#she would. im sorry if this is character assassination . but she would. to me . she would do it. her and nott would do it
c-kiddo · 1 month
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"RPF is fine" - jester lavorre, 835pd, inventing yaoi in exandria
bonus image :
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mitsvriii · 6 months
"Nothing's New"
In which your partner is never going to pay attention to you, because they’re too focused on their dead lover
Bell’s notes: “writer bell goes too far with this fic-” im /j no ones gonna say that, angst powers pls work tho, like im asdlkfjawel;fjsd;jf;lska, i cant write dude, let me like, plan this out in my head before writing nonsense, LIKE BRO, feral over angst LORD, 100k likes and you get part 2 /jjjj, growling i love angst, MWHAHAHA, sorry ely, yuka, mhie, snob, and zee if you read this 😔😔😔, i listened to “IT Girl” while writing this 😋, got carried away with Ayato’s part oopsies, i believe Guizhong for the ladies but whatever 😔😔😔, cut out Wanderer & Childe in the end because i’m TIRED, not proofread
Story details: Ayato lowkey a bitch, scratch that highkey, reader has self-doubt, Neuvilette doesn’t mean to be mean he just ISSS, GUIZHONG DID NOTHING STOP MAKING HER THE ONE IN BLAME IN THESE ZHONGLI SCENARIOS, oh and I couldn’t be bothered with Xiao’s part like a quarter through he’s such a flexible yet straight character, it’s the way you can tell when I got lazy with each part, chance Xiao & Zhongli are gonna be ooc as i’ve never written anything but short headcanons for them before
Characters & Triggers: Ayato, Neuvilette, Xiao, & Zhongli;  reader has self-doubt, mention of death, mention of martial neglect
Reader details: female reader in Ayato’s part is explicit. female reader in Neuvilette’s part can be interpreted with the way you read it. the other parts, however, shouldn’t have a specified reader type. reader’s personality, race/ethnicity, height, physical descriptions, or anything of the sort is not mentioned. if anything is let me know and i’ll edit it. 
Ayato: No surprise the Yashiro Commissioner doesn’t pay attention to his new wife, the one that he didn’t marry first. You knew that he didn’t love you, and most likely never would because you were, in fact, the second pick. Actually, it was probably in the hundreds based on the amount of marriage arrangement offers Ayato had gotten considering he was one of the biggest figures in Inazuma. It didn’t matter, but he most likely picked you because your clan was a small one to put it lightly, so he most likely chose it, and you, because it wouldn’t be a hassle with the press. But of course, he would choose the person and clan that seemed, “easy”. It hurt seeing some of the people’s sympathetic stares, such as Ayaka’s, Thoma’s, and a few of the older women working in the estate. You got used to the lack of greeting from Ayato when he got off work, the lack of warmth beside you at night. You found it hilarious, although you were hysteric at the time as you had just found out that Ayato was off that day and neglected to see you, that he never, ever laid down in the same bed as you. It doesn’t matter no matter how hard you work around the estate, how long you sit up doing his work, which you soon quit once he yelled at you like a homeless dog, or even the distinct flower you made out of one of Ayato’s favorite sweets that he ignored. Not even a glance at your general direction, either. After a while, you decided to do some digging on his past wife, only to find out that she was in fact near perfect. Perfect reputation, perfect everything, to put it shortly. Shortly after asking Ayaka what happened to her, by pulling the sad, guilty wife card, you found out she was a victim of an assassination attempt that turned into a success. Of course, Ayato and his perfect wife would only be torn apart by death. It was poetic, and it made you sick. So what were you to do but endure the slow torture that you and Ayato’s marriage was? After all, nothing you could do could change how he felt about you. 
Neuvillette: The famous hydro dragon, at least to those who knew his ‘secret’. His past lover, unfortunately, died before him, no doubt to his immortality. Of course, you would soon die, maybe in a few decades but, hey, it wasn’t like he would miss you. You could only wait awake at night as Neuvillette went to fix himself his own meal, despite you staying up to cook him one and await for his return from work. It’s not that was the only time he never paid attention to you, after all the man had most likely been grieving his wife for centuries at this point in time. So what were you to do besides stay and watch this man be emotionally constipated around you? Why did he even marry you in the first place, then? It couldn’t be because his past wife resembled you, and it certainly wasn’t because you both acted the same. Was it because he needed someone to cling to? I mean, you weren’t exactly someone who seemed to not fit the criteria of a compassionate co-worker who would comfort Neuvillette in his times of distress. Did Neuvilette only come to you because you were his way of grieving? It would make partial sense, to cling to the nearest piece of comfort to help with the pain of loss. It made you feel like nothing but an object meant for his emotional wants, but in reality, that’s all you ever are and will ever be to him. 
Xiao: The famous adeptus long ago, had someone close to him. Shame they fell to waste during the archon wars, along with the other adepti. It was no surprise that everyone familiar with Liyue stories knew about the two of them together, which unfortunately included you. It didn’t pain you that much until your oh-so-loveable boyfriend got distracted by two kids playing with a Xiao lantern and one of her. After that, it only devolved into more. The lack of visits to your room in the inn, the lack of responses whenever you left your little notes for him near your meet-up place, and the extreme lack of thank-you-notes whenever you left Xiao almond tofu. It didn’t matter that you started to skip and completely ignore doing all of these things just to see if he would notice because the adeptus failed to appear in your room just to check in to see if you were okay. This behavior was unlike him, at least in the sense of him completely ignoring you. The only answer you could think of, that logically made sense, of course, was that he was reminded of his past loved one because of the run-in with the lanterns you two had while out in Liyue. So in terms, he seemed to disconnect with you because of the memories of his past significant other? You knew the adepti didn’t die peacefully, you could tell that much from the stories, so it wouldn’t be surprising if that also applied to Xiao’s past lover. There was nothing you could do about it though, because if you knew Xiao, he wouldn’t talk about her to you nor push her aside for you.
Zhongli: Guizhong. Of course, you were familiar with the name, everyone in Liyue was. Everyone might be a stretch considering the visitors and children, but the point’s been made. Morax and Guizhong were close. Close in a sense of possibly having relationship affairs but that was only explicit to you because of the way your lover would glace at glaze lilies. You couldn’t call him your lover, could you? Not with the way he would hum to the glaze lilies, the way his eyes would also drift away from you whenever you talked as you took strolls through Guilu Plains, and the way he would opt to tell stories of specific tales of his time as Morax, ones that included Guizhong in some way. It got to the point where you had to make up tasks that you had to do daily just to get away from the walks you two took, not to hear the different-yet-similar stories of Morax and totally not Guizhong. It was childish of you to be doing so, you had yourself convinced, as you couldn’t blame Guizhong for any of it. She had no part of this besides well, besides being your number one stressor for the past few weeks. It was tiring yet somehow for the sake of not wanting a glare or side-eye from Zhongli about his stories, which you never thought you’d get that tired of hearing, you kept your mouth shut, despite how hard it was. You knew it would only take so much more, though, before you said something about it. 
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ada7201 · 5 months
Assassin Sae au? Assassin Sae x reader? The reader is a sweet girl who is living a normal life. However, there is someone who hates the reader for some stupid reasons. The person is quite wealthy so they pay Sae to kill the reader. Sae changes his identity, so he can get close to the reader. However, the cold and uncaring assassin falls in love with the reader madly. He can't and would never hurt the reader. The thought of killing the reader hurts his heart very much. He doesn't care about the money or his job anymore. The reader is now his everything. Instead of killing the reader, he killed the person who paid him to kill the reader.
here you go, sorry it’s a little short and the ending is slightly rushed. I haven’t had a lot of motivation to write but i wanted to finish this one.
im finishing up a few more requests, but don’t forget to ask for anything you want me to write!!
just for the mission! sae x female reader
it all started with some rich girl’s maid calling Sae and asking a bunch of questions. what is this, some sort of interrogation? Sae sighed in annoyance.
