#she does so much stuff is2g
ajarofpickledtears · 1 year
why does Stuff (tm) take up so much energy
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coquelicoq · 9 months
rip to hiiragi in the moon-splitting festival arc though. first she paints a protection charm on natsume's arm, standard stuff, but even though right before this he was in a huge hurry to get back to everyone else to make sure they're safe, he's like okay now let's do you. and takes the brush and paints the same charm on her arm. uhhhh. okay. this is fine. okay. then minutes later he throws himself in front of her to protect her from a ton of falling logs with his fragile human body. like not only is he actively making it harder for her to do her job, which is to protect him, by doing stupid heroic shit that puts him in danger, but he's doing said heroic shit to protect HER? like he thinks she's a PERSON??? the fuck is she supposed to do with this shit!
#i wrote some run-on tags the other day about how my favorite storytelling device in natsuyuu is the sensei reaction shots#and one of the things i ran out of room to say is that my SECOND favorite storytelling device in natsuyuu#is the hiiragi reaction shots#because a) it makes total sense that we would want to see her reaction to natsume treating her like a person but b)#SHE ALWAYS LOOKS THE SAME. SHE'S WEARING A MASK THAT COVERS HER ENTIRE FACE.#which means that we just have to infer her reaction. which is such a funny function for a reaction shot to serve!#'hey btw this character is having feelings. not telling you which ones.'#and FURTHERMORE c) not only does her facial expression never differ but said facial expression is one of a vacant-eyed smile#which in turn means that the reaction her mask makes it look like she's having is basically 'um. what. ha ha. the fuck?'#which! i think often is what her reaction actually is! so it circles back around to being accurate! hello!!!#absolutely genius character design. i am obsessed.#natsume's book of friends#natsume yuujinchou#hiiragi#my posts#f#i'm rewatching all the natori episodes because i love him but it's just reminding me how much i love hiiragi and sensei also 😩#i have other stuff i should be doing today BUT i did successfully get a fill for another themed xword so i'm giving myself a lil break#UGH natsume comes to at the end of the episode with natori's jacket draped over him and sensei lying on natsume's stomach#on top of the jacket...#these characters will be the death of me is2g
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weregreatatcrime · 10 months
I'm sick and rereading Two Halves and I know I leave a lot (A LOT) of stuff in the end notes but there's actually lots of stuff I still never mention or talk about so here's a long sick (no longer at 4am) ramble about things I didn't get the chance to talk about but wanted to (in somewhat of an order reminded by rereading) or at least just some lines I particularly enjoyed
Chapter 3 Commentrary while I drink tea and try to remind my brain it belongs in my body
The fact that this is still early Leo so "sneaking out by himself" is JUST his way of going out to destress and not. Doing crazy shit shfbsjfhr
I actually really like Leo but he's also like. My LEAST favorite? And by that I mean I'm not INCREDIBLY obsessed with him like I am the others, so like, it confuses me why it's so easy and comforting to write him. The only one easier to write for me is Donnie
The boys make going topside stressful for him is2g, but also, Leo learn to stress a little less. Let your brothers break a few bones and sprain a few ankles so they learn to not be idiots while jumping rooftops (this is bad advice do not listen to me)
Unstated but it was very hard for Karai to not throw a knife at Leo to get his attention. He was just running, out by himself, all alone, and didn't notice the ninja stalking him?? Ohhhhh the temptation to REALLY fuck with him
Karai crouching over the edge of the building "being up high" to comfort herself during this scene. Intentionally turning her back to him was stressful
“What, a girl can’t stop by for a talk with her little brother?” <- A line she doesn't believe at ALL. Even if she WERE Miwa, she doesn't understand the father/son relationship with the Hamatos, and mostly thinks they're just students who take the family theme way too serious. She doesn't actually think the turtles will consider Miwa as their sister so much as a general younger family member they need to protect for Honor. Karai’s concept of family was ALREADY fucked up, being raised by the Shredder did Not help jfc
“But he raised and loved me this far. Hard to see it as anything else.” <- Even worse that she actually DOES believe this would be enough, if she really was Miwa. If she weren't a changeling sent to take his daughter's place
A lot of the scene with Leo and Karai is her just manipulating Leo, BUT it does provide a big big window into how Karai views her situation and how she would react if she WEREN'T a changeling. And it's AWFUL but cool
“Stabbing you is always on the table,” Karai grumbled, arms crossing. <- Be careful Leo that's VERY GENUINE (plus more of Karai covering herself up when she's stared at bcz she's twitchy (stabby))
I feel a lot of people say 2012 Splinter wouldn't steal and you're right! His moral code is too strong. However, survival is hard and lots of people learn real fast what good morals do you when you're at rock bottom. If it were just him I think he'd stick to them. But with four infant children to care for? Nah, he learned how flexible his morals can be when it's his children's life and welfare at risk.
Bless be this Leo for being young enough to not have had to really ask himself the really hard questions about his moral code just yet. Karai thinks it's stupid but funny. How naive can you be?? (Karai once again not understanding what life WITHOUT the hard decisions is like)
“You’re not evil, Karai.” Leo you're kinda wrong but you're not. She's not really evil but she delights in evil things..? Karai works on an entirely different morality code than good to evil, so, trying to put her as one or the other won't work, but she definitely does have solid traits from both sides of the coin
Karai ALREADY knows that if she just talks to Leonardo, it's fine. But his brothers will cause a scene and make her risk of being caught rise exponentially. She was riiiiight
Karai didn't know how to have fun without making it about training whoopsies honey your trauma is leaking through
I've already ranted enough about Karai thinking she Doesn't need the same things human children do (safety, security, empathy, kindness, etcetera) so I'm not gonna yell more but. Just. It hurts aha. Solid note that she also is aware Shredder definitely isn't providing all these necessary things
"Humans without those important social aspects developed poorly and functioned awfully later in life. Karai had none of that to give. She wasn’t even capable of expressing emotions like humans did." KARAI HONEY these things are CONNECTED they're not mutually exclusive oh my god
The turtles trying to pspsps this new mutant Punk Rock into being their friend and Karai just oblivious to it
Maybe I should write some of their interactions out as oneshots, from before they knew PR was Karai...
Not shown but the MOMENT Stockman realized Karai hated the Shredder’s methods as much as him, they both started BITCHING hardcore about how illogical his management skills were
Stockman: So when I leave, if we're doing a big rush exit, can I blow up the lab?
Karai: ...you know, you're not so bad for a human
As much as Shredder did overreact, it IS a huge fucking deal that a civilian with no espionage skill or training managed to escape a highly secure ninja compound and leave no traces. People would've been fired best case scenario. Karai is so proud of herself for her scheming lol
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ellavaday · 2 years
weekly dose of screaming into the void about dres2 and the wow subtitles (this week dres reminds me that i am what? a fucking nerd, literature edition... also like... this is snatch game so please only click the read more if you are prepared for a lengthy read and if you want to witness my not so slow descent into madness)
that title card about veronica forqué 💔 [i will be a sap about this later in this post, be prepared, that was a threat]
estrella saying 'bring in the poppers' when they're getting out of drag after reading the mirror message should have been 'long live poppers' (viva los poppers)
i am in love w juriji's dress and boots when she gets into the workroom 🥰 (dresses skirts and boots is literally all i wear ofc i'm obsessed)
for this week's dosage of sexual harassment directed at the pitcrew:
when the pitcrew gets in, estrella says hit me with the baguette in the face not feed me the baguette (although i doubt she'd be opposed to that either)
supremme asking them if they like this version of the man with the sack: the sack man is the hispanic version of the bogeyman (the monster diamante did for ep 2 in the day of the beasts runway)
sethlas talking about the pitcrew's sacks... should be package and when she asks who does she have to pray to, not beg, it's a close enough translation in sentiment but definitely a v different verb
when sharonne is messing with the hair of the pitcrew, estrella doesn't say 'check his hair', she's prompting her to pull his hair
supremme saying 'estáis como muy salidas, no?' in the subs is translated as 'they're excited' but estar/ser salido/a is more like being cheeky or randy/horny (in this case both... and it should be plural you not they bc she's talking to the cast not about them)
i think this is saying something about me but estrella demanding for a scroll purposefully sounds like innuendo (no prize for guessing what about) but my first thought was to search if it was an euphemism (it's not)
when it's diamante's turn to reach for a poem and supremme says 'que ordinaria' it does not mean 'just a typical/ordinary day', she's calling diamante an ordinaria (vulgar or uncouth... and when they're getting ready for the mini challenge later sethlas uses the same word to say she only has sexy stuff... 'solo tengo ordinarieces' means she only has vulgar clothes)
supremme also says empollar which is to study/cram yes but also ofc uses it bc it's close to polla (cock)
thank you once again dres for reminding me how much of a nerd i am... i did not even have to look this up, all the writers supremme quotes when explaining the mini challenge (antonio machado, antonio gala and gloria fuertes) are all lgbt
when venedita is complaining about learning the poem and doing her makeup... 'like an idiot' (como una desgraciada) should be 'like a miserable/hopeless person'
estrella in confessionals talks about having to recite the poem she uses 'sin chuleta' chuleta (chop... as in pork chop) is the word in spanish for cheat sheet
very fitting of them to do this mini challenge literally the same weekend that is book day (to those of you that participated in the glitterask; i've loved reading about all of your fav books and flowers💞)
onyx says estrella looks like carmen de mairena, mairena was a trans singer and actress from bcn that died last year
i have never in my life heard anyone talk about the perineum and the pyrenees in the same sentence i was screaming when sharonne said that 💀 (also onyx in that stupid bodysuit is2g hskhdkshsl)
the spanish literature lesson none of you asked for (mini challenge):
marina recites pablo neruda's poem number 15 from 20 poems of love and a desperate song (i am a basic bitch and my favorite poem ever written in spanish is his poem n⁰ 20 idc that neruda looks and sounds like a sleep paralysis demon.., and fun fact he was friends with lorca)
sharonne got gloria fuertes (feminist and lesbian icon from la generación del 50 and she is right you can't live not knowing of her)
sethlas got dulce maria loynaz (cuban poetress that got the literature cervantes award of 1992, she was fiercely apolitical which ostracized her after the cuban revolution but she chose to never leave the island, the last bit about her pussy was sethlas taking creative liberties 💀)
juriji got rafael alberti from la generación del 27 (arguably one of the best known writers of the silver age of spanish literature, he was also friends with lorca)
diamante got federico garcía lorca, gay literary symbol by excellence of spain, every queer person in this country that has ever picked up a book is obsessed with him, you get your lgbt card revoked otherwise (also a symbol against the francoist censorship and bestest boi who deserved much much better)
estrella got the baroque writer luis de góngora who was accused of being gay (and a jew) by his enemy and fellow writer francisco de quevedo but quevedo hated his guts, was both homophobic and antisemitic and in the late 14th and early 15th century you could be tried by the inquisition for being either of those so chances are we shall never know if he was either (he was a good deal more fun at parties than quevedo tho, that's for sure), the generation of 1927 (lorca, alberti, vicente alexaindre, damaso alonso, pedro salinas, miguel hernandez...) were inspired by gongora and they got the name of their literary movement (la generación del 27) as a homage bc it was the tricentennial of góngora's death
i have not a clue of what are onyx or venedita reciting... google says onyx did don juan tenorio (which is a play not a poem) and that vene did gloria fuertes but i can't find an actual match for whatever it is they are saying; good for onyx winning the mini challenge though (@ estrella coming for jota and her shawl last ep and saying onyx didn't do that well in the mini challenge in this ep... why so salty girl?)
(literature lesson over)
in the confessional where onyx talks during her part of the mini challenge the subs said 'it's food' she actually says 'i've eaten' as in she did actually catch popcorn with her mouth (in spanish it should say he comido instead of es comida... i guess it's a typo so it got translated wrong)
ALSO i did not know this but venedita mentions a sabrina when her nipple shows, it's the same sabrina the judges mention from last episode when onyx was walking the runway that i did not understand: they were talking about the italian singer sabrina salerno (she became well known because during her nye performance of 1987 her breast got out of her costume by accident on national tv)
when supremme is telling onyx she won the sex toys and supremme says 'now this is poetry' and onyx answers 'by zorilla' it's a wordplay; josé zorrilla was a romantic poet (and the writer of el tenorio) but also zorra (diminutive: zorrilla) means slut (so onyx is literally saying slut poetry) ((a zorrilla is also a skunk btw))
the guests of snatch game this season are jedet (a trans singer and actress, she is one of the actresses that play la veneno in the tv series written by the javis) and eva hache (a comedian, actress and tv hostess) and the actress that is the guest judge in the mainstage is maria leon (i think her best known role outside of spain was for playing puri, the psychotic villain in la casa de las flores for s2 and 3)
and references made about snatch game in general because i refuse to talk about all the references one by one, you have afreakingchorizo in the dres subreddit for that, rip them, i salute their work, but i would quite literally die rather than enumerate every reference one by one:
when diamante said she was doing rupaul i immediately had war flashbacks to trixie in as3 😬 and i was right, she did a very thick english speaker attempting broken spanish accent that was very good but literally she could have used so many memeable quotes but didn't ('its chocolate' most recently -too recently-, sure, but like 'now available on itunes'? the cackling laugh? literally any of the shows stock phrases?)
