry, as well as empathy.
“My love,” he held you close, “it wasn’t your fault. It’s not like you meant to lead them here. Right?”
You nod, and he gives a small smile, his mask discarded on the ground. He’d taken off all his head gear, and you could see the way his hair was messy and disheveled from the fight, and how his eyes held a compassion he reserved solely for you. “Good. I know you would never lead.. heroes here on purpose.”
He landed a soft kiss on your head, and he wiped away your tears with his gloved thumb. “Now, wipe away those tears, sweetheart. They don’t suit you.”
You smile, and wrap your arms around him as he pulls you up.
“Let’s go see how the others are holding up, hm?”
• •
twice / jin
Of course, he was quite.. split about the whole situation. (wow such a comedian omg)
But in all seriousness, he just stared.
“What?! They brought a HERO here?! How could they?! Wait no it wasn’t their fault. But it must’ve been!”
You would just stare at him, as the mountainous lady hero holding you gripped you tight. She’d flung you on the ground. “Ah, so you weren’t lying to me!” she’d say
Of course, Twice and the rest of the villains would put good work in at taking care of Mt. Lady.
Although, to yours and the LOV’s dismay, you had to relocate. You guys weren’t safe anymore.
As soon as you found solice, you broke down.
He didn’t know how to react at first
“Oh, uhm, sweetie, why are you crying??” He’d come close to your shaking frame against the wall. “Don’t cry! I don’t think it was your fault! At least, I’m pretty sure I don’t. Nope, I don’t!”
You looked up at him, tears streaming down your face. “Jin.. I led her here. Of course it’s my fault!”
“No no no! Didn’t she make you lead her here? If that’s the case, then it’s not your fault! Don’t worry!” He grabbed you, wrapping you in a hug in his big arms. “No crying! Poof poof, no more tears!”
You giggle through tears at his goofiness. You poke his chest. “Jin-Jin, I think you’re squeezing me to death.”
His eyes widen. “NO NO I’M SORRY-“ he let go, then held you again. “Well, I’m just hugging you. Just being a bit tight?”
You roll your eyes playfully, and nod. “Yep. Just squeezing me a bit. No worries though Jin-Jin.” You kiss his cheek, his stubble grazing you a bit. “Sorry for being so emotional.. I thought I’d really screwed up.”
He frowns a bit, and pets your hair back. “No, no you didn’t! Don’t worry sweetie, you’re okay! I know you.. you didn’t mean to. We never mean to, but stuff happens! And we got it alllll taken care of, so don’t worry your pretty little head.” He gives you a smile. Then he stares off into space for a second. Then looks back at you. “Sweetie, can I put my mask on?”
You nod, knowing how he gets when he has his mask off for too long. “Yes, oh my god I forgot.” You help tug his mask back on, and you can see his smile through the mask.
“I love you, sweetie.” He wrapped his arms around you a bit tighter.
“I love you too, Jin-Jin.”
You stayed like that for a while, until of course you were interrupted by one of the members.
• • • •
Hope you liked it! I know the characters probably seemed a little ooc, but I did my best.
Be safe, love y’all <3
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shig-a-shig-ah · 1 year
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everything i’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it
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Before the League of Villains, Tomura took you. Before the final war, he let you go. Still, moving on proves difficult for you both.
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» pairing: Shigaraki Tomura x afab!reader » word count: 4.2 » notes: Idk what this is, really. Divorce Ghuleh was in some kind of mood. » contains: gn!pronouns, post-canon, angst, exes (kinda), unrequited love (kinda), soft Shigaraki, ostensibly yandere Shigaraki, referenced kidnapping, oral sex (f!receiving). 18+, minors DNI. » ao3 mirror
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"You got a new place."
Anyone else might be alarmed by that casual interjection when you were, until a moment ago, alone in your apartment, no company save for the pile of moving boxes beside you and no sound except the patter of rain against the roof. But you? You don't so much as flinch at the sudden appearance of that raspy voice. You only continue placing books neatly on the shelf before you as you reply, "And you found it."
"I always do, don't I?"
There's a shrug in Tomura's voice, the words spoken as a simple matter of course. It's followed by footsteps reverberating across the hardwood, and even without turning around you can picture the scene perfectly in your mind: him pacing behind you, head cocked and hands shoved lazily in his pockets as he surveys your fourth apartment in fifteen months.
"Why'd you move?" His question is followed by the telltale creak of a cabinet opening. "I thought you liked your last place."
"I did, but they raised the rent."
The cabinet, empty, thuds shut. There's a weight to the brief silence that follows, and when it's broken it's by the drag of fingernails raking over papery skin. Then, "You know you don't have to worry about that."
It's true, and it isn't. You could afford any place you wanted with the money Tomura insists on putting in your name—money that you refuse to touch. On principle, you tell yourself, though you often wonder the difference between that and spite.
You don't argue, though. Only deflect. "It wasn't worth what they were asking. And I like this place, too."
You're not lying. The unit is smaller, admittedly, and further from the city center, or what passes for one these days when so much is still in ruin. But it's also quiet. Quaint. There's a picture window that looks out over the shared courtyard, and rows of built-ins lining the walls. More built-ins than you could possibly need, really, for the meager possessions you've accumulated over the last year and some, but you tell yourself that's a good thing. That you'll grow into the space in a way you never managed at your last apartments.
Not that this is a promising start.
You wipe your dusty hands on your jeans and finally stand, sighing as you turn to face Tomura. "You said you were going to stop coming by like this."
He looks as you'd expected, on first glance—loose black clothes and slouched posture, carmine eyes watchful behind the spill of white hair that hangs longer every time you see him. But you also catch the subtle shift your words bring—the brief press of his mouth into a tight line, the quick drop of his gaze.
There's a long silence as you stare at him and he stares at the floor.
