i-can-even-burn-salad · 8 months
📃 List a few words, without any explanation, that have to do with ideas you have for future stories or chapters that may or may not ever get written.
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game.
Candy store, tax evasion, blackmail, fire and ice.
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Happy Storyteller Saturday, Anna!
What kind of humour (if any) do you like including in your writing? Puns, banter in dialogue, something else?
Can you share your favourite example?
Happy STS whatever day this is. Thanks Sam!
Well, it's definitely not puns, because they don't work on my autistic ass LOL
I love me some banter, such as you got to see between Darian and Kadin, and a bit from Fyel in Shattered Dreams.
I also like sarcasm and dark humor, but I probably pull the humorous banter more often. I guess it really depends on the tone of the piece. Innuendo is fun too, but I rely on Kadin almost exclusively for that.
Oh, and I guess taunting. I find it funny at least, even while I'm cringing at what's gonna come of it lol
I don't know if this is my favorite, but it's what I found scanning and it made me laugh so here you go. From Shattered Soul.
"Wait, wait!" Kadin interjected. "You're Kiala? Like the Kiala that Darian slept with, Kiala? You know, he almost pushed me off the court's floating platform for summoning him away from your love nest." "My gods, are you serious right now?" Her cheeks turned bright red as she stalked over and punched him in the arm. Hard. "You really had to say that in front of Darian's father?" "Geez," he complained, rubbing his arm. "For a people who like to engage in orgies in the woods, you sure are easily embarrassed." She choked, looking at Elian, who just gave a resigned shrug.
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digital-chance · 7 months
Happy Storyteller Saturday, Chance!
A question about your writing process this week: when you start a new project, do you do it with a word goal in mind? How strict is the word goal and how close to you get to it? Are you an over- or under-writer?
Thank you for the question! Sorry for taking so long, you asked this a bit ago, but I finally got to it!!
For the most part I don't think about a specific wordcount for any of my stories. I think of how long I want it in more general terms;
scene (which would be 100-3k)
short story (would b 3-20k)
actual book length (20k-100k)
what the fuck am I doing to myself (150k+)
(This isn't any actual/professional way to split it up, it's just what I've come up with mentally lol)
If I do set a word count, it'll be something like above's estimates, but I try to keep it flexible. I don't prefer to set harsh goals/deadlines on myself unless I absolutely have to. I tend to over-write (as you can see here LMAO) and edit out when I need to. I've noticed I tend to write more when I'm writing mental thoughts of characters and other expositions. Dialogue and (certain) descriptions can be quite difficult to me, especially contrasted with those long expositions.
Thanks for the ask! Happy Halloween!
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lorenfinch · 6 months
Happy STS, Loren!
Looking back, what's your writing-related highlight of this year?
Happy Storytelling Saturday and thank you for sending!!
That's a good question!! This year was the year I started writing this novel for real, as well as the year I got halfway through my first draft, and the year I got further along in this than in any other multi-chapter writing project I'd ever done. It's also the year I first made this writeblr!!
Probably I would say the fact that I've made it through fifteen (going on sixteen!) chapters in my draft so far and am still going strong!
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skyderman · 6 months
Happy STS, Skye!
Looking back, what's your writing-related highlight of this year?
happy sts!
my creative writing class has been great! i realized that i love writing poetry more than i thought, and there’s a lot i’m proud of. i’m going to miss it.
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Happy STS!
Looking back, what's your writing-related highlight of this year?
Happy STS! :D
I wrote all of The Unfortunate Moth and Silver Glass, and I finished Totentanz! I also outlined Houses Full of Deceit and The Power and the Glory.
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wordswrittenbynight · 7 months
Happy Storyteller Saturday! 
I’m taking this opportunity to catch up with my writeblr friends. What are you working on right now? What stage is your WIP in? How is it going? What are your plans for the future?
Basically, take this as an excuse to ramble about your writing.
Hello, and Happy Storyteller Saturday!
My "main" WIP right now, the novel Even Death May Die, is 2k into the first draft. I hit a wall with it after the initial burst of excitement, and I'm trying to ease back into it. I'm also trying to read more to keep my creative batteries recharged. I still believe in this WIP though, so I want to keep going. <3
I also had yet another Brilliant Idea For A WIP (tm) last night, so I'm in the initial notes/planning stage for that one. The basic idea for this one is about a woman who survives a battle royale scenario and has to deal with the trauma/aftermath of having had to kill others to survive.
Thank you very much for the ask, and wishing you well with your WIPs!
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meerawrites · 1 year
Happy WBW!
When you include creatures from folklore in your setting, do you put any twists on them or try to stick as close as possible to the 'canonical' versions? Or maybe it's somewhere in between?
Mix of both. I try to have an analytical conversation of sorts through my work of the works that came before me.
Like: Anne Rice and Octavia Butler.
Example: Audrey’s story is an abuse and violence against women and recovery story (and taking back your narrative). Catherine and Marian is vampirism as a way of gaining power from those who’d take it from you. 💞
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Vampire Reviews: the vampire chronicles by Anne Rice.
Vampire Reviews: fledgling by Octavia Butler.
Vampire Reviews: Discworld - Carpe Jugulum.
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sarandipitywrites · 7 months
Happy STS!
