#scp foundation: the x-file
emerald-onion · 1 year
Things Dr. Ink Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation, by Dr. Dream (WIP)
Stop teaching Agent Blue swear words.
Not even in different languages.
Spike the coffee machine with laxatives is not only gross but also immoral.
Don't the SCP file as your personal notebook. How many times do I have to say this?
Try to convince everyone that SCP-404 is 'a big softie inside' is just plain suicidal.
Answer "What the fuck do you want?!" with "Your SOUL" is right out.
Stop telling everyone your paintbrush is secretly a staff member.
Stop telling a staff member they are secretly a paintbrush.
"I forgot!" is not and will never be an excuse for nearly killing all of your co-workers.
And neither is "They didn't pass the vibe check".
Nor "They shouldn't have eaten the last muffin".
Rolling up to someone with a trenchcoat and saying "I have brought the goods" isn't as hilarious as you may think.
Don't tell the new recruits that SCP-99 will adopt them if they call it 'Nootmare'.
Don't tell people that your medicine is drug.
Don't hide drugs in your medicine. Trust me, I'll know.
Showing SCP-404's shitty Undernovela's knock-off was fun one time and one time only, and that was before it destroyed our entire west wing.
Don't give Agent Blue candies.
Don't give Agent Blue honey.
Don't give Agent Blue cake-pop.
Don't give Agent Blue any kind of sugar, period.
No, "What have you done?" is a desperate plea for you to stop, not "Please continue".
There is not any SCP Dating Simulator. There has never been a SCP Dating Simulator.
Not even in Japan.
And no, this isn't a suggestion to make one.
Dr. Ink is not the God of Creation. Not even if your cult says so. Since when did you have a cult in the first place?
Stop submitting your paperwork in the back of a Kung Fu Panda DVD.
Stop stealing SCP-404's chocolate.
Stop hiding SCP-404's remote control.
Stop rearranging everything in SCP-404's containment cell by one inch to drive it insane.
Stop messing with SCP-404, I beg of you.
Drawing SCP porn on the Foundation walls is strictly forbidden.
Don't tell Agent Red this world is a shitty crossover fanfiction and everything he knows is fake.
Don't tell Agent Red that he and Agent Blue are the clones of Dr. Sans.
Yes, I know that it's possible, Agent Cross is standing right there, but stop giving him an existential crisis, please.
Don't tell Agent Blue his action figures are alive and they're silently screaming for him to break them from their inanimate prison.
Don't call Agent Blue Berrybaby specifically to piss him off.
Don't convince Agent Blue Santa Clause is real and he just needs to go to Antarctica to find him.
Seriously, leave the poor guy alone.
No spilling melted chocolate on someone and telling them it's SCP-99's goop.
Stop trying to wear high heels to make yourself taller. You broke your fucking leg, Dr. Ink.
Didn't I order you to stop messing with SCP-404? Why do I see a giant graffiti of SCP-404 in a cat hoodie in front of its containment cell?
SCP-404's dolls are not made of the remains of its dead victims. It has already been terrifying enough already, stop fanning the flame even more.
Yes, you have a bad memory. No, even that won't make you forget the large fire you start in the cafeteria 10 seconds ago.
The Foundation exists to protect the people, not a big conspiracy to control everyone's mind.
There is no such thing as a Reset button. Stop saying that every time you mess something up.
SCP-99 cannot be pacified with a lullaby. Don't tell the other scientists that. We're short on staff already.
Playing your flute at three in the morning is just plain creepy.
The Foundation does not have a dress code. Especially not 'Maid uniform'.
I know you still meet up with SCP-90 sometimes. I don't know how, but I know. For God's sake, Ink! He's a freaking body-snatching parasite!
You're absolutely not allowed to knock on the D-personals' door and tell them "It is coming. There's nothing you can do to stop it."
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fiona-my-love · 1 year
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mme looking at my inbox or something idk im just hoping that if i post enough more people will see me and request something. i write for 14 fandoms. please
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: Godzilla
Code Name: The Incarnation of Oppenheimer's Sin/ The Unsung Hero of Earth: Godzilla/ Gojira: King of Monsters.
Object Class: Apollyon/ Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: Not only is containment of SCP-ABQ impossible, it is discouraged. SCP-ABQ is essential to the survival of the human race and the preservation of peace between humanity and the Large-Scale Class Anomalies located all over the world hidden under the crust and oceans. Instead, any Group of Interest or anomaly that attacks SCP-ABQ with the intent to kill it is to be met with extreme prejudice. 
Description: SCP-ABQ is a Large-Scale Class Anomaly belonging to Species of Interest: The Titans. SCP-ABQ is about 108 meters tall which is typical height for the Titan species. Like most of the Titan species, SCP-ABQ is reptilian in nature with the basic appearance of an Iguana. SCP-ABQ's scales are a very dark gray with large plate-like spikes on its back, acting as intimidation appearance, defensive purposes, and as biological batteries. SCP-ABQ has the particular power to generate fusion based atomic energy within its body that gets processed through the plates on its back. Once it has generated enough energy SCP-ABQ is able to blast atomic fire resulting from the fusion energy within its body, out of its mouth. Quite similar to how a dragon has an organ in its throat that stores hydrogen gas to breath fire. 
Surprisingly SCP-ABQ doesn't just make fusion based atomic energy but can also absorb atomic energy to regenerate from any wound. It can even grow stronger when it receives excess energy. Should SCP-ABQ achieve this, it will reach a critical point where its body is constantly releasing fusion energy with a temperature of 500,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Hot enough to burn everything around it and melt steel instantaneously. SCP-ABQ will also be able to release thermonuclear shockwaves all around it, vaporizing everything, even other Titans. 
SCP-ABQ in particular is a Titan known as an Alpha, Alpha Titans rule over other titans without question. This is mainly thanks to the fact that, like all Alpha Titans, SCP-ABQ has the ability to release a frequency that both communicates with and gives commands to other Titans. Naturally this would make SCP-ABQ a hazard for an OK Class Omega Species Uprising Scenario as well as a possible SK Class Dominance Shift Scenario. However, that is not the case regarding SCP-ABQ at all.
SCP-ABQ, unlike most Titans, has no ill will towards humanity so long as humanity does not harm it. Instead, SCP-ABQ stays in the earth's oceans and swims around the world to guard all life on earth. Rather than a tyrant, SCP-ABQ acts as a guardian of earth, defending it from hostile Titans as well as other overwhelming anomalous threats. Though the Foundation and other organizations within the ACPA are grateful for this, why SCP-ABQ does this is unknown. 
Futhermore, SCP-ABQ has the ability to spread great amounts of Gaia Radiation. Gaia Radiation, unlike normal radiation that inflicts sterility and increases occurrence of developmental abnormalities, heals and increases quality of life for all fauna and flora. Gaia Radiation is a form of non-electromagnetic radiation that acts like a super vitamin in energy form capable of reaching through any material to affect all living organisms. How exactly this works is not well understood as Gaia Radiation is extremely difficult to contain and often dissipates when it is. Though what is known is that exposure to Gaia Radiation includes nearly instantaneous regeneration and healing and even enhanced growth when exposed for extended periods of time; this applies to all forms of life exposed. Anywhere where a Titan like SCP-ABQ has been will start growing into a lush forest within a single month. It is because of Gaia Radiation that Species of Interest: The Titans exist as large and powerful as they do, despite our laws of nature stating they shouldn't even exist. 
