#sharks set me off ig
theharrowing · 1 year
For the ask game: 7 & 10 if they’re not already done
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ily 🖤
YOU ARE THE BEST, MY B!!!!!!!!!!!! 😍🥰
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
SHARKS!!!!! 🦈🦈🦈 I FUCKING LOVE THE SHARKSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the penguins and the otters (when you can actually see them 😤) and IN CHICAGO THEY HAVE BALUGA WHALES AHHHH I LOVE THEM SO MUCHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bro i fucking love the aquarium. ALSO THE ONE HERE IN [redacted city] HAS THIS OUTDOOR AREA WHERE YOU GO FEED SWEET WATER TO THESE CUTE TROPICAL BIRDS. i fucking love birds. AAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whewwww haha 😅😅😅 i get very excited about animals ok.
10. on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice?
UHHHHHHHHHH???? NO????? WHAT???????? IS THIS A THING????????????? i've been on so so so so so many flights and they NEVER HAVE OFFERED ME JUICE??????????? i usually get coffee and a little guy of whiskey and i mix the two and then i have to shit over utah or somewhere like that. 🤪
i would get apple tho. i don't like orange juice from concentrate, i like that thick nasty pulpy stuff that gets stuck in your tooth gaps. but even shitty apple juice hits the spot, you know???
send me some asks! 💝
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koqabear · 10 months
HELLOOOO i am back with my (hopefully) long awaited analysis/review!! i don't know what switch flipped in my brain last night but i woke up this morning with such an intense Yearning to read killer instinct after years an entire week and so... i did! i almost want to scold myself for how long it took me to finally read because why on earth was i depriving myself of yet another masterpiece?? literally as i was reading this i thought about how this could be just like that wattpad one direction fanfic that got turned into a movie with how good this is like you don't even get it...
i just finished reading so my brain is kind of all over the place huhu i wrote in my notes again because there's so much i want to touch on but nothing that i wrote is really coherent but i'm going to try my very best to write everything in a way that makes Sense. i think i might just spend an entire hour and a half, or even more, (edit: it took me even more, and not because i was typing but i because i got distracted) just trying to get through everything i want to talk about though because holy shit... there's literally just so much; i think i went straight into my notes just during the first scene where beomgyu and taehyun are trash talking each other just before their first ever fight, and i just couldn't stop thinking about that initial teaser warning about a "healthy dose of homosexual tension" because literally, the first note i wrote down was GOD THIS PLACE REEKS!! (read in the voice of that blue shark from spongebob that's like 'oh brother, this guy stinks!') i love it ofmmgmgng the cockiness. The undertones of homosexuality. Chef's kiss; in response to:
“If anything, I should be the one worried for you,” Taehyun mutters, a fake look of sympathy crossing his face at the thought, his voice patronizing as he continues, “I wouldn’t wanna ruin your pretty face.”
And then the way it just Kept Going when taehyun shows up at beomgyu's mom's restaurant and they're literally bickering at the counter like they're about to start fighting in the middle of said restaurant... you're crazy but i'm crazier because i was absolutely living for every second of it!
okay, in an effort to make this all Make Sense i'm just going to start off by saying i think one of my favorite parts of my whole experience with reading killer instinct was that it was written as if you were to read the alt text to an entire kdrama... which, in hindsight, i guess is kind of what literature for considering some kdramas are based off webtoons or some movies are live adaptations of books? lol? i don't know how to better explain this idea because it already makes sense in my head but i guess i really like the way everything flows so naturally into different scenes regardless of whether there was a cut or not and how you vividly depict the settings of scenes in a realistic way that it feels like the words i'm reading are happening around me or they're something i can easily visualize as if the setting was actually in front of me in the form of a show or movie; and this is something i really enjoy seeing... reading? when i read because i think it's just so so important that, as a reader, i can picture exactly what and where something is going on because not only does it add to the experience of reading, but it also i guess shows (?) in a way, what the writer was imagining as they were reading and... that's important! i feel like a lot of people kind of don't really pay attention to or focus on adding the details to describe the setting or atmosphere of where their story is happening and it's kind of just left up to everyone else's personal interpretation and imagination through word choice, dialogue, and whatnot. okay, so ig little tldr; i really like colorful descriptions! i can immerse myself better that way!
anyways back to the kdrama thing, the general idea of the plot i was getting in the beginning (i was still in that crazy bamtori headspace so my take was still very much centered around him and his existence... sorry <3) was like... it's supposed to trick viewers into thinking they know the obvious which is that the story is centered around beomgyu who's the average mischievous male "lead" — except he's not actually the male lead and they just want you to think he is — who is constantly getting himself into trouble and worrying his best friend, who just so happens to work at his mom's restaurant, sick because she has to go drag him out almost every time and then boom! here comes taehyun, and everything you thought you knew about what you were watching is chucked straight out the window because surprise! the male lead is actually the second one who you just met and not the first one you were suspecting the entire time.
also, kind of in addition to that, i kept getting like... mad at beomgyu lmfao? like mc was taking the words right out of my mouth!
“I asked for your help— three hours ago. Yet you still chose to be a brat and go back upstairs the moment your mother pitied you. You—“ cutting yourself off, you sigh, shaking your head before you’re picking the wet towel back off, turning your back to him, “I hope you realize how much she spoils you.” 
possibly the realest thing mc could have ever said i was getting Real Life Angry because most of the time momma's boy boys (? words) are can be so evil like they'll KNOW they're in the wrong too for taking advantage of their mom's kindness like that too and as i kept reading i would just get more and more angry at the shit beomgyu would say like the whole:
“You know, for a mere worker, you sure are involved in our personal lives.” Beomgyu’s words are hissed out and sting like acid as your eyes widen, gritting your teeth together as you watch Beomgyu sit back in realization— as though he didn’t know what he said until now. 
SOLFHJUSHGJIDURGH... i don't even think you understand how bad this triggered me, like i swear to god when i tell you i have never wanted to jump through a screen and hit a man so badly in my entire life... i genuinely wanted a go at him. you made it so hard to like him at all and be the crazy bamtori i am (this had to be on purposefudhughdrg) i genuinely hated him and before i started reading, i saw another anon send an ask about focusing on his character so i was like omg~ but noo. i literally wrote a note under this part saying, 'this man needs to die and go to hell. Mere worker.... MC IS HELPING YOUR MOM AND YOU LIVE. SHE GOES TO YOUR STUPID UNDERGROHND ILLEGAL FIGHT CLUBS BC SHES STILL WORRIED ABOUT YOUR WELLBEING AND YOUUU.... The belittling is fucking crazy im gonna die of cardiac explosion like a sim if he keeps this shit up' so for the entire first third of the story i was like JIN LET ME AT HIM!!!! also side note, it's kind of funny (as in coincidental) too because the other day i saw these tweets where it was basically like 'i think fathers lose their mind a little bit when they realize their daughters aren't as forgiving as their wives' and one of the responses to that tweet was 'husbands lose their minds a little when they realize their wives aren't as forgiving as their mothers'. now.. beomgyu is neither a father or husband in killer instinct, but he IS (or at least i thought he was at first!) a little bitch, so the way that both statements basically touch on how as men realize there's less and less bullshit they can get away with as there's more women surrounding them, i thought it was crazy to actually... be able to see that dynamic between beomgyu's extremely forgiving mother and mc who acts as this "uptight" older sister (and taehyun's instigating after made me absolutely livid i wanted to bite his head off) who always has to get him out of trouble just made me think of that and i was like damn! in essence, i was once again reminded that i hate men and the patriarchy, BUT as i kept reading i realized there were actually a lot more layers (what did i expect really... like of course there was, it's not a koqabear fic if there isn't insane characterization!) slowly unraveling as we get to the part where more about mc gets revealed and by the time jay was introduced, i had to stop reading just to write down everything i wanted to tell you that i noticed and liked because... seriously just by adding half of the industry into this story allowed it to be so much more jam packed with characterization and layers; i think you did a really good job writing their personalities and back stories and then when applicable, incorporating both of those into their fighting styles with characters like beomgyu and jay for example.
The things he could do with the prize money were endless— he already had a few ideas in mind, thinking back to his hardworking mother and how much she struggled to raise him on her own while still managing her restaurant. Then he thought about you, of the hard times he gave you, knowing how much you feared him going through the same things you did, of turning to a life dependent on fighting and gambling.
i wanted to jump off a building. So bad. and like i said, by the time jay got introduced i had gotten a pretty good gist of everything and i just want to say i love love love how everyone is characterized so differently and how you made it a point to acknowledge so many things when it came down to writing their fighting style and why they do it. i'm genuinely amazed at how detailed and intricate the world building for this fic is. it's absolutely insane. even though there's cliches like the spoiled rotten momma's boy who's an absolute menace to society and says or does things that make you want to slap him silly and tell him, just like many characters in the story had, to just use his brain for once and think. and then the weak kid who's filled with so much rage and a burning desire to protect himself with, what started as self defense, but allows/gets manipulated into having it become an unhealthy way of coping with his trauma and the only way he knows how to express his anger as he becomes the very same bloodthirsty monster he used to fear all those years ago the moment he steps into the cage... it's actually brilliant idk! i think there's just a whole, completely different and deeper sentiment you can get by simply reading it instead of watching it. being able to have this sort of epiphany, whether it was something you intended on incorporating or my overanalyzing, i think my general point still stands that it takes an amazing and extremely talented writer to take something that's generally viewed as a cliche or an overdone trope to the point that it's boring and express it in a way that feels new and even refreshing to read and realize.
like i mentioned before, i think it's just as important that there's characters like mc who feel like they're entitled to stop someone from going down the same path they did and feel responsible when they still do even though in actuality it's not their fault or doing at all, as well as beomgyu's mom like. ugh. i love how despite knowing mc's (and yoongi's!) history with those clubs, given they met there, his mom never once blamed or accused her for beomgyu's constant returns to those clubs or even implied that she was a bad influence on him. even when she gets the phone call that her son's in icu with an infection from getting stabbed at one of those clubs, instead of scolding mc or berating yoongi, two champions of the very illegal underground fight club she had to take beomgyu out of as an adolescent and now see him lay in a hospital bed in critical condition because of his involvement there again... she was happy and relieved to see them and to the point she gave them big ol' bear hugs like T_T i just love the little side found family you incorporated because being able to read the scene which is, essentially, what leads mc to be taken under beomgyu's mom's wing and out of that bad place with something as simple as "and you? will you be alright here?" followed by “if you’re ever hungry, you can always stop by. On the house,” then realize that that very same kindness without judgement she was shown is something she still remembers and cherishes is so beautiful and heartwarming idk like i can't even be ashamed if this is just me overanalyzing and being corny because i ate that shit up! licked the plate clean! not an ounce of anger or judgement in that fictional woman's body... having his mom, be a mom was just kind of the icing on the cake because there was still a character like her who existed in the world you created despite all the chaos within it. also joy too omg even though her time was fairly short, it was still nice to have that just-happy-to-be-here and carefree bubbly personality thrown into the mix of what is already a serious matter like illegal underground fighting, gambling, the welfare of character's like beomgyu; his mom; and mc herself because... like you wrote, mc's only there and out of where she came from because of beomgyu's mom and with him in icu racking up hospital bills from being in critical condition and getting treatment for it, his mom would be subjected to pay for all of that and it doesn't just affect her, but it affects mc too. just knowing that there was so much on the line for them, how mc blames herself for not doing better to save him and the years she's been trying to steer him out of that direction; there was just a sense of realism i experience reading and it was to the point that as i was taking these notes of what to say, i realized that in a way joy's character could even be angering to some...? because there's just so many things at stake and despite the rigorous physically taxing training to make ends meet by putting Everything on the line into this one, extremely dangerous glimmer of hope, there's still someone like joy who can lessen the blow just by existing and being there. This was not at all supposed to be this long but fuck it we ball!
all seriousness aside, because holy shit why did i start making comparisons to the real world when i was just talking about characters and personalities, there were so many times i laughed while reading this because even though. the story's not at all meant to be comical it is like in the very beginning i had to take a step back because no way my babygirls taehyun, beomgyu, jin, TAEYONG, and jeno are all here? also the whole thing where jungkook and mc very Clearly have something going and putting it in a TAEHYUN fic is so sick and twisted!! you know he taehyun looks up to him jungkook! 😭😭😭 the part where they're kind of having a little rival moment had me giggling because like beomgyu, i also wanted taehyun's head on a saucer in the beginning because aside from instigating and being a bitch with an attitude (telling mc to keep her nose out of beomgyu's business) after just having taken a jab at beomgyu by checking him when he said that him and mc are like family i was just. LIKE THAT'S CRAZY!?#@?! the little warning about him being a bitch was so necessary because i got whiplash reading how he'd interact with beomgyu and mc. just a very insane man, but he was still my silly little sharkcat (this is also a crazy thing to say sorry); despite them all being connected to very much Illegal and Shady things you kind of perfectly portrayed what being a "newbie" really is because there's seasoned veterans like mc and yoongi, aaand then there's taegyu. the part where he can't stop looking at where the gun is concealed took me out so bad like this poor boy 😭 he just wanted to fight and win some money fair and square then next thing he knows he's being sent on a mission to get that money back because his sparring partner got set up and, on top of that, stabbed??? HIS ASS DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THAT? also the way this next part flows so naturally had me laughing a little like. I feel like zendaya with tom holland right now but hear me out you were funny on Accident while writing this?
“You know I have a club to run, right?” it’s clear you’ve given up as you mutter a yeah yeah, softly, pouting like a child to the older man, “I can’t have this place running while you’re training that poor kid to death.”
“My regimen has results.” you say defensively, glaring at Seokjin, who simply puts up his hands in defeat, unphased by your attitude as he glances back at Taehyun.
