#series stans really be like
youlackconviction · 2 years
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had some fun on twitter today lol. a series stan came @ me with some of the above so i decided to compile them and other common genuine responses that i’ve seen to LOKI-series-critical meta and create a fun little game for y’all.
if you want to use this board go ahead, i’d appreciate a credit back this blog or my twitter @ulackconviction if you do use it, so i can follow your threads myself. just save the pic, mark which responses you’ve received from fans of the LOKI series, and reblog with your edited bingo card.
below i the cut will quote each one and my own response to each “argument”.
if you hate sylki then you are biphobic - no, i hate sylki for many reasons but alleged bisexuality is not one. how about, the toxic abuse dynamic sylvie sets up towards LOKI? let’s start there.
you don’t want your uwu emo boy LOKI to heal - incorrect. i’d love for him to finally get a chance to be heard and acknowledged, genuinely cared for and shown how to let go of his unresolved trauma. but that would require a compassionate person talking about it and showing it, none of which the series did.
it’s not incest they don’t have the same parents - they literally have the same father: laufey of jotunnheim.
it’s not self-cest that’s a made-up thing - well. hard to say really isn’t it? since the showrunners have both defined sylvie as “a LOKI” and as “not a LOKI” in the same breath. obviously it’s a fantasy concept, but people will have their opinions about that either way.
why don’t y’all just move on and shut up? - rude. why should we? LOKI is important to us and the series is hurtful and disappointing, and we will shut up when we feel like it. maybe never. cry about it.
if you don’t like it then don’t watch it - we like LOKI tho. and that’s who we were promised. that’s why we watched it. the damage is done.
y’all are just mad that lokius is not canon - lmao if there’s one thing to not be mad about in this shitshow, that would be it. mobius is just as toxic and abusive to LOKI as sylvie is, so it’s just as well.
LOKI is just a selfish villain - citations needed thanks. i’ll wait. not even the series managed to portray him that way so... good luck.
sylvie is not LOKI she’s her own person - ok... if she’s not LOKI why is she dressed like him? why does everyone in the series call her the superior LOKI variant? why was LOKI’s help enlisted in the first place to capture her? why does she say “we are the same person” to him?
sylvie is LOKI so genderfluid rep is on screen every time she is - wait what? she is LOKI now? hang on... i think i have whiplash. and more questions. also, an individual presenting and identifying consistently as a single binary gender throughout their entire appearance does not constitute genderfluidity representation.
mobius did not torture LOKI it was therapy - therapy. right. so physical violence, threats of further violence/death, repetitive physical brutality for the purposes of “softening up” the candidate (yes that can also be defined as torture), intimidation, and misrepresenting the truth for manipulative purposes (you killed your mother) is therapeutic. got it.
fluidphobia is not a real thing - genderfluid folks would disagree. let’s ask them?
go touch grass - one of my favourites, gotta say. for all you know i’m typing this on my phone while laying in a hay paddock lol.
misogynist, you obviously just hate women - again. the reasons i can’t stand sylvie are many and varied, and none of them have anything to do with her biology or gender. disliking one (1) woman because of her actions and personality is not logical grounds for such an accusation.
well tom loves the series so... - uh, good for him? i think tom loves tennis too... doesn’t mean i have to enjoy it, nor i suspect would he insist that it’s unreasonable for me not to do so. my brain is actually separated from tom’s by the entire molten core of a planet, so i can actually think my own thoughts about things.
LOKI is out of character in the series because he learned self love - okay so he learned self-love the instant he fell from the sky above that mongolian settlement? because that’s the moment when he ceased to resemble MCU LOKI in any way, shape, or form. hair, skin colour, mannerisms, personality, vocabulary, physical strength, intelligence, fighting ability, grace, wit, charm. wow. incredible. who knew it would be so easy? and who knew self-love would look so shitty?
LOKI is not out of character in the series compared to the films - um... actually he is, and it can easily be demonstrated with simple side-by-side comparisons of appearance, posture and body language, abilities, and speech patterns. see above.