When he starts pacing again, the echo of his footsteps hangs heavier this time.
"It's hard," he says, chewing at his cheek. "Everyone else has moved on. Toga has her girlfriend, Dabi's with his family. Spinner's turned the Liberation Front into some heteromorph rights movement, if you can believe it." He lets out an incredulous laugh, as though he can't. "Even Kurogiri is busy. Figuring out his old friends, his old life."
"Kurogiri left?" You try to force aside the unwanted tightness that revelation spurs in your chest. "I thought he'd stay with you."
"He offered. Would have if I'd asked, but it's not like I need him. I'm just..."
"No." And then, with mirthless huff, "Maybe."
That admission hangs in the air longer than you intend to let it—long enough for your memory to take you back to places you'd rather not be. To waking, years ago, in a strange bedroom in a strange apartment. To long night after long night with Tomura curled against your side and your own mind refusing sleep, preoccupied as it was with the question of why.
The answer, it turned out, was deceptively simple.
There's a pile of takeout menus on your coffee table—ones that were waiting in your mailbox when you moved in. You sigh as you reach for them, already knowing he'll stay for dinner if you offer.
And already knowing you'll offer.
"Well," you say, not missing how Tomura's eyes darken guiltily at the trace bitterness you can't quite keep from your voice, "it's not like it would be the first time."
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"You go out now."
Tomura's words have you pausing with a piece of katsu lifted halfway to your mouth. The two of you have been silent the last ten minutes; were mostly silent before that, too, as you waited out the vast-seeming span of time between the placing of your takeout order and the reprieve of the delivery person's arrival. But now he's looking at you from behind his hair as he scoops up threads of soba.
You finish taking your bite. Swallow. "What?"
"I came by your old place a few days ago and you weren't there." He says it reluctantly, like he's ashamed despite the current circumstance. "Last month, too. That never used to happen."
Of course it didn't: you barely left your old apartments in the weeks and months after Tomura let you go, though you've been trying to remedy that as of late. Two years sequestered from normal life left you overwhelmed in public, oddly claustrophobic any time you found yourself in a crowd. And even once that tendency towards panic abated, there was hardly anywhere to go outside of earning your meager living. No family to miss you, and certainly no friends to reconnect with. Much like Tomura now, everyone you knew seemed to have moved on.
Not that you hadn't, because whoever you were before Tomura, it's not who you were after. And you know the same is true of him—that he's not the person he was when he took you. An incontrovertible truth, if only because you're sitting here. Free.
More or less, anyway.
You take another bite of katsu. Chew carefully before saying, "I was on a date, actually."
The way Tomura stiffens slightly at your answer sparks a vindictive stab of satisfaction in you. It only grows when he asks, with forced casualness, "What kind of date?"
"A first date."
A good date, too, by objective standards. One where your suitor did all the right things, and where that effort seemed genuine. They didn't even try to come up at the end of the night—only kissed you on the cheek and said they would call.
"Is there—" Tomura wavers, for a moment. Lifts one hand towards his neck only to drop it just as quickly, and then slurps down a hasty spoonful of broth instead. When he swallows, it's harder than seems necessary. "Is there going to be a second one?"
You think again about the end of that latest attempt at romantic connection. About the blank indifference you felt as your date stood there smiling, and about the memory of crimson eyes that haunted you in that moment, the same way it had in the few attempts before. About the voicemail your suitor left the next day. The one that still sits on your phone, unplayed.
Whatever petty satisfaction you felt a moment ago slips away.
"No," you say flatly before lapsing back into silence.
There never is.
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"Do you ever regret it?"
It's a question that again comes after lengthy quiet, though this time you're the one to speak first. Dinner is long over, takeout containers and disposable chopsticks left in a pile on your scuffed kitchen table, and you've spent the last couple hours in silence on your sofa. You're in one corner and Tomura's in the other, his foot propped up on a couple moving boxes as a sitcom neither of you are really watching plays out on screen. He frowns at the abrupt inquiry.
"The war?"
It's telling, you think, that that's the first place his mind goes. To that final confrontation with the heroes, and a battle he'd more or less won. But it's not what you meant.
"Letting me go." After a moment's consideration, you add, "Or taking me in the first place."
That question has festered in the back of your mind since the day Tomura chose power over the dwindling comfort of your presence, and you couldn't say why you ask it now. Couldn't say, either, why it was left unspoken for so long, save that some discomfort always stopped you. A fear, you suppose, that whatever response he gave would reveal as much about you as him. That you'd realize too late there was some specific answer you wanted.
Even now, your eyes stay fixed uneasily on the television as you await a response that takes several long moments to come. In the interim the quiet is filled with nothing but grating laugh tracks and the telltale rustle of nails scraping over Tomura's throat. You wonder when he resumed that anxious tick. Wonder, too, how bad it's gotten. If you brushed back those tangled locks, would you find mere reddened skin, or deep scores?
You distract yourself with that wondering, and eventually Tomura gives his answer.
"Sometimes," he admits.
"Sometimes for which one?"
The subsequent silence is longer this time. Then the sound of scratching abates, and from the corner of your eye you see his hand drop.
He leans forward for the television remote. Turns the volume up a couple notches.
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"Are you asleep?"
Tomura's answer is the one you expected. You've spent the last who-knows-how-long doing nothing more than staring at the dim black of the ceiling above your bed and somehow, despite the dark and the polite distance left between you, you knew he was doing the exact same thing.
He doesn't stay over, usually. Doesn't come by that often at all, truth be told, though every time he does it feels like an inevitability. Like there could never be any world where the two of you part for good.
On your good days, you know why that is. Understand the technicalities of trauma bonding or Stockholm syndrome or whatever one wants to call it. You know, too, that you're lucky in some ways. That this thin attachment you can't shake could be far stronger after two years of forced proximity.
