bloompawz · 3 months
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Alternative Greysexual Flag
More info below the cut.
I've identified as greysexual off and on. I'm not asexual, but I'm not necessarily allosexual either, though I relate to aspects of both asexuality and allosexuality. I'm still debating whether the term "greysexual" is right for me, or whether I should just leave the "how" of my sexuality neutral/unlabeled, but I feel like greysexual is applicable.
Edit: I've decided that I'm primarily sticking with neu aro, but I'm greysexual if it's brought up. I resonate with greysexuality in a "not asexual, but not necessarily allosexual either" way. I engage with and relate to both communities, but neither feels entirely right. If I were forced to place myself into an ace-allosexual binary for whatever reason, I'd go with allosexual, but greysexual feels most accurate. My sexuality exists in its own grey area. As for which spectra I fall under, I'd say greysexual-spec first, allosexual-spec second, and ace-spec last. Preferably just neu aro though.
I like the common greysexual flag, but I feel like it represents a very specific version of greysexuality. Purple represents asexuality, grey represents a transition between asexuality and allosexuality, and white represents allosexuality. The flag conveys the experience of being asexual, then experiencing brief allosexuality, then going back to asexuality once again. I wanted to make something that felt more broad, and better encompassing of different greysexual experiences, including my own.
So, here's what I made:
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Stripes get thinner towards the center to represent how it can be difficult to pin point where one falls on this spectrum, and how identities/experiences can blur together. You can think of this as a flag in which the stripes overlapped so much that they started to take up the same space.
The stripes are desaturated, representing greysexuality and the various "shades of grey" in the greysexual spectrum. This desaturation can also convey a sense of fuzziness, unclearness, or blurriness that some greysexuals experience.
Purple represents asexuality, and red/pink represents allosexuality. Some stripes are tinted with purple or red/pink to represent greysexual people who identify as ace-spec and/or allo-spec, respectively. Other stripes have no tint, representing greysexual people who identify as neither ace-spec nor allo-spec. The placement of these colors is not important to the symbolism; greysexuality is not a clean line from ace to allo.
I don't really expect people to use this flag, but you're welcome to if you wish! It's public domain, and credit is not needed.
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Halfasexual Pride Flag
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Half-asexual or semiasexual: being partially asexual.
Coined in 2003.
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acespec-ed · 1 year
This week’s obscure aspec label is...
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Semisexual is someone who is in between fully asexual and fully allosexual. An example would include feeling sexual attraction but lack a libido. Or someone who by definition would be allosexual, but finds the ace label useful for their experiences or feelings. Or even the reverse, where they qualify more as asexual, but still relate to allosexuality in some way. 
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scretladyspider · 11 months
“Why is there a need for microlabels like demisexual or gray ace? Isn’t that just the asexuality spectrum? Why not just say you’re asexual?”
Let’s talk about the asexuality spectrum and why specificity in labels under asexuality can make a difference—
Asexuality refers to “little to no sexual attraction”. For some aces (short for asexuals), the ‘no sexual attraction’ part of that definition completely serves their needs in a queer label. This is the definition most unfamiliar with asexuality immediately think of.
And I want to be clear that that’s great! It’s a wonderful thing that there’s a word for ‘no sexual attraction’ and that we have more resources addressing this difference as a sexual orientation. Labels are tools. If you find one you like, that resonates with you, use it!
The expectation for sexual attraction is ever present. In the words of Alice Olivia Scarlett, “Love without sex is a difficult concept for society…there are still people who believe that sex is a biological need of the same importance as food and water.”
Our world demands sexual attraction — most often cisgender, heterosexual, heteroromantic attraction to the opposite gender. This expectation exists in queer spaces also, even if gender and sexual orientation are less rigid. Asexuality proudly counters that.
Celebrating differences in a world that says you shouldn’t exist is literally life saving. According to Healthline, “a 2019 study found that LGBTQ people who reported more connectedness to the LGBTQ community were less likely to report suicidal behavior.”
Returning to the definition of asexuality: there are people with no sexual attraction who are served by that part of the definition. They are the black stripe on the asexual flag. There are four stripes —black, gray, white, and purple.
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That gray stripe allows for the spectrum, for those experiences that may include rare and/or conditional sexual attraction. This is the reason the definition includes “little to” in its “little to no sexual attraction”. Asexuality with an asterisk, an exception.
