#sean diaz headcanon
squishi-bunni · 7 months
Sean Diaz x Reader HCs:
Reader is Filipina
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Note: so sorry for not posting. First year of college and its kicking my ass a bit but at least i have As and Bs. This is a very obviously self-indulgent thing I wrote (b/c I think it is too often that the reader is assumed to be a white woman) to destress so uh… enjoy! Sorry again for falling off the face of the Earth.
fem!filipina!reader, fluff
-Yours and Sean’s family will get along pretty well
-Because Filipinos and Mexicans have such similar cultures (we in the colonized by Spain gang) your parent(s) warm up to Sean pretty quickly!
-You both share a mutual hatred for the Spaniard conquistadors.
-Comic misunderstanding of what the word “puto” means in Tagalog vs. Spanish
you bring some freshly steamed rice cakes (puto) that your mom made over to Sean’s house. 
Sean and Esteban are sitting by the counter when you come in. You excitedly say “Hey! I brought puto, want to try?”
Both Esteban and Sean look at you with wide eyes.
”Would we like to try WHAT now?” ”puto!” you hold up the rice cakes, “Filipino rice cakes!”
Esteban starts smiling, trying to hold back his laughter.
Sean says, “Y/n, that is not what that word means.”
”That’s what it means in Tagalog. Does it mean something different in Spanish?”
Esteban is snickering at this point. “Yes. It means something very different.” He laughs harder.
Sean pinches the bridge of his nose.
After they explain to you what “puto” means in Spanish, your jaw drops.
”Oh my God I’m so so sorry I had no idea; it genuinely just means ‘steamed rice cakes’ in Tagalog I swear!”
Sean and Esteban both laugh. “Está bien, hija. It at least makes a funny story.”
-You call Sean “mahal ko” and Sean calls you “mi amor”
-He brings you Mexican food and you bring him Filipino food
-Like every non-filipino, he instantly LOVES lumpia when you first introduce it to him
-You mom made an extreme excess of lumpia, so she gave him a freezer bag full of premade lumpia rolls. You help him deep fry them one day after school (he wants to share with his dad and Daniel) and his whole house smells like frying oil afterwards.
-Both of you talk about similarities and differences between Tagalog and Spanish for funsies.
-Playful arguments on which country does leche flan better
-You introduce him to ube-flavored sweets
-One time you bring ube Otap cookies to their house and Daniel ends up gobbling them all up (to Sean’s dismay)
-Cursing at him in Tagalog thinking it would be funny but he understands the gist of what you said
“Putangina mo”
-He teaches you Spanish and you teach him some Tagalog
-Agressive pinoy pride >:3
-he makes fun of you for being short (not our fault that the average height is 5’1!!!)
-Bonding over cultural similarities
-y’all are such an it couple bc poc4poc relationships that are also interracial are such a slay
I realize that the LIS2 fandom is already very niche (even within the LIS community) so these HCs are even more niche but… idc! Writing this made me happy lol.
I’ll try to fulfill some of the requests I got back in September! Sorry for not getting to them yet.
Hope you enjoyed! :3
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om1shi · 1 month
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i like to think that as soon as the brothers move to Mexico, they're going to find a homeless puppy they're gonna take, and since Mushroom's death Dan will be a lot more careful with their new pet.
i swear, this scene lacks a doggy with a harmed ear, that would've sat on the beach near the Diaz brothers to look at the sunset with them
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What would dating Sean Diaz (LiS 2) include? :0 if you wanna do that one! I bet he’d use a lot of Spanish nicknames for female s/o LOL
Dating Sean Diaz Would Include..
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Authors note: I was definitely planning to do lots of life is strange posts so no worries! And you’re completely right on that one. He definitely would! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!
Sean’s song to Reader:
Ok so I think Sean would be very chill and at the same time very open and gentle in his way of loving someone.
Some things depend on if when you’re dating it’s before the events of Seattle or after. Or if you’re with them and seeing his character development for yourself.
I do think he would be very protective no matter which version of that is.
He’d want to be there in every way. If it’s protecting you from someone or something else or even from your own thoughts. Cause let’s be honest we all have our moments when we aren’t as kind to ourselves as we should be. And he’d be right there! Hence the song
Would most definitely call you “Mi vida” meaning “My life”
Before the incident:
If you’re dating before the events of Seattle then I see so many movie nights with popcorn and snuggly blankets. Daniel would always want to be right in the middle 😁 Sean would try to send him away unless you told him different. Sean’s dad, Esteban, would walk by making teasing comments every so often but all in good fun.