SCP-ABQ was discovered in 1954, residing on the deep waters of [data expunged] beach, of Hiroshima. Apparently, it had been there since 1945, absorbing the nuclear energy that did contaminate the city. It was because of SCP-ABQ that the city was able to be rebuilt in two years; however, it was also because of the bomb that SCP-ABQ was awakened. It was for reasons like this that the US Governments, like most governments in the world, are looked at with a negative light by the Foundation.
SCP-ABQ originated from SCP-[data expunged] only coming to the surface to feed on the sudden influx of atomic energy during World War 2. Since then, for better or worse SCP-ABQ has influenced the anomalous world. Please See Addendum X-23 for details
Addendum X-23
The following is a list of what SCP-ABQ has done since its awakening as well as the exact years of its activities. 
1955 - SCP-3700-1 battles SCP-3700-2 but is nearly defeated especially with the growing population of SCP-3456 instances. However, SCP-ABQ intervenes and with its atomic breath, destroys all the SCP-3456 instances and greatly injures SCP-3700-2. From there SCP-3700-1 and SCP-ABQ fight against SCP-3700-2 and are overwhelmingly victorious. Afterwards SCP-ABQ leaves, and SCP-3700-1 proceeds to bring good weather to the area. SCP-ABQ was reported by Naval Task Force Delta-7 to have appeared quite a few times as the years went by. It always assisted SCP-3700-1 and completely obliterated SCP-3700-2.
1961 - Foundation staff discovered SCP-[data expunged] on the island of [data expunged] causing it to awaken not long after. SCP-[data expunged] forced all Foundation staff off of the island and later cocooned itself. After about a day, SCP-[data expunged] evolved into its second form. This was where SCP-ABQ rose up from the ocean and addressed SCP-[data expunged] with a surprisingly friendly manner. 
SCP-[data expunged] and SCP-ABQ separated afterwards, Foundation staff returned to the island for further research. Natives of the island told Dr. [data expunged] that SCP-[data expunged] was Mothra, queen of monsters, meanwhile SCP-ABQ is Gojira, King of Monsters. Later the natives introduced the Foundation to historical paintings and records allowing Foundation staff to understand Species of Interest: The Titans. 
1964 false - SCP-[data expunged] as well as many other SCP-[data expunged] instances awakened from the earth's crust or surface form SCP-[data expunged]. SCP-ABQ and SCP-[data expunged] battled them all while receiving reinforcements in heavy firepower by the Foundation and other ACPA organizations. SCP-[data expunged] was killed as a result and SCP-ABQ was recognized as the Alpha again. Unfortunately, the end result was 78% of the human population being wiped out. Under protocol "No Humanity" the remaining 22% was executed before the activation of SCP-2000. 
1964 True - SCP-ABQ and SCP-[data expunged] were not affected by SCP-2000 and even became the unconditional Alphas of all SCP-[data expunged] instances. SCP-ABQ then ordered all SCP-[data expunged] instances to retreat into SCP-[data expunged] allowing humanity to thrive in peace.
1971 - Foundation researchers discover the island known as SCP-[data expunged] as well as SCP-[data expunged]-Alpha. SCP-ABQ arrives on the island and fights with SCP-[data expunged]-Alpha. However, their fight is interrupted by the sudden appearance of SCP-[data expunged]-1 instances. Once SCP-[data expunged]-Omega appears, SCP-ABQ and SCP-[data expunged]-ALPHA battle and are eventually victorious. Because of their victory an unspoken peace was established between the two as SCP-ABQ left the island.
1974 - Group of Interest: The Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency created a mechanical monstrosity known as SCP-[data expunged] in the likeness of SCP-ABQ. It was unleashed on Japan and was meant to be a symbol of the rebirth of Japan's Imperialism over the world as well as its revenge for WWII. However, SCP-ABQ as well as SCP-[data expunged] fought against the mechanical monstrosity and after about a day it was finally defeated.
The result was several coastal Japanese cities being destroyed and the overall situation nearly leading to an MK Class Broken Masquerade Scenario. Thankfully though SCP-[data expunged] was defeated and a majority of its parts were contained within the Foundation. However there has been confirmation that other Groups of Interest managed to get smaller parts that might have anomalous properties. A Joint Task Force of Gamma-5 "Red Herrings” and Poseidon-3 "Otaku Heart" was formed to silence the media and erase the memories of the entire event. The cover story was that a horrible typhoon hit the coast of Japan resulting in the destruction of the cities. 
1989 - SCP-722 woke up and wreaked havoc on the surrounding areas, this somehow resulted in SCP-3000 surfacing, leading to a fight between the two. The Fight led to the complete destruction of the island [data expunged] located in the [data expunged] ocean. The coastal city of [data expunged] was unfortunately affected by SCP-722's toxins and the survivors suffered from SCP-3000's Cognito hazardous effects leading to [data expunged]. They were later killed off by the Foundation since there was no way to save them.
Before the rampaging could continue Mobile Task Force Apollo-1 "Orion's Belt" tried to bombard both entities, forcing them back into the depths. However, SCP-3000 somehow knew of the MTF Apollo-1 ships moving into position of engagement. It retaliated by screaming into the sky, directly towards the MTF Apollo-1 ships, with a sonic vibration capable of various Cognito hazardous effects. Most Foundation staff, MTF units, and pilots died upon contact while others suffered heavy brain degradation similar to Stage 5 of Alzheimer's Disease. This resulted in MTF Apollo-1 suffering over [data expunged] in casualties as well as losing a total of [data expunged] ships as well as the SCPSS "Victory" and the SCPSS "Armageddon" both of which where GBSWD-53 "Black Hole" dreadnought class ships. 
With nothing to stop them, SCP-3000 eventually overpowered SCP-722, forcing it to serve under SCP-3000. SCP-3000 and SCP-722 moving fast with its trajectory destination being Site-[data expunged]. It started traveling via SCP-[data expunged], this action alone angered SCP-ABQ causing it to act. SCP-ABQ intercepted SCP-3000 and SCP-722, being immune to both of their anomalous attacks. SCP-ABQ quickly overwhelmed the two with its strength as well as its atomic breath. Once SCP-3000 and SCP-722 were stunned due to massive injuries, SCP-ABQ tried to secure the kill until [data expunged] appeared. [data expunged]; afterwards, it healed SCP-3000 and forced SCP-722 back to slumber. SCP-ABQ and SCP-3000 left each other in peace and [data expunged] vanished from sight.
It is unknown as to why Site-[data expunged] was SCP-3000's destination, though Dr. [data expunged] believes it might be related to SCP-[data expunged].
1990 - SCP-5514 construction is complete however at the same time SCP-ABQ starts heading to Site-[data expunged] where it is being held. SCP-5514 was about to be deployed into battle but instead MTF High Commander Yōsai gave the command to have SCP-5514 bow to SCP-ABQ upon arrival.
SCP-5514 met with SCP-ABQ at the coast of [data expunged] afterwards SCP-ABQ started roaring to which SCP-5514 bowed to it as MTF High Commander Yōsai commanded. Like he predicted, SCP-ABQ accepted and returned to the ocean instead of fighting. MTF Gamma-5 worked around the clock to distribute amnestics to everyone while Mobile Task Force Dionysus-1 "Fake News" intercepted all newspaper outlets to present the leaked photos of SCP-ABQ and SCP-5514 as leaked special effects from an upcoming movie "Godzilla: King of Monsters vs the Dragon Slayer." TriStar Pictures was asked by the Foundation to create this movie to make the lie more authentic. They successfully created the movie in 1998, it was a massive flop at the box office.
