#shes lookings for a golden kit...? hmm....
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more resident evil warrior cats!!!!!!
character sheets for mia, ethan etc,
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Help! I couldn't help myself and wrote more fluff! Enjoy ya Misfits!
Hooves and Wings:
“You have hooves?” A memory had made itself known to Charlie, who smiled fondly at a gift she was preparing.
It had been when she first met Vaggie, and the two became friends, though it was a rocky start with the angel not exactly settling down. (Cue Flashback)
It had been over several days since Charlie had rescued a cute girl by the dumpster. She hadn't noticed the golden blood until it was on the bandage over Vaggie's eye socket. “Hmm..” It made the princess curious but she decided to respect her friend's privacy. “Looks like it's healing nicely, shouldn't be too long now till you're fully recovered.” She smiled at Vaggie moving some of that short hair to the side.
“Still feels weird..” Vaggie muttered as the angel was given fresh bandages and a gauze over it. Charlie was gentle with her and smiled softly. “Yeah? Well I have something for you.” The blonde grinned slightly and took out a small box.
Vaggie tilted her head curiously, and with a nod from Charlie, the angel opened it and stared. “Esto es muy lindo..” (This is really cute.) She smirked a bit seeing the eyepatch in the box. “Thanks Charlie..” She added picking it up to examine it.
Charlie giggled. “I like making stuff so I figured I'd make this for you.” She blushed, scratching her cheek. The two were in their casual attire as Charlie playfully did some cute hand tapping on her own thighs. “There's also something else.” She added with a giggle.
Vaggie blinked and looked back into the box and found what looked to be a beautiful looking red-pink ribbon that matched the stitched in x design on the eyepatch. “You're spoiling me here…” She replied with a soft smirk.
“I couldn't help it.” Charlie gulped and rubbed her neck. “You're like the first friend I've had in a long time, so..”
“Well I'm flattered…” Vaggie smiled warmly, her eye focused on her friend.
Charlie stretched and got off the bed in the guest room. “It's getting late, I'll leave you alone so you can sleep. Good night Vaggie.” She smiled and went to her room.
What happened next surprised the demoness as she blinked hearing a knock. “It's open!” She called from her bed as she was slipping off her shoes. What greeted those ruby eyes was an adorable sight, Vaggie was in a beautiful white nightgown while holding a pillow and blanket. “Vaggie, what brings you here not that I don't mind?”
“You said we're friends right? I'm not used to it but.. Um.. Would you like to do a sleepover?” Vaggie rubbed her neck with a bit of golden hue to her cheeks.
Charlie beamed at the idea as she grinned patting the bed. “I'd love to! Just let me change into my pj's ok?”
Vaggie smiled and nodded though blinked, spying Charlie’s feet. “You have hooves?” She tilted her head.
“Y-yeah, I was about to do some cleaning actually…” Charlie blushed, lightly rubbing her neck. “Are they weird…?” She asked since before she was told they were by her douche of an ex.
“N-no, they're actually kinda cute?” Vaggie replied with an awkward smile. “It just caught me off guard seeing them, that's all…”
Charlie blinked a little surprised with a slight blush but that small crush she had on this cute woman only grew. She smiled fondly at Vaggie. “So what did you have in mind?” She giggled but then pointed to her large shelf of movies. “If it's a movie, feel free to browse my library while I go change.”
Vaggie nodded watching the princess do a light skip to the bathroom. Though once Charlie came back out in her red long sleeve pj shirt and pj pants she blinked seeing Vaggie sitting on the bed by the hoof care kit. “You've done a lot for me already, so may I help you with your hooves?” She asked as Charlie blushed slightly. “Sure..”
The two sat on Charlie’s rather large bed, though the princess fought the urge to squirm as Vaggie tickled her hooves while cleaning them. She found it cute seeing her crush so focused on the job at hand. “Pffft…. Vaggie!” She couldn't hold back a giggle. “That tickles!”
Vaggie blinked hearing Charlie snort, and it earned the princess a small laugh from her new friend. This only made Charlie crush even harder since that laugh was the cutest she's ever heard. Once their giggle fit was done Vaggie finished picking out the last of the debris from those cute red hooves. “There we go.”
Charlie giggled, flexing her hoof toes with a delightful grin. “You kept tickling me, you know?” She smirked, coming closer to Vaggie who blinked. “Time for some payback!”
“Charlie!” The angel couldn't escape the tickle barrage as she was once again a big giggle fit, with the most adorable snort. “Ack! Can't breathe!” She howled with laughter. She managed to catch her breath when Charlie looked satisfied with her tickle attack.
“You have the cutest laugh.” She grinned but blinked seeing Vaggie grumble with a small wince. “Oh sorry, did I hurt you?!” She was alert and attentive as Vaggie gave a small smile.
“No, I'm ok..”
“You sure?” Charlie gave a soft, concerned look. Vaggie giggled a bit and nodded. “Yeah.”
Charlie sighed in relief, she had been worried she aggravated the wounds. “Sorry about that though.”
Vaggie looked a little surprised but then smiled a bit and went to grab a movie. “Oh? A knight’s tale? That's a classic.”
“Yeah I like it cause the protagonist chased his dreams and achieved them.”
“Want to watch it then?” Vaggie smiled holding it up. “Yes please, I'll go grab us some popcorn!”
The two snuggled up under a blanket that was draped over their shoulders with a bowl of popcorn in Charlie's lap. Alongside them were two adorable goat dragon demons Razzle and Dazzle since who could leave those two out. Soon Charlie pushed play on their movie night. (End of flashback)
In the present day Charlie was grinning widely while carrying a gift box for her precious angel. “Hey Vags?” She peeked into their shared room.
“Hm?” Vaggie blinked looking back, she was casually cleaning her spear. “Oh hey sweetie.” She flashed a smile before her attention went back to the spear.
Charlie pouted a bit, but soon smirked devilishly. “I guess you're super focused right now, you don't want the gift I got you..” She stated in a playful sing-song-like tone. This caused the angel to look back at her, raising an eyebrow.
“You got something for me?”
“Yep. So could you put the spear down please?”
Vaggie shrugged and did so, she could always sharpen it after. “Alright, you have my attention, love, what is it?”
Charlie grinned and walked over carrying the box with a pretty red bow on top. “Just something I figured you needed babe.” She replied and handed Vaggie the box to open.
“Oh?” Vaggie removed the neatly wrapped bow and looked inside, she blinked, spying the gift. “Do you like it?”
“You got me a wing care kit?” She sounded surprised. Charlie grinned and nodded. “Yep, I figured since you regained your wings, I'd help you take care of them.”
Vaggie just looked at Charlie though smiled gently at her and planted a soft kiss to her wonderful girlfriend’s cheek. “Gracias mi amor..” (Thank you my love)
“I know a little bit about wings since when I was little my dad let me play with his…” Charlie replied and smiled. “Seeing how beautiful yours were, I knew for sure I'd have to get you some care stuff for them.”
Vaggie chuckled. “You spoil me, hon..” She soon brought out those gorgeous gray gradient feathered wings, which made Charlie squee. “I'm glad you like them..” She smiled a bit but then looked a little sad.
Charlie lightly cupped Vaggie's cheek, with the big secret out in the open, the princess knew why her sweet angel made such a face. “I absolutely love them, my cute song bird.” She smiled softly, lightly touching Vaggie's forehead with her own. “It makes me happy they came back because of the love we have.”
Vaggie closed her eyes with a soft smile, though her cheeks became a darker shade of gold hearing that new nickname. “Song bird?”
“Yeah, cause your wings and that beautiful voice you have love.” Charlie giggled nuzzling her. She peppered Vaggie's face and neck with kisses earning more giggles from her beautiful girlfriend. “Charlie stop, that tickles!”
The two remained close for a bit until Vaggie reluctantly pulled away. “You're such a goof..” She wiped a stray tear from her eye. “Go ahead.” Vaggie turned and stretched those wings out for Charlie while moving that long silvery hair away to expose more of the feathers and her back.
“Your goof.” The princess grinned and lightly started to run her fingers along the feathers. “Quick question?”
“Does it get like… Bedroom-ish? Sorry but I'm curious.”
Vaggie rubbed her chin, though shuddered a bit when Charlie ran her fingers through the feathers near the base. “Yeah?”
“Oh.. Hehe..” Charlie had a cute grin. “OK so only in the bedroom then..” She couldn't help it as her tail popped out and started wagging a bit.
Vaggie noticed and gave a playful smirk. “You perv..” She teased making the hellborn turn red with blush.
Charlie decided to get Vaggie back for making her flustered with a soft kiss to the old scarring on her songbird's back. With both equally a blushing mess the two soon burst into laughter. Vaggie smiled fondly as she felt Charlie being careful with her wings, giving each feather a soft comb through and lightly taking out any damaged ones. “Ooo!” Charlie grinned, having some old feathers in her hands. “I kinda wanna turn these into stuffing for pillows…”
Vaggie snorted. “Of course you'd say that..” She chuckled, shaking her head. “What having a pillow that smells like you would be nice?” This only earned more laughter from Vaggie who held her stomach.
Charlie grinned, hearing that laugh she loved so much. She tried to continue, but Vaggie was in a cute giggle fit. “Vaggie, if you keep moving, I can't apply the oil!”
“Sorry, but the thought of you cuddling a pillow stuffed with my feathers is too cute..”
Charlie pouted but rolled her eyes smiling waiting for Vaggie to settle down. “That's the coverts done.” She stated making Vaggie look at her.
“Since when did you know wing terminology babe?”
“Uh, I.. Well I looked up how to care for wings beforehand…”
Vaggie blinked but smiled. “You planned this for a while huh?”
Charlie nodded softly, she smiled cutely as her fingers gently combed through the tertiary feathers. “Yeah… You always work so hard to take care of me and the hotel. I wanted to do the same back..”
“You do though..” Vaggie looked back and smiled.
“How so?” Charlie blinked as she couldn't help but be curious.
Vaggie thought for a moment then smiled. “You gave me a place to call home when I was torn away from Heaven..” She stated fidgeting a bit. “I'm not proud of who I was, I always felt so guilty about killing your people Charlie…” Charlie blinked but remained quiet as she went to the secondary feathers next. “Being an Exorcist, it was strange but I had a place there, even if the praises sent shivers down my spine.”
Charlie blinked but soon brought her tail to lightly hold Vaggie's wrist while her fingers carefully aligned those feathers. “Honestly I never really had many friends until I met you.” The angel continued finding comfort in the small gesture. “I had one job, to be a murderous killing machine..”
“Vaggie…” Charlie's heart ached for her girlfriend. Sure the secret did hurt her, but she gave a soft look. “You were scared to tell me weren't you? You basically didn't bother to correct me when I thought you were a sinner..”
Charlie dipped her head down and nuzzled into Vaggie's hair giving her girlfriend a soft kiss on top. “What happened to you then?”
Vaggie blinked but sighed. “I don't exactly like talking about it..” She muttered, looking away. “But I'll try..”
“Vaggie, you don't really have to say anything..” Charlie replied lightly, reaching over to take her hand.
“I do hon, it'll eat away at me if I don't.”
Vaggie gave that hand a gentle squeeze. “One request please…” She sounded a little hesitant. “Anything love?”
“I like your hands… Could you keep roaming them on my wings, please? It relaxes me..”
Charlie nodded and continued her work. She looked worried at how nervous Vaggie looked. Her mind drifted back to her once, saying, “If I can't help you, then what's the point of me?” The princess gave another comforting kiss to her songbird's wing, this time making the angel relax more.
“You remember how we met, babe?” Vaggie's gaze drifted to a photo of the two together. “I do, it was horrible, you were so hurt…”
Vaggie steeled herself and took a soft breath. “I came down from heaven that day, and the guilt took over when I chased a child sinner to an alley… I let them go.” She stated as Charlie gasped.
The angel raised her hand to stop Charlie from speaking. “You won't like the next part..” She looked at her loving princess. “Do you… Still want to hear it?”
“Yes…” Charlie gave her a soft gaze. She loved Vaggie more than anything, even when the secret was revealed and she was hurting, Charlie didn't deny that deep in her heart, it already belonged to this wonderful person in front of her, her talk with Rosie reassured it tenfold.
Vaggie blinked, seeing that loving kind glint in those ruby eyes. She smiled softly, though her old wounds began to ache at the mention of the next part. “Okay…” Vaggie took a soft breath. “Next thing I knew, someone was behind me, and with much brutality, my eye was taken..”
Vaggie felt the heat from Charlie's demonic form, yet continued knowing it would piss off her beloved even more. “I was in shock and fell to my knees, and in a quick second I saw who it was, someone who I thought was a friend, but no she was petty and always had it out for me.” Venom dripped from her words as Vaggie gritted her teeth. “Lute, Adam's right hand bitch.”
Charlie stared and growled. “And she also ripped off your wings?! All because you spared a child?!” She moved her hands back and dug her claws into her own palms.
Vaggie looked at Charlie and blinked seeing those beautiful hands starting to drip blood. “Hon..” She gently took those hands. “I plan to settle the score next time I see that asshole.” She smirked looking determined.
Charlie looked at her with deep demonic red eyes. “Yeah, and I know you'll kick her ass. But love, we stick together ok?” She loosened her hands letting Vaggie hold them. “I don't want you getting hurt anymore.”
“Hey..” Vaggie lifted those hands up and kissed the palms. “I don't plan on dying in the battle with heaven, babe.” She then got up and picked up her spear. Charlie blinked, still fully demonic as she saw her beautiful angel do a small kneel, which reminded her of the knight from one of her favorite movies. “O-oh!” Charlie blinked, seeing her beloved take her hand and kiss the knuckles. “Sorry but I also plan to protect my home with everything I've got as well.”
Charlie couldn't help but swoon at Vaggie, who looked incredibly dashing right now. “Geez, someone's feeling theatrical today, I guess I rubbed off on you.” She teased but smiled warmly gently pulling Vaggie up from her kneeling. “You even remembered our first sleepover movie.”
Vaggie blushed but smiled at Charlie, though it was replaced with a cheeky grin as she set down her spear again. “Yeah, but I also remember this too.” Her deft hands came to Charlie’s sides and easily tickled her princess, sending the demoness into a laughing fit. “Nooo!”
This caused Charlie to revert back and whine as she howled with laughter. “Revenge.” Vaggie grinned as she let up the tickle barrage when Charlie tapped out. “Meanie…”
“You love it though.”
“True, now we have a big day of training tomorrow, shall we go to sleep?”
“Don't forget your hooves, hon..” Vaggie stated with a soft smile. “Oh, it's been so busy I almost forgot, thanks love.” Charlie flashed a cute grin. She then rewarded Vaggie with a loving kiss to the cheek.
“Go you goof…” Vaggie playfully shooed her away as Charlie giggled. The two then started their nightly routine, it was one of the last peaceful moments they were able to share before the big battle with Heaven.
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dianneking · 2 months
On The Seashore (Brienne x Reader)
Hi all! For my weekly fic challenge, @scream-queenlover suggested this prompt (#2584) @promptsforthestrugglingauthor :
"I'm tired of adventures. How about we just get married and stay home?" "I'm sorry…did you just fucking propose?”
You and Brienne have been adventuring together for years, and while you enjoy the friendship and camaraderie that the two of you share, you can't help but wish for more, maybe…but is it in the cards?
Tags: Brienne x Reader, AU - Canon Divergence, Swearing, Brienne is an adventurer, Aroace spectrum, Brienne is on the aroace spectrum,  Friendly Banter, Dialogue-Heavy, Queerplatonic Vibes, Second Person POV, Reader is a woman.
I am not sure how it turned into a queerplatonic fic with a Brienne on the aro/ace spectrum but hey, happy belated aro/ace week. Link to AO3 in the title below:
On The Seashore
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“I swear, if I have to shake sand from my boots one more time, I'll snap.” You grumbled, pulling once again your weathered traveling boots on your feet. 
“Might I remind you that getting this close to the coastline was your idea, milady?” 
“Brienne, it's been three years we're on the road together, how many times do I have to tell you to just call me by my name?” 
You could see her lips slightly tilting upwards and you knew her dry wit was about to come out to play once more.
“One more time, milady.”
You snorted. “One more time, my ass. I haven't been a lady since we took to the road. Just a common adventurer, that's all.”
“There's absolutely nothing common about you, milady, and if anyone dares to even imply anything of the sort, I'd be ready to duel them.” 
“Yeah we've learned that in Sandstone with that one guy who was a little bit too friendly…”
“He grabbed your arm!” 
“I know but we were trying to keep a low profile and you beating him up didn't really…”
“He insulted your honor! And mine too!”
You sighed. “Yes I know. Let's try not to beat anyone up in this village though. I'd like to lay low for a while.” 
“Well we still have half a day of walking in front of us before we get there, that is, if Your Grace doesn't keep stopping every ten minutes to shake sand off your precious feet.”
“Well excuse me for not wanting the whole beach in my boots.” 
The two of you kept going towards the village, bickering as you had become accustomed to over the time spent together. 
“This must be heaven!” You kicked your feet up, forgetting your previous adversity for the sand, your boots next to your wicker seat in the cool shade of the palm trees. 
“You have pretty low standards for the afterlife, milady, if all you require is a seat in the shade.” 
“Brienne! Was your mission successful?” 
You looked up at her silhouette, the sun behind her transforming her short hair in a golden halo. She looked even more like a goddess than usual.
“I have drinks and I have work opportunities so yes, I'd say my mission was indeed successful. And no duels yet, so you can rest easily.”
She handed you a tankard, keeping the second one in her hand. 
You lost no time chugging down the first half in a long sip.
“Ahhhhhh now that's something that was sorely missing in my heaven. A drink! I could kiss you right now, Brienne!”
She did not reply, taking a sip of her own tankard, but as she sat down in the wicker chair next to your own, you noticed her ears were slightly pinker. How had she managed to get sunburned in such a short time? Oh well, she was very fair-skinned so it probably took very little. That might be why she always had her hood or her helmet on most days. But the Dornian heat and the quiet reputation of this village had convinced even the uptight Brienne of Tarth to lighten her kit. 
“So you were talking about work?” 
She swallowed her drink and replied, her voice uncharacteristically flustered:
“Yes. Hmm, well, they're looking for night guards for their granary. They've had quite the bountiful harvest and they want to keep it safe until the village fair.”
“Are there actual threats to the granary?” 
“Not really. Seems to be mostly a precaution.”
“So a cushy gig. How's the pay?” 
“Not great, but they'd let us stay here at this cottage on the beach for free and add one golden coin each per week.”
“Sunshine, the seaside, free lodging and decent pay? Sign me up for life!”
“What about your beloved adventures? What about being a free spirit and roaming the world?”
"I'm tired of adventures. How about we just get married and stay here?"
The silence that followed alerted you that something was wrong. You turned to your companion.
She was looking at you as if you had sprouted a second head. 
"I'm sorry...did you just fucking propose?”
Woah. Brienne of Tarth, swearing? That was almost unheard of from your very proper companion, and only in very serious situations. 
