#severin montagnet alarie
rhysknees · 2 years
when he does something morally questionable but he’s your favourite fictional male character
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calfecir · 1 year
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site model icons — the gilded wolves series headers
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lovclyjily · 2 years
I don't know how to explain this but Ash Morgenstern, Will Herondale, Jace Herondale, James Herondale, Julian Blackthorn, Rhysand, Ruhn Danaan, Lidia Cervos, Dorian Havilliard, Aedion Ashryver, Damon Salvatore, and Severin Montagnet Alarie are all the same type of people.
Also the fact that Lidia Cervos is someone I'm attracted to as much as I'm to Rhys speaks volumes about her character. The real MVP.
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rose-water, sugar and clovers never smelled as sweet
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maddiesflame · 2 years
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severinlaila headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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wisegirl29 · 2 years
Just finished The Gilded Wolves trilogy and I-well actually I don’t know what to say. I’m speechless. I genuinely can’t think of any words to express how I’m feeling.
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ok so i've wanted to do this for a long time, but idk if i'll extend it into a full-fledged story and stuff, but for now enjoy this oneshot.
rudy and mini are 18 in this, and are dating.
THE DILIPATED WING OF HOTEL L'Eden looked like a ruin out of fairytales.
It was a few blocks away from the current hotel of the same name, and, in the distance, Rudy could see the tall edifice, its tallest spires glinting in the faint moonlight.
The moon-drenched Parisian streets were still slippery from the drizzle earlier, and Rudy shivered in the thin mist the rain had left behind.
"What are we doing?" he whispered, pulling his coat tighter around himself.
Mini clutched Dee Dee in a white-knuckled grip, her gaze fixed on the tall ruin.
She didn't answer, but flicked open the compact mirror, its glass shimmering.
She squinted at the building, and said, "This. . . is supposed to be abandoned, right?"
He frowned, as she angled the mirror toward the building. "Yeah?"
A shimmering figure appeared in the mirror, vaguely humanoid. . . Rudy's heart began to pound, as he and Mini, said, in unison, "There's somebody in there."
Fear inched up his throat as he grabbed her wrist. "We gotta go."
"We can't," she hissed, as Dee Dee extended into its staff form in her hand.
"What if it attacks somebody?" She continued, her gaze flicking from one window to another.
Her eyes gave off a faint, purple sheen, as he tugged at her wrist once more. "What if, when provoked, it attacks us? It seems pretty docile as of n— you're going in. Perfect."
She'd began walking up to the old, wooden doors, and just as she'd put a hand on the knob, he caught up.
He clutched his messenger bag, and the faint clinking of jewels echoed in the silence between them.
"I can't believe I'm saying this to you, but, please, think."
"I am thinking," she snapped, as Dee Dee's glow increased ever-so slightly.
She clenched her jaw, before tugging at her bangs.
"I've been having weird dreams," she began, before pausing for a deep breath.
He waited. "They're weird and distorted, but. . ." She paused, before returning her gaze to the building. "That's always in there."
She flipped open Dee Dee, the golden silhouette shimmering in the reflection.
"That's always there too, and then, as soon as I try go speak, the dream implodes, and I wake up." Her voice cracked, and she stared at the silver skull charm on her wrist, gifted to her by Nikita.
"Honestly, I think I'm going crazy," her voice trembled.
He gently brushed a stray lock of hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear.
"It's okay," he whispered. "But do you have any idea how dangerous it is to go in there?"
"I do." She finally looked up at him, meeting his gaze, and something inside him broke to see her like this. So lost. Confused.
"I have to do this, to prove to myself I'm not crazy," she mumbled, a strange intensity hardening her voice.
"It's too—"
"Dangerous?" She prompted. "I know. But. . ." She rubbed the back of her neck, "I have a feeling that the dreams, whatever they're trying to tell me will stop if I just. . ."
Silence once more.
"If you don't want to come, that's okay," she said, "I'll meet you back at the hotel."
He felt a sad smile twitch at his lips, as he slid his hand into hers. "We do stupid stuff together, remember?"
The building groaned. Rudy glanced up nervously, one hand inside his bag.
Mini held Dee Dee in her right hand, the weapon in its staff form, while a black rose was in her other hand, glowing violet.