On your bad days, though? On days like today, when his presence reminds you that there was something almost comfortable about this, once?
On those days, you can't help thinking that sense of inevitability might mean something.
You shift. Roll onto your side to look at him, and preoccupy yourself studying the outline of his silhouette, so different now from when he first stole you into his bed. He looked so young, then, with his owlishly wide eyes and that shaggy mop of dirty white hanging chaotically over his features. Now, his stark hair falls heavy back from his face, and his cheeks have lost some of their surprising roundness. Those more chiseled angles match the cut of meaty shoulders, and the swell of a chest that wasn't always so broad.
Several long moments pass, and then Tomura turns to face you.
"Why?" he asks. His brow is knit slightly, the rest of his face placid. It's a look you used to find strange—too dispassionate and untroubled for someone whose blood so often ran hot. But even in the earliest days he rarely turned those mercurial moods towards you.
No, with you he was always calm, or calm enough anyway—no demands or expectations beyond your stolen company and the tug of your head to his chest so his face could bury into your hair. It's that weight of expectation that makes it so different with everyone else, you think. Every job you take, every date you make, comes with the realization that something is wanted of you. Then, and always.
It had seemed intolerable when you were living it, but those long years with Tomura were still the only time in your life you were allowed to simply be.
And whether you want to or not, sometimes...
Sometimes you miss it.
You scoot closer to him. Ignore the way he stiffens in surprise and lean in, pressing your mouth to his.
It's not love. It never was, you're certain of that—not for you and not for him, either, even if it took so much time and growth for him to realize it. But it is familiar in a way that nothing else is, and tonight you don't much mind that when he feels like home it's in the exact wrong ways, like a place to which you would never want to return for good but that you might sometimes long to visit, if only because nothing else will ever be yours in quite the same way.
And because you'll never belong to anything else in quite the same way, either.
Tomura's arm extends to settle around your waist, tugging you closer. The gesture is far more practiced than the clumsy movements of his lips, but it's no surprise to you that he's more well-versed in the mundane affections. They were a constant in the hundreds of nights you once spent close against him, his hands in careful fists and his body curled into your side, each passing minute proving that he wasn't lying when he whispered what you thought were reassuring falsehoods. That he just wanted to be close to you.
It was hard to believe at first that he held little interest in carnal endeavors, at least beyond what they might represent when given willingly. But in the end you were convinced of it.
And in the end, when some combination of conscience and necessity finally led to your parting, you gave it willingly.
Now here you are. Again.
You deepen the kiss. Let your tongue trace over Tomura's scarred lower lip and sigh when his arms tighten around you. There's not passion in it, not exactly, but he's steady against you. Warm. Easy. And whether it's him you want or merely a familiar body touching you, that's enough to have a faint spark of heat stirring between your thighs.
Tomura doesn't protest when you pull back to tug him atop you, your hands already pressing at his shoulders to guide him where you want him, settled between your thighs. In the dim light you can just make out the stigmata-like scars that mar his palms as he shoves your shirt up, and you find yourself contemplating those pale, shiny marks. They're two among many, those hints of old wounds serving as counterparts to all the strength and muscle that lingered even after All for One left him.
It must be unsettling, you think, to inhabit a body so different from the one he started with—to wear the evidence of his ascent to godhood even after all that power was stripped away, sacrificed in the name of something as basic as self-preservation.
You think, too, that in the wake of all that it's no wonder he's lonely.
And then Tomura plants an open-mouthed kiss against your clothed mound, and you can't think of much except the desire blooming in you. His fingertips hook under the band of your underwear, tugging them down over your hips so his thumb can tease at your exposed sex, and the delicate touch has a faint gasp slipping past your lips. Tomura's cheek comes to rest against your bare thigh, his hot breath tickling flushed skin.
For a long moment he simply stares up at you from that prone position, gaze intent and eyes heavy-lidded with a want that seems deeper than mere lust. When your hips buck impatiently, however, he's quick to answer; a shuddering exhale slips past his lips and he drags his tongue over the length of your cunt.
His mouth is warm, the velvety pressure enough to have you lifting a hand to tangle in his hair. He groans in response, tipping his head to nuzzle briefly into that touch before he resumes his work, one finger tracing again over your entrance. It tests your wetness and then slips inside you, pressing and curling experimentally until it earns the delicate whimper he was seeking.
He repeats the motion, his tongue continuing to lap at your sensitive apex all the while, and you whine again, throaty and frustrated this time as the heat that's been building levels off. As good as it feels, it's not enough, the soft strokes of his tongue too gentle to approximate what you're accustomed to—the buzz of toys or the firm press of your own fingers, but never someone else's touch. Your grip on his hair tightens as you grind yourself against him.
"More," you gasp. He's quick to respond, another finger slipping inside you and the flat of his tongue dragging more firmly over your clit. Your back arches in response, your eyes fluttering closed. "Mmhmm," you gasp. "Like that."
Even with your own eyes closed, you can feel Tomura's unfaltering gaze, can sense him watching raptly as you respond to every persistent touch. Your head is starting to go fuzzy, everything beyond the friction between your thighs receding into a haze. When Tomura's lips latch around you, sucking lightly, your free hand clutches at the blankets as your legs start to tremble.
Tomura stops his efforts just as quickly, planting a kiss against your inner thigh as you let out another choked noise of dismay.
"Say my name," he pants. Those words are accompanied by the faint rustle of the sheets beneath him, and when your eyes blink open you can just make out his hips rutting against the mattress, some reflexive bid for friction. His voice is thick as he repeats his request. "Say it, when you—"
You're already nodding, clutching at him again as you guide him back to where you want him. Where you need him. There's a pleasant ache at your center, throbbing as you hover on the edge of release, and you whimper when Tomura's lips close obediently around you.