If you guys went to parties he’s definitely the show off type when it comes to you. Introducing you to everyone that talks to him. You’ll probably never really talk to these people again after the party and he knows that, it’s just a way for him to say “I love this person and no one else!” to people so they don’t get any ideas.
100% loves to draw you. You are his muse whether you realize he’s drawing you or not. (You know he’s drawing you but he doesn’t always know that you know. He thinks it’s genuine when you pretend to be surprised as he hands it to you.)
Laying on his bed sharing earbuds and listening to the music in silence is something he loves to do because just being in each other’s presence is special to him. He loves spending any kind of time with you.
After the incident:
Now if you’re dating him during/after the incident/journey to the boarder, he’s a bit different.
His protectiveness is a lot more heightened. Nothing will get past him when it comes to you or Daniel.
And as much as their dad is still their dad, he has taken on some kind of parental figure over Daniel so it would make sense that you both took on those roles.
Talking with each other about what’s the best plan of action when it comes to Daniel is a frequent conversation. Talking with you about wether they should go to their grandparents for medicine for Daniel was a big one.
You both are pretty much in a rush trying to survive and get to Mexico that it put a pause on your relationship. You were still together but there was now things that were more important and you didn’t really think about other things. That was until you both were able to settle down at the farm.
Things at the farm weren’t completely perfect but you both had the chance to feel normal again. Or at least as much as you could.
Coffee in the mornings, swimming at the lake, cuddling at the campfire with the others, playing that pirate ship game that Daniel says he out grew is a normal routine for you guys.
Also I just feel like he loves kissing your forehead/the top of your head. He does it very frequently.
He’s also a big hand holder. If you’re walking and let go of his hand, he is offended! ☝️
“What are you doing? Give me back your hand.” 🤝 “good, now let’s go.”
All in all, he’s very sweet and loves you greatly. He’d do anything for you and Daniel. Whatever it takes.
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jsidetickles · 14 days
Some ticklish Diazes scenarios I’ve been obsessed with lately.
•Daniel finding out on accident that Sean is actually really ticklish and uses that information to get him to agree to get him a box of choc-o-crisps he’d been asking for for weeks
•Daniel drawing a wolf design on Sean’s shirt in an unintentional but annoyingly ticklish way after teasing him about his fashion sense. Sean gets him back, using Daniel’s own wardrobe mishaps in his own ticklish lesson.
•Esteban tickling Sean’s feet under the guise of being a “foot mechanic” when Sean is nervous for a track meet and scared that he’ll mess up or trip over himself. He simulates his mechanic skills with his hands on Sean’s soles.
•Sean giving “birthday tickles” for Daniel’s 16th birthday to show that no matter how old he gets, Daniel will always be his little brother who he has a duty to annoy.
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jhasegawa25 · 2 years
Imagine every year, Daniel comes running into Sean’s room jumping on his bed and on him excitedly waking him up for his birthday. Back in Seattle, Sean would be so annoyed by it but every birthday after, he would secretly be endeared by it more and more. And Daniel continues to do it even into his teen years.
One year, after Daniel bursts into his room, Sean jokes that Daniel’s too old to be waking him up like this, and Daniel protests and they argue about it (playfully of course). On his next birthday, Sean wakes up and realizes it wasn’t because of Daniel’s usual antics. He lowkey feels disappointed and starts to wonder if his words actually got to him.
Daniel comes in to deliver breakfast (he tried his best) and Sean coyly questions why didn’t burst into his room like usual to which Daniel replies “I guess I’m just growing out of it”. And Sean starts to feel that same sadness he feels whenever he realizes that his little brother’s growing up. And he start reassuring Daniel he didn’t mean what he said last time and its ok if HE wants to keep up the tradition (as if its Daniel that’s sad about it). Daniel sees right through him though and immediately starts jumping on the bed and on Sean, shouting “happy birthday”, then hitting him with pillows and teasing him for being sappy and embarrassing, which Sean starts fighting back and it devolves into a pillow fight between these two “grown” brothers.
And Sean has some relief that his enano will always be annoying in that lovable way, even as be grows out of childish traditions.
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honeybunchesobees · 1 year
lis characters that listen to icp in my totally unbiased opinion:
chloe- look at her. of course she listens to icp.
rachel- possibly. maybe chloe introduces her to it.
daniel- that kid is hardcore, ofc he listens to icp.
sean- yeah both diaz brothers have swag
alex- i feel like her music taste is pretty hardcore past the creep radiohead flavored exterior
gabe- ofc alex got her juggalo swag from somewhere
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hellbleided · 5 months
sean tag dump .