1997 - SCP-169 started becoming active and moving at slowly increasing speeds. SCP-ABQ swam to SCP-169 and grabbed onto its stomach area where it started draining its body heat. Doing this slowed down SCP-169 allowing Mobile Task Force Gamma-6 "Deep Feeders" to attach the Large-Scale Anesthetic Injection device into SCP-169's gills without worry. Ensuring SCP-169 would go back to sleep. SCP-ABQ noticed the MTF Gamma-6 submarine but only glanced then swam away.
2000 - The Global Occult Coalition and Eight Wings of Mekhane created their own equivalents to SCP-5514 in preparation in accordance with ACPA protocol "The Bigger Boot". SCP-ABQ appeared before both of them as well, the Eight Wings of Mekhane had their giant mech bow immediately while the Global Occult Coalition nearly decided to just kill SCP-ABQ. It was only thanks to [data expunged] that they stopped themselves and their mecha finally bowed as well. Afterwards MTF Gamma-5 and MTF Dionysus-1 did the same procedures as the first incident with SCP-5514. It even led to the Global Occult Coalition to asking Legendary Entertainment to create "Godzilla & Mothra VS The Living Fortress & The Living Temple" since they bought rights to the "Godzilla Brand" after the TriStar Pictures flop. They finally succeeded in 2014, it was also a massive flop at the box office with critics asking, "Where do they come up with these stupid ideas?" and "The Robots look so stupid, there's no way any government in the world would create something so ridiculous". Several GOC representatives were especially annoyed upon hearing that.
2006 - SCP-ABQ was wandering the oceans of [data expunged] until it found a dying SCP-[data expunged] with what was clearly some eggs belonging to the species. SCP-ABQ seemingly roared out and SCP-[data expunged] appeared from the oceans seemingly by using SCP-[data expunged] as transportation. SCP-[data expunged] released a harmonic song that eased the SCP-[data expunged] instance as it died. Afterwards both SCP-[data expunged] and SCP-ABQ carried as many eggs as they could and transported them into SCP-[data expunged]. As of 20[data expunged] the species of SCP-[data expunged] now thrives well within SCP-[data expunged].
2011 false - Instances of SCP-[data expunged] started waking up all over the world. As a response SCP-ABQ, SCP-[data expunged], SCP-[data expunged]-Alpha, and several SCP-[data expunged] instances went out to fight the emerging SCP-[data expunged] instances. SCP-5514 as well as the GOC's and EWM's mechas were deployed in the "Infected" areas. Unfortunately, the conflict ended in 82% of the world's population being wiped out. Under Protocol "Last Chance" the remaining 18% were evacuated from earth and sent to Site-AI as well as other Foundation off earth colonies. Afterwards SCP-2000 was activated and rebuilt the earth without affecting SCP-ABQ or the others. 
2011 true - The remaining SCP-[data expunged] instances that did not surface were collected and contained by newly constructed underground Foundation recon bases around the world. Those that couldn't be contained were killed on sight. Unfortunately, several SCP-[data expunged] instances have been sighted within SCP-[data expunged]. Efforts to purge them and stop the "infection" are ongoing.
Side Note: In their victory SCP-[data expunged] and SCP-ABQ mated, which was very surprising since one is an insectoid and the other is reptilian. However, it was proven possible as SCP-[data expunged] started laying eggs the year afterwards. The eggs are located in [data expunged].
2013 - The first instance of SCP-[data expunged] manifested but was killed off by SCP-ABQ almost immediately, thankfully before it reached the surface. From that point on every six months either SCP-ABQ or SCP-5514 killed any SCP-[data expunged] instance that appeared.
2021 - A secret base at the island of SCP-[data expunged] owned by Group of Interest: Anderson Robotics developed a new instance of SCP-[data expunged], including old pieces from the original instance. It quickly goes out of control after being fueled by [data expunged] as such SCP-[data expunged]-Alpha fights in but is quickly overpowered. Thankfully SCP-ABQ shows up and saves him and once again the two work together to fight SCP-[data expunged]. However, even then they are close to losing, forcing the Foundation to deploy SCP-5514, finally giving them the winning tide until they are victorious. Once again, they leave one another in peace. 
2023 - The eggs started hatching leading to the birth of SCP-[data expunged] and SCP-[data expunged]. Surprisingly SCP-[data expunged] ended up bonding with [data expunged] who was only 5 years old and was there out of coincidence. This was especially alarming as it related to the mural found in [data expunged], said to be a prophecy.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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cattherapistwriter · 1 year
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Object No: SCP-5055
Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: A.R.M-5055 is to be stored in a soundproof chamber with a double locking system. The area around A.R.M-5055 must be equipped with noise-cancelling devices. Personnel interacting with A.R.M-5055 must wear noise-cancelling headphones. Use of A.R.M-5055 is permitted only with O5 Council approval and solely for the purpose of neutralizing other A.R.M objects.
Description: A.R.M-5055 is a bone flute of antique manufacture. The object itself is not dangerous until it produces sound. When a melody is played on A.R.M-5055, an anomalous event occurs: the area within approximately a 10-meter radius of the musician starts to "freeze" in time. Everything within this zone, including the musician, is put in a state of temporal stasis until the flute's sound ceases.
Organic and inorganic objects that have frozen in time are impervious to any external influences and remain in an unaltered state. When the music stops, everything returns to normal.
A.R.M-5055 has significant potential for use in the containment and neutralization of other A.R.M objects, particularly those that pose an active physical threat.
Note: While the idea of freezing time might seem appealing, it's important to remember the risks associated with using A.R.M-5055. The temporal stasis impacts the consciousness of those within the affected zone, hence personnel caught in the stasis may experience severe stress and psychological trauma. Ongoing psychological support is necessary for the personnel working with A.R.M-5055.
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shsl--fangirl · 1 year
One of my favorite things with sci-fi/horror media that has the FBI involved (ex: x-files, SCP) is that they always manage to shoehorn in J. Edgar Hoover’s supposed involvement in the supernatural.
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sophieinwonderland · 2 years
theres a "tulpa" scp and its.... gross. basically the serial killer alter
Well, that was an interesting read!
All in all though, I don't think this is really about Western tulpamancy, or is even alter-like.
It seems based entirely on the the account from Alexandra David-Néel. Tulpas were pretty popular in pop culture before the tulpamancy community, usually portrayed as monsters brought to life through Tibetan Buddhist practices.
Here's a summary of a Supernatural episode from 2005.
A Tulpa is unknowingly created by Craig Thursten and his cousin Dana, who paint several symbols from her theology textbook on the inside of an abandoned house, and invented the legend of Mordechai Murdoch, unaware that one of the symbols is a Tibetan meditation sigil. The legend soon spread until Harry Spangler and Ed Zeddmore put the sigil on their website, and the resulting crowdsource effect incidentally brought the Tulpa to life. The Tulpa first took on the image of Dana being hung from the rafters when a trio of teenagers go in on a dare, but when they reported to the police, the Tulpa had vanished. This attracted the attention of Sam and Dean Winchester, who investigated the house, at the same time the Hell Hounds did. Both parties found nothing and left. Soon after, a teenage brunette goes into the house on a dare, only for Mordechai to strangle her with a hang rope. The Winchesters later figure out Mordechai's true nature as a Tulpa, his M.O. constantly changing as new legends were posted on HellHoundsLair.com, so they provided their own legend that Mordechai was vulnerable to iron rounds, but the website's server crashed before the legend could take effect. Therefore, Dean set the house on fire, knowing that Mordechai could not leave the house and would burn along with it and that no one would go in anymore.
