#shakespeare and hathaway fanfic
montygatorguy · 21 days
dubois bros fic just dropped ‼️
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viola-halogen · 1 year
12 Days of Thanktival — Day 6: Fix-it Fic/Shakespearean
[AO3 link]
Relationships: William Shakespeare & Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare/Anne Hathaway
Characters: William Shakespeare, Anne Hathaway, Christopher Marlowe
Summary: Chris survives his injury from being stabbed by King Phil and spends Christmas Day at the Shakespeares’ house.
A/N: It sucks being like the biggest Chris Marlowe fan in this fandom because there’s basically no works about him. Maybe I just love Jim Howick but Chris Marlowe deserved better.
Christmas at the Shakespeares’
Christmas Day had always found the Shakespeare house a lively, joyful place to be. Pleasant, but not exactly relaxing. Enjoyable, but with an air of chaos and impending doom wherever you went. That was just what came of having three children, Bill supposed. He’d never forget the year when he and Anne had gone out to listen to a Carol singer and found that the twins had managed to knock a whole tray of vegetables to the floor and trampled all over it. It would have spoiled their Christmas dinner completely, if their neighbours hadn’t taken pity on them and invited them around. And then there was the year when the log had nearly set the entire house on fire, and only Anne’s quick reflexes and a conveniently placed bucket of water had saved them. Bill could have told a thousand other such stories, if there were still anyone he knew who wasn’t sick of the sound of his voice.
Their first Christmas since moving to London, while stressful, had so far been relatively disaster-free. Granted all they’d done so far was wake up and put their dinner on to cook for that evening, but it was still a minor miracle.
“Mum, Hamnet and Judith want to go outside and play in the snow,” Susanna said, appearing in the kitchen where Bill and Anne were busy chopping turnips.
“Fine, but make sure they’re both wearing shoes and coats,” Anne said. “And tell them they have to be back before we head to Church.”
Susanna nodded and left the kitchen. “They won’t be back in time,” Bill said. “They never are. Remember that year we searched half the village for them, and it turned out they were just hiding behind the chicken house? And that was in Stratford, they’ve got way more places to hide here.”
“They know what the rule is,” Anne said. “If they’re not back in time for the Church service then they don’t get any dinner.”
At that moment they heard the sound of voices at the door, and then Chris Marlowe entered the kitchen, beaming in his Sunday best and carrying a large wreath of holly.
“It’s the Shakespeares!” he cried, hugging first Anne, then Bill. “I hope I’m not late, there was a pile of snow this high outside my door this morning…”
“Merry Christmas, mate,” Bill said, slapping his friend on the back. “Kids! Come say hello to Chris!”
The twins ran into the kitchen, halfway through putting their coats on, followed by Susanna. “Hello!” they said to Chris, who crouched down to ruffle their hair.
“Merry Christmas, you lot!” Chris said. “Are you going out somewhere?”
“I’m taking them to play in the snow,” Susanna said.
“Well you two have fun, and listen to your big sister, okay?” Chris said, before straightening up and turning back to Bill and Anne. “Oh, I brought this as a thank-you for having me for Christmas,” he said, lifting up the wreath he was carrying.
“Well we can put it up if there’s any space left,” Anne said. Almost every spare inch of space in their small home was already thoroughly adorned with mistletoe, ivy, holly and yew. It added a nice touch of festivity to the place and created a pleasant, joyful atmosphere.
Congrats on the new play, by the way, Bill,” Chris said. “I hear the Queen herself attended opening night. You’ve clearly been doing something right this whole time.”
“Thanks, Chris. I was absolutely terrified the whole time that something was going to go wrong… she seemed to enjoy it, though.”
“I’ll have to go and check it out sometime,” Chris said.
“Come as my guest! I insist!” Bill said. “I still haven’t repaid you for saving my life from Phil and Croydon… it’s a miracle you survived that stab wound at all.”
Chris fell silent suddenly, and Bill winced. No matter how many times Chris apologised for attempting to steal Bill’s play, he never seemed to have forgiven himself for it. Not to mention the fact that Chris’s injury was still a sore subject—he had been sick for weeks with an infection, and most likely would have died if Walsingham hadn’t paid out of pocket for the best doctor in London to take care of him.
“Chris, could you give me a hand with these sprouts?” Anne said, saving them from the awkward silence that had arisen between them. “Bill always takes too many layers off. It’s like he wants the pigs to eat better than us.”
“I’m just trying to make sure they’re peeled properly!” Bill protested as Chris joined Anne by the pile of sprouts.
“Oh, before I forget,” Chris said, reaching into an inner pocket and pulling out a stack of folded up paper. “I read over that script you gave me, Bill, and I’ve added some suggestions in the margins.”
Bill took the pile of paper and let it unfold in his hands. It was just a first draft for the latest idea he’d been working on, and still needed a lot of reworking, but he’d asked his fellow playwright to take a look over it and give him some feedback.
“It’s not bad,” Chris said. “Better than some of your other first attempts. I don’t suppose there’s any point in me even… trying to get you to tone in down a bit, is there?”
“You can try,” Bill said smugly. “But I’d probably save myself the effort, if I were you.”
“You’re a madman,” Chris said. “You’re lucky the Queen’s taken a shine to you.”
Bill smiled. “Well, I’ve always been blessed by Lady Luck.”
“Untrue,” Anne said. “I’ve never met anyone who’s worse at cards than you. Not to mention your dozens of failed careers before you landed on writing.”
“Hey, I was trying something with the interpretive dance, okay?”
“Well, I’ve got to know about this,” Chris said.
The three adults chatted amiably among themselves as they finished chopping vegetables, and not long after they were done a knock on the door announced the return of the kids.
“Any broken bones?” Bill asked as he let them in.
“Hamnet threw a snowball and hit someone in the eye,” Judith said.
“You weren’t supposed to tell anyone about that!” Hamnet cried, giving his sister a shove.
“No one was badly hurt,” Susanna said.
“No, leave your shoes on,” Anne said, hurrying towards them. “We’re heading out now, and if you take them off you’ll be hours putting them back on.”
“Is everyone ready to go then?” Chris asked, standing up from tying his laces. A quick head-count confirmed that yes, everyone was ready, and they all piled out of the house, Bill shutting the door behind them.
They turned right at the end of their street and joined the steady flow of people making their way to the Church. It was a pleasant walk, and several people called out or waved to Bill and Anne as they passed. He spotted Jill from the fish stall in the marketplace, holding the hand of her son, Henry. He was clutching at his eye as he walked, and when he saw them pointed an accusatory finger at Hamnet and said something to his mother.
“Okay, who wants to take the scenic route?” Bill said quickly, herding his family away from Jill’s angry glare and down a side street. Jill was definitely not the kind of person whose bad side you wanted to get on, that he knew from personal experience.
“Hamnet!” Judith said crossly, aiming a kick at her brother’s ankles.
“What? I didn’t even throw it that hard!” Hamnet protested.