“you want me to assasinate her? sure, okay. what?’s her name?” he’d ask, voice painfully monotone.
“l/n y/n. she goes to ___ university, and she’s the top of her class.” the maid spoke gently into the phone.
after a few more minutes of the maid telling Sae information about you, he finally hung up.
alright, this was going to be pretty simple.
all he had to do was change his name, enroll into your university, threaten a few people, get put into your class, conveniently being sat right next to you, and oh, yeah he likes that show too!
oh, what is his favorite character?
“um, i like them all…” he’d say, sharp teal eyes flicking over to your figure.
“l/n, Hitoshi! pay attention!” the professor would shout, eyebrows furrowed angrily.
you nodded furiously, straightening your posture as the teacher called you out. you really couldn’t fail this course!
when the class ended, Sae had approached you. he smoothly started a conversation, adding a few sweet compliments here and there.
“so, you like that character too?” Sae would ask, slim fingers reaching out to gently tug at the keychain hung on your laptop case.
you smile happily, thinking of your favorite character. they’re just so cool!
“yeah!” you respond, turning over to Sae.
the next day, you didn’t come to class. great, now it would take longer for him to kill you.
“i’m so sorry i’m late, miss!” you say, bursting through the doors of the classroom, and interrupting her speech about “paying attention in class”
“l/n!” your teacher’s voice is surprised, her eyes widening at the way you ran back to your seat.
she simply sighed, she was getting too old for this job.
the class went by normally, apart from the fact there was a new character next to you.
“l/n.” Sae would whisper, leaning slightly closer to you.
he turned his head to you, only to be met with your sleeping face. how were you the top of the class when all you did was sleep?
it was so hard being this Hitoshi Sam person.
and just like that, class had ended again.
has he gotten closer to you? no.
“l/n!” Sae’s voice was loud as he called out for you, jogging slightly as he tried to catch up with you.
no reply.
“l/n!” he’d repeat, getting a bit closer to your walking form.
you were in your way home, listening to your favourite music through your headphones with a sweet smile tugging at your lips.
you’d softly hum to the tune, gasping when you feel a hand on your shoulder.
“l/n!” Sae says, pulling your headphones off of your ears.
“ah! Hitoshi!” your e/c eyes widen at Sae’s sudden appearance, your body flinching slightly. “hello!”
“hello. it sure took you a while to respond.” Sae would chuckle. “where are you heading?”
“home.” you respond, chuckling with Sae at his remark. “you wanna come over?”
the two of you reached your apartment, the door opening with a quiet creak.
Sae’s eyes scanned the area, eyes narrowing at the large windows.
“you like it?” you’d ask, closing the door to your apartment and locking it.
“yeah, it’s really nice.” Sae would respond.
(“and way too open.”) was what he wanted to add.
“anyways, do you want any food?” you say, making your way to the kitchen after taking off your shoes.
Sae sighed, if he was going to kill you he might aswell do it with a full stomach.
“sure.” he’d shrug, before taking his shoes off and following after you.
“what would you like?”
Sae had to be honest, you had almost nothing in your fridge. how were you even surviving like that?
“sorry, i don’t have much. the student life is pre-tty hard, you know?” you joke, turning back to look at Sae
he chuckled in response.
after an hour or two of you both chatting and playing a few games, Sae realised that he had to get this done.
“it’s getting a bit late,” he’d say, standing up.
“oh, you’re right! sorry for keeping you.” you’d apologise, smiling sheepishly as you stood up with him.
“it’s alright, i’m not planning to leave yet.” he smiles in response. “hey, do you have a room with less windows? the lights from outside are actually a little blinding.” he’d lie, looking over to you.
“oh, yeah, i do! my room.” you say cheerfully, feeling slightly happy that Sae won’t be going just yet.
Sae followed after you and into your room, and of course, you had a large window in there too.
guess he’d have to do the job somewhere else.
the rest of the evening went by pretty fast, and Sae had actually … enjoyed it?
“okay, bye! be safe!” you wave Sae goodbye, smiling sweetly before closing the door.
after that, Sae had attempted many times to bring you different places that are easier to finally finish his job, but none of them ever worked out.
he only ended up liking you more.
“so, y/n.” Sae would say, draping his arms over the back of your couch. “would you… wanna go watch a movie sometime?” he asked, a faint blush on his cheeks.
you both went out on dates, and soon a year went by.
Sae still hadn’t killed you.
even if he could, he wouldn’t.
you were just too sweet.
“y/n.” Sae would start, eyes drifting up to yours as he stood in front of you.
“yes?” you smile.
“will you be my girlfriend?” he’d ask.
he knew it was the right time to ask, since the mission had just been cancelled - probably because he couldn’t finish it - and he had realised that he actually…
liked you.
it’s not like he could help it, anyone would like you!
you’re pretty, sweet, and funny - the thought of hurting you makes him physically sick.
it hurts him that the only reason he got close to you was because he was gonna kill you - how could he do that?
“really?!” you beam, cutting off Sae’s thoughts.
he nodded.
“yeah, i’ll be your girlfriend!”
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bwabys-scenarios · 3 months
Y’all im so sorry I’ve been inactive I’ve just been feeling kinda depressed and scared I’m losing my HXH hyperfixation :,( it’s the only thing I felt really motivated to write for so uh yeah.
I’m slowly getting back into it by writing out ideas for fantasy and infected AUs… so like any input or ideas are 100% welcome. AND BY THAT I MEAN PLEASE ASK ME QUESTIONS OR COMMENT IDEAS OR STORYLINES YOU’D LIKE TO SEE BECAUSE IT WOULD HELP SO MUCH!!! PLS!!
Fantasy AU so far:
Reader is a princess that just escaped the palace she grew up in with her elf knight, Kurapika. The place was overtaken with demons, and now she has to escape because she’s the only person that knows how to permanently kill a demon. She meets other HXH characters along the way and they join her party :3 examples: Leorio the paladin, Killua the ex demon assassin that was sent to kill her, and Gon the dragon tamer
Infected AU so far:
About twice a year the main four gather at Reader’s house to catch up and hang out since they all have busy lives now. Reader gets a strange call from Leorio, where she can barely make out a cryptic warning. She hand up since she couldn’t hear him well, and was about to start worrying when Kurapika is the first one to show up. They chill and watch TV, then get a strange emergency broadcast on the TV telling them to stay inside… along with them both getting an alert from the Hunter Association asking for all Hunters to come to the city. They’re at a loss for what to do.
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lazyalani · 11 months
Hello, I hope you're well! I hope I'm not bothering you, but if I understood correctly then you currently have requests open for Black Butler?
If I'm wrong, please feel free to delete this ask. I appreciate you taking the time to read it regardless!
If I'm not, then may I please request for Black Butler? I have all kinds of ideas myself about a situation where Ciel brings in another member of staff to help Mey-Rin out with cleaning since she can be clumsy quite often. That being said, the person (Mc, reader, whoever you wish to refer to them as) isn't strong or spiritual or really that special of a person. Borderline Mary Sue with how normal their life seems, but maybe they could have something more to them than just being a normal human. How would some of the characters react to/interact with them? (Preferably romantic headcanons if that's okay, if not then feel free to change it however you wish!) My favorite characters at the manor are Snake and Sebastian, but if you want to add someone different feel free! If you only take one character per request, then can it please be Sebastian?