Not that you’d mind. Marrying her, that is. Quite the contrary. The past three years had easily been the happiest of your life, and you knew it had to do with her. Her constant presence by your side, her dry humor, her unwavering support and loyalty…she had become a column you hadn’t even realized how much you were leaning against until you took a step back and allowed yourself to admire her. And she was beautiful. Gods, was she beautiful. 
You set your tankard down beside your chair, and turned to her, lifting your chin, fixing your eyes in hers with equal parts trepidation and boldness. 
“What if I did?” 
“This is not a subject for jesting, milady!”
“Who said I was jesting? And for all the Gods, stop calling me milady like I am some sort of court princess.”
“But you cannot...We wouldn’t…We’re two women!” 
“Believe me, I noticed.” You smirked up at her, letting your eyes roam her tall figure, allowing her to see the appreciation in your eyes. She spluttered, her face turning a bright red that had no correlation with her previous sun exposure. (Had her reddened ears from before also been…oh. Well. Who’d have known. You might even have a chance then.)
“Milady! I…That’s not appropriate! The law doesn’t-”
“Brienne. For once, this is not about the law, religion, traditions, nor customs.” You stood up, and placed your hands on the armrests of her seat, boxing her in. Tall as she was, her head was level with yours. You had never been so close to her. You could see beads of perspiration crowning her forehead, you could drown in the blueness of her eyes, wide open in shock, both at your boldness and at your closeness.
She hadn’t pushed you away though. That had to count for something.
“Y-yes?” Her voice was barely more than a whisper, hesitant and softer than you’d ever heard before. This was not Brienne the warrior speaking. She was Brienne the woman. 
The woman you’d fallen for. 
“I am going to tell you something. You just say the word, and we won’t have to talk about this again. We’ll go back to our adventuring as it was before and nothing will have changed. But I don’t want you to think this is some sort of joke. I am serious.”
She nodded, and you could see her lower lip quivering slightly, and her eyes widening even more. 
“There’s nobody else in the whole world I would like to spend the rest of my life with. Nobody else I would gladly take an arrow for, nobody else I want to guard my back as I guard theirs. If there’s anything that the past three years have taught me is that my days of lonely wandering are done, as long as I can have you by my side. Would…would you consider becoming more than just traveling companions?”
She bit her lip, and let her gaze drop to her knees, as if unable to look you in the eyes anymore.
The silence stretched for what felt like ages. The usually pleasant sounds of waves crashing against the seashore and seagulls crying out to each other felt like a dissonant song to your ears, when all you wanted to hear was her voice.
But you guessed her silence was telling you all there was to know. 
“Very well.” You tried to keep the disappointment out of your voice as you straightened up, hands detaching from the wicker armrests, setting your companion free once again. “I’ll just… go check the water’s temperature. Be back in a bit.” 
You almost scoffed at yourself. Sure. Check the water temperature. Like you gave a damn about the ocean right now. It could all dry up for all you cared. 
You resisted the urge to kick at the sand in anger and frustration though. Mainly because you knew Brienne could be watching you, and you wanted to keep what little decorum you could. How could you be so stupid? To think that she might return your feelings, that you might have a chance with her. Ha. Clearly the blazing sun of Dorne had burnt off your common sense. 
You let the cool seawater lap at your bare feet, forcing yourself to look at the horizon and take a deep breath of salty breeze. 
It was okay. You’d gone through heartbreak before. You’d move on. 
Another deep intake of breath.
You would not allow those tears that you felt prickling at your eyelids to fall. You were a grown woman. An adventurer. Not a silly girl with a crush. 
A third breath. You closed your eyes, focusing on the sounds of seagulls, trying to shove all the feelings back in the little blackened and beaten container you called heart. 
“Nobody has ever told me that.”
“HOLY SH- Brienne, you almost gave me a heart attack!” You twirled towards her, a hand on your chest as you tried to get your breathing back in control. How a woman of her size had managed to sneak behind you without you noticing was a testament both to her athleticism and to how out of it you were.
She pinned you with her gaze, hard and unflinching. The soft, blushing Brienne was gone. This was Brienne the warrior, once again. You realized you had fallen for her, too. 
“Nobody has ever…wanted me.” She said that as if it was part question, part accusation. You didn’t know what to make of it. You shrugged.
“Well, apparently they’re all dumb as rocks and with no functioning eyes.”
She snorted. An inelegant sound that you found as endearing as the rest of her. 
“Seriously, Brienne. You probably have a lot of people that admire you from afar. I’m just the one with the least amount of self-preservation instincts of them all.”
“You seem to have been doing pretty well so far.”
“Well, if you don’t smite me for daring to punch above my weight, I should live to see another day!” You smiled up at her, cheekily, trying to lighten up the mood. You weren’t going to give up on the friendship and camaraderie you two had built together just because your advances had been turned down. A fool, you might be, but not an utter imbecile. 
You could see her lips pull up at the corners in a tiny but unmistakable smile at your antics.
“There it is! The smile of mercy! I shall live somewhat longer! Yay!”
She shook her head and gave you a small shove, almost throwing you completely off-balance. 
“You’re impossible, you know that?”
“I’ll take impossible as a title over milady anytime, so yep, that’s who I am! Also, please don’t throw me into the ocean, I can’t swim.”
“You can’t?”
“Nope! I’m a land rat, not a sea rat. Can you?”
“Of course! Everyone on Tarth learns how to.”
“Well, you’ll have to teach me at some point, but throwing me in is not how I’d like to go about it, thank you very much.”
Her hand landed on your shoulder, gripping it strongly, and you looked up to see that the smile had gone, and her expression was now closed off, and serious. 
“I…wouldn’t be opposed to it.” She ground out, as if it was physically difficult for her to even say it. 
“To teaching me how to swim?”
“No, to a… relationship. I…I like to spend time with you.” She looked like she was telling the truth but also like she was extremely uncomfortable doing so. You felt your heart break again, this time for her.
“As do I, but we can still have that. This is not an ultimatum, Brienne, I would never put you in that position.” Just the thought she would be willing to start a relationship she clearly wasn’t keen on not to lose your company was…both horrifying and heartwarming, to be honest. 
“It’s not that. I…I am not good with…romance. It doesn’t come as easy to me as it seems to be for other people. I don’t know how to go about it.”
You put your own hand on top of hers, on your shoulder, trying to find the right words.
“Hey. There is no right or wrong way. And there is no hurry. We can give it a try and see where it goes. If not, we’ll just be good friends that adventure together, alright?”
She seemed to ponder this, her eyes on your hand covering her own. You gave her the time to do so. 
“I would like that.”
You smiled tenderly up at her. This was so hard for her, always used to be the paradigm of perfection, of valor, of morals. The fact that she was able to challenge herself enough to go out on a limb with a relationship for you, of all people, made your heart skip a beat in your chest. 
“We will take things as slowly as you’d like, and you feel free to tell me at any time if you’re uncomfortable, okay?”
You could see the tension leave her eyes, and her face opened up in a hopeful smile. 
“You’d do that…for me?”
“But of course! We have all the time in the world, milady!” You smirked, throwing the title back at her and seeing her resigned grimace at the nickname.
“No more miladys, alright?” 
“That’s what I’ve been saying for years! Now. That drink is getting warm and that’s not something we can allow. Shall we?”
You gallantly offered her your hand to hold in a very bad imitation of a nobleman asking a woman at court to dance.  She shook her head, but accepted your hand, and you both turned your back to the sun, looking at your conjoined shadows on the sand in front of you with a look of incredulous joy on both of your faces. 
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animaginaryartblog · 5 months
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[Image ID: a colored sketch of several Sonic the Hedgehog characters, each redesigned to resemble a corresponding Yu-Gi-Oh! character. In the top left is a logo reading "Heart of the Chaos", with text under that says "A Sonic the Hedgehog x Yu-Gi-Oh! AU".
From left to right: Shadow is Kaiba, with his trademark white coat. His undershirt is red, his pants are black, and he wears black-and-red boots and gloves. He stands proudly, shoulders back as he glares at the camera.
Next to him is Maria as Mokuba. She is a head taller than Shadow and has been given a suitably Robotnik nose. She wears a blue dress that matches her eyes with a black vest on top. She has a white scarf around her neck and white shoes. She smiles with just a hint of mischief.
Next is Eggman as Pegasus. He is two heads taller than Maria. He wears a fancy red suit with a frilly white cravat, white pants, and red and white shoes. His mustache is neatly groomed. His right eye is covered by a black lens as usual, while his left eye has been replaced by the Phantom Ruby from Sonic Forces. He stands with one arm behind his back and the other at his chest, grinning smugly.
After Eggman is Surge as Malik/Marik Ishtar. Her ponytail points to either side, forming an almost wing-like shape. She wears a black crop top, yellow flared pants, and yellow, black, and white sneakers. Gold bracelets adorn her upper arms, and gold earrings dangle from her ears. On her left hand she wears a black glove with the Tricore from the IDW comics. She stands with one hand on her hip, looking off to the side with a smirk.
Beside Surge is Kit as Rishid/Odion Ishtar. He is a head shorter than Surge. He wears a floor-length hooded purple robe, black shirt and pants, yellow belts, and yellow, black, and white shoes. He also wears black gauntlets studded with metal. He stands with hands slightly raised, staring straight ahead with a flat expression.
Finally, Blaze as Isis/Ishizu Ishtar stands apart fro the rest, looking off to the side uncomfortably. She wears plain cream robes with a gold belt and pink high heels. She has a golden crown of sorts on her head. Around her neck is a gold necklace with a red Sol Emerald affixed to it. /end ID]
Yu-Gi-Oh!, part the third. Malik!Surge and Rishid!Kit was the best brainwave I've had for this AU, it works so well. I might even use it in reverse for my Sonic/Yu-Gi-Oh! AU, too. though that only works if I keep Yami Yugi as Sonic, which I'm thinking of changing. and I already had a very amusing slot for the Ishtars... hmm, decisions, decisions.
Other drawings of this AU: Tails!Yugi and Sonic!Yami | Friendship Gang | Ancient Egypt Gang
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lady-lessos-wife · 1 year
Dialogue Prompt by: @writing-challenges-and-prompts
I changed a bit of the dialogue here n there and added my own of course.
{Please keep in mind that I only ever watched the movie and base all my fanfics around on how Lesso's and Dovey's body language and tone is in the film.}
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Soft moonlight krept through the cracks of the light purple and golden curtains down the glimmering hallway. It gave a free but almost haunting look to the sparkly school for good. Each step passed, that light beautifully highlighted half of the rosey face of Lady Lesso. Her black leather boots clicked along the floor with her powerful walk, her cane closely leading her into the direction of the groom room where she would meet Professor Dovey. Meeting her once already in the afternoon from a fail defense in class, she was told to visit her again to get her wounds cleaned once more.
As Leonora reached the path to enter that room, she hesitated. Her nose inhaled deeply to settle her sudden unexpected nerves and urged herself on, finally stepping through.
Without even glancing the redheads way, the woman now in a slimmer golden gown from usual, wooshed over a blue cushioned bench and waved her over.
"Come. Sit. Let's have a looksie, yes?" She directed as she patted the seat a little too hard, a fake smile dressing her.
"Oh~?" A sharp eyebrow arched with her words in response. "I'm sensing something."
A small smirk formed on Lesso's face as she flicked to the atmosphere infront of her, waiting for any type of true acknowledgement from the other. She examined the good woman with her devious eyes as the other simply turned on a close lamp that hardly lit up the room.
Leonora humphed lightly.
"Clearly good isn't doing it's job right now is it?"
Leonora stepped closer to the woman.
"Really now, no need to be so apathetic Sunflower."
Finally turning to take a look at the redhead, Clarissa pierced a cold distant look through the taller woman, just wanting her to sit down.
Looking into those dark eyes, Leonora hesitantly glanced away, pursing her lips a tad to bite the inside of her cheek.
"Remove any unnecessary clothing that will get in the way."
The taller looked up the shorter before setting her cane aside and taking off her cleaned suit jacket like she was told. Removing her black vest and making sure to roll up her shirt sleeves as well.
"Hmm, someone angry."
"Angry? What ever cause would I have to be angry dear Lesso?"
Clarissa beamed a toothy smile at the woman as she watched her take her seat on the bench.
"Empathetic enough?"
"Hmm," She hummed again. "Very angry then." She spoke as she flopped to the side a bit, her left arm holding up her balance on the seat.
The woman in gold stood in front of the other as she poofed up a beautifully decorated red first aid kit, a kit she must've put wholely together herself Leonora thought.
"Now, be still and sit straight. I need to clean up your mistakes."
Reaching out her hand to grab the paler woman's wrist, she lifted up the sleeve higher above her elbow. Leonora couldn't help but immediately take notice of Clarissa's usual soft touch, never truly wanting to harm in any way.
Unlike herself.
She scoffed. "My mistake? Oh please Dovey." Spitting out, she pushed a bit of her frizzy curled hair from her face elegantly.
"You don't have to be so carping do you?"
The woman tending to her many arm wounds said nothing as she removed and poofed away the bandages. Quietly standing there, she cleaned the wounds out with a strong alcohol, knowing the pain wouldn't effect the dean.
"Wont you respond to me?" She simply asked.
The golden woman snapped, a groan following it.
"Lesso please," She whined.
"I really don't want to talk. Unless it is about your health or any injury I can not see-"
Pausing for a moment, she stared into the green eyes of her 'friend'.
"-I do not want to hear it. Okay?"
Leonora deeply stared back into sparkling brown ones, flickering between each one to read.
Her chest quickly took a breath.
"If you wish it."
"I do."
"Fine," Leonora said with her head raised high with a false confidence she didn't know of.
"Fine!" Clarissa snapped, darting her head to the side in stubbornness for a second.
Pure silence washed over the two childish women, letting them sit there with their own thoughts for a moment or two. Looking away, looking somewhere elsewhere, Lesso softened the breath she was holding with a long exhale through her nose. Leonora knew she had messed up in Clarissa's book but she felt as if it truly wasn't that wrong of her, surely she could understand from her point of view.
Letting her emerald eyes flow back up the form of the woman standing a bit above her, they scanned across her bronze face and admired the soft but sculpted features. Lesso thought highly of the golden woman, though, she thought the other dean could be quite a pain in her side at times.
Well, most times.
Though yet, she loved that pain she admits. Her whole being represented evil, ugliness, and pain, how could she not? Especially when it comes from someone so suspiciously good.
"I didn't mean to hurt you, Princess. That was never the intention of my actions."
Without meaning it, her tone was one of sarcasm with that nickname.
"That's something new." Clarissa seemed to hiss.
Looking down at dark hands on her arm, she grazed her long fingers across Clarissa's own exposed arm in a delicate and soothing way.
"I want you to talk with me. The unseen wounds that do not bleed can be... severe." Her eyes peaked up at her again.
"You know this all too well Dove."
The golden woman stepped away for a second and grabbed a aloe healing cream, quickly dabbing it over her cuts before wrapping her arm.
"What I feel is my own to deal with, Lesso. You have no order of it."
Clarissa used her pinky to push up the paler woman's chin towards her, removing a bandage from her cheek to expose a magic burn.
"Ugh! Just look at you." She quickly let out before shaking her head.
Leonora rolled her eyes at the quick complaint.
Instantly turning against her own words, Clarissa lets more of her feelings spill out.
"Why Lesso? Why couldn't you have just come and gotten me? Why let it get like this? If I was there, this could have all been prevented. Why must you be so stubborn Lesso?"
She angrily threw the used bandage away with her magic.
"You need to rely on me to protect you."
Leonora jaw clenched.
"I shouldn't have to rely on you!" Leonora spat.
"I'm a big girl," She explained while dragging her hand to her chest in defense, crossing her legs.
"I can handle things my self! It was a simple accident, it happens."
Leonora peered into the eyes of Clarissa, a frustrated glare taking over.
"I don't need a fairy godmother to come in and save the day for me like some damsel in need. You are not higher than me Dove! You are not better than me. I have just the amount of capability as you!"
"You're right!" Clarissa let out painfully. "I'm not higher than you!"
Her eyebrows turned up in an angered sadness.
"Of course I'm not any better than you Lesso, I didn't mean that.. I shouldn't have made it seem like I was. You're a wonderful fighter, a brilliant one! I just..."
She stopped for a moment, letting a hand press against her head in a quick panic. Calming herself, she let that hand calmly fall to Lesso's arm, holding it firmly. She lightly dipped her thumb into it as she gently caressed it down to the woman's palm, rubbing soft circles into it.
Her chest heaved from the intensity of the situation, holding herself back.
"I just... Didn't like seeing you like this."
Clarissa used her free hand to reach up and lightly rest it on the seated woman's cheek, making sure not to touch her burn as she used her thumb to follow the outline delicately.
Leonora stiffened by the action.
"Over something I thought was so careless and stubborn." She sighed.
"I never mean to make you feel... Lower..." She frowned at the word. "Truly! I wasn't looking into my fault, that was my deepest mistake."
Her chocolate eyes darted to look into the eyes of evil.
"I just... wanted you... to want me, my help."
Those eyes of evil sparkled at the good golden woman in front of them, constricting from a light shock. Leonora's breathing hitched at the specific set of words from the other. She sat still and tense under her as she watched the woman, feeling her soft hand hold and pinch at her own.
"It was silly of me to try and hide away my feelings... Ugh! You always yank my words out of me."
She sighed frustratedly in defeat, turning away to get the aid she needs for the magic burn. Leonora didn't know what to say, what could she say? She wasn't necessarily in the wrong she thought, but, she didn't like this feeling.
"Maybe... It was a bit stubborn.. of me." She said lowly.
"I'm..." The redhead continued.
She didn't quite know how to say it at first. Rather complicatedly, poetically, delicately, she didn't care, she just wanted it to be true.
"I'm sorry Clarissa." Was all Leonora said.
To Clarissa, it was more than enough.
"I'm sorry as well." She replied as she lightly dabbed a cream against the burned cheek.
"I'm sorry for... Getting angry, for holding back on you yet, letting it out on you. I'm truly sorry for my behavior. Your feelings are not your fault."
"-Those damned nevers just got in my way," Leonora quickly cutted in as she irritatedly looked to the side with an intense brow.
"Allowing such a foul beast to make a fool of me."
Clarissa smiled softly at that.
Her hand let go of the other woman's before using it to hold the non-burned cheek, keeping her face still as she put medicine on the burn before bandaging.
"Just like how you want me to talk with you, I want you to talk with me. Don't ever allow me to make you feel such a way Nono."
Leonora inhaled sharply at the sound of her nickname, a smirk forming on her lips from it.
"I'll be better on what I say and do, just... Come to me. Rely on me for help when you need it. I know you can handle things on your own Lesso, you always have beautifully, but..."
The golden woman moved away, getting rid of the aid she used on the redhead, keeping her eyes off of her.
"Lately I just... I don't know. Hearing you were hurt... Scared me."
Emerald eyes shook at the words, noticing her breathing picking up all of a sudden.
"Well... I might as well be in your position by how it made me feel." She vocalized with a small chuckle.
She turned to look at the Dean of Evil again, her cheeks hinting a color to them.
"I don't ever wanna see you like this again. Even the smallest mark gets me... Angry? Sad? I'm not sure really. It just... feels wrong."