“Let’s just get out of here quickly,” Anne said.
They made it to the Church in good time before the Christmas Day service started. They took their seats near the back, Bill and Anne with the kids between them and Chris on Bill’s left. As the service began, Anne reached out and squeezed Bill’s shoulder, turning to smile at him.
“Merry Christmas, darling,” she said.
“Merry Christmas, my angel,” he replied, leaning over and kissing her hand.
When the service was over, they returned home and the three adults had hot drinks and roast chestnuts by the fire, while the kids played in the next room. Bill and Chris talked about writing, and Anne shared the latest gossip from about town. Then they played a few different card and dice games, which Chris turned out to be amazing at. Bill’s luck stayed true and he managed to lose all but one of the games they played. After that they had dinner, and aside from one dropped bowl of peas nothing particularly eventful happened. Halfway through, Bill stood up and lifted his cup to propose a toast.
“Merry Christmas!” he said. “To my darling wife, Anne. To Chris, for being a true friend, and the most patient teacher in the world. To you lot,” he nodded at the kids at the other end of the table, “for managing not to set anything on fire this year. To all of us!”
Everyone cheered heartily. Bill took a long drink and sat back down in his seat, where Chris slapped him on the back.
“That was a good speech,” he said. “Maybe you are an alright playwright after all.”
Bill laughed.
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philleegirl · 2 years
Lovetober22 Fics - COMPLETED!
The Stats:
Fics: 31
Words: 48100
Fandoms: 13 
Pairings: 21
The Fandoms:
Death in Paradise
The Brokenwood Mysteries
Midsomer Murders
Murder in Provence
Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators
New Bloods
Our Flag Means Death
Queens of Mystery
Father Brown
Prompts and Fics:
Full moon - the lovely moon is playing just for you - Death in Paradise - Neville Parker/Colin Babcock
Ghosts - Of Reed Warblers, Cloud Gazing, and Butterflies -  Ghosts - Patrick Butcher/The Captain
Cozy - Warm and Safe and Loved - Shetland - Alan Killick/Donnie/Alison McIntosh
Carnivals - The Carnival at Badger's Drift - Midsomer Murders - John Barnaby/Sarah Barnaby, Cully Barnaby/Gavin Troy
Sweater - Suited Hearts - Shetland - Jimmy Perez/Duncan Hunter
Harvest - Your Love of Grapes - The Brokenwood Mysteries - Jared Morehu/Mike Shepard
Storm - some people can find peace in the middle of a hurricane - Death in Paradise -  Neville Parker/Colin Babcock
Leaves - Fall Foliage - MASH - BJ Hunnicutt/“Hawkeye” Pierce 
Blood - A Blue Ford Tourneo Connect and the Aftermath - New Blood - Rash Sayyad/Stefan Kowolski
Soup - Refines the Appetite  - The Brokenwood Mysteries - Kristin Sims/Dr. Carlton
Costume - Of Codpieces and Corduroy -  Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators - Sebastian Brudenell/Rory Harrison
Scary movies -  Small Handed Hearts -  Shetland - Jimmy Perez/Duncan Hunter
Spooky -  Love, Murder and Disembodied Voices -  Ghosts and  Shetland  - Patrick Butcher/The Captain, Jimmy Perez/Duncan Hunter
Candy -  Commercial Street Confection -  Shetland - Cassie Perez/Alex Grant
Warm -  Bébè -  Murder in Provence - Hélène Paulik/Sylvie
Bat -  A Peerie Nathusius’ Pipistrelle -  Shetland - Billy McCabe/OMC Felix Davie
Fog -  The Young Perez-Hunter's Buy the Lodberries -  Shetland - Jimmy Perez/Duncan Hunter
Vines -  In Vines Veritas - Lewis - James Hathaway/Robert Lewis's Son
Stargazing -  Stargazing with Old Friends -  Patrick Butcher/The Captain, Patrick Butcher & The Captain & Kitty
Nightmare -  Succubus Hearts -  Shetland - Jimmy Perez/Duncan Hunter
Pie -  Provençale Quiche -  Murder in Provence - Hélène Paulik/Sylvie
Candle -  The Light Remains - Father Brown - Sidney Carter/Inspector Sullivan
Mysterious call -  It's an Enigma to Some - The Brokenwood Mysteries - Kristin Sims/Dr. Carlton, Daniel Chalmers & Kristin Sims
Warm -  Tropical Heat -  Shetland and Death in Paradise - Jimmy Perez/Duncan Hunter
Mask -  Don't Hide Your Love Behind a Hardened Mask -  Our Flag Means Death - Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Scream -  Cat and Wolfe Games - Queens of Mystery - Cat Stone/Isabella Wolfe
Spider -  Hero's Reward - New Blood - Rash Sayyad/Stefan Kowolski
Latte -  Tabloid Truths and Lies -  Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators - Sebastian Brudenell/Rory Harrison
Fire -  Als een feniks uit as gerezen -  Shetland - Billy McCabe/OMC Felix Davie
Cold -  The Cold, Dark Winter Won't Last Forever -  Lewis - James Hathaway/Robert Lewis's Son, Laura Hobson/Robbie Lewis
Halloween -  Just a Literary Device -  New Blood - Rash Sayyad/Stefan Kowolski
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ladykailitha · 11 days
15, 27, 47
Tumblr media
Fanfic Questions!
15- Is there an obscure ship which you love?
In general? Rory and Sebastian from Shakespeare and Hathaway: Private Detectives. Like they had a whole season of chemistry that they did NOTHING with. It was a travesty. And for the longest time I was the only one having written anything for the pair. I'm sure it's changed now, but yeah, I was driving that ship, baby!
For Stranger Things? Argyle and Eden. Like they are so cute together and I feel a lot people ship Jargyle because they want everyone fruity. And while more power to them, I think stoner surfer dude and goth chick are just neat!
27- What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
LOL! In all seriousness though, summaries. Titles will usually make themselves known in the writing process. There have only be a small, small handful of times I've asked for help with a title.
But if I could get a story pared down to 40 words, that one-shot wouldn't be 30k and growing, now would it?
47- Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
When it comes to fully edited stories, AO3 all the way. It's easier to read, filter, and upload.
The only thing I use Fanfiction.com for is to auto-format my stories and as backup. They hold the file for a whole year.
Tumblr started as a way to info-dump about my favorite shows. Then when I had a dozen or so ST fics just sitting there waiting to be edited (my beta at the time didn't like to go outside with works she hadn't seen and my husband was super busy at the time) and I got asked why I didn't have links to the works when I wrote my original list that would go on to become my master list.
So I started to putting them out here and the rest is, as they say, is history!