No pressure, no rush, you don't have to accept this. Thank you for reading my request anyway! I hope you have a lovely rest of your day, please take care of yourself and stay safe! 😊
| Black Butler [Phantomhive Estate]
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| When Ciel brings in an assassin as a servant
| i was a little bit confused to what you meant as 'more than a normal human' but i assumed they aren't supernatural but not a normal civilian either, i hope this is okay, gosh im so nervous about this, but i love this request, i got this when i was in rites rehearsal in school lol, only a few dialogues, oc is gender neutral, i wasnt sure if i should put reader or oc but ig oc would fit more i hope its okay, this could also be read as reader cuz its gn anyway, i wanted to write this is fic form but i figured it would be too long, im sorry i couldn't do snake because im not really that familiar with him, this is my frist time taking up this kind of request, mixing up an assassin and romance is a bit confusing so sorry if i dont live up to your expectations, mc is referred to as 'they/them'
Ft. Ciel, Sebastian, Mey-Rin
| Kuroshitsuji Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
Extra Note: I was a lot more motivated to write this cuz you're so sweet :') lots of thanks and hugs for you
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CIEL [Platonic]
Ciel encountered them during a mission as the guard dog. An assassin sent to kill him, who ofcourse, failed due to his demonic butler. After suffering an utter defeat on Sebastian's hands, Ciel had a risky idea of bringing them back with him to add to his army servants. He has seen great potential. Although Sebastian had not been fully pleased as it was risky because they were literally sent to kill them, he had respected his master's wishes but kept an eye on them. Waking up to an unknown bedroom and then suddenly being offered a chance to work for someone you were assigned to kill before was definitely surprising for them, but after observing how the 'job' works, they reluctantly accepted.
They weren't good at doing the housework, but they weren't bad either for someone who had just started to work. Still confused, they kept observing Ciel, wondering why they were even offered the job despite almost assassinating him.
"Young Master, may I ask a question?" They asked during dinner time, dusting shelves near the dining table.
"Because you're useful."
"Pardon me?"
"The answer to your question. You were going to ask why I had offered this to you, were you not?" He calmly sipped his tea, then lowering the cup to let Sebastian fill it. "Failed, but not helpless. Surely you understand why I have 'servants' like you, don't you? You'd prove to be a good ally against those pests."
".... Thank you, young master."
"You have yet to prove your full loyalty, show me your devotion, servant."
"Gladly, Earl Phantomhive."
And so they brought back the heads of their former client and their agency employer. With a few days of Sebastian still keeping an eye on them, they had slowly but surely earned the whole manor's trust.
They had soon gotten used to how their job works. Although still a bit clumsy, they had done their best to serve the Earl, gaining fondness for the child. Despite what others think, it was quite easy to have affections for the young master, whether it's out of sympathy or slowly just getting to know him. They understand what draws the other servants to their master. The Earl was cunning and ruthless, but he was still infact a child and in need of support. So they had grown to get used to taking care of him by doing simple actions and words, serving him with gentleness and fondness.
"Young Master, is the blood yours?"
"Young Master, please let me tend to your bruises."
"Young Master, it is time to eat."
"Young Master, what should I tell Sebastian to prepare?"
"Young Master, Bard has made something explode again, please civer your nose from the smoke."
"Young Master, I heard this tea is good for soothing headaches."
"Young Master, I believe it is time to rest."
As an assassin, they understand what it's like to kill. To have a shitty and frustrating background. To have to kill to survive and get what you want. To have to be cautious everytime. To not affording to let your guard down knowing the dangers of your world.
And so they are cautious and wary of anyone getting close to him. A visitor or anyone that's not originally a part of his life before. They always keep them, hence why they requested to have a slight change on their uniform to hide it.
They had heard his story from the other servants and came to an understanding of what Ciel really wants to do, to achieve. Revenge, and if it means protecting the boy and letting him live as much as he can, they will help him towards that goal.
It's only when they are in a mission and they are involved that Ciel is reminded that they are a professional assassin still.
It does make him more confident that while Sebastian is out fighting the main enemy or hunting someone, they can protect him, not letting any other enemy near him and killing them all before they can even take a step forward. It gives him chills, the same ones he feels when Sebastian shows his true abilities. It terrifies him that a human could kill so easily like a demon, and relieves him that he took them in.
Eventually, Ciel has gotten used to their subtle (not really) smothering and protectiveness. He was bothered at first, but he just let it be until he does get used to it, it's a great balance to Sebastian's sarcastic and teasing nature at times. And althought he would never admit it, he does look forward to getting pampered after a long day or mission and not get teased for it (Sebby srlsy).
SEBASTIAN [Romantic]
When he doesn't trust them yet, he sees them as a potential formidable enemy. They may not have defeated him, but they still put up quite the fight for a few minutes. Although defeated, not completely. They might not be a danger for him but they are great danger to his master, being inside the estate and meddling with other servants. He does find them a bit interesting. Normal people may not see it, the assassin's face is neutral, but their eyes are readable, atleast to him. It interests him how their eyes keep on changing emotions, curiosity, observant, interested, empathetic, understanding, sympathetic, pleased, distressed, frustrated, disagreeing, surprised. It interests him how much a human could keep on changing through so many emotions in a short time, and manage to keep it hidden under a neutral mask. And it interests him how they could keep such a calm manner while suspecting something about him.
Sebastian could see it in their eyes whenever they see or interact with him. Cautious, observing, curious. He knows they suspect he isn't human. Ofcourse, what human could do those things he did during their fight. But still, they had kept quiet about it and never asked questions, atleast not verbally. Sebastian could see so many questions hidden in their eyes, and it amuses him to see how they try to keep those questions in. It amuses him how they could really reign their own thoughts and questions despite seeing and interacting with him everyday.
When they had gained his trust, he lets his guard down just a little bit more. He admits, he finds it comforting to finally have someone competent enough in the household to help him. It's not that he really needs help, it's just that he finds it quite a bother and annoying to do every chore while doing his tasks as the Guard Dog's 'assistant' or something.
It's not really a secret that Sebastian finds it easier to be around them than the others. The way his stiffness is nowhere to be found around them, and his voice seems to be less strict. He knows and he doesn't really care when even the Earl points it out. He claims it should serve as a motivation for the others to start working harder if they don't want him to always nag them. Ofcourse he and Ciel knows there's more to it but they don't care (though Ciel definitely would save his thoughts about it for future purposes).
After a while, their curiousty does fade into just being neutral and not giving a shit about who he is or what he is. Despite having suspicions, they let it be because knowing he keeps their master safe is enough. Although they are a bit wary to how he is connected to the young master, they decide to push it down.
Sebastian and them act like normal co-workers as time passes.
"Goodmorning, Sebastian."
"Goodmorning. Has the utensil shelf been polished upstairs?"
"I did that yesterday, shall I do it again?"
"No need. Have the pests been taken care of? There were quite a few crawling around yesterday night."
"They have, I laid them in the 'garden' and let the others clean up. I will check on it again later to make sure the job is done perfectly."
"Good job. Make sure everything is fine while the young master and I take care if everything outside for later."
"Yes. Is the young master still asleep? He didn't overwork himself again, didn't he?"
"It seems that he quite did, seeing as he is still asleep right now and not calling for me. I shall get him ready for the day, I'll leave you to do the rest."
Sebastian does prefer interacting with them than anybody else. Okay, maybe not normal co-workers, but the most normal talk murderers pretending to be servants could do. He prefers talking to them more than any servant because they understand how he talks about the things that aren't meant to be said around anyone else. They have the intelligence Sebastian wants a subordinate to have and he's quite greatful for it. It pleases him that he can now take a little bit more time outside the manor without worrying about it burning down or the young master's safety.
Afterall, their new servant is very skilled in doing their job.
But the main reason it that because he could show sides of himself that aren't meant to be seen even by the other servants. While he may not show his true nature, he does show a little bit of non-human capabilities. Not needing to worry about it makes things easier for him, also because they can cover for him at tines. Their neutral and usual they don't care nature puts him at ease. And them being an assassin definitely adds more ease. Knowing how to kill, and anything that involves it makes it easier for him to slip out and ask a bit help.
It reaches to the point where interacting with them puts him at ease after a long day or after an annoying event. Sebastian is definitely more comfortable around them than anyone else.
He does know what it means. He knows what the little tingle feeling he feels when he hears their voice. He knows what the ease on his back means when he sees them. And he doesn't mind at all. It feels good so why would he deny it? Although it could propose a few problems in the future, but he'll worry about it when it gets there.
