#semishira headcanons
Shirabu: why'd you become a singer?
Semi: well i was going to be a firefighter but I failed the safety course
Shirabu: how?!
Semi: well one of the questions was "In case of a fire, what steps would you take?"
Shirabu: and?
Semi: well apparently "FUCKING LARGE ONES" isn't an acceptable answer
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theblaringlemon · 2 years
okay so like imagine this—
shirabu's heaters in his house broke and his mom didn't have enough money to fix the heaters at the time, so semi gives shirabu his jacket to borrow so he won't get cold.
a few months later shirabu's heaters got fixed, but semi never got back his jacket 🥲
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viratsumiiii · 1 year
little thing <3
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Hello and Welcome to Letters For Shiratorizawa! Here are all the rules and information you'll need for this blog :)
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Firstly, please note that this is a one-person show! All comics are made by lil old me, all notifications are checked by lil old me and I do not have a team with me! I am in education full-time with a part-time job, so I'm pretty busy. With this in mind, please be patient with updates or quality :')
Tendou Satori, eccentric middle blocker of the Shiratorizawa Volleyball Club, has not only stolen Coach Washijou's camcorder from his office but has also roped some of his friends and the starting line-up into his shenanigans. Now they're receiving letters from students across schools, asking (not so) meaningful questions or requesting stupid funny dares.
My main blog is @grungeeuvu if you want to see some normal hq fanart.
RULES: -Nothing NSFW! All questions/dares must not be inappropriate/sexual. Not only are there minors on this site but several of the characters themselves are also underaged.
-Please do not harass me if I do not do your ask: I doubt this will happen, but sometimes I may not be comfortable with a ship or scenario to draw and post it.
-If you do not like my interpretations of the characters, that is your business. If something I headcanon doesn't fit with yours, please do not get angry or try and attack me for it.
-Absolutely no hate speech is permitted. This goes for racism, homophobia, ableism, transphobia and the like. If I feel you have gone too far, you will be blocked from this account.
-No reuploads! Reblogs are fine ofc but please do not try to frame my work as your own or post it on other sites without my permission. If you wish to use a panel as a profile picture, feel free as long as you credit this blog.
This blog will mostly be framed as platonic unless there is an ask directly looking for ~relationship~ content. If that is the case, the ships that will turn up will be UshiTen (Ushijima x Tendou), ReonGata (Reon x Yamagata), SemiShira (Semi x Shirabu) or KogaGoshi (Koganegawa [Dateko] x Goshiki). This is my disclaimer now that these are my ships and the ones that will be semi-canon to this blog. Please be respectful of that.
This blog has a linear-ish timeline: events prompted by the asks will remain canon. For example, if Tendou is dared to do a wheelie on a bike but breaks his arm, he will have a sling for the next few prompts. Or, if someone is dared to mess with Washijou, Washijou will remember this if he turns up again. Another detail of this will be 'arcs', where the team are at an away game and has brought the camera.
And another reminder is this is a one-man band. I draw most of these comics/answers during my college day or between homework and I do not have anyone to play backup artist during exam weeks, etc. This means there may be occasional hiatuses and I urge you to be patient with me when that happens :)
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
hey bestieee i went grocery shopping with my sibling and it was pure chaos so now i want reonsemishira grocery shopping headcanons !! no headcanons can be as chaotic yet domestic as grocery shopping !
Omg Logggg 🤭 I love grocery shopping thingys omgomgomg
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- Reon usually goes by himself so that he can get it done quick and easy
- But SemiShira INSISTED that they help their handsome boyfriend cuz they wanna be helpful
- Reon's too sweet to say no 💀 so he rolls up with the two hooligans this time
- It goes just about as well as you can expect
- It's a shit show
- They let Semi push the cart and within 2 minutes he had ran into Reon with it
- Semi's not allowed to push the cart no more :(
- Shirabu stuck his tongue out at him and now the two are swatting at each other in the store
- Reon grabs them by their wrists and puts them on either side of him 💀
- Fun's over :(
- For now >:)
- They make it to the candy isle and Semi comes to a complete stop
- "I want some candy :) Please, Reon?"
- "I'm your boyfriend, not your mom. Just go grab some."