And this is the X-Files wiki description of a tulpa...
A tulpa is a thought form which, once someone keeps thinking about it and exerts their will to imagine it in more and more detail, somehow takes life and becomes a physical reality. A tulpa will behave as though it is the real entity it is based on, if any; it can walk, talk, interact with physical objects and so on. However being a soulless construct somewhat similar to a golem, ultimately all tulpas begin to malfunction or become violent and malevolent. The Ubermenscher from the X Files episode "Arcadia" is a tulpa. In "Home Again" the Band-Aid Nose Man is also one. Curiously, in Home Again Mulder claims "tulpa" is a theosophist mistranslation of "tulku" and that it has no basis in Tibetan Buddhism, whereas in Arcadia he identified the Ubermenscher as being "a tulpa, a Tibetan thought form". The tulpa is in fact a very old concept in Tibetan Buddhism, and entirely separate from tulku.
The SCP tulpa seems a lot closer to these than it does to Western tulpamancy.
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theyanderespecialist · 4 months
Jack's Wife (Headcanons) Yandere Jack Bright X Wife Reader  (SCP Foundation)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a new chapter! This one is where Jack Bright is yandere and he will be yandere for you as his wife. I will also have this in audio/video on YouTube! Please Enjoy this!] 
(Disclaimer: Artwork is Made By GavImp on Tumblr, all credit to her!) 
(Disclaimer 2: We do not support Admin Bright! Jack and Or his genderbent (Jackie) Bright Are more so their OWN STAND ALONE CHARACTER. Jack (Jackie) Bright is NO LONGER a self-insert of Admin Bright! We DO NOT Support Admin Bright, He is despicable! Separate the creation from the creator!) 
(Disclaimer 3: Dr. Jack Bright is NOT Yandere In canon! This is Just for Fun and Not To Be taken seriously at all! Simping For Fictional Characters is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, Remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!) 
-Headcanons With Yandere Dr. Jack Bright X Wife Reader- 
.Dr. Jack Bright is a chaotic man. 
.He also is very loyal to the foundation. 
.And he is loyal to his family. 
.These are three main facts about Jack. Another one is that he is in love with his wife. He is so in love that he is obsessed. 
.You, his darling wife. The love of his life, the woman he wants to bear his children. 
.Jack Bright was lucky enough to have you as his wife, for you to put up with his chaotic nature and to stand by his side. 
.Jack Bright's soul is tied to SCP 963, an amulet that anyone who touches has the soul gone and a copy of Jack Bright's soul remains in it unless removed in the first 30 days. After those 30 days, a permanent copy of Jack Bright's soul remains. 
.You were Immune to SCP 963. Abel to touch it without having your soul erased. 
.That is how you met Jack, you had an anomaly where you were your type of immortal and able to not be affected by some SCPs 
.Jack instantly felt you were someone that he could spend his life with. 
.Not only that, but when he had met your eyes he fell head over heels in love with you. 
.You were the perfect woman to be with him. Both of you were able to spend the rest of your time together. 
.Jack had stalked you and read your file, learning everything about you. 
.He was beyond obsessed with learning everything he could about you, and then he used the information to court you. 
.He loved to make you laugh and to tease you getting you flustered. 
.Seeing you give him a reaction of a blush, smile, and or laugh made his day. 
.When you had agreed to date him he was over the moon, then in a few years dating became marriage. 
.Everything seemed perfect for him and you. 
.Though Jack is still a yandere and even the best of yanderes have their toxic traits. 
.Anyone that dared hurt you ended up on keter duty and they did not make it out alive. 
.You also did start to notice that less and less people wanted to spend time with you. 
.Leaving you more time for yourself and your husband. 
.Jack told you it is probably because you are the site Commander's wife now. 
.He never gave you any reason not to trust him. 
.Jack cut out only a few people who could be around you, and even then he did not like you alone with them. 
.You never looked at another man or woman. Though he cannot help that one day you will leave him. 
.He has been so used to those he loves and those who were his family being taken away from him or leaving him. 
.So he has a deep fear this will happen to you. 
.Which makes him a very paranoid, protective, and clingy yandere. 
.He also likes to feed you and take care of you, loving when you get sick and he got to feed you, bathe you, and just look after you. 
.For him it made him feel like you needed him and just him. 
.Made you dependent on him, where all you need is your husband. 
.He was always pouty when you got better and would start to take care of yourself once more. 
.He is a very dotting, loving, and caring husband and yandere. 
.But we have to remember Jack Bright is a bit of a mad scientist. 
.So he has moments where his sanity is very unhinged. 
.Like a new researcher starts to hit on you, he would take sick pleasure in hurting them. 
.He also will sometimes go on rants to you that people are trying to steal you away from him. 
.That he knows this in his heart and that he is JUST TRYING TO keep you safe. 
.He has deep fears of losing you and this causes his mental health to be on the edge of sanity as a yandere of being stable and snapping. 
.He deals with rivals by giving them keter duty where they die or cutting them up with a chainsaw, slowly and painfully. 
.He has isolated you, where he has a firm hold on you and you do not even know it. 
.You have already accepted his love, but if you ever decide to leave him? Well, he loves taking care of you, he can take a leg or two and make the files say you terminated. 
.He is high enough up in the foundation where the foundation would not do anything to stop him. 
.YOU Help keep Jack Bright sane, so if you bring one or two legs fewer imprisoned by Jack Bright keeps Jack Bright Sane. Then That is for the greater good. 
.He can easily put you in containment as well since you are an anomaly. 
.That way you are trapped always and of Course Jack Bright will be your caregiver and or researcher. 
.This is all if you tried to leave him. 
.If you never leave him, you have nothing to worry about. 
.You and Jack will have a family and you and him will be happy together, forever, literally FOREVER! 
.Side note since he needs a new body every 30 days you always get a new physical lover that is Jack's new body. 
.So if imprisoned by him, you will never know what face your husband will have, if he is in a male body or female body. 
.It keeps you on edge, cause if you somehow did escape, you would NEVER know if your yandere husband was right there and you do not even realize it! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my Sexy Muffins! 
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oddityroadshow · 1 year
I (Shannon) cut the video for this Kickstarter for an AMAZING new TTRPG game called Triangle Agency! Think The X-Files, Stanley Parable, The SCP Foundation, etc!
Check out the video (which is more of a short horror film than just a KS ad) and consider backing Triangle Agency today!
And check out our gay anime pigeon western episode we played with the Triangle Agency delta test a while back! It's also on Spotify etc.
- Shannon
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a-midnight-rest · 9 months
Fixing the T'au empire part 2
So, in the first part I explained how the T'au were fine as they were, because their relatively hopeful outlook on the galaxy shone bright in contrast of the rest of the setting, how that turn the rest of the setting even darker, and how I love the idea that the solution to the Galaxy's problem is a truly different, alien approach to our individualist societies.
However, I have come to realize something, a reason as to why the T'au Empire may not feel at home in the 40k universe, and I thought about it by watching Indiana Jones 4, so sacrifices have been made.
The T'au Empire is not mythological.