When he realizes it, he gets a little more softer on them.
"Job well done as usual."
"After dusting that, you may take a rest."
"Have you eaten? The food I made a while ago is still fresh."
"Ah, do be careful dealing with those pests, they might be quite a handful."
"I imagine you might be tired from dealing with those cockroaches, the tea is still hot, it is good for body pains."
And yes, other people do notice. And yes, Ciel does know, and he doesn't give a shit as long as it doesn't interfere with their missions and tasks. Plus, it gives him opportunities to tease his butler back.
It also adds that whatever is going on will not have to interfere with his tasks to his master because he knows full well that they can protect theirself, the household, and the young master. They are a professional assassin and does not need protection and direct orders and intructions to kill and hunt.
In any case, Sebastian and them would deal with their growing affections slowly and quietly, letting it grow further while letting the each other savor it.
As times passes by, Sebastian does get a little bit more bold with his words and actions. He grows quite more confident when they reciprocate his advances.
All in all, Sebastian was drawn to them because he can show a little more if his true self around them. Because despite disgusing as a servant, they don't exactly differ from when they act as an assassin or a servant. They don't lose their personality and turn into a normal person when changing roles. They are competent in any role they take and know what needs to be done, how to talk about house chores and how to talk about other things, when to meddle, what to do, what needs to be left unasked, how to deal with their emotions efficiently, and does not get distracted by the slights of things.
MEY-RIN [Platonic]
Mey-rin sees them as an older sibling.
Sure they might be monotone and apathetic at most times, but their caring nature makes her think otherwise.
"Mey-rin, be careful, you might fall down."
"Please don't move too much, you might get injured."
"Ah, use this instead of that, this is more effective."
"Oh, don't do that, it will make blood flow out more."
They definitely scare her when they are at the battlefield. Those emotionless eyes and monotone voice are more terryfing than everything when they hold their katana and slash through the enemies. The thought of them being their ally when they keep enemies from coming at her makes her calm.
Merciless, definitely. But she sees them a bit different inside the manor. Those scary eyes are replaced by a neutral face. They rarely smile but she can see their caring actions towards everyone, especially towards their young master.
She was definitely more than happy to know that they can live up to Sebastian's standards in doing house chores because they definitely need help. Although she is ashamed and embarassed to be outdone and to ask for help from a new servant, she can't help but do it and admire them. She can't help but ask them to teach her, and she was happy to know that they agreed.
"I see, instead of doing that, I think you should do it sideways so the duster can cover everything."
"Try cleaning in a more staright posture so you don't fall down."
"How about starting at the top so you don't fall down bending when you start at the bottom of the stairs?"
"I am glad to be of help."
She does look up to them so much. She is very glad that they are as competent in the house chores as they are in the battlefield.
When she observes then, she can quite see the similarities of when they are outside. They still have that stealth when they are walking, that swiftness and speed when doing chores, the effiency when doing tasks, and the quality when doing everything.
It honestly terrifies her how they can just kill so easily without any trace of emotion and pretend to be a normal servant as though nothing happens at night.
Despite obviously having a crush on their resident visual butler, he also does intimidate her in a way the new servant does.
The new servant does make her a little bit more scared, but it brushes of everytime she sees and hears them taking care of everyone. It makes her happy that under that apathetic face they wear, they truly care for all of them. And it makes her relieved that they aren't an enemy.
Ofcourse, she was wary of her before, all of them were. But they did see their improvement. From doing chores improvement to socializing improvement.
When they kind of 'nag' her to be careful on standing in chairs to dust the shelves and clean the stairs, she feels warm. It feels like having an older sibling nag at you to take care of yourself.
They also have the room next to Mey-rin, and when she has her nightmares about her past, they come comforting her. Despite the usual monotone of their voice, she can feel their concern. They may not be much of a talker, their comfort is quiet, but it's enough for her that they listen to her thoughts and worries and understand her.
They also remind her to change her glasses when it's near breaking. Or when she falls and breaks her glasses, they always offer to buy a new one and let her rest and tend to her small bruises.
All in all, she's glad to have someone who can be there for when she's sniper Mey-rin, maid Mey-rin, and sad Mey-rin.
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imgud · 1 year
Zhongli, diluc, kaeya, childe, albedo!
Reader and the characters have children!
Warnings: blood! Mentions of pregnancy! Albedo being horny!
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Let’s say the ex geo archon was shocked to find out his shy lover was a assassin.
Ofc he was stay worried about your safety as a assassin, but you always told him to stop worrying about you
He stayed up to late hours to greet you at the door whenever you came home late form a assassination!
He loved the way you would kiss his cheek everytime!
Ofc everytime one of your children asked what your job was you just lied about being a doctor.
You came home late very late. Stay covered in blood, then you heard a deep voice speak “welcome home my dearest.” Zhongli said your and his children asleep on his lap. “Ah my love hello sorry for coming home late tonight’s assassination was a bit hard-“ you said quietly, “my dearest I wonder what if one of our children take in your footsteps?” Zhongli said with a serious face. You froze was he gonna hit you? Or take your weapon away? OR MAYBE KILL YOU?! “I was joking you look so shocked it’s adorable.. I will go start the bath for you” he kisses your cheek and left the living room!
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poor diluc letted out a small scream-
We’re you working for the fatui?! Or the knights? He was confused who did you work for.
When he asked you went silent, when you told him you work for nobody and just do assassinations for clans and the knights
He was mostly worried did you assassin people while pregnant?! Why did you tell him before?! He was so worried.
When you made sure that you didn’t assassin anyone while pregnant he got calm and smiled. At least his children had a strong mother.
You came home very early- you thought your kids were asleep. You entered the living room and dropped your knifes and everything. They were lily and crepus were playing with they’re toys- “MAMA YOUR HOMEW!” Lily hugged your bloody dress. And crepus who was already 15 was shocked his mother was a ASSASSIN?! Then you three heard a angry voice, “hello {name} ragnivndr.” Diluc spoke, ah then you remember he told you to enter the winery form the back door and not the front door- WELL YOU GOT A VERY GOOD YELLING FOR YOUR HUSBAND-
And yes you and diluc named your first son after his father<3
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He was amazed. VERY AMAZED. That explains where you got this beauty form.
You didn’t even need to tell him because he already knew- he was looking for a shirt to wear after one of your devil tango nights and saw your knives-
He also loved to see with your and his daughter. You named her Marie because it was a beautiful name!
Your daughter also knew about your secret she didn’t mind having a boss girl mom! “IM HOME!” You yelled scaring the fuck out of kaeya. Poor boy was having a good dream of finding his dad- Marie spoke “welcome home miss girlboss” you gave your daughter a bloody hug! “I guess you gotta chose! Be a assassin or a useless knight” you smirked at kaeya! At least how dangerous your job was your life was happy with your small family!
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Fell in love with you harder!
He wanted you to join the fatui! Then you two could assassin and be partners in crime right? RIGHT!
Ofc he never brought up who you worked for!
When you told him you were working for pantalone he had a BIG ASS MENTAL BREAK DOWN-
You didn’t even get the time to grab the mora form pantalone hands before he slammed the door open- “GET YOUR EMO HANDS OFF MY WIFE YOU FOUR EYES.” He yelled- and hugged you tightly and your poor son who was 13 had to watch him be a weirdo-
You kicked him in the balls dragged him by the ears out of pantalone office- pantalone spoke “everyday kid?” Your son Andrew spoke “yap now give me the mora four eyes.”
Ofc you apologized to pantalone so many times so so many times.
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He was shocked but so HORNY. He was horny to see you in your assassin clothes- ofc you never did.
He also drawed you killing people for fun- your poor 3 year old saw the drawings and had nightmares for MONTHS-
Ofc you gave albedo a good hard kick in the balls for that-
Albedo and your daughter Lina were watching a movie when you walked in covered in blood and much worse- she just hugged you “mama hi!” You picked her up. There is not much albedo does and your daughter got used to the smell of blood.