- Semi goes waddling into the candy isle with Shirabu not far behind him
- Reon sighs and just turns the cart into the isle cuz he has a feeling they might be here for a while
- Semi can't choose between the chocolate pockys or the cookies and cream pockys
- Meanwhile Shirabu's telling him how it doesn't matter between those two because the chocolate banana ones are the best
- They end up throwing all three in the cart and Reon's about to turn out of the isle
- That is before they walk back towards the damn candy
- Semi wanted lemon flavored SHIGEKIX and Shirabu wanted Noisy Soda candy
- They plopped that in the cart and they were off again
- He sends Semi off to get milk and he comes back with whole milk
- "Eita, why don't you get the 2% milk? It's better for you." "It doesn't taste as good!"
- Reon looked at Shirabu for some back up
- "He's got a point."
- SemiShira, again, get their way
- Big shocker
- The other two race off to grab something. Reon gets a breather for a good two seconds
- He remembered just who the two he just left alone were and he fast walks to go look for them
- He walks into an isle to see Shirabu, reaching for something, using Semi, who's curled up on the ground, as a stool
- "Stop moving so much, Ei!" "I'm trying...your feet are digging into my back."
- He swears he hears a child go "Mom, look!"
- Reon grabs Shirabu and pulls him off before grabbing Semi by the back of his shirt and yanking him upward
- A very pissed off Reon is dragging two trouble-making setters with him and it almost looks like an angry dad and his two bad ass little kids
- "If you two don't behave I'll handcuff you both to the cart and leave you here for someone else to deal with you." "You're gonna put handcuffs on us? 😏" "Reon please, we're in public. There are children around. 😳"
- Reon's on the verge of strangling them.
- SemiShira hold hands and skip around acting like everything is all peaches and cream while Reon's about to implode
- Reon makes them watch the cart while he goes down the isles getting things that they actually need 💀
- SemiShira start feeling a little bad cuz Reon seems so upset with them 😪
- They both throw themselves on him
- "Reo, we're sorry :(" "Yeah, we didn't wanna make you upset babe :("
- Reon's skeptical but he kisses them both and tells them that it's ok
- Reon "Local sweetheart" Ōhira
- They finally make it to the cashier, by the grace of God 😭
- The cashier is some girl who's the same age as them
- And she's giving Reon the heart eyes
- Excuse them, but ummm, that's Semi and Shirabu's boyfriend? Thank you? 🤨💅
- Shirabu is hanging onto Reon's arm the whole time he's paying 💀
- But Semi? Semi's got an idea. He sees those little claw machines. And they only take 100 yen coins. Interesting...
- "Hey, I hate to be a bother. But do you mind giving us our change in 100 yen coins?"
- Shirabu's proud. Reon's mentally rolling his eyes at the piece of shit.
- They really had to make this girl's life harder cuz she thought Reon was cute 💀 wait until they hear about the fandom.
- They play the claw machine, they gat an equal amount of turns. Reon won two stuffed animals, the others didn't win shit 💀
- Reon makes them load up the car, bring the groceries inside, AND put them away. All while he stood there and watched.
- He didn't let SemiShira come with him anymore ✋️💀
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angelsparkls · 3 years
So to my fav ship semishira here is an angsty hc to them: (post time-skip)
So headcanon that Shirabu has always felt that his emotions didn’t matter and he had to hide it whenever he could. He felt that emotions only got in the way and make things worse. Take the match between Karasuno and Shiratorizawa (in the nationals bc duh it’s the only time they play each other). He kept getting annoyed at Tsukishima and his blocks and that lead to him making a mistake. That’s why he doesn’t show emotions like ever. When we get an interaction between Semi and Shirabu then Shirabu is monotone while Semi gets a little heated (literally). Semi wants to say something to Shirabu about that but he doesn’t feel like he is close enough to really say anything so he doesn’t.
Moving on to when they both have jobs and are starting to date each other (they just do okay). Shirabu gets so stressed sometimes from his work because being a doctor is hard and the hours are irregular at times so sometimes the cold hard exterior that Shirabu puts on starts to crack. It always cracks under pressure but whenever this happens Semi helps him to be more open about his feelings and everything. Semi is the right person to do this because he can be very expressive. Over time, Shirabu starts to be more open with his feelings. It’s mostly long term friends and Semi that really see this side of him. Also hc that during this time where Shirabu is vulnerable Semi sings to him to calm him down.