marina is doing antonia dell'atte, a retired italian top model and tv host that lives in spain since the 90s (i literally know nothing about this woman other than her name and that general consensus seems to be that she is uncle colm from derry girls levels of 'talk non stop' so that airport thing was very accurate)
sethlas is the socialité carmen lomana; she's a couture collector, the daughter of a banker and the widow of a rich chilean industrial designer who died in 1999, since his death she has been frequently the subject of gossip press about her sentimental life and she's made guest appearances in shows as a solid d list celebrity; she is the sister of a far-right political party member (that she does allegedly not condone... anymore) and her name cropped up in the panama papers scandal; sethlas didn't really do her or her voice at all well and i think she would have been much better off with aless gibaja (the other character she had)
juriji is isabel, la vecina de valencia; las vecinas de valencia (literally the valencian neighbors) are two neighbors, isabel and vicenta, that lived next to each other in a building of calle estrella in the city of valencia; they've been part of spanish pop culture and valencian folklore for 15 years since they became viral for a tv show called callejeros; they don't like each other (to put it mildly) and there's a video that went viral in which isabel dressed with trash bags and another well known meme inspired by them in which vicenta called isabel puta and isabel defended herself for not being anything of the sort (the way isabel says that has been quoted and parodied ad nauseum in spanish tv, most famously in paquita salas, which btw, is a fountain of spanish pop culture references) if you speak spanish i recommend this article and twitter thread of isabel's son explaining their story bc it's kind of long (and not particularly nice); she messed up a few of the meme quotes which was a bit of a shame but they were close enough, she could have been sagittaria levels of funny for this one, fell a bit short but we'll take her isabel <3
estrella is paquita salas who is the main character from a netflix show of the same name created by the javis; the character is a woman played by man [brays efe] for humorous purpose (belén cuesta also stars in it as magui which is the same actress that plays milagritos in the holy camp movie) ((i don't know if you've noticed, but estrella is like... a massive fan of the javis cinematic universe, just in case that wasn't glaringly obvious lmao)); the series is about how paquita salas is an out of touch talent agent who used to be at the top of her industry in the 90s but times have changed and she hasn't and now her agency is struggling to find new clients and keep the ones it already has; the show is about her trying to reinvent herself and finding new talent to manage when her most famous client abandons her; the show is literally an enciclopedia of spanish pop culture references and fountain of memes from 2016 to 2019 and estrella did okay but definitely not as well as she could and she kept talking about Puente Viejo (i do think playing someone literally every lgbt person in this country could quote in their sleep is a tall order but meh... i wonder about the logistics of this one bc she's a fictional character but i mean, if dela could play maggie smith in downtown abbey i guess estrella can play paquita 🤷‍♀️)
venedita is idiot and COVID negationist extraordinaire, the gay musician miguel bosé, he's played the drag queen that imitates marisa paredes' character for a living and fucks her daughter in the almodovar movie of high heels in the 90s; his parents (a rich bullfighter and a former beauty pageant queen) were friends with hemingway and picasso, his godfather was the italian film director luchino visconti and he took dancing lessons in the 70s in ny, paris and london from some of the most renown teachers, just imagine the massive entitlement and wealth this man was born into and then cultivated over the years as a musician (idc he's lgbt; he is lgbt and a massive prick😬) venedita started slow but did excellent as far as i'm concerned, referencing famous songs and being an overall creep (yes this post is my slander piece😊💖) the one reference i will talk about from him is an interview he did in which he explained that he has been having voice issues bc he started to consume 2 grams of cocaine daily plus weed and molly after he lost the custody battle for his four kids with his ex and that's only bc the two grams reference is literally all over the episode
onyx is juana la loca (joanna of castilla, better known as joanna the mad); the daughter of isabella the first of castilla and ferdinand the second of aragon (saying that in english almost gave me a brain hemorrhage bc i am really not used to saying those names normally let alone in english, the marriage of isabella and ferdinand united what is mostly understood as modern day spain for the first time between their kingdoms); if you don't want the 14th century history lesson in european royal lineology you can skip down but for those of you vaguely interested: ferdinand and isabella were the king and queen that financed christopher columbus genocidal expedition that was originally looking for an alternative route to the indies and ended up "discovering" america and their daughter, joanna, was married to phillip the first (known as phillip the handsome or phillip the fair) the archduke of austria; it was said she went mad for love and after being declared insane she was confined to a royal covent in a town called tordesillas, claims about her mental health have been *widely* disputed since declaring her insane benefited her father and her husband far too much for it to be a coincidence; her father (ferdinand) ruled regent over her in castile till he died and after he died she inherited both the kingdoms of castile and aragon from him; by that time however her son was already ruling both of those in practice... along with the rest of the holy roman empire plus colonies // history lesson over since she's a public domain character whose speech and mannerisms aren't well known, onyx could have done literally anything and most people were disappointed she went with just barely slightly off behavior instead of going unhinged which... eeeeh 😬 i think playing her in the first place was the mistake here, not deciding to not play her unhinged
SHARONNE IS DOING VERONICA FORQUÉ MY BELOVED. okay i need a moment, veronica forqué was a 4 times goya award winning actress that took her own life in december of last year after a very hard battle with depression; in an actual show of respect i definitely did not expect, the media has been actually tasteful about it, she had done a number of tv appearances filmed little before her passing that have been released posthumously but nobody has used her guest appearances for publicity even if they've all kept her participations (or mentions like DRES2 does for this episode); she was an actress in two almodovar movies (kika and what have i done to deserve it), she was personally chosen by kubrick to dub shelly duvall in the spanish dub of the shinning and she was a god damned delight and i am glad sharonne does imitations for a living, i could talk at length about every reference she used but this thing is already long enough, in a general note she references: the time veronica was in masterchef celebrity and asked to be called vero instead of veronica bc she wanted to be differentiated from the character the public expects from her and her fame, her interview in viva la vida with the spanglish and the drinking and a few of her movie characters; it was incredibly well done
subtitle bs during snatch game and misc refs:
or basically: how sharonne carried this snatch game by herself
when supremme introduces jedet she mentions la alhambra, a palace in granada, it's one of the most famous and best conserved palaces of islamic architecture
when introducing eva hache supremme makes a ref to one of her stand up monologues
about the question for manel fuentes in las vegas; fuentes is a comedian and tv show host; sharonne as forqué has las vegas purposefully miswritten as 'las vergas' and that 'if you're in las vergas you have to suck them' verga = 🍆 (the subs said 'if you're in the virgins you got to fuck them' which keeps the sentiment of the og joke)
cristina almeida is a leftist spanish politician that is now retired, the joke here is that veronica was a bit behind in politics
when diamante says polla frita it's translated as spotted dick bc it's basically the same pun in english; only in spanish it's with fried chicken (pollo frito)
when sharonne said 'que ocurrente es nova' the subs translated it as 'thats lovely' but it's a meme quote from a tv personality called nova that used to fight with la veneno in a bunch of talk shows (and i fucking ascended, literally it would be 'nova is so witty')
the rhyme doesn't work in english but sharonne saying dovimanubrio y su mango del danubio would be 'dovi-handlebar (slang for 🍆) and her handle from/of the danube'
marina saying zorrear en tiempos revueltos is a reference to amar en tiempos revueltos (to love in turbulent times; the name of a historical soap opera)
el chocolate espeso y las cosas/cuentas claras is a popular saying (lit. thick chocolate and the record straight) basically means 'set things as they should be'
in the workroom:
when asked how are they feeling today venedita said each day more scared (cagada lit. shitting herself) not shitty (she's nervous but not feeling bad)
in the runway mainstage jfc i can't believe i'm almost done writing this 💀
when supremme is presenting the judges ana says burda sketch paper... that's a brand, like loctite is a super glue brand estrella mentions when talking about glueing down her wigs with last episode, it's a case of the brand becoming synonym for the thing, like tupperware or hoovers (btw i'm?? obsessed w ana's eye makeup today)
maría león says they (the drag queens) have to teach her how to estirar el pepe to become one of them; el pepe = the pussy, she's basically saying they have to teach her how to step her pussy up
when marina enters the runway; ana mentions rosaura (a doll... like a barbie but tall af, their entire selling point is that they're about 100cm/3ft tall)
diamante's look is based on a song named muñeca de trapo (lit. rag doll) from a band called la oreja de van gogh, ana sings part of the lyrics too
when sethlas is on the runway, avon is calling your door was the avon slogan in spanish that i still refuse to look up if it's the same in english, the drag collector is a word play for the deb collector in spanish (el cobrador > el codragdor)
when onyx enters the runway; ambrossi mentions 'the girl from celia' celia was a 1992 show based on a series of kid books whose main character was a 7yo girl from the 30s and whose main actress retired from public life after the short series bc she decided she was too shy for showbusiness (she was the subject of one of those 'whatever happened to...?' articles in which she is referred as 'the girl from celia'); calvo's joke is 'where is she from? almuñécar' is changed to dollywood to keep with the same pun muñeca = doll
sharonne comes out as one of these things; when calvo says he thought it was supremme, supremme actually says she's got too little volume to be her, not too much like the subs said; sharonne then reveals into a look based on teela from he man and masters of the universe; ambrossi calls her xena (and calvo calls her the lesbian princess which yes); when she's leaving, the quote tengo un poderío en el coño metido (by the power of her pussy in the subs) is from carmen de mairena
when juriji enters and calvo says porce-lana del rey is ofc a wordplay for porcelain; ana says in the subs that juriji's turned her life around (darle vueltas a la vida) but darle vueltas a algo (to turn smth around) in spanish is to think/overthink something too much (in this case about her life bc she looks disoriented)
venedita; as soon as she gets in ambrossi quotes a song from chayanne named torero, the judges say made in spain (emphasis in the pain dfjjd) i am obsessed w venedita and w this look; the cordobese hat she has, it should be a cordovan hat (bc that's their name in english not cordobese, wrong domonym, they're ofc hats typical from cordoba in andalusia) but outside of spain they're just known as wide brimmed hats (... or if you're me, el zorro hats); when she's leaving, in the subs calvo says 'she's born with it she's a von dash' which is not what he says at all; 'es que es buena... es todo von dash' is a word play for 'es que es buena... es todo bondad' (she's good, she's made of kindness/she's too kind) bondad = goodness/kindness. As a bonus; the surname of venedita herself, von dash, is a pun on bondage (and bc one of her name inspirations is dita von tease) so i am a bit disappointed they didn't try to make a pun with bondage on the subtitles or between kind/kink
nothing for estrella, that was all accurate enough, si al durum y a los kebabs
when supremme calls them all chochonas mias, it's a pun for chocho = pussy/cunt and i agree they all look out of a horror film dgjgdssgk
when they're waiting for the judges deliberation and they ponder who's going to be on the lipsync w diamante, the subs say sethlas is hopeful but what she actually says is 'me da corage' which is more like it angers/saddens me
'mira lo que ha hecho la guarra de tu hija' said by estrella is from the spanish dub of the exorcist
and that's all, no more references for this one
as soon as arrasando started i knew diamante would kill it. it's thalia. c'mon. but onyx did wonderfully that was extremely close one for me i would have hated either of them to go home ngl i am however going to miss my favorite alien from madrid and i am sorry but everyone was just barely okay in snatch game (except sharonne and venedita who were outstanding and juriji who did pretty good)
but next week we get chori in the ball challenge 🥰
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Hi! Hope you had a great holiday break and all the best in NY! This is just me thinking that Grissom wasn’t too concerned when Sara was losing weight due to stress. Don’t you think his ‘ever heard of a sandwich’ was a bit dismissive and sarcastic? Like here she is being concerned even when he just looks a little tired and he doesn’t seem too bothered when his already slim wife is getting even thinner. Unless he’s feeding her in bed later and we just weren’t lucky enough to see it.
hi, anon!
thank you for the kind wishes! same right back to you.
i'll admit that sandwich line is not my favorite—it's one of very few ooc moments of the reboot, imo—but i still think it's a bit of a leap to go from “this bit of dialogue doesn’t actually sound like something grissom would say to sara” to “grissom doesn't care about sara's health.”
while definitely not phrased as well as it could have been, the quip was his way of broaching the issue of his concern with her. when her ring fell off, she acted like she didn't know why it had, so he was essentially being like, “you're stressed, so you haven't been eating enough. you mean you’re not even aware that that’s what’s happening here? that’s a problem.” he was calling the issue to her attention.
again, he could have communicated his concern better, but the concern was present in the fact that he'd noticed what was going on with her enough to be able to fill in that blank.
we don't really get to see any follow up on the issue of sara's weight loss after this scene, so we don't know how either grissom or sara handle things going forward.
for all we know, grissom starts making a point to keep sara on a more regular meal schedule from then on. maybe he comes back to their hotel suite every night with a veggie burger. maybe we just don’t get to see him do so on screen.
however, as the issue is never mentioned again after this episode—and sara’s ring doesn’t seem to keep falling off after grissom returns it to her outside of the courthouse—i think it’s a pretty safe bet to say that one way or another (whether by grissom’s intervention or her own action or some combination of those two efforts) sara doesn’t keep dropping weight and may even recoup the few pounds she’d lost previously. 
ultimately, it doesn’t seem to be an ongoing problem, much less a significant health concern.
moreover, speaking to the idea that grissom cares less for sara’s well-being than she does for his, i think we need only look to grissom’s actions in this episode to see that that notion is simply not true.
as i talk about in this post,
we see his distress [over sara] evident in his comments about her not eating and also in some of his lingering somber looks at her, plus his determination to find the ring for her in itself.
he knows her so well, and he knows how deep her upset throughout the events of this episode runs, and he’s really (albeit quietly) worried about her—particularly as he’s aware that her true underlying worry here has to do with the case and its potential repercussions (“you weren’t really that worried about the ring?”).
just like in the early seasons of the show, he used to fret about her getting her heart set on certain case outcomes, lest she end up heartbroken when things didn’t turn out (see episodes 01x10 “sex, lies, & larvae,” 01x16 “too tough to die,” and 07x18 “empty eyes,” for example), he’s got the same concerns here—only he knows the stakes are much higher.
he can tell she’s beating herself up for not being able to get the solve.
unfortunately, he can’t really do more than he’s already done to try to take care of that bigger problem for her, so all he can do is deal with the small stuff—to find her lost ring—and hope that once he does, she’ll feel somewhat better.
that man is so sweet, is2g.
grissom finding her lost ring is him doing what he can to take care of her. 
as always, his love language is not one of word but of deed.
while his verbal communication often comes out wrong (and does so with his poorly articulated “ever heard of a sandwich?” question, for sure), his actions prove where his heart truly lies. throughout this episode, he applies himself to solving the hodges case, which is the major source of sara’s anxiety; he also rubs her shoulders to alleviate the tension in her body; makes cute jokes to get her to smile (if only for a moment); and ultimately finds her ring so that there’s one less thing for her to worry about. 
man loves his wife and looks out for her always.
one bonehead quip from him doesn’t change that.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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zhilan · 3 years
was debating on voicing this or not, but saw a convo on talking about something similar so thought to share. Even if there's some true Melby fans, it feels like straight shippers have convinced the Charmed writers to go with Melby, and by extent straight shippers got to speak over queer fans on a queer story. Melby still feels forced and I just can't really back it up. I feel bad for Bethany, who apparently is gay herself, having people have this talk about a character she plays. 1/2
Pre Charmed I was one that never really saw much difference if it was a gay or hetro person playing a gay character. I never saw the big deal about whether a person of x sexuality or race wrote about a gay or poc characters. Charmed changed that, with Melonie Diaz seemingly being anti Abimel, not understanding why people shipp them. The writer stuff is self explanatory at this point, sad it feels like ppl r ok with gays getting less if it's cis het pocs benefiting. (2/2)
Okay, so a lot of things here but first we'll talk about Melby. I agree there are some people who do genuinely like them (but they’re few tbh). I was one of the people genuinely excited for Melby when Ruby was first introduced - especially because I was feeling zero chemistry from MelKat and I was so relieved they replaced Kat with Ruby as a love interest because for me personally, I do think Melby does have chemistry and I was into it. But the season progressed... and nothing. My big problem with Melby is that their entire relationship was developed offscreen, and the very very very little that we do have onscreen doesn't really have much continuity. I mean. Here's a summary of their development (like this is ALL the Melby content leading up to the ILY:
2x12, they meet
2x13, they wake up in bed together (awesome, we never even saw their first kiss LOL), end of episode they decide to be casual
2x19, they break up (even though they weren't even a couple??)