“He looks like he’s about to pass out.” 
the pacing was perfect? so was the forced proximity. LET ME GET ON WITH THIS. okay, so back to the kdrama point i made earlier. that still stands! the late night deep conversations and life stories shared at a convenience store over a bottle of soju and cheap instant ramen despite the whole world wanting to fall apart right under your feet and the sky is willing itself not to come crashing down on you... that's something i love to see! honestly, i think by the time taehyun and mc started making progress...? in their relationship there was already so much i had to process, it was too much for my brain to handle and thoroughly analyze to comment on, so i just kind of blacked out and regained consciousness when there was that kiss of adrenaline from winning and taehyun not being given the chance to process any of it. Also making out in front of a hospital is crazy? in a good way though! still definitely not as crazy as like. literally everything else going on but aside from that i think the laaasst compliment i have is that. you're getting way too good at writing that little turning point where the tension between mc and the member just kind of Explodes everywhere. it was like gyu from camera shy possessed taehyun through the keyboard like. Sorry but the parallel between “How are you gonna make it up to me now?” and “I won just for you... Don't you think I deserve a reward for working so hard?” is crazy i'm sick to my tummysgjdjgdh. I need to be held after reading this – ml
HI!! When i tell you your review absolutely FLOORED me, you were so detailed and went above and beyond with your thoughts/analysis, i feel so appreciated right now i could cry :((( you’re fueling my ego right now, this is a bit dangerous…
as always, i go into detail under the cut ! if it all sounds insane i apologize bc i did indeed go insane a little! 
-[Taegyu and the intense… tension]
ACKSNDKS NO BE HEAR ME OUT. killer instinct was three seconds away from looking like a taegyu fic from how much tension i kept adding 😭😭 when i took a step back from the scene i remembered thinking “holy shit the mc hasn’t even showed up yet” like,,, i had to fight for my life to make her character relevant once she showed up??? this could’ve ended up as a serious bromance if i hadn’t been more careful 😭
-[descriptions and storytelling hehe]
thank you sm for picking up on this omg <///3 i think this story is one where i was really inclined to make everything really detailed? i feel like in a setting and world that intense, the environment is rlly important to include bc it adds to the storytelling!! especially in the opening scene, something must’ve possessed me bc i was just super determined to set the mood properly dksbdkd 
i really appreciate you pointing that out !!
-[i almost made gyu a love interest… (hides in shame)]
omg lemme just say, throughout the beginning of the fic i almost considered adding a sprinkle of unrequited feelings from Beomgyu for the mc, but i decided against it bc the idea of a “love triangle” in a story like this was straight up unnecessary; im so glad i did tho, because it allowed me to focus on a different dynamic i’ll get into in a bit! 
-[turning ml agianst beomgyu ?! / abt gyu, the menace to society.]
HAHAHA UR SO REAL FOR THIS 😭 when i was thinking of how i would write the mc, i knew i had to give her a reason as to why she was such a “bitch” to beomgyu— and lemme tell you, i absolutely despise a mommas boy, specifically one like beomgyu. he’s very childish and spoiled (on the surface, at least) especially bc his mother treated him like royalty growing up. she only gave him the best and always coddled him bc she was all he had and she wanted to give him the best life she could. so as a result, she raised a very rotten kid 😭 naturally, when the mc appeared and began acting as the strong and cold authority figure beomgyu never had, he didn’t really know how to react; which leads to him saying shit he has no business saying and acting like a damn fool. he’s learning, though! 
-[A small look into the mc’s past and how it affected her relationships with others.]
“…fathers lose their mind a little bit when they realize their daughters aren't as forgiving…”
“…husbands lose their minds a little when they realize their wives aren't as forgiving…”
the way that both of those quotes had me in pieces. i think a big reason as to why i like the mc is bc of the relationships she’s made with the choi family and also bc of how she carries herself despite dealing with a lot of trauma. she’s a very strong and independent woman who refuses to take shit from anyone, especially men; i only briefly touch on her backstory bc i didn’t want to write anything triggering that didn’t really need to be written full-depth, but the mc doesn’t come from a loving family— at all. it’s the thing that led her to a life of crime in the first place, which is exactly why he became so protective of beomgyu; he has the one thing she’s only ever wanted, and that’s a loving parent that would go to the deepest pits of hell to rescue him. to me, adding the choi family was like granting the mc rest— which is why she was able to fit herself into their life so easily, and why she makes herself into a sister-figure that keeps beomgyu in line; just so she can prevent him from becoming another ruthless monster in the world. 
-[me going insane over characterization]
again, thank you for pointing that out eee!!! one thing i always enjoy the most about writing is characterization! i genuinely find it fascinating to see how writers bring a character to life, so i find it very important to try and make my own characters interesting and layered 😭 i think my favorite part about having so many characters in killer instinct was the fact that i could add a deeper sense of life through the way they interacted with each other and the relationships they made! who they knew, whether they liked them, the way they acted and talked around/to them, it all aids in characterization !  it’s genuinely one of my favorite things about writing, so you bringing it up means a lot to me <3
-[wow, gyu’s all grown up.]
i think that by the time beomgyu decided to join in the fightx tournament, he really matured as both a son and a friend/family to the mc. sure, he had always used his reward money to help pay the expenses of the restaurant and rent, but it was only because it felt more like an obligation as a son to him— but as he grew older and became more involved in the underground fighting scene, he began to realize just how important his family was to him, even if it was too late to outwardly express it with confidence— even more so when the restaurant began struggling a bit and the mc had to overwork herself as a result. and yeah, he may have gotten a bit blinded and carried away by the prize money from fightx, but he only wanted to give back to the two people that raised him and never gave up on him, even when he grew to be a little bitch !
-[me rambling about fighting styles 😔]
not to keep geeking out abt my characters but i had soooo much fun writing everyone’s fighting styles— it really let their personalities shine through and it made me think about what each character was like on a deeper level. i think joy is one of my favorite (and more obvious) examples, but ya, choosing to do an mma au instead of simply boxing was the greatest decision ever :))
-[my thoughts on movie adaptations lol]
thank you so much, seriously omg :(((( i’m so glad that you think i gave these cliches justice haha, i honestly wondered if jays character was a bit… much..? but i do agree with the whole deeper sentiment through reading thing, because there’s just some things that can only be conveyed through words; i feel like that’s why i’ve found some movie adaptations a bit empty or lacking— because at the end of the day, i feel like even the smallest details and choice words really help elevate a character’s thoughts and emotions, but not everything can be expressed in a movie. 
-[Ms. Choi is literally an angel idc] 
Ms choi is both the sweetest and most emphatic character in that story <3 she’s an absolute sweetheart who, despite everything she’s gone through, has learned to always look on the bright side and not let the negativity get to her— after all, it wouldn’t be very good for beomgyu to grow up with a vindictive and resentful mother, right? in the end, everything about Ms Choi goes back to her son; which is why, during the scene where the mc and gyu first meet, Ms Choi is able to get a good grasp of the mc’s character— even more so when she opens herself up to visiting her restaurant to even working at it. 
all that time of trust and growth only proved to Ms. Choi what she already knew of her (and yoongi, merely bc of the amount of time he spent glued to mc’s side while she worked) and that was the fact that deep inside, all she really longed for was the security and comfort of a good life, surrounded by loving people. and who was she to deny that from her ? <3
-[My weakness, the found family trope.]
if i had allowed myself to, i would’ve indulged in the whole found family aspect of this fic a lottt more. it’s genuinely one of my favorite tropes simply bc it destroys me every time, so the fact that you’re bringing it up is rlly satisfying to me :)) 
-[my thoughts about joy’s character]
i think joys character was also really refreshing to write; someone who, just like Ms. Choi, chose to cope with her situation and hardships by trying to remain positive and bubbly, even if the situation didn’t really call for it. and though her attitude may have made her seem insincere or insensitive, it’s just her trying to keep everyone on a lighter mood instead of letting them get too into their heads— and yeah, she’s definitely had times where people get angry and up in her face bc she seems to take everything as a joke, but that doesn’t stop her from caring in her own, unique way. 
-[thoughts on choosing idols + tyun, an absolute psycho.] 
NO BC IT WAS WAYYY TOO FUN PICKING THE IDOLS THAT WOULD FIT THE CHARACTERS 😭😭😭 like i know for a fact taeyong would be the last person in the universe to step into a shady and brutish place like that, but man does he have to appearance for it ! (along with jeno hehe) 
as for the jk thing….. no comment! ^v^
but seriously, taehyun was a little batshit insane in killer instinct 😭😭 a true instigator and fiend at heart, he barely has the power to control his mouth before he’s spitting out stuff that’ll get him in serious trouble. which,, has happened before, so let’s just say he also got into fighting as a defense mechanism! 🤗 (that is a joke. kinda.)
-[tyun, who did not sign up for any of this!!]
no bc i literally had so much fun when it was revealed that the mc was also a fighter 😭 it added another layer of superiority bc she now was both older and more experienced than tyun— so let’s just say the poor dude practically fell to his knees at the memory of him telling the mc she doesn’t know shit about the underground fighting scene skdbdkd 
but the tyun fr just wanted to cope in his own way, what the hell do you mean he’s going up against a tyrant's prodigy??? what the fuck!!
i also enjoyed myself a bit too much when the mc interacted with jin or yoongi, simply bc she could allow herself to let loose around them haha 
-[killer instinct and its lack of romance 😔]
i’m such a sucker for those types of typical scenes lmaooo like… can you tell i’m an avid kdrama watcher?? oooouuuh it’s showing isn’t it. 
but i seriously feel a bit bad for those who expected this story to have more romance 😭 i did think about adding more honestly, but that would’ve made the story longer simply because their development had to be slowww if i was going to be detailed. there’s so many scenes i mentally cut out simply bc i was like “ok i fr should get on with this.” 
one of them being a scene where they visit gyu and the mc gets to see the friendship between the two better— it allows her to see him in a new light and blah blah blah u get the gist huh 
-[my secret thoughts about the smut ahhhh]
making out in front of a hospital is indeed insane and if the parking lot hadn’t been empty the two most definitely wouldn’t have had any peace!! like, hello?? ppl are dying over here!
i honestly did get reminded of camera shy gyu when i wrote that line 🫣 also a little confession, i was not satisfied with the smut like. at all 😭😭😭😭 i felt as though there was so much more room to play around with their dynamic but i just didn’t?? and i blame it on the fact that i was telling myself not to get carried away for the sake of how long it already was 😭 
i actually wrote love fool bc i had finished killer instinct and was in a mood to write a more detailed smut out of pure spite 😭 love fool was neverrr supposed to see the light but i was so frustrated with myself that i decided well, fuck it!
-[ml you are everything to me, thank you </3]
ml (who, as i currently type this, is no longer ml, i guess?) i seriously can’t begin to tell you how thankful i am for this— like, i’ve never felt more grateful for the fact that you took the time to write such a detailed, long review??? you are straight out of a writer’s greatest dream, i will never stop loving the fact that you went into so much detail with this— when i first received your inbox, i started scrolling… then kept scrolling… then kept scrolling…. and when i tell you my eyes widened so bad and my jaw dropped, i had never been so happy while reading a review <3
writing is made even more enjoyable to me because of people like you, who give me the opportunity to share my thought process and talk about universes and stories i absolutely adore <3 you are seriously the best thing that’s ever happened to me on this blog, and i sincerely hope that other writers are able to experience this joy for themselves as well haha 
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skylaryozora · 2 years
Random thoughts: Winx Club S1
I was posting some more thoughts on IG but decided to share them here as well before I start commenting on S2.
Dragons at Red Fountain are apparently trained to obey the commands through hand movements (like dolphins!) which is a cool concept.
When Riven jumps off Cloud Tower, in the series it's Sky who gets the hunch, while in the comics it's Musa. So apparently Sky and Riven have this twin flame/opposites attract connection, and at the same time there is an undertone of Musa and Riven being subconsciously connected/predestined for each other... or something.
Sorry but I find Bloom boring AF and oversensitive, Stella carries the entire show and has better lines (thus she has gone up my fav character list).
The scene where Riven faces his own demons truly deserves to be more elaborate and longer (the soundtrack is nice, an alternative one could be something like "The Sound of Silence").
Darcy might have become my favorite Trix, but something is confusing for me: first she appears to show true interest in Riven, but then their relationship fades aways and is limited to gathering info about Bloom. I feel that if they were truly together, there should have been some more interaction between these two in general, and especially when the Trix took over the Tower.
Bloom basically ruined the entire exhibition at Red Fountain because she jumped to a conclusion which escalated greatly, and didn't get punished for that??? Another minor thing is that perhaps the guys should have been punished as well for setting their dragons against each other during the event - I mean, at least it would make sense from a teacher's POV.
Riven is compared to Prince of Darkness energy-wise, and apparently that's one of Darkar's nicknames... So basically, you tell me that Riven possesses the similar amount of energy which could make him a villain, a wizard, a fairy or whatever else, and they did NOTHING about it later on??? How come such a thing became a mere throwaway line?! OUTRAGEOUS.
The clean up song is cringe AF - imagine that instead of it we got a song straight from a musical, like "Work This Out" from HSM2 or something like "Car Wash" by C. Aguilera and M. Elliott from "Shark Tale".
Daphne saves Bloom from Domino being destroyed and sends her to a safe place... which is some random burning house in Gardenia...? That's where Mike finds baby Bloom, and I know that she was protected and flames didn't even touch her, but SERIOUSLY? Did Daphne actually choose the place or she just threw Bloom into a portal and assumed that anywhere else is better than Domino at that moment and her little sister's gonna land in a perfectly safe spot where someone's going to pick her up and adopt? Too many questions.
Flora's plants do invade private spaces of other girls, and we also see it in the case of Terra in Fate, however I think there's one small difference: iirc Flora apologizes for it and is aware that plants went out of control at one point, while Terra puts flowers wherever she wants because apparently empty spaces make her uncomfortable or something (that's what she did to Stella's room) which is something that really bugs me.
That's all for now, moving on to S2 now, stay tuned!
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give me that lore
I have no clue how far you are in the game lol, so spoilers maybe? Warning u…
Elias takes Logan and Hesh camping a lot as they’re kids, and actively trains them with survivalist and combat skills. Despite Hesh comparing it to Hell Week (Or hell month or year.) he adds that he very much enjoys it. Both him and Logan take a lot of joy in the “camping” trips. Also, heartwarming fact, it’s very clearly stated that Elias would stop the trip in its entirety (take them home, get them as much fast food as they want, movies, etc.) as soon as Hesh or Logan says so. (But they never do, because again: they love the trips.)