"Fuck," you swear as the flat of his tongue starts to work in tandem with that suction, the sensation heightened by each rhythmic stroke of his fingers. "Fuck, 'm close."
He speeds up his movements, tongue working more eagerly against you, and you can feel yourself beginning to tense, your hands and your hips conspiring to shove Tomura's face more firmly against your cunt. It's a heady sensation, to be touched at all and especially to be touched like this after so long without. When those waves of pleasure finally crest it's almost overwhelming, some strange melancholy swelling in your chest even as your whole body goes taut and a cry rises in your throat. It nearly sticks, lodged behind the unwanted lump that's formed there; in the wash of your tumultuous orgasm you barely manage to give him the one thing he asked for in exchange for that peak.
The words come out a hoarse, broken whisper. "C-coming, Tomura."
He groans gratefully, coaxing you through your release and not stopping until you force him away, overstimulated. Even then he only turns his head to mouth at your thigh, his hips continuing to grind against your mattress as his breathing grows more ragged. His lips work fervently over you as he does, sloppy, open-mouthed kisses punctuated by strained exhales. Then he's stuttering and shuddering, letting out one last desperate gasp against your skin as he comes.
He claws his way back up beside you almost immediately, cheeks flushed and eyes wide, uncertain in a way that contrasts sharply with his usual demeanor these days. It has you reminded once again of early on in all of this, when he was so different. When you both were.
That uncanny nostalgia only intensifies when he asks, hesitantly, "Can I...?"
You nod. You know what he's asking for—the only thing he's ever really wanted when crawling into bed beside you. The moment you acknowledge his plea, he's pressing himself into your side, arms wrapping tightly around you and his face burying in the crook of your neck.
Tomura doesn't move after that. Only relaxes into you slowly as you stare again the ceiling, willing yourself to feel some shame or guilt for inviting him into your bed. Not because of what it might mean to him, after all this time, but because of what it might mean to you. What it might mean for you.
In the end, though, you fail to summon that remorse. Another part of the inevitability, perhaps, because what is there to be ashamed of when it feels like things could never have been any different?
So, you only lay there listening as Tomura's breathing evens into the telltale rhythm of sleep, and sometime in the hours after you doze away too.
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Tomura wakes to the warmth of your skin against his, and for a moment it's as if all the months since your parting have been erased. He blinks his eyes open expecting to find himself in his room at the bar, and to rise and make you tea under Kurogiri's watchful eye the same way he did so many times before. It isn't until he's met with the sight of bare walls and morning light streaming through the window that he orients himself.
Muscle memory still carries him to your kitchen after he slips from beneath your sheets; it's only when he finds coffee instead of tea among your sparse pantry items that he pauses. Remembers that he's well past such persistent efforts to win you over. All he's doing now is acting out a script for a performance that's long since ended.
He leaves the stove unlit. Puts your kettle, half-filled, back where he found it, and stands uncertainly in your kitchen, surveying the stacks of half-emptied moving boxes that surround him.
It doesn't mean anything, he knows. That you asked him to touch you, or that you asked him to stay at all, those casual invitations thrown out not with reluctance, exactly, but with resignation: Why don't you stay for dinner? And then, when you'd retreated to bed, the simplest, Are you coming? And even if it did mean something, it would be nothing more than what it always means when you fail to turn him away. That the consequences of his early thievery extend far beyond what his younger self could have imagined. That what he's done he can never take back or undo, no matter what paltry efforts he makes to set things right.
There is no right, here. Not for the two of you.
Tomura's halfway through slipping on his shoes when your voice interrupts him.
"You're leaving."
He turns to find you standing in your bedroom doorway, your face still bleary with sleep and your expression otherwise indifferent. The skin at his throat prickles, the way it seems to do so often lately.
He was. Leaving. Had been intent on slipping out the door before you rose, and before he had to wonder if you would ask him to stay.
You don't ask him to stay.
"It's funny," you say instead, and with no real amusement, "I woke up at some point last night, and for a second I thought..."
That sentence hangs in the air, half-finished, but Tomura knows what you thought. He thought it himself, after all, when he first stirred to the rise and fall of your chest under his cheek and was transported back to a time when things felt far simpler. A time when after was a problem for others to contend with, so abstract and disconnected from his goals that it seemed the future couldn't touch him.
Tomura finishes tying his shoes. Straightens up to look you in the eye—a feat that seems to grow harder every time he sees you. Fingertips lift to rub at his neck as clears his throat.
"I won't bother you again," he says.
He means it, but then he always does. Always tells himself this time is the last time, and believes the lie until the moment that unshakable pull has him slipping through whatever unlocked door or window he can find.
You spare him the indignity of skepticism, though. Only nod and move to open the front door, watching silently as he accepts that unambiguous disinvitation. He takes two steps out into the hall before pausing, a question he doesn't want to ask hovering on the tip of his tongue.
He asks it anyway.
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"You asked me if I regret it," he says. He keeps his eyes firmly fixed on the carpet in front of him. "Do you?"
The question is met with silence at first. When Tomura finally turns to face you, you're staring at him with your brow slightly knit, your mouth twisted into something a little too wry to be called a smile.
After another moment, you sigh. Your gaze drops, briefly, and then rises again to meet his stare.
"Goodbye, Tomura," you say, almost gently.
You shut the door.
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glassartpeasants · 1 year
A Burning Heart
Shigaraki Tomura x F!Reader x Dabi
Warnings: Angst, abusive relationship, cheating, burn trauma, burn scars, toxic people, reader beats a bitch up
A/N: i tried
"It's not fair, is it? Watching him love another? Knowing that it's not you? That it'll never be you?"
Your toxic thoughts ate away at your heart as you saw him sitting at the bar with a girl sitting next to him, holding his hand.