Clarissa bit her bottom lip nervously, peeling a bit of the skin as she stepped to Lesso. Her hand went to touch the side of the woman's neck, not really knowing what to say as she did so.
Leonora simply watched, keeping quiet, keeping her eyes on the beautiful bronzed woman, not wanting to somehow ruin this... Whatever this was, like everything else she thought.
Her eyes squinted at the golden woman, desperately trying to read her herself.
Clarissa softly stared back into those eyes, feeling her heart thump at the gaze. Grazing her delicate hand gently up the woman's rosey neck, her index finger followed the line of her sharp jaw bone.
Leonora's heart began to thump as well, her eyes softening at the feeling, at her brown nurturing eyes.
Without thinking, Lesso tenderly allowed her hand to reach up and over the dorsal part of the hand feeling her. Her silver manicured fingers guided the woman's to her pink lips, lightly placing a kiss upon them before moving her hand down to the palm. Leonora placed another loved kiss onto Clarissa's knuckles, her lashes fluttering shut as she did.
Wanting eyes widened at the gesture, her heart thumping louder and louder against her chest. She wondered if Leonora could possibly hear it from her level.
As her hand was kissed, Clarissa angled it to where it would cause the frizzy redhead to place one onto her palm.
Leonora did so without hesitation, deciding to move her lips down her wrist and arm, placing yearned kisses upon her.
"Mmm," Clarissa sighed, letting her eyes close to melt into the sensation.
Her fingers reached behind and tangled themselves into the Dean of Evil's hair as she moved up her arm, causing the softest groan Dovey has ever heard from the woman.
It sounded like magic to her.
Clarissa wanted to know why.
Why would it?
Leaving no arm left to place kisses on, Clarissa pressed her forehead down against Lesso's, her breathing shaking and wantingly for her.
"Thank you... for helping me." Leonora spoke finally.
"Your help means so much to me~"
The words could have almost made Clarissa cry she assumed. It was all she wanted to hear, to truly know.
Without warning, without thinking, Clarissa passionately almost hesitantly placed her full plump lips against Leonora's thinner ones, craving more as their lips made contact.
Leonora was stunned but instantly kissed the golden woman back, allowing the fervent moment to fill her body. Pushing herself off the cushioned bench, her arms quickly wrapped themselves around the woman's back, her left hand holding the back of the shorter woman's neck.
Their sweet kisses sped up, wanting to express the pure longing they always had for the other all along.
"Mmmn~" Leonora hummed velvetly into the long shared kiss.
Clarissa's dark hand combed it's fingers through red curls as her free one tugged at the black tie around Lesso's neck, pulling her in closer to her lips and body.
Leonora loved every second of it, every action of the other's need for her.
Finally needing but not necessarily wanting a breath, Leonora fiercely pulled away.
She inhaled and exhaled deeply, her chest heaving greatly from the passion.
Lustful eyes stared longingly into fervid ones, her already pink cheeks heating to a red color infront of Clarissa's eyes from true realization. The haze in her eyes twinkled away as she just stared at the beautiful good woman in her hold, her breathing starting to even out.
Clarissa softly stared back to admire her supposed rival, eyes taking note of how beautiful the woman looked in the lamps low light.
As a silence began to wash over them again, the golden woman quickly cleared her throat, her cheeks obviously blushing as well.
Leonora found it adorable.
"Wow," Leonora expressed. "Do you think the Storian put us up to this?" She smiled genuinely.
Clarissa blinked for a second, her hands resting on the woman's shoulders. Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply through her mouth.
"You are so..." She hesitated, "Annoying."
The redhead busted out a chuckle, causing Clarissa to do the same joyfully.
The opposite women gently laughed together before Dovey moved her hands away, patting Lesso's shoulder from a slight awkwardness.
"You should probably get going you know."
Checking the time, Leonora bit her lip as she looked up the woman like usual, huffing quietly before turning to put on her vest and jacket. Grabbing her cane, she turned to the Dean of Good.
Smirking, she watched Clarissa rock against her heals as her hands were held together infront of her innocently.
"I'll see you first thing in the morning Princess." She said with a quick nod.
"I'll see you~"
Clarissa said calmly but responded with a childish wave and genuine almost suppressed grin as she watched the evil woman leave. Her green eyes peaked at her from behind over her shoulder as she walked away from her sight.
Noticing the woman's clicking heals fading away in the distance, the golden woman released a deep and satisfied sigh as she magically brought a extravagant couch to catch her dramatic pretend faint, squealing like a teen.
"Oh Leonora~"
Letting her eyes close, she touched her puffy lips, still feeling the warmth of the kiss. Peacefully beginning to fall into a soothing sleep, she shyly thought about what was to possibly come now.
Writing this while listening to my Dovesso playlist was very therapeutic honestly even tho I just wanted to cry because I wanted to be over with this so bad. I push myself too hard lol.
Now, this isn't THAT good or anything but, I'm still learning these characters precisely so this is as good as my first fic of them is going to get.
I hope you all enjoy this in some form of way! Thank you~ (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡
Also, I proof read this mug like three times already so.. if there's any misspelling or anything like that.... I'm so sorry.
{Please don't be afraid to leave Dovesso or Lesso x Reader prompts for me!}
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fluffysilver · 6 months
Flufftober Day 23 - Trinket
The golden, round stone in Rika’s hand caught the light as he turned it, the two rectangles carved on the surface flickering. Beside him on the bench sat a pack of cards, and a simple but well crafted astrolabe. 
“Rika?” Davien paced up to join him, touching his shoulder. “I’ve been calling you for two minutes. Are you all right?” 
The Miqo’te jumped a little, looking up and blinking. “Oh… yeah. Just thinking.” He rolled the stone over his fingers. “About Dad.” 
Davien sat down beside him. “Your foster dad?”
He nodded, looking down at the stone again. “He was from Sharlyan. An astrologian. Mom had been a dragoon before she left the order to marry Dad and have a family. That’s why they were in Tailfeather  - she really couldn’t go back to Ishgard, and in Sharlyan she would be treated badly because she wasn’t a scholar. So they left to make their own life.” He smiled faintly. “I’m lucky they did. It was Mom who found me by the river after my clan was murdered.” 
“That was his stone?” Davien asked quietly. 
“Hmm. When they died, I thought it best that Wadjet and ‘Seti get their stones and equipment. Neferseti took to Mom’s stone immediately, of course. But Wadjet never could get Dad’s to answer her. It wouldn’t answer to ‘Seti, either, so we put them away. Wadjet found them again.” He smiled faintly. “She said I should try. Even though I wasn’t theirs by blood, they never treated me as any less than their own son. Dad… I used to watch him use these, and he taught me the meaning of the cards. I mean…” Rika laughed a little. “I need another job like I need another foot, but… I think Dad would want them to be used.” 
“I think so too.” Davien put a hand on his arm and squeezed gently. “It would bring honor to his memory… and I can’t imagine he would be anything but proud of you for carrying on his legacy.” 
Rika glanced at him, then smiled. “Thanks. At least there’s supposed to be someone in Foundation who practices proper Sharlyan astrology, rather than the bastardized version they use in Ishgard.” He pushed himself to his feet and held the stone to his heart, touching it gently with his aether. It glowed faintly, then burst into light strong enough to shine through his fingers. The knowledge of how to use the astrolabe and how to channel the aether into it flowed into his mind, but also along with it memories. A clear image of his foster father, slightly messy hair falling into blue eyes, looking down into a wide eyed kit watching the sparkle of the magic and the cards swirling around it. 
:Use it well, Horika-Re,: the memory whispered; Rika smiled even as tears slid down his cheeks.  
“I will Dad. Thank you.” 
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cardierreh15 · 2 years
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Phoenix: Story of the Lost Fire Princess
Hi everyone! I’m back! Here’s Chapter 4 of Phoenix! Enjoy ❤️‍🔥
**I do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Drinking , Violence , Nudity , Mentions of Loss , THE FEELS 🥺💔 , Angst ,
Pairing : Geralt Of Rivia x Phoenix (Curvy African American Woman) (With Guest Stars: Coën, Lambert, Vesemir)
Description: Days after their ambush, Phoenix & Geralt make their way back to Kaer Morhen where she meets those who helped change his life.
Word Count: 3.9K
Chapter 4: Kaer Morhen
The two of them rode in a comfortable silence. Phoenix was to busy taking in her surroundings as, she had never been on this side of the continent before. Even though everything was pretty much the same, having a new companion, made everything seem all the more — different.
‘Hmm, you’re rather chatty today.’ He said softly, with a slight bit of playfulness. He glanced back over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of her looking down at the shimmering snow.
‘Perhaps I do not have much to say today Witcher. You should pay attention to the path before you get us lost.’ She argued back, her own little playful taunt.
Geralt smirked at her remark, ‘Lost? I know this Terrain better than I know the bestiary of this Continent,’ he looked back, ‘You should put some trust in me Princess.’ And he looked ahead once again.
Phoenix rolled her eyes as a smirk curled on her lips, ‘Hmph.’ She breathe out. Her caramel eyes once again found that sparkling white snow again. This time in the trees. And the way the sun shone down on it, — it was breathtaking. It was like looking at diamonds! It was so white and — untouched! As if no one had ever traveled this far before.
It was unfortunate that she never got to take in this bustling and beautiful world around her. She was always on a time limit. Always on her toes. Minding the twins and running from those who wish to seek her harm. Or worse— bring her back to her kingdom, defenseless.
Riding from the protection of the trees up above, Geralt and Phoenix had finally come to a stop in a open field that turned into snow covered mountains. And hiding in plain sight, a place she had thought she’d never see in person, was sitting there awaiting their arrival.
Phoenix clutched the reins tightly in her palms as her chest shook with shock and anticipation. She finally opened her mouth, and a small cloud of fog disappeared before her.
‘Phoenix, this is—‘
‘Kaer Morhen.’ She stared up at the fortress as if it were to burst into flames! It was old as time, (or it had seem to be) destroyed by the trials of time and weather. Or maybe—
Geralt looked over at Phoenix. Watching as her emotions shown like a picture book on her beautiful features. ‘Home.’
She looked over at him with her plumped lips pressed together in approval. ‘After you. I am your guest, after all.’
He had given her a simple nod and kicked at Roach’s side, taking off towards the path that lead up to the fortress. And Phoenix had followed suit.
After pulling their horses to a stop and dismounting them, the both of them made sure to tie them up, and remove all of their equipment to bring inside with them. Phoenix was enthralled to learn more about this place! Things that the books wouldn’t tell or her father’s Golden Knight, Levy, refused to explain. She looked around, noticing more debris lying about. Large rocks, broken statues, and one thing that caught her eye in particularly. The remains of a.. Griffin?
‘Geralt is that a—‘
Geralt smirked and looked over at her with slight confusion, ‘A Griffin? Yes.’
Phoenix had dropped everything that she held. Her weapons, her travel kit, her knitted blanket— EVERYTHING— and quickly rushed over to the icy bones. She dropped to her knees, fast breaths leaving her lips. She popped the button on her wrist and removed her her glove.
With the warmth of her hand now gone, she shuddered at the brisk feel. She could have used her power to warm up her palm, but she wanted to feel all of this. This whole moment, she wanted to remember how everything felt. So she placed her palm on the skull of the skeleton and she had never felt so enlightened before. Phoenix let out a scuff, with thick tears filling her eyes. All of this was like a dream to her.
Geralt had picked up her valuables and walked over to her, ‘decades ago. A father, seeking the revenge for his mate and offspring. When Griffin’s mate, they—‘
‘Mate for a lifetime.’ She said softly, loud enough for him to hear but so softly. Phoenix looked over her shoulder, up at him with wet eyes. ‘He only wanted justice. Were there any innocent lives slain?’
Geralt pressed his lips together and give her a nod. ‘Mmm.’
‘Then — you did what was right.’ She sniffed and looked back down at the skull before slowly standing to her feet. ‘This is— stellar.’
Geralt chuckled, ‘If you say so. Come, there’s warmth inside.’ And he jerked his head towards the large doors. Phoenix smiled softly and followed the tall broody man towards the doors.
As they walked inside, the hall was bustling with noise and men chattering. Phoenix was too busy taking in the place to truly pay attention to the conversations. All until it got deathly quiet. She knew then, that the attention was on the both of them.
To be frank, it was eerie. Phoenix swallowed her spit and stepped a tad bit closer to Geralt as they all stood to their feet. ‘Don’t you worry. They’re all harmless.’ He smirked, reassuring her.
‘BLOODY HELL!’ One with ginger curly hair exclaimed, walking over to the both of them. ‘Took you long enough shit head!’ And he embraced Geralt in a tight hug. Once she knew the coast was clear, Phoenix stepped to the side, allowing his Witcher brother’s to welcome him back home. All until—
‘Aye, You’ve brought a guest?’ Another had asked, a bald black man with a blind eye and an intriguing smile. The rest of the men had immediately turned their attention to the woman who stood only a mere few feet away from Geralt. ‘This is Princess Phoenix of Jedajél.’
The room grew quiet once again. Until she waved her hand once, ‘Hello, gentlemen. It’s an honor.’ And it was! She wanted to be a Witcher when she was a little girl. Be the first woman that endured the Trial of the Grasses. But her life steered her in a different direction.
‘Haven’t gotten enough of bringin’ princesses around eh?’ The ginger asked. Geralt’s eyes narrowed and his lips frowned up, ‘aye, aye— relax. I’m only fuckin’ around. Aye, Princess? Anyone who is a friend to Geralt, is a friend of ours!’ And the room erupted with a glorious roar.
That alone was enough to make Phoenix smile. She had never truly been welcomed anywhere. Maybe this was where she was intended to be.
The noises of footsteps had captured her attention. They were not synchronized so there were two people. And one sounded lighter than the other. ‘Ahhh, wolf— you’re home.’ All of the men stepped to the side, looking back at a older male with gray shoulder length hair. Standing next to him, was a young girl. Ashen hair— eyes as green as emeralds. This was the girl. The girl that the continent had literally stopped for. Princess Cirilla of Cintra. And she was breathtakingly beautiful.
Ciri had taken long strides over to him and embraced him in what had seem to be a tighter hug than what his brother’s had given him. And Geralt had returned that hug, in the same manner. ‘Welcome back, Geralt.’
He had pulled away from her, his large hands now resting on her arms and a proud smile on his lips. ‘It’s good to be back Ciri,’ then he paused, his head gently falling to the side as his smile had disappeared. Phoenix studied them— their body language. He was no different than a biological father. Even at first glance you’d think she was his. With all that strange beauty. ‘Ciri?’
Ciri’s smile had faltered as well, in worrisome as if she was in trouble. Her eyebrows tugged in together as if she was trying to understand the shift in energy, ‘Yes?’
Phoenix braced herself. Waiting.
‘Have you done something different to your hair?’
Ugh, he was liable to give someone a heart attack with his antics.
Phoenix had rolled her eyes and silently giggled, her head falling forward.
Ciri halfway blinked before giving her father a happy grin, ‘Indeed. It looks like yours almost.’
‘See? I knew it looked familiar. Very nice, Cirilla.’ And he gave her head a gentle, loving pat before he glanced over to see Phoenix taking in all this — joy. Cirilla then followed his glare. ‘Who is this?’ She asked.
Phoenix stood up straight, gently clearing her throat as the two came closer. ‘Ciri, this is Princess Phoenix of Jedajél. Phoenix this is—‘
‘The Legendary Lion Cub of Cintra. I— my Gods!.’ She reached out towards the girl and grasp her smaller hands in hers. They were callused. Rough as if she had been a knight instead of a princess. The same kind of hands Phoenix had. She gave them a gentle and loving squeeze, ‘It’s a pleasure, Cirilla.’
Even with the power Phoenix wielded, she knew that Cirilla could flip this world inside out with out the effort. And with that, she felt an familiar urge around Ciri. One that was similar to the twins. One to protect.
Ciri gave Phoenix a smile, intrigued by the news. ‘I wasn’t aware that there was any Princesses in Jedajél. They said that she was dead.’
Phoenix scuffed and nodded, ‘Of course they did. I was Princess before your time darling. I don’t really like to carry the title anymore though. Way too much authority for me.’ She giggled, placing her hands on her hips as she looked up at Geralt.
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Geralt looked over at her with a nod in understanding, but in reality— he was trying to hide that smirk that was cracking at the corners of his lips.
Ciri smiled softly, glancing between the two. She couldn’t tell if there was something going on between Phoenix and Geralt. From how it looked, they appeared to be friends. But, leave it to her to snoop around for clues and theories. ‘How did you two meet?’
‘It’s a story that can be shared once we all meet for dinner. I don’t know about you Phoenix but, our travels have caught up with us. We’re starting to smell like it.’
Phoenix’s eyebrows tugged together and looked down at her shoulder, pinched at her blouse and did a quick sniff. And she was absolutely mortified! ‘Augh! How is it that we still smell like The Gwellech?’ She whispered in slight embarrassment.
‘SINCE WHEN WAS IT THAT YOU CARED ABOUT YOUR STENCH?!’ The ginger called out before he took a sip of his ale.
Geralt’s head snapped over and that devious grin had curled on his lips, ‘Since when did you possess such a big mouth, Lambert? Oh I forgot! You’ve always had it!’ The room erupted with laughter.
Ciri watched Phoenix as the woman did her best to control her laughter. ‘Vesemir always keeps extra gowns for his guests…’ she implied, ‘That’s if you’d like to smell like drowners and week old onions.’ And she gave Phoenix a half smile. Phoenix gasped softly and looked over at Ciri, ‘Oh dear! Do I smell that bad?’ And she lifted her arm this time, she didn’t have to dip her head down to smell. It had hit her in the face like a ton of bricks. ‘Oh-‘ she gagged, ‘OK, I’ll take your word for it.’
Knock, Knock— ‘Come in.’ She said softly as she sat in that large wooden tub. It was filled with decent warm water but she was able to bring it to a gentle boil so her body could relax. Ciri pushed open the door gently with towels in her hands, ‘I’ve just come to drop these off. They’re not… what we’re used to but, they’ll do.’ And she sat down on the wooden stool.
‘Thank you Cirilla. But trust me, I’ve been handed worse. These are fine.’ Phoenix chuckled and pressed her lips together before her head fell back against the tub. Her eyes were closed. She finally felt like she could truly, rest!
Well, not exactly.
‘You know it’s hard to relax when someone is burning a hole in your head with their eyes. Speak child.’
Ciri’s eyebrows raised in surprise a little, ‘i suppose I could have given you some privacy.’ But would she? She was too— interested to know about this woman. But it grew quiet again. She only wanted to ask a question… one that would answer all of the ones she had. ‘What happened to you?’
Phoenix’s eyes flashed open and she sat up. She stared at her with soft eyes. She had knew what Ciri had lost as well. Though the circumstances were different, she couldn’t help but feel the same… two princesses, hated because of what they were, loved because the good they’ve done. Their families stripped away from them like a patch on unhealed wound.