Rorke actually knows about Logan and Hesh when they’re kids. Before the events of the game take place. In Micheal Rudins “Devils Breath” (Takes place during his time in the pit.) he says that he hopes Elias got them a dog, for their safety. Specifically, a German shepherd. That also means it’s very likely the reason Hesh and Logan are MWD certified and have Riley is because of Rorke.
Operation sand viper takes place in 2005, making Keegan around 16 at the time. (17 is the lowest enlistment age possible.) we can also assume Ajax was around this age, given that he and Keegan are battle buddies. They would have gone through Basic Training together. (Also I have a HC because of this. Not apart of the real games lore but it’s my belief that the Tier One operators thing was bullshit and the military fucked up then covered it up. When recounting the story to his kids, Elias fudges the details so they won’t look too close into it and get in trouble. Also because he could get in trouble, leaking a conspiracy like that. Again, not cannon.)
You can actually see Rorke and Elias in the very first cutscene. The one where Elias is narrating the tale of OP:SV to Hesh and Logan. Elias is next to Rorke, wearing a helmet. (He also wears a helmet in “Legends Never Die.” Safety first ig.)
Logan and Hesh are only 16 and 17-18 at the time of the ODIN strikes.
There are two Ghost operators you never meet in game, but who canonically exist. Grim and Torch are two captured operators that Rorke interrogates and kills before Ajax. They’re mentioned in the “Rorke Files” which are in game collectibles. (Where I get a lot of my lore fyi.)
Logan and Hesh’s mother is deceased by the time the game rolls around. The earliest we can determine is sometime before 2017, given that during “Ghost stories” Elias speaks of her in the past tense.
Rorke actually cared a lot about the Ghosts. For most of the time in the pit, he’s focused on trying not to let any info slip, trying to protect them. He also remains confidant that Elias and Co are looking for him. (He is unaware he was marked KIA though the Ghosts remained in Caracas after the incident to search for him.)
Rorke is drugged with scopolamine while he’s in the pit. Aka, Devils Breath. It’s a flower! When the seeds are ground up and refined, you get a nice white powder that has the awesome (terrifying) effect of turning whoever is afflicted into a puppet. They listen to anything they are told to do, and once the effect wears off, they remember none of it. Perfect tool for future fics >;)
Logan is apparently just Like That and always has been. (Following Hesh 24/7.) Elias actually encourages it, which I think to be a bit of a fuck up on his part.
In Sin City, when being chased through the Luxor, you pass through the room Rorke interrogated the Walkers in. It’s identifiable by the way the building faces, the large blood smeer on the floor, and the LV bag to the left of the window. (No joke, that’s how I ID’d it.)
The sharks Keegan and Logan see in “Into the Deep” are bulls sharks. They are notoriously aggressive.
There is an post credits scene where it’s Logan’s POV in the pit. Time seems distorted for him, as you see the Sun set and rise a few times. (It’s sped up.)
On the beach, after the train crash, you can just sit there staring forward indefinitely. The cutscene is only triggered when you look to the right.
These are more random fun facts that lore lmao.
Given that Elias says 15 operators survived OP:SV, and that there are only a max of 9 in the game, we have yet to meet 6 Ghosts. (Or even more! They may have recruited some peeps between SV and now.)
Yeah im probably gonna come back in the morning and make another post to clarify add and source my snazz lol.
Also definitely 100% real lore (lying) Keegan and Logan are boyfriends
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rangerdrabbles · 1 year
Another AU Virgie meets the Psychos snippet. Ft. AJ, Virgie, and Psychos Blue and Black. Credit for the latter two as portrayed as well as the StarWars elements go to my friend power_rangers_psycho_zeo on IG.
Occasionally, one of them would get the urge to go hunt rangers again. They were free to live their own lives and had an entirely new set of powers to tap into-the rangers were even less of a challenge than they were before.
In spite of that, someone got the urge anyway. It was always Axe or Virgil, and in the end it was always left to Photon to fetch one of them.
Today Axe had stumbled upon an aqua blue ranger in some sort of shark themed suit. He’d started it, of course-he was simply bored and itching for a good fight. At least he’d gotten rid of his homicidal tendencies-mostly.
The little shark ranger was giving him a fair bit of resistance, however. Her fighting skills, while nowhere near his, were more than adequate, and each time he tried to land a heavy hit, it was either blocked or softened by some sort of ghostly shark that summoned itself out of her body.
At any rate, the fight was enough of a challenge for him to transform into his Zeo form. That power shift was enough to allow him to send the girl flying into a wall without the ghostly shark’s interference. “Is that all?” Axe asked. “I’m disappointed.”
His opponent looked up, and managed an “Ow” before trying-and failing-to get to her feet. “I’d like to think I did pretty good, thank you very much.”
All Axe got out was a snort of derision before something flew at him from the side. This time, he was the one who was sent flying into a wall, and a red and black blur assailed him with a combination of punches and red lightning. 
His new assailant wore the same uniform as Virgil’s base form, but something was off. The energy was different, and whoever this was an entire head shorter than Virgil.
The odd thing was that Axe wasn’t able to throw the person off. He had the strength and power advantage, but he couldn’t shake them. All he could really do was block whatever he could and try not to actually scream at the pain he was feeling.
Behind them, he thought he could hear the voice of his prior opponent. “Virgie! Virgie, it’s okay! I’m mostly fine! Don’t kill him-ow!”
Virgie, however, had other ideas, and finally spoke long enough to say, “You made a big mistake today. That happens to be my best friend back there. Since you hurt her, I’ll hurt you.”
This time Axe did scream, though he was still wondering how. This Virgie didn’t even have the power to overwhem him, so how in the world was she-
His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Photon in his Psycho Gold form. Photon flicked his gaze around, and immediately began striding in the direction of his brother. 
“Don’t be too hard on Virgie!” the other girl called. “She was just... protecting me. That’s all.”
Photon paid little mind to this-he was actually more interested in what Photon’s assailant had managed. He grabbed Virgie by the scruff of her collar, mid-lightning strike, and carried her several feet away before turning her to face him. “Force lightning,” he said simply. “How’d you manage force lightning?” He’d done it, but as far as he knew, he was the only one in this universe that could.”
“Is anyone going to ask me how I’m doing?” Axe grumbled as he sat up slowly, groaning.
The other girl had managed to limp to her feet by then, and shuffled slowly over to where Axe was sitting. She plopped down next to him and said, “I’d help you up, but I can’t stand very long. Are you okay? I haven’t seen Virgie that mad in a long time.”
Axe snorted and stared at her for a moment. “Are you for real? I just tried to kill you.”
The girl, who introduced herself as AJ, shook her head. “Nah, I didn’t sense any actual malice in you. You’ve got a lot of power in you. I think maybe you just wanted a challenge, right?” When Axe nodded, she went on. “I’m pretty good, but if you want a real challenge, you might need to find someone stronger than me.
Axe just stared at her while she talked, trying to process both the fact that a ranger was talking to him like they were friends and the fact that he’d just gotten his rear end handed to him by someone who logically shouldn’t have been able to.
Meanwhile, Virgie stared back at Photon. “Is that what you call it? No one taught me-it’s just something I’ve been able to do for a while, even if I’m out of my psycho uniform.
“That still doesn’t answer the question of how,” Photon replied as he dropped Virgie in front of him. “You don’t just all of a sudden do that.”
Virgie thought for a moment, then said, “I guess it’s because I learned to control my emotions-for the most part. I still have my moments. But I learned that if you don’t control your emotions, they’ll control you, and so will everyone else.” She flicked her gaze to Axe briefly and then back to Photon. “I was angry, but I didn’t want to kill him. I don’t like to kill any more if I can help it-though I would if I had to, I guess.” She shrugged. “Besides, AJ wouldn’t have wanted me to.”
“How are you friends with a ranger anyway?” Photon flicked his gaze to AJ, who was currently still talking to Axe. Axe was still looking at her in some degree of disbelief, but seemed to be relaxing a bit.
“She hasn’t been one very long.” Virgie replied. “It’s...something that was passed on to her, so to speak. “Anyway, she and her older brother helped me out when I was vulnerable and needed help-even knowing what I was. Most rangers aren’t that way. It’s funny, because rangers don’t want you to do bad things, but when you try not to do the bad things any more, they still think you are. Anyway, AJ and her brother aren’t like that. AJ’s a decent fighter, but she still has a lot to learn. She can be a bit childish sometimes,but has a good heart. That’s why I’m protective of her.”
“Well she does seem like the exception to the rule,” Photon remarked idly. “Seems like she’s talking to Axe like he’s a human being.”
“Isn’t he, though?” Virgie asked. Then she added, “I’m glad you have names. We’re more than just tools.
0 notes
sadmages · 3 years
I had a Mechs dream that started off with me going on an adventure with a few members of the band (Johnny, Nastya, Raph, and I think Ivy?) and some other ppl, and somehow i got immortality so ig i was part of the band? but then we were playing DnD when there was this raging fire, so we all started running from it (like the whole neighborhood too), but Nastya fell and died so i tried waiting for her to respawn. I had to leave so I wouldn't die (I was skeptical on the immortality) but I found her and the others later so it was all good. We stopped at this beautiful river that was infested with sharks and then i woke up. I like to think Ashes and Tim worked together to set loose a fire breathing dragon on us and that's why they were gone.
Obsessed with calling the mechs coming back from the death "respawning"
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airanahhbvhh · 3 years
An old google doc of my first impressions of animorphs books 1-27 :)
Rating all the Animorphs books (because i am secretly the biggest loser on the planet) *
1 - 7/10 - good start, I don't remember this one honestly
2 - 5/10 - this is the one where Rachel sneaks into Chapman’s house as a cat and we get that cool Melissa Chapman moment
3 - 8/10 - Tobias grapples with losing his humanity and comes out the other end of it deciding that he is neither entirely bird or boy (made me lowkey ship tobias and rachel) good first kinda deep resonant theme in the story
4 - 6/10 - Don’t really remember this one that well but they find Ax who is super fucking rad
5 - 6/10 - Does the entire cast deal with nightmares? The Kids get dismembered and traumatized as ants in pursuit of getting a spaceship for Ax. They get captured until internal politicking between Visser 1 and 3 get them out of it. Marco discovers his mom’s Visser 1 which sets up his character development for later, which is cool
6 - 7/10 - This one’s more about Jake handling Tom’s yeerk stuff, he gets a yeerk stuck in his head which was pretty cool, really liked seeing the actual psychology of the yeerks and how the one in his head slowly lost hope (You also think wow Tom is probably really miserable in his current situation, really puts it into perspective)
7 - 5/10 - big worldbuilding stuff, but I wasn’t a huge fan of the book; the Elemist offers them the opportunity to escape to a new planet and shows them the future, Rachel’s divorced parents drama, boring
8 - 10/10 - On an Animorphs scale immaculate and perfect in every way. Due to Andalite law, Ax doesn’t share everything with the Animorphs and this causes CHARACTER CONFLICT, my favorite thing, there's also a confrontation where everyone’s like Ax you need to tell us more, you get scenes of Ax learning about the human world which I love and it’s just the best (also a cool meeting with other andalites and he tells them about Seerow’s Kindness) (There's also an emotional throughline where Ax struggles with his responsibilities to his species and coming to terms with the way his culture contributes/ed to suffering with their inaction) (so incredibly pog)
9 - 6.5/10 - Cassie kills a termite queen which gives her an identity crisis, and she and Jake talk about the circle of life and whether or not they should abide by it (For some reason I can’t remember the Cassie books that well)
10 - 9/10 - Holy shit the cover to this one is so fucking funny, And actually a really good story Erek had to kill people and live with the memory forever because he’s a robot (and Marco’s all like “I was already forgetting as I went to sleep”) (smh flexing his human short term memory) Really fucking good
11 - 3.5/10 - Garbage, my least favorite so far, this is the time traveling rain forest one (good things never happen when you invoke time travel), boring tbh {in hindsight it wasnt that bad}
12 - 4/10 - Pretty boring, Rachel just has to do stuff with that Justin Bieber guy while dealing with what's the equivalent of genetic hiccups (his name is Jeremy Jason McCole)
13 - 7/10 - Not bad at all, this is the one where they save a pair of Hork Bajir and the Elemist kinda fucks with Tobias (Tobias gets the chance to actually have a normal life and doesn’t take it) (I wonder what Marco would do?) (Also not surprising he didn’t, Tobias has a crappy homelife and for some reason is willing to sacrifice a lot)
14 - 4/10 - Now this is boring, the area 61 one, totally skippable
15 - 8/10 - Marco is really struggling with being afraid of being a shark, feels ashamed of being scared. The one with the mentally enhanced hammerheads (Really cool how he and Rachel had that moment together where she told him she saw a submarine so that he wouldn’t think his mom died) (Also why can’t people pity him?, i don’t understand) Overall pretty good (Also I think something might come up in regards to him being suceptible to his transformations, cause he seems like more so than the other animorphs)
16 - 9/10 - The first Jake book that I really liked, good character conflict between him and Cassie (she kinda a hypocrite doe for asking him to end Fenestre’s life) (Yo did Jake burn down his house?) (At what point are human lives worth less than making small amounts of progress in the war?) (they’re actually a pretty good couple) It is pretty intense to see him grapple with making the wrong choice as the leader :0
17 - 8/10 - Very insensitive to the mentally ill, like egregiously so (wtf rachel?) Rachel brushing up against always feeling like she has to be the tough one (Marco’s great for copping to the fact and proudly admitting that he’s afraid) The one with the addictive oatmeal in the Kandrona (ok kinda based lesson at the end about respecting the mentally ill and homeless but still kinda soured by the way they talk about the mentally ill) (Jake is also a hypocrite he’ll do the oatmeal things for other people but he won't do it to his brother)
18 - 9/10 - Once again incredibly pog, Ax is struggling with his identity as a friend of the humans and an Andalite. He trusts the Andalite group when he shouldn’t and his friends get mad at him for casting them out (btw this book starts with Ax raiding a Cinnabon which is just so charming) They go and do space war on the Leeran planet which sounds pretty (There is again a meetup where everyone gets mad at Ax for siding with the Andalites [ which I love btw]) More character development for Ax yay
19 - 10/10 - Best Cassie book. Holy shit, so great I loved her discussions with the yeerk and then it went in her head and all her friends mourned like holy shit this was so good. The conflict in the story was way more interesting than the Average animorph story too. (Cassie is like super wrong about whether or not she should leave the team, but like the story made me have an opinion, like what?) (Super nice part about the value of those who arent like mindlessly logical and the necessity of people who arent entirely utilitarian for creating a better world after the war is over) Like Cassie needs to continue to fight in order to maintain her morally righteous position) but there's something to be said about the loss of humanity and kindness that this war takes away from these actual children. I don’t fault Cassie at all for wanting to leave. Also the Yeerks have an ideology. Kinda? Also I love the Karen Yeerk, her redemption was actually really well paced and actually didn’t come out of nowhere (unlike other pieces of media). (Seriously amazing, this book made me like Cassie)
20-22 - 10/10 - rated individually I might give the first two books 8’s and the third a 10 but I'm doing them all together cause they're a three part series. David is such a prick oh my god. I think though the best part of the story was what happened with Rachel realizing what this war is doing to her mentally and not entirely being ok with it. And oh my god that ending, it feels like it shouldn't have to be that way (fucking hell David) but there really wasn't another way out of it, David's just too much of a liability. And Rachel STAYING AND WATCHING as his life is destroyed is honestly so dark. (Cassie has really strong emotional intelligence, I guess, to create that plan) The ending and Rachel's growth really make these books for me.