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rinqueen6 · 1 year
a/n: this is one of the four fanfictions written by yours truly and @oflethe during my community day stream (on June 5th, 2023, using the game frantic fanfic)
summary: shakespeare meet cute???
warnings: no editing in sight, sexual innuendos, and a really messed up plot
(each time there is a “-” there is a switched writer; it starts with lethe)
I woke up to my stupid alarm, in my stupid bed. I got out and stared at my lifeless blue eyes in the mirror. Hi, I'm Y/N. Just another girl in this G-dforsaken World. I put my long brown hair in a messy bun and changed into my Paramore tshirt and skinny black jeans. As I put on my non-broken in Dr Martens, my mum walked in.
"Y/N," she started, looking exhausted "you have a visitor."
B-but, who would want to see a mess like me?? As I walked down our villa's stairs I saw him -------------------- , standing there, a wolfish grin on his face.
"S-shakespeare?" I whispered, too taken aback by his molded back hair.
"Yes," he grunted sexually. "It's me. Your new family."
"That's right, Y/N." My mom yelled. "You're useless and not a part of my family anymore. Shakespeare is adopting you."
I was so scared I peed a little.
"Adopted? Me?"
"Let's go baby. You're like a midsummer's night dream or whatever."
Shakespeare took me to the carriage and threw all my bags in the back. I sat in the front seat, trying to ignore the fact that the horse in front of us was shitting like crazy.
"I hope I never see you again." My mom said and slammed the door behind herself.
"Time to go, Y/N. Your new life awaits." Shakespeare put a quill in the carriage's ignition, and we were off. To my new life. My new home. -------------------- To a new century.
He rode the carriage into a new old age, and I found myself standing in front of THE Globe Theatre.
"So," he startled me, "I suspect you'll be right at home playing with the boys."
Yeah, I prefered boys' company over other girls, since I'm not like them and all, but what did he mean??
I would find out soon that he meant to make me into his image. A girl that pretends to be a boy playing a girl on stage. I soon became the biggest actor his stage had ever seen, and soon, I became his biggest muse. His Cleopatra. His youmg Juliet to his old-ass Romeo. Anne Hathaway was no more, in the end it was me and him- my William, my Shakespeare.
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blushingzephyr · 11 months
are any other succession characters in your detective au? like, what’s shiv doing in this au?
quick disclaimer: i know nothing about detectives, especially in the US. i am sort of basing it around the show Shakespeare and Hathaway private investigators? if anyone wants to inform me about hierachies and ranks they would be welcome!
i think shiv would also be a private investigator/detective. she would be newly qualified or NEARLY qualified and keeps messing up in the test by being too impulsive or something?like how in the show she’s new to the company and the concept of being CEO and just moved from the world of politics.
either she is actually loyal to the roy company, but she keeps trying to do things in a different way and go off on her own,
OR she’s constantly being a double agent between kendall and roy’s agency and other detective agencies (e.g mattson?) like giving the roys fake evidence to mess up the investigation. OR both? at different points.
yeah hes helping as another detective too, like lower ranks maybe but still qualified. he does lots of asking around houses and driving around. he takes greg with him because he gets lonely to use him as a human shield in case a bullet flies at his face.
considering the Roys would still be rich, they can afford to get some clerks or whatever to get them coffee bc i KNOW they would not be able to survive without help.
he helps Tom, and im toying with this idea that Tom gets Greg to do an errand while they’re on a case, and then Greg gets kidnapped and held hostage.
someone in the tags of a reblog said that he’s the IT guy and i think thats such a good idea but i lost who said it. so if you said this, 👍! ( if i find it i’ll put you here: @sleek-lazy-cats-8-the-cotter)
i also think that as well as being really bad at IT and barely being able to work a word document, there’s this ONE time that he gets a piece of information that is crucial to the case and he ALWAYS brings it up.
100% a crime boss. That man hires hitmen for fun. everytime he crops up in a case, they debate whether to prove his guilt (because it would skyrocket their reputation and get them more money) or cover for him because he’s their father and he continues to play mindtricks.
how did they become detectives with a crimeboss as a father in the first place? beats me.
kinda giving criminal girlboss. like that woman stabs people. also roman gets to be conflicted about her if shes immoral.
Kendall and Roman:
i said shiv might try and do things differently, and i also think that kendall and roman do that too. none of them work together well for more than a couple days. lol. they do attempt it.
Kendall covers up his crime/murder/thing and i have an idea that he jumps in a river to chase a criminal and like. somethin something water motif somethin something.
Roman tries his hardest to be smooth with criminals and chat them up in order to get them to talk but he ends up just like. forgetting he exists and messing it up. also he constantly jibes kendall about drugs bc they crop up in cases a lot.
thats it so far. feel free to add anything if you want, and if anyone wants to write fanfic with this idea, they’d be welcome to! i would read them.
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gwaciechang · 4 years
Ungodly Hour (2/5)
Trigger warning for threats of violence at knifepoint. Read under the cut or on AO3 here. And let me know if you want me to tag you in future chapters.
The rest of the magic show is honestly a little bit boring. To be fair, it’s because you now find the stage manager so interesting that your eyes flick to him every few seconds like he’s a magnet.
As soon as the show is over, the audience almost tramples you on their way to fawn over the magician. This is actually okay, because it leaves you free to go to the stage manager. You wish you’d spent the time you wasted not watching the magic show thinking of something cooler to say than, “I wanted to thank you again.”
“Um, no, uh, no problem,” his eyes flick up and down your body, probably to check for wounds again. All of a sudden, he notices what he’s doing and turns away so you’re treated to a great view of his reddening cheek.
“So, have you worked here long?” god, why are you so shit at this?
“A few years,” he still can’t meet your eyes.
“I thought so. You move around the stage like you live here.” Is that a compliment, or is he going to think you’re insinuating he’s homeless? “I just mean, you do a really good job.”
He blushes even harder, and his hand reaches up to play with the ends of his hair. His voice is gruff when he thanks you. This close, you can see a little buttercup in his nose, and, well, you’ve never seen a piercing you didn’t want to curl your tongue around.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but your accent, you’re not from around here, are you?” he asks.
“It’s fine. I know, my accent,” you roll your eyes. “I am, unfortunately, American.”
“No, I didn’t mean it like that,” he says quickly. He’s looking you in the eye now, and you can feel every callus on the hand he has on your arm. “Your accent is very cute.”
You burst into laughter. “Okay, now I know what you look like when you’re lying. Literally nobody thinks American accents are cute, and that includes Americans.”
“Maybe it’s just the person who’s speaking it then.”
You search his expression, but you can’t figure out what it is.
“Oi, Callum, are you going to close up or not?” Pross says sharply. Maddie whispers something in his ear, and he adds, “You did a good job for your first job coming back today.”
“Thank you, Mr. Pross,” he nods. “I’ll get on that right away.”
Pross waits until Callum’s gone to make a lewd gesture until Maddie forces his hands to his sides.
“Sorry,” she mouths as she pushes Pross away.
You shake your head and wave your hand dismissively. You’re about to go when you see Callum putting his whole body into pushing the iron maiden to the backstage prop area. “Do you need any help?” you ask.
