#she tried to drag the blanket off me - meowed at me - and then walked out again
benevolentslut · 7 months
why is my cat taking better care of me than myself
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b000mbayah · 2 years
Hello! :)
What if Lisa (BP) found a cat (whose the reader) in an alley way and decides to take it home? And a few days later the reader turns into a human with fluffy ears and a tail? :0
(Sorry if this request doesn't make any sense-)
I tried, took me a long time as I kept disliking everything I wrote for this one, but I've finally written something I can stick with. Sorry for the extremely long wait.. 😬
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: in the ask up above :)
My special baby
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The earth's ignorance had casted a dark blanket over this side of the earth, allowing the moon to make an appearance and the stars to shine brighter above all else.
Nights like this would be okay in my book if it wasn't pouring it down with torturous hours of agonising rain. 
Nights like these force me into hiding in cramped places where nothing of such wetness can reach me, where nothing of such sight can see me.
I drag my dampened paws along the dry flooring provided by the humans. The pavement isn't smooth. It's rough, and so I've often hurt myself when doing some regular daily activities.
Things such as walking and sleeping are difficult as I have these awful lumps of concrete just jabbing my skin constantly.
I sit, content with myself for the day. I've eaten and bathed myself a good few times, coughed up a furball, now that wasn't fun.
I had been chased out of a house after I stole some cooked chicken from the counter top. I blame them, they're the ones who left the windows open.
Though, even after stealing a few bites of that chicken, I still feel incredibly hungry.
My little furry stomach rumbles, an audible sound strikes the alley. I meow. I haven't felt this hungry in ages if I'm being honest.
My ears perk up, the sound of footsteps interrupting my focus. I meow again, trying to gain their attention.
I meow multiple times, but no luck, they just walked past me with no regards to my situation. 
I meow once more, wiggling my fur covered tail as I lay down, getting into a somewhat comfortable position under the plastic boxes I had squeezed under.
I give up, if no one hears me then no one hears me, I can survive on the streets for as long as I live.. it's not that hard. 
I yawn, my feline breath infecting the moistened air surrounding me, giving me a light sheet of warmth for a few seconds before fading out of existence.
I close my eyes and rest upon the man-made flooring, allowing myself to fall asleep without any trouble.
Waking up seems so pleasant this time. It's all warm and fuzzy now, the condensed concrete now feels like soft sheets. The place smells like baked goods and melting chocolate, very pleasing for my tiny being.
I reach both my front and back legs out, stretching as my back arches and my tails fur stands on end. I open my eyes.
The sight of light colored walls greet me, a mirror off to the side, allowing me to see myself in all my fabulous glory.
Wait? Mirror? I stand, looking around in confusion as my heart pumps faster than a double-barrel shotgun.
"Kitten?" A soothing voice speaks, a door off to my right opening as a woman, dressed in clearly expensive clothing, walks in. 
"How are you this morning?" She sits on the bed beside me, scratching lightly behind my ears. Having no contact with a nice human in a long time, I purr.
"Aw" the woman coos over me, giving my back long strokes filled with affection. "Are you hungry?" 
I look up at her, I don't even care if she's a stranger at this point, I've yet to see any red flags so I can't help but agree to food.
The mystery woman stands, giving me one last stroke before instructing me to follow her into a different room.
Going through this place was like walking through a royals house, it's so nicely decorated… then again, I've never been in a royals house so I'm just assuming.
Once I stroll my way into her kitchen, five other cats are present, some are roaming around and for the others, they're all sleeping.
I watch as the human taps the counter top, trying to gain everyone's attention. "Guys, meet your new sibling" she smiles, picking up one of the many cats and nuzzling them "her name is Louise, please be nice" 
Louise? Who? Me?
My eyes scatter around the room, a cat bowl with a temporary label stuck to the side of it, the name Louise is written onto it in black marker.
The bowl is filled with meat in this special jelly created for cat consumption.
I sniff the once packaged food before deciding to eat, burying my whiskers deep, covering them in the victorious smell of food.
The way the food had seemed to dance around in my mouth had boosted my mood, no longer feeling starved as I eat away, ignoring everything else in the room.
Well, I tried to but something with such a foul breath had distracted me heavily, it's slobbery breathing and loud stomping isn't something that should go unnoticed.
I look up for a brief moment only to freeze in fear, it's a dog.. a huge, hairy dog. It's mouth hangs open with strings of saliva on display for all to see.
It has no shame in allowing its awful breath linger around the room, its head held high may I add.
I can't say that this is something I've ever wanted.
"Love!" The woman giggles as the dog licks her, covering her innocent looking face with its wet tongue.
"That's enough love! Please" she tries to figure a way out of loves usual ways and eventually, she succeeds in doing so.
"Love, meet Louise"
I've always had a thing with dogs, they seem to sniff me out all too well. So trusting that doberman isn't something I've accomplished overnight.
Though, the dog isn't my top priority right now… the fact that I've turned into my.. other form is more important than a stupid dog.
Looking down upon my humanised fingers, I scream, forgetting Lisa is in the house at this current moment of time.
This happens everytime, everytime I suddenly become somewhat human, I freak out. I freak out because I'm simply not used to it. 
"What? Who goes?" Lisa bursts into the room, eyes wide and hair messy. She looks like a nutjob at this hour. It's almost midnight.
Her entire body stiffens as she looks upon me, my cream colored ears and milky brown tail seem to have confused her.
"What-" she says, sounding utterly puzzled at my existence… "who?"
My tail sways, my ears turning to every sound I hear. I sigh, I wasn't expecting her to find out.. at least not in this way.
"Louise?" Lisa asks, I nod in return. You know, I'm half shocked she even realised it was me. "What's happened to you?" She walks over and sits next to me on the couch.
"I was just napping!" I answer, frustrated with my stupid timing. "I just wanted sleep and I had to frickin transform midway? Absolutely bullsh-"
A slap lands on the back of my head "no rude words Louise" Lisa warns, pointing one of her boney fingers in my direction.
"Louise, right…" I roll my eyes, frowning upon the name given to me just a few days ago.
"Yeah, but that didn't answer my question" I blink once.. twice...even a third time but all I can do is stare into her brown eyes.
"I don't know, my parents were like this too, making both me and my siblings the same as them. I don't know how to control it just yet but I'm figuring it out slowly" I purse my lips, not knowing what to say really.
"Well, hybrid? Or not, you're still part of my family" she smiles gently.
I wiggle the tip of my tail in excitement, giving her a wide smile back.
She gasps lightly, suddenly squealing like a child. "Your tail looks so cute" she praises in a high pitched tone, sounding like a squeaky toy herself.
I watch as her hands disappear beyond my head "Can I?" She asks for consent, earning a civil nod from me.
Feeling someone's fingers behind my ears, scratching and massaging, was nice, nice enough to earn an unexpected smile as I lean into her warm touch.
Her mouth creates that typical "O" shape as she feels the fluffy dollops on my head's surface "They're so soft.."
"T-thanks I guess" you know, for the cute cat that I am, I rarely ever get compliments, only ever curses thrown my way. Jokes on them, I'm already cursed, this human cat thing seems like a curse so why not classify it as one?
"How long will you be like this for?" She continues to fiddle with the fluff-drops on my head with ease.
"Not really sure, could be anywhere between a few hours to a day" I shrug, not really caring at this point.
At least Lisa can keep me hidden from those who try to hunt me for a grubby cash grab.
"I can get used to this" she laughs, somehow tackling me into her warm embrace, hugging me with such desirable affection "I hope you're happier here compared to those streets"
"I am Lisa, I really am"
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ficsnooneaskedfor · 2 years
A Day in the Life of a Loth-Cat
Earlier today, my family's cat Moosey crossed the rainbow bridge after a very long, happy, and adventure-filled life. I'm feeling quite sad about it tonight so I decided to write a silly little fic from the POV of Snowball, my OC Citali's beloved loth-cat to make me feel a little better.
Word count: 800
Rating: GA
Snowball was perched in the window, watching the birds waking up and starting their day, chattering at them when they got too close to the glass to eat from the feeder hanging nearby. She wanted to go outside and try to catch one but her people were still asleep. Both had bad dreams last night, mumbling in their sleep and moving around a lot, so she had cuddled up close to them purring. That was one of her most important jobs after all: making her people feel safe and loved.
She stared down at them for a minute or two before deciding it was time for her breakfast. Echo was easier to wake up so she plopped down on his chest, nuzzling his face, causing him to wake up chuckling. "G'morning pretty girl," he said softly. He scratched under her chin with his cybernetic hand. She loved his cybernetic hand. The metal felt nice and cool when it made contact with her skin and when she gave him love bites on its fingers, he didn't recoil like the others did.
I want breakfast she tried to say to him but communication with people was hit or miss.
"Are you hungry, missy? Do you want breakfast?"
Yes! Breakfast!
Echo laughed and said, "Okay, I'm coming." He gave Citali a kiss on the cheek, sat up, and threw on some clothes before heading to the kitchen where he fixed up her favorite assortment of meats. Then he put her harness and lead on. She bit the lead and tried kicking the harness off with her back legs. She didn't like it but he always did this with her when they went on long walks so she wouldn't get lost. Snowball forgot how much she disliked it when they went outside into the cool morning air. She loved this time of day. She had Echo's full attention, the sun was barely up, and a thin blanket of snow covered the ground. Snowball was however not a fan of when the snow accumulated on her fur and melted, stopping every now and then to shake herself dry.
When they returned home, Wrecker, Melita, and baby Marina were in the kitchen. The baby was sleeping in her portable bassinet, one of Snowball's favorite places to nap. The baby seemed to like sleep as much as she did. After rolling around on the hallway carpet to dry herself she got inside the bassinet and laid her head on the baby's legs.
"Awww. Are you keeping Marina company, Snowball?" Melita said and Snowball gave her a few quiet, contented meows.
I love this tiny human. She's warm and smells nice.
"What a good girl you are," Wrecker said, giving her a few pets. It had taken some getting used to but Snowball was starting to like having so many people around.
Everyone else eventually woke up and Snowball spent time with all of them throughout the day. She watched curiously as Tech tinkered with his latest contraption, batting around any little pieces that fell to the floor. Omega played with her, throwing toys across her room and dragging a feather on a piece of yarn for her to chase, causing her to giggle. She snoozed with Hunter on the couch after he fell asleep watching a holo, kept Melita company when she nursed the baby, and hopped on Wrecker's back when he did one-armed push ups. She loved all of her humans but none more than her Twi'lek, Citali.
Snowball followed her around the most, getting angry and clawing at the door whenever Citali went into her office. That was the one room Snowball was not allowed in but Citali had let her sleep in it just once. It confused her why she wouldn't let her go in there again. But eventually, she came out and Snowball greeted her loudly.
Why were you gone so long?!
"I know, I'm sorry my girl," Citali said, picking her up. Snowball hissed at her.
Don't you know how much I miss you when you go in there?
Snowball forgave her and kept Citali company as she read, cleaned, cooked, and most importantly when she went into the refresher. That room scared Snowball, it was where she occasionally endured the horror of something known as "bath time". That room probably scared Snowball's people as much as it scared her so she accompanied them for moral support whenever she could.
When it was nighttime, Snowball laid at the foot of the bed while Citali and Echo did that weird thing people sometimes did where they smooshed their lips together. Snowball always assumed it was some sort of game and pounced on their faces sometimes to join the fun. She didn't do that tonight. Instead, she got up and laid between Echo and Citali on both their pillows while they loved on her, giving her lots of pets and kisses. "Did you have a good day today, sweet girl?" Citali said.
I caught a rodent when you guys weren't looking.
"Oh really? That's wonderful," Citali said. Snowball nuzzled her head against her face and lekku, making Citali smile. "I love you so much, do you know that?" Citali blinked her eyes slowly and Snowball did it back.
I love you too.
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imagine-this-fandom · 4 years
The Rescue: Black cat Aizawa x Fem! Reader
Part 2 off the Rescue series: first part here
Inko led you back to the main room, absolutely giddy with excitement. You had to admit, it was a bit contagious!
She pulled you to a stop in front of the sleepy black cat from earlier. He was large but kind of lanky with black fur and intelligent yellow eyes. What drew you in however, was a scar under his right eye. Poor thing... you wondered how he got it. As you got closer, he opened a single eye to observe you, but didn't move aside from that. Despite his apparent lack of interest, you could see that he was wary. He had all the appearance of being at ease, except he was just a little too stiff, his body was poised to move if he needed to.
"This, is Aizawa. Don't mind his attitude, he's a real sweetheart once you get to know him. But he's really laid back and loves to sleep more than anything. And he's really smart! I think you two would get along splendidly!"
You bit your lip as thinking hard. He didn't really seem to like you, but that's probably because you were new to him and a possible threat in his eyes... maybe he just needs a little push? You smiled gently at the cat and kneeled to his level, offering him your hand to sniff.
"Hello Aizawa, I'm (y/n) . It's a pleasure to meet you."
He looked at the offered limb and then at Inko before focusing on you once more. He reached out a paw and placed it in you hand and gave the deepest meow you'd ever heard in your life. It had an a tired rasp to it that was so unlike the meow you were expecting. The smile melted off your face and turned to one of shock. You could have sworn he looked smug at your reaction before he pulled his paw away and stretched before hopping down and winding his way between your legs, seeming to approve of Inko's choice in you as a perspective owner.
"Awww! See? He likes you too! You should definitely take him home!"
You reached down, scratching the top of his head. As unusual as he was, he was also the cutest cat you'd ever seen. So of course you had to say yes.
"I'll take him. I'd love to take him home with me."
"Perfect! I'll just get you some of the basics! Oh, and don't forget his scarf, he loves that thing."
You nodded and reached down, carefully scooping the cat into your arms before reaching for the pile of thin fabric he had previously made his bed. He seemed to relax in your arms, fairly laid back for a cat. It seemed like he didn't really care what happened to him so long as he wasn't jostled or bothered by your movements.
"Come on sleepy boy, let's go home." He settled down and promptly fell back asleep, head resting on your shoulder as your footsteps rocked him to sleep once more.
"Aizawa! I'm home!"
Coming home the first night, you  assumed that he was really laid back. And that's true in a way, but he was also extremely stubborn. He had decided that he had to sleep on the bed. You were lucky to have a decent sized mattress, because he made himself right at home in the middle of it. Attempting to move him lead to a scratched hand and an irritated cat. Meanie. After that, you just kind of let him settle where he pleased. That meant that sleeping contorted around him the first night rather than risk moving him again.
"I hope you appreciate this, brat"
You got a hiss in response but just responded with a childish hiss of your own. You were cold and tired from your long day and did not want to put up with a stubborn feline. You debated taking him back to Inko that night just for his attitude, but ultimately decided against it. It may just be the fact that You were a stranger and the surroundings were still new to him. Maybe he just needed time to adjust.
Sleep was difficult, but you did eventually drift off, tucked against the side of the bed. Waking up you found yourself now in the middle of the bed with Aizawa tucked against your side. Crap. Any previous misgivings about keeping him melted away at the sight of his peaceful form. The little jerk was adorable. You smiled sleepily carefully running your fingers over his back. He stretched and made a cute trill like noise as he started to wake up.
"Hey pretty boy? Did you sleep well? "
You pet down his back as you watched his eyes open and focus lazily on your form. He yawned before angling into the pets so you  would get the top of his head. You happily obliged, giving him some good head scritches before rubbing his chin, earning some purrs from your  administrations. As soon as they started, they stopped though as he pulled away from your touch, almost looking embarrassed by the sound he made.
"Awww, someone a little shy?"
he gave an unimpressed look before getting off the bed, tail flicking in what you assumed was annoyance.
"Oh I see now... You're too mature for affection, huh? We'll see how long that- wait. No get down, don't you dare."
While you had been teasing him, he had made his way onto you dresser and now sat with his paw outstretched, poised to knock the lamp off.
"Aizawa I swear if you knock that over... "
The little jerk seemed to grin at you. He looked straight at you with a smug toothy expression that screamed he would absolutely wreck the lamp.
He knocked it down.
You groaned, running your palms down your face in exasperation.
"You sir, are a freakishly smart cat. I'm going to clean this up, take a shower, and then we are going to start over and have breakfast, Mkay?"
He gave a deep meow and trotted off into living room, satisfied that you wouldn't tease him again. His work was done, the brat.
Meanwhile, you did what you said you would and cleaned up before getting ready for work. You hummed to yourself as you walked to the kitchen, hair tie between your teeth as you pulled you (h/c)  hair back. Once you were satisfied that you were put together and ready, you turned to face the little dark monster who was seated at the table, just watching .The expression he wore was bored but intelligent, and was kind of creeping you out. It was unnervingly human.
"Alright sir. I can see now that you're not like a normal cat. You don't like jokes or teasing, so here's the plan. You don't break anything, and I'll keep things professional, okay? Now  will you behave?  I have to go to work. I'll be back this afternoon. Explore, make this place your own. But please, don't break anything, okay?" You felt ridiculous talking to a cat, but hey he seemed to understand. He gave a curt nod and walked back into the bedroom, presumably to sleep more.
You couldn't help feeling bad leaving him on his own, but work was important. You felt a little better with the knowledge that you had the day off tomorrow, so that meant you could get to know him more then.
You filled his bowl, stopping into the bedroom to pet him one last time before going to step out. "Bye Aizawa, see you later. Have a good day."
You had been hopeful for the day ahead, but once you left your apartment... things went down hill.
Work dragged and the customers were rude, noisy, and messy. It wasn't long before you were far beyond ready to go home. You worked as a server at a relatively nice restaurant, but sometimes the guests were just too much to deal with. Towards the end of your shift was the icing on the cake for an awful day. You were distracted by the building noise as you headed for the dining room and almost ran into another coworker who hadn't announced themselves as they came around the corner. This lead to a step back to avoid them as you were carrying a large tray. The step you took ended up being into a floor drain. While you were able to keep the tray upright without dumping anything, you scarified your ankle for it, having stepped wrong and sending a jolting pain up your leg. Your eyes were watering with the pain and you were relieved when someone took the tray so you could analyze the damage.
It wasn't too bad, but it was definitely sprained. One of the other servers took the  tray and served your guests while you sat in the office nursing an icepack against the offending joint . Luckily, it was at the end of your shift so your boss just decided that you could go home. However, this brought a new obstacle to attention. Unfortunately, you walk to work.
As you sat and pondered you next move, the man who caused the incident, Taro, sat down next to you
"I am so sorry about that. Are you sure you're okay?"
Now Taro wasn't the best human being in general, but he'd always been weirdly nice to you , so you didn't mind too much.
"It's okay, really. I just need to get home and rest it."
You offered him a small smile and looked at the route home on your phone, deciding if it would be worth it to limp you way home in the snow.
" Do you need a ride home? I Mean, it's the least I can do, especially because it was my fault."
He seemed really eager to help, and you didn't live far, so you decided it should be fine.
"Fine, but just this once. Alright. Then we're even."
He smiled widely and offered his hand
"It's a deal!"
TW: (Nothing intense really happens, nothing sexual, but he does ignore boundaries and doesn't listen to reader's protests. If this upsets you, please skip to the marked point which will look like this: ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ to continue with the story)
He helped you gather my things and led you outside to where his truck was parked. You prepared to hoist yourself in, but Taro was having none of that, opting to pick you up, insisting that he help you in. Once you were settled, he got in the driver side. You really didn't like that he picked you up, but it his actions made sense. He was just eager to help after getting you hurt, right?
As You set off, he tried to make conversation but you were too tired and in pain to really be into it,  so you  just let him talk and zoned out as he drove. It didn't take that long to get to your apartment, but you were still relieved to finally be back. You were beyond ready to chill on the couch with an ice pack on your ankle and a blanket wrapping you into a snuggle burrito on the couch. When you arrived Taro quickly hopped out and picked you up bridal style before you could protest much.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna drop you! I just want to make sure you're keeping weight off that ankle." He gave a big smile and carried you to your door.