23 - 7/10 - pretty good. This is the one where Visser 3 tries to impersonate Aria and reveals Tobias’ dad to him. I guess that's why he felt connected to Elfangor. In this one Tobias is still struggling with the duality of being both human and hawk. He vows to kill and regret.
24 - 6/10 - The Helmacron one. Found it pretty boring but the Hemacrons kinda made up for it. Liked their unquenchable thirst for conquest and suicidal bravery (kinda aspirational how delusional they were) (Also kinda funny how Visser 3 was put off by being shrunk down)
25 - 7/10 -The Arctic Adventures one. Also the one where Marco gets a date. They were pretty miserable there with the constant old and endless running. They also had to eat a seal corpse. (Marco said something like he felt he deserved the scratches of the baby seals for eating their mom, really sad) Marco’s conclusion was kinda just put the traumatizing mission out of your head, and also Marian doesn’t want to date you anymore. Not the greatest book for Marco.
26 - 6/10 - The Howler-Iskoort one. Pretty good, I liked the Howlers collective consciousness and how they were all children who didn’t know about what they were doing to others. Jake has more trauma now yaaaay…. (Cassie and jake kiss in this one) (not sure how they transferred those memories but that's my fault ig)
27 - 7/10 - I am so incredibly concerned for Rachel. **
* (honestly maybe not that secretly)
**This is the one where the Drode sees Rachel’s penchant for violence and offers her the opportunity to betray Jake. She does not tell him about it. Almost attacked Cassie in squid form. Also still really reckless. Still loves fighting. Seriously, I'm concerned.
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starryseo · 5 years
date. | hwang hyunjin
Tumblr media
this gif?? is a godsend??
pairing ↠ hyunjin x gender neutral!reader
genre ↠ some poorly-written fluff? slight enemies to lovers?? detective au! 
wc ↠ 3234
summary ↠ friday evenings shouldn't be spent staring at case files. luckily, the universe has made plans for you.
warnings ↠ a biiit of swearing
a/n ↠ wow this is long overdue! hope you all enjoy reading this :') sorry in advance for the awkward spacing, i wrote this on a google doc first (and deleted it like a dumbass) so ig the copy+pasting got weird.
Normally, Friday evenings would be spent at home, under several warm blankets and dim lights, your only company being a tub of Cookies and Cream ice cream, enough sweets to make your teeth ache and Chris Evans (he may be in your TV screen, but, for now, that presence is more than enough). But, clearly, Captain Woojin Kim has it out for you since he’s kept your squad and several others back to fish through a ship load of paperwork. You’re certain he’s adding more manila folders to your toppling pile each time you blink, your hands ache as you swap between signing papers and typing up incident reports.
Glancing at the clock on the wall, you notice it’s only been half an hour of filing, the clock’s hands ticking just past 5 o’clock. You reach for the mug of coffee that your Captain had so graciously gifted you before dropping the paperwork bombshell. Groaning at the realisation that your mug is now empty, you drop your head on the table. This wasn’t supposed to be a normal Friday evening; sure, filling in reports were different plans to your usual Netflix and chill, but on this particularly fine Friday, you actually had plans. Real plans. You hadn’t been extremely thrilled earlier this week for the blind date your friend had set up for you today, but now? Anything would be better than listening to Jisung repeat every single thing he was writing and typing and thinking. No amount of coffee could ever give you enough energy to deal with him.
You let out another groan, stretching your arms above your head, before grabbing your coffee mug to get a refill. Suddenly, you become a coffee boy as Jisung, Seungmin, Hyunjin, Felix and Minho -- who wasn’t even part of your team -- thrust out their arms, each of them holding an empty mug begging to be filled once more. Rolling your eyes, you walked straight past all of them to focus on your own mug. You laughed when they muttered curses, most choosing to continue with their reports. You set up the coffee machine, listening to its dull droning tone until the door swings open behind you.
“Thank you so much for the refill, y/n,” Hyunjin drawled, sarcasm slipping easily between his words, as he stood beside you.
“Anytime, Hyunjin.” You were not in the mood for Hyunjin’s quips -- especially not because he looked perfectly energetic when you could barely keep your eyes open. You huffed when the machine stopped working, letting out a long groan. “Stupid machine!”
“Step aside, let the master work his magic,” Hyunjin boasted, bumping you aside with his hip as he stretched his arms out in front of him, lacing his fingers together to crack them. He whacked the side of the machine harshly, grinning when it sputtered back to life, “That’s magic, baby!” He turned to you with a smirk, raising his eyebrows.
“Wow, that was so impressive.” You deadpanned, nudging him back in a similar manner. You placed your mug under the dispenser, pressing the button to fill it up.
“Worked like a charm,” his smirk never left and he turned to face you, leaning against the counter.
“Oh, definitely, I’m swooning,” you rolled your eyes -- a common gesture whenever you spoke to Hyunjin -- before grabbing your mug and stepping away.
“I knew you’d fall for me eventually.” He stayed unmoving, brown eyes practically teasing a reaction out of you.
And that was exactly why you could never have a proper conversation with the man. You’ve had your fair share of cocky men -- interrogating overconfident pimps was never your favourite task -- but at least you got paid to deal with those rich guys. There wasn’t enough money in the world to incite you into a willing conversation with Hyunjin. To the others, he was an absolute angel, going out of his way to help them, always cracking jokes to lighten the mood; to you, he was the devil’s incarnate: constantly looking for new ways to annoy you, taunting you at every possible instance -- the only time he’d gone out of his way for you was when he nitpicked through 5 of your cases, correcting any spelling mistakes and gaps. Long story short, Hwang Hyunjin was annoying. Great at his job -- there was no doubt about that -- but infuriating nonetheless.
“Anyway,” you sighed out, “goodbye, Hyunjin!”
Just as your free hand grabbed hold of the door knob, he yelled, “Wait!” Another sigh left you as you dropped the handle to turn around, raising a brow at him. A smirk briefly fluttered across his face, not quick enough for you to miss and it left you mentally questioning why you were still listening to him. “I heard you had a date tonight.” He watched you carefully, eyes meticulously observing every slight movement you made; you bit your tongue, not wanting to play into his games. When you gave no visible response, he continued, “Is it true?” He tilted his head innocently, but he was far from it, and you knew that.
You were sure he knew the answer to his own question, so why bother asking? To annoy you, of course.
“You’re a detective, work it out.”
Shutting your last folder, you heaved out a long sigh, rubbing the fatigue from your eyes. You were finally done. If you left now, you’d make it back to your apartment with enough time to shower before you needed to get ready and leave.
You grabbed the set of files you had just completed, pushing yourself away from your desk to put them away in the correct places. When you get back to your desk, Captain Woojin is there and you’re already dreading what he has to say.
“You’ve finished, right, y/n?”
Great. He probably had a ton of files in his office that needed completing, if the load in his hand was reflective of anything. He was probably watching and waiting -- like some sort of apex predator, a ravenous shark -- for someone to finish so he could dish out even more files, because who makes plans on a Friday evening? It wouldn’t hurt to lie to him, would it? No harm would be done, right?
“Yeah, I’m done.” You couldn’t lie. It would just hurt your conscience. Maybe this was a sign from the universe to not go on that blind date.
"Great, I can take those files for you, could you just drop this package off at the front desk?"
"Yeah, no problem." Could it be? Freedom? "Is that all?"
"Yes, thank you. Wouldn't want to keep your date waiting, right?"
The smile that had just started forming on your face was instantly wiped away when you saw the small grin on his face. He stacked the remaining files in his hand on Hyunjin's desk before leaving. You barely registered the snickers that left Hyunjin and Seungmin as you said your goodbyes and finally took leave.
Why did you ever think telling Felix about it was a good idea? Damn Detectives and their love for gossip.
It was a rush job but you made it on time. Getting home was fairly quick since you missed the rush hour traffic, and you're pretty sure that was the quickest you've ever showered and gotten ready in - if your date didn't appreciate all this effort, you were going to flip.
The place was fairly fancy -- low lighting, regal colours, the whole shebang -- and when the waiter led you to the reserved table, you couldn't help but look around at other diners' plates. Seriously, where was the rest of the meal? What was the point in having great tasting food if it barely filled you up? The pizza place a couple of blocks down seemed much more appealing right now, but you had to at least try to have fun today. 
15 minutes. It had only been fifteen minutes but your eyes were drooping and your date still wasn't here. Once another ten went by, you picked up your phone and messaged the oh-so-amazing friend of yours that had set up this date in the first place.
You: chan???
You: hes not here and im tired, can i go home now??
Chan: He's not? :(
Chan: One sec, I'm messaging him
As you waited, you decided rubbing your freedom in Felix's face was a great pastime.
You: you still alive??
You: actually no, is jisung still alive or have you finally killed him?
Felix: killing him would just be more paperwork that my ass can't handle. I'm seeing folders every time i blink, put me out of my misery
You: you're still there??
Felix: lmao no, the Mins and i escaped, and Cap kicked Sung out when he started singing I Want It That Way
Felix: so your boy Hyunjinnie is the only one there ;^) must be a shit date if you're here texting me, but you could go in and keep him company if you know what i mean ;)))) 
You: i have no idea what you mean
After seeing the series of hearts and kiss emojis he sent you after, you came to the conclusion ignoring Felix was a much better pastime.
Chan: Shit
Chan: Asshole's not replying to me
Chan: I'm sorry y/n :/
Chan: Wtf he left me on read wtf
Chan: I'm pretty sure he's already given his card details to that place, rinse his money
After confirming with your waiter, who probably realised that you had been stood up, you decided to make good on what Chan said and buy some food. If the guy wasn't going to show up, you weren't just going to let an open tab go to waste.
You ordered two of the most expensive meals off the menu and a slice of cheesecake to lift up your mood.
Why did the precinct have to be there on your way back? As soon as you passed it, you remembered what Felix said about Hyunjin still being there. You wondered why he was staying back when the others had gotten out earlier, and you blame that reasoning alone for why you turned your car around and headed into the building. 
He really was there. Legs on his desk, keyboard on his lap, typing with one hand and drinking coffee with the other, Hyunjin was a sight to behold. His shirt was crumpled, sleeves creased from being rolled up, and his hair was wild, sticking up at gravity-defying angles. You watched as his eyes skimmed over the text on his computer, unblinking even as he took another sip from the mug.
"Wow, you look like shit." You grinned, dropping the takeaway bags on your desk. You laughed when your presence startled him into jumping, coffee splashing down his forearm, chair rolling away from his desk, keyboard hanging dangerously over the edge.
"Y-You're back?"
"Clearly," amusement never left your eyes as you watched him fix his dishevelled state. You tossed the box of tissues on your desk to him and he smiled in thanks. Once he had finally wiped away the mess, picked up his keyboard and tamed his hair, he leaned back in his chair and swivelled to face you. 
"Bad date?" The smirk on his face did nothing to make you forget the vision you just saw, and you would not let him have the upper hand.
"I just saw you singing Thank you, Next, don't try to mock me."
"I'll buy you coffee for a month if you don't tell the others?"
"Two months."
He huffed, but agreed anyway.
"And you have to get it from Carla's place."
"But that's so far away," he whined, pouting and all.
"I got the whole thing on video, so…"
"I'd be honoured to go!"
After a couple of minutes of (strangely comfortable) silence, you spoke up. "Have you even eaten yet?"
"Must've been a real bad date if you got takeaway," he snorted, rolling his chair to your desk before leaning an elbow on it, "What've you got?"
You pulled out the three containers, pushing one over to Hyunjin. "Ooh, Valentino's, how fancy." He rolled back to his desk, rummaging through a drawer to pull out the cutlery he had stashed there. You did the same as he shimmied back -- you had learned, rather quickly in your first week here, that it was best to keep your dishes safe in your desks if you wanted them to stay clean.
The food was still fairly warm as you ate, but, like all fancy restaurants, there was barely any food there to eat. Even after you split the cheesecake, you could feel your stomach on the edge of rumbling, and taking one look at Hyunjin told you he felt the same.
"You up for Chinese?" He grinned, licking away the remnants of cream from his fork, "I'll even pay."
"You done with your reports?" You glanced at his abandoned computer as he groaned.
"I hate Cap."
You laughed as he dragged a hand down his face, letting out a tired sigh. "He gave you more?"
"Well, yeah, sorta, I kinda asked for them."
"You deserve this then." You chuckled, curiously continuing, "Why'd you do that?"
At that, he chanced a glance at you before looking down at the fork he was twiddling between his fingers. "He was gonna give 'em to you, but I told him you had a date."
You narrowed your eyes at him, "Now why would you do that?"
He shrugged, as though he hadn't just lightened your load despite your rivalry, "You had plans, I didn't. Plus, you could use the break," then, in true annoying Hyunjin fashion, he smirked, "you look like shit."