In 2003, AVEN founder David Jay proposed semisexual:
“If anyone wants to play a fun game, go to some queer-ass conference (called something like “transcending boundaries”) and play a game where you try to think up a term/identity for every letter of the alphabet. When you do you’ll be forced to think up new, interesting ideas like: Semisexual. It occurs to me that we’ve got a spectrum of sexual intensity, but we don’t yet have a word for those who are halfway in between asexual and full-force sexual. I’d say that this is extremely important: right now we don’t have a way to talk about people who are asexual but maybe feel like being sexual once a year, or sexual people who are just relatively uninterested and don’t know what to do about it. Thoughts?”
This lead to further discussion on asexuality being viewed as a spectrum. In 2006, AVEN forum user KSpaz coined the term “gray A” to refer to a “fuzzy” connection to asexuality. Many others related to this “fuzzy” experience and it became accepted as graysexual/gray ace:
“Alright, so don't know if this term is already around, but if not, I'm coining it now.Gray-A. Is there really a line at which point you are asexual?According to our logo there isn't. Just fuzziness.So, this thread I dedicate to our fuzzy members who may sometimes feel unsure of their asexuality/sexuality.Share your views, stories, whatever makes you think you'd like to call yourself Gray-A.I'll start:In simple terms, I have hetero attractions, can experience physical pleasure, and am indifferent (as opposed to repulsed) to the idea of having sex if it is with someone I care for (though can't imagine it for any situation without utmost trust involved). I don't get turned on and jump my boyfriend, but will respond to him in touchy ways and am pleased to do so willingly, because it does feel nice. If we never had sex, I would have no problem. But if we do some day, I probably won't mind, and may enjoy it to a degree. I call myself asexual, because I am, and because I choose my label.
In February 2006, the user sonofeazel coined the term ‘demisexual’, writing in a thread about their experiences,
…If “sexual” is for both and “asexual” is for neither, maybe we need a new term for people who only have one but not the other? I propose “demisexuals”.
In 2008, OwlSaint proposed the idea of what we now refer to as demisexual, which is when someone would only experience sexual attraction under the circumstance of a close emotional bond.
A demisexual is, in my book at least, someone who does not experience sexual attraction to people in general. I’ve yet to see a single person and think “hot” or “10 out of 10” or “I’d like to hit that”. Sex with someone rarely crosses my mind and when it does it’s usually more along the lines of “could i force myself to with…. ew no”. In that respect, I can and do identify as asexual. However, with someone I’m in love with, it’s completely different, and I might as well be a “full fledged” sexual, but only with that one person. Full fledged meaning actually desiring sex, both for the physical and emotional aspect, being attracted to that special someone, and feeling sexual arousal in terms of wanting to do something on multiple levels instead of simply the biological reflex or “ugh not again”.
Without that “little to” part of the definition of the “little to no sexual attraction” definition of asexuality, there are a lot of people who really wouldn’t have a word for what they are. Asexual would almost fit, but feel like a shrunken sweater; something’s not quite right.
When you almost belong somewhere but don’t entirely, it can feel very isolating. Like you’re not doing “you” right. This is where that specificity comes into play. It gives room for those in that gray space to breathe, a seat at the table when before there was just standing room.
In the words of blogger Siggy in 2012, a self identified gray ace,
Lots of people come to the asexual community, find lots of experiences to identify with, and are glad to finally have a word to describe themselves. But some of those people will feel that they don’t technically fit into the definition of asexual. Are these people supposed to abandon the possibility of a self-identity because of a technicality? Are they to permanently feel like outsiders to the asexual community?
“Gray-A” is a solution to these questions. A gray-A is someone who finds asexuality to be a useful idea, in the sense that it approaches a self-description, even if it does not quite fit. This allows a space where you can have an identity, fit on the ace spectrum, and feel at home in your community, without being disqualified by an arbitrary definition.
There are many, many terms under the asexuality spectrum that delve into specific experiences, some of which go into the gray area and some that do not but that still describe a very specific experience. There is an effort to put language to the unknown, to be better understood.
Even within those served by the definition of no sexual attraction, there is nuance to language discussing specific relationships to sex and sexuality. Terms that describe individual favorability towards sex, or that describe importance of tertiary attraction, for example.