3x02, they're back together without addressing the issue with magic
3x06, they break up, again. make up again.
3x12, they're saying i love you
Like... literally WHAT?! what?!?! I've seen many poorly written wlw relationships (because that seems to be a standard for a lot of shows) but damn, Melby takes it to a whole new level. And I think the thing that makes it even more frustrating, is that the fact is literally all the other wlw ships, canon and non-canon (that's Melko, Melda, Melkat and Abimel) ... ALL have better writing, better build-up and better development that Melby has. It's the fact that we've had better wlw writing before this, that's why it's harder to just be okay with it because we know the writers are actually capable of doing better, so why are we stuck with a non-existent ship instead? I’d take Melko, Melda, Abimel and even Melkat whom I don’t really like - over Melby because they all actually have content. And Jada, Niko, Kat and Abigael are their own person, instead of a love interest written to fit Mel in whatever way is convenient (which is a whole other issue too). And it feels even more unfair when you consider Melby only gets about a tenth of screentime compared to the het ships on the show when Mel is just as much a lead character as her sisters.
And so yeah. And it sucks and it’s annoying because it’s mostly the straight people shoving it down our throats - blaming the lack of investment for Melby on racism when it literally has nothing to do with that, and everything to do with - again, the lack of everything! (And omfg, is2g when it’s the white cishets telling qwoc who ship Abimel we’re racist.... stfu perhaps??) Honestly, Melby scenes for me are cute - on their own, without context bec with context it just sucks. They’re enjoyable, but they’re not exciting because the best part about shipping is the build-up, the waiting-for-it-to-happen. Melby had none of that. And that’s usually the part where you start getting invested on a ship, yk. At least that’s how it is for me. 
As for Bethany, yeah I agree it sucks because... I mean I don’t know her, but I follow her Insta and she seems like a genuinely nice person (with a super cute cat!) and idk I mean I haven’t seen people tagging her or anything when expressing disappointment with Melby so I don’t think she’s aware of the discourse. (I hope, because she deserves better than that) but honestly none of the criticism for Melby falls on Bethany. It’s not her fault at all. It’s on the showrunners for having it play out the way that it has.
And Melonie. I mean yeah. I have nothing against her, really. But as far as wlw representation goes, we know that she has a voice in the writers room from one of her interviews and even Abimel aside since that’s not the canon ship, I feel like it’s important to notice that even for Melby she doesn’t really push for more of it. She seems very content with what we’re given (which is next to nothing lbr) and I’m kinda meh about it — and I agree this is where the difference between having hets play gay characters matter. Because gay people will usually push for better gay representation because it’s personal to them and they know exactly what it means to the audience. Like look at how Chyler Leigh from Supergirl is constantly pushing for better wlw. And of course that’s not to say hets never do that because some do (like Azie Tesfai, for example bless her soul), but then for some it’s just a job. And to be clear, I’m not hating on Melonie for not doing more, but I think it’s also true that an actual lgbt actor might make more effort.
** I always think there should definitely be poc writers for poc characters though, that’s non-negotiable. And lgbt writers for shows with lgbt characters. Charmed is lacking in both, unfortunately. 
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themonkeycabal · 3 years
WandaVision Ep 8 Spoilers
Previously on WandaVision: It was Agatha all along.
This show has really come along well. I was worried after the first couple episodes, which were extremely slow, but it's tightened up and been entertaining as heck, in addition to being kind of a surprising meditation on grief and dealing or not dealing. You go along with wacky sitcom hijinks and then get whacked with the reminder so many things that have happened here are driven by terrible loss.
Anyway …. Acting Director Dick is Up To Something regarding Vision, and I fear we're all going to have to endure lots of his jackassery this episode. He's the not very fun part of this show, tbh. But we're getting down to it, so hopefully he gets his comeuppance sooner rather than later. And then on to deal with Agatha. Who is fabulously rotten. I love her, I have to say.
I guess this all leads into Doctor Strange 2, which I didn't know until Feige said it at the TCAs this week. So, that's something to look out for, too. Maybe everybody already knew that, but that was new to me, I think.
In happy news, nobody is power washing the sidewalks this morning. Hooray.
Creepy woods, a figure holding a flaming torch, Salem, Mass. 1693. Ah, Agatha's origin story. Burning at the stake. Or, maybe not. So far it's just being tied to one in the middle of a dark, creepy night.
"Agatha Harkness, are you a witch?" "Yes. I am a witch." "Yet, you have betrayed your coven." *gasp* Agatha!
She's been captured by her coven, because she stole knowledge, practiced dark magic, and other sundry evilities. But she says she's innocent, innocent, do you hear her! Oh, I guess not, "I did not break your rules, they simply bent to my power."
The lead witch is her mother, apparently. Since Agatha seems unrepentant, all the witches zap her with witchy magic or something. She screams a lot. But then her dark powers start drawing from the witches, sucking them dry. This is all very dramatic. Mom casts the final bolt, but Agatha is too powerful and she breaks free. All the other witches, except mom, have been grotesquely mummified.
Agatha swears she can be good, mom doubts. Mom zaps her again. Oh, whoops, Agatha drains mom next. She takes the broach from mom's desiccated corpse then zooms off into the sky in a burst of swirly purple magicy mist. The coven really didn't think that plan through all the way.
Present day, we're right where we left off, in Agatha's basement cavern of dark witches and nosy neighbors. Agatha is talking to her rabbit, Mr. Scratchy, and smirking at Wanda. "I know. She does look shocked to meet the real us, doesn't she?"
Wanda's eyes go glowy and Agatha laughs. "Oh, that's adorable. My thoughts are not available to you, toots."
Wanda wants to know where her children are, and Agatha mocks her about her reappearing/disappearing accent. Wanda tries to whammy her. "Huh, your magic's no good here." But Agatha's is. Agatha's no dummy, and now she's got Wanda magically trussed up in the center of the room.
"Didn't you notice? Basic protection spell? One on each wall? No? Nothing?" Hmm. Agatha, tbh, Wanda has like no idea what she's doing. So … "How do you not know the fundamentals?"
Wanda asks "Who are you?" and Agatha asks the same "Who are *you*? All those costumes and hairstyles. I was so patient, waiting for you to reveal your true self. I got close with fake Pietro — Fietro, if you will". Lol. I love her. She goes on about the magicy stuff she did to make Fietro "But you're so crippled by your own self doubt that you believed it. Oh Wanda."
"When I sensed this place, the afterglow of so many spells cast all at once, I couldn't make heads or tails of it." She shows off a mind control spell with some sort of big gross bug. Great. And has it fly at Wanda's face. Super awesome, Agatha. Oh, I see, she's going through the spells she thinks Wanda has cast, all the details, all the control of a whole town and all its storylines. Agatha's impressed and envious, "What's your secret, sister?"
Wanda says she didn't do anything and Agatha doesn't like that answer and tosses Wanda around. Now, see, Agatha, much as your coven underestimated you, I think your runic protection is only going to go so far before Wanda decides it doesn't.
"I tried to be gentle, to nudge you awake from this ridiculous fantasy. But, you'd rather fall apart than face your truth." Well, I mean. She's really been through a lot the last few weeks, Agatha. Like A LOT. Oh, and we're going to relive it. She's casting some sort of memory spell on Wanda, taking them back to the vast emptiness, endless nothing Wanda described to Fietro a couple weeks ago. You're not being very nice, Agatha.
"It's time to look at some real reruns." Wanda doesn't want to play along, but Agatha reminds her that she's got her children.
So, through the magic memory door they step, and into a tiny Sokovian apartment, with Wanda's parents. Her father apparently smuggled DVDs of "I Love Lucy" and "Bewitched". Didn't the people of Sokovia suffer enough? Well, he's got "The Addams Family", too. That's okay, I guess.
Little Pietro runs in reminding Mama and Papa that the only rule of TV night is you have to speak English. They call for Wanda and Agatha nudges her to step into the role of little Wanda. Papa says Wanda can pick what they're going to watch, but outside, there's gunfire. Except, I guess it's no big deal, Mama turns away from the window and the street battle below their apartment, while little Wanda says she wants to watch "The Dick Van Dyke Show", season 2, episode 21. Poor kid. Pietro agrees and moans, "Always sitcom, sitcom, sitcom!"
I'm waiting for the Stark Bomb to fall.
Little Wanda is far too enamored of "The Dick Van Dyke Show". Oh! There's the bomb. Pietro grabs her and they hide under the bed and they stare at the Stark Bomb. She and Pietro discuss what to do, while in the background, behind the bomb, the tv continues to play.
Little Wanda reaches out with her magic hand and then big Wanda is yanked out of the memory by Agatha, who demands to know if she stopped the bomb going off. "You used a probability hex?" Wanda says she didn't do anything, the bomb just never went off.
"So, what I see here is a baby witch, obsessed with sitcoms, and years of therapy ahead of her." lol, but harsh. "Where'd you get the big guns, Wanda?" A good question, Agatha. We never did get that answer before, really, did we? Just a sort of vague suggestion of "hydra did stuff to her and pietro maybe?".
"I don't want to go back there." "I know you don't. But it's good medicine, angel. The only way forward, is back."
Through another magic door we go.
Ha, I just paused and saw the title of the ep is "Previously On".
And into the Hydra lab. "Don't be scared, you already lived it once."
Oh, it's Loki's scepter. And the … whichever stone that is. I can't remember, totally lost track of them. Mind stone?
Wanda is in the containment unit with the scepter. The Hydra scientist wants her to do something with the scepter, and jr scientist says that no subject has survived this and lead scientist is like shut up and 'go ahead Wanda, it'll be totally fine'. 
Wanda approaches the scepter and it starts to shake and the stone breaks free and flies at her, but then pauses and they stare at each other. She reaches out for it. Then the blue outer bit of the stone explodes off and underneath is the the yellow stone. Ok, yeah it is the Mind stone.
Lots of dramatic power stuff with Wanda and the stone. She sees a flying silhouetted figure in the light of the stone and then passes out. She survives! I mean, obviously. The Hydra scientists have her sent to isolation where they torture her by making her watch "The Brady Bunch". Well, no, I guess she likes it. Keep this under your hat, but if you ever want to break me, making me watch "The Brady Bunch" could probably do it.
The Hydra scientists meanwhile are trying to figure out what happened, watching the recordings over and over — they don't see the whole stone flying towards Wanda and the subsequent mind meld. She's just standing there, and then falls down.
Agatha sums this up for us "So, little Orphan Wanda got up close and personal with an Infinity Stone that amplified what otherwise would have died on vine. The broken pieces of you are adding up, buttercup. I have a theory, but I need more."
Door number three reveals her digs at the Avengers compound. She is, of course, watching TV. "Malcolm in the Middle." Well, it's better than "The Brady Bunch." The only thing I hate more than "The Brady Bunch" is "The Partridge Family."
"Where are we now?" "The Avengers compound. It was the first home Vision and I ever shared. Pietro was dead, and I was in a new country. I was all alone."
Vision enters through the wall, back when he didn't remember doors existed, and Wanda invites him to sit next to her and watch TV. "It's funny because of the grievous injury the man just suffered?" Vision doesn't get sitcoms either.
Vision sweetly tells her that if she wants to talk about what she's feeling, he'd like to know. "Should you wish to tell me. Should that be of some comfort to you." "What makes you think talking about it would bring me comfort?" "Well, I read a thing—" that's the Tony Stark part of Vision. "The only thing that would bring me comfort is seeing him again." Poor Wanda.
Vision has a little "I don't know how to respond to that" face journey that is subtle but made me laugh.
She apologizes to him. "It's just like this wave washing over me again and again." She says the wave will drown her, but Vision says it won't. 
"It can't all be sorrow, can it?" IS2G if you two make me tear up this morning, I will … not do anything but be kind of annoyed. I have had the worst allergies the last couple of days, don't make me more snotty!
"I've always been alone, so I don't feel the lack. It's all I've ever known. I've never experienced loss, because I've never had a loved one to lose. What is grief, if not love persevering?" Damn you, Vision. At least I have a new box of tissues.
He sees something funny on the telly and laughs then apologizes. She laughs with him, though. "No, it was funny." They smile at each other, cutely awkward.
Even Agatha wipes at the corner of one eye. Though it could be annoyance. Hard to tell.
"So to recap: parents dead, brother dead, Vision dead." You're still a very mean person, Agatha. "What happened when he wasn't there to pull you back from the darkness, Wanda?"
Wanda doesn't want to play this game anymore. Agatha insists. "Tell me how you did it? Vision was gone, but you wanted him back."
Wanda sort of wakes up, "I wanted him back." Door number four takes us to SWORD's ridiculous and massive lobby. Really, what is with the stupidly enormous monitors hovering over the whole absurd place? So stupid. Nobody wants to watch the news that badly or bigly.
Wanda is walking through the lobby — SWORD's security sucks — but contrary to Acting Director Dick's version of the story, Wanda is politely asking the security guy where Vision is. And not throwing red woo-woos or anything. "Please, please. When I came back, he was gone. His body. And I know he's here. He deserves a funeral, at least. I deserve it."
Speaking of AD Dick. He seems to be watching this on the security feed, he calls the security desk and talks to the guard. Wanda spots the camera. But, security guy waves her through, gives her directions to wherever.
Security guy gets up to buzz Wanda in, but she says she's got it, and she opens the door herself. The footage AD Dick used to make her look like a terrorist. I mean, we knew he was a dick, so this is no surprise, but still. Jimmy! Arrest that asshole for aggravated assholery and general shadiness!
Anyway, Wanda's striding down hallways and as she comes even to the Director's door, the security light goes green and beeps so she goes into his office.
There’s polite introductions and whatever. 
"I understand you're here to see the Vision. To recover his body." "Well, I'm his next of kin." "I understand." You're a lying sleazy snake who's been doing shady things with Vision's body. "I'd like to show you something?" "And then you'll give him to me?" No, because he's a scumbag.