Jealousy was a common occurrence whenever she came around. She got him to love her so quickly while you'd been trying for months for him to notice you in any romantic way.
Maybe you were too shy. Maybe you didn't have the confidence she did. Her confidence was admirable to you. Hopefully, one day, you'd have the same confidence as her. But for now, you'll watch from the shadows.
The sound of footsteps coming up from behind you made you spin your head around as you saw her entering the kitchen. 
"Hi…?" Her chipper attitude was a change in pace. Toga had one, but it didn't feel the same as hers did.
"Do we have any ingredients to make anything? I don't think I can stomach any more McDonald's or ramen anymore." She laughed as she smiled at you. You couldn't help but laugh in return.
"I don't think so, unfortunately. Food is hard to come by when you're a villain." You weren't lying. Times with food have been much tougher ever since the heroes have been cracking down. 
"Hmm. That's a shame. Maybe we could disguise ourselves to get food!"
“We don’t have any money.”
“You guys are villains! Since when was money a problem?” Oh yeah. She wasn’t a villain. How could you have forgotten? She loved to talk about what she did that day when she wasn’t hanging out with Shigaraki. It's not like you were jealous or anything. You chose this lifestyle, so it’s your fault. Right?
Your reason for being a villain wasn’t that bad. At least that's what a few people have told you. 
You can remember the cheers people gave your boyfriend when he walked out coughing with the child in his arms. Remembering your own voice as you gave him a big kiss, calling him a hero. You remember the spark in his eyes when you said that. At first, you thought it was just something small, but you’d soon learn that wasn’t the case.
He tried desperately to get his hero license. No matter what, if there was a way to prove himself, he’d do it. He’d cancel out on date nights, started being suspicious of everything, using his quirk on things around the shared house. 
“What are you doing?!” You remember when you caught him using his quirk in the house. It was only made worse since it was fire based.
“Oh, calm down! Nothings gonna happen!” As soon as he said that, he let out a sneeze which caused him to lose concentration, and a small flame of his quirk hit the curtains, setting them a blaze not even seconds later. 
You both tried putting it out but when you realized it wasn’t going to happen, you called the fire station as you desperately tried to grab anything sentimental. Even if it meant getting burned in the process. 
The fire raged, and soon the house was engulfed in flames as you stood outside with what things you could carry as you started crying. Not a single peep from teh man who caused it.
You were taken to the hospital as you had gained some burns. Both of your arms, some on your left calf and a small patch on your face.The scars still with you today. 
You can't remember if he visited you in the hospital.
After the day he saved that child, he wasn't yours anymore. Now, he was theirs. If only you would have saw it sooner. 
When you were okay to go home after the fire, he looked at you differently. Not the same look he use to give you. Not a loving one, but a disappointed one. 
He spent more and more time away from home and began working even harder to become a pro hero, and finally, after so long, he got his provisional hero license. One step away to becoming a pro hero he said.
He wasn't a hero to you.
His license gave him the ego to think he could act however he wanted to you whether it be cruel words or dismissing concerns. He was ignoring your calls and texts. 
Or even cheating and getting rough with you.
You remember your heart breaking and tears pouring down your face as you heard the sounds of sex coming from your shared bedroom. You heard the words that slipped from your lover and his mistress's mouth.
"When are you gonna end it with that scarred freak?"
"I've been trying, but I've been busy with hero work. Trust me; I haven't loved that thing in a long time."
In a moment of rage and heartbreak, you took to whatever platform you could and told your story to anyone that would listen. 
It instantly got attention. With him being an upcoming hero, all spotlight was on him for a minute, so hearing any slight drama was like bees to honey.
To prove you were a thing with the upcoming hero, you took a video going throw a photo book you made with him and you. 
People sent you pics of him being seen with a different upcoming female hero. Kissing her and touching her that only lovers were supposed to touch.
Not even five minutes later, the sound of your boyfriend yelling out a loud 'FUCK' echoed throughout your shared house. 
All you could do was turn on the TV and watch the news. Knowing that any moment he'd come down and see you. With black tears rolling down your face as your mascara was ruined. 
You couldn't believe you dressed up for a cheater.
His footsteps echoed through the hall as he ran down the steps before stopping and seeing you sitting on the couch. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him wearing only boxers and saw the girl behind him hiding her body with what used to be the comforter you shared.
"What have you done?!" His angered voice rang through your ears as you slowly turned to look at him. A look of shock passed his eyes before turning back to rage.
"Why? What have I done to deserve this betrayal? I've done nothing but love you and support you. And yet, I get called a scarred freak, a thing, and who knows what else you've said about me behind my back." You also look at the girl who tries to escape your gaze and hide behind your supposed lover.
"You owe me no loyalty. Therefore, it was probably easier for you to sleep with a taken man. If he'll cheat on me, he'll cheat on you. But, you can have him. I don't want him anymore. He's all yours." The girl said nothing but looked at you with a smug yet annoyed look.
"Do you know what you've done?! My hero career could be finished!" He stomped towards you before grabbing the remote and turning off the TV. You can see heat slowly rise through his hands.
"Cheaters never prosper. You shouldn't be a hero if you can hurt someone so casually and not think twice." The sound of flames rang through your ears as you saw his hand covered in it. Fear coursed through you, but you didn't dare let it show.
You didn't get time to react before a burning pain hit your already scarred cheek. A hit so strong it forced your head around. Another searing pain happened not long after when you felt his hand wrap around your throat before lifting you up in the air. The familiar burning pain from before started, and it only made it harder to breathe.
"You've cost me EVERYTHING!"
"Hey, hey! Let her go!" Through your newly shredded tears, you could see the mistress trying to pry his arms away from you, but nothing worked. 
You desperately tried kicking your feet at him and managed to kick him in his lower jaw causing him to drop you. 