“I got it,” he says, but his voice is strained, so you turn around and you grab a box you’re too proud to admit is super heavy. You wince from the sound it makes when you drop it too heavily on the floor next to the iron maiden. When you go with him back onto the stage, he grabs a bag of swords himself and hands you a light box. Thank goodness, because when you see the way the muscles in his arms strain against the weight of the swords, you almost drop it.
Luckily, everything else the magicians use seems to be lighter, and you two settle into a nice silence as you put everything away. You get to admire those arms again when Callum drops the curtain and ties the rope, then he flicks the lights off and you exit the theater together.
You pull the bus schedule out of your back pocket, and just your luck, the only bus back to the hotel stopped running more than an hour ago. You look up and down the street, but it’s empty except for you, Callum, and distant figure. Only after you pull out your phone do you remember that your data plan doesn’t include international coverage. “Fuck. What are the chances I could get a cab at this ungodly hour?” you ask Callum.
“Well, where do you live?” he asks. “I don’t mean it like that!” he adds hastily. “I just mean, is it far from here? I could walk you home. If you’re okay with it. I’m not a creep, I promise.”
“That sounds exactly like what a creep would say,” you can’t help saying. You let him sputter for a few more seconds before taking pity. “It’s pretty far, though, and, I mean, you’re a strong guy,” you mock-punch him in the arm, “but I wouldn’t let you walk me that far. I mean, then you’d have to walk home alone, and I won’t let you do that. Do you have a car? I’ll pay you for gas.”
“It’s at my apartment, but that’s just a few blocks down, if you don’t mind the walk,” Callum gestures.
Before you could agree, you feel the flat end of a knife pressing against the back of your neck. You stumble forward instinctively to get away from the knife, too sharply to keep your balance. The pavement rushes toward you, but Callum’s arms wrap around you and physically lifts you entirely into the air, depositing you behind him.
“Listen, whatever it is you want, I’m sure we can work it out,” he says, arms held above his head.
“I want your phones and cash. Hers too,” wow, you weren’t expecting to hear such a young voice.
“Fuck off,” you start to drag Callum toward you, planning on running across the empty street.
But Callum only moves to step fully between you and that knife so that you can’t even see what the mugger is doing. “Just take it, please,” his hands are shaking as he reaches into his pocket, and his voice breaks when the mugger swipes his knife across the air. “Please, I saw a woman get stabbed to death in front of me last week, I can’t handle seeing it again.” He squeaks again when he knife gets close enough to slice off a lock of his hair.
You take advantage of his distraction to reach into your purse and step forward. “I said fuck off!” you scream.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Callum hisses, starting to pull you back again.
“Yeah, listen to your boyfriend before I cut you,” the mugger holds up his-
“Holy shit, is that a butter knife?” you’re almost giddy with relief.
“I can gut you with this!” the idiot threatens.
“Not before I gut you with this,” and you flick your thumb stud knife open. You very, very, very narrowly avoid telling him that yours is bigger. You’re trying to defend Callum, not start a fight. Seeing a man die in front of him would probably not do him any favors. “Run away, child.”
Your discretion pays off when the would-be robber runs off in the opposite direction. You turn around when he’s far away enough to no longer be a threat, prepared to apologize to Callum for scaring him. Only when you actually see him, he’s not white as a sheet and terrified, but red in the face. The reason is also pretty obvious in his tight jeans.
“So, you said you live a few blocks from here?” you ask, innocently sliding the blade back in the handle to put in your purse. You already faced down a mugger at knifepoint, might as well see where your boldness can get you.
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miscreantbread · 3 years
shakespeare was probably just three gays stacked in a trenchcoat but y’all arent ready for that yet
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dreamteaze · 5 years
Why aren't there stories like off the beaten path of regular AUs??
Like instead of a royalty au where person A is royal and person B is a peasant/servant that have a starcrossed love story I want a medieval au where person A is a travelling merchant that decided to stay around for a while longer because the dagger they use to defend themselves is "broken" but in actuality they fell in love with person B who is the blacksmith they were trading with
Or instead of a soulmate au that takes place in modern day human world I want one that takes place in underwater mermaid/merman world during the story of Moby Dick
I want to read the story of what happened to Rosaline after she found out what happened to Romeo and that girl at the Capulet party
A soulmate au between William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway
I want one where Death has come to take King Arthur's soul or Cleopatra's or Julius Caesar's or someone who made history
If any of these exist, I haven't been looking hard enough
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madeline-kahn · 4 years
my Julie and the Phantoms/Shakespeare and Hathaway Investigations fanfic doesn’t have to answer to anybody, not even me.
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basmathgirl · 4 years
Tag Meme
I was tagged by the wonderful @raywritesthings, Thank you! :D
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
1. NAME: I hate giving my name in everyday life, let alone in these things so I’m going to put Basmathgirl
2. NICKNAMES: BMG, Bas, Fan (Fanny Fanackapan is the longer version), and short!Mummy
4. HEIGHT: it was 5’ 4” (1.62m) but I think I’ve shrunk
5. LANGUAGES: English and a vague smattering of French
7. FAVOURITE SEASON: Autumn, although I quite like Spring
8. FAVOURITE FLOWER: If you ever buy me flowers DON’T make it lilies – I can’t stand the smell; otherwise I tend to like white or blueish flowers
9. FAVOURITE SCENT: I like vanilla smells
10. FAVOURITE COLOUR: I like blue – it used to be yellow but a wasp attack put paid to that idea
11. FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Probably dogs
12. FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(s): Donna Noble, Harry Potter, Elinor Dashwood, Anne Elliot, Captain Frederick Wentworth, Fitzwilliam Darcy (yes, I like Jane Austen, and Colin Firth’s photo was on my wall), Roderick Peterson, Peter Vincent, the Doctor, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Miss Marple, Father Brown, Shakespeare & Hathaway (yes, I like cheesy BBC detective stories), Inspector Morse,  DI Alec Hardy, DI Alex Drake, DCI Gene Hunt, Malcolm Tucker, Professor Vivian Bearing (have you seen “Wit”?  Of my goodness, I sobbed and sobbed),…. and I’d better stop there, or this would become an essay.
13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE:  Generally speaking, I’d always go for a tea (I try to keep chai or Earl Grey as a special treat) but in fast food places I’d opt for a hot chocolate as the safest option.
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: I’m at that age where a bathroom break in the middle of the night is essential, so getting a full 8 hours is a rarity.
15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: I’ve had limited dealings with cats so I’m more of a dog person. My favourite jokey quote is: “People look at me and think ‘dog’.”
16. NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: I don’t sleep with a blanket; at all. We use duvets.
17. DREAM TRIP: At the moment I am desperate to go back to Scotland – we tried watching the whole Mallaig steam trip on TV (the Jacobite Line) but it ain’t the same as actually being there.
19. FOLLOWERS: 1567.  I suspect a high percentage of this figure is pornbots, so I’ll miss them when they eventually unfollow me….