This thread focused on demisexual and graysexual because they’re more widely used. But it’s worth noting these labels do not serve everyone who exists in that in between space. Here is an expanded list of asexuality spectrum labels by asexuals.net.
I personally also use “gray ace” or just “ace” if I don’t feel like explaining myself. But that’s just me. Everyone is different. Everyone is served by different pieces of language and labels. Some are served best by no labels at all. There’s no wrong way to label your aceness.
Labels are magnets on your queer fridge. You can put as many on there as you feel are right for you, and if you stop liking one, you can take it off and stick it in your magnet drawer.
And that gray area? It matters. If you belong in it, you are welcome in ace spaces. I promise.
if you liked this post you can support me on patreon this pride month 🏳️‍🌈
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For Pride Month, we decided to delve into the history of some of the terms frequently used in the ace community (and next week, we’ll be diving into aro terms)! 
[ID: “History of Some Ace Spectrum Terminology. On May 30, 1997, Zoe O'Reilly posted an article online titled "My Life as an Amoeba", discussing her experience with zero sexual attraction and using "asexual" to describe her orientation. The article had a thriving comments section of people realizing the term "asexual" might work for them, too.”
“In 2003, the term "semisexual" was proposed on the AVEN forums as a word to describe a point between asexuality and allosexuality. It wasn't until 2006 that AVEN user KSpaz suggested the term "gray-a", which stuck. "Demisexual" was also coined in 2006 by another AVEN user - sonofzeal.”
“ "Autochorissexual" was a term introduced in 2012 by researcher Anthony Bogaert . This has largely been replaced by the community-created term "aegosexual", due to Bogaert's description of autochorissexuality as a paraphila [a non-normative sexual behavior, sometimes synonymous with disorder] and people wanting to move away from that negative implication. “ End ID.]
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physticuffs · 11 months
oh no, that's a common misconception, actually bisexual means you are attracted to two genders per year and semisexual means you're attracted to a gender every other year.
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askanallo · 3 months
im writing a story that includes a romantic/semisexual (i say semi bc they kiss and make out but dont have sex bc they are minors so no sex), and im having problems describing the relationship
i put stuff about kissing, alone time, dates, and that is different from a friendship. it doesnt feel enough. is there something else that people feel/do when in a romantic relationship?
I mean, friendships and romance aren't all that different. The basis of the relationship (care and trust) is the same, and when I go out with my and my boyfriend's mutual friends we don't act significantly differently from anyone else. I would say that there is a feeling of .. being content with just one person? That friendship doesn't have. Like having one friend definitely wouldn't be enough, but having one boyfriend suits me perfectly. There's also a sense of safety, wanting tons of physical touch, and wanting him to be around even if it's not quality time and just existing near each other.
You might benefit from looking at the #romance, #romantic love and #relationship tags, I have probably described some stuff there that I forgot to in this post.
Also, if these are allosexual teens in a relationship, they are definitely thinking about sex with the other person. Probably a lot. Even if they're not having it. That might be the bit of realism you might be missing maybe? Though I get not wanting to write it lmfao
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hecateisalesbian · 11 months
The Pride of June: Greyace
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(We Like to keep it a little silly here on Hecateisalesbian)
The Grey Ace Flag is the Flag that describes someone whose sexual orientation is on the asexual spectrum, yet feel that there are parts of their experience that aren't fully described by the word asexual. Greyasexual can be used as a specific identity, or as an umbrella term for any ace-spec identity that isn't purely asexual, including demisexual and others. These people might experience sexual attraction only once in their life.
Fun History Fact: The concept of gray-asexuality developed in the early 2000s on the AVEN forums. In 2003, an AVEN member proposed the concept of "semisexuality," naming a half-way point between being asexual and not. Later, in 2006, AVEN member KSpaz proposed the term "gray-a" to describe the "fuzzy" space in the asexual spectrum.
Tumblr User: @winter-socks
Media Character: Ally (Amphibia), Blitzo (Helluva Boss), Willow Park (The Owl House), Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Rick Sanchez (Rock And Morty), Mal (Descendants), Deadpool (Deadpool), Crowely (Supernatural), Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy), and Loki (Marvel Comics) are ALL Pansexual Characters!!