The 40k is not a sci-fi setting, it is a dark fantasy setting with guns. And part of what makes the grandiosity of it is how mythologized every faction is. And I do not speak about religion, I speak of myths as in the stories we, right now, tell ourselves are the foundations of the world, the archetypes of what is and is not.
The Imperium incarnates the various mythologies of vast empires. Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, the British Empire, vast swats of lands combining different people united by righteousness and oppression. And also how all those empires fell. It's the idea of "things were better before" (even when they were not). Moreover, the equipment used by this faction is deliberatly old, centuries old, technology is religiously taken care of, weapons are blessed, vehicles are passed down from generation to generation. It is all very old, marked with that myths of the old Empire on its last leg.
The Orks are the Barbarians At the Gate, the savages who relish only destruction, like Attila the Hun, but british. In truth, it's not like barbarians actually existed, those were just foreign countries, but the myth is there.
The Tyranids are the Monsters in the Dark.
The Craftworld Eldars are the Atlanteans, the Utopians, the Babelians, the Old Civilization who fell due to their own hubris, and is now a superior people with no place to call home and no way back their transgression.
The Dark Eldars are the Feys of old, trolls, goblins, fairies stealing children in the night, playing cruel and horrific pranks, eating people. And following them to their home is a death sentence.
The Chaos is the Evil of Man, the primordial sin, the dark part of Humanity that eats itself to death, self destructive and perverse (They should have western dragons, that would fit them).
The Necrons are Death, or at least they try. They are like the Craftworld Eldars in a sense, but in a more Inevitable return way.
But the T'au? They do not fit any myth, in fact they specifically are immune to myths and the Warp. They are no none-sense, they do not play by any rule. As they were written, they would be better as a recurring joke than a faction. Everything about them is bright new, from theme to lore, and it makes them feel shallow.
There is one exception to that, and that is Farsight, who fit the myth of the Virtuous Rebel, an archetype that is not really coined by any faction as far as I know. In a way, he could also be kind like King Arthur, with his magic blade and his knights around him, but the clash of eastern/western reference hide this interpretation of him.
So... how to fix it? Modern problems requires modern myths.
As I said, myths are not about what is actually old, myths are always modern, visions we have right now about the past. So what Myth could fit the T'au Empire? I think we must look to a very modern work of literature: The SCP Foundation. A collective work written like articles depicting how an advanced and secret organization captures, study, and contains supernatural entities. They are much like the Men in Black, or the government in X-Files. They gain they mythology not through what they are, but what they deal with.
I think we should make the T'au Empire's main armies kinda fade in the background and focus on an organisation within the the T'au Empire that would approach the other mythological faction with a saavy appraoch based on tech to contain and use the horrors back at the horrors. A cold scalpel who knows what they are dealing with, knows they are outmatched, and use secrecy, focused efforts, and unconventional tactics to deal with it. The T'au Empire already have the foundation for it, they are technologically advanced, learn from their mistakes, and have authoritarian ruling cast shrouded in mystery.
They could pop up bio/cyber/solar-punks units, highly specialised and modified modern soldiers. Not the WW1 Kriegsmen, not the WWII Cadians, not the Catachan Rambos, not the Angelic Space Marines. People, with modern, recognizable equipment, turning to extremes in order to deal with demons, and civilizations using farming equipment more ancient than their prehistory.
In that perspective, the T'au main armies would kind of become the background, the necessary fight force to win actual battles and hold ground. Their stories could develop nicely on their own until they become established enough to have their own mythos. But the main event would be the Secret Cadre, the Black ops, the Foundation, the Men In Black of the T'au Empire, using not ancient techs and beliefs against demons like the Inquisition does, but developing Reality anchors of their own, sending modified Tyranid viruses into the other faction, using Soul Traps to capture and send daemons to corrupt enemy tanks.
Fire warriors spawned from tyranids biopools, weapons build by engineers trapped in time distortion to produce more advanced stuff faster, ships recycled from Space Hulks...
To mythologize the T'au, the T'au must, I believe, become Myth users to become Myth Breakers.
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anim-ttrpgs · 7 months
Extreme Versatility: Things Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy can Run Smoothly and Easily with Next to No Tweaking to the Core Rules or the Source Material
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Unlike certain other popular TTRPGs that market themselves on their versatility, our original TTRPG Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is actually versatile. It would be a lie to say it’s the last TTRPG you’ll ever need to buy, but it certainly covers you for almost anything set post-1850.
*if you like, you can append “with vampires, werewolves, fairies, and witches” to every single entry on this list.
Any prewritten Call of Cthulhu adventure module.
Any prewritten Delta Green adventure module.
Any prewritten Monster of the Week adventure module.
An SCP: Foundation campaign.
A S.T.A.L.K.E.R. campaign.
An X-Files campaign.
An Agatha Christie-style Murder mystery.
A Wild West gunslingin’ adventure.
A Weird West gunslingin’ adventure.
A serial killer thriller mystery.
A slasher-horror or creature-horror adventure.
A reverse slasher-horror or creature-horror adventure. (PCs are the ones doing the killing.)
A wilderness survival adventure.
A 1940s hardboiled noire adventure.
An organized crime thriller adventure.
A heist adventure.
Anything else that takes place between around 1850 and the present day.
This last one does require a little tweaking, but a friend of ours is also planning to use it to run an Eberron campaign, which we think is pretty cool.
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Click here to visit our website where you can download a free shareware copy of the rulebook+a free murder mystery starter adventure module.
Click here to pick up the full rulebook+a murder mystery adventure module and two other horror adventure modules all for as little as $5.
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emerald-onion · 1 year
SCP-90: The Parasite
Item #:  SCP-90
Object Class:  Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-90 is to be contained in a hermetically sealed glass case, no fewer than 30 centimeters (12 inches) thick. This case must always be kept within a steel, iron, and lead-shielded room. Doors are to be triple-locked with the exception of allowing personnel in or out. The containment cell is to remain under total observation at all times. 
No physical interaction with SCP-90 is allowed unless extended to testing purposes. All staff (Research, Security, Class D, etc.) are to remain at least thirty meters away from the containment cell except for mandated maintenance and re-evaluation checks. All testing procedures must only be performed after receiving the approval of no less than a two-thirds vote from O5-Command.
SCP-90 is not allowed to make requests.
"SCP-90's containment breach has proven that this revision is ineffective. A new special containment procedure is to be devised as soon as possible.
-Dr. Dream"
Description:  SCP-90 is a small creature comprising a large red and yellow eye, surrounded by teeth. The subject is star-shaped and consists of four main tentacles. Upon possession, its preferred attire is a brightly colored shirt, multicolored hoodie, orange basketball shorts, heelies, and a propeller hat. The subject has also been seen with a skateboard and YOLO glasses.
SCP-90 also has the ability to produce a common toy known as 'furbies', which will explode when a strong physical impact is dealt to them. The subject is parasitic in nature and survives by consuming humans' SOULs. SCP-90 enters its host's body through their eyes, effectively destroying them as a result. It is unknown how long it would take for SCP-90 to completely digest a SOUL as the time has been observed to vary from person to person. After consumption, the host body expresses no signs of cognitive brain function even if they are still able to breathe normally, rendering them in a vegetative state. As of now, there has only been one known case of surviving after being inhabited by SCP-90.
A brain scan displays that even during possession, instances of SCP-90's victims are still conscious and highly aware of their physical states.
SCP-90 is apathetic and easy-going, capable of adapting to almost every situation. However, it values its own well-being over anything else and is willing to take immoral actions in order to maintain its survival.