‘You know when I was younger than you Cirilla, I dreamed of becoming a Knight. I loved the idea so much that my father made it his business to have his Golden Knight train me like a orphan off of the street.’ She scoffed and shook her head slightly, ‘When I got older— I looked into becoming a Witcher. I read everything, what it would take— the risks. But then my father met my The Kingdom’s mage. She got in close, told me that it was my destiny to be Queen. That I was born for this and that I was the one and true heir to the throne. Hell, she even taught me how to manage and control my own chaos! But there are snakes always lurking in the grass.’ Phoenix lifted her hand out of the water, channeling that warm energy to her palm. And a bright orange ball of flames appeared in her hand.
Ciri slowly stood up from her stool and kneeled down in front of the tub. Her bright green eyes gazed at the burning ball as if it were going to disappear into thin air! ‘You have it too… chaos.’
Phoenix breathe out with a soft smile curling on her lips, ‘I — wouldn’t call it that. Sure it is chaotic… but for me, it’s a gift.’ And the orange ball of flames turned blue.
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Ciri smiled softly, at a loss of words. ‘Then?’
‘My father married her when I was around your age. And she fell pregnant 8 months before my 18th birthday. And the day before my birthday— my father was found murdered in his chambers. She placed the blame on me. Had everyone question my loyalty and manipulated them into believing that I was jealous and angry that it was possible that my father could have a son. The kingdom figured I wanted revenge— so I left and never came back. I’ve had a bounty on my head ever since.’ With her last words, she finally closed her palm, and the blue flame had finally died out.
Ciri’s green eyes glanced from her fist, to her face. She could tell that it still bothered her. Her eyes were sad, and her aura was blue. ‘What about your mother? What happened to her?’
‘She died from influenza when I was 10…’ her brown eyes finally met Ciri’s face once again.
‘I’m sorry to hear that. I was pretty young when my parents died too…’ she paused, ‘Do you remember her? Do you miss her?’
The thought of her mother made Phoenix’s heart grow 10 times the size! Her mother was noble, intelligent, kind, brave— and most of all, she loved her only daughter with her every fiber. She sniffed, blinking back tears. ‘Every day Ciri, every day.’
Cirilla’s head forward, looking down in her own reflection of the water. ‘I don’t remember much of my parents. But my grand mother was my everything. She was strong, wise and she— only wanted to protect me.’
Phoenix nodded with a smirk, ‘Yes. Queen Calanthe of Cintra. She was a force! I am terribly sorry for your loss, Lion Cub,’ she leaned forward and gently placed her finger tips beneath her chin to lift her head, ‘Had she been here today to see you— she would be so proud of you. I know it.’ Ciri’s eyes filled with thick tears as a sweet smile curled on her lips.
Then, a sudden knock interrupted the moment. ‘Cirilla,’ and Geralt walked through the door, with soft yellow robes in his fist, ‘Are you antagonizing our company?’ Ciri cleared her throat and stood up. ‘She’s fine Geralt. We were just having a heart to heart.’ Geralt glanced from Phoenix to Ciri who had just a half smile. ‘Hmm, go get cleaned up for dinner. Lambert is making it.’
Ciri rolled her eyes, ‘lovely,’ she said in a sarcastic tone and started towards the door, ‘Gross.’
Phoenix let out a gentle chuckle, shaking her head. ‘You’re too hard on that girl.’ She took the bar of soap and started washing her body off.
‘Only to protect her. It gets the job done.’ He said leaning against the wall.
‘Oh look at you… sounding like a father…’
‘Hmph, unfortunately.’
‘You know it causes her to rebel,’ she paused for a second, watching as his face mold into something more treacherous. ‘Look, I know — how special Ciri is. I can… feel it when I’m near her. How powerful she is. But if you become too strict and allow the roles of power and parenting to mix— it won’t end pretty. Not for you. Not for this world.’
Geralt stood there with his arms folded in silence.
Phoenix sucked at her teeth, ‘fine. Don’t listen to me then.’ And she started rinsing her body off. She then stood up, stretching out her curvaceous body as she did so. She then reached over and grabbed the white, red wine stained towel and patted down her body before completely wrapping it around her bare breasts. Geralt stared. As he always did when he saw her naked.
‘You could always paint a picture, Witcher,’ her back was turned, ‘It may last longer.’ She smirked.
He rolled his eyes and stood up straight, ‘Well it’s too bad my brushes no longer have their bristles.’ Such a smart ass. ‘I only wish to bring you this.’ And he placed the folded up dress on the stool. ‘Don’t take too long Princess. The wine and ale will be gone before it touches the table top.’ He smirked as he turned away and walked out of the bathroom.
Phoenix sucked in a deep breath, sucking in that tummy as she reached behind her to tighten that corset in the back. She had forgotten what it was like to wear things like this. Even though the fortress was in ruin, Vesemir had seem to have the finest of threads when it came down to the women.
Once she was done, she finally took a breath in relief and walked over to the mirror. She smooth out her the fabric on her stomach, stood up straight and walked out of the bathroom.
She listened to them. Their obnoxious laughter could navigate her even through the darkest of nights without her powers. And when she drew closer to the main hall, she swallowed her spit and held her chin high.
There it was again. The silence. All those eyes glaring at her from across the room as if she was a fish out of water. But she stared back, showing them that she wasn’t the one to be frightened. Only they weren’t trying to scare her.
Suddenly, Ciri grabbed her hand. ‘Come. You can come sit with me and Geralt.’ Phoenix looked over at Ciri with a gentle smile, ‘I would love to.’ And the girls started towards the end of the table. As they walked, some of the men cat called and whistled after her. Things she had heard before but—
‘Well. I did wonder what was beneath all of those rags and to say to least, I’m impressed!’ Lambert said and the room went into an uproar of laughter.
Phoenix took a deep breath as she sat down in front of Geralt. ‘Knock it off Lambert.’ He was munching on a piece of meat. He didn’t dare look up or bat an eye though. It was like— he was in charge almost?
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‘Aw shit brother! We’re just poking a lil’ fun. Pokin’.’ And the room rattled with laughter again. Ciri rolled her eyes and placed her hand on top of Phoenix’s, ‘Don’t pay him mind Phoenix. He’s a lonely old coot. When ever he sees a pretty girl, he says stupid things.’ She murmured as she popped a piece of bread in her mouth.
Phoenix chuckled and nodded, ‘I see.’ She reached over and took a piece of bread. But before she could pop it in her mouth, she heard twinkling. Chiming like charms. She didn’t realize how she’d missed it before.
She placed her bread down back into the bowl and stood up to her feet. She then carefully stepped over the bench and started to walk over to the The Witcher’s Medallion Tree.
Finally when she stood in front of it, she took notice of how many medallions that hung. She knew about the Sacking of Kaer Morhen— when the humans had come to rid them of their existence— but since then, they have seem to have lost so many more. There had to be at least 100 there.
Phoenix reached up to grab the closest one in her reach between her finger tips. Her thumb ran over the cold wolf engraved silver. As if she needed anymore proof that she was here, taking refuge here at the School of the Wolf.
‘You seem so fond of this place,’ Geralt said as he walked up behind her. ‘If you’d like we could always trade places? You slay the monsters for coin, and I get to sit on a throne, making demands all day.’ He scuffed and folded his arms.
Phoenix smirked and let go of the medallion, ‘Is that what you think ruling a kingdom is all about?’ She raised a brow, ‘I didn’t know you were interested in becoming King.’ She looked up at him, with her head slightly fallen to the side.
‘Hmm, I’m not. Too much responsibility. I’m just now trying to figure this Child of Surprise thing out— sure you don’t expect me to run a Kingdom?’ He smirked.
She inhaled slightly and tan her fingers through her thick curls, ‘Ahhh, yes.’ Then she turned to look back towards the Tree. ‘You— had to be young when the Sacking of Kaer Morhen happened. How many were there?’
Geralt looked up at the tree, ‘23 Witchers… 40 students…and over time more medallions were added to the Tree.’
Phoenix pressed her lips together, her heart squeezing in her chest. How could someone hurt such promising young souls. Most of them knew of nothing they did! Humans and their fear never did anyone good, now there weren’t many Witcher’s left to protect them from what hid in the darkness of night.
‘At least they will be remembered. My father’s Golden Knight, Levy, told me the stories and read me the books,’ she scuffed, ‘Treated them as if they were horror stories but, I was much more intrigued on how to become one and why women weren’t allowed.’ She turned around to face him again.
‘We have our reasons. Will you join us now?’
Phoenix pressed her lips together, 'I will join you and Ciri in a second.' she looked back at the tree one more time as Geralt turned away and walked back towards the table. She stared up at the tree, getting lost in the sounds of the gentle jingling. Then a gentle smile curled on her full lips. This was all, in the strangest of ways, a dream come true.
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wonkyelk · 11 months
Directors cut of any of your cat rodney fics! 💜 please?
Thanks very much for the ask, this was a lot of fun to revisit. Have never done a director’s commentary before, so hope this is the right sort of thing.
Have opted for the first one, “A cat may look at a particle accelerator” - fic and commentary under the cut. If you just want the notes, skip to everything in italics.
So, this whole series was entirely @massharp1971’s fault. 
We got into a conversation in the comments of another fic (In which Rodney is not a princess and John works through a few things) in which we agreed that Rodney was, in essence a cat. They then pointed me in the direction of the Pallas cat, who was so quintessentially Rodney that I broke off what I was writing and jumped fully on board the Cat!Rodney train:
“I knew it! I knew there was Ancient tech here! McKay is going to go green…”
“Yeah, yeah, Langstrom, but save the victory dance for now. Just remember the golden rule is don’t…”
[Langstrom is a name plucked from the Quarantine episode of Red Dwarf - for no particular reason, except that Red Dwarf was my childhood and I love that episode in particular. Plus, she’s a great creepy villain, who undergoes a transformation of sorts, so there is a tenuous link.]
[It took far, far too long to work out how to spell ‘Vswoosh!’]
“… touch anything.”
“Sergeant Holly, you weren’t due back for another three hours. Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine, Ma’am.” Pause. “Well, mostly fine.” Pause. “It’s not fine.”
“Sergeant. What’s in the bucket?”
“It’s more of a ‘who’s in the bucket’ really, Ma’am.”
“I see.”
“Dr McKay? We’re going to need the Rehumanator.”
[The name was intended to give off fifties style Mad Scientist vibes. Every sci fi adventurer needs this particular bit of kit and, honestly, it’s surprising that it doesn’t come as standard]
Rodney stalked up and down the lab as Zelenka readied the cumbersome ray for use. If he’d had a tail, it would have been lashing with angry fervour.
[I wanted from the start to make Rodney an actual cat, who had - for practical reasons, mostly thumb-based - transformed himself into a human, rather than have him discover his inner cat through some form of Pegasus Standard Malarkey. Hence a bit of heavy foreshadowing.]
“…how many times do we have to go over the most basic safety protocols? I mean, three penguins, two mountain lions and a gerbil wasn’t enough? And who the hell gets themselves turned into Bouillabaisse soup?”
[this is a direct nod to the large number of - generally excellent - transformation fics in the fandom, though only the penguins are referencing stories that I knew existed. There may well be a gerbil Radek or Rodney or Teyla out there and I’m sure the world would be a better place for it.
Bouillabaisse Soup is there, by the way, because it’s just fun to say (not so much to type)]
John rested a placating hand on Rodney’s shoulder.
“You did catch all the drips, did you, Sergeant?”
“Sir, yes, sir!”
“Hmm. He does smell more pleasant than the mountain lions, at least.” Rodney inhaled from the bucket with a slightly dreamy expression.
“Er, Doc, can I humbly request that you don’t eat Dr Langstrom?”
As Rodney raised his hackles to full and started savaging Sergeant Holly for such an infamous suggestion - while casting the occasional longing look at the bucket - Zelenka stepped in with a hasty wave.
[more cat anvils being lobbed at you]
“Rehumanator is fully charged and ready.”
Rodney rolled his eyes so far, they went all the way round and came back again.
“Honestly, Radek, I expect this sort of thing from the grunts and soft scientists, but you, of all people, should know better. It’s not a Rehumanator, it’s an original DNA restoration device…”
“A factory reset.” John put in, mostly to watch Rodney go purple.
“Yes, yes, if you must reduce complex scientific principles to the most banal possible description.”
“I really must.”
[this is one of the most fun dynamics they have, when Rodney is being precise and wordy and John just cuts it down to essentials, with a huge smug smirk. Honestly, Rodney might just win in a smug-off, but John would be close]
Rodney glared at John. John smirked back. Radek carefully walked around them, so as not to get hit by a stray bolt of sexual tension. The last time that had happened, he hadn’t left his quarters for a week.
But what a week.
[I swear, this sort of thing actually happens in the show. Extras and side characters were constantly being hauled off the set with Sexual Chemistry-Related Shrapnel Damage]
“Perhaps we should restore Dr Langstrom now, Rodney? Unless you feel that he has not yet exhausted all the possibilities inherent in being soup?”
Rodney tore his gaze reluctantly from John’s and nodded impatiently.
“Yes, yes, of course. Do the thing.” He waved his hand at the ray and backed swiftly away from the bucket.
Zelenka aimed and fired.
It turned out that scientists and buckets, in combination, could bond with more of a tenacity than one might imagine, when picturing them separately. Two Marines held the bucket, while Rodney and John took one arm each and began to heave.
In hindsight, Zelenka should not have leaned down over the Rehumanator to get a better view of his boss’s contraband, but inarguably excellent, ass, with muscles all nicely taut in the act of straining.
[There is an SGA Fiction Law which states that any fic containing more than a few sentences of Rodney McKay, must also contain due reverence towards his ass. This is just me complying with the law]
“Sorry, sorry, my elbow slipped. But, is fine it should not do harm unless… ah. Now that is unexpected.”
The marines and John looked down at themselves, relieved to be in one piece. But sitting on the floor, with a glare like a rabid tiger, was the angriest, fluffiest grey cat they had ever seen.
[if you haven’t seen a Pallas cat, go look one up now. It will warm your heart and also glare at you, like you just ate its kittens]
“So let me get this straight. It wasn’t a malfunction with the Rehumanator?”
“No, no, was working perfectly. But, as Rodney explained,” Radek gave a nervous glance to the cat on the chair next to him, who was currently portraying the world’s mightiest huff with every separate fur he possessed, “it does not actually turn you human. It merely undoes any transformation that you may have undergone.”
“So, what are you saying?” Elizabeth glanced at Rodney and then Zelenka with incredulity. “You mean that Rodney is not human? That he’s really a cat?”
Sheppard knew that couldn’t be what Zelenka was saying. Except that, no, he was saying it. In those exact words.
“I have done all diagnostics, all possibilities for error. All it did, as the Colonel so eloquently put it, was a factory reset on Rodney. Therefore,” he shrugged. “Rodney is cat.”
They all looked at Rodney. Rodney glared at all of them, before letting out a little kitty sigh, licking a paw and nodding slightly.
Sheppard blinked and turned pale. “Excuse me. I need to just… process a few things.”
[as a side note, I believe there must be at least one SGC form for accidental bestiality; though whether anyone has dared to fill it in is very doubtful]
Rodney tried to follow but he was firmly scooped up and placed - to his absolute horror and indignation - in an improvised and very secure cat basket, which all of Rodney’s science team had worked together to make, with an unusual swiftness and sense of unity.
“Sorry, Rodney, but we need to get you checked out at the infirmary.”
“Actually, Dr Weir… I believe that Dr Sanders has a degree in veterinary science…”
The very secure cat basket proved to fold like so much tissue paper, in the face of the lashing of vengeful claws.
“Carson, could you be on the alert for three scientists and two marines headed your way with multiple lacerations, bites and one severe fur allergy?”
“Atlantis General Notice: Should anyone spot a largish, extremely fluffy cat in your vicinity, please report it immediately. Do not, repeat, do not, approach the animal or attempt to capture it. Nor, and this is very important, should you make kissy faces at the cat or use phrases like ‘Here Tiddles!’ or ‘Who’s a little cutie pie, then?’. The infirmary is rapidly running out of bandaids.”
[I ran through several alternate cutesie cat names (which I can’t remember now but probably were along the lines of FluffyBoots or Snugglekins) but ultimately ‘Tiddles’ had just the right quality of banality and depressing indignity]
“Atlantis General Notice: Colonel Sheppard has asked me to also point out that the cat should not be harmed in any way. Or, I quote, “if anyone harms so much as a whisker on his angry little face, they will spend the rest of their lives, and afterlives, regretting that they were ever born.”
[Sheppard will, naturally, protect Rodney under any circumstances and as any species, no matter the cost - and, frankly, I think he enjoys being just that much of an ethically flexible badass] 
“Atlantis General Notice: Seriously, stop it with the pet names. We’re now down to two Spiderman bandaids and a roll of sellotape.
[the author does not recommend that you tend your wounds with sellotape and refuses to be held responsible for any subsequent physical and emotional distress consequent on trying]
Sightings of Rodney ceased after less than a day. It wasn’t until two days later that he returned: bipedal, distinctly less fluffy and wearing an improvised toga made of bedlinen.
Elizabeth allowed him to retrieve a uniform before the debriefing.
“So, I think you can understand that we have some questions…”
Rodney scowled, his expression so like his cat self that, for a moment, the whole Command staff thought he had reverted and backed off about a foot.
“Okay, look. Yes, I was born a cat. Obviously. And I would go so far as to say that I was a very good cat. For about six months, I lived a happy, catly life, deducing natural laws from first principles, studying the stars and enjoying the benefits of an incredibly flexible tongue and spine. Until I realised that, for all my incredible intellect, the stupid prejudices and species-centricity of humanity was going to make it impossible for me to ever win a Nobel prize.
So, I worked for weeks on my own personal transformation ray, which, let me tell you, was no picnic with paws. But, you know,“ Rodney preened smugly, “genius.”
[or, in other words, the author couldn’t really think of a method of complex DNA-shuffling machine-construction by a kitten and used the ‘get out of explanations free card]
He leaned back on the chair, absently lifting his hand to his mouth then hastily lowering it, just before it met his gently poking tongue.
��Anyway. I was still pretty young, from a human perspective, at that point, so I smuggled myself to Canada, got adopted and threw all of my energy and time into science. And also, quite a lot of batting at scrunched up paper for the first two years, but some habits are hard to shake.”
[I considered whether to make Jeannie a cat too, but ultimately decided to just go simple. At this point in the series, at least, therefore, she doesn’t realise that her brother is actually a cat. I don’t know whether Rodney’s been brave enough to risk that conversation since]
Rodney crossed his arms and scowled fiercely at everyone.
“So, how did you turn back?” Sheppard asked.
Rodney sighed.
“Apparently you weren’t listening. I built a transformation ray at the age of six months. And that was with the drawback of the lack of materials to be found on the rocky steppes of my birthplace. You would not believe how hard it was to source a DNA reconstituting module… well, anyway. Short answer, I’m a genius and Atlantis is chock full of weird stuff. The only reason it took me so long was that it’s also surprisingly full of string and… well, that’s not important either.”
[the birth of Cat!Rodney’s fascination with string, which all cats I have known have been greatly enamoured with and scientists are rather keen on in general too]
“So, are you planning on staying as a human, now?”
Rodney waved his hand vaguely. “Yes, yes. It was… not wholly unpleasant to connect with my roots, but the lack of opposable thumbs and intelligible speech would always be a drawback. Though some of my scientists seem to manage…”
Elizabeth stepped in before he could get going on a full rant.