He shows her a lab, she's confused, he says it's what she asked to see. And down in the lab are technicians taking Vision's body apart. Obviously, this is horrifying to her. What did Hayward expect to get from showing Wanda that? Like she'd be all "oh, hmm, how fascinating. Look, he's made of wires and such. By all means, cut my boyfriend's robot head off. For science"?
"What are you doing to him?" "We're dismantling the most sophisticated sentient weapon ever made." I think you're a liar pants, Dick. "It's our legal and ethical obligation."
"I just want to bury him. It's all I want." "Are you sure?" "Excuse me?" "Not everyone has the kind of power that could bring their soulmate back online — forgive me — back to life." You are such a sleaze, Dick. They can't get Vision to work again, so why not emotionally manipulate the grieving woman to do it for you. Gross. DIAF Dick.
"No, I can't do that. That's not why I'm here." "Okay, I can't allow you to take three billion dollars worth of vibranium just to put it in the ground." He's the worst. "The best I can do is let you say goodbye to him here."
"He's all I have." "Well, that's just it, Wanda; he isn't yours." Somebody needs to squash this guy like a bug. I don't care who. Wanda, obviously, deserves the honor most, but let her get on with her life, I say. Monica's probably the next best for sure. SOMEBODY THOUGH! Hand Darcy a wrench, she'll take care of it.
Where were we … Oh, Wanda's doing the head tilt of impending magical ass-kickery. She busts through the glass, drops down to the floor of the lab, and a security team runs out to point their guns at her. AD Dick tells them to fall back. Why, his plan's working just perfectly, no need to interfere with the woman he’s making suffer extra.
Wanda walks around Vision's body to his head. And she puts her hand over the giant hole where Thanos ripped out the mind stone. "I can't feel you." Every bit of this, for me, takes AD Dick from a generic loathsome character, to somebody actually disgusting. Do not like.
Wanda can't feel Vision at all, and she walks away, out of the room, out of the SWORD building, leaving the body behind. THIS IS VERY SAD, MARVEL.
She gets into her car, and in the passenger seat is an open envelope, like for a greeting card or something. And off she goes to Westview, New Jersey. A down-on-its-luck small town, full of sad looking people and dirty streets. 
She pulls into the driveway of a property that's overgrown, with just a foundation, no house.
Damn you show. It wasn't an envelope, it was a real estate deed with a plan of the property with a red heart drawn on it, and the words "to grow old in. v." inside. What did Wanda do to deserve this? I mean, fine, she was in Hydra for like a minute, but she wasn't a true believer or anything, and she redeemed herself. Come on. Stupid Marvel, making all the things hurt.
She's crying, you're crying, I'm crying, everybody's crying, as she walks into the foundation of the home that never was. And then it all just comes pouring out of her in a great burst of red light and grief and power. Creating the sitcom world around her and swallowing Westview. Poor Wanda. 
There. There's your answer, Agatha. Are you happy, you big meanie? Go turn AD Dick into a toad, or something, would you?
Hm, from her power, the yellow light of the mind stone starts to separate out, from back when she and it sort of had their moment in the Hydra lab, and out of that Vision is recreated or reborn or reconstituted or … whatever. Then they're in the black and white world of the first ep, and everything is perfect. Damn you, Marvel.
Real world Wanda looks up from where she's standing behind B&W Wanda and Vision and sees it's all just a TV show set. Agatha is in the audience, clapping. She vanishes and Wanda can hear Billy and Tommy screaming for her. She runs off set and into her front yard.
Out on the street, Agatha has the boys on magic leashes.
Agatha says she knows what Wanda is and that "You have no idea how dangerous you are." Well, keep holding her boys with magic ropes around their necks and we'll all find out. Agatha's gone full witchy here, she looks great.
"You're supposed to be a myth. A being capable of spontaneous creation. Here you are, using it to make breakfast for dinner." lol. Hey! I was actually thinking last night that I hadn't made waffles in a while. Breakfast for dinner is its own kind of magic, Agatha. (note to self: check we have syrup)
Wanda is pretty done with Agatha. She wants the boys released.
"Oh yes, your children. Vision. This whole little life you've made; this is chaos magic, Wanda. And that makes you … The Scarlet Witch!" DUN DUN DUN! CREDITS! !!!!
Well that was all very dramatic and sad. A really good episode, really good. Damn you, Marvel. Kathryn Hahn is great, absolutely love her.
Yes, there's a mid-credits scene, btw. F'in AD Dick, for what it's worth, finally putting his Genius Master Plan into action. What a dick. The biggest sack of tiny dicks you ever saw. No really, I hate this guy. I hope Wanda tears him a hundred new ones. Then sets what's left on fire. With her mind. 
Also, he’s dumb. He can’t possibly think he can contain Wanda when she gets a look at his Genius Master Plan, can he? Is he that dumb? Probably, but couldn’t one of his little minions go “um, sir, she did almost defeat Thanos. I suspect this may end catastrophically for us.” 
Do you suppose Darcy’s still stuck in traffic? 
OH NO! There’s only one more episode left. I’m sad about that. This has turned out really quite good. Well done, show. Well done. 
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icedteaandoldlace · 3 years
So there’s this “101 Reasons to Ship Snowbarry” video that keeps coming up on my YouTube suggestions. Idgaf about Snowbarry, and I’ve already hit the “not interested” button on similar videos before, but since I can’t seem to get away from video suggestions like this, I’m just gonna watch it and liveblog it, and bet that for every entry on the list, I can come up with a corresponding rebuttal for why Barrisco would make an even better couple. (I’m not gonna comment this ON the video ofc, this is just for my own amusement.)
Click the link above if you want to see the stuff I’ll be responding to, but be forewarned, that video is like, way long, so naturally it follows that this post is gonna be, too.
Additional note: If you are a Snowbarry shipper who has stumbled across this post somehow, now would be the time to stop reading, and also to add the “anti Snowbarry” tag to your filters if you wish to avoid running into posts like this in the future, ‘cause I ain’t interested in engaging in shipping wars.
Anyways, let’s go:
1. "How they met." Cisco woke Barry out of a coma by playing/singing a song about bisexuality, 'nuff said. (Also, part of the purpose of that scene was to introduce Caitlin as the serious, “down to business” one, and Cisco as the warmer, more easygoing one who’s trying to make Barry feel more comfortable.)
2. "They're both scientists." What is Cisco, an Instagram influencer?
3. If Caitlin being Barry’s personal doctor gets her romantic points, then the same should go for Cisco being his personal tailor. Actually, he should get more points, because there’s no moratorium on romantic relationships between tailors and their clients.
4. The way Barry and Cisco gaze into each other's eyes for non-medical purposes. This is too easy.
5. Uh. Cisco being the voice in Barry's ear while he's running, and often the first person he calls out to for help solving a problem.
6. They frequently take hold of each other's hands and shoulders.
7. Cisco comforts Barry while Caitlin tends to his wounds.
8 through 12 is literally just stuff about Caitlin being a doctor, and I don't find this stuff relevant enough to rebut because there's nothing inherently romantic about any of it.
13. "They both have fun together." Yes, Cisco also, the fun having, it happens, lots. Even more, actually.
14. Not really sure what to say for this one. Barry and Cisco noticing when each other is sad and then checking on each other (at Cecile’s baby shower and Barry’s bachelor party, respectively, and also on other occasions), comes to mind. That doesn’t have to do with noticing each other’s lips, per se, but I’ve never thought of either of these SB scenes as moments where Barry was staring at Caitlin’s lips, just as moments where he’s noticing her expression/overall mood, which is something he does with Cisco (and vice versa), too.
15. They all have nerdy hobbies, dude, they're nerds.
16. This one for SB is "she makes Barry drunk on purpose", which, y'know, she did because he wanted to be able to get buzzed, which Cisco has succeeded in helping him do, too (and the drink he made was more effective and longer lasting), but the way this is phrased is kind of suggestive, like Caitlin was doing it to lower his inhibitions (which she totally wasn’t), and uuuuhhhh, don't romanticize that maybe???
17. Cisco put all that tech into Barry's suit, including delivery menus from his favorite restaurants + wrote him an instruction manual, and sped up all his favorite shows so he could catch up on what he missed while he was in the speed force.
18. Barry makes Cisco's (and everyone's) hair fly everywhere when he speeds out of a room, too. Like, this is just basic physics, fam, wyd?
19. Barry also uses his powers to help Cisco. And...literally everyone who needs his help, this is basic superhero stuff, wyd?
20. He is impressed with Cisco, frequently.
21. Just having nicknames? He calls him "bud", "dude", etc., and one time he called him "Cis". (Bonus: Iris and Cisco have called Caitlin "Cait", too, so it’s not just a Ronnie and Barry thing.)
22. Cisco can make anything to help Barry. They're literally top-notch genius scientists, I don't even
23. Obviously they think each other makes great company, they're best friends. All of them.
24. They comfort each other. Again, best friends + Team Flash pep talks are a major staple of the show.
25. He needs Cisco, too.
26. They...they care about...my god, it's like you people have never heard of FRIENDS.
27. Honestly, how many times have we heard Barry tell Cisco he believes in him, or heard Cisco gush about what a great hero Barry is?
28. Helping each other conquer their fears. Yep, that's another one that applies to like, everyone on this show.
29. "They both have experienced loss" IT'S A SUPERHERO SHOW! Also, that's just life. Name one main character on this show who hasn't experienced loss. Nash and Wally have both experienced loss, and I have yet to see anyone ship them.
30. "They both can sing really well." Okay now. This one is true for Barry and Cisco, but uh...Caitlin is literally tone deaf. I'm not being mean, Danielle Panabaker knows good and well that she can't sing, and she has talked about Carlos side-eyeing her when she gets going because she's not good at it. THAT'S OKAY! There's nothing wrong with not being able to sing, but--WHY would you claim that she's good at something that she clearly is not? She wasn't on pitch for a single line of Summer Nights, and she straight up changes keys mid-line in the mockingbird song in that other clip, and just...what even is this entry?!
31. Watching over each other, yeah, another basic staple of being friends and superheroes.
32. "He is always standing behind Caitlin" AND LOOK WHO'S STANDING BESIDE HIM!
33. Remember that time fake Jay "died" and Cisco stayed with Caitlin until she fell asleep? Remember when Dante died and Caitlin slept on Cisco's couch to keep him company? Remember all those times Barry or Cisco were rendered unconscious, and the other stayed by their bedside until they woke up?
34. Basically just a continuation of 33. See above.
35. "Maybe 'okay' will be our 'always'." Hmm, what WOULD Barry and Cisco's "always/okay" be? Probably just calling out each other's names tbh, they do that a lot. Or perhaps, "For real?"
36. Is2g. Being only one call or text away is, again, a staple of the show, considering everyone in it is a close-knit found family and knows there's a very good chance that that call or text might be saying, "I'm in mortal danger, please come save my life at once."
37. Funny, I already pointed out once before (in a different post) the fun parallel of how Caitlin will sometimes go running to whoever her love interest is at the moment, or she'll call out his name, while Cisco is at the same moment running to Barry/calling out for Barry.
Side note: did they really think including Barry's proposal song to Iris would give more weight to their why-to-ship-Snowbarry argument?
38. I mean...Barry kind of carries everyone everywhere. You don't really get to see it, but how the heck else do you explain all the times he whooshes people in and out of places? He can't just drag them, otherwise the soles of their shoes would either wear down fast or catch on fire.
39. Okay, no shade to Barry and Caitlin's friendship, and some of these moments are really great, but generally speaking, their hugs do not compare to the ones that either of them has with Cisco. Also, note the group hug scene, conveniently cut off before Cisco joins in, because unlike the Romione + Harry hug in the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, there's no way to interpret it as a third wheel/cockblocking moment, because the moment Cisco declares it a group hug moment, Barry and Caitlin both agree, and you can see it on their faces that they are delighted, and think that Cisco joining in their hug has just made it even BETTER.
40. Henry gladly accepts a hug from Caitlin, immediately after laughing at Cisco's awkward moment and giving him a fatherly reassuring pat on the shoulder. I think it's safe to say he approves of all of Team Flash.
41. Oh look, another thing Barry and Cisco and multiple other characters do.
Good god, I'm not even halfway through this yet. This is like that time I tried to climb Diamond Head.
42. Ah, superhero poses, yes. That thing that...superheroes...do. Like, all of the ones on this show. And in general.
43.  "They begin to resemble each other." They're just white, fam. OH MY GOD, I SOMETIMES TAKE MY SUNGLASSES OFF WITH ONE HAND, TOO! OT3 MUCH????? 😱 Lol what even??
44. How many times throughout this video am I gonna have to repeat that everyone on this show has these moments? Also, speaking in unison with someone because you had prior knowledge of what they were going to say due to yourself or someone else time traveling, is not the same as being in sync with them because you’re close. (He said “Weather Wizard” at the same time as Cisco, too.)
45. Idk what to even say to this one. Like, Iris is obviously the love of Barry's life, and Cisco is obviously his favorite best friend and the person he would be with if he didn’t have Iris.
46. *John Mulaney voice* AND THEN THEY DIDN'T! Seriously, though, both of the people they were trying to get over were perfect for them. I don't have a Barrisco specific rebuttal for this one though.
47. So by this video's logic, that one scene from 4x03 means that Barry, Harry, and Cisco should be a threesome, huh?
48. "I did it because it gave me an excuse to bring him back."
49. .................is this even an argument?
50. They're both good looking people, darling.
51. Wrong, sir. They fight like siblings. Trust me on this one, I have six of them.
52. Trauma response. I'm moving away from Barrisco arguments and just saying the first thing that pops into my head now. But seriously, this is a normal reaction to trauma/loss.
53. *Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* I'm not even gonna say it this time, you already know.
54. Again, have you people ever had anyone in your life that you cared about, ever? I'm starting to get concerned, honestly. But for the sake of bringing Barrisco back into this, hey, remember that time Barry and Caitlin both got kidnapped on the same night and Cisco was completely beside himself?
55. This is getting out of hand.
56. Pretty sure dating Caitlin didn't even make the list for Barry's reasons to dislike Jay and Julian (also, he liked Ronnie, the guy she loved the most, so...)
57. Judging Barry for being a dumbass + helping an exposed girl out =/= jealousy. Granted, there was some jealousy in that last clip, but not because Iris got the man; it was because Barry was all set to live happily ever after while Caitlin was, y'know, struggling with powers she didn't want and another person living in her head that kept fighting her for control of her body.
58. Refer to season 1 episode 2, wherein Cisco is the person helping Barry from the beginning, and Caitlin asserts that she is on Joe's side when he tells Barry what a stupid and reckless idea trying to be a superhero is.