Do you have favourite words? Words you want to use whenever you get a chance? Maybe even slightly go out of your way to use them?
happy STS, Sam!
ohhh yeah lol. cleaning up the words i use too often is a big part of editing for me. common culprits include: skitter; crystal/crystalline; gash; ripple; and probably many more that i'm not thinking of because they haven't been the subject of a purge recently. i also have to be careful of words that i've only used for the alliteration and not because they make any damn sense. bonus word: i always want to use the word 'defenestrate,' but i never get to because either the POV character wouldn't use that word or it would break the flow of the scene 😔
thanks for the ask! 💜
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 7 months
Happy STS! Do you have favourite words? Words you want to use whenever you get a chance? Maybe even slightly go out of your way to use them?
Happy STS!
I do not have particular strong relationships to any English words, sorry.
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Happy Storyteller Saturday, Anna!
Have you ever had a moment when you thought to yourself ‘oh shit, I'm not qualified to write this part’ – whether it was about the content or the writing craft itself?
How did you get past it?
Happy STS, Sam!
Hmm. Probably everything I encountered for the first time lol.
There was a part in the second book where I had like six or seven characters in the same conversation, and I found that pretty overwhelming. I don't think I'm qualified to write large group scenes, but ofc the only way to get better is to actually tackle the problem. Which I will need to do if I ever want to finish the end of book 2.
How do/did I get past it? I procrastinated for a while before finally tackling it. Not sure that's the best route, since procrastinating the ending of book 2 has been happening for about a year now XD
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digital-chance · 7 months
Happy STS!
At what point do you consider your first draft finished? Do you ever leave comments in square brackets or other gaps for the second-draft you? And do you ever show the first draft to people?
Thank you for the ask!! Sorry for taking so long to get to it.
If I can't think of any other scene I'd like to add to a chapter, I will consider it a complete first draft. (I apply the same tactic to each chapter)
I love square brackets and probably use them wayyy too much. Especially with more historical stories that are inspired off of real life, I use so many. It's quite funny. OOh fun fact: On my first chapter of my fanfic that I've posted (on here and ao3), you can see a remanent square bracket. If you're bored and want a small challenge, go look for it
I don't really like sharing preliminary (rough or first) drafts of any of my art pieces to anyone, writing included. I might make exceptions based on the person, or if I'm on a tight deadline, but for the most part, people see the 3rd or even 7th draft of my projects.
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lorenfinch · 8 months
1 and 35 for book asks please 👀
Book Asks
what is the best book you have ever read?
The Spirit Bares its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White. It's literally so good and cathartic!!
35. what’s a book you read over and over?
Answered here!
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skyderman · 7 months
Happy Storyteller Saturday! 
I’m taking this opportunity to catch up with my writeblr friends. What are you working on right now? What stage is your WIP in? How is it going? What are your plans for the future?
Basically, take this as an excuse to ramble about your writing.
hi sam!! i haven't been able to keep up with writeblr well so i'm glad for a chance to just ramble hehe
story of magus is going really well! i'm steadily getting my plot hammered out. i feel like i'm learning a lot of basic things about structuring right now that are going to serve me far into the future.
the first draft currently has about 17k words, but that's also including stuff i have to cut or rewrite. my current goal is around 40-50k. nanowrimo was able to help me get a little momentum but i only ended up writing about 400 words a day for a week, and then i got sick :') but i have lots of entry points ready to go when i get back in the rhythm!
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Happy Storyteller Saturday! 
I’m taking this opportunity to catch up with my writeblr friends. What are you working on right now? What stage is your WIP in? How is it going? What are your plans for the future?
Basically, take this as an excuse to ramble about your writing.
Happy STS! :D
I'm writing The Power and the Glory book five. But real life is very busy, so I'm only writing approx. 100 words a day. I probably won't finish three chapters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But when life gets less busy, I'll set another goal and try to finish it next year.
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internutter · 10 months
Hi! I admit that I know too little about your characters to pick a particular one, but I'm recently fascinated by characters lying, so: for the uncommon questions ask game, can I ask for 10 and 28 for any OCs of your choice, please?
Forewarning: I have a lot of OC's so I'll stick with my favourites. Those are: Kosh, Wraithvine, Rael, Bits, and Delia
Q 10: What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
Bits: lied to herself that her parentals would be coming back any day now. This kind of resolved itself in the book.
Rael: Told Lyr that an Augment was innocent of murder when he didn't quite believe it himself. Turns out he was correct.
Wraithvine: "This oath will be easy to keep." Haunts hir every day.
Delia: "I will never know true love," said at age fifteen. Is reminded of this every time Kosh gets affectionate.
Kosh: was last _able_ to tell a lie shortly before his fourth birthday. He tried to hide his vegetables in a potplant and told his nurse that he ate them. She made him write lines for a week.
Q 28: Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
Bits: Will attempt to soften an unpleasant truth as much as possible. Then apologise.
Rael: His LIFE is unpleasant truth. He toughs it out.
Wraithvine: Has learned that the truth is far easier than prevarication. May try to gentle it up depending on the audience.
Delia: Attempts to be kind with the truth.
Kosh: Uses the truth like a weapon. Usually a bludgeon.
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