“Well, I’m sure that we’ll all be glad to have you back. Though, you might find that people need a little time for adjustment.”
Rodney snorted. “What’s to adjust? I’m exactly the same as I always was, except now everyone knows that my baby pictures are cuter than theirs.”
[some kind person left a link to a Pallas kitten on the last fic in the series, which should definitely be checked out if anyone doubts this]
Sheppard nodded. “Can’t argue with that.”
The meeting adjourned shortly afterwards.
“So, er, Rodney…”
Rodney sighed and removed his hand from John’s pants.
“This whole interspecies sex thing is freaking you out, isn’t it?”
[despite this essentially being crack, I felt this whole issue had to be addressed a bit, if only to then sweep it firmly under the carpet]
John missed Rodney’s hand but he felt they probably did need to discuss the issue.
“Well, yeah. Kinda.”
“Okay, so look. I don’t do my DNA alteration by halves. I’m completely physically human. Ask Carson. I would never have been allowed on the expedition otherwise.”
“So, sleeping with me is not bestiality, nor does it make you a furry, if that’s a concern for you. It just means you have excellent taste.”
John considered for a moment and then popped Rodney’s hand back into his boxers.
“Well, okay then.”
“So, Rodney. Ever thought about having kittens?”
“I will end you in your sleep, Sheppard.”
“Goodnight, Rodney.”
And, at least, now John knew why Rodney had always purred after sex.
[this whole fic took about an hour to write (plus some polishing time afterwards) and the longest part of that was trying to end it; which is something that goes for almost all my stories. It almost finished with Goodnight, but that just felt too abrupt; fortunately I think Rodney is easy to imagine as a happy post-coital purrer, without stretching disbelief too far. Because, you know, this is a very serious fic 😁]
This series is one of my favourites to write, because it’s full of love and support from everyone, and because I love the sheer goofiness of it all, with, hopefully, a lot of heart at the centre.
And because cats. You can never have too much cat.
Appreciate the ask! 💖
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casspurrjoybell-29 · 5 months
Forging Ties - Chapter 21 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Hamish had been leaning against the railings of the ship, shirtless, when someone pressed up against him from behind.
He leant his head back and was unsurprised to see a glint of golden hair.
"You're not allowed to tease me like this when we're on a crowded ship," Duran murmured into Hamish's ear.
Hamish laughed.
"Oh, I'm the one teasing here, am I?"
Duran took a step back and squeezed a hand around Hamish's bicep.
"Look at this. You can't just go flaunting this and expect me to keep my hands to myself."
"You like that, do you?"
"Hmm," Duran said as he leant against the railing next to Hamish.
"You know, I don't even know if my body is capable of doing that. If it's possible for me to put on that kind of muscle. I've never seen a Companion with much bulk to him before but we are spoiled, prissy little things."
Hamish's eyebrows quirked up.
"I wouldn't call what you went through being spoiled."
"Well, spoiled like an expensive dog gets spoiled."
"An expensive dog that you fuck?"
"Yes, an expensive dog but for fucking."
He shot Hamish a smile.
"It's complicated. You have to look at things differently when you're talking about slaves. Like yes, my master had me do some truly terrible things but you know what he never once asked me to do? The housecleaning. We had a maid for that. I have literal magical cleaning powers and he's never once asked me to use them, even when the cat threw up on his favourite quilt cover and he couldn't get the stain out. Of course I didn't offer to, either because knowing he wouldn't ask was funny to me."
"I don't get it," Hamish said.
"Why wouldn't he ask you to do it? Isn't that a fairly normal task for a Companion to do?"
Duran shrugged.
"Connor was... complicated. When he got other people involved in our sex life, things sometimes got violent and ugly but he, himself, was never an assertive man. Not even with me. That's one thing I'm grateful for because I don't think I would be the same person I am now if I'd had a more oppressive master."
"He didn't deserve you."
"Well, no but that's slavery for you."
Hamish bumped his shoulder against Duran's.
"I never know what to say about any of it. I can't imagine what it's like to go through all of that."
"I don't expect anything from you in response. I think sometimes it's nice just to know that a thought exists somewhere outside of your own mind. That someone else knows that thing too. It feels like my bedroom back at his house has a home in my mind, and if I open the door and let you take a peek in, it loses a bit of its power over me."
"Well, I'm always here if you need to talk. Military work can be haunting in its own way, and I've always found that it makes it a whole lot easier to move past things if you talk them out with a friend. Everyone thinks Simon's just a grump and to be fair he absolutely is, but that man will listen to me talk for hours or cry or whatever I need to do and he won't judge. He's been a good friend to me."
"It's important. I'm realising that more and more. I hope Skye will find some way to talk to someone about whatever upset him so much last night."
"Yeah," Hamish said.
"I wonder what that was about. It's unusual all around, with Izzy getting involved."
"Kit's a bit abrasive and impatient. I can see why they might have taken a step back if it was a sensitive matter involving someone like Skye. It must be important, though, if Izzy was willing to show herself in human form for it."
"I'm sure it was ultimately for his own good, whatever it was," Hamish said.
"I don't know much about Izzy but she and Kit are a pair and as much as Kit and I like to give one another a hard time, I do trust them."
"I'm sure it was," Duran said.
"I just hope Skye will be okay. I've only known him a few days but there's just something about him. I find him easy to be friends with, which is probably strange because from what I gather he usually has a hard time making them."
"I like him but I get along with most people. It makes sense for you, though. You're a little hypervigilant when it comes to other people. What their intentions are, what they might want from you, what they think of you. Skye is an odd one but he's simple enough in those ways. Or at least non-threatening."
Duran heaved out a sigh.
"Yes. A much needed break."
Hamish shot him a smile.
"Oh really?"
Duran's lips mirrored the smile.
"You are too, though it didn't start that way. I had to work for it. You're complex enough but I'm figuring you out."
"Nah," Hamish said, holding onto the railing and leaning back.
"I'm simple enough. Hot men and adventure, remember?"
"False advertising. You have all these deep thoughts and feelings. Very annoying."
"Sorry. Maybe we can sneak off for a few hours when we dock to let Perry off to have a little hot man adventure of our own?"
Duran's eyes slid down Hamish's bare chest.
"Yes, that sounds quite nice."
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Hmm maybe a head canon with a reader and firstyears where the reader has Rapunzels magic healing hair? (From the movie Tangled😂)
Maybe something like one of the first years gets seriously injured and the reader is able to heal them 🧐
Also just wanted say you’re writings is just 🥰❤️💕✨ A M A Z I N G . It’s also my first time requesting so I think I did everything according to the rules but if not feel free to delete this request 😂
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Trust Floyd to get a little too rough with his juniors during a practice match of basketball. As a result of the overzealous eel, Ace sustained a seriously sprained ankle, making it hard for him to play, let alone walk (although it’s more like a limp now).
While he’s midargument with Coach Vargas about whether or not he’ll be good to play at their next match, you kneel by Ace’s injury and volunteer to give some relief to it. Ace scoffs at your suggestion and jokingly tells you to “give it your best shot”, not expecting much of anything to happen.
He jolts back in surprise when you wrap your hair around his sprained ankle and start singing (he thinks you definitely lost your mind or something). Then your hair starts to glow, and Ace’s concern is replaced with confusion. It doesn’t last too long though, as he’s soon pestering you with a ton of comments.
“Oi, since when did you have such a fancy spell up your sleeve? You never told me you could do something like that!!” Ace complains, pouting. “It would’ve been nice to know about earlier, you know! Magic like that’d really come in handy for tight pinches like this.”
The coach calls for him to rejoin the practice match—Ace rolls his eyes, but gets up anyway, helping you up along the way. With a cheeky grin, he whispers to you, “Alright, watch this. As thanks for fixing me up, I’ll get a slam dunk in your honor. Don’t take your eyes off me, ‘kay?”
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Deuce tears some muscles in his legs from overexerting himself for track and field training. He’s eager to prove himself to the senpai in his club (which can’t be done with an injury), so he’s relieved to hear that you might have a way to help him out!
He’s curious about your mysterious ability and plays the part of a perfect patient in order to observe it for himself. Deuce sits still and marvels as you go about your work, asking every so often if there’s something he can do to help, or to make the process easier for you.
He audibly “oohs” and “aahs” when the magic begins, filling the space with a golden light. It’s a pretty-looking and soft magic, totally unlike the brute force spells he often opts for—it’s something Deuce can really appreciate!
When the torn muscle has mended, he can barely believe it!! Deuce prods the injured area and inspects it all over? just to make sure it’s not some kind of prank. “Whoa...! The pain’s all gone, and even swelling’s gone down. You’ve got some really amazing healing magic, (Y/N)...!! Thank you so much, I’m eternally in your debt for this!”
Deuce thanks you profusely, shouting his gratitude and bowing his head to you multiple times. He even promises to buy you a chocolate milk from the cafeteria as thanks—but for now, he has to get back to his training! “I promise I’ll be more careful this time! I can’t always have you worrying about me, right?”
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Like Deuce, Jack’s been pushing himself a little too hard for Track and Field Club—but unlike Deuce, he’s far more reluctent to ask for and accept help from others. He eyes you suspicously as you approach and offer assistance. Jack only accepts after some pushing from the coach—he doesn’t want to let the team down!
He’s tough, so he doesn’t flinch or shy away when you proceed to wrap your hair around his site of injury. The most Jack does is raise an eyebrow when you start with your song.
Jack doesn’t realize you need to recite the incantation to get the healing to work, so he interrupts you during your first attempt with, “... You don’t need to sing. Life’s not a big musical.” (Surprisingly, your glowing hair doesn’t bother him as much—he thinks of heat and light as necessary byproducts of using magic.)
The first thing he does when you free him is flex and test out his repaired muscles. A few lunges, a few squats... all of which he performs with ease. Jack grunts, a short but simple way of expressing his satisfaction.
Hd gives you a small smile and a firm nod, impressed by your healing powers. “... Thanks for this. I’m back to tip-top shape for the track and field meet. I owe you one.”
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Magift is a pretty rough sport—so it’s no surprise when Epel suffers from a nasty collison, leaving him with a broken arm. He tries to be brave through the pain, but it’s clear that he’s having a hard time keeping it together.
He’s a little on guard when you kneel beside him and ask to see his wound, but Epel eventually relents when you promise you’re there to help. He watches you carefully, expecting you to whip out a first aid kit—but when you wrap your hair instead of bandages on his wound, Epel gets a little upset!
Slipping into his country accept, Epel lets loose on you. “Hey, do ya think ah’m some kinda idiot? Are ya makin’ fun of me? ‘Course hair’s not gonna make me right as rain again! Ya might as well spit on it instead, that’d be just as effective as hair!”
But your soft song shushes his worries, and he finds himselc staring in disbelief as your hair gives off a faint light. Epel quietly marvels at the strange magic, even long after you’ve removed your hair from him.
“I... I didn’t know you could do that,” he gasps, gingerly prodding the area where his injury once was. No pain, no tenderness. Epel’s face brightens. “I really am better! I can play Magift again!! Thank you, thank you so much! Ah... um, and about what I said before, please forget that! I might have jumped to conclusions with that...”
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Poor Sebek had been partnered with one of the more aggressive equines in the stables for the Horseback Riding Club’s meeting. (His thunderous voice did nothing to help soothe the horse...) His aggressive mare had bucked so hard that she threw Sebek right off of her, causing him to land with a sharp CRACK on the ground.
Of course, you rush over to help right away (despite Sebek’s protests). He makes a fuss as you secure your arm around a broken long bone, demanding to know what an insigificant human such as yourself plans to do to help him. It is not until you begin your healing song that Sebek shuts up.
His jaw drops upon witnessing your magical hair in action. Clearly, he is awestruck by the magnitude of your abilities—but when he is finally able to close his mouth and speak his mind, Sebek’s words do not quite match his physical reaction.
“To think that a mere human is capable of performing such a miraculous feat... I must admit, it is rather impressive,” Sebek confesses—though his voice still carries a tone of arrogance. “However!! As a student of the great Diasomnia dorm, I can assure you that an injury as minor as this could not deter me in my physical activities! There was no need for your intervention, human!”
He returns to his feet, dusts himself off, and marches back to mount his horse. Just as Sebek is atop the aggressive mare again, he casts you a glance over his shoulder. “... Regardless, you have my gratitude. See to it that you continue to put that power of yours to good use.”
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farmersliga · 2 years
hottest players for you?
HMM OKAY sorry this took way more time than you probs expected but ive been thinking abt this very hard. disclaimer some of these guys i dont know a lot abt i just found them hot when i watched them so if anyone’s problematic im so sorry skdhdkjd. in no particular order:
(under the cut bc holy fuck this got longer than i expected. i feel like i dissected my own brain and also i think i have too much thirst…….)
robert lewandowski - he has sculpted abs okay im not immune. like every time he pulls off his shirt? after making the hottest goals look easy? hell yes. and also his eyes hi hello let me stare at them forever.
manuel neuer - listen,,,,, he’s tall and blonde and has an ass to die for. his face looks like it was sculpted by the gods. esp schalke manu holy fuck i love him now but back then? he looked like an angel and i want to ruin him, i want to do unspeakable things that will result in his fall from heaven
marco reus - controversial ik but there’s Something about him. i can’t place it. he’s just rly hot at specific angles. like in that one specific gif i did of him with the leather jacket and the styled hair my god
thomas müller - similar to the above, at certain angles my mind goes hmmm hello. also his whole energy is so hot like wow. AND he’s so expressive and when he opens his mouth in frustration? well i think Thoughts
kevin trapp - listen. he’s unreal. like objectively, what the actual fuck.
mats hummels - exactly like the above, with the added bonus of being a pathetic little sexy man
serge gnabry - esp when his hair is fluffy. i just love his cheeks and also the way he has a fashion sense
benjamin pavard - i blame the benjigate of a few weeks ago
benedikt höwedes - when he had hair. sorry im not into bald men SKDHDKDHKD and also the old germany nt vibes are mwah
miroslav klose - speaking of old germany nt vibes,,,,,, this guy was sexy in such a pure kinda way it’s insane. i didn’t always like his hairstyle but when it was done right ugh take me now
kostas tsimikas - i blame the kostasgate of a few weeks ago. and also his tattoos are surprisingly also rly hot (unlike every other goddamn footballer)
virgil van dijk - his face? wow. unreal. and the height mm yes im into it. moreso when he’s wearing jackets v specifically
simon kjær - i miss him and his sexy strong presence. there’s like this one particular gif of him grinning as someone who’s about to help him up strokes his face and it lives rent free in my mind
alvaro morata - im so sorry i don’t know why either but somehow he’s honest to god my type. but only when his hair isn’t too short.
son heung-min - not a spurs fan but i. don’t even know what to say. he’s just hot. if you don’t see it then you are wrong. and also i was hooked ever since i saw that puskas goal.
paulo dybala - i probs know this guy the least out of these names here but god he’s just so so so hot goodbye what a face
james rodriguez - similar attraction as with the above and i also don’t know him v well. his career died but he’s still so hot in a boyish way
xabi alonso - jesus what i’d let this man do to me. he’s just so fucking sexy and the spanish is not helping. and when he puts on a suit? yeah hahahahahaha im unwell
iker casillas - also retired but at the start of my football obsession i started watching stuff on spain’s golden era and he was my first player crush okay i don’t understand either. specifically when he was wearing those short sleeved kits back when long sleeves were the standard for goalies mmm yes
BONUS: olivia mcdaniel - goalkeeper for the ph wnt and god her thighs could crush me. and she wears these short fucking shorts and the way she looks on the ground making saves hhhhhhh im unwell. i’ve been kind of obsessed for the past month tbh (shoutout to sami for listening to my gay af rambles)
i may have forgotten someone but this is already so long so. well.
aaaaand special mention to all the other players whom ive thirsted for on this blog but aren’t on this list bc my attraction is such a fickle thing that is easily influenced by particularly good photos of them <3 and sometimes ppl are objectively hot and look good and all but just aren’t my type rly
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toricrypticice · 3 years
The Golden Scarred
CHAPTER TWO (Lingering Desolation)
Three days later
Hunter felt hot and sticky. He had woken up feeling more out of it than usual, with a loud ringing in his ears and a sour taste in his mouth. He had attempted to change his bandages but even the slightest touch caused immense pain, almost identical to the night he-..
betrayed Belos.
The panic about the night was an easy excuse to leave the bandages untouched, with the fact that he really didn’t have enough bandages left anyway to wrap himself properly. The last few days hadn’t gone as planned. His body only seemed to hurt more as the days went on, making it hard to fall asleep and impossible to stay asleep. Either way he was completely drained.
Hunter sniffs shivering as he pulls his cloak closer, sweat dripping down under the mask as he walks. He was looking for food again. He had tried to make the sandwich last, he really did but leaving food out in the wild was bound to attract animals. Fighting squirrels for a sad, soggy crust of a sandwich really wasn’t worth it. Hunter had also attempted to go into town to find food but he found it crawling with scouts. Scouts that worked for Belos. Scouts who were posting his wanted scroll everywhere they could. Scouts that would turn him in before he even had a chance to redeem himself. Just the panic of getting caught and having to face Belos after everything he’d done.. Hunter decided it was best to just check the woods and hope for the best. Sure he wouldn’t find any sandwiches again but there at least had to be Slazberries or something right?
He had been walking for a good hour and much to his dismay he hadn’t found anything and another boiling rainstorm was approaching fast. At least that's what his- Er The Palisman told him. Hunter leans against the staff panting softly, his vision blurring and shifting around him. He was severely exhausted. Rascal tweets softly tilting his head causing the male to chuckle softly waving his hand.
“No no I got this.” The Palisman seemed unimpressed before it twitters again, flying up to help look. Hunter suddenly felt more grounded and aware as his eyes widened, his head snapping up. “D-Don't leave!” his voice was slightly desperate as he felt an immense wave of panic in losing his only friend. Hunter bites his tongue shamefully at the sudden outburst. He knew he shouldn’t get attached.
What would Belos think?
Rascal flutters back landing on his shoulder tweeting softly.
And yet Hunter let’s out a breath, relaxing his shoulders. The small bird nuzzles against the males cheek. Maybe he could talk to Belos and convince him otherwise about Palisman? I mean they really weren’t so bad right? Rascal was Hunter's.. Friend after all.
Hunter coughs harshly softly into his hand gritting his teeth.
“I think I hear a trespasser! ooooh! which means more friends for me, oh hoot!” He hears someone hoot happily. Hunter's eyes widened as he gasps slamming his back against a tree to hide feeling his head spin.
Oh Titan.
No one could see him like this!
So uncomposed.
A traitor.
There was no possible way for him to fight like this.
He peers out, narrowing his eyes, his vision slightly distorted and blurry before focusing. He didn't see any guards, odd. He lets out a strangled yell as something suddenly wraps around his leg, pulling him upward causing him to gasp in pain as he falls to the ground easily. Hooty smiles hovering above the male. Hunter grips his side in pain curling in on himself. It was the creature from a few days ago he took note.
“Hiya golden guard!” Hooty had heard so much about the prodigy from Lilith. He was supposedly a spoiled brat and nothing more. Belos’ right hand man. And yet?..