You didn't dignify that with a verbal response, choosing to kick -- not so lightly -- him in the shin. You grinned at his yelped curse. He leaned down to rub his leg, pouting, "I was kidding- fuck, that hurts, you look…" he took the chance to scrutinise your appearance, eyes dancing with mirth as you shifted under his gaze. "You look okay."
"Fine." He huffed, "you look fine. Alright. Decent. Nice."
He had rolled back to his desk before you could recognise his rising blush or form a reply. Was that supposed to be a compliment? He was so focussed on his screen now that you decided it must have been a compliment if he was shying away from you now. You smiled at that -- seriously, y/n? falling for the enemy? -- before you grabbed the used cutlery, going to the break room to wash them.
Once you finished washing up in the tiny sink, you headed over to Hyunjin. You hid your smirk when he tensed up ever so slightly as you dropped his cutlery on his desk; he took extra care in keeping his eyes on his screen, but you still noticed the slight hitch in the way he tapped at his keyboard, giving away his nerves to your trained eye.
Was he seriously still nervous about having given you a compliment? Did he regret it?
You said nothing, however, choosing to head back to your own desk before leaving the precinct. Without so much as a goodbye, Hyunjin watched -- eyes downcast, yet you'd never know -- as you walked away.
Hyunjin was a detective. A damn good detective, and he got your signal loud and clear.
Taking your reports from Woojin was a leap of faith, of sorts; he never intended on telling you that he took them -- or worse, why he really did -- but he thought that lightening your load on a Friday evening was a nice gesture and possibly a step in the right direction.
He thought, for once, the universe was working out in his favour, because even though he had piled on more work for himself than necessary, the stars aligned and you were brought back to him. God, his internal monologue was dramatic.
It was a crush. For the past three weeks and four days, Hyunjin had developed a somewhat crush on you. The teasing continued, of course, but the longing gazes he gave you -- which, thankfully, you never seemed to notice -- made him awfully aware of how much he liked spending time with you, even if you were spitting fire and mocking him.
But now, your rejection was blatantly obvious. Like a siren wailing right in front of him, he got the message. You completely ignored his compliment -- a sad attempt, really, but it was something -- and Hyunjin knew you knew what he was really hinting at (y/n, you look more than just okay, you look--) but words, it seemed, just weren't his forte, and he swivelled his chair away before he had to face the disgust that probably painted your face. And you said nothing. The silence that followed was deafening because he realised his shitty compliment -- yes, he'd finally come to terms that it was pathetic -- had made you feel so awkward, so uncomfortable, that you couldn't even speak to him; instead, he had to listen to water splashing, cutlery tinkling and you walking away.
He wasn't asleep. He had half a mind to just shove whoever kept poking him and not letting him wallow in his arms. He was allowed to be sad: the person he kind of, maybe, possibly, had feelings for had just up and left him alone in an empty squad room, he could pout for a few moments longer. The incessant nudges didn't poke through Hyunjin's bubble and it made him wonder, one, who the hell was still touching him? and two, what was the goddamn time, because he was sure the pokes had lasted forever and a day, and he still had two more reports to go over.
On a newly-thought-of third note, it made him finally aware of the scent of spices weaseling into his pity party.
His head snapped up, jaw dropping only slightly when he saw it was you.
Really and truly, you. 
Holding Chinese from that one store just down the road.
Fucking finally, you muttered, but he was still shocked that you were here, on your own chair, but right beside him, with more containers actually filled to the brim with his favourite food from his favourite place.
But more importantly, you were right beside him.
"Dig in," you murmured, waiting for him to start eating first.
You were momentarily blinded by the grin he gave you, before he began eating and you followed.
After you finished eating -- hunger thoroughly sated -- you decided that maybe spending some more time with Hyunjin wouldn't be so bad.
No, you were only going to stay because technically these were your reports and you didn't want to owe him any favours he could use against you. It wasn't because two weeks and five days ago you had developed a small, barely there, practically non-existent, crush on the man beside you.
It certainly wasn't because you were totally aware now of the way he was smiling at you as you proofread the final report.
And it most definitely wasn't because his lips had your own turning up into a smile.
"You're staring." You said, eyes skimming through line after line of police work.
"I know."
"Because…" he trailed off, scooting the slightest bit closer as his arm snaked around the back of your chair so he could roll you even closer too, "you look--"
yo pls tell me wtf this is bc i have no idea. it's almost 4am, im at 11% but ya boi is done™ hope u liked this bc i had no idea where i was going with this, the idea was a lot cuter in my head but oh well :'') 
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autisticstarseed · 4 years
if u could, perhaps, bless us with all the applicable symbols from that fic ask for hvh 👀
ooOoOOOoOO Rub s gay hands togehter omg ty friend 😍;;;;;;
💡 - What was the motivation behind the story?
hHH i hadnt written in 10+ years so when i latched onto this plot idea i just thought itd be a good time to jump the shark and try it again !! i just wanted smth really edgy and depthful bc im emo and the rest kind of snowballed
💎- What was your favorite part?
osdlfksd;lf it’s hard to pick a fav but the drunk scene was definitely the most fun to write at least
⛰️-  What was the hardest part?
THE SCENE WHERE THE GANG IS KIDNAPPED BY ENKI,,,, i debated toning down the violence but in the end i knew where the story was going (and where its still going) and that its gonNA be kinda dark so why hold back now ig
🎭- What was the feeling or mood you were going for?
BITTERSWEET AF,,, sort of just treading the line of ‘hopeful’ and ‘hopeless’ at all times to fully portray the feeling of being at your lowest, but with that classic tss ‘silver linings just around the corner’ kind of undertone
🏟️- Who was your intended audience?
mostly all the adults that watched tss as a kid and felt like spirituaLLY MOVED BY IT cuz i really tried to tap into that Emotion Tee Em we all felt when we found out that zak was [redacted]
🔬- Was there one scene you were building up to/knew you had to get just right?
hHH theres actually a LOT of scenes like that and i think a lot of my general motivation to keep going comes from that ‘WAIT FOR IT WAIT FOR IT’ vibe slkdf:SDF but the Plot Twist tm in the latest chapter was definitely a big’n, and theres a few more of those still to come :^)
🗝️ - What were you thinking when you wrote it?
kjdjFSDs:DF tbh whenever i start really writing, [’im shifting into soup mode’ seinfeld meme voice] im shifting into maladaptive daydreaming mode
🎥- Were there any tv shows, books, or movies that influenced this verse, if any?
:^) devilman crybaby pls forgive me for everytHing
📈- Was there a clear character arch you wanted____ character to go on?
i actually have a short list of what i somewhat consider to be the story arcs in my notes !! mostly just for organization and obvs i wont list the future ones but so far we’ve seen the kushtaka arc, the enki arc, and now we’re in what i call ‘the annunaki’ arc.
🎢- Were there any scenes you were nervous about? For audience reception or otherwise?
ALL OF IT JSHDJSKD, but again a lot of the enki scenes i was worried would be too edgy TM, and the whole annunaki plot as well i was worried might be too ‘out there’ for ppl, but it takes the story exactly where i always wanted it and lines everything up perfectly so i went for it lol. i was also ofc worried if people would like ila or not bc oc but most ppl love her actually which is so 😭❤️
☠️- Did you consider killing off any of the characters? Did you?
8^) [mickey mouse voice] this is a surprise tool that will help us later ,
✉️- Did you title your chapters? What title do you like best?
yes! the next one actually has my favorite chapter title yet, but so far i like ‘so strikes the harpoon’ since its a throwback to the first couple chapters
☀️- Was there symbolism/motifs you worked in?
o every single paragraph is an overly thought out middle school poem im entering in the talent show actually
🎵- Did you have a playlist/piece of music that went with this story?
Yes !! i have HVH insp part 1, Part 2, and an extra one for all those songs that have the vibes but just dont fit enough to make sense in a playlist
📜-Do you want to write something like this again in the future?
probably ! ive learned i definitely like the edgy/darker and emotionally driven stories with ongoing plot, so that trend will almost definitely continue. idk if ill write a dystopia again anytime soon, but i think my future stuff will at least retain that long and heavy vibe
💁- Did readers influence/change any part of this story?
oh yEA like basically i was ready to quit after the very first chapter before it was even written and kinda just got it all out on a whim of motivation but was expecting to flake on it like i tend to do with projects, but the invested response to it was just so uplifting that its what ive been riding on all ten chapters and im so grateful for it :’)))
✏️-Would you go back and change anything if you could?
hHHHHHHH yes and ok this is terrible but i actually tend to avoid re-reading my older chapters until i hAVe to bc i suffer from that sO much ,,, , its just little things like tiny words i wanna change or bits i wanna take out/put in and once or twice ive even caught a mistake or plot hole/smth i forgot to add that i rly do have to go back and edit and i just turn to dust every tim e
⭐- What’s a scene/paragraph you’re proud of?
i really liked the northern lights scene!! it was meant to be a pivotal moment of that ‘bittersweetness’ vibe i was talking abt and it was another one of those scenes i had been planning for a while;;;
“ I think of how much the rest of the family would love this. This isn’t like the moon and the sun, where I can see it and know that even if it looks different, they’ll see the same one soon enough, wherever they are. This reminds me only that I am not with them. It stings. It seems unnatural for something so gentle and natural to appear before us as if we aren’t in complete, total fucking chaos. After all we’ve been through, and the sky still dances. “
📣-What was the best piece of encouragement you got?
🔦-Did you learn anything while writing it? About yourself? Writing?
isdfhSDF YEs, part of my hesitation to write came from this thing where i always just assumed there was a wildly high standard of writing in fandom spaces like in original literature spaces, where you had to have like 10+ sentences to a paragraph and you had to describe every tiny detail of a setting and you had to follow every single grammar rule or it was unreadable but like. genuinely its like sculpting with words as long as you have a shape ppl get the idea which is such a weight off my shoulders lol, its still a lot of work but so much fun to know i can to an extent do what i want and ppl actually like it like that. i also learned that like most other writers i have to cause my favs emotional and physical pain,
🎁- Any writing advice for people who want to write something like this?
hhHHHH 1. please do it its so fun just give in to the edge my guy , 2. try to get comfortable re-reading your chapters, for me its like when ppl listen to themselves sing/act but im trying to do better bc its so much more consistent when i keep it fresh in my mind and it also boosts confidence when u can pick out the things u like instead of the things u dont, 3. trying to have at least one scene in mind for each chapter that ur excited to write so u can have motivation to update faster! for me it doesnt have to be smth i think would excite the audience either like it could be the most basic thing but just having an idea of it and knowing i want to see it come to life rly helps me stay on top of it all
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earthstory · 5 years
Kicking off our African adventure with the craziest sun rise I’ve ever experienced. This morning I woke up in #Zimbabwe to crystal clear skies, not a single cloud in the air. I set up my time lapses excited to capture some vibrant #African morning colours. As the colours started to pop a deep fog descended on us out of nowhere. It was a complete white out with visibility at literally 10 feet in front us. I wondered if the fog was just a layer so got out the drone and put it straight up in the air. You can imagine my reaction when the clouds broke revealing this incredible view. This was my first sunrise at the amazing @singita_ . For my birthday @jeremyjauncey surprised me with a trip to Singita Pamushana. It’s my first #Safari and I couldn’t be more excited! #Singita is a very special place. I’ll be telling you more about who they are and what they stand for later in the week. Who’s been on a safari before and has some funny stories? I’m totally fine swimming with sharks, running with bears but when it comes to spiders...uh oh! I’ll share my spider freak out from today in the comments below 😰🕷. Check out my IG Story to see the time lapse of the fog coming in 👍🏽. (🎶: “Warrior Falls” - Black Panther Soundtrack by @ludwiggoransson) @beautifuldestinations
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crystalkleure · 5 years
Which Beyblade Burst bey avatar do you think is the coolest?
Ohh man, my heart says Wyvern just because that’s my favourite and it looks so sleek tbh, but it’s actually a tough draw between Wild Wyvern, Lost Longinus, Ark Bahamut, and Hell Salamander, bahaha. I’d probably have a different answer out of those four depending on which day you ask me lmao
I love so many of the bey spirits that it’s ridiculously hard to pick an absolute favourite tbh xdcfvcfdcfhb almost all of them have like, SOMETHING Weird and Unique about them that’s A+++
Wild Wyvern has a flame pattern on its wing membrane, and the cone-shaped thing in the middle of it’s head that’s spraying fire out looks almost mechanical instead of organic somehow? idk what that shape is reminding me of specifically, maybe some kind of engine or exhaust vent
Lost Longinus has a flaming blue mohawk that matches Lui’s hair and that was like the best thing ever, also there are those glowing blue stripes/indentations on its legs and between the scales of its neck/chest that may or may not indicate that the insides of this dragon are glowing bright blue like it’s full of that fire, and just. Name origin. “Longinus” is the name of the guy who stabbed Jesus with a spear. Hence Lost Longinus’s tail spear. Lost Longinus is like, a dragon-ified biblical weapon. Does this imply that Shuu is Beyblade Jesus??
Ark Bahamut’s wings – aside from the membranes being weird iridescent scaly things that may be entirely illusory and made of light rather than actual flesh, which is Fucking Cool by itself – sort of…twist open in a grotesque way? Like, the wing fingers are twirled together like twizzlers before they open up, and they look briefly almost like DNA helixes while they’re peeling open, before the shiny membrane things materialize. You can see the flesh pulling apart like putty. I was going frame-by-frame through the animation for Art Reasons when I noticed it and I was like yooooooo
Hell Salamander just looks really cool. It’s made of hot pink fire/lava and its black scales/armor/whatever look almost like leather biker gear or something [not to mention, they match Suoh’s coat, which also seems to be leather sxdcfdcf], and the white scales/armor/whatever look like they’re made out of bone [its got claws and horns that are the same colour, made of the same stuff]. So, like…Ghost Rider Dragon. Also I appreciate how Salamander came to exist in the anime, and how it promptly burned a scribble into Suoh’s face as thanks for being created hgfdssdffghgf She’s So Dramatic
Screencaps to show what I’m talking about bc I’m bad at words:
Wyvern’s fire tattoos [last section of wing, near the edge]:
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Bahamut’s wings:
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And many Honorable Mentions under the cut because All Bey Spirits Are Cool:
Valkyrie has six eyes for no reason at all except to look cool, and is also two bey spirits in one bey because horse dcfvcfvhgb [gee Valt, how come your mom lets you have TWO bitbeasts??]