"Thanks? Um, I just, You can put me down. I'll be fine now, really."
While he was trying to be nice, it was getting to be too much. You were home, you could handle it from here. Before you could voice these thoughts aloud, he had taken your keys  from the bag you had been cradling and was now unlocking your front door for you.  You didn't know what to do. If you tried to wiggle out of his grip, he'd drop you, but you really just wanted to go inside and put a door between the two of you.
"Please put me down. I'm really fine on my own now! "
"No (y/n). You're gonna hurt yourself again. Just let me do this for you, okay? I'm trying to help. "
The lock clicked and he pushed the door open with his shoulder before carrying you inside, much to your growing displeasure.
"Okay, I'm inside, you can put me down now! "
He heaved a long sigh and set you on the couch, watching you settle on the plush surface before smiling.
"There we go! Home safe and sound. But your ankle really doesn't look so good. I'll go make an icepack for you. Kitchen is this way right?"
He barely looked for input before starting to move about, exploring the kitchen for supplies. You watched with wide eyes, a sense of panic starting to pool in your stomach as you watched this man you barely knew stroll about your house like he belonged there.
"Taro, I appreciate you taking me home, but you should really go. I can handle this by myself. Please leave." You tried to keep a stern tone, but your  words wavered more than you would have liked as your anxiety at the situation grew.
"Ah! There are the ice packs!"
He seemed to be ignoring You so you struggled to your feet in an attempt to force him to leave. This backfired spectacularly as he saw you up and moving and was immediately displeased.
"Oh no! (y/n), You should be resting. Sit down."
As he moved to walk back towards you a black form leaped from on top of a shelf to land between you both. Aizawa stared up at Taro and hissed, a long warning yowl left him as the fur on his spine raised, tail puffed up in rage. Taro took a step back before shaking his head.
"Furball here doesn't seem to like me. But that's okay, I'm just here to make sure you'll be alright."
"And you have. Now leave. I am fine and I would like you to go. Now."
You spoke with all the confidence you had at that moment and glared at him to reiterate your point. He moved to take a step forward, but quick as lightning, Aizawa sprang forward and clawed his ankle with a fury.
Taro cursed and kicked out, sending Aizawa flying before booking it to the door.
"I was just trying to help and your crazy little cat ******* attacked me! What the hell!? I'm getting out of here!"
He shot one last angry look at you before storming out. As soon as the door slammed shut, you were hobbling in the direction Aizawa had gone. You were relieved when he came running back for the door, as if to fight round two if needed. Once you were sure Taro was gone, you collapsed back onto the couch. More than ever grateful that Taro hadn't pushed and used his quirk against your pet.
"It's alright Aizawa, he's gone."
The cat hopped up onto the couch beside you and sniffed at your ankle, examining you with a concern uncharacteristic of a cat. You patted the space next to you and sighed happily as he walked over.
"Thank you. I don't know what I would have done without you. He was starting to scare me there."
You scratched the top of his head affectionately and placed a kiss between his ears.
"Thank you Aizawa. You're my hero."
You carefully wrapped yourself in a blanket and pulled him into your lap. He seemed content to sit there as you pet him, occasionally glancing back to check on you.  Although you didn't dare say it out loud in case he took offense, he was absolutely adorable like this.
You two spent the rest of the evening like that. He slept in your lap as you pet him and watched movies on the couch. You don't know when it happened, but you eventually fell asleep like that.
This quickly became a routine. You would come home from work, you'd have dinner, and then would migrate to the couch to read or watch TV. Aizawa would find his way into your lap and you would pet him while he napped. This was your normal. While you still think he's freakishly smart for a cat, he had absolutely grown on you. His grumpiness was still there, but you started to understand it more and how to deal with his moods. Mostly he just wanted to sleep, but when he was active, it was almost scary. Cats are predators, but it was just really jarring to watch him shift from this lazy sleepy cat to an intense and precise weapon. You'd only seen it a few times with minor threats like a bee that flew in or the one time a rat had come in while you were  bringing in groceries. And he was especially cautious when you came home and would check you over as soon as you walked in the door to make sure you were okay before letting his guard down.
Regardless of the threat, Aizawa would always make sure he had it covered. Afterwards, you were always quick to reward him with a treat and his now familiar nickname of "hero".
Even though there were real heroes in this world, Aizawa was your hero. He was there for you any time you got injured, always there to press his head against your cheek after a rough day of work or a particularly sad movie. He was your constant and you had to admit, you really loved the little jerk.
At this point, you'd had Aizawa for about two months now, and life was going well. You figured you should pay a visit to the pet store to see Inko soon. You talked a lot over the phone, but you wanted to thank her in person. You had come to the decision that you would make her some cookies and stop by, wanting to repay her for the wonderful tea she provided you on that special day and her friendship. You especially wanted to thank her for giving you Aizawa. After all, you couldn't picture your life without the black furball now.
You were in the process of making said cookies when you heard a knock at the door, which was strange considering you didn't  get many visitors. You hurriedly = placed the tray in the oven before giving Aizawa a curious look and  starting towards the door.
"Hello, what can I do fo- Oh. It's you Taro."
This time you let your displeasure at his presence show. Ever since he took you home that day, he had been just short of outright hostile to you at work, sending glares your way and spreading nasty rumors. Apparently that nice gesture he made was an attempt to get you to like him.  A ploy to get you to see him as your knight in shining armor and accept his advances. Now that you could see him for what he was, you were kicking yourself for being so stupid as to accept his help in the first place. Now he stood on your porch, wearing a smug grin and looking too confident for your pleasure.
"I just came to apologize for the other day. I guess I came on a bit too strong there."
"Look, I really don't want to talk to you. You didn't listen to me then, and I don't trust you to listen now. Good day."
You tried to close the door on him, wanting to just get back to my normal life without him ruining such a good day, but you weren't able to close the door. Looking down, you realized with dismay that he had wedged his foot in the door, preventing you from closing it.
"Taro stop, leave me alone! I am not interested, just go!"
You desperately tried to push his foot out of the door with but were unsuccessful. Now he had a grip on the edge of the door, holding it with no intention of letting it close. Vaguely in your panic, you heard a strange pop sound in the  apartment, but that was hardly your main concern as you tried to come up with a plan on how to get rid of Taro.
"Oh come on cutie, just give me a chance. Why are you being such a *****?"
You were about about to respond before you felt a weight settle against your waist, it felt like an arm.. and something warm and heavy found its place on your shoulder. Frozen stiff, you vaguely noted that the weight on your shoulder belonged to a black haired figure, his stubble lightly tickling against your cheek as he leaned over to look at the confused man behind the door. When the figure spoke his tone was somehow icy in its calm anger.
"She told you she's not interested. So I suggest you get lost before I lose my patience."
You shuddered, the deep voice of the man rumbling against your shoulder.
Taro looked absolutely furious, but took one last look at the man behind you and stomped back to his car, whatever he had seen on the mystery man's face was obviously not something he wanted to mess with.
While you were relieved that he had left, you had a new and very scary concern to face. You closed the door and turned around before looking at the ceiling with a squeak, almost giving yourself whiplash with the speed at which your gaze shifted. The mystery man who had saved you, was in fact very much naked.
"Who the hell are you? How did you get in here? WHY ARE YOU NAKED?!"
His response was a deep chuckle, which should not have been as attractive as it was, given the circumstances.
"Really kitten? You can't recognize your hero in this form?"
You looked down, careful to keep your eyes high on his person as he smirked at you , arms crossed across his chest. He had long black messy hair, and kind of an unkempt look to him. His torso was littered with scars that had faded with time, he was lithe and muscular, making you think of a panther in his quiet power.  While he was very handsome, like, unfairly so, he also looked permanently exhausted. He was very nice to look at, but what caught your eye the most was the scar under his right eye. Exactly like your cat, Aizawa.
"That... That's not possible. Are you seriously trying to tell me that you're my cat?!" You burst out, ignoring the urge to let your gaze wander further. You quickly looked back at the the ceiling. "Also, put some clothes on! I can't talk to you like this!"
He sighed in annoyance and grabbed a blanket off the couch, wrapping it around himself.
Now that You could actually look at him without distraction, you began to see a startling similarity with the cat who was somehow nowhere to be seen even though he would never have let a stranger be alone in the room with you.
"If you're my cat, then prove it. What is something only my Aizawa would know?"
He thought for a moment before an amused smile crossed his face.
"You sing in the shower. Yesterday morning you were belting this song about electric love or something. One of your bottles fell and scared you and I'm assuming you slipped because there was a loud thud sound and then you started laughing. Which was kind of creepy by the way."
Throughout his explanation, your eyes got progressively bigger. No freaking way. Just, How?
"Holy ****. You're Aizawa. You really are my cat. But how? And how are you human?"
The man, Aizawa, gave a tired groan and sat on the couch before reaching out and tugging you down onto the couch next to him
"The name is Shouta Aizawa. Pro name, EraserHead. I've been a cat for a little over three months now due to a villain attack on a school trip from UA. One of the villains had a transformation quirk and managed to get the drop on us. He had some sort of quirk enhancer in his system."
I watched him speak, very much confused but also very intrigued to learn about this man. "I think I heard a bit about that... Some big outcry a few months back... But if you're a pro, how did you get caught?"
"Usually, my quirk allows me to cancel others' quirks when I look at them, but this one was difficult. He seemed to be struggling, as if whatever quirk enhancer he was on was painful. I almost had my capture weapon around him before everything was consumed in this strange smoke. It was suffocating and I couldn't fight it off. Everything started to spin and I passed out."
He frowned as he continued, hand finding yours and  holding it carefully in his own as he spoke, gently running his thumb over your knuckles.
"When I came to, I was in that pet store. Apparently the principal had sent out a search mission and found us. He likely guessed what happened and relocated us to a place that was less conspicuous for the time being. The owner of the store is the mother of one of my students who was caught in the blast. She's been guarding over us. But apparently, she saw something special in you. Enough to trust you to take one of us home with you."
His tired eyes focused on yours and you couldn't help but be taken aback with the intensity in them.
"Why me? I'm nothing special."
His gaze softened fondly and he reached forward, pushing the hair out of your face and letting his fingers trail over the side of your face affectionately.
"Oh, I disagree. You are absolutely special, kitten. More than you will ever know."
Your eyes fluttered closed at the sensation and you reached up, holding his hand against your face and leaning into the touch. The touch was unfamiliar but you felt like it just fit, his warm hand cradling your face gently.
"I'm going to miss having a cat, but I think I'm going to love getting to know the human Aizawa."
He chuckled and pulled you against his chest, the intensity back in his eyes.
"And I am going to love being able to do this."
He readjusted his touch, gripping your chin instead, tilting it gently before placing his lips over yours in a kiss. Your ands went around his neck as you carefully kissed back, melting against him before pulling away for a breath, resting your forehead against his so you could stare into those gorgeous dark eyes of his, memorizing every feature of his newly human face.
"I love you, my Hero."
"I love you too, kitten."
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crowtrinkets · 3 years
There are No Ghosts at Fathom Castle
The barista cannot sleep because something or someone is making noises late at night. Felix tries to convince them there are no ghosts. But is it true?
Gender Neutral Reader as always
I hope people laugh at the BuzzFeed unsolved quotes as I did lol. I don't have a set time that this takes place, just sometime after the MC yknow *dead sounds*The trash house story is actually based on a house my friends and I found one, we all dicked around in it like a bunch of idiots and I'm p sure something followed me home :)
Tags: @sadnhvibes @uselessbeanies
Words: 3,514
I am roused from my sleep, sitting up quickly, frantically looking for the source of the sound. Nothing. What was I doing? I glance down and notice the book in front of me. Right, I was reading and I guess I must have fallen asleep.
"Stella? Did you break into my room again? You better not be knocking Felix's books over again you know how he hates that," I call out. I don't hear the telltale sign of Stella's meows so she must not be in here. I sit up properly, stretching my sore muscles, groaning with my aching bones. I stand and stumble over to my bed, if I'm going to be asleep it should at least be somewhere comfortable. Curling up in my blankets, I let my eyes flutter shut and slowly drift off.
I snap my eyes open when I hear the sound a second time, this time it's followed by footsteps. That definitely was not Stella. I grab my blanket and wrap it around myself, grabbing a nearby lit candle. I hastily put on my shoes and cautiously approach the door. I slowly push it open, enough that the hinges don't creek.
Stepping out of my room, trying desperately to remain quiet and unseen, I cup my hand around the flame to protect it and shield the light from whoever is lurking in the halls. The steps are getting louder, approaching me ever so slowly. Like its taunting me. I back up against the wall, just before the corner turns, and take in a deep breath. I should have brought a weapon but maybe I can scare the intruder, I grab the corner of my blanket so I can throw it if need be. The steps are louder now, just before they reach the corner I swing around to catch them by surprise.
"AAAAH-AAUGHHHH!" I drop the candle before I can get a good look at the intruder's to face. In an instant, green flames are thrown at me, along with the intruder's screams, I fall backward and toss my blanket at the flames, scooting backward, frantically trying to get away. My blanket catches alight and falls to the ground, a flurry of green flames and feathers. I look up and meet the intruder's eyes, my breath labored and heavy.
"Felix!?" I say. Felix has his hand supporting him against the wall, trying to catch his own breath. He meets my eyes and speaks my name.
"What are you doing attacking me with your bedding in the dead of night?" Felix tries to remain whispering, but his voice is high-pitched with fear.
"What are you doing stalking around at night? And what's with the thumping?" I point at him accusatorially from the ground. Felix eyes me up and down, his gaze dropping to my blanket, which is still very much on fire. The flames illuminate his expression. Casting green light and shadows on his tired yet confused expression. I finally get to my feet dusting myself off.
"I could not sleep… Anyhow, are you alright? Not singed or injured in any way?" Felix's concern seems serious but I can't help but still feel shaken.
"No, but I feel like I lost 5 years off my lifespan," I run a hand through my hair trying to calm my violently beating heart.
"Well, yes, dying and coming back will do that to you,"
"What?" Felix's eyes snap to mine, the hallway filling with an awkward silence.
"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that," I say with a sigh. Just then the fire from the blanket goes out. "Oh great now its pitch black, and I dropped my candle too," I grumble. I hear metal clinking and then suddenly my candle is alight in Felix's hand, who hands it to me.
"Oh um, thank you," I say, reaching to take it from his hand. Our fingers graze and I suddenly feel more awake and aware, or maybe it was because I had the bejeezus scared out of me a second ago. Taking the candle holder from Felix I clear my throat.
"So um, couldn't sleep? Does thumping around relax you or something?" I try to joke.
"Thumping? I'm afraid I don’t know what you're talking about?" Felix states, crossing his arms.
"Well, it sure as hell wasn't Stella,"
"You'd be surprised what she can do," his tone turning serious.
"Well if you weren't making those thumping sounds then who was?" Felix gives me a shrug. I chuckle slightly. "Maybe it was a ghost,"
"Oh please, if there were ghosts here I would know, and besides they wouldn't just make things go bump in the night,"
"Says the man that turned into a ghost and followed me from Porrima back to Fathom,"
"I was not-!" Felix cuts himself off with a sigh. "Trust me when I tell you this dear barista, there are no ghosts in Fathom castle,"
We both jump, inching closer together, frantically looking around in the darkness, I hold the candle up to see if I can illuminate the hallway a bit, but it remains dark and shadowy, much to our dismay.
"That definitely didn’t come from Stella," my voice barely above a whisper.
"Please, if anything it's probably Sage trying to mess with us," Felix takes a step forward, trying to appear brave, but I can hear the shake of his voice. "Hilarious Sage, you can stop your charade now though, no need to frighten out friend, the hour is late,"
No response.
"Felix I don't think it's Sage,"
"Isn't there a particular bar calling your name about now?" Felix shouts down the dark hall. Still no response. His shoulders drop as he takes a step back, his eyes still scanning the darkened hallway.
"Maybe it was a ghooost" I mimic my best haunting voice and wave my free hand ominously at Felix who only scoffs.
"If there were ghosts here they would not be able to move objects on their own, and they do not sound like that!" Felix states, but I can sense a hint of a smile in the candlelight.
“Well, I won't be able to go back to bed now, fancy some ghost hunting Felix?” I nudge his side. Felix lets out a sigh as he glances at me, eyeing me up and down.
“Well alright, but don’t get your hopes up, I doubt we’ll see anything,” I can feel the excitement, or maybe fear, well in me, we begin to walk down the hallway together, looking for the source of the sound.
“So Felix, tell me about Fathom's ghostly history?”
“What other than the thousands of Starsworn who died?
“Right… Well, every haunted place has a story of some sort, it explains why it’s haunted,”
“Oh really? Such as?” Felix’s tone is almost teasing, as a smirk form upon his lips.
“Well, hmm… Oh, one time when I was a teenager my friends and I went walking in the dark. We found an abandoned house that was absolutely filled with trash and other items,”
“What does this have to do with hauntings?”
“Well, someone wrote 'it's under the house' on one of the walls,”
“And what was under the house?”
“I’m not actually sure, none of us wanted to go digging in trash, but I'm sure something followed me home, I would always hear weird sounds at night after that day,” I hear Felix scoff once again.
“Even if there were ghosts in that place I doubt they would follow you home, you were probably paranoid,” I shrug off his comment and we continue to walk down the corridor in silence.
Our shoes echo off the walks, the only sound other than the wick of the candle, popping occasionally. We continue to walk in silence, almost like we have run out of things to say. And neither one of us dare to break it. But the thump comes once again, stopping us in our tracks, wind flows through the corridor putting out my light. Without thinking I reach for Felix’s hand in the darkness as I let out a startled gasp. I can hear Felix’s breath hitch as he grips my hand as well.
"Felix, you're not doing that right?"
"No of course not!" the thumping becomes more frantic and louder. It's getting closer.
"Well, I'm not staying to find out!" I grip Felix's hand and book it back towards my room. Dragging Felix back with me, throwing the candle holder in the direction of the sound. He yelps in response but follows me through the dark halls. We finally make it to my room and I close the door behind us.
"Why did you run? I thought you wanted to find the ghost?" Felix says between gasps.
"I'm not fond of being attacked in the dark" I say.
"Well, now you've tossed away our light source,"
"Oh, Ummm," I think for a moment and walk to the table in my room, I rummage through my backpack which is placed on top. I pull out my house keys and remove the miniature flashlight from the key ring. I flick it on and shine it on Felix, avoiding his face, he squints at the sudden light facing him.
"Gods, what is that?"
"It's a flashlight, just a handy dandy Earth invention,"
"Your Earth 'slang' as you call it, never ceases to baffle me,"
"You wouldn't happen to have holy water? Or even a crucifix?"
"A what?"
"Ok, maybe we can just will the ghost away?"
"What? What are you talking about,"
“So we can banish the ghost!” I say almost a little too enthusiastically.
“There is no ghost!” Felix sounds exasperated at this point.
“You’re right, it can’t be a ghost…. More than anything it’s a poltergeist or a demon,” a smile creeps across my lips. Felix lets out a long sigh, he stares at the ceiling almost like he’s asking the heavens ‘why’.
“C’mon Felix it’s just for fun, and besides something is making that sound so we have to find it,” I approach Felix, hoping he’s not too annoyed and will go with me. His eyes meet mine and he stares just for a second.
“Fine, yes, we really should find the source of the noise,” I return Felix's grimace with a smile as we exit my room.
The hallway is just as dark and ominous as before. I scan my flashlight as far as it will reach. It’s a cheap dollar store flashlight I got for emergencies, so it doesn’t reach that far, but it's better than nothing.
“Hey there demons, it's me, ya Earthling,” I call out into the hallway.