20. RANDOM FACT: Seeing a clip from the recently ‘free to watch’ “Jesus Christ Superstar” reminded me that I’d seen it on the second night it originally opened in London. The ticket was acquired because, for a few months, I shared the same agent as Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice.
I’m tagging: @bedeliadumaurierblog, @badxwolfxrising, @blueyedthiefling, @drtonks @myrklin, @useless-fangirl-does-fan-art, @horseonthespaceship,  @24601error-prisonernotfound, @faceball-95, @mindibindi, @let-your-chaos-explode, @melmey-fanfics, @shego1142, @captainjackspoilers, @joi-in-the-tardis, @cookie-moi, @antiantemeridian, @danasnobledonna, @thewirealbatross, @storamogul, 
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montygatorguy · 1 month
this is the second to last chapter oml.. anne and william time
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I saw & Juliet
It's a new musical on the west end that retells the classic Shakespeare with a new twist: Juliet doesn't kill herself. It's beautiful.
- first off, the whole premise is amazing
- it's not actually Romeo and Juliet's story. It's Anne Hathaway's (Shakespeare's wife)
- I'm not even kidding it's Anne Hathaway's self insert fanfic where she's Juliet's best friend and it's beautiful
- Romeo is bi this is confirmed
- they go to Paris, make a joke about the name, and show both the metro and the Eiffel tower on stage, neither of which existed at the time
- TRANS REP (and they talk about Shakespeare and gender in theatre and the amount of not cishet stuff in Shakespeare's plays)
- can we appreciate the nurse being absolutely ride or die for Juliet please she doesn't get enough love 😍
- the music in this is phenomenal. Every song choice is spot on (yes Juliet is singing "oops I did it again" and it's perfect)
- honestly the trans rep is wonderful this whole song is about the bathroom struggle™
- I'm not going to do spoilers but wow this thing went off the rails quickly.
- Anne Hathaway calling out her husband on the 'second best bed' stuff and writing sonnets to everyone except her is exactly the kind of thing I wanted to see in 2020.
- the ending is perfect. I cried.
- managing to make Romeo and Juliet, widely regarded as the greatest tragedy of all time, into a comedy is honestly the most impressive part of this whole thing... and the puns
Basically, it's the most irreverent adaptation of any Shakespeare play I've ever seen and it's so refreshing. Shakespeare would love it. If you can, go see it. I want to see it again immediately.
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philleegirl · 1 year
2022 fic year in review
Total number of completed stories: 40 (woah!)
Total word count: 63,861
Fandoms written in: Death in Paradise, Father Brown (2013), Ghosts (TV 2019), Lewis (TV), MASH (TV), Midsomer Murders, Murder in Provence, New Blood (TV), Our Flag Means Death (TV), Queens of Mystery (TV), Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators (TV), Shetland (TV), The Brokenwood Mysteries  
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? Definitely more fic and in so many more fandoms than I expected.
What’s your own favourite story of the year? This is actually really hard for me to decide because I played in so many new playgrounds this year and each playground has its own ups and downs. One I really liked and thought was rather clever was Just a Literary Device  (New Blood)
Did you take any writing risks this year? Oh lord, yes! I wrote more crossovers than ever: Death in Paradise/Shetland, Ghosts/Shetland and kinda Shetland/Van der Walk. I tried and failed to do NaNo, but learned a good deal. I wrote the first two fics in a fandom, which I found wild. I finally wrote a bit of the Robbie Lewis’s son/James Hathaway fic that I have always wanted to write.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? I want to finish Hearts (Shetland series) and give it the ending it deserves. I am working on a couple of fics for the Shetland Fic Fest. I also want to finish the Death in Paradise/Shetland casefic I started for NaNo. 
Most popular story of the year?  Of Reed Warblers, Cloud Gazing, and Butterflies (Ghosts) by Kudos, Don't Hide Your Love Behind a Hardened Mask (Our Flag Means Death) by Hits, and The Young Perez-Hunter Chronicles (Shetland) by Comment Threads. The last might be a little unfair since that is a Shetland fic and the fandom does tend to have full conversations in the comments. <3
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: It is a tie between Provençale Quiche (Murder in Provence) and Just a Literary Device. I get that these are tiny fandoms, but I actually quite like both of them and would love to see both fandoms grow. Plus, they are vastly different fics, but I think they both have some merit and lovely moments.
Most fun story to write: Als een feniks uit as gerezen (Shetland). I loved learning some Dutch and also creating a partner worthy for Billy was fun!  
Most unintentionally telling story: when i look at you… and i look, and i… and i’m home (Death in Paradise) As someone who has struggled to accept her sexuality for about a decade and only started telling people that I am Asexual, Biromantic in the last 18 months, I think that this was the most telling. Making Neville Demisexual was actually really scary for me cause it oddly felt like a confession. I am not sex adverse and write sex scenes infrequently, so it seemed like I was setting myself up for being called a hypocrite. However, that has mostly not happened and I am so happy about that! Being Ace/Biro is hard enough in real life, I really didn’t want fandom coming at me too.
Biggest disappointment: Not finishing NaNo. I am the type of person that when I set myself a challenge I finish it, so that was a rough failure for me. 
Biggest surprise: That I actually wrote in THAT many fandoms!! It is crazy to me. Also, that all but two of them are tiny fandoms, so while nothing was viral or blew up I have been getting Kudos almost every day. That is huge for me.
Um, since @greenapricot tagged everyone that I would have tagged, I will skip tagging for now, but if you see this and want to do go for it!!
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& Juliet Fanfic - “Don’t Give Up On Your Faith”
Words: 4,224
AO3 Link (first in the fandom?)
NOTE: still getting used to the characters.... so yeah.
Even after the play had been written, the piece was published, and the world fell in love with Romeo and Juliet’s story, Anne Hathaway found that she could still enter the Story.
At least, that’s what she was calling it; the realm that seemed to be some sort of suspended reality, something similar to, but definitely not completely tethered, to their usual world. The Real Life, as William coined it.
In Story, the tale of Juliet and Romeo continued, far beyond what the two writers originally intended. It was confusing even to William, who found that he, too, could reprise his usual roles, as time passed in Story.
“Might be good for a sequel of sorts,” William quipped one morning, sitting next to April as they watched Juliet, May and Nurse from afar.
“Eh, I think they deserve some peace, don’t they?” Anne asks, slipping her hand into his. “Everyone does. It’s been quite the last few months for them, a small break won’t kill anyone-” she makes a face at the bad phrasing, which makes William laugh. 
“Fine, fine, no Romeo & Juliet 2, I suppose,” he quips with a smile. “I rather like it here.”
“It is quite nice, isn’t it?” Anne asks with a grin, looking over at him. “A few rules, though: we don’t stay in here for more than a day maximum, and we definitely don’t bring the girls in here.” She looks down at their hands. “We don’t know the full extent of this place, so-”
The name is second nature to Anne now: April, the woman of Story, best friend to Juliet. When she’s in the Real World - or alone with William - she’s Anne; but here, with Juliet and company, she’s April. It’s all as compartmentalized as she could make it.