Storm Spriggan has Wolverine claws on the gauntlets on its arms, also for no reason at all except to look cool bc Spriggan already has Actual Claws too dfgcdfggh
Legend Spriggan looks Especially Cool when it does the thing where the black spiky parts of its wings are interlocked together, and then they open up
Spriggan Requiem has an AXE
Ragnaruk looks a little like Baphomet
Deathscyther has BATS. It summons a swarm of BATS when it comes out. Also just, everything else is cool too lmao it’s the grim reaper except dressed for a blacklight rave party
Kaiser Kerbeus has SCALES like a DRAGON and also wears an eyepatch. A Good Boy all around.
Hazard Kerbeus is uhhhhhhh some kind of radioactive mutated creature and he is also a Good Boy sxdcfvdfh
Multiple parts of Zeus’s body are made of what look like plasma balls. Y'know, those desktop toys that put on a cool light show and react to your fingertips when you touch em.
Unicorn would not look out of place in Robot Unicorn Attack
Yggdrasil has fucking plasma cannons
Quetzalcoatl has what appear to be stitches on the sides of its mouth [again, I was going through the animation frame-by-frame for Art Reasons lmao] and KNIVES ON THE TIPS OF ITS WINGS. Also it’s got a hood like a cobra but its body is flat like a Chrysopelea flying snake [they flatten their bodies out to catch air and “glide” around up in the trees] and if that was an intentional design choice then it’s a Really Nice Touch bc Quetzalcoatl is Quite Literally A Flying Snake lmao
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Jormungand has TWO HEADS and NO EYES and that is amazing
Kreis Satan is SATAN, TRAPPED IN A PLASTIC TOP. He has claws on his wings, and carries a bright blue-and-yellow plastic fork. Lucifer is on vacation from Hell and decided this was more interesting than screwing around in Los Angeles or playing the fiddle in Georgia and he was right and I respect him.
Drain Fafnir has TWELVE EYES. TWELVE OF THEM. Three sets on its face, three sets on its chest. Faf, donate some of those eyes to Jormungand. ALSO I need to say I really love Fafnir even if it’s not quite one of my favourite designs because Requiem Nightmare Faf tried to fucking vore Shuu once and that was the funniest goddamn thing ever asxdcfcxdf
Geist Fafnir has a bright purple mouth. Love it.
Deep Chaos is made out of gnarled, twisted flesh and is evidently hollow inside, judging by its weird tentacle hands. Clio and his pet eldritch abomination needed VASTLY more screentime tbh.
Alter Chronos exists precisely at the crossroads of steampunk and technopunk and if that’s not one of the Best Aesthetics Ever then idk what is
Beat Kukulcan is made of plasma compressed into the vague shape of a bird, and then dressed up for the circus. All hail Clown King Kurz and his majestic bitbeast that will summon an instant blue-lighting thunderstorm if you piss him off. Easily one of the best tbh – if Wild Wyvern, Lost Longinus, Ark Bahamut, and Hell Salamander are my Top 4, then Beat Kukulcan is in the Top 5.
Twin Nemesis has a hammer that appears to be made out of raw flesh and teeth.
Z Achilles’ looks like one of those action figures made out of cheap bright plastic and his helmet looks like a pompadour shaped like an upside-down A. Somebody make me a Z Achilles action figure and take my fucking money.
Bloody Longinus just looks Good, idk. Took a page from Salamander’s book and seems to be wearing BONE ARMOR, also trying to compete with Drain Fafnir for Number Of Eyeballs On Body. Got two sets of eyes on face. Got a set of eyes on each wing, set in weird bird-skull-looking things. Got a set of eyes on each arm, set in DRAGON-SKULL-SHAPED ARMOR PLATES. Now Longinus, too, has TWELVE EYBALLS. TWELVE OF THEM.
Leopard is a dragoncat made out of knives and teeth and it will shoot ball lightning at you
Revive Phoenix is a Giant Fucking Fireball compressed into the vague shape of a bird, and that Extra Intense Bright Light in the middle of its body is Concerning because it makes it look like rP is building up to Literally Fucking Explode At Any Moment. Also the Bird-Shaped Fireball turns an evil pretty purple colour sometimes and that’s great.
Dead Hades is just COOL. YOOOOOO it’s some kind of insectoid creature judging by the six segmented bug legs, and that billowy brown cloak thing it’s wearing might actually be a couple of sets of tattered leathery wings. This fantastically horrifying creature was taken from us too soon, rip.
Orb Egis is a floating scorpion-tailed hydra with necks made out of rainbow holo plasma ig. It’s…*single tear* so beautiful………
Dead Phoenix makes me SO MAD because it SHOULD NOT EXIST but it looks SO FUCKING BADASS. It’s everything rP was except 500% more Goth and Metal now. hhhhhhhh
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Skam Italia episode 6 reaction
The Skam Italia team needs to set up an IG for Margot, run by Silvia.
Clip 1 - Eva and Martino
The setting is really incredible. Let’s appreciate how gorgeous Rome is.
Aside from Martino making fun of Eva’s friends, I like him as a character. I guess a lot of people don’t going off the comments for the videos? I think he has a friendly personality and these scenes with Eva have been some of the better parts of this remake. (Part of me is glad he’s the Isak, part of me wonders why they didn’t cast him as Gio. No offense to Gio’s actor or anything, I’m just feeling the Eva-Martino dynamic more. Though I heard that those two actors have known each other IRL since they were kids? I can see that they’re comfy with each other.)
A cat house is a great gift for Silvia! Eva is so thoughtful. I have been wondering if I should get one of those for my cats, but I suspect they would probably ignore it, or pee on it and then ignore it.
I would ship the hell out of Eva and Martino if I had no knowledge of this storyline. He’s adorable putting on the shark cat habitat and trying to make her laugh. It’s going to be such a downer what that thing happens. I can imagine that for viewers who haven’t seen Skam, it’s going to be a big shock.
“What would you do?” "You can’t ask me that, Gio and I are practically brothers” looooooool
Clip 2 -  Sneeze
“How can you tell if he came?” Oh my God. Someone educate this poor girl.
I really feel Eleonora’s frustration. Like it’s hard to demonize Silvia because I’d say it’s also Edoardo’s fault for being the experienced one and not using a condom, but the fact that they went to the clinic and everything is so aggravating. Because you want to protect your naive friend and keep anything drastic from happening, and it’s disheartening when you go to the lengths with her to protect herself and still it amounts to nothing.
Out of curiosity, how seriously do we take Vilde/Silvia’s comparison of an orgasm to a sneeze? Did she have an orgasm and that’s a naive girl’s way of describing it, or did she not come? It doesn’t make that much of a difference except perhaps how much effort William/Edoardo put into her enjoyment. 
Not even gonna lie, Edoardo has been my favorite William. I thought his hookup with Silvia and his meeting at Eva’s place was charming. So I’m predicting that they’ll make him the biggest asshole yet, sigh.
Awww, I love that Sana got a car. And what a moment of inviting Silvia when Silvia’s all “there’s no room for me” - Sana is truly a stand-up person, considering some of the awful things Silvia has said to her. And she didn’t know it, but it was at a moment when Silvia really needed some cheering up. They’re doing a nice job with the girl squad.
I read somewhere in the tag that the rapper they’re listening to is Muslim, so that’s a nice touch.
Instead of Edoardo getting out of his car in slow motion, let the girls pile out of this car with the wind blowing through their hair.
Clip 3 - Are you breaking up with me?
Again, the scenery and cinematography are gorgeous.
The music and acting got a little too soapy and DRAMAAAAA for me, although a lot of people liked it judging from the comments on the scene. I think I prefer this scene to be more understated because it’s not the lowest of the lows and it’s not the resolution of this conflict; it’s a temporary peace. Things are about to come to light in just a few scenes. 
Also because Giovanni is like ... not showing much hesitation/vulnerability in his lies, IMO, he’s fully committed to them. It works better for me when we can see this character faltering, because if he seems to have total conviction in his lies and is telling her she’s the crazy paranoid one, that ups the asshole factor. And well, because this would be a big romantic gesture, except I’m not feeling him and Eva as a couple.
I do like that they pulled away so we can’t hear their conversation, although I didn’t get the sense of a truce as much as I have previously.
But goddamn, look at that city. Major props to the production team for making the most of the setting.
Clip 4 - Are you stupid?
Silvia loving her cat house gift and showing her friends video of Margot playing with it … A+ quality content. I love this friendship squad.
I can think of what Federico wants for his birthday, Eva. Hmmmm.
Actually I would just get him a cat house to see his reaction. Seems like a crowd-pleaser.
That’s pretty interesting that Sana thought Silvia knew Edoardo was an asshole and she just wanted the D. 
They didn’t have the bit about guys only acting nice when they’re guilty or want to get laid - this conversation is strictly about Edoardo - so there’s not the connection between Eva’s situation with Giovanni and her mounting paranoia after they’ve just made up.
Clip 5 - Fancy party
That looks like one fun, aesthetically pleasing party. Good job, Federico.
Gio offers to go to the party if Eva wants, so a point in his favor.
Well on the one hand, Gio was a shady fucker up to now, so I can get why Eva has lingering suspicion. On the other, we didn’t get the bit from Sana about boys only being nice when they want something/are guilty, so it’s a little murky why Eva chooses now, after she’s made up with Gio, to go confront Laura. I guess Laura swinging away was just too much.
Despite his earlier and future sleaziness, Federico does a good job of being comforting when Eva is upset.
Here’s one thing I don’t quite buy, though - if this is Federico’s party, would Eva really not have noticed his girlfriend? Honestly, even in the other versions of this story, it’s a stretch that Eva wouldn’t know the super popular guy who she’s “stalking” has a girlfriend, and for that girlfriend never to be around him at parties, but I guess I can see it? But if this is Federico’s party, and all eyes are going to be on him - people will be making toasts and giving him gifts and stuff - wouldn’t it be easier to notice Alice possibly hanging around him and acting couple-y with him? People pointing her out? It’s not impossible or anything, they could have kept their distance at the party, just a little harder for me to accept.
At least Alice suspects what’s up, you can tell when she comes in. She almost seems too savvy to fall for her boyfriend’s BS.
Alice: “I’m gonna give you three free drinks and introduce you to two older friends of mine” Hell yeah, best Iben yet!
Aww, this Eva is really a sweet person. She wanted to accompany Silvia home once she saw the Edorado/random girl makeout session.
Wait, was that just an accidental eye lock, or was Silvia going to hook up with that other guy? The one with the thick eyebrows? Listen, I can see that going very poorly, and I don’t want Silvia to do something she doesn’t want, but if she can be with someone other than Edoardo in a good way? Yes please. Seize the day. (What if that’s Italian Magnus?)
Ahhh, I can’t believe Gio is just smoking weed. That’s so underwhelming! Eva already knew that he smoked weed. She didn’t approve but like … is this going to be that surprising even if he told her he stopped?
Not to mention he actually left her at the cabin to go smoke! There’s a huge difference between bringing the weed with you and leaving the cabin overnight in order to get high. WTF.
The backstory of her almost breaking up with him previously because he had smoked weed makes him even dumber. I guess I can see why he really didn’t want to tell her but ... I mean,, it’s anybody’s take on whether that was an extreme reaction on Eva’s part or not, but Gio knew this was something that was breakup-worthy to her, and he did it anyway, like ... whatever, Gio.
“What hurts is knowing you don’t trust me.” You were lying to her, dude. Repeatedly. Even when she confronted you about those lies. She has good reason to not trust you. At least he knows he has to earn her trust again.
Good choice to end on Eva crying.
General Comments:
Yeah, not to repeat myself too much, but Skam Italia has done a solid job with the girl squad and the Eva-Martino relationship, but the Eva/Giovanni ship is lacking for me.
Her acting can be shaky on a technical level, if that’s what you want to call it, but the Eva actress has made her very likable, very endearing. The writing has also given her extra moments where she’s very compassionate and considerate of her friends. 
Disappointed that Gio’s secret wasn’t something else but at least we can move on from that part of the story.
I don’t speak Italian, so if I misunderstood something or missed the context, feel free to correct me or elaborate.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
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kobenipilled · 6 years
70 questions about video games answered, if you read even a little bit, please like the post!