“What? What does that even mean?” Felix sounds utterly dumbfounded. I’m now reminding myself to brush him up on the great Earth classics.
“Its nothing, just a little friendly greeting for the ghosts,”
The sound again. It comes from one end of the hallway. Felix and I glance at each other and with a nod, we head towards its direction. I light up what little I can of the hallway as we make our way to the source of the sound. Our breath shallow so as to not allow whoever's there to hear us approaching. We make our way around a corner, peaking just before we move forward.
“Do you hear that?” Felix puts a hand out in front of me.
“What I don’t hear-“ I stop when the sound of a wailing echoes silently through the hall. “I-is that a woman crying?”
“It must be the wind, there’s a terrible draft in this castle,” Felix’s voice wavers slightly, but he clears his throat as though to mask it.
“No… that sounds like a woman crying,” I feel my nerves bubble in my stomach, telling me to go back to the safety of my room. But I have to know what this sound is, and even then I don’t think I'd be able to fall asleep. I suddenly feel warmth on my hand, even in the dark I can tell it's Felix. I squeeze his fingers in mine.
“Let's keep moving,” he whispers to me, we then continue down the path, towards the crying voice.
“Yknow back on Earth there's a famous ghost called La Llorona, she wanders the streets at night wailing for her dead children,”
“I guess grief can transcend the grave as well,”
“Well, some people say she killed them,”
“...Maybe we should talk about something else,���
As we continue down the halls, the wailing seems to travel, never in one spot or room, it’s almost as though it wants us to follow. Eventually, we end up outside of the castle, where we approach a rather rickety-looking bridge connecting two sections of the castle together. We walk into the moonlight, the chill air nipping at our skin. I am suddenly mourning my blanket.
Felix pulls his hand away from mine and walks over to the ledge of a wall near the bridge, looking up at the sky. Turning off and pocketing my flashlight I stand by his side.
“Are you usually up this late?” I break the silence.
“Usually yes, my sleeping habits are temperamental so I tend to take walks, hence why I was out and about when you frightened me,” Felix says, eyes never leaving the stars.
“Right, sorry about that, you do owe me a new blanket though,”
“Yes, I suppose,” Felix chuckles. I lean forward on the wall and look at the surroundings of the castle, lots of water, I can also see the forest I occasionally take walks in. Taking a deep breath I start again.
“If you ever can't sleep you can always see if I'm up, and if I am we can take a walk together,” I glance over at Felix who stiffens slightly, but then a small smile forms on his lips,”
“I would very much enjoy that,” he states. The moonlight shining brightly on him, casting his frame in cool blue light, fitting to the cold air surrounding us.
Suddenly a rattling sound startles us. Both straightening from our spots Felix and I look at the bridge, which shakes slightly. Felix and I approach it, gawking at the bridge which starts to shake more and more violently, almost like someone is jumping on it. I look across the other side and see a door in the castle wall, slightly ajar, something white flowing in the corner.
“What is that!” I point across the bridge. Felix squints.
“I’m not sure, but there must be some explanation,” at this point the bridge is rattling loud enough that Felix and I have to yell.
“Is there an explanation for a bridge moving violently like this?!” I wildly gesture at the bridge. Felix winces at my comment.
“No I don’t think so,”
"Screw this," I take a deep breath and grip Felix’s sleeve.
“FUCK YOU, GOATMAN!” I shout at the top of my lungs, running as fast as possible across the bridge, dragging Felix in tow. The bridge continues to shake but I keep my balance and speed. As I run towards the door frame the white object disappears behind the door, I kick in the door, and once Felix and I make it inside I slam it shut. I scan for whatever disappeared behind the door but I don't see it.
“Goatman?” Is all Felix can blurt out.
“Oh yknow, another famous Earth ghost. He attacks people who play on his bridge, thought I would cover my bases and scream at him,”
“Earth is quite obsessed with death and the afterlife, and you call me morbid,” Felix retorts. I look around the room for any doors or hallways, but there are only stairs that lead back to the inside of the castle.
“I guess all we can do is head down,” Felix nods and once I bring out my flashlight, we descend the stairs. Once we reach the bottom I notice a white blur disappear behind a door. I grab onto Felix’s sleeve and pull him close so I can whisper into his ear.
“I saw something go into that door Felix, I think it’s the ghost we saw earlier,”
“I didn’t see anything,”
“Well, I did! And at this point, I'm tired of chasing it!" I storm towards the door, Felix whispering protests behind me. I kick open the door and scan my flashlight around the room. It seems we're in a small mess hall of sorts. There are tables and benches everywhere, but I don't see anyone else in the room.
"I don't see the point of chasing something that potentially isn't even there!" Felix comes up behind me, sounding very done with our hunt. Just as Felix makes his way in, the door slams shut behind us. I shine my light at the door and see no one behind us. I approach the door and pull on the knob, trying to get it open, but it won't budge. I shoot Felix a worried glance, his lips forming into a grimace.
"Open the door!" Felix's voice wavers between scared and annoyed.
"I'm trying it won't budge!" I continue to pull on the door. Felix approaches and pulls on the door as well. But it remains closed. I suddenly feel the hairs on my neck stand, almost like someone is watching me, I tense my shoulders daring not to turn around. Put a hand on Felix's shoulders, I lean in to whisper in his ear.
"Felix I think someone is behind me," without waiting for a beat Felix turns around, his eyes going wide, he backs against the door and grabs my arm pulling me close. I turn around to see what he's looking at. There stands, the shape of a woman, standing a few feet away. White cloths drape her figure shielding her face. She reaches a hand out to us and the wailing we heard earlier in the castle starts to emit from her. At this point, my whole body is shaking.
"Felix I think that's the ghost,"
"N-no! It cant be, it must be Sage," Felix continues to grip my arm, holding me close to him or maybe he's shielding himself but at this point, I'm too scared to question it. "Ok Sage you can let up now, we're trapped in this room so there's no reason to keep going with your little prank," But the figure continues to advance on us. I reach behind me and continue to pull on the doorknob, hoping it finally opens. However, my prayers are answered too soon and the door does open. Felix and I falling backward, our backs hitting something behind us.
"Boo," a deep voice growls into our ears.
"AAAUGH!" Felix and I both jump and swing around to see…
"Sage!!" I shout, my thoughts catch up to me and I turn back around only to see.
"Annie!?" Felix retorts. Anisa pulls the cloth from her face and bursts out laughing, Sage, following suit. In between shaky breathes Felix and I look at the two of them and back at each other, confusion and fear plastered on our faces.
"I think I need to sit down," I stumble over to the wall and lean against it, sliding down until I'm sitting on the floor.
"I knew it was just Sage messing with us, but Anisa! How could you,"
"I'm so sorry! It's just Sage had the idea and I couldn't resist having a little fun," Anisa says as she wipes tears from her eyes. Her fangs poking through her smile. Sage is now on the floor, having difficulty containing his laughter.
"Oh, the look on your faces! And Felix trying so hard to open the door!" Sage grips his stomach until his laughing subsides to which he lets out a sigh and sits up, using his left arm to support himself.
"So the wailing in the castle? That was you?" He gestures to Anisa who nods in response, trying to stifle her laugh.
"What about the bridge that couldn't have possibly been you?" he turns to Sage.
"Tied a rope to the bridge and pulled on it from the moat! I got a little wet in the process but I feel it was worth it," Sage sends a wink in my direction. To which I roll my eyes, still trying to calm my nerves.
"I do hope you'll forgive us," Anisa walks over to me and crouches by my side. I let out a sigh and look between Sage and Anisa.
"I guess it was kind of funny," I say.
"Nothing funny about scaring the lights out of someone," Felix mumbles under his breath.
"I think I can recall a certain someone setting many things on fire as a "prank", Felix?" Anisa shoots him a smug smile. Felix flushes slightly and shrugs. Anisa calls my name to get my attention. "How are you feeling?" I finally sit up from the wall and look at the three of them processing the night I just had with Felix.
"Like, you all owe me a new blanket,"
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harrysweasleys · 4 years
Torture and Reward
Synopsis: After suffering punishment from Umbridge, the person that comes to your aid is one of the people you dislike the most. 
Warnings: language, torture, blood
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: sorry this took so long!!! i’ve been feeling under the weather lately and have been resting but here ya go! my requests are open. :) gif is from google!
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“Good practice today, guys,” Harry called out to the witches and wizards scattered across the Room of Requirements, each practicing different spells and jinxes.
A mumble of ‘thanks’ and ‘until next time’ sounded from the group and each of them slowly started making their way out as discreetly as possible. You walked over to where Ron and Hermione stood, both of them smirking as Harry made his way over to Cho on the other side of the room. 
“See you back in the common room, Harry,” Hermione grinned, turning away and walking out the door, you and Ron in tow. 
“It’s about time that lovestruck fool confesses his feelings for her,” you chuckled after getting the ‘ok’ from Neville and turning the corner down the hall, the coast clear of the Inquisitorial Squad and Filch. 
Practicing in the Room of Requirements had become a much bigger struggle now with Umbridge’s band of suck-ups patrolling the halls at every hour of the day, hungry to catch students in the act of doing something they shouldn’t be. If you guys were caught, and the name ‘Dumbledore’s Army’ came to light, you’d all be screwed. 
“Reckon he won’t be back in the common room for another little while,” Ron scratched the back of his neck, which was still hurting from when Hermione hit him with ‘stupefy.’ He had complained about it quite a bit, but his crush on Hermione was big enough for him to eventually drop it and accept her win. 
You chuckled at his comment, noticing that the rain had picked up and become a heavy downpour by now. The sun had practically vanished, and all you could think about was getting back into your dorm and cozying up in bed, listening to the rain fall and wrapping yourself up in the warm blankets. 
However, as you reached the portrait hole, you remembered you left your bag in the Room of Requirement, and so your bed would have to wait even longer.
“Bloody hell, I left my bag behind,” you stopped in your tracks, resisting the urge to slap your forehead due to your forgetfulness. 
“Can’t you just go get it tomorrow?” Ron asked, and you could see himself crash on the couch by the fireplace. 
“Can’t,” you started making your way back out of the portrait hole and down the stairs, “Homework!”
You could hear Hermione shout something to you but all you understood was ‘careful’ so you shot her a thumbs up and continued rushing down the stairs, hopefully without getting caught by any of the people on watch. As you made your way downstairs and then back up again, reaching the seventh floor, you didn’t get the chance to round the corner before you ran into a thick body. 
“Watch where you’re — oh! Malfoy!” you instantly recognized Crabbe’s voice and your entire body went rigid. You looked up to face him and noticed that indeed, from around another corner, Malfoy came strutting up with a smirk on his face. 
You felt your blood run cold, you knew that no matter what excuse you’d come up with for why you were here, he’d still end up dragging you to see Umbridge. You didn’t exactly have a good history with Draco Malfoy, and there was no doubt he’d take any chance he could get to make your life living hell.
“Well, well,” he sneered, “Fancy seeing you here. What’s got you in such a rush to get to the seventh floor?”
You crossed your arms, avoiding the gaze of him and Crabbe, who were immediately joined by Goyle once he heard talking. 
“It’s really none of your concern but if you must know...” you brain scrambled trying to find something, “I was... running from someone.”
Malfoy laughed dryly, “Nice try, we’ll see if Umbridge believes you.” He grabbed your wrist forcefully and nodded at the two other boys, motioning for them to follow.
“Wait, no,” you resisted, tugging your wrist back, “Fine, fine, I was looking for someone. I was meeting Neville.” Why Neville’s name popped into your head, you had no idea. You hoped you weren’t going to get him in trouble by throwing his name out there. 
“Well, we’ve been standing here for nearly fifteen minutes and Longbottom hasn’t shown his stupid face,” he crossed his arms, looking at you as if he could see right through your lie, “Rather unfortunate. For you, not for me. I get the joy in bringing you to Umbridge. My first official victim. Crabbe, Goyle, stay here. I’ll be back.”
Your heart sunk, but you tried not to show it. You scoffed as he grabbed your arm, dragging you down the hall with proud determination in his step. To say you weren’t friendly with Draco Malfoy was the understatement of the year. He had made it his life’s goal to torment your group of friends. Although you routinely snapped back and told him off, putting him in his place, he never seemed to lighten the blow any chance he could get.
“Famous Harry Potter not here to save you now, is he?” he turned back to face you, his grip on your arm tightening as you guys got closer to the devil woman’s office. 
“I don’t need Harry around to save me, Malfoy,” you snapped, “Unlike you, I don’t need people around me every second of the day to feel braver.”
He stopped in his step, looking back at you with eyes that could kill, “You know nothing about me, Y/N. So shut your mouth and keep walking.”
“I would,” you raised an eyebrow, “You’re the one who stopped walking.”
He let out a frustrated sigh and turned around, dragging you behind him once more. You kind of had an idea as to what was in store for you once you reached her office. Harry had come back from detention with a bloody, scarred hand, the words ‘I must not tell lies’ inscribed into his skin. Chances are you’d be dealing with the same fate.
Now, detention you could handle. Merlin knows you’ve gotten enough of those running around with Harry, Ron and Hermione all of these years. But blood was a different story. Blood you couldn’t handle. You nearly passed out when Ron got his leg mauled by Sirius Black — or Padfoot, really — in your third year, and had to hold back a gag when Harry got scratched up after facing a dragon in the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament in your fourth year.
Blood was not your thing. 
But you were also not going to give Malfoy or Umbridge the satisfaction of knowing they had affected you. 
After too short of a walk, the two of you had arrived in front of her door and Draco was knocking loudly, his chest puffed out in pride. 
“Come in,” her sickly sweet voice was muffled from the other side of the door. Draco swung the door open and you felt your face turn into a grimace. 
Umbridge was sitting at her pink desk, drinking from her pink cup of tea and wearing her pink robes — but not just that — she had hundreds of picture frames around the room, each one had a tiny kitten on it. The constant ‘meow’ was disturbing. There was something morally wrong with this woman.
Draco pushed you in and you stumbled over your two feet, too distracted by how disgustingly pink the room was to remember why you were even here. 
“Well, Mister Malfoy, why have you brought Miss Y/L/N to my office?” she placed her teacup down and looked at you, an evil smile gracing her thin lips. You glared at her, and then to Draco, before going back to her. 
“Found her wandering the seventh floor,” he let go of your arm and crossed his arms over his chest. You looked down to your wrist, noticing the red, irritated skin that was left where his hand previously was. 
“Mind explaining why you were on the seventh floor, dear?” Umbridge asked you, eyes glistening.
“Don’t call me dear,” you muttered, “And I was there to meet someone, like I told Malfoy. I was meeting someone and we were going to go for a walk.”
She stood up and pulled out a chair next to her desk, pointing at it, “Sit.”
Her smile faltered but she covered it, eyes boring into you with extreme resentment, “When I tell you to sit, you sit.”
You could see her hand reach the wand on her desk and you felt your breath hitch in your throat. You knew it was illegal, but you were also aware that she didn’t have boundaries when it came to how she’d treat her students. 
You looked over at Draco — who also seemed slightly taken aback by her threat — and sat down. 
She reached into the top drawer of her desk and pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill. She placed them on the tiny desk in front of you and grinned, sitting back down in her giant pink chair. 
“Malfoy, you may stick around, after I am done with her I must speak to you,” she nodded at him, and he took a seat, looking over at you, the prideful expression on his face having disappeared once he noticed how disturbed you looked.
You bit your cheek, looking down at the blank parchment in front of you with resentment, “What am I writing?”
“Watch your tone with me, I can very easily make this worse than it has to be,” she squinted at you, “Write ‘I must not wander corridors past curfew.”
Your head snapped up, “What? I wasn’t out past curfew.” You were certain that the reason you were being brought here was because she had suspicions about Dumbledore’s Army. There was no way it was past curfew. 
“Professor, it wasn’t that—” Draco started to speak up but was cut off by Umbridge holding her hand up.
Her smile became more twisted by the second, “Just write it.”
You rolled your eyes, picking up the quill. You knew just what kind of quill this was and so didn’t even bother with the whole ‘I haven’t got any ink’ part. 
“What’s she going to write with?” Draco leaned back in his chair, every trace of his cockiness gone as he took in the scene in front of him.
“My blood, Malfoy, it’s a Black Quill,” you smiled sarcastically, looking down at the paper and beginning to write. He didn’t reply, but you could see him eyeing your every move with caution. 
As you started writing, you could feel the immediate sting on the back of your left hand. The pain moved up your arm, causing focus to become difficult. You bit your lip, turning your hand away and squeezing your eyes shut. The pain was said to be quite bad, but this was a little worst than you expected. Harry said it felt like being scratched by a cat. He never mentioned that it actually felt like something was scratching against your bones.
“Professor, sorry, is this even legal?” Draco asked, but his voice sounded distant over the painful ringing in your ears. 
You didn’t dare look at the back of your hand, knowing that there was definitely enough damage to cause bleeding. You could feel drops of blood trickling down your fingers as you continued to clench your hand shut. 
As you finished writing the first sentence — yes, only the first sentence — you felt the pain ease slightly. You let out a deep, shaky breath, not wanting to look up and have anyone see how much pain you were currently in. You were usually good with pain, except on your hands and your nose. Those somehow always manage to get the biggest reaction from you.
“As long as you don’t go off telling anyone, it’s perfectly legal,” Umbridge’s voice was loud and clear now, almost taunting you as you struggled to keep your face neutral. 
“How many times?” you spoke through gritted teeth, still glaring down at the paper, the previous sentence you had written looking unfortunately lonely on the page. 
“Let’s say... ten, shall we?” you could hear her taking a sip of her tea and you wanted nothing more than to pour it on her face and smash the cup against her forehead, but you controlled your urges and placed the quill on the parchment. 
As you started writing again, the pain scorched your hand once more. It was as if you were digging even deeper than the previous sentence. You swore the cut was down to the bone, but you knew that was impossible.
Three sentences in, four, five, six. The pain never stopped. You could feel your entire body shaking, your left hand going more painfully numb with each letter you wrote. You didn’t notice Draco getting agitated, nor did you notice Umbridge basking in the glory of torturing a student. 
Finally, after the longest three minutes of your life, you had finished writing the sentence ten times, and the pain in your hand stung like a bitch. You finally looked up at Umbridge, shooting daggers with your eyes and hoping she’d actually end up dropping dead. 
“Well, did you get the message?” she asked, smiling at you over her pink tea cup. 
You grit your teeth, clutching your bleeding hand to your chest and not even caring about it staining your robes, “Yes.”
“Well, you’re free to go,” she pointed towards the door, “Malfoy, stay behind.”
You got up with wobbly legs and shot a glare at Malfoy, blaming him for bringing you here. He looked almost apologetic, but you didn’t care. This was his fault. 
As you stormed out of the room, you let out a deep breath and shut your eyes, letting a tear fall down your cheek as you continued clutching your throbbing hand to your chest. That wasn’t legal, there was no way she could just torture students like that. Harry has taken it way better than you did, but this wasn’t okay. She couldn’t do this.
You rushed back to the common room, walking in and storming upstairs to your room. Luckily, no one had noticed your forceful entrance and minded their own business. Or so you thought. 
As you threw your body down on your bed in frustration, Hermione walked into your shared dorm and shot you a confused look, “You left to get your bag and returned half an hour later without it, what happened?”
You lifted your hand, showing her the words ‘I must not wander corridors past curfew’ cut into your pale skin. The bleeding had stopped, but the skin was still very much irritated and swollen.
“That witch,” Hermione seethed, sitting down next to you on the end of your bed, “Here, give it to me.”
You held out your hand and she placed her wand on it. A second later, your hand was wrapped tightly in thick white bandage, shielding your cut. The pain was still there, but it somehow felt better.
You gave her a tired smile, “Thanks, Hermione.”
She asked you what had happened, and you gave her all the details about running into Malfoy, down to every last thing Umbridge had said. She was furious, as were you, but the sudden exhaustion from tonight’s events hit you like a train, and before you knew it, you were completely dozed off. 