Luz had mentioned she had seen the boy out here in the woods.
Hooty tilts his head confused as he sees the blood stained young male.
Hunter grips his staff growling in pain and now anger, He quickly focuses his energy and zaps a few feet away standing.
“AH!” He shouts loudly as his side suddenly pulses badly from the small exertion. He clenches his teeth, gasping as he almost falls over, his vision blurring badly as he pants tiredly leaning heavily on his staff. Just that small spell alone was enough to exhaust him. So much for not showing his weakness to his foe.
He needed to get out of here, there was no way that he would win this fight. HIs head felt fuzzy and it was getting harder to focus. All he wanted was to sleep.
Hunter glances behind himself as the owl creature starts to move forward.
“Hey Luz will never believe-!” Before the demon could finish Hunter broke into a run away from the area. Lightning cracks overhead and the male gasps looking up to the sky before boiling rain starts to slowly drizzle down.
“NoNoNoNo” Hunter whimpers helplessly as he pants, closing his eyes tightly, his lungs burning. Why did everything have to be against him? Why did he have to end up here? Why did he have to ruin everything? He breaks into a harder run as he hears the creature call for him. No, he needed to get away. Get back to the cave. No one else could see him like this, what would Belos think?!
Just Get back to the cave.
Get back to-
He slammed into something hard, knocking him back he stumbled before tripping over himself dizzily and finally falling over, wincing as his whole body flares with pain. His head swam slightly making him nauseous. He growls in pain and anger. What had he hit?
“Ow! what the heck?” A whined voice followed by a gasp “Golden Guard”
Hunter blinks back tears as he looks up, seeing none other than Luz the human standing there with a magic shield above her head protecting her from the boiling rain. The human had been walking the woods everyday since she saw the male. She didn’t understand. Why was he here in BonesBurrow to begin with? And why was he hiding in the woods? Had they been watching her? She needed to know.
Hunter's eyes widened.
Anyone but her.
She’s the reason he was in this mess to begin with.
Another wild “witch” using forbidden magic.
He quickly stands almost falling over having to use his staff for support, his vision wavering as his head spins.
“S-Stay back Human!” He slams his staff down in some sort of intimidation although he was struggling to hold his composure. Luz stares in confusion and shock.
There stood the Golden Guard.
Shaking as he held his staff in a tight grip, almost scared.
The rain drips down causing him to hiss lightly. Hunter didn’t have time for this. He grits his teeth before coughing into his hand.
“Are- are you alright? -..What are you doing out here in the woods?” Luz asks softly, standing firm, narrowing her eyes at the male. Hunter takes another step back leaning heavily on his staff, her words seeming to echo. Hunter growls holding a hand to his head. Staying awake seemed to be getting harder and harder as his vision blurs again.
No he mustn't show weakness.
His breathing came out a bit ragged. “Look, let's get out of the rain.” To this Hunter's head snaps up in surprise, the motion making his vision swim. “I can help you” she extends a hand smiling, to which Hunter lets out a loud agitated scoff. He couldn’t trust her. He snaps angrily.
“I don't need your help!” The yell was followed by a loud intake of air as he staggered dropping his staff to which Rascal immediately flitters up tweeting worried. He tries to grab the tree next to him only to fall to the ground with a loud thump, his head slamming on the roots beneath him as his vision darkens. “Mm” he pants, feeling exhaustion start to take over.
He was so tired,
so cold.
His body felt so,
so heavy.
The noises around him seemed to fade.
Would it matter if he just rested for a bit?
He was useless after all.
No longer needed…
No one would notice..
Maybe he could finally-
“EDA!!!!” Hunter's head spun as the shout startled him. He peels his eyes open slightly, hmm had he moved, or rather was he moving? When had he fallen asleep? His vision blurred but he noticed the owl house coming into view feeling sleep start to take over again. No he couldn’t, not around the enemy. He needed to stay awake but no matter how hard he was struggling it wasn’t working. He pushes against the human slightly in a feeble attempt to get away.
Rascal flittered around the Human that held Hunter squawking worried. The Owl Lady runs in from the kitchen. Hunters eyes become too heavy for him and he slowly falls asleep much to his own dismay.
“What happened, did Hooty get into my apple blood again?-” Eda’s eyes widened as she sees Luz holding one of the Coven guards. “Why do you have that?!” Eda yells in distaste. Luz carefully lays the male on the couch, Rascal landing on his shoulder. Hunter groans slightly in his sleep. Luz carefully removed the mask, eyes widening before she quickly looks away gagging. She hadn’t been prepared for that. The young males left eye was almost fully swollen shut, blood stained his face slightly. There were a few scratches and burns on his face. A slash on his nose and a busted lip. But the worst was a giant gash under his eye, the area oozed slightly and was badly bruised.
Owl lady winces at the sight of the young male. “Yikes. King, get the first aid kit!.” There was no answer. Eda sighs heavily running out of the room to find what she needed.
When Hunter started to wake up he heard voices all around him, talking in a hushed tone. “Looks...Bad infection…..magic...but..” Only able to get bits and pieces of the conversation. He slowly peels his eyes open letting out an involuntary whine as his eye throbs from the action. He felt sick to his stomach as he shivered, his vision blurring.
“Oh good you're awake.” Luz hums. Hunter sits up almost instantly upon hearing the voice, letting out a loud growl of pain. He holds his side as it flares distressfully. “Hey be careful” she lays a hand on his shoulder to which Hunter flinches back slightly before glaring her down.
“I'm fine! Why am I here?” Hunter demanded angrily, his eye throbbing at the stress as he swats her hand away annoyed. His head still swam slightly thumping with every word. He remembered trying to run away, he didn't remember agreeing to come to the Owl House.
“Hey I’m just trying to help you” Luz snaps back slightly, frowning as she rubs her hand before pouting at the young males stubbornness. She had so many questions and by the looks of it none of them were going to be answered.
“Last time I checked I didn't ask for your help!” He retorts, breathing a bit heavily as he stands, a few beats of sweat dripping down his face. He felt dizzy and still rather tired but there was no way he could stay here. Luz frowns angry now, she says something under her breath in Spanish about stubbornness as she clenches her fists slightly before she lets out a sigh trying again.
“Look Hunter please you aren't well” Luz tries her tone trying to stay sweet but Hunter can sense her slight agitation with him. He had always been good at reading other people. Working for Belos over the years will do that to you. He always had to make sure to know exactly what to say and what not to say in front of the male. He wasn’t welcome there. He wasn’t welcome here either. It seemed he wasn’t really welcome anywhere.
“I’m doing just fine.” Hunter grumbles as he starts to open the door, clenching his teeth, feeling his legs wobble as he holds his side. Luz huffs loudly, the other witch couldn’t take care of himself clearly by the looks of it.
“Let us help you!” She grabs his wrist quickly to keep him from leaving but what Luz doesn’t expect is for the soft pitiful whimper to leave the male as he flinches back badly. The male to sharply turn around and back against the door in an attempt to get away from the female. The once great Golden Guards shoulders to suddenly start to shake as it slowly became impossible for him to catch his breath. Luz’ eyes widen and she let’s go quickly, her eyebrows furrow worried. “..Hunter?” She whispers softly not wanting to scare him worse. Hunter moves back quickly looking like a deer in the headlights, his back slamming against the door harshly as he shuts his eyes tightly. His body was shaking slightly as he pants a bit heavily.
Hunter could hear his heart racing and he felt like he couldn't breath. His hand moved to his chest as his heart pounded and he pants.
No no he couldn’t panic!!
not here!
not now!
And especially NOT in front of the human!!!
God did he have to be so!
Hunter chokes as he tries to breathe, tears starting to blur his vision, his hand gripping the fabric of his shirt tightly.
So useless!!
“Oh how you disappoint me Hunter... “
Belos' voice echoed in his being. Hunter gasps loudly, wheezing as his eyes widen in a panic upon hearing the males voice.A few tears finally escaping his barrier and dripping down his cheeks. Luz watched as the Golden Guard lost all of his composure, seemingly trying to catch his breath as he shook. He looked terrified as he lets out a pained whimper. Luz couldn’t help but stare for a moment, stunned. Hunter looked… like a frail child. Nothing like how she had ever seen him. She sighs, slowly reaching out to which Hunter immediately recoils, putting his hands up shakily blocking his face, desperately pleading in terror as he sees his Uncle advance towards him.
“No No p-please I'm sorry Uncle! i-I can do better please i-!”
Luz gasps a bit softly in surprise. She’d never seen the male in such a state, she hesitates before putting her hand gently on his shoulder. Hunter inhaled sharply, eyes wide as he freezes looking up at the concerned human slowly starting to realize where he was and what just happened. He catches his breath steadily. The gentle physical touch being enough to bring him down from his panic.
“R-Right…” he breathes out looking down, embarrassed and angry at himself “a-another episode” his voice wavers as he blushes laughing nervously. Only having had a panic attack like this once before.. And let’s just say Belos was not happy and it did not help the situation he had been in.
Rascal tweets moving to the young males shoulder. Hunter gasps in surprise, before slowly smiling sadly at the small bird, carefully petting the Palisman. “s-sorry it won’t happen again” He sighs, keeping his eyes down as he apologies to the Human. This only made Luz more worried. “Just let me leave, it’s best for everyone” He felt so stupid having cried in front of Luz.
How Pathetic..
Hunter wipes his face as sweat slides down into his facial cut causing him to wince. He couldn’t help but wonder why the owl house was so hot anyway. He wanted to get back to the cool cave again.
“Hunter what happened to you?” Luz asks suddenly, to which Hunter's eyes widen slightly glancing up before looking quickly back at Rascal.
. “I-“ Hunter starts before going quiet biting his lip as he rubs his arm uncomfortably. He was embarrassed about everything but the human was bound to find out anyway, right? He sighs defeated.
“I messed up..
Ruined everything that I had- I just ..” he pauses looking angry “ I screwed up!” he snaps as he takes the wanted poster from his pocket practically throwing the crumbled piece of paper at the human feeling dizzy, he grabs the door for support. Rascal flies up tweeting anxiously. Hunter sighs heavily “I tampered with forbidden sources. I lied. I spoke out of turn. I failed the Emperor and when you fail. Well. you outlive your usefulness, although he does want me alive which means maybe i still have a chance to redeem myself” he couldn't help but laugh painfully as he shrugs “But anyway just do what I assume you will. Turn me in and -“ Hunter stops as Luz stomps her foot
“Belos in such a monster!”. Hunter flinches at Luz’ sudden anger in slight shock looking almost worried before he shakes his head at himself.
“Wait-What? No- no I failed, it's my c-consequence he’s just doing his job. Belos is a great emperor. If I hadn’t tampered with wild magic none of this would have-” Hunter was cut off by a loud scoff from the doorway
“Kid that dictator is no hero” Eda frowns sadly rolling her eyes. Hunter looks over wanting to argue but he doesn’t, this was Eda the owl lady after all. And anyway Belos was just a merciless man that's all… right?.
This was normal.
Hunter screwed up and needed to be punished. All normal parent and kid things.
And yet his mind wandered back to the night.
When Belos attacked him.
When he had tried to..
Hunter's hand moves to his abdomen to where he was struck as he looks a bit distant.
“N-no but he-..he cares” Hunter's voice was angry and didn't sound all too convincing. He steps back stumbling feeling a bit hot, “uncle just, just-” his uncle's icy stare flashed in his mind. Hunter shudders slightly looking down before he nods, sighing. “Right.. right ”
he was nothing to his uncle now..
He would have to redeem himself all over again to be in his uncles favor,
“It’ll be okay” Luz’ voice was soft as she started to guide him back to the couch, noticing him stumble slightly trying not to use her for support. “You have a place here for now” she offers
“I don’t want a place here” Hunter mumbles in annoyance to which Luz pouts.
Hunter sighs, leaning back on the couch with a frown looking away. His body felt a bit numb and sore all at the same time. He was tired, so tired. He notices Eda point to the kitchen causing Luz to sigh standing.
“I’ll get you some food while Eda takes a look at your wounds” Luz smiles, humming as she claps her hands.
“Wait what?” Hunter nervously glances at the Owl Lady gulping.
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notyetneedcoffee · 4 years
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A/N: Yep, I’ve ventured off the Marvel path and penned a few tales for The Witcher! 
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Smut
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The scent of rich beef roast and fresh baked bread filled the small room. Two local merchants sat at a corner table near the stone oven, arguing over the merits of silk from the south. Rulla, the inn's owner, busied herself shucking peas. The sun had not yet fallen and the town was quiet.
You sat alone, adorning the collar of woman's dress with fine silk embroidery. Falling into the rhythmic and well practiced movements, time passed without your notice. Until the door slammed open.  
A wall of a man ate all the space in the doorway. His long white hair hung over his face. One arm wrapped around his middle, pressing a palm into his ribs. A leather bag hung from his other hand. "A room." His deep baritone voice carried across the room without needing much volume. "Preferably with a bath."
Rulla stood, wiping her hands on her apron. "If you have coin, I have a room with a bath."
He just grunted.  
You took note of the dark stain beneath his hand. The older woman must have noticed at the same time you did. Her voice softened, and she rushed forward. "My boy, get into the first room on the right. I'll start the hot water." She turned to you. "You're needle may be of use, child."
He scowled at you. Still, you pulled the kit from your bag and walked toward him. "Come on." You sighed. "Let's take a look."
He only followed you as far as the door. You turned back. "That looks to be bleeding freely. I can stitch it up so even exertion will not open it back up. Or do Witchers heal even more miraculously than the tales say? You are a Witcher, correct?"
His chin dipped in a nod. "Geralt."
"Do you want my help or not?"
He sighed through his nose before dropping the bag inside the door. You lit the lamp beside the bed. You could smell horse and sweat wafting off him. He loomed over you as he came near. When you turned away from your sewing kit, he was pulling the soiled shirt over his head.  
The grime and blood tangled in hair covering his chest could not hide the definition of the muscle beneath. Nor could it hide the map of old scars upon his flesh. A gash the length of your middle finger opened so wide you could see muscle and bone. It was not a clean cut, as if from a blade. It was torn, ugly, more like a bite or rip.  
Rulla came in through the open door carrying two large buckets of steaming water. She dumped them in the tub. You pulled a few cloths from the cupboard and dipped one in the hot water. “I’ll be right back with the rest of the water,” Rulla commented. She glanced at the broad back of the man. “Be quick about it.”
You moved back to the Witcher’s side. Blood oozed between his fingers and trailed down his torso to gather at his belt. “Would you prefer to lie down?”  
“Here is good. The light is better for you.” He stood near the table in the lamplight.  
You sat on the edge of the bed and prepared your needle before wiping away the blood and cleaning the wound. “Do you worry about fever?”
He didn’t flinch as you pinched the wound together pierced his flesh with the curved needle. Geralt held perfectly still, breath slow and even, as you worked. Your stitches were fine and strong. If he healed as fast as legend said, this scar would be far less noticeable than his others.  
Rulla finished filling the bath and closed the door as she left.  
His one arm hung loose as his side, but he held the other out away from the wound. It created tension.  
“Rest your hand on my shoulder.” You spoke, but didn’t look up. “I’ll have enough room to work and your muscles will relax.”
His hand was large, warm. You could feel his intense golden eyes on you. It took effort to focus on cleanly stitching his wound. Part of you wondered if he could tell your heart raced. It should be from fear. In truth, something about his presence made you want to rub against him like a cat.  
The pad of his thumb began to ghost over your skin near your collar bone. It may have been an absent-minded action. It may have been a deliberate petting. Regardless, you desperately want to feel that touch more.  
You knew it was insane, not knowing him at all. Still, nearly two years had gone by since your husband’s death and the want for the touch of man grew worse every day. And here stood this large, handsome, man stroking your neck. The temptation was so great. This man would not want more than you were willing to give. Nor would this man leave you with a child.  
After a time you sat back and examined your work, fingers brushing over his warm skin. He looked down at himself. “You do good work.”    
“Thank you.” Your hands paused on his abdomen, looking up at him from your seated position. “I should, um, should leave you to your bath.”
“I could use your steady hands.” His deep voice remained serious, but a playful glint filled his golden eyes.  
“Oh?” You smiled. “You have other parts in need of my attention?”  
“More than you know.” A small smile pulled at the corner of his mouth.  
Your heartbeat quickened. As terrifying as he appeared when he entered the inn, he now exuded a raw masculine sexuality that had your mouth dry and core wet. “Then you best use that water before it cools.”
“Hmm.” Geralt agreed. He pulled at the laces of his breeches.  
“Would you like help with your boots?” You smiled. “I wouldn’t want you to strain anything.”
Just the corner of his mouth twitched up before he sat on the edge of the bed and held out his right foot. He observed your every move as you removed his boots and striped him to bare feet. You knew his view would be down the front of your bodice.
He stood as you finished, taking your hand and pulling you up with him. “What is your name?”
Geralt’s fingertip drifted along your jaw to under your chin. “This is not something you normally do, is it?”
“I use my needle for wounds all the time.” You smiled, knowing that was not his meaning.
“Little dove,” He growled in a warning tone. His voice flowed over you like warm honey. “Answer me.”
“No.” You chewed your lower lip, but rested your hands on the bare skin of his waist above his belt. “But it does not make the offer insincere.”
“You’re not afraid of me?” He frowned.
“Should I be?”
“This is not the way for you to explore the ways of men and women.” He sighed, dropping his hand and standing straight.
You laughed. “Oh, that’s so sweet of you.” He glared, but you continued. “I’m not as young as I look. It’s been some time since a raider killed my husband. He and I... we had a very, ah, amorous and energetic relationship. It’s been too long, and I miss it.” You stared up into his eyes. “I would image you are an amorous and energetic sort.”
His head tilted and eyebrows rose. “True enough.”
You pulled at the loose laces of his breeches, grinning. “Bath, then.”
He stepped out of the remainder of his clothing. You could not help the delighted smile on your face at his amazing physique and already half hard cock. Tall, broad, and just huge, he showed no reserve or shame as he walked naked across the room and sunk into the warm water.  
“Are you going to join me?”
“I’m clean,” You grinned. “If I get in there with you, I’ll get all mucked up.” His mouth opened to protest, but you continued. “Wash up. I’ll grab another bucket of hot water and help you rinse off.”
“Hmm.” He reached for the folded rag on the table and the soap bar. You told him to use the white bottle instead. He uncorked it an sniffed. Rosemary and mint. Pouring some onto the cloth, he began to scrub.  
You returned carrying two heavy buckets of hot water. Geralt sat in the tub, skin scrubbed clean and hair wet. A light film from your favorite wash clung to him and the room smelled infinitely better. Setting the buckets down beside the tub, you told him to drain the water.  
Taking up a large tankard, you poured clean water over his hair, his shoulders, trailing the water with your hands. His eyes drifted closed. A low hum of satisfaction rumbled from his chest. You smiled.  
You rinsed his hair, broad shoulders, strong arms and chest. The action gave you the opportunity run your hands over him with thorough attention.
“Stand up, please.”  
Geralt stood. You poured hot water over his lower back, watching it run along his strong ass and down the back of his thighs. You poured more, flowing the water with your hand. The muscles under your palm twitch and you fingertip dug in with a bit more pressure.  