“Oh, ready to go?” April asks, jumping off the ledge to move to meet them. “What’s the plan today, everyone?”
April did always love the adventures and antics they got into in this world; she had a freedom here that, in the Real World, she wasn’t allowed. It was refreshing on multiple levels.
“Probably just going to hang out in the square,” Juliet says with a shrug. “Then I’m meeting up with Romeo for a nice dinner.”
“Oh?” April asks with a smile. “That sounds lovely… how’s that all going, anyways?”
William, who was following originally, is suddenly stopped by a few of Romeo’s friends. With a smile and a wave, he moves away, towards the other side of the square, still in eyeline of each other should they need it. Now that they weren’t fighting, they never wanted to leave each other’s sides - as much as possible, anyways.
“We’re alright,” Juliet continues. “We’re getting through some things. Not really sure what we are currently, but that’s okay for now, you know? We’re definitely friends. I just hope we can get closer.”
April smiles. “That’s a good way to go about it.”
“It’s a fresh start,” Juliet replies. “I like where it’s going.”
“And how about you, May?” April asks, smiling a bit coyly at them. “What about you?”
“Oh, uh… me and Frankie are doing well, thank you,” they reply, a soft smile on their face. “It’s been wonderful, really.”
Juliet laughs at that, pulling May closer. “You can’t stop talking about him, May! It’s adorable.”
May chuckles at that, shrugging a bit shyly. “It’s nice, you know? To have that connection with someone. It’s nice.”
April nods understandingly, smile growing wider as she looks over at… 
“Oh, uh,” Angelique replies, chuckling. “We’ll see how it goes. Lance has been quite the charmer since we decided to… er, you know.” She chuckles. “I’m meeting with him tonight, actually, while Juliet and Romeo go on their little date of sorts.
“Oh, it must be a date night,” May quips. “I’ll be with Frankie. We’ve got a faire to go see.”
April tilts her head. “Oh, where is it? I might take-”
April stops, though, and stares, straightening up a bit.
It’s a chill down her spine, a stoppage of breath, a terrifying reaction to something unseen. 
The group stops to look at her. “April? You alright?” Juliet asks, frowning.
April doesn’t react for a moment before, suddenly, she looks down, a bit confused.
She’s not sure what just happened, but she’s sure of what she needs to do.
“I… need to go,” she says, looking around; sure enough, William is rushing to her side. “Emergency.”
“Can we help-” Juliet starts, but Anne’s already rushing off, having taken William by the hand.
“I’ll be back in a bit!” Anne replies. “Don’t wait up!”
William follows quickly. “You felt it too, right?”
“Yeah,” Anne nods. “Something’s off.”
The duo end up in an alleyway, where they close there eyes, take a deep breath, focus…
… and William opens his eyes to find himself in the Real World. He’s thankful that little trick hasn’t failed them.
The first thing he does is check on the girls; they’re safe, still not back from their trip. With that anxiety lessened, he continues the search for whatever has gone wrong. 
Will looks around anxiously; something’s off, he knows it, but he can’t seem to find anything at the moment-
-which, with a terrifying realization, he knows is part of the problem.
“Anne?” he asks, rushing through the home. “Anne, where are you-”
He stops, however, when he enters the next room, eyes wide.
“Christopher Marlowe?”
Sure enough, the man was standing there, Anne being forced to stand in front of him, a knife to her back. 
“Hello, William,” Chrisopher says. “It’s nice to see you again.”
William shakes the shock away.
“Where are the girls?” Anne asks; it’s the biggest concern to her right now, not even her own safety. 
William expected nothing less; it’s what he would worry about as well.
“Safe, not here, still on that trip,” Will explains. When Anne visibly relaxes, William turns his attention back to the current situation. “I thought you died, right about the time you were outed as not the writer of all my plays.”
“Greatly exaggerated,” Christopher explains. “But don’t worry, I’ll soon reveal myself to the masses… as the new William Shakespeare.”
William blinks.
Anne blinks.
They both reply:
Christopher sighs.
“Both of you are rather cute with the whole do-the-same-thing-at-the-same-time thing,” Christopher grumbles, “but now’s really not the time for it.”
He pulls Anne closer.
“I’m done with being in your shadow, William,” Christopher says, taking out something. “And I think this finally my chance to take what’s mine: your works, your legacy… your lady here.”
“Since when are you even remotely interested in Anne?” William asks, giving him a confused look. William was getting more and more confused by the moment.
Christopher takes a moment before he shrugs and nods.
“Okay, fair play, I’m not really after her, but… the Story, that’s what you’ve been calling it, haven’t you?”
Anne tries to look back. “How do you know about that-”
“That’s a conversation for another time,” Christopher says. He starts to move and Anne’s scared he’ll move towards her husband.
“William, back away,” Anne says, voice as steady as it could be given the moment. She tenses when she feels something against her back - something that’s getting hotter by the second. “Get help. Don’t worry about me.”
“And leave you here with him? Not a chance,” William growls out, glaring daggers at his opponent.
Christopher smiles. “One more chance, Will. Give me the play, or I’ll take her from you.” 
“Christopher Marlowe, get the hell away from her-” William starts, but then Marlowe presses the thing further into Anne’s back, and the woman gasps, eyes wide.
There’s some sort of… darkness, of shadow, that floats through the air, coming from Anne’s back and into the woman’s heart. Marlowe backs up, away from Anne, but the woman is still floating in the air, darkness surrounding her.
“Anne!” Will tries to yell, but he’s suddenly knocked down by an unknown, invisible force.
When he sits back up, he looks with wide eyes.
Standing before him is his wife, but her eyes… they’re as black as night. They look straight through him.
Christopher looks pleased.
“Now then,” he says happily, gently carding a hand through Anne’s hair. “I think another rewrite is in order, wouldn’t you agree, love?”
He offers her a dagger… which she takes.
“Anne, please-” William starts, but then the ground shakes and a sigil appears on the ground. His eyes go wide.
“We’re not killing you, William, don’t worry,” he says. “Just everything you’ve held dear will be destroyed over the next 24 hours. Isn’t that right, Anne?”
Anne says nothing as she’s suddenly engulfed in the shadow… and they’re gone. They’re both gone.
William can only stare.
Back within the Story, Juliet was a bit panicked.
“I know April does this sometimes,” Juliet said with a frown, “but never for this long. Does anyone know where she’s gone off to?”
“Not that I know of,” Nurse replies. “She’s usually here by now-”
“There you two are.”
The duo turns to find April there. Juliet almost smiles in relief, but…
“Are you alright, April?” Juliet asks, moving over to the woman with urgency. 
April looks over and, for a moment, Juliet feels a coldness. It’s gone as soon as it came, though, and April gives her a smile.
“Of course, Juliet, why wouldn’t I be?” she asks, the normal tone and warm smile back in play.