Breakfast the next morning was awkward. Hermione had told Harry and Ron what happened, and the two of them were ticked off as well. When they weren’t shooting death stares at Umbridge, they were making sure you were okay. Harry had been through this before and knew how painful it had been, so he told you how to handle it and make sure it went away without leaving a nasty scar. His hand was almost good as new by now, the letters fading more and more by each passing day.
You were so focused on trying to convince your friends you were fine that you hadn’t noticed Draco looking over at you from the Slytherin table. 
When you eventually caught his eye, he looked away immediately, a pink tint on his ears and his sad eyes looking at the vast array of food on the table. 
You brushed it off, still mad at him for his proud manner last night, and continued picking at the fruits on your plate, your appetite lacking more than usual. 
“We should get going soon, we’ve got Divination and it’s so bloody far. I’m not quick on steps,” Ron said through a mouthful of breakfast sausage, grabbing a goblet of pumpkin juice and downing it at the same time. You chuckled at Hermione’s disgusted expression and picked up your books, making a mental note to eventually go get your bag back. With the chaos of last night, you completely forgot about your bag.
As you stood up, you noticed Draco doing the same. You didn’t think much of it and followed your friends out of the Great Hall. Right as you were about to start up the stairs, you heard your name being called from behind you. 
“Y/N, wait!”
You stopped walking and turned around, noticing Draco running over to you, his blond hair bouncing out of place with every step he took. You turned around, telling your friends to save you a seat in Divination, and turned around to face the Slytherin. 
“What do you want? Coming to drag me to another fun torture session?” you snapped, your patience wearing thin as you instinctively grabbed your left hand. 
He looked down at you, “No, I just want to say I’m sorry.”
“Sorry? Do you even know what that word means?” you scoffed, trying avoid his gaze but it seemed nearly impossible. His eyes were burning into you with insane intensity and you were suddenly very aware of your close proximity. In the five years you had known the proud Draco Malfoy, not once had you ever heard him say the words ‘I’m sorry.’
“Listen, I went too far last night. I shouldn’t have brought you in to her. You didn’t deserve what she did and I’m sorry I caused it. I didn’t realize she was going to do that. It was awful to watch and I can’t imagine how it was for you.”
You were so ready for a snarky comeback, but the sincerity in his voice was so rare and faint that you couldn’t find the words to do so. You looked up at him and surprisingly, you found yourself smiling softly.
“Wow, never thought I’d see the day you’d admit your faults, Malfoy,” you grinned teasingly, a smirk on your lips. You had never seen him like this before, he actually looked genuine. And despite how often you two were at each others’ throats, you couldn’t find yourself wanting to make a comeback.
He nodded slightly, “Well, I could tell that last night was tougher for you than you let on. And, honestly, like I said, I didn’t enjoy it either. So, yeah, I apologize.”
You smiled at him, “I’ll forgive you on one condition.”
His eyes met yours once more, “What’s that?”
“Don’t bring another student to her. I don’t want anyone else going through that. She doesn’t deserve the satisfaction.”
He seemed to agree with you because he gave you a curt nod, “You got yourself a deal.”
Maybe it was his honesty and vulnerability, but something about the way he was looking at you was different than any other time he had done so. His blue eyes seemed softer, and the platinum blond strands that were hanging in his face were almost asking for you to push them back into place.
Oh no. 
There was no way you could find Draco Malfoy attractive. Your friends would kill you. 
“Well, I’ve got class to get to,” you pointed to the Divination book clutched in your hands and bid him goodbye, walking up the staircase in a rush to get to class on time. You hated the fact that the whole way there, you were thinking of how gently he was speaking to you, and how close he was standing, and how good he smelled...
You couldn’t think of him that way. 
You had been so caught up in thinking of him that you nearly tripped over the last step, entering the dimly lit classroom in a stumble. You apologized to Professor Trelawney and sat between Hermione and Harry, mumbling a ‘thanks’ for your saved seat. 
The class seemed to pass by quicker than usual, and as that was usually a good think because Divination was so boring, it had passed by quickly because you were thinking of Draco’s apology — which wasn’t a good thing.
There was something so different about the way he spoke to you that morning that you couldn’t get his stupid handsome face out of your mind.
“Y/N?” Hermione snapped her fingers in front of your face, eyebrows raised, “Earth to Y/N?”
“Yeah, sorry, I was thinking of... never mind,” you shook your head and faced her, “What?”
“We’re partnered up, we have to do each other’s palm reading,” she stated matter-of-factly, grabbing your right palm as your left one was still wrapped up. 
You blinked, taking a second to process what was happening and then opened your palm wider so she could read it. She gazed back and forth between your hand and the wide open textbook, figuring out what everything meant. 
“Well, you’re gonna die young,” she smiled sarcastically, “And of course, within the next week, a secret love shall reveal itself.” It was no secret Hermione hated Divination as well, and found amusement in the non-factual predictions that were made in class. 
“Lovely, let me see yours,” you grabbed her hand and slid the textbook closer to you, looking over each description.
“So, apparently, you’re gonna have a falling out with a loved one,” you read, smiling at her with fake enthusiasm, “You’re going to fail at something important, and maybe lose a limb in the next three years.”
Hermione burst out laughing, shutting the book loudly. Professor Trelawney dismissed the two of you since you were finished and you both made your way out of class, giggling about your stupid predictions. 
The weekend rolled around quickly and you had made plans with Hermione and the boys to go to Hogsmeade. There was definitely a butterbeer waiting for you at the Three Broomsticks. With the stress of exams and assignments in the coming weeks, you were in need of a good escape from the Hogwarts grounds.
Saturday afternoon, you all walked over to the village in the warm sunshine, soaking in the rays and admiring the mountains without the clouds interrupting your view.
As you guys walked in to the Three Broomsticks, the dull chatter and sounds of conversation filled your ears as the four of you picked a table in the corner next to a window. You grabbed the chair next to the window, admiring the people passing by outside, living their lives in a hustle and bustle.
Harry and Ron went to the counter and got four butterbeers, bringing them back with smiles on their faces. You took yours and drank a large sip, the warmth of the drink making you feel all fuzzy inside. You were all in light conversation, talking about something Flitwick had done in class last week, when your eyes darted outside.
The bell next to the door dinged and in came Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise. You had managed to go nearly two days without seeing or thinking of him, hoping your new found attraction was only a one-time occurrence, but as he looked over in your direction and smiled at you, you swore your heart did a slight leap. 
Goddamn it. 
“Why’d that ferret git smile over here?” Ron muttered, a thin line of foam above his top lip.
“I don’t think he was smiling at us,” Harry brushed it off, “Why would he?”
He did have a good point. Why would he smile at you?
You tried to ignore the way his eyes lingered on you from where he was sitting, your full focus being on Harry complaining about the upcoming OWLs, but it was tough when you could practically feel the gaze from the Slytherin boy across the room. 
Too agitated to focus, you abruptly stood up and excused yourself, saying you needed to head to the washroom. You took off down the small hall and entered the ladies’ room, rushing over to the sink and looking at yourself in the mirror. Your cheeks were tinted with a slight pink hue, and you knew it was because of Draco and his across-the-room stare.
You cursed yourself, knowing that if you kept up this weird attraction, it would eventually develop into a crush. And there was no way anyone would be okay with that. 
You washed your hands, shaking your head at yourself, and prepared to walk back out there. You were just not going to stare at Draco. Easy enough, right?
As soon as you opened the door to step back out, the man himself was standing right in front of you, leaning against the wall, the light from the window illuminating his face and casting a dramatic shadow on his other half.
“This is the ladies’ room,” you found yourself stupidly saying. You wanted to smack yourself. Of course he knew this was the ladies room.
“Uh, yeah, I’m aware,” he chuckled, crossing his arms. Goddamn it, he looked fine as hell. You took a deep breath and prepared to walk past him, but his hand wrapped around your wrist and stopped you in your step.
“Your bandage is gone,” he looked down to your left hand, which still had a clear mark of what Umbridge had your write, but it was closed up enough that you weren’t worried about it getting infected or anything at this point.
You didn’t know what to say back, so you were thankful he started speaking again.
“Uh, so, listen, I don’t know what happened that night, when I brought you to Umbridge, but I still can’t help the guilt that’s eating me alive.”
You smiled softly, “Seriously, it’s fine. It’ll heal, it’s not like she killed me or anything.” You tried lightening the mood, but he didn’t smile.
“I want to make it up to you,” he muttered, a light pink tint on his cheeks. You wanted to tease him about it, but you couldn’t. You were finally seeing a better, kinder side of him and you were gonna take it and run with it.
So, you walked closer and learned on the wall next to him, “How so?”
He mumbled something so quickly you didn’t understand a single word, but the fact that he avoided eye contact when saying it made you want to hear it even more.
“Come again?”
He took a deep breath and spoke clearly, “I want to take you to Hogsmeade next weekend. You and me.”
Your eyes nearly bulged out of your head. You leaned off the wall, heart pounding out of your chest. Had he just asked you on a date? A literal date? Draco Malfoy? Asking you on a date?
If this had been a week ago, you would have laughed in his face and stormed off, but now, he was like a whole new person to you, and you wanted to take him up on his offer. Something inside you — call it a gut feeling — convinced you that this wasn’t a twisted, insulting joke, so you said the first thing that came to your mind.
“Alright,” you grinned, “You and me.”
He visibly relaxed, a confident smirk making its way back onto his face, “Good. I’ll see you then.”
He walked off, leaving you grinning like an idiot, your cheeks warmer than ever. You couldn’t go out to your friends looking like this, they’d know somethings up. You actually got a date with Draco Malfoy. Those are words you never, ever expected to say.
You took a moment to cool yourself off, calming down the warmth in your cheeks, and made your way back out to the table. Your cheeks were less pink, but the smile was still on your face. 
“Why’re you grinning so hard? Did you have a really good pee or something?” Ron raised an eyebrow at you as you took your seat once more, thankful that your hair was in your face to hide your stupidly happy expression.
“Sure, we’ll go with that,” you nodded, taking a sip of your butterbeer and catching Draco’s eye across the room. He sent a wink your way and turned back to his conversation.
You couldn’t wait for next weekend. 
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silvercrystalwhump · 3 years
A Good Distraction
This is a really quick thing I wrote between classes, it’s not the best but I like it. This takes place during Vincent’s healing arc. It’s after an Incident that will be addressed in Whumptober.
Vincent belongs to @ashintheairlikesnow
TW: vaguely implied past noncon, alcohol reference, vague suicide attempt reference, rehab/therapy mention
Vincent takes a step through his front door. His legs, moving through habit, carry him to his kitchen. Walking into his pantry, he opens a cupboard tucked in the back. Anxiety eats at the fibers of his throat, his breath comes in short, staggered breaths.
Habit drove him here.
But his liquor cabinet hasn’t had any alcohol since he started going to rehab.
It’s not empty, however.
Cat toys sit in little cubbies inside the should-be empty cabinet. A tub labeled Cat-Food sits in the back. The smell of catnip permeates the cupboard.
Why is there cat stuff here? I don’t own cats.
Vincent closes his eyes and leans back on a foot and sighs. He turns away and gently closes the door. He wraps his arms around his torso and leans against the wall, his lungs feel tight inside his chest.
“Vee, you home?” he hears Dmitri call from the other room, “I have a surprise for you.”
Vincent slowly peels himself from the wall and lets himself stagger out into the kitchen. “Yeah.”
Dmitri turns the corner, a smile blooming across his face. He holds out his arms for a hug and Vincent is drawn into the warm, welcoming embrace of arms. Dmitri places a small kiss on Vincent’s curls. Already, Vincent wants to just start crying.
He’s been doing that a lot recently.
Dmitri, who can feel Vincent shaking violently against his torso, coos, “Do you wanna sit on the couch and I can make you some tea? To ride this out?”
Vincent nods into Dmitri’s chest and lets him be guided to the living room. A blanket draped over his shoulders and the cushions behind him feel like stilling on fire.
Time stopped having meaning since he came out of the hospital. Ever since he was taken off of all of his anxiety medication, seconds and minutes fail to have meaning.
Dmitri comes back in what feels like hours later with tea and a small basket of something.
He sits next to Vincent on the couch, handing him the tea that smells of quiet bliss. The warmth bleeds into his hands. Dmitri sits down quietly next to me, arms extended outward inviting Vincent to curl up in them. Vincent complies, melting into the firm but gentle embrace of his lover.
“How was therapy?” Dmitri asks as Vincent glues himself in his arms.
Vincent sighs, breath spreading across the rim of his mug, “I still haven’t told her why I switched yet.”
Dmitri presses his lips onto Vincent’s forehead and places a kiss, “Are you at least being honest with her.”
Vincent nods as he raises the tea to his lips, “In bits and pieces.”
“Alright, that’s good.”
Closing his eyes against Dmitri’s chest, Vincent tries desperately to pull his panic attack under control without dragging himself down with it. He shivers against Dmitri and the blankets that cradle him.
He hates being honest.
Dmitri’s thumb rubs across Vincent’s hips, pressing circles into the skin. “So I have a surprise for you.”
Slowly looking up, Vincent cocks an eyebrow. He has a guess since he probably found it already.
Dmitri lifts the basket off of the table and reaches inside. Before he could pull his hand out, an orange kitten is climbing up his arm. He lets out a small chuckle, “This is Icarus and Azure, Azure is still asleep.”
Vincent shifts himself up and sees a tiny black kitten asleep in the basket. Icarus hops off of Dmitri’s arm and meows up at Vincent, his little eyes filled with tiny spite.
Vincent can’t help but smile.
“So I’ll show you where I put there stuff later-”
“It’s in my liquor cabinet,” Vincent interrupts as he reaches down to pet the tabby cat, “I already found it.”
Dmitri gives Vincent a reassuring smile, “That’s alright, I put their beds in the office and they have stolen one of your towels.”
Vincent found himself smiling tiredly against Dmitri’s chest. A sigh leaves his throat, “Dmitri… I haven’t had pets before.”
“What?” Dmitri blinks, “Not even as a kid.”
Vincent shakes his head and watches Icarus attack a part of his blanket, “Mom’s allergic to cats and Dad never liked dogs.”
Dmitri shrugs, “Well, there’s always a first for everything.”
Azure lifts her head out of the basket and hisses at her brother. Icarus freezes in his spot and hisses back. She hops out of the basket and looks up at Vincent with the bluest of eyes.
“You need a healthy distraction,” Dmitri starts, placing another kiss on Vincent’s curls, “This has been eating at you and I thought if you had pets you could play with and take care of that you might be able to have less time to be plagued by what happened.”
Vincent’s fingers tighten around the mug, “I… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be Vincent,” Dmitri says as he wraps Vincent in an even tighter hug, “That wasn’t your fault. Neither situation was your fault.”
“The second—”
“No,” Dmitri states firmly, “Neither was your fault.”
Vincent feels himself shake again, pressing his head into the nap of Dmitri’s neck.
“Say it out loud,” Dmitri says as he gives Vincent another kiss.
Vincent slowly looks up at Dmitri, “I thought you told me not to lie.”
“That included yourself Vee.”
The cracked dam that held back Vincent’s tears break and two flow freely. He swallows, the air around him growing cold.
“They weren’t my fault.” The words don’t sound right, like a shaded confessional filling with sand.
Dmitri gives him another kiss, “I want you to keep telling yourself that, okay?”
As tears begin to fall down his face, Vincent nods and lets Dmitri hold him. He sobs.
But the crying feels different now.
They feel better.
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chaoticallysapphic · 4 years
Word: Alone
(Make me cry lol)
The gathering of people surrounds the area, all donning black as silence passes through the air like a prickly, uneasy sensation. No one knows what to do as each stand rigid with grim expressions while they watch the lid of the casket finally shut. Inside are millions of sentimental things, there're flowers in there, primarily roses, and pictures of her with friends and family. 
There’s a faded baby blanket inside that's thread barren with time, random knickknacks, her favorite book, and that badge along with a notebook. The contents inside said leather-bound book is unknown to almost everyone in the crowd, everyone except you. The ring has been taken off her finger, someone took it off for you since you couldn’t seem to move from your spot in the front. Staring blankly ahead, you think of simpler times. 
Of the car rides out into the country, that incredibly awkward first date, first kiss, moments spent huddled under blankets as you lovingly gaze at one another. How you used to dance in the kitchen as old jazz crackled through that stupid radio you always meant to replace but never did. Her hands-on your hips as she dramatically dips you with a twist. 
Champagne, drunken elated kisses as you cupped her face between your hands, engagement ring twinkling in the moonlight. You think of the day you first said I love you, lips stained from strawberries as you laid down on the gingham blanket. You had dragged her out to the park with the promise of good food and booze, along with your amazing company to which she could not deny you. She could never deny you. 
The casket begins it’s achingly slow descent as her task force does some kind of rehearsed march that apparently is customary for this kind of thing. Despite it being the first, you vaguely remember Mako trying to explain it’s what they do in the military so it seemed fitting to do so, here, as they continue to take your wife farther and farther away from you, they march.
As they begin to cover the casket in dirt your emotions threaten to spill out, it’s a leak right now, a droplet from a water damaged roof, but soon that roof will collapse and everything will pour out. You can’t stay, the idea of watching the wood disappear under dirt, of having to hear everyone’s condolences, makes you nauseous. So without a word you jerk to the right and stumble forward as you try to find your footing. Tenzin tries to grab your arm but you flinch away with a hateful glare sent his way. 
Your numbness is leaving you as the droplets begin to fall at an alarmingly fast pace. You can’t cry in front of everyone, they’ll try to comfort you, so you twist it into a pure unadulterated rage. “Leave me alone!” You snarl, his eyes widen at your tone, everyone stills at the wild look in your eyes, at fists you don’t even realize you’ve clenched, or the way your chest heaves as you let the anger take over. 
Storming off, one of your heels digs into the earth and gets stuck, causing you to stumble, your hand slams onto the rough bark of the tree beside you, it bites into your skin but you welcome the pain. With the desperate desire to leave this wretched place that claws at your senses, you rip your foot out of the heel and do the same to your other shoe, snapping them up from the ground you continue onward barefoot. 
You don’t remember walking home, one minute you’re at the graveyard, and the next you're opening the front door of your apartment. The setting sun casts the room in a warm orange glow, there’s the sound of meowing in the distance as you slam the door shut and chuck your shoes in some random direction. 
You don’t bother with the living space, ignoring the grumble in your stomach and the ache in your feet you walk over to your bedroom and practically fall onto the unfamiliar side of the bed. The scent of her pillow is comforting, it wafts from the fabric when you hesitantly lay your head against it. Something furry brushes against your leg, you ignore Yeona as she continues to meow, her volume increasing when she doesn’t get what she desires. 
But she’ll never get what she wants. What she wants is her favorite person, the person she’d run to the second they got off work, the one who begrudgingly shared her pillow with the furry creature, the person who doted on her. 
You tried to tell the cat that Lin is dead but your words fall on deaf ears, her cries continue, and so yours begin. The sound that rips its way out of your throat is raw and guttural, it sounds animalistic and wakes a baby from the floor above. Tears race down your cheeks and soon mix with the snot that leaves your nose, it’s the first time you’ve cried since it happened. Even after you got the call the shock that took over forbade you from crying.  
Shakily you reach out for her nightstand, her glasses still rest on the polished wood beside her lamp, your fingers clutch the brass knob and yank the drawer open. Inside is a journal identical to the one you placed in Lin’s hands at the funeral. This one’s contents are similar, except instead of your vows they are hers. The familiar penmanship greets your eyes like an old friend, and you finally let yourself realize how cold it is without her by your side. 
She’s left you to live out the rest of your life alone. 