Dipping the tankard into the bucket once again, you looked up into his captivating golden eyes as your hand hovered over the thick trail of hair below his belly button. The corner of his mouth quirked up. You poured the water, watching it rinse clean the skin, and hair, and his magnificent cock. You hand traced along the length of him, far too gentle for his liking.  
“You tease me, woman.” His hand cupped the back of your neck, pulling you forward to take possession of your mouth in a hungry kiss. Stepping out of the tub, he pulled you against his naked body, lifting practically off your toes. His teeth nipped your bottom lip. “You are wearing too much.”
His nimble fingers made short work of your laces, and eagerly pushed your gown over your shoulders where it gathered loosely at your hips. A feral growl rumbled from his chest as his hand cupped your breast. Geralt’s other hand pushed your dress passed your hips and took a hard grip on your ass. A violent shutter ran through your body as his teeth grazed your neck.  
“Oh, but you are a responsive little dove.” He smiled before kissing you hard once again.  
You gave a small squeak when he picked you up and tossed you onto the bed. Geralt looked you over, hungry, before coming closer. He captured your left foot and stripped it of shoe and stocking. Doing the same with the right, he placed a knee on the bed and painted a wet trail up your leg, nipping with his teeth along the way.  
Your other leg fell open for him. His fingers slipped along your sex, finding you soaking wet and slick. Deftly rubbing his thumb over your clit before two fingers slipped in deep to strum against the perfect spot, you gripped the sheets and bit back a cry. It felt like heaven.  
Geralt chuckled, his teeth nipping at the sensitive skin of your lower belly. “So responsive.” His tongue circled your clit and you whined. “And so sweet.” His voice rumbled against your sensitive flesh before him mouth attacked your cunt with vigor.
“Oh, fuck.” You shook, already feeling the tension building, feeling the heat gather. “Gods, yes!” Your thighs began to quiver and your hips bucked hard against Geralt’s face. He forced you down with his spare hand, his strength remarkable. The restriction pushed you further towards the edge. You gripped him by the hair. He growled, increasing the sensation. You panted. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”
His fingers fucked you hard, his mouth unrelenting. Your body exploded, heat bursting forth, shaking, coming hard. He didn’t stop, growling fiercely against your clit. The rumble shaking you to the core. You writhed, uncontrollably rolling through another orgasm.  
Geralt poised on all fours above you when your senses returned. A satisfied smirk turn up the corner of his sex soaked mouth. “That was fun.”
You giggled.  
He stared at you a moment, studying your face. You reached up and pulled him down, kissing him long and deep. Still, he held himself above you. You needed his weight, need to be pressed into the mattress. Your fingers dug into his back, into his ass, pulling him closer. While your tongue battled his, your strong fingers wrapped around his cock.
Geralt bucked his cock into your hand, “Fuck.” His mouth left wet kissed across your neck. His weight shifted and his large hand massaged your breast, pulling at your nipple. His teeth grazed the taut bud and sucked hard. Your back arched off the bed.
“Oh gods, fuck me.” You plead, fingers digging into the broad muscles of his shoulders, pulling him close. “Want to feel the weight of you.” Your teeth nipped his ear. “Need you to fuck me hard.” Your leg lifted over his hip. “I want to feel you days after you’ve gone.”
Geralt growled. His fingers dug into the meat of your ass, his cock rubbing along your slick sex. His forehead pressed against yours, nose to nose, he breathed deep. “Don’t let me hurt you.” He practically whispered. “Say the word and I’ll stop.”
You closed your eyes and nodded, tipping your hips. “Please.”
He pressed in. The delicious stretch, the intoxicating pressure, pushed a moan from your chest. Your hips rocked against his, each stroke taking him deeper. You clung to his arms and shoulders. You tasted the skin of neck, nipping at his jaw. “Yes, more.”
Geralt rested his weight on his elbow and curled your leg up toward your chest. His cock pounded into you, rough and at a pace to steal your breath. You lost yourself to the feel, to taste and smell, of him. The rumble of his moans went straight to your core. 
Heat gathered low. Everything lit up. Your legs quivered. His weight pressed you into the mattress. Your teeth bite into his shoulder. So close.
“Fuck.” He wrapped his arm under your back to hold your shoulder. Hot breath bathed your neck. His hips snapped hard and fast.    
You held on, clawing at his flesh. Breath coming in pants and whines. Fire spread. Everything exploded. You came apart. “Yes!”    
Geralt held you down, grinding into you, fucking you through your orgasm. His breath growled out, fingers dug into you, his hips snapped. You bit at his neck, pulled at his hair. He came with low roar.
He shifted off of you, but pulled you along to drape over the top of him. Sighing, with a deep ‘hmmm’, his fingers traced lazy circles on your back. After a time, your breath returned to normal. 
You felt so good. He was warm and solid. You rubbed your face in thick hair covering his chest, first one side and then the other, breathing deep.  
“What are doing?” The corner of his lip tipped up.
“You have a great chest. I love the feel.”  
“No questions about the scars, but you rub in my chest hair like a cat.” He chuckled.
“Yes.” You sighed lazily. “You’re a Witcher, and I will happily listen to your tales if you wish to tell them. But that can be done in front of the hearth over a beer and a meal. This,” you wriggled even lower so his re-awakening cock became nestled between your breast and you rubbed your nose in the hair below his navel, “I am taking full advantage of right now.”
Geralt’s head dropped back, his hips rocked slowly against you. “You do that.” Your began to trail wet kisses down his belly, content, tired, but not about to miss a moment with this man in your bed. His large hand caressed your shoulder. “But don’t worry, little dove, there’s no need for me to move on for a few days. We can take our time should you wish.”
You eyes rose to meet his golden gaze. “I most definitely wish.”
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qwanjiro · 3 years
YO vet Taka is an au I have not thought of! Is he is still interested in politics in this au? Not only is he a vet but a social justice warrior as well. Mondo is screwed, this is gonna be his biggest crush ever. Also how is chuck?
This is quite a long one, be sure to buckle up!
Hmm.. in this AU Taka doesn’t really interested in politics actually. Or rather, not as much as he used to. You could say he did an 180 degree turn on his life choices after he learned the truth about the *real* political issues nowadays (which is, surprisingly, fucked up).
‘You don’t need to be a police officer or even a Prime Minister to change the world. You just have to try your best, and treat the people around you with sincerity’. That’s what Takaaki had said to a devastated Taka. Supporting his son all the way.
So with his father’s blessings (who’s really joyful that his son won’t experience the same hell as him) Taka came to conclusion that he’ll do something. Don’t know what yet, but something. Other than political stuff.
He can’t think of anything though, he just mindlessly looking for majors that might suited him and more to his liking, but he found none. Until one day he came across an injured cat lying helplessly on the park bench, he dropped everything and swiftly treated its wounds with his mediocre skills. He may be intense, but caring is his second nature.
What he didn’t expect though, his senior, Gundham Tanaka, had been standing still behind him this whole time, with a med kit in hand. Upon being noticed Gundham strode to him, grabbed him, and said something along the line : “You mortal are one of the thousands- hah, millions even! That has not shivered upon witnessing the true god of mischief. I see you are proven yourself to be a worthy opponent with gifted golden hands! Say, mortal, are you ready to sell your soul to the underworld?”
Vet.. Gundham was offering Taka a job at his vet. THE infamous Tanaka vet. He didn’t even asked his name yet..
But.. he thinks.. he would really like that, actually.
So with Gundham’s help (and his own hard work), Taka manage to surpass his relevant degree, and sold his soul to the underworld. He’s happy with this.
But enough about Taka, let’s switch up to Mondo a little bit. A ‘biggest crush’ is an understatement. Taka is Mondo’s biggest BIGGEST crush. Ever. If Mondo died and reborn as someone else, he’d still simping for this guy, no question asked. But if you asked him why he liked him so hard, he couldn’t quite get it, either. Maybe it’s the way Taka handle chuck with such carefulness and such patience, maybe it’s the way his eyes lit up when chuck gradually getting better, maybe it’s his freakishly high moral and justice, or maybe the way his cheeks turned into a light shade of pink every time Mondo talked to him. Everything about him is so.. sincere. But eh, who knows how love worked?
And before he knows it. He’s screwed up big time. He thought this is just a platonic animal doctor with their appointment but it’s more like a ‘Oh shit I definitely love him’ kinda vibes. Oh well.
And chuck.. good ol’ chuck. Don’t let her cute and tiny face fool you. This girl knows what’s up. After the first visit (and completely healed up, mind you), she frequently starts getting ‘sick’ and ‘whined in pain’ to her overly worried owner who never learned. She can sense that Mondo somehow felt happier when he’s in the vet. Even when the red eyed man often raised an eyebrow at her owner after checking up a super healthy dog, But hey, two happy humans is better than one. Good girl 10/10 would be the best wingman.
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yourlocaldiabetes · 3 years
🎨 Paint Your Sorrows.
(An Edmike Angst)
A/N: hello everyone!! sugar here :) this is my first time posting on tumblr so i have no clue what im doing honestly sjsjsjjs,,, i wanted to post this angst fic of edmike i wrote a while back so i hope u enjoy!! 💗 i would also like to mention that in i headcanon chloe (perfumer) and edgar were childhood best friends but have lost contacted ever since chloe’s (vera) death. so edgar doesn’t know chloe is secretly vera in disguise but chloe does recognise edgar :’) i apologise in advance if i caused any confusion or if i wrote the character’s personalities wrong!! thank you <3
cw: blood, description of dead bodies, lots and lots of crying,,,
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3rd person POV
How did everything happen so quickly?
Days ago, he was just fine. Scoffing at others and painting like usual. He had his annoyed charm that Mike adored to tease. And his heart fluttered even more when he caught him softly smiling.
It was no surprise that the acrobat had a growing crush on the painter. The entire manor knew about it and maybe, just maybe, Edgar knew about it too himself. But that doesn't matter any more.
Mike walked through the halls of the manor with a bouquet of white lilies in hand. Emma was kind enough to help him pick out some flowers and patched them up to look presentable. He also brought a brown teddy bear that he begged the new survivor to make. What was their name again...? He couldn't remember. He couldn't remember why he was holding all of these.
Why was he wearing a black suit and not his usual costume...?
Mike automatically stopped walking when he reached a certain someone's door. The door was bombarded by flowers and candles. And in the center of it all, was Edgar Valden's picture in black and white.
It all happened just 3 days ago in a match. The match consisted of Fiona, Tracy, Edgar and Mike himself. The hunter Percy was quite new to the manor as he had just arrived a few months ago though Mike had some matches with him so he was somewhat familiar with him. The map was Moonlit River Park, one of Mike’s favourite maps as it brought back oh so many wonderful memories. The sound of glass cracking was heard and the match had begun.
Mike was swapped at a cipher near the roller coaster stand. He ran over to it and began clicking away at the cipher. Halfway through the cipher, Edgar’s panicked voice was heard. “The hunter is near me!” Instantly a whooshing sound came by, Tracy must have summoned her bot which most survivors call George. The bot soon arrived at the cipher Mike was currently deciphering and began to turn the gears of the cipher machine. Ignoring the constant sound of whooshing from the mechanic, Mike enthusiastically yelled, “Come on keep it up!” while clicking away on the cipher machine.
A notification appeared the moment Mike popped the cipher.
“Edgar Valden has been containing the hunter for 60 seconds.”
Mike happily grinned at the notification. Edgar had always been one of the best containers in the manor ever since his arrival despite being one of the newbies alongside Ganji and Annie. He’s even been compared to the top containers such as Norton and even rescuers like Naib. Though, Edgar always simply shrugged at the compliments he received and ignored the person. Plus, Edgar wasn’t exactly the easiest person to talk to. He wasn’t the type to beat around the bush. Every word that came out of his mouth were straightforward and bold. Some said it felt like pure poison. When confronted about his words, the painter just rolled his eyes and stated he only spoke his mind. Even survivors like Emma or Demi who could honestly get along with everyone agreed that he was a tough cookie to crack. Thus, people gave up on pursuing the painter and just casted him aside.
And that’s where Mike’s fun began. He decided to provoke the painter to finally see him crack. He tried everything to crack the painter. Teasing, flirting, pranking. You name it. And eventually butterflies began to grow in his stomach whenever he saw Edgar. His heart races and his face becomes red hot. Mike tried to talk to Demi about it over a drink at the bar and all she did was laugh and smile. “Oh sugar, you got a whole storm comin.” He remembered her words when he first opened up about it. But now, Mike Morton can 100% confirm with no doubts, he’s in love with Edgar Valden.
‘Whack!’ Mike hissed in pain. He turned in head towards the direction he was whacked and found a fuming Tracy Reznik behind him. “Hey what gives Tracy?'' The acrobat groaned at the mechanic who had her arms crossed. “What gives is that you haven’t been decoding for so long that crows have you circling over you!'' Tracy pointed above Mike’s head and he did in fact have crows circling over his head. “While you were busy in dreamland, Me and Fiona were already on the last few ciphers! You’re lucky Edgar has been kitting the entire match or the hunter would have snatched you while you were busy daydreaming.''
Mike playfully raised up his hands in defence. “Cmon Tracy! Cut me some slack! Y'know I ain’t the best decoder around. Plus with your cipher rush you can just pretend I ain’t even here!” The mechanic sighed at his words and rubbed her temples. She signalled her head over to a cipher near the carousel. “Fiona is over there, go help her decode the last cipher. I’ll be over at the exit gate.” The acrobat made an ok gesture and left for the cipher.
“Edgar Valden has been containing the hunter for 120 seconds.”
Was what the notification said when Mike arrived at the cipher Fiona was deciphering. The priestess noticed him and warmly smiled. “Greetings Mike.” Fiona said with her silky smooth voice. The acrobat enthusiasticly waved at her in response and went beside her. He started turning the gears that were on the cipher. “Thank our lord and saviour Hastur that Mr Valden has been kitting that long! Or else all of us would be dinner for the hunter tonight!'' Fiona beamed brightly. Despite plastering a fake smile on his face, Mike was mentally rolling his eyes. Fiona was a lovely lady and all but her obsession with the hunter ‘The Feaster’ but most call him Hastur. She believed that Hastur was the reason we’re all still alive and kicking and not know... dead.
Trying his best to grin through Fiona’s constant chatter about Mr Tentacles, he nearly forgot the cipher was nearly done. He pulled back Fiona just in case she didn’t notice and yelled “Cipher Machine Primed!” so the others could hear. Immediately, Edgar’s voice came rushing through. “Focus on Decoding!” And that was the sign to pop it. The acrobat clicked the cipher one last time and it glowed bright orange as a loud siren was heard. “Head over to the exit gate and check on Tracy! I’ll go make sure if Edgar’s ok.” Mike told Fiona and she nodded in reply and dashed for the exit gate.
Edgar was near the tent still kitting Percy, who surprisingly didn’t have detention when Mike found him. He was skilfully throwing down pallets and wasting Percy’s time. Mike’s heart skipped a beat when he and the painter made eye contact. But instead of a loving or friendly look, he gave the blond a cold hard glare. “What in the world are you doing here Motron?? Here to throw some of your immature and pathetic comments about my eyes again?” Edgar scoffed as he threw down more pallets. ‘Ouch. That hit right in the heart.’ Mike mentally frowned. He quickly brushed it off and smugly leaned back. “Nah nah. Just here watching you awesomely destroy the hunter with those amazing reflexes of yours sweet cheeks.” Mike flirtatiously winked. Edgar’s face went from pale to a slight red colour at the acrobat’s tease.
“Silent at once you imbecile! Just go to the damn exit gate!” Edgar shouted, clearly annoyed as he tried to compose himself. Mike giggled at his flustered behaviour. “And miss a chance to see the amazing Edgar Valden kite? No way.” The acrobat jokingly exaggerated. The painter tsked and began to ignore Mike’s immature comments. Percy who was watching the scene unfold and still being kitted by Edgar let out a grumble. Mike noticed and turned his attention to the hunter. “Ooo, how does it feel getting kitted by the best kitter in the manor hmm?” Mike sneered with his classic grin. “You don’t even Detention. Sucks to be you huh?” Mike shrugged his shoulders in a bored manner. Out of the corner of his eye, he swore he saw Percy twitch. Despite that, he continued with one last final remark as the final bullet with a sly grin. “You must be a pretty bad hunter to get kitted the entire match and not even get a single hit.”
The sound of a heavy metal hit filled the three’s ears. Mike looked towards the direction where the sound came from and saw Edgar with his icy blue eyes and mouth wide open with crimson red blood beginning to drool down his forehead. Edgar stood completely still for a split second, trying to process what happened to him. He let out a shaky groan then crashed down onto the cold hard floor with his eyes shut tight. “Edgar!” Mike screamed out with panic and instantly dashed over to the painter who was almost lifelessly lying on the floor.
“Edgar..? Edgar...! Can you hear me?!” Mike violently shook Edgar, tears beginning to form in his blue eyes. No response. Mike frantically checked his body for signs for a pulse or a heartbeat, just any sign this was all a cruel mean prank but no luck. “No....” Mike barely let out a whisper backing away from the brunette’s cold body, a single tear dropped onto Edgar’s chest. “No.” He said it again but with more strength to his voice, more droplets of tears soaked Edgar’s coat. “NO! NO! NO!” Mike loudly wailed as he aggressively yanked onto his golden locks, a pool of tears dripped onto the painter’s pale face.
For a split second, Mike swore he saw Edgar’s face twitch with his own eyes. Mike frantically shook the painter with begging weeps. “Edgar! Please wake up...” No response yet again. The acrobat weakly laughed. What was he expecting? Edgar to magically wake up and laugh out it’s a prank? He’s as good as a dead corpse. Mike thought that all hope was lost until he heard a weak familiar winch. The blond turned his direction towards the sound and saw Edgar who barely had his icy eyes open and his chapped lips slightly parted. ‘It can’t be... Did a miracle actually happen...?’ Mike furiously shook his head when he saw the painter’s weak state. Tears began to fall from his eyes again.
“Edgar....?” Mike barely let out a whisper, his voice shattered from screaming. Edgar’s blue orbs stared weakly at Mike, like they were gonna shut anytime soon. “Morton... I....” Edgar strained his back and started to violently gasp for air. Mike instantly stood up, ignoring the pain from his body. “I’ll go get Tracy and Fiona! You stay here!” When the acrobat turned around, he felt a weak but desperate tug at his sleeve. “No!” He heard Edgar say with all the strength he had left. “Please don’t leave me...” He barely muttered out. The painter was trying his best to lean up but he winched back down in pain. Seeing the painter struggle, Mike rushed over to Edgar and held him tight. Despite Mike’s support, Edgar’s back fell hard onto the floor and caused even more damage to his head. Edgar bit his lip in pain, even during his dying moments, he couldn’t forget about his ego. Mike desperately tried to keep Edgar’s eyes open but deep down he knew, time is running out. Mike slapped himself on the face as he knew that tears will once again rain from his face. Edgar stayed silent as he tried his best to ignore the burning pain in his skull. But eventually all good things must come to an end.