LOKI is out of character in all the movies and now we see his real self - this is such incredible nonsense - it’s impossible for a character to be out of character in their seminal appearance(s). thor 2011 established LOKI’s character. this claim is right up there with “LOKI acts differently from the movies when he’s off camera.” um... what? hun, this is a movie. there is ONLY on-camera. there IS nothing else. are you confusing BTS footage of tom with LOKI?
series antis have no friends - one in a range of irrelevant and unsubstantiated personal attacks that series fans like to sprinkle into their arguments as if it somehow strengthens them, rather than revealing them to be three children in a trench coat hurling insults.
everything you think about LOKI is just a headcanon - no... the stuff that i know about him was told to me by the films, and by the writers and directors of the films, and by tom back when he was first engaged for the role. all of it is coherent and consistent. and that’s what i think about LOKI.
i’m not going to read/watch that! but you are wrong - incredible powers of deduction: to refuse to even engage with a piece of media or information and yet claim to know everything it contains, and be able to judge its accuracy. truly amazing.
LOKI isn’t going to fuck you - again, more absolute gold from a person who has literally run out of rebuttals. when you consider the barriers to such a liaison... crossing the boundaries of reality no less... lol imagine if this is how political debates were conducted in parliament or the senate. “the president/senator/prime minister/queen isn’t going to fuck you, you know!” lmaoooo.
LOKI is a narcissist to fall in love with himself - look up NPD, and then read this again. also, LOKI actually hates himself and goes along with others’ ridicule of him because his self-worth is literally in the gutter. he only likes sylvie because he describes her as being nothing like himself. he has no idea that he has any value.
your anti opinions are taking away my enjoyment - ok so... don’t read them? block me or mute me or whatever, and get on with your life? it’s not like you have any kind of past attachment to me like series-antis do with LOKI?
i never liked LOKI before the series anyhow - i mean that’s fine. but don’t even start trying to tell people who actually do know and love the original character, ANYTHING at all about him. don’t even start.
sylvie’s trauma is worse than LOKI’s - how do we even know? and why is that even relevant? how do you judge what damage a person has incurred by comparing it to some other different person with different experiences? fuck off with your trauma olympics. but since you made it a competition: LOKI wins. i care about him, i don’t care about sylvie. therefore his pain and opportunity for healing will always be more important to me. die mad about it.
even if the series hurt minorities, how many people even is that, tho - literally a remark one of my friends received when defending genderfluid folks on her blog. so apparently according to series fans, you actually can put a number on how much real-world suffering is okay for the sake of entertainment.
sylvie is not a narcissist to fall in love with herself - interesting, since in the show LOKI was explicitly labelled one for this exact reason. an “incredible seismic narcissist”, in fact. there wouldn’t be a serious double standard in play at all, would there?
no one cares what you think - well i have evidence to the contrary: both from people who agree with me letting me know; and from those who don’t being unable to resist coming at me and berating me for it. including the person who said this, ironically.
you just hate sylki cos you want to fuck your siblings - another incredible take by a series fan defending the canon ship. i really can’t follow their line of argument here... it’s unclear what message they want me to walk away with. surely if i hated the ship for incest reasons it would be because i DON’T want to fuck my siblings? (for the record, i do not). so that was a confusing one, but it was a real response, so it got included.
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h0rsegirlpercy · 6 months
I also really liked how they changed the lore of the Big Three Pact to not involve WWII anymore cuz when I was reading TLT again the whole story with WWII specifically just seemed to follow the narrative of “Hades kids bad” which obviously isn’t something that the later books show
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Abso-fucking-lutely vibing with World's Finest: Teen Titans' addition of Karen as one of the founding members.
Because good fucking god, before this the team was two demigods, two billionaire teens and a Normal Kid™ in neon yellow BUT NOW?! Now it's two demigods, two billionaire teens and TWO Normal Kids™ in neon yellow!
No but seriously though Wally is the only one who has to like... mow the lawn and watch his neighbor's cat when they go away for the long weekend. He's the only one who knows how to mail a letter at the post office and how much pencils cost at a book fair. He's got superpowers and terrible parents and yet somehow he is the MOST NORMAL ONE THERE.
Which speaks volumes about the rest of them tbh.