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laine-o · 4 years
Tumblr media
Title: Found
Writer: @kairi-chan, Artist: me, laine-o :)
Rating: G
Genre: Family
Summary: fluff, Sarada finds a cat on the side of the road and Sasuke can not say no to his cute little peanut.
Artist’s note: This is a collab between me and the wonderfully talented @kairi-chan for SasuSakuSara Weekend 2020 Day 1: Early Years/Slice of Life. I hope you all enjoy and give the author’s works a read as well which can be found on her Tumblr and she is iBloo on ffnet and ao3! :) (Thank you so much for the writing this short fic/drabble for this collaboration Kairi!!!)
The late afternoon breeze blew gently, ruffling the leaves on the trees and pushing the clouds across the sky lazily. Azure skies were slowly dimming, welcoming the pink and orange to come.
“Papa…” The toddler’s steps faltered.
He looked down at his daughter. “Hn?”
“Look…there’s a kitty.” Her small hand closed around his finger a little tighter and she stopped in her tracks. Her dark eyes were wide, chubby cheeks rosy.
Sasuke turned back and saw a black kitten by the side of the road, meowing. His daughter turned to look at him. “Can I touch it?”
How could he say no when she was looking at him that way?
“I promise. I’ll just pat it.”
“Okay.” Sasuke still held on to her hand, walking over to the side of the road and approaching the kitten. It shrank back for a moment but continued to meow at them.
Sarada let go of his hand and crouched down slowly, looking at the kitten.
The meowing settled a bit, and the little girl extended her hand towards the kitten. The meowing ceased just as her hand touched its little head. Instead, the kitty started purring, rubbing its head on Sarada’s hand.
“Ooh…” Her eyes widened further, cheeks flushing darker. She turned her gaze over to Sasuke. “Papa…”
She didn’t even need to continue talking for him to know what she would ask of him. Sasuke swallowed. The cat looked abandoned, with no collar around its neck. Certainly young enough to have survived on its own, but too young to be sure to make it by itself for long. He contemplated how his wife might react bringing a stray home… it certainly wouldn’t be the first. The responsibility of caring for it also crossed his mind.
He had made his decision.
“Sarada,” Sasuke started gently.
Tears were already filling her yes. “P—Please!” She begged, already knowing her father would turn down her request. “I will take—take care of it!” Sarada quickly picked up the kitty in her arms, the poor animal looked surprised but didn’t struggle in her hold. Her lower lip trembled, tears flowing freely as she continued to beg her father to keep it.
He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Sasuke could never say no to his cute little peanut.
“We’re home.” Sasuke had barely finished speaking as his daughter kicked off her shoes and hurried into their home. Her little footsteps echoed along the halls, and his wife’s voice soon carried over.
“Welcome home—”
“—Mama, look!” Sarada held the kitten up in her arms, a wide smile on her face. She got up on her tiptoes and raised the kitten higher for her mother to get a better look. “Look, look! Isn’t she so cute?” She beamed. “She was so scared and all alone but I saved her!”
Sakura blinked for a moment before putting on a wide smile on her face and stroked her daughter’s hair. “How brave of you, Darling.”
Sarada’s cheeks flushed, responding to her mother’s praise. “I’m going to take good care of you,” she announced to the kitten in her arms and proceeded to walk into the living room, still talking to the cat.
Sasuke walked up to his wife and stood next to her, studying her features. Emerald eyes turned to him, a little crease in her brow.
“Sasuke-kun…” Her voice was soft, hesitant.
“She said she would take care of it,” he replied.
Sakura sighed. “You mean you will.”
He smirked. “Maybe. But this could be a good learning experience for Sarada. It would teach her to be responsible.”
She hummed and peeked at her daughter.
Sarada was now sitting on the floor, dangling a bunch of keys over the kitten’s head, giggling at how it tried to take the key with its paw.
A soft smile slowly bloomed on Sakura’s face. “I guess it’s okay for us to have a pet.” Turning to her husband, her soft smile turned into a teasing grin. “You’ve been wanting one too, right?”
It was barely visible, but he was sure his wife noticed the small pout on his lips. “Hn.”
Sakura giggled and gently tapped his cheek. “You go on and join her. Dinner is almost ready. I’ll be out with a bowl of milk for the cat in a while.”
He nodded and walked over to the living room. Sasuke sat on the rug next to Sarada, who was dragging the keys around, squealing in delight as the kitten chased and pounced on the keys. His daughter started running around the room jingling the keys in her hand as the cat followed her. Her joyful squeals filled the house. Sasuke’s lips quirked upward, a gentle warmth blooming in his chest.
Sakura walked out of the kitchen, bringing a bowl of milk. Seeing her, Sasuke stood and watched Sarada drop the keys on the floor. The cat pounced on them, and Sarada wasted no time capturing the cat in her arms. The cat meowed loudly but did not fuss. Sasuke carried Sarada, the little girl beaming at her father. She was having so much fun, and he was glad.
“Sarada, I think your kitty wants a drink.” Sakura smiled, holding out the bowl.
Sarada held onto her cat and slowly extended her arms towards her mama. Sasuke stepped closer to allow the cat to drink the milk.
His daughter settled down, a calm and satisfied smile on her face as she watched the cat drink. Sasuke and Sakura exchanged a look before turning their attention back to their daughter.
The next few hours were not easy for the young couple. Sarada was usually a well-behaved child, never fussing too much when it was time for bed. But in the presence of a new family member, which she had named Neko-chan, Sarada refused to admit she was tired. Sakura had successfully given her a bath, dressed her, and made her brush her teeth, but when it came to bedtime, she refused to stay in bed.
“Mama!” She cried, the covers falling around her tiny waist as she sat up. “Neko-chan might be cold!. Can’t she sleep here with me?”
Sasuke stood by the doorframe, watching his wife soothe their daughter. She was stroking her dark hair, keeping her voice soft as she explained that her precious kitty was fine and already sleeping in the living room. The toddler cried, giving reasons to her mother as to why Neko-chan should be sleeping in her room.
“Mama, Neko-chan wants to sleep here!”
“Sweetie, she is already sleeping in the living room, Sakura reassured, again.
Sarada pouted and tried to look past Sakura, towards the door. "But, if she wakes up, she’ll be scared! I think so!” The toddler argued, pretty upset with the idea that the kitten was not going to stay with her overnight.
Sakura kept her voice kind, and after a few minutes, she managed to successfully convince Sarada to lie back down and close her eyes.
He walked over to the living room, leaving his girls to settle down without his distracting presence. Sasuke moved around, cleaning up the mess from Sarada’s playtime and picked up a book. He had only read a few sentences before his wife joined him, looking tired but relieved that Sarada finally went to sleep.
“She’s knocked out, though I really didn’t want to leave her,” Sakura said. “She really wanted Neko-chan to sleep in her room.”
Sasuke’s gaze drifted to the cat sleeping in the corner, curled up in the blanket that he had placed inside a box for it. “She’s already asleep, and so is Sarada. Maybe tomorrow, after we bring the cat to the vet.”
His wife nodded and agreed to meet them at the vet, after her shift. Sakura left for the bathroom, leaving Sasuke to relax with his books.
After reading a few chapters, he heard Sakura move to their bedroom, and Sasuke put his book away. He noticed the cat stretch and then jump out of the box, quietly walking down the hall and pause at the crack of Sarada’s bedroom door. His brow quirked, and he followed the cat. When he peeked into the room, he saw the cat meow quietly at Sarada but she did not even stir.
Sasuke contemplated taking the cat away, in fear of Sarada waking. But when the cat jumped up to the foot of the bed and circled around a few times before settling down to sleep, he changed his mind. He leaned on the door frame, a soft smile on his face as he watched them sleep together.
“There you are.” Sakura came from behind and kissed his shoulder. “Did Sarada wake up?”
“No.” Sasuke turned and walked with his wife to their bedroom. “She’s asleep, and we should be too.”
Sakura agreed and got into bed, wrapping her arms around him. Sasuke had some thoughts swimming around his mind before he finally fell asleep, but being with his family, and his wife had him thinking of how nice it was to be found and belong.
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gloriafc · 5 years
Dating Jasper Hale
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When you two are alone, he loves reading random short stories because he loves the calm feeling that radiates off of you when you hear his voice
Because you're his mate, your feelings are even stronger to him and greatly affect him more.
You get upset when he doesn't call you darlin'
He was banned from watching TV with you because he likes to point out when stuff is overdramatic or just plain fake
"Grey's Anatomy isn't even real-" "You just broke my heart. Are you happy now?"
Esme siding with you when you have stupid little arguments because she likes having you around and she enjoys watching you bring the life back to Jasper with every little teasing interaction you have.
"Jasper she's right. It doesn't need to be Christmas for her to hang up the lights."
When you started coming over he swapped out the small couch in his room for a bed, and instantly regretted it.
"You only come over to take a nap in that bed." "Mmm if I don't, it'll just tease me with the soft warm blankets."
The family of vampires are honestly surprised at how much you can sleep.
"How can one little human sleep so much?" "I don't know but I think I need a nap." "It's almost noon, and you woke up at 10."
You come from a big family yourself so it didn't bother you when you were introduced to your boyfriend's family.
He's learned to love the feeling of your fingers poking his dimples.
Jasper really loves how big your heart is. Whether it's holding the door open for someone in a wheelchair, or going to the animal shelter to hug all of the animals because you can't give them a home and you think they need the love.
He could watch you talk to the animals all day, chuckling to himself when you respond to a cat's meow or drag him to boop the puppies noses.
You get along really well with Emmett. You like to go back and forth with stupid jokes until Emmett says one that makes you laugh until you can't breathe. Jasper just watches with a smile on his face while your goofy laugh plays like music in his brain.
He won't tell you he's memorized every word to every song you claimed was your 'favorite'
Rosalie never understood why you never asked about any of their pasts but you instantly became her favorite person when you said, "If you wanted to tell me you would've in your own time. It's none of my business to stick my nose someplace that's probably too sensitive for you guys to talk about."
It really does help that Jasper can sense your emotions because half the time you can't describe what you're feeling and it frustrates you.
You like to add to Jasper's book collection, he also has a whole section of your books. Whenever you go shopping alone or with your family you buy a book and bring it to the Cullen's where you'll sit with your legs in his lap as he reads the words on the pages and running his fingers up and down your leg in a soothing motion.
You've lost count of how many times you've fallen asleep to him reading. Something about that southern drawl just relaxes you so much.
He's learned from Edward that if someone tries asking you out, you pretend you can't hear them until they get fed up and walk away. He couldn't wipe the smile off of his face the first time he witnessed it.
"Hey I was using that seat earlier and I think I left my notebook here. One of the pages had your number on it. Can you help me find it?" "Huh?" "I lost something that had your number on it." "What?" "Nevermind."
At first he thought you actually couldn't hear until he saw you laughing when the guy walked away and realized what just happened.
The whole Cullen family can see more life in him since he's met you and they all love you for it. You may be crazy at times but they can see you'd do anything for the man they see as a son and brother, just to make him smile.
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Flavor Shot
The Five Times Spencer was Shrimp’s Favorite and the One Time He Wasn’t Series Masterlist
Cate was rushing around her apartment, getting blankets and pillows and cleaning clutter around the living room that wasn’t supposed to be there. She had invited Spencer for a stay-in movie date and her apartment was in shambles. Most of her cleaning consisted of shoving the clutter in a closet to tend to later. She had just gotten home from The Empty Mug and was running a bit behind schedule. Spencer was due to show up at any minute. Shrimp sat in a corner of the living room, watching Cate scramble around. He flicked his ears toward the door and sauntered over to sit by the door. At that moment, a knock on the door sounded through the apartment.
Cate slid on her socks toward the door, nearly bumping into Shrimp. She opened the door to reveal Spencer, looking unusually comfy in a large sweatshirt and baggy sweatpants. 
“Hi,” Cate smiled at him, standing aside so he could come in. 
“Hey,” Spencer replied, holding a bottle of sparkling apple cider, “I brought some nonalcoholic drinks for us. I figured we could be fancy and drink it out of some wine glasses if you have any.”
“Perfect!” Cate walked towards her kitchen to find her wine glasses. Shrimp found Spencer’s legs as soon as he walked through the door, rubbing against his ankles and smearing his cheeks on his pants to spread his scent. Spencer chuckled at the ginger cat and leant over to pet him while he sat on Cate’s bench to take his shoes off. 
Cate came back with a couple of glasses, leading Spencer into her living room, but not before admiring her cat and the man who had her heart. Trying to pick a movie proved to be difficult, with Spencer preferring documentaries and Cate preferring thrillers. They settled on a movie adaptation of a musical- mainly because most thrilling movies hit too close to Spencer’s job and Cate didn’t feel like reading subtitles to a movie about the first Russian satellite sent to space.
The two sat next to each other on Cate’s sectional. A soft throw blanket thrown across their laps and Spencer’s arm over Cate’s shoulder. Midway through the musical, Shrimp sat in front of the couch, his big green eyes staring up at the two. Cate smiled and patted the couch to try and lure him up. Shrimp blinked and looked between Cate and Spencer before hopping up and stepping across Cate’s lap to get to Spencer’s side of the sectional. Shrimp distanced himself on the next cushion over, but closed his eyes and rumbled in content next to the doctor. 
Cate had thought nothing of Shrimp choosing to sit next to Spencer on the couch. Shrimp usually liked to sit on the couch with people, and Cate was on the end so it was natural for Shrimp to sit next to Spencer. It wasn’t until that weekend when Cate invited Spencer over for a sleepover did she start recognizing a pattern. 
Spencer had come straight from work, wearing his usual collared shirt with dress pants. He had brought his go bag with him so he would have a change of clothes. It was dark, and Spencer had finished filing all his paperwork and writing up his reports. 
Cate was already in bed, in some matching sleep shorts and a top. Shrimp was sleeping next to her on the bed, while she scrolled mindlessly on her phone. She heard Spencer let himself in with her spare key. Shrimp stirred in his sleep, listening to the commotion with his eyes still closed. 
“You didn’t have to wait up for me,” Spencer whispered as he dropped his things on Cate’s bedroom floor.
“I wanted to see you before I fell asleep,” Cate said through a yawn. He quickly grabbed his extra set of pajamas from his go bag and went to change in the bathroom.
Coming back into Cate’s room, he put his folded dirty clothes into the front pocket of the go bag to not mix them with the clean clothes. He lifted Cate’s comforter and got settled underneath- the only thing separating him and Cate was Shrimp’s curled up body between them. Cate giggled when she rolled over and saw Spencer try and contort his body around the cat. All the movement must’ve proven to be too much, because Shrimp stretched and stood up, allowing for Spencer to get more comfortable on the other side of Cate. Waiting for everyone to get settled, Shrimp took a few steps over Spencer’s legs and laid back down in the makeshift nest created by the back of Spencer’s knees. 
In the middle of the night, Cate woke up expecting Shrimp to have moved to her side of the bed. It wasn’t a secret that Spencer wasn’t a peaceful sleeper. He twitched and rolled and moved his legs in his sleep. Cate used the dim light of her phone in time to catch Shrimp’s slanted eyes and pinned back ears. Shrimp raised his paw as he grumpily laid next to Spencer’s twitching leg. His tail twitched with annoyance, but he was a stubborn little thing and insisted on laying next to Spencer. Shrimp swatted and batted at Spencer’s leg in an attempt to cease the movement, but was still purring nonetheless. Cate shook her head and had to suppress a laugh at her grumpy orange loaf.
A few days later, Spencer had come over to Cate’s apartment again for a takeout dinner date. They had opted to sit on the floor and use the coffee table in Cate’s living room. Jeopardy played on the television while they ate. It wasn’t a secret that Cate occasionally shared her food with Shrimp, for it made him an exceptional beggar. And that’s where Shrimp could be found now: perched across the room, observing Cate and Spencer and what was on their plates. Deciding that he wanted some, he sauntered over to Spencer, brushing against him, making sure to drag his tail along him too. A soft meow escaped Shrimp’s mouth as he stared into Spencer’s eyes. Spencer was busy listening to the categories of the night’s game show.
When Cate caught sight of her cat, she puckered her lips and made missy sounds at him, holding out a small piece of meat for her cat. Shrimp merely glanced over to Cate, before sitting directly next to Spencer. If he were any closer, he’d be sitting in Spencer. Cate tried to coax him again.
“Come on, I’m literally offering you a piece, but you’d rather wait for Spencer?” Cate scoffed at her cat. At this, Spencer looked between Cate and Shrimp. Letting a small smug smile grace his lips, he tore a small piece of meat and handed it off to his new little friend. “Don’t give into him!” Cate playfully pushed into Spencer’s side. 
“I can’t help it if I’m his new favorite!” Spencer joked back. Shrimp purred as he munched on the treat Spencer gave him.
Spencer was really milking his position as Shrimp’s favorite. Any time he was visiting Cate’s apartment, Shrimp was stuck like glue to Spencer and even let Spencer carry him around the apartment over his shoulder like a baby. 
Cate and Spencer were baking in Cate’s apartment, dancing to music playing through the kitchen from her speaker. Being more comfortable in Cate’s place, Spencer no longer felt the need to announce his everymove, so he gently placed Shrimp at the stool at the island and made his way to the bathroom. 
Without his knowledge, Shrimp hopped down from the stool and padded to wherever Spencer was going. Spencer walked to the bathroom, turning to close it behind him. With his gaze turned downward as he was ready to unbutton his pants, he noticed an orange cat sitting by the toilet staring at him. Spencer carefully picked Shrimp up and placed him again outside the door, but Shrimp pushed his face into the door, trying to accompany Spencer into the bathroom like he’d done with Cate so many times. 
“No! Out!” Spencer tried to push Shrimp’s face out of the way of the door. His cries caught Cate’s attention and she laughed as she walked over to help Spencer. Spencer finally got the door shut, but Shrimp purred as he slid his paws under the door, a futile attempt to get Spencer to open the door. She picked up Shrimp and walked him back over to the kitchen so Spencer could use the bathroom in peace.
Spencer and Cate had finally gotten her things situated in Spencer’s apartment after her lease ended. The BAU team and Marta were over for a sort of house warming party, despite Spencer rambling technicalities about how it couldn’t be one because he was already living there. Penelope was standing with Cate and Spencer in his room. She insisted on meeting her “new godcat” and had brought a small basket of cat toys with treats. It resembled an Easter basket with the cellophane wrapped around it. 
“Come here, Shrimp. It’s okay,” Cate was on all fours trying to get Shrimp out from his camp under Spencer’s bed. He was just out of her reach and the noise of all the people in Spencer’s apartment didn’t help. 
“That’s alright, I’ll leave the basket in here and I’ll just stay late and be the last to leave so he won’t be as scared!” Penelope said as she placed the basket by the bed and walked out with Cate- who was apologizing for Shrimp’s shyness. Spencer held back, lingering in his own room. 
Sensing everyone had left, Shrimp squeezed out from under the bed, sniffing the basket. Spencer scooped up the orange cat, who began purring. 
“Pen! Babe!” Spencer poked his head out his bedroom door, calling to Cate and Penelope. Cate froze at the nickname, but turned back into the room with Penelope.
“Oh, isn’t he precious!” she squealed in Garcia fashion, taking him from Spencer’s arms. Shrimp became like a ragdoll when he was held, floppy in Penelope’s arms. “And don’t you think for a second we’re gonna just brush past that little nickname!” Penelope cooed and baby talked to Shrimp, but her words were directed towards Spencer. Cate blushed. “No we won’t! No we won’t!” she scratched Shrimp’s cheek as he closed his eyes, soaking in the pets. 
Everyone had gone home. Spencer’s apartment was quiet at last. Cate was collecting some plates left in the living room while Spencer was taking the trash bag out of the barrel in the kitchen. Cate was still reeling from the pet name Spencer had called her for the first time. Spencer joined her in the living room, putting everything back in its place. 