. meta . › sean diaz .
. study . › sean diaz .
. about . › sean diaz .
. aes . › sean diaz .
. musings . › sean diaz .
. skills . › sean diaz .
. headcanon . › sean diaz .
. thread . › sean diaz .
. answers . › sean diaz .
. face claim . › sean diaz .
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hotxcheeto · 9 months
Your reqs are finally open TvT- could you write some Sean Diaz dating headcanons?
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Sean Diaz x G/N!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing?, so much fluff, slight angst sprinkled in, mentions of arguing?, and mentions of the esteban incident :(
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - ahh, i literally love him sm it's not even funny, he's just sooooooo, AHJKFSdkfaj
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he's so sweet, we've seen that with how he treats literally almost everyone but with you
oh boyyyyyyy
sean is a very awkward fella, but it's with a very whole, loving heart
he just doesn't know how to respond to how amazing you are sometimes he'll just go silent while you ramble or while you're sitting there just doing normal people things
he's a big simp, heavy on the simp
he'll literally do anything for you and it's so funny yet adorable
you wear uncomfortable shoes? he'll give you his
you're cold? he'll find you a blanket or a big sweater just so you don't have to lift a finger
want something to eat? he's ready to cook, chef diaz in the house
but if you point it out he'll get all bashful and blushy, he'll ignore you and shrug you away with that goofy shy smile of his, he'll even tease you and tell you he only does it cause he's bored and you're whines and annoying
he loves you i swear
sean is a softie, and is hugely sentimental
if you were together before the incident, anything from past dates like old movie tickets, pictures, gifts/trinkets, and literally anything from things you've done together in a shoebox in his room
daniel found it once and teased him for it and sean nearly dropkicked the poor boy before esteban stepped in LMFAO
esteban loved you by the way, literally adored
meeting after is a bit more complicated, he loves you all the same but he's very protective over daniel until he sees you care about daniel just as much
if not, more
daniel totally mocks sean by saying that you love him more
of course you tell sean later that you do love him EQUALLY to daniel :)
he'd die for you though, just as he would with any of his family
you're his family, so is daniel
and as much as you three go back and forth, he's thankful you're ready to help him with his brother no matter what and that you love the little gremlin like he does
sean is also very open with his emotions
he's not afraid to express what he's truly feeling, it makes it very easy to communicate with him, but sometimes he can be very stubborn
arguments are rare, but explosive if you're both stubborn and sometimes sean needs someone to smack him over the head and tell him to get his shit together like his dad used to and lyla
and you will do it, full send and it takes him off guard every time
you're the only person he can fully tell everything he feels too because daniel is so young and everyone else just feels so far but you're like this shining light that understands him and feels what he does
you're his outlet, and he's gladly there to yours as well
there's a mutual understanding that you both always have each other to go to, if no one else
loves listening to music with you
even if you make fun of his music taste, or he teases you of yours, you both always end up enjoying it
either ending in a tickle fight or a giggling mess of you going back and forth with jokes
sometimes you even end up in deep talks about life
could hold your hand 24/7
he also would for sure get something matching with you, like bracelets, he's super corny
won't admit he's super corny though
not even if you threaten to swordfight him outside of the white house at midnight with an owl as your witness and an astronaut as referee okay
loves nicknames... cause he's corny, remember?
especially spanish nicknames cause if you don't understand him he finds it so funny, especially cause daniel doesn't speak a ton but understands enough to know when he's being insulted
sean would love to actually teach you both though because he loves his roots, especially is language
but watching you try and figure out what he called you makes him grin so big, you're just so RAH to him y'know
sings to you, even if it sucks
big time clinger y'all, he's a cuddler
he doesn't even hide it either
he for sure draws you all the time as well
whether it's doodles of your face, your name, your silhouette, your everything
you name it, he's most likely drawn it because he just loves looking at you
daniel so makes fun of him when he finds 5458545775042 pages of just you in his journal LMFAOO
sean also again nearly dropkicks him
kisses your forehead all the time, and your cheeks
also loves kissing the tip of your nose
he just loves kissing idk, it's just his thing
you cannot escape him without getting a kiss
he'll die if he can't kiss you (not literally... hopefully)
he's sensitive just be nice to him and give him a kiss
also loves hugs
give him a hug damn it
sean diaz is just a lover boy
but he's your lover boy
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adawngswife · 2 months
hii! can you write headcanons on how would sean diaz act around their goth s/o👀 ? have a great day btw!!
sean x goth/alt reader hcs!
thank u for requesting :). i tried my best, i myself am not goth and hope i did not write too stereotypically 😭 im aware not all goths have piercings/tattoos or do makeup a certain way so sorry if this is vague!! maybe alternative in general was the better tag…
- i feel sean would have already known the difference between alt subcultures way before meeting you. he’s definitely a breath of fresh air because you don’t have to explain anything to him. in fact, he’d probably indulge in some goth music! the cure and the velvet underground more specifically.