Why the colors? The Purple on the top represents asexuality and starting out with no sexual attraction, then the fade of Gray into White represents an episode of attraction with the white showing allosexuality, then fading back into being asexual.
Where can I find the calendar? The calendar is my pinned post on my blog @hecateisalesbian! This will be occurring all throughout June, and tags such as #The Pride of June and #PoJ Project can be used to find my post
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desdemonafictional · 10 months
Oh also chex. Don’t you dare forget your roots
how could I dare. I love Chex. they're terrible for each other. they're star crossed. they're assholes. they're mirrored into infinity. Tex stole his wallet on more than one occasion.
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Blue Team is a polycule actually and if I described it it would sound like that "female centric semisexual throupple" bit except even more confusing and byzantine and also I think Donut is explaining their dynamic TO them
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moistmogai · 2 years
More Aroace Labels bc yuh
Semiromantic is defined as experiencing attraction somewhere between platonic and romantic. It’s not a combination of the two. It’s not ALWAYS synonymous to Queer Platonic but it could be, it’s up to the individual. Being semiromantic may feel like a weak romantic attraction or generally being somewhere between platonic and romantic, but not mixing them. 
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Semisexual is defined as experiencing attraction somewhere between platonic and sexual. It’s not a combination of the two. It’s not ALWAYS synonymous to Queer Platonic but it could be, it’s up to the individual. Being semisexual may feel like a weak sexual attraction or generally being somewhere between platonic and sexual, but not mixing them. 
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Both Labels could be synonymous to Grey Ace/Aro depending on how one defines Grey Ace/Aro since it’s an umbrella term. 
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makcaw · 1 year
(Adding a Record of Ragnarok Verse!)
Name: Melosa, but she prefers to just be called ‘Mel’. Age: Golden age is 30′s Born: June Death: 1950′s-1970′s Nationality: Brazilian Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Demiromantic/demisexual/semisexual (Ace Spectrum.)
Personality: She’s defensive and nervous by nature; Mel is normally very suspicious of strangers to start due to some mixed reactions to her in the past. (Reactions from humans ranged from Adoration to wanting to pick her apart) While she recognizes it’s not all humans, after Death she’s even more wary of humans/human souls due to an unpleasant death. However she’ll warm up to most anybody - especially if they have something to eat! She eats a lot! She had to when she was alive to keep up the energy to keep flying; But now it’s mostly just habitual eating. She is very diligent with her job; regardless of Soul, Spirit, God or Deity and will happily deliver any sort of package or message that she can carry!!!! Positive Traits: Friendly, honest, open-minded, Loyal Negative Traits: Incredibly Stubborn, self-indulgent, nervous, and easily startled
Eye Color: Yellow/Green
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'3  
Weight: 130 lbs (Without Wings) 155 lbs w/ wings (They are fairly heavy!)
Weapon of Choice: Wings & Talon like nails
Dominate Hand: Ambidextrous  
Likes: Flying. Animals. Doing impressions (She’s good at mimicking voices/vocal patterns) Food. Candy! Dancing.
Dislikes: Storms, thunder and lightning, flying at night (poor night vision) Being yelled at/being called clumsy.
Weaknesses:  Poor Night Vision. Fragile: Wings are susceptible to breaking if she crashes too hard. (Previously - High metabolism - She needed to eat often especially if she’s flying.)
Scars: Nothing notable
Tattoos/Piercings: Earlobes are gauged.
Powers: Wings. Similar in color to a vibrant macaw. Approximately twenty foot wingspan (10 ft per wing Approx) She is able to put them away - magically tuck them into her back so long as they are not broken or injured. This does cause her significant and chronic discomfort though so she prefers to not do this.
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antinous-posts · 2 years
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Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity. It may be considered a sexual orientation or the lack thereof. It may also be categorized more widely, to include a broad spectrum of asexual sub-identities.
Asexuality is distinct from abstention from sexual activity and from celibacy, which are behavioral and generally motivated by factors such as an individual's personal, social, or religious beliefs. Sexual orientation, unlike sexual behavior, is believed to be "enduring". Some asexual people engage in sexual activity despite lacking sexual attraction or a desire for sex, for a number of reasons, such as a desire to physically pleasure themselves or romantic partners, or a desire to have children.