Edgar let out a loud cough alerting Mike’s attention. “Now now, Morton... Blue isn’t a s-suitable colour on you...'' His raspy voice hit Mike’s heart even harder. The acrobat sniffled as he looked at the painter’s weak state. “E-Edgar.... I’m sorry. It’s all my fault that this is happening.” Edgar’s eyes were close to shutting tight. He knew what he had to say. “Morton... Please don’t blame yourself for this... You-“ The brunette was cut off by more violent coughing escaping his mouth. “You were tolerable unlike the rest of this fake world. So...” A drop of a tear left Edgar’s blue eyes. He shakily held Mike’s blood stained hand. “Thank you for letting me feel what love is.” Edgar’s breathing came to a halt. His chest stopped rising and lowering. And his cold blue eyes that Mike adored so much finally shut tight for good. The next thing he knew Mike was screaming on the top of his lungs like there was no tomorrow.
“Mike Morton! Are you there?”
‘Who’s calling my name...?’
Mike’s head turned towards the snap sound and saw the perfumer with her classic brown hair tied up in a bun, wearing a puffy sleeve black dress with her fingers doing a snap pose right in his face. Her waist was bent downwards for her head to match Mike’s head level. Noticing that she had caught Mike’s attention, she stood up straight and composed herself. She cleared her throat and awkwardly looked towards the side. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the perfumer holding a bouquet of flowers. Giving out a weak grin towards the female, he gestured towards the spot next to him. Hesitation was in the brunette’s eyes but she came around and sat down next to Mike. The acrobat’s blue eyes were focused on Edgar’s black and white portrait. He took a quick glance at the perfumer and saw her also looking longingly at the picture. “I miss him too, Chloe.”
Chloe’s black eyes widened at the use of her real name. She was so used to getting called her twin sister’s name, Vera ever since she took her life. She remembered that day so well. Every night, she would stay awake thinking about the murder. If only, she wouldn’t have been such a snake, maybe Vera would still be here. When she had heard of Edgar’s passing, she broke down and told the manor participants everything. Her true identity, her relationship with Edgar and how awful she felt about her beloved twin sister.
Most survivors felt utter disgust towards the perfumer. “You killed your own twin sister out of greed and jealousy and even stole her identity? I can’t believe you tricked us all.” She remembered the lawyer’s cold words when she was on the manor’s floor weeping over the reveal. But what made it worse was his final words to her before leaving. “You are a monster from the deep darks of hell Nair.” Very few showed sympathy. “It must have been an accident Chloe... Please don’t be so hard on yourself. What’s done is done. No matter how hard you would like to take it back.” Emily had gently spoken to her after her reveal in the infirmary. The usually composed doctor had a shaky tone in her voice during the last few words. In the past few days, she’s been greeted by disgusted and feared glances.
Some people who she had considered her closeted mates turned a blind eye towards her. Only a few survivors left in the manor gave her pitiful looks but still remained their distance. All the attention and admiration from others that she built up for years had vanished away. Edgar’s death left a bigger impact on the perfumer. He was the only person who understood her since they were little. He knew that she was envious of her much preferred twin sister and yet stayed with her and listened to her. They built a bond that was unbreakable. Chloe remembered the day Edgar had arrived at the manor. Her black eyes widened with shock. Ever since she left for Oletus Manor, she never thought she would meet him again and yet here he was, standing there with his paint brushes and canvas. Tears flooded down her cheeks as her black mascara ran and formed black messy streaks on her doll like face.
“Edgar...!” She rushed over to him and hugged the painter with all her might. “Oh Edgar!... I never thought I'd see you again...” She weeped tears of joy and held him close. Edgar was taken back at first. It couldn’t be her right...? “V-Vera...? How... I thought you were dead.” Chloe heard the shock and surprise in his voice. What was he saying? She was Chloe, not Vera! Just as she was about to correct herself, she remembered. Vera’s black eyes lifeless on the floor. Her high quality clothes were soaked with blood and face was stained with teardrops. She was now Vera Nair. “Of course am I you knuckle head! Why wouldn’t I be good ol Vera?” Chloe said in a upbeat tone that her twin sister always used. Vera was the more energetic twin between the two after all. And that’s how her lying and manipulating towards her once called best friend started. Oh how much she yearned to cry into his arms, sobbing to him that it was in fact not Vera but Chloe. Chloe stared at Edgar’s picture that was coloured in black and white. “I wonder what he would think of me now if he knew the truth.” She weakly cackled to herself, completely forgetting the acrobat beside her. Her laughing then turned into sobbing. Tears ran down her eyes that were covered with dark eye rings as she tried to hide her face in shame. “I never got to tell him... Out of everyone here, he deserved to know the most.” She choked out and mourned.
Mike stayed silent. He didn’t know what to say. Chloe’s known Edgar since he was little and he had known him just for a few months. The bond between the two was stronger than any bond Mike had. What would Edgar Valden have said to his childhood friend who was lying to him all along? The acrobat took a deep breath in and started to comfort the weeping perfumer. “Look Chloe, I know we will never know what Edgar would have truly said but,” Mike looked at the female beside him, her tears still flooding down her doll face and in her eyes were a glimpse of hope. Using this chance, Mike continued. “He wouldn’t hate you. Out of everyone, he must have understood your pain the most. And you understood him. He loves you Chloe. He couldn’t ever never want to see you again.'' Chloe's cries came to a halt when Mike finished his comfort speech. A small weak smile appeared on the brunette’s chapped lips.
“You really think so?” Seeing Chloe smile brought joy to Mike for some reason. She probably hasn’t smiled as Chloe Nair for a while as he'd assumed. Going back to his normal nature, Mike grinned from side to side. “Of course! He may seem like some grumpy ol grumpy pants but I tell ya! He’s gotta heart of gold toots!'' A snort came out of the perfumer and the little snort turned into a fit of laughter. Mike’s grin grew wider as he joined in on the laughter. The tears that came out of Chloe’s eyes were no longer tears of sorrow or pain but tears of genuine joy. Mike did it. He made Chloe forgive herself. Now she can move on and start a new chapter of her life in the manor. Not as Vera Nair but as Chloe Nair.
The laughter soon died down as the perfumer cleared her throat. She reached for her pocket and took something. Curious, Mike tried to peek over to see what the mysterious object was. Chloe stared at the object with a tender look and soon looked at Mike with determination. “I think you deserve this more than I do.” In her hands was a paintbrush. And with closer inspection, the word ‘passion’ was carved into it with a small red ribbon tied onto it. The blonde fondly looked at the paintbrush but then widened his eyes in realisation. “Is this-'' But before he could finish, Chloe was a step ahead. “Edgar’s. He gave it to me on my birthday when we were 7.” The brunette stared down at the stick-like object with a warm gaze. “But I want you to have it.” She concluded, looking up at Mike. Mike shakily looked at it. A gift from Edgar to Chloe. It feels so wrong to take it from her just like that. A small smile came out of the perfumer. “Now I know what you’re thinking. Trust me, you deserve it more than I do. I knew from the start how you felt about Edgar.'' Mike's shoulder tensed up at the mention of his behaviour towards the painter. Damn, he fell hard. Chloe’s black eyes bore into Mike’s side profile as she stood up. Slightly bending down, she held out the paintbrush to him. “Please. Take it.” She pleaded with the acrobat. Knowing her intentions were pure, Mike craved in and nodded as he received the wooden paintbrush. The two turned their attention back to the black and white picture of Edgar Valden, though no words were spoken, they knew they were sharing the same thoughts and feelings.
Entering back into his room after what seems like forever. Mike laid down on his bed, replaying the chat with Chloe. In his hands was the paintbrush of Edgar Valden. Looking around in his bedroom, he found a blank sheet of white paper. Thanks to his love for performance makeup, he decided to use that as paint. He took the ribbon tied paintbrush and dipped it into a brown blush container. Brown for his silky smooth hair. He then decided to add some blue from his face painting tray. For his beautiful icy blue eyes. And finally, red for his coat. For his aura. For his fiery personality. Setting down the paintbrush, he stared at the now complete artwork he had just made. It was messy, however it was from the heart. Mike took one last glance at the ribbon tied paintbrush and softly smiled.
“Might as well paint out my sorrows.”
A/N: there was no brown so yall have to deal with orange 👹/j
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rookie-ramsey · 3 years
Eclipse, Chapter 2 (Ethan X MC)
Description: Five years after the birth of their unexpected twins, Ethan and Olivia are expecting their third child. Even if they planned the pregnancy this time around, they learn that not everything goes as planned.
Rating: PG-13
Preview: Ethan’s hand brushed against her warm forehead. “You’re not nauseous from the pregnancy. Zoey and Jonah are both sick. They’re throwing up and have temperatures of 100 and 100.2.”
Olivia sighed. “I should’ve thought of that. The stomach bug is going through their school. They can sleep in here if they want to. You should sleep somewhere else so we don’t give you the plague.”
Ethan shook his head. “I haven’t had a stomach virus since I was ten.”
“Oh, yeah. You’re the Dr. Infallible Ramsey, immune to all human ailments. You have a golden immune system.”
Previous Chapter
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On Sunday afternoon, Ethan read a book on the couch while the kids played and Olivia was out for lunch with Sienna. He looked up when he heard footsteps and saw Jonah and Zoey walking into the living room, both wearing their little lab coats and carrying their toy doctor’s kit.
“Daddy, can you play with us?”
Ethan set his book aside and nodded. “Sure.”
“What are your symptoms, Daddy?” Zoey grabbed a stethoscope, one of Ethan’s old ones, and knelt next to him on the couch. She touched the stethoscope to his chest and listened.
Playing along, Ethan pressed his lips in thought. “I have a terrible headache. Can you take care of it?”
“Yep! Jonah, get the Band-Aids!”
Jonah grabbed a box of bandages from their bag. “Got em!”
Zoey dug a Cookie Monster Band-Aid out of the box and unwrapped it. She stuck it to Ethan’s forehead and nodded in approval. “Okay. We’re done with you.”
Ethan feigned a frown. “A Band-Aid for a headache? Don’t you think you should be more thorough?”
“It’s a Cookie Monster Band-Aid,” Zoey supplied, shaking her head as she put the package back in their bag.
Jonah wrote some numbers on a piece of construction paper. With a mischievous smile, he handed it to his father. “Here’s your bill! That’s gonna be two hundred eleven dollars and… eight cents.”
“Did you even try to bill my insurance?”
“We don’t do that here!”
Ethan arched a brow. “I think this clinic is corrupt. I come in with a severe headache and I don’t even get an MRI?”
“Nope,” Jonah responded, trying to contain a laugh.
“Hmm. Why should I pay this bill?”
Zoey shrugged. “Okay, then. If you don’t pay, you can’t keep the Band-Aid.” With a giggle, she peeled the bandage off his forehead and tossed it aside.
“I think I’d like to see your medical licenses.”
Jonah shook his head. “I lost mine!”
“And you’re still practicing?”
“I’m just the bill person now.” Jonah shrugged. “I get to be the doctor next.”
Zoey handed him another sheet of construction paper with her name scrawled on it. “See? It says Doctor Zoey Ramsey on it!”
“Hmm. I still think this is medical negligence.”
Both kids laughed. Jonah took the stethoscope from his sister and leaned against Ethan’s knee. “Alright, I’m the doctor now. Make up a new sickness.”
When the front door opened, the twins looked up and waved. “Hi, Mommy!”
“Hi there. What’s going on in here?”
Jonah held up their doctor’s kit. “Medical negligence!”
“You can’t have a fun Sunday afternoon without that.”
“How was your lunch?” Ethan asked as she sat down next to him.
“Good. The baby made me eat tacos. We’ll see if they make a reappearance later. So far, I’ve only violently puked three times this pregnancy.”
“Here you go!” Jonah opened the Band-Aid box and stuck a Big Bird one to her abdomen.
“Huh. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to be amused or offended at the Big Bird implication.” Olivia ran her hand over her stomach when she felt a soft kick.
“Is our sister kicking?” Jonah asked.
“Uh huh.” Olivia took each of their hands and guided them to her stomach. “Feel it?”
“Yeah!” Zoey’s brow pinched in concentration. “It tickles my hand.”
“You two kicked a lot, but you didn’t start it until a little later. I’m pretty sure you were trying to kick each other.”
They laughed and picked up their toys before they left to play in their playroom. Olivia rested her feet on the table and leaned against Ethan, making herself comfortable.
“How are you feeling?”
“Alright. For now I just want to focus on controlling what I can. Even if she has to have a major heart surgery, we don’t have all the answers yet. Worrying 24/7 won’t change that.”
Ethan slipped his arm around her. “We’ll find out more at your next appointment.”
She nodded and gave his hand a squeeze. “Aside from being treated by five-year-old doctors, how was your day?”
He chuckled. “Uneventful. They asked for chicken tonight.”
“I agree with that.”
That evening, she helped Ethan fix dinner. Even though the chicken and potatoes looked and smelled mouth-watering, Olivia could feel the beginnings of nausea and she ate lightly to avoid unsettling her stomach.
Some time after they’d gone to bed, she awoke with an uncomfortable churning in her stomach. She grimaced and curled up on her side, willing the feeling to pass.
It didn’t, and she lurched out of bed when bile rose in her throat. She made it to their bathroom just in time and dropped to her knees in front of the toilet. A gag escaped her as she emptied the contents of her stomach.
Awoken by the noise, Ethan joined her in the bathroom. He held her hair back and rubbed her back with his other hand.
Olivia groaned. “I think I jinxed myself. Morning sickness just struck at one in the morning.”
“It happened like that last time. It’s not common for morning sickness to start in the second trimester, but it’s not unheard of.”
“It should be.” Olivia cringed and wiped at her mouth. She brushed her teeth to get the bitter taste out, then yawned and sleepily made her way back to bed. “Can you get me some water?”
Ethan retrieved a bottle of water from the kitchen and took it to Olivia. “Here. Keep yourself hydrated.”
Olivia sipped slowly from the water and yawned. “I guess the baby decided she doesn’t like tacos. Or chicken and potatoes.”
In the hallway, a door swung open. Ethan heard footsteps darting into the hallway bathroom. He left their room to investigate and found Jonah hunched over the toilet, throwing up.
Uh oh.
Suspecting that they were in fact not dealing with morning sickness, Ethan followed his son into the bathroom. His expression softened when Jonah looked up with a sad frown. “Feeling bad?”
“Yeah…” Jonah made a face as he leaned over the toilet again. Ethan knelt next to him and pressed his hand to his forehead, finding it warm to the touch.
Zoey ran into the bathroom with her hands clasped over her mouth. Seeing her brother leaning over the toilet, she dropped to her knees and retched into the trash can. “Yuck…”
Ethan found the thermometer and checked their temperatures. They were elevated, but not badly, to his relief. “Let’s get back to bed.”
He picked them up and carried Jonah to his room first. He tucked him into bed and moved his trash can next to his bed in case he threw up again. “Here you go. I’m going to get your sister to bed, and then I’ll bring you something to drink.”
Ethan repeated the process with Zoey and made sure both kids were settled before he returned to his bedroom.
Olivia emerged from the bathroom, her expression sour. “I thought I was empty, but apparently not.”
Ethan’s hand brushed against her warm forehead. “You’re not nauseous from the pregnancy. Zoey and Jonah are both sick. They’re throwing up and have temperatures of 100 and 100.2.”
Olivia sighed. “I should’ve thought of that. The stomach bug is going through their school. They can sleep in here if they want to. You should sleep somewhere else so we don’t give you the plague.”
Ethan shook his head. “I haven’t had a stomach virus since I was ten.”
“Oh, yeah. You’re the Dr. Infallible Ramsey, immune to all human ailments. You have a golden immune system.”
He shrugged. “Either way, I’ve already been exposed to all three of you. There’s not much point in isolating myself now.”
“Fair enough.”
Ethan left the room to check on the kids, finding them both awake and purely miserable. He carried them to their bedroom and set them down on the bed. They immediately ducked under the covers. When Ethan lay down, Zoey and Jonah snuggled in between their parents and closed their eyes.
“I think a king-sized bed was the right choice,” Olivia yawned, closing her eyes and pulling the covers up to her chin.
“Are we gonna have to take medicine?” At the thought, Zoey wrinkled her nose.
Ethan shook his head. “It wouldn’t help a stomach virus. All you can do is stay hydrated and try to rest as much as possible.”
“Okay. Are you gonna get sick, too?”
“Daddy never gets sick,” Jonah reminded his sister.
Olivia snorted. “We’ll see if that theory is true in a few hours.”
By four in the morning, they had a pile of vomit-soiled clothes and sheets. Eventually, after a few hours and cups of ginger ale,  they drifted off to sleep and slept through the early morning hours without waking up to throw up.
Despite the long night, Ethan’s internal alarm woke him moments before sunlight spilled through the window blinds. He stifled a yawn and gently untangled himself from Jonah’s arm thrown across his chest and Zoey’s leg draped across his stomach.
He gathered the pajamas and bedding and started the washing machine, then emptied all of the trash cans and put clean bags in them in case they had a round two of last night’s occurrences.
An hour later, Olivia yawned as she joined him in the living room. “Did you call in?”
“Mm hmm. For both of us, and I called the school.”
“I’m lucky to have someone who’s programmed to run off of two minutes of sleep. I refuse to wake up before the sun when I have a day off.”
“Habit. I try, but my brain isn’t wired to sleep in on days I’m used to going to work.”
Olivia nodded as she opened the fridge and poured a small glass of ginger ale. She took a tentative sip, drinking it slowly in case her stomach decided to expel that, too. “The kids are still out cold. None of us have thrown up for over three hours.”
“The worst of it is probably over.”
“Well, we did have a doctor who made a night-long house call,” she chuckled. “Even if it meant letting three contagious people sleep in his bed all night.”
Ethan laughed quietly. “Sounds like a good doctor.”
Zoey and Jonah shuffled into the kitchen, both yawning and wearing Ethan’s old tee shirts from Hopkins. They climbed into their seats at the table. Ethan didn’t want them to risk unsettling their stomachs again, so he gave them each a cup of Pedialyte and some toast to try.
He poured himself a cup of coffee and raised the mug to his lips. When the scent of freshly brewed coffee hit his senses, he paused. Normally the smell was inviting in the morning, but today it made him blanch.
Olivia gave him a curious glance. “You look like I did last night.”
“I think I feel that way, too.”  Cringing, he set the mug down and poured a glass of ginger ale instead. He took a few sips, only to set it down moments later. Olivia followed him when he left the room and found him throwing up in their bathroom.
“I’d say I told you so, but I know that would be a little harsh right now,” she teased gently, laying her hand on his back.
Ethan winced in disgust and took a swig of mouthwash to get rid of the taste. “I suppose my ego had me convinced I wouldn’t get sick. I stand corrected.”
She squeezed his shoulder. “Well, I’m feeling better than I did last night, so I think I can manage Zoey and Jonah for now. They’ll probably just nap most of the day.”
“If you’re sure.”
“I am.” Taking over, Olivia gripped his shoulders and steered him toward the bed. She urged him to lie down and pulled the covers over him. “Let me get the kids settled in and I’ll be right back.”
She made her way to their bedroom door and paused, glancing back at him with an accusatory frown. “Oh, and by the way…. I told you so.”
Next Chapter
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