“So… ‘babe’ huh?” Cate smirked at Spencer who was becoming flustered and stammering.
“Uh, yeah it sort of just came out?” He spotted Shrimp, sleeping on the armchair from Cate’s apartment that they squeezed into his living room. “If you don’t like it I can change it?” he swallowed. Cate had to admit she liked seeing him squirm.
“I like it.” She smiled and reached for his hand. He gave it a squeeze and then reached to Shrimp, who woke when he felt the touch. He lunged for Spencer’s hand and after he tried to bite him, he hissed. Spencer was speechless. Cate laughed, knowing his behavior from her old apartment. “He doesn’t like to be disturbed on that chair. It’s his chair.” Spencer gave Cate a look like she was crazy. He watched as she gave a gentle touch to her cat’s forehead and in return, Shrimp stretched his arms out in front of him.
“How did you do that?” Spencer was in disbelief that Shrimp hadn’t tried to bite or hiss at Cate for touching him.
“I’m his mother.”
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sweeethinny · 4 years
I did it a while ago, and I don't know if there are mistakes because I'm late to leave but I want to post this
sorry for the mistakes
Harry really thought that after becoming a father he had gained auditory powers, especially after that night.
Everything was fine, all five Potter were asleep and the house was in pitch-black at dawn, when he heard little feet that shouldn't be out of bed, drumming on the floor. Noticing that his wife was still asleep, after breastfeeding little Lily, Harry got up calmly and walked out of the room, already knowing the way by heart so he wouldn't have to wear glasses.
Albus' room was quiet, so he went directly to James's, which was a to alert; James slept through the night after he was big, rarely had nightmares or was sleepwalking.
''Daddy. '' The boy whimpered when he opened the door, finding him standing in the middle of the room, possibly to go and meet his parents.
He didn't even have time to ask what had happened before his eldest son vomited on the floor, making Harry really wake up.
"Damn it James." Harry didn't care about the dirt, picking up the five-year-old boy in his lap, taking him to the bathroom quickly, where another wave of vomit came, this time, into the toilet.
''Sorry.'' His sobbing cry came out loudly, and Harry stroked the boy's hair, trying to calm him down.
''What happened?'' Ginny seemed to have seen a ghost, looking at her husband and son crouched in front of the toilet, while James cried against his dad's chest.
''He woke up throwing up.'' Harry tried not to care about the tremor that ran through his body, nervousness catching him off guard ''Okay, Jamie. Put it out if you need.'' And as if predicting, the boy vomited again.
''Holy shit. Spoiled food?'' Ginny had wide brown eyes, also seeming to feel Harry's tremors.
It wasn't the first time that they faced it, obviously, but it was always a little scary, especially when it came out of nowhere, without a flu or fever.
''But shouldn't we all be bad?'' Harry said, as James vomited again. ''Are you in pain, Jamie?'' Ginny opened the cupboard next to the sink mirror, looking for a potion.
''No. '' Whined ''Sorry for the mess, Dad, I tried to hold on'' Harry felt his heart squeeze and hugged the boy tighter, stroking his dark hair
''All right, dear, Dad doesn't care, then we clean that up. Don't hold back, if you need to, throw up.''
''Here, take honey, it'll pass, I promise'' Ginny offered a small glass with a purple liquid inside, spilling herself into her son's mouth, while Harry still held him
''Eww'' She nodded
''I know, but it will make the pain go''
''Let's take a shower, mate, I'm going with you'' Harry hadn't done that to James in a while, but he didn't care so much now. He took off his dirty clothes, and the child's, then carried him under the spray.
Washing it and assured that James was already calmer, the two got out of the bath, with no more smell of vomit around the house or remnants of themselves.
''Albus and Lily are fine ... I think he better sleep with us'' Ginny picked the child up, putting his pajamas apart and smiling ''Want to sleep with us, Jamie?''
''I'm a big boy now'' He commented as he laid his head on his mother's chest, hugging her waist as he settled under his parents' covers
''Something must have done wrong'' Harry said lying down too, hugging his son among them who already seemed half asleep, not paying much attention to 'being a big boy'.
''I don't like it when they look like this'' James snuggled closer to his mother, like when he was a baby, getting a pat on the hair
''Neither do I'' He kissed his son's fragrant hair
''Better have a bucket nearby'' She summoned the object,, leaving it on her side of the bed ''Caution.''
And she was right, it was better to have a bucket close by when the boy woke up throwing the potion, the noise of longing waking Harry and Ginny a second earlier, making his mother take the bucket and position it for James.
The rest of the night Harry stayed awake, worried that his son would drown if he vomited in his sleep, trying to figure out what would have triggered it, helping Ginny when Lily woke up and asked for her mother's chest. In the end, it was six in the morning and he had barely gotten three hours of sleep.
"If he gets sick ..."
'' ..I know, I'll call you, don't worry'' She kissed his lips, Harry was about to leave for work, even though he didn't want to, his son still sleeping on his side of the bed, sprawled as usual ''I'll talk to my mom to see if there's anything we can do'' He looked at his son again, feeling his heart sink ''He'll be fine, it could just be a virus''
''I wanted to take the pain for myself '' He sighed ''Call me anything, I drop everything for some other idiot to do'' She laughed
''I know you don't think your aurors are stupid '' One more quick kiss ''But I'll call. We'll be fine ''
Obviously the plan backfired, since less than five hours later, while Harry was irritated by even the air particle, he was warned that his wife had called him out because of a family problem.
'' Take care of it all and tomorrow we see what to do. I have to go '' And he apparated, thinking that the flu would take too long and every second was valid, his heart already nervous.
'' Daddy! '' Albus jumped on his legs, hugging him tightly '' Jamie is bad '' He spoke half-curled up, blinking green eyes in his direction
"Hi my love" "He lifted the child on his waist" "Where is he?"
'' Here! '' Following his wife's voice, he went to the bathroom, again seeing his son crouched and pale in front of the vase, vomiting what appeared to be just his gastric juice '' No improvement since ten '' Harry until could talk about her taking an hour to call him but he was so worried he ignored
'' What did your mother say? '' Albus grimaced when his brother threw up again, hiding his face in his father's neck
"That may be something you want"
'' Can you remember anything? '' Ginny hugged her son as he hid his head in his chest, kissing his sweaty hair
''Nothing. I already asked and doesn't say anything either '' A meow of Lily appeared, seeming to wake up from her nap
'' I see her, I'll try to remember something ''
"Jamie be okay?" Harry laughed nasally at his son trying to speak, finding his concern cute.
"Yes Al .. Hi Lils, how did we wake up?"
The hours passed with them taking turns to care for the sick child, trying to get him to eat at least one soup, forcing him to drink water and hydration potions, then running to the bathroom while the son threw everything out
Harry tried to remember the days before and if there was anything James could have wanted. And like a flash from a patron, his mind popped, making him think he was a big idiot for not thinking about it.
''I'll be right back. Two minutes '' he warned before disappearing into the flu, his wife putting Al and Lils to bathe, while James continued on her waist as if he were a needy baby.
A few days ago, while he was walking with James and Albus, Harry passed in front of a muggle toy store, loaded with teddy bears everywhere, dolls, puzzles, and other things that made the older child jump of joy, different from the youngest, who cried nervously when he saw one of the bears moving alone, waving at him and winking robotically
Harry, not wanting to cause trauma to his three-year-old son, soothed James about them going back there the other day to buy what he liked from the window, but with three kids (one of them, barely turning a year old), Robbers wanting to leave and leave him in charge, and Ginny getting away from the Harpies completely, things got a mess and he forgot to take his son back to the store.
Smiling at the attendant and asking for the cart that was still in the window - The last one! - he returned to the house, carrying the yellow package and feeling terrible for that being the reason James kept throwing up since dawn (he expected)
'' Where is he? '' Ginny was lying on the couch, Albus and Lily playing on the living room floor together, while the boy tried to make her understand why the castle was not built that way.
'' Up there sleeping ... What was it? '' She pointed to the package
'' A muggle toy '' He smiled sadly '' I can't believe I didn't remember '' he threw himself on the couch next to her, the children in front of they oblivious to their parents
'' Don't blame yourself, Harry '' He pulled on his hair, denying and closing his tired eyes
"I had promised, Gin"
'' But you didn't remember. It wasn't because you didn't want to give it to him. '' As if he knew they were talking about him, James came down the stairs, dragging his favorite blanket, his eyes tired and small, without the mischievous glow that usually roamed the brown irises
"Are you all right?" They looked worriedly at the boy who crawled to the sofa, lying on his mother's lap
'' I didn't want to be alone '' James didn't even seem to notice the package next to his father, closing his eyes and covering himself up to his neck, looking small and fragile. Harry wanted to throw himself off a bridge.
"I have something for you, Jamie," he whispered as if it were a secret, kissing his warm forehead.
'' What is it? '' As a curious child, albeit sick, he opened his eyes, finally focusing on the package
"I'm sorry I forgot, son." He smiled sadly, handing over the stupid cart that had caused all that confusion.
Albus finally seemed to see the package, turning curious and wanting to see it too, Lily finding the color more than incredible, trying to get up to pick it up
"Wow, it's that cart" "As if it were the best potion in the world, the color returned the child's cheeks, at least a little while, while he took the toy out of the box "Grandpa will find it cool, he has remote control" He smiled at his mother, big eyes blinking excitedly 
'' I'm sure he'll love playing with you, darling '' Ginny smiled warmly '' See, he didn't even care that you forgot '' She whispered to her husband, who looked a little dejected at the three children now on the floor, James looking live again as  put the pieces together, Albus looking absurdly at the toy and Lily kneading and unmasking the package, loving the noise.
'' Tell that to his stomach, who puked up his guts ''
'' Thanks dad '' The son hugged the man, still a little warm and yellow, but much less gray than before
'' I love you, Jamie '' He gave the boy a kiss '' Want some help with riding? It looks like hard work, the track is quite extensive. ''
"Yes, come here"
'' Stop thinking about it, Harry '' Ginny hugged her waist, laying her head on his back, kissing her bare shoulder blades '' You are a good father ''
'' He spent almost a whole day throwing up, Gin. Because of a damn toy '' He spoke a little irritated to himself
"But in the end he won, and he is better, he managed to eat, he no longer has a fever, he did not vomit anymore ..."
"I don't want him to think I'm a liar"
'' He doesn't think ... he was sad to think that you were angry that he was vomiting. I said you were just worried '' He sighed, his throat closing '' It's our first child, we're still learning how to do things, it doesn't cover that much. I also make mistakes ''
"Yeah, I think you're right ... Doesn't he hate me then?"
'' You know you don't ''
For a second Harry remembered when he asked Santa for a cart similar to what James wanted, but he only received coals since he had been a bad boy. He wondered if his son had felt the same disappointment as he did, and it made him sadder.
'' Harry ... look at me '' As she did with the kids, she turned him around, fixing her eyes on him '' I couldn't have chosen a better father for the kids, or a husband for me, you didn't do it on purpose , and James is not going to hate you for that. I don't think he even remembered it was the cart ... I know you promised, but, you kept it. A little late, but okay '' She smiled in that way that made him smile together, feeling loved
'' I love you '' kissed her affectionately '' It's just sad to see he that way '' He looked so much like himself, Harry thought
'' He's already over it. He even fought with Albus when he dropped the control '' She laughed weakly, playing with her husband's hair '' I love you too Harry .. Ah, I forgot, yesterday afternoon, they made a drawing for you, James wanted to deliver you but forgot it and well .. today was not a good day '' Ginny started searching the dresser drawers, pulling out a folded paper carefully '' Even I participated ''
There were several drawings and doodles of different colors, there were hearts, the name of each one written on the parchment in a disorderly way, a golden snitch, even flowers. And in ink, there were three small hands, signed - in the letter of the eldest son - the name of each one below.
'For the best father in the world'
It was written in what he thought was a heart (maybe Albus had done it)
Harry swallowed his tears, looking closely at each scratch as if it were a beautiful work of art.
'' We won't be perfect parents, but it looks like we're doing well '' Ginny laughed, looking at the paper too '' I got one too, but there were a lot more paints and less words ''
The man laughed too, thinking that yes, maybe they were doing well after all
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Douxie x reader
So I like this character and I don’t see many fics for him so yeah. I’m not very good at writing right off the bat especially dating stuff so please don’t judge 
Summary: You meet Douxie right as everything is going down in flames. You move in with him and Archie while you get back on your feet. Everything is fine but... do you have a crush on your roommate?
Warnings: Archie and your familiar hate each other but work together to get you and Douxie together which leads to the pit of shame and embarrassment.            
Fem reader
~~ You two would meet at a cafe
~~ “How can I help you?”, the barista asked. “Two coffees please”, you say, grumpily. She nods and takes your order. “Are you alright?”, a voice said from behind you. You look and see a guy who looks about your age. Well the age you look anyway. “I’m fine.”, you said. He took a seat next to you and you get a good look at him. He had dark hair with colored tips, a whole outfit that looked like punk rock, and amazing hazel eyes. You stared at him for a couple of seconds but turned away when he looked at you. “You don’t look fine”, he said as you glared at him , “No offense but you look like you’ve had a rough day.” You sighed and told him everything. Might as well. There wasn’t really anyone else you could talk to. He listened to every word. He looked at you with those hazel eyes like you were the most important thing ever. There was only one thing you could think. Damn it...
~~ After you two talked about what happened to you, Douxie asked if you would like to stay at his place. You hesitated at first but you accepted. You didn’t have much stuff so moving didn’t take very long. You were putting up your stuff when your familiar jumped out of a bag. “(Familiars name) hide!”, you whisper-yelled. They didn’t care though. “Whoa! New place huh! Man I take a nap for just one hour and we move!”, they shouted. You tried getting them to shut up but then they ran out of the guest room door and went down the stairs. “Shit!”, you said as you ran after them. You got there too late and you found Archie and your familiar having a standoff. Except Archie had...wings? And glasses? AND WAS TALKING!? “Oh um... meow?”, Archie said. Douxie walked in through the front door. “I’m guessing we both have some explaining to do.”, he said with a smile. “Ya think?”, you and your familiar say at the same time.
~~ After you both explained that you could use magic, were incredibly old, and had familiars everything started going haywire. Who do you have to thank? Arch and (familiars name). 
~~ A couple weeks later you and Douxie became good friends. He seemed kinda flirty but it might just be how he talks. “Good morning, love!”, he said as you walked out into the living room like a zombie and sat next to him. You snickered. “What is it?”, he asked. “Love? I’m sorry but I have never heard anyone call a friend love”, you said, almost laughing. Douxie laughed and shrugged. “Well now that I know you don’t like it I won’t call you love,...Love”, he said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes and tried moving past him to get to the kitchen. Your familiar tripped you up and you fell into Douxie’s lap. “AH! REALLY?”, you shouted. You looked at Douxie and felt yourself blush like crazy. You two were so close! Luckily you weren’t the only one blushing. He froze for a second and then smirked. “Falling for me already, Love?”, he said. Shit! “Ha! You wish.”, you said as you were getting up, “And stop calling me love.” You walked into the kitchen, grinning like a dope. 
~~ That may not have worked entirely but Arch and (Familiar’s name) had a plan that was sure to work. 
~~ You got into the shower and started washing your hair. It had been about a week since you fell into Douxie’s lap. You still hated how cool he was about it. You were a freaking blushing mess and he just had to make it worse with a joke! You didn’t want to think about it anymore so you just pushed it to the back of your mind and continued with your shower. 
~~You turned the water off and reached for your towel. You almost had it when it was yanked from your hand. “Nope!”, your familiar yelled. They ran out to the other side of the hallway and sat there. “Give it!!”, you yelled with your head sticking out of the curtains. Your familiar smirked and ran down the hallway. Was Douxie home yet? You stood there for a moment trying to figure out when he got home. He works pretty late. Maybe he isn’t home yet? You got out of the shower and ran after your familiar. You tried taking the towel from them but they kept dragging you away in a game of tug a war. You were using a blanket to cover yourself and then you heard the front door open. SHIT ON A STICK You ran and hid behind the couch. Archie walked pass you making eye contact the whole way. “Don’t you dare...”, you whispered. He flew over to Douxie and told him to look behind the couch. You took the blanket and cocooned yourself. “Um (Y/N) what are you doing?”, he asked, while trying to get you to stand up. “DON’T! (Familiars name) stole my towel and I chased them and then you came in and if I stand up something will show because this blanket is too damn short!”,You explained. He started laughing and went into the bathroom and came out with a towel. “You know there’s other towels right?”, he said. “But they stole my towel!”, you told him. He just laughed and turned in the other direction so you could wrap the towel around yourself. “I will never understand your mind”, he said. You both laughed and you went up to get some clothes on
~~ You two sat down next to each other and watched a movie. You snuggled up next to him and he wrapped an arm around you. “I can feel you staring”, you said without looking at him. “Wha- I’m not staring!”, he said flustered. You snorted. “Why are you getting all flustered?”, you teased. You turned around and faced him. You guys were very close right now. He was blushing like crazy. “Hey”, you snapped your fingers, “eyes up here!”. He started blushing even harder and started stuttering. “Aww you like me!”, you teased. “I do not.”, he said, avoiding your eyes. “Hmm oh I get it. You don’t like me...you really like me!”, you said laughing. He grabbed your shoulders and pulled you closer to him. “Fine I like you. But can you shut up?”, he whispered. You smiled. “No I don’t believe I ca-”, you were interupted by a kiss. He had one hand on your cheek and one on your back. He pulled away and took a deep breath. “I believe you can.”, he said. You got real close to him and whispered “Is this because I ran around naked?”. He laughed and pulled you into a hug. You had your head and his shoulder and looked behind him. Arch and your familiar were sitting there smiling. “Thanks”, you mouthed at them.
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Chubby (12)
Jaebum AU series
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / thirteen
Tumblr media
Pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader Genre: Romance, Drama, Mature, Angst Plot: you are getting bullied, and jaebum decides to help you a/n: at this point, i’m literally just writing for me lol. :) but, hope yall like it party next chapter! not edited
You were back in middle school. The dark blue uniform scattering the cafeteria, but you remained in your little corner trying to go unnoticed. You knew it was pointless, you were too big to hide. You stood like a sore thumb, but there was nothing wrong with pretending there was a blanket of invisibility covering you.
“Hey, y/n,” a girl with short bob haircut sat infront of you. You saw a fresh cut on the corner of her lips, and you instantly lowered your eyes to the table.
She was one of them. One of the girl who would bully you. Well she never explicitly did anything herself, but she was always there. She stood behind the group, you could see her from the floor. Her arms folded, her foot tapping with annoyance, and her eyes wondering else where. She didn’t want to be there while the other girls took turns to hurt you. No, it wasn’t that what was happening to you bothered her, she just bored and wanted to be elsewhere.
You had wanted to be elsewhere too. But you both were stuck there. Stuck as tears fell your eyes, stuck as she looked up at sky, stuck as you looked down and closed your eyes as another kick landed on your stomach.
“Hey!” She called out again. Your eyes snapped to her, not sure how to react. “I’m Nora.”
You didn’t trust her smile. You didn’t trust anything that was going on right now. You didn’t even know what was going on. Your eyes scanned the cafetaria unsurely.
“I’m not with those girls anymore,” she shrugged as she stuck her straw into the pink milk carton. “Those filthy bitches have nothing better to do.”
You just stared at her, still unsure of what to do.
She let out a sigh, as she sat her drink down.
“I won’t lie to you. I didn’t leave by choice.” She looked into your eyes, as she talked. She was a fast talker you noticed. Even with a cut lip, there was something bright about her. “They kicked me out because apparently other people having feelings for you is a crime.”
When you didn’t reply, she added, “Jisuen’s boyfriend started to like me. So instead of dumping that son of a bitch, they decided I deserved to be punished.”