- lovesong and just like heaven is ur guys’ SHITTTTT
- sean stares in awe when you do goth makeup. he stares like no other and he’ll always be impress by any sharp contour/eyeliner you do. you ask him if you can do it on him and he gets nervous and says no 😭.
- he’d be slightly influenced into getting a piercing with you! i feel he’s a septum guy… or hear me out BRIDGE PIERCING!!!
- sean says “so cool” under his breath to literally anything you do that expresses yourself in any way at all.
- daniel is just as interested in your whole style. when sean brings you over, daniel just ogles and asks you question upon question. he’ll ask you to do the same makeup on him but for his superhero purposes LMAO.
- when meeting esteban, he’d ask similar questions:
- “so… what’s with the vampire get-up?”
- “dad… stop…”
- sean gets so embarrassed and he apologizes profusely. you probably don’t care as much as sean thinks you do 😭 he takes that shit serious!!
- getting black/dark wine lipstick all over him… esteban also has something to say about that.
- sean does your photoshoots when you’re all dressed up and he loves it. he’s a little nerd—sketches all your cool outfits.
- not only that, but he also sketches potential matching tattoo ideas for the two of you. they all pertain to your style/subculture.
- goes to shows with you! to be entirely honest, he’d probably be so awkward in the beginning. he’s not used to gothic dances—more so dancing in general. he gets the hang of it eventually and finds it so fun… he’ll shyly ask if he can tag along next time too LMAO.
- going to vintage stores and buying little romantic/gothic jewelry 2gether… sean is decked out in rings
just letting u all know i see ur rqs.. and i SWEAR i am getting to them. ive been in a rut cuz of senior year and whatnot but ill be getting back up on my feet for all my writing projects!!
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tapesfrom1980 · 1 year
can u do dating sean headcanons? and if u could keep it gender neutral-ish i would appreciate thank u <33
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dating sean diaz would include..
-either frenemies to lovers or he just thought you were hot and you rejected him multiple times till you gave in a longgg time later and he never gave up <3
-definitely a bestfriends type of relationship, he’s very comfortable with you and he knows he can make jokes with you without worrying about hurting you
-he’s lowkey awkward at first just because he hasn’t really had real?? experience with relationships before but he’s so excited to finally have you he goes all out if he can
-he’ll get you concert tickets for one of your favorite artists and be like “just because I love you 😘”
-sometimes it’ll be estebans money too and if he gets caught he’ll yell at sean but make sure to say “it’s not your fault though y/n you did nothing wrong” and go back to scolding
-he didn’t know when to drop the L bomb since he’s never felt that way with someone and didn’t know when it was the right time to say it
-he eventually said it mid-argument and there was a lot of making out after that
-getting sketches of yourself that he drew basically everyday
-he draws you at the most random times, bummy looking or not
-his favorite is the one he did while you danced around his room to your favorite song
-he always draws you as an absolute angel and has some hung up
-even just in his school notebooks his doodling always goes to your face so a lot of his homework or quizzes have your face in some corner with little hearts around it
-daniel tries drawing you too, and you take some home with you even if it’s just you with a deformed blue face and wonky yellow eyes
-being ABSOLUTE besties with daniel
-sean tries to act like he hates sharing your attention but you know he likes that you love daniel as much as he does
-sometimes you’ll come early to the diaz house just to hang out with daniel
-“y/n? how long have you been here why didn’t you wake me up?”
-“daniel called me to help him with his new batman lego set”
-he sometimes joins in your guys’s dates and sean tries kicking him out everytime
-being super close with esteban too
-he’s happy sean found someone who’s good for him and pushes him to be a better person
-gossiping with him while he’s working on a car
-usually it’s when sean is busy or you’re just annoyed at him
-“oh y/n, whatd he do now?”