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Semishira headcanons!!!!!
- Shirabu is VERY anti-pda, he gets too embarrassed. Semi likes to use this to tease him.
- They love to shit talk people they hate together.
- They got together after shiratorizawa lost to karasuno, but did not tell anyone until a few months into Shirabu’s third year bc shirabu was not out previously.
- They were surprisingly good at hiding it, the only person (on the team, the old third years all knew) who knew was Kawanishi.
- Shirabu doesn’t use any pet names aside from “babe”, while Semi likes to use whatever he thinks will make Shirabu go reddest at the time.
- They’re both cuddlers! They run hot so their apartment is kept pretty cool for cuddling purposes.
- Semi has written multiple songs for Shirabu. He’s never released them, and doesn’t plan to, but he’ll sing them when he’s feeling particularly sappy.
- Shirabu isn’t an exceedingly jealous person, and if someone tries to confess/hit on his boyfriend he’ll let Semi handle it, but if someone is making Semi uncomfortable he shuts them down real quick.
- Semi is essentially the same, except he will very obviously insert himself into the conversation if someone tries to hit on Shirabu. Most people get the hint and give up.
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r0se-street · 2 years
haikyuu ships as tswift lyrics (happier version)
angsty one?? also im thinking of writing another post like this except with bsd ships, should i??
i think he knows his hands around a cold glass / make me wanna know that body like it's mine / got that, oh! i mean, wanna see what's under that attitude / like, i want you, bless my soul / and i ain't gonna tell him i think he knows
you put your arm around me for the first time / you saw me start to believe, for the first time / you are the best thing, that's ever been mine
handsome, you're a mansion with a view / do the girls back home touch you like i do? / stay here, honey, i don't want to share / sometimes I wonder; when you sleep / are you ever dreaming of me?
wherever you stray / i follow / i'm begging for you to take my hand / wreck my plans / that's my man / life was a willow and it bent right to your wind
when people say things that bring you to your knees / i'll catch you / the time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry / but I'll hold you through the night until you smile
the jury's out, but my choice is you / people throw rocks at things that shine / and life makes love look hard / the stakes are high, the water's rough / but this love is ours
i make all your gray days clear and wear you like a necklace / i'm so chill, but you make me jealous / but i got your heart / skippin', skip-skippin' when I'm gone
everyone thinks that they know us, but they know nothing about / all of this silence and patience, pining in anticipation / my hands are shaking from holding back from you / cause i don't want you like a best friend / carve your name into my bedpost
the moon is high / like your friends were the night that we first met / the wine is cold / like the shoulder that i gave you in the street / cat and mouse for a month or two or three / now i wake up in the night and watch you breathe
can I go where you go? / can we always be this close, forever and ever? / and oh, take me out, and take me home / you're my, my, my, my, lover
(couldn't decide between two songs so here's another one)
and all at once, you are the one i have been waiting for / king of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa / and all at once, you are all I want, I'll never let you go / change my priorities / the taste of your lips is my idea of luxury
even in my worst times, you could see the best of me / flashback to my mistakes, my rebounds, my earthquakes / even in my worst lies, you saw the truth of me / i woke up just in time / now i wake up by your side
i've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night / now I'm wide awake / i once believed love would be black and white / but it's golden / like daylight, daylight/ i once believed love would be burning red / but it's golden
i've loved you three summers but i want them all / swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover / and you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me / and at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover
the way you move is like a full on rainstorm / and I'm a house of cards / you find i'm even better than you imagined i would be / cause i see sparks fly whenever you smile
when I'm with anybody else / it's so hard to be myself and only you can tell / i'm only me when i'm with you
tagging @soulreaper22345 (im so sorry if u didn't want to get tagged 😭😭😭)
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maiighost · 3 years
A little SemiShira/ShiraSemi headcanon:
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They have a passive-aggressive flirting thing that consists of one of them throwing snarky comments and the other one replying with a nickname like "baby", "love" or "honey" and completely annoying the other.