59 + 60. "Let's bring our boy home." / "Let's go get our girl." Do I need to cite either quote?
61. Again I ask, did a human make this list?
62. Don't make me tap the sign.
63. One word: Elseworlds.
64. If you'll scroll waaaaaaaaaaay up there, I already covered that Barry and Cisco hold hands A LOT.
65. Oooh, I made a meme about this one! Not after watching this video, I just see SBers say this all the time, and it drives me crazy.
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I used this in my Snowbarry fandom drama presentation for my squad’s presentation party a while back.
Side note: ~INTERESTING~ how Caitlin being a doctor is ““romantic”” when she’s treating Barry but ““motherly”” when she’s treating Cisco. I can’t even.
66. ......I’m sorry, I’m just not seeing how the dramatic irony of them stating that Killer Frost will never be a problem on Earth-1 is pertinent to shipping them as a couple.
67. Hannibal Bates and Caitlin are perfect for each other? Weird take, but okay. Oh, and there Caitlin is trying to freeze Barry to death. Wasn’t there a point somewhere up there about her never wanting him to get hurt?
Side note: Hey, what’s the name of that guy who saved Barry in this scene?
68. Bruh, that’s just her dynamic with everyone that season.
69. Barry and Iris, Barry and Cisco, Cisco and Caitlin, Cisco and Harry, Caitlin and Killer Frost, Cisco and Killer Frost--just naming some duos that are more iconic than Barry and Caitlin. Again, no shade to their friendship--I really like them as friends!--but the shippers stay making it out to be more than it really is.
I also just have to point out that although Killer Frost was the one who willingly teamed up with Savitar/whom Savitar sought out first, when she comments on their team up and says it’s “Barry and Caitlin together again”, his response is to point out that she’s not Caitlin and he’s not Barry. In contrast, when he takes Cisco against his will and forces him to modify the speed force bazooka, he still refers to Cisco as his best friend.
70. Make up your mind, does Savitar count as Barry in this or not? Because he totally grabbed Caitlin by the throat once.
71. I don’t know how to break this to you, but not enjoying it when someone is in pain is just being normal. (Do I even need to point out Cisco’s empathetic cringing compared to Barry’s looks of mild discomfort, or...?)
At some point this went from being about Barrisco to being about Cisco being the favorite friend to both of them, idk.
72. He. Is. Literally. A. Superhero.
73. Man, what did I JUST say? Also, can we just acknowledge the build up to Crisis on Infinite Earths for a second, wherein Frost very quickly accepts that Barry is supposed to die in order to save everyone else, while Cisco has infinite crises of his own at the idea of having to accept Barry’s death--which, I might add, he never actually does? Neither does Iris, for that matter. They tried to accept it, and they thought they did, but they didn’t really.
74. Oh fuck it, just read 73 again.
75. Okay, what even is this one? Two scenes where they are not present for each other’s “deaths” and thus don’t react to them, meanwhile Cisco is devastated in both of them?
76. Same thing I’ve already said several times before.
77. How many times do I gotta point out that this is a superhero show?
78. Just really trying hard to find enough reasons to make this list 101, huh? (What is Firestorm, chopped liver?)
79. Because violence = chemistry apparently. Wasn’t there another entry about how they can never hurt each other or something?
80. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the vibrating hand that shredded Cisco’s heart before either of those scenes happened.
81. It’s like SBers think they’re the only two characters on the entire show.
82. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over all the other vibrating hands triggering Cisco at least once per season. But sure, Barry and Caitlin are the only two who know suffering.
83. Two words: Flashpoint. Dante. Also, not seeing how this one is romantic.
84. That’s just a Caitlin/Frost thing, fam, it only happened to Barry because he got whammied by Prism, who caused the same effect in everyone else he whammied. (Cisco’s eyes turned purple once when he got hypnotized.)
85. Please. I beg of you. Get friends. Interact with a human person.
Side note: “I trust you” was almost what I put for Barrisco’s “always/okay”.
86. “Don’t call me that. I don’t know you, string bean.” / “I don’t know who you think you are, but around here, people call me Mr. Ramon.” / “The name is Vibe.” (Again, romance where?)
87. Kinda like how Mirror Iris and Mirror Kamilla have slightly dressier tastes than Real Iris and Real Kamilla.
88. ....Anyways, Vibe........
89. The first time because Cisco saved him, the second time because she froze him just enough to fool Grodd, not enough to actually kill him. (Again I say, what is Firestorm?)
90. So romance. Very love. Much relationship.
91. ANYWAYS, CISCO. (And uh, hello, IRIS???? Joe? Harry?)
92. See 88.
93. This one might be a fun ship parallel if Caitlin had actually been involved in Barry’s brain zapping, but instead it’s just like, “here’s two random scenes that are kinda similar in completely insignificant ways”, like the evil clothes thing a few entries back.
94. Another entry that just demonstrates that their one-on-one moments together, while good, just don’t compare to either of their one-on-one moments with Cisco. I can’t be the only person who sees this.
95 + 96 + 97. I can’t muster up enough interest in any of these shows to watch them all the way through. Is this supposed to impress me?
98 + 99 + 100. The only point this proves is that they have multiple ship names. (I thought their evil ship name was Savifrost?)
101. Mm, sorry, sweetheart, Westallen, Barrisco, and Snowstorm all have them beat in this category.
This post really got away from me, at this point idk what I’m even doing, but I went on too long to stop now.
Oh, shit, there’s a bonus round.
Honestly, I fail to see how a lot of these supposedly “match”? But as for the ones that do, that’s just your basic TV aesthetics, I forget the official name for it. They’re matchy-matchy with Cisco in some of those shots, too, because TV matchy color psychology whatever. It’s a whole thing, every TV show and movie does it.
If anyone actually followed along this far, congratulations on your attention span, my brain could never. Idk how to end this post because it strayed so far from my original intent and basically just turned into a Snowbarry Fandom Doesn’t Make Sense Presentation 2.0
You know, I like to try not to generalize and stuff, and I’d like to think that maybe not all SBers are racist and that some people genuinely just like the ship because they think that makes sense or something, but then I look at their reasons for shipping it, and it’s just the dang blandest thing I ever did see, and they have to reach so far when they try to explain why they think they’re the best “couple” on the show and just??? I am the queen of shipping friends who never get together romantically, but Barry and Caitlin just don’t got it, son. Tbh part of the show’s appeal to me is the fact that there’s no threat of Caitlin ever getting with either of her male bffs in that way, because Cisco is like her brother, and getting with Barry just wouldn’t make sense. It just befuddles me to no end that they are such a wildly popular ship and not a rare pair, because the way their relationship is in canon is just exactly the way it should be.
That’s it, I guess. I’ve already invested this much time in this, so I might as well post it.
Also, please don’t anybody try to start anything in the comments section of this video, this fandom has enough drama as it is.
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s-lay-ing · 5 years
Late night rambles 🌙
#so.......#this is going to be probably the stupidest thing i'll say but........ wow#I hate ?) dislike ?) when people worry so much about me ?)#does that make sense?#specially when it's people with whom I'm not related in any way#how to explain it?#there are friends of my parents or 'family' members who ALWAYS ask my parents about me. what am i doing. what im planning to do#telling them what should i do and stuff like that and 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩#dude........ no one asked#but on the other hand there are also people I cherish who also happen to worry about me and 😣 whyyy#I am also worried about myself thanks a lot don't do it too pls#yesterday my mom told me a former english teacher of mine (who happens to work w/ my f*ther) asked him about me#and that she always asks for me which is sort of endearing because she's one of my favorite teachers ever#BUT she told him that my 'talent for translating shouldn't be wasted' so she wants to contact me to work or sth#and I understand and appreciate her concern but I find it hard to believe bc I honestly don't think I'm that good at translating either#the thing is that she knows I didn't study translating bc I wanted to aka that is not what I want to do in life#I just studied that bc it was the easiest subject to me and considering I don't like studying that seemed the best option#and is2g I do appreciate her intentions b u t ughhhhh! it burdens me when people worry about me#idk why... maybe bc they expect sth from me and they won't stop until I meet those expectations but I'm not interested in pleasing anyone so#sigh....#rambles
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suga-kookiemonster · 4 years
Ok Ashley, first of all when I saw the gif you used, I know you were about to FUCK ME UPPPP. Alright bubs, buckle up this is gon be a RIDE cus phew I am the biggest hoe for ego. I’ve literally re-read the whole series MULTIPLE TIMES and it’s never NOT funny, like I still cackle at the same jokes every damn time. Anyways, yes let’s get it. I love how you’ve used common tropes like fuckboy!jk, fratboy!jk, college au, F2L, and onebed, but have completely made it your own. Like I feel like even if
you posted your work under some other pen name, I’d still recognize your style and work. You have a very specific voice? Very “YOU” BRAND of writing and that’s probably one of the HARDEST things to achieve as a writer. Mc is a delight and the way she be low key losing her cool over sleepin in the same bed as kook has me cryin cus girl I FEEL YA. “just a t-shirt advertising your university’s Segway club that you had swiped off a table for free during freshman orientation” HAHAHA mc and I are the
same fuckin people is2g cus free is for me. ALSO DUDE, “Jungkook softly, but audibly inhaled, like he was gearing up to say something of importance” BUT WHAT WAS HE GOING TO SAY?! I need to know, it’s for science. Also, high key endeared that he calls he “noona” cus I’m a pervy old lady and a lady could dream ok. Yes, now we get to the good stuffs, cus motherfucker would I love to wake up to kook’s morning wood wow he really be like a man buffet- he’s both cute and dashingly sexy. “attempting to
smooth your expression into one of ignorant unconsciousness as adrenaline pounded through you. Your eyes were closed, but that didn’t stop you from feeling his close proximity as he gingerly leaned over you to scope out your face” OMFG THE WAY MY BLOOD PRESSURE SKYROCKETED. Ngl been there and it’s SO uncomfortable like can he NOT feel my heart falling right outta my ass??? Kudos to mc for keeping composure (cus I wasn’t able to oops) kinda interested in what the situation woulda looked like had
he known she was awake tho?? “really? … fucking really gonna do this now?” HAHAH OMG “the way he was using the clothes he had apparently grabbed from his bag to hide his crotch from your view” the consistency in your writing is SO IMPRESSIVE like… when I read ego I see it as a move in my head bc of all these small, but important, details. They both migrated towards each other uwu that is SO CUTE, esp with kook as the big spoon wrapped all around her ughhh my heart. And the way she grabbed a
plate of food for baby boy has me SO ENDEARED, it’s so sweet the way she’s thinking of him and his favorite food. Ok, BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT NAMJOON AND LISA, cus Namjesus they totally boned that night didn’t they?! The whole breakfast scene had me ROLLING “jungkookie lost his hands in a tragic paragliding accident” and “…like he was sitting there smiling at you, eyes sparkling like he was a big titty anime girl?” honestly, I gotta hand it to you, there has been no fic that makes me laugh the way
ego does. The dialogue, the pop culture references (re: pimp my ride, fear factor, “Squidward”, etc), the humor KILLS ME. You seem like the funny af friend in the group. Like “baby wine doesn’t exist because that illegal. and, frankly, immoral.” “But I would just like to state for the record that I’m the one who passed through her vagina.” “Tore it too, from what I hear” HAHA OMFG THEIR BANTER IS A+ bff shitting on each other and I’m living for it!!! The whole laser tag scene was pure gold.
The way lisa started opening up, jk’s cocky ass, mc/joon’s mess of team work, the way jungkook calls mc “babe” instead of “noona” (what’s with that anyways? He wanna be seen as manlier or something??), the return of the god of destruction, “Yeah, well you also have no upper lip” HAHAHAHA ok but I actually love jk’s sparce upper lip and buck teeth, it’s just so SWEET &ENDEARING. “You watched his tongue roll in his cheek as he considered you. It was sexy” HELL MFING YES IT’S SO SEXY!! I love this
characterization of jk- he’s very layered. He’s sweet, charming, sexy, dumb af, and annoying all at the same time which makes him feel vvv real to me. And now the smut. The fact that they’re in the same position as the other morning, but unlike last time, she’s ready to do something about it. The mouth on that boy omg reminds me of “do you kiss your mom with that mouth?” from an earlier chapter phew. I love that he’s focused on prepping her with all the grinding and fingering. While v sexy, also
shows he cares about her pleasure in that he wants her to enjoy penetration. The bit when he’s just dazed when she’s urging him to get a condom has me chuckling- is he THAT shook that it’s actually happening?? “He slid the rubber on with shaky hands.” Makes me think that he’s both nervous and excited and it’s more than just one time fucking to him. And the way she asks to ride him phew, she really be LIVIN THE DREAM that’s my ultimate fantasy let’s be real until he opens his dumb mouth “Hop on.
Please remember to fasten your seatbelt and for your safety keep all items stowed beneath the seat in front of you until after takeoff” OMFG HE’S SO ANNOYING HAHAHA “You placed another kiss on a pebbled nipple, intrigued when you heard him swallow a moan. Emboldened, you circled it with your tongue, scratched it lightly with your teeth. Jungkook whined, and the sound shot straight to your clit” FUCK THAT’S HOT. I am 10/10 a hoe for nipple play. Holy shit, and the way he pulled outta her cus he
knew he wasn’t going to make it in time for her to cum too, so he opts to eat her out first. We LOVE a man who prioritizes female pleasure!! Hnng and the way she agrees to continue fucking even after she’s already came and the way kook just GOES TO FUCKING TOWN ON THAT PUSS had my vag ROLLINGGGG damn I really feel bad for whoever is sharing a wall with them rn cus that headboard RIP my heart “I win” wtf dude his pillow talk SUCKS ASS. Just when she thinks she’s not just a game to him, he pulls
this shit. It’s probably just a dumb af joke cus we know my bby be competitive as all hell and also ain’t that smart, but damn. Not. The. Time. UGHHHH I just want to squish their faces together and be like "TALK TO EACH OTHER PLS- this is all a terrible misunderstanding" TL;DR my panties are wet, my heart is broken, and I kinda wanna knee kook in the balls. Thank you for this update!! Masterpieces are ALWAYS worth the wait!! It's bitter sweet that ego is comin to the end. Sending all my love
PHEWWWWW, THIS REVIEW!! 😭😭💕we still have one part left, so i’m not gonna confirm or deny any of your assumptions. but OMG, i’m so touched that my work left this big of an impression on you! your commentary made me smile so big 😩😩😩 truly, thank you so much for enjoying my wacky fic and my wacky characters. it really means a lot to know that people love my babies as much as i do, and that they’re actually as invested in the storyline as i am. ego was my first fic for the bts fandom, so she’s really special to me and it makes me happy that others enjoy her 🤧💕 and that you enjoy my writing style 😭😭😭pls 😭😭😭
thank you again for your sweet words. hopefully i can finish ch 8 sooner than later!