You remained quiet, still not sure what to do or say. You weren’t good at this. No one in this school talked to you unless they were telling you what to do or that you were worthless and not good enough.
“It seems like we’re in the same boat,” she gave you a tight smile. “Let’s look after one another. Two is better then one.” She placed a chocolate biscuit on your plate as offering.
You looked at her, searching for any form of mockery but nothing was there.
You slowly lifted up the biscuit and took a bite.
“There you go,” she smiled. She waited for a moment before continuing with a sigh. “It sucks that they do that to you just because you’re pretty.”
You snorted unable to hold it back, making her be taken a back in surprise, before shaking her head, chuckling.
You stared at Jin and her fresh new haircut, that brushed her shoulders briskly.
“How do you like it?” She grinned, turning side to side outside your apartment.
You stared at her unable to look away. You felt the ghosts slowly creep up behind you. They wrapped their arms around your waist, their sharp tongue slipping across your neck and into your ear.
It sharply pulled you into the darkness that was churning bigger behind you. You could hear it; you could feel it. Growing, planning, getting ready; increasing every passing second. You were scared, you were frightened of where it tangles would drag you and for how long.
You stared at Jin’s face as it slowly started to morph into someone else’s. JIn’s round eyes, becoming sharp, her noise pointy, her lips smaller with a cut in the corner. Her dead eyes stared at you, and you felt all oxygen leaving your veins, leaving you cold.
“What do think y/n?” Her lips scrowning into a smirk, as she tilted her head. “How do I look?
You tried answering. You tried breathing. You tried to move, but you were stuck; unable to move. The branches moved from your waist, crawling up your chest and around your neck; getting tighter.
“HELP!” She screamed. Her face turning into one of horror. Her short hair frailing around her in panic. “HELP ME Y/N!”
Her screaming resided as she smirked hauntingly at you. Blood spilled from her mouth as a new bruise formed on her cheek.
“We’re meant to be in this forever.”
She reached out and held your shoulder.
You screamed jerking the hand off you as you fell on to the floor. You clenched your eyes shut as your lungs burned breathing in harshly.
“Hey, hey hey,” Jin came down infront of you, her voice gentle and full of concern. “Y/n, its okay, baby.”
She sunk down infront of you holding you in her arms.
The branches snapped out of you, the dark void disappering behind you as you slumped onto JIn. You hugged her tight, crying into her arms.
“What have I done, Jin?” You whimpered trying to control your breathing.
“Y/N?!” Jaebum’s body appeared in the doorway, his chest heaving and eyes frantic. They landed on you; widening as a breathe left him.
“What...” he trailed off softly. “I heard you scream so I...”
“It’s okay, JB,” Jin said for you. “I got this.”
You turned away from Jaebum hiding yourself from him and his eyes. You didn’t want to see pity in his eyes for you. You didn’t want him to see you like this.
“Okay,” Jaebum muttered, you heard his hands hit the frame twice, before he walked away.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay, y/n?” Jin asked as she zipped up her winter jacket.
You nodded before hugging her. “Thank you.”
“It’s okay, y/n,” she gave you a small smile, before jokingly adding, “Damn, sad y/n sure loves to hug. Maybe you should carry that trait over.”
You rolled your eyes chuckling, before walking out with her.
“You didn’t have to walk me out, I know the way.”
“It’s okay, walk will be nice.” You told her, as you clasped your hands in front of you. She smiled in reply, hugging you tightly before she moved away.
“Text me-- call me if anything happens okay?” Jin told you, sternly looking into your eyes. “It doesn’t matter what time it is.”
You nodded, waving as she walked away, before turning the corner.
You turned, about to walk into the building but hesitated. You didn’t want to go in just yet.
You turned and began walking the other way. You ended up at the look out point where your grandma would take you too.
You sat down on the bench, and pulled the knitted cardigan closer around you. It didn’t stop the cold wind completely, but it helped slightly. It was better than nothing.
You stared down at the orange lights staring to light up in the dusk.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been here in so long, Nani,” you said out to your grandma. “I lot has been happening. So much that I forget about it sometimes.
“You remember Jaebum right?” You asked the wind, that began getting chiller as every word left you. “He was here last time with Tuesday. You would’ve loved him. And he would’ve loved your kimchi jigae.”
You smiled softly, before biting your lip to hold back the tears.
“I miss you,” you whispered closing your eyes. “You would’ve been able to tell me what to do and what to say. I am so lost. I don’t know what to do.”
“What’s there to think about? Isn’t everything okay?” A man walking by said into his phone. You stilled for a moment, before chuckling in surprise.
“I guess everything is going well. I am friends with Jaebum, and he has helped with Jenny, and he takes my mind of things.” You muttered a reply, looking down at the dirt, before looking up.
“You would’ve compared him to a prince, Nani,” you said into the wind. “He certainly looks like one.” You chuckled.
“But what if I don’t want to leave,” you looked up to the darkening sky, as stars began sparkling. “What if I don’t deserve him.”
You thought back to the apartment. You thought back to her. You thought back to Nora and her face as she fell to the ground. You thought back to Jaebum looking at you with pity.
“What if there is no happy ending,” you whispered opening your eyes.
You looked down to a grey fur ball snuggling to your feet.
“Tuesday?” you gasped, lifting him into your arms. He snuggled in closer making frown, confused. You looked around for Jaebum, but didn’t find anyone.
“Were you planning on escaping?” You cooed, before rubbing your nose against his softness. “Come on buddy, let’s get you home to daddy.”
You bit your tongue as you stood outside to Jaebum’s door.
The cold wind crept up the hem of your long dress, making chills run down your spine.
Tuesday meowed eagerly, almost telling you to hurry up.
You let out a deep breathe, as you knocked on the door. You felt embarrased seening him so soon after he had seen you like that. You wanted to run away, but you knew you shouldn’t.
Something about Jaebum made you want to turn to him. Something made you believe that it would be okay to be with him right now. Something about Jaebum made everything okay.
The door unlocked and a dishelved Jaebum opened it.
His cheeks were rosy pink, his chest heaving as if he had been running.
“Hi,” he greeted you with a toothy grin. “Surprising to see you here!”
You stared at him, as you bit your lip. After a moment, he opened the door wider letting you in.
“Oh, you have Tee!” He exclaimed, his voice super high, making you feel suspicious. You turned around closing the door behind you to find Jaebum’s winter coat dusted with mist.
“Were you out?” You asked, as you walked into the house. You slipped into your pink slippers that Jaebum had bought for you.
“No!” He replied quickly, making you narrow your eyes in suspicion. “I’ve been home all afternoon!”
Jaebum shrugged not looking at you. “Why, something wrong?”
He stepped back and held out his arms in a little taadaa!
The table was set with a ramen and coke, and his laptop showing Twilight.
“Oh wow, Jae,” you couldn’t help but smile, as you looked at him feeling all the tension in your body fade away.
Jaebum scratched the back of his head, as he shrugged.
“I thought a supernatural romantic comedy would be great today,” he breathed in through his teeth, looking at the ground.
“Yes because Twilight is a comedy first.” You chuckled, settling into your place.
Jaebum sat down next to you, his shoulders almost touching yours.
“A true intellectual, as always,” he grinned, hitting play.
It was halfway through the movie when Jaebum talked.
“How was your afternoon?” You stilled for a moment, before biting your lip and nodding.
“It was good after that...” you tralied off, feeling awkward. “Jin wanted to choose an outfit for the party.”
“What did she choose?” Jaebum’s eyes snapped to yours widening excitedly.
“Uh, jeans, a top and a jacket for hers.” You told him, making him frown.
“Wow, such description,” Jaebum shook his head. “But good, dress warmly. You’re like a popcicle.”
You scoffed at him before turning to the screen. A chuckle left you as Edward called Bella a spidermonkey and began flying through the forest. Jaebum joined to, pointing something out making you laugh harder.
You sobered up, and sat back smiling. You felt Jaebum’s eyes on you, and your cheeks began to feel hot.
You looked over to Tuesday meowing at the door repeatedly.
“She likes acting like a dog nowadays for some reason. I think its the puppy tiktoks we’ve been watching thats influencing him,” Jaebum shook his head. “You already went out for a walk today, buddy.”
Tuesday hissed at him and ran into the bedroom.
“Wait, how did Tee even get out of your apartment?” You asked Jaebum, looking at him puzzled.
“He... must’ve... have...” Jaebum searched around the house. His frantic eyes landing on different objects for a few seconds before bouncing off. Finally his eyes landed on the windows, and you saw the lightbulb go of in his mind. “He must’ve gotten out the window!”
You nodded, as he breathed out satisfied with himself.
You sat back smiling.
Tuesday jumped from the seventh story, and Jaebum is a good liar.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 166
Waking up in the stupidly early hours of the morning, Lance crept around his house as secretly as he could. The shock of not waking up to Keith was shoved aside by the dire need to pee, then throw up. Hearing far too much, when he was far too sleepy, Lance knew he should have tried not to listen to Shiro and Keith as they bickered while painting the nursery. He couldn’t deny part of it was to distract himself from how much he hated throwing up and wanted to concentrate on something much more happier than the wet hacking noises he was making. Painting the nursery was supposed to be his and Keith’s job, yet Shiro sorely needed Keith time and Keith most definitely needed time with his brother, so he could forgive the pair of idiots for painting in the middle of the night.
Creeping along the hallway, he muffled a curse as he tripped on one of the boxes from the nursery, still his movements until he was sure neither brother had noticed. For someone who knew he really should leave the pair alone, he also totally wanted to spy on them and make sure they were doing a good job... Inch by inch the vampire made his way to the open door. Judging by the music playing, Shiro had gotten his way as the songs were all from his youth, not Keith’s.
Peaking around the corner, Lance smiled at the sight of the pair of idiots. Keith was up on Shiro’s shoulders, trying to cover up the mess they’d made of the top moulding. Shiro directed by Keith as he painted. Lance half wished they had surveillance in the nursery because the pair of them were being too damn cute. They’d painted the three walls, leaving the space Lance would have to cut out free enough that it wouldn’t look awkward when the spot was painted to hide the repair. They made such a good team. Shiro had painted down his face again, but he was smiling happily as he teased Keith over dribbling, asking if he needed a bib.
Laughing hard at his brother, Keith nearly fell off Shiro’s shoulders, Lance moving instinctively to catch him, stopping himself a couple of steps into the nursery. Fuck. He’d messed up. He was supposed to be spying, not interrupting
Preoccupied with not sticking the paintbrush in Shiro’s hair, Keith dropped it as his head snapped up. His boyfriend looked very much like a deer in the headlights as he swallowed hard, before almost nervously starting
“I can explain...”
Lance held his hands up. He wasn’t trying to ruin the moment, not anymore than he had done
“Sorry, I heard the music and saw the light on”
“Oh... Me and Shiro were...”
“Painting the nursery. I noticed. Don’t stop on my account”
Keith slid himself down Shiro’s back, Lance kicking himself for acting without thinking
“I’m not... I mean...”
His boyfriend was attempting to apologise. Lance wasn’t having it
“Babe, seriously, it’s fine. I’m going to head back to bed, you two don’t let me stop you”
“I mean... are you sure?”
“You’re the one who said I was in charge of the back wall, I totally trust you guys. Plus, you haven’t done a bad job”
Shiro cleared his throat
“I didn’t mean to upset you. If you’d really rather...”
Oh Lordy, not Shiro too
“Guys, not mad at all. I was up anyway, and now I’m going to be down again. Gotta try fit in some sleep before I have to pee again. Take your time, just don’t go falling off Shiro’s shoulders. I don’t have workers comp for improvised ladders made from older brothers. Hell, I don’t have workers comp at all”
Both brothers relaxed, Lance waving them goodbye as he headed back to his room. He could hear them discussing whether to continue or not, hoping they would and that Keith would drag him off to see the job they’d done in the morning. When he’d lived alone it wasn’t unusual for him to paint or remodel in the middle of the night when the whim took him. Keith was working hard to be a good dad, but to Lance, his boyfriend already was. The vampire hoped that his boyfriend knew he appreciated everything he did for the three of them, though maybe he’d make extra sure between the sheets come morning.
Keith and Shiro didn’t sleep. Lance woke to find Keith’s side of their bed empty, more than once as he got up to pee then go back to bed. When it rolled around to being a semi decent time to climb up, he’d found both brothers conked out in the nursery. Keith asleep with his head on Shiro’s shoulder, paint rollers laying next to them. Carefully he lifted Shiro first, finding him much heavier than he thought he be as he carried him to his and Keith’s bed, because he knew his boyfriend would freak about him trying to carry Shiro downstairs. Coming back for Keith, he tucked both brothers in next to each other, then set the alarm on his phone for lunch time. Keith had roused a little in his arms, Lance stealing a kiss before assuring him he loved him and he needed a few hours of proper sleep.
Being the earliest riser came with one severe disadvantage. No body was awake to tell him not to go where he’d find something he really didn’t want to see. His kitchen looked as if a bomb had gone off. Blood smeared across the table and counters, his medication bottles smashed in the sink. Glasses randomly placed around the space, the window open, plates broke on the counter. The smell of so much blood sent his ego into overdrive as Lance held his stomach, gutted at the sight before him. Blue was shut in a cupboard, meowing mournfully until Lance gathered her out and into his arms. He’d checked on his way past the living room. Curtis seemed asleep, totally dead to the world and like there was no way he could have possibly been responsible for the mess. Lance couldn’t even try to blame it on raccoons, there weren’t any in the area, and Curtis’s scent hung so strongly in the air.
How was he supposed to tell Curtis? Curtis was one of his best friends. He wanted everything to appear as normal as possibly, but what he’d woken up to left him crying as Blue to tried to escape his tears. He couldn’t deal with everything and have everything appearing normal by the time the others woke. Rieva and Matt would both be mad. Rieva probably madder than he’d ever seen her before. She’d taken on her own role as his protector. Her seeing the destruction caused would send her ego into a fit of rage he honestly feared. His best boy Kosmo hadn’t come to greet him, leaving him with a terrible fear something had been done to him.
Creeping into Matt and Rieva’s room, relief flooded him when he found Kosmo sleeping on the end of the bed. His fur son thudding his tail as he whined at him. Yeah. He got it. Curtis had accidentally scared their fur babies. For now it was safer to leave Kosmo there and Blue with him, despite not wanting to let his precious princess go. Placing Blue down, she let out a “rowr” as she raced across the floor then leapt light on the bed, immediately bunting into Kosmo’s boof head, happy to be reunited with her doggo. Closing the door almost silently, Lance kept his steps light, feeling like an intruder in his own home as he headed to his office.
Krolia had left the door unlocked, making access easy. Slipping into the room, Lance didn’t want to disturb her, but right now he needed someone vaguely more adult than him. His Mami had covered up plenty of times he’d lost his temper thanks to his ego, or thrown up in fear, or had torn through his room to make sure nothing bad was hiding in the shadows. Curtis wasn’t his child, yet he knew how broken hearted he’d be. Maybe acting like nothing was wrong was the wrong move? All he wanted to do was be a good friend.
Shaking Krolia’s shoulder, Krolia roused easily. Lance jumping back as the woman clutched at her chest
“Holy fuck! Jesus, Lance... you scared the shit out of me”
“I’m sorry... Krolia, I need your help... I think I fucked up”
For a woman who’d just been shaken away and given a miniature heart attack as she was, Krolia was a zillion times better at waking up than Keith was. Instantly alert, she pushed back the blankets
“Lance, are you okay?”
There didn’t seem to be the right word to describe how unokay he felt. Her asking served to make him cry harder. The majority of his medication was ruined. He only had what was upstairs now, or what he’d left in his office.
Moving from the single bed, Krolia wrapped her arm around him
“Whoa. You need to calm down... Whatever happened to make you so upset? Here, sit down and tell me”
Lance shook his head. If he sat he’d only risk the chance of Curtis getting up for a glass of water and seeing the carnage
“Can you come with me?”
“Ive got to be honest, I’d rather you sit. You’re kind of scaring me”
“I’m sorry. I don’t know who to ask and I need help right now”
“Is it the twins? Are you in pain?”
“It’s not... it’s easier to show you”
“Okay, lead the way”
Returning to the kitchen, Krolia stalled in the doorway as Lance walked back into his messed up kitchen. Having been in there before, he didn’t think to check the floor, discovering the hard way that there were shattered bottles on the floor too. Whimpering at the unexpected pain, Krolia was by his side in a moment, pulling out the closest chair to force him to sit. Dropping a kiss on the top of his head, for a moment it felt like his Mami was the one there coming to his rescue
“Stay here and don’t move. I’ll get my boots. Here, put this against your foot to stem the bleeding. Can you feel if there’s any glass still in there?”
“I think it is”
Taking the tea towel from Krolia, Lance was thankful that he remained pretty flexible despite the lack of yoga he’d done of late. Pulling out the base of a broken vial from his foot, he threw it into the sink to join the rest before holding the tea towel over the wound. He’d have to tell Shiro about this. Shiro would be devastated too. Matt and Rieva must have had their noise cancelling headphones on and missed the sounds. He had no excuse. There’d been a time when the smallest sound would have woken him. Sleeping in a bed filled with Keith’s scent calmed his ego too much, now this was the price of it. To tell Shiro felt likes betrayal. He felt like that kid running to a teacher to dob in another kid over something that had happened some time ago.
When Krolia came back, she draped one of the blankets from his bed over his shaking shoulders. The tears wouldn’t stop. His foot seemed a far cry pain wise when it came to the emotional pain he felt. His house was his haven. His safe place. A place he filled with love. Three times in the last 24 hours had that been disturbed, all by Curtis who couldn’t even help it. Things well and truly sucked. He needed to get up and help Krolia, but all he wanted to do was cry over the unfairness of the situation
“I’ll start by sweeping the floor. Can I get you anything?”
“I should help”
“I’m not letting you help when you’re in no condition. I know you’ve had complications. For now you should work on settling your emotions”
Krolia was right. He knew his fangs were poking out and his nails clawed. She was right in all the ways he needed right now
“Can... would you maybe please make me a cup of tea?”
Krolia’s skills in the kitchen didn’t exist. He knew that, yet it wasn’t like she could go wrong. Mami always settled him down with a cup of tea. The liquid itself coming second to its scent, a scent he’d always associate with Coran and his mother
“I can do that. You’ll have to tell me how you like it”
“White, one sugar, please”
There was more to that reply that went unsaid. Krolia would call Coran once the evidence was dealt with. He’d need to ask for more medication. Lance knew he was leaking pheromones all over the place, that the stress was bad for the pregnancy, yet Krolia didn’t seem to scent him. Keith would have been able to tell in an instant something was wrong from his scent alone. His body felt slightly flushed, but the deep heavy depressed feeling of the situation seemed the be currently squashing down those particular needs for now. Maybe he should be the one to call Coran? To explain things from his point of view so Coran wouldn’t be too harsh on Curtis. No. Coran wouldn’t be too hard on Curtis. Coran had probably seen so much worse in his long, long, life. His life and the life’s of their friends was probably just a drop in the ocean compared to everything Coran had done in his time.
“Here’s your tea. I’m starting to feel like a real mum. First Keith, and now you”
Krolia seemed pleased as she passed Lance his tea, he’d been so in his head he’d barely noticed her make it
“You talked to Keith?”