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joshy-tomato · 6 months
how much of a simp do you think arle would become when she learned what furina's done for fontaine?
i feel like for arle, only two things are important: her loved ones (she thought that it only included her children.. but now they're not the only ones she'll call that lol) and her motherland. so i just keep imagining just how conflicted she is, about her previous actions and thoughts of furina, and how contradicting her current feelings are!! oh the drama that would be happening inside arlecchino's heart I can't
also ngl im a bit salty that no one apologized to furina for what they've done. so imagine arle being actually the first one who said she's sorry. arle would just do it out of her parental habits but furina's mind is completely blown away by that🤯🤯
Ill say she becomes a big simp and a loser over Furina because again, I really enjoy bullying Arle for the assassination attempt. So you got this big fat crush for the girl you tried to murder? That you can barely talk to her without making a fool out of yourself and constanrlt scaring the shit out of your crush? Though luck, must be really akward.
Now that you bring Arle apologizing with Furina it remind a some kind of "conspiracy theory" I had for Arleccchino in the game. There is no way they don't make her playable, they have to make her playable eventually. And Genshin characters are product, so the version where she comes out they will have to sell her as hard as they can, and I feel like a great wat to do it have her apologize on screen to Furina. Like, I hope is not my Furina bias but I do feel like the opinion over Furina shifted after the Archon Quest and she as become pretty beloved or at least not as bad mouthed as she once was, and have this conflict between them could do bad to Arlecchino potential sells.
But that couls also be me exaggerating the importance Furina has, if people haven't notice, I have a bias. And people would absolutely pull for Arle because "Hot woman", im sure I will, my obsession with Arlefuri aside. And also they also could use her relationship with the Fontaine siblings, just ignoring the most questionable side of it.
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tangyangie · 1 year
How would the assassination classroom characters react to a thief s/o
Thank you for reading this request I hope you have a wonderful day/night/afternoon 💖🤗
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stealing your heart 🎧
characters. chiba, itona, & rio
description. how do they react to having a thief s/o?
notes. the description of thief was a little vague so i'm sorry if this isn't what you were expecting!! i can redo it if you want, just ask 🫶
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— c h i b a 🦉
he's very quiet. he may raise an eyebrow or two at your antics, but chooses not to acknowledge them too much.
once he's gotten to know you more and sees how much thievery you actually engage in, he gets a little more involved.
"do you want me to buy it for your instead?"
you play dumb, but he's extremely observant. he saw you take whatever you did.
so, after denying it for quite some time, you eventually gave it up. he paid for it. "wasn't that easier than trying to sneak it out?"
"it would've cost $13.18 less—"
he's just there to make sure you don't accidentally do something stupid where there's no need to.
he loves you just the same, but is always silently offering to help with whatever you need.
except for help on stealing something. in that case—you're on your own.
— i t o n a 🦑
he's very straightforward and blunt.
he notices everything you take. there could be a seed missing from a bag and he'd ask you about it.
is a little confused why you do it.
he eventually gets convinced to try it more as well.
that wasn't a good idea, because now you're both stealing everything from each other.
your pairs of fuzzy socks are no longer just yours. say goodbye to having clothes to yourself now.
helps make sure you never get caught. he hates losing, he's said it before. he doesn't want to lose you because you stole something.
honestly, though, he doesn't really mind. he broke through a wall on his first day. i don't think he cares if you steal an apple from the grocery store.
he just wants to make sure you always stay safe when you do it. the last thing he'd want is for you to get hurt.
— r i o 🦜
she's always been a tease, as well as mischievous.
i believe that she would joke around about this kind of thing with you.
she knows that you do it. she assumes you have your reasoning.
as long as you and no one else gets injured, she's okay with it. a little concerned about why you choose to steal, but okay with it.
she teases you if she catches you trying to take something from her.
"my eraser?? oh, y/n, you naughty, naughty person." she says with a gasp but a mischievous glint in her eyes.
you just look at her blankly and slowly put it back (or take it if it's candy).
it's okay though, because she loves you 🩷
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notes: AGHH IM SO SORRY this took forever 😭😭 it was pretty unique and since i don't write for these characters that much it was a little hard but it was fun!!
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pinkandpurple360 · 6 months
Im surprised Loona’s even the receptionst to begin with considering how badly her people skills suck. (I.e that entire hellhound party) but thats just my minor complaint. What im more hung up over is the idea of Stolas and Via working at I.M.P to begin with.
Like, ugh, I know it’ll probably happen in canon because Viv is that predictable and she already set up the possible idea of Stolas joining Blitz’s company in the Circus. Though if we’re going by that logic, Striker wouldve also been set up as a possible member of I.M.P considering Blitz straight up asked Striker to work for him. I wouldn’t say it’s completely out the window, but thats a topic for another day.
I just dont see Stolas joining I.M.P unless if its in some sort of healer role? And even then I dont really see it, its not like Stolas has extensive medical knowledge, all he has is magic, lmao. I dont think Octavia would vibe working with an assassination company either but eh, its either working with I.M.P or Blitz somehow becoming royalty despite being an imp and I’d rather have the lesser of two evils here. I’ll be shocked if Via and Stolas dont join I.M.P and just do their own thing after they inevitably live with Blitz and Loona by the end of this show.
To be fair anon, I’m just biassed because I adore Octavia and just want to see her out of her fathers shadow for five seconds, without dying or being vilified.
Personally I think the grimoire is a deeply under-utilised tool in the series, it can do so much more than make portals like Asmodean crystals can and has a lot more ancient powers that can be used.
Please don’t remind me of them teasing Striker to join IMP I was so excited when he said it at the time I nearly screamed only for it to not be true :/ stolas has no chemistry with any character. Like at all. Any of them. Not even Via anymore. He only has an interesting dynamic when arguing with Stella.
Sorry Stolas I don’t think you qualify.
Also ew please stop hurting me with that cursed imagery. I’ll be shocked in a good way if that doesn’t happen.
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kxmpfflieger · 18 days
Hey, you made me feel sad for your dies-in-every-timeline-TF OC and I would love some more thoughts and lore about her plz. I will fill a cup with my tears if it pleases you
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Dumping all my thoughts under the cut cause this might get long! Sorry if the writings feel scattered.
Her name is Wraith, a Decepticon with a motorcycle as an alt mode. She favours stealth above all, so she prefers to fight with swords rather than blasters.
I havent finished all the IDW comics so I can confidently only speak on her Prime lore -- She's on board the Nemesis practically from day one. Wraith gets pushed around a lot (mostly by Starscream) because she hates practically every word that comes out of his mouth. She's very much like a stubborn teenager so anyone trying to command authority over her just gets on her bad side. Despite Megatron, who has managed to earn her respect (also cause yk. hes scary)
Other bits of lore include
shes besties with Knockout and Breakdown, mainly beacuse they're also land vehicles like her (shes incredibly emotionally avoidant so even this bit of friendship is an achivement).
She's close to Soundwave mostly by proxy of my other oc Pulseblade fussing over her like a mother (I ship Pulse and SW so thats how he ends up being tied to Wraith)
Airachnid freaks her the fuck out. I think TFP Starscream is very "bark and no bite", whereas Airachnid really isnt that, so where threats from Screamer dont really do anything to Wraith, when they come from Airachnid she's more likely to take them seriously.
Wraith has a bad history with being abused and mistreated from the war back on Cybertron, which has caused all kinds of problems w emotional attachments (and behavioural issues)
Starscream ends up killing her at some point in the series. He makes it seem like an accident and blames it on the Autobots. Pulseblade takes it the worst out of everyone, even if she's comforted by Knockout on the matter (this is sometime after Breakdown is also killed). I think this will lead Pulseblade to defect, essentially giving up on the war. In my head she somehow finds out Wraith was assassinated by Starscream (maybe by Rachet, since they used to be coworkers at some point so she'd be more inclined to believe him) which will then lead her to become an Autobot.