Acceptance of asexuality as a sexual orientation and field of scientific research is still relatively new, as a growing body of research from both sociological and psychological perspectives has begun to develop. While some researchers assert that asexuality is a sexual orientation, other researchers disagree. Asexual individuals may represent about one percent of the population.
Various asexual communities have started to form since the impact of the Internet and social media in the mid-1990s. The most prolific and well-known of these communities is the Asexual Visibility and Education Network, which was founded in 2001 by David Jay.
Many people who identify as asexual also identify with other labels. These other identities include how they define their gender and their romantic orientation. They will oftentimes integrate these characteristics into a greater label that they identify with. Regarding romantic or emotional aspects of sexual orientation or sexual identity, for example, asexuals may identify as heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, or by the following terms to indicate that they associate with the romantic, rather than sexual, aspects of sexual orientation:
-aromantic; lack of romantic attraction towards anyone
-biromantic; by analogy to bisexual
-heteroromantic; by analogy to heterosexual
-homoromantic; by analogy to homosexual
-panromantic; by analogy to pansexual
People may also identify as a gray-A (such as a gray-romantic, demiromantic, demisexual or semisexual) because they feel that they are between being aromantic and non-aromantic, or between asexuality and sexual attraction. While the term gray-A may cover anyone who occasionally feels romantic or sexual attraction, demisexuals or semisexuals experience sexual attraction only as a secondary component, feeling sexual attraction once a reasonably stable or large emotional connection has been created.
source: Wikipedia, title: Asexuality💜🤍🖤♠️♠️
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pokeheros-drama · 2 months
"don't know why you all are not getting married by now" Ew, what? What kind of statement is this? Just because some people are adults doesn't mean they want to get married, lol. (semisexual for the win) And you're wrong, I'm 16. You sound like one of those Christan Karens who thinks they can "do no wrong". Just ew.
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thirdeyesbox · 7 months
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Hello! The name's Jayson. I don't run a normal RP blog with the fancy formatting but I will at least make this post look someone appealing to the eyes.
I'm a multimuse blog with various OC and canon characters. AUs, headcanons, etc anything goes. I even roleplay as my own sona at times. Character Jayson is just me projecting the goofy situations around the plot. He may even have name changes based on the RP. Think of it like those Barbie movies where she picks up different roles but always has the same face and sometimes has the same name.
16+ only! Topics may be unsuitable to those below the age of 16 such as blood, violence, and touchy subjects like death.
No NSFW! All suggestive or semisexual content is roleplayed in private only. Even then, NSFW is only allowed for a very few selection of people and as an ace I am very picky.
Proshippers DNI! Need I say more?
If I ask to change a response for overstepping boundaries please do so. You are also allowed to ask the same from me. I don't wish to make people uncomfortable.
No godmodding. Also self explanatory.
If I'm not comfortable with a certain media/character please understand and pick something else.
If you wish to RP privately out of anxiety or have faster response times there, my Discord is always available @TwitchyJayson. 💛
Do not push or put pressure on my slow response times. I have a job and also keep Tumblr notifs off.
I do mainly literate but if you prefer illiterate I will be okay with doing that too!
Please try to do long responses! Just nothing like two words or an "ok" response.
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kayforpay · 11 months
honestly I really really really hope that they don't make it some bullshit where jaskier is forever brokenhearted once he realized he was being used and can never again feel the touch of another loving hand etc etc because that would be so boring. it would be so fucking trite if they make it into another heartbroken gay who can never move on kind of thing.
I hope it's crueler and darker than they've hinted in interviews people keep forcing me to see, where radovid is happy and maybe he thinks its love to keep jaskier on a leash, but he only feels it when he knows jaskier is contained. I hope that jaskier wants to be free and fight for his family more than he wants to be loved, and that he takes familial/platonic love that's real more happily than taking love only given as a carrot to lure him closer, knife in the other hand.
anyway I like that philippa doing semisexual kink play with djikstra is canon, can't wait to imagine what she'd do to jaskier 💞
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isobug · 1 year
Can you design, if possible, a semisocial flag with the semi- hearted version? Like in the semisexual, semiromantic, semisensual, etc. flags. Also can you do the heart red, as in other -social flags (homosocial, bisocial, heterosocial). All these terms are found in @beyond-mogai-pride-flags and @ask-pride-color-schemes
going to deny this request, sorry anon
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