"Fucking bitch!" A bright flame was tossed at you, and the familiar pain of being burned all those months before was brought back as the fire attacked healthy skin.
The flames caught onto the carpet, which quickly spread to the walls. You sat on the floor, too weak to get up, and you tried putting out the fire that had started on you.
Once your ex had seen the damage, he looked at you before grabbing his mistress and running out, leaving you to defend yourself. 
Looking back at it now. He probably intended for you to die. 
You did all the steps to try and put out yourself before trying all the windows since the door was now blocked by the flames that burned higher and higher.
Smoke entered your lungs as you tried to escape. The house was older than the old one you had, so the flames grew faster, and the windows were stuck shut. 
All except the 2nd-floor window. So, it was either death or suffering broken bones. 
And that's where you blacked out.
You woke up in the LOV infirmary. Toga had spotted you collapsing to the ground by the bar. At first, she was going to kill you but was then too curious about the burn scars that seemingly covered your body and the newly burnt wounds that you sustained.
You were afraid at first. Your quirk wouldn’t have done anything to protect you if they were to try anything, but seeing that they addressed your wounds gave you a sense of slight safety. Why would they kill you if they treated you?
It was only seconds after waking up is when you saw him.
Looking in the mirror was always the worst. Seeing how horrible you were scarred with there being nothing you could do about it made you feel like shit. It didn’t help when people would shoot comments your way and say horrible things to you. Even before you were a villain, people were so cruel.
“God! How can she go out in public like that?”
“Mommy, is that a monster?”
“With a face like that, I’d kill myself.”
Tears brimmed your eyes as you remembered how cruel people were to you and still are. They didn’t even know you and yet still said so harsh words. They claim to want a loving and peaecful society but go behind the scenes and treat people who did no wrong like this? The world will never be peaceful and loving as long as those scum exist.
You could feel your anger boiling over as you stared into the mirror, wishing it would break in fron tof you. But of course, it didn’t.
Stomping out of the bathroom, you go into the main area before laying on the couch farest away from the bar.
“Oof, what’s got Mrs. Flammable all upset?”
“Fuck off Dabi.”
“Ouch, such painful words.” The sound of female giggling echoed into the bar as you heard the voice of Shigaraki and his girlfriend sitting down on the bar top. Seeing them together is not what you needed right now. 
“(Y/N)?” Your eyebrows raise when you hear shigaraki’s girlfriends voice call out to you. Remembering her name wasn’t really on your priority list as you and her have never talked to one another outside of a few times.
“Can you make dinner tonight? I’m really tired.” You could have sworn that you told her yesterday that there wasn’t anything to eat.
“We don’t have anything to eat.”
“Well. Can you go get SOMETHING?” You could hear the annoyance in her voice. Unfortunately for her, the burns on your body has been flaring up recently and has been hurting a lot more than usual. So going to a store or stealing something would have been unbearable. Plus, why did you specifically have to go?
“I can’t. I’ve been in a lot of pain recently and no amount of healing ointment has been able to calm down the flare ups.” You always make sure you have ointment stocked but this was just oen of the times where it was useless.
“You don’t look that bad.”
“Oh sorry, would you like me to cry on the floor in pain? Scream in agony perhaps?” The sound of Dabi’s snickering filled the room as what sounded like other league members entering the bar lounge.
“Ask someone else to do it. I’m not going.” Putting your foot down was always a little hard for you, its even worse when your arguing with the boss’s girlfriend. You’d been there longer than her so you don’t know why she has to have superiority over you. Thinking about it harder, soon connected a lot of dots for you.
Toga and Magne told you one time on a mission on how shigaraki’s girlfriend was super passive aggressive and rude towards them. Telling you how she’ll act all nice in front of the rest of the boys but when it’s just all the her with Toga and Magne, she turns super mean.
It confused you a little thinking about it now. You were in a room alone with her once and she didn’t seem to be mean. Maybe it just went over your head as you were super sleepy when she approached you.
“Baby, im hungry. Tell her to go get me food please?” You could barely see the little glare she gave you before attaching herself to shigaraki’s arm and pouting. 
“(Y/N). Just listen to her and got get something alright?” You could see a small smirk ride up on her face.
“I’m not her fucking slave to do whatever she wants. I’m literally in excuritacting pain right now. I respect you as my boss in the highest degree but there is no way I’m going to put myself through horrible pain and the risk of getting caught. She has legs, she’s not a villain, she can get her ass up and do it herself.” All eyes seemed to be on you. The one that scared you the most were the ruby ones that dug into yoru soul.
“Guy guess what i got!” Spinners voice filled the room as everyone turns to look at him. In his hands, held bags of what were all different types of nonperishable foods.
“Ah! Look! Our knight in shinning armor has saved the day.” Letting out a laugh, you look at her with a glare before walking towards your room. Trying not to limp in pain the entire time.
“Fucking ughhh….who is it?” The pounding at your door woke you up with a headache as your eyes try to adjust.
“I need to talk to you.” The voice sounded familiar but you couldn’t put a face to it.
“It’s 8 in the morning. Whoever you are I’ll talk to you later.” Silence before the door opened up and light beamed into you room.
“Hey what the hell? You can’t just open my door like that!” Through the brightness, you can see the familiar figure of shigaraki’s girlfriend standing in your door frame.
“I said I needed to talk to you.”
“Just cause your the boss’s girlfriend doesn’t mean you get to go into peoples rooms without permission!”
“I can do whatever i want. Who’s going to stop me?” You furrow your brows as you get out of bed and stand up. You were only wearing a tank top and shorts so more of your scars were available to see. You could see her look at you up and down with a grossed out look on her face.
“Jesus. Your more fucked up that I though.” 
“You bang on my door, burst into my room withou tmy permission, then tell me how you think I look? Are you fuckign serious?”