Because Wraith dies in Prime she'd also not show up in RiD, although Pulse does make a return. I think it'd be fun for Wraith to haunt the narative in some way. Wraith is also dead in Earthspark, and Shattered Glass. ES Megatron and Bee remember her fondly so maybe her memory gets to inspire the Terrans or something.
I REALLY LOVE THE TERRANS every bit of me wants Wraith to be around for Earthspark for the character interactions but ooouhghghh omg i love angst :(( idunnoo
i just generally am fascinated by the post-war cybertron narrative, which is why im debating her place in earthspark and i want her alive in the idw continuity
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cestacruz · 2 months
I want to learn more about the master Artoria Au
It's quite more extensive than Just the Holy Grail War
The lineup until now is
Saber: Musashi and Iori Miyamoto (Master(s) in the works)
Archer: James Moriarty (Master is Cassidy, i already posted something bout her)
Lancer: (Might be) Qin Liangyu (master in the works)
Rider: Ludwig van Beethoven (I already have her master but i refuse to post about them for now. I need dignity. I'll say two words to describe them tho: Hatsune Miku)
Caster: Zeno of Elea (no master yet)
Assassin: Hassan of the Shining Star (no master yet either) (also funnily enough, ive had Shining Star in this AU since two years ago, so imagine my surprise when he got released LMAO)
And well, Berserker: Queen Guinevere (and yknow, master Arturia)
It's sorta a modern AU but not at the same time, i'll put a cut here because its long and i ramble
It's not a Forced project to bring Arthur back like with Gray but the alternate name i use for this AU in my notes is "The Once and Future King" so...
History repeating itself sorta thing but without the doomed narrative (unless.) (Haha just kidding...) (...unle--)
The "pendragon|orkney" family does exist (as in mom(igraine)(she's alive), dad(uther)(he left them), morgan and lot, and nephews and nieces (morgan lost a bet to 5 year old arturia and had to name her kids after the knights) and more arthuriana characters are scattered around too, but they dont have an importance to the HGW part of the AU, with the exception of a few
They still call her Arturia (TECHNICALLY they call her Arthuria, because i love that name and no one will take it from me) because the few years that Uther was with them, he called Arturia "Arthur" because he wanted a boy and he couldnt cope (theres the History repeats itself motif and also misogynistic men like that still exist), so Morgan used Arthur*ia* as a nickname, and it stuck
This is where i will confess that im thinking of using a different name for Arturia, i already Kinda do in my notes. As in legal name (thinking of Aurlyn, which is similar but different enough). I would be doing the same with some of the Orkney siblings whose names would not be as common in the modern world or too obvious a reference, while still being named after the knights (Gareth would stay as Gareth cuz thats literally still a mormal name people use, but a name like Agravain or Mordred arent as common, ig. Or Gawain. And Gaheris. Actually only Gareth has a mormal fcking name)
ALSO mordred is Morgan and Lot's kid in this. No weird cloning in my modern AU. Genetics from the pendragon hit hard tho, they still look like Arturia
Actually idk what else to say rn, theres some more stuff but its escaping my mind, so little random stuff
Arturia's family has little to no mage relation currently, but they still have mage blood and sht
Also Merlin manipulated Morgan(modern) using her literal dreams, into freeing him from Avalon and he used to that hang out with little kid Arturia at the park (everyone hates him/chases him away)
The reason why Cath Palug is there is because this AU follows the F/SN timeline, which is a timeline in which Chaldeas never formed. Therefore, Fou never learned to love people, teehee. He only learned to hate Merlin and King Arthur (?)
Also theres a modern Guinevere, tho her name is literally just Gwen, and Arturia and her met during high school Time but they werent Actually classmates (think like, tournaments or trips to other school/places). I called her "arturia's high school crush" in the tags of a previous ask but they are still friends and talk a lot
And yeah , thank u and i am, Very happy that you asked bout it
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shellibisshe · 1 year
–oc tag game
tagged by @corvosattano @jackiesarch @marivenah @nuclearstorms @leviiackrman @nightbloodbix @chuckhansen and @queennymeria thank you all!
i think this has made it's rounds but tagging @loriane-elmuerto @jendoe @florbelles​ @unholymilf @denerims @risingsh0t @indorilnerevarine @lizzywizzy @ladysanjo @teamhawkeye @benwishaw @ghostfvcker and anyone else!
buckle up yall im going to get sappy. also super ungodly long post under the cut IM SAPPY
– favorite oc.
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spencer clarke [the quarry]
i say it a lot but. she is me i am her. like actually, spencer has only been an oc for like a week and she has taken such a tight hold on my brain. I pour a lot of myself into my ocs, but i think spencer is the oc that has really gotten the most. she is the closest to a self insert i think out of all of them, she shares a lot of my behaviors and such. but she is just so fun for me to talk about (im sorry to lori and aj) and figuring her out has been such a blast.
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amara owens [infamous: second son]
MISS AMARA CELESTE OWENS. I've had her for as long as i've had the fc5 clowns, or maybe even longer. Amara is an oc that makes me really happy. for a while, i never knew where i wanted to put her; i tried making her a multifandom oc but it just didn't feel right. then i played infamous: second son and it felt like everything just clicked with her. she's one of my most important ocs, no one else have i played the same game 6 times for.
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marian ramos de-león [red dead redemption 2]
ms marian is also one of my oldest ocs, she's a little younger than the fc5 clowns, but she's also one of my favorites. she's another really fun character for me to think about. it was so fun to play the game and know exactly where she would be and what she would say. while i haven't done much with her canon or sadie au, making this new, spooky au for her was some of the most fun i've ever had with an oc. using concepts that i've always been a fan of but never really used has been so fun and it all clicks so well with marian
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sylvie green [call of duty: modern warfare 2019]
my child whom i share custody of with lori. she has been one of my favorites for almost a year now, another one that has helped me figure out some stuff about myself, and like spencer she truly did grab onto my brain and has not let go. i never thought i'd make an oc for cod, let alone like,,,22 including side characters. half the fun has been getting to bounce ideas off of lori, and sylvie is absolutely one of those ideas. most things about her-- her name, her face, her backstory, even her ship-- are all lori's amazing ideas and i am so happy to have both of them in my life.
honorable mentions: elenore parker, hanan shepard, iseul jeong, corinne sorrell
– newest oc.
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spencer clarke [the quarry]
like i said! i've only had spencer for like,,,4 days i think atp. but i love her a lot. with it being summer time here, i started thinking about the quarry again and jacob those that have been here u know i see a himbo i have to make a partner for them and decided it might be fun to make an oc for a horror game for a change! and i'm really happy i did.
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jackie castillo [marvel]
more of lori's influence, seeing them talk about Asra and the rest of their marvel ocs made me want to make my own. Jackie is still a bit of a wip, but i love her all the same and i really do need to do some development on her.
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blake liu [marvel]
my other marvel girlie. even more of lori's influence. Riri's roommate turned fellow kidnappee turned girlfriend. Asra's adopted daughter. Blake is so many things but everything clicks so well for her. another one i need to develop more, but i am so happy to have her as well.
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thalia [assassin's creed: odyssey/origins]
thalia's some kind of phoenix-rising-from-the-ashes deal, but in a like, i scrapped one oc and made her. when i was overhauling Amara, i decided her assassin's creed au didn't really work, but i wanted an oc for odyssey so bad; so enter Thalia. she's one of my more stick in the mud characters but i still love her a lot.
honorable mentions: daphne palmer, silas kane, noah callaghan, andy kwan, rhea dawn
– oldest oc. (also; the favorites pt.2)
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elenore parker [far cry 5]
you all knew she'd be here. the blueprint. the very first clown. the batshit insane queen herself. the reason i made this blog. Elle has been through a lot. and i've been through a lot at the same time. she's been there for me as a creative outlet through a lot of bullshit and i am so thankful for her. making her let me deal with some of my own trauma in a way. she's one of the only ocs that i shove into different ships and aus, and every one just works so well for her. she's gotten a bit of an overhaul recently and i'm even more happy with her now.