-sometimes even while sean is in the room
-“i’m still here guys”
-weekly movie dates!!! drive ins or sneaking into the theater (sean says 15 bucks just to watch a movie is outrageous)
-getting him to listen to your favorite artists/bands
-sometimes he’ll pretend to hate it if it’s a genre he’d never listen to but you can see him trying not to drum his fingers or bop his head
-dragging him to every school event
-matching halloween costumes always
-if he wants to do a character you don’t know you’ll still match him for his sake vice versa
-if you have a pet he’ll probably try his hardest to befriend it even if he’s lowkey scared at first
-he’ll get jokingly jealous about you and your pet saying how you don’t give HIM that much love
-speaking of jealousy, he’s def the jealous type
-he’ll try to hide it but then say something petty to you or the person making him jealous
-“that wasn’t even that funny 😐”
-“you guys should go to that restaurant you’ve been talking so much about together”
-“sean 😒”
-as both of sean’s bestfriends you guys are really close too
-“he will never get between us y/n.✊”
-lyla joking about how she has to third wheel even tho she’s absolutely happy you guys are together
-sean and lyla fighting over you
-“i don’t care if you and y/n are dating. i’m still the favorite. right y/n??? right??”
-making sure to include her at some point on valentine’s day too even if she pretends to hate it
-arcade dates & picnics <3
-sleepovers!!!!!!! always so much fun
-sometimes you’ll just lay in bed listening to music and it’s one of the most special moments together
-you were with them minutes before that had happened, but you went to go pick up your guys’s food from the deli near the house
-you came back to esteban on the floor, the crashed cop car, and no sean and daniel
-you were so in shock nothing came out your mouth for a while
-once your brain processed what was happening you yelled around the house for sean and daniel
-you screamed and screamed till the other cops got to the scene
-even then you kept calling for the boys
-you didn’t know what to do with yourself you’d just seen your boyfriends dad dead on the floor and your boyfriend and his little brother missing
-when the cops explained what happened you were so disgusted about how the situation was handled and how sean had been blamed
-you knew sean and daniel, you knew sean and you knew the story was mixed up and the diaz boys were blamed obviously due to racism
-you never gave up looking for them, you went into the woods and everything
-you were looked down upon, even by your own parents, because it looked like you were supporting a “criminal”
-when sean finally called, you were so happy you bawled the entire time
-you were so so relieved he and daniel were alright
-you understood why he couldn’t tell you where they were or why he wouldn’t be able to call again
-he also didn’t tell you their location because he knew you’d try coming to them, he really did know your love for them both
-with one last goodbye and i love you, that was the last time you talked to sean
if you ran with them
-sean 100% didn’t want you to come with them
-you were in the house when it happened but you rushed outside, but the cop didn’t see you
-he knew that if you went with them you couldn’t come back without being taken in to custody as you were now an accomplice to them, things would never be the same and he couldn’t ask you to do that for him and daniel
-“y/n please, stay here” he was already in tears and his voice was cracking but you refused
-instead, you took your bag with more supplies and stuff that was already in visible view that you knew would be helpful for whatever situation you guys were going to be in
-“i don’t know why you’d think i’d leave you sean”
-you also knew even with the rush of adrenaline you were having what you were giving up
-you were giving up your family, your friends, and a normal life
-but you had been with sean for a long time and you knew you were never gonna leave him to fend for him and daniel in who knows where
-you never complained, even with the bad circumstances
-you helped the boys ration supplies and find shelter in the woods
-sean felt so much better with you there, so did daniel
-they both felt guilty for being glad you came with them
-they knew you left a whole life behind and felt like they took that from you, even if it wasn’t their fault
-but it was your choice and you didn’t regret it even in the worst moments, and you always reminded them both of that, no matter what the ending was
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yourimagines · 7 months
Masterlist Sports
Started 26/10/2023
Last updated: 26/10/23
Total: 94
Masterlist sport 2.0 sport 3.0
Masterlist Movies/Series
Masterlist Youtubers/Influencers
masterlist music
UFC/MMA Fighters 🥊
Team Diaz 🥋🐐
Going out
Chaotic brothers
Always here
Team Khabib/Islam 🏆🐐
Friends from work
Dillon Danis
Crazy fighting
Crush on you
Dating headcanons
Sean Strickland
Family issues
Dating headcanons
Nate Diaz🥋
Press conference
Stressed out
Learning new things
Being real
Dating headcanons
Taking the blame
Secretly in love
Between us
Fight Night
Party part 2
Party part 3
Party part 4
Party part 5
Party part 6
Party part 7
Party part 8
Photographer part 2
Photographer part 3
Photographer part 4
Spamming part 2
Liar part 2
Liar part 3
Liar part 4
Nick Diaz🥋
Late night call
Being there
Sport for two
Bedtime story
Training day's
Beach day
The Friendly ex meets the jealous boyfriend
Dating headcanons
The next step
Protective at all times
Private training
Charming part 2
Selfies part 2
Formula one 🏎️🏎️
Lando N 🎮🏎️
Office days
Dirty move
Crush on you
Sick day's
Taken by someone else
Dating headcanons
Taking care
Daniel R 🍯🦡
Dating headcanons
Lando N 🎮🏎️
Caught part 2
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bisexualfagdyke · 8 months
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Marshall Lee (Adventure Time / Fionna and Cake) : canon
Jinx (Arcane) : headcanon
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things) : headcanon
Sean Diaz (Life is Strange 2) : canon
Marceline (Adventure Time) : canon
Peter Parker & Miles Morales (Spider-Man) : headcanon
Reki Kyan (SK8 the Infinity) : headcanon
Alex Claremont Diaz (Red, White & Royal Blue) : canon
Nick Nelson (Heartstopper) : canon
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ur sean stuff is literally adorable! saving my life rn especially becuz no one writes for him anymore 💔😔 could you maybe write something to do with cuddling or him taking care of you? or maybe the two of you hanging around his house! idc which one at all it’s up 2 u!