Juliet shrugs. “You were gone for half a day without telling anyone where you were.”
April shrugs. “Sorry. Shall we get going?”
Juliet narrows her eyes as April walks past.
A few hours later, it’s clear to Juliet that something’s wrong.
It’s April, she’s sure of it, but it’s also… just… not. 
When the two of them were alone for a moment, Juliet takes the opportunity to talk to her privately.
“You’ve been acting strange all day, April,” Juliet says gently, taking the girl’s hand. “Are you sure there’s nothing the matter?”
April, for the record, isn’t really hearing Juliet right now; all she can focus on is the voice in her head, repeating the same thing over and over:
Kill her.
Kill her.
Kill her.
As it continues, April can’t help but remember a time, not so long ago, where she and Juliet fought back against demands like this. April had helped Juliet make her own choices, her own decisions… the same things that aren’t being allowed for April - for Anne - right now.
It helps give her strength and, for a moment, April can see the light in the darkness.
“Shut up!”
Juliet starts in surprise, stopping. “I’m sorry-?”
“No, not…” April sighs; she’s surprised that came out of her mouth. She winces, a hand to her head.
“Are you alright-” Juliet tries, a hand reaching out to try to help steady her friend, but April pulls away rather harshly.
“I’m fine, don’t touch me,” April growls out. “I need a moment.”
April moves past without much fanfare. 
Juliet frowns, watching her friend as she moves into a dark, shadowy back alley.
In said alley, April walks fairly unsteadily, eventually toppling towards the wall. With a deep, shaking breath, she steadies herself.
“This… th-this isn’t right,” April says quietly, to herself. “All of this, it’s not-!”
“But it is, April~”
She can hear him, she can feel him… but she can’t see him.
“What did you do to me?” Anne demands, anger rising the longer this continues. She looks up. “Show yourself, Marlowe!”
“Where’s the fun in that?” he asks, though clearly not anywhere near Anne. She looks around wildly, angrily… but nothing. “No, no, you still have a job to do, Annie.”
A dagger suddenly appears in April’s hands.
“No,” Anne says. “I refuse. I absolutely refuse-”
“You can and you will,” Marlowe cuts in. “You won’t have a choice. This isn’t your narrative anymore, Hathaway. This is mine. It will all be mine.”
“I have a choice,” Anne growls out; to herself or to Marlowe, she’s not sure, but she clings onto the reminder like a lifeline. “I have a fucking choice-”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Marlowe starts, just as the darkness rises once again. Anne feels like she’s drowning in it, fading off into obscurity because of it, completely unable to overcome it.
“You will never have a choice again.”
Anne shakes, dagger laying in her hands… and then slowly but surely, she grabs it and holds onto it tightly.
The darkness is eternal, swirled around her, and she relaxes into it.
“I will,” she replies, her voice devoid of emotion. “I will.”
She’s resigned to it, suddenly; she knows there’s no other way. She knows what she must do - what she has no choice but to do.
The darkness has taken hold again.
“Good,” Marlowe replies. “Now, it must be done before midnight,” he says. “Which is in about… four hours.”
The darkness swirls around Anne more and she closes her eyes, taking a deep breath. Succumbing to it. 
“I will, before midnight,” she promises.
The darkness fades.
Anne puts the dagger on her belt, hiding it from view, before she moves back towards the others.
Juliet looks back as soon as April is seen.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Juliet tries again, but April gives her a smile.
“Never better, I assure you,” April replies with a grin. “Come on, Juliet, we have much to do before tonight.”
Juliet raises an eyebrow but follows. “What’s tonight?”
April just grins. 
“You’ll see.”
Back in the Real World, William has been trying over and over to get back into the Story… but for some reason, he just can’t. No matter how hard he focuses, how hard he writes… there’s nothing. He’s blocked, it seems, from his own creation.
“Come on, Anne,” he says, a frustrated sigh following. “You need to let me in-”
“She’s not coming, William.”
William glares at the man in front of him: Marlowe, once again, holding a book. He recognizes it immediately, but he doesn’t care.
“Give her back to me,” William demands. “Now.”
“So sorry, can’t do it,” Marlowe replies. “You can read along, though, if you’d like.”
When William gives him a questioning look, Marlowe throws the book at him. William catches it, opens it up… and his eyes go wide and he drops the book immediately.
“Witchcraft!” he exclaims. “That must be witchcraft.”
“It’s something far worse, I assure you,” Marlowe replies. “It won’t hurt you, though. And you can follow along with what’s happening in that realm of hers… and watch when she completely destroys it.”
William glares… but takes the book anyways. When he looks up, Marlowe is gone.
All he thinks he can do is just… read along, as the words appear on the page. 
He joins in just as the clock is about to strike 11:30 at night.
“What’s happening in half an hour again?” Juliet asks; at this point, she and April are alone, walking the streets of Paris, arms linked. “It’s dangerous to be out here alone like this, you know… we should have waited for Romeo, he said he was only going to be another minute or so.”
“I assure you, Juliet,” April replies, “he won’t be needed.”
Juliet stops then.
“Alright, come off it, then, what’s going on?”
April looks back, questioning. “What do you mean?”
“April wouldn’t just blow him off like that,” Juliet replies. “Something’s wrong here. Can’t you feel it?” Juliet shivers a bit. “It’s like a coldness… it’s you, but it’s the air around you, too. Something’s off, and I think it starts with you.”
April tilts her head in thought before she shrugs. The dagger appears in her hands.
Juliet instantly backs up a few steps.
“April?” Juliet tries, but then the girl strikes, trying to slash at the woman. “April!”
Back in the Real World, William squeezes his eyes shut, trying to focus; why can’t he get in?
Juliet backs up again, eyes wide. “What’s gotten into you? Snap out of this!”
April moves forward once more, once again being dodged. “April!”
“Will you just be a good girl for us and die already?” Anne growls out, going for the stab once again.
“Us?” Juliet asks, suddenly moving forward. Somehow, against all odds, she’s managed to grab the arm with the knife without injuring anyone. “Who’s us?”
They struggle. William tries harder, as hard as he can.
Come on, William, he thinks to himself, your wife’s in danger and you can’t even save her? Do something!
Juliet looks around for a moment before she pushes April away, the knife clamoring to the ground. April stumbles, a hand on the wall as she glares.
“Whatever this is… this isn’t you, April, I can tell that much,” Juliet tries.
April sneers. “Be a good little Capulet and stay still, alright?”
Juliet stands firm. “Absolutely not.”
“Then I’ll make you.”
“We’ll see about that.”
They struggle, once again, and April tries to grab the knife, but Juliet successfully kicks it back towards the opening of the alley.
They’re in a standoff once again.
“So, what, whatever this is… you’re just going to let it control you, April?”
“I’m doing what I must,” April replies. “You wouldn’t understand, you foolish girl.”
“You clearly didn’t do your history, because I do understand,” Juliet replies. “I’m the one that would understand more than anyone, April. You know that.”