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emily parker [far cry 5]
i can't talk about Elle without Emily. Emily is also a very self inserty character but she's also someone i wish i could be somehow. I don't lean on her as much as i lean on Elle, but i enjoy messing with her every time i do. she's an older oc, but there's still things that are up in the air about her namely if i will ever commit to shipping her with Wheaty.
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margo seed [far cry 5]
Margaret Elizabeth Seed, the only oc i have argued with someone about. she was the very first ship kid, such a commanding presence; ever since making her it almost felt like she made herself if that made sense? another one that things just really clicked with; she's also my first aroace oc, and that has become very important to me. she stands on her own, she's another one that i want to be like when i grow up.
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daniel seed [far cry 5]
the second ship kid. Daniel almost didn't exist, but i decided Margo could benefit from a narrative foil of sorts. he was a bit of a hassle, he was my first male oc and as such i couldn't land on a face claim for the longest time which was really frustrating for me. he and Margo are both such fun characters to write for, i love how i've managed to make them so similar and so different at the same time.
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warren armstrong [far cry 5]
Warren was made at the same time, or close to the same time, as Daniel. he's the first oc that I have actually come up with a family for though, and that has become somewhat of a trend because of him. Warren took a second to really figure out, but he fits in so well with the twins and their shenanigans once i did. I don't talk about him nearly as much as i should, but he is also one of my favorites.
honorable mentions: fern solace, ashlee burrell, katherine boyer, judith burch, kennedy ryder, amara owens
– meanest oc.
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ines cousland [dragon age origins]
I have a lot of violent or manipulative ocs (i think, at least), but none of them are on the level that Ines is. Ines walks around with a sort of chip on her shoulder about the world she lives in. she's composed and calculating and power hungry. she makes a lot of cruel and sort of impulsive decisions as a warden, but she is always one step ahead of those that challenge her. she knows she has enemies and she will stop at nothing to ruin their lives just for the fun of it. she's also incredibly ambitious as well; she wanted to be one of, if not the most, powerful people in Thedas, and she would stop at nothing to get herself there.
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rhea dawn [fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood]
Rhea is not nearly as malicious as Ines is but she has her moments. she's not technically a villain, but she's also not really going out of her way to help the heroes either. she's never really had any second thoughts about her actions, she will take her own side before anyone else's. she knows she's one of the most powerful alchemists in the world, and if that inspires some fear then so be it.
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levi choi [call of duty: modern warfare 2019]
he has to be here, but he's not really that mean compared to the two above. Levi's that friend that is always brutally honest, the one that you just want to fight sometimes because of it. he's not afraid to say what he thinks, he never writes a check that his ass can't cash, and you will hear about it if you piss him or his friends off.
honorable mentions: raina hawke, scott ryder, morgan brooks, noah callaghan, althea elowen, minerva siobhan, katherine boyer, shannon turner
– softest oc.
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melanie vargas [the last of us]
Mel is another oc that got somewhat of an overhaul. when hbo tlou came out, i decided i didn't like the direction i went with her, so i scrapped it and started over. she turned out a lot softer this time, being reworked to be one of the friendliest faces of Jackson now. she is a bit more of a background character now because of her role in the universe, but i think that works out better for her.
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amara owens [infamous: second son]
my favorite daughter here once again. Amara is one of the softer characters in the main cast of second son but that's not to say she's a pushover either. she would do anything for her friends, she would give anything to help a stranger. she's just one of those ocs that radiates a lot of positive energy and light.
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kennedy ryder [mass effect: andromeda]
another one that's soft but is not a pushover. Kennedy would do anything to help anyone in need, but she will not let her kindness be taken advantage of by anyone. she's seen a lot, she's been through a lot, but she doesn't let it get to her. she's also the resident optimist of the gang, which can be a blessing and a curse.
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nettie hayes [red dead redemption 2]
nettie, however, is too soft for her own good. maybe. she's the most optimistic oc of mine, always has her rose colored glasses on. in her mind, her world is a lot more idyllic than it is. she is a bit of a pushover as well; she can recognize when she's being screwed over but she won't do anything about it. she wears her heart on her sleeve and is probably the most sensitive of my ocs
honorable mentions: veris lavellan, bea morgan, daphne palmer, taylor ross, daniel seed
– most aloof/standofish oc.
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arden [potion permit]
she's quiet, she keeps to herself, she doesn't say much. Arden's not like this because of something that's happened to her, i think you could say; moreso, it's her line of work that made her like this. Arden tries to not get attached because she knows most people she deals with will only be in her life a short period of time. most people, not all of them.
honorable mentions: rhea dawn, spencer clarke, thalia, katherine boyer, ines cousland, nadine hayek
– dumbest (affectionate) oc.
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veris lavellan [dragon age: inquisition]
Veris Rila, my first inquisitor, one of the dimmest lightbulbs in my chandler but she still shines. she is the very definition of 'just trying her best.' she's smart in her own way, one that does not make sense to anyone but herself. she's also impulsive, almost out of spite at this point.
honorable mentions: daniel seed, margo seed, blythe trevelyan, silas kane
– smartest oc.
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gwen khoury [uncharted]
Dr. Gwendolyn Mila Khoury, Ph.D. Gwen learns shit just for the fun of it honestly, and she will spout off if given the chance. she is incredibly, and sometimes annoyingly, curious. Gwen will pick up a new language or skill just to learn something new.
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hanan shepard [mass effect]
another knowledge sponge, Hanan loves to learn about anything she can get her hands on. ship engineering, biotics, alien languages-- Hanan will find something new to learn whenever she can. and she will not hesitate to info dump on the nearest person.
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andy kwan [tomb raider]
Andy! another incredibly bright mind. she's working on her masters in ecosystems ecology for much of the tomb raider shenanigans, and she uses these trips for her own personal research. she's not quite on the 'learning something new just for shits and gigs,' but that does not stop her from constantly taking in some knowledge somehow
honorable mentions: amara owens, ethan moreno, taylor ross, spencer clarke, emily parker, iseul jeong, daphne palmer, nadine hayek, alicia rossi, jules rossi, blake liu, arden
– oc you'd be friends with irl.
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spencer clarke [the quarry]
we're ending where we started. i put spence in this category because i really do mean it when i said she is me. her behavior and personality is so similar to my own. she's another oc that is really someone i wish i could be like.
honorable mentions: daniel seed, taylor ross, ethan moreno, veris lavellan, blythe trevelyan, amara owens, blake liu, kennedy ryder, bea morgan
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suguru-getos · 2 years
Okay what about heizou and reader fake dating so he can solve a case.
Would you write a fic about that or rather not?
thank you for the ask and im sorry im so bad at responding on time :((
but sure! why not :D i would write it as headcanons..
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heizou x reader fake dating hcs:
so he knows you are connected to the case ever since he has recieved it. of course?? you are the significant other (were) the significant other of the person that left you just after marrying you. was it your riches? maybe yes… he took your end of the riches, accused you of not being faithful and left. now is lavishly enjoying everything. while only ur best friend knew ur not wrong, she came in and went to the genius detective hei.
he taps his chin and mumbles, “so why hasnt she done anything?” ur friend sighed and explained how depressed and cheated you truly felt at that. how someone can be that vile and greedy to love u one moment and leave u be for the next, clamping down ur riches???