“A bit. He was angsting over how to wake Shiro to talk to him”
Lance stared down at his tea. Krolia had put the milk straight in so the colour was a sad off white. Still, he appreciated it as he breathed in deeply trying to focus on the scent of the tea instead of the blood
“Oh. Yeah. He does that. He still says he’s bad with words... he’s really not. He’s just carrying the trauma still of when people dismissed him without listening. Sometimes he doesn’t know just how much he says with the things he doesn’t say”
“He told me I wasn’t making sense”
Lance could imagine. By default Krolia was quite brash, though she did have her secretive ways about her
“I’m sorry for waking you up. I didn’t... I mean, I could have cleaned this place up, but... Did I do the right thing? Not making a fuss? Or did I hurt Curtis more by downplaying it”
Krolia hummed as she looked around at the mess
“You were trying to help a friend”
“I know. He did so much for me. He’s done so much for me. He tried to stand up protect me... I hate that he... that he probably hates himself so much right now. I know what it’s like to lose control of your body, but my pain isn’t his and I can’t understand his pain. It’s funny. I spent years alone. In the past this wouldn’t have bothered me. I would have cleaned it up and not said anything to anyone. I don’t know how to explain to Keith that I’m nearly out of medication again”
“He’ll understand. He’s very understanding when it comes to you”
“I know. I know I burden him by being like this”
“Keith would be sad to hear that”
“I know that too. I mean, I know being a carer is hard. Watching the person you care for change more and more each day”
“Things well get better. I remember how hormonal I felt when pregnant with Keith. The worries of bring him into this world. The worries over my limitation of what I could do to protect him. His father was a mess. The slightest pain or discomfort and he panicked”
Lance snorted with a shake of his head. Like father like son. He loved Keith beyond measurable amounts and words. A single touch could settle his thoughts. A single smile left him all goopy inside. Absolutely anything Keith wanted, Lance wanted to be the one to give it to him. He wanted to continue to grow beside Keith. To nurture their relationship and grow with him. To face all the good and bad times together. He was now hiding one of those bad times from him. Keith needed rest, obviously. Falling asleep with Shiro beside him, the two must have had a good talk. If he told Keith later, he’d be upset he didn’t come to him right away, like how he hadn’t called when his sisters came to see him. The movies never showed how hard being with someone and planning to be with them forever was. Keith would get all moody when Lance pointed out that he needed the rest.
“Krolia, I’ll be back in a minute”
He couldn’t hide this from Keith. Keith needed to know that Lance knew he could turn to him, no matter the situation. Shiro really needed Keith’s support right now, and it’d be better for Keith to know the truth before they told Shiro
“Okay, but before you go, where’s the broom?”
“In the laundry. The dust pan is there too”
“Alrighty. You leave this to me. Wow, I even sound like a proper mother”
Krolia was a proper mother in her own way. She was certainly filling in the gaps of longing for maternal comfort after Mami passed in her own special Krolia way
“You are a proper mother. I won’t be too long”
Trudging up the stairs, Lance cursed them mentally. Today there seemed to be twice as many as there actually were, his back complaining as he straightened up, before promptly half slouching, trying to find that sweet spot where his muscles didn’t want to spasm. Yeah, he was round for his weekage. He felt he seemed rounder than Google showed he should be, but as long as that wasn’t hurting the twins he’d have to bare with it. Shuffling to his room, he found Keith and Shiro where he’d left them. Anxiety over what to say bubbled up, but now he’d made his mind up to tell Keith, he couldn’t turn and head back down those damn stairs empty handed.
Opting to sit on the bed next to his boyfriend, Lance stole a kiss. Keith looked so peaceful, adding to the guilt he already felt about waking him. Opting against shaking him awake and making him panic, Lance nuzzled into Keith’s cheek, pressing kisses to the soft skin brushing against his lips
“Babe, babe, I need you to wake up for me”
Keith was horrible at waking up, unless he either woke up naturally or he woke up with Lance straddling his lap for morning kisses and something more if they were in the mood
“Babe, please. I need you to wake up now”
Nosing a little harder, his boyfriend groaned at him sleepily
“Keith, I need you to wake up for me”
“I know. I know but I need you to get up like right now”
The next groan Keith gave had no English translation
“I know. I need your help”
That seemed to work. Confused purple eyes squinting at him as Lance pulled back enough that Keith could see his face
“Something happened. I need you to come with me”
“Wha... babies?”
Right. Keith had no clue why his precious sleep was being disturbed
“No. No, I’m okay. I just... I really need you to come with me right now”
“Whaaa... Shiro?”
Lance had the unfair advantage of knowing about the shit storm in his kitchen, that and being more awake than asleep
“He’s right here in bed, but... he can’t see this”
“Your scent... somethings...”
Yeah. His scent was doing its own thing, his eyes were filled with tears and the position hurt his back. Lance already knew he was far from fighting form
“I’ll explain, but... it’s easier to show you... I... I need you to come with me”
Getting Keith moving, his boyfriend was more of a hazard than the damn stairs. His boyfriend tripping on his own feet, leading Lance to catch him as he half leapt down, whimpering as his feet his the floor. With the shock shooting straight up his back, and his healing foot that he’d kind of half forgotten from his back pain, the landing was about as rad as the mess waiting. Yeah. Have a baby they said. It’ll all work out, they said. They didn’t warn him about all the hard work in the middle of it all
Lance was holding Keith to hold himself up far more than Keith was holding him for the same reason
“I’m okay... my back’s sore, but I need to show you”
“You’re making me worried”
For Keith to have such a grasp on the English language his boyfriend must be internally freaking. Lance hadn’t exactly eased any of his worries
“I’m okay... physically, I’m okay. It’s Krolia... something happened. Not to her, but she’s helping and I... I need you right now”
Straightening himself, Keith moved from his side to standing in front of him. Moving to cup Lance’s cheek, it was more like a light slap as Keith sleepily tried to coordinate himself
“Babe, you’re worrying me. Just... tell me what happened”
“Curtis... he... well, it’s easier if I show you. It’s in the kitchen. Everyone’s alright, but... I’m... kind of... right now I need you to help me out because I’m out of my depth”
Keith’s “galaxy eyes” softened, nodding immediately
“Okay. Whatever it is, it’ll be okay”
“I really hope so... try not to freak out too much. The others are sleeping”
Keith went in front of him, Lance bumping into him when his boyfriend suddenly stopped
“What the fuck?!”
Lance flinched. Yeah. This wasn’t good. Not only was Keith blinded by the kitchen lights, he was forced to see pretty much the same things Lance had... other than the floor. Krolia hadn’t done a bad job of sweeping up the worst of it. Taking a deep breath, all his words came out like word vomit, seeking reassurance that he’d done the right thing by waking Keith and Krolia for help
“I woke up and the kitchen was like this. I didn’t want to wake you up but I didn’t want to hide this from you and I didn’t want you to feel like I was hiding things. I know you barely slept, and I know I woke mum up first, but I... This is my fault and I... I kind of really need you to help because I’m too freaked to adult right now”
“Keith! We meet again. Make yourself useful and get Lance sitting down again. Then you can start on the table while I start on sink”
Right. Blood on his table... Krolia seemed happy to have a helper that wasn’t him. It seemed his boyfriend had bonded more with Krolia during whatever talk they’d had. Lance had his own questions for Krolia, namely did she know about the ring box Keith kept in his drawer and what the fuck it meant for their relationship. Lance thought they’d agreed to wait, now had this additional little voice in his head telling him he should snoop and find out more. Having his boyfriend in the same space calmed his ego, letting him refocus on what needed to happen next
“You need to be careful getting blood out of wood. It would have already stained. Grab some paper towels to mop it up, then we’ll need to clean up what’s left as carefully as possible. We can cover the stain with a table cloth”
“Oh, great thinking! You really did snag a great man. Lance, I want you to sit back down again and finish that cup of tea. You’re still in shock”
He had to admit that he most certainly was still in shock. Keith sighing heavily as he looked to the floor
“Am I going to get glass in my feet?”
“Like Lance did? He really should be off his feet right now”
As Keith turned to him, Lance raised his hands in surrender
“I know. I’ll sit. I got the glass out and tossed it in the sink...”
“Why was there glass on the floor to begin with?”
Moving his left hand to the back of his head, he scratched his hair nervously
“Uh, well, you know...”
“Curtis smashed his medication”
“He did what?!”
Dobbed in by Krolia, Keith was instantly furious at the news. Lance had been trying to figure the right way to ease into the conversation, this was not it
“I have a few vials... you should probably leave the ones in the sink. My blood’s in there and we can’t risk infection”
“Right now I don’t give a fuck. Go back to bed, babe. We’ll fucking deal with this”
“But you’ve been up all night painting”
“And we’ll deal with this right now. Go lay down”
Lance was kind of unimpressed
“I can help”
“Babe, seriously, I’m about to lose my temper. You need that medication and he fucking knows if”
Bursting into tears again, Lance wept for his friend
“He can’t help it. You’ve seen what happens when I act out of ego. Hating him for this is as good as hating me”
Keith sighed, Lance drawn against him as his boyfriend kissed his hair, before relying
“I don’t hate him. I’m mad at the situation. This isn’t what I wanted to wake up to, but I’m glad you came and got me”
“I wanted you to know I rely on you. That I know I can rely on you”
“I know, babe. Can you please let me and mum handle this?”
“I can help. This is my house”
“I know it is, but this isn’t our first time cleaning up blood. You resting right now, is going to help me concentrate on getting this cleaned up”
“I don’t want to be a burden”
“Babe, you’re not a burden. I don’t want to lash out and I don’t want to say something to hurt you. Why don’t you wait in the office until we’re done? I promise I’ll come get you when this is cleaned up”
“Babe, please?”
Lance couldn’t say no to Keith asking. He felt completely useless. He wanted Curtis to be happy. He wanted Keith to understand. He knew how Keith got when he was cranky, that meant he wanted to be there for him to help him through those feelings. But, if he was in the way...
“Okay. I trust you”
“And I love you”
“I love you, too. I’ll be in the office. I’m not up for the stairs right now”
In the office he could listen to what was happening. He’d have to content himself with that
“Okay. This shouldn’t take long. Then I’ll come cuddle the fuck out of you”
“You do give the best cuddles”
“I thought Hunk did?”
“Mmm... but you’re cuddles are different. I feel bad I woke you”
“You did the right thing. Now go rest, and don’t think I haven’t forgotten about your foot. I want to take a look at that too”
“Okay... Thank you”
“You’re welcome”
Closing the door to the office, Lance locked it behind him. Should Curtis wake up and attempt something, he didn’t know how he’d handle the idea of having to fight his friend. His instincts were such a mess that instead of standing up for himself, his body was telling him to put as much space between him and his friend as he could do nothing could happen to the twins. Sitting on the bed seemed to have an immediate effect. Lance moving to curl up under the covers. He missed his bed with all the blankets and the sense of security they brought, for now though, this was all he could do to feel safe.
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localkatshelter · 4 years
Okame’s Underbelly: Anticipation |1st|
(Shinso x OC)
Katsumi's POV (localvillageidiot#0870) and Shinso's POV (hecker#8339)
 Two people with a common passion meet unexpectedly during one of Shinso's lowest moments. He'd like to forget it ever happened but Katsumi has her own reasons for not letting it go. Through push and pull, they struggle to understand one another, regardless they can't keep away from each other.
| How long have I been staring at myself in the fucking mirror? My eyes look so dead...but don’t they always. I realized the extra lifelessness wasn’t due to my overall apathy or shitty eyeliner; it was due to them being red and puffy. That’s no good. I hurriedly searched through the cabinet for my eye drops. They were usually used for another purpose, but today, they’ll be used to disguise the fact that I had been crying. |
(Katsumi's POV)
My head fell forward for the millionth time as I struggled to stay awake for the last five minutes of my summer remedial science lab. Why does science have to be so boring? This fucking professor always lectures for the full three hours too. How could someone possibly have this much to say about chlorophyll? All I could do was watch the clock tick by until, finally, the class was dismissed. I gathered my things as quickly as possible and headed towards my dorm building. Throwing my things onto the kitchen table, I immediately started to strip and headed towards the bathroom. The silver lining in having to come to campus in the summer for my remedial class? Getting to move in early and having the whole suite to myself. I showered quickly and put on my typical Friday night attire: some broken-in mom jeans that I embroidered and had a friend paint on paired with a comfortable faded band t-shirt I had stolen from a partner I had long forgotten the name of, tucked and held in place with some old belt I fished out of a Good Will bin a few years ago. I hummed as I put on some clear lipgloss and touched up my hair. Perfect. I made sure to set out some dinner for my fat cat who was hiding somewhere in my bedroom, likely in my sheets. For a supposed emotional support animal, I never saw much of her unless she was in the mood to cuddle, which was usually at night.
“Harley, I’m going out. I’ll be back.” I called out.
She meowed from the bed in response. I grabbed my things from the table and tossed them into my bedroom before popping my headphones in and heading out the door. I was on my way to the only place that made my summer Fridays bearable: The Squeaky Wheelhouse.
After a short while, I walked up to a dark and disheveled, yet oddly charming, building. This was my hidden gem, the highlight of my college career, a place where artists gathered to share their work and critique the world around them without fear. Friday nights were open mic nights for spoken word poetry, which I didn’t think I would like until I heard Okame perform. Their words about the plights of the world of heroism and comic book celebrities brought to life really resonated with me. Most of their pieces were critiques on how heroes navigate their jobs and how they are treated by the government, the people, and each other. I admired the way they captured the duality of appreciating heroes for what they are while also not feeling a need to bow to them as if they were gods. It felt so real to me, especially because around the same time I first heard their work, I had started my photojournalism blog on a similar topic. It was really just a love project at first. I would take pictures of heroes in the heat of battle and use them to show how human they really are. Honestly, I'm not even sure if it was me or my quirk that had the idea first. My hyperempathology quirk sometimes had a mind of its own. It was always dragging me into situations that I had no business being in. I always ended up manipulating someone's emotions to make them feel better, which had positive and negative results. On the one hand, I was glad that I could make someone feel better. On the other hand, it made me feel like shit because not only did I manipulate someone’s emotions without permission; I also absorbed the negative emotions I had alleviated. In a strange sense, the blog was my own way of alleviating myself of what I had alleviated. I had never expected it to take off either, but there I was, a month later, still taking pictures of heroes in their most desperate and vulnerable state in an effort to humanize them. I kept at it because, well, they are people after all. They aren’t gods, they have emotions, but the way the media and the government build a hero’s image doesn’t allow for much expression. It’s unfair to them; it's as if they aren't allowed to be people anymore. I had always thought I was alone in that, but apparently, I’m not. My blog has a pretty decent following now, which I am super proud of. Although I’m pretty sure that a lot of people in the hero community despise or at least dislike me for basically being renegade paparazzi.
Oh well. No one knows it’s me who runs the blog. The closest anyone has ever gotten was when someone traced my IP address back to the college campus, but Kyoto University has upwards of 22,000 students enrolled. There’s no way someone would be able to find me out as long as I don’t use my personal electronics to post. Okame had also become a popular performer at the Wheelhouse and had a sort of residency time slot on Friday nights. It was weird, but I was proud of them too. I felt like we were similar, almost connected by our mutual views and creative outlets. On top of that, they used a pseudonym and a ghost performer just like I used a pen name and hid my IP address for my work. All of the aligning characteristics made me think we would get along if we ever met, but that’ll probably never happen.
I walked into the building, waving to the Friday night staff that I had gotten to know over the summer. I took a seat on a comfortable looking armchair near the back corner of the main room that had a decent view of the small performance stage. I opened up a book that I brought with me to read until the performances started. I ordered a large mint tea and settled in, anticipating Okame’s latest insight.
(Shinso's POV)
I had bitten my lips raw at this point. There’s no way it’s actually over. We’ve broken up so many times before, and we’ve always managed to hash it out. But this time felt different. She wasn’t returning my texts with curt responses. She wasn’t posting about me subliminally on her social media to piss me off. She didn’t show up at my house with the gifts I had given her and dramatically throw them at me. No angry voicemails. No tears. No nothing. The strangest part was that her last text wished me well, even though I ended it this time around. All of it almost felt like a real goodbye. But still, there’s no way.
I had to talk to her tonight to make sure. Throughout our whole relationship, despite our arguing, we never missed a Friday at The Squeaky Wheelhouse. That was our way to ease the stress from the strife of the week prior. No matter how mad we were, we would still begrudgingly sit together and enjoy the show. By the end of the night, we would always manage to soften towards each other once again. Even if my piece of the week was bitterly aimed at her, she still respected me enough to put my voice out there and perform it for me. That’s what I loved about her. She knew attention made me squeamish and vulnerability was definitely not my favorite pastime. I shared the document that contained today's piece with her. It was an apology. She could barely squeeze those out of me normally, so she had to know I was deadly serious this time around. I tried not to envision her reaction or dwell on whether or not she would even accept my apology because it made me so anxious that I wanted to jump out of my skin.
How long have I been staring at myself in the fucking mirror? My eyes look so dead...but don’t they always. I realized the extra lifelessness wasn’t due to my overall apathy or shitty eyeliner; it was due to them being red and puffy. That’s no good. I hurriedly searched through the cabinet for my eyedrops. They were usually used for another purpose, but today, they’ll be used to disguise the fact that I had been crying. Save those tears for later, Shinso. She’s seen me cry even less than she’s heard me apologize. Numbness was the best blanket I’ve ever had. But tonight, I’ll avoid covering myself up. I need to show her that I care because I’m known to fucking suck at it. After I applied the drops, I roughly ran my fingers through my torturously messy violet mane, exhaling heavily. I tried to dress up a little this Friday. I know it’s trivial, but I want to be my best for her tonight. My outfit was made up of my typical dark colors, but I dressed it up with a black jean jacket, chelsea boots, and a few bulky rings that she gifted me but were too cumbersome to actually wear. What makes them even more annoying is that I’ve been fiddling with them all evening to distract myself, and let me tell you, it’s not working. I have another hour until I have to leave; I need a better distraction.
I plopped myself down on my bed with my laptop and clicked on my “The Underbelly'' bookmark. I always loved the irony of this blog served as an escape but also as a merciless glimpse into reality for me. My leg bounced as the page loaded—no new posts. Shit...well, it has only been a couple of days. I thoroughly looked forward to the new content because the author and I are eerily like-minded as far as hero ideology. Sometimes I felt as if I wrote a few of the entries myself. They’re the only person that I felt connected to on a philosophical level, and finally having that was comforting, to say the least. It was a bit taboo to criticize heroes so harshly because it was easy to be labeled as ungrateful. I’ve personally always felt like a great way to show appreciation is to continuously try to improve a system that everyone relies on. I guess people just don’t like to make sense. Hero work is honestly one of the few things I actually cared about, and to see people be so dismissive really pissed me off. Then again, people don’t really know I feel this way. I try not to let people get into my head too much. That’s why I created my Okame persona. I wanted to get my views out there without making it about myself at all. I felt it didn’t really hold true to the purpose of my message, with the whole not making hero’s these god-like figureheads simply for doing what’s right. That and...I hate when people look at me for more than a few seconds. My searing glare usually fixed that right quick. Quickly getting over the minor disappointment, I closed my laptop. Well, I didn’t have another alternative distraction, so I decided to say fuck it and head to the kitchen for some liquid courage.
I downed about two shots of rum. I was taking the bus there anyway, so it’s not like it mattered. I checked my watch, 30 more minutes. I wracked my brain for something to alleviate the unbearable anticipation as I blankly stared at the bottle of rum. Oh! I could pick up her favorite soju. It’s super strong, so we usually reserve it for a day where we don’t plan to do shit else but enjoy each other's company. But I feel like if we’re gonna hash all the bullshit out, we might need to be generously buzzed. Liquor store it is. I adjusted my collar before I headed out the door.
I decided on four bottles of the grapefruit soju because she really likes tart flavors. She always made fun of me for liking the sweeter sojus, but I’ll let her think she has the better taste tonight. The drinks were hidden away in a plastic bag tucked under my feet. I tried to settle in my seat towards the back as I checked my watch again for the fifteenth time. It was now 5 minutes after the starting time. Guess both the show and my girlfriend(?) are running late. My hands automatically began scratching at the already chipped polish on my nails. She’s been uncharacteristically calm during this fight; I wonder if she’ll stay that way once she sees me.
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