Another creak. Mini thrust out her arm, as Dee Dee began glowing brighter, like her eyes.
A crash sounded from above them, as Mini extended her hand, squeezing her eyes shut.
The air in front of them shimmered, and slowly began to peel away, like it was in layers.
And then... nothing.
"This room's empty." He whispered in her ear.
"You don't see it?"
"See what?"
"The ghost. . . it's talking to me."
THE GHOST WAS OF A SLENDER, tall man, with curly black hair. He had a bronze complexion, and strange, violet eyes. He was handsome, but his cheeks were hollow, and his face was pinched. His eyes held a dark emptiness that she found haunting.
Although his face was devoid of expression, his voice was definitely amused. . . though, even if he found this situation funny, it didn't disguise the shock in his voice.
"Hello, child," he curtsied, and his lyrical voice was thick with a French accent.
"Who are you?" she murmured, lifting her Night Flame higher, trying to catch sight of him better.
"I," he said, lifting his head, "am, Severin Montagnet-Alarie,"
". . . Pleased to meet you?" Her sentence ended as a question.
"And you," he continued, "are the first person to see me in decades."
"Mini? Are you talking to yourself, or that ghost, or—"
"Wait," she mumbled to Rudy, and she felt him tighten his grip on her hand. Something inside her warmed.
Severin frowned at her, and said, "You look so much like him. . ."
"Like. . . whom?" she asked, straightening her posture.
"My old friend. Enrique. But that's impossible. . ."
Enrique. . . that name stirred something in her memory.
"By any chance. . . was Enrique's last name 'Mercado-Lopez'?"
The man's face tightened, as he whispered, "Yes."
She raised her head higher, looking spirit straight in his eyes. "Two of my last names are 'Mercado-Lopez'. I believe you knew my great-great-great grandparents?"
Severin's haunted, empty eyes, instantly lit up, as his gaunt face broke into a wide smile.
He took her hand in his own, ghostly one, and said, warmly, "I believe we have quite a few things to talk about."
roshani's writing style in tgw was absolutely ✨gorgeous✨ and i'm trying to emulate it here. key word: trying. here's me praying that you guys like this-
also, a very important question: part 2 or no???
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totchipanda · 2 years
Find the Word game
@jackwolfes tagged me with the words: “star”, “heat”, and/or “hard”
Heat: untitled Kanej fluff (for a future The Four Seasons continuity)
He was warm - so warm. Heat radiated from his body to hers all along her back and hips and down the back of her legs. He was more than close enough for her to catch his scent - the spicy-sweet cologne that he preferred that suited him so well. She knew - knew - that he would let her go the moment she wanted him to.
She let out a breath, sinking her body back into his. “I’m washing the dishes, Kaz,” she said, her voice light as she began to work on the task again.
She didn’t miss the intake of air through his nose. His hand settled firmly and he opened his mouth against her neck. The sensation tingled through her nerves. “They can wait,” he murmured, his lips moving over her skin as he spoke. The tingles continued. “I have more than two plates now, these ones can stay dirty.”
She was not sure what it would feel like to be properly kissed, but she was sure that Severin managed it. He was gentle at first, guiding her with soft touches. When she might have pulled away, sensing that the edge of propriety was fast approaching, he didn’t, and leaned into her more. His hands gripped at her back, pulling her hard against him, and kissed her more thoroughly. Her body thrilled to his touch, heat filling her every nerve, touching her in places she hadn’t known she had. She was surprised by the strength of her reaction, the urge to open his shirt and strip off her dress. He worked her mouth open and slipped his tongue inside.
Hard: Thunderstorms (working title; wip Ember in the Ashes AU)
He let his anxieties go wihtout hesitation. “We shouldn’t have let him in,” he said in a rush. “He’s a Martial, and a Mask at that. His people will come for him, and they will crush us without a second thought in the process.”
“You don’t know that,” I said reflexively, even though I knew he was right. The stranger was a fugitive, though of what I wasn’t entirely certain. Darin was right about his people coming for him - Blackcliff did not let people go. You either left in service of the Empire, or in a char cart. There were no other options.