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nanaminokanojo · 2 years
A Lot | SemiShira
CHARACTERS: Semi Eita X Shirabu Kenjiro CHAPTER COUNT: 1/1 WORD COUNT: 1600+ GENRE: fluff | boy x boy CONTENT WARNING: profanity | strong language SPOILERS: n/a CROSS POSTED ON A03 collection masterlist
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"Glad you can make it."
Kenjiro’s voice registered in Eita’s ear, but he couldn't quite understand what the former was saying, unable to get over the way he strutted closer as if he was parting the Red Sea and emerging from it like a god surveying his domain. Kenjiro looked absolutely gorgeous in a pair of ripped jeans and a black, graphic shirt with some metal band's name printed on it, its wide armholes showing off his rather toned physique underneath.
It took the ash-blonde’s breath away. It was such a polar difference from how he would usually see Shirabu Kenjiro – almost always dressed neatly in either his med school uniform or something else proper as slacks and neatly-pressed oxford shirts – but the duality was a welcome sight with how Eita is finally seeing him wearing something more ‘human,’ so to say.
Just like the first time he met the younger guy after that impromptu gig where Eita’s band was called to perform, he had only one thing on his mind: ‘that,’ he thought, ‘that's the person I wanna marry,’ seeing how Kenjiro’s face morphed from that of utter tedium to genuine mirth which seemed to have lit up the dark, dingy bar where they’ve first crossed paths.
Even when Kenjro stood there, smiling to cover his confusion at the way Eita was just staring at him, the latter couldn't quite form words to say. His mind was just filled with the thoughts of what he wanted to do with Kenjiro if he had his way.
"Earth to Semi Eita?" the toffee-haired male said, finally making Eita snap out of it.
"I'm sorry," he managed to say, placing a hand behind his head as he suddenly felt embarrassed with how he was acting. Eita looked around, trying to keep his eyes off Kenjiro but to no avail. "This…this is something."
Kenjiro had given Eita tickets to the exclusive car show he was participating in. It wasn't exactly the older male’s thing, but since it was Kenjiro, he agreed to come, thinking maybe he would get to see more of what exactly goes inside his head. The former has been keeping him guessing for the past four months that they’ve known each other, but Eita had a hunch that Kenjiro liked cars. In what context, however, it was vague.
A smirk drew itself across Kenjiro’s mouth at Eita’s poor attempt at hiding the way he was staring but said nothing about it. The poor guy was acting atypically, usually cocky in his own environment with all the attention he gets on the regular for his pretty face and mind-blowing skills on the electric guitar, and yet, he had this side to him, all blushes and stumbling over his words. Kenjiro didn’t have to point that out. Besides, he found it sweet.
"Thanks for the tickets, by the way." Eita looked behind him where two of his friends were standing, saying things furtively to each other as they watched him, cheeky grins plastered on their faces. "I gave the rest to Tendou and Goshiki if you don't mind."
"Not at all. Glad you could all come."
Eita repeatedly rocked on the balls of his feet when his gaze finally locked with those caramel-hued eyes, unable to help it but check their owner out from head to toe. "So...is this your scene?"
"Uh-huh. You said you wanted to know, and this is pretty much it."
"You like going to car shows?" Eita surmised dumbly, Kenjiro’s rare laughter immediately filling his senses and rendering him useless.
Poor Eita did not even notice as a group of guys passed by, nearly knocking him over if it weren't for Kenjiro pulling him out of the way. In the process of trying to regain his balance, and quite frankly, his aplomb, Eita’s hands landed on Kenjiro’s waist, accidentally pushing him against the brick wall by the entrance to the venue, their faces mere inches from one another. He smelled of that strawberry lollipop he always had wedged between his lips and Eita wanted to taste it so badly.
Kenjro’s effect on him was just too profound. Eita was usually calm and collected but the former just causes him to be this bumbling fool whenever they were around one another.
"You okay?" Kenjiro asked, feigning innocence as his fingers lightly brushed over Eita’s tattooed arm. "You're acting all shy around me. What happened to the confident guitarist slash chick magnet I came to know?"