April winces at the comment, and Juliet takes it as encouragement.
“I thought we learned from before that we all need to be able to make our choices, our own decisions.” Juliet moves towards April now. “Whatever is stealing that from you… you need to take it back. Please, April, we’re counting on you.”
Juliet notices it immediately, but something starts to happen: April is shaking, eyes wide for a moment in fear, lips trying to form sentences that aren’t coming out. April shakes her head, squeezes her eyes shut, tries to talk… but she just can’t.
April collects herself too quickly and suddenly pushes Juliet down. With her towering over Juliet, April smirks… but is stopped by Juliet herself.
April stops, raising an eyebrow. “You’ve got two minutes before you die, girl,” she says, a hand extended to telepathically take the dagger back. “Make these last words quick.”
Juliet watches the girl carefully - Romeo should know that something’s up, he should be headed this way soon. April clearly wants something to happen before the stroke of midnight, so… she needs to stall. Just for that long.
Okay, Juliet thinks. She can do this. “Remember when things with Romeo were a bit messy?” Juliet asks. “Remember when I wasn’t able to have a choice in my own life? Remember when you helped me take back my agency, my story?” 
April narrows her eyes, but Juliet continues.
“April, what happened to me then, it’s happening to you now. I don’t understand all of it, but I know you don’t want to do this. You’d never want to hurt me, or anyone. Something is making you. But April… you’re not the type of girl to take this and just go along with it. This isn’t you, this isn’t your story, you have a choice here and I know - I know - that you can beat it.”
April is starting to shake, eyes suddenly less sure and harsh and dark. Juliet takes it as encouragement.
“Whatever’s going on, I promise you, it’s something you can break,” Juliet tried. “It’s something you’re stronger than - something you’ve been stronger than.”
April’s dagger rises into the air, but April’s face clearly shows that she’s unsure of the situation.
“April. Please. Remember yourself, your mission, your entire story. You can beat this. I know you can.”
April looks conflicted - more than she’s ever been, as far as Juliet’s concerned - and when the dagger slowly starts to lower back to April’s side, Juliet has a hopeful look on her face.
April seems to look at her then - really look at her - and there’s a spark of recognition.
“That’s me, exactly,” Juliet replies with a nod. “There you go, April, come on, just a bit more. Keep rising above it, you’re almost there-”
But then, suddenly, the darkness surges.
The dagger disappears suddenly and April collapses to her knees, holding her head in her hands, scraming as the whirlwind of darkness continues to surround her and Juliet. Juliet grabs onto her, holding the girl tightly, but eventually the darkness is just too much, even for the Capulet.
The last thing Juliet hears is Romeo calling her name as she collapses to the ground, April having disappeared in the dark.
William feels something break in the back of his mind - a barrier of sorts - before his eyes open to the sight of his wife, on the floor, struggling for breath.
“Anne!” he yells, quickly moving over to her. “Hey, hey, you’re okay, you’re out, it’s alright-”
“For her, yes. For you… hm.”
Anne suddenly straightens up, eyes wide for a moment as tears start to form. She suddenly has the knife in her hands again. 
William glares at the man behind her. “I thought you said you weren’t going to kill me.”
“Change of plans,” Christopher replies with a shrug. “Go on then, Anne. You know what you have to do.”
Anne looks down at the dagger, then over at her husband, who is standing way too close for comfort, and Anne just…
…. Stops.
She’s conflicted - she still is - but she can’t do this. She remembers what Juliet said - remembers how right the girl was, how the choice is hers and hers alone, and she’ll be damned before she lets someone else take that choice.
She’s Anne fucking Hathaway, thank you, and she will not be denied her choice.
“You had…” Anne says, standing up. She stumbles, but William is there to help. “You had a better chance of me killing Juliet before I killed him.”
William smirks at that, pulling her in for a moment before she moves away, looking back at the guy that had cursed her in the first place.
The clock strikes midnight then, much to Christopher’s alarment. 
“How did you do it?” He demands as, suddenly the room gets impossibly darker. “The magick, it was ancient, no one’s defeated it before.”
Anne smirks, the dagger falling from her hands. 
The dagger turns into smoke and, with the rest of the darkness in the room, swirls around Christopher instead. Anne feels it leaving her as well - the darkness, the compulsion - and she falls to her knees as Christopher yells in pain.
When she looks back up, he’s gone.
She feels someone close pull her in, checking her over. She smiles softly at him.
“You need to rest,” he says quietly. “Whatever that was, it wasn’t good.”
Anne shakes her head, though, leaning into him for a moment before standing. “We need to go into Story. Juliet… we need to get to her.”
William knows better than to argue at the moment.
Sure enough, when they arrive in Story, Juliet is still down for the count.
Romeo quickly ushers them over. “Please! I don’t know what’s happened, I just found her like this and… and some shadows-”
“I know,” Anne replies, instantly at the girl’s side. She holds Juliet closely now, worried eyes scanning her over. “Go get Nurse, please.”
Romeo nods, rushing off. William kneels next to his wife and Juliet, staying close but staying quiet.
“Come on, Juliet, breathe,” Anne says, trying to wake the girl up. She frowns. “Can you see that, William?”
“See what?” he asks, looking down.
“The Darkness… it’s there.” Anne says. Then, with an understanding nod, she gently puts a hand on the girl’s shoulder and focuses.
Suddenly, without warning, Juliet gasps awake.
“I’m honestly surprised that worked,” Anne mumbles, suddenly out of energy.
Juliet scrambles to sit up, looking around.
“April?” she asks, a bit suspicious, but the soft, warm smile from the woman in question allows Juliet to relax. “Is that actually you this time?”
April nods. “It’s… a long story. I think. I don’t quite remember, but… you saved me, Juliet. Thank you-”
That’s all she can say, however, as Juliet quickly pulls the girl into a tight embrace.
“Don’t you EVER do that to me again,” Juliet mumbles against April’s shoulder.
April smiles. “I’m not planning on it, love. Promise.”
Juliet pulls back with a watery smile.
In the days that follow, Juliet is put on bedrest while April is sent away for rest as well. When she arrives back in Story, Juliet is happy to see her.
“Can you explain what happened, though?” Juliet asks. “That guy you’re always with, William… he’s something special, isn’t he?”
“Yeah, he’s something, alright,” April quips with a smirk. 
“No, I mean… he’s special. Like you.”
April looks over at Juliet for a moment; she knew Juliet would figure it out eventually, but… eh, where’s the fun in just telling her?
“Not sure what you mean,” April replies with a grin. “I’m just your best friend, that’s all I need to be.”
Juliet narrows her eyes, but a soft smile rises on her face. “Alright then, April, keep your secrets.” She nudges the girl with a grin.
“It’s your choice, after all.”
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dragonae · 6 years
hathaway doesn’t deserve you she named herself after shakespeare’s wife she’s the edgy 2003 teen writing lotr fanfic on the library computer
but she sso fucking hot god 😩We stan a hot nerd
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