1. First game you played obsessively? Probably would have to say Spiderman 2 on the original Xbox 2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc. Final Fantasy 7 3. Who did you play with as a kid? My two year old younger brother! 4. Who do you play with now? My best friend @i-no mostly 5. Ever use cheat codes? As a kid, yeah, not so much anymore 6. Ever buy strategy guides? Hell naw 7. Any games you have multiple copies of? Final Fantasy 7, GTA V, Skyrim, Bioshock 2, Metro Redux, Phantom Pain, The Last of Us, All the Uncharted games. Just off the top of my head. 8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection? Probably one of my PS1 games, no clue 9. Most regrettable purchase? I didn’t buy it myself, but FFXV 10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours? Not anymore, no 11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games? Hell yeah! 12. Ever get picked on for liking games? Sadly, yeah 13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has? Most of the zelda games? Maybe? 14. Favorite game music? Bitch I can’t pick, but I’ll link 5 of my favs in no particular order Final Fantasy 7 DOOM (2016) Chrono Trigger Silent Hill 2 Gunpoint 15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick? I’m already getting a bunch of game tattoo’s, outsiders mark is the first one I’m getting! 16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL? Any split screen fps, they’re fucking amazing to play with frens! 17. Ever lose a friend over a game? Nah 18. Would you date someone that hates gaming? Hates? They wouldn’t date me. If they just don’t play, yeah. 19. Favorite handheld console? I don’t own one really, but it would be the switch for sure 20. Game that you know like the back of your hand? The Last of Us maybe? GTAV? Uncharted 4? No clue. 21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now? Dark Souls, maybe. Or Persona. 22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories? Yeah, kinda. Got a GTA shirt, Game Grumps shirt too 23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into? Skyrim? Fallout 4? Minecraft? Who tf knows 24. First Pokemon game? Pokemon Red? I think. 25. Were you ever an arcade game player? Hell yea! Used to play Metal Slug in a cafe! 26. Ever form any gaming rivalries? Depends on what you mean 27. Game that makes you rage? Any platformer tbh 28. Ever play in a tournament? Yeah, played in a Digimon Rumble Arena 2 tournament as a kid 29. What is your gaming set up? TRASH (specs on my twitch) 30. How many consoles do you own? Uhh, 3? Yea 31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches? Nope 32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic? Yea boi, spiderman ! 33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games? I owned a bunch on my PS1 34. Do either of your parents play video games? My dad does! My mom likes nintendo 35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop? I don’t really like game stores 36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game? All three 37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination? Fucking FFXV bitch 38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like? Phantom Pain... 39. A sequel that you would die for them to make? Eh all the sequals I want is being made, maybe Silent Hill 40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls? VR rocks, Wii motion controls suck my ass 41. A genre that you just can’t get into? Fighting Games 42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness? Most absolutely some star wars game 43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else? Literally every day 44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters? Metal Slug was free baby 45. How are you at Mario Kart? SHIT like omg 46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon? LOVE Animal Crossing 47. Do you like competitive games? Yeah! 48. How long does it take your to customize your player character? First time, 1+ hours 49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character? Yeah, rouge/ranger type 50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create? I am a game designer! Currently working on a 1888 detective game! 51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep? LOL yeah 52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid? GTA, my mom wouldn’t let me have it 53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days? Depends, some DLC’s are fucking awesome, like Ubisoft is pretty good at them. Prefer expansions though 54. Do you give in to Steam sales? Fuck yeah I do 55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them? Yeah lmao 56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests? Does Planet Coaster count? 57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements? Yeah! Uncharted series and The Last of Us, DOOM 2016, Black Flag 58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick? DOOM 2016, Fallout 4, PUBG 59. Do you play any cell phone games? Hearthstone ig 60. Do you know the Konami Code? Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A 61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever? If I don’t like them, trade in 62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game? Yeah, got PS4 for bloodborne 63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? Ye! 64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming? Yep 65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file? Nope 66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it? FUCK YEAH 67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share? I got so many, most with my brother playing XIII or Nightfire 68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool? Not really 69. In your opinion, best game ever made? Honestly a hard pick, DOOM maybe? FF7? Uncharted? TLOU? Dark Souls? No idea. 70. Very first game you ever beat? Hmmm, James Bond Nightfire probably
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imagineteamfreewill · 6 years
Title: Torn
Pairing: Mermaid!Reader x Mermaid!Dean
Word Count: 3,833
Warnings: None
Summary: Now that (almost) everything is out in the open, you and Dean can spend time together without having to hide your attraction to each other.
A/N: This is part five of the Back to the Start series! Feedback makes the world go round, so please let me know what you think! Enjoy!
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Back to the Start Masterlist
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
You woke up with a smile on your face. The blankets were warm and soft, and the dream you’d been having had been one of the best you’d ever had.
When you opened your eyes, however, you realized that the dream hadn’t been dream—it was very much reality. Somehow you’d ended up in Dean’s bed last night, but you didn’t mind. You stayed silent as you watched him sleep. A small part of you told you that you should commit this version of him to memory—it wasn’t often that you saw Dean this soft and relaxed. When he worked, he was focused and the little lines in between his eyebrows often came out to play. When he was upset his forehead wrinkled, and when he was happy his eyes crinkled at the corners. Now, however, his face was smooth and you could see every single freckle that dotted his skin. There wasn’t a wrinkle or line in sight, and you happily snuggled closer.
In his sleep, Dean sighed and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you even tighter against him. He nuzzled his face against your shoulder and neck as your legs tangled with his, and you closed your eyes to try and fall back asleep. Unfortunately, that idea was short-lived, as Dean soon blinked open his eyes and pressed a kiss to your neck.
“Morning, sweetheart,” he murmured, his voice low and gravelly.
You opened your eyes and met his, smiling when you saw that he was clearly pleased to find you in his bed with him. He was probably confused, but happy nonetheless
“Good morning, Dean,” you whispered.
Dean lifted his head slightly and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “How’d you end up in here?” he asked. “Not that I’m complaining.”
“Do you want me to leave?” You weren’t surprised when Dean shook his head in response, but you felt compelled to ask anyway. You didn’t want to do anything to make Dean uncomfortable. “Good.”
You nodded. “I like your bed. You keep me warm and I like being close to you,” you admitted, smiling shyly.
Dean smiled back and replied, “I like being close to you too, babe.”
“Baby?” you asked. You crinkled your nose a little, confused as to why Dean was calling you an infant. Then again, you remembered that he referred to his prized car as ‘Baby’. Was Dean calling you an infant or a car? Or was it another human nickname?
Chuckling, Dean rubbed his nose against yours and smiled, sitting up against the headboard. You quickly moved so that you were sitting up as well, and Dean pulled you to straddle his lap as soon as you were upright. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close, almost like a hug.
“It’s just a nickname, Y/N. Do you want me to come up with something different?”
You shook your head, then leaned forward and rested your head against Dean’s shoulder, closing your eyes. You were still a little sleepy, and when Dean began to run his hand up and down your spine, you felt yourself relaxing further and drifting off once more.
Humming happily, you snuggled as close to Dean as you could while still sitting on his lap. “M’gonna fall asleep, Dean. I want to go swimming, though. Wake me up, okay?” you mumbled.
Dean whispered affirmatively, then pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head. You smiled against his shoulder and stopped fighting sleep. Soon after, your felt yourself slip into more happy dreams.
When you woke up again, you were still on Dean’s lap, and he was fast asleep as well. His head was tilted back against the headboard. You giggled when you saw the tiny bit of drool that had formed at the corner of his lips, and you quickly climbed off his lap.
“Dean?” you whispered.
When he didn’t answer, you reached over with one hand and shook him gently. He jolted awake, banging his head against the wooden board. Grimacing, he rubbed it and looked over at you, still blinking sleep from his eyes.
“Are you okay?” you asked, trying to hold back a giggle at the confused, owlish look on his face.
Dean nodded and yawned. “I’m fine. I’ve had worse,” he replied. Bringing his hand down from his head, he wiped his mouth before leaning over and pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek. “You hungry?”
You nodded and smiled, then slid out of his bed. The white sheets were crumpled in your wake, but Dean was smiling and he didn’t seem to mind, despite the fact that you knew he obsessively made his bed each day. His bedroom was just as tidy, and you wondered if he’d always been that way or if he tried to be cleaner now that you were staying in his house, potentially long-term.
“I can make you some eggs. Or, if we have bacon, I can try and make that like you showed me!” You grinned, excited at the prospects of cooking for Dean. He loved bacon, and you felt your heart soar when he smiled in response, clearly pleased that you were willing to try.
“Go ahead, Y/N,” he replied as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and rolled his neck. “I’ll be downstairs in a minute, okay?”
Nodding, you headed down the hall and down the stairs to the kitchen. As you pulled out the eggs and the strange, floppy meat Dean had explained was uncooked bacon, you let your mind wander to the night before.
You and Dean had gone for a walk on the beach, then watched a movie on the couch. It was another cartoon, this time with a princess who fell asleep for a long time, only to be awoken by a prince who looked strangely like Dean. You’d thoroughly enjoyed the movie, but you could tell that it wasn’t one of Dean’s favorites. He was only watching it to amuse you, and that was enough to make you happy. After the movie had ended, the two of you had retired to your separate rooms, but after an hour of lying awake, you’d decided to go for another walk. The waves were practically calling to you from outside your bedroom window, and after a quick swim, you’d redressed and gone back in the house. Somehow, you’d ended up going back into Dean’s room rather than your own. You weren’t sure why, but your room didn’t feel like home anymore. Dean’s room had seemed more welcoming to you in that late-night moment, and when you’d woken up, it hadn’t felt any different. Your heart had decided that he was the one for you, and you weren’t one to argue against that.
Smiling, you looked up from where you were cracking the eggs open into the bowl. The bacon was already sizzling in the pan, and Dean breathed in deeply just as you glanced over your shoulder at him. His eyes closed briefly, and when he opened them, a look of pure happiness settled on his face.
“It smells great in here. You want some help?” he asked.
You nodded and gestured over to the stove. “I don’t know how long to cook the meat for. If you do that, I can do the eggs.”
Dean nodded in agreement and stepped out of the doorway, making his way over to the stove. He was still in his boxers and cotton t-shirt, and you held back a smile when you saw his sleep-ruffled hair. He was adorable, and you loved it.
He glanced your way, and you quickly looked back at the task at hand. “You were staring,” Dean said, the smile on his face prevalent in his voice.
“Maybe,” you replied. “Maybe not.”
Moments later, his arms snaked around your waist and Dean’s firm chest was pressed against your back. “You can stare all you want,” he whispered into your ear. “I’m all yours, Y/N.”
A thrill went through you at his words. Dean is all mine, you thought, a smile forming on your face. I’m all his and he’s all mine.
“Okay,” you replied, turning your head slightly so he could kiss your cheek and you could let him see your smile.
Dean remained behind you for a few seconds longer, then returned to the stove where he began to flip over the strips of bacon. You kept on smiling as you poured the egg mixture into the pan and set your dirty dishes in the sink. Every once and a while, Dean would catch your eye as the two of you moved around in the kitchen, and you noticed after the third time that he would smile in response whenever he saw that you were still smiling.
“You’re happy,” he finally said as he came up beside you to set the plate of bacon on the table.
You’d just set down the dish of eggs, and you looked over at him and asked, “Aren’t you?”
“Of course I’m happy,” Dean replied. “But you’re the one who hasn’t stopped smiling all morning.”
Tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, you felt yourself flush. I can’t believe he noticed that, you thought.
“I just… Two days ago, I thought for sure I’d be going home and spending the rest of my life wondering why you wanted me to leave so bad. Today, I woke up thinking about all the ways I could show you my world without you ever having to leave your house. Things are different between us now, and I like it. I mean—somehow—being chased by that sea demon was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Dean frowned. “Sea demon?” he asked. “Y/N, what sea demon? You said you got attacked by a shark when you were swimming away from someone…”
“I did,” you told him, smiling. Reaching over, you took Dean’s hands in yours and leaned forward, kissing his lips quickly. “But that’s over with. I’m better now, and we don’t have to think about that. I’m healthy, happy, and hungry, so can we please eat now?”
Chuckling, Dean nodded, but his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. He was distracted, you could tell, but you decided to ignore that as you let go of his hands and sat down, then began to pile your plate full of bacon and eggs.
As you began to eat, you closed your eyes in pure pleasure. “I love this,” you moaned around a mouthful of bacon. “I want to eat this every minute of the rest of my life.”
When you opened your eyes, you saw that Dean’s smile had turned genuine once more and you relaxed a little. It seemed that your reaction to the bacon had been enough to pull him back down to the present.
“You really do like bacon, huh, sweetheart?” Dean asked, causing you to grin. He laughed and reached over, gently wiping a small crumble of bacon off your lower lip. “It’s a little messy when it’s fresh.”
You nodded picked up another piece with a grin. “It’s the best kind of messy,” you replied as you bit into it.
Dean smiled in agreement, then began to dig into his own food.
Later that afternoon, Dean was giving the Impala a quick tune-up while Y/N went for her daily swim. Usually, he worked hard and took pride in making his beautiful car look just as spectacular as she truly was, but today all he could think about was what Y/N had said earlier that morning at breakfast.
She’d seen the sea demon.
Dean had no doubt in his mind that the demon she’d seen had been the one that killed his parents—long and black, with a thousand limbs and eyes as dark as midnight. It was terrifying, and Dean had a recurring nightmare of the demon crawling up onto the shores surrounding his house and slipping on of its long tentacles into his bedroom window.
Shaking his head, he tried to clear the thoughts of the dream. He was already plagued by the monster at night, he didn’t want to have to worry about that during the daylight, too.
But if Y/N had seen the monster, that means that it was nearby. That, or she’d swam from very far away. On the other hand, if the monster was nearby, she could get hurt on her way back home.
That is if she ever decided to go home.
“I sure hope she doesn’t,” Dean grumbled to himself.
He was reaching to tighten something when he heard Y/N’s sing-song voice in his ear, causing him to jump and bang his head on the hood. With a groan, Dean pulled out and turned, shooting her an annoyed glance.
“Sorry,” she giggled, her smile bright despite the apology. “I didn’t think you’d jump.”
Y/N was still wearing the towel around her waist and her hair was damp from the water. Even from where he stood, Dean could smell the salt on her skin. It took every ounce of restraint in his body to keep him from pulling her against him just so he could feel like he was back in the ocean once more.
“It’s alright,” he replied as he rubbed the tender spot on the back of his head. “I’m getting used to doing that around you.”
She laughed again, and the sound was like music to his ears.
Dean smiled and closed the hood of the Impala, then wiped his hands off on an old kitchen towel. “How was your swim?”
“It was wonderful, Dean.” Y/N plopped down on the wooden stool he kept in the detached garage and pushed her hair out of her eyes. “The water was warm since it’s been so sunny all morning, and the fish were just so friendly!”
“Fish?” Dean asked. He quickly did the calculations in his head, swallowing hard when he realized how far out she’d had to have gone to see any fish, especially in the waters by his house. He’d never been in them himself, but he knew enough about the beaches on his property to know that there were no fish nearby.
Y/N nodded in response. “All kinds. My favorites are the little ones, though. They’re the most playful,” she grinned.
Nodding, Dean rubbed the back of his head again and turned back to his toolbox. He was only half listening as Y/N continued to ramble on about her swim and the various fish she’d encountered. As she talked, he put away his tools and tried to figure out if there was a way he could ask Y/N to stay out of the deeper waters without raising her suspicion. He wanted to be able to keep her safe from the demon that could still be out there waiting for her—or me, he thought with a barely suppressed shiver of fear—but in the end, he realized there was no way to do that without revealing himself or pushing her away.
“Dean? Are you listening to me?”
Y/N’s hand on his arm made him look up, and Dean gave her a little smile. “I’m alright. Listen, Y/N. How would you feel about taking another walk today? I’m feeling a little… braver.”