He's caught, so he saw no sense in lying. He chuckled. "You look extra hot today is all." Eita joined their hands together, lifting Kenjiro’s to his lips, also teasing him. .Two could play this game,’ he thought, not wanting to look stupid.
"Thanks?" Kenjiro’s expression didn't waver. "And to answer your question, I don't just like going to these events. I compete. I thought this was a good opportunity to show you." With their hands still entwined, he pulled Eita towards the inner grounds. "Let's go."
Eita would gladly go to wherever Kenjiro wishes to take him, liking the way he looked under the light of the setting sun instead of the usual smoke-filtered, dim lights of the bars where they would usually meet. The younger male’s excitement as he briefly looked at Eita was palpable, and it had the latter feeling all sorts of ways.
"What exactly do you do to compete?" he asked, absolutely clueless of what was happening.
"I build."
‘Is there anything about you that isn’t anything short of amazing?’
"Ta-da!" Kenjiro gestured towards this vintage Mustang, candy apple red with its top down and its interior in ivory.
Eita blinked at the car, shifting his eyes from it to the wonder that was this boy who seemed to hide so many things behind his unassuming facade. "You – you built this?"
"Mhmm. Full restoration. What do you think?" Kenjiro a toothy grin, eyes bright as he waited for Eita’s response.
"It's amazing. You're amazing."
Not really conscious of his actions anymore and filled with pride for Kenjiro’s talent, Eita found himself pulling the former towards him, arms snaking around his waist and planting a kiss to his temple.
Kenjiro laughed slightly but did not do anything to stop him. "If you keep doing that, I'll assume you actually like me, Semi."
His dark, drowning pools for eyes focused on Kenjiro, their fingers finding each other again in a slow, sensuous gliding of skin on skin and for a moment there, that spark which ignited flames in Eita spurred him on to admit how he felt on the inside without thinking. "I do like you."
It was Kenjiro’s turn to be flustered, not able to do anything else but look up at Eita, everything around them going quiet. At that moment, he could only focus on the person before him, not even hearing it when the number for his entry was called through the loud speakers.
"A lot, actually..."
Kenjiro felt a hand on his shoulder and saw one of his crew members looking at him happily. "Jiro, you won!"
"Huh?" He extricated himself from Eita who was smiling encouragingly as he tried to make sense of what was going on. Everything was happening too quickly.
"Congratulations, Ken," Eita said, the nickname he gave Kenjiro, rolling off his tongue like spell that held the latter to him like the planets revolving around the sun. "Go on, claim your prize."
Kenjiro just looked at him, conflicted. Eita just confessed his feelings and yet he was pushing him to go get what he had won. It was the most polarizing thing for Kenjiro at the moment, and for the first time, he was disconcerted about things that involved Semi Eita. He is always the one teasing and confusing the silvery-haired dude, not the other way around.
Kenjiro turned but his steps faltered as he nodded slowly, gingerly pointing towards the podium, but he couldn't get himself to walk away when Eita, too, was looking at him expectantly.
Kenjiro had liked him since the first time they met. The feelings were mutual, just that he found it easier to be less obvious about it. Eita was just too attractive for words and Kejiro understood why people flocked to him and that's without mentioning how talented he is as a musician. He himself fell into that rabbit hole, and he was glad he did.
Over the time Kenjiro has known him, Eita proved to be this sensitive soul who was always considerate of people around him, and he spoke from experience. He just had a way of making Kenjiro feel important, asking about his preferences and showing up at the best of times even if he doesn't get any benefit from it apart from getting to know Kenjiro, his interests. His being. And Eita always seems to take pride in whatever Kenjiro did.
"Jiro, come on!" his companions said, but he shook his head, walking back to where Eita stood, a wide smile gracing his lips as their eyes met.
"Go ahead and get it." He spoke breathlessly. “I've got my prize right here.”
They laughed, shaking their heads as they walked towards the podium.
Kenjiro, on the other hand, made his way to Eita, throwing his arms around his neck when he was near enough. He stood on his toes and pulled Eita close. His arms automatically held onto Kenjiro despite his evident surprise, eyes growing wide at the sudden turn of events.
"I like you, too, Eita. A lot, actually," Kenjiro repeated Eita’s words earlier before crashing his lips to his.