Notably, SCP-90 has an aversion to profanity and has been observed censoring them.
"I remembered when Red flipped a table because Fresh just wouldn't let him curse. His face was hilarious!
-Bestest Doctor Of All Times"
"Dr. Ink, once again I kindly ask you to stop using important documents as your personal notebook.
-Dr. Dream"
"Boohoo, killjoy. 😗
-A Very Sad And Betrayed Dcotor"
"How did you even manage to put that there?
-Dr. Dream"
While the origin of SCP-90 is unknown, the subject was registered with the Foundation on [REDACTED]. Four months after its recovery, SCP-90 proceed to breach the containment by taking over the body of nearly everyone on Site. Fortunately, thanks to the effort of Agent Prism, the damage was kept to a minimum. However, due to its elusive nature, SCP-90 remains uncontained to this day.
Addendum SCP-90-A: As much as we owe Agent Prism for managing the containment breach, there's something that has helped them survive SCP-90's possession, something that forces it to flee instantly.
But what is it? What frightened that parasite so terribly it had to escape even when the tide was in its favor?
I'm not sure if I want to know.
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macabresymphonies · 3 months
Here are few ideas for people who want to scratch weird fiction bureaucratic itch during the TMAGP break:
- watch X-files - the classic of weird/science fiction TV-shows
- read "Teatro Grottesco" by Thomas Ligotti - urban decay with some government critique sprinkled in, as anthology the stories vary, but some of them definitely hit the same notes
- read "Southern Reach" Trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer, especially prelevant once you get to "Authority"
- you can also watch the movie "Annihilation" which is adaptation of the first book in "Southern Reach" Trilogy, although this one is more in the vein of "what is Starkwell up to during the events of TMAGP"
- play the game "Control" - directly inspired by "Souther Reach" AND directly inspired TMAGP as per Jonathan Sims
- play any of the Project Moon games - all of them are basically bureaucratic weird fiction and have very unique gameplay mechanics
- get into SCP Foundation - do not get discouraged by the mountain of content, read what you like, because nothing is canon and everything is relevant if you're brave enough
- try to apply for some type of government project - expirence first hand the horrors of repeating corridors, confusing mountains of boring papers and hostile office ladies making you think you even breathe the wrong way
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: Mothra
Code Name: Mothra: Queen of Monsters
Object Class: Apollyon/ Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ABU mainly resides on the island known as Infant Island or SCP-ABU-1 by Foundation staff. Naval Task Fleet Aphrodite-4 "Pegasidae" is responsible for maintaining the block aid secluding the island form the rest of the world. Meanwhile Foundation staff on the Foundation Area Base on SCP-ABU-1 are in charge of collecting the exotic and anomalous plant life for experimental purposes. Foundation staff there are also in charge of maintaining friendly relations with the natives of SCP-ABU-1 and SCP-ABU-2. 
Foundation staff on SCP-ABU-1 and NTF Aphrodite-4 are to alert all Foundation channels if SCP-ABU ever acts agitated and/ or suddenly leaves SCP-ABU-1. From there Foundation satellites and space staff are to monitor where SCP-ABU goes to the best of their abilities. Because of SCP-[data expunged] this won't always be possible. 
If for any reason the Foundation considers SCP-ABQ a threat, SCP-ABU is to be considered a threat as well. As such NTF Aphrodite-4 is to bombard SCP-ABU and alert Space Task Fleet Apollo-1 "Orion's Belt" is in position to kill her with orbital bombardment. However, NTF Aphrodite-4 is to be sure to implement MTF Protocol "Lies of the Moth Man" before considering such an order. It is possible for infiltrators and traitors can give a false order to kill SCP-ABU. MTF Protocol "Lies of the Moth Man", which is a series of tests, was created to prevent such accidents form happening.
Description: SCP-ABU is a rare insectoid belonging to Species of Interest: The Titans. Titans normally consists of reptiles and rarely mammals but even more rarely there are insectoids as well. SCP-ABU is one of those insectoids, a female insect resembling Gynnidomorpha alisman even during larva stage of life,though much stronger and larger. SCP-ABU has a body of 180 meters in length and has grey like texture skin that despite being a Larva is more like an exoskeleton. Even during its first day of life, SCP-ABU was very strong able to tear trees apart by swinging its body around and take in rocket fire and advanced armor piercing rounds with ease. Furthermore, it could spit indestructible silk at MTF units killing them or fracturing bones easily. Testing has shown this silk to be as strong as Titanium with a single strand alone. A single strand is normally 1 inch in thickness, meaning if the Foundation was able to bundle up the silk, the result will always be stronger than any metal on earth.
Only after a day of being born SCP-ABU quickly went into its chrysalis stage of life where its shell was not only indestructible but reported to release a calming tone. The music like sound SCP-ABU released but after and during its chrysalis stage was confirmed to be a Cognito hazard though surprisingly not a harmful one. Those that listen to the song feel a sense of joy and laughter while their anxieties, fears, and depression fade away. SCP-ABU was originally agitated by Foundation staff upon awakening from its egg though the moment it entered its chrysalis stage all agitation ceased. 
One more day passed and SCP-ABU awakened form its chrysalis with a fully mature body and newly grown wings. it's new adult body still had a body length of 180 meters but now with the added wingspan of 280 meters in width. SCP-ABU still has the ability to spit its indestructible silk and sings its calming song but now its wings have anomalous properties. SCP-ABU has the ability to not only enhance the range and power of its song with its wings but can also release a strange powder like substance form them. This powder is highly radioactive yet somehow is able to heal all living things it comes into contact with. Torn limbs, advanced stages of dementia, organ failure, and even necrosis; all can be healed instantly. 
SCP-ABU's radioactive healing wings and calming song has the greatest effect on its fellow Species members the Titans. This radiation has actually been found to link to most Titans one way or another especially with SCP-[data expunged]. As such this radiation has been dubbed Gaia Radiation. Gaia Radiation, unlike normal radiation that inflicts sterility and increases occurrence of developmental abnormalities, heals and increases quality of life for all fauna and flora. 
Gaia Radiation is a form of non-electromagnetic radiation that acts like a super vitamin in energy form capable of reaching through any material to affect all living organisms. How exactly this works is not well understood as Gaia Radiation is extremely difficult to contain and often dissipates when it is. Though what is known is that exposure to Gaia Radiation includes nearly instantaneous regeneration and healing and even enhanced growth when exposed for extended periods of time; this applies to all forms of life. Anywhere where a Titan like SCP-ABU has been will start growing into a lush forest within a single month. It is because of Gaia Radiation that Species of Interest: The Titans exist as large and powerful as they do, despite our laws of nature saying they shouldn't be able to. 
Despite being an insectoid of the Titan species and SCP-ABQ being reptilian, SCP-ABU and SCP-ABQ are mated. Besides the fact that both are Alpha class Titans and both unlike other Titans have anomalous abilities, why they are mated is unknown. SCP-ABU was discovered in 1961 during a Foundation research expedition to map out SCP-ABQ's traveling pattern. In the middle of the pattern, they found SCP-ABU-1 the island where SCP-ABU resided as an egg. On the island of SCP-ABU-1 was found lots of exotic flora life which seemed to resemble ancient flora but was heavily mutated by Gaia radiation. Because of the healing properties of Gaia Radiation and the new forms of plant life found Foundation staff quickly started flooding the island to take samples. 