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janiedean · 5 years
so admittingly I don't know much about springsteen but your top 5/10 springsteen songs and why?
WELL THEN HERE WE GO (sorry this required a long answer) (also if I start going like ‘this is it bUT IN THIS VERSION NOT IN THAT ONE it’s because actually he has wildly different version of the same song XDDD)
*cough* *drum roll* videos for the first five + links for the others as usual xD
one: the ghost of tom joad
I once ranted about this specific song in detail so here if anyone’s interested, but: it took me years to decide on which one was my favorite overall but then I went for tom joad because it has all. it’s a heartbreaking song that updates one of my favorite ever novels (the grapes of wrath) to current days situations and guys I swear to god the fact that he put to music tom’s speech to his mother in the novel at the end after rehashing the themes in a new light in the rest of it killed me and I want it tattooed, so. tom joad now and always thanks guys. I love this damned song to levels that are embarrassing as hell.
two: no surrender (in the live 75-85 version)
so: no surrender is originally on born in the usa and actually it’s my favorite song from that record regardless - like, it opens side two and I remember that the first time I heard it was on a tape a friend’s dad (haha) had lent me bc he knew I was into bruce and he was too and I turned it to the second side of the tape and played it and I was like holy crap this is it but then I heard the acoustic live version from the following tour and guys. guys. if you ever had friends you fell out of touch with but still remember fondly and/or friendships you know that even if you don’t talk for a while you’ll always be close when you meet again this is.. just… idk it hit me like a punch in the stomach and it never left. I cried every single time he played it live when I went to see him. no regrets. I love this song sfm and the melancholy in the acoustic version just destroys me.
three: for you (acoustic piano version)
I 100% realize this is probably a weird choice for top three, but: this was on his first album and the version on there is pretty damned good - it’s about a guy whose girlfriend tries to commit suicide and reminesces about their relationship - and you’d go like why, but: first of all he has some of his best lines in this (my electric surges free I just sdgsldjl) and the entire last stanza where he goes from where I found you broken at the beach to the end is just a knife into your heart, but this goddamned version here just goes and tears your heart out and stomps on it and I swear if there is one thing I want from bruce is that he plays this in front of me next time I see him live because for now I never managed and just - the slow piano kills me. I love it. the fact that when I asked brian fallon in a tumblr q&a his fave bruce song and he said this specific one just confirmed he’s a true intellectual. ;)
four: drive all night
or: this is the love song. I just. the first time I heard this I fell off the chair or something and it was the studio version which is nowhere near as heartfelt as the live versions and I swear it’s just - it has very lovely lyrics that perfectly balance melancholy and hopeful and don’t make it saccharine, the fucking sax solo destroys me every single goddamned time I hear it and when you get to the end and he says that she has his love heart and soul it’s The Most Heartfelt Thing I Have Ever Heard In My Life Or Close To It and I just, I love drive all night with every inch of my atoms, bye.
five: badlands
I ranted about this extensively yesterday here so I refer you to it for long rant about it, but tldr: this was actually the first bruce song I ever heard knowing it was by bruce - it wasn’t what got me on that train but it still was the first and like… I didn’t understand it for a long time bc my first run-in with bruce was a hit and miss but then I did and like, this song is basically quintessential bruce because it has all his themes rolled up into one, all the good stuff, everything that is good about his music and most of all live it’s a goddamned religious experience. 
so, that was for the top five, but top ten…
six: youngstown (click here for full rant from last year) which was a hard choice but this damned song slays me whether acoustic or electric and I love his use of language and how he built it and how he teaches you things in five minutes pretty much and how the music/mood matches the words in both versions and seems to mean different approaches but still doesn’t change the core of it, and is2g the last two lines and the second stanza and the line he recycled from the mahardige book he inspired himself with when he wrote this are just goddamned out of this world and like this one raised the ladder for years but I just, love it to pieces
seven: rosalita (come out tonight), or: bruce does serious and politics incredibly well but this one is just a delight from beginning to end, it’s fun, I could listen to it for a month without getting tired, it always puts a smile on my face and the entire last part where he tells her to inform her dad he has a record company now so no reason to hate that his daughter is with a moneyless musician is just… so… lovely and fun and lighthearted and I just really love this song a lot ;;
eight: highway patrolman or, there’s no way a top ten bruce songs has no nebraska material from me because nebraska Is A Damn Masterpiece and this one’s my fave off it, but tldr: the utter, absolute way this thing slays you with just voice and guitar and the way he makes you feel about the cop who ends up letting his brother with ptsd from vietnam escape after he accidentally kills someone is out of this world and I just, this one really has a way to make you empathize with the narrator and my heart ;_; (also the movie they made from it which is in that video is really good k viggo mortensen playing the brother with ptsd isn’t leaving me anytime soon)
nine: thunder road (rant attached to the link) or: this one is short and sweet but honest, it’s not The Definitive Love Song To Me just bc drive all night exists. this damned song is a masterpiece in itself. it’s flawless. it has the crescendo, it has the fact that at whichever moment in his life he sings it it works, ‘it’s a town full of losers and I’m pulling out of here to win’ is the most iconic line that ever ended a song or close to it and it’s exactly the kinda love song you wanna hear if you want realistic love song material and just, legendary. okay? legendary.
ten: american skin (41 shots), or: this actually is what got me into springsteen bc I borrowed the live album it was published on originally after my first try with darkness went so-so, I listened to it and was like ‘okay yeah he’s good’, then I got to this one and went like ‘wait a fucking moment this isn’t just good’ (count that I was twelve and understood maybe 1/5th in the english songs I heard), I actually looked it up, went like woah wait aaand listened to it for two weeks straight, bought the record, translated everything by hand, started reading about what the fuck was wrong with the circumstances for which it was written and here I am twenty years later dying over bruce and having been introduced thanks to him to 80% of his country’s societal issues or I’d have had no idea that early in my life. anyway: other than the sentimental value, it’s honestly out of this world good and the live version just nailed it way better than the studio that was released years later and I love bruce a lot, k? k.
thanks for letting me rant ;)
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australian-desi · 5 years
Kahaan Hum Kahaan Tum ~ Episode 73: Of Idiotic Buffoons and Messes in General
Well, I guess this whole ting is becoming a clusterfuck and so is this liveblog, coz I’m writing as I remember what happened
Is2g, if I was in Sonakshi’s place, I would slapped him so hard that his head would’ve turned 360. KAISA IDIOT HAI YEH - tumhaari aankhon mein redness hai, vitamin A ya E ki kami hai 
Ravi being all like Sonakshi loves you, you absolute fucking walnut
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Okay inn sabko chodo, main kidar jaake apna sir patku 
Like seriously, itne kam observatory skills ke saath, kisne surgeon bana diya iss gadhe ko
Lol Tulsi and Dr. Dimpy also being like:
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Sonakshi @ Dr. Rohit as well like: 
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Lolled so hard at the “mujhe pata nahi tha ke dosto ki itni categories hoti hai” SAME GURL SAME 
Sidenote: so proud of my girl for not picking up/replying to any texts/calls - she is stronger than I will ever be 
WHAT THE FUCK IS RAIMA’S MOTHER (whom I’ll refer to as Dugga Dugga from now on) DOING HERE 
Everytime I think Rohit has come it’s always someone I don’t want to see at that point in time (lets be honest I never want to see Raima’s mum) 
OMG SONAKSHI NE THEKHA LIYA HUA HAI SABKA, I mean what the fuck is this 
Sumit harasses her, has to deal with him coz of Channel and Netraji 
Pooja has a wardrobe malfunction, has to make a deal with a shadyass man to protect her honour while also getting blamed for being the cause of the mishap 
Mahatre murders his wife, becomes the prime suspect 
Doesn’t want to charge for noble causes, her mother is after her life
Pari acts up, has to take responsibility for her 
Wants Rohit to confess, gets ‘we’re special friends’ in return
Raima has recognised her in a coma, has help in her therapy, while putting herself in shit in the process 
Has Rohit started using ‘Sona’ on the regular? And then he has the audacity to say that they are “dost”
Okay Rohit has officially friendzoned Raima #progress, but has also not deleted her number meaning he is suppressing his emotions and its all going to blow up 
Also the whole monologue of moving on and stuff, made me get a little fuzzy 
Man Karan is so good in this role, and you cant be mad at this bumbling buffoon for too long coz he does shit that makes you want to pull his cheeks 
YASSS PULKIT IS GOING TO DO HIS INTERNSHIP WITH ROHIT AND THE WHOLE “tumhaari di paagal hai, usse main samjhaunga” 
They sound so married holy shit 
Also finally using his dimaag and stubborness to use and announcing he is going to do whatever it takes to get her back 
Just gonna enjoy this calm before the storm
We’re talking about Rohit Sippy here, this is as calm as it is gonna get 
I wasn’t ready man, I needed a month before this happened 
And Rohit is going to come here to confess to her isn’t he?
This is too much for me to handle man 
No comments on Pari and Rohan, all I have to say is Naren knows whats up with Rohan, his face screams of experience and Deepa is on his case
No precap once again, why must my soul be tortured like this 
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spacerhapsody · 5 years
TOP 10 characters :D
(You are the best! :D)
I’ve decided to go with the ones that are some kind of all-time favourites because otherwise I wouldn’t even know where to start. So, here we go, in no particular order, because that would just be cruel:
James Flint (Black Sails) Listen, I’d follow this man into battle, into ruin, and probably even into hell, he’s such a great character, there is so much, so much pain, anger, emotions, and yet still all that softness underneath. He killed a man with his bare hands in the very first episode and yet I just knew. That’s him, that’s the one. Also, starting a war on England because England was a homophobic asshole? Your fav could never.
Julio Richter/Rictor (Marvel)X-Factor Investigations was the series that got me into comics (in hindsight a questioable decision on its own, but w/e), so maybe that’s part of the reason why he’ll always have a special place in my heart, but I just love everything about him, from his ridiculous fashion sense to the years he spent so deep in the closet he was basically in Narnia. Also, the way his depression gets handled still breaks me every time. Also², Rictor/Shatterstar is possibly one of the best things Marvel ever created (OTP: It can only be you.
Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle)Oh my god, Ronan. Who appears to be so sharp, acts like the badass troublemaker, and is just so angry so often, but actually took a baby raven out of his dreams, dreamt up a baby brother who’s all sunshine and happiness, whose softness somehow can’t even be taken away by the darkest things and places, and who just loves the few people he cares about so goddamn much, how could I not love him?Also, because I still remember the discussion about this, he was clearly written as gay from the very beginning, but in the most hilarious way. (Comparing Blue’s dress to a lampshape, and then “Whatever sort of lamp it belonged on, Gansey clearly wished he had one. Ronan wasn’t a fan of lamps.“? ICONIC. Also “I’m always straight.” - “Oh man, that’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told.”)
Percy Weasley (Harry Potter)Probably the most controversial of them all on Tumblr, but you can pry my love for Percy from my cold, dead hands. I’ve ranted about this a lot, but let me rant just about this one thing again: When it comes down to it, he doesn’t really fit into his family who are all loud and chaotic, when he’s just… not. And it’s not even like they have nothing in common, it’s just that nobody makes an effort to really understand him or to really get to know him, this frustrates me to no end, okay, because there are so many layers there and I love all of them so much!
Donna Noble (Doctor Who)DONNAAAAAA! Of all the characters who deserved so much better, she’s really reduced me to screaming her name into the void every time I see something about her/think about her, because SHE DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER, she deserved the universe, and she deserved to remember it. Also, she’s probably my favourite companion of all time because her dynamic with Ten is hands down the best (”You’re not mating with me, sunshine.”). She takes no shit from him, but it’s not like she’s harsh or anything, she’s got so much compassion, and she managed to be awesome without having a special connection to the Doctor or some ~mystery~ about her to solve.
Daisuke Motomiya (Digimon)Light of my life, miracle child of mine! He gets so much shit in and out of universe, with everyone thinking he’s just an idiot, but he is so brave, so optimistic despite the way almost everyone treats him and everything happening to him and his friends, so full of love. I’ve said it again and again, but the world truly would be a better place with more people like him, and everyone’s life would be so much better with a friend like him.
Alex Drake (Ashes to Ashes)I’ve mentioned her actress in the reply to that last ask, and obviously all of her outfits and hairstyles are such a “do I want to be you or do I want to be with you” mood, it’s the best/worst (I am weak for the 80s, I never stood a chance).But also, she’s such a good lead and character! I was super sceptical after Life on Mars because I thought nobody could be as interesting as Sam Tyler in a setting like this, but I think she totally beat him in personality and chemistry with Gene hunt, and that’s gotta say something.
Sirius Black (Harry Potter)Okay, I tried to include only one character per fandom, but Sirius Black has been one of the first characters I’ve ever been kind of obsessed with (I remember drawing sketches in my homework planner of me going after Bellatrix Lestrange for killing him, this feels like a lifetime ago), and I feel like the older I get, the more – and deeper – reasons to love him I find.I mean, he’s already got bonus points for the cool hair, leather jacket and motorcycle stuff (plus, he’s like 100% gay, fight me JKR), but he’s also a fucking mess. Even before Azkaban, but both that and the way he grew up and then walked away from his family probably bring out his flaws even more, and it’s great, because all of this makes him such an interesting character.
Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)How often can you cry over the same character arc? Because is2g, I do every single time, it’s just so well done. In terms of redemption arcs, it set the bar so fucking high that I don’t think I’ve seen anything ever since that came close.And, I mean. He’s got all that angst from his history with his father and Azula and the path that sent him on, there’s so much growth that I could talk about that alone for ages, but he’s also just so awkward and such a goddamn idiot, it’s so perfect.
Tonda (Krabat)This one might seem a bit out of place (does anyone even know this book?) but 11-year-old me fell in love with him when we were reading this book at school, and the rest is history. I’ve been rereading it a few times over the last 20 years because I still love it and somehow always find new things to fall in love with, but what always stays the same is my love for Tonda. His story still kind of breaks my heart, and his friendship with Krabat probably even more. Characters who’ve been through so much but still are caring and want to protect their friends? GOD, YES.
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zitkaplushie · 5 years
i read the first issue of superman: year one so you guys didn’t have to.