Sean Diaz With Sick Reader
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Authors note: That’s the exact reason I wanted to write for life is strange characters as there aren’t many entries on them. Well, that and I love the games 😁 also, your ask gave me a couple ideas to do for Sean so rest assured that more is coming! I also do life is strange 1 characters and life is strange true colors cause the whole franchise is honestly just 🫶 Anyway, hope you enjoy the Drabble!
I’ve been down with the flu for about a week. I’ve been off of school and staying at home with Sean. He insisted on staying with me until I was better. He’s really been such a big help. I almost feel bad.
I’ve been shivering in bed from the fever. A half eaten bowl of soap sat on the bed side table. I couldn’t finish it. Even so he was never aggravated at his wasted effort. He still sat next to me brushing my hair out of my face. He reached over once again to grab the cold rag before folding it and gently laying it over my forehead.
“It’s .. too cold.” I said starting to shiver. He frowned feeling bad he had to do it. “I know.. but I have to get you cooler if you’re gonna break that fever. So, that means cold rag. But I could reheat your soup if you feel like having another few spoonfuls?” He asked and I nodded. It made him manage a small smile that he could do something for me. I know he didn’t want to make me cooler on purpose to be mean but it was needed to get rid of the fever. I knew he didn’t want to make me uncomfortable.
He leaned forward and kissed my cheek before standing up to go reheat the soup. I must have fallen asleep while he was gone because the next thing I know he was waking me up. I noticed how warm I was feeling and decided I didn’t want to be covered up anymore. I took the rag and blanket off and sat up so I could eat the soup easier but paused when I saw the look on his face.
His eye brows furrowed as he looked at me. He set the bowl down and felt my forehead. He cracked a smile. “No more fever!” I could see his facial features physically relax at how relieved he was. “No more cold rag?” I asked. “No more cold rag.” He said looking me in the eyes then leaned forward to kiss my forehead.
“But you’re not completely better. So, eat you’re soup.”
“Aw..” I pouted
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jsidetickles · 27 days
still taking requests for tickle headcanons or a scenario for a tickle fic involving Sean, Daniel and/or Esteban. The creative juices are building up but they need a jump start. Lol
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jhasegawa25 · 1 year
I always found it funny that when people discuss what characters would look at Sean and Daniel negatively for their actions at the border in Blood Brothers (a fruitless conversation to begin with tbh), they always list Chris as one of the main ones. Chris, the kid who jumped in the middle of the street to throw a police car off the road, most likely hurting/killing the officer. That boy would not care.
All this to really say, either Captain Spirit is also evil (according to many people’s classification of Sean and Daniel in Blood Brother + Low Morality), or none of them are evil and we can view LM/BB with more nuance and understanding of the importance of the brothers’ fight at the border.
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pridebicons · 1 year
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life is strange headcanon pride icons
max caulfield: bi demigirl - she/they
chloe price: nonbinary lesbian - she/he/they
rachel amber: bi - she/her
victoria chase: lesbian - she/her
sean diaz: agender bi - he/they
finn mcnamara: nonbinary pan - he/they
alex chen: nonbinary bi - she/they
steph gingrich: butch lesbian - they/she
ryan lucan: bi - he/him
requested by @supermansbisexualson
like/rb if using + credit
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