A wide smile appeared on her face. “Really? I would love that!” she exclaimed. Y/N threw her arms around Dean’s neck and kissed his cheek. “Are you sure that it won’t be too much for you since we went for a walk yesterday?”
“I’m sure. Why don’t you get dressed while I finish cleaning up out here?”
Y/N was running into the house almost immediately, leaving Dean alone once more. Now that he had space to think, he slowed down and tried to figure out what to do next. He didn’t want to push Y/N away, but he also didn’t want to reveal who he was. If she knew he was lying, she may not want to stay, and he’d be all alone again. Dean didn’t know if he could ever go back to living like that. He’d miss having Y/N around too much to even function.
Sighing, Dean finished putting away his tools, then walked back to the house. Y/N was waiting for him on the front porch. She was leaning against the railing, and her hair was blowing in the slight ocean breeze that drifted by. She looked perfectly happy, and Dean’s heart swelled when she looked over and saw him heading in her direction. Her sparkling smile returned as she raced down the stairs to meet him, a laugh escaping her as her bare feet kicked up the sand.
“Are you ready?” she asked as she skidded to a stop in front of him, breathless and practically glowing in the sunlight.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Dean replied with a smile as she slipped her soft hand into his.
“Come on then!” Y/N tugged on his hand and pulled him along with her as she moved closer to the water’s edge.
When they were a few feet away from the top of the waves’ path, Y/N’s steps slowed. She then turned and began to walk along the shore. Dean followed her, staying silent as he matched his gait with hers.
“What are you thinking about?” she finally asked, looking over at him.
Dean glanced her way, then turned his gaze back to the horizon in front of him. “What am I thinking about?” Y/N hummed her confirmation. “I’m wondering if every day will be as wonderful as today. I want to wake up to you every day, go for walks with you every day, and kiss you every day.”
Y/N smiled and ducked her head, suddenly seeming very shy. He knew that she’d never had someone want to be with her in the way that he did, that much he knew from the stories she’d started to tell her about the other mermaids in her pod, and the thought of being her first serious boyfriend made him want to puff his chest up in pride.
“I want that too, Dean,” Y/N finally replied. “The only thing that would make this better is if you were a mermaid like me. Then my family could meet you. They would absolutely love you. I know they would.” She was still smiling as she laced her fingers with his and moved closer, resting her head on his shoulder as they walked.
Dean didn’t say anything in response for a long time until finally, he couldn’t take it any longer. He stopped and faced her, blurting out, “I have to tell you something.”
She stopped as well and met his eyes, somewhat confused. “Okay, what is it?”
After taking a deep breath, Dean loosed his hand from hers and pulled his shirt over his head. Y/N’s eyes went wide as she took in the black marking on his chest. No doubt she recognized it from the stories and myths she’d heard as a child. It was the family crest of the famous Dean Winchester, the mermaid who’d died fighting a sea demon not unlike the one she’d faced. Consequently, it was Dean’s family crest. Everyone in his family had had the same marking, and it had been well known throughout the various pods in the surrounding oceans.
“Dean… Where did you get that?” she asked. Her eyes didn’t stray from the tattoo on the left side of his chest as she spoke, and Dean swallowed thickly.
“It’s my—” Dean froze, torn between wanting to tell the truth and keeping his identity hidden. His mind flashed back to the admiration she’d shown for Dean Winchester whenever she spoke of him, then remembered the way she’d looked at him this morning. Her eyes had been so full of love, and Dean couldn’t bear to let that look slip away. He may have lied about his identity, but he hadn’t lied about his feelings for her.
“It’s, uh, from my favorite mermaid myth! I was really into them in college and I got this tattoo after reading a story of a family of mermaid warriors that swore to protect any mermaids they crossed paths with. I thought it was awesome, so I copied the page in the book with the symbol…”
Dean chuckled and nervously licked his lips as he watched Y/N’s eyes lift from his chest to meet his gaze. Can she tell that I’m lying?
“I didn’t know people read myths about mermaids,” she finally replied. Dean nodded in response, then watched as Y/N squatted down and picked up the shirt he’d dropped onto the sand. She shook it out and held it out for him.
Y/N slipped her hand back into his, squeezing gently. “Maybe we were meant to be, Dean,” she said as she began to walk again. Dean followed suit. “I mean, if you hadn’t been so interested in mermaids, would you really have let me stay?”
Dean didn’t know how to answer that, so he simply squeezed her hand.
Y/N didn’t seem to mind his lack of response, so she and Dean walked for a while until finally, the sun was beginning to set.
“Let’s sit,” he suggested, and Y/N agreed with a single nod of the head.
As soon as he was seated on the soft sand, Y/N was cuddling up next to him. She leaned over and whispered in his ear that she loved him, and Dean closed his eyes, holding back tears. Y/N was warm and loving and kind, and all he wanted to do was hold her, but he knew that he needed to tell her the truth soon.
Tomorrow, Dean thought. I’ll tell her tomorrow.
“You promise?”
Dean looked over at Y/N, confused. “What?” he asked.
“You promise that tomorrow you’ll tell me what’s really been bugging you all afternoon? I know that you wanted to tell me about something other than your tattoo,” she replied, eyes filled with worry. “I love you, Dean, and I want you to feel like you can tell me anything. Keeping secrets while we’re together is just gonna lead to us fighting. I don’t want that.”
Smiling sadly, Dean nodded and pressed a soft kiss to Y/N’s temple. “I promise, babe. I promise I’ll tell you, but for now, can you just tell me another story?”
She nodded. “How about one that my mother used to tell me? You’ll love it, I promise.”
“I’m sure I will,” Dean replied as he closed his eyes and laid back. He listened as Y/N laid back as well and got comfortable, and after a few minutes, he was drifting off to the sound of her voice mingling with the even softer sound of the waves lapping at the shore.
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rowdy-revenant · 7 years
Guilt and Innocence
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Part 4 of Cops and Robbers
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (general masterlist)
Words: 1400+
Beta reader: @unsink-the-titanic
Pairing: Sheriff!Gabriel x reader
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this series! And yes, there’s most likely gonna be a lot of plot holes, but this is why I’m not a mystery writer. I tried. I hope you enjoyed it! 
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“Gabriel, we need to talk.” You said, running up to the sheriff.
“Y/N, Metatron wasn't killed here.” Gabriel said.
“I know. I might know where he was. I also know who was stealing from you.” You explained. You told Gabriel the name.
The sheriff's eyes widened in shock. “What?!”
“Yeah! He owed Crowley money. Lots of it.” You told him.
Gabriel started to put pieces together. “So Metatron figures out who the thief is and decides to confront him.”
“But the thief had already left.” You said. “So Metatron goes to his house and blam! Gets murdered there.”
“Y/N, we can't blindly accuse him!” Gabriel said.
“It's not blind! And the murder weapon might be there, Gabriel, trust me!” You pleaded. Gabriel knew you were right, even if he didn't want to admit it.
“We'll go check it out,” Gabriel said. “But we need a lead.”
“Well, if he thinks you've arrested me, he might run off to get rid of remaining evidence.” You explained. “We follow whoever flees.”
“Ready to create a diversion?” Gabriel asked.
You chuckled. “I've got diversions down to a science.”
“Y/N,” Gabriel sighed, approaching you. “You're under arrest.”
It was seemingly out of nowhere, right in the middle of the police station.
You tried stammering out an answer as your hands were forced behind your back. “Gabriel, I-”
“That's Sheriff Novak to you!” Gabriel exclaimed. Metal cuffs bit into your skin, they'd surely leave a mark later. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law.”
Despite the shock of what was happening, you smirked. “Well, I can think of a few things…” Gabriel didn't return the smile. “Please don't make this any more difficult for me.” You were lead from the building into the back of the sheriff's car. The situation was familiar, but this time it was all too different. This time there was Gabriel, who wouldn't even meet your gaze in the rear-view mirror.
Gabriel kept his eyes on the road and his hands on the wheel, mouth shut tight. But the corners of his mouth soon twitched up into a smile. Finally, he let out a laugh. “You got pretty handsy back there.” You chuckled. The sheriff glanced back at you. “Hey, I was just trying to sell it.” Gabriel pulled the car over, walking over to the back where you were sitting. He opened the squad car door and unlocked your handcuffs. “I guess all those years of drama club finally paid off.” You snorted. “You were a theatre kid?” Gabe placed his hand over his heart, faking offense. “I was, and still am, an amazing actor.” He got back into the front, you sitting next to him in the passenger side. “Never sat in the front of a cop car before.” “Well, let's hope that's the only place you'll sit in a cop car from now on,“ Gabriel said. “Now, if my hunch is right-” “If your hunch is right, the real killer will be rushing off to the actual scene of the crime to dispose of any leftover evidence.” You finished. You waited a few minutes, parked inside an alleyway, lying in wait. Sure enough, a figure got into their car and sped out of the parking lot. Gabriel frowned. “I know that car…” “Do you know where its owner lives?” You asked. The sheriff sighed. “Unfortunately, yes.”
Gabriel took a breath, collecting himself before he knocked on the door. He wasn't surprised by who opened it but still wasn't ready to see that man. “Nick.”
“Gabriel?” Lucifer's blue eyes darted between you and the sheriff. “What's going on?” “You were in a rush to get home.” Gabriel stated. “Everything alright?” “Fine, just wasn't feeling well.” Lucifer muttered. You glanced inside, catching sight of a mop, taking in a breath and almost gagging at the sharp stench of cleaning liquid. “Fuck,” You coughed. “If you're so sick, why clean up?” You asked. “I- I-” Lucifer stammered
“Where were you the night of Metatron's murder?” Gabriel asked. The reply was short. “At home.” Gabriel took another step forward. “Metatron was murdered elsewhere by someone who worked for me. Someone with a gambling problem.” Lucifer's eyes looked panicked, like those of a cornered animal. Without another word, he pushed the sheriff to the side and took off running. Gabriel's head hit the corner of the mailbox by Lucifer's door. “Y/N, I'm fine!“ Gabe insisted, clutching his bleeding forehead as you stepped towards him. “Just get Lucifer!“ You nodded and took off. Your feet hit the pavement at an increasing pace as you chased after Lucifer. The detective was fast, but you had experience. You could usually outrun the cops. Lucifer was right in front of you now, panting but not giving up. You jumped forwards, tackling the suspect at his waist. He hit the sidewalk hard, grimacing at the pain. Foot pressed against his back, you kept him in place.
“Nick Morningstar,” Gabriel panted, catching up to you and handcuffing the colleague he once trusted. “You’re under arrest for the murder of Metatron Curtis.”
Gabriel walked out the interrogation room, fingers drumming against the side of his leg.
You leaned against a wall outside, two paper cups in hand. “Hey.” You said, a sympathetic smile on your face.
“Hey.” Gabe replied.
“I got you a coffee,” You told him, raising the drink. “Extra sugar. Just the way you like it.”
He took it, nodding towards his office. You followed him in and took a seat as he close the door behind you.
“Did he confess?” You asked.
Gabriel sat behind his desk, raising his feet up on the table. “Didn’t have much of a choice. They found the murder weapon hidden in his house with his prints on it. It took a while but…” Gabriel sighed. Lucifer was an old friend. It was hard to do this, but necessary. “Lucifer dug himself into a hole. Owed a loan shark money but had nowhere to get it. Nowhere but here.”
“When everyone’s favourite ex-thief shows up, that’s when he struck, yeah? Tried to pin it on me?” You added.
Gabriel nodded. “Exactly. Metatron figured it out, confronted Lucifer at his house, and was stabbed in the heat of the moment with a kitchen knife. Lucifer dumped the body here and wiped the security footage.”
You put the coffee on his desk. “Don’t beat yourself up about this. You’re just doing your job.”
Gabe nodded. “But I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“I’m sure you could’ve.”
“Nope. You’re a part of this team now, whether you like it or not. We need you.” Gabriel smiled. “I need you.”
You bit your lip. “About that… What are we?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well you took me out on a date for starters.” You explained. “And we’ve sort of been flirting. I just couldn’t tell if it actually meant something.”
“I like you, Y/N. If you want to be more serious, then that’s what I want. If you want to forget it all and just be friends, then that’s fine by me.” Gabriel said, taking one of your hands in his.
“You’d date a criminal?” You asked.
“You’re not a criminal.”
“I was a criminal.”
“Not anymore you’re not.” Gabriel said. “I like you for who you are now, not who you were.”
You laughed. “You’re such a sap.”
“Yeah, and you love it.” Gabe replied, grinning. “Oh! I almost forgot.” He passed you over a couple papers.
“What’s this?” You asked.
“Call it a one minute anniversary gift. Read it.”
You looked over the paper, heart racing as you took in the information. You had to re-read them just to make sure you weren’t wrong about this. “Civilian consultant?”
“Bingo!” Gabriel said. “You were doing well with the intern thing, and I convinced a few people you turned over a new leaf.”
“Gabriel I…” You tried to speak but you couldn’t find the right words. “This is great! Thank you!”
“Stay on the good side of the law and it’ll all work out.” Gabriel assured you. “To us.” He added, lifting up his coffee.
“To us.” You echoed, raising yours. You took a sip then set the cup down. “Do I get a badge?”
“Don’t push it.”
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hhuta · 3 years
like sometimes it's gay but only for like two seconds? also sometimes oberon gets to be gay it depends on if the production chooses to have girlboss tatiana(this makes v little sense but i'm trying to avoid spoilers also i think the hungarian production has girlboss tatiana and we love to see it) | he's like the EPITOME of annoying theatre kid but you do you ig(as a theatre kid i can say that) | you know i wasn't expecting my dghda propaganda campaign to work that quickly but me rights -3D
actually now i finally have time to rewatch it bc of spring break(it's strange not having at least one usually two new assignments every day honestly idk how to function anymore without overwhelming workload) so we can watch it together <3(i actually started a while ago but then didn't have time.. i think i might be on episode 2/3? idk) have an out of context quote in celebration: “[...] when a kitten went off and set off a shark explosion.” (-todd) -3D
mmmm i see !!! and thank u for no spoilers dkasl i do get it. i get it.
"idk how to function anymore without overwhelming workload" lmao i know how it is but thank god u finally got a break! enjoy it !!
the quote. alright. guess thats how sharnado began.
but yes cute of us to watch it at the same time <3
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