TL;DR- here’s what i recommend: read the first 24 pages for one of the cutest baby clarks ever, then jusr skip the rest tbh.
under the cut is my thoughts. spoilers, obviously, and also tw for mentions of rape.
there’s some cute moments between clark & his friends and clark & his parents when he’s in high school, but then it does the standard ‘clark saves his friends from being bullied’ schtick. 
the teachers are useless (one of them watches a student get called a racial slur and then get beaten up and does nothing???) and we get martha telling clark to not fight against the bullies and his dad telling him to ‘flatten them’. honestly if you want a better depiction of martha & jonathan kent just watch smallville. also why do ma & pa kent talk like that??? i’ve read several superman origin stories (at least 6) and in none of them have they sounded this southern and this caricature-y.
lana almost gets gang raped by the bullies who’re messing with clark & his friends because she has picture evidence of the bullies doing the bullying which is so disgusting i can’t even begin to comprehend why this was necessary. but then clark comes to her rescue. do you know who else did the ‘girl almost gets gang raped then her LI saves her’ thing?? fucking TWILIGHT. do you want to be like twilight frank miller??? (why do comic writers hate women is2g).
also he takes her flying after that- revealing his secret, to someone he’s only had a few conversations with….. bc that’s smart…… once he drops her off on her roof, he asks to 'court her' just after she’s almost been gang raped i’m…
then there’s this line: ‘Lana’s got a beautiful voice… which is good ‘cause she hardly ever stops talking.’
he pisses in a bush that his inner monologue calls ‘his little fortress of solitude’.........
he also joins the military (wtf miller? why?), which is all levels of wrong i’m just baffled & disgusted. to give him some credit (trust me i write this with gritted teeth) he has martha’s inner monologue talk about how ‘idiotic’ clark’s plans to join the navy are. then again, she’s framed as being a worrisome over protective mother, who we’re meant to see as unreasonable so how much credit can you really give miller.
the art’s gorgeous though! like i cannot give it enough praise! it’s so beautiful!!!! also, he does’t over sexualise the female characters - like so many other artists do- which is such a breath of fresh air! just look at the art and ignore the words. to be fair, the 1st issue is entertaining enough if you’re not thinking about it too much. it has major pitfalls though, imo, and i don’t trust miller enough (or at all really) to be confident in his ability to make the remaining issues better. i’m 90% sure once we actually get to the military stuff, i’ll be wanting to gouge my eyes out.
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toddykun · 6 years
toddy, what do you think of donald and scrooge relationship in this episode???
oh anon, you just asked THAT question to my overanalyzing ass lmao thank u so much, i will indulge in this without restrictions ggg
little summary of donald and scrooge’s relationship in the episode: #TeamUncleForTheWin2k18 in a—more literal sense than expected. this gonna  be a looooooooooooooooooooong post anon, so hold yourself. and take into account that this is my opinion and my interpretation so i could be right or wrong, we just dont know, so that :D
all those scrooge and donald’s bonding moments were wholesome and funny (i loved them with all my freaking heart is2g they having a better relationship is my fuel to keep living lmao) but there is still some things that are hanging on even after scrooge definition of family that is obviously about them so lets start
1. scrooge choosing donald immediately and ‘i was in the will?’ moment
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after going awwww when scrooge excitedly goes around screaming game night and he immediately chooses donald and laughing my ass off because donald’s ‘i was in the will?’ line, all that got me thinking because i cant stop my overanalyzing ass lmao. why did scrooge choose donald and why was donald surprised to be in the will? the overcompetitive nature of scrooge answered the first one really fast, scrooge chose him, as always, because it benefits him for reasons, reinforced by the threat of them losing and removing him of the will, more than because he wanted them to bond over board games. this is actually not that weird for scrooge, he usually does this a lot, especially to donald. i actually have problems with this more because of the actual status of their relationship more than because scrooge did this, this will be explained with the next point so i will go with my second question.
why was donald surprised? there are two possible answers for this: 1. donald didnt ever really thought about the will matter, the theme is new to him so hes surprised 2. donald didn’t think scrooge cared enough for him to be in the will so hes surprised when he actually is. i will be expanding in the second one because donald could have thought various things from this: 
1. he could have thought that because of scrooge’s greedy nature, the possibility of him having a will was nonexisting, he wouldn’t want his fortune to be someone else’s even after death, even when real scrooge would consider that a waste, the possibility of anyone being in scrooge’s will is a big ‘wait what’ to him 2. his board is the one getting everything lmao theyre the ones handling all those business stuff and that whats matter to scrooge, so why would anyone else be in the will? 3. if someone from the family was meant to be scrooge’s heir, it wouldnt be him, it would be only della, the twin that scrooge favored the most. definitely not him, the twin that scrooge reprimanded and dismissed the most. him? in the will? wtf? scrooge couldn’t care enough about him to put him in the will. but he does and whoa, wait what i am???? donald didn’t think scrooge would care, and that makes sense, this scrooge is terrible at really showing donald he cares about him outside from fighting and using him as bait. so, donald is surprised.
the good thing is, i actually see this version of scrooge having everyone in his will: the twins, the triplets (especially louie, hes probably his principal heir at this point lmao), webby, mrs beakley, launchpad, matilda (if shes alive), his parents (who are kind of immortal now?) even gladstone, fethry or grandma duck (if shes alive). leaving them all a special thing that would help them in some way, something with meaning for every person. especially to the twins, who are like his children. another good thing, scrooge is starting to show donald that he cares, enough to put him in the will and i hope this progress in scrooge showing him that he cares about him more than he actually shows him.
bonus: scrooge running stairs down with donald was precious and funny. 10/10. not bad, scrooge was just so excited. so cute.
2. ‘that’s why he chose him’, charades and non-verbal communication, understanding donald, and acting nonsensical moment.
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‘ooooh, thats why he picked donald’, dewey just confirmed my suspicions about scrooge’s motivation for choosing donald, it saddens me but i expected it. again, not because scrooge did this because of his competitive strike but because he hasnt show donald that he would choose him even if he couldnt get something out of it. i want more scrooge respecting donald for who he is more than for what he can get out of him. i need scrooge choosing donald because he is family too cuz almost all the time he only chooses him for benefits. like overall, scrooge probably plays favoritism with the twins over anyone else in the family, but with the twins themselves? he favors della over donald, in an over ridiculous open way, he is really not trying to hide it. like, he recriminates donald for not being like della in the ‘17 comics? how fucked up is that? i try not to use the comics’ standpoint of their relationship because it upsets me honestly, they glorified della too much and abused donald too much. maybe because theyre from scrooge’s view of point? hes always going around talking about how great della was but donald? the series at least says that donald is actually freaking good, strong, smart and sharp and deserves the fandom getting over the top for him. the comics well….u know. but the thing is, the comics actually explain why donald is so surprised every time scrooge shows him affection or why donald looks not surprised when scrooge just uses him as a decoy, like bruh :/
‘you spent thirty years guessing what donald was saying, you must get good enough at non-verbal communication’ donald and scrooge are, not-so-surprisingly, good at charades (della must be too, now that i think about it, if scrooge and donald are almost unstoppable then the twins are really hardcore about it), this comes from donald having a speech impediment, something that probably led him to use a lot of non-verbal communication in the past. kids with especially difficult speech impediments to deal with rely heavily on non-verbal communication, usually because they develop social anxiety, insecurities and are overall scared of not being understood and being punished for it, especially outside of their safe circle (bullying, indifference, little to none social circle). baby donald probably suffered from this (who am i kidding, he definitely suffered from it, hell, donald is the most suffering classical disney character honestly the old comics are not even subtle about him being mentally ill and disabled), these kids can even stop altogether talking even to the ppl they know can understand them. all this comes into play if we assume that scrooge hanged with the twins since they were kids. hortense or not, grandma duck or not, scrooge spent time with the twins like he spends it now with the triplets. donald is not the most confident person, since he was a kid, for a good reason, he probably didn’t talk a lot as a kid with ppl outside his safe circle, scrooge comes to play later into his life so hes probably an outsider at the start of their relationship. but adventure needs communication for teamwork and to keep kids safe out there you need to be able to understand them and they need to understand you. this left scrooge with only an option: learn to understand donald, no matter what method he uses. charades? scrooge understands. ASL? scrooge understands. unintelligible gibberish? SCROOGE UNDERSTANDS! wow, hello, lost confidence. 
that probably boosted donald’s confidence quite greatly. an outsider, uncle scrooge that is grumpy and kind of asocial, gave the effort to understand little scared and unintelligible donald that probably only his twin and parents until now could understand perfectly. if that didnt bust his confidence idk what could. points for scrooge for being a great uncle!
for all this, he hasn’t told donald he doesn’t understand him because he does understand him, almost perfectly (like the triplets should do, just saying), he isnt going to have an ‘i dont understad you’ moment…..yet i expect it doesn’t happen or else, im gonna cry, first the triplets who had lived with him all their life? and now scrooge who webby said has spent at least thirty years with him? fucking come on. if della comes back and she doesn’t understand his twin brother perfectly im gonna cry, fucking honestly. donald needs to confidently talk with his speech impediment, excitedly, happy, almost unintelligible but with the confidence that there are ppl out there that do understand him and love him. i expect scrooge and della to be those ppl (not counting the caballeros, uno, storkules, and other family members, who can maybe understand him but arent with him constantly to remind him to not let down his confidence in that matter).
also they fighting nonsensically is the best thing, because they do that a lot, they fight over the most ridiculous things and they act like that sometimes, just pure idiocy over the most unimportant matters is like their default mode is the best. they’re can be so ridiculously petty, i love them. 
3. ‘team uncle for the win!’, hug and retreat and lets just shook hands moment
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THEY HUGGED!!!!SO!!!GOOD!!!!! wait no keep hugging what are you doing? show each other how much you care, you need it, you dummies, goddamit and now you’re shaking hands ok why not fucking god
well besides that, ‘team uncle for the win!’ was a beautiful, spontaneous and wholesome moment that i shouldnt overanalyze but i will anyways lmao i have the opinion that scrooge said that spontaneously but can be interpreted in a more literal sense to understand scrooge and donald’s actual status of their relationship. team uncle is literally for the win, it wouldnt exist if it didn’t fulfill that specific function, donald probably knows this team up is more a way for them to win, for scrooge to win. but when against all odds they are successful in jenga (lol) this triggers something in scrooge that genuinely burst him into an affection spring and makes him shout that, it was just a piece, they both know it but its almost the first time they have bonded in years and donald, who is particularly sensitive and reacts a lot to emotions, reacts as well with affection and excitement, and what happens when ppl sync up their emotions spontaneously like that? they are overflowed with it, they need to act on it, emotions are almost impossible to control, they’re unpredictable, quick and extremely powerful driving forces so what obviously happens? THEY HUG!!!! emotions made these two idiots hug, they havent hug in years!!! YEARS!!! and they hug again in years because they were overflowed with genuine affection!!! but like i say, emotions are quick and when they end, its like a slap of realization in the face, they go ‘omg i did that!’ and separate immediately, just to go and cordially shake hands? when emotions are involved, context usually flies out the window, they probably forgot ten years of separation in that instant, but when it ended all those years came back and made it kind of uncomfortable. so their ‘we’re doing this just to win’ attitude comes back.
but it was good! its a good start! i dont know if they showed each other this kind of spontaneous affection but without embarrassment, pre-della disappearing but it. is. GOOD. these two need as much fluff as the triplets and webby get. uncle-nephew/niece relationship is a big thing in the DuckTales universe, and for scrooge and donald to not have as much as the triplets get kills me inside. they need this the most, so i hope this season provides because it started well in that matter, i hope it progresses into unapologetic and genuine affection without embarrassing departings and weird shake hands. 
4. helping him get up moment
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completely underrated and wholesome moment, like there are no downs at this moment, its too good, they helping him up? nice. scrooge looking at them mad while protectively holding onto his boy who i remind you is in the will and for consideration, he’s one of his heirs (the other one being definitely della and very probably the triplets)? so nice. beautiful, i love it. mindless fluff this was. 10/10.
5. using donald as a weapon and scrooge’s definition of family.
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like theres a difference between fighting alongside scrooge and being used to fight by scrooge. and here we see it, that even when scrooge is technically using donald, they are actually fighting together, its different from when scrooge just forces donald to danger and fights and you know why? because donald is doing it willingly. he is enjoying himself fighting, donald has shown from time to time that he likes to fight. so when he fights willingly and scrooge joins him, he enjoys himself, he is happy. like, look at his face, donald is into it, this is a duck that likes adventure and fighting, this is different from the gladstone’s episode and the ‘17 comics, where scrooge just pushes donald into things without his consent or knowledge because what? he thinks donald wouldnt understand? that donald is going to say no to protect his family if necessary? goddamit scrooge, if you took the time to let donald trust you and explain things to him, he would do the things you ask him, he is smart and u know it. this is one of the things where i hc the twins to differ, adult della followed scrooge almost blindly into danger, pushed by her own ambition and thirst for adventure, while adult donald, careful donald who was probably in the navy and has seen things and adventure spirit has matured, did not. i dont think scrooge took that as good as he should. scrooge favored della for throwing herself at danger just like that, confidently and recklessly, but would frown at donald, who turned around and asked why, who said no, who said but, who said this doesnt worth losing ourselves, who was again, too careful. so, scrooge decides to push him around, to see if this could trigger something, instead of talking him into it, and we know how hard it can be for scrooge to talk things trough. i dont think scrooge had any malicious intent but he didnt choose the best way into that and well, when you force someone into something they dont want, it doesnt end well. scrooge needs to learn to talk things through. also, scrooge needs to apologize, donald already forgave him but just that its not going to fix ten years of separation and past issues. scrooge needs to put his weight into this relationship too. and this probably starts with scrooge’s definition of family:
“You drive each other crazier than anyone could and still care about each other more than anyone!”
we have seen this particular definition of their relationship play into the old comics a lot, and in some low level in the series. but the thing is and i have pointed it out several times for the whole post, scrooge is not exactly good at showing donald how much he cares about him in the series to the point that it surprises donald when scrooge does show that he cares about him, and it makes sense that donald is surprised by it, scrooge had openly displayed favoritism for della saying how incredible she was but for donald the only thing he has really openly displayed is dismissal, comparisons to his sister and that scrooge usually just uses him to his beneficial. scrooge needs to learn how to show his affection to the twin he has left effectively, we know he cares, but donald doesn’t and for good reason! scrooge, show him your love for real!
in conclusion, their relationship is improving! it still needs time and adjustment and for scrooge to meet donald halfway into the whole forgiving the past stuff. however, they love each other despite everything and i think thats what matters the most :D they can do it! these ducks dont back down! AND…
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ryouverua · 6 years
Trial 4 - The Confession  (3)
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Investigation 1 / 2
Trial: 1 / 2
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Wait, so she really did meet up with him before the virtual world then? I imagine it was before she gathered everyone, but after that flashback light that caused her to panic the way she did - so in the last few days? And it would have to be before he met Monokuma too... so not yesterday (as I’m imagining this taking place midmorning after they went to the VR world) but the day before that?