 Unfortunately, Mobile Task Force Poseidon-5 "Boat Watch" which were assigned as the security of the research expedition got into conflict with the locals of this island. The locals have no biological difference to regular humans of Asian descent. Seemingly these locals have gained above average strength, height, muscle structure, and healing capabilities having been exposed to Gaia Radiation all their lives. As the conflict continued SCP-ABU-2 both revealed themselves. 
SCP-ABU-2 is a set of female twin natives of SCP-ABU-1 both having dark skin, blue eyes, and pure white hair. For whatever reason when these two twins talk, they always do so in unison and furthermore their singing can be used to communicate with SCP-ABU. How they are able to achieve this is unknown, but it is assumed to be thanks to the Gaia Radiation. 
SCP-ABU-2 both started singing causing SCP-ABU to awaken and start attacking MTF Poseidon-5 leading to 24 casualties, and 6 massive injuries. Foundation staff were forced to surrender allowing both SCP-ABU-2 instances to sing SCP-ABU back to sleep though it did so by making is chrysalis form. Foundation staff requested reinforcements but also tried to establish peaceful relations with the natives of SCP-ABU-1. Thankfully this was successful and just in time as SCP-ABU had reached its final form. It was there the SCP-ABU-2 twins told Foundation staff that SCP-ABU was Mothra: Queen of Monsters. Not long after SCP-ABQ appeared form the ocean and showed itself to SCP-ABU. Surprisingly their interaction was brief and surprisingly peaceful almost like the two were mates despite clearly being different sub-species of Titans. That was when the SCP-ABU-2 twins faced Dr. [data expunged] of the research team directly. They told him SCP-ABQ was Gojira, King of Monsters and protector of Mothra. 
Upon learning this the research team was quickly left SCP-ABU-1 and made way to the nearest Foundation Site. The O5 Council declared to have SCP-ABU have the same Object Classification of SCP-ABQ but this time, since SCP-ABU stays on SCP-ABU-1 protection/containment will be focused on the entire island. Since then, for better or worse SCP-ABU has influenced the anomalous world. Please see Please See Addendum X-23 for details.
Level 4 Clearance required for unedited version of Addendum X-23. (Coming... eventually)
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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femoso-seben · 8 months
Foundation Task Force 141 x Afab! Reader
TW: Mention of death
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The building is a reck. Thick metal doors were crumbling like paper. The lights flicker on and off others broken. Deep slashes carve through the thick concrete walls. The metal support rods bent out of the concrete. Pools of water sock blood pooled on the ground.
The bodies of occultist and their rich followers all littered the ground. Like discarded broken wooden dolls left to be forgotten. Many of the dead had large slashes and missing limbs.
You look down at your fellow researchers and guards you once laughed with. You pull out a cigarette and light it. You take out a long drag of the cigarette letting the toxic smoke dance across your tongue and down your throat. It fills your body and a wash of calm sets in for you.
You swing your lanyard around her pointer finger the bright pink lanyard swings healing with all the keys you have on it. Attach to your pristine bright blouse was her ID card pinned to your chest. Your high-heeled boots click loudly in the silence of the hall.
What a mess.
You stop at the main office and open it with your ID. There slumped over in his desk the head occultist— the fool decided death was more lenient than reprimanded by the council. You walk in and pick up all the files, put them into the metal trash can, and take one last puff of the cigarette. You drop the cigarette on the paper, light a match, and drop it into the trash can.
You turn around and whistle a tone as you leave, your footsteps your metronome. You take off your sunglasses and look at the growing crowd of reporters, military men, and random curious civilians. You look over to the SCP task force leader. You give him a curt nod and he begins to calm the crowd.
“We want an answer,” you look over to see a group of military men being held back by the SCP special forces. Your eyes rake them over, special forces… from the UK… working with the CIA— outsiders.
“You,” you look over at them hands in your white lab coat pocket. You waltz over. “What’s going on?” He asked his strong… Scottish accent sounded harsh and angry.
“Sir please back down our men are—”
“What right does your company have to take our missions,” another man steps force. His mustache transfers into his beard, bucket hat is low on his head. He glared holes into you. You sigh pull out another cigarette and light it. You calmly look up at them.
You could tell from the way he was standing he was trying to intimidate you. You touch a guard on his shoulder and he steps aside for you. You get into his face and blow out the smoke.
“What write do you have?” You ask cigarette held in your head. His face reddens and rage seems to boil under his skin.
“We are part of the task force for this mission— what jurisdictions do you have?” The man asks back. You push your hair out of your face a vein pops in your neck.
“The CIA— the FBI— this fucking government. You’re not from here— you have no jurisdiction here, foreigner.” You spat out. This is America, not the UK they have no rights— then again even if they were Americans they still wouldn't have any rights.
This is the foundation concern.
“Ma’am,” you turn around to see the task force leader walking up to you.
“You have a call.”
“From who?” You take the phone.
“This is Kate Laswell from the CIA—”
“What does the feds want?” You ask annoyance seeping into your tone.
“My men, need to be a part of this.”
“This is the third foundation breach we want our men in this investigation,” you purse your lips.
“Have they been debriefed?” You sigh and take another drag of your cigarette.
“Not yet—”
“Debrief them, have them sign the papers, and then I’ll let them in, until then they stay out.” You hang up the phone, hand it over back to the Captain, and turn to the four military men.
“Your handler called,” you tell the bucket hat man, “you have a debriefing to go to.”
You turn away and begin walking away. In the corner of your eyes, a black car pulled in, the CIA is one fast organization. You watch as all four men enter the car. You wonder which ones will join you— their fate is entirely in your hands.
“Alright,” you look at the extraction and tracker teams, “let’s find these runaway anomalies.” They all solute you and begin to March into the forest.
This place was a former military holding cell turned into a private hospital by a group of rich fools. They thought they knew what they were doing— fools.
You walk to the crowd they whisper, “Everybody,” you call out, “Please back out this place is still an active dangerous zone.”
“What happened?” A reporter yells.
“One mentally ill patient got ahold of a gun and created a massacre, then damaged the pipes. Theirs a gas leak, go home.” You lie to them. You lie as easily as you breathe lying is expected for this line of work.
“What are the military forces?”
“The patient is still loose this place is for the criminally insane their dangerous psychotic people out there, I advise you all to go home, lock your doors, and stay inside.” You instruct.
The few civilians quickly begin to walk off getting into cars and going one. The situation is dire. The media on the other hand— they think their invincible.
“Can we get more answers?”
“Relax, you’ll know as soon as we know.” You tell them fighting the urge to roll your eyes. They mumbled but slowly despised but a few did stay.
You turn to the police and give them a curt nod. They were no ordinary Police officers but a SCP informant. The police push towards and tell the media to go home there’s nothing to see.
Task Force 141 walked into the empty conference room. Soon Laswell walks in, her face stiff and serious. She set four different files down and silently slid the files to each of them.
“What you will learn here means you entering a world of utter confidentiality, do you understand?”
“Kate, what is going on?” Price gruffly asks.
“John, what— what you are about to know means you can not back out without your memory wiped.”
“I need you all to promise me.” They turn to each other. Ghost stayed silent and watched intently, Gaz sent a glance at the Soap before looking at Price. Laswell’s strange behavior was off-putting.
“We— we promise.” Laswell sighs and gestures to them to open the files.
“That woman— isn’t a woman. She's an SCP and she’s a part of the SCP foundation.”