“Yeah I am. Maybe it will give you a sign to fuck off my boyfriend.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“I see the way you look at Shigaraki. It’d take a fool to not notice it.”
“Okay? I zone out and stare at people what do you want me to do?”
“No, it’s more than just zoning out. I know you like him.” Venom seemed to be building up inside her as she looked at you with hatred.
“Yeah. I find him attractive but im not a homewrecker.” You rolled your eyes as you glare at he woman in front of you.
“Like he’d give you the time of day anyways ha!” rage soon started to boil inside you. You clench your fists together until they were white as you grit your teeth.
“What the fuck is that suppose to mean?” 
“It means he’d never like a disfigured freak like you-” 
The sound on her body hitting the floor with a loud thud seemed to echo inside your room as you look down at her. She clutched her nose with her hand and you could see blood dripping out of the cracks of her fingers as she looks at you with wide eyes.
Before you knew it, you winded your fist back before throwing another punch towards her. Then another, then another, until all you could see is your fist flying down and punching her anywhere that you could.
The sound of her cries must have been loud enough to echo as everyone soon started running towards her cries, only to see you on top of her, beating her senseless. 
“(Y/N)! What the fuck are you doing?!” You couldn’t even hear them. All you could hear were her words repeating in your mind over ,and over, and over again. Each time it made you grow more angry.
Just then, you felt arms wrap themselves around you before picking you up and moving you away from teh cowering woman. You struggled to get out of whoever’s grip by kicking your legs and thrashing around.
“(Y/N)! What is going on?!” Dabi’s voice finally cuts through your rage and brings you back.
“I…punched her.” 
“Punched? More like beat the shit outta her! You almost turned her into a bloody mess! Your lucky I grabbed you before Shigaraki did!” His hands grab your arms as he looks at you. Looking back at him, you could feel tears brim your eyes as you bit your lips to try to keep from crying.
“She…she called me a disfigured freak! I-I couldn’t let her say that! I already h-hear it enough from people outside the league! I don’t need to hear it from people who’s s-suppose to be on the same side!” Hiccups and sobs erupted out of yoru throat as you cried to Dabi. You probably sounded like a blubbering mess. You probably looked horrible to. God you haven’t cried this hard in forever.
“I-I didn’t ask to look like this! I didn’t ask to be in pain almost every day! She doesn’t k-know what it’s like!” You could feel Dabi’s hold on your arms soften as your tears blurred your vision. You could feel your tears fall off your face and onto your shirt.
“You’re the only one that understand Dabi. Your the only one that knows what its like to hurt like this.” Dabi said nothing as just continued to listen to you speak. 
You didn’t know what you were thinking, but he was right there and at that moment, you just needed to feel someone next to you. 
Wrapping your arms around his body you hugged him gently. Crying harder in the process. You stammered out nonsense as you felt Dabi tense up before calming down. You thought he was gonna push you away but instead, you felt him wrap his arms around you too.
“Yeah. I do understand.” A hand slowly started petting your hair as you just listened to the sound of his heart while crying. 
“But you know what?” You look up at him through tearful eyes as he sends you a small smile.
“You may be a freak to them, but your beautiful to me.”
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doumadono · 10 months
I’m really struggling with my borderline personality disorder. Like I’m feeling my split happening. I don’t have therapy until September. I don’t feel safe I am afraid I’ll blow up on my closest people because I’m getting so upset about people leaving me and it’s sending me into a split about how I knew they didn’t care, how they didn’t want me.
So I was hoping maybe Touya/Dabi where he sees you about to split, he sees you clenching your teeth and you’re snapping at anyone who talks to you and he knows it time to ground you because he could see how bad you’re getting.
There's more to us - Dabi x Reader
Warnings: mentions of emtional swing, f!reader Synopsis: as your anger and frustration teeters on the brink of an emotional split, Dabi unexpectedly becomes the comfort you've been seeking A/N: I'm truly sorry to hear that you're going through such a challenging time with your BPD. It's completely valid to feel the way you're feeling, but remember that you're not alone in this journey. While waiting for your therapy in September, consider reaching out to friends who can lend an understanding ear. It's important to remind yourself that your emotions are valid, and you don't have to go through this alone. You're stronger than you realize, and with time and support, you can find healthier ways to cope with your feelings. Stay strong, and please prioritize your well-being above all else ♥ I hope this fic brings you some comfort
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The cramped League of Villains hideout was filled with an uncomfortable tension that seemed to cling to the air, intensifying with every passing moment. You, normally full of energy and wit, were now a storm of emotions on the brink of splitting. Clenched teeth and tense muscles were visible signs of the inner turmoil you were struggling to contain.
The tension was palpable. The air seemed heavy with unease, and the atmosphere was fraught with the telltale signs of a looming storm. Dabi leaned against a wall, his azure gaze flickering over the scene before him. He had seen this before — the rapid shifts in mood, the intense reactions to perceived abandonment — it was all too familiar. He recognized the signs of a potential split, a cascade of emotions that threatened to engulf everything in its path.
You were seated on the edge of a worn-out couch, your clenched fists trembling and your jaw tightly locked as if trying to contain the turmoil within you. Your voice, usually soft and warm, was edged with bitterness and frustration. Every word you spoke came out sharper, like daggers slicing through the air, and the way you snapped at Kurogiri and Shigaraki moments prior made it clear that your emotions were spiraling out of control.
Dabi's lips pressed into a thin line as he observed you, his mind calculating the best approach. He knew better than to let the situation escalate further. With a resigned sigh, he pushed himself off the wall and approached you cautiously, gauging your reaction. "Hey," he said softly, his voice a soothing murmur that contrasted with the storm inside you. "You're wound up, and I can see that. But snapping at everyone won't help."