He gave me a hard look. “I do and you know it,” he said, keeping his voice low. “He needs to go before anyone guesses he was here.”
Heat+Hard: Untitled SeverinxLaila from The Gilded Wolves, pre-canon
She was not sure what it would feel like to be properly kissed, but she was sure that Severin managed it. He was gentle at first, guiding her with soft touches. When she might have pulled away, sensing that the edge of propriety was fast approaching, he didn’t, and leaned into her more. His hands gripped at her back, pulling her hard against him, and kissed her more thoroughly. Her body thrilled to his touch, heat filling her every nerve, touching her in places she hadn’t known she had. She was surprised by the strength of her reaction, the urge to open his shirt and strip off her dress. He worked her mouth open and slipped his tongue inside.
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rhysknees · 2 years
In The Bronzed Beasts when everyone died and Layla still hadn’t shown up
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feigningroyalty · 1 year
I’m a sucker for found family stories
Particularly of desperate orphaned boys with immense trauma who hide their pain behind a stoic face and/or a charismatic smile who are constantly getting themselves into life threatening situations and will do anything to protect their found family
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purple-fireflies · 1 year
finishing the gilded wolves trilogy was so good that it was the worst idea to read during exams it took over my entire life
anyway severin and laila are now up in my list of OTPs rn
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you ever read a character and want to protect them against their world?
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booksopandah · 1 year
The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi (The Gilded Wolves 1)
Warning: very long. I didn’t like it.
In some ways, I think YA cannot be good, and the reason is because it fundamentally addresses a topic that most people have either forgotten, or lack the artistry to discuss. Adolescence is not a good time, for almost anyone. You are becoming a new person, in much more obvious ways to yourself than ever before, and it sucks and it's terrifying and uncomfortable, and just generally unfun. Then you eventually leave, and do your absolute best to forget about it, and move on as a new-ish human who is mostly whole, and remember a few of the fun bits. As a result, YA, specifically geared towards this demographic, either falls into the category of bad -- a lack of understanding of the subject making the work unrealistic or an excess of focus on what is clearly idiocy -- or neutral -- the characters are teenagers, and their actions and motivations are similar to what a teenager may experience in their circumstances, but that's about all the impact it has. Thus, while it may not be impossible, it is very very difficult for me to enjoy YA. This book features a cast of almost entirely 18 year olds, acting as though they are grown-ups. Take a guess on my opinion.
In basic structure, there is quite a good book here. Mechanically, the prose is competent, if a little too flowery for my taste in certain segments. There are enchanters ("Forgers" in universe) with astounding magical powers of creation, part of a loosely defined but cool magic system, a would be Head of a magic house, a ragtag found family of gay misfits, and it all takes place in Paris in 1889. The story switches between the majority perspective in each chapter, which is a good way to share between the 6 main characters. There's the usual doomsday plot that one would expect from such a book, which isn't badly done. That being said, this is a book that lives and dies by its characters, and oh boy. I hate the protagonist.
Severin Montagnet-Alarie, which is about as French as you can get, is the owner of a hotel, and very rich because of all the stuff he stole and his inheritance. He is the main focus for most of the story, along with Laila, his not-girlfriend.
Their attraction gets its fair share of pages, and if he isn't the dumbest motherfucker I have ever encountered. He thinks he's so slick, and so clever, and the book presents him as this suave gentleman thief, but nope! No clue how he succeeded in the past, because he falls for every obvious trap over and over again. I don't think it's justified by the narrative to be honest, and then he's just needlessly cruel and terrible at the end of the book too! So's his adopted brother. Why? Does it help the story? I don’t know. You're gonna make me wade through a B-grade plot with some bland will-they won't-they for 300 pages, just to make me not even like the people at the end? What a waste of time.
I have already devoted way too much time to this review. You might enjoy it, but I did not. I suggest you read something else.
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goldies-shenanigans · 2 years
“’Thank every pantheon of deities for Laila and Zofia because you two’ - Severin pointed at Enrique and Hypnos - ‘are useless.’”
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poetic-gays · 2 years
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Canon poly couple?? I think so.
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angstydiaz · 2 years
Heist-based books with groups of six who are a found family >]
There's so many other parallels between these two books but-
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