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khronysus · 8 months
Spiralling Hallway
Item #: SCP-11120
Object Class: Thaumiel(1) Keter
Special Containment Procedures: All methods of communication are to be monitored for any reports of SCP-11120 and related entities. Posts online related to SCP-11120 are to be taken down immediately. Reports to ███ ██████ ██████ describing interactions with SCP-11120 or related entities are to be sent immediately to Site-14 for filing.
If SCP-11120-01 manifests in a Foundation site or area, one (1) class D is to be sent to explore it as soon as possible. The class D will be given the most updated map of SCP-11120 and one (1) handheld ██████ brand magnetic tape recorder.
All instances of SCP-11120-01 outside of Foundation sites are to be monitored for victims, but otherwise left alone and ignored. Survivors of SCP-11120 are to be monitored closely and ██████████.
Description: SCP-11120 is a dimension consisting solely of a recursive hallway. The area is illuminated by electric sconces spread at 10ft (3m) intervals. The walls are covered in a colour-shifting wallpaper with a swirling pattern that seems to create fractals. Its flooring consists of faded carpeting with a thick rug that runs down the middle. The walls, carpet, and rug also change colours. It is impossible to tell what any of their original colours were as all reports vary upon arrival and throughout expeditions. Despite this, it is impossible to record when or how their colours change, as subjects are unable to focus on or notice them changing. Attempts to bring visual recording devices into SCP-11120 have been unsuccessful.
On the walls between every sconce is a framed object. Each frame measures approximately 2ft x 4ft (61cm x 122cm). The object within these frames is one of the following: (1) an illusory oil painting of the wall opposite it, giving a mirror-like effect; (2) a photograph with the same effect; (3) a real mirror, which reflects anything situated before it in the hall and the wall opposite. It is impossible to remove the frames from the walls. Attempts to break the mirrors only result in the surface fracturing.
SCP-11120 can only be accessed through instances of SCP-11120-01, a wooden door that is painted dark yellow with a black handle. Its dimensions, material, and style can vary, often blending in with its environment. SCP-11120-01 can appear on any flat surface, both vertical and horizontal. It can also manifest as a freestanding door at any elevation. The handle of the door will always be to the viewer’s right and open inwards. This includes free standing doors that can be viewed from both sides. Viewers on the opposite side of the door do not see any indication of someone opening the door on the other side and maintain the ability to open the door as well. Participants entering on opposite sides of the door will appear in separate places. It is unknown whether both people are in the same version of SCP-11120 or not.
Addendum ██/██/2012: Following Incident #14-011████ reports from ███ ██████ ██████ have described a humanoid entity resembling Dr. █████ inside SCP-11120. This entity has been tentatively marked SCP-11120-02. Further research to come.
(1) See Proposal [REDACTED] by Dr. Shelley. Denied. A pu eoe qdci gzvsidn cmqjzss txv. - O5-11
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sophieinwonderland · 6 months
From some random post we saw while doomscrolling through syscourse(which, are you alright? You're the top poster, which isn't really something to strive for in one of the most hate and rage driven tags systems can find themselves in on tumblr... should take a mental health break every once in a while):
Because, frankly, the anti-tulpa narrative was manufactured to shutdown created systems, and present bigotry in a way that appeared progressive. People aren't actually against words from other languages and religions being used in new ways. They're against these words being used by endogenic systems.
As a pro-endo mixed/POC system who has spent hours upon hours trying to understand the tulpa language discourse argument- I'm honestly really fucking hurt by this hugely inaccurate assumption. I don't see how we're trying to shut down created systems, what i see is trying to educate and steer people away from a term that was created through ignorance, racism [albeit not forwardly malicious], and cultural appropriation.
Tulpa creation bears no connection to Tibetan Buddhism anymore —not that it ever really did, given this exact phenomenon is not actually mentioned to exist, ever, by, i forgot the name of the person who invented the term but i know she was a) white and b) racist in ways outside of this — but is still touted around as being connected and part of that spiritual practice.
It's not about "we dont want endos using this term." It's that we want the term to stop being used ALTOGETHER. We personally have witnessed traumagenic systems exploring creating headmates, and we have steered them away from using tulpa language in favor of "parogenic" as a term.
It saddens us that you can just so brazenly dismiss it as a whole as shutting down created systems while so much else is going on that you're choosing to ignore.
You have a good heart - do more research into why people are saying what they are and don't just dismiss them like that. Please don't speak over those people who are a part of the culture being appropriated, simply because of refusal to change.
And yes, we asked this on anon not out of cowardice, but because we'd really rather not start getting a bunch of death threats on our main blog.
Okay, let's try a thought experiment. Imagine for a moment that there are two universes. In one universe, the anti-tulpa narrative begins and is popularized because it's harmful to Tibetan Buddhists as an ethnoreligious group.
In the other, the anti-tulpa narrative is concocted and pushed heavily by anti-endos as a way of delegitimizing one of the strongest and most well-researched endogenic communities.
What would you say the differences would be between these two universes?
Personally, I think if one were to enter the first universe, you would find several things.
Anti-tulpa sentiment probably would have begun in the early 2000s as the internet was coming into more sidespread use and shows like Supernatural and X-Files would use tulpas as horror monsters.
Similar to above, once backlash started, it would be hitting all presentations of tulpas, including in creepypastas and its use by the SCP Foundation.
Much of the backlash would be coming from members of the Tibetan Buddhist community, including at least some spiritual leaders because yes, religions have hierarchies of leadership.
Well, what about the second universe? What would we expect that universe to look like? Personally, I would expect the following:
There would be zero trace of anyone ever taking issue with the tulpas in shows like Supernatural or X-Files prior to tulpamancy being formed.
All backlash would be focused solely on tulpamancers. Nobody ever would mention the SCP Foundation, Mandella Catalogue or creepypastas about tulpas.
Most of the anti-tulpa backlash would be coming from system circles, and would be heavily pushed by anti-endos. While you might be able to fund a small handful of Tibetan Buddhists who have been convinced by anti-endo rhetoric that it's bad, there would be no spiritual leaders getting involved and most Tibetan Buddhists you ask outside of system spaces wouldn't care.
Which of these two universes do you feel most resembles our own?
Before you answer, here's a fun thread comparing the differences in people's opinions on r/systemscringe vs those on r/Buddhism
When r/systemscringe is pushing a narrative that the word is appropriation while actual Buddhist communities on the same site shrug their shoulders and don't care, this should send up immediate red flags as to the legitimacy of this whole controversy, and which groups are actually interest in pushing it.
Now, I am not suggesting that none of the very small handful of actual Tibetan Buddhists who have taken issues with the practice don't legitimately feel as they claim to.
The problem with propaganda is that it's often very good at manipulating people's emotions. If it couldn't do that, it wouldn't be effective.
We've seen this with similar anti-endo smears, like the ones claiming "system hopping" was appropriated from RAMCOA systems. And sure enough, despite its use in the plural community predating any RAMCOA connection by a full 16 years, this claim still persisted. And some RAMCOA systems were even manipulated by these lies and convinced endogenic systems were stealing terms from their community.
We actually see this same tactic over and over again.
We see it with "system hopping" which they claim was stolen from RAMCOA systems. We see it with "sysmed," which they claim is stolen from the LGBT community. We see this with the very concept of plurality itself.
The fact of the matter is that this has become a core manipulation tactic in the anti-endo playbook, designed to sew division.
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