You shot him a glance, your eyes a stormy mix of emotions, and then turned away, unable or unwilling to fully meet his gaze.
Dabi could see the storm swirling in your eyes, a tempest of fear, anger, and desperation. He sat down beside you, allowing a few moments of silence to hang between you before speaking again. "I've seen this pattern before, and I want to help you through it."
"Dabi, just leave me alone," you muttered, your tone a mix of defiance and vulnerability. "Just fuck off, man."
He sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "I'm not here to piss you off, yeah. I get it, alright? It's not easy. But taking it out on them won't change a thing. I just want to help ya out, okay?"
Shigaraki perched on a high stool at the bar, an air of nonchalance masking his observant nature. His fingers idly tapped against the rim of the glass as he watched the scene unfold, his crimson eyes tracking every nuance of your reactions. It wasn't often that he paid such close attention, but something about your current state intrigued him.
Kurogiri, standing behind the bar with an air of elegance that was second nature to him, observed with equal attention. As he poured the deep amber liquid into a glass for Tomura, he couldn't help but glance at you occasionally, concern etched into his misty features.
You scoffed, your fingers digging into your palms as if trying to anchor yourself. "Help? You don't understand, Dabi. Nobody does, so please, fuck off," your voice laced with spite.
A flicker of empathy crossed Dabi's features. He understood that feeling all too well — the sensation of being trapped in your own emotional whirlwind. He paused, choosing his words carefully. "Maybe I don't understand everything, but I've seen you fight through this before, Y/N. You're stronger than you give yourself credit for."
You shot him another skeptical glance, your expression a mixture of vulnerability and defiance.
Dabi's cool demeanor belied the concern that burned beneath the surface. He reached out, his hand gently covering one of yours, the touch warm and grounding. "You've got people here who care, but pushing them away is only making things worse, yeah?'
You shivered involuntarily as Dabi's fingers brushed against your hand, a sensation that sent a jolt of both surprise and warmth through you. Your instinctive reaction was to withdraw your hand from his touch, a reflex born from a mixture of nervousness and uncertainty. However, his touch was unlike anything you had expected. Despite the initial shock, his calloused palm felt surprisingly warm, inviting, and oddly comforting. The contrast between your initial reaction and the reality of his touch sent conflicting signals racing through your mind. Your breath caught, a mixture of frustration, sadness, and desperation evident in your expression. "I'm just… I'm so afraid of being left behind. It's like everyone I care about is going to disappear, and there's nothing I can do about it."
Dabi smirked a little. The fear of abandonment, the sense of being unlovable - it was the hallmark of your condition. And as much as he was known for his aloofness, his stoic demeanor, he also had an uncanny knack for sensing what others needed. "I'm not leaving," he said firmly, his voice carrying a sense of reassurance that cut through the chaos in your mind. "None of us is. You're not alone in this, no matter how much it might feel that way."
Tomura's voice cut through the air suddenly, surprising you as he agreed with Dabi's words. A faint quirk of his lips hinted at an almost rare camaraderie between the two. "He's right. Sometimes, pushing people away only makes things worse. You're not the only one dealing with struggles though."
"Who knew I had it in me to be a motivational talker, huh?" Dabi grinned at his colleagues.
"Dabi and Tomura have a point. Emotions can be overwhelming, but they're also a source of strength if you learn to harness them. Control doesn't mean suppression - it means finding balance instead," Kurogiri added.
He could see tears forming in your eyes, a mix of vulnerability and relief. Your shoulders sagged as you finally allowed yourself to let go of some of the weight you were carrying. "I don't want to push people away," you whispered, your voice breaking.
Dabi nodded, his thumb gently brushing over the back of your hand. "It's a struggle, I know. But remember, you have control over your actions. Now, look at me," he said firmly, his voice carrying an edge that demanded your attention.
As you met his gaze, he continued, his words measured but resolute. "There's a wide range of negativity within me, yeah, a storm that used to tear me apart. But I stopped running from it. I embraced it, every jagged edge of it." His honesty was a stark contrast to the aloof facade he often portrayed. In that moment, his vulnerability was on display, a raw revelation of the internal struggle he had faced. "Embracing it, my inner demons," he continued, his voice steady, "it made me more focused. More powerful. The chaos became my strength."
As if the dam had burst, your emotions flowed out in a torrent. Your shoulders shook as tears fell, a mixture of pain and relief.
Dabi's arms wrapped around you, holding you gently but firmly, providing the anchor you so desperately needed. "I've got you."
You leaned into his touch, a mixture of exhaustion and relief washing over you. The storm within you hadn't completely dissipated, but Dabi's presence had provided a lifeline, a reminder that you weren't alone in this battle.
As the minutes ticked by, the tension in the room gradually began to ease. Dabi remained by your side, offering a quiet and unwavering presence that served as a stark contrast to the chaos you had been feeling. Slowly, your jaw unclenched, and the tightness in your chest began to subside.
"You know," Dabi said with a faint smirk, "I'm not exactly known for being the comforting type."
A small, genuine smile tugged at the corners of your lips. "No, you're not."
He chuckled softly, his eyes meeting yours with a spark of understanding. "But maybe I've got more empathy than I let on."
Tomura downed his drink, his lips curling into a faint smirk as he watched you and Dabi. As Dabi's fingers brushed against your skin and you leaned into his touch, Tomura couldn't help but let out a low, almost mocking "awwwww" sound. His voice held a mixture of amusement and teasing as he observed the unexpected camaraderie between you and Dabi. "Look at that, Kurogiri," he remarked, his smirk deepening. "Who knew Dabi could be someone's emotional support? It's like a twisted version of a feel-good movie."
"Maybe," Kurogiri mused, his fingers tapping against the bar counter, "there's more to us than meets the eye. More than just villains with quirks."
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