But now!!! Karen and Wally get to be nerds ✨together✨ and they get free tickets to watch the trainwrecks that the other Teen Titans call life
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Seriously though I think these two are aggressively trying to be friends with each other while also roleplaying their 'cool guy' hero personas, which is extremely funny to me. These two are absolute nerds with no friends in school and they are DESPERATE for a friend and they've just met but they've both decided "Yeah that one. That one is friend shaped"
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Wally: you move too slow
Karen: learn how to fly dumbass
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Anyway I love them
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ukulele-hero · 19 days
I do wonder if the writers of 23.5 didn't anticipate how immediately the audience would both love and deeply understand Aylin as a character
like I wonder if the reason the last few episodes felt very awkward and ham-fisted is because they assumed the viewers would find aylin strange and mysterious and had this arc that "explained" her behavior by having a big reveal about getting bullied when it seems that in reality everyone understood her whole deal from the very beginning
i also get the impression from aylin's big confession scene that they might have expected the audience to overall relate more with the popular seniors (which could explain the otherwise baffling decision to have ton and mawin present when they had no significant part in aylin's story otherwise. I also think they expected the reception to ton to be a lot warmer than it perhaps has been, but that's a whole other post)
either way it feels like there was a big disconnect from what they expected out of their viewers and what people ultimately wanted out of the show
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i love how some fans say that glimmer was easily manipulated by horde prime when..
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catra was really the one dumb enough to think that horde prime would spare her as soon as she gave him adora's coordinates.
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mydairpercabeth · 4 months
Who is Annabeth Chase stan #3 (after you and Percy of course!)
Annabeth Chase stans in order:
1. Percy Jackson
2. Me
3. Sally Jackson
4. Poseidon
5. Tyson
6. Chiron
nobody is a bigger annabeth chase stan than percy though
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question: how can you adore elia when she’s barely a character?
we do not know enough about this character for her to even have stans.
stanning elia is illogical at best, completely delusional and very concerning at worst.
because what even is it that is being stanned and adored? your self insert?
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bnprm · 8 months
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words cannot describe the noises i made when seobin appeared (i already knew he had a small role but i was crying fr)
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asleepinawell · 2 years
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Zenos making things Weird™
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hypermascbishounen · 2 months
Thinking again about how healing from cycles of revenge and abuse is a pretty common theme in manga and anime,
and in particular from fathers or other male authority figures who have hurt boys in shounen manga and anime,
and how most of them start off from the beginning with the stance that hatred is consumptive, sometimes from a cultural Buddhist context,
to set up how a character will ultimately need to move beyond hating his abusers in order to fully heal,
and how the current wave of english-speaking manga and anime fans new to the genre, don't seem to notice any of this, and get extremely angry if the story pays off its own set-up, and has any character heal in any way that isn't just hating an abuser forever.
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laesas · 2 years
Maybe 'Why Don't You Stay' is more about Kim asking himself why he didn't fight for a relationship that was so clearly making him better. He's saying out loud that Chay did nothing wrong, that being with Chay was the first time Kim felt like he had a purpose and a home. He's admitting to himself that love was actually what he wanted and then he's asking himself why he left anyway when every bone in his body was screaming at him to stay.
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chu-uu · 10 months
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thejadecount · 2 years
I find it real fucking funny how we’re all like “Okay no the 2012 show and the Rise show are BOTH good STOP it with the hating on each other, the turtles would INSTANTLY adopt each other as new brothers!”
And then all at once we all started hating on 2012! April
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Toh as a story is haunted by the actions of two people who died long before the series even started.
One of them is part of a race of ancient god-like creatures, one of the last of his kind who sealed another god-like child of pure chaos and may or may not be the very bones that make the boiling isles and everything that lives within it.
The other one is literally Just Some Guy™ whose only defining trait was 1) that he was decent big brother to this one kid and 2) he got pegged by his Witch girlfriend, a fact that the aforementioned kid hated so much he has been making it everyone's problem for centuries
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bylertruther · 11 months
smth abt eddie telling dustin to look after the little sheep -> s5 is going to return to s1 form -> dustin tells mike in s1 that his obliviousness blows his mind -> the whole painting & confession & obvious general fiasco that is willelmike -> dustin's going to have to put on his bob the builder / "the world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes" sherlock holmes hat and get involved
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r-2-peepoo · 7 months
How I feel sitting at a family dinner trying to repress the urge to talk about the really severe hyperfixation on the God of Mischief I have rn, which is the first one I’ve ever had in my nearly twelve years of being a Marvel fan (I’m shocked that it took this long)
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