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed it.
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jirousthighs · 3 years
Haikyuu Ship Headcanons : SemiShira
( SemiShira is my OTP ) - SemiShira ++ PT. 1 Of Haikyuu Headcanon Dump -
1 - Semi sings Shirabu to sleep when he can’t sleep
2 - Study Sessions are always immaculate, especially when Semi has songs that helps Shirabu remember things.
3 - I am CONVINCED Semi’s love language is acts of service, so he likes making Shirabu’s life easier. Shirabu normally tries to decline but hey? Semi won’t listen
4 - “Eita?” || “Yes Sunshine?” || “Stop it..” || “Nope”
5 - Late Night Drives. Nothing More Than That.
6 - Semi pinches Shirabu’s cheeks ALL THE DAMN TIME. He thinks they’re cute, especially when he’s mad and his cheeks puff up.
7 - Cuddle positions go like this, Shirabu on the left side, Semi on the Right with his arms wrapped around him. Comfortable for the both of them.
BokuAka shall be next !!
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gummyy-bear · 3 years
My semishira's headcanon cause why not<3
Semi's a bit insecure and Shirabu helps him
Shirabu's more insecure and Semi helps him
Semi likes to call Shirabu different nicknames like "Kenji" pretty boy" "beautifull" "cutie" "princess" "bunny" or "sweetheart"
Shirabu loves the nicknames although he never admited that
Shirabu doesnt like much of PDA in public but he sometimes call Semi "babe" "love" or "honey" or "Eita" when they are alone
Shirabu blushes easily, even if he tries to hide his face, he also blushes on his neck and ears, Semi founds it cute
Shirabu always tries to make Semi blushes yet he's the one who endsup blushing
Semi gets flustered when Shirabu is clingy and asks for cuddles, hugs, kisses etc or calls him Eita
Semi gets jealous easily and Shirabu like to make him jealous because he acts over protective
Shirabu gets jealous when girls come over to Semi calling him pretty and stuff so he usually glares at them or gets sad
Semi knows how to draw so he usually draws shirabu, then gives him when he's feeling sad or bad
Shirabu knows to cook so he does tekka maki to semi when he's feeling bad or sad.
most of Semi songs are about Shirabu, and Shirabu's Semi motivation to keep making songs;
Semi likes to help Shirabu, like remember him to eat, sleep, and he usually play songs for Shirabu for him to relax;
Shirabu need and likes when Semi helps him, but he never admites it, even tho this, Semi knows;
Semi's also Shirabu motivation to keep studying;
Semi likes to take Shirabu for a picnic date under the stars and sing him songs, and he usually buys him shirasu.
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ktlovebot · 3 years
hq ships + posting ur s/o on ur story trend
(ALSO PLS BEAR WT ME I KNOW MOST OF THE SONGS use fem pronouns nd stuff but for the sake of whatever this is lets pretend they use gender neutral pronouns :p)
iwaoi - this would be set in seijoh 3rd yr days
ok this is how i see the situation,,, oikawa is sleeping on iwa’s lap looking vry pretty as always ND iwa decides he wants to post oikawa on his story since before he slept he was whining about how “iwa chans not embracing being his bf enough” so iwa takes a pic of oikawa,, nd then uses the song something about u by eyedress !! 
bokuaka - i feel like either timeskip or college
kuroken - set in college !
he would choose like 2 pics,,, one of them from when they were kids (!!) nd one where kenma’s kissing kuroo’s cheek the day kenma moved in kuroo’s college dorm 
semishira - college au (CURRENTLY STUCK IN SEMISHIRA HELL)
OMGGG THIS IS PARTIALLY BASED OFF THE FACT THAT  I THINK SEMI WOULD LISTEN TO ARCTIC MONKEYS, CHASE ATLANTIC, THE NBHD ETC. ,,,, so i think semi would use “i wanna be yours” nd then choose a picture of shirabu looking into the camera while eating bcs they were out on a picnic date (CAN WE ALL AGREE SEMISHIRA ARE BOTH PHOTOGENIC)
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
Tendō saying "Why do your eyes dilate when you look at Shirabu you fucking weirdo lmao" and Semi just being like "I think he's pretty :("
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kxnjir0 · 3 years
Shiratorizawa In a Snowball Fight
• Goshiki is FaceTiming his Koganegawa the whole time, and they just being g a y
• Tendou started it
• He just- threw one at Goshiki mid "I love you you're so pretty and cute and I love you" conversation with Kogane
• Then Tendou threw one at Semi.