“but not doin anything is only making it worse, people would only think she is quiet because she is guilty,” heizou spoke, landing his fist on his palm. “alright, let’s see… time to go meet yn,”
he lands on ur door along with your best friend, “hello! then names shikanoin heizou! i’m a detective in the tenryou commission, and i’m here to hel-” he grinned, before being interrupted by you. “no need, i don’t care,”
before u could slam the door at his face, he put his feet between; getting inside with your best friend. “listen, it’s a mere case of character assassination, and you are from one of the respectable families in inazuma; if not for urself, take into account ur parents and ur family status. you deserve to get all ur riches back. and your respect! the only way that can happen is if you step up,”
you look at him, tears brimming up in your eyes as you rolled your eyes. “why? i don’t even give a shit about it anymore… he was after my money and he pretty much got it! i don’t care anymore-” your soft whines turned into slight hiccup and sniffles. yes your family reputation has had quite a blow, yes you feel like shit, yes whatever he says is right—
“leave it to me, i’ll handle everything, i’m not the best detective in all of inazuma for nothing,” he assured you with a grin, his personality was refreshing and soft. made you smile back, after what seemed like ages.
eventually heizou came up with a full blown plan of you and him fake dating, you accepting that yes you have been mischaractered but that’s only because your ex cheated you in the first place. here comes your family dignity and your family status in position. no one would believe a random nobody and of course would lean towards you. having contacts with the tenryou, kanjou and yashiro commission; things might sail smooth, really smooth!
reluctantly, and slightly hesitantly, you agreed and the first sight was you and him walking together hand in hand, then it changed into you spending time together with him, eventually turning into you and him hanging out together almost everyday for about a month. information spread like wild fire, people asked you and your guards, anywhere they can get information about yn and her personal life, and with the carefully crafted web that heizou built; things were getting easier and easier.
sometimes you and him would talk for hours, how different your opinions were about things, how he felt about the crime and how the criminals should think twice about committing a crime when it’s about shikanoin heizou’s reputation. if you were to be so bold, you have also fallen asleep in his presence, feeling light headed and safe. he was completely different than what you were used to..
no, yn, it’s just a case! it’s just for a case! despite explaining that to urself everyday, you could find him cooking ur favorite food, bringing you ur favorite scandalous books from yae publications; books that shouldn’t be with a dignified lady. (smut books)! :3
you were happy that you opened up to him so much, that there was someone with the knowledge of the world, and yet someone like a breath of fresh air.. you needed it in your life, you needed it oh so bad.
finally when your ex husband, now divorced, got to know about everything and recieved a formal petition from the tri-commission to respectfully apologize and also submit the riches and the money back! he came daunting to you, raging with defeat.
that’s the first time you saw heizou’s anemo vision in action. “oh- one punch and he’s out,” he chuckled, “great! i don’t like fighting anyway,” heizou launched towards you, bowing gently. “thank you, yn. with this we complete our mission; but with this, i must say i got someone very- very important to me. i hope i can keep that bond between us alive for years to come,”
you stopped him and maybe, this was the first time you were truly being the scandalous lady you were portrayed to be, because you kissed him with all you’ve got, not an ounce of care about what it will result to, not an ounce of fuck given towards reputation, he was ur sunshine and you were sick of the clouds,”
heizou kissed you back, a blush dusted over both of your cheeks as he leaned back, mumbling gently, “guess… the bond between us is stronger than i thought, maybe forever,” with that, he kissed you again, this time as fervently as his vision, and even if he took your breath away, you were happy that you accepted the case with shikanoin heizou ;)
ps: word vomit alert 🚨 also feel free to send genshin impact asks/thirsts/talk to me abt anything and everything xx i’m bored :3
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casefile · 2 months
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orowyrm · 3 months
if i had to pick just one thing ive come up with to become canon to the game it would be a hard tie between making intalya an actual in game character you can interact with who sells bootleg cosmetics or some shit. or lutania etina, frohds ex wife who waits until after he dies to show up and contest nef’s claim to the chairman position sheerly because she thinks he’s a loser and doesn’t want him to be successful. she does not care about politics in the slightest. sitting at her fancy desk glass of wine in hand fully aware of the tenno sabotage happening right now but not really acting to intervene because the guy who owns the power plant we’re about to blow up didn’t hold the door for her the other day, which is just SO RUDE and honestly he’s got it coming. treats ambulas like a little purse dog but absolutely still sics her on us “for enrichment”. “oh tenno it’s okay she’s just PLAYING you know how proxies can be hahaha watch out for those missiles btw”. totally indifferent to the tenno unless we do something that directly bothers her and then she gets SOOO mad and starts calling in air strikes. but OH tenno don’t misunderstand it’s nothing personal !!! just business, you get it. i don’t want to be your enemy at all, but if you don’t stop blowing up my robots im going to have to nuke you from orbit ^_^ those things are so expensive you know???? not that it’s MY money paying for them ahaha” . i need her to be like dog days kela but instead of zooted off industrial fumes she’s just a wine aunt gone mad with power. nobody can stop her because frohd was convinced he could get her back and thus never wrote her out of the will. despite all of this she is probably the most qualified board member to be in charge and the tenno are fighting for their lives to keep anyocorp assassins off her so she can stay in power. i’ve lost the plot of the post im sorry she just means a lot to me
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I apologize for the fact that I’m probably going to flood your inbox with these questions, but as a fellow autistic obsessed with the Captain Laserhawk show, I am eating this like the sushi on the cow hybrid. (No sexual implications intended. I am aro ace.)
Could you give some dialogue examples for Bullfrog?
Does he pray a lot, due to the cult-raised mindset?
Is the god of the cult Cursa? (From Mario Rabbids Sparks of Hope.)
And what are the other characters like?
Listen pal, don't stop, you're just inspiring me to make more of this au!
As for your questions...
This AU's bullfrog is very stoic, complementing his closed-off nature, and whenever he is in a conversation, he's blunt, straightforward, and even a bit sassy at times. Think the Spy from TF2, but with less 'your mom' jokes.
(And yes, he does pray a lot.)
As for examples:
"Dear Polokus, give me strength" (Polokus used here as a placeholder)
"I do not see why zhis would be necessary for our mission.."
"Please, stay quiet, unless you WANT to get captured."
"...What have I done wrong?"
I... haven't played SoH yet (or the assassin creed games. Or BGAE. im barely getting past rayman 1, so keep that in mind), so IDK what Cursa is like. Will look her up tho!
As for the others, do you mean Dolph and Ramon? Or Sarah, Jade, Pey'r and Sam? I'll put some little descriptions of them down, just in case.
Dolph: Swave and sweet-talking newscaster, ex-soldier, and main face of Eden. Was chosen to be that face after getting his shit wrecked in the Wasteland War. Tries to act more extroverted and welcoming than he actually is. Has PTSD.
Ramon: Friendly albiet Trigger-Happy Vigilante that is well know through the lower castes of Eden as a Hero. Unlike Canon, he realised Eden's lies almost immediately and remembers a lot about Dimension X, and is deeply troubled about not being able to save his home.
Sarah: Former Eden soldier highly praised for her strategies and fighting prowess until she leaked hundreds upon hundreds of documents and pictures of Eden's... less palpatable actions. Still is trying her best to expose Eden for what it is. Quiet and uptight, but loyal to a fault and always willing to save people (unlike canon)
Sam: A former US military soldier and spy, like in canon, but he never got betrayed by Sarah and has worked with the resistance for many many years. Straightforward and militaristic in thinking, he has dedicated his life fighting against Eden, just like when he was working for America. He and Sarah were recently captured after trying to expose a major hybrid trafficking ring managed by Cody Rhodes.
The Monitor (Jade): Previously a Eden News journalist, Sarah has become a large part of Eden's survelliance system, monitoring every nook and cranny for any possible crime against Eden and protect his daughter. Luckily, this has granted her the ability to effectively "hide" people from Eden's panopticon, a power that she uses to set up a certain team..
Pey'r: A fighter for Hybrid Rights, an important soldier in the Wasteland War and a very well trained soldier to boot, Pey'r had adopted Jade when she was extremely young, after seeing her parents, two close friends of his, die in the middle of a crossfire. Even after Jade recorded him hiding outlaws from Eden when she was young, he still partly hoped, that one day, his daughter would help him with his work, even after he died.
(This is all subject to change, yadda yadda, at least Pey'r's not in love with his daughter now)
(Also sorry for the late reply! Had to think a lot about these questions.)
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