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I can only imagine what threw him off as she was speaking. He has an excellent poker face though, so I’m not surprised she didn’t realize he was onto her.
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It says a lot about Kokichi that he could stay calm in the fact of that, but also it’s... a bit sad that he didn’t think he could approach anyone for help...
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... Then again, countering a murder plan with a murder plan is, uh, very Supreme Leader-ish! And one that doesn’t get your own hands dirty...
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I guess you are really confessing everything, because I don’t know why you would feel the need to add that damning evidence on top of all the other stuff???
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By making it more interesting, did he just mean getting everyone into the simulator full well knowing Miu’s plans, or literally telling Monokuma, ‘I am going to counter Miu’s murder plan with my own’?!?!
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It sounds like Kokichi’s idea wasn’t to put the motive in the simulator, after all! Monokuma is straight-up saying it was his!
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But does it matter at this point if we didn’t find it??? I swear, between the Necronomicon, the First Blood Perk and this, we seriously not using any of the motives!
So they argue a bit with Monokuma about him working together with a student but he handwaves it away with the whole, well, ~I wasn’t involved with the actual murder myself~ which, okay, fine though technically isn’t he working with the mastermind. It’s kinda distracting from the confession at hand anyway.
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  It’s a bit scary how badly you want to confess though.
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“Anything that lets me actually put you in the ground.”
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That’s a lukewarm revenge -
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j us t
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shuichi also reacted with probably one of the cutest ‘eh’ sounds I have every heard out of his mouth but unfortunately this is all visual based, not sound based, so I cannot include it here, and also that is entirely beside the point
Holy shit, Kokichi. Holy - shit - DID YOU... STRAIGHT UP... JUST..... DROP GONTA’S NAME...
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AN ENTIRELY APPROPRIATE REACTION TO FINDING OUT YOU MURDERED SOMEONE VIA ALTER EGO AND DON’T REMEMBER IT once again, a masterstroke by Kokichi, Mr. ‘I reference YGO Duel Monsters without even trying’
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Yeah, I’m not surprised to see Tsumugi chiming in here. She has been Gonta’s biggest defender from trial to trial, even if her voice isn’t as loud as Kaito’s. 8(
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And my god, if Kaito’s voice ain’t loud right now!
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“- ANYWAY I was totally confessing guys, and on behalf of Gonta as well as myself! I can’t believe you would just interrupt me when I’m being so charitable! Waaaah, you’re all so meeeean ~ !” insert crocodile tears sprite here
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I am here to interrupt this incredibly serious and terrifying confession with accompanying illustration to ask - why ‘Busters’?! What kind of dumb name is that, honestly.
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Between this and your ‘if everyone dies, the game will end!’ comment, you’re really scaring me right now, Kokichi - !
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Gonta is not about this at all.
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Man, I’ve been making the D: face over and over again during this trial - meanwhile, Gonta right now is the living embodiment of that text emoji right now.
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Oh.... oh, of course. Kokichi doesn’t know about the avatar error either, does he? He’s been operating under the assumption that Gonta has been... lying to us this whole time............ That he’s been a perfect liar, without a single crack in his veneer, even to a keen liar-spotting master like Kokichi, and that he’s been just as good at tricking us as him - even better, possibly. 
Oh, no. Oh, no.
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Gonta’s strongest, most stalwart supporter of the whole game is back in the game!
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Between all the back and forth, including a bit of gloating at Shuichi on Kokichi’s part, he drops this:
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And here, to counter all of the ‘Gonta is too ~dumb~ to do something like this’ comments, he already has a ready-made argument. He really has been set from the beginning, huh? Either that or his improv ability is topnot - oh wait this is Kokichi Ouma we’re talking about, of course it is. Anyway, while I think Kokichi set Gonta up to do this, I feel like I’m at least affording Gonta a bit more agency than his classmates. 8′/
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d-don’t.... neglect the heart...... nngh
erika furudo is being channelled by kokichi ouma to wreak havoc on this killing game, this truly is the worst timeline
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and everyone else seems to be in the same state I am, minus the whole ‘I’m 99% sure it was Gonta’ mindset I had going in, so Kokichi asks them the obvious question:
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Aaaah, I thought so. Kaito has been pushed far enough that he won’t accept anything other than Kokichi being the culprit. :(
Kokichi’s about to drop a massive truth bomb in the trial and Kaito is not going to like it.
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I just really wanted to isolate this one shot from the debate especially because damn, just - the way they set it up for him and his sprite to dominate the whole screen by just - towering over everyone despite everyone being against him, despite everyone accusing him, is just some great work by the layout team!
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Also the fact that they can contrast that with this image with all the flowers and sunshine around him, with that cute little smile on his face... man, I keep praising what they did with the trial debates for a reason!
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And once again, it’s Kaito argument that Shuichi is forced to cut down...
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All the pieces except for two - Gonta’s motive/reason he would work with Kokichi (because I thought it was maybe spur of the moment move on his part to protect Kokichi, but Kokichi is heavily implying it isn’t, and the fact that it was done via prepared item is.... a problem) and Gonta’s memory problems - are officially out in the open. Oooh geez - I had been wondering how they would do this case since to me, it didn’t seem technically difficult to figure out, but I guess the writers’ solution to that issue is to just gut-punch the players all the way to the end. 8′D
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And now Kaito’s being countered by his other sidekick. Can we stop kicking this poor puppy while he’s down??? As in, the poor puppy who is probably dying a slow death from a mysterious illness right now??? Is this the game’s idea of karmic rebalancing for not outright deathflagging him again this chapter, or???
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Because you’ve been baiting him this entire time.
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So... was he going to let them fall for the lie of ‘Kokichi Ouma is the culprit who killed Miu’? That’s what I’m wondering right now. He’s very happily driving in the point that the one, singular truth can be incredibly painful, but this still seems very much to be a reaction to all the events of the trial leading up to this point!
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Having Gonta beside Kaede’s stand, the other person who we thought, ‘No, it couldn’t be, it couldn’t possibly be....’ was probably planned from the very beginning for this trial, I imagine.
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But of course, while the classmates are rallying around Gonta and Kaito...
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Showing growth at the most unfortunate times, Shuichi Saihara uses his budding confidence to grow up up up and away from Kaito. 8′\
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Look at him, inserting himself in between the two like this -
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Kaito directly after the trial but actually no please let the saimota stay strong you must overcome....
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On the one hand I feel like Kokichi is being heavy-handed - on the other, I’m starting to think that he feels the need to over-explain everything to his classmates because they just won’t get it otherwise. 8′D
I don’t feel like this is 100% fair though - he did a really great job with finding the door in Chapter 1! He, uh, did completely lose his mojo though, so...
Well, the point is, Kaito did need to teach him how to trust in other people because Kaede broke it by lying to him! Shuichi has been a naturally suspicious worrywart this whole time!
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Oh shit, this was a surprise bit of support that I wasn’t expecting! How shocked do you think Kokichi is right now that K1-b0 of all people is not completely disbelieving him, on a scale of 1-10??
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If I make a comment about how computer-like this is would I get slammed for being robophobic or -
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I mean Kaito’s technically not wrong? But he’s not completely right either... I, I really think Kokichi is trying to kill two birds with one stone here. 8′/ But to what end, is the real question... Disillusionment? Is that the ultimate goal?
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unholy screeching -
Kaito sounds so betrayed -
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“Hold on Monokuma, I thought this was only supposed to happen in the event of an even split -”
“Shut the fuck up Shuichi Is2g I’ll crazy glue your hat back on!”
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THIS IS AN INCREDIBLY UNLIKELY TEAM and also a popular OT3, I imagine with an incredibly complicated name. like. how do you combine saiouma and, uh... kiibouma I’m guessing - saikiibouma maybe???
also K1-b0 please don’t wave your Objection! finger in Gonta’s face like that, it is neither the time nor place and also incredibly rude and not helping -
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I absolutely love (and by love I mean my heart is being wrenched In Twain) the way they have Shuichi facing in one direction, and Kaito fully, completely turned the other way.
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Once again Shuichi is learning how to defend himself, and is finally willing to do it. I... just wish it would be under better circumstances...
Actually, out of pure luck, it lines up really well with Kaito’s last FTE and the option I chose where Shuichi bites back about his detective work. It’s funny how in the end, his natural reaction is still to search for the truth at all costs, and I like reading him as someone who is naturally curious as well as singularly focused that way, sometimes to the detriment of everything else - and come hell, high water or, regrettably, casualties. And he’ll certainly have those regrets, and fret on them endlessly as he loses himself in a spiralling circle of self-doubt, but would he be able to stop himself from following that path down to the bitter end? No... no, I don’t think so.
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Should I include every cap of Gonta pleading with everyone that he isn’t the culprit? No, it’s redundant. Will I anyway because he’s tearing my heart to pieces? Yes. Yes I will.
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asldkf;asdf the worst thing is he isn’t. He isn’t lying. He paradoxically is the killer and not lying about it, because not being the killer is his current truth AS HE KNOWS IT...
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Y-You sound like you’re talking from personal experience, and outside of the last few trials, too! Which side of this ‘cornering’ were you on exactly...????
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Oh!!! We haven’t seen this sprite in a long time!
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Is it just me or is Kokichi acting extremely viciously right now? Like, his vitriol levels are off the charts. Honestly I couldn’t bring myself to interrupt this part with commentary because the way Kokichi is going off, just absolutely screaming at him, is a huge departure from the cool and collected Ouma we’ve had up to this point!
Did they... prepare arguments beforehand, maybe? And he’s losing it because Gonta isn’t playing along with the plan he said up? With that said, when Gonta turned on Kokichi in the Meet-n-Greet, Kokichi wasn’t anything like this. So what’s his deal???
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Kokichi Ouma will not rest until he has flipped every single aspect of this trial and the trial format as it’s been up to this point on its head, and subsequently, used it to attack everyone around him. 
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Holy shit, Kokichi has well and truly lost it. This - this has to be real. It’s far too raw for it not to be real.
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Ugh, the way Kaito’s voice cracks when he jumps in here...
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I... feel like, despite flickerings of his ‘playful’ persona, this may be the longest he’s ever gone showing his genuine feelings - and man, they aren’t pretty. I mean, that’s assuming this anger is genuine... but I really, really feel like it is.
Just like another character I love who also uses lies and fantasy as weapons, I feel like going over this section again with new eyes will be extremely telling.
Still, that means he really, really wants to live. And the ‘we’ there is interesting. Who is the ‘we’? Is he speaking for a select few, including Shuichi? For the whole class? Someone not here, in a similar vein to Kirumi?
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you know Kokichi for someone who wants to live, maybe screaming at someone whose good friend is an assassin is a bad idea
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You know everyone fighting over him is eating Gonta from the inside out.
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Ah, fuck, I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop and I think this is when it’s going to happen.
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I’m like 99% sure Kokichi’s on Tsumugi’s hit list for next chapter. 8′D 
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Oooh, speaking of growth - !
You know, I keep saying this and I don’t know if I’m alone in thinking this or not but Shuichi has been consistently weak in all things social and emotional, detection-wise and otherwise. But now, here, we finally have Shuichi picking up on the true source of Gonta’s confusion on his own, his language, and how it could be relevant to the case on his own without anyone else giving him any clues or hints!
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The one who has consistently stood up for Gonta in every trial, Kaito, the one who wants to believe in everyone, and Gonta himself... aaaaah, no, no no..... 8′/
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ALSO... oh, that’s right. Gonta lifted up the manhole cover at the beginning of the game with his lefthand, didn’t he? SHIT....
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His sprites and tones of voice are oscillating so wildly now and it’s really hard for me to keep up??? I’m getting whiplash asdlfkj
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THAT. THAT IS THE ONE PART THAT I AM WAITING FOR. I thought it was in defense of Kokichi because that is the only way I can feasibly see him killing someone and still be, well, the Gonta Gokuhara who wants to protect everyone, but there is too much of this murder that seems premeditated!!!
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So we’ve established this in previous games via Celes’ and Peko’s trials, but it’s worth going over again - especially since these guys have no knowledge of either of those games -
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Yeah... we’re really going to need a motive from Kokichi. Could it be as simple as countering Miu’s plan? I suppose taking her out as an obvious threat makes sense, and he’s already established that he wants to live ... There’s also the question of if it can really be something like, ‘he also wanted to use this as a way to create a fun mystery.’ I really hope not. 8′\ I suppose something like, ‘I’m taking opportunity of the fact that I’m getting rid of a threat on my life to also drive home certain points to the rest of my classmates, and also as revenge for the events of the last few days’ would be more of an acceptable answer to me, given what I’ve seen of him so far. With that said, that... is not a great way to survive, considering the target being painted in broader strokes on your back each passing minute...
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Jeez, maybe he really does see the rest of them as chess pieces... and Shuichi as a knight that can move in abstract, highly unpredictable ways. 8/ Either that or he’s thinking he can keep tightlipped on the motive since Gonta no longer knows it?
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Looks directly at Shuichi - winks - blows kiss - “Hey you know what would be a great first date idea? Setting up a tragic murder via patsy that will rock your worldview, potentially break you apart from one of your only friends in this wretched place and ultimately send everyone spiralling into despair.”
“W-Where did you learn how to pick up people?”
“Oh, some book I found in the library called ‘Enoshima’s Guide to Love for the Hopelessly Loveless’, why?”
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Sadly, Kaito is all bluster at this point... oTL
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I have a feeling this is going to end up looking a lot like my reasoning...
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He goes down the list so clinically. It’s one thing for me, an outsider, to be able to do that (and just barely, because I was SAD about the conclusion I came to, damn it), but for someone in the game to be able to do it... yikes....
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“There is no amount of incest roleplay fantasy dreams that’ll make up for the shitshow that is today.”
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“He’s making me be the one to say it, isn’t he. Sonuvabitch.”
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well fuck you too
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He’s straight-up challenging Shuichi to be the one to pull the trigger (absolutely pun intended).
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“If I just choose myself THIS HELL WILL BE OVER.”
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“Bro I will fucking deck you.”
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What if I just
the game off
right now
just let this game board sit open, here, for all of eternity
that would be okay right
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