• Semi got pissed
• He ended up hitting Shira
• Shira joined the snowball fight
• Ushijima asks Tendou for more info on snowball fights
• He makes Ten fall over with a snowball to the gut
• DW he apologizes
• Semi and Shira are suddenly kissing
• Forgot to mention Shiras wearing Semis jacket
• Yeah
• Brain died I forgot all the other Shrtrzw players personalitys and names
• Bye
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There’s a sad lack of fanfic and art for famous musician Semi, which is a tragedy, and I can’t really write or draw for shit so I can’t help BUT I can write headcanons for it!! This will also be partially centered around Semishira
- i imagine his general sound would be somewhere in between Bear Ghost and Will Wood and The Tapeworms vibes
- His fan base was originally composed of alt/punk people but a lot of other people got into it after he got more popular
- He’s openly bi, but he does not ever say that he’s taken, only that he’s not looking for a partner. (Mainly bc Shirabu does not want to be in the spotlight)
- Part of the reason he blew up was because of an offhand remark Ushijima made regarding a good friend of his who made music in an interview. Naturally, Ushijima fans looked into it and found Semi Eita, and decided that his music slapped
- His fans don’t realize that the reason Ushijima and him were so close was bc they played volleyball together at first, but when they did, they had a field day with it. They found old recordings of shiratorizawa games and simped over his serves
- Semi likes his fans, but is not scared to scold them if they do things like make fun of someone for not liking him, or harass other celebrities who’ve said rude things abt him
- Another big reason he got popular was a clip that got passed around of him calling out an interviewer on a homophobic comment they made toward a famous lesbian (idk take your pick so long as it’s not Ellen DeGeneres)
- He’s known to be outspoken abt human rights and social injustices, which gets him a lot of backlash from certain media outlets
- Semi has two Twitter accounts, one public and the other private. One day he accidentally posted something abt Shirabu that was meant to go on his private account to his public one, which obviously did not go well. It did not say Shirabu’s name, but it did refer to him as Semi’s boyfriend so despite Semi deleting the post one minute after he made it once he realized his mistake, the world knew he was not single
- His fans went crazy with this information, trying to find out who his boyfriend was. The first places they looked was his band, but those theories were quickly dispelled as everyone else was already openly taken.
- Shiratorizawa was the next place Semi’s fans looked, and they rewatched the shiratorizawa tapes and noticed that he was particularly close with Tendou and had weird tension with Shirabu.
- Shirabu’s social media presence was a resounding zero, so fans weren’t really able to get any more information on him other than his name and age, but Tendou was very outspoken on his -previously unpopular- Twitter abt his friendship with Eita so theories of them dating were the most popular
- Eventually Semi made a statement along the lines of, “Yes, I’m dating someone. I did not tell you bc we want our relationship to be private. Respect that.”
- TenSemi theories were going strong until Ushijima publicly came out and introduced Tendou as his partner. Fans decided to revisit the semishira theory, and were somehow able to find an old video of Shirabu complaining abt medschool while tucked under one of Semi’s arms.
- Semi did not appreciate his fans’ intruding into his personal life, and especially did not appreciate the frequent questions he would get from interviewers abt his mystery boyfriend
- After a while, rumors died down and everyone besides hardcore fans dropped it, until a photo of Semi and Shirabu holding hands at someone’s wedding is leaked (take your pick of whose wedding it is)
- The questions from fans and interviewers come back twice as strong, and eventually Shirabu gives Semi permission to tell people that they are together bc it’s a hassle for both of them to hide it at this point
- Semi decides that the best way to approach this is a post on Twitter, so he just says, “Kenjirou and I are together, stop asking about it.” Along with a picture of Semi kissing Shirabu’s forehead
That’s it! Please lmk if there’s some kind of au you’d like headcanons for and I’ll probably write them for you! I need something to do with my time
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